*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 70082 *** THE HEATHERY; OR A MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS ERICA: CONTAINING COLOURED ENGRAVINGS, WITH LATIN AND ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONS, DISSECTIONS, ETC. OF ALL THE KNOWN SPECIES OF THAT EXTENSIVE AND DISTINGUISHED TRIBE OF PLANTS. BY H. C. ANDREWS. IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. III. SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED. LONDON: HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1845. DISSERTATION concluded. The limits of this extensive family may be considered, with some degree of accuracy, to be bounded by about three hundred (species and distinct varieties): consequently, in the termination of this Volume, the Genus may be regarded as half delineated. The Cape of Good Hope has been, and still continues to be, the emporium for this unrivalled tribe of plants; and unless some new source should be found to extend this already numerous Genus, by the discovery of some unexpected mine of novelty; we otherwise have little doubt but the termination of the Sixth Volume will be found to contain all the species and distinct varieties. The difficulty of preserving many of this fine tribe is still a subject of general complaint, and by no means easy to be remedied where the situation is low, as the great enemies of the Ericas are the fogs, which invariably gravitate towards the marshes and low grounds; but where the situation is elevated and open, the preservation of the major part of them is by no means so difficult. Greater care is requisite in the watering of them than is generally imagined, as too much renders them weak, and subjects them to damp off; whilst, on the contrary, too little is frequently fatal; for, if they once droop their heads for want of water, they very rarely survive the neglect. ERICA acuminata. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores fasciculati, sub-terminales. Pedunculi breves. Corolla sub-cylindrica, ore arctata, pollicaris, purpurea; laciniis ovatis, revolutis. Folia quaterna, trigona, retorta, acuminata, lucida, supra plana, subtus sulcata. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramossissimus. Rami flexuosi, filiformes. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow in bunches, nearly terminal. Footstalks short. Blossom nearly cylindrical, narrowed at the mouth, an inch long, and purple. Segments of the border are egg-shaped, and rolled back. Leaves by fours, three-sided, rolled back, sharp-pointed, and shining, flat on their upper surface, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, a foot high, very branching. The branches are flexuose, and thread-shaped. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf shown from the under side, magnified. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Aitonia. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores terminales, umbellati, terni. Pedunculi longi, purpurei, bracteis tribus instructi. Corolla sesquipollicaris, sulcata, linearia, summo inflata, ore arctata; laciniis cordatis, maximis, expansis, extus carneis, intus albidis. Folia terna, erecto-patentia, serrata, acuminata, crassa, subtus sulcata. Caulis sesquipedalis. Rami et ramuli filiformes, flexibiles. Rami simplices, longi. DESCRIPTION. Tips two-horned at the base, and within the blossom. Flowers grow at the summit of the branches, three in a bunch. The footstalks are long, purple, and furnished with three floral leaves. Blossom an inch and a half long, furrowed and linear, swelled at the end and narrowed at the mouth; the segments of the border are very large, and expanded, flesh-coloured on the outside, and white within. Leaves by threes, between erect and spreading, sawed, sharp-pointed, thick, and furrowed beneath. Stem a foot and a half high. The large and small branches are thread-shaped and supple. The branches are simple and long. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA ampullacea. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores umbellati, sæpe quatuor, viscosi, terminales. Pedunculi longi. Corolla basi inflata, apice attenuata, longitudinaliter striata, sub-sesquipollicaris, ore arctata, saturate purpurea. Folia quaterna, trigona, ciliata, retorta, mucronata. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus. DESCRIPTION. Tips two-horned at the base, within the blossom. Flowers grow in bunches mostly of four, are clammy, and terminate the branches. Footstalks long. Blossom swelled at the base, and tapering to the end, striped longitudinally, nearly an inch and a half long, straitened at the mouth, which is of a deep purple. Leaves by fours, three-sided, fringed, rolled back, and sharp-pointed. Stem shrubby, a foot high, and branching. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA aspera. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, umbellati, terni vel seni, cernui. Pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus hispidis adpressis. Corolla tubulato-ventricosa, setis densissime circumsessa, lutea, pollicaris, ore obsolete quadrifida. Folia quaterna, lanceolata, aculeata, subtus sulco exarata. Caulis erectus, bipedalis. Rami pauci; ramuli numerosi, simplices. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the small branches in umbels of from three to six, nodding. Peduncles very short, and furnished with three hispid floral leaves pressed to the cup. Blossom of an inflated tubular form, closely beset with bristles, yellow, an inch long; the mouth is slightly divided into four segments. Leaves by fours, lance-shaped, prickly, and deeply furrowed beneath. Stem upright, two feet high. Branches few; the smaller branches numerous and simple. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from October till February. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf magnified. 2. The under side of a leaf magnified. 3. The empalement magnified. 4. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Banksia. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores in ultimis ramulis, plerumque terni, cernui. Pedunculi brevissimi. Perianthium duplex; exterius triphyllum, interius tetraphyllum; late ovatum, rigidum, carinatum, acuminatum. Corolla cylindrica, viride-lutea; oris laciniis revolutis. Folia terna, subulata, trigona, acuminata. Caulis decumbens, rigidus, scaber, sub-spithamæus, ramosissimus. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers grow at the ends of the small branches, mostly by threes, nodding. Footstalks short. Cup double; the outer one three-leaved, the inner one four-leaved; broadly egg-shaped, harsh, keeled, and sharp-pointed. Blossom cylindrical, of a greenish yellow. Segments of the border rolled back. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, three-sided, and sharp-pointed. Stem drooping, harsh, rough, scarce a span high, and very much branched. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from February till July. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives detached from the pointal. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Banksia, _purpurea_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores in ultimis ramulis terni, cernui; pedunculis brevissimis. Perianthium duplex; exterius triphyllum, interius tetraphyllum; foliolis lanceolatis, rigidis. Corolla cylindrica, luteolo-alba; oris laciniis patentibus, saturate purpureis. Folia terna, subulata, trigona, lucida. Frutex pygmæus, sub-spithamæus, rigidus, ramosissimus. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers grow by threes at the ends of the small branches, nodding; with very short footstalks. Cup double; the outer three-leaved, the inner four-leaved. The leaflets are lance-shaped, and harsh. Blossom cylindrical, of a yellowish white. The segments of the border are spreading, and of a deep purple. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, three-sided, and shining. A dwarf shrub, scarce a span high, harsh, and much branched. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till October. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives. 4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA blanda. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ exertæ, basi bicornes. Flores numerosi, terminales, umbellati, horizontaliter siti. Pedunculi longi, colorati. Corolla sub-cylindrica, incarnata, læviter tomentosa; laciniis æqualibus, erectis. Folia plerumque sena, linearia, obtusa, asperiuscula, basi recurvata, apice adscendentia; petiolis longis. Caulis fruticosus, spithamæus, teres. Rami numerosi, recurvato-adscendentes. DESCRIPTION. Tips without the blossom, and two-horned at their base. Flowers numerous, in terminal bunches, in a horizontal direction. Footstalks long, and coloured. Blossom nearly cylindrical, flesh-coloured, and slightly downy. The segments of the border are equal, and upright. Leaves mostly by sixes, linear, blunt, and roughish, bent downwards at the base, with ascending points. Footstalks long. Stem shrubby, a span high, round. Branches numerous, bending downwards, and ascending. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from April till September. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA calycina, _minor_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terni, in ultimis ramulis terminales. Pedunculi carnei, bracteis tribus minutis coloratis instructi. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis spathulatis, corollâ longioribus. Corolla minuta, urceolata, saturate carnea, ad basin pallida; oris laciniis patentibus. Folia terna, lanceolata, lucide viridia, adpressa. Caulis filiformis, spithamæus, erecto-patens, ramosissimus. DESCRIPTION. Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers grow by threes, and terminate the smaller branches. The footstalks are flesh-coloured, and furnished with three small coloured floral leaves. Cup four-leaved. Leaflets spathula-shaped, and longer than the blossom. Blossom very small, pitcher-shaped, of a deep flesh-colour, and pale at the base: the segments of the border spreading. Leaves by threes, lance-shaped, of a shining green, and pressed to the branches. Stem thread-shaped, a span high, erect, spreading, and very much branched. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives and pointal. 4. A chive magnified. 5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA coronata. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores plures, terminales, simpliciter verticillati, conferti, viscosi. Pedunculi longi, curvati. Corolla cylindrico-clavata, pollicaris, nitida, ima parte profunde carnea, apice viridi, ore arctata; laciniis rectis. Folia octona, linearia, obtusa, supra scabra, subtus sulcata, attenuata in petiolos longos capillares. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, tripedalis. Rami simplices, longi. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, and within the blossom. The flowers are numerous, terminating the branches in simple whorls, crowded together, and clammy. The footstalks are long, and curved. Blossom cylindrically club-shaped, an inch long, and shining; the lower part of a strong flesh colour, the end green; compressed at the mouth, whose segments are straight. Leaves grow by eights, linear, blunt-ended, rough on the upper surface, furrowed beneath, and tapering into long hair-like footstalks. Stem shrubby, upright, three feet high. Branches simple and long. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from February till April. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA cruenta. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis brevissimis terminales, prope caulis summitatem, quasi formantes cuspidem longum. Corolla clavato-cylindrica, glabra, nitida, cruenta, pollicaris; oris laciniis rectis, obtusis. Pedunculi longi. Folia terna et quaterna, linearia, glabra, patentia. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus. Rami erecti, ramulis numerosis. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, and within the blossom. The flowers terminate the very short branches near the summit of the stem, forming as it were a long bunch or spike. Blossom cylindrically club-shaped, smooth, shining, of a blood colour, and an inch long. The segments of the border are obtuse, and straight out. Footstalks long. Leaves by threes or fours, linear, smooth, and spreading. Stem shrubby, two feet high, and upright. The branches are upright, with numerous small branches. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA elegans. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores capitati, terminales, cernui. Pedunculi colorati, bracteis tribus instructi etiam coloratis. Corolla deorsum ventricosa, superne arctata, basi carnea, ore viridi. Folia terna, trigona, linearia, glauca, parum incurvata, et patentes. Caulis robustus, fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus; ramulis patulis. DESCRIPTION. Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers headed, terminal, and nodding. Peduncles coloured, and furnished with three floral leaves also coloured. Blossom bellied below, contracted above, flesh-coloured at the base, with a green mouth. Leaves by threes, three-sided, linear, of a sea green colour, a little incurved, and spreading. Stem stout, shrubby, a foot high, branching; the branches spreading. