The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Norwich Directory [1802] This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Norwich Directory [1802] Author: Thomas Peck Release date: January 19, 2014 [eBook #44709] Language: English Credits: Transcribed from the 1802 Thomas Peck edition by David Price. Many thanks to Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library, UK, for kindly allowing their copy to be used for this transcription *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE NORWICH DIRECTORY [1802] *** Transcribed from the 1802 Thomas Peck edition by David Price, email Many thanks to Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library, UK, for kindly allowing their copy to be used for this transcription. THE _Norwich Directory_; CONTAINING An Alphabetical List of the Principal Inhabitants, their Address, Profession, or Trade. _A CONCISE_ HISTORY of NORWICH; _Pointing out the most remarkable Places in it worthy the_ _Attention of Strangers_. WITH THE FOLLOWING TABLES: Streets, lanes, markets, churches, meeting-house, and public buildings. Court of aldermen, sheriffs, common-council, city officers, and committees. The bishop’s, dean and chapter’s, excise, stamp, and post office. Court of Request, Hospitals, treasurers, and court of guardians. Bankers, physicians, surgeons, attorneys, Saturday merchants, &c. Inns, coffee-houses, coaches, waggons, carriers. Lodges of free masons. Fairs in Norfolk. Boarding schools, boarding and lodging houses, &c. The population of Norwich. London and Hull traders, and pack-ships from Yarmouth. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A RETROSPECT of the PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, _Proposed by a Committee formed for that purpose_. WITH AN ENGRAVED _PLAN of the CITY_, _with REFERENCES_. * * * * * BY THOMAS PECK * * * * * Norwich PRINTED AND SOLD BY J. PAYNE, BOOKSELLER, 22, MARKET- PLACE. DEDICATION _To Jeremiah Ives_, _jun. Esq._ _SIR_, _The High Office of Mayor of this City_, _so honourably filled by yourself_, _claims the respectful acknowledgement of the Publisher of this work_, _who is happy to receive permission of dedicating to you this publication_; _and is_, _with all due respect_, _Your very Obliged_ _and Obedient Servant_, _THOMAS PECK_. INTRODUCTION. The difficulty of finding the precise Address of the Inhabitants of so populous a city as Norwich, the general utility of a Directory, and the spirit of Public Improvement which has of late appeared, have, at the present period, rendered this publication peculiarly necessary. The contents are fully expressed in the title-page, the arrangement is adapted to every capacity, and will be found to answer every useful purpose. The houses in each street are all regularly numbered, beginning on the right hand, and returning on the left, with a few exceptions for the sake of convenience. The boards, with the names of the streets, lanes, and thorough-fares, which are now correctly painting, will be put up at the corner, or entrance of each; and the whole will be completed as soon as possible. It is with the greatest pleasure we review the many alterations for public convenience which have been recently made: in particular— The Reservoir in Chapel-field, which, by the aid of a steam-engine, is always filled, and supplies the highest parts of the city with water. The taking down of Brazen-doors, St. Stephen’s, St. Giles’, St. Benedict’s, St. Augustine’s, Pockthorpe, Bishop, and King-street Gates; thereby admitting a current of salubrious air; and if such parts of the wall round as are not built against were to be removed, it would be still more complete. The Paving of the Gentlemen’s Walk with Scotch granate. The taking down of the cumbrous Weigh-house in the Hay-market, which ought now to bear another title, and erecting a house for the purpose on the Castle-Dykes, with an elegant engine, which acts with a steel-yard under ground, and the carriage placed on the level above. The widening of the street, now Orford-street, leading from Hog-hill to the Castle-dykes. The opening from off the Castle-meadow into King-street. The levelling of the old houses at the back of Messrs. Gurney’s, at the foot of the Castle hill. The new Flour Mill, worked by steam, which is erected, by subscription, near Black Friar’s Bridge, for better supplying the city with flour. And the new Horse Barracks, without Pockthorpe. Not to mention the superior appearance which the Shops in the Market-place, London-lane, and other parts of the city, now assume. We have authority to say, that, the two Old Workhouses being in a ruinous state, it is the intention of the Court of Guardians to apply to Parliament for an Act to enable them to build One New and Complete Workhouse—the spot fixed on is the Gilden-croft. Much has been done under the gloomy aspect of War; but from the establishment of Peace, we ardently hope to see our native Commerce revived, every necessary improvement carried into effect, and the splendour of our ancient city equal to its opulence. [Picture: Decorative divider] _We here present our Readers with a Retrospect of the_ PROPOSED _Public Improvements_. On the 23d of January, 1800, John Herring, Esq. then Mayor, summoned a General Meeting of the Inhabitants, at the Guildhall, to consider of the propriety of applying to Parliament for an Act for the better paving, cleaning, lighting, and watching of the city; for removing and preventing annoyances and obstructions, and for regulating hackney coaches. At this meeting, a committee of twenty-one gentlemen was appointed to consider of the plan proposed by the Mayor, and to make a report, to a future general meeting, of the result of its opinion. This committee had several meetings, in which it very minutely investigated the subject submitted to its consideration: it employed proper persons to estimate the expence of paving a particular district, and stationed men at fourteen entrances into the city, to ascertain the actual number of carriages, horses, &c. of every description, which passed and repassed during a week, that a fair calculation might be made of the expence to be incurred, and of the funds to meet it. The result of the labours of this committee was laid before a general meeting of Inhabitants, on the 3d of March following, in a report, which stated the expediency of applying for an Act for the following purposes: I. To empower a Deputy Mayor to be appointed in certain cases. II. To empower the Mayor, or the Deputy Mayor, with one Justice, to adjourn the Sessions in the absence of the Recorder and Steward. III. To better regulate the watch. IV. To better light the city. V. To better regulate the sweeping and cleansing of the city. _£_ The present expence of lighting 632 of watching 550 of sweeping 700 1882 The future expence, under the new regulations proposed by the committee, Lighting 840 Watching 730 1770 Sweeping 200 would amount to a saving of 112 And on a supposition that scavengers would undertake the sweeping, &c. for the produce of the muck, the saving would be £312. VI. To new pave the city. The expence of the new pavement, with foot paths on each side of the streets, the middle of the streets crowning, and the removing of all obstructions, was estimated at £55,000, on an actual survey and valuation, made by Messrs. Stannard and Athow; and this estimate was, in the opinion of Mr. Hamerton, an eminent Paviour in London, very fair and correct. To defray such an apparent heavy expence, the committee, proposed levying a toll on carriages, horses, &c. coming to and going from the city, in the following proportions: _d._ One horse 0½ Cart with one horse 1 Cart with three or more horses 1½ A one-horse chaise or gig 1½ A waggon 2 A four-wheel carriage 2 A score beasts, &c. 2 The annual produce of these tolls, deducing the expence of Houses, Collectors, &c. was estimated at £1715. The committee likewise proposed a rate, not exceeding 6d. in the pound, per quarter, on the landlords and occupiers of houses, &c. within the city (exclusive of the hamlets), the annual produce of which was calculated at £3000; so that the whole expence, under the proposed bill, would have stood thus: £ £ For lighting, watching, and cleansing 1770 For keeping in repair such parts of the city as 1000 2770 could not be immediately paved Produce of tolls 1715 of rate 3000 4715 Leaving for the immediate commencement of paving, the sum of £1945; which sum would have been increased by the annual payment of a certain sum by the Corporation, the Bishop, and Dean and Chapter, for such parts of the city now repaired by them; and by the annual decrease of the sum of £1000, in proportion as the new pavement was completed. The committee concluded this well-digested report by stating its opinion, that no time should be lost in applying to Parliament; but as it had several other matters under consideration, it begged leave to be permitted to make a final report at some future time. The general meeting concurred, after some deliberation, with the committee; and a petition was signed by most of the Inhabitants of the city, for leave to bring in a bill for the several purposes mentioned in the report. Unfortunately, however, the petition could not, from some unforeseen circumstances, be presented that sessions; it being a standing order of the House of Commons, that no such bill could be brought before Parliament, unless notice of it had been given at the preceding Michaelmas sessions: but it was suggested, seemingly from authority, that such notice, in the present instance, might be dispensed with, provided the city would abandon the toll, or a tonnage on goods. To such a restriction, the committee would not submit; it therefore resolved to postpone the petition to the next sessions of Parliament, and, in the mean time, that a committee of Country Gentlemen, to be appointed at the ensuing sessions, should be requested to meet a sub-committee of the city, to hold a conference on the subject. This conference took place, and after a number of queries had been proposed by the Country Gentlemen, to all of which satisfactory answers were returned in writing; notice of the intended application to Parliament was ordered to be affixed on the doors of the Sessions Hall, both in the county and city. The committee however soon found, notwithstanding it had given what if deemed the most satisfactory answers to the queries suggested by the Country Gentlemen, that the bill would meet with the most determined opposition from the county; nor did it appear that the opposition could be obviated, unless the whole expence to be incurred by any intended improvements was confined to the city only. With such an opposition, the committee had no hopes of success; and whatever sentiments it might entertain of the liberality of the Country Gentlemen, who would, with the county at large, have materially partaken of the benefits and advantages attending the improvements, though they were unwilling to bear the most trifling part of the expence of them, it did not choose to hazard the experiment of a contest. The committee, however, had the object entrusted to it too much at heart to abandon it entirely: it therefore relinquished all the former part of the proposed regulations, and confined itself solely to what it deemed the most expedient—the New Pavement. The Committee submitted a report on that subject only to a general meeting, on the 15th of December, 1800, the substance of which was, that, to carry the plan proposed into execution, a rate not exceeding 3d. in the pound, per quarter, on the rack-rent, should be levied on the Inhabitants of the city, at such times only when the poor rate was within 6s. per pound, per quarter, for three successive quarters. At length, from considerations of the distress of the times, this truly interesting business was deferred, but we have authority, and are happy to say, that it will be resumed in a more favourable season. We cannot quit this subject without observing, that the arduous and unremitted assiduity of the Gentlemen forming the Committee, met the warmest approbation of their fellow citizens, and afforded a prospect that, at a future period, their labours for so desirable an object would ultimately be accomplished. References to the Churches in the Plan. {0} A St. Martin’s at Oak S St. Peter’s Hungate B St. Augustine’s T St. Michaels at Plea C St. Mary’s U St. George’s Tombland D St. George’s Colegate V St. Simon and Jude’s E St. Saviour’s W St. Martin’s by Palace F St. Paul’s X St. Helen’s G St. James’ Y St. Giles’ H St. Edmund’s Z St. Peter’s Mancroft I St. Clement’s I. St. Stephen’s K St. Michael’s Coslany II. St. John’s Timberhill L St. Swithin’s III. All Saints’ M St. Margaret’s IV. St Michael’s at Thorn N St. Lawrence’ V. St. John’s Sepulchre O St. Benedict’s VI. St. Peter’s Southgate P St. Gregory’s VII. St. Etheldred’s Q St. John’s Maddermarket VIII. St. Julian’s R St. Andrew’s IX. St. Peter’s per Mountergate Public Buildings and Offices. French church Quakers’ meeting Dutch church Guildhall Grammar school Fish-market Methodist meeting Stamp office Deanery Bethel Excise office Theatre-Royal St. Giles’ hospital Assembly house Boys’ hospital Castle, county gaol, and shire-house Girls’ hospital Norfolk and Norwich hospital Doughty’s hospital Private lunatic house Court of Request office Bridewell Presbyterian new meeting Post office Independent meeting St. Andrew’s work-house Anabaptist meeting Roman Catholic chapel Duke’s Palace work-house St. John’s work-house City gaol Alphabetical List of the Streets, Lanes, &c. in the City of Norwich. All Saints’ Green Fye-bridge-street Peacock-street Almhouse lane Fye-bridge-quay Pigg-street Andrew’s St. George’s St. Pitt-lane Bridge-str. Bridge-str. — Chancel-str. George’s St. Ch. Pottergate-street alley — Plain Gildencroft Privy-lane — Steps Gildencroft-lane Pudding-lane Anne’s lane Gildengate-street Queen-street — steps Giles’ St. Hill Rampant Horse Back str. Augustine’s St. Ch. Giles’ St. street Rampant Horse street row — street Giles’ St. Red-Lion-lane Back-street Back of the Inns Giles’ St. Red-Well-street Broad-street Bank-place Giles’ St. road Rising-Sun-lane Barrack-street Goat lane Upper Rose lane Ber-street Goat lane Lower Rosemary-lane Bethel-street Golden-Ball-lane St. Saviour’s lane Bishopgate-street Golden-Dog lane St. Saviour’s Church lane Botolph-street Green’s lane St. Saviour’s Ch. alley Bracondale Gregory’s St. Ch. Scole’s Green alley Bridewell-alley Griffin-lane Shuttle lane Briggs’ lane Gun-lane Snailgate-street Buff-coat-lane Hall’s End Southgate-street Bull-lane Haymarket St. Stephen’s street Butcher’s market Heigham-street St. Stephen’s Back-street Castle-dykes Hog hill St. Stephen’s Ch. alley Castle meadow Horn’s lane St Stephen’s road Chapel-field Hungate-street Stepping-lane Chapel-field-lane John’s St. Timberhill Surry street Chapel street Jail hill Surry-street mewse Charing-cross Jenkin’s lane Surry-street Upper Cherry-lane King-street Swan-lane Clement’s St. Ch. Lady’s lane St. Swithin’s lane alley Close Upper Lady’s row St. Swithin’s Church lane Close Lower Lawrence St. Ch. St. Swithin’s Church alley alley Cockey-lane Lawrence St. lane Theatre-square Cockey-lane Little Life’s Green Timberhill street Cockril lane London lane Tombland Colegate-street Maddermarket street Tooley-street Common Pump Magdalen-street Upper market Common Pump-street Margaret’s St. lane Upper market-street Common Staithe Old Margaret’s St. Ch. Wastlegate-street alley Common Staithe New Mariner’s lane Water-lane, St George’s Cook’s lane Market-lane Water-lane, St James’ Coslany-street Market place Water-lane, King-street Coslany Bridge-street Martin’s St. street Water-lane, St Martin’s Cow-hill Martin’s St. lane Weaver’s lane Cowgate-street Martin’s St. by Pal. Westwick street Lower plain Cross lane Martin’s St. by Pal. Westwick street Upper str. Dove-lane Mary’s St. Plain Westwick Back-street Duke’s Palace Mary’s St. Church Wherry-staithe alley Elmhill-street Mich St. Cos. Ch. White Friars’ Bridge alley st. Elmhill-lane Michael’s St. Thorn White-Lion-lane lane Faith’s St. lane Music-House-staithe Wilkes’s lane Field-square Muspole-street Willow-lane Finket-street Nailor’s lane World’s End lane Fish-market New-Mills’-lane Wymer-street Fisher’s lane Orford-street Fishgate-street THE NORWICH DIRECTORY. ABBS Z. Boot and Shoe Maker, No. 72, Coslany-Street Abel Anthony, Cabinet-Maker, 5, Upper Westwick street Abram John, Patten-maker, 27, Magdalen-street Adair William, Esq. Trowse Newton and Caldecot Bucks Adams and Bacon, Coach makers, 3, St. Stephen’s road Adcock and Gapp, Dyers, 7, Coslany-Bridge-street Adcock James, Royal-Oak, 27, St. Augustine’s road Adcock William, Hair-dresser, 60, St. Giles’ Addey John, Linen-Draper, 4, London-lane Adlam John, Gardner, 18, St. Augustine’s street Aggs John Gurney, Iron-Foundery, St. Faith’s lane Aggs Thomas, Linen-Manufacturer, 10, Pitt-street Alden Thomas, Butcher, 9, Fish-Market Alderson James, M.D. 3, Snailgate-street Alderson Mrs. 11, Gildengate-street Alderson John, Plumber, &c. 20, Upper-Market Alderson J. K. Plumber, &c. 6, Hog-hill Alderson William, Mounter, 18, ditto Aldhouse Stephen, Surgeon, &c. 2, Wymer-street Aldhouse Stephen, 92, Upper Heigham Aldhouse Stephen, at the Lamb. 51, Coslany-street Aldis John, Baker, 7, St. Margaret’s Church Aldred James, Hemp-cloth Manufacturer, Shuttle-lane, and in Weaver’s lane on Saturdays Aldrich John, Whitesmith, 15, Dove-lane Alexander Stephen, Shoemaker, St. Stephen’s road Allman Samuel, Baker, 67, Coslany-street Allen Richard, Tailor and Draper, 21, London-lane Allen Charles, Esq. 4, Upper Surry-street Allen Robert, Tailor, &c. 36, Pottergate-street Allen William, Boot and Shoe maker, 48, St. Stephen street Allum John, Tea-Dealer and Confectioner, 57, Bethel-street Allwood Thomas, Shopkeeper, 22, Lower Close Ames Daniel, 19, St. Martin’s Plain Amyott Thomas, Attorney, 13, Upper Close Amy Thomas, Cooper, 99, Magdalen-street Anderson John Fullick, at the Norwich Volunteer, 29, All Saint’s Green Andrews William, 44, St. Stephen’s street Angel John and Son, Curriers, 5, Golden Ball-lane Angell Joseph, King’s Head, 12, Gildengate-street Angier James, Merchant, Dwelling-House, 42, Snailgate-str. Anguish Rev. 12, Upper Close Annis John, Bookseller, 5, London-lane Ansell John, Plumber, &c. 12, Dove-lane Appleton John, Hatter, &c. 5, Back of the Inns Arnold William, 10 and 11, St. Stephen’s road Artis John, Boot and Shoe maker, 24, Rampant-Horse-street Athow John, jun. Stone and Marble Mason, 12, Back of the Inns Atkins William, Shawl Manufacturer, 28, Lower Westwick-street Atkinson John, Attorney, 191, King-street Aves Jeremiah, Trumpet Inn, 40, St. Stephen’s street Ayton William, Coppersmith, Brazier, and Tin-plate Worker, 4, Briggs’ lane B Back Thomas and Co. Grocers, Tea-Dealers, and Tallow-Chandlers, 3 and 4, Hay-market Back James, Importer of Foreign Wines and Spirits, 3, Hog-hill Back William, Surgeon, Wilkes’s lane, near Bank-place Back Mrs. 4, Bowling-green house, Chapel-field house Bacon Richard, Auctioneer, Appraiser, Printer, Bookseller, Binder, and Stationer, 12, Cockey-lane Bacon Leonard, Wine-Merchant, 30, St. Giles’s Wine Vaults, in Chapel-field Bacon Thomas, Ginger-bread Baker, 