The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Works Of Winston Churchill, by Winston Churchill
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Title: The Works Of Winston Churchill
Author: Winston Churchill
Release Date: May 15, 2009 [eBook #28822]
[Most recently updated: November 11, 2023]
Language: English
Produced by: David Widger




Compiled by David Widger

Project Gutenberg Editions


Winston Churchill (1871-1947)

(The American Author who is not related to the British Sir Winston)

A Sketch of his Life and Work

This sketch was released by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY as part of a document to promote Churchill's 1913 novel, "The Inside of the Cup."

Mr. Winston Churchill, the author of "The Inside of the Cup," "The Modern Chronicle," "Mr. Crewe's Career," "Coniston," "Richard Carvel," "The Crisis," and "The Crossing," was born in St. Louis, Mo., November 10, 1871. He is the oldest son of Edwin Spaulding Churchill of Portland, Me., and Emma Bell Blaine, of St. Louis. The first sixteen years of his life he spent in his native city, which was in fact his home until he built Harlakenden House, his present residence at Cornish, N. H. In St. Louis, it will be remembered, the opening scenes of "The Crisis" are laid; and St. Louis again formed the objective point of Mr. Churchill's next novel, "The Crossing." From Smith Academy in St. Louis he went to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md.

Winston Churchill had not been a year at the Naval Academy before he became interested in American history and American problems, and before he finished his course he had made up his mind to devote his life and energies to these—not only with the pen, but as an active participant. Much of the atmosphere and some of the material for "Richard Carvel" he gathered while still a midshipman at the Naval Academy; and in the brief intervals between scientific studies and drills he began to read some of the history which he afterwards used.

He resigned from the Navy on his graduation, worked for a time on the Army and Navy Journal, and then joined the staff of The Cosmopolitan. While he lived at Irvington-on-the-Hudson, working steadily on the magazine, he continued his experience with fiction. He never tried to publish any of his first work, and it is not now in existence. That year (1895) he married Miss Mabel Harlakenden Hall, of St. Louis; and not long after established his home at Cornish.

He found himself at this time in a fairly enviable position. He was not obliged to spend his life doing hack-work, and could take abundant leisure to perfect any piece of writing which he undertook. However, he united with his rare good fortune much rare good sense. He best illustrated the familiar paradox that genius is a capacity for taking infinite pains. He approached his work with an inexhaustible patience, a dogged determination to be true to his own high exactions, both in style and substance.

Before he began "Richard Carvel," and also while it was on the stocks, he visited Virginia and Maryland, and studied the country and the old records with great thoroughness. He also read a vast amount of history and other literature which gave the spirit of the period. During the seven or eight months in '98 and '99, when he was writing the book from beginning to end for the fifth time, he was living on the Hudson, about thirty miles from New York. During those months he worked from breakfast to one o'clock, then for some hours after luncheon. Late in the afternoon he would take a long horseback ride, and after dinner he would go at his work again, continuing sometimes far into the night. In the midst of his work on "Richard Carvel," while he was staying at Lake George, he ran out of historical material, and wrote "The Celebrity." This novel was the subject of a great deal of comment on its first appearance in 1897, and many people still regard it as the brightest and most amusing and original piece of work which Mr. Churchill has done.

After finishing his work on "Richard Carvel," Mr. Churchill, in the spring of 1899, went to live at Cornish, N. H., where he had purchased a large farm on high ground on the banks of the Connecticut, just opposite Windsor, Vt. On the estate which he had bought Mr. Churchill then built Harlakenden House, which is modelled upon one of the mansions of Colonial Maryland. In 1913 Harlakenden House was selected by President Woodrow Wilson as his summer residence.

It was here that news of the great success of "Richard Carvel" came to Mr. Churchill.

The novel immediately became the most popular book in the United States, and was more widely read and discussed during its first year than has been the case with any other book ever published.

