Title: The Robinson Telegraphic Cipher
Author: Stephen L. Robinson
Release date: February 11, 2015 [eBook #48232]
Most recently updated: October 24, 2024
Language: English
Credits: Produced by Charlene Taylor, Fox in the Stars, Keith Edkins
and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
Use Universal Grain Code and Reduce Your Tolls.
Fifteen additional pages
inserted; every cipher word, quotation and phrase
in former editions retained; see next page.
Author and Proprietor,
The changes in Grades of Grain, new Railroads and Freight Lines, and advanced methods of doing business has made it necessary to insert new cipher words and phrases in "The Robinson Telegraphic Cipher."
The "Revised Edition" retains all the cipher words and phrases of former editions, in identically the same relationship, the only difference being additions, which are all printed in Italics, that you may easily distinguish and only use them with correspondents who have the "Revised Edition."
Additions will be found on the following pages: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 49, 49a, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92 and 103.
The same care has been exercised in the selection of safe "cipher" or code words, not easily misread from copy or changed in telegraphic transmission, that has helped largely to make "The Robinson Cipher" the accepted standard code for the Trade.
The cipher words for the new phrases follow as closely in alphabetical order as possible without changing the position of the old ones.
Where blanks occur in or at the terminus of the printed phrases let the cipher word or words supplying such blanks follow the cipher word of the phrase in respective order, as "Revelation, Alkali, Chicago," for "Quote price No. 2 corn laid down in Chicago."
When the price is manifestly above 1.10 the dollar will be understood and not expressed, as "Churl," for 1.35¼.
See Index on Page 4 of Supplement,
also see Page 4 of Additional Supplement.
* Pages with New Phrases.
The following phrases have been arranged to save in a great measure looking through the book, when using the cipher for orders. The month or word for time of delivery, following the word for the amount. Example: "Abdicate, Achieve, March," translated reads, Buy 250 bbls. Mess Pork, March delivery.
Abacus | Buy ____ Contract Wheat. |
Abaft | Buy ____ Number 2 Spring Wheat. |
Abandon | Buy ____ Number 2 Corn. |
Abash | Buy ____ Number 2 Oats. |
Abated | Buy ____ Number 2 Barley. |
Abating | Buy ____ Regular Lard. |
Abdicate | Buy ____ Mess Pork. |
Abbess | Buy ____ Short Ribs. |
Abbot | Sell ____ Contract Wheat. |
Abdomen | Sell ____ Number 2 Spring Wheat. |
Abduct | Sell ____ Number 2 Corn. |
Abet | Sell ____ Number 2 Oats. |
Abettor | Sell ____ Number 2 Barley. |
Abhor | Sell ____ Regular Lard. |
Ability | Sell ____ Mess Pork. |
Abhorred | Sell ____ Short Ribs. |
Ablest | Have bought ____ Contract Wheat. |
Abjure | Have bought ____ No. 2 Spring Wheat. |
Able | Have bought ____ No. 2 Corn. |
Ablution | Have bought ____ No. 2 Oats. |
Abnormal | Have bought ____ No. 2 Barley. |
Abode | Have bought ____ Regular Lard. |
Abolish | Have bought ____ Mess Pork. |
Abolished | Have bought ____ Short Ribs. |
Abound | Have sold ____ Contract Wheat. |
Abortion | Have sold ____ Number 2 Spring Wheat |
Abounded | Have sold ____ Number 2 Corn. |
Abreast | Have sold ____ Number 2 Oats. |
Abram | Have sold ____ Number 2 Barley. |
Abridge | Have sold ____ Regular Lard. |
Abrupt | Have sold ____ Mess Pork. |
Abrogate | Have sold ____ Short Ribs. |
Abscond | 1,000 bush |
Absconded | 2,000 bush |
Absconding | 3,000 bush |
Absent | 4,000 bush |
Absolute | 5,000 bush |
Absolutely | 10,000 bush |
Absolve | 15,000 bush |
Absorbed | 20,000 bush |
Absorbing | 25,000 bush |
Abstain | 30,000 bush |
Abstained | 35,000 bush |
Abstinence | 40,000 bush |
Abstinent | 45,000 bush |
Abstruse | 50,000 bush |
Abstrusely | 55,000 bush |
Absurd | 60,000 bush |
Absurdity | 65,000 bush |
Absurdness | 70,000 bush |
Abundance | 75,000 bush |
Abundant | 80,000 bush |
Abuse | 85,000 bush |
Abusing | 90,000 bush |
Abusive | 95,000 bush |
Abutment | 100,000 bush |
Abyss | 105,000 bush |
Academy | 110,000 bush |
Accent | 115,000 bush |
Accented | 120,000 bush |
Accenting | 125,000 bush |
Acceptance | 150,000 bush |
Accident | 175,000 bush |
Accidental | 200,000 bush |
Acclaim | 225,000 bush |
Acclamation | 250,000 bush |
Acclimate | 300,000 bush |
Accommodate | 350,000 bush |
Accomplish | 400,000 bush |
Accomplished | 450,000 bush |
Accord | 500,000 bush |
Account | 25 bbls |
Accounted | 50 bbls |
Accuse | 75 bbls |
Accusing | 100 bbls |
Accustom | 125 bbls |
Ache | 150 bbls |
Aching | 200 bbls |
Achieve | 250 bbls |
Acknowledge | 300 bbls |
Acorn | 400 bbls |
Acquaint | 500 bbls |
Acquaintance | 600 bbls |
Acquainted | 700 bbls |
Acquire | 750 bbls |
Acquisition | 800 bbls |
Acquit | 900 bbls |
Acquittal | 1,000 bbls |
Acquitting | 1,250 bbls |
Acrobat | 1,500 bbls |
Acting | 1,750 bbls |
Action | 2,000 bbls |
Actionable | 2,500 bbls |
Actor | 3,000 bbls |
Actress | 4,000 bbls |
Actual | 5,000 bbls |
Actually | 7,500 bbls |
Acute | 10,000 bbls |
Adage | 25 tierces |
Adamant | 50 tierces |
Adam |
75 tierces |
Adaline | 100 tierces |
Addible | 125 tierces |
Addition | 150 tierces |
Addle | 200 tierces |
Address | 250 tierces |
Adept | 300 tierces |
Adequate | 400 tierces |
Adhere | 500 tierces |
Adhesion | 600 tierces |
Adjacent | 700 tierces |
Adjective | 750 tierces |
Adjourn | 800 tierces |
Adjourned | 900 tierces |
Adjudge | 1,000 tierces |
Adjust | 1,250 tierces |
Adjusted | 1,500 tierces |
Adjusting | 1,750 tierces |
Adjustment | 2,000 tierces |
Adjutant | 2,500 tierces |
Administer | 3,000 tierces |
Admirable | 4,000 tierces |
Admiral | 5,000 tierces |
Admiration | 7,500 tierces |
Admire | 10,000 tierces |
Admission | 5,000 lbs |
Admit | 10,000 lbs |
Admittance | 20,000 lbs |
Admitted | 30,000 lbs |
Admitting | 40,000 lbs |
Admix | 50,000 lbs |
Admonish | 60,000 lbs |
Adopted | 75,000 lbs |
Adopting | 80,000 lbs |
Adoption | 100,000 lbs |
Adorable | 150,000 lbs |
Adoration | 200,000 lbs |
Adore | 250,000 lbs |
Adorned | 300,000 lbs |
Adorning | 400,000 lbs |
Adrift | 500,000 lbs |
Adult | 600,000 lbs |
Adulterate | 750,000 lbs |
Adultery | 1,000,000 lbs |
Advance | 1,500,000 lbs |
Advantage | 2,000,000 lbs |
Advent | 2,500,000 lbs |
Adventure | 5,000,000 lbs |
Advertise | 50 boxes |
Advisable | 100 boxes |
Advising | 150 boxes |
Advise | 200 boxes |
Advocate | 250 boxes |
Advocating | 300 boxes |
Advocation | 350 boxes |
Afar | 400 boxes |
Affable | 500 boxes |
Affect | 600 boxes |
Affected | 700 boxes |
Affecting | 750 boxes |
Affection | 800 boxes |
Affiant | 900 boxes |
Affidavit | 1,000 boxes |
Affiliate | 1,250 boxes |
Affinity | 1,500 boxes |
Affirm | 1,750 boxes |
Affirmable | 2,000 boxes |
Afflict | 2,500 boxes |
Afflicted | 3,000 boxes |
Afflicting | 3,500 boxes |
Affliction | 4,000 boxes |
Affluence | 4,500 boxes |
Affluent | 5,000 boxes |
Afforded | 1 car loads |
Affording | 2 car loads |
Affray | 3 car loads |
Affright | 4 car loads |
Affrighted |
5 car loads |
Affront | 6 car loads |
Affronted | 7 car loads |
Affronting | 8 car loads |
Afoot | 9 car loads |
Afraid | 10 car loads |
Aft | 12 car loads |
After | 15 car loads |
Against | 20 car loads |
Agape | 25 car loads |
Agate | 30 car loads |
Aged | 40 car loads |
Agedly | 50 car loads |
Agency | 1 boat loads |
Agent | 2 boat loads |
Aggravate | 3 boat loads |
Aggravation | 4 boat loads |
Aggregate | 5 boat loads |
Aghast | 6 boat loads |
Agitate | 7 boat loads |
Agitating | 8 boat loads |
Agitation | 9 boat loads |
Agony | 10 boat loads |
Agree | 12 boat loads |
Agreeable | 15 boat loads |
Agreement | 20 boat loads |
Absented | Choice Timothy Hay |
Absenting | No. 1 Timothy Hay |
Absently | No. 2 Timothy Hay |
Absinthe | No. 3 Timothy Hay |
Absolution | No. 1 Clover Mixed Hay |
Absolving | No. 2 Clover Mixed Hay |
Absolvent | No. 1 Clover Hay |
Absorb | No. 2 Clover Hay |
Absorbent | No Grade Hay |
Absorption | Choice Prairie Hay |
Abstract | No. 1 Prairie Hay |
Abstracted | No. 2 Prairie Hay |
Abstractly | No. 3 Prairie Hay |
Absurdly | No. 4 Prairie Hay |
Abusively | No Grade Prairie Hay |
Acacia | No. 1 Straight Rye Straw |
Accede | No. 2 Straight Rye Straw |
Acceding | Tangled Rye Straw |
Access | Wheat Straw |
Acclaimer | Oat Straw |
Accolade | Large Bales |
Accomplice | Medium Bales |
Accompany | Small Bales |
Aground | No. 1 Chicago Spring Wheat. |
Ahead | No. 2 Chicago Spring Wheat. |
Ail | No. 1 Milwaukee Spring Wheat. |
Ailment | No. 2 Milwaukee Spring Wheat. |
Aimless | No. 1 Northwestern Spring Wheat. |
Aisle | No. 2 Northwestern Spring Wheat. |
Ajax | No. 1 Minnesota Spring Wheat. |
Akin | No. 2 Minnesota Spring Wheat. |
Alabaster | No. 3 Spring Wheat. |
Alamode | Rejected Spring Wheat. |
Albino | No. 1 White Winter Wheat. |
Album | No. 2 White Winter Wheat. |
Albumen | No. 1 Red Winter Wheat. |
Alchemy | No. 2 Red Winter Wheat. |
