Books in Browsing: Gender & Sexuality Studies (sorted alphabetically)
ugly-girl papers : or, Hints for the toilet S. D. Power
Unexpurgated Case Against Woman Suffrage Almroth Wright
unpretenders Ruth Cranston
Unveiling a Parallel: A Romance Alice Ilgenfritz Jones and Ella Merchant
unwelcome child : Or, The crime of an undesigned and undesired maternity Henry Clarke Wright
Vaimo, jonka minulle annoit (Finnish) Sir Hall Caine
Venere ed Imene al tribunale della penitenza: manuale dei confessori (Italian) J. B. Bouvier
Vera Elizabeth Von Arnim
Vera, the Medium Richard Harding Davis
Victoria C. Woodhull: A Biographical Sketch Theodore Tilton
Vies des dames galantes (French) Pierre de Bourdeille Brantôme
Vildsomme Veje : Ogsaa en kærlighedshistorie / I sommerferien (Danish) Vilhemine Zahle
Vindication of the Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft
Vindication of the Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft
Vixen, Volume I. M. E. Braddon
Vixen, Volume II. M. E. Braddon
Vixen, Volume III. M. E. Braddon
Vocational Guidance for Girls Marguerite Dickson
Voice from the South Anna J. Cooper
vote des femmes (French) Hubertine Auclert
Votes for Women: A Play in Three Acts Elizabeth Robins
Vrouwenbelangen (Dutch) Aletta H. Jacobs
vrouw en de vredesbeweging in verband met het vrouwenkiesrecht (Dutch) Aletta H. Jacobs
Vrouwenkiesrecht (Dutch) Aletta H. Jacobs and Frederike Swaantje van Balen-Klaar
Vrouwenkiesrecht in de Skandinavische landen (Dutch) Aletta H. Jacobs