Books in Browsing: History - Medieval/The Middle Ages (sorted by popularity)
The White Lady of Hazelwood: A Tale of the Fourteenth Century Emily Sarah Holt 134 downloads
The Church and the Barbarians William Holden Hutton 134 downloads
An Irish precursor of Dante : a study on the Vision of Heaven and Hell ascribed to the eighth-century Irish saint Adamnán, with translation of the Irish text Charles Stuart Boswell 134 downloads
Les adevineaux amoureux (French) Anonymous 134 downloads
The Jester LM 134 downloads
Suomalaisia keskiajan tutkimuksia: Veroja, laitoksia, virkamiehiä (Finnish) Väinö Voionmaa 134 downloads
La Jérusalem médiévale (French) Marie Lebert 133 downloads
Beyträge zur Kenntniss der altdeutschen Sprache und Litteratur. Erster Band. Theil 1. (German) Georg Friedrich Benecke 133 downloads
Lectures on the rise and development of medieval architecture; vol. 2 Sir George Gilbert Scott 132 downloads
Sir John Oldcastle Shakespeare 132 downloads
Extracts Relating to Mediaeval Markets and Fairs in England Helen Douglas-Irvine 132 downloads
The Close of the Middle Ages, 1272-1494, 3rd Ed. Sir Richard Lodge 131 downloads
La fleur d'or (French) comte de Arthur Gobineau 131 downloads
A Mediaeval Mystic Vincent Scully 131 downloads
The Silver Stallion: A Comedy of Redemption James Branch Cabell 131 downloads
Flowers from Mediæval History Minnie D. Kellogg 130 downloads
The Ivory Workers of the Middle Ages Anna Maria Elizabeth Cust 130 downloads
L'Histoire de France racontée par les Contemporains (Tome 4/4) (French) 130 downloads
A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives Desiderius Erasmus 130 downloads
De Ridderromantiek der Franse en Duitse Middeleeuwen (Dutch) Vald. Vedel 129 downloads
Théâtre de Hrotsvitha (French) Hrotsvitha 129 downloads
Les assiègés de Compiègne, 1430 (French) Albert Robida 129 downloads
El doncel de don Enrique el doliente, Tomo II (de 4) (Spanish) Mariano José de Larra 129 downloads
With the Black Prince William O. Stoddard 128 downloads
Childéric, Roi des Francs, (tome premier) (French) comtesse de Anne Marie Beaufort d'Hautpoul 128 downloads