Books about Socialism (sorted by popularity)
Landmarks of Scientific Socialism: "Anti-Duehring" Friedrich Engels 131 downloads
Why I am in favor of socialism 129 downloads
New worlds for old: A plain account of modern socialism H. G. Wells 128 downloads
A dissolução do regimen capitalista (Portuguese) Teixeira Bastos 125 downloads
Socialismo y ciencia positiva (Darwin-Spencer-Marx) (Spanish) Enrico Ferri 122 downloads
Socialism and the family H. G. Wells 119 downloads
Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx) Enrico Ferri 115 downloads
Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism Gabriel Pierre Deville 114 downloads
Britain for the British Robert Blatchford 113 downloads
Twentieth Century Socialism: What It Is Not; What It Is: How It May Come Edmond Kelly 109 downloads
Massenstreik, Partei und Gewerkschaften (German) Rosa Luxemburg 108 downloads
A Critique of Socialism George R. Sims 105 downloads
Why I am opposed to socialism 103 downloads
Evolution Social and Organic Arthur M. Lewis 102 downloads
Your pay envelope John Richard Meader 95 downloads
Le socialisme en danger (French) Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis 94 downloads
International May Day and American Labor Day Boris Reinstein 93 downloads
Opinions sociales (French) Anatole France 91 downloads
Sosialismi ja individualismi (Finnish) Oscar Wilde 90 downloads
Socialism and American ideals William Starr Myers 88 downloads
Karl Marx en zijne voorgangers (Dutch) Jos. Loopuit 88 downloads
Labour and the Popular Welfare W. H. Mallock 83 downloads
Individualisme en socialisme (Dutch) Oscar Wilde 78 downloads
The truth about socialism Allan L. Benson 70 downloads
Uusia maailmoita vanhojen sijaan (Finnish) H. G. Wells 69 downloads