Books in Browsing: Literature (sorted alphabetically)
- Active Service Stephen Crane
- Actress' Daughter: A Novel May Agnes Fleming
- Actress in High Life Sue Petigru Bowen
- A. D. 2000 Alvarado M. Fuller
- Ada (Swedish) Hasse Zetterström
- Adam Bede George Eliot
- Adam Bede George Eliot
- Adam & Eve & Pinch Me A. E. Coppard
- Adam Johnstone's Son F. Marion Crawford
- Adams Tagebuch, und andere Erzählungen (German) Mark Twain
- Adán y Eva en el paraíso (Spanish) Eça de Queirós
- Adaptation Mack Reynolds
- Ad armi corte: Commedia in un atto (Italian) Roberto Bracco
- Ad astra: Yömaalarin unelma seitsemässä kuvaelmassa (Finnish) Larin-Kyösti
- Ada, the Betrayed; Or, The Murder at the Old Smithy. A Romance of Passion James Malcolm Rymer
- Addie's Husband; or, Through clouds to sunshine Mrs. Gordon Smythies
- Addison William John Courthope
- Addresses in America, 1919 John Galsworthy
- Address to a Wealthy Libertine James Parkerson
- Adela Cathcart, Volume 1 George MacDonald
- Adela Cathcart, Volume 2 George MacDonald
- Adela Cathcart, Volume 3 George MacDonald
- Adelaide: Wahrscheinlich nur ein Roman (German) Augusta von Goldstein
- Adèle de Sénange (French) marquise de Adélaïde-Marie-Emilie Filleul Souza-Botelho
- Adèle Dubois Mrs. William T. Savage