"Richard Carvel" contains the great historical figures of Charles James Fox and John Paul Jones. Perhaps the most thrilling and vividly written passage in the book is that which describes the memorable battle between the Bon Homme Richard and the Serapis. It was this that was accountable for the revival of interest in John Paul Jones and led to the finding of his burial place in France and to several biographies written largely under the stimulus of his character and personality as graphically revealed in "Richard Carvel."

Two or three years later "The Crisis" appeared. This time Mr. Churchill chose for his background the stirring days of the Civil War, through some of its most thrilling events his hero passes. He incidently painted supremely good pictures of Lincoln and Grant, showing how they grew out of the conditions that produced the crisis, and how they dominated it and brought it to such an issue that the country became better, greater and stronger for the cataclysm that had threatened to disrupt it. Like "Richard Carvel," "The Crisis" was dramatized, and opened its successful run on the stage a few months after the book's publication.

Mr. Churchill's next book, in the series of historical romances which he began with "Richard Carvel," is entitled "The Crossing" and was published in the spring of 1904. Its title refers to the crossing of the Alleghanies by the tide of the American immigration after the Revolutionary War. No annals in the world's history are more wonderful than the story of this conquest of Kentucky and Tennessee by the pioneers. In "The Crossing" Mr. Churchill caught the wonder of that adventurous phase in our early history and made of it what many consider his most delighting romance.

Meanwhile Mr. Churchill had become actively interested in politics. In the year 1903 he became a member of the New Hampshire Legislature. The direct outgrowth of Mr. Churchill's interest and experiences in politics were two important novels, "Coniston" and "Mr. Crewe's Career."

In "Coniston"—that great prose epic of political corruption as it existed in New England a generation or more ago—Mr. Churchill showed his ability to write of contemporary life with a vigor and understanding which were not surpassed in any of his other work. "Coniston" has a big, vital, political issue for background and a unique and dominant character for central interest. "Jethro Bass" was a farmer by origin, taciturn, inscrutable, with his streak of sardonic humor and his slight, unforgetable stammer, was heralded as the most important figure Mr. Churchill had ever drawn.

Two years later "Mr. Crewe's Career" was published, to meet with instant success. It was a further embodiment of Mr. Churchill's observations and experiences among the people of the political whirlpool, and showed his increasing power as a novelist of contemporary life. The business of politics, the sordid struggles of an election are described with a graphic pen. Rarely has an American author portrayed with such judicial calm and yet with such relentless realism, the sinister aspects of political life in a rural community or woven into this grimy fabric, in gold thread, a charming love story that goes far to make us forget the ugly and hateful features of the picture.

It will be seen how, since the publication of "Richard Carvel," Mr. Churchill's themes move in orderly sequence from Colonial days until each represents the actual life and atmosphere of distinct periods in American history. It was "A Modern Chronicle" that brought Mr. Churchill's work to the heart of the present. The new novel dealt with the social problems of the marriage condition, the imperfect civilization of ultra-fashionable life, with its frequent climax of divorce. Heretofore Mr. Churchill's leading characters are men, but in "A Modern Chronicle" he gives us a woman—Honora Leffingwell—fascinating, full of illogical moods and caprices, who, taken from start to finish, is a most consistent and convincing piece of characterization.

With the day of its publication, in 1910, "The Modern Chronicle" headed the list of "Books Most in Demand" at the libraries and the Bookman list of "Six Best Sellers" in almost every large city of this country. Its success was confined not only to this side of the water but in Great Britain, as well; the book was in great demand. These conditions were due to the fact of the author's established reputation with the great majority of American and English readers, and to the merits of a work which received almost unanimous appreciation from the press of both countries.

Three years have passed since the tremendous success of "A Modern Chronicle," and during this time Mr. Churchill has worked upon and completed the novel which, perhaps more than any other, will create discussion and admiration and go furthest to assure the author's reputation as the biggest literary figure in America to-day.

