
Departure from Ghent.—Sojourn at
Hellevoetsluis—Arrival at Spithead.
On the 4th of April, 1825, I set out
from Ghent for Antwerp. This ancient and noble city is in every point of
view interesting; to the admirers of the fine arts, on account of the
unique treasures she possesses; to the military observer for her long
defence against the army of the Duke of Parma, and for her military and
maritime importance obtained in modern times through him who long guided
the destiny of Europe; and to the philanthropist, who derives
satisfaction from the increasing prosperity of mankind, for numerous
reasons. Long the victim of politics and the jealousy of her neighbours,
which kept the mighty Scheld, the harbour of Antwerp, blockaded, she now
powerfully lifts her head above her rivals, and her commerce, nearly as
flourishing as under the Hanseatic league, is annually becoming more
extensive, thanks to the foresight of the wise prince whom Providence
has placed at the head of our country’s government.
A government yacht received us at Antwerp, and with a fair wind and
most delightful spring weather, conveyed us, by the evening of the 6th
of April, to the road of Hellevoetsluis, where the corvette Pallas was
lying at anchor, which had orders to sail on the following day. The
first part of the voyage to Hellevoetsluis is down the Scheld; the
beautiful steeple of the cathedral of Antwerp long remains in sight; the
forts on both shores attract the attention of military men, and perhaps
remind them of the remains of the great bridge between forts St. Mary
and St. Philip, by which Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma, crossed the
stream and forced the city to surrender.
At an hour’s sail below Antwerp, the Scheld forms a large basin, and
divides into two arms the East and West Scheld, which are separated by
the island of Zuid-Beveland. The West Scheld is the deepest, and
flows into the North Sea: we sailed on the eastern branch to the place
of our destination.
A century ago South Beveland was well cultivated, and contained a
town and numerous villages: it was swallowed up by the water, and still
remains overflowed. It may be reserved for the creative spirit peculiar
to our existing government and its
illustrious chief, to give employment to the plough of the industrious
farmer on the spot where at present the poor fisherman protracts a
wretched existence.
We afterwards left the East Scheld, and sailed past several well
cultivated islands, protected against the violence of the stormy waves
by artificial dams. We entered upon the stream formed by the confluence
of the Maas and Rhine, and advanced immediately to Hellevoetsluis,
whence in former times the victorious fleets of Holland frequently
sailed to the remotest parts of the world, and dictated terms to her
enemies. The ships which convey the treasures of the tropical regions to
the rich city of Rotterdam, or carry the products of our own industry,
as well as the defenders of our extensive possessions, are often
obliged, by contrary winds, to remain here for various periods. Hence
Hellevoetsluis is generally very lively.
The corvette Pallas, in which our government permitted me to
sail for America, was a new vessel, fitted out as an instruction ship.
A selection of young naval officers was made for this voyage, as
midshipmen. To these were added a young naval architect named Tromp, a worthy descendant of historically
renowned ancestors, whose deep knowledge, distinguished talents, and
estimable character, I became acquainted with and cherished in the
course of the voyage. These selected officers were entrusted to the
direction of Captain Ryk, one of our most approved commanders,I.1
who had orders to visit some of the principal English and American naval
depôts, in order to acquire whatever knowledge might best promote the
interests of his country. On this account the corvette was fitted out
rather as a packet ship than a man of war. She had no long guns on deck,
except two long sixes in the bows as chase guns; her battery consisted
of eighteen twenty-four pound carronades. I was established in the
captain’s cabin, and a swinging cot was suspended at night for my
sleeping place.
In consequence of contrary winds and other causes which it is
needless to mention, the corvette could not sail as quickly as ordered.
In the mean time I stayed at Hellevoetsluis, and employed my forced
leisure in examining this small town and its vicinity.
Hellevoetsluis contains upwards of two thousand inhabitants, among
whom there is scarcely a poor one to be found. The town properly
consists of but one street, on both sides of the harbour, having walled
quays, and united by a double drawbridge, built two years ago. Where the
town terminates, the dock-yard commences, which contains most of the
fortifications. Near the dock-yard are the barracks, which can, if
necessary, contain two thousand men. The frigate Rhine lay in harbour as
guard-ship. There was one ship repairing in the dock, none building. For
the purpose of repairing there is, behind the basin of the dock-yard,
a dry, terrace-shaped, walled basin, or dry dock, large
enough for a ship. When the ship is brought into this dock, the gates
are closed, and the water pumped out by a steam machine of thirty
horse-power. This being done, the ship is dry, and may be examined on
all sides. When the repairs are completed, the gates are again opened,
the water admitted, and the ship floated out. A boat-gate is
better adapted to this purpose: a boat-gate consists of a box which
exactly enters the canal leading to the dry dock: when brought to the
place where it is to be used, a quantity of water is admitted
sufficient to sink it to the level of the shores, and then it forms a
bridge. When it is necessary to open the gate, the water is pumped out,
and the box is withdrawn from the canal. The frigate Kenau
Hasselaar was in the basin getting ready for sea, and with the crew
of the guard-ship under command of Captain Dibbetz, she was to sail for
the East Indies. The frigates Scheld, Maas, Yssel,
and Java, with the brig Havic, and about twenty gun-boats,
were laid up in ordinary. One of the gun-boats was built after a
Danish model, which allows the upper part of the rudder to be
taken down and two ports to be opened, by which the stern can be used in
battery. The magazines and smithies are not large, but are kept in very
neat order.
The admiralty have a very large building here which is used as the
residence of the marine commander in chief. From a belvidere of this
house there is a fine view of the harbour and surrounding country. In
the former, the frigate Amstel, corvette Pallas, brig
De Gier, and transport-ship Zeemeeuw rode at anchor, the
two latter bound to the Mediterranean. In the dock-yard we remarked a
very large mast-crane, which may be seen far at sea, and serves mariners
as a landmark. There is also a light-house upon one of the two dams
which secure the harbour, also built two years ago.
[From the 11th to the 25th of April, contrary winds detained the
corvette at Hellevoetsluis, during which time an excursion was made to
Goedereede, Stellendam, &c. After various changes of
winds, and a storm while lying at anchor, nothing of interest
occurred until four P. M. of the 25th, when the ship weighed anchor
and stood out to sea.]
Fair wind and good weather continued until the forenoon of the 27th.
About four o’clock we saw the English coast, being the North Foreland,
not far from Margate. Here we were obliged to steer to the left to enter
the Channel, in order to reach Portsmouth and avoid the dangerous
Goodwin Sands. At the same time the barometer had fallen, the air
was thick and rainy, and a disagreeable south-west wind began to blow.
The passage between these sand-banks was by no means pleasant; the wind
was quite boisterous and almost stormy; we lost all hope of reaching the
Channel during this day, and were forced to be content with beating
about in our perilous situation. The motion of the ship became very
vehement towards evening, and I became sea-sick; it was not so bad while
I remained motionless in my cot. During the night the ship was in a very
dangerous situation, and Captain Ryk remained all the time on
deck. The lead was regularly thrown during the night. In attempting to
get into my cot, which was very much inclined, and the ship giving a
heavy lurch at the same time, I received a heavy fall on my head,
which, however, was not productive of much injury. On the morning of the
28th the wind was somewhat lighter, and we discovered that during the
night we had been in a situation of extreme danger, and had reason to be
thankful to the great Creator for our safety. The weather gradually
cleared up, and we enjoyed with great satisfaction the noble prospect of
the English coast. Immediately ahead lay Margate with the southern shore
of the Thames; farther to the left, Ramsgate, and still farther, Deal.
We were moreover surrounded by shipping, and in the Downs we saw the
English ship of the line, Ramilies, which cruised this year on this
station, lying at anchor.
The wind was now westerly, and our commander having no wish to pass
another night as dangerously as the preceding, resolved to cast anchor
in the Downs. This determination led me to think of landing at Deal,
going to London for a day, and then returning to Portsmouth. In the
course of the day, however, an east wind sprung up, which changed all
our resolutions. We passed the cape of South Foreland, and entered the
Channel prosperously, where we saw the high chalk rock between Deal and
Dover, with several castles, and Dover itself, with its ancient and
strong castle, near the ruins, &c. We were also delighted with a
beautiful view of the French coast, the white rocks of which were
illumined by the sun. The wind, as we passed by Dover, was very light,
the current was against us, and during the night it rained and blew. The
anchor was consequently dropped, and we remained off Dover till one
o’clock the
following day. In the mean time the weather improved, though the wind
continued to be very slight and unfavourable. I embraced this
opportunity to visit Dover, in company with Captain Ryk, his
nephew, and Mr. Tromp. We breakfasted at Wright’s hotel, in which,
eighteen months before I had stayed with my family, and at that time
took a walk to the fortified camp, that lies westwardly from the town,
on an important height. To this place we ascended by stairs cut about
twenty years ago. A subterranean passage leads from the town to the
foot of these stairs. For a supply of water a well was dug through the
rock to the depth of about two hundred feet, and to this well three
stairs were cut of two hundred and sixty-eight steps each. These
stairways are wide enough to allow two men to walk conveniently abreast.
They terminate in a funnel-shaped excavation, whence a stone staircase
leads towards four terrace-shaped barracks, built one above the other.
Somewhat higher is a pentagonal redoubt, also employed as a barrack, in
which at this time a detachment of artillery, the only garrison of Dover
was quartered. The redoubt forms the right wing of the position. From
this point an irregular line of masonry, partly hewed out of the rock,
runs to the left wing, where there is an oblong quadrangular fort. In
front of this fort is a tolerably deep valley, through which the London
road passes. We were delighted with the view of this beautiful vale and
the fresh green of the turf. Messrs. Tromp and Ryk made a sketch of the
rocks and mountains, which would make a strong impression upon one who
had not beheld them, even upon me who am familiar with their appearance,
it produced a very agreeable feeling. From the left wing a line runs
crémaillère, beside which, at an entering angle,
a casemated magazine is placed near a small fort that defends the
harbour. From this line a door opens towards the high rock called
Shakspeare’s Cliff, which we had not leisure to visit. The masonry of
the fortification is of brick, with a half revêtement. The rock
is throughout chalk, containing flint. These flints are much employed in
paving roads and streets, to the great injury of the hoofs of horses;
some houses in Dover are also built of them. We turned back again
towards the corvette, highly gratified with our excursion. We saw two
steam-boats arrive at Dover, one from Calais and the other from
Boulogne. A water spout was pointed out to me at a distance. At one
o’clock the wind began to blow fair, the anchor was weighed, and we
stood onwards with fine weather, delighted with the continuous view of
the English coast.
On the 30th of April with a fresh wind we made the eastern point of
the Isle of Wight, where we hoisted a flag, and fired a gun for a pilot,
who did not come on board immediately. We sailed cautiously onwards,
came in sight of Portsmouth, and
neared St. Helen’s point, Isle of Wight. The pilot then came on board,
and steered us into Spithead road, off Portsmouth. This town, in which I
was so much pleased two years before, has a very handsome appearance.
Several ships of the line were lying in the harbour, among which was the
Victory, on board of which Lord Nelson was killed. When we saw
the admiral’s flag floating from her mainmast head, we saluted her with
seventeen guns, which she returned with thirteen. We anchored in the
road where we found two English corvettes, an East India company’s ship,
and a Portuguese frigate, which had brought the Portuguese ambassador,
the Marquis Palmella, to England.

Stay in
As the corvette was to remain, for
the instruction of the midshipmen, until all the naval establishments
had been accurately examined, I resolved to go on shore and travel
from Portsmouth to Plymouth and Falmouth, and then rejoin the corvette.
On the 1st of May I went in the boat, accompanied by Captain Ryk and
Lieutenant Lejeune, to Portsmouth. The sea ran very high, and the eight
oarsmen made very little way against the swell. As we entered the
harbour where the waves were exceedingly high, we turned so quickly that
two seas struck our boat in the side, and made us more than once fear
that she would be foundered. Nevertheless we arrived safely, though
thoroughly wet.
I remained in Portsmouth three days, and as its situation and
relations were already known to me, I spent the time in reading,
writing, paying and receiving visits, and in strolling about in
interesting society. For a similar reason I allowed myself to make
desultory observations.
According to the navy list, there are at Portsmouth sixteen ships in
actual service, mounting five hundred and eighteen guns; sixty-five
dismantled, with four thousand one hundred and forty-three guns, and
eighteen building, which are to carry seven hundred and fifty-six guns;
making a total of five thousand four hundred and seventeen guns.
Some of the lowest class of people were masquerading in honour of the
1st of May. Most of them were dressed as Jack-puddings; others were
ornamented with bladders: they marched
through the streets to the sound of music, stopped and danced before
some of the houses, and collected money. They also had a boxing match
between two boys, which was conducted as a regular combat. As soon as
one boy was down, his antagonist ceased to strike, and his second helped
him up. One, however, did strike a blow while the other was down,
whereupon several of the bystanders rushed upon the offender, held him
fast, and gave him so many punches in the ribs that he was completely
discomfited; and this terminated the fray. In the harbour about one
hundred and fifty men were shipped as recruits for the 89th regiment,
stationed in the East Indies. They came from the depôt at the Isle of
Wight, and appeared to be very weak and miserable.
The Marquis Palmella, who resided in the same hotel with me, set out
on the 3d of May with his family, a wife, eight children, and a
numerous suite, for London. I paid him a visit, and was introduced
to his lady, a very beautiful woman. The marquis, who is very
generally esteemed, suffered considerably during the last Portuguese
counter-revolution, and was kept prisoner for several days. During his
stay at this place he has constantly had two honorary sentries, and an
hour before his departure, a company of fifty marines, with three
officers, and the band in full uniform, marched in front of the hotel,
and remained as a guard of honour until he left Portsmouth. It was with
real pleasure that I remarked the excellent condition of this corps.
The royal marines, whose barracks I visited, and saw the men defile,
have an exceedingly fine appearance, and are highly esteemed. The
officers are promoted according to seniority; but since the peace, the
corps has been much reduced, and the officers are old in their grades.
The officers also are mostly persons without influence, and enter the
royal marines because unable to purchase rank in the army. The barracks
for the soldiers did not altogether please me: they are better regulated
and kept more cleanly in the Netherlands. It is a good regulation that
the bedsteads are iron, and that every man lies alone; but it is very
bad on the other hand, that they cook in the same room.
I visited, in company with Captain Ryk, the Ganges, a ship of the
line of eighty-four guns, built a few years since by Indian workmen,
entirely of Teak-wood. This hard and heavy timber is not only very
lasting, but has also the great excellence of not cracking in a warm
climate. We were received on board the ship with great attention, in the
absence of Captain Campbell, by Lieutenant Wright, who did the honours
in a very friendly manner. I cannot sufficiently admire the
neatness observed in this ship. They have an excellent mode of taking
care of the rings, bolts, weapons, and other iron, brass, and copper
utensils, on
board of English ships of war. The forepart of the gun-deck is an
extraordinary apartment, the iron implements are varnished, and the
others polished and arranged along the whitewashed sides, so as to form
figures and inscriptions. When strangers visit the ship a sort of
chandelier is lighted, which produces a very beautiful effect. When we
left the ship, Lieutenant Wright had the politeness to take us in his
barge to the inner harbour, where the ships are laid up in ordinary. As
we left the Ganges, she saluted us with nineteen guns.
Ships in commission are painted black and white; when they go into
ordinary this paint is scraped off, and they are then painted brownish
yellow; if not again to be employed in active service they are painted
entirely black. We went on board of the Nelson, of one hundred
and twenty guns, in the harbour. She is a new ship, but lay in ordinary,
having been already affected with the destructive dry-rot. The
injured planks had been removed, and at present she is entirely sound.
The Nelson, Ganges, and all the recently built ships of the line have
round sterns. All of them have the wood work necessary for their
equipment, as for gun-carriages, &c. on board. In order to preserve
this and the deck from the influence of the weather, a large roof
is built over them. From the Nelson we went on board the royal yacht,
the Royal George, which I had already seen, but which I willingly
examined once more, on account of her elegant construction and great
luxury. The magnificence of the royal apartments, and those for the
suite, are very strongly contrasted with the birth-deck for the crew,
which is both dark and confined. We remarked here a patent iron
camboose, which cooked all the food by means of steam.
Having purchased the necessary provisions, especially Gamble’s
preserved meats, which keep fresh for a year, I went on the 4th of
May, at 4 P. M. on board the steam ship, Sir Francis Drake, to go
to Plymouth, distant one hundred and fifty miles. The engine is of
seventy horse-power. The ship was not very comfortably arranged; the
main cabin was so near the boiler that the heat was intolerable. Our
passengers amounted to thirty persons, only eight of whom were cabin
passengers. About five o’clock a gun was fired as a signal for sailing,
and we stood out to sea. Spithead road with the shipping lay to the
left, and our course was between the land and the Isle of Wight. Cowes
with its beautiful gardens presented an agreeable sight, about a mile to
the westward of which stands a castle called Egypt. It began to grow
dark. We saw on the right hand the extremely bright lights of
Hurst-castle, and on the left the light-house of the Needles, on
the western extremity of the Isle of Wight, which I visited two years
ago. The white rocks of the Needles were visible in
the dark, and from the effects of frequent storms have an entirely
peculiar appearance. As we passed this dangerous place, the wind
increased, and the motion of the little ship, with the continual jarring
of the steam-engine, became exceedingly disagreeable. As the birth
allotted to me was too short, I was obliged to place my mattrass
upon the floor. The heat and strokes of the adjacent steam-engine, the
coughing of a catarrhous Irishman, and the squalling of a child in the
next cabin, long prevented me from sleeping. It was not until near
morning that I began to slumber, but was soon waked again by the
insupportable heat. I sought refuge upon deck, where nearly all the
company, without excepting the captain, were unwell.
The rocky English coast was in view in almost every direction; the
town of Dartmouth appears to be very finely situated. After a rather
long and unpleasant passage, we arrived in Plymouth Bay at 1 o’clock,
P. M. We passed a little to the left of the breakwater, a dam
intended to protect Plymouth road from the south-west storms, begun
thirteen years ago, but not yet completed: we were gratified with the
view of Mount Edgecumbe Park and Drake’s Island, on which is a small
fort that forms a very beautiful view from the three towns, Plymouth,
with the citadel; Stonehouse and Plymouth Dock, now called Devonport.
This dock, with all the ships building and repairing there, furnishes a
beautiful and imposing prospect.
After my arrival I paid a visit to the authorities of this place. The
admiral in chief, Sir James Saumarez, a worthy man, seventy years
of age, excited in me an extraordinary degree of interest. He has served
England for fifty-six years, and during the last war commanded for five
years in the Eastern Ocean. His actions are known to all the world, and
caused him to be distinguished with the grand cross of the order of the
Bath, which he has worn for twenty-four years.
Among the remarkable things of this place, is the court-house, which
is a new, oblong building, having on one of its small sides a broad
staircase leading to a portico, with four Ionic columns. The hall is
large and very conveniently arranged with galleries for spectators.
Beneath the dock for the prisoners is a trap-door, by which persons are
brought from the prison on the ground floor, for trial, and carried back
again, without being brought into contact with the public. The six cells
for prisoners in the lower part of the house are all arched with stone,
and furnished with iron bedsteads. The doors are of stout oak plank,
studded with iron; a small opening allows air and light to enter,
though very sparingly. The prisoners can walk daily for exercise in a
corridor, twelve paces in length, by three in breadth: they have a
miserable existence. We left this granite and marble
abode of sorrow with very unpleasant impressions. Scarcely had we left
it, when our eyes fell upon a monument, building upon a rock, which is
to be a column one hundred and one feet high, commemorating the change
of the name of the town, from Plymouth Dock to Devonport. This work did
not dispel the disagreeable feeling caused by the prison. Not far
distant from this monument stands a Gothic church, and near this
a school-house, in the Egyptian style. The crowding together
within so narrow a space of such various styles of architecture,
exhibits a singular, I cannot say an agreeable sight. We also
examined the market, which is furnished with numerous covered galleries,
in which provisions, fish for instance, are displayed upon marble
tables. But marble is so common here, that the foot-walks are paved with
it: houses are also built therewith. The houses in Devonport are not
handsome: some of the old ones are entirely covered with slate, which
produces a disagreeable impression. In the court-house there is a
fire-place made of slate.
On the 7th of May we examined the dock-yard; there are eight ships
here in actual service, mounting three hundred and sixty-six guns;
sixty-five in ordinary, with three thousand five hundred and twenty
guns, and twenty-two building, which will mount upwards of seven hundred
and twenty; making in all, four thousand six hundred and six guns.
The dock-yard, with its admirable regulation, is perfectly described
by Dupin in his excellent travels in Great Britain. The work is known to
most readers, and for an accurate description of the dock I refer them
thereto. The entrance is really beautiful; you behold the greater part
of the dock-yard, which is terrace-shaped, beneath you; on the right
hand is the church and some offices, opposite to which are two cannon
employed more for show than defence. The houses are built of the gray
marble-like lime-stone, which is so common here. A new magazine is
rendered entirely fire-proof by this stone and iron; the different
store-rooms being separated by iron doors, so that in case of fire it
can be insulated. The rope-walk is a building two stories high, with
walks two hundred yards long. All the ships, as in other English docks,
are built under roofs, which are sometimes covered with slate, though
mostly with copper. To my surprise, the water is pumped out of the dry
docks by a horse-mill instead of a steam-engine. In one of the dry docks
we saw the unfortunate ship FortitudoI.2 repairing. All her timbers were
decayed; her copper destroyed, and she required three new masts; her
cost the house of Roelands of Antwerp eight thousand pounds.
There is at this dock a huge iron kettle, in which ship timber is boiled
in sea water in order to protect it from the dry rot. About two thousand
two hundred men are daily employed in this yard, and some earn
thirty-six shillings a week.
After a stay of about two hours at the dock-yard, I went in company
with the admiral to Hamoaze, where the fleets in service and
dismantled lay at anchor. We went on board the flag ship Britannia, and
were received in a very friendly manner by Captain Pipon, who showed us
the ship throughout: every thing was as admirable as in the ships at
Portsmouth. From the Britannia, which saluted us with twenty-one guns,
we went on board the St. Vincent, which in every respect resembled the
Nelson at Portsmouth.
On the 6th of May, which was Sunday, and the town consequently very
quiet, I went first to visit the marine barracks, and thence to
Plymouth, which I had not yet seen. It is about a mile distant from
Stonehouse. The entrance is agreeable, exhibiting several new houses,
and a large quadrangular building, ornamented with columns, which
contains the theatre and Royal Hotel. But as soon as one advances
a little farther into the town the scene changes, the streets are all
narrow and precipitous, badly paved, and without side-walks; the houses
are badly built, and angular, and the sun cannot shine into the streets.
The harbour that is forming at Catwater appears to be visited, and the
bay presents a noble prospect. We passed by a road cut in the rock to
the citadel, to visit the vice-governor, Major General Sir John
Cameron; but he was sick. We walked round the ramparts of the
citadel, and enjoyed at every point an admirable view, to which the fine
weather contributed its full proportion. At noon we walked to Stoke,
a village in which the inhabitants of Plymouth have country seats.
At this place it is customary, as far as practicable, to bury the dead
on Sunday; we therefore met funeral processions in most of the streets,
which did not particularly raise our spirits.
On Monday I went with Sir James Saumarez in the Britannia’s barge to
examine the breakwater. We first visited the stone quarries at
Catwater, whence the stone for the breakwater is procured. The
land where this quarry is situated was purchased from various
proprietors. The rock, which is lime-stone, is blasted with gunpowder.
Many of the blocks of stone weigh five tons and upwards. They are lifted
by iron cranes, by which one workman is able to raise a ton and a half,
and placed upon small four wheeled iron cars, which run on rail-roads to
the quay where the vessels lay which are to convey them to the
breakwater. These vessels, which are built expressly for this service,
can carry
eighteen of the heaviest of these blocks; the lighter stones are carried
in hired vessels. At the quarry we were received by the secretary of Mr.
Whitby, who planned the breakwater, and at present superintends the
work. A cave was discovered in the rock containing rhinoceros bones
in good preservation, and some time after, another cavern was found
containing the bones and teeth of bears. From the mount above the
quarry, there is an extensive and exceedingly beautiful prospect. From
this place we went to Bovisand-bay, where, under the direction of Mr.
Whitby, a quay and reservoir of fresh water is building for the
navy. The water is collected from two springs into a reservoir twenty
feet deep, situated between the hills. Thence it is to be conducted
through iron pipes for nearly an English mile to the quay. These
seventeen cocks will each deliver two and a half tuns of water a minute.
The watering boats will land at the quay, and in a very short time
return with their lading to the ships. In the valley near the reservoir
is Mr. Whitby’s handsome dwelling, from which he can survey the whole
work, and consequently may from his own chamber control the workmen.
The breakwater suffered exceedingly by the terrible storm of the 22d
and 23d of November, 1824. It is now to be rendered more permanent in
the following manner:—The stones most exposed to the waves are to
be hewed and clamped together with iron. I fear, however, that this
work will also be destroyed, unless a couple of perpendicular dams be
built touching the principal dam, to break the force of the waves before
they reach the latter. The old works are in so ruinous a condition that
we were nearly wrecked upon them. On this account we stood farther off,
and went on board of the Thetis frigate to pay a visit to Sir John
Phillimore. Sir John, in honour of our presence, displayed all his
flags. The marines, with their officers, stood near the mizen-mast, and
with the crew marched round the deck; some of the latter were armed with
pikes, some with sabres, and others with battle-axes. I was
delighted with the perfect order and neatness which universally
appeared. Both cabins were very elegantly arranged and ornamented with
mahogany. As we took leave, the yards were manned, and a salute given.
It was now high water, and we passed between Drake’s Island and
Mount Edgecumbe through a passage called the Bridge, which
is dangerous on account of rocks. We touched twice upon them without
injury, as fortunately the wind was slight: we landed at the beautiful
stone stairs of Mount Wise.
On the day following, I visited the Marine Hospital, in company with
Sir John Phillimore. This is an admirably managed and richly endowed
institution.I.3 The building was begun during
the seven years war. It can accommodate two thousand sick or wounded: we
found but about seventy persons in the hospital, and among these some
officers and midshipmen. It appeared to me that the plan of having eight
separate buildings, each three stories high, was a very good one, as the
spreading of contagious diseases, or of a conflagration, can be so much
more easily prevented. Each ward contains sixteen bedsteads, all of
iron; the bedsteads for the officers are of wood, and furnished with
curtains. There are also beds in the wards for the nurses, which, in all
the English marine hospitals, are females, whose attendance is preferred
for its greater gentleness to that of male assistants. The sick are
brought from the ships to the hospital by water, and go, or are carried
up a wide stone stair to the receiving office. They are then stripped
and bathed in the hospital to which they are sent, and their clothes are
marked, and kept in a particular magazine. An iron crane is employed to
land those who are badly wounded. In all the wards, as well as in the
different store-rooms, and the apothecary room, the greatest order and
cleanliness is observable.
The church does not appear to me to be arranged in correspondence
with the rest of the establishment. It is small, and has a store-room on
the first floor, so that the patients find it occasionally very
troublesome to attend upon worship. A covered colonnade surrounds
the quadrangular court-yard which encloses the building, under which the
patients, in bad or hot weather, can exercise. The middle of the
court-yard is a well-kept grass-plot.
For maniac patients there is a proper house, built remote from the
others. The wash-house stands also aloof. In bad weather, the wash is
dried by steam. The wash is hung upon frames, which fold together, and
may be run in and out for the convenience of taking off the dried pieces
and adding the wet. Eight of such frames may be folded together and
occupy a very small space. There is also a very appropriately managed
bathing-house for the use of the patients, in which they may not only
have all sorts of baths, but with the greatest convenience. The
superintendents, physicians, and officers, have their dwellings in front
of the hospital, in a spacious place planted with trees. The
commissioner at the head of the institution, is Captain Creyke, a
pensioner, eighty years old, who first served at sea in 1759, and
accompanied Commodore Wallis in his first voyage round the world.
Before we left the hospital we took a glance at his beautifully situated
and tastefully arranged house. We then visited the Plymouth Library,
established by subscription about twenty years ago, which does not yet
appear to be very rich. The establishment consists of three apartments,
the book-room, the reading-room,
and the director’s meeting-room. The library serves properly for a
reading club, like our literary society at Ghent. On the 10th,
I dined in company with Admiral Saumarez and Sir John Phillimore,
with the officer’s mess of the twenty-fourth regiment of infantry,
commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Fleming.
On the ensuing day, the admiral accompanied us to Mount Edgecumbe
Park; this is a truly noble situation, yet, in time of war, as this
position is indispensable to the defence of the dock-yard, it is
necessary to convert it into a fortification. The ground is very
advantageously employed in the disposition and embellishment of the
park: it is not encumbered with buildings; the green and bath-house are
the principal, and in the construction of these the marble of the
vicinity has been very happily used. The trees are chiefly beech, some
of them apparently very old, sickly, and injured by the sea-air. There
are also three great cedars of Lebanon, which do not thrive well in an
English park. The Castle of Mount Edgecumbe is ancient, and externally
resembles a state prison; we did not examine it internally. We saw the
monument of Lady Mount Edgecumbe, who died in 1806, to whom the park is
indebted for most of its improvements. It is told of her that she was
twice buried; the first time she remained three days in a vault, lying
in her coffin, and was aroused by a thief cutting off her finger to
steal a ring: she left the grave, took refuge in a neighbouring house,
made herself known, and was reconveyed to her castle, where she
subsequently lived several years and gave birth to children. Relata
refero. On the sea-shore, near the bridge that we passed two
days since, Lord Mount Edgecumbe has erected a battery of twenty-one
iron six pounders, which he fires upon all festival occasions. We
embarked at this battery to visit the rock lying in front of Stonehouse,
called Devil’s Point, which is to be partly levelled to make room for a
new victualling office. The work is scarcely begun. A cellar was
dug out of the rock and a wall built in the sea to support the
foundation. This was effected by means of a diving-bell. The bell
containing the workmen, remained while we were present, nearly four
hours under water. Government intends to construct a new water-reservoir
at this place, which will probably render that of Bovisand unnecessary.
Drinking water is brought to Plymouth in iron pipes from Dartmouth,
which is eighteen miles distant, so that in time of war the supply might
readily be cut off.
Next day I went by land to visit the Castle of Saltroun,
situated six English miles from Plymouth at the end of Catwater, and
belonging to Lord Morlay, who resides in London. The road passes through
a delightful valley; on the right is Catwater,
to the left the ruins of castles on the heights: there are also here
numerous terrace-shaped strawberry beds, the fruit of which is
exceedingly good. Close to the entrance of the park we crossed the
Catwater upon an old, very narrow, stone bridge of five arches. Through
the park, a beautiful road leads from the valley to the loftily
situated castle. It rained excessively, and as we could see nothing from
the park, we restricted ourselves to the castle, which was built
probably about sixty years ago, and has a very large apartment in the
basement. A very spacious vestibule leads to the library, in which
are a number of splendid family portraits and pictures of some once
celebrated actresses. The best picture is a portrait of Sir Joshua
Reynolds, painted by himself. Four plaster columns resembling
verd-antique are excellent imitations. From the library a small
apartment opens into the picture gallery. In both rooms are several
paintings by Carlo Dolce, Andrea Del Sarto, Teniers, Wouvermans, Ostade,
Kuyp, Vandermeulen, &c. I cannot assert that all these are
original paintings. In the parlour, ball-room, and dining-hall, there
are also numerous pictures. Some of these are attributed to Angelica
Kauffman, others to Reubens, Van Dyke, Sassoferrato, Guido Rheni,
Titian, Ruysdael, Parmegiano, &c. However, I have seen the
originals of many of them at Antwerp and Ghent, and of one of the
Parmegianos in Windsor Castle. Among the statues and busts,
I especially remarked a copy of the Florentine Venus, by Canova,
and a copy of Hebe by the same master. The staircase of the castle is
fine, and adorned with pictures by Angelica Kauffman. The mantel-pieces,
all of Italian marble, ornamented with bas-reliefs, are also very
remarkable. The bad weather accompanied us throughout our return to
Plymouth. On this occasion I remarked that the pavement was taken up in
several streets, and Macadamized, which is much better for the horses
and houses.
[Several succeeding days were spent in excursions to different places
in the vicinity, in company with the Admiral and Sir John Phillimore;
and one day on a water party accompanied by ladies.]
On the 19th of May, in a small boat belonging to the Fortitudo,
I made, with great pleasure, an excursion to Trematon Castle, which
I had formerly understood was once the residence of the ancient Princes
of Cornwall. Sir John Phillimore had been so polite as to inform the
proprietor, Mr. Tucker, chief director of the neighbouring mines, whose
son is an officer on board the Thetis, of our coming. On landing, we
found a carriage sent by Mr. Tucker to meet and convey us to the castle.
I observed here a water-mill, behind which was a large walled basin
that is filled by the flood tide, and closed by a gate. During the ebb
tide the gate is opened and
the mill set to work. It reminded me of the bassins de chasse, in
some of our harbours.
Trematon Castle is situated upon a height. Besides the walls
furnished with loop-holes which form a quadrangle, the castle consists
of but two towers, one quadrangular, which forms the entrance, and the
other a round one, somewhat higher. As Mr. Tucker holds this castle of
the king, the royal arms are over the portal. In the court-yard of the
castle, Mr. Tucker has built a tasteful house, and, by removing part of
the adjacent wall, has obtained a beautiful prospect from his dwelling,
comprising a view of most of the Hamoaze with the shipping, Anthony’s
Park, Devonport, and part of Plymouth Sound. Mr. Tucker holds several
important posts in the navy, and during Fox’s ministry he was secretary
to the admiralty. At the overthrow of that administration, he retired to
his native place with a pension of two thousand pounds per annum, and
the office of secretary to the duchy of Cornwall; here he is highly
esteemed, enjoys great influence, and has his property principally
vested in the mines. After receiving us in a very friendly manner, and
introducing his family, he took a seat in the carriage.
We went eight miles further to a silver mine, the only one in
England. It belongs to a company of five stockholders, of which Mr.
Tucker is the principal. The country is very hilly, the road sometimes
narrow and steep, so that it was frequently necessary to lock the
wheels. A part of the way was over the good road from Saltash to
Callington; we also passed near to Pentilhe castle. The land is
generally good, with the exception of a heath, of which England contains
a number under the name of “commons.” The silver mine is situated in a
deep valley of Fulliford common. The mine is named St. Vincent, in
honour of the deceased admiral, who was a great patron of Mr. Tucker.
The mine has been but five years in progress, and produces so little
that it sinks two hundred pounds per month for the stockholders. The
vein of silver, whose presence is judged of certainly by iron-stone, is
cut at right angles by a vein of copper. This copper they are breaking
through in hopes of greater success. The mine has five shafts; the
deepest is rather more than three hundred feet deep, and serves as a
working-shaft: two others are used for pumping out the water. One pump
is worked by a steam-engine of seventy horse-power, the other is worked
by a compound lever, which is about a quarter of a mile long, moved by a
water-wheel of forty feet in diameter. The wheel is overshot, and the
water for working it is obtained from a small brook, aided by the water
pumped up by the steam machine, and conducted to it by a small canal.
The lever is composed
of long wooden beams, bound together with iron straps, and hangs by
tripods placed at determinate distances.
The ore raised from the mine, is pounded, washed, and roasted in the
usual manner. In order to separate the silver from the ore, the
following mixture is added to an ounce of the powder; red lead, two
ounces; red tartar, five pennyweights; nitre, nine pennyweights; borax,
four pennyweights; lime, one-quarter of an ounce; common salt, two
ounces; pounded fluor spar, one-quarter of an ounce. The whole is thrown
into a red hot iron crucible, which is placed on a glowing coke fire for
five minutes. The crucible is then taken off and the melted mass poured
into a ladle, allowed to cool and the dross removed. Some copper still
remains in the mass, so that the silver is again smelted with some lead,
and poured into a small vessel made of bone ashes: the lead is oxydated
and the silver remains pure. An ounce of ore produces one-fourth of an
ounce of silver.
The mine is extremely damp, and as I had not felt entirely well for
some days, I did not descend, neither did any of the company. We
returned to Trematon, and in order to examine the noble spot to which we
were going more thoroughly, I mounted the box, and enjoyed a great
treat. To the left I looked down a deep valley upon the Tamer; farther
off, upon the Hamoaze, and to the right, far over Cornwall. Falmouth is
said also to be in sight. In his tastefully arranged house, Mr. Tucker
has a very interesting collection of minerals and metals of the
vicinity. He possesses a valuable library, and his wife has a remarkable
collection of shells. In the quadrangular tower of the castle, he has
fitted up a billiard room, and arranged on the walls numerous
curiosities: ancient weapons, and implements from the South Sea Islands,
the tatoed
and dried head of a New Zealand chief, with his dress; pieces of
worm-eaten ship-timber from the Indian Ocean, with one of the worms in
spirits; Indian weapons; an American tomahawk; a human skull, found
thirty feet under ground in Cornwall; a marble bullet, with which
an English ship was struck in the Dardanelles, in 1807; articles from
the field of Waterloo; and a weeping willow leaf from over
Napoleon’s tomb! Above the clock in this tower, is placed the
bell of the Spanish ship Salvador del Mundo, taken and burnt by
Lord St. Vincent. The round tower, of which only the outward wall is
standing, formerly served for a prison. The walls of this tower, as well
as all the rest of the castle, are overgrown with ivy. A wooden
staircase within, leads to a circular gallery, which affords a beautiful
prospect. A narrow passage cut through the walls, leads to the
garden, which contains numerous hot houses and a very fine orangery.
From this spot Mr. Tucker accompanied us, by a very shady foot-path,
back to our boat. I remarked
near the Castle of Trematon, as about other English castles, and public
walks, a vast flock of rooks, which roost there, making a great
filth and noise. The rook is much esteemed, and I hear that the people
foster them, and have their eggs hatched under pigeons, as they are
thought to destroy vast numbers of injurious insects.
Amid all this friendly, agreeable, and learned society, these
entertainments and excursions, my impatience became great, and augmented
from day to day, from hour to hour. My time was precious, yet the
greater part of it was lost here. I waited with increasing anxiety
for the arrival of the Pallas, which still did not appear. More than
once I resolved to leave behind all I had on board of the corvette, and
go to the United States in a common packet. In the meanwhile various
considerations deferred my departure from day to day, until finally on
the 30th of May the Pallas arrived.
While waiting for the ship, I derived much pleasure from a visit made
with Sir John Phillimore to the country seat of Colonel Ginnis, formerly
of the army. He lives in a beautiful park, a charming situation,
five miles from Plymouth, not far from the left bank of the
Tamer, with five lovely and handsome daughters. His house is very
tastefully arranged, and ornamented with paintings by himself. He has a
peculiar talent for landscape painting, both in oil and water colours.
He has thus preserved representations of the most beautiful situations
visited in the course of his numerous journeys. He passed nine years in
North America, and showed us views of wonders of nature, which I hope
soon to admire myself. His view of the cataract of Niagara, and Falls of
Montmorenci, gave me great pleasure.
Sir John Phillimore also accompanied me to see Mr. Harris, a
surgeon, who has invented a new lightning conductor for ships. He has,
for the sake of experiment, had the model of a frigate built, which he
floats in a tub of water. There is a conductor to each mast, from which
copper rods, secured close to each other, run down the mast to the keel,
through which they pass into the water. Mr. Harris asserts, that the
lightning passes down these rods without affecting any thing in the
vicinity. To prove this, he wound around the mast a paper filled with
fine gunpowder, through which the lightning was sent without exploding
it. To prove farther, that the electricity can produce combustion after
passing through water, he connected the conductor below the keel by a
copper wire, with the touch-hole of a small cannon, which was floated in
the tub. When the electricity strikes the conductor on the mast, the
cannon is instantaneously fired. The cloud is represented by a frame
stuffed with cotton, which hangs by a silk thread, and is connected with
an electrical machine.
Mr. Harris has a fine collection of philosophical apparatus; the
lightning rod of his house communicates by conductors with a chime of
bells, which are set to ringing whenever an electric cloud passes over
the house; this happened during our visit. Mr. Harris has published a
small pamphlet relative to his ship-conductor, of which he presented me
with a copy. We were very much gratified with his experiments, and were
grateful to him for his politeness.
The delay of the Pallas also afforded me an opportunity of seeing an
East India ship launched. She was called the City of Rochester;
was built in London, and had sailed on her first voyage last autumn, for
Bengal, but off the heights of Plymouth was struck by a tremendous
hurricane with so much power as to wreck her to a degree that required
rebuilding. I had an opportunity of examining her while on the
stocks, and was pleased with her construction. She is intended to carry
passengers. On the quarter-deck she has a parlour and two state-rooms,
like the captain’s quarters in a ship of the line, and below, the rooms
are distributed, as in the wardroom of a ship of the line, with this
difference, that in a transport ship the chambers are larger and neater
than in a ship of war. In each state-room there is a toilette, with a
water-closet, which is exceedingly good and comfortable. As I had
never seen a ship launched before, I was much interested. She
rested upon two ways, and was retained by two wedges; at a given signal
these were knocked away, and then by her own weight she was slowly and
majestically launched into the water, amid the acclamations of a great
crowd of people.
The celebrated General Mina, a victim of the troubles which
existed in unfortunate Spain, met with a hearty welcome in England. But
the humid climate of this island did not agree with him, and he was
afflicted with rheumatism. Plymouth has the reputation of enjoying a
very fine climate, and together with the great medical skill of Dr.
Hammick, who has charge of the Marine hospital, is very much
praised. For both these reasons, General Mina had selected
Plymouth as his residence. I cultivated his acquaintance, and was
witness of a very interesting ceremony in honour of him. The Spanish
committee in London had voted him a sword, and a member of this society,
Mr. Bowring, the same person who in 1824 was arrested in France,
on account of a pretended treasonable correspondence, and soon after
liberated again, was commissioned to present this sword to the general
in a solemn manner. It was on the 2d of June, when a numerous and
selected company met at the Royal Hotel of Plymouth, to attend this
ceremony. As the general was introduced to the company, Mr. Bowring
informed the public
of the object of the meeting, and praised the merits of the brave
general. He then addressed the general in Spanish, informed him of the
decision of the committee, and finally displayed the diploma which
accompanied the sword: this was drawn up in English and Spanish with
great calligraphic splendour. The diploma and sabre were then presented
to the general. The sword has a gold hilt, with the general’s arms on
it, and a richly gilt sheath, the sides of which were beautifully
embossed with emblems of the general’s services. Mina returned an
answer in Spanish, and gave it to Mr. Bowring. One of the company
quickly translated it into English, for the benefit of the public, whose
long-continued applauses expressed their admiration of the brave
general. Mr. Bowring invited me to a friendly entertainment that was to
be given to Mina; unfortunately I was obliged to decline it, as I
had already made another engagement.
[The 5th of June was fixed upon for the sailing of the Pallas for
Falmouth, but bad weather and high head winds detained her until the
7th. On the 9th, at 6 A. M. she arrived at Falmouth.]
This tolerably long town lay at the foot of a hill, on our left, and
contains seven thousand inhabitants. It has by no means a brilliant
appearance, as it is, like Devonport, built of grey limestone, and the
roofs are slated. It is not visible from the sea, as a hill intervenes,
upon which the citadel stands. On the right side of the bay there is an
old castle, called St. Mawes, with about five houses, tenanted by poor
fishermen; this castle is one of the often-mentioned rotten
boroughs: it formerly was a town, and still sends two members to
The hills are mostly cultivated; some are employed as pastures. Trees
are very rare, and few ships lay in the harbour. We anchored not far
from the frigate Astrea, a guard-ship, and saluted her with eleven
guns, which she returned. When we fired a salute on our arrival at
Spithead, the oil was spilled from the sympisometer, and Captain
Ryk was obliged to obtain a new one from London. To avoid a similar
catastrophe, the sympisometer and chronometer were both kept in hands
during this salute. The frigate Astrea, commanded by Captain King,
serves as a depôt for all the packets, which sail hence to all parts of
the world lying south and west of England, and are collectively under
command of Captain King. The packets were formerly private property; the
conveyance of the mail to foreign parts, was consequently not only very
irregular, but a wide door was opened for smuggling.—On this
account, the government, after having contracted with the former
proprietors of the packets, assumed the sole direction. When a packet is
no longer retained in service, a corvette or brig, commanded by a
lieutenant of the navy, is substituted. At this time thirty-four packets
were in service, of which fifteen were
vessels of war, commanded by navy officers, the others were the old
packets in charge of their former captains.
Soon after our arrival we were visited by the consul of the
Netherlands, Mr. Lake, who brought me several letters. We afterwards
received a visit from Captain King, a very entertaining old
gentleman. At eleven o’clock, Captain Ryk and I went on shore, where we
found a crowd assembled to witness our landing. We took lodgings in the
Royal Hotel, a large, tastefully-arranged building, though in a
very filthy street. We were much annoyed by the fish-market, which was
immediately opposite to us; in this we saw very large and fine fish, as
well as enormous shrimps, which are here very cheap. We repaired to the
Custom House, where I made the necessary arrangements relative to the
landing of my baggage, after which we visited Mr. Lake and Captain King.
The latter lived without the limits of the city, near the bay, in a
house, which, though old and small, is very handsomely situated in a
garden, and commands a very fine prospect of the bay. The house is also
historically remarkable: it was once inhabited by Oliver Cromwell.
The citadel, named Pendennis Castle, stands, as has been already
remarked, on an eminence near the entrance of the bay, which it defends.
It occupies the entire height, and is not overlooked by any other
fortress. The soil consists of slate, and many of the works are cut out
of the rock. It has six bastions, and on the water side, two batteries,
each of about twenty pieces. A furnace for heating shot stands near
the upper battery, and the lower, which lies close to the shore, is
attached by its left wing to an old tower erected during the reign of
Henry VIII. The fortress was built in Cromwell’s time. At the southern
point stands an old tower, built of granite and surrounded by a ditch,
which was erected in the reign of Henry VIII. This tower, the original
fortress, serves at present as the dwelling of the commander. It may be
compared with the French tours modelés. From the pinnacle,
a tolerably extensive prospect of the surrounding country may be
obtained. The day on which I visited the fortress with several officers
from the Pallas, was very favourable, and yet a fog on the hills,
descended into the vale between the fortress and the city of Falmouth,
so that some time elapsed before we could see the rocky shore of the
sea. These fogs are said to appear very frequently, even on the finest
summer days. The fortress, which is capable of containing a garrison of
two thousand men, was merely occupied by a detachment of veterans. There
is an arsenal in it, where we saw nearly four thousand stands of arms
for infantry and marines, besides a number of sabres, &c. all very
handsomely arranged. I observed in this, as in other English
fortresses, that even during peace, nearly all the cannon are suffered
to remain mounted on the walls, and the fortresses are enclosed with
palisades. Truly! many persons find the business of keeping the
carriages in good order very profitable, and the palisades also serve
instead of hedges!
The Dalcoath mines are about fourteen miles from Falmouth. The
stockholders of these mines, held a meeting on the 13th of June, to
settle their accounts. I rode thither with Mr. Lake, Captain Ryk,
and some officers of the Pallas. But having already visited many mines,
and learnt from experience that nothing is generally seen but small and
low passages, that much inconvenience is experienced from dampness and
filth, and my object being to visit America, I thought it by no
means necessary to enter these subterraneous regions. Coals are not
found in the province of Cornwall. The ore is therefore sold in heaps,
at about seven pounds and a half sterling per ton, and conveyed by water
to Wales, where, as is well known, stone-coal is found in abundance; it
is there smelted. The Dalcoath mines occupy a large extent of ground,
and have seven shafts, one of which is three hundred and forty fathoms
deep. The pumps are worked by means of steam-engines, the cylinder of
one of which is seventy-six inches in diameter. We were told of an
engine in the neighbourhood, whose cylinder was one hundred inches in
diameter. Nearly eight hundred people work daily in the Dalcoath mines,
whose wages are proportioned to the product of their labour. The ridge
consists of granite and schist. The metals are copper and tin. The veins
of these metals lie close together, frequently cross each other, and are
so rich, that in general it yields a third of its weight in pure metal.
The stone is broken and washed, and the copper separated from the tin,
after which the ore is collected into heaps for sale. The breaking of
the stone into small pieces is performed by women, some of whom were
very handsome. I remarked also, that the stone was drawn up the
shaft in iron, and not in wooden buckets, as is customary in other
countries. The company to which these mines belong is said to realize
great sums; however a deficit occasionally occurs. This was the case at
the present settlement of accounts, and for this reason the gentlemen,
about twenty in number, with a permanent director, Mr. Rennel at their
head, were not in the best humour. At the dinner, which naturally closed
the transaction, many local concerns, which did not particularly
interest us, were discussed. Many toasts, which all referred to
localities, were drank. At last, it occurred to the gentlemen to drink
the health of the king of the Netherlands, which I returned by drinking
the health of the royal family of England. The dinner consisted,
according to the English fashion, of very solid food—roast-beef,
plumb-pudding, &c.
Our course led us through Penryn, a small place, about two
miles from Falmouth, containing about three thousand inhabitants, and
but poorly built. It has a harbour, and lies at one extremity of
Falmouth Bay. Coal ships from Wales, and vessels with grain from
Ireland, principally visit this port. Cornwall is too hilly to allow the
necessary grain to be raised, and the mines occupy so much space, and
withdraw so many poor people from farming, that by far the largest
portion of grain must be brought from other quarters. The road, which,
though hilly, was in a good state, led through many pastures which were
enclosed with hedges.
The few trees which are seen, have not attained a great height. In
the new plantations I observed some larches. The houses are built of
stone, many of granite, here very common and cheap, and roofed with
slate. Many new houses are erected on speculation, because the
population rapidly increases. We also passed through Redruth,
a hilly and angular town, of about three thousand inhabitants, who
are principally miners. The town is surrounded by mines, whose general
aspect is by no means pleasing. On an eminence not far from Redruth, we
saw some ruins which are said to be the remains of a Druid temple. In
the mines I observed a superstitious practice, which I find to prevail
also in ships and farm houses; a horse-shoe is nailed over the door
to keep off witches. When at Dalcoath, we found ourselves only a mile
and a half distant from Bristol Channel, and saw St. Agnes’ Beacon,
a high mountain in the neighbourhood. We at last arrived at Tehidy
Park, belonging to Lord Dunstanville; this is principally a new
settlement, which appears to great advantage in a region like this,
which is not rich. We stopped at the dwelling house to view it. It is a
tolerably large, square building with four porches, and contains several
paintings by Van Dyk, Lely, Kneller, Hudson, and Sir Joshua Reynolds;
however, I doubt whether the former be genuine. I was
particularly pleased with a very good portrait of the celebrated Fox. We
saw also several statues, copies of the best antiques and cameos of
verd and jaune antique.
I had frequently seen sketches of St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall,
and had long wished to see the mount itself. I accordingly took
advantage of my present leisure to visit it. The mount lies in Mountbay,
opposite Marazion, twenty-three miles distant from Falmouth. I left
this place June 14th, at noon, the weather being very warm. The road
leads through Penryn, and then inclines to the left towards the ridges,
constantly up and down hill, through heaths, where few traces of culture
were observed; the houses stand detached, and have a miserable
appearance. On the heights, however, we had occasionally a prospect
towards the western ridges of Cornwall. Trees are few in number; we
observed mines here and
there. Thirteen miles from Falmouth lies Helstone, a little mining
town of two thousand five hundred inhabitants, containing some neat
houses, but miserable pavements. The court-house stands in the middle of
the town, under which is the market. On the other side of Helstone we
came to a beautiful valley, where we saw trees again, and by means of a
stone bridge we passed over Looe, a small stream, which at a short
distance empties into the sea. As far as Marazion the region is
agreeable; hilly indeed, but better cultivated. We approached the sea on
the left; on the right we had the ridges, among which we discovered some
neat farms. As we approached Marazion, which lies on a descent towards
the sea, we enjoyed the really fine view of Mountbay and of St.
Michael’s Mount. In Marazion we stopped at the Star Inn, and immediately
took a boat to reach the mountain, which is a short distance from the
shore. The rock, which at low water joins the shore, consists of
granite, is a mile in circumference at its base, and is two hundred and
fifty feet high. At its foot there is a small fishing village of about
thirty houses, with a harbour formed by two new piers. By means of very
inconvenient steps which are cut out of the rock, we reached an old
castle, standing at the highest point, and belonging to the family St.
Aubyn. This is the same family, whose chief, Sir John St. Aubyn, owns
almost all the houses in Devonport, and a large portion of the ground of
the dock-yard. In former times, St. Michael’s Mount was a cloister.
Adapted by its isolated situation for a fortress, art has contributed
but little to its strength, and added merely a pair of bastions, and
platforms, on which a few small cannon belonging to the owner of the
mount, are at present standing. It sustained several sieges in former
times. We were conducted to a Gothic chapel with ancient, painted
window-glasses, after which we examined the castle. In this, however, we
found nothing remarkable, except the old refectory of the cloister,
called the chevy-chace-room, with strange bas-reliefs,
representing ancient hunting scenes. In this hall are very old pieces of
furniture; one chair is said to be three hundred, another five hundred
years old.
The windows of the castle command a very fine prospect towards
Mountbay and its shores, in which Marazion and Penzance, which are three
miles distant from each other, appear to very great advantage. Not far
from the latter place, the Thetis lay at anchor. I regretted
extremely that my time would not allow me to visit my gallant friend,
Sir John Phillimore. A steeple rises above the church of the
castle, which I, however, did not ascend, being fatigued, and the steps
in a neglected state. We rode back to Marazion, which was formerly
called Marketzew, and has eleven hundred inhabitants, and passing by
Helstone, we
arrived about one o’clock at night, much fatigued, at Falmouth. Penryn,
to which I made several excursions, contains a row of newly-built,
elegant houses, with handsome gardens and a catholic church. The
beautiful terrace on which the new houses stand with their gardens, is
called the Green Bank, and is a very agreeable promenade.

Voyage from Falmouth to Boston.
[The Pallas sailed from Falmouth Bay on the 18th of June, and arrived
on the 26th of July. During the voyage a midshipman was lost overboard,
and the American ship Schuylkill, in distress for water and provisions,
was spoken and relieved. The other incidents of the voyage are not
sufficiently interesting to need a particular description.
The following is the duke’s account of his landing at
It was ten o’clock, on the morning of the 26th of July, when I first
placed my foot in America, upon a broad piece of granite! It is
impossible to describe what I felt at that instant. Heretofore, but two
moments of my life had left a delightful remembrance; the first was,
when at seventeen years of age, I received the Cross of the Legion
of Honour, after the battle of Wagram—the second, when my son
William was born. My landing in America, that country which, from my
early youth, had been the object of my warmest wishes, will, throughout
life, remain a subject of pleasing recollection!]

On our arrival in Boston we took
lodgings at the Exchange Coffee-house, where I received a visit from Mr.
Andrew Ritchie, whose acquaintance I made in England two years ago.
I was much pleased to see this worthy man again, who eighteen
months since married the daughter of Mr. Otis, formerly a senator of the
United States and leader of the federal party; both these gentlemen
are highly esteemed here. I dined at the inn at two o’clock,
according to the custom of the place; my seat was at the head of the
table, by the side of the host, Mr. Hamilton. He had served in the last
war as a volunteer colonel, and still retained his title. He exhibited
much politeness, and indeed I cannot sufficiently praise the politeness
of the guests, with many of whom I became acquainted. The dishes were
very good, and even had this not been the case I should still have
enjoyed them, having so long been without fresh provisions; this was the
case with the fruit, which though small and bad, was still agreeable. On
account of the excessive heat, which had been greater than at any time
during the last twenty years, fruit in general had matured too early.
Wine was served up in coolers with ice, and into every glass of beer,
a piece of ice was thrown.
Adjoining the large dining room is a parlour and two sitting rooms,
where strangers who have nothing to do pass the day. At a sideboard,
wine, lemonade, soda water, &c. with ice, may be obtained. Eight
newspapers were lying on a large table, all of which had the form of
English papers, and were chiefly filled with mercantile and other
advertisements. The house itself is arranged much like an English inn.
The servants of both colours were civil and attentive. At four o’clock,
Mr. Ritchie with his father-in-law, and the son of the latter, lately
returned from a tour in Europe, came to show us the city.
There are many elegant stores in Cornhill, one of the principal
streets. We saw a new building, intended as a branch of the United
States Bank, the front of which is plain, with two Doric columns, each
consisting of a single piece of granite, eighteen feet high, and almost
five feet in diameter. The first popular assemblies at the commencement
of the American revolution, were held in the old court-house.
A large hall, in which the aldermen meet, contains a full length
portrait of Washington, by Stuart, and
also a bust of Adams, father of the
present president. The bust is encircled by a wreath of stars. The names
of all the citizens who distinguished themselves by great services
during the revolution, are engraved on four columns. The beef and
vegetable markets are under the court-house; but as this place was
justly considered unsuitable for such a purpose, a new market was
built not far from the water. The corporation began to fill up a ditch,
and erect upon it a long building, the foundation of which is granite,
and the three stories of brick, which was sold to the merchants as a
warehouse. This sale was made on such favourable terms, that from the
profits a new market was built, parallel with this warehouse, entirely
of granite. It is five hundred and twenty-five feet long, fifty feet
wide, and one story high. On the other side of this market, and parallel
with it, a new row of warehouses, similar
to the former are building. Mr. Ritchie led us through several wide and
elegant streets to his house, one of the largest in Boston, and situated
on Beacon-hill, a public promenade. Many frame houses are still to
be observed; no new houses can be built of wood. Most of them are of
brick; granite, which is found in abundance about twenty miles from
Boston, is used frequently for foundations, particularly for those of
stores. The mall, as it is called, consists of a large meadow,
sparingly planted with trees, and extending down the hill to the water.
On the highest part of the hill stands the state-house or capitol, with
a large dome, covered with copper. The building is of brick, decorated
with a façade of ten columns. These are of wood, and impart to the whole
an air of weakness. Mr. Ritchie’s house is furnished with much splendour
and taste, and decorated by some paintings which he obtained during his
travels. Among these I remarked a very successful copy of Madonna
della sedia of Raphael, another Madonna of Sassoferrato, and a
scene from the deluge of Poussin. We spent the evening with Mr. Ritchie,
and became acquainted with his lady, and also with the widow of General
Humphreys, adjutant of General Washington, and formerly ambassador of
the United States to Lisbon and Madrid. Mrs. Humphreys is descended from
an English family, was born in Lisbon, and must have been very handsome
in her youth. Mr. Otis and his son were also present. When we departed
at nine o’clock, it was still very warm, and the full moon looked like a
glowing coal in the heated atmosphere. The Pallas arrived at Boston
towards evening, and cast anchor near Long-wharf. In passing she saluted
Fort Independence with seventeen guns, and was answered by eighteen.
I had imagined that no one would take the least notice of me in
America, but I soon found myself agreeably disappointed. The morning
after my arrival I received an invitation to dine the next day with Mr.
Otis, and was visited at the same time by several gentlemen. Captain
Henderson and Mr. Dixon, among others, called upon me; the latter
introduced me to his wife and his father-in-law, Mr. Homer. This
gentleman inhabits a large and handsome house on Beacon-hill, and has
two amiable daughters. I was much pleased with the arrangement of
this house, and indeed the houses and chambers in general are larger and
better adapted for convenience and ease than the English.
In company with Mr. Ritchie I paid a visit to Mrs. Humphreys, whose
house is really splendidly furnished. In the evening I visited Mr. De
Wallenstein, attached to the Russian embassy at Washington, who resides
here during the summer, on account of his health. He is an agreeable and
reflecting man. Afterwards I visited Mr. Edward Everett, professor of
the Greek
language in Harvard University. Mr. Everett had previously written me a
German letter, and offered me his services in an extremely friendly
manner. He has passed five years in Europe, during two of which he
studied at Goettingen, and also visited Weimar. He remembered this with
much pleasure, and was particularly pleased with the acquaintance of
St. M. v. Goethe. Having been elected a member of congress he
resigned his professorship.
Mr. Everett called for me the next day to take me to Harvard
University, at Cambridge, three miles distant from Boston. At twelve
o’clock we left Boston, though the heat was extreme, and rode over the
wooden bridge which connects both towns, and is three thousand four
hundred feet long. Cambridge is by no means compactly built, but
occupies a large extent of ground. The houses are generally frame,
a few of brick, and very few entirely of granite; they are however
painted with bright colours and are very pleasing to the eye. Every
house has a garden. Many meadows, like those in England, are enclosed
with three rails, lying one above the other; Indian corn is cultivated
in the fields; the grass was dry and withered.
Harvard University, one of the oldest colleges in the United States,
was founded in 1638, by a clergyman named Harvard, who bequeathed it
about eight hundred pounds sterling. By means of bequests made since
that period, it has now a very large income. The state of Massachusetts
supplies the deficiencies without however making any fixed contribution.
The university has eight buildings, chiefly of brick, and only one of
granite. The Unitarian chapel is in the latter, in which, besides the
usual services on Sunday, morning and evening prayers are held, which
all the students must attend. In front of the buildings is a large
space, surrounded with trees, where the students may amuse themselves.
The students are about three hundred and fifty in number, and
principally board and lodge in the buildings of the university;
a number, however, who cannot find room, or are recommended to
families, live in private houses. They are in other respects, as in the
universities of England, subjected to a very rigid discipline. The
library, which occupies two halls, contains about eighteen thousand
volumes. It contains the first edition of the large work on Egypt;
a Polyglot bible from the collection of Lord Clarendon;
a splendid edition of the Lusiad, by Camoens, with plates from the
designs of Gerard, edited by the Marquis de Souza, and printed by Didot
at Paris. Only two hundred and fifty copies of this edition were
printed, and this copy was given to the university by the Marquis
himself. Of manuscripts I saw but few, and these were Greek, which Mr.
Everett bought at Constantinople during his travels, and another
containing the aphorisms of Hippocrates,
which an English schoolmaster copied with so much skill, that it appears
to have been printed.I.4 In the mathematical lecture room I did not observe
a very complete apparatus. They have also but few astronomical
instruments, and in one observatory there are none. A new
electrical machine with a glass globe had but lately arrived from
England. The mineralogical collection is under obligations to Mr.
Ritchie for most of its finest specimens, which he bought during his
travels at Dresden, and presented to the university. A piece of
basalt found under ground in this neighbourhood, bears some similarity
to the profile of a human face. It is not known whether it be a lusus
naturæ or the work of human hands. Does this belong to the remains of an
earlier race of men which has vanished from the earth, but which has,
not without reason, been supposed by many to have once existed? The
other natural collections were of slight importance; there are no
collections of insects and butterflies. I saw there also the
antlers of two stags, which had become so completely entangled in
fighting, that they could not be separated, and in this state they were
killed. The chemical laboratory is arranged in a separate house,
strongly resembling a chapel. The anatomical theatre has been removed
for want of room, from Cambridge to Boston. In the former lecture room,
however, there are still several handsome wax preparations made in
Florence, among which are two fine full length figures, male and female.
The latter represents a pregnant woman, and is separable. Near the
chapel is the assembly room of the academical senate, where there are
some very handsome engravings. I was surprised to find among these
engravings the defence of Gibraltar, by Elliot, and one which
represented Admiral Dewinter taken prisoner by Admiral Duncan.
I gave the attendant who conducted us two dollars, and he seemed to
be so much gratified by my generosity, that when we were in the chapel
he whispered to the organist, who immediately played “God save the
king,” at which I was much surprised. We were escorted through the
botanic garden by Professor Nuttall, an Englishman, who has made several
scientific journeys in the western parts of the United States. Among the
green-house plants I observed a strelitzia, which had been raised from
seed in this country, and also a blooming and handsome Inua gloriosa,
and a Hedychium longifolium. The green-house and the garden are both
small; in the latter I remarked no extraordinary shrubs or flowers, on
the contrary, however, I saw many beetles, which
were new to me, with bright colours, and extremely beautiful
butterflies. A son of President Adams is one of the students of the
university, and also Mr. Jerome Bonaparte, a legitimate son of the
former king of Westphalia, by his marriage with Miss Patterson of
Baltimore, which marriage, as is well known, was dissolved by the
Emperor Napoleon. This young man, who is about twenty years old, bears
an excellent character.
My acquaintances increased in number, and I received visits from many
distinguished men. Among those who paid me this honour on the third day
after my arrival, I must mention the Danish ambassador, Mr.
Pedersen, who was travelling with his family in the northern parts of
the United States, and was introduced to me by Mr. Ritchie; Mr. Josiah
Quincy, mayor of the city, was also present, a worthy and extremely
agreeable man, to whom I am under great obligations.
After the gentlemen had withdrawn, I visited the New England Museum,
a very pompous description of which had fallen into my hands. This
museum is a private establishment, and consists of a mixture of wax
figures, musical clocks, stuffed animals, portraits, French caricatures,
butterflies, &c. Two articles alone interested me, namely, two
living rattlesnakes, and three Egyptian mummies. The snakes, caught near
Lake Erie, were lying in a box covered with glass, and received no
nourishment but water. They are ugly creatures, of a dark gray colour,
with large sharp scales and yellow bellies. Large thick heads, prominent
black eyes, and forked tongues. One of them, which was engaged in
casting its skin, was for the time blind; it had four rattles, and was
receiving a fifth. The attendant irritated it, but we did not hear it
rattle. Spirit of hartshorn is said to be very effectual against their
bite. The mummies were brought last year in an American vessel from
Egypt. One was in the same condition in which it had been when in the
coffin, except that the cloth had been taken from the face. The two
others were more or less uncovered; their coffins were well preserved.
I was astonished to see the fresh colours of the figures painted on
them. One of the mummies had two coffins, whence it is inferred that she
was a person of high rank. I saw also a Chinese painting,
representing all the tortures and modes of death common in China;
a shocking and disgusting sight. Finally, I observed a good
model of the old bastile of Paris, made of a stone from this
The mayor, Mr. Quincy, had the politeness to show us the state
prison. This is situated in Charlestown, is of granite, and was built
about twenty years ago at the expense of the state of Massachusetts. It
consists of a centre building, containing the dwelling and offices of
the superintendant, as well as the watchroom, and of two wings, where
the prisoners are lodged. Behind
the building is a large yard where the prisoners work. It is enclosed by
a high wall, with palisades, which is guarded day and night by several
sentinels. The prisoners are chiefly employed in cutting and polishing
blocks of granite, which are used in Boston and its vicinity. The
punishment of every prisoner who is sufficiently robust, commences with
this hard labour, which, however, is changed if his conduct merits it,
or if he exhibits abilities for some other employment. As stone-cutter,
a daily task is assigned to him, which, if not finished, or badly
done, is followed by solitary confinement. If he performs more than his
task, he is paid for the surplus. Of this sum he can dispose as he
pleases when discharged. Newly-arrived prisoners, and those who have
conducted themselves badly, are dressed in green and blue, when,
however, they conduct themselves properly again, they are freed from
this distinguishing habit. Other prisoners work at various trades;
supplying at the same time their mutual wants, as shoes, &c. An
engraver who was imprisoned for counterfeiting Nova Scotia bank notes,
worked in a separate room, and engraved very neat maps. Four prisoners
sleep in one cell, which are all tolerably well ventilated, and every
prisoner has his own hammock. Black bread and soup constitute the food
of the prisoners, who receive besides for breakfast and supper,
a portion of syrup and flour, forming a kind of pudding. Besides
the usual service on Sunday, they have prayers daily.
A report of the state of the prison from September 30, 1823, to
September 30, 1824, which was published by the warden, Mr. Thomas
Harris, contains the following results:—
The whole number of prisoners from 1805 to September 30, 1824, was
one thousand eight hundred and sixteen; of these there were thirteen
hundred and three dismissed, after the period of their punishment had
expired; two hundred and ninety-eight were pardoned; fifteen escaped;
one hundred and two died; two hundred and ninety-eight remained; of the
thirteen hundred and three who were dismissed, two hundred and thirteen
were a second time in prison for new crimes, and among these two hundred
and thirteen there were twenty-four who had been pardoned.
On the 30th of September, 1823, there were three hundred and eight
prisoners; of these eighty were dismissed, ten pardoned, six died, and,
consequently, two hundred and twelve remained. To these eighty-six had
been added, so that the number of prisoners amounted, September 30th,
1824, to two hundred and ninety-eight, as was mentioned above. Among
these there were only three females.
Of these two hundred and ninety-eight, there were fifty-four
black or coloured people, and fifty-nine white foreigners, viz. thirteen
Englishmen, seventeen Irishmen, eight Scotchmen, four from Nova Scotia,
two Canadians, one from the Cape of Good Hope, three West Indians, four
Frenchmen, two Swedes, two Italians, one from Green Cape, one
Portuguese, one German.
Two hundred and twenty-two were sentenced for stealing, twenty-six
for passing counterfeit money, sixteen for burglary, seven for attempted
rape, six for attempting to murder, five for being incendiaries, eleven
for forgery, and five, among whom were the three females, for
The prisoners are employed in different occupations; one hundred and
twenty-one were stone-cutters, twenty-seven for removing the stone,
thirty joiners, eleven brush makers, eight weavers, six shoemakers, ten
tailors, &c. There were eleven in the hospital, four in solitary
confinement, and three invalids.
The expenses of the prison amounted to forty-one thousand six hundred
and ninety-five dollars for the maintenance of the prisoners, clothes,
beds, medicine, and materials employed in the labours of the prisoners;
and fifteen thousand nine hundred and twenty-six dollars for the
officers, &c. Total of expenses, fifty-seven thousand six hundred
and twenty-two dollars.
The income derived from the labours of the prisoners amounted to
fifty-eight thousand eight hundred and thirty-four dollars, and thus the
prison was not only of no expense to the state, but produced a profit of
twelve hundred and twelve dollars!
After leaving this remarkable building, the mayor accompanied us to
Cambridge. A company of volunteers from Boston, the Washington
Rangers, were training. The company were already departing when we
arrived, but had the politeness to halt and repeat their exercise again.
They exhibited much skill. They are somewhat fantastically dressed in
green, and armed with long rifles. I became acquainted with the
officers, who were all young men of the best families. I also spoke
with several Cambridge students, some of whom were dressed in a uniform,
belonging to a volunteer company, consisting of students alone.
We then went to Bunker’s Hill, near Charlestown. The space is small,
but of great importance in American history. Connected with the main
land by a bridge, this field of battle lies on a small island and has
two hills, the higher and most northern of which is called Bunker’s
Hill; the southern, Breed’s Hill, commands Charlestown and the Boston
Roads. In the year 1775, the Americans occupied this hill, and with
their artillery, which was placed in a redoubt hastily thrown up,
harassed the English garrison in Boston, and the fleet. On the morning
of the 17th of June, the English made a sally, left Boston, landed on a
east of the redoubt, where the Americans had left too weak a defence,
formed their columns, whilst the artillery in Boston set Charlestown on
fire, and attacked the redoubt. This was so well defended, that the
English were twice obliged to retreat with very great loss. In one of
these unsuccessful attacks, the English Major Pitcairn, who shortly
before had commanded the English advance guard at the affair of
Lexington, was shot by an American sharp shooter, who still lives, at
the moment when he shouted to his soldiers not to be “afraid of these
d——d rebels, which were nothing but a crowd of
But the English received reinforcements, and renewed the attack. The
Americans, on the contrary, had expended their ammunition, and the shot
sent to them from Cambridge, the headquarters of General Lee, were too
large for the calibre of their pieces. They could obtain no assistance,
as an English man of war kept up a fierce fire upon the bridge, the only
means of communication with the main land. They determined, therefore,
to evacuate the redoubt, and they effected it, though with great loss.
At this time an English officer shot Dr. Warren, one of the most distinguished American
patriots, who shortly before had been appointed general, by congress.
The English did not pursue the Americans farther than Bunker’s Hill, but
returned during the night to Boston. The remains of the redoubt are
still seen, and on the 17th of June last, the corner stone of a monument
was laid, which is to be an obelisk two hundred and ten feet high. One
hundred and thirty veterans were present at this ceremony, the last of
the seventeen hundred Americans who had participated in this affair.
Finally, Mr. Quincy introduced us, in Charlestown, to a major of
militia, who devotes much of his attention to rural economy, and to the
breeding of cattle and horses. His whole establishment was interesting.
The major showed us, particularly, a noble English bull, from which
he had raised very handsome and strong calves, and also a fine English
stallion, ten years old.
In these peregrinations I made inquiries after Miss Wright, who, some
years ago, published letters on America, which excited much attention in
Europe, as well as in America. I was told that this lady
with her sister, unattended by a male protector, had roved through the
country, in steam-boats and stages, that she constantly tagged about
after General La Fayette, and whenever the general arrived at any place,
Miss Wright was sure to follow next day, as but little notice had been
taken of this lady in Boston, a literary attack was expected
from her pen. She is no longer young, and is of tall stature and
masculine manners.
In general, her letters are not much esteemed, and the flattering terms
in which she speaks of Americans and all their institutions, are
regarded as overstrained.I.5
On the 30th of July I went on board the Pallas to attend to the
unloading of my baggage. I remained there a few hours, as I found
it cooler on board than on shore. The vessel was as they said, full of
visitors all day, for Captain Ryk, with his usual liberality, denied
access to no one of genteel appearance. Citizens are by no means allowed
to visit American vessels of war, unless they are known to an officer,
and on this account the curiosity of the inhabitants of this place to
see a foreign vessel of war is great.
When I returned to the city, I visited Mr. Quincy, who took me to the
Court-house to see the arsenal of the thirteen volunteer companies of
this place. One of these companies has been organized ever since 1638;
all of these consist of young men of good families, who do not wish to
serve in the same companies with the common crowd, but have united, and,
in elegant uniforms, compose the flank companies of the battalions of
militia. A large hall in the Court-house is appropriated for their
exercises, when the weather is inclement. Every company consists of
about sixty men. The greater number of the companies are armed like
infantry, with bayonets according to the English mode, and the riflemen
alone with rifles. Not only the arms of the company, but the swords of
the officers are kept in the chambers of the Court-house.
From the Court-house, Mr. Quincy took me to the Athenæum, where the
principal journals of the United States are found, and a library of
about twenty thousand volumes, which were partly presented and partly
purchased. A regular librarian showed us every thing; we noticed
particularly several interesting medals, and the collection made by
Thomasson in Birmingham, which represents the Elgin marbles. In the
vestibule of the house, and in the large reading room, are plaster
busts, which Lawyer Thorndike brought from Rome and presented to the
Athenæum. The handsome house itself, which is valued at twenty thousand
dollars, was given to the society by Mr. Perkins, a brother of the
celebrated mechanician in London.
Some days later, August 2, Mr. Quincy had the politeness to show me
several hospitals of the city.
The civil hospital was founded about twenty years ago, and is a
massive building of granite, with ten Ionic columns of the same stone.
The building, founded by voluntary subscriptions, and afterwards
enriched by legacies, now supports itself by the interest of the capital
and by fees which some patients pay. The administration of the hospitals
and other benevolent institutions, is conducted, without charge, by the
principal inhabitants, in a very correct and economical manner. The
house has a cellar, two stories besides a ground floor, and may contain about
eighty sick of both sexes, which are placed in different wings of the
building. There were at that time fifty-six patients, under the care of
six nurses and a matron. The house is under the direction of a steward,
who is at the same time a physician. Those patients who pay ten dollars
a week, occupy separate chambers, with separate attendants; others pay
only three dollars a week, and many nothing at all. The latter are all
in the same halls, which, however, are very light and well ventilated.
The sick sleep on beds of hard wood, with good hair mattresses and very
fine bed clothes. The steps are of granite, the halls and chambers are
planked, and the floors are painted with oil colours. I have seen
many hospitals, but none in which the sick were so conveniently and
suitably lodged, and none in which cleanliness was so well observed. The
kitchen and wash-house are in the cellar. In the former, the victuals
are cooked by means of steam, and the latter is arranged like that in
the Plymouth Marine Hospital, namely, with very large wooden frames to
dry the clothes. The session room of the directors, the anatomical
theatre, with some chambers for sick, are in the first story; the
dwelling of the matron, and the remainder of the chambers for patients,
are arranged in the second story. Two reservoirs of water, which may be
raised by pumps, should a fire break out, are situated on the ground
floor. Mr. Coolidge, one of the directors, accompanied us, and conducted
us also to the lunatic asylum, which is under the same directors.
This building stands on an eminence between Cambridge and
Charlestown. A farm-house has been purchased in the neighbourhood,
which serves as the dwelling of the steward and head physician, as well
as for a kitchen and wash-house. Behind this house two very solid wings
have been built, three stories high, one for males, and the other for
females. They somewhat resemble prisons, but are concealed by the
farm-house, which has a very pleasing aspect, and thus prevents the
unpleasant sensations which the institution would otherwise excite in
the minds of the unhappy lunatics when they first approach it.
A large garden, surrounded with a wall, is attached to each wing,
serving as a place of recreation for the patients. A well-lighted
corridor runs
along each story, at each side of which are the doors of the cells; in
these nothing is placed but a wooden bedstead, as in the hospital. Every
story has an eating room, and a common hall; in the latter, in which the
sick may pass the day, a table is placed with benches, which are
nailed to the floor. The infuriated are placed in solitary cells, and
when they cannot be subdued, are brought under a cold shower bath. The
chambers are heated, as in the hospitals, by means of flues. In this
asylum also, in which there were forty patients, the greatest
cleanliness prevailed.
On the 3d of August, Mr. Quincy called for me at twelve o’clock, to
introduce me, with Captain Ryk and Mr. Tromp, to the elder Mr. Adams,
father of the present president. This worthy old man, who was ninety
years old, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence, lives ten
miles from Boston, on his farm at Quincy, revered by his family, and
honoured by the whole nation, who regard him as their common father.
I was much affected when, as I approached this venerable man who
had so efficiently laboured in the cause of American independence, he
extended to me his hand. He was still in full possession of his mental
faculties, and remembered, not only the things which had occurred long
ago, but knew also every thing which had recently taken place, or was
now passing. His bodily strength, however, was diminishing, and he felt
a weakness, particularly in his legs. He conversed with me about half an
hour, especially concerning Holland, where he had been ambassador during
the revolution, and the features of his ancient countenance revived
again as he dwelt on the fact, that it was owing to him that Holland
then declared war against England, and the English ambassador,
notwithstanding all his intrigues, could effect nothing. When Mr. Tromp
was introduced to him, he remembered his great ancestor, shook his hand
in a friendly manner, was much affected, and said to him, “God bless
you, Van Tromp!” We left this worthy old man in deep emotion, and
congratulated each other on our good fortune in having been introduced
to this departing veteran of a revolution, which may well be called
In his house we saw several good portraits and busts of him,
portraits of his wife, who died seven years ago, of his son, the
president, and of General Warren, who fell at Bunker’s Hill. We
saw also a son of President J. Q. Adams, who is a lawyer at Boston,
and with whom I became acquainted some days ago in the Athenæum.
From Boston to Quincy there is a good turnpike road. It runs over
some hills, on which the traveller sees a handsome panorama; behind him
the city, on the left the bay, in front a well-cultivated region with
handsome farms, on the right the Blue Hills. We passed by several neat
farm-houses; the grounds are separated
by means of dry walls, the stones of which are partly hewn, and
separated from each other, somewhat like those of Scotland. No old trees
are found, because the first settlers very imprudently destroyed all the
wood, and now it must be raised again with much trouble. Lombardy
poplars, and plane trees are frequent. The inhabitants generally appear
to be in good circumstances, at least the farmers seem to prosper, and
the houses appear to great advantage, for instance, we remarked a common
village blacksmith shop, which was built of massive granite. At the very
neat village of Miltonbridge we passed over the river Neponset, which is
navigable for small vessels.
Quincy contains about four thousand inhabitants, and has assumed this
name in honour of the mayor’s family, which is here much beloved and
esteemed. Mr. Quincy’s country seat, to which we repaired from the house
of the ex-president, is about two miles distant from the latter, and
lies in the neighbourhood of the sea on a small eminence, from which
there is a very handsome prospect towards the bay. Mr. Quincy introduced
us to his family, to his wife, two sons, and four daughters. The eldest
daughter is very accomplished, and excels in painting landscapes in
sepia. Some years ago she visited the Falls of Niagara with her family,
and sketched several views. The other daughters are also very well
educated, and have a talent for music. We met here several gentlemen
from Boston, among others, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Everett, and President
Kirkland, from Cambridge, who was accompanied by an aged English
teacher, Mr. Cooper, who fled from England with Priestley, thirty-five years ago, and now directs
Columbia College in South Carolina. He appeared to be a gloomy, austere
man, and very different in his address from the humane and friendly
manner of Dr. Kirkland. Towards evening we returned to Boston by a
shorter road, and passed the Neponset by means of a long wooden bridge,
which Mr. Quincy built not far from the place where it empties into the
sea. We then passed through Dorchester, and saw on an eminence to the
right the remains of two redoubts, built by the English, which the great
Washington took from them, strengthened, and thus principally
contributed to the evacuation of Boston.
I accompanied, August 4th, a party to a Mr. Nathaniel Amory; we
passed over the long mill-dam, which cuts off a part of the water
surrounding Boston, and is to be filled up in time, and houses built on
it. Six miles from the city is a wooden bridge over Charles river, which
we crossed to see the arsenal on the opposite side. This establishment
was built in 1816. A long yard, surrounded with a wall of granite,
is attached to the chief arsenal, which is three stories high, with two
wings, containing the offices and dwellings of the two directors, Major
Craige and Lieutenant
Van Nessen. The workshops of the different mechanics, belonging to the
arsenal, are arranged behind this building, on each side of the yard; at
a short distance from the arsenal stands the powder magazine, built of
granite, and containing about fifty thousand pounds; thirty thousand
stands of arms are contained in the arsenal in chests, each holding
twenty pieces. I saw there a newly-invented machine for casting a
hundred and sixty-two balls at once, giving them at the same time a
perfectly round form. The arsenal is very pleasantly situated in
We passed farther along the shore, through a romantic part of the
country, towards Waltham. At this place a branch of a large cotton
manufactory is situated, belonging to a company of twenty-five persons.
It is under the direction of Mr. Jackson, who possesses a very handsome
dwelling, where he appears to pass a happy life with his amiable family.
About four hundred and fifty workmen are employed, who live in different
buildings belonging to the factory, and form a particular colony; they
have two schools, a church, and a clergyman. They appear to be in
very good circumstances, as the dress, cleanly exterior, and healthy
appearance of the workmen testify. In these buildings the cotton is spun
and woven; but the colouring and printing are performed in another
establishment. The machines are worked by water, which is said not to
freeze in winter, but sometimes fails in dry summers. More simple
machines than jennys are used for spinning, and the dressing machines
are different from those in the Netherlands, though not better,
I believe, as they have but one cylinder. The weaving machines are
mostly of wood, which is very cheap, though I believe that our iron ones
are better. The workmen of this factory are, as I have since learned,
esteemed on account of their good manners, and their morality is
universally praised. But one case of seduction occurred in ten years.
After leaving this factory we passed by several very neat houses and
parks; the latter are smaller than those in England, because in this
country there are no rights of primogeniture, and the estate of parents
at their death is divided into as many parts as there are children. On
this account we do not find such great and powerful landholders here as
in England. It is a subject of dispute, whether primogeniture or equal
division be preferable; but it is certain that real prosperity is much
more diffused through the nation in America, and the land is better
Mr. Nathaniel Amory’s country seat lies on a small eminence in a
tolerably large park, and affords an extensive prospect of the vicinity
of Boston. Mr. Amory collected several good paintings of the Flemish
school in his travels, and some handsome mosaic work in Rome, with which
his house is decorated. In the afternoon we took a walk through the park
to a cottage, which
belongs to the English sea captain, Wormley, brother-in-law of Mr.
Amory, and, though small, is very neatly arranged, and handsomely
situated. A small lake, called the Fresh Pond, with its shady
trees, affords a very picturesque view. After spending some time very
agreeably with his friendly family, we returned at nine o’clock in the
evening, by way of Cambridge to Boston.
I visited the navy-yard on the 5th August, in company with Major
Wainwright, of the marines, and Lieutenant Gwynn. In the small barracks
of the marines where we commenced, the rooms are not large; the beds stand on a
platform, so that the rooms are very narrow and close. The appearance of
the soldiers was not remarkable. The navy-yard was founded only twelve
years ago, and not yet completed, but is very extensive. A dry dock
has not yet been made, but will be advantageously placed. The two line
of battle ships, Columbus and Independence, and the frigate Java, were
in ordinary. Two line of battle-ships and a corvette were on the stocks,
and not yet named. The two former, which were under sheds, were
finished, so that they could leave the stocks as soon as government
should order. But as no loss was incurred, the vessels were allowed to
lie on the stocks, and under shelter as long as possible, that the wood
may become still better seasoned. The sheds are larger than the English,
and are actual houses. The two vessels are very modestly called
seventy-fours, but have each three decks; the one pierced for one
hundred and thirty thirty-two pounders, and the other for an hundred and
thirty-six, of the same caliber. They are built of live oak, and to
prevent the dry rot, salt is scattered among the timbers, which, as I
was told, was of great advantage. The vessels are so high and roomy,
that I could stand erect in the two lower batteries under the beams.
Some methods which tend to strengthen and relieve vessels, used in other
places, have not yet been adopted here; for instance, I did not
observe the cruciform strengthening of the sides, and the diagonal deck,
according to the plan of Sir Robert Seppings, from which two
improvements the navies of England and the Netherlands derive the
greatest advantage. The same system which prevails in England is
observed here, namely, not to employ shipwrights for builders, as in the
Netherlands and in France, but carpenters. Mr. Baker, the master
shipwright of this place, with whom I became acquainted, is considered
to be a very skilful man.
After we had seen the navy-yard, been much gratified with its good
condition, and wishing it might soon be finished, we visited the lady of
the commissioner, Captain Craine, who was absent. The commissioner’s
house belongs to the government, and is placed on a height overlooking
the navy-yard; the architect who planned it, worried the commissioner
with continual questions
relative to the form of the house, until finally he replied in great
vexation, build it like my ——. The architect took him
at his word, and built it with two round projections standing close
together, which have a very curious appearance from the navy-yard. We
saw in the navy-yard sails of cotton canvass, which are preferred to
hempen sails, both because they are more easily worked, and are
peculiarly durable. They are not, however, liked in the navy, because
they are too combustible, and on that account might be extremely
dangerous to a vessel during an action; they are therefore used only for
the higher sails.
On the next day Mr. Quincy very politely invited me to visit some of
the public schools, which are under his direction. I accepted this
invitation with much pleasure, for in a country like this, where the
people govern themselves, without doubt the prevailing spirit may be
best learnt from the institutions for public education. There are also
at Boston, besides various private and two public schools, a Latin
and a mathematical school, called high schools, which are both
maintained at the expense of the city; boys of every class are admitted
without paying for their tuition.I.6 Well-informed young men, who received
good salaries, are selected as teachers. The first teacher of the high
school receives yearly two thousand five hundred dollars. The study of
the ancient languages, the Latin and Greek, forms the basis of public
instruction. At the same time that these are taught, the attention,
acuteness, and memory of the pupils, are variously exercised; if, for
example, any one recites a line of the Eneid, and repeats the last
letter, another immediately arises, and repeats from the same poem a
line, beginning with this letter. The pupils do this with wonderful
rapidity. The declamations took place during our presence. One of the
scholars recited the speech of an English member of parliament, with so
warm and correct a delivery, that the speech could scarcely have been
better spoken in parliament. Another recited an oration, in which the
advantages of a moderate above a despotic government, were also
exhibited in a very good and distinct manner. Every evening the place of
each scholar in the class for the next day, is appointed by the teacher,
according to the industry which he may have shown during the day, and
entered into a book. At the end of the month judgments are passed on all
the pupils according to this list.
The mathematical and physical sciences are taught in the high school;
it possesses a very good philosophical cabinet. We heard one class
examined in arithmetic, and another in analytic geometry. In the former
I saw that much attention was paid to mental calculation, and was
surprised at the quick and correct solutions of difficult arithmetical
questions. In the higher class the teacher proposed a question, and all
those immediately arose who thought they could answer it. One was
designated by the teacher to solve it, and if another thought the answer
not exactly correct, he raised his hand, without interrupting the first,
and corrected him when called upon. I was pleased both with the
kind manners of the teachers, and the modest, correct, and easy
deportment of the scholars. The boys generally had handsome faces, and
were all of an animated physiognomy. With this they combine, as I was
frequently convinced, the greatest respect for their parents and
teachers. It appears to me impossible that young people, who receive so
liberal an education, can grow up to be bad or malicious men. I was
indeed affected when I left the schools, and could not but congratulate
Mr. Quincy from the bottom of my heart, on such a rising generation!
Captain Ryk, who accompanied us, participated in my views and
From the schools we went to the state-house or capitol, of the
exterior of which I have already spoken, but the interior arrangement I
had not yet seen. Besides the offices belonging to the state government,
it contains the assembly rooms of the three bodies which govern the
state, the council of the governor, the senate, and the representatives.
These rooms are spacious; still, however, it is evident, that
thirty-seven years ago, when this building was erected, every thing was
done in haste, and that architecture had not then made the progress
which it since has. All the steps are of wood. A trophy is erected
in one of the chambers, composed of Brunswick arms, which were taken at
the battle of Saratoga. One hundred and sixty-eight steps lead to the
lantern of the cupola, which is of wood, and covered with copper.
Notwithstanding the excessive heat, we went up, and our labour was
richly recompensed by a splendid prospect. The dome is the highest point
in the vicinity, and affords a view not only of the whole city and the
bay, but also of a great extent of ground beyond, in every part of which
a number of neat dwellings may be observed.
Thus passed almost fourteen days, in an uncommonly pleasing and
instructive manner. In general my state of health allowed me to enjoy
every new and interesting object with serenity of mind; I was
indisposed but two days, and this was probably owing to the excessive
heat. Even the intermediate hours, which could not be dedicated to the
inspection of public institutions,
generally afforded instructive amusements. I passed the morning in
reading and writing, then received or paid visits, and at all times met
with attention, courteousness, and kindness. I visited the churches
on the Sundays I passed in Boston, which are still more quietly kept in
America than in England. The first time I went to a Unitarian church,
attended by a son of the mayor; a second time I went to an
Episcopalian church, accompanied by Mr. Lloyd, a very distinguished
man, and senator of the United States. I dined twice at the inn,
but generally accepted some friendly invitation, and passed all my
evenings very agreeably in company at musical parties and other
entertainments. I also made some excursions into the country
besides those already mentioned.
The society, especially when ladies are not present, is uncommonly
fine and lively—both sexes are very well educated and
accomplished. So much care is bestowed upon the education of the female
sex, that it would perhaps be considered in other countries as
superfluous. Young ladies even learn Latin and Greek, but then they also
can speak of other things besides fashions and tea-table subjects; thus,
for instance, I was at a party of Mrs. General Humphreys, which was
entirely in the European style, without cards, dancing or music, and yet
it was lively and agreeable. Thus I passed some delightful hours with
Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Homer, Mr. Otis, Mr. Shepherd, and Mr.
Artiguenave, a Frenchman, formerly an actor in the Théâtre
Français, at Paris, and now professor of the French language at
Cambridge University. Many of those gentlemen who are met with in such
society, have travelled in Europe, sometimes accompanied by their
ladies; Europeans are frequently present, and thus there is no want of
materials for conversation. The generality of the houses, moreover,
offer something attractive in the fine arts; and in returning home on an
evening, the city, the bridges, and the Mill-dam are very well lighted,
not indeed with gas, but with reflecting lamps, and none of that
disorderly conduct is observed in the streets, which so often shocks the
mind in the cities of England.
We made an excursion on the 1st of August into the country with Mr.
Dixon in his dearborn. A dearborn is a very light wagon, with two
benches and four wheels, drawn by one horse. We rode over the neck which
unites Boston with the main land, and was fortified by the English
during the revolution; then in an ascending direction towards the
heights of Roxbury, where, during the blockade, the right wing of the
American lines stood. The ground is very rocky, and partly covered with
fir trees; the trees which formerly stood here must have been entirely
removed, as not one high tree can be seen. Passing farther on we saw
very handsome country houses and gardens, the former generally two
stories high, and surrounded with covered colonnades. At one of these we
paid a visit to the owner, Mr. Rufus Amory. A walk, shaded by oak,
elm, and maple trees, leads to the dwelling on a slight elevation, which
commands an extended and beautiful view of Boston and the bay. We were
received by the friendly owner in an extremely obliging and hospitable
manner. We rode through a romantic part of the country to Dorchester, to
visit General Sumner at his country seat, but did not find him at home.
We then returned by another handsome road to Boston, and passed a large
rope manufactory, the works of which were moved by steam.
At another excursion to Dorchester, in company with some young men,
sons of the richest inhabitants of the place, a game of ten-pins
was played. It is called ten-pins, because that number of pins is here
used in the game.I.7
Finally, I cannot omit to mention one visit, which, in company with
Mr. Ritchie, I made to Mr. Coolidge, jr. Mr. Coolidge had, three
months ago, married a Miss Randolph, a granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson. His wife, about thirty years old,
was brought up by her grandfather in the country in his library. She is
said to be so learned that Jefferson
often asked her advice. She had arrived a few days previous, and made
known that she would receive visiters, and we therefore found the
chamber filled with people. Every one at his departure took with him a
piece of wedding cake. The young ladies, as it is said, place this cake
under their pillows, and then dream of their future lovers.

Journey from Boston to Albany, by way of Worcester
and Northampton.—Sojourn there, from the 8th to the 14th of
August, 1825.
Accompanied by Mr. Tromp, who had
become endeared to me by his knowledge, his modest, honourable, and
amiable deportment, I left Boston on the 9th of August, for
Worcester, distant forty miles. The mail-coach, like the diligence
stage, consists of a long calash with three benches, each capable of
containing three persons. The top is fixed, though the curtains can be
rolled up, so that a person may enjoy the fresh air and the
prospect of the surrounding country, without being exposed to the
We left the hospitable city of Boston with grateful hearts, and rode
over the Mill-dam into the interior of the country. The horses were
changed four times, generally in small villages; Farmingham and
Westborough appeared to be the only ones of any importance. The country
sometimes seemed wild, and but thinly settled, though the state of
Massachusetts is said to be the most populous in North America. We saw
no grain,I.8 though in some places we observed Indian corn, and
now and then some millet. Apple orchards were abundant—the trees
hung so full of fruit that many of the boughs were broken. The apples
are small and yellow, and are employed in preparing the favourite
beverage called cider. We gradually approached forests, consisting of
oak, chesnut, and elm trees. Sumach also occurs in some places, the bark
of which is said to be excellent for tanning leather. There are
evidently no forest regulations here, and the timber is very much
neglected. The road was for the greatest part a good turnpike, and made
in the German manner. We crossed several small rivers and rivulets on
wooden bridges, which are very slight, though they are built with a
great waste of timber. The planks are not even nailed upon the beams, so
that I began to be somewhat fearful, especially as the carriage drove
rapidly over. About two miles from Worcester we crossed a lake called
Guansiganog-pond, on a wooden bridge one-fourth of a mile in length. The
banks of this lake are covered with wood, and present a very handsome
appearance. On our way, we were overtaken by a considerable
thunder-storm, which settled the dust, and procured us a pleasant
evening. We arrived at Worcester about 7 o’clock, and alighted at an
excellent tavern. This town contains about four thousand inhabitants,
and consists of a principal street, with an avenue shaded with old elm
trees, and of several bye-streets, which, like the preceding, are
altogether unpaved. The houses, generally built of wood, and but few of
brick, are all surrounded with gardens, and stand at a considerable
distance from each other, so that the town appears like a village. It
has four churches, a bank, and three printing-offices, each of
which furnishes a newspaper. There are also printing-offices in many of
the villages through which we passed, as well as a fire-engine in each.
In the evening we paid a visit to the governor of Massachusetts, Mr.
Levi Lincoln, who resides at this place. We found this worthy man, who
is universally esteemed by his fellow-citizens, at home with his wife
and sister-in-law, and were received by him in the most friendly manner.
We spent a very
agreeable evening in his company. A proof of the public esteem
which he enjoys, is, that at the last election, there was not a single
vote against him, an example almost unparalleled in the United States.
The governor is styled “his excellency.” On the following morning the
governor conducted us to a recently established museum, which is
designed chiefly for the collection of American antiquities. It is yet
in its infancy, and contains but few interesting specimens; the library
also is of small extent, notwithstanding we must render full justice to
the inhabitants for their laudable zeal in the cause of natural science.
We rode around the town in company with the governor, passed the
court-house and prison, which unfortunately we had not time to visit,
and returned to our inn. The gardens we passed had rather a wild
appearance. They cultivate kitchen vegetables, a few watermelons,
and fruit; we saw no flowers excepting the sunflower.
At 10 o’clock we departed in the Worcester stage for Northampton,
distant forty-seven miles. Our company in the stage-coach consisted of
two gentlemen and ladies from the state of Mississippi, who had
undertaken a tour to the northern states on account of the unhealthy
climate in their own country, and who entertained us very agreeably with
an account of their estates. The road was worse than yesterday,
sometimes sandy, and the horses generally bad, so that on the whole, our
progress was slow. The country is less populous, as well as less
cultivated, though there is more timber, which, however, is also very
much neglected. We observed the cypress and a few large cedars. As there
are no grazing laws in force, they are obliged on account of the cattle,
and particularly on account of the sheep which graze in these woods at
large, to make fences of young chesnut trees which are split into four
pieces. These fences generally consist of six rails placed upon each
other, with an interspace of several inches. They are placed in an
angular form, and at the point where the rails meet, they are placed one
upon the other, and usually supported upon a large stone. Such a waste
of timber and land is only pardonable in a country where the inhabitants
are few, and where timber is abundant. A large extent of wood-land
has been cleared only within a short time, and the trunks of the trees
which remained have been destroyed by fire. The soil is not particularly
fertile. We observed numerous blocks of granite, which may be hereafter
usefully employed, the large for building, and the small upon the roads.
The villages which we passed on our way are Leicester, seven, Spencer,
five, Brookfield, seven, Ware, eight, Belchertown, nine, and Madley, ten
miles. They are most of them small places, consisting generally of frame
houses, standing at a distance from each other, which are very neat and
comfortable; each village has a frame church and a school-house. Stores
observed in most of these places, and in Belchertown there is even a
fashionable one. The churches are usually provided with long sheds, in
which the carriages and horses of the members of the church are
protected from the heat and weather during the service. Ware, situated
on the river of the same name, which is crossed by a wooden bridge
rather better built than usual, was laid out about three years since; it
is a neat, flourishing place, and belongs to the Dexter family in
Boston, who have established a woollen and cotton manufactory here, the
workmen of which, above three hundred in number, form the inhabitants of
the place. Mr. Dexter, of Boston, had entrusted me with an important
packet of papers for his brother, who resides in Ware, which I delivered
in person. We found Mr. Dexter with his beautiful wife, at his neat and
well arranged cottage, situated in the centre of a garden, and received
a friendly welcome. From his window he can overlook the whole village
and manufactories. Heretofore, said Mr. Dexter, I have received the
greatest part of my wool from Saxony, which is preferred here to the
Spanish; but at present, we have sheep imported from Saxony, which are
permitted to roam at large through the wood, as there are no wild
animals in Massachusetts to destroy them; they yield a very superior
kind of wool. Unfortunately we were not at leisure to accept of Mr.
Dexter’s invitation to look at his establishments. At the tavern, which
was perfectly clean and comfortable, we obtained a very good dinner, and
continued our journey. The inhabitants of Ware are said to be
distinguished for their strict morality. They have a common school, to
which they are obliged by law to send their children, as is the case
throughout Massachusetts, or pay a fine. In Ware there is but one
physician, who has a handsome house, and keeps a well furnished
apothecary store. The strict republicans are jealous of the large
manufacturing establishments, because they are afraid that individual
citizens, in consequence of their property, may have too great an
influence upon a large mass of people; but I imagine that the republic
has nothing to fear on this head, since the effect of individual
influence is counterbalanced by the promotion of the welfare of the
poorer classes.
About a mile from Northampton we passed the Connecticut river, five
hundred yards wide, in a small ferry-boat, which, as the night had
already set in, was not very agreeable. At Northampton we took lodgings
at Warner’s Hotel, a large, clean, and convenient inn. In front of
the house is a large porch, and in the first story a large balcony. The
gentlemen sit below, and the ladies walk above. It is called a piazza,
and has many conveniences. Elm trees stand in front of the house, and a
large reflecting lamp illuminates the house and the yard. This, with the
beautiful warm evening, and the great number of people, who
reposed on the piazza, or went to and from the house, produced a very
agreeable effect. The people here are exceedingly religious, and,
besides going to church on Sundays, they go thrice during the week. When
we arrived, the service had just ended, and we saw some very handsome
ladies come out of the church. Each bed-chamber of our tavern was
provided with a bible. To-day I observed also a new mode of delivering
letters and newspapers. The driver of the mail-coach throws the letters
and newspapers, with which he is entrusted, before the houses where they
are to be left; he sometimes throws them even into open fields, along
the lane leading from the main road to the house.
About two years ago, Messrs. Cogswell and Bancroft established a
boarding-school at Northampton. The day after our arrival, 11th of
August, Mr. Cogswell paid me a visit, and introduced one of his
professors, Dr. Beck, of Heidelberg, a step-son of Dr. De Wette, of
Weimar, who teaches the Latin and Greek languages. Another German
professor, whom, however, I did not see, directs the gymnastic
exercises. Both these gentlemen conducted us to the institute, which is
situated on Round Hill, about a mile from Northampton.
Northampton contains about four thousand inhabitants, and its
buildings are, apparently, very much like those of Worcester; it has one
bank, a court-house, prison, and a printing-office. From Mr.
Cogswell’s institute, you have a magnificent view of the fertile and
well-cultivated valley of the Connecticut river, which, in this place,
winds between two lofty mountains, Holyoake and Mounttoby. On the left,
the lofty mountains of New Hampshire present a beautiful prospect. In
1824, this institution had but forty pupils, and in 1825, it numbered no
less than seventy-four, so that Mr. Cogswell is obliged, although he has
three large houses belonging to his establishment, to erect a fourth and
larger one. The gymnastic exercises, for which a place is provided in
the woods, with the necessary apparatus, form a principal part of the
instructions of this seminary. The boys are entirely excluded from the
world; but that they may not become too much estranged, Mr. Cogswell
accompanies them annually in various pedestrian tours through the
surrounding country. I visited Mr. Bancroft at his room. Both these
gentlemen entertain the warmest enthusiasm for Germany and the German
method of instruction, and are determined to regulate every thing
according to that system. Mr. Bates, a lawyer introduced to us by
Mr. Cogswell, returned with us to town, and showed us the church,
court-house, and a collection of minerals, in the possession of Dr.
Hunt, in which I admired particularly two specimens of American beryl
and several specimens of rock-crystal. On our
return to the tavern, I received a visit from a physician, Dr.
Seeger, who was educated with Schiller in the military school at
Wirtemberg. He wished to become acquainted with me on account of my
father, for whom he expressed the highest veneration. I must
acknowledge, that, in a country so far from my native land, this
afforded me the most sincere gratification, and my acquaintance with the
worthy Dr. Seeger, who has been an inhabitant of the United States
during the last forty years, and who is universally esteemed as an
honest man and a good physician, I shall always remember with
pleasure and satisfaction.
At Springfield, twenty miles from Northampton down the Connecticut
river, is the government armoury. We left Northampton, to visit this
establishment, under the most oppressive heat, with five ladies and two
gentlemen in the stage-coach, into which we were crowded, somewhat like
those that were shut up in the Trojan horse. We arrived about 3 o’clock
in the afternoon, and again found an excellent tavern, which was
provided with a piazza. Our ride passed through a well-cultivated region
of country, along the right bank of the Connecticut river; Indian corn,
millet, and potatoes were observed in considerable abundance, in some
places we also observed hemp, and sometimes, though seldom, hops.
Springfield is situated on the left bank of the Connecticut river,
over which, close by the town, is a wooden bridge, five hundred yards
long, and built in a very awkward style. Springfield has much more the
appearance of a city than Worcester and Northampton, for there are at
least some stone houses situated so closely together that they form a
street. Colonel Lee had the goodness to take us in his carriage to the
manufactory of arms, of which he is the director. It is situated about a
mile from Springfield, in a very beautiful valley, on a rivulet. It
employs daily two hundred and seventy-four workmen. These are settled in
the vicinity of the manufactory, form a kind of colony, and have a
school for their children. They are also obliged to distinguish
themselves by their good moral deportment. The muskets for the American
army are made on the improved French model of 1777, with the exception
that they are somewhat shorter, while the bayonets are rather longer.
The barrels and bayonets are browned, as Dupin has described at full
length in Travels through Great Britain. We examined the works
throughout. There are several houses, and the machines are propelled by
water. They finish annually fifteen thousand muskets, each of which
costs the government on an average eleven dollars. How much might be
saved, if, as in other countries, muskets were made by private workmen!
The arsenal in which these muskets are preserved
and packed in chests, each containing twenty pieces, was destroyed by
fire about a year and a half since, but having been rebuilt, it consists
at present of a centre building for the offices, two isolated wings for
the preservation of the different arms, and of several other adjacent
buildings for the necessary workshops. These buildings form an oblong
square, of which the proper armoury forms one of the short sides; on the
other, oppositely to the centre building, is Colonel Lee’s neat and
beautiful dwelling. The houses belonging to the arsenal are built of
brick externally, while internally every thing is of wood; and as,
during the winter season these buildings are heated with wood, there
appeared to me to be much danger of fire. I remarked this to
Colonel Lee, who appeared to participate in my apprehensions. After our
return to the tavern, Mr. Calhoun, with whom we had become acquainted
through Mr. Bates, introduced us to several gentlemen of the town, and
took us in the evening to a musical party at the house of a Mr. Dwight,
where we found the fashionable part of society assembled. The ladies
sang very well, and played on the piano-forte several pieces from “Der
Freischutz,” an opera which is at present a favourite in America.
We had determined to go on the 12th of August to New Lebanon, to
visit the Springs and the Shaker’s village, but the Fates had decreed
otherwise. We left Springfield at two o’clock in the morning in the
stage, rode over the bridge, through Westfield, which, as far as we
could judge in the dark, is a handsome village, and arrived at day break
in a romantic valley, on Westfield river, whose waters fall over huge
rocks. At Russel, which is situated in an uncultivated valley, seventeen
miles from Springfield, we partook of an excellent breakfast at the
stage-office, and were much pleased at the clean and comfortable
appearance of the houses and inhabitants. It was so cold early in the
morning, that a large fire which we found at this house, was quite
comfortable. The road through the wild romantic valley, generally
ascending, and along the river, was rather bad, and often very narrow;
instead of a railing, there were only trunks of large trees, which were
permitted to decay in a very unjustifiable manner. The bridges also were
as badly built as those of which we have already complained. The forest
trees were very handsome, but many of them are destroyed for the cabins
of the new settlers. These dwellings, like the log-houses, are built of
the trunks of large trees. Amongst the few settlers whom we observed
there, were several negro and mulatto families. The villages of Chester,
Bucket, and Lee, through which we passed, consist of but few houses;
Lee, however, appears to be a flourishing village. At this place we left
the mountains, and again entered upon a better cultivated region, in
which we observed stubbles of wheat and rye.
Exceedingly fatigued in consequence of the great heat, and the number
of passengers in the stage-coach, I was anxious to procure a
carriage in order to visit New Lebanon, distant fourteen miles; but the
person of whom I inquired was so extortionate as to ask ten dollars.
I determined, in order to avoid a new yankee trick, to prosecute my
journey in the stage-coach, direct for Albany. At Canaan, thirteen miles
distant, we left the state of Massachusetts, and entered that of New
York. The other villages which we passed after our departure from
Canaan, were Chatham, six miles, Nassau, or Union Village, four miles,
and Schoodie, five miles. The distance from Springfield to Albany is
eighty-one miles. The above villages have a neat and comfortable
appearance, and the fields were in a good state of cultivation. Upon our
arrival at Schoodie the night was just setting in, but unfortunately we
were lighted by a burning house upon an eminence not far off. At the
village of Greenbush, near Albany, we crossed the Hudson or North river
in a horse-boat, and upon our arrival in the city took lodgings at
Cruttenden’s boarding-house, on an eminence near the capitol or
Albany contains about fifteen thousand inhabitants. It is situated
upon the right bank of the Hudson, and extends westward upon an
eminence. It was built by the Dutch in 1614, under the name of Fort
Orange, and received its present name after it came into the possession
of the English, in honour of the afterwards unfortunate King
James II. who was then duke of York and Albany. Some of the Dutch
houses are still standing, and several of the streets retain their
original names.
At the tavern we met with a Mr. Jackson, from New York, who had
arrived at the same time, and who was accompanied by his sister and his
son, Columbus, a sensible lad about ten years of age. Mr. J. is a
teacher. In consequence of the vicinity to the Ballston, Saratoga, and
New Lebanon springs, and the fashionable season, the hotel was so full
of strangers, that I was obliged to sleep with Mr. Tromp, in a small
chamber. On the following morning, at the public breakfast, I again
met with Mr. Jackson and Columbus, and as he was acquainted in Albany,
I accepted of his invitation to take a walk through the city. It is
old and in some parts appears to be in a state of decay. During the late
war with England it was in a quite flourishing state; but since the
peace it has suffered considerably, in consequence of some heavy
failures and a great fire. Albany has received a new impulse, an
increase of commerce, and expects to reap the most happy results from
the Erie Canal, which has been lately established, and which commences
here, and runs a distance of three hundred and sixty-two miles to Lake
Erie, as well as from the canal from Lake Champlain. The pavements were
so bad that I
was obliged to complain immediately upon our arrival, and this I was
subsequently forced to repeat; the streets were also very crooked. We
visited several bookstores, which appeared to be well furnished, and
then took a walk to the new basin, into which the canal empties. It is
separated from the Hudson by a dam which runs parallel with the river,
and is four thousand feet long, from three to four hundred wide, and ten
feet deep. The dam is built of strong rafters, which form its two walls,
the intervals of which are filled up with earth and stone. It is
connected with the bank of the river by several high wooden bridges, in
the centre of which there are drawbridges for the passage of boats. The
building of this dam cost one hundred and thirty thousand dollars. It
was divided into lots, and sold separately, on condition that
store-houses should be erected upon it: in consequence of this they have
realized the sum of one hundred and ninety thousand dollars. In my
opinion, the managers of the canal, at whose expense the basin and the
two canals have been built, would have done better, if they had kept the
dam and rented it. Being built of wood, which is more or less subject to
decay, as they are to erect nothing but store-houses upon it, it is to
be feared that in the course of ten years it will tumble down in
consequence of the pressure, or that they will be obliged to repair it
in great measure, or perhaps completely rebuild it with stone. As stone
is very cheap here, and sawed in the prisons, they should have
originally built the dam of stone. The present one seems to me to have
been but badly executed. In the basin we saw a travelling bookstore in
one of the canal-boats. Mr. Wilcox, who established it about two years
ago on the Erie Canal, travels backwards and forwards several times a
year, and is said to do considerable business. He had just returned to
get a new assortment of books. Most of the books which he sells at the
villages in the neighbourhood of the canal are ancient authors, some
medical and religious, and a few law books and novels. This gentleman,
formerly a merchant in Albany, entirely supports his family, who reside
with him in his boat, by this fortunate speculation. I purchased of
him an excellent map of the state of New York.
A few hours after, we visited some of the steam-boats which ply
between Albany and New York. The largest, called the Car of Commerce, is
provided with excellent apartments, and makes her trip in nineteen
hours. This vessel is extremely elegant, but my friend Tromp is of
opinion that the English steam-boats are superior in machinery. In fact,
in this country, the American steam-engines are not celebrated for the
safety of their boilers; and several explosions which have occurred,
serve to increase this evil report. From this reason, as well as on
account of the disagreeable motion of the steam-engine, many persons
were unwilling
to risk their lives, so that they have attached a safety-barge to one of
the steam-boats. This is a real floating hotel, furnished with the
greatest luxury. In the ladies cabin there are even silk curtains.
Besides this, the ladies have a separate toilette and parlour. The
gentlemen assemble in the dining room. The whole boat is surrounded by a
piazza, which, in warm weather, must be extremely pleasant. The name of
this safety-barge which carries passengers at four dollars, is Lady
Clinton, in honour of the wife of the governor of New York, De Witt
Clinton. We also visited the Constellation, another beautiful
steam-boat, which has no safety-barge. There are also steam-boats for
the purpose of towing the common sloops, &c. up and down the river,
called steam-tow-boats.
Finally, we examined the horse ferry-boats. These boats consist of
two vessels joined together, have a common deck, and are of an
elliptical form. Upon the centre of the deck is a round house, in which
six horses work, turning a horizontal, which moves two common wheels
between the boats, provided with paddles, as in the steam-boats. The
carriage, and twenty-two two-horse carts crossed at the same time,
standing on both sides of the round house. There are two rudders, one at
the stern, the other at the bow.
The trade in timber and boards is one of the capital branches of
internal trade. We saw a great quantity of both on the wharves, and at
the dam. At dinner we became acquainted with the Spanish consul of
Boston, a worthy young man, who was educated in France. After
dinner we took a view of the capitol, or state-house, situated upon a
small eminence, and at a short distance from our inn. Albany is the seat
of government and the capitol of the state of New York, but it is said
to be the intention of the inhabitants shortly to remove the seat of
government to Utica, which is situated farther to the west, and in a
more central part of the state. The capitol is built of brown
sand-stone, and in a quadrangular form; in front it is ornamented with
large steps, and four Ionic columns of white marble. The halls of the
different branches of the legislature are spacious, but exhibit nothing
remarkable. In one of the halls is a full length portrait of Washington,
and in another, that of the late Governor Clinton, an uncle of the
present governor.I.9 On the top of the capitol is a cupola, from which
there is a beautiful view of the city of Albany, and the valley of the
Hudson, which is bounded on the right by the Catskill mountains, and on
the left by the mountains of Vermont. On the dome is a wooden statue
representing justice, to the back of which is secured a heavy
lightning-rod, so that witlings remark that she is standing in the
At Albany are some remains of the feudal system. The Van Rensselaer
family, one of the oldest of the Dutch emigrants, obtained the country
around Albany at the time it was first settled, as a fief; it was
divided into different portions, and some of these were leased to
vassals who were obliged to pay a certain rent, and to render certain
services to the owner. The eldest of the Van Rensselaer family has
always borne the title of patroon, and enjoys certain feudal
prerogatives, for which the family are indebted to the great popularity
they have enjoyed ever since the revolution, though every recollection
of the feudal system is repugnant to the genius of the American
government. By the people in the neighbourhood, the house of the old
General Van Rensselaer is always called the manor of the

