Editor: Charles D. Hornig
Published | 10 cents a copy |
Monthly | $1.00 per year |
137 West Grand Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey
Volume 1 | September, 1933 | Number 1 |
Every fantasy fiction magazine says: "This is YOUR magazine." Most fans like this phrase, for it provides a very welcome personal feeling on the part of the readers toward these magazines. The business of these publishers is to produce a high-class brand of fantasy, according to the wishes of the fans, many of whom claim that the readers' letters in each issue are well worth the price of the book. THE FANTASY FAN is for such people—those who feel a sense of participation when they read the opinions of others on science and weird fiction, and have their own letters published. The sole purpose of THE FANTASY FAN is to strengthen the bond between the fans, and advance the popularity of fantasy fiction in every way possible. We will do our part by publishing interesting and absorbing articles by the leading fan writers and authors of the day—many dozens of which we now have on hand; occasionally an exceptionally good short story; poetry; and all sorts of regular monthly departments. We will also feature a cash prize contest every month as an incentive to you, the fans, to show your enthusiasm. Remember one thing, YOU control THE FANTASY FAN. You will get everything that you want within our power, and what you do not like will be kept out of our pages. There are several advantages you have in reading THE FANTASY FAN. Besides choosing your articles, you can submit your own. We will gladly consider any of your original material for publication, and if it is accepted, you will be paid for it. Participate in our cash contests, which, you will note, are simplicity itself. You can ask us questions about fantasy fiction, and we will answer them free of charge in our 'Information' department. You can have your letters printed, criticizing THE FANTASY FAN. If you want to make pen pals, let us know, and we will list your name in our 'Penpals Wanted' column. Watch our department, 'The Boiling Point,' in which the most radical arguments will be carried on. Come to 'The Boiling Point' and present your side of the controversy. Your suggestions are welcome. You are an associate editor—flood us with letters. We have told you our part. We can accomplish these things and make THE FANTASY FAN bigger and better each month ONLY WITH YOUR HELP! If you have not yet subscribed, do so now, and insure yourself of a monthly copy. There are only a limited number printed. If you do not intend to subscribe, send us your dime for the next issue within a week. Well, here's hoping THE FANTASY FAN grows and grows, and someday you will be proud to say: "I was one of the earliest readers!" Stick with us. Look for more pages, a colored cover and illustrations in the near future.
We wish to give our sincere thanks to all those who have so kindly written in and expressed their hope that THE FANTASY FAN will prosper.
From that supreme master of the weird and occult, Clark Ashton Smith, we hear: "I am vastly interested to learn of your plans for THE FANTASY FAN. I enclose dollar bill, for which please enroll me on your roster at once. The magazine should fill a definite need…. Of course, I shall be glad to give you any help that lies in my power. Imaginative fiction, particularly the weird and occult, is my chief interest. I hope that the public for it, and the publications devoted to it, will increase in number with the lightening of the present depression."
Allen Glasser writes: "The name you have chosen, THE FANTASY FAN, seems far better to me than anything previously used in this line, since it is all-inclusive and embraces the entire field of weird, fantastic, and scientific fiction. With that title, the mag has a good start toward success—and I certainly hope it attains it!"
From Conrad H. Ruppert we learn that; "You never get anywhere if you don't try anything. I certainly wish you all the success in the world, and will do my best to help."
Brief, but ever welcome, is the message from Mortimer Weisinger: "Best of luck in your venture."
Julius Schwartz also drops a line: "With all the articles you have, THE FANTASY FAN should get along quite well."
This column would not be complete without a good word from that super-active fan, Forrest J. Ackerman, who says: "I'm looking forward to every number of THE FANTASY FAN. Good luck!"
We have received many other letters on the same trend. They encourage us, and we appreciate them. We know you feel the same way. Boost THE FANTASY FAN to your friends.
Have you any original fan material you would like us to print? Anything you submit will be carefully considered. All accepted material will be paid for in copies of TFF—we hope, later, in cash.
In this department each month we will answer your questions concerning science and weird fiction. Do you want to know when and where a certain story was first printed?—who wrote a certain story?—the date and a list of stories of the first issue of a magazine?—a list of your favorite author's stories?—anything at all that you would like to know. This column may clear up many doubtful points in your mind, and you are free to use it.