"The Inside of the Cup," Mr. Churchill's latest novel, may be rightly called the sum of his genius. It contains the same art of his former work, broadened, enriched and matured, and reflects the romance of "Richard Carvel," the realism of "Coniston," and the deep social significance of "A Modern Chronicle." From a masterly delineation of the personal history of a young clergyman and the transformation of his views and attitudes toward modern society, Mr. Churchill unfolds a powerful study of the present tendencies in the Church and their new relation to the life of to-day.

"The Inside of the Cup" is unquestionably the most impressive novel that Mr. Churchill has yet written, in character drawing and illuminative disclosures of the cross sections of society, and in the portrayal of their more delicate and crucial relation to conditions vital to the national welfare.


Click on the ## before each title to go directly to a
linked index of the detailed chapters and illustrations

The Works of Winston Churchill
Title Year
  1. Both works were released in 1918 under the title A Traveller in War-time with an Essay on the American Contribution and the Democratic Idea.
  2. Mr. Keegan's Elopement was first released in serial form for a magazine in 1896.
  3. Other sources (like Wikipedia) say this book was released in 1898. The article above says it was released in 1897, as does the copyright page for the book in Hathitrust.
The Unchartered Way 1940
Dr. Jonathan (Play) 1919
## A Traveller in War-time ¹ 1918
## Essay on The American Contribution ¹ 1918
## The Dwelling-Place of Light 1917
## A Far Country 1915
## The Inside of The Cup 1913
## A Modern Chronicle 1910
## Mr. Crewe's Career 1908
## Coniston 1906
## The Crossing 1904
Mr. Keegan's Elopement ² 1903
## The Crisis 1901
## Richard Carvel 1899
## The Celebrity ³ 1897


The Celebrity

Richard Carvel

Volume 1.
Chapter I. Lionel Carver, of Carver Hall
Chapter II. Some Memories of Childhood
Chapter III. Caught by the Tide
Chapter IV. Grafton would heal an Old Breach
Chapter V. "If Ladies be but Young and Fair"
Chapter VI. I first Suffer for the Cause
Chapter VII. Grafton has his Chance
Volume 2.
Chapter VIII. Over the Wall
Chapter IX. Under False Colours
Chapter X. The Red in the Carvel Blood
Chapter XI. A Festival and a Parting
Chapter XII. News from a Far Country
Volume 3.
Chapter XIII. Mr. Allen Shows his Hand
Chapter XIV. The Volte Coupe
Chapter XV. Of Which the Rector has the worst
Chapter XVI. In Which some things are Made Clear
Chapter XVII. South River
Chapter XVIII. The "Black Moll"
Volume 4.
Chapter XIX. A Man of Destiny
Chapter XX. A Sad Home-coming
Chapter XXI. The Gardener's Cottage
Chapter XXII. On the Road
Chapter XXIII. London Town
Chapter XXIV. Castle Yard
Chapter XXV. The Rescue
Volume 5.
Chapter XXVI. The Part Horatio Played
Chapter XXVII. In Which I am Sore Tempted
Chapter XXVIII. Arlington Street
Chapter XXIX. I Meet a Very Great Young Man
Chapter XXX. A Conspiracy
Chapter XXXI. "Upstairs into the World"
Chapter XXXII. Lady Tankerville's Drum Major
Chapter XXXIII. Drury Lane
Volume 6.
Chapter XXXIV. His Grave Makes Advances
Chapter XXXV. In Which my Lord Baltimore Appears
Chapter XXXVI. A Glimpse of Mr. Garrick
Chapter XXXVII. The Serpentine
Chapter XXXVIII. In which I am Roundly brought to task
Chapter XXXIX. Holland House
Chapter XL. Vauxhall
Chapter XLI. The Wilderness
Volume 7.
Chapter XLII. My Friends are Proven
Chapter XLIII. Annapolis Once More
Chapter XLIV. Noblesse Oblige
Chapter XLV. The House of Memories
Chapter XLVI. Gordon's Pride
Chapter XLVII. Visitors
Chapter XLVIII. Multum in Parvo
Chapter XLIX. Liberty Loses a Friend
Volume 8.
Chapter L. Farewell to Gordon's
Chapter XLI. How an Idle Prophecy Came to Pass
Chapter LII. How the Gardener's Son Fought the "Serapis"
Chapter LIII. In Which I make some Discoveries
Chapter LIV. More Discoveries
Chapter LV. "The Love of a Maid for a Man"
Chapter LVI. How Good Came out of Evil
Chapter LVII. I Come to My Own Again

