Books in World War I (sorted alphabetically)
Gallipoli Diary, Volume 1 Ian Hamilton
Gallipoli Diary, Volume 2 Ian Hamilton
General Bramble André Maurois
General Sketch of the European War: The First Phase Hilaire Belloc
Germany and the Next War Friedrich von Bernhardi
Glory of the Trenches Coningsby Dawson
Government Ownership of Railroads, and War Taxation Otto H. Kahn
Great Britain at War Jeffery Farnol
Great Discovery Norman Maclean
Great War As I Saw It Frederick George Scott
Greece and the Allies, 1914-1922 G. F. Abbott
Greenmantle John Buchan
Handy War Guide for My Company: Handy Company Commander's Guide André Godefroy Lionel Hanguillart
Harwich Naval Forces: Their Part in the Great War E. F. Knight
Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife Edward Carpenter
Hello, soldier!' : Khaki verse Edward Dyson
Heroic Record of the British Navy: A Short History of the Naval War, 1914-1918 Sir H. H. Bashford and Archibald Hurd
Hero of Liége: A Story of the Great War Herbert Strang
High Adventure: A Narrative of Air Fighting in France James Norman Hall
Hilltop on the Marne Mildred Aldrich
Hira Singh : when India came to fight in Flanders Talbot Mundy
History of Ambulance Company Number 139 Various
History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Joel R. Moore, Harry H. Mead, and Lewis E. Jahns
History of the American Negro in the Great World War William Allison Sweeney
History of the World War : An authentic narrative of the world's greatest war Jr. Francis A. March and Richard J. Beamish