Journey from Albany to the Falls of
Niagara.—Erie Canal.—Schenectady.—Utica.—Rochester.—Buffalo.—The Falls of
Niagara, from the 14th to the 25th of August, 1825.
On the morning of the 14th of
August, we took passage on board the Albany, one of the canal
packet-boats, for Lake Erie. This canal was built at an expense of
$2,500,000, and will be completed in about four weeks: at present, they
are at work only on the western part of it. During the preceding year,
they received an income of $300,000, and they expect, during the present
year, after the canal shall have been completed, an income of $500,000,
so that the expenses will, in a very short time, be replaced, and the
state realize an immense profit, unless it be necessary to make great
repairs, which I have no doubt will be the case, and will consequently
require a large share of this income. Hitherto the great canal system
was unknown in the United States, and was rather unpopular. It might
have been expected, therefore, that so great and rapid an undertaking,
would have a tendency to astound, if we may so speak, the public mind;
so that this canal was finished as soon as possible, without calling to
aid the great experience possessed by other nations. Notwithstanding,
this canal, which is three hundred and sixty-two miles in length, with
eighty-three locks, between the Hudson and Lake Erie, which lies six
hundred and eighty-eight feet above the level of the former river, does
the greatest honour to the genius of its projector; though one who has
seen the canals in France,
Holland, and England, will readily perceive, that the water-works of
this country afford much room for improvement. The canal is thirty-five
feet wide on the surface, twenty-eight feet at the bottom, and four feet
deep, so that none but flat vessels and rafts can sail on it. The
packet-boat which took us to Schenectady, was seventy feet long,
fourteen feet wide, and drew two feet water. It was covered, and
contained a spacious cabin, with a kitchen, and was very neatly
arranged. On account of the great number of locks, the progress of our
journey was but slow: our packet-boat went only at the rate of three
miles an hour, being detained at each lock, on an average, four minutes.
The locks are fourteen feet wide above the surface, and have a fall from
seven to twelve feet. The packet-boat was drawn by three horses, which
walked upon a narrow tow-path leading along the canal, and beneath the
numerous bridges which are thrown over it. These bridges, of which there
are about three hundred between Albany and Utica, are all built of wood,
and in a very awkward style; most of them belong to the farmers, and are
intended to serve as a means of communication between their fields. The
distance from Albany to Schenectady, by land, is only fifteen miles, and
persons are enabled to travel it in a very short time in the
stage-coach; but as we were anxious to see the canal, and get leisure to
complete our journals, we preferred going by water, twenty-eight
At Troy, five miles and a half from Albany, is the government
arsenal, which appears to be a large establishment. As far as this
place, the canal runs nearly parallel with the Hudson. Troy, which is
very pleasantly situated on the left bank of the river, at the foot of
several tolerably high mountains, one of which is called Mount Ida,
appears, if we may be permitted to judge from the large store-houses and
the good appearance of the dwellings, to be a wealthy place. Here is a
branch canal which has two locks, and establishes a communication with
Troy. Shortly after, we arrived at a place where there are no less than
nine locks, with an ascent of seventy-eight feet. In front, and to the
right of this, is another canal, which unites with the Hudson and the
canal from Lake Champlain. At this place we left the Hudson and directed
our course along the Mohawk river. During our ride we observed a covered
wooden bridge, which extends over the latter river, a short
distance from its mouth, and is about six hundred feet in length,
supported by fifteen wooden piers. Here we saw the famous Cohoes Falls
of the Mohawk river, seventy-eight feet in height and about four hundred
feet wide. In the spring, when these falls extend over the entire bed of
the Mohawk, they are said to be extremely magnificent; during the
present dry weather, they presented a very handsome appearance, though
they were very small. The river was almost completely dried up.
I walked over its bed, which consists of slate rock, as far as its
middle and near to the falls. In some places the rocks are excavated by
the action of the water, and you may see holes which are full of water
and are said to contain excellent fish. Finding great difficulty in
continuing the canal on the right bank of the Mohawk, they were obliged
here to carry it to the opposite side by means of an aqueduct-bridge,
one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight feet in length. This bridge is
of wood, and is supported by twenty-six stone columns, on account of
which, they have placed a chevaux-de-frise, to keep off the ice
in the river about one hundred yards off. The part of this wooden canal,
which contains the water, is about twenty feet wide and has a tow-path
eight feet wide on one side. These wooden aqueducts will probably soon
require repairing, and there is no doubt but that they will ultimately
be obliged to build them of iron. The canal is cut through the rocks,
almost the whole distance, where it runs along the left bank of the
Mohawk, and presents a very handsome appearance. Twelve miles farther
on, it returns again to the right bank of the Mohawk by a similar
aqueduct, seven hundred and forty-eight feet in length and supported by
sixteen piers. Above this aqueduct, which is also protected by a
chevaux-de-frise, there is a common wooden bridge thrown over the
river, for wagons. Four miles farther on is Schenectady, where we
arrived after sunset. Between this town and Albany, we passed no less
than twenty-seven locks. These, though they are built of solid
lime-stone, will soon require repairing, as the water passes through
them in various places. The gates also lock badly, so that the water
which percolates forms artificial cascades. The country through which we
passed to-day was generally wild and hilly, and somewhat thinly
Schenectady is an old town containing about five thousand
inhabitants, and is intersected by the canal. At this place we left the
packet-boat, in order to proceed to Utica next morning in another boat,
and found excellent lodgings at Given’s hotel, which, after the great
heat we had endured during the day, was exceedingly agreeable. Its
inhabitants are, in part, descendants of the Lower Saxons, and some of
them whom I saw at the tavern conversed with me in bad Dutch. Early on
the next morning we walked through the town, and visited Union College,
which consists of two large buildings situated a short distance from the
town upon a little eminence. It was the time of vacation, and
consequently it was perfectly silent. From its decaying appearance,
I should judge the college was not in a very prosperous condition.
From this building you have a beautiful view of the
town, and of the Mohawk valley, which appears here to be well settled.
In the town we observed a peculiar windmill, with a horizontal wheel,
whose sails, about twenty in number, stand perpendicularly.
We left Schenectady early in the morning on board the packet-boat
Samuel Young, which had engaged to take us to Utica, eighty miles
distant, by an early hour the next day. It was a large boat, and, as the
passengers are obliged to spend the night on board, is provided with
separate apartments for the ladies. The canal again ran along the
well-cultivated valley of the Mohawk, and the country, on account of the
foliage of the trees upon the heights was beautiful. The village of
Amsterdam consists of a few neat houses; and opposite, on the right bank
of the Mohawk, is Rotterdam. On our way we passed several small
aqueducts, the longest of which rest only upon three piers, and extend
over small brooks, which, as well as the small rivulets, are
distinguished by the Indian appellation of “creek.” The canal is carried
over two rivers, called Schoharie and Canajoharie creeks, from which it
receives the most of its water. At this place the horses are conveyed to
the opposite side of the two rivers by means of ferry-boats. At the
first ferry is a small village, called Fort Hunter, where, before the
revolution, there had been a fort, or rather a redoubt of the same name.
Towards evening we passed through a valley, which is formed by two rocky
mountains, one of which is called Anthony’s Nose. The houses we saw on
our route, had generally a handsome appearance; to-day and yesterday I
observed also some saw-mills. There are twenty-six locks between
Schenectady and Utica. The day was intolerably warm, and our company was
very numerous. I confined myself to writing, the whole day, as much
as possible; but, in consequence of the heat, I could not avoid
sleeping. In the evening we fortunately had a thunder-storm, which
cooled the air. During the night, as there was a want of births, the
beds were placed upon benches, and, as I was the tallest person, mine
was put in the centre upon the longest bench, with a chair as a
supplement. It had the appearance of a hereditary sepulchre, in the
centre of which I lay as father of the family. I spent an
uncomfortable night, on account of my constrained posture, the insects
which annoyed me, and the steersman, who always played an agreeable tune
upon his bugle whenever he approached a lock. During the night we passed
an aqueduct bridge, which stands over a solace, called Little Falls.
Towards morning we passed through a well-cultivated region, with some
neat houses, called German flats, and which was settled by some Germans
during the time of Queen Anne. At about twelve o’clock at noon we
arrived at Utica, nine miles
from the place where we passed a lock, which is the last that occurs in
the next seventy miles. The land appeared to be marshy, and consisted of
sand and pebbles.
Utica, which is intersected by the canal, is a flourishing town, of
about four thousand inhabitants, and stands upon the site where Fort
Schuyler, a redoubt against the Indians, was formerly situated. In
1794, there was a small tavern here, which was the only dwelling house
in this part of the country; but at present Utica is one of the most
flourishing towns in the state of New York, and new houses are
continually building. In fact, it is only here that a person begins to
admire the great improvements in cultivation, and gets perfectly new
ideas of the works of man, and of his enterprising genius! Utica, on the
right bank of the Mohawk, has two banks, four churches, an academy, and
large and convenient stores, a bookstore, and printing-office. It
has also several ale-houses, and three fine taverns, at the largest of
which, called Shepherd’s hotel, we found excellent accommodations. In
this house there are always more than seventy beds for the accommodation
of strangers; and these, on some occasions, are barely sufficient. The
number of travellers this summer, is said to have been unusually great,
especially from the southern states, where the heat is intolerable, and
the summers generally unhealthy. In such an American tavern every thing
is perfectly comfortable, and proportionably cheap. The price for board
and lodging is a dollar a day. The bell for rising rings before seven
o’clock in the morning. The bed-chambers are spacious, the beds wide and
comfortable, and the linen fine and perfectly clean. The bed-chambers,
moreover, are furnished with the necessary wash-stands, &c. After a
person is dressed, he enters the bar-room, where he finds all kinds of
strong and refreshing drinks; the desk of the head waiter is also here,
who attends to the bill. The inn-keeper is generally a gentleman, who
eats with the guests, and leads the conversation. Besides the entry,
where the boots and shoes are left in the evening, and where they are
found well cleaned in the morning, there are several sitting, reading,
and writing parlours, &c. And if a person wishes a separate
sitting-room, especially when he travels with ladies, it may be readily
had at a separate charge. Half an hour after rising, they ring the bell
for breakfast; and, upon going to the dining-room, you find upon a
covered table, beef-steaks, mutton, broiled chicken, or other fowls,
fish, and boiled potatoes, which are of a very superior quality. The
waiters, or in many places, the servant-maids, hand the coffee and tea.
As the Americans, in general, are a quiet people, such a breakfast,
which is eaten in great haste, is attended with but little noise. Dinner
is generally served at about
two o’clock, and tea at seven in the evening. At tea, the table is again
furnished as at breakfast, with the addition of ragouts and baker’s
bread. Nobody is obliged to drink wine. There are usually water and
whiskey on the table, which are mixed in the summer, as the most healthy
drink. Every one must help himself as well as he can, for the victuals
are not handed about. Napkins you do not get, and instead, you are
obliged to make use of the table-cloth. With the exception of the
spoons, there is no silver on the table; the forks have two steel
prongs, and their handles, like those of the knives, are of buck’s horn.
It is an excellent rule, that no one on departing is obliged to give
money to the servants.
At Utica, seven of us for nine dollars hired a stage to visit the
Falls of Trenton, distant fourteen miles. Our passengers were partly
from New York, and partly from the state of North Carolina. We crossed
the Mohawk upon a covered wooden bridge, built in a bad and awkward
manner, on which I observed an advertisement, “that all persons who pass
this bridge on horseback or wagon faster than a walk, shall be fined one
dollar.” After this, our road gradually ascended to a forest, which was,
however, in part cleared for new fields. The timber is so much neglected
here, that they will very probably feel the want of it in less than
fifty years. At a short distance from the falls of West Canada Creek is
a new tavern, which is situated in a lately cleared forest, and is built
entirely of wood. At this tavern we left the carriage, and went on foot
through thick woods, from which a pair of stairs conduct to the falls.
A new pair of wooden stairs of about eighty steps, built for the
accommodation of strangers, leads to the bed of the river. This consists
entirely of slate-rock, is about two hundred feet wide, and is enclosed
between high rocky banks, which are lined by beautiful and lofty firs,
arbor vitæ, the maple, the elm, and the cedar. This beautiful
mass of green, the azure sky, the large and variegated rocks, and the
three falls, produce a most happy effect. The rocks at these falls,
which, on account of the great heat, scarcely extended over half the
river, are so excavated by the water, that they have the form of a
common kettle. The upper falls, which are about ninety feet high, are
the grandest; and near them, under the shade of an arbor vitæ, an
adventurer has established a small tavern, which presents a very
picturesque appearance, and is said to yield considerable profit. The
rocks contain handsome petrifactions of shells, plants, and animals; and
we saw one specimen a foot and a half long, which resembled a young
alligator; of the smaller ones we took several specimens. At the tavern
where we had put up, we found a tolerably good dinner, and towards
evening returned to Utica. The day was fine and pleasant. The
thunder-storm of yesterday, had done some good. I regretted that it
was too late upon our return to Utica, to visit a hydrostatic lock,
designed to weigh the boats which pass on the canal.
Having seen enough of the canal, and being anxious to see the
newly-settled country between this place and Niagara, we determined to
continue our journey on the next day in the stage-coach. With this
intention we left Utica at 4 o’clock in the morning of the 17th of
August, and the same day arrived at Auburn, distant seventy-three miles.
The stage-coaches in this country do not, as in England, travel ten
miles an hour, but usually six; as the country is generally hilly, and
the coach, when it carries the mail, stops at every village where there
is a post-office, on account of the great number of newspapers; the
letter-bag must be taken out, opened, again locked, and then returned;
the coachmen also are not very punctual, so that travelling is not so
rapid as it should be. The villages between Utica and Auburn were New
Hartford, four miles, Manchester, five miles, Vernon, eight miles,
Oneida, five miles, Lenox, four miles, Sullivan, eight miles, Manlius,
six miles, Jamesville, five miles, Onandago Hollow, five miles, Onandago
Hill, two miles, Marcellus, eight miles, and Skeneatelass, six
Between Manchester and Vernon day dawned, and we found ourselves in a
rather wild country, in the midst of a wilderness. Oneida is an Indian
settlement, and was built by the remnant of the once mighty Oneida
tribe, who, unlike their countrymen, unwilling to fly before the white
settlers to the west, are at present a wretched people, despised and
oppressed by their neighbours like a gang of gypsies. They have been
obliged to learn trades, and to labour on farms; they have also been
converted to Christianity by means of missionaries, and of whom the
principal one is a Mr. Williams, a converted Indian, educated by
the Quakers. On entering the village we observed on a little eminence to
the left, a small, neat, frame church, where the Indians hold their
service, and close by, an open plain, surrounded by butternut trees,
called “Council Grove” where the elders of the tribe assemble to
deliberate on their most important affairs. The houses of the Indians
are scattered through the fields, are generally small, and built of
logs. In the centre of the village are white settlers, mechanics and
tavern-keepers; the latter of whom in particular make out well, as the
Indians are fond of strong drink. The land belongs to the whole tribe,
and each individual labours for the common good. We observed several
Indians along the road. They had a tawny complexion, and black hair; the
men appeared to be well built, and the women
were stout, and resemble the pictures of Esquimaux women in Parry’s
Travels. Some of them wore their hair down, which, if possible,
increased their ugliness. Both the men and women wear trowsers,
generally of blue, and ornamented with white lace; sometimes also of two
colours, like the prisoners at Boston. The men wear shirts over their
trowsers, and great-coats of cloth. The women dress in white or blue
woollen mantles. At first, I thought myself in civilized Europe,
for a great number of children came along the carriage to beg,
a circumstance which had not occurred since my arrival in the
United States. It was soon ascertained, however, that they were Indian
children, dressed somewhat like their parents, and of the same
complexion. The girls had brass buckles on their cloaks, which fastened
in front, and most of them wore large bead necklaces.
Behind this village the road led along a considerable hill, from
which we had a beautiful view of Oneida Lake, which presented the
appearance of a large stream. Here you have a number of extensive
prospects, which, however, as you see but little cultivated land and few
houses, is rather uniform. Farther on we saw a small lake called Salt
Lake, which is in the midst of a forest, and has on its banks three
picturesquely situated towns, Liverpool, Salina, and Syracuse. At Salina
are rich salt springs, the water of which is collected in reservoirs,
and it is evaporated by the heat of the sun to procure the salt. Beyond
Sullivan we passed through the village of Chitteningo. It contains
several mills, a cotton factory, and a branch of the Erie Canal,
which forms a kind of harbour, and serves as a landing place for
articles manufactured here, and for the plaster and lime which are
procured in the neighbourhood. This lime becomes hard under water, so
that it is excellently adapted to waterworks. We dined at
Manlius, a new village, containing two churches. Besides the usual
stage-coach there were two others to-day, all full of passengers. In our
own we had for a short distance a farmer, a descendant of a German
emigrant, who spoke the language that was used in Germany about a
hundred years ago. He thought my German was too high, and that I spoke
it like a parson. From the canal which forms an angle here, we drove in
a southerly direction, in order to keep on the plains, as the main road,
which is nearer, leads over a hill. The two Onondago villages appear to
be flourishing manufacturing places, and are pleasantly situated.
Marcellus is also a new village and has two churches. Most of the small
villages have two churches, an Episcopal and a Presbyterian. In each of
them, and even at the Indian village, there is a school. In several of
the villages also I had the pleasure of seeing bookstores. Beyond
Marcellus the night unfortunately closed in, which prevented me from
seeing Skeneatelass
Lake, as well as the town of the same name, which is said to be
extremely pleasantly situated on one of its banks. About nine o’clock in
the evening we arrived at Auburn, and found good accommodations at one
of the public houses. This town contains upwards of one hundred and
fifty houses, a court-house and penitentiary, which is said to be
managed in a very excellent manner. To my regret I saw none of them; for
at four o’clock the next morning, 18th of August, we set out in the
stage-coach for Rochester, distant sixty-nine miles. The villages which
we passed on our route were, Cayuga, nine miles, Seneca Falls, three
miles, Waterloo, five miles, Geneva, six miles, Canandaigua, sixteen
miles, Mendon, fifteen miles, Pittsford, seven miles, from which latter
it was yet eight miles to Rochester.
It was just daylight as we arrived in the vicinity of Cayuga, on the
lake of the same name, which is about twenty miles long, and from one to
three wide. This lake empties into the Seneca river, which afterwards
unites with the Mohawk. We crossed the lake not far from its mouth, on a
wooden bridge, one mile in length, eighteen yards wide, and built in a
very rough and careless manner: the planks are loose and the
chevaux-de-frise is in a bad condition. On the opposite side of
the lake is a large toll-house. At a short distance from this we arrived
at Seneca Falls, so called in consequence of the little falls of the
Seneca river, which are close by, and are chiefly formed by a mill-dam.
At the tavern we met an Indian and his wife, of the Oneida tribe, who
were going on a visit to the Senecas. We conversed with the man, who had
been at school, and understood English. He told us that he had been
raised by a Quaker missionary, and that he was a farmer, and concluded
by asking for a little money, which he probably spent with his ugly wife
at the next grog-shop.
All the villages through which we passed are quite new, and in many
places we passed through primitive forests, which, in some places, they
are just beginning to clear. At Waterloo the first house was erected in
1816, and at present it has two churches and about three thousand
inhabitants. Several of the houses are built of brick, and contain well
furnished stores. At the tavern we saw a large, beautiful young eagle,
which had been caught in his nest and tamed. The country beyond Waterloo
was boggy, and the road in some places made of large logs, so that we
were very disagreeably jolted. Geneva is situated at the north point of
Seneca Lake, which is between fifty and sixty miles long and about five
wide. The town derives its name from its similarity of situation to
Geneva in Switzerland. It is also quite new, and contains about four
thousand inhabitants. It has two churches
and several large stone and brick houses, of which the Franklin Hotel,
situated on the bank of the lake, is the most spacious and beautiful.
I went into a bookstore to ascertain what kind of books were most
sold in this part of the country, and was told that the ancient classics
and religious books found the most ready sale; sometimes also novels,
law and medical works. The college is said to have several hundred
students. In front of the town along the lake, there are beautiful
country seats and gardens. On the other side of the town the woods are
but a short distance from the houses, and are as yet not much cleared.
We saw, however, several tracts of timber on fire; the trees are burnt
in order to clear the land.
Canandaigua, which lies on the north point of the lake of the same
name, which is about twenty miles long, is an extremely beautiful and
pleasant town, that has been but lately settled. The Duke de la
Rochefoucault says, that during his travels in America, in 1790, there
was but a single house on this lake, in which he spent the night, in a
garret used as a store-room. Now it is a beautiful commercial town,
having one bank, a court-house, and a very superior tavern. The
court was sitting, and there was a large collection of people, so that
the town exhibited a very lively appearance. At this place the road
separates, the left goes through Batavia and several small villages to
Buffalo on Lake Erie; the right, to Rochester, and thence to Lake
Ontario and the Falls of Niagara: and as this road again approaches the
Erie canal, it is said to be the most interesting. On this account we
gave it the preference, although the longest route.
We left Canandaigua in the afternoon, and rode through Victor,
Mendon, and Pittsford, to Rochester. On this route we observed nothing
particularly interesting, excepting several new settlements; the
inhabitants of which resided in log-houses, which had a peculiar, but by
no means an unpleasant aspect. I was particularly pleased with the
neat and decent appearance of the inhabitants.
We arrived at Rochester at half past eight o’clock in the evening,
and took lodgings at the Eagle Tavern. We crossed the Genesee river,
which divides Rochester into two parts, on a wooden bridge, the first
that we had hitherto met in the United States that was built firmly and
properly. It rests upon stone piers, and is made of solid beams, with
thick and well fastened planks. The next morning we walked through the
town, and were pleased with its rapid increase. In 1812, there was not a
single house here; nothing but a wilderness; and the land could be
purchased at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. At present,
Rochester is one of the most flourishing towns in the state of New York.
It contains four churches, one bank, a court-house,
and about four thousand inhabitants. Many of the houses are built of
blue limestone, and of brick. The town contains several mills and
manufactories; and amongst others, a nail factory, in which the
nails are made with a machine, as in Birmingham. They also manufacture
rifle-guns, which are very long and heavy. On the right bank of the
Genesee river, the houses are not so numerous as on the left, and there
are yet many frame, and even some log-houses: in the place where,
probably in a short time, handsome wharves will be built, there may yet
be seen stumps of trees—a truly interesting sight to those who
observe the progress of this country. The basements of the houses are
generally built of rough sand-stone; their corners, doors, and windows,
of a kind of white marble-like sand-stone, and the rest of brick. The
white sand-stone is procured in the neighbourhood, and is cut into slabs
at a saw-mill on the Genesee river. I saw three of these blocks
sawed; and in one frame I observed no less than five saws. Several
hundred yards below the bridge the Genesee river is about two hundred
yards wide, and has a fall of ninety-five feet, which at present,
however, did not appear to much advantage. Above the falls is a race
which conducts the water to several mills, and it again flows into the
river below the falls, where it forms three beautiful cascades, which
reminded me of the Villa di Mäcen, at Tivoli.
At Rochester the Erie canal is carried over the Genesee river by a
stone aqueduct bridge, and resembles that of the Bridgewater canal at
Manchester, in England. This aqueduct, which is about one thousand yards
above the falls, rests upon a base of slate rock, and is seven hundred
and eighty feet long. A work which has been lately published,
called the “Northern Tour,” gives the following description of it: “The
aqueduct consists of eleven broad arches, built in the form of circular
segments, the tops of which are raised eleven feet above the level of
the arches, and fifteen feet above that of the water in the river. The
two exterior arches have an extent of forty feet each, and beneath them
are the streams which turn the mills; the other nine each fifty feet
wide, &c.” Upon one of its sides is a tow-path secured by iron
railings. The whole is a solid work, and does much credit to its
architect, Benjamin Wright.
We left Rochester at nine o’clock, on board the canal packet-boat
Ohio, Captain Storch. The canal, between Lockport and Rochester, runs a
distance of sixty-three miles, through a tolerably level country, and
north of the Rochester ridge. This ridge consists of a series of rocks,
which form the chain of the mountains which commences north of Lake
Erie, stretches eastward to the Niagara river, confines it, and forms
its falls, then continues its course, and forms the different falls
which are north of
Lake Ontario, and is at length lost in the neighbourhood of the Hudson.
It has only been within the last year that this part of the canal has
been passable; its course is through dense sombre forests, in which are
but few settlements, such as Spencer’s Basin, Bates, and Brickport. The
bridges are better and higher than those we have mentioned in the
preceding pages. Amongst our passengers, was a Mr. Bosch, a Dutch
clergyman from Curaçao, and the Rev. Messrs. Sluiter and Wykoff, from
New York. These gentlemen, being of Dutch descent, the conversation was
generally carried on in their native tongue. Captain Storch also, who is
a native of Amsterdam, and a Jew by birth, who has travelled
extensively, made the time pass very pleasantly, by his lively
disposition, and his agreeable conversation. Both before and after
dinner, as well as at tea, the two clergymen from New York, asked a
blessing; and before we retired to bed, one of them read several
chapters in the Bible, and then made a long prayer.
We reached Lockport on the 20th of August, about 7 o’clock in the
morning. At this place the canal is carried over the ridge by five large
locks, through which the water is raised to the height of seventy-six
feet. The locks are ten in number, being arranged in two parallel rows,
so that while the boats ascend in one row, they may descend at the same
time in the other. Through this arrangement the navigation is greatly
facilitated, and the whole work, hewn through and surrounded by large
rocks, presents an imposing aspect.
Lockport, to which we repaired, while the boat was left in the basin
at the foot of the locks, is an extremely interesting place, and is
situated just above the locks. In May, 1821, it consisted of two
log-houses; at present it contains not less than six hundred, some of
which are stone houses: it contains a post-office, one printing-office,
which issues a weekly paper, and two churches. Though at present
Lockport appears perfectly wild, yet this appearance will no doubt
vanish in the course of four or five years, so that it will present as
splendid an appearance as Canandaigua and Rochester. On our arrival, the
canal was still unfinished for about five miles; but it was supposed
that the whole would be completed before the close of the year. They
were obliged to cut it through solid rock, generally about thirty feet
deep, for a distance of more than three miles. This was mostly effected
by blasting. Several hundred Irishmen were at work. They reside in log
huts, built along the canal. They make much money; but they suffer also
severely in consequence of the unhealthy climate, especially from
fevers, which not unfrequently prove fatal. The stone, which is
quarried, is employed in building houses, and in making turnpikes. In
breaking the rocks they often find beautiful
petrifactions, and other remarkable minerals; for example,
strontian, and beautiful transparent gypsum. I saw a large
petrified tree, and a handsome petrified sea-coral.
At Lockport we took a dearborn for Buffalo, where we were anxious to
go, in order to see the union of the canal with Lake Erie. Though a good
stage runs between Lockport and the Falls of Niagara, we went in this
bad vehicle five miles, to the navigable part of the canal. The road led
through the forest, the trees of which had been felled along the canal,
and passed over the stumps, so that it was uncommonly rough, especially
as it had rained the day before. Arrived at length at the navigable part
of the canal, we took passage on board a rather bad boat, where nothing
was to be had but the common cordial, whiskey. The village where we went
on board, is called Cottensburgh, and is quite a new settlement. At this
place also the canal is cut through rocks to the depth of about thirty
feet. About two or three miles farther on, it terminates in the
Tonnawanta Creek, which serves as a canal for twelve miles. This creek
has scarcely any outlet, so that when it rises much, they are obliged to
protect the canal by means of safety-locks near its union with the
creek. At the outlet of the creek into the Niagara is a sluice for the
purpose of keeping the water always at a certain height. The creek
itself is about fifty yards wide, and runs through a dense and beautiful
forest, which has never been touched by the axe, except along the canal,
where they have been obliged to make a tow-path. I sat in the bow
of the boat during the whole passage. Nothing interrupted the solemn
silence, except the chattering of the boatmen’s teeth, who are often
severely affected in this unhealthy part of the country, with the
intermittent fever. Another small river, called Eleven-mile Creek,
unites with the main river, and not far from this junction was the site
for the new town of Tonnawanta. A few small houses and a saw-mill
were already erected; the inhabitants appeared also to suffer much from
the intermittent fever. Here the Tonnawanta Creek, unites with the
Niagara, where the sluice which we have just mentioned leads off. At
this place also we had the first view of the Niagara river, which
conveys the waters of Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, from the other
extremity of which flows the St. Lawrence. In the river we observed
Grand Island, which contains about one thousand one hundred acres, is
overgrown with timber, and belongs to a New York editor, Moses Mordecai
Noah, a Jew, who purchased it for the purpose of establishing a
Jewish colony. The soil is very good; during the late war between
England and the United States, the Niagara, it is well known, formed the
boundary line between them and the British provinces of Upper Canada,
and this island bore testimony of the bloody conflict.
From this place, the canal runs along the bank of the Niagara, from
which it is separated only by a small bank, built rather carelessly, and
several feet above the level of the river, which is already somewhat
rapid on account of its vicinity to the falls. On the Tonnawanta Creek
we saw several canoes which were made by excavating the trunks of trees.
From Tonnawanta to Buffalo it is eight miles, five of which we travelled
on the canal as far as Black Rock. A basin is formed here by means
of a dam situated near Squaw Island, on which is a lock communicating
with the Niagara. The whole of this work is of wood, and cannot
therefore be expected to be very durable. In the basin lay the new
steam-boat Henry Clay, of three hundred tons, intended for running on
Lake Erie. We had here the first view of the lake, whose shore appeared
to be overgrown with wood. The other shore of course we could not see,
and it seemed therefore as though we were looking into an expanded sea.
The canal to Buffalo not being completed, we again took stage at Black
Rock, and rode three miles to the former town, where we arrived at about
5 o’clock at evening, and took lodgings at the Mansion House, pleasantly
situated on a little eminence in the lake.
Buffalo was burnt during the late war, by the British, but it has
arisen from its ashes with increased beauty. The town contains about
five thousand inhabitants, and will, in consequence of its situation
near the mouth of the canal and its harbour, at which they are hard at
work, soon become an important place. At the entrance of the harbour is
a light-house, and on the lake we observed several schooners of about
three hundred tons. A steam-boat, called the Superior, was ready to
start with fifty passengers to Erie, and thence to Detroit. In the
streets, we saw some tolerably well-dressed Indians of the Seneca tribe,
who have their wigwam three miles distant. Amongst them were several
women, who indeed, but for their complexion, might have been considered
handsome. We also had an amusing military spectacle. It consisted of a
militia parade, consisting of thirty men, including seven officers and
two cornets. They were formed, like a battalion, into six divisions, and
performed a number of manœuvres. The members were not all provided with
muskets, but had ramrods instead. Only the officers and the
rifle-company, four men strong, were in uniform. The band consisted of
sixteen men, and was commanded by an officer with a colonel’s epaulets
and drawn sword!
On the following day, 21st of August, we left Buffalo for the small
village of Manchester, twenty-three miles distant, and situated on the
right bank of the Niagara, near the falls. As far as the village of
Tonnawanta the road passed along the canal.
It was in a very bad condition, cut through the forest, and no pains
have been taken to remove the trees, which are thrown on the road side,
and the most beautiful trunks are permitted to spoil in a pitiable
manner. On the left we had a view of the river and of Grand-Island,
thickly studded with timber. The river is more than one mile wide below
the island. On the Canada side is the village of Chippewa. From this
place, a distance of three miles, we could already see the rising
vapours of the falls. The water, however, indicated no signs of the
approach to the precipice. It is only a short distance from Manchester,
where you perceive the lofty trees on Goat-Island with its heights,
situated in the midst of the falls, that the river becomes rocky, and
the rapids commence; these form a number of small falls, which are
nearly a mile long and the same in breadth, running as far as where the
two great falls are separated by Goat-Island.
At Manchester, we took lodgings at the Eagle Tavern, and hastened
immediately to the Falls: our steps were guided by their mighty roaring.
In a few moments we stood near the precipice, and saw before us the
immense mass of water which rushes with a tremendous noise into the
frightful abyss below. It is impossible to describe the scene, and the
pen is too feeble to delineate the simultaneous feelings of insignificance
and grandeur which agitate the human breast at the sight of this
stupendous work of nature! We can only gaze, admire, and adore. The
rocks on both sides are perpendicular, but there is a wooden staircase
which leads to the bed of the river. We descended, but in consequence of
the drizzly rain which is produced by the foam of the water, we had by
no means so fine a prospect from below as we anticipated. On this
account, therefore, we soon ascended and satisfied ourselves by looking
from above upon this sublime and majestic sight. As we returned, full of
these mighty impressions, to the Eagle Tavern we found to our great joy
a fine opportunity of speaking of the grandeur and magnificence we had
just beheld. Lieutenants De Goer and Van Vloten, of the Pallas, had just
arrived to render homage to this great natural curiosity.
In company with these gentlemen we took a walk to Goat-Island, by a
convenient wooden bridge, thrown over the rapids about seven years
since. The first bridge leads to a small island called Bath-Island,
which contains a bath-house and billiard-room: the second to
Goat-Island, which is about one mile in circumference, and overgrown
with old and beautiful trees. The Indians who formerly resided in this
part of the country, considered the island as sacred. They used to say
that the Great Manito or Great Spirit inhabited it. And in
fact, how could the Great Spirit manifest himself more irresistibly than
in the destructive might of the tremendous Falls?
On Bath-Island a person may approach so near to the American falls as
to look into the abyss below. The animals in the neighbourhood are so
careless of this, that the cows and horses go into the river to drink
within five yards of the brink of the precipice. From the foot of the
falls you can see nothing of the abyss, inasmuch as every thing is
concealed by the foam and vapour. On Goat-Island a person may in the
same manner approach the Canadian falls, in the centre of which is a
semicircular hollow, called the Horse-shoe, and here the noise is still
more tremendous than on the other side. The vapour which rises from the
Horse-shoe forms a thick mist, which may be seen at a great distance. To
look into the Horse-shoe is awful and horrible. Nor can this be done but
at the instant when the vapour is somewhat dissipated. You stand like a
petrified being. The level of Lake Erie is said to be five hundred and
sixty-four feet above that of the sea, and three hundred and thirty-four
feet above the waters of Lake Ontario. Lake Ontario is consequently two
hundred and thirty feet above the level of the sea. From Lake Erie to
the rapids the water has a fall of fifteen feet, in the rapids
fifty-seven feet, and according to a recent measurement, the falls on
the American side are one hundred and sixty-two feet high. From this
place to Lewistown the river has a fall of one hundred and four feet,
and thence to Lake Ontario, of two feet.
The next morning, 22d of August, we made another visit to
Goat-Island. We afterwards descended the stairs to the river, which we
crossed in a small boat, at a short distance from both falls. The bed of
the river is said to be here two hundred and forty-six feet deep. The
current passes beneath the surface of the water, and does not again
become visible till after a distance of three miles. On the Canada side
you have a much better view of the falls than on the American, for you
see both falls at the same time. There is on the Canada side a covered
wooden staircase, which we ascended, and approached the falls, amidst a
constant drizzling caused by the falling water. The sun threw his rays
upon the thick mist and formed a beautiful rainbow. Another winding
staircase leads down the rocks near the falls, under which you may walk
to the distance of one hundred and twenty feet; several of the gentlemen
present went in, but according to their report they could not see any
thing. I was contented therefore to behold the falls from Table
rock, which almost overhangs them. A part of this rock gave way
several years ago and fell down the precipice, and the remaining part is
so much undermined by the water that it will probably soon follow. The
whole distance from the American to the British shore is fourteen
hundred yards, of which three hundred and eighty belong to the American
falls, three hundred and thirty to Goat-Island, and seven hundred yards
to the Canada or Horse-shoe falls. On
the British side, opposite to the falls are two taverns, in the larger
of which, Forsyth’s Hotel, we took lodgings until the next day, when we
intended to pay a visit to the governor of Upper Canada, Sir Peregrine
Maitland, who resides at his country seat within a few miles of the
falls. During the late war a bridge was thrown over the river about one
mile above this tavern, which, together with a mill, was burnt by the
Americans on their retreat from the battle of Lundy’s Lane. A few
years ago a burning spring was discovered here, several of which are
said to occur in different parts of the United States. It is surrounded
by a cask, and contains a cold water of a blackish, slimy appearance,
and of a sulphurous taste. Within this cask is a small vessel which is
open at the bottom, and has a pipe at its upper end. If a lighted candle
be held within a foot of the mouth of this pipe, it will instantly
produce a strong flame, similar to a gas-light. If the vessel be taken
out, and the candle be held over the surface of the water, it will
produce the same effect, but the flame will soon disappear. In the
neighbourhood of Forsyth’s Hotel is the only point from which you have a
full view of both falls at the same time, which, however, is often
interrupted by the ascending vapour.
On our return to the American shore, we examined a camera
obscura which is situated at the head of the American staircase, and
was built by a Swiss. This gives a tolerably good view of the falls.
Afterwards we took a ride to the Whirlpool, which is three miles down
the Niagara, and is formed by a kind of rocky basin where the river runs
between narrow rocky banks. It is singular to see this confusion of the
water, whose appearance cannot be better described than by comparing it
with the flowing of melted lead. The lofty rocks which form the banks of
this river, are beautifully covered with wood and present a stately,
majestic appearance. In the evening I again went to Goat-Island in order
to view the falls by bright moonlight: in this light they produce a very
peculiarly beautiful effect, which is greatly heightened by a
The following day, 23d August, all our company departed; my friend
Tromp and myself alone remained. We went to the other side of the river,
and took lodgings at Forsyth’s Hotel, where we found Sir Michael and
Lady Clare, from Jamaica, where Sir Michael is a member of parliament:
he was making a tour of pleasure, with his lady, through the United
States. I also became acquainted with a Mr. Grymes, of Virginia,
who was formerly attorney general of the state of Louisiana, and is
married to the widow of the late Governor Claiborne, a beautiful
and wealthy creole. As this family were also going on a tour to Canada,
I hoped to travel with them. Mrs. Grymes spoke French,
a circumstance which was exceedingly agreeable on account of the
facility with which I could converse with her. I also found the son
and adjutant of the governor, Sir Peregrine Maitland, who had been sent
by his father, to await my arrival. In a short time after, this worthy
general came himself to pay me a visit, and offer me a room in his
cottage, four miles off. This I refused, but on the evening of the
following day, I rode to Sir Peregrine’s in company with Sir
Michael and Lady Clare. The road went over the battle-ground at Lundy’s
Lane, (25th July, 1814,) which is situated upon a gentle eminence, and
through the beautiful village of Stamford. The fields here are much
better cultivated than in the United States, and there is not so much
waste of timber. The clearing is done with much more order and
regularity. Sir Peregrine resides at his cottage, in summer, which was
built by his father-in-law, the Duke of Richmond, and surrounded by a
park. His winter residence is at York, on the northern shore of Lake
Ontario, the seat of the parliament of Upper Canada.

Journey from the Falls of Niagara to
Montreal.—The Battle-ground at
On Thursday, the 25th of August, we
took our final leave of the falls, in the forenoon, in company with the
Grymes and Clare families, for the town of Newark, which is situated at
the junction of the Niagara with Lake Ontario, on the Canada shore,
about fourteen miles distant. At first our road passed over small hills,
until we reached the battle-ground at Queenstown, a steep hill,
which is situated behind Queenstown, and commands a view of the whole
surrounding country. From this, the country as far as Lake Ontario, is
more level. Opposite to Queenstown, on the American shore, is
The battle of Queenstown took place on the 13th of October, 1812. The
English, under the command of General Brock, occupied the heights, whose
right wing borders on the Niagara, having a deep ravine in front, and
whose left wing gradually slopes towards other no less considerable
eminences, which they had slightly fortified. General Solomon Van
Rensselaer, the present post-master in Albany, and cousin of General Van
Rensselaer, the patroon, encamped with the American troops, consisting
of regulars and militia, on the opposite shore, near Lewistown. General
Van Rensselaer was apprised that General Brock, with the greatest part
of his corps, had marched towards the west, and that there were but few
troops left on the heights. He determined therefore to cross the river,
to make himself master of so important a position. During the night he
conveyed his regulars, about one thousand four hundred men, over the
river, and gave orders that the militia should follow on the return of
the boats, and form a reserve in the rear. These troops gained the
heights, and nearly surprised the British, who, notwithstanding, made a
bold resistance. The Americans would, however, have remained masters of
the field, had not General Brock returned with his detachment. Brock was
a brave soldier, and hearing that the troops whom he had left behind,
were in a dangerous position, he immediately attacked the Americans with
but a single company. In this attack he found a glorious and memorable
death. The Americans kept the heights as long as possible; their
ammunition, however, being nearly exhausted, General Van Rensselaer sent
orders to the militia to advance. The general himself hastened to the
opposite shore to accelerate their movements; he was answered that they
were ready to defend the borders of the United States, but it was
contrary to the laws of the country to take them out of it. The troops
of the line in the meanwhile, having exhausted their ammunition, were
obliged to retreat; they expected to embark, but not finding any boats,
they were compelled, after a heroic defence to surrender as prisoners of
war. On the place where General Brock fell, the parliament of Canada has
erected a monument to the memory of that brave and intrepid soldier. It
consists of a lofty column, which may be observed from every part of the
adjacent country. It was not yet completed, and wanted the
We expected to meet the steam-boat Queenstown at Newark, in order to
proceed to Kingston, on the eastern extremity of Lake Ontario. We missed
it, however, and were afterwards informed that it had been obliged to
put in at another harbour on account of repairs. We were compelled,
therefore, to remain three days at Newark. Newark is a regularly built
town, with several handsome houses; it is situated at the outlet of the
Niagara into Lake Ontario, between Fort George and Missagua. Fort
Missagua is near the lake; Fort George lies south of Newark, and is in
ruins. During the last war, both these forts were occupied by the
Americans, and from Fort George towards the town, they had raised a
bulwark so as to form a kind of intrenchment. After they had evacuated
this position, and were obliged to retreat to the right shore of the
Niagara, the commander,
General M‘Clure, burnt the town of Newark, an act for which he has been
severely censured by his country. Since this occurred, the village has
never properly recovered, and its future increase will also be slow,
especially as government is digging a canal to the west of Newark, which
is to connect Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario, which will probably hereafter
withdraw all the transitory commerce. Our time passed very agreeably in
this town, particularly through the attention of the worthy Sir
Peregrine Maitland, who had come hither; the politeness of Major Cob,
and the gallant officers of the seventy-sixth regiment, of which four
companies were at Newark, as well as the delightful singing of Mrs.
Grymes, who remained with her husband, while many others, with whom we
had expected to sail, went away.
We visited Fort Niagara, which is situated on the American shore, and
which, in consequence of its white houses, and its waving flag, presents
a very handsome appearance. The fort lies on a neck of land; it was
erected by the French in the middle of the last century, and was shortly
after taken by the British. After the peace of Versailles in 1783, it
fell into the possession of the United States, was retaken during the
late war by the British, and at the peace of Ghent, was again obtained
by the United States. We saw all that was to be seen, and found every
thing clean and comfortable. I will only further remark on the
present occasion, that the uniform of the United States’ Infantry is
very simple, and consists of dark blue cloth, with one row of white
buttons, blue lace collars and cuffs of the same, white cord, and
leather caps.
We also visited the village of the Tuscarora tribe of Indians, who
reside within the limits of the United States, about three miles from
Lewistown. The village consists of single houses, or wigwams, and is
handsomely situated in a valley surrounded by forests. It contains a
frame church, in which the service is performed by a methodist
missionary, who also, during the winter, keeps school for their
children. Most of the houses are surrounded by gardens and orchards; and
the fields, in which they mostly cultivate Indian corn, appeared to be
in a very good condition. We were conducted into the house of an Indian,
about forty years of age, who had been educated in one of the schools in
New York, who speaks and writes English fluently. We found him in his
bed suffering from an attack of rheumatism. He inquired after our native
countries, and was pretty well acquainted with their geography. We
examined his library, and found that it consisted chiefly of methodist
religious books, with a history of the United States. He also had a
collection of Indian implements of war, consisting of a club of hickory
wood, a battle-axe of stone, bows and arrows, the points of which
flint, very artificially made; an oblong stone, a kind of
serpentine, which the savages wear on their breasts during an
engagement, and ornaments of glass beads and shells, which they wear
around their waists in time of battle. All these articles I wished to
buy; but the Indian told me that he kept them for the inspection of
strangers, and that they were not for sale. Instead of them, he sold me
some mocassins, a kind of soft leather shoe, made of buckskin,
which are ornamented with silk and beads, and a small basket. Amongst
the Indians, the women are obliged to do all the work, even of the most
degrading kind. Mr. Tromp, in order to see several articles more
conveniently, had placed his hat on the floor, which was scarcely
observed by the Indian, before he desired Mrs. Grymes to put it upon a
chair. His grandson, a boy of eleven years, shot very expertly at
an apple with his bow and arrow.
The steam-boat Frontenac, arrived in the evening after our return,
and was to sail on the following day for Kingston. We went on board and
examined her cabin. Around the dining-cabin there are six chambers, each
containing four births. I was shown into one of these, in which I
could lie at full length. In the ladies cabin are fourteen births.
A great part of the deck was covered by an awning, so that
passengers could enjoy the fresh air at the same time that they were
protected from the sun or bad weather. The boat carries seven hundred
and fifty tons, and has an engine made by Bolton and Watt, at Soho, near
Birmingham, of twenty-seven horse-power. Sir Peregrine Maitland conveyed
me to this vessel in his carriage. She lay at anchor off Fort George.
Sir Peregrine had the great politeness to station one of the companies
of the seventy-sixth regiment with a flag, to fire a salute of
twenty-one guns; and his attention was still farther shown in sending
his son along, that I might have no difficulty in seeing the navy-yard,
at Kingston. The Frontenac sailed at half past five o’clock. In a few
moments we were on the lake, and in a short time lost sight of land, and
were apparently in the open sea. There was but little wind, and the
vessel, in consequence of its great size, produced no disagreeable
rocking. During the whole evening we were entertained by Mrs. Grymes, by
her delightful performance on the guitar, and by her singing French and
Spanish songs. The night passed quietly; but it was otherwise at break
of day. It rained repeatedly; the wind grew stronger; the vessel
pitched, and several persons became sea-sick. Lake Ontario is of an
elliptical form, is about two hundred miles long, and fifty-five miles
at its widest part. It is everywhere very deep, in some places five
hundred feet, and never freezes completely over. It contains several
good harbours, and the
boundary line between Canada and the United States, divides it into two
nearly equal parts.
In the afternoon we saw a small peninsula towards the west, called
Prince Edward’s Island, and passed between a cluster of small islands,
called the Ducks. About nine o’clock in the evening we reached Kingston,
the British harbour on Lake Ontario. We cast anchor close by the town.
I spent the night on board, and in the morning, as I awoke,
I found one of the companies of the thirty-seventh regiment, who
are here in garrison, marching along the quay, near the vessel, as a
guard of honour, accompanied by a band of music. I dismissed them
of course immediately, and after having received the visits of a few
officers, we rode over the bay to the dock-yard, which lies opposite to
Kingston, surrounded by a high wall and protected by a strong guard. By
the navy-list I ascertained that there are ten ships here, with three
hundred and six guns, in ordinary. It appeared to me, however, that the
number of guns was greater, for the St. Lawrence, one of these vessels,
carried one hundred and twenty guns, and two which are yet on the
stocks, the Montreal and Wolf, have three decks, and ports for one
hundred and thirty guns each. According to the stipulation of the treaty
of Ghent, they are not permitted to build any ships here during time of
peace; so that the soldiers at the arsenal consisted merely of the
necessary officers, besides twelve carpenters, who had scarcely any
thing to do, but to work at an elegant little schooner, which was
shortly to be launched to serve as a yacht. The large vessels on the
stocks were uncovered, and appeared to have suffered much from the
weather. The St. Lawrence was the largest vessel in the river, and is
said also to be in a state of decay; her bottom especially has suffered
from the effects of the fresh water and worms. The wharves of the
dock-yard are built of wood, and bear marks of the haste in which they
were erected; they were in a bad condition. Within a few years they have
erected a magazine, three stories high and one hundred and ninety-two
feet long, with iron doors and shutters, for the preservation of the
sails and cordage. The partitions in the inside are made of wood.
Immediately on our entrance into the magazine the large iron door was
locked and kept so, inasmuch as they greatly mistrust the Americans.
Beneath the building is a cellar, which is also occupied as a magazine,
and the floor of which consists of limestone, which serves for the
foundation of the whole building. The stairs are of stone, and are built
into a tower; they intend also at some future period, to make the
different floors fire-proof, like the magazine at Plymouth, by covering
them with iron. In a distinct massy building are the forges, and in a
third the offices. By the side of the offices is a large room, which
the different articles used in ship-building. Opposite to the dock-yard,
on a neck of land, is Fort Frederick, which I had not time to visit.
Behind the dock-yard, upon a small height, stood a number of tents. We
were informed that about four hundred Irish emigrants had encamped
there, who had been sent to this country at the expense of the English
government, to settle a piece of land on the north-western bank of Lake
Ontario, whither they were soon to go. The town of Kingston contains
about two thousand inhabitants, and is built in the usual style.
We left Kingston after eleven o’clock, on board the steam-boat Lady
Dalhousie, for Prescott, sixty-eight miles from Kingston, on the left
bank of the St. Lawrence. Adjutant Maitland left us at Kingston, but the
rest of the company remained. We had scarcely left this place before we
sailed round a promontory on which stands Fort Henry, into the St.
Lawrence. This river is here very wide, and forms an archipelago about
fifty miles in length, called the thousand islands. The English and
American commissioners for determining the boundary line, took the pains
to count these islands, and found that they amounted to sixteen hundred
and ninety-two; in this calculation, however, they have included every
projecting rock, even if it had but a single tree. This archipelago
presents a beautiful prospect; most of the islands are rocky, and are
overgrown with trees, generally cedars. Here and there a fir reared his
lofty head, which, generally growing upon the bare rocks, where the
trees are less numerous, presents a picturesque appearance. We observed
something similar to the picture of Frederick, of which we were often
reminded in descending the St. Lawrence. Eighteen miles from Kingston
our vessel stopped at the village of Gananoqui, on the Canada shore, to
take in wood. I went for a moment ashore and found an insignificant
village, in the neighbourhood of which the river of the same name falls
into the St. Lawrence. The Gananoqui river has a rocky bed, and is
crossed by a wooden bridge, beyond which, upon a small eminence, is a
square two story log-house, the upper story of which was formerly
occupied as a garrison by about forty men. During the late war the
Americans got possession here of an English post and a magazine, in
consequence of which they built this block-house. At the extremity of
the archipelago of the thousands islands is a similar block-house for
the protection of the navigation of the river.
On the Canada shore, about fifty miles below Kingston, where the
archipelago terminates, is the small village of Brockville, where there
are some fine magazines near the river. At this place the night set in,
which was warm and moonlight. We found two taverns in the village, but
they were so full of people, and had such a dirty appearance, that I
preferred spending the night
on board the steam-boat, and my example was followed by the families of
Messrs. Clare and Grymes. The steam-boat carried one hundred tons, and
was of twenty-five horse power, but she was by no means so convenient
and comfortable as the Frontenac.
At this place commence the rapids of the St. Lawrence. They are
formed by rocks, which extend obliquely across the river, over which the
water rushes with tremendous force, so that between this place and
Montreal, a distance of one hundred and thirteen miles, the
steam-boats can run only a part of the way. On this account, therefore,
there is a line of stage-coaches and steam-boats between Prescott and
Montreal, which take the passengers alternately, and produce much
vexation in consequence of the baggage. The rapids may be descended in bateaux, or
Durham-boats, which are small, flat vessels of about forty tons, have
but half deck, and draw eighteen inches of water. The Durham-boats have
a mast and two sails, and carry large cargoes of goods. We were anxious
to undertake the passage, in order to see the rapids, and to ascertain
the danger of which so much has been spoken. We therefore went on board
a Durham-boat, the Flying Dutchman, paid two dollars for each passenger,
and were assured by the captain, that, if the wind should be good, we
should be at Montreal in a day. Sir Michael resolved to attempt the
enterprise, and his lady accompanied him, in spite of her fears. Mrs.
Grymes, however, was so much afraid, that she preferred travelling
partly in the stage and partly by steam-boat.
We embarked on board the Flying Dutchman, at about 6 o’clock, early
in the morning of the 30th August. The morning was delightful, and as we
were much pleased with the beautiful prospect of Prescott, in the
neighbourhood of which is Fort Wellington, a redoubt, which was
built during the late war.
On the American shore we saw the town of Ogdensburgh, which was
fortified by the Americans during the late war, but soon fell into the
hands of the British. The comforts of our vessel were not, as we have
remarked, very great. It was open, a few barrels of potash served
us as a floor; and boards laid across our trunks as seats. Six miles
below Prescott we arrived at a few islands called the Gallop Islands,
and the first rapids. As we approached, the water appeared to be
boiling, and high foaming billows arose, over which our boat passed
rapidly. They are not so high as the swells at sea, but they are very
short and rapid in their movements. As our Durham-boat, however, was
remarkably long, it divided them without producing any disagreeable
motion. Scarcely had we passed the rapids before the river became again
smooth, and as we had scarcely any wind, our progress was but slow.
Another set of rapids, nine miles long, were passed in an hour, and with
no more danger than the preceding.
We were assured, however, that a branch of these rapids, from which we
were separated by an island, are very dangerous. It is called the least
channel; and Duncan, in his Journal, gives a beautiful description of a
shipwreck that occurred here, in which many lives were lost. Our vessel
was not only flat at the bottom, like all the others that pass these
rapids, but had also an ingenious false keel, which could be lowered and
raised as the water was either shallow or deep. Our passengers were
principally of the lower class of Canadians, who spoke bad French,
somewhat like the Walloon. There was also a lively young black bear,
three months old, on board.
About twenty miles below Longsault, we reached the village of
Cornwall, on the Canada shore. The wind was so feeble that we had no
hopes of reaching a good tavern before dark, we determined, therefore,
to stay here all night. Towards evening, Mr. Grymes’ family also arrived
by land, and took lodgings at the same tavern. The village is small, but
the streets intersect each other at right angles, and contain several
new stone houses. It appears to be a place of little business. The
country is pretty flat, and the plain near the village is used by the
British as a race-ground. A race was to take place in a few days,
horses had already arrived and lodgings were bespoken. The British
government sends many Scotch emigrants into this part of the
Our departure on the following morning was delayed two hours by the
ladies; and it was not until about 7 o’clock that we left Cornwall in
our Durham-boat. The morning was very pleasant, and in consequence of a
rather strong southerly wind, we glided rapidly along. Five miles below
Cornwall, on the right shore, we saw the village of St. Regis, the last
belonging to the United States. The American line here leaves the St. Lawrence,
both shores of which belong to Canada as far as its outlet into the sea.
On the left bank of the river we descried a new Scotch village, called
Glengary Settlement. Farther on, you reach a lake, called Lac St.
François, through which the St. Lawrence flows, and through which the
boundary line between Upper and Lower Canada is drawn. This lake, which
is about forty miles long, and six broad, contains a number of islands.
Not far from St. Regis we passed one of these islands, which is
inhabited by some Indians, who have been baptized by a Catholic
missionary, and have their island in a good state of cultivation. One of
the Indians, with his wife, came along side of us in a canoe, and sold
us some fish. At the point where Lac St. François terminates, and where
the St. Lawrence again commences, is the village of Coteau de Lac, on
the left bank of the river. At this village is a pretty strong rapid,
stronger than those we passed yesterday. In order that this rapid may be
avoided, and that vessels may ascend with more ease, the government has
had a canal dug along the river, which has two locks, and is covered by
a small fort, Fort du Coteau.
Our captain had business at the custom-house; he stopped therefore
for an hour, during which I had time to look at the fort; after which we
continued our course in a strong wind which was brought on by a
thunder-storm. The shores and islands of the river are generally covered
with cedar trees, and amongst them we observed some neat houses and
churches, with bright tin roofs. At the village of Coteau des Cèdres, we
were obliged to encounter the last and most dangerous rapid, called the
Cascades. The waves were uncommonly high, and our vessel passed over the
dangerous parts with incredible velocity. Along these rapids there is
also a canal provided with locks, and intended to facilitate the ascent
of vessels. If these rapids are viewed from the shore, it appears
incredible that a canoe should venture in without being swallowed up.
Such a misfortune, however, does not happen, as we had just proved.
Below this rapid the river, where it receives the Ottawa, again spreads
out so as to form another lake called Lac St. Louis. North of this lake,
and at the place where the Ottawa unites with the St. Lawrence, it forms
another lake, Lac des deux Montagnes, which is separated from Lac St.
Louis by three islands, called Jesus, Perrot, and Montreal. The
thunder-storm passed close by us; the wind blew heavy, but favourably.
We met a steam-boat, having a corpse on board, and her flag at
half-mast; this was a bad omen! Another steam-boat got ahead of us as we
were passing towards La Chine, and excited our desire to sail faster;
but suddenly we saw a terrible storm approaching. In an instant every
hand was endeavouring to take down the sails, and the small one was
fortunately drawn in before the arrival of the squall, but the large
one, in consequence of its bad cordage, was only half way down when it
struck us. Near us we observed a sound, with a dangerous cliff, which it
was necessary to avoid by steering to the left, but we were driven
directly towards it. Six men could scarcely manage the helm. Half of the
sail floated in the water, and our destruction appeared inevitable. No
one knew who commanded; the sailors thought themselves better qualified
than the captain, and every thing was hurry and confusion. I deemed
it best to remain silent, and commit myself to the care of Providence,
who guides the destinies of man. At length a sailor climbed the mast and
cut the cord, so that the sail could be taken down, by which time we had
fortunately passed the sound. The storm also, which altogether did not
last much longer than five minutes, began to abate. The steam-boat ahead
had been in the same dangerous situation, and would have been cast upon
the rocks in the sound, had she not speedily
returned into the lake, where she cast anchor. Immediately after the
storm, during which it had rained, we observed a remarkable phenomenon,
viz. a fall of white-winged insects, of which a great quantity fell
upon our boat. It continued during five minutes. These insects had in
all probability been driven from the neighbouring forests. The storm,
though unpleasant, had the effect of propelling us swiftly forwards.
After 6 o’clock in the evening, we reached without any other unpleasant
occurrence La Chine, a village, which has a harbour situated upon
the island of Montreal.
La Chine appears to be an insignificant village, though in
consequence of its favourable situation, it is said to do considerable
business. The French was spoken so badly here, that I thought myself
transported to our provinces of Hennegau or Namur. The village is said
to have obtained its name from the circumstance that during the time the
country was occupied by the French colony, they believed they could pass
to China by way of the St. Lawrence; and with this object, an expedition
had been fitted out, which embarked at La Chine.
Between La Chine and Montreal, the river has a very dangerous rapid,
on account of which the government has built a canal as far as this
place, which is nine miles long, has several locks, and is said to be of
much importance to the trade. As we preferred going by land we hired a
stage-coach, and started about eight o’clock in the evening during a
violent thunder-storm. Lady Clare, who was scarcely recovered from the
fear which she experienced on the water, would willingly have spent the
night here in a tavern, as she was much afraid to travel during a
thunder-storm at night. It soon turned out that her fears were not
unfounded. We had scarcely passed three miles over a good turnpike road,
before we came in contact with several carts that stood in front of a
tavern, loaded with iron bars. The drivers had gone into the tavern, and
left their carts in the middle of the road, and as the night was dark we
approached one of them so suddenly that three of the iron bars entered
the breast of our shaft-horse, which immediately fell and expired. After
much dispute between the coachman and the carters, we rode on with three
horses, and arrived at Montreal about ten o’clock at night. We stopt at
the Masonic Hall, a hotel which has been established within the
last year. It is a very large, convenient, massy building, four stories
high, and built of blue stone. It affords a fine view of the St.
Lawrence, which is upwards of twelve hundred yards wide here. At our
arrival, I became immediately acquainted with Captain Mellish, of
the engineers, who was sent from England on a scientific expedition into
the interior of the colony.
We remained at Montreal nearly three days. The city, which I examined
in company with Lieutenant Colonel Evans of the seventieth regiment, in
garrison here, contains about twenty-five thousand inhabitants. It
extends upon a hill to a considerable distance, between the St. Lawrence
and Le Mont Réal, which is about seven hundred feet high, and is lined
with timber. It has two principal streets, which run parallel with the
river, and are intersected by a third, that runs along the ditch of the
demolished fortresses. The houses are generally built of blue stone, and
covered with bright tin, have iron doors and shutters to protect them
against the fire, which give the city a very dismal appearance. In our
walk we passed a number of young men who wore belts, and were dressed in
blue coats, the seams of which were covered with white cord. We were
informed that they were the pupils of the Catholic ecclesiastical
school. It is well known that most of the Canadians, and four-fifth of
the inhabitants of Montreal, are Catholics; they are bigotted, and the
lower classes are exceedingly ignorant. There is a very broad street,
which unites the two principal streets, and in the centre is the
market-house. At one of the extremities of this street, are the
court-house and prison; behind which is the place where the old forts
stood, since converted into a parade. Montreal has several hospitals,
which are superintended by nurses. These hospitals, however, are not
sufficient, especially as the nuns do not admit any fever patients. In
consequence of this, some of the most wealthy citizens have joined, and
selected a healthy spot, on which they have erected a new hospital,
three stories high, capable of containing seventy patients of both
sexes. In this hospital, the sick, fifty in number, receive cheap and
excellent accommodations. They are under the care of nurses, and are
attended gratis, by the best physicians of the city. The arrangement is
similar to that of the hospital at Boston, but there is less of luxury
here in their management.
The public library is as yet small, though it is rapidly increasing.
It has united with it a cabinet of natural history. We also observed the
foundation for a large cathedral, which is to be built by private
contributions. At the barracks of the subalterns, I was much
pleased with the mess-room, which has a library connected with it;
I was also much gratified with the school for the education of the
soldiers, and their children. The barracks were formerly occupied as the
Jesuit college, which stood in the old French citadel, of which not a
vestige remains. Not far from the barracks is a steam-engine, which
conveys the water from the river into the city, at the same time that it
moves a mill. At the market-house stands a monument erected by the
colony in honour of Lord Nelson. It consists of a statue resting upon a single
column. On one side of the pedestal is an inscription; two others
contain representations of naval engagements; and the fourth,
a representation of the capitulation of Copenhagen.
The next day, Lieutenant-colonel Mac Gregor conducted me to the
parade, where a part of his regiment was assembled. They formed a
battalion of six divisions. The battalion exercises were not performed,
but the manœuvres, which were very complicated, and only adapted to the
place, were executed with much precision and admirable celerity.
I learned a new mode of making ready. At the command “ready,” the
soldiers levelled their muskets, cocked them in this position; at the
command “fire,” they brought them slowly to their cheeks. The infantry
were divided into two bodies, but in making a flank march, they formed
into three, by passing through the files. The platoons were divided into
sections, containing from four to six files, in consequence of which the
oblique march was easily executed.
After this manœuvre was completed, we took a boat, in company with
the officers, for the island of St. Helen, oppositely to Montreal, in
the middle of the St. Lawrence. This island contains a large artillery
depôt, under the direction of Major Wallace. Upon landing we were
saluted with a discharge of twenty-one guns from the battery on the neck
of the island. This battery is of a crescent shape, and serves as a
training-place for the company of artillery stationed here. The gunners
were just practising with one nine, and one six pounder, and a
seven-inch howitzer, each of which was charged with grenades. The mark
stood in the river, and their dexterity was such that the grenade never
exploded before reaching it. The skill consists chiefly in the proper
calculation of the fuse, so that the powder of the grenade may explode
the moment it is over the mark.
St. Helen was the only point that the French retained after all
Canada had submitted to the British power. It is about two miles in
circumference, and is covered with fine elms and different kinds of nut
trees, particularly the hickory. The soldiers have made excellent paths
through and around the island. A botanic garden was established
here a few years ago by the government, in which all the North American
plants are collected, for the purpose of furnishing gardens in England.
On the north side of the island you have some beautiful views of the
shores of the river, and Montreal, with her numerous churches, and
situation at the foot of the green mountain, presents a very imposing
appearance. Here are also the arsenal and barracks, new massy buildings,
which are protected against a coup de main by a breast-work, as
well as by embrasures in the walls. The interior of the island is hilly,
and in a really romantic valley is a powder-magazine, containing four
thousand barrels of powder.
Through Major Wallace, who resides in a very beautiful house at the
barracks, we became acquainted with his wife and daughter, who pass
their time very pleasantly at their solitary habitation in music and
drawing. During the winter, the people who are obliged to stay on the
island are sometimes prevented from going to Montreal for six weeks, in
consequence of the ice.
After our return to Montreal we took another ramble through the city,
and observed some very large stores. As Montreal carries on some fur
trade through the Ottawa river, with the Hudson Bay and North-west
Company, I had supposed I should be able to procure some cheap fur;
but I found little that was good, and this was valued at an enormous
price. In the evening we went to the Royal Circus, whose pompous
advertisement had promised a large company of riders and a good play.
The riders, four grown persons and two boys, performed some tolerably
good feats; but the play was so badly managed that we soon returned to
the house. The theatre is in other respects handsomely arranged: it has
two tiers of boxes, and a circle for the horses, which, during the play,
forms the pit.

Journey from Montreal to Quebec.—Stay at
Quebec.—Return to Montreal—from the 3d to the 9th of
September, 1825.
About 8 o’clock in the evening of
the 3d of September, in company with Messrs. Grymes and Clare’s
families, we embarked on board the steam-boat Lady Sherbrook for Quebec,
one hundred and eighty miles from Montreal. Montreal wants good wharves,
a circumstance which we felt sensibly on going on board the
steam-boat, as we were obliged to walk in the dark through the mire,
which was particularly disagreeable to the ladies. We had taken
state-rooms on board the vessel, so that the ladies could live alone,
and not be obliged to sleep in the common ladies cabin. To me it was
also pleasant to have a small room to myself. At Montreal I met Captain
King, of the English artillery, with whom I had become acquainted at
Boston, and who likewise travelled to Quebec. The other passengers were
not numerous.
The steam-boat was one hundred and fifty feet long, carried eight
hundred tons, and her engine was of sixty horse-power, much too little
for such a large and heavy vessel. It started after 9
o’clock in the evening. During the night it stopt an hour at the outlet
of the river Sorel into the St. Lawrence, at William Henry, a small
town, so called in honour of the Duke of Clarence. They were obliged to
take in wood; for the American and Canada steam-boats are not, like the
European, heated with stone coal, but with wood, which takes up much
room on the vessel, and much time in loading.
The next morning we stopt on the left bank of the little town Les
Trois Rivières, which contains two thousand five hundred inhabitants, is
eighty miles distant from Montreal, and situated where the St. Maurice
empties itself into the St. Lawrence. Before we came to this place, we
had to go through Lake St. Pierre, which is formed by the widening of
the river St. Lawrence. The banks of this river are thickly inhabited on
both sides, and are also said to be cultivated and productive. The river
is throughout from one to two miles wide, but fifty-two miles below
Trois Rivières, at the village of Richelieu, it becomes narrower, and
here are the last rapids, called Rapids de Richelieu. The banks, which
as far as this place are pretty low, become higher and more rocky,
particularly on the left side. The neighbourhood is remarkably handsome
and picturesque. The majestic stream with its pleasant banks and the
view of the distant blue mountains near Quebec, produce an indescribable
effect. The weather was favourable, a clear sunny day, and not very
warm; in this northern latitude you can already perceive the approaching
autumn by the coolness of the nights and mornings.
We reached Quebec at 10 o’clock in the evening. This city consists of
two parts, the upper town, which is built on a rock, and the lower,
which is pressed in between the river and the rock. The lights in the
lower town and the fortifications, had an elegant appearance, when
contrasted with the dark rock. The first coup d’œil, which was by night,
reminded me of Namur, as it is seen from the right bank of the Maas. In
the river were many vessels, mostly used for carrying wood. It was
already late, and we should have found difficulty in transporting our
baggage by night, besides other inconveniences in finding lodgings for
the ladies, so we spent this night also on board the steam-boat, where
we were very comfortable and found it cleanly.
The next morning, after dismissing the guard which the governor had
appointed to escort us, we went to our lodgings, in the upper part of
the town. The lower town is very narrow, and has a filthy appearance.
The streets are not paved, and badly provided with side-walks. The road
which leads to the upper part of the town is very steep. It stands on a
rocky ground, and
its fortifications are elevated three hundred and fifty feet from the
level of the ocean. The upper is separated from the lower town by a
stone wall, which has the form of a horn-work. Through this wall is a
gate, which has a guard, the guard-room is opposite the gate, and by
means of a portcullis defends the entrance. For the convenience of
foot-passengers, there is a door near the gate, with wooden stairs, by
ascending which you reach the upper town. On the right side of the gate
is a building which resembles a chapel, and serves for the house of
commons of Canada. In order to get home, we were obliged to go round
part of the walls of the town. Even here you have an indescribably
beautiful view of the Bay of Quebec and the right bank of the river,
which has the appearance of a cape called Point Levi.
Shortly after our arrival, I received a visit from Colonel Duchesnay,
first adjutant of the governor-general, and from Colonel Darnford,
director of engineers. The first gentleman came to bid me welcome, in
the name of the governor, and the latter begged to show me the
fortifications. Lord Dalhousie, governor-general of all the British
possessions in North America, was at that time in England, but was
expected daily. During his absence, the government was under the
direction of the lieutenant-governor, Sir Francis Burton, brother of
Lord Conyngham. He is a civilian, but is said to fill his high post with
credit. The good spirits the inhabitants are in, and the harmony that
exists in the colony, is mostly owing to his good management, and his
humane and friendly deportment towards them. It is said of Lord
Dalhousie, that he has estranged the hearts of the people from himself
and the government, through his haughty and absolute deportment, and the
opposition party in the Canadian parliament has thereby been
With the above-mentioned public officers, we wandered through the
city, and first of all visited the government house, which is a large
old building, vacant during the absence of Lord Dalhousie. The rooms are
not large, and were not as richly furnished as I expected to see the
mansion of an English governor-general. At the back of the house, over
the vault, is a large balcony, from which one can see part of the town,
the harbour, and the surrounding neighbourhood. The citadel is a new
work, and not quite finished. The English speak with a kind of
exultation of the fortifications of Quebec, and compare it to Gibraltar.
I also expected something extraordinary, but cannot say that my
expectations were gratified. The heights near the town are the
well-known plains of Abraham, or more correctly heights of Abraham, upon
which, on the 12th of September, 1759, the battle between the English
general, Wolfe, and the French general, Marquis Montcalm,
took place; a battle which cost the lives of both generals, and in
which the French were defeated with the loss of the town and colony.
General Wolfe took possession of the Isle d’Orleans, and made himself
master of Point Levi. The Marquis de Montcalm, upon the heights by the
falls of Montmorency, with his army in a fortified position, heroically
received the attack of General Wolfe and drove him back, with great loss
to the English army. On this occasion, General Wolfe embarked his men in
the night, took advantage of the darkness to pass the town, sailed up
the St. Lawrence, and disembarked at the place that is now called
Wolfe’s cove. He mounted the rock with a great deal of difficulty, and
then put his army at the break of day in order of battle on the Heights
of Abraham. To assist the town, and drive the English from the heights
of Abraham, the Marquis de Montcalm found it necessary to leave his
impregnable position at Montmorency, and to cross, by a bridge secured
by double piers, over the river St. Charles. He now, with Quebec in his
rear, drew up his army upon the heights in good order and gave battle,
the result of which was unfortunate to him and his government.
The English engineers make use of bricks which are burned in England,
for building the casemates of the fortification. A thousand of
these bricks cost the government, including transportation, two pounds
ten shillings! The reason they give is, that the bricks burned here,
crack in the winter. I rather believe that the preference of these
foreign bricks has some other reason.
The arsenal is a large, yet not bomb-proof building, in which there
are more than twenty thousand muskets, and some useful pistols. We also
saw here several very handsomely ornamented single and double-barrel
guns, which are kept for the purpose of making presents to Indian
The upper part of the town is very old and angular, the streets are
muddy, and many not paved. Both towns contain about twenty-five thousand
inhabitants. The Catholic cathedral is quite a handsome building; it has
three altars, and paintings of but little value. On account of the
coldness of the climate the church is floored. The inside of the church
is divided like English churches, into aisles. It is near the seminary,
an old French building, with massive walls, having four corners like a
bastion. In this seminary resides the Bishop of Quebec. We had already
been introduced to Bishop Plessis, in the house of Sir Francis Burton,
and found him a very agreeable and well-informed man. He is the son of a
butcher of Montreal, and has elevated himself by his own merit.
A few years ago he travelled through England, France, and Italy,
where he received the title of Archbishop of Canada, from the pope. The
English government in the mean
time, took into consideration, whether they would recognise his title,
because he would, as archbishop, rank in the Canadian parliament before
the English episcopal bishop. We paid our respects to this worthy man.
He received us kindly, surrounded by many young priests. His secretary
showed us the building and the garden. The scholars had a vacation, and
the house was deserted. They are not all destined for the priesthood;
the most respectable people of this country have their sons brought up
in this institution, in which they receive a very good education. The
Catholic clergy are very much respected here, and they are said to
deserve it, on account of the information they possess, and the
benefactions they bestow. The English government left them all the
emoluments and prerogatives which they possessed before the colony was
conquered. On this account, the clergy are obedient to the government,
and exert their best influence over the people in favour of the
government. In the seminary is a small philosophical apparatus. The
natural history cabinet is not very rich; the best part of it is a
collection of East India shells. The garden of the seminary is rather
large, and serves as a fruit and vegetable garden, &c.
Nine miles from Quebec is the waterfall of Montmorency, to which we
travelled, escorted by Colonel Duchesnay. The road passed through the
palace gate. This is the gate where General Arnold made his attack, when
he stormed the place in December, 1775, and was wounded in the leg. His
column had already pressed into the city, and would certainly have taken
the town, if General Montgomery, who attacked the lower town from the
side of the St. Lawrence, had met him at the same time. This, however,
was impossible, as General Montgomery fell, and after his death his
division fell into confusion, and retreated. An English artillerist,
returning to the only cannon placed there, which had already been
deserted, set a match to it, killed this hero with twelve men, and thus
saved the town.
We crossed the river St. Charles over a long well built wooden
bridge, and continued our journey partly on a road cut through the rock,
having the St. Lawrence always in view. The neighbourhood is well
cultivated; several farm-houses have a very ancient appearance. The
handsomest of them belongs to the seminary at Quebec, and serves the
priests as a pleasure ground. About the middle of the road is the
village Beaufort, where one has a very good prospect of the city, the
right bank of the St. Lawrence, the Isle d’Orleans, and down the stream.
We left the carriage at the river Montmorency, over which a wooden
bridge is thrown, and walked nearly to where the Montmorency empties
itself into the St. Lawrence. At that place are the falls, two hundred
and seventy-five feet high. The surrounding country is
extraordinarily beautiful. Near the waterfall is a cave, where the soil
is either sunk, or washed away by the water; it is a narrow deep crack
in the earth, which you cannot behold without shuddering. When the water
is high, there are three falls. The middle one precipitates directly
down, the two others cross over the middle one. The drought, however, of
the summer of 1825, and a canal, which drains the water from the river
to drive saw and other mills, has lessened the quantity of water in the
river, so that only one of the three falls has water, and instead of
seeing the other two, you perceive the bare rock. This rock is slate. At
Quebec and Point Levi, it is limestone; in Quebec it is interspersed
with silicious crystals, hence its name Cape Diamond. The stones of
Point Levi are used for building houses and fortifications; all copings
are made of this stone. Most of the trees in this neighbourhood are
cedar. Below the falls of St. Lawrence they have constructed a little
harbour by means of two piers, whence they trade in boards on account of
its nearness to the sawmills. About a mile and a half above the great
falls, in the same river, are others. The channel at these falls is very
narrow between the rocks, and formed like stairs; on this account, they
are called the natural stairs; resembling very much, though in
miniature, the falls of Trenton, near Utica, and are situated in a thick
forest of fir, pine, and cedar trees. The road from the bridge to this
place, and hence to the turnpike, is a very obscure footpath through the
On the second and last day of my sojourn at Quebec, I went to the
parade, escorted by Colonels Durnford and Duchesnay. I was
pleasantly taken by surprise, when I found the whole garrison under
arms. The commanding officers wished to show me their corps. On the
right wing stood two companies of artillery, then a company of sappers
and miners, after this, the sixty-eighth, and lastly, the
seventy-first regiment of infantry. The last is a light regiment, and
consists of Scotch Highlanders; it appeared to be in particularly good
condition. This regiment is not dressed in the Highland uniform, which
was only worn by some of the buglemen. It has a very good band of
buglemen, who wear curious caps, made of blue woollen, bordered below
with red and white stripes. The troops defiled twice before me.
On the 6th of September we sat out in the steam-boat for Montreal.
Sir Francis sent us his carriage, which was very useful to the ladies.
On the dock stood a company of the sixty-eighth regiment, with their
flag displayed as a guard of honour, which I immediately dismissed. The
fortification saluted us with twenty-one guns; this caused a very fine
echo from the mountains. Night soon set in, but we had sufficient light
to take leave of the magnificent vicinity of Quebec.
The journey, of course, was more tedious in ascending than in
descending the river. Fortunately the tide was in our favour during the
night, until we passed the rapids of Richelieu. In the morning we stopt
at Trois Rivières to take in wood; we then went slowly on.
I employed this leisure in writing, but was often interrupted. In
this boat they have four meals daily, and at every repast they drove me
from my writing place. In the morning at seven o’clock, they ring the
bell for the passengers to rise and dress; at eight o’clock breakfast is
served, which consists of tea, coffee, sausages, ham, beefsteak, and
eggs; at twelve, they take luncheon; at four, dine; at eight, take tea;
and an hour before every meal they set the table. The weather was cloudy
nearly the whole day; it began to rain towards evening, and continued
raining through the night.
At Sorel, or William Henry, we came to, in order to land some
passengers, and take in wood. This place is situated on the right bank
of both rivers, at the confluence of the Sorel or Richelieu, (the only
outlet of Lake Champlain,) with the St. Lawrence. The French built a
fort here, which stands yet, if such bad palisades, barracks, and
arsenals, deserve that name. The town itself was built in the year 1785,
by the so called American tories and discharged soldiers. It contains
two churches, about one hundred houses, and six hundred inhabitants,
whose houses are mostly of wood, and stand separately in the streets,
which are arranged in squares, and occupy a great space. It is built on
a sandy soil, and has a poor aspect. Generally speaking, the towns in
Canada bear a very poor comparison with those of the United States, and
will never arrive at the same point, because the settlers in Canada are
mostly poor Scotchmen and Irishmen, who come out at the expense of the
government; they receive land, and are oppressed by the feudal system,
which opposes all prosperity; emigrants, however, who possess some
property, and have an ambitious spirit, settle themselves in the United
States, where nobody is oppressed; on the contrary, where all the laws
are in their favour.
At Fort Sorel is stationed a garrison, a detachment of the seventieth
regiment, commanded by a sergeant; an artillery detachment which was
moving to Montreal, tied its sloop to our steam-boat, and came on board;
the artillerymen mostly intoxicated. Towards evening, we learned that
the sloop contained three boxes of gunpowder, which caused us a great
deal of uneasiness. The danger was so much the greater, as the sparks
were continually flying from the pipe of the steam-boat, which the wind
drove towards the sloop. I was one of the first who received the
information, and immediately gave the alarm. All the passengers agreed
in persuading the captain during this rainy and
stormy night to remove the sloop some distance from our boat, and place
in it an officer and three of the least intoxicated artillerymen. The
night was dark, and we were compelled to cast anchor and remain till
The next morning the weather was still cloudy and rainy; the storm
was particularly strong, and the wind ahead. The machinery was too weak
to make any progress. We therefore saw Montreal three hours before we
could reach it; the current particularly was so strong between Montreal
and the Isle of St. Helen, that in spite of the machinery we were driven
backwards. At last we were obliged to draw up the boat by aid of six
oxen, two horses, and ten men. The Lady Sherbrook, however, is one of
the oldest steam-boats on the St. Lawrence, and the captain himself
confessed that she was so rotten that she was not worth repairing, and
will soon be condemned. About 4 o’clock in the afternoon, after we had
been forty-six hours on our journey, which took but twenty-six hours
going down, we were landed at Montreal. The battery on the Island of St.
Helen saluted us with twenty-one guns. The first information we received
was, that fifty houses were burned down yesterday in the suburbs of the
town, and that this misfortune fell mostly upon the poorer class, whose
houses were not insured.
Mr. Bingham, from Philadelphia, who married a rich heiress here, and
turned Catholic to get possession of her estate, gave a ball to-day, in
honour of the first birth-day of his only daughter, and politely invited
our company. We accepted the invitation, and rode to the ball at 9
o’clock. He was twenty-four years of age, and his wife nineteen; has
many friends, because his cellar is well filled, and has the talent to
spend his money liberally among the people. We found assembled in his
rich and tastefully furnished halls the whole fashionable world of
Montreal. They mostly dance French contra dances, commonly called
Spanish dances. To the contra dances, in honour of the officers of the
seventieth regiment, who are the favourite young gentlemen, they have
adopted tedious Scotch melodies; to the Spanish dances they played
German waltzes. The native ladies conversed in very soft Canadian bad
French, not even excepting our handsome landlady. I took particular
notice of a Miss Ermatinger, the daughter of a Swiss, and an Indian
woman, on account of her singular but very beautiful Indian countenance.
She was dressed in the best taste of all, and danced very well. Indeed
there was a great deal of animation at this ball, as well as a great
deal of luxury, particularly a profusion of silver plate and glass in
the house of Mr. Bingham, whose sister is the wife of the banker,
Baring, of London.

Journey from Montreal to New York.—Isle Aux
Noix.—Lake Champlain.—Lake George.—Falls of
Hudson.—Glenn’s Falls.—Saratoga Springs.—Saratoga
Battleground.—Shaker Settlement at New Lebanon.—Military
School at West Point.
As the season was so far advanced, I
wished to reach New York without delay. We therefore concluded to travel
soon, and visit Lake Champlain to its southern extremity, then to
Saratoga, Albany, and further down the Hudson to New York, taking the
Catskill mountains by the way, and inspecting the famous military school
of West Point. With this view, on Friday, the 9th of September, we went
on board the steam-boat Montreal, which runs between Montreal and the
right bank of the river. Lieutenant-Colonel M‘Gregor and Major Loring
escorted us to the boat. In half an hour we found ourselves on the other
side of the river. We landed near the village Longueuil, where
stage-coaches awaited us, which carried us and our baggage to St. John,
situated on the river Richelieu, about twenty-seven miles from
Longueuil. The road lies several miles along the banks of the river St.
Lawrence, till you arrive to the village of La Prairie. In this village
we took our leave of this noble neighbourhood and majestic stream, on
whose banks we had tarried so agreeably. The road led through a plain,
which was very little cultivated, and containing few trees. We only met
with a single village called Lavane. Here and there we observed some
larch trees. About half past one in the afternoon, we reached the
village of St. John, having arrived a mile from the above-named village,
at the river Richelieu. Here we went on board the American steam-boat
Phœnix, in order to sail for Whitehall. This vessel deserves the name,
because the boat, whose place it supplies, was of the same name, and
burned some years ago on Lake Champlain. The new Phœnix is commodious
and clean, one hundred and twenty feet long, having machinery of
forty-six horse-power. Both banks of the river were thickly timbered.
Ten miles above St. John we reached an island called Isle Aux Noix, the
last English strong post on Lake Champlain. The captain had the
politeness to tarry here a short time, in order that I might survey the
island and its fortifications.
Isle Aux Noix contains about ninety acres, and is very flat and
swampy. The fort is called Fort Lenox, in honour of the late duke of
Richmond; it consists of a regular square, with four bastions and two
ravelins, and is built according to the system of Vaubans. On account of
the swampy ground, the fortification which anciently stood here, is
almost sunk. The revêtement is a half one, and formed of wood, as well
as the scarp and counterscarp. The whole lower wall consists of roots of
trees, mostly cedar, placed horizontally crosswise, and only those roots
which constitute the revêtement stand upright. On the horizontal roots
earth is thrown and rammed. The engineers believe that this costly work
will stand thirty years. I however believe it would have been
better if they had rammed the roots into the ground and put a grate upon
that, and then a strong stone revêtement, or still better if they had
arched it en décharge. The two ravelins, whose basis is also of
wood, lie before the northern and southern front. Under the curtain of
the eastern front, they have built casemates for the garrison. Near the
gate in the wall are small arsenals, and on the inside of the fort
stands the guard-house, which also contains the prison. The base of this
fortification, as well as the few buildings which stand within, are
bomb-proof. The houses are built of blue limestone which comes from the
state of Vermont. A road covered with palisades surrounds the fort.
I observed here palisades which can be knocked down backwards, and
might be advantageous in case of accident, whilst I took a survey of
this work, accompanied by Captain Reed of the seventieth regiment, who
is commandant, and has already been in garrison here one year with his
company, also by the two engineer officers. Northward of the fort stands
the navy-yard, which is in the same situation as it was at the period of
the treaty of Ghent. There were about twelve gun-boats under cover, and
a frigate of thirty-six guns on the stocks, whose keel and skeleton has
rotted ever since. A naval magazine, and the dwellings of the
officers, overseers, and workmen of the wharf, stand behind the
navy-yard. The two branches of the stream separating the island from the
main land are tolerably small, and the shores are covered with
Eleven miles above Isle Aux Noix we left Canada and again reached the
territories of the United States. At the point where the river Sorel
leaves Lake Champlain, and where we entered into the latter, the
American government has erected a fort called Rous’ Point, consisting of
a defensive tower with casemates, which, as well as I could judge in
passing, appeared to have been located with much judgment and erected at
a small expense. This tower completely commands the communication
between the lake and the Sorel, and as the guns are all under cover, the
garrison has
but little to fear from the vertical fire of the enemy’s infantry. The
fort stands on a cape. According to the treaty of Ghent, the forty-fifth
degree of north latitude, between the state of Maine and the St.
Lawrence, between the United States and Canada, were fixed as
boundaries; and as to fulfil the terms of the treaty, the commissioners
determined the latitude of several places astronomically, it has been
discovered that this fort lies somewhat north of forty-five degrees, and
consequently is on the Canadian side.
The greatest breadth of Lake Champlain, which contains several large
islands, is six miles. The shore on our right, belonging to the state of
New York, is low and covered with trees; the other belongs to Vermont,
and is more mountainous. As night approached, we were prevented from
enjoying this beautiful part of the country; I was also with regret
prevented from seeing the battle ground of Plattsburgh, at which town
the vessel made a short stay during the night. Some American
custom-house officers came on board, without, however, inquiring after
our baggage, and this was a new and not disagreeable circumstance.
The same night we stopped at Burlington in Vermont, and the Grymes’
family left us here to go to Boston. I expected to meet this
interesting family again in New York in fourteen days. Towards morning
we passed the ruins of Fort Crownpoint, which lie on a hill. At this
place the lake is very narrow and resembles a river. The shores are
generally covered with bushes and pine trees, are hilly, and afford a
pleasing prospect. At the village of Shoreham, twelve miles above
Crownpoint, on the eastern shore of Vermont, we left the Phœnix, which
went twenty miles further to Whitehall, the southern point of Lake
Champlain, and landed to see Lake George, which is celebrated for its
romantic situation and shores. Sir Michael and Lady Clare continued with
us, and resolved not to part from us till we arrived at Albany, after
which they would travel to Boston. As a slight recompense for the loss
of the Grymes’ family, Mr. Shoemaker, and his wife, from Philadelphia,
bore us company hence to Albany. They were Quakers, but had laid aside
the striking costume of their sect.
At the inn of Shoreham is a place for loading and unloading vessels,
which transport much plaster of Paris and blue limestone for building,
to Canada. Among the stones on the shore we found some which appeared to
be rich iron ore, said to be common in Vermont. At the inn we met with
an elderly lady of the middle rank, who was smoking tobacco; this custom
is said to be prevalent here among elderly women. We passed over the
lake, scarcely half a mile wide, in a wherry, and landed on the other
shore, not far from the ruins of Fort Ticonderoga. This in an old
French fort, lying on an elevated cape, which commands the navigation of
the lake. From the ruins we saw that it was a square with four small
bastions and three ravelins, the scarp, and the counterscarp being
covered with strong stone-work; the bastion contains casemates as well
as the curtain of the eastern front. Several massive buildings stood in
the fort so that it must have had but little room. About three hundred
paces east of the fort, on the extremity of the cape, stands a small
pentagonal redoubt, which communicated with the fort by means of a
covered way. The cape is connected with the main land of New York by
means of a neck of land, which was cut off by a crownwork, consisting of
earth. The eminence on which this crownwork lies, in some measure
commands the fort, and an entrenched camp seems to have been located
here. Between the fort and crownwork we remarked the remains of two
square redoubts. On the same shore, south of the fort, but separated
from it by an inlet of the lake, lies Mount Defiance, which commands the
fort in a great degree, and from which, in July, 1777, the English,
under General Burgoyne, bombarded the fort, which was too quickly
evacuated by the Americans, under General St. Clair. On the eastern
shore of the lake, opposite Ticonderoga, lies another hill, Mount
Independence, of the same height as the fort on which the Americans had
formed their works at that time, under the protection of which they
passed the lake after the evacuation of the fort. This was afterwards
destroyed by the English. In July, 1758, when the fort still belonged to
the French, the English attacked it, but were repulsed with a loss of
eighteen hundred men.
From Ticonderoga we went in a stage three miles further to Lake
George, through a very hilly country. The level of this lake is about
three hundred feet higher than that of Lake Champlain; the stream which
flows from the former into the latter lake, forms a succession of small
cascades, and turns several saw-mills. We arrived at the northern point
of Lake George, and entered the steam-boat Mountaineer, which was ready
to depart; it was ninety feet long with a machine of sixteen
Lake George resembles the Scottish lakes. It is thirty-six miles
long, and never more than five miles broad. The shores are very hilly,
the heights are all covered with trees, and are not, as it seems to me,
above eight hundred feet high. There are several islands in the lake,
generally covered with wood. A single one, called Diamond Island,
on account of the handsome crystals which are found in it, is inhabited.
The inhabitants consist of an Indian family, which lives in a small
house, and maintains itself by selling these crystals. About five
o’clock in the evening, we arrived at the southern point of the lake.
The scenery is very
handsome. One of the highest mountains, which rises perpendicularly out
of the lake, is called Rodgers’ rock, after an American Captain Rodgers,
who being hunted by the Indians, during the revolution, fled to the top
of this rock, and in extremely cold weather, being urged by danger,
glided on the smooth surface down to the frozen lake. Towns are not
seen; but few single houses stand along the shore. At the southern
extremity, however, lies the village of Caldwell, founded about twenty
years ago, which, besides a very good and large inn, where we took
lodgings, contains several neat houses. In former times, an English
fort, William Henry, stood here, which, to judge from its few remains,
must have been a square redoubt of earth. It was built in the year 1755,
by order of Sir William Johnstone, who commanded the English army in the
then colony of New York, after having completely routed, on September
the 8th, 1755, a French corps which had come from Ticonderoga to
attack him. In this rencontre, Baron Dieskau, a French general lost
his life. In the following year, however, Marquis de Montcalm arrived
with a stronger force and captured the fort. A capitulation was
allowed to the English garrison, but they were attacked after leaving
the fort, by the Indians, in a disgraceful manner, and the greater part
cut to pieces. After the fort was taken, the Marquis de Montcalm ordered
it to be destroyed. Not far from this place, in a higher station and on
a rocky ground, the English erected afterwards a new fort, called Fort
George, which, at the unsuccessful expedition of General Burgoyne, in
1777, served his army as a depôt and magazine, till he moved too far
forward and was cut off from the fort. Remains of it are still plainly
seen. It was a strongly-built square redoubt, the entrance being
protected by a fleche. It lies in an advantageous situation,
commands the whole southern shore of the lake, with a large part of the
vicinity, stands, as was said before, on a strong ground, and is covered
on one side by a morass. On the eastern side alone, it is commanded by a
high mountain, which, however, is at some distance. If the American
government should resolve to restore Crownpoint and Ticonderoga, the
latter particularly would be adapted, after fortifying the two
mountains, Defiance and Independence, for an arsenal of a superior kind;
it might contain large depôts, serve as a fortified camp, and be
successfully defended by a small garrison. Here fleets might be
completed to command Lake Champlain, and an expedition against Isle Aux
Noix and Canada organized. However, a good road would be necessary,
leading from Ticonderoga to the northern point of Lake George, three
miles distant, and here it would be necessary to protect the place of
embarkation by a fort. A new fort on the same spot where Fort George was
erected, would be necessary. There is a good locality between
this fort and Fort William Henry to found a dock-yard. The communication
between Ticonderoga and the United States would be well and doubly
protected by the southern point of Lake Champlain, towards Whitehall,
and by Lake George. If the English should attack the United States on
this side, they would undoubtedly waste much strength, and not advance a
step, unless they had seized Ticonderoga.
We left Caldwell at eight o’clock the next day, September 11, in two
inconvenient carriages, and passed through a very uninteresting, deep,
sandy road, in a hilly country, covered with thorny trees, on our route
to Saratoga springs, to which the whole fashionable world of the United
States repairs in summer, for the fashionables have here the same mania
which prevails in other countries, to visit the baths in summer, whether
sick or well. The distance is twenty-seven miles. On our passage, we saw
but one interesting object—the Hudson falls, which river we had
left at Albany, and reached again nine miles from Caldwell, coming from
the west.
These falls are known under the name of Glenn’s Falls. A village of
the same name is built in their vicinity, on the rocky shores of the
river. The river is crossed by means of a pendant wooden bridge. The
arches rest on pillars, consisting of large beams, which lie across each
other, as tit-mouse traps are constructed in my native country; the
bridge might therefore be called bird-cage bridge. These cages rest on a
foundation of limestone, cut through by the Hudson in its course. This
river is really a remarkable sight in this sandy country. Above the
bridge it is one hundred and sixty yards broad, and crossed by a dam,
which conducts the water to the saw-mills along the banks. A single
rock, on which, also, a saw-mill stands, divides into two parts,
the principal fall, which is forty feet high. But there are, both above
and below the principal falls, a number of smaller falls, which we
could approach with ease, as the water was very low. These falls are not
indeed to be numbered among the largest, but among the handsomest falls
which I have seen. A constant mist arises from them, and, as the
sun shone very brilliantly, we saw several rainbows at the same time. In
the rock, as at Niagara, we observed some remarkable and deep cavities.
They arise from the flintstones which are scattered throughout the
limestone, and are washed away by the violence of the water. When these
flintstones meet with resistance, or fall into a small cavity, they are
constantly agitated by the falling water, and moving in a circular
direction, form by degrees deep cavities in the soft limestone. At the
base of the small island, which divides the chief fall into two parts,
a remarkable cave appears below the falls, leading to the other
side of the rock; this was also undoubtedly
made by the washing of the water. The saw-mills, all of wood, occupy a
bold position over the falls, and appear besides, to be in such a state
of decay, that a fear arises, lest they should soon fall into the abyss.
The Hudson is partly navigable above Glenn’s Falls, and two miles
further up, feeds a navigable canal, with thirteen locks, which runs
seven miles north of the Hudson, and then joins Champlain canal.
We arrived at Saratoga at two o’clock in the afternoon, and stopped
at Congress Hall. The greater part of the company had already departed,
so that but forty persons remained; among these was the governor of the
state of New York, the celebrated De Witt Clinton.I.10 I was
immediately introduced to his excellency, and very well received by this
great statesman.
The water of the springs is cold, of a somewhat salt taste, and
stronger than the mineral water of Eger. It is said to act very
beneficially as a tonic. When this region was yet covered with forests,
inhabited principally by Indians, and by few white people, the Indians
were acquainted with the virtues of this water; only one spring,
however, High Rock Spring, was discovered. They led to it the
above-mentioned Sir William Johnstone, who was much beloved by the
Indians, and in a bad state of health. By drinking this water he
regained his health, and thus this spring became known. It is not above
twelve years since a beginning was made to clear the ground, and build
houses; at present, more than a hundred, principally of wood, form a
street. They are generally arranged to receive strangers. The four
largest hotels are Congress Hall, Union Hall, the Pavilion, and the
United States Hotel, the last of brick, the three former of wood.
Congress Hall alone, was yet open, the others had closed since September
1st, on account of the frost. The hotel can accommodate two hundred
strangers. In the evening the company assembles in the large halls in
the lower story, at this season, alas! by the fire, and pass the time in
music, dancing, or conversation. Games of chance are strictly forbidden
by the laws of the state, and in general, public opinion in the United
States is much against gaming. I was told that at a watering-place
in Pennsylvania, three genteel young men once arrived from different
parts of the United States. They were at first very well received, but
afterwards were found to be gamblers. All communication with them was
immediately broken off in so striking a manner that they were soon
obliged to leave the place.
The different springs, which do not lie far from each other in a
swampy ground in the same valley, are called Hamilton, Congress,
Columbia, Flat Rock, Munroe, High Rock, President, and
Red Spring. The water is generally drank, but baths are also erected.
High Rock Spring flows from a white conical limestone rock, five feet
high, in which there is a round aperture above, about nine inches in
diameter, through which the water in the spring is seen in a state of
constant agitation. So much fixed air escapes from it, that an animal
held over it, as in the Grotto del Cane, near Naples, cannot live
above half a minute. Mr. Shoemaker held his head over the opening, and
though he had covered it with a handkerchief, immediately fainted away;
he retained besides, during several days after this experiment,
a bad dry cough. The vicinity of Saratoga Springs possesses no
attraction. Promenades are not yet constructed. The only pleasure which
can be enjoyed must be sought in company. A large piazza is built
before Congress Hall, to the pillars of which wild vines are attached,
which almost reach the roof. I passed the evening in the lower
parlour by the fire, with the governor and Mr. Schley, from Maryland, in
very agreeable and instructive conversation. The ladies did not
entertain us with music, because it was Sunday.
The governor had the kindness to give me some letters for New York,
and a letter of introduction to the Shakers of New Lebanon. Furnished
with these, we left Saratoga Springs, September 12th, at 9 o’clock, in a
convenient stage to go to Albany, thirty-six miles distant. We passed
through a disagreeable and sandy country. The uniformity was, however,
very pleasingly interrupted by Saratoga lake, which is eight miles long.
At Stillwater village, we reached the Hudson. Not far from this, runs
the new Champlain Canal, which was commenced at the same time with the
Erie Canal, but is not yet completed, and which I mentioned on my
passage from Albany to Schenectady. At Stillwater we visited the two
battle-grounds, Freeman’s Farm and Bernis’s Heights, which became
celebrated September 19th, and October 7th, 1777. These actions, as is
known, took place during the expedition of Burgoyne. They closed with
taking the whole corps of this general, to which also the Brunswick
troops, under General Von Riedesel belonged, at Saratoga.
Our guide to both battle-grounds, which are adjacent, was an
octogenarian farmer, called by his neighbours Major Buel, because he had
been the guide of the American army during the campaign. The ground has
since greatly changed; wood has grown again, so that with the exception
of some remains of the English lines, nothing is to be seen. Not far
from the river, on an eminence, are the remains of a very small work,
called the great English redoubt. Here lies General Fraser, of whose
burial Madam Von Riedesel gives a description so attractive, and yet so
terrific. I broke off, near his grave, a small branch of a
pine tree to present it to Baron Von Riedesel, Land-marshal of the Grand
Duchy of Saxe-Weimar. I inquired after the house in which the
mother of the latter had lived, and in which General Fraser died. This
house stands no longer on the original spot, as the canal passed through
its site; in other respects it is said to be arranged now, as it was
then. The place in the bar-room, where General Frazer died, and a small
room behind this, in which Madam Von Riedesel lived with her children,
were shown me.
At the small town of Waterford we passed along the left shore of the
Hudson on a long wooden bridge, to avoid a bad bridge over the Mohawk.
We proceeded on our route in the night on a very good road, and passed
through Lansingburg and Troy. The latter is very handsomely built, and
many stores are very well lighted up in the evening. Here we returned to
the right shore of the Hudson, and reached Albany at 10 o’clock at
On the 13th of September I went with Mr. Tromp in a stage-coach to
New Lebanon, twenty-eight miles from Albany to see the settlement of
Shakers. We passed through Greenbush, (where the team-boat put us on the
left side of the Hudson,) Schodack, Union, Stephentown, and Canaan. The
country about New Lebanon is extremely handsome; the tops of the
mountains are covered with trees, and the lower parts well cultivated.
The valley is wide, with very neat houses, and resembles a garden. Fruit
is particularly cultivated. On a slight eminence at the foot of a
mountain, the Shaker village is very beautifully situated, and is about
one mile long. The houses stand in groups at a distance from each other,
in general large, built of wood, and painted yellow; the church alone,
or rather the meeting-house, is wide, with an arched roof of slate.
The Shakers are a religious sect, originally from England. It was
founded by Ann Lee, the daughter of a Manchester blacksmith, and wife of
the blacksmith Stanley, of the same city. Her chief doctrines are,
community of goods, a perfect continence with regard to the sexes
and adoration of the Deity by dancing. Ann Lee pretended to higher
inspiration, performed miracles, announced the speedy reappearance of
Christ on earth, spoke of the millennium, and of similar glories. She
commenced in England, by making proselytes among the lowest classes, who
followed her when she preached in public, held noisy prayer, or rather,
dancing meetings, and thus disturbed the public peace. This worthy
prophetess was therefore, with her friends, at different times
imprisoned; the impatient and unbelieving public even began once to
stone her. The good soul, whose convulsions were said by the wicked
world to be the effect of ardent spirits, wandered therefore, in 1774,
with her family, and several of her friends, to New York, where she
settled. But her husband was wearied
with the sisterly connexion in which he lived with her, and resolved to
divorce his sisterly wife, and marry another. Whereupon the repudiated
wife wandered towards Albany, settled first at Watervliet, and held
meetings. These meetings, however, appeared to the Americans so
suspicious, (it was during the time of the revolution,) that the
good lady was arrested at Albany with several of her friends, and
transported to the neighbourhood of New York, in order to give her in
charge to the English, who then held the city. But she soon returned
again to Watervliet, and her faithful adherents bought land near
Niskayuna, between Albany and Schenectady, and settled there.
A large part of this people, those particularly who had joined the
sect in America, founded the colony of New Lebanon. Ann Lee died in
Niskayuna, in 1784. As this sect conducted itself very quietly, and gave
no public offence, the government allowed them to live in peace. The
colony numbers about six hundred members, who are divided into families,
some of which contain above one hundred individuals of both sexes. Each
lives in a group of houses with an elder at their head. The elders of
all the families form a counsel, which watches for the public good. They
have for divine service a sort of preachers, two of each sex, who hold
forth on Sundays. The greatest cleanliness prevails in the houses,
equalled perhaps only by the hospital of Boston; the brethren live on
one side, and the sisters on the other. They have a common eating-room,
in which again each sex has its own side, but different working places. Both
the brethren and the sisters live, generally, two individuals in one
room, and two also sleep in the same bed. Many of the sisters, however,
notwithstanding their good food, were pale and wan.
When a family wishes to join the Shakers, the relation of brother and
sister, must immediately take place between husband and wife. The
children are then brought up in Shaker principles. Orphans also find a
home with them; still, however, unfavourable reports are circulated
about the origin of these orphans. Of course, if the principles of these
people should prevail, which, however, may heaven prevent, the world
would soon be depopulated. In countries, however, with too great
population, it might perhaps be of service to receive missionaries of
this sect and promote proselytism.
Every family possesses a shop, where all things made by the family
are laid out for sale. These articles generally consist of wooden
utensils, sieves, brushes, harness, table-linen, somewhat coarse silver
writing pens, very good rose water, &c. Besides, they sell books,
exposing the doctrines of their sect, and containing the life of their
founder, Ann Lee, whom they call mother Ann. They pay also much
attention to the breeding of cattle,
make good butter, and particularly good cheese, great quantities of
which they sell. Their hogs are remarkably handsome, and cleanliness is
also extended to them. It is a rare pleasure to walk about in a Shaker
pig-sty! They have a large kitchen garden behind the church, where
they raise vegetables, principally for the sake of seed, which is said
to be here of a remarkably good kind. Medicinal herbs, roots, and
berries, which they cultivate very carefully in a separate garden, and
which, as I heard in Albany, are of a remarkably good quality, form a
principal part of their commerce.
The governor’s letter every where procured me a good reception, as
they generally lead strangers about the settlement with reluctance. The
few men with whom I spoke, and who accompanied me, were elderly people,
and had long ago become Shakers with their parents. An old man told me,
that he had been one of the first adherents of mother Ann at her arrival
in America. They were very polite to me, and appear to be somewhat
monkish. They showed me also their church, which they do not generally
do, Sundays excepted, as every body can attend their worship. My
travelling plan did not allow me to pass a Sunday with them. The hall,
which serves as their church, is about eighty feet long, and above fifty
broad. On one side stand benches in form of an amphitheatre, for
spectators and old members, to whom the dancing has become difficult.
The floor consists of handsome cedar wood, which is well polished; the
boards are attached to each other without nails. Service commences, as I
was told, with a speech, which the congregation hear in a standing
position, the sexes being again divided. Occasionally the spirit comes
upon one or the other; they are so moved by the speech, that they begin
to shake, and to make strange contortions. Then begin the prayers, which
are sung, and during which, they dance. Every member has a spot about
four feet square for jumping, and I was assured this service was done
with such a zeal, that the vaulters sometimes fainted away.
We delayed too long with the Shakers to follow our plan of previously
visiting Lebanon springs, and reach Albany the same day. We consequently
gave up this design and returned to Albany; we were overtaken by the
night, and a storm. It was so dark, that the driver could scarcely find
the way; he therefore took a lantern against my advice. This was
extinguished, and we were in a still worse situation. Two miles from
Greenbush the driver left the road, went to the right towards a slope,
and almost threw the stage entirely over; it fell on the right side, and
my head and arm were injured, though but slightly. On my right side I
was much more hurt, and one of my ribs was actually broken, as it was
afterwards discovered. Mr. Tromp had his
head and one of his hands injured. As we had no baggage, and were but
two miles from Greenbush, we resolved to leave the stage where it was,
and walked to Greenbush. At about eleven o’clock we reached the river.
Not a soul was in the street; the lights were all extinguished, and the
ferry boats were on the other side of the river. Our shouting was of no
avail; the pain in my side also prevented me from calling. In about half
an hour, however, the stage arrived, which the driver had raised with
the help of some farmers; and he made such a terrible noise, that at
last, after waiting an hour, the ferry boats came to take us to Albany.
In riding through the city the jolting of the stage gave me much pain.
On leaving the stage at twelve o’clock I could scarcely speak or walk on
account of my side, which I had also injured two years previously, on my
passage from Ostend to London, and since that time it had constantly
retained a painful sensation.
The next morning I awoke with such dreadful pain in my right side,
that I could scarcely move in bed. The obliging Sir Michael Clare gave
me every assistance. He opened a vein in my arm, took sixteen ounces of
blood, gave me a purgative, and ordered embrocations to the side, by
which treatment the pain had so much abated in the afternoon, that I
could move with more ease. I was, however, confined the whole day
to my bed. The Van Rensselaer family showed me much attention. On the
second day I could indeed leave the bed, but still not continue my
journey. On the third day, September 16th, Sir Michael and Lady Clare
left Albany for Boston, whence they were going to New York. My pains had
not much abated, but I nevertheless resolved to proceed to New York, as
I had read in the papers that the Pallas had arrived there, and as I
wished to receive the attendance of Dr. Schilett. I was indeed
obliged to relinquish my design of seeing Catskill Mountains, but
thought of stopping at West Point to visit the military school.
At ten o’clock we embarked on board the steam-boat Richmond. The
banks of the Hudson are very handsome, and here and there well
cultivated. From Albany to New York it is one hundred and forty-four
miles, and to West Point ninety-six. Hudson, a place twenty-seven
and a half miles from Albany, which we reached at noon, seems to be very
handsome and lively. We remarked in the harbour several sloops, and on
shore some brick stores, five stories high. On the opposite side of the
river lies Athens, between which and Hudson there seems to be much
communication kept up by a team-boat. A very low island in the
middle of the stream between the two places rendered this communication
somewhat difficult at first, as vessels
were obliged to make a great circuit. To avoid this inconvenience,
a canal was cut through the island, through which the team-boat now
passes with ease and rapidity. This place affords a very fine view of
the lofty Catskill Mountains.
About eleven o’clock at night we arrived at West Point, on the right
side of the Hudson, and landed at a wharf furnished with a sentry-box.
An artillerist, who stood sentinel, examined us. I afterwards
discovered that this rule was made on account of the visits which the
cadets receive. We were obliged to ascend a somewhat steep road in order
to reach the house, which is prepared for the reception of strangers.
A small but very clean room was prepared for us. The building
belongs to the government, and is designed for the mess-room of the
officers and cadets. The purveyor for this table is bound by contract
with government to keep several chambers with beds in order, for the
reception of the relations of the cadets, and thus a kind of inn
The morning after our arrival we paid an early visit to
lieutenant-colonel Thayer, superintendent of the military school, and
were received in a very friendly manner. He has presided over this
school eight years. It was founded in 1802, during the presidency of
Jefferson. Colonel Thayer has entirely remodelled this institution.
During his travels in Europe he visited the French military schools, and
has endeavoured to make this resemble the polytechnic school. But he
will find it difficult to equal this once celebrated school, as with the
best will in the world he cannot find in this country such excellent
professors as were assembled in that institution. The cadets, whose
number may amount to two hundred and fifty, but at the last examination
consisted of two hundred and twenty-one, are divided into four classes
for the purposes of instruction. They are received between the ages of
fourteen and twenty, undergo an examination before they enter, and must
then pass a probationary term of half a year, during which time the
mathematics are chiefly studied. After six months the young men are
examined on the instruction which they have received, and those only who
pass this ordeal continue in the school; the others are dismissed.
Instruction is communicated gratuitously to the cadets, each of whom
receives monthly eight dollars from government as wages. A public
examination of the cadets takes place every year at the end of June, by
a commission, appointed by the secretary of war. This commission
consists of staff-officers from the army and navy, members of congress,
governors of states, learned men, and other distinguished citizens.
After this examination, the best among those who have finished their
course are appointed as officers in the army; the very best may choose
the corps in which they wish
to serve. The others receive stations, according to their capacity, in
the following order: engineers, artillerists, infantry, marines. Should
even these corps have the necessary number of officers, these young men
as supernumeraries, receive full pay. At the examinations also, the
cadets advance from one class to another. The names of the five best in
each class are made known in the newspapers, and also printed in the
army list, which appears every year. This is certainly an encouraging
arrangement, and worthy of imitation.
The discipline of the cadets is very rigid; they leave the school
only as officers, on which account their noviciate in the corps of
cadets serves as a practical school of passive obedience. The
punishments consist of arrest, which, however, does not interrupt the
course of instruction; but when a case occurs that a cadet is to be
punished a second time for the same fault, he is dismissed. The same
takes place when after two public examinations he has not learned enough
to advance into a higher class.
The day is thus divided in this school:—
From day-break till sunrise.—Reveillé at
day-break—roll-call after reveillé—cleaning of rooms, arms
and dress—half an hour after roll-call, inspection of the
From sunrise till seven o’clock.—First class, military
engineering.—Second, natural and experimental
philosophy.—Third and fourth, mathematics.
From seven till eight o’clock.—Breakfast at seven
o’clock.—Parade at half past seven.—Class parade at eight
From eight till eleven o’clock.—First class, recitations
and engineer and military drawing.—Second, natural and
experimental philosophy.—Third and fourth, mathematical
From eleven till twelve o’clock.—First class, lectures
on engineer and military sciences.—Second, lectures on natural and
experimental philosophy.—Third and fourth, mathematical
From twelve till one o’clock.—First class, Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday, lectures on chemistry applied to mechanics and
the arts, or mineralogy and geology.—Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, studies
on the same subjects.—Second, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday,
lectures on chemistry.—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, studies
on the same subject.—Third, French recitations.—Fourth,
French studies and recitations.
From one till two o’clock.—Dinner very plain and frugal
at one o’clock—recreation after dinner till two o’clock.
From two till four o’clock.—First class, studies and
recitations in geography, history, belles lettres and national
landscape and topographical drawing.—Third, Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, drawing of the human figure.—Tuesday and Thursday, studies of the French
language.—Fourth, French studies and recitations.
From four o’clock till sunset.—Military
exercises—inspection of the dress and roll-call at sunset.
From sunset till half an hour later.—Supper immediately
after parade—signal to go to the rooms immediately after the
Half an hour after sunset till half past nine.—First
class, studies on engineer and military sciences.—Second, studies
on natural and experimental philosophy.—Third and fourth,
mathematical studies.
From half past nine till ten o’clock.—Retreat beat at
half past nine—roll-call immediately after—signal to
extinguish the lights and inspection of the rooms at ten o’clock.
Of the Sciences taught and the Books used at West
First Class. Course of fourth year. |
Capt. Douglass.
Lieut. Mordecai. |
Artillery tactics.
Field and permanent fortifications.
Civil and military architecture and constructions. |
Treatise on the Sciences of War and Fortification, by Guy de
Traité des Machines, par Hachette.
Programme d’un Cours de Construction, par Sganzin. |
History and belles-lettres.
Rev. Mr. M‘Ilvaine, Chaplain. |
Moral philosophy.
Laws of nations. |
Morse’s Geography.
Tytler’s Elements of General History.
Paley’s Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy.
Vattel’s Law of Nations. |
Chemistry and Mineralogy.
Dr. Torrey.
Lieut. Prescott. |
Application of chemistry to the arts. |
Cleveland’s Treatise on Mineralogy and Chemistry. |
Major Worth.
Capt. Hitchcock.
Lieut. C. Smith.
Lieut. Kinley, teacher of the Artillery. |
Platoon—battalion—school and line-evolutions.
Exercises and manœuvres of artillery |
Rules and Regulations for the Field-exercise and Manœuvres of
Lallemand’s Treatise on Artillery. |
2nd Class. Course of 3rd year. |
Natural and Experimental Philosophy.
Prof. Mansfield.
Lieut. S. Smith.
Lieut. Parrot. |
Statistic, dynamic, hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, pneumatic.
Magnetism, electricity, optics, astronomy. |
Gregory’s Treatise of Mechanics.
Newton’s Principia.
Enfield’s Institutes of Natural Philosophy. |
Chemistry. |
Chemical philosophy. |
Henry’s Chemistry. |
Capt. Douglass.
Drawing Master.
Gimbrede. |
Topographical drawing. |
3rd Class. Course of 2nd year. |
Prof. Davies.
Lieut. Ross.
Lieut. Webster.
Lieut. Greene.
Lieut. Mahan. |
Differential and integral calculus.
Analytic geometry.
Perspective shades.
Descriptive geometry and conic sections. |
Traité du Calcul Différential et Intégral, par Lacroix.
Essai de Géométrie Analytique Appliquée aux Courbes et aux Surfaces
du second ordre, par Biot.
Crozet’s Treatise on Perspective, Shades and Shadows.
Crozet’s Treatise on Descriptive Geometry and Conic
Sections. |
French Language.
Berard and Ducommun. |
Translation from French into English. |
Histoire de Gil Blas, les 3 derniers tomes.
Histoire de Charles XII. par Voltaire. |
Drawing Master.
Gimbrede. |
Human figure. |
4th Class. Course of 1st year. |
Mathematics. |
Surveying and measuring.
Algebra. |
Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, and on the
Application of Algebra to Geometry, translated from the French of
Lacroix and Bezout, by Professor Farrar.
Legendre’s Geometry.
Complement des Elémens d’Algébra, par Lacroix.
Lacroix’s Elements of Algebra. |
French Language. |
Translation from French into English. |
Histoire de Gil Blas, tome I.
Berard’s Lecteur Français.
Berard’s French Grammar. |
I was surprised to learn that the young men clean their rooms and
clothes themselves, as well as make their own beds: only the cleaning of
shoes and boots, and carrying of wood may be done by servants. But
Colonel Thayer thinks, that if too many servants were in the school, the
cadets would have too great an opportunity of remaining in connexion
with the world, without the knowledge of the officers. The cadets are
divided in four companies, and live in two large massive buildings,
three stories high. In the older of the two buildings, two occupy one
room; in the other, three are placed in one room. They sleep on
mattresses, which are spread out on the floor in the evening, and have
always two chambers, one for sleeping and the other for
study.—This opens upon a long corridor. The cadets keep their arms
also in their rooms. Their uniform consists of a grey jacket, with three
rows of yellow buttons, bound with black cords; in winter, grey, in
summer, white pantaloons; white leather equipments, as worn by the army,
and, for fatigue service, leather caps. The officers wear the uniform of
the artillery corps, to which they belong. Notwithstanding the
extraordinarily fine situation of the school, the cadets have not a
healthy appearance, perhaps because they have too little recreation.
After having seen the rich private library of Colonel Thayer, he took
us to the school. We met with a class which was engaged in descriptive
geometry. Several cadets, who stood at the board, demonstrated some
problems of this science very correctly, and answered with great ease
and accuracy some questions and objections, which Professor Davies made
to them. We then attended a physical lecture of Lieutenant Prescott,
which, however, appeared to be elementary; he explained the principles
of the doctrine of heat, and then related the theory and history of the
The institution possesses a fine library and a collection of maps,
which receives constant additions. We found several of the newest German
maps. Colonel Thayer is a man who labours under a disease with which
they say I am also afflicted, namely, the bibliomania; on that account I
continued a long time in this library. I remarked here, also,
a full-length portrait of the former president, Jefferson, by
Sully, of Philadelphia, and another of the engineer, General Williams,
founder of the school.
The institution possesses four principal buildings. The two largest
serve as barracks for the cadets, a third contains the mess-room
and inn, and the fourth the church, chemical laboratory, library, and
the hall for drawing, in which are some of the best drawings of the
cadets. As a model of topographical drawing, they had taken the Montjoui
of Gironna, designed according to the Atlas of Marshal
G. St. Cyr. They have adopted the French
manner of drawing plans; I saw, however, in the library, Lehmann’s
work translated into English. A very fine marble bust of the
Emperor Napoleon stands in the drawing-hall.
A large level space, consisting of several acres, lies in front of
the buildings, forming a peninsula and commanding the navigation of the
Hudson, above which it is elevated one hundred and eighty-eight feet.
Towards the river it is surrounded with steep rocks, so that it would be
difficult to ascend, unless by the usual way. At its junction with the
main land, it is commanded by a mountain, whose summit is five hundred
and ninety-six feet above the level of the river. This position called
to my mind the plain below Lilienstein, in Saxony, opposite to
Kœnigstein. On the summit of this mountain lie the ruins of Fort Putnam,
so that the plain on which the buildings of the academy stand, is
entirely insulated, and may be very well defended as well in the
direction of the river as of the main land. During the revolution this
fort was erected, like Fort Clinton, and was impregnable. To seize it,
the English had recourse to bribery, and General Arnold, who commanded
West Point, was on the point of delivering this position to them. This
disgraceful treachery was fortunately prevented by the seizure of Major
André. The tragical end of the major, and the flight of Arnold on board
the English corvette Vulture, which lay at Verplank’s Point ready to
receive him, are well known.
The above-mentioned Fort Clinton stood on the eastern point of the
level, and was considered as a redoubt. It consisted of a crown-work of
three bastions, and the redoubt which the two wings of the crown-work
adjoined. The redoubt stands on the extreme point of the rock, and the
remains of the battery can still be seen in it, which completely
commanded the river, both above and below West Point. The fort is now in
a state of dilapidation, and the foundations of the buildings alone, are
to be seen. During the revolution, chains were extended here across the
river. On the left side, in an oblique direction towards West Point, is
another rock, not so high, and similar to a peninsula, washed by the
Hudson on three sides and separated from the main land by a morass. Two
redoubts stood on this rock, in order to have complete control over the
Besides the above-mentioned buildings, several houses and gardens are
situated on the plain of West Point, occupied by the officers and
professors. Large wooden barracks also stand here, inhabited by a
company of artillerists, and some soldiers condemned to confinement in
irons, who are employed to blast the rocks. These culprits have a long
chain attached to one foot, and the other end of the chain is fastened
to a twenty-four pound ball, which they must either drag or carry. Three
iron six
pounders stand in front of the barracks. The Americans use iron cannon,
like the Swedes, and are very well satisfied with them. At another place
on the same plain, we saw five six pounders, with which the cadets
exercise. Three are French pieces, presented to the Americans by Louis
XVI. decorated with the French arms; and the motto, ultima ratio regum.
The two other pieces are English, were taken during the revolution, and
as an inscription says, were given by congress to General Greene as a
reward for his conduct in the south of the United States during the war.
His heirs have not yet reclaimed them, and they consequently remain
here. A pyramid of white marble not far from these pieces was,
according to the inscription, erected by General Brown, to the memory of
Lieutenant-Colonel Wood, a pupil of this school, who fell in 1814,
at a sally of Fort Erie.
In the evening we saw the cadets exercise; they form a small
battalion of four divisions, and are commanded by their officers, and
the eldest cadets of the first class, who wear officer’s scarfs, and
swords. The young men perform their exercises uncommonly well, and I was
gratified at the good order which prevailed. A band of music, paid
by the government, belongs exclusively to them, and is said to afford
the best military music in the United States. Every one has his taste,
but I must confess that even the celebrated music of the English guards,
and the American music, are far behind that of the French,
Netherlanders, and Germans.
In company with Colonel Thayer, we crossed the Hudson to visit an
iron foundry which belongs to a society, whose director is Mr. Campbell,
a friend of Colonel Thayer. Two high furnaces are in constant
employment, as the foundry furnishes all the iron arms which government
requires. One piece had just been cast, and we saw several other pieces
cast from a new high furnace. Next to the foundry is a building for
boring the guns, in which ten pieces may be bored at once; for this
purpose they lie in a horizontal position, the machinery being turned by
a large wheel. As, however, in hot and very dry summers, or in very cold
winters, the water now and then fails, they contemplate substituting a
steam-engine in place of water-power.
Notwithstanding my injured side, I ascended the rocky mountain on
which the ruins of Fort Putnam lie. My way led through a handsome forest
of oak, beech, chesnut, and walnut trees. The fort occupied the summit
of the mountain, was erected in an indented form, of strong granite, and
is altogether inaccessible on the side next the enemy. It had but a
single entrance, with very strong casemates, and two small
powder-magazines. It was built during the revolution on private
property; the owner of the ground claimed it, and government were
obliged to restore it to
him, after which he destroyed the fort. The government afterwards
acquired the ground on which West Point stands, as well as the adjoining
heights. It appeared to me, if not necessary, still to be useful to
build Fort Putnam again, in order to complete the important position of
West Point, which can serve in time of war as a fortified camp, or place
of refuge for the people, &c. as impregnable as it was before. But
to my astonishment, I learned that this would probably not take
place, that on the contrary, with regard to the defence of the country,
reliance was placed on the fortified entrance of New York, and that in
general in the interior of the country no fortifications would probably
be made. They appear to think that the impregnability of the country
particularly consists in having no powerful neighbours; that England
could not send over a strong army, and that even if this should happen,
England would be obliged to scatter her strength too much, so that
single corps could be subdued with ease. This view appears to me
doubtful; I wish from my heart that these excellent people may
never find by experience, that they have deceived themselves. But
security, when too great, is always dangerous. A very fine view is
enjoyed from Fort Putnam of the plain of West Point, and of the Hudson,
which here calls to mind the high banks of the Rhine. The view to the
north is particularly handsome, in which direction Newburgh, lying on
the river, is seen in the back ground. We saw nothing of the Catskill
We went with Colonel Thayer and the cadets to church. The chaplain of
the academy, Dr. M‘Ilvaine, an Episcopalian clergyman, performed divine
service. The sermon was very good and sensible, and very well adapted to
the young men. He proposed several objections which are made against the
superiority of the Christian religion, and refuted them all, by deriving
his arguments from the new testament and human reason. I was much
pleased with the deportment of the cadets in the church,
a deportment which is not always observed in young people in other
countries at such times.
The topographical drawings which the cadets make, and according to
which they are instructed in fortification, were shown to me by the
excellent Captain Douglass, teacher of engineering. The so called modern
system, or the Carnmontaigne system, improved by the French engineers,
forms the basis of the instruction. Captain Douglass, who also instructs
them in the formation of roads and bridges, makes use of Wiebeking. Many
of the cadets who do not intend to remain in the military service as
officers, being bound to remain but one year in service, after leaving
the academy, serve each in his own state, as civil engineers, and
perform very essential services. All officers of
the army and navy are now supplied by cadets from the academy; for there
are no cadets in the regiments, and in time of peace no subaltern
officers are promoted.
I was very sorry that we were obliged on the third day after our
arrival to leave this agreeable place, which had so extremely pleased
me; but I was obliged to go to New York at last! Our West Point friends
accompanied us to the steam-boat, and here we took an affectionate
farewell. A Captain Randolph, of Virginia, with whom I had become
acquainted at West Point, with his wife, went also to New York, so that
I was agreeably entertained on board; the boat was so filled with
people, we scarcely found room at the dinner-table. The shores continue
to be handsome. We passed several handsome places and country-seats,
which denoted that we were on the road to a large and flourishing city.
At a turn of the river the shores approximate, and here stands a
handsome country-seat with a garden, called Verplank’s Point; opposite
is a fort, Stony Point, the possession of which was disputed during the
revolution by several bloody fights. The situation of Singsing, where
there is a house of correction, is very handsome. We saw the offenders
engaged in blasting rocks. The stream now becomes broad, and forms two
successive bays, the former Haverstraw Bay, and the other Tappan Sea. On
the right shore of the latter is the town of Tappan, where, condemned by
the court-marshal as a spy, Major André was hung and buried. The English
government ordered him to be dug up some years ago, and his remains to
be transported to England, if I am not mistaken, to be laid in
Westminster Abbey, whilst the remains of General Fraser, who fell like a
hero in open battle, at the head of the royal troops, still lies without
the slightest memorial in the old redoubt of Stillwater! The tree which
grew on André’s grave was also taken to England, and as I was assured,
transplanted to the Royal Garden, behind Carlton Palace!!
Below Tappan Sea, the shores again approximate, and the right side
becomes very steep, resembling the rocks near Pirna, on the Elbe, and
are called the palisades. After sundown we came into the vicinity of New
York, the largest city in the United States, which attracts nearly the
whole commerce of the country, and now already numbers one hundred and
seventy thousand inhabitants. We landed about eight o’clock in the
evening, and on account of the incredible number of strangers could not
obtain lodgings at five different taverns. At last we were very glad,
after much fatigue from running about, to find a miserable bed-chamber
in a common and ordinary tavern, the Theatre Hotel, handsomely situated
near the park and theatre.