The Crisis

Book I.
Chapter I. Which deals with Origins
Chapter II. The Mole
Chapter III. The Unattainable Simplicity
Chapter IV. Black Cattle
Chapter V. The First Spark passes
Chapter VI. Silas Whipple
Chapter VII. Callers
Chapter VIII. Bellegarde
Chapter IX. A Quiet Sunday in Locust Street
Chapter X. The Little House
Chapter XI. The Invitation
Chapter XII. "Miss Jinny"
Chapter XIII. The Party
Book II.
Chapter I. Raw Material
Chapter II. Abraham Lincoln
Chapter III. In which Stephen learns Something
Chapter IV. The Question
Chapter V. The Crisis
Chapter VI. Glencoe
Chapter VII. An Excursion
Chapter VIII. The Colonel is warned
Chapter IX. Signs of the Times
Chapter X. Richter's Scar
Chapter XI. How a Prince came
Chapter XII. Into which a Potentate comes
Chapter XIII. At Mr. Brinsmade's Gate
Chapter XIV. The Breach Becomes too Wide
Chapter XV. Mutterings
Chapter XVI. The Guns of Sumter
Chapter XVII. Camp Jackson
Chapter XVIII. The Stone that is rejected
Chapter XIX. The Tenth of May
Chapter XX. In the Arsenal
Chapter XXI. The Stampede
Chapter XXII. The Straining of Another Friendship
Chapter XXIII. Of Clarence
Book III.
Chapter I. Introducing a Capitalist
Chapter II. News from Clarence
Chapter III. The Scourge of War
Chapter IV. The List of Sixty
Chapter V. The Auction
Chapter VI. Eliphalet plays his Trumps
Chapter VII. With the Armies of the West
Chapter VIII. A Strange Meeting
Chapter IX. Bellegarde Once More
Chapter X. In Judge Whipple's Office
Chapter XI. Lead, Kindly Night
Chapter XII. The Last Card
Chapter XIII. From the Letters of Major Stephen Brice
Chapter XIV. The Same, Continued
Chapter XV. The Man of Sorrows
Chapter XVI. Annapolis

The Crossing

Book I. The Borderland
Chapter I. The Blue Wall
Chapter II. Wars and Rumors of Wars
Chapter III. Charlestown
Chapter IV. Temple Bow
Chapter V. Cram's Hell
Chapter VI. Man proposes, but God disposes
Chapter VII. In Sight of the Blue Wall once more
Chapter VIII. The Nollichucky Trace
Chapter IX. On the Wilderness Trail
Chapter X. Harrodstown
Chapter XI. Fragmentary
Chapter XII. The Campaign begins
Chapter XIII. Kaskaskia
Chapter XIV. How the Kaskaskians were made Citizens
Chapter XV. Days of Trial
Chapter XVI. Davy goes to Cahokia
Chapter XVII. The Sacrifice
Chapter XVIII. “An' ye had been where I had been”
Chapter XIX. The Hair Buyer trapped
Chapter XX. The Campaign ends
BOOK II. Flotsam and Jetsam
Chapter I. In the Cabin
Chapter II. “The Beggars are come to Town”
Chapter III. We go to Danville
Chapter IV. I cross the Mountains once more
Chapter V. I meet an Old Bedfellow
Chapter VI. The Widow Brown's
Chapter VII. I meet a Hero
Chapter VIII. To St. Louis
Chapter IX. “Cherchez la Femme”
Chapter X. The Keel Boat
Chapter XI. The Strange City
Chapter XII. Les Îles
Chapter XIII. Monsieur Augusteen trapped
Chapter XIV. Retribution
BOOK III. Louisiana
Chapter I. The Rights of Man
Chapter II. The House above the Falls
Chapter III. Louisville celebrates
Chapter IV. Of a Sudden Resolution
Chapter V. The House of the Honeycombed Tiles
Chapter VI. Madame la Vicomtesse
Chapter VII. The Disposal of the Sieur de St. Gré
Chapter VIII. At Lamarque's
Chapter IX. Monsieur le Baron
Chapter X. The Scourge
Chapter XI. “In the Midst of Life”
Chapter XII. Visions, and an Awakening
Chapter XIII. A Mystery
Chapter XIV. “To Unpathed Waters, Undreamed Shores”
Chapter XV. An Episode in the Life of a Man


