Title: On the magnet, magnetick bodies also, and on the great magnet the earth
Adapter: William Gilbert
Translator: Silvanus P. Thompson
Release date: September 26, 2010 [eBook #33810]
Language: English
Credits: Produced by Curtis Weyant, Keith Edkins and the Online
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learer proofs, in the discovery of
secrets, and in the investigation of the hidden causes of things, being
afforded by trustworthy experiments and by demonstrated arguments, than
by the probable guesses and opinions of the ordinary professors of
philosophy: so, therefore, that the noble substance of that great magnet,
our common mother (the earth), hitherto quite unknown, and the
conspicuous and exalted powers of this our globe, may be the better
understood, we have proposed to begin with the common magnetick, stony,
and iron material, and with magnetical bodies, and with the nearer parts
of the earth which we can reach with our hands and perceive with our
senses; then to proceed with demonstrable magnetick experiments; and so
penetrate, for the first time, into the innermost parts of the earth. For
after we had, in order finally to learn the true substance of the globe,
seen and thoroughly examined many of those things which have been
obtained from mountain heights or ocean depths, or from the profoundest
caverns and from hidden mines: we applied much prolonged labour on
investigating the magnetical forces; so wonderful indeed are they,
compared with the forces of all other minerals, surpassing even the
virtues of all other bodies about us. Nor have we found this our labour
idle or unfruitful; since daily during our experimenting, new and
unexpected properties came to light; and our Philosophy hath grown so
much from the things diligently observed, that we have attempted to
expound the interior parts of the terrene globe, and its native
substance, upon magnetick principles; and to reveal to men the earth (our
common mother), and to point it out as if with the finger, by real
demonstrations and by experiments manifestly apparent to the senses. And
as geometry ascends from sundry very small and very easy principles to
the greatest and most difficult; by which the wit of man climbs above the
firmament: so our magnetical doctrine and science first sets forth in
convenient order the things which are less obscure; from these there come
to light others that are more remarkable; and at length in due order
there are opened the concealed and most secret things of the globe of the
earth, and the causes are made known of those things which, either
through the ignorance of the ancients or the neglect of moderns, have
remained unrecognized and overlooked. But why should I, in so vast an
Ocean of Books by which the minds of studious men are troubled and
fatigued, through which very foolish productions the world and
unreasoning men are intoxicated, and puffed up, rave and create literary
broils, and while professing to be philosophers, physicians,
mathematicians and astrologers, neglect and despise men of learning: why
should I, I say, add aught further to this so-perturbed republick of
letters, and expose this noble philosophy, which seems new and incredible
by reason of so many things hitherto unrevealed, to be damned and torn to
pieces by the maledictions of those who are either already sworn to the
opinions of other men, or are foolish corruptors of good arts, learned
idiots, grammatists, sophists, wranglers, and perverse little folk? But
to you alone, true philosophizers, honest men, who seek knowledge not
from books only but from things themselves, have I addressed these
magnetical principles in this new sort of Philosophizing. But if any see
not fit to assent to these self-same opinions and paradoxes, let them
nevertheless mark the great array of experiments and discoveries (by
which notably every philosophy flourisheth), which have been wrought out
and demonstrated by us with many pains and vigils and expenses. In these
rejoice, and employ them to better uses, if ye shall be able. I know how
arduous it is to give freshness to old things, lustre to the antiquated,
light to the dark, grace to the despised, credibility to the doubtful; so
much the more by far is it difficult to win and establish some authority
for things new and unheard-of, in the face of all the opinions of all
men. Nor for that do we care, since philosophizing, as we deemed, is for
the few. To our own discoveries and experiments we have affixed
asterisks, larger and smaller, according to the importance and subtlety
of the matter. Whoso desireth to make trial of the same experiments, let
him handle the substances, not negligently and carelessly, but prudently,
deftly, and in the proper way; nor let him (when a thing doth not
succeed) ignorantly denounce our discoveries: for nothing hath been set
down in these books which hath not been explored and many times performed
and repeated amongst us. Many things in our reasonings and hypotheses
will, perchance, at first sight, seem rather hard, when they are foreign
to the {iij}commonly received opinion; yet I doubt not
but that hereafter they will yet obtain authority from the demonstrations
themselves. Wherefore in magnetical science, they who have made most
progress, trust most in and profit most by the hypotheses; nor will
anything readily become certain to any one in a magnetical philosophy in
which all or at least most points are not ascertained. This
nature-knowledge is almost entirely new and unheard-of, save what few
matters a very few writers have handed down concerning certain common
magnetical powers. Wherefore we but seldom quote antient Greek authors in
our support, because neither by using greek arguments nor greek words can
the truth be demonstrated or elucidated either more precisely or more
significantly. For our doctrine magnetical is at variance with most of
their principles and dogmas. Nor have we brought to this work any
pretence of eloquence or adornments of words; but this only have we done,
that things difficult and unknown might be so handled by us, in such a
form of speech, and in such words as are needed to be clearly understood:
Sometimes therefore we use new and unusual words, not that by means of
foolish veils of vocabularies we should cover over the facts with shades
and mists (as Alchemists are wont to do) but that hidden things which
have no name, never having been hitherto perceived, may be plainly and
correctly enunciated. After describing our magnetical experiments and our
information of the homogenick parts of the earth, we proceed to the
general nature of the whole globe; wherein it is permitted us to
philosophize freely and with the same liberty which the Egyptians,
Greeks, and Latins formerly used in publishing their dogmas: whereof very
many errors have been handed down in turn to later authors: and in which
smatterers still persist, and wander as though in perpetual darkness. To
those early forefathers of philosophy, Aristotle, Theophrastus, Ptolemy,
Hippocrates, and Galen, let due honour be ever paid: for by them wisdom
hath been diffused to posterity; but our age hath detected and brought to
light very many facts which they, were they now alive, would gladly have
accepted. Wherefore we also have not hesitated to expound in demonstrable
hypotheses those things which we have discovered by long experience.
Londoners, and Father of Magnetick Philosophy,
an Encomiastic Preface of Edward Wright
on the subject of these books
hould there by chance be any one, most
eminent Sir, who reckons as of small account these magnetical books and
labours of yours, and thinks these studies of yours of too little moment,
and by no means worthy enough of the attention of an eminent man devoted
to the weightier study of Medicine: truly he must deservedly be judged to
be in no common degree void of understanding. For that the use of the
magnet is very important and wholly admirable is better known for the
most part to men of even the lowest class than to need from me at this
time any long address or commendation. Nor truly in my judgment could you
have chosen any topick either more noble or more useful to the human
race, upon which to exercise the strength of your philosophic intellect;
since indeed it has been brought about by the divine agency of this
stone, that continents of such vast circuit, such an infinite number of
lands, islands, peoples, and tribes, which have remained unknown for so
many ages, have now only a short time ago, almost within our own memory,
been quite easily discovered and quite frequently explored, and that the
circuit of the whole terrestrial globe also has been more than once
circumnavigated by our own countrymen, Drake and Cavendish; a fact which
I wish to mention to the lasting memory of these men. For by the pointing
of the iron touched by a loadstone, the points of South, North, East, and
West, and the other quarters of the world are made known to navigators
even under an overcast sky and in the darkest night; so that thus they
always very easily understand to which point of the world they ought to
direct their ship's course; which before the discovery of this wonderful
virtue of the magnetick βορεοδείξις
was clearly impossible. Hence in old times (as is established in
histories), an incredible anxiety and immense danger was continually
threatening sailors; for at the coming on of a tempest and the obscuring
of the view of sun and stars, they were left entirely in ignorance
whither they were making; nor could they find out this by any reasoning
or skill. With what joy then may we suppose them to have been filled, to
what feelings of delight must all shipmasters have given utterance, when
that index magnetical first offered itself to them as a most sure guide,
and as it were a Mercury, for their journey? But neither was this
sufficient for this magnetical Mercury; to indicate, namely, the right
way, and to point, as it were, a finger in the direction toward which the
course must be {iiij}directed; it began also long ago to show
distinctly the distance of the place toward which it points. For since
the index magnetical does not always in every place look toward the same
point of the North, but deviates from it often, either toward the East or
toward the West, yet always has the same deviation in the same place,
whatever the place is, and steadily preserves it; it has come about that
from that deviation, which they call variation, carefully noticed and
observed in any maritime places, the same places could afterwards also be
found by navigators from the drawing near and approach to the same
variation as that of these same places, taken in conjunction with the
observation of the latitude. Thus the Portuguese in their voyages to the
East Indies had the most certain indications of their approach to the
Cape of Good Hope; as appears from the narrations of Hugo van Lynschoten
and of the very learned Richard Hakluyt, our countryman. Hence also the
experienced skippers of our own country, not a few of them, in making the
voyage from the Gulf of Mexico to the islands of the Azores, recognized
that they had come as near as possible to these same islands; although
from their sea-charts they seemed to be about six hundred British miles
from them. And so, by the help of this magnetick index, it would seem as
though that geographical problem of finding the longitude, which for so
many centuries has exercised the intellects of the most learned
Mathematicians, were going to be in some way satisfied; because if the
variation for any maritime place whatever were known, the same place
could very readily be found afterward, as often as was required, from the
same variation, the latitude of the same place being not unknown.
It seems, however, that there has been some inconvenience and hindrance connected with the observation of this variation; because it cannot be observed excepting when the sun or the stars are shining. Accordingly this magnetick Mercury of the sea goes on still further to bless all shipmasters, being much to be preferred to Neptune himself, and to all the sea-gods and goddesses; not only does it show the direction in a dark night and in thick weather, but it also seems to exhibit the most certain indications of the latitude. For an iron index, suspended on its axis (like a pair of scales), with the most delicate workmanship so as to balance in æquilibrio, and then touched and excited by a loadstone, dips to some fixed and definite point beneath the horizon (in our latitude in London, for example, to about the seventy-second degree), at which it at length comes to rest. But under the æquator itself, from that admirable agreement and congruency which, in almost all and singular magnetical experiments, exists between the earth itself and a terrella (that is, a globular loadstone), it seems exceedingly likely (to say the very least), and indeed more than probable, that the same index (again stroked with a loadstone) will remain in æquilibrio in an horizontal position. Whence it is evident that this also is very probable, that in an exceedingly small progress from the South toward the North (or contrariwise) there will be at least a sufficiently perceptible change in that declination; so that from that declination in any place being once carefully observed along with the latitude, the same place and the same latitude may be very easily recognized afterward, even in the darkest night and in the thickest mist by a declination instrument. Wherefore to bring our oration at length back to you, most eminent and learned Dr. Gilbert (whom I gladly recognize as my teacher in this magnetick philosophy), if these books of yours on the Magnet had contained nothing else, excepting only this finding of latitude from magnetick declination, by you now first brought to light, our shipmasters, Britains, French, Belgians, and Danes, trying to enter the British Channel or the Straits of Gibraltar from the Atlantick Ocean in dark weather, would still most deservedly judge them to be valued at no small sum of gold. But that discovery of yours about the whole globe of the earth being magnetical, although perchance it will seem to many "most paradoxical," producing even a feeling of astonishment, has yet been so firmly defended by you at all points and confirmed by so many experiments so apposite and appropriate to the matter in hand, in Bk. 2, chap. 34; Bk. 3, chap. 4 and 12; and in almost the whole of the fifth book, that no room is left for doubt or contradiction. I come therefore to the cause of the magnetick variation, which hitherto has distracted the minds of all the learned; for which no mortal has ever adduced a more probable reason than that which has now been set forth by you for the first time in these books of yours on the Magnet. The ὀρθοβορεοδείξις of the index magnetical in the middle of the ocean, and in the middle of continents (or at least in the middle of their stronger and more lofty parts), its inclining near the shore toward those same parts, even by sea and by land, agreeing with the experiments Bk. 4, chap. 2, on an actual terrella (made after the likeness of the terrestrial globe, uneven, and rising up in certain parts, either weak or wanting in firmness, or imperfect in some other way),—this inclination having been proved, very certainly demonstrates the probability that that variation is nought else than a certain deviation of the magnetick needle toward those parts of the earth that are more vigorous and more prominent. Whence the reason is readily established of that irregularity which is often perceived in the magnetick variations, arising from the inæquality and irregularity of those eminences and of the terrestrial forces. Nor of a surety have I any doubt, that all those even who have either imagined or admitted points attractive or points respective in the sky or the earth, and those who have imagined magnetick mountains, or rocks, or poles, will immediately begin to waver as soon as they have perused these books of yours on the Magnet, and willingly will march with your opinion. Finally, as to the views which you discuss in regard to the circular motion of the earth and of the terrestrial poles, although to some perhaps they will seem most supposititious, yet I do not see why they should not gain some favour, even among the very men who do not recognize a sphærical motion of the earth; since not even they can easily clear themselves from many difficulties, which necessarily follow from the daily motion of the {v}whole sky. For in the first place it is against reason that that should be effected by many causes, which can be effected by fewer; and it is against reason that the whole sky and all the sphæres (if there be any) of the stars, both of the planets and the fixed stars, should be turned round for the sake of a daily motion which can be explained by the mere daily rotation of the earth. Then whether will it seem more probable, that the æquator of the terrestrial globe in a single second (that is, in about the time in which any one walking quickly will be able to advance only a single pace) can accomplish a quarter of a British mile (of which sixty equal one degree of a great circle on the earth), or that the æquator of the primum mobile in the same time should traverse five thousand miles with celerity ineffable; and in the twinkling of an eye should fly through about five hundred British miles, swifter than the wings of lightning, if indeed they maintain the truth who especially assail the motion of the earth). Finally, will it be more likely to allow some motion to this very tiny terrestrial globe; or to build up with mad endeavour above the eighth of the fixed sphæres those three huge sphæres, the ninth (I mean), the tenth, and the eleventh, marked by not a single star, especially since it is plain from these books on the magnet, from a comparison of the earth and the terrella, that a circular motion is not so alien to the nature of the earth as is commonly supposed. Nor do those things which are adduced from the sacred Scriptures seem to be specially adverse to the doctrine of the mobility of the earth; nor does it seem to have been the intention of Moses or of the Prophets to promulgate any mathematical or physical niceties, but to adapt themselves to the understanding of the common people and their manner of speech, just as nurses are accustomed to adapt themselves to infants, and not to go into every unnecessary detail. Thus in Gen. i. v. 16, and Psal. 136, the moon is called a great light, because it appears so to us, though it it is agreed nevertheless by those skilled in astronomy that many of the stars, both of the fixed and wandering stars, are much greater. Therefore neither do I think that any solid conclusion can be drawn against the earth's mobility from Psal. 104, v. 5; although God is said to have laid the foundations of the earth that it should not be removed for ever; for the earth will be able to remain evermore in its own and self-same place, so as not to be moved by any wandering motion, nor carried away from its seat (wherein it was first placed by the Divine artificer). We, therefore, with devout mind acknowledging and adoring the inscrutable wisdom of the triune Divinity (having more diligently investigated and observed his admirable work in the magnetical motions), induced by philosophical experiments and reasonings not a few, do deem it to be probable enough that the earth, though resting on its centre as on an immovable base and foundation, nevertheless is borne around circularly.
But passing over these matters (concerning which I believe no one has ever demonstrated anything with greater certainty), without any doubt those matters which you have discussed concerning the causes of the variation and of the magnetick dip below the horizon, not to mention many other matters, which it would take too long to speak of here, will gain very great favour amongst all intelligent men, and especially (to speak after the manner of the Chemists) amongst the sons of the magnetick doctrine. Nor indeed do I doubt that when you have published these books of yours on the Magnet, you will excite all the diligent and industrious shipmasters to take no less care in observing the magnetick declination beneath the horizon than the variation. Since (if not certain) it is at least probable, that the latitude itself, or rather the effect of the latitude, can be found (even in very dark weather) much more accurately from that declination alone, than can either the longitude or the effect of the longitude from the variation, though the sun itself is shining brightly or all the stars are visible, with the most skilful employment likewise of all the most exact instruments. Nor is there any doubt but that those most learned men, Peter Plancius (not more deeply versed in Geography than in observations magnetical), and Simon Stevinus, the most distinguished mathematician, will rejoice in no moderate degree, when they first see these magnetical books of yours, and observe their λιμενευρετική, or Haven-finding Art, enlarged and enriched by so great and unexpected an addition; and without doubt they will urge all their own shipmasters (as far as they can) to observe also everywhere the magnetick declination below the horizon no less than the variation. May your Magnetical Philosophy, therefore, most learned Dr. Gilbert, come forth into the light under the best auspices, after being kept back not till the ninth year only (as Horace prescribes), but already unto almost a second nine, a philosophy rescued at last by so many toils, studyings, watchings, with so much ingenuity and at no moderate expense maintained continuously through so many years, out of darkness and dense mist of the idle and feeble philosophizers, by means of endless experiments skilfully applied to it; yet without neglecting anything which has been handed down in the writings of any of the ancients or of the moderns, all which you did diligently peruse and perpend. Do not fear the boldness or the prejudice of any supercilious and base philosophaster, who by either enviously calumniating or stealthily arrogating to himself the investigations of others seeks to snatch a most empty glory. Verily
Envy detracts from great Homer's genius;
Whoever thou art, Zoilus, thou hast thy name from him.
May your new physiology of the Magnet, I say (kept back for so many years), come forth now at length into the view of all, and your Philosophy, never to be enough admired, concerning the great Magnet (that is, the earth); for, believe me
(If there is any truth in the forebodings of seers),
these books of yours on the Magnet will avail more for perpetuating the memory of your name than the monument of any great Magnate placed upon your tomb.
Terrella, a globular loadstone.
Verticity, polar vigour, not περιδίνησις but περιδίνεισιος δύναμις: not a vertex or πόλος but a turning tendency.
Electricks, things which attract in the same manner as amber.
Excited Magnetick, that which has acquired powers from the loadstone.
Magnetick Versorium, a piece of iron upon a pin, excited by a loadstone.
Non-magnetick Versorium, a versorium of any metal, serving for electrical experiments.
Capped loadstone, which is furnished with an iron cap, or snout.
Meridionally, that is, along the projection of the meridian.
Paralleletically, that is, along the projection of a parallel.
Cusp, tip of a versorium excited by the loadstone.
Cross, sometimes used of the end that has not been touched and excited by a loadstone, though in many instruments both ends are excited by the appropriate termini of the stone.
Cork, that is, bark of the cork-oak.
Radius of the Orbe of the Loadstone, is a straight line drawn from the summit of the orbe of the loadstone, by the shortest way, to the surface of the body, which, continued, will pass through the centre of the loadstone.
Orbe of Virtue, is all that space through which the Virtue of any loadstone extends.
Orbe of Coition, is all that space through which the smallest magnetick is moved by the loadstone.
Proof, for a demonstration shown by means of a body.
Magnetick Coition: since in magnetick bodies, motion does not occur by an attractive faculty, but by a concourse or concordance of both, not as if there were an ἑλκτικὴ δύναμις of one only, but a συνδρομή of both; there is always a coition of the vigour: and even of the body if its mass should not obstruct.
Declinatorium, a piece of Iron capable of turning about an axis, excited by a loadstone, in a declination instrument.
Book 1.
Chap. 1. Ancient and modern writings on the Loadstone, with certain matters of mention only, various opinions, & vanities.
Chap. 2. Magnet Stone, of what kind it is, and its discovery.
Chap. 3. The loadstone has parts distinct in their natural power, & poles conspicuous for their property.
Chap. 4. Which pole of the stone is the Boreal: and how it is distinguished from the austral.
Chap. 5. Loadstone seems to attract loadstone when in natural position: but repels it when in a contrary one, and brings it back to order.
Chap. 6. Loadstone attracts the ore of iron, as well as iron proper, smelted & wrought.
Chap. 7. What iron is, and of what substance, and its uses.
Chap. 8. In what countries and districts iron originates.
Chap. 9. Iron ore attracts iron ore.
Chap. 10. Iron ore has poles, and acquires them, and settles itself toward the poles of the universe.
Chap. 11. Wrought iron, not excited by a loadstone, draws iron.
Chap. 12. A long piece of Iron (even though not excited by a loadstone) settles itself toward North & South.
Chap. 13. Wrought iron has in itself certain parts Boreal & Austral: a magnetick vigour, verticity, and determinate vertices or poles.
Chap. 14. Concerning other powers of loadstone, & its medicinal properties.
Chap. 15. The medicinal virtue of iron.
Chap. 16. That loadstone & iron ore are the same, but iron an extract from both, as other metals are from their own ores; & that all magnetick virtues, though weaker, exist in the ore itself & in smelted iron.
Chap. 17. That the globe of the earth is magnetick, & a magnet; & how in our hands the magnet stone has all the primary forces of the earth, while the earth by the same powers remains constant in a fixed direction in the universe.
Book 2.
Chap. 1. On Magnetick Motions.
Chap. 2. On the Magnetick Coition, and first on the attraction of Amber, or more truly, on the attaching of bodies to Amber.
Chap. 3. Opinions of others on Magnetick Coition, which they call Attraction.
Chap. 4. On Magnetick Force & Form, what it is; and on the cause of the Coition.
Chap. 5. How the Power dwells in the Loadstone.
Chap. 6. How magnetick pieces of Iron and smaller loadstones conform themselves to a terrella & to the earth itself, and by them are disposed.
Chap. 7. On the Potency of the Magnetick Virtue, and on its nature capable of spreading out into an orbe.
Chap. 8. On the geography of the Earth, and of the Terrella.
Chap. 9. On the Æquinoctial Circle of the Earth and of a Terrella.
Chap. 10. Magnetick Meridians of the Earth.
Chap. 11. Parallels.
Chap. 12. The Magnetick Horizon.
Chap. 13. On the Axis and Magnetick Poles.
Chap. 14. Why at the Pole itself the Coition is stronger than in the other parts intermediate between the æquator and the pole; and on the proportion of forces of the coition in various parts of the earth and of the terrella.
Chap. 15. The Magnetick Virtue which is conceived in Iron is more apparent in an iron rod than in a piece of Iron that is round, square, or of other figure.
Chap. 16. Showing that Movements take place by the Magnetical Vigour though solid bodies lie between; and on the interposition of iron plates.
Chap. 17. On the Iron Cap of a Loadstone, with which it is armed at the pole (for the sake of the virtue), and on the efficacy of the same.
Chap. 18. An armed Loadstone does not indue an excited piece of Iron with greater vigour than an unarmed.
Chap. 19. Union with an armed Loadstone is stronger; hence greater weights are raised; but the coition is not stronger, but generally weaker.
Chap. 20. An armed Loadstone raises an armed Loadstone, which also attracts a third; which likewise happens, though the virtue in the first be somewhat small.
Chap. 21. If Paper or any other Medium be interposed, an armed loadstone raises no more than an unarmed one.
Chap. 22. That an armed Loadstone draws Iron no more than an unarmed one: and that an armed one is more strongly united to iron is shown by means of an armed loadstone and a polished Cylinder of iron.
Chap. 23. The Magnetick Force causes motion toward unity, and binds firmly together bodies which are united.
Chap. 24. A piece of Iron placed within the Orbe of a Loadstone hangs suspended in the air, if on account of some impediment it cannot approach it.
Chap. 25. Exaltation of the power of the magnet.
Chap. 26. Why there should appear to be a greater love between iron & loadstone, than between loadstone & loadstone, or between iron & iron, when close to the loadstone, within its orbe of virtue.
Chap. 27. The Centre of the Magnetick Virtues in the earth is the centre of the earth; and in a terrella is the centre of the stone.
Chap. 28. A Loadstone attracts magneticks not only to a fixed point or pole, but to every part of a terrella save the æquinoctial zone.
Chap. 29. On Variety of Strength due to Quantity or Mass.
Chap. 30. The Shape and Mass of the Iron are of most importance in cases of coition.
Chap. 31. On long and round stones.
Chap. 32. Certain Problems and Magnetick Experiments about the Coition, and Separation, and regular Motion of Bodies magnetical.
Chap. 33. On the Varying Ratio of Strength, and of the Motion of coition, within the orbe of virtue.
Chap. 34. Why a Loadstone should be stronger in its poles in a different ratio; as well in the Northern regions as in the Southern.
Chap. 35. On a Perpetual Motion Machine, mentioned by authors, by means of the attraction of a loadstone.
Chap. 36. How a more robust Loadstone may be recognized.
Chap. 37. Use of a Loadstone as it affects iron.
Chap. 38. On Cases of Attraction in other Bodies.
Chap. 39. On Bodies which mutually repel one another.
Book 3.
Chap. 1. On Direction.
Chap. 2. The Directive or Versorial Virtue (which we call verticity): what it is, how it exists in the loadstone; and in what way it is acquired when innate.
Chap. 3. How Iron acquires Verticity through a loadstone, and how that verticity is lost and changed.
Chap. 4. Why Iron touched by a Loadstone acquires an opposite verticity, and why iron touched by the true Northern side of a stone turns to the North of the earth, by the true Southern side to the South; and does not turn to the South when rubbed by the Northern point of the stone, and when by the Southern to the North, as all who have written on the Loadstone have falsely supposed.
Chap. 5. On the Touching of pieces of Iron of divers shapes.
Chap. 6. What seems an Opposing Motion in Magneticks is a proper motion toward unity.
Chap. 7. A determined Verticity and a disponent Faculty are what arrange magneticks, not a force, attracting them or pulling them together, nor merely a strongish coition or unition.
Chap. 8. Of Discords between pieces of Iron upon the same pole of a Loadstone, and how they can agree and stand joined together.
Chap. 9. Figures illustrating direction and showing varieties of rotations.
Chap. 10. On Mutation of Verticity and of Magnetick Properties, or on alteration in the power excited by a loadstone.
Chap. 11. On the Rubbing of a piece of Iron on a Loadstone in places midway between the poles, and upon the æquinoctial of a terrella.
Chap. 12. In what way Verticity exists in any Iron that has been smelted though not excited by a loadstone.
Chap. 13. Why no other Body, excepting a magnetick, is imbued with verticity by being rubbed on a loadstone, and why no body is able to instil and excite that virtue, unless it be a magnetick.
Chap. 14. The Placing of a Loadstone above or below a magnetick body suspended in æquilibrio changes neither the power nor the verticity of the magnetick body.
Chap. 15. The Poles, Æquator, Centre in an entire Loadstone remain and continue steady; by diminution and separation of some part they vary and acquire other positions.
Chap. 16. If the Southern Portion of a Stone be lessened, something is also taken away from the power of the Northern Portion.
Chap. 17. On the Use and Excellence of Versoria: and how iron versoria used as pointers in sun-dials, and the fine needles of the mariners' compass, are to be rubbed, that they may acquire stronger verticity.
Book 4.
Chap. 1. On Variation.
Chap. 2. That the variation is caused by the inæquality of the projecting parts of the earth.
Chap. 3. The variation in any one place is constant.
Chap. 4. The arc of variation is not changed equally in proportion to the distance of places.
Chap. 5. An island in Ocean does not change the variation, as neither do mines of loadstone.
Chap. 6. The variation and direction arise from the disponent power of the earth, and from the natural magnetick tendency to rotation, not from attraction, or from coition, or from other occult cause.
Chap. 7. Why the variation from that lateral cause is not greater than has hitherto been observed, having been rarely seen to reach two points of the mariners' compass, except near the pole.
Chap. 8. On the construction of the common mariners' compass, and on the diversity of the compasses of different nations.
Chap. 9. Whether the terrestrial longitude can be found from the variation.
Chap. 10. Why in various places near the pole the variations are much more ample than in a lower latitude.
Chap. 11. Cardan's error when he seeks the distance of the centre of the earth from the centre of the cosmos by the motion of the stone of Hercules; in his book 5, On Proportions.
Chap. 12. On the finding of the amount of variation: how great is the arc of the Horizon from its arctick to its antarctick intersection of the meridian, to the point respective of the magnetick needle.
Chap. 13. The observations of variation by seamen vary, for the most part, and are uncertain: partly from error and inexperience, and the imperfections of the instruments: and partly from the sea being seldom so calm that the shadows or lights can remain quite steady on the instruments.
Chap. 14. On the variation under the æquinoctial line, and near it.
Chap. 15. The variation of the magnetick needle in the great Æthiopick and American sea, beyond the æquator.
Chap. 16. On the variation in Nova Zembla.
Chap. 17. Variation in the Pacifick Ocean.
Chap. 18. On the variation in the Mediterranean Sea.
Chap. 19. The variation in the interior of large Continents.
Chap. 20. Variation in the Eastern Ocean.
Chap. 21. How the deviation of the versorium is augmented and diminished by reason of the distance of places.
Book 5.
Chap. 1. On Declination.
Chap. 2. Diagram of declinations of the magnetick needle, when excited, in the various positions of the sphere, and horizons of the earth, in which there is no variation of the declination.
Chap. 3. An indicatory instrument, showing by the virtue of a stone the degrees of declination from the horizon of each several latitude.
Chap. 4. Concerning the length of a versorium convenient for declination on a terrella.
Chap. 5. That declination does not arise from the attraction of the loadstone, but from a disposing and rotating influence.
Chap. 6. On the proportion of declination to latitude, and the cause of it.
Chap. 7. Explanation of the diagram of the rotation of a magnetick needle.
Chap. 8. Diagram of the rotation of a magnetick needle, indicating magnetical declination in all latitudes, and from the rotation and declination, the latitude itself.
Chap. 9. Demonstration of direction, or of variation from the true direction, at the same time with declination, by means of only a single motion in water, due to the disposing and rotating virtue.
Chap. 10. On the variation of the declination.
Chap. 11. On the essential magnetick activity sphærically effused.
Chap. 12. Magnetick force is animate, or imitates life; and in many things surpasses human life, while this is bound up in the organick body.
Book 6.
Chap. 1. On the globe of the earth, the great magnet.
Chap. 2. The Magnetick axis of the Earth persists invariable.
Chap. 3. On the magnetick diurnal revolution of the Earth's globe, as a probable assertion against the time-honoured opinion of a Primum Mobile.
Chap. 4. That the Earth moves circularly.
Chap. 5. Arguments of those denying the Earth's motion, and their confutation.
Chap. 6. On the cause of the definite time of an entire rotation of the Earth.
Chap. 7. On the primary magnetick nature of the Earth, whereby its poles are parted from the poles of the Ecliptick.
Chap. 8. On the Præcession of the Æquinoxes, from the magnetick motion of the poles of the Earth, in the Arctick & Antarctick circle of the Zodiack.
Chap. 9. On the anomaly of the Præcession of the Æquinoxes, & of the obliquity of the Zodiack.
t an early period, while philosophy lay
as yet rude and uncultivated in the mists of error and ignorance, few
were the virtues and properties of things that were known and clearly
perceived: there was a bristling forest of plants and herbs, things
metallick were hidden, and the knowledge of stones was unheeded. But no
sooner had the talents and toils of many brought to light certain
commodities necessary for the use and safety of men, and handed them on
to others (while at the same time reason and experience had added a
larger hope), than a thorough examination began to be made of forests and
fields, hills and heights; of seas too, and the depths of the waters, of
the bowels of the earth's body; and all things began to be looked into.
And at length by good luck the magnet-stone was discovered in iron lodes,
probably by smelters of iron or diggers of metals. This, on being handled
by metal folk, quickly displayed that powerful and strong attraction for
iron, a virtue not latent and obscure, but easily proved by all, and
highly praised and commended. And in after time when it had emerged, as
it were out of darkness and deep dungeons, and had become dignified of
men on account of its strong and amazing attraction for iron, many
philosophers as well as physicians of ancient days discoursed of it, in
short celebrated, as it were, its memory only; as for instance Plato in
the Io[2], Aristotle in
the De Anima[3], in Book
I. only, Theophrastus the Lesbian, Dioscorides, C. Plinius Secundus, and
Julius Solinus[4]. As handed
down by them the loadstone merely attracted iron, the rest of its virtues
were all undiscovered. But that the story of the {2}loadstone might not appear
too bare and too brief, to this singular and sole known quality there
were added certain figments and falsehoods, which in the earliest times,
no less than nowadays, used to be put forth by raw smatterers and
copyists to be swallowed of men. As for instance, that if a loadstone be
anointed with garlick, or if a diamond be near, it does not attract
iron[5]. Tales of this sort
occur in Pliny, and in Ptolemy's Quadripartitum; and the errors
have been sedulously propagated, and have gained ground (like ill weeds
that grow apace) coming down even to our own day, through the writings of
a host of men, who, to fill put their volumes to a proper bulk, write and
copy out pages upon pages on this, that, and the other subject, of which
they knew almost nothing for certain of their own experience. Such fables
of the loadstone even Georgius Agricola himself, most distinguished in
letters, relying on the writings of others, has embodied as actual
history in his books De Natura Fossilium. Galen noted its
medicinal power in the ninth book of his De Simplicium Medicamentorum
Facultatibus, and its natural property of attracting iron in the
first book of De Naturalibus Facultatibus; but he failed to
recognize the cause, as Dioscorides before him, nor made further inquiry.
But his commentator Matthiolus repeats the story of the garlick and the
diamond, and moreover introduces Mahomet's shrine vaulted with
loadstones[6], and writes that,
by the exhibition of this (with the iron coffin hanging in the air) as a
divine miracle, the public were imposed upon. But this is known by
travellers to be false. Yet Pliny relates that Chinocrates the architect
had commenced to roof over the temple of Arsinoe at Alexandria with
magnet-stone[7], that her
statue of iron placed therein might appear to hang in space. His own
death, however, intervened, and also that of Ptolemy, who had ordered it
to be made in honour of his sister. Very little was written by the
ancients as to the causes of attraction of iron; by Lucretius and others
there are some short notices; others only make slight and meagre mention
of the attraction of iron: all of these are censured by Cardan for being
so careless and negligent in a matter of such importance and in so wide a
field of philosophizing; and for not supplying an ampler notion of it and
a more perfect philosophy: and yet, beyond certain received opinions and
ideas borrowed from others and ill-founded conjectures, he has not
himself any more than they delivered to posterity in all his bulky works
any contribution to the subject worthy of a philosopher. Of modern
writers some set forth its virtue in medicine only, as [8]Antonius Musa Brasavolus, Baptista
Montanus, Amatus Lusitanus, as before them Oribasius in his thirteenth
chapter De Facultate Metallicorum, Aetius Amidenus, Avicenna,
Serapio Mauritanus, Hali Abbas, Santes de Ardoynis, Petrus Apponensis,
Marcellus[9], Arnaldus. Bare
mention is made of certain points relating to the loadstone in very few
words by Marbodeus Callus, Albertus, {3}Matthæus Silvaticus,
Hermolaus Barbarus, Camillus Leonhardus, Cornelius Agrippa, Fallopius,
Johannes Langius, Cardinal Cusan, Hannibal Rosetius Calaber; by all of
whom the subject is treated very negligently, while they merely repeat
other people's fictions and ravings. Matthiolus compares the alluring
powers of the loadstone which pass through iron materials, with the
mischief of the torpedo, whose venom passes through bodies and spreads
imperceptibly; Guilielmus Pateanus in his Ratio Purgantium
Medicamentorum discusses the loadstone briefly and learnedly. Thomas
Erastus[10], knowing little
of magnetical nature, finds in the loadstone weak arguments against
Paracelsus; Georgius Agricola, like Encelius[11] and other metallurgists, merely states
the facts; Alexander Aphrodiseus in his Problemata considers the
question of the loadstone inexplicable; Lucretius Carus, the poet of the
Epicurean school, considers that an attraction is brought about in this
way: that as from all things there is an efflux of very minute bodies, so
from the iron atoms flow into the space emptied by the elements of the
loadstone, between the iron and the loadstone, and that as soon as they
have begun to stream towards the loadstone, the iron follows, its
corpuscles being entangled. To much the same effect Johannes Costæus
adduces a passage from Plutarch; Thomas Aquinas[12], writing briefly on the loadstone in
Chapter VII. of his Physica, touches not amiss on its nature, and
with his divine and clear intellect would have published much more, had
he been conversant with magnetick experiments. Plato thinks the virtue
divine. But when three or four hundred years afterwards, the magnetick
movement to North and South was discovered or again recognized by men,
many learned men attempted, each according to the bent of his own mind,
either by wonder and praise, or by some sort of reasonings, to throw
light upon a virtue so notable, and so needful for the use of mankind. Of
more modern authors a great number have striven to show what is the cause
of this direction and movement to North and South, and to understand this
great miracle of nature, and to disclose it to others: but they have lost
both their oil and their pains; for, not being practised in the subjects
of nature, and being misled by certain false physical systems, they
adopted as theirs, from books only, without magnetical experiments,
certain inferences based on vain opinions, and many things that are not,
dreaming old wives' tales. Marsilius Ficinus ruminates over the ancient
opinions, and in order to show the reason of the direction seeks the
cause in the heavenly constellation of the Bear, supposing the virtue of
the Bear to prevail in the stone and to be transferred to the iron.
Paracelsus asserted that there are stars, endowed with the power of the
loadstone, which attract to themselves iron. Levinus Lemnius describes
and praises the compass[13],
and infers its antiquity on certain grounds; he does not divulge the
hidden miracle which he propounds. In the kingdom {4}of Naples the Amalfians
were the first (so it is said) to construct the mariners' compass: and as
Flavius Blondus says the Amalfians[14] boast, not without reason, that they
were taught by a certain citizen, Johannes Goia, in the year thirteen
hundred after the birth of Christ. That town is situated in the kingdom
of Naples not far from Salerno, near the promontory of Minerva; and
Charles V. bestowed that principality on Andrea Doria, that great
Admiral, on account of his signal naval services. Indeed it is plain that
no invention of man's device has ever done more for mankind than the
compass: some notwithstanding consider that it was discovered by others
previously and used in navigation, judging from ancient writings and
certain arguments and conjectures. The knowledge of the little mariners'
compass seems to have been brought into Italy by Paolo, the Venetian[15], who learned the art of the
compass in the Chinas about the year MCCLX.; yet I do not wish the
Amalfians to be deprived of an honour so great as that of having first
made the construction common in the Mediterranean Sea. Goropius[16] attributes the discovery to
the Cimbri or Teutons, forsooth because the names of the thirty-two winds
inscribed on the compass are pronounced in the German tongue by all
ship-masters, whether they be French, British, or Spaniards; but the
Italians describe them in their own vernacular. Some think that Solomon,
king of Judæa, was acquaint with the use of the mariners' compass, and
made it known to his ship-masters in the long voyages when they brought
back such a power of gold from the West Indies: whence also, from the
Hebrew word Parvaim[17], Arias Montanus maintains that the
gold-abounding regions of Peru are named But it is more likely to have
come from the coast of lower Æthiopia, from the region of Cephala, as
others relate. Yet that account seems to be less true, inasmuch as the
Phœnicians, on the frontier of Judæa, who were most skilled in
navigation in former ages (a people whose talents, work, and counsel
Solomon made use of in constructing ships and in the actual expeditions,
as well as in other operations), were ignorant of magnetick aid, the art
of the mariners' compass: For had it been in use amongst them, without
doubt the Greeks and also Italians and all barbarians would have
understood a thing so necessary and made famous by common use; nor could
matters of much repute, very easily known, and so highly requisite ever
have perished in oblivion; but either the learning would have been handed
down to posterity, or some memorial of it would be extant in writing.
Sebastian Cabot was the first to discover that the magnetick iron
varied[18]. Gonzalus
Oviedus[19] is the first to
write, as he does in the Historia, that in the south of the Azores
it does not vary. Fernelius in his book De Abditis Rerum Causis
says that in the loadstone there is a hidden and abstruse cause,
elsewhere calling it celestial; and he brings forth nothing but the
unknown by means of what is still more unknown. {5}For clumsy, and meagre, and
pointless is his inquiry into hidden causes. The ingenious Fracastorio, a
distinguished philosopher, in seeking the reason for the direction of the
loadstone, feigns Hyperborean magnetick mountains attracting magnetical
things of iron: this view, which has found acceptance in part by others,
is followed by many authors and finds a place not in their writings only,
but in geographical tables, marine charts, and maps of the globe:
dreaming, as they do, of magnetick poles and huge rocks, different from
the poles of the earth. More than two hundred years earlier than
Fracastorio there exists a little work, fairly learned for the time,
going under the name of one Peter Peregrinus[20], which some consider to have originated
from the views of Roger Bacon, the Englishman of Oxford: In which book
causes for magnetick direction are sought from the poles of the heaven
and from the heaven itself. From this Peter Peregrinus, Johannes Taisnier
of Hainault[21] extracted
materials for a little book, and published it as new. Cardan talks much
of the rising of the star in the tail of the Greater Bear, and has
attributed to its rising the cause of the variation: supposing that the
variation is always the same, from the rising of the star. But the
difference of the variation according to the change of position, and the
changes which occur in many places, and are even irregular in southern
regions, preclude the influence of one particular star at its northern
rising. The College of Coimbra[22] seeks the cause in some part of the
heaven near the pole: Scaliger in section CXXXI. of his
Exercitationes on Cardan suggests a heavenly cause unknown to
himself, and terrestrial loadstones nowhere yet discovered. A cause not
due to those sideritic mountains named above, but to that power which
fashioned them, namely that portion of the heaven which overhangs that
northern point. This view is garnished with a wealth of words by that
erudite man, and crowned with many marginal subtilities; but with
reasonings not so subtile. Martin Cortes[23] considers that there is a place of
attraction beyond the poles, which he judges to be the moving heavens.
One Bessardus[24], a
Frenchman, with no less folly notes the pole of the zodiack. Jacobus
Severtius[25], of Paris,
while quoting a few points, fashions new errors as to loadstones of
different parts of the earth being different in direction: and also as to
there being eastern and western parts of the loadstone. Robert Norman[26], an Englishman, fixes a
point and region respective, not attractive; to which the magnetical iron
is collimated, but is not itself attracted. Franciscus Maurolycus[27] treats of a few problems on
the loadstone, taking the trite views of others, and avers that the
variation is due to a certain magnetical island mentioned by Olaus
Magnus[28]. Josephus Acosta[29], though quite ignorant
about the loadstone, nevertheless pours forth vapid talk upon the
loadstone. Livio Sanuto[30]
in his Italian Geographia, discusses at length the question
whether the prime magnetick {6}meridian and the magnetick poles are in the
heavens or in the earth; also about an instrument for finding the
longitude: but through not understanding magnetical nature, he raises
nothing but errors and mists in that so important notion. Fortunius
Affaytatus[31] philosophizes
foolishly enough on the attraction of iron, and its turning to the poles.
Most recently, Baptista Porta[32], no ordinary philosopher, in his
Magia Naturalis, has made the seventh book a custodian and
distributor of the marvels of the loadstone; but little did he know or
ever see of magnetick motions; and some things that he noted of the
powers which it manifested, either learned by him from the Reverend
Maestro Paolo, the Venetian[33], or evolved from his own vigils, were
not so well discovered or observed; but abound in utterly false
experiments, as will be clear in due place: still I deem him worthy of
high praise for having attempted so great a subject (as he has done with
sufficient success and no mean result in many other instances), and for
having given occasion for further research. All these philosophizers of a
previous age, philosophizing about attraction from a few vague and
untrustworthy experiments, drawing their arguments from the hidden causes
of things; and then, seeking for the causes of magnetick directions in a
quarter of the heavens, in the poles, the stars, constellations, or in
mountains, or rocks, space, atoms, attractive or respective points beyond
the heavens, and other such unproven paradoxes, are whole horizons wrong,
and wander about blindly. And as yet we have not set ourselves to
overthrow by argument those errors and impotent reasonings of theirs, nor
many other fables told about the loadstone, nor the superstitions of
impostors and fabulists: for instance, Franciscus Rueus'[34] doubt whether the loadstone were not an
imposture of evil spirits: or that, placed underneath the head of an
unconscious woman while asleep, it drives her away from the bed if an
adulteress: or that the loadstone is of use to thieves by its fume and
sheen, being a stone born, as it were, to aid theft: or that it opens
bars and locks, as Serapio[35] crazily writes: or that iron held up by
a loadstone, when placed in the scales, added nothing to the weight of
the loadstone, as though the gravity of the iron were absorbed by the
force of the stone: or that, as Serapio and the Moors relate, in India
there exist certain rocks of the sea abounding in loadstone, which draw
out all the nails of the ships which are driven toward them, and so stop
their sailing; which fable Olaus Magnus[36] does not omit, saying that there are
mountains in the north of such great powers of attraction, that ships are
built with wooden pegs, lest the iron nails should be drawn from the
timber as they passed by amongst the magnetick crags. Nor this: that a
white loadstone may be procured as a love potion: or as Hali Abbas[37] thoughtlessly reports, that
if held in the hand it will cure gout and spasms: Or that it makes one
acceptable and in favour with princes, or eloquent, as Pictorio[38] has {7}sung; Or as Albertus
Magnus[39] teaches, that
there are two kinds of loadstones, one which points to the North, the
other to the South: Or that iron is directed toward the Northern stars by
an influence imparted by the polar stars, even as plants follow the sun,
as Heliotrope does: Or that there is a magnet-stone situated under the
tail of the Greater Bear, as Lucas Gauricus the Astrologer stated: He
would even assign the loadstone, like the Sardonyx and onyx, to the
planet Saturn, yet at the same time he assigns it with the adamant,
Jasper, and Ruby, to Mars; so that it is ruled by two planets. The
loadstone moreover is said by him to pertain to the sign Virgo; and he
covers many such shameful pieces of folly with a veil of mathematical
erudition. Such as that an image of a bear is engraved on a loadstone
when the Moon faces towards the north, so that when hung by an iron wire
it may conciliate the influence of the celestial Bear, as Gaudentius
Merula[40] relates: Or that
the loadstone drew iron and directed it to the north, because it is
superior in rank to iron, at the Bear, as Ficinus writes, and Merula
repeats: Or that by day it has a certain power of attracting iron, but by
night the power is feeble, or rather null: Or that when weak and dulled
the virtue is renewed by goats' blood, as Ruellius[41] writes: Or that Goats' blood sets a
loadstone free from the venom of a diamond, so that the lost power is
revived when bathed in goats' blood by reason of the discord between that
blood and the diamond: Or that it removed sorcery from women, and put to
flight demons, as Arnaldus de Villanova dreams: Or that it has the power
to reconcile husbands to their wives, or to recall brides to their
husbands, as Marbodeus Gallus[42], chorus-leader of vanities, teaches: Or
that in a loadstone pickled in the salt of a sucking fish[43] there is power to pick up gold which has
fallen into the deepest wells, according to the narratives of Cælius
Calcagninus. With such idle tales and trumpery do plebeian philosophers
delight themselves and satiate readers greedy for hidden things, and
unlearned devourers of absurdities: But after the magnetick nature shall
have been disclosed by the discourse that is to follow, and perfected by
our labours and experiments, then will the hidden and abstruse causes of
so great an effect stand out, sure, proven, displayed and demonstrated;
and at the same time all darkness will disappear, and all error will be
torn up by the roots and will lie unheeded; and the foundations of a
grand magnetick philosophy which have been laid will appear anew, so that
high intellects may be no further mocked by idle opinions. Some learned
men there are who in the course of long voyages have observed the
differences of magnetick variation: the most scholarly Thomas Hariot[44], Robert Hues, Edward
Wright, Abraham Kendall, all Englishmen; Others there are who have
invented and produced magnetical instruments, and ready methods of
observation, indispensable for sailors and to those travelling afar: {8}as William
Borough[45] in his little
book on the Variation of the Compass or Magneticall Needle,
William Barlowe[46] in his
Supply, Robert Norman in his Newe Attractive. And this is
that Robert Norman[47] (a
skilful seaman and ingenious artificer) who first discovered the
declination of the magnetick needle. Many others I omit wittingly; modern
Frenchmen, Germans, and Spaniards, who in books written for the most part
in their native tongues either misuse the placets of others, and send
them forth furbished with new titles and phrases as tricky traders do old
wares with meretricious ornaments; or offer something not worthy of
mention even: and these lay hands on some work filched from other authors
and solicit some one as their patron, or go hunting after renown for
themselves among the inexperienced and the young; who in all branches of
learning are seen to hand on errors and occasionally add something false
of their own.
oadstone, the stone which is commonly
called the Magnet, derives its name either from the discoverer (though he
was not Pliny's fabulous herdsman[48], quoted from Nicander, the nails of
whose shoes and the tip of whose staff stuck fast in a magnetick field
while he pastured his flocks), or from the region of Magnesia in
Macedonia, rich in loadstones: Or else from the city Magnesia in Ionia in
Afia Minor, near the river Mæander. Hence Lucretius says,
The Magnet's name the observing Grecians drew
From the Magnetick region where it grew.
It is called Heraclean from the city Heraclea, or from the invincible Hercules, on account of the great strength and domination and power which there is in iron of subduing all things: it is also called siderite, as being of iron; being not unknown to the most ancient writers, to the Greeks, Hippocrates, and others, as also (I believe) to Jewish and Egyptian writers; For in the oldest mines of iron, the most famous in Asia, the loadstone was often dug out with its uterine brother, iron. And if the tales be true which are told of the people of the Chinas, they were not unacquainted in primitive times with magnetical experiments, for even amongst {9}them the finest magnets of all are still found. The Egyptians, as Manetho relates, gave it the name Os Ori: calling the power which governs the turning of the sun Orus, as the Greeks call it Apollo. But later by Euripides, as narrated by Plato, it was designated under the name of Magnet. By Plato in the Io, Nicander of Colophon, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Pliny, Solinus, Ptolemy, Galen, and other investigators of nature it was recognized and commended; such, however, is the variety of magnets and their points of unlikeness in hardness, softness, heaviness, lightness, density, firmness, and friability of substance: so great and manifold are the differences in colour and other qualities, that they have not handed down any adequate account of it, which therefore was laid aside or left imperfect by reason of the unfavourable character of the time; for in those times varieties of specimens and foreign products never before seen were not brought from such distant regions by traders and mariners as they have been lately, and now that all over the globe all kinds of merchandise, stones, woods, spices, herbs, metals, and ore in abundance are greedily sought after: neither was metallurgy so generally cultivated in a former age. There is a difference in vigour; as whether it is male or female: for it was thus that the ancients used often to distinguish many individuals of the same species. Pliny quotes from Sotacus five kinds; those from Æthiopia, Macedonia, Bœotia, the Troad, and Asia, which were especially known to the ancients: but we have posited as many kinds of loadstones as there are in the whole of nature regions of different kinds of soil. For in all climates, in every province, on every soil, the loadstone is either found, or else lies unknown on account of its rather deep site and inaccesible position; or by reason of its weaker and less obvious strength it is not recognized by us while we see and handle it. To the ancients the differences were those of colour[49], how they are red and black in Magnesia and Macedonia, in Bœotia red rather than black, in the Troad black, without strength: While in Magnesia in Asia they are white, not attracting iron, and resemble pumice-stone. A strong loadstone of the kind celebrated so often nowadays in experiments presents the appearance of unpolished iron, and is mostly found in iron mines: it is even wont to be discovered in an unbroken lode by itself: Loadstones of this sort are brought from East India, China, and Bengal, of the colour of iron, or of a dark blood or liver colour; and these are the finest, and are sometimes of great size, as though broken off a great rock, and of considerable weight; sometimes single stones, as it were, and entire: some of these, though of only one pound weight, can lift on high four ounces of iron or a half-pound or even a whole pound. Red ones are found in Arabia, as broad as a tile, not equal in weight to those brought from China, but strong and good: they are a little darker in the island of Elba in the Tuscan sea, and together with {10}these also grow white ones, like some in Spain in the mines of Caravaca: but these are of lesser power. Black ones also are found, of lower strength, such as those of the iron mines in Norway and in sea-coast places near the strait of Denmark. Amongst the blue-black or dusky blue also some are strong and highly commended. Other loadstones are of a leaden colour, fissile and not-fissile, capable of being split like slates in layers. I have also some like gray marble of an ashen colour, and some speckled like gray marble, and these take the finest polish. In Germany there are some perforated like honeycombs, lighter than any others, and yet strong. Those are metallick which smelt into the best iron; others are not easily smelted, but are burned up. There are loadstones that are very heavy, as also others very light; some are very powerful in catching up pieces of iron, while others are weaker and of less capacity, others so feeble and barren that they with difficulty attract ever so tiny a piece of iron and cannot repel an opposite magnetick. Others are firm and tough, and do not readily yield to the artificer. Others are friable. Again, there are some dense and hard as emery, or loose-textured and soft as pumice; porous or solid; entire and uniform, or varied and corroded; now like iron for hardness, yea, sometimes harder than iron to cut or to file; others are as soft as clay. Not all magnets can be properly called stones; some rather represent rocks; while others exist rather as metallick lodes; others as clods and lumps of earth. Thus varied and unlike each other, they are all endowed, some more, some less, with the peculiar virtue. For they vary according to the nature of the soil, the different admixture of clods and humours, having respect to the nature of the region and to their subsidence in this last-formed crust of the earth, resulting from the confluence of many causes, and the perpetual alternations of growth and decline, and the mutations of bodies. Nor is this stone of such potency rare; and there is no region wherein it is not to be found in some sort. But if men were to search for it more diligently and at greater outlay, or were able, where difficulties are present, to mine it, it would come to hand everywhere, as we shall hereafter prove. In many countries have been found and opened mines of efficacious loadstones unknown to the ancient writers, as for instance in Germany, where none of them has ever asserted that loadstones were mined. Yet since the time when, within the memory of our fathers, metallurgy began to flourish there, loadstones strong and efficacious in power have been dug out in numerous places; as in the Black Forest beyond Helceburg; in Mount Misena not far from Schwartzenberg[50]; a fairly strong kind between Schneeberg and Annaberg in Joachimsthal, as was noticed by Cordus: also near the village of Pela in Franconia. In Bohemia it occurs in iron mines in the Lessa district and other places, as Georgious Agricola and several other men learned in metallurgy {11}witness. In like manner in other countries in our time it is brought to light; for as the stone remarkable for its virtues is now famous throughout the whole world, so also everywhere every land produces it, and it is, so to speak, indigenous in all lands. In East India, in China, in Bengal near the river Indus it is common, and in certain maritime rocks: in Persia, Arabia, and the islands of the Red Sea; in many places in Æthiopia, as was formerly Zimiri, of which Pliny makes mention. In Asia Minor around Alexandria and the Troad; in Macedonia, Bœotia, in Italy, the island of Elba, Barbary; in Spain still in many mines as aforetime. In England quite lately a huge power of it was discovered in a mine belonging to Adrian Gilbert, gentleman[51]; also in Devonshire and the Forest of Dean; in Ireland, too, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Lapland, Livonia, Prussia, Poland, Hungary. For although the terrestrial globe, owing to the varied humours and natures of the soil arising from the continual succession of growth and decay, is in the lapse of time efflorescing through all its ambit deeper into its surface, and is girt about with a varied and perishable covering, as it were with a veil; yet out of her womb ariseth in many places an offspring nigher to the more perfect body and makes its way to the light of day. But the weak and less vigorous loadstones, enfeebled by the flow of humours, are visible in every region, in every strath. It is easy to discover a vast quantity of them everywhere without penetrating mountains or great depths, or encountering the difficulties and hardships of miners; as we shall prove in the sequel. And these we shall take pains so to prepare by an easy operation that their languid and dormant virtue shall be made manifest. It is called by the Greeks[52] ἑράκλιος, as by Theophrastus, and μαγνῆτις; and μάγνης, as by Euripides, as quoted by Plato in the Io: by Orpheus[53] too μαγνῆοσα, and σιδερίτης as though of iron: by the Latins magnes, Herculeus; by the French aimant[54], corruptly from adamant; by the Spaniards piedramant: by the Italians calamita[55]; by the English loadstone and adamant stone[56], by the Germans magness[57] and siegelstein: Among English, French, and Spaniards it has its common name from adamant; perhaps because they were at one time misled by the name sideritis being common to both: the magnet is called σιδερίτης from its virtue of attracting iron: the adamant is called σιδερίτης from the brilliancy of polished iron. Aristotle designates it merely by the name of the stone:[58] Ἔοικε δὲ καὶ θαλῆς ἐξ ὧν ἀπομνημονεύουσι, κινητικόν τι τὴν ψυχὴν ὑπολαβεῖν, ἔιπερ τὸν λίθον ἔφη ψυχὴν ἔχειν, ὅτι τὸν σίδηρον κινεῖ: De Anima, Lib. I. The name of magnet is also applied to another stone differing from siderite, having the appearance of silver; it is like Amianth in its nature; and since it consists of laminæ (like specular stone)[59], it differs in form: in German Katzensilber and Talke[60].
he stone itself manifests many qualities
which, though known afore this, yet, not having been well investigated,
are to be briefly indicated in the first place so that students may
understand the powers of loadstone and iron, and not be troubled at the
outset through ignorance of reasonings and proofs. In the heaven
astronomers assign a pair of poles for each moving sphere: so also do we
find in the terrestrial globe natural poles preeminent in virtue, being
the points that remain constant in their position in respect to the
diurnal rotation, one tending to the Bears and the seven stars; the other
to the opposite quarter of the heaven. In like manner the loadstone has
its poles, by nature northern and southern, being definite and determined
points set in the stone, the primary boundaries of motions and effects,
the limits and governors of the many actions and virtues. However, it
must be understood that the strength of the stone does not emanate from a
mathematical point, but from the parts themselves, and that while all
those parts in the whole belong to the whole, the nearer they are to the
poles of the stone the stronger are the forces they acquire and shed into
other bodies: these poles are observant of the earth's poles, move toward
them, and wait upon them. Magnetick poles can be found in every magnet,
in the powerful and mighty (which Antiquity used to call the masculine)
as well as in the weak, feeble and feminine; whether its figure is due to
art or to chance, whether long, flat, square, three-cornered, polished;
whether rough, broken, or unpolished; always the loadstone contains and
shows its poles. * But since the spherical form, which is also
the most perfect, agrees best with the earth, being a globe, and is most
suitable for use and experiment, we accordingly wish our principal
demonstrations by the stone to be made with a globe-shaped magnet as
being more perfect and adapted for the purpose. Take, then, a powerful
loadstone, solid, of a just size, uniform, hard, without flaw[61]; make of it a globe upon
the turning tool used for rounding crystals and some other stones, or
with other tools as the material and firmness of the stone requires, for
sometimes it is difficult to be worked. The stone thus perpared is a
true, homogeneous offspring of the earth and of the same shape with it:
artificially possessed of the orbicular form which nature granted from
the beginning to the common mother earth: and it is a physical corpuscle
imbued with many virtues, by {13}means of which many abstruse and neglected
truths in philosophy buried in piteous darkness may more readily become
known to men. This round stone is called by us a μικρόγη or Terrella[62]. To find, then, the poles
conformable to the earth's, take the round stone in hand, and place upon
the stone a needle or wire of iron: the ends of the iron move upon their
own centre and suddenly stand still. Mark the stone with ochre or with
chalk where the wire lies and sticks: move the middle or centre of the
wire to another place, and so on to a third and a fourth, always marking
on the stone along the length of the iron where it remains at rest: those
lines show the meridian circles, or the circles like meridians on the
stone, or terrella, all of which meet as will be manifest at the poles of
the stone. By the circles thus continued the poles are made out, the
Boreal as well as the southern, and in the middle space betwixt these a
great circle may be drawn for an æquator, just as Astronomers describe
them in the heavens and on their own globes, or as Geographers do on the
terrestrial globe: for that line so drawn on this our terrella is of
various uses in our demonstrations and experiments magnetical. Poles are
also found in a round stone by a versorium, a piece of iron touched with
a loadstone, and placed upon a needle or point firmly fixed on a foot so
as to turn freely about in the following way:[63]
On the stone A B the versorium is placed in such a way that the versorium may remain in equilibrium: you will mark with chalk the course of the iron when at rest: Move the instrument to another spot, and again make note of the direction and aspect: do the same thing in several places, and from the concurrence of the lines of direction you will find one pole at the point A, the other at B. A versorium placed near the stone also indicates the true pole; when at right angles it eagerly beholds the stone and seeks the pole itself directly, and is turned in a straight line through the axis to the {14}centre of the stone. For instance, the versorium D faces toward A and F, the pole and centre, whereas E does not exactly respect * either the pole A or the centre F[64]. A bit of rather fine iron wire, of the length of a barley-corn, is placed on the stone, and is moved over the regions and surface of the stone, until it rises to the perpendicular[65]: for it stands erect at the actual pole, whether Boreal or austral; the further from the pole, the more it inclines from the vertical. The poles thus found you shall mark with a sharp file or gimlet.
ne pole of the earth turns toward the
constellation of the Cynosure, and constantly regards a fixed point in
the heaven (except so far as it changes by the fixed stars being shifted
in longitude, which motion we recognize as existing in the earth, as we
shall hereafter prove): While the other pole turns to the opposite face
of heaven, unknown to the ancients, now visible on long voyages, and
adorned with multitudinous stars: In the same way the loadstone has the
property and power of directing itself North and South (the earth herself
consenting and contributing force thereto) according to the conformation
of nature, which arranges the movements of the stone towards its native
situation. Which thing is proved thus: Place a magnetick stone (after
finding the poles) in a round wooden vessel, a Bowl or dish, at the same
time place it together with the vessel (like a sailor in a skiff) upon
water in some large vessel or cistern, so that it may be able to float
freely in the middle, nor touch the edge of it, and where the air is not
disturbed by winds, which would thwart the natural movement of the stone.
Hereupon the stone placed as it were in a ship, in the middle of the
surface of the still and unruffled water, will at once put itself in
motion along with the vessel that carries it, and revolve circularly,
until its austral pole points to the north, and its boreal pole to the
south. For it reverts from the contrary position to the poles: and
although by the first too-vehement impulse it over-passes the poles; yet
after returning again and again, it rests at length at the poles, or at
the meridian (unless because of local reasons it is diverted some little
from those points, or from the meridional line, by some sort of
variation[66], the cause of
which we will hereafter state). However often you move it away from its
place, so often by virtue of nature's noble dower does it seek again
those sure and {15}determined goals; and this is so, not only
if the poles have been disposed in the vessel evenly with the plane of
the horizon, but also in the case of one pole, whether austral or boreal,
being raised in the vessel ten, or twenty, or thirty, or fifty or eighty
degrees, above * the plane of the horizon, or lowered beneath
it: Still you shall see the boreal part of the stone seek the south, and
the austral part seek the north; So much so that if the pole of the stone
shall be only one degree distant from the Zenith and highest point of the
heaven, in the case of a spherical stone, the whole stone revolves until
the pole occupies its own site; though not in the absolutely direct line,
it will yet tend toward those parts, and come to rest in the meridian of
the directive action. With a like impulse too it is borne if the austral
pole have been raised toward the upper quarters, the same as if the
Boreal had been exalted above the Horizon. But it is always to be noted
that, though there are various kinds of unlikeness in the stones, and one
loadstone may far surpass another in virtue and efficiency; yet all hold
to the same limits, and are borne toward the same points. Further it is
to be remembered * that all who before our time wrote of the
poles of the stone, and all the craftsmen and navigators, have been very
greatly in error in considering the part of the stone which tended to the
north as the north pole of the stone, and that which verged toward the
south, the south pole, which we shall hereafter prove to be false. So
badly hitherto hath the whole magnetick philosophy been cultivated, even
as to its foundation principles.
irst of all we must declare, in familiar
language, what are the apparent and common virtues of the stone;
afterward numerous subtilities, hitherto abstruse and unknown, hidden in
obscurity, are to be laid open, and the causes of all these (by the
unlocking of nature's secrets) made evident, in their place, by fitting
terms and devices. It is trite and commonplace that loadstone draws iron;
in the same way too does loadstone attract loadstone. Place the stone
which you have seen to have poles clearly distinguished, and marked
austral and boreal, in its vessel so as to float; and let the poles be
rightly arranged with respect to the plane of the horizon, or, at any
rate not much raised or awry: hold in your hand another stone the poles
of which are also known; in {16}such a way that its austral pole may be
toward the boreal pole of the one that is swimming, and near it,
sideways: for the floating stone forthwith follows the other stone
(provided it be within its force and dominion) and does not leave off nor
forsake it until it adhæres; unless by withdrawing your hand, you
cautiously avoid contact. In like manner if you set the boreal pole of
the one you hold in your hand opposite the austral pole of the swimming
stone, they rush together and follow each other in turn. For contrary
poles allure contrary. If, however, you apply in the same way the
northern to the northern, and the austral to the austral pole, the one
stone puts the other to flight, and it turns aside as though a pilot were
pulling at the helm and it makes sail in the opposite ward as one that
ploughs the sea, and neither stands anywhere, nor halts, if the other is
in pursuit. For stone disposeth stone; the one turns the other around,
reduces it to range, and brings it back to harmony with itself. When,
however, they come together and are conjoined according to the order of
nature, they cohære firmly mutually. For instance, if you were to set the
boreal pole of that stone which is in your hand before the tropic of
Capricorn of a round floating loadstone (for it will be well to mark out
on the round stone, that is the terrella, the mathematical circles as we
do on a globe itself), or before any point between the æquator and the
austral pole; at once the swimming stone revolves, and so arranges itself
that its austral pole touches the other's boreal pole, and forms a close
union with it. In the same way, again, at the other side of the æquator,
with the opposite poles, you may produce similar results; and thus by
this art and subtilty we exhibit attraction, repulsion, and circular
motion for attaining a position of agreement and for declining hostile
encounters. Moreover 'tis in one and the same stone that we are thus able
to demonstrate all these things and also how the same part of one stone
may on division become either boreal or austral. Let A D be an oblong
stone, in which A is the northern, D the southern pole; cut this into two
equal parts, then set part A in its vessel on the water[67], so as to float.
And you will then see[68] that A the northern point will turn to the south, as before; in like manner also the point D will move to the north, in the divided stone, as in the whole one. Whereas, of the parts B and C, which were before continuous, and are now divided, the one is southern B, the other northern C. B draws C, desirous to be united, and to be brought back into its pristine continuity: for these which are now two stones were formed out of one: and for this cause C of the one turning itself to B of the other, they mutually attract each other, and when freed from obstacles and relieved of their own weight, as upon the surface of water, they run together and are conjoined. But if you direct the part or point A to C in the other stone, the one repels or turns away from the other: for so were nature perverted, and the form of the stone perturbed, a form that strictly keeps the laws which it imposed upon bodies: hence, when all is not rightly ordered according to nature, comes the flight of one from the other's perverse position and from the discord, for nature does not allow of an unjust and inequitable peace, or compromise: but wages war and exerts force to make bodies acquiesce well and justly. Rightly arranged, therefore, these mutually attract each other; that is, both stones, the stronger as well as the weaker, run together, and with their whole forces tend to unity, a fact that is evident in all magnets, not in the Æthiopian only, as Pliny supposed. The Æthiopian magnets if they be powerful, like those brought from China, because all strong ones show the effect more quickly and more plainly, attract more strongly in the parts nearest the pole, and turn about until pole looks directly at pole. The pole of a stone more persistently attracts and more rapidly seizes the corresponding part (which they term the adverse part) of another stone; for instance, North pulls South; just so it also summons iron with more vehemence, and the iron cleaves to it more firmly whether it have been previously excited by the magnet, or is untouched. For thus, not without reason hath it been ordained by nature, that the parts nearer to the pole should more firmly attract: but that at the pole itself should be the seat, the throne, as it were, of a consummate and splendid virtue, to which magnetical bodies on being brought are more vehemently attracted, and from which they are with utmost difficulty dislodged. So the poles are the parts which more particularly spurn and thrust away things strange and alien perversely set beside them.
rincipal and manifest among the virtues
of the * magnet, so much and so anciently commended, is the
attraction of iron; for Plato states that the magnet, so named by
Euripides, allures iron, and that it not only draws iron rings but also
indues the rings with power to do the same as the stone; to wit, draw
other rings, so that sometimes a long chain of iron objects, nails or
rings is formed, some hanging from others. The best iron (like that which
is called acies from its use, or chalybs from the country
of the Chalybes) is best and strongly drawn by a powerful loadstone;
whereas the less good sort, which is impure, rusty, and not thoroughly
purged from dross, and not wrought in second furnaces, is more feebly
drawn; and yet more weakly when covered and defiled with thick, greasy,
and sluggish humours. It also draws ores of iron, those that are rich and
of iron colour; the poorer and not so productive ores it does not
attract, except they be prepared with some art. A loadstone loses some
attractive virtue, and, as it were, pines away with age, if exposed too
long to the open air instead of being laid in a case with filings or
scales of iron. Whence it should be buried in such materials; for there
is nothing that plainly resists this exhaustless virtue which does not
destroy the form of the body, or corrode it; not even if a thousand
adamants were conjoined. Nor do I consider that there is any such thing
as the Theamedes[69], or that
it has a power opposite to that of the loadstone. Although Pliny, that
eminent man and prince of compilers (for it is what others had seen and
discovered, not always or mainly his own observations, that he has handed
down to posterity) has copied from others the fable now made familiar by
repetition: That in India there are two mountains near the river Indus;
the nature of one being to hold fast all that is iron, for it consists of
loadstone; the other's nature being to repel it, for it consists of the
Theamedes. Thus if one had iron nails in one's boots, one could not tear
away one's foot on the one mountain, nor stand still on the other.
Albertus Magnus writes that a loadstone had been found in his day which
with one part drew to itself iron, and repelled it with its other end;
but Albertus observed the facts badly; for every loadstone attracts with
one end iron that has been touched with a loadstone, and drives it away
with the other; and draws iron that been touched with a loadstone more
powerfully than iron that has not been so touched.
or that now we have declared the origin
and nature of the loadstone, we think it necessary first to add a history
of iron and to indicate the hitherto unknown forces of iron, before this
our discourse goes on to the explanation of magnetick difficulties and
demonstrations, and to deal with the coitions and harmonies of loadstone
with iron. Iron is by all reckoned in the class of metals, and is a metal
livid in colour, very hard, glows red-hot before it melts, being most
difficult of fusion, is beaten out under the hammer, and is very
resonant. Chemists say that if a bed of fixed earthy sulphur be combined
with fixed earthy quicksilver, and the two together are neither pure
white but of a livid whiteness, if the sulphur prevail, iron is formed.
For these stern masters of metals who by many inventions twisting them
about, pound, calcine, dissolve, sublime, and precipitate, decide that
this metal, both on account of the earthy sulphur and of the earthy
mercury, is more truly a son of the earth than any other; they do not
even think gold or silver, lead, tin, or copper itself so earthy; for
that reason it is not smelted except in the hottest furnaces, with
bellows; and when thus fused, on having again grown hard it is not melted
again without heavy labour; but its slag with the utmost difficulty. It
is the hardest of metals, subduing and breaking all things, by reason of
the strong concretion of the more earthy matter. Wherefore we shall
better understand what iron is, when we shall declare what are the causes
and substance of metals, in a different way from those who before our
time have considered them. Aristotle takes the material of the metals to
be vapour. The chemists in chorus pronounce their actual elements to be
sulphur and quicksilver. Gilgil Mauritanus gives it as ashes moistened
with water. Georgius Agricola makes it out to be water and earth mixed;
nor, to be sure, is there any difference between his opinion and the
position taken by Mauritanus. But ours is that metals arise and
effloresce at the summits of the earth's globe, being distinguished each
by its own form, like some of the other substances dug out of it, and all
bodies around us. The earth's globe does not consist of ashes or inert
dust. Nor is fresh water an element, but a more simple consistency of
evaporated fluids of the earth. Unctuous bodies, fresh water devoid of
properties, quicksilver and sulphur, none of these are principia of
metals: these latter, {20}things are the results of a different
nature, they are neither constant nor antecedent in the course of the
generation of metals. The earth emits various humours, not begotten of
water nor of dry earth, nor from mixtures of these, but from the
substance of the earth itself: these humours are not distinguished by
contrary qualities or substance, nor is the earth a simple substance, as
the Peripateticks dream. The humours proceed from vapours sublimated from
great depths; all waters are extracts and, as it were, exudations from
the earth. Rightly then in some measure does Aristotle make out the
matter of metals to be that exhalation which in continuance thickens in
the lodes of certain soils: for the vapours are condensed in places which
are less hot than the spot whence they issued, and by help of the nature
of the soils and mountains, as in a womb, they are at fitting seasons
congealed and changed into metals: but it is not they alone which form
ores, but they flow into and enter a more solid material, and so form
metals. So when this concreted matter has settled down in more temperate
beds, it begins to take shape in those tepid places, just as seed in the
warm womb, or as the embryo acquires growth: sometimes the vapour
conjoins with suitable matter alone: hence some metals are occasionally
though rarely dug up native, and come into existence perfect without
smelting: but other vapours which are mixed with alien soils require
smelting in the way that the ores of all metals are treated, which are
rid of all their dross by the force of fires, and being fused flow out
metallick, and are separated from earthy impurities but not from the true
substance of the earth. But in so far as that it becomes gold, or silver,
or copper, or any other of the existing metals, this does not happen from
the quantity or proportion of material, nor from any forces of matter, as
the Chemists fondly imagine; but when the beds and region concur fitly
with the material, the metals assume forms from the universal nature by
which they are perfected; in the same manner as all the other minerals,
plants, and animals whatever: otherwise the species of metals would be
vague and undefined, which are even now turned up in such scanty numbers
that scarce ten kinds are known. Why, however, nature has been so stingy
as regards the number of metals, or why there should be as many as are
known to man, it is not easy to explain; though the simple-minded and
raving Astrologers refer the metals each to its own planet. But there is
no agreement of the metals with the planets, nor of the planets with the
metals, either in numbers or in properties. For what connexion is there
of iron with Mars? unless it be that from the former numerous
instruments, particularly swords and engines of war, are fashioned. What
has copper to do with Venus? or how does tin, or how does spelter
correspond with Jupiter? They should rather be dedicated to Venus. But
this is old wives' talk. Vapour is then a remote cause in the generation
of the metals; the fluid condensed from {21}vapours is a more
proximate one, like the blood and semen in the generation of animals. But
those vapours and juices from vapours pass for the most part into bodies
and change them into marcasites and are carried into lodes (for we have
numerous cases of wood so transmuted), the fitting matrices of bodies,
where they are formed as metals. They enter most often into the truer and
more homogeneal substance of the globe, and in the process of time a vein
of iron results; loadstone is also produced, which is nought else than a
noble kind of iron ore: and for this reason, and on account of its
substance being singular, alien from all other metals, nature very
rarely, if ever, mixes with iron any other metal, while the other metals
are very often minutely mixed, and are produced together. Now when that
vapour or those juices happen to meet, in fitting matrices, with
efflorescences deformed from the earth's homogenic substance, and with
divers precipitates (the forms working thereto), the remainder of the
metals are generated (a specifick nature affecting the properties in that
place). For the hidden primordial elements of metals and stones lie
concealed in the earth, as those of herbs and plants do in its outer
crust. For the soil dug out of a deep well, where would seem to be no
suspicion of a conception of seed, when placed on a very high tower,
produces, by the incubation of sun and sky, green herbage and unbidden
weeds; and those of the kind which grow spontaneously in that region, for
each region produces its own herbs and plants, also its own metals.
[70]Here corn exults, and there the grape is glad,
Here trees and grass unbidden verdure add.
So mark how Tmolus yields his saffrone store,
But ivory is the gift of Indian shore;
With incense soft the softer Shebans deal;
The stark Chalybeans' element is steel:
With acrid castor reek the Pontic wares,
Epirus wins the palm of Elian mares.
