Some minor changes are noted at the end of the book.
IN 1741
TO 1851.
1st January, 1836.
His Majesty has been pleased to command that, with the view of doing the fullest justice to Regiments, as well as to Individuals who have distinguished themselves by their Bravery in Action with the Enemy, an Account of the Services of every Regiment in the British Army shall be published under the superintendence and direction of the Adjutant-General; and that this Account shall contain the following particulars, viz.:—
—— The Period and Circumstances of the Original Formation of the Regiment; The Stations at which it has been from time to time employed; The Battles, Sieges, and other Military Operations in which it has been engaged, particularly specifying any Achievement it may have performed, and the Colours, Trophies, &c., it may have captured from the Enemy.
—— The Names of the Officers, and the number of Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates Killed or Wounded by the Enemy, specifying the place and Date of the Action.
—— The Names of those Officers who, in consideration of their Gallant Services and Meritorious Conduct in Engagements with the Enemy, have been distinguished with Titles, Medals, or other Marks of His Majesty's gracious favour.
—— The Names of all such Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Privates, as may have specially signalized themselves in Action.
—— The Badges and Devices which the Regiment may have been permitted to bear, and the Causes on account of which such Badges or Devices, or any other Marks of Distinction, have been granted.
By Command of the Right Honorable
John Macdonald,
The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should be adopted.
Nothing can more fully tend to the accomplishment of this desirable object than a full display of the noble deeds with which the Military History of our country abounds. To hold forth these bright examples to the imitation of the youthful soldier, and thus to incite him to emulate the meritorious conduct of those who have preceded him in their honorable career, are among the motives that have given rise to the present publication.
The operations of the British Troops are, indeed, announced in the "London Gazette," from whence they are transferred into the public prints: the achievements of our armies are thus made known at the time of their occurrence, and receive the tribute[iv] of praise and admiration to which they are entitled. On extraordinary occasions, the Houses of Parliament have been in the habit of conferring on the Commanders, and the Officers and Troops acting under their orders, expressions of approbation and of thanks for their skill and bravery; and these testimonials, confirmed by the high honour of their Sovereign's approbation, constitute the reward which the soldier most highly prizes.
It has not, however, until late years, been the practice (which appears to have long prevailed in some of the Continental armies) for British Regiments to keep regular records of their services and achievements. Hence some difficulty has been experienced in obtaining, particularly from the old Regiments, an authentic account of their origin and subsequent services.
This defect will now be remedied, in consequence of His Majesty having been pleased to command that every Regiment shall, in future, keep a full and ample record of its services at home and abroad.
From the materials thus collected, the country will henceforth derive information as to the difficulties and privations which chequer the career of those who embrace the military profession. In Great Britain, where so large a number of persons are devoted to the active concerns of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, and where these pursuits have, for so[v] long a period, been undisturbed by the presence of war, which few other countries have escaped, comparatively little is known of the vicissitudes of active service and of the casualties of climate, to which, even during peace, the British Troops are exposed in every part of the globe, with little or no interval of repose.
In their tranquil enjoyment of the blessings which the country derives from the industry and the enterprise of the agriculturist and the trader, its happy inhabitants may be supposed not often to reflect on the perilous duties of the soldier and the sailor,—on their sufferings,—and on the sacrifice of valuable life, by which so many national benefits are obtained and preserved.
The conduct of the British Troops, their valour, and endurance, have shone conspicuously under great and trying difficulties; and their character has been established in Continental warfare by the irresistible spirit with which they have effected debarkations in spite of the most formidable opposition, and by the gallantry and steadiness with which they have maintained their advantages against superior numbers.
In the official Reports made by the respective Commanders, ample justice has generally been done to the gallant exertions of the Corps employed; but the details of their services and of acts of individual[vi] bravery can only be fully given in the Annals of the various Regiments.
These Records are now preparing for publication, under His Majesty's special authority, by Mr. Richard Cannon, Principal Clerk of the Adjutant General's Office; and while the perusal of them cannot fail to be useful and interesting to military men of every rank, it is considered that they will also afford entertainment and information to the general reader, particularly to those who may have served in the Army, or who have relatives in the Service.
There exists in the breasts of most of those who have served, or are serving, in the Army, an Esprit de Corps—an attachment to everything belonging to their Regiment; to such persons a narrative of the services of their own Corps cannot fail to prove interesting. Authentic accounts of the actions of the great, the valiant, the loyal, have always been of paramount interest with a brave and civilized people. Great Britain has produced a race of heroes who, in moments of danger and terror, have stood "firm as the rocks of their native shore:" and when half the world has been arrayed against them, they have fought the battles of their Country with unshaken fortitude. It is presumed that a record of achievements in war,—victories so complete and surprising, gained by our countrymen, our brothers,[vii] our fellow-citizens in arms,—a record which revives the memory of the brave, and brings their gallant deeds before us,—will certainly prove acceptable to the public.
Biographical Memoirs of the Colonels and other distinguished Officers will be introduced in the Records of their respective Regiments, and the Honorary Distinctions which have, from time to time, been conferred upon each Regiment, as testifying the value and importance of its services, will be faithfully set forth.
As a convenient mode of Publication, the Record of each Regiment will be printed in a distinct number, so that when the whole shall be completed, the Parts may be bound up in numerical succession.
The natives of Britain have, at all periods, been celebrated for innate courage and unshaken firmness, and the national superiority of the British troops over those of other countries has been evinced in the midst of the most imminent perils. History contains so many proofs of extraordinary acts of bravery, that no doubts can be raised upon the facts which are recorded. It must therefore be admitted, that the distinguishing feature of the British soldier is Intrepidity. This quality was evinced by the inhabitants of England when their country was invaded by Julius Cæsar with a Roman army, on which occasion the undaunted Britons rushed into the sea to attack the Roman soldiers as they descended from their ships; and, although their discipline and arms were inferior to those of their adversaries, yet their fierce and dauntless bearing intimidated the flower of the Roman troops, including Cæsar's favourite tenth legion. Their arms consisted of spears, short swords, and other weapons of rude construction. They had chariots, to the[x] axles of which were fastened sharp pieces of iron resembling scythe-blades, and infantry in long chariots resembling waggons, who alighted and fought on foot, and for change of ground, pursuit or retreat, sprang into the chariot and drove off with the speed of cavalry. These inventions were, however, unavailing against Cæsar's legions: in the course of time a military system, with discipline and subordination, was introduced, and British courage, being thus regulated, was exerted to the greatest advantage; a full development of the national character followed, and it shone forth in all its native brilliancy.
The military force of the Anglo-Saxons consisted principally of infantry: Thanes, and other men of property, however, fought on horseback. The infantry were of two classes, heavy and light. The former carried large shields armed with spikes, long broad swords and spears; and the latter were armed with swords or spears only. They had also men armed with clubs, others with battle-axes and javelins.
The feudal troops established by William the Conqueror consisted (as already stated in the Introduction to the Cavalry) almost entirely of horse; but when the warlike barons and knights, with their trains of tenants and vassals, took the field, a proportion of men appeared on foot, and, although these were of inferior degree, they proved stout-hearted Britons of stanch fidelity. When stipendiary troops were employed, infantry always constituted a considerable portion of the military force;[xi] and this arme has since acquired, in every quarter of the globe, a celebrity never exceeded by the armies of any nation at any period.
The weapons carried by the infantry, during the several reigns succeeding the Conquest, were bows and arrows, half-pikes, lances, halberds, various kinds of battle-axes, swords, and daggers. Armour was worn on the head and body, and in course of time the practice became general for military men to be so completely cased in steel, that it was almost impossible to slay them.
The introduction of the use of gunpowder in the destructive purposes of war, in the early part of the fourteenth century, produced a change in the arms and equipment of the infantry-soldier. Bows and arrows gave place to various kinds of fire-arms, but British archers continued formidable adversaries; and, owing to the inconvenient construction and imperfect bore of the fire-arms when first introduced, a body of men, well trained in the use of the bow from their youth, was considered a valuable acquisition to every army, even as late as the sixteenth century.
During a great part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth each company of infantry usually consisted of men armed five different ways; in every hundred men forty were "men-at-arms," and sixty "shot;" the "men-at-arms" were ten halberdiers, or battle-axe men, and thirty pikemen; and the "shot" were twenty archers, twenty musketeers, and twenty harquebusiers, and each man carried, besides his principal weapon, a sword and dagger.
Companies of infantry varied at this period in numbers from 150 to 300 men; each company had a colour or ensign, and the mode of formation recommended by an English military writer (Sir John Smithe) in 1590 was:—the colour in the centre of the company guarded by the halberdiers; the pikemen in equal proportions, on each flank of the halberdiers: half the musketeers on each flank of the pikes; half the archers on each flank of the musketeers, and the harquebusiers (whose arms were much lighter than the muskets then in use) in equal proportions on each flank of the company for skirmishing.[1] It was customary to unite a number of companies into one body, called a Regiment, which frequently amounted to three thousand men: but each company continued to carry a colour. Numerous improvements were eventually introduced in the construction of fire-arms, and, it having been found impossible to make armour proof against the muskets then in use (which carried a very heavy ball) without its being too weighty for the soldier, armour was gradually laid aside by the infantry in the seventeenth century: bows and arrows also fell into disuse, and the infantry were reduced to two classes, viz.: musketeers, armed with matchlock muskets,[xiii] swords, and daggers; and pikemen, armed with pikes from fourteen to eighteen feet long, and swords.
In the early part of the seventeenth century Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, reduced the strength of regiments to 1000 men. He caused the gunpowder, which had heretofore been carried in flasks, or in small wooden bandoliers, each containing a charge, to be made up into cartridges, and carried in pouches; and he formed each regiment into two wings of musketeers, and a centre division of pikemen. He also adopted the practice of forming four regiments into a brigade; and the number of colours was afterwards reduced to three in each regiment. He formed his columns so compactly that his infantry could resist the charge of the celebrated Polish horsemen and Austrian cuirassiers; and his armies became the admiration of other nations. His mode of formation was copied by the English, French, and other European states; but so great was the prejudice in favour of ancient customs, that all his improvements were not adopted until near a century afterwards.
In 1664 King Charles II. raised a corps for sea-service, styled the Admiral's regiment. In 1678 each company of 100 men usually consisted of 30 pikemen, 60 musketeers, and 10 men armed with light firelocks. In this year the King added a company of men armed with hand grenades to each of the old British regiments, which was designated the "grenadier company." Daggers were so contrived as to fit in the muzzles of the muskets, and bayonets,[xiv] similar to those at present in use, were adopted about twenty years afterwards.
An Ordnance regiment was raised in 1685, by order of King James II., to guard the artillery, and was designated the Royal Fusiliers (now 7th Foot). This corps, and the companies of grenadiers, did not carry pikes.
King William III. incorporated the Admiral's regiment in the second Foot Guards, and raised two Marine regiments for sea-service. During the war in this reign, each company of infantry (excepting the fusiliers and grenadiers) consisted of 14 pikemen and 46 musketeers; the captains carried pikes; lieutenants, partisans; ensigns, half-pikes; and serjeants, halberds. After the peace in 1697 the Marine regiments were disbanded, but were again formed on the breaking out of the war in 1702.[2]
During the reign of Queen Anne the pikes were laid aside, and every infantry soldier was armed with a musket, bayonet, and sword; the grenadiers ceased, about the same period, to carry hand grenades; and the regiments were directed to lay aside their third colour: the corps of Royal Artillery was first added to the Army in this reign.
About the year 1745, the men of the battalion companies of infantry ceased to carry swords; during[xv] the reign of George II. light companies were added to infantry regiments; and in 1764 a Board of General Officers recommended that the grenadiers should lay aside their swords, as that weapon had never been used during the Seven Years' War. Since that period the arms of the infantry soldier have been limited to the musket and bayonet.
The arms and equipment of the British Troops have seldom differed materially, since the Conquest, from those of other European states; and in some respects the arming has, at certain periods, been allowed to be inferior to that of the nations with whom they have had to contend; yet, under this disadvantage, the bravery and superiority of the British infantry have been evinced on very many and most trying occasions, and splendid victories have been gained over very superior numbers.
Great Britain has produced a race of lion-like champions who have dared to confront a host of foes, and have proved themselves valiant with any arms. At Crecy, King Edward III., at the head of about 30,000 men, defeated, on the 26th of August, 1346, Philip King of France, whose army is said to have amounted to 100,000 men; here British valour encountered veterans of renown:—the King of Bohemia, the King of Majorca, and many princes and nobles were slain, and the French army was routed and cut to pieces. Ten years afterwards, Edward Prince of Wales, who was designated the Black Prince, defeated, at Poictiers, with 14,000 men, a French army of 60,000 horse, besides infantry, and took John I., King of France, and his son[xvi] Philip, prisoners. On the 25th of October, 1415, King Henry V., with an army of about 13,000 men, although greatly exhausted by marches, privations, and sickness, defeated, at Agincourt, the Constable of France, at the head of the flower of the French nobility and an army said to amount to 60,000 men, and gained a complete victory.
During the seventy years' war between the United Provinces of the Netherlands and the Spanish monarchy, which commenced in 1578 and terminated in 1648, the British infantry in the service of the States-General were celebrated for their unconquerable spirit and firmness;[3] and in the thirty years' war between the Protestant Princes and the Emperor of Germany, the British Troops in the service of Sweden and other states were celebrated for deeds of heroism.[4] In the wars of Queen Anne, the fame of the British army under the great Marlborough was spread throughout the world; and if we glance at the achievements performed within the memory of persons now living, there is abundant proof that the Britons of the present age are not inferior to their ancestors in the qualities [xvii]which constitute good soldiers. Witness the deeds of the brave men, of whom there are many now surviving, who fought in Egypt in 1801, under the brave Abercromby, and compelled the French army, which had been vainly styled Invincible, to evacuate that country; also the services of the gallant Troops during the arduous campaigns in the Peninsula, under the immortal Wellington; and the determined stand made by the British Army at Waterloo, where Napoleon Bonaparte, who had long been the inveterate enemy of Great Britain, and had sought and planned her destruction by every means he could devise, was compelled to leave his vanquished legions to their fate, and to place himself at the disposal of the British Government. These achievements, with others of recent dates, in the distant climes of India, prove that the same valour and constancy which glowed in the breasts of the heroes of Crecy, Poictiers, Agincourt, Blenheim, and Ramilies, continue to animate the Britons of the nineteenth century.
The British Soldier is distinguished for a robust and muscular frame,—intrepidity which no danger can appal,—unconquerable spirit and resolution,—patience in fatigue and privation, and cheerful obedience to his superiors. These qualities, united with an excellent system of order and discipline to regulate and give a skilful direction to the energies and adventurous spirit of the hero, and a wise selection of officers of superior talent to command, whose presence inspires confidence,—have been the leading causes of the splendid victories gained by the British[xviii] arms.[5] The fame of the deeds of the past and present generations in the various battle-fields where the robust sons of Albion have fought and conquered, surrounds the British arms with a halo of glory; these achievements will live in the page of history to the end of time.
The records of the several regiments will be found to contain a detail of facts of an interesting character, connected with the hardships, sufferings, and gallant exploits of British soldiers in the various parts of the world where the calls of their Country and the commands of their Sovereign have required them to proceed in the execution of their duty, whether in[xix] active continental operations, or in maintaining colonial territories in distant and unfavourable climes.
The superiority of the British infantry has been pre-eminently set forth in the wars of six centuries, and admitted by the greatest commanders which Europe has produced. The formations and movements of this arme, as at present practised, while they are adapted to every species of warfare, and to all probable situations and circumstances of service, are calculated to show forth the brilliancy of military tactics calculated upon mathematical and scientific principles. Although the movements and evolutions have been copied from the continental armies, yet various improvements have from time to time been introduced, to insure that simplicity and celerity by which the superiority of the national military character is maintained. The rank and influence which Great Britain has attained among the nations of the world, have in a great measure been purchased by the valour of the Army, and to persons who have the welfare of their country at heart, the records of the several regiments cannot fail to prove interesting.
[1] A company of 200 men would appear thus:—
![]() | |||||||||
20 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 20 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 20 | |
Harquebuses. | Muskets. | Halberds. | Muskets. | Harquebuses. | |||||
Archers. | Pikes. | Pikes. | Archers. |
The musket carried a ball which weighed 1/10th of a pound; and the harquebus a ball which weighed 1/25th of a pound.
[2] The 30th, 31st, and 32nd Regiments were formed as Marine corps in 1702, and were employed as such during the wars in the reign of Queen Anne. The Marine corps were embarked in the Fleet under Admiral Sir George Rooke, and were at the taking of Gibraltar, and in its subsequent defence in 1704; they were afterwards employed at the siege of Barcelona in 1705.
[3] The brave Sir Roger Williams, in his Discourse on War, printed in 1590, observes:—"I persuade myself ten thousand of our nation would beat thirty thousand of theirs (the Spaniards) out of the field, let them be chosen where they list." Yet at this time the Spanish infantry was allowed to be the best disciplined in Europe. For instances of valour displayed by the British Infantry during the Seventy Years' War, see the Historical Record of the Third Foot, or Buffs.
[4] Vide the Historical Record of the First, or Royal Regiment of Foot.
[5] "Under the blessing of Divine Providence, His Majesty ascribes the successes which have attended the exertions of his troops in Egypt to that determined bravery which is inherent in Britons; but His Majesty desires it may be most solemnly and forcibly impressed on the consideration of every part of the army, that it has been a strict observance of order, discipline, and military system, which has given the full energy to the native valour of the troops, and has enabled them proudly to assert the superiority of the national military character, in situations uncommonly arduous, and under circumstances of peculiar difficulty."—General Orders in 1801.
In the General Orders issued by Lieut.-General Sir John Hope (afterwards Lord Hopetoun), congratulating the army upon the successful result of the Battle of Corunna, on the 16th of January, 1809, it is stated:—"On no occasion has the undaunted valour of British troops ever been more manifest. At the termination of a severe and harassing march, rendered necessary by the superiority which the enemy had acquired, and which had materially impaired the efficiency of the troops, many disadvantages were to be encountered. These have all been surmounted by the conduct of the troops themselves: and the enemy has been taught, that whatever advantages of position or of numbers he may possess, there is inherent in the British officers and soldiers a bravery that knows not how to yield,—that no circumstances can appal,—and that will ensure victory, when it is to be obtained by the exertion of any human means."