Stay at New York.
On the ensuing morning, we removed
for the present to a French boarding-house, No. 76, Broad street;
and I took a first walk through the city, in order to acquire some
general knowledge of it. The city is partly built in a regular style;
the streets are badly paved, but the side-walks are good, and there are
not so many hogs running at large as in Albany. I was particularly
pleased with Broadway, the principal street. This is three miles long,
very wide, has elegant stores, and very pleasant side-walks. The Park is
likewise very handsome, as well as the City Hall, which is situated in
its centre, and is called one of the handsomest buildings in the United
States. However, I was not exceedingly pleased with it, finding
neither there, nor in the churches of this city, a remarkably fine
style of building. There is a great number of churches, and most of them
have church-yards attached; but for some years past they have interred
their dead in cemetries, which are situated out of town. At a church
near the Park, I observed a monument in memory of General
Montgomery, who died in attacking the city of Quebec; this monument is
not very tasteful.I.11
Back of the City Hall is a large building, called American Museum. It
contains a number of curiosities from the animal and mineral kingdoms,
put up in very good order in two large halls. A considerable
collection of American birds occupies nearly the entire walls of one
hall; there are numbers of quadrupeds, though less perfect; an
interesting collection of fishes very well preserved, and a fine series
of turtles, from a gigantic species,I.12 seven feet six inches long, down
to the smallest; there was likewise a considerable series of crustaceous
animals; a small collection of minerals, and these without
arrangement. Besides, there were various Indian weapons, dresses, and
other curiosities; ancient and modern arms of different nations, &c.
a helmet of the first regiment of the Duke of Naussau, found on the
field of Waterloo; several Italian antiquities, the most of them small
lamps and other trifles. There is a large and exceedingly beautiful
specimen of rock crystal,
weighing two hundred and twelve pounds, found in a Mexican silver mine.
An Indian mummy is likewise very interesting; this was found in the year
1814, near Glasgow, state of Kentucky, nine feet under ground, in a
nitre cavern, two thousand yards distant from the entrance; it is in a
sitting posture, and was enveloped with deer-skins and Indian cloth. In
addition to various miscellaneous articles, there was a number of
miserable wax figures and paintings.
The battery, to which I walked, is at the southern extremity of the
city and island of New York; there was formerly a Dutch fort here, but
it has been pulled down, and the place altered into a public garden,
which gives a fine perspective of the entrance of the bay, and of Long
Island. West of the battery, in the Hudson river, is a fort, called
Castle Clinton, communicating with the battery by a wooden bridge,
ninety paces long. This fort forms a semicircle; on the diameter are the
former barracks, and behind the walls, which form the semicircle,
a battery of twenty-four guns, under casemates. North of this fort,
on the same shore, in front of the city, are two other forts of the same
description, called North Battery and Fort Gansevoort; being of no use
they are abandoned. Castle Clinton is now a public pleasure house. In
the barrack is a coffee-house; boxes for parties are arranged within the
battery, and on the platform are amphitheatrical seats, because the yard
of the fort is used for fire-works, and other exhibitions. From the
battery I walked to Brooklyn ferry, and was delighted with the large
number of vessels, and the great life and bustle. Brooklyn is situated
on Long Island, opposite to New York. The straight, called East river,
at Brooklyn, requires about seven minutes and a half to cross it; there
are two steam-boats and two team-boats continually crossing. Brooklyn
appears to be a flourishing little town, judging by the quantity of
stores which are established there. I passed to the left, and after
having walked upwards of a mile, spent some hours at the navy-yard, and
returned to the city exceedingly fatigued, on account of the great
I went on board of the Pallas with Mr. Hone, president of the Canal
Bank of this city, a rich and respectable man, and with Mr.
Derviter, a merchant of this city, and a native of Grammont, in
Flanders. The Pallas rode at anchor in the Hudson, between New York and
Jersey City, a little village in the state of New Jersey, opposite
New York, on the right side of the river. Soon after our arrival, boats
likewise arrived with some ladies, who had wished to see the Pallas. As
the cabin was but small and narrow, the ladies were served, by Captain
Ryk, with an elegant luncheon on deck, under an awning; they were some
of the most amiable and fashionable ladies of the city, and remained
on board till three o’clock, and then went on shore during a pretty
heavy storm.
On returning home at night, I observed that the streets were not well
lighted. I was afterwards informed, that the corporation of the
city was just engaged in a quarrel with the gas-company relative to the
lamps; this quarrel protracted the inconvenience, though it was somewhat
lessened by the numerous stores, which are kept open till a late hour,
and are very splendidly lighted with gas. The gas-lights burn in
handsome figures; at a music store, I saw one in form of a
An eminent physician of this city, Dr. David Hosack, who, since his
second marriage, is said to have an annual income of twenty thousand
dollars, receives every Saturday night, during the winter season, the
professional gentlemen of the city, and distinguished foreigners. His
library, and collection of engravings, is then opened for the use of the
visitors, and a discourse is sometimes delivered. This learned and
obliging gentleman, offered himself to me as a guide through the city;
I accepted his politeness, and visited several interesting
institutions in his company.
The City Hospital was built in the year 1770, by voluntary
contributions, and is supported by the interest of its capital, and by
the state government. The building is of blue stone, and stands on high
ground, in a very healthy situation. An avenue of old and high elm trees
leads to it. In the first story is a large room, where the board meet;
this contains the library, which is particularly rich in botanical
works. In the basement is the kitchen, and several wards for syphilitic
patients. They intended to establish a new hospital for these patients,
like the lunatic asylum, formerly in one of the wings of this hospital,
which is now established out of town. There may be accommodated in this
hospital altogether four hundred patients of both sexes. They are
attended to by nurses in large wards, each of them containing about
sixteen beds. The bedsteads are of wood; upon inquiring why they were
not of iron, they replied, they were afraid to use them, on account of
the heavy thunder-storms which frequently occur. Six physicians and four
surgeons are attached to the hospital, and alternately attend. One
physician and one surgeon live free of expense in the hospital, and one
of them must always be present for extraordinary cases. The apothecary’s
shop attached to the hospital is kept very neatly; however, it appeared
to me to be inferior to those in the hospitals of Boston and
For the purpose of visiting the newly-erected lunatic asylum, we
called upon Thomas Eddy,I.13 an aged and venerable Quaker,
who is at the head of the hospitals, charitable institutions, &c.
I was introduced to him at Dr. Hosack’s. We found Mr. Eddy at home,
with his two daughters, his son, and partner, who is likewise a Quaker.
The family was dressed in the plainest style, and this simplicity joined
to the greatest cleanliness, prevailed through the whole house. Mr. Eddy
is in possession of a fine library, which he showed us; it contained
several splendid works on natural science; among others, Wilson’s
American Ornithology, with the splendid supplementary volume published
by Charles Lucian Buonaparte, son of Lucian Buonaparte. Mr. Eddy then
drove with us to the country-seat of Dr. Hosack, on the East River,
opposite the navy-yard. Dr. Hosack, who was formerly married to a sister
of Mr. Eddy, accompanied us to the Lunatic Asylum. This is five miles
from the city, on a hill, in a very healthy situation, not far from the
Hudson River. The road lies between country-seats and handsome gardens,
and it is one of the most pleasant places I have seen in America.
The asylum is built of sand-stone, is three stories high, and
surrounded by a garden; it was built mostly by subscription, but is
likewise supported by the state government. Mr. Eddy is one of its
greatest benefactors and patrons. There were one hundred and
thirty-three maniacs, by which number the building was almost filled;
they were about to enlarge it by two other wings. Besides the meeting
rooms for the committee in the first story, there are the apothecary’s
shop, and the wards for the poor patients, who have a large corridor and
sitting room. One wing of the building is inhabited by the male, and the
other by the female patients. There are subterraneous passages from the
corridors to the large yard, which is surrounded by walls, and serve the
patients for walking, exercise, and play. In the middle of each yard is
a shelter supplied with benches, for bad weather. In the upper stories
are the rooms for the inspectors, and several other apartments where
patients may live separately. In the whole establishment great
cleanliness is observed; but still the institution appeared to me less
perfect than the asylum of Boston, or that of Glasgow in Scotland. The
garden is kept in very good order; there is likewise a hot-house, which
is supplied mostly from Dr. Hosack’s collection. On the roof of the
house is a platform, from which we had a very pleasant and extensive
A Philosophical Society hold their meetings in the same building
containing the American Museum. In one of the rooms is a collection of
minerals, not yet very extensive, but exhibiting many fine minerals from
the northern frontiers of the United States. Another saloon contains a
collection of paintings, which do not appear to be very valuable. The
best picture was a portrait of the celebrated American painter, Benjamin
West, who
died in London; this picture is from the masterly pencil of Sir Thomas
Lawrence. There are two paintings by Teniers, and two others by Salvator Rosa.
I was particularly pleased with one of the latter; an old soldier
praying in a wild landscape before a simple cross! Two other paintings
are said to be by Rubens: among these I observed a portrait of Rubens,
of which the original is in the collection of Mr. Schamp, at Ghent.
There are likewise good plaster-casts of the best Roman antiques, of a
Venus of Milo, and the three Graces of Canova, and likewise two
gladiators of full size by the same artist.
The house of Commodore ChaunceyI.14 is situated on a hill in the
navy-yard, which affords a fine view of the wharf and Long Island. The
commodore took a walk with me to the wharf. As I left his house,
I was escorted by a guard of honour of thirty marines, commanded by
a captain; in the meantime the man-of-war Franklin saluted me with
twenty-one guns. This mark of respect was quite unexpected in the United
States, and of course I was the more surprised and flattered.
In the navy-yard two frigates and two corvettes, not yet named, were
building; one frigate was finished, but was still under cover. Both
frigates are called forty-fours, but carry each sixty-four guns. These
are intended to be thirty-two pounders, which is now the common calibre
of the navy of the United States. The vessels are built of live oak,
from North Carolina; the timbers are salted in order to prevent the
dry-rot. The three ships of the line, Franklin, Washington, and Ohio,
were in ordinary; they are called seventy-fours, but the two first are
each calculated for eighty-six and the latter for one hundred and six
guns. I saw likewise the renowned steam-frigate Fulton the First,
of which many fables have been fabricated in Europe. The schooner Shark,
of eight guns, was perfectly fitted out, and ready to sail in a few days
for the coast of Africa, in order to prevent the slave-trade.
At a second visit, we first went on board the steam-frigate, Fulton
the First; this vessel is entirely disarmed, and serves as a receiving
ship. She is a floating battery, and was to carry thirty thirty-two
pounders. Her sides are six feet thick, made of oak timbers, which are
fixed upon and crossing each other, so that the vessel may be compared
to a floating block-house. Her machinery resembles that of a team-boat:
she has two parallel keels, between these an engine of one hundred and
twenty-horse power is fixed, and one large wheel is moved by it. The
vessel is very spacious: in several places reverberatory furnaces may be
added, in order to heat balls red-hot. Before this frigate was
dismantled, she carried two small masts with triangular sails, but the
commodore has substituted large masts with the usual sails, for the
instruction of the sailors. The machinery had been taken out for some
months, and placed in an arsenal on the wharf: the place it had occupied
was covered with boards, to make a common deck for the sailors. Since
that time an upper deck has been built, upon which are comfortable
state-rooms for the officers. This frigate has been spoken of as a real
miracle; that she presented towards the enemy a forest of swords and
lances, and threw a stream of boiling water, &c. all of these are
stories. Her construction during the latter part of the war with England
was merely an experiment, though it caused the English a great deal of
anxiety. All competent judges with whom I conversed concerning this
vessel, objected to her and were of opinion that this large body could
only be used to defend straits. She never was at sea, and some feared
that she would be unfit for it. Moreover, as the navy-board at
Washington having objections to the further application of steam to
ships of war, it is probable that they will discontinue the building of
more steam-frigates, although the machinery of a second is already
finished and placed in the magazine.
We were likewise on board of the two ships of the line, Ohio and
Franklin. The Ohio is of a new construction, and has not yet been in
service; the Franklin and Washington, however, have already made several
voyages. The sides of the Ohio are thicker than those of the other
ships, and her decks higher: all these men of war have not the modern
round, but broad sterns, in each of which is a battery of twelve guns.
Only one of the frigates, still standing on the stocks, has an
elliptical stern, which unites the defensive power of the round, with
the elegance of the broad sterns.
Every thing appears to be in an improving state at the arsenal. In
the house where the office of the commodore and his agents is kept,
there is a hall fitted up as a chapel; this serves during the week as a
school-room for the midshipmen; we found these young gentlemen engaged
in their mathematical studies, under the direction of the chaplain.
In the harbour we visited two Liverpool packet-ships, the William
Thompson and the Pacific. Every regular mode of communication between
two places, by stages, steam-boats, &c. is here called a line. Two
years since, I saw the packet-ship Cortez, at Liverpool, and
admired her elegant arrangements; but these two vessels were far
superior to her in regard to elegance and comfort. Both have a large
dining room, and in its centre a long mahogany table; on both sides of
the dining room are the state-rooms, each of them containing two beds
one above the other,
and a wash-table. In this cabin there are ten of these state-rooms, five
on each side, and, besides, near the windows in the stern of the ship,
there are two state-rooms having but one bed, so that twenty-two
gentlemen may be accommodated. The mizen-mast passes through the cabin
and table. The cabin is lighted partly by the windows in the stern and
partly by a large skylight; the state-rooms receive their light by
patent deck-lights. There is another room in front of the dining room,
for the ladies, near the mainmast, where the motion of the vessel is the
least felt; on each side of their room, are two state-rooms, for eight
ladies. The sides of the dining room and ladies cabin are of mahogany
and curled maple, with elegant looking-glasses. In the Pacific, between
every two state-rooms there are columns of white marble. All the settees
are of mahogany covered with black horse hair cushions, and the floors
of both cabins are richly carpeted. The stairs which lead into the
dining room, are likewise of mahogany and covered by a shelter, under
which sea-sick passengers may sit on benches. There is likewise a roof
over the poop, where passengers may walk and be sheltered from the rain
and sun. The passage from New York to Liverpool costs but thirty
guineas, for which price passengers are perfectly accommodated. Each
packet is of about five hundred tons, and they sometimes make the
passage in seventeen days. On the 1st and 16th of each month, one of the
eight vessels of this line leaves New York for Liverpool, and on the
same day another leaves Liverpool for New York.
On the first Sunday of my stay in New York, I visited the new
Lutheran church, with the consul, Mr. Zimmerman. The service was in
English, because there are at New York but few descendants of German
parents who understand the German language. Dr. Schaeffer preached: he
is a native of Philadelphia, and the son of a German clergyman; his
sermon was good and not too long, but after the sermon came a
lamentation upon the miserable state of the church funds, which was not
particularly edifying. There appeared to be a deficit of eighteen
thousand dollars, which the consistory tried to make up by subscription,
to which the congregation was invited to contribute. Dr. Schaeffer’s
congregation formerly belonged to an older Lutheran church, still
existing in this city, but they parted from the latter and established a
new church, though rather in too extravagant a style, as their expenses
were disproportioned to their income. The minister besides complained of
his own small salary, and implied that an augmentation would not be
unpleasant to him, as he stood in need of it.
It is a difficult matter to ride in a carriage through the streets on
Sunday, because there are chains stretched across in front of
the churches, to prevent their passage during service. The land of
liberty has also its chains!I.15
In this manner eight days soon elapsed, and amusement was not
wanting, as my mind was occupied with interesting and useful novelties.
I passed my time in cheerful and pleasant company. At dinner and
evening parties I continued to make interesting acquaintances with men
of different occupations and professions. I observed that the
families I visited were richly furnished with silver, china, and glass;
the fine arts also contributed to the ornament of their apartments. At
the evening parties we commonly had music and dancing. The dinner
parties consisted generally of from twenty to thirty persons, whose
conversation was generally refined. In New York, as well as at all other
places, where English customs prevail, the ladies leave the table during
the dessert, and the gentlemen keep their seats; however, nobody is
obliged to drink, unless he feels inclined. Every one rises and leaves
the house without ceremony. The servants are generally negroes and
mulattos; most of the white servants are Irish; the Americans have a
great abhorrence of servitude. Liveries are not to be seen; the male
servants wear frock coats. All the families complain of bad servants and
their impudence, because the latter consider themselves on an equality
with their employers. Of this insolence of servants I saw daily
examples. Negroes and mulattos are abundant here, but they generally
rank low, and are labourers. There are but a few slaves in the state of
New York, and even these are to be freed in the year 1827, according to
a law passed by senate of the state. There are public schools
established for the instruction of coloured children, and I was told
that these little ape-like creatures do sometimes learn very well. In
the city there are several churches belonging to the coloured
population; most of them are Methodists, some Episcopalians.
A black minister, who was educated in an Episcopalian seminary, is
said to be a good preacher. But there is in this country a great
abhorrence of this class of people, who are obliged to live almost like
the Indian Parias. In the army they are only employed as musicians, but
are never admitted to be soldiers. Soldiers are not even allowed to be
of mixed blood!I.16
Colonel Bankhead, of the second artillery regiment, who was
on the recruiting service in this city, offered to show me the
fortifications for the defence of the bay of New York. We sailed in a
boat, along with General Swift and an engineer, first to Governor’s
Island, opposite to New York.
Upon this small island is a fort of red sandstone, called Columbus;
it consists of four bastions, which, on the city side, has still a
covered work between two of the bastions, but further below, in the
Narrows, new fortifications have been built, and therefore Fort Columbus
is considered useless and is neglected. In the interior are the barracks
and arsenals, the former in very good order, and inhabited by a company
of artillery. I found a bible in each room, and was informed that
it was a present from the New York Bible Society.
West of the fort, near the river, there is a tower after the style of
Montalambert, called Castle Williams. This was commenced in 1803, and
finished in 1811. Colonel Macrea of the artillery in the fort, received
me with twenty-one guns. The officers have lodgings and gardens on the
glacis of the fort; there is likewise a wooden barrack, which serves in
time of war for a battalion of infantry; a large two-story brick
house with a piazza, is intended for the head-quarters of the commanding
general. Opposite to Castle Williams, are two small islands; on each of
them is likewise a battery, called Fort Wood and Fort Gibson. These
batteries appear but small, and the principal defence will be at Castle
Williams, where also I observed furnaces for heating shot. From this
spot there is a particularly fine view of the city.
We then sailed along the western shores of Long Island, to the
straits called the Narrows, a thousand yards wide, and formed by
the shores of Long Island and Staten Island. They are defended by Fort
Tompkins on Staten Island, and Fort La Fayette on Long Island. We
visited the latter; it is built on rocks in the sea, two hundred and
fifty yards distant from the shores, so that it forms an island. It is a
square building, and erected after a plan of General Swift. From the
outside it has the appearance of a Montalambert tower. The outside of
the walls is of red sandstone, but their interior of gneiss; it was
garrisoned by one company of artillery. During peace a shed was built
over the platform, and a garrison stationed here during the present hot
Fort Tompkins stands on a height opposite to Fort La Fayette, and on
the shore of Staten Island is a battery which defends the Narrows by a
raking fire.
On Long Island is another hill near the village of New Utrecht which
commands Fort La Fayette, and in the vicinity there is a bay, where the
English and Hessian army landed in the year 1776, when coming from
Staten Island to take possession
of Long Island. In order to defend this spot sufficiently they are about
to build a very strong fort designed by General Bernard, resembling Fort
Francis, near Coblenz, (on the Rhine.) The casemates, calculated
for dwellings as well as for defence, are to be built under the
ramparts, whose front face will be three hundred and seventy-five feet
long: they are to be covered with earth, and a common rampart erected on
top of them. In front of this is a covered way in the ditch, lower than
the ramparts, with six guns, three on each side, for the defence of the
ditch, &c. They were just beginning to build this fort, which is to
be called Fort Hamilton, and the engineer-officers thought that it would
not be finished in less than four years. The government has experienced
the disadvantage of those buildings which were built by contract, and
this well-arranged work will therefore be built under the immediate
direction of government. General Bernard is a Frenchman; he was engineer
at Antwerp, and obtained the attention and favour of the Emperor
Napoleon by his great knowledge and modesty, who appointed him his aid.
In 1815, he entered the service of the United States, at the
recommendation of General La Fayette, and was appointed in the engineer
corps under the title of assistant engineer, with the salary of a
brigadier-general, but without wearing the uniform of the engineer
corps, nor having any rank in the army.
He is a great acquisition to the corps, and I was somewhat astonished
at the cool and indifferent manner in which they spoke of this
distinguished engineer. The cause, however, of this coolness,
undoubtedly is to be found in a silly misconception of patriotism; for
the general is a foreigner, and frequent experience has shown that a
foreigner in military service seldom enjoys satisfaction. Two new
fortifications are to be built outside of the Narrows on rocks, in order
still better to defend the entrance to New York, by firing crosswise at
vessels, and are intended to serve as advanced posts to Forts La Fayette
and Tompkins.
A gun-maker, by name of Ellis, received a patent for making
repeating-guns; I visited him in company with Mr. Tromp.
A repeating musket will fire frequently after being once loaded; it
consists of a long tube, in which touch-holes are bored at certain
distances, according to the number of shots it is intended to discharge.
The musket is charged in the usual way, a piece of sole-leather is
put upon the load, on this another charge, and again a piece of leather,
&c. until the required number is introduced, according to the size
of the tube. For each of these loads, whose height is known by a mark on
the rod, there are touch-holes made on the right side of the tube, each
of them closed by a valve. A box is attached to the lock, which
primes itself, and
moves downwards from the highest touch-hole to the lowest, until the
shots are gradually discharged, one after the other, and in the same
manner the valves of each touch-hole must be opened. This instrument was
very interesting to me. Mr. Ellis has also made an experiment of his
plan for the use of American troops, but it seems to me that such a tube
would be much too long and too heavy, and the loading would consume too
much time, not to speak of the difficulty of drilling a man to use this
curious weapon. This idea struck me, and my opinion was confirmed as
soon as I tried Mr. Ellis’s gun. The experiments I made with it, proved
to me that particular care would be necessary in using it without
danger. A musket of this nature, containing five charges, fired the
two first separately, and the last three at once!
We also went with Mr. Tromp to several private wharves on the East
river; the largest of these belongs to Mr. Bayard, my banker. On one of
the wharves there was a frigate on the stocks, of sixty-four guns,
intended for the Greeks; they worked very industriously, and hoped that
she would depart for her destination next year. She was built of
Carolina live oak like the government vessels. The advantage of this
wood is said to be, that in addition to its durability, when balls
strike it, they simply make a hole, without many splinters, which latter
generally disable more men than the shot themselves. At another wharf
lay a frigate of sixty-eight guns, with an elliptic stern; she was built
for the republic of Colombia, and is nearly ready for sea; she is built
like a ship of the line. Her gun-deck was so high that I could stand
upright in it.I.17 On the upper deck the guns were disposed of in an
irregular row, which gave this frigate still more the appearance of a
ship of the line. The three masts raked somewhat like those of a
schooner, which was said to be more fashionable than useful. When we
came on board they were just finishing the officers cabins; they were
built of mahogany and maple, roomy, and the state-rooms long, so that
the officers are very comfortably situated. The cabins as well as the
mess-rooms were below deck, therefore not in the way during an action.
In the battery were only the rooms of the captain. There were also two
other men of war on the stocks, of smaller dimensions, which are also
said to be intended for Colombia. The guns of all these ships were
manufactured at Mr. Campbell’s foundry, near West Point.
The house of the American Bible Society, to which I was accompanied
by Mr. Eddy, was built by voluntary contributions
of its members, and has been three years finished. It is four stories
high, built of red sandstone and brick, and cost twenty-two thousand
dollars. In the basement story is the office and place of deposit for bound
bibles, which lie on shelves, ready to be sent away. The English bibles
are sold at one dollar and forty cents, and the Spanish, of which a
great number are printed and intended for South America, for one dollar
and fifty cents. They also sell a great many new testaments
In the office I saw a great collection of old and new bibles; among
them I observed Walton’s Polyglot, of which I had already seen a copy in
the library of Harvard College, near Boston; an old bible, printed in
Switzerland, in the old German text; also a new very elegant folio
bible, printed at Zurich; one in Irish, with the most singular type;
a bible half in the Sclavonic and half in the Russian language; in
showing the latter they told me that bible societies were prohibited in
Russia; also two bibles in Chinese, one printed at Calcutta, and the
other at Macao. The printing-office and the bookbindery of the society
are in the second, third, and fourth stories of the building, and are in
charge of a bookbinder and printer under certain contracts. In the
garret they dry the fresh printed sheets. The English and Spanish bibles
are stereotyped; they have now in operation twelve or thirteen presses;
these presses are made of iron and very simple, but without a drawing a
description of them would be unintelligible. To every press there is a
workman, and a boy whose business it is to ink the form. At the
bookbindery several women and girls are engaged to fold the sheets.
These persons work in the third story, and in order to separate them
entirely from the males, there is a separate stair for them to ascend.
The large hall where the members of the bible society meet, is decorated
with two portraits, one of Governor Jay, and the other of Dr. Boudinot,
first president of the society.
The high school was also built by subscription; in this building
three hundred boys are educated, not gratuitously, as in Boston, but by
a quarterly payment, according to the class the boy is in. In the first
class every child has to pay three dollars, in the second, five, in the
third, seven dollars; the mode of instruction is the Lancasterian. In
the lower classes are small children, some only four years old; they
learn spelling, reading, writing, and the elements of arithmetic. The
boys are generally commanded by the sound of a whistle, like sailors;
they rise, seat themselves, take their slates, and put them away, form
classes in order to change the different courses of instruction, all of
which is done at the whistle of the instructors. In the middle class
education is more extended; the children are instructed in grammar,
English, Latin, history, geography, physics, and make
likewise considerable progress in mathematics. In the highest class the
boys are instructed in the higher mathematics, and are prepared to enter
college. As I entered the school they were just receiving instruction in
geography. The teacher asked, where is Weimar? The answer was, on the
Rhine. The instructor then informed the children of the meritorious
share my forefathers had in the Reformation, and praised the
encouragement given in modern times to literature in Weimar. He spoke
altogether with great enthusiasm of German literature, and concluded by
wishing that the time might soon come, when instruction in the German
language should be given at this school. As I left the room the scholars
spontaneously applauded me, and I confess I was affected by it. In this
higher class the orders are also given with a whistle, combined however
with a small telegraph, which stands on the desk of the principal. This
school, which is only seven years old, is already in possession of a
very handsome mineralogical cabinet, and a small philosophical
The institution for juvenile offenders is situated out of town; it is
for children condemned by the court to imprisonment, and are thus
confined in a separate prison to improve their principles by education.
When they are improved, and have some education, they are then bound out
to a farmer in the country, but if they are of an untameable
disposition, and need stronger control, they are then disposed of as
sailors. The girls are bound out as servants in the country. In order to
have a good location for this institution, the society bought, of the
United States government, a building, heretofore used as an
arsenal, but become useless to the government on account of its distance
from the water. It has existed but one year, and has at present
forty-four juvenile delinquents. The sexes are separated, and each child
occupies a distinct chamber. During the day they are mostly employed in
learning, and in domestic occupations. As the building was not
sufficiently large to receive all the offenders, a new one was
built in the rear of the first, which the boys were employed in
erecting. One of the boys who had escaped twice, walked about with an
iron chain and heavy iron ball secured to his leg. A young man of
respectable family, sixteen years old, who was imprisoned for his great
propensity to stealing, was employed as a sub-instructor,
account-keeper, and sub-overseer of the institution. Hopes are still
entertained that he may be reclaimed.
From this institution, Mr. Eddy led me to another establishment, also
founded and supported by voluntary contributions, viz. the Orphan
Asylum. The house, in which there are one hundred children of both
sexes, is in a very healthy situation; the rooms are large, and the
children sleep in wards, which contain twelve beds. They are instructed
in reading, writing, arithmetic,
particularly in mental calculation, and at the age of twelve years they
are bound out to farmers. Several of the boys were very expert in mental
calculation, and solved the following questions with great
facility:—How much is three hundred and twenty multiplied by three
hundred and forty; how many days constitute three years seven months and
twenty-one days? The manner of instruction is Lancasterian. The
principal directors of this institution are Friends, among whom Mr.
Collins is said to be the most distinguished.
With Mr. Eddy, I also visited the state-prison, which contains about
five hundred and fifty prisoners of both sexes, and can receive seven
hundred. The building stands in the village of Greenwich, was built
about twenty years, and at that time stood quite insulated; since that
period the population has so rapidly increased, that Greenwich is united
with New York, and three sides of the prison are surrounded with rows of
houses; the fourth faces the Hudson river. In front of the house are the
offices and stores, behind this are two courts, which are separated by a
church; one yard is for males, and the other for females. The dwellings
surround the yards, and are three stories high. The prisoners sleep
eight in a room, on straw mats, covered with woollen blankets; every
sleeping room is separately locked; the eating-hall is spacious; the
fare, good brown bread, soup, and three times a week meat; on other
days, fish. The workshops are in appropriate buildings, partly built of
wood, standing in separate yards. You find among them all kinds of
handicrafts, and all domestic utensils and clothing are manufactured.
Articles intended for sale, are generally wooden ware, brushes, and
other household utensils. The prisoners receive no money, and if they
are backward in working, or otherwise behave ill, they are subjected to
solitary confinement, which soon brings them to their senses. There is
nothing to object to this building, except that the stairs are of wood,
and there is otherwise too much wood about the house, which appears to
me dangerous, in case of fire.
On the second Sunday of my stay in this city, I went with the consul,
Mr. Zimmerman, to a German Lutheran church, where the venerable Mr.
Geisenheimer, performed the service in the German language. It was a
curious accident, that, when I entered the church, they sung an ancient
hymn, which was composed by Duke William, of Saxe-Weimar. My ancestor
certainly never expected that one of the unworthiest of his descendants
should, for the first time in his life hear, in the new world, that he
had composed church music, and that this hymn should originally greet
his ears in New York. The church is very old and inelegant; the
congregation was plain: however, they are not in debt, and the church is
moreover said to possess a good fund.
The organ was good, and the performance of the organist pleasing.
I twice visited the theatre; in Chatham Theatre, situated at the
extremity of a public garden, they performed the melo-drama of the Lady
of the Lake tolerably well. I was much pleased with the inside of
the theatre, and particularly with the decorations; it was full of
people, and the heat extreme. Ladies of the first fashion do not go
often to the theatre. In the pit persons pulled off their coats, in
order to be cool. At the Park Theatre, so called because it is situated
near the Park, the drama of William Tell was performed, and the
after-piece of Love, Law and Physic. The first is by no means an
imitation of Schiller’s drama, but entirely dressed up in English taste,
with a full share of battles. Whenever any observation was made in
favour of liberty, the pit applauded. The decorations were very
handsome, and I was pleased with the internal arrangement of the
theatre, but the spectators were not numerous. The visitors of the
theatre are entirely unrestrained; the gentlemen keep on their hats in
the boxes, and in the pit they make themselves in every respect
On the afternoon of the third of October, there was a great
procession of negroes, some of them well dressed, parading through the
streets, two by two, preceded by music and a flag. An African club,
called the Wilberforce Society, thus celebrated the anniversary of the
abolition of slavery in New York, and concluded the day by a dinner and
ball. The coloured people of New York, belonging to this society, have a
fund of their own, raised by weekly subscription, which is employed in
assisting sick and unfortunate blacks. This fund, contained in a
sky-blue box, was carried in the procession; the treasurer holding in
his hand a large gilt key; the rest of the officers wore ribands of
several colours, and badges like the officers of free masons; marshals
with long staves walked outside of the procession. During a quarter of
an hour, scarcely any but black faces were to be seen in Broadway.
Mr. J. R. Livingston, a very respectable citizen of New York, whose
country seat is at Massena, near Redhook, about a hundred miles up the
Hudson river, near the little town called Hudson, invited me to visit
him, and be present at a ball. I accepted the invitation,
especially as I was informed I should find assembled there the best
society, who generally reside during the summer in the country.
The Grymes’ family, which arrived at New York not long after me, were
likewise of the party. Consequently we left New York on the 5th of
October, on board the safety-barge Lady Van Rensselaer, for Albany. As
Mr. Livingston had invited several
other persons of the best families of New York, who were all on board,
good conversation was not wanting. About half past five we started, but
did not long enjoy the beauties of this noble river, as it soon became
dark. During night we were awakened with the unpleasant news that the
leading boat had run ashore in a fog. After five hours of useless
exertion to get her afloat, we were obliged to go on board the
steam-boat Henry Eckford, passing up the river. This boat was old, and
no longer used for conveying passengers, but as a tow-boat. She had
vessels attached to her, on both sides, laden with goods, which gave her
the appearance of a ferry-boat. Though not very pleasantly situated on
board of this boat, we had a good opportunity of observing the
magnificent banks of the river after the fog disappeared. Instead of
arriving at eight o’clock, A. M. we did not reach our place of
destination till five o’clock P. M. We were received by the owner,
a gentleman seventy-six years old, and his lovely daughter. The
house is pleasantly situated on an elevated spot in a rather neglected
park. Our new acquaintances mostly belonged to the Livingston family.
I was introduced to Mr. Edward Livingston, member of congress, the
brother of our entertainer, a gentleman, who for talent and
personal character, stands high in this country. He resides in
Louisiana, and is employed in preparing a new criminal code for that
state, which is much praised by those who are acquainted with
In the evening about eight o’clock, the company assembled at the
ball, which was animated, and the ladies elegantly attired. They danced
nothing but French contra-dances, for the American ladies have so much
modesty that they object to waltzing. The ball continued until two
o’clock in the morning. I became acquainted at this ball with two
young officers from West Point, by the name of Bache, great grandsons of
Dr. Franklin. Their grandmother was the only daughter of this worthy
man; one is a lieutenant of the artillery at West Point, and the other
was educated in the same excellent school, and obtained last year the
first prize-medal; he was then appointed lieutenant of the engineer
corps, and second professor of the science of engineering, under
Professor Douglass. On the following day we took a ride in spite of the
great heat, at which I was much astonished, as it was so late in the
season, to the country-seat of General Montgomery’s widow, a lady
eighty-two years of age, sister to the elder Messrs. Livingstons.
General Montgomery fell before Quebec on the 31st of October, 1775. This
worthy lady, at this advanced age, is still in possession of her mental
faculties; her eyes were somewhat dim. Besides her place of residence,
which is handsomely situated on the Hudson river, she possesses a good
fortune. Adjoining the house is a small park
with handsome walks, and a natural waterfall of forty feet.
I observed in the house a portrait of General Montgomery, besides a
great number of family portraits, which the Americans seem to value
highly. According to this painting he must have been a very handsome
man. At four o’clock in the afternoon we left our friendly landlord and
embarked in the steam-boat Olive Branch, belonging to the Livingston
family for New York, where we arrived next morning at six o’clock.
During the last day of my stay at New York, I received two
interesting visits, one from the Prussian consul at Washington, Mr.
Niederstetter, and the other from a Piedmontese count, Charles Vidua,
who has made several journeys through Scandinavia, Turkey, Asia Minor,
Palestine, Egypt, &c. and is now travelling through America.
Afterwards I paid a few farewell visits. At Mr. Eddy’s I found a whole
society of Quakers, men and women; they took much pains to convince me
of the excellence of their sect, and seemed not disinclined to adopt me
as one of their members; at least they desired me to read the letter of
an English sea-captain, who resigned his situation as a captain in the
British navy, and turned Quaker. Mr. Eddy gave me likewise Barclay’s
Apology for the Quakers, in German, to read and reflect upon.

Journey to Philadelphia.—Stay in that
place.—Bethlehem and Nazareth.
On the 10th of October we left the
city of New York in the steam-boat Thistle, which conveyed us to New
Brunswick, through a thick fog which lasted all day. For several days
past we had smoky, warm weather, which was ascribed to the burning of a
forest in the state of Maine.
The shores of New Jersey seemed flat and swampy, resembling very much
the Dutch banks. As we approached New Brunswick, the banks of the
Raritan become higher. On our arrival, eight stages were already waiting
for us, having each four horses, and the passengers were so numerous
that each stage carried from eight to nine persons; we had hardly time
to have our baggage packed, and consequently could see nothing of the
neighbourhood. We continued our journey through New Brunswick,
apparently a busy and well built place, thirty miles by land to Trenton,
on the Delaware. The road led through a hilly country, but carefully
turnpiked, several pits being filled up to make the road even. This road
is formed somewhat according to the manner of German turnpikes, of small
beaten stones, with side-roads and ditches. The neighbourhood is mostly
woody, consisting of chesnuts and oaks. The forest has been regularly
cleared of undergrowth, and has a cleanly appearance. In places where
wood has been felled, the land is well cultivated with corn and fruit
trees. Most of the good-looking houses we passed were provided with
cider-presses. About four o’clock, P. M. we arrived at Trenton, and
immediately embarked in the steam-boat Philadelphia.
I was very sorry for this great hurry, because I should have liked to
have examined Trenton; it is a very handsome place, and was to me
particularly interesting, on account of General Washington’s crossing
the Delaware above Trenton, in the winter of 1776-77, and attacking a
troop of Hessians, of whom he took one thousand four hundred prisoners.
The Hessian Colonel Rall fell in this engagement. This was one of the
best fought battles of the American war. There is, moreover, at Trenton,
a remarkable bridge crossing the Delaware. It consists of five
great suspended wooden arches which rest upon two stone abutments, and
three stone piers. The difference between this bridge and others
consists in this, that in common bridges the road runs over the tangent,
but in this bridge, the roads form the segment of the arch. The bridge
is divided in two roads in order that wagons may pass without meeting,
and has also side-walks for foot-passengers.
The banks of the Delaware are hilly, well cultivated, and covered
with elegant country-seats and villages. The neighbourhood, and the
breadth of the river reminded me of the river Main, near Frankfort;
unfortunately we could not enjoy this handsome landscape, because as
soon as we arrived on board, we set down to dinner, and afterwards it
became dark. Amongst other little towns, we passed Bordentown, where
Count Survilliers, Joseph Buonaparte, ex-king of Spain, has a very
handsome country-seat, and Burlington. About eight o’clock, P. M.
we reached Philadelphia. Mr. Tromp, who left New York a few days before,
came immediately on board, and conducted us to the Mansion House, where,
though we were not so elegantly lodged as at New York, we found every
thing neat and comfortable. Next morning we drove out early, in order to
get acquainted with the city, which contains more than one hundred and
twenty thousand inhabitants, and to observe some curiosities. We went up
Market street over the Schuylkill. In the middle of this broad Market
street or High street, the first objects we perceived were the
market-houses; the long, straight, uniform streets, which
appeared to be endless, seemed singular to us: they are mostly planted
with poplars, and all provided with paved side-walks. In point of
showiness of stores and bustle, the streets of Philadelphia are far
behind New York.
The two bridges over the Schuylkill are of wood; Market street
bridge, consists of three covered arches of very strong wood-work, which
rest upon two stone piers, and two stone abutments. These piers and
abutments are built upon a rock; the pier on the west side must have
cost a great deal of labour, because the rock on which it stands, is dug
out forty-one feet below low-water mark. It is said, that this pier
required seventy-five thousand tons of stone. The length of this bridge
including the piers, is one thousand three hundred feet, whereof the
wood-work takes up five hundred and fifty feet; the extent of the middle
arch amounts to one hundred and ninety feet, and the two others, each
one hundred and fifty feet. A company, in the year 1798, began this
bridge, and finished it in six years. At the east end of the bridge is
an obelisk, which contains the following inscription: that besides the
cost of the ground on which this bridge and its appendages stand, and
which amount to forty thousand dollars, there were two hundred and
thirty-five thousand dollars expended in building it; about a mile above
this bridge there is another over the Schuylkill, which was finished in
1813, and cost one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; it is also of
wood, and consists of a single arch, whose segment amounts to three
hundred and forty feet, four inches; a toll is paid for crossing
both bridges.
Somewhat north of the last bridge, and on the left bank of the
Schuylkill are the water-works, by means of which the whole city of
Philadelphia is supplied with water, even to the tops of the houses if
wanting. The water of the Schuylkill is raised by aid of a dam; the
water runs into a basin behind the dam as in a mill-pond; hence it
drives by its fall three wheels, each of them sixteen feet in diameter,
which are in an appropriate building. These wheels work three horizontal
pumps, which force the water through iron pipes into the reservoir,
ninety-two feet above the surface of the river. Within twenty-four
hours, four million gallons of water can be pumped into the reservoirs.
From these basins the water is conveyed by iron pipes into every part of
the city. At certain distances there are hydrants, where hoses can be
screwed on in case of fire. Generally, one wheel and one pump are
worked, the others are kept in reserve, and are only used in case an
extra quantity of water is needed, or in case of fire. This work has now
been in operation for two years; it was designed by Mr. Graff, an
hydraulic engineer; the whole establishment cost four hundred and
thirty-two thousand
five hundred and twelve dollars; the daily expenses, including two
overseers, are five dollars. The dam has also rendered the upper part of
the Schuylkill navigable, and in order to unite the upper with the lower
part of the river, a canal with a lock to it, has been opened along
the western side of the dam.
A high square pyramidal tower attracted our attention; it is a
shot-tower, one hundred and sixty-six feet high. The melted lead, which
is thrown through a tin box, whose apertures are suited to the size of
shot wanting, falls from the whole height into water; while falling it
forms itself into shot and becomes cold as it falls in the water. The
different numbers of shot are intermixed; in order to separate the
perfect from the imperfect shot, they put them in a flat basin, and by a
certain motion in an oblique direction, the perfectly round ones roll
down into a receiver, whilst the imperfect remain in the basin. After
this they throw the good shot into a box of the shape of a bureau, with
rockers like a cradle; the drawers have perforated tin bottoms, the
upper drawer has the largest holes, and the lower the smallest; when the
upper drawer is filled with shot, it is locked, and then the whole box
is rocked for some minutes. Through this the shot is separated according
to the size, and I believe there are fourteen different numbers. In
order to give the shot a perfectly smooth surface, they throw it into a
box which is attached to a wheel turned by water, and in this manner
they are rolled for some time. They are then packed according to their
number, in bags, and carried into the warehouse.
In front of the state house, whose lower floor is used as a court
room, we saw a great assemblage of people; we heard it was the election
of the common council. This state house is remarkable in an historical
point of view, as being the place where the Declaration of Independence
was signed, on the 4th of July, 1776, and in which the first Congress
assembled, until its removal to Washington City. From the public houses
in the vicinity, flags were displayed, to give notice what political
party assembled there; hand-bills were sent all over town into the
houses, to invite votes. From the tenor of these bills one might have
concluded that the city was in great danger. The election, however, to
our exceeding astonishment, passed over very peaceably.I.18
The Bank of the United States, which is situated in Chesnut street,
is the handsomest building that I have yet beheld in this country; it is
built of white marble, after the model of the Parthenon at Athens; its
entrance is decorated by eight Doric columns, and large broad steps.
White marble is very common here; the steps of most houses are made of
it. The railings are generally of iron with bright brass knobs; even on
the scrapers at the doors I observed these bright brass knobs. The
private houses are generally built of brick, the kitchens, &c. are
commonly in the cellar. I observed here a very good contrivance,
which I also remarked in various cities of the United States, that there
are openings through the foot-pavement, covered by a locked iron grate,
which serves to throw wood, coal, &c. in the cellar, so that they
need not be carried through the houses.
I visited several bookstores; the store of Messrs. Carey, Lea &
Carey appeared to be well assorted; Tanner’s is the best mapstore.
The Philadelphia Museum was commenced by an artist, Charles Willson Peale, and was subsequently
incorporated as a joint stock company. The most remarkable curiosity it
contains is undoubtedly the famous skeleton of the mastodon, which has
rendered this museum so celebrated. The height of the shoulders is
eleven feet; the length of the animal, including the stooping of the
back, from the point of the head to the tail, measures thirty-one feet,
but in a straight line seventeen and a half feet; its two large tusks
are ten feet seven inches long; one of the back teeth,—for there
are no front teeth,—measures eighteen and a half inches in
circumference, and weighs four pounds ten ounces. The whole skeleton
weighs about one thousand pounds. I was somewhat astonished that
the knee of the fore-foot bends backwards and not forwards.I.19 This
skeleton was found in a swamp in the state of New York, and there is a
painting representing the colossal machine and building, by which the
was removed from the swamp. For the sake of contrast, they have put the
skeleton of an elephant next the mastodon. Under its foot is the
skeleton of a mouse.
The academy of fine arts is a collection of paintings and statues.
The best works which we saw belong to Count Survilliers. Among these was
the count’s own portrait, robed as king of Spain, the portrait of his
lady, and his two daughters, while yet children, all painted by Gérard
of Paris. There were four busts, one of Madame Mère, the queen of
Naples, Madame Murat, the princess Borghese, and the empress Marie
Louise; and last of all a statue, representing the infant king of Rome,
all by Canova. Amongst other paintings I observed several from the
Flemish school, very few Italian, but some very fine pieces by Granet,
which represented the interior of an Italian cloister. Two large
paintings, one representing the children of Niobe by Rehberg, and the
other the raising from the dead by touching the bones of the prophet
Elisha, by the American painter Allston; both have merit, but I was
neither pleased with the colouring nor execution. The statues are mostly
casts, copies of the most famous antiquities. I observed, however,
amongst them, the Venus of Canova.
In wandering through the streets I was struck with a building having
a dome similar to the Roman pantheon; it was a Baptist chapel.
I accordingly entered; the interior arrangement was very simple,
and offered nothing remarkable. In the midst of the chapel is the
baptismal font for baptising grown persons; it is a marble bath,
something in the manner of the bath in the palace of Weimar. While
speaking on this subject, I will notice the various sects that have
churches in this city. 1st, Catholics; 2d, Protestant Episcopal; 3d,
Presbyterian; 4th, Scotch Presbyterian; 5th, Covenanters, or Reformed
Presbyterians; 6th, Baptist; 7th, the Methodist; most of the coloured
people belong to the latter sect; 8th, the Friends or Quakers; 9th, the
Free Quakers; 10th, German Lutheran; 11th, German Reformed; 12th, Dutch
Reformed; 13th, Universalists; 14th, Swedenborgians; 15th, Moravians, or
United Brethren; 16th, Swedish Lutheran; 17th, Mount Zion; 18th,
Menonists; 19th, Bible Christians; 20th, Mariners Church; 21st,
Unitarians; and 22d, Israelites; and all these sects live peaceably in
the vicinity of each other.
A merchant, Mr. Halbach, to whom I was introduced, took a walk with
me to two gardens adjoining the city. One of these belongs to a rich
merchant, Mr. Pratt, and is situated upon a rocky peninsula, formed by
the Schuylkill, immediately above the water-works. The soil consists
mostly of quartz and clay. The owner seldom comes there, and this is
easy to be perceived,
for instead of handsome grass-plots you see potatoes and turnips planted
in the garden. The trees, however, are very handsome, mostly chesnut,
and some hickory. I also observed particularly two large and strong
tulip trees; the circumference of one was fifteen feet. In the
hot-houses was a fine collection of orange trees, and a handsome
collection of exotic plants, some of the order Euphorbia from South
America; also a few palm trees. The gardener, an Englishman by birth,
seemed to be well acquainted with his plants. Through a hydraulic
machine the water is brought up from the river into several basins, and
thence forced into the hot-houses. There was also in the garden a
mineral spring of a ferruginous quality. From several spots in the
garden there are fine views of the Schuylkill, whose banks, covered with
trees, now in the fall of the year, have a striking and pleasant effect
from the various hues of the foliage. The other garden, called
Woodlands, belonged to the Hamilton family. The road led us through the
village of Mantua, which altogether consists of country-seats, and where
Mr. Halbach also has his country residence. Woodlands has more the
appearance of an English park than Mr. Pratt’s country-seat; the
dwelling house is large, and provided with two balconies, from both of
which there is a very fine view, especially of the Schuylkill and
floating bridge. Inside of the dwelling there is a handsome collection
of pictures; several of them are of the Dutch school. What particularly
struck me was a female figure, in entire dishabelle, laying on her back,
with half-lifted eyes expressive of exquisite pleasure. There were also
orange trees and hot-houses, superintended by a French gardener.
The navy-yard, which I visited with Mr. Tromp, was shown us by a
lieutenant of the navy and major Miller of the marines; at the same time
I became acquainted with the naval architect, Mr. Humphreys, who is
considered one of the most skilful in his department in the United
States. Three years ago he visited England and its dock-yards by order
of the government. This navy-yard is not very large, for although ships
are built here, yet they do not leave the yard perfectly equipped, as
the Delaware is too shallow for completely armed ships of the line. On
the stocks there was a ship of the line and a frigate yet incomplete,
which, however, could be made ready for sea in a short time. The former
is to carry one hundred and forty guns, and is said to be the largest
vessel ever built. The frigate was of sixty-four guns. Each vessel had
an elliptic stern, and was under cover. The house which covered the ship
of the line is so large that I counted on one side one hundred and forty
windows. Between the two houses the keel of a sloop of war is to be
There was no man-of-war here in actual service, but a small steam-brig
in ordinary, called the Sea Gull, which had returned a few months ago
from the West Indies, where she had been cruising after the pirates; she
was now condemned as unseaworthy, and used as a receiving ship.
Philadelphia is inhabited by many Germans and descendants of Germans;
some respectable people among them have formed themselves into a German
society, which has rendered great services, particularly to the
unfortunate Germans who arrived here some years ago in great numbers.
When those gentlemen heard of my arrival, they invited me to a dinner,
given in honour of me. It took place on the 15th October, in the Masonic
Hall, a large building, erected by the freemasons of this place,
whose basement story contains a very handsome hall, which serves for
public entertainments. The table was set for seventy persons; every
thing was splendid.
Before dinner I was introduced to all the guests present; the
descendants of Germans had almost forgotten their mother tongue; some of
them were lawyers, some merchants, and some mechanics. At the dessert,
several toasts were drank in honour of America and Germany, and also in
honour of me; I of course thanked them in a short speech. Our
waiters were blacks; even the music was performed by blacks, because
white musicians will never perform at public entertainments. After every
toast the music struck up; but our virtuosi were only acquainted with
two German pieces. After drinking my health, they played “a dish
and a song,” &c; and after the toast was given of “the German
Athens,” they played “Oh thou dear Augustin,” &c. After the regular
toasts by the president, Mr. Wampole, were finished, volunteer toasts
were drank, ad infinitum. I soon retired to call upon Mr. Walsh, to
whom I was introduced by letter.
At Mr. Walsh’s I found a numerous assembly, mostly of scientific and
literary gentlemen. This assembly is called “Wistar Party;” it is a small learned circle which
owes its existence to a Quaker physician, Dr. Wistar, who assembled all
the literati and public characters of Philadelphia at his house, every
Saturday evening, where all well-recommended foreigners were introduced.
After his death, the society was continued by his friends, under the
above title, with this difference, that they now assemble alternately at
the houses of the members. The conversation generally relates to
literary and scientific topics. I unexpectedly met Mr.
E. Livingston in this assembly; I was also introduced to the
mayor of the city, Mr. Watson, as well as most of the gentlemen present,
whose interesting conversation afforded me much entertainment.
Mr. Shoemaker accompanied us to a Quaker meeting. The Quakers, as is
well known, have no parsons, but sit quietly
assembled until the spirit moves some one. The individual thus excited,
then preaches, ad libitum, whether male or female. The meeting was very
quiet when we entered, and remained quiet for more than an hour; the
spirit moved no one; at last this fatiguing sitting terminated, and we
went home unedified. The church, or rather the meeting-house, is very
simple, without the least ornament; the whole hall is filled with
benches, and on an elevated form sit the elders of both sexes, with
those who are in the habit of preaching.
A Quaker, Mr. Vaux, is at the head of several public institutions in
Philadelphia. I was introduced to him by Mr. Eddy: he received me
kindly, although using the appellation “thou,”I.21 and promised
to show me these institutions. The first objects we saw in his house,
were paintings and copperplates referring to the first settlement of the
Quakers in this state, and a model of a monument which is intended to be
erected to the memory of William Penn. The model represented an obelisk,
and was made of part of the elm tree under which this great benefactor
of mankind concluded his treaty with the Indians.I.22 After that we drove
to the new penitentiary, a prison which was built near the
Efforts have been made to abolish capital punishment in Pennsylvania,
and to substitute solitary confinement, which hitherto has only been
occasionally resorted to in the prisons, for offences committed there;
it is even intended to inflict this punishment for life. It is also
wished to separate prisoners condemned to hard labour, to give them
their tasks in separate cells. For this purpose, a large square
yard has been walled in, each side of which is six hundred and fifty
feet long. This yard has but one entrance, over which is erected a
Gothic building, to accommodate the officers, offices, watchrooms, and
hospital wards. The portal has very much the appearance and strength of
the gate of a fortification. In the middle of this yard is a round
tower, which is intended for the watchmen, and from this central point,
six wings run in an eccentric direction, containing the cells. Each wing
consists of a vaulted corridor, which runs from one end of the wing to
the other; on both sides of each of the six corridors are nineteen
cells, whose entrance is from the outside. There is an opening in every
cell, leading into the vaulted corridor, merely large enough to admit
provisions; this aperture has a small iron door attached to it, only to
be opened from the corridor. To every cell there is a yard, sixteen feet
long and seven feet broad,
surrounded by a wall twenty feet high: in this yard leading to the cell,
the prisoner has the liberty of walking, provided the prisoners in the
next cells are locked up. The cell itself is eight feet long and five
feet broad, its entrance is low and small, and secured by a door and
grate. The floor of the cell is of boards, the roof an arch which
inclines outwardly, that the rain may run from it: a patent glass
gives light to the prisoner. There are small apertures in the walls, in
order to admit a current of air, and others to admit heated air during
winter. Every cell has a water-closet, which is connected with the
principal pipe, under the corridor, throughout all the length of the
wings. They are not yet quite decided in what manner the prisoner is to
sleep, whether in a bedstead or on a hammock.
I do not now wish to enter upon the question whether it is advisable
to abolish capital punishment altogether or not, but I maintain that
this solitary confinement, in which the prisoner is prohibited from all
human converse, without work, exercise, and almost without fresh air, is
even worse than punishment by death. From want of exercise they will
certainly become sickly; from the want of work they will become
unaccustomed to labour, and perhaps lose what skill they may have
possessed heretofore in their trades, so that when restored to the
world, they will be useless for any kind of business, and merely drag
out a miserable existence. No book is allowed them but the bible. It
appears therefore to me perfectly possible, that this insulation of the
prisoner will be injurious to his mind, and drive him to fanaticism,
enthusiasm, and even derangement. When Mr. Vaux asked my opinion of this
prison, I could not refrain from answering him that it reminded me
of the Spanish inquisition, as described by Llorente. Mr. Vaux answered
that it is only an experiment to ascertain whether capital punishment
can be abolished; but notwithstanding this philanthropic view, the
experiment appears to me to be an expensive one, because the building
has already cost three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the state
of Pennsylvania will have to expend annually for its support, an immense
sum. The first great object of a government ought to be to provide for
the welfare of its good citizens, and not to oppress them with taxes; on
the contrary, to relieve them as much as possible, as it is hard for the
good citizens to have to maintain vagabonds, for the sake of deterring
others by example, or to render convicts harmless. In this view it
should be the object of the government to arrange the prisons so that
convicts can maintain themselves. When once this is realized, then it is
likewise easier to improve their moral principles. Continued employment
would answer both purposes. If it be possible that the prisoner can earn
a little surplus money, in order
that when he returns to society he may be in possession of a small sum
for his pressing necessities, I believe it would be much better
than any philanthropic experiment.I.23
The county jail contains prisoners who are waiting for trial; they
are, however, seldom confined longer than one month before they receive
sentence. The house consists of a principal building and two wings; the
one for males, the other for females. In the centre building are the
offices, dwellings of the keepers and watch, as well as the infirmary,
where the patients have good bedding, and are carefully nursed. In the
wings are long corridors, with rooms on each side, which are closed
during the night with iron doors. About eight prisoners sleep in one
room, they sleep on the floor, and have only two blankets, to sleep upon
and cover themselves. The floor is of boards, and I was delighted at the
great cleanliness prevailing through the whole house. At the end of each
wing is a yard where the prisoners walk, and in each yard there is a
shed under which they work. The men I found busy pulling horse-hair, and
most of the females at their usual domestic occupations. Even here we
perceived the great distinction between the white and coloured
The number of female prisoners of both colours was nearly equal, and
the coloured were not permitted to sit on the same bench with the white;
the coloured were separated to the left! I procured a sight of the
register, and was astonished to see that in this free country a
magistrate has the right to imprison a person for two days, for cursing
in the streets, as I found in the book. There are also in the county
jail several cells for solitary confinement, narrow dark holes, in which
it must be insupportably hot during the summer. Those who are of savage
behaviour are confined in these cells, and kept there till they become
Of the charitable institutions, we visited first, the Orphan Asylum,
and then the hospital for widows, which stand near each other. They owe
their origin to the donation of a lady, which has been increased by
voluntary contributions, and is now under the direction of a board of
ladies, mostly Friends, who are aided by the advice of a few select
gentlemen. In the Orphan Asylum were ninety children of both sexes, who
remain till they are twelve years of age, and are then bound out to
learn a trade. They are educated in the same way as the orphans at New
York. During the hours of recess, the children run about in a garden;
the house is very cleanly, the bed-rooms are spacious, and each contain
twenty beds; nevertheless, two children have to sleep in one bed.
Some years ago, the house caught fire, and the conflagration was so
rapid that more than thirty children perished in the flames. In
rebuilding the house, they had the praiseworthy consideration to banish
wood entirely from the building, and even the stairs are of stone. The
Widow’s Asylum is tenanted by helpless widows, over which the
above-mentioned board also have control. They are boarded, clothed, and
nursed as long as they live. The rooms are occupied by one or two
persons each, and there is a common sitting and eating room. In this
establishment great cleanliness is also observable.
The large and celebrated hospital of Philadelphia was established by
the Quakers, and is under their direction. It owes its origin to
voluntary contributions and posthumous donations. It is surrounded by a
garden, and consists of a main building with two wings, besides other
separate buildings, one of which is used for incurable lunatics, another
for venereal patients, and others for household purposes and stables;
for they here keep carriages, in which the convalescents ride when it is
allowed. Behind the principal building is a kitchen garden, with a
hot-house that contains many exotic plants. A particular building
has been erected for the painting of Sir Benjamin West, who was a native
of Philadelphia, and presented it to the hospital. The subject of the
painting is Christ healing the sick. Neither the composition nor the
execution of this painting appear to me to be successful; and perhaps it
is only here, where they are unaccustomed to see great and well executed
paintings, that this could excite such astonishing admiration as it has
done.I.24 It is really singular that near this painting,
which certainly has some merit, they should hang a little picture,
accidentally discovered in the city, which was daubed as a first essay
by the same artist, when young.
The hospital is three stories high; in the lower story are the
offices, the apothecary, the rooms of two physicians, one of whom must
always be in the house, and the library, which contains a very handsome
collection of books on medicine and natural history. As a sort of
antiquity, they show here William Penn’s arm-chair; a leaden
statue, made in England, of this eminent man, of full size and in the
Quaker dress, stands in the square in front of the house. Corridors run
through both wings, and thence you enter the rooms, each containing
twelve patients; they are under the care of female nurses, and lay on
wooden bedsteads; only the maniacs have them of iron. Throughout this
house extraordinary cleanliness is observed. To the melancholy, every
species of employment is permitted, provided it does not interfere with
their own safety or that of other patients. Some worked in the garden,
two were occupied as cabinet-makers, and a lock-maker from Darmstadt was
engaged two years in making a musket, for which he has prepared a
colossal lock of wire and tin.
When I returned from this remarkable institution, I received a visit
from a literary gentleman from Leipzic, Mr. Rivinus. This young man had
already been two years in this city, collecting observations on America,
to make known in Germany. I was much interested by him. He appeared
to me well suited to gather information concerning the new world and to
present it to the old; perhaps he may contribute to make German
literature known to the Americans.
Mr. Vaux had the politeness to accompany me to some literary
institutions. We went first to the Franklin Library; this collection,
which amounts to thirty thousand volumes, was established by voluntary
subscriptions, and is supported by the same means. The subscribers have
the right to take books home with them; the library contains likewise a
large collection of copperplates, and amongst others a handsome edition
of Hogarth’s prints. The library is arranged in two great halls, and as
a curiosity they show Dr. Franklin’s library chair. The statue of this
famous man stands in a niche over the entrance of the house, and was
presented, as the inscription says, by Mr. Bingham, the meritorious
father of Mr. Bingham of Montreal. After that we went to the
Philosophical Society, which also owns a building, and possesses a rich
library and cabinet.I.25 The librarian, Mr. John Vaughan,
a venerable gentleman, equally esteemed for his benevolence and
urbanity, performed the honours. He showed us the handwriting of several
celebrated individuals of the revolution. The cabinet contains, amongst
other things, a mineralogical cabinet, a collection of shells,
&c. Finally, we went to the State House, and saw the plain and not
very large hall in which the Declaration of Independence was signed on
the 4th of July, 1776. This hall is decorated with a wooden statue, the
size of life of President Washington;
on the pedestal is the following inscription: “First in war, first in
peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen.”
On the 18th of October, I travelled in the stage to Bethlehem,
a place settled in the year 1741, by the evangelical congregation
of Moravians. It was impossible to me to leave the state of Pennsylvania
without first visiting this society, which is highly esteemed here on
account of their usefulness, morals, &c. Mr. Vaux gave me a
recommendatory letter.
Bethlehem is fifty-two miles from Philadelphia; as the intercourse
between both places is not very great, the stage goes but twice a week
from each place. Day had not dawned when I left Philadelphia; the stage
was very full, and the weather was uncommonly cold. As stage companions,
I became acquainted with two Messrs. Rice, members of the Moravian
Society, and inhabitants of Bethlehem, and found them very amiable,
sensible, and well-informed men. One of them had travelled in Germany,
and both spoke very good German. We changed horses twice, and also the
stage, which unfortunately was worse at each change, the first time at
Whitemarsh, and the second at Quakertown; the road was mostly turnpike,
and somewhat resembled our German roads, except that the stones thrown
on the road were rather too large, and the path was not well filled up.
After having changed horses the second time, we went on a lately made
turnpike, the stones not having been travelled on. The latter part of
the road was not yet turnpiked, and resembled a rocky bye-road, but, on
account of the dry season, was the most comfortable. The agriculture of
this region shows that the country has already been long under
cultivation. The houses are mostly strong, built of blue limestone, and
covered with shingles. There has been considerable expense bestowed on
the barns, most of them have the appearance of churches. The fields and
meadows were fenced, mostly with zigzag, commonly called worm-fences.
Corn was still standing on the fields, but they had begun to gather it.
The winter grain had already sprouted, and had a pleasing appearance.
The trade in wheat flour is carried on very largely in Pennsylvania;
this flour has very justly obtained a good reputation, and is much
sought for in the West Indies; no where, not even excepting Europe, have
I eaten as good bread as in this state. The original forests have been
eradicated, and you see very few old and handsome trees as in the state
of New York; the wood, however, has grown again, and consists mostly of
large-leafed oaks, chesnut, walnut, and hickory trees; the soil is
partly limestone, and partly clay. In the neighbourhood of Bethlehem,
the soil is mostly limestone; there are a great many rocks, and you
observe here the earth often crumbled, as is the case in calcarious
mountains. The inhabitants are mostly descendants of Germans, emigrants
from Wirtemberg, who still retain their language, although in an
imperfect state. They print here for the country
people, newspapers and sheet almanacs, in American German. The
difference is already perceptible in the state of Pennsylvania which
exists between the southern and northern states in the education of the
lower classes: it is said to be still more striking in the southern
states. They particularly complain that the former German farmers did
not send their children to school at all; lately, however, they have
become more ambitious, and attend the schools, because the legislature
of Pennsylvania has passed a law, that no citizen shall sit on a jury
unless he can read and write the English language. The German farmers
consider it an honour to be called upon a jury, but find themselves
deprived of that honour on account of their ignorance. They now,
therefore, have their sons instructed in English. I saw in the
woods two small octagonal houses, and was informed that they were
schools, which, however, were never frequented.
In many villages where you see handsome brick buildings, stables, and
barns, the school is a simple log-house, much worse than the
school-houses I have seen among the Indians. There is no want of
churches, mostly Lutheran, some Calvinist, Quaker meeting-houses,
Anabaptists, and Menonists. Between Quakertown and Bethlehem, the former
called so on account of its having been originally settled by that sect,
but now inhabited mostly by Germans, there is a parish of Swiss
Menonists, which they call here Dunkards, because the men let their
beards grow. As we passed through, there happened to be the funeral of a
young girl, and almost the whole congregation followed the coffin.
Between four and five o’clock, P. M. we reached Bethlehem, and
staid in Bishop’s tavern, which was very cleanly, and well managed.
Bethlehem is very handsomely situated, partly in a valley, and partly
on a hill near the river Lehigh, into which empties the Manokesy brook.
Very near the town there is a wooden bridge over the river, which was
built in the year 1791, and rests upon three stone pillars, and over the
brook there is a newly-built stone bridge of two arches. The moment you
behold Bethlehem, you are pleased with it: opposite the town, on the
right bank of the Lehigh, are rather high mountains, overgrown with
wood. The brick houses of the town are situated amphitheatrically; above
all the houses, you see the church with a small steeple, and the whole
is crowned by the burying-place, which lies upon a hill, and is planted
with lombardy poplars. The fields around the town are excellently
cultivated, and the landscape is bounded by the Blue Mountains, eighteen
miles distant, a long range of mountains with no one distinct
summit, but with some openings through. The streets in Bethlehem are not
paved, but planted with poplars, and provided with broad brick
side-walks; the houses are built either of blue limestone or of brick.
The greatest
building in this town, which formerly served as the house for the
brethren, is now occupied as a young ladies boarding-school. There is
also here an arched market-place, where butcher’s meat is sold. On the
place where Bishop’s tavern now stands, not long ago stood a little
frame building, which was built at the time Bethlehem was founded by
Count Zinzendorf. The town has about seven hundred inhabitants, mostly
tradesmen and merchants. The clergy consists of Bishop Huffel and the
two preachers, Messrs. Seidel and Von Schweinitz; the latter is the
great grandson of Count Zinzendorf, he was just absent on a voyage to
Germany, where he met the general synod in Herrenhut.
One of the Messrs. Rice introduced me into the tavern, and gave
notice to the clergy of my arrival; shortly after, I received a
visit from Mr. Seidel, a Saxon by birth, who has resided nineteen
years in the United States. I found him a very friendly and
pleasant gentleman, and had a long conversation with him. I also
met with an old man from Eisenach, by the name of Stickel, who came to
this country as a surgeon with the Hessians, and for some years past had
taken up his residence in this tavern, where he acts as cicerone to the
Next morning I received another visit from parson Seidel, and went
with him to Bishop Huffel; the bishop is a man of about sixty years of
age, also a Saxon, and a very friendly man, who has travelled much and
speaks pleasantly. He had a very handsome collection of minerals,
particularly of American marbles; Mr. Seidel resides with him in the
oldest dwelling of the town, which has quite the appearance of the house
of a country parson in Germany, and has even German locks and bolts to
it; in this house is a large hall, which formerly served the parish as a
church until the church was finished. I visited the church,
escorted by the two divines; the arrangements are quite simple,
a white hall with benches, and a somewhat higher seat for the
clergy, with a table before it; the church has a very fine organ, which
was made at New York. The bishop, who is a good performer on the piano,
had the goodness to play for me on the organ. From the steeple of the
church is a handsome prospect of the surrounding neighbourhood, the
Lehigh, the mountains of the same name, and the Blue Mountains. In the
church building, next to the large hall, are several chambers, where
they formerly kept school, before the new school was built, but now the
elders hold their conferences in it, and the smaller meetings of the
parish. By building this new church, the parish incurred a debt; the
building, however, is not very tasty. The burying place of the
congregation is upon a small hill, and resembles a garden planted with
trees. The graves are in rows, a simple stone lying on each,
containing the name, birth, and time of
death of the departed. This morning I observed by a circular notice, the
death of a young lad who died last evening; in order to give notice of
his death, they played with trumpets the tunes of three hymns from the
steeple, early in the morning; certainly a very simple and touching
ceremony! The
corpse is put in the corpse-house, and the burying takes place in
presence of the whole parish. Not far from the burying place, upon an
elevated spot, is a cistern, in which by means of a forcing machine, the
water is carried from the brook, and thence all the houses and streets
are supplied with water.
After that we went to the dwelling of the sisterhood; all the old
maids, and some younger ones of the parish, who have no parents, live
together. Heretofore, all the unmarried women were obliged to live in
the sister-house; but this has been changed since, and those who have
parents, live with their families. Those sisters who live together, have
either each a separate room, or several have a sitting room together.
They support themselves by selling female utensils, which they
manufacture. There is no house for the brotherhood, because young
industrious labourers in this happy land, where there are no taxes, can
support themselves very well. The ground on which the houses stand,
belongs to the parish, and every man, who wishes to build here, has to
pay a certain ground rent. There is, however, here no community of
goods; every one has to work for, and to support himself, and the parish
only assists him when he has become poor by misfortune.
After this interesting ramble I visited Mr. Rice, who is a merchant,
owner of a mill, and is particularly engaged in the flour business; he
also keeps a store, where every article is to be found, which the
country people are in need of; from cloth, and fine linen, down to
common wagon-screws. After that, I dined at home in the lively
company of six young ladies from Providence, who also came to finish
their education here in the boarding-school; as in Germany, the brothers
have boarding-schools, where children, whose parents do not belong to
the society, are carefully educated. The female school is at Bethlehem,
and the male school in Nazareth.
After dinner I took a ride with Dr. Stickel, in order to examine a
new lock, lately established on the river Lehigh. Within a few years
they have opened important coal works, about thirty miles from this
place, at Mauch Chunk, on the other side of the Blue Mountains; these
mines furnish Philadelphia and the neighbourhood with the well-known
Lehigh coals, which are much better than the English coals. These coals
were formerly shipped in light boats near the pit, and floated down the
Lehigh into the Delaware to Philadelphia, and the boats were then broke
to pieces and sold, on account of the falls and strong current of the
Lehigh, which prevented their return. As even the navigation down the
river was frequently obstructed on account of low water, and incumbered
with difficulties, the company owning the mines, made a dam in the
river, through which canals pass with locks, by means of which they have
improved the navigation.
In the vicinity of the Lehigh, there are many limestone rocks; these
they explode, partly for the purpose of having heavy stones, which are
thrown on the dams, partly for burning them to lime. The burned lime is
not only used for building, but also as manure for the fields.
We returned from the locks to Bethlehem by another road; on account
of their distance from the coal pits, these locks are called the
thirty-seven mile locks. We passed through a well cultivated valley,
wherein is situated a place called Butstown, settled by Germans, and
consisting of a few neat brick buildings. Thence the road passed through
an oak-wood, which appeared to be in very good order, and belonged to
the brotherhood. In the evening I went with Mr. Seidel to a concert,
which the amateurs of the town gave. In the town-school is a room
appropriated for these concerts, which take place weekly. The orchestra
consisted of eleven musicians, all of whom were mechanics of Bethlehem,
who very successfully practiced this art as amateurs. The greatest part
of the religious service of the brotherhood consists of music; for this
reason music constitutes a principal part of their education. The music
was fine beyond all expectation; I heard very good male and female
singers; amongst others were Mr. Seidel and one of the young female
ushers of the boarding-school, Miss Humphreys. Finally, the good Bishop
Huffel had the politeness to amuse us, to our great gratification, by
performing fancy pieces of his own on the piano. After the concert I
remained a few hours with Mr. Seidel, his wife is a German by birth;
moreover, I made acquaintance with a preacher, Mr. Frueauf,
a native of Dietendorf, near Gotha; he married a sister of Mr. Von
Schweinitz, and lives on his income; I found in him a friendly old
gentleman, who was rejoiced to meet a countryman. Moreover it was no
trifling gratification to me, to have conversed this whole day in
German, and to hear that language spoken in purity, which is hardly ever
the case in other parts of America.
On the third day of my stay at Bethlehem, Mr. Frueauf called for me,
for the purpose of riding with me to the brotherhood of Nazareth, which
is ten miles distant. The road passes partly through a well kept wood,
and partly through a well cultivated country. A great many single
farms, which we passed, showed the wealth of their owners. One of the
places we passed, is
called Hecktown; this name originated from a waggery of Mr. Frueauf, on
account of the fruitfulness of the inhabitants, who increase and
multiply very fast. Nazareth is also very well built, and resembles
Bethlehem, only it is, if it be possible, still more quiet. The town was
laid out in the year 1744, and the large brick building, which is now
used as the boys boarding-school, was originally intended for the
mansion of Count Zinzendorf. This district has about five hundred
inhabitants, including the adjoining parish called Schoeneck, they are
mostly mechanics and farmers. There were two clergymen, Mr. Van Vleck,
son of the ex-bishop of Bethlehem, and Mr. Ronthal, a native
German, who was long pastor of the parish of Sarepta in Russia.
We first visited Mr. Van Vleck, and then inspected the society’s
garden; it is situated on the slope of a hill and has some pavilions and
handsome promenades. Then we went in the boarding school, in which sixty
boys receive their education; forty board in the house, and twenty
reside with their parents, in the village. This school is likewise for
children of different denominations, and is generally praised.
Immediately on my entrance, I remarked the great cleanliness of the
house. The scholars are divided into four classes, and are not received
till they are eight years old. The tutors are mostly Germans, or at
least speak that language, which is taught to the boys by particular
desire of their parents. The school possesses a good cabinet of natural
history, which is kept in good order, and has a collection of eggs of
various birds of the neighbourhood, gathered by the scholars. The
scholars sleep in common in two great halls, two superintendents sleep
in each of them. They eat in common and take a long daily walk, under
the guardianship of their tutors. Besides the common school rudiments,
the French, German, and English languages, they are taught drawing,
music, and Italian book-keeping by double entry. For instruction in
music, every class has a piano: a particular room is destined for
religious worship. The boys have all healthy, lively, and open
countenances, and are kept very clean. In the building there is also a
theological seminary for young men who are designed for the pulpit;
there were five pupils studying. These students are obliged to finish
their education in the large theological seminary of Gnadenfeld in Upper
Silesia. On the top of the house there is a gallery, from which you see
the surrounding neighbourhood. Nazareth is situated on rather high
ground, and is only eight miles distant from the Blue Mountains. The
vicinity would be very handsome, if there were more streams in the
neighbourhood, but in these it seems to be deficient.
After this we went to the sisterhood’s house, wherein were lodged
thirty-seven old women, who sleep all in one large hall.
In the room where they perform worship, there is a small organ, as in
the sisterhood at Bethlehem; one of the sisters acts as organist.
I observed here, as well as in Bethlehem, that the old Moravian
female costume, particularly the caps, have gone out of fashion, except
some few very old women, and they now dress in handsome modern style. We
visited the parson, Mr. Ronthal, and the elder of the congregation, Mr.
Hoeber. I became acquainted with a former missionary, Mr. Oppelt,
who was many years amongst the Indians, one hundred miles the other side
of Detroit, and has baptized several of them. He has retired to
Nazareth, and was busy in making preparations of birds.
On our return to Bethlehem, we went rather roundabout, in order to
see a large farm, which is distinguished in the country on account of
its good management; it is occupied by a native of Nassau, Mr.
Schlabach. His fields are indeed in an excellent situation, as well as
all his barns and farm houses. This proprietor, who is now so wealthy,
came over a redemptioner, and owes his present wealth to his industry
and frugality.
After dinner I went with Mr. Seidel, who is the guardian, to the
great female boarding-school. In the office where the small domestic
library is kept, which not only consists of religious books, but also
belles lettres, voyages and travels, I met the venerable Bishop
Huffel, who accompanied me, with Mr. Seidel, during my inspection of the
school. In this school we found about one hundred handsome young ladies,
between the ages of eight and eighteen years, who are carefully
educated, and who, besides the common school education, are instructed
in drawing, music, and all female accomplishments. They make very fine
embroidery and tapestry, and also handsome artificial flowers. They are
divided into four classes; in every class-room was a piano. I was
informed that they performed their morning and evening devotions by
chanting. After dinner they receive no other instructions but music and
female accomplishments; the latter part of the day is employed in
walking in the large garden, which lies in a vale behind the house. They
have also a hall for prayers, in which stands a piano, and which is
often made use of as a concert room. They sleep in large halls, with the
superintendents, and the girls have a very good appearance. The custom
which prevails in European boarding-schools, of dressing all the girls
in uniform, and distinguishing different classes by different ribands,
does not take place here; every girl dresses as she pleases. The
scholars are from all parts of the United States, even some from
After having examined this interesting establishment, I walked with
the bishop and Mr. Seidel on the banks of the brook, in order to examine
some works that are situated on the waterside.
The first was the work which forces the water into the cistern, as
above-mentioned. By a conductor from the brook, a water-wheel is
set in motion; this wheel works two pumps, which force the water into
iron pipes leading into the cistern. Not far from this work lives a
currier by the name of Mr. Leipert, who manufactures leather and
morocco: in this establishment the principal machinery is also moved by
water. They have two ways here of raising water, one is by boxes
fastened on a large wheel, these boxes fill themselves with water, when
they are below, and throw it into a gutter, when they come up; the other
is by a common pump.
At last my companions introduced me to a gentleman, who, with trouble
and expense, had established a cabinet of ancient and other coins. This
collection was indeed extensive and valuable, recollecting that it was
in America.
I spent the evening very pleasantly in the young ladies school; all
the girls were assembled, and gave a musical entertainment, mostly songs
composed for several voices. But as the girls have to retire early, the
entertainment, for which I was indebted to the politeness of Mr. Seidel,
was soon ended. I remained a short time with Mr. Seidel,
I then took my leave of this worthy man, of the venerable Bishop
Huffel, and the polite Mr. Frueauf, with the intention of returning next
spring, God willing, to this lovely spot, with which I was so much
delighted. In going home, I heard the young ladies sing their
evening hymn, and received a very pretty serenade from twenty young
folks of the place, who, although they belong to the brotherhood, serve
as the musical band of the militia. I could not leave this
peaceable and quiet Bethlehem without being affected, whose inhabitants
all live united like one family, in brotherly and sisterly love, and
seem all to have the same habits, acquired by the same education and
continued sociability. I returned with the stage on the same bad
road to Philadelphia by which I left it, but better enjoyed the view of
this beautiful, well cultivated and thickly peopled country. The last
part of the road was particularly interesting to me. In the flourishing
villages of Germantown and Nicetown there are handsome gardens and
country-seats of Philadelphians. In the vicinity of Whitemarsh,
I observed the remains of General Washington’s entrenchments.
Germantown, originally settled by Germans, forms only one street, which
is above three miles long. During the time when the English occupied
Philadelphia and its vicinity, General Washington fell upon the English
that were in and about Germantown. One battalion of the British threw
themselves into a stone house, and defended themselves in it until the
British army could rally again, and drive the Americans back. The house
is situated in a
garden, about one hundred paces from the road; near the house, in the
street, is a well which supplies the house with water; to keep
possession of the well was of great consequence to the British, and in
its vicinity many men are said to have lost their lives.
On the ensuing morning I went with Mr. Halbach to Mr. Vaux, in order to visit
under his guidance some other public institutions. At Mr. Vaux’s we met
several of the public characters of the city, with whom I had
conversations on various subjects of public utility, such as schools,
punishments, &c. Then we went into a Lancasterian free school, where
five hundred lads are instructed, and several hundred girls of the lower
classes. We did not see the girls; it was Saturday, which is a holiday.
The boys are of various ages, and are divided into eight classes, under
the inspection of one teacher and several monitors. They obey their
instructors by signals, all their motions are made according to these
signals, and they give their answers with the greatest precision. They
exercise their memory by reciting pieces of poetry, and making mental
calculations. They write well and all alike; they also receive
instruction in geography; one of the boys had drawn a good and correct
sketch of Thuringia. They ought to pay more attention to the dress of
the children, for some of them were in rags. The school is supported by
the city, and is under the direction of Quakers.
Of the courts of justice I will say nothing; they are entirely formed
after the English model. The common law of England is so well known, and
so many huge volumes written upon it, that I need say nothing on the
The state prison, which, about fifty years ago, was built for a
county jail, contained ad interim those prisoners which are intended for
the new penitentiary. For this reason this prison is overfilled with
five hundred prisoners; they were not sufficiently watched, and
therefore often riotous. Through a misdirected philanthropy of the
Quakers, who have also the direction of this prison, there are no guards
on the walls, nor in the passages, and but five overseers go continually
amongst the labouring prisoners, and their lives are often exposed. The
inspector of the house, Mr. Swift, seemed no way to favour this system,
which not only does not improve the morals of the convicts, but also
seems to threaten public security. At this time there was a bad feeling
among the prisoners, and they daily expected a riot. The Quakers
themselves, in spite of their philanthropy, seemed to have no great
confidence in the prisoners. In our walk through the prison with Mr.
Vaux, it was evident from his countenance that he felt uneasy, and as
the prisoners were assembled on the large stairs at twelve o’clock, to
go to their dinner, he ensconced himself behind the iron grate.
The female prisoners occupy one of the wings of the prison, and are
employed in spinning, sewing, knitting and pulling horse-hair, platting
straw, and washing. They sit in long warmed corridors, adjoining to the
doors of their bed-rooms; ten and more sleep in one room, on horse-hair
mattresses with blankets. There are also cells for solitary confinement
established for them; in one of them, four weeks since, a handsome
girl was confined that had been condemned for stealing, and affected to
be a simpleton, deaf and dumb, but during her solitary confinement she
began to speak sensibly, and with good understanding. The male prisoners
inhabit the other wing, and have the whole yard to themselves, where
there are several workshops. Most of the prisoners were busy in the yard
sawing marble, others weave, are tailors, shoemakers, &c. and there
are several good cabinet-makers, who make very fine furniture for the
stores in the city. All hands are busy: the invalids are mostly employed
in pulling horse-hair. In the bake-house of the institution they bake
very good brown bread, and each prisoner receives daily one pound and a
half. The prisoners have a long subterraneous room for an eating hall,
which is lighted with lamps, and receive daily good broth, fresh meat,
and potatoes. They certainly live much better than many an honest man
who has to maintain his family by his industry. A weaver was
confined in the solitary cells, who, in a moment of impatience, had cut
through his thread with a knife, because it was entangled. In each wing
there is a separate nursery for the patients of both sexes. In spite of
the great number of prisoners, great cleanliness is maintained.
His excellency, John Quincy Adams, President of the United States,
had just returned from a visit to his aged and venerable father near
Boston, and took the room next to mine in the Mansion-house. He had been
invited to the Wistar-Party on the 22d of October, at the house of
Colonel Biddle, and accepted the invitation to the gratification of all
the members. I also visited the party. The President is a man about
sixty years old, of rather short stature, with a bald head, and of a
very plain and worthy appearance. He speaks little, but what he does
speak is to the purpose. I must confess that I seldom in my life
felt so true and sincere a reverence as at the moment when this
honourable gentleman whom eleven millions of people have thought worthy
to elect as their chief magistrate, shook hands with me. He made many
inquiries after his friends at Ghent, and particularly after the family
of Mr. Meulemeester. Unfortunately I could not long converse with him,
because every member of the party had greater claims than myself. At the
same time I made several other new and interesting acquaintances, among
others with a Quaker, Mr. Wood, who had undertaken a tour through
France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Russia, mostly with the
philanthropic view of examining the prison discipline of those
countries. I was much gratified with his instructive conversation,
although I had some controversy with him on the prison discipline, as he
heard that I did not agree with his views relative to the new
penitentiary, of which he was one of the most active promoters. Mr.
Livingston, who has effected the abolition of capital punishment in the
state of Louisiana, was here lauded to the skies by the philanthropists.
God send it success!
On the following day I paid my respects to the President, and gave
him the medals which Mr. Cornelissen at Ghent had confided to my care.
One silver medal was from the Botanic Society of Ghent, with an
appropriate inscription for the President; the other a bronze medal,
which had been struck in the year 1823, in honour of the Haerlem jubilee
on the discovery of the art of printing; both were sunk by the skilful
artist Mr. Braemt, at Brussels. In the evening I saw the President
again, who honoured with his presence a party at Mr. Walsh’s. I had
first the intention of leaving here to-day with the steam-boat for
Baltimore, but the arrival of the President changed my resolution, as I
wished to attend with him the anniversary, which was to be celebrated on
the 24th of October, and then to travel in his company to Baltimore.
In order to celebrate the day on which William Penn landed in the
year 1683 in America, which was the origin of the state of Pennsylvania,
those who respect his memory have established a society, which
celebrates the 24th of October as a public festival. At this time the
celebration consisted of a public oration in the University and a public
dinner. Mr. Vaux called for me at twelve o’clock to go to the oration.
The building of the University of Pennsylvania was originally intended
as a dwelling for President Washington, who declined the present, and it
was then used for the University. A great number of people had
collected in one of the lecture rooms; they seated me within the tribune
whence the orator was to speak; the President, who entered soon after
me, was led to the same place, and received with loud and warm
acclamations. The oration was delivered by a lawyer, Mr. Charles
Ingersoll; it contained rather a statistic account of the state of
Pennsylvania than of the landing of William Penn; this the Quakers did
not like, although the oration was well conceived and generally admired.
The orator mentioned a particular fact, which, as far as I know, is
unknown in Europe, viz. William Penn mentions in one of his writings, of
which I had already seen the original in the library of the
Philosophical Society, shown to me by Mr. Vaughan, that by an act of
Charles II. this
land was given to William Penn, and his Majesty, in honour of Penn’s
father, Admiral Penn, called it Pennsylvania; he, William Penn, had
proposed the name of New Wales, but the king did not sanction this name;
Penn then offered to the secretary of the king twenty guineas, if he
would persuade the king to call the country merely Sylvania; but even
this proposition did not succeed; the name of Pennsylvania was very
unpleasant to him; for they would think it great vanity in him, although
he was very far from being vain. In his observations concerning the
manufactures of Pennsylvania, the orator went now and then too far. He
said, for instance, that nowhere, not even in Europe, are better
carriages made than in Philadelphia, although the carriages of this
place are not the very best nor the most convenient. The school
establishments, however, he pointed out in a too indifferent light, and
confessed complainingly that in the northern states they were farther
advanced than here; he particularly observed that the University of
Pennsylvania was in a poor condition. He also complained of the
dissipation of the lower classes. This oration was much applauded; the
audience likewise exhibited their respect to the President as he
I sat next to Judge Peters, a venerable gentleman of eighty-two years
of age, who was secretary of war during the revolution; moreover,
I was introduced here to Mr. Washington, nephew of the hero, and
Judge in the Supreme Court of the United States. He is the heir of his
uncle, and possessor of Mount Vernon, where his ashes rest. After the
oration I inspected the anatomical cabinet of the University; it is not
a rich collection, but has some interesting articles, viz. two wax
figures of full size, which can be taken to pieces; also a collection of
human skulls, among which I remarked particularly the flattened skulls
of two Peruvian Indians, and also a skeleton of a Creek Indian; many
samples of fractured and badly cured human bones, and many curious
bones; parts of the human body, injected or preserved in alcohol,
At four o’clock, P. M. I drove with Mr. Vaux to the Masonic Hall,
where the dinner was to be given. About seventy persons, mostly
gentlemen of my acquaintance, were present. The President of the United
States sat on the right of Judge Peters, who was president of the
dinner, and sat in William Penn’s chair; I sat on the left of this
worthy old gentleman, and on my left was the orator of the day, Mr.
Ingersoll. Behind Judge Peters’s chair was William Penn’s portrait,
painted in oil, and under that was a copperplate of his well known
treaty with the Indians. The vice-president of the table was Mr.
Duponceau, a Frenchman who has resided in this country forty-seven
years, and during the revolution was adjutant to Baron Steuben; he is
a lawyer, and pleads very well in the English language. This gentleman
possesses a rare talent for languages, and has a particular fondness for
the German. Gœthe’s Faust is his favourite work, and as I agreed with
his taste, we entertained ourselves for a long time with Faust,
alternately reciting our favourite passages. The first health that was
drank, was naturally that of the President of the United States; his
excellency rose, and in a short speech thanked them heartily; as my
health was drank, I also rose, excused my imperfect knowledge of
the English, and begged permission to thank them in the French language,
wherein I could express myself better and more fluently. I then
spoke a few words from the bottom of my heart, expressing the sincere
interest I take in the happiness and welfare of this country;
I congratulated the society on the pious feelings with which they
celebrate the memory of their ancestors, and particularly of that
excellent man who laid the foundation of this great community; these
would be the best security for their future prosperity. I expressed
my gladness at being present on this occasion, to witness their animated
sentiments, thanked them, feeling fully for the kind reception I had met
with, and told them that this festival, which was still more valuable on
account of the presence of the chief magistrate of this great nation,
would never fade from my memory, and that I hoped to leave behind me
friends in the new world when I should have returned to the old.
I concluded with wishes of blessings and happiness. It appeared to
me that my plain address was not unkindly received. The president
retired at eight o’clock, and I remained until ten. Among the commonly
called volunteer toasts, the following were drank: “Weimar, the native
country of letters!” I rose and said, that to this toast I could
only answer by a modest silence, as it was worthy to be answered by a
learned man from Weimar, and unfortunately I could not pretend to be
one. When young, I had left home for a military school, to run my
career in the chances of war, so that the sciences did not enter my
door. I therefore, gave them in reply, the following toast:
“Pennsylvania, the asylum of unfortunate Germans!” This toast was
received with great applause. The venerable Judge PetersI.26 sung a song,
which he composed the preceding evening, with a great deal of vivacity,
and every one was merry and lively.
The society have their laws written on parchment, bound in a very
elegant volume. This book was placed before the president and myself, to
sign; we signed it, and by this means became honorary members of this
respectable society.

On the 25th of October, I made
several farewell visits, and went on board the steam-boat Baltimore at
twelve o’clock, to leave the dear Philadelphia to which I had become so
much attached. Mr. Tromp had set out several days before, to meet the
Pallas at Norfolk. The President of the United States came on board of
the steam-boat soon after, in company of several gentlemen from town. At
the steam-boat wharf, a crowd of citizens had assembled once more
to see the respected chief of their government, who is justly venerated
by all intelligent men. When the boat started, the crowd, consisting of
well-dressed individuals, cheered the president, who remained a long
time uncovered. We descended the Delaware about forty miles. This river
becomes very large; the shores are flat, and apparently well cultivated.
The president had the kindness to converse a long time with me.
I was here introduced to a Mr. Sullivan, from Boston, who seemed to
be much esteemed by the president, and Captain Maclean of the garrison
of Halifax, who was travelling for his pleasure.
I also met with Mr. De Salazar, ambassador from Colombia, with his
secretary, Mr. Gomes, and the Mexican consul, Mr. Obregon: I had
already made the acquaintance of these gentlemen in New York. Their
interesting conversation, and the moderation of their views gave me much
We arrived at New Castle between four and five o’clock; this is a
well-built little town, situated on the right shore of the river, in the
state of Delaware, whence it is sixteen miles to Frenchtown by land,
where the Chesapeake steam-boats receive the passengers.
The president being in one of the stages, the drivers went on more
rapidly than customary. The road was in general sandy, and ran through
woods; we did not perceive any villages, as it soon became dark, and the
interesting conversation respecting the scenery ceased. Frenchtown is a
little place, which was burnt and plundered during the last war, by the
British Admiral Cockburn. We went on board the steam-boat Constitution.
This boat was very spacious, and furnished with beds, the machinery,
however, made a great noise, and produced a jarring motion.
The night was beautiful; the moonlight and the woody shores
of the river, produced a very fine effect. I remained a long time
on deck in conversation with Captain Maclean; no rest could be obtained
in bed, as, in addition to the noise of the machinery, six horses
trampled just above me on deck, and a German mechanic, who was unable to
sleep, talked to himself, near me. We arrived very early next morning at
Baltimore. After our arrival, the president took a carriage for
Washington, which is only thirty-six miles distant. The greater part of
the travellers remained in bed until between six and seven o’clock.
I went through the somewhat solitary but regular streets to the
hotel, called the Indian Queen, where lodgings had been prepared for me.
Here I had the pleasure to meet Sir Michael Clare and his lady; shortly
after my arrival, I received the visit of Mr. Huygens, son to the
Chevalier Bangemann Huygens, ambassador from the Netherlands, at
Washington, officer of our artillery, and attached to the legation. His
father had the politeness to place this young gentleman at my disposal.
As soon as I was established in the hotel, I went out in company
with Sir Michael, in order to see the curiosities of the city. The town
is of a regular construction, and contains, as I was assured,
seventy-five thousand inhabitants. Great projects are formed for
increasing its prosperity; these projects, however, have been somewhat
stopped by some considerable failures. This place has increased with
almost incredible rapidity; in the year 1752, there were only ten
houses. The streets are wide, with foot-walks, some of them are planted
as in Philadelphia, with poplar trees. The city seems tolerably
animated; I saw a very great number of negroes in the streets. The
state of Maryland is the first on which I set my foot where the slavery
of negroes is legally maintained. Farther to the south, this state of
things is every where common. I merely mention the fact; it does
not belong to me to give opinions on so delicate a subject. Still my
journey convinced me of the truth of the old observation, that
inaccurate judgments are easily formed respecting things not
sufficiently known, which we have neither seen nor examined ourselves.
We first visited the Washington Monument, situated on a hill. It is, or
rather will be, erected by the state of Maryland; it consists of a
column of white marble one hundred and sixty feet high, it is to be
adorned with bas-reliefs of bronze, representing scenes from the life of
the hero. On the top of the column is to be placed the colossal statue
of this great man. But the requisite funds are wanting; and therefore
these ornaments are not yet finished. We ascended the column by a spiral
staircase of two hundred and twenty-six steps, but did not enjoy a fine
prospect, on account of the misty atmosphere. We visited another
monument, erected to the memory of the citizens who fell in the defence
of Baltimore on the 12th of September,
1814. On a pedestal stands a column representing a bundle of staves. The
names of the fallen citizens are inscribed on the ribands which unite
them. On the top is the statue of victory; at the four corners of the
pedestal, griffins. We remarked several fine public buildings, among
which, some churches were very distinguished. The handsomest is the
Catholic cathedral, the dome of which, is similar to that of the Roman
pantheon. The interior of this church is richly ornamented, and contains
several fine paintings, the greater part of which, arrived during the
French revolution. The handsomest among them is a descent from the
cross, by Gulein, in Paris, which, according to an inscription, was
presented to the church by Louis XVIII. at the request of Count Menou.
It is to be regretted that its size does not permit it to be placed over
the altar. It was suspended near the entrance. King Charles X. is said
to have promised the companion to this piece. I was introduced in
the church to the archbishop of Baltimore, M. Maréchal,I.27 who is
the Catholic primate of the United States. He is a native of France, and
has resided in the United States since 1792, whither he first came as a
missionary. He is spoken of as a man of much spirit and activity. His
exterior is of great simplicity; he is of small stature, and animated.
When he first addressed me, with his book under his arm, I took him
for a French teacher, but he very soon presented himself to me as the
The state of Maryland contains the greatest number of Catholics, with
the exception of the state of Louisiana and Florida, where the
Catholics, on account of their wealth have some influence. Not far
distant from the cathedral is the Unitarian church, tastefully
ornamented on the exterior with columns, and surmounted by a dome. The
English Episcopal church is likewise not far distant; it has a colonade
at the entrance, but a spire without the least taste. The front of the
church is ornamented with two statues, of the Saviour and Moses, by an
Italian sculptor, (still living here,) Mr. Capellano. It is reported
that the inhabitants of Baltimore being very much scandalized at the
horns of Moses, the artist was obliged to take them off. Certain it is,
that the Moses on this church does not wear these ornaments. We saw
another building of recent construction, called the Athenæum, which was
built by subscription. We found there a small library and reading room
for American and English newspapers, and a concert room. Finally, we
went to a large building called the Exchange. A few hours after
this promenade, Sir Michael and Lady Clare set out for Now York, whence
they intended to embark for Jamaica. To them I was indebted for an
to Dr. Macauley, a respectable physician, whose acquaintance was
the more agreeable to me, as I found him to be an accomplished man. In
his company I rode to Fort M‘Henry; this fort is situated two miles from
Baltimore, at the latter extremity of the isthmus formed by the eastern
and western arms of the Patapsco, which empties into the Chesapeake Bay.
This fort was rendered interesting by the repulse of an attack made by
the British the 12th of September, 1814, by water; this well-sustained
defence contributed much to the safety of Baltimore. The English
disembarked their troops on the eastern shore of the
Patapsco—these were to attack the city by land, meanwhile the
fleet was to bombard, and to take Fort M‘Henry. The landed troops, whose
general, Ross, was killed, met with such resistance from the citizens
that they were compelled to retire with considerable loss; the attack on
Fort M‘Henry had no better success. The English bomb-ships were anchored
too far from the fort to allow the shells to do much mischief. Not being
able to obtain any advantage from this side, they embarked troops in
boats the following night, which, by aid of the darkness, passed the
fort, and entered the western branch of the Patapsco. But they were
discovered in time, and repelled by the batteries situated above the
fort. The fort itself is very small, and ill-shaped; a pentagon
with five little bastions, where at most but three large guns can be
mounted; in front of the entrance is a little ravelin which defends
nothing. There is no counterscarp; the ramparts are sodded. The fort is
separated from the land by a wall, which might rather prove injurious
than advantageous. Near the water’s edge there is a battery which can
contain more than fifty guns for firing over the beach. There are also
some furnaces for heating cannon balls. It was this battery which
offered the greatest resistance to the British. It contained heavy guns
formerly belonging to a French man of war, which were served by American
sailors. One thousand five hundred men stood in this narrow space,
without a single bomb-proof building in the fort, not even the
powder-magazine, and notwithstanding, not more than thirty men were
killed and wounded. Since that time, the engineers have erected
bomb-proofs on each side of the gate, as well as a bomb-proof
powder-magazine, and a bomb-proof roof over the pump. The fort is in a
decayed condition, and is to be abandoned on account of its unimportant
situation. The engineers intend to construct new fortifications several
miles farther off in the Chesapeake Bay. Moreover, the situation of this
fort is so unhealthy that the garrison leave it during the summer. From
this spot there is a fine view of both branches of the Patapsco, on
whose shores the trees in their autumnal dress of variegated leaves
presented a very handsome appearance. On returning, we
ascended one of the hills commanding the city, where we enjoyed a
beautiful prospect. An observatory situated here, announces the arrival
of ships in the bay by signals.
Dr. Macauley showed me the medical college, constructed at the
expense of the state of Maryland, a spacious and handsome building,
decorated with a portico. It contains an amphitheatre, sky-lighted
rotunda for anatomical lectures, a semi-amphitheatre for chemical
lectures, to which are joined a laboratory and a cabinet with
philosophical apparatus. The anatomical cabinet did not appear to be
very rich, as the school is yet in its infancy. I remarked a female
wax figure representing a rupture of the uterus, and several human
embrios, abortions, and monsters. I saw likewise a considerable
collection of minerals, among which I saluted as an old acquaintance,
a basaltic column from the giant’s causeway in Ireland. Seven
professors lecture in the medical college; the lectures are delivered
during four months, from November to the end of February. Near to the
college is an infirmary belonging to this institution, where the sick
are nursed by an order of religious women called sisters of charity.
The Baltimore Museum was established by the second son of the same
artist, C. W. Peale, who founded the Philadelphia Museum. His sons
were destined from their cradle to become artists, as their Christian
names are Rafaelle, Rubens, Titian, &c. One of the saloons of the
museum is occupied by the paintings of Rembrandt Peale. He succeeds very
well in some of his copies; for instance, King Lear braving the tempest,
from West; perhaps he is less successful in his originals, especially in
his full length equestrian portrait of Napoleon. Several paintings in
miniature, by Miss Peale, niece of C. W. Peale, are tolerably
The museum is not so extensive as that of Philadelphia; still it
contains some very interesting objects, which however, I had not
time to examine sufficiently in detail. The museum is arranged in two
stories of the buildings; the first contains various quadrupeds and
birds, I perceived a specimen of the duck-bill animal from New
South Wales. The birds are all indigenous, and are described in Wilson’s
Ornithology. The collection of American insects and butterflies is very
handsome; among them are several centipedes, large scorpions, and the
mammoth spider from South America, which kills the humming bird. These
insects are well preserved in frames of white plaster. The plaster is
cast on moulds, the insect is put into the cavity, and fastened by pins
stuck in the plaster while it is sufficiently hot to destroy the moths
which may have entered the cavity; finally, they are hermetically
secured beneath watch crystals. There is also a handsome collection of
Indian antiquities, weapons and
other objects; among these arms were a great number of arrow-heads of
flint, such as I had seen among the Tuscaroras; farther, a great
number of toys, and other trifles; a skeleton of the mastodon, but
not so complete as the one in Philadelphia, forms part of this museum;
the large teeth are missing, but the lower jaw boneI.28 is particularly
well preserved; two weeks previous to my visit it had fallen down along
with the chain by which it had been suspended from the ceiling, and had
broken in two.
There is also here, a very handsome collection of minerals. It is to
be regretted that so many rare things are not better arranged, and
separated from mere trifles. The city library was founded by
subscription; it contains about fifteen thousand volumes; I asked
to see Humboldt’s splendid work on Mexico; the library does not contain
any thing very remarkable. Mr. Thomas, a Friend, one of the
philanthropic public characters to whom I was introduced by Mr. Vaux, of
Philadelphia, conducted me to a steam-mill, situated near the basin. It
seems to me that such a mill is well worth imitating, especially in
Flanders, where running water is so scarce. The machine which moves the
wheels was made by Bolton and Watt, of Soho, in England, and is of sixty
horse-power. This mill has eight pair of stones, of which there are
commonly but four worked at a time; most of the work, which in general
is done by men, is performed by machinery connected with the
steam-engine; a long and horizontal chest leads from the interior
of the mill to the wharf, where the vessels with grain lie; from the
vessel, the wheat is poured in one of the extremities of the chest, or
rather channel, along whose whole length a spiral screw runs, which by
turning brings the grain to a large reservoir in the mill. By another
piece of machinery the wheat is conveyed to the upper part of the house
and thrown into a wire cylinder, where it is perfectly fanned, and is
thence conducted to the hoppers; the flour falls into a common
reservoir, whence it is conveyed to a bolting machine. The fine flour
passes through a trough to a place where it is spread by a horizontally
revolving rake, to be cooled; after this it runs by a spout to the
ground floor, where it is packed in oaken barrels. A workman fills
the barrel with a shovel, pushes it on an iron ring forming part of a
scale, to weigh it, underneath a wooden block, which acted upon by a
lever presses the flour into the barrel; this block, after being sponged
in the common way, is again ready for immediate use. Two hundred barrels
of superfine
flour can be furnished daily by this mill, which works night and day;
twelve workmen are sufficient to attend to all the operations. The owner
said he could do with fewer, but was unwilling to dismiss them. The
engine has three boilers, one is unemployed, to be cleaned and to be in
reserve in case of an accident; from the roof of the mill there is a
fine prospect over the city and harbour.
Mr. Thomas, who is one of the trustees, accompanied us to the
Alms-house, nearly three miles distant from town, which was erected four
years ago, at the expense of the state of Maryland. The house consists
in a centre building, composed of the dwelling of the superintendent,
office, and store-house; farther off are two insulated wings, the one
for the men, the other for the females and children. The latter are
brought to the Alms-house by their parents, or they are the children of
disorderly parents taken up by public authority. Several of the paupers
are intrusted with the care of these unfortunate creatures; two
schoolmasters, who, by drunkenness, had been reduced to beggary, and
lived as paupers in the house, taught them to read and write.
I observed, with regret, that they were both armed with whips. The
poor sleep in large airy rooms, the sick excepted, who are in separate
infirmaries situated in the wings of the building; each one has a
separate bed. Some infirm females only were in separate apartments,
where three or four occupied one room. Each wing has three stories and
one under ground, containing the kitchen, the wash-house, and
bake-house; the bread used here is white and very good. Their meals are
excellent: four times a week they have meat, twice vegetables; and on
Fridays, as there are many Catholics, herrings. The building contains
two large court-yards, with all the shops necessary for several
mechanics, a large kitchen garden and all its dependencies of
husbandry. It is situated on an elevated ground of cleared woods,
a considerable number of acres of land appertaining to it, are
cultivated by the poor. They are employed according to their strength
and capacity, particularly in working for the house and in making their
clothes. All the articles not used by the establishment are sold. Every
poor person on entering the house, is shorn, takes a bath, and is
clothed. For his clothes he becomes a debtor to the establishment, and
cannot be dismissed until he has paid for them by his labour. The
directors decide at this time if such a person is able to make his
living in an honest manner, and resolve upon his discharge. Those who
conduct themselves ill in the house are punished by solitary
confinement. If they are sick on entering the house, two physicians, who
are attached to the establishment, visit them daily and alternately;
four students, also,
from the medical college lodge in the house, and two of them are
constantly present. For lunatics there are appropriate cells on the
I was twice in the Catholic Cathedral, the first time on Sunday,
October 30th. The desire of hearing good music, decided me on going to
this church, and I had no occasion to repent it. At the beginning of the
service, I remained standing near the door, but being perceived,
was conducted to a pew near the altar. The archbishop was sitting on an
elevated chair, under a canopy. The music was particularly good, both in
composition and execution. There were ladies attached to the choir, and
it was a lady who played the organ. The charity sermon, by Mr. Wheeler,
on charity and on the pleasure of doing good, was very edifying. This
text had been chosen to move the hearts of the congregation, in behalf
of the Catholic poor-school. Several days after, I returned to the
Cathedral, in company with Mr. Vallenilla, (attached to the Colombian
legation, and who had lately been married here,) to see Dr. Fenwick
consecrated bishop of Boston. The church was crowded; it was with
difficulty we obtained seats in a gallery opposite to the choir.
A mass, composed by Cimarosa, was executed under the direction of
Mr. H. Gilles, in a masterly style. I do not remember to have
heard such good music for a long time. The best female voices were those
of Mrs. French, Mrs. Gilles, and Miss Olivia Donaldson, sister-in-law to
Mr. Vallenilla. The ceremony lasted very long. I remained from ten
o’clock until two, P. M. and then left the church; the service
continued until three o’clock. The archbishop himself officiated, in
pontificalibus, with a mitre of cloth of gold and his gilded
crosier-staff. He was served by the bishops of Charleston and
Philadelphia, who wore mitres of cloth of silver. The first, Mr.
England, delivered a long sermon, with a strong Irish accent, of which I
did not understand much, except that he drew a comparison between a
republican state citizen and a good Catholic: he spoke with much
vehemence, and was very declamatory. It is said that this prelate is one
of the pillars of the Romish church, in the United States.
I found the society very agreeable in Baltimore; at dinners every
thing was unceremonious, and the conversation very instructive and
lively; the evening parties afforded excellent music; the ladies in
general are very handsome, and sing very well. It was at one of these
evening parties, given by Mr. Henry Gilles, that I made the acquaintance
of General Bernard and his lady, Baroness Serchenfeld of Bavaria. His
acquaintance gave me great pleasure. I found him a very plain,
modest and interesting man.
In paying Mr. Thomas my parting visit, I met his father, eighty-eight
years old, and in full possession of his mental faculties.
I entertained myself a long time with him. Among other topics, he
related to me, that he had seen the spot which the city of Baltimore now
occupies, a forest inhabited by Indians.

