Books in Browsing: Politics (sorted by popularity)
Enfranchisement of women : Reprinted from the Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, for July 1851 Harriet Hardy Taylor Mill 275 downloads
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12) Edmund Burke 275 downloads
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 3 [of 3] Benjamin Franklin 274 downloads
History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 21 Thomas Carlyle 274 downloads
Scritti di Giuseppe Mazzini, Politica ed Economia, Vol. II (Italian) Giuseppe Mazzini 274 downloads
The American Senator Anthony Trollope 273 downloads
Marriage and Love Emma Goldman 273 downloads
The Life Of Thomas Paine, Vol. 1. (of 2) Moncure Daniel Conway 273 downloads
The American Republic: Its Constitution, Tendencies, and Destiny Orestes Augustus Brownson 273 downloads
The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Various 272 downloads
The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) John Morley 272 downloads
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 7 (of 9) Thomas Jefferson 272 downloads
Zachariah Chandler: An Outline Sketch of His Life and Public Services 271 downloads
Histoire ancienne de l'Orient jusqu'aux guerres médiques (1/6) (French) François Lenormant 271 downloads
Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Complete Aaron Burr 271 downloads
Satan's Invisible World Displayed; or, Despairing Democracy W. T. Stead 270 downloads
Gli avvenimenti di Sicilia e le loro cause (Italian) Napoleone Colajanni 270 downloads
Memoirs of the Duchesse de Dino (Afterwards Duchesse de Talleyrand et de Sagan), 1836-1840 duchesse de Dorothée Dino 270 downloads
Thomas Hart Benton's Remarks to the Senate on the Expunging Resolution Thomas Hart Benton 270 downloads
De la Démocratie en Amérique, tome premier (French) Alexis de Tocqueville 270 downloads
Slavery Ordained of God F. A. Ross 270 downloads
Mahatma Gandhi: The Man Who Became One With the Universal Being Romain Rolland 270 downloads
President Wilson's Addresses Woodrow Wilson 269 downloads
God and the State Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin 269 downloads
The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 2 [of 3] Benjamin Franklin 268 downloads