ON THE 22nd OF FEBRUARY, 1805.
Year | Page | |
1739 | Introduction | 1 |
—— | War declared against Spain | – |
1741 | Formation of the regiment | – |
—— | Colonel John Price appointed to the colonelcy. | – |
—— | Numbered the 57th regiment | – |
1742 | Stationed at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, proceeded to Berwick, and thence to Scotland | 3 |
1743 | Appointment of Colonel Hon. Thomas Murray to the colonelcy in succession to Colonel Price, removed to the 14th foot | – |
1744 | War declared between Great Britain and France | – |
1745 | Battle of Fontenoy | – |
—— | Prince Charles Edward, the eldest son of the Pretender, landed in the Highlands of Scotland | 4 |
[xxvi] 1745 | The King's forces, under Lieut.-General Sir John Cope, assembled at Stirling, and advanced to Inverness | 4 |
—— | The rebel forces, under Prince Charles, proceeded to Perth and Dundee, and thence to Edinburgh, which surrendered to him | 5 |
—— | The Prince, James Francis Edward, proclaimed at the High Cross, Edinburgh, as King of Great Britain and Ireland | – |
—— | The Royal forces marched from Inverness to Aberdeen, embarked for Dunbar, advanced towards Edinburgh, and encamped near Preston-Pans | – |
—— | Regiments which composed the Royal Army | 6 |
—— | Defeat of the Royal forces by the Highland Insurgents | – |
—— | Loss sustained by the Royal forces, including the 57th regiment, in killed, wounded, and prisoners | 7 |
—— | The Duke of Cumberland returned from the continent, and assumed the command of the Royal army | – |
—— | The Prince Charles captured Carlisle, and proceeded as far as Derby, from whence he afterwards retreated to Scotland | – |
—— | The Duke of Cumberland, after capturing the rebel garrison of Carlisle, returned to London, leaving the command of the army to Lieut.-General Hawley | – |
1746 | The Prince Charles invested Stirling, and Lieut.-General Hawley marched to its relief | – |
—— | Action at Falkirk | – |
—— | The Duke of Cumberland resumed the command of the army, and entered Stirling | – |
[xxvii] 1746 | The Duke of Cumberland obtained a complete victory over the Rebel forces at Culloden, four miles from Inverness | 8 |
—— | The 57th regiment marched from Berwick towards London | – |
—— | Strength of the Royal army at the battle of Culloden | – |
1747 | The rebellion suppressed, and the Prince Charles escaped to France | 9 |
—— | The 57th regiment embarked for Jersey | – |
—— | Several regiments, which had been brought from the continent to aid in suppressing the rebellion, returned to Flanders | – |
—— | The Duke of Cumberland returned to Flanders and engaged the French at Laffeld, or Val | – |
1748 | The Allies took the field in the summer, but hostilities were terminated by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, in October | – |
—— | Disbandment of the 43rd regiment, and of ten marine regiments, from the 44th to the 53rd regiment | 10 |
—— | The numerical title of the 57th regiment changed to the FORTY-SIXTH regiment | — |
1749 | The FORTY-SIXTH regiment proceeded to Ireland | — |
1751 | Royal Warrant of 1st July issued for regulating the clothing, standards, and colours, and the numerical titles and rank of regiments | — |
1756 | Capture of the Island of Minorca by the French | 11 |
—— | War declared against France | — |
1757 | The FORTY-SIXTH regiment embarked from Cork for Nova Scotia | — |
1758 | Expedition under Major-General James Abercromby against Ticonderoga | — |
—— | Brigadier-General the Viscount Howe (55th Regiment) killed at Ticonderoga | — |
[xxviii] 1758 | Attack on Fort Ticonderoga abandoned | 12 |
—— | Loss of officers sustained by the FORTY-SIXTH regiment | — |
1759 | Plan of the campaign in Canada | 13 |
—— | Brigadier-General Prideaux (55th regiment) killed at Fort Niagara | — |
—— | Capture of Fort Niagara | 15 |
—— | Operations of the troops under Lieut.-General Amherst and Major-General Wolfe | — |
—— | Siege of Ticonderoga | — |
—— | Occupation of Crown Point | — |
—— | Battle on the Heights of Abraham; death of Major-Gen. Wolfe; and capture of Quebec | — |
1760 | The French attempted to regain Quebec, and the battle of Sillery was fought | 16 |
—— | Surrender of Fort Levi on L'Isle Royale | — |
—— | Attack and surrender of the garrison of Montreal | 17 |
—— | The conquest of Canada completed | — |
1761 | The regiment embarked for Barbadoes | — |
1762 | Proceeded with an armament against the Island of Martinique, which surrendered to the British Crown | — |
—— | The surrender of Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent | 18 |
—— | War declared against Spain | — |
—— | The regiment joined the armament against the Havannah | — |
—— | Capture of the Moro Fort, and town of Havannah | 19 |
—— | Negotiations for peace signed at Fontainebleau | — |
1763 | The Treaty of Fontainebleau concluded at Paris, and peace proclaimed in London | — |
—— | Conditions of the treaty of peace between Great Britain, France, and Spain | — |
—— | The regiment returned to North America | — |
[xxix] 1764 | Colonel Hon. William Howe appointed to the colonelcy, in succession to Lieut.-General Hon. Thomas Murray, deceased | 20 |
1767 | Regiment returned from North America and stationed in Ireland | — |
—— | Disputes arose between the colonists of North America and the British Government | — |
1775 | Hostilities commenced with the colonists in North America by the action at Lexington | — |
—— | Appointment of Colonel Hon. John Vaughan to the colonelcy in succession to Major-General Hon. William Howe | — |
—— | The battle of Bunker's Hill | — |
1776 | The regiment embarked from Ireland for North America | 21 |
—— | Joined the expedition against Charleston | — |
—— | Proceeded to Staten Island | — |
—— | The declaration of Independence by the American Congress | — |
—— | The regiment landed on Long Island | — |
—— | Action at Brooklyn | 22 |
—— | The reduction of Long Island accomplished | — |
—— | The capture of New York took place | — |
—— | Action at White Plains | — |
—— | The reduction of Fort Washington | — |
—— | The regiment occupied winter-quarters at Amboy | — |
1777 | Proceeded with a body of troops from New York, and destroyed magazines, barracks, &c., at Peek's Hill, and returned to New York | 23 |
—— | Joined an expedition against the city of Philadelphia | — |
—— | Battle at Brandywine | — |
—— | The American troops, under General Wayne surprised by the British, under Major-Gen. Grey | 24 |
[xxx] 1777 | The FORTY-SIXTH regiment gained the distinction of wearing Red Feathers for its conduct in this action | 24 |
—— | The British army took possession of Philadelphia, and occupied a position at Germantown | 25 |
—— | Action at Germantown | — |
1778 | General Hon. Sir William Howe returned to England, and General Sir Henry Clinton assumed the command of the army | — |
—— | Action at Monmouth Court-House | — |
—— | The British army marched from Philadelphia to New York, the King of France having engaged to aid the Americans | — |
—— | A powerful French armament arrived off the Port of New York and proceeded against Rhode Island | — |
—— | Expedition against Bedford, on the Accushnet river, and against Martha's Vineyard | 26 |
—— | Returned to New York | — |
—— | Proceeded with other regiments to the West Indies | — |
—— | Attack upon the island of St. Lucia | 27 |
—— | Repelled several attacks made by the French | — |
—— | The flank companies of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment distinguished themselves at La Vigie, and received the thanks of Major-General James Grant commanding the troops | 28 |
—— | Surrender of the Island of St. Lucia to the British troops | — |
1779 | The courts of Spain and Holland joined in hostilities against Great Britain | — |
1782 | The regiment returned to England | 29 |
—— | County titles conferred upon the regiments of Infantry, and the FORTY-SIXTH directed to assume the designation of South Devonshire regiment | — |
[xxxi] 1782 | Treaty of peace signed at Paris between Great Britain and the United States of America | 29 |
1783 | Treaties of peace between England, France, Spain, and Holland | — |
1784 | The regiment proceeded from Plymouth to Ireland | 30 |
1792 | Embarked for Gibraltar | — |
1794 | Proceeded from Gibraltar to the West Indies | — |
1795 | Engaged in suppressing the insurrection of the Caribs in the Island of St. Vincent | — |
—— | Actions at Dorsetshire Hill | 32 |
—— | Loss sustained by the regiment | — |
—— | Assault and capture of the post of the Caribs on the Vigie | 33 |
—— | Major-General James Henry Craig appointed to the colonelcy of the regiment in succession to Lieut.-General Hon. Sir John Vaughan, K.B. deceased | — |
—— | Reinforcements arrived from England in order to assist in the suppression of the Caribs | — |
1796 | Further reinforcements arrived under Lieut.-General Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B. | — |
—— | After a conflict of some hours the Caribs surrendered prisoners of war | 34 |
—— | Several hundreds of Caribs escaped to the woods, but were afterwards forced to submit, and were removed from St. Vincent | — |
—— | The FORTY-SIXTH regiment having sustained considerable loss by their numerous engagements with the Caribs, returned to England | — |
1799 | The regiment embarked for Ireland | — |
1802 | Treaty of peace with France concluded at Amiens | — |
1803 | War renewed with France | — |
1804 | Appointment of Lieut.-General John White to the colonelcy, in succession to Lieut.-General Sir James Henry Craig | 35 |
[xxxii] 1804 | Embarked from Cork for the West Indies, and proceeded to Dominica | 35 |
1805 | Defence of Dominica against an attack of a numerous French force | — |
—— | Official Reports from Lieut.-General Sir William Myers, and Brigadier-General George Prevost of the conduct of the troops engaged in the defence of Dominica | — |
—— | The Royal authority granted for the FORTY-SIXTH regiment to bear the word "Dominica" on the regimental colour and appointments. | 44 |
1806 | Detachments embarked for the capture of two French vessels | 45 |
—— | The officers and men received the thanks of the Commander of the Forces in the West Indies, and of the Major-General commanding in the Island of Dominica | — |
1809 | Capture of the French island of Martinique | 46 |
1810 | Capture of the French island of Guadaloupe | — |
1811 | The regiment returned to England and marched into Devonshire | 47 |
1812 | The regiment proceeded from Plymouth to Jersey | 48 |
1813 | Embarked from Jersey for Portsmouth, and proceeded to the Isle of Wight | — |
—— | Embarked for New South Wales | 49 |
1814 | Arrived at New South Wales, and inspected by Major-General Macquarie | — |
1815 | Certain non-commissioned officers and privates received pecuniary rewards for having suppressed gangs of bushrangers | 50 |
1816 | Appointment of Lieut.-General Henry Wynyard to the colonelcy in succession to General Whyte, deceased | — |
—— | Detachments employed against the hostile black natives, and received an expression of thanks for their conduct on this duty | 51 |
[xxxiii] 1817 | Embarked at Sydney Cove for Madras | 52 |
1818 | Arrived at Vellore, and proceeded thence to Fort St. George | — |
—— | Received the approbation of the Commanding Officer of the Troops at Vellore for its interior arrangement and discipline | — |
1820 | Marched to Bellary, and thence to the Mahratta country | 53 |
1824 | Engaged in suppressing an insurrection at the Fort of Kittoor | — |
—— | Inspected by Major-General Hall commanding at Bellary, and received his approbation for its very efficient state | 54 |
1825 | Proceeded to Cannanore | 55 |
1826 | Marched from Cannanore to Secunderabad | 56 |
1829 | Reduction of the Establishment | — |
1832 | Proceeded to Masulipatam, and received orders to prepare for embarkation for England | 57 |
1833 | Received the approbation of its conduct during the period of its service in India, from the Right Hon. the Governor in Council | — |
—— | Embarked at Madras, arrived at Margate, and marched to Canterbury | 58 |
—— | Received official intimation respecting the continuance of the use of the Red ball tuft by the Light Company for its gallant conduct in the surprise of Gen. Wayne in America in 1777 | 59 |
1834 | Embarked for Ireland | — |
1837 | Formed into six service, and four depôt companies; the service companies embarked for Gibraltar | 60 |
1838 | Appointment of Lieut.-General Sir John Keane, K.C.B., to the colonelcy, in succession to General Wynyard, deceased | — |
—— | Depôt companies embarked from Ireland for Plymouth | — |
[xxxiv] 1839 | Appointment of Lieut.-General John Ross to the colonelcy, in succession to Lieut.-General Sir John Keane | 60 |
—— | Depôt companies embarked at Plymouth for Jersey | — |
1841 | Depôt companies proceeded to Ireland | — |
1842 | Service companies embarked at Gibraltar for Barbadoes | — |
1843 | Appointment of General the Earl of Stair to the colonelcy in succession to Lieut.-General Ross, deceased | 61 |
1845 | The service companies collected at Barbadoes, and embarked for Nova Scotia | — |
—— | Embarked for Canada | — |
1847 | Proceeded from Quebec to Nova Scotia | 62 |
1848 | Embarked for England | — |
—— | Arrived at Dover, and joined by the depôt companies from Guernsey | — |
1850 | Proceeded from Liverpool to Hull | — |
1851 | The Conclusion | 63 |
Year | Page | |
1741 | John Price | 67 |
1743 | Honorable Thomas Murray | 68 |
1764 | William Viscount Howe, K.B. | — |
1775 | Honorable Sir John Vaughan, K.B. | 69 |
1795 | Sir James Henry Craig, K.B. | 70 |
1804 | John Whyte | 71 |
1816 | Henry Wynyard | — |
1838 | Sir John (afterwards Lord) Keane, G.C.B. & G.C.H. | 73 |
1839 | John Ross, C.B. | 75 |
1843 | John, Earl of Stair, K.T. | 76 |
The claim of the Spanish Government to the right of search, and the aggressions committed by that power on the commerce of Great Britain, in the West Indies, by the guarda-costas, and other ships acting by authority of the King of Spain, contrary to the existing treaties, led to a convention between the two Crowns, which was concluded on the 14th of January, 1739. This convention stipulated, that compensation should be made by Spain to the English Government, in reparation for the hostilities committed on the British subjects in the American seas. The Court of Madrid, however, violated the convention, and ultimately war was proclaimed against Spain on the 23rd of October, 1739.
Augmentations were accordingly made in the army and navy; ten regiments of Marines were raised in this and the following year; these corps were embarked on board the fleets under Admirals Vernon and Sir Chaloner Ogle, which proceeded against the Spanish possessions in South America.
While the war was being carried on between Great Britain and Spain, Charles the Sixth, Emperor of Germany, died on the 20th of October, 1740; and the succession of his daughter, the Archduchess Maria Theresa, to his hereditary dominions, being disputed by the Electors of Bavaria and Saxony, also by the Kings of Prussia and Spain, a continental war was the result, in which England and France, acting in the first instance as auxiliaries, finally became principals in the contest, which has since been known as the "War of the Austrian Succession." The King of France, Louis XV., supported the Elector of Bavaria, while King George II., adhering to the "Pragmatic Sanction,"[6] to which nearly all the powers of Europe had been parties, supported the claims of the Archduchess Maria Theresa.
In January, 1741, seven additional regiments[7] were raised for the regular Infantry, and were numbered in succession to the ten regiments of marines, from the Fifty-fourth to the Sixtieth regiment.
The FIFTY-SEVENTH was one of these seven regiments, and the command of the corps was conferred by King George II. on Colonel John Price, from the First Foot Guards, whose commission was dated the 13th of January, 1741. The regiment consisted of ten companies, of three serjeants, three corporals, two drummers, [3]and seventy privates each; and its numbers, including officers, amounted to eight hundred and fifteen.
In March, 1742, the FIFTY-SEVENTH regiment was stationed at Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
In May, 1742, several regiments were embarked for Flanders under Field Marshal the Earl of Stair, to support Maria Theresa, the Queen of Hungary and Bohemia; but the FIFTY-SEVENTH regiment remained in Great Britain.
The FIFTY-SEVENTH regiment was afterwards stationed at Berwick, and in October received orders to proceed to North Britain.
On the 23rd of June, 1743, Colonel the Honorable Thomas Murray, from the Third Foot Guards, was promoted Colonel of the FIFTY-SEVENTH regiment, in succession to Colonel John Price, removed to the fourteenth foot.
In the meanwhile King George II. had joined the army at Aschaffenberg, and on the 27th of June gained a victory over the French army, under Marshal Noailles at Dettingen.
France and Great Britain, from auxiliaries, now became principals in the contest. On the 20th of March, 1744, France declared war against England, and on the 29th of that month a counter declaration was made by Great Britain, in which the French monarch was accused of violating the "Pragmatic Sanction," and of assisting the son of the Pretender in his designs on the British throne.
The operations of the British army in Flanders during the year 1744 were confined to the defensive, and no general engagement occurred.
After the battle of Fontenoy, fought on the 11th of May, 1745, Louis XV. revived the claims of the[4] Pretender[8] to the throne of Great Britain. Prince Charles Edward, eldest son of the Pretender, arrived in the Highlands of Scotland towards the end of July, where he was joined by several clans.
The FIFTY-SEVENTH regiment at this period formed part of the force in Scotland, and Lieut.-General Sir John Cope, the Commander in Chief in North Britain, assembled all the troops under his orders at Stirling, which consisted of about fourteen hundred men. He afterwards advanced towards the great road called the Chain, leading through the Highlands to Inverness, and after a laborious march, arrived at Dalwhinny on the 25th of August. Here intelligence was received that the rebels were posted at Corryarrack, seventeen miles distant, upon which Lieut.-General Sir John Cope continued his march through Badenoch to Inverness, so that the south of Scotland was left unprotected, and the young Pretender improved this unexpected advantage, and accordingly entered the county of Athol, seized the Castle of Blair, proceeded afterwards to Perth and Dundee, proclaiming his Father by new magistrates of[5] his own appointment, levying the public money, and assuming other acts of royalty. The number of the rebels had increased to four thousand men, and on the 11th of September the young Chevalier marched from Perth, passed the Forth on the 13th, and on the 16th of that month, at night, arrived in the vicinity of Edinburgh. At five o'clock on the following morning the city was unaccountably surrendered to him without resistance. He then made his public entry, attired in Highland costume, and occupied the royal palace of Holyrood House. General Guest, who commanded the garrison of Edinburgh Castle, removed the bank, and the effects of the principal inhabitants into that fortress, which greatly disappointed the young Prince, who expected to gain possession of the treasure. His Father was afterwards proclaimed with great ceremony at the High Cross, as King of Great Britain and Ireland.