But what the Chemists (as Geber, and others) call fixed earthy sulphur in iron is nothing else than the homogenic earth-substance concreted by its own humour, amalgamated with a double fluid: a metallick humour is inserted along with a small quantity of the substance of the earth not devoid of humour. Wherefore the common saying that in gold there is pure earth, but in iron mostly impure, is wrong; as though there were indeed such a thing as natural earth, and that the globe itself were (by some unknown process of refining) depurate. In iron, especially in the best iron, there is earth in its own nature true and genuine; in the other metals there is not so much earth as that in place of earth and precipitates there are consolidated and (so to speak) fixed salts, which are efflorescences of the globe, and which differ also greatly {22}in firmness and consistency: In the mines their force rises up along with a twofold humour from the exhalations, they solidify in the underground spaces into metallic veins: so too they are also connate by virtue of their place and of the surrounding bodies, in natural matrices, and take on their specific forms. Of the various constitutions of loadstones and their diverse substances, colours, and virtues, mention has been made before: but, now having stated the cause and origin of metals, we have to examine ferruginous matter not as it is in the smelted metal, but as that from which the metal is refined. Quasi-pure iron is found of its proper colour and in its own lodes; still, not as it will presently be, nor as adapted for its various uses. It is sometimes dug up covered with white silex or with other stones. It is often the same in river sand, as in Noricum. A nearly pure ore of iron is now often dug up in Ireland, which the smiths, without the labours of furnaces, hammer out in the smithy into iron implements. In France iron is very commonly smelted out of a liver-coloured stone, in which are glittering scales; the same kind[71] without the scales is found in England, which also they use for craftsmen's ruddle[72]. In Sussex in England[73] is a rich dusky ore and also one of a pale ashen hue, both of which on being dried for a time, or kept in moderate fires, presently acquire a liver-colour; here also is found a dusky ore square-shaped with a black rind of greater hardness. An ore having the appearance of liver is often variously intermingled with other stones: as also with the perfect loadstone which yields the best of iron. There is also a rusty ore of iron, one of a leaden hue tending to black, one quite black, or black mixed with true cobalt: there is another sort mixed either with pyrites, or with sterile plumbago. One kind is also like jet, another like bloodstone. The emery used by armourers, and by glaziers for glass-cutting, called amongst the English Emerelstone, by the Germans Smeargel, is ferruginous; albeit iron is extracted from it with difficulty, yet it attracts the versorium. It is now and then found in deep iron and silver diggings. Thomas Erastus says he had heard from a certain learned man of iron ores, of the colour of iron, but quite soft and fatty, which can be smoothed with the fingers like butter, out of which excellent iron can be smelted: somewhat the same we have seen found in England, having the aspect of Spanish soap. Besides the numberless kinds of stony ores, iron is extracted from clay, from clayey earth, from ochre, from a rusty matter deposited from chalybeate waters; In England iron is copiously extracted in furnaces often from sandy and clayey stones which appear to contain iron not more than sand, marl, or any other clay soils contain it. Thus in Aristotle's book De Mirabilibus Auscultationibus[74], "There is said" (he states) "to be a peculiar formation of Chalybean and Misenian iron, for instance the sort collected from river gravel; some say {23}that after being simply washed it is smelted in the furnace; others declare that it and the sediment which subsides after several washings are cast in and purified together by the fire; with the addition of the stone pyrimachus which is found there in abundance." Thus do numerous sorts of things contain in their various substances notably and abundantly this element of iron and earth. However, there are many stones, and very common ones, found in every soil, also earths, and various and mixed materials, which do not hold rich substances, but yet have their own iron elements, and yield them to skilfully-made fires, yet which are left aside by metallick men because they are less profitable; while other soils give some show of a ferruginous nature, yet (being very barren) are hardly ever smelted down into iron; and being neglected are not generally known. Manufactured irons differ very greatly amongst themselves. For one kind is tenacious in its nature, and this is the best; one is of medium quality: another is brittle, and this is the worst. Sometimes the iron, by reason of the excellency of the ore, is wrought into steel, as to-day in Noricum. From the finest iron, too, well wrought and purged from all dross, or by being plunged in water after heating, there issues what the Greeks call στόμωμα; the Latins acies; others aciarium, such as was at times called Syrian, Parthian, Noric, Comese, Spanish; elsewhere it is named from the water in which it is so often plunged, as at Como in Italy[75], Bambola and Tarazona in Spain. Acies fetches a much larger price than mere iron. And owing to its superiority it better accords with the loadstone, from which more powerful quality it is often smelted, and it acquires the virtues from it more quickly, retains them longer at their full, and in the best condition for magnetical experiments. After iron has been smelted in the first furnaces, it is afterward wrought by various arts in large worksteads or mills, the metal acquiring consistency when hammered with ponderous blows, and throwing off the dross. After the first smelting it is rather brittle and by no means perfect. Wherefore with us (English) when the larger military guns are cast, they purify the metal from dross more fully, so that they may be stronger to withstand the force of the firing; and they do this by making it pass again (in a fluid state) through a chink, by which process it sheds its recremental matter. Smiths render iron sheets tougher with certain liquids, and by blows of the hammer, and from them make shields and breastplates that defy the blows of battle-axes. Iron becomes harder through skill and proper tempering, but also by skill turns out in a softer condition and as pliable as lead. It is made hard by the action of certain waters into which while glowing it is plunged, as at Bambola and Tarazona in Spain: It grows soft again, either by the effect of fire alone, when without hammering and without water, it is left to cool by itself; or by that of grease into which it is plunged; or {24}(that it may the better serve for various trades) it is tempered variously by being skilfully besmeared. Baptista Porta expounds this art in book 13 of his Magia Naturalis. Thus this ferric and telluric nature is included and taken up in various bodies of stones, ores, and earths; so too it differs in aspect, in form, and in efficiency. Art smelts it by various processes, improves it, and turns it, above all material substances, to the service of man in trades and appliances without end. One kind of iron is adapted for breastplates, another serves as a defence against shot, another protects against swords and curved blades (commonly called scimitars), another is used for making swords, another for horseshoes. From iron are made nails, hinges, bolts, saws, keys, grids, doors, folding-doors, spades, rods, pitchforks, hooks, barbs, tridents, pots, tripods, anvils, hammers, wedges, chains, hand-cuffs, fetters, hoes, mattocks, sickles, baskets, shovels, harrows, planes, rakes, ploughshares, forks, pans, dishes, ladles, spoons, spits, knives, daggers, swords, axes, darts, javelins, lances, spears, anchors, and much ship's gear. Besides these, balls, darts, pikes, breastplates, helmets, cuirasses, horseshoes, greaves, wire, strings of musical instruments, chairs, portcullises, bows, catapults, and (pests of human kind) cannon, muskets, and cannon-balls, with endless instruments unknown to the Latins: which things I have rehearsed in order that it may be understood how great is the use of iron, which surpasses a hundred times that of all the other metals; and is day by day being wrought by metal-workers whose stithies are found in almost every village. For this is the foremost of metals, subserving many and the greatest needs of man, and abounds in the earth above all other metals, and is predominant. Wherefore those Chemists are fools[76] who think that nature's will is to perfect all metals into gold; she might as well be making ready to change all stones to diamonds, since diamond surpasses all in splendour and hardness, because gold excels in splendour, gravity, and density, being invincible against all deterioration. Iron as dug up is therefore, like iron that has been smelted, a metal, differing a little indeed from the primary homogenic terrestrial body, owing to the metallick humour it has imbibed; yet not so alien as that it will not, after the manner of refined matter, admit largely of the magnetick forces, and may be associated with that prepotent form belonging to the earth, and yield to it a due submission.
lenty of iron mines exist everywhere,
both those of old time recorded in early ages by the most ancient
writers, and the new and modern ones. The earliest and most important
seem to me to be those of Asia. For in those countries which abound
naturally in iron, governments and the arts flourished exceedingly, and
things needful for the use of man were discovered and sought after. It is
recorded to have been found about Andria, in the region of the Chalybes
near the river Thermodon in Pontus; in the mountains of Palestine which
face Arabia; in Carmania: in Africa there was a mine of iron in the Isle
of Meroe; in Europe in the hills of Britain, as Strabo writes; in Hither
Spain, in Cantabria. Among the Petrocorii and Cubi Biturges[77] (peoples of Gaul), there
were worksteads in which iron used to be wrought. In greater Germany near
Luna, as recorded by Ptolemy; Gothinian iron is mentioned by Cornelius
Tacitus; Noric iron is celebrated in the verses of poets; and Cretan, and
that of Eubœa; many other iron mines were passed over by these
writers or unknown to them; and yet they were neither poor nor scanty,
but most extensive. Pliny[78]
says that Hither Spain and all the district from the Pyrenees is
ferruginous, and on the part of maritime Cantabria washed by the Ocean
(says the same writer) there is (incredible to relate) a precipitously
high mountain wholly composed of this material. The most ancient mines
were of iron rather than of gold, silver, copper or lead; since mainly
this was sought because of the demand; and also because in every district
and soil they were easy to find, not so deep-lying, and less beset by
difficulties. If, however, I were to enumerate modern iron workings, and
those of this age and over Europe only, I should have to write a large
and bulky volume, and sheets of paper would run short quicker than the
iron, and yet for one sheet they could furnish a thousand worksteads. For
amongst minerals, no material is so ample; all metals, and all stones
distinct from iron, are outdone by ferric and ferruginous matter. For you
will not readily find any region, and scarcely any country district over
the whole of Europe (if you search at all deeply), that does not either
produce a rich and abundant vein of iron or some soil containing or
slightly charged with ferruginous stuff; and that this is {26}true any expert
in the arts of metals and chemistry will easily find. Beside that which
has ferruginous nature, and the metallick lode, there is another ferric
substance which does not yield the metal in this way because its thin
humour is burnt out by fierce fires, and it is changed into an iron slag
like that which is separated from the metal in the first furnaces. And of
this kind is all clay and argillaceous earth, such as that which
apparently forms a large part of the whole of our island of Britain: all
of which, if subjected very vehemently to intense heat, exhibits a ferric
and metallick body, or passes into ferric vitreous matter, as can be
easily seen in buildings in bricks baked from clay, which, when placed
next the fires in the open kilns (which our folk call clamps)[79] and burned, present an iron
vitrification, black at the other end. Moreover all those earths as
prepared are drawn by the magnet, and like iron are attracted by it. So
perpetual and ample is the iron offspring of the terrestrial globe.
Georgius Agricola says that almost all mountainous regions are full of
its ores, while as we know a rich iron lode is frequently dug in the open
country and plains over nearly the whole of England and Ireland; in no
other wise than as, says he, iron is dug out of the meadows at the town
of Saga in pits driven to a two-foot depth. Nor are the West Indies
without their iron lodes, as writers tell us; but the Spaniards, intent
upon gold, neglect the toilsome work of iron-founding, and do not search
for lodes and mines abounding in iron. It is probable that nature and the
globe of the earth are not able to hide, and are evermore bringing to the
light of day, a great mass of inborn matter, and are not invariably
obstructed by the settling of mixtures and efflorescences at the earth's
surface. It is not only in the common mother (the terrestrial globe) that
iron is produced, but sometimes also in the air from the earth's
exhalations, in the highest clouds. It rained iron in Lucania, the year
in which M. Crassus was slain. The tale is told, too, that a mass of
iron, like slag, fell from the air in the Nethorian forest, near Grina,
and they narrate that the mass was many pounds in weight; so that it
could neither be conveyed to that place, on account of its weight, nor be
brought away by cart, the place being without roads. This happened before
the civil war waged between the rival dukes in Saxony. A similar story,
too, comes to us from Avicenna. It once rained iron in the Torinese[80], in various places (Julius
Scaliger telling us that he had a piece of it in his house), about three
years before that province was taken over by the king. In the year 1510
in the country bordering on the river Abdua (as Cardan writes[81] in his book De Rerum
Varietate) there fell from the sky 1200 stones, one weighing 120
pounds, another 30 or 40 pounds, of a rusty iron colour and remarkably
hard. These occurrences being rare are regarded as portents, like the
showers of earth and stones mentioned in Roman history. But that it ever
rained other metals is not {27}recorded; for it has never been known to
rain from the sky gold, silver, lead, tin, or spelter[82]. Copper, however, has been at some time
noticed to fall from the sky, and this is not very unlike iron; and in
fact cloud-born iron of this sort, or copper, are seen to be imperfectly
metallick, incapable of being cast in any way, or wrought with facility.
For the earth hath of her store plenty of iron in her highlands, and the
globe contains the ferric and magnetick element in rich abundance. The
exhalations forcibly derived from such material may well become concreted
in the upper air by the help of more powerful causes, and hence some
monstrous progeny of iron be begotten.
rom various substances iron (like all the
rest of the * metals) is extracted: such substances being
stones, earth, and similar concretions which miners call veins because it
is in veins[83], as it were,
that they are generated. We have spoken above of the variety of these
veins. If a properly coloured ore of iron and a rich one (as miners call
it) is placed, as soon as mined, upon water in a bowl or any small vessel
(as we have shown before in the case of a loadstone), it is attracted by
a similar piece of ore brought near by hand, yet not so powerfully and
quickly as one loadstone is drawn by another loadstone, but slowly and
feebly. Ores of iron that are stony, cindery, dusky, red, and several
more of other colours, do not attract one another mutually, nor are they
attracted by the loadstone itself, even by a strong one, no more than
wood, or lead, silver, or gold. Take those ores and burn, or rather roast
them, in a moderate fire, so that they are not suddenly split up, or fly
asunder, keeping up the fire ten or twelve hours, and gently increasing
it, then let them grow cold, skill being shown in the direction in which
they are placed: These ores thus prepared a loadstone will now draw, and
they now show a mutual sympathy, and when skilfully arranged run together
by their own forces.
eplorable is man's ignorance in natural
science, and modern philosophers, like those who dream in darkness, need
to be aroused, and taught the uses of things and how to deal with them,
and to be induced to leave the learning sought at leisure from books
alone, and that is supported only by unrealities of arguments and by
conjectures. For the knowledge of iron (than which nothing is in more
common use), and that of many more substances around us, remains
unlearned; iron, a rich ore of which, placed in a vessel upon water, by
an innate property of its own directs itself, just like the loadstone,
North and South, at which points it rests, and to which, if it be turned
aside, it reverts by its own inherent vigour. But many ores, less perfect
in their nature, which yet contain amid stone or earthy substances plenty
of iron, have no such motion; but when prepared by skilful treatment in
the fires, as shown in the foregoing chapter, they acquire a polar vigour
(which we call verticity[84]); and not only the iron ores in request
by miners, but even earth merely charged with ferruginous matter, and
many rocks, do in like manner tend and lean toward those portions of the
heavens, or more truly of the earth, if they be skilfully placed, until
they reach the desired location, in which they eagerly repose.
rom the ore, which is converted, or
separated, partly into metal, partly into slag, by the intense heat of
fires, iron is smelted in the first furnaces in a space of eight, ten, or
twelve hours, and the metal flows away from the dross and useless matter,
forming a large and long mass, which being subjected to a sharp hammering
is cut into parts, out of which when reheated in the second hearth of the
forge, and again placed on the anvil, the smiths fashion quadrangular
lumps, or more specially bars which are bought by merchants and
blacksmiths, from which in smithies usually it is the custom to fashion
the various implements. This iron we term wrought, and its
attraction by the loadstone is manifest to all. But we, by more carefully
trying everything[85], have
found out that iron merely, by itself alone, not excited by any
loadstone, not charged by any alien forces, attracts other iron; though
it does not so eagerly snatch and suddenly pluck at it as would a fairly
strong loadstone; this you may know thus: A small piece of cork, the size
of a hazel-nut, rounded, is traversed by an iron wire up to the middle of
the wire: when set swimming on still water apply to one end of it, close
(yet so as not to touch), the end of another iron wire; and wire draws
wire, and one follows the other when slowly drawn back, and this goes on
up to the proper boundaries. Let A be the cork with the iron wire, B one
end of it raised a little above the surface of the water, C the end of
the second wire, showing the way in which B is drawn by C. You may prove
it in another way in a larger body. Let a long bright iron rod (such as
is made for hangings and window curtains) be hung in balance by a slender
silken cord: to one end of this as it rests in the air bring a small
oblong mass of polished iron, with its proper {30}end at the distance of
half a digit. The balanced iron turns itself to the mass; do you with the
same quickness draw back the mass in your hand in a circular path about
the point of equilibrium of the suspension; the end of the balanced iron
follows after it, and turns in an orbit.
very good and perfect piece of iron, if
drawn out in length, points North and South, just as the loadstone or
iron rubbed with a magnetical body does; a thing that our famous
philosophers have little understood, who have sweated in vain to set
forth the magnetick virtues and the causes of the friendship of iron for
the stone. You may experiment with either large or small iron works, and
either in air or in water. A straight piece of iron six feet long of the
thickness of your finger is suspended (in the way described in the
foregoing chapter) in exact æquipoise by a strong and slender silken
cord. But the cord should be cross-woven of several silk filaments, not
twisted simply in one way; and it should be in a small chamber with all
doors and windows closed, that the wind may not enter, nor the air of the
room be in any way disturbed; for which reason it is not expedient that
the trial should be made on windy days, or while a storm is brewing. For
thus it freely follows its bent, and slowly moves until at length, as it
rests, it points with its ends North and South, just as iron touched with
a loadstone does in shadow-clocks, and in compasses, and in the mariners'
compass. You will be able, if curious enough, to balance all at the same
time by fine threads a number of small rods, or iron wires, or long pins
with which women knit stockings; you will see that all of them at the
same time are in accord, unless there be some error in this delicate
operation: for unless you prepare everything fitly and skilfully, the
labour will be void. Make trial of this thing in water also, which is
done both more certainly and more easily. Let an iron wire two or three
digits long, more or less, be passed through a round cork, so that it may
just float upon water; and as soon as you have committed it to the waves,
it turns upon its own centre, and one end tends to the North, the other
to the South; the causes {31}of which you will afterwards find in the
laws of the direction. This too you should understand, and hold firmly in
memory, that * as a strong loadstone, and iron touched with
the same, do not invariably point exactly to the true pole but to the
point of the variation; so does a weaker loadstone, and so does the iron,
which directs itself by its own forces only, not by those impressed by
the stone; and so every ore of iron, and all bodies naturally endowed
with something of the iron nature, and prepared, turn to the same point
of the horizon, according to the place of the variation in that
particular region (if there be any variation therein), and there abide
and rest.
ron settles itself toward the North and
South; not with one and the same point toward this pole or that: for one
end of the piece of ore itself and one extremity also of a wrought-iron
wire have a sure and constant destination to the North, the other to the
South, whether the iron hang in the air, or float on water, be the iron
large rods or thinner wires. Even if it be a little rod, or a wire ten or
twenty or more ells in length; one end as a rule is Boreal, the other
Austral. If you cut off part of that wire, and if the end of that divided
part were Boreal, the other end (which was joined to it) will be Austral.
Thus if you divide it into several parts, before making an experiment on
the surface of water, you can recognize the vertex[86]. In all of them a Boreal end draws an
Austral and repels a Boreal, and contrariwise, according to the laws
magnetical. Yet herein wrought iron differs from the loadstone and from
its own ore, inasmuch as in an iron ball of any size, such as those used
for artillery or cannon, or bullets used for carbines or fowling-pieces,
verticity is harder to acquire and is less apparent than in a piece of
loadstone, or of ore itself, or than in a round loadstone. But in long
and extended pieces of iron a power is at once discerned; the causes of
which fact, and the methods by which it acquires its verticity and its
poles without use of a loadstone, as well as the reasons for all the
other obscure features of verticity, we shall set forth in describing the
motion of direction.
ioscorides prescribes loadstone to be
given with sweetened water, three scruples' weight, to expel gross
humours. Galen writes that a like quantity of bloodstone avails. Others
relate that loadstone perturbs the mind and makes folk melancholick, and
mostly kills. Gartias ab Horto[87] thinks it not deleterious or injurious
to health. The natives of East India tell us, he says, that loadstone
taken in small doses preserves youth. On which account the aged king,
Zeilam, is said to have ordered the pans in which his victuals were
cooked to be made of loadstone. The person (says he) to whom this order
was given told me so himself. There are many varieties of loadstone
produced by differences in the mingling of earths, metals, and juices;
hence they are altogether unlike in their virtues and effects, due to
propinquities of places and of agnate bodies, and arising from the pits
themselves as it were from the matrices being soul. One loadstone is
therefore able to purge the stomach, and another to check purging, to
cause by its fumes a serious shock to the mind, to produce a gnawing at
the vitals, or to bring on a grave relapse; in case of which ills they
exhibit gold and emerald, using an abominable imposture for lucre. Pure
loadstone may, indeed, be not only harmless, but even able to correct an
over-fluid and putrescent state of the bowels and bring them back to a
better temperament; of this sort usually are the oriental magnets from
China, and the denser ones from Bengal, which are neither misliking nor
unpleasant to the actual senses. Plutarch and Claudius Ptolemy[88], and all the copyists since
their time, think that a loadstone smeared with garlick does not allure
iron. Hence some suspect that garlick is of avail against any deleterious
power of the magnet: thus in philosophy many false and idle conjectures
arise from fables and falsehoods. Some physicians[89] have that a loadstone has power to
extract the iron of an arrow from the human body. But it is when whole
that the loadstone draws, not when pulverized and formless, buried in
plasters; for it does not attract by reason of its material, but is
rather adapted for the healing of open wounds, by reason of exsiccation,
closing up and drying the sore, an effect by which the arrow-heads would
rather be retained in the wounds. Thus vainly and preposterously do the
sciolists {33}look for remedies while ignorant of the true
causes of things. The application of a loadstone for all sorts of
headaches no more cures them (as some make out) than would an iron helmet
or a steel cap. To give it in a draught to dropsical persons is an error
of the ancients, or an impudent tale of the copyists, though one kind of
ore may be found which, like many more minerals, purges the stomach; but
this is due to some defect of that ore and not to any magnetick property.
Nicolaus puts a large quantity of loadstone into his divine plaster[90], just as the Augsburgers do
into a black plaster[91] for
fresh wounds and stabs; the virtue of which dries them up without smart,
so that it proves an efficacious medicament. In like manner also
Paracelsus to the same end mingles it in his plaster for stab wounds[92].
ot foreign to our present purpose will it
be to treat briefly also of the medicinal virtue of iron: for it is a
prime remedial for some diseases of the human body, and by its virtues,
both those that are natural and those acquired by suitable preparation,
it works marvellous changes in the human body, so that we may the more
surely recognize its nature through its medicinal virtue and through
certain manifest experiments. So that even those tyros in medicine who
abuse this most famous medicament may learn to prescribe it with better
judgment for the healing of the sick, and not, as too often they use it,
to their harm. The best iron, Stomoma, or Chalybs, Acies, or Aciarium, is
reduced to a fine powder by a file; the powder is steeped in the sharpest
vinegar, and dried in the sun, and again soused in vinegar, and dried;
afterwards it is washed in spring water or other suitable water, and
dried; then for the second time it is pulverized and reduced on porphyry,
passed through a very fine sieve, and put back for use. It is given
chiefly in cases of laxity and over-humidity of the liver, in enlargement
of the spleen, after due evacuations; for which reason it restores young
girls when pallid, sickly, and lacking colour, to health and beauty;
since it is very siccative, and is astringent without harm. But some who
in every internal malady always talk of obstruction {34}of the liver and spleen,
think it beneficial in those cases because it removes obstructions,
mainly trusting to the opinions of certain Arabians[94]: wherefore they administer it to the
dropsical and to those suffering from tumour of the liver or from chronic
jaundice, and to persons troubled with hypochondrical melancholia or any
stomachic disorder, or add it to electuaries, without doubt to the
grievous injury of many of their patients. Fallopius commends it prepared
in his own way for tumours of the spleen, but is much mistaken; for
loadstone is pre-eminently good for spleens relaxed with humour, and
swollen; but it is so far from curing spleens thickened into a tumour
that it mightily confirms the malady. For those drugs which are strong
siccatives and absorb humour force the viscera when hardened into a
tumour more completely into a quasi-stony body. There are some who roast
iron in a closed oven with fierce firing, and burn it strongly, until it
turns red, and they call this Saffron of Mars; which is a powerful
siccative, and more quickly penetrates the intestines. Moreover they
order violent exercise, that the drug may enter the viscera while heated
and so reach the place affected; wherefore also it is reduced to a very
fine flour; otherwise it only sticks in the stomach and in the chyle and
does not penetrate to the intestines. As a dry and earthy medicament,
then, it is shown by the most certain experiments to be, after proper
evacuations, a remedy for diseases arising from humour (when the viscera
are charged and overflowing with watery rheum). Prepared steel is a
medicament proper for enlarged spleen. Iron waters too are effectual in
reducing the spleen, although as a rule iron is of a frigid and
astringent efficiency, not a laxative; but it effects this neither by
heat nor by cold, but from its own dryness when mixed with a penetrative
fluid: it thus disperses the humour, thickens the villi, hardens the
tissues, and contracts them when lax; while the inherent heat in the
member thus strengthened, being increased in power, dissipates what is
left. Whereas if the liver be hardened and weakened by old age or a
chronic obstruction, or the spleen be shrivelled and contracted to a
schirrus, by which troubles the fleshy parts of the limbs grow flaccid,
and water under the skin invades the body, in the case of these
conditions the introduction of iron accelerates the fatal end, and
considerably increases the malady. Amongst recent writers there are some
who in cases of drought of the liver prescribe, as a much lauded and
famous remedy, the electuary of iron slag, described by Rhazes[95] in his ninth book ad
Almansorem, Chap. 63, or prepared filings of steel; an evil and
deadly advice: which if they do not some time understand from our
philosophy, at least everyday experience, and the decline and death of
their patients, will convince them, even the sluggish and lazy. Whether
iron be warm or cold is variously contended by {35}many. By Manardus,
Curtius, Fallopius and others, many reasons are adduced on both sides;
each settles it according to his own sentiment. Some make it to be cold,
saying that iron has the property of refrigerating, because Aristotle in
his Meteorologica would put iron in the class of things which grow
concreted in cold by emission of the whole of their Heat: Galen, too,
says that iron has its consistency from cold; also that it is an earthy
and dense body. Further that iron is astringent, also that Chalybeate
water quenches thirst: and they adduce the cooling effect of thermal iron
waters. Others, however, maintain that it is Warm, because of Hippocrates
making out that waters are warm which burst forth from places where iron
exists. Galen says that in all metals there is considerable substance, or
essence, of fire. Paolo[96]
affirms that iron waters are warm. Rhazes will have it that iron is warm
and dry in the third degree. The Arabians think that it opens the spleen
and liver; wherefore also that iron is warm. Montagnana recommends it in
cold affections of the uterus and stomach. Thus do the smatterers cross
swords together, and puzzle inquiring minds by their vague conjectures,
and wrangle for trifles as for goats' wool, when they philosophize,
wrongly allowing and accepting properties: but these matters will appear
more plainly by and by when we begin to discuss the causes of things; the
clouds being dispersed that have so darkened all Philosophy. Filings,
scales, and slag of iron are, as Avicenna makes out, not wanting in
deleterious power (haply when they are not well prepared or are taken in
larger quantity than is fit), hence they cause violent pain in the
bowels, roughness of the mouth and tongue, marasmus, and shrivelling of
the limbs. But Avicenna wrongly[97] and old-womanishly makes out that the
proper antidote to this iron poison is loadstone to the weight of a
drachm taken as a draught in the juice of mercurialis or of Beet; for
loadstone is of a twofold nature, usually malefiant and pernicious, nor
does it resist iron, since it attracts it; nor when drunk in a draught in
the form of powder does it avail to attract or repel, but rather inflicts
the same evils.
itherto we have declared the nature &
powers of the loadstone, & also the properties & essence of iron;
it now remains to show their mutual affinities, & kinship, so to
speak, & how very closely conjoined these substances are. At the
highest part of the terrestrial globe, or at its perishable surface &
rind, as it were, these two bodies usually originate & are produced
in one and the same matrix, as twins in one mine. Strong loadstones are
dug up by themselves, weaker ones too have their own proper vein. Both
are found in iron mines. Iron ore most often occurs alone, without strong
loadstone (for the more perfect are rarely met with). Strong loadstone is
a stone resembling iron; out of it is usually smelted the finest iron,
which the Greeks call stomoma, the Latins acies, the
Barbarians (not amiss) aciare, or aciarium. This same stone
draws, repels, controls other loadstones, directs itself to the poles of
the world, picks up smelted iron, and works many other wonders, some
already set forth by us, but many more which we must demonstrate more
fully. A weaker loadstone, however, will exhibit all these powers, but in
a lesser degree; while iron ore, & also wrought iron (if they have
been prepared) show their strength in all magnetick experiments not less
than do feeble and weak * loadstones; & an inert piece of
ore, & one possessed of no magnetick properties, & just thrown
out[98] of the pit, when
roasted in the fire & prepared with due art (by the elimination of
humours & foreign excretions) awakes, and becomes in power &
potency a magnet, * occasionally a stone or iron ore is mined,
which attracts forthwith without being prepared: for native iron of the
right colour attracts and governs iron magnetically. One form then
belongs to the one mineral, one species, one self-same essence. For to me
there seems to be a greater difference, & unlikeness, between the
strongest {37}loadstone, & a weak one which scarce can
attract a single chip of iron; between one that is stout, strong,
metallick, & one that is soft, friable, clayey; amidst such variety
of colour, substance, quality, & weight; than there is on the one
hand between the best ore, rich in iron, or iron that is metallick from
the beginning, and on the other the most excellent loadstone. Usually,
too, there are no marks to distinguish them, and even metallurgists
cannot decide between them, because they agree together in all respects.
Moreover we see that the best loadstone and the ore of iron are both as
it were distressed by the same maladies & diseases, both run to old
age in the same way & exhibit the same marks of it, are preserved
& keep their properties by the same remedies & safeguards; &
yet again the one increases the potency of the other, & by artfully
devised adjuncts marvellously intensifies, & exalts it. For both are
impaired by the more acrid juices as by poisons, & the aqua fortis of
the Chemists inflicts on both the same wounds, and when exposed too long
to harm from the atmosphere, they both alike pine away, so to speak,
& grow old; each is preserved by being kept in the dust &
scrapings of the other; & when a fit piece of steel or iron is
adjoined above its pole, the loadstone's vigour is augmented through the
firm union. The loadstone is laid up in iron filings, not that iron is
its food; as though loadstone were alive and needed feeding, as Cardan
philosophizes[99]; nor yet
that so it is delivered from the inclemency of the weather (for which
cause it as well as iron is laid up in bran by Scaliger; mistakenly,
however, for they are not preserved well in this way, and keep for years
their own fixed forms): nor yet, since they remain perfect by the mutual
action of their powders, do their extremities waste away, but are
cherished & preserved, like by like. For just as in their own places,
in the mines, bodies like to each other endure for many ages entire and
uncorrupt, when surrounded by bodies of the same stuff, as the lesser
interior parts in a great mass: so loadstone and ore of iron, when
inclosed in a mound of the same material, do not exhale their native
humour, do not waste away, but retain their soundness. A loadstone lasts
longer in filings of smelted iron, & a piece of iron ore excellently
also in dust of loadstone; as also smelted iron in filings of loadstone
& even in those of iron. Then both these allied bodies have a true
& just form of one & the same species; a form which until this
day was considered by all, owing to their outward unlikeness & the
inequality of the potency that is the same innate in both, to be
different & unlike in kind; the smatterers not understanding that the
same powers, though differing in strength, exist in both alike. And in
fact they both are true & intimate parts of the earth, & as such
retain the prime natural properties of mutually attracting, of moving,
& of disposing themselves toward the position of the world, {38}and of the
terrestrial globe; which properties they also impart to each other, and
increase, confirm, receive, and retain each other's forces. The stronger
fortifies the weaker, not as though aught were taken away from its own
substance, or its proper vigour, nor because any corporeal substance is
imparted, but the dormant virtue of the one is aroused by the other,
without loss. For if with a single small stone you touch a thousand bits
of iron for the use of mariners[100], that loadstone attracts iron no less
strongly than before; with the same stone weighing one pound, any one
will be able to suspend in the air a thousand pounds of iron. For if any
one were to fix high up on the walls so many iron nails of so great a
weight, & were to apply to them the same number of nails touched,
according to the art, by a loadstone, they would all be seen to hang in
the air through the force of one small stone. So this is not solely the
action, labour, or outlay of the loadstone; but the iron, which is in a
sense an extract from loadstone, and a fusion of loadstone into metal,
& conceives vigour from it, & by proximity strengthens the
magnetick faculties, doth itself, from whatever lode it may have come,
raise its own inborn forces through the presence & contact of the
stone, even when solid bodies intervene. Iron that has been touched, acts
anew on another piece of iron by contact, & adapts it for magnetick
movements, & this again a third. But if you rub with a loadstone any
other metal, or wood, or bones, or glass, as they will not be moved
toward any particular and determinate quarter of heaven, nor be attracted
by any magnetick body, so they are able not to impart any magnetick
property to other bodies or to iron itself by attrition, & by
infection. Loadstone differs from iron ore, as also from some weaker
magnets, in that when molten in the furnace into a ferric & metallick
fused mass, it does not so readily flow & dissolve into metal; but is
sometimes burnt to ashes in large furnaces; a result which it is
reasonable to suppose arises from its having some kind of sulphureous
matter mixed with it, or from its own excellence & simpler nature, or
from the likeness & common form which it has with the common mother,
the Great Magnet. For earths, and iron stones, magnets abounding in
metal, are the more imbued & marred with excrementitious metallick
humours, and earthy corruptions of substance, as numbers of loadstones
are weaker from the mine; hence they are a little further remote from the
common mother, & are degenerate, & when smelted in the furnace
undergo fusion more easily, & give out a more certain metallick
product, & a metal that is softer, not a tough steel. The majority of
loadstones (if not unfairly burnt[101]) yield in the furnace a very excellent
iron. But iron ore also agrees in all those primary qualities with
loadstone; for both, being nearer and more closely akin to the earth
above all bodies known to us, have in themselves {39}a magnetick substance,
& one that is more homogenic, true & cognate with the globe of
the earth; less infested & spoiled by foreign blemish; less confused
with the outgrowths of earth's surface, & less debased by corrupt
products. And for this reason Aristotle in the fourth book of his
Meteora seems not unfairly to separate iron from all the rest of
the metals. Gold, he says, silver, copper, tin, lead, belong to water;
but iron is of the earth. Galen, in the fourth chapter of De
Facultatibus Simplicium Medicamentorum, says that iron is an earthy
& dense body. Accordingly a strong loadstone is on our showing
especially of the earth: the next place is occupied by iron ore or weaker
loadstone; so the loadstone is by nature and origin[102]** of iron, and it and magnetick iron
are both one in kind. Iron ore yields iron in furnaces; loadstone also
pours forth iron in the furnaces, but of a much more excellent sort, that
which is called steel or blade-edge; and the better sort of iron ore is a
weak loadstone, the best loadstone being a most excellent ore of iron, in
which, as is to be shown by us, the primary properties are grand and
conspicuous. Weaker loadstone or iron ore is that in which these
properties are more obscure, feeble, and are scarce perceptible to the
rior to bringing forward the causes of
magnetical motions, & laying open the proofs of things hidden for so
many ages, & our experiments (the true foundations of terrestrial
philosophy), we have to establish & present to the view of the
learned our New & unheard of doctrine about the earth; and this, when
argued by us on the grounds of its probability, with subsequent {40}experiments
& proofs, will be as certainly assured as anything in philosophy ever
has been considered & confirmed by clever arguments or mathematical
proofs. The terrene mass, which together with the vasty ocean produces
the sphærick figure & constitutes our globe, being of a firm &
constant substance, is not easily changed, does not wander about, &
fluctuate with uncertain motions, like the seas, & flowing waves: but
holds all its volume of moisture in certain beds & bounds, & as
it were in oft-met veins, that it may be the less diffused &
dissipated at random. Yet the solid magnitude of the earth prevails &
reigns supreme in the nature of our globe. Water, however, is attached to
it, & as an appendage only, & a flux emanating from it; whose
force from the beginning is conjoined with the earth through its smallest
parts, and is innate in its substance. This moisture the earth as it
grows hot throws off freely when it is of the greatest possible service
in the generation of things. But the thews and dominant stuff of the
globe is that terrene body which far exceeds in quantity all the volume
of flowing streams and open waters (whatever vulgar philosophers may
dream of the magnitudes and proportions of their elements), and which
takes up most of the whole globe and almost fills it internally, and by
itself almost suffices to endow it with sphærick shape. For the seas only
fill certain not very deep or profound hollows, since they rarely go down
to a depth of a mile and generally do not exceed a hundred or 50 fathoms.
For so it is ascertained by the observations of seamen when by the
plumb-line and sinker its abysms are explored with the nautical sounder;
which depths relatively to the dimensions of the globe, do not much
deform its globular shape. Small then appears to be that portion of the
real earth that ever emerges to be seen by man, or is turned up; since we
cannot penetrate deeper into its bowels, further than the wreckage of its
outer efflorescence, either by reason of the waters which gush up in deep
workings, as through veins, or for want of a wholesome air to support
life in the miners, or on account of the vast cost that would be incurred
in pumping out such huge workings[103], and many other difficulties; so that
to have gone down to a depth of four hundred, or (which is of rarest
occurrence) of five hundred fathoms[104] as in a few mines, appears to all a
stupendous undertaking. But it is easy to understand how minute, how
almost negligibly small a portion that 500 fathoms is of the earth's
diameter, which is 6,872 miles. It is then parts only of the earth's
circumference and of its prominences that are perceived by us with our
senses; and these in all regions appear to us to be either loamy, or
clayey, or sandy, or full of various soils, or marls: or lots of stones
or gravel meet us, or beds of salt, or a metallick lode, and metals in
abundance. In the sea and in deep waters, however, either reefs, and huge
boulders, or smaller stones, or sands, or mud {41}are found by mariners as
they sound the depths. Nowhere does the Aristotelian element of
earth come to light; and the Peripateticks are the sport of their
own vain dreams about elements. Yet the lower bulk of the earth and the
inward parts of the globe consist of such bodies; for they could not have
existed, unless they had been related to and exposed to the air and
water, and to the light and influences of the heavenly bodies, in like
manner as they are generated, and pass into many dissimilar forms of
things, and are changed by a perpetual law of succession. Yet the
interior parts imitate them, and betake themselves to their own source,
on the principle of terrene matter, albeit they have lost the first
qualities and the natural terrene form, and are borne towards the earth's
centre, and cohære with the globe of the earth, from which they cannot be
wrenched asunder except by force. But the loadstone and all magneticks,
not the stone only, but every magnetick homogenic substance, would seem
to contain the virtue of the earth's core and of its inmost bowels, and
to hold within itself and to have conceived that which is the secret and
inward principle of its substance; and it possesses the actions peculiar
to the globe of attracting, directing, disposing, rotating, stationing
itself in the universe, according to the rule of the whole, and it
contains and regulates the dominant powers of the globe; which are the
chief tokens and proofs of a certain distinguishing combination, and of a
nature most thoroughly conjoint. For if among actual bodies one sees
something move and breathe, and experience sensations, and be inclined
and impelled by reason, will one not, knowing and seeing this, conclude
that it is a man or something rather like a man, than that it is a stone
or a stick? The loadstone far excels all other bodies known to us in
virtues and properties pertaining to the common mother: but those
properties have been far too little understood or realized by
philosophers: for to its body bodies magnetical rush in from all sides
and cleave to it, as we see them do in the case of the earth. It has
poles, not mathematical points, but natural termini of force excelling in
primary efficiency by the co-operation of the whole: and there are poles
in like manner in the earth which our forefathers sought ever in the sky:
it has an æquator, a natural dividing line between the two poles, just as
the earth has: for of all lines drawn by the mathematicians on the
terrestrial globe, the æquator is the natural boundary, and is not, as
will hereafter appear, merely a mathematical circle. It, like the earth,
acquires Direction and stability toward North and South, as the earth
does; also it has a circular motion toward the position of the earth,
wherein it adjusts itself to its rule: it follows the ascensions and
declinations of the earth's poles, and conforms exactly to the same, and
by itself raises its own poles above the {42}horizon naturally
according to the law of the particular country and region, or sinks below
it. The loadstone derives temporary properties, and acquires its
verticity from the earth, and iron is affected by the verticity of the
globe even as iron is by a loadstone: Magneticks are conformable to and
are regulated by the earth, and are subject to the earth in all their
motions. All its movements harmonize with, and strictly wait upon, the
geometry and form of the earth, as we shall afterwards prove by most
conclusive experiments and diagrams; and the chief part of the visible
earth is also magnetical, and has magnetick motions, although it be
disfigured by corruptions and mutations without end. Why then do we not
recognize this the chief homogenic substance of the earth, likest of
substances to its inner nature and closest allied to its very marrow? For
none of the other mixed earths suitable for agriculture, no other
metalliferous veins, nor stones, nor sand, nor other fragments of the
earth which have come to our view possess such constant and peculiar
powers. And yet we do not assume that the whole interior of this globe of
ours is composed of stones or iron (although Franciscus Maurolycus, that
learned man, deems the whole of the earth's interior to consist of solid
stone). For not every loadstone that we have is a stone, it being
sometimes like a clod, or like clay and iron either firmly compacted
together out of various materials, or of a softer composition, or by heat
reduced to the metallick state; and the magnetick substance by reason of
its location and of its surroundings, and of the metallick matrix itself,
is distinguished, at the surface of the terrene mass, by many qualities
and adventitious natures, just as in clay it is marked by certain stones
and iron lodes. But we maintain that the true earth is a solid substance,
homogeneous with the globe, closely coherent, endowed with a primordial
and (as in the other globes of the universe) with a prepotent form; in
which position it persists with a fixed verticity, and revolves with a
necessary motion and an inherent tendency to turn, and it is this
constitution, when true and native, and not injured or disfigured by
outward defects, that the loadstone possesses above all bodies apparent
to us, as if it were a more truly homogenic part taken from the earth.
Accordingly native iron which sui generis (as metallurgists term
it), is formed when homogenic parts of the earth grow together into a
metallick lode; Loadstone being formed when they are changed into
metallick stone, or a lode of the finest iron, or steel: so in other iron
lodes the homogenic matter that goes together is somewhat more imperfect;
just as many parts of the earth, even the high ground, is homogenic but
so much more deformate. Smelted iron is fused and smelted out of
homogenic stuffs, and cleaves to the earth more tenaciously than the ores
themselves. Such then is our earth in its {43}inward parts, possessed
of a magnetick homogeneal nature, and upon such more perfect foundations
as these rests the whole nature of things terrestrial, manifesting itself
to us, in our more diligent scrutiny, everywhere in all magnetick
minerals, and iron ores, in all clay, and in numerous earths and stones;
while Aristotle's simple element, that most empty terrestrial phantom of
the Peripateticks, a rude, inert, cold, dry, simple matter, the universal
substratum, is dead, devoid of vigour, and has never presented itself to
any one, not even in sleep, and would be of no potency in nature. Our
philosophers were only dreaming when they spoke of a kind of simple and
inert matter. Cardan does not consider the loadstone to be any kind of
stone, "but a sort of perfected portion of some kind of earth that is
absolute; a token of which is its abundance, there being no place where
it is not found. And there is" (he says) "a power of iron in the wedded
Earth which is perfect in its own kind when it has received fertilizing
force from the male, that is to say, the stone of Hercules" (in his book
De Proportionibus). And later: "Because" (he says) "in the
previous proposition I have taught that iron is true earth." A strong
loadstone shows itself to be of the inward earth, and upon innumerable
tests claims to rank with the earth in the possession of a primary form,
that by which Earth herself abides in her own station and is directed in
her courses. Thus a weaker loadstone and every ore of iron, and nearly
all clay, or clayey earth, and numerous other sorts (yet more, or less,
owing to the different labefaction of fluids and slimes), keep their
magnetick and genuine earth-properties open to view, falling short of the
characteristic form, and deformate. For it is not iron alone (the smelted
metal) that points to the poles, nor is it the loadstone alone that is
attracted by another and made to revolve magnetically; but all iron ores,
and other stones, as Rhenish slates and the black ones from Avignon (the
French call them Ardoises) which they use for tiles, and many more
of other colours and substances, provided they have been prepared; as
well as all clay, grit[105], and some sorts of rocks, and, to
speak more clearly, all the more solid earth that is everywhere apparent;
given that that earth be not fouled with fatty and fluid corruptions; as
mud, as mire, as accumulations of putrid matter; nor deformate by the
imperfections of sundry admixtures; nor dripping with ooze, as marls; all
are attracted by the loadstone, when simply prepared by fire, and freed
from their refuse humour; and as by the loadstone so also by the earth
herself they are drawn and controlled magnetically, in a way different
from all other bodies; and by that inherent force settle themselves
according to the orderly arrangement and fabric of the universe and of
the Earth, as will appear {44}later. Thus every part of the earth which is
removed from it exhibits by sure experiments every impulse of the
magnetick nature; by its various motions it observes the globe of the
earth and the principle common to both.
ivers things concerning opinions about
the magnet-stone, and its variety, concerning its poles and its known
faculties, concerning iron, concerning the properties of iron, concerning
a magnetick substance common to both of these and to the earth itself,
have been spoken briefly by us in the former book. There remain the
magnetical motions, and their fuller philosophy, shown and demonstrated.
These motions are incitements of homogeneal parts either among themselves
or toward the primary conformation of the whole earth. Aristotle admits
only two simple motions of his elements, from the centre and toward the
centre; of light ones upward, heavy ones downward; so that in the earth
there exists one motion only of all its parts towards the centre of the
world,—a rude and inert precipitation. But what of it is light, and
how wrongly it is inferred by the Peripateticks from the simple motion of
the elements, and also what is its heavy part, we will discuss elsewhere.
But now our inquiry must be into the causes of other motions, depending
on its true form, which we have plainly seen in our magnetick bodies; and
these we have seen to be present in the earth and in all its homogenic
parts also. We have noticed that they harmonize with the earth, and are
bound up with its forces. Five movements[106] or differences of motions are then
observed by us: Coition (commonly called attraction), the {46}incitement to
magnetick union; Direction towards the poles of the earth, and the
verticity and continuance of the earth towards the determinate poles of
the world; Variation, a deflexion from the meridian, which we call a
perverted movement; Declination, a descent of the magnetick pole below
the horizon; and circular motion, or Revolution. Concerning all these we
shall discuss separately, and how they all proceed from a nature tending
to aggregation, either by verticity or by volubility. Jofrancus
Offusius[107] makes out
different magnetick motions; a first toward a centre; a second toward a
pole at seventy-seven degrees; a third toward iron; a fourth toward
loadstone. The first is not always to a centre, but exists only at the
poles in a straight course toward the centre, if the motion is magnetick;
otherwise it is only motion of matter toward its own mass and toward the
globe. The second toward a pole at seventy-seven degrees is no motion,
but is direction with respect to the pole of the earth, or variation. The
third and fourth are magnetick and are the same. So he truly recognizes
no magnetick motion except the Coition toward iron or loadstone, commonly
called attraction. There is another motion in the whole earth, which does
not exist towards the terrella or towards its parts; videlicet, a motion
of aggregation, and that movement of matter, which is called by
philosophers a right motion, of which elsewhere.
elebrated has the fame of the loadstone
and of amber ever been in the memoirs of the learned. Loadstone and also
amber do some philosophers invoke when in explaining many secrets their
senses become dim and reasoning cannot go further. Inquisitive
theologians also would throw light on the divine mysteries set beyond the
range of human sense, by means of loadstone and amber; just as idle
Metaphysicians, when they are setting up and teaching useless phantasms,
have recourse to the loadstone as if it were a Delphick sword, an
illustration always applicable to everything. But physicians even (with
the authority of {47}Galen), desiring to confirm the belief in
the attraction of purgative medicines by means of the likeness of
substance and the familiarities of the juices—truly a vain and
useless error—bring in the loadstone as witness as being a nature
of great authority and of conspicuous efficacy and a remarkable body. So
in very many cases there are some who, when they are pleading a cause and
cannot give a reason for it, bring in loadstone and amber as though they
were personified witnesses. But these men (apart from that common error)
being ignorant that the causes of magnetical motions are widely different
from the forces of amber, easily fall into error, and are themselves the
more deceived by their own cogitations. For in other bodies a conspicuous
force of attraction manifests itself otherwise than in loadstone; like as
in amber, concerning which some things must first be said, that it may
appear what is that attaching of bodies, and how it is different from and
foreign to the magnetical actions; those mortals being still ignorant,
who think that inclination to be an attraction, and compare it with the
magnetick coitions. The Greeks call it ἤλεκτρον[108] because it attracts
straws to itself, when it is warmed by rubbing; then it is called ἅρπαξ[109]; and χρυσοφόρον
from its golden colour. But the Moors call it Carabe[110], because they are accustomed to offer
the same in sacrifices and in the worship of the Gods. For Carab
signifies to offer in Arabic; so Carabe, an offering: or seizing chaff,
as Scaliger quotes from Abohalis, out of the Arabic or Persian language.
Some also call it Amber, especially the Indian and Ethiopian amber,
called in Latin Succinum, as if it were a juice[111]. The Sudavienses or Sudini[112] call it geniter,
as though it were generated terrestrially. The errors of the ancients
concerning its nature and origin having been exploded, it is certain that
amber comes for the most part from the sea, and the rustics collect it on
the coast after the more violent storms, with nets and other tackle; as
among the Sudini of Prussia; and it is also found sometimes on the coast
of our own Britain. It seems, however, to be produced also in the soil
and at spots of some depth, like other bitumens; to be washed out by the
waves of the sea; and to become concreted more firmly from the nature and
saltness of the sea-water. For it was at first a soft and viscous
material; wherefore also it contains enclosed and entombed in pieces of
it, shining in eternal sepulchres, flies, grubs, gnats, ants; which have
all flown or crept or fallen into it when it first flowed forth in a
liquid state[113]. The
ancients and also more recent writers recall (experience proving the same
thing), that amber attracts straws and chaff[114]. The same is also done by jet[115], which is dug out of the
earth in Britain, in Germany, and in very many lands, and is a rather
hard concretion from black bitumen, and as it were a transformation into
stone. There are many modern authors[116] who have written and copied from
others about amber and jet[117] attracting chaff, and about other {48}substances generally unknown; with whose
labours the shops of booksellers are crammed. Our own age has produced
many books about hidden, abstruse, and occult causes and wonders, in all
of which amber and jet are set forth as enticing chaff; but they treat
the subject in words alone, without finding any reasons or proofs from
experiments, their very statements obscuring the thing in a greater fog,
forsooth in a cryptic, marvellous, abstruse, secret, occult, way.
Wherefore also such philosophy produces no fruit, because very many
philosophers, making no investigation themselves, unsupported by any
practical experience, idle and inert, make no progress by their records,
and do not see what light they can bring to their theories; but their
philosophy rests simply on the use of certain Greek words, or uncommon
ones; after the manner of our gossips and barbers nowadays, who make show
of certain Latin words to an ignorant populace as the insignia of their
craft, and snatch at the popular favour. For it is not only amber and
* jet (as they suppose) which entice small bodies[118]; but Diamond, Sapphire,
Carbuncle, Iris gem[119],
Opal, Amethyst, Vincentina, and Bristolla (an English gem or spar)[120], Beryl, and Crystal[121] do the same. Similar
powers of attraction are seen also to be possessed by glass (especially
when clear and lucid), as also by false gems made of glass or Crystal, by
glass of antimony, and by many kinds of spars from the mines, and by
Belemnites. Sulphur also attracts, and mastick, and hard sealing-wax[122] compounded of lac
tinctured of various colours. Rather hard resin entices, as does
orpiment[123], but less
strongly; with difficulty also and indistinctly under a suitable dry
sky[124], Rock salt,
muscovy stone, and rock alum. This one may see when the air is sharp and
clear and rare in mid-winter, when the emanations from the earth hinder
electricks less, and the electrick bodies become * more firmly
indurated; about which hereafter. These substances draw everything, not
straws and chaff only[125],
but all metals, woods, leaves, stones, earths, even water and oil, and
everything which is subject to our senses, or is solid; although some
write that amber does not attract anything but chaff and certain twigs;
(wherefore Alexander Aphrodiseus falsely declares the question of amber
to be inexplicable, because it attracts dry chaff only, and not basil
leaves[126]), but these are
the utterly false and disgraceful tales of the writers. But in order that
you may be able clearly to test how such attraction occurs[127], and what those
materials[128] are which
thus entice other bodies (for even if bodies incline towards some of
these, yet on account of weakness they seem not to be raised by them, but
are more easily turned), make yourself a versorium of any metal you like,
three or four digits in length, resting rather lightly on its point of
support after the manner of a magnetick needle, to one end of which bring
up a piece of amber or a smooth {49}
and polished gem which has been gently rubbed; for the
versorium turns forthwith. Many things are thereby seen to attract, both
those which are formed by nature alone, and those which are by art
prepared, fused, and mixed; nor is this so much a singular property of
one or two things (as is commonly supposed), but the manifest nature of
very many, both of simple substances, remaining merely in their own form,
and of compositions, as of hard sealing-wax, & of certain other
mixtures besides, made of unctuous stuffs. We must, however, investigate
more fully whence that tendency arises, and what those forces be,
concerning which a few men have brought forward very little, the crowd of
philosophizers nothing at all. By Galen three kinds of attractives in
general were recognized in nature: a First class of those substances
which attract by their elemental quality, namely, heat; the Second is the
class of those which attract by the succession of a vacuum; the Third is
the class of those which attract by a property of their whole substance,
which are also quoted by Avicenna and others. These classes, however,
cannot in any way satisfy us; they neither embrace the causes of amber,
jet, and diamond, and of other similar substances (which derive their
forces on account of the same virtue); nor of the loadstone, and of all
magnetick substances, which obtain their virtue by a very dissimilar and
alien influence from them, derived from other sources. Wherefore also it
is fitting that we find other causes of the motions, or else we must
wander (as in darkness), with these men, and in no way reach the goal.
Amber truly does* not allure by heat, since if warmed by fire
and brought near straws, it does not attract them, whether it be tepid,
or hot, or glowing, or even when forced into the flame. Cardan (as also
Pictorio) reckons that this happens in no different way[129] than with the cupping-glass, by the
force of fire. Yet the attracting force of the cupping-glass does not
really come from the force of fire. But he had previously said that the
dry substance wished to imbibe fatty humour, and therefore it was borne
towards it. But these statements are at variance with one another, and
also foreign to reason. For if amber had moved towards its food, or if
other bodies had inclined towards amber as towards provender, there would
have been a diminution of the one which was devoured, just as there would
have been a growth of the other which was sated. Then why should an
attractive force of fire be looked for in amber? If the attraction
existed from heat, why should not very many other bodies also attract, if
warmed by fire, by the sun, or by friction? Neither can the attraction be
on account of the dissipating of the air, when it takes place in open air
(yet Lucretius the poet adduces this as the reason for magnetical
motions). Nor in the cupping-glass can heat or fire attract by feeding on
air: in the cupping-glass air, having been exhausted into flame, {50}when it
condenses again and is forced into a narrow space, makes the skin and
flesh rise in avoiding a vacuum. In the open air warm things cannot
attract, not metals even or stones, if they should * be strongly
incandescent by fire. For a rod of glowing iron, or a flame, or a candle,
or a blazing torch, or a live coal, when they are brought near to straws,
or to a versorium, do not attract; yet at the same time they manifestly
call in the air in succession; because they consume it, as lamps do oil.
But concerning heat, how it is reckoned by the crowd of philosophizers,
in natural philosophy and in materia medica to exert an attraction
otherwise than nature allows, to which true attractions are falsely
imputed, we will discuss more at length elsewhere, when we shall
determine what are the properties of heat and cold. They are very general
qualities or kinships of a substance, and yet are not to be assigned as
true causes, and, if I may say so, those philosophizers utter some
resounding words; but about the thing itself prove nothing in particular.
Nor does this attraction accredited to amber arise from any singular
quality of the substance or kinship, since by more thorough research we
find the same effect in very many other bodies; and all bodies, moreover,
of whatever quality, are allured by all those bodies. Similarity also is
not the cause; because all things around us placed on this globe of the
earth, similar and dissimilar, are allured by amber and bodies of this
kind; and on that account no cogent analogy is to be drawn either from
similarity or identity of substance. But neither do similars mutually
attract one another, as stone stone, flesh flesh, nor aught else outside
the class of magneticks and electricks. Fracastorio would have it that
"things which mutually attract one another are similars, as being of the
same species, either in action or in right subjection. Right subjection
is that from which is emitted the emanation which attracts and which in
mixtures often lies hidden on account of their lack of form, by reason of
which they are often different in act from what they are in potency.
Hence it may be that hairs and twigs move towards amber and towards
diamond, not because they are hairs, but because either there is shut up
in them air or some other principle, which is attracted in the first
place, and which bears some relation and analogy to that which attracts
of itself; in which diamond and amber agree through a principle common to
each." Thus far Fracastorio. Who if he had observed by a large number of
experiments that all bodies are drawn to electricks except those which
are aglow and aflame, and highly rarefied, would never have given a
thought to such things. It is easy for men of acute intellect, apart from
experiments and practice, to slip and err. In greater error do they
remain sunk who maintain these same substances to be not similar, but to
be substances near akin; and hold that on that account a thing moves
towards another, its like, by which it is brought to more perfection. But
these are {51}ill-considered views; for towards all
electricks all things move[130] except such as are aflame or are too
highly rarefied, as air, which is the universal effluvium of this globe
and of the world. Vegetable substances draw moisture by which their
shoots are rejoiced and grow; from analogy with that, however,
Hippocrates, in his De Natura Hominis, Book I., wrongly concluded
that the purging of morbid humour took place by the specifick force of
the drug. Concerning the action and potency of purgatives we shall speak
elsewhere. Wrongly also is attraction inferred in other effects; as in
the case of a flagon full of water, when buried in a heap of wheat,
although well stoppered, the moisture is drawn out; since this moisture
is rather resolved into vapour by the emanation of the fermenting wheat,
and the wheat imbibes the freed vapour. Nor do elephants' tusks attract
moisture, but drive it into vapour or absorb it. Thus then very many
things are said to attract, the reasons for whose energy must be sought
from other causes. Amber in a fairly large mass allures, if* it is polished; in a smaller mass or less pure it seems
not to attract without friction. But very many electricks (as precious
stones and some other substances) do not attract at all unless rubbed. On
the other hand many gems, as well as other bodies, are polished, yet
do* not allure, and by no amount of friction are they
aroused; thus the emerald, agate, carnelian, pearls, jasper, chalcedony,
alabaster, porphyry, coral, the marbles, touchstone, flint, bloodstone,
emery[131], do not acquire
any power; nor do bones, or ivory, or the hardest woods, as ebony, nor do
cedar, juniper, or cypress; nor do metals, silver, gold, brass, iron, nor
any loadstone, though many of them are finely polished and shine. But on
the other hand there are some other polished substances of which we have
spoken before, toward which, when they have been rubbed, bodies incline.
This we shall understand only when we have more closely looked into the
prime origin of bodies. It is plain to all, and all admit, that the mass
of the earth, or rather the structure and crust of the earth, consists of
a twofold material, namely, of fluid and humid matter, and of material of
more consistency and dry. From this twofold nature or the more simple
compacting of one, various substances take their rise among us, which
originate in greater proportion now from the earthy, now from the aqueous
nature. Those substances which have received their chief growth from
moisture, whether aqueous or fatty, or have taken on their form by a
simpler compacting from them, or have been compacted from these same
materials in long ages, if they have a sufficiently firm hardness, if
rubbed after they have been polished and when they remain bright with the
friction—towards those substances everything, if presented to them
in the air, turns, if its too heavy weight does not prevent it. For amber
has been compacted of moisture, and jet also. Lucid gems are made of
water; just as Crystal[132], which has been concreted from clear
water, not {52}always by a very great cold, as some used to
judge, and by very hard frost, but sometimes by a less severe one, the
nature of the soil fashioning it, the humour or juices being shut up in
definite cavities, in the way in which spars are produced in mines. So
clear glass is fused out of sand, and from other substances, which have
their origin in humid juices. But the dross of metals, as also metals,
stones, rocks, woods, contain earth rather, or are mixed with a good deal
of earth; * and therefore they do not attract. Crystal,
mica, glass, and all electricks do not attract if they are burnt or
roasted; for their primordial supplies of moisture perish by heat, and
are changed and exhaled. All things therefore which have sprung from a
predominant moisture and are firmly concreted, and retain the appearance
of spar and its resplendent nature in a firm and compact body, allure all
bodies, whether humid or dry. Those, however, which partake of the true
earth-substance or are very little different from it, are seen to attract
also, but from a far different reason, and (so to say) magnetically;
concerning these we intend to speak afterwards. But those substances
which are more mixed of water and earth, and are produced by the equal
degradation of each element (in which the magnetick force of the earth is
deformed and remains buried; while the watery humour, being fouled by
joining with a more plentiful supply of earth, has not concreted in
itself but is mingled with earthy matter), can in no way of themselves
attract or move from its place anything which they do not touch. On this
account metals, marbles, flints, woods, herbs, flesh, and very many other
things can neither allure nor solicit any body either magnetically or
electrically. (For it pleases us to call that an electrick force, which
hath * its origin from the humour.) But substances consisting
mostly of humour, and which are not very firmly compacted by nature
(whereby do they neither bear rubbing, but either melt down and become
soft, or are not levigable, such as pitch, the softer kinds of resin,
camphor, galbanum, ammoniack[133], storax, asafœtida, benzoin,
asphaltum, especially in rather warm weather) towards them small bodies
are not borne; for without rubbing most electricks do not * emit their peculiar and native exhalation and
effluvium. The resin turpentine when liquid does not attract; for it
cannot be rubbed; but if it has hardened into a mastick it does attract.
But now at length we must understand why small bodies turn towards those
substances which have drawn their origin from water; by what force and
with what hands (so to speak) electricks seize upon kindred natures. In
all bodies in the world two causes or principles have been laid down,
from which the bodies themselves were produced, matter and form[134]. Electrical motions
become strong from matter, but magnetick from form chiefly; and they
differ widely from one another and turn out unlike, since the one is
ennobled by numerous virtues and is prepotent; the other is ignoble and
of less potency, and {53}mostly restrained, as it were, within
certain barriers; and therefore that force must at times be aroused by
attrition or friction, until it is at a dull heat and gives off an
effluvium and a polish is induced on the body. For spent air, either
blown out of the mouth or given* off from moister air, chokes the
virtue. If indeed either a sheet of paper or a piece of linen be
interposed, there will be no movement. But a loadstone, without friction
or heat, whether dry or suffused with moisture, as well in air as in
water, invites magneticks, even with the most solid bodies interposed,
even planks of wood or pretty thick slabs of stone or sheets of metal. A
loadstone appeals to magneticks* only; towards electricks all
things move. A loadstone[135] raises great weights; so that if there
is a loadstone weighing two ounces and strong, it attracts half an ounce
or a whole ounce. An electrical substance only attracts very small
weights; as, for instance, a piece of amber of three ounces weight, when
rubbed, scarce raises a fourth part of a grain of barley. But this
attraction of amber and of electrical substances must be further
investigated; and since there is this particular affection of matter, it
may be asked why is amber rubbed, and what affection is produced by the
rubbing, and what causes arise which make it lay hold on everything? As a
result of friction it grows slightly warm and becomes smooth; two results
which must often occur together. A large polished fragment of amber or
jet attracts indeed, even without friction, but less strongly; but if it
be brought gently near a flame or a live coal, so that it equally becomes
warm, it does not attract small bodies because* it is
enveloped in a cloud from the body of the flaming substance, which emits
a hot breath, and then impinges upon it vapour from a foreign body which
for the most part is at variance with the nature of amber. Moreover the
spirit of the amber which is called forth is enfeebled by alien heat;
wherefore it ought not to have heat excepting that produced by motion
only and friction, and, as it were, its own, not sent into it by other
bodies. For as the igneous heat emitted from any burning substance cannot
be so used that electricks may acquire their force from it; so also heat
from the solar rays does not fit an electrick by the loosening of
its* right material, because it dissipates rather and
consumes it (albeit a body which has been rubbed retains its virtue
longer exposed to the rays of the sun than in the shade; because in the
shade the effluvia are condensed to a greater degree and more quickly).
Then again the fervour from the light of the Sun aroused by means of
a* burning mirror confers no vigour on the heated amber[136]; indeed it dissipates
and corrupts all the electrick effluvia. Again, burning* sulphur and hard wax, made from shell-lac, when aflame
do not allure; for heat from friction resolves bodies into effluvia,
which flame consumes away. For it is impossible for solid electricks to
be resolved into their own true effluvia otherwise than by attrition,
save {54}in the case of certain substances which by
reason of innate vigour emit effluvia constantly. They are rubbed with
bodies which do not befoul their surface, and which produce a polish, as
pretty stiff silk or a rough wool rag which is as little soiled as
possible, or the dry palm. Amber also is rubbed with amber, with diamond,
and with glass, and numerous other substances. Thus are electricks
manipulated. These things being so, what is it which moves? Is it the
body itself, inclosed within its own circumference? Or is it something
imperceptible to us, which flows out from the substance into the ambient
air? Somewhat as Plutarch opines, saying in his Quæstiones
Platonicæ[137]: That
there is in amber something flammable or something having the nature of
breath, and this by the attrition of the surface being emitted from its
relaxed pores attracts bodies. And if it be an effusion does it seize
upon the air whose motion the bodies follow, or upon the bodies
themselves? But if amber allured the body itself, then what need were
there of friction, if it is bare and smooth? Nor does the force arise
from the light which is reflected from a smooth and polished body; for a
Gem of Vincent's rock[138],
Diamond, and clear glass, attract when they are rough; but not so
powerfully and quickly, because they are not so readily cleansed from
extraneous moisture on the surface, and are not rubbed equally so as to
be copiously resolved at that part. Nor does the sun by its own beams of
light and its rays, which are of capital importance in nature, attract
bodies in this way; and yet the herd of philosophizers considers that
humours are attracted by the sun, when it is only denser humours that are
being turned into thinner, into spirit and air; and so by the motion of
effusion they ascend into the upper regions, or the attenuated
exhalations are raised up from the denser air. Nor does it seem to take
place from the effluvia attenuating the air, so that bodies impelled by
the denser air penetrate towards the source of the rarefaction; in this
case both hot and flaming bodies would also allure other bodies; but not
even the lightest chaff, or any versorium moves towards a flame. If there
is a flow and rush of air towards the body, how can a small diamond of
the size of a pea[139]
summon towards itself so much air, that it seizes hold of a biggish long
body placed in equilibrio (the air about one or other very small part of
an end being attracted)? It ought also to have slopped or moved more
slowly, before it came into contact with the body, especially if the
piece of amber was rather broad and flat, from the accumulation of air on
the surface of the amber and its flowing back again. If it is because the
effluvia are thinner, and denser vapours come in return, as in breathing,
then the body would rather have had a motion toward the electrick a
little while after the beginning of the application; but when electricks
which have been rubbed are applied quickly to * a versorium
then especially at once they act on the versorium, and it is attracted
more when near them. But if it is because the rarefied {55}effluvia produce
a rarefied medium, and on that account bodies are more prone to slip down
from a denser to a more attenuated medium; they might have been carried
from the side in this way or downwards, but not to bodies above them; or
the attraction and apprehension of contiguous bodies would have been
momentary only. But with a single friction jet and amber draw and attract
bodies to them strongly and for a long time, sometimes for the twelfth
part of an hour, especially in clear weather. But if the mass of amber be
rather large, and the surface polished, it attracts without friction.
Flint is rubbed and emits by attrition an inflammable matter that turns
into sparks and heat. Therefore the denser effluvia of flint producing
fire are very far different from electrical effluvia, which on account of
their extreme attenuation do not take fire, nor are fit material for
flame. Those effluvia are not of the nature of breath, for when emitted
they do not propel anything, but are exhaled without sensible resistance
and touch bodies. They are highly attenuated humours much more subtile
than the ambient air; and in order that they may occur, bodies are
required produced from humour and concreted with a considerable degree of
hardness. Non-electrick bodies are not resolved into humid effluvia, and
those effluvia mix with the common and general effluvia of the earth, and
are not peculiar. Also besides the attraction of bodies, they retain them
longer. It is probable therefore that amber does exhale something
peculiar to * itself, which allures bodies themselves, not
the intermediate air. Indeed it plainly does draw the body itself in the
case of a spherical drop of water standing on a dry surface; for a piece
of amber applied to it at a suitable distance pulls the nearest parts out
of their position and draws it up into a cone; otherwise, if it were
* drawn by means of the air rushing along, the whole drop
would have moved. That it does not attract the air is thus demonstrated:
take a very thin wax candle, which makes a very small and clear flame;
bring up to this, within two digits or any convenient distance, a piece
of amber or jet, a broad flat piece, well prepared * and
skilfully rubbed, such a piece of amber as would attract bodies far and
wide, yet it does not disturb the flame; which of necessity would have
occurred, if the air was disturbed, for the flame would have followed the
current of air. As far as the effluvia are sent out, so far it allures;
but as a body approaches, its motion is accelerated, stronger forces
drawing it; as also in the case of magneticks and in all natural motion;
not by attenuating or by expelling the air, so that the body moves down
into the place of the air which has gone out[140]; for thus it would have allured only
and would not have retained; since it would at first also have repelled
approaching bodies just as it drives the air itself; but indeed a
particle, be it ever so small, does not avoid the first application made
very quickly after rubbing. An effluvium exhales from amber and is
emitted by rubbing: pearls, carnelian, agate, jasper, chalcedony, coral,
metals, {56}and other substances of that kind, when they
are rubbed, produce no effect. Is there not also something which is
exhaled from them by heat and attrition? Most truly; but from grosser
bodies more blended with the earthy nature, that which is exhaled is
gross and spent; for even towards very many electricks, if they are
rubbed * too hard, there is produced but a weak attraction of
bodies, or none at all; the attraction is best when the rubbing has been
gentle and very quick; for so the finest effluvia are evoked. The
effluvia arise from the subtile diffusion of humour, not from excessive
and turbulent violence; especially in the case of those substances which
have been compacted from unctuous matter, which when the atmosphere is
very thin, when the North winds, and amongst us (English) the East winds,
are blowing, have a surer and firmer effect, but during South winds and
in damp weather, only a weak one; so that those * substances
which attract with difficulty in clear weather, in thick weather produce
no motion at all; both because in grosser air lighter substances move
with greater difficulty; and especially because the effluvia are stifled,
and the surface of the body that has been rubbed is affected by the spent
humour of the air, and the effluvia are stopped at their very starting.
On that account in the case of amber, jet, and sulphur, because they do
not so easily take up moist air on their surface and are much more
plenteously set free, that force is not so quickly suppressed as in gems,
crystal, glass, and substances of that kind which collect on their
surface the moister breath which has grown heavy. But it may be asked why
does amber allure water, when water placed on its surface removes its
action? Evidently because it is one thing to suppress it at its very
start, and quite another to extinguish it when it has been * emitted. So also thin and very fine silk, in common
language Sarcenet, placed quickly on the amber, after it has been
rubbed, * hinders the attraction of the body; but if it is
interposed in the intervening space, it does not entirely obstruct it.
Moisture also from spent air, and any breath blown from the mouth, as
well as water put on the amber, immediately extinguishes its force. But
oil, which is light and pure, does not hinder it; for although amber
* be rubbed with a warm finger dipped in oil, still it
attracts. But * if that amber, after the rubbing, is
moistened with aqua vitæ or spirits of wine, it does not attract;
for it is heavier than oil, denser, and when added to oil sinks beneath
it. For oil is light and rare, and does not resist the most delicate
effluvia. A breath therefore, proceeding from a body which had been
compacted from humour or from a watery liquid, reaches the body to be
attracted; the body that is reached is united with the attracting body,
and the one body lying near the other within the peculiar radius of its
effluvia makes one out of two; united, they come together into the
closest accord, and this is commonly called attraction. This unity,
according to {57}the opinion of Pythagoras, is the principle
of all things, and through participation in it each several thing is said
to be one. For since no action can take place by means of matter unless
by contact, these electricks are not seen to touch, but, as was
necessary, something is sent from the one to the other, something which
may touch closely and be the beginning of that incitement. All bodies are
united and, as it were, cemented together in some way by moisture; so
that a wet body, when it touches another body, attracts it, if it is
small. So wet bodies on the surface of water attract wet bodies. But the
peculiar electrical effluvia, which are the most subtile material of
diffuse humour, entice corpuscles. Air (the common effluvium of the
earth) not only unites the disjointed parts, but the earth calls bodies
back to itself by means of the intervening air; otherwise bodies which
are in higher places would not so eagerly make for the earth. Electrical
effluvia differ greatly from air; and as air is the effluvium of the
earth, so electricks have their own effluvia and properties, each of them
having by reason of its peculiar effluvia a singular tendency toward
unity, a motion toward its origin and fount, and toward the body emitting
the effluvia. But those substances which by attrition emit a gross or
vapourous or aeriform effluvium produce no effect; for either such
effluvia are alien to the humour (the uniter of all things), or being
very like common air are blended with the air and intermingle with the
air, wherefore they produce no effect in the air, and do not cause
motions different from those so universal and common in nature. In like
manner * bodies strive to be united and move on the surface of
water, just
as the rod C, which is put a little way under water. It is
plain that the rod E F, which floats on the water by reason of the cork
H, and only has its wet end F above the surface of the water, is
attracted by the rod C, if the rod C is wet a little above the surface of
the water; they are suddenly united, just as a drop adjoining a drop is
attracted. So a wet thing on the surface of water seeks union with a wet
thing, since the surface of the water is raised on both; and they
immediately flow together, just like drops or bubbles. But they are in
much greater proximity than electricks, and are united by their clammy
natures. If, however, the whole rod be dry * above the
water, it no longer attracts, but drives away the stick E F. The same is
seen in those bubbles also which are made on {58}water. For we see one
drive towards another, and the quicker the nearer they are. Solids are
impelled towards solids by the medium of liquid: for example, touch the
end of a versorium with the end of a rod on which a drop of water is
projecting; as soon as the versorium touches the top of the droplet,
immediately it is joined * strongly by a swift motion to
the body of the rod. So concreted humid things attract when a little
resolved into air (the effluvia in the intermediate space tending to
produce unity); for water has on wet bodies, or on bodies wet with
abundant moisture on the top of water, the force of an effluvium. Clear
air is a convenient medium for an electrical effluvium excited from
concreted humour. Wet bodies projecting above the surface of water (if
they are near) run together so that they may unite; for the surface of
the water is raised around wet substances. But a dry thing is not
impelled to a wet one, nor a wet to a dry, but seems to run away. For if
all is dry above the water, the surface of the water close to it does not
rise, but shuns it, the wave sinking around a dry thing. So neither does
a wet thing move towards the dry rim of a vessel; but it seeks
a wet rim. A B is the surface
of the water; C D two rods, which stand up wet above the water; it is
manifest that the surface of the water is raised at C and D along with
the rods; and therefore the rod C, by reason of the water standing up
(which seeks its level and unity), moves with the water to D. On E, on
the other hand, a wet rod, the water also rises; but on the dry rod F the
surface is depressed; and as it drives to depress also the wave rising on
E in its neighbourhood, the higher wave at E turns away from F[141]; for it does not suffer
itself to be depressed. All electrical attraction occurs through an
intervening humour; so it is by reason of humour that all things mutually
come together; fluids indeed and aqueous bodies on the surface of water,
but concreted things, if they have been resolved into vapour, in
air;—in air indeed, the effluvium of electricks being very rare,
that it may the better permeate the medium and not impel it by its
motion; for if that effluvium had been thick, as that of air, or of the
winds, or of saltpetre burnt by fire, as the thick and foul effluvia
given out with very great force, from other bodies, or air set free from
humour by heat rushing out through a pipe (in the instrument of Hero of
Alexandria, described in his {59}book Spiritalia), then the effluvium
would drive everything away, not allure it. But those rarer effluvia take
hold of bodies and embrace them as if with arms extended, with the
electricks to which they are united; and they are drawn to the source,
the effluvia increasing in strength with the proximity. But what is that
effluvium from crystal, glass, and diamond, since these are bodies of
considerable hardness and firmly concreted? In order that such an
effluvium should be produced, there is no need of any marked or
perceptible flux[142] of
the substance; nor is it necessary that the electrick should be abraded,
or worn away, or deformed. Some odoriferous substances are fragrant for
many years, exhaling continually, yet are not quickly consumed. Cypress
wood as long as it is sound, and it lasts a very long time indeed, is
redolent; as many learned men attest from experience. Such an electrick
only for a moment, when stimulated by friction, emits powers far more
subtile and more fine beyond all odours; yet sometimes amber, jet,
sulphur, when they are somewhat easily let free into vapour, also pour
out at the same time an odour; and on this account they allure with the
very gentlest rubbing, often even without rubbing; they also excite more
strongly, and retain hold for a longer time, because they have stronger
effluvia and last longer. But diamond, glass, rock-crystal, * and numerous others of the harder and firmly concreted
gems first grow warm: therefore at first they are rubbed longer, and then
they also attract strongly; nor are they otherwise set free into vapour.
Everything rushes towards electricks[143] excepting flame, and flaming bodies,
and the thinnest air. Just as they do not draw flame, in like manner they
do not affect a versorium, if on any side it is very near to a flame,
either the flame of a lamp or of any burning matter. It is manifest
indeed that the effluvia are destroyed by flame and igneous * heat; and therefore they attract neither flame nor
bodies very near a flame. For electrical effluvia have the virtue of, and
are analogous with, extenuated humour; but they will produce their
effect, union and continuity, not by the external impulse of vapours, not
by heat and attenuation of heated bodies, but by their humidity itself
attenuated into its own peculiar effluvia. Yet they entice * smoke sent out by an extinguished light; and the more
that smoke is attenuated in seeking the upper regions, the less strongly
is it turned aside; for things that are too rarefied are not drawn to
them; and at length, when it has now almost vanished, it does not * incline towards them at all, which is easily seen
against the light. When in fact the smoke has passed into air, it is not
moved, as has been demonstrated before. For air itself, if somewhat thin,
is not attracted in any way, unless on account of succeeding that which
has vacated its place, as in furnaces and such-like, where the air is fed
in by mechanical devices for drawing it in. Therefore an effluvium
resulting from a non-fouling friction, and one which {60}is not changed
by heat, but which is its own, causes union and coherency, a prehension
and a congruence towards its source, if only the body to be attracted is
not unfitted for motion, either by the surroundings of the bodies or by
its own weight. To the bodies therefore of the electricks themselves
small bodies are borne. The effluvia extend out their
virtue—effluvia which are proper and peculiar to them, and sui
generis, differing from common air, being produced from humour,
excited by a calorifick motion from attrition and attenuation. And as if
they were material rays[144], they hold and take up chaff, straws,
and twigs, until they become extinct or vanish away: and then they (the
corpuscles) being loosed again, attracted by the earth itself, fall down
to the earth. The difference between Magneticks and Electricks[145] is that all magneticks
run together with mutual forces; electricks only allure; that which is
allured is not changed by an implanted force, but that which has moved up
to * them voluntarily rests upon them by the law of matter.
Bodies are borne towards electricks in a straight line towards the centre
of the electrick; a loadstone draws a loadstone directly at the poles
only, in other parts obliquely and transversely, and in this way also
they adhere and hang to one another. Electrical motion is a motion of
aggregation of matter; magnetical motion is one of disposition and
conformation. The globe of the earth is aggregated and cohæres by itself
electrically. The globe of the earth is directed and turned magnetically;
at the same time also it both cohæres, and in order that it may be solid,
is in its inmost parts cemented together.
iscussion having now been made concerning
electricks, the causes of magnetick coition must be set forth. We say
coition, not attraction[146]. The word attraction unfortunately
crept into magnetick philosophy from the ignorance of the ancients; for
there seems to be force applied where there is attraction and an
imperious violence dominates. For, if ever there is talk about magnetick
attraction, we understand thereby magnetick coition, or a primary running
together. Now in truth it will not be useless here first briefly to set
forth the views given by others, both the ancient {61}and the more modern
writers. Orpheus in his hymns[147] narrates that iron is attracted by
loadstone as the bride to the arms of her espoused. Epicurus holds that
iron is attracted by a loadstone just as straws by amber; "and," he adds,
"the Atoms and indivisible particles which are given off by the stone and
by the iron fit one another in shape; so that they easily cling to one
another; when therefore these solid particles of stone or of iron strike
against one another, then they rebound into space, being brought against
one another by the way, and they draw the iron along with them." But this
cannot be the case in the least; since solid and very dense substances
interposed, even squared blocks of marble, do not obstruct this power,
though they can separate atoms from atoms; and the stone and the iron
would be speedily dissipated into such profuse and perpetual streams of
atoms. In the case of amber, since there is another different method of
attracting, the Epicurean atoms cannot fit one another in shape. Thales,
as Aristotle writes, De Anima, Bk. I., deemed the loadstone to be
endowed with a soul of some sort, because it had the power of moving and
drawing iron towards it. Anaxagoras also held the same view. In the
Timæus of Plato there is an idle fancy[148] about the efficacy of the stone of
Hercules. For he says that "all flowings of water, likewise the fallings
of thunderbolts, and the things which are held wonderful in the
attraction of Amber, and of the Herculean stone, are such that in all
these there is never any attraction; but since there is no vacuum, the
particles drive one another mutually around, and when they are dispersed
and congregated together, they all pass, each to its proper seat, but
with changed places; and it is forsooth, on account of these
intercomplicated affections that the effects seem to arouse the wonder in
him who has rightly investigated them." Galen does not know why Plato
should have seen fit to select the theory of circumpulsion rather than
that of attraction (differing almost on this point alone from
Hippocrates), though indeed it does not agree in reality with either
reason or experiment. Nor indeed is either the air or anything else
circumpelled; and the bodies themselves which are attracted are carried
towards the attracting substance not confusedly, or in an orbe.
Lucretius, the poet of the Epicurean sect, sang his opinion of it
[149]First, then, know,
Ceaseless effluvia from the magnet flow,—
Effluvia, whose superior powers expel
The air that lies between the stone and steel.
A vacuum formed, the steely atoms fly
In a link'd train, and all the void supply;
While the whole ring to which the train is join'd
The influence owns, and follows close behind. &c.