Alcove | Rejected Winter Wheat. |
Alder | No. 1 Amber Wheat. |
Alderman | No. 2 Amber Wheat. |
Alert | No. 3 Amber Wheat. |
Alertness | California White Wheat. |
Algebra | California Club. |
Accost | No. 1 Northern Spring Wheat. |
Accosted | No. 2 Northern Spring Wheat. |
Accosting | No. 1 White Spring Wheat. |
Accostable | No. 2 White Spring Wheat. |
Accountant | No. 3 White Spring Wheat. |
Accouple | No. 1 Spring Wheat. |
Accretion | No. 2 Spring Wheat. |
Accrue | No. 4 Spring Wheat. |
Accrument | No Grade Spring Wheat. |
Accumb | Black Sea and Flinty Pfife Wheat. |
Accumbent | Rice Wheat. |
Accurate | No. 1 Hard Winter Wheat. |
Accursed | No. 2 Hard Winter Wheat. |
Acetic | No. 3 Hard Winter Wheat. |
Acid | No. 3 White Winter Wheat. |
Acidity | No. 4 White Winter Wheat. |
Acidulate | No. 3 Red Winter Wheat. |
Acnode | No. 4 Red Winter Wheat. |
Aconite | No. 1 Long Red Winter Wheat. |
Acolyte |
No. 2 Long Red Winter Wheat. |
Acoustic | No Grade Winter Wheat. |
Acoustical | No. 1 Colorado Wheat. |
Acquitted | No. 2 Colorado Wheat. |
Acrobatic | No. 3 Colorado Wheat. |
Across | No. 2 Kansas City Hard Winter Wheat. |
Acrostic | No. 3 Kansas City Hard Winter Wheat. |
Alienate | White Corn. |
Alight | Yellow Corn. |
Alighting | No. 1 Corn. |
Alike | High Mixed Corn. |
Alkali | No. 2 Corn. |
Alkaline | Rejected Corn. |
Allay | No. 2 Kiln Dried Corn. |
Allege | New Corn. |
Actable | No. 1 Yellow Corn. |
Acted | No. 2 Yellow Corn. |
Actively | No. 3 Yellow Corn. |
Actless | No. 1 White Corn. |
Acumen | No. 2 White Corn. |
Acutely | No. 3 White Corn. |
Adamite | No. 3 Corn. |
Adamic | No. 4 Corn. |
Adaunt | No Grade Corn. |
Adaptly | No. 2 Kansas City Corn. |
Addressed | Ear Corn. |
Addressing | . . . . . . |
Affair | . . . . . . |
Affiance | . . . . . . |
Affirmed | . . . . . . |
Affirming | . . . . . . |
Affix | . . . . . . |
Allegiance | No. 1 Oats. |
Alliance | No. 2 White Oats. |
Alligator | No. 2 Oats. |
Allot | Rejected Oats. |
Allotted | Choice White Oats, by sample. |
Allotting | Choice Mixed Oats, by sample. |
Allotment | Fair White Oats, by sample. |
Allowance | Fair Mixed Oats, by sample. |
Affixed | No. 1 White Oats. |
Affixing | No. 3 White Oats. |
Affuse | No. 3 Oats. |
Affusion | No Grade Oats. |
African | No. 3 Oats (White). |
Agedness | No. 1 White Clipped Oats. |
Aggrieve | No. 2 White Clipped Oats. |
Agile | White Clipped Oats ____ lbs. |
Agility | Mixed Clipped Oats ____ lbs. |
Allspice | No. 1 Rye. |
Allude | No. 2 Rye. |
Alluding | Rejected Rye. |
Agitator | No. 3 Rye. |
Allurement | No. 1 Barley. |
Allusion | No. 2 Barley. |
Almanac | No. 3 Barley. |
Almighty | Rejected Barley. |
Agleam | No. 4 Barley. |
Agog | No. 5 Barley. |
Agonize | No Grade Barley. |
Agnostic | No. 1 Scotch Barley. |
Agreeably | No. 2 Scotch Barley. |
Aided | No. 3 Scotch Barley. |
Aiding | No. 1 Bay Brewing Barley. |
Aidful | No. 2 Bay Brewing Barley. |
Aidless | No. 3 Bay Brewing Barley. |
Akimbo |
No. 1 Chevalier Barley. |
Alarm | No. 2 Chevalier Barley. |
Alarmed | No. 3 Chevalier Barley. |
Alarming | Feed Barley. |
Alarmist | Malting Barley. |
Alas | Barley Screenings. |
Albatross | Malt Skimmings. |
Almond | Prime Timothy Seed. |
Almost | Good Timothy Seed. |
Alms | Common Timothy Seed. |
Alone | Prime Clover Seed. |
Along | Good Clover Seed. |
Aloof | Common Clover Seed. |
Aloud | Flax Seed. |
Alpaca | Hungarian Seed. |
Albedo | No. 1 Northwestern Flax Seed. |
Albiness | No. 1 Duluth Flax Seed. |
Albion | No. 2 Duluth Flax Seed. |
Alcade | No. 1 Flax Seed. |
Alcadia | Rejected Flax Seed. |
Alchemist | No Grade Flax Seed. |
Alcoholic | Fair to Good Timothy Seed. |
Alcoran | Strictly Prime Timothy Seed. |
Aldermanic | Choice Timothy Seed. |
Aldine | Contract Prime Timothy Seed. |
Alembic | Fair to Good Clover Seed. |
Alfalfa | Strictly Prime Clover Seed. |
Algebraic | Choice Clover Seed. |
Algerine | Good Hungarian Seed. |
Algonkin | Prime Hungarian Seed. |
Alhambra | Common Millet. |
Alibi | German Millet. |
Alien | . . . . . . |
Alimony | . . . . . . |
Alkaloid | . . . . . . |
Allegory | Winter Wheat Bran in Bulk. |
Allegretto | Winter Wheat Bran in Sacks. |
Allegro | Spring Wheat Bran in Bulk. |
Allemande | Spring Wheat Bran in Sacks. |
Allopath | Fancy White Middlings in Bulk. |
Allow | Fancy White Middlings in Sacks. |
Allowing | Choice White Middlings in Bulk. |
Allusive | Choice White Middlings in Sacks. |
Alluvial | Flour Middlings in Bulk. |
Almoner | Flour Middlings in Sacks. |
Alps | Standard Fine Middlings in Bulk. |
Alpen | Standard Fine Middlings in Sacks. |
Alpha | Coarse Middlings in Bulk. |
Alphabet | Coarse Middlings in Sacks. |
Already | Mixed Feed in Bulk. |
Altimeter | Mixed Feed in Sacks. |
Altiscope | Red-dog Flour in 100 lb. Sacks. |
Altissimo | Red-dog Flour in 140 lb. Sacks. |
Alto | Rye Feed in Bulk. |
Aluminus | Rye Feed in Sacks. |
Always | Hominy Chop, or Meal in Bulk. |
Ambassage | Hominy Chop, or Meal in 100 lb. Sacks. |
Ambassy | Linseed Oil Meal in 100 lb. Sacks. |
Amber | Cotton Seed Oil Meal in 100 lb. Sacks. |
Ambergris | . . . . . . |
Ambient | . . . . . . |
Ambitious | . . . . . . |
Amble | . . . . . . |
Ambling | . . . . . . |
Amblingly | . . . . . . |
Ambrose | . . . . . . |
Ambrosia | . . . . . . |
Altar | Best Spring Extra Flour. |
Alternate | Good Spring Extra Flour. |
Alternately | Common Spring Extra Flour. |
Alum | Low Grade Spring Extra Flour. |
Alumni | Choice to fancy Spring Extra Flour. |
Amalgam | Medium to good Spring Extra Flour. |
Amalgamate | Fair to choice Spring Extra Flour. |
Amassed | Best Winter Flour. |
Amassing | Good Winter Flour. |
Amateur | Common Winter Flour. |
Ambassador | Fair to good White Winter Flour. |
Ambition | Choice White Winter Flour. |
Ambulance | Red Winter Flour. |
Ambuscade | Choice Minnesota Flour. |
Ambush | Common Minnesota Flour. |
Ambushed | Good to choice Minnesota Flour. |
Ambushing | Minnesota Patent Flour. |
Amen | Flour equal to New York Extra State. |
Amendable | Rye Flour. |
Amid | Buckwheat Flour. |
Amidst | Choice Baker's Flour from Spring Wheat. |
Amiss | Good Baker's Flour from Spring Wheat. |
Amity | . . . . . . |
Ammonia | . . . . . . |
Amnesty | . . . . . . |
Amongst | . . . . . . |
Amorous | . . . . . . |
Amount | Highwines (wood bound). |
Amounting | Highwines (iron bound). |
Ample | Live Hogs. |
Amplify | Live Hogs averaging —— lbs. |
Amputate | Live (or gross) Hogs, good packing qualities averaging about —— lbs. |
Amputating | Dressed Hogs. |
Amputation | Dressed Hogs averaging 200 lbs. or over. |
Amulet | Dressed Hogs averaging 200 lbs. |
Amuse | Dressed Hogs averaging less than 200 lbs. |
Anatomy | Mess Pork. |
Ancestor | Mess Pork (new). |
Anchor | Mess Pork (old). |
Anew | Mess Pork —— lbs. overweight. |
Angel | Heavy Mess Pork. |
Angelic | Light Mess Pork. |
Angelical | Prime Mess Pork. |
Angling | Extra Prime Pork. |
Angry | Mess Ordinary, or Thin Mess Pork. |
Anguish | Clear Pork. |
Angular | Extra Clear Pork. |
Animal | Extra Shoulder Pork. |
Animated | Back Pork. |
Animation | Clear Back Pork. |
Ankle | Rump Pork. |
Annex | Choice Lard (leaf and trimmings only). |
Announce | Prime Steam or Contract Lard. |
Antagonist | Prime Kettle Rendered Lard. |
Antelope | Penned Lard in —— lb. caddies. |
Anthem | Refined Lard in —— |
Antidote | Prime White Grease. |
Antipode | Fair White Grease. |
Antique | Prime Yellow Grease. |
Antiquity | Prime Brown Grease. |
Anvil | Drab Colored Grease. |
Anxious | Dark Colored Grease. |
Apace | Yellow Gut Grease. |
Apart | Brown Gut Grease. |
Apartment | Prime (or No. 1) Packer's Tallow. |
Aperture | Prime Butcher's Tallow. |
Apex | No. 2 Tallow. |
Apollo | Prime Stearine suitable for refining purposes. |
Apology | No. 2 Stearine. |
Apoplexy | GREEN MEATS. |
Apostle | Hams. |
Apparel | Long Cut Hams. |
Appeal | Shoulders. |
Appealed | New York Shoulders. |
Appealing | Rough Sides. |
Appendage | Long Clear Middles. |
Appendix | Short Clear Middles. |
Appetite | Long Rib Middles. |
Applaud | Short Rib Middles. |
Applauded | Cumberland Middles. |
Applicant | Bellies. |
Appoint | Shoulders. |
Appointed | Rough Sides. |
Appointing | Long Clear Middles. |
Appointment | Short Clear Middles. |
Appraise | Long Rib Middles. |
Apprehend | Short Rib Middles. |
Approach | Cumberland Middles. |
Approached | Bellies. |
Approbation |
Appropriate | Long Cut Hams. |
Approve | Short Cut Hams. |
Apron | South Staffordshire Hams. |
Aptness | Shoulders. |
Aqueduct | Rough Sides. |
Arab | Long Clear Middles. |
Arabia | Short Clear Middles. |
Arbitrate | Long and Short Clear Middles, half each. |
Arcade | Long Rib Middles. |
Archduke | Short Rib Middles. |
Archives | Long and Short Rib Middles, half each. |
Ardent | Cumberland Middles. |
Ardently | Stretford Middles. |
Argument | Birmingham Middles. |
Arise | South Staffordshire Middles. |
Arising | Yorkshire Middles. |
Armature | Irish Cut Middles. |
Armor | Wiltshires. |
Army | Choice Sweet Pickle Hams. |
Arrange | Sweet Pickle Hams, city. |
Arrest | Sweet Pickle Hams, cured at ____ |