Lieut.-General Sir John Cope, in the meanwhile, had marched with his troops from Inverness to Aberdeen, where they took shipping, and landed at Dunbar, twenty-seven miles east of Edinburgh, on the 18th of September, when he was reinforced by Brigadier-General Fowke, with two regiments of dragoons, from Edinburgh. The next day he advanced towards that city to observe the disposition of the rebels, who were now increased to upwards of five thousand men.
On the 20th of September Lieut.-General Sir John Cope encamped in the neighbourhood of Preston-Pans,[9] near the sea, and seven miles from Edinburgh.[6] His army consisted of the following regiments:—
Gardiner's (13th) and Hamilton's (14th) dragoons | 567 |
Two companies of Guise's (6th) and eight of Lascelles' (47th) foot | 570 |
Five companies of Lee's (44th) regiment | 291 |
Murray's (now 46th) regiment | 580 |
Highlanders | 183 |
—— | |
Total | 2,191 |
—— |
Information being received of the approach of the enemy, Sir John Cope drew up his army at Gladsmuir Heath, between the hamlets of Preston-Pans and Cockenzie. About three o'clock on the morning of the 21st of September, large bodies of rebel Highlanders were in motion, and before daybreak a chosen band of these hardy mountaineers advanced with great celerity and intrepidity to attack the royalists. As they drew near, they raised a fearful yell, fired a volley, threw down their muskets, and rushed sword in hand upon the troops which guarded the artillery. The sudden advance of the Highlanders in the dark, their superior numbers, and peculiar mode of fighting, dismayed the two hundred soldiers appointed to guard the artillery on the right, who saw themselves assaulted by more than three times their own numbers, and as they caught the gleam of steel flashing in their faces, gave way and fled. The two hundred and fifty dragoons on the right, seeing the artillery lost, became disheartened; they advanced to charge a large mass of Highlanders, but observing the disparity of numbers, they were seized with a panic and galloped from the field.
This inauspicious commencement of the action damped the spirits of the infantry, and the panic spread from rank to rank; several companies made resistance, and feats of valour were displayed by individuals and[7] small parties; all semblance of order was, however, soon lost, and a confused rout ensued.
About four hundred of the royal forces were killed or wounded, and the prisoners, who amounted to nearly twelve hundred men, were removed to Edinburgh, and afterwards to the Highlands.
The FIFTY-SEVENTH regiment had the following officers taken prisoners: Lieut.-Colonel Clayton, Major Talbot, Captains Reid, John Cochran, Scot, Thomas Leslie, and Blackes; Lieutenants Thomas Hay, Cranston, Disney, Wale, Wry, and Simms; Ensigns Sutherland, Lucey, Holdane, Birnie, and L'Estrange; and Adjutant Spencer.
This successful commencement of the rebellion caused numerous adherents to flock to the Prince's standard; several regiments were recalled from the continent in October, and His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland proceeded to take the command of the royal army. The young Pretender, elated with the capture of Carlisle, marched as far as Derby, from whence, however, he commenced his retreat to the north on the 6th of December, as he found but few partisans in England to join him in his expedition.
The Duke of Cumberland, after capturing the rebel garrison of Carlisle, returned to London, leaving the command of the army to Lieut.-General Hawley.
In January 1746, Stirling was closely invested by the young Chevalier, and Lieut.-General Hawley marched to its relief. An engagement occurred at Falkirk on the 17th of January, in which the Prince was again victorious. The Duke of Cumberland now proceeded to Edinburgh, reassumed the command of the army, and on the 2nd of February entered Stirling.
Fortune no longer favored the young Chevalier, who fixed his head-quarters at Inverness. The inclemency of the season having abated, the Duke of Cumberland, on the 8th of April, advanced towards the enemy, and gained a complete victory over him on the 16th of April, near Culloden House, four miles east of Inverness.[10]
By official documents it appears, that on the 22nd of March, 1746, the FIFTY-SEVENTH regiment was stationed at Berwick, and on the 16th of April following, the date of the Battle of Culloden, the subjoined letter was addressed to the officer commanding the first division of the regiment, then at Tuxford, in Nottinghamshire, which indicates that the corps had commenced its march towards London:—
"War Office, 16th April, 1746.
"I am commanded to signify to you it is His Majesty's pleasure, that you cause the regiment of Foot under your command to continue its march in two divisions, with the utmost expedition, and without halting.
"I am, &c.
(Signed) "W. Yonge.
"Officer Commanding in Chief the first division
of Colonel Murray's regiment, at Tuxford."
Prince Charles, after enduring many hardships, succeeded in escaping to France in September. In the following month the FIFTY-SEVENTH regiment embarked at Portsmouth for Jersey.
The rebellion being suppressed, several regiments returned to Flanders, and on the 2nd of July, 1747, the Duke of Cumberland engaged the French at Laffeld, or Val, where the Allies suffered severely from the misconduct of the Dutch troops.
The Allies again took the field in the summer of 1748, but hostilities were at length terminated by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which was signed on the 7th of October, 1748. By it all the great treaties, from that of Westphalia in 1648, which first recognised the principle of a balance of power in Europe, to that of Vienna in 1738, were renewed and confirmed. Prussia retained Silesia, and the Empress-Queen Maria Theresa was guaranteed in the possession of her hereditary dominions, according to the Pragmatic Sanction. France surrendered her conquests in Flanders, and England those in the East and West Indies; all therefore Great Britain gained by the war was the glory of having supported the German sovereignty of Maria Theresa, and of having adhered to former treaties.
Several regiments were disbanded in consequence of the termination of the war. On the disbandment of Colonel Spotswood's (afterwards Gooche's) American Provincial Corps, then numbered the forty-third regiment, and of the ten Marine regiments from the forty-fourth to the fifty-third, the numerical titles of six of the seven regiments raised in 1741, were changed, and the fifty-seventh became the FORTY-SIXTH regiment.[11]
In the year 1749 the FORTY-SIXTH regiment proceeded to Ireland, where it remained for eight years.
In the Royal Warrant, dated the 1st of July, 1751, for ensuring uniformity in the clothing, standards, and colours of the army, and regulating the number and rank of regiments, the facings of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment were directed to be yellow. The first, or King's colour, was the Great Union; the second, or Regimental colour, was of yellow silk, with the Union in the upper canton; in the centre of the colour the number of the rank of the regiment, in gold Roman characters, within a wreath of roses and thistles on the same stalk.
While the regiment was stationed in Ireland, the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle was interrupted by the aggressions of the French on the British territory in North America, and early in 1756 the King of France prepared a powerful armament for the capture of the[11] island of Minorca. In consequence of this attack on Minorca, hostilities became inevitable on the part of Great Britain, and on the 18th of May war was declared against France.
On the 7th of May 1757, the FORTY-SIXTH, and other regiments, embarked at Cork, for Nova Scotia, being intended to form part of an expedition under Major-General the Earl of Loudoun, for the attack upon Cape Breton, an island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. On arriving at Halifax, the seventeenth, forty-second, FORTY-SIXTH, and the second battalion of the sixtieth regiments were formed in brigade under Major-General James Abercromby; but the French at Louisburg having been reinforced, the expedition was deferred until the following year, and the regiment remained in Nova Scotia during the winter.
While the expedition under Lieut.-General (afterwards Lord) Amherst proceeded in May, 1758, against Cape Breton,[12] the FORTY-SIXTH regiment was ordered to join the body of troops under Major-General James Abercromby, selected to attack the fort of Ticonderoga. This force, which comprised the twenty-seventh, forty-second, forty-fourth, FORTY-SIXTH, and fifty-fifth regiments, embarked on Lake George on the 5th of July, and landed on the following day near the extremity of the lake, from whence the troops marched through a wild and thickly-wooded country, in four columns, upon Ticonderoga; the guides mistook the route through the trackless woods, and on the 6th of July, a skirmish ensued with a body of French troops, in which Brigadier-General George Augustus Viscount Howe (of the fifty-fifth regiment) was killed. With this[12] exception the British sustained but small loss, while the enemy had three hundred killed, and one hundred and forty-eight taken prisoners. On the 8th of July, the British appeared before the fort, which was situated on a tongue of land, projecting into Lake Champlain, and was built by the French in 1756. It could only be approached on one side, which was strongly fortified; the other three sides being surrounded by water. Felled trees, with their branches outward, were spread before the works, which were defended by between four and five thousand men.
The engineer having reported that the entrenchment might be forced by musketry alone, Major-General Abercromby, unfortunately, determined to attack the place without waiting for the artillery, which, on account of the badness of the ground, could not be easily brought up. A rumour also that the French were about to be reinforced with three thousand men, confirmed the General in his resolution. Although the troops behaved with the utmost gallantry in the attack on fort Ticonderoga, on the 8th July, it was found impossible to succeed in the undertaking, and after many unavailing efforts, during a desperate contest of upwards of four hours, Major-General Abercromby gave orders to withdraw, and the British returned to their camp on the south of Lake George, where they arrived on the following evening.[13]
The following officers belonging to the FORTY-SIXTH regiment were killed on this occasion: Lieut.-Colonel Samuel Beaver, Captains George Needham and Edward Wynne; Lieutenants Jacob Laulhé and Arthur Lloyd; Ensign George Crofton, and Quarter-Master Thomas Carbonell.
In the year 1759, it was proposed to attack the French in all their strong posts in Canada at once, so as to fall as nearly as possible at the same time upon Crown Point, Niagara, and the forts to the south of Lake Erie, while a great naval armament, and a considerable body of land forces under Major-General James Wolfe, should attempt Quebec by the river St. Lawrence.
Lieut.-General Amherst, who commanded the British forces in America, was to attack Ticonderoga and Crown Point, by Lake George; the reduction of these forts would command the Lake Champlain, where having established a sufficient naval force, he was by the river Sorel, which forms the communication between this lake and the river St. Lawrence, to proceed to Quebec, and effect a junction with Major-General Wolfe.
The third of the grand operations was against Fort Niagara, near the celebrated falls of that name, a place of great consequence. The reduction of this place was committed to Brigadier-General John Prideaux (fifty-fifth regiment), under whom Sir William Johnson commanded the provincials of New York, and several Indians of the Five Nations, who were engaged in the British service, by the credit that gentleman had obtained among their tribes. It was to this portion of the army that the FORTY-SIXTH regiment was attached.
The troops which had been appointed to proceed to Niagara, arrived at the fort in July. This was a very important post, and was situated at the entrance of a[14] strait by which Lake Ontario is joined to Lake Erie. A little above the fort is the cataract of Niagara, the most remarkable in the world, for the quantity of water, and the greatness of the fall. The siege of the place had not been long formed, before Brigadier-General Prideaux was killed in the trenches, by the bursting of a cohorn. This occurred on the 20th of July, and the accident threatened to throw a damp on the operations; but Sir William Johnson, upon whom the command devolved, omitted nothing to continue the vigorous measures of his predecessor, and added to them everything his own genius could suggest.
The French were alarmed for the safety of the fort, and collected all the troops they could draw from their posts about the lakes, and to these were joined a large body of Indians; the whole advanced to raise the siege, and they amounted in all, to seventeen hundred men.
It was on the 23rd of July, that Sir William Johnson received intelligence of the approach of the enemy to relieve the fort, and instantly made a disposition to defeat their designs. The guard of the trenches was commanded by Major John Beckwith, of the forty-fourth regiment, and, lest the garrison should sally out, and either attempt to surprise or overpower that guard, by which the British would have been hemmed in between two fires, the forty-fourth regiment, under Lieut.-Colonel William Farquhar, was posted in such manner as to be able to sustain Major Beckwith.
The road on the left of the line, which led from the cataract to the fort, was occupied by the light infantry, and piquets of the army, on the evening of the 23rd of July; early next morning these were reinforced by the grenadiers and part of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, the whole commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Eyre Massey, of the FORTY-SIXTH, to whose good conduct in the distribution[15] of the troops, and the steadiness with which he received the enemy in front, while the Indians in British pay, attacked them on the flanks, the honor of the day was in a great degree attributable. The French were completely defeated, and all their officers were made prisoners, among whom were Monsieur Aubry, De Lignery, Marin, and Repentini.
This action sealed the fate of Fort Niagara, which surrendered on the following day (25th of July), and Sir William Johnson, Bart., in his despatch to Lieut.-General Amherst, of that date, thus alluded to the conduct of the troops:—
"Permit me to assure you, in the whole progress of the siege, which was severe and painful, the officers and men behaved with the utmost cheerfulness and bravery."
In the meantime the siege of Ticonderoga was prosecuted with vigour by the troops under Lieut.-General Amherst, and on the 25th of July the garrison blew up the fort, and sailed to Crown Point, another fort on Lake Champlain, which place the French also abandoned, and retired down the lake to Isle aux Noix; Crown Point was occupied by the British on the 4th of August following.
The operations against Quebec by the troops under Major-General James Wolfe, caused the year to end in a most triumphant manner to the British Arms. The battle fought on the 13th of September, 1759, on the Heights of Abraham, in which the Major-General was killed, led to the surrender of Quebec, which capitulated five days afterwards.
While the above operations were being performed, Lieut.-General Amherst found that the command of Lake Champlain was still an object of some difficulty, although the retreat of the French from Crown Point[16] and Ticonderoga had left him master of Lake George. In October the troops embarked in boats, and proceeded a considerable distance along the lake, but the season became too advanced for operations, which were postponed to the following year, and the force returned to Crown Point and Ticonderoga for winter-quarters.
The French endeavoured to regain possession of Quebec, and after the battle of Sillery fought before that place on the 28th of April, 1760, in which, from their superiority in numbers they had the advantage, trenches were immediately opened by them before the town. The arrival of the English fleet in May dissipated all fears for the safety of Quebec, and nothing now remained to cloud the prospect of the reduction of Canada, by the united efforts of three British armies, which, by different routes, were marching to attack those parts of the country that remained in the power of France.
A large army was collected at Oswego by Lieut.-General Amherst, which the FORTY-SIXTH regiment joined in the afternoon of the 6th of August. The whole army embarked on the 10th of August, and the grenadiers, amounting to about six hundred men, were embodied, and placed under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Eyre Massey of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment. Dispositions were afterwards made for the attack of Fort Levi, on L'Isle Royale, and after two days' sharp firing, the fort surrendered on the 25th of August, of which Lieut.-Colonel Massey, with three companies of grenadiers, took possession.
After spending some days in repairing this post, and in fitting out the vessels for passing the troops down the river St. Lawrence, the most difficult part of which was now to be encountered; notwithstanding all precautions, nearly ninety men were drowned in passing[17] the dangerous falls, and a great number of vessels broke to pieces. After a tedious voyage the British came in sight of the Island of Montreal on the 6th of September.
The troops were immediately landed, and all dispositions were made for attacking the place, and so excellently was the plan concerted, that Brigadier-General the Honorable James Murray landed from Quebec on that very day, and Colonel Haviland with his force from Isle-au-Noix on the following day.
The Marquis of Vaudreuil, the French Governor-General, saw himself entirely enclosed, and was compelled to surrender the garrison of Montreal on the 8th of September; thus was completed the Conquest of Canada, which vast country has since continued under the dominion of Great Britain.
The regiment remained in North America until October 1761, when it embarked for Barbadoes, where an armament was being assembled for the attack of the French West India Islands, and the land forces were placed under the orders of Major-General the Honorable Robert Monckton.
The armament sailed from Carlisle Bay, in Barbadoes, on the 5th of January, 1762, and proceeded against the island of Martinique, which was settled by the French about the year 1635. After menacing the coast at several points, a landing was effected in the middle of January in Cas des Navières Bay; many difficulties were encountered from the rugged surface of the country, and from the formidable heights occupied by the enemy, but these were overcome by British skill, discipline, and valour; the heights of Morne Tartenson were carried on the 24th of January, and of Morne Garnier on the 27th; Fort Royal surrendered[18] on the 4th of February, and these successes were followed by the submission of the island to the British Crown.
Major-General the Honorable Robert Monckton commended the conduct of the troops in his despatch, and added,—"The difficulties they had to encounter in the attack of an enemy, possessed of every advantage that art or nature could give them, were great. Their perseverance in surmounting these obstacles furnishes a noble example of British spirit:" and in alluding to the conduct of the three divisions of grenadiers, one division of which was commanded by Lieut.-Colonel the Honorable John Vaughan, at this period Lieut.-Colonel commandant of the ninety-fourth (since disbanded), but who was appointed to the FORTY-SIXTH regiment in November following, added, that "they had particularly distinguished themselves, the warmest part of the service having fallen to their lot."
The capture of Martinique was followed by the submission of Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent.
War had in the interim been declared against Spain, and the FORTY-SIXTH joined the armament under General the Earl of Albemarle, destined to proceed against the wealthy Spanish settlement of the Havannah, in the Island of Cuba. On the 7th of June a landing was effected, and on the 9th the troops took up a position between Coximar and the Moro Fort. Extraordinary difficulties were encountered in making the approaches, and carrying on the siege, while a severe sickness prevailed amongst the seamen and soldiers. Every obstacle was, however, overcome by the unanimity which existed between the land and sea forces. The Moro fort, which protected the harbour, and was[19] regarded as almost impregnable, was captured by storm on the 30th of July; on the 11th of August a series of batteries opened so well-directed a fire on the defences of the town, that the guns of the garrison were soon silenced, and flags of truce were hung out. On the 13th of August the town of the Havannah, with all its dependencies, and the ships of war in the harbour, surrendered, and the British troops took possession of this valuable settlement. Negociations for peace were shortly afterwards commenced, and the preliminary articles were signed at Fontainebleau by the Duke of Bedford on the 3rd of November, 1762.