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from November till February. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement and floral leaves. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. A branch with the involucrum of the flowers. [Illustration] ERICA elata. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores in apicibus ramorum, solitarii, spicam formantes. Pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus spathulatis instructi. Corolla clavata, curvata, tomentosa, maxima, aurantia; oris laciniis revolutis. Folia quaterna, sæpe quina, glabra, teretiuscula, obtusa. Caulis erectus, sex-pedalis et ultra, parum ramosus. Ramuli plurimi, breves, tomentosi. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the branches, solitary, forming a spike. Footstalks short, having three spathula-shaped floral leaves. Blossom club-shaped, curved, downy, very large, and of an orange colour; the segments of the mouth rolled back. Leaves by fours, often by fives, smooth, roundish, and blunt. Stem upright, growing six feet high or more, rarely branched. Small branches numerous, short, and downy. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till September. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement. 2. The chives and pointal. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA erubescens. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, quaterni, nutantes. Pedunculi brevissimi. Calyx duplex; foliolis late ovatis, sulcatis, squamosis, dentatis. Corolla cylindracea, pilis glandulosis sub-pollicaribus densissime circumsessa. Os intus pilosum, imprimis album, denique roseum. Folia quaterna, lanceolata, aculeata. Caulis erectus, sub-bipedalis. Rami pauci. Ramuli numerosi. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the small branches by fours, hanging down. Footstalks very short. Cup double; the leaflets broadly ovate, furrowed, skinny, and toothed. Blossom cylindrical, closely beset with glandular hairs near an inch long. The inner part of the mouth hairy, white at first, and then dying off of a rose colour. Leaves by fours, lance-shaped, and prickly. Stem upright, near two feet high. Large branches few. Smaller ones numerous. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from March till July. REFERENCE. 1. The under side of a leaf magnified. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA formosa. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores in apicibus ramorum, verticillati, axillares, ad interpositionem foliorum, horizontals, sub-spicati. Corolla clavata, pollicaris, parum curvata, glabra, coccinea; oris laciniis expansis, maximis, sub-recurvis. Folia sub-sena, linearia, glabra, rigida, acuta, patentia, parum curvata. Caulis fruticosus, erectus. Rami verticillati, erecti. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, and just without the blossom. Flowers grow in whorls, at the tops of the branches, close to the stem, at the insertion of the leaves, horizontally, and rather in a spike. Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, a little curved, smooth, and of a scarlet colour. The segments of the border are spread out, very large, and a little turned back. Leaves mostly in sixes, linear, smooth, harsh, sharp-pointed, spreading, and a little curved. Stem shrubby, upright. The branches grow in whorls, and upright. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA glandulosa. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, umbellati, cernui, 4-6 in singula umbella. Corolla ovata, nitida, purpurea, laciniis subrotundis, erectis. Calyx tetraphyllus, foliolis inæqualibus purpureis, pilis glanduliferis ciliatis. Folia quaterna, expansa, pilis apice glandulosis ciliata. Caulis fruticosus, sub-pedalis, flexuosus. Rami et ramuli numerosi. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminal, umbelled, nodding, from 4 to 6 in each umbel. Blossom egg-shaped, shining, purple, with roundish erect segments. Cup four-leaved, with unequal purple leaflets edged with gland-bearing hairs. Leaves in fours, expanded, edged with hairs which are glandular at the points. Stem shrubby, near a foot high, flexuose. The large and small branches are numerous. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till January. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf magnified. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA globosa. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ inclusæ, basi bicornes. Flores in ultimis ramulis terminates, umbellati, cernui. Pedunculi longissimi, glanduloso-pilosi. Corolla globosa, incarnata; oris laciniis obtusis, incurvatis. Folia terna, spathulata, subtus carinata; marginibus glandulosis, revolutis. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis. Rami et ramuli numerosi, villosi, erecto-patentes. DESCRIPTION. Tips within, and two-horned at the base. Flowers terminate the small branches in umbels, nodding. Footstalks very long, and glandularly hairy. Blossom globular, and flesh-coloured. The segments of the border are obtuse, and turned inwards. Leaves by threes, spathula-shaped, and keeled beneath: the margins are glandular, and rolled back. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high. The large and smaller branches are numerous, hairy, and between erect and spreading. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till November. REFERENCE. 1. The under side of a leaf magnified. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA grandiflora. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores ex axillis foliorum, sub apice ramorum, verticillati. Corolla clavata, sesquipollicaris, parum curvata, glabra, aurantia. Folia quaterna, linearia, rigida, recta. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, tripedalis et ultra. Rami simplicissimi, erecti, verticillati. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers grow from the footstalks of the leaves, near the summit of the branches, in whorls. Blossom club-shaped, an inch and a half long, slightly curved, smooth, and orange-coloured. Leaves by fours, linear, harsh, and straight. Stem shrubby, upright, three feet or more high. The branches are very simple, upright, and in whorls. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till September. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Hibbertia. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores sub-terminales, in multis verticillis simplicibus. Corolla sub-cylindracea, curvata, tenuissime sulcata, micans, viscosa, saturate et læte rubra, sed apicem versus viridis. Folia sena, obtusa, conferta. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, pedalis, robustus; ramis patentibus. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, just within the blossom. Flowers grow near the summit of the branches in numerous single whorls. Blossom nearly cylindrical, curved, and slightly furrowed, shining, viscous, of a deep bright red, but towards the end green. Leaves in sixes, blunt, and crowded. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot high, and stout. The larger branches spreading. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till September. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. Chives and pointal, a tip and the summit magnified. 3. Seed-bud magnified. 4. A blossom of a smaller variety. [Illustration] ERICA imbricata. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, sub-terni, cernui. Perianthium duplicatum, adpressum, imbricatum; foliolis ovatis, viscosis, incarnatis; pedunculis longitudine calycis. Corolla urceolata, apice incarnata; laciniis minutis, obtusis, erectis. Folia terna, linearia, recta, truncata. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, spithamæus. Rami et ramuli numerosi. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches, mostly by threes, nodding. Cup double, pressed to the blossom, and tiled. The leaflets are egg-shaped, clammy, and flesh-coloured. Footstalks the length of the cup. Blossom pitcher-shaped, flesh-coloured at the mouth. The segments are blunt, small, and upright. Leaves by threes, linear, straight, and appearing cut off at the point. Stem shrubby, upright, a span high. The larger and smaller branches are numerous. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA lachnæa. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores plerumque terni, in capitulis terminalibus. Corolla sub-campanulata, alba; laciniis rotundis, maximis, expansis. Folia terna, carnosa, obtusa, imbricata. Caulis fruticosus, sub-pedalis, ramosus. Rami et ramuli foliis imbricatis involuti. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, just within the blossom. Flowers chiefly by threes, in terminal heads. Blossom nearly bell-shaped, and white; with the segments round, large, and spreading. Leaves by threes, fleshy, blunt, and tiled. Stem shrubby, near a foot high, and branching. The large and small branches are enveloped by the leaves, which are tiled. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till July. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA lanata. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores in extremis ramulis terminates, quaterni, adpressi, cernuo-patentes; pedunculis brevissimis. Calyx duplex; exterius triphyllum, interius tetraphyllum; foliolis ovatis, concavis, incurvatis, lanâ densâ tectis, adpressis. Corolla sub-globosa, albida, lanata, in sinu calycis fere recondita. Folia terna, cuneata, marginibus revolutis, lanata. Caulis laxus, sesquipedalis. Rami et ramuli numerosi, laxi, tomentosi. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers terminate the extremity of the branches by fours, pressed together, are nodding, and spreading; with very short footstalks. Empalement double; the outer three-leaved, the inner one four-leaved: the leaflets are ovate, concave, turned inwards, covered by a thick wool, and pressed to the flowers. Blossom nearly globular, whitish, woolly, and nearly hid within the cup. Leaves by threes, wedge-shaped, rolled back at the edges, and woolly. Stem weak, a foot and a half high. The large and small branches are numerous, weak, and downy. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till December. REFERENCE. 1. The under side of a leaf magnified. 2. A blossom. 3. The empalement magnified. 4. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA lanuginosa. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores axillares, sæpe solitarii, subsessiles. Corolla ovata, ad basin inflata, apice acuta, tomentosa, albido-lutescens, basi fusco-purpurascens. Folia terna, linearia, lanata, ciliata, patentes. Caulis humilis, robustus, sub-pedalis, fruticosus; ramis numerosis, plerumque simplicibus. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers axillary, often solitary, nearly sessile. Blossom egg-shaped, swelled at the base, and pointed at the end, downy, of a dingey yellow white, and of a purply brown at the base. Leaves by threes, linear, with woolly hair, and spreading. Stem low, stout, scarce a foot high, shrubby. The branches are numerous, and mostly simple. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from October till January. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. A blossom. 3. The same spread open. 4. The chives and pointal. 5. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Linnæoides. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, sub-quaterni, horizontales; pedunculis fere nullis. Corolla sub-cylindracea, tumida, pilosa, ad basin purpurea, et superne alba. Folia quaterna, linearia, pilosa. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, et patens. Ramuli numerosi, pilosi. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the smaller branches mostly by fours, in a horizontal direction; scarcely any footstalks. Blossom nearly cylindrical, swelled, and hairy, purple at the base, and white at the upper part. Leaves by fours, linear, and hairy. Stem shrubby, upright, and spreading. The smaller branches are numerous and hairy. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from January till May. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA mammosa. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores sub-terminales, conferti, verticillati, penduli, spicam longam formantes. Pedunculi longissimi. Corolla ventricoso-cylindracea, apice attenuata, ad basin constricta, profunde purpurea; laciniis minutis, erectis. Folia quaterna, linearia, erecta, patentia. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis. Rami verticillati, erecti. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers nearly terminal, in crowded whorls, hanging down, and forming a long spike. Footstalks very long. Blossom of a swelled cylinder-shape, tapered at the end, and pinched in at the base, of a deep purple colour. The segments of the border are very small, and upright. Leaves by fours, linear, erect, and spreading. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high. The branches are whorled and upright. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till November. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA mammosa, _minor_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores semi-unciales, in summitate ramorum, verticillati, penduli. Corolla purpurea, ventricoso-cylindrica, apice attenuata, ad basin constricta; laciniis minutis, erectis. Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra, curvata; seniora patentia, juniora adscendentia. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, pedalis et ultra. Rami verticillati, curvati. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers half an inch long, near the summit of the branches, in whorls, hanging down. Blossom purple, of a swelled cylinder-shape, tapered at the end, and pinched-in at the base. The segments of the border are very small, and upright. Leaves by fours, linear, smooth, and curved; the older ones spreading, and the younger ones ascending. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot or more high. The branches grow in whorls, and are curved. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from September till December. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA margaritacea. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, subcernui, umbellulati. Corolla urceolata, alba; laciniæ limbi obtusæ, erecto-patulæ. Folia quaterna, lineari-trigona, erecta, glabra. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis, ramosus. Ramuli frequentissimi, erecti. DESCRIPTION. Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches, are a little bent downwards, and grow in small bunches. Blossom pitcher-shaped, and white. The segments of the border are blunt, upright, and spreading. Leaves by fours, linearly three-sided, upright, and smooth. Stem upright, a foot and a half high, branching; the small branches are numerous, and upright. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from June till September. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA marifolia. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores terminales, umbellati, cernui. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, canaliculatis, ciliatis. Corolla albida, urceoliformis, oris laciniis sub-reflexis. Folia terna, patentia, late ovata, revoluta, subtus albida. Caulis erectus, fruticosus, pedalis, ramosissimus. Ramuli frequentissimi, verticillati. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, just within the blossom. The flowers terminate the branches in bunches, and nodding. Cup four-leaved; the leaflets are spathula-shaped, channelled and lashed. Blossom white, pitcher-shaped; the segments of the border slightly bent back. Leaves by threes, spreading, of a broad egg-shape, rolled back at the edges, and whitish beneath. Stem upright, shrubby, a foot high, very branching. The smaller branches numerous, and in whorls. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from April till July. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Massonia. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores sub-terminales, verticillis simplicibus, cernuo-patentibus. Corolla sub-cylindracea, micans, viscosa, colore rubro, luteo, et viridi, quam speciosissime imbuta. Folia sub-quaterna, pilis longis vestita. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, bipedalis, ad basin simplex, dein ramosus; rami sub-erecti, foliis omnino tecti. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers nearly terminal in simple whorls, bending down, and spreading. Blossom nearly cylindrical, shining, clammy, and most beautifully coloured with red, yellow, and green. Leaves mostly by fours, clothed with long hairs. Stem shrubby, upright, two feet high, simple at the base, then branching, the branches nearly upright, and quite covered by the leaves. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from April till August. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA monadelphia. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ, attenuatæ in filamenta plana, compressa. Flores in ramulis, bini vel terni, terminales, cernui, in medio ramorum racemum formantes speciosissimum. Calyx duplex, coloratus; exterior triphyllus, foliolis late-ovatis, interior tetraphyllus, major. Corolla conica, sub-pollicaris, glabra, læte rubra; oris laciniis adpressis. Folia terna, obtusa, sub-tomentosa. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, without the blossom, very long, and tapering into filaments which are flat, and pressed together. Flowers grow by twos and threes at the ends of the smaller branches, hanging down, forming a beautiful spike near the middle of the larger branches. Empalement double, and coloured, the outer one is three-leaved; the leaflets are broadly egg-shaped; the inner one is four-leaved, and larger than the outer. Blossom cone-shaped, near an inch long, smooth, and of a bright red colour; segments of the border are pressed to the threads. Leaves by threes, obtuse, and rather downy. Stem upright, a foot and a half high. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal. 3. The same spread open, one tip magnified. 4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Muscari. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores luteoli, suaviter olentes, sæpius quaterni, cruciformes, terminales. Corolla oblongo-ovata, summa parte arctata; laciniis æqualibus, revolutis. Folia quaterna, linearia, acuta, glabra, nitida. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis, ramosissimus. DESCRIPTION. Tips, beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers yellowish, and sweet-scented, mostly four together, cross-shaped, and terminating the branches. Blossom oblong-egg-shaped, narrowed at the top; with the segments equal, and rolled back. Leaves by fours, linear, pointed, smooth, and shining. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high, and very branching. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from March till July. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA nitida. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, umbellati, terni vel quini, cernui. Pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus calyciformibus adpressis. Corolla ovata, inflata, crystallino-alba, nitida, magnitudine pisi; laciniis revolutis. Folia terna, obtusa, linearia, erecto-patentia. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis; ramulis numerosis. DESCRIPTION. Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the small branches in umbels of from 3 to 5, nodding. Footstalks short, with three floral leaves of the shape of the cup, and pressed to it. Blossom egg-shaped and swelled out, of a crystalline white, shining, and of the size of a pea: segments of the border rolled back. Leaves by threes, obtuse, linear, and between erect and spreading. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high, with numerous small branches. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA obbata, _var. umbellata_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ inclusæ, basi bicornes. Flores terminales, umbellati, conferti, pedunculis brevibus. Corolla ventricosa, nitidissime alba, basi quadrata, ore arctata, leviter sulcata. Limbus maximus; laciniis rotundatis, patentibus; glandulis octo fauci circumpositis. Folia quaterna, reflexa, rigida, ciliata, acuminata, subtus sulcata. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus. Rami laxi, filiformes. DESCRIPTION. Tips within the blossom, and two-horned at their base. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels crowded together, with short footstalks. Blossom bellied, of a very shining white, squared at the base, straitened at the mouth, and slightly furrowed. Border very large. Segments roundish, and spreading, with eight glands surrounding the mouth. Leaves by fours, reflexed, harsh, fringed, sharp-pointed, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, a foot high, branching. The branches are loose, and thread-shaped. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till August. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement. 2. A segment of the border magnified. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA patens. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores in apice ramulorum, terni. Pedunculi breves. Corolla campanulata, purpurea; laciniis ovatis, concavis, maximis, expansis. Folia terna, ovalia, concava, glandulosa, obtusa, patentia; petiolis brevissimis adpressis. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, bipedalis. Rami et ramuli numerosi, verticillati, virgati, patentes. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, just within the blossom. Flowers terminate the small branches, by threes. Footstalks short. Blossom bell-shaped, and purple. The segments of the border are oval, concave, very large, and spreading. Leaves by threes, oval, concave, glandular, blunt, and spreading; with very short footstalks pressed to the branches. Stem shrubby, upright, two feet high. The large and small branches are numerous, whorled, twiggy, and spreading. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from February till June. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf magnified. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives and pointal, magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Patersonia, _coccinea_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in summitate ramorum verticillati, recti. Corolla cylindraceo-clavata, coccinea, ore arctata, sub-pollicaris. Folia plerumque quinata vel sena, erecta, setacea, in petiolos capillares deorsum attenuata. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis; ramis ramulisque erectis, et sæpe alternis. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers grow at the tops of the branches in whorls, straight out. Blossom cylindrically club-shaped, of a scarlet colour, narrowed at the mouth, and near an inch long. Leaves chiefly in fives or sixes, erect, bristle-shaped, and attenuated downwards into capillary footstalks. Stem shrubby, two feet high; the branches and branchlets erect, and often alternate. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from April till August. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA penicillata. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores solitarii, penduli, medio ramorum spicati. Pedunculi colorati, longi. Corolla conica, purpurea; laciniis minutis, erectis, luteo-virentibus. Folia terna, linearia, fasciculata, glabra, patentia. Caulis erectus, fruticosus, sub-bipedalis. Rami sub-simplices; ramuli conferti. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers grow solitary, hanging down, making a spike from the middle of the branches. Footstalks coloured, and long. Blossom conical, and purple. Segments small, upright, and of a greenish yellow. Leaves by threes, linear, bundled, smooth, and spreading. Stem upright, shrubby, near two feet high. Branches nearly simple; smaller branches crowded. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till August. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA petiolata. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores terminales, plerumque ternati, sub-erecti. Pedunculi brevissimi. Calyx duplex; exterius triphyllus; interius tetraphyllus foliolis longioribus ad basin late ovatis. Corolla campanulata, alba; laciniis semi-rotundis, patentibusque. Folia terna, patentia, cuneata, latiuscula, crassiuscula, et lucida, petiolis longissimis. Suffrutex pygmæus. Rami patentes. Ramuli numerosi, conferti. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers terminal, chiefly in threes, nearly upright. Peduncles very short. Empalement double; the outer three-leaved; the inner four-leaved longer, and broadly egg-shaped at the base. Blossom bell-shaped, and white. The segments are roundish, and spreading. Leaves by threes, spreading, wedge-shaped, broadish, rather thick, and shining, with very long footstalks. It is a dwarfish shrub. Branches spreading. The small branches are numerous, and crowded. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till July. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. A blossom. 4. The chives detached, one tip magnified. 5. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA pinifolia, _coccinea_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores verticillati, conferti, patentes. Corolla tubulosa, coccinea; laciniis revolutis, tenuiter crenulatis. Folia sena, conferta, incurvata, et patentia. Caulis fruticosus, semi-pedalis, robustus. Rami foliis dense tecti. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers in crowded whorls, and spreading. Blossom tubular, of a scarlet colour: the segments of the border are rolled back, and slightly notched. Leaves by sixes, crowded, turned inward, and spreading. Stem shrubby, half a foot high, stout. Branches thickly covered with leaves. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till April. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives expanded, one tip magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA pinifolia, _discolor_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores horizontaliter verticillati, sub apices ramorum. Pedunculi colorati, hirsuti. Corolla tubulosa, costata, pollicaris, pilis glandulosis densissime circumsessa, apicem versus albis, ad basin rubris: laciniis revolutis, obsolete crenulatis. Folia plerumque sena, confertissima, linearia. Caulis fruticosus, brevis, robustus. Rami foliis dense tecti. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers whorled, near the ends of the branches, in a horizontal direction. Footstalks coloured and hispid. Blossom tubular, ribbed, an inch long, and closely beset with glandular hairs, white towards the end, and red at the base. Segments of the border are rolled back, and slightly notched. Leaves mostly by sixes, very crowded, and linear. Stem shrubby, short, and stout. The branches thickly covered with leaves. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till July. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Plukenetia, _nana_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, longissimæ, exertæ. Flores solitarii, in medio ramorum, ex axillis foliorum. Pedunculi longissimi, bracteis minutis, remotis. Corolla sub-cylindrica, glabra, rubro-purpurea; laciniis limbi obtusis, obsoletis, viridibus, erectis. Folia terna, linearia, glabra, arcuata, inflexa, subtus sulcata. Caulis sub-pedalis, erectus, robustus. Ramuli numerosi, sub-erecti. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, very long, and without the blossom. Flowers grow singly, in the middle of the branches, from the base of the leaves. Footstalks very long, with minute floral leaves at a distance from the cup. Blossom nearly cylindrical, smooth, of a red purple; the segments of the border blunt, very small, green, and upright. Leaves by threes, linear, smooth, bent like a bow, turned inwards, and furrowed beneath. Stem nearly a foot high, upright, and sturdy. The small branches are numerous, and nearly upright. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from June till November. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified. 2. The chives detached, one tip magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA princeps. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores speciosi, terminales, in umbellis nutantibus, 6-10-floris. Pedunculi colorati. Calyx lanceolatus, carinatus, ciliatusque. Corolla ovato-clavata, inflata, lævigata, ore arctata, læte rubicunda. Folia quaterna, recurva, late linearia, ciliata, et aristata. Caulis fruticosus, sub-pedalis, ramosus. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers showy, terminal in nodding umbels of 6 to 10 flowers. Peduncles coloured. Cup lance-shaped, keeled, and ciliated. Blossom ovately club-shaped, inflated, and smooth, narrowed at the mouth, and of a glowing red colour. Leaves by fours, recurved, broadly linear, ciliated and aristated. Stem shrubby, near a foot high, and branching. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till October. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified. 2. The chives detached, one tip magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA propendens. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales in ramulis lateralibus, pendulis, plerumque binati. Pedunculi colorati. Corolla campamilata, rubro-purpurea, tomentosa; laciniis lato-ovatis, patentibus. Folia quaterna, linearia, pubescentia; seniora reflexa. Caulis fruticosus, sub-pedalis, flexuosus. Rami patentes, ramulis floriferis pendulis. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers terminal, in small lateral pendulous branches, chiefly in pairs. Footstalks coloured. Blossom bell-shaped, of a red purple colour, and downy. The segments of the border are broadly egg-shaped, and spreading. Leaves by fours, linear, and downy; the older ones reflexed. Stem shrubby, near a foot high, and flexuose. Branches spreading, with the little flower-bearing branches pendulous. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. The under side of a leaf magnified. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA pyramidalis. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in apicibus ramulorum umbellati, sub-quaterni. Corolla campanulato-infundibuliformis, carnea: laciniis limbi acutis, semi-ovatis, maximis. Folia sub-quaterna, linearia, pilosa, tenuia. Caulis fruticosus, ramosus, flexilis. Ramuli frequentissimi, verticillati, sub-quaterni, breves, cernui. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the small branches in bunches, mostly of four. Blossom between bell-and funnel-shaped, flesh-coloured: the segments of the border pointed, half-egg-shaped, and very large. Leaves mostly by fours, linear, hairy, and thin. Stem shrubby, branching, and flexible. Small branches numerous, whorled, mostly in fours, short, and hanging down. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from September till December. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA ramentacea. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores plures, terminales, umbellati, conferti. Pedunculi purpurei, longissimi. Corolla globosa, rubro-purpurea, ore contracto, laciniis minutis, reflexis. Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra. Caulis erectus, spithamæus, ramosissimus. Rami et ramuli filiformes, divaricato-patentes. DESCRIPTION. Tips crested, within the blossom. Flowers numerous, terminating the branches in close bunches. The footstalks are purple, and very long. Blossom globular, of a reddish purple, contracted at the mouth, the segments of which are very small, and rolled back. Leaves by fours, linear, and smooth. Stem upright, a span high, and very much branched. The large and small branches are thread-shaped, and spread in various directions. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA retorta. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores plures, sub-terminales, verticillati, viscosi. Pedunculi longi. Corolla basi inflata, apice attenuata; ima parte carnea, summa saturate purpurea, ore arctata. Folia quaterna, retorta, seta terminali aristata, margine ciliata. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, erectus, ramosus. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers are numerous, nearly terminal, in whorls, and clammy. Footstalks long. The blossom is swelled at the base, and tapers to the point; the lower part is of a flesh-colour, the upper of a deep purple, and straitened at the mouth. Leaves by fours, rolled back, and terminating with an awn-like bristle, fringed at the edge. Stem shrubby, a foot high, upright, and branching. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf. 2. The empalement magnified, 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA rupestris. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, plerumque ternati, cernui. Pedunculi rubri. Corolla campanulata, alba; laciniis semi-rotundis, patentibusque. Folia quaterna, conferta, patula, linearia, crassa, obtusa, lucida. Caulis humilis, humi fusus inter rupes. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers terminal, chiefly in threes, nodding. Footstalks red. Blossom bell-shaped, white; with the segments half round and spreading. Leaves by fours, crowded, spreading, linear, thick, blunt, and shining. The stem is low, and spread about upon the ground amongst rocks. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till November. REFERENCE. 1. The under side of a leaf. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA tenuiflora. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ultimis ramulis quaterni, patentes; pedunculis brevissimis. Perianthium duplex; exterius triphyllum; foliolis lanceolatis; interius tetraphyllum, longius. Corolla tubæformis, tenuissima, lutea; oris laciniis acuminatis, patentibus. Folia terna et quaterna, linearia, erecta. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, debilis. Rami et ramuli virgati. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow by fours, at the ends of the small branches, spreading. Footstalks very short. Cup double; the outer one is three-leaved; the leaflets lance-shaped; the inner one is four-leaved, and longer than the outer. Blossom trumpet-shaped, very slender and yellow; segments of the border sharp-pointed, and spreading. Leaves by threes and fours, linear, and upright. Stem shrubby, a foot high, and weak; the large and small branches are twiggy. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from April till June. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA vestita, _alba_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores in ramis verticillati, erecto-patentes. Corolla clavata, pollicaris, alba, pubescens. Folia sena, conferta, uncialia, linearia, tremulenta. Pedunculi longissimi. Caulis tripedalis, erectus; ramis simplicibus, adscendentibus. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, and just within the blossom. Flowers grow in whorls upon the branches, upright and spreading. Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, white, and downy. Leaves by sixes, crowded, an inch long, linear, and tremulous. Footstalks very long. Stem three feet high, upright; with simple ascending branches. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till December. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal. 3. The same spread open, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA viridis. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores infra apices ramorum confertim verticillati, horizontales. Corolla cylindrica, uncialis, saturate viridis, viscosa, costata, asperiuscula. Folia sena, linearia, patentia. Caulis fruticosus, erectus. Rami plerumque simplices, erecti et rigidi. DESCRIPTION. Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers grow near the ends of the branches crowdedly whorled, and horizontal. Blossom cylindrical, an inch long, of a deep green, clammy, ribbed, and roughish. Leaves by sixes, linear, and spreading. Stem shrubby, upright. The branches are mostly simple, erect, and rigid. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from May till September. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf magnified. 2. The empalement. 3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Uhria. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, sub-exertæ; stylo exerto, apice curvato. Flores terminales, solitarii, racemum formantes in apicibus ramorum. Corolla tubuloso-clavata, sanguinea, apice virescens, viscosa; laciniis limbi erectis. Folia terna, linearia, glabra, erecto-patentia. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis. Rami pauci; ramuli numerosi. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, just without the blossom. Shaft without, and curved at the end. Flowers terminate the small branches, grow solitary, forming a long bunch near the tops of the branches. Blossom tubularly club-shaped, of a blood colour, green at the end, and clammy. The segments of the border are upright. Leaves by threes, linear, smooth, and between erect and spreading. Stem shrubby, two feet high. The larger branches are few; the smaller ones numerous. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till September. REFERENCE. 1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Uhria, _pilosa_. DESCRIPTIO. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ; stylo exerto, apice curvato. Flores terminales, sub-bini, numerosi. Corolla tubuloso-clavata, curvata, pilosa, rubro-purpurea, apice virescens, viscosa; laciniis limbi erectis. Folia terna, linearia, pilosa, subtus sulcata. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis. Rami pauci, erecti. Ramuli frequentissimi, erecto-patentes. DESCRIPTION. Tips bearded, within the blossom. Shaft, without the blossom, curved at the point. Flowers terminate the branches, mostly by twos, and numerous. Blossom tubularly club-shaped, curved, hairy, of a red purple, green at the end, and clammy. Segments of the border upright. Leaves by threes, linear, hairy, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, two feet high. The larger branches are few and erect; the smaller branches numerous, and between erect and spreading. * * * * * Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf magnified. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. [Illustration] ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE FIGURES IN VOL. III. 101. Erica acuminata. 102. Aitonia. 103. ampullacea. 104. aspera. 105. Banksia. 106. α purpurea. 107. blanda. 108. calycina, _minor_. 109. coronata. 110. cruenta. 111. elegans. 112. elata. 113. erubescens. 114. formosa. 115. glandulosa. 116. globosa. 117. grandiflora. 118. Hibbertia. 119. imbricata. 120. lachnæa. 121. lanata. 122. lanuginosa. 123. Linnæoides. 124. mammosa. 125. α minor. 126. margaritacea. 127. marifolia. 128. Massonia. 129. monadelphia. 130. muscari. 131. nitida. 132. obbata, _umbellata_. 133. patens. 134. Patersonia, _coccinea_. 135. penicillata. 136. petiolata. 137. pinnifolica, _coccinea_. 138. β discolor. 139. Plukenetia, _nana_. 140. princeps. 141. propendens. 142. pyramidalis. 143. ramentacea. 144. retorta. 145. rupestris. 146. tenuiflora. 147. vestita, _alba_. 148. viridis. 149. Uhria. 150. α pilosa. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 70082 ***