4, St. Stephen’s street Bailey William, Shawl and Bombazine Manufacturer, 5, White-Lion-lane Baker Henry, Gold and Silver smith, 15, Market-place Baker Benjamin, Gardner and Seedsman, 5, Queen-street Baldy Edmund, Dyer, 62, Gildengate-street Baletti Anthony, Frame-maker, 13, Pottergate-street Balls Thomas, House-Broker, 7, St. Martin’s by Palace Balls James, Tailor, 2, Snail-gate-street Banham James, Pump-maker, 146, King-street Banton John, at the Crown, 29, St. George’s Bridge street Barber Thomas, Attorney, 2, St. Stephen’s Back-street Barber George, Silversmith, 3, London-lane Bardwell Edward, Boot and Shoe maker, 13, Lower Close Barker Mrs. Brandy and Wine Vaults, Dove-Tavern, 24, Market-place Barker Jeremiah, Pawn-Broker, 14, Lower Westwick-str. Barker Christopher, Wool-pack, 46, Botolph-street Barker Mary, Weigh-house, 20, Castle Ditches Barker Thomas, Whitesmith, 13, Red-Lion-lane Barlow James, Worsted Manufacturer, 9, Timberhill-street Barlow Robert, Gent. 18, Bethel-street Barlow John, Shawl-Manufacturer, St. Margaret’s Churchyard Barlow John, Hair-dresser, 12, Magdalen-street Barnard I. C. 19, Botolph-street Barnard I. Angier, and Barnards, Merchants, 19, Botolph-street Barnard Abraham, 41, Botolph-street Barnard William and Sons, Merchants, 9, Muspole-street Barnes Philip, Bricklayer, 18, All Saints’ Green Barnham John, Pawn-Broker, 189, King-street Barrett and Brooks, Curriers and Leather Cutters, 2 and 3, Lower Goat-lane Barrow Edward, Gent. 13, Pitt-street Barrow Isaac, Gent. 3, Upper Surry-street, Mews Barrow and Scott, Cotton-Manufacturers, 50, Colegate street Barrows Messdms. Tea-Dealers, 5, Briggs’ lane Barton William, Corn and Coal Merchant, 164, King-street Barwell John, Importer and Dealer in Foreign Wines, &c. 7, St Stephen’s street Barwick George, Gun-Maker, 113, Pottergate-street Basey Charles, Broker, 15, Soutergate-street Basham Charles, Appraiser and Auctioneer, St. Stephen’s str. Bassley William, Leather-dresser, 2, Colegate-street Bates Benjamin, Grocer, &c. 26, Westwick-street Bath Francis and Co. Stay and Habit makers, 24, Bethel-str. Bayfield Thomas, Ironmonger, Oil and Colour Man, 32, Magdalen-street Bayfield Thomas, Baker, 34, Coslany-street Beane Joseph, Master of Doughty’s Hospital, Snailgate street Beane Robert, Bull’s Head, 62, Ber-street Beare William, Boot and Shoe maker, 11, St. Peter’s Beare Thomas, Currier and Leather Cutter, 26, St. George’s Bridge-street Beare John, Boot and Shoe maker, 27, St. George’s Bridge-street Beatley William, Eating-house, 5, Lower Goat-lane Beatniffe Richard, Bookseller, Binder, and Stationer, 6, Cockey-lane Beesley George, Boot and Shoe maker, 7, Coslany-street Beavor James, Esq. 88, Magdalen-street Beavor William, Carpenter, &c. 46, St. Stephen’s street Beevor James, Esq. 72, St. Giles’s Broad-street Beevor Rev. John, Willow-lane, St. Giles’ Beevor Henry, 58, St. Giles’ Beckham Edward, Cooper, 9, St. George’s Bridge-street Beckwith Mrs. 6, Lower Close Beckwith Rev. Thomas, 10, St. Martin’s by Palace Beckwith John, Musician, 25, Lower Close Bedford Charles, Coppersmith, 6, Pottergate-street Begg John, Attorney, Surveyor of the Window-Lights, &c. for Yarmouth District, 40, Pottergate-street Bell Thomas, Carpenter, &c. King street Bell John, Yarn-Manufacturer, Fishgate-street Beloe James, Basket-maker, Trowse Bennett James, Clock and Watch Maker, 2, Briggs’ lane Bensley Edward, 25, Cock, Rampant Horse street Bensley Robert, Baker, 8, St. Stephen’s street Bensley John, Carpenter, 23, All Saints’ Green Bensley and Dale, Wholesale Linen-Drapers and Haberdashers, 9 and 10, London-lane, and 3, St. Andrew’s Steps Berry and Rochester, Booksellers and Stationers, 11, Dove-lane Bexfield Richard, Cabinet-maker, at the Goat, 14, Upper Goat-lane Bidwell Richard, Draper and Hosier, 6, St. George’s Bridge-street Bidwell and Co. Sack-Manufacturers, Colegate street Bignold Thomas, Brandy, Wine, and Hop Merchant, 18, Market-place Bird Bailey, Land-Surveyor, Red-Lion-lane Bird William, Broker, 9, ditto Bishop’s Office, 20, Upper Close—Mr. Charles Kitson, 8, Upper Close, Deputy-Register Black Thomas, Gent. 3, Upper Close Black Thomas and William, Confectioners, 1, Hay-market Blackburn John, Stone and Marble Mason, 3, Castle-Meadow Blake Thomas, jun. Esq. Barrister at Law, 5, Queen-street Blake John, House-Steward, 28, Bethel-street Blake Hammond, Hemp-Cloth Manufacturer, 54, Magdalen-street Blake Robert, Cotton-Manufacturer, 24, Heigham-street Blake Isaac, Hotpresser, 35, Snailgate-street Blake William, Pork-Butcher, 11, Coslany-bridge Blakley Elijah, Cotton-Manufacturer, Colegate-street Bland Thomas, Gent. 18, Botolph-street Bland Michael, Gent. 9, ditto Blogg Samuel, Lime Burner and Brick Maker, Brick-Ground, Surry road Bloom D. and Co. Merchants, 2, Duke’s Palace, and Trowse Mills Blowfield, Peter, Carpenter, &c. 52, St. Martin’s street Blyth Samuel, Plasterer, 87, Pottergate-street Boardman John, Hatter and Hosier, 1, Market-place, and 1, Cockey-lane Boardman Benjamin, Woollen-Draper, 22, Market-place Boast Robert, Sawyer, 2, Ber-street Bokenham Thomas, Surgeon, 10, Upper Westwick-street Bolingbroke Nathaniel, Silversmith and Haberdasher, 2, Market-place Bolingbroke J. B. and Co. Woollen-Drapers, 4, St. Peter’s Bolton John, Corn-Merchant, at Staith, 104, King-street, Dwelling-House, 2, St. Faith’s lane Bolton John, 11, Woolpack-Inn, St. Giles’s Broad-street Bolton Ziba, Coach-Master, 14, Hungate-street Bond William, Surgeon, 8, Tombland Bond John, Boot and Shoe maker, 46, St. Giles’s Broad-str. Bone Nicholas, Boot and Shoe Maker, 15, Lower Goat-lane Booth Mrs. Castle Inn, 13, White-Lion-lane Booth William, Bookseller, &c. 37, Market-place Booty William, Shopkeeper, 22, King-street Borking and Carver, Woolcombers, 66, Gildengate street Borough Stephen, Dolphin Inn, Upper Heigham Boswell Thomas, at the Canteen, Horse-Barracks Botwright William, Grocer, 25, St. George’s Bridge-street Boulter Thomas, Baker, 15, St. Giles’s Broad-street Bowen Ann, Stationer, &c. 4, Cockey-lane Bowles William, Farmer, Eaton, and at the George, St. Stephen’s, on Saturdays Boyce James, Attorney at Law, 11, Wymer-street Bradford Miles, Boot and Shoe maker, 42, London-lane Bradford William, Esq. 68, Pottergate-street Brady John, White-Horse, 98, Magdalen-street Bradley John, Boot and Shoe maker, 6, Fyebridge-street Bray John, jun. Tailor, &c. St. Andrew’s Bridge-street Bream Samuel, Gent. 4, Wilkes’s lane, near Bank place Brereton John, Sadler, 33, Upper Westwick street Bresley Mrs. Oatmeal-maker, St. Simon’s Brett William, Wine and Brandy Merchant, 8, Wastlegate-lane, All Saints Brett John, Baker, 8, Fishgate-street Brett Robert, Tailor, &c. 31, London-lane Brewer Marke, 48, Queen’s Head, St. Giles Brewerton Thomas, Corn-Merchant, Lower Westwick-street Briggs Cornelius, Millwright, 24, St. Martin’s lane Briggs James, Coal Merchant, 96, Colegate street Briggs James, Coal-Merchant, White Friar’s Bridge Britton Henry, Clock and Watch maker, 9, Briggs’ lane Britton Richard, New Theatre Inn, 56, Bethel-street Brooks Richard, Grocer, &c. 32, Coslany street Brooks John, Dwelling-House, 25, St. Martin’s lane Browne Robert Ives, Esq. 2, Upper Close Browne John and Son, Ironmongers, Ironfounders, and Colourmen, 4, Upper Market Browne George, Collector of the Post-Horse Duty, 13, St. Giles’ Browne Arthur, Hatter, &c. 10, Cockey-lane Browne Christopher, Coal and Corn Merchant and Malster, 122, King-street Brown Robert, Corn and Coal Merchant, 17, Lower Close Brown John, Millwright and Ironfounder, Timberhill-street Browns T. and W. Pipe-makers, 30, All Saints’ Green Browne Thomas, Plumber, &c. 6, Ber street Browne Elizabeth, Milliner, 61, Bethel-street Browne Edward, Carpenter, 30, King-street Browne William, Baker, 59, St. Martin’s street Browne James, Mounter, 41, Pitt-street Browne John, Lord Nelson’s Gardens, Bracondale Brown Thomas, Black Friars, 1, St. George’s Bridge-street Browne Benjamin, Tailor, 2, St. Clement’s Church-yard Brown Edward, Carpenter, &c. 7, Chancery-street, St. Andrew’s Brown Charles, late at the Castle and Lion, St. Peter’s, but now at the Elephant, Magdalen-street Brown John, Breeches-maker, 9, Dove-lane Browne George, Pipe-maker, Gapp’s Yard, Upper Westwick-street Browne Mary, House-Broker, 8, Bridewell-Alley Brunton John, Gent. 2, Theatre-Square Brunton James, Mace-Officer, 35, St. Giles’ Brunton Mrs. Baker, 8, Hungate-street Buck Robert, Flour-Merchant, Florden, and at the Rampant-Horse, St. Stephen’s, Norwich, on Saturdays Buck John, Flour Merchant, St. Clement’s Hill, and at the King’s Head, on Saturdays Buck John, Miller, 57, St. Stephen’s street Buck John, Wheelwright, St. Benedict’s road Buck Jeremiah, Tailor, &c. Upper Goat-lane Buckle I. and W. Ironmongers, Tobacconists and Colourmen, 6, Haymaket Buckenham John, Plumber, 30, St. George’s Bridge-street Buddry Anthony, Grocer and Tea-Dealer, 19, St. Martin’s by Palace Bullard James, Master of Bethel, 46 Bullen Joshua, Ironmonger, &c. 44, Market-place Bullen Joseph, Tailor, &c. 10, White Lion-lane Burcham Samuel, Tailor, 15, Lower Close Burdett John, Bricklayer, 36, Snailgate-street Burrel Thomas, Importer of Spirits, 120, King-street Burrel Robert, Gent. 21, Upper Close Burrel James, Boot and Shoe Maker, 24, Magdalen-street Burrows William, Grocer, Tea-Dealer, and Tobacconist, 10, ditto Burrows John, Woolcomber, &c. 21, Barrack-street Burks John, Silk-Dyer, 6, All Saints’, Green—Also a Porter Merchant Burt William, Upholder, 11, Briggs’ lane Burton Thomas, Esq. Bracondale-hill Burton John, Black Horse Inn, 7, Tombland Bush John, Boot and Shoe maker, 5, Magdalen-street Buttisant Thomas, Hair-Dresser, 9, Tombland Butterton James, Dyer, 6, Elm-hill street Buttivant James, Manufacturer, 16, Castle-Meadow C Calthorpe Christoper, Cooper, 13, London-lane Calthorpe Christopher, Cooper, at the Cherry-tree, 51, Gildengate-street Campin Robert, Linen-Draper, &c. 2, Cockey-lane Candler Lawrence and Son, Flour-Merchants, Cringleford, and at the Rampant-Horse, St. Stephen’s, on Saturdays Candler Benjamin, Grocer and Tea-Dealer, 8, Little Cockey lane Cann James, Cabinet-maker, 35, Timberhill-street Cannel John, Collar and Harness Maker, 3, St. Stephen’s str. Capon Christopher, Painter, &c. 47, Colegate-street Capon Christopher, jun. Painter, 37, Bethel-street Carr William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 59, Coslany-street Carr William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 26, Botolph-street Carr Francis, Shoe-maker, 7, St. Augustine’s street Carman John, Umbrella-maker, 2, Wastlegate-street, All Saints’ Carter Samuel, Pelican, 2, Pitt-street Carter J. G. Corn-Merchant, Windham, and at the Coach-makers’ Arms, St. Stephen’s Road, on Saturdays Carter Joseph, Master-Weaver, 77, St. Giles’ Carter Mary, Broker, 26, Rampant Horse-street Carter William, Esq. Collector of the Excise, Sampson and Hercules’ Court, Tombland Carver Mrs. 25, St. Giles’ Carver Daniel, Stuff Manufacturer, 13, Timberhill-street Catchpole John, Hair-Dresser, 6, Briggs’ lane Cattermoul Thomas and Son, Wine-Merchants, 1, Red-Well street Caxton Henry, Innkeeper, 33, Market-place Challis John, Boot and Shoe maker, 2, Pudding-lane Chalker Noah, 10, Coach and Horses, Red-Lion-lane Chambers N. Surgeon, 5, Chapel-field Chamberlin Peter and Son, Grocers, Tallow-Chandlers, and Tea-Dealers, 1, Upper Market Chamberlin Charles, Orange-Merchant, 9, White-Lion-lane Chamberlin Peter, Linen and Woollen Draper, 23, White-Lion-lane Chamberlin James, Shopkeeper, 59, King-street Chamberlin Henry, Shopkeeper, 26, St. Augustine’s street Chamberlin George, Carpenter, &c. Trowse Chaplin William, Writing-Master, 17, Pottergate-street Chapman Rev. 59, ditto Chapman Gardiner, Attorney, 9, Upper Close Chapman Spinks, Wine-Vaults, 7, Market-Place Chapman William George, jun. 15, Hay-market Chapman Samuel, Baker, 35, Botolph-street Chapman James, Hempen Cloth Manufacturer, Bungay, and in Weaver’s lane, Norwich, on Saturdays Charlesworth Joseph, Duffield Manufacturer, 58, Coslany-str. Chase James, Importer and Dealer in Foreign Spirits, 29, King-str Chesnutt Ann, Sadler, &c. 4, Bridge street, St. George’s Chesnutt Ann, Harness Maker, 28, Magdalen-street Chettleburgh Robert, Haberdasher, Hosier, and Cutler, 8, Hay Market Chettleburgh William, Baker, 23, Rampant-Horse street Chettleburgh Daniel, Sadler, 201, King-street Chettleburgh Harrison, Plumber, 7, Queen-street Chipperfield Robert, Half-Moon, Market-place Chittock William, Tailor, Stay and Habit Maker, 14, Red Lion-lane Christian Edward, Dancing-Master, 11, Red-Well street Churchman John, Esq. 12, St. Faith’s lane Clabourn William, Hosier, 71, St. Stephen’s street Clabburn William, Hosier, 26, Timberhill-street Clabburn John, Confectioner, 11, Fyebridge-street Clabburn Robert, Woolcomber, 2, St. Simon’s Clarke and Watts, Warehousemen, 3, Chapel-field-lane Clarke George, Fish-monger, 15, Fish-market Clarke Daniel, Coal-Merchant, 12, Lower Close Clarke William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 2, Dove-lane Clarke John, Black-Bull Inn, 11, Magdalen-street Clarke Ephraim, Boot and Shoe Maker, 20, ditto Clarke Robert, Boot and Shoe Maker, 2, Gildengate-street Clarke William, Kitteringham, and at the Angel, Norwich, on Saturdays Clary William, Coach-Makers’ Arms, 4, St. Stephen’s road Claxon John, Lodging-House, St. Stephen’s Church-yard Clemment’s Francis and Co. Coach-Makers, 7, Back of the Inns Clift Levold, Throwsterer, 11, Lower Close Clover Joseph, Gent, 33, Coslany-street Clover Joseph, jun. 40, Snailgate street Clowes Mrs. 1, Rampant Horse street Clowting Henry, 5, Black Prince in Butchery, Market-place Cock Joseph, Wine-Merchant, 12, Timberhill-street Cock and Pitchers, Importers of Wine and Foreign Spirits, 7, White-Lion-lane Cocksel John, Three Dyers, 67, Lower Westwick-street Coe John, Broker, 9, Upper Westwick-street Coes’ (Miss) Boarding-School, 1, Griffin-lane Coggle William, Shopkeeper, 16, Rosemary-lane Cogman Benjamin, Baker, 19, Ber-street Coke Jacob, Vinegar Maker, in Court, St. Giles’ Cole John Hammond, 71, Stamp-Office, St. Giles’ Coles and Co. Wholesale Drapers and Haberdashers, 18, White Lion-lane Coleby James, Boot and Shoe Maker, 7, St. Peter’s Coleby Samuel, Gardner, 33, Magdalen-street Colkett Mrs. Druggist, 70, St. Stephen’s street Coleman John, Builder, Coslany-street Coleman George, Bricklayer, 18, St. Martin’s street Collins David, Boot and Shoe Maker, 12, Lower Westwick-street Colls William, King’s Head, 116, Magdalen-street Collumbine Peter and Sons, Merchants, 1, St. Simon’s Colman Edward, Surgeon, 12, Tombland Colombine Paul, D.D. 10, Tombland Colombine David, Esq. 15, Upper Close Cone Samuel, Throwsterer, Norman’s lane Connel James, Smith, Trowse Cook Samuel, Hotpresser, 4 and 5, Peacock-street Cook George, Esq. 1, St. Gregory’s Church-yard Cooke Thomas, Esq. 22, Tombland Cooke William, Grocer, 52, Bridge-street, St. George’s Cooper Mrs. 202, King-street Cooper Charles, Gent. 48, Lower Westwick street Cooper Lewis and Co. Linen-Drapers, 50, Market-place Cooper Robert, Shopkeeper, 3, Magdalen-street Cooper Robert, Shopkeeper, 71, Gildengate-street Coote Thomas, Ironmonger, 8 and 9, Bank-place, and 1 Queen-street Copeman E. and R. Woollen-Drapers, 48, Market-place Copeman Edward, Dwelling-House, 54, St. Giles’ Coppin James, Plumber, &c. 20, Hay-market Coppin Daniel, Painter and Gilder, 6, St Stephen’s street Copping Mrs. Baker, 62 Upper Westwick street Coppin Miss, Milliner, 39, Snailgate-street Corbould John, Esq. 65, St. Giles’ Cordran Edward, White Swan, 16, Upper Market Corfield Elizabeth, Leather-Cutter, 14, Hog-hill Corke William, Plumber, &c. 52, Upper Westwick street Cossey Thomas, Bakers’ Arms, 5, Ber street Cotman Edmund, Haberdasher and Hosier, 18, Cockey-lane Cotton Elizabeth, White-Hart Inn, St. Peter’s Coulsen Ralph, Wool Factor, 7, Muspole-street Coushen Samuel, White Swan, 28, King street Cousins John, Leather-Cutter, 3, Upper Market Cox Daniel, Smith, 19, Fyebridge-street Cozens John, Grocer and Tea-Dealer, 12, Market-place Crabtree Grenville, Farmer, Witton, and at the Baker’s Arms, Ber-street, on Saturdays Crake Mary, Saleshop, 7 and 9, St. Andrew’s Plain Crackenthorpe Samuel, Gent. 73, St. Stephen’s street Craske Peter, Boot and Shoe Maker, 7, St. Gregory’s Church Yard Craske Christopher, Baker, 48, St. Martin’s street Creasey and Page, Salesmen, 4, St. Andrew’s Plain Creed Matthew, White Lion, 23, St. Martin’s by Palace Plain Cripps George, Grocer and Tea-Dealer, 40, Market-place Critchfield James, Working-Cutler and Hardwareman, 21, Market-place Crockett Sarah, Stationer, 17, Fyebridge-street Crome John, Drawing Master, 17, Gildengate-street Cropley Richard, Boot and Shoe Maker, 34, Snailgate-street Cross Joseph, Patten-Maker, 12, Rampant-Horse street Crotch Michael, Organ Builder, 1, Green’s lane, St. George’s Crowe James, Esq. Lakenham Crowe William, Worsted-Manufacturer, 9, Pitt-street Crowe Spicer, Plumber, 89, Upper Westwick street Cruttenden William Courtney, Esq. 12, St. Saviour’s lane Culley Richard and Co. Grocers and Salt-Merchants, 14, Upper Market Culley John, Cabinet and Chair Maker, 43, London-lane Culling William, Working-Cutler, 39, Market-place Cullington James, Prussia Gardens, St. Stephen’s road Cullington Robert, Hair-Dresser, 2, Timberhill Cullyer John, Whitesmith, 6, Cow-hill Culyer William, Cooper, 27, Rampant-Horse-street Culyer William, licensed to let Post-Horses, Wool-Pack-yard, St. Giles’ Culyer Samuel, Boot and Shoe Maker, 25, Timberhill-street Cupper Thomas, Brewer, Corn and Coal Merchant, 134, Magdalen-street Curtis John, Exhibitor of Natural Curiosities, 2, Castle-Ditches Cushing Samuel, Carver and Gilder, 9, Broad-street, St. Giles’ Cushing John, Bookbinder, 8, Lady’s lane Cushing Joshua, Stone-Mason, St. Andrew’s Bridge street Cutler Thomas, Upholder, 8, Dove-lane Cutten William, Esq. 117, Magdalen-street D Dady George, Timber-Merchant, Imperial Arms, 12, King-street Dady Charles, Eating House, 14, Bridewell-Alley Daines William, Shopkeer, 84, Magdalen street Dale John, Hair-Dresser, 4, Bethel-street Dalrymple William, Surgeon, 40, Colegate-street Dalrymple John, Brandy-Merchant, 13, Back of the Inns Damant Francis, Harness-Maker, 118, Magdalen-street Danton Joseph, Red Lion, 13, London lane Darby John, Whitesmith, 8, Cross lane, St. George’s street Darby William, Turner, 14, Rosemary lane Darby Robert, Wheelwright, Trowse Darkin Robert, Broker, 2, Red-Lion-lane Darkin George, Broker, 120, Pottergate-street Daveney Charles, Grocer and Tea-Dealer, 9, Cockey-lane Davey Jonathan, Esq. 27, Upper Westwick street Davey Robert, Clock and Watch Maker, 6, Back of the Inns Davis John, Gent. Ladies’ Row, St. Stephen’s road Dawson and Leeds, Scarlet-Dyers, 5, St. Clement’s Churchyard Day Thomas, Esq. 12, St. Martin’s Plain Day Rev. Richard, 92, Pottergate-street Day John, Woolcomber, St. George’s Bridge-street Day William, Eating-House, 16, St. Stephen’s street Daydon John, Gent. 35, Cowgate-street Daynes Mrs. Milliner, 77, Magdalen-street Daynes Samuel, Basket-Maker, 23, Hay-market Deacon Rev. John, 19, St. Martin’s lane Deakin Rev. Thomas, 70, St Giles’ Dean and Chapter’s Office, 30, Lower Close square—Mr. William Utten, Clerk and Register Deans James, Corn and Coal Merchant, 32, Wymer-street De