Stay in Washington, from the 2d until the 15th of
November, 1825.
On the morning of the 2d of November
I received another visit from Mr. de Vallenilla. He showed me a golden
medal, which had formerly been coined by the town of Williamsburg in
Virginia, in honour of President Washington, and a very well made
miniature of that great man, painted by Stewart, to which was appended
his hair. The medal was in a box made of wood from one of the trees
standing near Washington’s tomb. The medal and miniature were intended
by Washington’s family as presents for President Bolivar, and Mr. de
Vallenilla was to set off within a few days for Caraccas, in order to
present them to his patron, the liberator Bolivar.
In the public stage I left the friendly city of Baltimore, with which
I was extremely gratified, accompanied by Mr. Huygens, for Washington,
the seat of government of the United States, distant thirty-nine miles.
The weather was good and tolerably warm. The stage travelled slowly, and
we did not arrive before five o’clock in the evening. The road was
principally a turnpike, kept in a very good state. The country belonging
to the state of Maryland is for the most part hilly, covered with wood
of large-leaved oak and pine trees, appearing but very little settled.
The ground is sandy; the fields are planted with Indian corn and
tobacco. The country is for the most part uniform; we did not pass
through a single decent village. The difference between this country and
the northern states is very striking. The houses are a great deal
smaller, and of an inferior construction than the worst log-houses in
the state of New York. The most of these small houses are inhabited by
negroes, who generally had a very tattered appearance. We crossed
several creeks over good wooden bridges, and six miles from Washington,
near Bladensburg, we crossed the east branch of the Potomac, by two
wooden bridges. It was here, that in the year 1814, an engagement
between the English and the Americans took place, in which the American
militia is said to have displayed no very great degree of courage. In
consequence of this affair, the English marched into Washington, and
burned the capitol and the President’s house.
I had not formed a great idea of Washington city, but what I saw was
inferior to my expectation. The capitol stands upon an elevation, and is
to be considered as the centre of the future city. Up to this time it is
surrounded but by inconsiderable houses and fields, through which small
houses are also scattered. From the capitol, several avenues, planted
with trees, extend in different directions. We rode into the
Pennsylvania avenue, and eventually came to the houses, which are built
so far apart that this part of the city has the appearance of a
newly-established watering place. The adjacent country is very fine, and
there are several fine views upon the broad Potomac. We passed by the
President’s house; it is a plain building,I.29 of white marble,
situated in a small garden.
The president resides in the middle building; the four others are
occupied as public offices. They are built of brick.
The plan of Washington is colossal, and will hardly ever be executed.
According to the plan, it could contain a population of one million of
inhabitants, whilst it is said at present to have but thirteen thousand.
To be the capitol of such a large country, Washington lies much too near
the sea. This inconvenience was particularly felt during the last war.
It has been proposed to transfer the seat of government to Wheeling, on
the Ohio, in the western part of Virginia.
Quite early next morning I received a friendly visit from the French
minister, Baron Durand de Mareuil, whom I knew in Dresden, nineteen
years ago, and afterwards as French minister at Naples, and met him in
the same quality at Brussels. General Macomb, commander of the engineer
corps of the United States, paid me a visit, and I was much delighted
with his interesting conversation. Lieutenant Huygens also came, with
whom I rode to Georgetown. This small town is amphitheatrically situated
on the Potomac, whose right bank, covered with wood and partly
cultivated, presents a pleasant view. Georgetown is separated from
Washington, or rather from the ground on which it is to stand, by a
small river called Rocky Creek, which empties into the Potomac, over
which there is a bad wooden bridge. I returned to Washington with
the minister, in order to be introduced to several of the highest public
officers, and to the diplomatic body.
At first we went to the office of Mr. Clay, the secretary of state, one
of the most celebrated American orators. He is a tall, thin man;
I found him in mourning for one of his daughters, of whom he has
had the misfortune to lose three in a short time. Afterwards we went to
see the president, who received us very kindly, and treated me as an old
acquaintance. The house of the president, as already mentioned, is built
of white marble. In the interior there is a large hall with columns. We
were received in a handsomely furnished apartment. Beautiful bronzes
ornamented the mantels, and a full length portrait of President
Washington hung upon the wall.
From the president’s house we went to the office of the war
department, to visit Mr. Barbour, the secretary, whom, however, we did
not find, and thence to the navy department, to see the secretary, Mr.
Southard. This officer is reputed to be one of the most learned men in
the United States. The four offices are all built alike, very plain,
with wooden staircases; their interior resembles a school-house. There
are no sentinels nor porters; in the building for the war department a
woman kept a fruit shop. Even the president himself has usually no
sentries, and only during the night the marines from the navy-yard keep
guard before his house.
We next visited Baron Mareuil, and I was very glad to renew my
acquaintance with his amiable lady. His house stands quite insulated,
like a country dwelling. The houses stand generally so widely distant in
Washington, that the plan of the city exhibits more streets than houses.
We made our last visit to the Russian minister, Baron Tuill, and the
English minister, Mr. Vaughan, but found neither at home. At five
o’clock I dined at Baron Mareuil’s, who gave a diplomatic dinner in
honour of the King of France’s name-day. I found the greatest part
of the diplomatic body assembled, and observed the French legation,
particularly, was very numerous. It was composed of the consul-general
Durand de St. André, brother of the Baron Mareuil, the vice-consul
Thierry, the secretary of the legation De Bresson, the Count Ganay, and
Mr. De Sonntag, a step-son of the Baron Mareuil, who was attached
to the legation, and of Mr. Laborie, who, however, did not appear. Of
the Russian legation, I found Mr. De Wallenstein, whom I had known
in Boston, and who is very much esteemed and beloved here on account of
his sensible conduct and good character, but particularly on account of
his solid acquirements and correct views. The president, it is said,
entertains a high opinion of him. I saw likewise Baron Maltitz, of
the same legation, who married an American wife some months ago, also
the Chargé d’Affaires of Brazils, Chevalier Rebello. I also became
acquainted with the secretary of the treasury, Mr.
Rush, who was for many years ambassador to England, and I met too with
Mr. Brent, the under secretary of state. The ladies present, were only
Mrs. De Mareuil and Mrs. De St. André. The dinner was truly
The number of our acquaintances soon increased, and pleasant and
interesting parties ensued. At the same time we saw what was remarkable
in Washington and its vicinity.
With Messrs. Huygens, father and son, we rode to the navy-yard, which
is under the command of a commodore. The commodore was just gone
travelling, therefore, we were accompanied on our tour by Captain Booth.
In this navy-yard ships are only built and refitted; after that they
descend the Potomac into the Chesapeake Bay, and go to Norfolk, where
they are armed. At the time of our visit there were but two frigates in
the yard, called forty-four gun ships, but mounting sixty-four pieces:
the Congress, an old ship, which was repairing, and the Potomac, an
entirely new ship, which has been launched, but subsequently hauled up
and placed under a roof.
Upon the spot where the frigate Brandywine, which carried Gen. La
Fayette to France, was built, the keel of a new frigate was laid, and at
the same time the foundation for a house over this new ship was begun.
The ground being very moist, this building is erected on piles. Opposite
the entrance of the navy-yard, stands a rostral column of white marble
with allegoric figures. It was erected by the officers and midshipmen of
the navy of the United States, to commemorate the death of their
comrades who fell in the attack of Tripoli. The English, at the time of
their taking possession of Washington, on the 25th of June, 1814, broke
the fingers of one hand belonging to the allegoric figure representing
America, and destroyed the stylus in the hand of the muse of history.
This inscription has been added to the column: “mutilated by the British.” At the foot of the
monument stand two Spanish brass twenty-four pounders, taken by the
Americans at Tripoli.
In this, as well as in other American navy-yards, there are several
buildings. I found large forges where chain-cables are made, and
tried in the same manner I had witnessed two years ago in Newbridge,
South Wales. All the old copper taken from the ships is melted, and with
an alloy of brass, converted into utensils of every description used on
board ships; a steam-engine of fourteen horse-power moves a
saw-mill, consisting of two large and several smaller circular saws, as
also, machines for block-making, which however, can by no means be
compared with Brunel’s block machine in Portsmouth; in the little
arsenal are the muskets, swords, &c. I observed a contrivance
on the locks of the guns to insulate the priming, and secure it in damp
weather. I saw also a kind of repeating musket with two locks, one
behind the other. With such muskets, by means of the anterior lock,
twelve consecutive discharges can be produced, and these being over, the
gun is loaded again like an ordinary infantry musket, and fired by means
of the lowest lock. After the anterior lock is fired, all the remaining
shots incessantly follow, and cannot be withheld at will, as it is the
case with the repeating gun bought by me in New York, already described.
It is yet unknown how this successive firing can be obtained. Captain
Booth showed me also double screws of his own invention, the object of
which is to supply the place of ordinary lanyards for ships. This
officer has obtained a patent for his contrivance, and it has been
adopted, for experiment, in the frigate Brandywine; in the same
navy-yard is a laboratory, under the arsenal, where the necessary
fire-works for the artillery are made. The place seemed to me to be ill
chosen, since an explosion that may easily happen in such an
establishment, might cause most terrible consequences to the
Over the Potomac there is a long wooden bridge, built upon ordinary
cross-beams. I measured it, and found it to be fifteen paces broad,
and one thousand nine hundred long. My paces being to the ordinary ones
in the relation of four to five, it may be assumed that it is about two
thousand three hundred and seventy-five paces in length. It required
nineteen minutes to walk from one end to the other. Every foot-passenger
pays six cents. This bridge astonishes by its length, but not at all in
its execution, for it is clumsy and coarse. Many of the planks are
rotten, and it is in want of repair; it has two side-walks, one of them
is separated from the road by a rail. It is lighted by night with
lanterns. It is provided with two drawbridges, in order to let vessels
pass. It grew dark before I returned home, and was surprised at the
stillness of the streets, as I scarcely met an individual.
Patents of invention are issued from the patent-office; whoever
wishes to obtain a patent for an invention, is obliged to deliver a
model or an accurate drawing of it. These models are exposed in an
appropriate place, where they remain until the expiration of the time
for which the patents are granted; they are then put into the
lumber-room. Among such models, there certainly is a great number of
things of little importance, as for instance, a contrivance for
peeling apples; there are also ninety-six models for making nails in
different ways, but some of them very remarkable. The most interesting
models of machinery seemed to me to be those intended to remove mud from
the bottoms of rivers, and canals, or to make them deeper. One of them
consists of an ordinary steam-boat; with her they go to the spot where
they are to work; arrived at the spot they cast anchor,
stop the two water-wheels, and with an apparatus which is moved by the
engine, draw the mud from the bottom. According to another model, the
same operation can be performed by means of a draw-wheel. A great
many models are intended to separate seed from cotton, to beat, spin,
and weave it; none of them, however, are reputed to be superior to the
known English machines.
Of steam-engines and steam-boats there are a great many models of
very singular form, also steam-boats with rotatory motions; they however
do not answer the purpose. I saw patterns of railways, and models
of machines to draw boats from a lower canal into a higher one, by help
of an inclined plane. Then two models of floating covered batteries. One
of them was an oblong case, in which is fixed a steam-engine, giving to
two long iron bars a rotatory motion. These bars, like two clock-hands,
projecting off the deck, are intended to keep off a boarding enemy.
A model to compress leaden bullets, in order to give them more
weight. A great number of household and kitchen apparatus,
fire-places of different descriptions, an earth-augur for seeking water,
fire-engines of various kinds, a fire-proof roof, contrived by a
German, several machines to make bricks, instruments by means of which,
in navigating the Mississippi, trees lying under water can be taken hold
of and sawed to pieces without stopping the vessel in its course,
machinery to bore holes in rocks, and others to hoist rocks out of
water; the machine contrived in London by Perkins to print with steel;
models of book printing-presses; models for combing wool, and dressing
woollen stuffs; fan-mills; leather manufacturing instruments, and among
others, an instrument for splitting hides; a great number of
agricultural instruments, namely, a great many ploughs for every
kind of soil, invented by Germans; machines for mowing grass, for
thrashing and cutting straw. Among the most important machines,
I will mention one for making blocks, which is considered not to be
inferior in any respect to that of Brunel, in Portsmouth, and another
which renders steeping of flax unnecessary, and yet fits it after
fourteen days drying to be broken and heckled. For permission to take a
copy of the machine, one must pay ten dollars to the inventor.
I ordered two copies; one for the Agricultural Society of Ghent,
and another to present to my father. Several fine models of bridges,
especially of hanging ones, among others, one of the bridges in Trenton,
near Philadelphia, and another of that near Fayetteville, in North
Carolina; also one of a hanging bridge, under which is suspended a canal
passing over the river. Respecting arms I did not find much improvement.
There was also a triangle of steel, weighing six pounds, upon which
three different hammers struck, to supply the place of church bells.
This ringing
is said to be heard at a great distance. It has been introduced in
several places to assemble the people.
The patent-office is in the same building with the post-office. They
pointed out to me two large gilt frames with the arms of France and
Navarre. They hung before the catastrophe of 1814, in the house of the
president, and contained full length portraits of Louis XVI. and Marie
Antoinette, which were presented in 1783, by those unfortunate monarchs
to the United States, at their especial desire. Both portraits suddenly
disappeared, and it is believed that it happened in 1814, when the
English made their unexpected visit to Washington, and burnt down the
house of the president.
The patent-office is under the direction of Dr. Thornton,I.30 who is
an able draughtsman. Under Dr. Thornton, a Swiss is employed, whose
name is Keller, a very able mechanic, and inspector of the model
room, who explained every thing to me. Dr. Thornton was so kind as to
accompany me to a sculptor, who, by means of casting a mould upon the
face, obtains a striking resemblance, and has made busts of the first
American statesmen, &c.
I arranged a party to the Falls of Potomac, with Mr. De Bresson,
sixteen miles distant, where we were accompanied by Mr. Huygens, Jr. On
the 6th of November, at nine o’clock, we left Washington and went five
miles upon a very rough road, along the left bank of the river, which is
at first very broad. Both shores are hilly and covered with wood, for
the most part hickory and different species of oak. Of the primitive
woods nothing is to be seen, for generally the wood is second growth.
The banks soon became rocky, and we observed even in the river some
projecting rocks. On the left shore they have dug a canal, this, however
is too narrow, and only navigable by long boats, resembling the
Durham-boats on the St. Lawrence river. In these boats, wood, lumber,
stones, especially mill-stones, and the harvest from the upper
countries, are carried to Washington.
Five miles above the city, we went over, on a hanging bridge, to the
right shore. The chains consist of bars of wrought iron. The bridge
itself is of wood, as well as the two cross-beams standing on its
extremities, through which the chains are passed; these cross-beams form
a kind of entrance, having an Egyptian appearance. The length of the
bridge is about one hundred and sixteen feet, its breadth sixteen feet.
A rather high toll is paid for passing it; we paid a dollar and a
half for a carriage with two horses, for going and coming. The road,
passing almost incessantly
through a wood, became a little better after we arrived at the other
side of the bridge. It was called a turnpike road, but still it
continued hilly. We passed but a single inn, and saw but a single
country house, which belonged to Commodore Jones, whose daughter became
a Catholic and a nun, in a convent at Georgetown; this occurrence
produced a great sensation in the United States. Most of the people we
met with, were tattered negroes, who humbly saluted us. We were now in
the state of Virginia, in the vicinity of the falls; when the road
became very bad, we left our vehicle and went on foot through the
forest, to see this natural curiosity, whose noise made us sensible of
its proximity.
The river runs here over a rocky bed, and is about three hundred
paces wide; in the dry season it is a great deal narrower. It forms
several distinct falls, none of them above fifty feet high. They recall to memory
Glenn’s Falls on the Hudson, between Lake George and Saratoga. We crept
about in the labyrinth of broken rocks, not without danger or
difficulty, in order to obtain different views of these falls. The sun
was shining upon them at the time, and afforded us the sight of several
rainbows; we soon felt ourselves richly rewarded for our pains.
In order to avoid these falls, a canal with locks has been made on
the right shore. The canal passing through the rocks, is in some places
dug down more than fifty feet. We, unfortunately, had chosen Sunday for
our excursion; the inhabitants were gone to church, and there was nobody
to give us the necessary explanations. There was no vegetation on the
rocks about the falls, except some broom and single clover. We saw also
upon the rock a creeping cactus plant, resembling the cochineal cactus,
with small pear-shaped fruit, which contained a purple-red slimy juice.
This plant gave me the first sign of my approach to the south. We
returned to Washington by the road we came. Notwithstanding the late
season, it was as warm as in midsummer.
The capitol is a really imposing building. When it is once surrounded
by handsome buildings, it will produce a fine effect. It is built of
white marble, and has three domes; the largest is over the rotunda, and
the two smaller over the wings. The capitol stands on an acclivity, and
in front is three stories high, and on the back, which is opposite the
president’s mansion, four stories high. In front is the entrance, with a
portal of Corinthian columns; on the back part there is a large balcony,
decorated with columns. The entrance under the portal is a little too
In the centre of the building, under the principal dome is a large
circular hall, receiving light from the roof. Pictures are to be placed
in this hall, under the bas-reliefs. One of these represents the
deliverance of Captain Smith, commander of the
first English settlement in Virginia, by the Indian Princess Pocahontas;
another is an allegory, representing the landing of European emigrants.
Behind this hall is a large saloon, contiguous to the balcony, which
contains the library of Congress. During the English incursion in 1814,
the library was destroyed by fire; the present library has been
gradually collected since, and consists in great part of the late
President Jefferson’s books. Under the large hall is a small one,
supported by three rows of columns, not unlike a family tomb. It
receives its light from above, by a round opening in the floor of the
large hall, and serves as a passage. It has been proposed to place there
the coffin of the great Washington. No
principal staircase is yet built, but a great number of smaller ones.
The interior is altogether very angular. Columns and corridors are
numerous in all the lateral galleries and saloons; the capitals of the
columns are mostly of Egyptian taste, and the models seem to have been
taken from the “description de l’Egypte.” In the corridor leading to the
senate chamber, are columns, the shafts of which represent a bunch of
stalks of Indian corn, and the capitals the fruit of the same plant. In
the wings on the right hand side from the entrance, is the senate
chamber, the offices belonging to it, the office of the president, and
session room of the supreme court of the United States. This, and the
senate chamber, are built in a semicircular form. In the centre is a
place for the presiding officer. The members of the senate have their
seats amphitheatrically arranged; every one has a chair, and before him
a small mahogany desk. In this wing are hung the four pictures by
Trumbull, which are hereafter to be placed in the rotunda. One of them
represents the Declaration of Independence: there is a very fine
engraving of this picture; another, the surrender of General Burgoyne to
General Gates, near Saratoga; the third, the capitulation at Yorktown,
and the filing off of the English between the American and French army;
the fourth, the resignation of General Washington, and laying down of
his commission to congress on the 23d of December, 1783. The portraits
are said to be striking likenesses. As to the composition and execution
of these pictures, the first makes one think of the pedantic school of
Benjamin West, and the other looses by faint colouring. The painter was,
moreover, placed under restraint by want of taste in his countrymen for
the fine arts, who resemble, in that respect, their English ancestors:
the posture of almost every single person having been prescribed
In the other wing of the building is the hall of representatives,
likewise in form of an amphitheatre, and the offices belonging to it. In
this hall is a full length portrait of General La Fayette. The ceiling
of this saloon, like that of the senate chamber, and
supreme court room, is supported by doric columns, whose shafts are of
pudding-stone. The gallery above the principal dome, affords a very
extensive view. The principal avenues of the city, which is to be built,
all depart from this point, and this view recalls the situation of the
castle at Carlsruhe, with this difference, that here no wood, and but
few houses are seen.
With the families de Mareuil, St. André, Huygens, and all the French
legation, we made an excursion by water to Mount Vernon, the
country-seat of the great Washington. Mount Vernon is situated sixteen
miles from the capitol, and on the right bank of the Potomac, in the
state of Virginia. We hired a steam-boat for the purpose, on board of
which we went at half past ten o’clock, at Georgetown. We went across
the long bridge through an opening of a double drawbridge, and steered
down the Potomac. Washington remaining on our left, had a very handsome
appearance from the water, and especially the cape, named Greenleaf’s
point, situated at the junction of the east branch with the Potomac,
which is fortified, and contains very spacious storehouses. Eight miles
below Washington, we stopped at the city of Alexandria, lying on the
right bank of this river, in order to obtain a boat for landing at Mount
Vernon. Alexandria is one of the three cities of the district of
Columbia, which are Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria. This town is
said to have a considerable commerce; it has a harbour with wooden
wharves, near which I saw several schooners lying, and also two brigs.
It is said to contain about eight thousand inhabitants. The streets are
long and very straight, crossing each other at right angles. After a
stay of twenty minutes, we continued our course. Both banks are hilly,
in some places rocky; there is a great deal of gravel, and they are
covered with wood. At a winding of the stream we passed by Fort
Washington, recently built upon a rock on the left bank, commanding the
stream with its batteries. In an oblique direction on the opposite
shore, we at last perceived Mount Vernon, beautifully situated. The
water near the banks being very low, the steam-boat stopped in the
middle of the stream, about a mile from the shore, and we landed in
boats. We ascended by a very bad road to a place where cattle were
grazing, which I heard was formerly Washington’s garden. Between three
oaks and some cypress trees, we saw a coarse wooden door about four feet
high, in a very bad piece of masonry. I thought at first it was a
spring-house. How great was my astonishment, when I learned that this
was the entrance to the sepulchral vault of the greatest man of his
time; the ornament of his age; of Washington!
I picked up some acorns fallen from the trees which shaded the tomb;
my object was to plant them when I returned home.
I took also from this sacred spot a twig of a cypress tree. The tomb is
no longer opened, since strangers have nearly cut to pieces the whole of
the pall covering the coffin, in order to preserve it as a relic. It was
last opened at the time of General La Fayette’s visit.
Thence we went to the dwelling-house, about three hundred paces
distant, and situated on a hill, from which there is an extremely fine
view of the Potomac. This estate belongs to Judge Washington, who, being
absent upon business connected with his office the greatest part of the
year, permits his inherited property to decay very much. He has no
children. The house is two stories high, built of wood, and without
taste. On the side next the river, it has a piazza, and on the other, is
the entrance with stone steps, which are almost decayed. By means of a
wooden colonade, the house communicates right and left with the wings
and household buildings. Farther on, are houses for negro slaves, of
whose dirty, ugly, and ragged children, we saw a great many running
about. It being Sunday, we had much difficulty in finding access to the
house; at last we succeeded in getting into the lower story, which has
been left nearly in the same condition it was at the decease of its
great possessor. But the number of books belonging to the library, has
been increased by many new works by the present proprietor. A great
many fine engravings decorate the walls, especially a very handsome
Louis XVI. which Washington was presented with by that unfortunate
monarch. On the gilt frame above, are the arms of France, and below,
those of Washington’s family. In the four corners are the cyphers of the
king and G. W. There are also two very good engravings,
representing the battle of Bunker’s Hill, and the death of General
Montgomery; four views of the attack of Gibraltar and its defence, and a
miniature portrait of the great man painted on enamel. One of the keys
of the Bastille, sent after its destruction by General La Fayette to
Washington, is exposed in a case of glass, under it is a sepia drawing
of the demolition of that prison. The furniture and other regulations of
the rooms, are very plain; in the eating-room I observed a valuable
chimneypiece of Italian marble, with handsome bas-reliefs, and two
columns of gallo-antico.
It is known that when General La Fayette was visiting Washington’s
burial place, an eagle made his appearance in the air and hovered over
the spot until the general had proceeded farther. We also observed to
day a very large one, which seemed to observe us from the height; we saw
him above us when we were embarking. He seemed to hover over the same
spot for a long while, and when the last boat came near the steam-boat,
he suddenly left the place, flew towards the wood, and was lost to
In our travelling company, I became acquainted with Count Miot, who
had formerly been minister of the interior in Naples, and afterwards in
Spain, under Joseph Buonaparte, and now was travelling for pleasure, and
to visit his ancient master. Mr. De Mareuil detained all the gentlemen
of our party to dinner at his house, and we remained there till ten
o’clock, very much pleased. At a ball given by Baron Mareuil, more than
two hundred persons, the members of the diplomatic body, the first
authorities of the country, and the principal inhabitants, were present.
I met with General Bernard, and became acquainted with General
Brown, an aged man, whose right side appeared to be palsied. The most
interesting acquaintances I made, were those of Commodore Porter, whose
name, as well as the important services he rendered to his country, and
his late trial, have rendered him known to the world, and of Colonel
Roberdeau, of the engineers. I became farther acquainted with Mr.
Calvert, who told me his son had studied in Göttingen and had some time
ago travelled to Weimar, where he was presented at court and was very
well received. The ladies were very elegantly dressed, and danced very
well. They danced mostly French quadrilles, but always with the same
figures. The music was good, and by the marine band of the garrison. The
ball, however, did not last long; I was one of the last to go, and
came home at eleven o’clock. The president was not there; he does not
accept any invitation in the city. The present president receives even
the foreign ministers only when they have been announced by the
secretary of state. The president is likewise exempt from returning
visits, which he had already the kindness to give me notice of by Mrs.
Sullivan, in Baltimore.
Another ball was given by General Brown, in honour of the marriage of
Captain Gardner, of the fourth regiment of artillery. The gentlemen I
found there were mostly officers of the army. There is scarcely an army
in Europe in which the corps of officers is better composed than in the
small American army; since in the United States no one can on any
account be an officer, if he is not well educated. The officers are
exclusively taken from the military academy in West Point; no subaltern
officer is promoted. The greater part of the inferior officers who were
advanced during the last war, had been dismissed. Such a measure is in
this country unavoidably necessary, where none but people of the lowest
class enlist as soldiers in the army; without such an interval between
the officers and the rank and file, discipline could not be maintained.
Therefore, if a young man is seen in the uniform of an American officer,
it may with confidence be inferred that he is in every respect fit to
maintain his place in the best society.
At the third ball, given by Mr. Huygens, we once more met
with a very pleasant company. I conversed a long time with
Lieutenant Wolf Tone, of the first regiment of artillery. He is an
Irishman by birth, educated in a French military school. He had been
formerly in the French service, and is patronised by General
At a visit I made to General Macomb and Major Vandeventer, at the
war-office, the general showed me many drawings and plans of fortresses
and entrenchments, together with two remarkable lists sent in every
month from West Point by Lieutenant-Colonel Thayer. One of them contains
the names of the best and worst cadets in every class, and the other the
names of those who deserve to be rewarded, as well of others who have
been punished, with indication of their faults; finally, of those who
have been expelled, and the reason of their expulsion. Both lists are
put in frames, under glass, and hung up in the general’s office; one is
changed every fortnight, and the other every month. I was told by
the general, that they saved him frequently from wasting conversation
with the parents of the cadets.
The general conducted me also to the topographical office, being
under the direction of Colonel Roberdeau. I found there several
repeating circles, theodolites and telescopes, made by Troughton and
Ramsden; also two transit instruments, destined for the observatory
which is still to be built; an instrument by Troughton, which serves for
measuring the ten-thousandth part of an English inch, and a model
measure of the English yard, French mètre and litre. This gentleman
regretted that the old English measures and weights are retained in the
United States, instead of adopting, as it has been done in the
Netherlands, the new French standard, which is much better.
There were also several good plans of battles and sieges of the
revolutionary war, namely, those of the old fortresses Ticonderoga and
Crownpoint, on Lake Champlain. I missed the most recent drawings.
On the other hand, General Macomb showed me what they call the Indian
department, where all business with the Indian tribes is attended to.
There we found portraits of a great many Indian chiefs, and several of
their wives, who have been at different periods in Washington, in order
to compliment the president. They then receive medals according to their
rank, which they wear by a riband round the neck. There were also
several weapons and different ornaments of tribes I had already seen.
Finally, I visited the ordnance department, which is under the
direction of a colonel. I saw here a gun invented by Mr. Hall, at
Harper’s Ferry, which is loaded from the breech, and with which five
sure shots can be made in a minute. With this gun, three thousand
discharges had been made, and it has proved
very exact; several have been ordered, and one or two companies are to
be armed with them in case of war.
At a dinner given by the president, and at which I had the honour
along with about forty persons, to be present, were the diplomatic body,
the state secretaries, several generals, and other persons of
distinction. Among them, I made the acquaintance of Mr. Gaillard,I.31 of North Carolina, president pro tem. of the
senate. No ladies were present, because Mrs. Adams was not well. The
table furniture was very rich. I was particularly pleased with a
service of silver gilt. The eating-room is very spacious, besides which
there were two richly furnished rooms open. I remarked several
handsome Sèvres, porcelain vessels, and a marble bust of the great
Washington, by the Italian sculptor Ceracchi, who was afterwards shot in
Paris, on account of a conspiracy against Napoleon’s life. A great
chandelier was remarkably fine; it was made for the Emperor Napoleon,
and purchased in the year 1815, by the American minister in Paris. The
imperial eagles now pass for American.
General Brown,I.32 during a visit, showed me a large gold medal which
was presented to him by congress, on account of his services in the late
war. On one side of it is a bust of the general, and on the other a
trophy of English arms surrounding a fasces. Four shields bear the
names, Sackett’s Harbour, Niagara, Chippewa, and Erie, with the dates on
which these places witnessed the general’s deeds. At the foot of the
trophy an American eagle is represented, holding in his talons an
English banner. This medal is not intended to be worn: the general
preserves it in a box. The American citizens are not allowed to wear any
foreign decorations; even General Bernard was obliged to lay aside those
he had so truly merited. General Brown showed me also a gold box,
presented to him by the city of New York, together with the freedom of
the city.
On the 14th of November I began to make farewell visits, for the
dwellings in Washington are so far distant, that such visits require a
great deal of time. On this occasion, I had a long conversation
with the secretary of war, Mr. Barbour, and general Macomb, on military
subjects. I differed in opinion from the secretary about the
efficiency of militia men, of whom he, as their former general,I.33
seemed to entertain too high an opinion. At Mr. de Wallenstein’s I saw
some good instruments; a barometer for measuring heights, and a
telescope which he had adopted as a transit-instrument. I found
there also Krusenstern’s
large Atlas of the South Sea, a fine work on bad paper. Mr. de
Wallenstein had translated an astronomical work from the Spanish into
English; he had also an English copy of the illustrations of Göthe’s Faust
laid open. With General Bernard I conversed for a long while on the
science of military engineering. He told me he had served at the defence
of two fortresses, and obtained the experience, that there can be no
strong defence, without having covered works on the front of attack.
Respecting coast batteries, he was of opinion that the best were those
which had at least an elevation of thirty feet above the surface of the
water, in order that the rebounding shots coming from ships should not
attain the breastwork. He considered the establishments for military
instruction in this country susceptible of great improvements. He had
proposed to establish a military exercise school, to which should be
alternately sent battalions of infantry, and companies of artillery;
this proposition has not been adopted. The general said also a great
deal about the importance of Anvers, and gave me many interesting
explanations of Napoleon’s designs in fortifying that place. Finally,
the conversation turned on the battle of Waterloo, at which the General
had been present as aid to the Emperor. Tears came into the eyes of this
gallant man, while speaking of his former master.
On the last day of my stay in Washington, I took a ride with Messrs.
Huygens, and Mr. de Bresson; we went to the marine barracks, where, by
order of the secretary of war, experiments with Hall’s muskets were to
be made. Mr. Hall, who is inspector of the gun manufactory at Harper’s
Ferry, was present himself.
Experiments were made on the celerity of firing; Mr. Hall fired with
his gun, and the sergeant major of the marines with an ordinary infantry
musket. The last could make but four shots in a minute; whilst Mr. Hall
made six. He has also applied his invention to ordinary infantry muskets
and rifles, and caused them to be constructed at Harper’s Ferry. They
cost the government eighteen dollars a piece. An essential improvement
would be to introduce percussion fire-locks. Moreover these arms can
only be given into the hands of very well exercised men. The government
intends to arm the left wing companies with them. For the riflemen or
light infantry, this gun seems to be very well suited. I expressed
a desire that Mr. Hall would make such a gun for me; but he replied,
that being in the service of the government, he was not allowed to make
any without particular permission of the secretary of war. The few
marines in quarters were paraded under the command of a Lieutenant, and
I was received with music and presented arms.
The whole of the marine corps is composed of but seven hundred men, who
were employed on board the squadrons in the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf
of Mexico, and in the South Sea, to serve on board the receiving ships,
and in the navy yards of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington and
Norfolk. Hopes were entertained, that the next congress would consent to
augment this corps to the number of fifteen hundred men, and this
augmentation would, no doubt, have a great influence on the improvement
of the service.

Departure from
Washington.—Fredericktown.—Harper’s Ferry.—Blue
Ridge.—Staunton.—Natural Bridge.—Wier’s
Cave.—Charlotteville.—University of
On the 15th of November, I set out
from Washington with Mr. Huygens, jr., who was desirous of accompanying
me by permission of his father. I had hired a carriage with four
horses to Harper’s Ferry, about fifty miles from Washington, where we
were to arrive in two days. The road was for some miles very good, but
afterwards it became bad and rugged and continued so the rest of the
day. We left the District of Columbia, and again entered the state of
Maryland. The country through which we were passing was hilly, covered
with wood, and in some places cultivated; single large houses belonging
to tobacco planters, and in their vicinity small ones for the negro
slaves, were scattered here and there. We went through only one decent
place called Rocksville. About seven o’clock in the evening we reached
an inn called Scholl’s tavern, situated in the township of Clarksburg,
distant from Washington twenty-five miles.
Next morning we left Clarksburg; it was pretty cool, and the road as
rough as before. It was fifteen miles to Fredericktown, over a hilly and
rocky country. Sometimes we saw handsome prospects on the mountains of
the Blue Ridge, which we were approaching. The houses that we passed by,
were like those of yesterday; the negro houses mostly of wood, with
clumsy chimnies, built close to the house. The Monocacy river we passed
at a ford within four miles of Fredericktown. This is one of the
principal places in the state of Maryland, and is situated in
a well cultivated country surrounded by hills. It has about five
thousand inhabitants, and is built very regularly. At the entrance of
one of the streets stood a wooden triumphal arch raised in honour of
General La Fayette. The inscriptions were already nearly effaced by the
weather. I had hardly alighted at the tavern, when I received a
visit from a clergyman of this place named Dr. Schaeffer, a son of
a preacher of the same name in Philadelphia. This gentleman accompanied
me to see Mr. Schley, whom I had known in Saratoga, and afterwards we
went to a Lutheran church, a very plain building. We ascended the
spire in order to have a view of the town and surrounding country. The
country appeared to be very well cultivated; their principal
agricultural object is tobacco. There are four churches, Lutheran,
Reformed, Catholic and Methodist. The public buildings are the
Court-house and prison.
Harper’s Ferry was yet twenty-one miles distant from Fredericktown.
The country grew at every moment more hilly, and the road rugged and
worse; as we were approaching the Blue Ridge, we often alighted and
walked. We met with several herds and flocks, which are driven from the
western states to different seaports for sale. The wagons we met were
generally carrying products of the west; they were large wagons with
five stout horses. Every horse had on its collar a set of bells,
consisting of five different tones, which made a very singular
Meanwhile, our road passed mostly through forest; we went through but
a single insignificant village called Newton. The mountains grew higher
and more rocky. At last we came again to the Potomac, which we had left
the day before, and enjoyed many fine views.
This country reminded me of Pranen, near Dresden. It was night when
we arrived on the left bank of the Potomac, opposite to Harper’s Ferry;
we were obliged to wait for a considerable length of time for the
ferry-boat. When this came, we saw it was conducted by an intoxicated
negro; even the ferry-boat itself was very bad; however, we fortunately
crossed the shallow river, passing amidst pieces of rocks, and perceived
at some distance up, three piers standing in the river, on which the
next year, a bridge was to be built. Having crossed, we came into
the state of Virginia. At Harper’s Ferry, we took our lodgings in a neat
tavern; and I had here the pleasure to see Dr. Weise, from Dresden, who,
as soon as he knew I had arrived, came to see me. I take the
liberty of inserting here the following description of this country, by
Thomas Jefferson, in his “Notes on the
State of Virginia.”
“The passage of the Potomac through the Blue Ridge is perhaps one of
the most stupendous scenes in nature. You stand
on a very high point of land. On your right comes up the Shenandoah,
having ranged along the foot of the mountain an hundred miles to seek a
vent. On your left approaches the Potomac, in quest of a passage also.
In the moment of their junction they rush together against the mountain,
rend it asunder, and pass off to the sea. The first glance of this scene
hurries our senses into the opinion, that this earth has been created in
time, that the mountains were formed first, that the rivers began to
flow afterwards, that in this place particularly they have been dammed
up by the Blue Ridge of mountains, and have formed an ocean which filled
the whole valley; that continuing to rise they have at length broken
over at this spot, and have torn the mountain down from its summit to
its base. The piles of rock on each hand, but particularly on the
Shenandoah, the evident marks of their disrupture and avulsion from
their beds, by the most powerful agents of nature, corroborate the
impression. But the distant finishing which nature has given to the
picture, is of a very different character. It is a true contrast to the
foreground. It is as placid and delightful, as that is wild and
tremendous. For the mountain being cloven asunder, she presents to your
eye, through the cleft, a small catch of smooth blue horizon, at an
infinite distance in the plain country, inviting you, as it were, from
the riot and tumult roaring around, to pass through the breach and
participate of the calm below. Here the eye ultimately composes itself;
and that way too the road happens actually to lead. You cross the
Potomac above the junction, pass along its side through the base of the
mountain for three miles, its terrible precipices hanging in fragments
over you, and within about twenty miles reach Fredericktown, and the
fine country round that. This scene is worth a voyage across the
Atlantic. Yet here, as in the neighbourhood of the Natural Bridge, are
people who have passed their lives within half a dozen miles, and have
never been to survey these monuments of a war between rivers and
mountains, which must have shaken the earth itself to its centre.”
The morning after my arrival at Harper’s Ferry, I visited Mr.
Stubbersfield, director of the gun manufactory, to whom I was
recommended by the secretary of war, and he showed me the establishments
under his orders. The workshops are in seven large stone buildings, of
which the interior partitions, with regret be it spoken, are of wood.
The buildings stand in rows, four at the foot of the mountain, and
opposite to them, three on the bank of the Potomac. At the entrance of
the street which they form, is Mr. Stubbersfield’s office, from which he
can overlook the entrances of all the buildings. The machines are moved
by water-wheels. All the buildings are two stories high; in the
lower part are the forges, and in the higher stories, workmen who use no
fire in their work. In the working of iron I saw nothing new. The iron
employed for barrels, comes from Juniata, in the state of Pennsylvania,
and is in plates, of which each is calculated for one barrel. The steel
is German, called Halbach’s steel, furnished by Mr. Halbach, of
Philadelphia. Every gun must pass through one hundred and twenty hands
before it is ready. A particular workman is appointed for every
part and paid for it separately, when the work has been duly examined,
and proved to be good. A skilful and diligent workman can gain two
dollars per day. When the workmen have prepared all the parts of a
fire-lock, they deliver them to a man who examines, tries them, and puts
them together. The barrels are turned by means of rings, which can be
rendered smaller or larger. The machinery for making gun-stocks was the
most interesting to me, because it was formerly a very laborious work.
A piece of iron is screwed upon a piece of wood, which has been
made in the form of a stock, at the place where the barrel is to be
placed. After this the piece is screwed into the machinery; in a
parallel direction to it a piece of iron is screwed, having the same
form that is to be given to the stock. The planing is performed by means
of a wheel, to which are adapted ledge-planes. The operation begins with
the muzzle, and ends with the breech of the gun. The gun-stock moves
together with the iron model, each round its axis, having a parallel
direction with the axis of a plain wheel of brass, which is rubbing on
the iron model, and following all its prominences and cavities. This
wheel is also put in motion and drawn towards the breech by means of an
endless screw; during this motion it planes the gun-stock off, and gives
it the proper form. This operation lasts six or seven minutes, and there
is nothing to prevent it from turning at the same time another gun-stock
on the other side. The gun-stock being duly formed, is taken out of the
machinery, and another put in its place; then the iron piece is taken
away from the turned gun-stock, it is fixed in a cramp,
and applied to a bore-plane for making the groove to receive the
This manufactory, and that of Springfield, the only ones belonging to
the government, furnishes at present in time of peace, fifteen thousand
guns yearly. These guns are generally browned by the process indicated
by Dupin, also, the rings and bayonets, the last of which are kept
bright by the British.
Mr. Stubbersfield conducted me also to the arsenal, in which the
finished muskets are delivered, and are either here preserved, or packed
up in cases by twenty, and sent to other arsenals. In the interior of
the arsenal, every thing is of wood, notwithstanding the great
importance of being fire-proof, as it contains such
a large capital. There were eighty-four thousand guns. If the value of
one be estimated only at thirteen dollars, it makes the sum of one
million and ninety-two thousand dollars.
From the arsenal, we were conducted to a new manufactory, half a mile
from the town, where Mr. Hall’s patent guns are constructed under his
own direction. He not being present, I was not fortunate enough to
find any body to explain the machinery, which appeared not yet in full
action. Dr. Weise, went with us to a mountain above this place, called
Jefferson’s Rock. The prospect from it is really very fine; it agrees
with the description, yet I believe I have seen finer landscapes in
Germany. From that place also, the town can be surveyed, the houses of
which appeared to be rather scattered; of its fifteen hundred
inhabitants, three hundred are working in the gun manufactory. The
ground for the most part belongs to the government, and well recommended
persons obtain permission to build upon it. On an elevation, near
Jefferson’s Rock, a large building, three stories high, has been
erected. The first story was intended for a church, the second for a
Lancasterian school, and the third for a free mason’s lodge.
I suffered very much from a very cold wind, which brought with it a
little snow. In the evening, Dr. Weise came to me with a bridge builder,
who was a native of Reuslingen, who came here thirty years ago as a
baker, and then had learned the art of constructing mills and bridges.
The second bridge on the Schuylkill, above Philadelphia, built of a
single arch, is of his invention, and the next year he was to build one
here over the Potomac.
On the 19th of November, we left Harper’s ferry in a clear, but very
cold morning, and set off on a journey to the Natural Bridge, which is
one hundred and seventy-five miles distant. We rode in an ordinary
stage. The improvement of stages, appears not yet to have extended
beyond the Blue Mountains, because we were obliged to be contented with
one, which was in every respect very uncomfortable. The way led us
through a hilly country and was very bad. We went for a considerable
distance on rocks; on the road, a great many loose stones were
lying, and I was surprised, that our miserable vehicle was not broken to
pieces. At break of day, we arrived at a small place called Smithfield,
eighteen miles from Harper’s ferry. A couple of miles farther, we
came to warm Sulphur Springs, the water of which has the taste of
spoiled eggs, like that of Aix-la-Chapelle. It seems to be very little
known, as there is no enclosure around it, and no houses near.
A lucky chance will no doubt make it known, and I should not be
surprised, were I to come hither again in fifteen or twenty years, to
find at this spot an elegant watering place, somewhat like Saratoga
Springs. The road continued
through a forest of oak, chesnut, acacia, and cedar trees; houses were
seldom met with. We forded many creeks, the most considerable of them is
called Cedar creek. We observed also some grist-mills. It froze pretty
hard, so that the borders of the creeks were covered with a pretty thick
ice, and large icicles hung on the sluices of the mills. Eleven miles
beyond Smithfield, we came to Winchester, a very nice country town,
where the houses are mostly of masonry, and form a long principal
street, intersected by other smaller ones; it has a market-house, and
many stores, which appeared to be very well provided. Here we changed
our stage for a better one, although still very inconvenient. The wood
of which it was constructed was hickory, which has a great deal of
From Winchester, we went to Stephensbury, eight miles farther, to
Middleton, then to Strasburg, six miles, and at last to Woodstock,
twelve miles, where we passed the night. This place is sixty-one miles
distant from Harper’s ferry. We reached our night-quarters in the
evening about six o’clock, in a very cold night and a fine moonshine.
The places between Winchester and Woodstock were not considerable,
except Strasburg, which is more ancient than the others, and appears to
have a larger population. The houses are generally of wood and covered
with shingles, although a great number of stones are found here. The
country became at last very fine. On our left we saw the Blue Ridge,
from which we now withdrew at every moment. Another ridge, in a parallel
direction with the former, called the Northern Ridge, rose suddenly
between us and the Blue Ridge, which soon entirely disappeared. On our
right there was another ridge of mountains, it was an arm of the
Alleghany Mountains, and we went through a valley at least ten miles
wide. The formation of these parallel ridges is very singular, and no
instance occurs of it in the other parts of the world. The country was
pretty well cultivated, and by the exterior appearance of many
country-houses, we were induced to believe their inhabitants enjoyed
plenty. The enclosures of fields are here, for the most part, the
above-mentioned old fences, yet next to the houses they are of masonry
carefully formed. As it appeared, they travel here much on horseback. On
account of great distances between the plantations, almost all the
ladies can ride on horseback; we met several of them elegantly dressed,
and also black women. The race of horses of this country, appears to be
a very strong one. They use also oxen for drawing; to many carts were
put two oxen, and before them two horses. On the 20th of November, we
left Woodstock at half-past two o’clock in the morning, in a very
miserable stage, and proceeded to Staunton, seventy-one miles distant,
on a still more rugged road than that of yesterday; in
this place we passed the night. The places on our way were mostly
insignificant: only Shryock, New Market, Big Spring, and Harrisonburg,
deserve to be mentioned; the last of them is said to have from eight to
nine hundred inhabitants. The greatest part of the houses were wooden
ones, and but a few of masonry. This part of the state of Virginia does
not bear comparison with Massachusetts, New York, or even Pennsylvania.
The great number of slaves in this state, makes also a very bad
impression.I.34 The largest part of the country is not covered with
wood, and appears to be well cultivated. As for the rest it is very
hilly, and on our left hand we had all day the ridge of North Mountains,
of which, however, we could not see much, owing to the fogginess of the
weather. We crossed many streams at fords; these streams were rather
torrents. We crossed the Shenandoah near its source. About seven o’clock
in the evening we reached Staunton, and took our lodgings in an
unpleasant tavern. This long and uncomfortable journey, in an extremely
bad stage, and upon a very rough way, made me quite uneasy, and my young
travelling companion more so, for he seemed not to be very much
accustomed to such fatigues. I suffered, however, this want of
comfort with a great deal of patience.
On the 21st of November, we were obliged to stay in Staunton, because
the stage goes only every other day to the Natural Bridge, which is on
the road to Knoxville and Louisville, and this bridge being too far
distant from Staunton, we could not, with a hired carriage, go there,
and return within two days. We employed the leisure forced upon us in
examining the country. The town itself is small, has about one thousand
six hundred inhabitants, and consists, properly speaking, of but two
principal streets, intersecting each other at right angles. The greatest
part of the houses are of wood, covered with shingles. Staunton is the
chief place of Augusta county; the court was in session, and on that
account a great many lawyers were present. The town is surrounded by
hills and covered with wood, as far as I could observe in the foggy
weather, which lasted all day. The Shenandoah here is but a small brook;
opposite the town is a limestone rock, having many cavities. I was
told they were very spacious. I tried to creep in, but found the
entrance so narrow and low, that I was obliged to give it up. I had
obtained from
Mrs. Weightman, in Washington, a letter of introduction to Dr.
Scheffey, her brother-in-law, and the most renowned lawyer in the place.
I delivered it, and received a visit from this gentleman. He came
with several of his brother lawyers, and among them three generals of
militia were introduced. Dr. Scheffey himself was a major, and almost
every inhabitant of distinction is invested with a rank in the militia.
The custom being here to call one another by their military rank, one is
tempted to believe himself transported to the head-quarters of some
army! In conversing with these gentlemen, I observed with
astonishment the aristocratical spirit which the Virginians possess.
I was astonished to hear them praising hereditary nobility and
primogeniture! In the evening I went to see Dr. Scheffey, and we spent
the time very pleasantly over a good glass of wine, and in rational
The next morning, I left my baggage in Staunton at half past two
o’clock, in a miserable stage, in order to go to the Natural Bridge,
upon a very bad road. We passed only two decent places, Fairfield and
Lexington, the last is the chief town of Rockbridge county, and has a
court and high school. On account of a fog, which lasted all day, we
could see but little of the country, which in some parts of Rockbridge
county becomes very mountainous. We forded two small streams, called
Middle river and Buffalo creek, over the last there is a wooden bridge,
which is made use of only at very high water. Our travelling company was
not the most agreeable, it was composed of two Americans, who did not
open their mouths, and of an Irish resident, who talked the more for the
silence of the others; all this was disagreeable enough. At times he
became interesting, when he had cheered his heart with whiskey. We
passed by many very handsome country-houses; at one of them we saw eight
large black eagles sitting on a fence, they were fed by the care of the
proprietor. The inhabitants seem not very fond of shooting, for I saw
snipes in Fairfield, which flew even into the yard of the tavern. Game
is here very abundant, a deer costs about a dollar and a half.
In the afternoon we reached a lonely tavern, situated in the
mountains called Natural Bridge, which is fifty miles distant from
Staunton. I availed myself of the short time the sun remained above
the horizon to hasten to the Natural Bridge, which is a mile and a half
distant from the tavern, and for the sake of which I had made so great a
circuit and suffered so many fatigues. A young negro slave from the
tavern was our conductor; the way lead through mountains overgrown with
wood. At last I stood upon a rock whence I could overlook the cleft and
the bridge just before me. In Jefferson’s Notes, that learned man gives
a description of the bridge, which is as follows:
“The Natural Bridge, the most sublime of Nature’s works, though not
comprehended under the present head, must not be pretermitted. It is on
the ascent of a hill, which seems to have been cloven through its length
by some great convulsion. The fissure just at the bridge, is by some
admeasurements, two hundred and seventy feet deep, by others only two
hundred and five. It is about forty-five feet wide at the bottom, and
ninety feet at the top; this of course determines the length of the
bridge, and its height from the water, its breadth in the middle is
about sixty feet, but more at the ends, and the thickness of the mass,
at the summit of the arch about forty feet. A part of this
thickness is constituted by a coat of earth, which gives growth to many
large trees. The residue, with the hill on both sides, is one solid rock
of limestone.—The arch approaches the semi-elliptical form, but
the larger axis of the ellipsis, which would be the chord of the arch,
is many times longer than the transverse. Though the sides of this
bridge are provided in some parts with a parapet of fixed rocks, yet few
men have resolution to walk to them, and look over into the abyss. You
involuntarily fall on your hands and feet, creep to the parapet, and
peep over it. Looking down from this height about a minute, gave me a
violent head-ache. If the view from the top be painful and intolerable,
that from below is delightful in an equal extreme. It is impossible for
the emotions arising from the sublime, to be felt beyond what they are
here: so beautiful an arch, so elevated, so light, and springing as it
were up to heaven! The rapture of the spectator is really indiscribable!
The fissure continuing narrow, deep, and straight, for a considerable
distance above and below the bridge, opens a short but very pleasing
view of the North Mountain on one side and Blue Ridge on the other, at
the distance each of them of about five miles. This bridge is in the
county of Rockbridge, to which it has given name, and affords a public
and commodious passage over a valley, which cannot be crossed elsewhere
for a considerable distance. The stream passing under it is called Cedar
creek. It is a water of James’s river, and sufficient in the driest
seasons to turn a grist-mill, though its fountain is not more than two
miles above.”
I confess that I am no poet; yet I was very glad to have taken the
trouble of coming hither; this rock-bridge being certainly one of the
greatest wonders of nature I have ever beheld; and I have seen Vesuvius
and the Phlegrean fields, the Giant’s Causeway in Ireland, the Island of
Staffa, and the Falls of Niagara! The brook under the bridge was almost
dry; the most majestic view is from below.
On the 23d of November we left the wretched tavern at the Natural
Bridge, and returned to Staunton in a crowded stage,
in which were four gentlemen from the state of Tennessee, members of
congress, going to Washington. I took my seat as usual alongside
the coachman, where I had more room and fresh air. We returned as far as
Lexington by the road we left it. Having stopped for a short while here,
I was the object of much curiosity to the German descendants who
are settled here. The town of Lexington was first established about
forty years ago, and it now contains eleven hundred inhabitants. In its
vicinity upon a hill, is a large arsenal covered with zinc, belonging to
the United States.
From Lexington we took another road which led us through the
considerable villages of Brownsburgh and Middleburgh. The road was in
some places very bad, and terribly rough; but we sometimes found a side
road, which in that dry season was still very good; it ran generally
through a forest. We saw lonely houses and met with many travellers on
horseback, several of them were well dressed white women. All our
coachmen in this state were whites; I was surprised at this,
knowing that black coachmen could be had at a cheaper rate, and was told
that in this state, blacks were not allowed to drive the mail stage.
On the 24th of November, after nine o’clock in the morning, we set
out from Staunton in a hired coach, in order to pass by a circuitous
route the celebrated Wier’s cave, and thence continue our journey to
Charlotteville, whither we had sent our heavy baggage by the stage.
As far as Wier’s cave, eighteen miles distant, we had a good country
road. We took our lodgings in a lonely house belonging to Mr. Mohler,
a German from Pennsylvania, of Saxon origin. The way was through a
hilly, woody country; many breaks in the earth presented limestone
rocks, and announced the proximity of caves. For a sportsman this
country must be delightful, for we saw in the woods two flocks of
partridges, which left the road, only to give way to the passing
carriage, and then settled at not more than ten paces from us. On the
banks of the creeks we saw a great number of snipes. Mohler’s house is
situated on a considerable creek, called the South river, which by means
of a canal, works a grist-mill and forge.
The grist-mill belongs to a miller, who has also a whiskey
distillery, and upwards of one hundred acres of land, with four negro
slaves. He cultivates wheat, some rye, and a great quantity of Indian
corn. His mill, a large stone building, is arranged very
compendiously, and reminded me of the large steam-mill at Baltimore.
There are only two pairs of stones, one for wheat, and the other for
Indian corn. The boulted flour is conveyed to the upper floor by means
of elevators, and spread upon it by a rake, which has a circular and
horizontal motion, in order to cool it.
He sends his flour packed up in barrels to Richmond, and even to
Baltimore. The industrious Mohler has connected with his grist-mill,
a saw-mill, and a mill to break flax, which is likewise cultivated,
though not in a large quantity; this year, on account of the dryness, it
has failed.
The entrance of the cave is about a mile and a half from Mohler’s
house, and is situated in the middle of a steep side of a mountain on
the bank of the South river. We crept down the hollow, every one
provided with a taper, and came directly into a space where we could
stand up; there were some beautiful stalactites, mostly in columns. This
place is called the antichamber. Then we arrived at a hall called dragon’s
room, from a stalactite, which is said to have the form of a dragon.
Several of the stalactites are not unlike waterfalls; one of them is
called Niagara Falls.
The following gallery is called the Devil’s gallery, from a figure
standing in it; yet I found in this figure more resemblance to a statue
of the virgin, than to that of a devil.
A whole stratum of the stalactites detached from the roof of the
cavern, was as it were, suspended between heaven and earth, and afforded
a fine view, especially as a new formation of stalactites took place
between the roof and the suspended stratum.
A narrow hollow passage leads into a more spacious cavern called
Solomon’s Temple; here are very singular and mostly foliated transparent
stalactites, hanging from the roof down to the floor. Not far from that
cavern is another, named hide-room, in which the stalactites hang down
in form of hides in a tannery. Then we came into another vault, which is
called the drum-room, because if a stone is thrown against the
stalactites, they give a sound resembling that of a drum. Some of the
stalactites having the form of sticks, and ranged in circles, produce
all the sounds of an octave, if struck with a stick. You pass afterwards
through a narrow passage, by an opening, which looks like an antique
tomb in ruins, and is called Patterson’s grave, in commemoration of an
individual of that name who fell in there. By means of a rather rotten
ladder, you come now into a very high smooth saloon, eighty feet long,
called the ball-room, in which benches are placed; I was told that
visitors having ladies with them, entertained themselves here very often
with dancing. Then you ascend another ladder, and creep on all fours
through a narrow hollow, which has been partly enlarged by a mine, when
you arrive at a natural, but very slippery staircase, called Jacob’s
ladder, which you descend; then passing through a narrow dungeon, you
get into a more spacious room, named Senate-chamber, when by means of a
rotten ladder you reach a long gallery, called Washington-hall, from a
large stalactite standing in the middle
of it, and having the form of a statue, which is called Washington’s
Not far from this statue, there is a small fountain, the water of
which, though very thirsty, I did not venture to drink, having some
days since experienced bad consequences from drinking water from
limestone rocks. Next to this hall, is a place in which the stalactites
covering the rock, have a shining crystalline-like surface, wherefore
this vault is called the diamond room. Farther on, you get in a large
saloon called the dining room, in which the stalactites represent
something not unlike a side-board set with bottles and tumblers. In
Washington-hall there is a heap of this filtered stone, called the
hay-stack, and over it hangs another stalactite, having the form of a
From the dining room, we passed into the last cave, that had been
hitherto visited, by the name of Jefferson’s-hall, in which are seen
several clefts, and I am persuaded that a new passage could be easily
opened, and new caves discovered. In different spots of the cavern,
where the crust of the stalactites is broken, we saw hollows, which have
not yet been examined. Such an undertaking, seems the more worth while,
as this cave is probably in communication with the Madison’s cave, which
was discovered by Jefferson, many years ago, and is in the same
mountain; its entrance being only three hundred yards distant from that
of Wier’s cave.
Wier’s cave was discovered in the year 1806, by a German farmer named
Wier; Madison’s cave is not any longer visited; it is said also, that
its finest stalactites have been destroyed by the indiscretion of
My attention in Wier’s cave, was particularly attracted by plates,
which came off from the roof of the cavern, and hang from it, so that
new stalactites have been formed between them and the roof, the last
giving the others a very singular form. One of these plates looks like a
large shell of mother of pearl,—another, like a looking-glass. The
cave is of course damp, from the dripping of water, but it is less so
than I expected, and less than is the case in such caves in Germany and
England. The temperature was pretty high, and the air very pure. Our
candles burnt with a bright flame, and we felt no difficulty in
From Jefferson’s hall, we began our rather difficult retreat, and
came again into day-light, which was already decreasing.
We spent the rest of the evening with our friendly landlord, by a
chimney fire; he had a bible in folio, printed in Nuremberg in the year
1765, with the portraits of my ancestors, the Grand Duke
William IV., the Grand Duke Bernhard, and others.
It was interesting to me, to be reminded of my family in such
a way, when in the interior of Virginia, and beyond the Blue Ridge.
On the 25th of November, we set out for Charlotteville, thirty-two
miles distant, passing over the Blue Ridge. The road is through a
country little cultivated, and without a single village; and the number
of separate houses could scarcely be more than a dozen. After we had
gone about five miles, we arrived at the western base of the Blue Ridge,
which affords an agreeable view, being overgrown with wood up to the
top. Then we entered a narrow valley, and when the road began to ascend,
we alighted and walked over the mountains. I was surprised to find
the road less steep than I expected, and it was also pretty good. From
elevated places, the day being not so foggy as the preceding ones, we
had many fine views of the mountains. The wood consisted of oak trees,
and different kinds of nut trees; here and there were colossal fir,
larch, Weymouth’s pine and acacia trees. Evergreen rhododendrons, for
which some amateurs in Europe spend a great deal of money, are growing
here in abundance, also wild vines, which wind themselves round the
trees. The prospect on the mountains would have been more pleasant, had
there been some marks of human dwellings, but we saw only two miserable
log houses, inhabited by dirty and ragged negro families, on the whole
tract for eight miles over the mountains; and we met but a few carts
loaded with flour.
Having crossed the Blue Ridge, we arrived at a good-looking country
house, and a mill called Brown’s Farm, situated at the base of the
mountains, and took our dinner there. This house is surrounded by fields
belonging to it, and from its piazza there is a very fine view of the
mountains. From this place we had yet twenty miles to Charlotteville.
The road became less hilly, at least we had no more mountains to cross;
however, the road continued very rough, and we were rudely jolted. About
eight o’clock in the evening we reached Charlotteville, in which the
houses appeared to be scattered. In its vicinity is a new establishment
for education, called University of Virginia. The next morning we went
to see the university, which is one mile distant from the town.
This establishment has been open since March, 1824, and it is said to
have already one hundred and thirty students; but a spirit of
insubordination has caused many of the pupils to be sent away. The
buildings are all new, and yet some of them seem to threaten to fall in,
which may be the case with several others also, being chiefly built of
wood. The interior of the library was not yet finished, but according to
its plan it will be a beautiful one. The dome is made after the model of
the Pantheon in Rome, reduced one half. This place is intended for
public meetings of the academy: but it is said that an echo is heard in
case of loud speaking, which renders the voice of the speaker
Under the rotunda are three elliptical halls, the destination of
which is not yet entirely determined. The set of columns on the outside
of this building, I was told is to be a very fine one; the capitals
were made in Italy.
As for the rest, the ten buildings on the right and left are not at
all regularly built, but each of them in a different manner, so that
there is no harmony in the whole, which prevents it from having a
beautiful and majestic appearance.
The garden walls of the lateral building are also in crooked lines,
which gives them a singular but handsome appearance. The buildings have
been executed according to Mr. Jefferson’s plan, and are his hobby; he
is rector of the University, in the construction of which the state of
Virginia is said to have laid out considerable sums of money.
We addressed a gentleman whom we met by chance, in order to get some
information, and we had every reason to be satisfied with his
politeness. It was Dr. Dunglison, professor of medicine. He is an
Englishman, and came last year with three other professors from Europe.
He showed us the library, which was still inconsiderable, and has been
provisionally arranged in a lecture room; it contained some German
belles lettres works, among others a series of Kotzebue’s calendar of
dramatical works. It was said a great quantity of books was coming from
The university is situated on a hill in a very healthy situation, and
there is a very fine view of the Blue Ridge. President Jefferson invited
us to a family dinner; but as in Charlotteville there is but a single
hackney-coach, and this being absent, we were obliged to go the three
miles to Monticello on foot.
We went by a pathway, through well cultivated and enclosed fields,
crossed a creek named Rivanna, passing on a trunk of a tree cut in a
rough shape, and without rails; then ascended a steep hill overgrown
with wood, and came on its top to Mr. Jefferson’s house, which is in an
open space, walled round with bricks, forming an oblong, whose shorter
sides are rounded; on each of the longer sides are portals of four
The unsuccessful waiting for a carriage, and our long walk, caused
such a delay, that we found the company at table when we entered; but
Mr. Jefferson came very kindly to meet us, forced us to take our seats,
and ordered dinner to be served up anew. He was an old man of eighty-six
years of age, of tall stature, plain appearance, and long white
In conversation he was very lively, and his spirits, as also his
hearing and sight, seemed not to have decreased at all with his
advancing age. I found in him a man who retained his faculties
remarkably well in his old age, and one would have taken him for a man
of sixty. He asked me what I had seen in Virginia. I eulogized all
the places, that I was certain would meet with his approbation, and he
seemed very much pleased. The company at the table, consisted of the
family of his daughter, Mrs. Randolph, and of that of the professor of
mathematics at the university, an Englishman, and of his wife.
I turned the conversation to the subject of the university, and
observed, that this was the favourite topic with Mr. Jefferson; he
entertained very sanguine hopes as to the flourishing state of the
university in future, and believed that it, and the Harvard University
near Boston, would in a very short time be the only institutions, where
the youth of the United States would receive a truly classical and solid
education. After dinner we intended to take our leave, in order to
return to Charlotteville; but Mr. Jefferson would not consent to it. He
pressed us to remain for the night at his house. The evening was spent
by the fire; a great deal was said about travels, and objects of
natural history; the fine arts were also introduced, of which Mr.
Jefferson was a great admirer. He spoke also of his travels in France,
and the country on the Rhine, where he was very much pleased. His
description of Virginia is the best proof what an admirer he is of
beauties of nature. He told us that it was only eight months since he
could not ride on horseback; otherwise, he rode every day to visit the
surrounding country; he entertained, however, hopes of being able to
re-commence the next spring his favourite exercise. Between nine and ten
o’clock in the evening, the company broke up, and a handsome room was
assigned to me.
The next morning I took a walk round the house, and admired the
beautiful panorama, which this spot presents. On the left, I saw
the Blue Ridge, and between them and Monticello are smaller hills.
Charlotteville and the University lay at my feet; before me, the valley
of the Rivanna river, which farther on, makes its junction with the
James river, and on my right was the flat part of Virginia, the extent
of which is lost in distance; behind me was a towering hill, which
limited the sight. The interior of the house was plain, and the
furniture somewhat of an old fashion. In the entrance was a marble stove
with Mr. Jefferson’s bust, by Ceracchi. In the rooms hung several copies
of the celebrated pictures of the Italian school, views of Monticello,
Vernon, the principal buildings in Washington and Harper’s Ferry;
there were also an oil painting, and an engraving of the Natural Bridge,
views of Niagara by Vanderlin, a sketch of the large picture by
Trumbull, representing the surrender at Yorktown, and a pen drawing of
Hector’s departure,
by Benjamin West, presented by him to General Kosciuszko, finally, several portraits of Mr.
Jefferson, among which the best was that in profile by Stuart. In the
saloon there were two busts, one of Napoleon as first consul, and
another of the Emperor Alexander. Mr. Jefferson admired Napoleon’s
military talents, but did not love him. After breakfast, which we took
with the family, we bid the respectable old man farewell, and set out
upon our return on foot to Charlotteville.
Mr. Jefferson tendered us the use of his carriage, but I declined, as
I preferred walking in a fine and cool morning. In the afternoon we left
Charlotteville, in a tolerably good stage, in order to go to Richmond,
the chief town of Virginia, distant eighty miles. A student was our
travelling companion, and so we had plenty of room. But the stage went
only ten miles to a small tavern situated in a wood, and kept by Mrs.
Boyd. We passed by not far from Monticello, crossed the Rivanna at a
rather deep ford, and remained for some miles on its left bank. The
banks were high and rocky in some places. The road was, for the greatest
part, through a wood, hilly and rough; in some places it was what they
call causeway.
On the 28th of November we set out at half past two o’clock in the
morning, by moonlight and very cold weather, and went seventy miles to
Richmond. The stage was better, and the road was also better than
formerly. Notwithstanding that the country continued hilly,
a considerable portion of the road was causeway, for the greatest
part of logs, and the country uninteresting. When we approached James
river, along the banks of which we went for some miles, the country grew
finer, and had it been more settled I would have compared it with that
on the Elbe, above Dresden. The ground was in the beginning loamy, then
sandy. We changed horses at isolated taverns. Gordonsville and Goochland
were the only villages through which we passed, and in these villages
too the houses were very scattered, and almost all of them of wood. We
rode on the left bank of James river, and passed by a navigable canal,
which is said to extend in land about eighty miles above Richmond, and
appeared to have been constructed with great care; the wooden bridges
were neatly constructed and solid; an aqueduct of two arches, which
conducted the canal over a brook having high banks, was well built.
About eight o’clock in the evening we reached Richmond, a town of
about seventeen thousand inhabitants of both colours. To judge by the
houses, Richmond must be a wealthy place. We took our lodgings in the
Union Hotel, a large and well-furnished inn. I felt really
happy at finding myself once again in a considerable place, as I was
almost unaccustomed to such a sight.
We could not depart on the 29th of November, as no steam-boat
went in the direction we wished to take. My design was to go to
Yorktown, to see the remains of an English fortification of the
revolutionary war, and Fort Monroe near Old Point Comfort, and then to
travel on farther to Norfolk, to see the navy-yard, thence to hasten to
the south, in order to make up for the time I spent in Virginia.
I took a walk through the town, to look around, for there was
nothing else remarkable to be seen. The town lies on the left bank of
James river, and consists of two streets, running parallel with the
river, and of several insignificant alleys. The main street, which lies
next to the river, is finished, the other does not contain many houses;
the former is probably a mile long, paved, and has side-walks made of
bricks. As they burn coal here, the city looks nearly black. In the
western part of Virginia, they only use wood. The blacks seem to compose
the most numerous part of the population of that place. It is here where
James river becomes navigable; above the city, navigation is carried on
by the above-mentioned canal, which here joins the river, after having
gone through a large basin, at whose wharves they were yet working. This
canal descends in the city from a considerable height, by means of eight
locks; the sides of the canal between the locks are only made of plank.
On the hill where those locks begin, there is a pretty large basin,
which serves as an harbour for the boats coming from the countries
above, and bound for Richmond. In the vicinity of this basin, I saw
a hollow formed by rocks and full of wooden huts, which were inhabited
by negroes, and exhibited a true picture of human misery. This hollow
has the form of a funnel. In rainy weather, these poor people must
probably suffer a great deal from dampness. Below the locks, you cross
James river on a wooden bridge resting on wooden trestles. From this
bridge you go over a side bridge to a small island, containing a public
garden, and lying in the middle of the river; above the island a ledge
of rocks crosses the river and forms a small cataract; farther up there
are said to be several other falls in the river.
On a hill which commands the city, stands the state-house, called the
capitol, surrounded by a newly laid out garden; it reminds one of the
Maison Quarrée, at Nismes in France. On one of the smaller sides of the
parallelogram there is a portico of eight Ionic columns. But these
columns are of wood only, and have, when closely inspected,
a rather decayed appearance. On the two long sides, the building
has entrances with steps. In the hall in the middle of the house, there
is a full length marble statue of President Washington, somewhat
tasteless. It represents the great man in uniform; the right hand
reposing on a cane, the left arm on fasces, to which a sword is hanging,
and against which the plough leans. In one of the lateral chambers the
court of the
United States was assembled, to try a captain of a merchant vessel, and
a Frenchman by birth. This man had twice sunk his ship, in order to get
the insurance money for it. At one of these sinkings, a lady lost
her life, and on that account the captain was accused of murder.
I was sorry I could not fully understand the debates and speeches
of the advocates, as I heard that the person under trial had the best
lawyers for his defenders. The decision did not follow.
Behind the capitol stands the court-house, a massive building with a
portico of four Doric stone columns; in the interior of the building I
saw nothing farther remarkable. At several booksellers I asked in vain
for the plan of the city and the surrounding country, also for a
description of the canal.
We intended to leave Richmond at three o’clock in the morning of the
30th of November, and set out on our projected tour. But, as the
ordinary stage was repairing, they put us in a small carriage with only
two horses, in which it was impossible to carry our baggage. As I would
not part with it, I gave up the tour which I had concluded on, and
left Richmond, in the morning at eight o’clock, on board the steam-boat
Richmond, to descend the James river to Norfolk. In the mean time,
I had an opportunity of noticing the particular manner in which the
negroes are treated. I wished to employ my leisure in writing; when
I entered the room, I found several slaves wrapt up in woollen
blankets, sleeping on the floor by the chimney-fire; upon inquiring,
I was told that slaves never receive a better bed.
We had one hundred and twenty-two miles to Norfolk, and reached that
city between nine and ten o’clock in the evening. During the whole day
the weather was not clear; on the banks of the meandering James river,
which grows gradually larger, there was not any thing remarkable. The
travelling company was not large, and was composed of incommunicative
persons: I could not exchange a word with any of them. There was no
opportunity of writing, as the engine communicated such a quivering
motion to the whole vessel, that I could hardly hold my pen, and spent
my time in reading. Towards evening we perceived a large stone building
on the left bank, the only remains of James Town, the first English
settlement in Virginia. The following romantic story is related. An
Indian princess, Pocahontas, daughter of a powerful Indian chief on the
banks of this river, whose name was Powhattan, fell in love with the
English Captain Smith, who was the commander of the first settlement at
James Town. This Indian princess swam across the river in a stormy
night, in order to give notice to her lover of the conspiracy of her
father and the principal chiefs, against his life. In this manner she
saved the new settlement, and also
twice afterwards under the same circumstances. However, her lover fell
at last into an Indian ambush, and was to become a victim of the
Indians. Then she laid her head down with his on the block, and once
more saved his life. This scene is represented by a bas relief, which is
in the large rotunda in Washington. Captain Smith was a married man, and
on that account could not, when returning to England, take his
benefactress with him; he made her believe that he was dead, and
secretly went on board a ship. Some time afterwards, Pocahontas married
Rolf, who succeeded her lover in the command of the settlement, and
followed him to England. She met once, by chance, with her first lover
in the street, whom she believed to have been dead, and soon sunk into
such a melancholy state, that she left England, embarked for America,
and died on the passage.I.35
In very disagreeable weather we landed at Norfolk, a city of ten
thousand inhabitants, and took our lodgings in Carr’s Hotel,
a tolerably good tavern. I made acquaintance with Mr. Meyau,
the French Consul, a very pleasant man. In his company I went the
next day to Fort Monroe, distant fourteen miles from Norfolk. We went in
the Baltimore steam-boat. It fortunately happened that our steam-boat,
with the steam-boat Richmond, were engaged to tow the frigate
Constellation into Hampton Roads, which could not sail on account of a
feeble breeze. This road is intended to be the principal rendezvous of
the United States navy, and is advantageously situated; it commands the
Chesapeake bay, which is to be connected by a large union canal with the
Delaware, and consequently with Philadelphia, so that the ships built in
the navy yard can go into Hampton Roads, where they will be armed.
On a point of land called Old Point Comfort, in the above mentioned
road, on which also is a light-house, lies the principal Fort Monroe,
and before it upon the sand-bank Riprap, a small casemated fort
called Calhoun, to command the road or rather the passage from a nearer
point. To prevent this position from being turned on its right wing by a
land army, all the dry points between Norfolk and the surrounding
impracticable marshes are to be fortified, and a large central arsenal
with dry-docks is to be erected farther backwards in the bay, in order
to receive a whole fleet after a battle, and fit it out there. The
Constellation, under the command of Captain Woolsey, was designed for
the West India station, called the pirate station; the principal object
being to suppress these wretches. The frigate is one of the oldest
ships, and served in the last war, but being blockaded in Hampton roads,
could not come to any engagement. She is what they call a thirty-six gun
ship, but carries forty-eight pieces, thirty-two pounders, and caronades
of the same calibre. The guns were almost all from the captured English
frigate Macedonian.
We passed by a small fortified Island, called Crany Island, and by a
fort on our right, both rendered useless, since Fort Monroe was built,
and their works will be demolished; we approached the Constellation, our
steam-boat on her left side, where she was made fast with cables. The
steam-boat Richmond did the same on the right of the frigate. Captain
Woolsey finding that I was on board of the boat, had the kindness to
invite me on board the frigate. His cabin was in the forepart of the
gundeck; and was very neat, having four guns in it. The after-cabin was
arranged as a parlour and contained two cabinets, all tastefully
contrived. The officers had their lodgings below, as in a ship of the
line. I was very much pleased with the great neatness and general
order that prevailed. Even by the sentry at the captain’s door was
placed a spit-box, and every thing of iron or copper, shone like
mirrors. Instead of the ordinary and very often incorrect hour-glasses
of our ships, there was by the sentry a chronometer, for the purpose of
calling the hour. We came on board, as the last anchor was lifted, and
then proceeded, being towed by the two boats till we came opposite Fort
Monroe; where, on account of the feeble breeze, the anchor was dropped,
and the steam-boats continued on their way.
Captain Woolsey gave us a boat with twelve oars, under the command of
a midshipman, to carry us to Fort Monroe. A guard composed of
thirty marines was under arms, and made a military salute, whilst the
frigate saluted me with seventeen guns. When we landed we stopped at a
very good tavern, where we found two majors of artillery. After dinner
we went to survey the fortress, which General Bernard planned; but the
work was yet far from being completed. The fortress consists of a
bastioned heptagon, which can be attacked from land, but by a single
front. The sides facing the sea, are entirely casemated, and every gun
has its particular arch. On the most dangerous side where the ships of
the enemy can approach the land, there is on the counterscarp,
a casemated coast-battery protected by the fire of heavy guns on
the rampart. This battery on the counterscarp was built temporarily of
wood, like a block-house, and served the garrison for quarters. The
coping is of granite, found in the vicinity of
Washington. The arches are of brick. The government does not build by
contract, but by measure, what the French call au mètre cube;
whereby it obtains good work. The masons work only is performed by hired
workmen, mostly by blacks; other work is done by military prisoners, who
have been condemned by court martial to public labours. The garrison
consists of eleven companies of artillery, which form a provisional
regiment, and are under the command of Colonel Fenwick, and
Lieutenant-Colonel Eustis. The first officer I became acquainted with,
at General Brown’s in Washington, where he is still residing. To the
latter I was recommended by Lieutenant-Colonel Bankheard from New York.
Mr. Eustis invited me to stay till to-morrow, in order to show me his
regiment; but I was obliged to decline his invitation on account of
We availed ourselves of the opportunity, which the steam-boat Potomac
presented coming from Washington to go to Norfolk, and went on board of
her in a boat rowed by artillerists. About nine o’clock, P. M. we
landed in Norfolk, all day we had disagreeable rainy weather.
I designed to stay longer in order to see the navy-yard in Gosport,
a mile distant from Norfolk; Mr. Meyau would accompany me. The
landlord, who was willing to derive as much advantage as possible from
my presence, had advertised in the papers, he would on that day give a
dinner of turtle-soup, game, wild ducks, &c, but it was written in
the book of fate, that I should not partake of these dainties. On
inquiring, I was told that the mail stage was the only ordinary
means of communication with the south, and went only on Tuesdays and
Fridays to Fayetteville, and consequently if we did not leave Norfolk in
half an hour, we should be obliged to wait until the next Tuesday. This
not at all agreeing with my travelling plan, and as a hired coach could
not be procured, I packed up my baggage in great haste, bid the
friendly Mr. Meyau farewell, and left Norfolk at half past ten o’clock
in the mail stage, connected with the Baltimore steam-boat.
We went sixty-eight miles to Murfreesborough, where we arrived about
eleven o’clock in the evening. We crossed at first two small inlets of
the bay, on very long wooden bridges, passed through Portsmouth,
a small place near the navy-yard, where I saw the ship of the line
Delaware, and the frigate Macedonian, taken from the British, in
ordinary, but had no time to examine this very interesting
establishment. We had scarcely left this place when we entered a forest,
through which we travelled during the day. The country is a large marsh,
called the Dismal Swamp, crossed by a sandy road. The forest is very
thick, and consists of oak trees, among which I noticed the live oak,
cypress, cedar and pine trees; on the marshy spots there are evergreen
trees, and bushes of the Portuguese laurel and holly; here and there
were also magnolias, and large wild vines around the trees. This variety
of vegetation must look very fine in the summer season, however I was
told that at that time flies and mosquetos were very troublesome, and
that there are also a great many snakes. This marsh is said to be full
of bears, which, however, never attack men. In Suffolk, twenty-eight
miles from Norfolk, a small place, having wooden houses, and
situated in the middle of the forest, we took our dinner. The wheat
bread became scarce by degrees, and in its place we had a sort of cakes
made of Indian corn. On the other side of Suffolk, we passed by a cotton
plantation, the first I saw. It was already night when we passed the
boundary and entered on the territory of North Carolina. We crossed the
rivers Nottoway and Meherrin in bad and narrow ferry-boats, which were
very dangerous, as the night was very dark. Candles and lamps seem to be
here very scarce; for the few houses that we passed by were lighted with
torches of pine: we took some of them to light our way. Our journeying
was very unpleasant, on account of a rainy and very dark night. We
alighted in Murfreesborough at a tolerably good inn.
On the 3d of December, at two o’clock, A. M., we set out in dreadful
rainy weather, which lasted all day, and travelled as far as Emerson’s
tavern, seventy-five miles distant. The country still continued woody as
yesterday, and in frequent marshy spots, presented to the eye a very
pleasant variety by the evergreen trees and bushes. In some places the
country was somewhat cultivated; that is, there were some plantations
where cotton and Indian corn were raised. Such a plantation consists
only of wooden buildings; in the middle is the house of the planter,
with a piazza; on its right and left are log-houses for negro slaves,
and barns for corn and cotton. Horses are kept in very spacious wooden
stables; cows and pigs in the open air within an enclosure of worm
fences. Only fattening beasts are kept in stables. In many plantations
we saw cotton-gins, in which the seed is separated from the cotton by
means of a cylindrical hackle. These mills are worked either by water or
horses. The cotton cleaned from its seed is put into a large chest,
pressed in, and packed up. In the chest is a bag, which receives the cotton; the
cover of the chest is moveable, and is pressed on the cotton by means of
a screw turned by two horses; afterwards the cover is taken away, the
bag closed, and the bale which it forms fastened with ropes; such a bale
weighs on an average three hundred pounds. This is a very troublesome
work, and only two bales can be made in a day. If instead of that
awkward machine, they would make use of Brahmah’s water press,
a great deal of time, expense and power would be spared. The
bagging made use of is wove in England. We crossed the Roanoke river in
a rather
bad ferry-boat. The banks of the river are really picturesque, and
covered with a variety of southern plants, which reminded one of a park.
We dined at a very good tavern in a small town called Tarborough,
situated on the river of the same name. We had already crossed this
river, and were delighted with its fine banks. Our lodgings were at a
solitary plantation, where we arrived at eight o’clock in the evening;
the house was entirely of wood, except the chimney. It was rather
transparent; they assigned us a garret for a sleeping place, and through
the cracks in the floor we could see into the room below. If fire once
breaks out in such a house, it cannot be saved. In the morning we passed
by the smoking rubbish of a school-house, which burned down in an hour;
the brick chimney alone was standing. The log-houses of the negro slaves
in particular are very open, and present by night when lighted with pine
splinters a very singular appearance. The road was thoroughly sandy;
however, it was interrupted by log causeways, which are made over the
marshy spots, in passing which in the mail stage we were shaken to
pieces. The small town of Tarborough where we dined, is said to contain
eight hundred inhabitants, is regularly built, has broad streets, but
its houses are of wood. I saw but two built of brick; had there
been more brick houses, I should have compared this pleasant place
to a village in Holland.
The next morning, at three o’clock, we left our airy lodgings and
went eighty-six miles to Fayetteville. During the day we travelled
through a thick forest, and did not meet with a single village; we saw
some lonely plantations of corn and cotton. During several days we saw
different species of birds, unknown to me, especially a great many large
vultures, called buzzards, the shooting of which is prohibited, as they
feed upon carrion, and contribute in this manner to the salubrity of the
country. We crossed the Neuse, a rather wide river, in a narrow and
clumsy ferry-boat. On the banks of this river, are many ever
green trees and bushes. The oak trees are here not very high, but
there is a great variety of them: thirty-seven species are enumerated;
chesnut and nut trees are not so numerous; we were told they were common
only in mountainous countries. At a short distance from Fayetteville,
where we arrived about nine o’clock, P. M., we crossed Cape Fear
river, by a long covered bridge, consisting of hanging lattice work, of
which I saw a very good model in the patent-office at Washington. As I
was very much fatigued with the uncomfortable travelling,
I intended to stay one day in Fayetteville, a flourishing
place of about four thousand inhabitants. But I was told that no
opportunity would occur sooner than three days for Charleston. Therefore
I resolved to continue our journey next morning. A new difficulty
now arose; the mail stage going directly to Charleston, had only two
horses, and could not take my
baggage, whilst the mail for the above city passing through Columbia,
South Carolina, drives four. Although the first was the direct road, and
the second a circuitous one, I resolved to take the latter.
On the 8th of December, at three o’clock in the morning, we set out
from Fayetteville, and travelled for fifty-seven miles to Cheraw, in the
state of South Carolina, where we arrived at seven o’clock in the
evening. Our travelling company was increased in Fayetteville, by Mr.
Davis from Columbia, a young gentleman very well educated. The
weather was pretty cold, but not rainy. The way continued still through
forests, and was very sandy. We saw little interesting, except the
vegetation. We discovered new plants progressively as we advanced to the
south, for instance, jessamines and a tree hitherto unknown to me,
called pride of China, melia azedarach, which is generally seen near the
houses; there were also gum-trees. We crossed several rivers, the most
considerable of which were the great and the little Pedee, near Cheraw.
In this place I met with Commodores Bainbridge and Warrington, and
Captain Biddle; these gentlemen were appointed commissioners by the
government, to determine a place for a naval establishment on the Gulf
of Mexico, becoming every day of greater importance to the United
States. They came from Pensacola to Savannah by sea, whence they went to
Washington by land. Commodore Warrington, however, was to return to the
Gulf of Mexico, where he commanded the station. I was very much
pleased with their acquaintance and spent the evening with them. On the
6th of December, at three, A. M. we left Cheraw and went to Camden,
sixty-eight miles. We continually rode through a thick wood. It had
frozen very hard the preceding night, and the cold continued still in
the morning; but the sun appeared, it grew warmer, and the day became
very fine, as in spring. The increasing blue of the sky, indicated that
we were rapidly advancing towards the south. The plants were much the
same, but the magnolias of different kinds, became gradually larger. Our
meals showed us that we were in a country, were rice is cultivated.
Black creek and two branches of Lynch’s creek were the most
considerable streams. The country on these creeks, on account of their
evergreen vegetation pleased me very much. The ground was sandy, and we
went very slowly on. We breakfasted and dined in solitary frame houses,
which stand upon pillars built of bricks, and permit the air to pass
under them, the walls of these buildings are so thin and disjoined, that
the daylight finds access every where. At the openings for windows,
there is nothing but shutters. It would be a good speculation to
establish a glass manufactory in this country, where there is such a
want of glass, and a superabundance of pine trees and sand.
About eight o’clock in the evening we reached Camden, a flourishing
place, where we found a very good abode. The nights were very clear;
some time since I saw quite new constellations, whilst the old ones
disappeared by degrees.
On the 7th of December, at three o’clock in the morning, we set out
in severe cold weather for Columbia. The road was as on the preceding
days, but the country grew more hilly, the sand more yellow, and mingled
with clay. We crossed the Wateree river in a small boat with much
difficulty. We reached the river by break of day. The driver often blew
his horn, nevertheless we had to wait about half an hour for the
ferry-boat. At last it came, manned by two negroes. But scarcely was the
carriage in it when another misery began. We were sitting on a bench,
and the negroes were obliged to work for half an hour before we were
again afloat. Finally, we reached the opposite shore, but the negroes
were so awkward, that they took more than a quarter of an hour, to place
the boat in such a situation as to permit the carriage to get out. We
reached Columbia about one o’clock in the afternoon, and took lodgings
at Clark’s hotel, a large but merely tolerable house. We were
obliged to content ourselves with the narrowness of our lodgings, for
the legislature of the state was just assembled in that place, and all
the houses were full. It is only forty years since the city was laid
out; it contains four hundred inhabitants, is situated very pleasantly
upon an eminence, below the confluence of Saluda and Broad rivers which
form the Congaree by their junction. The town is built very regularly,
contains a great number of brick houses, and its streets, crossing each
other at right angles, are one hundred feet broad; though not paved,
they are provided with large side-walks, and rows of pride of China
trees. In the surrounding gardens of many elegant private houses,
I saw a great number of evergreen trees, mostly laurels, and also
some pretty high yucca gloriosa, which they call here palmetto.
In Columbia there are many well-provisioned stores, and there seemed to
be a great deal of life in the place. At the common table where many of
the deputies were dining, I made acquaintance with a Mr.
Washington, from Charleston, to whom I had letters from Baltimore. He
made me immediately acquainted with several of the members of the
legislature. The governor of the state, Mr. Manning, sent me his
compliments by Mr. Butler, his aid, and invited me to an evening party.
Towards the evening Mr. Washington, a distant relation of the
president, and son of Colonel Washington, distinguished in the
revolutionary war, accompanied me to see Judge Desaussure, one of the
principal men of this city and state, to whom also, I had letters,
and found in him a respectable old gentleman. His father was a native of
in Switzerland, and uncle of the celebrated naturalist Desaussure.
I met at his house a large company of gentlemen, who had dined
there, and became acquainted with the governor, a very fine man.
After the company had retired, Judge Desaussure accompanied me to one of
his step son’s, Colonel Blanding, civil engineer, who has the reputation
of being a man of great knowledge. The habit of chewing tobacco,
practised by several of the gentlemen, and in which they indulge even
when in the society of ladies, appeared remarkable to me. The society
was numerous, and composed of many ladies; I became acquainted with
two Professors of Columbia College, Messrs. Henry and Nott; the first is
acquainted with the French and German languages, he has translated
Niebuhr’s Roman History into English. Mr. Nott studied in England and France, resided for
some time in Ghent, and married a lady of Brussels. From Mr. Blanding’s
house we went to the governor’s, where again a large company was
assembled to a ball. No other dances but cotillions were danced, in the
manner of the tedious German quadrilles; the band consisted of negroes.
The governor, who in this state is elected for two years, and his lady,
did the honours exceedingly well; he introduced me to all present,
gentlemen and ladies. The acquaintance I made with a Frenchman, Mons.
Herbemont, was very interesting to me; he has been an inhabitant of the
United States for more than forty years, was formerly Professor of
Botany in Columbia College, and now lives upon his income. The company
remained together until the evening.
On the next morning I received visits from Messrs. Desaussure and
Herbemont, who came with the design of showing me the few curiosities of
the city. We went at first to see the water-works, which provide the
whole city with water. In a hollow place there is a basin, or rather a reservoir, to
which several fountains have been conducted. From this reservoir the
water is pumped by means of a steam-engine having two horse-power, and
driven into the city, which is situated one hundred and thirty feet
above it. The water is distributed in the different parts of the town by
pipes, which are in the middle of the streets. At different places the
tubes are provided with fire-plugs, constructed according to the plan of
Mr. Blanding.
Afterwards we went to see the state-house, a large wooden building,
which will probably in a few years be replaced by one of stone. In one
of the halls of the state-house, the senators, forty in number, were
assembled under the presidency of Mr. Johns; in another were the hundred
and twenty representatives: the speaker was Mr. O’Neil. The halls are
very plain. The senators as well as the representatives, sit in a
semicircle, and the speaker in a more elevated place in the middle.
During my
presence, the debates in both chambers were on no interesting subjects,
therefore I did not stay long. In the senate chamber hung two pictures
of no great excellence, by an artist of Charleston: the battle of Eutaw
in the revolutionary war, under General Greene, and the defence of the
lines at New Orleans, by General Jackson. In a few days an interesting
object was to be taken into consideration, namely, the question if the
government of the United States have the right to lay out canals and
public roads in the different states of the union, or not! Reasonable
men conceive that the government must have the power to execute such
works; on the other hand, the short-sighted, from certain envy between
the states, dispute this right with the government. The jealousy between
the states seems to take the upper hand. The state of South Carolina
intended to make a public road, leading from Charleston westwards to the
state of Tennessee; this road would have passed for some miles through
the state of North Carolina, the state of North Carolina opposed its
execution, under the pretext that the road would not bring sufficient
profit to the last state, although the two first states would have
executed it at their own expense. The true reason of this opposition is
said to be that the advantage of that road to the state of South
Carolina, was grudged by the other states.
From the state-house we went to Columbia College; it is an
university, but has neither medical nor theological faculties. There are
six professors. Dr. Cooper is the president, with whom I became
acquainted last summer in Boston: on his return home, he was taken sick
in Richmond.
The number of students was one hundred and twenty, who live in two
large buildings, opposite each other; between them is the house of the
President, and on both sides the houses of the professors. We paid a
visit to Mr. Vanuxem, Professor of Natural History. He showed us the
collection of minerals belonging to the college, but not so interesting
as the collection of minerals of South Carolina, made by him last
summer. There were several fine tourmalines, emeralds, pyrites
containing gold; a new kind of metal called Columbian, asbestus and
different specimens of primitive rocks. There was also pure gold from
North Carolina, which was only discovered about six years ago. When at
Cheraw, I was willing to make an excursion to the gold mine, but it
would have taken me a couple of days. I was told, gold is found in
a slime, which is dried up and then sifted, the gold dust remaining in
the sieve. But miners are expected from Germany, and at their arrival,
they will begin a regular exploration. It is said, that at present the
company has a profit of twenty dollars a week. I visited also the
library, which was not considerable, and did not contain any thing
On this occasion I made acquaintance with a Mr. Elliott, who had
published a Flora of the state of South Carolina; he extolled the
botanical treasures of that state. A small observatory was shut up;
perhaps they would not show it to me, because there were but few
In Mr. Herbemont’s garden, we saw some very interesting plants and
trees; magnolias, gardenias, pomegranate and other fruit trees, which he
had grafted in a very singular manner one upon another; date palm trees
and fig trees, raised from kernels, and a great number of evergreen
laurel trees.
A mile from the city, on the left bank of the Congaree river is a
canal three miles in length, to avoid some rapids, which are in the
river. This canal has four locks, and the difference of the level of the
water above and below them, is thirty-six feet. Two are built of
granite, which is obtained close to the canal. Several blocks have been
blown up, to make way for the canal. The other two are of brick, and the
mason work appeared to me to have been well executed. They were just
building a wooden bridge over the Congaree, in order to lead to Augusta;
the bridge was to be supported by eight piers of stone. They are made of
granite without any lime or cement.I.36 The exterior stones were
chiseled and connected with cramp-irons. The undertaking was contracted
for at seventy thousand dollars.
Not far from the bridge are several cotton plantations belonging to
the wealthy family of Taylor. On one of these fields the harvest was
just making by fifty-eight negroes of both sexes. They take the cotton
by hand from the capsules, look at it, that no withered leaves may be
attached to it, and throw it into bags, which are hanging before them;
afterwards they shake the cotton from the bags into baskets which are
prepared for that purpose. These negroes made a very disagreeable
impression upon me, especially when some of the women asked Mr.
Herbemont for some chewing tobacco. I saw here some fine oak and
pine trees, the latter are very abundant in all the woods we lately
passed through. They have extremely long leaves; the young shoots
particularly have a fine appearance. The leaves are more than a foot in
length, and the shoot looks like the bunch of horse-hairs on the caps of
the Prussian grenadiers. On the trees hangs a long moss-like plant
called Spanish beard. They pick up this plant, put it into water, to rot
the grayish bark, and employ the black fibres which then make their
appearance, like horse-hair, for making mattresses, which are even
exported to Europe. Finally, we saw several aromatic and medicinal
herbs, for instance, the
monarda punctata, the juice of which, mixed with that of an
onion, is said to be very efficacious in gravel complaints.
The Lunatic Asylum of Columbia is situated in an open place out of
the city. It consists of a principal building adorned with a portico of
six columns. In this building are lodgings for the inspectors, offices,
and rooms for persons of moderate fortune. Two wings are connected with
the principal building, and form obtuse angles with it, each of them is
three stories high, in which the lunatics are placed. By degrees, as the
income of the establishment increases, other wings will be built, and
the whole will form an octagon. There is on the principal building a
spire, from which is a very extensive view, though you see nothing else
but woods. The distempered in mind will find here many conveniences when
the buildings are completed: namely, good rooms, gardens, and walking
places on balconies, inclosed with high walls.
A Catholic chapel in Gothic style has been built in Columbia by
subscription, but the amount collected, being not sufficient,
a lottery has been opened to obtain the deficiency! Next to the
chapel is a theatre, which likewise is unfinished by the undertaker, on
account of insufficiency of funds.
At Professor Henry’s, a very agreeable society assembled at dinner.
At that party I observed a singular manner which is practised; the
ladies sit down by themselves at one of the corners of the table. But I
broke the old custom, and glided between them: and no one’s appetite was
injured thereby.
I spent one evening at a ball given by Mr. Taylor, a rich proprietor,
at one of his plantations. I found there a numerous and splendid
society. But the music was of a singular kind; for the blacks, who two
days ago played very well at the governor’s, were now drunk, and could
not make their appearance. This was the reason that the whole music
consisted of two violins and a tamborine. This tamborine was struck with
a terrible energy. The two others scraped the violin, in the truest
signification of the word; one of them cried out the figures, imitating
with his body all the motions of the dance. The whole of it amused me
much; for the rest, I was astonished at the great plainness of the
house. Besides the first room, there were three rooms open, which had
white walls, and were without window-curtains.

Journey to Charleston, and Residence in that
City—from the 11th to the 19th of December, 1825.
On the 11th of December, we were
prepared before five o’clock to travel in the mail stage from Columbia
to Charleston, one hundred and twenty miles distant. Unfortunately, our
coachman had, the evening before, involved himself in a quarrel with a
watchman, who attempted to arrest his sable Dulcinea, and given him a
stab with a knife. It was feared that the watchman, who was the father
of a family, would die. The coachman was immediately taken into custody.
We were, consequently, obliged to remain till seven o’clock, since the
contractor of the mail stage was unable to find another white driver
sooner, and according to law, no negro could convey the United States’
Our company was very pleasant; I especially remarked a Mr. Bacott,
from Charleston, and young Mr. Ramsay, as being well-informed men. Three
miles below Columbia, we crossed the Congaree in a wretched boat, and on
the right bank of the river, passed through a little place called
Granby, which formerly had been a German settlement, called Saxe-Gotha.
The road was, without exception, sandy, swampy, and at times hilly. The
stage travelled very slowly, and for the greater part of the way,
I left it behind, being on foot. It was nearly a continued forest,
composed mostly of pine and oak trees, from which the Spanish moss hung
in such quantities, that the appearance was far from agreeable. The
number of the magnolia, kalmia, and gardenia trees increased, and also
of the yucca gloriosa, which until now were situated principally
in the neighbourhood of the dwellings. We also saw more live oaks here,
of which the timber is uncommonly excellent for ship-building, because
it does not rot, and cannon-shot in striking it produce no splinters.
Towards evening, we passed the village of Orangeburg, with wooden
houses. We supped in a solitary house, and at the same time met the mail
stage coming from Charleston, in which we took seats. It had been built
for General La Fayette, and was named the La Fayette stage. We proceeded
through the whole night: the day had been
pleasant, the night, however, was extremely cold: I suffered
considerably, as I sat upon the coach-box, where I always took my seat,
for the advantage of free air and prospect.
We travelled during the forenoon of the 12th of December, constantly
through a forest. The number of live oaks increased, and they were
really beautiful. The solitary fan-like macaw trees, which we took
notice of, were small. The yuccas multiplied every moment. The last
place before reaching Charleston, was Dorchester. We then passed by an
old church, nearly in ruins, called St. Andrews, which has survived
since the time of the English government. It stands in the midst of a
venerable church-yard, under lofty live oaks and hickories, with
palmettoes and macaw trees growing between the graves. The whole had a
picturesque aspect. The plantations succeeded each other more
frequently, presented a more agreeable appearance, and every thing
showed marks of the proximity of a large city. At length, in the
afternoon, we left the continued forest, and entered upon an open swampy
district. Charleston extended before us. The city, distinguished as a
seaport, lies upon a tongue of land, formed by the rivers Ashley and
Cooper: we crossed the Ashley to reach the city. A causeway,
constructed of fascines, passes through the swamp to the ferry. The
river is three-quarters of a mile broad; we crossed it in an eight-horse
team-boat. A wooden bridge, which formerly crossed the river here,
was destroyed by a severe storm, and never again rebuilt. Upon the right
bank, in the vicinity of Charleston, an entirely novel spectacle
expanded itself to my view. The houses of the suburb, were, for the most
part, surrounded by gardens, in which orange trees, with most splendid
ripe fruit, monthly roses in full bloom, and a variety of other
flourishing plants displayed themselves. The greater part of the
habitations have piazzas and spacious balconies. Upon the walls and
columns run creeping vines, we took notice of a great number of passion
flowers. I felt delighted with this southern climate.
Charleston has a population of forty thousand inhabitants, about
twenty-five thousand of these are free. The city is regularly built, the
streets cross each other at right angles. The smallest streets are
paved, all have brick side-walks. The paving-stone is imported from the
northern states, on this account it is an expensive article, and the
paving of the streets can only be gradually effected. In the suburb we
passed through a street which was a log causeway. The principal part of
the houses are, it is true, built of wood, and all are, as I am told,
covered with shingles, on account of the frequent prevalence of severe
tempests; the more recent are, however, of brick, and in very good
taste. I took up my abode in Jones’s Hotel, a well supported
and finely situated house, whose host was a mulatto. I had the
to meet here with Colonel Wool, inspector-general of the army, with whom
I became acquainted in Washington. I moreover made acquaintance
with Mr. Bee, an elderly gentleman who had travelled much, to whom I had
letters; also the late governor of the state, Mr. Wilson, with his young
and accomplished lady, from New York, who, besides her native language,
spoke French, German, Spanish, and Italian, and understood Latin and
Greek; lastly, Major Massias, army paymaster.
A severe catarrh obliged me to remain at home a whole day. The
weather was also unpleasant and stormy; Fahrenheit’s thermometer had
fallen to twenty degrees, which degree of cold is here extremely
uncommon. In the meantime, I received visits from a number of the
distinguished inhabitants: from Dr. Tidyman, whom I had known in
Philadelphia; from Mr. Lowndes, to whom I had introductory letters; from
Dr. Johnson, mayor of the city; from Messrs. Pitray and Viel, French
merchants; from the Marquis De Fougères, French consul; from Mr. Bacott,
with whom I had arrived yesterday, and from Major Massias. Some
extremely interesting strangers were also in the hotel, so that I did
not lack entertainment. The following was related to me:—Some
years previous, the negroes of the country engaged in a conspiracy to
murder all the white males, and spare none but the females. This design
was found out, and it was discovered that the original projectors were
free negroes out of the limits of the state, who travelled in the
northern section of the union, and in part were become Methodist
preachers. They had returned home and preached freedom to the slave
population. Since that period the legislature of this state has adopted
very severe precautionary laws against free negroes and mulattoes. One
of them is, that no individual of this description, if he have once left
the state, shall be permitted to return. The wife of our host, Jones,
found herself in this predicament. She had undertaken a voyage to New
York, her native city, and now dared not to attempt a return. On this
account, I was informed, had I brought a free black servant with
me, he would have been taken from me, and put in custody till I should
have left the state, or I must deposit a considerable security for
I made my first excursion abroad in company with Colonel Wool and
Major Massias, in a boat to Fort Moultrie, where the Colonel had to
inspect two companies of the third regiment of artillery, lying there in
garrison. This fort is situated at the entrance of Charleston Bay, upon
a peninsula, Sullivan’s Island, which is connected with the continent by
a marshy strip of land. The vessels running into the bay are compelled
to pass within reach of the cannon of this fort. It is four miles
distant from the
city, and lies about half way from each extremity of the peninsula.
Opposite is the coast battery, with a stone parapet. This battery can
receive fifty pieces of cannon. There will be no further disbursements
for the maintenance of this fort, since new works, after plans of
General Bernard, are to be placed at the entrance of the passage, to
guard against too close a blockade of the bay, so that the ancient and
more retired posts will be deprived of all their importance. Between the
city and Sullivan’s Island, on a point of land to the left, stands a
defensive work called Castle Pinckney, resembling Castle Garden in New
York, on the right is situated Castle Johnson. Sullivan’s Island is
exceedingly sandy, nothing but cabbage trees grow upon it, so that I
seemed transported to India. Outside the fort there are a number of
slight built wooden houses, which, during the heats of summer, and
especially when the yellow fever prevails in Charleston, are occupied by
the inhabitants of that city, for the peninsula has the reputation of
being healthier, and much more temperate in climate. The trunk of the
cabbage-tree affords a good porous timber, which is peculiarly valuable
for building in salt water, since it is not injured by it. It is highly
recommended for entrenchments, as the balls of the enemy cannot splinter
it. On the same spot where Fort Moultrie now stands, a fortress of
the same name stood in the revolutionary war, which was built in great
haste from trunks of the cabbage-tree, and maintained itself with great
glory. We had a boat, attached to the artillery, prepared for our
passage, which was manned by the artillerists. These are exercised as
oarsmen in all posts situated on the water, and this is certainly a good
arrangement, if the officers do not abuse the privilege. Our boat’s crew
had unfortunately made too spirituous a breakfast, the oars of course
moved as Providence guided them, and the colonel was so irritated, that
he dispatched the whole six on landing to the black hole.
I remained during the parade of the two artillery companies in
garrison. A company of this description is with matrosses and
cannoneers, fifty-five strong; from these are subtracted, the sentinels,
sick, and those under arrest, so that both corps had scarcely sixty men
under arms. The privates had fire-arms and cartridge boxes, and the
matrosses and corporals alone carried side-arms. The haversack consisted
of a wooden box, covered with black waxed linen. They wore grey
pantaloons, and boots, as our artillery; the officers alone had white
cloth pantaloons. The coats were not well made, and did not fit; all the
men had large shirt collars, which had a bad effect, and gloves of a
different pattern, because each individual bought for himself. While the
colonel was going through the inspection, I took a walk on the
ramparts with Major Massias, and visited the
officer’s quarters. In the chamber of a lieutenant, in which we stopped,
I found, besides the books belonging to service, a small
library of English belles lettres, and classical poets.
Charleston keeps in pay a company of police soldiers, who during the
night occupy several posts. They have their guard house near Jones’s
Hotel, and I was startled to hear the retreat and reveillé beat there.
This corps owes its support to the fear of the negroes. At nine o’clock
in the evening a bell is sounded; and after this no negro can venture
without a written permission from his master, or he will immediately be
thrown into prison, nor can his owner obtain his release till next day,
by the payment of a fine. Should the master refuse to pay this fine,
then the slave receives twenty-five lashes, and a receipt, with which he
is sent back to his master!
The market consists of five houses, in a long street ending upon the
harbour, and resemble somewhat those of the Philadelphia market. The
quantity of the most beautiful tropical fruit therein arranged, oranges
from Florida, pistachios, and large excellent pine apples from Cuba,
interested me much. These large and delicious fruit cost only twelve and
a half cents each, of course a dollar for eight. There were nuts of
various descriptions; many sorts of potatoes, cabbages, and white and
red radishes. Fish were not presented in so great a variety as I
expected. Of shell-fish, I saw oysters only, which are roasted in
the shell at market, and consumed by the negroes with great avidity.
Upon the roofs of the market houses sat a number of buzzards, who are
supported by the offals. It is a species of vulture, black, with a naked
head. Seen from a distance they resemble turkeys, for which reason they
are denominated turkey-buzzards. They are not only suffered as very
useful animals, but there is a fine of five dollars for the killing of
one of these birds. A pair of these creatures were so tame that
they crept about in the meat market among the feet of the buyers.
Accompanied by Dr. Johnson, Mr. Lowndes, and Dr. Tidyman, I visited
the public institutions of the city. The Court-house, in which the
different courts of justice hold their sessions, contains nothing
remarkable with the exception of the City Library in the upper story,
established by subscription. I noticed in this a beautiful
collection of copperplates from the Shakspeare Gallery, and a sketched
plan of Charleston with the investment of it in the revolutionary war.
Since this epoch the city has much extended itself. On the localities,
which then were occupied by fortifications, houses are now standing. The
morasses which covered the left wing of these works, are filled up level
with earth, and no trace of them is perceivable.
In the City Hall, the lower story is occupied by one large
saloon. It is appropriated to the sittings of the city police. Above it
are arranged the meeting rooms of the magistracy and various separate
offices. In one of these apartments I noticed an elegant new plan of the
city, designed by an emigrant French engineer, Mr. Petitral.
The Orphan-house is a brick building, three stories high, erected by
voluntary contributions, and in it, one hundred and thirty-six children
of both sexes are supported. I was surprized at the exceeding
cleanliness pervading the whole establishment. The children sleep upon
the floor, and the girls and sick only are allowed mattresses; the boys
have a woollen coverlet, in which they wrap themselves. I was
informed that this was done from fear of vermin. A very nourishing
diet, and a truly maternal care, preserve the children healthy. At their
twelfth year, they are provided for abroad to enable them to earn their
own subsistence. Many of the boys enter into the United States navy, and
it has been reported to me that two of the pupils of this institution
have attained the rank of officers. Behind the house is a moderately
large chapel, in the midst of the garden. The clergy of all Christian
professions can hold divine service here every Sunday afternoon; in the
mornings, the service in turn is taken charge of by a superintendent. In
front of the building is a large open square. In it stands an
ill-preserved statue of Lord Chatham, which was erected by the then
colony of South Carolina, before the breaking out of the American
revolution, in memory of that great man, in gratitude for the opposition
he maintained against colonial taxation. An inscription on the statue
mentions this. During the siege, it stood at the corner of the street,
near the City Hall. There it lost an arm by one of the first English
balls that struck the city.
The state prison is a small building. The prisoners are too much
crowded together, and have no employment. The atrocious criminals live
in the upper story, and are immured two together in a cell, without ever
being permitted to come into the open air. This is allowed only to those
dwelling in the first story, consisting of debtors, and persons who are
imprisoned for breaches of the peace. The walls within, as well as the
flooring, are of strong oak wood. In each apartment is an iron ring in
the floor, for the purpose of securing dangerous prisoners. In the upper
story there is a negro confined, who, implicated in one of the late
conspiracies, had not committed himself so far as to allow of his being
hung; nevertheless, his presence appeared so dangerous to the public
tranquillity, that he is detained in prison till his master can find
some opportunity to ship him to the West Indies, and there sell him. In
another room was a white prisoner, and it is not known whether he be an
American or Scotchman,
who involved himself by his writings deeply in the last negro
conspiracy. The prisoners received their food while we were present: it
consisted of very good soup, and three-quarters of a pound of beef. Upon
the ground floor is the dwelling of the keeper, who was an Amsterdam
Jew, and the state-rooms in which gentlemen, who are lodged here,
receive accommodation for money and fair words. The cleanliness of the
house was not very great; upon the whole it left an unfavourable
impression upon me.
I found the other prison, destined for the punishment of minor
offences of the negro slaves, in a better condition. In it there were
about forty individuals of both sexes. These slaves are either such as
have been arrested during the night by the police, or such as have been
sent here by their masters for punishment. The house displays throughout
a remarkable neatness; black overseers go about every where armed with
cow-hides. In the basement story there is an apparatus upon which the
negroes, by order of the police, or at the request of their masters, are
flogged. The latter can have nineteen lashes inflicted on them according
to the existing law. The machine consists of a sort of crane, on which a
cord with two nooses runs over pullies; the nooses are made fast to the
hands of the slave and drawn up, while the feet are bound tight to a
plank. The body is stretched out as much as possible, and thus the
miserable creature receives the exact number of lashes as counted off!
Within a year, flogging occurs less frequently: that is to say,
a tread-mill has been erected in a back building of the prison, in
which there are two tread-wheels in operation. Each employs twelve
prisoners, who work a mill for grinding corn, and thereby contribute to
the support of the prison. Six tread at once upon each wheel, while six
rest upon a bench placed behind the wheel. Every half minute the left
hand man steps off the tread-wheel, while the five others move to the
left to fill up the vacant place; at the same time the right hand man
sitting on the bench, steps on the wheel, and begins his movement, while
the rest, sitting on the bench, uniformly recede. Thus, even three
minutes sitting, allows the unhappy being no repose. The signal for
changing is given by a small bell attached to the wheel. The prisoners
are compelled to labour eight hours a day in this manner. Order is
preserved by a person, who, armed with a cow-hide, stands by the wheel.
Both sexes tread promiscuously upon the wheel. Since, however, only
twenty-four prisoners find employment at once on both wheels, the idle
are obliged in the interval to sit upon the floor in the upper chambers,
and observe a strict silence. One who had eloped several times from a
plantation, was fastened by a heavy iron ring, that passed over his leg
to the floor. To provide
against this state of idleness, there should be another pair of
tread-wheels erected. The negroes entertain a strong fear of the
tread-mills, and regard flogging as the lighter evil! Of about three
hundred and sixty, who, since the erection of these tread-mills, have
been employed upon them, only six have been sent back a second time.
The poor-house, an old building raised by subscription, contains one
hundred and sixty-six paupers. It will only admit such poor persons as
are completely disabled. Those who can labour a little can obtain the
employment they desire, and then receive good attendance and proper
support. The sick were taken care of in a distinct infirmary, where each
had a separate bed. The healthy slept upon the floor. I enquired
why the sick were not provided with iron bedsteads in place of the
wooden ones they occupied? and was informed that it was from
apprehension of the prevailing severe thunder-storms.
Connected with the Poor-house is a Magdalen Asylum, which provides
shelter and care for thirty unfortunate beings. It struck me forcibly,
as I saw under an open shed in the yard where the poor walked about, the
dead cart, and close by it numbers of empty coffins piled up together,
that the scene might be very well introduced in a monastery of the order
of La Trappe.
A medical school is to be built not far from the poor-house. Until
the completion of this structure, the students, one hundred and twenty
in number, receive their instruction in a wooden building, in which
there are arranged an amphitheatre, and a chemical laboratory.
Dr. Tidyman and Mr. Lowndes had the politeness to show me a rice mill
established a few years ago. This mill is the property of Mr. Lucas, who
has fixed a similar one in the neighbourhood of London. Rice is known as
the staple article of produce of the lowlands in South Carolina, and yet
there was no mill hitherto to free the rice from its husk, and to
prepare it for use or export. This mill is situated near the river
Ashley. The schooner that conveys the rice from the plantation, lies
directly before it, a cart is taken on board the vessel filled with
rice, and by means of an inclined plane drawn into the mill, where it is
deposited. Hence the rice is drawn to the upper story, in which it is
cleared of dust by a fan, and passed between two large mill-stones which
frees the hull from the grain. It is then placed in a cylinder of
bolting cloth. By this it is further cleaned from all the hull. Now it
comes into the trough, where it is beaten by heavy hammers faced with
tin, and by that means is completely cleaned. It is once more conveyed
into a bolting cylinder, where, by another series of revolutions, it is
freed from the slightest dust, and shook through a tube into the tierces
for packing. The tierces stand upon a trunnel, which whirls round while
a hammer continually strikes upon it. Such a tierce in this way receives
six hundred pounds of rice. The machinery is to be set in motion in
future by a steam-machine of twenty-four horse-power. It is wonderful,
however, that the best steam-engines must be made in England to supply a
country that has numbered Robert Fulton
among her citizens!
Dr. Tidyman honoured me with a dinner, at which I met several of the
distinguished inhabitants of the place, as Mr. Lowndes, Major Garden,
son of that Scotch physician to whose honour Linnæus has given the name
of Gardenia to a class of plants; Mr. J. Allen Smith, who passed
seventeen years of his life in Europe, principally in Russia, and
enjoyed the especial favour of the Emperor Alexander; he was present at
my brother’s marriage, and enquired after him in the most ardent manner.
This extremely amiable and interesting man has lost the greater part of
his property. Here also I met with the Marquis de Fougères, Mr. Viel,
and the English Consul, Mr. Newman. After dinner was over,
a numerous company of gentlemen and ladies assembled, who remained
in society through the evening. We had music, some of which was very
In one of my strolls through the city, I talked with a person from
Erfurt, Mr. Siegling, who had established a music store here, and
appeared to do very good business. I saw at his residence several
handsome English harps and piano fortes; also several wind instruments
of different kinds. He pricks the notes himself on tin, and has a press
with which he prints them.
In Charleston there exists among the Germans, and their descendants,
who for the most part are tradesmen of small capital, but persons of
great respectability, a Friendly German Society.
On Sunday the 18th of December, two members of this Society, the
militia Colonel Sass, a native Hessian, who had already passed
fifty-two years in this country, and Mr. Strohhecker, came to take me to
the Lutheran church. The Lutheran preacher, Mr. Bachman, a native
of Troy, in the State of New York, administered divine service in the
English language. The church has been built but a few years. It is
simple within, but in very good taste. The organ is good, and was well
played, and the hymns sung in unison by the congregation. Mr. Bachman
delivered an excellent sermon upon the story of Cornelius, from the Acts
of the Apostles. Afterwards he detailed a report of a journey of about
eight hundred miles, which he had performed through the interior of this
state, for the purpose of examining the condition of the various
Lutheran congregations. The report upon churches and schools appeared
very favourable. This service displayed
so much benevolence, and real goodness, that I felt truly edified.
Upon the following day I was accompanied by Mr. Bacott and his
brother-in-law, to St. Michael’s episcopal church, to see the building,
and particularly the steeple, one hundred and eighty-six feet high. We
mounted two hundred and thirty-six steps, and enjoyed a very handsome
prospect over the regular built city, the bay, and adjacent country. The
bay, with its protecting forts, showed to great advantage; the
surrounding district not so agreeably, it being very level and overgrown
with wood. In the city several buildings reared their heads, among
others, the churches, and there are here twenty-two churches belonging
to various sects, then the orphan-house and custom-house. St. Michael’s
church contains in itself nothing worthy of remark, if you except some
simple funeral tablets. The churches, moreover, stand in the centre of
burial grounds, and the custom still prevails, so injurious to health,
of entombing the dead in the city.
On the same day, the last of my stay in Charleston, I was present at
a dinner which the German Friendly Society gave in compliment to me,
having invited me by a deputation. The party met at half past three
o’clock. The company was composed, with the exception of the mayor, Dr.
Johnson, of more than sixty persons, for the most part Germans or of
German origin. It was assembled in a house belonging to the society, in
which, besides the large assembly room, was also a school for the
children of the members, and the dwellings of the preceptors. The
society was instituted in the year 1766, the principal founder was
Captain Kalteisen, a native Wirtemburger, who had raised a
volunteer corps of fusileers from the Germans then living there, with
which he not only distinguished himself in the defence of Fort Moultrie
against the English, but also personally, during the whole war, rendered
the most important services as adjutant quarter-master-general in the
staff of the southern army. The company of fusileers always preserved
their connection with the German Society. Kalteisen himself died in the
year 1807, as commandant of Fort Johnson; he was so attached to this
German association, that he had himself buried in the yard of the
building, the bricks of the pavement mark the form of his coffin over
it, and a tablet of marble in the hall contains an inscription to the
memory of the deceased. In the great hall, his portrait hangs next to
that of Colonel Sass, who after him commanded the company, and of a
Wormser, named Strobel, who was a joint founder of the society, and
whose sons and nephew appeared at table. Two brothers, Messrs. Horlbeck,
presided at the dinner, which was very well arranged. They had the
politeness to nominate me an honorary member of the society, and to
present me their
laws for my signature; under them were here and there crosses only.
Several of the usual toasts were given out; my health being drank,
I returned my thanks in the German language. There was also
singing. The melody was guided by an old Mr. Eckhardt, a Hessian
that had come to America with the Hessian troops, as a musician, and
remained here. He is now organist of one of the churches, and three of
his sons occupy the same station in other churches. The German society
possesses, moreover, a library, which owes its origin to donations.
In the school-room there was a planetarium, very neatly finished, set in
motion by clock-work.