Arrested | Sweet Pickle Shoulders. |
Arresting | Sweet Pickle Bellies. |
Arrogant | Hogs' Tongues. |
Arsenal | SMOKED MEATS. |
Arsenic | Hams, Sugar Cure, canvassed. |
Artery | Hams, Sugar Cure, uncanvassed. |
Article | Shoulders. |
Artisan | Rough Sides. |
Artist | Long Clear Middles. |
Artistic | Short Clear Middles. |
Ashamed | Long Rib Middles. |
Ashore | Short Rib Middles. |
Aside | Bellies. |
Asleep | Breakfast Bacon. |
Aspect | Mess Beef in bbls., 200 lbs. net. |
Assail | Light Mess Beef in bbls., 200 lbs. net. |
Assailed | Extra Mess Beef in bbls., 200 lbs. net. |
Assault | Prime Mess Beef in tierces, 304 lbs. net. |
Assaulted | India Mess Beef in tierces, 304 lbs. net. |
Assaulting | Extra India Mess Beef in tierces, 304 lbs. net. |
Assay | India Beef in tierces, 336 lbs. net. |
Assemble | Shin Beef. |
Assemblage | Beef Tongues in pickle. |
Assets | Beef Hams, Sugar Cure, canvassed. |
Assign | Beef Hams, Sugar Cure, uncanvassed. |
Assume | City brands. |
Assuming | Country brands. |
Asthma | Chicago cut and cure. |
Astonish | Choice city cut and cure. |
Astonished | Country cut and cure (equal city). |
Astonishing | Country cut and cure (fair). |
Astray | Fully cured. |
Astride | Not fully cured. |
Asunder | Nearly cured. |
Asylum | Summer cured. |
Athlete | Winter cured. |
Athletic | Now in smoke. |
Attain | To come out of smoke in ____ days. |
Attained | Smoked dry and bright. |
Attaining | Smoked dry but a little dark. |
Attempt | Now in pickle. |
Attempted | Not strictly choice but good. |
Attempting | Rejected, but only slightly damaged. |
Attentive | Rejected and badly damaged. |
Attest | Same quality as the last. |
Attire | White and sweet. |
Attitude |
White, but not sweet. |
Attorney | Good color and sweet. |
Attract | Good color, but not sweet. |
Attracted | Dark color, but sweet. |
Attracting | Dark color and not sweet. |
Attraction | Very good article. |
Attribute | Medium to fair article. |
Auction | Very poor article. |
Audible | Well trimmed. |
Audience | Tolerably well trimmed. |
Auditor | Badly trimmed. |
Auditing | Cut from frozen Hogs. |
Aunt | Cut from dressed Hogs. |
Austria | Cut from city slaughtered Hogs. |
Author | Cut in good weather. |
Authentic | Cut in bad weather. |
Autograph | Prime condition. |
Autumn | In good shipping order. |
Avalanche | Not less than twenty days in salt at time of delivery. |
Avenge | Not less than ____ days in salt at time of delivery. |
Avenging | Five packages inspected, average weight ____ |
Avenue | Five barrels inspected. |
Avoid | Five tierces inspected. |
Avoided | Average weight. |
Avowal | Inspect five barrels. |
Awake | Inspect five tierces. |
Awaking | Inspect and weigh five packages. |
Award | Actual tare, packages to be stripped. |
Awarded | Marked tare. |
Awarding | ____ per cent. tare. |
Awful | ____ lbs. soakage per package allowed. |
Awhile | Actual tare, packages weighed before being filled. |
Awkward | ____ per cent. off for salt or (pickle). |
Awning | Percentage to be ascertained by sweeping. |
Axis | Percentage to be ascertained by washing. |
Babel | Packed in boxes. |
Baboon | Packed in barrels. |
Bachelor |
Packed in tierces. |
Backward | Packed in hogsheads. |
Badge | Packed in half hogsheads. |
Baffle | Packed in salt barrels. |
Baffling | Packed in flour barrels. |
Baggage | Packages in good order. |
Bailiff | Packages in bad order. |
Balcony | Second hand packages. |
Baleful | New packages. |
Ballast | Uniform packages. |
Ballasted | Pickle tight hogsheads. |
Ballasting | Good slack hogsheads. |
Balloon | Fly tight hogsheads. |
Balsam | Slack tierces. |
Balmoral | Fly tight tierces. |
Bamboo | Pickle tight tierces. |
Banana | Full bound tierces. |
Bandage | Quarter bound tierces. |
Bandit | Iron bound cooperage. |
Banish | Irregular packages. |
Banner | Boxes averaging about ____ lbs. net. |
Banquet | Packed in the cake. |
Bantam | Melted and run into the packages. |
Bankrupt | . . . . . . |
Baptismal | . . . . . . |
Baptist | . . . . . . |
Barber | . . . . . . |
Barefoot | . . . . . . |
Bargain | . . . . . . |
Bargained | . . . . . . |
Bargaining | . . . . . . |
LBS. | |
Baritone | 10½ |
Barometer | 10½ |
Baron | 11½ |
Baroness | 11½ |
Baronet | 12½ |
Barracks | 12½ |
Base | 13½ |
Basely | 13½ |
Baseless | 14½ |
Basement | 14½ |
Bashful | 15½ |
Bashfully | 15½ |
Basil | 16½ |
Bassoon | 16½ |
Bastard | 17½ |
Bastile | 17½ |
Bastinado | 18½ |
Bathe | 18½ |
Bathing | 19½ |
Baton | 19½ |
Battalion | 20½ |
Battery | 20½ |
Battlement | 21½ |
Bawble | 21½ |
Bayonet | 22½ |
Bazaar | 22½ |
Beach | 23½ |
Beadle | 23½ |
Bearish | 24 |
Beastly | 25 |
Beaten | 26 |
Beautify | 27 |
Beautiful | 28 |
Beauty | 29 |
Beaver | 30 |
Becalm | 31 |
Becalmed | 32 |
Became | 33 |
Bedaub | 34 |
Bedaubed | 35 |
Bedbug | 36 |
Bedeck | 37 |
Bedecked | 38 |
Bedecking | 39 |
Bedlam | 40 |
Bedlamite | 41 |
Bedrid | 42 |
Bedside | 43 |
Bedstead | 44 |
Beech | 45 |
Befall | 46 |
Befalling | 47 |
Befit | 48 |
Befoul | 49 |
Befriend | 50 |
Befriended | 51 |
Beget | 52 |
Begetting | 53 |
Beggar | 54 |
Beggarly | 55 |
Begin | 56 |
Beginner | 57 |
Begotten | 58 |
Begrudge | 59 |
Beguile | 60 |
Behalf | 61 |
Behave | 62 |
Behaving | 63 |
Behead | 64 |
Beheaded | 65 |
Beheading | 66 |
Beholder | 67 |
Behoof | 68 |
Belate | 69 |
Belfry | 70 |
Belief | 71 |
Believe | 72 |
Belle | 73 |
Bellowing | 74 |
Belong | 75 |
Beloved | 10 lbs. or under. |
Beloving | 11 lbs. or under. |
Beneath | 12 lbs. or under. |
Benedict | 12 to 14 lbs. |
Benefit | 14 to 1 6 lbs. |
Benefitted | 16 to 18 lbs. |
Benevolent | 18 lbs. or under. |
Benumb | 18 to 20 lbs. |
Benumbed | 20 lbs. or under. |
Bengal | 20 to 22 lbs. |
Bequeath | 22 to 24 lbs. |
Bequeathed | 25 to 30 lbs. |
Besetting | 30 lbs. or under. |
Besiege | 32 lbs. or under. |
Besieging |
34 lbs. or under |
Besmear | 35 lbs. or under |
Bespatter | 36 lbs. or under |
Bestow | 38 lbs. or under |
Bestowed | 40 lbs. or under |
Bestowing | 42 lbs. or under |
Bestir | 50 lbs. or under |
Betake | 55 lbs. or under |
Bethink | 60 lbs. or under |
Betide | 45 lbs. or over |
Betimes | 50 lbs. or over |
Betoken | 55 lbs. or over |
Betray | 60 lbs. or over |
Betrayal | Not over ____ lbs. average. |
Betraying | Not under ____ lbs. average. |
Betroth | Heavy average. |
Betrothal | Medium average. |
Between | Light average. |
Days. | |
Betwixt | 3 |
Bevel | 5 |
Beverage | 7 |
Bewail | 10 |
Bewailed | 12 |
Bewailing | 15 |
Bewilder | 17 |
Bewitch | 20 |
Bewitched | 25 |
Bewitching | 30 |
Beyond | 35 |
Bible | 40 |
Biblical | 45 |
Bigamy | 50 |
Bigamist | 55 |
Bigness | 60 |
Days. | |
Bigoted | 3 |
Bigotry | 5 |
Bilge | 7 |
Bilious | 10 |
Billiards | 12 |
Binnacle | 15 |
Biography | 17 |
Biped | 20 |
Birth | 25 |
Biscuit | 30 |
Bishop | 35 |
Bismuth | 40 |
Bison | 45 |
Bitterness | 50 |
Bitterly | 55 |
Bitumen | 60 |
Blacking | January. |
Blackguard | First half January. |
Blackleg | Last half January. |
Bladder | January and February. |
Blame | January, February and March. |
Blamable | February. |
Blameless | First half February. |
Blanche | Last half February. |
Blanket | February and March. |
Blarney | February, March and April. |
Blaspheme | March. |
Blast | First half March. |
Blasted | Last half March. |
Blasting | March and April. |
Bleed | March, April and May. |
Bleeding | April. |
Blemish | First half April. |
Bless | Last half April. |
Blessed | April and May. |
Blessing | April, May and June. |
Blighted | May. |
Blighting | First half May. |
Blind | Last half May. |
Blinded | May and June. |
Blinding | May, June and July. |
Blindfold | June. |
Blissful | First half June. |
Blissfully | Last half June. |
Blister | June and July. |
Blithe | June, July and August. |
Blithesome | July. |
Blockade | First half July. |
Blockhead | Last half July. |
Bloody |
July and August. |
Bloodless | July, August and September. |
Bloodshot | August. |
Bloomer | First half August. |
Blooming | Last half August. |
Blotch | August and September. |
Blouse | August, September and October. |
Blubber | September. |
Bludgeon | First half September. |
Bluff | Last half September. |
Bluffed | September and October. |
Bluffing | September, October and November. |
Blunder | October. |
Bluntly | First half October. |
Boarder | Last half October. |
Boasted | October and November. |
Boasting | October, November and December. |
Boastful | November. |
Boastfully | First half November. |
Bodily | Last half November. |
Bodkin | November and December. |
Bolster | November, December and January. |
Bolivar | December. |
Bombay | First half December. |
Bombard | Last half December. |
Bombarded | December and January. |
Bombarding | December, January and February. |
Bondage | This year. |
Bonfire | First ten days in ____ |
Bonny | Last ten days in ____ |
Bonus | First twenty days in ____ |
Booby | Last twenty days in ____ |
Booming | First week in ____ |
Borax | Last week in ____ |
Border | Immediately. |
Borrow | Regular. |
Bosom | To-morrow. |
Botanist | This week. |
