Books in Browsing: Health & Medicine (sorted alphabetically by author)
Sleep and Its Derangements William A. Hammond
Fasting Girls: Their Physiology and Pathology William A. Hammond
Gilbertus Anglicus: Medicine of the Thirteenth Century Henry E. Handerson
Leprosy : in its clinical & pathological aspects G. Armauer Hansen and Carl Looft
Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants A. R. Harding
The truth about the tobacco habit T. Swann Harding
Jaundice: Its Pathology and Treatment George Harley
Large Fees and How to Get Them: A book for the private use of physicians Albert V. Harmon
Merely the patient Henry Howard Harper
Health on the Farm: A Manual of Rural Sanitation and Hygiene H. F. Harris
Occult science in medicine Franz Hartmann
The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918 Oscar Jewell Harvey
The Works of William Harvey M.D. William Harvey
An Anatomical Disquisition on the Motion of the Heart & Blood in Animals William Harvey
A Letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Chancellor, on the Nature and Interpretation of Unsoundness of Mind, and Imbecility of Intellect John Haslam
Observations on Madness and Melancholy John Haslam
Observations on Insanity John Haslam
Style in Singing W. E. Haslam
Essai sur l'éducation des aveugles (French) Valentin Haüy
Kept for the Master's Use Frances Ridley Havergal
My leper friends : An account of personal work among lepers, and of their daily life in India Alice M. Hayes
The Action of Medicines in the System Frederick William Headland
The Black Death in the Fourteenth Century J. F. C. Hecker
The Black Death, and The Dancing Mania J. F. C. Hecker
The Epidemics of the Middle Ages J. F. C. Hecker and John Caius