Journey from Charleston, through Augusta,
Milledgeville, Macon, and the country of the Creek Indians, to
Montgomery, in the State of Alabama.
My design had been to travel from
Charleston to Savannah. I understood, however, that the stage to
Savannah was very bad; that the steam-boat went very irregularly; that
Savannah had lost its importance as a place of trade, and on the whole,
contained nothing worthy of observation. As this tour would cost me many
days, and a circuitous route, I resolved to relinquish the visit to
Savannah, and betake myself the nearest way to Augusta, one hundred and
twenty-nine miles distant; thence by Milledgeville through the Creek
Indians, to go into the state of Alabama. Colonel Wool liked my plan, as
also did Mr. Temple Bowdoin, an Anglo-American, a very polished
man, who had travelled, and who in his younger days served in the
British army. We had engaged the mail stage for ourselves alone, and in
it left Charleston on the 20th of December.
We passed Ashley river at the same place, and in the same team-boat,
as I did eight days back. It was at low ebb, and many oyster banks were
exposed dry. This was a novel spectacle to me. The oysters stood
straight up, close together, and had somewhat the appearance of a brush.
Several negroes were employed in taking them out of the mud, in baskets.
Even on the piers of the bridge, many oysters were sticking fast. On the
opposite shore the road ran through a country generally woody, but
partly ornamented with plantations. Several of these plantations
are pretty, commonly an avenue of ancient, well preserved live oaks,
leads up to the mansion-house, at the entrance of which a grated gate is
placed. Maize and cotton are planted here, and in some places also rice,
which is the staple of the lower part of South Carolina. The rice fields
must stand several months of the year under water. On this account they
are situated in swampy districts, and surrounded by ditches of water.
But in consequence of this, these places are so unhealthy, that hardly a
white planter can remain during the summer on his plantation; he is
obliged to resort to Charleston, or the northern states. The climate of
Charleston is such, that whoever is there in the beginning of the hot
season, dares not to sleep a single night during the continuance of it,
upon a plantation, without exposing his life to imminent danger. The
blacks are the only human beings on whom this deadly climate has no bad
effect, and they are, therefore, indispensable for the cultivation of
this district. The vegetation was again extremely beautiful, noble live
oaks, laurel trees, magnolias, cabbage and macaw trees. The road ran
upon light bridges over small rivers, on the banks of which negroes were
busied in angling. We saw the family of a planter in an elegant boat,
manned by six black oarsmen, rowing to their plantation. In a large inn,
which was itself the mansion-house of a plantation, we found a
particularly good dinner. In the evening we crossed the Edisto river in
a narrow ferry-boat, for the arrival of which we were obliged to delay a
long time. The soil was mostly very sandy, partly also marshy, and the
jolting log causeways made us tired of our lives. On this side of the
river we arrived at the village of Edisto. We travelled through the
whole night, and I suffered much from the cold in my airy seat.
Otherwise, it was a clear moonlight, and if it had been a little warmer
would deserve the appellation of a fine night. We changed our stage
during the night, but gained nothing.
The succeeding morning exhibited all the ponds of water covered with
a crust of ice. We passed the Salkechee and Cambahee rivers upon
bridges, and noticed nothing worthy of observation. The vegetation was
less beautiful than on the preceding day; the plantations were also less
considerable. At a new plantation, at which we arrived about break of
day, I spoke to the overseer of the negroes. The man’s employment I
recognised from his whip, and from the use he made of it, in rousing up
the negroes to make a fire. He told us that in the district, where the
plantation was situated, and where maize and cotton were planted, but a
little time before there was nothing but forest; his employer had
commenced in 1816, with two negroes, and now he possessed one hundred
and four, who were kept at
work in clearing the wood, and extending the plantation. The cotton crop
was finished in most of the fields, and cattle were driven in, to
consume the weeds and tops of the bushes. We passed several mill-ponds,
and saw some saw-mills. Only pine trees appeared to flourish in this
part of the country; upon the whole, it was hilly, and the progress was
tedious through the deep sand. We passed the river Savannah three miles
from Augusta, in a little ferry-boat. The left bank appeared here and
there to be rocky, and pretty high; the right is sandy. When we crossed
the river, we left the state of South Carolina, and entered that of
Georgia, the most southern of the old thirteen United States, which in
fifty years have grown to twenty-four in number. We reached Augusta in
the evening at nine o’clock, on a very good road, a scattered built
town of four thousand six hundred inhabitants, of both complexions. We
took up our quarters in the Globe Hotel, a tolerable inn; during
the whole day it was very clear, but cold weather, in the evening it
froze hard. The old remark is a very just one, that one suffers no where
so much from cold as in a warm climate, since the dwellings are well
calculated to resist heat, but in nowise suited to repel cold.
We were compelled to remain in Augusta during the 22d of December, as
the mail stage for the first time went to Milledgeville on the following
day, and Colonel Wool had to inspect the United States’ arsenal here,
which contained about six thousand stand of arms for infantry. We
understood that Mr. Crawford, formerly embassador of the United States,
in Paris, afterwards secretary of state, and lastly, candidate for the
office of president, was here at a friend’s house. We therefore paid him
a visit. Mr. Crawford is a man of gigantic stature, and dignified
appearance; he had a stroke of apoplexy about a year since, so that he
was crippled on one side, and could not speak without difficulty. To my
astonishment, he did not speak French, though he had been several years
an envoy in Paris. They say, that Mr. Crawford’s predecessor in Paris,
was chancellor Livingston, this gentleman was deaf; both Livingston and
Crawford were introduced to the Emperor Napoleon at the same time; the
emperor, who could carry on no conversation with either of them,
expressed his surprise, that the United States had sent him a deaf and
dumb embassy. I likewise reaped very little profit from Mr.
Crawford’s conversation. As he was an old friend of Mr. Bowdoin, almost
all the benefit of it fell to his share, and I addressed myself chiefly
to his daughter, and one of her female friends, who were present. Much
indeed was to be anticipated as the result of a conversation with the
daughter of such a statesman. She had been educated in a school of the
southern states. My conclusion
was, the farther south I advanced, so much the firmer am I convinced
that the inhabitants of these states suffer in comparing their education
with those of the north. To conclude, Mr. Crawford was the hero of the
democratic party, and would, in all probability, have been chosen
president in the spring of 1825, had not his apoplectic attack
supervened. On account of his indisposition, General Jackson was pushed
before him; and so much was brought forward against the individual
character of this person in opposition, that the present incumbent,
Adams, on that account, succeeded.
The city of Augusta is very regularly built. The main street is about
one hundred feet wide, it contains many brick houses, and good-looking
stores. None of the streets are paved, but all have brick foot-paths.
A wooden bridge, three hundred and fifty yards long, and thirty
feet wide, crosses from the neighbourhood of the city, to the left bank
of Savannah river, the city lies on the right bank. Along the bank is
erected a quay in the manner of a terrace, which is one of the most
suitable that I have seen; for it is accommodated to the swell of the
river, which often rises above twenty feet. It has three terraces. The
lower one has a margin of beams, mostly of cypress timber, at which, in
the present uncommon low stage of the water, the vessels are loaded.
From the second terrace, (which as well as the upper one, has a brick
facing,) are wooden landings reaching to the edge of the under terrace,
by which, at higher stages, the vessels may land there. The upper
terrace is paved with large stones, which are quarried above the city.
The quay, as well as the landings, belong to the State Bank of Georgia:
the landings produce fifteen per cent. annually.
Augusta is the depôt for the cotton, which is conveyed from the upper
part of Georgia by land carriage, and here shipped either to Savannah or
Charleston. We noticed a couple of vessels of a peculiar structure,
employed in this trade. They are flat underneath, and look like large
ferry-boats. Each vessel can carry a load of three hundred tons. The
bales of cotton, each of which weighs about three hundred pounds, were
piled upon one another to the height of eleven feet. Steam-boats are
provided to tow these vessels up and down the stream, but on account of
the present low state of the water, they cannot come up to Augusta.
I was assured that year by year between fifteen and twenty thousand
bales of cotton were sent down the river. The state of South Carolina,
to which the left bank of the river belongs, was formerly compelled to
make Augusta its depôt. To prevent this, Mr. Schulz, a man of
enterprise, originally from Holstein, has founded a new town, called
Hamburg, upon the left bank of the river, close by the bridge,
supported, as is said, by the legislature
of South Carolina with an advance of fifty thousand dollars. This town
was commenced in the year 1821, and numbers about four hundred
inhabitants, who are collectively maintained by the forwarding business.
It consists of one single row of wooden houses, streaked with white,
which appear very well upon the dark back ground, formed by the high
forest close behind the houses. Nearly every house contains a store,
a single one, which comprised two stores, was rented for one
thousand dollars. Several new houses were building, and population and
comfort appear fast increasing. The row of houses which form the town,
runs parallel with the river, and is removed back from it about one
hundred and fifty paces. Upon this space stands a large warehouse, and a
little wooden hut, looking quite snug, upon the whole, with the
superscription “Bank.” A Hamburg bank in such a booth, was so
tempting an object for me, that I could not refrain from gratifying my
curiosity. I went in, and made acquaintance with Mr. Schulz, who
was there. He appears to me to be a very public-spirited man, having
been one of the most prominent undertakers of the landings and quay of
Augusta. It is said, however, that he only accomplishes good objects for
other people, and realizes nothing for himself. He has already several
times possessed a respectable fortune, which he has always sunk again by
too daring speculations. This Hamburg bank, moreover, has suspended its
payments, and will not resume business till the first of next month. On
this account, it was not possible for me to obtain its notes, which, for
the curiosity of the thing, I would gladly have taken back with me
to Germany.
On the 23d December we left Augusta, about four o’clock, by
moonlight, and the weather pretty cold, in the miserable mail stage,
which we had engaged for ourselves. It went for Milledgeville,
eighty-six miles distant from Augusta. The road was one of the most
tedious that I had hitherto met with in the United States; hilly,
nothing but sand, at times solitary pieces of rock, and eternal pine
woods with very little foliage; none of the evergreen trees and the
southern plants seen elsewhere, which, new as they were to my eye, had
so pleasantly broke the monotony of the tiresome forests through which I
had travelled from the beginning of December; even the houses were
clap-board cabins. Every thing contributed to give me an unfavourable
impression. The inhabitants of Georgia are regarded in the United States
under the character of great barbarians, and this reputation appears
really not unjustly conferred. We see unpleasant countenances even in
Italy: but here all the faces are haggard, and bear the stamp of the
sickly climate.
To the cold weather which we had for several days, warm temperature
succeeded to-day. We were considerably annoyed by
dust. Besides several solitary houses and plantations, we encountered
two little hamlets here, called towns, Warrenton and Powelton, this last
lies upon Great Ogechee river, over which passes a wooden bridge. We
stopped at Warrenton. The court of justice is in the only brick house of
the place: close by it stands the prison, or county gaol, a building
composed of strong planks and beams nailed together. Between Warrenton
and Powelton, we had a drunken Irishman for our driver, who placed us
more than once in great danger. This race of beings, who have spread
themselves like a pestilence over the United States, are here also, and
despised even by the Georgians. We travelled again all night; it was,
however, not so cold as the nights previous. Towards midnight, we
reached a trifling place called Sparta. We were obliged to stop here
some time, as the stage and horses were to be changed. We seated
ourselves at the fire-place in the tavern. All of a sudden there stood
betwixt us, like an evil genius, a stout fellow, with an abominable
visage, who appeared to be intoxicated, and crowded himself in behind
Mr. Bowdoin. I addressed this gentleman to be on guard for his
pockets. The ruffian made a movement, and a dirk fell from his sleeve,
which he clutched up, and made off. They told me that he was an
Irishman, who, abandoned to liquor, as most of his countrymen were, had
no means of subsistence, and often slunk about at night to sleep in
houses that happened to be open. Most probably he had intended to steal.
We then obtained another driver, whom, from his half drunkenness and
imprecations, I judged to be a son of Hibernia, and was not
On the 24th December, we left this unlucky Sparta at one o’clock in
the morning. The driver wished very much to put a passenger in the stage
with us, which we prevented. Vexed by this, he drove us so tediously,
that we spent full eight hours going twenty-two miles to Milledgeville,
and did not therefore reach there until nine in the morning. Immediately
after leaving Norfolk, and travelling in the woods where there was
little accommodation for travellers, we had every night seen bivouacs of
wagoners or emigrants, moving to the western states—the backwoods.
The horses of such a caravan are tied to the side of the wagon, and
stand feeding at their trough; near the wagon is a large fire lighted
up, of fallen or cut timber. At this fire the people sleep in good
weather, in bad, they lay themselves in or under the wagon. After
leaving Augusta we encountered several of these bivouacs, which consist
partly of numerous families with harnessed wagons. They intended to go
to Alabama, the district of country lately sold by the United States,
and there to set themselves down and fall to hewing and building.
I saw three families sitting on a long fallen tree, to which they
had set fire
in three places. These groups placed themselves in a very picturesque
manner; but their way of acting is very dangerous. The night before we
saw the woods on fire in three different directions, and the fire was
without doubt occasioned by such emigrants as these. The lofty pine
trees look very handsome while burning, when they are insulated, but the
owner of the forest has all the trouble attending it to himself.
The country which we passed through towards morning was hilly, the
bottom constantly sandy, towards the last, mixed with clay and rock. The
trees were nothing but long-leafed pines. Close by Milledgeville, we
crossed the Oconee river on a bridge that had been finished but a few
days, and which rested on wooden piles. Until now the river was passed
by a ferry-boat. Both shores are very high and steep, so that going in
and coming out were attended with great difficulty.
Milledgeville lies upon elevated ground, the town is very regularly
built, its broad streets are right-angled, they are, however, unpaved.
It numbers about three thousand inhabitants of both complexions. It was
established about twenty years ago, and increased very rapidly from its
commencement, as it is the capital of the state of Georgia, and the seat
of the legislature. Its increase is now calculated to be checked, since
the story goes that the seat of government will be changed to the
newly-founded town of Macon, or when the state has conquered congress in
the cause yet depending before that body, and part of the Creek Indians
territory is obtained, then it will be placed at Athens, where the
university of the state is situated. We took up our residence at La
Fayette Hall, a large tavern.
Soon after our arrival, I took a walk through the town. It contains
mostly wooden houses, but they were good and even elegantly built, good
stores, also a bookseller’s shop, and several printing presses. There
are published here four gazettes, which a little while since were
exceedingly active on the sides of the two parties who oppose each other
in the state. One party is that of Governor Troup, who, from his
discussions with the United States concerning the Creek territory, and
on account of his warmth in his official correspondence, has become
noted; the other is the party of the former governor, General Clark, who
is, in all appearance, a very mild man, and very much respected by
sensible and well-disposed persons. At the last election of the
governor, it was believed and hoped that General Clark would be chosen.
He had the majority of the legislature in his favour, yet, as the
governor in this state is chosen for two years by the people, and every
man that pays half a dollar tax has a vote, it so happened that Governor
Troup succeeded, by his popularity, in bearing off the palm.
I examined the state-house, which is a simple, but well-finished
brick building of two stories. In the ground floor are the offices, in
the upper story two halls, one is for the senate, the other for the
representatives. In each there is a seat, with a canopy, for the
speaker. The senators have each a desk before them, in the hall of the
representatives one desk serves two persons. All places are numbered, to
prevent awkward encounters. In each hall there is a gallery for the
public. The state-house is placed alone on a little eminence. In its
neighbourhood stands the state arsenal. Another house belonging to the
state, is appointed for the residence of the governor. Mr. Troup,
notwithstanding, does not inhabit it; he has no family establishment,
and has domesticated himself in a plain boarding-house. We intended to
pay him our respects, he could not, however, receive us, as he lay
dangerously ill of a pleurisy. Through two friends, Colonel Hamilton and
Mr. Ringold, he tendered us his apologies, and these gentlemen, in his
name, proffered us their services.
We were then carried to the state prison, a large brick edifice,
under the superintendence of Mr. Williams, and contained seventy-six
prisoners. All these were white persons, for the black were punished by
the whip, and not with imprisonment. No idleness was suffered among the
prisoners. If one understood no mechanical trade, he was obliged to
learn one. I found most of them employed in wagon and
saddle-making; others laboured in a smithy; others as shoemakers or
tailors. The greatest quiet and silence prevailed among the prisoners.
Their dress is blue, with broad white stripes upon all the seams. The
interior of the lodging-house did not please me as much as the
workshops. Cleanliness, so indispensable to such an establishment, was
wanting here; it was neither swept nor scrubbed, and in the cells of the
prisoners, in which four or five slept upon the floor, the woollen
coverlets and pillows lay confusedly together. There were also cells for
solitary confinement, this was, however, used only as a means of house
discipline. The eating room was equally disagreeable to me. A piece
of cooked meat was laid on the table for each prisoner, without knives,
forks, or plates. Bread did not appear to be furnished every day; at
least the day we were there, none was to be seen. The prison is
surrounded by a high wall, at each of its four corners stands a
sentry-box for the watch, which they ascend from without, and from which
the whole yard can be overlooked. This establishment is so well
conducted, that it occasions no expense to the state, on the contrary,
it produces a profit. Upon the principal building stands a turret, which
commands an extensive view over the town and circumjacent country. The
district around appears uneven and covered with
wood, the monotony of the view is relieved by nothing. The woods begin
at the edge of the town.
Colonel Hamilton and Dr. Rogers accompanied us on Christmas day to
the state-house. A travelling Unitarian clergyman from the northern
states held divine service in the hall of representatives. The
generality of people here are either Methodists or Baptists. As the
Unitarian had found the churches here shut on this day, he had opened
his temple in the state-house. His audience was composed of the beau
monde, as a Unitarian was something new. He delivered a good discourse,
in which he set forth pure morality, and received general approbation.
After dinner he proposed to give a second service, for the purpose of
expounding the doctrines of his belief, as founded on common sense.
Colonel Hamilton, a particular friend of Governor Troup, was formerly
secretary of state of Georgia. The appointment to this office belongs to
the legislature. This was the cause that though Troup is again chosen
governor by the people, Mr. Hamilton and all the friends of the governor
have lost their places, which are occupied by persons attached to the
Clark party. Dr. Rodgers was secretary of the state treasury, and has
been deprived of his office from the same cause. We saw here several
Indians of both sexes, from the Creek nation, who sold bows, arrows, and
very neatly made baskets. These Indians had a much better appearance
than those I saw in the western part of the state of New York and
Canada. Afterwards several of the grandees of the country were presented
to me by Colonel Hamilton. All these gentlemen had their own peculiar
character. It was evident that they lived in a state separated from the
civilized world.
We were constrained to remain in Milledgeville on the day after
Christmas, how unpleasant soever it might be. No stage goes from this
place through the Indian territory to Montgomery on the Alabama river,
whither we intended to bend our way. We therefore hired for this journey
of one hundred and ninety-eight miles, a four-horse extra stage,
for the price of two hundred and twenty-five dollars; this stage was at
present under repair in the state prison, and could not be placed at our
disposal before the 27th of December. It was necessary for us to have
patience, and pass the time as well as possible, and the few gentlemen
with whom we had formed acquaintance exerted themselves to amuse us.
On the 27th of December we left Milledgeville at nine o’clock in the
morning. It was a pretty cold day, and there was ice half an inch thick.
We rode only thirty miles to Macon. In spite of the large sum of money
which our carriage had cost us, it broke twice; the repairs consumed
much time, and we left it
several miles behind. The day was very clear, and towards midday
moderately warm, in the evening there was again a strong frost.
I was pleased with the dark blue of the sky, such as we hardly have
in Germany in a midsummer’s day. We met with several families,
emigrating with their property to Macon and the State of Alabama. One of
these families, who had paid their wagoners beforehand, had been left by
them under frivolous pretext in the middle of the woods, two miles from
Milledgeville: we found these unfortunate persons, who had made a
bivouac, after they had waited several days in vain for their runaway
wagoner and his horses. Several lonely houses which we passed were
grog-shops, in which the neighbours were celebrating the third day of
the Christmas holy-days. Every thing as at home, thought I, and fancied
that I was in a European country. We noticed a gentleman and lady on
horseback, the horses were not loaded completely, a barefooted
negro wench was obliged to run with a heavy sack of corn on her
shoulders to feed the horses! Then I was convinced, and with pleasure,
that I was not in Europe! The road was sandy, uneven, and passed through
pine woods. This wood was here and there cleared, and a patch of cotton
and Indian corn planted. Close by Macon we crossed the Oakmulgee river
in a ferry-boat, and reached the town after sunset. We found tolerable
accommodation in a new tavern.
The country in which Macon is situated, was first purchased from the
Creek Indians, in the year 1822, and the town began about two years ago.
In the last war, the Indians had collected a number of their people
here, and the United States built Fort Hawkins, on the left bank of the
river, at present deserted.
In Macon we received a visit from a Colonel Danah, who formerly
served in the army, and was now settled here. He introduced to me
several of the distinguished people of the place, who had come to see
me. The town has only three streets, which crossed at right angles. At
the point of intersection is a large square, there are houses only on
three sides of it; on the fourth side it is contemplated to erect the
capitol, if, as it has been proposed, the government should be removed
here from Milledgeville. One street runs perpendicular to the line of
the river, over which a bridge is intended to be built: the mason work
for its support has been completed on both sides. The streets are about
one hundred feet wide, the roots of the felled trees are visible in
them, of which trees the houses are constructed throughout. The place
contains about sixteen hundred inhabitants, white and black. The
population are partly young people from Georgia, partly emigrants from
the two Carolinas and the northern states, who have fixed themselves
here from motives of speculation.
Although the site of the new town is represented as extremely healthy,
yet they have suffered during the preceding summer from bilious fever.
The country around is little built upon, and the woods begin not far
behind the houses.
About nine o’clock in the morning, on the 28th December, we left
Macon and rode thirty-one miles distance to the Indian agency, on the
left bank of Flint river, called by the Indians, Thlo-no-teas-kah. The
road was partly sandy, partly rocky, but extremely uneven. It was kept
in very bad order. No pains had been taken to carry away or saw through
trees, which had fallen more than a year back crosswise over the road;
the carriage was obliged to make a considerable deviation through the
woods to pass these fallen trees. The plantations by which we passed,
are all new; the houses were completely log huts. The tiresome
uniformity of the pine woods were, in the low and marshy places into
which we often came, very pleasantly interrupted by evergreen cane, as
well as by thorn oaks and laurel trees, we also saw several green-leaved
trees, chiefly oaks, as formerly.
Towards four o’clock in the afternoon we reached the agency,
a group of twenty log houses, and some negro huts. It is appointed
for the residence of the agent of the United States with the Creek
Indians, (he, however, was absent at this time,) and is situated in
a very handsome tract of land on the left side of the Flint river, which
rushes over a rocky bed between pretty steep banks. The right bank
belongs to the Creek nation, of about twenty-one thousand souls, and is
inhabited by them. The contest between the state of Georgia and the
United States is caused by this territory. The state of Georgia had
concluded a treaty with one of the Creek chiefs, M‘Intosh, concerning
the surrender of this district of land; the nation, discontented with
the treaty, and is nowise willing to evacuate their country, insisted
that they had been deceived, and killed M‘Intosh. The United States
espoused the side of the Indians, and blamed the Georgia commissioners
for scandalous impositions upon the Indians. Congress is now about to
decide upon this matter. In one of the log-houses, with a Mr. Crowell,
we took up our night’s lodging, and enjoyed some very well cooked
venison. In a neighbouring grog-shop we found a collection of drunken
Indians, and some negroes, who were frolicing during the Christmas holy-days.
Several of them were well dressed; they wore mocassins and leggings of
leather; broad knee-bands ornamented with white glass beads, a sort
of coat of striped cotton, and upon the head a striped cotton cloth,
almost like a turban. Several of them were very large. For a treat of
whiskey, which I gave them, eight of them performed the war dance. They
skipped here and there in a circle, moved
themselves right and left, sprung against each other, raised their hands
on high, let them fall again, and bellowed horribly through the whole
scene. Some old men who stood near, took it in dudgeon, that the young
men should dance in such a way before white people. They called to them
to stop. Mr. Crowell, however, brought them to silence easily, by
The colour of these Indians is a dusky brown. They have black
straight hair. Several of them possess negroes, to whom it is very
acceptable to live with them, since they are treated with more equality
than by the whites. Some of these negroes were very well clothed in the
Indian manner, they drank and jumped about with the Indians. One of them
was of colossal stature, and appeared to be in great request among the
Indians, to whom he served as interpreter. The constitution of these
Indians is a mixture of aristocratical and republican form of
government. The chiefs are chosen for life, and the dignity is not
hereditary; for improper conduct they can be deposed. They cannot write
their language. Their laws are of course very simple, and founded on
traditionary usage.
It had rained hard in the night, between the 28th and 29th of
December, it rained also in the day, almost incessantly, yet this rain
was mild and warm, nearly like a spring rain in Germany. There was a
consultation, whether we should remain or go farther on,
I determined on the latter. About nine o’clock we left our night
quarters. In the vicinity thereof, the governor of the state of Georgia
had built Fort Lawrence, which was evacuated, and given up at the peace.
The houses, which belonged to the agency, were then built as magazines
and hospitals for the troops, and arranged for a post of defence. Near
the chimney, and the doors and windows, (the last without glass sashes,)
were loop-holes pierced. Behind this post we passed the Flint river in
an Indian ferry-boat, and found ourselves landed upon their territory.
We rode twenty-eight miles farther to a lonely plantation, called
Currel’s. The road ran through the worst part of the Indian lands, the
woods consisted as before, of the long-leaved pine, and it was only in
damp places we observed green leaves. In particular, there grew high and
beautiful cane. The soil is for the most part dry sand, in strata, and
particularly in the bottoms it is mixed with clay, and of a full yellow
colour. The Indians have thrown bridges over two brooks with marshy
shores, at each of them we paid, with great pleasure, half a dollar
toll-money. The bridges are indeed not remarkably good, yet better than
several in the christian state of Georgia, and even in many of the more
northern states. We met but few of the Indian inhabitants; these were
all wrapt up in woollen blankets. We only saw three wigwams,
Indian houses, chiefly toll-houses of the bridges. They resemble the
log-houses, neither are they so open as those which I saw last summer in
the state of New York. The day was exceedingly uninteresting. Mr.
Currel, with whom we passed the night, is a Virginian, who has settled
here for the opportunity of speculating among the Indians, from whom he
purchased his land at a rather cheap rate: to judge from his habits of
intoxication, he has already adapted himself too much to their mode of
life. His plantation buildings are, as all the rest, log huts: the wind
blew to our heart’s content through the room; no lamp could burn, and we
were forced to use a great hearth fire to give us light. There was no
ceiling to our room, but a transparent roof of clap-boards directly over
us. I was surprised to discover Shakspeare’s works in this place.
In one of the out-houses there was a very good supper set before us, at
which, especially, we had excellent venison.
Upon the 30th of December, after we had passed a cold night in our
clap-board hut, which allowed the storm free admission, and locked our
few articles of property in our chamber, from fear of the Indians
sneaking about, we started before break of day, and rode a distance of
thirty-three miles to Fort Mitchel. The weather was cold the whole day
through, and threatened rain. The country again very uninteresting,
mostly pines, a sandy soil, here and there mingled with clay: at
length wood with green leaves. Only in low situations, along the
rivulets, of which we passed three, was the vegetation to be admired.
The laurel bushes particularly looked well. It gave me real pleasure to
be able to walk in a green thicket along a brook, which I could have
accomplished with difficulty in summer, since these bushes are the
favourite resort of a great number of rattlesnakes. In a solitary
plantation we took our breakfast; it belonged to a Mr. Colfrey,
a worthy old Virginian, who had lost a considerable property, and
to better his circumstances, had determined on the hard alternative of
settling among the Indians. We found his plantation in a very uncommon
state of order and neatness, and we were delighted by an unexpected and
most excellent breakfast. Mr. Bowdoin said to the owner of the place,
that he appeared as if he had not always lived thus among the savages,
and never can I forget how the old man, with tears in his eyes, turned
away without making an answer.
We met with several wigwams, and various temporary cabins of
travelling Indians, also a number of bridges, at which we were obliged
to pay the Indians toll. The country was very hilly till we came into a
valley, a mile from our night quarters, through which the
Chatahouchee flowed. This river empties itself into the Mexican gulf.
The district, even to the left bank
of the river, is rather marshy, grown up with willows, laurel, and cane.
Not far from the river we beheld several buildings appointed for the
popular assembly of the Indians, called the big talk. They are large and
round, having a conical-formed roof, covered with tree-bark; they have
walls of lime, and a covered low entrance also of lime. The Indians
assemble in these buildings only in bad weather, or at night, and then a
fire kindled in the middle of the house, gives light. In good weather
they collect in a square place covered with sheds, under which the
Indians sit down on planks protected from the sun’s heat. There is also
another place for public games, and particularly for ball-playing. They
appeared here also to have a species of masquerade, for we found some in
a half gourd, cut through and made into a mask, with eyes and mouth cut
in it, and the nose set on of a piece of wood. From the neck of the
gourd, which was cut at half its length, they had made a pair of horns,
and fasted them on the mask, and under this a long white beard.
We passed the river Chatahouchee at one of the ferries belonging to
the Indians, and kept in order by them. The right bank is somewhat
steep, of red earth, which, from the violent rain, had become slippery.
Half a mile from the ferry brought us to Fort Mitchel. It stood upon a
height, and was situated to the right of us. We dismounted not far from
this, between Indian wigwams at Crowell’s tavern. The host was a brother
of the Indian agent. This house has also a plantation attached to it, as
the one above-mentioned had. Colonel Wool and I were lodged in an airy
out-house of clap-boards, without a ceiling, and windows without glass.
We were accommodated with freer circulation than would have fallen to
our lot in a German barn. Four companies of the fourth regiment of
infantry, the staff of which was fixed at Pensacola, lay in garrison at
the fort. The commandant, Major Donoho, and his officers had taken board
at Crowell’s tavern; in the evening we made acquaintance with them. The
most of these officers, pupils of the school at West Point, were men of
information, and we passed the remainder of the evening much pleased
with their society.
We made the 31st of December a day of rest, as Colonel Wool had to
inspect the garrison of the fort. The four companies here stationed form
properly the garrison of Pensacola, and were only sent here last summer
during the contest between Georgia and the United States, to protect the
Creeks against the encroachments of that State. It openly wishes to take
possession of the Indian territory to the Chatahouchee, to which river,
agreeable to the charter, Georgia extends. The right bank of the river,
on which we now found ourselves, is in the jurisdiction of the State of
Alabama. The troops arriving, at first
encamped here, but immediately commenced building a new but smaller
fort, on the spot where Fort Mitchell stands, so called in honour of the
then governor of Georgia, which they now occupy. They hoped, however,
that they should return to Pensacola as soon as the disagreements had
been settled.
After the inspection, we took a walk to a plantation lying near,
which belonged to an Indian named M‘Intosh. He was absent at Washington
as a delegate from his nation. He is the son of that M‘Intosh, who
obtained from the State of Georgia the title of General, and who last
spring, on account of the treaty with the state, had been shot by his
countrymen and hewed in pieces. Polygamy prevails among the Indians. The
young M‘Intosh had indeed only two wives, a white woman and an
Indian. They say he had several wives whom he wished to keep: the white
woman however had driven them with scolding and disgrace out of the
house, as she would only submit to one Indian rival. We did not see the
Indian wife. The white wife, however, received us quite politely. She is
the daughter of a planter in Georgia, and tolerably pretty. She was
attired in the European style, only according to the Indian fancy in
dress, she carried a quantity of glass beads about her neck. She showed
us her two children, completely white, and also the portrait of her
father-in-law, as large as life, with the sword of honour given him by
the United States. The family is in very good circumstances, and
possesses seventy negroes.
In the afternoon we went to a Methodist mission, one short mile
distant. We found none but the women at home. The missionaries have
established a school, which is frequented by thirty children. They have
three Indian girls, boarders, who were extremely modest. The mission is
situated in a handsome plantation, on which I saw tame deer. The deer
here are evidently smaller than those in Europe.
Sunday, the 1st of January, 1826, we were awakened by the drums and
fifes, which announced the new year, by playing Hail Columbia and Yankee
Doodle. With the break of day, between seven and eight o’clock, we left
Fort Mitchel, and rode twenty-five miles to a plantation called Lewis’s,
which is located on the spot, upon which, in the last war, Fort
Bainbridge stood. The road ran through a very hilly country. At first
the soil was sandy and poor, it bore nothing but pine trees. After we
had passed over half the distance, the soil improved, it looked
reddish-yellow, and the apparently everlasting pines gave place to
handsome oaks and lofty hickories. On the other hand the carriage road
became very bad, and in a narrow place we upset. The carriage fell
slowly towards my side, I took the right moment, sprung from the
box on which I sat, and fell upon my
feet. This was the eighth time I had been overturned, and never did I
escape so cheap as on this occasion. As none of the other gentlemen were
injured, we could happily laugh at our accident. The carriage was
somewhat damaged, and since we were only four miles distant from
Lewis’s, and had very fine weather, a true spring day, with clear
dark-blue sky, we went the rest of the way on foot.
We passed several wigwams and temporary Indian huts, in which the men
lived with the hogs, and lay around the fire with them. A hut of
this description is open in front, behind it is closed with pieces of
wood and bark. The residents live on roasted venison and Indian corn.
The hides of the deer, and even of cattle, they stretch out to dry in
the sun, and then sell them. At one hut, covered with cane leaves, there
was venison roasting, and bacon smoking. The venison is cut in pieces,
and spitted on a cane stalk, many such stalks lie upon two blocks near
each other. Under these the fire is kindled, and the stalk continually
turned round, till the flesh is dried through. Upon this is laid a
hurdle made of cane which rests on four posts. To this are all the large
pieces suspended. The hams of bacon are laid upon the hurdle so that the
smoke may draw through them.
The grass in many parts of the woods was in a blaze, and many pine
trees were burning. We crossed two small streams, the Great and Little
Uchee, on tolerable wooden bridges. Between three and four o’clock in
the afternoon we reached Lewis’s, a handsome house, the best that
we had found in the Indian territory. We took here an excellent dinner.
We ate daily of the best of venison. In Fort Mitchel we had eaten
partridges, of which the officers in one day took fifty-seven in the
morning, and forty-six in the evening, in their nets. For the
singularity of the thing, I will notice our dinner of to-day, that
the inquisitive reader may observe that one is in no danger of hunger on
the lands of the Indians: soup of turnips, roast-beef,
a roast-turkey, venison with a kind of sour sauce, roast-chickens,
and pork with sweet potatoes.
On the 2d of January we rode thirty-one miles to Walker’s, also a
solitary plantation. The country hilly, the road bad to such a degree
that we could only creep along in the most tedious manner, and were
obliged to proceed on foot very often. The wood on the other hand grew
better and better, and consisted, besides the pines, of handsome oaks,
and various sorts of nut-bearing trees, mostly hickories: the soil, for
the most part, of a reddish yellow. In several marshy places, and on the
banks of rivulets, we saw again the evergreen trees and bushes, and in a
swamp nearly a mile long, through which a causeway ran, some magnolia
grandiflora which were at least sixty feet high. I also
saw here again several trees, which first forming one trunk, four or
five feet above the ground, divided themselves into two trunks, and then
shot up into the air one hundred feet. In the north-western part of the
state of New York, I have seen trees which ran up in five, six, and
even seven trunks. Over a stream with marshy banks, a bridge was
thrown, three hundred and eleven paces long: the view which I took from
this bridge of the luxuriant exotic vegetation which surrounded me,
exhibited, as I thought, the original of the sketches of the Brazilian
forests in the travels of the Prince Nieuwied. The beautiful day, the
cloudless dark-blue sky, also introduced by him, were recalled to me by
this picture. But when I observed upon the trees the hateful Spanish
moss, I was reminded that I was in the neighbourhood of Columbia
and Charleston, and that it was a token of unwholesome air. In the
swamps I noticed several plants which were known to me from hot-house
cultivation, but unfortunately I cannot recall their names.
The country is comparatively populously inhabited by Indians. They
live partly in wigwams, partly in bark cabins. Before one of these huts,
or cabins, hung a skinned otter, upon which they seemed preparing to
make a meal. The Indians roast their maize on the naked coals, then they
throw it into a cavity made in a trunk of a tree, and pound it with a
stick of wood into a sort of coarse meal. I bought a species of
nuts, which were roasted, ground-nuts, and amused myself with the
propensity to thievery a young Indian displayed. As I was putting the
nuts in my pocket, one or more would drop, instantly the young fellow
would step forward, as if by accident, set his foot on the nut, take it
between his toes, and move off. We passed through a tolerably cleared,
fenced, and built district, in which several negro quarters of a decent
appearance were scattered about. This plantation belonged to a chief,
one of the principal of the Creeks, called the Big Warrior, who owns
above three hundred negroes, whose wooden dwelling-house stands in the
centre of his property. He is now at Washington, as one of the deputies
of his nation. We came over another cleared spot, where the Indians were
routed in the last war by the Georgia militia under General Floyd.
Not far from this place, we noticed a number of Indians collected in
the neighbourhood of a plantation. We left our carriage to inquire into
the cause of it. There had been a horse race of middling unsightly
horses: the festival was, however, ended, and the meeting was on the
point of breaking up. A white planter who was there, conducted us
to the son of the Big Warrior. He was himself a chief, and possessed a
high reputation, as was said amongst those of the nation. He sat upon a
felled tree between two inferior chiefs. His dress was a tunic of
clear blue calico, a piece of the same stuff was wrapped round his
head like a turban. He wore richly ornamented leather leggings set with
glass beads, and mocassins, and had an equally ornamented hunting pouch
hung around him. Moderately fat, and of a great stature, he appeared to
be about thirty years old. He had mustaches like all his countrymen.
I was introduced to him, and shook hands with him. The conversation
was very trifling and short. It took place through an interpreter who
appeared to be a dismissed soldier. This creature caused the chief to
rise when we commenced speaking to him; when I begged him to remain
sitting, he reseated himself mechanically. He directed no questions to
me, and answered mine with yes and no. To the question, whether he knew
any thing of the country of which I was a native, he answered by a shake
of the head. He looked no more at me. Several Indians wore their hair in
a singular style; it was shorn on both sides of the head, and the
middle, from the neck over to the forehead, stood up like a cock’s comb.
Seen from behind, they appeared as if they wore a helmet. Quite small
boys practised themselves already in shooting with a little bow.
I attempted to joke with a little fellow, three years old, but he
took the jest in bad part, and threatened me with his bow.
After sunset, towards six o’clock in the evening, we reached
Walker’s, and found a good reception in a large log-house, each of us
had a separate chamber. The landlord was a captain of infantry in the
United States’ service formerly, and had, as our host of yesterday, an
Indian wife.
On the following day we rode to Montgomery, twenty-five miles
distant. The road was in the beginning bad, afterwards, however, really
good. We crossed a bridge over a stream one hundred paces long, and were
then obliged to toil over a long, wretched causeway. The vegetation was
again exceedingly luxuriant, it was remarkably beautiful on the banks of
Line Creek, a little river, which forms the boundary between the
Indian territory and the state of Alabama, eight miles from Walker’s.
Very lofty live oaks, and oaks of other descriptions, several magnolias,
and amongst them, a particularly handsome and lofty
As we entered upon the territory of Alabama, we soon observed that we
were upon a much better soil. It was darker, much wood was removed, and
signs of cultivation every where. Upon several plantations, the cotton
fields exhibited themselves in beautiful order; the log houses were only
employed as negro cabins; the mansion-houses, two stories high, are
for the most part painted white, and provided with piazzas and
balconies. At most of them the cotton gins and presses were at work. The
planters had not finished the whole of their crop, on account of
the unusual drought. The Alabama river was so low that the steam-boats
had not been able for several weeks to pass from Mobile to Montgomery.
This place had therefore, for a length of time, suffered for the want of
the most necessary supplies, which are drawn from Mobile; fifteen
dollars had been asked for one bushel of salt. We met several caravans
of emigrants from the eastern part of Georgia, who were on their way to
Butler county, Alabama, to settle themselves on land which they had
purchased very cheap from the United States. The number of their
negroes, wagons, horses, and cattle, showed that these emigrants were in
easy circumstances. On account of the bad road, we went at first a good
deal on foot; at one of the creeks, the carriage passed through the
ford, and we footmen crossed over on one of the simplest bridges in the
world, namely, a felled pine tree of great size. We arrived at
Montgomery about two o’clock. In the night it had frozen, but the day
had solaced us with the warmth of spring.
Montgomery lies on the Alabama river, a navigable stream, which rises
about two hundred and twenty miles above this place, and after it has
joined itself to the Tombigbee, empties into the Mexican gulf, below
Mobile. The town contains about one thousand two hundred inhabitants, of
both complexions. It has two streets, which are very broad, tolerably
good houses, one, not yet finished, of brick, which material is very bad
here. This place was first laid out about five years ago, and has
already a very lively appearance. On the bank of the river, they were
employed in loading two steam-boats with cotton bales, as, within a few
days, the river had risen five feet, and the navigation was once more
carried on with animation.
The journey by water from Montgomery to Mobile, is four hundred
miles, and as we intended to go this way, we took a look at the two
steam-boats lying here, the Steubenville and Hornet, bound for Mobile.
We chose the Steubenville, which gave out to start on the next day. The
construction of both these boats, and their arrangement, was far
inferior to that of the steam-boats in the north: every thing was
coarser, and displayed the difference between the civilization of the
two different sections of the union. This town is so new, that the
original forest still stands between the houses. In a street there was a
well digging; I discovered by this that the earth was exceedingly
well adapted to brick-making, and that an industrious man, who should
establish a kiln here, must make a handsome profit on the business. The
bricks which they sell here at ten dollars a thousand, are scandalous.
Of the inhabitants I heard nothing commendable: and how can this young
town, whose situation, at least in
summer, is unhealthy, have a fixed character; how can it attain a high
degree of cultivation? All come here for the purpose of amassing
property, or are driven here by the prostration of their fortunes, in
their old residence!

Journey from Montgomery, on the Alabama river, to
Mobile, and residence in that city.
The Steubenville, commanded by
Captain Grover, is of one hundred and seventy tons, and has a high
pressure machine, of fifty horse-power. Machines like these are very
dangerous, and therefore prohibited in the Netherlands. The machine of
the Steubenville was made in Pittsburg. The body of the boat is occupied
by the cargo, the cabins are upon deck. The dining-room had twelve
births; behind this is a gallery with some apartments; the last one was
hired by us. Before we sailed, two Indians came on board, who wondered
very much at my double barrelled gun, with percussion locks; they had
never seen such fire-arms before; I permitted them to discharge it,
and gave them some of the copper caps, at which present they testified
great delight.
We went down the river very swiftly, sixteen miles an hour. The banks
of the river near Montgomery are rather high, they consist of red earth,
with many spots of flint, and covered with willow-growth. We came only a
distance of eighteen miles, to a place called Washington, where the
Hornet lay, and where we also were stopped, to remain during the night
for the purpose of taking in wood and cotton. On account of the number
of sand banks, the navigation of the river must be dangerous; the
captain assured me that the experienced pilot then on board, had one
hundred dollars per month pay, so seldom are the officers of the boats
here, accustomed to the localities!
The next morning we moved on at break of day, with considerable
rapidity; but we soon stopped again, to take in some cotton bales, which
lay ready in a wood on the shore. We had above four hundred bales
already on board. The hold of the boat was full, the space between the
machine and the first cabin was filled, as well as the space about the
cabins, and the roof over them. There was no room left for exercise in
walking, and in the cabin it was very dark. The first delay lasted about
an hour; as soon as we were in motion again, we were obliged to stop for
several hours, as one of the two pipes fell, and drew the other with it.
The steward standing near, was wounded. We pursued our journey about
midday, and laid by again towards sunset to take in wood, and remain for
the night, as the water in the river had fallen, and the sand banks were
numerous in this vicinity.
We went on shore to look about, and found ourselves near to a
plantation with extensive cotton fields, a cotton gin, and a large
cotton press. There is a vast quantity of cotton seed left, more than is
required for the next year’s planting, and the overplus is used for
manure. I am well convinced, that with a small trouble and little
expense, a very good oil could be expressed from this seed. It was
thrown out in great heaps, which contained so much heat, that it was
impossible to keep my hand in it a moment. The breadth of the river is
here said to be three hundred yards, but I cannot believe it to be so
much. The right bank may be about sixty feet high, it rests partly on
sandstone, and consists of many layers of soil; the left bank is lower.
Both are grown up with wood, close to the water’s edge with willows, and
farther back with different sorts of trees; lofty oaks, live oaks, and
white oaks, which only flourish in the south, with plane trees,
hickories, and other nut-bearing trees, here and there with beech, ash,
and alder, and also with tall green cane. If it were not so warm and
unhealthy during the summer, a residence here would be delightful.
We saw upon the river many flocks of wild geese and ducks, and upon the
shore several buzzards. The river makes a number of turns, and contains
several islands; yet the most of them are merely sand banks. Upon them
lie fallen trees, of which passing vessels must take great care. On the
banks were canoes, which, in the Indian fashion, were hewed out of a
single tree.
On the 6th of January, the boat was under way before daybreak; she
stopt at Cahawba till ten o’clock, to take in wood. This place has its
name from a small river, which here flows into the Alabama. It lies upon
the right hand bank of the river, here rather high. It was founded about
five years ago, and it is already the capital of the state. With all
this advantage, it contains only three hundred inhabitants of all sorts,
and it is to be feared that its population will not increase, as the
present legislature of Alabama, has resolved to change the seat of
government to Tuscaloosa.
A fatiguing and bad road goes from the landing to this village. It
has two very broad streets, which cut each other at right angles. Only
four or five houses are of brick, the others all built of wood; they
stand at a distance from one another. In the
streets were erected two very plain triumphal arches, in honour of
General La Fayette. I was made acquainted with Colonel Pickens,
friend of Colonel Wool. He had formerly served in the army, was
afterwards governor of South Carolina, and now a planter in Alabama. He
carried us to the state-house, where the legislature was in session.II.1 He introduced me to Governor Murphy, in whose
office we passed half an hour, in conversing very pleasantly. The
governor gave me several details concerning the state. The greater part
of it had been bought from the Indians, and settled within ten years. It
was first received by congress as a state of the union in the year 1819.
All establishments within it, are of course very new. The staple
productions are Indian corn and cotton, which are shipped to Mobile, the
sea port of the state, and sold there. The bales of cotton average about
forty dollars. About forty miles hence, at the confluence of the Black
Warrior and the Tombigbee rivers, lies the town of Demopolis, formerly
called Eagleville. It was located by the French, who had come back from
the much promising Champ d’Asyle. This place attracted my curiosity in a
lively degree, and I would willingly have visited it. The governor and
the secretary of state, however, advised me strongly against this, as
there was nothing at all there worthy of observation. They related to me
what follows:
Alabama, as a territory, was under the especial superintendence of
congress. At that period a number of French arrived from the perishing
Champ d’Asyle to the United States. At the head of them were the
Generals Lefebvre-Desnouettes, Lallemand and Rigaud; congress allowed
these Frenchmen a large tract of land upon a very long credit, almost
for nothing, under the promise that they would endeavour to plant the
vine and olive tree. Both attempts miscarried, either through the
neglect of the French, or that the land was too rich for the vine and
the olive. Some of these Frenchmen devoted themselves to the more
profitable cultivation of cotton; the most of them, however, disposed of
the land allotted to them very advantageously, spread themselves through
the United States, and sought a livelihood in a variety of ways. Some
were dancing and fencing masters, some fancy shopkeepers, and others in
Mobile and New Orleans, even croupiers at the hazard tables, that are
there licensed. General Rigaud betook himself at the time of the Spanish
revolution to Spain, there to contend against France, and may now be
living in England; General Lefebvre-Desnouettes, also went
back to Europe, as it was said to obtain the money collected in France
for the colony, and to bring out settlers; he lost his life some years
ago in the shipwreck of the Albion packet, on the Irish coast. General
Lallemand resorted to New York, where he is doing well. The Frenchmen,
with some of whom I afterwards conversed in New Orleans, insisted that
they had received none of the money collected for them. Eagleville,
since called Demopolis, has only one store, and a few log houses. It
lies in a very level country, and at the most only five Frenchmen, whose
names I could not obtain, are living there now, the remaining
inhabitants are Americans.
After we had looked about the two streets of Cahawba, we embarked and
pursued our voyage. At our going on board, we remarked that Cahawba was
a depôt for cotton, which, partly in steam-boats, and partly in vessels
made of light wood, are transported down the river. These vessels have a
flat bottom, and are built in the form of a parallelogram. The part
under the water is pitched, and on the fore and back narrower ends, are
rudder oars, with which the boats are steered. The vessels are finished
in a very rough way; they are broken up in Mobile, and the timber sold.
They are known by the general title of flat boats.
Some miles below Cahawba we stopped on the right bank, near the
plantation of Mr. Rutherford. There were still fifteen bales of cotton
to be taken in. While this was doing, we went on shore to take a walk,
where the bank was tolerably high. Mr. Rutherford’s plantation has been
about six years in cultivation. The mansion-house is of wood, and built
as other log houses, but it is handsomely situated among live oaks and
pride of China trees. The entrance is shaded by a rose-tree. Around were
handsome, high and uncommonly thick sycamores, whose trunks appeared
white, elms, gum trees, and the above named (live oaks and Chinas) many
from a single trunk, also cane, that was at least twenty feet high. The
situation of the plantation was unhealthy, and Mr. R. a Georgian by
birth, told us that he carried his family for the sake of health to the
north every summer. We saw here several hundred paroquets flying round,
who kept up a great screaming. Many were shot. They are parrots, but of
a larger species than the common kind, clear green with yellow tips to
their wings, and orange-coloured heads, flesh-coloured bills, and long
green tails. We had before seen on the bank several astonishingly
numerous flocks of black birds. The banks of the river are here and
there one hundred feet high, they are composed of steep sandstone rock,
from which springs flow.
By the accession of the new load of cotton bales, our vessel became
too heavily laden. She acquired a balancing motion,
like a ship at sea. This was exceedingly embarrassing in the numerous
bends of the river, and to avoid the danger of falling back, it was
necessary to stop the machinery at every turn. The fine dry weather
which pleased us so much, was the cause of the great fall in the water
of the river. The change from high to low water was very rapid. In the
spring, as I was assured, the river rose sixty feet and more, and
inundated the high land near it. I could not doubt the fact; for I
saw upon the rocky banks the traces of the high water. About dark we
laid by on the right shore to take in wood. We remained here for the
night, and I had in a wretched lair an equally wretched repose.II.2
On the 7th of January, at six in the morning, our vessel was once
more in motion; soon, however, she stuck fast upon the sand. It required
much trouble to bring her off, and turn her round; the task occupied an
hour and a half. It was shortly before daybreak, and we were all in bed,
if such miserable cribs deserved the name. It had various effects upon
our travelling companions. Mr. Huygens rose in consternation from his
bed, and made a great disturbance. Mr. Bowdoin called to his servant,
and directed him to inquire what had happened. He was very uneasy when
we told him that we might lie several days, perhaps weeks here, to wait for rain, and
the consequent rise of the river. The colonel and I, who had acquired by
our long experience, a tolerable portion of recklessness, remained
in our cots, and left the matter to Providence, as we perceived that the
captain would rather disembark his cotton, which consumed nothing, than
to support much longer a number of passengers, all with good appetites,
who had agreed for their voyage at a certain price. When we were again
afloat, Mr. Bowdoin remarked with a face of great wisdom, that he had
foreseen that we should not long remain aground, as he had not felt the
stroke of the boat on the sand-bar.
We passed the whole day without any further accident, the weather was
rather dull and drizzling. Nothing interesting occurred to our
observation. We passed by two steam-boats that had been sunk in the
river, of which the last, called the Cotton Plant, went down only a
month since. Both struck against trees in the river, and sank so slowly,
that all the passengers, and part of the cargo were saved. They were so
deep that only the wheel-houses raised themselves above the water. From
these boats already a part of the machinery has been taken out
In the afternoon we passed a little place called Claiborne, situated
on an eminence on the left bank of the river. Three miles below, we
stopped about sunset, on the right bank for wood. The name of the place
is Wiggins’s Landing. It consists of two log-houses standing upon a
height, among old tall thin oak trees, which was settled by a Mr.
Wiggins, with his wife and children, a short time before. The
houses had a very picturesque appearance, and I was sorry that I could
not take a sketch of them. Mr. W. proposed to cut down the wood for the
purpose of raising cotton there. It was a pity to do so with this
handsome grove, handsome, although injured in its appearance by the
Spanish moss which hangs from the trees. Monsieur Chateaubriand compares
the trees enveloped in this moss to apparitions; in the opinion of
Brackenridge, they resemble ships under full sail, with which the air
plays in a calm at sea. I, who never beheld ghosts, nor possessed Mons.
Chateaubriand’s powers of imagination, though I had seen sails tossing
in the wind, compared these trees in my prosaic mood, to tenter-hooks,
on which beggars dry their ragged apparel before some great
We were in hopes, that we should have made more progress during the
night, but the captain had become so prudent, and almost anxious, from
the sight of the two sunken steam-boats, that he determined to spend the
night at Wiggins’s Landing. Formerly, near Claiborne, there was a
stockade, called Fort Claiborne, where an affair took place with the
Indians in the last war. This place is named in honour of the deceased
Mr. Claiborne, governor of the former Mississippi Territory, of which
the present state of Alabama formed a part, who died about eight years
ago, governor of the state of Louisiana, in New Orleans. He had taken
possession of Louisiana, in the name of the United States, which the
then existing French Government had sold to them. Mr. Claiborne was a
particular favourite and countryman of President Jefferson. He had by
his voice decided the presidential election in favour of Jefferson,
against his antagonist, Aaron Burr, for which Jefferson was gratefully
mindful during his whole life.
On the 8th of January, we left our anchoring ground between six and
seven o’clock. The shores, which at first were pretty high, became by
degrees lower, they remained, however, woody, mostly of oak wood in
appearance, hung with long moss. Under the trees, grew very thick, and
uncommonly handsome cane, above twenty feet high. At the rise of the
river, these shores, often covered with water, are on this account
little inhabited. Taking it for granted that the population of Alabama
increases in numbers, and the higher land becomes healthier from
extirpation of the forest, without doubt dykes will be made on these
lower banks, to guard the land from inundation, and
make it susceptible of culture. Here and there rose sand banks out of
the water, and also several snags. We passed the place where the year
before, a steam-boat, the Henry Clay, was sunk; since which time,
however, she has been set afloat again. It is not very consolatory to
the traveller, to behold places and remains of such occurrences,
particularly when they find themselves on board such a miserable vessel
as ours. Several steam-boats, which at present navigate the Alabama,
formerly ran on the Mississippi, as this one did; they were judged too
bad for that river, and were, therefore, brought into this trade, by
which their possessors realized much money. We saw to-day many wild
ducks and geese, on the shores also, numbers of paroquets, which make a
great noise; in the river there were alligators, which are smaller than
the Egyptian crocodile. One of these creatures was lying on the shore of
the bank, and was sunning itself, yet too far from us, and our boat went
too fast, to permit of my seeing it distinctly, or of shooting at it. In
the afternoon we saw several small rivers, which flowed into the
Alabama, or ran out of it, forming stagnant arms, which are here called
bayous. The river itself takes extraordinary turns, and shapes out a
variety of islands. We afterwards reached the confluence of the rivers
Alabama and Tombigbee, where there is an island, and the country appears
extremely well. Both rivers united, take the name of Mobile river.
About three miles below this junction, several wooden houses formed a
group on the right bank. Formerly, there was a stockade here, Fort
Stoddart, from which this collection of houses has its name. Here is the
line which forms the thirty-first degree of latitude, once the boundary
between the United States and the Spanish possessions. The Mobile river
still increased in breadth, and as the night commenced, seemed about
half a mile wide. The weather was very dark and cloudy, the pilot could
not distinguish his course, and although we approached close to the
city, we could proceed no farther, without exposing ourselves to
Early on the 9th of January it was extremely foggy. On this account a
boat was sent out to reconnoitre. The fog after some time cleared away a
little, and we found ourselves so near the wharves that we immediately
touched one of the piers, and landed about half past eight. We had
travelled four hundred and fifty miles from Montgomery. The journey by
land amounts only to two hundred and fifty-eight miles, and yet is
seldom performed, on account of the want of good roads and
accommodation. Being arrived at Mobile and extremely glad at having left
our wretched steam-boat, in which we had enjoyed no comfort, we took up
our residence in Smooth’s Hotel, a
wooden building, the bar-room of which is at the same time the
post-office, and therefore somewhat lively.
Mobile, an ancient Spanish town, yet still earlier occupied by the
French, was ceded with Louisiana, in 1803, to the United States. The few
respectable creole families, who had formerly dwelt here, left the place
at the cession, and withdrew to the island of Cuba, and none but those
of the lower classes remained behind. A new population was formed
of the North Americans, who came here to make money. From this cause,
the French as well as the Spanish language remains only among the lower
classes; the better society is thoroughly American. Mobile contains five
thousand inhabitants, of both complexions, of which about one thousand
may be blacks. The town lies on the right bank of the Florida river,
where it is divided into several arms, and has formed Mobile bay, which,
thirty miles below, joins the Mexican gulf. It is regularly built, the
streets are at right angles, part of them parallel with the river, the
rest perpendicular to it. Along the shore is a wooden quay, and wooden
piers or landing bridges project into the water, for the convenience of
vessels. There are lying here about thirty ships, of which several are
of four hundred tons, to be loaded with cotton. The most of them are
from New York. When the ebb tide draws off the water, a quantity of
filth remains uncovered on the shore, and poisons the atmosphere. This
circumstance may contribute its agency to the unhealthiness of the place
in summer. The shore opposite the harbour is marshy and full of cane.
The town lies upon a poor sandy soil; the streets are not paved, and
unpleasant from the depth of the sand. On both sides of the streets
there are paths made of strong plank, which divide the walk from the
cartway of the street, which will be converted into pavements when brick
or stone shall have become cheaper.
The generality of the houses are of wood, covered with shingles, and
have piazzas. Some new houses only, are built of brick. This article
must be imported, and is not to be procured in large quantities of any
quality. As an example of this, I saw a house finished, of which
the two first stories were of red brick, and the third of yellow. There
are also here some Spanish houses which consist of timber frames, of
which the open spaces are filled up with beaten clay, like those of the
German peasantry. Besides several private houses, most of the public
buildings are of brick. These are, a theatre, which, besides the
pit, has a row of boxes and a gallery, the bank, the court of the United
States, the county court-house, the building of which was in progress,
and the prison. Near this prison stood the public whipping post for
negroes. It was constructed like a sash frame. The lower board on which
the feet of the unfortunate
being were to stand, could be pushed up or down, to accommodate the
height of the individual. Upon it is a block, through which the legs are
passed. The neck and arms are passed through another.
The Catholic church here is in a very miserable situation. I went
into it, just at the time the church seats were publicly rented for the
year to the highest bidders; two in my presence were disposed of for
nineteen dollars a piece. The church within resembles a barn, it had a
high altar with vessels of tin, and a picture of no value, also two
little side altars.
A large cotton warehouse, of all the buildings in Mobile, most
excited my attention. This consists of a square yard, surrounded on
three sides by massive arcades, where the cotton bales coming from the
country are brought in, and preparatory to their shipment are again
pressed, that they may occupy as little room as possible in the vessel.
The bales were arranged on a layer of thick plank, between which there
is room allowed to pass the ropes through. Above the bales, which are
placed between four strong iron vices, is a cover, in which there is
room left for the ropes as below. These covers have four apertures, with
female screws, through which the vices pass. On every screw there is a
face wheel. All these four face wheels are driven by a crown wheel,
which is put in motion by a horse. The covers are thus screwed down on
the bales, and their bulk reduced one-third. During the pressure, the
negro labourers have drawn the ropes through the groves between the
planks and fastened the bales with little difficulty. This warehouse or
magazine has two such presses. It occupies three sides of the yard, the
fourth contains a handsome dwelling house. The whole is built of brick,
and has an iron verandah. It belongs to speculators in New Orleans, and
is known by the name of the “fire proof magazine,” although the interior
is of wood.
The weather was very fine, and as warm as we have it in summer:
I felt it very much in walking, and most of the doors and windows
in the houses stood open. On this account I seated myself in the piazza
before the house. A number of Choctaw Indians, who led a wandering
life in the woods around the town, went about the streets selling wood,
which they carried in small billets, bound on their backs. They are of a
darker colour, and, if possible, still dirtier than the Creeks, they
wrap themselves also in blankets, and most of them wore round hats
trimmed with tin rings and pieces of tin. I walked through the
streets of the place, which contains several large stores, to all
appearance well stocked. In these excursions I found an old Brunswicker,
named Thomas, who kept a grog-shop here, and who showed me a young
alligator, an ugly animal, at most three months old. It was
about eight inches long, and was preserved in a tub of water, in which
it was daily supplied with fresh grass. When it was taken out of the
water and placed on the sand, it ran about with much alacrity. Its head
was disproportionately large, and it had already double rows of sharp
In the afternoon we saw a volunteer company, of about twenty and
upwards strong, pretty well equipped, turn out to celebrate the
anniversary of the battle of New Orleans, the eighth of January, 1815.
On the preceding day, being Sunday, this festival was not commemorated.
They had erected a platform on an open spot of ground, and brought there
three old iron pieces, with which a national salute of twenty-four guns
was fired. Colonel Wool had many acquaintances and countrymen here, from
the north, to whom he introduced me. Conversation, therefore, did not
fail us, though many comforts of life are withheld for a period. Thus,
for example, I was deprived of milk so long as I was in the Indian
territory, as the cattle were driven into the woods during the winter,
to support themselves.
I made an attempt to pass round the town, but was prevented on one
side by woods, and on the other, by ditches and marshes, so that I found
myself limited in my promenade to the streets. These, however,
I measured to my heart’s content. There was nothing new to me but
some fruit shops, in which were excellent oranges from Cuba, at six
cents a piece, large pine apples, much larger than the finest I had seen
in England, also from Cuba, at forty-two and three-quarter cents a
piece, thus much dearer than in Charleston, where they cost but twelve
and a half cents a piece, besides bananas and cocoa nuts in

Travels to Pensacola.
Colonel Wool was obliged to go to
Pensacola, in pursuance of his duty of inspection. I determined to
accompany him with Mr. Huygens, as Pensacola was interesting to me as a
military man. Mr. Bowdoin felt himself unwell, and was tired of
travelling. He remained, therefore, in Mobile, with the intention of
going to New Orleans by the first opportunity.
On the 10th of January, we left Mobile in the steam-boat Emeline.
This vessel goes daily from Blakely, which lies on the left shore of the
bay, to Mobile, and back again. The
distance amounts, in a straight line, to about twelve miles; some marshy
islands covered with cane and shallows, lengthen the passage to fourteen
miles. The Emeline, Captain Fowler, is the smallest steam-boat that I
ever saw. She is only of thirty-two tons burthen, is built of planks,
which are laid over each other without ribs, like a skiff, and the
engine, a low pressure, has only eight horse-power. The boat
belongs to the captain, and, with its engine, was constructed in New
York. When it left that city to sail for Mobile, no insurance company
would undertake to underwrite it, and Mr. Fowler was compelled to come
on his individual risk. His capital embarked in it, will, nevertheless,
produce a very good profit. Yet the smallest steam-boats which navigate
the Florida and Alabama rivers, are insured. Some are too old and rotten
for any company to insure, especially as the navigation on these rivers
is so dangerous, that the few good vessels must give one per cent.
monthly, as a premium.
From the water side, Mobile, with its ships in harbour, has a pretty
appearance. We had also a handsome view of Mobile Bay, in which we
counted nine ships of various sizes stretching in. A number of wild
ducks flew about among the islands. In two hours we crossed the bay, and
landed at five o’clock in the evening at Blakely.
This place has a very good situation, on rather an elevated bank, in
a grove nearly composed of live oaks, of which some are full twenty feet
in circumference. A bushy kind of palm tree grows here which is
called Spanish bayonet, which appears to partake of the nature of the
macaw trees. Blakely was founded in the year 1816, by a Mr. Blakely,
dead about five years since, and then sold to various speculators. This
place was established to injure Mobile, and to draw the commerce of that
place away from it. The design has, however, failed of success. Mobile
is superior in capital, and Blakely has injured itself alone. Upon the
shore stand two large wooden buildings in ruins, the smallest part of
them only is rented, and used as stores. On the eminence behind these
buildings are placed about twenty wooden houses, of which the largest is
the only tavern, and it is really a respectable one. We took our lodging
there. The houses are very neatly built, with projecting roofs and
piazzas, and surrounded with gardens. Some, however, are deserted, and
exhibit the decay of the place. A large wooden edifice two stories
high, provided with a cupola, was originally intended for an academy;
from the want of scholars, this academy has never been in operation, the
building therefore is used as a place of worship, and as a court-house.
The number of inhabitants cannot exceed two hundred.
During our ramble it had become dark; the moon was in her first
quarter. The air was as warm as in a fine May evening in Germany. All
was pleasant and cheerful, and only our recollection that this handsome
country was poisonous in summer, produced a discord with the scene. In
the evening I sat and wrote in one of the rooms of the tavern with open
doors and windows, and heard the sparrow chirp as if it were summer.
I had noticed very few sweet orange trees in this part of the
country, and the few which I saw were small and young. As I manifested
my surprise, the reason was given, that the numerous orange trees which
formerly were here, had been all killed in the winter of 1821-22, by a
four day’s frost.
Before we commenced our journey the next morning, I found in the
earth several pieces of petrified live oak. The mineral riches of this
district are not yet explored. I imagine, that a mineralogist, who
should here prosecute his researches, might reap a rich harvest.
We hired a two-horse barouche, which was to carry us to Pensacola,
sixty-five miles distant from Blakely. In this, we departed about ten
o’clock in the morning, well stocked with plenty of provision, which, in
this country, so destitute of inns, was considered as a necessary
supply. Close to Blakely we ascended a hill, which afforded us a very
beautiful view of the town, the bay of Mobile, and of a valley watered
by a stream, with the richest prospect of vegetation I ever beheld. The
grove before us was full of magnolias of all sizes, of laurels, and an
evergreen bush that was called the water oak; and among them all, the
most splendid live oaks. Unfortunately this lovely country did not reach
very far. Scarcely a short mile from Blakely, the good soil ceased, and
the wearisome sand and long-leaved pines began once more. We advanced
but thirty miles during the day; a delicious warm state of the
weather, however, cheered us. At first we found several plantations
which the inhabitants of Blakely, in somewhat easy circumstances,
resorted to during the summer, when the yellow fever occupied that
place. On some of these plantations, the dry rice, (so called from
the fields which produce it lying so high that they cannot be
overflowed,) is cultivated. This rice is little inferior to the swamp
rice of South Carolina, and will yield fifty bushels to the acre.
I regaled myself with the melody of several birds, of which most
were robins, birds of passage, which live through the winter in these
southern countries, and in the spring, approach the north, there to
announce it. I saw also several cranes. To complete the illusion,
that it was summer, a number of frogs lent their aid, and croaked
loudly from the marshes.
We halted at noon, in a shady place, near a clear brook, and
dispatched a part of our provisions, seated on a dry green turf. For the
first time in my life, a shade in January was a desirable object.
The night overtook us before we reached our lodgings for the night,
which we intended to take up at a place called Belle Fontaine. The road
was hardly discernible, for it was so little travelled, that grass grew
in the tracks, and the stumps of trees were as difficult to avoid, as
they were frequent. We risked oversetting more than once. To avoid such
an accident, we determined to proceed on foot. We took in this way,
a walk of at least six miles, in an unbroken pine forest, inhabited
by bears, wolves, and even panthers. At first we had the light of the
moon; about nine o’clock it went down, and we had considerable
difficulty to keep the road. As the dwellings were scattering from each
other, we imitated the barking of dogs, to give them an opportunity to
answer in the same language. This succeeded; we heard dogs bark, moved
in the direction whence the sound came, and reached about ten o’clock,
the desired Belle Fontaine, a log house with two rooms, or cabins,
and a cleared opening before it. A man of rather unpromising
appearance, the landlord, Mr. Pollard, admitted us, and took charge of
our horses. His wife, a pale, sickly looking being, who hardly
returned an answer to our questions, was obliged to rise from her bed,
to prepare us a supper and sleeping-room. The whole establishment had at
first, the look of a harbour for robbers, but there was well roasted
venison prepared for us, on a neat table, and tolerable coffee, for
which we had, luckily, brought sugar along with us. It was really
comfortable, though our chamber remained open the whole night, as there
was no door, and only two beds were furnished.
The 12th of January we left our quarters at seven in the morning, and
travelled thirty-two miles to Pensacola. Twelve miles from Belle
Fontaine brought us to a stand at the Perdido, where we breakfasted at a
plantation, situated on the right bank of the river. This stream forms
the boundary between Alabama and the territory of Florida, which does
not yet contain inhabitants sufficient to entitle it to a reception
among the states of the Union. The river is small, its banks sandy, and
we crossed it in a poor ferry-boat. On the banks, as generally through
the whole of that district, I saw many bushy palms, here called
palmattoes. The soil on the whole, was as bad as that we saw yesterday,
the growth was pine; there is fresh vegetation only about the springs.
The air grew still warmer, we saw a few butterflies. As we approached
Pensacola, the pines ceased, and we moved through dwarf oaks. The soil
was a deep sand; we passed by a marsh full of water oaks.
Pensacola, which we reached about five o’clock, lies upon a bay of
the ocean. It is an ancient Spanish town, and was surrendered by Spain
with all Florida, to the United States in 1821. It contains about one
thousand inhabitants. We lodged ourselves in Collins’s Hotel, and went,
immediately on our arrival, to walk about the town. It is the most
miserable place that I have beheld since I crossed the Atlantic. Such
Spaniards as possessed any property have left this place, when it was
ceded to the United States, and have moved off either to New Orleans, or
the island of Cuba. Only the poorest of them have remained. Since that
time, the Americans settled here, have, as at Mobile, created a new
population. The deepest sand covers the unpaved streets, which are
broad, and regularly laid out. Only a few new houses are of brick, they
are mostly of wood, and stand at a considerable distance from each
other. There is not a single ship in the port. A new market-house
of brick is building upon the shore, and not far from it stands the
wooden catholic church, the outside of which appears in a forlorn
condition. Near the church are the ruins of an old English barrack,
which was burnt about four years ago; its two wings were covered by two
block houses of logs, which are standing, one of which serves for a
custom-house. About the town several block houses have stood, which
formerly afforded a good protection against the Seminole Indians, the
original inhabitants of this section of country.
In the evening of this day, and on the next morning we received
visits from several officers, from Colonel Clinch, commandant of the 4th
regiment of infantry, who was posted here with Major Wright and others.
Captain Campbell of the Marine Corps, who had the command of the new
navy-yard, that was to be established here: some supplies had arrived,
and were put in store at Fort Barrancas. As we wished to see this fort,
the gentlemen were so polite as to accommodate us with their boats.
I went with Colonel Wool in Captain Campbell’s boat. We had a
favourable wind, and spreading two sails we reached fort Barrancas, nine
miles by sea from Pensacola, in an hour. On the way we saw a flock of
sixteen pelicans. On account of the point of land stretching into the
bay, we had to make a circuit; it was called Tartar point, and the new
navy-yard is to be upon it. It is thought that it will be commenced in
two months. The country about Pensacola and the shores of the bay are
the most disagreeable that can be conceived of; nothing but sand heaps
dazzling-white like snow. In the bay lies a level island, St. Rosa, with
a growth of dwarf oaks. On it had been erected a fort, which was blown
up by the English, when they occupied Pensacola in the year 1814, to
support the Creek Indians then at war with the United States, and were
compelled to evacuate it
by General Jackson. The English blew up also a part of Fort Barrancas at
the same time, but the Spaniards have reinstated it, although on a
smaller scale; thus it remains at present.
The cannon are of brass, English and Spanish. Among the latter I
observed two very fine twenty-four pounders, cast in Seville. Nothing
can be more unhandy than the Spanish gun-carriages, they have wheels,
which at the outside measure four feet in diameter.
In the gorge of the works, there is a large bomb-proof casemate, and
in the yard a furnace for red-hot shot. The whole of the work is built
of sand, therefore the wall outside, and the parapet inside, are covered
with upright planks, and the cheeks of the embrazures in the same
manner. The Spanish cannon, also mounted on the clumsiest carriages, are
placed in battery. The fort was temporarily given up to the marines, who
employed the casemates and block houses for magazines, till the
requisite preparations could be made in the navy-yard. At that period,
the fort will be dismantled, and in its place a respectable fortress
will be erected to defend this important point.
It is of the highest consequence to the United States, to have an
extensive maritime and military position on the Mexican gulf, on account
of the increasing power of the new South American Republics.
Nevertheless, Pensacola can only be of secondary ability to fill such a
station, since the sand bank lying in the mouth of the bay, has only
twenty-two feet upon it at high water; and necessarily, is too shallow
for ships of the line, or even American frigates of the first class.
Besides, upon the whole coast of the Gulf of Mexico, there is but one
single bay, (and this is situated southward of La Vera Cruz,) in which
armed ships of the line can pass in and out. The pieces of ordnance
placed upon the walls, as well as some forty lying upon the beach, half
covered with sand, of old Spanish and English cannon, are, as is said,
perfectly unserviceable.
Outside of the fort, about two hundred paces distant from it, along
the sea-coast, stands a light house built of brick, about eighty feet
high, in which twenty lamps in divisions of five, constantly turn upon
an axis in a horizontal movement during the night. They are set in
motion by clock-work, and were prepared in Roxbury, near Boston.
I saw the model in the patent office at Washington. The lamps are
all furnished with plated reflectors, and are fed with spermaceti oil.
The land about the fort is for the most part sandy, and produces only
pines naturally, these however have been rooted out, and dwarf oaks and
palmettoes have since sprouted out.
I have mentioned General Jackson above, and surmised that he had
driven the English out of Pensacola. I add to this
remark the following: the Seminoles, as it is asserted, manifestly
stirred up by the English, without the least provocation, commenced a
war against the United States, in the year 1818. General Jackson
defeated them, and directed the two Englishmen, Arbuthnot and Ambrister,
who had sold weapons and ammunition to the Indians, as well as
stimulated them to war against the United States, to be hanged. After
this, he attacked Pensacola and the Barrancas, where the Indians were
sheltered and protected by the Spanish authorities. The town of
Pensacola was poorly fortified and soon mastered. General Jackson then
opened a cannonade of two pieces of artillery on Fort Barrancas. The
Spanish governor hid himself under the steps of the coast battery, and
surrendered the fort, since by the agreeing statement of two captains,
the garrison refused to fight, (consisting of three companies of the
Spanish regiment of Louisiana,) because they had not received their pay for
some time. “Audacibus fortuna juvat!”
On the 14th of January I took a walk in front of the town to view the
former fortifications of this place. These works owe their foundation to
the English. England, indeed avowedly possessed this country, West
Florida, from 1763 to 1783; at the treaty of Versailles, it was fully
given up to Spain, after it had been conquered by Don Galvez, then
governor of Louisiana, who afterwards was Viceroy of Mexico. The best
defence of Pensacola consists in the marshes which surround it. Beyond
the marshes lie undistinguishable sand hillocks, which were occupied by
forts. A thousand paces in front of the town, to the left of the
road leading to Mobile, lies a fort.
The form of this fort, I made out from the remains grown over with
bushes. Behind it was open, and there are still the ruins of a
bomb-proof powder magazine, built of brick, which the English blew up in
1814. It appeared partly covered with timber. A thousand paces
farther to the left, are the ruins of another somewhat larger fort, upon
another small eminence so disposed as to command the interior of the
first. It appears to have been calculated for from four to five hundred
men, while the first could only shelter two hundred. The ramparts of
both are composed merely of sand, and the high bushes of various
species, which flourish to a remarkable degree on the ruins, exhibit the
productive force of the climate. The soil around the forts, also
consisting of sand only, yields palmettoes and dwarf oaks. I had
remarked the same soil upon the land side of Fort Barrancas, and besides
cactus, some of which grew in a screw-like form through the bricks, many
of them in the driest sand. In 1782, a handful of Waldeckers, then
in English pay, defended these works against fifteen thousand Spaniards,
and in the absence of an English
engineer, the captain there, and the present Lieutenant-General
Heldring, of the Netherlands, discharged that duty.
Colonel Walton, secretary of state of Florida, who had just returned
in a vessel from Talahasse, told me so much of the beautiful situation,
and delicious country about that town, only laid out within a year, as
well as of the interior of Florida, with its rising and falling springs
and lakes, the discharge of which no one was acquainted with, that I was
sorry I could not visit that place, to which the fourth regiment had
marked out a road. Thirty miles from Talahasse, Prince Achille Murat, in
company with the former colonel, now Mr. Gadsden, purchased much land,
on which he will cultivate maize, cotton and sugar. M. Murat must
be a young man of great spirit. It is, however, charged against him,
that he has addicted himself to a low familiar behaviour, in which he
appears to wish to excel; that he chews tobacco constantly, &c.
I paid a visit to the catholic clergyman of this place, Abbé
Mainhout, a native of Waerschot, in East Flanders. The Abbé came in
1817, with the bishop of Louisiana, Mr. Dubourg, as a missionary to the
United States. This excellent man does very little credit to the
climate, he is now just recovering from a severe fit of sickness. He is
universally esteemed and loved on account of his exemplary conduct and
learning: and as he is the only clergyman in the place, the inhabitants
of whatever persuasion they may be, resort to his church. He was pleased
with my visit, particularly, as I brought him news from his native
Colonel Clinch sent us his carriage, to carry us to the quarters,
where Colonel Wool was to hold his inspection. Since the English
barracks have been burnt, the troops have been stationed out of town in
preference, from apprehension of the yellow fever. There is a large
wooden barracks built in a healthy situation, on an eminence two miles
from town on the road to the Barrancas, for the troops. These barracks
in the phrase of this service are called cantonments, this one, after
the colonel, is named cantonment Clinch. It consists of ten log-houses
built in a row, under one roof. Each house is for a company, and
contains two rooms. Before this long range of barracks, is a large
parade, with a flag staff. Opposite to this are the officers quarters.
The officers of each company have a house, which stands opposite to the
barrack of their own soldiers. Behind the long building for the men, is
the range of kitchens; behind this is the guard house and prisoners
room, and still farther back in the woods, the etcetera. On the right
wing is the colonel’s house, placed in a garden surrounded by a
palisade. The house is built
of wood, two stories high, and furnished with a piazza below, and a
gallery above. Upon the left wing, stands a similar building appointed
for the residence of the lieutenant colonel and major; at present,
however, arranged as an hospital, as the first officer commands in Tampa
Bay, and the major in Fort Mitchel. The cantonment has its front towards
the bay; at the foot of the eminence on which it stands, is a bayou, and
the appearance is really handsome. The colonel has only two officers and
about twenty men, with the regimental surgeon, so that the inspection
was soon completed.
After dinner we returned to the town, and passed the evening in a
very pleasant party at Mr. Walton’s, which was given from politeness to
me. I found here several Creole ladies of the place, who spoke bad
French, but looked very well, and were dressed with taste. Conversation
was our only amusement, but this was animated and well supported.
On the 15th of January we left Pensacola, at eight o’clock in the
morning, to return to Mobile by the same way we came. We encountered a
skunk, something larger than a cat, with a thick, hairy, and erect tail.
This creature cannot run with agility, and we could easily have caught
it. We, however, suffered it to go quietly to its hole, as it scatters
its effluvium when disturbed, and if the least piece of clothing be
touched by it, it must be thrown away entirely, as there is no method of
freeing it from the detestable smell. If a dog is sprinkled by it he
become almost sick, whines, and throws himself about for some time on
the earth. We passed also two wolf-traps, resembling our rat-traps, but
of course constructed on a larger scale.
We made a short stay at the house on Perdido river. We met with a
planter from the banks of the Alabama, who had come here to take back
one of his negroes, whom he had hired before to the mistress of this
house and ferry. He had treated the poor creature with such barbarity,
that the negro not far from the house had threatened him with the knife,
and had ran back. The man had put us across the river, but as soon as he
saw his master, he ran away quickly, and was no more to be seen. The
gentleman asked us to assist him in arresting and detaining his negro,
but we unanimously rejected his proposal with disgust. Some days before,
the negro had pleased me much by his lively and agreeable disposition,
while his master and tormentor appeared to me, in every respect, highly
the reverse.
About five o’clock in the afternoon we reached the same log-house in
which we had passed the night, near Belle Fontaine. As it was still
daylight, I went immediately in search of the spring to which this
place owes its name; I found, however, only a marsh with several
springs, about which, except the vegetation,
there was nothing attractive. The landlord was not at home, and the
whole domestic management rested on the poor pale wife, who had five
children to take care of, and expected a sixth soon. She had for an
assistant a single little negro wench, who was soon sent away, so the
poor woman had every thing to provide; yet she set before us an
excellent supper.
Towards morning, I was roused out of my uneasy slumbers by a powerful
uproar. It was caused by cranes that flew over the house. At eight
o’clock in the morning we left Belle Fontaine and travelled back to
Blakely, where we arrived before five o’clock in the evening, and took
possession of our former quarters. Through the whole passage back, not
the least thing occurred worthy of remark. A good road could be
made at little expense between Blakely and Pensacola, at least the
numerous large trees, which after violent storms have fallen
transversely over the road and shut it up, might be cleared away. One is
obliged often to make a considerable circuit on account of these
On the following morning at ten o’clock, we embarked once more on
board the steam-boat Emeline, and in very fine, though cold weather,
reached Mobile at twelve o’clock. We found Mr. Bowdoin confined to his
bed, with the gout in both legs. We immediately betook ourselves to the
harbour. During our absence, the packet schooner Emblem, Captain
Vincent, from New Orleans, had arrived here, and designed returning to
that city. The captain had heard of us, and remained some time to take
us along. His vessel stood in very high repute, as well for her sailing,
as on account of accommodation and cleanliness. We agreed for the
passage at fifteen dollars for each person. The vessel would have sailed
exactly on this day, but as the captain had understood that we were
desirous of seeing the new fort on Mobile point, which was built thirty
miles from Mobile, he was so polite as to postpone his voyage till the
next morning, to allow us to see the fort by daylight.
Of course, we had some time on our hands. We took a walk in the woods
situated behind the town, which is composed of pines, and some evergreen
bushes. It is also the great burial-ground, which is thickly filled up
by the agency of the yellow fever, and the sickly climate. Several
Choctaw Indians bivouacked here, like gypsies; the men lay drunk upon
the earth, and their miserable women were obliged to carry the bundles
of wood to town for sale.
To my great astonishment, I learned that there were gambling-houses
even here, kept by Frenchmen, and that each in the city paid a yearly
tax of one thousand dollars for a license. I was told that
respectable merchants were in the habit of going there
to have an eye over their clerks, and also to observe what mechanics, or
other small tradesmen, played here, to stop giving credit to such as
haunted the resorts of these gentry. I was taken to two of these
gambling-houses, which are united with coffee-houses, to see how they
were conducted. In one of them were two roulette tables, in two separate
rooms, in the other, which was smaller, one roulette and one pharo
table. There was betted here silver and paper, but not more than twenty
dollars bank notes, and most of them did not bet more than a dollar a
time. A couple of young fellows lost all that they had, and behaved
very indecently when they were stripped of their money. Several of the
better sort appeared to be country people, who had brought their corn
and cotton to market, and only played off their profits. At one of the
tables sat some common sailors, half drunk. We found rather low company
collected in both houses, and our curiosity was soon satisfied. It is to
be hoped, that the legislature of Alabama will prohibit such houses.
They are, on the whole, very good places for recruiting the army and

Journey to New Orleans, and Residence in that
On the 18th of January, we embarked
in the schooner Emblem, whose cabin was proportioned to her tonnage,
(which was but fifty tons,) but comfortably high, and well ornamented.
The sides were of mahogany and maple; on each side were two state-rooms,
with two births each; the back part of the cabin, being something higher
than the forward part, contained a birth on each side. Of these, the
starboard was occupied by Mr. Bowdoin, the other by myself.
The shores of Mobile Bay, which is very wide, are low and overgrown
with wood, before us lay a long island, called Isle Dauphine, by the
unfortunate Delasalle, who discovered it. Mobile point lies to the left,
where, after sunset, we beheld the light in the light-house. There stood
on this point in the late war a small fort, called Fort Bowyer, which
the present Lieutenant-Colonel, then Major Lawrence, gallantly defended,
with a garrison of one hundred and thirty men, against eight hundred
disembarked English sailors and Seminole Indians, under Major Nichols.
The assailants were defeated, after their ordnance was dismounted, with
considerable loss, and the English corvette
Hermes, which covered the attack, was blown up by the well-directed fire
of the fort. In February, 1815, this brave officer found himself obliged
to yield to superior force, and to capitulate to Admiral Cockburn, who
was on his return from the unsuccessful expedition to New Orleans. This
was the last act of hostility that occurred during that war. Fort Bowyer
is since demolished, and in its stead a more extensive fortress is
erecting, which we would willingly have inspected, had the wind been
more favourable, and brought us there earlier. We steered between Mobile
Point and Dauphin Island, so as to reach the Mexican gulf, and turning
then to the right, southward of the Sandy Islands, which laid along the
coast, sailed towards Lake Borgne. Scarcely were we at sea, when a
strong wind rose from the west, which blew directly against us. We
struggled nearly the whole night to beat to windward, but in vain. The
wind changed to a gale, with rain, thunder, and lightning. The
main-topmast was carried away, and fell on deck. The mate was injured by
the helm striking him in the side, and was for a time unfit for duty. On
account of the great bustle on deck, the passengers could hardly close
an eye all night. The motion of the vessel was violent, on account of
her small size. A falling block broke out several of the panes in
the sky-light of the cabin, so that the rain was admitted, and the
furniture was tossed about by the rolling.
On the morning of the 19th of January, we were driven back to the
strait between Dauphin Island and Mobile Point, and the anchor was dropt
to prevent farther drifting. I was sea-sick, but had the
consolation that several passengers shared my misfortune. The whole day
continued disagreeable, cold, and cloudy. As we lay not far from Dauphin
Island, several of our company went on shore, and brought back a few
thrushes which they had shot. I was too unwell to feel any desire
of visiting this inhospitable island, a mere strip of sand, bearing
nothing but everlasting pines. Upon it, stands some remains of an old
entrenchment and barrack. Besides the custom-house officers, only three
families live on the whole island. We saw the light-house, and the
houses at Mobile Point, not far from us. I wished to have gone
there to see the fortification lately commenced, but it was too far to
go on a rough sea in a skiff.
On the 20th of January, the wind was more favourable; it blew from
the north-east, and dispersed the clouds, and we set sail. After several
delays, caused by striking on sand-banks, we proceeded with a favourable
wind, passed Dauphin Island and the islands Petit Bois, Massacre, Horn,
and Ship Island.
These islands consist of high sand-hills, some of them covered with
pine, and remind one strongly of the coasts of Holland and
Flanders. Behind Horn and Massacre Islands lies a bay, which is called
Pascagoula, from a river rising in the state of Mississippi, and
emptying here into the sea. Ship Island is about nine miles long, and it
was here that the English fleet which transported the troops sent on the
expedition against New Orleans, remained during the months of December
and January, 1814-15. At a considerable distance from us to the left,
were some scattered islands, called Les Malheureux. Behind these were
the islands De la Chandeleur, and still farther La Clef du Francmaçon.
Afterwards we passed a muddy shallow, upon which, luckily, we did not
stick fast, and arrived in the gulf Lac Borgne, which connects itself
with Lake Ponchartrain, lying back of it, by two communications, each
above a mile broad; of which one is called Chef Menteur, and the other
the Rigolets. Both are guarded by forts, the first by the fort of Chef
Menteur, the other by that of the Petites Coquilles, so called because
it is built on a foundation of muscle shells, and its walls are composed
of a cement of the same. We took this last direction, and passed the
Rigolets in the night, with a fair wind. Night had already fallen when
we reached Lake Borgne. After we had passed the Rigolets, we arrived in
Lake Ponchartrain, then turned left from the light-house of Fort St.
John, which protects the entrance of the bayou of the same name, leading
to New Orleans.
I awoke on the 21st of January, as we entered the bayou St. John.
This water is so broad, that we could not see the northern shore. We
remained at the entrance one hour, to give the sailors a short rest, who
had worked the whole night, and whose duty it was now to tow the vessel
to the city, six miles distant. This fort, which has lost its importance
since the erection of Chef Menteur, and Petites Coquilles, is abandoned,
and a tavern is now building in its place. It lies about five hundred
paces distant from the sea, but on account of the marshy banks cannot be
thence attacked without great difficulty. The bank is covered with thick
beams, to make it hold firm, which covering in this hot and damp climate
perishes very quickly. The causeway which runs along the bayou, is of
made earth on a foundation of timber. Behind the fort is a public house,
called Ponchartrain Hotel, which is much frequented by persons from the
city during summer. I recognized the darling amusements of the
inhabitants, in a pharo and roulette table.
As the passage hence to the city is very tedious in stages, we
proposed to hire a carriage, but there was none to be found; six dollars
was asked for a boat; we therefore, decided to go on foot. The Colonel,
Mr. Huygens, Mr. Egbert, Mr. Chew, and myself made up this walking
party. The morning was beautiful spring weather; we passed through a
shocking marshy country, along
the right side of the bayou. The woods were hanging full of the hateful
Spanish moss, and a number of palmettoes were the only variety afforded.
The causeway was very muddy; there were good wooden bridges over little
ditches, which conveyed the water from the surrounding marshes into the
After we had proceeded three miles in this manner, we came into a
cultivated district, passed a sort of gate, and found ourselves quite in
another world. Plantations, with handsome buildings, followed in quick
succession; noble live oaks, which had been trimmed to regular shapes,
young orange trees, pride of China, and other tropical trees and bushes,
along the road. Several inns and public gardens were exhibited, for a
population that willingly seeks amusement. We noticed several
mansion-houses, ornamented with columns, piazzas, and covered galleries;
some of these were of ancient style in building. It was naturally
agreeable to me, after wandering a long time in mere wildernesses, once
more to come into a long civilized country. We saw from afar, the white
spires of the cathedral of New Orleans, also the masts of the ships
lying in the Mississippi. The bayou unites itself, three miles from this
city, with a canal leading thither, which we passed upon a turning
bridge, to strike into the city by a nearer way.
This road carried us between well-built mansions, and over the
streets were hung reflecting lamps. The first view of the city, as we
reached, without knowing it, was really not handsome; for we came into
the oldest section, which consisted only of little one-story houses,
with mud walls, and wide projecting roofs. On the whole, the streets are
regularly laid out, part parallel with the river, the rest perpendicular
to it. The ancient town was surrounded by a wall, which is destroyed, in
its room there is a boulevard laid out, called Rue de Remparts. Next to
the old town below, lies the suburb Marigny, and above, that of St.
Mary; then begins the most elegant part of the city.
Before we searched for lodgings, we looked about a little through the
city, and went first to the Mississippi, to pay our homage to this
“father of rivers.” It is about half a mile wide, and must be above
eighty fathoms deep; it is separated from the city by a compost of
muscle shells. This causeway defends it from inundations. There are no
wharves, they cannot be fixed, as the river would sweep them away. The
ships lay four and five deep, in tiers along the bank, as in the Thames,
at London. Below them, were ten very large steam-boats, employed in the
river trade. In a line with the bank stood houses, which were two or
three stories high, and built of brick, also ancient massive Spanish
houses, known by their heavy, solid style, and mostly white. We passed
by a square, of which the river formed one
side, opposite stood the cathedral, and on each side of it,
a massive public edifice, with arcades. Along the bank stood the
market-houses, built of brick, modelled after the Propylæa, in Athens,
and divided into separate blocks. We saw in these, fine pine-apples,
oranges, bananas, peccan-nuts, cocoa-nuts, and vegetables of different
descriptions; also several shops, in which coffee and oysters were sold.
The black population appeared very large; we were informed, that above
one-half of the inhabitants, forty-five thousand in number, were of the
darker colour. The custom-house on the Levée, is a pretty building.
We met a merchant, Mr. Ogden, partner of Mr. William Nott, to whose
house I had letters, who had the politeness to take charge of us, and
assist us in our search for lodgings. We obtained tolerable quarters in
the boarding house of Madame Herries, Rue de Chartres. The first person
I encountered in this house, was Count Vidua, with whom I had become
acquainted in New York, and who since had travelled through Canada, the
western country, and down the Ohio and Mississippi.
My first excursion was to visit Mr. Grymes, who here inhabits a
large, massive, and splendidly furnished house. I found only Mrs.
Grymes at home, who after an exceedingly fatiguing journey arrived here,
and in fourteen days after had given birth to a fine son. I found
two elegantly arranged rooms prepared for me, but I did not accept this
hospitable invitation. After some time Mr. Grymes came home, and
accompanied me back to my lodgings. As our schooner had not yet arrived,
we went to meet it and found it in the canal, a mile and a half
from town, where two cotton boats blocked up the way. We had our baggage
put into the skiff, and came with it into the basin, where the canal
In the evening we paid our visit to the governor of the state of
Louisiana, Mr. Johnson, but did not find him at home. After this we went
to several coffee-houses, where the lower class amused themselves,
hearing a workman singing in Spanish, which he accompanied with the
guitar. Mr. Grymes took me to the masked ball, which is held every
evening during the carnival at the French theatre. The saloon in which
they danced, was quite long, well planned, and adorned with large
mirrors. Round it were three rows of benches amphitheatrically arranged.
There were few masks, only a few dominos, none in character. Cotillions
and waltzes were the dances performed. The dress of the ladies I
observed to be very elegant, but understood that most of those dancing
did not belong to the better class of society. There were several
adjoining rooms open, in which there is a supper when subscription balls
are given. In the ground floor of the building are rooms, in which pharo
roulette are played. These places were obscure, and resembled caverns:
the company playing there appeared from their dress, not to be of the
best description.
Next day, we made new acquaintances, and renewed some old ones.
I remained in this city several weeks, for I was obliged to give up
my plan of visiting Mexico, as no stranger was allowed to go to that
country who was not a subject of such states as had recognized the new
government. There were too many obstacles in my way, and therefore I
determined to wait in New Orleans for the mild season, and then to
ascend the Mississippi. The result was an extensive acquaintance,
a succession of visits, a certain conformity in living, from
which one cannot refrain yielding to in a city. No day passed over this
winter which did not produce something pleasant or interesting, each day
however, was nearly the same as its predecessors. Dinners, evening
parties, plays, masquerades, and other amusements followed close on each
other, and were interrupted only by the little circumstances which
accompany life in this hemisphere, as well as in the other.
The cathedral in New Orleans is built in a dull and heavy style of
architecture externally, with a gable on which a tower and two lateral
cupolas are erected. The façade is so confused, that I cannot pretend to
describe it. Within, the church resembles a village church in Flanders.
The ceiling is of wood, the pillars which support it, and divide the
nave into three aisles, are heavy, made of wood, covered with plaster:
as well as the walls, they are constructed without taste. The three
altars are distinguished by no remarkable ornament. Upon one of the side
altars stands an ugly wax image of the virgin and child. Near the great
altar is a throne for the bishop. On Sundays and holy-days, this
cathedral is visited by the beau monde; except on these occasions,
I found that most of the worshippers consisted only of blacks, and
coloured people, the chief part of them females.
The sinking of the earth of the Levée is guarded against in a
peculiar way. In Holland piles are driven in along the water for this
purpose, and held together by wattling. After the dam is raised up,
there are palisades of the same kind placed behind each other. Here the
twigs of the palmetto are inserted in the ground close together, and
their fan-like leaves form a wall, which prevents the earth from rolling
There are only two streets paved in the city; but all have brick
side-walks. The paving stones are brought as ballast by the ships from
the northern states, and sell here very high. Several side-walks are
also laid with broad flag stones. In the carriage way of the streets
there is a prodigious quantity of mud. After a rain it is difficult even
for a carriage to pass; the walkers who
wish to go from one side to the other, have a severe inconvenience
before them; either they must make a long digression, to find some
stones that are placed in the abyss, for the benefit of jumping over, or
if they undertake to wade through, run a risk of sticking fast.
Sunday is not observed with the puritanic strictness in New Orleans,
that it is in the north. The shops are open, and there is singing and
guitar-playing in the streets. In New York, or Philadelphia, such
proceedings would be regarded as outrageously indecent. On a Sunday we
went for the first time, to the French theatre, in which a play was
performed every Sunday and Thursday. The piece for this night, was the
tragedy of Regulus, and two vaudevilles. The dramatic corps was merely
tolerable, such as those of the small French provincial towns,II.3 where
they never presume to present tragedies, or comedies of the highest
class. “Regulus” was murdered; Mr. Marchand and Madame Clozel, whose
husband performed the comic parts very well in the vaudevilles, alone
distinguished themselves. The saloon is not very large, but well
ornamented; below is the pit and parquet, a row of boxes each for
four persons, and before them a balcony. The boxes are not divided by
walls, but only separated by a low partition, so that the ladies can
exhibit themselves conveniently. Over the first row of boxes is a
second, to which the free colored people resort, who are not admitted to
any other part of the theatre, and above this row is the gallery, in
which slaves may go, with the permission of their masters. Behind the
boxes is a lobby, where the gentlemen who do not wish to sit in a box,
stand, or walk about, where they can see over the boxes. The theatre was
less attended, than we had supposed it would be; and it was said, that
the great shock felt in the commercial world, on account of the
bankruptcy of three of the most distinguished houses, in consequence of
unfortunate speculations in cotton, and the failures in Liverpool, was
the cause of this desertion.
The garrison consists of two companies of infantry, of the first and
fourth regiments. This has been here since the last insurrection of the
negroes, and has been continued, to overawe them. In case of a serious
alarm, this would prove but of little service! and what security is
there against such an alarm? In Chartres street, where we dwelt, there
were two establishments, which constantly revolted my feelings, to wit:
shops in which negroes were purchased and sold. These unfortunate
beings, of
both sexes, stood or sat the whole day, in these shops, or in front of
them, to exhibit themselves, and wait for purchasers. The abomination is
shocking, and the barbarity and indifference, produced by the custom in
white men, is indescribable.II.4
There were subscription balls given in New Orleans, to which the
managers had the politeness to invite us. These balls took place twice a
week, Tuesdays and Fridays, at the French theatre, where the masquerade
had been, which I mentioned before. None but good society were admitted
to these subscription balls; the first that we attended was not crowded,
however, the generality of the ladies present were very pretty, and had
a very genteel French air. The dress was extremely elegant, and after
the latest Paris fashion. The ladies danced, upon the whole,
excellently, and did great honour to their French teachers. Dancing, and
some instruction in music, is almost the whole education of the female
Most of the gentlemen here are far behind the ladies in elegance.
They did not remain long at the ball, but hasted away to the quadroon
ball, so called, where they amused themselves more, and were more at
their ease. This was the reason why there were more ladies than
gentlemen present at the ball, and that many were obliged to form
“tapestry.” When a lady is left sitting, she is said to be “bredouille.” Two
cotillions and a waltz, are danced in succession, and there is hardly an
interval of two or three minutes between the dances. The music was
performed by negroes and coloured people, and was pretty good. The
governor was also at the ball, and introduced me to several gentlemen,
among others, a Frenchman, General Garrigues de Flaugeac, who,
having emigrated here from St. Domingo, had married, and given the world
some very handsome daughters. Several of the French families here settled,
and indeed, the most respectable, were emigrants from that island, who
wait for the indemnification
due to them, but without any great hopes of receiving it.
Colonel Wool inspected the two companies of the first and fourth
regiments, under Major Twiggs stationed here; both together made at the
most, eighty men under arms. The inspection took place before the
Cathedral. I admired the good order and great propriety of these
companies, as well as their uniformity of march and dressing, which I
had no opportunity to observe before, in the troops of the United
States. There was indeed many things to be wished for; as for example,
the coats of the men did not fit, and many were too short; the grey
cloth pantaloons were of different shades, and much too short; no
bayonet sheaths, nor gun straps; the belt intended for the bayonet
sheath over that of the cartridge box: the privates had wooden flints in
their guns, and none in their cartridge boxes, also no spare flints,
files, screwdrivers, nor oil flasks. From the false maxim, that the
second rank, if they are shorter men, cannot fire over the front, the
lesser men are ranged in the first, and the taller in the second rank
through the whole army of the United States, and this produces a great
eye-sore. There was some manual exercise, and manœuvres in battalion
training: all good. The soldiers were mostly young, handsome and strong
men, well fed and healthy looking natives of the western states; there
were some Germans and Irish among them. The Irish, however, since their
conduct is often in nowise commendable, are no longer admitted. Governor
Johnson remained during the review, which lasted above an hour or more;
there were also several members of the legislature now assembling,
present. I formed an acquaintance here with General La Coste, who
formerly had been engaged in the Spanish service, and at present
commanded a division of the Louisiana militia. Colonel Croghan also
attended the review.II.5
When the review was over, the governor showed me the two extensive
buildings, joining the Cathedral, with arcades, as before-mentioned. One
of them is devoted to the use of the several courts of justice, and the
other is the City Hall. In the first, the United States court was
holding its sessions, and as it was rather cold, the judge had removed
himself to the fire-place, there to have the business transacted before
him. The suit in controversy related to the sale of a negro. The buyer
had purchased him
as a slave for life; after the bargain had been concluded, and payment
made, he discovered, by the declaration of his former master, the
seller, that at a certain period he was to be free. I could not
remain long enough in the court, to wait for the decision.
We passed then to the City Hall. In the lower story, is the
guard-house of the city guard, besides a prisonII.6 for runaways, or
negroes punished by order of their masters, who are here incarcerated,
and employed in all servile labours for the city; they are termed
negres marrons. The masters receive a daily recompense of
twenty-five cents for each imprisoned negro. Near the guard-house stands
a small piece of ordnance, from which the signal tattoo is fired. After
this shot, no negro can tread the streets without a pass.II.7 The
upper stories of this building contains the offices and court halls of
the magistrates. Part of them were ornamented very richly, as these
chambers served as quarters for General La Fayette, who was here in the
month of April last. Before the chambers, the whole length of the
building, ran a gallery with very large windows, which being raised in
summer, change the gallery into an airy balcony: an arrangement which I
had remarked to exist also in the other building, where the courts of
justice sat.
Hence the governor next conducted me to the old Spanish government
house, in which the senators and representatives of the state of
Louisiana were now assembled. The building is ancient and crazy,
otherwise situated in a handsome spot on the levée, surrounded by a
balcony. There is nothing more done for the repair of this building, as
in a few years the legislature will be removed to Donaldsonville. The
reason given for this is, that many members of the legislature are plain
people, who feel embarrassed in New Orleans, and hope to be more at
their ease in Donaldsonville. The office of the governor is in the yard,
in a
small house, where the secretary of the Spanish governor formerly had
his office.
In a magazine belonging to the state, there are still several
articles which belonged to the former navy-yard, and which, hereafter,
are to be sent to Pensacola. Among these, I remarked brass and iron
cannon of various calibres, and from different countries, English,
Spanish, and French. There were some ancient ones among the French, with
beautiful ornaments and inscriptions. On one was, “ultima ratio
regum;” on others, the darling “liberté, egalité.” These
pieces were found in the trifling fortifications that formerly
surrounded the city, when the United States took possession of
Louisiana, in 1803.
During the last of January, it rained uncommonly hard and steady. The
streets became bottomless: holes formed in them, where carriages and
carts were in constant peril of upsetting. At first it was cold; while
the rain continued, there followed such an oppressive heat, that it was
feared an earthquake was about to take place: it thundered and lightened
also very heavily.
At the masked balls, each paid a dollar for admission. As I visited
it for the second time, I observed, however, many present by free
tickets, and I was told that the company was very much mixed. The
unmasked ladies belonging to good society, sat in the recesses of the
windows, which were higher than the saloon, and furnished with
galleries. There were some masks in character, but none worthy of
remark. Two quarrels took place, which commenced in the ball-room with
blows, and terminated in the vestibule, with pocket-pistols and kicking,
without any interruption from the police.
On the same evening, what was called a quadroon ball took place.
A quadroon is the child of a mestize mother and a white father, as
a mestize is the child of a mulatto mother and a white father. The
quadroons are almost entirely white: from their skin no one would detect
their origin; nay many of them have as fair a complexion as many of the
haughty creole females. Such of them as frequent these balls are free.
Formerly they were known by their black hair and eyes, but at present
there are completely fair quadroon males and females. Still, however,
the strongest prejudice reigns against them on account of their black
blood, and the white ladies maintain, or affect to maintain, the most
violent aversion towards them. Marriage between the white and coloured
population is forbidden by the law of the state. As the quadroons on
their part regard the negroes and mulattoes with contempt, and will not
mix with them, so nothing remains for them but to be the friends, as it
is termed, of the white men. The female quadroon looks upon such an
engagement as a matrimonial contract, though it goes no farther
than a formal contract by which the “friend” engages to pay the father
or mother of the quadroon a specified sum. The quadroons both assume the
name of their friends, and as I am assured preserve this engagement with
as much fidelity as ladies espoused at the altar. Several of these girls
have inherited property from their fathers or friends, and possess
handsome fortunes. Notwithstanding this, their situation is always very
humiliating. They cannot drive through the streets in a carriage, and
their “friends” are forced to bring them in their own conveyances after
dark to the ball: they dare not sit in the presence of white ladies, and
cannot enter their apartments without especial permission. The whites
have the privilege to procure these unfortunate creatures a whipping
like that inflicted on slaves, upon an accusation, proved by two
witnesses. Several of these females have enjoyed the benefits of as
careful an education as most of the whites; they conduct themselves
ordinarily with more propriety and decorum, and confer more happiness on
their “friends,” than many of the white ladies to their married lords.
Still, the white ladies constantly speak with the greatest contempt, and
even with animosity, of these unhappy and oppressed beings. The
strongest language of high nobility in the monarchies of the old world,
cannot be more haughty, overweening or contemptuous towards their fellow
creatures, than the expressions of the creole females with regard to the
quadroons, in one of the much vaunted states of the free Union. In fact,
such comparison strikes the mind of a thinking being very singularly!
Many wealthy fathers, on account of the existing prejudices send
daughters of this description to France, where these girls with a good
education and property, find no difficulty in forming a legitimate
establishment. At the quadroon ball, only coloured ladies are admitted,
the men of that caste, be it understood, are shut out by the white
gentlemen. To take away all semblance of vulgarity, the price of
admission is fixed at two dollars, so that only persons of the better
class can appear there.
As a stranger in my situation should see every thing, to acquire a
knowledge of the habits, customs, opinions and prejudices of the people
he is among, therefore I accepted the offer of some gentlemen who
proposed to carry me to this quadroon ball. And I must avow I found it
much more decent than the masked ball. The coloured ladies were under
the eyes of their mothers, they were well and gracefully dressed, and
conducted themselves with much propriety and modesty. Cotillions and
waltzes were danced, and several of the ladies performed elegantly.
I did not remain long there that I might not utterly destroy my
standing in New Orleans, but returned to the masked ball and took great
care not to disclose to the white ladies where I had been. I could
however refrain from making comparisons, which in no wise redounded to
the advantage of the white assembly. As soon as I entered I found a
state of formality.II.8
At the end of January, a contagious disorder prevailed, called the
varioloid. It was said to be a species of small-pox, and was described
as malignant in the highest degree. Even persons who had undergone
vaccination, and those who had passed through the natural small-pox,
were attacked by this disorder. The garrison lost six men, of whom two
were severely marked. The garrison were placed in the barracks to
preserve them from this malady. It was thought that it was imported by
some negro slaves from the north. Many owners of slaves in the states of
Maryland and Virginia have real—(pardon the loathsome expression,
I know not how otherwise to designate the beastly idea,) stud
nurseries for slaves, whence the planters of Louisiana, Mississippi, and
the other southern states draw their supplies, which increase every day
in price. Such a disease as the varioloid is a fit present, in return
for slaves thus obtained!II.9
We paid the late governor of the state, Mr. Robinson, a visit. It
gave me much pleasure to cultivate his acquaintance. Mr. Robinson is
regarded with universal respect, and I met in him a highly interesting
and well informed man, who converses with wit and spirit. At a dinner,
given by the acting governor, I became acquainted with the former
governor and militia general Villaret, as well as with Dr. Herman, from
Cassel, who was employed in the navy of the United States as
surgeon-general. From this dinner we went to the child’s ball, which was
given in the customary ball room of the French theatre, for the benefit
of the dancing master. Most of the children were quite charming, and
danced very prettily: only the little girls from ten to eleven years of
age, were dressed and tricked off like full grown ladies. About eight
o’clock the little children left off dancing and were mostly sent home,
and in their place the larger girls resumed the dance. The costume of
the ladies was very elegant. To my discomfiture, however, a pair
of tobacco-chewing gentlemen engaged me in conversation, from which I
received such a sensation of disgust, that I was nearly in the situation
of one sea-sick.
On the 1st of February, to my great sorrow, the brave Colonel Wool,
who had become exceedingly dear and valuable to me, took leave.
I accompanied him to his steam-boat, which departed at eleven
o’clock, and gazed after him for a long time.
I paid a visit to the bishop of Louisiana, Mr. Dubourg, and was very
politely received. He is a Jesuit, a native of St. Domingo, and
appears to be about sixty years old. He delivers himself very well, and
conversed with me concerning the disturbances in the diocese of Ghent,
in the time of the Prince Broglio, in which he, as friend and counsellor
of that prince, whom he accompanied in his progress through his diocese,
took an active part. In his chamber, I saw a very fine portrait of
Pope Pius VII. a copy of one painted by Camuccini, and given by the
pope to the deceased duke of Saxe-Gotha. The bishop inhabited a quondam
nunnery, the greater part of which he had assigned for, and established
as a school for boys. The bishop returned my visit on the next day.
At a dinner, which Mr. Grymes gave with the greatest display of
magnificence, after the second course, large folding doors opened and we
beheld another dining room, in which stood a table with the dessert. We
withdrew from the first table, and seated ourselves at the second, in
the same order in which we had partaken of the first. As the variety of
wines began to set the tongues of the guests at liberty, the ladies
rose, retired to another apartment, and resorted to music for amusement.
Some of the gentlemen remained with the bottle, while others, among whom
I was one, followed the ladies, and regaled ourselves with harmony. We
had waltzing until ten o’clock, when we went to the masquerade in the
theatre of St. Phillip’s street, a small building, in which, at
other times, Spanish dramas were exhibited. The female company consisted
of quadroons, who, however, were masked. Several of them addressed me,
and coquetted with me some time, in the most subtle and amusing
A young lawyer from Paris, of the name of Souliez, paid me a visit.
He was involved in unpleasant circumstances in his native country, on
account of some liberal publications which he had made against the
Jesuits in the newspapers. On this account, he, full of liberal ideas,
had left his home, and gone to Hayti, with recommendatory letters from
bishop Gregoire to President Boyer. There, however, he found the state
of things widely different from what he had fancied them at home. The
consequence was, he had come to the United States, and he now candidly
confessed that he was completely cured of his fine dreams of
Dr. Herman gave a dinner, at which were more than twenty guests.
Among them were the governor, Colonel Croghan, and several of the public
characters here. Mr. Bowdoin, who was slowly recovering from his gout,
and Count Vidua, were also there. Except our hostess there was no lady
present. Mrs. Herman, a very beautiful young woman, was very
unwell, and obliged to leave the table soon. The dinner was very
We crossed the Mississippi in a boat, like a small chest, such a boat
is styled a “ferry-boat.” This was the only stated means of
communication supported between the city and the right bank. Formerly
there was a steam ferry-boat, and afterwards a horse-boat, but neither
the one nor the other could be supported by the business. The stream is
nearly three-fourths of a mile broad. Arrived on the right bank, we
found a little inconsiderable place called Macdonaldville, that did not
appear very thriving. Along the bank runs a levée, to protect the land
from inundation. Several vessels are laid up here. The country is
exceedingly level, and is composed of swampy meadows, and in the back
ground, of forest, partly of live oaks, which is much concealed,
however, by long ugly moss. Farther inward is a sugar plantation
belonging to Baron Marigny. The river makes a remarkable bend opposite
New Orleans, and the city, with its white spires, and crowds of vessels
lying in the stream, looks uncommonly well from the right bank.
General Villaret invited us to dinner at his country-house, which is
eight miles distant from New Orleans, and had the politeness to bring us
in his carriage. At half past eleven o’clock, I went out with Count
Vidua, and Mr. Huygens. The habitation, as the mansion-houses lying in a
sugar plantation are termed, is upon the left bank of the Mississippi,
about a short mile from the river. In December, 1814, it served the
English army for head quarters. The road to it led along the levée, past
country houses, which succeeded each other rapidly for five miles.
Several display the comfort and good taste of their owners. The
mansion-house, commonly, is situated about one hundred paces from the
entrance, and an avenue of laurel trees, which are cut in a pyramidical
form, and pride of China trees, leads to the door. The most of these
houses are two stories high, and are surrounded with piazzas and covered
galleries. Back of the elegant mansion-house stand the negro cabins,
like a camp, and behind the sugar-cane fields, which extend to the
marshy cypress woods about a mile back, called the cypress swamp. Among
these country-houses is a nunnery of Ursulines, the inhabitants of which
are employed in the education of female youth.
Five miles from the city we reached the former plantation of
M‘Carthy, now belonging to Mr. Montgomery, in which General
Jackson had his head quarters. About one hundred paces farther,
commences the right of the line, to the defence of which this general
owes his great renown. I left the carriage here, and went along the
remainder of the line, at most a mile in length, with the right wing on
the river, and the left resting on the cypress swamp.
The English landed in Lake Borgne, which is about three miles distant
from General Villaret’s dwelling. On the 23d of December, a company
of soldiers attacked this house, and took two of the general’s sons
prisoners. The third of his sons escaped, and brought to General
Jackson, whose head quarters were at that time in the city, the
intelligence of the landing and progress of the British. Immediately the
alarm guns were fired, and the general marched with the few troops and
militia under his command, not two thousand in number, against the
habitation of Villaret. The English had established themselves here,
with the intent to attack the city directly, which was without the least
protection. The general advanced along the line of the woods, and nearly
surprised the English. He would probably have captured them, if he had
had time to despatch a few riflemen through the generally passable
cypress swamp to the right wing: and had not the night come on, and a
sudden fog also prevented it. He judged it more prudent to fall back,
and stationed his troops at the narrowest point between the river and
the cypress swamp, while he took up his head quarters in the habitation
of M‘Carthy.
There was a small ditch in front of his line, and on the next day
some young men of the militia commenced, on their own motion, to throw
up a little breast-work, with the spades and shovels they found in the
habitation. This suggested to the general the idea of forming a line
here. This line was, however, the very feeblest an engineer could have
devised, that is, a strait one. There was not sufficient earth to
make the breast work of the requisite height and strength, since, if the
ground here was dug two feet, water flowed out. To remedy this evil in
some measure, a number of cotton bales were brought from the
warehouses of the city, and the breast-work was strengthened by them.
Behind these bales artillery was placed, mostly ship’s cannon, and they
endeavoured, by a redoubt erected on the right wing at the levée, to
render it more susceptible of defence; especially as no time was to be
lost, and the offensive operations of the British were daily
perceptible; still the defensive preparations which General Jackson
could effect were very imperfect. The English force strengthened itself
constantly, they threw up batteries, widened the canal leading from
Villaret’s to Lake Borgne, so as to admit their boats into the
Mississippi, and covered this canal by several detached
A cannonade was maintained by their batteries for several days on the
American line, but they could not reach it, and had several of their own
pieces dismounted by the well-directed fire of the American artillery.
Finally, on the 8th of January, after General Jackson had time to
procure reinforcements, of which the best were the volunteer riflemen of
Tennessee, who were distributed along the line, well covered by the
cotton bales, and each of which had one or two men behind him, to load
the rifles, the English commenced storming the line, under Sir Edward
Packenham’s personal direction. The soil in front of the line consisted
of perfectly level cane fields, which had been cut down, not a single
tree or bush was to be found. The unfortunate Englishmen, whose force in
the field was reckoned at from eight to ten thousand men, were obliged
to advance without any shelter, and remain a long time, first under the
fire of the well-directed cannon, afterwards under the fire of the
rifles and small arms of the Americans, without being able to effect any
thing in return against them. The first attack was made upon the left
wing of the line. The British did not reach the ditch, but began soon to
give way. Sir Edward attempted to lead them on again;
a cannon-shot, however, killed his horse and wounded him in both
legs. The soldiers carried him off, but he unluckily received some
rifle-shots, that put an end to his life, having five balls in his body.
The Major-generals Gibbs and Keane were struck at the same time, the
first killed and the latter mortally wounded. By this the troops, who
had continually supported a most murderous fire, were at length obliged
completely to give way. Major-general Lambert, who commanded the
reserve, and upon whom also at this period the whole command of the army
devolved, made a last attempt to force the line. He led his troops in a
run upon the batture, between the levée and the river, (which at that
time was very low,) against the right wing of the line, where the small
redoubt was placed, stormed, and took possession of it, but was forced,
by the well-supported fire of the riflemen behind the line, to evacuate
it again. The English colonel of engineers, Rennee, met with a glorious
death, upon the breast-work, in this affair. After this unsuccessful
attempt, the English retreated to their entrenchments at Villaret’s, and
in a few days re-embarked.
During the failure of this principal attack, the English had conveyed
eight hundred men to the right shore of the river, who gained some
advantages there against insignificant entrenchments. These advantages,
when they heard of the bad results of the main attack, they were obliged
to abandon, and to return to the left bank. Had the storm of the right
wing, and the feigned assault on the left been successful, in all
probability General Jackson would have been obliged to evacuate not only
his lines, but the
city itself. Providence surely took the city under its protection; for
the English were promised the plunder of New Orleans in case of success,
as was asserted in that city: General Jackson moreover had given orders,
in case of his retreat, not only to blow up the powder magazine of the
city on the right bank, but to destroy the public buildings, and set the
city on fire at the four corners. The general himself so fully
recognized the hand of Providence in the event, that on the day after
his victory, he expressed himself to Bishop Dubourg thus: that he knew
the city owed its preservation to a merciful Providence alone, and that
his first step should be on his return to the city, to thank God in his
temple for the victory so wonderfully obtained. The bishop immediately
gave directions for a thanksgiving, and it was unanimously celebrated
with a sincere feeling of gratitude.
From the battle ground to General Villaret’s dwelling, we had three
miles still to go over. For some days back, we had dry weather, and the
road, which after a hard rain, must be bottomless, was on that account,
hard and good. The Mississippi has the peculiarity possessed by several
streams in Holland, of changing its bed. The house of General Villaret,
was once much nearer the river; for some years, however, it has inclined
so much to the right, that it constantly wears away the soil there,
while it forms new deposits to the left. The general’s possessions are
therefrom increased, and that with very good soil. The visit of the
English nearly ruined the general. Their landing on this side was so
entirely unexpected, that he, being employed in collecting the militia
in the districts above the city, had not been able to remove the least
of his property. The English took all the cattle away, as well as above
sixty negroes. There has not been any intelligence of what was the fate
of these negroes, probably they were sold in the West Indies. All the
fences, bridges, and negro cabins were destroyed. The mansion-house was
only spared, as it was occupied as head-quarters. The youngest son of
the general, between thirteen and fourteen years old, was obliged to
remain in the house the whole time it was retained, and was very well
treated by the English generals and officers. As the English were on the
point of re-embarking, General Lambert gave young Villaret four hundred
dollars in silver to carry to his father, as indemnification for the
cattle carried off. The young man went to the city, and delivered the
money to his father. General Villaret requested General Jackson to send
a flag of truce on board the English fleet, to carry the money back to
General Lambert, with a letter from General Villaret. This was done, but
the general never received an answer.
The removal of the negroes was a severe stroke for the General, from
which, as he told me himself, it cost him much trouble
gradually to recover. The canal or bayou, which ran from his plantation
to Lake Borgne, was shut up by order of General Jackson after the
retreat of the English, and there were not labourers sufficient left
with General Villaret to reinstate it; it was of great importance to him
for the conveyance of wood and other necessaries.
We found at the general’s, his sons, his son-in-law, Mr. Lavoisne,
and several gentlemen from the city, among them Governor Johnson. We
took some walks in the adjacent grounds. The house was not very large,
and was not very much ornamented, for reasons already mentioned. Behind
it was a brick sugar-boiling house, and another one for the sugar mill.
Near that was a large yard, with stables and neat negro cabins for the
house-servants. The huts of the field slaves were removed farther off.
The whole is surrounded by cane fields, of which some were then brought
in, and others all cut down. A field of this description must rest
fallow for five years, and be manured, before being again set out in
plants. For manure, a large species of bean is sown, which is left
to rot in the field, and answers the purpose very well. The cane is
commonly cut in December, and brought to the mill. These mills consists
of three iron cylinders, which stand upright, the centre one of which is
put in motion by a horse-mill underneath, so as to turn the other by
crown-wheels. The cane is shoved in between these, and must pass twice
through to be thoroughly squeezed out. The fresh juice thus pressed out,
runs through a groove into a reservoir. From this it is drawn off into
the kettles, in which it is boiled, to expel the watery part by
evaporation. There are three of these kettles close together, so as to
pour the juice when it boils from one to the other, and thus facilitate
the evaporation of the water. The boiling in these kettles lasts one
hour; one set gives half a hogshead of brown sugar. In several of the
plantations there is a steam-engine employed in place of the
horse-power: the general’s misfortunes have not yet permitted him to
incur this expense.
After dinner we walked in the yard, where we remarked several Guinea
fowls, which are common here, a pair of Mexican pheasants, and a
tame fawn. Before the house stood a number of lofty nut-trees, called
peccan trees. At the foot of one, Sir Edward Packenham’s bowels are
interred; his body was embalmed and sent to England. In the fields there
are numbers of English buried, and a place was shown to me where forty
officers alone were laid. We took leave of our friendly host at sundown,
and returned to the city.
On Shrove Tuesday, all the ball-rooms in the city were opened.
I went to the great masked ball in the French theatre. The price of
admission was raised to two dollars for a gentleman, and
one dollar for a lady. There was dancing, not only in the ball-room, but
also in the theatre itself, and on this occasion, the parterre was
raised to a level with the stage. The illumination of the house was very
good, and presented a handsome view. Many of the ladies were in masks,
and intrigued as well as they were able. I could not restrain my
curiosity, and visited the quadroon ball in the theatre of St. Philippe.
It however was too late when I arrived there, many of the ladies had
left the ball, and the gentlemen, a motly society, were for the
most part drunk. This being the case, I returned after a quarter of
an hour to the principal ball. But here too, some gentlemen had dipped
too deep in the glass, and several quarrels with fists and canes took
place. The police is not strict enough here to prevent gentlemen from
bringing canes with them to balls. The balls continue through lent, when
they are but little frequented.
On the 12th of February the intelligence of the death of the Emperor
Alexander was spread abroad, which had been received by the ship Mogul,
yesterday arrived from Liverpool, and by London gazettes of the 24th of
December. I could not believe this to be a fact, and betook myself
to the office of one of the public papers. I was here given the
English gazette to read, and I found, to my no small terror, the
detailed account of this sorrowful event. Consternation entered into my
mind, on reflecting what effect this must have produced in Weimar, and
increased my troubled state of feeling!
The volunteer battalion of artillery of this place is a handsome
corps, uniformed as the artillery of the old French guard. It is above
one hundred men strong, and presents a very military front. This corps
manœuvred about half an hour in the square before the cathedral, and
then marched to the City Hall, to receive a standard. Upon the right
wing of the battalion, a detachment of flying artillery was placed.
The corps had done essential service on the 8th of January, 1815, in the
defence of the line, and stands here in high respect.
About four miles below the city Mr. Grymes has a country-seat, or
habitation. The house is entirely new, and situated on a piece of ground
formerly employed as a sugar-cane field. The new plantings made in the
garden, consisted of young orange-trees and magnolias. Behind the house
is an artificial hill, with a temple upon it, and within the hill
itself, a grotto, arranged artificially with shells. At the
entrance stands a banana tree, and this, with several creeping plants,
will conceal it very well in summer. I observed in the garden
several singular heaps of earth, which are hollow within, and stand over
a hole in the ground. They are said to be formed by a species of
land-crab, for their residence. If a stone be thrown into the hole, you
that it immediately falls into water. Generally, in this country, you
cannot dig more than a foot deep in the earth, without meeting
It was pure curiosity that carried me a third time to the masquerade,
in St. Philippe’s theatre. It was, however, no more agreeable than the
one eight days previous. There were but few masks; and among the
tobacco-chewing gentry, several Spanish visages slipped about, who
carried sword-canes, and seemed to have no good design in carrying them.
Some of these visiters were intoxicated, and there appeared a willing
disposition for disturbance. The whole aspect was that of a den of
ruffians. I did not remain here a half hour, and learned next day
that I was judicious in going home early, as later, battles with canes
and dirks had taken place. Twenty persons were more or less dangerously
It rained very frequently during the first half of the month of
February; in the middle it was warm, and for a time, about the 20th, an
oppressive heat prevailed, which made me quite lethargic, and operated
equally unpleasantly on every one. Indeed a real sirocco blew at this
time. It surprised me very much, that with such extraordinary weather,
not at all uncommon here, that there should be so many handsome,
healthy, and robust children. This climate, so unhealthy, and almost
mortal to strangers, seems to produce no injurious effect upon the
children born here.
In the vacant space, where the walls of New Orleans formerly stood,
are at present the Esplanade rue des Remparts, and rue du
canal. The city proper forms a parallelogram, and was once
surrounded by a palisade and a ditch. At each of the four corners stood
a redoubt. The last of these redoubts, which stood at the entrance of
the Fauxbourg Marigny, was demolished only since the last war. It would
be important for the security of the present inhabitants, to have a
fortress on the bank of the river, so that in case of an insurrection of
the negroes, not only the trifling garrison, but the white women and
children should possess a place of refuge, which is now totally wanting.
The ditch is filled up, and planted with trees; there are no buildings
newly erected here, and these open spaces are the worst parts of the
On the night of the 22d of February, the alarm bell was sounded:
a fire had broken out in the warehouse of a merchant. There was
time to save every thing, even the wooden building was not consumed, but
in the course of two hours the fire was extinguished.
On the same day, was celebrated the birth of the great Washington.
All the vessels lying in the river were adorned with flags, and fired
salutes. The volunteer legion of Louisiana was
called out in full uniform, to fire volleys in honour of the day. The
artillery before mentioned, which gave thirteen discharges from two
pieces, distinguished themselves again by their excellent discipline.
The infantry was very weak, not exceeding fifty men, with a most
monstrous standard. A company of riflemen of thirty men, who had
done good service on the 8th of January, 1815, appeared very singular in
their costume: it consisted of a sky-blue frock and pantaloons, with
white fringe and borders, and fur hoods. This legion was established in
the last war, and considering itself independent of the militia, it has
clothed itself after the French taste, and is officered by
In the evening there was a subscription ball, in the ball-room of the
French theatre. This ball was given also, on account of the festival
celebrated this day. In former years, each person had subscribed ten
dollars for this ball; the saloon had been decorated with Washington’s
portrait, and a number of standards, and a splendid supper spread for
the ladies. This year the subscription had been reduced to three dollars
for a ticket, and hardly filled up at that price. It was attempted to be
accounted for, by the critical juncture of commercial affairs, in which
the city was placed; the true cause, however, might be traced to the
incomprehensible want of attachment among the creoles to the United
States. Although the city of New Orleans, and the whole state of
Louisiana, has benefited extremely by its union with the United States,
and daily increases; yet the creoles appear rather to wish their country
should be a French colony, than annexed to the Union. From their
conversations, one would conclude that they do not regard the Americans
as their countrymen. This aversion certainly will lessen, as the better
part of the young people acquire their scientific education in the
northern states; at this moment, however, it is very powerful. Under
this state of things, Mr. Davis, the manager of the French theatre, the
balls, and several gaming houses, announced a masked ball, at one dollar
admission, for Washington’s birth-night. The young ladies, however, to
whom a subscription ball was in anticipation, and on account of it had
prepared a fresh set of ornaments, to assist their toilet, felt
themselves exceedingly disappointed by this arrangement; as there would
be a very mixed company at the masked ball, and they would not be able
to distinguish themselves by individual ornament. For this reason, their
parents and relations had exerted themselves, and happily brought it to
pass, that instead of a ticket ball, there should be one by
subscription. In fact, this ball was very splendid, so far as the dress
of the ladies contributed thereto. Moreover, no battles took place.
In the neighbourhood of the city, some Choctaw Indians hunted, and
lived a wandering life. They frequently resorted to the city to sell the
produce of their hunting, also canes, palmetto baskets, and many other
articles. The money for these was afterwards consumed in liquor. They
are of very dark colour, have coats made of woollen blankets; wear
mocassins, and undressed leather leggings, necklaces of checkered glass
beads, with a large shell in the form of a collar, silver rings in the
nose and ears, and smooth copper rings on the wrists. The children until
four years old are quite naked; only wearing mocassins, leggings, and
the rings round the wrists.
In a tavern on the Levée, there was a collection of fossil bones,
which had been dug out of a swamp, not far from the mouth of the
Mississippi, the preceding year, and must have belonged to a colossal
amphibious animal. The single piece of the spine remaining appeared to
be that of a whale; a single rib however, also found, was too much
curved ever to have been the rib of a whale. The largest piece of those
that were dug up, appeared to be a jaw bone. Unfortunately I understand
too little of these things, to be able to venture upon a description of
these remarkable remains of an apparently antideluvian animal; certainly
it would be worth the trouble of having them examined and described by a
scientific person. Two of the bones appeared to have belonged to the
legs, and from these alone, some would determine, that the animal was a
crocodile. I was informed at this time—I say, with Herodotus,
that I only tell now what others have told me, and perhaps some one may
either believe it, or know it,—I was told that a perfect skeleton
of a mammoth was collected many years ago in one of the meadows, on the
banks of the Mississippi, not far from its mouth, and was conveyed to
London, and that very old inhabitants had heard as a tradition from
their ancestors, that this mammoth had been thrown ashore by the sea,
part rotted, and in part was devoured by the buzzards.
There is no particular market day in New Orleans, as in other places,
but every morning market is open for all kinds of vegetables, fruits,
game, &c. This market is very well provided on Sunday, as the slaves
have permission to offer for sale on this day all they desire to dispose
I visited Captain Harney of the first regiment of infantry, who in
the year 1825, as lieutenant to General Atkinson, had accompanied the
expedition to Yellow Stone river, and had brought back with him several
of the curiosities of those western regions, so little known. These
curiosities consisted of a variety of skins of bears, for example, of
the grizzled bear, also skins of buffalo, foxes, of a white wolf, (which
is a great rarity,) of a porcupine,
whose quills are much shorter than those of the African species, and of
wild cats. Besides these, Mr. Harney has procured pieces of Indian
habiliments, coats and leggings made of deer skin. The warriors among
these Indians wear the mark of their dignity—the scalps—on
the leggings, those of the inferior grade on one leg, those higher, on
both. The coats are made with a checkered sewing, ornamented partly with
glass beads, and partly with split porcupine quills. The Indian women,
who are designated by the universal name of squaw, work these ornaments
very ingeniously. Mr. Harney showed me also a quiver, made of cougar’s
skin with different sorts of arrows, a bow of elk’s horn, strung
with tendons drawn from the elk; several tobacco pipes, with heads of
serpentine stone, of which I had seen some on Lake Ontario already,
hunting pouches, a head dress of eagle’s feathers for the great
chief of the Crow nation, a set of the claws of the grizzled bear,
which also were worn for ornament, and a tomahawk of flint with a
variety of bunches of human hair: for every time a warrior has killed
his enemy with his tomahawk, he fastens a bunch of his hair, with a
piece of the scalp on his weapon. He farther showed me a pipe made of a
sheep’s rib, adorned with glass beads, upon which the Indians blow all
the time they are engaged in a fight, so as not to loose themselves in the
woods; a spoon made of the horn of a wild mountain ram; various
minerals, and among them petrified wood, which is found in great
quantities in that western region; serpentine, and other curiosities.
The coats of the squaws are trimmed with long thin strips of leather, on
one of these a bunch of yellow moss and grass was tied, which the
Indians regard as a sort of amulet or talisman.
On the 28th of February, in the forenoon, I went with Mr. Huygens to
pay General Villaret a visit at his country-house. A pretty strong
west wind moderated the great heat outside of the city; within it, the
thermometer of Fahrenheit had stood at eighty-one degrees in the shade.
Most of the fruit trees were in blossom. Every where we saw fresh green
and bloom; all was fresh and lively. In a sugar-cane field, there were
oats a foot and a half high, cut as green fodder. The general and his
son were occupied in managing the labours of the field. We went with
them to walk in the garden. The soil is very fruitful, that, however, is
the most so, which is reclaimed from the swamp of the Mississippi, or
the Bayou. In this soil, nevertheless the germ of a real land plague,
the coco, as it is called, shows itself, the same which was made use of
on the continent of Europe, as a substitute for coffee, during the
existence of the vexatious continental system. This knotty growth is
principally found in the mud; and one lump or knot of it multiplies
itself so
extremely quick, that it kills all the plants growing near it, and
covers the whole field, in which it has taken root. It is very difficult
to extirpate, since the smallest knot, that remains in the earth, serves
for the root of a new plant, and several hundred new knots. The
legislature of Louisiana, has offered a considerable reward to whoever
shall succeed in the discovery of an efficient remedy against this pest
of the soil. No one has yet obtained the desired object.
The general explained to me, the manner in which the sugar-cane
fields were managed. Parallel furrows are made through them at intervals
of three feet. In these furrows, the cane is laid lengthwise, and
covered with earth. Some planters lay two cane joints together, others
content themselves with but one. The end of the successive piece of
cane, is so placed, that it lies about six inches above the end of the
first. From each joint of the cane, there shoot up new sprouts, and form
new stalks. In St. Domingo, there is another method of arranging the
cane field. The field is digged in square holes, placed checkerwise at
the distance of three feet apart, in which four pieces of cane are laid
in the square, and then covered up. This method is judged the best.
The tragedy of Marie Stuart by Le Brun from Schiller, and a
vaudeville, la Demoiselle et la Dame, were produced at the theatre, to
which I went. The first piece was announced at the request of several
American families, of course there were numbers of ladies of that nation
in the boxes. The tragedy of Le Brun is changed very little from that by
Schiller; it is only curtailed, and two parts, those of Shrewsbury and
Mellvil, are thrown into one. Many scenes in it, particularly the
meeting of the two queens, is translated almost word for word. Madam
Clozel undertook the part of Marie Stuart, and supported it from
beginning to end in a masterly style; but she was not properly
supported. Nevertheless, the piece met with great approbation.
Unluckily, however, the machinery was not in order. At the close of the
piece, when Leicester falls in the greatest distraction into the arms of
an officer of the guard, the curtain could not be lowered, and several
minutes elapsed, before poor Leicester could leave his painful attitude.
On this account the audience made known their displeasure by hissing,
which marred very much the effect produced by the piece.
A representation of Hamlet, in the French theatre was uncommonly well
attended. The Colombian Commodore Jolly, who had brought a brig of his
nation into New Orleans, appeared in uniform, and drew the attention of
the public upon himself, partly by his dress, and partly by his huge
dress hat, with a white feather. The next morning I made acquaintance
with the commodore, and with his two officers, of whom one is a
and the other an Englishman by birth. The commodore had also taken up
his quarters with Madam Herries; he is a Frenchman, fifty-six
years of age, of which he has passed forty in the West Indies.
I carried him and the two officers to visit Governor Johnson, and
also Bishop Dubourg. The latter appeared very much flattered by this
visit. On going away, the Englishman kissed the Bishop’s hand. He, the
bishop, expressed his surprise at receiving this testimony of respect
from a protestant; to which the officer replied, that this reverence was
paid to the episcopal ring. Mr. Dubourg, indeed, wore a costly amethyst
on his finger, as a representation of the fisher’s ring.
For some days back the weather had become oppressively warm, like the
heat of summer. Several persons who were not accustomed to this degree
of heat, found themselves unwell; it, however, agreed with me. After a
while considerable showers of rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning
took place. The consequence of this was, in one way, that the mud became
excessively deep in the streets, but on the other hand, the river began
to rise, which occasioned great joy in the city. Numbers of steam-boats,
and flat-boats were looked for, with provisions from the western states,
as they began to grow scarce and dear.
An acquaintance very dear to me, and of which I shall always preserve
a grateful remembrance, was that which I made with Baron Marigny,
a creole by birth, and one of the most distinguished inhabitants of
the state. One of the suburbs of New Orleans was laid out by his father,
and bears his name; at the entrance of it, he lives in a mansion-house,
erected with taste and splendour. Never shall I forget the happy days,
which I passed in the circle of his amiable family. During the troubles
of the French revolution, the then duke of Orleans, found a refuge and
active assistance with M. Marigny. After some time, this gentleman
made a voyage to France, and was well received by the duke. I saw
at his house, a coffee-set of French china, which he had received
from him as a present. The cups contained the well executed portraits of
the duke, the dutchess, and their nine children, and upon the larger
pieces were views of the palais royal, and of the castle and park in
Neuilly. The Baron Marigny, also had in his possession a very fine
portrait of the duke, painted by Augustin, in Paris; likewise an
engraving, representing him, as he supported himself during his exile in
Switzerland, by giving lessons in the mathematics.
On the 11th of March, in a small company of ladies and gentlemen,
I saw a cosmorama, which was set up here. It is known generally, to
be a sort of prospect, given by being in a dark room, and beholding
various objects, through glasses of different magnifying powers. This
cosmorama contained ten views of
different places, which are changed every week. Some views of East
Indian antiquities, and remarkable buildings, were well displayed, as
also, a representation of a hall in the former prisons of the
Inquisition at Goa, not so good; and a couple of views in Japan and
Macao, in China. The examination of all the objects, detained us until
evening. We then accompanied the ladies home, they lived in a
country-house, a mile below the Fauxbourg Marigny, on the Levée. It
was eight o’clock as we descended the Levée; the evening was clear, with
star-light; the bustle in the harbour had ceased; we only remarked on
board of some ships the sailors collected on the deck, under an
illuminated awning, where the captain held evening divine service.
Precisely at eight o’clock, the retreat-gun fired at the City Hall,
which is the signal for the negroes to return home, immediately after,
the two Colombian brigs fired, the drums and bugles sounded the retreat,
while the barracks of the infantry did the same. All this, added to the
lighted ships, and the solitary gleams from the opposite side of the
river, made an impression upon me, which I cannot venture to describe.
The wretched miry way, in which we nearly stuck fast, was almost
forgotten. One of the gentlemen accompanying us, had the politeness to
send me home in his chaise. This was a pleasant attention to me, for
there are drunken sailors, and fellows of the lower class, (which are
called here, as in Mexico, Guichinangos,) in great numbers here, and as
these creatures have a strong propensity to street-robbing and stabbing,
it is not very prudent to be alone on a dark evening, upon this deserted
In an excursion to the country-house of Mr. David Urquhart,
I observed the great injury done by the coco, before alluded to, in
his garden; it covered both the walks and beds, from which daily
industry will not root it out. In the vegetable garden, I found
most kinds of those used in Europe, the peas were as large on the 13th
of March, as they are in Flanders on the beginning of June; we ate of
green peas full three weeks ago. The melons are first deposited in beds
of manure, to force them for earlier use, and when they begin to sprout,
are planted afresh in the field. The soil is so rich, that it does not
require manure. I noticed several fruit trees of various kinds, but
was informed, that the fruit produced by them, on account of the intense
heat of summer, would not be of good quality.
The brig Arcturus arrived on the 14th of March from Boston, with a
cargo of ice. This article is very conducive to comfort in a warm
climate, but it is exceedingly difficult to preserve it. Where there is
water every where two feet below the surface of the earth, of course,
ice-vaults are impracticable. The cargo which now arrived, was thrown
into a large brick building, and
it was asserted that it would keep there till winter. I examined
the construction of this building. A coffer, made of strong thick
planks, and some forty feet in height, is provided with a small opening
under the roof. Through this opening the ice is thrown in, and again
taken out for use. About the coffer there is carried a brick wall, and
the vacant space between the wall and the planks of the coffer, which is
about two feet, is filled up with a mixture of shavings and saw-dust,
which resists the influence of the exterior warm atmosphere.
A great quantity of drift timber was floating on the river, even huge
trees. Negroes were busied in small canoes in collecting it, as it
serves the residents on the Levée for fire-wood. The largest part of it,
however, is driven into the Gulf of Mexico, strikes the gulf stream, is
again carried into the Atlantic ocean, and driven upon the shores of
Iceland and Greenland, where it serves to warm the miserable inhabitants
of those inhospitable countries.
On the 17th of March, I accompanied Commodore Jolly to the criminal
court, before which he was cited. The cause thereof was as
follows:—The year previous, a Colombian corvette had arrived
at New Orleans, from which several sailors deserted. One of these
sailors, an Indian, native of Maracaybo, had hired himself as a servant
at a Spanish grog-shop, and came on board the Pichincha, Commodore
Jolly’s brig, to visit his old comrades, and to induce several to
desert. He was recognised as a deserter, and as such arrested. The
Spaniard, with whom the sailor Ramirez had served, laid his complaint
before the criminal court, and the commodore was cited to appear. The
Spaniard had employed two lawyers, a Frenchman, named Canonge, and
an old Spaniard, Rodriguez, who defended the cause of the sailor, and
laboured to prove the commodore’s proceedings to be illegal. The
pleading of the Frenchman was full of common place and far-fetched
haranguing. Mr. Rodriguez explained his arguments more logically, though
by his Spanish accent he excited great merriment among the audience. The
commodore had no counsel, wherefore a Mr. Morel was assigned to him as
such, who, as he had no time for preparation, requested the postponement
of the cause to the following day. This request was granted.
On the next day, we again visited the criminal court. I was apprized
that several Spaniards had combined, and promised five hundred dollars
for the setting Ramirez at liberty. They had employed a Mr. Davezac as
their third advocate. The officers, some petty officers, and one seaman,
of the two brigs, were heard as witnesses. These proved in the fullest
manner, that the sailor had deserted from the corvette Ourika last year.
The Spaniards produced opposing witnesses. These contradicted each other
so vilely
in their respective declarations, that they were soon held back, so as
not to be involved in a charge of perjury as false witnesses. By this
opportunity I learnt, that it was considered difficult among the
Spaniards here to obtain a witness for the sum of eight dollars, to say
any thing in evidence that was required. And yet that is more than such
a complacent witness costs in some other countries. The lawyers put such
strange questions to the Colombian witnesses, and particularly to the
seamen, (as for instance, in what manner was he enlisted, what was
his pay, and how he was paid, how he was fed and treated?) that the
judge called them to order several times. Mr. Morel conducted his
defence very well, and successfully combated the arguments produced by
his antagonists. He then laid down the principle, which certainly is a
very just one, that the person who is on board of a vessel of war, is
within the limits and jurisdiction of that government to which the
vessel may belong. Upon this principle the commodore necessarily must
gain his suit, and this he did in a very satisfactory manner.
After the disposal of this cause, on the 17th of March another one
was taken up. A resident lawyer, named Lloyd, whose reputation
stood very low, had, on the preceding day, insulted the presiding Judge
Turner in the street, for which reason the judge had him taken in
custody by the sheriff, and thrown into prison. The injured judge
presided in his own suit, and in this manner was both judge and party.
I was informed that Mr. Turner was insulted in his individual
capacity, but that he decided as a judge in the name of the state of
Louisiana. This explanation did not satisfy me, the distinction between
person and his office, may be correct in theory, it is, however, very
hardly so in practice; and on this account, the proceeding to me appeared
arbitrary. It appeared unfair also to me, that the judge was not
assisted by a jury. Farther, Mr. Lloyd wished to defend his own cause,
he was, however, half intoxicated, and attacked the judge so grossly
from time to time, that he ordered him frequently to be silent. The
examination of the witnesses consumed so much time, that I was obliged
to leave the court before the termination of the case. I heard
afterwards that Mr. Lloyd had been adjudged, to provide two sureties for
his good behaviour, during one year, each in a penalty of one thousand
dollars, and since he was not able to find these securities immediately,
to be remanded to prison.
On the same day, Mr. Bowdoin left us, and embarked on board the
steam-boat George Washington, bound to Louisville: afterwards to return
to New York. I accompanied him on board of the boat, and had an
opportunity of observing her most
excellent accommodations. The part devoted to lodging passengers, is
built like a house in a boat. The lower deck, or deck on which the
engine is placed, is occupied by what are called deck-passengers, those
who pay a lower price,—there are cot frames suspended for them,
but if there should be too many, the last comers must of course sleep on
the deck. Above this, is the principal cabin, the passage in which to
Louisville costs fifty dollars. Here is a handsome saloon lighted from
above, in the centre and on each side are enclosed state-rooms, each
with two births, one over the other. Behind this is the ladies cabin,
which can be so joined to it by the opening of two folding doors, that
both apartments may be thrown into one at pleasure. Around this
principal deck, runs a broad and lofty gallery, for the convenience of
travellers. Above the cabin, is the deck also covered with a roof, where
cotton, other articles, and deck-passengers find accommodation. For such
as smoke tobacco, there is a separate apartment provided, in which they
enjoy this acquired habit, without incommoding the other passengers, or
the ladies thereby. For the use of travellers, there is likewise a
library provided on board. The elevated position of the cabin is very
agreeable, because one is not annoyed by the engine; moreover in case a
boiler should burst, he is exposed to less danger, as the explosion can
only direct a fatal force along the lower deck. There were a pretty
large number of passengers on board; the vessel sailed about half after
four o’clock, P. M. and presented a majestic appearance in her
On the 19th of March, at nine o’clock, I went with Mr. Huygens, and a
Mr. Authur Andry, to his brother Michael Andry’s habitation, about
eleven miles distant from the city below, situated on the right bank of
the Mississippi. The road carried us over the field of battle, and past
the habitation of General Villaret: about two miles farther on, we
stopped at the habitation of Jumonville, left the carriage and embarked
in one of Mr. Andry’s ferry-boats, sent over for us, manned by seven
negroes, and crossed the river. There was much drift wood collected on
the left bank, through which we worked our way with difficulty. Then we
had also both wind and current against us, and had to keep guard against
the floating trunks of trees. We spent three quarters of an hour in this
passage. We landed at a large field of clover, belonging to Mr. Andry,
and through the garden reached his large and handsome mansion-house, two
stories high, with a piazza and very broad gallery, which is defended
from the heat of the sun by large curtains extended from pillar to
pillar. Here Mr. Andry received us.
Not long after our arrival, we went to the sugar-mills, behind the
mansion-house, near the negro-quarter. The mill, in which the cylinders
lie horizontally, is set in motion by a steam-engine of twelve
horse-power, made in Liverpool by Faucett. The juice from the cane flows
into the boiling-house, in which there are ten kettles. Mr. Andry
directs himself all the operations, and while the mill is at work
resides in a small room not far from the engine. He has the reputation
of being very severe to his negroes. Whether this imputation be just or
not, I could not decide, but twelve years ago an insurrection of
the slaves broke out at his habitation, in which one of his brothers was
murdered, and his father received three severe wounds with an axe. The
garden here was not well kept. Scientific gardeners are very difficult
to be procured here. Some years before two ships arrived with German
emigrants, who were sold to defray the price of their passage. There
were several gardeners among them. These men very soon extricated
themselves from their dependent situation, and part of them established
themselves; but the rest fell a sacrifice to the noxious climate. As the
term of their service was limited to a few years, their masters did not
give themselves much trouble to reclaim the runaways. Mr. Andry’s garden
was surrounded by a thick hedge of orange trees, and contained many
magnolias, orange trees, myrtles, jasmines, &c. We returned to the
left bank about eleven o’clock at night, and our carriage conveyed us
through the beautiful, mild moonlight, back to New Orleans in an
In the American theatre, “Der Freischutz” was presented under the
title of the “Black Huntsman of Bohemia.” This drama, so universally
known and admired, and which has followed me even in America like an evil genius,
(since detached pieces of it were sung and played in almost all
companies,) I had never yet witnessed. Determined not to remain
longer in the rear of the age, I therefore went to the theatre. The
orchestra was very weak and badly filled, hardly any of the performers
could sing; I was told that the handsomest pieces of music are
either abridged or entirely omitted. The decorations, nevertheless, were
tolerably good, I found the boxes and galleries thronged. In the
pit there were but few spectators, and these consisted of sailors and
countrymen from Kentucky, who made themselves quite at ease on the
benches, and cracked nuts during the finest pieces of music;
a custom I have noticed in all English theatres, and from which my
tobacco-chewing neighbours in the boxes did not refrain. The theatre is
newly erected, and is arranged not untastefully. It contains, besides
the pit and parquet, three rows of galleries as the French theatre; the
boxes are only divided by low balustrades, so that you look out as if
from a balcony;
the second gallery is destined for the reception of coloured spectators,
among whom I saw not a single female, and in the upper gallery the mob
and women of the town sit. The saloon is lit with gas, and has a very
tasteful girandole. I remained but for a short time.
One witnesses almost daily examples of the degrading treatment which
the poor negroes experience. I should say nothing of it, but one
particular scene, which roused my indignation in the highest manner, on
the 22d of March, I cannot suffer to pass in silence. There was a
young Virginian female slave in our boarding-house, employed as a
chamber maid, a cleanly, attentive, quiet, and very regular
individual. A Frenchman residing in the house, called, in the
morning early, for water to wash. As the water was not instantly brought
to him, he went down the steps, and encountered this poor girl, who just
then had some other occupation in hand. He struck her immediately with
the fist, in the face, so that the blood ran from her forehead. The poor
creature, roused by this unmerited abuse, put herself on her defence,
and caught the Frenchman by the throat. He screamed for help, but no one
would interfere. The fellow then ran to his room, gathered his things
together, and designed to leave the house. But when our landlady, Madam
Herries, was informed of this, in order to satisfy the wretch, she
disgraced herself by having twenty-six lashes inflicted upon the poor
girl with a cow-hide, and refined upon her cruelty so much, that she
forced the sweetheart of the girl, a young negro slave, who waited
in the house, to count off the lashes upon her.II.10
The river was progressively on the rise: the level of the water
already higher than the land. It still brought down great quantities of
drift timber with it. It was said, that about three days before, an
uncommonly long and thick rattlesnake had been caught upon a tree that
had been fished out. It was killed by a stroke of an axe, and had
eighteen rattles on its tail. From this it was concluded that
extraordinary inundations had taken place in the upper countries.
In order to pay my farewell visit to Mr. and Madam Andry, I crossed
the Mississippi river in a little boat, and it occupied me full
three-quarters of an hour to gain the right bank. It required a quarter
of an hour alone to pass through the drift wood, which had collected on
the shore. We were compelled, nevertheless, to direct our course
parallel with the bank, for if we had attained
the main current, it would have swept us down with great force. In
addition to this, we experienced a real equinoctial tempest, so that the
passage was far from being comfortable. I hired a horse upon the
opposite bank, and rode in less than an hour to Mr. Andry’s habitation,
ten miles distance. The horses here are trained to a small gallop or
canter, which is upon the whole not fatiguing, and carries you speedily.
The storm had driven off in a thunder-squall, I felt but the
beginning of it, and reached the habitation just at the right time.
I galloped back again about five o’clock in the evening, under a
beautiful clear sky. The road ran partly on the levée, partly along side
of it. The land is chiefly cane-fields. I came past three
considerable sugar plantations, from which canals were made in the
cypress woods behind the fields, and thence to the Lake Barataria. These
canals are intended principally for the carriage of wood. The young
sprouts of the sugar cane made their appearance above ground, and the
negroes were employed in weeding it. The passage over the river was
shorter this evening than in the morning, it lasted an half hour.
Dr. Herman showed me, at my farewell visit to him, besides his
library, the claws and head of an alligator, which he had shot on the
lake Barataria. The teeth of this reptile are indeed very long, but they
do not appear to be fixed firmly in, but are hollow, and seem as if the
animal changed them periodically; for in the cavities of several teeth,
which had appeared to leave no roots, you see young teeth pushing forth.
Below the under jaw, the alligator has two little glands, which have a
strong odour of musk. The Doctor has dried these glands, and hung them
up in that state for several years, yet still they impart a strong musky
smell. The alligator perhaps may avail himself of this substance to
benumb the fish which come within his reach, and then swallow them.II.11
Bishop Dubourg, whom I have often visited during my residence in this
place, received me one day in his library, which contains besides
theological works, many books of science and belles lettres.
I remarked a perfect set of the French Encyclopédie, and
complimented the bishop upon it, and expressed my surprise that he
should have been able to purchase this work so complete in this country.
The worthy man related with a smile how he had acquired it. As he was
travelling through Flanders in 1816 and 1817, in company with the Bishop
Prince de Broglio, he formed an acquaintance with a gentleman and his
daughter, well known for their bigotry. The latter, a great admirer
of books, told him confidingly, that she
experienced great scruples on account of keeping in her library the
Encyclopédie, in which so many wicked things were contained in
opposition to the church. She inquired of him whether she had not better
throw this shocking book into the fire? He himself being a great book
fancier, and having observed that the work was complete, forbid this
pious proceeding, and told her that if she would commit it to his
custody, he would provide against its proving prejudicial. In this
manner he saved this expensive work from destruction, and thereby
enriched his own library.