Each month we shall award a one dollar bill for the best answer to the simple questions that we ask. The best answer to
"Why do you read fantasy fiction?"
will win this month. Simple, isn't it? Entries will be judged entirely on the interest and convincing qualities. Do not go over 100 words. All entries must be in our office by Thursday, August 17. If you would rather have a one year subscription to THE FANTASY FAN (in the case that you do not already subscribe) let us know. This contest is too easy for you to pass up. You have never had an easier opportunity of winning a dollar!
(Try to answer these questions to test your knowledge of fantasy fiction. The answers will appear in the next issue.)
1. What was Dr. Keller's first story?
2. In what stories did Tom Jenkins appear?
3. What author writes mostly of Central and South America?
4. What story explained the fairy myth scientifically?
5. Who wrote "Dr. Hackensaw's Secrets"?
Join the Jules Verne Prize Club, for the advancement of science fiction, for details write to:
Raymond A. Palmer
4331 North 27th Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Drury D. Sharp's first story, "The Goddess of the Painted Priests," in the April, 1929 Weird, was the only one where his first name was spelled out…. Years ago, Weird would occasionally print the illustration with the installment of a story that had been the cover picture of the first installment the month before…. The last issue of Astounding had two illustrations by Marchionni—the only issue so honored, and a story named "The End of Time," the title of a story in Wonder two years ago…. Speaking about reprints! Believe it or not, the March, 1933 Amazing contained four of them! Only—these reprints were letters which appeared in the February number…. Among the oddities of science fiction should go down the March, 1933 Wonder Stories. This issue was the first Wonder not to contain an installment of a serial. The narrow band on the top of the cover, which had a motto for Wonder since April, 1930, for the first time in its history did not contain such but instead the name of a story in the mag…. The November, 1931 Astounding was the only issue to have a few words in quotations on the cover. They were: "And then his skeleton appeared!"… "Faster Than Light," by J. Harvey Haggard in the October, 1930 Wonder Stories was announced as "Beyond the Universe" in the previous issue…. If any person doubts that Forrest J. Ackerman is the most active science fiction fan—let him look into the Discussions of the April 1933 Amazing. Three of his letters appear. Yea, verily, "An issue without Forrest's letter is incomplete" … more next month….
by Julius Schwartz
It is a peculiar, but nevertheless well-founded fact, that there is something magnetic in fantastic fiction that will attract the reader as no other type of fiction can. One of the consequences resulting from the reading of this absorbing and fascinating type of fiction is that the fantasy fan feels the urge to save and collect fantasy stories, and will, indeed, go to extreme ends to make his collection complete as possible.
But how is he to go about accumulating a good, worthy collection?
The first rule is simple: collect all the fantastic fiction that is appearing in the current magazines. Wonder Stories, Amazing Stories and their quarterlies, and Science Fiction are the current magazines that specialize in the printing of science fiction, probably the most popular type of fantastic fiction.
However, without a shadow of a doubt the foremost magazine that specializes in fantastic fiction is Weird Tales. Its editor, Farnsworth Wright, insists that the stories appearing there be of high literary quality, and thus we find that many stories have copped honorable mentions in O'Brien's list of the best stories of the year and in the O'Henry Memorial Prize list. The range of Weird Tales comprises every type of fantastic fiction: from the occult to science fiction, from ghost stories to the supernatural, from voodoo thrillers to vampire tales, from werewolf yarns to reincarnation, and from the mystic to the physic.
Other current magazines may occasionally print fantasyarns. Keep an eye on Argosy, Blue Book, Magic Carpet, Ten Detective Aces, Dime Detective, Thrilling Adventures, Doc Savage, the Science Fiction Digest, and The Fantasy Fan, and, in truth, any of the detective, air, and adventure magazines.
(Next month Mr. Schwartz takes up the more difficult tasks in the collecting of fantasy fiction. No collector should miss this series.)
Boost The Fantasy Fan to your pals.
1—Allen Glasser
Allen Glasser has had stories published in more than a dozen different mags—but only two of them were science fiction. Therefore, his claim to fame in the latter field must rest mainly on his activities as a fan.