The treaty of Fontainebleau was concluded at Paris on the 10th of February, 1763, the ratifications were exchanged on the 10th of March, and peace was proclaimed in London on the 22nd of that month.
By this treaty the whole of Canada, part of Louisiana, together with Cape Breton, and the other islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, were ceded to Great Britain. In the West Indies, the islands of Tobago, Dominica, St. Vincent, and Grenada, were retained by Great Britain; but Martinique, Guadaloupe, Marigalante, and St. Lucia, were restored to France. In the East Indies, the French obtained the restitution of their settlements, but agreed not to erect any fortifications in Bengal. Minorca was restored to England in exchange for Belle-Isle, which had been captured by the British in 1761, and it was stipulated that the fortifications of Dunkirk should be demolished. Spain ceded East and West Florida to Great Britain, in return for the restitution of the Havannah, Manilla, and all the places which Spain had lost since the commencement of the war.
In the meanwhile the FORTY-SIXTH regiment had[20] returned to North America, where it remained for the four following years.
Colonel the Honorable William Howe was appointed by His Majesty King George III. from the fifty-eighth to the colonelcy of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment on the 21st of November, 1764, in succession to Lieut.-General the Honorable Thomas Murray, deceased.
In the autumn of the year 1767 the FORTY-SIXTH regiment returned to Great Britain, and was stationed in Ireland for eight years.
Serious disputes had, in the meantime, arisen, on the subject of taxation, between the colonists in North America and the British Government. The passing of the Stamp Act, in 1764, was the first cause of irritation, but the spirit of discontent was partially allayed by its repeal in 1766. This feeling was again aroused, in the following year, by the Bill for levying duties on certain articles imported from England, which was repealed in 1770, with the exception of the duty on tea, which was retained as an assertion of the right of taxation inherent in the British Legislature. After the cargoes of tea sent to Boston in 1773 had been emptied into the sea, an Act of Parliament was passed in the year 1774 for closing that port.
The colonists adopted retaliatory measures, and subsequently made preparations for an appeal to arms.
On the 19th of April, 1775, the first hostile collision took place at Lexington, between His Majesty's troops and the Colonists in the unhappy contest, which was soon to assume a most formidable character.
Upon Major-General the Honorable Sir William Howe, K.B., being removed to the colonelcy of the twenty-third Royal Welsh Fusiliers, on the 11th of May, 1775, Brevet Colonel the Honorable John Vaughan[21] was appointed to the vacant colonelcy of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment.
The conflict at Lexington was followed by the battle of Bunker's Hill, which was fought on the 17th of June, 1775.
These events caused several regiments to be embarked for America early in the year 1776; the FORTY-SIXTH embarked from Ireland at this period, and arrived on the coast of North Carolina early in April, when Major-General Henry Clinton, who was serving with the local rank of General in America, assumed the command. The men landed at Cape Fear to refresh themselves after the voyage, and returning on board the transports, sailed on the 1st of June with the expedition against Charleston. After passing Charleston bar, the troops landed on one of the islands; but the armament proved of insufficient strength for the capture of the capital of South Carolina, and the troops re-embarked and proceeded to Staten Island, where the main body of the British forces had assembled under Major-General the Honorable Sir William Howe, K.B., who was serving with the local rank of General in America. The seventeenth, fortieth, FORTY-SIXTH, and fifty-fifth regiments were here formed in brigade under Major-General James Grant.
On the 4th of July, 1776, the American Congress issued their declaration of independence, abjuring their allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain, and all hope of accommodation failed.
A landing was effected by the British on Long Island on the 22nd of August, and in the evening of the 26th the army was put in motion to pass a range of woody heights, which intersect the island, and to attack the American force in position beyond the hills. The column under Major-General Grant, of which the FORTY-SIXTH formed part, was directed to advance along the[22] coast, with ten pieces of cannon, to draw the enemy's attention to that quarter. Moving forward at the appointed hour, this column fell in with the advanced parties of the Americans about midnight, and at daybreak on the following morning, encountered a large body of troops formed in an advantageous position, defended by artillery. Skirmishing and cannonading ensued, and were continued until the Americans discovered by the firing at Brooklyn, that the left of their army had been turned and forced, when they retreated in great confusion through a morass. The American army, being driven from its positions with severe loss, made a precipitate retreat to their fortified lines at Brooklyn.
The Americans quitted their fortified lines during the night of the 28th of August, and retired across the East River, in boats, to New York; the reduction of Long Island was accomplished in a few days, with little loss.
The regiment shared in the operations by which the capture of New York was accomplished: also in the movements by which the Americans were driven from White Plains, and in the reduction of Fort Washington.
After the reduction of Fort Washington, and of Fort Lee on the opposite side of the North, or Hudson's River, the regiment continued the pursuit of the enemy across the Jerseys, by Elizabeth Town, Raway, &c. towards Philadelphia, and remained during the following winter at Amboy.
The FORTY-SIXTH regiment occupied an old transport ship as a barrack, and being actively employed during the winter in constant escorts of ammunition, was continually attacked between that place and New Brunswick, on the way to Trenton, Princetown, and Burlington, where the advance of the British army had taken up winter quarters.
During the winter, General Washington suddenly passed the Delaware river, and succeeded in surprising and making prisoners a corps of Hessians at Trenton, but he afterwards made a precipitate retreat. Being reinforced, he again crossed the river, and took up a position at Trenton.
Information having been received that the Americans were forming magazines at Peek's Hill, about fifty miles up the North River, the FORTY-SIXTH regiment was detached against that post, with a body of troops, which sailed from New York on the 22nd of March, 1777, and as they approached Peek's Hill, the Americans set fire to the stores, and retreated. The British landed, completed the destruction of the magazines, barracks, &c., and subsequently returned to their former quarters at New York.
Afterwards taking the field with the army in the Jerseys, the FORTY-SIXTH regiment was engaged in the operations designed to bring the enemy to a general engagement; but the Americans kept close in their fortified lines in the mountains; an expedition against the populous and wealthy city of Philadelphia was next undertaken.
Embarking from Sandy Hook, the army, of which the FORTY-SIXTH formed part, proceeded to the Chesapeake, and landed on the northern shore of the Elk river on the 25th of August. The American army took up a position at Brandywine, to oppose the advance, and on the 11th of September the Royal forces moved forward to engage their opponents. The action proved decisive; the enemy was driven from his position, and forced to make a precipitate retreat. The FORTY-SIXTH sustained but trifling loss on this occasion.
In order to harass the Royal forces, General Washington posted several detachments in such a manner as[24] to command all the roads and avenues to their encampment. He seized every opportunity of drawing detached parties into ambuscades, which was the more readily effected, as the country was in his interest, and the provincial army abounded with persons fully acquainted with all its local advantages.
A very considerable detachment employed in this manner, lay concealed in the depth of a forest at a short distance behind the British camp; it consisted of fifteen hundred men, commanded by General Wayne.
General Sir William Howe, upon receiving this intelligence, despatched Major-General Charles (afterwards Earl) Grey with a body of troops in the middle of the night of the 20th of September to surprise the detachment of the enemy.
The light company of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment was engaged in this enterprise, which was conducted with singular address and intrepidity. The troops advanced in profound silence to the outposts of the enemy, which were surprised and secured without the least noise. It was then between twelve and one. The main body of the American army, unapprised of its danger, had retired to rest. Directed by the light of the camp fires, the party under Major-General Grey proceeded undiscovered to the enemy's encampment, and rushed upon the foe with their bayonets. Three hundred Americans were killed and wounded, and a great number taken prisoners, with most of their arms and baggage. Obscurity saved those that escaped, as it had before at Brandywine Creek. The British had only one officer, one serjeant, and one private soldier killed, and a few men wounded, in this attack.
It was this affair which gave the FORTY-SIXTH regiment Red Feathers, which it has ever since worn. The origin of the distinction is as follows:—
The Americans having vowed vengeance for the above attack, and that they would give no quarter, the soldiers of the light battalion on this declared, that to prevent any one not engaged in the action from suffering on their account, they had stained their feathers red, as a distinguishing mark.
The British army advanced upon Philadelphia, took possession of that city, and occupied a position at Germantown. The Americans attempted to surprise the British troops early on the morning of the 4th of October, and at first gained some advantage, but were speedily repulsed with severe loss.
The regiment passed the winter in quarters at Philadelphia, and in the spring of 1778, it furnished several detachments, which ranged the country in various directions to open communications for obtaining provisions. At this period General the Honorable Sir William Howe had returned to England, and resigned the command of the army to General Sir Henry Clinton, K.B. The regiment also took part in the fatigues and difficulties of the march of the army from Philadelphia, through the Jerseys, in order to return to New York, and the flank companies were engaged on the 28th of June in repulsing the attack of the enemy on the rear of the column at Monmouth Court-House, near Freehold, in New Jersey.
The army had marched from Philadelphia to New York in consequence of the King of France having engaged to aid the Americans, which circumstance changed the character of the war. Shortly after the arrival of the British army at New York a powerful French armament appeared off that port. The enemy had a great superiority of numbers; but the enthusiasm in the British navy and army was unbounded, and the[26] hour of contest was looked forward to with sanguine expectations. The enemy did not, however, venture to hazard an attack; but proceeded against Rhode Island; a numerous body of Americans co-operated in the enterprise, and besieged Newport. The British fleet put to sea, and the thirty-third, forty-second, FORTY-SIXTH, and sixty-fourth regiments embarked, under Major-General Grey, to join the fleet at the east end of Long Island.
When the transports were about to sail, information was received of the departure of the French fleet from Rhode Island, and while at sea, news arrived of the Americans having raised the siege of Newport. The troops were then directed to proceed against Bedford, on the Accushnet river, a noted place for American privateers. On the evening of the 5th of September the troops landed,—overcame all opposition,—destroyed seventy privateers and other ships,—demolished the fort and artillery,—blew up the magazine,—destroyed an immense quantity of naval stores, &c., and returned on board the transports at noon on the following day. The troops afterwards proceeded against Martha's Vineyard,—destroyed the defences,—took three hundred and eighty-eight stand of arms from the militia,—obliged the inhabitants to deliver up three hundred oxen, ten thousand sheep, and a thousand pounds sterling collected by the Congress. After this success the regiment returned to New York.
A powerful French armament menacing the British possessions in the West Indies, the FORTY-SIXTH, and other regiments, sailed from North America, early in November, for Barbadoes, under Major-General James Grant.
Upon the arrival of the reinforcements at Barbadoes,[27] the British naval and military commanders resolved to attack the French island of St. Lucia. On this occasion the FORTY-SIXTH regiment was formed in brigade with the fifteenth, twenty-eighth, and fifty-fifth regiments, under Major-General Prescott.
The expedition sailed from Carlisle Bay on the 12th of December, a landing was effected at St. Lucia on the following day, and on the 14th the French troops were driven from several important posts. In the meantime a French armament of very superior numbers approached the island, and the British took up positions to repel the enemy. The French fleet made a desperate attack on the British naval force, but was repulsed.
A numerous body of the enemy landed, and, on the 18th of December, stormed the post of La Vigie, which was occupied by the grenadiers and light infantry (of which the flank companies of the FORTY-SIXTH formed part), and the fifth regiment, under Brigadier-General Medows. The enemy amounted to nine thousand men, commanded by Monsieur D'Estaing, the Marquis de Bouillé, and M. Lavendahl, and advanced in three columns; their first two attacks were made, to quote the words of Major-General Grant's despatch, "with the impetuosity of Frenchmen, and repulsed with the determined bravery of Britons." The French made a third attempt, but were soon broken, and were forced to re-embark, leaving the ground covered with killed and wounded.[14]
The flank companies of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment had an opportunity of distinguishing themselves on this occasion, and Lieutenant William Gomm was wounded.
The loss of the French amounted to about four hundred killed and eleven hundred wounded, while the killed on the side of the British was only ten, and one hundred and thirty wounded. The sense Major-General Grant entertained of the services of Brigadier-General Medows and the detachment under his command, was expressed in the following letter, dated from Morne Fortunée, the 19th of December, 1778:—
"I cannot express how much I feel obliged to you, and the troops under your command, for repulsing, with so much spirit and bravery, so great a body of the enemy, and own it was just what I expected from you and them; and I am sure, under your command, they will always behave in such a manner as to do honor to you, themselves, their King, and their country; and I must beg of you to express my gratitude.
"I have, &c.,
(Signed) "James Grant,
"Brigadier-General Medows, &c., &c., &c."
Immediately after the departure of the French armament, the governor surrendered the island of St. Lucia to the British troops, the capitulation being signed on the 30th of December.
In 1779 the Court of Spain commenced hostilities against Great Britain, and this example was followed by the Dutch.
The FORTY-SIXTH regiment remained in the West Indies until the year 1782, when it returned to England.
A letter, dated the 31st of August, 1782, conveyed to the regiment His Majesty's pleasure, that County Titles should be conferred on the Infantry, and the FORTY-SIXTH was directed to assume the designation of the SOUTH DEVONSHIRE regiment, in order that a connexion between the regiment and that part of the county should be cultivated, which might be useful in promoting the success of the recruiting service.
On the 30th of November, 1782, the preliminary Articles of Peace were signed at Paris between Great Britain and the United States of America, and the treaty was concluded in the ensuing February.
The preliminaries of the treaties between England, France, and Spain, were signed at Versailles on the 20th of January, 1783. St. Lucia was restored to France, also the settlements on the river Senegal and the city of Pondicherry in the East Indies. France relinquished all her West India conquests, with the exception of Tobago; Spain retained Minorca (which had surrendered to the combined French and Spanish forces in the previous year), and West Florida; East Florida was ceded in exchange for the restitution of the Bahamas to Great Britain.
On the 2nd of September, 1783, were signed the preliminary Articles of Peace with Holland, the treaty with that country having been postponed in consequence of the Dutch claiming an indemnification for the expenses of the war, and the restoration of Trincomalee, in Ceylon, which had been captured from the Dutch by the English in January of the previous year, and retaken by the French in August following. The[30] place was, however, restored to Holland at the general peace.
The FORTY-SIXTH regiment proceeded from Plymouth to Ireland on the 21st of February, 1784, and continued in that country during the eight following years.
In February, 1792, the regiment proceeded from Ireland to Gibraltar.
While the FORTY-SIXTH regiment was stationed at Gibraltar, the French revolutionary war commenced, and in the year 1794, the islands of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe were captured by the British. The French republican government fitted out an expedition for the recovery of these islands, and some success attended their efforts. This occurrence occasioned an order to be given for the FORTY-SIXTH regiment to be embarked from Gibraltar to reinforce the British troops in the West Indies. The regiment accordingly embarked in November, 1794, and arrived in the following month at the island of Martinique.
The republican emissaries employed by France having organized an insurrection in the island of St. Vincent, where the native Caribs, and several of the French inhabitants were in arms against the British government, occasioned the FORTY-SIXTH regiment to be ordered to St. Vincent.
At Dorsetshire Hill, the Caribs hoisted the tri-coloured flag, and burnt every plantation in their power. The loyal inhabitants of the island assembled at Kingston, and in the fort, and every means of defence which the colony afforded, were used by Governor Seton.
It being determined to storm Dorsetshire Hill, Governor Seton selected a force for this enterprise, of[31] which a company of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, which had arrived from Martinique, under the command of Captain Dugald Campbell, formed part. Shortly after twelve o'clock, on the night of the 14th of March, the troops mounted the steep and rugged path in regularity and silence. They ascended within eighty yards of the main post, when they were discovered by the enemy's sentry, who challenged and fired. The Caribs, undismayed by the surprise, shouted, and opened a smart fire of musketry on the British. As soon as the troops were within twenty yards of the enemy, orders were given to fire a volley and charge, which were obeyed with the greatest alacrity. While a portion of the British force mounted the bank at one place, the detachment of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, under Captain Campbell, ascended another part of the bank. The buildings which sheltered the enemy were stormed, but many escaped through the darkness of the night. Chatoye, the Carib king, was killed with several of his adherents, and the enemy's two pieces of cannon were captured.
Dorsetshire Hill being too extensive a position, was abandoned early on the following morning, and the British returned to Sion Hill.
The remainder of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment having arrived, enabled the governor to make a second attack upon the enemy on the 10th of April, when the Caribs were driven from their positions with considerable loss on their side, but small on the part of the British.
On the 7th of May, the enemy appeared on the height above Calliaqua, in the vicinity of which was situated the estate belonging to Sir William Young, whose buildings had been previously consumed by the Caribs, who had received reinforcements from Guadaloupe.
Governor Seton, considering that some attempt would be made against Kingston, sent on the 7th of May, a party, under Captain John Hall, of the FORTY-SIXTH, consisting of a subaltern and thirty-three rank and file of that regiment, forty militia, and forty of the corps of rangers, with five of the royal artillery, and a fourteen pound field-piece, to take possession of Dorsetshire Hill. About one o'clock in the morning of the 8th of May, the party under Captain Hall was attacked by a force of three hundred French and Caribs, and after a vigorous resistance, was compelled to withdraw to the post on Sion Hill, in consequence of the enemy's great superiority in numbers, leaving the field-piece spiked.
Kingston would inevitably have been destroyed, if the enemy had kept possession of Dorsetshire Hill, and sixty rank and file of the FORTY-SIXTH, under Captain William Cooper Forster, of that regiment, were immediately detached with other troops to attack the foe at daybreak.
The Caribs, with great dexterity, found means to clear the field-piece of the spike during the short time they had it in their possession, and had been joined by upwards of a hundred French and others of their party immediately after the retreat of Captain Hall's party. The British, however, attacked them with great spirit, and, in less than half an hour, they retook the field-piece, and obtained possession of the hill, the enemy flying on all sides.
The FORTY-SIXTH regiment had three rank and file killed, and nine wounded. Captain William Cooper Forster and Ensign Michael Lee, were also wounded.
On the 12th of June the troops under Lieut.-Colonel Baldwin Leighton, of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, carried by assault, the enemy's post on the Vigie, on which[33] occasion Captains John Law and William Cooper Forster, of that regiment, were wounded:—after this success the Lieut.-Colonel advanced into the Carib country, and took up a position on Mount Young.