Carle Robert, Stone-Mason, 13, Wymer-street Deday Thomas, Manufacturer, 49, Coslany-street Denew Peter, Farmer, Hetherset, and at the George, Hay-market, on Saturdays De Hague Elisha, Attorney, 5, Elm hill-street Delf Thomas, Tuns’ Tavern, Cooper’s Court, Cockey-lane Delight and Son, Boot and Shoe Makers, 2, White-Lion-lane Delph Moses, Whitesmith, 5, Little Rampant Horse street Denham Samuel, Boot and Shoe Maker, 11, Coslany street Denmark Thomas, Glover, &c. 19, Back of the Inns Denny Martin, Boot and Shoe Maker, 90, Upper Westwick-street Devereux Edmund, Plumber, &c. 73 and 4, Gildengate-str. Dexter Matthew and Co. Hosiers and Lace-Manufacturers, 3, Back of the Inns Dickerson Daniel, Watch-Maker, 9, St. Martin’s by Palace Digby John, Greyhound, 33, Surry-street. Dilley John, Catharine Wheel, 19, St. Augustine’s street Dingle John, Throwsterer, 37, Botolph-street Dingle John, jun. Shawl-Manufacturer, 38, Botolph-street Dinmore Richard, Gent. 20, Timberhill-street Ditchell Anthony, Esq. 86, Pottergate-street Dix William, Shoe-Maker, 26, ditto Dixon Daniel, Hair-Dresser, 22, Hay-market Dixon Futter, Shoulder of Mutton, 30, St. Stephen’s street. Dobson James, Carpenter, 6, Upper Surry street Dove Susannah, Hat-Maker, 2, Upper Market Dove Thomas, Carpenter, 4, Scole’s Green Doyley Henry, Hempnall, Hempen-Cloth Manufacturer, and in Weaver’s lane, on Saturdays Drakes Miss, Boarding-School, 31, All Saints’ Green Drake Robert, White-Horse Inn, 2, Hay-market Drake Francis, Cooper, 11, St. Martin’s by Palace Drake Richard, Cabinet-Maker, 2, St. Andrew’s, Chancery-street Dring George, Baker, 49, Magdalen-street Dring John, Baker, 31, St. Giles’ Drummond Rev. Thomas, 200, King-street Duckett Sarah, King’s Head, 25, St. Stephen’s street Duckett John, Hair-Dresser, 43, Coslany-street Duckett William, Old Church Stile, 26, Upper Market Dunham and Yallop, Goldsmiths and Tea-Dealers, 10, Market-place Dunn Jeremiah, Tailor, &c. Lamb-Inn yard, Hay-market Dunn George, Three Cranes, 21, Lower Close square Dunn James, Boot and Shoe Maker, 1, Alms-lane Dunn John, Baker, 27, Pottergate street Durrant James, Queen Ann, 17, Colegate-street Durrant Thomas, Shopkeeper, 20, Heigham-street Durrant Thomas, Buck, 43, St. Martin’s street Dyball Thomas, Baker, 74, Magdalen-street Dye Isaac, Grocer and Tea-Dealer, 53, St. Stephen’s street Dye James, Fishmonger, 16, Fish-market Dye Thomas, Coach-Master, 13, St. Martin’s by Palace Dyson William, at the Cow, Cow-hill street Dyson Joseph, Dyer, Charlotte-yard, St. Stephen’s E Earl Elden, Chair and Cabinet Maker, 13, Rampant-Horse street Estaugh Nathaniel, Bellman, 39, Bethel-street Eaton Thomas, Silk-Mercer, 3, Market-place Ecclestone Richard, Currier, &c. 14, Wymer-street Edgar William, Fishmonger, 20, Fishmarket Edwards W. C. Engraver and Drawing-Master, 32, London, lane Edwards Samuel, Hair-Dresser, 68, St. Stephen’s Edwards William, Glover, &c. Goodman’s Court, St. Stephen’s Edwards William, Tailor and Draper, 13, Hog-hill Edwards John, Carpenter, 3, St. Margaret’s Church-yard Edwards Edward, Gardner, 5, ditto Edwards John, Baker, 25, St Augustine’s street Eldred John, White Lion, 44, Upper Westwick street Elliott John, Sadler, Ironmonger, 1, London-lane Ellis John, Gent. 20, Lower Close Elmer Joseph, Throwsterer, 7, St. Clement’s Church-yard Elwin Thomas, Esq. 5, Fyebridge-street Elwin Marsham, Gent. 5, Upper Close Elwin James, Baker, 45, Pottergate-street Elwin Mrs. 3, Golden-Dog lane English James, Writing-Master, 87, Upper Westwick street English Joseph, Woolcomber, 14, St. Margaret’s Churchyard English John, Turner, &c. 21, St. Stephen’s street Evans T. B. Esq. 4, Little Rampant-Horse street F Fair Charles, Boot and Shoe Maker, 5, Gildengate-street Fairhead Charles, Bricklayer, 16, St. Martin’s by Palace str. Fellows Samuel, Leather-Cutter, 25, Wymer-street Fenn Abraham, Boot and Shoe-maker, 20, Tombland Fiddey Henry, Broker, 11, Hog-hill Fiddey John, Butcher, 1, Butchery-market Field Elizabeth, Glover, 7, St. Giles’ Finch Peter, Brewer, 41, Coslany-street Firman William, Baker, 38, Ber-street Fish Thomas, Cabinet-Maker, &c. 4, Bridewell Alley Fish John, Shawl and Cotton Manufacturer, Fish-gate street Fisher George, Tailor, 15, St. Stephen’s road Fiske Hammond, Deal, Timber Merchant, and Builder, Fishgate-street Fitt William, Carpenter, 8, Golden Ball lane Flegg Edward, Schoolmaster, 10, St. Martin’s lane Fletcher Thomas, Cord and Rope Maker, 4, Dove-lane Flint Richard, Sack-Manufacturer, Colegate-street Folliot John, Shopkeeper, 95, Pottergate-street Foster, Son, Unthank, and Forster, Attorneys, 11, Queen-street Forster William, Attorney, 6, Little Rampant-Horse street Foster, Dwelling-House, 15, Castle-Meadow Forster D. D. Master of the Free Grammar School, Upper-Close Forster Charles, Plumber and Glazier, 20, King-street Forster and Waite, Coppersmiths and Braziers, 2, Broad-street, St. Giles’ Forster Richard, Esq. Eaton Foster John, Bowl-Turner, Trowse Fort Thomas, Shopkeeper, 12, St George’s Bridge-street Foulger William, Flour-Merchant, Trowse Foulsham Mrs. 32, St. Stephen’s road Foulsham and Nave, Builders, 3, Chapel-field Fountain Martin, Bricklayer, 10, Tooley-street Fox John, Plumber, &c. 125, Pottergate-street Fox William, Engineer to the Water-Works, 44, Lower Westwick street Francis Samuel, Woolcomber, 8, St. Martin’s by Palace str. Francis Mrs. Register-Office, 4, Surry-street Freeman Jeremiah, Carver, Gilder, and Printseller, 2, London-lane Freeman R. H. Tailor and Salesman, 11 and 13, St. George’s Bridge-street Freeman Mrs. Throwsterer, 29, Snailgate-street Freeman John, Cabinet-Maker and Upholder, 11 and 12, Upper-Market Freeman Edward, Cabinet-Maker, 16, Back of the Inns Freeman James, Throwsterer, Stepping-lane, near King-str. Freshfield John, Hop-Merchant, 3, Elm-hill-street French John, Hair-Dresser, 28, St. George’s Bridge street Frewer and Son, Sadlers, 11, Hay-market Fromantel Daniel, Manufacturer, 3, in Court, Chapel-field-lane Frost Mrs. St. Giles’s road Frost James, Builder, 41, St. Stephen’s street Fulcher James, Brush-Maker, 10, Hay-market Futter John, Farmer, Ketteringham, and at the Angel, on Saturdays G Ganning Daniel, Gent. 23, St. Giles’ Gapp James, Merchant, 8, Coslany Bridge-street Gapp James, Dyer, 60, Coslany-street Gardiner Richard, Corn-Merchant, 138, King-street Gardiner Michael, Salesman, 5, St. Andrew’s Plain Gardiner Thomas, Throwsterer, 2, Soutergate-street Garland Thomas, Esq. 5, Lower Close Gatley David, Woolcomber, 14, St. Andrew’s Bridge-street Gay Robert, Basket-Maker, 15, Tombland Gaze John, Tanner, 11, Heigham street Gaze Thomas, Stationer and Broker, 17, Red Lion-lane Gaze Samuel, Three Compasses, 203, King-street Gee Benjamin, Crown and Anchor, 29, Gildengate-street Geldart Joseph and Son, Wine-Merchants, 15, Fyebridge-str. Geldart Joseph, jun. 2, Fyebridge-street Gibson Joseph, Master Weaver, 18, St Martin’s by Palace Plain Gibson David, Tailor, 15, Bridewell-Alley Gibbs William, Throwsterer, 4, Barrack-street Gidney James, Fruiterer, 11, Red-Lion-lane Gidney John, Fruiterer, 10, Queen-street Gidney Jeremiah, Master of the Boys’ Hospital Gifford Christopher, Broker, 31, Timberhill-street Gillman Mrs. Haberdasher, 46, London-lane Gilman Thomas, Linen-Draper and Haberdasher, 24 Cockey-lane Gilmer David, Broker, 15 and 16, Maddermarket-street Gilmore William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 4, Magdalen-street Gilney Christopher, Cabinet-Maker, 40, Castle-Ditches Glover Rev. Edward, 91, Pottergate-street Goal William, Duffield-Maker, 17, St. Martin’s street Godfry Ann, Milliner, 45, Market-place Godfrey Sarah, Linen-Draper, 20, Market-place Golden Frederick, Baker, 184, King-street Gooch C. Bricklayer, Trowse Gooch Henry, Yarn-Factor, 9, Maddermarket-street Goodwin Sibias, Liquor-Merchant, 1, Pudding-lane Goodwin James, Attorney, 2, Gun-lane Goodwin Peter, Baker, 27, Wymer street Goodwin John, Throwsterer, 5, St. Saviour’s lane Goose R. Horse Dealer, 31, St. Stephen’s road Gordon Rev. William, 6, St. Faith’s lane Gordon Capt. 21, Hungate-street Gosnold Mary, Tailor, &c. 8, St. Giles’s Broad street Goss John, Dyer, Elm-hill street Gostling Francis, Merchant, 3, Duke’s Palace Gostling Francis, Vinegar Yard, 7, St. Faith’s lane Gostling Edward, Plumber 5, Wymer street Gotts George, Smith and Farrier, 5, St. Augustine’s street Goulty Richard, Boot and Shoe Maker, 10, Back of the Inns Gowen Thomas, Licensed to Let Post Horses, 23, Bethel str. Graham W. G. Haberdasher, 8, Cockey-lane Graham George, Glover, &c. 10, Upper Market Grand John, Attorney, at Mr. Capon’s, 37, Bethel-street Grant Charles, Tailor and Habit Maker, 27, Tombland Grant Mrs. Matron at the Hospital Graver Mountain, Lobster Inn, 24, Pottergate street Graves Jeremiah, Woollen Draper, 9, Market-place Graves John and Co. Hotpressers, 16, Tooley street Gray Robert, Cabinet Maker, 22, Wymer street Green Ann, Butcher, 8, Fishmarket Green James, Boot and Shoe Maker, 15, Red Lion lane Green John, Horse-Dealer, 7, Wastlegate lane, All Saints Green William, Carpenter, 80, Lower Westwick street Green John, Bricklayer, 38, Colegate street Green J. B. Carpenter, Tooley street Green James, Wroxham, Gent. and at J. Green’s, Bricklayer, Colegate street, on Saturdays Greenfield Thomas, Jolly Farmers, 3, Castle Ditches Gridley H. Woolcomber, 190, King street Grienfield Daniel, Baker, 18, Golden Ball lane Grinling James, Woollen Draper, 41, London lane Grimmer Thomas Carpenter, 18, St. Martin’s lane Gunton James, Cabinet and Chair Maker, 4, Timberhill str. Gurney Mrs. Haberdasher, 11, Rampant Horse street Gurney Richard, Bartlett and Joseph, Bankers, 1, Bank Place Gurney Bartlett, Esq. 2, Bank Place Gurney Hudson, Esq. Queen’s street Gurney Joseph, Esq. at the Grove, St. Stephen’s Gurney, Webb, and Son, Wool and Yarn Factors, 1, Coslany street Gurney Samuel, 18, Red Lion lane. H Hadman James, Sun and Anchor Tavern, 19, Pottergate str. Haggard William, Esq. 8, Wymer street Hall Henry, Gent. 139, Ber street Hall Samuel, Boot and Shoe Maker, 32, Pottergate street Hall Thomas, Dyer, 17, Fishgate street Hammond William, Gent. 46, Pottergate street Hammond Joseph, Long Stratton, and at Tuck’s Coffee-House, Norwich Hampp Christopher, Master Weaver, 20, St. Giles’ Hancock Rev. Thomas, 2, Bishopsgate street Hancock James, Gent. 26, Bethel-street Hanmant William, Coal Merchant, 97, King-street Hansell Rev. 10, Upper Close Hanworth John, Boot and Shoe Maker, 13, Bethel street Hanks William, jun. Merchant, 31, Colegate-street Hanks William, Merchant, 26, Colegate-street Hardy George, Apothecary, at the Hospital Hardy James and Son, Grocers and Tea-Dealers, 19, Rampant-Horse street Harcourt William, Hatter, Hosier, and Draper, 7, Hay-market Harling Benjamin, Baker, 2, Bethel-street Harmer William, Coal Merchant, 50, St. Stephen’s street Harmer Henry, Attorney, 6, Chapel-field-lane Harmer Samuel, Attorney, 6, Chapel-field-lane Harman Richard, Milliner, 20, White Lion-lane Harman James, Tailor, &c. 1, Wymer-street Harmar Rebecca, Milliner, St. Margaret’s-lane Harper John, Hatter and Hosier, 7, Cockey-lane Harper William, Hatter and Hosier, 45, London-lane Harper William, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter, 26, St. Stephen’s street Harrington John, Butcher, 6, Fish-market Hart William, Cabinet and Chair Maker, 15, Hog-hill, and 1, Orford-street Hart Robert, Patten-maker, 7, Lower Westwick-street Hart Philip, Carpenter, &c. 1, Botolph-street Harvey Robert, Esq. 31, Surry-street Harvey Robert, Baker, 4, Ber-street Harvey and Hudson, Bankers, 198, King-street Harvey Mrs. G. 6, Bank-Place Harvey Thomas, Esq. Catton Harvey Jeremiah, Ives, Esq. Catton Harvey Robert, Esq. Merchant, 48, Colegate-street Harwin William, Ironmonger and Colourman, 19, Hog-hill, and Writing Master, 1, Rose-lane Hatch Richard, Baker, 53, St. Martin’s street Hatch William, Trunk-Maker, 6, Little Cockey-lane Hawkins Thomas, Grocer, 9, Queen street, and 28, Tombland Haws John, Boot and Shoe Maker, and Leather Cutter, 20, Back of the Inns Hawes John, Coach Maker, 13, Hungate-street Hawsham John, at the Arabian Horse, 2, St. Martin’s at Oak street Haylett Michael, Gardner, at the Pine Apple, 20, St. Martin’s at Oak lane Hayton Mark, Baker, 6, Upper Market Heald Henry, Gardner, &c. 13, Rose-lane Heasell John, Cheesemonger, 18, Hay-market Heasell Thomas, Woolfactor, 2, Red Well-street Heasell Thomas, Baker, 67, Gildengate-street Heigham Richard, Linen Draper, 16, Cockey-lane Henshaw, Steelyard and Scale-Beam Maker, 20, Golden Ball-lane Herring Robert, Esq. Bracondale hill Herring John and Sons, Merchants, 63 and 64, Gildengate-str. Herring John, jun. Esq. Residence, 4, Colegate-street Herring James, Woollen-Draper, 5, Hay-market Herring William, Esq. Merchant, 4, St. Faith’s lane Hewett Coleby, Boot and Shoe Maker, 12, Red Lion-lane Hewett John, Hair Dresser, 29, Magdalen-street Hibgame Rev. Edward, l, Muspole street Hickling’s (Miss) Boarding School, 8, Chancery street, St. Andrew’s Higgin Christopher, Shawl Manufacturer, 18, Coslany street Higgin and Clarke, Woolcombers and Worsted Manufacturers, 18, Coslany street Hill Mary, Baker, 50 and 51, Upper Westwick-street Hilling William, Confectioner, 6 and 7, Lower Goat-lane Hilton George, Prince of Wales, 83, Upper Westwick-street Hodgson James, Ladies’ Academy, 6, Wymer-street Hodgson Charles, Boarding School, 47, Wymer-street Hogg Edward, Working Cutler, 13, Little Cockey-lane Holland Samuel, Duffield Maker, 24, Barrack-street Holland William, Coal Merchant, St. George’s Bridge-street Hollows Thomas, Hair-Dresser, 48, Coslany street Holmes Thomas, Shopkeeper, 34, King-street Holmes William, Tailor, 3, St. Gregory’s Church-yard Holt Thomas, Tailor, &c. 14, Peacock-street Hook Edward, Esq. 59, St. Giles’ Horne Francis, Confectioner, 122, Pottergate-street Horstead Thomas, Boot and Shoe Maker, 15, Back of the Inns Horth John, Upholder, 17, White Lion-lane Houghton Mrs. 2, Griffin-lane Houghton Henry, Ship-builder, Thorpe Houghton Robert, Butcher, 3, Hall’s End Howard Adam, White Lion, 36, Bethel-street Howard John, Baker, 21, Cowgate street Howard Samuel, Carpenter, &c. 24, Coslany street Howe John, at the Bear Inn, Market-place Howell Henry, Hair-Dresser, 1, Castle Ditches Howes Rev. 2, Cow-Hill Howes Gordon, Esq. 53, Pottergate-street Howes William, Hair-Dresser, 17, Hay-market Howlett James, Wheelwright, &c. 40, St. Martin’s at Oak str. Hubbard William, Fancy Chair-Maker, 12, Broad street, St. Giles’ Hubbard Charles, Linen Draper, &c. 21, White Lion-lane Hubbard Robert, China and Glass Warehouse, 6, White Lion lane Hubbard and Wade, Boot and Shoe Makers, 7, Briggs’ lane Hubbard James, Cabinet Maker, 12, St. Andrew’s Bridge str. Hubbard James, Baker, 17, St. Martin’s lane Hubby Simon, House-Broker, 11, Colegate-street Huggins John, Currier, &c. St. Benedict’s road Hugman Benjamin, Tanner, &c. 13, Heigham street Humphrey Rev. Richard, Thorpe Hunnock Henry, Circulating Library, 12, Bridewell Alley Hunt John, Circulating Library, 12, Red-Well street Hunt John, Worsted Manufacturer, 45, Gildengate-street Hutchinson Samuel, Baker, 7, Timberhill-street Hyde John, Esq. Thorpe I Isaac Joseph, Grocer, 5, Chapel-street Ives Jeremiah, Esq. Mayor, Catton Ives J. J. and Son, and Basely, Merchants, St. Saviour’s Church-lane Ives Jeremiah, Esq. 1, Colegate-street, and in Town Close Ives Mrs. 17, Surry street Ives Mrs. 3, Cook’s lane, King-street Ivory Thomas, Esq. 1, Bishopsgate-street, Ivory John, Stone Mason, 13, King-street J Jacob and Co. Tobacconists, 23, Upper Market Jackson, Stewardson and Harper, Manufacturers, 56, St. Stephen’s street Jackson William, House Broker, 16, Hog-hill James John, Glass and China Warehouse, 27, Market-place James William, Throwsterer, 11, Cowgate-street Jary William, South Walsham, and at the Angel, Norwich, on Saturdays Jay Joseph, Coal Merchant and Fishmonger, 19, Coslany street Jay Thomas and Son, Coal Merchants, 137, King-street Jay Charles, Fishmonger, 19, Fish-market Jeckell Thomas, Corn and Coal Merchant, 127, Magdalen-street Jenner Henry, Draper, Mercer, &c. 2, Hay-market Jermy William, Felmonger, Dwelling house, Lower Westwick street. Offices at Sandland’s Ferry, and St Martin’s at Oak Johnson Lewis, Hair-Dresser, 41, Market-place Johnson Isaac, Hat-Maker, 8, London-lane Johnson Mrs. 2, Cook’s lane, King street Johnson John, Patten Maker, 4, St. Martin’s by Palace Johnson Benjamin, Grocer, &c. Upper Westwick-street Johnson Robert, at the Shell-Work, Heigham Jones George, Hair-Dresser, 6, Gun-lane Joslin Robert, Sadler, &c. 7, Madder-market-street Joy Matthew, Linen-Draper and Haberdasher, 3, White-Lion lane K Keer John, Duffield Manufacturer, 9, St Martin’s street Kemp John, Swardestone, and at the Angel, Norwich, on Saturdays Kent Henry, Boot and Shoe Maker, 22, White-Lion-lane Keith Christopher, Linen-Draper, 19, Cockey-lane Kerrison Sir Roger, Knt. and Co. Bankers and Merchants, 8, Back of the Inns Kerrison John, Ladies’ Shoe Maker, 61, St. Giles’ Kett and Back, Bankers, 2, Hog-hill Kett John, Butcher, 115, Ber-street Kett John, Butcher, 2, Butchery-Market Kett Mary, Butcher, 12, Fish-market Kett Edward, Butcher and Fishmonger, 14, Fishmarket Kettle James, Mahogany and Deal Merchant, 1, St. Ann’s Staith, King-street Keymer James, Surgeon, 5, Bethel street Keymer and Baker, Shawl Manufacturers, 22, Magdalen street Keymer John, Rose Inn, 2, St. Augustine’s Kidd William, Grocer and Tea-Dealer, 4, Elm Hill-street Kiddell Thomas, Shopkeeper, 11, St. Martin’s at Oak street King Ann, Milliner, &c. 41, Cowgate-street King James, Throwsterer, 2, St. Swithin’s lane King George, Sadler, 14, White Lion lane King Thomas, Carpenter, 7, Cow hill King Samuel, Yarn Factor, 50, Colegate street Kinnebrook David, School Master, 1, St. Peter’s Kitson Roger, Writing Master, 3, St. Andrew’s Plain Kittle Trivet, Tailor, 20, London-lane Kittle Richard, Woollen Draper, 25, ditto Kitton Robert, Grocer, &c. 52, Coslany street Knights Thomas, Tailor, 1, St. Lawrence Church-yard Knights John, Tailor, &c. 21, Wastlegate-street, All Saints Knights, Shawl Manufacturer, Market-place L Ladbrook Robert, Drawing Master, 5, Surry street Ladbrooke Mary, 5, St. Stephen’s street Ladley Thomas, jun. Hempen-Cloth Manufacturer, 52, Lower Westwick-street Ladley Francis, Shawl Manufacturer, 38, Lower Westwick street Lamb Thomas, Butcher, 32, Market-place Lamb Elizabeth, Butcher, 4, Fish-market Lamb Susannah, Butcher, 5, Fish-market Lamb John, Butcher, 13, Fish-market Lamb William, Butcher, 2, Hall’s End Lambert Charles, Stay-Maker, 20, Bethel-street Lambert Ann, Circulating Library, 1, Back of the Inns Land Matthew, Butcher, 2, Fish-market Landy and Fitch, Chymists, &c. 46, Market-place Landy James, Gent. 68, St. Giles’ Lane Nicholas, Woolcomber, 3, Upper Surry-street Lane William, Stone Mason, 144, Ber-street Lane Robert, Broker, 92 and 93, Upper Westwick street Larke John, Star Inn, 9, Hay-market Larrance Samuel, Upholder, &c. 1, St. Andrew’s Plain Larter Thomas, Pawnbroker, 28, Wymer-street Larter Daniel, at the Jolly Gardners, in the Old King’s Head Court, St. Stephen’s street Larwood Michael, Cow Keeper, St Stephen’s street Lathom Henry, Esq. 8, Upper Surry-street Lathom Francis, Esq. 15, St. Martin’s by Palace street Lawne Benjamin, Tailor, 84, St. Giles’ Lawne Sarah, Stay Maker, 40, Bethel-street Laws Charles, Shopkeeper, 2, St George’s Bridge-street Laws Edward, Gent. 173, King street Laws William, Waggon and Horses, 3, St Giles’ Broad str. Lawter Joshua, Under Chamberlain, 52, Bethel-street Layden Ann, Butcher, 3, Fish-market Lay Charles, Attorney, 40, St. Giles’ Lea James, Waggon and Horses Inn, 13, Tombland Leach William, King’s Head Inn, 11, Market-place Leeds Charles, 11, Nag’s Head Inn, Rampant Horse-street Leeds Thomas, Oval-Frame Turner, 2, Elm hill-street Leeds Edward, Brush Maker, and Importer of Foreign Spirits, &c. &c. 123, Pottergate-street Leeds John, Coal Merchant, 30, Wymer-street Leeds Stephen, Tanner, Whitwell, and at the Angel, Norwich, on Saturdays Leggett John, Tailor, &c. 5, St. Swithin’s lane Le Grice, Capt. 19, Surry street Leman Abraham, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 14, London-lane Lenham John, at the Waterman, 58, King-street Lenny Isaac, Landsurveyor, 25, Tombland Lens Mrs. 19, St. Giles’ Letree William, Esq. 13, St. Saviour’s lane Leverington Robert, Surveyor and Builder, 3, All Saint’s Green Life James, Shopkeeper, 26, King street Lillestone Robert, Whitesmith, 56, Coslany-street Lindley George, Nursery and Seeds Man, Catton Ling Gouldsmith, Linen-Draper, 13, Market-place Ling Arthur, Bricklayer, St. Stephen’s Back street Linstead Henry, Butcher, 46, Ber-street Linstead Samuel, Butcher, 10, Fish-market Litchfield George, Post-master, Post-Office, Market-place Lock Nathaniel, Carpenter and Millwright, 41, Wymer street Lock John, Accountant, 10, Red Well-street Love Samuel, Plumber, &c. 115, Magdalen street Love Robert Plumber &c. 53, Coslany street Lovick John, Woollen-Draper, Button Seller and Haberdasher, 13, Cockey-lane Lowden John, Butcher, 28, Market-place Lowden James, Butcher, 36, ditto Lowden John, jun. 6, Willow lane, St. Giles’ Lusher Thomas, Swan, 8, Swan-lane Lubbock Richard, M. D. 76, St. Giles’ Lubbock Margaret, Baker, 24, Surry-street Lubbock Thomas, Attorney, 25, Bethel-street Lyons R. Optician, 1, Gun-lane M Mack William and Co. London Stage Waggons, 73, St. Giles’ Broad street Mack William, Collector of Freightage, &c. 29, St Giles’ Mack James, Pawnbroker, 45, Magdalen street Mackie W. A. Nurseryman, St. Stephen’s road Maidwell James, Clock and Watch Maker, 8, Upper Westwick street Mallet Nicholas, Shawl Manufacturer, 5, Muspole-street Maltby Thomas, Merchant, 64, Gildengate street Maltby Daniel, Shopkeeper, 63, Cowgate-street Mann E. G. Appraiser and Auctioneer, 6, Dove-lane Mann Robert, Clock and Watch Maker, 5, St. Simon’s Mann Samuel, Hair-Dresser, 20, Fye-bridge street Mann Michael, Coppersmith and Brazier, 27, London-lane Manning John, M. D. 20, Surry-street Manning Edward, Coppersmith, Brazier, and Tin-plate Worker, 22, Cockey-lane Manning John, Baker, 2, Coslany Bridge-street Margetson Richard, Wheelwright, 16, St. Stephen’s road Marker Robert, Shopkeeper, 22, St. Augustine’s street Marley Susannah, Porter and Punch House, 29, Market-place Marsh Edward, Merchant, 124, Magdalen street Marsh Robert and Co. London Stage Waggons, 4, Tombland Marsh James, Attorney, 3, Bank Place Marshall Z. Ashley, and at the Angel, Norwich, on Saturdays Marston Robert, Stone Mason, 48, Bethel street Martlock James, 30, Recruiting Serjeant, Rampant Horse-street Martin Sarah, Lamb Inn, Hay-market Martin George Richard, Draper, Haberdasher, and Mercer, 17, Cockey-lane Martin Edmund, Umbrella-Maker, and China-Man, 38, London-lane Martin Samuel, Cabinet Maker, 2, Surry-street Martin Charles, Upholder, 26, Hungate-street Martin William, Hatter, &c. 2, Little Cockey-lane Martineau Thomas, Esq. Magdalen-street Martineau Philip, Surgeon, 192, King-street Mason Robert, Esq. 70, Pottergate-street Mason and Tidd, Druggists, &c. 7, Elm hill str. Massey and Roberts, Shawl Manufacturers, 97, Pottergate-str. Masters Mrs. Glover, 4, Red Lion-lane Matcalf William, Shawl Manufacturer, 20, Colegate-street Matthews William, Importer of Wine and Foreign Spirits, at the Golden Key, 24, Hay-market Matthews John, Plumber, &c. 5, St. Stephen’s street Mays William, Carpenter, &c. 35, Pottergate-street Mead William, Green Lion, 36, Cowgate-street Mear Stephen, Builder, &c. 24, St. Stephen’s Back street Meek James, Plumber, 15, Magdalen-street Mendham Elizabeth, Milliner, 33, St. Giles’ Mendham Thomas, Gardner, 21, St. Martin’s at Oak street Merry Peter, Plumber &c. 31, Magdalen street Merry Robert, Cooper, 115, Pottergate-street Merriment Jonathan, Throwsterer, 13, Cowgate-street Middleton Rev. 4, Life’s Green Middleton Michael, Broker, 10, Bridewell Alley Mileham Richard, at the Barley Mow, 1, Weaver’s lane Mileham Peter, Porter Merchant, 42, Wymer-street Miles Edward, Tailor, 50, Bethel-street Miles Stephen, Whalebone Staithe, 118, King-street Millard Rev. Charles, 41, Snailgate street Millard Rev. Charles, 4, Bracondale hill Miller Samuel, at the Lamb, 135, Ber-street Miller James, Hair Dresser, 119, Magdalen-street Mills William, Upholsterer, Monument Yard, London, and at the Swan, Norwich Mingay and Co. Woollen Drapers and Mercers, 22, Rampant Horse street Mingay Richard, Master of Bridewell Minner John, Rainbow Inn, 132, King-street Minns Robert, Boot and Shoe Maker, 3, Back of the Inns Mitchell Robert, at the Cock, 53, St. Giles’ Mitchell Samuel, Red Lion, 3, Coslany street Mollet Rising, Whitesmith, Pig-lane Monday Mrs. Broker, 28, Rampant Horse street Moore John, Wheelwright, 18, Ber-street Moore Thomas, Hawker and Pedlar’s Office, 47, Bethel str. Moore Theodore, Throwsterer, 150, King-street Moore Stephen, Gent. 4, Lower Close Moore James and Son, Dyers, 7, Wymer-street Moore John, Sack Manufacturer, 30, Magdalen-street Morley Charles, Stover and Throwsterer, 52, Cowgate-street Morris John, Whitesmith, Appraiser and Auctioneer, at the Black Boys, 44, Colegate street Morphew John, Attorney, 2, Wilkes’s lane, near Bank-Place Moss John, Esq. 7, Upper Surry street, and Porter Brewery, 57, St. Martin’s at Oak street Moss Richard, Gent. 19, Upper Close Moltin Francis, Weather Glass Maker, 11, Lower Westwick street Mountain Henry, Corn and Coal Merchant, 23, Lower Close Mountney Thomas, Swan Inn, Upper Market str. Munney John, Broker, 37, St. Giles’ Murray Mrs. 130, Magdalen street Murry J. M. Appraiser and Auctioneer, 10, Black Horse Inn, St. Giles’ Broad street Muskett Thomas, Gressenhall, Tanner Muskett Joseph, Easton Hall, and at the Swan, Upper Market str. Norwich, on Saturdays N Nash John, Importer and Dealer in Wines, &c. 33, Wymer-street Neale James, Straw-Hat Manufacturer, 15, Bethel street Neech Samuel, at the Public Gardens, St. Stephen’s road Neel Edward, Pastry Cook, &c. 21, Back of the Inns Neeve William, Bricklayer, 143, Ber-street, late Scole’s Green Negus Mrs. 19, Lower Close Nelson Charles, Landsurveyor, 7, Red Lion-lane Newbegin Ann, Clothes’ Broker, 1, Madder-market-street Newman Richard, Baker, 126, Magdalen-street Newson William, Grocer and Tea-Dealer, 101, Stump Cross Newstead Samuel, Ladies’ Shoe Maker, 17, Madder-market-street Newstead John, at the Cat and Fiddle, 48, Magdalen-street Newton Francis, Gent. 10, St. Stephen’s street Newton Rev. I. W. 16, Lower Close Nicholas Robert, Hempen Cloth Manufacturer, Beccles, and in Weaver’s lane, on Saturdays Nichols Thomas, Rope Maker, 8, St. Augustine’s street Nickless Isaac, Raven Inn, 32, King-street Nockles Samuel, Boot and Shoe Maker, 8, Elm hill street Norgate Elias, Gent. 17, St. Giles’ Norgate and Stafford, Hair-Dressers, 18, Rampant Horse-str. Norgate John, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 36, Surry-street Norgate Mary, Glover, &c. 17, Dove-lane Norman Benjamin, Hempen-Cloth Manufacturer, 4, Hog-hill Norman James, Smith, 83, Ber-street Norman John, Duke of York, Castle Ditches Norman Thomas, at the Pine Apple, Trowse Norris Jeremiah, Esq. 2, St. Giles’ hill-street Norris Samuel, Coffin Maker, 133, Magdalen street Nosworthy James, Jeweller and Toyman, 3, Queen-street Nudd John, Esq. Bracondale hill Nunn Sarah, Baker, 10, St. Andrew’s Chancery street Nutter Sarah, Gingerbread Baker, 15, Cockey-lane O Oaker Joseph, Gent. 6, Snailgate-street Oakley William, Smith, 3, St. Martin’s by Palace street Oliver Thomas, Gent. 11, Snailgate-street Ollett George, Sun and Anchor Tavern, 51, Colegate street Orsborn Mark, Tallow Chandler, 33, Timberhill-street Orsborn Robert, Sandland’s Ferry Orsburn Edward, Livery Stables, Gildengate-street Osborn and Son, Boot and Shoe Makers, 3, Upper Market str. Osborn James and Co. Sack Manufacturers, 31, Cowgate street Ownsworth John, Bricklayer, 27, Bethel-street Oxley John, Hatter and Hosier, 5, Market-place; Dwelling-house, 4, Gildengate-street Oxley Joseph, Merchant, 52, Gildengate-street P Page and Co. Grocers, 1, Timberhill-street Page John, Baker, Jack of Newberry yard, Pottergate street Page William, Accomptant, 22, St. Martin’s at Oak street Page James Cocksedge, 145, Ber-street Pairman Jeremiah, Horse Dealer, 4, Orford-street Painter Henry, Broker, 4, Upper Westwick street Palmer William, Corn Merchant, 54, King-street Palmer William, Grocer, &c. 63, Coslany street Palmer William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 13, Fyebridge street Parkinson Joseph, Haberdasher, 37, London-lane Parkerson I. C. Corn and Coal Merchant, 18, St. Martin’s by Palace street Parkerson John, House-Bell Hanger and Venetian Blind-Maker, 9, Hungate-street Parke Luke, Carver and Gilder, 9, Little Cockey-lane Parlour John, Whitesmith, 15, London-lane Parmerton John, Miller, Aylsham, and at the Angel, Norwich Parr Rev. Robert, 67, St. Giles’ Broad street Parr Thomas, Woollen Draper, 5, Pottergate-street Parslee Mrs. Bell Inn, 17, Hog hill Partridge Robert, Esq. 3, Gildengate street Partridge Rev. Mr. 10, Lower Goat-lane Paston Mrs. 4, Lady’s lane Pastons James, Grocer and Tallow Chandler, 116, Ber-street Patteson John, Esq. 6, Surry street Pater John, Carpenter, 2, Golden Dog-lane Paul William, Appraiser, Auctioneer, and House-Broker, 98, Upper Westwick-street Payne John, Printer, Bookseller, and Stationer, 22, Market-place Peck William, Innkeeper, 30, Market-place Peck James, Turk’s Head, 4, Weaver’s lane Peck Edward, Butcher, 1, Fish-market Peck Mary, Butcher, 50, Ber-street Peele Rev. John, 5, Lady’s lane Perkins William, Tin-plate Worker, 11, Little Cockey-lane Perkins William, Coppersmith, 25, Hay-market Perown James, Boulting Cloth Maker, 15, Coslany-street Perry Paul, Turner, 13, St. Gregory’s Church yard Peete Richard, Esq. 22, Surry-street Phillips William, Peacock, 78, St. Stephen’s street Phillips John, Griffin Inn, 1, King-street Pickis Robert, Oatmeal Maker, 6, Castle Ditches Pigg Joseph, Carpenter and Joiner, Fishgate-street Pigg Robert, Confectioner, &c. 28, London-lane Pigg Thomas and Joseph, Carpenters and Joiners, 16, St. Saviour’s lane Pillans W. C. Esq. 3, Tomland Pitchford, Surgeon, 26, St. Giles’ Broad street Pitcher Isaiah, Pawn Broker, 26, Pottergate-street Pitchers James, Hair Dresser, 10, Upper Market str. Plaford John, China and Glass Warehouse, 38, Market-place Platter James, Boot and Shoe Maker, 9, Tooley-street Playford Robert, Patten and Trunk Maker, 4, Dove-lane Plumber and Massey, Ironmongers, &c. 124, Pottergate-street Plumbtree Robert, Esq. 84, Ber-street Pooley Thomas, Duffield and Rug Maker, 71, Magdalen-street Pooley Sarah, Duffield Manufacturer, Bird and Hand lane, Heigham Pope Richard, Carpenter, 86, Upper Westwick-street Potter Rev. 7, Upper Close Potter William, Currier, 33, Lower Westwick-street Potter Charles, Accomptant, St. Martin’s at Oak street Powell Robert, Woolcomber, 114, Magdalen street Prentice Samuel, Shakspeare Tavern, 24, London-lane Prentice Susannah, Wine Vaults, 34, London-lane Prentice Robert, Importer and Dealer in Wines, &c. 11, Tombland Prest Robert, Baker, 14, Pitt-street Preston Elizabeth, White Lion Inn, White Lion-lane Priest Robert, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 42, Market-place Priest John Fox, Chymist and Druggist, 1, St. Giles’ Broad str. Prior William, Horse and Groom, 17, Back of the Inns Pritchard Jonathan, Baker, 20, Fish-gate street Pritchard John, Baker, 15, St. George’s Bridge-street Procter Joseph, D. D. 14, Upper Close Purland Robert, Chymist, &c. 3, Fyebridge-street Purland Robert, sen. Surgeon, in Court, 32, Cowgate-street Purland Matthew, at Whittington and his Cat, 20, Cowgate street Purnell John, Throwsterer, 12, Cowgate-street Pye Samuel, Attorney, 22, St. Martin’s by Palace plain Pye Richard, Tailor, 2, St. Gregory’s Church-yard Q Quantrell Robert, Baker, 45, Coslany-street R Rackham Matthew, Intwood Hall, and at the Swan, Upper Market str. on Saturdays Rackham Elizabeth, Grocer, 34, St. Stephen’s street Rackham John, Baker, 39, St. Stephen’s street Rackham Matthew, Bull Inn, 43, ditto Rackham Mrs. Baker, 6, Upper Goat-lane Rackham Rebecca, Shopkeeper, 1, Peacock street Rackham William, Leather Cutter, 71, Coslany-street Ramm William, Gent. 187, King-street Rampley George, Crown Inn, 32, Upper Westwick-street Rand Hewett, Esq. Sampson and Hercules’ Court, Tombland Rand William Fell, Surgeon, ditto, ditto Randall Benjamin, Esq. 16, Upper Close Ransome Thomas, Gent. 14, Castle Meadow Raymes Thomas, Oatmeal Maker, 18, St. Simon’s Reeves James, China and Glass Warehouse, 23, Cockey-lane Reeve Isaac, Duffield and Flushing Manufacturer, 1, Golden Dog lane Reeve Thomas and Co. Clothiers, 7, Soutergate-street Reeve John Sayer, Baker, 18 and 19, ditto Reynolds John, Iron Merchant, 12, Lower Goat-lane Reynolds Charles, Woollen Draper, 19, Market-place Reuben William, Cooper, 13, Ber-street Rice Luke, Tailor, 3, Rampant Horse-street Richer Nicholas, Bookbinder, 6, St. Giles’ Broad street Riches William, George Inn, 37, St. Stephen’s street Riches Thomas, Hair Preparer, &c. 4, Wastlegate str. All Saints Riches Edward, Hair Dresser, 10, Pottergate-street Riches Henry, Granaries and Coal Binns, late Burrell’s, 120, King-street Riches John, Carpenter, Soutergate-street Richards Edward, Licensed to Let Post Horses, &c. &c. 32, Botolph-street Richards Robert, Linen Manufacturer, 26, Market-place Rider Robert, Billiard-Table Maker, 1, King-street Rigby Edward, Esq. Surgeon, 64, St. Giles’ Broad street Riggs John, Prince of Wales, 2, Back of the Inns Riggs John, Brewer’s Arms, 18, London-lane Ringer Edward, Boot and Shoe Maker, 14, Dove-lane Rippon James, Tailor, &c. 3, Surry-street Riseborough John, Coal Merchant, 9, Chapel-field-lane Rivett S. Silk Dyer, 17, Upper Market Rix R. and Co. Glass Warehouse, 47, Wymer-street N.B. Agent to the Sun Fire-Office Roach Richard, Plumber, &c. 3, St. Simon’s Roach Edward, Tailor, 129, Magdalen-street Roberts John, Glover, &c., 17, Golden Ball-lane Roberts John Whitaker, Hotpresser, 12, Soutergate-street Robinson James, Surgeon, 16, Lower Goat-lane Robinson John, Plumber, &c. 9, Snailgate-street Robinson William, Hotpresser, 15, ditto Robinson Charles, Lock and White Smith, 21, St. Martin’s at Oak lane Rodwell John, Dyer, 42, Lower Westwick-street Roe Robert, Boot and Shoe Maker, 14, Cockey-lane Roe Bosom, Baker, 7, Fyebridge-street Roe John, Tailor, &c. 5, Swan-lane Rogers Mrs. Ladies’ Boarding School, Magdalen-street Rooks John, Deal, Timber Merchant, and Builder, 12, Fishgate-street Root James, Whitesmith, 4, St. Saviour’s Church lane Roope James, Cabinet-Maker, 6, Timberhill-street Rose Thomas, Cork Cutter, 69, St. Stephen’s street Rose Mary, Silk Dyer, 3, Swan-lane Royal Peter, at the Chequers, 67, Coslany-street Royal Benjamin, Millwright, 18, Tooley-street Rowe James, Two Quarts, 17, St Stephen’s street Rudd Robert, Baker, Rising Sun-lane Rudd John, Shopkeeper, 34, Botolph-street Rudd John, Shopkeeper, 36, Gildengate street Russells Mary, Broker, 5, Hog-hill Rump and Clipperton, Grocers, Tea Dealers and Hop Factors, 13, Hay-market Rump James, jun. Gent. Catton Russell Skinner, Attorney, 1, in Court, opposite the Black Horse, St. Giles’ Russell Jeremiah, Tripeman, 136, Ber-street Russell Edward, Clock and Watch Maker, 25, Magdalen-street Rust Edward, Haberdasher, 19, Tombland Rye William, Linen-Draper, 18, Upper Market S Sabbarton James and Co. Woolcombers, 32, Pitt-street Sadd John, Dyer, 65, Coslany-street Salmon Richard, Tailor, 3, St. Saviour’s Church-lane Salmon Thomas, Baker, 52, Ber-street Salmon Thomas, Baker, 102, Magdalen-street Sampson Aaron, Confectioner, 11, Lower Goat-lane Sandby Rev. Paul, D. D. Chancellor, 1, Lower Close square Saul William, Carpenter, &c. 4, St. Giles’ hill Say Thomas, Plumber, &c. 14, St. Giles’ Say Thomas, Plumber, &c. St. Martin’s by Palace street Sawter Peter, Collar-maker, Trowse Schuldham John, Woollen-Draper and Mercer, 8, Market place Scott Daniel, Esq. 125, Magdalen-street Scott Peter, Brush Maker, 19, White Lion-lane Scott John, Upholder, 15, White Lion-lane Scott James, Baker, 24, St. Stephen’s street Scott Thomas, Woollen Manufacturer, 29, Fishgate-street Scott Robert, Surgeon, 39, ditto Scott William, Flower in Hand, 15, Tooley-street Seggins Isaac, King’s Head Inn, 38, St. Giles’ Sewell Joseph, Attorney, 2, Fromanteel’s Court, Chapel-Field-lane Sewell Robert, Calico Glazier, 4, in Court, opposite the Black Horse, St. Giles’ Sewell Bartholomew, Merchant, 35, Pitt-street Sewell John, Bracon Ash, and at the Rampant Horse, St. Stephen’s, on Saturdays Sexton Joseph, Shawl Manufacturer, 46, Snailgate-street Sexton William, Ironmonger, 49, Market-place Shalders Absalom, Sadler, &c. 8, Upper Market str. Shalders William, Leather Cutter, 14, Fyebridge-street Shalders Jacob, Grocer, 3, St. George’s Bridge-street Sharpe Robert, Tailor and Habit Maker, 29, Rampant Horse street Sherrell Mary, Milliner, 11, Cockey-lane Shepard James, House Broker, 17, Rampant Horse street Shelty Thomas, Gent. 7, Snailgate-street Shickle James, Plasterer, 22, Hungate-street Shildrake John, Tailor and Habit Maker, 43, Lower Westwick-street Shildrake Thomas, Hampshire Hog, 63, Lower Westwick-street Shreeve Ann, Shopkeeper, 30, St. Augustine’s street Shreeve and Newton, Silversmiths and Haberdashers, 20, Cockey-lane Sidel John, Boot and Shoe Maker, 13, Magdalen street Sidney John, Gardner, Snailgate-street Siely and Wright, Linen-Drapers, 36, London-lane Siely Thomas, Furrier, 3, Upper Westwick-street Sillet William, at the Duke of York, Cow-hill Sillis Francis, Farmer, Lime Burner, and Brick Maker, Lakenham, and at the King’s Head, Norwich, on Saturdays. Brick Kiln, near Brazen Doors Silvey Robert, Gingerbread Baker, 21, Bethel-street Sizeland Thomas, Baker, 43, Bethel-street Sims John, Chymist and Druggist, 26, London-lane Simpson William, Attorney, 24, St. Giles’ Simpson Robert, 79, Curriers’ Arms, St. Giles’ Skelton Thomas, Broker, 8, Madder-market-street Skeele Henry, at the Coffee House, late Tuck’s, 4, Market-place Slater John, Farrier, 16, Hay-market Sly and Son, Clock and Watch Makers 1, White Lion-lane, and 61, Gildengate-street Smith Francis, Cooper, 76, St. Stephen’s street Smith Thomas, Engraver, 11, Bethel-street Smith William, Esq. 6, Lady’s lane Smith Jacob, Baker, 1, Common Pump street Smith John, Carpenter, 146, Ber street Smith William, James, and Francis, Woollen-Drapers, 6, Market-place Smith Thomas, Furrier and Liquor Merchant, 43, Market-place Smith William, Plumber, &c. 7, Upper Market Smith James, Ladies’ Shoe Maker, 9, ditto Smith