Books in Browsing: Children & Young Adult Reading (sorted alphabetically)
Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando (Esperanto) Lewis Carroll
Aviation Book Haywood Leslie Davis
aviator's luck : or, The Camp Knox plot Frank Cobb
Avonturen aan gene zijde van den Evenaar (Dutch) K. von Albrecht
avonturen van Jan Kodde (Dutch) D. A. Poldermans
avonturen van kapitein Bob (Dutch) Daniel Defoe
avventure d'Alice nel paese delle meraviglie (Italian) Lewis Carroll
avventure di Pinocchio (Italian) Carlo Collodi
avventure di Pinocchio: Storia di un burattino (Italian) Carlo Collodi
Away in the Wilderness R. M. Ballantyne
Away to school: 'Ólta'góó (Navajo) Cecil S. King
Azalea at Sunset Gap Elia Wilkinson Peattie
Azalea's Silver Web Elia Wilkinson Peattie
Azalea: The Story of a Little Girl in the Blue Ridge Mountains Elia Wilkinson Peattie
Baartock Lewis Roth
Babe in the Bulrushes Amy Steedman
Babes in the Basket; or, Daph and Her Charge Sarah S. Baker
Babes in the Wood Anonymous
Babes in the Wood
Babes of the Empire: An alphabet for young England Thomas Stevens
Baby Chatterbox Anonymous
Baby Jane's Mission Reginald Parnell
Baby-Land Mrs. Almira Louisa Corey Frink
Baby Nightcaps Aunt Fanny
Baby Pitcher's Trials Carrie L. May