On the 1st of August, 1795, Major-General James Henry Craig was appointed Colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, in succession to Lieut.-General the Honorable Sir John Vaughan, K.B., deceased.
In September, 1795, reinforcements arrived from England, consisting of the fortieth, fifty-fourth, and fifty-ninth regiments, and Major-General Paulus Æmilius Irving assumed the command. The enemy, apprised of the arrival of fresh troops, retired from his position on Fairbane's Ridge, during the night of the 30th of September.
At three o'clock on the morning of the 2nd of October, the troops advanced against the Vigie, and after a severe action, the Caribs abandoned that post, of which possession was taken by the British.
After this action the British remained on the defensive, but several attacks were made by the enemy. Major-General Peter Hunter, after an action fought on the 8th of January, 1796, evacuated the New Vigie, in order to provide for the safety of Fort Charlotte and Kingston. The party from Morne Ronde was also withdrawn.
On the 8th of June further reinforcements arrived under Lieut.-General Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B., and on the following day the troops marched in one column, by the right, as far as Stubbs, about eight miles from Kingston; each division halted that evening opposite to their respective points of attack. The post of New Vigie, an eminence on which the enemy had constructed four redoubts, stronger by the natural[34] difficulties of the approach, than by the art displayed in their formation, was attacked on the 10th of June, and after a conflict of seven hours' duration, the Caribs surrendered prisoners of war; but about six hundred broke the capitulation, and escaped to the woods, where they joined their friends at the farther end of the island.
In this attack the FORTY-SIXTH had two rank and file killed, and one wounded.
Troops were also despatched to Mounts Young and William, where a number of brass ordnance, and a quantity of ammunition, &c., were taken.
A desultory warfare was carried on until September, when the Caribs were forced to submit, and they were afterwards removed from the island of St. Vincent.
The FORTY-SIXTH regiment, which had been engaged with the Caribs, together, and in detachments, on thirteen occasions, and in eight months had sustained a loss of four hundred men out of five hundred and twenty, afterwards returned to England, and arrived at Portsmouth in November, 1796.
While stationed in England the regiment was successively quartered at Doncaster, York, Henley-upon-Thames, Warminster, Poole, and Plymouth, from which port it embarked for Ireland, towards the end of the year 1799.
In the beginning of the year 1800, the regiment arrived at Cork, and was subsequently stationed at Fermoy, Limerick, and Cork.
While the regiment was stationed in Ireland, a treaty of peace was signed on the 27th of March, 1802, at Amiens, but the ambitious designs of the French ruler occasioned the war to be renewed in May, 1803.
On the 5th of January, 1804, His Majesty King[35] George III., appointed Lieut.-General John Whyte, from the First West India regiment, to be colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, in succession to Lieut.-General Sir James Henry Craig, who was removed to the eighty-sixth regiment.
The FORTY-SIXTH regiment embarked at Cork for the West Indies, and arrived at Barbadoes in April. In June following the regiment proceeded to Dominica.[15]
In February, 1805, the island of Dominica was attacked by the French, and the gallant conduct of the FORTY-SIXTH on that occasion cannot be better recorded than by the insertion of the following despatch, addressed to Earl Camden, K.G., one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, by Lieut.-General Sir William Myers, Bart., commanding the troops in the Windward and Leeward Islands:—
"Barbadoes, March 9th, 1805.
"My Lord,
"I have the honor to enclose to your Lordship, a copy of a despatch from Brigadier-General Prevost, dated Dominica, 1st of March, 1805. The details contained therein are so highly reputable to the Brigadier-General, and the small portion of troops employed against so numerous an enemy, that I have great satisfaction in recommending that their gallant exertions may be laid before His Majesty.
"The zeal and talent manifested by the brigadier-general upon this occasion, it is my duty to present for the royal consideration, and at the same time I[36] beg to be permitted to express the high sense I entertain of the distinguished bravery of His Majesty's troops, and the militia of the colony, employed on that service.
"The vigorous resistance which the enemy have experienced, and the loss which they have sustained in this attack, must evince to them, that however inferior our numbers were on this occasion, British troops are not to be hostilely approached with impunity; and had not the town of Roseau been accidentally destroyed by fire, we should have little to regret, and much to exult in.
"Your Lordship will perceive by the returns, that our loss in men, compared to that of the enemy, is but trifling; but I have sincerely to lament that of Major Nunn, of the First West India regiment, whose wound is reported to be of a dangerous kind; he is an excellent man, and a meritorious officer.
"I have, &c.,
(Signed) "W. Myers.
"Head Quarters, Prince Rupert's,
Dominica, March 1st, 1805.
"About an hour before the dawn of day on the 22nd ultimo, an alarm was fired from Scots Head, and soon after a cluster of ships was discovered off Roseau. As our light increased, I made out five large ships, three frigates, two brigs, and small craft under British colours, a ship of three decks carrying a flag at the mizen. The frigates ranging too close to Fort Young, I ordered them to be fired on, and soon after nineteen large barges, full of troops, appeared[37] coming from the lee of the other ships, attended and protected by an armed schooner, full of men, and seven other boats carrying carronades. The English flag was lowered, and that of the French hoisted.
"A landing was immediately attempted on my left flank, between the town of Roseau and the post of Cachecrow. The light infantry of the First West India regiment were the first on the march to support Captain Smart's company of militia, which, throughout the day, behaved with great gallantry; it was immediately supported by the grenadiers of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment. The first boats were beat off, but the schooner and one of the brigs coming close on shore, to cover the landing, compelled our troops to occupy a better position, a defile leading to the town. At this moment I brought up the grenadiers of the St. George's regiment of militia, and soon after the remainder of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, and gave over to Major Nunn these brave troops, with orders not to yield to the enemy one inch of ground. Two field-pieces (an amuzette and a six-pounder), were brought into action for their support, under the command of Serjeant Creed of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, manned by additional gunners and sailors. These guns, and a twenty-four pounder from Melville battery, shook the French advancing column by the execution they did.
"I sent two companies of St. George's militia, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Constable, and a company of the FORTY-SIXTH, to prevent the enemy from getting into the rear of the position occupied by Major Nunn.
"On my return I found the "Majestueuse" of 120[38] guns, lying opposite to Fort Young, pouring into the town and batteries her broadsides, followed by the other seventy-fours and frigates doing the same.
"Some artillery, several captains of merchantmen with their sailors, and the militia artillery, manned five twenty-four pounders, and three eighteens, at the fort, and five twenty-fours at Melville battery, and returned an uninterrupted fire; from the first post red-hot shot were thrown. At about ten o'clock, A.M., Major Nunn, most unfortunately for His Majesty's service, whilst faithfully executing the order I had given him, was wounded; I fear mortally.
"This did not discourage the brave fellows. Captain O'Connell, of the First West India regiment, received the command and a wound almost at the same time; however, the last circumstance could not induce him to give up the honor of the first, and he continued on the field animating his men, and resisting the repeated charges of the enemy, until about one o'clock, when he obliged them to retire from their position with great slaughter. It is impossible for me to do justice to the merit of that officer; you will, I doubt not, favorably report his conduct to His Majesty, and at the same time that of Captain James, who commanded the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, and Captain Archibald Campbell, who commanded the grenadiers of that corps.
"Foiled and beat off on the left, the right flank was attempted, and a considerable force was landed near Morne Daniel. The regulars not exceeding two hundred, employed on the left in opposing the advance of three columns, consisting of upwards of two thousand men, could afford me no reinforcement; I had only the right wing of the St. George's regiment[39] of militia to oppose them, of about a hundred men. They attacked with spirit, but unfortunately the frigates had stood in so close to the shore to protect this disembarkation, that after receiving a destructive fire, they fell back and occupied the heights of Woodbridge estate. Then it was that a column of the enemy marched up to Morne Daniel, and stormed the redoubt defended by a small detachment, which, after an obstinate resistance they carried. On my left Captain O'Connell was gaining ground, notwithstanding a fresh supply of troops and several field-pieces, which had been brought on shore by the enemy. I now observed a large column climbing the mountains to get in his rear.
"The town, which had been for some time in flames, was only protected by a light howitzer and a six-pounder to the right, supported by part of the light company of the St. George's regiment. The enemy's large ships in Woodbridge Bay, out of the reach of my guns, my right flank gained, and my retreat to Prince Rupert's almost cut off, I determined on one attempt to keep the sovereignty of the island, which the excellent troops I had warranted. I ordered the militia to remain at the posts, except such as were inclined to encounter more hardships and severe service; and Captain O'Connell, with the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, under the command of Captain James, and the light company of the First West India regiment, were directed to make a forced march to Prince Rupert's. I then allowed the President to enter into terms for the town of Roseau; and then demanded from the French General that private property should be respected, and that no wanton or disgraceful pillage should be allowed; this done, only attended[40] by Brigade Major Prevost, and Deputy Quarter Master-General Hopley, of the militia forces, I crossed the island, and in twenty-four hours, with the aid of the inhabitants and the exertions of the Caribs, I got to this garrison on the 23rd. After four days' continued march, through the most difficult country, I might almost say existing, Captain O'Connell joined me at Prince Rupert's, himself wounded, and bringing in his wounded, with a few of the royal artillery, and the precious remainder of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, and the First West India light company.
"I had no sooner got to the fort, than I ordered cattle to be driven in, and took measures for getting a store of water from the river in the bay. I found my signals to Lieut.-Colonel Charles Broughton, of the First West India Regiment, made from Roseau soon after the enemy had landed, had been received, and that, in consequence, he had made the most judicious arrangements his garrison would allow for the defence of this important post.
"On the 25th I received the letter of summons I have now the honor to transmit, from General of Division La Grange, and without delay sent the reply you will find accompanying it.
"On the 27th the enemy's cruisers hovered about the head, however, the "Centaur's" tender (Vigilante) came in, and was saved by our guns. I landed Mr. Henderson, her commander, and crew, to assist in the defence we were prepared to make.
"As far as can be collected, the enemy had about four thousand men on board, and the whole of their force was compelled to disembark before they gained one inch of ground.
"I entrust this despatch to Captain O'Connell,[41] to whom I beg to refer you; his services entitle him to consideration. I am much indebted to the zeal and discernment of Fort Adjutant Gualy, who was very accessary to the due execution of my orders.
"I cannot pass unnoticed the very soldier-like conduct of Lieutenant Wallis of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, to whom I had entrusted the post of Cachecrow, or Scots Head: on perceiving our retreat he spiked his guns, destroyed his ammunition, and immediately commenced his march to join me at Prince Rupert's with his detachment: nor that of Lieutenant Schaw of the same corps, who acted as an officer of artillery, and behaved with uncommon coolness and judgment, while on the battery, and great presence of mind in securing the retreat of the additional gunners belonging to the FORTY-SIXTH regiment. On the 27th, after levying a contribution on Roseau, the enemy reimbarked, and hovered that day and the next about this post. This morning the French fleet is seen off the south end of Guadaloupe, under easy sail.
"Our loss, you will perceive by the returns I have the honor to transmit, was inconsiderable, when compared with that of the enemy, which included several officers of rank, and about three hundred others.
"I have, &c.,
(Signed) "Geo. Prevost.
"Lieut.-General Sir William
Myers, Bart., &c. &c. &c."
"P.S. As I find I cannot spare Captain O'Connell from the duty of this garrison, I must refer you to the master of a neutral vessel, who has engaged to deliver this despatch."
"From the General of Division La Grange, &c., to his Excellency General Prevost, &c.
"Head Quarters at Roseau,
the 5th Ventôse, Year 13th, Feb. 25th, 1805.
"The General of Division La Grange, Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, Inspector-General of the Gendarmerie, Commander-in-Chief of the troops of the expedition to the Leeward Islands:
"Before I commence any military operations against the fort, into which it appears that you have retired, I shall fulfil a preliminary duty authorised and practised by civilized nations. You are aware, no less than myself, of the nature of your position, and of the entire inutility of occasioning any further effusion of blood. You witnessed with grief the melancholy fate of the town of Roseau; my first endeavours on entering it were to issue orders for stopping the progress of the conflagration; but, unfortunately, considerable destruction had already taken place.
"The want of necessaries is ever attended with the most cruel consequences, the evils of which can easily be calculated; this consideration alone is more than sufficient, without reference to the particular circumstances in which you are placed, to induce you to accept the honorable conditions that I am ready to grant you, and thus to preserve the interesting inhabitants of this colony from fresh calamities, which are inseparable from the occurrences of war.
"I beg you, General, to make me an early communication of your answer, and in the meantime to[43] receive the assurance of the high esteem which I entertain for you.
"I have, &c.,
(Signed) "La Grange."
"Head Quarters, Prince Rupert's
February 25th, 1805.
"I have the honor to say I received your letter. My duty to my King and country is so superior to every other consideration, that I have only to thank you for the observations you have been pleased to make, on the often inevitable consequences of war. Give me leave, individually, to express the greatest gratitude for your humanity and kind treatment of my wife and children; and at the same time to request a continuance thereof, not only to her and them, but towards every other object you may meet with.
"I have, &c.,
(Signed) "Geo. Prevost."
Return of the killed and wounded in the actions of the 22nd of February, 1805, at Point Michael, Morne Daniel, and Roseau, in the Island of Dominica.
Royal Artillery;—three rank and file wounded; one captain, one serjeant, and six rank and file taken by the enemy.
Forty-sixth regiment;—one serjeant, one drummer, and ten rank and file killed; one captain, and seven rank and file wounded.
First West India regiment;—nine rank and file killed; one field officer, one captain, and eight rank and file wounded.
Total killed;—one serjeant, one drummer, and nineteen rank and file.
Total wounded;—one field officer, two captains, and eighteen rank and file.
Taken by the enemy;—one captain, one serjeant and six rank and file.
Names of Officers Wounded.
Captain Colin Campbell, FORTY-SIXTH regiment; Major Nunn and Captain O'Connell, First West India regiment.
N. B. Three sailors wounded, exclusive of the militia, from which no return has been received, but whose loss was considerable.
(Signed) James Prevost.
Major of Brigade.
The Royal authority was afterwards received for the FORTY-SIXTH to bear the word "Dominica" on the regimental colour and appointments, "as a distinguished mark of the good conduct and exemplary valour displayed by that regiment in the defence of the Island of Dominica, against a very superior French force, on the 22nd of February, 1805."
In the beginning of May, 1806, the "Dominica" armed sloop was cut from her anchorage by her own crew, and taken from Dominica into Guadaloupe: early on the morning of the 6th of May, a large schooner, a row-boat full of troops, and the "Dominica" sloop, were discovered making out from the land, and Major-General Stair Park Dalrymple perceiving they were suspicious, and evidently enemy's vessels, ordered detachments from the FORTY-SIXTH regiment to be instantly embarked on board the "Duke of Montrose" packet, Captain[45] Dynely, who had volunteered his services, and another on board a small colonial sloop. Lieutenant James Wallis, of the FORTY-SIXTH, was appointed to take command of the first detachment, and under him Lieut. Benjamin Forster and forty men; Lieutenant Andrew Hamilton commanded the second detachment on board the sloop. Both were successful; the "Duke of Montrose" chased the schooner from ten A.M. until four P.M., when she engaged within musket-shot for three-quarters of an hour. The schooner then hove up, and again endeavoured to escape. On the packet's overhauling fast, and being about to board her, she surrendered. The schooner proved to be the French national schooner L'Impérial, having on board General Dumareau and eighty soldiers, and carried one large gun amidships, which was well served during the action. Lieutenant Andrew Hamilton also proved successful in capturing the row-boat.
For these services the officers and men received the unqualified approbation of Lieut.-General Henry Bowyer, commanding the forces in the West Indies, and of Major-General Dalrymple, for having so handsomely supported the honor of their corps by their zeal, courage, and steady discipline.
In 1808 an expedition was assembled at Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes, for the reduction of the French island of Martinique,[16] and the flank companies of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment were selected to form part of the expedition. [46]The land forces were under Lieut.-General George Beckwith, and the navy was commanded by Rear-Admiral Sir Alexander Cochrane, K.B.
The fleet left Carlisle Bay on the 28th of January, 1809, and arrived off the island of Martinique in two days. On the 30th, the troops landed in two divisions; the first division at Bay Robert under Lieut.-General Sir George Prevost, and the second division, commanded by Major-General Maitland, near St. Luce and Point Solomon. Both divisions were actively engaged in operations for the reduction of the island. St. Pierre surrendered on the 8th of February, to Lieut.-Colonel Edward Barnes of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, who commanded a brigade in the army employed in this expedition.
The flank companies of the FORTY-SIXTH composed part of the flank battalion under Major Richard Payne, of the regiment, at the siege of Fort Royal.
The reduction of Fort Desaix (or Fort Bourbon) by the first division of the army, which was effected on the 24th of February, completed the reduction of Martinique, and the flank companies rejoined the regiment at Dominica.
In 1810, the flank companies of the regiment were selected to form part of an expedition under Lieut.-General Sir George Beckwith, K.B., against the island of Guadaloupe, which had been restored to the French at the Peace of Amiens. The expedition arrived before the island in January, 1810.
The grenadiers composed part of the First Grenadier Battalion, and the light company that of the Second Light Battalion. On the 3rd of February the grenadiers were engaged in the attack on the enemy's post at Bellair, on the heights of Saint Louis, on which[47] occasion the following report was made in the despatches of Brigadier-General George Harcourt to Lieut.-General Sir George Beckwith, commanding the forces in the West Indies.
"Post Bellair, Morne St. Louis,
7th February, 1810.
"Where all deserve so much praise, it is difficult to discriminate, but the good fortune of the grenadiers of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, under Captain Alexander Ogilvie, and of the First Light Infantry Battalion, under Lieut.-Colonel David Stewart, brought their merits conspicuously forward. They in truth behaved most admirably.
(Signed) "G. Harcourt,
"Commanding Second Division."
The regiment had three rank and file killed, and one serjeant and eight rank and file wounded.
The FORTY-SIXTH having been much reduced in numbers during the arduous services of the regiment in the West Indies, the head-quarters embarked on board the "Earl" transport, on the 13th of November, 1811, for England, and arrived at Liverpool on the 13th of December, from whence they marched to Kingsbridge, in Devonshire.[17]
Four companies of the regiment, about two hundred strong, continued to serve in the West Indies after the departure of the head-quarters.