Daniel, Fishmonger, 17, Fish-market Smith Thomas, Cabinet Maker, 16, St. Giles’ Smith Samuel, Grocer, 42, ditto Smith William, Tanner, 2, in Court opposite the Black Horse, St. Giles’. Tanning Office at Thorpe Smith Eli, Duffield Maker, 25, St Stephen’s street Smith Thomas, Tailor and Habit Maker, 16, Hungate-street Smith James, Attorney, in Goss’s yard, Elm hill-street Smith John, Hempen-Cloth Manufacturer, 18, Wymer-str. Smith James, Grocer, 20, Coslany-street Smith Moses, Pawn Broker, 50, St. Martin’s at Oak-street Smith Hugh, Gardner and Seedsman, without Brazen Doors Smith Matthew, Tanner, 7, Heigham-street Snell I. C. M.D. 172, King-street, Sothern George, Chymist, &c. 25, Market-place Sothern Jane, Glass Warehouse, 10, Swan-lane Southgate John, Plumber, 8, Timberhill-street Spalding Daniel, Grocer and Liquor Merchant, 4, Elm hill str. Sparkes Robert, at the Hole in the Wall 43, Wymer-street Sparkles Edward, Duke of York, 11, Barrack street Sparks Britton, Licensed to Let Post Horses, &c. 23, Elm hill Sparshall Edmund, Wine, Rum, Brandy and Hop Merchant, Dealer in Burton Ale, London Porter, Herefordshire Cyder and Perry, 132, Magdalen-street, Corner of St. Clement’s Church-yard Spencer John, New Common Staithe, 123, King-street Spinks John, Woolpack, 17, Muspole-street Spooner Thomas, Boot and Shoe Maker, 31, Market-place Spooner Thomas, Boot and Shoe Maker, 7, Castle Ditches Spratts Messrs. Coach, Harness and Wheel Manufacturers, 6, Chapel-field Spratt James, Pawnbroker, 16, Golden Ball-lane Spratt John, Pawnbroker, 6, Upper Westwick-street Springall Thomas, Wheat Sheaf, 3, Bethel-street Springfield Daniel, at the Yarmouth Bridge, 16, Red Lion-lane Springfield Ann, Moon and Stars, 29, Colegate-street Springfield Edmund, Pawnbroker, 1, St George’s Church Alley Spurrell Robert, Grocer, 65, Ber-street Squire Edward, Corn Merchant, 141, Old Common Staithe, King-street Squire Edward, Merchant, Dwelling House, 1, Tombland Stacey George, Chymist, &c. 12, White Lion-lane Staff John, Grocer and Tallow Chandler, 5, St. Martin’s by Palace-street Staff John, Baker, 152, King street Stafford Robert, Shopkeeper, 46, Coslany-street Stag James, Nurseryman, at Yarmouth, and at Murry’s, Black Horse, St Giles’ Stannard William, Master of St. Andrew’s Workhouse Stannard Joseph, Carpenter, 12, Upper Westwick-street Stannard John, Plumber, &c. 61, ditto Stannard James, City Engineer, 11, Rose-lane Stannard Richard, Hosier and Mercer, 14, Market-place Stannard Joseph and Son, House Builders, 10, Colegate-street Starling Thomas, Boot and Shoe Maker, 49, Botolph-street Starling John Parlett, Coal Merchant, Life’s Green Starry George, Whitesmith, 3, Fishgate-street Stebbing Henry, Stay Maker, 64, St. Stephen’s street Stebbing Robert, Sadler, 3, Little Rampant Horse street Stevenson and Matchett, Printers and Stationers, 47, Market-place Stevenson William, Esq. Dwelling House, 34, Surry-street Stevenson William, Farrier, 1, Castle Meadow Stevens William, Grocer and Tallow Chandler, 13, Madder-market, and Cabinet and Chair Maker, 14 Steward Robert, Baker, 27, Colegate-street Steward Charles, Throwsterer, 4, Coslany-street Stewart Jane and Ann, Haberdashers, 35, London-lane Steward William, Baker, 39, London-lane Steward John, Attorney, Upper Heigham, and Agent to the Phœnix Fire Office, Surry-street Stewart James, Importer and Dealer in Foreign Spirits, &c. 13, Lower Close Stimpson Samuel, Crown Inn, 12, St. Stephen’s street Stoddart John, Coach Maker, St. Giles’ road Stone William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 7, Bridewell Alley Stone Francis, Surveyor and Builder, 135, King-street Storey J. B. Wharfinger, Music-House Staithe, 139, King-street Storey John, Farmer, Wymondham, and at the George, St. Stephen’s, on Saturdays Storey John, Woolcomber, 23, Coslany-street Stoughton Thomas, Attorney, 5, King-street Strange James, Coach-Maker, 34, Timberhill-street Studwell Elizabeth, Glass and China Warehouse, 35, Market-place Sturgeon Mrs. 3, Lower Close Sudbury James and Son, Upholders, 5, Cockey-lane Sudbury Samuel, Gent. 7, All Saints’ Green Suffield R. and G. Wine and Liquor Merchants, 45, St. Giles’ Sunstead Daniel, Grocer, 10, Soutergate-street Sutton Rev. Charles, 197, King-street Swan William, Tinman and Brazier, 121, Magdalen-street Swaine and Wright, Plasterers, 18, Gildengate-street Sword Benjamin, Licensed to Let Post Horses, Chaises, &c. 6, King street Syder John, Hop Merchant, Importer and Dealer in Foreign Spirits, Wymondham, and at the Wounded Heart, Upper Market, Norwich, on Saturdays Syder Haylett, Hosier, &c. Wymondham, and at Mrs. Studwell’s, Market place, Norwich, on Saturdays Syer Thomas, at the Dove, 13, Lower Westwick-street Syer John, Staymaker, 9, Red-Well-street Symonds William, Master Weaver, 8, St. Andrew’s Bridge str. T Tallack John, 1, Duke’s Palace Tawell Thomas, Esq. Iron Merchant, 22, Upper Close. N.B. The Iron Warehouse, 7, Wastlegate-lane, All Saints Taylor Rev. Thomas, 34, Bethel street Taylor Adam, Attorney, 21, Hog-hill Taylor Charles, Upholder, 44, London-lane Taylor Charles, Dwelling house, 20, Castle Meadow Taylor Matthew, House Steward, 70, King-street Taylor Thomas, Upholder, 4, Pottergate-street Taylor John, Plumber and Glazier, 6, St. Martin’s by Palace street Taylor Richard, Wool Factor, 72, Upper Westwick-street Taylor and Barnard, Wool Factors, 12, Muspole-street Taylor Adam, Swardeston, and at the Angel, Norwich, on Saturdays Theobald John, Breeches Maker, 21, Cockey-lane Theobald William, Breeches Maker, &c. 16, White Lion-lane Theobald S. and A. Milliners, 4, St. George’s Bridge street Thirtle John, Boot and Shoe Maker, 106, Magdalen-street Thompson William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 28, St. Giles’ Thompson Peter, Gate-House Inn, Upper Close Thompson John, Shopkeeper, White Friars’ Bridge street Thompson John, Shopkeeper, 1, Cowgate-street Thompson John, Gent. 16, St. Augustine’s street Thompson John, Porter Merchant, 39, Colegate-street Thorsby John, Baker, 39, Lower Westwick-street Thurgar Charles, Ladies’ Boarding School, in Court, Queen’s street Thurlow Henry, Rope Maker, 39, St Martin’s at Oak-street Thurlow Rev. E. S. 31, Lower Close Thurston John, Broker, 12, Wymer-street Thurston Samuel, Broker, 15, ditto Thwaites Alexander, Linen Draper, and Hempen Cloth Manufacturer, 22, London-lane Tillett William, Confectioner, 18, St. Stephen’s street Tillet James, Whitesmith, 112, Pottergate-street Tillett Samuel, Patten Maker, 10, Little Cockey-lane Tillyard Robert, Manufacturer, 21, Fishgate-street Tilgat Susannah, Butcher, Fish-market Tinkler John, Currier, 41, Lower Westwick-street Tinkler John, jun. and Co. Tanners, 15, Heigham-street Tipple Thomas, Tailor, &c. 19, Tooley-street Todd Samuel, Patten Maker, 30, Timberhill-street Toll John and Co. Woollen and Linen Drapers, 17, Market-place Toll John, jun. Hatter and Hosier, 23, Market-place Toll George, Glass and China Warehouse, 12, Hay-market Toll John, Dwelling House, 11, St. Faith’s lane Tomlinson Robert, Stay maker, 4, Chancery street, St. Andrew’s Tomlinson William, Hatter and Hosier, 11, Back of the Inns Tompson Thomas, Broker and Salesman, 8, White Lion-lane Tompson Timothy, Common Beer Brewer, 37, King-street Tompson Thomas and Son, Merchants, 98, ditto Tompson Rev. John, 7, Bank Place Town Daniel, Licensed to Let Post Horses, 11, Upper Goat-lane Trafford Sigismund, Esq. Tuck’s Wood, Lakenham Treasure William, Rope Maker, 66, Magdalen-street Trigg Francis, Tailor, 8, Bethel-street Troughton Thomas, Woolcomber, 8, Colegate-street Tubby Samuel, Cabinet Maker, 77, St. Stephen’s street Turner Joseph, D.D. Dean of Norwich Turner Thomas, Engraver and Jeweller, 17, London-lane Turner Nicholas, Linen Manufacturer, 8, St. Gregory’s Church-yard Turner John, Carpenter, &c. 111, Pottergate-street Turner Thomas, Carpenter, &c. 44, Cowgate-street Turner Robert, Housebroker, 16, Soutergate-street Tuthill Charles, Merchant, 38 and 39, Pitt-street Tuthill John, Esq. 3, Willow-lane, St Giles’ V Varnish Elizabeth, Butcher, 48, Ber-street Varnish Edward, Butcher, 34, Market-place Varnish Benjamin, Butcher, 51, Ber-street Vincent Edward, Boot and Shoe Maker, 22, Back of the Inns Vincent William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 9, Lower Westwick street U Upcroft William, Shopkeeper, 18, Magdalen-street Upcroft John, Sawyer’s Arms, 37, Upper Westwick-street Utton William, Attorney, 6, Tombland W Wade John, Shopkeeper, 24, All Saints’ Green Wade James, Butcher, 24, Upper Market Wade Christopher, Butcher, 25, Upper Market Wagstaff John, Miller and Baker, 21, Coslany-street Waites Elizabeth, Broker, 2, Lower Westwick-street Waite George, Tailor, 23, London-lane Waite John, White Hart, 10, Coslany-street Wall Marke, Hempen-Cloth Manufacturer, 3, Weaver’s lane Wake Henry, Angel Inn, 16, Market-place—N.B. Since this work was begun, Mr. John Ball has taken it. Walker Isaac, Gunsmith, 5, Briggs’-lane Walker Benjamin, Gent. 2, Goodman’s yard, St. Stephen’s Walker Rev. John, 24, Lower Close Walker John, Bricklayer, Lower Westwick-street Walker Amies, Baker, 70, Coslany-street Walkington James, Lace Manufacturer, 75, St. Giles’ Walpole William, Bricklayer, 13, Colegate-street Ward Robert, Butcher, 11, Fish market Ward Robert, Sadler and Ironmonger, 8, Briggs’ lane; and 9, Rampant-Horse-street. Dwelling-house, 19, Castle Meadow Ward John, Baker, 1, Red Lion-lane Ward Thomas, Baker, St. Stephen’s road Ward William, Butcher, 109, Ber-street Ward John, Patten Maker, 34, Upper Westwick-street Warden John, Hot-presser, 18, Peacock street Wardlaw Mrs. Bookseller, 16, Dove-lane Warne John, Hair-Dresser, 13, Queen-street Warne George, Musician, 1, Cook’s lane, King-street Warne L. Clearstarcher, 7, Colegate-street Warne Benjamin, Staymaker, Gilden Craft lane Warner William, Smith, 29, St. Stephen’s street Waters George, Lion and Castle, 11, Timberhill-street Watering Stephen, Elephant Inn, 108, Magdalen street, N.B. Now kept by Charles Browne, late of the Lion and Castle Inn, Jail hill Watling James, Tailor, 51, St. Giles’ Watson John, Baker, 11, White Lion-lane Watson Edward, Coal Merchant, 2, St. Ann’s Staithe, King-street Watson John, Tailor, Jack of Newberry yard, Pottergate-street Watson Richard, Farrier, 109, Pottergate-street Watson Joseph, Tailor, 2, Maddermarket-street Watson Thomas, Esq. Merchant, 5, Coslany-street Watts James, Butcher, 45, Ber-street Watts Mary, Butcher, 1, Hall’s End Wayte Thomas, Oatmeal Maker, 6, Wastlegate-lane, All Saints Weaver William, Shopkeeper, 130, Ber-street Webster William, Maid’s Head Inn, 1, Fyebridge-street Webster Rev. Stephen, Ber-street road Webster James, Boot and Shoe Maker, Cross-lane, St. George’s Weeks William, Plumber, 20, Botolph-street Wells Mary, Pawnbroker, 3, St. Martin’s at Oak street Wells William, Attorney, 1, Theatre square Wells John, Gent, 2, Queen-street Wells Rev. John, 4, Upper Close Weston Charles, Esq. and Co. Bankers, 15, Upper Market Weston Charles, jun. Esq. Dwelling-House, 12, Queen-street West John, Linen Draper, 3, Cockey-lane Wetherley, Whitesmith, All Saints’ Green Whall Henry, Coach Master, 16, Muspole-street Wharne Sarah, Shopkeeper, 2, St. Martin’s by Palace street Wheeler Mrs. 62, St. Giles’ When James, Gingerbread Baker, 6, St. Stephen’s road Whitaker Mrs. 33, Colegate-street Whitbrook William, Brazier, 22, Wastlegate-street, All Saints White Ann, Printer, 11, St. Andrew’s Bridge street White William, Gent. Thorpe White William, at the Man Laden with Mischief, 20, St. Saviour’s lane Whittingham Rev. 3, Life’s Green Wickes Rice, Farmer, Eaton, and at the Greyhound, St. Stephen’s, on Wednesdays and Saturdays Wiffen Abraham, Boot and Shoe Maker, 72, St. Stephen’s street Wilcocks William, Merchant, 63 and 64, Pottergate-street Wild William, Shopkeeper, 14, Barrack street Wiley Thomas, Woolcomber, White Friars’ Bridge street, now No. 2, Privy-lane Willement Martin, Merchant, 1, Snailgate-street Wilkins John, Dwelling-House, 11, St. Martin’s at Oak lane Wilkins James, Plasterer, St. Benedict’s Church-yard Wilkin Charles, Lion Cutter, 55, St. Stephen’s street Wilmot Robert, Hat Maker, 7, Dove-lane Willmot Joseph, Hosier, 95, Upper Westwick-street Wilsea Samuel, Cabinet-Maker, &c. 10 and 11, Madder-market-street Willsea Peter, Plumber, 47, Coslany-street Wilson Thomas, Baker and Pastry Cook, 18, Tombland Wilson William, Boot and Shoe Maker, 114, Pottergate-str. Wilson William, Calico Glazier, 4, Goodman’s Yard, St. Stephen’s street Wimpres Hannah, Shopkeeper, 9, Bridewell Alley Windett James, Grocer, 5, London lane Winter James, Baker, 29, Wymer-street Wilch John, Baker, 17, St. Martin’s by Palace plain Witham James, Music and Drawing Master, and Musical Instrument Seller, 7, London-lane Witherick Jeremiah, at the Fountain, Briggs’ lane Woods James, Watch Maker, 2, Upper Market Wood Hannah, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 74, St. Stephen’s street, and 1, Surry-street Woodbine John, Manufacturer, 13 and 14, Soutergate-street Woodcock John, Hair Dresser, 8, Upper Market Woodgate Philip, Woolcomber, 86, Magdalen-street Woodhouse Elizabeth, Shoe Maker, 18, Back of the Inns Woodhouse Rev. P. 11, Upper Close Woodrow John, Gent. 4, Snailgate-street Woods William, Licensed to Let Post Horses, &c. 8, Wilkes’s lane, near Bank place Woods John, Fishmonger, 18, Fish-market Woods John, Cooper, 35, Coslany-street Woods Thomas, Fearnought Maker, 64, ditto Woodward John, Eating-House, 36, St. Stephen’s-street Woolford Joseph, Grocer and Tea Dealer, 47, London-lane Woolston Mrs. at the Guild-hall Inn, 21, Upper Market Woolverton William, School-master, 6, Elm hill str. Worth and Co. Merchants, 14, Gildengate-street Worth Walter, Dwelling house, 13, ditto Wright Richard, Hempen Cloth Manufacturer, 2, Post-Office Court Wright Robert, Grocer, &c. 8, King-street Wright James, Gunsmith, 6, Queen-street Wright John, Plasterer, late of Snailgate-street, now No. 75, Upper Westwick-street Wright Robert, Bear and Staff, 14, Fisher’s lane Wright John, Coal Merchant, 36, Botolph-street Wright Edward, Throwsterer, 6, Coslany-street Wright Henry John, Plasterer, 37, Snailgate-street Wright Cotton, Woolcomber, 8, St. Mary’s Church yard Wyatt Noah, Boot and Shoe Maker, 2, St. Stephen’s street Wymer George, Attorney, 40, Pottergate-street Y Yallop Daniel, at the Dolphin, 26, Coslany street Yallop James, Unicorn, 42, ditto Youngs Peter (at the City of Norwich), 5, Wastlegate, All Saints Youngman Hannah, Tailor, 2, Little Rampant Horse-street Youngman William, Scarlet Dyer, 33, Pitt street Merchants, &c. attending at Inns in and near the Market-place, on Market-days. Bloom D. and Co. 2, Duke’s Palace, and Trowse Mills Buck Robert, Florden, at the Rampant Horse, St. Stephen’s Buck John, St. Clement’s Hill, and at the King’s Head Candler Lawrence and Son, Cringleford, and at the Rampant Horse, St. Stephen’s Carter J. G. Wyndham, and at the Coach-maker’s Arms, St. Stephen’s road Barton William, Corn and Coal Merchant, 164, King-street Marshall Z. Ashby, at the Angel Parmeter John, Aylsham, and at the Angel Sewell John, Bracon Ash, and at the Rampant Horse, St. Stephen’s Sillis Francis, Farmer, Lime-burner, and Brick-maker, Lakenham, and at the King’s Head Syder John, Hop-merchant, Importer, and Dealer in Foreign Spirits, Wyndham, and at the Wounded Heart, Upper-market Foster Peter, Lenwade Mills, White Heart, St. Peter’s Dowson B. U. Geldestone, Blue Bell, Hog hill Roper Thomas, Marlingford, White Swan, St. Peter’s Ames and Parkinson, Hellesdon Mills, at the King’s Head, Market-place Wright D. Saxlingham Mills, Rampant Horse Candler and Son, Cringleford, Rampant Horse Palgrave William and Thomas, Coltishall, Maid’s Head, St. Simon’s Colls John, Horstead, King’s Head, Magdalen-street And several other Gentlemen who regularly attend at the Corn-Exchange, St. Andrews. List of Bankers in Norwich. Gurney Richard, Bartlett, and Joseph, l, Bank-place Harvey and Hudson, 198, King-street Kerrison Sir Roger, Knt. and Co. 8, Back of the Inns Kett and Back, 2, Hog-hill Weston Charles, Esq. and Co. Bankers, 15, Upper-market List of Surgeons. Aldhouse Stephen, 2, Wymer-street Back William, Wilkes’s lane, near Bank-lane Bokenham Thomas, 10, Upper Westwick-street Bond William, 8, Tombland Colman Edward, 12, Tombland Chambers N. 5, Chapel-field Dalrymple William, 40, Colegate-street Donne, Eaton-road, without St. Giles Keymer James, 5 Bethel-street Martineau Philip, 192, King-street Norgate Elias, 17, St. Giles’ Pitchford John, 26, St. Giles’ Broad street Purland Robert, sen. in Court, 32, Cowgate-street Rand William Fell, Sampson and Hercules’ Court, Tombland Rigby Edward, Esq. 64, St. Giles’ Broad street Robinson James, 16, Lower Goat-lane Scott Robert, 39, Fishgate-street Physicians. Alderson James, 3, Snailgate-street Lubbock Richard, M.D. 76, St. Giles’ Broad street Manning John, 20, Surry-street Beevor James, 72, St. Giles’ Broad street Beevor Henry, 58, ditto {42} List of Attorneys at Law. Amyott Thomas, 13, Upper Close Atkinson John, 191, King-street Barber Thomas, 2, St. Stephen’s Back street Blake Thomas, jun. Esq. 5, Queen-street Boyce James, 11, Wymer-street Chapman Gardiner, 9, Upper Close De Hague Elisha, 5, Elm-hill-street Foster, Son, Unthank, and Forster, 11, Queen-street Bigg John, 40, Pottergate-street Goodwin James, 2, Gun-lane Ganning Daniel, Esq. 23, St. Giles’ Grand John, 37, Bethel-street Harmer Henry, 6, Chapel-field-lane Harmer Samuel, ditto Hardy Charles, St. Michael’s at Plea Church-Alley Lay Charles, 40, St. Giles’ Lubbock Thomas, 25, Bethel-street Marsh James, 3, Bank place Morphew John, 2, Wilkes’s lane, near Bank place Pye Samuel, 22, St. Martin’s by Palace plain Russell Skinner, 1, in Court, opposite the Black Horse St. Giles’ Sewell Joseph, 2, Fromanteel’s Court, Chapel-field-lane Simpson William, 24, St. Giles’ Smith James, in Goss’s Yard, Elm-hill-street Stoughton Thomas, 5, King-street Steward John, Upper-Heigham Taylor Adam, 21, Hog-hill Utton William, 6, Tombland Wells William, 1, Theatre-square Wymer George, 40, Pottergate-street Woodcocke —, in Court, Hay hill List of Boarding Schools for Young Ladies. Coes (Miss), 1, Griffin-lane Drakes (Miss), 31, All Saints’ Green Hickling (Miss), 8, Chancery-street, St. Andrew’s Hodgson James, 6, Wymer-street Rogers (Mrs.), Magdalen-street Thurgar Charles, in Court, Queen-street Brands (Miss), Bethel-street Browne (Miss), opposite St. Stephen’s church `Lodging and Boarding Houses. Claxton John, St. Stephen’s Church-yard Pye (Mrs.) St. Gregory’s Wilson (Mrs.) Pottergate-street List of Inns, &c. Castle Inn, Mrs. Booth, 13, White Lion-lane Black Horse Inn, 7, Tombland—John Burton King’s Head, 116, Magdalen-street—William Colls White Hart Inn, St. Peter’s—Elizabeth Cotton White Horse Inn, 2, Hay-market—Robert Drake White Lion, 44, Upper Westwick street Rose Inn, 2, St. Augustine’s—John Keymer Star Inn, 9, Hay-market—John Larke Waggon and Horses, 3, St. Giles’ Broad-street—Wm. Laws Waggon and Horses Inn, 13, Tombland—James Lea KING’S HEAD INN, 11, Market-place—William Leach Nag’s Head Inn, 11, Rampant Horse street—Charles Leeds Swan, 8, Swan-lane—Thomas Lusher Lamb Inn, Haymarket—Sarah Martin Swan Inn, Upper Market-street—Thomas Mountney Raven Inn, 32, King-street—Isaac Nickless Blue Bell Inn, 17, Hog-hill—Miss Parslee Griffin Inn, 1, King-street—John Phillips Bull Inn, 43, St. Stephen’s street—Matthew Rackham Crown Inn, 32, Upper Westwick-street—George Rampley King’s Head Inn, 38, St. Giles’—Isaac Seggins Currier’s Arms, 79, St. Giles’—Simpson Robert Angel Inn, 16, Market-place—John Balls Elephant Inn, 108, Magdalen-street—Charles Brown Maid’s Head Inn, 1, Fyebridge-street—William Webster Black Horse Inn, 10, St. Giles’ Broad street—J. M. Murry Black Bull Inn, 11, Magdalen-street—John Clarke Cock, Rampant Horse-street George, 15, Hay-market—William Chapman, jun. Greyhound, Surry-street Jolly Farmers, Castle-Ditches Pope’s Head, Upper Market street—Thomas Gooch Rampant Horse, Rampant Horse street Wheat Sheaf, Bethel-street Woolpack, St. Giles’ Broad-street—Bolton White Horse, Magdalen-street Wounded Heart, Upper Market Names and Residence of Persons having Coaches, Post-Chaises, and Single-Horse Chaises to Let. Culyer William, Woolpack-yard, St. Giles’—Post Horses Gowen Thomas, 23, Bethel-street Richards Edward, 32, Botolph-street—Post Horses Sparks Britton, 23, Elm-hill—Post Horses, &c. Sword Benjamin, 6, King-street—Post Horses, Chaises, &c. Town Daniel, 11, Upper Goat-lane—Post Horses Woods Wm. 8, Wilkes’s lane, near Bank place—Post Horses, &c. [Picture: Decorative symbol] List of Fairs in Norfolk. ACLE, Midsummer-day Horning, Monday after August 2 Alburgh, June 21 Ingham, Monday after Whit-Monday Attleburgh, Th. bef. East. Th. Kenninghall, July 18, Sept. 30 bef. Whit Sun. and Aug. 15 (Sheep Show) Aylsham, March 23, last Tuesday Kiptonash (Sheep Show), Sept. 4 in Sept. and Oct. 6 Bacton, first Monday in August, Litcham, Nov. 1 November 30 Banham, Jan. 22 Loddon, Easter Monday and Monday after Nov. 22 Binham, July 25 Ludham, Thurs. after Whitsun-week Briston, May 26 Lynn (Mart), Feb. 14, lasts 8 days—Oct. 16 Broomhill, July 7 Lyng, November 21 Burnham, East. Mon. and Aug. 1 Massingham, Tuesday before Easter, November 8 Castleacre, April 18, July 25 Mattishall, Tuesday before Holy Thursday Cawston, Feb. 1, and last Methwold, April 25 Wednesday in April and Aug.