Such a reason Plutarch also alleges in the Quæstiones Platonicæ: That that stone gives off heavy exhalations, whereby the adjacent air, being impelled along, condenses that which is in front of it; and that air, being driven round in an orbe and reverting to the place it had vacated, drags the iron forcibly along with it. The following explanation of the virtues of the loadstone and of amber is propounded by Johannes Costæus of Lodi[150]. For he would have it that "there is mutual work and mutual result, and therefore the motion is partly due to the attraction of the loadstone and partly to a spontaneous movement on the part of the iron: For as we say that vapours issuing from the loadstone hasten by their own nature to attract the iron, so also the air repelled by the vapours, whilst seeking a place for itself, is turned back, and when turned back, it impels the iron, lifts it up, as it were, and carries it along; the iron being of itself also excited somehow. So by being drawn out and by a spontaneous motion, and by striking against another substance, there is in some way produced a composite motion, which motion would nevertheless be rightly referred to attraction, because the terminus from which this motion invariably begins is the same terminus at which it ends, which is the characteristic proper of an attraction." There is certainly a mutual action, not an operation, nor does the loadstone attract in that way; nor is there any impulsion. But neither is there that origination of the motion by the vapours, and the turning of them back, which opinion of Epicurus has so often been quoted by others. Galen errs in his De Naturalibus Facultatibus, Book I., chap. 14, when he expresses the view that whatever agents draw out either the venom of serpents or darts also exhibit the same power as the loadstone. Now of what sort may be the attraction of such medicaments (if indeed it may be called attraction) we shall consider elsewhere. Drugs against poisons or darts have no relation to, no similitude with, the action of magnetical bodies. The followers of Galen (who hold that purgative medicaments attract because of similitude of substance) say that bodies are attracted on account of similitude, not identity, of substance; wherefore the loadstone draws iron, but iron does not draw iron. But we declare and prove that this happens in primary bodies, and in those bodies that are pretty closely related to them and especially like in kind one to another, on account of their identity; wherefore also loadstone draws loadstone and likewise iron iron; every really true earth draws earth; and iron fortified by a loadstone within the orbe of whose virtue it is placed draws iron more strongly than it does the loadstone. Cardan asks why no other metal is attracted by any other stone; because (he replies) no metal is so cold as iron; as if indeed cold were the cause of the attraction, or as if iron were much colder than lead, which neither follows nor is deflected towards a loadstone. {63}But that is a chilly story, and worse than an old woman's tale. So also is the notion that the loadstone is alive and that iron is its food. But how does the loadstone feed on the iron, when the filings in which it is kept are neither consumed nor become lighter? Cornelius Gemma, Cosmographia, Bk. X.[151], holds that the loadstone draws iron to it by insensible rays, to which opinion he conjoins a story of a sucking fish and another about an antelope. Guilielmus Puteanus[152] derives it, "not from any property of the whole substance unknown to any one and which cannot be demonstrated in any way (as Galen, and after him almost all the physicians, have asserted), but from the essential nature of the thing itself, as if moving from the first by itself, and, as it were, by its own most powerful nature and from that innate temperament, as it were an instrument, which its substance, its effective nature uses in its operations, or a secondary cause and deprived of its intermediary"; so the loadstone attracts the iron not without a physical cause and for the sake of some good. But there is no such thing in other substances springing from some material form; unless it were primary, which he does not recognize. But certes good is shown to the loadstone by the stroke of the iron (as it were, association with a friend); yet it cannot either be discovered or conceived how that disposition may be the instrument of form. For what can temperament do in magnetical motions, which must be compared with the fixed, definite, constant motions of the stars, at great distances in case of the interposition of very dense and thick bodies? To Baptista Porta[153] the loadstone seems a sort of mixture of stone and iron, in such a way that it is an iron stone or stony iron. "But I think" (he says) "the Loadstone is a mixture of stone and iron, as an iron stone, or a stone of iron. Yet do not think the stone is so changed into iron, as to lose its own Nature, nor that the iron is so drowned in the stone, but it preserves itself; and whilst one labours to get the victory of the other, the attraction is made by the combat between them. In that body there is more of the stone than of iron; and therefore the iron, that it may not be subdued by the stone, desires the force and company of iron; that being not able to resist alone, it may be able by more help to defend itself.... The Loadstone draws not stones, because it wants them not, for there is stone enough in the body of it; and if one Loadstone draw another, it is not for the stone, but for the iron that is in it." As if in the loadstone the iron were a distinct body and not mixed up as the other metals in their ores! And that these, being so mixed up, should fight with one another, and should extend their quarrel, and that in consequence of the battle auxiliary forces should be called in, is indeed absurd. But iron itself, when excited by a loadstone, seizes iron no less strongly than the loadstone. Therefore those fights, seditions, and conspiracies in the stone, as if it were nursing up perpetual quarrels, {64}whence it might seek auxiliary forces, are the ravings of a babbling old woman, not the inventions of a distinguished mage. Others have lit upon sympathy as the cause. There may be fellow-feeling, and yet the cause is not fellow-feeling; for no passion can rightly be said to be an efficient cause. Others hold likeness of substance, many others insensible rays as the cause; men who also in very many cases often wretchedly misuse rays, which were first introduced in the natural sciences by the mathematicians. More eruditely does Scaliger[154] say that the iron moves toward the loadstone as if toward its parent, by whose secret principles it may be perfected, just as the earth toward its centre. The Divine Thomas[155] does not differ much from him, when in the 7th book of his Physica he discusses the reasons of motions. "In another way," he says, "it may be said to attract a thing, because it moves it to itself by altering it in some way, from which alteration it happens that when altered it moves according to its position, and in this manner the loadstone is said to attract iron. For as the parent moves things whether heavy or light, in as far as it gives them a form, by means of which they are moved to their place; so also the loadstone gives a certain quality to the iron, in accordance with which it moves towards it." This by no means ill-conceived opinion this most learned man shortly afterwards endeavoured to confirm by things which had obtained little credence respecting the loadstone and the adverse forces of garlick. Cardinal Cusan[156] also is not to be despised. "Iron has," he says, "in the loadstone a certain principle of its own effluence; and whilst the loadstone by its own presence excites the heavy and ponderous iron, the iron is borne by a wonderful yearning, even above the motion of nature (by which in accordance with its weight it ought to tend downwards) and moves upwards, in uniting itself with its own principle. For if there were not in the iron a certain natural foretaste of the loadstone itself, it would not move to the loadstone any more than to any other stone; and unless there were in the stone a greater inclination for iron than for copper, there would not be that attraction." Such are the opinions expressed about the loadstone attracting (or the general sense of each), all dubious and untrustworthy. But those causes of the magnetical motions, which in the schools of the Philosophers are referred to the four elements and the prime qualities, we relinquish to the moths and the worms.
elinquishing the opinions of others on
the attraction of loadstone, we shall now show the reason of that coition
and the translatory nature of that motion. Since there are really two
kinds of bodies, which seem to allure bodies with motions manifest to our
senses, Electricks and Magneticks, the Electricks produce the tendency by
natural effluvia from humour; the Magneticks by agencies due to form, or
rather by the prime forces. This form is unique, and particular, not the
formal cause of the Peripateticks, or the specifick in mixtures, or the
secondary form; not the propagator of generating bodies, but the form of
the primary and chief spheres and of those parts of them which are
homogeneous and not corrupted, a special entity and existence, which we
may call a primary and radical and astral form; not the primary form of
Aristotle, but that unique form, which preserves and disposes its own
proper sphere. There is one such in each several globe, in the Sun, the
moon, and the stars; one also in the earth, which is that true magnetick
potency which we call the primary vigour. Wherefore there is a magnetick
nature peculiar to the earth and implanted in all its truer parts in a
primary and astonishing manner; this is neither derived nor produced from
the whole heaven by sympathy or influence or more occult qualities, nor
from any particular star; for there is in the earth a magnetick vigour of
its own, just as in the sun and moon there are forms of their own, and a
small portion of the moon settles itself in moon-manner toward its
termini and form; and a piece of the sun to the sun, just as a loadstone
to the earth and to a second loadstone by inclining itself and alluring
in accordance with its nature. We must consider therefore about the earth
what magnetical bodies are, and what is a magnet; then also about the
truer parts of it, which are magnetical, and how they are affected as a
result of the coition. A body which is attracted by an electrick is not
changed by it, but remains unshaken and unchanged, as it was before, nor
does it excel any the more in virtue. A loadstone draws magnetical
substances, which eagerly acquire power from its strength, not in their
extremities only, but in their inward parts and * their very
marrow. For when a rod of iron is laid hold of, it is magnetically
excited in the end by which it is laid hold of, and that {66}force penetrates
even to the other extremity, not through its surface only, but through
the interior and all through the middle. Electrical bodies have material
and corporeal effluvia. Is any such magnetical effluvium given off,
whether corporeal or incorporeal? or is nothing at all given off that
subsists? If it really has a body, that body must be thin and spiritual,
since it is necessary that it should be able to enter into iron. Or what
sort of an exhalation is it that comes from lead, when quicksilver which
is bright and fluid is bound together by the odour merely and vapour of
the lead, and remains, as it were, a firm metal? But even gold, which is
exceedingly solid and dense, is reduced to a powder by the thin vapour of
lead. Or, seeing that, as the quicksilver has entrance into gold, so the
magnetical odour has entrance into the substance of the iron, how does it
change it in its essential property, although no change is perceptible to
our senses in the bodies themselves? For without ingression into the
body, the body is not changed, as the Chemists not incorrectly teach. But
if indeed these things resulted from a material ingression, then if
strong and dense and thick substances had been interposed between the
bodies, or if magnetical substances had been inclosed in the centres of
the most solid and the densest bodies, the iron particles would not have
suffered anything from the loadstone. But none the less they strive to
come together and are changed. Therefore there is no such conception and
origin of the magnetick powers; nor do the very minute portions of the
stone exist, which have been wrongly imagined to exist by Baptista Porta,
aggregated, as it were, into hairs, and arising from the rubbing of the
stone which, sticking to the iron, constitute its strength. Electrick
effluvia are not only impeded by any dense matter, but also in like
manner by flames, or if a small flame is near, they do not allure. But as
iron is not hindered by any obstacle from receiving force or motion from
a loadstone, so it will pass through the midst of flames to the body of
the loadstone and adhære to the stone. Let there be a flame or a candle
near the stone; bring up a short piece of iron wire, and when it has come
near, it will penetrate through the midst of the flames to the stone;
* and a versorium turns towards the loadstone nor more
slowly nor less eagerly through the midst of flames than through open
air. So flames interposed do not hinder the coition. But if the iron
itself became heated by a great heat, it is demonstrable that it would
not be attracted. Bring a strongly ignited rod of iron near a magnetized
versorium; the versorium remains steady and does not turn towards * such iron; but it immediately turns towards it, so soon
as it has lost somewhat of its heat. When a piece of iron has been
touched by a loadstone, if it be placed in a hot fire until it is
perfectly red hot * and remain in the fire some considerable
time, it will lose that magnetick strength it had acquired. Even a
loadstone itself through a {67}longish stay in the fire, loses the powers
of attracting implanted and innate in it, and any other magnetick powers.
And although certain veins of loadstone exhale when burnt a dark vapour
of a black colour, or of a sulphurous foul odour, yet that vapour was not
the soul, or the cause of its attraction of iron (as Porta thinks), nor
do all loadstones whilst they are being baked or burnt smell of or exhale
sulphur. It is acquired as a sort of inborn defect from a rather impure
mine or matrix. Nor does anything analogous penetrate into the iron from
that material corporeal cause, since the iron conceives the power of
attracting and verticity from the loadstone, even if glass or gold or any
other stone be interposed. Then also cast iron acquires the power of
attracting iron, and verticity, from the verticity of the earth, as we
shall afterwards plainly demonstrate in Direction. But fire
destroys the magnetick virtues in a stone, not because it takes away any
parts specially attractive, but because the consuming force of the flame
mars by the demolition of the material the form of the whole; as in the
human body the primary faculties of the soul are not burnt, but the
charred body remains without faculties. The iron indeed may remain after
the burning is completed and is not changed into ash or slag;
nevertheless (as Cardan not inaptly says) burnt iron is not iron, but
something placed outside its nature until it is reduced. For just as by
the rigour of the surrounding air[157] water is changed from its nature into
ice; so iron, glowing in fire, is destroyed by the violent heat, and has
its nature confused and perturbed; wherefore also it is not attracted by
a loadstone, and even loses that power of attracting in whatever way
acquired, and acquires another verticity when, being, as it were, born
again, it is impregnated by a loadstone or the earth, or when its form is
revived, not having been dead but confused, concerning which many things
are manifest in the change of verticity. Wherefore Fracastorio[158] does not confirm his
opinion, that the iron is not altered; "for if it were altered," he says,
"by the form of the loadstone, the form of the iron would have been
spoiled." This alteration is not generation, but the restitution and
reformation of a confused form. There is not therefore anything corporeal
which comes from the loadstone or which enters the iron, or which is sent
back from the iron when it is stimulated; but loadstone disposes
loadstone by its primary form; iron, however, which is closely related to
it, loadstone at the same time recalls to its conformate strength, and
settles it; on account of which it rushes to the loadstone and eagerly
conforms itself to it (the forces of each in harmony bringing them
together). The coition also is not vague or confused, not a violent
inclination of body to body, no rash and mad congruency; no violence is
here applied to the bodies; there are no strifes or discords; but there
is that concord (without which the universe would go to pieces), that
analogy, namely, of the {68}perfect and homogeneous parts of the spheres
of the universe to the whole, and a mutual concurrency of the principal
forces in them, tending to soundness, continuity, position, direction,
and to unity. Wherefore in the case of such wonderful action and such a
stupendous implanted vigour (diverse from other natures) the opinion of
Thales of Miletus[159] was
not very absurd, nor was it downright madness, in the judgment of
Scaliger, for him to grant the loadstone a soul; for the loadstone is
incited, directed, and orbitally moved by this force, which is all in
all, and, as will be made clear afterwards, all in every part; and it
seems to be very like a soul. For the power of moving itself seems to
point to a soul; and the supernal bodies, which are also celestial,
divine, as it were, are thought by some to be animated, because they move
with admirable order. If two loadstones be set one over against the
other, each in a boat, on the surface of water, they do not immediately
run together, but first they turn towards one another, or the lesser
conforms to the greater, by moving itself in a somewhat circular manner,
and at length, when they are disposed according to their nature, they run
together. In smelted iron which has not been excited by a magnet there is
no need for such an apparatus; since it has no verticity, excepting what
is adventitious and acquired, and that not stable and confirmed (as is
the case with loadstone, even if the iron has been smelted from the best
loadstone), on account of the confusion of the parts by fire when it
flowed as a liquid; it suddenly acquires polarity and natural aptitude by
the presence of the loadstone, by a powerful mutation, and by a
conversion into a perfect magnet, and by an absolute metamorphosis; and
it flies to the body of the magnet as if it were a real piece of
loadstone. For a loadstone has no power, nor can a perfect loadstone do
anything which iron when excited by loadstone cannot perform, even when
it has not been touched but only placed in its vicinity. For when first
it is within the orbe of virtue of the loadstone, though it may be some
distance away, yet it is immediately changed, and has a renovated form,
formerly indeed dormant and inert in body, now lively and strong, which
will be clearly apparent in the demonstrations of Direction. So
the magnetick coition is a motion of the loadstone and of the iron, not
an action of one[160]; an
of each, not ἔργον; a συνεντελέχεια
or conjoint action, rather than a sympathy. There is properly no such
thing as magnetick antipathy. For the flight and declination of the ends,
or an entire turning about, is an action of each towards unity by the
conjoint action and συνεντελέχεια
of both. It has therefore newly put on the form, and on account of this
being roused, it then, in order that it may more surely acquire it,
rushes headlong on the loadstone, not with curves and turnings, as a
loadstone to a loadstone. For since in a loadstone both verticity and the
power disponent have existed through many ages, or from the very
beginnings, {69}have been inborn and confirmed, and also the
special form of the terrestrial globe cannot easily be changed by another
loadstone, as iron is changed; it happens from the constant nature of
each, that one has not the sudden power over another of changing its
verticity, but that they can only mutually come to agreement with each
other. Again, iron which has been excited by a loadstone, * if that iron on account of obstacles should not be able
to turn round immediately in accordance with its nature, as happens with
a versorium, is laid hold of, when a loadstone approaches, on either side
or at either end. Because, just as it can implant, so it can suddenly
change the polarity and turn about the formal energies to any part
whatever. So variously can iron be transformed when its form is
adventitious and has not yet been long resident in the metal. In the case
of iron, on account of the fusion of the substance when magnetick ore or
iron is smelted, the virtue of its primary form, distinct before, is now
confused; but an entire loadstone placed near it again sets up its primal
activity; its adjusted and arranged form joins its allied strength with
the loadstone; and both mutually agree and are leagued together
magnetically in all their motions towards unity, and whether joined by
bodily contact or adjusted within the orbe, they are one and the same.
For when iron is smelted out of its own ore, or steel (the more noble
kind of iron) out of its ore, that is, out of loadstone, the material is
loosed by the force of the fire, and flows away, and iron as well as
steel flow out from their dross and are separated from it; and the dross
is either spoiled by the force of the fire and rendered useless, or is a
kind of dregs of a certain imperfection and of mixture in the prominent
parts of the earth. The material therefore is a purified one, in which
the metallick parts, which are now mixed up by the melting, since those
special forces of its form are confused and uncertain, by the approach of
a loadstone are called back to life, as if to a kind of disponent form
and integrity. The material is thus awakened and moves together into
unity, the bond of the universe and the essential for its conservation.
On this account and by the purging of the material into a cleaner body,
the loadstone gives to the iron a greater force of attracting than there
is in itself. For if iron dust * or an iron nail be placed over a
large loadstone, a piece of iron joined to it takes away the filings and
nail from the loadstone and retains them so long as it is near the
loadstone; wherefore iron attracts iron more than loadstone does, if it
have been conformed by a loadstone and remains within the orbe of its
communicated form. A piece of iron even, skilfully placed near the pole
of a loadstone, lifts up more than the loadstone. Therefore the material
of its own ore is better, and by the force of fire steel and iron are
re-purged; and they are again impregnated by the loadstone with its own
forms; therefore they move towards it by a spontaneous {70}approach as soon
as they have entered within the orbe of the magnetick forces, because
they were possessed by it before, connected and united with it in a
perfect union; & they have immediately an absolute continuity within
that orbe, & have been joined on account of their harmony, though
their bodies may have been disjoined. For the iron is not taken
possession of and allured by material effluvia, after the manner of
electricks, but only by the immaterial action of its form or an
incorporeal progression, which in a piece of iron as its subject acts and
is conceived, as it were, in a continuous homogeneous body, and does not
need more open ways. Therefore (though the most solid substances be
interposed) the iron is still moved and attracted, and by the presence of
loadstone the iron moves and attracts the loadstone itself, and by mutual
forces a concurrency is made towards unity, which is commonly called
attraction of the iron. But those formal forces pass out and are united
to one another by meeting together; a force also, when conceived in the
iron, begins to flow out without delay. But Julius Scaliger, who by other
examples contends that this theory is absurd, makes in his 344th Exercise
a great mistake. For the virtues of primary bodies are not to be compared
with bodies formed from and mixed with them. He would now have been able
(had he been still alive) to discern the nature of effused forms in the
chapter on forms effused by spherical magneticks. But if iron is injured
somewhat by rust, it is affected either only slightly or not at all by
the stone. For the metal is spoiled when eaten away and deformed by
external injuries or by lapse of time (just as has been said about the
loadstone), and it loses its prime qualities which are conjoined to its
form; or, being worn out by age, retains them in a languid and weak
condition; indeed it cannot be properly re-formed, when it has been
corrupted. But a powerful and fresh loadstone attracts sound and clean
pieces of iron, and those pieces of iron (when they have conceived
strength) have a powerful attraction for other iron wires and iron nails,
not only one at a time, but even successively one behind another, three,
four or five, end to end, sticking and hanging in order like a chain. The
loadstone, however, would not attract the last one following in such a
row, if there were no nails between.
A loadstone placed
as at A draws a nail or a bar B; similarly behind B it draws C; and after
C, D. But the nails B and C being removed, the loadstone A, if it remain
at the same distance, does not raise the nail D into the air. This occurs
for this reason: because in the case of a continuous row of nails the
presence of the loadstone A, besides its own powers, raises the magnetick
natures of the iron works B and C, and makes them, as it were, forces
auxiliary to itself. But B and C, like a continuous magnetical body,
extend as far as {71}D the forces by which D is taken and
conformed, though they are weaker than those which C receives from B. And
those iron nails indeed from that contact only, and from the presence of
the loadstone even without contact, acquire powers which they retain in
their own bodies, as will be demonstrated most clearly in the passage
on Direction. For not only whilst the stone is present does the
iron assume these powers, and take them, as it were, vicariously from the
stone, as Themistius lays down in his 8th book on Physicks[161]. The best iron, when it
has been melted down (such is steel), is allured by a loadstone from a
greater distance, is raised though of greater weight, is held more
firmly, assumes stronger powers than the common and less expensive,
because it is cast from a better ore or loadstone, imbued with better
powers. But what is made from more impure ore turns out weaker and is
moved more feebly. As to Fracastorio's[162] statement that he saw a piece of
loadstone draw a loadstone by one of its faces, but not iron; by another
face iron, but not loadstone; by another both; which he says is an
indication that in one part there is more of the loadstone, in another
more of the iron, in another both equally, whence arises that diversity
of attraction; it is most incorrect and badly observed on the part of
Fracastorio, who did not know how to apply skilfully loadstone to
loadstone. A loadstone draws iron and also a loadstone, if both are
suitably arranged and free and unrestrained. That is removed more quickly
from its position and place which is lighter; for the heavier bodies are
in weight, the more they resist; but the lighter both moves itself to
meet the heavier and is allured by the other.
hat a loadstone attracts loadstone, iron
and other magnetical bodies, has been shown above in the previous book,
and also with what strength the magnetick coition is ordered; but now we
must inquire how that vigour is disposed in a magnetick substance. And
indeed an analogy must be inferred from a large loadstone. Any magnetick
substance joins itself with a loadstone strongly, if the loadstone itself
is strong; but more weakly, when it is somewhat imperfect or has been
weakened by some flaw. A loadstone does not draw iron equally well with
every part; or a magnetick substance does not approach every part of a
loadstone alike; because a loadstone has its points, that is its true
poles, in which an exceptional virtue excels. Parts nearer the pole are
{72}stronger, those far away more weak, and yet
in all the power is in a certain way equal. The poles of a terrella are
A, B; the æquinoctial is C, D. At A and B the alluring force seems
At C and D there is no force alluring magnetick ends to the body, for the forces tend toward both poles. But direction is powerful on the æquator. At C, D, the distances are equal from both poles; therefore iron which is at C, D, when it is allured in contrary ways, does not adhære with constancy; but it remains and is joined to the stone, if only it incline to the one or other side. At E there is a greater power of alluring than at F, because E is nearer the pole. This is not so because there is really greater virtue residing at the pole, but since all the parts are united in the whole, they direct their forces towards the pole. From the forces flowing from the plane of the æquinoctial towards the pole, the power increases. A fixed verticity exists at the pole, so long as the loadstone remains whole; if it is divided or broken, the verticity obtains other * positions in the parts into which it is divided. For the verticity always changes in consequence of any change in the mass, and for this cause, if the terrella be divided from A to B, so that there are two stones, the poles will not be A, B, in the divided parts, but F, G, and H, I.
Although these stones now are in agreement with one another, so that F would not seek H, yet if A was previously the boreal pole[163], F is now boreal, and H also boreal; for the verticity is not changed (as Baptista Porta incorrectly affirms in the fourth chapter of his seventh book); since, though F and H do not agree, so that the one would incline to the other, yet both turn to the same point of the horizon. If the hemisphere H I be divided into two quadrants, the one pole takes up its position in H, the other in I. The whole mass of the stone, as I have said, retains the site of its vertex constant; and any part of the stone, before it was cut out from the block[164], might have been the pole or vertex. But concerning this more under Direction. It is important now to comprehend and to keep firmly in mind that the vertices are strong on account of the force of the whole, so that (the command being, as it were, divided by the æquinoctial) all the forces on one side tend towards the north; but those of an opposite way towards the south, so long as the parts are united, as in the following demonstration.
For so, by an infinite number of curves from every point of the equator dividing the sphere into two equal parts, and from every point of the surface from the æquator towards the North, and from the æquator towards the Southern pole, the whole force tends asunder toward the poles. So the verticity is from the æquinoctial {74}circle towards the pole in each direction. Such is the power reposed in the undivided stone. From A vigour is sent to B, from A, B, to C, from A, B, C, to D, and from them likewise to E. In like manner from G to H, and so forth, as long as the whole is united. But if a piece A B be cut out (although it is near the æquator), yet it will be as strong in its magnetical actions as C D or D E, if torn away from the whole in equal quantity. For no part excels in special worth in the whole mass except by what is owing to the other adjoining parts by which an absolute and perfect whole is attained.
Diagram of Magnetic Vigour
transmitted from the plane of the Æquator
to the peripherery of the terella
or of the earth
HEQ is a terrella, E a pole, M the centre, HMQ the æquinoctial plane. From every point of the æquinoctial plane vigour extends to the periphery, but by various methods; for from A the formal force is transmitted towards C, F, N, E, and to every point from C up to E, the pole; but not towards B; so neither from G towards C. The power of alluring is not strengthened in the part FHG from that which is in GMFE, but FGH increases the force in the eminence FE. So no force rises from the internal parts, from the lines parallel to the Axis above those parallels, but always inwards from the parallels to the pole. From every point of the plane of the equator force proceeds to the pole E, but the point F has its powers only from GH, and N from OH; but the pole E is strengthened from the whole plane HQ. Wherefore in it the mighty power excels (just as in a palace); but in the intermediate intervals (as in F) only so much force of alluring is exerted as the portion HG of the plane can contribute.
oition of those bodies which are divided,
and do not naturally cohære, if they are free, occurs through another
kind of motion. A terrella sends out in an orbe its powers in proportion
to its vigour and quality. But when iron or any other magnetick of
convenient magnitude comes within its orbe of virtue, it is allured; but
the nearer it comes to the body, the more quickly it runs up to it. They
move towards the magnet, not as * to a centre, nor towards its
centre. For they only do this in the case of the poles themselves, when
namely that which is being allured, and the pole of the loadstone, and
its centre, are in the same straight line. But in the intervening spaces
they tend obliquely, just as is evident in the following figure, in which
it is shown how the influence is extended to the adjoining magneticks
within the orbe; in the case of the poles straight out.
The nearer the parts are to the æquinoctial, the more obliquely are magneticals allured; but the parts nearer the poles appeal more directly, at the poles quite straight. The principle of the turning of all loadstones, of those which are round and those which are long, is the same, but in the case of the long ones the experiment is easier. For in whatever form they are the verticity exists, and there are poles; but on account of bad and unequal form, they are often hindered by certain evils. If the stone were long, the vertex is at the ends, not on the sides; it allures more strongly at the vertex. For the parts bring together stronger forces to the pole in right lines than oblique. So the stone and the earth conform their magnetick motions by their nature.
rom about a magnetical body the virtue
magnetical is poured out on every side around in an orbe; around a
terrella; in the case of other shapes of stones, more confusedly and
unevenly. But yet there exists in nature no orbe or permanent or
essential virtue spread through the air, but a magnet {77}only excites
magneticks at a convenient distance from it. And as light comes in an
instant (as the opticians teach), so much more[165] quickly is the magnetick vigour
present within the limits of its strength; and because its activity is
much more subtile than light, and does not consent with a non-magnetick
substance, it has no intercourse with air, water, or any non-magnetick;
nor does it move a magnetick with any motion by forces rushing upon it,
but being present in an instant, it invites friendly bodies. And as light
strikes an object, so a loadstone strikes a magnetick body and excites
it. And just as light does not remain in the air above vapours and
effluvia, and is not reflected from those spaces, so neither is the
magnetick ray held in air or water. The appearances of things are
apprehended in an instant in mirrors and in the eye by means of light; so
the magnetick virtue seizes upon magneticks. Without the more intangible
and shining bodies, the appearances of things are not seized or
reflected; so without magnetical objects the magnetick power is not
perceived, nor are the forces thus conceived sent back again to the
magnetick substance. In this, however, the magnetick power excels light,
in that it is not hindered by any opaque or solid substance, but proceeds
freely, and extends its forces on every side. In a terrella and
globe-shaped loadstone the magnetick power is extended outside the body
in an orbe; in a longer one, however, not in an orbe, but it is extended
in an ambit conformably to the shape of the stone. As in the somewhat
long stone A, the vigour is extended to the ambient limit F C D,
equidistant on every side from the stone A.
esiring that what follows may be better
understood, we must now say something also about magnetick circles and
limits. Astronomers, in order to understand and observe methodically the
motion of the planets and the revolution of the heavens, and to describe
with more accuracy the celestial attire of the fixed stars, settled upon
certain circles and definite limits in the sky (which geographers also
imitate), so that the varied face of the earth and the beauty of its
districts might be delineated. But we, in a way differing from them,
recognize those limits and circles, and have found very many fixed by
nature, not merely conceived by the imagination, both in the earth and in
our terrella. The earth they mark out[166] chiefly by means of the æquator and
the poles; and those limits indeed have been arranged and marked out by
nature. The meridians also indicate straight paths from pole to pole
through distinct points on the æquator; by which way the magnetick virtue
directs its course and moves. But the tropics and arctic circles, as also
the parallels, are not natural limits placed on the earth; but all
parallel circles indicate a certain agreement of the lands situated in
the same latitude, or diametrically opposite. All these the
Mathematicians use for convenience, painting them on globes and maps. In
like manner also in a terrella all these are required; not, however, in
order that its exterior appearance may be geographically delineated,
since the loadstone may be perfect, even, and uniform on all sides. And
there are no upper and lower parts in the earth, nor are there in a
terrella; unless perchance some one considers those parts superior which
are in the periphery, and those inferior which are situated more towards
the centre.
As conceived by astronomers the æquinoctial circle is equidistant from both poles, cutting the world in the middle, measures the motions of their primum mobile or tenth sphere, and is named the zone of the primum mobile. It is called æquinoctial, because when the sun stands in it (which must happen twice in the year) the days are equal to the nights. That circle is also spoken of as æquidialis, wherefore it is called by the Greeks ἰσημερινός. In like manner it is also properly called Æquator, because it divides the whole frame of the earth between the poles into equal parts. So also an æquator may be rightly assigned to a terrella, by which its power is naturally divided, and by the plane of which permeating through its centre, the whole globe is divided into equal parts both in quantity and strength (as if by a transverse septum) between verticities on both sides imbued with equal vigour.
eridians have been thought out by the
geographer, by means of which he might both distinguish the longitude and
measure the latitude of each region. But the magnetick meridians are
infinite, running in the same direction also, through fixed and opposite
limits on the æquator, and through the poles themselves. On them also the
magnetick latitude is measured, and declinations are reckoned from them;
and the fixed direction in them tends to the poles, unless it varies from
some defect and the magnetick is disturbed from the right way. What is
commonly called a magnetick meridian is not really magnetick, nor is it
really a meridian, but it is understood to pass through the termini of
the variation on the horizon. The variation is a depraved deviation from
a meridian, nor is it fixed and constant in various places on any
n parallel circles the same strength and
equal power are perceived everywhere, when various magneticks are placed
on one and the same parallel either on the earth or on a terrella. For
they are distant from the poles by equal intervals and have equal
tendencies of declination, and they are attracted and held, and they come
together with like forces; just as those regions which are situated under
the same parallel, even if they differ in longitude, yet we say possess
the same quantity of daylight and a climate equally tempered.
orizon is the name given to the great
circle, separating the things which are seen from those which are not
seen; so that a half part of the heaven always is open and easily seen by
us, half is always hidden. This seems so to us on account of the great
distance of the star-bearing orbe: yet the difference is as great as may
arise from the ratio of the semi-diameter of the earth compared with the
semi-diameter of the starry heaven, which difference is in fact not
perceived by our senses. We maintain, however, that the magnetick horizon
is a plane level throughout touching the earth or a terrella in the place
of some one region, with which plane the semi-diameter, whether of the
earth or of the terrella, produced to the place of the region, makes
right angles on every side. Such a plane is to be considered in the earth
itself and also in the terrella, for magnetick proofs and demonstrations.
For we consider the bodies themselves only, not the general appearances
of the world. Therefore not with the idea of outlook (which varies with
the elevations of the lands), but taking it as a plane which makes equal
angles with the perpendicular, we accept in magnetick demonstrations a
sensible horizon or boundary, not that which is called by Astronomers the
rational horizon.
et the line be called the axis which is
drawn in the earth (as in a terrella) through the centre to the poles.
They are called πόλοι by the Greeks from πολεῖν, to turn, and by the
Latins they are also called Cardines or Vertices; because
the world rotates and is perpetually carried around them. We are about to
show, indeed, that the earth and a terrella are turned about them by a
magnetick influence. One of them in the earth, which looks towards the
Cynosure, is called Boreal and Arctic; the other one, opposite to this,
is called Austral and Antarctic. Nor do these also exist on the earth or
on a terrella for the sake of the turning merely; but they are also
limits of direction and position, both as respects destined districts of
the world, and also for correct turnings among themselves.
bservation has already been made that the
highest power of alluring exists in the pole, and that it is weaker and
more languid in the parts adjacent to the æquator. And as this is
apparent in the declination, because that disponent and rotational virtue
has an augmentation as one proceeds from the Æquator towards the poles:
so also the coition of magneticks grows increasingly fresh by the same
steps, and in the same proportion. For in the parts more remote from the
poles the loadstone does not draw magneticks straight down towards its
own viscera; but they tend obliquely and they allure obliquely. For as
the smallest chords in a circle differ from the diameter, so much do the
forces of attracting differ between themselves in different parts of the
terrella. {82}For since attraction is coition towards a
body, but magneticks run together by their versatory tendency, it comes
about that in the diameter drawn from pole to pole the body appeals
directly, but in other places less directly. So the less the magnetick is
turned toward the body, the less, and the more feebly, does it approach
and adhære.
Just as if A B were the poles and a bar of iron or a
magnetick fragment C is allured at the part E; yet the end laid hold of
does not tend towards the centre of the loadstone, but verges obliquely
towards the pole; and a chord drawn from that end obliquely as the
attracted body tends is short; therefore it has less vigour and likewise
less inclination. But as a greater chord proceeds from a body at F, so
its action is stronger; at G still longer; longest at A, the pole (for
the diameter is the longest way) to which all the parts from all sides
bring assistance, in which is constituted, as it were, the citadel and
tribunal of the whole province, not from any worth of its own, but
because a force resides in it contributed from all the other parts, just
as all the soldiers bring help to their own commander. Wherefore also a
slightly longer stone attracts more than a spherical one, since the
length from pole to pole is extended, even if the stones are both from
the same mine and of the same weight and size. The way from pole to pole
is longer in a longer stone, and the forces brought together from other
parts are not so scattered as in a round magnet and terrella, and in a
narrow one they agree more and are better united, and a united stronger
force excels and is preeminent. A much weaker office, however, does a
plane or oblong stone perform, when the length is extended according to
the leading of the parallels, and the pole stops neither on the apex nor
in the circle and orbe, but is spread over the flat. Wherefore also it
invites a friend wretchedly, and feebly retains him, so that it is
esteemed as one of an abject and contemptible class, according to its
less apt and less suitable figure.
uly was it said before that the longer
magnet attracts the greater weight of iron[167]; so also in a longish piece of iron
which has been touched the magnetick force conceived is stronger when the
poles exist at the ends. For the magnetick forces which are driven from
the whole in every part into the poles are not scattered but united in
the narrow ends. In square and other angular figures the influence is
dissipated, and does not proceed in straight lines or in convenient arcs.
Suppose also an iron globe have the shape of the earth, yet for the same
reasons it drags magnetick substances less; wherefore a small iron
sphere, when excited, draws another piece of iron more sluggishly than an
excited rod of equal weight.
loat a piece of iron wire on the surface
of water by transfixing it through a suitable cork; or set a versatory
piece of iron on a pin or in a seaman's compass (a magnet being brought
near or moved about underneath), it is put into a state of motion;
neither the water, nor the vessel, nor the compass-box offering
resistance in any way. Thick boards do not obstruct[168], nor earthen vessels nor marble vases,
nor the metals themselves; nothing is so solid as to carry away or impede
the forces excepting an iron plate. Everything which is interposed (even
though it is very dense) does not carry away its influence or obstruct
its path, or indeed in any way hinder, diminish, or retard it. But all
the force is not suppressed by an iron plate, but it is in some measure
diverted aside. For when the vigour passes into the middle of an iron
plate within the orbe of the magnetick virtue or placed just {84}opposite the
pole of the stone, that virtue is scattered in very large measure towards
its extremities; so that the edges of a small round * plate of suitable size allure iron wires on every side.
This is also apparent in the case of a long iron wand, which, when it has
been touched by a magnet in the middle, has a like verticity at either
end. *
B is a loadstone, C D a long rod magnetized in the middle A; E being the Boreal pole; C is an Austral end or pole; in like manner also the end D is another Austral pole. But observe here the exactness with which a versorium touched by a pole, when a round plate is interposed, turns towards the same pole in the same * way as before the interposition, only weaker; the plate not standing in the way, because the vigour is diverted through the edges of the small plate, and passes out of its straight course, but yet the plate retains in the middle the same verticity, when it is in the neighbourhood of that pole, and close to it; wherefore the versorium tends towards the plate, having been touched by the same pole. If a loadstone is rather weak, a versorium hardly turns when a plate is put in between; for the vigour of the rather weak loadstone, being diffused through the extremities, passes less through the * middle. But if the plate has been touched in this way by a pole in the middle and has been removed from the stone outside its orbe of virtue, then you will see the point of the same versorium tend in the contrary direction and desert the centre of the small plate, which formerly it desired; for outside the orbe of virtue it has an opposite verticity, in the vicinity the same; for in the vicinity it is, as it were, a part of the loadstone, and has the same pole.
A is an iron plate near the pole, B a versorium which tends with its point towards the centre of the small plate, which has been touched by the pole of the loadstone C. But if the same small plate be {85}placed outside the orbe of magnetick virtue, the point will not turn towards its centre, but the cross E of the same versorium does. But an iron globe interposed (if it is not too large) attracts the * point of the iron on the other side of the stone. For the verticity of that side is the same as that of the adjoining pole of the stone. And this turning of the cusp (that is, of the end touched by that pole) as well as of the cross-end, at a greater distance, takes place with an iron globe interposed, which would not happen at all if * the space were empty, because the magnetick virtue is passed on and continued through magnetick bodies.
A is a terrella, B an iron globe; between the two bodies is F, a versorium whose point has been excited by the pole C. In the other figure A is a terrella, C its pole, B an iron globe; where the versorium tends towards C, the pole of the terrella, through the iron globe. So a versorium placed between a terrella and an iron globe vibrates more forcibly towards the pole of the terrella; because the loadstone sends an instantaneous verticity into the opposite globe. There is the same efficiency in the earth, produced from the same cause. For if a revolvable needle is shut up in a rather thick gold box (this metal indeed excels all others in density) or a glass or stone box, nevertheless that magnetick needle has its forces connected and united with the influences of the earth, and the iron will turn freely and readily (unhindered by its prison) to its desired points, North and South. * It even does this when shut up in iron caverns, if they are sufficiently spacious. Whatever bodies are produced among us, or are artificially forged from things which are produced, consist of matter of the terrestrial globe; nor do those bodies hinder the prime forces of nature which are derived from their primary form, nor can they resist them except by contrary forms. But no forms of mixed bodies are inimical to the primary implanted earth-nature, although some often do not agree[169] with one another. But in the case of all those substances which have a material cause for their inclining (as amber, {86}jet, sulphur), their action is impeded by the interposition of a body (as paper, leaves, glass, or the like) when that way is impeded and obstructed, so that that which exhales[170] cannot reach the corpuscle to be allured. Terrestrial and magnetick coition and motion, when corporeal impediments are interposed, is demonstrated also by the efficiencies of other chief bodies due to their primary form. The moon (more than all the stars) agrees with internal parts of the earth on account of its nearness and similarity in form. The moon produces the movements of the waters and the tides of the sea; twice it fills up the shores and empties them whilst it moves from a certain definite point in the sky back to the same point in a daily revolution. This motion of the waters is incited and the seas rise and fall no less when the moon is below the horizon and in the lowest part of the heavens, than if it had been raised at a height above the horizon. So the whole mass of the earth interposed[171] does not resist the action of the moon, when it is below the earth; but the seas bordering on our shores, in certain positions of the sky when it is below the horizon, are kept in motion, and likewise stirred by its power (though they are not struck by its rays nor illuminated by its light), rise, come up with great force, and recede. But about the reason of the tides anon[172]; here let it suffice to have merely touched the threshold of the question. In like manner nothing on the earth can be hidden from the magnetick disposition of the earth or of the stone, and all magnetical bodies are reduced to order by the dominant form of the earth, and loadstone and iron show sympathy with a loadstone though solid bodies be interposed.
onceive a small round plate, concave in
shape, of the breadth of a digit to be applied to the convex polar
surface of a loadstone and skilfully attached; or a piece of iron shaped
like an acorn, rising from the base into an obtuse cone, hollowed out a
little and fitted to the surface of the stone, to be tied to the
loadstone. Let the iron be the best steel, smoothed, shining, and even. A
loadstone with such an appliance, which before only bore four ounces of
iron, will now raise twelve. But the greatest force of a combining or
rather united nature is seen {87}when two loadstones, armed with iron caps,
are so joined by their concurrent (commonly called contrary) ends, that
they mutually * attract and raise one another. In this way a
weight of twenty ounces is raised, when either stone unarmed would only
allure four ounces of iron. Iron unites to an armed loadstone more firmly
than to a loadstone; and on that account raises greater weights, because
the pieces of iron stick more pertinaciously to one that is armed. For by
the near presence of the magnet they are cemented together, and since the
armature[173] conceives a
magnetick vigour from its presence and the other conjoined piece of iron
is at the same time endued with vigour from the presence of the
loadstone, they are firmly bound together. Therefore by the mutual
contact of strong pieces of iron, the cohesion is strong. Which thing is
also made clear and is exhibited by means of rods sticking together, Bk.
3, chap 4[174]; and also
when the question of the concretion of iron dust into a united body was
discussed. For this reason a piece of iron set near a loadstone draws
away any suitable piece of iron from the loadstone, if only it touch the
iron; otherwise it does not snatch it away, though in closest proximity.
For magnetick pieces of iron within the orbe of virtue, or near a
loadstone, do not rush together with a greater endeavour[175] than the iron and the magnet; but
joined they are united more strongly and, as it were, cemented together,
though the substance remain the same with the same forces acting.
uppose there are two pieces of iron, one
of * which has been excited by an armed loadstone, the other
by one unarmed; and let there be applied to one of them another piece of
iron of a weight just proportional to its strength, it is manifest that
the remaining one in like manner raises the same and no more. Magnetick
versoria also touched by an armed loadstone turn with the same velocity
and constancy towards the poles of the earth as those magnetized by the
same loadstone unarmed.
n armed magnet raises a greater weight,
as is manifest to all; but a piece of iron moves towards a stone at an
equal, or rather greater, distance when it * is bare,
without an iron cap. This must be tried with two pieces of iron of the
same weight and figure at an equal distance, or with one and the same
versorium, the test being made first with an armed, then with an unarmed
loadstone, at equal distances.
agnets armed cohære firmly when duly
joined, and accord into one; and though the first be rather weak, yet the
second one adhæres to it not only by the strength of the first, but of
the second, which mutually give helping hands; also to the second a third
often adheres and in the case of robust stones, a fourth to the
bservation has shown above that an armed
loadstone does not attract at a greater distance than an unarmed one; yet
raises iron in greater quantity, if it is joined to and made continuous
with the iron. But if Paper be placed between, that intimate cohæsion of
the metal is hindered, nor are the metals cemented together at the same
time by the operation of the magnet.
f a cylinder be lying on a level surface,
of too great a weight for an unarmed loadstone to lift, and (a piece of
paper being interposed) if the pole of an armed loadstone be joined to
the middle of it; if the cylinder were drawn from there by the loadstone,
it would follow rolling; but if no medium were interposed, the cylinder
would be drawn along firmly united with the armed loadstone, and in no
wise rolling. But if the same loadstone be unarmed, it will draw the
cylinder rolling with the same speed as the armed loadstone with the
paper between or when it was wrapped in paper.
Armed loadstones of diverse weights, of the same ore vigour * and form, cling and hang to pieces of iron of a convenient size and proportionate figure with an equal proportion of strength. The same is apparent in the case of unarmed stones. A suitable piece * of iron being applied to the lower part of a loadstone, which is * hanging from a magnetick body, excites its vigour, so that the loadstone hangs on more firmly. For a pendent loadstone clings {90}more firmly to a magnetick body joined to it above with a hanging piece of iron added to it, than when lead or any other non-magnetick body is hung on.
A loadstone, whether armed or unarmed, * joined by its proper pole to the pole of another loadstone, armed or unarmed, makes the loadstone raise a greater weight by the opposite end[177]. A piece of iron also applied to the pole of a magnet produces the same result, namely, that the other pole will carry a greater weight of iron; just as a loadstone with a piece of iron superposed on it (as in this figure) holds up a piece of iron below, which it cannot hold, if the upper one be removed. * Magneticks in conjunction make one magnetick. Wherefore as the mass increases, the magnetick vigour is also augmented.
An armed loadstone, as well as an unarmed * one, runs more readily to a larger piece of iron and combines more firmly with a larger piece than with a lesser one.
agnetick fragments cohære within their
strength well and harmoniously together. Pieces of iron in the presence
of a loadstone (even if they are not * touching the
loadstone) run together, seek one another anxiously and embrace one
another, and when joined are as if they were cemented. Iron * filings or the same reduced to powder inserted in paper
tubes, placed upon a stone meridionally or merely brought rather close to
it, coalesce into one body, and so many parts suddenly are concreted
* and combine; and the whole company of corpuscles thus
conspiring together affects another piece of iron and attracts it, as if
it constituted one integral rod of iron; and above the stone it is
directed toward the North and South. But when they are removed a long
* {91}way from the stone, the particles (as if
loosed again) are separated and move apart singly. In this way also the
foundations of the world are connected and joined and cemented together
magnetically. So let Ptolemy of Alexandria, and his followers, and those
philosophers of ours, be the less terrified if the earth do move round in
a circle, nor threaten its dissolution.
Iron filings, after being heated for a long time, are attracted by a loadstone, yet not so strongly or from so great a distance as when not heated. A loadstone loses some of its virtue by too great a heat; for its humour is set free, whence its peculiar nature is marred. Likewise also, if iron filings are well burnt in a reverberatory furnace and converted into saffron of Mars, they are not attracted by a loadstone; but if they are heated, but not thoroughly burnt, they do stick to a magnet, but less strongly than the filings themselves not acted upon by fire. For the saffron has become totally deformate, but the heated metal acquires a defect from the fire, and the forces in the enfeebled body are less excited by a loadstone; and, the nature of the iron being now ruined, it is not attracted by a loadstone.
ithin the magnetick orbe a piece of iron
moves towards the more powerful points of the stone, if it be not
hindered by force or by the material of a body placed between them;
either it falls down from above, or tends sideways or obliquely, or flies
up above. But if the iron cannot reach the stone on account of some
obstacle, it cleaves to it and remains there, but with a less firm and
constant connection, since at greater intervals or distances the alliance
is less amicable. Fracastorio, in the eighth chapter of his De
Sympathia, says that a piece of iron is suspended in the air, so that
it can be moved neither up nor down, if a loadstone be placed above which
is able to draw the iron up just as much as the iron itself inclines
downwards with equal force; for thus the iron would be supported in the
air: which thing is absurd; because the force of a magnet is {92}always the
stronger the nearer it is. So that when a piece of iron is raised a very
little from the earth by the force of the magnet, it needs must be drawn
steadily on towards the magnet (if nothing else come in the way) and
cleave to it. Baptista Porta suspends a piece of iron in the air[178] (a magnet being fixed
above), and, by no very subtile process, the iron is detained by a
slender thread from its lower part, so that it cannot rise up to the
stone. The iron is raised upright by the magnet, although the magnet does
not * touch the iron, but because it is in its vicinity; but
when the whole iron on account of its greater nearness is moved by that
which erected it, immediately it hurries with a swift motion to the
magnet and cleaves to it. For by approaching the iron is more and more
excited, and the coition grows stronger.
ne loadstone far surpasses another in
power, since one draws iron of almost its own weight, another can hardly
stir some shreds. Whatever things, whether animals or plants, are endowed
with life need some sort of nourishment, by which their strength not only
persists but grows firmer and more vigorous. But iron is not, as it
seemed to Cardan and to Alexander Aphrodiseus, attracted by the loadstone
in order that it may feed on shreds of it, nor does the loadstone take up
vigour from iron filings as if by a repast on victuals. Since Porta had
doubts on this and resolved to test it, he took a loadstone of
ascertained weight, and buried it in iron filings of not unknown weight;
and when he had left it there for many months, he found the stone of
greater weight, the filings of less. But the difference was so slender
that he was even then doubtful as to the truth. What was done by him does
not convict the stone of voracity, nor does it show any nutrition; for
minute portions of the filings are easily scattered in handling. So also
a very fine dust is insensibly born on a loadstone in some very slight
quantity, by which something might have been added to the weight of the
loadstone but which is only a surface accretion and might even be wiped
off with no great difficulty. Some think that a weak and sluggish stone
can bring itself back into better condition, and that a very powerful one
also might present it with the highest powers. Do they acquire strength
like animals when {93}they eat and are sated? Is the medicine
prepared by addition or subtraction? Is there anything which can
re-create this primary form or bestow it anew? And, certes, nothing can
do this which is not magnetical. Magneticks can restore a certain
soundness to magneticks (when not incurable); some can even exalt them
beyond their proper strength; but when a body is at the height of
perfection in its own nature, it is not capable of being strengthened
further. So that that imposture of Paracelsus, who affirms that the force
and virtue can be increased and transmuted tenfold, turns out to be the
more infamous. The method of effecting this is as follows, viz., you make
it semi-incandescent in a fire of charcoal (that is, you heat it very
hot), so that it does not become red-hot, however, and immediately slake
it, as much indeed as it can imbibe, in oil of saffron of Mars, made from
the best Carynthian steel. "In this way you will be able so to strengthen
a loadstone that it can draw a nail out of a wall and accomplish many
other like wonderful things, which are not possible for a common
loadstone." But a loadstone thus slaked in oil not only does not gain
power, but suffers also a certain loss of its inborn strength. A
loadstone is improved if polished and rubbed with steel. Buried in
filings of the best iron or of pure steel, not rusty, it preserves its
strength. Sometimes also a somewhat good and strong one gains
some strength when it is
rubbed on the pole of another, on the opposite part, and receives virtue.
In all these experiments it is an advantage to observe the pole of the
earth, and to adjust according to magnetick laws the stone which we wish
to strengthen; which we shall set forth below. A somewhat powerful and
fairly large loadstone increases the strength of a loadstone as it does
of iron. A loadstone being placed over the boreal pole of a loadstone,
* {94}the boreal pole becomes stronger, and an
iron rod (like an arrow) sticks to the boreal pole A, but not at all to
the pole B. The pole A also, when it is at the top in a right line with
the axis of both loadstones joined in accordance with magnetick laws,
raises the rod to the perpendicular, which it cannot do if the large
loadstone be removed, on account of its own weaker strength. But as a
small iron globe, when placed above the pole of a terrella, raises the
rod to the * perpendicular, so, when placed at the side,
the rod is not directed towards the centre of the globe, but is raised
obliquely and cleaves anywhere, because the pole in a round piece of iron
is always the point which is joined most closely to the pole of the
terrella and is not constant as in a smaller terrella. The parts of the
earth, as of all magneticks, are in agreement and take delight in their
mutual proximity; if placed in the highest power, they do not harm their
inferiors, nor slight them; there is a mutual love among them all, a
perennial good feeling. The weaker loadstones are re-created by the more
powerful, and the less powerful cause no harm to the stronger. But a
powerful one attracts and turns a somewhat strong one more than it does
an impotent one. Because a strenuous one confers a stronger activity, and
itself hastens, flies up to the other, and solicits it more keenly;
therefore there is a more certain and a stronger co-action and
agnet attracts magnet, not in every part
and on every side with equal conditions, as iron, but at one and a fixed
point; therefore the poles of both must be exactly disposed, otherwise
they do not cleave together duly and strongly. But this disposition is
not easy and expeditious; wherefore a loadstone seems not to conform to a
loadstone, when nevertheless they agree very well together. A piece of
iron by the sudden impression of a loadstone is not only allured by the
stone, but is renewed, its forces being drawn forth; by which it follows
and solicits the loadstone with no less impulse, and even leads another
piece of iron captive. Let there be a small iron spike above a loadstone
clinging firmly to it; if you apply an unmagnetized rod of iron to the
spike, not, however, {95}so that it touches the stone, you will see
the spike when it has touched the iron, leaving the loadstone, follow the
rod, try to grasp it by leaning toward it, and (if it should touch it)
cleave firmly to it: for a piece of iron, when united and joined to
another piece of iron placed within the orbe of virtue of the loadstone,
draws it more strongly than does the loadstone itself. The natural
magnetick virtue, confused and dormant in the iron, is aroused by the
loadstone, is linked to the loadstone, and rejoices with it in its
primary form; then smelted iron becomes a perfect magnetick, as robust as
the loadstone itself. For as the one imparts and stirs, so the other
conceives, and being stirred remains in virtue, and pours back the forces
also by its own activity. But since iron is more like iron than
loadstone, and the virtue in both pieces of iron is exalted by the
proximity of the loadstone, so in the loadstone itself, in case of equal
strength, likeness of substance prevails, and iron gives itself up rather
to iron, and they are united by their very similar homogenic powers.
Which thing happens not so much from a coition, as from a firmer unition;
and a knob or snout of steel, fixed skilfully on the pole of the stone,
raises greater weights of iron than the stone of itself could. When steel
or iron is smelted from loadstone or iron ore, the slag and corrupt
substances are separated from the better by the fusion of the material;
whence (in very large measure) that iron contains the nature of the
earth, purified from alien flaw and blemish, and more homogenic and
perfect, though deformed by the fusion. And when that material indeed is
provoked by a loadstone, it conceives the magnetick virtues, and within
their orbe is raised in strength more than the weaker loadstone, which
with us is often not free from some admixture of impurities.
ays of magnetick virtue spread out in
every direction in an orbe; the centre of this orbe is not at the pole
(as Baptista Porta reckons, Chap. 22), but in the centre of the stone and
of the terrella. So also the centre of the earth is the centre of the
magnetick motions of the earth; though magneticks are not borne directly
toward the centre by magnetical motion, except when they are attracted by
the true pole. For since the formal {96}power of the stone and of
the earth does not promote anything but the unity and conformity of
disjoined bodies, it comes about that everywhere at an equal distance
from the centre or from the circumference, just as it seems to attract
perpendicularly at one place, so at another it is able even to dispose
and to turn, provided the stone is not uneven in virtue. For if at the
distance C from the pole D the stone is able to allure a versorium, * at an equally long interval above the æquator at A that
stone can also direct and turn the versorium. So the very centre and
middle of the terrella is the centre of its virtue, and from this to the
circumference of the orbe (at equal intervals on every side) its
magnetick virtues are emitted.
oitions are always more powerful when
poles are near poles, since in them by the concordancy of the whole there
exists a stronger force; wherefore the one embraces the other more
strongly. Places declining from the poles have attractive forces, but a
little weaker and languid in the ratio of their distance; so that at
length on the æquinoctial circle they are utterly enervated and
evanescent. Neither do even the poles attract as mathematical points; nor
do magneticks come into conjunction by their own poles, only on the poles
of a loadstone. But coition {97}is made on every part of the periphery, both
Northern and Southern, by virtue emanating from the whole body;
magneticks nevertheless incline languidly towards magneticks in the parts
bordering on the æquator, but quickly in places nearer the pole.
Wherefore not the poles, not the parts alone nearest to the pole allure
and invite magneticks, but magneticks are disposed and turned round and
combine with magneticks in proportion as the parts facing and adjoined
unite their forces together, which are always of the same potency in the
same parallel, unless they are distributed otherwise from causes of
uite similar in potency are those stones
which are of the same mine, and not corrupted by adjacent ores or veins.
Nevertheless that which excels in size shows greater powers, since it
seizes greater weights and has a wider orbe of virtue. For a loadstone
weighing one ounce does not lift a large nail as does one weighing a
pound, nor does it rule so widely, nor extend its forces; and if from a
loadstone of a pound weight a portion is taken away, something of its
power will be seen to go also; for when a portion is abstracted the
virtue is lessened. But if that part is properly applied and united to
it, though it is not fastened * to nor grown into it, yet by the
application it obtains its pristine power and its vigour returns.
Sometimes, however, when a part is taken away, the virtue turns out to be
stronger on account of the * bad shape of the stone, namely,
when the vigour is scattered through inconvenient angles. In various
species the ratio is various, for one stone of a drachm weight draws more
than another of twenty pounds. Since in very many the influence is so
effete that it can hardly be perceived, those weak stones are surpassed
by prepared pieces of clay. But, it may be asked[179], if a stone of the same species and
goodness weighing a drachm would seize upon a drachm of iron, would a
stone of an ounce weight seize on an ounce, a pound on a pound, and so
on? And this is indeed true; for it both strains and remits its strength
proportionately, so that if a loadstone, one drachm of which would
attract one drachm of iron, were in equal proportion applied either to a
suitably large obelisk or to an immense pyramid of iron, it would lift it
directly in such {98}proportion and would draw it towards itself
with no greater effort of its nature or trouble than a loadstone of a
drachm weight embraces a drachm. But in all such experiments as this let
the vigour of the magnets be equal; let there be also a just proportion
in all of the shapes of the stones, and let the shape of the iron to be
attracted be the same, and the goodness of the metal, and let the
position of the poles of the loadstones be most exact. This is also no
less true in the case of an armed loadstone than of an unarmed one. For
the sake of experiment, let there be given a loadstone of eight ounces
weight, which when armed lifts twelve ounces of iron; if you cut off from
that loadstone a certain portion, which when it has been * reduced to the shape of the former whole one is then
only of two ounces, such a loadstone armed lifts a piece of iron applied
to it of three ounces, in proportion to the mass. In this experiment also
the piece of iron of three ounces ought to have the same shape as the
former one of twelve ounces; if that rose up into a cone, it is necessary
that this also in the ratio of its mass should be given a pyramidal shape
proportioned to the former.
bservation has shown above that the shape
and mass of the loadstone have great influence in magnetick coitions;
likewise also the shape and mass of the iron bodies give back more
powerful and steady forces. Oblong iron rods are both drawn more quickly
to a loadstone and cleave to it with greater obstinacy than round or
square pieces, for the same reasons which we have proven in the case of
the loadstone. But, moreover, this is also worthy of observation, that a
smaller piece of iron, to which is hung a weight of another material, so
that it is altogether in weight equal to another large whole piece of
iron of a right weight * (as regards the strength of the
loadstone), is not lifted by the loadstone as the larger piece of iron
would be. For a smaller piece of iron does not join with a loadstone so
firmly, because it sends back less strength, and only that which is
magnetick conceives strength; the foreign material hung on cannot acquire
magnetick forces.
ieces of iron join more firmly with a
long stone than with a round one, provided that the pole of the stone is
at the extremity and end of its length; because, forsooth, in the case of
a long stone, a magnetick is directed at the end straight towards the
body in which the virtue proceeds in straighter lines and through the
longer diameter. But a somewhat long stone has but little power on the
side, much less indeed than a round one. It is demonstrable[180], indeed, that at A and B
the coition is * stronger in a round stone than at C and D,
at like distances from the pole.
qual loadstones come together with equal
incitation. *
Also magnetick bodies of iron, if alike in all respects, * come together when excited with similar incitation.
Furthermore, bodies of iron not excited by a * loadstone, if they are alike and not weighed down by their bulk, move towards one another with equal motion.
Two loadstones, disposed on the surface of some water in {100}suitable skiffs, if they are drawn up suitably within their orbes of virtue, incite one another mutually to an embrace. So a proportionate * piece of iron in one skiff hurries with the same speed towards the loadstone as the loadstone itself in its boat strives towards the iron. From their own positions, indeed, they are so borne together, that they are joined and come to rest at length in the middle of the space. Two iron wires magnetically excited, floating in water by means of * suitable pieces of cork, strive to touch and mutually strike one another with their corresponding ends, and are conjoined.
Coition is firmer and swifter than repulsion and separation in * equal magnetick substances. That magnetick substances are more sluggishly repelled than they are attracted is manifest in all magnetical experiments in the case of stones floating on water in suitable skiffs; also in the case of iron wires or rods swimming (transfixed through corks) and well excited by a loadstone, and in the case of versoria. This comes about because, though there is one faculty of coition, another of conformation or disposition, repulsion and aversion is caused merely by something disposing; on the other hand, the coming together is by a mutual alluring to contact and a disposing, that is, by a double vigour.
A disponent vigour is often only the precursor of coition, in order that the bodies may stand conveniently for one another before conjunction; wherefore also they are turned round to the corresponding ends, if they can [not][181] reach them through the hindrances.
If a loadstone be divided through a meridian into two equal parts, the separate parts mutually repel one another, the poles being * placed directly opposite one another at a convenient and equal distance. They repel one another also with a greater velocity than when pole is put opposite pole incongruously. Just as the part B of the loadstone, placed almost opposite the part A, repels it floating in its skiff, because D turns away from F, and E from C; but if B is exactly joined with A again, they agree and become one body {101}magnetical; but in proximity they raise enmities. But if one part of the stone is turned round, so that C faces D and F faces E, then A pursues B within its orbe until they are united.
The Southern parts of the stone avoid the Southern parts, and the Northern parts the Northern. Nevertheless, if by force you move up the Southern cusp of a piece of iron too near the Southern part of the stone, the cusp is seized and both are linked together in friendly embraces: because it immediately reverses the implanted verticity of the iron, and it is changed by the presence of the more powerful stone, which is more constant in its forces than the iron. For they come together according to their nature, if by reversal and mutation true conformity is produced, and just coition, as also regular direction. Loadstones of the same shape, size, and vigour, attract one another mutually with like efficacy, and in the opposite position repel one another mutually with a like vigour.
Iron rods not touched, though alike and equal, do yet often act * upon one another with different forces; because as the reasons of their acquired verticity, also of their stability and vigour, are different, so the more strongly they are excited, the more vigorously do they incite.
Pieces of iron excited by one and the same pole mutually repel * one another by those ends at which they were excited; then also the opposite ends to those in these iron pieces raise enmities one to another.
In versoria whose cusps have been rubbed, but not their cross-ends, * the crosses mutually repel one another, but weakly and in proportion to their length.
In like versoria the cusps, having been touched by the same * pole of the loadstone, attract the cross-ends with equal strength.
In a somewhat long versorium the cross-end is attracted rather * weakly by the cusp of a shorter iron versorium; the cross of the shorter more strongly by the cusp of the longer, because the cross of the longer versorium has a weak verticity, but the cusp has a stronger.
The cusp of a longer versorium drives away the cusp of a * shorter one more vehemently than the cusp of the shorter the cusp of the longer, if the one is free upon a pin, and the other is held in the hand; for though both were equally excited by the same loadstone, yet the longer one is stronger at its cusp on account of its greater mass.
The Southern end of an iron rod which is not excited attracts * the Northern, and the Northern the Southern; moreover, also the Southern parts repel the Southern, and the Northern the Northern.
If magnetick substances are divided or in any way broken in pieces, each part has a Northern and a Southern end.
A versorium is moved as far off by a loadstone when an obstacle * is put in the way, as through air and an open medium.
Rods rubbed upon the pole of a stone strive after the same pole * and follow it. Therefore Baptista Porta errs when he says, chapter 40[182], "If you put that part to it from which it received its force, it will not endure it, but drives it from it, and draws to it the contrary and opposite part."
The principles of turning round and inclining are the same in the case of loadstone to loadstone, of loadstone to iron, of iron also to iron.
When magnetick substances which have been separated by force and dissected into parts flow together into a true union and are suitably connected, the body becomes one, and one united virtue, nor have they diverse ends.
The separate parts assume two opposite poles, if the division has * not been made along a parallel: if the division has been made along a parallel, they are able to retain one pole in the same site as before.
Pieces of iron which have been rubbed and excited by a loadstone are more surely and swiftly seized by a loadstone at fitting ends than such as have not been rubbed.
If a spike is set up on the pole of a loadstone, a spike or style * of iron placed on the upper end is strongly cemented to it, and draws away the erect spike from the terrella when motion is made.
If to the lower end of the erect spike the end of another spike * is applied, it does not cohære with it, nor do they unite together.
As a rod of iron draws away a piece of iron from a terrella, so is it also with a minute loadstone and a lesser terrella, though weaker in strength.
The piece of iron C comes into conjunction with the terrella A, and the vigour in it is magnetically exalted and excited, both in the adjoining end and in the other also which is turned away through {103}its conjunction with the terrella. The end that is turned away also conceives vigour from the loadstone B; likewise the pole D of that loadstone is powerful on account of its suitable aspect and the nearness of the pole E of the terrella. Several causes therefore concur why the piece of iron C should cleave to the terrella B, to which it is joined more firmly than to the terrella A; the vigour excited in the rod, the vigour also excited in the stone B, and the strength implanted in B concur; therefore D is more firmly cemented magnetically with C than E with C.
But if you were to turn the vertex F round to the iron C, C would not adhære to F as formerly to D; for stones so arranged being within the orbe of virtue are placed contrary to natural order; wherefore F does not receive power from E.
Two loadstones or excited pieces of iron, duly cohæring, fly * asunder on the approach of another more powerful loadstone or magnetized piece of iron. Because the new-comer repels the other with its opposing face, and dominates it, and ends the relationship of the two which were formerly joined. So the forces of the other are lessened and succumb; but if it conveniently could, being diverted of its association with the weaker, and rolling round, it would turn about to the stronger. Wherefore also magnetick bodies suspended in the air fall when a loadstone is brought near them with an opposing face, not (as Baptista Porta teaches) because the faculty of both those which were joined before grows faint and torpid, for no face can be hostile to both the ends which cohære, but to one only; and when the stronger loadstone, coming fresh with opposing face, impels this further from it, it is put to flight by the friendly reception of the former.
hould a very large weight, which at a
very small distance is drawn towards a loadstone, be divided into ever so
many equal parts, and should the radius of the orbe of magnetick
attraction be divided into the same number of parts, the like named parts
of the weight will correspond to the intermediate parts of the
The orbe of virtue extends more widely than the orbe of motion of any magnetick; for the magnetick is affected at its extremity, even if it is not moved with local motion, which effect is produced {104}by the loadstone being brought nearer. A small versorium also is turned when a good distance off, even if at the same distance it would not flow towards the loadstone, though free and disengaged from impediment.
The swiftness of the motion of a magnetick body to a loadstone is dependent on either the power of the loadstone, on its mass, on its shape, on the medium, or on its distance within the magnetick orbe.
A magnetick moves more quickly towards a more powerful * stone than towards a sluggish one in proportion to the strength, and [as appears] by a comparison of the loadstones together. A lesser mass of iron also is carried more quickly towards a loadstone, just as also one that is a little longer in shape. The swiftness of magnetick motion towards a loadstone is changed by reason of the medium; for bodies are moved more quickly in air than in water, and in clear air than in air that is thick and cloudy.
By reason of the distance, the motion is quicker in the case of bodies near together than when they are far off. At the limits of the orbe of virtue of a terrella a magnetick is moved feebly and slowly. At very short distances close to the terrella the moving impetus is greatest.
A loadstone which in the outmost part of its orbe of virtue * hardly moves a versorium when one foot removed from it, doth, if a long piece of iron is joined to it, attract and repel the versorium more strongly with its opposite poles when even three feet distant. The result is the same whether the loadstone is armed or unarmed. Let the iron be a suitable piece of the thickness of the little finger.
For the vigour of the loadstone excites verticity in the iron and proceeds in the iron and through the iron much further than it extends through the air.
The vigour proceeds even through several pieces of iron (joined * to one another end to end), not so regularly, however, as through one continuous solid.
Dust of steel placed upon paper rises up when a loadstone is moved near above it in a sort of steely hairiness; but if the loadstone is placed below, such a hairiness is likewise raised.
Steel dust (when the pole of a loadstone is placed near) is cemented * into one body; but when it desires coition with the loadstone, the mass is split and it rises in conglomerated parts.
But if there is a loadstone beneath the paper, the mass is split in the same way and many portions result, each of which consists of very many parts, and remains cemented together, as individual bodies. Whilst the lower parts of these pursue greedily the pole of the loadstone placed directly beneath, even they also are raised up as magnetick wholes, just as a small iron wire of the length of a grain or two grains of barley is raised up, both when the loadstone is moved near both beneath and above.
he extraordinary magnetick virtue of the
earth is * remarkably demonstrated by the subtility of
the following magnetical experiment. Let there be given a terrella of no
contemptible power, or a long loadstone with equal cones as polar
extremities; but in any other shape which is not exactly round error is
easy, and the experiment difficult. In the Northern regions, raise the
true North pole of the terrella above the horizon straight toward the
zenith; it is demonstrable that it raises up a larger iron spike on its
North pole, than the South pole of the same terrella is able to raise,
when turned in the same way toward the highest point of the sky. The same
thing is shown by a small terrella placed in the same way above a
Let a b be the earth or a somewhat large terrella, also a b a smaller terrella. There is set up above the Northern pole of the smaller terrella a spike larger than the pole b of the smaller terrella can raise, if it is turned round to the higher parts. And the pole a of the {106}smaller terrella has its strength from the larger, declining from the Zenith to the plane of the horizon or to the level. But now, if, * leaving the terrella disposed in the same way, you bring a piece of iron to the lower and Southern pole, it will attract and retain a greater weight than the Boreal pole could, if it were turned round to the lower parts. Which thing is demonstrated thus: let A be the earth or a terrella; E the Boreal pole or some place in some great latitude; B a rather large terrella above the earth or a smaller terrella on the top of a larger; D its Southern pole. It is manifest that D (the Southern pole) attracts a larger piece of iron, C, than F (the Boreal pole) will be able to, if it is turned round downward to the position D, toward the earth or the terrella in the Northern regions.
Magneticks acquire strength through magneticks, if they are properly placed according to their nature, in near neighbourhood and within the orbe of virtue. Wherefore when a terrella is placed on the earth or on a terrella, so that its Southern pole is turned round toward the Northern pole, its Northern pole, however, turned away from the Northern pole, the influence and strength of {107}its poles are increased. And so the Northern pole of a terrella in such a position lifts up a larger spike than the Southern pole, if the Southern pole is turned away. Similarly the Southern pole in a proper and natural arrangement, acquiring strength from the earth or from a larger terrella, attracts and retains larger rods of iron. In * the other part of the terrestrial globe toward the South, as also in the Austral portion of a terrella, the reasoning is converse; for the Southern pole of the terrella being turned away is more robust, as also the Northern pole when turned round. The more a region on the earth is distant from the æquinoctial (as also in a larger terrella), the larger is the accession of strength perceived; near the æquator, indeed, the difference is small, but on the æquator itself null; at the poles finally it is greatest.
ardan writes[183] that out of iron and the Herculean
stone can be made a perpetual motion machine; not that he himself had
ever seen one, but only conceived the idea from an account by Antonius de
Fantis[184], of Treves.
Such a machine he describes, Book 9, De Rerum Varietate. But they
have been little practised in magnetick experiments who forge such things
as that. For no magnetick attraction can be greater (by any skill or by
any kind of instrument) than the retention. Things which are joined and
those which are approaching near are retained with a greater force than
those which are enticed and set in motion, and are moved; and that
coition is, as we have shown above, a motion of both, not an attraction
of one. Such a machine Peter Peregrinus feigned many centuries before or
else depicted one which he had received from others, and one which was
much better fitted for the purpose. Johannes Taysnier published it also,
spoiled by wretched figures, and copied out the whole theory of it word
for word. O that the gods would at length bring to a miserable end such
fictitious, crazy, deformed labours, with which the minds of the studious
are blinded!
ery powerful loadstones sometimes lift
into the air a weight of iron equal to their own; a weak one barely
attracts a slender wire. Those therefore are more robust which appeal to
and retain larger bodies, if there is no defect in their form, or the
pole of the stone is not suitably moved up. Moreover, when placed in a
boat a keener influence turns its own poles round more quickly to the
poles of the earth or the limits of variation on the horizon. One which
performs its function more feebly indicates a defect and an effete
nature. There must always be a similar preparation, a similar figure, and
a like size; for in such as are very dissimilar and unlike, the
experiment is doubtful. The method of testing the strength is the same
also with a versorium in a place somewhat remote from a loadstone; for
the one which is able to turn the versorium round at the greater
distance, that one conquers and is held the more potent. Rightly also is
the force of a loadstone weighed in a balance by B. Porta; a piece of
loadstone is placed in one scale-pan, in the other just as much weight of
something else, so that the scale-pans hang level. Soon a piece of iron
lying on the table is adjusted so that it sticks to the loadstone placed
in the scale, and they cling together most perfectly, according to their
friendly points; into the other scale-pan sand is gradually thrown, and
that until the scale in which the loadstone is placed is separated from
the iron. Thus by weighing the weight of sand, the magnetick force
becomes known. Similarly also it will be pleasing to try with another
stone, in equilibrium, the weight of the sand being observed, and to find
out the stronger by means of the weights of sand. Such is the experiment
of Cardinal Cusan in his De Staticis[185], from whom it would seem that B. Porta
learnt the experiment. The better loadstones turn themselves round more
quickly toward the poles or points of variation; then they also lead
along and turn round more quickly, according to the greater quantity and
mass of wood, a boat and other stuff. In a declination instrument, the
more powerful force of a loadstone is looked for and required. Those
therefore are more lively when they get through their work readily, and
pass through and come back again with speed, and swiftly at length settle
at their own point. Languid and effete ones move more sluggishly[186], settle more tardily,
adhære more uncertainly, and are easily disturbed from their
y magnetick coition we test iron ore in a
blacksmith's forge. It is burnt, broken in pieces, washed and dried, in
which way it lays down its alien humours; in the bits collected from the
washing is placed a loadstone, which attracts the iron dust to itself;
this, being brushed off with feathers, is received in a crucible, and the
loadstone is again placed in the bits collected from the washing, and the
dust wiped off, as long as any remains which it will attract to itself.
This is then heated in the crucible along with sal nitri[187] until it is liquid, and
from this a small mass of iron is cast. But if the loadstone draws the
dust to itself quickly and readily, we conjecture that the iron ore is
rich; if slowly, poor; if it seems altogether to reject it, there is very
little iron in it or none at all. In like manner iron dust can be
separated from another metal. Many tricks there are also, when iron is
secretly applied to lighter bodies, and, being attracted by the motion of
a loadstone which is kept out of sight, causes movements which are
amazing to those who do not know the cause. Very many such indeed every
ingenious mechanician will perform by sleight of hand, as if by
incantations and jugglery[188].
ery often the herd of philosophizers and
plagiarists repeat from the records of others in natural philosophy
opinions and errors about the attractions of various bodies; as that
Diamond attracts iron, and snatches it away from a magnet; that there are
various kinds or magnets, some which attract gold, others silver, brass,
lead; even some which attract flesh, water, fishes. The flame of sulphur
is said to seek iron and stones; so white naphtha is said to attract
fire. I have said above that {110}inanimate natural bodies do not attract,
and are not attracted by, others on the earth, excepting magnetically or
electrically. Wherefore it is not true that there are magnets which
attract gold or other metals; because a magnetick substance draws nothing
but magnetick substances. Though Fracastorio says that he has shown a
magnet drawing silver; if this were true, it must have happened on
account of iron skilfully mixed with that silver or concealed in it, or
else because nature (as she does sometimes, but rarely) had mixed iron
with the silver; iron indeed is rarely mixed with silver by nature;
silver with iron very rarely or never. Iron is mixed with silver by
forgers of false coin or from the avarice of princes in the coining of
money, as was the case with the denarius of Antony[189], provided that Pliny is recording a
true incident. So Cardan (perhaps deceived by others) says that there is
a certain kind of loadstone which draws silver; he adds a most foolish
test of this: "If therefore" (he says) "a slender rod of silver be
steeped in that in which a versatory needle has stood, it will turn
toward silver (especially toward a large quantity) although it be buried;
by this means anyone will be able easily to dig up concealed treasures."
He adds that "it should be very good stone, such as he has not yet seen."
Nor indeed will either he or anyone else ever see such a stone or such an
experiment. Cardan brings forward an attraction of flesh, wrongly so
named and very dissimilar from that of the loadstone; for his magnes
creagus or flesh-magnet, from the experiment that it sticks to the
lips, must be hooted out from the assembly of loadstones, or by all means
from the family of things attractive. Lemnian earth, ruddle, and very
many minerals do this, and yet they are fatuously said to attract. He
will have it that there is another loadstone, as it were, a third
species, into which, if a needle is driven and afterwards stuck into the
body, it is not felt. But what has attraction to do with stupefaction, or
stupor with a Philosopher's intellect, when he is discoursing about
attraction? There are many stones, both found in nature and made by art,
which have the power of stupefying. Sulphur flame is said by some to
attract, because it consumes certain metals by its power of penetration.
So white naphtha attracts flame, because it gives off and exhales an
inflammable vapour, on which account it is kindled at some distance, just
as the smoke of a recently extinguished candle takes fire again from
another flame; for fire creeps to fire through an inflammable medium. Why
the sucking fish Echineis or the Remora should stay ships has been
variously treated by Philosophers, who are often accustomed to fit this
fable (as many others) to their theories, before they find out whether
the thing is so in nature. Therefore, in order that they may support and
agree with the fatuities of the ancients, they put forward even the most
fatuous ratiocinations and ridiculous problems, cliffs that attract,
where the {111}sucking fish tarry, and the necessity of
some vacuum, I know not what, or how produced. Pliny and Julius Solinus
make mention of a stone Chatochitis[190]. They say that it attracts flesh, and
keeps hold of the hands, just as a loadstone does iron, and amber chaff.
But that happens only from a stickiness and from glue contained in it,
since it sticks more easily to the hands when they are warm. Sagda or
Sagdo[191], of the colour
of a sard, is a precious stone mentioned by Pliny, Solinus, Albertus, and
Evax[192]; they describe
its nature and relate, on the authority of others, that it specially
attracts wood to itself. Some even babble that woods cannot be wrenched
away except they are cut off. Some also narrate that a stone is found
which grows pertinaciously into ships, in the same way as certain
testacea on long voyages. But a stone does not draw because it sticks;
and if it drew, it would certainly draw shreds electrically, Encelius saw
in the hands of a sailor such a stone of feeble virtue, which would
hardly attract even the smallest twigs; and in truth, not of the colour
of the sard. So Diamond, Carbuncle, Crystal, and others do attract. I
pass over other fabulous stones; Pantarbe, about which Philostratus
writes that it draws other stones to itself; Amphitane also, which
attracts gold. Pliny in his origin of glass will have it that a loadstone
is an attractor of glass, as well as of iron. For in his method of
preparing glass, when he has indicated its nature, he subjoins this about
loadstone. "Soon (such is the astute and resourceful craft) it was not
content to have mixed natron; loadstone also began to be added, since it
was thought to attract to itself the liquor of glass (as it does iron)."
Georgius Agricola writes that to the material of glass (sand and natron)
one part also of loadstone is added. "Because that force is believed, in
our times just as in former times, to attract the liquor of glass to
itself, as it attracts iron to itself, purges it when drawn, and makes
clear glass from green or muddy; but the fire afterwards burns up the
loadstone." It is true indeed that some sort of magnes (as the
magnesia of the glass-makers imbued with no magnetick virtues) is
sometimes put in and mixed with the material of the glass; not, however,
because it attracts glass. But when a loadstone is burnt, it does not lay
hold of iron at all, nor is iron when red-hot allured by any loadstone;
and loadstone also is burnt up by more powerful fires and loses its
attractive potency. Nor is this a function of loadstone alone in the
glass furnaces; but also of certain pyrites and of some easily
combustible iron ores, which are the only ones used by our glass-makers,
who make clear, bright glass. They are mixed with the sand, ashes, and
natron (just as they are accustomed to make additions in the case of
metallick ores whilst they are smelted), so that when the material slows
down into glass, the green and muddy colour of the glass may be purged by
the penetrating heat. For no other material becomes so hot, {112}or bears the
fire for such a convenient time, until the material of the glass is
perfectly fluid, and is at the same time burnt up by that ardent fire. It
happens, however, sometimes, that on account of the magnetick stone, the
magnesia, or the ore, or the pyrites, the glass has a dusky colour, when
they resist the fire too much and are not burnt up, or are put in in too
great quantity. Wherefore manufacturers are seeking for a stone suitable
for them, and are observing also more diligently the proportion of the
mixture. Badly therefore did the unskilful philosophy of Pliny impose
upon Georgius Agricola and the more recent writers, so that they thought
the loadstone was wanted by glass-makers on account of its magnetick
strength and attraction. But Scaliger in De Subtilitate ad
Cardanum, in making diamond attract iron, when he is discussing
magneticks, wanders far from the truth, unless it be that diamond
attracts iron electrically, as it attracts wood, straws, and all other
minute bodies when it is rubbed. Fallopius reckons that quicksilver draws
metals by reason of an occult property, just as a loadstone iron, amber
chaff. But when quicksilver enters metals, it is wrongly called
attraction. For metals imbibe quicksilver, just as clay water; nor do
they do this unless they are touching, for quicksilver does not allure
gold or lead to itself from afar, but they remain motionless in their
riters who have discoursed on the forces
of bodies which attract others have also spoken about the powers of
bodies which repel, but especially those who have instituted classes for
natural objects on the basis of sympathy and antipathy. Wherefore it
would seem necessary for us to speak also about the mutual strife of
bodies, so that published errors should not creep further, and be
received by all to the ruin of true philosophy. They say that, just as
like things attract for the sake of preservation, so unlike and contrary
things for the same purpose mutually repel and put one another to flight.
