Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically by author)
Idle Ideas in 1905 Jerome K. Jerome
Stage-Land Jerome K. Jerome
Evergreens Jerome K. Jerome
Les trois hommes en Allemagne (French) Jerome K. Jerome
The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow Jerome K. Jerome
Tres Homes Dins D'una Barca (Sense comptar-hi el gos) (Catalan) Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) Jerome K. Jerome
Tres Anglesos S'esbargeixen (Catalan) Jerome K. Jerome
The Angel and the Author, and Others Jerome K. Jerome
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow Jerome K. Jerome
Kolme miestä veneessä (Finnish) Jerome K. Jerome
Three men on the bummel Jerome K. Jerome
Novel Notes Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) Jerome K. Jerome
Diary of a Pilgrimage Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat Jerome K. Jerome
The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow Jerome K. Jerome
Egy naplopó tünődései (Hungarian) Jerome K. Jerome
Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures Douglas William Jerrold
Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures Douglas William Jerrold
A man made of money Douglas William Jerrold
The barber's chair; and, The hedgehog letters Douglas William Jerrold
Sugar and Spice: Comical Tales Comically Dressed James Johnson
Jocus és Momus (Hungarian) Mór Jókai
Életemből (II. rész) (Hungarian) Mór Jókai