—Sheep Show Cley, last Friday in July New Buckenham, last Saturday in May, and November 22 Coltishall, Whit-Monday Northwalsham, Holy Thursday Cressingham Magna, Aug. 12 Northwold, Nov. 30 Cromer, Whit-Monday Norwich, Day before Good Friday Dereham, Th. and Fr. before Old Do. (Bishop-Bridge) Easter Monday Midsummer, and Th. and Fr. before and Tuesday New Michaelmas Diss, November 8 Do. (do.) Whit Monday and Tuesday Downham, May 8, Nov. 13 Oxburgh, March 25 Elmham, April 5 Pulham St. Mary, Third Thursday in May St. Faith’s, October 17 Reepham, June 29 Feltwell, November 20 Rudham, May 17, October 14 Fincham, March 3 Scole, Easter Tuesday Forncett, Sept. 11 Scottow, do. Foulsham, first, Tuesday in May Shouldham, Sept. 19, Oct. 10 Frettenham, first Monday in April Southrepps, July 25 Fring, May 10, December 11 Sprowston (Magdalen), Aug. 2 Gaywood, June 11, at Gaywood, and Stoke, December 6 Oct. 17, kept at Lynn Custom-house Quay Gissing, July 25 Stowbridge, Saturday after Whitsunday Gressinghall, December 6 Stratton, Oct. 12 Harleston, July 5, Sept. 9, and Swaffham, May 12, July 21, Nov. Nov. 28, 1 month, for Scotch 3, (Sheep Shows) cattle Harling East, May 4, Sept. 16 Thetford, May 14, August 2, (Sheep Show), Oct. 24 September 25 Harpley, July 24 Walsingham, Whit-Monday Hempnall, Whit Monday, Dec. 11 Watton, July 10, October 10, November 8 Hempton, Whit-Tuesday, Nov. 22 Weasenham, Jan. 25 Heacham, August 3 Worsted, May 12 Hingham, March 7, Whit-Tuesday, Wymondham, Feb. 2 and May 6, O. October 2 S. Hockham, Easter Monday Yarmouth, March 28 and 29. Hockwold, July 25 Holt, April 25, November 25 CONCISE HISTORY OF NORWICH. {49} Its latitude, according to Sir Henry Spelman, is 52 degrees, 45 minutes, North: longitude, 1 degree, 19 minutes, East of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich:—It is 108 miles from London by Newmarket, 114 by Bury St. Edmund’s, and 110 by Ipswich and Colchester. It is rather more than a mile and a half in length, from King-street-gate to Magdalen-gate; and a mile and a quarter in breadth, from Bishop’s gate to St. Benedict’s gate. It has thirty-four churches, besides the cathedral, chapels, and dissenting meeting-houses; and is encompassed by a ditch, and the remains of a flint-stone wall, begun in 1294 and finished in 1310, which was flanked with forty towers, in the ancient method of fortification, and had twelve gates for entrances on all sides. THE CASTLE Is supposed to have been built by King Canute, the Dane, in 1018; and as far the greater number of his subjects were Saxons, who, at this period, were the first architects, and most probably employed, it is considered as one of the most complete Saxon remains in England. In confirmation of this opinion, all its ornaments are in the true Saxon style; and the bridge leading to it is unquestionably one of the noblest and most perfect Saxon arches now extant. The inside, instead of an open yard, was filled up with floors of most magnificent and spacious apartments; traces of which may yet be seen by persons accustomed to examine buildings of this sort. On the ground floor they were vaulted over with stone, for a great part of the old vault still remains; also the great stone arches of the buttresses, and a stone vaulting where the present chapel is. It was used as a prison so early as the reign of Henry I. but not for that purpose solely:—the upper apartments of these towers, were state apartments, for the residence of great officers and their attendants. Its length is 92 feet, 10 inches; the length of the North and South fronts, 98 feet each: the walls are 50 feet in heighth. Somewhat resembling the architecture of the Old, is the New Castle, adjoining to it on the East side, built with Scotch granite in the year 1793; apparently of great strength and durability. The Castle-Hill appears to have been raised by art, with incredible labour: it stands nearly in the center of the city, and commands an agreeable prospect of the surrounding buildings, interspersed with gardens, which, with the adjacent country and river, form a most delightful landscape. Since the addition of the Gardens round the bottom of the Hill, strangers have acknowledged the view from the summit to be superior to any thing of the kind in Europe, and have justly styled Norwich ‘The City in an Orchard.’ In the Shire-House, which adjoins the Castle on the North side, the Summer Assizes and Quarter-Sessions are held, and other county business transacted. THE CATHEDRAL Was founded by Bishop Herbert in 1096, and was chiefly composed of wood, which, by various accidents, and the turbulence of the times, was often greatly damaged. The present Cathedral is a fine Gothic free-stone building, brought to the magnificent state in which it now appears by the bounty of numerous benefactors, at various times, and completed by William Middleton, the thirty-sixth Bishop, in the year 1284. The roof is adorned with various well-carved images, from the historical passages of scripture. On the windows at the East end of the church is most curiously painted the transfiguration, and the twelve apostles, by Dean Lloyd’s lady. The shaft, or spire, is handsome and well proportioned. Except Salisbury, it is the highest in the kingdom, being 105 yards, 2 feet, from the pavement to the top of the pinnacle, strongly built with free-stone on the outside and brick within. The top stone of the spire consists of half a globe, 1 yard, 2 inches broad, with a channel round it; whence extend eight leaves of stone, spreading outward, under which commence the eight rows of crockets, continued down the spire, at 5 feet distance from each other. The weather-cock placed here at the restoration, is three quarters of a yard high, and one yard, two inches broad, as is also the crossbar. The Cloister on the South side of the church is the largest quadrangle of the kind in England, each side measuring 58 yards in length, near 14 feet in breadth, and 16 feet, 6 inches in heighth;—the stone roof is ornamented with elegant carvings, representing the visions of the Revelations, the Crucifixion and Resurrection, the Legends of St. Christopher, St. Lawrence, &c. At the South-West corner, the Espousals, or Sacrament of Marriage, are carved in stone, and at the entrance of the Cloister from hence, on the left hand, are the two lavatories, where the monks used to wash their hands. Over one of them is carved a fox in a pulpit, in the habit of a secular priest, holding up a goose to has auditory, intended as a reflection on the secular clergy, or parish priests, to whom the monks bore an inveterate hatred. On the North side of the Cathedral stands the Bishop’s Palace, to which are most elegant gardens. The Free Grammar school, near this, is a neat, spacious, gothic building, formerly used as a charnel-house. ST. ANDREW’S HALL, Formerly the monastery church of the Black Friars, or Benedictine Monks, is a beautiful structure, about 50 yards in length, and 30 in width: the roof is supported by twelve neat and very slender pillars. It was built by Sir Thomas Erpingham, Knt. in 1428; and was the place where the company of St. George used to hold their meetings of business and pleasure. The Mayor’s guild-feast is always held here. Over a clock, in the center of the East end, is carved the effigies of Justice, and underneath, the royal arms of England. On each side, the pictures of Queen Anne, George Prince of Denmark, Robert Earl of Orford, John Lord Hobart, afterwards Earl of Buckenhamshire, Horatio Walpole, Esq. Lord Suffield, and two Historical Paintings of Edward and Eleonora, and the Death of Lady Jane Grey, by Mr. W. Martin, between which is placed, in a splendid and emblematical frame, a highly-finished portrait of the brave Lord Nelson, painted by Sir William Beachey, with several Aldermen and Benefactors to the city. The figure of St. George killing the dragon, neatly carved, was placed here in 1686, by order of the St. George’s Company. On the walls of the North and South ailes are placed elegant paintings at full length, superbly framed, of those Gentlemen who have gone through the public offices of the Corporation with dignity and honour. Against the further pillar on the North side, is an Ensign, 60 feet in length, supported by a flag-staff, near the top of which is an ornamented Shield, with the following Inscription: “The Ensign of the French Ship, GENEREUX, Taken in the Mediterranean, Feb. 18th, 1800, By His Majesty’s Ship, Foudroyant, and Squadron, Commanded by LORD NELSON: The Genereux, with the Guillaume Tell, since taken by the Foudroyant, Lion, and Penelope, were the only Ships which escaped the memorable Victory obtained by Lord Nelson over the French, at the Nile, Aug. 1st, 1798. In testimony of his Gratitude for the Honours conferred on him by the City of Norwich, this Trophy is presented, in the second Mayoralty of Robert Harvey, Esq. by SIR EDWARD BERRY, KNT. Captain of his Majesty’s Ship, Foudroyant, 1800.” Herein is a handsome room for the city Library, re-built in the Gothic taste, under the direction of the late Mr. Rawlins. THE GUILD-HALL. In this Hall, the assizes and quarter sessions for the city are held. Also the Mayor’s office, for the daily administration of justice; the town-clerk’s and chamberlain’s offices: and all elections for Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs and Common-councilmen are here determined. The windows contained many stories on painted or stained glass, relating to the administration of justice;—there now remain perfect only one large and two small windows, to perpetuate the remembrance of this beautiful art. The room is adorned with the pictures of King William and Queen Mary, many eminent men of the county, mayors of the city, and other benefactors. Herein is the following inscription, suspended from a Golden Anchor, at the bottom of which are Lord Nelson’s arms, neatly executed—in the center _Tria junca in uno_, on one side a Lion, on the other a Sailor, at foot _Faith and Works_. “The Sword of the Spanish Admiral Don Xavier Winthuysen, who died of the wounds he received in an engagement with the British Fleet under the command of Admiral Earl St. Vincent, 14th Feb. 1797, which ended in the most brilliant victory ever obtained by this Country over the Enemy at Sea: wherein the heroic Valour and cool determined Courage of Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K. B. had ample scope for their display. He being a Native of Norfolk, honoured the City by presenting this Sword, surrendered to him in that Action.” The City Prison is directly opposite. ST. PETER OF MANCROFT CHURCH Was begun in 1430, and finished in 1455. It is esteemed a very handsome parish church: has a fine square tower steeple, 98 feet high, though designed at first to have been much higher, as appears from the double buttresses reaching to the top, and the thickness of the walls: this tower contains an excellent peal of twelve bells, cast by Messrs. Pack and Chapman, of London, in 1775; the Tenor weighing 41 cwt. The whole is covered with lead, and supported by two rows of pillars, remarkably neat and slender, forming eliptic arches at their top. The altar-piece, representing the story of St. Peter being delivered out of prison, was painted by that ingenious artist Mr. Catton, and presented to the parish by Alderman Starling, in 1768. The furniture of the altar is crimson velvet, and the plate exceedingly grand, all but one cup being double gilt: one piece of it is remarkably curious, being an elegant standing cup and cover of silver, double gilt, weighing 46 oz. 1 gr. 1 pt. given by Sir Peter Gleane, Knight, whereon is beautifully chased the story of Abigail bringing presents to David. In the vestry hangs a neat old painted carving in alabaster, of nine female saints, probably designed for some altar of St. Margaret, who is the principal figure, and here represented as holding down a dragon; among others, St. Hilda, holding a book and pastoral staff; St. Barbara, a tower and palm-branch. There is also an octavo manuscript bible upon vellum, written in 1340, and a folio manuscript much more ancient, containing all St. Paul’s epistles, with a comment. THE NORFOLK AND NORWICH HOSPITAL, St. Stephen’s road, is a very neat edifice: was erected in 1772, and is still supported by voluntary contributions. The Public Library is now kept at the building formerly the Roman Catholic chapel, in Wymer-street, and contains 5000 volumes, where books are delivered by the Librarian to the subscribers every day between the hours of eleven and two, Sundays and the following days excepted, 29th of May, 4th of June, the Guild-day, and the day preceding; 25th of October and 5th of November. BRIDEWELL, Was built by Bartholomew Appleyard, about the year 1370. William Appleyard, his son, the first Mayor of Norwich, served his Mayoralty here in 1403. The North wall of this Bridewell is encrusted with cut flints, and is seventy-six feet in length, by about twenty-five high: it is considered one of the greatest curiosities of the kind in England. The flints are squared to such a nicety, that the edge of a knife can scarcely be insinuated between the joints: most of them are about three inches square, the surface is very smooth, and no brick-work can appear more regular. Several churches and other buildings in the city are thus built. Mr. Talman says, that the Jews introduced the art of squaring flints: and Dr. Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary to the Royal Society, in a note on a paper of Mr. Arderon’s on this very wall, observes, that the gate of the Austin Friars, at Canterbury, that of St. John’s Abbey, at Colchester, and the gate near Whitehall, Westminster, are in the same taste. But the platform on the top of the Royal Observatory at Paris, which, in instead of being covered with lead, is paved with flint after this manner, is an instance that the French have in some measure recovered this art. Phil. Trans. Abr. vol. 10. p. 1304. THE THEATRE Was built by the late Mr. Thomas Ivory, after the model of old Drury-lane house; and in 1800 underwent an entire, elegant, and spirited alteration, under the direction, and highly to the credit of, the present Patentee, Mr. Wilkins. The house now contains two circles of Boxes, with side ones on the same tier as the Gallery. There are Stage Boxes the same as those of Drury-lane. The Stage doors are semi-circular, and a Box over them, both of these are filled with a triliage of gold and a small pilaster. The Boxes are supported by small reeded columns of gold, and the front of every Box decorated with coloured Raphael ornaments, on a ground of French grey. At each column are lamps (patent), in the Grecian style, suspended from an antique branch of gold, which gives a brilliancy to the whole. The general tone of colour is a quiet fawn, which is pleasing to the eye, and relieves the pannels of coloured ornaments. The mouldings are gold and white, which give a lightness to the whole. From the entablature or cornice in front, descends a cove, with the Imperial Arms in the centre, admirably executed, painted yellow, and heightened in gold, with this motto, _Conabimur_ (we will endeavour); below this is a rich crimson curtain, with gold fringe, supported by two statues, and on each side of the stage doors are pilasters of gold, reeded, in which every reed plays in the light, and produces the most pleasing effect. There are distinct entrances to each part of the house, Boxes, Pit, and Gallery, and the Box Lobbies are roomy and commodious. At the back of the upper circle is a bar-room, where coffee, tea, sweets, &c. may be procured. The Assembly-Rooms next it are spacious and brilliant. There are five Hospitals: one of them, St Giles’, founded originally for the entertainment of strangers, was, by Henry VIII. appropriated to the poor of the city; which maintains 104 poor men and women, who are all cloathed in grey, and must be sixty years of age. Another for 16 poor men and 8 women, whose livery is purple. Cooke’s Hospital, in the Rose-lane, maintains 10 poor women; and Doughty’s, which was founded in 1687, supports 24 poor men and 8 women. The Boys and Girls’ Hospital contain 30 of each, and the boys are from thence put out apprentices. Besides 5 Charity Schools, where 111 boys and 22 girls are taught, clothed, and supplied with books. A number of Sunday Schools under the care of the Rev. Lancaster Adkin, where 133 boys and girls receive every attention, with many advantages—and several other Charity and Sunday Schools, on foundations, or supported by voluntary contributions from dissenting meetings, &c. taking the whole together, educating, clothing, &c. 300 boys and 150 girls. The City of Norwich has local advantages superior to most cities in the kingdom: a navigable stream to the port of Yarmouth passes through the middle of it, with great convenience for the Wharfage and Delivery of goods of all kinds to and from London. It is situated on a mixed soil of ground, in a salubrious air, neither subject to violent or scorching heat, nor to moist or watery vapours. The upper stratum of earth is light soil, of sufficient depth for the plough; the