Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically)
A travers les cactus : Traversée de l'Algérie à bicyclette (French) Édouard de Perrodil
À travers l'hémisphère sud, ou Mon second voyage autour du monde. Tome 1 (French) Ernest Michel
À travers l'hémisphère sud, ou Mon second voyage autour du monde. Tome 2 (French) Ernest Michel
At Suvla Bay John Hargrave
attaché at Peking Baron Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford Redesdale
Attaché; or, Sam Slick in England — Complete Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impression of July 1st, 1916 Edward G. D. Liveing
At the Court of the Amîr: A Narrative John Alfred Gray
At the Point of the Sword Herbert Hayens
At the Sign of the Barber's Pole: Studies In Hirsute History William Andrews
Attila and the Huns Edward Hutton
Attila: Historiallinen romaani kansainvaelluksen ajoilta (Finnish) Felix Dahn
Attraverso il Cinquecento (Italian) Arturo Graf
Au bon soleil (French) Paul Arène
Au cœur du Harem (French) Jehan d' Ivray
Audacious War Clarence W. Barron
Audiencia in the Spanish Colonies Charles Henry Cunningham
Auf der Heidecksburg (German) Berthold Rein
Auf verbotenen Wegen: Reisen und Abenteuer in Tibet (German) Arnold Henry Savage Landor
Augusta Triumphans Daniel Defoe
August Strindberg, the Spirit of Revolt: Studies and Impressions L. Lind-af-Hageby
Augustus: The Life and Times of the Founder of the Roman Empire Evelyn S. Shuckburgh
Au Hoggar : mission de 1922 (French) Conrad Kilian
Au Maroc (French) Pierre Loti
Aumolan emäntä: Novelli (Finnish) Johan Albert Bergman