Books in World War I (sorted alphabetically)
On Land and Sea at the Dardanelles T. C. Bridges
Onlooker in France 1917-1919 Sir William Orpen
On the Edge of the War Zone Mildred Aldrich
On the Fringe of the Great Fight George Gallie Nasmith
On the King's Service: Inward Glimpses of Men at Arms Innes Logan
On the right of the British line Gilbert Nobbs
Our Pilots in the Air William Perry Brown
Outdoor Girls in Army Service; Or, Doing Their Bit for the Soldier Boys Laura Lee Hope
Out To Win: The Story of America in France Coningsby Dawson
Outwitting the Hun: My Escape from a German Prison Camp Pat O'Brien
Over Here Edgar A. Guest
Over Here: Impressions of America by a British officer Hector MacQuarrie
Over the Canadian Battlefields John Wesley Dafoe
Over There: War Scenes on the Western Front Arnold Bennett
Over There" with the Australians R. Hugh Knyvett
Over the top with the 25th: Chronicle of events at Vimy Ridge and Courcellette R. Lewis
Over the Top With the Third Australian Division G. P. Cuttriss
Pan-German Programme
Paris War Days: Diary of an American Charles Inman Barnard
Patriotic Schoolgirl Angela Brazil
Peaceless Europe Francesco Saverio Nitti
Peace Negotiations: A Personal Narrative Robert Lansing
Poems of the Great War Various
Private Peat Harold Reginald Peat
Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War, Volume 1