under stratum is chalk, gravel, and sand. It is happily screened and defended from the Easterly winds by a considerable rising ground, called Moushold Heath, which is higher than the tops of the churches in the lower parts of the city. If abounds in springs of water of the purest kind, nearly equal to the celebrated Bristol water, supplied to the inhabitants by a variety of public pumps. The City is governed by a mayor, recorder, steward, 2 sheriffs, 24 aldermen, and 60 common council-men; a town-clerk, sword-bearer, &c. The mayor is elected by the freemen on the first day of May, and sworn into office on the Guild-day, the Tuesday before Midsummer-day; except when Midsummer-day falls on a Wednesday, and then the Guild is kept on the Tuesday se’nnight before Midsummer-day. He is chosen from among the Aldermen, is justice of the quorum during his mayoralty, and afterwards justice of the peace for life. The sheriffs are also annually elected, one by the Aldermen, the other by the freemen, on the last Tuesday in August, and sworn Sept. 29. The city is divided into twelve wards, viz. Ber-street, Colegate, North Conisford, South Conisford, Coslany, Fyebridge, Mancroft, St. Giles, St. Stephen, East Wymer, Middle Wymer, Weft Wymer; each of which elects two Aldermen. These twelve wards are again divided into four great wards; I. Conisford ward contains South Conisford, North Conisford, Ber-street, with the hamlets of Lakenham, Trowse, Milgate, Bracondale, and Carrowe; which is represented by 12 common council-men. II. Mancroft ward contains St. Stephen’s, St. Peter’s of Mancroft, St. Giles’, with the hamlet of Eaton; and is represented by 16 common council-men. III. Wymer ward contains East Wymer, Middle Wymer, West Wymer, with the hamlets of Heigham and Earlham; and is represented by 20 common council-men. IV. The Northern Ward Coslany, Colgate, Fye-bridge, with the hamlet of Pockthorpe; and is represented by 12 common council-men. The freemen for each ward elect Three Nominees, and the Nominees appoint the other common council-men. The city sends two members to parliament, elected by the freeholders and freemen; the latter are free by inheritance, purchase, or servitude, in number about 3000. The freemen must have been admitted to their freedom twelve months before they are entitled to a vote. The Markets are on Wednesdays and Saturdays. [Picture: Decorative symbol] LIST OF THE COURT OF ALDERMEN OF NORWICH, 1801–1802. _Aldermen’s Names_. _Time when elected_. _In the _Wards_. _Sheriff_. _Mayor_ Room of_ JEREMIAH IVES, jun. September 25, 1779 Sir H. East Wymer 1782 1786 1801 Esq. MAYOR. Harbord, Bart. PAST THE CHAIR. R. Harvey, Esq. D. January 5, 1768 Wm. Coslany 1766 1770 1800 M. Wigget, Esq. Jeremiah Ives, Esq. July 1, 1766 Thomas S. 1763 1769 1795 Vere, Esq. Conisford James Crowe, Esq. July 18, 1772 Thomas N. 1771 1774 1797 Harvey, Conisford Esq. Richard Peete, Esq. January 25, 1773 Robert W. Wymer 1772 1775 Harvey, Esq. Francis Colombine, April 26, 1774 John Wood, Colegate 1769 1776 Esq. Esq. Sir Roger Kerrison, October 4, 1774 Richard Mancroft 1774 1778 Knt. Matthews, Esq. John Morse, Esq. July 1, 1777 Nockold N. 1779 1781 Thompson, Conisford Esq. Starling Day, Esq. September 23, 1777 John W. Wymer 1775 1782 Nuthall, Esq. Jer. I. Harvey, January 6, 1779 William Ber-street 1779 1783 Esq. Crowe, Esq. R. Partridge, Esq. October 6, 1778 Andrew Ber-street 1780 1784 Chamber, Esq. Elias Norgate, Esq. January 22, 1779 John Mancroft 1781 1785 Goodman, Esq. R. Harvey, jun. January 21, 1780 James East Wymer 1784 1787 Esq. Poole, Esq. John Patteson, Esq. December 10, 1781 Sir T. St. 1785 1788 Churchman, Stephen’s Knt. Charles Weston, March 15, 1782 John Colegate 1785 1789 Esq. Thurlow, Esq. Thomas Watson, Esq. June 19, 1783 Thomas Fyebridge 1787 1790 Rogers, Esq. J. G. Baseley, Esq. February 20, 1787 Jer. Ives, Fyebridge 1789 1791 Esq. John Harvey, Esq. July 24, 1787 John Gay, M. Wymer 1784 1792 Esq. John Buckle, Esq. January 15, 1788 Thomas St. Giles’ 1787 1793 Starling, Esq. James Hudson, Esq. October 18, 1791 Knipe St. Giles’ 1788 1794 Gobbet, Esq. Wm. Herring, Esq. May 22, 1795 Nathaniel S. 1786 1796 Roe, Esq. Conisford John Browne, Esq. March 13, 1798 Charles St. 1794 1798 Weston, Stephen’s Esq. John Herring, Esq. March 20, 1798 Benj. Day, Coslany 1786 1799 Esq. BELOW THE CHAIR. Mr. Alderman Leman August 24, 1797 John M. Wymer Addey, Esq. Sheriffs, THOMAS BACK, Jun. and ROBERT WARD, Esqrs. CHARLES HARVEY, Esq.—RECORDER. STEWARD—(_Not yet appointed_). Common Council MR. HENRY HARMER, SPEAKER. _Conisford Ward_.—12. When first elected. When first elected. 1772 Mr. James Chase—_Nominee_ 1787 Mr. Edward Browne 75 Thos. Dove—_Nominee_ 90 Charles Foster 1800 T. Tompson—_Nominee_ 96 Henry Gridley 1781 Daniel Bloom 99 Jas. Page Cocksedge 82 Mark Osborn 1801 John Angell, jun. 86 Jacob Smith 1801 Thomas Hawkins _Mancroft Ward_.—16. 1778 Mr. R. Beatniffe—_Nominee_ 1799 Mr. J. H. Cole 89 P. Chamberlin—_Nominee_ 99 George Stacey 94 Chas. Chamberlin 99 John Horth 98 Jonathan Matchett 1800 James Bennett 98 Arthur Browne 1800 Tho. Barber 98 John Clipperton 1800 James Adams 99 John Stoddart 1801 James Keymer 99 S. Day, jun. 1801 Henry Harmer _Great Wymer Ward_.—20. 1788 Mr. W. Foster, 1796 Mr James Marsh jun.—_Nominee_ 88 John Staff—_Nominee_ 96 Bosom Roe 89 John Proctor—_Nominee_ 97 Samuel Stone 82 Wm. Foster 98 Joseph Stannard 85 Wm. Unthank 98 Samuel Blogg 88 Robert Harmer 98 John Ansell 90 John Lovick 98 Benjamin Bates 91 John Fox 99 John Huggins 91 Christopher Berry 1800 Robert Roe 93 Jonathan Davey 1800 Robert Prentice _Ward beyond the Water_.—12. 1795 Mr Cha. Tuthill—_Nominee_ 1797 Mr. Edmund Reeve 86 Rob. Powell—_Nominee_ 98 Wm. Newson 90 John Brittan—_Nominee_ 99 Wm. Burrows 70 James Beevor 1800 Thomas Barnard 99 Wm. Barnard 1800 Joseph Scott 90 Wm. Powell 1801 Peter Wilsea COMMITTEES IN THE CITY OF NORWICH. Chamberlain’s Council. Sir Roger Kerrison, John Harvey, James Hudson, and John Browne, Esqrs.—Messrs. James Marsh, Wm. Newton, Wm. Barnard, and Joseph Scott. Hospital Committee. J. Crowe, J. Harvey, J. Hudson, and W. Herring, Esqrs. Messrs. W. Foster, W. Barnard, J. Marsh, and H. Harmer. City Committee. J. Ives, St. Clement’s, R. Harvey, R. Partridge, and J. G. Baseley, Esqrs.—Messrs. W. Foster, jun. Robert Powell, John Brittan, and Jos. Stannard. Market Committee. J. Buckle, James Hudson, J. Browne, Esqrs. and Mr. Alderman Leman—Messrs. J. Proctor, J. Ansell, J. Lovick, and Mr. Sheriff Ward. Clavers. The Mayor, Mr. Alderman Leman—Mr. Charles Chamberlin, and Mr. Robert Roe. Auditors. Francis Colombine, Robert Harvey, jun. John Patteson, and Wm. Herring, Esqrs.—Messrs. Wm. Unthank, James Chase, Wm. Foster, jun. and Charles Tuthill. Tonnage Committee. R. Harvey, R. Peete, Esqrs. Sir Roger Kerrison, and Starling Day, Esq.—Messrs. T. Dove, T. Barnard, T. Tompson, and Samuel Stone. River and Street Committee. Robert Harvey, John Morse, J. G. Baseley, and Wm. Herring, Esqrs.—Messrs. Edward Browne, John Staff, Charles Foster, and John Fox. Committee for inspecting the Assembly Bonds. J. I. Harvey, C. Weston, T. Watson, and J. Browne, Esqrs.—Messrs. S. Stone, H. Gridley, S. Blogg, and Wm. Burrows. Coal Committee. Jer. Ives, St. Clement’s, John Morse, J. I. Harvey, and John Greene Baseley, Esqrs.—Messrs. W. Powell, Christopher Berry, Jonathan Matchett, and Benjamin Bates. Committee of Appeals to the River Water Assessments. (BY THE ASSEMBLY.) (BY THE LESSEES.) R. Partridge, Esq. Mr. Daniel Ganning John Herring, Esq. John Webb Mr. John Procter John Cozens Arthur Browne Thomas Hawkins TREASURERS of the several HOSPITALS, &c. _Great Hospital_ Sir Roger Kerrison. _Doughty’s Hospital_ Robert Harvey, Esq. _Boy’s Hospital_ Charles Weston, Esq. _Girl’s Hospital_ R. Harvey, jun. Esq. _Court Bonds_ Sir Roger Kerrison. _Assembly Bonds_ Charles Weston, Esq. _Tonnage_ Sir Roger Kerrison. _City Lamps_ Robert Harvey, jun. Esq. Mr. Stephen Aldhouse, Surgeon to the Four Hospitals. Mr. B. Bird, Steward to the Estates of the same. OFFICERS of the CORPORATION. E. De Hague, Gent. Town Cl. Messrs. A. Taylor, jun. and J. Marsh—Under Sheriffs W. Simpson, Gent. Chamberl Mr. W. Mack, Ch. Constable T. Marks, Esq. Coroner Mr. Rich. Harman, Clerk of the Market Jas. Marsh, Gent. Coroner Mr. J. Dunham, Water Bailiff Mr. Thos. Lubbock, Sword-bearer Mr. Samuel Cole, jun. Inspector of Corn Returns Mr. Joshua Lawter, Under-Chamberlain CITY SURGEONS. Mr. Robert Scott Mr. James Keymer Mr. James Robinson _The City Surgeons are also Men-Midwives in their respective Districts_. The CORPORATION of GUARDIANS of the POOR in NORWICH. CHARLES HARVEY, Esq. Governor. ROBERT PARTRIDGE, Esq. Deputy Governor. ROBERT HARVEY, Esq. Treasurer. The MAYOR, RECORDER, STEWARD, SHERIFFS, and ALDERMEN for the time being. _For the Great Ward of Conisford_, _Ber-street_, _and Trowse_. Elected in 1800. Elected in 1801. Edward Squire, corn-merch. Edw. Browne, carpenter James Chase, liquor-merch. Francis Sillis, farmer Thomas Dove, carpenter John Angell, jun. currier Thos. Tompson, merchant Mark Osborn, grocer _For the Great Ward of Mancroft_. Rich. Beatniffe, bookseller John C. Hampp, merchant Thomas Back, backer Peter Chamberlin, grocer Wm. Burt, upholder Samuel Harmer, Gent. John Athow, stone-mason Mr. Sheriff Ward _For the Great Ward of Wymer_. Jas. Buttivant, manufacturer John Rodwell, dyer Richard Bacon, printer Samuel Blogg, mason William Unthank, Gent. Wm. Foster, jun. Gent. Jonathan Davey, merchant James Marsh, Gent. _For the Ward beyond the Water_. William Cutting, merchant John Brittan, woolcomber James Angier, merchant John Webb, woolcomber Robert Powell, woolcomber Wm. Barnard, merchant Edward Reeve, grocer Joseph Scott, merchant Mr. WILLIAM SIMPSON, Clerk of the Court. Mr. J. SWIFT, Beadle. Mr. Thomas Nichols, Assistant Beadle. C. Church, Removal Officer. C. Church, Mayor’s Constable. T. Warren and J. Simonds, Visitors. N.B. General Courts of the Guardians are held on the first Tuesday in every Month, at Three o’clock in the afternoon, at the Hall in St. Andrew’s; and weekly Committees at St. Andrew’s Workhouse, every Friday in the Afternoon, and at St. John’s Workhouse, every Monday in the Afternoon. COURT of REQUEST or CONSCIENCE. The Commissioners are such of the Court of Aldermen and Common Council as qualify themselves according to the Act. Mr. SAMUEL KING, Register and Clerk. OFFICE in St. Clement’s Church-yard. The Court is held every Monday before one Alderman and two of the Common Council, in St. Andrew’s Hall, at Three o’clock in the afternoon. EXCISE-OFFICE, ST. GEORGE’S TOMBLAND. Wm. Carter, Esq. Collector.—Mr. Wm. Flint, Supervisor. Mr. J. King, Office-keeper.—Mr. T. Sowter, First Clerk. FIRE INSURANCE OFFICES. Norwich Insurance-Office, Mr. Adam Taylor, jun. Hog-hill, Secretary. Union Office, Mr. Thomas Bignold, Gentleman’s Walk, Market-place, Secretary. Agent to the Sun Fire-Office. Mr. John Taylor, at the Glass-warehouse of the late Mr. Cook, St. Andrew’s. Royal-Exchange Office, Mr. John Woodrow, St. George’s Colegate. Phœnix Office, Mr. John Steward, Surry-street. GOVERNORS of BETHEL. JEREMIAH IVES, Esq. St. Clement’s, PRESIDENT Jere. Ives, Esq. Catton Mr. John Gurney William Herring, Esq. Sigismund Trafford, Esq. William Foster, Gent. Rev. Robert Parr Treasurer, Mr. John Gurney. Physicians, Dr. Beevor and Dr. Manning. Surgeon and Apothecary, Mr. James Keymer. Clerk and Steward, Mr. Charles Nelson, Land-Surveyor, Red Lion lane.—Mr. James Bullard, Master. N.B. The Committee Day is the first Monday in every Month. _Names of the Bishop_, _Dean_, _and Prebendaries_. BISHOP. Right Reverend CHARLES MANNERS SUTTON, D.D. Palace. DEAN. JOSEPH TURNER, D.D. Deanry. CHANCELLOR. The Rev. G. Sandby, D.D. at Denton, Norfolk. PREBENDARIES. Philip Wodehouse, M.A. Hingham. John Pretyman, D.D. Norwich. Robert Potter, A.M. Lowestoft. Edward South Thurlow, A.M. Norwich. George Anguish, A.M. Gisleham, Suffolk. Jos. Procter, D.D. Vice Chancellor of Cambridge. BISHOP’S OFFICE in the Upper Close. _Deputy Register_, C. Kitson, Gent. Notary Public and Proctor, Norwich. _Proctors_. William Utten, John Morphew, Charles Kitson, John Steward. _Principal Apparitor_, Robert Starkey, Gent. DEAN and CHAPTER’S OFFICE, in the Cloister. _Clerk and Register_, Mr. Wm. Utten. ARCHDEACON of NORWICH, his OFFICE, At Mr. Morphew’s, King-street. MEMBERS of PARLIAMENT for NORWICH, Right Hon. William Windham, Vauxhall. John Frere, Esq. Spring-Gardens. _Receiver of the land Tax_, Sir Roger Kerrison. _Receiver of the Stamp Duty_, J. H. Cole, Esq.—His Deputy, Mr. Samuel Cole. The Stamp-office, in St. Giles’ Broad-street. T. Moore, Gent. Bethel-street, Licencer of Hawkers and Pedlars. _Commissions of Appeal under the Income Act_. Robert Fellowes, Esq. Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart. and James Mingay, Esq.—Mr. Adam Taylor, jun. Secretary. POST OFFICE. GEORGE LITCHFIELD, GENT.—POST-MASTER. His Clerk Mr. G. CHAPMAN. The Mails from London arrive every forenoon about eleven o’clock, except Mondays, and are dispatched every afternoon at half past four, except Saturdays. The Mails from Huntingdon, Cambridge, Newmarket, Bury, Thetford, &c. arrive, and are dispatched every day at the above time. The Mails from all the intermediate places betwixt London and Ipswich, betwixt Ipswich and this city and their branches, arrive every day at twelve at noon, and are dispatched to those parts every day at four in the afternoon. The Mails arrive from Yarmouth every afternoon at four, and are dispatched every day at twelve. The Mails from Cromer, Aylsham and North Walsham, arrive _every day_ at ten in the morning, and are dispatched to those places at one in the afternoon. N.B. The Office is opened for the delivery of letters about an hour after the arrival of the different Mails, and is shut _at half-past three precisely_. NORFOLK and NORWICH HOSPITAL. OFFICERS of the CHARITY. ROBERT FELLOWES, Esq. Treasurer. Physicians and Surgeons who attend gratis. _Physicians_. _Surgeons_. _Assistant Surgeons_. Dr. Manning Mr. Donne Mr. Colman Dr. Hooke Mr. Rigby Mr. Aldhouse Dr. Lubbock Mr. Martineau Mr. Bond Dr. Alderson Mr. Thomas Barber, Secretary.—Mr. George Hardy, Apothecary.—Mrs. Isabella Grant, Matron. The Physicians and Surgeons attend in turn to take in patients, every Saturday at eleven o’clock in the forenoon; and every Tuesday at the same hour, to prescribe to the out-patients. REGULAR LODGES OF FREE MASONS. PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER, WM. EARLE BULWER, ESQ. R. Partridge, Esq. P.D.G.M. Tho. Marks, Gent. P.S.G.W. J. Harvey, Esq. P.J.G.W. Jas. Boyce, P.G.S. No. 16 White Swan, St. Peter’s, Norwich, the first Wednesday in the Month, constituted May 11, 1724. 48 King’s Head, Market-place, Norwich, 2d Frid. 1736. 76 King’s Head, Yarmouth, Monday nearest the full moon. 78 Angel, Norwich, second Friday, January 5, 1748 80 Horse and Groom, Norwich, first Tuesday, 1749 86 Greenland Fishery, St. Mary’s, Norwich, 2d Tues. 1750 88 Three Tuns, Yarmouth, last Wednesday, June 6, 1751 99 Jolly Farmers, Castle Meadow, Norwich, third Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1753.—_Faithful Lodge_. 105 Castle, Norwich, second Thursday, March 13, 1757 120 The Wounded Heart, St. Peter’s, Norwich, the fourth Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1766. 133 Norwich Volunteer, All Saints, Norwich, 2d Wednesday.—_Lodge of Friendship_. 136 King’s Head, Coltishall, Norfolk, the Wednesday on or nearest the full moon, February 18, 1758 158 Lodge of Friendship, Crown, Lynn Regis, Norfolk, second Friday, from Sept. to May, June 9, 1762 192 Gate House, Tombland, Norwich, the last Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1766 531 Half Moon, Market-place, Yarmouth, on the Monday nearest the full moon, Oct. 7, 1793. _Lodge of Unity_. 552 Maid’s Head, Lynn, constituted April 25, 1796, the first Thursday.—_Lodge of Strict Benevolence_. 563 Angel Inn, second Friday, June 26, 1797.—_Norwich Theatrical Lodge_. 564 Shakspeare, Yarmouth, second Friday, June 26, 1797.—_United Friends of Great Yarmouth_. 572 Green Dragon, Grass-market, Lynn, the 2d Thursday, Sept. 28, 1798.—_Lodge of Attention_. THE POPULATION OF NORWICH, As taken from the Parochial Returns in the years 1801, 1786, 1752, and 1693. _Parishes_. _Inhab. _No. of _Uninha _Total Souls_ _Souls in_ _Souls in_ _Souls in_ Houses_. families_ Houses_ 1786 1752 1693 St. Peter 102 132 21 378 507 425 470 Southgate St Etheldred 64 66 4 252 254 247 243 St. Julian 191 197 20 662 846 595 593 St Peter 298 311 18 1350 1362 1408 1376 Permountergate St. John 292 303 20 1144 1114 1004 781 Sepulchre St. Michael at 353 361 49 1198 1442 1127 865 Thorn St. John 228 237 3 888 975 890 668 Timberhill All Saints 172 199 4 701 825 578 425 St. Stephen 509 573 32 2211 2360 2314 1769 St. Peter 441 493 19 2120 2299 2288 1953 Mancroft St. Giles 235 270 4 1076 1117 961 910 St. Benedict 198 238 29 830 900 715 652 St. Swithin 113 138 7 503 643 751 496 St. Margaret 151 186 22 662 859 856 664 St. Lawrence 245 248 24 899 1018 952 668 St. Gregory 212 362 9 1057 1113 1202 772 St. John 148 176 12 1698 1571 1107 657 Maddermarket St. Andrew 224 236 11 1858 1773 1334 935 St. Michael at 72 80 5 446 502 482 479 Plea St. Peter 85 103 3 371 394 341 269 Hungate St. George 127 186 8 750 720 737 722 Tombland St. Simon and 77 83 6 333 443 420 362 Jude St. Martin at 226 264 27 936 1109 1083 819 Palace St. Helen 74 74 6 393 446 386 338 St. Michael 224 261 31 1031 1185 1046 1026 Coslany St. Mary 277 303 29 1018 1202 1178 949 St. Martin at 336 413 34 1747 2153 1698 1243 Oak St. Augustine 327 338 75 1232 1899 1226 850 St. George 246 293 37 1132 1272 1295 1154 Colegate St. Clement 135 193 11 853 800 816 593 St. Edmund 90 137 9 446 531 520 370 St. Saviour 203 235 22 984 593 810 701 St. Paul 323 375 55 1395 1681 1461 983 St. James 228 149 23 520 608 696 416 Pockthorpe 214 255 27 979 1272 1116 732 Heigham 213 215 14 854 923 653 544 HAMLETS. Lakenham 84 89 5 428 486 165 221 Eaton 36 57 2 278 260 226 153 Earlham 12 12 0 95 66 68 50 Hellesdon 16 16 1 81 108 70 65 Thorpe 17 17 0 74 82 36 69 Trowse, 83 88 6 353 348 386 258 Carrowe, Bracon Precinct of the 156 136 3 616 700 650 Close TOTAL, 8026 9093 747 36832 40051 36196 28881 The decrease in the population of this City, since 1786, is 3219; but it is to be observed that 1786 was a year of peace, and that in the returns of 1801, those serving in the Navy, Army, and Militia, are not included. Norwich, during the present war, has furnished, at least, 4000 recruits. COACHES, BARGES, and WAGGONS, to and from NORWICH. THE MAIL CARRIAGES Set out every day from the King’s Head, in the Market-place, Norwich; from the Swan with Two Necks, Lad-lane, and Golden-Cross, Charing-Cross London. Half an hour allowed at Thetford and Ipswich, both in going up and coming down; fourteen pounds luggage to each passenger, and all above, two-pence per pound. Parcels delivered immediately on their arrival at London and Norwich. Passengers for these carriages should be at the Golden-Cross at Seven; and at the Swan at half past seven; or at the General Post-Office, Lombard-street, just before eight o’clock in the evening. The MAIL COACH by Ipswich, arrives at the King’s Head Inn, Norwich, at twelve o’clock at noon, and sets out at four in the afternoon; stops for breakfast coming down, and for supper going up, at Bamford’s, the Great White Horse, Ipswich. The MAIL COACH by Newmarket, arrives at the King’s Head Inn, Norwich, about eleven o’clock in the morning, and sets out at half past four in the afternoon; stops for breakfast coming down, and for supper going up, at Radcliffe’s, the Bell, at Thetford.