Books in Browsing: Crime/Mystery (sorted alphabetically)
Jeanne of the Marshes E. Phillips Oppenheim
Jennie Baxter, Journalist Robert Barr
Jerry Todd and the Oak Island Treasure Leo Edwards
Jerry Todd and the Talking Frog Leo Edwards
Jet Plane Mystery Roy J. Snell
Jewel Mysteries, from a Dealer's Note Book Max Pemberton
Jim Cummings; Or, The Great Adams Express Robbery A. Frank Pinkerton
Jimmy Drury: Candid Camera Detective David O'Hara
Joan of Naples Alexandre Dumas
Joan of the Journal Helen Diehl Olds
Joe Leslie's Wife; or, a Skeleton in the Closet M.D. Alexander Robertson
John Jagon henki tahi kuollutko vai elävä? (Finnish) Wilkie Collins
John Silence, Physician Extraordinary Algernon Blackwood
John Thorndyke's Cases R. Austin Freeman
Jonah's Luck Fergus Hume
Josie O'Gorman Emma Speed Sampson
Josie O'Gorman and the Meddlesome Major Emma Speed Sampson
Juggernaut Alice Campbell
K Mary Roberts Rinehart
Kadonnut mies (Finnish) J. S. Fletcher
Karl Ludwig Sand Alexandre Dumas
Kastle Krags: A Story of Mystery Absalom Martin
Kauhun laakso 1: Murhenäytelmä Birlstonen kartanossa (Finnish) Arthur Conan Doyle
Kauhun laakso 2: Salaseuralaiset (Finnish) Arthur Conan Doyle
Keeban Edwin Balmer