Books in Browsing: Nature/Gardening/Animals (sorted alphabetically)
Mary Frances Garden Book; or, Adventures Among the Garden People Jane Eayre Fryer
Mary's Meadow, and Other Tales of Fields and Flowers Juliana Horatia Ewing
Mason-Bees Jean-Henri Fabre
Mason-Wasps Jean-Henri Fabre
Matkustus Brasiliassa: Kuvaus luonnosta ja kansoista Brasiliasta (Finnish) Edv. A. Vainio
Maximilian, Prince of Wied's, Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, part 1 Prinz von Maximilian Wied
Maximilian, Prince of Wied's, Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, part 2 Prinz von Maximilian Wied
Maximilian, Prince of Wied's, Travels in the Interior of North America, 1832-1834, part 3 and appendix Prinz von Maximilian Wied
Mayflower, January, 1905 Various
Mazedonien : Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen eines Naturforschers im Gefolge des deutschen Heeres (German) Franz Doflein
Mazes and Labyrinths: A General Account of Their History and Development W. H. Matthews
Medicinal Plants of the Philippines T. H. Pardo de Tavera
Meeresfische (German) Kurt Floericke
Mehiläisten elämä (Finnish) Maurice Maeterlinck
Mein buntes Buch: Naturschilderungen (German) Hermann Löns
Meine Brüder im stillen Busch, in Luft und Wasser« (German) Martin Braess
Melody of Earth
Memorias sobre a influencia dos descobrimentos portuguezes no conhecimento das plantas (Portuguese) Conde de Francisco Manuel de Melo Ficalho
Ménagerie intime (French) Théophile Gautier
Mental Life of Monkeys and Apes: A Study of Ideational Behavior Robert Mearns Yerkes
Mentor: Butterflies, Vol. 3, Num. 12, Serial No. 88, August 2, 1915 W. J. Holland
Mentor: Game Animals of America, Vol. 4, Num. 13, Serial No. 113, August 15, 1916 William T. Hornaday
Mentor: Game Birds of America, Vol. 1, Num. 34, Serial No. 34 Edward Howe Forbush
Men We Meet in the Field; or, The Bullshire Hounds A. G. Bagot
Metabolic Adaptation to Climate and Distribution of the Raccoon Procyon Lotor and Other Procyonidae John N. Mugaas, John Seidensticker, and Kathleen P. Mahlke-Johnson