This is evident in the reaction of many things, but it is most manifest
in the case of plants and animals, which attract kindred and familiar
things, and in like manner reject foreign and unsuitable things. But in
other bodies there is not the same reason, so that when they are
separated, they should come together by mutually {113}attracting one another.
Animals take food (as everything which grows), and draw it into their
interior; they absorb the nourishment by certain parts and instruments
(through the action and operation of the anima). They enjoy by
natural instinct only the things set in front of them and near them, not
things placed afar off; and this without any alien force or motion.
Wherefore animals neither attract any bodies nor drive them away. Water
does not repel oil (as some think) because the oil floats on water; nor
does water repel mud, because the mud, if mixed in water, settles down in
time. This is a separation of unlike bodies or such as are not perfectly
mixed as respects the material; the separated bodies nevertheless remain
joined without any natural strife. Wherefore a muddy sediment settles
quietly on the bottom of vessels, and oil remains on the top of the water
and is not sent further away. A drop of water remains intact on a dry
surface, and is not expelled from the dry substance. Wrongly therefore do
those who discourse on these matters infer an antipathy (that is, the
force of repelling by contrary passions); for there is no repelling force
in them; and repulsion comes[193] from action, not from passion. But
their greek vocables please them too much. We, however, must inquire
whether there is any body which drives anything else further off without
material impetus, as a loadstone attracts. But a loadstone seems even to
repel loadstone. For the pole of one loadstone repels the pole of
another, which does not agree with it according to nature; by repelling,
it turns it round in an orbit so that they may exactly agree according to
their nature. But if a somewhat weak loadstone, floating freely on water,
cannot readily be turned round on account of impediments, the whole
loadstone is repelled and sent further away from the other. All
electricks attract all things: they never repel or propel anything at
all[194]. As to what is
related about certain plants (as about the cucumber, which turns aside
when oil is applied to it), there is a material change from the vicinity,
not a hidden antipathy. But when they show a candle flame put against a
cold solid substance (as iron) turn away to the side, and allege
antipathy as the cause, they say nothing. The reason of this they will
see clearer than the day, when we discourse on what heat is[195]. But Fracastorio's
opinion that a loadstone can be found, which would drive iron away, on
account of some opposing principle lurking in the iron, is foolish.
n referring to the earlier books it will
be found shown that a loadstone has its poles, and that a piece of iron
has also poles, and rotation, and a certain verticity; finally, that the
loadstone and the iron direct their poles toward the poles of the earth.
Now, however, we must make clear the causes of these things and their
admirable workings, pointed out indeed before, but not proven. All those
who have written before us about these rotations have left us their
opinions so briefly, so meagrely, and with such hesitating judgment that
they seem hardly likely ever to persuade anyone, or even to be able to
satisfy themselves; and all their petty reasons are rejected by the more
prudent as useless, uncertain, and absurd, being supported by no proofs
or arguments; whence also magnetick science, being all the more neglected
and not understood, has been in exile. The true austral pole of a
loadstone, not the boreal (as all before us used to think), * if the loadstone is placed in its boat on the surface
of water, turns to the North; in the case of a piece of iron also,
whether it has been excited by a loadstone or not, the southern end moves
toward the North. An oblong piece of iron of three or four digits'
length[196], when skilfully
rubbed with a loadstone, quickly turns north and south. Wherefore
mechanicians, taking a piece of iron prepared in this way, balance it on
a pin in a box, and fit it up with the requisites of a sun-dial; or they
prepare the versorium out of two curved pieces of iron with their ends
touching one another, so that the motion may be more constant. In this
way the mariners' versorium is arranged, which is an instrument
beneficial, useful, and auspicious to sailors for indicating, like a good
genius, safety and the right way. But it must be understood on the
threshold of this argument (before we proceed further) that these
pointings of the loadstone or of iron are not perpetually made {116}toward the
true poles of the world, do not always seek those fixed and definite
points, or remain on the line of the true meridian; but usually diverge
some distance to the East or to the West. Sometimes also at certain
places on land or sea they do indicate exactly the true poles. This
discrepancy is called the Variation of the iron or of the
loadstone; and since this is brought about by other causes, and is merely
a certain disturbance and perversion of the true direction, we are
directing our attention in this place to the true direction of the
compass and of the magnetick iron (which would be equally toward the true
poles and on the true meridian everywhere on the earth, unless other
obstacles and an untoward pervertency hindered it). Of its variation and
the cause of the perversion we shall treat in the next book. Those who
wrote about the world and about natural philosophy a century ago,
especially those remarkable elementary philosophers, and all those who
trace their knowledge and training to them down to our own times, those
men, I say, who represented the earth as always at rest and, as it were,
a useless weight, placed in the centre of the universe at an equal
distance from the sky on every side, and its nature to be simple, imbued
only with the qualities of dryness and cold, sought diligently for the
causes of all things and of all effects in the heavens, the stars, the
planets, in fire, air, waters and substances of mixed natures. Never
indeed did they recognize that the terrestrial globe had, besides dryness
and cold, some special, effective, and predominant properties,
strengthening, directing, and moving the globe itself through its whole
mass and its very deepest vitals; nor did they ever inquire whether there
were any such. For this reason the crowd of philosophizers, in order to
discover the reasons of the magnetical motions, called up causes lying
remote and far away. And one man seems to me beyond all others worthy of
censure, Martin Cortes, who, since there was no cause which could satisfy
him in the whole of nature, dreamed that there was a point of magnetical
attraction beyond the heavens, which attracted iron. Peter Peregrinus
thinks that the direction arises from the poles of the sky. Cardan
thought that the turning of iron was caused by a star in the tail of the
Great Bear; Bessard, the Frenchman, opines that a magnetick turns toward
the pole of the zodiack. Marsilius Ficinus will have it that the
loadstone follows its own Arctick pole; but that iron follows the
loadstone, straws amber; whilst this perhaps follows the Antarctick
pole—a most foolish dream. Others have recourse to I know not what
magnetick rocks and mountains. Thus it is always customary with mortals,
that they despise things near home, whilst foreign and distant things are
dear and prized. But we study the earth itself and observe in it the
cause of so great an effect. The earth, as the common mother, has these
causes inclosed in her innermost parts; in accordance with her rule, {117}position, condition, verticity, poles,
æquator, horizons, meridians, centre, circumference, diameter, and the
nature of the whole interior of her substance, must all magnetical
motions be discussed. The earth has been ordered by the highest Artificer
and by nature in such a way that it should have parts dissimilar in
position, bounds of the whole and complete body, ennobled by certain
functions, by which it might itself remain in a definite direction. For
just as a loadstone, when it is floated on water in a suitable vessel, or
is hung by slender threads in the air, by its implanted verticity
conforms its poles to the poles of the common mother in accordance with
magnetick laws; so if the earth were to deviate from its natural
direction and its true position in the universe, or if its poles were to
be drawn aside (if this were possible) toward the sun-rising or the
sun-setting or toward any other points whatsoever in the visible
firmament, they would return again to the north and south by magnetical
motion, and would settle at the same points at which they are now fixed.
The reason why the terrestrial globe seems to remain more steadily with
the one pole toward those parts and directed toward the Cynosure, and why
its pole diverges by 23 degrees 29 minutes, with a certain variation not
sufficiently investigated as yet by Astronomers, from the poles of the
ecliptick, depends on its virtue magnetical. The causes of the precession
of the æquinoxes and the progression of the fixed stars, and of the
change, moreover, in the declinations of the sun and of the tropicks,
must be sought from magnetick influences; so that neither that absurd
motion of trepidation of Thebit Bencora[197], which is at great variance with
observations, nor the monstrous superstructures of other heavens, are any
longer needed. A versatory iron turns to the position of the earth, and
if disturbed ever so often returns always to the same points. For in the
far regions of the north, in a latitude of 70 or 80 degrees (to which at
the milder seasons of the year our sailors are accustomed to penetrate
without injury from the cold); in the regions halfway between the poles;
on the æquator in the torrid zone; and again in all the maritime places
and lands of the south, in the highest latitude which has thus far been
reached, always the iron magnetick finds its way, and points to the poles
in the same manner (excepting for the difference of variation); on this
side of the æquator (where we live), and on the other side to the south,
less well known, but yet in some measure explored by sailors: and always
the lily of the compass points toward the North. This we have had
confirmed by the most eminent captains, and also by very many of the more
intelligent sailors. These facts have been pointed out to me and
confirmed by our most illustrious Sea-god, Francis Drake, and by another
circumnavigator of the globe, Thomas Candish; our terrella also indicates
the same thing. This is demonstrated in the case of the {118}
orbicular stone, whose
poles are A and B; an iron wire CD, which is placed upon the stone,
always points directly along the meridian toward the poles AB, whether
the centre of the wire is on the central line or æquator of the stone, or
on any other part situated between the æquator and the poles, as at H, G,
F, E. So the cusp of a versorium on this side of the æquator points
toward the north; * on the other side the cross is always
directed toward the south; but the cusp or lily[198] does not, as some one has thought,
turn toward the south beyond the æquator. Some inexperienced people
indeed, who in distant parts beyond the æquator have seen the versorium
sometimes become more sluggish and less prompt, thought that the distance
from the arctick pole or from the magnetick rocks was the cause of this.
But they are very much mistaken; for it is as powerful[199], and adjusts itself as quickly to the
meridian or to the point of variation in the southern as in the northern
parts of the earth. Yet sometimes the motion appears slower, namely, when
the supporting pin by lapse of time and long voyaging has become somewhat
blunt, or the magnetick iron parts have lost, by age or rust, some of
their acquired vigour. This may also be shown experimentally by the
versatory iron of a small sun-dial placed on a very short pin set
perpendicular to the surface of the stone, for the iron when touched by a
loadstone points toward the poles of the stone and leaves the poles of
the earth; for the general and remoter cause is overcome by the
particular and powerful cause which is so near at hand. Magnetick bodies
have of themselves an inclination toward the position of the earth and
are influenced by a terrella. Two equal stones of equal strength adjust
themselves to a terrella in accordance with magnetick laws. The iron
conceives vigour from the loadstone and is influenced by the magnetical
motions. Wherefore true direction is the motion of a magnetick body in
regard to the verticity of the earth, the natures of both agreeing and
working together toward a natural position and unity. For indeed we have
found out at length, by many experiments and in many ways, that there is
a disposing nature, moving them together by reason of their various
positions by one form that is common {119}to both, and that in
all magnetick substances there is attraction and repulsion. For both the
stone[200] and the
magnetick iron arrange themselves by inclination and declination,
according to the common position of their nature and the earth. And the
force of the earth by the virtue of the whole, by attracting toward the
poles, and repelling, arranges all magneticks which are unfixed and
loose. For in all cases all magneticks conform themselves to the globe of
the earth in the same ways and by the same laws by which another
loadstone or any magneticks do to a terrella.[201]
irective force, which is also called by
us verticity, is a virtue which spreads by an innate vigour from the
æquator in both directions toward the poles. That power, inclining in
both directions towards the termini, causes the motion of direction, and
produces a constant and permanent position in Nature, not only in the
earth itself but also in all magneticks. Loadstone is found either in
veins of its own or in iron mines, when the homogeneous substance of the
earth, either having or assuming a primary form, is changed or concreted
into a stony substance, which besides the primary qualities of its nature
has various dissimilitudes and differences in different quarries and
mines, as if from different matrices, and very many secondary qualities
and varieties in its substance. A loadstone which is dug out in this
breaking up of the earth's surface and of protuberances upon it, whether
formed complete in itself (as sometimes in China) or in a larger vein, is
fashioned by the earth and follows the nature of the whole. All the
interior parts of the earth mutually conspire together in combination and
produce direction toward north and south. But those magnetical bodies
which come together in the uppermost parts of the earth are not true
united parts of the whole, but appendages and parts joined on, imitating
the nature of the whole; wherefore when floating free on water, they
dispose themselves just in the same way as they are placed in the
terrestrial system of nature. We had a large loadstone of twenty pounds
* weight, dug up and cut out of its vein, after we had
first observed and marked its ends; then after it was dug out, we placed
it in a boat on water, so that it could turn freely; then immediately the
face which had looked toward the north in the quarry began to {120}turn to
the north on the waves and at length settled toward that point. For that
face which looked toward the north in the quarry is the southern, and is
attracted by the northern parts of the earth,
in the same way as
pieces of iron which acquire their verticity from the earth. About this
point we intend to speak afterwards[202] under change of verticity. But there
is a different rotation of the internal parts of the earth, which are
perfectly united to the earth and which are not separated from the true
substance of the earth by the interposition of bodies as are loadstones
in the upper portion of the earth, which is maimed, corrupt, and
variable. Let A B be a piece of magnetick ore; between which and the
uniform globe of the earth lie various soils or mixtures which separate
the ore to a certain extent from the globe of the true earth. It is
therefore influenced by the forces of the earth just in the same way as C
D, a piece of iron, in the air. So the face B of some ore or of that
piece of it is moved toward the Boreal pole G, just as the extremity C of
the iron, not A or D. But the condition of the piece E F is different,
which piece is produced in one connected mass with the whole, and is not
separated from it by any earthy mixture. For if the part E F were taken
out and floated freely in a boat by itself, it is not E that would be
directed toward the Boreal pole, but F. So in those substances which
acquire their verticity in the air, C is the southern part and is seen to
be attracted by the Boreal pole G. In the case of others which are found
in the upper unstable portion of the earth, B is the south, and in like
manner inclines toward the Boreal pole. But if those pieces deep down
which are produced along with the earth are dug up, they turn about on a
different plan. For F turns toward the Boreal parts of the earth, because
* is the southern part; E toward the south, because it is
the northern. So of a magnetick body, C D, placed close to the earth, the
end C turns toward the Boreal pole; of one that is adnate to it B A, B
inclines to the North; of one that is innate in it, E F, E turns toward
the southern pole; which is confirmed by the {121}
demonstration, and comes about of necessity according to all magnetick
laws. Let there be a terrella with poles A B; from its mass cut out a
small part E F; if this be suspended by a fine thread above the hole or
over some other place, E does not seek the pole A but the pole B, and F
turns to A; very differently from a rod of iron C D; because C, touching
some northern part of the terrella, being magnetically carried away makes
a turn round to A, not to B. And yet here it should be observed, that if
the pole A of * the terrella were moved toward the earth's
south, the end E of the piece cut out by itself, if not brought too near
to the stone, would also move of itself toward the south. But the end C
of the piece of iron, placed beyond its orbe of virtue, will turn toward
the north. The part E F of the terrella, whilst in the mass, produced the
same direction as the whole; but when it is separated and suspended by a
thread, E turns to B, and F to A.
{122}So parts
having the same verticity with the whole, when separated, are impelled in
the contrary direction; for contrary parts solicit contrary parts. Nor
yet is this a true contrariety, but the highest concordancy, and the true
and genuine conformation of bodies magnetical in the system of nature, if
they shall have been divided and separated: for the parts thus divided
should be raised some distance from the whole, as will be made clear
afterwards. Magnetick substances seek a unity as regards form; they do
not so much respect their own mass. Wherefore the part F E is not
attracted into its former bed; but when once it is unsettled and at a
distance, it is * solicited by the opposite pole. But if the
small piece F E is placed back again in its bed or brought close to,
without any substances intervening, it acquires its former combination,
and, as a part of the whole once more united, accords with the whole and
sticks readily in its former position; and E remains toward A, and F
toward B, and they settle steadily in their mother's lap. The reasoning
is the same when the stone is divided into equal parts through the poles.
A spherical stone is
divided into two equal parts along the axis A B; * whether
therefore the surface A B is in the one part facing upward (as in the
former diagram) or lying on its face in both parts (as in * the latter), the end A tends toward B. But it must also
be understood that the point A is not carried with a definite aim always
toward the point B, because in consequence of the division the verticity
proceeds to other points, as to F G, as appears in the fourteenth chapter
of this book. And L M are now the axes in each, and A B is no longer the
axis; for magnetick bodies, as soon as they are divided, become single
magnetick wholes; and they have {123}vertices in accordance with their mass,
new poles arising at each end in consequence of the division. Yet the
axis and the poles always follow the leading of a meridian; because that
force passes along the meridians of the stone from the æquator to the
poles, by an everlasting rule, the inborn virtue of the substance
agreeing thereto from the long and lasting position and the facing of a
suitable substance toward the poles of the earth; by whose strength
continued through many centuries it has been fashioned; toward fixed and
determined parts of which it has remained since its origin firmly and
constantly turned.
riction between an oblong piece of iron
and a loadstone imparts to the former magnetick virtues, which are not
corporeal nor inherent and persistent in any body, as we showed in the
discussion on coition. It is plain that the iron, when it has been rubbed
hard with one end and applied to the stone for a pretty long time,
receives no stony nature, acquires no weight; for if, before the iron is
touched by the stone, you weigh * it in a small and very exact
goldsmith's balance, you will see after the rubbing that it has exactly
the same weight, neither diminished nor increased. But if you wipe the
iron with cloths after it has been touched, or wash it in water, or scour
it with sand or on a grindstone, still it in nowise lays aside its
acquired strength. For the force is spread through the whole body and
conceived in the inmost parts, and cannot in any way be washed or wiped
away. Let an experiment then be made in fire, that untamed tyrant of
nature. Take a piece of iron of the length of a palm and the thickness of
a goosequill pen; let this iron be passed through a suitable round cork
and placed on the surface of water, and observe the end which turns to
the north; rub this particular end with the true southern end of a
loadstone; the iron so rubbed turns toward the south. Remove the cork,
and place the end * which was excited in the fire until the iron
is just red-hot; when it is cooled, it will retain the strength of the
loadstone and the verticity, though it will not be so prompt, whether
because the force of the fire had not yet continued long enough to
overcome all its {124}strength, or because the whole iron was
not heated to redness, for the virtue is diffused through the whole.
Remove the cork a second time, and putting the whole iron in the fire,
blow the fire with the bellows, so that it may be all aglow, and let it
remain a little longer time red-hot; when cooled (so, however, that,
whilst it is cooling, it does not rest in one position), place it again
on the water with the cork, and you will see that it has lost the
verticity * which it had acquired from the stone. From
these experiments it is clear how difficult it is for the property of
polarity implanted by the loadstone to be destroyed. But if a small
loadstone had remained as long in the same fire, it would have lost its
strength. Iron, because it does not so easily perish, and is not so
easily burnt up as very many loadstones, retains its strength more
stably, and when it is lost can recover it again from a loadstone; but a
loadstone when burnt does not revive. But now that iron, which has * been deprived of its magnetick form, moves in a
different way from any other piece of iron, for it has lost its polar
nature; and whereas before the touch of the loadstone it may have had a
motion toward the north, and after contact toward the south; now it turns
to no definite and particular point; but afterwards, very slowly and
after * a long time, it begins to turn in a doubtful fashion
toward the poles of the earth (having acquired some power from the
earth). I have said that the cause of direction was twofold, one
implanted in the stone and iron, but the other in the earth, implanted by
the disponent virtue; and for that reason (the distinction of poles and
the verticity in the iron having now been destroyed) a slow and weak
directive power is acquired anew from the verticity of the earth. We may
see, therefore, with what difficulty and only by the application of hot
fires and by long ignition of the iron heated to softness, the imparted
magnetick virtue is eradicated. When this ignition has overcome the
acquired polarity, and it has been now completely subdued and not
awakened again, that iron is left unsettled and utterly incapable of
direction. But we must further inquire how iron remains affected by
verticity. It is manifest that it strongly affects and changes the nature
of the iron, because the presence of a loadstone attracts the iron to
itself with an altogether wonderful readiness. Nor is it only the part
that is rubbed, but on account of the rubbing (on one end only) the whole
iron is affected together, and gains by it a permanent though an unequal
power. This is demonstrated as follows. Rub an iron wire on the end so
* that it is excited, and it will turn towards the north;
afterward cut off some portion of it; you will see that it still turns
toward the north (as before), but more feebly. For it must be understood
that the loadstone excites a steady verticity in the whole iron (if the
rod be not too long) more vigorous throughout the whole mass in a shorter
bar, and as long as the iron remains touching the loadstone a little {125}stronger. But when the iron is separated
from contact with it, then it becomes much weaker, especially in the end
that was not touched. Just as a long rod, one end of which is placed in
the fire and heated, grows exceedingly hot at that end, less so in the
parts adjoining and in the middle, whilst at the other end it can be held
in the hand, and that end is only warm; so the magnetical vigour
diminishes from the excited end to the other end; but it is present there
instantly, and does not enter after an interval of time nor successively,
as the heat in the iron; for as soon as a piece of iron has been touched
by a loadstone it is excited throughout its whole length. For the sake of
experiment, let there be a rod of iron 4 or * 5 digits
long, untouched by a loadstone; as soon as you touch one end only with a
loadstone, the opposite end immediately, or in the twinkling of an eye,
by the power that it has conceived, repels or attracts a versorium, if it
be applied to it ever so quickly.
emonstration has already been given that
the northern part of a loadstone does not attract the northern part of
another stone, but the southern, and repels the northern part of another
stone from its northern side when it is applied[203] to it. That general magnet, the
terrestrial globe, disposes iron touched by a loadstone in the same way,
and likewise magnetick iron stirs this same iron by its implanted
strength, and excites motion and controls it. For whether the comparison
and experiment has been made between loadstone and loadstone, or
loadstone and iron, or iron and iron, or the earth and loadstone, or the
earth and iron conformed * by the earth or strengthened by
the power of a loadstone, the strength and inclinations of each must
mutually harmonize and accord in the same way. But the reason must be
sought, why a piece of iron when touched by a loadstone acquires a
disposition to motion toward the opposite pole of the earth, and not
toward that {126}pole of the earth to which that pole of
that loadstone turned by which it was excited. It has been pointed out
that iron and loadstone are of one primary nature; when the iron is
joined to the loadstone, they become, as it were, one body, and not only
is the end of the iron changed, but the remaining parts also are affected
along with it. A, the north pole of a loadstone, is placed against the
cusp of a piece of iron; the cusp of the iron has now become the southern
part of the iron,
because it is touching the northern part of the stone; the
cross-end of the iron has become the northern. For if that contiguous
magnetick substance be separated from the pole of the terrella, or from
the parts near the pole, the one end (or the end which, whilst the
connection was kept up, was touching the northern part of the stone) is
the southern, whilst the other is the northern. So also if a versorium
excited by a loadstone be divided into ever so many parts (however
small), those parts when separated will, it is clear, arrange themselves
in the same disposition as that in which they were disposed before, when
they were undivided. Wherefore whilst the cusp remains over the northern
pole A, it is not the southern end, but is, as it were, part of a whole;
but when it is taken away from the stone, it is the southern end, because
when rubbed it tended toward the northern parts of the stone, and the
cross (the other end of the versorium) is the northern end. The loadstone
and the iron make one body; B is the south pole of the whole; C (that is,
the cross) is the northern end of the whole; divide the iron also at E,
and E will be the southern end with respect to the cross; and E will
likewise be the northern end in respect to B. A is the true northern pole
of the stone and is attracted by the southern pole of the earth. The end
of the iron which is touched by the true boreal part of the stone becomes
the southern end, and turns to A, the north [pole] of the stone, if it be
near; or if it be some distance from the stone it turns to the north
[pole] of the earth. So always iron which is touched (if it is free and
unrestrained) tends to the opposite part of the earth from that part to
which the loadstone that touched it tends. Nor does it * make any difference how it is rubbed, whether straight
up or slanting in some way. For in any case the verticity flows into the
iron, {127}
provided it is touched by either end. Wherefore all the
cusps at B acquire the same verticity, after they are separated, but
opposite to that pole of the stone; wherefore also they are united to the
loadstone at the pole B; and all the crosses in the present figure have
the opposite verticity to the pole E, and are moved and laid hold of by E
when they are in a convenient position. It is exactly the same in the
case of the long stone F H divided at G; F and H always move, both in the
whole and in the divided stone, to opposite poles of the earth, and O and
P mutually attract one another, the one of them being the northern, the
other the southern. For, supposing H to have been the southern in the
whole stone and F the northern, P will be the northern with respect to H
in the divided stone, and O the southern with respect to F. So also F and
H mutually incline to a connection, if they are turned a very little
toward one another, and run together at length and join. But supposing
the division of the stone to have been meridional (that is, according to
the line of a meridian, not of any parallel circle), then they turn
round, and
A attracts B, and the end B is attracted to A and attracts A, until,
being turned round, they are connected and cemented together; because
magnetick attraction is not made along the parallels, but meridionally.
For this reason pieces of iron placed on a terrella whose poles are A B,
near the æquator along parallels, * do not combine or stick
together firmly: {128}
But if applied to one another along a meridian they are
immediately * joined firmly together, not only on and near
the stone, but even at some distance within the force of the controlling
orbe. Thus they are joined and cemented together at E, but not at C in
the other figure. For the opposite ends C and F meet and adhære together
in the case of the iron just in the same way as A and B before in the
case of the stone. But they are opposite ends, because the pieces of iron
proceed from the opposite sides and poles of the terrella; and C in
reference to the northern pole A is southern, and F is boreal in
reference to the * southern pole B. In like manner also they
are cemented together, if the rod C (being not too long[204]) be moved further toward A, and F
toward B, and they be joined together over the terrella, like A and B of
the divided stone above. But now if the cusp A, * which has
been touched by a loadstone, be the southern end, and you were to touch
and rub with this the cusp of another iron needle B, which has not been
touched, B will be northern, and will point to the south. But if you were
to touch with the northern point B any other iron needle, still new, on
its cusp, this again will be southern, and will turn to the north. The
iron not only receives the necessary strength from the loadstone, if it
be a good loadstone, but also imparts its acquired strength to another
piece of iron, and the second to a third (always in strict accordance
with magnetick laws). In all these demonstrations of ours it should
always be borne in mind that the poles of a stone, as well as those of
iron, whether touched or untouched, are always in fact and by nature
opposite to the pole toward which they point and are so designated by us,
as we have laid down above. For in them all it is always the northern
* which tends to the south, either of the earth or of the
stone, and the southern which tends to the north of the stone. Northern
parts are attracted by the southern of the earth; so in the boat they
{129}tend toward the south. A piece of iron
touched by the northern parts of a loadstone becomes south at the one end
and tends always (if it is near and within the orbe of the loadstone) to
the north of the stone, and if it be free and left to itself at some
distance from the stone, it tends to the northern part of the earth. The
northern pole A of a loadstone turns to G, the south of the earth; a
versorium touched at its cusp by the part A follows A, because it has
become southern. But the versorium C, placed farther away from the
loadstone, turns its cusp to F, the north of the earth, because * the cusp has become southern by contact with the boreal
part of the stone. So the ends touched by the northern part of the stone
are made southern, or are excited with a southern polarity, and tend
toward the north of the earth; those touched by the southern pole are
made northern, or are excited with a northern force, and turn to the
south of the earth.
ars of iron, when touched by a loadstone,
have one end north, the other south, and in the middle is the limit of
verticity, like the æquinoctial circle on the globe of a terrella or on
an iron globe. But when an iron ring is rubbed on one side on a * loadstone, then the one pole is on the place that was
in contact, whilst the other is at the opposite point; and the magnetick
power divides the ring into two parts by a natural distinction which,
though not in shape, yet in power and effect is like an æquator. But if a
thin straight rod be bent into a ring without any welding or union of the
ends, and be touched in the middle by a loadstone, both ends will be of
the same verticity. Let a ring be taken which is whole and continuous,
and which has been * touched by a loadstone at one place, and let
it be divided afterward {130}at the opposite point and straightened
out, both ends will also be * of the same verticity, no
otherwise than a thin rod touched in the middle or a ring not cohærent at
the joint.
n things magnetical nature always tends
to unity, not merely to confluence and agglomeration, but to harmony; in
such a way that the rotational and disponent faculty should not be
disturbed, as is variously shown in the following example. Let C D be an
entire body of some magnetick substance, in which C tends to B, the north
of the earth, and D to the south, A. Then[205] divide it in the middle in its
æquator, and it will be E that is tending toward A, and F tending toward
B. For just as in the undivided body, so in the divided, nature aims at
these bodies being united; the end E again joins with F harmoniously and
* eagerly and they stick together, but E is never joined
to D, nor F to C; for then C must be turned contrary to nature toward A,
the south, or D toward B, the north, which is foreign to them and
incongruous. Separate the stone in the place where it is cut and turn D
round to C; they harmonize and combine excellently. For D is tending to
the south, as before, and C to the north; E and F, parts which were
cognate in the ore, are now widely separated, for they do not move
together on account of material affinity, but they take their motion and
inclination from their form. So the ends, whether joined or divided, tend
magnetically in the same way to the earth's poles in the first figure
where there is one whole, or divided as in the second figure; and F E in
the second figure is a perfect magnetick joined together into one body
and C D, just as it was primarily produced in its ore, and F E in its
boat, turn in {131}this way to the poles of the earth and are
conformed to them. * This harmony of the magnetick form is shown
also in the forms of vegetables. Let A B be a twig from a branch of osier
or other * tree which sprouts easily. Let A be the
upper part, B the lower part toward the root; divide it at C D; I say
that the end D, if grafted again to C by the primer's art, grows to it;
just as also if B is grafted to A, they grow together and germinate. But
D being grafted on A, or C on B, they are at variance, and never grow
into one another, but one of them dies on account of the inverted and
inharmonious arrangement, since the vegetative force, which moves in one
way, is now impelled in opposite directions.
n the neighbourhood of the æquinoctial A
there is no coition of the ends of a piece of iron with the terrella; at
the poles there is the strongest. The greater the distance from the
æquinoctial, the stronger is the coition with the stone itself, and with
any part of it, not with its pole alone. Yet pieces of iron are not
raised up on account of some peculiar attracting force or a stronger
combined force, but on account of that common directing or conforming and
rotating force; nor indeed is a spike in the part about B, even one that
is very small and of no * weight[206], raised up to the perpendicular by the
strongest terrella, but cleaves to it obliquely. Also just as a terrella
attracts magnetick bodies variously with dissimilar forces, so also an
iron snout placed on the stone obtains a different potency in proportion
to the latitude, * just as a snout at L by its firmer
connection resists a greater weight more stoutly than one at M, and at M
than at N. But neither does the snout raise the spike to the
perpendicular except at the poles, as is shown in the figure. A snout at
L may hold and lift from the earth two ounces of iron in one piece; yet
it is not strong enough to raise an iron wire of two grains weight to the
perpendicular, which would happen if the verticity arose on account of a
* stronger attraction, or rather coition or unition.
uppose two iron wires or a pair of
needles stuck on the pole of a terrella; though they ought to stand
perpendicularly, they mutually repel one another at the upper * end, and produce the appearance of a fork; and if one
end be forcibly impelled toward the other, the other declines and bends
away from association with it, as in the following figure.
{133}A and B, iron spikes, adhære obliquely[207] upon the pole on account
of their nearness to one another; either alone would otherwise stand
erect and perpendicular. For the extremities A B, being of the same
verticity, mutually abhor and fly one another. For if C be the northern
pole of the terrella, A and B are also northern ends; but the ends which
are joined to and held at the pole C are both * southern.
But if those spikes be a little longer (as, for example, of two digits
length) and be joined by force, they adhære together and unite in a
friendly style, and are not separated without force. For they are
magnetically welded, and there are now no longer two distinct ends, but
one end and one body; no less than a wire which is doubled and set up
perpendicularly. But here is seen also another subtile point, that if
those spikes were shorter, not as much as the * breadth of
one digit, or even the length of a barleycorn, they are in no way willing
to harmonize or to stand straight up at the same time, because naturally
in shorter wires the verticity is stronger in the ends which are distant
from the terrella and the magnetick discord more vehement than in long
ones. Wherefore they in no way admit of an intimate association and
Likewise if those lighter pieces of iron or iron wires be suspended, hanging, as A and B, from a very fine silk thread, not twisted * but braided, distant from the stone the length of a single barleycorn, then the opposing ends, A and B, being situated within the orbe of virtue above the pole, keep a little away from one another for the same reason; except when they are very near the pole of the stone C, the stone then attracting them more strongly toward one end.
assing from the probable cause of motion
toward fixed points (according to magnetick laws and principles), it
remains for us to indicate those motions. Above a round loadstone (whose
poles are A, B) let a versatory needle be placed whose cusp has been
excited by the pole A; that cusp is certainly directed toward A, and is
strongly attracted by A; because, having been touched by A, it is in true
harmony with A, and combines with it; and yet it is called contrary,
because when the versorium is separated from the stone, it is seen to be
moved toward the opposite part of the earth to that toward which the pole
A of the loadstone is moved. For if A be the northern pole of the
terrella, the cusp is the southern end of the needle, of which the other
end (namely, the cross) is pointed to B; so B is the southern pole of the
loadstone, but the cross is the northern end of the versorium. So also
the cusp is attracted by E, F, G, H, and by every * part of a
meridian, from the æquator toward the pole, by the faculty disponent; and
when the versorium is on the same parts of the meridian, the cusp is
directed toward A. For it is not the point A that turns the versorium
toward it, but the whole loadstone; as also the whole earth does, in the
turning of loadstones to the earth.
Figures illustrating magnetick directions in a right sphere[208] of stone, and in the right sphere of the earth, as well as the polar directions to the perpendicular of the poles. All these cusps have been touched by the pole A; all the cusps are turned toward A, excepting that one which is repelled by B.
Figures illustrating horizontal directions above the body of a loadstone. All the cusps that have been made southern by rubbing on the boreal pole, or some place round the northern pole A, turn toward the pole A, and turn away from the southern pole B, toward which all the crosses look. I call the direction horizontal, because it is arranged along the plane of the horizon; for nautical and * horological instruments are so constructed that the iron hangs or is supported in æquilibrium on the point of a sharp pin, which prevents the dipping of the versorium, about which we intend to speak later. And in this way it is of the greatest use to man, indicating and distinguishing all the points of the horizon and the winds. Otherwise on every oblique sphere (whether of stone or the earth) versoria and all magnetick substances would have a dip by their own nature below the horizon; and at the poles the directions would be perpendicular, which appears in our discussion On Declination.
A round stone (or terrella) cut in two at the æquator; and all the cusps have been touched by the pole A. The points at the centre of the earth, and between the two parts of the terrella which has been cut in two through the plane of the æquator, {136}are directed as in the present[209] diagram. This would also happen in the same way if the division of the stone were through the plane of a tropick, and the mutual separation of the divided parts and the interval between them were the same as before, when the loadstone was divided through the plane of the æquator, and the parts separated. For the cusps are repelled by C, are attracted by D; and the versoria are parallel, the poles or the verticity in both ends mutually requiring it.
Half a terrella by itself and its directions, unlike the directions * of the two parts close to one another as shown in the figure above. All the cusps have been touched by A; all the crosses below except the middle one tend toward the loadstone, not straight, but obliquely; because the pole is in the middle of the plane which before was the plane of the æquator. All cusps touched by places distant from the pole move toward the pole (exactly the same as if they had been rubbed upon the pole itself), not toward the place where they were rubbed, wherever that may have been in the undivided stone in some latitude between the pole and the æquator. And for this reason there are only two distinctions of regions, northern and southern, in the terrella, just {137}as in the general terrestrial globe, and there is no eastern nor western place; nor are there any eastern or western regions, rightly speaking; but they are names used in respect of one another toward the eastern or western part of the sky. Wherefore it does not appear that Ptolemy did rightly in his Quadripartitum, making eastern and western districts and provinces, with which he improperly connects the planets, whom the common crowd of philosophizers and the superstitious soothsayers follow.
riction with a loadstone gives to a piece
of iron a verticity strong enough; not, however, so stable that the iron
may not by being rubbed on the opposite part (not only with a more
powerful loadstone, but with the same) be changed and deprived of all its
former verticity, and indued with a new and opposite one. Take a piece of
iron wire and rub each end of the wire equally with one and the same pole
of a loadstone, and let it be passed through a suitable cork and place it
on water. Then truly one end of the wire will be directed toward that
pole of the earth toward which that end of the stone will not turn. But
which end of the iron wire will it be? That certainly which was rubbed
last. Rub the other end of this again with the same pole, and immediately
* that end will turn itself in the opposite direction.
Again touch the former end of the iron wire only with the same pole of
the loadstone as before; and that[210] end, having gained the command,
immediately changes to the contrary side. So you will be able to change
the property of the iron frequently, and that end of the wire rules which
has been touched the last. Now then merely hold the boreal pole of the
stone for some time near the boreal part of the wire which was last
touched, so that it does not touch, but so that it is removed from it by
one, two, or even three digits, if the stone have been pretty * strong; and again it will change its property and will
turn round to the contrary side; which will also happen (albeit rather
more feebly) even if the loadstone be removed to a distance of four
digits. You will be able to do the same thing, moreover, with both the
austral and the boreal part of the stone in all these experiments.
Verticity may likewise be acquired and changed when thin plates of gold,
* silver, and glass are interposed between the stone and
the end of the iron or iron wire, if the stone were rather strong, even
if the {138}intermediate lamina is not touched either
by the iron or the stone. And these changes of verticity take place in
smelted iron. Indeed what the one pole of the stone implants and excites,
the other disturbs and extinguishes, and confers a new force. For it does
not require a stronger loadstone to take away the weaker and sluggish
virtue and to implant the new one; nor is iron inebriated by the equal
strength of loadstones, and made utterly uncertain and neutral, as
Baptista Porta teaches; but by one and the same loadstone, or by
loadstones endowed with equal power and might, its strength is, in
accordance with magnetick rules, turned round and changed, excited,
repaired, or disturbed. But a loadstone itself, by being rubbed on
another, whether a larger or a more powerful stone, is not disturbed from
its own property and verticity, nor does it turn round toward the
opposite direction in its boat, or to the other pole opposite to that to
which it inclines by its own nature and implanted verticity. For strength
which is innate and has been implanted for a very long time abides more
firmly, nor does it easily yield from its ancient holding; and that which
has grown for a long time is not all of a sudden brought to nothing,
without the destruction of the substance containing it. Nevertheless in a
long interval of time a change * does take place; in one year,
that is to say, or two, or sometimes in a few months; doubtless when a
weaker loadstone remains lying by a stronger one contrary to the order of
nature, namely, with the northern pole of one loadstone adjoined to the
northern pole of another, or the southern to the southern. For so the
weaker strength gradually declines with the lapse of time.
elect a piece of iron wire of three
digits length, not touched by a loadstone (but it will be better if its
acquired verticity be rather weak or have been damaged in some way);
touch it and rub it on the æquator of a terrella, exactly on the
æquinoctial line in the direction of its length, on the one end, or the
ends only, or in all its parts; place the wire touched in this * way on water in a cork fitted for it; it will swim
about doubtfully on the waves without any acquired verticity, and the
verticity previously implanted will be disturbed. If, however, it float
by chance toward the poles, it will be checked a little by the poles of
the earth, and will at length by the influence of the earth be indued
with verticity.
aving thus far[211] demonstrated natural and inborn causes
and powers acquired by means of the stone, we will now examine the causes
of magnetick virtues in smelted iron that has not been excited by a
stone. Loadstone and iron furnish and exhibit to us wonderful
subtilities. It has been repeatedly shown above that iron not excited by
a stone turns north and south; further that it has verticity, that is,
special and peculiar polar distinctions, just as a loadstone, or iron
which has been rubbed upon a loadstone. This indeed seemed to us at first
wonderful and incredible; the metal of iron from the mine is smelted in
the furnace; it runs out of the furnace, and hardens into a great mass;
this mass is divided in great worksteads, and is drawn into iron bars,
from which smiths again construct many instruments and necessary pieces
of iron-work. Thus the same mass is variously worked up and transformed
into very many similitudes. What is it, then, which {140}preserves its
verticity, and whence is it derived? So take this first from the above[212] smithy. Let the
blacksmith beat out upon his anvil a glowing mass of iron of two or three
ounces weight into an iron spike of the length of a span of nine inches.
Let the smith be standing with his face to the north, his back to the
south, so that * the hot iron on being struck has a motion of
extension to the north; and let him so complete his work with one or two
heatings of the iron (if that be required); let him always, however,
whilst he is striking the iron, direct and beat out the same point of it
toward the north, and let him lay down that end toward the north. Let him
in this way complete two, three, or more pieces of iron, nay, a hundred
or four hundred; it is demonstrable that all those which are thus beaten
out toward the north, and so placed whilst they are cooling, turn round
on their centres; and floating pieces of iron (being transfixed, of
course, through suitable corks) make a motion in the water, the
determined end being toward the north. In the same way also pieces of
iron acquire verticity from their direction whilst they are being beaten
out and hammered or drawn out, * as iron wires are accustomed to
do toward some point of the horizon between east and south or between
south and west, or in the opposite direction. Those, however, which are
pointed or drawn out rather toward the eastern or western point, conceive
* hardly any verticity or a very undecided one. That
verticity is especially acquired by being beaten out. But a somewhat
inferior iron ore, in which no magnetick powers are apparent, if put in a
* fire (its position being observed to be toward the
poles of the world or of the earth) and heated for eight or ten hours,
then cooled away from the fire, in the same position towards the poles,
acquires a verticity in accordance with the position of its heating and
cooling. Let a rod of cast iron be heated red-hot in a strong fire, in
which it lies * meridionally (that is, along the path of a
meridian circle), and let be removed from the fire and cooled, and let it
return to its former temperature, remaining in the same position as
before; then from this it will turn out that, if the same ends have been
turned to the same poles of the earth, it will acquire verticity, and the
end which looked toward the North on water with a cork before the
heating, if it have been placed during the heating and cooling toward the
fourth, now turns round to the south. But if perchance sometimes the
rotation have been doubtful and somewhat feeble, let it be placed again
in the fire, and when it is taken out at a red heat, let it be perfectly
cooled toward the pole from which we desire the verticity, and the
verticity will be acquired. Let the same rod be heated * in the contrary position, and let it be placed so at a
red heat it is cool; for it is from its position in cooling (by the
operation of the verticity of the earth) that verticity is put into the
iron, and it turns round to parts contrary to its former verticity. So
{141}the end which formerly looked toward the
north now turns to the south. In accordance with these reasonings and in
these ways the boreal pole of the earth gives to the end of a piece of
iron turned toward it a southern verticity, and that end is attracted by
that pole. * And here it must be observed that this
happens to iron not only when it is cooled in the plane of the horizon,
but also at any angle to it almost up to the perpendicular toward the
centre of the earth. So the heated iron conceives vigour and verticity
from the earth more quickly in the course of its return to its normal
state, and in its recovery, as it were (in the course of which it is
transformed), than by its mere position alone. This is effected better
and more * perfectly in winter and in colder air, when
the metal returns more certainly to its natural temperature, than in
summer and in warm regions. Let us see also what position alone and a
direction toward the poles of the earth can effect by itself without fire
and heat. Iron rods which have been placed and fixed for a long time,
twenty * or more years, from south to north (as they not
infrequently are fixed in buildings and across windows), those rods, I
say, by that long lapse of time acquire verticity and turn round, whether
hanging in the air, or floating (being placed on cork), to the pole
toward which they were pointing, and magnetically attract and repel a
balanced iron magnetick; for the long continued position of the body
toward the poles is of much avail. This fact (although conspicuous by
manifest experiments) is confirmed by an incident related in an Italian
letter[213] at the end of a
book of Maestro Filippo Costa, of Mantua, Sopra le Compositioni degli
Antidoti written in Italian, which translated runs thus: "A druggist
of Mantua showed me a piece of iron entirely changed into a magnet,
drawing another piece of iron in such a way that it could be compared
with a loadstone. Now this piece of iron, when it had for a long time
held up a brick ornament on the top of the tower of the church of St.
Augustine at Rimini, had been at length bent by the force of the winds,
and remained so for a period of ten years. When the monks wished to bend
it back to its former shape, and had handed it over to a blacksmith, a
surgeon named Maestro Giulio Caesare discovered that it was like a magnet
and attracted iron." This was caused by the turning of its extremities
toward the poles for so long a time. And so what has been laid down
before about change of verticity should be borne in mind; how in fact the
poles of iron spikes are altered, when a loadstone is placed against them
only with its pole and points toward them, even at a rather long
distance. Clearly it is in the same way that that large magnet also (to
wit, the earth itself) affects a piece of iron and changes its verticity.
For, although the iron may not touch the pole of the earth, nor any
magnetick part of the earth, yet verticity is acquired and changed; not
because the poles of the earth and the point itself which is 39° distant
{142}from our city of London, changes the
verticity at a distance of so many miles; but because the whole magnetick
earth, that which projects to a considerable height, and to which the
iron is near, and that which is situated between us and the pole, and the
vigour existing within the orbe of its magnetick virtue (the nature of
the whole conspiring thereto), produces the verticity. For the magnetick
effluence of the earth rules everywhere within the orbe of its virtue,
and transforms bodies; but those things which are more similar to it, and
specially connected with it by nature, it rules and controls; as
loadstone and iron. Wherefore in very many matters of business and
actions it is clearly not superstitious and idle to observe the positions
and conditions of lands, the points of the horizon and the places of the
stars. For as when a babe is brought forth into the light from its
mother's womb, and acquires respiration and certain animal activities,
then the planets and celestial bodies[214], according to their position in the
universe, and according to that configuration which they have with regard
to the horizon and the earth, instil peculiar and individual qualities
into the newly born; so that piece of iron, whilst it is being formed and
lengthened out, is affected by the common cause (to wit, the earth);
whilst it is returning also from its heated condition to its former
temperature, it is imbued with a special verticity in accord with its
position. Rather long pieces of iron sometimes have the same verticity
* at each end; wherefore they have motions which are less
certain and well ordered on account of their length and of the aforesaid
processes, exactly as when an iron wire four feet long is rubbed at each
end upon the same pole of a loadstone.
igneous substances floating on water
never by their own strength turn round toward the poles of the earth,
save by chance. So wires of gold, silver, brass, tin, lead, or glass,
pushed through corks and floating, have no sure direction; and for this
reason they do not show poles or points of variation when rubbed with a
loadstone. For those things which do not of themselves incline toward the
poles and obey the earth are also not ruled by {143}the touch of a
loadstone; for the magnetick vigour has no entrance into their inward
parts; neither is the magnetick form received by them, nor are their
forms magnetically excited; nor, if it did enter, would it effect
anything, because in those bodies (mixed up with various kinds of
efflorescent humours and forms, corrupted from the original property of
the earth) there are no primary qualities. But those prime qualities of
iron are excited by the juxtaposition of a loadstone, just as brute
animals or men, when they are awakened out of sleep, move and put forth
their strength. Here one must marvel at a demonstrable error of B. Porta,
who, while rightly opposing a very old falsehood about the diamond, in
speaking of a power contrary to that of the loadstone, introduces another
still worse opinion; that forsooth iron, when touched by a diamond, turns
to the north. "If" (he says) "you rub a steel-Needle on a Diamond, and
then put it in a Boat, or thrust it through a reed, or hang it up by a
Thread, it will presently turn to the North, almost as well as if it had
been touched with the Loadstone; but something more faintly. And, what is
worth noting, the contrary part will turn the iron to the South: and when
I had tried this in many steel-Needles, and put them all into the Water,
I found, that they all stood equi-distant, pointing to the North." This
indeed would * be contrary to our magnetick rules. For this
reason we made an experiment with seventy excellent diamonds, in the
presence of many witnesses, on a large number of spikes and wires, with
the most careful precautions, floating (thrust, of course, through their
corks) on the surface of water; never, however, could we observe this. He
was deceived by the verticity acquired from the earth (as stated above)
in the spike or wire of iron itself, and the iron itself turned aside to
its own definite pole; and he, being ignorant of this, thought it was
done by the diamond. But let the investigators of natural phenomena take
heed that they are not the more deceived by their own badly observed
experiments, and disturb the commonwealth of letters with their errors
and stupidities. Diamond is sometimes designated by the name of
Sideritis, not because it is made of iron or because it draws
iron, but on account of its lustre, resembling flashing steel; with such
a lustre do the choicest pieces of diamond shine; hence by very many
writers many qualities are imputed to diamond which really belong to
siderite loadstone.
uietly to pass this over would be
improper, because a recent error arising from a defective observation of
Baptista Porta must be overthrown; on which he (by an unfortunate
repetition) even writes three chapters, namely, the 18th, the 31st, and
the 42nd. For if a loadstone or a piece of magnetick iron, hanging in
æquilibrium or floating on water, is attracted and disposed toward
certain definite points, when you bring above it a piece of iron or
another loadstone, it will not, if you afterward put the same[215] below it, turn round to
the contrary parts; but the same ends of the iron or the loadstone will
always be directed toward the same ends of the stone, even if the
loadstone or the iron is suspended in any way in æquilibrium or is poised
on a needle, so that it can turn round freely. He was deceived by the
irregular shape of some stone, or because he did not arrange the
experiment suitably. Wherefore he is led astray by a vain opinion, and
thinks he may infer that, just as a stone has an arctic and antarctic
pole, so also it has a western and an eastern, and an upper and a lower
pole. So from foolish ideas conceived and admitted arise other
uppose A B to be a terrella, whose centre
is E, and whose diameter (as also its æquinoctial circle) is D F. If you
cut off a portion (through the arctic circle, for example), G H, it is
demonstrable that the pole which was at A now has a position at I. But
the centre and the æquinoctial recede toward B {145}merely so that they are
always in the middle of the mass that is left between the plane of the
arctick circle G I H and the antarctick pole B. Therefore the segment of
the terrella comprised between the plane of the former æquinoctial (that,
of course, which was the æquator before cutting that part away) D E F and
the newly acquired æquator M L N will always be equal to the half of that
part which was cut off, G I H A.
* But if the portions have been taken away from the side
C D, the poles and axis will not be in the line A B, but in E F, and the
axis would be changed in the same proportion as the æquator in the former
figure. For those positions of forces and virtues, or rather limits of
the virtues, which are derived from the whole form, are moved forward by
change of quantity and shape; since all these limits arise from the
conspiring together of the whole and of all {146}the parts united; and
the verticity or the pole is not a virtue innate in one part, or in some
definite limit, or fixed in the substance; but it is an inclination of
the virtue to that part. And just as a terrella separated from the earth
has no longer the earth's poles and æquator, but individual ones of its
own; so also if it again be divided, those limits and distinctions of the
qualities and virtues pass on to other parts. But if a loadstone be
divided in any way, either along a parallel, or meridionally, so that by
the change of shape either the poles or the æquator move to other
positions, if the part cut off be merely applied in its natural position
and joined to the whole, even without any agglutination or cementing
together, the determining points of the virtues return again to their
former sites, as if no part of the body had been cut off. When a body is
entire, its form remains entire; but when the body is lessened, a new
whole is made, and there arises a new entirety, determined for every
loadstone, however small, even for magnetick gravel, and for the finest
ow although the southern end of a
magnetick iron is attracted by a northern end, and repelled by a
southern, yet the southern portion of a stone does not diminish, but
increases the potency of the boreal part. Wherefore if a stone be cut in
two and divided through the arctick circle, or through the tropick of
Cancer or the æquator, the southern portion does not attract magnetick
substances so strongly with its pole as before; because a new whole
arises, and the æquator is removed from its old position and moves
forward on account of that cutting of the stone. In the former condition,
since the opposite portion of the stone increases the mass beyond the
plane of the æquator, it strengthens also the verticity, and the potency,
and the motion to unity.
ersoria prepared by the loadstone
subserve so many actions in human life that it will not be out of place
to record a better method of touching them and exciting them
magnetically, and a suitable manner of operating. Rich ores of iron and
such as yield a greater proportion of metal are recognized by means of an
iron needle suspended in æquilibrium and magnetically prepared; and
magnetick stones, clays, and earths are distinguished, whether crude or
prepared. An iron needle (the soul of the mariners' compass), the
marvellous director in voyages and finger of God, one might almost say,
indicates the course, and has pointed out the whole way around the earth
(unknown for so many ages). The Spaniards (as also the English) have
frequently circumnavigated (by an immense circuit) the whole globe by aid
of the mariners' compass. Those who travel about through the world or who
sit at home have sun-dials. A magnetick pointer follows and searches out
the veins of ore in mines. By its aid mines are driven in taking cities;
catapults and engines of war are aimed by night; it has been of service
for the topography of places, for marking off the areas and position of
buildings, and for excavating aqueducts for water under ground. On it
depend instruments designed to investigate its own dip and variation.
When iron is to be quickened by the stone, let it be clean and bright,
disfigured by no rust or dirt, and of the best steel[216]. Let the stone itself be wiped dry,
and let it not be damp with any moisture, but let it be filed gently with
some smooth piece of iron. But the hitting of the stone with a hammer is
of no advantage. By these means let their bare surfaces be joined, and
let them be rubbed, so that they may come together more firmly; not so
that the material substance of the stone being joined to the iron may
cleave to it, but they are rubbed gently together with friction, and
(useless parts being rubbed off) they are intimately united; whence a
more notable virtue
arises in the iron that is excited. A is the best way of touching a
versorium when the cusp touches the pole and faces it; B is a moderately
good way, when, though facing it, it is a little way {148}distant from
the pole; also in like manner C is only moderately good on account of the
cusp being turned away from the pole; D, which is farther distant, is
hardly so good; F, which is prepared crosswise along a parallel, is bad;
of no virtue and entirely irresponsive and feeble is the magnetick index
L, which is rubbed along the æquator; oblique and not pointing towards
the pole as G, and oblique, not pointing toward but turned away from the
pole as H, are bad. These have been placed so that they might indicate
the distinct forces of a round stone. But mechanicians very often have a
stone tending more to a cone shape, and more powerful on account of that
shape since the pole, on which they rub their wires, is at the apex of
the projecting part. Sometimes the stone has on the top and above its own
pole an artificial acorn or snout made of steel for the sake of its
power. Iron needles are rubbed on the top of this; wherefore they turn
toward the same pole as if they had been prepared on that part of the
stone with the acorn removed. Let the stone be large enough and strong;
the needle, even if it be rather long, should be sufficiently thick, not
very slender; with a moderate cusp, not too sharp, although the virtue is
not in the cusp itself only, but in the whole piece of iron. A strong
large stone is not unfit for rubbing all needles on, excepting that
sometimes by its strength it occasions some dip and disturbance in the
iron in the case of longer needles; so that one which, having been
touched before, rested in equilibrium in the plane of the horizon, now
when touched and excited dips at one end, as far as the upright pin on
which it turns permits it. Wherefore in the case of longer versoria, the
end which is going to be the Boreal, before it is rubbed, should be a
little lighter, so that it may remain exactly in æquilibrio after it is
touched. But a needle in this way prepared does its * {149}work worse the farther it is beyond the
æquinoctial circle. Let the prepared needle be placed in its capsule, and
let it not be touched by any other magneticks, nor remain in the near
vicinity of them, lest by their opposing forces, whether powerful or
sluggish, it should become uncertain and dull. If you also rub the other
end of the needle on the other pole of the stone, the needle will perform
its functions more steadily, especially if it be rather long. A piece of
iron touched by a loadstone retains the magnetick virtue, excited in it
even for ages[217], firm
and strong, if it is placed according to nature meridionally and not
along a parallel, and is not injured by rust or any external injury from
the surrounding medium. Porta wrongly seeks for a proportion between the
loadstone and the iron: because, he says, a little piece of iron will not
be capable of holding much virtue; for it is consumed by the great force
of the loadstone. A piece of iron receives its own virtue fully, even if
it be only of the weight of one scruple, whilst the mass of the loadstone
is a thousand pounds. It is also useless to make the needle rather flat
at the end that is touched, so that it may be better and more perfectly
magnetick, and that it may best receive and hold certain magnetick
particles; since hardly any part will stick on a sharp point; because he
thought that it was by the adhesion of parts of the loadstone (as it
were, hairs) that the influence is imparted and conserved, though those
particles are merely rubbed off by the rubbing of the iron over the
softer stone, and the iron none the less points toward the North and
South, if after it is touched it be scoured with sand or emery powder, or
with any other material, even if by long rubbing of this kind the
external parts of it are lessened and worn away. When a needle is being
rubbed, one should always leave off at the end; otherwise, if it is
rubbed on the loadstone from the point toward the middle, less verticity
is excited in the iron, sometimes none at all, or very little. For where
the last contact is, there is the pole and goal of verticity. In order
that a stronger verticity may be produced in the iron by rubbing on the
loadstone, one * ought in northern lands to turn the true
northern pole of the loadstone toward the highest part of the sky; on
this pole that end of the needle is going to be rubbed, which shall
afterwards turn toward the north of the earth; whilst it will be an
advantage for the other end of the needle to be rubbed on the southern
pole of the terrella turned toward the earth, and this being so excited
will incline toward the south. In southern regions beyond the æquator the
plan is just the contrary. The reason of this dissimilarity is
demonstrated, Book II., chap, xxxiv., in which it is shown (by a manifest
combination of a terrella and the earth) why the poles of a loadstone,
for different reasons, are one stronger than the other. If a needle be
touched between the mutually accordant * poles of two
loadstones, equal in power, shape, and mass, no strength {150}
is acquired by the needle. A and B are two loadstones
attracting one another, according to nature, at their dissimilar ends; C,
the * point of a needle touched by both at once, is not
excited (even if those loadstones be connected according to nature), if
they are equal; but if they are not equal, virtue is acquired from the
stronger. When a needle is being excited by a loadstone, begin in the
middle, and draw the needle toward its end; at the end let the
application be continued with a very gentle rubbing around the end for
some time; that is to say, for one or two minutes; do not repeat the
motion from the middle to the end (as is frequently done) for in this way
the verticity is injured. Some delay is desirable, for although the power
is imparted instantly, and the iron excited, yet from the vicinity of the
loadstone and a suitable delay, a more steady verticity arises, and one
that is more firmly durable in the iron. Although an armed stone raises a
greater weight of iron than an unarmed one, yet a needle is not more
strongly excited by an armed stone than by an unarmed one. Let there be
two iron wires of the same length, wrought from the same wire; let one be
excited by an armed end, the other by an unarmed end; it is manifest that
the same needles have a beginning of motion or a sensible inclination at
equal distances from the same armed and unarmed loadstone; this is
ascertained by measuring with a longish reed. But objects which are more
powerfully excited move more quickly; those which are less powerfully
excited, more feebly, and not unless brought rather close; the experiment
is made on water with equal corks.
irection has hitherto been spoken of as
if in nature there were no variation; for in the preceding natural
history we wished to omit and neglect this, inasmuch as in a terrestrial
globe, perfect and in every sense complete, there would be none. Since,
however, in fact, the earth's magnetick direction, owing to some fault
and slip, deviates from its right course and from the meridian, we must
extract and demonstrate the obscure and hidden cause of that variance
which has troubled and sore racked in vain the minds of many. Those who
before us have written on the magnetick movements have made no
distinction between direction and variation, but consider the motion of
magnetick iron to be uniform and simple. Now true direction is the motion
of the magnetick body to the true meridian and its continuance therein
with its appropriate ends towards the poles. But it very often happens at
sea and on land that the magnetick iron does not point to the true pole,
and that not only a versorium and magnetick pieces of iron, and the
needle of a compass, or a mariners' compass, but also a terrella in its
boat, as well as * iron ore, iron stones, and magnetick earths,
properly prepared, are drawn aside and deviate towards some point of the
Horizon very near to the meridian. For they with their poles frequently
face termini away from the meridian. This variation {152}(observed by
means of instruments or a nautical variation compass) is therefore the
arc of the horizon between the common point of intersecion of it with the
true meridian, and the terminus of the deflecion on the horizon or
projection of the deviating needle. That arc varies and differs with
change of locality. To the terminus of the variation is commonly assigned
a great circle, called the circle of variation, and also a magnetick
meridian passing through the zenith and the point of variation on the
horizon. In the northern regions of the earth this variation is either
from the north toward the east or from the north toward the west:
similarly in the southern regions it is from the south toward the east or
toward the west. Wherefore one should observe in the northern regions of
the earth * that end of the versorium or compass which
turns toward the North; but in the southern regions the other end looking
to the south—which seamen and sciolists for the most part do not
understand, for in both regions they observe only the boreal lily of the
compass (that which faces North). We have before said that all the
motions of the magnet and iron, all its turning, its inclination, and its
settlement, proceed from bodies themselves magnetical and from their
common mother the earth, which is the source, the propagatrix, and the
origin of all these qualities and properties. Accordingly the earth is
the cause of this variation and inclination toward a different point of
the horizon: but how and by what powers must be more fully investigated.
And here we must at the outset reject that common opinion of recent
writers concerning magnetick mountains, or any magnetick rock, or any
phantasmal pole distant from the pole of the earth, by which the motion
of the compass or versorium is controlled. This opinion, previously
invented by others, Fracastorio himself adopted and developed; but it is
entirely at variance with experience. For in that case in different
places at sea and on land the point of variation would change toward the
east or west in proportion and geometrical symmetry, and the versorium
would always respect the magnetick pole: but experience teaches that
there is no such definite pole or fixed terminus on the earth to account
for the variation. For the arcs of * variation are changed
variously and erratically, not only on different meridians but on the
same meridian; and when, according to this opinion of the moderns, the
deviation should be more and more toward the east, then suddenly, with a
small change of locality, the deviation is from the north toward the west
as in the northern regions near Nova Zembla. Moreover, in the southern
regions, and at sea at a great distance from the æquator towards the
antarctick pole, there are frequent and great variations, and not only in
the northern regions, from the magnetick mountains. But the cogitations
of others are still more vain and trifling, such as that of Cortes about
a moving influence beyond all the heavens; that of {153}Marsilius Ficinus about
a star in the Bear; that of Peter Peregrinus about the pole of the world;
that of Cardan, who derives it from the rising of a star in the tail of
the Bear[218]; of
Bessardus, the Frenchman, from the pole of the Zodiack; that of Livio
Sanuto from some magnetick meridian; that of Franciscus Maurolycus from a
magnetical island; that of Scaliger from the heavens and mountains; that
of Robert Norman, the Englishman, from a point respective. Leaving
therefore these opinions, which are at variance with common experience or
by no means proved, let us seek the true cause of the variation. The
great magnet or terrestrial globe directs iron (as I have said) toward
the north and south; and excited iron quickly settles itself toward those
termini. Since, however, the globe of the earth is defective and uneven
on its surface and marred by its diverse composition, and since it has
parts very high and convex (to the height of some miles), and those
uniform neither in composition nor body, but opposite and dissimilar: it
comes to pass that the whole of that force of the earth diverts
magnetical bodies in its periphery toward the stronger and more prominent
connected magnetick parts. Hence on the outermost surface of the earth
magnetical bodies are slightly perverted from the true meridian.
Moreover, since the surface of the globe is divided into high lands and
deep seas, into great continental lands, into ocean and vastest seas, and
since the force of all magnetical motions is derived from the constant
and magnetick terrestrial nature which is more prevalent on the greater
continent and not in the aquæous or fluid or unstable part; [219]it follows that in
certain parts there would be a magnetick inclination from the true pole
east or west away from any meridian (whether passing through seas or
islands) toward a great land or continent rising higher, that is,
obviously toward a stronger and more elevated magnetick part of the
terrestrial globe. For since the diameter of the earth is more than 1,700
German miles, those large lands can rise from the centre of the earth
more than four miles above the depth of the ocean bottom, and yet the
earth will retain the form of a globe although somewhat uneven at the
top. Wherefore a magnetical body is turned aside, so far as the true
verticity, when disturbed, admits, and departs from its right (the whole
earth moving it) toward a vast prominent mass of land as though toward
what is stronger. But the variation does really take place, not so much
because of the more prominent and imperfect terrestrial parts and
continent lands as because of the inæquality of the magnetick globe, and
because of the real earth, which stands out more under the continent
lands than under the depths of the seas. We must see, therefore, how the
apodixis of this theory can be sustained by more definite
observations. Since throughout all the course from the coast of Guinea to
Cape Verde, the Canary Isles, and the border of the kingdom of Morocco,
and {154}thence along the coasts of Spain, France,
England, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, and Norway, there lie on the right
hand and toward the east a continent and extensive connected regions, and
on the left extensive seas and a vast ocean lie open far and wide, it is
consonant with the theory (as has been carefully observed by many) that
magnetical bodies should turn slightly to the East from the true pole
toward the stronger and more remarkable elevations of the earth. But it
is far otherwise on the eastern shores of northern America; for from
Florida by Virginia and Norumbega to Cape Race and away to the north the
versorium is turned toward the west. But in the middle spaces, so to
speak, as in the more westerly Azores, it looks toward the true pole.
That any magnetick body turns itself similarly to the same regions of the
earth is not, however, because of that meridian or because of the
concordancy of the meridian with any magnetick pole, as the crowd of
philosophizers reckon, for it is not so throughout the whole of that
meridian. For on the same meridian * near Brazil something very
different occurs, as we will show further on. The variation (cæteris
paribus) is always less near the æquator, greater in higher latitudes,
with the limitation that it be not very near the pole itself. Hence the
variation is greater on the coast of * Norway and Belgium
than on the coast of Morocco or Guinea: greater also near Cape Race than
in the harbours of Norumbega or of Virginia. On the coast of Guinea
magnetick implements deviate by a third part of one rumbe to the East: in
Cape Verde Islands by a half: on the coast of Morocco by two thirds: in
England at the mouth of the Thames by a whole rumbe: and at London by
nearly eleven degrees and one third. For indeed the moving magnetick
virtue is stronger in a higher latitude; and the larger regions extending
toward the poles dominate the more, as is easily apparent anywhere on a
terrella. For as in the case of true Direction magnetick bodies tend
toward the pole (namely, toward the stronger end, the whole earth causing
the motion), so also do they incline a little toward the stronger and
higher parts by the action of the whole along with the conjoint action of
iron bodies.
emonstration of this may manifestly be
* by means of a terrella in the following way: let there
be a round loadstone somewhat imperfect in some part, and impaired by
decay (such an one we had with a certain part corroded to resemble the
Atlantick or great Ocean): place upon it some fine iron wire of the
length of two barleycorns, as in the following figure. A B, a Terrella in
certain parts somewhat imperfect and of unæqual virtue on the
circumference. The versoria E, F, do not vary, but look directly to the
pole A; for they are placed in the middle of the firm and sound part of
the terrella and somewhat distant from the imperfect part: that part of
the surface which is distinguished by dots and transverse lines is the
weaker. The versorium O also does not vary (because it is placed in the
middle of the imperfect part), but is directed toward the pole, {156}just as
near the western Azores on the earth. The versoria H and L do vary, for
they incline toward the sounder parts very near them. As this is manifest
in a terrella whose surface is sensibly rather imperfect, so also is it
in others whole and perfect, when often one part of the stone has
stronger external parts, which nevertheless do not disclose themselves
manifestly to the senses. In such a terrella the demonstration of the
variation and the discovery of the stronger parts is on this wise.
* Let A be the pole, B the place of the variation, C the
stronger regions; then the horizontal versorium at B varies from the pole
A toward C: so that both the variation is shown and the stronger places
of the loadstone recognized. The stronger surface is also found by a fine
iron wire of the length of two barleycorns: for since at the pole of the
terrella it rears up perpendicularly, but in other places inclines toward
the æquator, if in one and the same parallel circle it should be more
erect in one place than in another; where the wire is raised more
upright, there the part and surface of the terrella is stronger. Also
when the iron wire placed over the pole inclines more to one part than to
* {157}Let the experiment be made by means of a
fine iron wire of three digits length placed over the pole A, so that its
middle lies over the pole. Then one end is turned away from B toward C,
and is not willing to lie quietly toward B; but on a terrella which is
perfect[220] all round and
even it rests on the pole directed toward any point of the æquator you
please. Otherwise, let there be two *
meridians meeting in the poles A B, let iron wires be
reared just at the ends D and C of the equal arcs D A and C A; then the
wire at D (the stronger region) will be more raised up than that at C,
the weaker. And thus the sounder and stronger part of the loadstone is
recognized, which otherwise would not be perceived by the touch. In a
terrella which is perfect, and even, and similar in all its parts, there
is, at equal distances from the pole, no variation[221]. Variation is shown by means of a
terrella, a considerable part of which, forming a surface a little higher
than the rest, does, although it be not decayed and broken, allure the
versorium from the true * direction (the whole terrella
A terrella uneven in surface.
It is shown by a small spike placed over a terrella or by a small versorium; for they are turned by the terrella toward the mass that stands out and toward the large eminences. In the same way on the earth the verticity is perturbed by great continents, which are mostly elevated above the depths of the seas and make the versorium deviate sometimes from the right tracks (that is, from the true meridians). On a terrella it is thus demonstrated: the end of the versorium A is not directed straight to the pole P, if there be a large protuberance B on the terrella; so also the cusp C deviates from the pole because of the eminence F. In the middle between the two eminences the versorium G collimates to the true pole because, being at equal distances from the two eminences B and F, it turns aside to neither, but observes the true meridian, especially when the protuberances are of equal vigour. But the versorium N on the other side varies from the pole M toward the eminences H, and is not held back, stopped, or restrained by the small eminence O on the terrella (as it were, some island of land in the ocean). L, however, being unimpeded, is directed to the pole M. The variation is demonstrated in another way on a terrella, just as on the earth. Let A be the pole of the earth, B the equator, C the parallel circle of latitude of 30 degrees, D a great eminence spread out toward the pole, E another eminence spread out from the pole toward the æquator. It is manifest that in the middle of D the versorium F {159}does not vary; while G is very greatly deflected: but H very little, because it is further removed from D. Similarly also the versorium I placed directly toward E does not deviate from the pole: but L and M turn themselves away from the pole A toward the eminence E.
nless there should be a great dissolution
of a continent and a subsidence of the land such as there was of the
region Atlantis of which Plato and the ancients tell, the variation will
continue perpetually immutable; the arc of the variation remains the same
in the same place or region, whether it be at sea or on land, as in times
past a magnetick body has declined toward the East or the West. The
constancy of the variation and the pointing of the versorium to a
definite point on the horizon in individual regions is demonstrated by a
small versorium placed over a terrella the surface of which is uneven:
for it always deviates from the meridian by an equal arc. It is also
shown by the inclination of a versorium toward a second magnet; although
in reality it is by the turning power of the whole, whether in the earth
or in a terrella. Place upon a plane a versorium whose cusp is directed
toward the north A: place beside it a loadstone, B, at such a distance
that the versorium may turn aside toward B to the point C, and not
beyond. Then move the needle of the versorium as often as you will (the
box and the loadstone not being moved), and it will certainly always
return to the point C. In the same manner, if you {160}placed the stone so
that it may be truly directed toward E, the cusp always reverts to E, and
not to any other point of the compass. Accordingly, from the position of
the land and from the distinctive nature of the highest parts of the
earth (certain terrene and more magnetick eminences of the regions
prevailing), the variation indeed becomes definite in one and the same
place, but diverse and unæqual from a change of place, since the true and
polar direction originating in the whole terrestrial globe is diverted
somewhat toward certain stronger eminences on the broken surface.
n the open sea, when a vessel is borne by
a favourable wind along the same parallel, if the variation be changed by
one degree in the course of one hundred miles, the next hundred miles do
not therefore lessen it by another degree; for the magnetick [needle]
varies erratically as respects position, form, and vigour of the land,
and also because of the distance. As, for example, when a course from the
Scilly Isles to Newfoundland has proceeded so far that the compass is
directed to the true pole, then, as the vessel proceeds, in the first
part of the course the variation increases toward the north-west[222], but rather indistinctly
and with small difference: thence, after an equal distance, the arc is
increased in a greater proportion until the vessel is not far from the
continent: for then it varies most of all. But before it touches actual
land or enters port, then at a certain distance the arc is again slightly
diminished. But if the vessel in its course should decline greatly from
that parallel either toward the south or the north, the magnetick
[needle] will vary more or less, according to the position of the land
and the latitude * of the region. For (cæteris paribus) the
greater the latitude the greater the variation.
slands, although they be more magnetick
than the sea, yet do not change the magnetick directions or variations.
For since direction is a motion derived from the power of the whole
earth, not from the attraction of any hill but from the disposing and
turning power of the whole; so variation (which is a perturbation of the
direction) is an aberration of the real turning power arising from the
great inequalities of the earth, in consequence of which it, of itself,
slightly diverts movable magneticks toward those which are the largest
and the more powerful. The cause now shown may suffice to explain that
which some so wonder at about the Island of Elba (and although this is
productive of loadstone, yet the versorium (or mariners' compass) makes
no special inclination toward it whenever vessels approach it in the
Tyrrhenian sea); and the following causes are also to be considered,
viz.: that the virtue of smaller magnetick bodies extends scarcely or not
at all of itself beyond their own mines: for variation does not occur
because of attraction, as they would have it who have imagined magnetick
poles. Besides, magnetick mines are only agnate to the true earth, not
innate: hence the whole globe does not regard them, and magneticks are
not borne to them, as is demonstrated by the diagram of eminences.
wing to the loadstone being supposed
(amongst the crowd of philosophizers) to seize and drag, as it were,
magnetick bodies; and since, in truth, sciolists have remarked no other
forces than those so oft besung of attractive ones, they therefore deem
every motion toward the north and south to be caused by some alluring and
inviting quality. But the Englishman, {162}Robert Norman, first
strove to show that it is not caused by attraction: wherefore, as if
tending toward hidden principles, he imagined a point respective[224], toward which the iron
touched by a loadstone would ever turn, not a point attractive;
but in this he erred greatly, although he effaced the former error about
attraction. He, however, demonstrates his opinion in this way:
Let there be a round vessel filled with water: in the middle of the
surface of the water place a slender iron wire on a perfectly round cork,
so that it may just float in æquilibrium on the water; let the wire be
previously touched by a magnet, so that it may more readily show the
point of variation, the point D as it were: and let it remain on the
surface for some time. It is demonstrable that the wire together with the
cork is not moved to the side D of the vessel: which it would do if an
attraction came to the iron wire by D: and the cork would be moved out of
its place. This assertion of the Englishman, Robert Norman, is plausible
and appears to do away with attraction because the iron remains on the
water not moving about, as well in a direction toward the pole itself (if
the direction be true) as in a variation or altered direction; and it is
moved about its own centre without any transference to the edge of the
vessel. But direction does not arise from attraction, but from the
disposing and turning power which exists in the whole earth, not in the
pole or in some other attracting part of the stone, or in any mass rising
above the periphery of the true circle so that a variation
should occur because of the attraction of that mass. Moreover, it is the
directing power of the loadstone and iron and its natural power of
turning around the centre which cause the motion of direction, and of
conformation, in which is included also the motion of the dip. And the
terrestrial pole does not attract as if the terrene force were implanted
only in the pole, for the magnetick force exists in the whole, although
it predominates and excels at the pole. Wherefore that the cork should
rest quiescent in the middle and that the iron excited by a loadstone
should not be moved toward the side of the vessel are agreeable to and in
conformity {163}with the magnetick nature, as is
demonstrated by a terrella: for an iron spike placed on the stone at C
clings on at C, and is not pulled * further away by the pole A,
or by the parts near the pole: hence it persists at D, and takes a
direction toward the pole A; nevertheless it clings on at D and dips also
at D in virtue of that turning power by which it conforms itself to the
terrella: of which we will say more in the part On
he earth, by reason of lateral eminences
of the stronger globe, diverts iron and loadstone by some degrees from
the true pole, or true meridian. As, for example, with us English at
London it varies eleven degrees and ⅓: in some other places the
variation is a little greater, but in no other region is the end of the
iron ever moved aside very much more from the meridian. For as the iron
is always directed by the true verticity of the earth, so the polar
nature of the continent land (just as of the whole terrene globe) acts
toward the poles: and even if that mass divert magnetick bodies from the
meridian, yet the verticity of those lands (as also of the whole earth)
controls and disposes them so that they do not turn toward the East by
any greater arc. But it is not easy to determine by any general method
how great the arc of variation is in all places, and how many degrees and
minutes it subtends on the horizon, since it becomes greater or less {164}from
diverse causes. For both the strength of true verticity of the place and
of the elevated regions, as well as their distances from the given place
and from the poles of the world, must be considered and compared; which
indeed cannot be done exactly: nevertheless by our method the variation
becomes so known that no grave error will perturb the course at sea. If
the positions of the lands were uniform and straight along meridians, and
not defective and rugged, the variations near lands would be simple; such
as appear in the following figure.