Book I.
Chapter I. On the Dangers of Curiosity
Chapter II. On the Wisdom of Charity
Chapter III. The Clerk and the Locket
Chapter IV. Enter a Great Man, Incognito
Chapter V. The King is Dead! Long Live the King!
Chapter VI. "Deep as First Love, and Wild with All Regret"
Chapter VII. "And Still the Ages roll, Unmoved"
Chapter VIII. It is Something to have Dreamed
Book 2.
Chapter IX. Shake Hands with Mr. Bijah Bixby
Chapter X. How the Rebellion was Quenched
Chapter XI. Mr. Worthington becomes a Reformer
Chapter XII. "A Time to Weep, and a Time to Laugh"
Chapter XIII. Mr. Wetherell descends into the Arena
Chapter XIV. In which the Back Seats are Heard From
Chapter XV. The Woodchuck Session
Chapter XVI. "Cynthia loved You"
Book 3.
Chapter I. In the Tannery House
Chapter II. Chiefly concerning the National Game
Chapter III. Journeys to Go
Chapter IV. "Judge Bass and Party"
Chapter V. Cousin Ephraim's Comrade
Chapter VI. Mr. Sutton talks to a Constituent
Chapter VII. An Amazing Encounter
Chapter VIII. Cynthia learns how to be Fashionable
Chapter IX. In which Mr. Merrill abandons a Habit
Chapter X. Of An Unexpected Return
Book 4.
Chapter XI. In which Miss Sadler writes a Letter
Chapter XII. "In the Tannery Shed!"
Chapter XIII. Cynthia becomes a Teacher
Chapter XIV. In which the Lord of Brampton Returns
Chapter XV. Containing a Dramatic Climax
Chapter XVI. Miss Lucretia quotes Genesis
Chapter XVII. When the Pie was Opened
Chapter XVIII. A Biographical Episode: Hitherto Unpublished
Chapter XIX. Containing Free Transportation to Brampton
Chapter XX. "To change the Name, and not the Letter"

Mr. Crewe's Career

Book I.
Chapter I. The Honorouble Hilary Vane sits for His Portrait
Chapter II. On the Treatment of Prodigals
Chapter III. Concerning the Practice of Law
Chapter IV. "Timeo Danaos"
Chapter V. The Parting of the Ways
Chapter VI. Enter the Lion
Chapter VII. The Leopard and his Spots
Chapter VIII. The Trials of an Honourable
Chapter IX. Mr. Crewe assaults the Capital
Chapter X. "For Bills may come, and Bills may go"
Book II.
Chapter XI. The Hopper
Chapter XII. Mr. Redbrook's Party
Chapter XIII. The Realm of Pegasus
Chapter XIV. The Descendants of Horatius
Chapter XV. The Disturbance of June Seventh
Chapter XVI. The "Book of Arguments" is opened
Chapter XVII. Busy Days at Wedderburn
Chapter XVIII. A Spirit in the Woods
Chapter XIX. Mr. Jabe Jenney Entertains
Chapter XX. Mr. Crewe: an Appreciation
Book III.
Chapter XXI. St. Giles of the Blameless Life
Chapter XXII. In which Euphrasia takes a hand
Chapter XXIII. A Falling-out in High Places
Chapter XXIV. An Adventure of Victoria's
Chapter XXV. More Adventures
Chapter XXVI. The Focus of Wrath
Chapter XXVII. The Arena and the Dust
Chapter XXVIII. The Voice of an Era
Chapter XXIX. The Vale of the Blue
Chapter XXX. P. S.