Glasser's first effort in behalf of science fiction was the founding of The Scienceers, a fan club, early in 1930. For his work in this connection, he was awarded a prize by Science Wonder Quarterly.
During 1931 he began a one-man campaign for more scientifilms, having coined that term himself. He wrote to various producers and magazines on this subject, and he believes he really started something.
In January, 1932, he became editor of The Time Traveller, science fiction's first fan magazine, and conducted it successfully (for himself) during its brief career. He also founded the Fantasy Fan Fraternity in this period.
In addition to his fan activities, he has several other items to his credit in connection with science fiction. He won third prize in Wonder Quarterly's Interplanetary Plot Contest, his story, "The Martian," appearing in their Winter 1932 edition. A poem of his was published in the Summer 1933 issue of Amazing Quarterly; and a short story, "Across the Ages," in the August-September 1933 Amazing Stories. He has also had two articles on science fiction in The Author & Journalist, a prominent writers' magazine. They were "Wells Started It," published September, 1932, and "The Wane of Science Fiction" which appeared last June.
Despite the pessimistic title of his last named work, Glasser still has strong faith and deep interest in science fiction—as proven by his contributions to THE FANTASY FAN.
He may not have the beautiful vocabulary of Clark Ashton Smith, the ironic humor of Stanton A. Coblentz, the psychology of Dr. Keller, or the science of John W. Campbell, Jr., but it is our sincere belief that Allen Glasser is one of science fiction's potential authors.
(Another in this series will soon appear.)
In this department will be discussed news of any science fiction or weird story club and their activities. If you belong to a club devoted to fantasy, tell us about it, and we will let the rest of the readers know. Some may want to join your club.
For the benefit of those fans that would like to belong to a science fiction club, but have not as yet had the opportunity to join, we wish to make an important announcement. Allen Glasser, former editor of The Time Traveller, had formed a club for his readers named "Fantasy Fan's Fraternity." Because of the discontinuance of The Time Traveller, the club became unorganized. We are happy to inform you, however, that Mr. Glasser wishes to re-organize this association with the readers of THE FANTASY FAN as members. There will be no dues in the new club. Every loyal fan should join. For particulars write direct to Mr. Allen Glasser at 1610 University Ave., New York City and we'll wager you will never regret it.
Forrest J. Ackerman, the world's most active, science fiction fan, is a member of the British Science Fiction Club, and he has this to say about it:
The membership is one dollar a year. Some of the advantages received in return are: the magazine-book service, and Book Information Department; the general scientific information bureau, and correspondence between BSFC members of oversea clubs. In time, a monthly magazine of the club is hoped to be produced to be solely the work of the members. The Society is affiliated with the International Scientific Association of America. Professor J. Graham Kerr, J.P., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology in the University of Glasgow, is an honorary Member of the Society, and Dr. C. G. Jung, because of his distinguished contributions to the Literature of Psychology, and Hugo Gernsback, well-known editor of Wonder Stories, both of whom have expressed great interest in the work of the Association, have been nominated for new Honorary Members. Officers are: J. R. Elliot, Esq., 46, Ascot Gardens, Southall, Middlesex, England (President), and P. Enever, Esq., "Rosemead," High Road, Hayes, Middlesex, England (Hon. Secretary). The method to be followed in sending in an application is as follows: in ink or type give 1. Full name; 2. Full address; 3. Age in years and months; 4. Your hobby (if any); 5. The names of the science fiction magazines you read; 6. Your scientific pursuits and interests. State what subscriptions you inclose. (It is desirable, though not necessary if you are unable to afford it, to send your dollar for the year.) Sign at the bottom, and submit.
by Mortimer Weisinger
"The Second Deluge" by Garret P. Serviss has always had a hold on me. I have re-read it so many times that the characters in this tale seem to be real people. When Garret P. Serviss, a world famous scientist, couples his knowledge with vivid imagination, the result is sure to be something decidedly unique, and "The Second Deluge" was a truly amazing tale. The colorful descriptions and gripping action of this exciting narrative make it one that is not soon forgotten.
Every month in this column will appear the names of those that desire penpals. PC after a name means via postcard. If you want to correspond with other lovers of science and weird fiction, send us your name and we will print it free of charge.