On the 18th of March 1812, the FORTY-SIXTH regiment embarked on board the "Nautilus" transport at Plymouth for Jersey, and arrived in St. Aubin's Bay on the 11th of April, when it marched to Grouville, in the eastern division of the island, the head-quarters being stationed at Mont Orgueil Castle.
In June 1812, the four companies which had been left in the West Indies, arrived at Portsmouth in the "Shipley" transport, and proceeded, without landing, to Jersey. A few officers and men, who came home from the West Indies in the "John Tobin" merchantman, arrived in the same month at Liverpool, and proceeded to the regiment at Jersey.
On the 11th of June 1813, the regiment embarked on board the "Preston" transport for Portsmouth, and after its arrival at Spithead, received orders to proceed to Cowes, in the Isle of Wight. It disembarked at that place on the 16th of the same month, and proceeded[49] to Sandown barracks, where the regiment remained until August following, when it received orders to proceed to New South Wales.
The regiment embarked on the 23rd of August 1813, on board the "Wyndham," "Three Bees," and "General Hewitt" transports, and arrived at New South Wales in February 1814.
On the 31st of May 1814, the regiment was inspected by Major-General Lachlan Macquarie, who expressed his satisfaction at its appearance in General Orders, dated—
"Head-Quarters, Sydney,
31st May, 1814.
"The Commander of the Forces having inspected His Majesty's FORTY-SIXTH regiment, commanded by Colonel Molle, this forenoon, is happy to express publicly his approbation of the clean and soldier-like appearance of that corps under arms, as well as the uniformity of dress, both of officers and men.
"The advance of the corps in line was excellent, and the distances in formation were well preserved, and had the weather permitted of movements, the Major-General doubts not they would have been equally well performed.
"L. Macquarie,
The regiment was again inspected by Major-General Macquarie on the 21st of November following, when its appearance and movements elicited the Major-General's commendation.
In May 1815, Serjeant Robert Broadfoot and six privates were sent from the detachment of the regiment[50] stationed at Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, into the interior of the colony, in order to suppress a gang of bushrangers, which infested that settlement, and had by their atrocious deeds become the terror of the inhabitants. The party succeeded in taking two of the principals, named Maguire and Burne, who were tried and executed. The serjeant and his party received the sum of one hundred pounds sterling, and the thanks of Lieut.-Governor Davy for their conduct on the occasion.
In May and October 1815, the regiment was inspected by Major-General Macquarie, who again expressed his entire approval of its appearance and movements.
While the regiment was stationed in New South Wales, the war, in which the European powers had been engaged, was ended by the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte on the plains of Waterloo, and a lengthend period of peace has been the result of that victory.
Early in February 1816, Corporal Justin McCarthy and seven privates were sent in pursuit of bushrangers, and on the 5th of April following, they succeeded in taking two of them, both of whom were executed.
Lieut.-General Henry Wynyard was appointed Colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment on the 1st of April 1816, in succession to General John Whyte, deceased.
In the early part of April 1816, the flank companies of the regiment were detached into the interior of New South Wales, and received in General Orders the thanks of Major-General Macquarie, Commanding the Forces, for their arduous services in pursuing into the interior, and reducing the aborigines to a state of obedience. Captain Schaw commanded the light company, and Captain Wallis the grenadiers.
"Head Quarters, Sydney,
Tuesday, 7th May, 1816.
"General Orders.
"Captains Schaw and Wallis having returned to head-quarters, with the detachments of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment under their respective commands, recently employed against the hostile black natives, and having executed the service they were thus employed on to the entire approbation of His Excellency the Governor and Commander of the Forces, he requests Captains Schaw and Wallis will accept his best thanks for their zealous exertions, and strict attention to the fulfilling of the instructions on this delicate but very important service.
"The Commander of the Forces also requests that Captains Schaw and Wallis will convey to the officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of their respective detachments, his best thanks for their zeal and activity, and for the patience with which they endured a great deal of marching and fatigue, through a very rough and intricate country during the said service.
(Signed) "L. Macquarie,
In July 1816, Serjeant Broadfoot, and sixteen rank and file were detached from the head-quarters of the corps at Sydney into the interior of the country, to protect the inhabitants from the natives, and were employed on this service until December of the same year, during which period their conduct was such as to call forth the thanks of Major-General Macquarie, from whom Serjeant Broadfoot received a certificate approving of his "zeal and activity during his services against the natives."
After chasing the bushrangers for six months, Corporal[52] McCarthy and his party, in July, came up with the main body, consisting of eleven desperate characters, and headed by a deserter from the seventy-third regiment, named Geary. They were all armed, each with a musket and a brace of pistols, and well supplied with ammunition. The corporal and his men, now reduced to five, engaged them for an hour and a half, when the leader of the bushrangers being mortally wounded, his followers endeavoured to escape; two, however, were taken, tried, and executed. The corporal and his men received one hundred pounds for Geary, and twenty-five pounds for each of the other two, and were highly recommended by Lieut.-Governor Sorrell for their zeal, courage, and perseverance.
On the 10th of August following, this small party again came up with the remainder of the banditti. Their leader was shot during the action, and another of his followers was wounded, and made prisoner.
On the 8th of September, 1817, the regiment embarked in three divisions at Sydney Cove on board the "Matilda," "Lloyd," and "Dick" transports, and arrived at Madras on the 16th of December following. On the 29th of that month the regiment marched for Vellore.
The regiment arrived at Vellore on the 8th of January, 1818, and on the 26th of September following proceeded from thence en route to the Presidency of Madras, and arrived at Fort Saint George on the 12th of October.
Previously to the FORTY-SIXTH quitting Vellore an Order was issued by Colonel Hall, commanding the troops at that garrison, in which he stated "that during the period the regiment had been in the garrison, he had not had occasion to confine or pass a censure on any rank," and then added, "that a stronger[53] proof cannot be offered of the excellent interior arrangement and discipline of the corps."
On the 1st of July, 1820, the regiment commenced its march from Fort Saint George for Bellary, in the Ceded Districts, and arrived at that station on the 10th of August following.
A detachment of the regiment, consisting of two captains, five lieutenants, two ensigns, one assistant surgeon, twenty serjeants, four drummers, and four hundred rank and file, marched from Bellary, for Belgaum, on field service in the Doab, on the 1st of October, 1820, and arrived at its destination on the 23rd of that month.
During the years 1821, 1822, and 1823, the head-quarters of the regiment continued to be stationed at Bellary.
On the 31st of October, 1824, a detachment of the regiment, consisting of one captain, four lieutenants, eight serjeants, nine corporals, two drummers, and a hundred and forty-four privates, under the command of Captain Charles Dawe, proceeded from Bellary towards the southern Mahratta country, and was joined on the 10th of November by a second detachment of the FORTY-SIXTH from Belgaum, under the command of Captain William Nairn, consisting of one captain, one lieutenant, one ensign, five serjeants and one hundred rank and file.
The remainder of the detachment from Belgaum, under the command of Major (Brevet-Lieut. Colonel) Thomas Willshire, joined the above, on the 2nd of December, before the Fort of Kittoor, which place was in a state of insurrection. The fort being reduced, the detachment from Belgaum returned to that station on[54] the 15th of December, leaving the detachment under Captain Dawe before Kittoor.
On the 16th of December, 1824, the following Division Order was issued by Major-General Hall, commanding the ceded districts, on his inspecting the regiment:—
"Head Quarters, Ceded Districts,
Bellary, 16th December, 1824.
"The recent review and inspection of His Majesty's FORTY-SIXTH regiment has afforded Major-General Hall an opportunity of witnessing the very efficient state of that corps, and of expressing his unqualified satisfaction with the result of his enquiries, the whole of which tend greatly to the credit of the commanding officer, Major Wallis.
"The Major-General will have a pleasing part of his duty to perform in reporting the present state of His Majesty's FORTY-SIXTH regiment.
"By order of Major-General Hall,
(Signed) "B. McMaster,
"Acting Brigade Major, Ceded Districts."
On the 7th of February 1825, the grenadier company, and head-quarters of the regiment, marched from Bellary for Cannanore, under the command of Major James Wallis, leaving two companies at Bellary. The detachment under Captain Dawe marched on the same day from Kittoor to Belgaum, where it was joined by two other companies, and proceeded from Belgaum to Vengoolah on the 16th of February, the whole under the command of Captain Alexander Campbell, and embarked at that port for Cannanore, where they arrived on the 28th of that month. The head-quarters of the regiment arrived at Cannanore on the 17th of March, under the command of Major Wallis, Lieut.-Colonel[55] Archibald Campbell (the senior Lieut.-Colonel), having been appointed to the command of the provinces of Malabar and Canara.
The remainder of the regiment marched from Belgaum under the command of Major (Brevet Lieut.-Colonel) Willshire, for Bellary, and arrived at that station on the 18th of March, 1825.
The following Provincial Order was issued by Lieut.-Colonel Campbell, commanding the provinces of Malabar and Canara, on the inspection and review of the regiment at Cannanore on the 31st of May, 1826:—
"Head Quarters, Malabar and Canara,
Cannanore, 31st May, 1826.
"Lieut.-Colonel Campbell cannot permit the present half-yearly inspection and review of His Majesty's FORTY-SIXTH regiment to pass over without expressing to Major Wallis, and the officers and men under his command, the high sense he entertains of the improved state of discipline and order of the regiment, in every respect, of which he will not fail to make the most favorable report.[18]
"It is with heartfelt regret the Lieut.-Colonel has learnt, that the FORTY-SIXTH regiment is likely soon to lose the valuable services of Major Wallis, who has ever been enthusiastic in doing all which could contribute to the advantage and credit of the corps, and whose ability, zeal, and talents in command of it, are evinced by the perfection to which he has brought the[56] regiment in the revised system of discipline, and the excellent state of its interior economy.
"After an intimate friendship of twenty-three years, as a brother officer, Lieut.-Colonel Campbell trusts he may be permitted thus publicly to express his sentiments of Major Wallis's merits and worth, and to lament the loss which he, individually, must sustain, when deprived of the cordial, zealous, and able support that has invariably been afforded to him by this meritorious officer.
"When Major Wallis withdraws from the active duties of his profession, he will be accompanied in his retirement by the most fervent wishes of Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell for his future welfare, happiness, and prosperity.
"By order,
(Signed) "A. H. Colberg, Captain,
"Major of Brigade."
The detached wing of the regiment, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Willshire, marched from Bellary on the 22nd of July, 1826, and arrived at Secunderabad on the 21st of August following.
The head-quarters, under the command of Captain William Mallet, marched from Cannanore on the 2nd of November, 1826, and arrived at Secunderabad on the 12th of January, 1827.
The regiment remained at Secunderabad during 1827, and the five following years.
On the 24th of June 1829, instructions were received for reducing the establishment of the regiment, from the 25th of the previous December, to the following numbers; namely, forty-five serjeants, fourteen drummers, and seven hundred and forty rank and file.
Arrangements having been made for the relief of the[57] FORTY-SIXTH regiment, a General Order was issued permitting the soldiers to volunteer to other corps serving in India. The volunteering was opened at Secunderabad on the 9th of November, and was finally closed on the 17th of December, 1832, when two hundred and thirty-seven men had volunteered their services to other regiments of His Majesty's service stationed in the Madras Presidency.
The regiment afterwards proceeded to Masulipatam, where it arrived on the 17th of January 1833, and while on the march the following General Order by the Right Honorable the Governor in Council was received:
"Fort Saint George,
4th December, 1832.
"The Right Honorable the Governor in Council cannot permit His Majesty's FORTY-SIXTH regiment to embark for England, without expressing his approbation of its conduct during the period which it has been employed on this establishment.
"To Colonel Campbell, C.B., Aide-de-camp to the King, the Right Honorable the Governor in Council considers himself particularly indebted, for the temper and judgment with which he has exercised the several important commands which have been entrusted to him by Government, and he attributes, in a great measure, to the example of Colonel Campbell, and the officers of His Majesty's FORTY-SIXTH regiment, the cordiality and good feeling which has at all times prevailed between the several branches of the army at stations where the regiment has been employed.
"By order of the Right Honorable
"The Governor in Council,
(Signed) "Robert Clerk,
"Secretary to Government."
Four companies of the regiment, consisting of one captain, two lieutenants, two ensigns, one assistant surgeon, thirteen serjeants, four drummers, and one hundred and sixty-seven rank and file, under the command of Captain Donald Stuart, embarked at Madras, on board the "Red Rover" on the 4th of March 1833, disembarked at Gravesend on the 25th of August 1833, and marched to Canterbury barracks, where they arrived on the 28th of August, and were consolidated with the depôt company.
The head-quarters of the regiment, consisting of two captains, four lieutenants, one paymaster, one quartermaster, one assistant surgeon, twenty-three serjeants, seven drummers, and two hundred and sixteen rank and file, under the command of Captain Robert Martin, embarked at Masulipatam on the 5th of March 1833, disembarked at Margate and Whitstable on the 6th and 7th of September, from whence they marched to Canterbury.
Colonel Archibald Campbell, C.B., being in command of the Hyderabad Subsidiary Force, was not relieved from that duty in time to proceed with the regiment, but embarked at Madras on the 18th of March 1833, and arrived at Portsmouth on the 18th of August following.
One company of the regiment, consisting of two lieutenants, four serjeants, two drummers, and sixty-eight rank and file, under the command of Lieutenant James Taylor, embarked at Madras on the 27th of May 1833, disembarked at Gravesend on the 28th of September, and marched from thence to join the head-quarters of the regiment at Canterbury.
On the 12th of November the following letter was addressed by the Adjutant-General to Colonel Campbell,[59] in reference to the distinction of Red Feathers, conferred upon the light company for its share in the attack upon General Wayne on the 20th of September 1777, as narrated at page 24.
"Horse Guards,
12th November, 1833.
"I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 1st instant, and to signify to you that, under all the circumstances stated, the General Commanding-in-Chief will undertake to recommend to His Majesty, that the distinction mentioned may be continued to the light company of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, and will, accordingly, submit that the company be allowed to wear a Red Ball Tuft.
"I have, &c.,
(Signed) "John Macdonald,
"Colonel Campbell,
"FORTY-SIXTH regiment."
On the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd of April 1834, the regiment proceeded from Canterbury to Weedon, where it arrived in the beginning of May.
In September following, the regiment marched from Weedon to Liverpool for embarkation for Ireland, and arrived at Dublin on the 3rd of October. The regiment subsequently proceeded to Newry.
The head-quarters marched on the 30th of January 1835, from Newry for Belfast, where they arrived on the 2nd of February. While stationed at Belfast, the regiment furnished several detachments to aid the civil power.
The regiment, under the command of Colonel Archibald Campbell, C.B., marched from Belfast for Enniskillen on the 16th of May 1836, and was again ordered[60] to furnish detachments in aid of the civil power. In October following, the regiment marched from Enniskillen for Dublin.
Orders having been received to hold the FORTY-SIXTH regiment in readiness for foreign service, it was formed into six service and four depôt companies. The service companies, under the command of Colonel Archibald Campbell, C.B., proceeded to Cork in September 1837, and the head-quarters embarked at the Cove of Cork, on the 26th of that month, on board the "Prince Regent" transport. The remaining three companies, under the command of Major Robert Garrett, embarked on the 5th of October on board the "Arab" transport; the former arrived at Gibraltar on the 18th of October, and the latter in November.
On the 6th of April 1838, Lieut.-General Sir John Keane, K.C.B., was removed from the sixty-eighth to the Colonelcy of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, in succession to General Henry Wynyard, deceased.
In June 1838, the depôt companies embarked at Kinsale for England, and arrived at Plymouth on the 27th of that month.
On the 1st of August 1839, Lieut.-General John Ross was appointed, from the ninety-eighth, to be Colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, in succession to Lieut.-General Sir John Keane, who was removed to the forty-third regiment.
The depôt companies embarked at Plymouth for Jersey on the 5th of August 1839; and in June 1841 proceeded to Ireland.
On the 20th of January 1842, the service companies embarked at Gibraltar for Barbadoes, in the "Java" transport, and arrived at their destination on the 25th of February. They were afterwards encamped on the[61] Savannah until the 18th of April. Upon the embarkation of the fifty-second regiment, the FORTY-SIXTH moved into the Stone Barracks, but, on the fever breaking out, encamped on the 2nd of December at the Naval Hospital.
On the 15th of January, 1843, the head-quarters, under the command of Captain Child, embarked on board the "Dee" steamer for St. Vincent, where they arrived on the 16th of that month, and marched to Fort Charlotte. The other companies were stationed at St. Lucia, Dominica, and Berbice.
The grenadier company at Berbice suffered severely from yellow fever, and also the head-quarters, which were compelled to leave Fort Charlotte, and encamp at Townan's-pasture, about three miles distant.
Her Majesty was pleased to appoint General the Earl of Stair, from the ninety-second, to be Colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, on the 31st of May, 1843, in succession to Lieut.-General John Ross, C.B., deceased.
On the 15th of October, 1844, the head-quarters sailed from St. Vincent for Barbadoes, where the grenadier company had also arrived. The companies from Dominica and St. Lucia arrived at Barbadoes in December.
The regiment embarked on the 3rd of February, 1845, on board the "Resistance" for Nova Scotia, and disembarked at Halifax on the 25th of that month, when it was quartered in the South Barracks.
On the 7th of July, 1845, the regiment embarked, on board the troop ship "Apollo," for Canada East, and anchored at Quebec on the 20th, when it was transhipped into the "Canada" steamer on the 22nd, and arrived at Montreal on the 23rd of July; the regiment[62] then proceeded in the "Prince Albert" steamer for La Prairie, about nine miles from Montreal.
The regiment, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Garrett, K.H., proceeded on the 9th of October, 1846, to Kingston, in Canada West, and occupied the Tête-de-Pont Barracks.
On the 25th of September, 1847, the head-quarters of the regiment, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Garrett, K.H., proceeded from Kingston in the "Highlander" steamer, and was followed on the next day by the second division, under the command of Major Robert Campbell, in the "Passport" steamer, for Montreal, on passage for Quebec, where, on arrival, the regiment was immediately transhipped to the "Belle-Isle," and proceeded to Nova Scotia, where it arrived on the 16th of October.