Botany | Next week. |
Bothered | This month. |
Bottomless |
Next month. |
Bounce | Within five days. |
Bouncing | Within a week. |
Boundary | Within ten days. |
Boundless | Within fifteen days. |
Bounteous | Within twenty days. |
Bountiful | Within thirty days. |
Bounty | As fast as possible. |
Bowlder | As fast as made. |
Boxing | Free on board. |
Bracelet | Free on board, not including commission. |
Bracket | In store. |
Brackish | Free of storage and insurance. |
Braggart | Free on board in the spring. |
Brahmin | Buyer's option. |
Bramble | 1-16 |
Branch | ⅛ |
Branching | 3-16 |
Brandy | ¼ |
Bravado | 5-16 |
Breach | ⅜ |
Bread | 7-16 |
Breadth | ½ |
Breaker | 9-16 |
Breakfast | ⅝ |
Breastpin | 11-16 |
Breathe | ¾ |
Breathing | 13-16 |
Breeding | ⅞ |
Brethren | 15-16 |
Brevet | 1½ |
Brewer | 1⅛ |
Brewing | 1¼ |
Bribery | 1⅜ |
Bribing | 1½ |
Bride | 1⅝ |
Bridal | 1¾ |
Bridewell | 1⅞ |
Bridling | 2½ |
Brigade | 2⅛ |
Brigadier | 2¼ |
Brightly | 2⅜ |
Brilliant | 2½ |
Brimful | 2⅝ |
Brimstone | 2¾ |
Brittle | 2⅞ |
Broach | 3½ |
Broached | 3⅛ |
Broaching | 3¼ |
Broadly | 3⅜ |
Broadcast | 3½ |
Broadside | 3⅝ |
Brocade | 3¾ |
Brogan | 3⅞ |
Brother | 4½ |
Brotherly | 4⅛ |
Browbeat | 4¼ |
Brownish | 4⅜ |
Bruise | 4½ |
Brunette | 4⅝ |
Brutal | 4¾ |
Brutally | 4⅞ |
Brute | 5½ |
Bubble | 5⅛ |
Bubbling | 5¼ |
Bucket | 5⅜ |
Buckle | 5½ |
Buckram | 5⅝ |
Buckskin | 5¾ |
Buff | 5⅞ |
Buffet | 6½ |
Buffoon | 6⅛ |
Buggy | 6¼ |
Bugle | 6⅜ |
Bulb | 6½ |
Bulbous |
6⅝ |
Bulletin | 6¾ |
Bullock | 6⅞ |
Bulwer | 7½ |
Bungle | 7⅛ |
Bungling | 7¼ |
Burden | 7⅜ |
Burdock | 7½ |
Bureau | 7⅝ |
Burglar | 7¾ |
Burial | 7⅞ |
Burlesque | 8½ |
Burner | 8⅛ |
Burning | 8¼ |
Bursting | 8⅜ |
Burthen | 8½ |
Busily | 8⅝ |
Buskin | 8¾ |
Bustle | 8⅞ |
Butment | 9½ |
Butterfly | 9⅛ |
Button | 9¼ |
Buttress | 9⅜ |
Buxom | 9½ |
Buzzard | 9⅝ |
Bylaw | 9¾ |
Byway | 9⅞ |
Byword | 10½ |
Cabbage | 10⅛ |
Cabin | 10¼ |
Cabinet | 10⅜ |
Caboose | 10½ |
Cackling | 10⅝ |
Cactus | 10¾ |
Cadence | 10⅞ |
Cadet | 11½ |
Cajole | 11⅛ |
Calabash | 11¼ |
Calamity | 11⅜ |
Calculate | 11½ |
Caldron | 11⅝ |
Calendar | 11¾ |
Caleb | 11⅞ |
Caliber | 12½ |
Calico | 12⅛ |
Caliph | 12¼ |
Calmly | 12⅜ |
Calmness | 12½ |
Calomel | 12⅝ |
Calumet | 12¾ |
Cambric | 12⅞ |
Cameo | 13½ |
Camp | 13⅛ |
Camped | 13¼ |
Camping | 13⅜ |
Camphene | 13½ |
Camphor | 13⅝ |
Campaign | 13¾ |
Canary | 13⅞ |
Candid | 14½ |
Candidly | 14⅛ |
Candidate | 14¼ |
Candling | 14⅜ |
Candor | 14½ |
Canebrake | 14⅝ |
Canine | 14¾ |
Canker | 14⅞ |
Cannibal | 15½ |
Canopy | 15⅛ |
Canon | 15¼ |
Canvas | 15⅜ |
Capable | 15½ |
Caper | 15⅝ |
Capital | 15¾ |
Capsize | 15⅞ |
Capstan | 16½ |
Capsular | 16⅛ |
Capsule | 16¼ |
Captain | 16⅜ |
Captivate | 16½ |
Captivity | 16⅝ |
Captor | 16¾ |
Captured | 16⅞ |
Carat | 17½ |
Caravan | 17⅛ |
Carbon | 17¼ |
Carbonate | 17⅜ |
Carboy | 17½ |
Carbuncle | 17⅝ |
Carcass | 17¾ |
Carding | 17⅞ |
Cardinal | 18½ |
Careful | 18⅛ |
Careless | 18¼ |
Caress | 18⅜ |
Carmine | 18½ |
Carnal | 18⅝ |
Carnally | 18¾ |
Carnival | 18⅞ |
Carousal | 19½ |
Carouse | 19⅛ |
Carousing | 19¼ |
Carpenter | 19⅜ |
Carpet | 19½ |
Carpeting | 19⅝ |
Carriage | 19¾ |
Carry | 19⅞ |
Cartoon | 20½ |
Cartridge | 20⅛ |
Cascade | 20¼ |
Casemate | 20⅜ |
Cashmere | 20½ |
Casing | 20⅝ |
Castigate | 20¾ |
Castle | 20⅞ |
Castor | 21½ |
Castrate | 21⅛ |
Casual | 21¼ |
Casually | 21⅜ |
Catacomb | 21½ |
Catalogue |
21⅝ |
Catching | 21¾ |
Catchup | 21⅞ |
Catgut | 22½ |
Cathartic | 22⅛ |
Cathedral | 22¼ |
Catholic | 22⅜ |
Catheter | 22½ |
Catnip | 22⅝ |
Caucus | 22¾ |
Caustic | 22⅞ |
Caution | 23½ |
Cautious | 23⅛ |
Cavalry | 23¼ |
Cavern | 23⅜ |
Cavity | 23½ |
Cayenne | 23⅝ |
Cedar | 23¾ |
Celebrate | 23⅞ |
Celestial | 24½ |
Cement | 24⅛ |
Cemented | 24¼ |
Cementing | 24⅜ |
Censure | 24½ |
Center | 24⅝ |
Centipede | 24¾ |
Central | 24⅞ |
Centrally | 25½ |
Century | 25⅛ |
Chafe | 25¼ |
Chafing | 25⅜ |
Chaff | 25½ |
Chagrin | 25⅝ |
Chain | 25¾ |
Chained | 25⅞ |
Chaining | 26½ |
Chairman | 26⅛ |
Chaise | 26¼ |
Chalked | 26⅜ |
Challenge | 26½ |
Chamber | 26⅝ |
Champagne | 26¾ |
Champion | 26⅞ |
Chance | 27½ |
Chancing | 27⅛ |
Chandler | 27¼ |
Changeful | 27⅜ |
Chanting | 27½ |
Chaos | 27⅝ |
Chapel | 27¾ |
Chaplain | 27⅞ |
Chaplet | 28½ |
Chapter | 28⅛ |
Character | 28¼ |
Charade | 28⅜ |
Charcoal | 28½ |
Charlotte | 28⅝ |
Charity | 28¾ |
Chastise | 28⅞ |
Chastity | 29½ |
Chat | 29⅛ |
Chatting | 29¼ |
Chatham | 29⅜ |
Chattel | 29½ |
Cheapen | 29⅝ |
Cheaply | 29¾ |
Cheapness | 29⅞ |
Checkmate | 30½ |
Cheerful | 30⅛ |
Cheerfully | 30¼ |
Chemical | 30⅜ |
Chemist | 30½ |
Chemistry | 30⅝ |
Cherub | 30¾ |
Cherubim | 30⅞ |
Chest | 31½ |
Chestnut | 31⅛ |
Chicken | 31¼ |
Chide | 31⅜ |
Chiding | 31½ |
Chief | 31⅝ |
Chieftain | 31¾ |
Chilblain | 31⅞ |
Childhood | 32½ |
Childish | 32⅛ |
Childless | 32¼ |
Children | 32⅜ |
Chilly | 32½ |
Chimney | 32⅝ |
China | 32¾ |
Chinese | 32⅞ |
Chink | 33½ |
Chisel | 33⅛ |
Chiselled | 33¼ |
Chivalry | 33⅜ |
Cholic | 33½ |
Choose | 33⅝ |
Chorus | 33¾ |
Chosen | 33⅞ |
Chowder | 34½ |
Christen | 34⅛ |
Christened | 34¼ |
Christian | 34⅜ |
Chronic | 34½ |
Chronical | 34⅝ |
Chubby | 34¾ |
Chuckle | 34⅞ |
Chuckling | 35½ |
Church | 35⅛ |
Churl | 35¼ |
Churlish | 35⅜ |
Cigar | 35½ |
Cinder | 35⅝ |
Cinnamon | 35¾ |
Cistern | 35⅞ |
Citadel | 36½ |
Citizen | 36⅛ |
Citron | 36¼ |
Civilian | 36⅜ |
Claim | 36½ |
Claimant |
36⅝ |
Claimed | 36¾ |
Clammy | 36⅞ |
Claret | 37½ |
Clarify | 37⅛ |
Clarified | 37¼ |
Clarinet | 37⅜ |
Class | 37½ |
Classed | 37⅝ |
Classing | 37¾ |
Classify | 37⅞ |
Clatter | 38½ |
Clause | 38⅛ |
Cleanly | 38¼ |
Cleaning | 38⅜ |
Cleanse | 38½ |
Cleaver | 38⅝ |
Cleft | 38¾ |
Clergy | 38⅞ |
Clergyman | 39½ |
Clerk | 39⅛ |
Clerking | 39¼ |
Clerkship | 39⅜ |
Client | 39½ |
Climate | 39⅝ |
Climax | 39¾ |
Climb | 39⅞ |
Climber | 40½ |
Climbing | 40⅛ |
Clinker | 40¼ |
Closely | 40⅜ |
Closeted | 40½ |
Clothes | 40⅝ |
Clothing | 40¾ |
Cloudy | 40⅞ |
Clouding | 41½ |
Cloudless | 41⅛ |
Clownish | 41¼ |
Club | 41⅜ |
Clumsy | 41½ |
Clustered | 41⅝ |
Clustering | 41¾ |
Clutched | 41⅞ |
Clutching | 42½ |
Coach | 42⅛ |
Coachman | 42¼ |
Coarse | 42⅜ |
Coarsely | 42½ |
Coast | 42⅝ |
Coaster | 42¾ |
Coasting | 42⅞ |
Coax | 43½ |
Coaxed | 43⅛ |
Coaxing | 43¼ |
Cobbler | 43⅜ |
Cobbling | 43½ |
Cobweb | 43⅝ |
Cockade | 43¾ |
Cockney | 43⅞ |
Codger | 44½ |
Coddle | 44⅛ |
Coffee | 44¼ |
Coffin | 44⅜ |
Cogent | 44½ |
Cognac | 44⅝ |
Cohabit | 44¾ |
Cohabited | 44⅞ |
Cohesion | 45½ |
Collapse | 45⅛ |
Collapsing | 45¼ |
Colleague | 45⅜ |
Collide | 45½ |
Colliding | 45⅝ |
Collusion | 45¾ |
Colonist | 45⅞ |
Colony | 46½ |
Color | 46⅛ |
Colorless | 46¼ |
Column | 46⅜ |
Combat | 46½ |
Combatant | 46⅝ |
Combative | 46¾ |
Combine | 46⅞ |
Combining | 47½ |
Combustion | 47⅛ |
Comedian | 47¼ |
Comely | 47⅜ |
Comet | 47½ |
Comfort | 47⅝ |
Comforted | 47¾ |
Comforting | 47⅞ |
Coming | 48½ |
Comma | 48⅛ |
Command | 48¼ |
Comment | 48⅜ |
Commit | 48½ |
Committee | 48⅝ |
Committed | 48¾ |
Commodore | 48⅞ |
Commodity | 49½ |
Commonly | 49⅛ |
Commotion | 49¼ |
Commute | 49⅜ |
Compact | 49½ |
Compactly | 49⅝ |
Companion | 49¾ |
Company | 49⅞ |
Compare | 50½ |
Comparing | 50⅛ |
Compass | 50¼ |
Compel | 50⅜ |
Compelled | 50½ |
Compelling | 50⅝ |
Compensate | 50¾ |
Competent | 50⅞ |
Competing | 51½ |
Compiled | 51⅛ |
Complain | 51¼ |
Complained | 51⅜ |
Complete | 51½ |
Completely |
51⅝ |
Completing | 51¾ |
Complex | 51⅞ |
Complexion | 52½ |
Complicate | 52⅛ |
Compliment | 52¼ |
Comply | 52⅜ |
Composition | 52½ |
Compound | 52⅝ |
Compounded | 52¾ |
Comprehend | 52⅞ |
Compute | 53½ |
Comrade | 53⅛ |
Concave | 53¼ |
Conceal | 53⅜ |
Concealed | 53½ |
Concealing | 53⅝ |
Conclave | 53¾ |
Conclude | 53⅞ |
Conclusive | 54½ |
Concord | 54⅛ |
Concur | 54¼ |
Condemn | 54⅜ |
Condemned | 54½ |
Condense | 54⅝ |
Condensing | 54¾ |
Condiment | 54⅞ |
Condition | 55½ |
Conduct | 55⅛ |
Conductor | 55¼ |
Confess | 55⅜ |
Confessed | 55½ |
Confessing | 55⅝ |
Confidant | 55¾ |
Confine | 55⅞ |
Confining | 56½ |
Confirm | 56⅛ |
Confiscate | 56¼ |
Conflict | 56⅜ |
Confound | 56½ |
Confuse | 56⅝ |
Confusion | 56¾ |
Congeal | 56⅞ |
Congealed | 57½ |
Congealing | 57⅛ |
Congestion | 57¼ |
Congress | 57⅜ |
Conjugal | 57½ |
Conjure | 57⅝ |
Connive | 57¾ |
Conquest | 57⅞ |
Conquested | 58½ |
Consent | 58⅛ |
Consented | 58¼ |
Consist | 58⅜ |
Consisted | 58½ |
Consisting | 58⅝ |
Consistent | 58¾ |
Console | 58⅞ |
Consoling | 59½ |
Consonant | 59⅛ |
Conspire | 59¼ |
Constable | 59⅜ |
Constant | 59½ |
Constantly | 59⅝ |
Constipate | 59¾ |
Constitute | 59⅞ |
Constrain | 60½ |
Construct | 60⅛ |
Constructed | 60¼ |
Consul | 60⅜ |
Consulate | 60½ |
Consulted | 60⅝ |
Consume | 60¾ |
Consuming | 60⅞ |
Consumate | 61½ |
Contact | 61⅛ |
Contagion | 61¼ |
Contain | 61⅜ |
Contained | 61½ |
Containing | 61⅝ |
Contempt | 61¾ |
Content | 61⅞ |
Contented | 62½ |
Contenting | 62⅛ |
Continent | 62¼ |
Control | 62⅜ |
Controlled | 62½ |
Convention | 62⅝ |
Convex | 62¾ |
Convict | 62⅞ |
Convicted | 63½ |
Convicting | 63⅛ |
Conviction | 63¼ |
Convince | 63⅜ |
Convulse | 63½ |
Convulsing | 63⅝ |
Cool | 63¾ |
Coolness | 63⅞ |
Cooper | 64½ |