This is demonstrated by a long loadstone the poles of which are in the ends A B; let C D be the middle line and the æquinoctial, and let G H and E F (the lines) be for meridians on which versoria are disposed, the variations of which are greater at a greater distance from the æquator. But the inequalities of the maritime parts of the habitable earth, the enormous promontories, the very wide gulfs, the mountainous and more elevated regions, render the variations more unequal, or sudden, or more obscure; and, moreover, less certain and more inconstant in the higher latitude.
n a round[226] hollow wooden bowl, all the upper part
of which is closed with glass, a versorium is placed upon a rather long
pin which is fixed in the middle. The covering prevents the wind, and the
motion of air from any external cause. Through the glass everything
within can be discerned. The versorium is circular, consisting of some
light material (as card), to the under part of which the magnetick pieces
of iron are attached. On the upper part 32 spaces (which are commonly
called points) are assigned to the same number of mathematical
intervals in the horizon or winds which are distinguished by certain
marks and by a lily indicating the north. The bowl is suspended in the
plane of the horizon in æquilibrium in a brass ring which also is itself
suspended transversely in another ring within a box sufficiently wide
with a leaden weight attached; hence it conforms to the plane of the
horizon even though the ship be tossed to and fro by the waves. The iron
works are either a pair with their ends united, or else a single one of a
nearly oval shape with projecting ends, which does its work more
certainly and more quickly. This is to be fitted to the cardboard circle
so that the centre of the circle may be in the middle of the magnetick
iron. But inasmuch as variation arises horizontally from the point of the
meridian which cuts the horizon at right angles, therefore on account of
the variation the makers in different regions and cities mark out the
mariners' compass in different ways, and also attach in different ways
the magnetick needles to the cardboard circle on which are placed the 32
divisions or points. Hence there are commonly in Europe 4 different
constructions and forms. First that of the States on the Mediterranean
Sea, Sicily, Genoa, and the Republick of Venice. In all these the needles
are attached under the rose or lily on the cardboard versorium, so that
(where there is no variation) they are directed to the true north and
south points. Wherefore the north part marked with the lily always shows
exactly the point of variation when the apex itself of the lily on the
movable circle, together with the ends of the magnetick wires attached
below, rests at the point of variation. Yet another is that of Dantzig,
and throughout the Baltic Sea, and the Belgian provinces; {166}in which the
iron works fixed below the circle diverge from the lily ¼ of a rumbe to
the east. For navigation to Russia the divergency is ⅔. But the
compasses which are made at Seville, Lisbon, Rochelle, Bordeaux, Rouen,
and throughout all England have an interval of ½ a rumbe. From those
differences most serious errors have arisen in navigation, and in the
marine science. For as soon as the bearings of maritime places (such as
promontories, havens, islands) have been first found by the aid of the
mariners' compass, and the times of sea-tide or high water determined
from the position of the moon over this or that point (as they say) of
the compass, it must be further inquired in what region or according to
the custom of what region that compass was made by which the bearings of
those places and the times of the sea-tides were first observed and
discovered. For one who should use the British compass and should follow
the directions of the marine charts of the Mediterranean Sea would
necessarily wander very much out of the straight course. So also he that
should use the Italian compass in the British, German, or Baltic Sea,
together with marine charts that are made use of in those parts, will
often stray from the right way. These different constructions have been
made on account of the dissimilar variations, so that they might avoid
somewhat serious errors in those parts of the world. But Pedro Nuñez
seeks the meridian by the mariners' compass, or versorium (which the
Spanish call the needle), without taking account of the variation: and he
adduces many geometrical demonstrations which (because of his slight use
and experience in matters magnetical) rest on utterly vicious
foundations. In the same manner Pedro de Medina, since he did not admit
variation, has disfigured his Arte de Navegar with many
rateful would be this work to seamen, and
would bring the greatest advance to Geography. But B. Porta in chap. 38
of book 7 is mocked by a vain hope and fruitless opinion. For when he
supposes that the magnetick needle would follow order and proportion in
moving along meridians, so that "the neerer it is to the east, the more
it will decline from the Meridian line, toward the east; and the neerer
it comes to the west, the {167}point of the needle will decline the more
to the west" (which is totally untrue), he thinks that he has discovered
a true index of longitude. But he is mistaken. Nevertheless, admitting
and assuming these things (as though they were perfectly true), he makes
a large compass indicating degrees and minutes, by which these
proportional changes of the versorium might be observed. But those very
principles are false, and ill conceived, and very ill considered; for the
versorium does not turn more to the east because a journey is made toward
the east: and although the variation in the more westerly parts of Europe
and the adjoining ocean is to the east and beyond the Azores is changed a
little to the west, yet the variation is, in various ways, always
uncertain, both on account of longitude and of latitude, and because of
the approach toward extensive tracts of land, and also because of the
form of the dominant terrestrial eminences; nor does it, as we have
before demonstrated, follow the rule of any particular meridian. It is
with the same vanity also that Livio Sanuto so greatly torments himself
and his readers. As for the fact that the crowd of philosophizers and
sailors suppose that the meridian passing through the Azores marks the
limits of variation, so that on the other and opposite side of that
meridian a magnetick body necessarily respects the poles exactly, which
is also the opinion of Joannes Baptista Benedictus and of many other
writers on navigation, it is by no means true. Stevinus (on the authority
of Hugo Grotius) in his Havenfinding Art distinguishes the
variation according to the meridians: "It may be seene in the Table of
variations, that in Coruo the Magneticall needle pointeth due
North: but after that, the more a man shal goe towards the East, so much
the more also shall he see the needle varie towards the East [ἀνατολίζειν],
till he come one mile to the Eastward from Plimouth, where the
variation comming to the greatest is 13 degr. 24 min. From hence the
Northeasting [Anatolismus] beginneth to decrease, til you come to
Helmshude (which place is Westward from the North Cape of Finmark)
where againe the needle pointeth due North. Now the longitude from
Coruo to Helmshude is 60 degr. Which things being well
weighed, it appeareth that the greatest variation [Chalyboclysis] 13
degr. 24 minutes at Plimmouth (the longitude whereof is 30 degr.)
is in the midst betweene the places where the needle pointeth due North."
But although this is in some part true in these places, yet it is by no
means true that along the whole of the meridian of the island of Corvo
the versorium looks truly to the north; nor on the meridian of Plymouth
is the variation in other places 13 deg. 24 min.—nor again in other
parts of the meridian of Helmshuda does it point to the true pole. For on
the meridian passing through Plymouth in Latitude 60 degrees the
North-easterly variation is greater: in Latitude 40 deg. much less; in
Latitude 20 deg. very small indeed. On the meridian of Corvo, although
there is no variation near the {168}island, yet in Latitude 55 degrees the
variation is about ½ a rumbe to the North-west; in Latitude 20 deg. the
versorium inclines ¼ of a rumbe toward the East. Consequently the limits
of variation are not conveniently determined by means of great circles
and meridians, and much less are the ratios of the increment or decrement
toward any part of the heavens properly investigated by them. Wherefore
the rules of the abatement or augmentation of Northeasting or
Northwesting, or of increasing or decreasing the magnetick deviation, can
by no means be discovered by such an artifice. The rules which follow
later for variation in southern parts of the earth investigated by the
same method are altogether vain and absurd. They were put forth by
certain Portuguese mariners, but they do not agree with the observations,
and the observations themselves are admitted to be bad. But the method of
haven-finding in long and distant voyages by carefully observed variation
(such as was invented by Stevinus, and mentioned by Grotius) is of great
moment, if only proper instruments are in readiness, by which the
magnetick deviation can be ascertained with certainty at sea.
ariations are often slight, and generally
null, when the versorium is at or near the earth's æquator. In a higher
Latitude of 60, 70 or 80 deg. there are not seldom very wide variations.
The cause of this is to be sought partly from the nature of the earth and
partly from the disposition of the versorium. The earth turns magnetick
bodies and at the æquator directs them strongly toward the pole: [227]at the poles there is no
direction, but only a strong coition through the congruent poles.
Direction is therefore weaker near the poles, because by reason of its
own natural tendency to turn, the versorium dips very much, and is not
strongly directed. But since the force of those elevated lands is more
vigorous, for the virtue flows from the whole globe, and since also the
causes of variation are nearer, therefore the versorium deflects the more
from its true direction toward those eminences. It must also be known
that the direction of the versorium on its pin along the plane of the
Horizon is much stronger at the æquator than anywhere else by reason of
the disposition of the {169}versorium; and this direction falls off
with an increase of latitude. For on the æquator the versorium is,
following its natural property, directed along the plane of the horizon;
but in other places it is, contrary to its natural property, compelled
into æquilibrium, and remains there, compelled by some external force:
because it would, according to its natural property, dip below the
horizon in proportion to the latitude, as we shall demonstrate in the
book On Declination. Hence the direction falls off and at the pole
is itself nothing: and for that reason a feebler direction is easily
vanquished by the stronger causes of variation, and near the pole the
versorium deflects the more from the meridian. It is demonstrated by
means of a terrella: if an iron wire of two digits length be placed on
its æquator, it will be strongly and rapidly directed toward the poles
along the meridian, but more weakly so in the mid-intervals; while near
the poles one may discern a precipitate variation.
ne may very easily fall into mistakes and
errors when one is searching into the hidden causes of things, in the
absence of real experiments, and this is easily apparent from the crass
error of Cardan; who deems himself to have discovered the distances of
the centres of the cosmos and of the earth through a variation of the
magnetick iron of 9 degrees. For he reckoned that everywhere on the earth
the point of variation on the Horizon is always distant nine degrees from
the true north, toward the east: and from thence he forms, by a most
foolish error, his demonstrative ratio of the separate centres.
irtually the true meridian is the chief
foundation of the whole matter: when that is accurately known, it will be
easy by a mariners' compass (if its construction and the mode of
attachment of the magnetick iron works are known) or by some other larger
horizontal versorium to exhibit the arc of variation on the Horizon. By
means of a sufficiently large nautical variation compass (two equal
altitudes of the sun being observed before and after midday), the
variation becomes known from the shadow; the altitude of the sun is
observed either by a staff or by a rather large quadrant.
On land the variation is found in another way which is easier, and
because of the larger size of the instrument, more accurate. Let a thick
squared board be made of some suitable wood, the surface of which is two
feet in length and sixteen inches in width: describe upon it some
semicircles as in the following figure, only more in number. In the
centre let a brass style be reared perpendicularly: let there be also a
movable pointer reaching from the centre to the outmost semicircle, and a
magnetick versorium in a cavity covered over with glass: then let the
board be exactly adjusted to the level of the Horizon by the plane
instrument with its perpendicular; and turn the lily of the instrument
toward the north, so that the versorium may rest truly over the middle
line of the cavity, which looks toward the point of variation on on the
Horizon. Then at some convenient hour in the morning (eight or nine for
instance) observe the apex of the shadow thrown by the style when it
reaches the nearest semicircle and mark the place of the apex of this
shadow with chalk or ink: then bring round the movable index to that
mark, and observe the degree on the Horizon numbered from the lily, which
the index shows. In the afternoon see when the end of the shadow shall
again reach the periphery of the same semicircle, and, bringing the index
to the apex of the shadow, seek for the degree on the other side of the
lily. From the difference of the degrees becomes known {172}the
variation; the less being taken from the greater, half the remainder is
the arc of variation. The variation is sought by many other instruments
and methods in conjunction with a convenient mariners' compass; also by a
globe, by numbers, and by the ratios of triangles and sines, when the
latitude is known and one observation is made of the sun's altitude: but
those ways and methods are of less use, for it is superfluous to try to
find in winding and roundabout ways what can be more readily and as
accurately found in a shorter one. For the whole art is in the proper use
of the instruments by which the sun's place is expeditiously and quickly
taken (since it does not remain stationary, but moves on): for either the
hand trembles or the sight is dim, or the instrument makes an error.
Besides, to observe the altitude on both sides of the meridian is just as
expeditious as to observe on one side only and at the same time to find
the elevation of the pole. And he who can take one altitude by the
instrument can also take another; but if the one altitude be uncertain,
then all the labour with the globe, numbers, sines and triangles is lost;
nevertheless those exercises of ingenious mathematicians are to be
commended. It is easy for anyone, if he stand on land, to learn the
variation by accurate observations and suitable instruments, especially
in a nearly upright sphere; but on the sea, on account of the motion and
the restlessness of the waters, exact experiments in degrees and minutes
cannot be made: and with the usual instruments scarcely within the third
or even the halt of a rumbe, especially in a higher latitude; hence so
many false and bad records of the observations of navigators. We have,
however, taken care for the finding of the deviation by a sufficiently
convenient and ready instrument, by means of the rising of certain stars,
by the rising or setting of the sun, and in northern regions by the Pole
Star: for the variation is learned with greater certainty even by the
skilful with an instrument which is at once simple and less sensitive to
the waves of the sea. Its construction is as follows.
[228]Let an instrument
be made of the form of a true and meridional mariners' compass of at
least one foot in diameter (with a versorium which is either nude or
provided with a cardboard circle): let the limb be divided into four
quadrants, and each quadrant into 90 degrees. The movable compass-box (as
is usual in the nautical instrument) is to be balanced below by a heavy
weight of sixteen pounds. On the margin of the suspended compass-box,
where opposite quadrants begin, let a half-ring rising in an angular
frame in the middle be raised (with the feet of the half-ring fixed on
either side in holes in the margin) so that the top of the frame may be
perpendicular to the plane of the compass; on its top let a rule sixteen
digits in length be fastened at its middle on a joint like a balance
beam, so that it may move, as it were, about a central axis. At the ends
of the rule there are small plates with holes, {173} {174}through which
we can observe the sun or stars. The variation is best observed and
expeditiously by this instrument at the equinoxes by the rising or
setting sun. But even when the sun is in other parts of the zodiack, the
deviation becomes known when we have the altitude of the pole: that being
known, one can learn the amplitude on the Horizon and the distance from
the true east both of the sun and of the following fixed stars by means
of a globe, or tables, or an instrument. Then the variation readily
becomes known by counting from the true east the degrees and minutes of
the amplitude at rising. Observe the preceding star of the three in the
Belt of Orion as soon as it appears on the horizon; direct the instrument
toward it and observe the versorium, for since the star has its rising in
the true east about one degree toward the south, it can be seen how much
the versorium is distant from the meridian, account being taken of that
one degree. You will also be able to observe the arctick pole star when
it is on the meridian, or at its greatest distance from the meridian of
about three degrees (the pole star is distant 2 deg. 55 min. from the
pole, according to the observations of Tycho Brahe), and by the
instrument you will learn the variation (if the star be not on the
meridian) by adding or subtracting, secundum artem, the proper
reduction [prostaphæresis][229] of the star's distance from the
meridian. You will find when the pole star is on the meridian by knowing
the sun's place and the hour of the night: for this a practised observer
will easily perceive without great error by the visible inclination of
the constellation: for we do not take notice of a few minutes, as do some
who, when they toil to track the minutes of degrees at sea, are in error
by a nearly whole rumbe. A practised observer will, in the rising of sun
or stars, allow something for refraction, so that he may be able to use a
more exact calculation.
Right Ascension | Declination | |
Oculus Tauri | 62° 55' | 15° 53' N |
Sinister humerus Orionis | 72° 24' | 4° 5' N |
Dexter humerus Orionis | 83° 30' | 6° 19' N |
Præcedens in cingulo Orionis | 77° 46' | 1° 16' S |
Canis major | 97° 10' | 15° 55' S |
Canis minor | 109° 41' | 5° 55' N |
Lucida Hydræ | 137° 10' | 5° 3' S |
Caput Geminorum australe | 110° 21' | 28° 30' N |
Caput boreale | 107° 4' | 32° 10' N |
Cor Leonis | 146° 8' | 13° 47' N |
Cauda Leonis | 171° 38' | 16° 30' N |
Spica Virginis | 195° 44' | 8° 34' S |
Arcturus | 29° 13' | 21° 54' N |
Cor Aquilæ | 291° 56' | 7° 35' N |
An instrument for finding the amplitude at rising on the horizon.
Describe the circumference of a circle and let it be divided into quadrants by two diameters intersecting each other at right angles at its centre. One of these will represent the æquinoctial circle, the other the axis of the world. Let each of these quadrants be divided (in the accustomed way) into 90 degrees; on every fifth or tenth of which at each end of each diameter and on each side let marks (showing the numbers) be inscribed on the two limbs or margins made for that purpose outside the circumference. Then from each degree straight lines are drawn parallel to the æquator. You will then prepare a rule or alhidade equal to the diameter of that circle and divided throughout into the same parts into which the diameter of the circle representing the axis of the world is divided. Let there be left a small appendage attached to the middle of the rule, by which the middle of the fiducial line itself of the rule may be connected with the centre of the circle: but to every fifth or tenth part of that rule let numbers be attached proceeding from the centre toward each side. This circle represents the plane of the meridian; its centre the actual point of east or west, i.e., the common intersection of the horizon and æquator; all those lines æquidistant from the æquator denote the parallels of the sun and stars; the fiducial line of the rule or alhidade represents the horizon; and its parts signify the degrees of the horizon, beginning from the point of setting or of rising. {176}
Therefore if the fiducial line of the rule be applied to the given latitude of the place reckoned from either end of that diameter which represents the axis of the world; and if further the given declination of the sun or of some star from the æquator (less than the complement of the latitude of the place) be found on the limb of the instrument; then the intersection of the parallel drawn from that point of the declination with the horizon, or with the fiducial line of the rule or alhidade, will indicate for the given latitude of the place the amplitude at rising of the given star or the sun.
fter the variation of the compass had
first been noticed, some more diligent navigators took pains to
investigate in various ways the difference of aspect of the mariners'
compass. Yet, to the great detriment of the nautical art, this has not
been done so exactly as it ought to have been. For either being somewhat
ignorant they have not understood any accurate method or they have used
bad and absurd instruments, or else they merely follow some conjecture
arising from an ill-formed opinion as to some prime meridian or magnetick
pole; whilst others again transcribe from others, and parade these
observations as their own; and they who, very unskilful themselves, first
of all committed their observations to writing are, as by the prerogative
of time, held in esteem by others, and their posterity does not think it
safe to differ from them. Hence in long navigations, especially to the
East Indies, the records by the Portuguese of the deviating compass are
seen to be unskilful: for whoever reads their writings will easily
understand that they are in error in very many things, and do not rightly
understand the construction of the Portuguese compass (the lily of which
diverges by half a rumbe from the needles toward the west), nor its use
in taking the variation. Hence, while they show the variation of the
compass in different places, it is uncertain whether they measure the
deviation by a true meridional compass or by some other whose needles are
displaced from the lily. The Portuguese (as is patent in their writings)
make use of the Portuguese compass, whose magnetick needles are fixed
aside from the lily by half of one rumbe toward the east. Moreover on the
sea the observation of the variation is a matter of great difficulty, on
account of the motion of the ship and the uncertainty of the deviation,
even with the more skilful observers, if they use the best made
instruments hitherto known and used. Hence there arise different opinions
concerning the magnetick deviation: as, for instance, near the Island of
St. Helena the Portuguese Rodriguez de {178}Lagos measures half a
rumbe. The Dutch in their nautical log fix it at a whole rumbe. Kendall,
the expert Englishman, with a true meridional compass admits only a sixth
part of a rumbe. A little to the East of Cape Agullias Diego Alfonso
makes no variation, and shows by an Astrolabe that the compass remains in
the true meridian. Rodriguez shows that the compass at Cape Agulhas has
no variation if it is of Portuguese construction, in which the needles
are inclined half a rumbe to the East. And there is the same confusion,
negligence, and vanity in very many other instances.
n the North the magnetick needle varies
because of the Boreal eminences of the continent; in the South because of
the Austral; at the æquator, if the regions on both sides were equal,
there would be no variation. But because this rarely happens some
variation is often observed under the æquator; and even at some distance
from the æquator of three or 4 degrees toward the North, there may be a
variation arising from the south, if those very wide and influential
southern continents be somewhat near on one side.
iscourse hath already been had of the
mode and reason of the variation in the great Atlantick Ocean: but when
one has advanced beyond the æquator off the east coast of Brazil the
magnetick needle turns aside toward the mainland, namely, with that end
of it which points to the south; so that with that end of the versorium
it deviates from the true meridian toward the west; which navigators
observe at the other end and suppose a variation to occur toward the
east. But throughout the whole way from the first promontory on the east
of Brazil, by {179}Cape St. Augustine and thence to Cape
Frio, and further still to the mouth of the Strait of Magellan, the
variation is always from the south toward the west with that end of the
versorium which tends toward the antarctick pole. For it is always with
the accordant end that it turns toward a continent. The variation,
however, occurs not only on the coast itself, but at some distance from
land, such as a space of fifty or sixty German miles or even more. But
when at length one has progressed far from land, then the arc begins to
diminish: for the magnetick needle turns aside the less toward what is
too far off, and is turned aside the less from what is present and at
hand, since it enjoys what is present. In the Island of St. Helena (the
longitude of which is less than is commonly marked on charts and globes)
the versorium varies by one degree or nearly two. The Portuguese and
others taught by them, who navigate beyond the Cape of Good Hope to the
Indies, set a course toward the Islands of Tristan d'Acunha, in order
that they may enjoy more favourable winds; in the former part of their
course the change of variation is not great; but after they have
approached the islands the variation increases; and close to the islands
it is greater than anywhere else in the whole course. For the end of the
versorium tending to the south (in which lies the greatest source of the
variation) is caught and allured toward the south-west by the great
promontory of the southern land. But when they proceed onward toward the
Cape of Good Hope the variation diminishes the more they approach it. But
on the prime meridian in the latitude of 45 degrees, the versorium tends
to the south-east: and one who navigates near the coast from Manicongo to
the tropick, and a little beyond, will perceive that the versorium tends
from the south to the east, although not much. At the promontory of
Agulhas it preserves slightly the variation which it showed near the
islands of d'Acunha, which nevertheless is very much diminished because
of the greater remoteness from the cause of variation, and consequently
there the southern end of the versorium does not yet face exactly to the
ariations in parts near the pole are
greater (as has been shown before) and also have sudden changes, as in
former years the Dutch explorers observed not badly, even if those
observations were not exact—which indeed is pardonable in them; for
with the usual instruments it is with difficulty {180}that the truth becomes
known in such a high latitude (of about 80 degrees). Now, however, from
the deviation of the compass the reason for there being an open course to
the east by the Arctick Ocean appears manifest; for since the versorium
has so ample a variation toward the north-west, it is demonstrable that a
continent does not extend any great distance in the whole of that course
toward the east. Therefore with the greater hope can the sea be attempted
and explored toward the east for a passage to the Moluccas by the
north-east than by the north-west.
assing the Strait of Magellan the
deviation on the shore of Peru is toward the south-east, i.e.,
from the south toward the east. And a similar deflection would be
continued along the whole coast of Peru as far as the æquator. In a
higher latitude up to 45 deg. the variation is greater than near the
æquator; and the deflection toward the south-east is in nearly the same
proportion as was the deviation from the south toward the west on the
eastern shore of South America. From the æquator toward the North there
is little or no variation until one comes to New Galicia; and thence
along the whole shore as far as Quivira the inclination is from the north
toward the east.
icilian and Italian sailors think that in
the Sicilian Sea and toward the east up to the meridian of the
Peloponnesus (as Franciscus Maurolycus relates) the magnetick needle
"græcizes," that is, turns from the pole toward what is called the greek
wind or Boreas; that on the shore of the Peloponnesus it looks toward the
true pole; but that when they have proceeded further east, then it
"mistralizes," because it tends from the pole toward the mistral or
north-west wind: which agrees with our rule for the variation. For as the
Mediterranean Sea is extended toward the west from that meridian, so on
the side {181}toward the east the Mediterranean Sea lies
open as far as Palestine; as toward North and East lie open the whole
Archipelago and the neighbouring Black Sea. From the Peloponnesus toward
the north pole the meridian passes through the largest and most elevated
regions of all Europe; through Achaia, Macedonia, Hungary, Transylvania,
Lithuania, Novogardia, Corelia and Biarmia.
ost of the great seas have great
variations; in some parts, however, they have none, but the true
directions are toward the pole. On continents, also, the magnetick needle
often deviates from the meridian, as on the edge of the land and near the
borders; but it is generally accustomed to deviate by a somewhat small
arc. In the middle, however, of great regions there are no variations.
Hence in the middle lands of Upper Europe, in the interior of Asia, and
in the heart of Africa, of Peru, and in the regions of North or Mexican
America, the versorium rests in the meridian.
ariation in the Eastern Ocean throughout
the whole voyage to Goa and the Moluccas is observed by the Portuguese;
but they err greatly in many things, following, as they do, the first
observers who note down variations in certain places with ill-adapted
instruments, and by no means accurate observations, or by some
conjectures. As, for instance, in Brandöe Island, they make the versorium
deviate by 22 degrees to the north-west. For in no region or place in the
whole world, of not greater latitude, is there so great a deviation; and,
in reality, there the deviation is slight. Also when they make out that
at Mosambique the compass deviates by one rumbe to the north-west, it is
false; even though they use (as they are accustomed to do) the Portuguese
compass: for beyond all doubt on the shore of {182}Mosambique the
versorium inclines ¼ rumbe or even more to the south-west. Very wrongly
also beyond the æquator in the course to Goa they make the little compass
incline by 1½ rumbe to the west: whereas they should rather have said
that in the first part of the course the Portuguese compass inclines by 1
rumbe: but that the true meridional compass inclines by ½ rumbe only. In
order that the amount of variation in the Eastern Ocean may be accurately
settled in most places by our rules, there is needed a more exact and
truer survey of the southern land, which spreads out from the south to
the æquinoctial more than is commonly described on maps and globes.
n the middle of great and continent lands
there is no variation. Nor, generally, in the middle of very great seas.
On the margin of those lands and seas the variation is often ample, yet
not so great as at a little further distance on the sea. As, for example,
near Cape St. Augustine the compass varies; but at 50 miles from land
toward the East it varies more; and 80 miles off it varies still more;
and yet still more at a distance of 100 miles. But from a distance of 100
miles the diminutions of deviation are slower, when they are navigating
toward the mainland, than at a distance of 80 miles, and at a distance of
80 miles than at 50: for the deviations change and are diminished rather
more swiftly the more they approach and draw near land than when at a
great distance off. As, for instance, navigating toward Newfoundland the
change of variation is more rapid (that is, it decreases a degree in a
smaller arc of the course on the parallel) when they are not far from
land than when they are a hundred miles distant: but when travelling on
land toward the interiors of regions the changes are slower in the first
parts of the journey than when they come more into the interior.
The ratio of the arcs on a parallel circle, when a versorium is moved toward continents which extend to the pole, corresponds with the degrees of variation. Let A be the pole; B the eminences of the dominant lands; at C there is no variation caused by B, for it is too far away; at D the variation is very great because the versorium is allured or turned by the whole earth toward the eminent {183}land B; and moreover it is not hindered, or restrained or brought back to the pole by the verticity of the earth; but, tending of its own nature to the pole, it is nevertheless deflected from it by reason of the site, or position, and convenient distance of the dominant and high lands.
Now from C toward D the variation increases; the versorium, however, does not deviate so rapidly in the first spaces as near D: for more miles are traversed on the parallel circle C D, near C, in order that the versorium may deviate by one degree from the pole A, than near D. So also in order that the variation may be diminished from D toward E more miles are required near D than near E. Thus the deviations become equal in unequal courses, whether the variation be increasing or decreasing; and yet the variation decreases by lesser intervals than it increases. There intervene, however, many other causes which perturb this proportion.
n due course we have now come to that
notable experiment, and remarkable motion of magnetick bodies dipping
below the horizon by their own rotatory nature; by the knowledge of which
is revealed a unity, a concordancy, and a mutual agreement between the
terrestrial globe and the loadstone (or the magnetick iron), which is
wonderful in itself, and is made manifest by our teaching. This motion we
have made known in many striking experiments, and have established its
rules; and in the following pages we shall demonstrate the causes of it,
in such a way that no sound, logical mind can ever rightly set at nought
or disprove our chief magnetick principles. Direction, as also variation,
is demonstrated in a horizontal plane, when a balanced magnetick needle
comes to rest at some definite point; but declination is seen to be the
motion of a needle, starting from that point of the horizon, first
balanced on its own axis, then excited by a loadstone, one end or pole of
it tending toward the centre of the earth. And we have found that it
takes place in proportion to the latitude of each region. But that motion
arises in truth, not from any motion from the horizon toward the centre
of the earth, but from the turning of the whole magnetick body toward the
whole of the earth, as we shall show hereafter. Nor does the iron dip
from the horizontal in some oblique sphere, according to the number of
degrees of elevation of the pole in the given region, or by an equal arc
in the quadrant, as will appear hereafter. {185}
Instrument of the Declination
Now how much it dips at every horizon may be ascertained in the first
place by a contrivance, which, however, is not so easily made as is that
in dials for measuring time, in which the needle turns to the points of
the horizon, or in the mariners' compass. From a plank of wood let a
smooth and circular instrument be prepared, at least six digits in
diameter, and affix this to the side of a square pillar, which stands
upright on a wooden base. Divide the periphery of this instrument into 4
quadrants: then each quadrant into 90 degrees. At the centre of the
instrument let there be placed a brass peg, at the centre of the end of
which let there be a small hollow, well polished. To this wooden
instrument let a brass circle or ring be fixed, about two digits in
width, with a thin plate or flat rod of the same metal, representing the
horizon, fixed across it, through the middle of the circle. In the middle
of the horizontal rod let there be another hollow, which shall be exactly
opposite the centre of the instrument, where the former hollow was made.
Afterward let a needle be fashioned out of steel, as versoria are
accustomed to be made. Divide this at right angles by a thin iron axis
(like a cross) through the very middle and centre of the wire and the
cross-piece. Let this dipping-needle be hung (with the ends of the cross
resting in the aforesaid holes) so that it can move freely and evenly on
its axis in the most perfect æquilibrium, so accurately that it turns
away from no one point or degree marked on the circumference more than
from another, but that it can rest quite easily at any. Let it be fixed
upright to the front part of the pillar, whilst at the edge of the base
is a small versorium to show direction. Afterward touch the iron,
suspended by this ingenious method, on both ends with the opposite ends
of a loadstone, according to the scientifick method, but rather
carefully, lest the needle be twisted in any way; for unless you prepare
everything very skilfully and cleverly, you will secure no result. Then
let another brass ring be prepared, a little larger, so as to contain the
former one; and let a glass or a very thin plate of mica be fitted to one
side of it. When this is put over the former ring, the whole space within
remains inclosed, and the versorium is not interfered with by dust or
winds. Dispose the instrument, thus completed, perpendicularly on its
base, and with the small versorium horizontal, in such a way that, while
standing perpendicularly, it may be directed toward the exact magnetical
point respective. Then the end of the needle which looks toward the north
dips below the horizon in northern regions, whilst in southern regions
the end of the needle which looks toward the south tends toward the
centre of the earth, in a certain proportion (to be explained afterward)
to the latitude of the district in question, from the æquator on either
side. The needle, however, must be rubbed on {187}a powerful loadstone;
otherwise it does not dip to the true point, or else it goes past it, and
does not always rest in it. A larger instrument may also be used, whose
diameter may be 10 or 12 digits; but in such an instrument more care is
needed to balance the versorium truly. Care must be taken that the needle
be of steel; also that it be straight; likewise that both ends of the
cross-piece be sharp and fixed at right angles to the needle, and that
the cross-piece pass through the centre of the needle. As in other
magnetical motions there is an exact agreement between the earth and the
stone, and a correspondence manifestly apparent to our senses by means of
our experiments; so in this declination there is a clear and evident
concordance of the terrestrial globe with the loadstone. Of this motion,
so important and so long unknown to all men, the following is the sure
and true cause. A magnet-stone is moved and turned round until one of its
poles being impelled toward the north comes to rest toward a definite
point of the horizon. [231]This pole, which settles toward the
north (as appears from the preceding rules and demonstrations), is the
southern, not the boreal; though all before us deemed it to be the
boreal, on account of its turning to that point of the horizon. A wire or
versorium touched on this pole of the stone turns to the south, and is
made into a boreal pole, because it was touched by the southern terminal
of the stone. So if the cusp of a versorium be excited in a similar
manner, it will be directed toward the southern pole of the earth, and
will adjust itself also to it; but the cross (the other end) will be
southern, and will turn to the north of the earth (the earth itself being
the cause of its motion); for so direction is produced from the
disposition of the stone or of the excited iron, and from the verticity
of the earth. But declination takes place when a magnetick is turned
round toward the body of the earth, with its southern end toward the
north, at some latitude away from the æquator. For this is certain and
constant, that exactly under the cœlestial æquator, or rather over
the æquator of the terrestrial globe, there is no declination of a
loadstone or of iron; but in whatever way the iron has been excited or
rubbed, it settles in the declination instrument precisely along the
plane of the horizon, if it were properly balanced before. Now this
occurs thus because, when the magnetick body is at an equal distance from
either pole, it dips toward neither by its own versatory nature, but
remains evenly directed to the level of the horizon, as if it were
resting on a pin or floating free and unhindered on water. But when the
magnetick substance is at some latitude away from the æquator, or when
either pole of the earth is raised (I do not say raised above the visible
horizon, as the commonly imagined pole of the revolving universe in the
sky, but above the horizon or its centre, or its proper diameter,
æquidistant from the plane of the visible horizon, which is the true
elevation of the terrestrial pole), {188} then declination is
apparent, and the iron inclines toward the body of the earth in its own
meridian. Let A B, for example, be the visible horizon of a place; C D
the horizontal through the earth, dividing it into equal parts; E F the
axis of the earth; G the position of the place. It is manifest that the
boreal pole E is elevated above the point C by as much as G is distant
from the æquator. Wherefore, since at E the magnetick needle stands
perpendicularly in its proper turning (as we have often shown before), so
now at G there is a certain tendency to turn in proportion to the
latitude (the magnetick dipping below the plane of the horizon), and the
magnetick body intersects the horizon at unequal angles, and exhibits a
declination below the horizon. For the same reason, if the declinatory
needle be placed at G, its southern end, the one namely which is directed
toward the North, dips below the plane of the visible horizon A B. And so
there is the greatest difference between a right sphere[232] and a polar or parallel sphere, in
which the pole is at the very Zenith. For in a right sphere the needle is
parallel to the plane of the horizon; but when the cœlestial pole
is vertically overhead, or when the pole of the earth is itself the place
of the region, then the needle is perpendicular to the horizon. This is
shown by a round stone. Let a small dipping-needle, of two digits length
(rubbed with a magnet), be hung in the air like a balance, and let the
stone be carefully placed under it; and first let the terrella be at
right angles, as in a right sphere, and as in the first figure; for so
the magnetick needle will remain in equilibrium. But in an oblique
position of the terrella, as in an oblique sphere, and in the second
figure, the needle dips obliquely at one end toward the near pole, but
does not rest on the pole, nor is its dip ruled by the pole, but by the
body and mass of the whole; for the {189}dip in higher latitudes
passes beyond the pole. But in the third position of the terrella the
needle is perpendicular; because the pole of the stone is placed at the
top, and the needle tending straight toward the body reaches to the pole.
The cross in the preceding figures always turns toward the boreal pole of
the terrella, having been touched by the boreal pole of the terrella; the
cusp of the needle, having been touched by the southern pole of the
stone, turns to the south. Thus one may see on a terrella the level,
oblique, and perpendicular positions of a magnetick needle. *
s æquator let A B be taken, C the north
pole, D the south, E G dipping-needles in the northern, H F in the
southern part of the earth or of a terrella. In the diagram before us all
the cusps have been touched by the true Arctick pole of the terrella.
Here we have the level position of the magnetick needle on the æquator of the earth and the stone, at A and B, and its perpendicular position at C, D, the poles; whilst at the places midway between, at a distance of 45 degrees, the crosses of the needle dip toward the south, but the cusps just as much toward the north. Of which thing the reason will become clear from the demonstrations that follow.
* Diagram of the rotation and declination of a terrella
conforming to the globe of the earth, for a
latitude of 50 degrees north.
A is the boreal pole of the earth or of a rather large terrella, B the southern, C a smaller terrella, E the southern pole of the smaller terrella, dipping in the northern regions[233]. The centre C is placed on the surface of the larger terrella, because the smaller terrella shows some variation on account of the length of the axis; inappreciable, however, on the earth. Just as a magnetick needle dips in a regional latitude of 50 degrees, so also the axis of a stone (of a spherical stone, of course) is depressed below the horizon, and its natural austral pole falls, and its boreal pole is raised on the {191}south toward the Zenith. In the same way also a circular disc of iron behaves, which has been carefully touched at opposite parts on its circumference; but the magnetical experiments are less clear on account of the feebler forces in round pieces of iron.
Variety in the declinations of iron spikes at various latitudes of a terrella.
The declination of a magnetick needle above a terrella is shown by means of several equal iron wires, of the length of a barleycorn, arranged along a meridian. The wires on the æquator are directed by the virtue of the stone toward the poles, and lie down upon its body along the plane of its horizon. The nearer they are brought to the poles, the more they are raised up by their versatory nature. At the poles themselves they point perpendicularly toward the very centre. But iron spikes, if they are of more than a due length, are not raised straight up except on a vigorous stone.
Description of the Instrument, and its use.
ake a terrella of the best strong
loadstone, and homogeneous throughout, not weakened by decay or by a flaw
in any parts; let it be of a fair size, so that its diameter is six or
seven digits; and let it be made exactly spherical. Having found its
poles according to the method already shown, mark them with an iron tool;
then mark also the æquinoctial circle. Afterwards in a thick squared
block of wood, one foot in size, make a hemispherical hollow, which shall
hold half of the terrella, and such that exactly one half of the stone
shall project above the face of the block. Divide the limb close to this
cavity (a circle having been drawn round it for a meridian) into 4
quadrants, and each of these into 90 degrees. Let the terminus of the
quadrants on the limb be near the centre of a quadrant described on the
block, also divided into 90 degrees. At that centre let a short, slender
versorium (its other end being rather sharp and elongated like a pointer)
be placed in æquilibrio on a suitable pin. It is manifest that when the
poles of the stone are at the starting points of the quadrants, then the
versorium lies straight, as if in æquilibrio, over the terrella. But if
you move the terrella, so that the pole on the left hand rises, then the
versorium rises on the meridian in proportion to the latitude, and turns
itself as a magnetick body; and on the quadrant described on the flat
surface of the wood, the degree of its turning or of the declination is
shown by the versorium. The rim of the cavity represents a meridional
circle, to which corresponds some meridian circle of the terrella, since
the poles on both sides are within the circumference of the rim itself.
These things clearly always happen on the same plan on the earth itself
when there is no variation; but when there is variation, either in the
direction or in the declination (a disturbance, as it were, in the true
turning, on account of causes to be explained later), then there is some
difference. Let the quadrant be near the limb, or have its centre on the
limb itself, and let the versorium be very short, so as not to touch the
terrella, because with a versorium that is longer or more remote, there
is some error; for it has a motion truly proportionate to the terrella
only on the surface of the terrella. But if the quadrant, being far
distant from the terrella, were moved within the orbe of virtue of the
terrella toward the pole on some circle concentrick with the terrella,
then the versorium would indicate the degrees of declination on the
quadrant, in proportion to and symmetrically with that circle, not with
the terrella.
eclination being investigated on the
earth itself by means of a declination instrument, we may use either a
short or a very long versorium, if only the magnetick virtue of the stone
that touches it is able to permeate through the whole of its middle and
through all its length. For the greatest length of a versorium has no
moment or perceptible proportion to the earth's semi-diameter. On a
terrella, however, or in a plane near a meridian of a terrella, a short
versorium is desirable, of the length, say, of a barleycorn; for longer
ones (because they reach further) dip and turn toward the body of the
terrella suddenly and irregularly in the first degrees of declination.
For example, as soon as the long versorium is moved forward
from the aequator A to C, it catches on the stone with its cusp (as if
with a long extended wing), when the cusp reaches to the parts about B,
which produce a greater rotation than at C. And the extremities of longer
wires also and rods turn irregularly, just as iron wires and balls of
iron and other orbicular loadstones are likewise turned about irregularly
by a long non-orbicular loadstone. Just so magneticks or iron bodies on
the surface of a terrella ought not to have too long an axis, but a very
short one; so that they may make a declination on the terrella truly and
naturally proportionate to that on the earth. A long versorium also close
to a terrella with difficulty stands steady in a horizontal direction on
a right sphere, and, beginning to waver, it dips immediately to one side,
especially the end that was touched, or (if both were touched) the one
which felt the stone last.
n the universe of nature that marvellous
provision of its Maker should be noticed, whereby the principal bodies
are restrained within certain habitations and fenced in, as it were
(nature controlling them). For this reason the stars, though they move
and advance, are not thrown into confusion. Magnetical rotations also
arise from a disposing influence, whether in greater and dominating
quantity, or in a smaller, and compliant quantity, even though it be very
small. For the work is not accomplished by attraction, but by an
incitation of each substance, by a motion of agreement toward fixed
bounds, beyond which no advance is made. For if the versorium dipped by
reason of an attractive force, then a terrella made from a very strong
magnetick stone would cause the versorium to turn toward itself more than
one made out of an average stone, and a piece of iron touched with a
vigorous loadstone would dip more. This, however, never happens.
Moreover, an iron snout placed on a meridian in any latitude does not
raise a spike more toward the perpendicular than the stone itself, alone
and unarmed; although when thus equipped, it plucks up and raises many
greater weights[234]. But
if a loadstone be sharper toward one pole, toward the other blunter, the
sharp end or pole allures a magnetick needle more strongly, the blunt,
thick end makes it rotate more strongly; but an orbicular stone * makes it rotate strongly and truly, in accordance with
magnetick rules and its globular form. A long stone, on the other hand,
extended from pole to pole, moves a versorium toward it irregularly; for
in this case the pole of the versorium always looks down on the pole
itself. Similarly also, if the loadstone have been made in the shape of a
circle, and its poles are on the circumference, whilst the body of it is
plane, not globular, if the plane be brought near a versorium, the
versorium does not move with the regular magnetick rotation, as on a
terrella; but it turns looking always toward the pole of the loadstone,
which has its seat on the circumference of the plane. Moreover, if the
stone caused the versorium to rotate by attracting it, then in the first
degrees of latitude, it would attract the end of a short versorium toward
the body itself of the terrella; yet it does not so attract it that they
are brought into contact and unite; but the versorium rotates just so far
as nature demands, as is clear from this example. {196}
* For the cusp of a versorium placed in a low
latitude does not touch the stone or unite with it, but only inclines
toward it. Moreover, when a magnetick body rotates in dipping, the pole
of the versorium is not stayed or detained by the pole of the earth or
terrella; but it rotates regularly, and does not stop at any point or
bound, nor point straight to the pole toward which the centre of the
versorium is advancing, unless on the pole itself, and once only between
the pole and the æquator; but it dips as it advances, according as the
change of position of its centre gives a reason for its inclination in
accordance with rules magnetical. The declination of a magnetick needle
in water also, as demonstrated in the following pages, is a fixed
quantity[235]; the
magnetick needle does not descend to the bottom of the vessel, but
remains steady in the middle, rotated on its centre according to its due
amount of declination. This would not happen, if the earth or its poles
by their attraction drew down the end of the magnetick needle, so that it
dipped in this way.
oncerning the making of an instrument for
finding declination, the causes and manner of declination, and the
different degrees of rotation in different places, the inclination of the
stone, and concerning an instrument indicating by the influence of a
stone the degree of declination from any horizon we have already spoken.
Then we spoke about needles on the meridian of a stone, and their
rotation shown for various latitudes by their rise toward the
perpendicular. We must now, however, treat more fully of the causes of
the degree of that inclination. Whilst a loadstone and a magnetick iron
wire are moved along a meridian from the aequator toward the pole, they
rotate toward a round loadstone, as also toward the earth with a circular
movement. On a right horizon (just as also on the æquinoctial of {197}the
stone) the axis of the iron, which is its centre line, is a line parallel
to the axis of the earth. When that axis reaches the pole, which is the
centre of the axis, it stands in the same straight line with the axis of
the earth. The same end of the iron which at the æquator looks south
turns to the north. For it is not a motion of centre to centre, but a
natural turning of a magnetick body to a magnetick body, and of the axis
of the body to the axis; it is not in consequence of the attraction of
the pole itself that the iron points to the earth's polar point. Under
the æquator the magnetick needle remains in æquilibrio horizontally; but
toward the pole on either side, in every latitude from the beginning of
the first degree right up to the ninetieth, it dips. The magnetick needle
does not, however, in proportion to any number of degrees or any arc of
latitude fall below the horizon just that number of degrees or a similar
arc, but a very different one: because this motion is not really a motion
of declination, but is in
reality a motion of rotation, and it observes an arc of
rotation according to the arc of latitude. Therefore a magnetick body A,
while it is advancing over the earth itself, or a little earth or
terrella, from the æquinoctial G toward the pole B, rotates on its own
centre, and halfway on the progress of its centre[237] from the æquator to the pole B it is
pointing toward the æquator at F, midway between the two poles. Much more
quickly, therefore, must the versorium rotate than its centre advances,
in order that by rotating it may face straight toward the point F.
Wherefore the motion of this rotation is rapid in the first degrees from
the æquator, namely, from A to L; but more tardy in the later degrees
from L to B, when facing from the æquator at F to C. But if the
declination were equal to the latitude (i.e., always just as many
degrees from the horizon, as the centre of the versorium has receded from
the æquator), then the magnetick needle would be following some potency
and peculiar virtue of the centre, as if it {198}were a point operating
by itself. But it pays regard to the whole, both its mass, and its outer
limits; the forces of both uniting, as well of the magnetick versorium as
of the earth. *
uppose A C D L to be the body of the
earth or of a terrella, its centre M, Æquator A D, Axis C L, A B the
Horizon, which changes according to the place. From the point F on a
Horizon distant from the æquator A by the length of C M, the
semi-diameter of the earth or terrella, an arc is described to H as the
limit of the quadrants of declination; for {199}all the quadrants of
declination serving the parts from A to C begin from that arc, and
terminate at M, the centre of the earth. The semi-diameter of this arc is
a chord drawn from the æquator A to the pole C; and a line produced along
the horizon from A to B, equal to that chord, gives the beginning of the
arc of the limits of arcs of rotation and revolution, which is continued
as far as G. For just as a quadrant of a circle about the centre of the
earth (whose beginning is on the horizon, at a distance from the æquator
equal to the earth's semi-diameter) is the limit of all quadrants of
declination drawn from each several horizon to the centre; so a circle
about the centre from B, the beginning of the first arc of rotation, to G
is the limit of the arcs of rotation. The arcs of rotation and revolution
of the magnetick needle are intermediate between the arcs of rotation B L
and G L. The centre of the arc is the region itself or place in which the
observation is being made; the beginning of the arc is taken from the
circle which is the limit of rotations, and it stops at the opposite
pole; as, for example, from O to L, in a latitude of 45 degrees. Let any
arc of rotation be divided into 90 equal parts from the limit of the arcs
of rotation toward the pole; for whatever is the degree of latitude of
the place, the part of the arc of rotation which the magnetick pole on or
near the terrella or the earth faces in its rotation is to be numbered
similarly to this. The straight lines in the following larger diagram
show this. The magnetick rotation at the middle point in a latitude of 45
degrees is directed toward the æquator, in which case also that arc is a
quadrant of a circle from the limit to the pole; but previous to this all
the arcs of rotation are greater than a quadrant, whilst after it they
are smaller; in the former the needle rotates more quickly, but in the
succeeding positions gradually more slowly. For each several region there
is a special arc of rotation, in which the limit to which the needle
rotates is according to the number of degrees of latitude of the place in
question; so that a straight line drawn from the place to the point on
that arc marked with the number of degrees of latitude shows the
magnetick direction, and indicates the degree of declination at the
intersection of the quadrant of declination which serves the given place.
Take away the arc of the quadrant of declination drawn from the centre to
the line of direction; that which is left is the arc of declination below
the horizon. As, for example, in the rotation of the versorium N, whose
line respective proceeds to D, from the quadrant of declination, S M,
take away its arc R M; that which is left is the arc of declination: how
much, that is, the needle dips in the latitude of 45 degrees.
n the more elaborate diagram a circle of
rotations and a circle of declinations are adjusted to the body of the
earth or terrella, with a first, a last, and a middle arc of rotation and
declination. Now from each fifth division of the arc which limits all the
arcs of rotation (and which are understood[238] as divided into 90 equal parts) arcs
are drawn to the pole, and from every fifth degree of the arc limiting
the quadrants of declination, quadrants are drawn to the centre; and at
the same time a spiral line is drawn, indicating (by the help of a
movable quadrant) the declination in every latitude. Straight lines
showing the direction of the needle are drawn from those degrees which
are marked on the meridian of the earth or a terrella to their proper
arcs and the corresponding points on those arcs.
To ascertain the elevation of the pole or the latitude of a place anywhere
in the world, by means of the following diagram, turned into
a magnetick instrument, without the help of the cœlestial
bodies, sun, planets, or fixed stars, in fog
and darkness.
We may see how far from unproductive magnetick philosophy is, how agreeable, how helpful, how divine! Sailors when tossed about on the waves with continuous cloudy weather, and unable by means of the cœlestial luminaries to learn anything about the place or the region in which they are, with a very slight effort and with a small instrument are comforted, and learn the latitude of the place. With a declination instrument the degree of declination of the magnetick needle below the horizon is observed; that degree is noted on the inner arc of the quadrant, and the quadrant is turned round about the centre of the instrument until that degree on the quadrant touches the spiral line; then in the open space B at the centre of the quadrant the latitude of the region on {201}the circumference of the globe is discerned by means of the fiducial line A B. Let the diagram be fixed on a suitable flat board, and let the centre of the corner A of the quadrant be fastened to the centre of it, so that the quadrant may rotate on that centre. But it must be understood that there is also in certain places a variation in the declination on account of causes already mentioned (though not a large one), which it will be an assistance also to allow for on a likely estimate; and it will be especially helpful to observe this variation in various places, as it seems to present greater difficulty than the variation in direction; but it is easily learnt with a declination instrument, when it dips more or less than the line in the diagram.
To observe magnetick declination at sea.
Set upon our variation instrument a declination instrument; a wooden disc being placed between the round movable {202}compass and the declination instrument: but first remove the versorium, lest the versorium should interfere with the dipping needle. In this way (though the sea be rough) the compass box will remain upright at the level of the horizon. The stand of the declination instrument must be directed by means of the small versorium at its base, which is set to the point respective of the variation, on the great circle of which (commonly called the magnetick meridian), the plane of the upright box is arranged; thus the declinatorium (by its versatory nature) indicates the degree of declination.
In a declination instrument the magnetick needle, which
in a meridional position dips, if turned
along a parallel hangs perpendicularly.
In a proper position a magnetick needle, while by its rotatory nature conformed to the earth, dips to some certain degree below the horizon on an oblique sphere. But when the plane of the instrument is moved out of the plane of the meridian, the magnetick needle (which tends toward the pole) no longer remains at the degree of its own declination, but inclines more toward the centre; for the force of direction is stronger than that of declination, and all power of declination is taken away, if the plane of the instrument is on a parallel. For then the magnetick needle, because it cannot maintain its due position on account of the axis being placed transversely, faces down perpendicularly to the earth; and it remains only on its own meridian, or on that which is commonly called the magnetick meridian.
ix a slender iron wire of three digits
length through * a round cork, so that the cork may support
the iron in water. Let this water be in a good-sized glass vase or bowl.
Pare the round cork little by little with a very sharp knife (so that it
may remain round), until it will stay motionless one or two digits below
the face of the water; and let the wire be evenly balanced. {203}[239]Rub one end of the wire
thus prepared on the boreal end of a loadstone and the other on the
southern part of the stone (very skilfully, so that the cork may not be
moved ever so little from its place) and again place it in the water;
then the wire will dip with a circular motion on its own centre below the
plane of the horizon, in proportion to the latitude of the region; and,
even while dipping, will also show the point of variation (the true
direction being perturbed). Let the loadstone (that with which the iron
is rubbed) be a strong one, such as is needed in all experiments on
magnetick declination. When the iron, thus put into the water and
prepared by means of the loadstone, has settled in the dip, the lower end
remains at the point of variation on the arc of a great circle or
magnetick meridian passing through the Zenith or vertex, and the point of
variation on the horizon, and the lowest point of the heavens, which they
call the Nadir. This fact is shown by placing a rather long magnetick
versorium on one side a little way from the vase. This is a demonstration
of a more absolute conformity of a magnetick body with the earth's body
as regards unity; in it is made {204}apparent, in a natural manner, the
direction, with its variation, and the declination. But it must be
understood that as it is a curious and difficult experiment, so it does
not remain long in the middle of the water, but sinks at length to the
bottom, when the cork has imbibed too much moisture.
irection has been spoken of previously,
and also * variation, which is like a kind of dragging
aside of the direction. Now in declination such irregular motion is also
noticed, when the needle dips beyond the proper point or when sometimes
it does not reach its mark. There is therefore a variation of
declination, being the arc of a magnetick meridian between the true and
apparent declination. For as, on account of terrestrial elevations,
magnetick bodies are drawn away from the true meridian, so also the
needle dips (its rotation being increased a little) beyond its genuine
position. For as variation is a deviation of the direction, so also,
owing to the same cause, there is some error of declination, though often
very slight. Sometimes, also, when there is no variation of direction in
the horizontal, there may nevertheless be variation of the declination;
namely, either when more vigorous parts of the earth crop out exactly
meridionally, i.e. under the very meridian; or when those parts
are less powerful than nature in general requires; or when the virtue is
too much intensified in one part, or weakened in another, just as one may
observe in the vast ocean. And this discrepant nature and varying effect
may be easily seen in certain parts of almost any round loadstone.
Inæquality of power is recognized in any part of a terrella by trial of
the demonstration in chap. 2 of this book. But the effect is clearly
demonstrated by the instrument for showing declination in chap. 3 of this
iscourse hath often been held concerning
the * poles of the earth and of the stone, and concerning the
æquinoctial zone; whilst lately we have been speaking about the declining
of magneticks toward the earth and toward the terrella, and the causes of
it. But while by various and complicated devices we have laboured long
and hard to arrive at the cause of this declination, we have by good
fortune found out a new and admirable (beyond the marvels of all virtues
magnetical) science of the orbes themselves. For such is the power of
magnetick globes, that it is diffused and extended into orbes outside the
body itself, the form being carried beyond the limits of the corporeal
substance; and a mind diligently versed in this study of nature will find
the definite causes of the motions and revolutions. The same powers of a
terrella exist also within the whole orbe of its power; and these orbes
at any distance from the body of the terrella have in themselves, in
proportion to their diameter and the magnitude of their circumference,
their own limits of influences, or points wherein magnetick bodies
rotate; but they do not look toward the same part of the terrella or the
same point at any distance from the same (unless they be on the axis of
the orbes and of the terrella); but they always tend to those points of
their own orbes, which are distant by similar arcs from the common axis
of the orbes. As, for example, in the following diagram, we show the body
of a terrella, with its poles and æquator; and also a versorium on three
other concentrick orbes around the terrella at some distance from it. In
these orbes (as in all those which we may imagine without end) the
magnetick body or versorium conforms to its own orbe in which it is
located, and to its diameter and poles and æquator, not to those of the
terrella; and it is by them and according to the magnitude of their orbes
that the magnetick body is governed, rotated, and directed, in any arc of
that orbe, both while the centre of the magnetick body stands still, and
also while it moves along. And yet we do not mean that the magnetick
forms and orbes exist in air or water or in any medium that is not
magnetical; as if the air or the water were susceptible of them, or were
induced by them; for the forms are only effused and really subsist when
magnetick substances are there; whence a magnetick body is laid hold of
within the forces and limits of the orbes; and within the orbes
magneticks {206}dispose magneticks and incite them, as if
the orbes of virtue were solid and material loadstones. For the magnetick
force does not pass through the whole medium or really exist as in a
continuous body; so the orbes are magnetick, and yet not real orbes nor
existent by themselves.
Diagram of motions in magnetick orbes.
A B is the axis of the terrella and of the orbes, C D the æquator. On all the orbes, as on the terrella, at the equator the versorium arranges itself along the plane of the horizon; on the axis it everywhere looks perpendicularly toward the centre; in the intermediate spaces E looks toward D; and G looks toward H, not toward F, as the versorium L does on the surface of the terrella. But as is the relation of L to F on the surface of the terella, so is that of G to H on its orbe and of E to D on its orbe; also all the rotations on {207}the orbes toward the termini of the orbes are such as they are on the surface of the terrella, or toward the termini of its surface. But if in the more remote orbes this fails somewhat at times, it happens on account of the sluggishness of the stone, or on account of the feebler forces due to the too great distance of the orbes from the terrella.
Set upon the instrumental diagram described farther back [chap. 3] a plate or stiff circle of brass or tin, on which may be described the magnetick orbes, as in the diagram above; and in the middle let a hole be made according to the size of the terrella, so that the plate may lie evenly on the wood about the middle of the terrella on a meridional circle. Then let a small versorium of the length of a barley-corn be placed on any orbe; upon which, when it is moved to various positions on the same circle, it will always pay regard to the dimensions of that orbe, not to those of the stone; as is shown in the diagram of the effused magnetick forms.
While some assign occult and hidden virtues of substances, others a property of matter, as the causes of the wonderful magnetical effects; we have discovered the primary substantive form of globes, not from a conjectural shadow of the truth of reasons variously controverted; but we have laid hold of the true efficient cause, as from many other demonstrations, so also from this most certain diagram of magnetick forces effused by the form. Though this (the form) has not been brought under any of our senses, and on that account is the less perceived by the intellect, it now appears manifest and conspicuous even to the eyes through this essential activity which proceeds from it as light from a lamp. And here it must be noted that a magnetick needle, moved on the top of the earth or of a terrella or of the effused orbes, makes two complete rotations in one circuit of its centre, like some epicycle about its orbit.
loadstone is a wonderful thing in very
many experiments, and like a living creature. And one of its remarkable
virtues is that which the ancients considered to be a living soul in the
sky, in the globes and in the stars, in the sun and in the moon. For they
suspected that such various motions could not arise without a divine and
animate nature, immense bodies turned about in fixed times, and wonderful
powers infused into other bodies; whereby the whole universe flourishes
in most beautiful variety, through this primary form of the globes
themselves. The ancients, as Thales, Heraclitus, Anaxagoras, Archelaus,
Pythagoras, Empedocles, Parmenides, Plato, and all the Platonists, and
not only the older Greeks, but the Egyptians and Chaldæans, seek for some
universal life in the universe, and affirm that the whole universe is
endowed with life. Aristotle affirms that not the whole universe is
animate, but only the sky; but he maintains that its elements are
inanimate; whilst the stars themselves are animate. We, however, find
this life in globes only and in their homogenic parts; and though it is
not the same in all globes (for it is much more eminent in the sun and in
certain stars than in others of less nobility) yet in very many the lives
of the globes agree in their powers. For each several homogenic part
draws to its own globe in a similar manner, and has an inclination to the
common direction of the whole in the universe; and the effused forms
extend outward in all, and are carried out into an orbe, and have bounds
of their own; hence the order and regularity of the motions and rotations
of all the planets, and their courses, not wandering away, but fixed and
determined. Wherefore Aristotle concedes life to the sphæres themselves
and to the orbes of the heavens (which he feigns), because they are
suitable and fitted for a circular motion and actions, and are carried
along in fixed and definite courses. It is surely wonderful, why the
globe of the earth alone with its emanations is condemned by him and his
followers and cast into exile (as senseless and lifeless), and driven out
of all the perfection of the excellent universe. It is treated as a small
corpuscle in comparison with the whole, and in the numerous concourse of
many thousands it is obscure, disregarded, and unhonoured. {209}With it also
they connect the kindred elements, in a like unhappiness, wretched and
neglected. Let this therefore be looked upon as a monstrosity in the
Aristotelian universe, in which everything is perfect, vigorous,
animated; whilst the earth alone, an unhappy portion, is paltry,
imperfect, dead, inanimate, and decadent. But on the other hand Hermes,
Zoroaster, Orpheus, recognize a universal life. We, however, consider
that the whole universe is animated, and that all the globes, all the
stars, and also the noble earth have been governed since the beginning by
their own appointed souls and have the motives of self-conservation. Nor
are there wanting, either implanted in their homogenic nature or
scattered through their homogenic substance, organs suitable for organic
activity, although these are not fashioned of flesh and blood as animals,
or composed of regular limbs, which are also hardly perceptible in
certain plants and vegetables; since regular limbs are not necessary for
all life. Nor can any organs be discerned or imagined by us in any of the
stars, the sun, or the planets, which are specially operative in the
universe; yet they live and imbue with life the small particles in the
prominences on the earth. If there be anything of which men can boast, it
is in fact life, intelligence; for the other animals are ennobled by
life; God also (by whose nod all things are ruled) is a living soul. Who
therefore will demand organs for the divine intelligences, which rise
superior to every combination of organs and are not restrained by
materialized organs? But in the several bodies of the stars the implanted
force acts otherwise than in those divine existences which are
supernaturally ordained; and in the stars, the sources of things,
otherwise than in animals; in animals again otherwise than in plants.
Miserable were the condition of the stars, abject the lot of the earth,
if that wonderful dignity of life be denied to them, which is conceded to
worms, ants, moths, plants, and toadstools; for thus worms, moths, grubs
would be bodies more honoured and perfect in nature; for without life no
body is excellent, valuable, or distinguished. But since living bodies
arise and receive life from the earth and the sun, and grass grows on the
earth apart from any seeds thrown down (as when soil is dug up from deep
down in the earth, and put on some very high place or on a very high
tower, in a sunny spot, not so long after various grasses spring up
unbidden) it is not likely that they can produce what is not in them; but
they awaken life, and therefore they are living. Therefore the bodies of
the globes, as important parts of the universe, in order that they might
be independent and that they might continue in that condition, had a need
for souls to be united with them, without which there can be neither
life, nor primary activity, nor motion, nor coalition, nor controlling
power, nor harmony, nor endeavour, nor sympathy; and without which there
would be no generation {210}of anything, no alternations of the
seasons, no propagation; but all things would be carried this way and
that, and the whole universe would fall into wretchedest Chaos, the earth
in short would be vacant, dead, and useless. But it is only on the
superficies of the globes that the concourse of living and animated
beings is clearly perceived, in the great and pleasing variety of which
the great master-workman is well pleased. But those souls which are
restrained within a kind of barrier and in prison cells, as it were, do
not emit immaterial effused forms outside the limits of their bodies; and
bodies are not moved by them without labour and waste. They are brought
and carried away by a breath; and when this has calmed down or been
suppressed by some untoward influence, their bodies lie like the dregs of
the universe and as the refuse of the globes. But the globes themselves
remain and continue from year to year, move, and advance, and complete
their courses, without waste or weariness. The human soul uses reason,
sees many things, inquires about many more; but even the best instructed
receives by his external senses (as through a lattice) light and the
beginnings of knowledge. Hence come so many errors and follies, by which
our judgments and the actions of our lives are perverted; so that few or
none order their actions rightly and justly. But the magnetick force of
the earth and the formate life or living form of the globes, without
perception, without error, without injury from ills and diseases, so
present with us, has an implanted activity, vigorous through the whole
material mass, fixed, constant, directive, executive, governing,
consentient; by which the generation and death of all things are carried
on upon the surface. For, without that motion, by which the daily
revolution is performed, all earthly things around us would ever remain
savage and neglected, and more than deserted and absolutely idle. But
those motions in the sources of nature are not caused by thinking, by
petty syllogisms, and theories, as human actions, which are wavering,
imperfect, and undecided; but along with them reason, instruction,
knowledge, discrimination have their origin, from which definite and
determined actions arise, from the very foundations that have been laid
and the very beginnings of the universe; which we, on account of the
infirmity of our minds, cannot comprehend. Wherefore Thales, not without
cause (as Aristotle relates in his book De Anima), held that the
loadstone was animate, being a part and a choice offspring of its animate
mother the earth.
itherto our subject hath been the
loadstone and things magnetical: how they conspire together, and are
acted upon, how they conform themselves to the terrella and to the earth.
Now must we consider separately the globe itself of the earth. Those
experiments which have been proved by means of the terrella, how
magnetick things conform themselves to the terrella, are all or at least
the principal and most important of them, displayed by means of the
earth's Body: And to the earth things magnetical are in all respects
associate. First, as in the terrella the æquator, meridians, parallels,
axis, poles are natural boundaries, as numerous experiments make plain:
So also in the earth these boundaries are natural, not mathematical only
(as all before us used to suppose). These boundaries the same experiments
display and establish in both cases alike, in the earth no less than in
the terrella. Just as on the periphery of a terrella a loadstone or a
magnetick piece of iron is directed to its proper pole: so on the earth's
surface are there turnings-about, peculiar, manifest, and constant on
either side of the æquator. Iron is indued with verticity by being
extended toward a pole of the earth, just as toward a pole of the
terrella: By its being placed down also, and cooling toward the earth's
pole after the pristine verticity has {212}been annulled by fire,
it acquires new verticity, conformable to its position earthward. Iron
rods also, when placed some considerable time toward the poles, acquire
verticity merely by regarding the earth; just as the same rods, if placed
toward the pole of a loadstone, even without touching it, receive polar
virtue. There is no magnetick body that in any way runs to the terrella
which does not also wait upon the earth. As a loadstone is stronger at
one end on one side or other[240] of its æquator: so is the same
property displayed by a small terrella upon the surface of a larger
terrella. According to the variety and artistick skill in the rubbing of
the magnetick iron upon the terrella, so do the magnetick things perform
their function more efficiently or more feebly. In motions toward the
earth's body, as toward the terrella a variation is displayed due to the
unlikeness, inequality, and imperfection of its eminences: So every
variation of the versorium or mariners' compass, everywhere by land or by
sea, which thing has so sorely disturbed men's minds, is discerned and
recognized as due to the same causes. The magnetick dip (which is the
wonderful turning of magnetick things to the body of the terrella) in
systematick course, is seen in clearer light to be the same thing upon
the earth. And that single experiment, by a wonderful indication, as with
a finger, proclaims the grand magnetick nature of the earth to be innate
and diffused through all her inward parts. A magnetick vigour exists then
in the earth just as in the terrella, which is a part of the earth,
homogenic in nature with it, but rounded by Art, so as to correspond with
the earth's globous shape and in order that in the chief experiments it
might accord with the globe of the earth.
s in the very first beginnings of the
moving world, the earth's magnetick axis passed through the midst of the
earth: so now it tends through the centre to the same points of the
superficies; the circle and plane of the æquinoctial line also
persisting. For not without the vastest overthrow of the terrene mass can
these natural boundaries be changed, as it is easy to gather from
magnetick demonstrations. Wherfore the opinion of Dominicus Maria of
Ferrara, a most talented man, who was the teacher of Nicolas Copernicus,
must be cancelled; a view {213}which, according to certain observations
of his own, is as follows.[241] "I," he says, "in former years while
studying Ptolemy's Geographia discovered that the elevations of
the North pole placed by him in the several regions, fall short of what
they are in our time by one degree and ten minutes: which divergence can
by no means be ascribed to an error of the tables: For it is not credible
that the whole series in the book is equally wrong in the figures of the
tables: Hence it is necessary to allow that the North pole has been
tilted toward the vertical point. Accordingly a lengthy observation has
already begun to disclose to us things hidden from our forefathers; not
indeed through any sloth of theirs, but because they lacked the prolonged
observation of their predecessors: For before Ptolemy very few places
were observed with regard to the elevations of the pole, as he himself
also bears witness at the beginning of his Cosmographia: (For,
says he) Hipparchus alone hath handed down to us the latitudes of a few
places, but a good many have noted those of distances; especially those
which lie toward sunrise or sunset were received by some general
tradition, not owing to any sloth on the part of authors themselves, but
to the fact that there was as yet no practice of more exact mathematicks.
'Tis accordingly no wonder, if our predecessors did not mark this very
slow motion: For in one thousand and seventy years it shows itself to be
displaced scarce one degree toward the apex of dwellers upon the earth.
The strait of Gibraltar shows this, where in Ptolemy's time the North
pole appears elevated 36 degrees and a quarter from the Horizon: whereas
now it is 37 and two-fifths. The like divergence is also shown at
Leucopetra in Calabria, and at particular spots in Italy, namely those
which have not changed from Ptolemy's time to our own. And so by reason
of this movement, places now inhabited will some day become deserted,
while those regions which are now parched at the torrid zone will, though
long hence, be reduced to our temper of climate. Thus, as in a course of
three hundred and ninety five thousands of years, is that very slow
movement completed." Thus, according to these observations of Dominicus
Maria, the North pole is at a higher elevation, and the latitudes of
places are greater than formerly; whence he argues a change of latitudes.
Now, however, Stadius, taking just the contrary view, proves by
observations that the latitudes have decreased. For he says: "The
latitude of Rome in Ptolemy's Geographia is 41 degrees ⅔:
and that you may not suppose any error of reckoning to have crept in on
the part of Ptolemy, on the day of the Æquinox in the city of Rome, the
ninth part of the gnomon of the sun-dial is lacking in shadow, as Pliny
relates and Vitruvius witnesseth in his ninth book." But the observation
of moderns (according to Erasmus Rheinholdus) gives the same in our time
as 41 degrees with a sixth: so that you are in doubt as to half of one
degree in {214}the centre of the world, whether you show
it to have decreased by the earth's obliquity of motion. One may see then
how from inexact observations men rashly conceive new and contradictory
opinions and imagine absurd motions of the mechanism of the earth. For
since Ptolemy only received certain latitudes from Hipparchus, and did
not in very many places make the observations himself; it is likely that
he himself, knowing the position of the places, formed his estimate of
the latitude of cities from probable conjecture only, and then placed it
in the maps. Thus one may see, in the case of our own Britain, that the
latitudes of cities are wrong by two or three degrees, as experience
teaches. Wherefore all the less should we from those mistakes infer a new
motion, or let the noble magnetick nature of the earth be debased for an
opinion so lightly conceived. Moreover, those mistakes crept the more
readily into geography, from the fact that the magnetick virtue was
utterly unknown to those geographers. Besides, observations of latitudes
cannot be made sufficiently exactly, except by experts, using also finer
instruments, and taking into account the refraction of the lights.
mong the ancients Heraclides of Pontus
and Ecphantus, afterwards the Pythagoreans, as Nicetas of Syracuse and
Aristarchus of Samos, and some others (as it seems), used to think that
the earth moves, and that the stars set by the interposition of the earth
and rose by her retirement. In fact they set the earth moving and make
her revolve around her axis from west to east, like a wheel turning on
its axle. Philolaus the Pythagorean[242] would have the earth to be one of the
stars, and believed that it turned in an oblique circle around fire, just
as the sun and moon have their own courses. He was a distinguished
mathematician, and a most able investigator of nature. But after
Philosophy became a subject treated of by very many and was popularized,
theories adapted to the vulgar intelligence or based on sophistical
subtility occupied the minds of most men, and prevailed like a torrent,
the multitude consenting. Thereupon many valuable discoveries of the
ancients were rejected, and were dismissed to perish in banishment; or at
least by not being further cultivated and developed became obsolete. So
that Copernicus[243] (among
later discoverers, a man most deserving of literary honour) is the first
who attempted to illustrate the φαινόμενα of {215}moving bodies by new hypotheses: and these
demonstrations of reasons others either follow or observe in order that
they may more surely discover the phænomenal harmony of the movements;
being men of the highest attainments in every kind of learning. Thus
supposed and imaginary orbs of Ptolemy and others for finding the times
and periods of the motions are not necessarily to be admitted to the
physical inquiries of philosophers. It is then an ancient opinion and one
that has come down from old times, but is now augmented by important
considerations that the whole earth rotates with a daily revolution in
the space of 24 hours. Well then, since we see the Sun and Moon and other
planets and the glory of all the stars approach and retire within the
space of one natural day, either the Earth herself must needs be set in
motion with a diurnal movement from West to East, or the whole heaven and
the rest of nature from East to West. But, in the first place, it is not
likely that the highest heaven and all those visible splendours of the
fixed stars are impelled along that most rapid and useless course.
Besides, who is the Master who has ever made out that the stars which we
call fixed are in one and the same sphere, or has established by
reasoning that there are any real and, as it were, adamantine sphæres? No
one has ever proved this as a fact; nor is there a doubt but that just as
the planets are at unequal distances from the earth, [244]so are those vast and multitudinous
lights separated from the Earth by varying and very remote altitudes;
they are not set in any sphærick frame or firmament (as is feigned), nor
in any vaulted body: accordingly the intervals of some are from their
unfathomable distance matter of opinion rather than of verification;
others do much exceed them and are very far remote, and these being
located in the heaven at varying distances, either in the thinnest æther
or in that most subtile quintessence, or in the void: how are they to
remain in their position during such a mighty swirl of the vast orbe of
such uncertain substance. There have been observed by astronomers 1022
stars; besides these, numberless others are visible, some indeed faint to
our senses, in the case of others our sense is dim and they are hardly
perceived and only by exceptionally keen eyes, and there is no one gifted
with excellent sight who does not when the Moon is dark and the air at
its rarest, discern numbers and numbers dim and wavering with minute
lights on account of the great distance: hence it is credible both that
these are many and that they are never all included in any range of
vision. How immeasurable then must be the space which stretches to those
remotest of fixed stars! How vast and immense the depth of that imaginary
sphere! How far removed from the Earth must the most widely separated
stars be and at a distance transcending all sight, all skill and thought!
How monstrous then such a motion {216}would be! It is evident
then that all the heavenly bodies set as if in destined places are there
formed into sphæres, that they tend to their own centres, and that round
them there is a confluence of all their parts. And if they have motion,
that motion will rather be that of each round its own centre, as that of
the Earth is; or a forward movement of the centre in an orbit, as that of
the Moon: there would not be circular motion in the case of a too
numerous and scattered flock. Of these stars some situate near the
Æquator would seem to be borne around at a very rapid rate, others nearer
the pole to have a somewhat gentler motion, others, apparently
motionless, to have a slight rotation. Yet no differences in point of
light, mass or colours are apparent to us: for they are as brilliant,
clear, glittering and duskish toward the poles, as they are near the
Æquator and the Zodiack: those which remain set in those positions do not
hang, and are neither fixed, nor bound to anything of the nature of a
vault. All the more insane were the circumvolution of that fictitious
Primum Mobile, which is higher, deeper, and still more
immeasurable. Moreover, this inconceivable Primum Mobile ought to
be material and of enormous depth, far surpassing all inferior nature in
size: for nohow else could it conduct from East to West so many and such
vast bodies of stars, and the universe even down to the Earth: and it
requires us to accept in the government of the stars a universal power
and a despotism perpetual and intensely irksome. That Primum
Mobile bears no visible body, is nohow recognizable, is a fiction
believed in by those people, accepted by the weak-minded folk, who wonder
more at our terrestrial mass than at bodies so vast, so inconceivable,
and so far separated from us. But there can be no movement of infinity
and of an infinite body, and therefore no diurnal revolution of that
vastest Primum Mobile. The Moon being neighbour to the Earth
revolves in 27 days; Mercury and Venus have their own moderately slow
motions; Mars finishes a period in two years, Jupiter in twelve years,
Saturn in thirty. And those also who ascribe a motion to the fixed stars
make out that it is completed in 36,000 years, according to Ptolemy, in
25,816 years, according to Copernicus' observations; so that the motion
and the completion of the journey always become slower in the case of the
greater circles. And would there then be a diurnal motion of that
Primum Mobile which is so great and beyond them all immense and
profound? 'Tis indeed a superstition and in the view of philosophy a
fable now only to be believed by idiots, deserving more than ridicule
from the learned: and yet in former ages, that motion, under the pressure
of an importunate mob of philosophizers, was actually accepted as a basis
of computations and of motions, by mathematicians. The motions of the
bodies (namely planets) seem to take place eastward and following the
order of the signs. {217}The common run of mathematicians and
philosophers also suppose that the fixed stars in the same manner advance
with a very slow motion: and from ignorance of the truth they are forced
to join to them a ninth sphære. Whereas now this first and unthinkable
Primum Mobile, a fiction not comprehended by any judgment, not
evidenced by any visible constellation, but devised of imagination only
and mathematical hypothesis, unfortunately accepted and believed by
philosophers, extended into the heaven and beyond all the stars, must
needs with a contrary impulse turn about from East to West, in opposition
to the inclination of all the rest of the Universe. Whatsoever in nature
is moved naturally, the same is set in motion both by its own forces and
by the consentient compact of other bodies. Such is the motion of parts
to their whole, of all interdependent sphæres and stars in the universe:
such is the circular impulse in the bodies of the planets, when they
affect and incite one another's courses. But with regard to the Primum
Mobile and its contrary and exceeding rapid movement, what are the
bodies which incite it or propel it? What is the nature that conspires
with it? Or what is that mad force beyond the Primum Mobile? Since
it is in bodies themselves that acting force resides, not in spaces or
intervals. But he who thinks that those bodies are at leisure and keeping
holiday, while all the virtue of the universe appertains to the very
orbits and sphæres, is on this point not less mad than he who, in some
one else's house, thinks that the walls and floors and roof rule the
family rather than the wife and thoughtful paterfamilias. Therefore not
by the firmament are they borne along, or are moved, or have their
position; much less are those confused crowds of stars whirled around by
the Primum Mobile, nor are they torn away and huddled along by a
contrary and extremely rapid movement. Ptolemy of Alexandria seems to be
too timid and weak-minded in dreading the dissolution of this nether
world, were the Earth to be moved round in a circle. Why does he not fear
the ruin of the Universe, dissolution, confusion, conflagration, and
infinite disasters celestial and super-celestial, from a motion
transcending all thoughts, dreams, fables, and poetic licences,
insurmountable, ineffable, and inconceivable? Wherefore we are carried
along by a diurnal rotation of the earth (a motion for sure more
congruous), and as a boat moves above the waters, so do we turn about
with the earth, and yet seem to ourselves to be stationary, and at rest.
Great and incredible it seems to some philosophers, by reason of
inveterate prejudice, that the Earth's vast body should be swirled wholly
round in the space of 24 hours. But it would be more incredible that the
Moon should travel through her orbit, or complete an entire course in a
space of 24 hours; more so the Sun or Mars; still more Jupiter and
Saturn; more than marvellous would be the velocity in the case of the
{218}fixed stars and the firmament; what in the
world they would have to wonder at in the case of their ninth sphere, let
them imagine as they like. But to feign a Primum Mobile and to
attribute to the thing thus feigned a motion to be completed in the space
of 24 hours, and not to allow this motion to the Earth in the same
interval of time, is absurd. For a great circle of the Earth is to the
ambit of the Primum Mobile less than a furlong to the whole Earth.
If the diurnal rotation of the Earth seem headlong, and not admissible in
nature by reason of its rapidity, worse than insane will be the movement
of the Primum Mobile both for itself and the whole universe,
agreeing as it does with no other motion in any proportion or likeness.
It seems to Ptolemy and the Peripateticks that nature must be disordered,
and the framework and structure of this globe of ours be dissolved, by
reason of so swift a terrestrial revolution. The Earth's diameter is 1718
German miles; the greatest elongation of the new Moon is 65, the least is
55 semi-diameters of the Earth: the greatest altitude of the half moon is
68, the least 52: yet it is probable that its sphære is still larger and
deeper. The sun in its greatest eccentricity has a distance of 1142
semi-diameters of the Earth; Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, being slower in
motion, are so proportionately further remote from the Earth. The
distances of the firmament and of the fixed stars seem to the best
mathematicians inconceivable. Leaving out the ninth sphære, if the
convexity of the Primum Mobile be duly estimated in proportion to
the rest of the sphæres, the vault of the Primum Mobile must in
one hour run through as much space as is comprised in 3000 great circles
of the Earth, for in the vault of the firmament it would complete more
than 1800; but what iron solidity can be imagined so firm and tough as
not to be disrupted and shattered to fragments by a fury so great and a
velocity so ineffable. The Chaldæans indeed would have it that the heaven
consists of light. In light, however, there is no so-great firmness,
neither is there in Plotinus' fiery firmament, nor in the fluid or
aqueous or supremely rare and transparent heaven of the divine Moses,
which does not cut off from our sight the lights of the stars. We must
accordingly reject the so deep-set error about this so mad and furious a
celestial velocity, and the forced retardation of the rest of the
heavens. Let theologians discard and wipe out with sponges those old
women's tales of so rapid a spinning round of the heavens borrowed from
certain inconsiderate philosophers. The sun is not propelled by the
sphære of Mars (if a sphære there be) and by his motion, nor Mars by
Jupiter, nor Jupiter by Saturn. The sphære, too, of the fixed stars,
seems well enough regulated except so far as motions which are in the
Earth are ascribed to the heavens, and bring about a certain change of
phænomena. The superiors do not exercise a despotism over the inferiors;
for the heaven of {219}philosophers, as of theologians, must be
gentle, happy, and tranquil, and not at all subject to changes: nor shall
the force, fury, swiftness, and hurry of a Primum Mobile have
dominion over it. That fury descends through all the celestial sphæres,
and celestial bodies, invades the elements of our philosophers, sweeps
fire along, rolls along the air, or at least draws the chief part of it,
conducts the universal æther, and turns about fiery impressions (as if it
were a solid and firm body, when in fact it is a most refined essence,
neither resisting nor drawing), leads captive the superior. O marvellous
constancy of the terrestrial globe, the only one unconquered; and yet one
that is holden fast, or stationary, in its place by no bonds, no
heaviness, by no contiguity with a grosser or firmer body, by no weights.