The service companies of the regiment, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Garrett, K.H., embarked on board the ship "Herefordshire," for England, on the 8th of April, 1848, and arrived at Portsmouth on the 8th of May. The service companies proceeded to Dover, where they were joined by the depôt companies from Guernsey, under Major John Maclean.
In July, 1848, the regiment proceeded to Liverpool, and afterwards marched into camp at Everton. On the 29th of September the head-quarters were removed to Chester, and in December proceeded to Liverpool.
On the 16th of April, 1850, the head-quarters and four companies proceeded from Liverpool to Hull, where the regiment, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Robert Garrett, K.H., was stationed on the 1st of April, 1851, the date to which the present record has been continued.
The scene of the principal active services of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, from its formation in 1741, until the present period, has been limited to North America and the West India Islands.
After the unsuccessful attach on Fort Ticonderago in July, 1758, the regiment shared in the capture of Fort Niagara on the 25th of July, 1759, and of other forts in Canada, which led to the surrender of Montreal on the 8th of September, 1760; and thus completed the conquest of that country,—Quebec having been acquired, in September of the preceding year, by the troops detached under Major-General Wolfe.
In February, 1762, the regiment shared in the capture of Martinique, which was followed by the reduction of Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent; and in August following was present at the conquest of the Havannah, which last acquisition was restored to Spain at the Peace of 1763.
The regiment embarked in 1776, for North America, and shared in several actions of the war with the United States until November, 1778, when it proceeded to the West Indies, and participated in the capture of St. Lucia in December following.
During the years 1795 and 1796, the regiment was employed in the campaign against the Caribs in St. Vincent, a severe and harassing service.
While other regiments had the opportunity of encountering[64] the French legions in other parts of the world, the FORTY-SIXTH was employed in protecting the colonial possessions of Great Britain; how efficiently this duty was performed is testified by the word "Dominica," conferred by Royal authority, for the gallant defence made by the regiment against a very superior French force on the 22nd of February, 1805. The language of Lieut.-General Sir John Hope, when reporting the battle of Corunna, is alike applicable to the conduct of the troops at Dominica, for there, as at the former place,—
"The enemy has been taught, that whatever advantages of position, or of numbers he may employ, there is inherent in the British officers and soldiers, a bravery that knows not how to yield,—that no circumstances can appal,—and that will ensure victory, when it is to be obtained by the exertion of any human means."
The flank companies of the FORTY-SIXTH formed part of the troops which reduced Martinique in February, 1809, and thus the services of the regiment were a second time connected with the conquest of that island.
In 1810, the flank companies of the regiment shared in the reduction of Guadaloupe, and were honorably mentioned in the despatches.
In 1811, the regiment arrived in England from the West Indies, and in 1813 embarked for New South Wales, from which country it proceeded, in 1817, to the East Indies, and returned to Great Britain in 1833.
The regiment embarked for Gibraltar in 1837; proceeded to the West Indies in 1842, and to North[65] Americain 1845, whence it returned, in 1848, to England.
Services of the foregoing description, combined with excellent conduct in quarters at home and abroad, during a period of upwards of a century, have deservedly acquired for the regiment the approbation of the Sovereign, and the confidence of the Nation.
[6] The "Pragmatic Sanction" was published by the Emperor Charles the Sixth on the 17th of April, 1713, whereby, in case of his having no male issue, his daughters were to succeed to his hereditary dominions, in preference to the sons of his late brother, Joseph the First.
[7] The ten regiments of Marines took rank in the regular Army, and were numbered from the Forty-fourth to the Fifty-third regiment:—The seven additional regiments of Infantry, raised in January 1741, were numbered from the Fifty-fourth to the Sixtieth regiment.
[8] James Francis Edward, "The Pretender," son of James II., and of Mary, his second wife, daughter of the Duke of Modena, was born on the 10th June, 1688. He married, in 1719, Mary Clementina, daughter of Prince James Sobieski, and granddaughter of John Sobieski, King of Poland. He died on the 1st June, 1766, (aged 78 years), leaving issue two sons:—
1. Charles Edward Louis Cassimir, termed in England "The Young Pretender;" born on the 30th November, 1720, who married the Princess Stohlberg of Germany, and died at Rome, without issue, on the 31st January, 1788.
2. Henry Benedict, called The Cardinal York; born on the 24th March, 1725. When the last grand effort for the restoration of his family, in 1745, proved abortive, he took holy orders, and was elevated to the purple by Pope Benedict XIV. in 1747, and died at Rome in 1807. The Cardinal was the last male branch of the House of Stuart.
[9] Preston, contracted from Priests' town, the early proprietors of the soil being the monks of Holyrood and Newbattle, who erected on the sea-shore pans for the manufacture of salt, from which circumstance it received the name of Preston-Pans.
[10] Return of the Officers and Men in each regiment of Infantry on the day of the Battle of Culloden:—
Officers. | Serjeants, Drummers, and Rank and File. | |||||
Royal Scots | now | 1st | Foot | 26 | 455 | |
Lieut.-General Howard's | regiment | " | 3rd | " | 16 | 448 |
" Barrell's | " | " | 4th | " | 20 | 353 |
Major-General Wolfe's | " | " | 8th | " | 22 | 352 |
" Pulteney's | " | " | 13th | " | 22 | 352 |
Brigadier-General Price's | " | " | 14th | " | 23 | 336 |
" Bligh's | " | " | 20th | " | 20 | 447 |
Major-General Campbell's | " | " | 21st | " | 19 | 393 |
Brig.-General Lord Semple's | " | " | 25th | " | 23 | 392 |
Major-General Blakeney's | " | " | 27th | " | 20 | 336 |
Brig.-General Cholmondeley's | " | " | 34th | " | 24 | 435 |
" Fleming's | " | " | 36th | " | 26 | 389 |
Colonel Battereau's | " | " (disbanded) | 27 | 396 | ||
" Dejean's | " | " | 37th | regt. | 23 | 468 |
" Conway's | " | " | 48th | " | 24 | 362 |
—– | —— | |||||
Total | 335 | 5,914 | ||||
—– | —— |
[11] The seven regiments, raised in 1741, were numbered as shown in the following list, and the Numerical titles of six of them, which have since been retained on the establishment of the army, were changed after the Peace of 1748, as specified, viz.:—
54th | regt., | com. by Col. | Thomas Fowke, | now the | 43rd | regt. | |
55th | " | " | James Long | " | 44th | " | |
56th | " | " | D. Houghton | " | 45th | " | |
57th | " | " | John Price | " | 46th | " | |
58th | " | " | J. Mordaunt | " | 47th | " | |
59th | " | " | J. Cholmondeley | " | 48th | " | |
60th | " | " | H. De Grangue | disbanded in 1748. |
[12] Cape Breton was captured by the troops under Lieut.-General Amherst, on the 26th of July, 1758.
[13] Ticonderoga, or Ticonderago, was the name of a fort built, in 1756, by the French in Canada, on the north side of a peninsula, for communication between Lakes George and Champlain. The fort afterwards became a heap of ruins, and formed an appendage to a farm. Its name is derived from a word in the Indian language, signifying Noisy. In 1759, the fort was captured by the British, and in 1775 it was surprised by the Americans, but was retaken by Major-General Burgoyne in July 1777.
[14] It was in this action at St. Lucia that the fifth foot acquired the privilege of wearing a white plume in the cap, instead of the red and white tuft worn by the other regiments of the line: the FORTY-SIXTH regiment had already obtained the distinction of red feathers, under the circumstances stated at page 25.
[15] The island of Dominica was reduced by a British armament in June 1761, and was retained by Great Britain by the conditions of the Treaty of Peace which was concluded at Paris on the 10th of February, 1763. Dominica was taken by the French in September 1778, but was restored to Great Britain at the Peace of 1783.
[16] Martinique was captured by the British in 1762, but was restored to France by the Peace of Fontainebleau, concluded in the following year. It was again captured in 1794, but was restored to France at the Peace of Amiens in 1802. Martinique was captured in 1809 for the third time, and was again restored to the French nation at the Peace of 1814.
[17] Captain Archibald Campbell, on his return from the West Indies in 1811, obtained the permission of His Royal Highness the Duke of York to proceed to Portugal, for the purpose of offering his services to Marshal Sir William Carr Beresford, which being accepted, he served from September 1811 until 1814 with the Portuguese troops in the fifth division of the British army; and was, in 1812, promoted to the rank of major. He was present in the battles of Salamanca and Vittoria; in the latter of which he commanded the advance of his brigade, consisting of every third file; when he, and two captains, under his command, were severely wounded; his conduct on the occasion was mentioned in the orders issued after the action by Major-General Spry, who commanded the brigade. Major Archibald Campbell commanded the 15th Portuguese infantry in the affairs of crossing the Bidassoa into France, forcing the enemy's lines on the Nive, on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of December 1813, on which occasion he was promoted for his conduct to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Portuguese service, and his name was mentioned in General Orders by Marshal Beresford; he was honored with a medal by his Sovereign, and on his return to England was promoted, on the 17th of February, 1814, to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel in the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, with which his earlier services were connected. He was subsequently appointed a Companion of the Order of the Bath, and was appointed extra aide-de-camp to His Majesty King William IV. on the 6th of May 1831, with the rank of colonel in the army. He retired from the FORTY-SIXTH regiment on the 11th of October 1839. The decease of Colonel Archibald Campbell, C.B., occurred at the Isle of Mull, on the 16th of November, 1840.
[18] The remark here made by Lieut.-Colonel Campbell is in allusion to the new system of drill, prescribed by the General Order of the 10th of March, 1824, according to the improvements introduced by Major-General Sir Henry Torrens, K.C.B., Adjutant-General of the Forces.
John Price.
Appointed 13th January, 1741.
Mr. John Price obtained a commission of ensign in a regiment of foot in 1706; and subsequently rose to the rank of Captain and Lieut.-Colonel in the First Foot Guards. In January, 1741, he was promoted to the colonelcy of the FIFTY-SEVENTH (now FORTY-SIXTH) regiment, which was then being raised. In June, 1743, Colonel Price was removed to the fourteenth regiment of foot, and was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General on the 6th of June, 1745. During the campaign of 1747, he commanded a brigade of infantry in the Netherlands, under His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, and highly distinguished himself at the battle of Val, or Laffeld, near Maestricht, on the 2nd of July of that year. His brigade was posted in the village of Val, and his gallantry during the action was commended by the Duke of Cumberland in his public despatch. He died in November following at Breda, in Holland.
The Honorable Thomas Murray.
Appointed 23rd June, 1743.
This Officer was promoted by His Majesty King George II. from the Third Foot Guards to be colonel of the FIFTY-SEVENTH (now FORTY-SIXTH) regiment, upon Colonel Price being removed to the fourteenth foot in June, 1743. Colonel the Honorable Thomas Murray was promoted to the rank of major-general on the 1st of April, 1754, and to that of lieut.-general on the 19th of January, 1758. His decease occurred in November, 1764.
William Viscount Howe, K.B.
Appointed 21st November, 1764.
This distinguished officer was the fifth son of Emanuel Scrope Viscount Howe, and commenced his military career as a cornet in the Duke of Cumberland's regiment of light dragoons, in which he was promoted to a lieutenancy on the 21st of September, 1747. The regiment was disbanded in 1749, shortly after the conclusion of the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which was signed in October of the preceding year. He was promoted to the rank of captain in the twentieth regiment on the 1st of June, 1750, and to that of major in the sixtieth (afterwards fifty-eighth) regiment on the 4th of January, 1756. On the 17th of December, 1757, he was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy of the fifty-eighth regiment. During the "Seven Years' War," he served in America under Major-General Wolfe with great reputation, and was advanced to the brevet rank of colonel on the 19th of February 1762. Colonel the Honorable William Howe was appointed by King George III. to the colonelcy of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment on the 21st of November 1764. His Majesty also advanced him to the rank of major-general on the 25th of May, 1772. Major-general the Honorable William Howe was appointed to succeed General Gage in the chief command of the British Forces in America shortly after the commencement of the War of Independence, and arrived at Boston with Major-Generals Clinton and Burgoyne in May, 1775. Major-General the Honorable Sir William[69] Howe, K.B., was appointed by His Majesty, colonel of the twenty-third Royal Welsh Fusiliers, from the FORTY-SIXTH regiment, on the 11th of May, 1775. He commanded at the attack on Bunker's Hill on the 17th of June following, was besieged in Boston during the winter, evacuated that town in the spring of 1776, and retired to Halifax, in Nova Scotia. On the 1st of January, 1776, he received the local rank of General in North America. In June he arrived at Staten Island, where he was joined by his brother Admiral Richard Lord Howe. The brothers here informed the American Congress, that they had received full power to grant pardon to such as should return to their obedience; but the Commissioners appointed by that body declined the proposition as unworthy of attention. In August, he defeated the Americans at Long Island, and took possession of New York in September, 1776. After the campaign in the Jerseys, in 1777, Sir William Howe sailed from Sandy Hook and entered Chesapeake Bay. Having previously secured the command of the Schuylkill, he crossed it with his army, and defeated the Americans at Brandywine on the 11th of September, and at Germantown on the 4th of October, 1777. On the 29th of August, 1777, His Majesty advanced him to the rank of lieut.-general. In the spring of 1778, he returned to England, having resigned the command of the army to General Sir Henry Clinton. On the 21st of April, 1786, Sir William Howe was removed to the colonelcy of the nineteenth (late twenty-third) Light Dragoons, which he retained until his decease. On the 12th of October, 1793, Sir William Howe was promoted to the rank of general. In 1799, he succeeded to the Irish peerage held by his brother Richard Earl Howe, the celebrated Admiral; and in 1805 he was appointed Governor of Plymouth. General William Viscount Howe died on the 12th of July, 1814, in the eighty-fifth year of his age.
The Honorable Sir John Vaughan, K.B.
Appointed 11th May, 1775.
Lieut.-Colonel Commandant the Honorable John Vaughan, who distinguished himself at the capture of Martinique in[70] February, 1762, was appointed from the ninety-fourth, Royal Welsh Volunteers (since disbanded) to be lieut.-colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment on the 25th of November, 1762, in succession to Lieut.-Colonel John Young, who retired. Lieut.-Colonel the Honorable John Vaughan was promoted to the rank of colonel in the army on the 25th of May, 1772, and His Majesty King George III. appointed him to the colonelcy of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment on the 11th of May, 1775, upon Major-General the Honorable Sir William Howe, K.B., being removed to the twenty-third, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Colonel Vaughan embarked with his regiment for North America in the beginning of the year 1776, and, for his services during the American war, was promoted to the rank of major-general on the 29th of August, 1777, and was advanced to that of lieut.-general on the 20th of November, 1782. In 1792 His Majesty conferred upon him the dignity of a Knight of the Order of the Bath. Lieut.-General the Honorable Sir John Vaughan died on the 30th of June, 1795, at which period he was Commander in Chief of the troops stationed in the Leeward Islands.
Sir James Henry Craig, K.B.
Appointed 1st August, 1795.
James Henry Craig was appointed ensign in the thirtieth foot, in 1763, and served with his regiment at Gibraltar: in 1771 he was promoted to captain in the forty-seventh regiment, with which corps he served several campaigns in America; and in 1777 he was promoted to the majority, and in 1781 to the lieut.-colonelcy, of the eighty-second regiment, from which he was removed, in 1783, to the sixteenth. He was promoted to the rank of colonel in 1790, and to that of major-general in 1794; in August, 1795, he was nominated to the colonelcy of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment; he was advanced to the rank of lieut.-general in 1801, and removed to the eighty-sixth in 1804. He commanded an expedition to the Mediterranean, in 1805, with the local rank of general, and the dignity of a Knight of the Bath; the troops under his orders landed at Naples, and subsequently took possession of the[71] island of Sicily. In 1806 he was removed to the twenty-second regiment; and in 1807 he was appointed Governor of Upper and Lower Canada, with the local rank of General in America; in 1809 he was removed to the seventy-eighth Highlanders. He was also appointed Governor of Blackness Castle. He died on the 12th of January, 1812.
John Whyte.
Appointed 5th January, 1804.
This officer commenced his military career, in 1761, as an ensign in the Thirty-eighth regiment, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the fifty-sixth regiment on the 9th of February, 1762, and to that of captain on the 25th of March, 1771. He was promoted from the fifty-sixth to be major in the eighty-third regiment (afterwards disbanded) on the 23rd of December, 1777. Major Whyte was promoted to the rank of lieut.-colonel in the sixth regiment of foot on the 3rd of April, 1782, and received the brevet rank of colonel on the 12th of October, 1793. On the 26th of February, 1795, he was promoted to the rank of major-general, and on the 24th of April following, His Majesty King George III. appointed him to the colonelcy of the First West India regiment. Major-General Whyte was promoted to the rank of lieut.-general on the 29th of April, 1802, and on the 5th of January, 1804, he was appointed colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment. On the 1st of January, 1812, he was advanced to the rank of general. The decease of General John Whyte occurred on the 30th of March, 1816.
Henry Wynyard.
Appointed 1st April, 1816.