Copal | 64⅛ |
Copious | 64¼ |
Copper | 64⅜ |
Copperas | 64½ |
Copy | 64⅝ |
Coquette | 64¾ |
Corporal | 64⅞ |
Corpse | 65½ |
Corpulent | 65⅛ |
Corrupt | 65¼ |
Costive | 65⅜ |
Costively | 65½ |
Costiveness | 65⅝ |
Costly | 65¾ |
Costume | 65⅞ |
Cottage | 66½ |
Coulter | 66⅛ |
Could | 66¼ |
Counsel | 66⅜ |
Counselor | 66½ |
Count |
66⅝ |
Counter | 66¾ |
Countess | 66⅞ |
Counting | 67½ |
Couple | 67⅛ |
Coupling | 67¼ |
Coupon | 67⅜ |
Courage | 67½ |
Courtesy | 67⅝ |
Courtly | 67¾ |
Courtship | 67⅞ |
Coward | 68½ |
Cowardly | 68⅛ |
Cowhide | 68¼ |
Cowlick | 68⅜ |
Cowslip | 68½ |
Coxcomb | 68⅝ |
Cracker | 68¾ |
Cradle | 68⅞ |
Cradling | 69½ |
Craft | 69⅛ |
Craftsman | 69¼ |
Cramp | 69⅜ |
Cramped | 69½ |
Cramping | 69⅝ |
Cranium | 69¾ |
Crank | 69⅞ |
Crape | 70½ |
Crater | 70⅛ |
Cravat | 70¼ |
Craven | 70⅜ |
Crawfish | 70½ |
Crawled | 70⅝ |
Crawling | 70¾ |
Crayon | 70⅞ |
Cream | 71½ |
Create | 71⅛ |
Creature | 71¼ |
Credible | 71⅜ |
Credit | 71½ |
Credulous | 71⅝ |
Cricket | 71¾ |
Criminal | 71⅞ |
Crimson | 72½ |
Cripple | 72⅛ |
Crippling | 72¼ |
Crisp | 72⅜ |
Critic | 72½ |
Critical | 72⅝ |
Croup | 72¾ |
Crow | 72⅞ |
Crowing | 73½ |
Crowbar | 73⅛ |
Crowd | 73¼ |
Crude | 73⅜ |
Crudely | 73½ |
Crudeness | 73⅝ |
Cruel | 73¾ |
Crumble | 73⅞ |
Crumbling | 74½ |
Crupper | 74⅛ |
Crusade | 74¼ |
Crust | 74⅜ |
Crusted | 74½ |
Crusting | 74⅝ |
Crutch | 74¾ |
Cube | 74⅞ |
Cuckoo | 75½ |
Cucumber | 75⅛ |
Cudgel | 75¼ |
Cuffed | 75⅜ |
Culminate | 75½ |
Culpable | 75⅝ |
Culprit | 75⅜ |
Cultivate | 75⅞ |
Culture | 76½ |
Cupboard | 76⅛ |
Cupping | 76¼ |
Curbing | 76⅜ |
Curse | 76½ |
Cursing | 76⅝ |
Curtail | 76¾ |
Curtailed | 76⅞ |
Curtailing | 77½ |
Cushion | 77⅛ |
Cushioned | 77¼ |
Custard | 77⅜ |
Custodian | 77½ |
Custody | 77⅝ |
Custom | 77¾ |
Customer | 77⅞ |
Cuticle | 78½ |
Cutlass | 78⅛ |
Cutlet | 78¼ |
Dainty | 78⅜ |
Daintily | 78½ |
Damage | 78⅝ |
Damask | 78¾ |
Damper | 78⅞ |
Dampness | 79½ |
Damsel | 79⅛ |
Dandruff | 79¼ |
Danger | 79⅜ |
Dangle | 79½ |
Dangling | 79⅝ |
Dapple | 79¾ |
Danube | 79⅞ |
Daring | 80½ |
Darken | 80⅛ |
Darkness | 80¼ |
Darling | 80⅜ |
Data | 80½ |
Daub | 80⅝ |
Dauber | 80¾ |
Daubing | 80⅞ |
Daunted | 81½ |
Dauntless | 81⅛ |
Dauphin | 81¼ |
Dawned | 81⅜ |
Dawning | 81½ |
Daylight |
81⅝ |
Dazzle | 81¾ |
Dazzling | 81⅞ |
Deadly | 82½ |
Deafen | 82⅛ |
Deafening | 82¼ |
Deafness | 82⅜ |
Deathly | 82½ |
Debark | 82⅝ |
Debarked | 82¾ |
Debate | 82⅞ |
Debating | 83½ |
Debauch | 83⅛ |
Debauched | 83¼ |
Debility | 83⅜ |
Debtor | 83½ |
Decade | 83⅝ |
Decamp | 83¾ |
Decamped | 83⅞ |
Decant | 84½ |
Decanter | 84⅛ |
Deceptive | 84¼ |
Declaim | 84⅜ |
Declare | 84½ |
Dedicate | 84⅝ |
Deeply | 84¾ |
Defame | 84⅞ |
Default | 85½ |
Defaulter | 85⅛ |
Defaulting | 85¼ |
Defeat | 85⅜ |
Defective | 85½ |
Defender | 85⅝ |
Defense | 85¾ |
Defensive | 85⅞ |
Defiance | 86½ |
Defiant | 86⅛ |
Defile | 86¼ |
Deform | 86⅜ |
Deformed | 86½ |
Defraud | 86⅝ |
Defrauded | 86¾ |
Defrauding | 86⅞ |
Defray | 87½ |
Defunct | 87⅛ |
Degrade | 87¼ |
Degree | 87⅜ |
Delegate | 87½ |
Deluded | 87⅝ |
Deluding | 87¾ |
Deluge | 87⅞ |
Delusion | 88½ |
Demand | 88⅛ |
Demean | 88¼ |
Demented | 88⅜ |
Demise | 88½ |
Democrat | 88⅝ |
Demolish | 88¾ |
Demolished | 88⅞ |
Denote | 89½ |
Denoting | 89⅛ |
Denounce | 89¼ |
Densely | 89⅜ |
Dental | 89½ |
Dentist | 89⅝ |
Dentistry | 89¾ |
Deny | 89⅞ |
Depart | 90½ |
Departed | 90⅛ |
Departing | 90¼ |
Deploy | 90⅜ |
Deplume | 90½ |
Deponent | 90⅝ |
Depot | 90¾ |
Deprave | 90⅞ |
Depravity | 91½ |
Depth | 91⅛ |
Deputy | 91¼ |
Derange | 91⅜ |
Design | 91½ |
Designed | 91⅝ |
Designate | 91¾ |
Desk | 91⅞ |
Desolate | 92½ |
Despair | 92⅛ |
Desperate | 92¼ |
Despotic | 92⅜ |
Despotism | 92½ |
Destiny | 92⅝ |
Destitute | 92¾ |
Detail | 92⅞ |
Detailed | 93½ |
Detailing | 93⅛ |
Detective | 93¼ |
Dethrone | 93⅜ |
Devastate | 93½ |
Develop | 93⅝ |
Deviate | 93¾ |
Devil | 93⅞ |
Devilish | 94½ |
Deviltry | 94⅛ |
Devout | 94¼ |
Dewdrop | 94⅜ |
Diadem | 94½ |
Diagram | 94⅝ |
Dialect | 94¾ |
Dialogue | 94⅞ |
Diameter | 95½ |
Diamond | 95⅛ |
Diary | 95¼ |
Dictate | 95⅜ |
Dictator | 95½ |
Digest | 95⅝ |
Digested | 95¾ |
Digesting | 95⅞ |
Dignified | 96½ |
Dignity | 96⅛ |
Dilute | 96¼ |
Diluting | 96⅜ |
Dimension | 96½ |
Diminish |
96⅝ |
Dimity | 96¾ |
Dimple | 96⅞ |
Dinner | 97½ |
Diploma | 97⅛ |
Direful | 97¼ |
Dirge | 97⅜ |
Dirty | 97½ |
Disappear | 97⅝ |
Disarm | 97¾ |
Disarmed | 97⅞ |
Disaster | 98½ |
Disband | 98⅛ |
Disburse | 98¼ |
Discard | 98⅜ |
Discarded | 98½ |
Discharge | 98⅝ |
Disclose | 98¾ |
Discolor | 98⅞ |
Discount | 99½ |
Discover | 99⅛ |
Discuss | 99¼ |
Disgorge | 99⅜ |
Disguise | 99½ |
Disgrace | 99⅝ |
Disgust | 99¾ |
Disgusted | 99⅞ |
Disgusting | 100½ |
Dishearten | 100⅛ |
Dishonest | 100¼ |
Dishonor | 100⅜ |
Dislike | 100½ |
Dislocate | 100⅝ |
Dislodge | 100¾ |
Disloyal | 100⅞ |
Dismal | 101½ |
Dismally | 101⅛ |
Dismast | 101¼ |
Dismiss | 101⅜ |
Dismount | 101½ |
Disobey | 101⅝ |
Dispel | 101¾ |
Dispelled | 101⅞ |
Dispense | 102½ |
Display | 102⅛ |
Displease | 102¼ |
Dispose | 102⅜ |
Dispute | 102½ |
Dissipate | 102⅝ |
Dissolve | 102¾ |
Distaff | 102⅞ |
Distance | 103½ |
Distant | 103⅛ |
Distill | 103¼ |
Distilled | 103⅜ |
Distinct | 103½ |
Distinctly | 103⅝ |
Distress | 103¾ |
Distribute | 103⅞ |
Distrust | 104½ |
Disturb | 104⅛ |
Ditch | 104¼ |
Ditty | 104⅜ |
Divest | 104½ |
Divested | 104⅝ |
Divesting | 104¾ |
Divine | 104⅞ |
Divinely | 105½ |
Divulge | 105⅛ |
Doctor | 105¼ |
Doctrine | 105⅜ |
Dogma | 105½ |
Dogmatic | 105⅝ |
Doleful | 105¾ |
Dolesome | 105⅞ |
Dolphin | 106½ |
Domain | 106⅛ |
Domestic | 106¼ |
Dormant | 106⅜ |
Dotage | 106½ |
Dotard | 106⅝ |
Doublet | 106¾ |
Doubloon | 106⅞ |
Doubtful | 107½ |
Doubtless | 107⅛ |
Doughnut | 107¼ |
Downcast | 107⅜ |
Downfall | 107½ |
Draggle | 107⅝ |
Dragon | 107¾ |
Drama | 107⅞ |
Dramatic | 108½ |
Draught | 108⅛ |
Dream | 108¼ |
Dreamer | 108⅜ |
Dreaming | 108½ |
Dredge | 108⅝ |
Dredging | 108¾ |
Drench | 108⅞ |
Drenched | 109½ |
Drenching | 109⅛ |
Dress | 109¼ |
Dressing | 109⅜ |
Dribble | 109½ |
Driblet | 109⅝ |
Droop | 109¾ |
Dropsy | 109⅞ |
Drown | 110 |
Drowned | 111 |
Drowning | 112 |
Drowsy | 113 |
Druggist | 114 |
Drummer | 115 |
Drunkard | 116 |
Drunken | 117 |
Ducat | 118 |
Ducking | 119 |
Duly | 120 |
Dumpish | 121 |
Dumpling | 122 |
Dungeon |
123 |
Dupe | 124 |
Durable | 125 |
Durance | 126 |
Dusty | 127 |
Dutiful | 128 |
Dwarf | 129 |
Dwarfish | 130 |
Dwell | 131 |
Dwelling | 132 |
Dynasty | 133 |
Eagle | 134 |
Eagerly | 135 |
Earnest | 136 |
Earnestly | 137 |
Earth | 138 |
Earthen | 139 |
Earthly | 140 |
Easily | 141 |
Easter | 142 |
Eastern | 143 |
Eating | 144 |
Eatable | 145 |
Ebony | 146 |
Eden | 147 |
Edge | 148 |
Edible | 149 |
Edify | 150 |
Edition | 151 |
Editing | 152 |
Editor | 153 |
Educate | 154 |
Efface | 155 |
Effacing | 156 |
Effigy | 157 |
Egg | 158 |
Egotist | 159 |
Egress | 160 |
Elaborate | 161 |
Elastic | 162 |
Elbow | 163 |
Elder | 164 |
Elderly | 165 |
Eldest | 166 |
Elected | 167 |
Election | 168 |
Elegance | 169 |
Elegant | 170 |
Elegantly | 171 |
Element | 172 |
Elemental | 173 |
Elephant | 174 |
Elongate | 175 |
Eloquent | 176 |
Else | 177 |
Elude | 178 |
Eluding | 179 |
Emanate | 180 |
Embalm | 181 |
Embalmed | 182 |
Embark | 183 |
Embarked | 184 |
Embassy | 185 |
Embers | 186 |
Embellish | 187 |
Emblem | 188 |
Embody | 189 |
Embolden | 190 |
Embrace | 191 |
Emerald | 192 |
Emetic | 193 |
Eminent | 194 |
Empale | 195 |
Empaling | 196 |
Emphatic | 197 |
Empire | 198 |
Employ | 199 |
Employed | 200 |
Empress | 201 |
Empower | 202 |
Empty | 203 |
Emulate | 204 |
Enamel | 205 |
Enameled | 206 |
Encamp | 207 |
Encamped | 208 |
Enchant | 209 |
Enchanted | 210 |
Enclose | 211 |
Enclosing | 212 |
Enclosure | 213 |
Encounter | 214 |
Encumber | 215 |
Endanger | 216 |
Endear | 217 |
Ending | 218 |
Endless | 219 |
Endow | 220 |
Endowed | 221 |
Endowing | 222 |
Endure | 223 |
Enemy | 224 |
Energetic | 225 |
Energy | 226 |
Enfeeble | 227 |
Enforce | 228 |
Engage | 229 |
Engender | 230 |
Engine | 231 |
Engrave | 232 |
Engraving | 233 |
Engulf | 234 |
Engulfed | 235 |
Engulfing | 236 |
Enigma | 237 |
Enjoin | 238 |
Enlarge | 239 |
Enlarging | 240 |
Enlighten | 241 |
Enmity | 242 |
Enrage |
243 |
Enraging | 244 |
Enrapture | 245 |
Ensign | 246 |
Enslave | 247 |
Enslaving | 248 |
Entangle | 249 |
Entertain | 250 |
Enthrone | 255 |
Entitle | 260 |
Entomb | 265 |
Entombed | 270 |
Entrap | 275 |
Entrapped | 280 |
Entreaty | 285 |
Entry | 290 |
Entwine | 295 |
Envelope | 300 |
Envoy | 305 |
Epulet | 310 |
Epistle | 315 |
Epitaph | 320 |
Equator | 325 |
Equip | 330 |
Equipped | 335 |
Equitable | 340 |
Equity | 345 |
Escape | 350 |
Escaping | 355 |
Essay | 360 |
Establish | 365 |
Estate | 370 |
Esteem | 375 |
Esteemed | 380 |
Eternal | 385 |
Eternity | 390 |
Eulogy | 395 |
Eulogist | 400 |
Evidence | 405 |
Evil | 410 |
Exalt | 415 |
Exalted | 420 |
Exalting | 425 |
Example | 430 |
Excavate | 435 |
Excavating | 440 |
Excel | 445 |
Excelled | 450 |
Excellent | 455 |
Excelling | 460 |
Exception | 465 |
Excite | 470 |
Exclaim | 475 |
Exclaimed | 480 |
Exclaiming | 485 |