Travels up the Mississippi from New Orleans to St.
Louis, and to St. Charles, on the Missouri.
After a stay of nine weeks, I at
length left New Orleans, on the 26th of March, with the most grateful
feelings towards its inhabitants, who had received me in a friendly and
affectionate manner, and had made this winter so extremely agreeable to
me. Never shall I forget what the families of Messrs. Grymes, Urquhart
and Andry, did for my benefit, and with what cordiality and true
hospitality they acted towards me. The Baron de Marigny has, however,
merited the most from my hands, and since he has it in prospect to leave
America, and settle himself in Europe, I trust yet once more to
have it in my power to exhibit my gratitude to him otherwise than by
words. The real creoles are, upon the whole, a warm-hearted
generation, and the people with whom I was least pleased here, were the
Americans, who are mostly brought only by the desire of accumulating
wealth. The Germans in Louisiana, unhappily rank behind even the Irish.
They are mostly a lazy race, not distinguished for their morality, and
very different from their countrymen in Pennsylvania, who, on account of
their moral and industrious characters, are universally respected, and
are worthy of this high regard.
Since my landing in Boston, on the 26th July, to my reaching New
Orleans, I had travelled the distance of four thousand two hundred
and seventy-five English miles. I entered now upon another great
journey. I designed to go from here to St. Louis, thence through
the states of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio to Pittsburgh, thence through
Pennsylvania by Philadelphia to New York. Here I proposed, with God’s
help, to embark for Liverpool, in the month of June.
About ten o’clock in the morning, I repaired from the Levée on board
the steam-boat Phoenix, bound for St. Louis, and immediately left the
shore. Eight steam-boats ascended the river on the same day. Ours was
the finest of this number. She was not large and had proportionately a
too powerful and dangerous high pressure engine. This communicated to
the vessel such a violent shock, that it was hardly possible to write.
Mr. Huygens was still my travelling companion; and I found to my great
satisfaction, a new and very welcome one in M. Hottinguer, the
son of a banker in Paris, whom I had known in New York, and who was now
desirous of viewing the western states on his return to Europe. The
remaining passengers, only three in number, were inhabitants of St.
Genevieve, not far from St. Louis, in the state of Missouri. The day was
very beautiful; the city, as well as the extensive suburb of St. Marie,
afforded a very picturesque view. What a pity that the shores are so
very low. It is hard to determine where the suburb St. Marie ends, the
houses gradually stand farther apart, until they are confounded with the
sugar plantations, of which we observed a good many on both banks of the
river, and some ornamented with very convenient dwelling houses. The
banks are highly cultivated, behind the fields, however, the cypress
woods are seen to commence. Towards the afternoon, something broke in
the engine, and we had to lie by for repairs, about three hours. We
heard music on the plantations, as the negroes were allowed to amuse
themselves on this first day of the Easter holy-days. So much timber
drove down the stream, that our engine was frequently stopped, to
prevent the buckets of the wheels from being injured by floating trunks
of trees.
Our accommodations consisted of a cabin with sixteen births; behind
this were two ladies cabins, of which, as there were no ladies on board,
we took possession, so that we might be located at the greatest possible
distance from the engine. We met three steam-boats, and several keel and
flat boats, which were laden with cotton, meal in barrels, bacon, hams,
birds, &c.
We passed the whole night without receiving any damage, although we
suffered some heavy blows from floating trunks of trees. The next day
the dwellings were more scattered, all of them, as well as the
sugar-cane fields about them, appeared in good condition. The banks on
both sides we found mostly covered with wood; the cypress had ceased,
and green-leaved trees, such as ash and poplar took their place. At
first the shore was very low, and we could observe from the marks on the
trees left by the water, that at a high stage of it the surrounding
country must be overflowed. Towards midday we passed the small town of
Baton Rouge, which lies upon a height,
and may contain about twelve hundred inhabitants. It was the first town
we had noticed. In passing, I remarked upon the eminence two brick
barracks, two stories high, and good looking, which are inhabited during
the summer by the garrison of New Orleans, on account of their healthy
situation. Baton Rouge is one hundred and thirty-one miles distant from
New Orleans, and owes its name to an ancient Indian trunk of a tree,
which was so denominated by the first French settlers. We did not stop
here, but made our first halt after sunset, at Bayou Sara, one hundred
and sixty-three miles from New Orleans, for an hour, to take in wood for
the engine. Above Baton Rouge the banks were steep, especially the left.
Such solitary elevations are termed here bluffs. The islands in the
Mississippi are numbered as they occur from the junction of the Ohio
down. The last is No. 97, we came this day up above No. 94,
and found all these intermediate islands low and covered with wood.
Towards the rising of the sun, we had passed by at the mouth of the
Bayou la Fourche, the little town of Donaldsonville, where as it is
said, the seat of government of Louisiana will be established.II.12 We
saw three large alligators lying on the shore sunning themselves, the
largest must have been from six to eight feet long. The weather was fine
the whole day.
We did not lie by again in the evening, but went on through the
night, and still received several blows from the drift wood.
The next morning produced nothing novel; some tortoises only passed
us, sailing on pieces of wood. The river made many and considerable
windings. The banks are every where woody, and for the most part so low,
that from the water-marks on the trees, they must be inundated at high
freshes. There were several high bluffs on the left bank, of which those
called Loftus Heights, appear to be the most remarkable. There is a
small settlement there called Fort Adams, from a fort that formerly
stood here. Scattered, but considerable plantations, are situated on the
shores. The sugar plantations have ceased, and the cotton fields have
taken their place. We stopped at one of these plantations to take in
wood; I embraced this opportunity to land, and look round about me
in the neighbourhood of the plantation. The soil appeared to be of a
dark colour, and very productive. The trees were chiefly of ash and
poplar, of which one was sixteen feet in circumference. Upon
all the trees, wild vines branched aloft, partly from thick trunks; also
many locust trees grew about here. In the garden of the plantation,
there stood a large bush of the champagne rose, as it is called, which
appeared very beautiful, as it was in full bloom, and diffused a
delicious odour. The raising of bees was carried on at this plantation.
The vegetation was as far advanced almost, as it is in Germany about
June. The right bank of the stream still belongs to Louisiana, the left
side however, is in Mississippi. Before we reached Fort Adams, we saw to
the left of us the broad Red river, emptying itself into the Mississippi
two hundred and thirty-two miles from New Orleans.
I take the liberty of inserting the following account of this river,
which is given in the “Western Navigator,” a work which is
published with charts of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers: “The Red river
falls into the Mississippi a little to the south of the thirty-first
degree of north latitude. At its mouth it is about five hundred yards
wide, and its general breadth is between two hundred and fifty and three
hundred yards. The main branch of this majestic stream rises in the
Mexican range of mountains eastward from Santa Fé, in nearly the
thirty-sixth degree of north latitude. It flows about one hundred miles
in a north-eastern direction, unites itself with another broad branch
coming from the north-west, makes then a great circuit towards the
south-east, and follows this direction to the Mississippi for the
distance of fifteen hundred miles. The country about the lower half of
the Red river is pretty well examined, and found equal to the other part
of Louisiana in fertility, except about fifty miles from the
Mississippi, which district is exposed to annual inundations. The cotton
and the tobacco raised about Natchitoches and at the Rapids, are of the
best quality, and command the highest prices. Besides many small craft,
the trade employs several steam-boats at Natchitoches. The bed and
shores of this river consists of clear red sand, mixed with clay and
gravel, the same colour is imparted to the water.”
On the morning of the 29th March we reached Natchez, and made a stop
of some hours, to repair a leaky boiler. I employed this leisure in
writing some letters of thanks to New Orleans. This occupied so much of
my time, that I was not able to look about in Natchez. Several of our
company did so, and informed me that the city was regularly and well
built, and situated upon an eminence on the left bank of the river,
removed a short mile back from it. Upon the bank itself, are some few
streets of wooden houses, with shops for provisioning and supplying the
steam-boats, which mostly make this a station. Back of these streets,
rises a sand-hill, upon which the city stands, and a very
laborious ascent through deep sand carries one there. Natchez is two
hundred and ninety-eight miles distant from New Orleans.
At half past eight o’clock we proceeded: the banks were very low, and
bluffs were to be seen only now and then on the left side. Only one
solitary plantation on a hill covered with grass appeared well
cultivated. It was situated upon a point called Petit gulf, where the
river makes a remarkable bend, and is three hundred and forty miles from
New Orleans. Besides this, we took notice of several little plantations
which are exposed to inundations, and have only wretched log-houses.
They are fixed there by poor people, who seek to acquire property in
this unhealthy district. We stopt at two of this kind of plantations to
take in wood, and I went ashore both times for exercise. At one of these
places, the owner had put fire to all the trees that were not hewn down,
to make the land arable, and to change the wood into cotton fields. The
day passed over in the same way: our travelling party was increased by a
woman from St. Louis, who had waited for us with her three children at
one of the plantations. She was the wife of a mechanic in St. Louis, who
also was engaged in trade, having been to Santa Fé, in Mexico, and from
there had brought mules for sale to the state of Alabama. He appeared to
have staid away rather too long; his wife, and her three little
children, had travelled after him, but not being able to find him, she
now returned home.
During the night we passed the little town of Warrenton, on the left
bank of the river, three hundred and ninety-eight miles from New
Orleans, and afterwards another, on an eminence on the same shore,
called Walnut Hills, ten miles farther. About midday, on the 30th of
March, we passed the mouth of the Yazoo.
Concerning this river, the Western Navigator makes the following
remarks:—“The Yazoo rises in the state of Georgia, takes a
south-westerly direction, meanders through a fertile country, and
empties itself into the Mississippi, in the latitude of 32° 30´. At its
mouth it is about one hundred and thirty yards wide.”
The country was again very monotonous, low banks, partly covered with
water, covered thickly with trees, of which the fresh green leaves were
very much hidden by the disagreeable Spanish moss: some inconsiderable
plantations, where cotton and Indian corn were raised, and the
dwelling-houses, miserable little log-cabins, which are built on a sort
of grate, on account of the overflowing water. We stopt at one of these
places for wood, on the left bank. The labourers discovered among the
wood prepared for them, a snake two feet long, green and yellow
striped, with
a white belly. They considered it poisonous, and killed it;
I believe, however, that it was not, for at a dinner in the
habitation of Mr. Andry, the sons of our host brought a similar snake,
which he had found in the garden, into the chamber, and I permitted it,
(to the terror of the ladies,) to creep into my sleeve upon the
naked skin. Although the head of this snake had been cut off, yet the
body still had life, and wound itself so fast upon my finger with the
tail that I could carry it a considerable distance. There are many bears
in the woods here, as the wife of the planter assured me, which make
great havoc among the hogs of the inhabitants, but do not attack men.
The islands in the river are very low, and covered thick with
The weather had become cold, on the 31st of March it became warmer.
Nothing new! woody shores, high trees, poplars and sycamores, with large
creeping plants, mostly of wild vines, and here and there tall cane. We
passed several low islands, which, as well as a distance on both shores,
were overflowed, also some solitary, mean, and miserable dwellings. The
left bank of the river still is in the limits of the state of
Mississippi, the right thus far is in Arkansas Territory; of which
Little Rock on the Arkansas river is the principal place, at which many
emigrants from the eastern states have settled themselves. About ten
o’clock at night we reached the mouth of the Arkansas. Of this, the
“Western Navigator” speaks as follows:—This very beautiful river
is about three hundred and sixty yards wide, at its mouth it is said to
be fifteen hundred miles long. It rises at forty degrees north latitude
in the Mexican mountains, between the river La Platte on the one side,
and the Rio del Norte on the other. “This river, (as Stoddart
writes,) has a rocky bed, and the navigation of it is much impeded by
rapids and shoals. The extensive country through which it rolls, is
diversified by some mountains, numerous elevations, and fruitful
vallies, especially along the water-courses; by scattered groves and
copses of wood, and by prairies or natural meadows of great extent,
where immense flocks of various kinds of wild animals resort to
The pilot was obliged to be very careful here, since several
dangerous “snags”II.13 lay in the river where we passed by the remains
of the steam-boat Putnam, sunk there. We met the beautiful large
steam-boat Caledonia, which, coming from Louisville, went down the river
in a most imposing style. The mouth of
the Arkansas is distant five hundred and ninety and a half miles from
New Orleans, and there are still five hundred and fifty-nine and a half
miles remaining to St. Louis, so that the distance from New Orleans to
St. Louis amounts to eleven hundred and fifty-eight miles.
On the 1st of April, the shores on both sides, as well as most of the
islands, continued still as low and woody as those we had noticed during
the preceding days. The ugly long moss, however ceased to deform the
trees. Upon the right shore, was situated a little new settlement,
Helena, which, from the appearance of its buildings, must be in a
tolerably thriving condition. Towards evening, we stopped to wood on the
right bank, at a small settlement, called Big Prairie. It was an open
place, surrounded by forests, in which stood some very handsome
live-oaks. As it became dark, we saw in the woods a great number of fire
flies, swarming about, which for a moment led us to think that there was
a smithy, or a high furnace in the forest, out of which the sparks were
flying. The navigation during the night was very dangerous on account of
the number of snags: we received some powerful blows, and a branch, to
which we approached too near in the dark, forced its way into one of the
cabins, and made a considerable breach. Luckily no one at the time was
sleeping there.
Upon the following day we still contemplated no object but low and
inundated shores. The human dwellings, the most miserable that could be
conceived, were placed along in a scattered manner. As we took in wood
towards evening, we were obliged to fasten to the wood-pile, as the
whole plantation was under water. The lights on the left shore, which
may rise about forty feet, are called the Chickesa Bluffs, of which
there are reckoned four in a stretch of about sixty miles.
Before we reached the fourth Chickesa Bluff, we passed a large
island, called President’s Island. The river changes its course almost
every year, and constantly washes the sand-banks away, while it makes
others, so that the chart of the stream made a few years back, is not to
be depended upon as a guide. The passage in which we sailed along, was
at times rather narrow on account of the island, when the river was at
least an English mile broad. Upon the fourth Chickesa Bluff stood the
quondam Fort Pickering, consisting of a stockade, as were the forts, as
they were called in the Creek nation. The two block houses of this fort
are still visible, of which a plantation house has been made.
A short mile above the fort, stands a group of rather miserable
houses: it is the town of Memphis. It is seven hundred and sixty-three
miles from New Orleans, and three hundred and eighty-seven from St.
Above this town of great name, the Wolf river discharges itself into
the Mississippi. The state of Mississippi has its boundary here, and the
state of Tennessee commences. It is reported, that Miss Wright, of whom
notice has been taken before, has settled herself near Memphis, bought
several negroes, and located a plantation. During her travels in the
northern states, she expressed so great a disgust towards slavery, that
she could not be persuaded to cross the Potomac, to go into Virginia.
And now, she has even purchased negroes! It is said, however, that she
has acted thus from a philanthropical designs, to follow a proposed plan
of setting the negroes free, and giving them their liberty by degrees.
I have already given my sentiments at Boston, concerning Miss
Wright. All that I have since heard respecting her, confirms the
unfavourable judgment which I then communicated. A respectable
person, who had become acquainted with her in Philadelphia, said, that
she stretched herself on a sofa, spoke little, and gave herself little
or no trouble about any one, now and then breaking out in detached
sentences, such as this, for example; I believe that bears are of
more value than men. At Memphis, she will, I have no doubt, enjoy
many opportunities of confirming herself in practical experience of the
truth of this maxim. In the evening, we were amused again with the great
numbers of fire flies, which filled the woods.
On the 3rd of April, we were embarrassed by our fire wood giving out.
The banks were overflowed, and there was no regular landing place to be
obtained. At the place called the new cut-off, we had a very powerful
current against us, which we overcame with great trouble and waste of
time. The wood was so far gone, that old barrels were broke up, and a
mast and several boards were obliged to be sawed for a supply. This new
cut had formed itself in February 1822, and saves the vessels a circuit
of thirteen miles. It may be observed on the chart, what a large bend
the Mississippi makes here. By degrees it washed the small isthmus of
land, which intervened between the bends, and formed itself a new bed
directly through. This neck of land, through which this new cut passes,
is hardly half a mile wide. It is but a short time since the steam-boats
first ventured to take this short route: for the remains of the trees
washed away are still visible, and this admonishes the navigator to be
on his guard.
After we had passed this strait, which is distant eight hundred and
sixty-nine miles from New Orleans, we stopped on the right bank, to
provide ourselves with wood. We embraced this opportunity to go ashore
for a walk, and into the woods. A young man of our vessel, killed a
very handsome snake in the forest. It was one and a half foot long,
whitish, with coal-black, edged
spots on the back, the belly white with black stripes.II.14 Farther
on, a black eagle with white head and tail was shot. We saw a
similar one in the afternoon fly long before our boat, he had found a
snake which he held in his talons. We met with several plovers also.
After sunset, we stopt at the right bank for the second time, to obtain
more wood for the night. This place was called Point Pleasant, and there
were about it several small plantations; one of which served as a
trade-deposit with the Indians. The Indians bring deer, buck, muskrat
and other skins, and barter them for arms, ammunition, woollen blankets,
stamped calicoes, &c. one of our travelling companions, Mr. Vallais
employed himself in this trade. We accompanied him to the depôt, whence
he brought a whole cart-load of pressed skins to the boat, to take up
with him.
On the right hand shore the Arkansas territory ceases, and the new
state of Missouri begins. This was first received into the Union two
years since, and with truly great difficulty, and after long debate; as
congress was at issue whether the state should be suffered to permit
slavery within its limits or not. The state at length, however, obtained
that privilege.
Six miles below Point Pleasant, the little town of New Madrid lies
upon the right bank, nine hundred and twelve miles from New Orleans. We
past by it in the night, to my great regret; for I should have liked to
have seen the remains of the violent earthquake, which prevailed here in
the years 1811 and 1812. There are great sink-holes to be seen here yet,
in which trees are buried. The soil upon which the town itself stood,
has sunk many feet, and the place has suffered very much. New Madrid was
a Spanish settlement, and so long as the whole right bank of the
Mississippi, that is, from 1763 to 1803, belonged to the Spaniards,
under the name of Louisiana, there was a Spanish military post there. On
the left bank of the river this evening, we left the jurisdiction of
Tennessee, and entered that of Kentucky.
On the 4th of April, it was exactly one year, since I left the city
of Ghent, and my family. The time has passed over rapidly with me,
I have seen many remarkable things, my mind has been kept on a
constant stretch; nevertheless, that which passed more than a year ago
is as present, as if performed but a few days since. If the great
Architect of the universe shall conduct me in health home to those I
love, which I have prayed for, then shall the 4th of April be a
festival-day in my family as long as I live.
Both shores of the river, appeared in the forenoon just as they
appeared during the last days. Only we remarked two elevations
on the left bank, of which one was called Chalk Bank, the other Iron
Bank. About one o’clock in the afternoon we found ourselves opposite the
mouth of the Ohio river. The river is here very broad, and both streams
with their low banks, grown thick with wood, puts one in mind of the
Mecklenburg lakes.
The Western Navigator says, in a note concerning the Ohio: “The Ohio
arises from the junction of the Alleghany with the Monongahela at
Pittsburgh, the first is about three hundred and seventy, the latter
near five hundred yards broad at their mouths. After a
west-south-westerly course of nine hundred and fifty-two miles the Ohio
empties itself into the Mississippi about in the degree of north
latitude thirty-seven. It changes its breadth from four hundred to
fourteen hundred yards. At Cincinnati it is eight hundred and
forty-seven yards wide, which may be considered its medium. Its course
is gentle, not broken by falls or rapids, except at Louisville. It is
inferior to few streams in the convenience of communication from one
part to the other, especially if the operation of canaling the falls,
and erecting of locks, which has long been contemplated, be carried
through with success. The height of the falls is estimated at twenty-two
and a half feet, the length of the descent two miles. The greatest
extremes of falling in the height of the river, are between Pittsburgh
and the Mississippi; they lessen as the river is descended, and the
medium height is from twenty-five to thirty feet. At the lowest state of
water, the river is fordable in many places above the falls. ”
The mouth of the Ohio is nine hundred and seventy-seven miles from
New Orleans, and one hundred and seventy-three from St. Louis. Two
steam-boats, the Friendship and Philadelphia, which had remained near us
all the way from New Orleans, here left us, and ascended the Ohio. The
Mississippi continues still very broad above the Ohio, and contains many
islands. From the mouth of the Ohio, the left shore of the river belongs
to the state of Illinois, the right, as already observed, to the state
of Missouri. The banks of the Mississippi begin to be something higher,
and at times still more rocky. We stopt at a couple of solitary houses
on the right bank for wood. During this halt I went into the wood lying
back, to walk, and remarked several sycamores of an uncommon height and
stoutness; I believe I can affirm that one of them was twenty feet
in circumference. We observed from the cooler air, and the less
precocious vegetation, that we were again in a more northern climate.
A few of the trees were in leaf, others were blossoming, which in
New Orleans, occurred six weeks ago. Near the dwellings were large
orchards, in which the apple-tree was in blossom. On the
bank grew arbres de judée, whose blossoms resemble those of the
peach-tree, and near them blossoming white-thorns.
The water in the Ohio had risen very much for some days, and poured
with force into the Mississippi; this circumstance assisted our
progress, since above the junction we had a weaker stream to contend
with. At ten o’clock at night we reached a little town on the right
bank, Gape Girardeau, where Mr. Vallais had some goods to land. This
place is situated on a high bank, and appears to be thriving and well
built, in a fruitful and tolerably populous district. On account of the
numerous snags under water and the sawyers, the navigation during the
night would have been dangerous, we therefore spent the night at Cape
Girardeau. There are here several examples of unlucky steam-boats. The
place is one hundred and thirty-two miles from St. Louis.
On the 5th of April we were set in motion before daybreak, and
stopped towards morning at a group of five wooden houses, called the
town of Bainbridge, one hundred and twenty-two miles from St. Louis, on
the right bank. Again goods were landed, and wood taken in. In the
outset of our day’s trip, the shores became higher. Upon the right side
we saw sandstone rock, probably forty feet high; they were partly worn
with water, and had singular forms. One of these rocks, which stands
alone, is called the Devil’s tea-table. Farther the river is compressed
in its course between two ledges of rock, of which one is called the
Devil’s bake-oven, where several steam-boats have gone down. The current
is here very strong. On the right bank rises a solitary rock named the
Tower, resembling very much an old fortress. It must be about one
hundred feet in circumference, and one hundred and fifty feet high. The
river became by degrees narrower. The vegetation continued still more
backward. Towards evening, we encountered a very heavy storm, that
lasted, with severe thunder, rain and hail, for a couple of hours. On
this account we could advance no farther without danger, and remained
during the night on the right bank near the Saline River’s mouth,
sixty-nine miles and a half distant from St. Louis. On this river
considerable and profitable salt works are established.
On the sixth of April, we moved again before daybreak. The storm of
yesterday had cooled the air very perceptibly. After we had advanced
five miles farther, we stopt on the left bank. An establishment was
placed there, Simonton’s Warehouse, where the goods intended for
Kaskaskia were landed, which is a town in the state of Illinois, lying
on the river Ouwa or Kaskaskia, two miles from the warehouse: we soon
got under way again. The country on the right bank was very well
cultivated. On a small eminence we beheld the little town of St.
Genevieve. This place
is one mile distant from the river, on a little stream called Gabane
creek. Mr. Vallais, and another of our fellow travellers, Mr. Rozier,
a native of Nantes, and established as a merchant in St. Genevieve,
landed their goods purchased in New Orleans here, and took leave of
We stopped several hours. The river takes a new direction against the
right bank, wears it out in hollows, and often tears away whole fields,
by which the left bank profits. We accompanied our fellow voyagers to
the town, which contains about two thousand inhabitants, of both
complexions. The road ran between fields of Indian corn, and then over a
bridge on Gabane creek. The place has regular streets, but has rather a
poor appearance. I remarked only three substantial houses: one of
them stands on an open square, and is the court-house. Not far from this
is the prison, a box framed of strong timbers. Upon the eminence on
which the place slopes down, stands a massive edifice, which indeed had
a roof upon it, but was without doors or windows, and threatened to fall
in. It was destined for an academy, but for want of funds the plan was
not completed. The place receives great advantage from the neighbouring
lead mines. The navigation near St. Genevieve is extremely dangerous,
from the snags lying under the water. Two steam-boats have been sunk
here, the Franklin and the Cincinnati. The accident of the last took
place when Prince Paul of Wirtemburg was on board. I noticed here
several pieces of a very brittle sandstone, found in the vicinity of St.
Genevieve, and sent as an article of trade to Pittsburgh, where it is
used in the manufacture of glass.
Before we proceeded on our voyage, we received the visit of a Shawnee
Indian on board, a well looking man of about thirty years of age,
who spoke tolerably good English. He travelled on horse-back with his
gun, hunted on the way, and sold his venison. His dress was very similar
to that of the Creek Indians. Between twelve and one o’clock, we were
again under way. The right bank continued rocky, and contained below
very singular shapes and excavations, which reminded me of the rocks on
the Inn, and the one called Buckfarth Castle.
About ten miles above St. Genevieve an island lies on the left shore,
called Fort Chartres, where at the time of the first French
establishment, a fort of this name was standing. It was
nevertheless partly torn away by the current, and at present, has
vanished entirely. We passed several islands, of which three are called
the Plattan islands. In the woods on these we saw many birds with
parti-coloured feathers, the largest among them were cormorants. About 5
o’clock in the evening, we reached Herculaneum, a little town on
the right shore. The river Joachim, which has been turned into Owashing
creek, which here flows
into the Mississippi, divides the place into two parts. Herculaneum is
thirty miles from St. Louis, is very small, but contains several decent
houses, and supports itself by the lead establishments, furnished by the
mines in the neighbourhood, and by two shot factories. The rocks, which
form the right bank of the river, open themselves here to let the
Owashing pass through, which flows in a narrow, truly picturesque
valley, which again recalled the Ilmthal to my mind. Looking from the
river, Herculaneum is situated between two high crags of rock, in the
back ground woody heights crowned with rocks, and appears very handsome.
On each summit of the rocks, stands what is called a shot tower. The
material of the rock here is wacke, in which there are many flints. We
stopt here to take in wood.
The 7th of April, we continued our voyage about five o’clock, and
reached St. Louis about eleven o’clock forenoon. Thus had we
accomplished a distance of 1150 miles in less than thirteen days against
the current, which before the introduction of the steam-boat required at
least three months, a new testimony of the importance of this noble
discovery, so honourable to the human intellect.
We enquired in several houses for accommodation, but found the most
of them too bad; and remained at length in the Missouri Hotel,
a tolerably moderate kind of an inn, where we were obliged to house
ourselves very narrowly.
St. Louis has existed since the year 1763, and was settled by French
and Canadians. In that year when Canada with the left bank of the
Illinois and Mississippi were ceded to England, these people were not
willing to be English subjects, and withdrew to the right bank of the
Mississippi, which then was under the dominion of France, but soon after
was given up to Spain. The emigrants built St. Louis and St. Charles on
the Missouri, as well as several other little places: they lived a long
time cut off from the civilized world, and surrounded by Indians. They
effected but little in the cultivation of the soil, had almost no
agriculture, and supported themselves by hunting. They would at length
have become savages, had not this territory, with Louisiana, in the year
1803, came into the possession of the United States. Since that time
communication and roads have been opened between the United States and
St. Louis; many Americans and foreigners removed here, and brought their
property and their industry with them: and by the introduction of the
use of steam-boats, a new and easy intercourse was opened with the
shores of the Ohio, and with New Orleans, that important depôt of the
western states. A glance at the map of the United States shows what
an interesting place St. Louis is destined to become, when the white
population has spread itself more westwardly
from the Mississippi, and up along the Missouri river. Perhaps it may
yet become the capital of a great nation.
St. Louis lies upon a rather high rocky foundation on the right bank
of the Mississippi, and stretches itself out, nearly a mile in length,
in the direction of the river. The most of the houses have a garden
towards the water, the earth is supported by walls, so that the gardens
form so many terraces. The city contains about four thousand
inhabitants. It consists of one long main street, running parallel with
the river, from which several side streets run to the heights behind the
city. Here single houses point out the space, where another street,
parallel with the main street can one day be built. The generality of
the houses are new, built of brick two stories high; some are of rough
stone, and others of wood and clay in the Spanish taste, resembling the
old houses in New Orleans. Round the city, along the heights, formerly
ran a wall, but it is now taken away. At the corners stood massive round
guard-towers, the walls of which one still can see.
In a northern direction from the city, are seven artificial hillocks,
in two rows, which form a parallelogram. They belong to the much talked
of Indian mounds and fortifications, of which numbers are found on the
shores of the Ohio and Mississippi, and which are dispersed over these
regions from Lake Erie to New Mexico. There exists neither documents nor
traditions concerning the erection of these works, or of the tribe of
people who erected them. In some, a great quantity of human bones
have been discovered, in others, on the contrary, nothing. This double
row near St. Louis has not yet been examined.
Soon after our arrival, we made some visits to deliver the
introductory letters given me by Bishop Dubourg. We called first upon
General Clark, governor of the state of Missouri. The general was absent
in Washington. We were, however, received in a very friendly manner by
his wife and daughters. Governor Clark is moreover the well-known fellow
traveller of the late Governor Lewis, in the expedition to the mouth of
Columbia river, on the Pacific ocean, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806.
We afterwards went to visit Mr. Choteau, who was one of the founders of
St. Louis, who was not at home.
As we were so near the Missouri, we were unwilling to leave this part
of the country, without at least looking at that interesting river; for
St. Charles, a little town on the left bank of the Missouri, which
empties into the Mississippi some twenty miles above St. Louis, is but
twenty miles distant from this city. Not to lose any time, we determined
to go there this very day. We therefore hired a little two-horse
carriage, and with it, I and Mr. Hottinguer, and Mr. Huygens, began
our journey in the afternoon. At first, all went right. The
road ran through an uneven prairie, upon which many cattle pastured.
After a ride of eight miles, we came into a forest, which lasted all the
way to the Missouri. The country was pretty hilly, the forest consisted
of green-leaved timber, oaks, and various nut-bearing trees, of Canadian
poplars, and much sumach. On most of the trees, climbing plants mounted
over them, wild vines, and ivy. There was hardly any sign of the spring
here yet: the vegetation was still as backward as at that period of the
year in Flanders. This made no very friendly impression upon us, who had
just arrived from New Orleans, where it had long been summer. In the
woods we found several solitary inclosures, made by worm-fences. Wheat,
oats, and Indian corn were raised here. The cattle, and the numerous
swine bivouacked in the woods, and were obliged to take care of
themselves. There are a number of emigrants from the eastern states,
also Germans, established here in Missouri, who have purchased the land
from government for one dollar and a half per acre, and made it arable.
Most of them, however, repent of this proceeding; on account of the
small population of this state, and the want of a market, they cannot
dispose of their produce. We also passed a little village “the station,”
and afterwards had nearly been lost in the forest, as our coachman knew
nothing of the road. The road was marshy and very bad; and to complete
our misfortune the night shut in. One of our companions betook himself
to his knowledge of astronomy, and wished to steer us by the pole star.
I trusted more to my judgment of localities, and opposed all
learned demonstrations. My other companion voted with me, and therefore
we proceeded by my guidance, and I had the glory of finding the true
road, for we arrived at half-past ten o’clock at night, on the right
bank of the Missouri, opposite St. Charles, at Chauvin’s ferry.
The way had latterly become so bad, that to prevent accidents, we
proceeded on foot. It was too late to cross the river to St. Charles; we
therefore had a frugal supper prepared for us at the ferry-house, and
passed the night in a little garret-room. The country in the
neighbourhood of the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi, cannot
in any manner be healthy; in the summer bilious fevers prevail, and in
the winter, what they call the influenza, which has shown itself in most
of the northern states. It consists of a very severe cough, joined with
rheumatic symptoms. If the disease be neglected, death may be the
consequence. To my no small alarm and dissatisfaction, one of our
chamber associates was very much affected with this influenza, and
another stranger, who slept in the next apartment, was visited by this
malady likewise; so that we were fated to hear a most annoying cough
On the next morning we crossed early to the left bank of the
Missouri, where St. Charles was situated, in a small canoe. The river is
here three-quarters of a mile broad, has excessively thick and muddy
water, and a very powerful current. The right bank is rather level, yet
so high that it experiences no inundation, while the left is pretty
hilly. St. Charles, which has the same origin with St. Louis, lies at
the foot of a hill; it consists of a single street running parallel with
the river, and is mostly built of brick. These houses are for the
greater part built by the Americans who have come here in later times,
and are inhabited by them as the most respectable portion of the
inhabitants. The Canadian, (or as they are called here, from their
original parentage and their language, the French,) are less industrious
than the Americans, and occupy themselves of preference in hunting; they
live in smaller, older houses, at the commencement and termination of
the street. The place may contain one thousand inhabitants, who nearly
all belong to the Catholic faith, and have a small wooden church.
I spoke to the present pastor, Verhegghen, a native of Ghent,
a young man, who, with the Abbé Maenhout in Pensacola, and many
other young students from Flanders, accompanied Bishop Dubourg on his
return from Europe. Abbé Verhegghen told me, that eight Flanders
clergymen were appointed either as pastors through the state, or placed
in the seminary five miles from St. Genevieve.
St. Charles has no remarkable exterior, and the streets are not
paved. We had it in contemplation to go to an eminence lying below the
town, “les Mamelles,” where it was said there was a view of the Missouri
and Mississippi both at once. The road carried us through a wood, which
begins below St. Charles. We had no guide, lost our way, and came at
last to a couple of lonely cabins. These cabins were inhabited by
Canadians, who took me for a Catholic pastor. We learned to our dismay,
that far from the “Mamelles,” we had six miles between us and St.
Charles. In this manner we took a sentimental walk of twelve miles for
nothing. Luckily for us we had fine weather. We had constantly remained
in the vicinity of the river, the return way took us somewhat
differently, and we came to a great marshy meadow, from which we could
distinguish the heights on the left bank of the Mississippi. The forest
is rather thick, with the same trees before-mentioned, and with large
and very thick sycamores. Not a sign of herbage was to be seen. In the
forest, however, there were beautiful birds, a pair were of a
dazzling sky-blue, and several paroquets, similar to those I had seen on
the river Alabama. For snakes, and especially for rattlesnakes, which
are found in great numbers here in summer, it was now too cold.
Exceeding fatigued with our useless promenade, we crossed
the Missouri immediately from St. Charles to Chauvin’s ferry, where we
had slept. We took our dinner here, and set out on the road to St. Louis
in our little light carriage, about four o’clock. We got over the worst
part of the road by daylight. We were surprised at the great numbers of
partridges, upon which we came, and which were so tame, that they would
hardly run out of our way: they remained sitting within ten paces of us.
As the night overtook us, we reached the better part of the road. We
passed a bivouack of an emigrant family, and arrived in St. Louis
without accident, in a very cold night about ten o’clock.
The 9th of April found us plunged into the midst of winter. It never
ceased snowing and freezing during the whole day. Except a slight fall
of it that I had experienced at Harper’s ferry, in the month of
November, 1825, this was the first snow that I happened to witness in
America. We could not make up our minds to go abroad, but preferred
sitting at the fire-side, and entertained ourselves with past happy
days. Later, however, we paid Mrs. Clark a visit, and spent the evening
at her house.
The steam-boat Mexico, Captain Clark, from the Prairie des Chiens on
the upper Mississippi, arrived this day, in the afternoon, at St. Louis,
fired a cannon to announce it, and intended to sail the next morning
down the Mississippi, and up the Ohio to Louisville and Pittsburgh.
I determined to embrace this opportunity to arrive in the Ohio, and
then visit New Harmony on the Wabash. My design at first was to have
gone by land through the state of Illinois, to Vincennes, and from there
down the Wabash to New Harmony. From information since obtained, this
road would be almost bottomless at this season of the year, several
rivers were to be crossed, and those provided with miserable ferries.
For these reasons, I declined the journey by land, in which,
without such considerations, there was nothing interesting to attract
I had also felt a desire to visit the lead-mines, of which the most
important lie at Potosi, sixty miles from St. Louis, which are almost
daily increasing in consequence. I declined to join in this
excursion, since the journey there would take at least two days, the
return as much, and besides the road was described as wretched in the
highest degree. I was told, that the lead ore lies almost on the
surface, and is so extensive, that it is not worth the trouble to dig
for it deep. If therefore a shaft is pushed so deep as to strike water,
this shaft is abandoned and another opened. This easy method of working
will last until the owner has laboured over every part of his territory,
then he will be obliged to have recourse to water-pumps, and
steam-engines. On Fever river, on the upper Mississippi, are also very
rich lead-works. These, united to the works at Potosi, have delivered,
during nine months, eight hundred and eighty-seven thousand two hundred
and ninety-eight pounds of lead; the amount of per centage which the
United States receive from these works during that time, was a hundred
and four thousand one hundred and thirteen pounds. It is supposed, that
in the next year the mine-works will produce from three to four million
pounds of lead, which must be three hundred and fifty thousand pounds
for the share of the United States. It is but a few years since these
mines were worked.
On the 10th of April, we paid yet some other visits, before our
departure. First, to Major Biddle of the sixth regiment of infantry. He
is a brother to Commodore Biddle, and also of the President of the
United States Bank, in Philadelphia. His wife, educated in France, does
not appear particularly delighted with these out posts of civilization.
We then went to see Mrs. Clark, who, through the secretary of her
husband, Mr. Alexander, exhibited to us the museum collected by the
governor on his travels, and since considerably augmented. Mr. Alexander
showed us articles of Indian clothing of different kinds, and various
materials,—except the leather, the larger part of these materials
were American, or rather entirely European in their origin.
A single garment alone, was made by the Cherokees of cotton, which
was pulled, spun, wove on a loom, made by an Indian, and even dyed blue
by them. Besides, several weapons of different tribes, wooden tomahawks,
or battle-axes, in one of them was a sharp piece of iron to strike into
the skulls of their prisoners; another made of elks-horn, bows of
elks-horn and of wood, spears, quivers with arrows, a spear head of
an Indian of the Columbia river, hewed out of flint, a water-proof
basket of the same people, in which cooking can be performed, several
kinds of tobacco pipes, especially the calumet, or great pipe of peace.
The heads of this pipe are cut out of a sort of argillaceous earth, or
serpentine; in time of war the spot where this stone is dug out, is
regarded as neutral, and hostile parties, who meet each other at that
place, cannot engage in any thing inimical against each other. The pipe
which the commissioners of the United States use at treaties with the
Indians, has a heavy silver head, and a peculiarly handsome ornamented
wooden stem. Farther: Mr. Alexander showed us the medals which the
Indian chiefs have received at different periods from the Spanish,
English and American governments, and the portraits of various chiefs,
who have been at St. Louis to conclude treaties with the governor, who
is also Indian agent. Among the remarkable things in natural history, we
noticed an alligator, eight feet long; a pelican; the horns of a
wild goat, shot by the governor in his tour among
the rocky mountains; the horns of a mountain-ram, and those of an elk,
several bearskins, among others, of the white bear; buffalo, elk, of the
skunk, which were sowed together in a robe, skins of martins, ferrets,
&c. &c. moreover, several petrifactions of wood, and animal
subjects, among others, of elephants teeth, a piece of rock-salt,
tolerably white, yet not shooting in crystals, as the English; various
crystals; a large piece of rock crystal; very handsome small
agates, which are here taken for cornelians, &c. Among the
curiosities, the most remarkable were two canoes, the one of
animal-hide, the other of tree-bark, a peace-belt, which consists
of a white girdle, set with glass beads two hands breadth wide; farther,
snow shoes, nets which are drawn over an oval frame, also the rackets,
which they use in playing their game of ball, &c. &c.
After the examination of this interesting collection, we paid our
visit to Mr. Choteau. This is a venerable old man of eighty years,
a native of New Orleans. He told us that at the founding of St.
Louis, he felled the first tree. His house resembling in architecture
the old government-house in New Orleans, was the first substantial
building erected here. The conversation with this aged man, who received
us like a patriarch, surrounded by his descendants, was very
interesting. He was of opinion that the people from whom the Indian
antiquities have come down to us, either by a pestilential disease, or
by an all-destroying war, must have been blotted from the earth. He
believed that Behring’s Straits were more practicable formerly than at
present, at least it must have been Asiatic hordes that came to America.
How otherwise, (asked he,) could the elephants, since there have
been none ever upon this continent, have reached the American bottom,
where their bones are now found? This bottom is a very rich body of
land, running south, opposite to St. Louis. Mounds and fortifications
are found there, of the kind spoken of before. Here the elephants bones
are not scattered about, but found laid in a long row near each other,
as if they had been killed in a battle, or at the assault of some
fortification. I gave him a description of the opening of a Roman
mound, at which I was present with my father, in the year 1813, and he
expressed his astonishment at the great similarity between these mounds,
and those of the Indian grave-hills. Among the stone war-hatchets in the
governor’s museum, there are several resembling the battle-axes which
are found in Germany at these mounds.
In our inn there lodged merchants, who prepare caravans, with which
they go in a space of from between forty and fifty days, to Santa Fé in
New Mexico. The articles which they mostly carry there, consist of
cotton fabrics, cloths, iron ware, &c. These goods
they pack in four-horse wagons, covered over, in which they sleep at
night. There are about one hundred men in such a caravan. From Santa Fé
they bring back dollars and mules.
After dinner the worthy old gentleman, Mr. Choteau, surprised us by a
visit, and brought his brother, his sons, and a Captain Smith, of the
first regiment of infantry, who is here on recruiting duty, with him. He
staid long with us and was very talkative. He related, for example, that
at the commencement of the settlement of St. Louis, the Indians attacked
the town, which was only defended by one hundred and fifty men, and that
they were driven off. After this attack, the Spaniards had built the
defensive towers, of which the remains stand yet around the city. They
resemble the English Martello towers, and like them were of but little

Travels from St. Louis to New Harmony.—Mr.
Owen’s System and Experiment.
On the 10th of April at seven
o’clock, P. M. we left St. Louis, in the Mexico, a neat boat with a
low pressure engine. We went down the stream so rapidly, that we
advanced fourteen and fifteen miles per hour. We received an unpleasant
shock during the night from a snag. It gave the vessel such a violent
blow, that all were roused from sleep, and sprang out of bed:
I thought that the boat was going down. Happily we were only scared
this time. Towards morning we hastened past Cape Girardeau, and all the
places which we had seen a few days before. It was agreeable for us
again to come something more southerly, and recognize traces of
vegetation. We reached the junction of the Ohio with the Mississippi
about twelve o’clock in the day. We then quitted the Mississippi, and
steered into the Ohio.
At the period when the French extended their posts from Canada to New
Orleans, the Ohio was known to them under the name of “La Belle
Riviere;” Mr. Choteau, Senr. used this appellation constantly in
speaking of it, while conversing with me. The water of the Ohio is much
clearer and purer than that of the Mississippi, which is evidently very
foul from the confluence of the Missouri. At the union with the Ohio,
this difference in the colour of the streams is striking, when you pass
from the turbid waters of the Mississippi into the purer current of the
They are divided from each other by a perceptible line, disturbed
cloudings being visible on each side of this line.
I took a solemn leave of the majestic father of rivers, the
Mississippi; but, with God’s permission, not an eternal one.
The banks of the Ohio are at first very low, and exposed to
inundations. Upon the right bank, eleven miles above the mouth, lies a
small place, consisting of a few wooden houses, called America. It is
built upon a bank raised several feet above the highest water-mark. It
is only three miles hence across to the Mississippi. A project,
therefore has been agitated, and a company formed with a capital of ten
thousand dollars, to cut through this narrow piece of land, to unite the
rivers sooner, and gain an easier navigation. Since the bank is not
exposed to overflow at this point, as I have remarked before,
a town may be established here, in process of time, when this
design is carried into effect, that will be extremely important and
About six miles from the mouth, stand a tavern and warehouses, on the
right bank, which is called Trinity. In this vicinity there are several
rocks concealed under the water, that must be very dangerous at a low
stage of the river. Some miles higher, thirty-seven and a half miles
from the mouth, fourteen hundred miles from New Orleans, and three
hundred and thirty-four and a half from Louisville, is Fort Massac,
situated on an eminence on the right bank. The remains of a stockade,
two block-houses, and barracks, are what is left of this fort, which
gains its name from the massacre of the French garrison by the Indians.
As long as the western military posts of the United States were kept up,
an infantry company remained here in garrison. This fort has been
abandoned for a long time. Nine miles higher up on the left bank, the
Tennessee river flows into the Ohio, upon which the Western Navigator
makes the following remarks: “This river is the largest branch of the
Ohio, and is navigable for large boats more than six hundred miles. It
rises in the north western part of Virginia, and runs through the whole
breadth of East Tennessee, in a south-westerly direction. Afterwards it
enters at the north-east corner of Alabama, through the breadth of which
it runs, then turning in a northern direction, nearly in a direct line
with the western boundary of that state, it flows through Tennessee and
a part of Kentucky, in which it discharges itself into the Ohio.” The
right bank of the river on which we were now sailing, belongs to the
state of Illinois, and the left to Kentucky. Both shores are thickly
covered with woods. Although our course up the stream did not equal the
speed with which we had descended the Mississippi, yet we made handsome
On the second night we went on, in spite of the snags, and without
accident. On the third day, 12th of April, we were
delighted with the prospect of the beautiful banks of the Ohio, thickly
covered with wood. The right shore especially is rocky, and occupied by
neat dwellings and little settlements. During the night we had passed
the mouth of the Cumberland, an eastern tributary river to the Ohio.
This is one of the largest rivers in Kentucky. It rises in the
Cumberland mountains, in the vicinity of the heads of Clinch and
Kentucky rivers, flows in a westerly direction more than two hundred
miles, enters the state of Tennessee, reaching Nashville, after
meandering through that state one hundred and twenty miles, in the
thirty-sixth degree of north latitude, or thereabouts, flows then one
hundred and twenty miles in a north-west course, and discharges itself
into the Ohio.
This mouth of Cumberland is eight hundred and ninety-four miles from
Pittsburgh, and ten hundred and thirty-five from New Orleans. On the
right shore we saw the little town of Golconda, afterwards the Cave in
Rock, where a considerable cavern runs into the rock. It reaches one
hundred and fifty feet deep under the hill, and was used by a robber in
former days for a place of residence, whence he sallied out and
plundered the passing flat-boats and smaller craft.
Towards noon we reached Shawnee town, on the right bank, ten hundred
and ninety-five miles from New Orleans, and eight hundred and
thirty-four from Pittsburgh. The Western Navigator says, “Shawnee town
was formerly a village which belonged to the Shawnee Indian nation, and
bore its name. It is at present a handsomely situated town, in Gallatin
county, state of Illinois. It contains a post-office,
a land-office, and a bank, called the Great Bank of Illinois, with
a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Although it is subject to be
overflowed, yet it is nevertheless a considerable place, since it is the
centre of the emigrants going to Kaskaskias, St. Louis, &c.” It
appeared to me safe from inundation, as it lies upon a tolerably
elevated bank. The houses, of which many contain stores, are mostly of
wood, yet I observed many of brick. It may contain eight hundred
inhabitants, mostly white persons. The states of Illinois, Indiana, and
Ohio, lying between the Mississippi and Ohio, hold no slaves;
a slave coming here from other states is free: and yet these states
are only divided by the Mississippi from Missouri, and by the Ohio from
Kentucky and Virginia, in which three states, slavery still exists.
Ten miles above Shawnee town we passed the mouth of the Wabash,
a western tributary of the Ohio.
The Wabash, a very beautiful river, rises not far from the sources of
the Miami of the Lakes, and meanders through one of the most fertile
districts of the west. At its mouth, it is about two hundred and fifty
yards broad, and is navigable about four
hundred miles. The Wabash forms the boundary between the states of
Illinois and Indiana, the right bank belongs to the former, the left to
the latter state. About evening, the steam-boat landed Mr. Huygens and
myself on the right bank at Mount Vernon, a place established about
two years ago, whence we proposed to go by land to New Harmony. Mr.
Hottinguer left us, as he pursued his voyage in the steam-boat;
I parted very reluctantly from this esteemed fellow traveller, who
possessed many good qualities, above all others, one seldom found in his
countrymen, great modesty.
Mount Vernon lies upon a high bank, one hundred and twenty-six miles
from New Orleans, and eight hundred and three from Pittsburgh. It is a
favourable situation for trade, laid out on an extensive plan, but has
only frame houses, and at most three hundred inhabitants. It is the new
capital of Posey county. A prison was finished for the use of the
county; a court-house was about to be built. We formed an
acquaintance with a physician established here, and a travelling
merchant. The roots of the felled trees remained yet in the streets of
the town, the woods began close behind the houses; nay, the latest built
were encircled by them.
On the following morning, 15th of April, we hired a two-horse wagon,
to carry us to the village of New Harmony, which is sixteen miles
distant from Mount Vernon, and lies on the left shore of the Wabash. The
road passed through a hilly country, thickly grown with green-leaved
trees. The way was made very bad by former rains, and the most miry
places were mended with logs, forming a grievous causeway;II.15
over a little stream, called Big creek, we crossed a tolerable wooden
bridge. About half way is Springfield, at first made the capital of
Posey county, which, however, afterwards was changed to Mount Vernon, as
I have mentioned before. In Springfield the county gaol still remains,
also a brick court-house, and about ten wooden houses, two of them are
taverns. As the road was very bad, and the horses went very slow,
I walked at least ten miles, and arrived at New Harmony, before the
carriage. As soon as you clear the woods, you have a very handsome view
of the place. It lies in a valley, not far from the Wabash. The woody
and low banks of this river, were at present, in the neighbourhood of
New Harmony, overflowed. From the roots of trees still remaining, it was
visible, that this country had been covered with wood but a short time
In fact, it is but eleven years since Mr. Rapp with his society,
after they had disposed of Harmony in Pennsylvania, moved here, and
felled the first tree to found New Harmony in a country inhabited only
by wolves, Indians, bears, rattlesnakes, &c. The hills immediately
next to the place, are already cleared of timber of the larger kind;
they are converted into vineyards, and partly into orchards. Farther off
are meadows and fields to the right, and to the left fruit and vegetable
gardens, carefully enclosed by palisades. New Harmony itself, has broad
unpaved streets, in which good brick houses appear alternately, with
framed cabins and log houses: the streets are regular, running at right
angles. We took up our quarters in the only tavern there, belonging to
the community; it was passable.
Rapp’s society, called from their former residence, the Harmonites,
consisted of Wurtemburgers. Their early history is known, and perhaps,
when I visit this society from Pittsburgh in their new establishment,
“Economy,” I may find an opportunity to say more concerning them.
Rapp sold New Harmony in the year 1825, to the Englishman, Robert Owen,
and left there with his people on the 5th of May, to go up the Ohio to
Economy. Mr. Owen was originally engaged in manufactures, and possessed
a large cotton factory at New Lanark, on the Falls of Clyde, ten miles
from Glasgow in Scotland, where he had, by the adoption of a new system
of education and formation of character, changed a collection of one
thousand rude labourers into a community of industrious beings. His
system, and his ideas upon the situation of human society, as well as
the improvements that are capable of being made, he has divulged in a
series of essays, which are collected, and appear in print under the
name of a new view of society. They conclude with the project of a
constitution for a community formed on his system.
Mr. Owen is an enemy to all sects, the spirit of which has generated
so much evil under the imposing name of religion. He allows each person
liberty to believe in what he may consider to be good; so that a pure
Deism is the peculiar religion of his adherents. On this account he was
very obnoxious to the prevailing sects in Great Britain, and accordingly
his system could not extend itself there. He was therefore induced to
turn his attention to the United States, and particularly to the western
part of the Union, where, as he says, there is less hypocrisy of
religion prevailing than to the east. He then purchased New Harmony from
Mr. Rapp, and commenced his establishment in the month of May last. As
he laid the foundation of it entirely on perfect equality and community
of property, many enthusiasts in these principles from various parts of
the Union joined themselves to him; and also a number of vagabonds and
lazy worthless persons, from all parts of the world, that
would willingly live well at the public expense, who had drank away the
little money, if they brought any at all, at the tavern, and who would
not work, but desired to say a great deal. Mr. Owen had gone to England
on account of business in the month of July, and during his absence,
a complete anarchy had been introduced into the new community. At
the end of October he arrived from England at New York on his return,
gave lectures there, in Philadelphia, and in Washington, upon his
system, made some proselytes in Philadelphia, and came back to New
Harmony. He lamented over his people, and brought the situation of
anarchy in which they had fallen before their eyes so plainly, with the
consequences resulting therefrom, that they invested him with
dictatorial authority for one year.
In the eastern states there is a general dislike to him. It was
thought unadvised that he issued a proclamation to the Americans on his
last arrival in New York, in which he told them, that among many virtues
they possessed great faults, among which he alluded to an ill-directed
propensity to religious feelings, and proposed himself as their reformer
in this respect. I heard at that time unfavourable expressions from
persons in the highest public offices against him; and one of them gave
Mr. Owen to understand very plainly, that he considered his intellects
rather deranged.II.16 In one family alone, where theory took place of
experimental knowledge, did I hear conversation turn to his
After all this, I came with the utmost expectation to New Harmony,
curious to become acquainted with a man of such extraordinary
sentiments. In the tavern, I accosted a man very plainly dressed,
about fifty years of age, rather of low stature, who entered into a
conversation with me, concerning the situation of the place, and the
disordered state in which I would find every thing, where all was newly
established, &c. When I asked this man how long before Mr. Owen
would be there, he announced himself, to my no small surprize, as Mr.
Owen, was glad at my visit, and offered himself to show every thing, and
explain to me whatever remained without explanation. As the arrangement
calculated for Rapp’s society was not adapted to his, of course many
alterations would naturally be made. All the log houses still standing
in the place, he intended to remove, and only brick and framed edifices
should be permitted to remain. Also all enclosures about particular
gardens, as well as all the
enclosures within the place itself, he would take away, and only allow
the public highways leading through the settlement to be enclosed. The
whole should bear a resemblance to a park, in which the separate houses
should be scattered about.
In the first place, Mr. Owen carried me to the quondam church of
Rapp’s society; a simple wooden building, with a steeple of the
same materials, provided with a clock. This church was at present
appropriated to joiner’s and shoemaker’s shops, in which the boys are
instructed in these mechanic arts.
Behind the church stands a large brick edifice, built in the form of
a cross, and furnished with a species of cupola, the purpose of which is
unknown. Rapp, they say, had dreamed three times that this building
should be erected, and therefore he had it done; but it is thought, and
I believe correctly, that he only did this to keep his society in
constant employment, so that they could have no leisure to reflect upon
their situation, and dependence upon him. His power over them actually
extended so far, that to prevent his society from too great an increase,
he forbid the husbands from associating with their wives. I also
heard here a report which I had already been apprised of in Germany,
that he had himself castrated a son who had transgressed this law, for
the sake of example, and that the son had died under the operation. Over
one of the entrances of this problematical edifice, stands the date of
the year 1822, hewed in stone; under it is a gilt rose, and under this
is placed the inscription Micah 4. v. 8. The interior of the house
forms a large hall, in form of a cross, the ceiling is supported by
wooden pillars. Mr. Owen has devoted the hall to the purposes of
dancing, music, and meetings for philosophical discussions. He told me
that he intended to have the ends of the cross, both of the grand saloon
as well as those of the hall under the roof, divided off by partitions,
so as to use them for school-rooms, for a library, for a cabinet of
natural history, of physical objects, &c.
Mr. Owen then conducted me to Rapp’s former dwelling, a large,
well-built brick house, with two lightning rods. The man of God, it
appeared, took especial good care of himself; his house was by far the
best in the place, surrounded by a garden, with a flight of stone steps,
and the only one furnished with lightning rods. Mr. Owen, on the
contrary, contented himself with a small apartment in the same tavern
where I lodged. At present, the offices, and the residence of Mr.
M‘Clure, the associate of Mr. Owen, are in Rapp’s house.II.17
Mr. M‘Clure is a man distinguished for learning, who has
published a geological chart of the United States. He told me that he
was in Germany in the year 1802, and also at Weimar, where he had become
acquainted with the literati residing there: I was introduced by
him to a native of Alsace, of the name of Neef, a rather aged man,
who had the superintendence of the boys. Mr. Owen’s two eldest sons were
also here shown to me, pupils of Fellenberg, who is greatly respected.
Afterwards Mr. Owen made me acquainted with Mr. Lewis, secretary of the
society, from Virginia, and a relation of the great Washington. He was
already pretty far advanced in years, and appeared to have united
himself to the society from liberal principles, as far as I could judge
from our short conversation. Another acquaintance that I made, was with
a Mr. Jennings, from Philadelphia, a young man, who was educated as
a clergyman, but had quitted that profession to follow this course of
life, and had united himself to Mr. Owen. He intended, nevertheless, to
leave this place again, and return back to Philadelphia. Many other
members have the same design, and I can hardly believe that this society
will have a long duration.II.18 Enthusiasm, which abandons its
subjects but too soon, as well as the itch for novelty, had contributed
much to the formation of this society. In spite of the principles of
equality which they recognise, it shocks the feelings of people of
education, to live on the same footing with every one indiscriminately,
and eat with them at the same table.
The society consisted, as I was informed, of about one thousand
members; at a distance of two miles are founded two new communities.
Till a general table shall be instituted, according to the fundamental
constitution of the society, the members are placed in four
boarding-houses, where they must live very frugally. Several of the most
turbulent, with an Irishman who wore a long beard, at their head, wished
to leave the society immediately to go to Mexico, there to settle
themselves, but where their subsistence will be procured with as much
In the evening Mr. Owen conducted me to a concert in the non-descript
building. Most of the members of the society were present. The orchestra
was not numerous, it consisted at first only of one violin, one
violoncello, one clarionet and two flutes. Nevertheless the concert was
surprisingly good, especially as the musicians have not been together a
year. The clarionet player performed particularly well, and afterwards
let us hear him on the bugle. Several good male and female vocalists
then took a part, they sang among other things a trio accompanied by the
clarionet only. Declamation was interspersed among the musical
performances, Lord Byron’s stanzas to his wife after their separation
were extremely well recited. Between the two parts of the concert the
music played a march, each gentleman gave a lady his arm, and a
promenade took place, resembling a Polonaise with pretty figures,
sometimes in two couples, sometimes in four; two ladies in the middle,
the gentlemen separated from the ladies, then again all together. The
concert closed with a lively cotillion. I was, on the whole, much
amused; and Mr. Huygens took an active share in the dancing. This
general evening amusement takes place often in the week; besides, on
Tuesday, there is a general ball. There is a particular costume adopted
for the society. That for the men consists of wide pantaloons buttoned
over a boy’s jacket, made of light material, without a collar; that of
the women of a coat reaching to the knee and pantaloons, such as little
girls wear among us. These dresses are not universally adopted, but they
have a good appearance. An elderly French lady, who presides over the
department of young mothers, and the nursing of all the very small
children, stuck by my side during a large portion of the evening, and
tormented me with her philosophical views. All the men did not take a
share in the dance, i. e. the lower class, but read newspapers, which
were scattered over the side-tables.
The public house in which we lived was conducted on account of the
society. General Evans was looked for, who was to keep the house; in the
mean time it was directed by the physician of the society, Dr. M‘Namee,
from Vincennes. Among the public buildings I remarked two of which the
lower part was strongly built with rough stone, and provided with
loop-holes. The larger of these was the granary, and it was reasonably
thought that Rapp had this built as a defensive redoubt for his own
people. At the first period of his establishment in this country he not
only had the Indians, but also the rude people known under the general
title of backwoodsmen, who not only saw the establishment of such a
society with jealous eyes, which they knew would be wealthy in a short
time, but also entertained a grudge against Rapp’s unnatural rules of
On the morning of the 14th of April, I strolled about the place to
look round me. I visited Mr. Neef, but found his wife only at home,
a native of Memmingen, in Swabia. Her husband was in the act of
leading the boys out to labour. Military exercises form a part of the
instruction of the children. I saw the boys divided into two ranks,
and parted into detachments marching to labour, and on the way they
performed various wheelings and evolutions. All the boys and girls have
a very healthy look, are cheerful and lively, and by no means bashful.
The boys labour in the field and garden, and were now occupied with new
fencing. The girls learn female employments; they were as little
oppressed as the boys with labour and teaching; these happy and
interesting children were much more employed in making their youth pass
as pleasantly as possible. Madam Neef showed the school-house, in which
she dwelt, and in which the places for sleeping were arranged for the
boys. Each boy slept on a cot frame, upon a straw bed.
We went next to Rapp’s distillery: it will be removed altogether. Mr.
Owen has forbidden distilling also, as well as the use of ardent
spirits. Notwithstanding this, the Irishmen here find opportunities of
getting whiskey and fuddling themselves from the flat boats that stop
here, &c. We saw also a dye-house and a mill set in motion by a
steam-engine of ten horse-power. The engine was old and not in good
order, Mr. Owen said however, he hoped to introduce steam-mills here in
time from England. From the mills we went to the vineyard, which was
enclosed and kept in very good order. I spoke to an old French
vine-dresser here. He assured me that Rapp’s people had not understood
the art of making wine; that he would in time make more and much better
wine, than had been done heretofore. The wine stocks are imported from
the Cape of Good Hope, and the wine has an entirely singular and strange
taste, which reminds one of the common Spanish wines.
We went again to the quondam church, or workshop for the boys, who
are intended for joiners and shoemakers. These boys sleep upon the floor
above the church in cribs, three in a row, and thus have their sleeping
place and place of instruction close together. We also saw the shops of
the shoemakers, tailors and saddlers, also the smiths, of which six were
under one roof, and the pottery, in which were two rather large
furnaces. A porcelain earth has been discovered on the banks of the
Mississippi, in the state of Illinois, not far from St. Louis. Two
experienced members of the society, went in that direction, to bring
some of the earth to try experiments with, in burning. The greater part
of the young girls, whom we chanced to meet at home, we found employed
in plaiting straw hats. I became acquainted with a Madam
F——, a native of St. Petersburg. She married an
American merchant, settled there, and had the misfortune to lose her
husband three days after marriage. She then joined her husband’s family
at Philadelphia, and as she was somewhat eccentric and sentimental,
quickly became enthusiastically attached to Mr. Owen’s system. She told
me, however, in German, that she found herself egregiously deceived;
that the highly vaunted equality was not altogether to her taste; that
some of the society were too low, and the table was below all criticism.
The good lady appeared to be about to run from one extreme to the other;
for she added, that in the summer, she would enter a Shaker
establishment near Vincennes.II.19
I renewed acquaintance here with Mr. Say, a distinguished naturalist
from Philadelphia, whom I had been introduced to, at the Wistar Party
there; unfortunately he had found himself embarrassed in his fortune,
and was obliged to come here as a friend of Mr. M‘Clure. This gentleman
appeared quite comical in the costume of the society, before described,
with his hands full of hard lumps and blisters, occasioned by the
unusual labour he was obliged to undertake in the garden.
In the evening I went to walk in the streets, and met with several of
the ladies of the society, who rested from the labours of the day. Madam
F—— was among them, whose complaints of disappointed
expectations I had listened to. I feared still more from all that I
saw and heard, that the society would have but a brief existence.
I accompanied the ladies to a dancing assembly, which was held in
the kitchen of one of the boarding-houses. I observed that this was
only an hour of instruction to the unpractised in dancing, and that
there was some restraint on account of my presence, from politeness I
went away, and remained at home the remainder of the evening. About ten
o’clock, an alarm of fire was suddenly raised. An old log building used
as a wash-house was in flames, immediately the fire-engine kept in a
distinct house, was brought and served by persons appointed to that
duty. They threw the stream of water through the many apertures of the
log-house, and quickly put a stop to the fire. In a quarter of an hour,
all was over. Since the houses in the place all stand separately, there
is nothing to fear from the extension of fire, unless in a strong wind.
The houses, however, are all covered with shingles.
On the 15th of April, I went into the garden back of Rapp’s house to
see a plate or block of stone, which is remarkable as it bears the
impression of two human feet. This piece of stone was hewed out of a
rock near St. Louis, and sold to Mr. Rapp. Schoolcraft speaks of it in
his travels, and I insert his remarks, as I have found them correct.
“The impressions are to all appearance those of a man standing upright,
the left foot a little forwards, the heels turned inwards. The distance
between the heels by an exact measurement was six and a quarter inches,
and thirteen and a half between the extremities of the great toes. By an
accurate examination, it however will be ascertained, that they are not
the impression of feet, accustomed to the use of European shoes, for the
toes are pressed out, and the foot is flat, as is
observed in persons who walk barefoot. The probability that they were
caused by the pressure of an individual, that belonged to an unknown
race of men, ignorant of the art of tanning hides, and that this took
place in a much earlier age than the traditions of the present Indians
extend to, this probability I say, is strengthened by the extraordinary
size of the feet here given. In another respect, the impressions are
strikingly natural, since the muscles of the feet are represented with
the greatest exactness and truth. This circumstance weakens very much
the hypothesis, that they are possibly evidences of the ancient
sculpture of a race of men living in the remote ages of this continent.
Neither history nor tradition, gives us the slightest information of
such a people. For it must be kept in mind, that we have no proof that
the people who erected our surprising western tumuli, ever had a
knowledge of masonry, even much less of sculpture, or that they had
invented the chisel, the knife, or the axe, those excepted made from
porphyry, hornstone or obsidian. The medium length of the human male
foot can be taken at ten inches. The length of the foot stamp here
described, amounts to ten and a quarter inches, the breadth measured
over the toes, in a right angle with the first line is four inches, but
the greatest spread of the toes is four and a half inches, which breadth
diminishes at the heels to two and a half inches. Directly before these
impressions is a well inserted and deep mark, similar to a scroll of
which the greatest length is two feet seven inches, and the greatest
breadth twelve and a half inches. The rock which contains these
interesting traces, is a compact limestone of a bluish-gray colour.”
This rock with the unknown impressions are remembered as long as the
country about St. Louis has been known, this table is hewn out of a
rock, and indeed out of a perpendicular wall of rock.
The garden of Rapp’s house was the usual flower-garden of a rich
German farmer. In it was a green-house, in which several large fig
trees, an orange, and lemon tree stood in the earth. Mr. Owen took me
into one of the newly-built houses, in which the married members of the
society are to dwell. It consisted of two stories, in each two chambers
and two alcoves, with the requisite ventilators. The cellar of the house
is to contain a heating apparatus, to heat the whole with warm air. When
all shall be thoroughly organized, the members will alternately have the
charge of heating the apparatus. Each family will have a chamber and an
alcove, which will be sufficient, as the little children will be in a
nursery, and the larger at school. They will not require kitchens, as
all are to eat in common. The unmarried women will live together, as
will also the unmarried men, in the manner of the Moravian brethren.
I had an ample conversation with Mr. Owen, relating to his system,
and his expectations. He looks forward to nothing less than to remodel
the world entirely; to root out all crime; to abolish all punishments;
to create similar views and similar wants, and in this manner to avoid
all dissension and warfare. When his system of education shall be
brought into connection with the great progress made by mechanics, and
which is daily increasing, every man can then, as he thought, provide
his smaller necessaries for himself, and trade would cease entirely!
I expressed a doubt of the practicability of his system in Europe,
and even in the United States. He was too unalterably convinced of the
results, to admit the slightest room for doubt. It grieved me to see
that Mr. Owen should allow himself to be so infatuated by his passion
for universal improvement, as to believe and to say that he is about to
reform the whole world; and yet that almost every member of his society,
with whom I have conversed apart, acknowledged that he was deceived in
his expectations, and expressed their opinion that Mr. Owen had
commenced on too grand a scale, and had admitted too many members,
without the requisite selection! The territory of the society may
contain twenty five thousand acres. The sum of one hundred and twenty
thousand dollars was paid to Rapp for this purchase, and for that
consideration he also left both his cattle, and a considerable flock of
sheep behind.
I went with the elder Doctor M‘Namee, to the two new established
communities, one of which is called No. 2, or Macluria; the other
lately founded, No. 3. No. 2, lies two miles distant from New
Harmony, at the entrance of the forest, which will be cleared to make
the land fit for cultivation, and consists of nine log houses, first
tenanted about four weeks since, by about eighty persons. They are
mostly backwoodsmen with their families, who have separated themselves
from the community No. 1, in New Harmony, because no
religion is acknowledged there, and these people wish to hold their
prayer meetings undisturbed. The fields in the neighbourhood of this
community were of course very new. The community No. 3, consisted
of English country people, who formed a new association, as the mixture,
or perhaps the cosmopolitism of New Harmony did not suit them; they left
the colony planted by Mr. Birkbeck, at English Prairie, about twenty
miles hence, on the right bank of the Wabash, after the unfortunate
death of that gentleman,II.20 and came here. This is a proof
that there are two evils that strike at the root of the young societies;
one is a sectarian
or intolerant spirit; the other, national prejudice. No. 3, is to
be built on a very pretty eminence, as yet there is only a frame
building for three families begun.
After we had returned to New Harmony, I went to the orchard on the
Mount Vernon road to walk, and beheld, to my great concern, what ravages
the frost had committed on the fruit blossoms, the vines must have been
completely killed. The orchards planted by Rapp and his society are
large and very handsome, containing mostly apple and peach trees, also
some pear and cherry trees. One of the gardens is exclusively devoted to
flowers, where, in Rapp’s time, a labyrinth was constructed of
beech tree hedges and flowers, in the middle of which stood a pavilion,
covered with the tops of trees.
I afterwards visited Mr. Neef, who is still full of the maxims and
principles of the French revolution; captivated with the system of
equality; talks of the emancipation of the negroes, and openly proclaims
himself an Atheist. Such people stand
by themselves, and fortunately are so very few in number, that they can
do little or no injury.
In the evening there was a general meeting in the large hall, it
opened with music. Then one of the members, an English architect of
talent, who came to the United States with Mr. Owen, whose confidence he
appeared to possess, and was here at the head of the arranging and
architectural department, read some extracts from the newspapers, upon
which Mr. Owen made a very good commentary; for example, upon the
extension and improvement of steam-engines, upon their adaptation to
navigation, and the advantages resulting therefrom. He lost himself,
however, in his theories, when he expatiated on an article which related
to the experiments which had been made with Perkins’s steam-gun. During
these lectures, I made my observations on the much vaunted
equality, as some tatterdemalions stretched themselves on the platform
close by Mr. Owen. The better educated members kept themselves together,
and took no notice of the others. I remarked also, that the members
belonging to the higher class of society had put on the new costume, and
made a party by themselves. After the lecture the band played a march,
each gentleman took a lady, and marched with her round the room. Lastly,
a cotillion was danced: the ladies were then escorted home, and
each retired to his own quarters.
I went early on the following morning, (Sunday,) to the assembly
room. The meeting was opened by music. After this Mr. Owen stated a
proposition, in the discussion of which he spoke of the advances made by
the society, and of the location of a new community at Valley Forge, in
Pennsylvania, and another in the state of New York.
A classification of the members was
spoken of afterwards. They were separated into three classes, first, of
such as undertook to be security for the sums due Mr. Owen and Mr.
M‘Clure, (that is, for the amount paid to Rapp, and so expended as a
pledge to be redeemed by the society,) and who, if desirous to leave the
society, must give six months previous notice; secondly, of such as
after a notice of fourteen days can depart; and, lastly of those who are
received only on trial.
After this meeting, I paid Mr. M‘Clure a visit, and received from him
the French papers. Mr. M‘Clure is old, childless, was never married, and
intends, as is reported, to leave his property to the society.
Afterwards I went with Mr. Owen, and some ladies of the society, to walk
to the cut-off, as it is called, of the Wabash, where this river has
formed a new channel, and an island, which contains more than a hundred
acres of the best land; at present, however, inundated by water. There
is here a substantial grist-mill, erected by Rapp, which was said to
contain a very good set of machinery, but where we could not reach it on
account of the water. We went some distance along the river, and then
returned through the woods over the hills, which, as it was rather warm,
and we could discover no pathway, was very laborious to the ladies, who
were uncommonly alarmed at the different snakes we chanced to meet. Most
of the serpent species here are harmless, and the children catch them
for playthings. The poisonous snakes harbouring about here, are
rattlesnakes and copperheads; these, however, diminish rapidly in
numbers, for it is a common observation, that the poisonous serpents,
like the Indians and bears, fly before civilization. The rattlesnakes
have a powerful enemy in the numerous hogs, belonging to the settlers,
running about the woods, which are very well skilled in catching them by
the neck and devouring them.
In the evening I paid visits to some ladies, and witnessed philosophy
and the love of equality put to the severest trial with one of them. She
is named Virginia, from Philadelphia; is very young and pretty, was
delicately brought up, and appears to have taken refuge here on account
of an unhappy attachment. While she was singing and playing very well on
the piano forte, she was told that the milking of the cows was her duty,
and that they were waiting unmilked. Almost in tears, she betook herself
to this servile employment, deprecating the new social system, and its
so much prized equality.
After the cows were milked, in doing which the poor girl was trod on
by one, and daubed by another, I joined an aquatic party with the
young ladies and some young philosophers, in a very good boat upon the
inundated meadows of the Wabash. The evening was beautiful moonlight,
and the air very mild; the beautiful Miss Virginia forgot her
stable sufferings, and regaled
us with her sweet voice. Somewhat later we collected together in the
house No. 2, appointed for a school-house, where all the young
ladies and gentlemen of quality assembled. In spite of the
equality so much recommended, this class of persons will not mix with
the common sort, and I believe that all the well brought up members are
disgusted, and will soon abandon the society. We amused ourselves
exceedingly during the whole remainder of the evening, dancing
cotillions, reels and waltzes, and with such animation as rendered it
quite lively. New figures had been introduced among the cotillions,
among which is one called the new social system. Several of the
ladies made objections to dancing on Sunday; we thought however, that in
this sanctuary of philosophy, such prejudices should be utterly
discarded, and our arguments, as well as the inclination of the ladies,
gained the victory.
On the 17th April, a violent storm arose, which collected such clouds
of dust together that it was hardly possible to remain in the streets,
and I remained at home almost all day. I received a visit from a
Mr. Von Schott. This person, a Wurtemburger by birth, and brother
of lady Von Mareuil, in Washington, has settled himself seven or eight
miles from New Harmony, and lives a real hermit’s life, without a
servant or assistant of any kind. He was formerly an officer in the
Wurtemburg cavalry, took his discharge, and went, from pure enthusiasm,
and overwrought fanaticism, to Greece, to defend their rights. As he
there discovered himself to be deceived in his anticipations, he
returned to his native country, and delivered himself up to religious
superstition. To extricate himself, in his opinion, from this world
plunged in wretchedness, he accompanied his sister to the United States,
came to Indiana, bought a piece of land from Rapp, by whom he asserted
he was imposed upon, and had difficulties to undergo, since he knew
nothing of agriculture. He lived in this manner in the midst of the
forest with a solitary horse. A cruel accident had befallen him the
week before, his stable with his trusty horse was burnt. He appeared to
be a well-informed man, and spoke well and rationally, only when he
touched upon religious topics, his mind appeared to be somewhat
deranged. He declared that he supported all possible privations with the
greatest patience, only he felt the want of intercourse with a friend in
his solitude.
To-day two companies of the New Harmony militia paraded, with drums
beating, and exercised morning and afternoon. They were all in uniform,
well armed, and presented an imposing front.
I was invited to dinner in the house, No. 4. Some gentlemen had been
out hunting, and had brought home a wild turkey, which must be consumed.
This turkey formed the whole dinner.
Upon the whole I cannot complain either of an overloaded stomach, or a
head-ache from the wine affecting it, in any way. The living was frugal
in the strictest sense, and in nowise pleased the elegant ladies with
whom I dined. In the evening I visited Mr. M‘Clure and Madam Fretageot,
living in the same house. She is a Frenchwoman, who formerly kept a
boarding-school in Philadelphia, and is called mother by all the
young girls here. The handsomest and most polished of the female world
here, Miss Lucia Saistare and Miss Virginia, were under her care. The
cows were milked this evening when I came in, and therefore we could
hear their performance on the piano forte, and their charming voices in
peace and quiet. Later in the evening we went to the kitchen of
No. 3, where there was a ball. The young ladies of the better class
kept themselves in a corner under Madam Fretageot’s protection, and
formed a little aristocratical club. To prevent all possible
partialities, the gentlemen as well as the ladies, drew numbers for the
cotillions, and thus apportioned them equitably. Our young ladies turned
up their noses apart at the democratic dancers, who often in this way
fell to their lot. Although every one was pleased upon the whole, yet
they separated at ten o’clock, as it is necessary to rise early here.
I accompanied Madam Fretageot and her two pupils home, and passed
some time in conversation with Mr. M‘Clure on his travels in Europe,
which were undertaken with mineralogical views. The architect, Mr.
Whitwell, besides showed me to-day the plan of this establishment.
I admired particularly the judicious and economical arrangements
for warming and ventilating the buildings, as well as the kitchens and
laundries. It would indeed be a desirable thing could a building on this
plan once be completed, and Mr. Owen hopes that the whole of New Harmony
will thus be arranged.
On the following day I received a visit from one of the German
patriots who had entered the society, of the name of Schmidt, who wished
to have been considered as first lieutenant in the Prussian artillery,
at Erfurt. He appeared to have engaged in one of the political
conspiracies there, and to have deserted. Mr. Owen brought him from
England last autumn as a servant. He was now a member of the society,
and had charge of the cattle. His fine visions of freedom seemed to be
very much lowered, for he presented himself to me, and his father to Mr.
Huygens, to be employed as servants.
Towards evening, an Englishman, a friend of Mr. Owen, Mr. Applegarth,
arrived, who had presided over the school in New Lanark, and was to
organize one here in all probability. After dinner I went to walk with
him in the vineyard and woods. We conversed much concerning the new
and the consequences which he had reason to expect would result, &c.
and we discovered amongst other things, that Mr. Owen must have
conceived the rough features of his general system from considering
forced services or statutory labour; for the labour imposed upon persons
for which they receive no compensation, would apply and operate much
more upon them for their lodging, clothing, food, the education and care
of their children, &c. so that they would consider their labour in
the light of a corvée. We observed several labourers employed in
loading bricks upon a cart, and they performed this so tedious and
disagreeable task, as a statutory labour imposed on them by
circumstances, and this observation led us to the above reflection.
I afterwards visited Mr. M‘Clure, and entertained myself for an
hour with the instructive conversation of this interesting old
gentleman. Madam Fretageot, who appears to have considerable influence
over Mr. M‘Clure, took an animated share in our discourse. In the
evening there was a ball in the large assembly room, at which most of
the members were present. It lasted only until ten o’clock, in dancing
cotillions, and closed with a grand promenade, as before described.
There was a particular place marked off by benches for the children to
dance in, in the centre of the hall, where they could gambol about
without running between the legs of the grown persons.
On the 19th of April, a steam-boat came down the Wabash, bound for
Louisville on the Ohio. It stopt opposite Harmony, and sent a boat
through the overflow of water to receive passengers. I was at first
disposed to embrace the opportunity of leaving this place, but as I
heard that the boat was none of the best, I determined rather to
remain and go by land to Mount Vernon, to wait for a better steam-boat
there. We took a walk to the community, No. 3. The work on the
house had made but little progress; we found but one workman there, and
he was sleeping quite at his ease. This circumstance recalled the
observation before mentioned, concerning gratis-labour, to my mind. We
advanced beyond into the woods, commencing behind No. 3: there was
still little verdure to be seen.
On the succeeding day, I intended to leave New Harmony early; but as
it was impossible to procure a carriage, I was obliged to content
myself. I walked to the community No. 2, or Macluria, and
farther into the woods. They were employed in hewing down trees to build
log houses. The wood used in the brick and frame houses here is of the
tulip tree, which is abundant, worked easily, and lasts long. After
dinner I walked with Mr. Owen and Madam Fretageot, to community
No. 3. There a new vegetable garden was opened; farther on they
were employed in preparing a field in which Indian corn was to be sown.
This answers the best purpose here, as the soil is too rich for wheat;
the stalks grow too long, the heads contain too few grains, and the
stalks on account of their length soon break down, so that the crop is
not very productive. The chief complaint here is on account of the too
great luxuriancy of the soil. The trees are all very large, shoot up
quickly to a great height, but have so few, and such weak roots, that
they are easily prostrated by a violent storm; they also rot very
easily, and I met with a great number of hollow trees, in proportion.
I saw them sow maize or Indian corn, for the first time. There were
furrows drawn diagonally across the field with the plough, each at a
distance of two feet from the other; then other furrows at the same
distance apart, at right angles with the first. A person goes
behind the plough with a bag of corn, and in each crossing of the
furrows he drops six grains. Another person with a shovel follows, and
covers these grains with earth. When the young plants are half a foot
high, they are ploughed between and the earth thrown up on both sides of
the plants; and when they are two feet high this operation is repeated,
to give them more firmness and to destroy the weeds. There is a want of
experienced farmers here; the furrows were badly made, and the whole was
attended to rather too much en amateur.
After we returned to Madam Fretageot’s, Mr. Owen showed me two
interesting objects of his invention; one of them consisted of cubes of
different sizes, representing the different classes of the British
population in the year 1811, and showed what a powerful burden rested on
the labouring class, and how desirable an equal division of property
would be in that kingdom. The other was a plate, according to which, as
Mr. Owen asserted, each child could be shown his capabilities, and upon
which, after a mature self-examination, he can himself discover what
progress he has made. The plate has this superscription: scale of human
faculties and qualities at birth. It has ten scales with the following
titles: from the left to the right, self-attachment; affections;
judgment; imagination; memory; reflection; perception; excitability;
courage; strength. Each scale is divided into one hundred parts, which
are marked from five to five. A slide that can be moved up or down,
shows the measure of the qualities therein specified each one possesses,
or believes himself to possess.
I add but a few remarks more. Mr. Owen considers it as an absurdity
to promise never-ending love on marriage. For this reason he has
introduced the civil contract of marriage, after the manner of the
Quakers, and the French laws into his community, and declares that the
bond of matrimony is in no way indissoluble. The children indeed, cause
no impediment in case of a
separation, for they belong to the community from their second year, and
are all brought up together.
Mr. M‘Clure has shown himself a great adherent of the Pestalozzian
system of education. He had cultivated Pestalozzi’s acquaintance while
upon his travels, and upon this recommendation brought Mr. Neef with him
to Philadelphia, to carry this system into operation. At first it
appeared to succeed perfectly, soon however, Mr. Neef found so many
opposers, apparently on account of his anti-religious principles, that
he gave up the business, and settled himself on a farm in the woods of
Kentucky. He had just abandoned the farm to take the head of a
boarding-school, which Mr. M‘Clure intended to establish in New Harmony.
Mr. Jennings, formerly mentioned, was likewise to co-operate in this
school; his reserved and haughty character was ill suited for such a
situation, and Messrs. Owen and M‘Clure willingly consented to his
withdrawing, as he would have done the boarding-school more injury, from
the bad reputation in which he stood, than he could have assisted it by
his acquirements. An Englishman by birth, he was brought up for a
military life; this he had forsaken to devote himself to clerical
pursuits, had arrived in the United States as a Universalist preacher,
and had been received with much attention in that capacity in
Cincinnati, till he abandoned himself with enthusiasm to the new
social system, and made himself openly and publicly known as an
I passed the evening with the amiable Mr. M‘Clure, and Madam
Fretageot, and became acquainted through them, with a French artist,
Mons. Lesueur, calling himself uncle of Miss Virginia, as also a Dutch
physician from Herzogenbusch, Dr. Troost, an eminent naturalist. Both
are members of the community, and have just arrived from a scientific
pedestrian tour to Illinois and the southern part of Missouri, where
they have examined the iron, and particularly the lead-mine works, as
well as the peculiarities of the different mountains. Mr. Lesueur has
besides discovered several species of fish, as yet undescribed. He was
there too early in the season to catch many snakes. Both gentlemen had
together collected thirteen chests of natural curiosities, which are
expected here immediately. Mr. Lesueur accompanied the naturalist
Perron, as draftsman in his tour to New South Wales, under Captain
Baudin, and possessed all the illuminated designs of the animals which
were discovered for the first time on this voyage, upon vellum. This
collection is unique of its kind, either as regards the interest of the
objects represented,
or in respect to their execution; and I account myself fortunate to have
seen them through Mr. Lesueur’s politeness. He showed me also the
sketches he made while on his last pedestrian tour, as well as those
during the voyage of several members of the society to Mount Vernon,
down the Ohio from Pittsburgh. On this voyage, the society had many
difficulties to contend with, and were obliged often to cut a path for
the boat through the ice. The sketches exhibit the originality of talent
of the artist. He had come with Mr. M‘Clure in 1815, from France to
Philadelphia, where he devoted himself to the arts and sciences. Whether
he will remain long in this society or not, I cannot venture to

Travels to Louisville, and Stay in that City.
On the 21st of April, we left New
Harmony, after taking a cordial leave of Mr. Owen, and availed ourselves
of the mail stage, which leaves here once a week for Mount Vernon, to
make this passage. Besides our company, there was only a single
traveller in the stage, a Mr. Riley, from Cincinnati, and a native
of Ireland. One mile from New Harmony, we were forced to alight from the
carriage, as the horses would not draw us up a steep hill. One-half mile
farther, we got out again on account of a similar dilemma, and we had
hardly done so, when it was overturned by the unskilfulness of the
driver. We unloaded our baggage, left it under the care of Böttner, my
servant, permitted the driver to his chagrin and mortification to go on
alone, and returned back on foot to New Harmony, to look about for
another method of conveyance. I paid a visit to Messrs. M‘Clure,
Lesueur, &c. They told me that about ten o’clock a cart under the
direction of a Mr. Johnson would leave this place for Mount Vernon, in
which our baggage would find a place. As to our own conveyance,
I saw plainly that it would be the wiser plan to confide mine to my
own trustworthy legs. I assumed therefore the pilgrim’s staff, left
my slower moving travelling companions something behind, and
accomplished the sixteen miles to Mount Vernon, over a very hilly road,
in five hours.
I did not pass through Springfield, saw only two solitary log-houses,
and encountered but few people. The herbage had advanced very much
during a week; many trees were in blossom, and the young green leaves,
particularly those of the tulip trees, produced a very pleasing effect.
I passed by many sugar-maples, which were perforated, to draw the
sugar juice from them. When the trees are completely in leaf, the
natural scenery of these forests, of which the ground is very hilly,
must be extremely beautiful, especially to the eyes of a northern
European, who is not accustomed to the grandeur of the colossal
sycamores, tulip trees and maples. In noticing these trees, I may
add the remark that Mr. Rapp had planted the Lombardy poplar in the
streets of New Harmony; that these poplars had succeeded very well at
first, but when their roots struck a stratum of reddish sand lying under
the good fertile soil, they died. Mr. Rapp then substituted mulberry
trees, which have thriven well, and Mr. Owen has it in design, to make
an experiment in raising silk-worms.
I reached Mount Vernon, tolerably fatigued, about three o’clock,
P. M. I met Dr. Clark again. Mr. Huygens and Mr. Riley made
their appearance after some time. Towards evening the expected cart
arrived, but without Böttner and my baggage. The carter said in his own
excuse, that they had given him so much freight in New Harmony, that his
horses could hardly draw it, and that there was no room left for my
effects. After having made a survey of the localities in person,
I was obliged to admit the cogency of his reasons, in spite of my
vexation; and of course to find a remedy in patience.
In this state of affairs, I solaced myself with Major Dunn’s society.
He and his countryman Riley, belonged to the better class of Irish, and
possessed a good deal of shrewdness, so that the time passed very
pleasantly. In the evening we went to the court-house, to hear a
Presbyterian preacher, travelling from the eastern states. He was quite
a young man, of the name of Stewart, whom I had met in New Harmony; he
had, however, only looked about, without announcing himself as a
clergyman, probably from his knowing the anti-religious opinions
prevailing there. In the little new settled places of the western
states, they do not build churches before houses, as is the practice in
the north-eastern section, but a dwelling and clearing of land is their
first object. Nevertheless, divine service is not lacking; for many
clergymen, who are not located, seek after a situation; in so doing are
accustomed to preach, where they can be heard. In most of the public
houses, and ferry-boats, no pay is required from these clergymen, and
thus they can take pretty long journies, the descriptions of which are
often published, at a very cheap rate. From the want of a church in
Mount Vernon, the
meeting was held in the court-house. It was a temporary log-house, which
formed but one room. The chimney fire, and two tallow candles formed the
whole illumination of it, and the seats were constructed of some blocks
and boards, upon which upwards of twenty people sat. The singing was
conducted by a couple of old folks, with rather discordant voices. The
preacher then rose, and delivered us a sermon. I could not follow
his discourse well, and was very much fatigued by my day’s walk. In his
prayer, however, the minister alluded to those who despise the word of
the Lord, and prayed for their conviction and conversion. This hint was
evidently aimed at the community in New Harmony and the new social
system. In the sermon there was no such allusion. Probably the discourse
was one of those, which he knew by heart; which he delivered in various
places, and admitted of no interpolations. The service lasted till ten
o’clock at night.
Unluckily for me, my port-folio also remained behind among my other
baggage. I suffered therefore, the whole forenoon of the next day
the most excessive tedium, and was obliged to remain in noble idleness.
I went to walk in the woods, gaped about at the pretty flowers, and
the amazing variety of butterflies; came back, seated myself in Mr.
Dunn’s store, and viewed the steam-boats going down the river. At length
in the afternoon, Böttner arrived, with my baggage in a one-horse cart,
splashed all over with mud, as he had been obliged to lead the restive
horse all the way by the bridle. The poor fellow bivouacked in the woods
yesterday, from one o’clock in the morning till four in the evening,
when by chance the shepherds of New Harmony passed by, and gave Mr. Owen
an account of Böttner’s situation, upon which old Dr. M‘Namee had come
out with his one-horse vehicle, and brought back the baggage and its
guard. By Mr. Owen’s kindness, the cart was on this day sent on, with my
Now my earnest desire was to get away as quickly as possible. To be
sure, the splendid view of the Ohio and its banks by the light of the
moon, regaled me in the evening; but the residence in this place was too
inhospitable and uninteresting; besides I suffered the whole afternoon
and evening with tooth-ache, and symptoms of fever. But how were we to
get away? During the night a steam-boat passed, going up the river, but
she kept to the left bank where the deepest water was, and took no
notice of Mount Vernon. About nine o’clock on the 23d of April, another
steam-boat, the General Wayne, came up, bound in the same direction.
A flag was hoisted, to give notice that passengers wished to come
on board, we waved our handkerchiefs, but the vessel did not regard us,
and passed on. To kill time, I went
with Mr. Riley to Major Dunn’s store, where we told stories about
steam-boats to keep off ennui as well as we could, but in vain. In the
evening I heard much concerning Rapp’s society, from a German mechanic,
who had belonged to it, and who had left it as he said, because Rapp
refused to let him have the inheritance of his father-in-law. We heard
psalmody in the court-house, for the religious inhabitants of the place,
mostly methodists, hold Sunday evening prayer meetings without a
clergyman. The day was upon the whole quite warm, and towards evening we
had to contend with numbers of mosquetoes. To prevent in some measure
their coming from the woods, where they harboured, fires were kindled
about the place, and likewise before the houses. The situation here must
be an unhealthy one, for not only was I annoyed during the night with
head-ache and fever, but Messrs. Huygens, Riley, and Johnson, complained
of being unwell. With the exception of some miserable, filthy lodgings
in Canada, I do not recollect in any part of the United States,
even among the Creek Indians, to have found myself so wretchedly
situated in every respect, as here. The food, furnished in small
quantity as it was, was hardly fit to be eaten; the only beverage was
water, which it was necessary to mix with ordinary whiskey; the beds
very bad; and the whole house in a state of the most revolting
On the morning of the 24th of April, came the hour of our
deliverance. The steam-boat General Neville came up the river after
seven o’clock. We dispatched a boat to tell them that several cabin
passengers waited for them in Mount Vernon. Immediately the vessel
steered for our shore, and took us in.
We were extremely rejoiced at our escape from this disagreeable
place. The boat had come from St. Louis, and was bound for Louisville.
She was but small, containing sixteen births in her cabin, and had a
high-pressure engine. Luckily, however, we found but three cabin
passengers on board. We started immediately, and the banks of the river
here and there low and subject to inundation, gratified us very much by
the fresh green of the trees. We passed by some considerable islands.
One of them, Diamond Island, is about three miles and a half long and
above a mile broad, and must contain several thousand acres of excellent
land. Afterwards we saw upon the left bank, here pretty high, the little
town of Henderson, in Kentucky. Eleven miles and a half higher, we saw
Evansville upon an eminence on the right shore, still an inconsiderable
place, but busy; it being the principal place in the county of
Vandeburg, in the state of Indiana, lying in the neighbourhood of a body
of fertile land, and is a convenient landing place for emigrants, who go
to the Wabash country. Upon the same shore are seen several dwellings
upon the fresh
turf, shaded by high green trees. Close below Evansville, a small
river called Big Pigeon creek falls into the Ohio. In its mouth we saw
several flat boats, with apparatus similar to pile-driving machines.
These vessels belong to a contractor, who has entered into an engagement
with the government, to make the Ohio free and clear of the snags and
sawyers lying in its current. This work was discharged in a negligent
manner, and the officer to whom the superintendence was committed, is
censured for having suffered himself to be imposed upon.
I remembered having seen models in the patent-office at Washington,
of machines which were intended to effect this purpose. Seven miles and
a half higher up, Green river unites itself to the Ohio on the left
bank. Of this the Western Navigator says: “that it is a considerable
river in Kentucky, navigable about two hundred miles, and rises in
Lincoln county.” On board our boat we did not find ourselves
comfortable, either in respect to lodging, or the table. All was small
and confined, and in the evening we were much annoyed by the mosquetoes.
My mosqueto bar, purchased in New Orleans, assisted me very much as a
defence during the night.
During the night, we stopped several times to take in wood, and once
to repair the engine. An overhanging tree, which we approached too
nearly, gave us a powerful blow, and did much damage to the upper part
of the vessel. I had no state room, and therefore obtained no sleep
during the constant uproar. The banks became constantly higher, and more
picturesque in their appearance. They were frequently rocky: in several
rocks we observed cavities, which with the houses built in front of
them, produced a pleasing effect. Upon the right bank, was a little
place called Troy; several settlements, composed of frame houses,
instead of logs. Towards evening we saw upon the left bank, the mouth of
a little stream, Sinking creek. Upon the right shore of this creek, is a
group of houses called Rome, and on the left a little place, named
Stevensport; both places are united by a wooden bridge, resting upon one
high pier. I spent nearly the whole day on deck, to regale myself
with the beautiful landscapes surrounding us. Between several turns of
the river the country is so shut in, that one would suppose himself
sailing on a lake. The agreeable sensations caused by the beautiful
country, and the mild spring temperature which surrounded me, upon the
whole compensated for many of our privations. We indeed were in want of
every thing but absolute necessaries. I met an acquaintance indeed;
one of our fellow travellers who had formerly been a clerk of the
English North West Company, and had remained three years at the posts of
the company in the Rocky Mountains, and on the Columbia river; but this
had acquired so many of the habits of the savages, that his company was
in no wise an acquisition. I was also, as well as all the other
gentlemen who had been in that unlucky Mount Vernon, tormented with
constant pains in the limbs, and our coarse food was so bad, that it was
hardly possible to consume it. There was neither wine nor beer on board,
nor any acids, so that water and whiskey, were the beverages to which we
were reduced. For many years I had never undergone such gastronomic
privations, as in the western parts of America. The Ohio appears to
contain many good and well tasted fish, but it seems that the people
here prefer the eternal hog meat, and that mostly salted, to every thing
else, for until now I had seen no fish in these regions, at least none
procured for eating. In the night, we advanced on our voyage without
stop or accident.
On the morning of the 26th of April, we saw the mouth of Salt river,
which, as the Western Navigator says, is a considerable river of
Kentucky, about one hundred and thirty yards wide at its mouth, and
navigable one hundred and fifty miles. Twenty miles above this, the
little town of New Albany lies on the right bank, which promises to be a
flourishing place. It has a factory of steam-engines, which finds good
employment here. On the bank, a newly-built steam-boat was lying,
waiting for her engine. These engines must be built very strong,
proportionably too powerful for the tonnage of the vessel, on account of
the stiffness of the current. They of consequence suffer a violent shock
from it, and can only be used about three years. An island in the river
divides it into two narrow channels, in which there are rapid currents.
Above the island is the foot of the Falls of Ohio. At the present high
stage of water, the descent does not strike the eye, and vessels are
able to pass up or down the river over the falls. Ours, which went no
farther up, stopped on the left bank at Shippingport, opposite New
Albany, two miles below Louisville.
Shippingport, is an insignificant place, which is supported by the
lading and unlading of vessels. We found several hackney coaches, which
carried us and our baggage by land to Louisville, where we took up our
abode in a large and respectable inn, called Washington Hall, kept by a
Mr. Allen. The Western Navigator has the following remarks upon this
neighbourhood: “The rapids of the Ohio are, in a natural as well as a
political regard, a point well deserving of attention. In low
states of the water, they are the termination of navigation by
steam-boats, and the last place in the descent of the Ohio, where any
considerable impediment occurs in its course. A number of infant
towns have already sprung up on both shores of the Ohio, in the
neighbourhood of this point, Jefferson, Clarksburg, and New Albany, in
Indiana; Louisville, Shippingport, and Portland, in Kentucky. Among
these is Louisville, the principal, with a population of three thousand
souls; while new Albany contains about one thousand, Shippingport six
hundred, and Jeffersonville five hundred inhabitants; all these are
thriving situations. Inclusive of the towns and neighbourhood, there is
a population of ten thousand people in this vicinity. In the year 1810,
Louisville contained only thirteen hundred and fifty-seven inhabitants;
it exceeds beyond a doubt its present estimate of five thousand, and
will still increase. It is the seat of justice for Jefferson county,
Kentucky, contains a prison, court-house, and the other essential
buildings, besides a theatre, three banks, of which one is a branch of
the United States Bank, a market, several places of worship, and
three printing-offices. Louisville lies in 38° 18’ north latitude, and
5° 42’ west longitude from Washington.”
Louisville, at least the main street of it, running parallel with the
Ohio, has a good appearance. This street is rather broad, paved, and
provided with foot-walks; it contains brick buildings and several
considerable stores. In our hotel, I renewed my acquaintance with
Major Davenport, of the sixth regiment of infantry, whom, together with
his lady, I had known in Washington, at General Brown’s, and who is
here on recruiting duty. It fell out luckily enough, that the
post-master here, Mr. Gray, had just married his daughter, and in
compliment to her gave a splendid party, to which I received an
invitation. I repaired to it with Major Davenport, and found an
extremely numerous, and, contrary to my expectations, even an elegant
society. It was a real English rout, so full that many of the guests
were obliged to remain on the steps. I was introduced to most of
the ladies and gentlemen, was forced to talk a good deal, and found
myself very much annoyed by the heat prevailing in the rooms. About
eleven o’clock, I reached home heartily fatigued.
In former years, when the state of Kentucky was an integral part of
Virginia, Louisville consisted of a stockade, built as a protection
against the hostile Indian tribes, who then still inhabited the banks of
the Ohio. It received its name as a mark of respect for the unfortunate
King, Louis XVI. This is attributable to the Canadian traders, who
established this post to secure their trade. By degrees white settlers
joined them, and thus the town commenced, which at first suffered much
from the Indians. It is five hundred and eighty miles distant from
Pittsburgh, one hundred and thirty-one from Cincinnati, and thirteen
hundred and forty-nine from New Orleans. I took a walk with Major
Davenport through the town, and to the new canal. It consists of three
streets running parallel with the Ohio, of which only the first or front
one is built out completely and paved; and of several
cross streets which cut the former at right angles. It has several
churches, tolerably well built; a new one was began, but on rather
too large a scale. The pious funds were exhausted; therefore a lodge of
freemasons undertook the finishing of this grand house, and kept it for
their own use. The canal is destined to light vessels over the Ohio,
when they cannot pass the falls on account of low water, and are obliged
to discharge their cargo. It is apprehended however, that the money
invested in the canal will not yield a great interest, as the time of
service, for which the canal is required does not extend beyond three
months. During six months of the year the Ohio is so low, that not a
solitary boat can navigate it, and when it rises, it becomes so high,
that the rocks which produce the rapids are covered, so that vessels can
go up and down without danger. The labour on the canal has been
commenced about six weeks. The banks in the neighbourhood of the canal
are high, and present a beautiful prospect over the rapids, and the
adjacent region, which is well cultivated and bounded by woody
A second walk with Major Davenport, was directed to the north side of
the town, where several respectable country houses are situated, all
built of brick; and then to a handsome wood, through which a causeway
runs, which is used by the inhabitants as a pleasure walk. The wood
contains very handsome beech trees, sugar maples, sycamores and locust
trees, also different species of nut-bearing trees.
The state of Kentucky is involved at this period in considerable
confusion. A son of Governor Desha, was arrested on a charge of
having robbed and murdered a traveller the year before; was tried and
found guilty by two different juries. For the purpose of screening his
son, as was reported, the governor had changed the whole court, and
filled it anew with his own creatures. There was a prodigious excitement
through the state at this arbitrary stroke of authority. It was torn by
parties; I was assured that political struggles, often terminating
in sanguinary conflicts, were the order of the day; nay, that this
division had already given occasion to several assassinations. It is
said to be almost as dangerous to speak upon the political relations of
the state, as to converse upon religion in Spain.
A merchant from Lexington, Mr. Wenzel, a native of Bavaria, made me
acquainted with an architect, Barret, from New York, who has the
superintendence over the canal that is going forward. I received
some more particular intelligence from this person concerning the work.
The expense was estimated at three hundred and seventy-seven thousand
dollars. The labour on it began this March, and is to be concluded in
the month of November of the following year. The length of the canal
amounts to nearly two miles. It commences below Louisville in a small
bay, goes behind Shippingport, and joins the Ohio between that place and
Portland. Its descent was reckoned at twenty-four feet. Three locks,
each at a distance of one hundred and ninety feet from each other, will
be located not far from the mouth near Shippingport, and the difference
of level in each will be eight feet. The breadth of the locks was fixed
at fifty feet, to admit of the passage of the broadest steam-boat, on
which account also the interval from one lock to the other was made one
hundred and ninety feet. Above the highest lock on both sides of the
canal, dry docks will be constructed for steam-boats to repair in. The
sides of the canal are only walled with masonry between the locks. The
banks above are in a terrace form. One advantage this canal has, is that
the bottom consists of rock; the depth to which it is hewed or blown
out, must be throughout fifty feet wide. The rock, however, which is
broke out here is a brittle limestone, which is not fit for water
masonry, and of course does not answer for locks. The rock employed for
this work is a species of blue stone, brought out of the state of
Indiana, and a bulk of sixteen square feet, four feet deep, costs four
dollars delivered at the canal. To dig this canal out, twenty-seven feet
of yellow clay at its thickest part, then seven feet thick of yellow
sand; from here fifteen feet thick of blue clay, must be passed through
before you come to the rock, where there are ten feet thickness still to
be dug away. As for the lock gates, they were to be made only of timber,
and none of the improvements introduced in England, either the
elliptical form of the gates, or the iron frames were to be employed.
Moreover, I observed from the profile of the work, the incredible
height of the river, which often raises itself fifty feet over places
fordable in the last of summer.
Upon the following day I took a walk with Dr. Croghan and Major
Davenport, down the canal to Shippingport, and witnessed the labour in
removing the earth for the canal. The soil intended to be dug out, was
first ploughed by a heavy plough, drawn by six oxen. Afterwards a sort
of scoop drawn by two horses was filled with earth, (and it contained
three times as much as an ordinary wheel-barrow,) it was then carried up
the slope, where it was deposited, and the scoop was brought back to be
filled anew. In this manner much time and manual labour was saved.
Several steam-boats lie at Shippingport, among them was the General
Wayne, which had arrived at New Orleans in five days voyage from this
place; had stopt there five days on account of unloading, and reloading,
and had made her return trip from New Orleans to Louisville in ten days;
consequently had moved against the stream one hundred and thirty-five
miles daily.
Several hackney coaches waited here from Louisville, expecting the
arrival of the steam-boat George Washington, which was looked for every
minute. The country is highly romantic. We found ourselves on an
eminence upon the bank, where a large substantial warehouse had been
built jutting over the river. Before us was the foot of the falls;
opposite an island overgrown with wood, to the right the falls, and
Louisville in the back ground; to the left on the other shore, New
Albany, and all around in the rear, a green forest of the finest
On our return we passed by a large deserted brick building. It is
called the Hope Distillery, and was established by a company of
speculators to do business on a large scale. After the company had
invested about seventy thousand dollars, several of the stockholders
stopped payment. One of them procured the whole at auction for three
thousand dollars, and would now let any one have it for less. In the
year 1817, the desire to buy land and build upon it, had risen to a
mania in this place. Dr. Croghan showed me a lot of ground, which he had
then purchased for two thousand dollars, and for which, at present, no
one would hardly offer him seven hundred. He has hired a German
gardener, who has laid out a very pretty vegetable garden on this spot,
which will yield considerable profit by his industrious management.
Dr. Ferguson, a physician here, carried us to the hospital. This
edifice lies insulated upon a small eminence. The building was commenced
several years ago, and is not yet finished. The state of Kentucky gave
the ground as a donation, and bears a part of the expenses of building.
As the establishment is principally used for the reception of sick
seamen, congress has given the hospital a revenue from the custom-house
in New Orleans. The hospital consists of a basement story, three stories
above, and wings, which each have a basement and two stories. In the
basement of the centre building, are the kitchen, wash-house, the
store-rooms, &c., and in the upper story, the chamber for the
meeting of the directors, the apothecary’s room, the steward’s dwelling,
and the state rooms for patients paying board and lodging. In the third
story a theatre for surgical operations will be arranged. In the wings
are roomy and well aired apartments for the white patients, and in the
basement, those for the negroes and coloured persons. Slavery is still
permitted in Kentucky. There has been until now only one apartment
habitable, in which twelve patients are lying. These have cleanly beds,
but only wooden bedsteads. When the building is thoroughly finished, it
will contain at least one hundred and fifty persons with comfort. Such
an establishment is extremely necessary for such a place as Louisville,
which is very unhealthy in summer.
I made with Major Davenport an excursion into the country, to the
very respectable country-seat, Locust Grove, six miles from Louisville,
belonging to Dr. Croghan and a younger brother, and inherited from their
father. Close by the town we crossed a small stream, which falls here
into the Ohio, and is called Bear Grass creek. This serves the keel and
flat boats as a very safe harbour. From the bridge over this, the road
goes several miles through a handsome wood on the banks of the Ohio,
past country-seats, and well cultivated fields, behind which fine
looking hills arose. The wood consisted mostly of sycamores. We observed
five that sprung from one root; two are quite common. The trees are very
thick. We measured the bulk of the thickest sycamore, and found it
twenty-seven feet four inches in circumference. I never recollect
to have seen such a mammoth tree. Locust Grove itself lies about a mile
from the river, and is, as appears from its name, surrounded by those
trees. We found here the doctor, his brother William Croghan, with his
young wife, a native of Pittsburgh, and a fat, lovely little boy,
who strikingly reminded me of my sons.
At a party in the house of Mr. Use, a rich merchant and president of
the branch of the United States Bank here, we met a very numerous and
splendid society. Cotillions and reels were danced to the music of a
single violin, and every thing went off pleasantly. We remained till
midnight, and the company were still keeping up the dance, when we left
Dr. Ferguson was very much occupied in vaccination. The natural
small-pox had made its appearance within a few days, under a very
malignant form, in the town. On this account every one had their
children vaccinated as speedily as possible; even those who were
prejudiced against vaccination. In the evening, I went with Major
and Mrs. Davenport to the house of Mrs. Wilson, to tea, whose daughter,
fifteen years of age, had been married above a month. The young females
marry much too early here, quite as early as in Louisiana.
There were two pieces represented at the theatre for the benefit of a
Mrs. Drake; Man and Wife, a favourite English drama, and a farce
called Three Weeks after Marriage. We were present on this occasion. The
proscenium is very small; a confined pit, a single row of
boxes, and a gallery. It was well filled; as Mrs. Drake was very much a
favourite with the ladies here, all the boxes were full of the
fashionables of the place. The dramatic corps was very ordinary with the
exception of Mrs. Drake. Most of the actors were dressed very badly, had
not committed their parts, and played in a vulgar style. One actor was
so intoxicated, that he was hardly able to keep his legs.
I was furthermore witness to a revolting spectacle in Louisville,
from which I escaped as quick as I was able. A pregnant mulatto
woman was offered for sale at public auction, with her two children. The
woman stood with her children on a bench at a coffee-house; the
auctioneer standing by her side, indulged himself in brutal jests upon
her thriving condition, and sold her for four hundred dollars!