Bob Tucker, P.O. Box 260,
Bloomington, Illinois. PC
Only the hottest of controversies will be printed in this column—radical arguments that will bring your blood to 'The Boiling Point.' We start this department off by presenting one of the most blasphemous articles it has been our pleasure to read. It is by Forrest J. Ackerman, and he calls it
'A Quarrel With Clark Ashton Smith'
No doubt this will be the commencement of a lively discussion between the readers. It is the editor's intention to print the most interesting arguments on both sides of the case. I have this to say: it seems to me that Wonder Stories is going far afield when it takes such a horror story as Mr. Smith's "Dweller in Martian Depths" and, because it is laid on the Red Planet, prints it in a magazine of scientific fiction. Frankly, I could not find one redeeming feature about the story. Of course, everything doesn't have to have a moral. The thrilling scientifilm, "King Kong," for instance, has no moral to it—except, perhaps, to be careful of Fay Wray, if you are a great prehistoric ape—but it has a point, at least: to interest. And "Dweller in Martian Depths" didn't interest me. I don't know, maybe it did others. But it disappointed me very greatly to find it in a stf publication. In Weird Tales, all right. I don't like that type of story, I wouldn't read it there. I fail to find anything worth-while in an endless procession of ethereal lites, phantastic visions, ultra-mundane life, exotic paradises, airy vegetation, whispering flutes, ghastly plants, and dirge-like horrors. May the ink dry up in the pen from which they flow! Or, at least, Mr. Smith, direct those tales elsewhere—NOT to a stf publication, because I do like your science fiction like "Master of the Asteroid" and "Flight into Super Time." But 'stuff' like "The Light From Beyond"….
Well, let's hear from someone in favor.
(Make "The Boiling Point" boil you indignant fans. Don't let this guy Ackerman get away with it. Your replies will be published in this department. We would especially appreciate a reply from Mr. Smith himself in defense of his stories.)
You may have the mistaken idea that "The Fantasy Fan" and the "Science Fiction Digest" are in competition. The truth is that they are not. We are working together, and it is our mutual opinion that TFF and SFD each fill a separate niche in the fantasy field. Every active fan will want both magazines. See the SFD ad in this issue. You won't want to miss COSMOS, and the other SFD features.
by Bob Tucker
Of late, quite a number of English 'penny dreadfuls,' or known to others as 'blood and thunders' are finding their way into this country, from London.
These small magazines have very lurid covers. Almost every one of these publications run science fiction, or what could be termed science fiction by a very broadminded person. The plots are scientific, even though some of the tales contain very little science.
The Wizard Magazine is running a serial named "The End of the World," and in the same issue, another story, "Vengeance of the Incas," tells of the Incas overcoming their enemies with a huge Sunray, which burns up everything in its path. Another mag by name of Boys' Magazine is running a thriller "The 1933 Dragon Killer" and two others, "The House of Mocking Shadows," and "Tiger Boy," which, you may guess, is on the same plot as Tarzan, Kaspa, Tam, and Jan. Still another pub., The Skipper, is running "The Moon Men," and is about those gentlemen visiting the Earth, intent on its capture, as usual. One of the weird type is in this issue; "The Ice Pirates."
A fourth mag, The Rover, is running a serial that is amazingly like a story that was in an American mag last spring. The story is "The Flaming Avenger," and the author has his hero do the very same thing the American did, and copied the idea completely, even down to the invention the hero made, and used the invention to do the same work with, that the American did. Of course, locale, names, and situations are different, but outside of that, the two plots are similar. Plagiarism?
In some cases, the authors do put some good science into their stories, although, for the most part, they write the stf stories, and forget to explain the method of science used. Others put some science in, but make it as brief as possible. And in no case, is the author's name given in the magazines. Evidently they believe in playing safe, because there ARE copyright laws in that country!
by Forrest J. Ackerman
(It is well-known that Mr. Ackerman is the most active science fiction fan. His collection is the most unique, if not the largest in the world. You will be surprised to learn of the various things beside the stories themselves that can be collected.)
My files of the stf publications edited by Gernsback, Bates, Dr. Sloane, and Rose Bolton (Miracle Stories) are complete. I think that covers in a breath the 230 copies of standard stf. magazines.