Exclude | 490 |
Excluding | 495 |
Exclusive | 500 |
Exculpate | 505 |
Excuse | 510 |
Excusing | 515 |
Exempt | 520 |
Exempted | 525 |
Exempting | 530 |
Exhaust | 535 |
Exhibit | 540 |
Exhibited | 545 |
Exhibiting | 550 |
Exhume | 555 |
Exist | 560 |
Existed | 565 |
Existence | 570 |
Existing | 575 |
Exodus | 580 |
Expand | 585 |
Expanded | 590 |
Expanding | 595 |
Expansion | 600 |
Expectant | 605 |
Expedite | 610 |
Expel | 615 |
Expelled | 620 |
Expelling | 625 |
Expired | 630 |
Explained | 635 |
Explode | 640 |
Exploding | 645 |
Explosion | 650 |
Expose | 655 |
Exposing | 660 |
Exposure | 665 |
Expulsion | 670 |
External | 675 |
Extend | 680 |
Extended | 685 |
Extending | 690 |
Extensive | 695 |
Extract | 700 |
Extracted | 705 |
Extracting | 710 |
Extreme | 715 |
Extremely | 720 |
Exultant | 725 |
Factor | 730 |
Facts | 735 |
Faculty | 740 |
Fagot | 745 |
Faintly | 750 |
Faintness | 755 |
Fairy | 760 |
Fairness | 765 |
Faith | 770 |
Faithful | 775 |
Faithfully | 780 |
Faithless | 785 |
Falcon | 790 |
Fallen | 795 |
False | 800 |
Falsely | 805 |
Falsify | 810 |
Falsehood |
815 |
Falsetto | 820 |
Familiar | 825 |
Family | 830 |
Famine | 835 |
Famish | 840 |
Famished | 845 |
Famishing | 850 |
Famous | 855 |
Famously | 860 |
Fanatic | 865 |
Fanciful | 870 |
Fandango | 875 |
Farewell | 880 |
Farthing | 885 |
Fashion | 890 |
Fashioned | 895 |
Fast | 900 |
Fasten | 905 |
Fastened | 910 |
Fasting | 915 |
Fatality | 920 |
Father | 925 |
Fatherly | 930 |
Fathom | 935 |
Fatigue | 940 |
Fault | 945 |
Faultless | 950 |
Favor | 955 |
Fearful | 960 |
Fearless | 965 |
Feasible | 970 |
Feature | 975 |
Federal | 980 |
Feline | 985 |
Felony | 990 |
Female | 995 |
Fencing | 1,000 |
Fertile | 1,050 |
Fertility | 1,100 |
Fervent | 1,150 |
Fervently | 1,200 |
Festival | 1,250 |
Festive | 1,300 |
Festoon | 1,350 |
Fetch | 1,400 |
Fetlock | 1,450 |
Fetus | 1,500 |
Fiddle | 1,550 |
Fidelity | 1,600 |
Fidget | 1,650 |
Field | 1,700 |
Figure | 1,750 |
Filter | 1,800 |
Filth | 1,850 |
Filthy | 1,900 |
Final | 1,950 |
Finally | 2,000 |
Finance | 2,100 |
Finely | 2,200 |
Finger | 2,300 |
Firkin | 2,400 |
Fiscal | 2,500 |
Fishes | 2,600 |
Fishing | 2,700 |
Fixture | 2,800 |
Flabby | 2,900 |
Flagon | 3,000 |
Flagrant | 3,100 |
Flagstaff | 3,200 |
Flail | 3,300 |
Flame | 3,400 |
Flaming | 3,500 |
Flange | 3,600 |
Flannel | 3,700 |
Flashy | 3,800 |
Flatly | 3,900 |
Flatness | 4,000 |
Flavor | 4,100 |
Flax | 4,200 |
Flaxen | 4,300 |
Flesh | 4,400 |
Flexible | 4,500 |
Flicker | 4,600 |
Flighty | 4,700 |
Flimsy | 4,800 |
Flinch | 4,900 |
Flinching | 5,000 |
Flirt | 5,500 |
Flirting | 6,000 |
Flogging | 6,500 |
Floral | 7,000 |
Flounder | 7,500 |
Flounce | 8,000 |
Fluent | 8,500 |
Fluently | 9,000 |
Flute | 9,500 |
Fluting | 10,000 |
Flutter | 11,000 |
Fly | 12,000 |
Focus | 13,000 |
Fodder | 14,000 |
Foggy | 15,000 |
Foliage | 16,000 |
Fondly | 17,000 |
Fondness | 18,000 |
Foolish | 19,000 |
Footman | 20,000 |
Footstep | 21,000 |
Foppish | 22,000 |
Forage | 23,000 |
Forehead | 24,000 |
Forfeit | 25,000 |
Forgave | 26,000 |
Forgetful | 27,000 |
Forgotten | 28,000 |
Forlorn | 29,000 |
Formula | 30,000 |
Forsake | 31,000 |
Fortress | 32,000 |
Fortune |
33,000 |
Forward | 34,000 |
Fossil | 35,000 |
Founder | 36,000 |
Foundling | 37,000 |
Fountain | 38,000 |
Fraction | 39,000 |
Frankly | 40,000 |
Fraud | 41,000 |
Freedom | 42,000 |
Frequent | 43,000 |
Fretful | 44,000 |
Fretfully | 45,000 |
Friendly | 46,000 |
Friendship | 47,000 |
Frightful | 48,000 |
Frigid | 49,000 |
Frigidly | 50,000 |
Fringe | 51,000 |
Friskly | 52,000 |
Frolic | 53,000 |
Frost | 54,000 |
Frugal | 55,000 |
Frugally | 56,000 |
Fruit | 57,000 |
Fruitful | 58,000 |
Fugitive | 59,000 |
Fulfill | 60,000 |
Fulfilled | 61,000 |
Fullness | 62,000 |
Fungus | 63,000 |
Funeral | 64,000 |
Furnace | 65,000 |
Furlong | 66,000 |
Furlough | 67,000 |
Fuse | 68,000 |
Futile | 69,000 |
Gab | 70,000 |
Gable | 71,000 |
Gaff | 72,000 |
Gainful | 73,000 |
Gainsay | 74,000 |
Galaxy | 75,000 |
Gallop | 76,000 |
Gallows | 77,000 |
Galvanic | 78,000 |
Gambler | 79,000 |
Gambling | 80,000 |
Gambol | 81,000 |
Gamester | 82,000 |
Gander | 83,000 |
Gargle | 84,000 |
Gargling | 85,000 |
Garland | 86,000 |
Garlic | 87,000 |
Garment | 88,000 |
Garter | 89,000 |
Gateway | 90,000 |
Gaudy | 91,000 |
Gauntlet | 92,000 |
Gavel | 93,000 |
Gender | 94,000 |
General | 95,000 |
Genteel | 96,000 |
Gentle | 97,000 |
Geology | 98,000 |
Gesture | 99,000 |
Ghastly | 100,000 |
Giggle | 105,000 |
Gimlet | 110,000 |
Ginger | 115,000 |
Gingham | 120,000 |
Girdle | 125,000 |
Girl | 130,000 |
Glad | 135,000 |
Gladden | 140,000 |
Gladly | 145,000 |
Gland | 150,000 |
Glass | 155,000 |
Gleam | 160,000 |
Glen | 165,000 |
Glide | 170,000 |
Gliding | 175,000 |
Glimpse | 180,000 |
Glisten | 185,000 |
Glitter | 190,000 |
Globe | 195,000 |
Globular | 200,000 |
Gloom | 205,000 |
Glory | 210,000 |
Glove | 215,000 |
Glutton | 220,000 |
Goblin | 225,000 |
Goblet | 230,000 |
Goddess | 240,000 |
Godly | 250,000 |
Golden | 260,000 |
Goslin | 270,000 |
Gospel | 275,000 |
Gossip | 280,000 |
Gothic | 290,000 |
Govern | 300,000 |
Governed | 325,000 |
Governor | 350,000 |
Grace | 375,000 |
Graceful | 400,000 |
Grampus | 425,000 |
Grandly | 450,000 |
Grandee | 475,000 |
Grandson | 500,000 |
Grange | 550,000 |
Granite | 600,000 |
Granular | 650,000 |
Graphic | 700,000 |
Grapple | 750,000 |
Grasp | 800,000 |
Grasped | 850,000 |
Grasping | 900,000 |
Grassy | 950,000 |
Grateful | 1,000,000 |
Gratefully |
1,250,000 |
Gratified | 1,500,000 |
Gratify | 1,750,000 |
Gratitude | 2,000,000 |
Gratis | 2,500,000 |
Gravity | 3,000,000 |
Gravy | 3,500,000 |
Greatly | 4,000,000 |
Greatness | 4,500,000 |
Greedy | 5,000,000 |
Greedily | 5,500,000 |
Greediness | 6,000,000 |
Greeting | 6,500,000 |
Griddle | 7,000,000 |
Grimace | 7,500,000 |
Grimly | 8,000,000 |
Gristle | 8,500,000 |
Gritty | 9,000,000 |
Groom | 9,500,000 |
Grotto | 10,000,000 |
Ground | 2 50½ |
Groundless | 2 52½ |
Group | 2 55½ |
Grouped | 2 57½ |
Grouping | 2 60½ |
Growl | 2 62½ |
Growler | 2 65½ |
Growling | 2 67½ |
Growth | 2 70½ |
Grub | 2 72½ |
Grubbing | 2 75½ |
Grudge | 2 77½ |
Grudging | 2 80½ |
Gruel | 2 82½ |
Gruff | 2 85½ |
Gruffly | 2 87½ |
Grumble | 2 90½ |
Grumbling | 2 92½ |
Guano | 2 95½ |
Guard | 2 97½ |
Guarded | 3 00½ |
Guarding | 3 02½ |
Guardian | 3 05½ |
Gudgeon | 3 07½ |
Guest | 3 10½ |
Guide | 3 12½ |
Guiding | 3 15½ |
Guilty | 3 17½ |
Guiltless | 3 20½ |
Guitar | 3 22½ |
Gulf | 3 25½ |
Gulfed | 3 27½ |
Gulping | 3 30½ |
Gumption | 3 32½ |
Gusto | 3 35½ |
Gymnast | 3 37½ |
Gypsum | 3 40½ |
Habit | 3 42½ |
Habitual | 3 45½ |
Hackney | 3 47½ |
Haggard | 3 50½ |
Haggle | 3 52½ |
Halibut | 3 55½ |
Halter | 3 57½ |
Hamlet | 3 60½ |
Handcuff | 3 62½ |
Handsome | 3 65½ |
Handspike | 3 67½ |
Hanging | 3 70½ |
Hangman | 3 72½ |
Hanker | 3 75½ |
Happy | 3 77½ |
Hapless | 3 80½ |
Happily | 3 82½ |
Harangue | 3 85½ |
Harass | 3 87½ |
Harden | 3 90½ |
Hardihood | 3 92½ |
Hardship | 3 95½ |
Hardware | 3 97½ |
Harlot | 4 00½ |
Harm | 4 02½ |
Harmful | 4 05½ |
Harmless | 4 07½ |
Harmony | 4 10½ |
Harness | 4 12½ |
Harnessed | 4 15½ |
Harpoon | 4 17½ |
Harpooned | 4 20½ |
Harsh | 4 22½ |
Harshly | 4 25½ |
Hasty | 4 27½ |
Hatchet | 4 30½ |
Hatchway | 4 32½ |
Hateful | 4 35½ |
Hatefully | 4 37½ |
Hatred | 4 40½ |
Haunt | 4 42½ |
Haunted | 4 45½ |
Haunting | 4 47½ |
Havoc | 4 50½ |
Hawk | 4 52½ |
Hawthorn | 4 55½ |
Hazard | 4 57½ |
Headache |
4 60½ |
Headland | 4 62½ |
Headless | 4 65½ |
Headlong | 4 67½ |
Headstall | 4 70½ |
Headway | 4 72½ |
Health | 4 75½ |
Healthful | 4 77½ |
Heartburn | 4 80½ |
Hearth | 4 82½ |
Heartily | 4 85½ |
Heathen | 4 87½ |
Heathenish | 4 90½ |
Heaven | 4 92½ |
Heavenly | 4 95½ |
Hebrew | 4 97½ |
Hector | 5 00½ |
Heedful | 5 02½ |
Heighten | 5 05½ |
Helen | 5 07½ |
Helmet | 5 10½ |
Help | 5 12½ |
Helped | 5 15½ |
Helping | 5 17½ |
Henbane | 5 20½ |
Herald | 5 22½ |
Herbage | 5 25½ |
Hereby | 5 27½ |
Herself | 5 30½ |
Hesitate | 5 32½ |
Hidden | 5 35½ |
Hide | 5 37½ |
Hideous | 5 40½ |
Highness | 5 42½ |
Highland | 5 45½ |
Highlander | 5 47½ |
Highly | 5 50½ |
Highway | 5 52½ |
Hilarity | 5 55½ |
Hillock | 5 57½ |
Himself | 5 60½ |
Hindmost | 5 62½ |
Hindrance | 5 65½ |
Hindoo | 5 67½ |
History | 5 70½ |
Hoarse | 5 72½ |
Hoarsely | 5 75½ |
Hoggish | 5 77½ |
Hoggishly | 5 80½ |
Holiday | 5 82½ |
Holiness | 5 85½ |
Holy | 5 87½ |
Homage | 5 90½ |
Holster | 5 92½ |
Homeless | 5 95½ |
Homely | 5 97½ |
Homesick | 6 00½ |
Homespun | 6 02½ |
Homestead | 6 05½ |
Homeward | 6 07½ |
Hominy | 6 10½ |
Honest | 6 12½ |
Honestly | 6 15½ |
Honey | 6 17½ |
Hooded | 6 20½ |
Hope | 6 22½ |
Hopeful | 6 25½ |
Hopeless | 6 27½ |
Horde | 6 30½ |
Hornpipe | 6 32½ |
Horrible | 6 35½ |
Horrid | 6 37½ |
Horridly | 6 40½ |
Hospital | 6 42½ |
Hostile | 6 45½ |
Hostility | 6 47½ |
Hostler | 6 50½ |
Hostess | 6 52½ |
Hotel | 6 55½ |
Hourly | 6 57½ |
Hovel | 6 60½ |
Huge | 6 62½ |
Hugely | 6 65½ |
Human | 6 67½ |
Humanly | 6 70½ |
Humble | 6 72½ |
Humbug | 6 75½ |
Humility | 6 77½ |
Hunger | 6 80½ |
Hungry | 6 82½ |