The substance of the terrestrial globe withstands and sets itself against
universal nature. Aristotle feigns for himself a system of philosophy
founded on motions simple and compound, that the heavens revolve in a
simple circle, its elements moving with a right motion, the parts of the
earth seeking the earth in straight lines, falling on its surface at
right angles, and tending together toward its centre, always, however, at
rest therein; accordingly also the whole Earth remains immovable in its
place, united and compacted together by its own weight. That cohæsion of
parts and aggregation of matter exist in the Sun, in the Moon, in the
planets, in the fixed stars, in fine in all those round bodies whose
parts cohære together and tend each to their own centres; otherwise the
heaven would fall, and that sublime ordering would be lost: yet these
cœlestial bodies have a circular motion. Whence the Earth too may
equally have her own motion: and this motion is not (as some deem it)
unsuitable for the assembling or adverse to the generation of things. For
since it is innate in the terrestrial globe, and natural to it; and since
there is nothing external that can shock it, or hinder it by adverse
motions, it goes round without any ill or danger, it advances without
being forced, there is nothing that resists, nothing that by retiring
gives way, but all is open. For while it revolves in a space void of
bodies, or in the incorporeal æther, all the air, the exhalations of land
and water, the clouds and pendent meteors, are impelled along with the
globe circularly: that which is above the exhalations is void of bodies:
the finest bodies and those which are least cohærent almost void are not
impeded, are not dissolved, while passing through it. Wherefore also the
whole terrestrial globe, with all its adjuncts, moves bodily along,
calmly, meeting no resistance. Wherefore empty and superstitious is the
fear that some weak minds have of a shock of bodies (like Lucius
Lactantius, who, in the fashion of the unlettered rabble and of the most
unreasonable men scoffs at an Antipodes and at the sphærick ordering of
the Earth all round). So for these reasons, not only probable but
manifest, does the diurnal rotation of the earth seem, {220}since nature
always acts through a few rather than through many; and it is more
agreeable to reason that the Earth's one small body should make a diurnal
rotation, than that the whole universe should be whirled around. I pass
over the reasons of the Earth's remaining motions, for at present the
only question is concerning its diurnal movement, according to which it
moves round with respect to the Sun, and creates a natural day (which we
call a nycthemeron[245]).
And indeed Nature may be thought to have granted a motion very suitable
to the Earth's shape, which (being sphærical) is revolved about the poles
assigned it by Nature much more easily and fittingly than that the whole
universe, whose limit is unknown and unknowable, should be whirled round;
and than there could be imagined an orbit of the Primum Mobile, a
thing not accepted by the ancients, which Aristotle even did not devise
or accept as in any shape or form existing beyond the sphære of the fixed
stars; which finally the sacred scriptures do not recognize any more than
they do the revolution of the firmament.
f then the philosophers of the common
sort, with an unspeakable absurdity, imagine the whole heaven and the
vast extent of the universe to rotate in a whirl, it yet remains that the
earth performs a diurnal change. For in no third way can the apparent
revolutions be explained. This day, then, which is called natural, is a
revolution of some meridian of the Earth from Sun to Sun. It revolves
indeed in an entire course, from a fixed star round to that star again.
Those bodies which in nature are moved with a circular, æquable and
constant motion, are furnished, in their parts, with various boundaries.
But the Earth is not a Chaos nor disordered mass; but by reason of its
astral virtue, it has boundaries which subserve the circular motion,
poles not mathematical, an æquator not devised by imagination, meridians
also and parallels; all of which we find permanent, certain and natural
in the Earth: which by numerous experiments the whole magnetick
philosophy sets forth. For in the earth there are poles set in fixed
bounds, and at them the verticity mounts up on either side from the plane
of the Earth's æquator, with forces which are mightier and præpotent from
the common action of the whole; and with these poles the diurnal
revolution is in agreement. But in no turnings-about of bodies, in none
of the motions of the planets are there to be recognized, beheld, or
assured to us by any reasoning any sensible or natural poles in the
firmament, or in any Primum {221}Mobile; but
those are the conception of an unsettled imagination. Wherefore we,
following an evident, sensible and tested cause, do know that the earth
moves on its own poles, which are apparent to us by many magnetick
demonstrations. For not only on the ground of its constancy, and its sure
and permanent position, is the Earth endowed with poles and verticity:
for it might be directed toward other parts of the universe, toward East
or West or some other region. By the wondrous wisdom then of the Builder
forces, primarily animate, have been implanted in the Earth, that with
determinate constancy the Earth may take its direction, and the poles
have been placed truly opposite[246], that about them as the termini, as it
were, of some axis, the motion of diurnal turning might be performed. But
the constancy of the poles is regulated by the primary soul. Wherefore,
for the Earth's good, the collimations of her verticities do not
continually regard a definite point of the firmament and of the visible
heaven. For changes of the æquinoxes take place from a certain deflection
of the Earth's axis; yet in regard to that deflection, the Earth has a
constancy of motion
derived from her own forces. The Earth, that she may turn
herself about in a diurnal revolution, leans on her poles. For since at A
and B there is constant verticity, and the axis is straight; at C and D
(the æquinoctial line) the parts are free, the whole forces on either
side being spread out from the plane of the æquator toward the poles, in
æther which is free from renitency, or else in a void; and A and B
remaining constant, C revolves toward D both from innate conformity and
aptitude, and for necessary good, and the avoidance of evil; but being
chiefly moved forward by the diffusion of the solar orbes of virtues, and
by their lights. And 'tis borne around, not upon a new and strange
course, but (with the {222}tendency common to the rest of the
planets) it tends from West to East. For all planets have a like motion
Eastward according to the succession of the signs, whether Mercury and
Venus revolve beneath the Sun, or around the Sun. That the Earth is
capable of and fitted for moving circularly its parts show, which when
separated from the whole are not only borne along with the
straight movement taught by the
Peripateticks, but rotate also. A loadstone fixed in a wooden vessel is
placed on water so as to swim freely, turn itself, and float about. If
the pole B of the loadstone be set contrary to nature toward the South,
F, the Terrella is turned about its own centre with a circular motion in
the plane of the Horizon, toward the North, E, where it rests, not at C
or D. So does a small stone if only of four ounces; it has the same
motion also and just as quick, if it were a strong magnet of one hundred
pounds. The largest magnetical mountain will possess the same
turning-power also, if launched in a wide river or deep sea: and yet a
magnetick body is much more hindered by water than the whole Earth is by
the æther. The whole Earth would do the same, if the Boreal pole were to
be diverted from its true direction; for the Boreal pole would run back
with the circular motion of the whole around the centre toward the
Cynosure. But this motion by which the parts naturally settle themselves
in their own {223}resting-places is no other than circular.
The whole Earth regards the Cynosure with her pole according to a
steadfast law of her nature: and thus each true part of it seeks a like
resting-place in the world, and is moved circularly toward that position.
The natural movements of the whole and of the parts are alike: wherefore
when the parts are moved in a circle, the whole also has the potency of
moving circularly. A sphærical loadstone placed in a vessel
on water moves circularly around its centre (as is manifest) in the plane
of the Horizon, into conformity[247] with the earth.
So also it would move in any other great circle if it could be free; as in the declination instrument, a circular motion takes place in the meridian (if there were no variation), or, if there should be some variation, in a great circle drawn from the Zenith through the point of variation on the horizon. And that circular motion of the magnet to its own just and natural position shows that the whole Earth is fitted and adapted, and is sufficiently furnished with peculiar forces for diurnal circular motion. I omit what Peter Peregrinus[248] constantly affirms, that a terrella suspended above its poles on a meridian moves circularly, making an entire revolution in 24 hours: which, however, it has not happened to ourselves as yet to see; and we even doubt this motion on account of the weight of the stone itself, as well as because the whole Earth, as she is moved of herself, so also is she propelled by other stars: and this does not happen in proportion (as it does in the terrella) {224}in every part. The Earth is moved by her own primary form and natural desire, for the conservation, perfection, and ordering of its parts, toward things more excellent: and this is more likely than that the fixed stars, those luminous globes, as well as the Wanderers, and the most glorious and divine Sun, which are in no way aided by the Earth, or renewed, or urged by any virtue therein, should circulate aimlessly around the Earth, and that the whole heavenly host should repeat around the Earth courses never ending and of no profit whatever to the stars. The Earth, then, which by some great necessity, even by a virtue innate, evident, and conspicuous, is turned circularly about the Sun, revolves; and by this motion it rejoices in the solar virtues and influences, and is strengthened by its own sure verticity, that it should not rovingly revolve over every region of the heavens. The Sun (the chief agent in nature) as he forwards the courses of the Wanderers, so does he prompt this turning about of the Earth by the diffusion of the virtues of his orbes, and of light. And if the Earth were not made to spin with a diurnal revolution, the Sun would ever hang over some determinate part with constant beams, and by long tarriance would scorch it, and pulverize it, and dissipate it, and the Earth would sustain the deepest wounds; and nothing good would issue forth; it would not vegetate, it would not allow life to animals, and mankind would perish. In other parts, all things would verily be frightful and stark with extreme cold; whence all high places would be very rough, unfruitful, inaccessible, covered with a pall of perpetual shades and eternal night. Since the Earth herself would not choose to endure this so miserable and horrid appearance on both her faces, she, by her magnetick astral genius, revolves in an orbit, that by a perpetual change of light there may be a perpetual alternation of things, heat and cold, risings and settings, day and night, morn and eve, noon and midnight. Thus the Earth seeks and re-seeks the Sun, turns away from him and pursues him, by her own wondrous magnetick virtue. Besides, it is not only from the Sun that evil would impend, if the Earth were to stay still and be deprived of solar benefit; but from the Moon also serious dangers would threaten. For we see how the ocean rises and swells beneath certain known positions of the Moon: And if there were not through the daily rotation of Earth a speedy transit of the Moon, the flowing sea would be driven above its level into certain regions, and many shores would be overwhelmed with huge waves. In order then that Earth may not perish in various ways, and be brought to confusion, she turns herself about by magnetick and primary virtue: and the like motions exist also in the rest of the Wanderers, urged specially by the movement and light of other bodies. For the Moon also turns herself about in a monthly course, to receive in succession the Sun's beams in which she, like the Earth, {225}rejoices, and is refreshed: nor could she endure them for ever on one particular side without great harm and sure destruction. Thus each one of the moving globes is for its own safety borne in an orbit either in some wider circle, or only by a rotation of its body, or by both together. But it is ridiculous for a man a philosopher to suppose that all the fixed stars and the planets and the still higher heavens revolve to no other purpose, save the advantage of the Earth. It is the Earth, then, that revolves, not the whole heaven, and this motion gives opportunity for the growth and decrease of things, and for the generating of things animate, and awakens internal heat for the bringing of them to birth. Whence matter is quickened for receiving forms; and from the primary rotation of the Earth natural bodies have their primary impetus and original activity. The motion then of the whole Earth is primary, astral, circular, around its own poles, whose verticity arises on both sides from the plane of the æquator, and whose vigour is infused into opposite termini, in order that the Earth may be moved by a sure rotation for its good, the Sun also and the stars helping its motion. But the simple straight motion downwards of the Peripateticks is a motion of weight, a motion of the aggregation of disjoined parts, in the ratio of their matter, along straight lines toward the body of the Earth: which lines tend the shortest way toward the centre. The motions of disjoined magnetical parts of the Earth, besides the motion of aggregation, are coition, revolution, and the direction of the parts to the whole, for harmony of form, and concordancy.
ow it will not be superfluous to weigh
well the arguments of those who say the Earth does not move; that we may
be better able to satisfy the crowd of philosophizers who assert that
this constancy and stability of the Earth is confirmed by the most
convincing arguments. Aristotle does not allow that the Earth moves
circularly, on the ground that each several part of it would be affected
by this particular motion; that whereas now all the separate parts of the
Earth are borne toward the middle in straight lines, that circular motion
would be violent, and strange to nature, and not enduring. But it has
been before proved that all actual portions of the Earth move in a
circle, and that all magnetick bodies (fitly disposed) are borne around
in an orbe. They are borne, however, toward the centre of the Earth in a
{226}straight line (if the way be open) by a
motion of aggregation as though to their own origin: they move by various
motions agreeably to the conformation of the whole: a terrella is moved
circularly by its innate forces. "Besides" (says he), "all things which
are borne in an orbe, afterwards would seem to be abandoned by the first
motion, and to be borne by several motions besides the first. The Earth
must also be borne on by two sorts of motion, whether it be situate
around a mid-point, or in the middle site of the universe: and if this
were so, there must needs be at one time an advance, at another time a
retrogression of the fixed stars: This, however, does not seem to be the
case, but they rise and set always the same in the same places." But it
by no means follows that a double motion must be assigned to the Earth.
But if there be but one diurnal motion of the Earth around its poles, who
does not see that the stars must always in the same manner rise and set
at the same points of the horizon, even although there be another motion
about which we are not disputing: since the mutations in the smaller
orbit cause no variation of aspect in the fixed stars owing to their
great distance, unless the axis of the Earth have varied its position,
concerning which we raise a question when speaking of the cause of the
præcession of the æquinoxes. In this argument are many flaws. For if the
Earth revolve, that we asserted must needs occur not by reason of the
first sphære, but of its innate forces. But if it were set in motion by
the first sphære, there would be no successions of days and nights, for
it would continue its course along with the Primum Mobile. But
that the Earth is affected by a double movement at the time when it
rotates around its own centre, because the rest of the stars move with a
double motion, does not follow. Besides, he does not well consider the
argument, nor do his interpreters understand the same. τούτου δὲ
καὶ τροπὰς
ἄστρων. (Arist. de
Cœlo, ii. chap. 14.) That is, "If this be so, there must needs
be changes, and retrogressions of the fixed stars." What some interpret
as retrogressions or regressions, and changes of the fixed stars, others
explain as diversions: which terms can in no way be understood of axial
motion, unless he meant that the Earth moved by the Primum Mobile
is borne and turned over other poles diverse even from those which
correspond to the first sphære, which is altogether absurd. Other later
theorists suppose that the eastern ocean ought to be impelled so into
western regions by that motion, that those parts of the Earth which are
dry and free from water would be daily flooded by the eastern ocean. But
the ocean is not acted upon by that movement, since nothing opposes it;
and even the whole atmosphere is carried round: And for that reason in
the Earth's course all the things in the air are not left behind by us
nor do they seem to move toward the West: Wherefore also the clouds {227}are
at rest in the air, unless the force of the winds drive them; and objects
which are projected into the air fall again into their own place. But
those foolish folk who think that towers, temples, and buildings must
necessarily be shaken and overthrown by the Earth's motion, may fear lest
men at the Antipodes should slip off into an opposite orbe, or that ships
when sailing round the entire [249]globe should (as soon as they have
dipped under the plane of our horizon) fall into the opposite region of
the sky. But those follies are old wives' gossip, and the rubbish of
certain philosophizers, men who, when they essay to treat of the highest
truths and the fabrick of the universe, and hazard anything, can scarce
understand aught ultra crepidam. They would have the Earth to be
the centre of a circle; and therefore to rest motionless amid the
rotation. But neither the stars nor the wandering globes move about the
Earth's centre: the high heaven also does not move circularly round the
Earth's centre; nor if the Earth were in the centre, is it a centre
itself, but a body around a centre. Nor is it confident with reason that
the heavenly bodies of the Peripateticks should attend on a centre so
decadent and perishable as that of the Earth. They think that Nature
seeks rest for the generation of things, and for promoting their increase
while growing; and that accordingly the whole Earth is at rest. And yet
all generation takes place from motion, without which the universal
nature of things would become torpid. The motion of the Sun, the motion
of the Moon, cause changes; the motion of the Earth awakens the internal
breath of the globe; animals themselves do not live without motion, and
the ceaseless activity of the heart and arteries. For of no moment are
the arguments for a simple straight motion toward the centre, that this
is the only kind in the Earth, and that in a simple body there is one
motion only and that a simple one. For that straight motion is only a
tendency toward their own origin, not of the parts of the Earth only, but
of those of the Sun also, of the Moon, and of the rest of the sphæres
which also move in an orbit. Joannes Costæus, who raises doubts
concerning the cause of the Earth's motion, looking for it externally and
internally, understands magnetick vigour to be internal, active, and
disponent; also that the Sun is an external promotive cause, and that the
Earth is not so vile and abject a body as it is generally considered.
Accordingly there is a diurnal movement on the part of the Earth for its
own sake and for its advantage. Those who make out that that terrestrial
motion (if such there be) takes place not only in longitude, but also in
latitude, talk nonsense. For Nature has set in the Earth determinate
poles, and definite unconfused revolutions. Thus the Moon revolves with
respect to the Sun in a monthly course; yet having her own definite
poles, facing determinate parts of the heaven. To suppose that the air
moves the Earth would be {228}ridiculous. For air is only exhalation,
and is an enveloping effluvium from the Earth itself; the winds also are
only a rush of the exhalations in some part near the Earth's surface; the
height of its motion is slight, and in all regions there are various
winds unlike and contrary. Some writers, not finding in the matter of the
Earth the cause (for they say that they find nothing except solidity and
consistency), deny it to be in its form; and they only admit as qualities
of the Earth cold and dryness, which are unable to move the Earth. The
Stoicks attribute a soul to the Earth, whence they pronounce (amid the
laughter of the learned) the Earth to be an animal. This magnetick form,
whether vigour or soul, is astral. Let the learned lament and bewail the
fact that none of those old Peripateticks, nor even those common
philosophizers heretofore, nor Joannes Costæus, who mocks at such things,
were able to apprehend this grand and important natural fact. But as to
the notion that surface inequality of mountains and valleys would prevent
the Earth's diurnal revolution, there is nothing in it: for they do not
mar the Earth's roundness, being but slight excrescences compared with
the whole Earth; nor does the Earth revolve alone without its emanations.
Beyond the emanations, there is no renitency. There is no more labour
exerted in the Earth's motion than in the march of the rest of the Stars:
nor is it excelled in dignity by some stars. To say that it is frivolous
to suppose that the Earth rather seeks a view of the Sun, than the Sun of
the Earth, is a mark of great obstinacy and unwisdom. Of the theory of
the rotation we have often spoken. If anyone seek the cause of the
revolution, or of other tendency of the Earth, from the sea surrounding
it, or from the motion of the air, or from the Earth's gravity, he would
be no less silly as a theorist than those who stubbornly ground their
opinions on the sentiments of the ancients. Ptolemy's reasonings are of
no weight; for when our true principles are laid down, the truth comes to
light, and it is superfluous to refute them. Let Costæus recognize and
philosophers see how unfruitful and vain a thing it becomes then to take
one's stand on the principles and unproved opinions of certain ancients.
Some raise a doubt how it can be that, if the Earth move round its own
axis, a globe of iron or of lead dropped from the highest point of a
tower falls exactly perpendicularly to a spot of the Earth below itself.
Also how it is that cannon balls from a large culverin, fired with the
same quantity and strength of powder, in the same direction and at a like
elevation through the same air, would be cast at a like distance from a
given spot both Eastward and Westward, supposing the Earth to move
Eastward. But those who bring forward this kind of argument are being
misled: not attending to the nature of primary globes, and the
combination of parts with their globes, even though they be not adjoined
by solid parts. Whereas the motion of the Earth in the diurnal revolution
does not involve the separation of her more {229}solid circumference
from the surrounding bodies; but all her effluvia surround her, and in
them heavy bodies projected in any way by force, move on uniformly along
with the Earth in general coherence. And this also takes place in all
primary bodies, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the parts betaking
themselves to their first origins and sources, with which they connect
themselves with the same appetence as terrene things, which we call
heavy, with the Earth. So lunar things tend to the Moon, solar things to
the Sun, within the orbes of their own effluvia. The emanations hold
together by continuity of substance, and heavy bodies are also united
with the Earth by their own gravity, and move on together in the general
motion: especially when there is no renitency of bodies in the way. And
for this cause, on account of the Earth's diurnal revolution, bodies are
neither set in motion, nor retarded; they do not overtake it, nor do they
fall short behind it when violently projected toward East or West.
Let E F G be the Earth's globe, A its centre, L E the ascending effluvia: Just as the orbe of the effluvia progresses with the Earth, so also does the unmoved part of the circle at the straight line L E progress along with the general revolution. At L and E, a heavy body, M, falls perpendicularly toward E, taking the shortest way to the centre, nor is that right movement of weight, or of aggregation compounded with a circular movement, but is a simple right motion, never leaving the line L E. But when thrown with an equal force from E toward F, and from E toward G, it completes an equal distance on either side, even though the daily rotation of the Earth is in process: just as twenty paces of a man mark an equal space whether toward East or West: so the Earth's diurnal motion {230}is by no means refuted by the illustrious Tycho Brahe, through arguments such as these.
The tendency toward its origin (which, in the case of the
Earth, is called by Philosophers weight) causes no resistance to the
diurnal revolution, nor does it direct the Earth, nor does it retain the
parts of the Earth in place, for in regard to the Earth's solidity they
are imponderous, nor do they incline further, but are at rest in the
mass. If there be a flaw in the mass, such as a deep cavity (say 1000
fathoms), a homogenic portion of the Earth, or compacted terrestrial
matter, descends through that space (whether filled with water or air)
toward an origin more assured than air or water, seeking a solid globe.
But the centre of the Earth, as also the Earth as a whole, is
imponderous; the separated parts tend toward their own origin, but that
tendency we call weight; the parts united are at rest; and even if they
were ponderable, they would introduce no hindrance to the diurnal
revolution. For if around the axis A B, there be a weight at C, it is
balanced from E; if at F, from G; if at H, from I. So internally at L,
they are balanced from M: the whole globe, then, having a natural axis,
is balanced in æquilibrio, and is easily set in motion by the slighted
cause, but especially because the Earth in her own place is nowise heavy
nor lacking in balance. Therefore weight neither hinders the diurnal
revolution, nor influences either the direction or continuance in
position. Wherefore it is manifest that no sufficiently strong reason has
yet been found out by Philosophers against the motion of the Earth.
iurnal motion is due to causes which have
now to be sought, arising from magnetick vigour and from the confederated
bodies; that is to say, why the diurnal rotation of the Earth is
completed in the space of twenty-four hours. For no curious art, whether
of Clepsydras or of sand-clocks, or those contrivances of little toothed
wheels which are set in motion by weights, or by the force of a bent
steel band, can discover any degree of difference in the time. But as
soon as the diurnal rotation has been gone through, it at once begins
over again. But we would take as the day the absolute turning of a
meridian of the Earth, from sun to sun. This is somewhat greater than one
whole revolution of it; in this way the yearly course is completed in 365
and nearly ¼ turnings with respect to the sun. From this sure and regular
motion of the Earth, the number and time of 365 days, 5 hours, 55
minutes, in solar tropical years is always certain and definite, except
that there are some slight differences due to other causes. The Earth
therefore revolves not fortuitously, or by chance, or precipitately; but
with a rather high intelligence, equably, and with a wondrous regularity,
in no other way than all the rest of the movable stars, which have
definite periods belonging to their motions. For the Sun himself being
the agent and incitor of the universe in motion, other wandering globes
set within the range of his forces, when acted on and stirred, also
regulate each its own proper courses by its own forces; and they are
turned about in periods corresponding to the extent of their greater
rotation, and the differences of their effused forces, and their
intelligence for higher good. And for that cause Saturn, having a wider
orbit, is borne round it in a longer time, Jupiter a shorter, and Mars
still less; while Venus takes nine months, Mercury 80 days, on the
hypotheses of Copernicus; the Moon going round the Earth with respect to
the Sun in 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes. We have asserted that the Earth
moves circularly about its centre, completing a day by an entire
revolution with respect to the Sun. The Moon revolves in a monthly course
around the Earth, and, repeating a conjunction with the Sun after a
former synodic conjunction, constitutes the month or Lunar day. The
Moon's mean concentrick orbit, according to numerous observations of
Copernicus and later astronomers, is found to be distant 29 and about 5/6
diameters of the Earth from the Earth's centre. The Moon's revolution
with respect to the Sun takes place in 29½ days and 44 minutes of time.
We reckon the motion with respect to the sun, not the periodic motion,
{232}just as a day is one entire revolution of
the Earth with respect to the Sun, not one periodick revolution; because
the Sun is the cause of lunar as of terrestrial motion: also, because (on
the hypotheses of later observers) the synodical month is truly periodic,
on account of the Earth's motion in a great orbit. The proportion of
diameters to circumferences is the same. And the concentrick orbit of the
Moon contains twice over 29 and ½ great circles of the Earth & a
little more. The Moon & the Earth, then, agree together in a double
proportion of motion; & the Earth moves in the space of twenty-four
hours, in its diurnal motion; because the Moon has a motion proportional
to the Earth, but the Earth a motion agreeing with the lunar motion in a
nearly double proportion. There is some difference in details, because
the distances of the stars in details have not been examined sufficiently
exactly, nor are mathematicians as yet agreed about them. The Earth
therefore revolves in a space of 24 hours, as the Moon in her monthly
course, by a magnetick confederation of both stars, the globes being
forwarded in their movement by the Sun, according to the proportion of
their orbits, as Aristotle allows, de Cœlo, bk. ii., chap.
10. "It happens" (he says) "that the motions are performed through a
proportion existing between them severally, namely, at the same intervals
in which some are swifter, others slower," But it is more agreeable to
the relation between the Moon and the Earth, that that harmony of motion
should be due to the fact that they are bodies rather near together, and
very like each other in nature and substance, and that the Moon has more
evident effects upon the Earth than the rest of the stars, the Sun
excepted; also because the Moon alone of all the planets conducts her
revolutions, directly (however diverse even), with reference to the
Earth's centre, and is especially akin to the Earth, and bound to it as
with chains. This, then, is the true symmetry and harmony between the
motions of the Earth and the Moon; not that old oft-besung harmony of
cœlestial motions, which assumes that the nearer any sphære is to
the Primum Mobile and that fictitious and pretended rapidest Prime
Motion, the less does it offer resistance thereto, and the slower it is
borne by its own motion from west to east: but that the more remote it
is, the greater is its velocity, and the more freely does it complete its
own movement; and therefore that the Moon (being at the greatest distance
from the Primum Mobile) revolves the most swiftly. Those vain
tales have been conceded in order that the Primum Mobile may be
accepted, and be thought to have certain effects in retarding the motions
of the lower heavens; as though the motion of the stars arose from
retardation, and were not inherent and natural; and as though a furious
force were perpetually driving the rest of the heaven (except only the
Primum Mobile) with frenzied incitations. Much more likely is it
that the stars are borne around symmetrically by their own forces, with a
certain mutual concert and harmony.
rimarily having shown the manner and
causes of the diurnal revolution of the Earth, which is partly brought
about from the vigour of the magnetick virtue, partly effected by the
præ-eminence and light of the Sun; there now follows an account of the
distance of its poles from the poles of the Ecliptick—a supremely
necessary fact. For if the poles of the universe or of the Earth remained
fast at the poles of the Zodiack, then the Æquator of the Earth would lie
exactly beneath the line of the Ecliptick, and there would be no
variation in the seasons of the year, no Winter, no Summer, nor Spring,
nor Autumn: but one and the same invariable aspect of things would
continue. The direction of the axis of the Earth has receded therefore
from the pole of the Zodiack (for lasting good) just so far as is
sufficient for the generation and variety of things. Accordingly the
declination of the tropicks and the inclination of the Earth's pole
remain perpetually in the twenty-fourth degree; though now only 23
degrees 28 minutes are counted; or, as others make out, 29 minutes: But
once it was 23 degrees 52 minutes, which are the extreme limits of the
declinations hitherto observed. And that has been prudently ordained by
nature, and is arranged by the primary excellence of the Earth. For if
those poles (of the Earth and the Ecliptick) were to be parted by a much
greater distance, then when the Sun approached the tropick, all things in
the other deserted part of the globe, in some higher latitude, would be
desolate and (by reason of the too prolonged absence of the Sun) brought
to destruction. As it is, however, all is so proportioned that the whole
terrestrial globe has its own varying seasons in succession, and
alternations of condition, appropriate and needful: either from the more
direct and vertical radiation of light, or from its increased tarriance
above the horizon.
Around these poles of the Ecliptick the direction of the poles of the Earth is borne: and by this motion the præcession of the æquinoxes is apparent to us.
rimitive mathematicians, since they did
not pay attention to the inequælities of the years, made no distinction
between the æquinoctial, or solstitial revolving year, and that which is
taken from some one of the fixed stars. Even the Olympick years, which
they used to reckon from the rising of the dogstar, they thought to be
the same as those counted from the solstice. Hipparchus of Rhodes was the
first to call attention to the fact that these differ from each other,
and discovered that the year was longer when measured by the fixed stars
than by the æquinox or solstice: whence he supposed that there was in the
fixed stars also some motion in a common sequence; but very slow, and not
at once perceptible. After him Menelaus, a Roman geometer, then Ptolemy,
and long afterward Mahometes Aractensis, and several more, in all their
literary memoirs, perceived that the fixed stars and the whole firmament
proceeded in an orderly sequence, regarding as they did the heaven, not
the earth, and not understanding the magnetical inclinations. But we
shall demomstrate that it proceeds rather from a certain rotatory motion
of the Earth's axis, than that that eighth sphære (so called) the
firmament, or non-moving empyrean, revolves studded with innumerable
globes and stars, whose distances from the Earth have never been proved
by anyone, nor can be proved (the whole universe gliding, as it were).
And surely it should seem much more likely that the appearances in the
heavens should be clearly accounted for by a certain inflection and
inclination of the comparatively small body of the Earth, than by the
setting in motion of the whole system of the universe; especially if this
motion is to be regarded as ordained solely for the Earth's advantage:
While for the fixed stars, or for the planets, it is of no use at all.
For this motion the rising and settings of stars in every Horizon, as
well as their culminations at the height of the heavens, are shifted so
much that the stars which once were vertical are now some degrees distant
from the zenith. For nature has taken care, through the Earth's soul or
magnetick vigour, that, just as it was needful in tempering, receiving,
and warding off the sun's rays and light, by suitable seasons, that the
points toward which the Earth's pole is directed should be 23 degrees and
more {235}from the poles of the Ecliptick[250]: so now for moderating
and for receiving the luminous rays of the fixed stars in due turn and
succession, the Earth's poles should revolve at the same distance from
the Ecliptick at the Ecliptick's arctick circle; or rather that they
should creep at a gentle pace, that the actions of the stars should not
always remain at the same parallel circles, but should have a rather slow
mutation. For the influences of the stars are not so forceful as that a
swifter course should be desired. Slowly, then, is the Earth's axis
inflected; and the stars' rays, falling upon the face of the Earth, shift
only in so long a time as a diameter of the arctick or polar circle is
extended: whence the star at the extremity of the tail of the Cynosure,
which once was 12 degrees 24 minutes (namely, in the time of Hipparchus)
distant from the pole of the universe, or from that point which the pole
of the Earth used to face, is now only 2 degrees and 52 minutes distant
from the same point; whence from its nearness it is called by the moderns
Polaris. Some time it will be only ½ degree away from the pole:
afterward it will begin to recede from the pole until it will be 48
degrees distant; and this, according to the Prutenical tables, will be in
Anno Domini 15000. Thus Lucida Lyræ (which to us southern Britons
now almost culminates) will some time approach to the pole of the world,
to about the fifth degree. So all the stars shift their rays of light at
the surface of the Earth, through this wonderful magnetical inflection of
the Earth's axis. Hence come new varieties of the seasons of the year,
and lands become more fruitful or more barren; hence the characters and
manners of nations are changed; kingdoms and laws are altered, in
accordance with the virtue of the fixed stars as they culminate, and the
strength thence received or lost in accordance with the singular and
specifick nature of each; or on account of new configurations with the
planets in other places of the Zodiack; on account also of risings and
settings, and of new concurrences at the meridian. The Præcession of the
æquinoxes arising from the aequable motion of the Earth's pole in the
arctick circle of the Zodiack is here demonstrated. Let A B C D be the
Ecliptick line; I E G the arctic circle of the Zodiack. Then if the
Earth's pole look to E, the æquinoxes are at D, C. Let this be at the
time of Metho, when the horns of Aries were in the æquinoctial colure.
Now if the Earth's pole have advanced to I; then the æquinoxes will be at
K, L; and the stars in the ecliptick C will seem to have progressed, in
the order of the signs, along the whole arc K C: L will be moved on by
the præcession, against the order of the signs, along the arc D L. But
this would occur in the contrary order, if the point G were to face the
poles of the earth, and the motion were from E to G: for then the
æquinoxes would be M N, and the fixed stars would anticipate the same at
C and D, counter to the order of the signs.
t one time the shifting of the æquinoxes
is quicker, at another slower, being not always equal: because the poles
of the earth travel unequally in the arctick and antarctick circle of the
Zodiack; and decline on both sides from the middle path: whence the
obliquity of the Zodiack to the Æquator seems to change. And as this has
become known by means of long observations, so also has it been
perceived, that the true æquinoctial points have been elongated from the
mean æquinoctial points, on this side and on that, by 70 minutes (when
the prostaphæresis is greatest): but that the solstices either approach
the equator unequally 12 minutes nearer, or recede as far behind; so that
the nearest approach is 23 degrees 28 minutes, and the greatest
elongation 23 degrees 52 minutes. Astronomers have given various
explanations to account for this inequality of the præcession and also of
the obliquity of the tropicks. Thebit, with the view of {237}laying down a
rule for such considerable inequalities in the motion of the stars,
explained that the eighth sphære does not move with a continuous motion
from west to east; but is shaken with a certain motion of trepidation, by
which the first points of Aries and Libra in the eighth heaven describe
certain small circles with diameters equal to about nine degrees, around
the first points of Aries and Libra in the ninth sphære. But since many
things absurd and impossible as to motion follow from this motion of
trepidation, that theory of motion is therefore long since obsolete.
Others therefore are compelled to attribute the motion to the eighth
sphære, and to erect above it a ninth heaven also, yea, and to pile up
yet a tenth and an eleventh: In the case of mathematicians, indeed, the
fault may be condoned; for it is permissible for them, in the case of
difficult motions, to lay down some rule and law of equality by any
hypotheses. But by no means can such enormous and monstrous celestial
structures be accepted by philosophers. And yet here one may see how hard
to please are those who do not allow any motion to one very small body,
the Earth; and notwithstanding they drive and rotate the heavens, which
are huge and immense above all conception and imagination: I declare that
they feign the heavens to be three (the most monstrous of all things in
Nature) in order that some obscure motions forsooth[251] may be accounted for. Ptolemy, who
compares with his own the observations of Timocharis and Hipparchus, one
of whom flourished 260 years, the other 460 years before him, thought
that there was this motion of the eighth sphære, and of the whole
firmament; and proved by help of numerous phenomena that it took place
over the poles of the Zodiack, and, supposing its motion to be so far
æquable, that the non-planetary stars in the space of 100 years completed
just one degree beneath the Primum Mobile. After him 750 years
Albategnius discovered that one degree was completed in a space of 66
years, so that a whole period would be 23,760 years. Alphonsus made out
that this motion was still slower, completing one degree and 28 minutes
only in 200 years; and that thus the course of the fixed stars went on,
though unequally. At length Copernicus, by means of the observations of
Timocharis, Aristarchus of Samos, Hipparchus, Menelaus, Ptolemy,
Mahometes Aractensis, Alphonsus, and of his own, detected the anomalies
of the motion of the Earth's axis: though I doubt not that other
anomalies also will come to light some ages hence. So difficult is it to
observe motion so slow, unless extending over a period of many centuries;
on which account we still fail to understand the intent of Nature, what
she is driving after through such inequality of motion. Let A be the pole
of the Ecliptick, B C the Ecliptick, D the Æquator; when the pole of the
Earth near the arctick circle of the Zodiack faces the point M, then
there is an anomaly of the præcession of the æquinox at F; {238}but when it
faces N, there is an anomaly of the præcession at E. But when it faces I
directly, then the maximum obliquity G is observed at the solstitial
colure; but when it faces L, there is the minimum obliquity H at the
solstitial colure.
Copernicus' contorted circlet in the Arctick circle of the Zodiack.
Let F B G be the half of the Arctick circle described round the pole of the Zodiack: A B C the solstitial colure: A the pole of the Zodiack; D E the anomaly of longitude 140 minutes at either side on both ends: B C the anomaly of obliquity 24 minutes: B the greater obliquity of 23 degrees 52 minutes: D the mean obliquity of 23 degrees 40 minutes: C the minimum obliquity of 23 degrees 28 minutes.
The period of motion of the præcession of the æquinoxes is 25,816 Ægyptian years; the period of the obliquity of the Zodiack is 3434 years, and a little more. The period of the anomaly of the præcession of the æquinoxes is 1717 years, and a little more. If the whole time of the motion AI were divided into eight equal parts: in the first eighth the pole is borne somewhat swiftly from A to B; in the second eighth, more slowly from B to C; in the third, with the same slowness from C to D; in the fourth, more swiftly again from D to E; in the fifth, with the same swiftness from E to F; again more slowly from F to G; and with the same slowness from G to H; in the last eighth, somewhat swiftly again from H to I. And this is the contorted circlet of Copernicus, fused with the mean motion into the curved line which is the path of the true motion. And thus the pole attains the period of the anomaly of the præcession of the æquinoxes twice; and that of the declination or obliquity once only. It is thus that by later astronomers, but especially by Copernicus (the Restorer of Astronomy)[252], the anomalies of the motion of the Earth's axis are described, so far as the observations of the ancients down to our own times admit; but there are still needed more and exact observations for anyone to establish aught certain about the anomaly of the motion of the præcessions, and at the same time that also of the obliquity of the Zodiack. For ever since the time at which, by means of various observations, this anomaly was first observed, we have only arrived at half a period of the obliquity. So that all the more all these matters about the unequal motion both of the præcession and of the obliquity are uncertain and not well known: wherefore neither can we ourselves assign any natural causes for it, and establish it for certain. Wherefore also do we to our reasonings and experiments magnetical here set an end and period.[253]
Abano, Pietro di (Apponensis or Apianus), 2.
Abbas, Hali (’Alí ibn Al ’Abbās, Al Majúsi, 2, 6.
Abohalis, 47. See also Avicenna.
aciarium or acies, also aciare, 18, 23, 33, 36.
Acosta, Josephus, 5.
adamant, 11.
æquator, the magnetick, 13, 79.
Aetius Amidenus, 2.
Affaytatus, Fortunius, 6.
Agricola, Georgius, 2, 3, 10, 19, 26, 111, 112.
Agrippa, H. Cornelius, 3.
aimant, 11.
Albategnius (Muhammad ibn Jābir, Al-Battāni, 237.
Albertus Magnus, 2, 7, 18, 111.
Alexander Aphrodiseus, 3, 48, 92.
Alexandria, Hero of, 58.
Alfonso, Diego, 178.
Alfonsus the Wise (Alphonsus X.), 237.
Amalfians said to have first constructed the compass, 4.
Amatus Lusitanus, 2.
amber, 47, 49-60, 85, 112, 116.
amethyst, electrical properties of, 48.
amianth, 11.
Amidenus, Aetius, 2.
amphitane, 111.
Anatolismus, or Northeasting, 167.
Andrea Doria (Admiral), 4.
Antonius de Fantis, 107.
Antonius Musa Brasavolus, 2.
Antony, the denarius of, 110.
Apianus. See Abano.
Apponensis. See Abano.
Aractensis, Mahometes, 234, 237.
Archelaus, 208.
Ardoynis, Santes de, 2.
Arias Montanus, 4.
De Mirabilibus Auscultationibus, 22.
on material of the metals, 19, 20.
on the element of earth, 43.
on primary form, 65.
on the Primum Mobile, 220.
on animate nature of planets, 208.
armature, 87.
armed loadstones, 86, 87, 88, 89.
Arsinoe, Temple of, 2.
Attraction, 46, 60, 64, 68, 90, 98, 109.
Avicenna (Abu ’Ali Husain ibn ’Abd Allah, Ibn Síná; also called Abohalis):
writes on the magnet, 2.
on falling masses of iron, 26.
alleges loadstone an antidote to iron poison, 35.
on the property of attraction, 49.
Augsburgers (Augustani), the, prescribe loadstone in plaster, 33.
Bacon, Roger, 5.
Bambola, or Bilbilis, 23.
Baptista Montanus, 2.
Baptista Porta. See Porta.
Barbarus, Hermolaus, 3.
Barlowe, William (Rev. Archdeacon), his book, The Navigators Supply, 8.
basil leaves alleged not to be attracted, 48.
belemnites are electrical, 48.
Bencora (Thābit ibn Kurrah, Al Harrani; also called Thebitius), 117, 236.
Benedictus, Joannes Baptista (Giambattista Benedetti), 167.
beryl, electrick properties of, 48.
Bessardus (Toussaincte de Bessard), 5, 116, 153.
Blondus, Flavius, the historian, 4.
Borough, William, his book on the Variation of the Compass, 8.
Borrholybicum (North-north-west), 160.
Brandoe, the island of, 181.
Brasavolus, Antonius Musa, 2.
Bristolla, or Bristol gem, 48.
burnt clay, magnetick properties of, 26, 43.
{242}Cabot, Sebastian, 4.
Cælius Calcagninus, 7.
Cæsare, or Cesare, Giulio, 141.
Calaber, Hannibal Rosetius, 3,
calamita or kalamita, 11.
Calcagninus, Cælius, 7.
Camillus Leonhardus, 3.
Candish, or Cavendish, Thomas, *iij, 117.
cap of iron for a loadstone, 86, 89, 90, 95.
carabe, or karabe, 47.
carbuncle, electrick properties of, 48, 111.
Cardan, Hieronymo, 2.
De Proportionibus:
on iron and earth, 43, 62, 67.
on distance of centre of cosmos, 169.
De Rerum Varietate:
on fall of meteorick iron, 26.
on attraction of amber, 49.
on a perpetual motion engine, 107.
De Subtilitate:
alleges magnet to feed on iron, 37, 63, 92.
on magnet that draws silver, 110.
on magnetick influence of star in tail of Ursa Minor, 5, 116, 153.
catoblepas, the antelope called, 63.
Cesare, Giulio, 141.
chatochitis, 111.
chemists, the, 19, 20, 21, 24, 37, 66.
China, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17, 32, 119.
Chinocrates, 2.
circumpulsion, doctrine of, 3, 61.
clamps (open kilns), 26.
clay when burnt is magnetick, 26, 43, 97.
clepsydra, 231.
Coimbra, College of, 5.
coition (mutual attraction), 45, 46, 60, 65, 67, 68, 81, 98, 99, 103, 109, 131.
orbe of, *vj.
colours of loadstones, 9, 10, 27.
Como, 23.
compass, alleged invention of, by Amalfians, 4.
origin of the compass-card, 4, 165.
the mariners' (pyxis), 3, 115, 147, 165, 172.
the little (pyxidula), 181, 202.
different forms of, Italian, Baltic, Portuguese, English, 165, 166, 177, 181.
conduction, magnetick, 85, 104, 125.
Copernican system, 231.
Copernicus, Nicolas, 212, 214, 216, 231, 237, 238, 240.
Cordus, Valerius, 10.
Cornelius Agrippa, 3.
Cornelius Gemma, 63.
Cornelius Tacitus, 25.
corolla insorta, or contorted circlet, 238, 240.
Corvo, Island of, 167.
Costa, Filippo (of Mantua), 141.
Costæus, Joannes, 3, 62, 227, 228.
creagus, the, or flesh-magnet, 110.
crystal, rock, 48, 52, 59, 111
Curtius, Nicolaus, 35.
Dean, Forest of, loadstone found in the, 11.
decay of the magnetick virtue, 18, 37, 124, 138, 149.
declination, the, or dip, 184.
denarius of Antony, 110.
diamond, an electrick, 48, 50, 59, 111.
alleged power to attract iron, 109, 112.
alleged antipathy to magnet, 2, 7, 109, 143.
experiments upon, 143.
Diego Alfonso, 178.
Differences between electricks and magneticks, 47, 60, 65.
dip, the, also called declination, 8, 46, 184-204.
dipping-needle, or declination instrument, 185, 203.
direction, or directive force, 41, 46, 115, 119.
dividing a loadstone, 16, 72, 100, 121, 122, 127, 130, 136, 145, 146.
Dominicus Maria Ferrariensis, 212, 213.
Doria, Andrea (Admiral), 4.
Earth, the, a great magnet, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 119, 211.
echeneis (the sucking fish), 7, 63, 110.
Ecphantus, 214.
effluvia, electrical, 52, 53, 59, 66.
magnetical, 61.
electrical attraction, 50, 51, 111.
electrick force, definition of, 52.
electrum (ἤλεκτρον), 47.
emerald is non-electrick, 51.
Empedocles, 208.
Encelius (or Entzelt, Christoph.), 3, 111.
Erasmus Rheinholdus, 213.
errors in navigation, 166, 177.
Evax, King of Arabia, 111.
{243}Fallopius, Gabriellus, 3, 34, 35, 112.
Fantis, Antonius de, 107.
Fernelius, Joannes Franciscus, 4.
Ficinus, Marsilius (or Marsiglio Ficino), 3, 7, 116 153.
filings of iron, 37, 69, 90, 91, 92, 104.
Filippo Costa. See Costa.
fire destroys magnetick properties, 66, 67, 91, 124.
flame destroys electrification, 59.
flame hinders not magnetick attractions, 66.
Flavius Blondus. See Blondus.
flies in amber, 47.
Fra Paolo, 6.
Fracastorio, Hieronymo, 5, 50, 67, 71, 91, 110, 113, 152.
Franciscus Maurolycus. See Maurolycus.
Franciscus Rueus. See Rueus.
Gagates. See jet.
Galen, 2, 9, 32, 35, 39, 46, 49, 61, 62, 63.
garlick, its reputed antagonism to magnetism, 2, 32, 64.
Gartias ab Horto, 32.
Gaudentius Merula, 7.
Gauricus, Lucas, 7.
Geber (Jābir ibn Háiyán, Al-Tarsusī) 21.
Gemma, Cornelius, 63.
gems, electrick properties of, 48, 51.
geniter, 47.
Georgius Agricola. See Agricola.
Gilbert, Adrian, 11.
Gilgil Mauritanus, 19.
Gioia, or Goia, of Amalfi, 4.
Giulio Cæsare, 141.
glass, an electrick by friction, 48, 54, 59.
use of loadstone in making, 111.
goat's blood, 7.
Gonzalus Oviedus, 4.
Goropius, Henricus Becanus, 4.
Hali Abbas (’Ali ibn Al ’Abbás, Al Masúfí), 2, 6.
Hannibal Rosetius Calaber, 3.
Hariot, Thomas, 7.
Heat, effect of on loadstone, 66, 67, 93, 123, 124.
Helmshuda, 167.
Heraclea, the city of, 8.
Heraclean stone, or stone of Hercules, 8, 43, 61, 169.
Heraclides, 214.
Heraclitus, 208.
Hermes, 209.
Hermolaus Barbarus, 3.
Hero of Alexandria, 58.
Hipparchus, 213, 214, 234, 235, 237.
horizon, the magnetick, defined, 80.
Horto, Gartias ab, 32.
Horus, the bone of, or Os Ori, 9.
hot iron not magnetick, 66.
Hues, Robert, 7.
Inclination. See dip.
interposition of bodies, 53, 66, 83, 85, 89, 137.
iris gem, the, 48.
iron, its nature and occurrence, 19, 20, 22, 25.
filings of, 37, 69, 90, 91, 92, 104.
its various names and qualities, 23, 33, 36.
its various uses, 23, 24, 39, 86, 90, 95.
iron ore is magnetick, 18, 27, 38, 43.
has poles, 28.
Jacobus Severtius, 5.
Joannes Baptista Porta. See Porta.
Joannes Baptista Montanus, 2.
Joannes Costæus. See Costæus.
Joannes Franciscus Offusius, 46.
Joannes Goia. See Gioia.
Joannes Langius, 3.
Joannes Taisner, or Taisnier. See Taisnier.
Jofrancus Offusius, 46.
Josephus Acosta, 5.
Julius Cæsar Moderatus, 141.
Julius Cæsar Scaliger. See Scaliger.
Lactantius, Lucius, 219.
Lagos, Rodriguez de, 177.
Langius, Joannes, 3.
lapis magnetis, 8.
lapis specularis, muscovy stone, or mica, 11, 48, 52.
latitude in relation to dip, 196, 200.
Leonardus (or Leonhardus), Camillus, 3.
Levinus Lemnius, 3.
{244}lifting power of loadstones, 86, 89, 97.
lily of the compass, 117, 152, 165, 177.
liquids, electrical attraction of, 55.
attraction on surface of, 57.
loadstone armed and unarmed, 86, 87, 88.
as medicine, 32.
in plasters, 33.
rock, the, 5, 6, 18, 116, 152.
various names of, 11.
various sources of, 8, 25, 32.
London, magnetick variation at, 154, 163.
longitude, magnetick finding at, 166.
long magnets, advantage of, 82, 83, 99, 101
Lucania, fall of meteorick stones in, 26.
Lucas Gauricus, 7.
Lusitanus, Amatus, 2.
Lynschoten, Hugo van, *iiij.
Magnes, μάγνης, μαγνῆτις, 11.
Magnesia, 8.
Magnetick axis of terrella, 81, 212.
horizon, 80.
mountains or rocks, 5, 6, 18, 116, 152.
motions, the five, 45.
Magnus, Albertus. See Albertus.
Mahometes Aractensis, 234, 237.
Mahomet's tomb, 2.
Manardus, Joannes, 35.
Marcellus Empiricus, 2.
Marco Polo (Paulus Venetus), 4.
mariners' compass. See compass.
Mars, saffron of (Crocus Martis), 34, 91.
Marsiglio Ficino. See Ficinus.
Matthæus Silvaticus, 3.
Mauritanus, Gilgil, 19.
Maurolycus, Franciscus, 5, 42, 153, 180.
medicinal use of iron, 33.
of loadstone, 32.
Medina, Pedro de, 166.
meridian, magnetick, 79, 152, 163.
Merula, Gaudentius, 7.
meteorick stones, falls of, 26, 27.
mica (or muscovy stone), 11, 48, 52.
μικρόγη. See terrella.
moisture stops electrick action, 53, 56.
Montagnana, B., 35.
Montanus, Arias, 4.
Montanus, Joannes Baptista, 2.
Moors, Serapio and the, 6.
mountains, magnetick, 5, 6, 18, 116, 152.
movement of trepidation, 117.
Musa Brasavolus, Antonius, 2.
muscovy stone, 11, 48, 52. See also mica.
myths of the magnet, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 18, 32, 63, 107, 109, 110, 111, 116, 143, 153, 228
motions, the various magnetical, 46.
Names of amber, 47.
names of the loadstone, 11.
names given to the magnetick poles, 15, 115, 125, 129.
Nicetas, 214.
Nicolas Copernicus, 212, 214, 216, 231, 237, 238, 240
Nicolaus Myrepsus, or Præpositas, 33.
Nonius, Petrus (Pedro Nuñez), 166.
Norman, Robert, 5, 8, 153, 161, 162.
supposes a point respective, 5, 153, 161, 162.
his Newe Attractive, 8.
discoverer of the dip, 8.
Norumbega, the city of, 154.
Offusius, Jofrancus, 46.
opal becomes electrical, 48.
orbe of virtue, 76, 96, 191, 205
Oribasius, 2.
Oviedus, Gonzalus (Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdès), 4.
Pantarbes, 111.
Paolo (Paulus Æginæ), 35.
Paolo, Rev. Maestro (Fra Paolo Sarpi), 6
Paolo the Venetian (Marco Polo), 4.
Paracelsus (Bombast von Hohenheim).
asserts the stars to attract iron, 3.
his emplastrum of loadstone, 33.
his method of strengthening loadstones, 93.
Parmenides, 208.
pearls are not electrick, 51, 55.
Pedro de Medina, 166.
percussion excites verticity, 139.
Peregrinus, Peter,
his book, 5.
on cause of magnetick direction, 5, 116, 153.
on perpetual motion engine, 107.
affirms a terrella to revolve daily, 223.
{245}Peripateticks, the, 20, 41, 43, 45, 65, 218, 222, 225, 227, 228.
perpetual motion machine, 107.
Peter Peregrinus. See Peregrinus.
Peter Plancius. See Plancius.
Petrus Apponensis. See Abano, Pietro di.
Petrus Nonius. See Nonius or Nuñez.
Philolaus, 214.
Philostratus, 111.
piedramant, 11.
Plancius, Peter, *v bis.
planets, influence of, 20, 137, 142.
Plato, 3.
in the Io, discusses name and properties of the magnet, 1, 9, 11, 18.
in the Timæus, suggests the theory of circumpulsion, 61.
his Atlantis, 159.
on life in the universe, 208.
Pliny (C. Plinius Secundus).
on loadstone fables, 1, 2, 9, 18.
his mistake about Æthiopian loadstones, 17.
on the five kinds of loadstones, 9.
on the alleged discovery of the loadstones, 8.
on the alleged magnetick mountains, 18.
on a locality where loadstone was found, 11.
on the occurrence of iron in Spain, 25.
on the Sagda and the Catochites, 111.
on the silver denarius of Antony, 110.
on the use of loadstone by glass-makers, 111.
on the shadow of a gnomon of a sun-dial at Rome, 213.
Plotinus, 218.
Plutarch, Claudius.
on the garlick fable, 32.
says something flammable exists in amber, 54.
his theory of circumpulsion, 3, 62.
polarity. See verticity.
pole, the, elevation of, 200, 213.
poles, magnetick, of a loadstone, 13, 41, 72, 81, 144.
poles are not points, 12, 41, 72, 96.
Polo, Marco, 4.
Porta, Joannes Baptista (Giambattista della Porta).
his narration of marvels, 6.
on various tempering of iron, 24.
asserts loadstone a mixture of stone and iron, 63.
on his assertion that loadstones have hairs, 66.
asserts vapour to be cause of attraction, 67.
his error as to change of verticity, 73.
suspends iron upwards by a thread, 92.
his error as to centre of the orbe of virtue, 95.
his error as to the polarity which causes repulsion, 102.
his error as to magnetick opposing forces, 103.
experiment with a balance, 108.
his error as to iron being intoxicated, 138.
his error as to iron excited by a diamond, 143.
his error as to the pointing of a magnet, 144.
proportion between loadstone and iron, 149.
his error as to variation and longitude, 166.
præcession of the Æquinoxes, 234, 236.
primum mobile, the, 79, 214, 216, 218, 220, 226, 232, 237.
Prutenical Tables, the, 235.
Ptolemæus, Claudius.
on the occurrence of loadstone and of iron, 9,25.
on the dissolution of the earth, 91, 217, 218.
alleged relation of regions with the planets, 137.
on the elevation of the pole at different latitudes, 213, 214.
on the Primum Mobile, and the diurnal movement of the stars, 216, 228, 234.
on the anomalies of the earth's motion, 237.
Puteanus, Gulielmus (Du Puys), 3, 63.
pyrimachus (i.e., pyrites), 23.
Radius, the, of the earth's orbit, 218.
Rasis. See Rhazes.
rays of magnetick virtue, 95.
Reinoldus, Erasmus (or Rheinholdus), 213.
remora, the (or sucking fish), 7, 63, 110.
resin becomes electrical by friction, 48, 52.
respective points, 5, 153, 161, 162.
reversal of polarity, 101, 137.
revolution of the globe, 46, 81, 91, 220.
repulsion, electrical, denied to exist, 113.
Rhazes (Muhammad ibn Zakarīyā), 34, 35.
rings, on the verticity of, 129.
Rodriguez de Lagos, 177.
Rosetius Calaber, Hannibal, 3.
Ruellius, Joannes, 7.
Rueus, Franciscus (de la Rue), 6.
sagda, or sagdo, the, 111.
sapphire, the, 48.
scales of iron, 22.
Scaliger, Julius Cæsar.
on cause of magnetick direction, 5, 64, 153.
on a fall of meteorick iron, 26.
on preservation of loadstones, 37.
on amber, 47.
on magnetick attraction, 70.
admits the loadstone to have a soul, 68.
on diamond attracting iron, 112.
scoria or slag of iron, 34, 35.
sealing wax is electrical, 48, 53.
Sebastian Cabot. See Cabot.
Serapio, or Serapio Mauritania (Yuhanná ibn Sarapion), 2, 6.
Severtius, Jacobus, 5.
shielding, magnetick, by iron plate, 83, 85.
{246}siderites (σιδερίτης) 8, 11, 143.
siegelstein 11.
silk suspension for magnetick iron, 29, 30.
Silvaticus, Matthæus, 3.
silver, loadstone for, 109, 110.
similars, doctrine of attraction of, 50, 62.
Simon Stevinus, *v bis, 167, 168.
slate, magnetick properties of, 43.
smeargel (emery), 22.
Solinus, Caius Julius, 1, 9, 111.
Solomon the King, 4.
Sotacus, 9.
Stadius, 213.
stars are at various distances, 215.
steel, 23, 39, 69, 71, 93, 95, 147.
Stevinus, Simon, *v bis, 167, 168.
Strabo, 25.
succinum. See amber.
Sudini, or Sudavienses, 47.
sulphur, electrical by friction, 48, 53, 56, 59.
συνδρόμη, *vj.
συνεντελέχεια, 68.
Sussex, iron ore in, 22.
Tacitus, Cornelius, 25.
Taisner, or Taisnier, Joannes, 5, 107.
Tariassiona or Tarazona, 23.
poles and axis of, 13, 72, 81, 144.
divided into two parts, 72.
magnetick vigour, diagram of, 74, 75.
how small pieces of iron behave toward, 75, 76.
orbe of virtue of, 76, 77, 104.
"geography" of, 78.
æquinoctial circle of, 79, 144.
magnetick horizon of, 80.
proportion of the forces in, 81, 82.
experiment with iron sphere, 85.
small iron sphere and rod, 94, 102.
centre of magnetick virtue in, 95.
irregular terrella to exhibit variation, 155, 157.
to illustrate the dip of the needle, 190, 192.
analogy of, with the earth, 41, 78, 119, 211.
testing loadstones, methods of, 108.
Thales of Miletus, 11, 61, 68, 208, 210.
theamedes, the, 18.
Thebitius, or Thebit ben Korrah, 117, 236.
Themistius, 71.
tides, the cause of, 86.
Variation of the compass, 7, 46, 79, 116, 151-163, 166, 167, 180.
variation at the Azores, 4, 154, 156, 167.
versorium, magnetick, definition of, *vj.
versorium, non-magnetick, use of, 48, 49, 50.
acquired, 67, 68, 84, 85, 104, 123, 125, 129, 138, 139, 141, 142, 211.
in iron plates touched by loadstone, 84.
in iron sphere, 85.
in bracket in tower of St. Augustine's Church, Rimini, 141.
similar at ends of rod touched in middle, 84, 129.
by percussion, 139.
through interposed matter, 67.
not in bodies other than magnetick, 142.
æquator separates two kinds of, 79.
possessed by the earth, as a "Cause," 117.
change of, through change of mass, 72.
definition of, *vj.
destroyed by heat, 66, 93, 124.
earth produces it in loadstone and iron, 42, 140, 211, 212.
excited through greater distances in iron than in air, 104.
exists in all shapes of loadstone, 76.
helps the earth to keep its orbit, 224.
inhærent in wrought iron, 31, 115.
as a magnetick motion, 46.
magnitude of earth prevents variation of, 163, 164.
none acquired by iron rubbed on æquator of terrella, 148.
not affected by position of loadstone, 144.
of one loadstone as affected by another, 69, 138.
opposite, acquired by iron touched by loadstone, 115, 125, 129.
parts having same repel, 122, 133.
pole of, where last contact is, 149.
strengthened in versoria, 147-150.
strength of, decreases at once in both poles, 146.
Villa nova, Arnaldus de, 2, 7.
vincentina, the, 48.
Vincent's Rock, gem of, 54.
Weather affects electricks, 48, 53, 55, 56.
weighing the magnetick force, 108.
Youth preserved by loadstone, 32.
"For out of olde feldes, as men seith,
Cometh al this newe corn fro yeer to yere;
And out of olde bokes, in good feith,
Cometh al this newe science that men lere."
"I finde that you have vsed in this your trāslation greate art, knowledge, and discretion. For walking as it were in golden fetters (as al Translators doe) you notwithstanding so warilie follow your Auctor, that where he trippeth you hold him vp, and where he goeth out of the way, you better direct his foote. You haue not only with the Bee sucked out the best iuyce from so sweete a flower, but with the Silke-worme as it were wouen out of your owne bowels, the finest silke; & that which is more, not rude & raw silke, but finely died with the fresh colour of your owne Art, Invention, and Practise. If these Adamantes draw you not to effect this which you haue so happilie begunne: then let these spurres driue you forward: viz. Your owne promise, the expectation of your friends, the losse of some credit if you should steppe backe, the profit which your labours may yeeld to many, the earnest desire which you yourselfe haue to reviue this Arte, and the vndoubted acceptation of your paines, if you performe the same."—(Prefatory epistle of John Case, D. of Physicke, printed in R. Haydocke's translation of The Artes of Curious Painting, of Lomatius, Oxford, 1598.)
"This booke is not for every rude and unconnynge man to see, but for clerkys and very gentylmen that understand gentylness and scyence."—Caxton.
I. (The London Folio of 1600.) Fol. *j. title GVILIELMI GIL | berti colcestren | sis, medici londi- | nensis, | DE MAGNETE, MAGNETI- | cisqve corporibvs, et de mag- | no magnete tellure; Physiologia noua, | plurimis & argumentis, & expe- | rimentis demonstrata. | Printer's Mark | Londini | excudebat Petrvs Short anno | MDC. || *j verso Gilbert's coat of arms. || *ij Ad Lectorem || *iij verso Ad gravissimvm doctissimvmqve ... || *vj Verborum quorundam interpretatio. || *vj verso Index capitum. || p. 1. GVILIELMI GILBERTI | DE MAGNETE, LIB. I. || p. 240. FINIS. | Errata. Without any colophon, printer's Mark, or date at end. Folio. 8 ll. of preliminary matter. ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTV, all ternions, making 120 numbered leaves. One blank leaf at front and one at end. Page 114 at end of Liber II. blank. A folded woodcut plate inserted between p. 200 and p. 201. Woodcut initials, headlines and diagrams. All known copies except one have ink corrections in several pages, particularly pp. 11, 22, 47.
II. (The Stettin Quarto of 1628.) Four preliminary unnumbered leaves, viz. (1) Bastard title GULIELMI GILBERTI | Tractatus | DE MAGNETE || verso blank; (2) Engraved title. TRACTATVS | Siue | PHYSIOLOGIA NOVA | DE MAGNETE, | MAGNETICISQVE CORPO- | RIBVS ET MAGNO MAGNETE | tellure Sex libris comprehensus | ã | Guilielmo Gilberto Colcestrensi, | Medico Londinensi | ... Omnia nunc diligenter recognita & emen- | datius quam ante in lucem edita, aucta & figu- | ris illustrata operâ & studio | Wolfgangi Lochmans I.U.D. | & Mathemati: | Ad calcem libri adjunctus est Index Capi- | tum Rerum et Verborum locupletissimus | EXCVSVS SEDINI | Typis Gotzianis Sumptibus | Ioh: Hallervordij. | Anno MDC.XXVIII || verso blank; (3) Præfatio; (4) Amicorum Acclamationes (verses) || verso blank. Sig. A Ad Lectorem Candidum. Sig. A2 verso Ad Gravissimum Doctissimumq Virum. Sig. B2 Verborum quorundam interpretatio. Verso blank, followed by twelve engraved plates numbered I. to XII. Sig. B3 is numbered as p. 1, and begins GVILIELMI GILBERTI | DE MAGNETE. | LIBER I. Sig. C begins as p. 5; Sig. D as p. 13; and so forth. The collation therefore is: 4 ll. unnumbered, ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVXYZAaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiKkLlMm, all fours. Pagination ends on p. 232, which has Sig. H3 in error for Hh3, being the end of the text. Verso of Hh3 blank. Index capitum begins fol. [Hh4] and with Index Verborum continues to verso of Mm3. Last leaf [Mm4] contains Errata, and instructions to binder to place plates: verso blank. Quarto. Woodcut initials and diagrams. Without any colophon, printer's Mark, or date at end. In some copies the engraved title differs, having the words Ioh: Hallervordij. replaced by the word Authoris.
III. (The Stettin Quarto of 1633.) Four preliminary unnumbered leaves, viz., (1) title. Tractatus, sive Physiologia Nova | de | magnete, | Magneticisq; corporibus & magno | Magnate tellure, sex libris comprehensus, | a guilielmo gilberto Colce- | strensi, Medico Londinensi. | ... Omnia nunc diligenter recognita, & emendatius quam ante | in lucem edita, aucta & figuris illustrata, opera & studio D. | wolfgangi lochmans, I.U.D. | & Mathematici. | Ad calcem libri adiunctus est Index capitum, Rerum & Verborum | locupletissimus, qui in priore æditione desiderabatur | Sedini, | Typis Gotzianis. | Anno m.dc. xxxii. || verso blank; (2) Præfatio; (3) Amicorum acclamationes (verses) || verso Claudianus de Magnete (verses); (4) ibid. Sig. A Ad Lectorem Candidum. Sig. A2 verso Ad Gravissimum Doctissimumq. Virum. Sig. B2 Verborum quorundam interpretatio; verso blank. Sig. B3 is numbered as p. 1, and begins GVILIELMI GILBERTI | DE MAGNETE. | LIBER I. Sig. C begins as p. 5; Sig. D as p. 13; and so forth. The Collation therefore is: 4 ll. unnumbered, A to Mm, all fours. Pagination ends on p. 232, which bears Sig. H3 in error for Hh3. Verso of Sig. Hh3. Errata. Index capitum begins Hh4, and with Index Verborum extends to verso of Mm3. The last leaf [Mm4] bears the Instructions to binder, with verso blank. There is no colophon, printer's Mark, or date at end. Quarto. Woodcut initials, and diagrams. Twelve etched plates of various sizes inserted.
With the exception of the preliminary matter and the Instructions to binder, the pagination is the same as in the edition of 1628, the pages in the body of the work being reprinted word for word; though with exceptions. For example, p. 18 in Ed. 1633 is one line shorter than in Ed. 1628. The etched plates are entirely different. It has been thought from the pagination being alike that these two editions were really the same with different plates, titles, and preliminary matter. But they are really different. The spacing of the words, letters and lines is different throughout, and there are different misprints. The watermarks of the paper also differ.
IV. (The Berlin "facsimile" Folio of 1892.) This is a photozincograph reproduction of the London folio of 1600. It lacks the ink emendations on pages 11, 22, 47, &c., found in the original, and is wanting also in some of the asterisks in the margins.
V. (The American translation of 1893.) Frontispiece portrait || p. i. title william gilbert | of colchester, | physician of London, | on the | Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies, | and on | the great magnet the earth. | A new Physiology, | demonstrated with many arguments and experiments. | A translation by | P. Fleury Mottelay, | ... | New York: | John Wiley & Sons, | 53 East Tenth Street | 1893. || p. ii bears imprint of Ferris Bros. Printers, 326 Pearl Street, New York. || p. iii. reduced reproduction of title of 1600 edition || verso the Gilbert arms || p. v. Translator's Preface || p. ix. Biographical Memoir || p. xxxi. Contents || p. xxxvii. Address of Edward Wright || p. xlvii. Author's Preface. || p. liii. Explanation of some terms. || pp. 1-358 text of the work. || p. 359 reduced reproduction of title of 1628 edition. || p. 360 ditto of 1633 edition. || p. 361 ditto of Gilbert's De Mundo Nostro of 1651. || pp. 363 to 368 General Index. || Pages xxx, xlvi, lii, and 362 are blanks. There are no signatures. Octavo. Diagrams reduced from woodcuts of the folio of 1600. Some copies bear on title the imprint | London: | Bernard Quaritch, | 15 Piccadilly. ||
During the work of revising and editing the English translation of De Magnete, many points came up for discussion, requiring critical consideration, and the examination of the writings of contemporary or earlier authorities. Discrepancies between the texts of the three known editions—the London folio of 1600, and the two Stettin quartos of 1628 and 1633 respectively—demanded investigation. Passages relating to astrology, to pharmacy, to alchemy, to geography, and to navigation, required to be referred to persons acquainted with the early literature of those branches. Phrases of non-classical Latin, presenting some obscurity, needed explanation by scholars of mediæval writings. Descriptions of magnetical experiments needed to be interpreted by persons whose knowledge of magnetism enabled them to infer the correct meaning to be assigned to the words in the text. In this wise a large amount of miscellaneous criticism has been brought to bear, and forms the basis for the following notes. To make them available to all students of Gilbert, the references are given to page and line both of the Latin folio of 1600 and of the English edition of 1900. S. P. T.
Gilbert's glossary is practically an apology for the introduction into the Latin language of certain new words, such as the nouns terrella, versorium, and verticitas, and the adjectival noun magneticum, which either did not exist in classical Latin or had not the technical meaning which he now assigns to them. His terrella, or μικρόγη, as he explains in detail on p. 13, is a little magnetic model of the earth, but in the glossary he simply defines it as magnes globosus. Neither terrella nor versorium appears in any Latin dictionary. No older writer had used either word, though Peter Peregrinus (De Magnete, Augsburg, 1558) had described experiments with globular loadstones, and pivotted magnetic needles suitable for use in a compass had been known for nearly three centuries. Yet the pivotted needle was not denominated versorium. Blondo (De Ventis, Venice, 1546) does not use the term. Norman (The Newe Attractiue, London, 1581) speaks of the "needle or compasse," and of the "wyre." Barlowe (The Navigators Supply, London, 1597) speaks of {2}the "flie," or the "wier." The term versorium (literally, the turn-about) is Gilbert's own invention. It was at once adopted into the science, and appears in the treatises of Cabeus, Philosophia Magnetica (Ferrara, 1629), and of Kircher, Magnes sive de Arte Magnetica (Coloniæ, 1643), and other writers of the seventeenth century. Curiously enough, its adoption to denote the pivotted magnetic needle led to the growth of an erroneous suggestion that the mariners' compass was known to the ancients because of the occurrence in the writings of Plautus of the term versoriam, or vorsoriam. This appears twice as the accusative case of a feminine noun versoria, or vorsoria, which was used to denote part of the gear of a ship used in tacking-about. Forcellini defines versoria as "funiculus quo extremus veli angulus religatur"; while versoriam capere is equivalent to "reverti," or (metaphorically) "sententiam mutare." The two passages in Plautus are:
Eut. Si huc item properes, ut istuc properas, facias rectius,
Huc secundus ventus nunc est; cape modo vorsoriam;
Hic Favonius serenu'st, istic Auster imbricus:
Hic facit tranquillitatem, iste omnes fluctus conciet.
(in Mercat. Act. V., sc. 2.)
Charm. Stasime, fac te propere celerem recipe te ad dominum domum;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cape vorsoriam
Recipe te ad herum.
(in Trinum. Act. IV., sc. 3.)
The word magneticum is also of Gilbert's own coinage, as a noun; as an adjective it had been certainly used before, at least in its English form, magneticall, which appears on the title-page of William Borough's Discourse of the Variation of the Compasse (London, 1596). Gilbert does not use anywhere the noun magnetismus, magnetism. The first use of that noun occurs in William Barlowe's Magneticall Aduertisements (1616), in the Epistle Dedicatorie, wherein, when speaking of Dr. Gilbert, he says "vnto whom I communicated what I had obserued of my selfe, and what I had built vpon his foundation of the Magnetisme of the earth." Gilbert speaks of the virtus magnetica, or vis magnetica; indeed, he has a rich vocabulary of terms, using, beside virtus and vis, vires, robur, potestas, potentia, efficientia, and vigor for that which we should now call magnetism or the magnetic forces. Nor does he use the verb magnetisare, or its participle, magnetisatus: he speaks of ferrum tactum, or of ferrum excitatum a magnete. In spite of certain obscurities which occur in places in his work, he certainly shows a nice appreciation of words and their use, and a knowledge of style. One finds occasionally direct quotations from, and overt references to, the classic authors, as in the references to Plato and Aristotle on page 1, and in the passage from the Georgics of Vergil on p. 21. But here and there one finds other traces of unmistakable scholarship, as in the reference to goat's wool on p. 35, or in the use, on p. 210, of the word perplacet, which occurs in the letter of Cicero ad Atticum, or in that of commonstrabit, occurring on p. 203, and found only in Cicero, Terence and Plautus; whilst the phrase on p. 3, in which Gilbert rallies the smatterers on having lost both their oil and their pains, has a delightfully classical echo. {3}The term orbis virtutis, defined by Gilbert in the glossary, and illustrated by the cuts on pages 76, 77, and 96, might be effectively translated by sphere of influence, or orbit within which there is sensible attraction. It has been preferred, however, to translate it literally as the orbe of virtue, or orbe of magnetick virtue. This choice has been determined by the desire to adopt such an English phrase as Gilbert would himself have used had he been writing English. T. Hood, writing in 1592 in his book The Vse of both the Globes, in using the word orbe, says that the word globe signifies a solid body, while a sphere is hollow, like two "dishes joyned by the brimme"; "The Latines properly call Orbis an Orbe"; "Moreouer the word Sphaera signifieth that instrument made of brasen hoopes (wee call it commonly a ringed Sphere) wherewith the Astronomers deliuer unto the nouices of that Science the vnderstanding of things which they imagine in the heauen." Further, Dr. Marke Ridley in his Treatise of Magneticall Bodies and Motions (1613), has a chapter (XIIII) "Of the distance and Orbe of the Magnets vertue," throughout which the term Orbe is retained. Sir Thomas Browne also writes of "the orb of their activities."
The word Coitio, used by Gilbert for the mutual force between magnet and iron, has been retained in its English form, coition. Gilbert evidently adopted this term after much thought. The Newtonian conception of action and reaction being necessarily equal had not dawned upon the mediæval philosophers. The term attraction had been used in a limited sense to connote an action in which a force was conceived of as being exerted on one side only. Diogenes of Apollonia, Alexander Aphrodiseus, Democritus, and others, conceived the magnet to draw at the iron without the iron in any way contributing to that action. Saint Basil specially affirms that the magnet is not drawn by iron. On the other hand, Albertus Magnus had conceived the idea that the iron sought the magnet by a one-sided effort in which the magnet took no part. Gilbert had the wit to discern that the action was mutual, and to mark the new conception he adopted the new term, and defined it as it stands in his glossary. It is "a concourse or concordancy of both," and to emphasize his meaning he adds, "not as if there were an ἑλκτικὴ δύναμις but a συνδρομή" not a tractile power, but a running together. The adjective ἑλκτικὴ is obviously related to the verb ἕλκω, I draw: but its meaning puzzled the subsequent editors of the text, for in the two Stettin editions of 1628 and 1633, the phrase appears in the respective forms of ἑλητικὴ δύναμις and ἑλκυστικὴ δύναμις. In Creech's English version of Lucretius (edition of 1722, p. 72a, in the footnote) is the commentary "Galen, disputing against Epicurus, uses the term ἑλκεῖν, which seems likewise too violent." It may be noted that the same verb occurs in the passage from the Io of Plato quoted below. The term συνδρομή applied by Gilbert to explain his term Coitio is used by Diodorus for the mutual onset of two hostile forces.
A picturesque sentence from Sir Thomas Browne's Pseudodoxia Epidemica (London, 1650, p. 51) sets the matter succinctly forth. "If in two skiffs of cork, a Loadstone and Steel be placed within the orb of their activities, the one doth not move the other standing still, but both hoist sayle and steer unto each other; so that if the Loadstone attract, the Steel hath also its attraction; for in this action the Alliency is reciprocall, which jointly felt, they mutually approach and run into each others arms." {4}The page and line references given in these notes are in all cases first to the Latin edition of 1600, and secondly to the English edition of 1900.
[2] Page 1, line 28. Page 1, line 28. Plato in Ione.—The passage in the Io of Plato is in chap. v. Socrates addressing the poet Io tells him that his facility in reciting Homer is not really an art: θεία δὲ δύναμις, ἥ σε κινεῖ ὥσπερ ἐν τῇ λίθῳ, ἥν Εὐριπίδης μὲν Μαγνῆτιν ὠνόμασεν, οἱ δὲ πολλοὶ Ἡράκλειαν. καὶ γὰρ ἄυτη ἡ λίθος οὐ μόνον αὐτοὺς τοὺς δακτυλίους ἄγει τοὺς σιδηροῦς, ἀλλὰ καὶ δύναμιν ἐντίθησι τοῖς δακτυλίοις, ὤστ ἄυ δύνασθαι ταυτὸυ τοῦτο ποιεῖν, ὅπερ ἡ λίθος, ἄλλους ἄγειν δακτυλίους, ὥστ' ἐνίοθ' ὁρμαθὸς μακρὸς πάνυ σιδηρίων καὶ δακτυλίων ἐξ ἀλλήλων ἤρτηται πᾶσι δὲ τούτοις ἐξ ἐκείνης τῆς λίθου ἡ δύναμις ἀνήρτηται. The idea is that as the loadstone in attracting an iron ring will make it into a magnet, which can in turn act magnetically on another ring, and this on yet another, so the inspiration of the Muse is transferred to the poet, who in turn hands on the inspiration through the reciter to the listener. After further expanding the same idea of the transference of influence, Socrates again mentions the magnet (chap. vii.): Ὄισθ' ὄυν ὅτι οὐτός ἐστιν ὁ θεατὴς τῶν δακτυλίων ὁ ἔσχατος, ὥν ἐγὼ ἔλεγον ὑπὸ τῆς Ἡρακλειώτιδος λίθου ἀπ' ἀλλήλων τὴν δύναμιν λαμβάνειν, ὁ δὲ μέσος σὺ ὁ ῥαψωδὸς καὶ ὑποκριτής, ὁ δὲ πρῶτος αὐτὸς ὁ ποιητής; ὁ δὲ θεὸς διὰ πάντων τούτων ἕλκει τὴν ψυχὴν ὅποι ἂν βούληται τῶν ἀνθρώπων, κ.τ.λ. (Edition Didot of 1856, vol. i., p. 391; or Stephanus, p. 533 D).
There is another reference in Plato to the magnet, namely, in the Timæus (p. 240, vol. ii., Edit. citat.). See the Note to p. 61.
The reference by Euripides to the magnet occurs in the lost play of Œneus, in a fragment preserved by Suidas. See Fragmenta Euripidis (Ed. Didot, 1846, p. 757, or Nauck's edition, No. 567).
ὡς Εὐριπίδης ἐν Οἰνεῖ· τὰς βροτῶν γνώμας σκοπῶν, ὥστε Μαγνῆτις λίθος τὴν δόξαν ἕλκει καὶ μεθίστησιν πάλιν.
[3] Page 1, line 28. Page 1, line 29. The brief passage from Aristotle's De Anima referring to Thales is quoted by Gilbert himself at the bottom of p. 11.
[4] Page 2, line 1. Page 1, line 29. The edition of 1628 inserts commas between Theophrastus and Lesbius, and between Julius and Solinus, as though these were four persons instead of two.