In the line of further written material I have: the Amazing Stories booklet, "Vanguard of Venus"; Gernsback's 18 stf. booklets, and the one Science Fiction Classic; "Guests of the Earth," the first Fantastic Fiction Library publication; all of the Science Fiction Library's releases; thirty-two booklets, mostly English, including such titles as "A Round Trip to the Year 2000, The Robot Man, Invaders from Mars," etc; the illustrated Buck Rogers book of the 25th century; 164 bound amazing stories from Argosy, Weird Tales, Popular, Excitement, etc, with a quarter of a hundred more in the process of being made into books—including such stories of outstanding interest as "The Blind Spot, Men from Space, The Girl in the Golden Atom, Return of George Washington, Snake Mother," and other tales of considerable value and popularity; the science fiction from Science and Invention bound from as far back as 1921, the stories being, besides the thirty or more Dr. Hackensaw's Secrets, Ray Cummings' "Around the Universe," and a number of short stf tales. The special science fiction edition of this publication is also included. Copies of the futuristic cartoon strip, Buck Rogers, and such other newspaper stf. as the illustrated interplanetaryarn "Rocketing thru the Universe," another called "Into the Deeps of Space," Clinton Constantinescu's "The Martian Menace" and other miscellaneous works finish up that part of my collection.
As for books themselves, I am not so interested in them, but do have "The Day of the Brown Horde", "Moon Terror", "Ralph 124C 41+", "Ship of Ishtar", "Purple Sapphire", "Conquest of Space" autographed, "Planet of Peril" and works of Burroughs, Rockwood, etc.
(Next month Mr. Ackerman continues and tells about the more singular sections of his collections—don't miss it.)
by Allen Glasser
The first worthwhile work of scientific fantasy which I read was H. G. Wells' "Time Machine." I encountered it a good many years ago, and I have since read countless other scientales; but my affection and esteem for "The Time Machine" has not wavered, nor do I believe I will ever have occasion to revise my opinion of it as the finest piece of science fiction ever written.
"The Time Machine" is outstanding as the most original of all time-travelling stories, and also as a fictional forerunner of Einstein's concept of the fourth dimension. But even were it not famous on these two accounts, it would live because of its tense drama, its superb imagination.
The two authors with the most stories to their credit are Dr. David H. Keller and Clark Ashton Smith, with Edmond Hamilton and Seabury Quinn about tie for third place…. "An Adventure on Eros" in the September, 1931 Wonder Stories by J. Harvey Haggard was the shortest story ever to cop a cover, and C. Siodmak's "Eggs From Lake Tanganyika" in the July, 1926 Amazing was the next shortest…. Out of about thirty stories written by Robert E. Howard, two have appeared in Strange Tales and the rest in Weird…. Five fantasy authors are Nard, Neil R., Ralph T., T. R., and W. Knapp Jones. Keller has collaborated on only one story; "The Time Projector" with David Lasser in Wonder…. Raymond Knight, 'Ambrose J. Weims' of the KUKU radio program wrote the only play Amazing ever published: "Just Around the Corner" in the July, 1928 issue…. After having several stories published, W. K. Mashburn, Jr., changed his name to Kirk Mashburn…. Philip Francis Nowlan's yarns in Amazing: "Armageddon, 2419, A.D." (August, 1928) and "Airlords of Han" (March, 1929) were the forerunners of the Buck Rogers comic strip and the radio program…. Fletcher Pratt's stories, except for "The War of the Giants," "The Mad Destroyer," and "The Onslaught From Rigel," are all collaborations…. Seabury Quinn has the honor of having the longest series of stories to his credit. Jules de Grandin, the little French detective has been a favorite of fantasy readers for more than eight years, and has appeared in more than forty stories…. Victor Rousseau was the only author to have more than one story in Miracle, Science and Fantasy Stories…. "The Moon Doom" in Wonder was written by four authors, and was surpassed by the Science Fiction Digest's super-serial composed by seventeen authors…. More next month….
Inhabitant of Neighboring Planet
Doubts Visitor's Origin
(Special rocket dispatch to Martian News)
by Allen Glasser, Terrestrial Correspondent
SANFRAN-SISKO, Earth, Aug. 10: [delayed by meteors]—An amusing incident occurred here today when Sahr Kastik, Martian explorer who is touring the planets by astral projection, materialized suddenly before one of the city's inhabitants, a young Earthling named Efjay Akkamin.