Cincinnati, interior of the State of
Ohio.—Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania.
On the 30th of April I was very
agreeably surprised by a visit from Colonel Wool, returning from an
inspection on the Red river, the Arkansas, and New Orleans: he had ascended the
stream in the steam-boat Washington, and arrived in the night at
Shippingport. Being on his return to Washington, he took his passage on
board the steam-boat Atlanta, for Pittsburgh. As this boat stopped at
Cincinnati, whither it was my intention to go, I immediately
concluded upon continuing my journey in the same boat, to enjoy as long
as possible the society of so estimable a friend. We went on board
between ten and eleven. The Atlanta was crowded with passengers, but we
were fixed very comfortably and neatly. The greater part of the
passengers were from Natchez, who came with the intention of spending
the summer in the healthier northern states. Among them was Major
Chotard, who was going with his family to New York, whence he intended
to embark for France; and Abbé Martial, a Frenchman, who had kept a
boarding-school in New Orleans for a long time, and was at that time
employed by the Bishop of Kentucky in Bairdstown, on whose account he
was to travel in France and Italy.
Our trip up the river was very pleasant. The weather was fine; the
shores of the Ohio became more and more interesting the higher we
ascended the stream. In the afternoon, we perceived on the right shore
the little town of Madison, situated on an eminence. It appeared to be
in a flourishing condition, and contained many brick houses;
a multitude of well-dressed persons were standing on the shore.
Towards evening we passed the mouth of the Kentucky river on the left
shore. The Kentucky river, according to the Western Navigator, is a
beautiful river in Kentucky. It originates in the Cumberland mountains,
is two hundred miles in length, one hundred and fifty of which are
navigable. Its mouth is one hundred and sixty yards broad, and proves to
be an excellent harbour for boats. The town occupies a very pretty
situation; above its mouth, and farther down lies Prestonville. The
flourishing town of Frankfort, the seat of government, is situated about
sixty miles from the mouth of the river. The former is five hundred and
twenty-four and a half miles distant from Pittsburgh, fifty-seven and a
half from Cincinnati, and fifty-five and a half from Louisville. Shortly
after leaving Louisville, we were followed by another steam-boat called
the General Marion, towards evening it reached, and wanted to pass us;
a race took place, which discomposed us considerably, and became
dangerous to a high degree. The boilers, being soon over-heated, might
have burst and occasioned a great disaster; during this time we were so
close together, that the railing, as well as the roofs of the wheels
knocked against each other. The danger increased as night drew on, and
particularly so as there were a great number of ladies on board, who
were crying in a most piteous manner. One of them conducted herself most
distractedly; she fell into hysteric fits, wanted to throw herself in
the water on the opposite side of the boat, and could scarcely be
prevented by three strong men. The heating of the boilers of the General
Marion had been so violent, that they ran short of wood, and to their
great confusion, and our extreme satisfaction, they were not only left
behind, but were overtaken by the slow steam-boat Ohio: thus the Atlanta
obtained a brilliant victory. Ten miles above the mouth of the Kentucky
river on the right shore, is the little town of Vevay, built and
inhabited by Switzers. They planted vineyards, which it is said give
them a good revenue. I regretted very much that we passed them by
night, and thus were deprived of the view of Vevay. On the left shore is
a small village called Ghent, in honour of the treaty concluded in that
city, in Flanders. I regretted not to have been able to visit that
place, if only on account of the name. Without farther accident we went
on the whole night, and next morning found ourselves opposite to the
mouth of the Great Miami, which joins the Ohio from the right shore.
This stream forms the boundary between the states of Indiana and Ohio,
and the Western Navigator makes the following observation concerning it.
“The Great Miami is a considerable river, which takes its sources in
Allen, Logan, Shelby, Merion, and Drake counties. It runs southerly
through Miami and Montgomery counties, and receives in the last two
considerable rivers, on the left the Mad river, and on the right the
south-west fork. On entering Butler county the Miami takes a
south-westerly direction, and flows into the Ohio at the south-west
corner of this state, and the north-east one of Indiana. Its course is
one hundred and twenty
miles. Its sources situated between 40° and 41° lat. are in the vicinity
of the Massassinaway, a branch of the Wabash, the Auglaize and St.
Mary’s, which are branches of the Maumée and the Sciota, its course is
in general rapid, but without any considerable falls, and runs through a
large and fertile valley which is partly submerged by high water. Near
Dayton, about seventy-five miles from its mouth, the Miami receives on
the east side the Mad river; from this place boats carrying three and
four thousand barrels, may run into the Ohio during high water. The
trial of ascending Mad river is seldom made, the stream being too rapid
and there being a great many sand-banks and dams. The Miami has a
diameter of one hundred and fifty yards during forty miles. ”
We found the shores of the Ohio well cultivated, with orchards and
Indian corn: we observed several very pretty country-seats. These shores
are mostly elevated, and at the distance of about a mile we could
perceive a chain of hills covered with woods, which made a fine
prospect. Towards ten o’clock in the morning we reached Cincinnati, four
hundred and forty-nine miles from Pittsburgh, one hundred and thirty-one
from Louisville, and fourteen hundred and eighty from New Orleans. It is
situated on the right shore of the Ohio, and built at the foot of a
hill, which is surrounded by a half circle of higher hills covered with
forests. This city presents a very fine aspect. The hills on the
opposite side likewise form a half circle, and in this manner the hill
on which Cincinnati is built, lies as it were in a basin. On the left
shore, the Licking river flows into the Ohio. This, says the Western
Navigator, is a considerable river in Kentucky, which, originating not
far from the sources of the Cumberland and running about two hundred
miles in a north-westerly direction, flows into the Ohio opposite
Cincinnati. The towns of Newport and Covington, the former immediately
above, and the latter below the mouth of Licking river, are beautifully
situated in Campbell county, Kentucky: Newport contains a military depot
of the United States. The shores near Cincinnati are rather steep, and
to render the loading and unloading of boats more convenient, they are
paved and provided with rings and chains of iron.
Before we could land, the health officers came on board to seek
information respecting the health of the passengers, as great fears were
entertained in Cincinnati of the small-pox, which was raging in
Louisville. We took lodgings at Mack’s, a good hotel, near the
shore. Shortly after our arrival, I took a walk in town with
Colonel Wool and Major Foster, of the sixth regiment, who came here to
recruit. We visited some bookstores. The town contains about fifteen
thousand inhabitants, and consists mostly of brick houses. Some of the
streets run parallel with the Ohio, and others form a right-angle with
them, which makes them very regular; they are wide, well-paved, and have
side-walks. Those streets which cross in the direction of the river,
ascend and lead to the top of the hill, from which there is a view
resembling a panorama. Here they were building a large Catholic
cathedral, which was commenced during the last year, and would probably
be finished the next: it will be an ornament to the city. The Bishop,
Mr. Fenwick, had been travelling for some years past in the Catholic
countries of Europe, and had collected considerable contributions for
the construction of this cathedral. The old cathedral, a modest
wooden building, stands yet in the rear of the new one; it is to be
demolished when the former is finished. Cincinnati was settled in the
year 1788, round an old fort, called Washington. The first settlers came
from New England. The settlement did not succeed until 1794, when
General Wayne subdued the Indians. In 1815, it contained six thousand
five hundred, in 1818, about nine thousand, and in 1826, about fifteen
thousand. Cincinnati is the most important city of the western states.
There are two Presbyterian, two Methodist, one Episcopal, one Baptist,
one Swedenborg, and one Quaker church, and the Catholic cathedral. There
are three markets, and several museums. We visited the principal one,
called the Western Museum, but did not meet with any thing new: several
Indian dresses, weapons, pipes, a human scalp, a dried human
head from the South Sea Islands, the head of an Egyptian mummy,
manuscripts on papyrus from the sarcophagus of the mummies, several
ancient and modern coins, the last consisting mostly of foreign gold
coins, and some objects of natural history; a handsome collection
of birds, many of them European, several quadrupeds, some minerals, as
well as an indifferent collection of butterflies. We also saw some oil
paintings,II.23 scarcely worth mentioning, and finally some
To my great regret, Colonel Wool left us this day, to continue his
journey up the river, on board the Atlanta. Having seen on the map of
the city of Cincinnati, the indication of some Indian mounds,
I went in search of them, but was unsuccessful, for the very good
reason that the hills had been demolished and in their place houses
built. After this I called on Bishop Fenwick, but he was not at home.
I here met with a clergyman who was a native of Hildesheim, his
name was Rese, who was educated in the Propaganda in Rome. This man
showed me the old and new cathedral. The former is built of wood,
resembling a German village church; in its interior the splendid
episcopal seat is particularly distinguished. The altar had but few
ornaments with
the exception of four silver chandeliers which the Queen of Etruria gave
to Bishop Fenwick for his church, and a gilded tabernacle a gift from
Pope Pius VII. In the sacristy there were no ornaments, with the
exception of two gilded frames with relics. The new cathedral is a
spacious and lofty building: they were building the choir, in which an
organ made in Pittsburgh was to be placed. There was to be a large vault
under the altar, destined for the sepulture of the bishops and
clergymen. The church had not as yet any bells, with respect to these,
the clergy expected some contributions from Italy. The vicar-general of
the bishop was Abbé Hill,II.24 he had formerly been a captain
in the British service, and having become a Catholic while in Italy,
entered the Dominican order. He was said to be a good orator.
Deer creek runs into the Ohio above the town—two wooden bridges
lead over it. This brook was very inconsiderable, and could be leaped
over, but it was evident from its steep shores that it swelled sometimes
to a great height. On the other side of this creek is the highest hill
in the vicinity. From its summit there is a delightful prospect over the
city and valley, the centre of which it occupies. This view, even
in Europe, would be considered as very handsome. I found on the top
a great quantity of reddish limestone with shells, an evident proof that
this part of the country was formerly covered by the sea. Among the
gentlemen who favoured me with their visits, I remember a General
Neville, from Pittsburgh, whose father had been adjutant to General La
Fayette during the revolutionary war. Mr. Symmes,II.25 brother of
Captain Symmes, author of the theory that our planet is hollow and
inhabited, drew very well, and had collected the likenesses of all the
persons visiting Cincinnati who had interested him: he had the kindness
to include my portrait in his collection. Some of these gentlemen
conducted me to see the remains of Indian antiquities which are yet
existing, but which could scarcely be recognized. We ascended an Indian
mound, which is about thirty feet high, situated in a garden. One part
of it had been cut off, but nothing being found in it, they began to
plant it with trees. I had resolved on travelling in the interior
of the state of Ohio, in order to convince myself of the condition of
this country, which has been inhabited but thirty years by a white
population. I therefore renounced the comfortable travelling on the
Ohio for the inconvenient passage by land. To be enabled to travel at my
leisure, I hired a carriage with four horses, at six dollars per
day, and left Cincinnati on the 3rd of May, at eleven o’clock,
A. M. We rode that day twenty-one miles, to the
lodgings of the governor, Mr. Morrow, to whom I had letters from
Governor Johnson, of New Orleans. The road led through a hilly and
well-cultivated country. The fields separated by worm fences adjoin each
other, and contain good dwelling-houses and barns. Their extensive
orchards mostly contain apple and peach trees. I had not seen
before any place in the United States in so high a state of cultivation.
But alas! the rain had made the roads so muddy, that it was with
difficulty we proceeded. Fourteen miles from Cincinnati we reached a
little country town, Montgomery, of very good appearance, surrounded
with handsome fields. A few years past there were nothing but woods
here, as the roots which still exist bear testimony. They cultivate
Indian corn and wheat, which is said to succeed better here than in the
state of Indiana. The dwelling of the governor consists of a plain frame
house, situated on a little elevation not far from the shore of the
little Miami, and is entirely surrounded by fields. The business of the
state calls him once a month to Columbus, the seat of government, and
the remainder of his time he passes at his country-seat, occupied with
farming, a faithful copy of an ancient Cincinnatus; he was engaged
at our arrival in cutting a wagon pole, but he immediately stopt his
work to give us a hearty welcome. He appeared to be about fifty years of
age; is not tall, but thin and strong, and has an expressive
physiognomy, with dark and animated eyes. He is a native of
Pennsylvania, and was one of the first settlers in the state of Ohio. He
offered us a night’s lodging at his house, which invitation we accepted
very thankfully. When seated round the chimney fire in the evening, he
related to us a great many of the dangers and difficulties the first
settlers had to contend with. They suffered mostly from the Delawares,
the Indians then living there. They had to place their houses in a state
of defence. There are at present scarcely any Indians in the state of
Ohio, and it is not now necessary for the inhabitants to guard their
crops and cattle, or to tremble for their lives. The governor told us
that the increase of population in the state of Ohio was almost
incredible. In the year 1800, it amounted to two hundred thousand
inhabitants, in 1810, between four and five hundred thousand, in 1820,
about eight hundred thousand, and it is to be expected that at the next
census of 1830, it will pass one million. Very few of the settlers
brought any thing with them, it was therefore necessary that they should
do every thing by their industry and exertion. The state had not yet
been able to undertake any public works, roads, &c. The two canals
which were constructing, were the first great work which they had
attempted. We spent our evening with the governor and his lady. Their
children are settled, and they have with them only a couple
of grandchildren. When we took our seats at supper, the governor made a
prayer. There was a bible and several religious books lying on the
table. After breakfasting with our hospitable host, we took our leave at
nine o’clock, and rode fifteen miles to Union Village, a settlement
of the Shakers. The road was again hilly, and the country as well
cultivated as that we saw yesterday; we passed through a country town of
good appearance, Lebanon, which lies only four miles from the Shaker
Towards three o’clock, P. M. we reached Union Village, and as the
Shakers do not allow any taverns nor public houses, we were received
with great hospitality into one of their private dwellings; we had a
clean and very nice apartment. Soon after our arrival, we were visited
by a great number of the brothers, who looked at us in a very
scrutinizing manner, and asked us a great many questions. The
inquisitiveness of these people resembles very much that of the monks,
to whom they bear a strong resemblance. I remarked among them two
old persons named M‘Naman and Houston, on account of their sensible
conversation; they had formerly been Presbyterian clergymen, and are now
a sort of church-wardens to the congregation. This sect consists of six
hundred members, and is of more recent origin than the one in the state
of New York, containing mostly people of limited fortune. It had to
contend in the commencement with great difficulties, and was not in so
flourishing a condition as the one in New Lebanon. The produce of their
labours is scarcely sufficient for their wants, they have therefore not
been able as yet to establish stores, which are so productive to their
fellow believers in New Lebanon. Their houses are good and clean, they
are almost all of brick, and distant from each other. Each house has a
stone staircase leading to two doors, separated only by a window. The
right one is for the men, and the left for the females or sisters, and
so the right side of the house is destined for the brothers and the left
for the sisters. In the rear of the dwelling-houses, some of which
contain sixty members, there is a separate building for the kitchen and
dining-room, and for the workshops. The houses are surrounded with sods,
over these boards are laid leading to the pumps, stables, wash-houses,
&c.; along the side-walk and the road through the village, there are
also boards for the pedestrian. At six o’clock in the evening, the
members take supper in the adjacent refectories; I was permitted to
look at them. Two long tables were covered on each side of the room,
behind the tables were benches, in the midst of the room was a cupboard.
At a signal given with a horn, the brothers entered the door to the
right, and the sisters the one to the left, marching two and two to the
table. The sisters in waiting, to the number of six, came at the same
time from the kitchen and ranged themselves
in one file opposite the table of the sisters. After which they all fell
on their knees making a silent prayer, then arose, took hold of the
benches behind them, sat down and took their meal in the greatest
silence. I was told this manner was observed at all their daily
meals. They eat bread, butter and cakes, and drank tea. Each member
found his cup filled before him—the serving sisters filling them
when required. One of the sisters was standing at the cupboard to pour
out the tea—the meal was very short, the whole society rose at
once, the benches were put back, they fell again on their knees, rose
again, and wheeling to the right, left the room with a quick step.
I remarked among the females some very pretty faces, but they were
all without exception of a pale and sickly hue. They were disfigured by
their ugly costume, which consists of a white starched bonnet. The men
likewise had bad complexions. During the whole evening I was visited by
the brothers, by whom I was completely examined; among them were two
Frenchmen of the name of Conchon, father and son, who told me they were
very well satisfied. The son had perfectly adopted the humble manner of
the monks, did not open his eyes, and in explaining the principles of
their sect according to the bible, he maintained that they were the only
Christian sect who followed the true spirit of the gospel. Respecting
their political regulations, they are entirely founded on perfect
community of goods, and renunciation of all private property; they live
in a perfect equality. It will be found that Mr. Owen has borrowed the
greater part of the laws of his new social system from the Shakers, with
this difference, that the Shakers are united by the tie of religion, and
the hope of a better life, which is entirely disbelieved by Owen.
It is known that a part of the worship of the believers in mother Ann
Lee, as the Shakers call themselves, consists in dancing. The bible
gives us several examples of worship by dancing—king David danced
before the ark. Mother Ann Lee, founder of this sect, taught that God
should not only be worshipped with the tongue but with the whole body,
and in consequence she introduced jumping and dancing in her divine
service. This is practised publicly in church, accompanied by the
singing of hymns composed for the purpose—strangers are admitted
as spectators. Their church consists of a plain and spacious room, but
not near so large as the church at New Lebanon. On the mornings and
evenings during the week, there are private dancing prayers in the
dwelling houses. The walls of the rooms of the brothers and sisters
consists of large folding doors, which, when opened, form with the
corridor one large room, in which they dance and jump. Our presence
putting them under some restraint, there was no dancing in the evening,
which was a great disappointment
to us. Delicacy prevented my inquiring after the dance. At nine o’clock
in the evening every one retired. I was shown to a very good and
clean room.
The following day, 5th May, several brothers called upon me. Among
them was a German, the only one belonging to this sect. His name was
Christian Bockholder, a native of Neuwied on the Rhine. He is a
small, weakly man, who was converted to this sect but six years ago, and
who seemed much pleased, particularly with the good order, tranquillity,
and peace, which reigns among them; but he observed that this life not
suiting every one, it was necessary to try it carefully before becoming
a member; he had lived six months among them before being received.
Finally he remarked, that notwithstanding every one was free to leave
the society when he thought proper, it would be very wrong to do so, as
when once accustomed to it he would be utterly unfit for the world. At
nine o’clock, when we left Union Village, they, to our surprise, refused
to receive either pay or presents, and nothing now remained but to
return verbal thanks for their hospitality, after which we parted. We
rode twenty-six miles to Xenia, a small country town, where we
arrived after five o’clock, P. M.
We rode through a very fine and cultivated country, which originally
consisted of woods. We saw at least every five hundred paces with an
habitation or some fields. Those forests which still remain, are chiefly
composed of oak, ash, sugar-maple, plane, shumac, and dogwood trees; the
latter bears handsome white flowers. I did not find the vegetation
so much advanced as in the states of Indiana and Kentucky. We suffered
very much from the bad roads, a greater part of which were log
causeways. I walked a great part of the way. We forded several
little rivulets and creeks, among them the Little Miami; we found a tree
laid across without a rail, intended as a bridge. At several of these we
saw some flour and saw-mills, and passed several small and new
settlements, with neat brick houses and large barns. The handsomest is
Bellbrook. Xenia, where we found a good tavern, is situated very
agreeably. The streets are large, and cross each other at right angles:
most of the houses are of brick, and are situated at a certain distance
from each other. The number of inhabitants is about eight hundred, who
farm and carry on different trades. This little place has two
printing-offices, a Latin school, and several stores. In the centre
of the town is the court-house, built of brick. Xenia is the chief town
of Green county. Next to it is a massive jail. In an excursion we made
the following day, May 6th, I remarked one of the machines for
preparing flax, of which I bought a copyright at the patent-office in
Washington. It was worked by a single horse, and did the work of five
men, besides which the flax does not require any rotting.
After nine o’clock we departed, and rode eighteen miles to Springfield.
We stopped on our way at a small village, Yellow Springs, to see the
spring from which this place derives its name. The village occupies a
woody elevation on the shore of the Little Miami, rushing through a deep
rocky valley. The place is small, and was bought by a society of twelve
gentlemen, under the direction of Mr. Lowndes, a friend of Mr.
M‘Clure. These gentlemen intended to found a sect upon Owen’s system;
there had been one established here previously, but dissolved on account
of the majority of them being worthless creatures, who had brought
neither capital, nor inclination to work. Mr. Lowndes, whose
acquaintance I made, said that he expected new and better members. The
locality is healthy and favourable for such an establishment. The spring
originates in a limestone rock, the water has a little taste of iron,
and deposits a great quantity of ochre, from which it takes its name.
The spring is said to give one hundred and ten gallons of water per
minute, which is received in a basin, surrounded with cedar trees. The
yellow stream which comes from the basin, runs a short distance over a
bed of limestone and is afterwards precipitated into the valley. These
limestone rocks form very singular figures on the edge of this valley;
the detached pieces resemble the Devil’s Wall of the Hartz.
They had no baths fitted up, as yet there is only a shower-bath. The
former will most probably be established, when it becomes a place of
public resort. Mr. Lowndes told me that it was their intention to take
more water in, and to have some walks established in the vicinity, to
which the surrounding country is very favourable. Following Mr. Lowndes’
advice, we took a roundabout way of one mile and rode to a saw-mill
called Patterson’s mill, to see the lesser falls of the Little Miami.
I had no reason to repent it, as I was richly rewarded with one of
the finest prospects I ever beheld. The Little Miami forces itself for
the length of a mile with most singular windings through a rocky dale at
least fifty feet deep, which in many places is but eighteen feet wide,
it forms little cataracts, and suddenly disappears for a short distance.
Large cedar trees shade this precipice, which makes it very gloomy, and
contribute in a great measure to the peculiarity of this imposing scene
of nature. The rocks are very steep, and are connected by a bridge, on
which one looks from the dizzy precipice into a real abyss. Following a
narrow path, I went down to the water and found myself almost in
obscurity. I felt entirely separated from the world, and was
scarcely able to preserve the consciousness of my own existence.
I experienced a peculiar feeling on again perceiving the day-light.
Following the course of the rushing
waters I reached Patterson’s saw-mill, where the men working for their
daily bread, recalled me to human life. Near the saw-mill a dam forms an
artificial waterfall, making a very handsome effect, being about twenty
feet high. The saw-mill has a horizontal water-mill of the same
description as those which I had previously seen in the United States.
With a strong fall of water these wheels have more effect, and are
cheaper than those used in other countries. The road from the mill to
Springfield was bad, mostly by causeways, and I was again compelled to
walk a greater part of the way. Springfield is the chief town of Clark
county, and lies partly at the foot of a hill and partly upon it, at the
confluence of two creeks, the shores are so marshy that I believe it
would be possible to cut turf there. The town contains fifteen hundred
inhabitants, nearly all the houses are built of brick, the streets are
wide and right-angled, they are not paved; the principal street has a
side-walk of brick. In the centre of this little town is a court-house
built of brick, and having the form of an octagon; next to it stands a
jail. The place is surrounded with orchards, meadows and well cultivated
fenced fields. A chain of hills end in a point behind the town, not
far from the confluence of both creeks. On this point are four insulated
hills, which are said to be Indian mounds, three stand on the edge of
one of the creeks, and at some distance is the fourth, which is quite
detached from the others. The latter is the highest, its elevation is
more than one hundred feet above the level of the valley; from this hill
the eye commands a view over Springfield, the whole surrounding valley,
the union of both valleys and the woody heights encircling the whole,
there are clusters of blooming and high black thorn bushes growing in
the meadows, which produce a good effect. This place seems to be
opulent, it contains several good stores, and depends chiefly on the
breeding of cattle and agriculture. We were very comfortably lodged at
the inn at which we stopped.
On the 7th of May, at nine o’clock, we left Springfield on a
beautiful Sunday morning, and curiosity had assembled a crowd of people
before our inn, to gaze at such wonders as we were. We went twenty-three
miles on the road to Columbus, until we arrived at a single tavern,
called Pike’s. The country was less cultivated than we had seen since
leaving Cincinnati; we saw however, several fine orchards and fields;
all the settlements are new, and the habitations mostly consist of
log-houses; we met several carts filled with well-dressed country people
and several of both sexes on horseback, they were all going to church at
Springfield. The road was generally very bad, and over many log
causeways, kept in bad order. Beyond the woods, we saw vast tracts of
meadow ground, on which only a few trees could
be seen, but there were very handsome black thorns in flower. On the
meadows numerous cattle were grazing, we passed two with a great number
of sheep, and hogs were always plenty; the breeding of cattle is carried
on to a great extent; quantities of cheese and butter are made here for
sale; the cattle are drove to the eastern states, or the meat is salted
and sent to New Orleans. We observed a great many partridges of a large
kind, which they call pheasantsII.26 here; the forests abound with
wild pigeons. We reached our lodging place, Pike’s tavern, about four
o’clock in the afternoon. It is situated amidst meadowsII.27 and
consists of two log-houses erected close behind each other, they
resemble those of the state of Georgia, differing only in being better
suited for a colder climate, as the crevices are filled with clay. Our
landlord only began his establishment five years ago; he came from
Massachusetts. Towards evening we saw a fine drove of cattle belonging
to him, and in which his fortune chiefly consisted. Next morning we left
our abode where we had been better lodged than we had expected, and went
twenty miles farther to Columbus. The road was worse than any I had ever
met with, consisting generally of log causeways, which are badly
assorted and have large holes between them. We were barbarously jolted
about, and therefore I went more than half the way on foot; the soil
principally consists of a black meadow ground, marshy, with little wood
and less cultivated. It is said to be unwholesome during the summer; the
houses are scattered and in a bad condition. At one mile from Columbus,
is a small place called Franklinton, having several brick houses and a
court-house. Its increase was at one time promising, but Columbus
prevents its future advancement. Columbus is situated on the high left
bank of the Sciota; we forded this river, which was perilous, as the
water ran into our carriage; there was a wooden bridge formerly between
Franklinton and Columbus, but it was broken down a year ago; trees are
growing very fast in the woods in the vicinity, but the wood is without
strength and becomes rotten as soon as it attains its growth, which
makes it impossible to depend on the duration of wooden buildings.
Columbus is the chief town of the state of Ohio, and contains about one
thousand eight hundred inhabitants, and three churches; one
Presbyterian, one Lutheran, and one Methodist. In the year 1812, there
were nothing but forests, and in the same year the lots of the city with
the wood were
sold, upon which they immediately commenced building. It is astonishing
how this place has since increased, and still continues to
improve—the streets are wide, and cross each other at right
angles. The principal street running parallel with the Sciota, is about
one hundred feet wide, having side-walks, and a considerable number of
brick houses—the adjoining streets are not yet much occupied. In
building the principal streets, one of the Indian mounds has been
opened, and nearly destroyed. A great number of human bones were
found, remains of urns, and an owl carved in stone, but very clumsy;
with the clay of which the mound was made, bricks were burned which
served for the construction of the state-house; this building contains
the offices of the state, and the United States court. These three
buildings stand near each other at one end of the principal street, each
of them having two stories—the state-house as well as the court,
are situated at the sides of these long offices, which gives them the
appearance of barracks; they have steeples and galleries, from which the
course of the Sciota, receiving a mile above the town the Whetstone
river, can be followed with the eye to a great distance over the fertile
plain on the right shore of the Sciota, where Franklinton is situated,
and is a very handsome sight. The Sciota originates in the state of
Ohio, runs one hundred and eighty-two miles, and flows in the Ohio
between Portsmouth and Alexandria, its mouth is one hundred and fifty
yards wide; it is navigable one hundred and thirty miles and upwards.
The Whetstone, which it receives above Columbus, is at certain times
navigable for nine miles. About five miles above Columbus, on the left
shore of the Sciota, is a quarry of white sandstone, which resembles
marble until polished, after which it turns grey. Columbus contains
three printing-offices, each of which issues a newspaper. There are also
bookstores, one of them belongs to Mr. Kilbourn, author of the Ohio
Gazetteer; this book having been of great use to me, during my journey
through this state, I wished to see the author of so useful a work,
an attention with which he appeared much pleased. Respecting the three
newspapers, I found their number great for so small a place, but I
heard that only one, which is in some measure the official paper of the
state, was much read, and had many subscribers; the other two having but
fifty, and could only maintain themselves by advertisements, &c.
I met in Columbus with a Mr. Doherty, whose acquaintance I had made
in Cincinnati, and who conducted me to see the town. There is nothing
remarkable in the public buildings above mentioned; the state
penitentiary interested me much more; it is well situated, appears to be
well arranged, and contains one hundred and fifty-two convicts; the
principal building is on a rising ground; in the rear are several
yards where the workshops of the prisoners are situated, they are
clothed in a dress part grey and part white, and sleep two together, in
airy but narrow cells, on straw mattresses; during the day they are
employed in the workshops, or in the work of the house. They have a
large refectory, where their meals, consisting of meat and vegetables
are served up in wooden plates; each prisoner is obliged to work at the
trade which he understands, and he who is acquainted with none is
obliged to learn one, being permitted to choose which he prefers. All
the clothing used in the house, as well as the cotton cloth, are made by
the prisoners, who receive no payment; there is also a wheelwright shop
in operation, as well as blacksmiths, coopers, cabinet-makers,
comb-makers, saddlers, and gunsmiths, who make very good rifles: the
articles manufactured by the coopers consist chiefly of buckets and
barrels, made of white and red cedar wood; there is a store attached to
the prison, where all these articles are exposed for sale.
I understand that the prison maintains itself, and causes but a
trifling expense to the state. The favourite solitary confinement in
dark and subterraneous cells is used as a capital punishment.
A couple of prisoners who had tried to escape and were retaken,
wore an iron collar with a horn attached to it; the prison has been in
use ten years, during which time, ten men only had escaped, nearly all
of whom had been retaken: the prisoners are so well treated, that I was
assured that several of them stole again, after having served their time
out, in order to return to their prison. It is worthy of notice that
during ten years, two white females only, were committed to this prison;
the yards are surrounded by a large and high wall, where sentries keep
watch day and night with loaded muskets. We left Columbus on the 9th of
May, at eight o’clock in the morning, and rode to Circleville,
a distance of twenty-six miles. The road passes along the left
shore of the Sciota, through a woody and rather uncultivated country,
two days of rain had softened the ground considerably; fortunately we
met with very few log causeways; we forded two small rivers which flow
into the Sciota, called Big-Belly creek, and Lower Walnut creek. We
passed a small place, Bloomfield, consisting of small frame houses, and
reached Circleville towards two o’clock, P. M. Circleville is built
in one of the old Indian forts, whose origin, as well as that of the
nation which erected it, is buried in utter darkness. The circular part
immediately joins the square, and communicates with it by means of a
single outlet. The square fort has eight outlets, and in the rear of
each of them there is a little mound, which appears to have served as
traverses for the defence of the entries; the round fort has two
parallel ramparts separated by a ditch. The quadrangular fort has but a
single one, where
there are no traces of a trench; the diameter of the circular fort,
taken between the exterior ramparts, is one hundred and ninety-six rods;
both of them are twenty feet high, taken from the base of the ditch; the
inner one is filled up, and the exterior is dug from the ground; the
fortress consists of clay, the latter of sand and flintstone; the
rampart of the square fort is ten feet higher, and of clay; the length
of one side of the square is fifty-four rods; the town, containing six
hundred inhabitants, is for the greatest part built inside of the round
and square fort, of which it occupies the fourth part of the surface. In
its centre is a round space, in the midst of which stands a court-house
of brick in the shape of an octagon. Circleville is the chief town of
Pickaway county. From this circular place four principal streets run
towards the north, south, east, and west; in order to open them, the
double round wall has unfortunately been partly demolished; the
selfishness of the inhabitants goes so far that they take the clay of
the inner wall and the square fort to burn bricks of it; this little
town was founded in 1812, at the same time with Columbus, but has not
increased much since; the houses are generally of wood. The prison alone
is of solid construction, built of free-stone.
On the outside of the circular fort, on the hill opposite the
quadrangular fort, is another hill ninety feet high, that commands all
the neighbouring parts, which appear to have been a
burying-ground—a great number of human skeletons of all sizes
having been found there; they were all in a horizontal position, the
heads being turned towards the centre of the hill. With the skeletons
were several stone axes, and oval, polished black stones, having a hole
in their centre, probably to fix them on a string, to be worn as
ornaments or talismans.
In the centre of the circular fort, where the court-house now stands,
there was formerly another hill, on the eastern side of which are the
remains of a semicircular pavement, made of pebble-stones, the same
which are found in the bed of the Sciota; the top of the hill is of
thirty feet diameter, and has a flight of steps leading to it; two human
skeletons were found there. At the natural level of the ground a great
number of stone arrow-heads, which were so strong that they must have
belonged to lances. A great quantity of wood ashes and hard burnt
bricks induce the belief that the bodies were burnt; there was a
looking-glass made of mica membranacea. More minute details of these
antiquities, as well as all the others which have been found in this
state, are described in Mr. Caleb Atwater’s Archaelogia
Americana. I paid a visit to this gentleman, who resides here; he is
a great antiquarian, and exists more in the antiquities of Ohio, than in
the present world. I spent the evening with this interesting man,
and was very agreeably entertained; he possesses a collection of objects
which were found in different mounds; it contains fragments of urns,
arrow-heads of a large size, battle-axes made of flintstone, and several
human bones. Mr. Atwater likewise possesses a very handsome collection
of minerals, among which I found some interesting petrifactions of wood
and plants, in particular, the whortleberry plant. He offered to send to
the university of Jena a collection of these petrifactions which are
found near Zanesville, in this state, and for which he desired to obtain
some German minerals. I must not omit to mention, that on the hill,
outside of the circular fort, is a small wooden house nearly destroyed
by storms, which commands a view of all the surrounding country. It had
been a house of ill fame, but being visited one night by a violent
storm, it was abandoned by its inhabitants, to the great edification of
the whole town.
The 10th of May we rode nineteen miles, from Circleville to
Chillicothe, formerly the capital of Ohio, situated on the right shore
of the Sciota. Our way led us through a handsome and very well
cultivated country; we saw fine fields, good dwelling-houses, orchards,
and gardens; also several mills, turned by the water of the Sciota, and
several other little creeks; some of these mills are at the same time
fulling, flour, and saw-mills.
The forests are chiefly of sugar maple, plane, and different kinds of
nut trees: the road was tolerably good, the weather fine and warm; there
is a covered wooden bridge which crosses the Sciota not far from
Chillicothe; this bridge runs at least five hundred paces on piers, over
a meadow which is sometimes inundated by the Sciota. We were comfortably
lodged at Watson’s hotel, in Chillicothe. This town, like Philadelphia,
lies between two rivers—the Sciota may be considered as the
Delaware, and Paint creek rivulet takes place of the Schuylkill: the
streets are large, at right angles, and without pavement, but have
side-walks: a great part of the houses are built of brick; there
are several fine stores. Over the whole prosperity and liveliness
appears to reign. Chillicothe is the chief town of Ross county; it
contains a court-house, built of freestone, which, at the time it was
the seat of the state government, was used for the senate house; the
representatives met in the building now used for the court offices:
there is also in this city a jail, and a market-house of brick.
I received visits from several of the most distinguished
inhabitants, among them was a lawyer, Mr. Leonard, Dr. Vethake and
Colonel King, son of the celebrated Rufus King, the American minister to
London, and son-in-law of the former governor of this state, Mr.
Worthington: the latter lived at a country-seat two miles from
Chillicothe, where he enjoyed his rents and the revenue of his
considerable property, in the midst of an amiable family and an
agreeable old age, free from cares. His son-in-law
invited us to his father’s house; we accepted his invitation and rode in
Messrs. Leonard and Vethake’s company, towards evening, to the
country-seat; our road led us through a beautiful and well cultivated
valley, near a little Indian mound, and through a forest of beach,
maple, chesnut and hickory trees; finally we rode through handsome
fields, where here and there we saw groups of white thorn. The
governor’s house is surrounded with Lombardy poplars; it is constructed
in the style of an Italian villa, of free stone, with stone steps on the
exterior, is two stories high, and has two wings, having a court in
front of the centre building containing honeysuckles and roses: on one
side of the house is a terrace with flowers and kitchen vegetables; this
garden was arranged by German gardeners who keep it in very good order:
behind the house are large clover fields, and to the right the farm
buildings. Governor Worthington occupies himself with the raising of
cattle, particularly sheep; he had a flock of one hundred and fifty
merinos. I understood that they were numerous in the state of Ohio.
Colonel King and his highly accomplished lady, came to meet us; the
governor and his lady soon appeared: he has travelled a great deal, has
been a long time in public offices, and was for several years a member
of the United States’ senate; his eldest son was travelling in Europe,
another son was in the military academy at West Point. He has ten
children, on whom he expended a great deal for their education; the
evening passed rapidly in instructive and interesting conversation, the
hospitable governor insisted on our passing the night at his house; the
house is very commodious, the furniture plain, but testifies the good
taste and easy circumstances of the owner. I arose early next
morning and took a walk in the governor’s garden, I ascended to a
platform on the roof to take a view of the surrounding lands, but there
is as yet nothing but woods covering the greater part of the country.
Fires, which were burning in some places, were proofs, that new settlers
were clearing the woods; from this platform the governor can overlook
the greater part of his property, containing twenty-five thousand acres
of land; by this means he has the greater part of his workmen under his
control; the ground consists of low hills, and it is only towards the
east in the direction of Zanesville, that more considerable elevations
are perceived. I took breakfast with the worthy governor and his
family, and found here, as at Governor Morrow’s, that the father of the
family, observed the laudable custom of making a prayer before sitting
down. After breakfast we took leave of this respectable family, whose
acquaintance I consider as one of the most interesting I made in the
United States, and returned to town. Chillicothe contains from two to
three thousand inhabitants, who subsist chiefly by farming, raising of
cattle and retail commerce; they had also
commenced establishing woollen factories, and possessed a bank; it was
formerly a branch of the United States Bank, but doing too little
business, was suppressed by the mother bank in Philadelphia. We visited
two churches, one Methodist and one Episcopalian, the former was rather
large, both of them were very plain and contained nothing worthy of
remark. We paid a visit to Mr. Hufnagel, a native of Würzburg, an
elderly man who had experienced misfortune, and who is now established
as a butcher and trader in cattle, and finds himself in easy
circumstances; he appeared to be very much delighted at my visit, and
received us very heartily in his well arranged house, situated in an
orchard. Between two and three o’clock, the stage took us to Colonel
King’s house, where we dined, in order to drive us eighteen miles to
Tarleton; we took leave of him with grateful hearts; the road ran
through a well cultivated country, which is very hilly and presents
several picturesque situations; ten miles from Chillicothe on a hill, is
a small village, Kingston, with farms of a good appearance, and several
mills. Towards sunset we reached Tarleton, a handsome little spot
of about twenty houses, and took our lodgings at a very good tavern,
kept by a Pennsylvanian German. I had lost my pocket-book, probably
by one of the hard jolts which our stage had received; it contained
several papers of importance. It was found one mile from Chillicothe,
and by its contents I was known to be the owner; a man set out in
the night to bring it to me; at midnight this man arrived in Tarleton,
had me called up, and safely returned me my pocket-book. I was so
much delighted to recover it, that I expressed my thankfulness in every
way I could. On the 12th of May, we left Tarleton at two o’clock in the
morning, and rode to New Lancaster, which is sixteen miles; we arrived
between seven and eight o’clock, and took our lodgings at Steinman’s
hotel; the mail stage which went that day to Zanesville, had only two
horses and took no passengers, I therefore resolved to stay until
the following day, as it was said there would be a stage with four
horses, and I found no cause to repent it. New Lancaster has its name
from the city of Lancaster in Pennsylvania, and was founded by
Pennsylvanian Germans, who were joined by many German emigrants,
particularly Wurtembergers, and some Switzers, all of whom were pleased
with the good climate, the fertile soil, which requires but little
cultivation and manure, and above all, by the cheap living and
profitable earnings. New Lancaster is the principal town of Fairfield
county, and is handsomely situated on the side of a hill on the
Hockhocking river, not far distant from its source; it contains nearly
two thousand inhabitants, living by retail commerce, farming, and cattle
raising. Since 1822, the culture of tobacco has also been introduced;
this tobacco is called
yellow, and is esteemed; I understand that it sells very well in
Holland. The streets of the town are wide and rectangular; the
court-house is a brick building; there is also a market-house of brick,
and above it a lodge for freemasons. Shortly after my arrival,
I received the visits of several of the German and half German
inhabitants, among the latter I remarked Judge Dietrich, a native
of Philadelphia, an agreeable, plain and well-informed man; he offered
to be my guide through the town, which I thankfully accepted. He
introduced me to several of the merchants, whose well-furnished stores I
visited. Such a store in America contains a great variety of articles:
all kinds of dry-goods, porcelain, earthenware, glasses, stationary,
implements of husbandry, iron wares, saddlery, and spirits; the latter
are only by wholesale; also school-books, bibles, and psalm-books.
I observed in almost all the cities in the state of Ohio, that
German translations were affixed to all the signs over the stores, in
large golden letters, which is not only a proof that a great many
Germans inhabit the state, but also that they are good customers. We saw
an English and German printing-office; the latter was under the
direction of a German, Mr. Herrman, who publishes a German newspaper
under the title of Der Ohio Adler,II.28 the English
printing-office likewise publishes a paper; the type for the German
paper is from the foundry in Philadelphia, and cannot be said to be
elegant; it is true there is generally but little elegance to be
observed in German type. I read in Mr. Herrman’s office about
twelve different German papers, published in the United States; they
were mostly written in a corrupted German; the only well written one,
was edited in Philadelphia, by Mr. Ritter.
Judge Dietrich conducted me to a cloth manufactory belonging to Mr.
Risey, whose machinery is moved by the waters of the Hockhocking. It was
of recent date, and furnished cloth of middling quality; the want of a
sufficient quantity of water made it necessary to divide the manufactory
into different parts, at different situations; one was occupied by the
machines for carding wool, and some by looms; the wool was spun by
country women. We visited the county jail, a brick building, the
interior has partitions made of strong beams, separating obscure cells;
a dark and miserable hole called the dungeon, was destined for
solitary confinement; there was but a single prisoner, and for debt. Mr.
Dietrich introduced me to a Mr. Sherman, judge of the supreme court, who
is one of the most respectable inhabitants of the place. He invited me
to tea, and I met with a very agreeable society; we all took a walk to
Mount Pleasant, two miles from town, which on three sides presents steep
cliffs; this mountain is only
accessible from one side, through a forest and hollow between rocks.
From the top of the mountain the town seems to lay below your feet, and
is surrounded with fenced fields; this point being one of the highest in
this hilly country, the prospect would be very handsome if the eye could
perceive any thing but woods. Next morning some Swabian farmers came to
see me; I was sitting at my writing-table when they entered; they
sat down without taking off their hats, and conversed very sensibly;
I understood from them that they were very much pleased with the
country, and that they felt conscious of being honest and useful men. At
eight o’clock we went into the mail stage, an uncomfortable box, in
which we rode thirty-six miles to Zanesville, on a rough road with many
causeways leading through a hilly region, so that we had to stop at
least forty times. It was very warm and dusty during the day; the land
was less fertile than what we had previously seen in the state of Ohio,
containing more clay and sand; we arrived in the district of the coal
and salt mines, both of which articles are found in the vicinity of
Zanesville. We passed between New Lancaster and Zanesville the
insignificant places of Rush-hill, Somerset, Union town, and Jonathan’s
creek; Rush-hill is in a pretty situation on Rush-creek, a strong
rivulet which works several mills; it consists of about thirty houses,
some of them of brick. Somerset, half way from New Lancaster to
Zanesville, contains four hundred inhabitants, it is on an elevated
situation and is the chief town of Perry county. Jonathan’s creek has
given its name to the little village situated on both of its shores; the
true name of this creek is Maxahala; it is very convenient for mills. We
met with two herds of beautiful cattle, which had been brought from
Chillicothe, and were driving to the eastern seaports for sale; towards
six o’clock we arrived in a well-cultivated district, our road led us
through orchards and neat houses; finally we arrived at Putnam,
a little place situated on the right shore of the Muskingum,
opposite Zanesville. We crossed the river by a covered wooden bridge,
resting on five stone piers. The Muskingum is one of the most
considerable rivers in the state of Ohio, it begins in the most northern
part, runs in a southerly direction, waters several counties, and
empties by a mouth twenty-five yards broad, into the Ohio at Marietta;
it is navigable from Zanesville upwards; below, the mill-dams prevent
the navigation. On account of the new canal which is to unite the Ohio
with Lake Erie, on which they were working, though slowly, for want of
funds, the navigation on this river will cease.
In Zanesville we took good lodgings at Hughes’ hotel; there must be a
great number of travellers, as in the principal street we could count
seven other taverns. Zanesville contains three thousand inhabitants: its
streets are large and straight, a great
number of brick houses, upwards of twenty stores, two printing-offices,
and two glass-houses, where common window-glass and bottles are
manufactured, which are well paid for in the vicinity; this town has
been for some time the chief town of the state of Ohio, and is now the
principal place of Muskingum county; the court-house is a large brick
building, in front of it was erected a triumphal arch in honour of
General La Fayette, but he did not pass here. We returned in the evening
over the bridge to Putnam, to deliver letters to Mr. Ebenezer
Buckingham. On this occasion I found that the length of this bridge was
about two hundred and seventy-seven ordinary paces; it is divided in two
parts, the wagons keeping the right side. Putnam consists of a single
street, running along the river, behind which is a rocky elevation; the
street afterwards forms an angle, leaving the river and looses itself in
a picturesque valley between fields and orchards. This place has six
hundred inhabitants, a great many brick houses, and presents a
flourishing appearance. Mr. Buckingham is one of the most respectable
inhabitants, and has a large store in which he keeps all articles that
may be required here; he received us in his store, and gave us much
information relative to Zanesville, Putnam and its vicinity; the ground
is not so fertile here as in other parts of the state, but kind
Providence has indemnified them in some measure with salt, and
coal-mines; the salt springs were previously known to the Indians, but
not used by them. When the country became inhabited by a white
population, they bored to the depth of two hundred feet and found
abundant salt springs, some of them were deeper; the openings being made
larger, walled cisterns were fixed to collect the running water. The
salt is boiled in large kettles, after which it is made to run over flat
reservoirs, where it is cooled, and the salt separated; this is the same
method which is followed in England, and which I had seen in the salt
works of Northwich; having heard this description, and the springs being
four miles distant, I gave up the idea of visiting them.
A great many petrifactions and impressions of plants are found
here, some of which I had seen at Mr. Atwater’s, in Circleville.
On the next day, Mr. Buckingham came for me, to introduce me to his
family, consisting of his wife and three daughters, very good children;
the eldest was nine years old, his only son was a cadet in the military
school at West Point. The house in which he resides at Putnam is at some
distance from his store, is two stories high, built of brick with a
stone porch; in front of the house is a space planted with trees and
flowers separated from the street by an iron railing with large stone
posts. In the rear of the house is a kitchen garden and orchard; the
house is very convenient and furnished with taste and well-directed
luxury. All
this was interesting to me, because I heard from Mr. Buckingham that
twenty-nine years since, he emigrated as a poor man from the state of
New York to that wild country, and on the spot where his property now
stands he had himself felled the trees, and built a log-house in which
he lived several years; he owes his welfare to his integrity, his
industry, and economy. In his business, he informed me money was a rare
thing, which he seldom saw; the greatest number of persons who buy
articles from his store, pay for them in corn, beef, lard, corn meal,
vegetables, fruits, &c. This is, however, the case with most of the stores
in the western states, and give the merchants considerable trouble to
sell them. I accompanied Mr. Buckingham and family to the
Presbyterian church in Zanesville, a large brick building, which
was very full and very warm. I understood very little of the
sermon; the singing was excellent, without organ or any musical
accompaniment. In the centre of the church was a long table, as a
greater part of the congregation were communicants. Mr. Buckingham and
family partook of this religious rite. I took a walk through the
town, and visited a second bridge crossing the Muskingum, situated above
the first; this bridge is more ancient than the first, and likewise
rests on five stone piers; it is covered and made of wood, but badly
constructed and in a decayed condition. It does not run in a straight
line, but forms an obtuse angle, in order to reach a point of land which
is produced by the union of the Licking with the Muskingum, from this
angle of the bridge, another begins, which goes towards the point of
land; this is not roofed; this bridge leads to the Newark road,
meanwhile the covered branch is directed to the New Lancaster road.
Since the construction of the better bridge below, the older one is very
little used. The prospect from it over the Muskingum and Licking is very
handsome. Both of them have, not far from their junction, high dams
forming waterfalls, and on all the four shores mills for flour, oil and
sawing. The Licking begins at the junction of three little rivers in
Licking county, and has some falls above, where it unites with the
Muskingum, which have been used for mills. At two o’clock we returned to
our mail stage; the weather being very hot, we rode but twelve miles, to
an insulated house called Dugan’s tavern, where we arrived between five
and six o’clock, and met with tolerably good quarters. The country is
woody and very hilly, the road was so bad that we had to stop
frequently, and for this reason I again went the greatest part of the
road on foot, in spite of the heat and dust; the next day we travelled
in the same manner to Fairview, forty-eight miles distant, along a very
hilly country, bad road, rocks, causeways, and so many rapid
declivities, that we had to stop thirty times. We passed through Salt
creek, Cambridge,
Washington, and Frankfort. Salt creek lies on a small river of the same
name, over which there is a bridge. Cambridge is a flourishing place of
about seventy houses, on a height situated on Will’s creek, which is
crossed by a plain wooden bridge of one hundred and seventy-five yards,
which passes over a low meadow; this town is the chief place in Gurnsey
county, and contains a court-house and several stores. We arrived on a
court day, and the tavern was filled with lawyers. Will’s creek runs
through many windings, about one hundred and fifty miles, and flows into
the Muskingum; it is in some seasons navigable to Cambridge, in boats of
seventy-five feet length. Washington and Frankfort are small places, of
which nothing can be said. On the road, especially near dwelling houses,
were several large open buildings constructed with beams to dry the
yellow tobacco. The country is mostly covered with woods. The ground
consists of yellow and red clay, &c.
Fairview, which we reached towards five o’clock in the evening, is a
little place containing about twenty houses, most of them frame; it is
situated on an elevation commanding an extensive prospect, whence it
derives its name. We met here with part of the great national road which
leads from Washington city to Wheeling, and is to be continued as far as
St. Louis. It is a turnpike road, dug out six inches deep, and is
covered six inches thick with small stones, having a ditch on each side;
they were working slowly at it: Fairview is now at the end of the
On the 16th of May we left Fairview, in a beautiful starlight and
warm night, and continued our journey sixty miles to Washington in
Pennsylvania. The country was hilly. The two last villages we passed in
the state of Ohio, were Morristown and St. Clairsville. Both places are
small, but well situated on elevations, and surrounded with fields and
orchards. St. Clairsville is the chief town of Bellmont county; it
contains a court-house, jail, market-house, and printing-office, which
issues a newspaper; also several stores. The houses are merely of wood.
The nearer we approached to the Ohio, the handsomer was the country.
Finally, we came to a romantic dale, through which flows in a serpentine
direction a rivulet called Indian Wheeling, which joins the Ohio
opposite Wheeling. We frequently rode along the new national turnpike road, on which
they were working rapidly. This road carefully avoids the numerous
hills, cuts through several of them, and has, where it is requisite,
solid stone bridges. It was said that it would be finished in the
autumn. When arrived at the Ohio, which runs between hilly shores,
partly covered with woods, partly cultivated, twenty-nine miles from
Fairview, we crossed over the river and arrived at a considerable woody
island, and crossed the left arm in a horse-boat, which took us to
Wheeling, a town containing two thousand inhabitants, built on a
terrace along a steep and high hill. Thus we left the state of Ohio, an
important and daily increasing state, which, with the exception of the
bad roads, had pleased me very much. We entered the state of Virginia,
of which a part runs like a wedge between the states of Pennsylvania and
Ohio. In Wheeling we took the stage on the great national road to
Washington in Pennsylvania, which is twenty-nine miles distant. We soon
ascended a high mountain, from the top of which we could discover on one
side the beautiful valley of the Ohio, the woody mountains bordering the
valley, and the town of Wheeling with its orchards and gardens on the
other; a deep valley along which the Wheeling creek runs in a
picturesque manner. The national road gradually descends this steep
hill, forming the western border of the valley, continues in it and goes
over a handsome stone bridge across Wheeling creek. A neighbouring
family who profited considerably by the construction of the national
road, have erected at the bridge a monument in honour of the secretary
of state, (H. Clay,) who was the chief promoter of it in congress.
This monument consists, as far as I could perceive in my hurry, of a
statue of liberty, coarsely sculptured in sandstone, placed on a clumsy
pedestal ornamented with inscriptions and bas relief. Monuments erected
to living persons have always something suspicious; they generally
exhibit that vile adulation to which the Dutch give a characteristic
name.II.29 I was greatly surprised to find such
sentiments in this country, and to see them tolerated. The national
road, which is finished seven years ago, requires considerable repairs,
or at least to be kept in better order. Since it has been finished
nothing has been done to it. The tracks are deep, and the road is very
rough. The stage we rode in was of the description made in the
north-eastern states, which are the best and most convenient I had met
with since October last year. We changed horses twice in West Alexandria
and Claysville. We passed several little places through a well
cultivated country, over some stone bridges of sumptuous construction.
Fifteen miles from Wheeling we left the state of Virginia, and entered
the state of Pennsylvania partly known to me, and which I now intended
to cross from its western to its eastern extremity. We arrived at
Washington at ten o’clock at night, and left there at one o’clock on the
morning of the 17th of May, the weather being cloudy. Abandoning the
national road, we turned to the left towards Pittsburgh, twenty-five
miles from Washington. To Cannonsburg, a distance of seven miles,
the road was tolerably good,
but after this it became bad, and I was compelled, in conformity to my
old custom, to walk a great part of the way.
To the cloudy night succeeded a fine warm morning, and a picturesque
valley where handsome houses and mills cheered the spirits. The
mountains are filled with coal and several openings penetrating into
them, prove that this important fuel is not neglected. We finally came
to the left shore of the Ohio, and before us was Pittsburgh covered by a
black cloud of smoke. This city is situated at the confluence of the
Alleghany and Monongahela; both these rivers after their union form the
majestic Ohio. The water of the Monongahela is much more muddy than that
of the Alleghany, and both rivers are distinguished separately at a
great distance. The situation of Pittsburgh, as well as the Ohio valley,
resemble in some measure the environs of Liege, on the Meuse, with the
exception that the mountains of the Meuse are higher than these. We
passed through a little village called Birmingham, where are salt-works,
a glass-house, and iron-works, and arrived at the bridge which
crosses the Monongahela. This bridge is marked on the map as projected,
but has been finished for six or seven years. It is of wood resting on
five stone piers, and consists of six arches of very solid construction,
being covered and divided in two parts. A fine of fifteen dollars
is exacted of those who ride on horseback or carriage faster than a
walk; there are also foot-walks. Pittsburgh contains fifteen thousand
inhabitants—it has not a pleasing appearance, containing a great
number of wooden buildings, all of a smoky colour from the smoke
continually ascending from the numerous manufactories. Pittsburgh
reminds you of an English city, and therefore is called the American
Birmingham. It was nine o’clock, A. M. when we arrived, and took
lodgings at the Mansion-house, kept by Colonel Ramsay, a good
hotel, and a very polite landlord.

Pittsburgh.—Economy.—Mr. Rapp and his
I was scarcely settled here before I
received a visit from two German residents, Mr. Bonnhorst,
a justice of the peace, and Mr. Volz, a merchant. These
gentlemen accompanied me to indicate the most remarkable places and
manufactures of the city.
We visited a French glass-cutter, a very skilful man, who
does a good business; passed by the court-house, which is built opposite
the market-house in a half circle, and stopped at the glass factory of
Mr. Bakewell, in which fine flint glass is blown and ground. This
crystal is as clear, and nearly as good as the English. The processes
used in such a manufactory are known; but I wondered at the celerity
with which the different articles are made. Glass-cutting, as is well
known, is a difficult work, and requires skilful artists, which are
still rare in this country, and very dear. We visited a paper
manufactory belonging to Mr. Baldwin, which is arranged in the usual
manner: thence we went to an eminence which overlooks the city, called
Grant’s Hill, after an English General Grant, who, during the seven
years’ war, was slaughtered here along with his troops, by the
The French, about the middle of the preceding century, had built a
fort on the point of land, immediately at the confluence of the two
rivers, called Duquesne. The English found this fortification annoying,
and hence arose the occurrences which subsequently produced the seven
years’ war. This place has the highest interest to every European
soldier. General Grant wished to obtain possession of Fort Duquesne, and
besieged it from the height which still bears his name. He however kept
a miserable guard, was surprised, and paid with his own life, and that
of his men, for his negligence. From this hill, one may behold, at a
view, the three vallies of the Alleghany, Monongahela and Ohio.
Rapp’s society, after leaving New Harmony, chose a new situation
which they named Economy. This is eighteen miles from Pittsburgh.
I intended to visit it on the following day, but on this evening,
(May 17,) I was surprised by a visit from Mr. Frederick Rapp,
adopted son of the founder of the Society, who gave me an invitation to
pay their establishment a visit. We therefore went willingly at ten
o’clock, next morning, accompanied by Messrs. Bonnhorst and Volz, to
Economy, whither Mr. F. Rapp preceded us.
We reached the Alleghany bridge, which is built of wood, roofed, and
supported upon five stone piers. The foot-walks are separated from the
wagon-road, and are open on one side, so that foot passengers are not
incommoded by the dust from the inside of the bridge. On the opposite
side is a little village called Alleghany town, laid out upon a great
scale, but on account of the proximity of Pittsburgh, it will with
difficulty attain any importance: in former years, the Indians, which
then thickly hovered about the right bank of the Alleghany and Ohio, were a
powerful obstacle to the increase of this place. On the heights stand
elegant country houses. Farther off ran the road, which was bad enough,
near to the right bank of the Ohio, through a wonderfully lovely
landscape. The valley strongly reminds one of the Maas Valley between
Namur and Lüttich; it is beautifully cultivated; the farms lie close
together; the green hills, and groups of sugar maples and acacias have a
most beautiful appearance. The latter were beginning to blossom, and
filled the air with perfume.II.30 In the Ohio we saw Neville’s
island, which is about seven miles long and one broad, and is well
cultivated. Over two little creeks we passed upon well kept, roofed
bridges, and reached Economy at two, P. M. This place lies on a
bluff fifty feet above the low water mark of the Ohio. Behind the
village are some hills containing springs, whence the water is conveyed
in pipes to Economy.
In approaching Economy we passed two burning brick-kilns; then we
came to a newly-built house, at which stood three men with horns, who
began to blow on our arrival. At the inn, a fine large frame house,
we were received by Mr. Rapp, the principal, at the head of the
community. He is a gray-headed, and venerable old man; most of the
members emigrated twenty-one years ago from Wurtemberg, along with him.
After our first greeting, we were conducted into a simple but tastefully
arranged apartment. We conversed together for a time, and then all set
down to dinner. The table was furnished with German dishes, over which
reigned a jocund heartiness.
Having been prejudiced against Mr. Rapp and his society, by what I
had read, and more recently heard at New Harmony, I was much
rejoiced at having visited this place, to be better informed by personal
observation. Never have I witnessed a more truly patriarchal
constitution than here, and men’s actions speak best for their
regulations, and for the concord prevailing among them.
The elder Rapp is a large man of seventy years old, whose powers age
seems not to have diminished; his hair is gray, but his blue eyes
overshadowed by strong brows, are full of life and fire; his voice is
strong, and his enunciation full, and he knows how to give a peculiar
effect to his words by appropriate gesticulation. He speaks a Swabian
dialect, intermixed with a little English, to which the ear of a German
in the United States must become accustomed; generally, what he says is
clearly and plainly delivered.
Rapp’s system is nearly the same as Owen’s. Community of goods, and
all members of the society to work together for the
common interest, by which the welfare of each individual is secured.
Rapp does not hold his society together by these hopes alone, but also
by the tie of religion, which is entirely wanting in Owen’s community;
and results declare that Rapp’s system is the better. No great results
can be expected from Owen’s plan, and a sight of it is very little in
its favour. What is most striking and wonderful of all, is that so plain
a man as Rapp can so successfully bring and keep together a society of
nearly seven hundred persons, who in a manner honour him as a prophet.
Equally so for example in his power of government, which can suspend the
intercourse of the sexes. He found that the society was becoming too
numerous, wherefore the members agreed to live with their wives as
sisters. All nearer intercourse is forbidden, as well as marriage; both
are discouraged. However, some marriages constantly occur, and children
are born every year, for whom there is provided a school and teacher.
The members of the community manifest the very highest degree of
veneration for the elder Rapp, whom they address and treat as a
Mr. Frederick Rapp is a large good-looking personage, of forty years
of age. He possesses profound mercantile knowledge, and is the temporal,
as his father is the spiritual chief of the community. All business
passes through his hands; he represents the society, which,
notwithstanding the change in the name of their residence, is called the
Harmony Society, in all their dealings with the world. They found
that the farming and cattle-raising, to which the society exclusively
attended in both their former places of residence, were not sufficiently
productive for their industry, they therefore have established
factories, which in this country are very profitable, and have at
present cotton and woollen manufactories, a brewery, distillery,
and flour-mill. They generally drink, during their good German dinners,
uncommonly good wine, which was made on the Wabash, and brought thence
by them: they left the worst, as I have remarked, at New Harmony.
After dinner we visited the village, which is very regularly
arranged, with broad rectangular streets, two parallel to the Ohio, and
four crossing them. On the 22d of May it will be but two years since the
forest was first felled upon which Economy is built; the roots
still remaining in the streets are evidences of the short time that has
elapsed. It is astonishing what united and regulated human efforts has
accomplished in so short a time!
Many families still live in log-houses, but some streets consist
almost entirely of neat, well-built frame houses, at proper distances
from each other, each house has a garden attached to it. The four-story
cotton and woollen factories are of brick; Mr. Rapp’s dwelling-house,
not yet completed, and a newly-begun warehouse,
are also to be of brick. The log-houses stand in the rear of the line
which the new houses are to occupy in the street, so that when in time
they wish to erect brick buildings, it may be done without incommoding
the tenants of the log dwellings. Mr. Rapp’s residence speaks rather
freely against the equality he preaches to his people, yet without
exciting jealousy or becoming a stumbling block. It consists of a
principal building two stories high, with two lower wings standing in
the same line, and is adorned with beautiful Philadelphia paper. At the
back of the house is a piazza and balcony. There is also a garden
containing several acres with flowers and vegetables, as well as a
vineyard, situated on a terrace-shaped half circle on the hill, ending
in a bower. I especially admired the beautiful tulips of this
garden, in the midst of which is a round basin with a noble spring. Mr.
Rapp intends to build a temple here, in which he will place a statue of
Harmony: the statue is now ready. It is the work of a carver in
Philadelphia, and is a colossal wooden figure, like the figure-head of a
ship. In the garden are several cottages, one of them is roofed with
sods, and is used for a pastry house. On the top is a sort of seat,
where hereafter musicians are to sit; within there is a temporary frame
hall. Near the garden is the green-house; this house, as well as the
garden, is under the inspection of a very pretty girl, Miss Hildegard,
a relative of Mr. Rapp, and possessed of much botanical knowledge.
The women of this community have all preserved their Swabian costume,
even to their straw hats, and they look very becomingly.
In the cotton and woollen factories, all the machinery is set in
motion by a high-pressure engine of seventy horse-power, made in
Pittsburgh. The machine pumps the water from a well fifty feet deep,
sunk for the purpose. The community possesses some fine sheep, among
which are many Merino and Saxon: they purchase wool, however, from the
surrounding farmers, who have already begun to raise it to bring to
Economy. As soon as the wool is washed, it is picked by the old women of
the community, who work in the fourth story, whence it is reconveyed by
a sort of tunnel into the lower story. The wool is then separated
according to its quality into four classes, dyed together in the
dye-house near the manufactory, returned to the mill, where it is
combed, coarsely spun, and finally wrought into fine yarn by a machine
similar to the spinning jenny. As soon as spun, it is placed in the loom
and wrought into cloth, this is placed in a steam fulling-mill, so
arranged that the steam from the engine is made to answer the purpose of
soap and fuller’s earth, which is a great saving. The cloth is shorn by
means of a cylinder, upon which a strong piece of steel turns. There is
a model of this shearing-machine
in the patent-office at Washington. The woollen goods most in demand in
this country, are blue middling, grey mixed, (principally used for
pantaloons,) and red and white flannel cloths. The red flannels are in
great demand.
The cotton factory is employed in spinning and weaving. The printing
of cottons has not yet been attempted, as the stamps cannot be procured
without great expense and difficulty, and the fashions of printed calico
are very changeable. The coloured cottons wove here are blue and white,
mixed; a stuff of this colour much in demand in Tennessee, is
called cassinet, the chain of which is of cotton, and the filling of
wool. The spinning machines are of the common kind, each of which have
one hundred and fifty spools at work. The first machine, which does the
coarse spinning, has been much improved, so as to save a great deal of
manual labour. There are also some power-looms here, though not many,
neither have they at present but one dressing machine. Many of the
machines are made in Pittsburgh; most of them, however, at Economy. As
this establishment has been so recently founded, it is natural enough
that but few machines should be prepared or in operation. The factories
and workshops are warmed during winter by means of pipes connected with
the steam-engine. All the workmen, and especially the females, have very
healthy complexions, and moved me deeply by the warm-hearted
friendliness with which they saluted the elder Rapp. I was also
much gratified to see vessels containing fresh, sweet-smelling flowers
standing on all the machines. The neatness which universally reigns
here, is in every respect worthy of praise.
After visiting these interesting factories, we went to Mr. Rapp’s
temporary dwelling, a good frame house, in order to take tea.
I saw here his unmarried, rather faded daughter, and his blooming
grandchild, Gertrude, the daughter of his only son, concerning whose
death such strange reports are circulated. The table was decorated with
beautiful silver plate, and Rapp appeared to be rejoiced, to indicate by
its possession, his well-merited prosperity. He commenced his business,
as he informed me, with very slender means; when he began at New
Harmony, he had to contend with the bitterest want, and more than once,
had not bread for his community. He sent Frederick Rapp to Pittsburgh,
to procure store goods, and absolutely necessary provisions, upon
credit. The latter found himself generally repulsed, and remained the
whole night awake in Pittsburgh, lamenting the cruelty of mankind. The
elder Rapp, who waited in vain for his return, went to his house, also
lamenting his situation, but not in the least doubtful of Providence,
who watched over him and his; nor was his confidence misplaced. The
heart of one Pittsburgh merchant
was moved; he could not rest during the night for having so scornfully
dismissed Mr. Rapp. He sought him early in the morning, took him to his
store, and offered him whatever was necessary upon credit. In this
manner was the society rescued. This worthy merchant some time after
suffered in his business, and on this unfortunate occasion, the grateful
Harmony society assisted him in a very generous manner.
We spent the evening likewise with Mr. Rapp. He collected the musical
members of the society, and entertained us with music. Miss Gertrude
played upon the piano, and three of the girls sang; the other
instruments were violins, a violoncello and two flutes. The music
was really not so good as we had heard in the preceding autumn at
Bethlehem; but gave us much entertainment. Mr. Bonnhorst also delighted
us with his fine performance on the violin. The music was principally
directed by a German physician, named Müller, who belongs to the
community, and also has charge of the school.
The next morning we went with both the Messrs. Rapp through the
village. We visited the distillery, in which good whiskey is made, which
is in much demand in the neighbouring places. None is made use of in the
village itself, as the members of the society have mutually agreed to
abstain from the use of distilled liquors. This distillery feeds many
swine and horned cattle, which produce the society a handsome profit.
The beer brewery from lack of barley, made beer of wheat; this brewery
was not in operation. The flour-mill, not yet completed, is to be worked
by a steam-engine, and is to be arranged like the Baltimore steam-mill.
In a short time four sets of stones will be in operation, and an oil
mill is also to be connected therewith. As careful managers, the
directors of the society, in the upper part of the mill, which is five
stories high, put away grain enough for a year, in order to be secured
against scarcity, which is even in this happy country much to be
dreaded. In the mill as well as in the factories, in each story there is
a great iron cylinder, filled with water, which is thus at hand in case
of fire. The society possesses a fire-engine of their own making, and
have organized a fire company to work it.
We examined the workshops of the black and locksmiths, which are
under the same shed, and then the joiner’s and cooper’s; we especially
observed the marks of actual and filial respect which is borne towards
the elder Rapp by his young people. The warehouse was also shown to us,
where the articles made here for sale or use are preserved; and I
admired the excellence of all. The articles for the use of the society
are kept by themselves, as the members have no private possessions, and
every thing is in common, so must they in relation to all their personal
wants be supplied from the common stock. The clothing and food they make
use of, is of the best quality. Of the latter, flour, salt meat, and all
long keeping articles are served out monthly; fresh meat on the
contrary, and whatever spoils readily, is distributed whenever it is
killed, according to the size of the family, &c. As every house has
a garden, each family raises its own vegetables, and some poultry, and
each family has also its own bakeoven. For such things as are not raised
in Economy, there is a store provided, from which members with the
knowledge of the directors, may purchase what is necessary, and the
people of the vicinity may also do the same. The warehouse and store are
for the present in wooden buildings, but in a short time the requisite
brick buildings will be erected.
Under Mr. Rapp’s new house we found a fine roomy cellar, in which he
gave us a very good glass of old Rhenish wine, and also some good wine
made on the Wabash, of which he had twenty-one casks. I tasted a
very dark and powerful wine, made from wild grapes, which grew on an
island in the Wabash. For the first three years it is said that this
wine cannot be drank on account of its sourness; this has been in casks
for eight years and is so much improved, that it now is similar to old
Hungarian wine.
As we passed along we saw a small deer park, in which the elder Rapp
had amused himself in taming some bucks and does, which would eat out of
his hand. We saw also here a noble young moose deer, which was as large
as a stout ox. He is also very tame, but during the season is
Mr. Rapp finally conducted us into the factory again, and said that
the girls had especially requested this visit, that I might hear them
sing. When their work is done they collect in one of the factory rooms,
to the number of sixty or seventy, to sing spiritual and other songs.
They have a peculiar hymn-book, containing many hymns from the
Wurtemberg psalm-book, and others written by the elder Rapp. The latter
are truly in prose, but have been arranged to old tunes by the girls.II.31 The elder Rapp is very fond of psalmody, and the
girls must devote themselves considerably thereto, since Gertrude is a
proficient and receives musical instruction. A chair was placed for
the old patriarch, who sat amidst the girls and they commenced a hymn in
a very delightful manner. It was naturally symphonious and exceedingly
well arranged. The girls sang four pieces, at first
sacred, but afterwards by Mr. Rapp’s desire, of gay character. With real
emotion did I witness this interesting scene.
We had an excellent dinner in Mr. Rapp’s house, and the musical
members of the society took this opportunity to play their best in front
of it. The band consisted of twelve musicians, and performed very well,
among them were two who played bugles. Both the Rapp’s, and especially
the elder, advised me strongly to settle in their neighbourhood, and
purchase at ten miles hence, the Beaver Falls on Beaver creek, for
twenty-five thousand dollars. There I might establish iron works, said
they, and make a great deal of money; they and their society would
assist me in every possible manner!
With peculiar feelings we took leave of the friendly and industrious
Economy, at three o’clock. No payment was received at the tavern, and we
set out through the same beautiful places by which we had come towards
Pittsburgh. Mr. F. Rapp, who had business there, followed us,
accompanied by Gertrude. During this ride I had another opportunity of
admiring the beautiful rocks as we passed by, and particularly the
caverns, probably made in them by water, which remind one of the little
caves near Ems, on the Lahn.
We stopped at Alleghany town to examine the new and unfinished
penitentiary, which is arranged according to the system of solitary
confinement. The whole is surrounded by a high hexagonal wall. The
principal building, which is of sandstone, is three stories high. This
is to contain the residence of the superintendent, the offices and
infirmary. On two of the other angles of the hexagon are high round
towers, from which the interior of the house can be overlooked, where
the guards are to be stationed. Behind the principal building in the
court-yard, stands a smaller building, containing, besides many cells
for the convicts, the kitchen and wash-house. In a circle which is
interrupted by the above mentioned buildings, stands a one-story
building, containing convict cells, which has one row of entrances near
the inner circular yard, and the other towards the space enclosed by the
hexagonal walls. Each cell is eight feet long by six broad. It contains
a bench, and receives its light through an opening secured by an
external iron grate; within this is a wooden door, which the prisoner
can, at his pleasure, open or shut. Before each cell is a very small
open space. The cells are floored, and provided with iron rings to which
the prisoners may be secured if necessary. These unfortunates have
neither light nor room enough to work; I was informed that each
prisoner was to be allowed to enjoy the fresh air for fifteen minutes
daily. In this way, this new system can scarcely have any other result
than that of destroying the health of the convicts.
The prison contains one hundred and ninety-six cells, and it is said,
that next autumn the first victims are to be sacrificed to a mistaken
philanthropy.II.32 The expense of maintaining these prisoners, who
are not permitted to earn any thing, will necessarily be
On the 20th of May I went with Mr. F. Rapp, who still remained in
Pittsburgh with Gertrude, to visit some manufacturing establishments. We
crossed the Monongahela near its mouth, in a skiff, to a salt-work on
the left bank. With the earth-borer invented in England, and improved in
America, they found salt water at the depth of a hundred feet. As this
water was thought to be too weak, a pipe was placed in the well,
and bored in another place, until at the depth of a hundred feet a
sufficiently strong brine was obtained. The salt water collected and
rose to the top. It is now pumped out by a small steam-engine into a
boiler, where it is boiled for four hours. It is then poured into a
large vat, to the depth of eight inches. It stands in this vat four
hours; a little alum is added to precipitate earthy impurities.
Hence, by a cock situated above the level of the precipitated matters,
the fluid is drawn off into various kettles, in which the now pure brine
is again boiled for four hours. Now the white salt begins to form, and
is skimmed off with large iron ladles. This is a very simple process,
saves expense and room, and appears to me far better than our great
salt-houses. In returning to the city, we saw many iron-works, of which
there are eight in the city and vicinity. One of them is a nail factory;
the nail-cutting machine acts from above, and the workmen holds the rod
to be cut with a pair of tongs, and has to move it at every stroke;
a hammer strikes the nail which falls through in such a manner as
to form the head. We also saw a steam-engine manufactory of considerable
extent. I had seen such an establishment previously in England, but
as most of the machines are made here in parts, one cannot see a great
deal. What most interested me was a double lever, by which the holes are
punched in iron plates for the boilers, which are riveted together;
a work which requires a great degree of exactness.
We next visited the Union Rolling-mill, near the city, on the bank of
the Monongahela; here also is a nail factory. In the
patent-office at Washington I saw upwards of seventy different models of
nail-making machines. In this factory they were cut by horizontally
moving shears, and at the same time the heads were formed by a hammer.
A workman can make a hundred and fifty pounds of the smaller kind
of nails daily. The preparation of the iron plates from which cut nails
are made is very interesting. The crude pig iron is made white hot in
the furnace; it is thence taken and rolled seven times through, between
two iron cylinders, which are screwed closer together after every
revolution. It is then passed seven times more between two narrow
cylinders, which are also screwed closer after each time the plate
passes. By this time the pig is reduced to a plate less than a quarter
of an inch thick. This plate is again made red-hot, and finally passed
between two cylinders, which are just as broad as the length of the
nails to be cut. The piece in the upper cylinder passes directly in one
cut to the lower, where the broad red-hot plate is cut into as many
strips as are wanted. The very smallest of these are used for making
wire. This machinery is set in motion by a large steam-engine, which
works the bellows for the different furnaces and forges. The whole
reminded me of the colossal iron-works I saw three years ago in South
Mr. Rapp accompanied me also to a sieve-maker, who weaves iron and
brass wire, &c. which is done in a loom something like, but longer
than a cloth-loom, in order to extend the wire properly. This one was
twenty-five feet long. Our last visit was to an iron foundry, where,
during our stay, different articles, grates and smoothing irons were
cast. The smoothing irons were cast four in a mould, and while still
red-hot were knocked asunder.
In the evening we went to the United States arsenal, two miles from
the city, on the Philadelphia road; it is under the command of Major
Churchill of the artillery, who received us at his house and introduced
us to his wife, and four lovely children. This establishment contains a
place of about four acres, lying between the road and the river
Alleghany: the front consists of a large four-story main building, of
sandstone, and two smaller buildings, one of which is the residence of
the directors and the other of the sub-directors. On entering the
court-yard, one sees that the side of the quadrangle facing the front
contains three buildings not yet inhabited, which are barracks, and four
others, workshops for the repair of arms, &c. opposite to these are
two buildings in which are the smith and wheelwright shops. Except the
three fronts, all the buildings are of bricks. The arms are kept in the
main building, where there may be about twenty thousand stand; most of
them are packed in chests: those not packed up, are very tastefully
arranged in the hall, as trophies, &c. An arch
of steel is formed over this hall by eighteen hundred muskets, which has
a very beautiful appearance. Both the adjoining buildings are connected
with the centre by roofed passages, under which are kept cannon of
various calibers; most of these are English, and trophies of the late
Commodore Perry’s victory on Lake
The 21st of May, was Sunday, and at twelve o’clock, I went with Mr.
Bonnhorst to the Episcopal church. I have generally remarked that
most of the fashionable people in the United States, either belong to
the Episcopal church, or at least prefer to attend service there on
Sunday. It is in Pittsburgh style to go to this church, while it
would be unfashionable to visit the Methodist meeting, to which most of
the lower class of people belong. It is a luxury to have a pew in the
Episcopal church, and an especial politeness to invite a stranger to
take a seat in it. I sat in Mr. Bonnhorst’s pew, which was rather
full, and the air hot. In consequence of this, I was much
incommoded by the frequent kneelings, as well as by the long psalms,
which were sung standing. We had a very good discourse from a rather
youthful preacher upon the subject of the Trinity, this being Trinity
Sunday. The service lasted two hours.
Afterwards we paid a visit to Mr. Baldwin, a distinguished lawyer.
This gentleman was formerly a member of congress, and had paper and iron
factories in the vicinity; he however speculated largely, and in five
weeks became a bankrupt. However, Mr. Baldwin lost nothing in public
estimation; his practice as a lawyer produced him a very handsome
income. He walked with us to the point where the Alleghany and Ohio
unite, the former situation of Fort Duquesne, of which no trace now
remains. The English did nothing for this fort, as in the year 1759, it
was evacuated by the French, who could no longer obtain aid from Canada.
The English then demolished the fort, and built one of earth, somewhat
in rear of the old one, called Fort Pitt, whence the name of the city is
derived. Fort Pitt, of which some remains of the walls and a barracks,
now form part of an iron work, appears to have been a pentagon resting
upon both rivers. During the American revolutionary war, this fort,
which was no longer of importance, was abandoned by the English.
Next day Messrs. Craft and Volz, accompanied me to the cotton factory
of Adams, Allen & Co. Mr. Craft is one of the principal proprietors
of the firm, which does an extensive business, notwithstanding its
recent establishment. The building is of brick, four stories high, and
has two wings standing at right angles. This factory employs two hundred
people daily. All the machinery is worked by a steam-machine of
seventy-five horse-power. The machinery is similar to that in Economy,
and the fabrics made at Economy are copied from this factory, &c.
I saw nothing particularly new, except the machine which picks the
cotton, and thus saves a great deal of filthy manual labour. During
winter the factory is warmed by steam, throughout.
After examining this interesting factory, we went to the Juniata
foundry, belonging to Mr. Schöneberger. It was a holy-day, as the men
were training in the militia. The militia system is neither popular in
this country nor profitable: the militia are trained for two days in the
year, of course they can learn very little; the manufacturers lose the
work of their people, and the workmen lose their pay. Neither is the
Pittsburgh militia uniformed nor armed. The only operation we witnessed
to-day at the Juniata works, was the grinding of the cast
smoothing-irons, which was done first by stone, and then by wooden
wheels, turned by a horse-mill.
We afterwards visited Mr. Volz, and saw a domestic warehouse
containing all home manufactured articles; a really interesting
museum of western industry to strangers. All the fabrics of the city and
vicinity are brought here and offered for sale on commission. The
articles are chiefly cast and wrought iron wares, all the utensils
necessary for cotton or woollen factories, dye-houses &c., and
various sorts of pure white, white and blue mixed, or plain blue cotton
stuffs, but no printed calico. Some of the woollen cloths were very
fine, and sold for seven dollars a yard; they were made at Steubenville.
A good lasting dye-stuff for wool is still to be desired.
I saw here some newly-invented locks; fine steelware is not very
abundant, and the cutlery business is still in its infancy.
Finally, we visited Mr. Eichbaum, seventy-six years old; he is a
glass-cutter, father of the owner of a wire factory, and postmaster of
the city. By his skill and industry he has amassed a very handsome
fortune. He was formerly in Carlsruhe, and boasted much of the court of
Baden, and particularly of the wife of the Margrave.

Journey to Philadelphia, and second stay in that
On the 23d of May, at eight o’clock, we commenced our journey to
Philadelphia, in the mail stage. I left Pittsburgh with much
regret; it pleased me in every respect, and would have
pleased me still more had I continued there longer. Two roads lead from
Pittsburgh to Harrisburg, the northern and the southern, and as it was
of no moment which I took, I chose the former, as this was
travelled by the stage, which leaves Ramsay’s hotel. We rode fifty-six
miles to Armagh, and changed horses but twice, at M‘Miller’s and New
Alexandria. These changes are too distant to allow the horses to travel
with rapidity, and they have in Pennsylvania a custom of watering the
horses every three or four miles. The country is hilly; the road had
been a turnpike, is still so called, and is furnished with toll-gates,
where toll must be paid, but is in a dreadfully bad state. The traveller
is jolted in a barbarous manner, and still makes but little progress;
the heat and the dust of this day were almost intolerable. We met many
travellers and emigrants from the east, going with their families and
goods to the western states, to settle there. The western states appear
to the inhabitants of the eastern and northern states, in the same light
in which Europeans, and particularly the Germans, view the United States
in general. They expect to find here the land of promise, where milk and
honey flows, and are sometimes much disappointed; though many, however,
derive great advantage from the change.
We passed through East Liberty, Wilkinsburgh, Murrysville, New
Alexandria and Blairsville—all unimportant. The streams were the
Loyalhanna and the Connamaughe, with high and rocky shores. Wooden
bridges are thrown over these rivers, but are so bad that one of our
leaders broke through two planks of one of them, and was extricated with
much difficulty. In the evening we passed over the first of the chains
of mountains, which cross this country from south-west to north-east,
and divide the regions of the Mississippi from the Atlantic states. It
was Chesnut-ridge, which is tolerably high. Beyond this we saw a still
more mountainous region; the valleys we met with were in a state of
cultivation. It was eleven o’clock at night before we reached Armagh, as
the accident on the bridge had detained us some time. At two o’clock,
A. M. we continued our journey.
We rode fifty-eight miles to Alexandria, through Ebensburg, Munster,
Blair’s Gap, Hollydaysburg, and Williamsburg. A few miles beyond
Armagh, we came to another of the parallel ridges, called Laurel hill.
I ascended the mountain on foot; as the sun was just rising, the
fresh and green dress of the trees, together with the fragrance of the
blooming azaleas, made a very pleasing impression on me. These
honeysuckles were in bloom on almost all the mountains which we passed
this day; rose-coloured kalmias began to bloom; the rhododendrons had
not yet commenced. The fragrance of the white acacias was often combined
with that of the azaleas. The other trees which we saw on this
mountain, were chesnut, walnut, and hickory trees, sumac, some
large-leaved linden trees, large pines, maples, and planes; the two
latter kinds, however, were found in greater numbers in the valleys.
Amid these mountains, with their lovely prospects, and this splendid
vegetation, the mind feels itself exalted, and the heart strengthened.
This enjoyment, however, of the traveller, is somewhat diminished by the
bad roads, which appear to be neglected, although the payment of toll is
not forgotten.
After we descended Laurel hill, we rode several miles through a
tolerably thick woods, and reached Ebensburg, where we changed horses
for the first time. This is a small and handsomely situated place, of
about three hundred inhabitants, appearing, however, rather to decrease
than increase. Two miles from this place, lies a small and quite
deserted village, called Beula, founded by Welchmen, who, however,
dispersed, as they found it of no advantage to continue there. After
leaving Ebensburg, and behind this place, we ascended the Alleghany
mountains, the highest in this region. The highest point which we passed
is called Blair’s Gap, and considered to be more than three thousand
feet above the level of the sea. The turnpike, though neglected, is
still well laid out, and the ascent of the mountain is by no means
steep. These regions have a remarkable aspect, they consist of ridges,
which adjoin each other, and are of a prismatic form; the ridge above is
perfectly level, and only thirty paces broad. When standing in front of
such a ridge, one mountain appears as high and long as the other, which
adjoins it.
After leaving the Alleghany mountains, of whose vegetation the same
remark might be made as of Laurel hill, we reached a lovely valley,
where we found by the side of a creek, a large stone mill, and a
group of good houses, Blair’s Gap post-office. We here again changed
horses. This creek is called Beaverdam creek, and empties into the
Juniata, between Hollydaysburg and Frankstown. The region near this
stream is said to produce good iron, and, as was before remarked, much
use is made at Harper’s Ferry of Juniata iron. At Frankstown we reached
the Juniata, and passed the rest of the day on its shores. The road
often ran close to the river. Here, as well as on the passage over the
mountains, railings were altogether wanting on the turnpike, and the
road often passes by the edge of deep precipices. When large wagons
meet, a false step of a horse at these dangerous places would have
led to our unavoidable destruction. The road is often cut out of the
rock; we remarked at several places in the mountains, declivities, which
seem to be strewed with pieces of rocks of different sizes in a very
remarkable manner.
Beyond Frankstown we came to a valley, which is formed on the right
side by Lock mountain, and on the left by Brush mountain.
Parallel with the latter, for a short distance runs a ridge, which
commences in this valley, and is called Canoe mountains. It commences
with a single hill, Canoe hill, which forms a right-angle, and in a
manner closes the valley. Between this hill and Lock mountains, the
Juniata forces its passage; the road leads over Canoe hill to a handsome
valley, called Canoe valley, in the centre of which stands an inn with a
farm, named Yellow Spring. This name is derived from a spring, arising
in a rocky basin behind the farm, not far from which it empties into the
Juniata. The spring is said to be chalybeate, and to give the stones
over which it flows a yellow colour; however, neither taste nor sight
could distinguish the chalybeate qualities. Some miles from Alexandria
we passed a defile in the Tussey mountains, where the Juniata again
forces its way. About nine o’clock, P. M., we arrived at
Alexandria, where we passed the night. Here I heard in the evening, for
the first time the croaking of the large frog, known under the name of
bullfrog. It resembles the bleating of a calf, or rather the roaring of
a young steer. Alexandria is a small place, and contains about three
hundred inhabitants.
We intended to leave Alexandria at three o’clock, A. M., but the
driver overslept himself, and we were obliged to wait till four o’clock.
We rode sixty miles to Thomsonstown. The country was again tolerably
hilly; we remained for the most part on the left side of the Juniata.
A few miles below Alexandria we passed indeed by a ford to the
right side, but after passing a mountain, belonging to Warrior’s ride,
we returned seven miles below at Huntingdon, to the left side again,
under a roofed bridge. We passed through Huntingdon; Lamberts, where we
changed horses; and Waynesburg, Lewistown, Mifflin and Mexico. These
places in general were unimportant, but well-built, with many
substantial houses. Between Huntingdon and Waynesburg, the road led
through Jack’s mountains, at the place where the Juniata forces its
passage. The road is here generally cut through the rock, and runs
without railings along a deep precipice by the river. After this, comes
Juniata valley, which is formed on the left by the low Limestone-ridge,
behind which, the high Jack’s mountains rise, and on the right by
Blue-ridge, which rises immediately out of the Juniata. This valley
reminded me of the regions on the river Lahn in Nassau, except that the
mountains of the Lahn are not so high as these, and not so handsomely
covered with trees to their summit. Waynesburg, where we again changed
horses, occupies a very romantic situation on the Juniata. Lewistown on
the Juniata, is well-built and finely situated. The road hence to
Thomsonstown, led through a hilly country along the river and continued
bad. On the other side of the river, the
high Tuscarora mountains rise. The river is navigable from this place to
Waynesburg; we saw keel-boats in it. We did not reach Thomsonstown till
ten o’clock at night; we had seen but little of the surrounding country,
though I heard it was very handsome.
May 26th, we arose at two o’clock, A. M., and rode to Lancaster,
distant seventy-one miles, through Millerstown, Coxtown, Harrisburg,
High Spire, Middletown, Rockstown, Franklin, Elizabethtown and Mountjoy.
At first the road went through a hilly country along the left side of
the Juniata; then we crossed in a boat at Beelen’s Ferry. The water was
low, so that the rocky bottom of the river could be seen. A canal,
which is already marked out, is intended to obviate the difficulties of
the navigation, arising from the low state of the water. The road which
we now passed, and which was not a turnpike, led us over three hills,
Limestone-ridge, Mahony-ridge and Dick’s hill to Clark’s Ferry, on the
Susquehanna, a little below the place where the Juniata empties
into the Susquehanna, which is here about a mile wide, and rushes
between two high ridges over a very rocky bed, in which at several
places dams have been raised with passages in order to facilitate the
navigation. On the left side a canal had already been laid out. At
Clark’s Ferry, we had an extremely handsome view of the Susquehanna,
which is here surrounded by such high mountains, that it resembles a
lake, and calls to mind Lake George, in New York. On the left its
junction with the Juniata takes place, and on the right it forces itself
through a gap in a high ridge, which on the right side is called Mount
Peter, and on the left, Cave mountain. Through this opening another
valley is seen bounded by the Blue mountains. The broad Susquehanna is
seen in front, and the high Mount Peter on the other shore.
At Clark’s Ferry we crossed the Susquehanna in a ferry-boat. The
water was so clear, that the rocky bottom could be distinctly seen. Cove
mountain forms an arch on the right shore, and touches the Susquehanna
with its two extremities, not far from Clark’s Ferry, and again eight
miles below; at this place a rocky mountain nine hundred feet high on
the left shore corresponds with it, and forms a part of a ridge called
Second mountain. In a space of eight miles, four ridges of mountains run
parallel to each other, first Mount Peter, then Third mountain,
afterwards Second mountain, and last the Blue mountains. This country is
said to abound in good stone-coal. The road which we travelled is a
turnpike, and runs between the Susquehanna and this mountain, out of
which it is partly cut. The Blue mountains, through which the
Susquehanna forces its way at right angles, forms the last chain of
mountains on our route. I had first seen this chain of mountains at
Nazareth, then at Harper’s
Ferry, as I went to the west, and last of all, as I travelled in an
eastern direction from Staunton to Charlotteville.
Behind the Blue mountains we saw grain and Indian corn flourish in a
cultivated region, and reached Harrisburg. We delayed here about two
hours, and met with a stage which had come from Pittsburgh by the
southern road. Harrisburg is two hundred and nine miles from Pittsburgh,
and a hundred from Philadelphia, occupies a somewhat elevated position
between the left side of the Susquehanna and Paxton creek, and may
contain about four thousand inhabitants. It is the metropolis and seat
of government of the state of Pennsylvania, and contains a capitol, with
the other necessary buildings. These stand on an elevation, commanding
the city; the capitol is in the middle, and on both sides of it are two
buildings containing public offices. All three are of brick, and their
entrances decorated with colonnades of white stone. These columns stand
in a semicircle. The capitol consists of two stories, with a cupola
sustained by columns. The assembly rooms of the senate and of the
representatives are in the lower story; the seats are arranged in a
semicircle, and rise in height as in an amphitheatre. The upper story
contains lodgings for the governor, which are indeed splendid, however,
the present governor, Mr. Shulze, does not use them, and inhabits a
private house in the city. I regretted that my time did not allow
me to form a personal acquaintance with this public officer, of whom
such different opinions have been entertained. The capitol and offices
are covered with slate, whilst the houses of the city are generally
roofed with shingles. The city is regularly built, with paved streets,
and contains many brick houses, a court-house, and a jail.
A covered wooden bridge leads over the Susquehanna, which is
divided by an island in the river into two parts. The piers of this
bridge consist of stone, not united by mortar, but by iron clamps.
At two o’clock in the afternoon we left Harrisburg, and rode
thirty-six miles farther to Lancaster, in hot weather and much dust. The
road was better, the stage more convenient, the changes shorter, and the
passage quicker. We continued on the left side of the Susquehanna for
nine miles; at Middletown we forded the Swatara creek, although a
handsome wooden roofed bridge leads over it, and then left the shores of
the Susquehanna. After passing Conewago creek, we entered Lancaster
county, celebrated for its good cultivation, and almost entirely
inhabited by descendants of Germans. The fields all appear to be
extremely well cultivated; worm-fences were superseded by posts and
rails. I was particularly struck with the barns, which often look
better than the dwelling-houses; the houses are generally of wood, and
not handsome, whereas the barns are generally built of stone,
at least the lower parts containing the stabling, and the two
gable-ends. Between these, the barn is built of wood; a broad
ascent leads to the entrance on one side, and on the other, the barn
forms a broad shed over the entrances of the stables. The cattle and
horses appear to great advantage, and the breeding of sheep seems to
receive attention. The houses are surrounded by orchards, and in the
greater part of these I observed cider presses. The smiths here burn
their charcoal close to the shops; I saw near several of these
charcoal kilns on fire, in the villages. We passed by means of wooden
bridges two small creeks, Little Chickie and Big Chickie creeks.
The bridges over the Swatara rest on dry stone piers. Instead of worm
fences and other hedging, I saw to-day, also, some dry walls, such
as I had seen last summer in Massachusetts. We came to Lancaster at ten
o’clock at night, and found lodgings in a very good tavern. During our
ride in the dark, we saw a large number of fireflies, which abounded
particularly near wet meadows. We had for several days past also seen
very handsomely coloured butterflies of different kinds.
I passed the 27th of May in Lancaster, for three reasons: first,
I felt the effects of my long journey, of the heat, and of want of
rest; secondly, I did not wish to pass Sunday in Philadelphia,
where it is very particularly tiresome; and thirdly, I wished to
post up my journal, which had been necessarily neglected during the
preceding days. I took advantage of the cool morning to view the
Lancaster is the chief city of Lancaster county, and contains about
six thousand inhabitants. It is built on a hill; the streets cross each
other at right angles, and are generally paved and supplied with
side-walks, shaded by Italian poplars. The houses are principally of
brick, though some are also quite massive; here and there a frame
building may be seen. A square place stands in the middle of the
city, in whose centre the court-house is erected. The market-houses are
not far from this. The museum contains merely poor wax figures, some
Indian curiosities, stuffed animals, shells, some fishes, and minerals.
A tame gazelle, which had been taught several tricks, was also
exhibited; it could cypher, distinguish different cards, knew names,
&c. Some of the inhabitants visited me, among whom was a Mr. Voigt,
of Leipsig, who conducted us about the place. Lancaster is said to
produce the best rifles in the United States. I bought one for
eleven dollars to take home with me, as a curiosity. Mr. Voigt took us
to a public garden near the city, which was tastefully arranged, and
where the inhabitants of the place enjoyed themselves in playing
ten-pins, and in other innocent amusements. We went afterwards on the
Baltimore road, over a roofed wooden
bridge, which leads over Conestoga creek. This bridge resembles those in
Ohio, though much lighter; it cannot last long. The arches in Ohio are
formed of eight or ten planks placed over each other, and united by
screws, so that the bridge seems to rest on springs, resembling those of
carriages; whereas, here the arch consisted of a single crooked fir
tree. In the evening I received a number of visits, among which I may
mention one from a member of congress, Mr. Buchanan, whose speeches in
congress are received with much applause, and a Mennonist, Mr. Witmer,
who showed me a contrivance, invented by himself, to cool wine.
On the 28th of May we left Lancaster, at five o’clock, A. M. The
turnpike was in a good state, and we advanced on an average five miles
an hour, so that we reached Philadelphia before seven o’clock in the
evening, after travelling sixty-four miles. Between Lancaster and
Philadelphia, we passed through Sandersburg, Paradise, Sadsbury,
Coastville, Downingstown, and Warre; between these there are yet a
number of settlements and taverns. The streams are Conestoga creek, near
which they are digging the navigable canal, Peegnea creek, two arms of
the Brandywine, and last of all the Schuylkill at Philadelphia. Upon the
whole, the country is not hilly; we had only to ascend Mine ridge, on
which we rode for several miles.
The whole country is cultivated in a most excellent manner, and
covered with handsome farms; many barns look like large churches. The
fences were often supplied by dry stone walls, or live hedges.
A well-built hospital stands not far from Lancaster, to which an
avenue of Lombardy poplars leads, here much admired. The country about
Brandywine is classic ground, on which much blood was shed during the
revolution. We passed near to Valley Forge, where the great Washington
was encamped with his corps, whilst the English held Philadelphia. The
farther we proceeded, the more clearly we saw that we approached a large
city, for the number of elegant country-seats increased, and people in
handsome attire met us on foot, on horseback, and in carriages. In
Philadelphia we again took lodgings at the Mansion-house.
Thus I was once more on well known ground, in beloved Philadelphia.
During the few days which I could pass here, old acquaintances were
renewed with pleasure, and new ones formed with new interest. At the
same time I saw several things which had escaped me at my former visit.
Mr. Huygens, who had hitherto been my companion, now left me, and
returned to his friends at Washington.
I rode to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, with my old friend Mr.
Roberts Vaux, the philanthropic Quaker, and with Mr. Niederstetter,
chargé d’affaires of the king of Prussia. I had before omitted to
visit this establishment, as the pupils were just leaving their old
temporary dwelling in the city, to move in their newly-built house. This
house is large and massive. It consists of a principal building, which
is reached by means of a portal, decorated with four doric columns; and
of two wings behind it, one of which is inhabited by the boys, and the
other by the girls. There were at that time eighty pupils in the
institution, fifty maintained by the state of Pennsylvania, thirteen by
their families, five by the state of New Jersey, and twelve by the
institution itself. It has now subsisted for six years; at the beginning
it was founded by voluntary contributions and subscriptions; the
legislature of Pennsylvania afterwards gave eight thousand dollars, and
the state annually pays one hundred and fifty dollars for every pupil
which it has placed here. The direction of the institution consists of a
president, four vice presidents, among which was Mr. Vaux,
a treasurer, a secretary, and at this time, twenty-three
directors. A principal teacher, Mr. L. Weld, four tutors,
a matron, and two physicians preside over the house.
Mr. Weld had passed a long time at Hartford in Connecticut, and had
learned the method of instruction in the deaf and dumb asylum at that
place, which he practises here with great success. He was teaching one
of the lower classes when we arrived. He dictated to the pupils
something on subjects of natural history, which they wrote with great
rapidity on large slates. We put several questions to them, which they
answered with much sagacity. Mr. Niederstetter asked them if they could
form any idea of music; one of the boys answered, he well knew that
there were tones, and that several tones systematically combined made a
sound, but what this was, and how all this was connected together, he
could form no idea. In other rooms, other pupils were engaged in writing
and cyphering. One of them had made much progress in crayon drawing, and
was just working at a portrait of President Adams. The boys learn
trades, several were weaving, others were making shoes, &c., the
girls learn to sew and knit. The clothes, which the pupils wear in the
house, are all made there. They have a common eating room, and each sex
has separate sleeping rooms, where two sleep in one bed; besides, each
wing contains a separate infirmary. Every where I saw the most exemplary
cleanliness and order prevail; the pupils had a very healthy
I conversed with some of them in writing; one of them asked me, what
was my favourite study, I answered mathematics. Upon this he wrote
to me, that he was also pleased with this study, but found no
opportunity of making great progress in it.
In order to teach the pupils the principles of arithmetic,
a machine is used similar to the Russian. A vegetable garden
behind, and at the sides of the building, which was then preparing, was
intended to serve also as a place of recreation for the pupils.
I could not forbear making to Mr. Weld an especial expression of
the great pleasure which this institution and his method of instruction
gave me.
I saw the Academy of Fine Arts last autumn, but went there again, as
the exhibition of paintings had been opened. This collection, however,
consisted merely of portraits, and these were rather indifferent. In
general, the fine arts, as I believe has already been mentioned, do not
yet flourish in the United States to a great degree; perhaps this is to
be attributed to the taste of the Americans, which they inherited from
their English ancestors, and which does not appear to be very great for
painting.II.33 But I rather believe, and this idea president
Jefferson gave me, that the little encouragement which the fine arts
receive in this country is to be attributed to the equal division of
property among the children, so that in large families an estate cannot
be long kept together.
I saw also, in company with Messrs. Vaux and Niederstetter, the mint
of the United States, which is established here. In the year 1793, when
Philadelphia was still the seat of government of the United States, this
mint was located in a newly-built private house, and it is as yet the
only one in the United States. The processes in this mint are very
simple, and but few improvements are yet adapted, which so greatly
distinguish the mints of London and Milan. They were doing but little
when we came; we saw nothing but the stretching of the bars of silver
between cylinders, like those in the rolling mills at Pittsburgh, and
the stamping of the pieces, which was done by means of a contrivance
similar to that by which rivet-holes are made in the iron plates for
steam-engine boilers. We saw, moreover, the cutting of half dollar
pieces, which is done by means of a stamp, worked by two men.
A third stands by to place the uncoined pieces in a box, which are
then brought under the stamp by a particular contrivance. After they are
coined, they fall by means of this contrivance into a box which stands
below. Since 1803, no larger silver coins are made than half dollars, as
the dollars were immediately bought up and exported to China for trade,
because the
merchants there will take no smaller coins than dollars. We saw also a
collection of medals stamped here, some of which, particularly those
which were struck after naval victories, are very well finished. One
side represents the bust of the naval hero in whose honour the medal was
struck, and the reverse represents the action itself. A golden
medal was struck after the victory of General Jackson at New Orleans,
one side exhibiting the bust of the general, and the reverse a figure
representing the United States pointing to the Muse of History, writing
on a shield the name of New Orleans. The medal which the Agricultural
Society bestows at the annual cattle show, is also handsome. It is to be
regretted, that all the medals, which were struck before president
Monroe’s administration, are missing in this collection. The mint itself
is very small, and its boundaries are still more limited by a twelve
horse-power steam-engine. No application, however, is made to congress
for a larger and better building, as it is feared that congress might
then propose to remove the whole establishment of the mint to
We visited the Episcopalian church yard, in which lies Dr. Franklin’s
grave, who died in the same year, and rests in the same grave with his
wife. It is near the wall, and covered with a large white marble slab,
with the following inscription:—
Deborah |
1790. |
I confess these simple words appear to me more eloquent and noble, and
spoke to me in a more affecting manner, than any encomiastic epitaph
could have done. The celebrated Professor Rush, father of the present
secretary of the treasury, is also buried here. This grave-yard, like
the rest in Philadelphia, is in the midst of the city, an evil of which
much is said, but which it would be difficult to remedy.
Another visit was made to Peale’s Museum. I found, however, nothing
new, except a terrible rattlesnake, which was alive, and with two
smaller harmless snakes, formed an extremely ugly ball in a glass case.
Its rattles could not be exactly seen, as they were covered by its flat
and broad body. The body is full of scales, and the head uncommonly
broad, in comparison with the head of other snakes. It was almost stiff,
and only moved the head when any one approached too closely. It had
handsome bright black eyes, and there was a quite small triangular
aperture in the upper lip, through which its long, black, forked tongue
was projected, when irritated. I could not make it open its mouth
to see its teeth. They told me that it was fed with mice, which it first
bit, and after they had died in convulsions, swallowed.
Among the many gentlemen who paid me visits, I mention only Mr.
Autenrieth, of Lehigh county, as he gave me much interesting information
concerning the coal mines on the Lehigh, and at Mauch Chunk, which I
intended to visit in a few days. But I met with a very agreeable
surprise in the appearance of the excellent General Bernard; this worthy
officer, whose acquaintance forms one of my most pleasing recollections
of the United States, was to pass but two days in Philadelphia, in order
to advise with a canal commission. General Bernard is one of the few
meritorious men, of whom one hears nobody speak otherwise than well; and
if he had, in an incomprehensible manner, any enemies, his amiable
character would at the first meeting change them into friends.
I again met with a very friendly reception on the part of Mr. Arnold
Halbach, and his brother. The former had the kindness to attend me in
several of my excursions, as far as his extensive business would allow.
He is a patron of the fine arts, and as such, took me to two painters of
this place, Eicholz and Birch. The former, from Lancaster, is the son of
a coppersmith, in which occupation he himself worked, but having a
talent for portrait painting, he has devoted himself thereto with much
success. His portraits have the merit of strong resemblance, and are
also tolerably well, and correctly painted. The other artist, Birch,
possesses a very fine talent for landscape painting, and particularly
for sea-pieces. I had hoped to meet with views of the United States
at his house, but was disappointed. Mr. Birch told me that landscape
painters found so little encouragement in the United States, that they
lost all courage to design handsome scenes in their native country. His
sea-pieces are very handsome, but none are entirely completed. He is
particularly happy in representing storms. Whilst Mr. Eicholz, with
moderate talents, does much business, Mr. Birch, with great talent, is
often a prey to severe distress.II.34
I saw at the house of a dealer in looking-glasses, a gallery of
pieces by living painters, among others, of Sully. One of these
paintings is really terrific. It represents a man, who, with his horse,
is attacked and entwined by an anaconda. The expression of pain in the
horse is very well represented, but the countenance of the man, as well
as the whole subject, is horrid. Few of the paintings were very
remarkable; I was most pleased with one by
Birch: a boat in a storm, in which the crew were saving themselves
from a wreck.
I inquired, in company with Mr. Niederstetter after maps, but the
result was not very satisfactory. It is very difficult to furnish maps
of the United States, as they have not yet been trigonometrically
surveyed, and the only astronomical designation of places and maps are
founded on common surveys. At a dinner given by General Cadwalader,
commander of the Philadelphia militia, and one of the most distinguished
citizens, among other new acquaintances, I made also that of
General Harrison, of Cincinnati, senator of the United States. He had
been a general in the army during the last war, and defeated the English
General Proctor, on the boundaries of Canada, on which occasion, the
celebrated Indian chief, Tecumseh lost his life. But the general, to the
great regret and disadvantage of the army, resigned, on account of a
dispute with the then secretary of war, Armstrong.
At a party, which consisted of perhaps thirty persons, I was much
questioned about my journey, and particularly about my stay at New
Harmony. Mr. Owen’s system does not meet with much favour here, and it
is not thought that his society will last long. Much offence is taken at
its irreligious principles, and much surprise is manifested, that Mr.
M‘Clure, as an old, learned and sensible man, should have been so
captivated by this new system, as to declare in a meeting of a learned
society, when a proposition was made to buy a new building, that they
should only wait a couple of years, till this new social system should
be extended over the country, as land would then be so cheap in the
cities, that it might be purchased almost for nothing.
I must not neglect to mention a little present from Mr. Vaux. It is a
snuff-box, made of the wood of the elm tree at Kensington,II.35
under which William Penn made the treaty of 1682, with the Indians. It
is very simple, and decorated merely with a silver medal, on which is
inscribed “Penn’s treaty, 1682,” and below, “unbroken faith.”