Hunter | 6 85½ |
Hurdle | 6 87½ |
Hurrah | 6 90½ |
Husband | 6 92½ |
Husky | 6 95½ |
Hydrant | 6 97½ |
Hydraulic | 7 00½ |
Hyena | 7 02½ |
Hymn | 7 05½ |
Hydrogen | 7 07½ |
Ibex | 7 10½ |
Ideal | 7 12½ |
Identity | 7 15½ |
Identical | 7 17½ |
Idiot | 7 20½ |
Idle | 7 22½ |
Idleness | 7 25½ |
Idolatry | 7 27½ |
Ignite | 7 30½ |
Igniting | 7 32½ |
Ignoble | 7 35½ |
Ignorant | 7 37½ |
Ignore | 7 40½ |
Illegal | 7 42½ |
Illness | 7 45½ |
Image | 7 47½ |
Imagine | 7 50½ |
Imbibe | 7 52½ |
Imbibing | 7 55½ |
Imbed | 7 57½ |
Imbedded |
7 60½ |
Imbitter | 7 62½ |
Imitate | 7 65½ |
Immerge | 7 67½ |
Immodest | 7 70½ |
Immoral | 7 72½ |
Impartial | 7 75½ |
Impart | 7 77½ |
Imparted | 7 80½ |
Impatient | 7 82½ |
Impeach | 7 85½ |
Impeached | 7 87½ |
Impede | 7 90½ |
Impel | 7 92½ |
Imperfect | 7 95½ |
Impetus | 7 97½ |
Implement | 8 00½ |
Implicate | 8 02½ |
Implore | 8 05½ |
Imploring | 8 07½ |
Imply | 8 10½ |
Impolite | 8 12½ |
Impose | 8 15½ |
Imposing | 8 17½ |
Imposter | 8 20½ |
Impotent | 8 22½ |
Impound | 8 25½ |
Imprint | 8 27½ |
Improper | 8 30½ |
Improve | 8 32½ |
Impudent | 8 35½ |
Impulse | 8 37½ |
Impulsive | 8 40½ |
Incident | 8 42½ |
Incline | 8 45½ |
Inclining | 8 47½ |
Include | 8 50½ |
Inclusive | 8 52½ |
Income | 8 55½ |
Incrust | 8 57½ |
Incubate | 8 60½ |
Incubus | 8 62½ |
Indebted | 8 65½ |
Indelible | 8 67½ |
Indent | 8 70½ |
Index | 8 72½ |
India | 8 75½ |
Indicate | 8 77½ |
Indict | 8 80½ |
Indicted | 8 82½ |
Indigence | 8 85½ |
Indigent | 8 87½ |
Indignant | 8 90½ |
Indigo | 8 92½ |
Indolent | 8 95½ |
Indulge | 8 97½ |
Industry | 9 00½ |
Inebriate | 9 02½ |
Infallible | 9 05½ |
Infamous | 9 07½ |
Infamy | 9 10½ |
Infant | 9 12½ |
Infantry | 9 15½ |
Infatuate | 9 17½ |
Infection | 9 20½ |
Infernal | 9 22½ |
Infidel | 9 25½ |
Infinite | 9 27½ |
Infirm | 9 30½ |
Inflamed | 9 32½ |
Inflate | 9 35½ |
Inflating | 9 37½ |
Inflict | 9 40½ |
Inflicted | 9 42½ |
Infliction | 9 45½ |
Inflicting | 9 47½ |
Influence | 9 50½ |
Informal | 9 52½ |
Infringe | 9 55½ |
Ingot | 9 57½ |
Ingraft | 9 60½ |
Ingrain | 9 62½ |
Inhabit | 9 65½ |
Inhabited | 9 67½ |
Inhale | 9 70½ |
Inhaling | 9 72½ |
Inhuman | 9 75½ |
Inject | 9 77½ |
Injected | 9 80½ |
Injection | 9 82½ |
Inky | 9 85½ |
Inkling | 9 87½ |
Inland | 9 90½ |
Inlet | 9 92½ |
Inmate | 9 95½ |
Inmost | 9 97½ |
Innocent | 10 00½ |
Inquest | 10 02½ |
Insane | 10 05½ |
Insanity | 10 07½ |
Inside | 10 10½ |
Insight | 10 12½ |
Insipid | 10 15½ |
Insist | 10 17½ |
Insisted | 10 20½ |
Insisting | 10 22½ |
Insolence | 10 25½ |
Inspire | 10 27½ |
Install | 10 30½ |
Installed | 10 32½ |
Installing | 10 35½ |
Instead | 10 37½ |
Instep | 10 40½ |
Instigate | 10 42½ |
Insulate | 10 45½ |
Insult | 10 47½ |
Insulted | 10 50½ |
Insulting | 10 52½ |
Insurgent | 10 55½ |
Intellect | 10 57½ |
Intend |
10 60½ |
Intestate | 10 62½ |
Inthrall | 10 65½ |
Intimate | 10 67½ |
Intoxicate | 10 70½ |
Intrench | 10 72½ |
Intrenched | 10 75½ |
Intrigue | 10 77½ |
Introduce | 10 80½ |
Intrude | 10 82½ |
Intruding | 10 85½ |
Intrust | 10 87½ |
Intrusted | 10 90½ |
Invade | 10 92½ |
Invading | 10 95½ |
Invalid | 10 97½ |
Invasion | 11 00½ |
Invent | 11 02½ |
Invented | 11 05½ |
Inventing | 11 07½ |
Invoke | 11 10½ |
Invoking | 11 12½ |
Involve | 11 15½ |
Involving | 11 17½ |
Inward | 11 20½ |
Inwardly | 11 22½ |
Isthmus | 11 25½ |
Issue | 11 27½ |
Italian | 11 30½ |
Italic | 11 32½ |
Itch | 11 35½ |
Item | 11 37½ |
Itself | 11 40½ |
Jabber | 11 42½ |
Jacket | 11 45½ |
Jail | 11 47½ |
Jailer | 11 50½ |
Jalap | 11 52½ |
Janitor | 11 55½ |
Jasper | 11 57½ |
Jaunt | 11 60½ |
Jaunting | 11 62½ |
Javelin | 11 65½ |
Jealous | 11 67½ |
Jester | 11 70½ |
Jesting | 11 72½ |
Jesuit | 11 75½ |
Jew | 11 77½ |
Jewel | 11 80½ |
Jewelry | 11 82½ |
Jewess | 11 85½ |
Jewish | 11 87½ |
Jockey | 11 90½ |
Jocular | 11 92½ |
Joke | 11 95½ |
Joking | 11 97½ |
Jolly | 12 00½ |
Jostle | 12 02½ |
Jostling | 12 05½ |
Journal | 12 07½ |
Journey | 12 10½ |
Joy | 12 12½ |
Joyful | 12 15½ |
Joyfully | 12 17½ |
Jubilant | 12 20½ |
Jubilee | 12 22½ |
Judge | 12 25½ |
Judging | 12 27½ |
Judgment | 12 30½ |
Judicial | 12 32½ |
Juggler | 12 35½ |
Jugular | 12 37½ |
Junction | 12 40½ |
Jungle | 12 42½ |
Juniper | 12 45½ |
Jury | 12 47½ |
Just | 12 50½ |
Justice | 12 52½ |
Justify | 12 55½ |
Justly | 12 57½ |
Justness | 12 60½ |
Juvenile | 12 62½ |
Label | 12 65½ |
Labeled | 12 67½ |
Labor | 12 70½ |
Lace | 12 72½ |
Lackey | 12 75½ |
Ladder | 12 77½ |
Ladle | 12 80½ |
Lady | 12 82½ |
Laggard | 12 85½ |
Lamb | 12 87½ |
Lament | 12 90½ |
Lamented | 12 92½ |
Lamenting | 12 95½ |
Landlord | 12 97½ |
Landmark | 13 00½ |
Landscape | 13 02½ |
Language | 13 05½ |
Languid | 13 07½ |
Languish | 13 10½ |
Languished | 13 12½ |
Languor | 13 15½ |
Lantern | 13 17½ |
Lapstone | 13 20½ |
Lapse | 13 22½ |
Larboard | 13 25½ |
Lashed | 13 27½ |
Lasso | 13 30½ |
Lastly | 13 32½ |
Lasting | 13 35½ |
Lately | 13 37½ |
Lateral | 13 40½ |
Latent | 13 42½ |
Latch | 13 45½ |
Latched | 13 47½ |
Latching | 13 50½ |
Lathe | 13 52½ |
Latin | 13 55½ |
Latitude | 13 57½ |
Laugh |
13 60½ |
Laughing | 13 62½ |
Laughter | 13 65½ |
Launch | 13 67½ |
Launched | 13 70½ |
Launching | 13 72½ |
Laundry | 13 75½ |
Laundress | 13 77½ |
Laurel | 13 80½ |
Lava | 13 82½ |
Lavender | 13 85½ |
Lavish | 13 87½ |
Lawful | 13 90½ |
Lawfully | 13 92½ |
Lawless | 13 95½ |
Lawsuit | 13 97½ |
Lawyer | 14 00½ |
Laxative | 14 02½ |
Layman | 14 05½ |
Lazily | 14 07½ |
Lazy | 14 10½ |
Lead | 14 12½ |
Leader | 14 15½ |
Leading | 14 17½ |
League | 14 20½ |
Leaky | 14 22½ |
Leaking | 14 25½ |
Leakage | 14 27½ |
Leather | 14 30½ |
Leave | 14 32½ |
Leaving | 14 35½ |
Lecture | 14 37½ |
Ledger | 14 40½ |
Leeway | 14 42½ |
Leg | 14 45½ |
Legal | 14 47½ |
Legally | 14 50½ |
Legacy | 14 52½ |
Legation | 14 55½ |
Legend | 14 57½ |
Legging | 14 60½ |
Leghorn | 14 62½ |
Legible | 14 65½ |
Legion | 14 67½ |
Legislate | 14 70½ |
Leisure | 14 72½ |
Lemon | 14 75½ |
Length | 14 77½ |
Lengthen | 14 80½ |
Leopard | 14 82½ |
Leper | 14 85½ |
Leprous | 14 87½ |
Lesson | 14 90½ |
Lettuce | 14 92½ |
Level | 14 95½ |
Levity | 14 97½ |
Liable | 15 00½ |
Liberal | 15 02½ |
Libertine | 15 05½ |
Liberty | 15 07½ |
Library | 15 10½ |
Librate | 15 12½ |
Lifelike | 15 15½ |
Ligament | 15 17½ |
Ligature | 15 20½ |
Lighter | 15 22½ |
Lightning | 15 25½ |
Likewise | 15 27½ |
Likeness | 15 30½ |
Lilac | 15 32½ |
Limbo | 15 35½ |
Limestone | 15 37½ |
Limpid | 15 40½ |
Limpsy | 15 42½ |
Linchpin | 15 45½ |
Lineage | 15 47½ |
Linen | 15 50½ |
Liniment | 15 52½ |
Liquid | 15 55½ |
Liquor | 15 57½ |
Listen | 15 60½ |
Listened | 15 62½ |
Listless | 15 65½ |
Litany | 15 67½ |
Literal | 15 70½ |
Literally | 15 72½ |
Litigate | 15 75½ |
Livelong | 15 77½ |
Livery | 15 80½ |
Lizard | 15 82½ |
Loaf | 15 85½ |
Loafer | 15 87½ |
Loathe | 15 90½ |
Loathing | 15 92½ |
Loaves | 15 95½ |
Lobby | 15 97½ |
Lobster | 16 00½ |
Locality | 16 02½ |
Location | 16 05½ |
Locating | 16 07½ |
Locust | 16 10½ |
Lodge | 16 12½ |
Lodging | 16 15½ |
Lofty | 16 17½ |
Loftily | 16 20½ |
Logic | 16 22½ |
Logical | 16 25½ |
Lonesome | 16 27½ |
Longitude | 16 30½ |
Loop | 16 32½ |
Looped | 16 35½ |
Looping | 16 37½ |
Lordly | 16 40½ |
Lordship | 16 42½ |
Lotion | 16 45½ |
Lottery | 16 47½ |
Lotus | 16 50½ |
Lounge | 16 52½ |
Lounging | 16 55½ |
Lovely | 16 57½ |
Loveliness |
16 60½ |
Lovesick | 16 62½ |
Loving | 16 65½ |
Loyal | 16 67½ |
Loyally | 16 70½ |
Lubber | 16 72½ |
Lubberly | 16 75½ |
Lucifer | 16 77½ |
Luckily | 16 80½ |
Luckless | 16 82½ |
Luggage | 16 85½ |
Lugger | 16 87½ |
Lullaby | 16 90½ |
Lumber | 16 92½ |
Lunar | 16 95½ |
Lunatic | 16 97½ |
Luncheon | 17 00½ |
Lunge | 17 02½ |
Lustral | 17 05½ |
Lustily | 17 07½ |
Lustrous | 17 10½ |
Luxury | 17 12½ |
Lynx | 17 15½ |
Machine | 17 17½ |
Machinist | 17 20½ |
Mackerel | 17 22½ |
Madam | 17 25½ |
Madly | 17 27½ |
Madness | 17 30½ |
Madonna | 17 32½ |
Magazine | 17 35½ |
Maggot | 17 37½ |
Magistrate | 17 40½ |
Magnate | 17 42½ |
Magnet | 17 45½ |
Magnetism | 17 47½ |
Magnetic | 17 50½ |
Magnify | 17 52½ |
Magpie | 17 55½ |
Magnolia | 17 57½ |
Mahogany | 17 60½ |
Maiden | 17 62½ |
Maidenly | 17 65½ |
17 67½ | |
Maintain | 17 70½ |
Majesty | 17 72½ |
Major | 17 75½ |
Majority | 17 77½ |
Malady | 17 80½ |
Malignant | 17 82½ |
Manacle | 17 85½ |
Manage | 17 87½ |
Managing | 17 90½ |
Mandate | 17 92½ |
Manful | 17 95½ |
Manfully | 17 97½ |
Manhood | 18 00½ |
Maniac | 18 02½ |
Manifest | 18 05½ |
Manifestly | 18 07½ |
Manifold | 18 10½ |
Mankind | 18 12½ |
Manly | 18 15½ |
Mannerly | 18 17½ |
Mansion | 18 20½ |
Mantle | 18 22½ |
Manual | 18 25½ |
Manure | 18 27½ |
Maple | 18 30½ |
Marble | 18 32½ |
Marketed | 18 35½ |
Marketing | 18 37½ |
Marksman | 18 40½ |
Marquis | 18 42½ |
Marsh | 18 45½ |
Marshal | 18 47½ |
Martially | 18 50½ |
Masculine | 18 52½ |
Mason | 18 55½ |
Masonic | 18 57½ |
Masonry | 18 60½ |
Massive | 18 62½ |
Massively | 18 65½ |
Master | 18 67½ |
Masterly | 18 70½ |
Masticate | 18 72½ |
Mastiff | 18 75½ |
Mastodon | 18 77½ |
Maternal | 18 80½ |
Matron | 18 82½ |
Matronly | 18 85½ |
Mattress | 18 87½ |