[5] Page 2, line 8. Page 2, line 5. si allio magnes illitus fuerit, aut si adamas fuerit. An excellent version of this myth is to be found in Julius Solinus, Polyhistor, De Memorabilibus, chap. lxiv., of which the English version of 1587, by A. Golding, runs thus: "The Diamonde will not suffer the Lodestone to drawe yron unto him: or if ye Lodestone haue alreadie drawne a peece of yron to it, the Diamond snatcheth and pulleth away as hys bootye whatsoever the Lodestone hath taken hold of." Saint Augustine repeats the diamond myth in his De Civitate Dei, lib. xxi. Baptista Porta says (p. 211 of the English version of 1658): "It is a common Opinion amongst Sea-men, That Onyons and Garlick are at odds with the Loadstone: and Steers-men, and such as tend the Mariners Card are forbid to eat Onyons or Garlick, lest they make the Index of the Poles drunk. But when I tried all these things, found them to be false: for not onely breathing and belching upon the Loadstone after eating of Garlick, did not stop its vertues: but when it was all anoynted over with the juice of Garlick, it did perform its office as well as if it had never been touched with it: and I could observe almost not the least difference, lest I should make void the endeavours of the Ancients. {5}And again, When I enquired of Marines, whether it were so, that they were forbid to eat Onyons and Garlick for that reason; they said, they were old Wives fables, and things ridiculous; and that Sea-men would sooner lose their lives, then abstain from eating Onyons and Garlick."
The fables respecting the antipathy of garlick and of the diamond to the operation of the magnet, although already discredited by Ruellius and by Porta, died hard. In spite of the exposure and denunciations of Gilbert—compare p. 32—these tales were oft repeated during the succeeding century. In the appendix to Sir Hugh Plat's Jewel House of Art and Nature, in the edition of 1653, by D. B. Gent, it is stated there (p. 218): "The Loadstone which ... hath an admirable vertue not onely to draw Iron to it self, but also to make any Iron upon which it is rubbed to draw iron also, it is written notwithstanding, that being rubbed with the juyce of Garlick, it loseth that vertue, and cannot then draw iron, as likewise if a Diamond be layed close unto it."
Pliny wrote of the alleged antipathy between diamond and goat's blood. The passage as quoted from the English version of Pliny's Natural Historie of the World, translated by Philemon Holland (London, 1601, p. 610, chap, iv.), runs: "But I would gladly know whose invention this might be to soake the Diamond in Goats bloud, whose head devised it first, or rather by what chance was it found out and knowne? What conjecture should lead a man to make an experiment of such a singular and admirable secret, especially in a goat, the filthiest beast ... in the whole world? Certes I must ascribe both this invention and all such like to the might and beneficence together of the divine powers: neither are we to argue and reason how and why Nature hath done this or that? Sufficient is it that her will was so, and thus she would have it."
[6] Page 2, line 22. Page 2, line 22. Machometis sacellum. Gilbert credits Matthiolus (the well-known herbalist and commentator on Dioscorides) with producing the fable as to Mahomet's coffin being suspended in the air by a magnet. Sir Richard Burton, in his famous pilgrimage to El Medïnah in 1855, effectually disposed of this myth. The reputed sarcophagus rests simply on bricks on the floor. But it had long been known that aerial suspension, even of the lightest iron object, in the air, without contact above or below, was impossible by any magnetic agency.
In Barlowe's Magneticall Aduertisements (London, 1616, p. 45) is the following: "As for the Turkes Mahomet, hanging in the ayer with his yron chest it is a most grosse untruth, and utterly impossible it is for any thing to hange in the ayer by any magneticall power, but that either it must touch the stone it selfe, or else some intermediate body, that hindreth it from comming to the stone (like as before I haue shewed) or else some stay below to keepe it from ascending, as some small wier that may scantly bee seene or perceived."
[7] Page 2, line 26. Page 2, line 26. Arsinoes templum.—The account in Pliny of the magnetic suspension of the statue of Arsinoe in the temple built by Chinocrates is given as follows in the English version (London, 1601) of Philemon Holland (p. 515): "And here I cannot chuse but acquaint you with the singular invention of that great architect and master deviser, of Alexandria in Ægypt Dinocrates, who began to make the arched roufe of the temple of Arsinoe all of Magnet or this Loadstone, to the end, that within that temple the statue of the said princesse made of yron, might seeme to hang in the aire by nothing. But prevented he was by death {6}before hee could finish his worke, like as king Ptolomæe also, who ordained that temple to be built in the honour of the said Arsinoe his sister."
There are a number of similar myths in Ausonius, Claudian, and Cassiodorus, and in the writings of later ecclesiastical historians, such as Rusinus and Prosper Aquitanus. The very meagre accounts they have left, and the scattered references to the reputed magical powers of the loadstone, suggest that there existed amongst the primitive religions of mankind a magnet-worship, of which these records are traces.
[8] Page 2, line 37. Page 2, line 41. Brasevolus [or Brasavola].—The list of authorities here cited consists mostly of well-known mediæval writers on materia medica or on minerals: the last on the list, Hannibal Rosetius Calaber, has not been identified.
The following are the references in the order named by Gilbert:
Antonio Musa Brasavola. Examen omnium simplicium medicamentorum, Section 447 (Lugdun., 1537).
Joannes Baptista Montanus. Metaphrasis summaria eorum quæ ad medicamentorum doctrinà attinet (Augustæ Rheticæ, 1551).
Amatus Lusitanus. Amati Lusitani in Dioscoridis Anazarbei de materia medica libros quinque (Venet., 1557, p. 507).
Oribasius. Oribasii Sardiani ad Eunapium libri 4 quibus ... facultates simplicium ... continentur (Venet., 1558).
Aetius Amidenus. Aetii Amideni Librorum medicinalium ... libri octo nunc primum in lucem editi (Greek text, Aldine edition, Venet., 1534). A Latin edition appeared in Basel, 1535. See also his tetrabiblos ex veteribus medicinæ (Basil., 1542).
Avicenna (Ibn Sinâ). Canona Medicinæ (Venice, 1486), liber ii., cap. 474.
Serapio Mauritanus (Yuhanná Ibn Sarapion). In hoc volumine continentur ... Ioan. Sarapionis Arabis de Simplicibus Medicinis opus præclarum et ingens ... (edited by Brunfels, Argentorati, 1531, p. 260).
Hali Abbas (’Alí Ibn Al ’Abbās). Liber totius medicinæ necessaria cōtinens ... quem Haly filius Abbas edidit ... et a Stephano ex arabica lingua reductus (Lugd., 1523, p. 176 verso).
Santes de Ardoniis (or Ardoynis). Incipit liber de venenis quem magister santes de ardoynis ... edere cepit venetiis die octauo nouēbris, 1424 (Venet., 1492).
Petrus Apponensis (or Petrus de Abano). The loadstone is referred to in two works by this author.
(1) Conciliator differentiarum philosophorum: et precipue medicorum clarissimi viri Petri de Abano Patauini feliciter incipit (Venet., 1496, p. 72, verso, Quæstio LI.).
(2) Tractatus de Venenis (Roma, 1490, cap. xi.).
Marcellus (called Marcellus Empiricus). De Medicamentis, in the volume Medici antiqui omnes (Venet., 1547, p. 89).
Arnaldus (Arnaldus de Villa Nova). Incipit Tractatus de virtutibus herbarum (Venet., 1499). See also Arnaldi Villanovani Opera omnia (Basil., 1585).
Marbodeus Gallus. Marbodei Galli poetae vetustissimi de lapidibus pretiosis Enchiridion (Friburgi, 1530 [1531], p. 41).
Albertus Magnus. De Mineralibus et rebus metallicis (Venet., 1542, lib. ii., de lapidibus preciosis, p. 192). There is a reference to the loadstone {7}also in a work attributed falsely to Albertus, but now ascribed to Henricus de Saxonia, De virtutibus herbarum, de virtutibus lapidum, etc. (Rouen, 1500, and subsequent editions). An English version, The Secrets of Albertus Magnus of the vertues of hearbs stones and certaine beasts was publisht in London in 1617.
Matthæus Silvaticus. Pandectæ Medicinæ (Lugduni, 1541, cap. 446).
Hermolaus Barbarus. His work, Hermolai Barbari Patritii Veneti et Aqvileiensis patriarchæ Corollarii Libri quinque ... Venet., 1516, is an early herbal. On p. 103 are to be found descriptions of lapis gagatis and lapis magnes. The latter is mostly taken from Pliny, and mentions the alleged theamedes, and the myth of the floating statue.
Camillus Leonardus. Speculum Lapidum (Venet., 1502, fol. xxxviii.). An English translation, The Mirror of Stones, appeared in London in 1750.
Cornelius Agrippa. Henrici Cor. Agrippæ ab Nettesheym ... De Occulta Philosophia Libri Tres (Antv., 1531). The English version Of the Vanitie and uncertaintie of Artes was publisht in London, 1569, and again later.
Fallopius (Gabriellus). G. F. de simplicibus medicamentis purgantibus tractatus (Venet., 1566). See also his Tractatus de compositione medicamentorum (Venet., 1570).
Johannes Langius. Epistolarum medicinalium volumen tripartitum (Paris, 1589, p. 792).
Cardinalis Cusanus (Nicolas Khrypffs, Cardinal de Cusa). Nicolai Cusani de staticis experimentis dialogus (Argentorati, 1550). The English edition, entitled The Idiot in four books, is dated London, 1650.
[9] Page 3, line 1. Page 2, line 42. Marcellus.—"Marcellus Empiricus, médecin de Théodose-le-Grand, dit que l'aimant, appelé antiphyson, attire et repousse le fer." (Klaproth, Sur l'invention de la boussole, 1834, p. 12.) The passage from Marcellus runs: "Magnetes lapis, qui antiphyson dicitur, qui ferrum trahit et abjicit, et magnetes lapis qui sanguinem emittit et ferrum ad se trahit, collo alligati aut circa caput dolori capitis medentur." (Marcellus, de Medicamentis: in the volume Medici antiqui omnes, qui latinis literis morborum genera persecuti sunt. Venet., 1547, p. 89.)
[10] Page 3, line 11. Page 3, line 9. Thomas Erastus.—The work in question is Dispvtationvm de Medicina nova Philippi Paracelsi, Pars Prima: in qua quæ de remediis svperstitiosis & Magicis curationibus ille prodidit, præcipuè examinantur à Thoma Erasto in Schola Heydebergensi, professore. (Basiliæ, 1572. Parts 2 and 3 appeared the same year, and Part 4 in 1573.)
Gilbert had no more love for Paracelsus than for Albertus Magnus or others of the magic-mongers. Indeed the few passages in Paracelsus on the magnet are sorry stuff. They will mostly be found in the seventh volume of his collected works (Opera omnia, Frankfurt, 1603). A sample may be taken from the English work publisht in London, 1650, with the title: Of the Nature of Things, Nine Books; written by Philipp Theophrastus of Hohenheim, called Paracelsvs.
"For any Loadstone that Mercury hath but touched, or which hath been smeered with Mercuriall oyle, or only put into Mercury will never draw Iron more" (p. 23).
"The life of the Loadstone is the spirit of Iron; which may bee extracted, and taken away with spirit of Wine" (p. 32).
[11] Page 3, line 13. Page 3, line 11. Encelius (or Entzelt, Christoph) {8}wrote a work publisht in 1551 at Frankfurt, with the title De re metallica, hoc est, de origine, varietate, et natura corporum metallicorum, lapidum, gemmarum, atque aliarum quæ ex fodinis eruuntur, rerum, ad medicine usum deservientium, libri iii. This is written in a singular medley of Latin and German. Gilbert undoubtedly took from it many of his ideas about the properties of metals. See the note to p. 27 on plumbum album.
[12] Page 3, line 20. Page 3, line 21. Thomas Aquinas.—The reference is to his commentaries upon the Physica of Aristotle. The passage will be found on p. 96 bis of the Giunta edition (Venet., 1539). The essential part is quoted by Gilbert himself on p. 64.
[13] Page 3, line 39. Page 3, line 45. pyxidem.—The word pyxis, which occurs here, and in the next sentence as pyxidem nauticam, is translated compass. Eleven lines lower occurs the term nautica pyxidula. This latter word, literally the "little compass," certainly refers to the portable compass used at sea. Compare several passages in Book IV. where a contrasting use is made of these terms; for example, on pp. 177 and 202. Calcagninus, De re nautica, uses the term pyxidecula for an instrument which he describes as "vitro intecta." On p. 152, line 9, Gilbert uses the non-classical noun compassus, "boreale lilium compassi (quod Boream respicit)," and again on p. 178, line 3.
[14] Page 4, line 2. Page 4, line 2. Melphitani.—The inhabitants of Amalfi in the kingdom of Naples. The claim of the discovery or invention of the mariners' compass in the year 1302 by one Joannes Goia, or Gioia, also named as Flavio Goia, has been much disputed. In Guthrie's New System of Modern Geography (London, 1792, p. 1036), in the Chronology, is set down for the year 1302:
"The mariner's compass invented, or improved by Givia, of Naples. The flower de luce, the arms of the Duke of Anjou, then King of Naples, was placed by him at the point of the needle, in compliment to that prince."
In 1808 an elaborate treatise was printed at Naples, by Flaminius Venanson with the title, De l'invention de la Boussole Nautique. Venanson, who cites many authorities, endeavours to prove that if Gioia did not discover magnetic polarity he at least invented the compass, that is to say, he pivotted the magnetic needle and placed it in a box, with a card affixed above it divided into sixteen parts bearing the names of the sixteen principal winds. He alleges in proof that the compass-card is emblazoned in the armorial bearings of the city of Amalfi. This view was combatted in the famous letter of Klaproth to Humboldt publisht in Paris in 1834. He shows that the use of the magnetized needle was known in Europe toward the end of the twelfth century; that the Chinese knew of it and used it for finding the way on land still earlier; that there is no compass-card in the arms of the city of Amalfi; but he concedes that Gioia may have improved the compass in 1302 by adding the wind-rose card. The most recent contributions to the question are a pamphlet by Signorelli, Sull' invenzione della Bussola nautica, ragionamento di Pietro Napoli Signorelli, segretario perpetuo della Società Pontaniana; letto nella seduta del 30 settembre 1860; Matteo Camera's Memorie Storico-diplomatiche dell' antica città e ducato di Amalfi (Salerno, 1876); and Admiral Luigi Fincati's work Il Magnete, la Calamita, e la Bussola (Roma, 1878). An older mention of Gioia is to be found in Blundevile's Exercises (3rd edition, 1606, pp. 257-258). See also Crescentio della Nautica Mediterranea, (Roma, 1607, p. 253), and Azuni, Dissertazione sull' origine della bussola nautica (Venezia, 1797). {9}
There appears to be a slip in Gilbert's reference to Andrea Doria, as he has confounded the town of Amalfi in Principato Citra with Melfi in Basilicata.
One of the sources relied upon by historians for ascribing this origin of the compass is the Compendia dell' Istoria del Regno di Napoli, of Collenuccio (Venet., MDXCI.), p. 5.
"Nè in questo tacerò Amalfi, picciola terra, & capo della costa di Picentia, alia quale tutti quelli, che'l mar caualcano, vfficiosamente eterno gratie debono referire, essendo prima in quella terra trovato l'vso, & l'artificio della calamita, & del bussolo, col quale i nauiganti, la stella Tramontana infallibilmente mirando, direzzano il lor corso, si come è publica fama, & gli Amalfitani si gloriano, nè senza ragione dalli piu si crede, essendo cosa certa, che gli antichi tale instromento non hebbero; nè essendo mai in tutto falso quello, che in molto tempo è da molti si diuolga."
Another account is to be found in the Historiarum sui temporis, etc., of Paulus Jovius (Florent., 1552), tom. ii., cap. 25, p. 42.
"Quum essem apud Philippum superuenit Ioachinus Leuantius Ligur a Lotrechio missus, qui deposceret captiuos; sed ille negauit se daturum, quando eos ad ipsum Andream Auriam ammirantem deducendos esse iudicaret. Vgonis uerò cadauer, ut illudentium Barbarorum contumeliis eriperetur, ad Amalphim urbem delatum est, in ædeque Andreæ apostoli, tumultuariis exequiis tumulatum. In hac urbe citriorum & medicorum odoratis nemoribus æquè peramœna & celebri, Magnetis usum nauigantibus hodie familiarem & necessarium, adinuentum suisse incolæ asserunt."
Flavius Blondus, whom Gilbert cites, gives the following reference, in which Gioia's name is not mentioned, in the section upon Campania Felix of his Italy (Blondi Flavii Forlinensis ... Italia Illustrata, Basiliæ, 1531, p. 420).
"Sed fama est qua Amalphitanos audiuimus gloriari, magnetis usum, cuius adminiculo nauigantes ad arcton diriguntur, Amalphi suisse inuentum, quicquid uero habeat in ea re ueritas, certû est id noctu nauigandi auxilium priscis omnino suisse incognitum."
There is a further reference to the alleged Amalphian in Caelius Calcagninus De re nautica commentatio. (See Thesaurus Græcarum Antiquitatum, 1697, vol. xi., p. 761.) On the other hand Baptista Porta, who wrote in Naples in 1558 (Magia Naturalis) distinctly sets aside the claim as baseless.
William Barlowe, in The Navigators Supply (1597, p. A3), says: "Who was the first inuentor of this Instrument miraculous, and endued, as it were, with life, can hardly be found. The lame tale of one Flauius at Amelphis, in the kingdome of Naples, for to haue deuised it, is of very slender probabilitie. Pandulph Collenutius writing the Neapolitane historie telleth vs, that they of Amelphis say, it is a common opinion there, that it was first found out among them. But Polidore Virgil, who searched most diligently for the Inuentors of things, could neuer heare of this opinion (yet himselfe being an Italian) and as he confesseth in the later ende of his third booke de inventoribus rerum, could neuer vnderstand anything concerning the first inuention of this instrument."
According to Park Benjamin (Intellectual Rise in Electricity, p. 146) the use of the pivotted compass arose and spread not from Amalfi at the hands of Italians in the fourteenth century, but from Wisbuy, at the hands of the Finns, in the middle of the twelfth century. {10}
Hakewill (An Apologie or Declaration of the Power and Providence of God, London, 1673, pp. 284-285) says:
"But Blondus, who is therein followed by Pancirollus, both Italians, will not haue Italy loose the praise thereof, telling vs that about 300 yeares agoe it was found out at Malphis or Melphis, a Citty in the Kingdome of Naples in the Province of Campania, now called Terra di Lovorador. But for the Author of it, the one names him not, and the other assures vs, he is not knowne: yet Salmuth out of Ciezus & Gomara confidently christens him with the name of Flavius, and so doth Du Bartas in those excellent verses of his touching this subject.
"'W' are not to Ceres so much bound for bread,
Neither to Bacchus for his clusters red,
As Signior Flavio to thy witty tryall,
For first inventing of the Sea-mans dyall,
Th' vse of the needle turning in the same,
Divine device, O admirable frame!'
"It may well be then that Flavius the Melvitan was the first inventor of guiding the ship by the turning of the needle to the North: but some German afterwards added to the Compasse the 32 points of the winde in his owne language, whence other Nations haue since borrowed it."
[15] Page 4, line 14. Page 4, line 14. Paulum Venetum.—The reference is to Marco Polo. He returned in 1295 from his famous voyage to Cathay. But the oft-repeated tale that he first introduced the knowledge of the compass into Europe on his return is disposed of by several well-established facts. Klaproth (op. citat., p. 57) adduces a mention of its use in 1240 in the Eastern Mediterranean, recorded in a work written in 1242 by Bailak of Kibdjak. And the passages in the Iceland Chronicle, and in Alexander of Neckham are still earlier.
[16] Page 4, line 17. Page 4, line 17. Goropius. See Hispanica Ioannis Goropii Becani (Plantin edition, Antv., 1580), p. 29. This is a discussion of the etymologies of the names of the points of the compass: but is quite unauthoritative.
[17] Page 4, line 23. Page 4, line 26. Paruaim.—Respecting this reference, Sir Philip Magnus has kindly furnisht the following note. A clue to the meaning of Parvaim, which should be written in English letters with a v, not a u, will be found in 2 Chronicles, iii. 6. In the verse quoted the author speaks of gold as the gold of Parvaim, וְהַזָּהָב זְהַב פַּרְוָיִם, and פּרוים Parvaim is taken as a gold-producing region. It is regarded by some as the same as Ophir. The word is supposed to be cognate with a Sanskrit word pûrva signifying "prior, anterior, oriental." There is nothing in the root indicating gold. A form similar to Parvaim, and also a proper name, is Sepharvaim, found in 2 Kings, xix. 13, and in Isaiah, xxxvii. 13, and supposed to be the name of a city in Assyria.
[18] Page 4, line 35. Page 4, line 41. Cabot's observation of the variation of the compass is narrated in the Geografia of Livio Sanuto (Vinegia, 1588, lib. i., fol. 2). See also Fournier's Hydrographie, lib. xi., cap. 10.
[19] Page 4, line 36. Page 4, line 42. Gonzalus Oviedus.—The reference is to Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdès. Summario de la Historia general y natural de las Indias occidentales, 1525, p. 48, where the author speaks of the crossing of "la linea del Diametro, donde las Agujas hacen la {11}diferencia del Nordestear, ò Noroestear, que es el parage de las Islas de los Açores."
[20] Page 5, line 8. Page 5, line 11. Petri cujusdam Peregrini.—This opusculum is the famous letter of Peter Peregrinus written in 1269, of which some twenty manuscript copies exist in various libraries in Oxford, Rome, Paris, etc., and of which the oldest printed edition is that of 1558 (Augsburg). See also Libri, Histoire des Sciences Mathématiques (1838); Bertelli in Boncompagni's Bull. d. Bibliogr. T. I. and T. IV. (1868 and 1871), and Hellmann's Rara Magnetica (1898). A summary of the contents of Peregrinus's book will be found in Park Benjamin's Intellectual Rise in Electricity (1895), pp. 164-185.
[21] Page 5, line 12. Page 5, line 15. Johannes Taisner Hannonius.—Taisnier, or Taysnier, of Hainault, was a plagiarist who took most of the treatise of Peregrinus and publisht it in his Opusculum... de Natura Magnetis (Coloniæ, 1562), of which an English translation by Richard Eden was printed by R. Jugge in 1579.
[22] Page 5, line 18. Page 5, line 23. Collegium Conimbricense.—This is a reference to the commentaries on Aristotle by the Jesuits of Coimbra. The work is Colegio de Coimbra da Companhia de Jesu, Cursus Conimbricensis in Octo libros Physicorum (Coloniæ, sumptibus Lazari Ratzneri, 1599). Other editions: Lugd. 1594; and Colon., 1596. The later edition of 1609, in the British Museum, has the title Commentariorum Collegii Conimbricensis in octo libros physicorum.
[23] Page 5, line 25. Page 5, line 31. Martinus Cortesius.—His Arte de Navegar (Sevilla, 1556) went through various editions in Spanish, Italian, and English. Eden's translation was publisht 1561, and again in 1609.
[24] Page 5, line 26. Page 5, line 33. Bessardus.—Toussaincte de Bessard wrote a treatise, Dialogue de la Longitude (Rouen, 1574), which gives some useful notes of nautical practice, and of the French construction of the compass. Speaking of the needle he says: "Elle ne tire pas au pole du monde: ains regarde, au Pole du Zodiaque, comme il sera discoursu, cy apres" (p. 34). On p. 50 he speaks of "l'aiguille Aymantine." On p. 108 he refers to Mercator's Carte Générale, and denies the existence of the alleged loadstone rock. On p. 15 he gives the most naïve etymologies for the terms used: thus he assigns as the derivation of Sud the Latin sudor, because the south is hot, and as that of Ouest that it comes from Ou and Est. "Come, qui diroit, Ou est-il? à scauoir le Soleil, qui estoit nagueres sur la terre."
[25] Page 5, line 28. Page 5, line 35. Jacobus Severtius.—Jacques Severt, whose work, De Orbis Catoptrici sev mapparvm mvndi principiis descriptione ac usu libri tres (Paris, 1598), would have probably lapsed into obscurity, but being just newly publisht was mentioned by Gilbert for its follies.
[26] Page 5, line 30. Page 5, line 38. Robertus Norman.—Author of the rare volume The Newe Attractiue, publisht in London, 1581, and several times reprinted. This work contains an account of Norman's discovery of the Dip of the magnetic needle, and of his investigation of it by means of the Dipping-needle, which he invented. He was a compassmaker of the port of London, and lived at Limehouse.
[27] Page 5, line 32. Page 5, line 40. Franciscus Maurolycus.—The work to which the myth of the magnetic mountains is thus credited is, D. Francisci Abbatis Messanensis Opuscula Mathematica, etc. (Venet, MDLXXV, p. 122a). "Sed cur sagitta, vel obelus à vero Septentrione, quandoque ad dextram, {12}quandoque ad sinistram declinat? An quia sagitta, sicut magnes (cuius est simia) non verum Septentrionem, sed insulam quandam (quam Olaus Magnus Gothus in sua geographia vocat insulam magnetum) semper ex natura inspicere cogitur?"
[28] Page 5, line 35. Page 5, line 43. Olaus Magnus.—The famous Archbishop of Upsala, who wrote the history of the northern nations (Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus), of which the best edition, illustrated with many woodcuts, appeared in Rome in 1555. An English edition entitled A Compendious History of the Goths, Swedes, and Vandals, and Other Northern Nations was printed in London in 1658; but it is much abbreviated and has none of the quaint woodcuts. The reference on p. 5 appears to be to the following passage on p. 409 (ed. 1555). "Demum in suppolaribus insulis magnetum montes reperiuntur, quorum fragmentis ligna fagina certo tempore applicata, in saxeam duritiem, et vim attractivam convertuntur," or the following on p. 89: "Magnetes enim in extremo Septentrionis veluti montes, unde nautica directio constat, reperiuntur: quorum etiam magnetum tam vehemens est operatio, ut certis lignis fagineis conjuncti, ea vertunt in sui duritiem, & naturam attractivam." On p. 343 is a woodcut depicting the penalties inflicted by the naval laws upon any one who should maliciously tamper with the compass or the loadstone, "qui malitiosè nauticum gnomonem, aut compassum, & præcipuè portionem magnetis, unde omnium directio dependet, falsaverit." He was to be pinned to the mast by a dagger thrust through his hand. It will be noted that the ships carried both a compass, and a piece of loadstone wherewith to stroke the needle.
There is in the Basel edition of this work, 1567, a note ad lectorem, on the margin of Carta 16a, as follows:
"Insula 30 milliarium in longitud. & latitud. Polo arctico subjecta.
"Vltra quam directorium nauticum bossolo dicũ uires amittit: propterea quòd ilia insula plena est magnetum."
This myth of the magnetic mountains, probably originating with Nicander, appears, possibly from an independent source, in the East, in China, and in the tales of the Arabian Nights.
Ptolemy gives the following account in his Geographia (lib. vii., cap. 2):
Φέρονται δὲ καὶ ἄλλαι συνεχεῖς δέκα νῆσοι καλούμεναι Μανίολαι ἐν ἄις φάσι τὰ σιδήρους ἔχοντα ἥλους πλοῖα κατέχεσθαι, μήποτε τῆς Ἡρικλείας λίθου περὶ αὐτὰς γενομένης, καὶ διὰ τοῦτο ἐπιούροις ναυπηγεῖσθαι. Some editions omit the name of the Manioles from the passage.
No two authorities agree as to the place of these alleged magnetic mountains. Some place them in the Red Sea. Fracastorio, De Sympathia et Antipathia, cap. 7 (Opera omnia, Giunta edition, 1574, p. 63), gives the following reason for the variation of the compass:
"Nos igitur diligentius rem considerãtes dicimus causam, q˜ perpendiculum illud ad polum vertatur, esse montes ferri, & magnetis, qui sub polo sunt, vt negociatores affirmant, quorum species per incredibilem distantiam vsque ad maria nostra propagata ad perpendiculum vsq;, vbi est magnes, consuetam attractionem facit: propter distantiam autem quum debilis sit, non moueret quidem magnetem, nisi esset in perpendiculo: quare & si non trahit vsq; ac. principium, vnde effluxit, at mouet tamẽ, & propinquiorem facit, quo potest. Quod si naues sorte vllæ propinquiores sint illis montibus, ferrum omne earũ cuellitur, propter quod nauigijs incolæ vtuntur clauis ligneis astrictis."
In the last chapter of his De Sympathia, Fracastorio returns to the subject {13}in consequence of some doubts expressed by Giambattista Rhamnusio, seeing that the loadstones in the Island of Elba do not sensibly deflect the magnet. Fracastorio replies thus (p. 76, op. citat.):
"Primum igitur vtrum sub Polo sint. Magnetis mõtes, nec ne, sub ambiguo relinquamus, scimus enim esse, qui scribãt planas magis esse eas regiones, de quo Paulus Iouius Ep˜us Nucerinus Luculẽtus historiarũ nostri tẽporis scriptor, circa eã Sarmatiæ partem, quæ Moscouia nũc dicitur, diligentẽ inquisitionem ab incolis fecit, qui ne eos etiã inueniri montes retulere, qui Rhyphei ab antiquis dicti sunt: meminimus tamẽ nos quasdam chartas vidisse earum, quas mundi mappas appellãt, in quibus sub polo montes notati erant (qui Magnetis montes inscripti fuerant). Siue igitur sint, siue non sint ij montes, nihil ad nos in præsentiarum attinet, quando per montes polo subiectos cathenam illam montium intelligimus, qui ad septentrionem spectant tanti, & tam vasti, ac Ferri & Magnetis feraces: qui, & si magis distant à nostro mari, q˜ Iluæ insulæ montes, potentiores tamen sunt ad mouendum perpendiculum propter abundantiam & copiã Ferri, & Magnetis. Fortasse autem, & qui in Ilua est Magnes, non multæ actionis est in ea minera: multi enim dũ in minera sunt, minus valent, q˜ extracti, q˜ spirituales species sua habeant impedimenta: signum autem parum valere in sua minera Iluæ insulæ Magnetem, q˜ tam propinquus quum sit nauigijs illac prætereuntibus, perpendiculum tamen non ad se cõuertit."
Aldrovandi in the Musæum Metallicum (Bonon., 1648, p. 554) gives another version of the fable:
"Nonnulli, animadversa hac Magnetis natura, scripserunt naves, quibus in Calecutanam regionem navigatur, clavis ferreis non figi, ob magneticorum frequentiam scopulorum, quoniam facilè dissolverentur. Sed Garzias in Historia Aromatum id fabulosum esse tradidit: quandoquidem plures naues Calecutanæ regionis, & illius tractus, ferreis clauis iunctas obseruauit: immò addidit naues in insulis Maldiuis ligneis quidem clauis copulari, non quia à Magnete sibi metuant, sed quoniam ferri inopia laborant."
According to Aldrovandi (p. 563, op. citat.) the magnetic mountains are stated by Sir John Mandeville to be in the region of Pontus.
Lipenius in his Navigatio Salomonis Ophritica illustrata (Witteb., 1660), which is a mine of curious learning, in discussing the magnetic mountains quotes the reply of Socrates to the inquirer who asked him as to what went on in the infernal regions, saying that he had never been there nor had he ever met any one who had returned thence.
The loadstone rock figures in several early charts. In Nordenskiöld's Facsimile Atlas (Stockholm, 1889) is given a copy of the Map of Johan Ruysch from an edition of Ptolemy, publisht in Rome in 1508, which shows four islands within the ice-bound Arctic regions. South of these islands and at the east of the coast of Greenland is the inscription: Hic compassus navium non tenet, nec naves quæ ferrum tenent revertere valent. To which (on p. 63) Nordenskiöld adds the comment: Sagan on magnetberg, som skulle draga till sig fartyg förande jern, är gamal. And he recalls the reference of Ptolemy to the magnetic rocks in the Manioles. A second inscription is added to Ruysch's map in the ornamental margin that borders the Arctic islands. Legere est in libro de inventione fortunati sub polo arctico rupem esse excelsam ex lapide magnete 33 miliarium germanorum ambitu. This refers to a matter recorded in Hakluyt's Principall Navigations (Lond., 1589, p. 249), namely: "A Testimonie of the learned Mathematician, maister John Dee, {14}touching the foresaid voyage of Nicholas de Linna. Anno 1360 a frier of Oxford, being a good Astronomer, went in companie with others to the most Northren islands of the world, and there leaving his company together, he travelled alone, and purposely described all the Northern islands, with the indrawing seas: and the record thereof at his return he delivered to the king of England. The name of which booke is Inventio Fortunata (aliter fortunæ) qui liber incipit a gradu 54 usq. ad polum."
The situation of the alleged loadstone rock is thus described by T. Blundevile in his Exercises in the chapter entitled A plaine and full description of Peter Plancius his vniuersall Map, seruing both for sea and land, and by him lately put foorth in the yeare of our Lord, 1592.... Written in our mother tongue by M. Blundeuill, Anno Domini 1594. The passage is quoted from p. 253 of the third edition (1606):
"Now betwixt the 72. and 86. degrees of North latitude he setteth downe two long Ilands extending from the West towardes the East somewhat beyond the first Meridian, and from the saide Meridian more Eastward he setteth downe other two long Ilandes ... and hee saith further that right under the North pole there is a certaine blacke and most high rocke which hath in circuite thirtie and three leagues, which is nintie and nine miles, and that the long Iland next to the Pole on the West is the best and most healthfull of all the North parts. Next to the foresaide Ilandes more Southward hee setteth downe the Ilandes of Crocklande and Groynelande, making them to haue a farre longer and more slender shape then all other mappes doe.... Moreouer at the East end of the last Ilande somewhat to the Southwarde, he placeth the Pole of the Lodestone which is called in Latine Magnes, euen as Mercator doth in his Mappe who supposing the first Meridian to passe through Saint Marie or Saint Michael, which are two of the outermost Ilandes of the Azores Eastwarde, placeth the Pole of the stone in the seuentie fiue degree of Latitude, but supposing the first Meridian to passe through the Ile Coruo, which is the furthest Ile of the Azores Westwarde, he placeth the Pole of the Lodestone in the seuentie seuen degree of Latitude."
Further, in the chapter on The Arte of Nauigation in the same work (p. 332, ed. citat.), Blundevile says:
"But whereas Mercator affirmeth that there should bee a mine or great rocke of Adamant, wherunto all other lesser rockes or Needles touched with the Lodestone doe incline as to their chiefe fountaine, that opinion seemeth to mee verie straunge, for truely I rather beleeue with Robert Norman that the properties of the Stone, as well in drawing steele, as in shewing the North Pole, are secret vertues given of GOD to that stone for mans necessarie vse and behoofe, of which secrete vertues no man is able to shewe the true cause."
The following is one of the inscriptions in the compartments of the great Chart of Mercator entitled Ad Usum Navigantium, published in 1569:
"Testatur Franciscus Diepanus peritissimus nauarchus volubiles libellas, magnetis virtute infectas recta mundi polum respicere in insulis C. Viridis, Solis, Bonauista, et Maio, cui proxime astipulantur qui in Tercera, aut S. Maria (insulæ sunt inter Açores) id fieri dicunt, pauci in earundem occidentalissima Corvi nomine id contingere opinantur. Quia vero locorum longitudinis a communi magnetis et mundi meridiano iustis de causis initium sumere oportet, plurium testimonium sequutus primum meridianum per dictas C. Viridis insulas protraxi, et quum alibi plus minusque a polo deuiante {15}magnete polum aliquum peculiarem esse oporteat quo magnetes ex omni mundi parte despiciant, euum hoc quo assignaui loco existere adhibita declinatione magnetis Ratisbonæ obseruata didici. Supputaui autem eius poli situm etiam respectu insulæ Corui, ut iuxta extremo primi meridiani positus extremi etiam termini, intra quos polum hunc inueniri necesse est, conspicui fierent, donec certius aliquod nauclerorum obseruatio attulerit."
Not all the map-makers were as frank as Paulus Merula, the author of a Cosmographia Generalis, printed by Plantin in 1605, at Leyden. For in the description of his tabula universalis (op. citat. lib. iii., cap. 9) he says that he does not believe in the magnetic islands; but that he has put them into his chart lest unskilful folk should think that he had been so careless as to leave them out!
In the well-known myth of Ogier the Dane, immortalized by William Morris in the Earthly Paradise (London, 1869, vol. i., p. 625), the loadstone rock is an island in the far North. But this story is not one of the Scandinavian sagas, and belongs to the Carlovingian cycle of heroic poems, of which the chief is the Chanson de Roland; and Ogier le Danois is really not a Dane but an Ardennois.
In the Middle-High German epic of Kudrun, the adventures of the fleet of Queen Hilda when attracted by the loadstone mountain at Givers, in the North Sea, are narrated at some length. (See Kudrun, herausgegeben und erklärt von Ernst Martin. Halle, 1872.) One stanza will serve as a sample:
1126. Ze Givers vor dem berge | lac daz Hilden her.
swie guot ir anker wæren, | an daz vinster mer.
magnêten die steine | heten si gezogen.
ir guote segelboume | stuonden alle gebogen.
which may be rendered:
1126. At Givers before the mountain | lay Hilda's ships by.
Though good their anchors were, | upon the murky sea.
Magnets the stones were | had drawn them thither.
Their good sailing masts | stood all bent together.
Recent magnetic research has shown that while there are no magnetic mountains that would account for the declination of the compass in general, yet there are minor local variations that can only be accounted for by the presence of magnetic reefs or rocks. The reader is referred to the account of the magnetic survey of Great Britain in the Philosophical Transactions (1890) by Professors Rücker and Thorpe. The well-known rocky peak the Riffelhorn above Zermatt, in Switzerland, produces distinct perturbations in the direction of the compass within half a mile of its base. Such local perturbations are regularly used in Sweden for tracing out the position of underground lodes of iron ore. See Thalén, Sur la Recherche des Mines de Fer à l'aide de Mesures magnétiques (Soc. Royale des Sciences d'Upsal, 1877); or B. R. Brough, The Use of the Magnetic Needle in exploring for Iron Ore (Scientific American, Suppl. No. 608, p. 9708, Aug. 27, 1887).
Quite recently Dr. Henry Wilde, F.R.S., has endeavoured to elucidate the deviations of the compass as the result of the configurations of land and sea on the globe, by means of a model globe in which the ocean areas are covered with thin sheet iron. This apparatus Dr. Wilde calls a Magnetarium. See Proc. Roy. Soc., June, 1890, Jan., 1891, and June, 1891. {16}An actual magnetic rock exists in Scandinavia, the following account of it being given in the Electrical Review of New York, May 3, 1899:
"The island of Bornholm in the Baltic, which consists of a mass of magnetic iron ore, is much feared by mariners. On being sighted they discontinue steering by compass, and go instead by lighthouses. Between Bornholm and the mainland there is also a dangerous bank of rock under water. It is said that the magnetic influence of this ore bank is so powerful that a balanced magnetic needle suspended freely in a boat over the bank will take a vertical position."
[29] Page 5, line 35. Page 5, line 43. Josephus Costa.—This is unquestionably a misprint for Acosta (Joseph de), the Jesuit, whose work Historia natural y moral de las Indias was publisht at Seville in 1590. An Italian edition appeared at Venice in 1596. The English edition, translated by E. Grimestone, The Naturall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies, was publisht in London in 1604 and 1878. There are in Gilbert's book references to two writers of the name of Costa or Costæus, Joannes Costa of Lodi, who edited Galen and Avicenna (see pp. 3 and 62), and Filippo Costa of Mantua, who wrote on antidotes and medicaments (see p. 141). The passage to which Gilbert refers is in Acosta's Historia (ed. 1590, p. 64).
"Deziame a mi vn piloto muy diestro Portugues q˜ eran quatro puntos en todo el orbe, donde se afixaua el aguja con el Norte, y contaualas por sus nombres, de que no me acuerdo bien. Vno destos es el paraje de la Isla del Cueruo, en las Terceras, o Islas de Açores, como es cosa y a muy sabida. Passando di alli a mas altura, Noruestea, que es dezir, q˜ declina al Poniente ... que me digã la causa desta efecto?... Porque vn poco de hierro de fregarse cõ la piedra Iman ...
"Mejor es, como dize Gregorio Theologo, que a la Fe se sujete la razon, pues aun en su casa no sabe bien entenderse...."
[30] Page 5, line 36. Page 5, line 45. Livius Sanutus.—Livio Sanuto publisht at Venice in 1588 a folio work, Geografia distinta in xii Libri; ne' quali, oltre l'esplicatione di nostri luoghi di Tolomeo, della Bussola e dell' Aguglia, si dichiarono le provincie ... dell' Africa. In this work all Liber i. (pages 1-13) deals with observations of the compass, mentioning Sebastian Cabot, and other navigators. He gives a map of Africa, showing the central lakes out of which flow the Zaires fluvius and the Zanberes fluvius.
[31] Page 6, line 2. Page 6, line 5. Fortunius Affaitatus.—The work of Affaytatus, Physicæ ac astronomiæ considerationes, was publisht in Venice in 1549.
[32] Page 6, line 3. Page 6, line 6. Baptista Porta.—The reference is to his celebrated Magia naturalis, the first edition of which came out in 1558 at Naples. An English edition, Natural Magick by John Baptista Porta, a Neapolitaine, was printed in London, 1658. Book seven of this volume treats "Of the wonders of the Load-stone." In the proem to this book Porta says: "I knew at Venice R. M. Paulus, the Venetian, that was busied in the same study: he was Provincial of the Order of servants, but now a most worthy Advocate, from whom I not only confess, that I gained something, but I glory in it, because of all the men I ever saw, I never saw any man more learned, or more ingenious, having obtained the whole body of learning; and is not only the Splendor and Ornament of Venice or Italy, but of the whole world." The reference is to Fra Paolo Sarpi, better known as the historian of the Council of Trent. Sarpi was himself known to Gilbert. {17}
His relations with Gilbert are set forth in the memoir prefixt to the edition of his works, Opere di Fra Paolo Sarpi, Servita ... in Helmstat, MDCCLXI, p. 83. "Fino a questi giorni continuava il Sarpi a raccorre osservazioni sulla declinazione dell' Ago Calamitato; e poi ch' egli, atteso il variare di tal declinazione, assurdità alcuna non trovava riguardo al pensamento dell' Inglese Guglielmo Gilberto, cioè, che l'interno del nostro Globo fosse gran Calamita...." Here follows a quotation from a letter of Sarpi to Lescasserio:
"... Unde cuspidem trahi a tanta mole terrena, quæ supereminet non absurde putavit Gullielmus Gilbertus, et in eo meridiano respicere recta polum, cave putes observatorem errasse. Est Vir accuratissimus, et interfuit omnibus observationibus, quas plures olim fecimus, et aliquas in sui gratiam, et cum arcubus vertici cupreo innitentibus, et cum innatantibus aquæ, et cum brevibus, et cum longis, quibus modis omnibus et Hierapoli usus suit."
Sarpi had correspondence with Gilbert, Bacon, Grotius, and Casaubon. He also wrote on magnetism and other topics in materia di Fisica, but these writings have perisht. He appears to have been the first to recognize that fire destroyed the magnetic properties. (See Fra Paolo Sarpi, the greatest of the Venetians by the Rev. Alexander Robertson, London, 1894; see also the notice of Sarpi in Park Benjamin's Intellectual Rise in Electricity.)
[33] Page 6, line 7. Page 6, line 11.: R. M. Paulus Venetus. See preceding note.
[34] Page 6, line 21. Page 6, line 28.: Franciscus Rueus.—Francois de la Rue, author of De Gemmis Aliquot ... (Paris, 1547). Amongst other fables narrated by Rueus is that if a magnet is hung on a balance, when a piece of iron is attracted and adheres to the magnet, it adds nothing to the weight!
[35] Page 6, line 25. Page 6, line 33.: Serapio.—This account of the magnetic mountains will be found in an early pharmacology printed in 1531 (Argentorati, G. Ulricher Andlenus), with the title "In hoc volumine continetur insignium medicorum Joan. Serapionis Arabis de Simplicibus Medicinis opus præclarum et ingens, Averrois Arabis de eisdem liber eximius, Rasis filius Zachariæ de eisdem opusculum perutile." It was edited by Otho Brunsels. Achilles P. Gasser, in his Appendix to the Augsburg edition of Peregrinus, gives a reference to Serapio Mauritanus, parte 2, cap. 394, libri de medicinis compositis.
[36] Page 6, line 30. Page 6, line 39.: Olaus Magnus. See note to p. 5.
[37] Page 6, line 34. Page 6, line 44.: Hali Abas.—A reference is given in Gasser's (1558) edition of Peregrinus to Haliabbas Arabs, lib. 2, practicæ cap. 45, Regalis Dispositionis Medicinæ. The passage to which Gilbert refers is found in the volume Liber totius medicinæ necessaria cōtinens ... quem Haly filius Abbas ... edidit ... et a Stephano ex arabica lingua reductus. (Lugd., 1523, 4to.) Liber Primus. Practice, Cap xlv. de speciebus lapidum, § 466. "Lapis magnetes filis e vtute sadenego: & aiunt qm si teneatr in manu mitigat q sunt in pedibs ipis dolores ac spasmū."
Mr. A. G. Ellis identifies the noun sadenegum as a Latin corruption of the Arabic name of hæmatite, shâdanaj.
[38] Page 6, line 36. Page 6, line 46.: Pictorius.—His poem was publisht at Basel, 1567. See also note on Marbodæus, p. 7, line 20, below.
[39] Page 6, line 36. Page 7, line 1.: Albertus Magnus.—Albertus, the celebrated Archbishop of Ratisbon, is responsible for propagating sundry of the myths of the magnet; and Gilbert never loses a chance of girding at him. {18}The following examples are taken from the treatise De mineralibus et rebus metallicis (Liber II. de lapidibus preciosis), Venet., 1542.
p. 171. "Et quod mirabile videtur multis his lapis [adamas] quando Magneti supponitur ligat Magnetem et non permittit ipsum ferrum trahere."
p. 193. "Vnctus autẽ lapis alleo non trahit, si superponitur ei Adamas iterum non attrahit, ita quod paruus Adamas magnũ ligat Magnetẽ. Inventus autẽ est nostris tẽporibus Magnes qui ab uno angulo traxit ferrũ et ab alio fugavit, et hunc Aristot. ponit aliud genus esse Magnetis. Narrauit mihi quidam ex nostris sociis experimẽtator quod uidit Federicum Imperatorem habere Magnetem qui non traxit ferrum, sed ferrum uiceuersa traxit lapidem."
The first edition of this work de mineralibus appears to have been publisht in Venice as a folio in 1495.
[40] Page 7, line 9. Page 7, line 15. Gaudentius Merula.—This obscure passage is from Liber IIII., cap. xxi., Lapides, of the work Memorabilium Gaudentii Merulæ... (Lugd., 1556), where we find:
"Qui magneti vrsæ sculpserit imaginem, quãdo Luna melius illuc aspiciat, & filo ferreo suspẽderit, compos fiet vrsæ cælestis virtutis: verùm cum Saturni radiis vegetetur, satius fuerit eam imaginem non habere: scribunt enim Platonici malos dæmones septentrionales esse" (p. 287).
"Trahit autem magnes ferrum ad se, quod ferro sit ordine superior apud vrsum" (p. 287).
The almost equally obscure passage in the De triplici vita of Marsiglio Ficino (Basil., 1532) runs:
"Videmus in specula nautarum indice poli libratum acum affectum in extremitate Magnete moueri ad Vrsam, illuc uidelicet trahente Magnete: quoniam & in lapide hoc præualet uirtus Vrsæ, & hinc transfertur in ferrum, & ad Vrsam trahit utrunq;. Virtus autem eiusmodi tum ab initio infusa est, tum continue Vrsæ radijs uegetatur, Forsitan ita se habet Succinum ad polum alterum & ad paleas. Sed dic interea, Cur Magnes trahit ubiq; ferrum? non quia simile, alioquin & Magnetem Magnes traheret multo magis, ferrumq; ferrū: non quia superior in ordine corporum, imò superius est lapillo metallum ... Ego autem quum hæc explorata hactenus habuissem admodum gratulabar, cogitabamq; iuuenis adhuc Magneti pro uiribus inscluperet (sic) coelestis Vrsæ figuram, quando Luna melius illuc aspiciat, & ferro tūc filo collo suspendere. Sperabam equidem ita demum uirtutis me sideris illius compotem fore," &c. (p. 172).
[41] Page 7, line 14. Page 7, line 20. Ruellius.—Joannes Ruellius wrote a herbal De Natura Stirpium, Paris, 1536, which contains a very full account of amber, and a notice of the magnet (p. 125) and of the fable about garlic. But on p. 530 of the same work he ridicules Plutarch for recording this very matter.
[42] Page 7, line 20. Page 7, line 27. Marbodæus Gallus.—This rare little book is entitled Marbodei Galli Poetæ vetustissimi de lapidibus pretiosis Enchiridion. It was printed at Paris in 1531. The Freiburg edition, also of 1531, has the commentaries of Pictorius. The poem is in Latin hexameters. After a preface of twenty-one lines the virtues of stones are dealt with, the paragraph beginning with a statement that Evax, king of the Arabs, is said to have written to Nero an account of the species, names and colours of stones, their place of origin and their potencies; and that this work formed the basis of the poem. The alleged magical powers of the magnet are recited in Caput I., Adamas. Caput XLIII., Magnes, gives further myths. {19}The commentary of Pictorius gives references to earlier writers, Pliny, Dioscorides, Bartholomæus Anglicus, Solinus, Serapio, and to the book de lapidibus erroneously ascribed to Aristotle.
The following is a specimen of the poem of Marbodeus:
Magnetes lapis est inuentus apud Trogloditas,
Quē lapidā genetrix nihilominus India mittit.
Hic ferruginei cognoscitur esse coloris,
Et ui naturæ uicinum tollere ferrum.
Ededon magus hoc primum ferè dicītur usus,
Conscius in magica nihil esse potentius arte.
Post illum fertur famosa uenefica Circe
Hoc in præstigijs magicis specialiter usa.
This poem was reprinted (1854) in Migne's Patrologia. In 1799 Johann Beckmann issued an annotated variorum edition of Marbodeus (Marbodi Liber Lapidvm sev de Gemmis..., Göttingæ, 1799), in which there is a bibliography of the poem, the first edition of which appears to have been publisht in 1511, at Vienna, thirteen other editions being described. Beckmann adds many illustrative notes, and a notice of the Arabian Evax, who is supposed to have written the treatise de lapidibus. Not the least curious part is a French translation alleged to have been written in 1096, of which Chap. XIX. on the Magnet begins thus:
Magnete trovent Trogodite,
En Inde e precieus est ditte.
Fer resemble e si le trait,
Altresi cum laimant fait.
Dendor lama mult durement.
Qi lusoit a enchantement.
Circe lus a dot mult chere,
Cele merveillose forciere, &c.
[43] Page 7, line 21. Page 7, line 28. echeneidis.—The echeneis, or sucking-fish, reputed to have magical or magnetic powers, is mentioned by many writers. As an example, see Fracastorio, De Sympathia et Antipathia, lib. i., cap. 8, De Echineide, quomodo firmare nauigia possit (Giunta edition, Venet., 1574, p. 63). For other references to the Echeneis see Gaudentius Merula (op. citat.) p. 209. Also Dr. Walter Charleton, Physiologia Epicuro Gassendo-Charltoniana (Lond., 1654), p. 375. Compare p. 63, line 3.
[44] Page 7, line 33. Page 7, line 43. Thomas Hariotus, etc.—The four Englishmen named were learned men who had contributed to navigation by magnetic observations. Harriot's account of his voyage to Virginia is printed in Hakluyt's Voyages. Robert Hues (or Hood) wrote a treatise on Globes, the Latin edition of which appeared in 1593 (dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh), and the English edition in 1638. It was republisht by the Hakluyt Society, 1889. Edward Wright, the mathematician and writer on navigation, also wrote the preface to Gilbert's own book. Abraham Kendall, or Abram Kendal was "Portulano," or sailing-master of Sir Robert Dudley's ship the Bear, and is mentioned in Dudley's Arcano del Mare. On the return of Dudley's expedition in 1595, he joined Drake's last expedition, which sailed that year, and died on the same day as Drake himself, 28 January, 1596. (See Hakluyt, ed. 1809, iv., p. 73.)
[45] Page 7, line 36. Page 8, line 1. Guilielmus Borough.—Borough's book has the title: A Discours of the Variation of the Cumpas, or magneticall {20}Needle. Wherein is Mathematically shewed, the manner of the obseruation, effectes, and application thereof, made by W. B. And is to be annexed to The Newe Attractive of R. N., 1581 (London).
[46] Page 7, line 37. Page 8, line 2. Guilielmus Barlo.—Archdeacon William Barlowe (author, in 1616, of the Magneticall Aduertisements) wrote in 1597 a little work called The Navigators Supply. It gives a description of the ordinary compass, and also one of a special form of meridian compass provided with sights for taking the bearings by the sun.
[47] Page 7, line 37. Page 8, line 3. Robertus Normannus. See Note to p. 5.
[48] Page 8, line 14. Page 8, line 21. illo fabuloso Plinij bubulco.—The following is Pliny's account from Philemon Holland's English version of 1601 (p. 586): "As for the name Magnes that it hath, it tooke it (as Nicander saith) of the first inventor and deviser thereof, who found it (by his saying) upon the mountaine Ida (for now it is to be had in all other countries, like as in Spaine also;) and (by report) a Neat-heard he was: who, as he kept his beasts upon the aforesaid mountaine, might perceive as he went up and downe, both the hob-nailes which were on his shoes, and also the yron picke or graine of his staffe, to sticke unto the said stone."
[49] Page 9, line 22. Page 9, line 30. Differentiæ priscis ex colore.—Pliny's account of the loadstones of different colours which came from different regions is mainly taken from Sotacus. The white magnet, which was friable, like pumice, and which did not draw iron, was probably simply magnesia. The blue loadstones were the best. See p. 587 of Holland's translation of Pliny, London, 1601. St. Isidore (Originum seu Etymologiarum, lib. xvi., cap. 4) says: "Omnis autem magnes tanta melior est, quanto [magis] cæruleus est."
[50] Page 10, line 29. Page 10, line 42. Suarcebergo ... Snebergum & Annæbergum.—In the Stettin editions of 1628 and 1633 these are spelled Swarcebergs ... Schnebergum & Annebergum. The Cordus given as authority for these localities is Valerius Cordus, the commentator on Dioscorides.
[51] Page 11, line 3. Page 11, line 12. Adriani Gilberti viri nobilis.—"Adrian Gylbert of Sandridge in the Countie of Devon, Gentleman" is the description of the person to whom Queen Elizabeth granted a patent for the discovery of a North-West passage to China. See Hakluyt's Voyages, vol. iii., p. 96.
[52] Page 11, line 17. Page 11, line 28. Dicitur a Græcis ηρακλιος.—The discussion of the names of the magnet in different languages by Gilbert in this place is far from complete. He gives little more than is to be found in Pliny. For more complete discussions the reader is referred to Buttmann, Bemerkungen über die Benennungen einiger Mineralien bei den Alten, vorzüglich des Magnetes und des Basaltes (Musæum der Alterthumswissenschaft, Bd. II., pp. 5-52, and 102-104, 1808); G. Fournier, Hydrographie (livre xi., chap. I, 1643); Ulisse Aldrovandi, Musæum Metallicum (Bononiæ, 1648, lib. iv., cap. 2, p. 554); Klaproth, Lettre à M. le Baron A. de Humboldt, sur l'invention de la Boussole, Paris, 1834; T. S. Davies, The History of Magnetical Discovery (Thomson's British Annual, 1837, pp. 250-257); Th. Henri Martin, De l'Aimant, de ses noms divers et de ses variétés suivant les Anciens (Mémoires présentés par divers savants a l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres, Ire série, t. vi., Ire partie, 1861); G. A. Palm, Der Magnet in Alterthum (Programm des k. württembergischen Seminars Maulbronn, Stuttgart, {21}1867). Of these works, those of Klaproth and of Martin are by far the most important. Klaproth states that in modern Greek, in addition to the name μαγνῆτις, the magnet also has the names ἀδάμας and καλαμίτα. The former of these, in various forms, adamas, adamant, aimant, yman, and piedramon, has gone into many languages. Originally the word ἀδάμας (the unconquered) was applied by the Greeks to the hardest of the metals with which they were acquainted, that is to say, to hard-tempered iron or steel, and it was subsequently because of its root-signification also given by them to the diamond for the same reason; it was even given to the henbane because of the deadly properties of that plant. In the writings of the middle ages, in St. Augustine, St. Isidore, Marbodeus, and even in Pliny, we find some confusion between the two uses of adamas to denote the loadstone as well as the diamond. Certainly the word adamas, without ceasing to be applied to the diamond, also designated the loadstone. At the same time (says Martin) the word magnes was preserved, as Pliny records, to designate a loadstone of lesser strength than the adamas. On the other hand, the word diamas, or deamans, had already in the thirteenth century been introduced into Latin to signify the diamond as distinguisht from the magnet. Adamas was rendered aymant in the romance version of the poem of Marbodeus on stones (see Beckmann's variorum edition of 1799, p. 102), and in this form it was for a time used to denote both the magnet and the diamond. Then it gradually became restricted in use to the stone that attracts iron.
Some confusion has also arisen with respect to the Hebrew name of the magnet. Sir W. Snow Harris makes the following statement (Magnetism, p. 5): "In the Talmud it [the loadstone] is termed achzhàb'th, the stone which attracts; and in their ancient prayers it has the European name magnēs." On this point Dr. A. Löwy has furnisht the following notes. The loadstone is termed in one of the Talmudical sections and in the Midrash, Eben Shoebeth (lapis attrahens). This would of course be written אבן שואבת. Omitting the ו which marks the participial construction, the words would stand thus: אבן שאבת A person referring to Buxtorf's Lexicon Talmudicum would in the index look out for "Lapis magnesius," or for "magnes." He would then, in the first instance, be referred to the two words already quoted. Not knowing the value of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, he reads אבן שאבת thus: אכזשאבת achzhab'th. It is true that Buxtorf has inserted in his Lexicon the vocable מַגְנִיסֵס, "corruptum ex gr. μάγνης, μαγνήτης, μαγνῆτις, named after the Asiatic city Magnesia." He goes on to say, "Inde Achilles Statius istum lapidem vocavit μαγνήσιαν λίθον. Hinc אבן המגניסס חמשוך הברזל. Lapis Magnesius trahit ferrum." Here he quotes from (Sepher) Ikkarem IV., cap. 35.
Kircher, in his Magnes, sive de Arte magnetica (Coloniæ, 1643), gives several other references to Hebrew literature. Others have supposed that the word חלמיש khallamish, which signifies pebble, rock, or hard rock, to be used for the magnet.
As to the other Greek name, σιδηρῖτις, or λίθος σιδηρῖτις this was given not only to the loadstone but also to non-magnetic iron. In the Etymologicum magnum (under the word μαγνῆτις), and in Photius (Quæst. amphiloch., q. 131), it is stated that the name sideritis was given to the loadstone either because of its action on iron, or of its resemblance in aspect to iron, or rather, they say, because the loadstone was originally found in the mines of this metal. Alexander of Aphrodisias expressly says (Quætiones Physicæ, II. 23) that {22}the loadstone appears to be nothing else than γῆ σιδηρῖτις, the earth which yields iron, or the earth of iron.
[53] Page 11, line 19. Page 11, line 29. ab Orpheo.—The reference is to v. 301-328 of the Λιθικά. The passage, as given in Abel's edition (Berol., 1881), begins:
Τόλμα δ' ἀθανάτους καὶ ἑνήεϊ μειλίσσεθαι
μαγνήσσῃ, τὴν δ' ἔξοχ' ἐφίλατο θούσιος Ἄρης,
οὕνεκεν, ὁππότε κεν πελάσῃ πολιοῖο σιδήρου,
ἠύτε παρθενικὴ τερενόχροα χερσὶν ἑλοῦσα
ἠΐθεον στέρνῳ προσπτύσσεται ἱμεροέντι,
ὥς ἥγ' ἁρπάζουσα ποτὶ σφετερὸν δέμας αἱεὶ
ἂψ πάλιν οὐκ ἐθέλει μεθέμεν πολεμιστὰ σὶδηρον.
[54] Page 11, line 20. Page 11, line 31. Gallis aimant.—The French word aimant, or aymant, is generally supposed to be derived from adamas. Nevertheless Klaproth (op. citat., p. 19) suggests that the word aimant is a mere literal translation into French of the Chinese word thsu chy, which is the common name of the magnet, and which means loving stone, or stone that loves. All through the east the names of the magnet have mostly the same signification, for example, in Sanskrit it is thoumbaka (the kisser), in Hindustani tchambak.
[55] Page 11, line 20. Page 11, line 32. Italis calamita.—The name calamita, universal in Italian for the magnet, is also used in Roumanian, Croatian, Bosnian, and Wendish. Its supposed derivation from the Hebrew khallamîsh is repudiated by Klaproth, who also points out that the use of καλαμιτα in Greek is quite modern. He adds that the only reasonable explanation of the word calamita is that given by Father Fournier (op. citat.), who says:
"Ils (les marins français) la nomment aussi calamite, qui proprement en français signifie une grenouille verte, parce qu'avant qu'on ait trouvé l'invention de suspendre et de balancer sur un pivot l'aiguille aimantée, nos ancêtres l'enfermaient dans une fiole de verre demi-remplie d'eau, et la faisaient flotter, par le moyen de deux petits fétus, sur l'eau comme une grenouille." Klaproth adds that he entirely agrees with the learned Jesuit, but maintains that the word calamite, to designate the little green frog, called to-day le graisset, la raine, or la rainette, is essentially Greek. For we read in Pliny (Hist. Nat. lib. xxxii., ch. x.): "Ea rana quam Græci calamiten vocant, quoniam inter arundines, fruticesque vivat, minima omnium est et viridissima."
[56] Page 11, line 20. Page 11, line 32. Anglis loadstone & adamant stone.
The English term loadstone is clearly connected with the Anglo-Saxon verb lœdan, to lead, and with the Icelandic leider-stein. There is no doubt that the spelling lodestone would be etymologically more correct, since it means stone that leads not stone that carries a load. The correct form is preserved in the word lode-star.
The word adamant, from adamas, the mediæval word for both loadstone and diamond, also occurs in English for the loadstone, as witness Shakespeare:
"You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant
But yet you draw not iron; for my heart
Is true as steel."
Midsummer Night's Dream, Act II, Scene 1.
[57] Page 11, line 21. Page 11, {23}line 33. Germanis magness, & siegelstein. The Stettin edition of 1628 reads Germanis Magnetstein, Belgis Seylsteen; while that of 1633 reads Germanis Magnetstein, Belgis Sylsteen.
[58] Page 11, line 26. Page 11, line 39. In this line the Greek sentence is, in every known copy of the folio of 1600, corrected in ink upon the text, θαλῆς being thus altered into Θαλῆς, and απομνεμονύουσι into απομνεμονεύουσι. Four lines lower, brackets have been inserted around the words (lapidum specularium modo). These ink corrections must have been made at the printers', possibly by Gilbert's own hand. They have been carried out as errata in the editions of 1628 and 1633. The "facsimile" Berlin reprint of 1892 has deleted them, however. Other ink corrections on pp. 14, 22, 38, 39, 47, 130, and 200 of the folio edition of 1600 are noted in due course.
[59] Page 11, line 29. Page 11, line 45. lapis specularis. This is the mediæval name for mica, but in Elizabethan times known as talc or muscovy stone. Cardan, De Rerum Varietate (Basil., 1557, p. 418), lib. xiiii., cap. lxxii., mentions the use of lapis specularis for windows.
[60] Page 11, line 31. Page 11, line 46.: Germanis Katzensilbar & Talke.—In the editions of 1628 and 1633 this is corrected to Germanis Katzensilber & Talcke. Goethe, in Wilhelm Meister's Travels, calls mica "cat-gold."
[61] Page 12, line 30. Page 12, line 35. integtum appears to be a misprint for integrum, which is the reading of editions 1628 and 1633.
[62] Page 13, line 4. Page 13, line 3. μικρόγη seu Terrella. Although rounded loadstones had been used before Gilbert's time (see Peregrinus, p. 3 of Augsburg edition of 1558, or Baptista Porta, p. 194, of English edition of 1658), Gilbert's use of the spherical loadstone as a model of the globe of the earth is distinctive. The name Terrella remained in the language. In Pepys's Diary we read how on October 2, 1663, he "received a letter from Mr. Barlow with a terella." John Evelyn, in his Diary, July, 1655, mentions a "pretty terella with the circles and showing the magnetic deviations."
A Terrella, 4½ inches in diameter, was presented in 1662 by King Charles I. to the Royal Society, and is still in its possession. It was examined in 1687 (see Phil. Transactions for that year) by the Society to see whether the positions of its poles had changed.
In Grew's Catalogue and Description of the Rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham College (London, 1681, p. 364) is mentioned a Terrella contrived by Sir Christopher Wren, with one half immersed in the centre of a plane horizontal table, so as to be like a Globe with the poles in the horizon, having thirty-two magnet needles mounted in the margin of the table to show "the different respect of the Needle to the several Points of the Loadstone."
In Sir John Pettus's Fleta Minor, London, 1683, in the Dictionary of Metallick Words at the end, under the word Loadstone occurs the following passage:
"Another piece of Curiosity I saw in the Hands of Sir William Persal (since Deceased also) viz., a Terrella or Load-stone, of little more than 6 Inches Diameter, turned into a Globular Form, and all the Imaginery Lines of our Terrestrial Globe, exactly drawn upon it: viz. the Artick and Antartick Circles, the two Tropicks, the two Colures, the Zodiack and Meridian; and these Lines, and the several Countryes, artificially Painted on it, and all of them with their true Distances, from the two Polar Points, and to find the truth of those Points, he took two little pieces of a Needle, each of about half {24}an Inch in length, and those he laid on the Meridian line, and then with Brass Compasses, moved one of them towards the Artick, which as it was moved, still raised it self at one end higher and higher, keeping the other end fixt to the Terrella; and when it had compleated it Journy to the very Artick Points, it stood upright upon that Point; then he moved the other piece of Needle to the Antartick Point, which had its Elevations like the other, and when it came to the Point, it fixt it self upon that Point, and stood upright, and then taking the Terrella in my Hand, I could perfectly see that the two pieces of Needles stood so exactly one against the other, as if it had been one intire long Needle put through the Terrella, which made me give credit to those who held, That there is an Astral Influence that darts it self through the Globe of Earth from North to South (and is as the Axel-Tree to the Wheel, and so called the Axis of the World) about which the Globe of the Earth is turned, by an Astral Power, so as what I thought imaginary, by this Demonstration, I found real."
[63] Page 13, line 20. Page 13, line 22. The editions of 1628 and 1633 give a different woodcut from this: they show the terrella lined with meridians, equator, and parallels of latitude: and they give the compass needle, at the top, pointing in the wrong direction.
[64] Page 14, line 3. Page 14, line 3. The Berlin "facsimile" reprint omits the asterisk here.
[65] Page 14, line 5. Page 14, line 6. erectus altered in ink in the folio to erecta. But erectus is preserved in editions 1628 and 1633. In Cap. IIII., on p. 14, both these Stettin editions insert an additional cut representing the terrella A placed in a tub or vessel B floating on water.
[66] Page 14, line 34. Page 14, line 39. variatione quadā. The whole of Book IIII. is devoted to a discussion of the variation of the compass.
[67] Page 16, line 28. Page 16, line 34. aquæ.—This curious use of the dative occurs also on p. 222, line 8.
[68] Page 17, line 1. Page 17, line 1. videbis.—The reading vibebis of the 1633 edition is an error.
[69] Page 18, line 24. Page 18, line 27. Theamedem.—For the myth about the alleged Theamedes, or repelling magnet, see Cardan, De Subtilitate (folio ed., 1550, lib. vii., p. 186).
Pliny's account, in the English version of 1601 (p. 587), runs:
"To conclude, there is another mountaine in the same Æthyopia, and not farre from the said Zimiris, which breedeth the stone Theamedes that will abide no yron, but rejecteth and driveth the same from it."
Martin Cortes, in his Arte de Nauegar (Seville, 1556), wrote:
"And true it is that Tanxeades writeth, that in Ethiope is found another kinde of this stone, that putteth yron from it" (Eden's translation, London, 1609).
[70] Page 21, line 24. Page 21, line 25. Hic segetes, &c.—The English version of these lines from Vergil's Georgics, Book I., is by the late Mr. R. D. Blackmore.
[71] Page 22, line 18. Page 22, line 19. quale, altered in ink in the folio text to qualis. The editions of 1628 and 1633 both read qualis.
[72] Page 22, line 19. Page 22, line 20. rubrica fabrili: in English ruddle or reddle. See "Sir" John Hill, A General Natural History, 1748, p. 47. In the De Re Metallica of Entzelt (Encelius), Frankfurt, 1551, p. 134, is a paragraph headed De Rubrica Fabrili, as follows: "Rubrica fabrilis duplex {25}est. à Germanis añt utraque dicitur rottel, röttelstein, wie die zimmerleüt vnd steynmetzen brauchen. à Græcis μίλτος τεκτονική. Est enim alia nativa, alia factitia. Natiua à Germanis propriè dicitur berckrottel. haec apud nos est fossilis.... Porro factitia est rubrica fabrilis, à Germanis braunrottel, quæ fit ex ochra usta, ut Theophrastus et Dioscorides testantur."
[73] Page 22, line 19. Page 22, line 20. In Sussexia Angliæ.—In Camden's Britannia (1580) we read concerning the iron industry in the villages in Sussex: "They are full of iron mines in sundry places, where, for the making and founding thereof, there be furnaces on every side; and a huge deal of wood is yearly burnt. The heavy forge-hammers, worked by water-power, stored in hammer-ponds, ceaselessly beating upon the iron, fill the neighbourhood round about, day and night, with continual noise."
[74] Page 23, line 1. Page 22, line 44. in libro Aristotelis de admirandis narrationibus.—The reference is to the work usually known as the De Mirabilibus Auscultationibus, Cap. XLVIII.: "Fertur autem peculiarissima generatio esse ferri Chalybici Amisenique, ut quod ex sabulo quod a fluviis defertur, ut perhibent certe, conflatur. Alii simpliciter lotum in fornace excoqui, alii vero, quod ex lotura subsedit, frequentius lotum comburi tradunt adjecto simul et pyrimacho dicto lapide, qui in ista regio plurimus reperiri fertur." (Ed. Didot, vol. ii., p. 87.) According to Georgius Agricola, the stone pyrimachus is simply iron pyrites.
[75] Page 23, line 22. Page 23, line 23. vt in Italia Comi, &c.—This is mostly taken from Pliny. Compare the following passage from Philemon Holland's translation (1601), p. 514:
"But the most varietie of yron commeth by the meanes of the water, wherein the yron red-hot is eftsoones dipped and quenched for to be hardened. And verely, water only which in some place is better, in other worse, is that which hath ennobled many places for the excellent yron that commeth from them, as namely, Bilbilis in Spaine, and Tarassio, Comus also in Italie; for none of these places have any yron mines of their owne, and yet there is no talke but of the yron and steele that commeth from thence."
Bilbilis is Bambola, and Tariassona the Tarazona of modern Spain.
[76] Page 24, line 28. Page 24, line 27. Quare vani sunt illi Chemici.—Gilbert had no faith in the alchemists. On pp. 19 and 21 he had poked fun at them for declaring the metals to be constituted of sulphur and quicksilver, and for pronouncing the fixed earth in iron to be sulphur. On p. 20 he had denied their proposition that the differences between silver, gold, and copper could arise from proportions of their constituent materials; and he likewise denounced unsparingly the supposed relation between the seven metals and the seven planets. He now denounces the vain dreams of turning all metals into gold, and all stones into diamonds. Later he rejects as absurd the magnetic curing of wounds. His detachment from the pseudo-science of his age was unique if not complete.
[77] Page 25, line 15. Page 25, line 16. Petro-coriis, & Cabis Biturgibus.—The Petro-corii were a tribe in the neighbourhood of Perigord; the Cubi Biturges another in that of Bourges.
[78] Page 25, line 21. Page 25, line 23. Pliny's account, as translated by P. Holland (ed. 1601, p. 515), runs thus:
"Of all mines that be, the veine of this mettall is largest, and spreadeth it selfe into most lengths every way: as we may see in that part of Biscay that coasteth along the sea, and upon which the Ocean beateth: where there {26}is a craggie mountaine very steep and high, which standeth all upon a mine or veine of yron. A wonderfull thing, and in manner incredible, howbeit, most true, according as I have shewed already in my Cosmographie, as touching the circuit of the Ocean."
[79] Page 26, Line 15. Page 26, line 12. quas Clampas nostri vocant.—The name clamp for the natural kiln formed by heaping up the bricks, with ventilating spaces and fuel within the heap, is still current.
[80] Page 26, line 39. Page 26, line 38. Pluebat in Taurinis ferrum.—The occurrence is narrated by Scaliger, De Subtilitate, Exercitat. cccxxiii.:
"Sed falsò lapidis pluviam creas tu ex pulvere hausto à nubibus, atque in lapidem condensato. At ferrum, quod pluit in Taurinis, cuius frustum apud nos extat, qua ex fodina sustulit nubes? Tribus circiter annis antè, quàm ab Rege provincia illa recepta esset, pluit ferro multis in locis, sed raris" (p. 434, Editio Lutetiæ, 1557).
"During the latter ages of the Roman Empire the city of Augusta Taurinorum seems to have been commonly known (as was the case in many instances in Transalpine Gaul) by the name of the tribe to which it belonged, and is called simply Taurini in the Itineraries, as well as by other writers, hence its modern name of Torino or Turin" (Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geographies, p. 1113).
There exists a considerable literature respecting falls of meteors and of meteoric iron. Livy, Plutarch, and Pliny all record examples. See also Remarks concerning stones said to have fallen from the clouds, by Edward King (London, 1796); Chladni, Ueber den Ursprung der von Pallas gefundenen und anderer ihr ähnlicher Eisenmassen (Riga, 1794); Philosophical Transactions, vol. lxxviii., pp. 37 and 183; vol. lxxxv., p. 103; vol. xcii., p. 174; Humboldt's Cosmos, vol. i. (p. 97 of London edition, 1860); C. Rammelsberg, Die chemische Natur der Meteoriten (Berlin, 1879); Maskelyne, Some lecture-notes on Meteorites printed in Nature, vol. xii., pp. 485, 504, and 520, 1875. Maskelyne denominates as siderites those meteorites which consist chiefly of iron. They usually contain from 80 to 95 per cent. of iron, often alloyed with nickel. This meteoric iron is sometimes so pure that it can at once be forged by the smith. An admirable summary of the whole subject is to be found in L. Fletcher's An Introduction to the study of Meteorites, publisht by the British Museum (Nat. Hist.), London, 1896.
[81] Page 27, line 3. Page 26, line 41. vt Cardanus ... scribit.—The passage runs:
"Vidimus anno MDX cum cecidisset è cœlo lapides circiter MCC in agrum fluvio Abduæ conterminum, ex his unum CXX pondo, alium sexaginta delati fuerunt ad reges Gallorũ satrapes, plurimi: colos ferrugineus, durities eximia, odor sulphureus" (Cardan, De Rerum Varietate, lib. xiiii., cap. lxxii.; Basil., 1557, p. 545).
[82] Page 27, line 9. Page 27, line 2. aut stannum, aut plumbum album. Although most authorities agree in translating plumbum album or plumbum candidum as "tin" (which is unquestionably the meaning in such examples as Pliny's Nat. Hist., xxxiv. 347, and iv. 16; or Strabo, iii. 147), nevertheless it is certain that here plumbum album is not given as a synonym of stannum and therefore is not tin. That Gilbert meant either spelter or pewter is pretty certain. He based his metallic terms mainly upon Encelius (Christoph Entzelt) whose De Re Metallica was published at Frankfurt in 1551. From this work are taken the following passages: {27}
p. 61. De Plumbo candido. Cap. XXXI.
"Veluti plumbum nigrũ uocatur à Germanis blei simpliciter, od' schwartzblei: ita plumbũ candidũ ab his uocatur weissblei, od' ziñ. Impropriè autem plumbum hoc nostrum candidum ziñ, stannum dicitur. Et non sunt idem, ut hactenus voluerunt, stannum et plumbum candidum, unser ziñ. Aliud est stannum, de quo mox agemus: et aliud plumbum candidum nostrum, unser ziñ, quod nigro plumbo quasi est quiddã purius et perfectius...."
p. 62. De Stanno. Cap. XXXII.
"In præcedenti capite indicauimus aliud esse stannum, aliud esse plumbũ candidũ. Illa ergo definitio plumbi candidi, dess zinnes, etiã apud chimistas nõ de stanno, sed de plumbo candido (ut mihi uidetur) intelligenda est, cum dicunt: Stannum (es soll heyssen plumbum candidum) est metallicum album, non purum, lividum...."
p. 63. "Sic uides stannum, secundum Serapionem, metallicum esse quod reperitur in sua propria uena, ut forsitan apud nos bisemutũ: ecõtra nostrũ candidũ plumbũ, est Plinij candidũ plumbũ, das zin, quod cõflatur ut plumbum nigrum, ex pyrite, galena, et lapillis nigris. Deinde uides stannum Plinio esse quiddã de plumbo nigro, nempe primum fluorem plumbi nigri, als wann man vnser bley ertz schmeltzet, das erst das do fleüsset, zwäre Plinio stannum. Et hoc docet Plinius adulterari plũbo candido, mit vnserm zinn, vnd wann du ihm recht nachdenckest, daruon die kannen gemacht werden, das man halbwerck heist.... O ir losen vngelerten, vnckenbrenner. Stannum proculdubio Arabis metallum est preciosius nostro candido plumbo: sicuti apud nos bisemuthum quiddam plumbo preciosius."
[83] Page 27, line 21. Page 27, line 17. venas ... venis.—It is impossible to give in English this play on words between veins of ore and veins of the animal body.
[84] Page 28, line 23. Page 28, line 20. quem nos verticitatem dicimus.—See the notes on Gilbert's glossary, ante. The word verticity remained in the language. On p. 140 of Joseph Glanvill's Vanity of Dogmatizing (Lond., 1661) we read: "We believe the verticity of the Needle, without a Certificate from the dayes of old."
[85] Page 29, line 15. Page 29, line 16. Nos verò diligentiùs omnia experientes.—The method of carefully trying everything, instead of accepting statements on authority, is characteristic of Gilbert's work. The large asterisks affixed to Chapters IX. X. XI. XII. and XIII. of Book I. indicate that Gilbert considered them to announce important original magnetical discoveries. The electrical discoveries of Book II., Chapter II., are similarly distinguished. A rich crop of new magnetical experiments, marked with marginal asterisks, large and small, is to be found in Book II., from Chapter XV. to Chapter XXXIV.; while a third series of experimental magnetical discoveries extends throughout Book III.
[86] Page 31, line 30. Page 31, line 25. verticem.—The context and the heading of the Chapter appear to require verticitatem. All editions, however, read verticem.
[87] Page 32, line 12. Page 32, line 9. Gartias ab horto.—The passage from Gartias ab Horto runs as follows in the Italian edition of 1616, Dell' Historia dei Semplici Aromati.... di Don Garzia dall' Horto, Medico Portughese, ... Venezia mdcxvi., p. 208.
"Nè meno è questa pietra velenosa, si come molti hanno tenuto; imperoche le genti di queste bande dicono che la Calamita presa per bocca, però in poca {28}quantità, conserva la gioventù. La onde si racconta, che il Re di Zeilan il vecchio' s'haveva fatto fare tutti i vasi, dove si cocevano le vivãde per lui, di Calamita. Et questo lo disse à me colui proprio, che fu à questo officio destinato."
[88] Page 32, line 29. Page 32, line 29. Plutarchus & C. Ptolemæus.—The garlick myth has already been referred to in the note to p. 1. The originals are Plutarch, Quæstiones Platonicæ, lib. vii., cap. 7, § 1; C. Ptolemæus, Opus Quadripartitum, bk. i., cap. 3. The English translation of the latter, by Whalley (London, 1701), p. 10, runs: "For if the Loadstone be Rubbed with Garlick, the Iron will not be drawn by it."