Journey from Philadelphia to New
York.—Coal-mines of Pottsville and Mauch
I left Philadelphia, June 3d, at
four o’clock in the morning, to see the coal-mines beyond the Blue
Mountains, and then pay another visit to my friends in Bethlehem; after
which, I must repair to New York, as to my great sorrow, the time
for my embarkation approached. I rode fifty-two miles in a mail
stage to Reading. Notwithstanding a gust on the previous evening, it was
again very warm, and on the latter part of the journey particularly, we
were much incommoded by dust.
At first we took the same way, which I had taken last autumn to
Bethlehem, through Sunville, Germantown, and Chesnut Hill. The present
appearance of the country was very different from its aspect at that
rough season of the year. Every thing was now alive and green, and the
numerous and elegant gardens of Germantown, were filled with the
beautiful flowers. Although this place is three miles long, it presents
no tedious uniformity. The various country-seats of the wealthy
inhabitants of Philadelphia, which are tolerably close to each other,
rather present an agreeable change. Chesnut Hill affords a very
extensive view over the surrounding handsome and thickly inhabited
country. The valley of the Schuylkill appeared to particularly great
advantage, which by means of dams and canals, made near shallow places,
is navigable till beyond the Blue Mountains. Beyond Chesnut Hill, we
left the above-mentioned road and turned on the left to Norristown,
a very romantic place on the left side of the Schuylkill. Before
reaching this, we passed extensive marble quarries, which are about one
hundred feet deep, and form very picturesque hollows. The blocks are
raised by means of machines, worked by horses. This marble is gray, and
is used in the fire-places of most of the respectable houses in
Philadelphia. Several of the mile-stones on our road were also made of
this marble. The cuttings are partly burned to lime and partly thrown on
the turnpike. The turnpike, as an American one, was on this route
tolerably good.
Beyond Norristown we again rode through a very handsome country.
Between Chesnut Hill and the marble quarries, we passed a good stone
bridge over the Wissahiccon creek, which turns many mills. Between
Norristown and Trap, a small place
through which the road runs, we passed two other creeks, the Skippar and
Perkiomen creeks, and at Pottsgrove, over a third, called Monataway
creek, which here empties into the Schuylkill. The road then went over a
hilly country through Warrensburg and Exertown, and over the Mannokesy
and Rush creeks. At last we saw Reading, in a lovely valley. It had a
military aspect, as a company of volunteers had held a review to-day,
and were recreating themselves at a tavern near the town, after their
toils. At five o’clock we reached Trautman’s tavern, where we found good
Reading contains about five thousand inhabitants; it consists of a
long principal street, which is very wide, in the middle, and of several
other streets, which cross it at right angles. The place depends on
agriculture and some manufactories. Many hats, especially felt hats, are
made here, which are sent in great numbers to the slave states and the
West Indies. I here visited Mr. Hiester, former governor of
Pennsylvania. This worthy old man bears his age, which is seventy-four
years, remarkably well. He took me to his son-in-law, Dr. Muhlenberg,
the German Lutheran minister of this place, son of the celebrated
naturalist and learned man of this name, who died about ten years ago.
We took tea at his house, and then walked to the Schuylkill, over which
a covered wooden bridge led. We saw also a part of the canal, on which
coal is brought to Philadelphia from the upper parts of the Schuylkill.
Here at Reading, this canal ascends four locks, which appear to be built
in a tolerably solid manner. It made a strange impression on me to hear
every person speak German. On the road from Philadelphia, I had
every where heard this language; but in Reading scarcely any thing else
than German is spoken, and better than I had heard in the state of Ohio,
or in Lancaster. Reading possesses a good German school under Dr.
Muhlenberg’s direction, in which this language is taught in its purity.
He himself has a numerous and selected library of English and German
books. Two canal boats run at present alternately every week between
Philadelphia and Reading, in which about one hundred travellers may be
accommodated. They leave the one place at three o’clock in the morning,
and reach the other about five o’clock in the evening.
I hired at Reading a carriage with two horses, for three dollars a
day, in order to visit the coal-mines beyond the Blue Mountains.
I left Reading at seven o’clock in the morning, and rode thirty-six
miles to Pottsville. We passed over a turnpike, which was occasionally
very rough. It several times led us in the neighbourhood of the canal,
the surface of which is about thirty feet wide on an average. It is lead
by means of wooden boxes over several deep streams. Between Reading and
there are about eighty locks, several of which we passed; at one time I
saw seven together, which formed a very pleasing sight. About noon we
reached a little German place, called Hamburg, half way to Pottsville,
at the foot of the Blue Mountains, not far from the Schuylkill and its
canals. On the road to Hamburg, we passed but one creek which had a
name, Maiden creek. I dined at Hamburg, and met, as it was Sunday,
a number of idlers, all Germans, assembled in the tavern. Several
Germans of education in the United States, made the remark to me, which
I found but too true, that next to the Irish, the Germans form the
roughest portion of the emigrants. The truth of this remark again forced
itself on my attention in Hamburg, and especially in the case of a young
doctor, who had formerly studied in several German universities, and
gave vent to his giddiness in a vulgar manner. It was the first time in
the United States that the affectation of republicanism arrested
my attention.
Not far beyond Hamburg, we came to a defile where the Schuylkill
forces a passage through the Blue Mountains. This narrow vale was very
romantic, and my interest in the scene was greatly increased by the
numberless blooming kalmias, improperly called laurel, the rhododendra,
which offered a splendid sight amidst the rich vegetation of chesnut
trees, butternuts, oaks, elms, sycamores, blooming tulip-trees, and
sumacs. How frequently I thought of the great pleasure which my father
would enjoy, if he could travel with me among these mountains, and
admire the treasures of the vegetable world with his experienced eye!
The way led along a mountain over the Schuylkill, which lay deep below
me. It forms here a curve, and is made navigable by means of dams, as
there was too little room to continue the canal on the side of it. After
we had passed the chief defile of the Blue Mountains, we left for a time
the navigable Schuylkill with its canal, and passed through a narrow
vale, through which the little Schuylkill flows, which is covered with
kalmias, rhododendrons, and some azaleas. Afterwards came another vale,
formed by Scrub Hill and Scollop Hill; then a long mountain, called
Limestone Ridge. Beyond this mountain we reached Orwigsburg, which,
entirely enclosed by mountains, occupies a romantic situation; it is
built in the form of a cross, and contains about eight hundred
inhabitants. We rode farther, through a valley covered with trees, again
reached the Schuylkill with its canal, and at length arrived at
This place is scarcely to be found in any map, as it arose but three
or four years ago, and owes its existence to the neighbouring
coal-mines. The navigation of the Schuylkill commences here; this is the
place where the vessels which navigate this canal and river, small
keel-boats, are built. A couple of saw-mills are
erected for this purpose, as well as a high furnace, in which the iron
ore found in the neighbourhood is smelted. The coal-mines are worked
under the direction of the Schuylkill Coal Company, which has made the
Schuylkill navigable at its own expense, in order to transport the coal
to Philadelphia and New York. A bushel of coal, weighing eighty
pounds, is sold at Philadelphia for twenty-five cents. The river was
made navigable only about eighteen months ago, and it is only since this
time, that they have commenced to dig out coal.
Pottsville consists of a single street, lying in a somewhat narrow
vale on the right shore of the Schuylkill, and owes its name to a Mr.
Pott, who commenced the first iron works. The entrances of two
coal-mines are seen on the shore opposite the place; there are some
which, however, are not worked on account of scarcity of labourers.
I became acquainted in our tavern with a Mr. Baker from New York,
who is one of the chief men in this undertaking, as well as with a Mr.
Taylor, editor of the paper called the Miner’s Journal, which bears a
good character.
I rode with these two gentlemen to the coal-mines, two miles and a
half from Pottsville, and not far from Norwegian creek. The coal appears
almost on the surface of the ground, in which a certain dark colour
denotes its presence. No one thoroughly understands the business of
coal-mining, and therefore it has hitherto been conducted in a very
unsystematic and expensive manner. Shafts are made wherever it is
thought that coal would be found, and when a vein is discovered it is
worked. The veins run from east to west, and then descend in a southern
direction at an angle of forty-five degrees; between the veins, slate is
commonly found about twelve feet thick. Under the lower layer of slate,
coals have been again discovered by boring, but have not yet been
farther worked. The shafts are not much above twenty feet deep; the
coals are brought up in buckets by means of two windlasses; at one place
machinery worked by a horse is employed for this purpose. One shaft
contains water, which, as the pumps are not yet in order, must be drawn
out in buckets in a very tedious and expensive manner. The coal is of a
superior quality, burns very well, and contains no sulphur. About fifty
men work in the mines, each of which on an average receives monthly
fifteen dollars. Hitherto the society has employed thirty vessels to
transport the coals to Philadelphia. They are brought from the mines in
large wagons to the head of the navigation, and are weighed before
unloading. A profit of a certain amount is expected to arise from
the working of these mines, which, however, will only be properly
calculated, when the mines are worked more systematically. They design
to connect the works with the river, which certainly would be a
considerable saving,
by means of a rail-road. A mountain, which runs parallel with that
containing the mines, and which is yet covered with trees, is also said
to contain great quantities of coal, but has not yet been worked.
After this fatiguing excursion, as I had seen most of the mines,
I left Pottsville on the 5th of June, and rode forty miles to Mauch
Chunk at the junction of a creek of this name with the Lehigh. After
passing Orwigsburg we turned to the left towards M‘Keansburg, through a
woody valley not well settled, and this only near Pine creek.
M‘Keansburg is a small place, and lies on an eminence, which affords a
prospect of a romantic valley, through which Little Schuylkill flows.
M‘Keansburg adjoins on one side a wood swarming with locusts, which made
so much noise that they might be heard at a great distance. These
locusts are seldom seen, and their present appearance is ascribed to the
uncommonly dry spring. I walked among the trees, and found under
the stones several crystallizations; I found among others,
a stone perfectly resembling a petrified bird’s head with the beak.
Many vegetable petrifactions, such as fern and leaves of the kalmia, are
found in the slate between the veins of coal. I was told that the
impression of a whole collection of snakes was found in a cavity in the
slate, and that the impressions of the heads, particularly, were very
After leaving M‘Keansburg we passed valleys and mountains, and
reached, in this manner, the narrow and romantic valley of the Lehigh,
by a very steep road. Lehighton, which lies at a junction of Mahoning
creek and the Lehigh, consists of but few houses, and is supported in a
miserable manner; because the land is too hilly and rough for
cultivation, and the industrious village of Mauch Chunk, which is but
three miles distant, withdraws from it all support. The country, however
rough and unproductive as it may be for those who wish to live here,
would afford a particular enjoyment to a botanist, and a lover of his
science, by its rich and blooming vegetable productions.
It began to grow dark when we reached Lehighton, I nevertheless
continued on the road; this grew narrow, was partly cut out of the rock,
and closely approached the right shore of the Lehigh as far as Mauch
Chunk, which we reached after dark, and in a storm. I took lodging
in the only inn, which, however, is very good and respectable, and kept
by a quaker, Mr. Atherton. The place has only existed four years, and
owes its origin to the neighbouring mines, which, with all the
surrounding country, belongs to the Lehigh Coal Company; a company
which possesses a large capital, has existed longer than its rival in
Pottsville, and conducts its operations more systematically. One of the
important stockholders is a quaker, Mr. White, who lives here, and has
properly created every thing, and directs every thing himself. He
visited me the same evening, and appeared to be a plain Friend, who
however has reflected much on the good of mankind, and speaks very
On the next morning Mr. White took me about the place; it lies in a
very narrow vale surrounded with high mountains, which rise out of the
Lehigh and are covered with trees. The company has made the Lehigh
navigable, or rather is at present engaged in this work, by means of
dams, locks and canals, in order to transport the coal to Philadelphia
with ease and cheapness.
The canal, in which two locks stand at a distance of one hundred and
thirty feet from each other, is thirty feet wide between the locks, the
sides of which are covered with planks; behind this covering a wall has
been erected, the crevices of which are filled with a liquid mortar. Mr.
White calculates, that the covering of wood will last about thirty
years, and that during this time, the wall will unite with the mortar
and form a kind of rock. Neither the locks, nor the canal were finished,
so that there was as yet but a temporary navigation. The coal is put
into flat boats six feet wide and ten feet long; these are attached, two
together and five behind each other, so that a kind of raft of ten
boats, or rather a box is formed. When this raft arrives at
Philadelphia, and the coal unloaded, these boats are taken to pieces,
the boards sold, and all the iron which was in them, brought back to
Mauch Chunk in carts. Two saw-mills are in constant operation for the
building of these boats, the timber is previously cut in form, so that
practised workmen may nail together such a boat in an hour. But as soon
as the canal and the locks are finished, even this navigation so
expensive and destructive to the wood, will cease, and coal be
transported in steam-boats, which will pass up and down the river and
canal. The banks of the canal are covered with stones, or rather
formally paved, so that they may not suffer from the action of the
wheels. The coal is taken from the mine in wagons to the place where it
is put into boats, and there weighed. After this the carts move upon a
disk which turns, where the horses are quickly unharnessed. The carts
are then raised by means of a machine, worked by a horse, and when they
have attained a certain height, are brought in an oblique position, so
that the coals fall out into a kind of enclosure, where they remain till
wanted; the boats are loaded by means of moveable broad iron gutters,
which are elevated or depressed according to the height of the water.
Grates are put in this gutter, so that the coals which are too small,
and the dust, fall through, and merely the larger pieces fall into the
Considerable quantities of iron ore are found near Mauch Chunk, in a
sandy state, and near the surface of the earth, which is melted in
furnaces, erected for this purpose. But they have not yet succeeded in
doing this by means of stone coal, and are obliged to use charcoal. This
iron is used to make rail-roads, which lead to the most important
coal-mine, nine miles distant. They will facilitate the transportation
of the coal to the water in a very great degree, and make this at least
three-fourths cheaper. Iron carts are to be used on this rail-road. Its
ascent to the mine amounts to one foot in a hundred; the empty carts are
to be drawn up by horses, each of which draws four at the rate of three
miles an hour; when they are loaded, they are carried to the river by
their own weight, and make the passage in less than an hour. When they
reach a certain point not far from the river, they are sent down an
inclined plane, at an angle of forty-five degrees, and by means of
machinery yet to be attached, they draw the empty carts by their weight
up this plane.
A very good turnpike, now leads to this important mine, nine miles
from Mauch Chunk, along the romantic valley of the same name, which
ascends but two feet in a hundred, so that we could trot the whole way.
I went in company with Mr. White. The mountain is imperceptibly
ascended, and it occasions surprise, when, after a ride of eight miles,
the woods, which cover the mountains are left, to see Mauch Chunk creek,
whose shore has apparently just been left, rushing deep below, and at
the top of the mountain to find oneself in a coal-mine. It is a highly
interesting sight, and alone worth a passage across the ocean. The coal
does not here run in veins, but the whole mountain consists of a solid
mass of coal, covered with a layer of clay at most a foot thick. The
earth assumes a dark colour six inches below the surface; coal dust a
foot and a half thick, is found at the depth of one foot, then comes the
coal in small pieces, which are not used, but at a foot deeper the solid
coal begins, which is broken off and sold. They have hitherto bored to
the depth of sixty feet, and found nothing but the purest coal; they
have however, dug but forty feet deep, and prefer working horizontally
rather than perpendicularly. Except some veins of slate, which as solid
rocks are not more than two feet thick, no heterogeneous substances are
found among the coal. This is entirely black, and only those parts which
are more or less exposed to the weather, are iridescent.
These mines, which are not subterraneous, occupy at present a space
of nearly four acres. An iron wedge forced by a hammer is used to break
the coal. The stratum of coal is partly horizontal and partly at an
angle of forty-five degrees; it seems as if it
had been once elevated and broken by a subterraneous power. The workmen
are paid daily, gain about eighteen dollars a month, and occupy several
houses not far from the mine. They have dug a well in the stratum of
coal, which furnishes pure and good drinking water.
We rode back to Mauch Chunk on the excellent road, made altogether on
account of the mine. There is a place on the road where iron sand is
dug, and whence runs a chalybeate spring, which leaves settlings of
ochre. Two miles from Mauch Chunk we ascended the hill, on the other
side of which, again quantities of coal are found. It is, however, very
difficult to reach the layer on this high and steep hill, and the
transportation of coals thence to Mauch Chunk would be attended with
great inconvenience and expense. To obviate this, the company is cutting
through the hill at a certain height, a tunnel in the rock, by
which means the stratum may, to use the expression, be reached by the
rear, and the conveyance of the coals be much facilitated. This tunnel
is to be ten feet high and fifteen wide, with a rail-road in the middle.
They have cut through two hundred feet already, and have yet one hundred
and twenty feet to work, before they reach the coal. This labour is
fatiguing and tedious; twelve men work day and night. They blast the
rocks with powder, and advance but one foot in twenty-four hours.
In the valley of Mauch Chunk creek, along the road, two furnaces are
erected in order to cast the pieces necessary for the rail-road, to
avoid their transportation and to accelerate the work on the road. Two
saw-mills have also been built in this valley, but the water in the
creek is generally too low to depend much on their assistance in such
works. The company employs about one thousand eight hundred workmen, who
live partly near the mine, but generally in small houses in the place
belonging to the company. Their habitations form a street along Mauch
Chunk creek, nearly half a mile long. A great number of them are
married and have their families with them. The company has given them a
clergyman, and a school with a good teacher, to instruct their children.
A massive mill is also erected near the creek, in which all the
flour necessary for the place is ground; the country is too rough for
culture; the company exchanges in a very profitable manner coal for
grain. Meadows have, however, been laid out in the valley, in order to
gain the necessary hay for one hundred and twenty horses, which daily
work here.
The creek also works bellows, by means of which the necessary draft of
air is preserved in the furnaces and in the forges.
A store belonging to the society, and furnished with all the
necessary articles, is also kept here. In this the workmen and
their families receive the necessary articles, the price of which is
deducted from their wages. Every workman has his leaf in a large book,
wherein his account stands, and besides a small pass-book, wherein a
copy of his account is written. Every month, or if the workman prefers
oftener, a settlement is made, and he receives a note on the
treasurer for the money owing to him, unless he wishes it to remain in
the treasurer’s hands. The company makes a great profit in this manner,
and the greater part of the money expended flows back again into its
treasury. The ground three miles up and down the Lehigh, belongs to the
company, so that no one can dispute with them the monopoly of keeping a
store. If other companies should be formed to dig coals in the mountains
above Mauch Chunk, where great quantities are said to be found, they
could not gain much, as this society has taken possession of the only
outlet, the Lehigh, and on account of the locks could lay many
difficulties in the way with regard to the transportation of other
I visited Mr. White in his tasteful house on the declivity of a
mountain, whence he may see the whole of Mauch Chunk. He has a park
behind his house, with tame game, which eat out of his hands. They
consist of two stags and a female elk and her young one, which is
already nearly as large and strong as a horse. They were obliged to
shoot the male elk last autumn, as he attacked Mr. White and gave him
eight wounds in the legs, with his horns, which confined the poor man
about a month to his bed. The assistant of Mr. White ran to aid him, but
received some wounds himself in the body, and would have been killed by
the furious animal, if, at the cry of the two unfortunate men,
a number of people had not hastened with poles and clubs to relieve
At five o’clock in the evening, I left the interesting Mauch Chunk
and went sixteen miles on the road to Bethlehem, as far as Cherryville.
At Lehighton I took the left shore of the Lehigh passing two small
creeks, Big creek, and Aquanshicola creek, and at last, (for the fifth
time,) the Blue Mountains, through Lehigh Water Gap. This country must
be very handsome, and it was with regret that I saw so little of it, but
it began to grow dark, was very rainy weather, and thick clouds covered
the Blue Mountains. Two miles from Water Gap we passed through a small
place called Berlinville, and were yet two miles distant from
Cherryville. In the darkness we could not see the posts which stand
wherever roads cross, and there was no turnpike. We accordingly lost our
way, and at a cross road knew not which direction to take. We ran about
in the rain and the darkness, but found nothing which could have
directed us. At last we took a road at random, fortunately the right
one! But it was midnight
before we reached Cherryville, where we found lodgings in a very good
tavern. This whole country is inhabited by Germans, and the German
language is the only one spoken.
Cherryville consists of but few houses, has, however, an open and
handsome situation, and the roads in the vicinity are planted with
handsome and large cherry trees, whence the name of the place.
I left this place, June 7th, at eight o’clock in the morning, and
rode fourteen miles to much-esteemed Bethlehem. We passed through two
small places, Kreiderville and Howardtown, and through a well-cultivated
country; the grain and fruit, however, were suffering much from the
drought, and beyond Howardtown we rode in a thick cloud of dust.
I was uncommonly pleased, and felt quite at home, when, on leaving
the woods, I saw the friendly Bethlehem before me. But it was quite
different from what it was last autumn; it was then cold, and the trees
beginning to lose their leaves; now summer had given every thing new
At Bethlehem I went to my old quarters at Bishop’s tavern, and soon
after my arrival visited the worthy Mr. Frueauf. He was the more pleased
with my visit, as no one in Bethlehem believed that I would fulfil my
promise of returning, except himself. He took me to his brother-in-law,
the Reverend Mr. von Schweinitz, who, at the very time I was at
Bethlehem last autumn, had visited my father in Weimar, and spoken with
my wife. Mr. von Schweinitz is on the mother’s side a great grandson of
Count von Zinzendorf, and the brother of a deceased Lieutenant von
Schweinitz, with whom I had been in early years in a company of the
Saxon Guards. He is a very agreeable man, who unites a polished
education with an excellent character. At dinner I met with pleasure
with the old Dr. Stickel. After dinner I walked with Mr. Frueauf and Mr.
von Schweinitz, across Lehigh bridge, to a promenade along the river,
leading to a semicircular place. Benches were placed here, and a spring
was overarched to keep wine, &c. cool. We then went below the garden
of the girl’s school to the mill of the congregation, where there is
also a place under a handsome linden tree, affording a very pleasing
view into the vale. But Mr. von Schweinitz was unfortunately obliged to
leave here this afternoon on business of the society, and I could enjoy
his extremely agreeable acquaintance but for a short time.
I now visited Bishop Hueffel and the Rev. Mr. Seidel. I went again
with the latter to the girl’s school, and again admired the great order
which reigns there, and the handsome and fine work of the girls. In the
evening I was present at service in the church; but it was not well
attended, and consisted merely in singing several hymns, which Mr.
Seidel sang, accompanied by
a good organ. This devotional exercise occupied perhaps half an hour,
and takes place every evening. The rest of the evening I spent in a very
agreeable manner, at Mr. Seidel’s house, in company with Bishop Hueffel
and Mr. Frueauf.
The following day passed in a very agreeable manner. I read several
allemanic poems of Hebel with Mr. Frueauf, who played to me on his
piano, which instrument must not be wanting in any house here; these
poems may well be called Pennsylvanian, as they are written in a dialect
which is spoken here, especially in Lancaster county and in the western
country. Bishop Hueffel showed me his handsome collection of sketches of
great masters, which are selected with much taste and science, as well
as several other good paintings and drawings. This worthy Bishop, is a
man of polished education, in whose society nothing but profit can be
obtained, on which account I was particularly sorry that I could not
longer stay at Bethlehem. I also visited the sister’s house, and
these maidens, who have grown old in honour, seemed to be much pleased
with my repeated visit. I was obliged to go through all the rooms,
sit with several, and tell them of my travels, which was done with the
greatest pleasure. I found many of them employed in making hats of
fine chips of the ash tree. These are woven in a loom like a bolting
cloth, then cut and sewed into hats. A merchant of this place made
this speculation, sells the hats at three quarters of a dollar a piece,
and is said to do much business.
But I could stay no longer. I left Bethlehem at five o’clock in the
afternoon, with much regret, and rode twelve miles to Easton. The road
led through a country tolerably hilly, and partly woody, but generally
very well cultivated, and through one small place called Butstown.
I had for several days past remarked, that instead of fences, dry
walls were made in a very neat manner, consisting of numerous stones
gathered from the fields. Easton, which I reached at seven o’clock, is a
flourishing place of about three thousand inhabitants. It lies in a
valley at the junction of the Delaware and Lehigh. The shores of both
rivers, especially of the latter, are high; in this are also many rocks,
and the country offers a number of picturesque views. The Delaware forms
the boundary between Pennsylvania and New Jersey; Easton on the right
side belongs to the former. The place is regularly built. The greatest
part of the houses are built of brick, though there are also some of
stone. A large square place stands in the middle, surrounded with a
row of Lombardy poplars, in the centre of which the Court-house is
erected. I found these poplars in Pennsylvania, and especially in
the eastern parts, preferred as an ornamental tree; in the greater part
of the villages the streets, and even the roads, for
some distance are planted, and some farms are surrounded with them. But
it is said they attract insects, which infest the houses, on which
account they have been rooted up in many places, as for instance, in the
streets of New York; in Pennsylvania, on the contrary, to obviate this
evil, their trunks as far as the branches, are covered with whitewash.
The butternut tree, the leaves of which resemble those of the ash, is
also used as an ornamental tree. At Easton a roofed wooden bridge leads
over the Delaware, resting on two stone piers, and is about two hundred
and seventy-seven paces in length. Like the generality of these bridges,
it is divided into two parts lengthwise, in order that wagons may not
meet each other. A handsome chain bridge, about two hundred and ten
paces in length, leads over the Lehigh. It is divided into three parts
lengthwise; the extreme parts being for wagons and horses, and the
middle and smallest for foot passengers. This bridge was erected ten
years ago, and though it has borne heavy loads, has not yielded in the
least degree.
I received in the evening visits from several Germans, who live in
the place, among whom I mention particularly a physician, Dr. Muller,
Mr. Schumann, and Mr. Till, from Bethlehem. The latter is a teacher of
music and an instrument maker, in Easton. Mr. Schumann was sent to the
seminary of the Moravians at Gnadenfeld in Silesia to become a minister.
Not being pleased with this, he left Gnadenfeld, visited several German
universities to study medicine, returned to America, and now dedicates
himself in Easton to the law.
A military academy was founding in Easton, of which great
expectations were formed. It was a private undertaking by Mr. Constant.
Since it has been seen, that the military academy at West Point
furnishes such excellent subjects, a strict military education is
becoming more and more popular in the northern states. The number of
pupils at West Point is too limited to admit all the young men for whom
application is made. A captain Partridge, who was formerly an
officer at West Point, but condemned to be cashiered by a court-martial
on account of an act of insubordination towards General Swift and
Lieutenant-colonel Thayer, has founded a military school at his own
expense at Middletown, in Connecticut, in which he is said to give a
very good education and solid instruction to the young men entrusted to
him. The result of these schools shows more and more the advantage of a
military education, and awakens a spirit of competition among
individuals to erect similar schools.
I left Easton, June 9, at four o’clock, in the mail stage, and rode
through New Jersey to New York, seventy-two miles. We passed the
Delaware, and rode on a good turnpike, through a
hilly, well-cultivated country, and through some unimportant places to a
tolerably high mountain, called Schooley’s Mountain, where there is a
mineral spring much frequented in summer. We afterwards came to a neat
place in a handsome valley, called German Valley; then passing through
Chester and Mondham, also handsome places, we came to Morristown. All
these places in New Jersey are well located, containing generally brick
and some large houses; the streets are wide, planted with poplars, and
in the centre of each place is a roomy square opening, in the midst of
which stands a high pole, whence the national flag waves on public days.
Churches also are not wanting; I saw four in Morristown, which
appears to contain about one thousand inhabitants. The churches have
here generally high and white steeples, so that they may be seen at a
considerable distance. We came also through a small place, Springfield,
and then reached Elizabethtown, a very handsome place, surrounded
with neat country-seats, the greater part of which belong to rich
inhabitants of New York. After a short delay we left Elizabethtown, rode
two miles farther through a meadow ground, much like Holland, and
reached a bay. Here we left the stage, and went on board the steam-boat
Bellona, being about fourteen miles distant from New York. This bay is
properly an inland lake, and is called Newark bay, after a town on it of
the same name. It receives its water from two streams, Passaic and
Hackensack, and communicates with the sea towards the south through
Staten Island sound, and on the east with the bay of New York through
the channel of Castleton, through which we also passed. We had on the
left a cape belonging to New Jersey, and on the right Staten Island
belonging to New York. As it was narrow here we could see with great
ease the handsome country-seats and gardens on both shores. But we
enjoyed the handsomest and most unexpected sight, as we entered the bay
of New York. On the right was the beautiful shore of Staten Island with
Castleton, then the quarantine, where, besides several other vessels,
lay a Swedish line-of-battle ship, which being sold to the Colombian
government, remained here on account of some difficulties in the
payment; beyond the Narrows the sea, then Fort La Fayette; we had in
front of us the shore of Long Island, and on the left the bay of New
York, with the forts on Governor’s and Bedlow’s Island, and between in
the back ground the city of New York, with its pointed spires and forest
of masts, in the North and East rivers. This sight is wonderfully
beautiful, and well deserves to be represented as a panorama. Arrived in
the bay, we turned to the left, passed the above-mentioned fortified
islands, left Bedlow’s island and the slightly fortified Ellis’s island,
passed Castle-garden, and landed from the North river at seven o’clock
in the evening. I immediately
repaired to the City Hotel in Broadway, where I had lodged last autumn,
and occupied again the same apartment which I then did.
I leave it the reader to imagine with what remarks and feelings I
again entered this place. I gratefully turned to the Great Master
of Life, who had so manifestly protected me during this long journey,
and brought me back again to this place in health!
I passed at this time but few days in New York, and I mention but a
few circumstances. I was indeed very busy during these days, but
almost every thing was done with a view to my departure.
I made a visit to Colonel Burr, who was a vice-president of the
United States at the commencement of this century, and a rival of Mr.
Jefferson for the presidency, which was decided in favour of the latter
by the vote of Mr. Claiborne. In consequence of this election, Colonel
Burr fought a duel with General Hamilton, in which the latter was
killed. Burr afterwards went to the western states, and, as it was said,
intended to detach these from the eastern, and form them into a separate
state. His plan was, however, discovered, and he was arrested, but
acquitted for want of sufficient proof. He then travelled through
Europe, and now lives at New York as a lawyer. During his travels in
Europe, he came, in 1810, to Weimar, and spoke of a remarkably good
reception on the part of my father. I found him to be a little old
man, with very lively eyes, who spoke very well.
As I went to pay a visit to Mr. Zimmermann, consul of the
Netherlands, a fire occurred in a tar manufactory near his house.
It was fortunately checked by the excellent fire companies, before it
extended. I had scarcely remarked the fire when the bells were
rung, and fire cried in all the streets. In less than five minutes
engines arrived, each drawn by about thirty people, by means of two long
ropes. In New York numerous fire companies exist, among whom the
different engines are divided. The members of these companies have
voluntarily engaged themselves for this laborious service, and are
relieved, in consequence, from jury and military service. They wear a
short frock at a fire, of coarse linen, with a leathern belt, and a
leathern hat with a number. As in many English cities, there are water
pipes laid in the streets, with an inscription at the corner, how many
feet distant is the opening. This has an iron cover to which each engine
has a key, is brought near, and the water conveyed into it through a
leathern hose. As I had nothing to do with the fire, I returned to
my lodgings, and passed a second fire in another street. This was,
however, less important than the former, and soon extinguished.
I went one evening to the Italian opera in the Park Theatre.
This opera was established here last autumn, and is an attempt to
transplant this exotic fruit to American ground. It does not, however,
appear adapted to the taste of the public here; at least the speculation
of the Italian theatre is not so profitable as was expected. The members
of this theatre came from the Italian opera in London. At their head
stands Signor Garcia, a very good bass. The orchestra was not
numerous, but complete, and was directed by a French pianist, Mr.
Etienne. Don Giovanni, by Mozart, was given; it was a great satisfaction
to me to see this classic piece so well represented. At first nothing
but operas of Rossini were played, but now operas of Mozart are
preferred to the former by judges in this place. The price has been
raised, and two dollars is asked for the first tier. The theatre
continues till half past eleven, when one returns home through
well-lighted streets.
As I heard that Governor Clinton was in the city, I hastened to pay
him my respects, but did not find him at home; on this occasion I again
saw how large the city was. The house where the governor lived is nearly
two miles distant from the City Hotel, without being out of the city.
I remarked that since last autumn three new churches have been
built here, of which one, a presbyterian, was very tasteful; since
this time also several new houses had been erected in this quarter. The
number of the inhabitants of the city increases exceedingly, it now
supposed to amount to one hundred and seventy thousand.
I rode also to the navy-yard in Brooklyn, on Long Island, where I
paid a visit to the worthy Commodore Chauncy. I found him with his
interesting family in excellent health, but very busy, for he had just
despatched the corvette Lexington to New Foundland, in order to protect
the American fishermen against the chicaneries of vessels of war
belonging to other nations, cruising about there. I saw also the
frigate Brandywine, which had returned from the Mediterranean sea, after
taking General La Fayette to France; she was now undergoing repairs, in
order to go to the Pacific ocean. A frigate and corvette were
I saw also the celebrated chess-player of Kempelen, which, with some
other curiosities is exhibited by its present owner, the mechanician Mr.
Maelzel, from Vienna. He is said to have already gained much money with
it in New York. The automaton represents a Turk, sitting behind the
table with a chess-board before him. A table with another
chess-board stands opposite, on which any of the company begins a game
of chess with the automaton. When the automaton is to make a move,
a noise of wheels is heard in the table, and at the same time the
Turk lifts his left hand, which rests on a cushion, opens his fingers,
the piece, makes the move, closes his hand, and places it on the cushion
again. If his antagonist makes a false move, the Turk knocks with his
right hand on the table in anger, shakes his head, and expresses his
indignation by a sound. When the Turk gained a game, Mr. Maelzel wound
up the machine like a clock, by means of a handle at the table, then the
Turk took a knight and placed it successively once in every square. The
whole machine stands on four wheels, and may be very easily moved from
one part of the chamber to the other. Whilst the Turk plays the game,
Mr. Maelzel stands by; but it cannot be seen in what manner he directs
his movements. It is said that Mr. Maelzel is negotiating with the
keeper of the National Hotel, where he exhibited his automaton, for the
purchase of the chess-player, and has already received an offer of
nineteen thousand dollars.
After Mr. Maelzel had moved back the player, he showed us a small
figure made of pasteboard, and representing a violoncello player, which
moves his head and both hands. Mr. Maelzel plays several pieces on the
piano, and the small figure accompanies him with his violoncello,
keeping exact time. He then showed us a trumpeter as large as life, who
plays several pieces with the trumpet in a masterly manner, and with his
trumpet accompanies Mr. Maelzel, who plays the piano. I had already
seen this trumpeter in 1809, at Vienna, and I also recollected to have
seen the chess-player in 1812, in Milan, in the palace of the then
vice-king of Italy. Mr. Maelzel finally showed us three small automata a
foot and a half high. One of them represents a little girl, which when
its arm is moved cries maman; the other a clown, who made grimaces and
cried oh la la! This and another smaller figure were placed on a rope,
on which they performed various evolutions.
To Castle-garden, on the battery, I went about seven o’clock in the
evening. The tasteful illumination is effected by gas. A handsome
and large saloon is also arranged here, where various refreshments may
be obtained. A good orchestra played the whole evening, and rockets
ascended from time to time. I was particularly pleased with the
walk on the upper gallery, whence there is a beautiful view of Hudson
river and the bay. It was a moonlight evening; the water was calm, and a
gentle wind from the sea, refreshed the sultry atmosphere in a very
agreeable manner.
At a visit which I made to Governor Clinton, in the City Hall, where
his office is, I saw in the room of audience several handsome
portraits by Sully, Peale, Trumbull, &c. I was most pleased
with a full length portrait of the deceased Commodore Perry. This naval hero was represented at the moment
of leaving in a small boat his vessel, which had became useless, and
going on board
of another, in which he gained his splendid victory over the English on
Lake Erie. There is also here a full length portrait of General Jackson,
and of Generals Brown, Macomb, and Swift, as well as those of Commodores
Hull, Decatur, Bainbridge, M‘Donough and Chauncy, and of the former
Governor Lewis. There is also a very good portrait of Ex-President
Monroe, as well as of several of the earlier Governors of New York,
among whom is one of the last Dutch Governors, Peter Stuyvezant, in full
armour. In another hall appropriated to the meetings of the corporation,
there is a portrait by Trumbull of the great Washington, and opposite to
this, a portrait of the elder Governor Clinton, uncle of De Witt
Clinton, as well as those of General Hamilton and Chief Justice Jay.
To my great delight I met with my fellow traveller, Mr. Bowdoin; we
were much together; in company with him I paid a visit to the English
Admiral, Sir Isaac Coffin. He is an American by birth, and although he
belongs to the English navy and is a member of parliament, his whole
heart still clings to his native country, and he has come hither to see
it again before his death.
I was much disappointed at a second visit to the Italian opera. Il
barbiere di Seviglia was announced, but on account of the indisposition
of the Signorina Garcia, it was not
represented. The same folly prevails among the public here, as among the
English, to require a repetition of the greater part of the airs, even
of the most difficult songs, without regard to the exhaustion of the
I visited again, in company with the Rev. Mr. Schaeffer, the
excellent institution, called House of Refuge for juvenile offenders.
This institution has increased since last autumn, and now contains
ninety-three young persons of both sexes; at present, however, there are
only twenty-three of the female sex. Such an institution is certainly
worthy of imitation; for children, who are led astray by wrong
inclinations, by the wickedness of their parents, and by bad company,
are brought back again to the right road, whereas in other countries
they are shut up in public prisons with old offenders, and thereby they
become still more corrupted. The house intended for the boys was
finished, and inhabited by them. They were at this time employed in
building another for the girls, parallel with the former. The boys sleep
each alone in a cell on a piece of sail cloth, which they spread out and
fasten by four pegs. These are long rooms, which serve as school rooms,
and are on one side of the building two stories high. The second row is
reached by wooden steps, and a gallery runs before the cells of this
row. All the boys are employed; either in receiving instruction or in
attending to some mechanical
business. They are taylors, shoemakers, weavers, joiners, and
basket-makers. I saw here a machine to cut out shoe soles and
heels. Sharp irons are formed according to the shape, which is designed
for the sole or heel; these irons are placed on a pair of wet hides, and
brought under an iron press, which is worked like those in the mint. The
boys who distinguish themselves by their industry and good behaviour,
are placed in the first class, and carry on the left arm a brass plate,
with the inscription, first class, as a mark of distinction. Those on
the contrary, who have endeavoured to escape, drag a chain with a heavy
iron ball. The period of detention in this institution is left to the
discretion of the commissioners; they may be detained till their
twenty-first year.
In order to show me the boys, the director gave notice with a
whistle, upon which they arranged themselves, according to their size.
Several large and strong fellows stood on the right wing, among which I
saw one of a very good appearance, whom I saw here last year as clerk.
His family had confined him here on account of an irresistible
propensity to steal, against which, neither exhortation nor severe
corporeal punishment availed. I saw two little boys of seven years,
on the left wing, who had already begun to steal. The biography of every
one is written in a separate book, and a journal afterwards kept of his
behaviour, punishments, &c. The director of the house showed me some
of these biographies; they are psychologically, exceedingly remarkable.
The greater part of the boys had been induced to steal by larger ones,
who have been confined on account of this offence in the penitentiary or
state prison. The director called the former of these institutions the
academy, and the latter the university for thieves. The benefit of this
house of refuge is perceived in the clearest manner from these
biographies, it is seen of what importance it is to anticipate the
development of crime. It is certainly an effective mode of improving the
morality of the lower classes. They say that it is more difficult to
keep the girls in order, than the boys, and that upon the whole, the
former are much worse than the latter. They are generally seduced, when
they are but nine or ten years old. When not engaged in receiving
instruction, they are employed in female occupations.
After leaving this interesting institution, we repaired to the
alms-house on the East river. With the alms-house they have connected
the workhouse, in which criminals are confined and employed for the
benefit and advantage of the city. The institution was erected at the
expense of the city, and consists of three long massive buildings, three
stories high, with several side buildings, designed for hospitals,
schools, smithshops, &c. The whole is surrounded with a wall, and
divisions made in the interior,
to separate the paupers from the criminals. The offices and the rooms
occupied by the officers, as well as those of the poor, are arranged in
the building fronting on the river, the second house also contains rooms
for the poor, and workshops, in which those who can yet work, are
usefully employed. About twelve hundred helpless poor people and
children, among which are many foundlings, are here supported. They
inhabit large halls, which, however, have a bad smell, and I missed that
cleanliness, which is indispensably necessary in such an establishment.
A poor-house, is at best an unpleasant, and when it is not cleanly
kept, a disgusting sight. Those who are confined, are criminals of
a lower kind, the worst are not confined longer than three years. The
men work during the day, either in the fields belonging to the city, or
in the public streets. A chain is attached to their leg, and they
are under the inspection of appointed sentinels. The women are employed
in various manners. A treading-mill was formerly in operation in a
side building; but this has not been used for a year, as it was thought
injurious to the health of the prisoners. A kind of typhus raged in
the prison last year, which carried off numbers of the prisoners. These
sleep in separate cells, each of which, is seven feet long, and three
feet broad. Each prisoner has here, as in the house of refuge,
a piece of sail cloth, spread out on four pegs, on which he sleeps.
There is a small grate in each door, which admits the necessary light
into the cell. There are sixty cells in one hall, all on one side, in
five rows above each other; each row has a small gallery. The hall
receives its light from above. A pulpit, opposite the cells, is
erected in this hall for worship; the prisoners who are confined during
the service, stand behind the grate in their doors, whence they may see
the minister. The whole arrangement has, as remarked above,
a handsome and open situation; there is a belvidere on the roof of
the front house, whence a handsome and extensive prospect may be
On the last day of my stay in New York and in America, I went with
Mr. Zimmermann into some stores, and walked in some of the oldest parts
of the city. In these parts the streets are crooked, narrow and gloomy,
well adapted to retain the yellow fever. In the neighbourhood, however,
of the alms-house there is a building three stories high, where the
incurable lunatics, supported by the corporation of the city, are
received; but the two upper stories are designed to receive, when the
yellow fever appears, those who suffer with this dreadful evil, in order
to remove, as quickly as possible, the infection from the city. Some old
Dutch houses stand in the narrow streets, built by the first settlers,
consisting only of a lower story, with the gable-ends towards the
street. They are building in Wall street, a new
exchange, which, when completed, will be a handsome building. The
post-office is already placed in its lower story. Wall street is the
street in which the most commercial business is done, and in which most
of the banks stand; it is to be regretted that it is one of the ugliest
streets in the city.
After having paid some farewell visits, I passed a part of my last
evening in America, in a very agreeable manner in the house of Mrs.
Bell. It is the most agreeable house for strangers in New York, in which
they always meet with a very good reception. I enjoyed also, for
several hours, the company of Mr. Bowdoin, and of Colonel Jones, the
brother-in-law of Governor Clinton.

Return Voyage from New York to Liverpool.
To my great and sincere regret, the
hour at length arrived when I was constrained to leave this happy and
prosperous land, in which I had seen and learned so much, and in which
much more still remained to be seen and learned: sed fata
trahunt hominem!
On the 16th of June, at ten, A. M., I proceeded to Whitehall, the
southernmost point of the battery, accompanied by Mr. Zimmermann, Mr.
George Beiden, and Mr. Armstrong, the American Consul at Port-au-Prince.
Close alongside the wharf, the steam-boat Nautilus, which plies between
New York and Staten Island, lay ready to take passengers on board the
Pacific, one of the Liverpool and New York packets, on board of which I
had taken passage for Europe. The Pacific had on the preceding day,
sailed down to the quarantine ground. The gentlemen above named accompanied
me to the vessel. We were scarcely on board the steam-boat before she
departed on her trip. She was tolerably crowded, inasmuch as she not
only carried the Pacific’s passengers, but likewise their friends, who
accompanied them, and the passengers for Staten Island. The rain fell in
torrents, and the passage was rather unpleasant.
After stopping a few moments at Staten Island to land some
passengers, we reached the Pacific in an hour. The wind being contrary,
the ship could not put to sea. Not far from us lay the packet ship
Edward Quesnell, which had left New York the day previous, and likewise,
owing to head winds, could not proceed
on her voyage. This ship belongs to the Havre-de-Grace line, trading
between that port and New York. Our friends and acquaintances, who had
come to bid us farewell, after partaking of a luncheon, returned in the
Nautilus to the city. Now I once again was compelled to arm myself with
patience! I recalled the time, when I was obliged to remain
fourteen long days on board the Pallas, in the Road of Goeree, and I now
consoled myself with a more pleasing situation. At that time I had just
torn myself from the dearest objects of my heart; I contemplated a
tedious stay in England, a dangerous voyage, in a word, to
encounter a host of difficulties, and moreover found myself, in an
inclement season of the year on board a ship, which was to bring me to a
new world. These difficulties were now overcome; the voyage had been
accomplished, and I was conscious that the object of my free choice, had
been truly fulfilled to the best of my endeavours. According to a close
calculation, I found that from my landing in Boston, to the time of
my re-embarkation for Europe, I had travelled over a distance of
seven thousand one hundred and thirty-five miles! How happy was I on
board the Pacific! The greatest tranquillity, order and discipline, the
utmost comfort in respect to quarters; a sedulous attendance,
profuse and palatable meals, seasoned with the best of wines, graced our
splendid board.
The first day was employed by the passengers, about twenty in number,
in making themselves at home; I passed the afternoon and evening in
reading and writing. The rain abated towards night, but the wind
remained unchanged. Among the passengers I observed a Dr. Garret,
a surgeon attached to the seventieth English regiment of the line,
whose acquaintance I had made in Montreal, during the summer previous,
also two Catholic clergymen of that city, Abbés Roux and Richards,
a Mr. Wilkins, and Mr. Adair, an Irishman, and also several
gentlemen from Jamaica, a Swiss merchant named Hoffel, and a young
Hamburger, called Drusina, who had lately returned from Mexico, where he
was partner in an English commercial house, a very genteel young
man, and lastly a Dr. Cabell of Richmond, in Virginia, with his wife,
a sister of Mrs. General Scott, and with their charming friend,
Miss Caroline Marx, also a resident of Richmond.
Though we had no rain on the 17th of June, still the wind continued
unfavourable; the Edward Quesnell had gone farther out to sea, and the
Pacific did the same. The anchor was weighed, we spread our sails, and
coasted for some miles along the shore to the Sandy Hook light-house,
located on a point of land belonging to the state of New Jersey; here we
again joined the Edward Quesnell and cast anchor close to her. While
sailing along
the coast, I was visited by my old acquaintance, sea-sickness,
which however did not last long. While attacked by this sickness,
I gratefully recalled to mind the goodness of Providence, in having
preserved me from all disease during my long journey through the
American continent! In England I had several attacks of rheumatism in
the left arm and shoulder; but these pains disappeared during my voyage
to Boston. Owing to the unhealthiness of the climate in the
neighbourhood of Lake Ontario and the river St. Lawrence, I had a breaking out in the
face, which ultimately increased to a scab on the chin, and of which I
did not get rid for several months. To this I have to add the
unfortunate injury from the carriage at Greenbush, which caused violent
pains in my chest. All these left me the moment I reached the genial
climate of the southern states, and during my stay in New Orleans I did
not feel the least inconvenience, and when, during the journey,
I experienced now and then a slight indisposition, it was doubtless
to be attributed solely to the water that I was compelled to drink; it
was but short in its duration, and, upon the whole, during my travels,
I enjoyed perfect health.
The country adjacent to the spot where our ship lay, opposite the
quarantine hospital at Staten Island, until this morning, is uncommonly
beautiful. On leaving this station, we passed through the Narrows,
beheld on our right Fort Richmond on Staten Island, to our left Fort La
Fayette, and in the back ground, on a hill of Long Island, Fort
Hamilton, in the erection of which they were busily engaged. Then we
left the charming high coast of Staten Island and came in sight of the
bleak low lands of Sandy Hook, with Long Island to the left, and the
ocean before us. The Sandy Hook light-house is a high white tower,
surrounded by small underwood; to the south of it, and tolerably distant
from each other, are two small towers, likewise furnished with lanterns,
whose lights are, however, not to be seen at so great a distance at sea
as that of the large one. They serve as landmarks for mariners.
As we lay so near the Edward Quesnell, I went towards evening in a
boat on board that vessel, in order to see how the passengers, and
particularly the worthy Mr. Hottinguer, whom I have heretofore
mentioned, were situated. Although this ship is well constructed and
provided with state-rooms, still it is by no means so elegant and
comfortable as the Pacific, nor is it so large. She had thirty-five
cabin passengers, with a number of children; they were greatly
straightened for room. Besides Mr. Hottinguer, I met several
acquaintances; Colonel de Quartel,II.36 Baron Lederer,II.37
with his two sons, whom he intended to place at a school in Germany;
Major Chotard,II.38 with his lady and four children, and also a young
Italian scene-painter, from New Orleans, called Fogliardi, who married
there a very old but extremely rich wife, and was on his way to France
and Italy, to escape with his better half from the quizzical jokes of
the wicked wags of New Orleans. Although the deck of the Edward Quesnell
was very narrow, Mr. Hottinguer had received a present of an elegant
saddle-horse from his friends at New York, which, to please those
friends, he was forced to take with him; therefore there was a stable
erected for it on the deck, which took up a great space, and caused much
inconvenience. Mr. Hottinguer and Colonel de Quartel accompanied me back
to the Pacific, and remained some time with me. It was a charming
moonlight evening; the wind, however, still continued unfavourable.
On the 18th of June, just one year had elapsed since I departed in
the Pallas from Falmouth. The whole of this day we had dull weather; the
wind remained unfavourable, and the vessel rode at anchor. Among our
fellow travellers there were several very agreeable individuals. The
English military surgeon was a very sprightly man, who perfectly
understood how to cheer up the spirits of the ladies. Mr. Wilkins,
a very elegant young man of good education, had been previously
introduced to me by Governor Clinton in New York. One of the clergymen,
the Abbé Leroux, an elderly Frenchman, we found tolerably dull. With
regard to the other, the Abbé Richards, I heard it stated, that he
had been originally a Protestant minister in Virginia, and had removed
to Montreal, to endeavour to make proselytes in the seminary of that
place; but in his controversies he became so won over to the Catholic
faith, that he was not only converted, but likewise took the orders of
Catholic priesthood. One of our boats went ashore, and the steward
brought back some fresh provisions, among others tolerably large clams,
which, when roasted or stewed in a rich sauce, resemble the flavour of
the lobster, as likewise a species of large crab, termed horse-shoe,
which resembles the Molucca crab, having a long pointed spine instead of
a tail. The form of the shell of this crab resembles a horse-shoe; seen
from the under part it is all alive; they have ten nippers, with which
they seize their prey, and which answer likewise for feet. In the
afternoon we received a visit from Mr. Hottinguer, Colonel de Quartel,
Baron Lederer, and Mr. Fogliardi. I escorted those gentlemen back
to the Edward Quesnell. The sea running rather high, we were splashed by
the salt water. Our trip seen
from the ship must have had a dangerous aspect, for it was really
affecting to behold with what tenderness Madam Fogliardi caressed her
young husband, as he once more happily stood on the deck. I also
became acquainted on board the Edward Quesnell with a Portuguese, Dr.
Constancio, and his wife. During the ephemeral government of the Cortes
in his native land, this individual was Portuguese ambassador near the
government of the United States, and had subsequently, during the
existence of the counter-revolution, lost his office. After remaining
half an hour on board the Edward Quesnell, Mr. Croker took me back in
his long-boat to the Pacific. We made the transition in less than four
minutes. This Mr. Croker is a Quaker, and an experienced seaman; he had
crossed the ocean one hundred and thirty-four times.
During the next three days the wind remained unfavourable. Several
vessels from Liverpool, were making port; one of them had only been
twenty-six days on her voyage. We were likewise, approached by several
small vessels bound to different foreign countries, and like us,
contending with a contrary wind. Towards evening I received a note from
Messrs. Leroy, Bayard & Co. in New York, acquainting me with the
failure of the firm of Fries & Co. in Vienna. As I had formerly been
very hospitably received by that house, and was personally acquainted
with all the individuals belonging to it, their misfortunes deeply
afflicted me.
On the 22d, the rain abated and the weather began to clear up, but
the wind continued steadily blowing from the east, which kept us in the
same spot. Nothing interrupted the uniformity of our mode of living,
which we beguiled by reading the newspapers that we received from the
city, and looking at vessels coming from England, running into port
before the wind. One of these vessels had one hundred and forty Irish
emigrants on board. The James Cropper, a ship belonging to the
line, had sailed on the 16th ultimo from Liverpool. Two days previous, the Silas
Richards, another of the same line, had also arrived, which left
Liverpool on the 24th ult. In one of the New York papers, we found a
letter from the master of this vessel, in which he stated, that he had
seen the celebrated sea serpent, not far from the American coast.
During the 23d of June, we still remained becalmed; the weather was
cloudy and rainy throughout the whole day. Mr. Hottinguer, who likewise
began to feel the effects of ennui on board his vessel, paid me a visit,
took a luncheon and dined with us, and passed the greater part of the
day in our company. When in the evening he returned to the Edward
Quesnell, I accompanied him, and made a short visit to my half
despairing acquaintances.
One of our boats had gone towards land upon a fishing excursion, and
came back loaded with a rich collection of various kinds of fish:
flounders, bluefish, and herrings in abundance; clams, crabs beautifully
coloured with blue and red; large sea-shells of extraordinary form,
several bass and a small fish, with a brown back, resembling a toad,
with a thick white belly, which it fills with air to such a degree, that
the whole fish has the appearance of a ball, three-fourths of it are
white, and one-fourth forming the back, brown. When this fish is caught
and dies, the air gradually escapes from it, and it ultimately assumes
the form of an empty bladder.
At last, on the 24th, the weather became somewhat clear and the wind
came round favourably for us. At noon the anchor was weighed and we
spread our sails. A number of vessels, desirous to avail themselves
of the fair wind, were coming down from New York and the quarantine
ground. The line packet, John Wells, next in rotation to the Pacific,
made likewise its appearance from port, which was no doubt the principal
cause of our hastily hoisting sail. I counted more than fifty
vessels of all sizes, putting to sea. The wind in the beginning was so
slight, that we could only move along with the ebb tide. We doubled the
low cape of Sandy Hook; in the back ground we saw the light-house,
surrounded by underwood, and in front of it, like two outposts, the two
low stony beacons. Not far from the light-house, stands a half ruined
block-house, in which during the last war a military post was stationed;
it now answers as a landmark for mariners. In the rear of the high
light-house, at a distance of several miles, towers the highland of
Navesink, presenting a charming prospect. To the south one discovers the
long and low coast of New Jersey, and perceives the sea-baths of Long
Branch, which during the heat of summer are numerously visited by the
fashionables of New York and Philadelphia. The heights of Staten Island
with Fort Richmond are seen, to the right of them are the Narrows, and
farther to the right the southernmost high coast of Long Island,
gradually fading from the view. In the centre of the Narrows, Fort La
Fayette stretches out, like a solitary point. As we put farther out to
sea, we saw several buoys, which designated the shallows, through the
midst of which the skilful pilot brought us safely. Two small vessels
were employed in fishing up lost anchors. The pilot remarked, that the
anchors of the French fleet under Admiral De Grasse, had remained here
ever since the time of the American revolutionary war. This fleet owing
to the unskilfullness of two pilots, was compelled to part with its
anchors. When an enemy’s fleet blockades New York, the shipping make to
Sandy Hook bay, properly called Raritan bay, for shelter against storms,
are thus enabled to blockade the Narrows very closely. Should a fleet
wish to force the passage, it can, as I remarked last fall, neither be
prevented from so doing by Fort Richmond, nor Fort La Fayette. In a
conversation which I had with General Bernard, he stated, that he would
prevent a close blockade by means of two strong casemated forts, which
he would erect on the before-mentioned shallows, whereby the enemy would
be perfectly excluded from Raritan bay. This project could not, however,
be realised at that time, because the grant of funds by congress were to
be appropriated to the completion of the works on the fortress already
In the afternoon, the pilot at length left us, and we found ourselves
on the open sea. Although the wind blew very gently, still the sea,
owing to the late storm, ran very high. The ship rolled dreadfully and
many of our passengers were sea-sick. I also felt somewhat unwell,
but my complaint did not produce vomiting.
During the 25th of June the wind not being favourable, we made but
little progress. The weather was rather unpleasant, and the whole day
clouded with a thick fog, almost as dense as that through which we made
our way during last year on the banks of Newfoundland. Towards the
afternoon the weather brightened up a little. We spoke two ships, the
Camillus, of New York, from Greenock, in Scotland, with Scotch
emigrants, bound to New York, and a small brig from New Brunswick, in
ballast, to New York. A shark followed our ship for some time. It
gave me particular pleasure to perceive what tranquillity reigned on
board, that no swearing was to be heard, and that every thing tended to
the comfort of the passengers.
During the night rain fell, and on the 26th of June we had likewise
several showers. We perceived the Edward Quesnell astern of us, and set
several additional sails that she might not reach us. The wind was not
very favourable, and blowing from the south-east, it drove us into the
neighbourhood of the perilous George’s bank, which we so carefully
avoided last year. Therefore we changed our course and stood to the
south. It became imperiously necessary this year to keep aloof from the
bank of Newfoundland, because we had been assured that a great quantity
of detached ice had come down from the north, and setting on the bank in
the shape of bergs and fields of ice, had rendered the passage extremely
dangerous. Several of our passengers, and I among the number, had not
entirely recovered from the effects of sea-sickness.
On the 27th of June the wind had come round favourably to the west,
so that we were enabled to hoist a larger quantity of canvass. In the
forenoon there was a heavy swell, which made
me sea-sick. While labouring under this unpleasant sensation, it is
difficult to conceive how men can expose themselves to the dangers of
the sea, while there is a comfortable house and quiet bed at home. But
scarcely is it over, or scarcely have we put foot on shore before all
these inconveniences are forgotten, and one thinks little of embarking
again. The sea gradually became more still, the weather charmingly warm,
and an awning was spread over a part of the deck, under which we
collected, and even the ladies, who had slowly recovered from
sea-sickness, joined us, to breathe the fresh air. In the evening, we
were regaled with music; one of the steerage passengers blew tolerably
well on the bugle, amused his companions therewith, and we listened to
his strains at a distance. There was some musical talent among
ourselves; a young Scotch gentleman from Jamaica, named Leslie,
played elegantly on the flute, and often delighted us. Several water
birds followed our ship; it is a species of bird resembling a swallow,
called petrel, and termed mother Carey’s chickens by sailors, who say
that they never alight upon land, and as their nests are not readily
found, it is hard to tell where they propagate. A large vessel,
which we supposed to be either the Edward Quesnell or the John Wells,
followed constantly in our wake; but our heavy press of sail kept us
always in advance. It is a matter of surprise, how such a large quantity
of sail can be managed by so few hands, for we had but fifteen sailors
and two boys; however, the steerage passengers were obliged to lend a
hand to the manœuvres on deck; there were thirteen of these on board;
they are similar to the deck passengers in the steam-boats; they pay but
little, provide their own provisions, and are narrowly lodged in a small
place below decks, near the fore-mast, and are not allowed, unless when
working, to show themselves abaft the mainmast, inasmuch as this place
is solely reserved for the cabin passengers. On board our vessel, the
sailors slept in quarters provided for them on the deck, between the
fore-mast and the bowsprit.
During the whole of the 28th of June we were favoured with a
prosperous breeze and fine weather. Our situation was, by a midday
observation, 40° 3´ latitude, and 65° 4´ longitude. Since yesterday we
had seen grass floating close to the ship. Thence we concluded that we
had already entered the favouring Gulf Stream. The awning was again
spread. Mrs. Cabell and Miss Marx, who had recovered by degrees from
their indisposition, presented themselves to-day upon deck, and made a
considerable change in the tedious uniformity of our late mode of
living. In the evening Mr. Leslie brought his flute, and delighted us
with music; finally, we began to dance on deck, although from the motion
of the ship it did not succeed well.
On the 29th of June, both wind and weather continued favourable to
us; otherwise things remained as before. Captain Croker, who did every
thing in his power to entertain his passengers, set off in the evening a
couple of rockets, and other fire-works, which afforded us much
pleasure. Mr. Croker, who is very experienced in a seafaring life,
related us many of his adventures on the deep, which we found very
interesting. We twice perceived swarms of flying fish arise from the
water, which after flying a considerable distance, plunged anew into
their native element; they did not, however, come sufficiently near to
enable us to observe them distinctly. A large dolphin likewise made
its appearance, and we were still escorted by mother Carey’s chickens,
and saw numerous sea-gulls.
On the 30th of June no change; wind favourable, weather fine and
clear, and a curiosity in natural history! We generally kept a pair of
hooks in our wake. One of these hooks had caught a mollusc which goes by
the name of Portuguese man-of-war. It is of a violet colour, and
has a spongy body with long feelers and two bladders, the largest of
which is about the size of a carp. This bladder the animal fills with
air at pleasure, in order to enable itself to swim, and when the sun
shines upon it, it displays very fine colours. Otherwise we caught
nothing, as heretofore, because fish most generally avoid
copper-bottomed vessels, such as ours. In the evening we saw in the
ship’s wake the phosphoric sealight.
Under a continually favourable wind, we made great progress on the 2d
of July, and had the agreeable certainty of leaving the bank of
Newfoundland behind us, so that we had reason to hope, during the
remainder of our voyage, not to be again incommoded by fogs; latitude
41° 24´, longitude 50°. Notwithstanding the constantly favourable and
fresh breezes, the sea was so smooth, that our ship had no more motion
than if we were sailing on a stream. And thus passed off the third of
July; the air, which had thus far been very warm, became to-day rather
cool, which made our cabin very comfortable. At a cable’s length from
our vessel we perceived a numerous herd of porpoises, which were
sporting on the surface of the water; latitude 42°, longitude 46°
The 4th of July was the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of
American Independence; it was of course duly celebrated on board our
vessel. The American flag was hoisted early, and at dinner more wine
than usual, and of various kinds, was drank freely. Several toasts were
proposed: Mr. Croker drank the health of the King of England; whereupon
Dr. Garret proposed that of the President of the United States;
I gave Governor Clinton’s; thereupon followed a great many of like
kind. We
were pretty gay and cheerful, and drank till tolerably late. Several
gentlemen got head-aches, and became sea-sick; and many laughable scenes
took place. I stole into my state-room, in order to avoid similar
On the 5th of July we had the good fortune to meet a large whale,
which spouted the water high above him in all directions. He did not,
however, honour us a long time with his presence, but pursued his
course, and we ours, though with much greater velocity; for at the usual
meridian observation, we found our latitude 44° 9´ and our longitude 39°
38´. In the morning we had little wind, but when towards evening it
freshened, we made from eight to nine miles an hour. Up to this period
our voyage had been most prosperous, continually fair wind and the sea
very smooth. During three days we had seen a brig at the distance of
some miles from us, which was going on the same course, but our ship
being a better sailer, we left it to-day considerably behind.
On the 7th of July, weather dull, with occasional rain; which
rendered it cold and uncomfortable. Latitude 46° 50´, longitude 30° 31´;
wind towards afternoon rather strong, sea running very high with the
wind in our stern; this increased the motion of our ship, which was
constantly pitching from one side to the other. What was not properly
fastened gave way. This gave rise to many droll scenes. The ladies, who
were unaccustomed to this new unpleasantness attending a sea voyage,
became frightened; they conceived that danger was near, and we had
considerable trouble in allaying their fears. One of them entreated in
the most affecting manner, several gentlemen, who were whiling away
their time at a game of whist, and others who were engaged at
back-gammon, not to bring down the vengeance of heaven, and not to
increase the danger that surrounded us, by sinful card-playing and
unholy back-gammon! But there was no danger whatever to apprehend,
though the rolling of the vessel was unpleasant; the passengers scarcely
knew where to go, or what to do, for it was even impossible to sleep,
inasmuch as the shocking rolling threatened us with a fall from our
We pursued our course swiftly during the 8th of July. Latitude 47°
58´, longitude 25° 10´. In the forenoon the sea was calmer, but during
the afternoon, and particularly in the evening, it ran so high that the
ship pitched more than yesterday. The weather was, during the whole of
the day, unpleasant, cloudy, and rainy, and it was with the greatest
difficulty that we kept our feet on the wet deck. In the evening,
I observed again in the sea the phosphoric light; some parts of the
water sparkled like fireflies.II.39 We overtook a brig, apparently
bound on our course;
on this occasion we once more remarked what a good sailer the Pacific
is, for when we discovered the brig, she was far ahead of us, and
although she had all her sails set, we not only soon overtook her, but
soon left her far behind us. We did not approach her sufficiently near
to speak. During this damp weather, I acknowledged the superior
construction of the Pacific to that of the Pallas; whilst in the latter
the moisture penetrated throughout, and exerted its noxious influence on
a variety of articles liable to rot, and spread through the whole vessel
an insupportable foul smell; every thing in the Pacific was dry, and in
our cabin we had not suffered at all from the existing humidity.
The night of the 8th and 9th of July I passed very unpleasantly,
owing to the rolling of the vessel; I was every moment on the point
of falling out of my bed, and it was only towards six o’clock in the
morning that I began to enjoy some repose. The day brought with it clear
weather. The wind had been so favourable for the last twenty-four hours,
that we found ourselves in latitude 48° 40´, and longitude 19° 12´. In
the afternoon the wind became variable and blew from various quarters;
we experienced several squalls accompanied by showers of rain. At last
it set in strong from the north-west, and drove us forward at the rate
of eleven miles per hour. Towards evening we came up with a vessel bound
from Savannah for Liverpool, spoke her, and gave her our longitude.
Their reckoning differed from ours, as they believed themselves to be in
longitude 16°. The sea ran rather high while we were in the
neighbourhood of this vessel, so that we could not have a long talk with
her, nor even rightly understand her name. We left her far behind
On the 10th of July, the wind continued favourable, there was a heavy
swell of the sea, and much motion in the vessel. The weather clearing
off towards noon, we were enabled to make exact observations, which we
could not do for some days before, on account of the cloudy weather. It
appeared, that we had made a small mistake in our computation of the
longitude, for by the precise observation of this day, we found our
latitude to be fifty degrees twenty-two minutes, and our longitude
seventeen degrees. We saw already several birds, a proof that we
were approaching land; we continually saw petrels and mother Carey’s
chickens. The more we sailed northwards, we felt the air becoming
cooler, which created in me no pleasant sensation.
The 11th of July was rather windy and rainy; in other respects
matters remained in statu quo. Latitude fifty degrees thirty minutes,
longitude twelve degrees fifty-five minutes. We hoped to find ourselves
on the next day on the Nymph bank, which stretches from the south of
Ireland, far into the sea, nor were we
deceived in our expectations, for very early on the 12th of July, we
experienced an uncommonly heavy motion, and the waves ran as high as in
a storm, although the wind was not strong. This served as an assurance,
that we had attained the Nymph bank. The motion of the sea here is
caused by the pressure of great masses of water upon the bank, whereby
the under water is cast up, and driven with great force towards the
surface. The lead was hove for soundings several times since midnight,
as we lay still too far to the south, to be governed by landmarks; had
the weather not been so hazy, we could easily have distinguished Cape
Clear, the south-westernmost point of Ireland, consisting of a single
high rock, jutting out into the sea, and provided with a light-house.
While we were seated at dinner, land was discovered. We mounted on deck,
and beheld the high coast of the county of Cork in Ireland; the weather
continued so hazy and rainy, that we could not have a clear and fine
view of the land. I was surprised at the indifference with which I
contemplated the first European land that now met my view, and
particularly when I compared this indifference with the joyful
enthusiasm, with which, one year past, on the 24th of July. I put
my foot for the first time on the soil of America! But at that time
every thing was new to me, and my expectations were wrought up to the
highest pitch; now on the contrary, I could only expect to see what
was generally familiar. After dinner we perceived off the coast of
Ireland, two islands with high hills, called the Saltees, and near them
a three-masted ship, as a floating light at anchor. We met likewise a
steam-boat, bound from Milford in Wales, to Waterford in Ireland. It lay
rather low in the water, and as the wind blew strong from the west, the
sea ran so high, that I did not at all envy the condition of the
passengers in the steam-boat, over whose deck the waves were constantly
beating. The sight of land made our passengers more cheerful, and
towards evening we became more happy than usual.
On the morning of the 13th of July, the wind was uncommonly mild, the
weather, however, cleared up, so that we gradually discovered the lofty
and mountainous coast of Wales. Among these high mountains, we
particularly distinguished that of Snowdon, which towered above the
others, until its pinnacle became lost in the clouds; it is about four
thousand feet high. We descried the Isle of Anglesea next, and came so
near it, that we could perceive distinctly its rough, high and
precipitous rocks, arising from the ocean. On the highest of these
rocks, stands a watch-house with a signal pole; we showed our number;
every vessel that trades with Liverpool, is there furnished with a
number, under which it is inscribed in the book of the exchange, and
our signal was immediately hoisted over the watch-house. By a chain of
telegraphs, the news of our arrival reached Liverpool in a moment, at
the distance of sixty miles. Under the high rock of Anglesea, is a
smaller, more isolated rock, on which stands a white light-house, which
contrasts charmingly with the dark rocks. From the higher rock,
a zigzag path, cut in the rock and surrounded with a white wall,
leads to a bridge, suspended by ropes, over which you enter this little
island. As we approached it towards noon, the wind sprang up, and we
enjoyed the majestic spectacle of the waves breaking on the black rocks.
Then we made the highlands of Holyhead, doubled them and directed our
course to the east. Behind the cape, the beautifully situated town of
Holyhead with its harbour burst upon our view. This English harbour is
the nearest to the Irish coast; between it and Dublin there is a regular
communication by steam-boats. We tacked and stood over to the coast of
Wales, and were delighted with the appearance of its fresh green soil;
its neat houses and churches. The green hedges with which the fields and
meadows are encompassed, produce a very pleasing sensation;
I however observed, that there was a great scarcity of trees. The
scenery towards the sea side began likewise to be more lively, as there
was a great number of vessels in view. At last the pilot-boat came up,
and put a pilot on board. As one approaches England from the European
continent, the elegant construction of these one-masted cutter
pilot-boats and their quick sailing, excites astonishment; but if one is
bound from the United States, and has beheld their elegant shipping, and
particularly the New York pilot-boat schooners, there is no reason for
surprise, for the English shipping is far inferior to the American.
Toward evening, the ebb was against us; we could no longer run into
Liverpool, and were obliged to cast anchor within fifteen miles of the
city. We had passed the same floating light, which I observed three
years ago, in a voyage from Liverpool to Dublin, and we lay near four
light-houses, two of which gave a remarkably clear and beautiful light;
the light of one of these towers played gracefully on the waves. These
towers were a considerable distance from each other, and are so
situated, that two must be brought in a line, to find the proper course.
I had observed on the coast of Wales, some white pyramids, which
also serve as landmarks. We met to-day several steam-boats, bound to
different ports along the Irish coast. Dr. Garret, whose business led
him to Ireland, availed himself of this opportunity to proceed to
Dublin, and left us while we were still under way. We beheld the
departure of this lively fellow-passenger with much regret, as the loss
of his good humour and wit, greatly depressed our spirits. Three
custom-house officers soon came on board,
who after inspecting the vessel for form sake, and partaking of a hearty
collation, instantly freed us from their company. We were boarded by
several boats, which offered to take passengers ashore; but as it was
near dusk, and as the most of us were in no hurry, only two of our
fellow-passengers accepted their proposals. This was the nineteenth day
since our departure from Sandy Hook, and we could not be too thankful to
Providence for his protection, and our happy and speedy voyage. As it
was known in Liverpool, that we were to sail on the 16th ultimo, from
New York, our friends anxiously awaited our arrival.
On the 14th of July, between two and three o’clock in the morning
every body was already stirring on board of our ship; we hoisted anchor
and set sail, with a favourable wind, to reach Liverpool by daybreak.
This city, as is known, is situated on the right bank of the Mersey, in
Lancashire; seen from the water, it presents a charming prospect. To the
right you behold the coast of Chestershire, and a deep bay which
stretches to the city of Chester. This coast is not handsome at first
view, but becomes more agreeable after doubling a very dangerous rocky
point, which runs from the left bank of the Mersey, not far from the
harbour of Liverpool, and on which, during gales, vessels are often
liable to be wrecked. You then discover on this coast beautiful
country-seats, and in the back ground pleasant villages. Captain Croker
wished to avail himself of the rising tide to run into the Prince’s
dock; this required much manœuvering, and at last we took in sail. After
an hour’s labour we ultimately reached the dock. The dock was so crowded
with ships, that the Pacific took her place fourth from the wharf.
I went ashore, and took up my lodgings at the King’s Arms Hotel, in
Castle-street, an excellent hotel, in which I lodged three years ago.
The landing of my baggage went on very slowly, because it had to be
carried over three vessels. When landed, it was carried to the so called
old dock, to a toll-house, situated in the interior of the city. This
toll-house is an old, narrow, smoky building, by no means worthy so rich
a trading emporium as Liverpool. Before I could have my baggage
examined, I was obliged to present myself at the alien-office, to
produce my passport; it was taken from me, and I received a passport ad
interim, in lieu thereof. Upon the whole, I had to undergo a great
many formalities. In America, it was
quite the contrary: there they never thought of asking me for a
passport. Ultimately I received permission to have my baggage examined,
which was done in the politest manner possible.

Stay in England, and return to Ghent.
Among the gentlemen who shortly
after my arrival in Liverpool favoured me with a visit, was the American
consul, Mr. Maury. He is a native of Virginia, about eighty years of
age, and a school-mate of President Jefferson. He is the American consul
who, after the treaty of Versailles, came to England with credentials
signed by Washington.
The gloomy and smoky appearance of the city of Liverpool, as well as
its many narrow and partly angular streets, had no pleasant effect upon
me. However, I found the pavements much better than in America.
I visited several splendid porcelain shops, which article is made
in the vicinity and in Staffordshire. The chinaware is very fine, the
painting and gilding good, and this ware also is very durable. In these
stores one likewise finds Wedgewood white and blue crockery, and the so
called stone-china, representing landscapes and all kinds of figures,
and in solidity much resembling the porcelain of Tournay.
I afterwards visited the House of Correction, which was built seven
years ago, and is a mile and a half distant from the city. This
institution is the central prison of Lancastershire, and contains
prisoners whose time of imprisonment does not exceed three years. Those
who have to undergo a more severe punishment, are generally transported
to New South Wales. I had a written permission from a magistrate to
visit the establishment, through which I was accompanied by the
governor; the building stands on a rising ground, enjoys a free
circulation of air, and can accommodate eight hundred prisoners; at this
period they amounted to six hundred and fifty.
The prisoners are divided into twenty-one classes, thirteen for the
men and eight for the women, according to the extent of their crimes and
ages. Those who are prisoners for the first time are dressed in gray and
yellow garments; those incarcerated for the second time, in blue and
red; and those requiring particular attention are dressed in complete
suits of blue or gray. The treatment observed towards women and children
is pretty much the same, for even the children are divided into
different classes, and entirely separated from the grown persons.
For food the prisoners have daily either meat or fish. On
Sunday there is service in the chapel, but for each sex separately, and
every morning there are prayers. The prisoners were formerly principally
employed in spinning or weaving cotton; but as for some months this
article had much fallen in value, the working of the prisoners, except
those engaged on the tread-mill, had in some measure ceased, and the
greater portion of them were idle.
Whipping is expressly forbidden in the prison. The most severe
punishment which the governor is allowed to inflict, is three days
solitary confinement. Should it become necessary to exercise a greater
punishment, application must be made to a committee of magistrates, who
meet weekly in the prison, and the punishment is left to their option.
A court-house, built of sandstone, adjoins the prison. The grand
entry is ornamented with a portico of six Ionic columns: it communicates
with the prison by a small back-door, through which the prisoners are
conducted unperceived into court. It is two stories high, has large
rooms, and is handsomely laid out. The hall for the public sessions is
extremely elegant, and is the whole height of the building. The
antechambers are destined for the jury, witnesses and judges, to meet in
private, and for the different offices attached to the court. One of
them is a dressing-room for the judges and lawyers; there are several
shelves in it for their wigs and cloaks; for in the English courts the
judges and lawyers must in open court be dressed in powdered wigs.
After I had inspected this interesting prison, we went to visit the
institution for the blind, of which I had heard such a high character.
Unfortunately, the hour for the admission of strangers had passed, and
notwithstanding all our intreaties, we were denied admission by a
handsome girl, who opened the door.
We next visited a small museum, which was pretty much on the plan of
those in America, and like most of these establishments, was furnished
with a hand-organ, on which they played at certain hours, to induce
people to enter. This museum possesses rare stuffed animals, viz.
a large ant-eater, and a quantity of foreign lizards and snakes;
many living ones of the same kind I had seen in America; they are
attached in a very natural manner to moss-covered rocks. It has likewise
a collection of foreign birds and shells; garments and weapons of the
savages of America, and the Southern Islands; a boa constrictor
coiled round and choking a young antelope, &c. A Miss Brown,
a young person, born without arms, was to be seen working with her
feet in the most ingenious style. She eats not only with her feet, but
likewise pours out a glass of wine, and carries it to her mouth without
spilling a drop; she mends a pen, and writes very distinctly with her
right foot; she threads a needle, sews, &c.
On the 16th of July, at eight o’clock in the morning, I departed from
Liverpool in the stage for Birmingham, with the intention of soon
proceeding to the continent. The English stages are better closed, and
run easier than the American, but I prefer the latter, because their
seats are more comfortable. The distance from Liverpool to Birmingham is
one hundred and one miles; the turnpike is most excellent, and the road
even the whole way. On one side of the turnpike, along the whole length
of the road, there is a side-walk for pedestrians; it has a pebbly
surface, and is enclosed on both sides with sandstone, to heighten the
pavement. Wherever this side-walk is not paved, it is at least smoothed
and lined with small sods; at equal distances two posts are driven into
the ground, to prevent the passage of horsemen and wheelbarrows.
I admired the peculiar care with which the stones destined for the
repairs of the highway, are broken into the smallest pieces. With such
stones it is easy to make a good road, and the Americans and other
nations might well take example from the British, whenever they wish to
have a good road, or to repair one. The number of villages that lay upon
our route had a very handsome appearance. The dwellings of the farmers
are small, but they have a very neat appearance, owing to the
straw-thatched roofs, variegated with small windows, the bowers in front
of the doors, and the garlands of roses and ivy, which twine gracefully
along the walls; the little flower-gardens by the road side, also
enhance the charms of these cottages. On the other hand, the towns have
narrow streets, and a gloomy, smoky look.
Soldiers are garrisoned in the towns as far as Wolverhampton. This
arrangement had been made for some months past, because several large
manufactories in this neighbourhood had stopped working, and the
famishing artizans had adopted forcible measures in order to procure
bread. The country is very well cultivated; mostly with wheat and
barley. The wheat appeared already nearly ripe; the straw was however
very small, owing to the want of rain. The green and blooming hedges
that ran along the fields had a delightful aspect. In comparing the
beautiful and large trees of America, with those of this country,
I was astonished at the contrast between the two, the latter
consisting of low and miserable woodland. However, in the parks and
large gardens, several of which I saw, there are many fine trees; but it
is on account of these many parks of the nobility, that a great quantity
of land remains uncultivated, which, in a country so populous as
England, becomes a matter of the highest importance.
Between Newcastle and Stone we passed through a village called
Trentham, where the Marquis of Stafford possesses a large
castle, situated in an extensive park; to the left of the road stand
large square masses of stone, said to be the burial place of the
Stafford family. Near the town of Stafford, which is the capital of
Staffordshire, the old castle of Stafford is erected on a high hill. Two
of its towers are still remaining, several rooms of which are fitted up
for a sporting rendezvous. In former times it is said to have been a
very important fortress, but was destroyed during the protectorate of
Cromwell. Staffordshire is celebrated for its manufactures of
earthenware; there are two very respectable establishments of this kind
at Newcastle-under-Lyne, the most excellent of which is that of
Wedgewood in Etruria, situated two miles from the aforesaid town. We
passed several cotton manufactories, and a silk factory near Congleton,
a town on the other side of Knutsford, containing six thousand
We crossed at several times to-day two excellent canals, one
belonging to the Sankey Navigation Company, and the other to the Duke of
Bridgewater. We drove twice under this canal. In Stafford I observed a
very decent looking court-house, and upon a hill the central prison of
Staffordshire. I also remarked to-day several coal-mines;
particularly at the last post between Wolverhampton and Birmingham they
are very numerous. For a considerable distance no sign of cultivation
was to be seen; nothing was to be seen but coal and iron-works, with
steam-machines and colossal chimneys in the form of obelisks, and high
flaming furnaces. This district had the appearance of a conflagrated
city, several of whose houses were still burning; the sulphurous smell
that pervaded the atmosphere, almost took the breath away. As we
approached Birmingham, these works began to disappear; we passed through
pleasant villages interspersed with charming blooming gardens, and every
thing foretold that we were approaching a large and wealthy city. This
impression was strengthened on our seeing the citizens returning from
the country in their holy-day suits. It was about nine o’clock in the
evening, when we reached Birmingham. I took up my quarters in the
Royal Hotel, an excellent tavern, where I resided three years previous.
In a public advertisement, stating the advantages connected with this
establishment, travellers are notified that it is located in the
pleasantest part of the town, whereas the finest prospect it presents,
opens upon a burial ground, which also answers as a promenade for the
inhabitants, and as a playground for children.
In Birmingham three years past, I spent several days; I wished,
however, to see several things once more, and therefore sojourned a few
days in this city. I went to Mr. Thomason’s show-room, where every
thing, manufactured in Birmingham, is to be
seen. Several rooms contain uncommonly tasteful plated ware, others
trinkets, medals, curiosities, steel ware, guns, works in papier maché,
crystals, &c. The well known Warwick castle Vase, I again saw
of multifarious dimensions; firstly, of the full size in bronze, for
which Mr. Thomason had expressly built a small house adjoining his own;
then another of smaller dimensions, likewise of bronze, with the marks
and ornaments in silver, or silver-gilt, which must make a very elegant
appearance at table. I here likewise saw imitations of the greatest
precious stones known, in their exact form, size and colour. This
collection, in a very neat box, costs twenty-five guineas.
Mr. Thomason has connected himself with an artist, who, during his
residence of many years in Russia, had acquired at Tula the secret of
steel working, and was beginning to imitate it here. In his first essay
he tried to inlay a silver waiter with steel; in this attempt, however,
he did not succeed properly. Should it succeed, the introduction of this
invention into England, would be of great importance, as this art being
now confined to Russia, is there considered as a very important secret.
Mr. Thomason had likewise the politeness to conduct me to an armory;
here an immense quantity of various sword-blades was shown me, and also
the mode of trying them; they are strained in a machine, by which they
are bent to a certain degree, and then unbent; they are then examined,
to see if they are not curved, then a block of steel is struck with the
flat of the blade, and a wooden one cut with the edge; and if it is
proof to this, it is considered sound, and stamped. At this moment,
owing to the existence of profound peace, there was little work done in
this manufactory, consequently I could not see the sharpening and
polishing of the blades, which takes place in a particular
In lieu thereof I saw in it the silvering of polished brass wire.
This, first of all consists of a piece half an inch thick, which
receives a very thin silver covering; it is heated in an oven, seized
with tongs, and drawn through different holes, which are cut in pieces
of steel, gradually diminishing in size, until they attain the size of a
common piece of wire. By this means the wire may be drawn out to the
thinness of a hair, and it is remarkable, that it still retains the
silver. The tongs are pulled by a patent chain, the links of which are
double folded, and for the invention of which, the owner of this
establishment has obtained a patent from government. I also visited
another show-room, which has only been two years fitted up; it is very
splendidly arranged; it has a larger space than Mr. Thomason’s, but is
not so richly and well provided.
In the evening I went to the theatre; they exhibited the disagreeable
tragedy of Jane Shore, after which we had a tolerable
pantomime, called the Village Festival, and it closed with an
uninteresting melo-drama, the Woodman’s Hut. In the first piece Miss
Lacy, from Covent-garden, personified the character of Jane Shore most
capitally, and was well supported by several of the other actors; the
piece, however, is abominable in itself, and I can imagine nothing more
disgusting than to behold an unfortunate being, struggling on the stage
in the arms of death. In this country, however, it is a favourite piece.
They endeavoured to produce it on the French boards, but it would not
take at all. The theatre is well fitted up: it has a pit, two rows of
boxes, and a gallery, which can accommodate a great many spectators; on
this occasion it was likewise greatly crowded by a noisy mob.
I found in the boxes and pit fewer spectators than I expected, the
decorations are well painted, and the interior lighted with gas. The
provincial theatres receive generally but little encouragement, and
their receipts only increase in summer, when the large London theatres
of Covent-garden and Drury-lane are closed, and the celebrated actors
there engaged, make a trip to the provinces.
On the 18th of July, at eight o’clock in the morning, I left
Birmingham in a post-chaise and proceeded by a circuitous route to
Oxford. I sent on my baggage by the direct course in the stage.
I went out of my way for the purpose of visiting the ruins of
Kenilworth and Warwick castles. The distance from Birmingham to Oxford
by this road is seventy-one miles, the turnpike at times hilly, but
invariably good. Our route lay through Knowles, a very charming
country town. Kenilworth, on the contrary, is a small ill-looking place,
but inclosing splendid ruins of the old castle, which have become
universally notorious by the romance of Kenilworth. Excepting the ruins
of Paulinzelle, those of Kenilworth are the most beautiful I ever
beheld. The castle was built at three different periods. The most
ancient northern part erroneously called Cæsar’s tower, was erected
about the year 1120, by Geoffroy de Clinton, and was a fortress during
the early inland strifes between the barons, the scene of many important
events. Towards the close of the fourteenth century, it fell into the
possession of John of Gaunt, who added to it the western and largest
wing, called after him Lancaster buildings. At a later period Queen
Elizabeth bestowed it upon her favourite, the Earl of Leicester, who, in
1571, erected the southern portion, called Leicester buildings; he also
built between two towers a tilting yard for tournaments, and erected
likewise, the large portico, which now is occupied as a dwelling. In
this palace he entertained his queen with a splendid feast, that lasted
seventeen days, and which is described in a particular book. After the
earl’s death, the castle with its extensive
domains, escheated to the crown. Cromwell partitioned it among several
of his officers, who drained the ditch, that circumscribed the greater
portion of the castle walls, and likewise destroyed the park, and
ultimately the castle, to sell the timber. Nothing but the tower,
containing the portico, remains standing, because one of the officers
occupied two rooms over the gateway, he turned this building into a
dwelling place. This is still to be seen, and is now inhabited by Lord
Clarendon’s agent, whose forefathers received a grant of this castle
from Charles II.
Through this building you enter the grounds belonging to the castle,
after passing through a file of beggarly children, who offer you a
description of the ruins for eighteen pence. Near the old house, called
Gateway, there is a sign saying that the chimney-piece may be seen for
sixpence. A tidy girl receives this stipend with a smart courtsey,
and opens the door leading into an old room; it is one of the two which
have been made out of the gateway. The chimney-piece was probably
transported from the castle during the sacking of it. It is of
alabaster, and bears the inscription, “Droit et Loyal,” and on
each side the initial letters R. L., Robert Leicester; beneath it
is Leicester’s coat of arms, surrounded by the order of the garter;
below is inscribed the year 1571, and the motto, Vivit post funera
virtus. Over the chimney-piece there is a square frame, containing
the initial letters E. R., Elizabeth Regina; in the centre of it
are holes, which lead one to believe that weapons were formerly fastened
in them.
The garden lies to the right of this building. Close thereto is the
dungeon, which stands on rising ground between the castle and the moat,
which is now transformed into meadow-ground, and it runs north, west,
and south, round the castle to the tilting ground. The bank of the moat
was lined by a wall, crowned with several towers, one of which was
called the Swan-tower. On the left hand one perceives a large yard, in
the rear of which are the out-houses, and behind them lie the fortified
walls with several towers. On ascending to the right of the castle, you
arrive at the grand court, which is now only encompassed on three sides
by ruins of edifices; of the buildings that were situated on the fourth
side, no trace is remaining. The first ruin that you discover on the
right is that called Cæsar’s tower; of this building, which was
quadrangular, three sides are still standing; the walls are on an
average sixteen feet thick. Here a flight of stairs lead to a door, now
built up, which opened to the garden. Here is the only fountain which
has as yet been discovered among the ruins. It is, like the whole
castle, built of red sandstone, and cut, farther down, out of the hard
rock; it is seventy feet deep, but is gradually filling up by the many
stones cast into it. The
kitchen adjoins Cæsar’s tower, and must have been a considerably large
building, but there are only a few remains of it. The place where the
furnaces and large kettles stood is still perceptible.
Adjoining the kitchen is the strong tower, forming the north-west
corner; it is here that the Lancaster buildings commence. In this tower,
which is also supported by uncommonly strong walls, are several
tolerably well preserved winding stairs, by means of which one can
ascend the walls to enjoy a fine and delightful prospect. Here are
likewise cellars, still in good condition. The corners of this tower
lead to small outer-towers provided with port-holes, which must have
served for the defence of the place. Left of this building you reach the
great hall. You observe in the basement story the servant’s hall,
vaulted and furnished with central columns, which support the broken
arches to the right and left. Over those arches is still to be seen
where the flooring of the grand banquet-hall stood. The windows of this
hall are very high, in a Gothic style, with columns in their centre. In
the recesses of the windows are still several stone benches, and there
are also two chimney-pieces to be seen in this hall. A smaller room
is connected with it, having likewise a fire-place, which served as a
chapel; and there is also a small closet, which the folks here call
Queen Elizabeth’s dressing-room.
The great hall forms the south-west corner of the castle, and the
ruins connected with it, belong to the southern wing. Close to the great
hall, there are two ruins, of which but little remains to be seen, the
first is called the white hall, the other the presence chamber. The so
called privy chamber is next to them, in which a window and fire-place
are still distinguishable; they say, that the chimney-piece, now in the
gate-house, was taken from this place. Here begins the newest part of
the castle, or the Leicester buildings. They consist of a large,
quadrangular tower, four stories high, in which the place for the
staircase, as well as the different stories, may still be clearly
distinguished. And here terminate these uncommonly interesting and
picturesque ruins, to the beauties of which the creeping ivy, which has
grown very thickly over them, adds considerably. Fortunately, Lord
Clarendon has forbidden, that any portion of the ruins should be taken
away, for previous to the prohibition of such an abuse, the peasantry
were in the habit of carrying away stones from the ruins to build their
houses and for repairing their garden-walls.
From Kenilworth I travelled five miles through a lovely country to
the town of Warwick, the capital of Warwickshire, to behold the Earl of
Warwick’s castle, at that place. Two miles from this town, lie the now
much visited and fashionable springs of Leamington, where with the
exception of the company, nothing
remarkable is to be seen. Warwick stands on stony heights, on the banks
of the river Avon, contains about nine thousand inhabitants, and though
a very ancient city, has a tolerably agreeable appearance. The principal
church has an ancient and venerable aspect, as also two gateways, the
remains of the old city walls, now standing in the middle of the
streets. The court-house is a new edifice, and as the town assizes were
then holding, several splendid equipages were drawn up in front of
I immediately afterwards proceeded to the castle close to the city.
It is a very old building, the foundation of which, it is said, was laid
before the conquest of England by the Normans; the walls and towers
still standing, which environ the court-yard of the castle, are said to
have been erected at that period. The castle stands upon a rock by the
bank of the Avon, and commands a view of a surprisingly romantic
country. At the foot of this ancient castle, at the water’s edge, are
the castle mills, which on account of their venerable appearance, and
the waterfall, caused by a dam in the river, greatly enhance the beauty
of the scene. Behind the mill are to be seen the ruins of a bridge which
led over the river, and is now overgrown with ivy. Quite in the back
ground, one discovers the new bridge over which the road from Leamington
runs. These groups produce an uncommonly pleasing prospect.
On approaching the castle from the city, you see a gate with a Gothic
tower, which serves as a habitation for the gate-keeper. Hence, after
inscribing your name in a book, you continue on your way to the castle.
This road leads through the park, and is mostly cut in the rock, the
sides of which are very picturesquely overgrown with ivy.
On attaining an open space, the whole castle stands in view; it is
approached over a stone bridge, through a gate furnished with a
portcullis, and then you find yourself in a spacious court-yard, the
castle standing to your left, in front, and to the right the lofty walls
that surround the court-yard, studded with towers. Grated gates lead
underneath the towers, to the park that surrounds the castle.
I entered the castle up a handsome spacious staircase, and there I
found the neat house-keeper, who for money and good words, shows
strangers the interior of the castle.
First you enter the great hall, the walls are lined with carved oak
wood, and ornamented with scutcheons and ancient arms, and with three
real colossal elk-horns, the largest of which was found in Ireland, and
the other two in America. From this hall there is a fine view into a
considerable suite of rooms, and from the windows
the charming prospect of the Avon, and the before-mentioned mills and
From the hall you proceed into the ante-room; here I admired
two paintings by Van Dyk; one represents a lady as large as life,
belonging to the Brooke family, with her son; the other is the portrait
of Queen Henrietta Maria, the consort of Charles the first. In the same
room is to be seen, the extremely handsome portrait of Queen Johanna of
Naples, by Raphael; also the portrait of the Marquis Spinola, armed
cap-à-pied, a painting of Rubens; the portrait of count Gondomar,
the Spanish ambassador, near the court of James I.,
a production of Don Diego Velasquez de Silva; and two very charming
landscapes, by Poussin, which however, require to be retouched. In the
same room there is a table inlaid in Florentine mosaic, two vases of
lava, several Etruscan vases and lances, which are to be seen in almost
all the rooms, a marble bust of the present Lord Warwick, by
Nollekens, and a book-case of tortoise shell inlaid with brass.
Adjoining this chamber is the cedar drawing-room, so called, because
the walls are wainscoted with cedar wood, which, notwithstanding its
antiquity, sends forth a charming odour. There is likewise in this room
a handsome fire-place, and a marble table, inlaid with lava. Among the
paintings are five by Van Dyk, viz. the Countess of Carlisle,
Charles I., the Duke of Alba, the Marquis of Montrose and the
landscape painter, Martin Ryckaerds. Beside these there is a Circe of
Guido, a very beautiful piece, and two paintings of less value, one
by Romney, representing the celebrated E. W. Montague in a Turkish
costume, and the other by Patoun, representing a muse.
Adjoining this hall there is a room, which, owing to the heavy
gildings on its walls, is called the gilt-room. Here are two paintings
by Rubens, the one of Lord Arundel, the collector of the celebrated
antiquities at Oxford, known by the name of the Arundelian marbles, and
the other representing St. Ignatius. This piece was painted by Rubens,
for the Jesuits College at Antwerp, and was transported hither from that
city. There is also a well painted portrait of Prince Rupert, by an
unknown artist, another of the Prince of Orange, by Holbein; the
portrait of a lady, by Sir Peter Lely; several of Vandyk’s productions,
one representing Admiral Russell, and another a Spanish General; by the
same master hand, the portraits of Charles I., Lord Northumberland,
Queen Henrietta Maria, two portraits of the celebrated Lord Stafford,
one of them representing this unfortunate statesman in his earlier, and
the other in his latter years, the portrait of Lord Warwick,
a full-size portrait of Prince Rupert, and another of the Marquis
of Huntley. Those portraits are altogether executed in a masterly
manner. The portrait of a lady, by Sir Peter Lely; two small Murillos,
one representing a girl with a pen, and the other a child, blowing
soap-bubbles; moreover, a portrait of Lord Lindsay of Charles 1st’s
time, by Cornelius Janssen,
and a Tintoretto, representing the Italian sage Davila. It it a pity
that several of these pictures hung in the shade, and that in the
usually clouded atmosphere of England, they cannot be properly seen. In
this as well as in the ante-room, were several vessels by Majolica,
ornamented with handsome paintings copied from drawings of Raphael.
You next proceed to the state bed-room, hung with old tapestry,
representing French gardens. The richly ornamented bed is said to have
been fitted up by the order of Queen Ann. It contains a bust of the
Black Prince in full armour by Wildon, and three paintings,
a full-size portrait of the Duchess Margaret of Parma, by Titian,
a family portrait by Sir Peter Lely, and a profile of the unhappy
Earl of Essex, done by Zucchero, an Italian painter, whom political
causes had driven from his native land to England, where he received
protection, patronage, and a friendly reception from Queen
Next to this room is the small state dressing-room, from the windows
of which there is an extensive and fine prospect. It contains a precious
collection of paintings; one by Paul Veronese; a very grand sketch
by Rubens, of the four evangelists; two old men’s heads by the same
master; two landscapes by Salvator Rosa; four Vandyk’s, consisting of
the second Earl of Bedford; tritons and sea-horses; a study;
a sketch of St. Sebastian, and a bacchanalian scene; two by Gerard
Douw, one an excellent portrait of a Mrs. Digby, abbess of a convent,
and the other an effect of light, representing an old woman eating; two
by Teniers, scenes of witches and the interior of a watch-house, hung
with armour; three Holbeins, the first a portrait of Luther, the second
the unfortunate Ann Boleyn, and the third her sister Catharine Boleyn,
aunt and tutress of Queen Elizabeth, and in the midst of these
portraits, that of Henry VIII. in his childhood. There are two pieces by
Steenwyck, one representing St. Peter in prison, and the other his
liberation therefrom. Portraits of two of Charles the second’s
mistresses are likewise to be seen here, as also a copy of a portrait of
Henry IV. of France, by Patoun.
A small cabinet, called the Compass Window, adjoins the just
mentioned apartment; it takes its name from a painted window. Among the
paintings in this room are a battle piece by Schut, a sea-storm by
Vandervelde, and several invaluable pieces.
From this cabinet you enter the chapel by a gallery which runs in the
rear of the before-mentioned room. I remarked in it a full-length
portrait of Charles I. on horseback, by Vandyk, and a half-length
portrait of Oliver Cromwell, by R. Walker. The chapel is rather
small, contains the arms of the Warwick family, and over the altar
Gothic ornaments, carved in wood.
On returning to the large hall, you reach the dining-room
through it. It is a splendid, large hall, containing an ancient marble
table, and three large portraits of the Prince of Wales, grandfather of
the present king, his consort a princess of Gotha, holding George III.
in baby-clothes on her lap; a Lord Brook, a copy by Patoun,
who, as preceptor to Lord Warwick, was more of an amateur than a
painter. These paintings are devoid of taste, and the best things about
them are their heavy gilt and ornamented frames. Over the portrait of
the princess are the arms of Saxony.
Adjoining the large hall is likewise the breakfast-room. In this room
are the following most excellently executed paintings: Charles 1st’s
children, by Vandyk, and a portrait of a female, by the same artist; two
lions, by Rubens; and a full-length portrait of Admiral Tromp, by
Rembrandt. Three paintings by an unknown master; the unfortunate Mary
Stuart, with her son as a child; a Lord Brooke, and Sir Philip
After I had inspected the castle, I passed out through a private gate
in the lofty wall of the castle-yard, and proceeded to the park over a
stone bridge that crosses the dry castle moat. Groves are beautifully
interspersed with bowling greens in this park; a solid pebbled path
takes you round the park in about half an hour. There are several fine
prospects, and the place is well stocked with evergreens, which during
the last winter, I had many opportunities of admiring in a state of
nature. Three years ago, while journeying for the first time through
Great Britain, I could not help admiring in the English parks, the
luxurious abundance of evergreens and their lovely growth; but after
beholding these plants in their native land, growing in their full
vigour, the most splendid English gardens dwindled into insignificance,
when compared with the beauties of nature in America. I observed a
number of fine lofty cedars of Lebanon, which are to be found in most of
the extensive English gardens. In this park there is also a very large
hot-house, the plants raised in which are now elegantly distributed
throughout the garden. In this hot-house I perceived the celebrated
antique vase, the copy of which, in bronze, I had seen at Mr.
Thomason’s in Birmingham. This remarkable antique was found not far from
Hadrian’s Villa in the vicinity of Tivoli. It was first purchased by Sir
William Hamilton, then English ambassador at Naples, who sold it to the
late Lord Warwick. It is of white marble, round in form, and will hold
one hundred and sixty-three gallons. It has two handles of entwined vine
branches, which with their elegant leaves and heavy clusters of grapes,
wind themselves round the upper part of the vase. On the under part is
seen the panther’s skin, and on it several well finished heads of
satyrs, as well as several thyrsus and augur staves. The vase is in a
state of high
preservation, and only one satyr’s head is replaced; the remaining
ornaments are not in the least injured.
During my walk through the park, I passed along the bank of the Avon,
which runs at the foot of the rock, on which the castle is built. On a
small black slate, attached to the rock, there is an inscription,
stating that a young man, one of the Bagot family, was drowned there
while bathing. The unfortunate father has erected this little monument
to the memory of his son. On my return to the castle, I ascended
one of the towers, called Gay’s tower, about one hundred and fifty feet
high; this tower is very well preserved, and is provided with
fortifications. In the interior there is a small room, and from the top
of the tower there is a fine and extensive prospect.
On my return to the city, the stage for Stratford-on-Avon was about
starting; I took a seat, and after eight miles journey, found
myself once more on the grand turnpike leading from Birmingham to
Stratford is a small, inconsiderable, ill-built town, but celebrated
as the birth place of Shakspeare. One
of the smallest houses bears the following inscription, “in this house
the great Shakspeare was born.” It is now a butcher’s stall and belongs
to strangers, to whom Shakspeare’s posterity were compelled by poverty
to dispose of it. It is said that he was born in a room of the Upper
story; in this apartment are several old pieces of furniture, the
existence of which they flatteringly endeavour to trace from the days of
Shakspeare, also a poor portrait of the poet, and a copy of his will;
and a spectacle case made of the wood of a mulberry tree, which they say
was planted by him.
At Stratford I took a post-chaise, proceeded on my journey, and at
ten o’clock in the evening reached Oxford, which is thirty-nine miles
from Stratford. I took up my lodgings in the Star Hotel. As I had
seen Oxford three years previous, I merely sojourned there half a
day, with the intention of beholding once more, in the Bodleïan Library,
the lovely portrait of the unfortunate Mary Stuart, painted by Zucchero,
and which had formerly pleased me so much that I considered it as the
best likeness I had ever seen of that interesting woman.
I therefore proceeded to that library: I hurried through the
library hall, but made a much longer stay in the gallery of paintings.
The sight of the portrait of Mary Stuart renewed all my old impressions,
and I gazed intently upon it for a considerable time with the greatest
pleasure. I likewise remarked a collection of seven paintings by
Schalk, effects of light, representing the seven mortal sins, very well
painted, moreover a number of pieces by English painters, and a number
of portraits of the patrons and benefactors of the university, of its
chancellors, and several of the most celebrated literati
who had resided in the university. Also a few by Holbein, among which,
the portraits of Luther and Erasmus, pleased me the most.
A full-length likeness of Charles XII. of Sweden, by Schroeder, is
uncommonly well finished; of the same size, and next to it, hangs the
portrait of Frederic William I. King of Prussia. The physiognomy of
the former, and the entire form, are expressive of the great and
original genius of that monarch; there is something abhorrent, pedantic,
and tyrannical in the features of the latter.
The library contains several models of Grecian architecture, which
are skilful imitations in plaster; also a model of the Parthenon at
Athens, which very agreeably recalled to my mind Philadelphia and the
Bank of the United States. Here is likewise to be seen a model of the
Amphitheatre of Verona, cut in cork, and an elegant collection of the
Elgin marble bas reliefs, well imitated in plaster. A full-length
statue of one of the Lords of Warwick, in bronze, representing him in a
warlike costume, is also well worthy of the attention of travellers.
After having here satisfied my curiosity, I went to the Radcliff
Library, which is built in the form of a cupola, in order to enjoy a
view of the city from its roof. Fortunately the weather was very clear,
which seldom occurs in England, and as there are no manufactories and
steam-engines in Oxford, the atmosphere is not obscured by coal smoke.
The city, owing to its ancient university and churches, has a singular
appearance, and though I had seen during my travels a great many cities,
still I found none to be compared with Oxford. The university, its
twenty colleges, and five halls, have the appearance of so many old
castles: such is also the appearance of the Bodleïan Library, that
stands near the Radcliff library. In the court-yard of the former, there
is a gate, in which the five orders of architecture are placed over each
other, which produces a strange effect. Near the gate are four Tuscan
pillars, over these four Doric, above these four Ionic, and again over
these four Corinthian, and this strange conjunction is terminated by
four Roman columns. Two columns are always joined together. Between the
fourth row, the statue of James I. stands in a niche, next which,
on the right, as I believe, there is a Minerva, and on the left the
university is personified by a kneeling figure, to whom the learned king
most graciously tenders his own works. Four thousand students are said
to belong to the university, but there were very few then present, it
being vacation time. Therefore the city with its ancient buildings,
looked rather dull.
At twelve o’clock, noon, on the 19th of July, I left Oxford in the
post-chaise, and proceeded to London, which although fifty-eight miles
from Oxford, I reached in six hours. It is incredible
how fast one travels on this route and how quick they change horses.
I was by chance enabled to retain the chaise all the way from
Oxford to Hounslow. The moment I arrived at a post-house, a servant
came instantly to demand, whether I wished to stop or proceed; no sooner
did I answer in the affirmative, than he would call out for horses, and
the whole proceeding lasted at the utmost one minute. The leader was
brought out, ready harnessed, and put to; the postillion followed on the
saddle-horse from the stable, and remained in the saddle while they were
gearing the horses; the stable boy then requested his fee, and off we
went. During this journey, I was only detained three minutes at
each post. They charge for carriage and horses, eighteen pence a mile,
and the drink-money, three pence per mile. Since my journeying in this
country three years previous, postage had been raised three pence.
The road lay through a cultivated and woody country, and we traversed
several rising grounds. We passed many fine large country-seats,
surrounded by extensive parks. From Salt Hill, which is a very pretty
little place, there is on the right, a charming view of the castle
of Windsor, two miles distant, on the lofty round tower of which was
displayed the royal standard as a sign that the king was there. The
castle has really a very imposing appearance. The large Gothic church of
Eton College, recalled unpleasant recollections to my mind. For on my
visit to this college, three years past, they showed me on a shelf a
number of elegantly tied, long birch rods, with which youth, engaged
there in study, are flogged, and for the supply of which, a regular
contract is made with the steward. In a handsome village, called Slough,
stands the dwelling of the celebrated German astronomer, Herschel; there
is still to be seen in the garden, the stand supporting the telescope,
forty-eight feet long, by five feet in diameter, with which Herschel
made his great astronomical discoveries. Hounslow is a charming town,
and very lively, owing to its proximity to London. The number of stages
and other carriage, which I met with in this neighbourhood, is scarcely
to be credited. This concourse of vehicles, and afterwards the multitude
of country-seats, which follow one another in rapid succession, together
with the chain of towns, that continually present themselves, indicated
clearly, that I was approaching the greatest city in Europe, and perhaps
in the world. I remarked in Hammersmith and in Kensington,
a considerable number of new and handsomely built houses, that had
been erected within the last three years. We drove through Hyde Park
into Piccadilly street, and thence into Albemarle street, where I found
excellent quarters in Grillion’s hotel.
I made a stay of six days in London. To speak of the
circle of my acquaintance in which I moved during my residence in this
bustling city, would ill become this book, and to make any mention of
London itself would be both useless and superfluous. Consequently,
I shall present but a few particulars.
Whoever is obliged to make many visits to London, or whose business
takes him to many houses, loses an enormous quantity of time; to him one
day is as nothing. From my hotel to Mr. Goeman’s,II.40 who resides in
the city, in the neighbourhood of the East India company’s stores, it
took me three quarters of an hour. At first to a stranger, a walk
of this kind is by no means tedious, on account of the great and strange
bustle surrounding him. In the stirring part of the city there is a
store in almost every house, and as the English are known to possess
much taste in displaying their wares, these stores have an amusing,
interesting, and charming appearance. In most of the streets the
pavement had been cast aside, and the streets were Macadamised; an
improvement which is both beneficial to those who ride, and to the
poor-built houses, which, owing to the rolling of heavy carriages along
the pavement, were dreadfully shaken. I had long been aware that
several merchants and tradesmen decorated their signs with the names of
those members of the royal family, by whom they were particularly
patronised, viz. corset inventress to the Dutchess of Kent, &c.;
this time I remarked in Knight’s bridge, on my way to Kensington,
a sign bearing the inscription of “only purveyor of asses milk to
the royal family.” Through the medium of Mr. Goeman, I received
from the celebrated engineer Brunel, an admission to visit the new
tunnel, under the Thames; it was a five miles drive from my lodgings.
The entrance is near the church of Rotherhithe. To commence the work
they had to dig a round pit seventy-five feet deep, above twenty feet in
diameter, and walled in with bricks. In the centre of this pit they have
constructed a quadrangular wooden scaffold. On this is erected a pumping
machine, by which the spring water that gushes out from the tunnel, is
pumped off. The water collects itself in a basin under the scaffold. The
ejection of it is accomplished by means of an iron pump, which draws off
the water from the basin, and forces it into an iron tube, which passes
out from the pit. Another pump and tube is in reserve to be immediately
used, in case the former should require repair. In the interior of this
scaffold there are two buckets, to hoist the earth from out the tunnel,
one of which comes up filled while the other goes down empty. These
buckets have four small iron wheels, and rest upon a board. The moment
it reaches the top, it is received by a workman, who
carries it twenty feet along a railway, to the place for depositing the
earth, and after emptying it carries it back on its board; that it may
be let down while the other is coming up filled. The place, into which
the earth is thrown, is a large wooden receiver, which is erected in the
manner of a bridge. In the bottom of this receiver are several holes,
which can be opened and closed by means of slides. The wagons destined
for carrying away the earth, drive underneath such a hole, the slide
then is drawn back, and the wagon is filled with earth and drives off.
Up to this time none but silicious earth has been dug out of the tunnel,
and this was appropriated to the filling up of the swampy ground, near
Southwark. But now they find clay, which is used in burning bricks. The
machinery, by which the buckets are hoisted and lowered, and that moves
the pump, is set in motion by a species of steam-engine, called the
expansive engine, an invention of Mr. Brunel. I did not perfectly
comprehend its mechanism, and could only perceive that it occupies a
very small space, and acts with great facility; there are two boilers
and two machines, one of which is unemployed, but can immediately be set
in motion, whenever any thing happens to the other, so that nothing may
stop the work.
Around the wooden scaffold, stairs run down to the bottom of the pit.
My guide, Mr. Armstrong, who inspects the work under Mr. Brunel’s
direction, conducted me. When arrived at the bottom of the pit, we found
ourselves at the entrance of the tunnel, which then ran already, one
hundred and twenty feet under ground, to the bed of the Thames. It was
conceived that about one-third part of the work had been completed. The
tunnel consists of two vaults for two passages, one of them is for
carriages passing in, and the other for those going out. Along the
partition wall of those two vaults, there is on each side a somewhat
elevated side-walk for pedestrians; this wall is open in some places in
order to admit of a communication between both walks. It is lighted by
means of portable gas, which is contained in copper barrels.
The manner that the work is conducted, cannot be clearly explained
without a drawing. The scaffold, upon which the workmen stand who are
employed in digging out the earth, consists of thirty-six small boxes,
lying in three rows above each other. This scaffold is at the end of the
tunnel, and rests exactly against the earth to be taken away. There are
three men in each box, one to break the ground with a pick-axe, the
other to shovel it out of the box, and the third to throw it on a cart,
in which it is carried into the pit, whence it is raised in the buckets.
For the safety of the workmen, cross-timbers are used to prop up the
earth that is to be dug out. The first workman, on beginning
his excavation, removes the upper beam and hacks out the earth behind
it; which done, he takes away the second beam, and removes the second
tier of earth, then the third, &c. If sufficient earth, about a foot
wide, has been dug away from behind the first box, then the two boxes
adjoining, begin the same operation. During this time the masons are not
idle; for they continue working in the same proportion at the vault
which has to support the earth above the tunnel. When, however, all the
earth before the whole scaffold has been taken away, it is moved forward
by means of steel screws. Both above and below the scaffold there are
iron plates, with sharp edges, to facilitate the moving of it. On this
plan the work proceeds at the rate of two feet in twenty-four hours; it
is hoped that it would be completed in two years time; they have been
over a year already working at it. I regret very much my not having
met with Mr. Brunel, who is likewise the inventor of the block-machine
at Portsmouth, and other very useful engines.
In Leicester square there were two fine panoramas; one representing
the city of Edinburgh, and the other that of Mexico;II.41 the
former panoramic view was taken from Caltonhill, and I recognized every
place, owing to my having been there three years previous. In beholding
the second, I regretted anew that my affairs during the last winter
did not permit me to undertake a journey to Mexico. The beautiful blue
sky reminded me of the happy days I passed in New Orleans, and I
recognized the lofty Andes from the description, which I have so often
read of them. Mexico deserves, if I am to judge from the panorama, to be
called the city of palaces, as it is generally styled. In order to give
an idea of the manners of the people, the artist gives a representation
of the circus on the great square during the time of a bull-fight, and
not far from it a procession.
At Regent’s place a diorama was to be seen. You are conducted into a
pretty dark round saloon, and you perceive there, through a square hole,
a painting that is lighted in a manner which cannot be discovered.
The painting represents a church in Scotland called Rosslyn chapel. You
seem to be at the entrance of the church, and you see that the sun darts
his beams from the side and causes multifarious shades, on account of
the bushes and trees in front of the windows of the church. In the rear
of the church you see a small door, leading to a yard, planted with
underwood, and in the back ground, a Gothic building. By and by the
sun disappears, and you perceive by the effect of light, that a storm is
approaching; then you see the effect of rain, and after this disappears,
you enjoy the finest sunshine. The illusion is so perfect,
that you seem to hear the rain. In the interior of the church several
objects are represented with the greatest accuracy, viz. a part of
a scaffold, to which ropes are attached, a basket with tools,
&c. The Gothic pillars of the church display a particularly handsome
After having contemplated this painting for a considerable time,
a signal is given with a bell. The floor on which the spectators
stand, turns to another opening through which you have a view of the
city of Rouen, in France. Now the same effects of light as in the other
piece are displayed, and you imagine yourself to be in the place, which
is represented to your sight. But the first piece made the best
impression on me. The finest part of this diorama is the representation
of interior parts of buildings.
I was delighted at the fine view of the newly-finished buildings of
Regent’s park, the construction of which was begun during my visit three
years ago. This new quarter consists of palaces. At Mr. Ackermann’s
store I enjoyed a sight of the greatest variety of fancy articles. It is
only to be regretted that the works published at his establishment are
so very expensive. I had the pleasure of becoming personally
acquainted with Mr. Ackermann, this venerable philanthropist is plain in
appearance, but is very interesting in his conversation. He spoke much
with me about my happily finished travels, and invited me to his
country-seat; but I was obliged to decline this invitation on account of
the short time which remained at my disposal. I next visited the
store of another German, a cutler and manufacturer of surgical
instruments, Mr. Weiss; he is a native of Rostock, but already more than
thirty years established in this city, and particularly in making
surgical instruments, he is said to be the first manufacturer in
England. He showed me several apparatus and instruments, among which
there was one for removing a stone, without the necessity of performing
the operation of cutting. He showed me the cast of a stone as large as a
chesnut, which had been extracted from the bladder of a man, without any
cutting operation. Moreover, he showed me a poison pump of his own
invention, by means of which, poisons that have been swallowed, may be
extracted from the stomach. This machine consists of a brass tube which
contains the pump; to this is attached a long tube of elastic gum, which
terminates in a sack of the same substance provided with holes. This
tube is passed through the throat into the stomach, and when the sack
has entered the stomach, the poison is pumped through the flexible tube
into the brass one. By turning the handle of the pump the gum tube is
closed; then it is forced down again, by means of which another valve on
the other side of the brass tube opens, and to this another elastic tube
is attached, through which the extracted poison
is ejected. Then the handle is turned a second time, which closes this
valve and opens the first one, leading to the tube that is fixed in the
stomach, and the operation is continued until no poison is left in the
Mr. Weiss told me, that some weeks ago, by means of this instrument, his
son had saved the life of a girl, who had taken a considerable dose of
arsenic in a fit of amorous desperation.
The English nobility give, at certain times, in the British
institution, Pallmall street, a public exhibition of their
collections of precious paintings. Just now there was the king’s
collection of paintings from his palace, Carlton-house, because they
were about to demolish this palace, and in its place erect an edifice
after the model of the Parthenon at Athens, which is calculated to
contain the works of English artists. This is a fine idea, and certainly
encouraging for the artists of this nation, but it is a pity that it
causes the destruction of this elegant palace. The British institution
is a building which consists of three large halls, and which receive
their light from above. The collection mostly contained paintings of
Flemish artists, some English, and a few Italian and French. There were
seven pieces by Rubens, amongst which I particularly noticed his own
likeness and that of his first wife, finished in the same manner as
those in the collection of Mr. Schamp at Ghent, and at Warwick Castle;
besides these, a landscape with figures, representing the history
of St. George, with the portraits of Queen Henrietta Maria and
Charles I. for whom it was done. Seven paintings by Vandyk, among
which the portraits of Charles I. in three views, which his lady
had sent to the statuary Bernini at Rome, to finish the bust of the king
therefrom. A sketch, studies of horses and horsemen, of remarkable
value, and a full-size portrait of Gaston de France, and two portraits
of Queen Henrietta Maria, which, like that of her unfortunate husband,
I might call unavoidable, because it is to be found almost in every
collection of paintings in England. I found seven pieces by
Rembrandt, among which were several excellent portraits, and his own;
they were all easily distinguished by his particular colouring. Fourteen
paintings by Teniers, collections of people; small portraits;
a view of the towns of Holland, and a couple of landscapes, one of
which represents likewise, the artist, his wife, and his gardener;
a real ornament to this collection. One of these pieces,
representing a village festival, had been on the artist’s harpsichord.
I admired two other pieces, in the same style, by J. Ostade,
and seven by A. Ostade; six by Jan Steen. One of the latter, very
excellently finished, represented an elderly man, just rising from bed,
who is listening to the reproaches of a young girl, for his
niggardliness; she holds forth to him a trifle of money, and an old
woman is urging him to be more generous. Four effects of light, by
Schalken, and a portrait by Holbein, are likewise worthy of attention.
Nine pieces by Wouverman are easily distinguished by the white horses,
representing skirmishes and country scenes. Seven pictures by Mieris are
to be known by their fine keeping. Three pieces are by G. Douw, one
by Slingelandt, and five by Metzu. A landscape by Ruisdael, and two
by Hobbema, attracted my particular attention, as well as eleven pieces
by Vandevelde, representing sea-pieces, landscapes, and views of several
cities of Holland; two of the latter are finished by him and
Vanderheyden jointly; I observed likewise, four very fine pieces by
Vanderwerff, one of them representing the Roman Mercy, the other a
concert, the third Lot with his daughters, and the fourth two
The collection is likewise rich in paintings of animals; there are
four capital works by G. Potter, one of them representing two hogs,
as true as if they were living. A piece by Hondekoeter,
representing a chicken, belongs likewise to this class, as well as ten
pieces by Cuyp, in which the landscapes are very well finished. Among
these I enjoyed particularly a camp-scene with a horseman in the
fore-ground, engaged in currying his horse. Six very good pieces, by
Berghem ought not to be omitted, nor a handsome sea-piece by Buckhuizen,
with a view of Briel in the back-ground.
Besides these pieces, there is a good collection of other paintings
of the same school, but it would lead me too far, to mention them all.
From other schools there are but a few and of less value.
A landscape with sheep, by Titian; Christ taken down from the
Cross, by Michael Angelo and Venusti, and another piece by Gonzalez.
Among the paintings of modern times, I found the portrait of
Garrick and his wife, by Hogarth; a domestic scene, by Greuze, and
several pieces of an Italian painter, Zeffani. One of them, which has
become more generally known by the copperplate of Bartolozzi, represents
the Royal Academy of London, and the other the Gallery of Florence, with
the portraits of several Englishmen of note, who sojourned at that time
in Florence. By the same artist I saw two pieces, representing the
interior of two royal palaces, with the children of George III. and
their mother. These tasteless pieces, compared with the before-mentioned
elegant paintings, make an unpleasant impression. I saw eight
pieces by Sir Joshua Reynolds, among which his own portrait and two
full-size portraits of the Portuguese Chief Marshal Count von der Lippe,
and of the English General Marquis of Granby. These two pieces are
masterly works, and full of expression. You distinguish in the
countenance of Count von der Lippe and in his whole posture, his
profound and enterprising
spirit, and in the features of Lord Granby his great benevolence, which
procured him in the army the name of the soldier’s friend. The features
of the count excite respect, while those of the lord claim your
attachment. I was much less pleased with the historical pieces of
Sir Joshua. The most handsome of the newer paintings was undoubtedly the
interior of the choir of a Capuchin chapel by the French painter Granet.
The expression of the countenances of the monks is unparalleled; in some
you see piety, in others listlessness; another couple make sport of the
exceeding piety of a monk, kneeling in the middle of the hall; the
countenance of a young, tall, stout monk, is the personification of
fanaticism. Near the altar stands a monk in the sacerdotal habit, with
two choristers and tapers in their hands, the monk singing a hymn. The
light is very well executed; it enters through a large window in the
back ground, and makes a fine effect on the bare crown of the head and
the gray beard of the priest. I think this piece one of the finest
of the whole collection. I saw here a great many gentlemen and
ladies, and it is said to be fashionable to visit this splendid gallery
in the afternoon.
On the 26th of July, (the anniversary of the day on which I first
landed on American ground at Boston,) I went to the custom-house
for the purpose of taking passage for Ostend on board the steam-boat
Earl of Liverpool, Captain Peak, which was laying there at anchor. At
the custom-house I was quite surprised. I expected to see the
splendid, newly-erected palace for the offices of the custom-house, the
same which, three years ago, I had admired so much, and instead of
it, found nothing but ruins. They said that the foundation had not been
well enough examined upon which the custom-house had been built by
contract; the building cracked, the large, splendid hall was near
falling down, and in order to prevent this accident, they were obliged
to demolish the centre building; both wings of the building were yet
supported by beams, but they soon will have to demolish them likewise,
in order to build an entirely new house. The gentleman who made the
contract to have the house built, lays the blame of this bad work upon
the architect, and he upon a commission, under whose control he
The Earl of Liverpool, of one hundred and thirty tons, with two
engines, left London at eleven o’clock, A. M., and on the next
morning at six o’clock I landed at Ostend. At four o’clock, P. M.
I proceeded by the way of Bruegge to Ghent. During this journey I
remembered an observation which I had heard frequently in America, that
upon an American visiting Europe for the first time, nothing makes a
greater impression than the old monuments, which trace the time past for
many centuries, and which are a proof of the prosperity and good taste
of preceding
generations. I found this observation perfectly true, by my own
feelings on returning from America, which exhibits none but new objects,
and has nothing but a bustling present struggling for future
On the 28th of July, at four o’clock, P. M., I arrived at Ghent.