Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted by popularity)
Hints on Dairying T. D. Curtis 110 downloads
Oysters and Fish Thomas J. Murrey 110 downloads
ABC Butter Making: A Hand-Book for the Beginner Frederick S. Burch 109 downloads
A brief guide to the Food Collection Bethnal Green Museum 109 downloads
The Art of Angling active 1651 Thomas Barker 109 downloads
The art of promoting the growth of the cucumber and melon Thomas Watkins 109 downloads
Camp Cookery. How to Live in Camp Maria Parloa 108 downloads
Common Sense for Housemaids Ann Fraser Tytler 108 downloads
I filtrati dolci (Italian) Giuseppe De-Astis 108 downloads
Zeniths Kokbok: En samling recept för användning av Zeniths margarin (Swedish) Anna Borgh 108 downloads
English walnuts : What you need to know about planting, cultivating and harvesting this most delicious of nuts 108 downloads
Homemade candy—sweet and dandy CPC International. Best Foods Division 108 downloads
Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) Mrs. Mill 108 downloads
Butchering and curing meats in China Carl Oscar Levine 107 downloads
Aunt Caroline's Dixieland recipes Emma McKinney and William McKinney 107 downloads
The Young Housekeeper's Friend Mrs. Cornelius 107 downloads
The garden as a picture Beatrix Farrand 107 downloads
Miss Parloa's Young Housekeeper Maria Parloa 107 downloads
Minnewaska Mountain Houses Anonymous 107 downloads
Visser's Nederlandsch-Indisch Vegetarisch Kookboek (Dutch) J. M. J. Catenius-van der Meijden 107 downloads
Home Manufacture and Use of Unfermented Grape Juice George C. Husmann 106 downloads
Adventures in Elegance Pie Filling Institute 106 downloads
Food and Morals J. F. Clymer 106 downloads
To Your Kitchen From Mine Betty Newton 105 downloads
The Philadelphia Housewife; or, Family Receipt Book active 1855 Mary Hodgson 105 downloads