The latter did not seem greatly surprised. "Where did you come from?" he asked calmly.
"From the world you call Mars," replied Sahr, using telepathy, of course.
"Hooey," retorted Akkamin. "Martians are all twelve feet tall, with big chests and at least four arms, and you look just like anybody else here."
"But I always assume the appearance of the natives whose planets I visit," Sahr explained. "So you see——"
"Nertz," interrupted Akkamin. "I have read too much science fiction to be fooled by a phony Martian. So scram."
And there was nothing for Sahr to do but "scram," which is a quaint Earth term for making one's departure hurriedly.
by Walt Z. Russjuchi
Sequels to stories are few and far between, and the reasons for writing sequels are still fewer. Briefly there are two. The first, because it is a time-saving device. An author wishes to write a story, and it is simpler for him to continue the adventures of a character he has already created and who is familiar to the magazine world than to create a plot with a new locale and new characterizations. The second, because the readers demand a sequel. Perhaps they have liked a character in a story and would like to read more about him. Perhaps the story ends unsatisfactorily or even disastrously, whereupon the reader wants a sequel with the hero coming out on top and the ending to be all for the best. In this article we are concerned with the latter reason. Should we consider the stories that had sequels because of popular demand we will have a list of some of the best stories that have been written (in the fantastic field).
The first noteworthy fantasyarn to have a sequel was George Allan England's famous "Darkness and Dawn," which appeared in the 1912 Cavalier. For more than a year after the publication of this serial the editor was constantly deluged with requests for a sequel. Finally, in 1913, it appeared, "Beyond the Great Oblivion," and then again because of further petitions for another sequel Mr. England penned "The After Glow," the last of the trilogy, which are so popular even to this day.
In 1918 A. Merritt wrote a novelette for All-Story that was destined to make science fiction history. It was the famous "The Moon Pool." Those who read the story created a great demand for further adventures in the strange domain of the "moon pool." Thus in 1919 Mr. Merritt obliged with "The Conquest of the Moon Pool."
In the same magazine appeared an occult interplanetary serial by J. U. Giesy, "Palos of the Dog-Star Pack." Readers acclaimed it one of the best of the interplanetary stories, and two sequels, "The Mouthpiece of Zitu" and "Jason Son of Jason" appeared to satisfy the public's thirsting for more adventures on the Dog-Star.
(Do not miss part two of this series, which will appear next month.)
Westfield Man Writes Novelette of Scientific Type
(Special to the Journal)
WESTFIELD, July 11—In order to prove to his wife that the amount of time he spent in his laboratory was not entirely wasted and was, among other things, of considerable value in entertaining and instructing his three children, Henry J. Kostkos, of 253 Scotch Plains Avenue, formed the habit of telling them stories of future science based upon his experiments. One of these yarns, a novelette entitled "The Meteor-Men of Plaa," appears as the feature story in the current issue of Amazing Stories magazine.
Mr. Kostkos' stories rival the scientific prophecies of Jules Verne, Conan-Doyle, and H. G. Wells. When told to his daughters, their eyes opened wide with interest as he related how inhabitants of the Earth would some day travel in huge space ships to distant planets and there encounter strange creatures who used wonder devices beyond the range of imagination.
To illustrate his yarns he built models of rocket ships and miniature sets showing grotesque monsters, and performed electrical experiments in his laboratory that often startled his children into credulity.
Engineering, science and writing are not new to Mr. Kostkos, who is a professional engineer. He has heretofore specialized in technical articles and papers. He is employed at Western Electric Company, Kearny Works, where he is in charge of special reports and publications in the equipment engineering department.
[The above article was printed in the Elizabeth Daily Journal last month.]
by Allen Glasser
A's for Amazing, the first of its kind;
It keeps going strong while the rest drop behind.
B is for Burroughs, the great Edgar Rice;
No mag gets his yarns if they don't meet his price.
C is for Cummings, whose stuff is okay,
Though some of his plots have grown rather gray.
D's for Dimension—the Fourth one we mean;
It's mighty well known, though it's never been seen.