—Each carriage is well lighted, and guarded through the whole of the journey by persons who are also experienced drivers. The MAIL COACH to YARMOUTH (in three hours), sets out from the King’s Head Inn, Market-place, Norwich, and Star Tavern, on the Quay, Yarmouth, every day at twelve o’clock. By this Coach, passengers and parcels are likewise booked throughout from Yarmouth to London. From the Golden Cross, Charing Cross, and Swan, Lad-lane, are mail and other carriages to every part of the kingdom. The EXPEDITION, by NEWMARKET, A double-bodied coach, sets out from the White Swan, St. Peter’s, Harwich, every afternoon at three o’clock, to the White Horse, Fetter-lane, London; returns from the above Inn daily, at half past three o’clock; calls at the Bull, Bishopgate-street, going out and coming in. The STAGE COACH, by BURY, Sets out every Monday and Wednesday, at three in the afternoon, and on Saturday at half pair three, from the Angel, in the Market-place, Norwich; and every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, from the Swan with Two Necks, Lad-lane, London, at four in the afternoon. LYNN and NORWICH EXPEDITION, By WAY of SWAFFHAM and DEREHAM, Sets out from the Crown Inn, Lynn, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, at seven o’clock, to the White-Swan, in St. Peter’s Norwich; returns from the Swan every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning, at the same hour. In November, December, and January, this coach goes only on Tuesdays and Saturdays. YARMOUTH MACHINE, From the Black Horse, on Tombland, to the Wrestlers in Yarmouth, sets out twice every day, Saturday excepted, at eight o’clock in the morning, and three in the afternoon, during the summer, and at nine o’clock each morning in the winter season only. N.B. For about two months in the worst part of the winter season the coach goes once a day only. The LONDON and NORWICH STAGE WAGGONS, By Messrs. William Mack and Co. St. Giles’ Broad-street, to the Green Dragon, Bishopsgate-street, set out from Norwich every Monday and Friday evening, and come in every Monday and Thursday morning. Messrs. Robert and I. L. Marsh and Sons’ LONDON, CAMBRIDGE, and NORWICH WAGGONS, set out every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday Evening, and arrive every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday morning. As they constantly pass through Cambridge, there is now a regular Conveyance to York, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, and all the Manufacturing Towns in Yorkshire. Hadfield’s Old York Waggon is now removed to their Warehouse on Tombland. BURY WAGGON, From the Star in the Market place, Norwich, comes in on Friday morning, and sets out in the afternoon of the same day. YORK WAGGONS, From the Star, in the Market-place, Norwich, in and out every Tuesday and Friday. LYNN WAGGON, From the Black Horse, in St. Giles’, comes in and goes out every Wednesday and Saturday. BARGES. The Old Barge goes from the Wherry Staithe, every Monday and Thursday, for Yarmouth, at ten o’clock, and returns on Tuesday and Friday. The New Barge goes from the Old Staithe, every Monday and Thursday, for Yarmouth, at ten o’clock, and returns on Tuesday and Friday. LONDON TRADERS to and from YARMOUTH. FROM SYMOND’S WHARF. FROM SMART’S QUAY. Astley, John Elland Ceres, Robert Lee Dove, J. P. Horne Constant Trader, J. Plowman New Fair Trader, C. Stewart Hannah, M. Marshall Isabella, Charles Taylor Thomas and Fanny, J. Ferritt Earl of Leicester, J. Nichols Yarmouth, James Haill Providence, R. B. Theobald Commerce, R. Mansfield Susanna, Elias Miles AGENTS. AGENTS. Mr. Cole, Norwich Mr. Story, Norwich Mr. J. Dryden, Yarmouth Mr. James Laws, Yarmouth HULL TRADERS. Hope, John Hepworth Good Intent, John Wilkinson Expedition, James Metcalf There are eleven Packets from Yarmouth to Cuxhaven, one of which sails from Yarmouth every Sunday and Thursday morning at nine o’clock. LIST OF CARRIERS. _Towns_. _Miles_ _Carr. Names_. _Where they set up_. _Towns they carry _Time of comg. _Time of going out_ parcels for_. in_ ACLE 11 Driver Golden Lion, St. John’s M. Thorpe, Blofield, S S 1 Freethorpe, &c. Church Black Horse, Tombland Thorpe, Blofield, Bullingham, Lingwood, Filby, &c. W S W S 2 Aldburgh 15 Grand Golden Lion, St. John’s M. St. Faith’s, S S 1 Stratton Strawless, Aylsham, &c. Fox Black Horse, Tombland St. Faith’s, F evg. S 12 Aylsham, Ingworth, Erpingham, &c. Randall Black Horse, St. Giles’ Aylsham, S S 12 Ingworth, Erpingham, Alby, &c. Alderford 8 Reepham Carrier Ashwelthorpe 9 Brown Red Lion, Red Lion-lane Swardeston, W S W S 2 Mulbarton, Braconash, Hethel Attlebridge 8 Fakenham Carrier Attleburgh 15 Rose George, Hay-market Wyndham, Old W S W S 1 Buckenham, Beesthorpe, Morley, and Ellingham Hewitt Lamb, Hay-market Wyndham, New W S W S 1 Buckenham, Ellingham, and Snetterton Antingham 25 Southrepps Carrier Aslacton 12 Long Stratton Carrier Aylsham 11 Palmer Wounded Heart, Up. mark. St. Faith’s, W S W S 12 Stratton Strawless, Marsham, &c. Bacton 18 Watts Bull, Magdalen-street Sprowston, F. evg. S 1 Wroxham, Worstead, &c. Barningham 16 Gresham Carrier Barton Mills 41 London Wagons Beccles 18 Woolner Star, Market-place Loddon, M F Tu S 12 Lowestoft, Thurlton, Gillingham, &c. Mayhew White Hart, St. Peter’s Loddon, M F Tu S 2 Lowestoft, &c. Blakeney 25 Holt Carrier Blickling 13 Aylsham Carrier Blofield 6 Acle Carrier Booton 11 Allden Moon & Stars, St. M. Cos. Felthorpe, W S W S 1 Swannington, Reepham, and Sall Botesdale 27 Bidwell, Nunn Pope’s Hd. Mrk. Lamb Mrk. Long Stratton, Th F e. F S 10 11 Scole, Ixworth, and Bury Braconash 6 Ashwellthorpe Carrier Bradfield 16 Southrepps Carrier Braintree 74 Stowmarket Carrier Briston 17 Martin Moon and Stars, St. Mich. Heydon, Dawling, F S 10 Swanton, &c Dunn Recruiting Sergt. St. Mary’s Heydon, Tu evg. W 11 Saxthorpe, &c. Brockdish 24 Johnson Wool-pack, St. Giles’ Pulham, F evg. S 11 Stradbrook, Wallworth, Brundish, &c. Brooke 7 Bungay Carrier Buckenham 15 Orford White Hart, St. Peter’s Banham, F S 11 Wrenningham, Taccolnestone, Forncett, Carlton, Old Buckenham, &c. Bungay 14 Rayner Star, Market-place Brooke, M F Tu S 12 Saxmundham, &c. Day Lamb, Market-place Brooke, Earlham, Tu F W S 12 Woodton, &c. Bunwell 11 Carlton Rode Carrier Burlingham 8 Acle Carrier Bury St. Ed. 43 Palmer White Hart, St. Peter’s Wyndham, Th F 2 Attleleburgh, Market Harling, Hapton, Barningham, &c. Moulton Wounded Heart, St. Peter’s Long Stratton, F S 12 Scole, Botesdale, Malborough, Stanton, Ixworth, &c. Burnham 38 Holmes Currier’s Arms, St. Giles’ Drayton, W W 4 Fakenham, Creak, Middleton, &c. Cambridge 63 London Waggons Carlton Rode 13 Briggs White Lion, St. Peter’s Mulbarton, W S W S 12 Taccolnestone, Buckenham &c. Castleacre 28 Watton Carrier Caston 18 Ellingham Carrier Catfield 15 Page Crown, St. George’s Sprowston, W S W 4 Rackheath, Wroxham, Hoveton, Horning, Hickling &c. Cawston 11 Thurlow King’s Head, St. George’s Felthorpe, W WS 2 Heveringland, Brandestone &c. Sandall Ringers, St. Michael’s Horsford, W S W S 1 Haveringland, Brandestone &c. Cley 25 Holt Carrier Coltishall 7 Leeds Pope’s Head, Upper-market Horstead, M W S M W S 3 Scottow, Belaugh, &c. Cooke Duke’s Palace Crostwick, M W S M W S 3 Horstead, Tunstead, Scottow, Belaugh, &c. Colchester 62 London Waggons Cromer 21 Adcock Duke’s Palace Aylsham, W S W S 12 Northrepps, &c. Craske do. Aylsham, Gunton, W S W 2 Roughton, Buston, &c. Crostwick 5 Coltishall Carrier Dereham 16 Fox Pope’s Head, Upper-market Easton, M F S 2 Honingham, Hockering, Tuddenham, Litcham, Massingham, & Bircham Dunn Woolpack, St. Giles’ Tuddenham, Tu F W S 12 Hockering, Gressenhall, Yaxham, Swaffham, Castleacre, Lynn Watts Black Horse, St. Giles’ Do. Wendling, and Tu Th S Tu Th S 12 Fransham Dickleburgh 18 Diss Carrier Dilham 13 Amis Elephant, Magdalen-street East Ruston, S S 1 Honing, Walcot, Beeston, Smallborough, Dilham, Stowley Diss 22 Holmes Star, Market-place Long Stratton, Tu F W S 12 Dickleburgh, and Ipswich Mason Rampant Horse, St. Steph. Long Stratton, Tu ev W 12 Dickleburgh, Scole, Ipswich, and Bury Docking 40 Thornham Carrier Downham 42 Carter White Lion, St. Benedict’s Dereham, W evg. Th 6 m. Swaffham, Wisbech, Spalding, Baston, and Peterburgh Earsham 13 Harleslon Carrier Easton 5 Mattishall Carrier Edgfield 18 Green White Horse, St. Lawrence Horsford, Caston F evg. S 11 Woodrow, &c. Ellingham 14 Attleburgh Carrier Elmham 18 Amis Wounded Heart, St. Peter’s Litcham, Lexham, F S 12 Brisley, Stanfield, &c. Strutt Lobster Drayton, W evg. S 2 Attlebridge, Morton, Billingford, &c. Erpingham 16 Dyke King’s Head, Magdalen str. St. Faith’s, S S 2 Hevingham, Marsham, Aylsham, Ingworth, Calthorpe, Coleby &c. Eye 18 Rayson Woolpack, St. Giles’ Hoxne, F evng. S 11 Stradbrook, Claydon, Thorndon, Stalham, &c. Fakenham 25 Mitchell White Hart, St. Peter’s Hellesdon, Th evg. F 2 Drayton, Bawdeswell, Foxley, Stibbard, &c. Felbrigg 18 Cromer Carrier Felmingham 13 Southrepps Carrier Field Dalling 22 Wells Carrier Forncett 11 Moore Two Quarts, St. Stephen’s Taccolnestone, S S 2 &c. Foulsham 18 Sewell Wounded Hart, St. Peter’s Hellesdon, F S 12 Drayton, Attlebridge, Sparham, Bawdeswell, Foxley, &c. Foxley 15 Foulsham Carrier S S 12 Freethorpe 11 Hubbard White Lion, St. Mart. Pal. Brundall, F evng. S 12 Cantley, &c. Fressingfield 24 Barrett Greyhound, St. Stephen’s Trowse, Brooke, Wattle, Lexfield, Hedenham, Harston, Weybread, Stradbrook, Framlingham, &c. Garboldisham 20 Smith Crown, St. Stephen’s Mulbarton, S S 3 Bracon, Ashwelthorpe, Bunwell, Buckenham, &c. Grantham 126 York Waggons Gresham 22 Burton Wounded Heart, St. Peter’s Barningham, F evng. S 12 Baconsthorpe, Alburgh, Aylsham, Itteringham, Plumstead, Matlock, Gresham, Wickmere, &c. Gunton 17 Southrepps Carrier Harleston 20 Palgrave White Heart, St. Peter’s Brooke, Hedenham, F S 12 Earsham, Redenhall, Denton, Wattle, Weybread, and Aldborough Larter Pope’s Head, Upper-market Stratton, Pulham, Tu W 11 Fersfield, Mendham, &c. Halesworth 23 Garland White Heart, St. Peter’s Brooke, Bungay, F S 11 &c. Halifax 218 York Waggons Halstead 61 Stowmarket Carrier Hapton 8 Walker George, Haymarket Swardeston, S S 2 Mulbarton, Bracon, Forncett, Tharston, Stratton, and Tasborough Harling 21 Kenninghall Carrier Halvergate 13 Tills Jolly Farmers, St. Mar. Pa. Burlingham, S S 3 Moulton, Freethorpe, Tunstall, and Wickhampton Hevingham 8 Hill Shoulder of Mutton, St. Aug. St. Faith’s, &c. S S 3 Heveringland 9 Cawston Carrier Hardwick 12 Ray Cock, St. Stephen’s Long Stratton, W S W S 1 &c. Coppin Nag’s Head, St. Stephen’s Newton, Long W S W S 1 Stratton, Tasburgh, &c. Hedenham 12 Bungay Carrier Hempnall 10 Shreeve Red-Lion, Red-Lion lane Lakenham, Stoke, S S 2 Castor, Shottisham, &c. Hetherset 5 Bailey Two Quarts, St. Stephen’s Eaton, &c. S S 4 Heydon 14 Cawston Carrier Hickling 16 Morter Cat and Fiddle, Mag. str. Wroxham, F evng. S 1 Smallburgh, Stalham, &c. Money Bull, ditto Stalham, Beeston, F evng. S 12 Smallburgh, &c. Hindringham 22 Thompson Wounded Heart, St. Peter’s St. Faith’s, Tu W 12 Stratton Strawless, Hevingham, Saxthorpe Hindolveston 18 Foulsham Carrier Hingham 14 Watton Carrier Hockham 19 Rust Cock, St. Stephen’s Wyndham, E evng. S 12 Attleborough, Ellingham, Rockland, Stow, Harling, &c. Hockering 10 Dereham Carrier Holkham 29 Wells Carrier Holt 21 Wade Aylsham, Tu evg. Th 6m Blakeney, Cley, &c. Spencer Pope’s Head, Upper-market Aylsham, F S 10 Edgefield, Saxthorpe, Thornage, Cley, &c. Honingham 7 Dereham Carrier Horning 9 Ludham Carrier Houghton 33 Thornham Carrier Hoxne 22 Eye Carrier Ingham 18 Wagg King’s Head, Magdalen st. Sprowston, S S 2 Rackheath, Wroxham, Beeston, Stalham, Ingham, Happisburgh, Smallburgh, &c. Ingworth 12 Newstead Bull, Magdalen-street St. Faith’s, S S 11 Hevingham, Marsham, Aldborough, Calthorpe, &c. Ipswich 43 Green Currier’s Arms, St. Giles’ Dickleburgh, Tu evng. W 12 Brockford, Colchester, Woodbridge, Harwich, Dedenham, &c. Itteringham 15 Holt Carrier Ixworth 35 Bury Carriers Kenninghall 20 West Greyhound, St. Stephen’s Swardeston, F S 10 Bracon, Ashwelthorpe, Buckenham, Market Harling, Garboldisham, Market Weston, North and South Lopham, Ixworth, and from thence to Bury Knapton 16 Mack Elephant, Magdalen-street Coltishall, F evg. S 10 Scottow, North Walsham, Paston, Trunch, Gillingham Lammas 9 Kenney Bull, Magdalen-street Frettenham, W S W S 3 Spixworth, Buxton, &c. Leeds 191 York Waggons Lingwood 8 Acle Carrier Litcham 24 Lynn Carrier Loddon 9 Hardy Greyhound, St. Stephen’s Framlingham, S S 2 Yelverton, Thurlton, Langley, &c. Long Stratton 10 Wright Cock, St. Stephen’s Newton, Tasburgh, W S W S 1 Forncet, &c. Ludham 14 Pert Cat and Fiddle, Mag. str. Rackheath, S S 1 Wroxham, Horning, &c. Lynn 42 Tuck Black Horse, St. Giles’ Gressenhall, W S W S 5 Elmham, Briston, Litcham, Castleacre, Gayton, Wisbech, Spalding, &c. Reeder Wounded Heart, Up. mark. Easton, W Th 12 Honingham, Hockering, Tuddenham, Attling, Dereham, Scarning, Wendling, Necton, Swaffham, Bilney, and Middleton Coe Wool-pack, St. Giles’ Shipdham, M evg. Tu 11 Swaffham, &c. Brooke Wounded Heart, St. Peter’s Gressenhall, F S 12 Elmham, Litcham, Castleacre, Brisley, Stanfield, Mileham, Wellingham, Guyton, Wisbech, and Peterburgh Maidenbridge 8 Swanton Carrier Marsham 10 Sutton Crown, St. George’s St. Faith’s, S S 3 Stratton Strawless, Hevingham, &c. Mattishall 11 Stewart Prince of Wales, St. Benct. Easton, East W S W S 2 Tuddenham, Honingham, &c. Howes Woolpack, St. Giles’ East Tuddenham, W S W S 12 &c. Allen Sun and Anchor, St. Clem. East Tuddenham, S S 3 Honingham, &c. Mendham 20 Flaxman Rampant Horse, St. Steph. Framlingham, S S 1 Barrow, &c. Mildenhall 42 London Waggons Moulton 13 Randall Shoulder of Mutton, St. Ste. Swardeston, S S 3 Tasburgh, and Long Stratton Morley 12 Attleborough Carrier Mulbarton 5 Ashwelthrope Carrier Mundesley 18 Southrepps Carrier Necton 24 Drake Wounded Heart, Upp. mar. Mattishall, F S 12 Shipdham, Yaxham Neatishead 11 Smith White Horse, Magdalen-str. Sprowston, S S 3 Rackheath, and Wroxham Needham 38 Stowmarket Carrier Newmarket 50 London Waggons Newton 6 Long Stratton Carrier N. Walsham 14 Bentley Duke’s Palace Catton, W S W S 2 Crostwick, Horstead, Coltishall, and Scottow Oulton 14 Kidd Kidd’s, Grocer, Elm hill Blickling, F evg. S 11 Wickmere, Hevingham, Marsham, &c. Pulham 15 Bailey Cock, St. Stephen’s Newton, Tasburgh, Tu Th S Tu Th S 2 Long Stratton, Wacton Rackheath 5 Ludham Carrier Raynham 26 Thornham Carrier Reepham 14 Dennis Crown and Scepter, St. Mic. Swannington, W S W S 1 Whitwell, Hackford, &c. Reymerstone 12 White White Lion, St. Benedict’s Barford, Carlton, S mng. S 1 Hardingham, Whindbergh, &c. Rockland 14 Fielding Nag’s Head, St. Stephen’s Wyndham, F evng. S 11 Attleborough, Ellingham, Caston, and Stow Saxlingham 7 Brock Crown, St. Stephen’s Fritton, Stoke S S 2 Holy Cross, &c. Dady Star and Crown, Timberhill Lakenham, Castor, W S W S 1 Stoke, and Shottisham Saxmundham 36 Halesworth Carrier Saxthorpe 15 Briston Carrier Scole 20 Diss Carrier Scottow 10 North Walsham Carrier Sherringham 20 Johnson Lobster St. Faith’s, W S W S 12 Aylsham, Cromer, &c. Shipdham 20 Mendham Woolpack, St. Giles’ Hingham, Watton, F. evng. S 11 Swaffham, &c. Shottisham 7 Crisp Lion and Castle, Timberhill Lakenham, Stoke, W S W S 2 Castor, Framlingham Skeyton 11 Bugden King’s Head, Magdalen-str. Frettenham, S S 2 Felmingham, &c. Sloley 10 Coltishall Carrier Smallburgh 11 Law Bull, Magdalen-street Sprowston, W S W S 2 Wroxham, Trunch, &c. Southrepps 18 Jarvis Ditto Antingham, Tu F W S 1 Felmingham, Mundesley, Northrepps S. Walsham 10 Catton White Lion, St. Mar. by Pal. Blofield, S S 2 Hemblington, &c. Ringer Jolly Farmers, ditto Ditto. S S 2 Southwold 30 Howlett Star, Market-place Wrentham, Tu W 12 Benacre, Hempstead, Yarmouth Spooner Row 13 Childerhouse Woolpack, St. George’s Eaton, Hetherset, W S W S 3 Wyndham, &c. Stalham 16 Hingham Carrier Stanfield 22 Elmham Carrier Stowmarket 35 Hearn White Hart, St. Peter’s Long Stratton, Th F 2 Scole, Thornham, Brockford, Needham, Claydon, Ipswich, from thence to London Stradbrook 28 Eye Carrier Stratton Strawl. 7 Hevingham Carrier Strumpshaw 9 Goffin White Lion, St. Mar. by Pal. Thorpe, Postwick, W mg. W 12 Brundle, and Lingwood Swaffham 28 Tiffen White Lion, St. Benedict’s Dereham, Downham, Th ev. F mg. 6 Wisbech, &c. Swainthorpe 5 Long Stratton Carrier Swanton 10 Smith King’s Head, Magdalen-str. Scottow, &c. S S 2 Swannington 8 Reepham Carrier Swanton Abbot 11 Spooner Keys, Magdalen-street Scottow, S S 2 Westwick, Skeyton, Horstead, & Coltishall Ditto Morley 13 Lock Black Horse, St. Giles’ S S 2 Swardeston 5 Buckenham Carrier Suffieldthorpe 13 Southrepps Carrier Taccolnestone 10 Nicholas Yarmouth Bridge, R. Ln. lane Swardeston, S S 4 Mulbarton, Braconash, Ashwelthorpe, &c. Tasburgh 8 Hardy Crown, St. Stephen’s Newton, &c. S S 2 Themilthorpe 14 Foulsham Carrier Thetford 30 London Wagons Thornham 40 Pointer Wool-pack, St. Giles’ Drayton, Tu mg. Tu 2 Attlebridge, Sparham, Bawdeswell, Foxley, Fakenham, Docking, &c. Trunch 16 Southrepps Carrier Tullington 14 Skeyton Carrier Walsingham 27 Fakenham carrier Watton 21 Clarke Currier’s Arms, St. Giles’ Barford, Hingham, Tu F W S 12 Swaffham, &c. Watton 21 Sayer Lobster Wyndham, Hingham, Tu F W S 12 Swaffham, Brandon Wells 31 Lord Woolpack, St. Giles’ Bawdeswell, Tu evg. W 2 Foxley, Snoring, Lenwade Bridge Berrisfield Pope’s Head, Upper-market Horsford, Caston Th F evng. 6 Woodrow, Saxthorpe, Thornage, Field Dalling, &c. Allen Wounded Heart, Up. mark. Lenwade Bridge, Tu Th W F 4 Bawdeswell, Guist, Snoring, &c. Wyndham 9 Colman Nag’s Head, St. Stephen’s Eaton, Hetherset, M W S M W S 3 Wicklewood, &c. Foulsham Fortune of War, St. George’s Eaton, W S W S 3 Cringleford, Hetherset, &c. Carter Recruiting Sergt. St. Mary’s Eaton, Hetherset, S S 4 &c. Rix Cock, St. Stephen’s Ditto M W S M W S 3 Wisbech 54 Lynn Waggons Woodbridge 46 Ipswich Carrier Woolpit 40 Stowmarket Carrier Woolterton 14 Erpingham Carrier Worstead 12 Adams White Horse, Magdalen-str. Sprowston, S S 3 Wroxham, Tunstead, &c. Wrenningham 8 Buckenham Carrier York Balls Star, Market-place Mansfield, Tu F Tu F 3 Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, and the Principal Towns in Yorkshire Yarmouth 22 Acle Carrier Yaxham 15 Dereham Carrier * * * * * PRINTED BY J. PAYNE, MARKET-PLACE. FOOTNOTES {0} There is no map in the copy at Norwich, although this heading implies there may have originally been a map of some sort.—DP. {42} In the Norwich Millennium Library copy someone has written in a very neat hand at the bottom of page 42: “Hooke Peter, Surry St.”—DP. {49} There appear to have never been pages 47 and 48. From the way the directory is bound at Norwich the printer probably left a gap in the pagination to cope with any last minute additions.—DP. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE NORWICH DIRECTORY [1802] *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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