A Modern Chronicle

Book I.
Chapter I. What's in Heredity
Chapter II. Perdita Recalled
Chapter III. Concerning Providence
Chapter IV. Of Temperment
Chapter V. In which Providence keeps Faith
Chapter VI. Honora has a Glimpse of the World
Chapter VII. The Olympian Order
Chapter VIII. A Chapter of Conquests
Chapter IX. In which the Vicomte continues his studies
Chapter X. In which Honora widens her Horizon
Chapter XI. What might have Been
Chapter XII. Which contains a Surprise for Mrs. Holt
Book II.
Chapter I. So Long as ye Both shall Live!
Chapter II. "Stafford Park"
Chapter III. The Great Unattached
Chapter IV. The New Doctrine
Chapter V. Quicksands
Chapter VI. Gad and Meni
Chapter VII. Of Certain Delicate Matters
Chapter VIII. Of Mental Processes—Feminine and Insoluable
Chapter IX. Introducing a Revolutionizing Vehicle
Chapter X. On the Art of Lion Taming
Chapter XI. Containing Some Revelations
Book III.
Chapter I. Ascendi
Chapter II. The Path of Philanthropy
Chapter III. Vineland
Chapter IV. The Viking
Chapter V. The Survival of the Fittest
Chapter VI. Clio, or Thalia?
Chapter VII. "Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"
Chapter VIII. In which the Law betrays a Heart
Chapter IX. Wylie Street
Chapter X. The Price of Freedom
Chapter XI. In which it is All done over Again
Chapter XII. The Entrance into Eden
Chapter XIII. Of The World Beyond the Gates
Chapter XIV. Containing Philosophy from Mr. Grainger
Chapter XV. The Pillars of Society
Chapter XVI. In which a Mirror is held Up
Chapter XVII. The Renewal of an Ancient Hospitality
Chapter XVIII. In which Mr. Erwin sees Paris

The Inside of The Cup

Volume I.
Chapter I. The Warring Problems
Chapter II. Mr. Langmaid's Mission
Chapter III. The Primrose Path
Chapter IV. Some Riddles of the Twentieth Century
Volume 2.
Chapter V. The Rector has More Food for Thought
Chapter VI. "Watchman, What of the Night?"
Chapter VII. The Kingdoms of the World
Chapter VIII. The Line of Least Resistance
Volume 3.
Chapter IX. The Divine Discontent
Chapter X. The Messenger in the Church
Chapter XI. The Lost Parishoner
Chapter XII. The Woman of the Song
Volume 4.
Chapter XIII. Winterbourne
Chapter XIV. A Saturday Afternoon
Chapter XV. The Crucible
Chapter XVI. Amid the Encircling Gloom
Volume 5.
Chapter XVII. Reconstruction
Chapter XVIII. The Riddle of Causation
Chapter XIX. Mr. Goodrich becomes a Partisan
Volume 6.
Chapter XX. The Arraignment
Chapter XXI. Alison Goes to Church
Chapter XXII. "Which say to the Seers, See not!"
Volume 7.
Chapter XXIII. The Choice
Chapter XXIV. The Vestry Meets
Chapter XXV. "Rise, Crowned with Light!"
Chapter XVI. The Current of Life
Volume 8.
Chapter XXVII. Retribution
Chapter XXVIII. Light

A Far Country

The Dwelling Place of Light

A Traveller in Wartime

Essay on The American Contribution

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