The early services of this officer are connected with the first regiment of foot guards, in which he was appointed ensign on the 6th of June, 1778, and in which he rose to the rank of captain on the 4th of June, 1781. In February, 1793, he embarked with the brigade of guards for Holland, and advanced[72] with the army through Flanders. In May following he returned to England, having been promoted to a company with the rank of lieut.-colonel in the preceding month. In November, 1794, he rejoined the British army in the neighbourhood of Arnheim, and after the retreat of that winter, he embarked for England. On the 3rd of May, 1796, he received the brevet rank of colonel; and early in 1798 was appointed to the command of a flank battalion, formed from the grenadiers of the brigade of guards, and in August, 1799, landed at the Helder under General Sir Ralph Abercromby. Colonel Wynyard was present in every action during that expedition except the last; in that of the 19th of September near Bergen he was wounded. On the 29th of April, 1802, he was promoted to the rank of major-general, and in May, 1803, was placed upon the staff of Great Britain, being appointed to the command of a brigade of guards in the Southern District. In September, 1806, Major-General Wynyard embarked with a brigade of guards and other troops destined for Sicily, in which Island he was placed in command upon the southern coast. In January, 1808, he arrived in England, and was again placed upon the staff in the Southern District. On the 25th of April, 1808, he was advanced to the rank of lieut.-general, and in June was appointed to the staff of Ireland, which he held until the 24th of January, 1812. On the 15th of September, 1808, His Majesty King George III. conferred upon him the colonelcy of the sixty-fourth regiment, from which he was appointed colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment on the 1st of April, 1816. Lieut.-General Wynyard commanded the forces in North Britain from the 28th of July, 1812, to the 24th of April, 1816, and on the 12th of August, 1819, was advanced to the rank of general. General Wynyard was also a member of the Consolidated Board of General Officers, and a Groom of the Bedchamber to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, now King of Hanover. General Wynyard died on the 3rd of April, 1838, after a lengthened service of sixty years.
Sir John (afterwards Lord) Keane, G.C.B., & G.C.H.
Appointed 6th April, 1838.
This officer entered the army at an early age, and on the 12th of November 1794, was promoted to the rank of captain in the hundred-and-twenty-fourth regiment, afterwards disbanded. Captain Keane was placed on the half-pay of the seventy-third regiment on the 11th of March 1795, and on the 7th of November 1799 he was removed to the forty-fourth regiment, which he joined at Gibraltar. During the campaign in Egypt, Captain Keane served as aide-de-camp to Major-General Lord Cavan, and was present in the actions near Alexandria, on the 13th and 21st of March 1801. On the 27th of May 1802, he was promoted to the rank of major in the sixtieth regiment; he remained in the Mediterranean on the staff until March 1803, when he returned to England. Major Keane was promoted to the rank of lieut.-colonel in the thirteenth foot on the 20th of August 1803, which regiment he joined at Gibraltar early in 1804. Lieut.-Colonel Keane afterwards served under Lieut.-General George Beckwith, in the expedition against Martinique in 1809, and was present at the siege of Fort Desaix, which surrendered on the 24th of February, of that year, and completed the capture of the island. In January 1812, he received the brevet rank of colonel, and on the 25th of June following, he was removed to the sixtieth regiment. His reputation was then such that immediately on his arrival at Madrid, he was appointed to command a brigade in the third division of the army under the Marquis of Wellington, in which he served until the end of the war with France, in 1814, and was present at the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle and Orthes; the action at Vic Bigorre, battle of Toulouse, besides other minor actions. For his services he was promoted to the rank of major-general on the 4th of June 1814, and was appointed a Knight Commander of the Bath. The honors which Major-General Keane had now acquired were the Egyptian Medal, and a cross and two clasps for Martinique, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse. In August 1814, he was appointed to a command ordered for particular service, and on his arrival at Jamaica, being senior officer, he assumed the command of the military force destined to co-operate with[74] Vice-Admiral the Honorable Sir Alexander Cochrane for the attack on New Orleans and the province of Louisiana. On the morning of the 23rd of December, Major-General Keane effected a landing within nine miles of New Orleans, and the same night, with only eighteen hundred bayonets on shore, repulsed a serious attack of five thousand of the enemy, assisted by three large armed vessels on their flank. He held the command until the 25th of December, when Major-General Sir Edward Pakenham arrived, and assumed the command of the entire army. Major-General Keane was then appointed to the third brigade, and was present in the affairs of the 28th of December and 1st of January, as also at the assault made in the enemy's fortified lines on the morning of the 8th of January 1815, when he was severely wounded in two places. Sir John Keane afterwards passed eight years in Jamaica (from 1823 to 1831), as major-general commanding the forces in that island; and, during a year and a half of the time, he administered the civil government likewise. The colonelcy of the ninety-fourth regiment was conferred upon him on the 18th of April 1829, and on the 22nd of July 1830, he was promoted to the rank of lieut.-general; on the 13th of April, 1831, he was appointed colonel of the sixty-eighth regiment; and in the year 1833, he succeeded Lieut.-General Sir Colin Halkett in the command of the army at Bombay: on the 6th of April 1838, Lieut.-General Sir John Keane was appointed colonel of the FORTY-SIXTH regiment. After nearly six years' service in the Bombay presidency, on the 29th of October 1838, he received authority from the government of India to organise and lead into Scinde a force intended to co-operate with the army then on the north-west frontier of India, under the command of General Sir Henry Fane. In December following Sir Henry Fane forwarded his resignation to head-quarters, and the command of the combined forces devolved upon Sir John Keane, who was now called upon to lead a considerable army, and to conduct operations requiring much discretion, delicacy, and tact in dealing with those half-friendly powers, whose existence is one of the greatest difficulties in the government of a semi-civilized land. After penetrating the Bolan Pass, the troops arrived on the 27th of April 1839 at Candahar, from whence they proceeded to Ghuznee, which was captured by their gallant exertions on the 23rd of July[75] following. This completed the conquest of Affghanistan; and Shah Shoojah-ool-Moolk, after an exile of many years, was restored to the throne of his ancestors. Lieut.-General Sir John Keane, K.C.B., was removed from the FORTY-SIXTH to the forty-third regiment on the 1st of August 1839. For his services during the expedition to Cabool, Lieut.-General Sir John Keane was appointed a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath, and on the 11th of December, was raised to the peerage as Baron Keane, of Ghuznee in Affghanistan, and of Cappoquin, county of Waterford, and obtained a pension of two thousand pounds a-year for his own life and that of his two immediate successors in the peerage, added to which he received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, of the Court of Directors of the East India Company, and other marks of public approbation. These honors were not long enjoyed by Lieut.-General Lord Keane, who died in the sixty-fourth year of his age, at Burton Lodge, Hampshire, on the 26th of August 1844.
John Ross, C.B.
Appointed 1st of August, 1839.
Lieut.-General Ross commenced his military career as an ensign in the thirty-sixth regiment, his commission being dated 2nd of June 1793; was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the fifty-second regiment on the 8th of May 1796, and to that of captain on the 11th of January 1800. Captain Ross served with the expedition against Ferrol under Lieut.-General Sir James Pulteney in August following, and was engaged with the enemy. On the 15th of August 1804, he was promoted to the rank of major in the fifty-second regiment, and obtained the rank of lieut.-colonel in the army on the 28th of January 1808, and was promoted lieut.-colonel in the fifty-second regiment on the 18th of February following. Lieut.-Colonel Ross commanded the second battalion of the fifty-second regiment at the battle of Vimiera, on the 21st of August 1808, for which he received a medal; and also during the campaign in Spain under Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, which ended by the battle of Corunna on the 16th of January 1809. Lieut.-Colonel Ross in July following commanded five companies of the fifty-second regiment, which[76] formed part of the force under Lieut.-General the Earl of Chatham, employed in the expedition to the Scheldt. Lieut.-Colonel Ross subsequently proceeded to the Peninsula, and commanded the first battalion of the fifty-second at the actions of Pombal, Redinha, Miranda de Corvo, Foz d'Arronce and Sabugal, and at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor. On the 18th of July 1811, he was removed to the sixty-sixth regiment, and in August following he was appointed Deputy Adjutant-General to the forces in Ceylon, from whence he returned to Europe in June 1814 for the benefit of his health; was promoted to the brevet rank of colonel on the 4th of that month; and was subsequently appointed Deputy Adjutant-General in Ireland. In June 1815, he was nominated a Companion of the Order of the Bath, and on the 12th of August 1819, Colonel Ross was appointed Commandant of the Depôt at the Isle of Wight. On the 27th of May 1825, he was promoted to the rank of major-general, and on the 14th of August 1828, was appointed Lieut.-Governor of Guernsey, which he held until the 31st of March 1837. His Majesty King William IV. appointed Major-General Ross to be colonel of the ninety-eighth regiment on the 30th of May 1836; on the 28th of June 1838, he was advanced to the rank of lieut.-general. In August 1839, Lieut.-General Ross was removed to the FORTY-SIXTH regiment. The decease of Lieut.-General Ross, C.B., occurred at Southampton on the 17th of May 1843.
John Earl of Stair, K.T.
Appointed from the Ninety-second regiment
on the 31st of May, 1843.
London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street,
For Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
as formed in Divisions and Brigades on the 18th of June, 1815.
Commanded by Lieut.-General the Earl of Uxbridge, G.C.B. | ||
1st Brigade.—Commanded by Major-General Lord Edward Somerset, K.C.B. | ||
1st Life Guards | Lieut.-Colonel | Ferrier. |
2nd " | " | the Hon. E. P. Lygon. |
Royal Horse Guards, Blue | " | Sir Robert Hill. |
1st Dragoon Guards | " | Fuller (Colonel). |
2nd Brigade.—Major-General Sir William Ponsonby, K.C.B. | ||
1st or Royal Dragoons. | Lieut.-Colonel | A. B. Clifton. |
2nd or Royal North British Dragoons | " | J. J. Hamilton. |
6th or Inniskilling Dragoons | " | J. Muter (Colonel). |
3rd Brigade.—Major-General W. B. Domberg. | ||
23rd Light Dragoons | Lieut.-Colonel the Earl of Portarlington (Colonel). | |
1st " King's German Legion | " | J. Bulow. |
2nd " " | " | C. de Jonquiera. |
4th Brigade.—Major-General Sir John O. Vandeleur, K.C.B. | ||
11th Light Dragoons | Lieut.-Colonel | J. W. Sleigh. |
12th " | " | the Honorable F. C. Ponsonby (Colonel). |
16th " | " | J. Hay. |
5th Brigade.—Major-General Sir Colquhoun Grant, K.C.B. | ||
7th Hussars | Colonel Sir | Edward Kerrison. |
15th " | Lieut.-Colonel | L. C. Dalrymple. |
2nd " King's German Legion. | " | Linsingen. |
6th Brigade.—Major-General Sir Hussey Vivian, K.C.B. | ||
10th Royal Hussars. | Lieut.-Colonel | Quentin (Colonel). |
18th Hussars. | " | Hon. H. Murray. |
1st " King's German Legion. | " | A. Wissell. |
7th Brigade.—Colonel Sir Frederick Arenschildt, K.C.B. | ||
13th Light Dragoons. | Lieut.-Colonel | Doherty. |
3rd Hussars King's German Legion. | " | Meyer. |
Colonel Estorff. | ||
Prince Regent's Hussars. | Lieut.-Colonel | Kielmansegge. |
Bremen and Verden Hussars. | Colonel Busche. |
INFANTRY. | |||||
First Division.—Major-General G. Cooke. | |||||
1st Brigade.—Major-General P. Maitland. | |||||
1st | Foot | Guards, | 2nd Battalion. | Major H. Askew (Colonel). | |
" | 3rd | " | " the Honorable W. Stewart (Colonel). | ||
2nd Brigade.—Major-General J. Byng. | |||||
Coldstream Guards, 2nd Battalion. | Major A. G. Woodford (Colonel). | ||||
3rd | Foot | Guards, | " | " F. Hepburn (Colonel). | |
Second Division.—Lieut.-General Sir H. Clinton, G.C.B. | |||||
3rd Brigade.—Major-General F. Adam. | |||||
52nd | Foot, | 1st | Battalion. | Lieut.-Colonel Sir John Colborne, K.C.B. (Colonel). | |
71st | " | " | "T. Reynell (Col.) | ||
95th | " | 2nd | " } | Rifles. | Major J. Ross (Lieut.-Colonel). |
95th | " | 3rd | " } | Major A. G. Norcott (Lieut.-Col.) | |
1st Brigade, King's German Legion.—Colonel Du Plat. | |||||
1st Line Battalion., King's German Legion. | Major W. Robertson. | ||||
2nd | " | " | " G. Muller. | ||
3rd | " | " | Lieut.-Colonel F. de Wissell | ||
4th | " | " | Major F. Reh. | ||
3rd Hanoverian Brigade.—Colonel Hugh Halkett. | |||||
Militia Battalion. | Bremervorde. | Lieut.-Colonel Schulenberg. | |||
Duke of York's | 2nd Battalion. | Major Count Munster. | |||
" | 3rd " | " Baron Hunefeld. | |||
Militia Battalion. | Salzgitter. | " Hammerstein. | |||
Third Division.—Lieut.-General Baron Alten. | |||||
5th Brigade.—Major-General Sir Colin Halkett, K.C.B. | |||||
30th | Foot, | 2nd | Battalion. | Major W. Bailey (Lieut.-Colonel). | |
33rd | " | Lieut.-Colonel W. K. Elphinstone. | |||
69th | " | 2nd | Battalion. | "C. Morice (Col.) | |
73rd | " | 2nd | Battalion. | "W. G. Harris (Colonel). | |
2nd Brigade.—King's German Legion.—Colonel Baron Ompteda. | |||||
1st | Light | Battalion., | K.G.L. | Lieut.-Colonel L. Bussche. | |
2nd | " | " | Major G. Baring. | ||
5th | Line | " | " | Lieut.-Colonel W. B. Linsingen. | |
8th | " | " | " | Major Schroeder (Lieut.-Colonel). | |
1st Hanoverian Brigade.—Major-General Count Kielmansegge. | |||||
Duke of York's | 1st Battalion. | Major Bulow. | |||
Field Battalion. | Grubenhagen. | Lieut.-Colonel Wurmb. | |||
" | Bremen. | "Langrehr. | |||
" | Luneburg. | "Kleucke. | |||
" | Verden. | Major De Senkopp. |
Fourth Division.—Lieut.-General Sir Charles Colville, K.C.B. | |||||
4th Brigade.—Colonel Mitchell. | |||||
14th | Foot, | 3rd | Battalion. | Major F. S. Tidy (Lieut.-Col.) | |
23rd | " | 1st | " | Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry W. Ellis, K.C.B. | |
51st | " | " | "H. Mitchell (Colonel). | ||
6th Brigade.—Major-General Johnstone. | |||||
35th | Foot, | 2nd | Battalion. | Major C. M'Alister. | |
54th | " | Lieut.-Col. J. Earl of Waldegrave. | |||
59th | " | 2nd | Battalion. | "H. Austin. | |
91st | " | 1st | " | "Sir W. Douglas, K.C.B., (Colonel). | |
6th Hanoverian Brigade.—Major-General Lyon. | |||||
Field Battalion., | Calenberg. | ———— | |||
" | Lanenberg. | Lieut.-Colonel Benort. | |||
Militia Battalion., | Hoya. | "Grote. | |||
" | Nieuberg. | ———— | |||
" | Bentheim. | Major Croupp. | |||
Fifth Division.—Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Picton, K.C.B. | |||||
5th Brigade.—Major-General Sir James Kempt, K.C.B. | |||||
28th | Foot, | 1st | Battalion. | Major R. Nixon (Lieut.-Colonel). | |
32nd | " | " | " J. Hicks (Lieut.-Colonel). | ||
79th | " | " | Lieut.-Colonel Neil Douglas. | ||
95th | Rifles | " | "Sir A. F. Barnard, K.C.B., (Colonel). | ||
9th Brigade.—Major-General Sir Denis Pack, K.C.B. | |||||
1st | Foot, | 3rd | Battalion. | Major C. Campbell. | |
42nd | " | 1st | " | Lieut.-Colonel Sir Robert Macara, K.C.B. | |
44th | " | 2nd | " | "J. M. Hamerton. | |
92nd | " | 1st | " | Major Donald McDonald. | |
5th Hanoverian Brigade.—Colonel Vincke. | |||||
Militia Battalion., | Hameln. | Lieut.-Colonel Kleucke. | |||
" | Hildesheim. | Major Rheden. | |||
" | Peina. | Major Westphalen. | |||
" | Giffhorn. | Major Hammerstein. | |||
Sixth Division.—10th Brigade.—Major-General J. Lambert. | |||||
4th | Foot, | 1st | Battalion. | Lieut.-Colonel F. Brooke. | |
27th | " | " | Captain Sir J. Reade (Major). | ||
40th | " | " | Major F. Browne. | ||
81st | " | 2nd | " | " P. Waterhouse. |
4th Hanoverian Brigade.—Colonel Best. | |||||
Militia Battalion., | Luneburg. | Lieut.-Colonel De Ramdohr. | |||
" | Verden. | Major Decken. | |||
" | Osterode. | " Baron Reden. | |||
" | Minden. | " De Schmidt. | |||
7th Brigade.—Major-General M'Kenzie. | |||||
25th | Foot, | 2nd | Battalion. | Lieut.-Colonel A. W. Light. | |
37th | " | " | "S. Hart. | ||
78th | " | " | "M. Lindsay. |
Cavalry | 8,883 |
Infantry | 29,622 |
Artillery | 5,434 |
——— | |
Total | 43,939 |
====== |
London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street,
For Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
The early pages of the book have a gap in the roman numbering. Pages i to xix are followed by xxv to xxxv. The last four pages were numbered 73 to 76, but should probably have been 77 to 80; these have been changed to 73a to 76a.
Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.
Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, favour, favored; honour, honors; head quarters, head-quarters; negociations; despatches.
Pg xxxii, page number '4 ' replaced by '44'.
Pg xxxv, 'Viscount Ho weK.B' replaced by 'Viscount Howe, K.B.'.
Pg 9, Sidenote '1747' was moved down two paragraphs.
Pg 19, 'for Belleisle' replaced by 'for Belle-Isle'.
Pg 21, Sidenote '1776' was moved down two paragraphs.
Pg 22, 'this columm fell' replaced by 'this column fell'.
Pg 30, Sidenote '1784' was moved down one paragraph.
Pg 32, 'on the Virgie' replaced by 'on the Vigie'.
Pg 46, Sidenote '1809' was moved down one paragraph.
Pg 51, 'approvng of his' replaced by 'approving of his'.
Pg 55, 'of the regigiment' replaced by 'of the regiment'.
Pg 60, 'in readines for' replaced by 'in readiness for'.
Pg 64, Sidenote '1848' was removed (no other Sidenotes
appear in this Conclusion section).
Footnote [13], 'peninsula, or' replaced by 'peninsula, for'.
Footnote [13], 'Its is derived' replaced by 'Its name is derived'.