Books about West (U.S.) -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–21
The Honorable Senator Sage-Brush Francis Lynde 213 downloads
Lanier of the Cavalry; or, A Week's Arrest Charles King 204 downloads
The Desert and the Sown Mary Hallock Foote 202 downloads
Travelers Five Along Life's Highway Annie F. Johnston 184 downloads
The Great Sioux Trail: A Story of Mountain and Plain Joseph A. Altsheler 178 downloads
Mystery Ranch Arthur Chapman 164 downloads
The red wizard, or, the cave captive Edward Sylvester Ellis 163 downloads
Delaware Tom; or, The Traitor Guide Jos. E. Badger 153 downloads
The Three Trappers; or, The Apache Chief's Ruse Edward Sylvester Ellis 152 downloads
The shoemaker Olive Harper and Hal Reid 148 downloads
Outlaw Jack; or, the mountain devil Jos. E. Badger 143 downloads
Mariquita: A Novel John Ayscough 141 downloads
The Lights on Precipice Peak Stephen Tall 139 downloads
Walda: A Novel Mary Holland Kinkaid 132 downloads
The other half Edwin L. Sabin 132 downloads
The First Church's Christmas barrel Caroline Abbot Stanley 132 downloads
Flying down a rainbow Homer King Gordon 129 downloads
David Vallory Francis Lynde 124 downloads
A Man-Sized Pet W. C. Tuttle 120 downloads
Better days; or, A Millionaire of To-morrow Thomas Fitch and Anna M. Fitch 110 downloads
Caleb Conover, Railroader Albert Payson Terhune 108 downloads
Displaying results 1–21