[89] Page 32, line 32. Page 32, line 33. Medici nonnulli.—This is apparently a reference to the followers of Rhazes and Paracelsus. The argument of Gilbert as to the inefficacy of powdered loadstones is reproduced more fully by William Barlowe in his Magneticall Aduertisements (1616, p. 7), as follows:
"It is the goodnesse of the Loadstone ioyned with a fit forme that will shew great force. For as a very good forme with base substance can doe but very litle, so the substance of the Loadstone bee it neuer so excellent, except it haue some conuenient forme, is not auaileable. For example, an excellent loadstone of a pound waight and of a good fashion, being vsed artificially, may take vp foure pounds of Iron; beate it into small pouder, and it shall bee of no force to take vp one ounce of Iron; yea I am very well assured that halfe an ounce of a Loadstone of good fashion, and of like vertue will take vp more then that pound will doe being beaten into powder. Whence (to adde this by the way) it appeareth manifestly, that it is a great error of those Physitions and Surgeons, which to remedy ruptures, doe prescribe vnto their Patients to take the pouder of a Loadstone inwardly, and the small filing of iron mingled in some plaister outwardly: supposing that herein the magneticall drawing should doe great wonders."
[90] Page 33, line 11. Page 33, line 8. Nicolaus in emplastrum divinum....—Nicolaus Myrepsus is also known as Præpositas. In his Liber de compositione medicamentorum (Ingoldstat, 1541, 4to) are numerous recipes containing loadstone: for example, Recipe No. 246, called "esdra magna," is a medicine given for inflammation of the stomach and for strangury, compounded of some forty materials including "litho demonis" and "lapis magnetis." The emplastrum divinum does not, however, appear to contain loadstone. In the English tractate, Præpositas his Practise, a worke ... for the better preservation of the Health of Man. Wherein are ... approved Medicines, Receiptes and Ointmentes. Translated out of Latin in to English by L. M. (London, 1588, 4to), we read on p. 35, "An Emplaister of D. N. [Doctor Nicolaus] which the Pothecaries call Divinum." This contains litharge, bdellium, and "green brasse," but no loadstone.
Luis de Oviedo in his treatise Methodo de la Coleccion y reposicion de las Medicinas simples, edited by Gregorio Gonçalez, Boticario (Madrid, 1622), gives (p. 502) the following: "Emplasto de la madre. Recibe: Nuezes moscadas, clauos, cinamono, artemisia, piedraimon. De cada uno dos onças.... Entre otras differencias que ay de piedraiman se hallan dos. Vna que por la parte que mira al Septentrion, atrae el hierro, por lo quel se llama magnes ferrugineus. Y otra que atrae la carne, a la qual llaman magnes creaginus."
An "Emplastrum sticticum" containing amber, mummy, loadstone, {29}hæmatite, and twenty other ingredients, and declared to be "vulnerum ulcerumque telo inflictorum sticticum emplastrum præstantissimum," is described on p. 267 of the Basilica chimica of Oswaldus Crollius (Frankfurt, 1612).
[91] Page 33, line 12. Page 33, line 9. Augustani ... in emplastrum nigrum....—Amongst the physicians of the Augsburg school the most celebrated were Adolphus Occo, Ambrosio Jung, and Gereone Seyler. This particular reference is to the Pharmacopœia Augustana ... a Collegio Medico recognita, published at Augsburg, and which ran through many editions. The recipe for the "emplastrum nigrum vulgo Stichpflaster" will be found on p. 182 of the seventh edition (1621-2). The recipe begins with oil of roses, colophony, wax, and includes some twenty-two ingredients, amongst them mummy, dried earthworms, and two ounces lapidis magnetis præparati. The recipe concludes: "Fiat Emplastrum secundùm artem. Perquàm efficax ad recentia vulnera et puncturas, vndè denominationem habet." The volume is a handsome folio not unlike Gilbert's own book, and bears at the end of the prefatory address ad Lectorem identically the same cul de lampe as is found on p. 44 of De Magnete.
The contradictions as to the alleged medicinal virtues of loadstone are well illustrated by Galen, who in his De facultatibus says that loadstone is like hæmatite, which is astringent, while in his De simplici medicina he says it is purgative.
[92] Page 33, line 14. Page 33, line 12. Paracelsus in fodicationum emplastrum.—Paracelsus's recipe for a plaster against stab-wounds is to be found in Wundt vund Leibartznei ... D. Theoph. Paracelsus (Frankf., 1555, pp. 63-67).
[93] Page 33, line 17. Page 33, line 15. Ferri vis medicinalis.—This chapter on the medicinal virtues of iron is a summary of the views held down to that time. Those curious to pursue the subject should consult Waring's Bibliotheca Therapeutica (London, 1878). Nor should they miss the rare black-letter quarto by Dr. Nicholas Monardus, of Seville, Joyfull Newes out of the New-found Worlde, translated by John Frampton (London, 1596), in which are recited the opinions of Galen, Rhazes, Avicenna, and others, on the medicinal properties of iron. In addition to the views of the Arabic authors, against whom his arguments are directed, Gilbert discusses those of Joannes Manardus, Curtius, and Fallopius. The treatise of Manardus, Epistolarum medicinalium libri viginti (Basil., 1549), is a résumé of the works of Galen and the Arabic physicians, but gives little respecting iron. Curtius (Nicolaus) was the author of a book, Libellus de medicamentis præparatibus et purgantibus (Giessæ Cattorum, 1614). The works of Fallopius are De Simplicibus Medicamentis purgentibus tractatus (Venet., 1566, 4to), and Tractatus de Compositione Medicamentorum (Venet., 1570, 4to).
[94] Page 34, line 7. Page 34, line 3. quorundã Arabum opiniones.—The Arabian authorities referred to here or elsewhere by Gilbert are:
Albategnius (otherwise known as Machometes Aractensis), Muhammad Ibn Jābir, Al-Battānī.
Avicenna (otherwise Abohali). Abou-’Ali al-’Hoséin ben-’Abd-Allah Ibn-Sinâ, or, shortly, Ibn Sîna.
Averroes. Muhammad Ibn Ahmed Ibn-Roschd, Abou Al-Walíd.
Geber. Abū Mūsā Jābir Ibn Haiyān, Al-Tarsūsi.
Hali Abas. ’Alí Ibn Al-’Abbás, Al Majúsi. {30}
Rhazes, or Rasis. Muhammad Ibn Zakarīyā.
Serapio. Yuhanná Ibn Sarapion.
Thebit Ben-Kora (otherwise Thabit Ibn Corrah). Abū Thabit Ibn Kurrah, Al Harrani.
[95] Page 34, line 38.: Page 34, line 40. electuarium de scoria ferri descriptum à Raze.—Rhazes or Rasis, whose Arabic name was Muhammad Ibn Zakarīyā, wrote De Simplicibus, ad Almansorem. In Chap. 63 of this work he gives a recipe for a stomachic, which includes fennel, anise, origanum, black pepper, cinammon, ginger, and iron slag. In the splendid folio work of Rhazes publisht at Venice in 1542, with the title Habes candide lector Continẽtem Rasis, Libri ultimi, cap. 295, under the heading De Ferro, are set forth the virtues of iron slag: "Virtus scorie est sicut virtus scorie [a]eris sed debilior in purgãdo: et erugo ferri est stiptica: et cũ superpositur retinet fluxus menstruorũ.... Ait Paulus: aqua in qua extinguitur ferrũ calens.... Dico: certificatus sum experientia q˜ valet contra emorryodas diabetem et fluxum menstruorum."
[96] Page 35, line 16.: Page 35, line 13. Paulus.—This is not Fra Paolo Sarpi, nor Marco Polo, nor Paulus Jovius the historian, nor Paulus Nicolettus Venetus, but Paulus Aeginæ.
[97] Page 35, line 29.: Page 35, line 28. Sed malè Avicenna.—The advice of Avicenna to administer a draught containing powdered loadstone, reads as follows in the Giunta edition (Venice, 1608):
Lib. ii., cap. 470, p. 356. "Magnes quid est? Est lapis qui attrahit ferrum, quum ergo aduritur, fit hæmatites, & virtus ejus est sicut virtus illius.... Datur in potu [ad bibitionem limaturæ ferri, quum retinetur in ventre scoria ferri. Ipse enim extrahit] ipsam, & associatur ei apud exitum. Et dicitur, quando in potu sumuntur ex eo tres anulusat cum mellicrato, educit solutione humorem grossum malum."
The passage is identical with that in the Venetian edition of 1486, in both of which the liquid prescribed is mellicratus—mead. Gilbert says that the iron is to be given in juice of mercurialis. Here he only follows Matthiolus, who, in his Commentaries on Dioscorides, says (p. 998 of the Basil. edition of 1598): "Sed (vt idem Auicenna scribit) proprium hujusce ferrei pharmaci antidotum, est lapis magnes drachmæ pondere potus, ex mercurialis, vel betæ succo."
Serapio, in his De Simplicibus Medicinis (Brunfels' edition, Argentorati, 1531), p. 264, refers to Galen's prescription of iron scoriæ, and under the article de lapide magnetis, p. 260, quotes Dioscorides as follows: "Et uirtus huius lapidis est, ut quãdo dantur in potu duo onolosat ex eo cũ melicrato, laxat humores grossos."
The original passage in Dioscorides, De Materia Medica, ch. 147 (Spengel's edition of 1829) runs: "Τοῦ δὲ μαγνήτου λίθου ἄριστός ἐστιν ὁ τὸν σίδηρον εὐχερῶς ἕλκων, καὶ τὴν χρόαν κυανίζων, πυκνός τε κὰι οὐκ ἄγαν βαρύς. Δύναμιν δὲ ἔχει πάχους ἀγωγὸν διδόμενος μετὰ μελικράτου τριωβόλου βάρος· ἔνιοι δὲ τοῦτον καίοντες ἀντὶ αἱματίτου πιπράσκουσιν.."
In the Frankfurt edition of Dioscorides, translated by Ruellius (1543), the passage is:
"Magnes lapis optimus est, qui ferrum facile trahit, colore ad cœruleum uergente, densus, nec admodum gravis. Datur cum aqua mulsa, trium obolorum pondere, ut crassos humores eliciat. Sunt qui magnetem crematū pro hæmatite vendant...."
In the Scholia of Joannes Lonicerus upon Dioscorides In Dioscoridæ {31}Anazarbei de re medica libros a Virgilio Marcello versos, Scholia nova, Ioanne Lonicero autore (Marburgi, 1543, p. 77), occurs the following:
"De recremento ferri. Cap. XLIX.
"Σκωρία σιδήρου. scoria vel recrementum ferri. Quæ per ignem à ferro et cupro sordes separantur ac reijciuntur, et ab aliis metallis σκωρία uocantur. Omnis scoria, maxime uero ferri exiccat. Acerrimo aceto macerauit Galenus ferri scoriam, ac deinde excocto, pharmacum efficax confecit ad purulentas quæ multo tempore uexatæ erant, aures, admirando spectantium effectu. Ardenti scoria uel recrementum ἕλκυσμα, inquit Galenus."
See also the Enarrationes eruditissimæ of Amatus Lusitanus (Venet., 1597), pp. 482 and 507, upon iron and the loadstone.
[98] Page 36, line 27. Page 36, line 29. eijcitur for ejicitur.
[99] Page 37, line 18. Page 37, line 22. ut Cardanus philosophatur.—Cardan's nonsense about the magnet feeding on iron is to be found in De Subtilitate, lib. vii. (Basil., 1611, p. 381).
[100] Page 38, line 4. Page 38, line 7. ferramenta ... in usum navigantium.—Compare Marke Ridley's A Short Treatise of Magneticall Bodies and Motions (Lond., 1613), p. a2 in the Preface Magneticall, where he speaks of the "iron-workes" used in building ships. The phraseology of Marke Ridley throws much light on the Latin terms used by Gilbert.
[101] Page 38, line 36. Page 38, line 42. vruntur; changed in ink to vrantur in the folio of 1600; but uruntur appears in the editions of 1628 and 1633.
[102] Page 39, line 12. Page 39, line 12. virumque; altered in ink to virunque in all copies of the folio edition of 1600.
[103] Page 40, line 32. Page 40, line 33. ad tantos labores exantlandos.—Pumping, as it was in mining before the invention of the steam engine, may best be realized by examining the woodcuts in the De re metallica of Georgius Agricola (Basil., Froben, 1556).
[104] Page 40, line 34. Page 40, line 36. quingentas orgyas.—Gilbert probably had in his mind the works of the Rorerbühel, in the district of Kitzbühl, which in the sixteenth century had reached the depth of 3,107 feet. See Humboldt's Cosmos (Lond., 1860, vol. i., p. 149).
[105] Page 43, line 34. Page 43, line 33. glis.—This word, here translated grit, does not appear to be classical Latin; it may mean ooze or slime.
[106] Page 45, line 25. Page 45, line 26. Motus igitur ... quinque. The five kinds of magnetic motions correspond in fact to the remaining sections of the book; as follows: Coitio, Book II.; Directio, Book III.; Variatio, Book IV.; Declinatio, Book V.; and Revolutio, Book VI.
[107] Page 46, line 7. Page 46, line 8. Jofrancus Offusius.—The reference is to the treatise De divina astrorum faculitate of Johannes Franciscus Offusius (Paris, 1570).
[108] Page 47, line 15. Page 47, line 18. Græci vocant ἠλεκτρον, quia ad se paleas trahit. In this discussion of the names given to amber, Gilbert apparently conceives ἠλεκτρον to be derived from the verb ἑλκεῖν; which is manifestly a doubtful etymology. There has been much discussion amongst philologists as to the derivation of ἠλέκτρον or ἤλεκτρον, and its possible connection with the word ἠλέκτωρ. This discussion has been somewhat obscured by the circumstance that the Greek authors unquestionably used ἤλεκτρον (and the Latins their word electrum) in two different significations, some of them using these words to mean amber, others to mean a shining {32}metal, apparently of having qualities between those of gold and silver, and probably some sort of alloy. Schweigger, Ueber das Elektron der Alten (Greifswald, 1848), has argued that this metal was indeed no other than platinum: but his argument partakes too much of special pleading. Those who desire to follow the question of the derivation of ἤλεκτρον may consult the following authorities: J. M. Gessner, De Electro Veterum (Commentt. Soc. Reg. Scientt. Goetting., vol. iii., p. 67, 1753); Delaunay, Mineralogie der Alten, Part II., p. 125; Buttmann, Mythologus (Appendix I., Ueber das Elektron), Vol. II., p. 355, in which he adopts Gilbert's derivation from ἕλκειν; Beckmann, Ursprung und Bedeutung des Bernsteinnamens Elektron (Braunsberg, 1859); Th. Henri Martin, Du Succin, de ses noms divers et de ses variétés suivant les anciens (Mémoires de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres, Tome VI., 1re série, 1re partie, 1860); Martinus Scheins, De Electro Veterum Metallico (Inaugural dissertation, Berlin, 1871); F. A. Paley, Gold Worship in relation to Sun Worship (Contemporary Review, August, 1884). See also Curtius, Grundzüge der griechischen Etymologie, pp. 656-659. The net result of the disputations of scholars appears to be that ἠλέκτωρ (he who shines) is a masculine form to which there corresponds the neuter form ἤλεκτρον (that which shines). Stephanus admits the accentuation used by Gilbert, ἠλέκτρον, to be justified from the Timæus of Plato; see Note to p. 61.
[109] Page 47, line 16. Page 47, line 19. ἅρπαξ dicitur, & χρυσοφόρον.—With respect to the other names given to amber, M. Th. Henri Martin has written (see previous note) so admirable an account of them that it is impossible to better it. It is therefore given here entire, as follows:
"Le succin a reçu chez les anciens des noms très-divers. Sans parler du nom de λυγκούριον, lyncurium, qui peut-être ne lui appartient pas, comme nous le montrerons plus loin, il s'est nommé chez les Grecs le plus souvent ἤλεκτρον au neutre,1 mais aussi ἤλεκτρος au masculin2 et même au féminin,3 χρυσήλεκτρος,4 χρυσόφορος5 et peut-être, comme nous l'avons vu, χαλκολίθανον; plus tard σούχιον6 ou σουχίνος7, et ἠλεκτριανὸς λίθος;8 plus tard encore βερενίκη, βερονίκη ou βερνίκη;9 il s'est nommé ἅρπαξ chez les Grecs établis en Syrie;10 chez les Latins succinum, electrum, et deux variétés, chryselectrum et sualiternicum {33}ou subalternicum;11 chez les Germains, Gless;12 chez les Scythes, sacrium;13 chez les Egyptiens, sacal;14 chez les Arabes, karabé15 ou kahraba;16 en persan, káruba.17 Ce mot, qui appartient bien à la langue persane, y signifie attirant la paille, et par conséquent exprime l'attraction électrique, de même que le mot ἅρπαξ des Grecs de Syrie. En outre, le nom de haur roumi (peuplier romain) était donné par les Arabes, non-seulement à l'arbre dont ils croyaient que le succin était la gomme, mais au succin lui-même. Haur roumi, transformé en aurum par les traducteurs latins des auteurs arabes, et consondu mal à propos avec ambar ou ambrum, nom arabe latinisé de l'ambre gris, a produit le nom moderne d'ambre, nom commun à l'ambre jaune ou succin, qui est une résine fossile, et à l'ambre gris, concrétion odorante qui se forme dans les intestines des cachalots. On ne peut dire avec certitude si le nom de basse grécité βερνίκη est la source ou le dérivé de Bern, radical du nom allemand du succin (Bernstein). Quoi qu'il en soit, le mot βερνίκη a produit vernix, nom d'une gomme dans la basse latinité, d'où nous avons fait vernis.18"
1 Voyez Hérodote, III., 115; Platon, Timée, p. 80 c; Aristote, Météor., IV., 10; Théophraste, Hist. des plantes, IX., 18 (19), § 2; Des pierres, § 28 et 29; Diodore de Sic., V., 23; Strabon, IV., 6, no 2, p. 202 (Casaubon); Dioscoride, Mat. méd., I., 110; Plutarque, Questions de table, II., 7, § 1; Questions platoniques, VII., 1 et 7; Lucien, Du succin et des cygnes; le même, De Pastrologie, § 19; S. Clément, Strom. II., p. 370 (Paris, 1641, in-fol.); Alexandre d'Aphr., Quest. phys. et mor., II., 23; Olympiodore, Météor., I., 8, fol. 16, t. I., p. 197 (Ideler) et l'abréviateur d'Etienne de Byzance au mot Ηλεκτρίδες.
2 Voyez Sophocle, Antigone, v. 1038, et dans Eustathe, sur l'Iliade, II., 865; Elien, Nat. des animaux, IV. 46; Quintus de Smyrne, V., 623; Eustathe, sur la Périégèse de Denys, p. 142 (Bernhardy), et sur l'Odyssée, IV., 73; et Suidas au mot ὑάλη.
3 Voyez Alexandre, Problèmes, sect. 1, proœm., p. 4 (Ideler); Eustathe, sur l'Odyssée, IV., 73, et Tzetzès, Chiliade VI., 650.
4 Voyez Psellus, Des pierres, p. 36 (Bernard et Maussac).
5 Voyez Dioscoride, Mat. méd., I., 110.
6 Voyez S. Clément, Strom., II., p. 370 (Paris, 1641, in-fol.). Il paraît distinguer l'un de l'autre τὸ σούχιον et τὸ ἤλεκτρον, probablement parce qu'il attribue à tort au métal ἤλεκτρον la propriété attractive du succin.
7 Voyez le faux Zoroastre, dans les Géoponiques, XV., 1, § 29.
8 Voyez le faux Zoroastre, au même endroit.
9 Voyez Eustathe, sur l'Odyssée, IV., 73; Tzetzès, Chil. VI., 650; Nicolas Myrepse, Antidotes, ch. 327, et l'Etymol. Gud. au mot ἤλεκτρον. Comparez Saumaise, Exert. plin., p. 778.
10 Voyez Pline, XXXVII., 2, s. 11, no 37.
11 Voyez Pline, XXXVII., 2, s. 11-13, et Tacite, Germanie, ch. 45. La forme sualiternicum, dans Pline (s. 11, no 33), est donnée par le manuscrit de Bamberg et par M. Sillig (t. V., p. 390), au lieu de la forme subalternicum des éditions antérieures.
12 Voyez Tacite et Pline, ll. cc.
13 Voyez Pline, XXXVII., 2, s. 11, no 40, Comp. J. Grimm, Gesch. der deutsch. Sprache, Kap. x., p. 233 (Leipzig, 1848, in-8).
14 Pline, l. c.
15 Voyez Saumaise, De homon. hyles iatricæ, c. 101, p. 162 (1689, in-fol.).
16 Voyez Sprengel, sur Dioscoride, t. II., pp. 390-391.
17 Voyez M. de Sacy, cité par Buttmann, Mythologus, t. II., pp. 362-363.
18 Voyez Saumaise, Ex. plin., p. 778. Il n'est pas probable que le mot βερνίκη ou βερενίκη nom du succin dans la grécité du moyen âge, soit lié étymologiquement avec le nom propre βερενίκη, qui vient de l'adjectif macédonien βερένικος pour φερένικος.
[110] Page 47, line 17. Page 47, line 20. Mauri vero Carabem appellant, quià solebant in sacrificijs, & deorum cultu ipsum libare. Carab enim significat offerre Arabicè; ita Carabe, res oblata; aut rapiens paleas, vt Scaliger ex Abohali citat, ex linguâ Arabicâ, vel Persicâ.—The printed text, line 18, has "Non rapiens paleas," but in all copies of the folio of 1600, the "Non" has been altered in ink into "aut," possibly by Gilbert's own hand. Nevertheless the editions of 1628 and 1633 both read "Non." There appears to be no doubt that the origin of the word Carabe, or Karabe, as assigned by Scaliger, is substantially correct. As shown in the preceding note, Martin adopted this view. If any doubt should remain it will be removed by the following notes which are due to Mr. A. Houtum Schindler (member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers), of Terahan.
Reference is made to the magnetic and electric properties of stones in three early Persian lapidaries. There are three stones only mentioned, amber, loadstone, and garnet. The electric property of the diamond is not mentioned. The following extracts are from the Tansûk nâmah, by Nasîr ed dîn Tûsi, A.D. 1260. The two other treatises give the first extracts in the same words.
"Kâhrubâ, also Kahrabâ [Amber],
"Is yellow and transparent, and has its name from the property, which it possesses, of attracting small, dry pieces of straw or grass, after it has been rubbed with cloth and become warm. [Note. In Persian, Kâh = straw; rubâ = the robber, hence Kâhrubâ = the straw-robber.] Some consider it a mineral, and say that it is found in the Mediterranean and Caspian seas, floating on the surface, but this is not correct. The truth is that Kâhrubâ {34}is the gum of a tree, called jôz i rûmî [i.e., roman nut; walnut?], and that most of it is brought from Rûm [here the Eastern Rome] and from the confines of Sclavonia and Russia. On account of its bright colour and transparency it is made into beads, rings, belt-buckles, &c. ... &c.
"The properties of attraction and repulsion are possessed by other substances than loadstone, for instance, by amber and bîjâdah,1 which attract straws, feathers, etc., and of many other bodies, it can be said that they possess the power of attraction. There is also a stone which attracts gold; it has a pure yellow colour. There is also a stone which attracts silver from distances of three or two yards. There are also the stone which attracts tin, very hard, and smelling like asafœtida, the stone attracting hair, the stone attracting meat, etc., but, latterly, no one has seen these stones: no proof, however, that they do not exist."
Avicenna (Ibn Sinâ) gives the following under the heading of Karabe (see Canona Medicinæ, Giunta edition, Venet., 1608, lib. ii., cap. 371, p. 336):
"Karabe quid est? Gumma sicut sandaraca, tendens ad citrinitatem, & albedinem, & peruietatem, & quandoque declinat ad rubedinem, quæ attrahit paleas, & [fracturas] plantarum ad se, & propter hoc nominatur Karabe, scilicet rapiens paleas, persicè.... Karabe confert tremori cordis, quum bibitur ex eo medietas aurei cum aqua frigida, & prohibet sputum sanguinis valde.... Retinet vomitum, & prohibet materias malas a stomacho, & cum mastiche confortat stomachum.... Retinet fluxum sanguinis ex matrice, & ano, & fluxum ventris, & confert tenasmoni."
Scaliger in De Subtilitate, Exercitatio ciii., § 12, the passage referred to by Gilbert says: "Succinum apud Arabas uocatur, Carabe: quod princeps Aboali, rapiens paleas, interpretatur" (p. 163 bis, editio Lutetiæ, 1557).
1 Bîjâdah is classified by Muhammad B. Mansûr (A.D. 1470) and by Ibn al Mubârak (A.D. 1520) under "stones resembling ruby"; the Tansûk nâmah describes it in a separate chapter. From the description it can be identified with the almandine garnet, and the method of cutting this stone en cabochon, with hollow back in order to display its colour better is specially mentioned. The Tansûk nâmah only incidentally refers to the electric property of the bîjâdah in the chapter on loadstone, but the other two treatises specially refer to it in their description of the stone. The one has: "Bîjâdah if rubbed until warm, attracts straws and other light bodies just as amber does"; the other: "Bîjâdah, if rubbed on the hair of the head, or on the beard, attracts straws." Surûri, the lexicographer, who compiled a dictionary in 1599, considers the bîjâdah "a red ruby which possesses the property of attraction." Other dictionaries do not mention the attractive property, but some authors confound the stone with amber, calling it Kâbrubâ, the straw-robber. The bîjâdah is not rubellite (red tourmaline) for it is described in the lapidaries as common, whereas rubellite (from Ceylon) has always been rare, and was unknown in Persia in the thirteenth century.
[111] Page 47, line 21. Page 47, line 25. Succinum seu succum.—Dioscorides regarded amber as the inspissated juice of the poplar tree. From the Frankfurt edition of 1543 (De Medicinali materia, etc.) edited by Ruellius, we have, liber i., p. 53:
Populus. Cap. XCIII.
"... Lachrymam populorum commemorant quæ in Padum amnem defluat, durari, ac coire in succinum, quod electrum vocant, alii chrysophorum. id attritu jucundum odorem spirat, et aurum colore imitatur. tritum potumque stomachi ventrisque fluxiones sistit."
To this Ruellius adds the commentary:
"Succinum seu succina gutta à succo dicta, Græcis ἤλεκτρομ [sic], esse {35}lachryma populi albæ, vel etiam nigræ quibusdam videtur, ab ejusdem arboris resina. Dioscoridi et Galeno dicta differens et πτερυγοφόρος, id est paleas trahens, quoque vocatur, quantum ei quoque Galenus tribuit li. 37, ca. 9. Succinum scribit à quibusdam pinei generis arboribus, ut gummi à cerasis excidere autumno, et largum mitti ex Germania septentrionali, et insulis maris Germanici. quod hodie nobis est compertissimum: ad hæc liquata igni valentiore, quia à frigido intensiore concrevit. pineam aperte olet, calidum primo gradu, siccum secundo, stomachum roborat, vomitum, nauseam arcet. cordis palpitationi prodest. pravorem humorum generationem prohibet.
"Germani weiss und gelbaugstein et brenstein.
"Galli ambra vocant: vulgo in corollis precariis frequens."
In the scholia of Johann Lonicer in his edition of Dioscorides, we find, lib. i., cap. xcviii., De nigra Populo:
"ἄιγειρος, populus nigra ... idem electrum vel succinum αἱγείρου lachrymam esse adseverat [Paulus], cui præter vires quæ ab Dioscoride recensentur, tribuit etiam vim sistendi sanguinis, si tusum in potu sumatur. Avicennæ Charabe, ut colligitur ex Joanne Jacobo Manlio, est electrum hoc Dioscoridis, attestatur Brunfelsius. Lucianus planè nullum electrum apud Eridanum seu Padum inveniri tradit, quandoquidem ne populus quidem illa ab nautis ei demonstrari potuerit. Plinius rusticas transpadanas ex electro monilia gestare adfirmat, quum à Venetis primum agnoscere didicissent adversus nimirum vitia gutturis et tonsillarum. Num sit purgamentum maris, vel lachryma populi, vel pinus, vel ex radiis occidentis solis nascatur, vel ex montibus Sudinorum profluat, incertum etiam Erasmus Stella relinquit. Sudinas tamen Borussiorum opes esse constat."
Matthiolus (in P. A. Mattioli ... Opera quæ extant omnia, hoc est Commentarii in vi libros P. Dioscoridis de materia medica, Frankfurt, 1596, p. 133) comments on the suggestion of Galen that amber came from the Populus alba, and also comments on the Arabic, Greek, and Latin names of amber.
The poplar-myth is commemorated by Addison (in Italy) in the lines:
No interwoven reeds a garland made,
To hide his brows within the vulgar shade;
But poplar wreathes around his temples spread,
And tears of amber trickled down his head.
Amber is, however, assuredly not derived from any poplar tree: it comes from a species of pine long ago extinct, called by Göppert the pinites succinifer.
Gilbert does not go into the medicinal uses, real or fancied, that have been ascribed to amber in almost as great variety as to loadstone. Pliny mentions some of these in his Natural Historie (English version of 1601, p. 609):
"He [Callistratus] saith of this yellow Amber, that if it be worne about the necke in a collar, it cureth feavers, and healeth the diseases of the mouth, throat, and jawes: reduced into pouder and tempered with honey and oile of roses, it is soveraigne for the infirmities of the eares. Stamped together with the best Atticke honey, it maketh a singular eyesalve for to help a dim sight: pulverized, and the pouder thereof taken simply alone, or else drunke in water with Masticke, is soveraigne for the maladies of the stomacke."
Nicolaus Myrepsus (Recipe 951, op. citat.) gives a prescription for {36}dysentery and diabetes confiding chiefly of "Electri vel succi Nili (Nili succum appellant Arabes Karabem)."
[112] Page 47, line 22. Page 47, line 26. Sudauienses seu Sudini.—Cardan in De Rerum Varietate, lib. iii., cap. xv. (Editio Basil., 1556, p. 152), says of amber:
"Colligitur in quadam penè insula Sudinorum, qui nunc uocātur Brusci, in Prussia, nunc Borussia, juxta Veneticum sinum, & sunt orientaliores ostiis Vistulæ fluuii: ubi triginta pagi huic muneri destinati sunt," etc. He rejects the theory that it consists of hardened gum.
There exists an enormous literature concerning Amber and the Prussian amber industry. Amongst the earliest works (after Theophrastus and Pliny) are those of Aurifaber (Bericht über Agtstein oder Börnstein, Königsberg, 1551); Goebel (De Succino, Libri duo, authore Severino Gœbelio, Medico Doctore, Regiomont., 1558); and Wigand (Vera historia de Succino Borussico, Jena, 1590). Later on Hartmann, P. J. (Succini Prussici Physica et civilis Historia, Francofurti, 1677); and the splendid folio of Nathaniel Sendel (Historia Succinorum corpora aliena involventium, Lipsiæ, 1742), with its wealth of plates illustrating amber specimens, with the various included fossil fauna and flora. Georgius Agricola (De natura Fossilium, liber iv.), and Aldrovandi (Musæeum Metallicum, pp. 411-412) must also be mentioned. Bibliographies of the earlier literature are to be found in Hartmann (op. citat.), and in Daniel Gralath, Elektrische Bibliothek (Versuche und Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig, Zweiter Theil, pp. 537-539, Danzig and Leipzig, 1754). See also Karl Müllenhoff, Deutsche Altertumskunde, vol. i., Zweites Buch, pp. 211-224, Zinn und Bernsteinhandel (Berlin, 1870), and Humboldt's Cosmos (Bohn's edition, London, 1860, vol. ii., p. 493).
The ancient Greek myth according to which amber was the tears of the Heliades, shed on the banks of the river Eridanus over Phaethon, is not alluded to by Gilbert. It is narrated in well-known passages in Ovid and in Hyginus. Those interested in the modern handling of the myth should refer to Müllenhoff (op. citat., pp. 217-223, der Bernsteinmythus), or to that delightful work The Tears of the Heliades, by W. Arnold Buffum (London, 1896).
[113] Page 47, line 30. Page 47, line 36. quare & muscos ... in frustulis quibusdam comprehensos retinet.—The occurrence of flies in amber was well known to the ancients. Pliny thus speaks of it, book xxxvii., chap. iii. (p. 608 of P. Holland's translation of 1601):
"That it doth destill and drop at the first very clear and liquid, it is evident by this argument, for that a man may see diverse things within, to wit, Pismires, Gnats, and Lizards, which no doubt were entangled and stucke within it when it was greene and fresh, and so remain enclosed within as it waxed harder."
A locust embedded in amber is mentioned in the Musæum Septalianum of Terzagus (Dertonæ, 1664).
Martial's epigram (Epigrammata, liber vi., 15) is well known:
Dum Phaethontea formica vagatur in umbra
Implicuit tenuem succina gutta feram.
See also Hermann (Daniel), De rana et lacerta Succino Borussiaco insitis {37}(Cracov., 1580; a later edition, Rigæ, 1600). The great work on inclusa in amber is, however, that of Nathaniel Sendel. See the previous note.
Sir Thomas Browne must not be forgotten in this connexion. The Pseudodoxia (p. 64 of the second edition, 1650) says:
"Lastly, we will not omit what Bellabonus upon his own experiment writ from Dantzich unto Mellichius, as he hath left recorded in his chapter De Succino, that the bodies of Flies, Pismires and the like, which are said oft times to be included in Amber, are not reall but representative, as he discovered in severall pieces broke for that purpose. If so, the two famous Epigrams hereof in Martiall are but poeticall, the Pismire of Brassavolus Imaginary, and Cardans Mousoleum for a flie, a meer phancy. But hereunto we know not how to assent, as having met with some whose reals made good their representments." See also Pope's Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, line 169.
[114] Page 47, line 34. Page 47, line 40. Commemorant antiqui quod succinum festucas et paleas attrahit.—Pliny (book xxxvii., chap. ii., p. 606 of the English edition of 1601) thus narrates the point:
"Hee [Niceas] writeth also, that in Aegypt it [amber] is engendered.... Semblably in Syria, the women (saith hee) make wherves of it for their spindles, where they use to call it Harpax, because it will catch up leaves, straws, and fringes hanging to cloaths."
p. 608. "To come to the properties that Amber hath, If it bee well rubbed and chaufed betweene the fingers, the potentiall facultie that lieth within, is set on work, and brought into actual operation, whereby you shall see it to drawe chaffe strawes, drie leaves, yea, and thin rinds of the Linden or Tillet tree, after the same sort as loadstone draweth yron."
[115] Page 47, line 36. Page 47, line 42. Quod etiam facit Gagates lapis.—The properties of Jet were well known to the mediæval writers. Julius Solinus writes in De Mirabilibus, chapter xxxiv., Of Britaine (English version of 1587 by A. Golding):
"Moreover to the intent to passe the large aboundance of sundry mettals (whereof Britaine hath many rich mynes on all sides), Here is store of the stone called Geate, and ye best kind of it. If ye demaund ye beautie of it, it is a black Jewell: if the qualitie, it is of no weight: if the nature, it burneth in water, and goeth out in Oyle; if the power, rubbe it till it be warme, and it holdeth such things as are laide to it; as Amber doth. The Realme is partlie inhabited of barbarous people, who even frõ theyr childhoode haue shapes of divers beastes cunninglye impressed and incorporate in theyr bodyes, so that beeing engraued as it were in theyr bowels, as the man groweth, so growe the marks painted vpon him...."
Pliny describes it as follows (p. 589, English edition of 1601):
"The Geat, which otherwise we call Gagates, carrieth the name of a toune and river both in Lycia, called Gages: it is said also, that the sea casteth it up at a full tide or high water into the Island Leucola, where it is gathered within the space of twelve stadia, and no where else: blacke it is, plaine and even, of a hollow substance in manner of the pumish stone, not much differing from the nature of wood; light, brittle, and if it bee rubbed or bruised, of a strong flavour." (Book xxxvi., chap. xviii.)
In the Commentary of Joannes Ruellius upon Dioscorides, Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de medicinali materia libri sex, Ioanne Ruellio Suessionensi interprete ... (Frankfurt, 1543, fol., liber quintus, cap. xcii.) is the following description:
"In Gagatarum lapidum genere, præferendus qui celeriter accenditur, et odorem bituminis reddit. niger est plerunque, et squalidus, crustosus, per quam levis. Vis ei molliendi, et discutiendi. deprehendit sonticum morbum suffitus, recreatque uuluæ strangulationes. fugat serpentes nidore. podagricis medicaminibus, et a copis additur. In Cilicia nasci solet, qua influens amnis in mare effunditur, proxime oppidum quod Plagiopolis dicitur. vocatur autem et locus et amnis Gagas, in cujus faucibus ii lapides inveniuntur.
"Gagates lapis colore atro, Germanis Schwartzer augstein, voce parum depravata, dicitur. odore dum uritur bituminis, siccat, glutinat, digerit admotus, in corollis precariis et salinis frequens."
And in the Scholia upon Dioscorides of Joannes Lonicer (Marpurgi, 1643, cap. xcvii., p. 80) is the following:
"De Gagate Lapide. Ab natali solo, urbe nimirum Gagae Lyciae nomen habet. Galenus se flumen isthuc et lapidem non invenisse, etiamsi naui parua totam Lyciam perlustravit: ait, se autem in caua Syria multos nigros lapides invenisse glebosos, qui igni impositi, exiguam flammam gignerent. Meminit hujus Nicander in Theriacis nempe suffitum hujus abigere venenata."
There is also a good account of Gagates (and of Succinum) by Langius, Epistola LXXV., p. 454, of the work Epistolarum medicinalium volumen tripartitum (Francofurti, 1589).
[116] Page 47, line 39. Page 47, line 45. Multi sunt authores moderni.—The modern authors who raised Gilbert's wrath by ignorantly copying out all the old tales about amber, jet, and loadstone, instead of investigating the facts, were, as he says at the beginning of the chapter, some theologians, and some physicians. He seems to have taken a special dislike to Albertus Magnus, to Puteanus (Du Puys), and to Levinus Lemnius.
[117] Page 47, line 39. Page 47, line 46. & gagate.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 both read ex gagate.
[118] Page 48, line 14. Page 48, line 16. Nam non solum succinum, & gagates (vt illi putant) allectant corpuscula.—The list of bodies known to become electrical by friction was not quite so restricted as would appear from this passage. Five, if not six, other minerals had been named in addition to amber and jet.
(1.) Lyncurium. This stone, about which there has been more obscurity and confusion than about any other gem, is supposed by some writers to be the tourmaline, by others a jacinth, and by others a belemnite. The ancients supposed it to be produced from the urine of the lynx. The following is the account of Theophrastus, Theophrastus's History of Stones. With an English Version ..., by "Sir" John Hill, London, 1774, p. 123, ch. xlix.-l. "There is some Workmanship required to bring the Emerald to its Lustre, for originally it is not so bright. It is, however, excellent in its Virtues, as is also the Lapis Lyncurius, which is likewise used for engraving Seals on, and is of a very solid Texture, as Stones are; it has also an attractive Power, like that of Amber, and is said to attract not only Straws and small pieces of Sticks, but even Copper and Iron, if they are beaten to thin pieces. This Diocles affirms. The Lapis Lyncurius is pellucid, and of a fire Colour." See also W. Watson in Philos. Trans., 1759, L. i., p. 394, Observations concerning the Lyncurium of the ancients.
(2.) Ruby.
(3.) Garnet. The authority for both these is Pliny, Nat. Hist., book xxxvii., chap. vii. (p. 617 of English edition of 1601).
"Over and besides, I find other sorts of Rubies different from those above-named;... which being chaufed in the Sun, or otherwise set in a heat by rubbing with the fingers, will draw unto them chaffe, strawes, shreads, and leaves of paper. The common Grenat also of Carchedon or Carthage, is said to doe as much, although it be inferiour in price to the former."
(4.) Jasper. Affaytatus is the authority, in Fortunii Affaitati Physici atque Theologi ... Physicæ & Astronomicæ cōsiderationes (Venet., 1549), where, on p. 20, he speaks of the magnet turning to the pole, likening it to the turning of a "palea ab Ambro vel Iaspide et hujuscemodi lapillis lucidis."
(5.) Lychnis. Pliny and St. Isidore speak of a certain stone lychnis, of a scarlet or flame colour, which, when warmed by the sun or between the fingers, attracts straws or leaves of papyrus. Pliny puts this stone amongst carbuncles, but it is much more probably rubellite, that is to say, red tourmaline.
(6.) Diamond. In spite of the confusion already noted, à propos of adamas (Note to p. 47), between loadstone and diamond, there seems to be one distinct record of an attractive effect having been observed with a rubbed diamond. This was recorded by Fracastorio, De sympathia et antipathia rerum (Giunta edition, Venice, MDLXXIIII, chap. v., p. 60 verso), "cujus rei & illud esse signum potest, cum confricata quædã vt Succinum, & Adamas fortius furculos trahunt." And (on p. 62 recto); "nam si per similitudine (vt supra diximus) fit hæc attractio, cur magnes non potius magnetem trahit, q˜ ferrum, & ferrum non potius ad ferrum movetur, quàm ad magnetem? quæ nam affinitas est pilorum, & furculorum cum Electro, & Adamante? præsertim q˜ si cum Electro affines sunt, quomodo & cum Adamante affinitatem habebunt, qui dissimilis Electro est?" An incontestable case of the observation of the electrification of the diamond occurs in Gartias ab Horto. The first edition of his Historia dei Semplici Aromati was publisht at Goa in India in 1563. In chapter xlviii. on the Diamond, occur these words (p. 200 of the Venetian edition of 1616): "Questo si bene ho sperimentato io più volte, che due Diamanti perfetti fregati insieme, si vniscono di modo insieme, che non di leggiero li potrai separare. Et ho parimente veduto il Diamante dopo di esser ben riscaldato, tirare à se le festuche, non men, che si faccia l'elettro." See also Aldrovandi, Musæum Metallicum (Bonon., 1648, p. 947).
Levinus Lemnius also mentions the Diamond along with amber. See his Occulta naturæ miracula (English edition, London, 1658, p. 199).
[119] Page 48, line 16. Page 48, line 18. Iris gemma.—The name iris was given, there can be little doubt, to clear six sided prisms of rock-crystal (quartz), which, when held in the sun's beams, cast a crude spectrum of the colours of the rainbow. The following is the account of it given in Pliny, book xxxvii., chap. vii. (p. 623 of the English version of 1601):
"... there is a stone in name called Iris: digged out of the ground it is in a certaine Island of the red sea, distant from the city Berenice three score miles. For the most part it resembleth Crystall: which is the reason that some hath tearmed it the root of Crystall. But the cause why they call it Iris, is, That if the beames of the Sunne strike upon it directly within house, it doth send from it against the walls that bee neare, the very resemblance both in forme and also in colour of a rainebow; and eftsoones it will chaunge the same in much varietie, to the great admiration of them that behold it. For certain it is knowne, that six angles it hath in manner of the Crystall: but they say that some of them have their sides rugged, and the same {40}unequally angled: which if they be laid abroad against the Sunne in the open aire, do scatter the beames of the Sunne, which light upon them too and fro: also that others doe yeeld a brightnes from themselves, and thereby illuminat all that is about them. As for the diverse colours which they cast forth, it never happeneth but in a darke or shaddowie place: whereby a man may know, that the varietie of colours is not in the stone Iris, but commeth by the reverberation of the wals. But the best Iris is that which representeth the greatest circles upon the wall, and those which bee likest unto rainebowes indeed."
In the English translation of Solinus's De Mirabilibus (The excellent and pleasant worke of Julius Solinus containing the noble actions of humaine creatures, the secretes and providence of nature, the descriptions of countries ... tr. by A. Golding, gent., Lond., 1587), chapter xv. on Arabia has the following:
"Hee findeth likewise the Iris in the Red sea, sixe cornered as the Crystall: which beeing touched with the Sunnebeames, casteth out of him a bryght reflexion of the ayre like the Raynebowe."
Iris is also mentioned by Albertus Magnus (De mineralibus, Venet., 1542, p. 189), by Marbodeus Gallus (De lapidibus, Par. 1531, p. 78), who describes it as "crystallo simulem sexangulam," by Lomatius (Artes of curious Paintinge, Haydocke's translation, Lond., 1598, p. 157), who says, "... the Sunne, which casting his beames vpon the stone Iris, causeth the raine-bowe to appeare therein ...," and by "Sir" John Hill (A General Natural History, Lond., 1748, p. 179).
Figures of the Iris given by Aldrovandi in the Musæum Metallicum clearly depict crystals of quartz.
[120] Page 48, line 16. Page 48, line 18. Vincentina, & Bristolla (Anglica gemma siue fluor). This is doubtless the same substance as the Gemma Vincentij rupis mentioned on p. 54, line 16 (p. 54, line 18, of English Version), and is nothing else than the so-called "Bristol diamond," a variety of dark quartz crystallized in small brilliant crystals upon a basis of hæmatite. To the work by Dr. Thomas Venner (Lond., 1650), entitled Via Recta or the Bathes of Bathe, there is added an appendix, A Censure concerning the water of Saint Vincents Rocks neer Bristol (Urbs pulchra et Emporium celebre), in which, at p. 376, occurs this passage: "This Water of Saint Vincents Rock is of a very pure, cleare, crystalline substance, answering to those crystalline Diamonds and transparent stones that are plentifully found in those Clifts."
In the Fossils Arranged of "Sir" John Hill (Lond., 1771), p. 123, is the following entry: "Black crystal. Small very hard heavy glossy. Perfectly black, opake. Bristol (grottos, glass)" referring to its use.
The name Vincentina is not known as occurring in any mineralogical book. Prof. H. A. Miers, F.R.S., writes concerning the passage: "Anglica gemma sive fluor seems to be a synonym for Bristolla, or possibly for Vincentina et Bristolla. Both quartz and fluor are found at Clifton. In that case Vincentina and Bristolla refer to these two minerals, and if so one would expect Bristolla to be the Bristol Diamond, and Vincentina to be the comparatively rare Fluor spar from that locality."
At the end of the edition of 1653 of Sir Hugh Plat's Jewel House of Art and Nature, is appended A rare and excellent Discourse of Minerals, Stones, Gums, and Rosins; with the vertues and use thereof, By D. B. Gent. Here, p. 218, we read:
"We have in England a stone or mineral called a Bristol stone (because {41}many are found thereabouts) which much resembles the Adamant or Diamond, which is brought out of Arabia and Cyprus; but as it is wanting of the same hardnesse, so falls it short of the like vertues."
[121] Page 48, line 18. Page 48, line 19. Crystallus.—Rock-crystal. Quartz. Pliny's account of it (Philemon Holland's version of 1601, p. 604) in book xxxvii., chap, ii., is:
"As touching Crystall, it proceedeth of a contrarie cause, namely of cold; for a liquor it is congealed by extreame frost in manner of yce; and for proofe hereof, you shall find crystall in no place els but where the winter snow is frozen hard: so as we may boldly say, it is verie yce and nothing else, whereupon the Greeks have give it the right name Crystallos, i. Yce.... Thus much I dare my selfe avouch, that crystall groweth within certaine rockes upon the Alps, and these so steepe and inaccessible, that for the most part they are constrained to hang by ropes that shall get it forth."
[122] Page 48, line 18. Page 48, line 20. Similes etiam attrahendi vires habere videntur vitrum ... sulphur, mastix, & cera dura sigillaris. If, as shown above, the electric powers of diamond and ruby had already been observed, yet Gilbert was the first beyond question to extend the list of electrics beyond the class of precious stones, and his discovery that glass, sulphur, and sealing-wax acted, when rubbed, like amber, was of capital importance. Though he did not pursue the discovery into mechanical contrivances, he left the means of that extension to his followers. To Otto von Guericke we owe the application of sulphur to make the first electrical machine out of a revolving globe; to Sir Isaac Newton the suggestion of glass as affording a more mechanical construction.
Electrical attraction by natural products other than amber after they have been rubbed must have been observed by the primitive races of mankind. Indeed Humboldt in his Cosmos (Lond., 1860, vol. i., p. 182) records a striking instance:
"I observed with astonishment, on the woody banks of the Orinoco, in the sports of the natives, that the excitement of electricity by friction was known to these savage races, who occupy the very lowest place in the scale of humanity. Children may be seen to rub the dry, flat and shining seeds or husks of a trailing plant (probably a Negretia) until they are able to attract threads of cotton and pieces of bamboo cane."
[123] Page 48, line 23. Page 48, line 25. arsenicum.—This is orpiment. See the Dictionary of metallick words at the end of Pettus's Fleta Minor.
[124] Page 48, line 23. Page 48, line 26. in convenienti cœlo sicco.—The observation that only in a dry climate do rock-salt, mica, and rock-alum act as electrics is also of capital importance. Compare page 56.
[125] Page 48, line 27. Page 48, line 31. Alliciunt hæc omnia non festucas modo & paleas.—Gilbert himself marks the importance of this discovery by the large asterisk in the margin. The logical consequence was his invention of the first electroscope, the versorium non magneticum, made of any metal, figured on p. 49.
[126] Page 48, line 34. Page 48, line 36. quod tantum siccas attrahat paleas, nec folia ocimi.—This silly tale that basil leaves were not attracted by amber arose in the Quæstiones Convivales of Plutarch. It is repeated by Marbodeus and was quoted by Levinus Lemnius as true. Gilbert denounced it as nonsense. Cardan (De Subtilitate, Norimb., 1550, p. 132) had already contradicted the fable. "Trahit enim," he says, "omnia levia, paleas, festucas, ramenta {42}tenuia metallorum, & ocimi folia, perperam contradicente Theophrasto." Sir Thomas Browne specifically refuted it. "For if," he says, "the leaves thereof or dried stalks be stripped into small strawes, they arise unto Amber, Wax, and other Electricks, no otherwise then those of Wheat or Rye."
[127] Page 48, line 34. Page 48, line 38. Sed vt poteris manifestè experiri....
Gilbert's experimental discoveries in electricity may be summarized as follows:
1. The generalization of the class of Electrics.
2. The observation that damp weather hinders electrification.
3. The generalization that electrified bodies attract everything,
including even metals, water, and oil.
4. The invention of the non-magnetic versorium or electroscope.
5. The observation that merely warming amber does not electrify it.
6. The recognition of a definite class of non-electrics.
7. The observation that certain electrics do not attract if roasted or
8. That certain electrics when softened by heat lose their power.
9. That the electric effluvia are stopped by the interposition of a sheet
of paper or a piece of linen, or by moist air blown from the mouth.
10. That glowing bodies, such as a live coal, brought near excited amber
discharge its power.
11. That the heat of the sun, even when concentrated by a burning mirror,
confers no vigour on the amber, but dissipates the effluvia.
12. That sulphur and shell-lac when aflame are not electric.
13. That polish is not essential for an electric.
14. That the electric attracts bodies themselves, not the intervening air.
15. That flame is not attracted.
16. That flame destroys the electrical effluvia.
17. That during south winds and in damp weather, glass and crystal, which
collect moisture on their surface, are electrically more interfered
with than amber, jet and sulphur, which do not so easily take up
moisture on their surfaces.
18. That pure oil does not hinder production of electrification or exercise
of attraction.
19. That smoke is electrically attracted, unless too rare.
20. That the attraction by an electric is in a straight line toward it.
[128] Page 48, line 35. Page 48, line 39. quæ sunt illæ materiæ.—Gilbert's list of electrics should be compared with those given subsequently by Cabeus (1629), by Sir Thomas Browne (1646), and by Bacon. The last-named list occurs in his Physiological Remains, published posthumously in 1679; it contains nothing new. Sir Thomas Browne's list is given in the following passage, which is interesting as using for the first time in the English language the noun Electricities:
"Many stones also both precious and vulgar, although terse and smooth, have not this power attractive; as Emeralds, Pearle, Jaspis, Corneleans, Agathe, Heliotropes, Marble, Alablaster, Touchstone, Flint and Bezoar. Glasse attracts but weakely though cleere, some slick stones and thick glasses indifferently: Arsenic but weakely, so likewise glasse of Antimony, but Crocus Metallorum not at all. Saltes generally but weakely, as Sal Gemma, Alum, and also Talke, nor very discoverably by any frication: but if gently warmed at the fire, and wiped with a dry cloth, they will better discover their Electricities." (Pseudodoxia Epidemica, p. 79.)
In the Philosophical Transactions, vol. xx., p. 384, is A Catalogue of Electrical Bodies by the late Dr. Rob. Plot. It begins "Non solum succinum," and ends "alumen rupeum," being identical with Gilbert's list except that he calls "Vincentina & Bristolla" by the name "Pseudoadamas Bristoliensis."
[129] Page 49, line 25. Page 49, line 30. non dissimili modo.—The modus {43}operandi of the electrical attractions was a subject of much discussion; see Cardan, op. citat.
[130] Page 51, line 2. Page 51, line 1. appellunt.—This appears to be a misprint for appelluntur.
[131] Page 51, line 22. Page 51, line 23. smyris.—Emery. This substance is mentioned on p. 22 as a magnetic body.
[132] Page 52, line 1. Page 51, line 46. gemmæ ... vt Crystallus, quæ ex limpidâ concreuit. See the note to p. 48.
[133] Page 52, line 30. Page 52, line 32. ammoniacum.—Ammoniacum, or Gutta Ammoniaca, is described by Dioscorides as being the juice of a ferula grown in Africa, resembling galbanum, and used for incense.
"Ammoniack is a kind of Gum like Frankincense; it grows in Lybia, where Ammon's Temple was." Sir Hugh Plat's Jewel House of Art and Nature (Ed. 1653, p. 223).
[134] Page 52, line 38. Page 52, line 41. duæ propositæ sunt causæ ... materia & forma.—Gilbert had imbibed the schoolmen's ideas as to the relations of matter and form. He had discovered and noted that in the magnetic attractions there was always a verticity, and that in the electrical attractions the rubbed electrical body had no verticity. To account for these differences he drew the inference that since (as he had satisfied himself) the magnetic actions were due to form, that is to say to something immaterial—to an "imponderable" as in the subsequent age it was called—the electrical actions must necessarily be due to matter. He therefore put forward his idea that a substance to be an electric must necessarily consist of a concreted humour which is partially resolved into an effluvium by attrition. His discoveries that electric actions would not pass through flame, whilst magnetic actions would, and that electric actions could be screened off by interposing the thinnest layer of fabric such as sarcenet, whilst magnetic actions would penetrate thick slabs of every material except iron only, doubtless confirmed him in attributing the electric forces to the presence of these effluvia. See also p. 65. There arose a fashion, which lasted over a century, for ascribing to "humours," or "fluids," or "effluvia," physical effects which could not otherwise be accounted for. Boyle's tracts of the years 1673 and 1674 on "effluviums," their "determinate nature," their "strange subtilty," and their "great efficacy," are examples.
[135] Page 53, line 9. Page 53, line 11. Magnes vero....—This passage from line 9 to line 24 states very clearly the differences to be observed between the magnetical and the electrical attractions.
[136] Page 53, line 36. Page 53, line 41. succino calefacto.—Ed. 1633 reads succinum in error.
[137] Page 54, line 9. Page 54, line 11. Plutarchus ... in quæstionibus Platonicis.—The following Latin version of the paragraph in Quæstio sexta is taken from the bilingual edition publisht at Venice in 1552, p. 17 verso, liber vii., cap. 7 (or, Quæstio Septima in Ed. Didot, p. 1230).
"Electrum uero quæ apposita sunt, nequaquàm trahit, quem admodum nec lapis ille, qui sideritis nuncupatur, nec quicquā à seipso ad ea quæ in propinquo sunt, extrinsecus assilit. Verum lapis magnes effluxiones quasdam tum graves, tum etiam spiritales emittit, quibus aer continuatus & iunctus repellitur. Is deinceps alium sibi proximum impellit, qui in orbem circum actus, atque ad inanem locum rediens, ui ferrum fecum rapit & trahit. At Electrum uim quandam flammæ similem & spiritalem continet, quam quidem {44}tritu summæ partis, quo aperiuntur meatus, foras eijcit. Nam leuissima corpuscula & aridissima quæ propè sunt, sua tenuitate atque imbecillitate ad seipsum ducit & rapit, cum non sit adeo ualens, nec tantum habeat ponderis & momenti ad expellendam aeris copiam, ut maiora corpora more Magnetis superare possit & uincere."
[138] Page 54, line 16. Page 54, line 18. Gemma Vincentij rupis.—See the note to p. 48 supra, where the name Vincentina occurs.
[139] Page 54, line 30. Page 54, line 35. orobi.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 read oribi.
[140] Page 55, line 34. Page 55, line 42. in euacuati.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 read inevacuati.
[141] Page 58, line 21. Page 58, line 25. assurgentem vndam ... declinat ab F.—These words are wanting in the Stettin editions.
[142] Page 59, line 9. Page 59, line 9. fluore.—This word is conjectured to be a misprint for fluxu but it stands in all editions.
[143] Page 59, line 22. Page 59, line 25. Ruunt ad electria.—This appears to be a slip for electrica, which is the reading of the editions of 1628 and 1633.
[144] Page 60, line 7. Page 60, line 9. tanq materiales radij.—The suggestion here of material rays as the modus operandi of electric forces seems to foreshadow the notion of electric lines of force.
[145] Page 60, line 10. Page 60, line 12. Differentia inter magnetica & electrica.—Though Gilbert was the first systematically to explore the differences that exist between the magnetic attraction of iron and the electric attraction of all light substances, the point had not passed unheeded, for we find St. Augustine, in the De Civitate Dei, liber xxi., cap. 6, raising the question why the loadstone which attracts iron should refuse to move straws. The many analogies between electric and magnetic phenomena had led many experimenters to speculate on the possibility of some connexion between electricity and magnetism. See, for example, Tiberius Cavallo, A Treatise on Magnetism, London, 1787, p. 126. Also the three volumes of J. H. van Swinden, Receuil de Mémoires sur l'Analogie de Electricité et du Magnétisme, La Haye, 1784. Aepinus wrote a treatise on the subject, entitled De Similitudine vis electricæ et magneticæ (Petropolis, 1758). This was, of course, long prior to the discovery, by Oersted, in 1820, of the real connexion between magnetism and the electric current.
[146] Page 60, line 25. Page 60, line 31. Coitionem dicimus, non attractionem.—See the remarks, at the outset of these Notes, on Gilbert's definitions of words.
[147] Page 60, line 33. Page 61, line 1. Orpheus in suis carminibus.—This passage is in the chapter Λιθικά of Orpheus, verses 301 to 327. See Note to p. 11, line 19.
[148] Page 61, line 15. Page 61, line 19. Platonis in Timæo opinio.—The passage runs (edition Didot, vol. ii., p. 240, or Stephanus, p. 80, C.):
Καὶ δὴ καὶ τὰ τῶν ὑδάτων πάντα ῥεύματα ἔτι δὲ τὰ τῶν κεραυνῶν πτώματα καὶ τὰ θαυμαζόμενα ἠλέκτρων περὶ τῆς ἕλξεως καὶ τῶν Ἡρακλείων λίθων, πάντων τούτων ὁλκὴ μὲν οὐκ ἔστιν οὐδένι ποτε, τὸ δὲ κενὸν εἶναι μηδεν περιωθεῖν τε αὑτὰ ταῦτα εἰς ἄλληλα, τό τε διακρινόμενα καὶ συγκρινόμενα πρὸς τήν αὑτῶν διαμειβόμενα ἕδραν ἕκαστα ἰέναι πάντα, τούτοις τοῖς παθήμασι πρὸς ἄλληλα συμπλεχθεῖσι τεθαυματουργημένα τῷ κατὰ τρόπον ζητοῦντι φανήσεται.
[149] Page 61, Line 30. Page 61, line 38. The English version of the lines of Lucretius is from Busby's translation.
[150] Page 62, line 5. {45}Page 62, line 7. Iohannes Costæus Laudensis.—Joannes Costa, of Lodi, edited Galen and Avicenna. He also wrote a De universali stirpium Natura (Aug. Taurin., 1578).
[151] Page 63, line 3. Page 63, line 4. Cornelius Gemma 10. Cosmocrit.—This refers to the work De Naturæ Divinis Characterismis ... Libri ii. Avctore D. Corn. Gemma (Antv., 1575, lib. i., cap. vii., p. 123).
"Certè vt à magnete insensiles radij ferrum ad se attrahunt, ab echineide paruo pisciculo sistuntur plena nauigia, à catoblepa spiritu non homines solùm, sed & alta serpentum genera interimuntur, & saxa dehiscunt."
See also Kircher's Magneticum Naturæ Regnum (Amsterodami, 1667, p. 172), Sectio iv., cap. iii., De Magnete Navium, quæ Remora seu Echeneis dicitur. See the note to p. 7, line 21.
[152] Page 63, line 6. Page 63, line 7. Guilielmus Puteanus.—Puteanus (Du Puys) wrote a work De Medicamentorum quomodocunque Purgantium Facultatibus, Libri ii. (Lugd., 1552), in which he talks vaguely about the substantial "form" of the magnet, and quotes Aristotle and Galen.
[153] Page 63, line 21. Page 63, line 25. Baptistæ Portæ.—The passage in the translation is quoted from the English version of 1658, pp. 191, 192.
[154] Page 64, line 4. Page 64, line 9. Eruditè magis Scaliger.—Gilbert pokes fun at Scaliger, whose "erudite" guess (that the motion of iron to the magnet was that of the offspring toward the parent) is to be found in his book De Subtilitate, ad Cardanum, Exercitatio CII. (Lutetiæ, 1557, p. 156 bis).
[155] Page 64, line 7. Page 64, line 11. Diuus Thomas.—On p. 3 Gilbert had already spoken of St. Thomas Aquinas as a man of intellect who would have added more about the magnet had he been more conversant with experiments. The passage here quoted is from the middle of Liber vii. of his commentaries on the de Physica of Aristotle, Expositio Diui Thome Aquinatis Doctoris Angelici super octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis, etc. (Venice, Giunta edition, 1539, p. 96 verso, col. 2).
[156] Page 64, line 16. Page 64, line 24. Cardinalis etiam Cusanus.—Cardinal de Cusa (Nicolas Khrypffs) wrote a set of dialogues on Statics, Nicolai Cusani de staticis experimentis dialogus (1550), of which an English version appeared in London in 1650 with the title, The Idiot in four books; the first and second of wisdom, the third of the minde, the fourth of statick experiments. By the famous and learned C. Cusanus. In the fourth book of statick Experiments, Or experiments of the Ballance, occurs (p. 186) the following:
"Orat. Tell me, if thou hast any device whereby the vertues of stones may be weighed.
"Id. I thinke the vertue of the Load-stone might be weighed, if putting some Iron in one scale, and a Load-stone in the other, untill the ballance were even, then taking away the Load-stone, and some other thing of the same weight being put into the scale, the Load-stone were holden over the Iron, so that that scale wou'd begin to rise; by reason of the Load-stones attraction of the Iron, then take out some of the weight of the other scale, untill the scale wherein the iron is, doe sinke againe to the æquilibrium, or equality still holding the Load-stone unmovable as it was; I beleeve that by weight of what was taken out of the contrary scale, one might come proportionably to the weight of the vertue or power of the Load-stone. And in like manner, the vertue of a Diamond, might be found hereby, because {46}they say it hinders the Load-stone from drawing of Iron; and so other vertues of other stones, consideration, being alwayes had of the greatnesse of the bodyes, because in a greater body, there is a greater power and vertue."
In the 1588 edition of Baptista Porta's Magiæ Naturalis Libri xx., in lib. vii., cap. xviii., occurs the description of the use of the balance to which Gilbert refers.
[157] Page 67, line 21. Page 67, line 22. aëris rigore.—All editions read thus, but the sense seems to require frigore.
[158] Page 67, line 27. Page 67, line 31. Fracastorius.—See his De Sympathia, lib. i., cap. 5 (Giunta edition, 1574, p. 60).
[159] Page 68, line 5. Page 68, line 6. Thaletis Milesij.—See the note to p. 11, line 26.
[160] Page 68, line 30. Page 68, line 35. Ità coitio magnetica actus est magnetis, & ferri, non actio vnius.—See the introductory remarks to these notes. There is a passage in Scaliger's De Subtilitate ad Cardanum (Exercitat. CII., cap. 5, p. 156 op. citat.) which may be compared with Gilbert's for its use of Greek terms: "Nã cùm uita dicatur actus animæ, acceptus est abs te actus pro actione. Sed actus ille est ἐντελέχεια, nõ autem ἔργον. At Magnetis attractio est ἔργον, non autẽ ἐντελέχεια." To which Gilbert retorts: "non actio unius, utriusque ἐντελέχεια; non ἔργον, συνεντελέχεια et conactus potius quam sympathia." He returns on p. 70 to the attack on Scaliger's metaphysical notions. There is a parallel passage in the Epitome Naturalis Scientiæ of Daniel Sennert (Oxoniæ, 1664), in the chapter De Motu.
[161] Page 71, line 4. Page 71, line 8. vt in 8. physicorum Themistius existimat.—See Omnia Themistii Opera (Aldine edition, 1533, p. 63), Book 8 of his Paraphrase on Aristotle's Physica.
[162] Page 71, line 9. Page 71, line 14. Quod verò Fracastorius.—Op. citat., lib. i., cap. 7, p. 62 verso.
[163] Page 73, line 2. Page 73, line 2. si A borealis.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 omit the twelve words next following.
[164] Page 73, line 9. Page 73, line 11. ex minera.—Minera is not a recognized word, even in late Latin. It occurs again, p. 97, line 12.
[165] Page 77, line 2. Page 77, line 2. multo magis.—This is an à fortiori argument. It is interesting to find Gilbert comparing the velocity of propagation of magnetic forces in space with the velocity of light. The parallel is completed in line 13 by the consideration that as the rays of light require to fall upon an object in order that they may become visible, so the magnetic forces require a magnetic object in order to render their presence sensible.
[166] Page 78, line 14. Page 78, line 16. Orbem terrarum distinguunt.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 here add a figure of a globe marked with meridians and parallels of latitude, but with an erroneous versorium pointing to the south. These editions also both read existentiam for the word existentium in line 20.
[167] Page 83, line 5. Page 83, line 5. magnes longior maiora pondera ferri attollit.—Gilbert discovered the advantage, for an equal mass of loadstone, of an elongated shape. It is now well known that the specific amount of magnetism retained by elongated forms exceeds that in a short piece of the same material subjected to equal magnetizing forces.
[168] Page 83, line 24. Page 83, line 28. Non obstant crassa tabulata.—Gilbert has several times referred (e.g., on p. 77) to the way in which magnetic forces penetrate solid bodies. The experimental investigation in this chapter {47}is the more interesting because it shows that Gilbert clearly perceived the shielding action of iron to be due to iron conducting aside or diverting the magnetic forces.
[169] Page 85, line 26. Page 85, line 31. non conveniant.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 both read et conveniant.
[170] Page 86, line 3. Page 86, line 3. illud quod exhalat.—Literally, that which exhales, in the sense of that which escapes: but in modern English the verb exhale in the active voice is now not used of the substance that escapes, but is used of the thing which emits it. It must therefore be rendered that which is exhaled (i.e., breathed out).
[171] Page 86, line 13. Page 86, line 15. Ita tota interposita moles terrestris.—Gilbert's notion that the gravitational force of the moon in producing the tides acts through the substance of the earth may seem curiously expressed. But the underlying contention is essentially true to-day. The force of gravity is not cut off or screened off by the interposition of other masses. A recent investigation by Professor Poynting, F.R.S., has shown that so far as all evidence goes all bodies, even the densest, are transparent with respect to gravitational forces.
[172] Page 86, line 18. Page 86, line 20. Sed de æstus ratione aliàs.—There is no further discussion of the tides in De Magnete. But a short account is to be found in Gilbert's posthumous work De Mundo nostro Sublunari Philosophia nova (Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1651), in Lib. v., the part which in the manuscript was left in English, and was turned into Latin by his brother. It comprises about fifteen quarto pages, from Cap. X. to Cap. XIX. inclusive, beginning with a characteristic diatribe against Taisnier, Levinus Lemnius, and Scaliger. But in assigning causes he himself goes wide of the mark. Proceeding by a process of elimination he first shows that the moon's light cannot be the cause that impels the tides. "Luna," he says, "non radio, non lumine, maria impellit. quomodo igitur? Sane corporum conspiratione, acque (ut similitudine rem exponam) Magnetica attractione." This cryptic utterance he proceeds to explain by a diagram, and adds: "Quare Luna non tam attrahit mare, quàm humorem & spiritum subterraneum; nec plus resistit interposita terra, quàm mensa, aut quicquam aliud densum, aut crassum, magnetis viribus."
[173] Page 87, line 7. Page 87, line 9. armatura.—Here this means the cap or snout of iron with which the loadstone was armed. This is apparently the first use of the term in this sense.
In the Dialogues of Galileo (p. 369 of Salusbury's Mathematical Collections, Dialogue iii.), Sagredus and Salviatus discuss the arming of the loadstone, and the increased lifting power conferred by adding an iron cap. Salviatus mentions a loadstone in the Florentine Academy which, unarmed, weighed six ounces, lifting only two ounces, but which when armed took up 160 ounces. Whereupon Galileo makes Salviatus say: "I extreamly praise, admire, and envy this Authour, for that a conceit so stupendious should come into his minde. ... I think him [i.e., Gilbert] moreover worthy of extraordinary applause for the many new and true Observations that he made, to the disgrace of so many fabulous Authours, that write not only what they do not know, but whatever they hear spoken by the foolish vulgar, never seeking to assure themselves of the same by experience, perhaps, because they are unwilling to diminish the bulk of their Books."
[174] Page 87, line 12. Page 87, line 15. The reference to lib. 3 is {48}a misprint for lib. 2. It is corrected in the edition of 1633, but not in that of 1628.
[175] Page 87, line 17. Page 87, line 21. conactu.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 read conatu.
[176] Page 88, line 2. Page 88, line 3. Coitio verò non fortior.—This heading to chap. xix., taken with the seven lines that follow, and the contrast drawn between unitio and coitio, throw much light on the fundamental sense attached by Gilbert to the term coitio. It is here clearly used in the sense of mutual tendency toward union. Note also the contrasted use in chap. xx. of the verbs cohære and adhære. Adhærence connotes a one-sided force (an impossibility in physics), cohærence a mutual force.
[177] Page 90, line 9. Page 90, line 9. nempè vt alter polus maius pondus arripiat.—This acute observation is even now not as well known as it ought to be. Only so recently as 1861 Siemens patented the device of fastening a mass of iron to one end of an electromagnet in order to increase the power of the other end. The fact, so far as it relates to permanent magnets was known to Servington Savery. See Philos. Transactions, 1729, p. 295.
[178] Page 92, line 3. Page 92, line 4. Suspendit in aëre ferrum Baptista Porta.—Porta's experiment is thus described (Natural Magick, London, 1658, p. 204): "Petrus Pellegrinus saith, he shewed in another work how that might be done: but that work is not to be found. Why I think it extream hard, I shall say afterwards. But I say it may be done, because I have now done it, to hold it fast by an invisible band, to hang in the air; onely so, that it be bound with a small thread beneath, that it may not rise higher: and then striving to catch hold of the stone above, it will hang in the air, and tremble and wag itself."
[179] Page 97, line 29. Page 97, line 33. Sed quæri potest ...—The question here raised by Gilbert is whether the lifting-power of magnets of equal quality is proportional to their weight. If a stone weighing a drachm will lift a drachm, would a stone that weighs an ounce lift an ounce? Gilbert erroneously answers that this is so, and that the lifting-power of a loadstone, whether armed or unarmed, is proportional to its mass.
The true law of the tractive force or lifting-power of magnets was first given in 1729 by James Hamilton (afterwards Earl of Abercorn) in a work entitled Calculations and Tables Relating to the Attractive Virtue of Loadstones ... Printed [at London?] in the Year 1729. (See also a paper in the Philos. Transactions, 1729-30, vol. xxxvi., p. 245). This work begins thus:
"The Principle upon which these Tables are formed, is this: That if Two Loadstones are perfectly Homogeneous, that is, if their Matter be of the same Specifick Gravity, and of the same Virtue in all Parts of one Stone, as in the other; and that Like Parts of their Surfaces are Cap'd or Arm'd with Iron; then the Weights they sustain will be as the Squares of the Cube Roots of the Weights of the Loadstones; that is, as their Surfaces."
Upon lifting-power see also D. Bernoulli, Acta Helvetica, iii., p. 223, 1758; P. W. Haecker, Zur Theorie des Magnetismus, Nürnberg, 1856; Van der Willigen, Arch. du Musée Teyler, vol. iv., Haarlem, 1878 ; S. P. Thompson, Philos. Magazine, July, 1888.
In the book of James Hamilton, p. 5, he mentions a small terrella weighing 139 English grains, which would sustain no less than 23,760 grains, and was valued at £21 13s. 10¾d.
In the Musæum Septalianum of Terzagus (Dertonæ, 1664, p. 42) is mentioned a loadstone weighing twelve ounces which would lift sixty pounds of iron.
Sir Isaac Newton had a loadstone weighing 3 grains, which he wore in a ring. It would lift 746 grains.
Thomson's British Annual, 1837, p. 354, gives the following reference: "In the Records of General Science, vol. iii., p. 272, there is an interesting description of a very powerful magnet which was sent from Virginia in 1776 by the celebrated Dr. Franklin to Professor Anderson, of Glasgow. It is now in the possession of Mr. Crichton. It weighs 2½ grains, and is capable of supporting a load of 783 grains, which is equivalent to 313 times its own weight."
[180] Page 99, line 10. Page 99, line 11. Manifestum est.—In this, as in many other passages, Gilbert uses this expression in the sense that it is demonstrable rather than meaning that it is obvious: for the fact here described is one that is not at all self-evident, but one which would become plain when the experiment had been tried. For other instances of this use of manifestum see pages 144, line 20; 158, line 19; 162, line 10.
[181] Page 100, line 20. Page 100, line 24. si per impedimēta ... pervenire possunt.—All editions agree in this reading, but the sense undoubtedly requires non possint. Compare p. 91, line 21.
[182] Page 102, line 4. Page 102, line 4. capite 4.—This is a misprint for capite 40, and is retained in the later editions. In the quotation from Baptista Porta, where the English version of 1658 is adhæred to, the words "& deturbat eam" have been omitted by the translator.
[183] Page 107, line 16. Page 107, line 18. Cardanus scribit.—The alleged perpetual motion machine is mentioned in De rerum varietate, lib. 9, cap. xlviii. (Basil., 1581, p. 641). See also the Note to p. 223. For Peregrinus and for Taisnier, see the note to p. 5, lines 8 and 12.
[184] Page 107, line 19. Page 107, line 21. Antonij de Fantis.—His work is: Tabula generalis scotice subtilitatis octo Sectionibus vniuersam Doctoris Subtilis Peritiā cōplectēs: ab excellentissimo doctore Antonio de Fātis taruisino edita ... Lugd., 1530.
[185] Page 108, line 26. Page 108, line 31. Cusani in staticis.—See the note to p. 64, line 16.
[186] Page 108, line 33. Page 108, line 41. Languidi ... tardiùs acquiescunt.—The editions of 1628 and 1633 omit these seven words.
[187] Page 109, line 11. Page 109, line 13. halinitro.—Either native carbonate of soda or native carbonate of potash might be meant, but not saltpetre. Scaliger, in his De Subtilitate ad Cardanum (Lutet., 1557, p. 164), Exercitatio CIII., 15, under the title, Nitrum non est Salpetræ, says: "More tuo te, tuaque confundis. Salpetræ inter salis fossilis ponis hîc. Mox Halinitrum inter salis, & nitri naturam, speciem obtinere."
"Sal nitrum is salt which is boiled out of the earth, especially fat earth, as in stables, or any place of excrements." (A Chymicall Dictionary explaining Hard Places and Words met withall in the Writings of Paracelsus ..., Lond., 1650.)
[188] Page 109, line 20. Page 109, line 23. arte ioculatoriâ.—Edition 1628, joculatoriâ; edition 1633, jaculatoriâ.
[189] Page 110, line 11. Page 110, line 12. qualis fuit Antonij denarius.—The Elizabethan version of Pliny (book xxxiii., ch. ix., p. 479) runs thus: {50}"To come now unto those that counterfeit money. Antonius whiles hee was one of the three usurping Triumvirs, mixed yron with the Romane silver denier. He tempered it also with the brasen coine, and so sent abroad false and counterfeit money."
Georgius Agricola (De Natura Fossilium, p. 646) says:
"Sed ea fraus capitalis est, non aliter ac eorum qui adulterinas monetas cudunt, argento miscentes multam plumbi candidi portionem, aut etiam ferri, qualis fuit Antonii denarius, ut Plinius memoriæ tradidit. Nunc dicam de candido plumbo, nam majoris pretii est quàm aes. In quod plumbum album, inquit Plinius, addita aeris tertia portione candidi adulteratur stannum."
[190] Page 111, line 3. Page 111, line 3. Meminerunt Chatochitis lapis Plinius, atque Iulius Solinus.—The passage in Pliny (English version of 1601, book xxxvii., ch. x., p. 625) runs:
"Catochitis is a stone proper unto the Island Corsica: in bignesse it exceedeth ordinarie pretious stones: a wonderfull stone, if all be true that is reported thereof, and namely, That if a man lay his hand thereon, it will hold it fast in manner of a glewie gum."
[191] Page 111, line 7. Page 111, line 7. Sagda vel Sagdo.—Albertus Magnus in De Mineralibus (Venet., 1542, p. 202) says:
"Sarda quem alij dicunt Sardo lapis est qui se habet ad tabulas ligni sicut magnes ad ferrū, et ideo adhæret ita fortiter tabulis nauium quòd euelli nō possit, nisi abscindatur cum ipso ea pars tabulæ cui inhæserit, est autē in colore purissimus nitens."
And Pliny (op. citat., p. 629):
"Sagda is a stone, which the Chaldeans find sticking to ships, and they say it is greene as Porrets or Leekes."
[192] Page 111, line 8. Page 111, line 8. Euace.—Evax, king of the Arabs, is said to have written to Nero a treatise on the names, colours, and properties of stones. See the note on Marbodæus, p. 7, line 20.
[193] Page 113, line 14. Page 113, line 19. repulsus sit. The words read thus in all editions, but the sense requires repulsa sint.
[194] Page 113, line 23. Page 113, line 29. Electrica omnia alliciunt cuncta, nihil omninò fugant vnquam, aut propellunt. This denial of electrical repulsion probably arose from the smallness of the pieces of electric material with which Gilbert worked. He could hardly have failed to notice it had he used large pieces of amber or of sealing-wax. Electrical repulsion was first observed by Nicolas Cabeus, Philosophia Magnetica, Ferrara, 1629; but first systematically announced by Otto von Guericke in his treatise Experimenta Nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica, de Vacuo Spatio (Amstel., 1672).
[195] Page 113, line 29. Page 113, line 37. cùm de calore quid sit disputabimus.—The discussion of the nature of heat is to be found in Gilbert's De Mundo nostro Sublunari (Amstel., 1651), lib. i., cap. xxvi., pp. 77-88.
[196] Page 115, line 23. Page 115, line 23. trium vel quatuor digitorum.—Here as in all other places in Gilbert, digitus means a finger's breadth, so that three or four digits means a length of two or three inches, or from six to eight centimetres.
[197] Page 117, line 26. Page 117, line 25. ille Thebit Bencoræ trepidationis motus.
"Trepidation in the ancient Astronomy denot