E is for Earthmen who wander through space,
Calmly subduing each troublesome race.
F is for Forrest, most famous of fans;
The letters he's written would fill sev'ral vans.
G is for Gilmore; the first name is Tony.
His writing's okay, but that moniker's phony.
H is for Hamilton, who has written a lot;
He sure makes good use of his favorite plot.
I's for Invaders who seek Earth to hold,
Until they are slain by our hero so bold.
J is for Jupiter and each Jovian moon;
To fantasy writers they sure are a boon.
K is for Keller, who lives in Penn State;
He can't get a cover though his stories are great.
L is for Luna, our own satellite;
It's appeared in more yarns than I'm able to cite.
M is for Mars, way up in the sky,
Without it, we fear, science fiction would die.
(concluded next month)
In our October number we will continue our Club News; Schwartz's 'How to Collect Fantasy Fiction;' The Boiling Point; Forrest Ackerman's description of his collection; our 'About Authors' and 'Conglamitorial'. Also, we will introduce that Chinescientifictionut, Hoy Ping Pong with his satires; a new column by Allen Glasser 'In the Field of Fantasy;' 'Howls from the Ether' by the Spacehound; 'A Sad Story of the Future' by Ackerman; other articles; a new cash contest.
But—now comes the important announcement! We will print a brand new tale by Clark Ashton Smith in our November issue! Mr. Smith declares that "The Kingdom of the Worm" is one of his weirdest and most original stories. No one will want to miss this! And, to cap the climax, his graveyard horror tale "The Ghoul" will appear in December.
I am disposing of my entire scientifiction library, containing complete sets of every scientifiction magazine, 1924 to 1933, and a number of scientifiction books. In addition to Amazing Stories, Science and Air Wonder Stories, Astounding Stories, Wonder Stories, Amazing Quarterly, Science Wonder and Wonder Stories Quarterly, Weird Tales, Strange Tales, the Argosy stf, The Time Traveller, Science Fiction, and Science Fiction Digest, I offer such rarities as the Amazing Stories Annual, the Weird Tales Anniversary Number, the two issues of Miracle Science & Fantasy Stories, and the first print of 'The Face in the Abyss.' These magazines and books are in perfect condition. They go to the highest bids; otherwise at original price. Write for a complete list.
Linus Hogenmiller
502 N. Washington, Farmington, Missouri
The stupendous interplanetary serial which
is written by Seventeen Masters of
Science Fiction
runs exclusively in the
Other features in the September SFD
"The Girl from Venus" a short story by Rae Winters.
Biographies of L. A. Eshbach & P. Wylie
"Black Lem Gulliver" by P. S. Miller
"Alicia in Blunderland" by Nihil
"Fantasy Foolery" by Charles D. Hornig
Gossip columns end other articles.
25 cents for a special 3 month subscription, or 50 cents for six months.
Science Fiction Digest Company
87-36—162nd Street
Jamaica, New York
SELLING OUT rare science fiction collection at bargain prices. Write for list.
Allen Glasser
1610 University Avenue
New York, N.Y.
SCIENTIFIC and weird fiction (books and magazines) bought, sold, exchanged. Send want list and stamp for prices. "The Metal Giants," by Edmond Hamilton, 10 cents postpaid.
Swanson Book Company
Dept. FF,Washburn, N.D.
Oldest Science Correspondence Club In the World
Dues now reduced to $1.
For particulars write:
Clifton Amsbury
1312 Q Street
Lincoln, Nebraska
WEIRD tales packages: Selections of strange stories from issues dating back eight years; five for five cents! Postpaid! Think of it: The Dunwich Horror for one cent! And others similar by Dyalhis, Colter, Quinn, Smith, LaSpina, Leinster, Eadie, Kline, Rousseau. As many packages as you want at five cents apiece.
Forrest J. Ackerman
530 Staples Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
For Sale: Back numbers of Astounding and Weird Tales. Also new stf books, latest titles. Send stamp for list. For review on any stf film, or non-stf, inclose 3 cent stamp and write
Box 260, Bloomington, Illinois
Transcriber's Note:
Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note.
Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed.
The cover of this ebook was created by the transcriber and is hereby placed in the public domain.