Maxim | 18 90½ |
Meadow | 18 92½ |
Meagrely | 18 95½ |
Measles | 18 97½ |
Measure | 19 00½ |
Mechanic | 19 02½ |
Medal | 19 05½ |
Medallion | 19 07½ |
Meddler | 19 10½ |
Medical | 19 12½ |
Medicine | 19 15½ |
Meditate | 19 17½ |
Medley | 19 20½ |
Meeting | 19 22½ |
Mellow | 19 25½ |
Melody | 19 27½ |
Member | 19 30½ |
Membrane | 19 32½ |
Memento | 19 35½ |
Memory | 19 37½ |
Menace | 19 40½ |
Mendicant | 19 42½ |
Mental | 19 45½ |
Mentally | 19 47½ |
Mention | 19 50½ |
Merchant | 19 52½ |
Merit | 19 55½ |
Mermaid | 19 57½ |
Merrily |
19 60½ |
Merry | 19 62½ |
Messenger | 19 65½ |
Metallic | 19 67½ |
Method | 19 70½ |
Methodist | 19 72½ |
Middy | 19 75½ |
Midland | 19 77½ |
Midst | 19 80½ |
Midway | 19 82½ |
Midwife | 19 85½ |
Mightily | 19 87½ |
Mighty | 19 90½ |
Migrate | 19 92½ |
Milch | 19 95½ |
Mildew | 19 97½ |
Mildewed | 20 00½ |
Mildly | 20 02½ |
Mildness | 20 05½ |
Mileage | 20 07½ |
Military | 20 10½ |
Militia | 20 12½ |
Milky | 20 15½ |
Milliner | 20 17½ |
Mimic | 20 20½ |
Mimical | 20 22½ |
Mineral | 20 25½ |
Minister | 20 27½ |
Ministry | 20 30½ |
Minstrel | 20 32½ |
Minus | 20 35½ |
Minute | 20 37½ |
Minutely | 20 40½ |
Miracle | 20 42½ |
Mirthful | 20 45½ |
Mischief | 20 47½ |
Misdeed | 20 50½ |
Miser | 20 52½ |
Miserly | 20 55½ |
Mishap | 20 57½ |
Mislay | 20 60½ |
Mislead | 20 62½ |
Misleading | 20 65½ |
Misplace | 20 67½ |
Misprint | 20 70½ |
Miss | 20 72½ |
Missive | 20 75½ |
Mission | 20 77½ |
Missionary | 20 80½ |
Mistress | 20 82½ |
Mistrust | 20 85½ |
Misty | 20 87½ |
Misuse | 20 90½ |
Misusage | 20 92½ |
Misusing | 20 95½ |
Mix | 20 97½ |
Mixture | 21 00½ |
Mobbed | 21 02½ |
Model | 21 05½ |
Modelled | 21 07½ |
Modelling | 21 10½ |
Modern | 21 12½ |
Modest | 21 15½ |
Modesty | 21 17½ |
Modify | 21 20½ |
Mohair | 21 22½ |
Moist | 21 25½ |
Moisten | 21 27½ |
Moistened | 21 30½ |
Moisture | 21 32½ |
Molar | 21 35½ |
Moldy | 21 37½ |
Molested | 21 40½ |
Molesting | 21 42½ |
Moment | 21 45½ |
Momentary | 21 47½ |
Monarch | 21 50½ |
Mongrel | 21 52½ |
Monitor | 21 55½ |
Monkey | 21 57½ |
Monogram | 21 60½ |
Monotone | 21 62½ |
Monster | 21 65½ |
Monthly | 21 67½ |
Monument | 21 70½ |
Moody | 21 72½ |
Moral | 21 75½ |
Morally | 21 77½ |
Morbid | 21 80½ |
Morbidly | 21 82½ |
Morsel | 21 85½ |
Mortal | 21 87½ |
Mortally | 21 90½ |
Mortar | 21 92½ |
Mortgage | 21 95½ |
Mortify | 21 97½ |
Mother | 22 00½ |
Motherly | 22 02½ |
Motto | 22 05½ |
Mourn | 22 07½ |
Mourner | 22 10½ |
Mourning | 22 12½ |
Mournful | 22 15½ |
Mouthful | 22 17½ |
Movement | 22 20½ |
Muddle | 22 22½ |
Muddy | 22 25½ |
Muffin | 22 27½ |
Muffler | 22 30½ |
Mulatto | 22 32½ |
Mulish | 22 35½ |
Multiple | 22 37½ |
Murder | 22 40½ |
Muscle | 22 42½ |
Muscular | 22 45½ |
Muse | 22 47½ |
Museum | 22 50½ |
Musical | 22 52½ |
Muslin | 22 55½ |
Mustard | 22 57½ |
Mutilate |
22 60½ |
Mutinous | 22 62½ |
Mutiny | 22 65½ |
Mutton | 22 67½ |
Mutual | 22 70½ |
Muzzle | 22 72½ |
Muzzling | 22 75½ |
Mystery | 22 77½ |
Mystic | 22 80½ |
Mystify | 22 82½ |
Nabob | 22 85½ |
Namesake | 22 87½ |
Nankeen | 22 90½ |
Napkin | 22 92½ |
Narrow | 22 95½ |
Narrowly | 22 97½ |
Nasal | 23 00½ |
Nature | 23 02½ |
Natural | 23 05½ |
Navy | 23 07½ |
Navigate | 23 10½ |
Nebula | 23 12½ |
Neck | 23 15½ |
Necklace | 23 17½ |
Nectar | 23 20½ |
Needful | 23 22½ |
Negative | 23 25½ |
Neglect | 23 27½ |
Neglectful | 23 30½ |
Negligent | 23 32½ |
Negro | 23 35½ |
Negress | 23 37½ |
Neighbor | 23 40½ |
Neighborly | 23 42½ |
Nephew | 23 45½ |
Nervous | 23 47½ |
Nervously | 23 50½ |
Nestle | 23 52½ |
Nestling | 23 55½ |
Neutral | 23 57½ |
Neutrally | 23 60½ |
Nibble | 23 62½ |
Nibbling | 23 65½ |
Nickel | 23 67½ |
Niggard | 23 70½ |
Niggardly | 23 72½ |
Nightcap | 23 75½ |
Nightmare | 23 77½ |
Nimble | 23 80½ |
Nitrate | 23 82½ |
Nitrogen | 23 85½ |
Nitrous | 23 87½ |
Nobility | 23 90½ |
Nobly | 23 92½ |
Nobleman | 23 95½ |
Nobody | 23 97½ |
Nocturnal | 24 00½ |
Nominate | 24 02½ |
Nonsense | 24 05½ |
Normal | 24 07½ |
Nosegay | 24 10½ |
Nostril | 24 12½ |
Notably | 24 15½ |
Notary | 24 17½ |
Nourish | 24 20½ |
Nourished | 24 22½ |
Nourishing | 24 25½ |
Novel | 24 27½ |
Novelist | 24 30½ |
Novelty | 24 32½ |
Nude | 24 35½ |
Nudity | 24 37½ |
Nugget | 24 40½ |
Nuisance | 24 42½ |
Nullify | 24 45½ |
Nurture | 24 47½ |
Nutmeg | 24 50½ |
Nutriment | 24 52½ |
Oakum | 24 55½ |
Obdurate | 24 57½ |
Obedient | 24 60½ |
Obediently | 24 62½ |
Obelisk | 24 65½ |
Obituary | 24 67½ |
Obligate | 24 70½ |
Obligation | 24 72½ |
Obligating | 24 75½ |
Oblige | 24 77½ |
Oblique | 24 80½ |
Oblong | 24 82½ |
Obnoxious | 24 85½ |
Obscure | 24 87½ |
Obstacle | 24 90½ |
Obstinate | 24 92½ |
Obtuse | 24 95½ |
Obvious | 24 97½ |
Occupant | 25 00½ |
Occupy | 25 02½ |
Octagon | 25 05½ |
Oculist | 25 07½ |
Odor | 25 10½ |
Offal | 25 12½ |
Offense | 25 15½ |
Offensive | 25 17½ |
Offset | 25 20½ |
Offspring | 25 22½ |
Olden | 25 25½ |
Omega | 25 27½ |
Omnibus | 25 30½ |
Omission | 25 32½ |
Omit | 25 35½ |
Onset | 25 37½ |
Onslaught | 25 40½ |
Onward | 25 42½ |
Openly | 25 45½ |
Opera | 25 47½ |
Optional | 25 50½ |
Opulence | 25 52½ |
Opulent | 25 55½ |
Oracle | 25 57½ |
Orange |
25 60½ |
Oration | 25 62½ |
Orator | 25 65½ |
Orbit | 25 67½ |
Orchard | 25 70½ |
Ordain | 25 72½ |
Ordained | 25 75½ |
Ordaining | 25 77½ |
Ordeal | 25 80½ |
Orderly | 25 82½ |
Ordinance | 25 85½ |
Organ | 25 87½ |
Organic | 25 90½ |
Organist | 25 92½ |
Origin | 25 95½ |
Ornament | 25 97½ |
Orthodox | 26 00½ |
Ostrich | 26 02½ |
Ottoman | 26 05½ |
Outbreak | 26 07½ |
Outburst | 26 10½ |
Outcast | 26 12½ |
Outdo | 26 15½ |
Outfit | 26 17½ |
Outgrow | 26 20½ |
Outlaw | 26 22½ |
Outlay | 26 25½ |
Outline | 26 27½ |
Outlook | 26 30½ |
Outpost | 26 32½ |
Outrage | 26 35½ |
Outrageous | 26 37½ |
Outside | 26 40½ |
Outskirt | 26 42½ |
Outspread | 26 45½ |
Outstrip | 26 47½ |
Outward | 26 50½ |
Overcome | 26 52½ |
Overflow | 26 55½ |
Oxide | 26 57½ |
Oxidate | 26 60½ |
Oxygen | 26 62½ |
Package | 26 65½ |
Packet | 26 67½ |
Paddle | 26 70½ |
Paddling | 26 72½ |
Padlock | 26 75½ |
Pagan | 26 77½ |
Paganism | 26 80½ |
Pageant | 26 82½ |
Painful | 26 85½ |
Painfully | 26 87½ |
Painless | 26 90½ |
Painter | 26 92½ |
Painting | 26 95½ |
Palace | 26 97½ |
Paladin | 27 00½ |
Palatable | 27 02½ |
Palatial | 27 05½ |
Palatine | 27 07½ |
Palaver | 27 10½ |
Palfry | 27 12½ |
Palisade | 27 15½ |
Palmetto | 27 17½ |
Palmy | 27 20½ |
Palpable | 27 22½ |
Palpitate | 27 25½ |
Palsy | 27 27½ |
Paltry | 27 30½ |
Pamphlet | 27 32½ |
Pancake | 27 35½ |
Pander | 27 37½ |
Panther | 27 40½ |
Papal | 27 42½ |
Paper | 27 45½ |
Papist | 27 47½ |
Papistry | 27 50½ |
Parade | 27 52½ |
Parading | 27 55½ |
Paradise | 27 57½ |
Paradox | 27 60½ |
Paragon | 27 62½ |
Parapet | 27 65½ |
Parasol | 27 67½ |
Parboil | 27 70½ |
Parboiled | 27 72½ |
Parchment | 27 75½ |
Pardon | 27 77½ |
Pardoned | 27 80½ |
Pardoning | 27 82½ |
Parent | 27 85½ |
Parentage | 27 90½ |
Parental | 27 87½ |
Parish | 27 92½ |
Parliament | 27 95½ |
Parlor | 27 97½ |
Parody | 28 00½ |
Parquet | 28 02½ |
Parsnip | 28 05½ |
Partake | 28 07½ |
Partaking | 28 10½ |
Partial | 28 12½ |
Partially | 28 15½ |
Particle | 28 17½ |
Partisan | 28 20½ |
Partner | 28 22½ |
Partridge | 28 25½ |
Passage | 28 27½ |
Passing | 28 30½ |
Passed | 28 32½ |
Passenger | 28 35½ |
Passion | 28 37½ |
Passively | 28 40½ |
Passport | 28 42½ |
Password | 28 45½ |
Pasteboard | 28 47½ |
Pastime | 28 50½ |
Pastry | 28 52½ |
Pasture | 28 55½ |
Pasturage | 28 57½ |
Pasturing |
28 60½ |
Patent | 28 62½ |
Paternal | 28 65½ |
Paternity | 28 67½ |
Pathetic | 28 70½ |
Path | 28 72½ |
Pathway | 28 75½ |
Pathos | 28 77½ |
Patrol | 28 80½ |
Patrolled | 28 82½ |
Patrolling | 28 85½ |
Patronage | 28 87½ |
Pattern | 28 90½ |
Pauper | 28 92½ |
Pause | 28 95½ |
Pausing | 28 97½ |
Pavement | 29 00½ |
Pavilion | 29 02½ |
Pawn | 29 05½ |
Pawned | 29 07½ |
Pawning | 29 10½ |
Payment | 29 12½ |
Peaceful | 29 15½ |
Peacock | 29 17½ |
Pearl | 29 20½ |
Peasant | 29 22½ |
Pebble | 29 25½ |
Pedagogue | 29 27½ |
Peddler | 29 30½ |
Peddling | 29 32½ |
Pedestal | 29 35½ |
Pedestrian | 29 37½ |
Pedigree | 29 40½ |
Pediment | 29 42½ |
Peerless | 29 45½ |
Pelican | 29 47½ |
Pelf | 29 50½ |
Peltry | 29 52½ |
Penal | 29 55½ |
Penalty | 29 57½ |
Penance | 29 60½ |
Pencil | 29 62½ |
Pendant | 29 65½ |
Pending | 29 67½ |
Pendulum | 29 70½ |
Penetrate | 29 72½ |
Penguin | 29 75½ |
Penitence | 29 77½ |
Penitent | 29 80½ |
Penman | 29 82½ |
Penniless | 29 85½ |
Penny | 29 87½ |
Pension | 29 90½ |
Pensioner | 29 92½ |
Pentagon | 29 95½ |
Penticost | 29 97½ |
Pepper | 30 00½ |
Perdition | 1st. |
Perfect | 2d. |
Perfection | 3d. |
Perfidy | 4th. |
Perform | 5th. |
Perfume | 6th. |
Perfumery | 7th. |
Permit | 8th. |
Perplex | 9th. |
Perplexed | 10th. |
Perplexing | 11th. |
Persecute | 12th. |
Persecuting | 13th. |
Personal | 14th. |
Pertinent | 15th. |
Pestilence | 16th. |
Petition | 17th. |
Petrify | 18th. |
Petrified | 19th. |
Petticoat | 20th. |
Petulant | 21st. |
Phantom | 22d. |
Phœnix | 23d. |
Phial | 24th. |
Photograph | 25th. |
Phrase | 26th. |
Pickaxe | 27th. |
Picketed | 28th. |
Picketing | 29th. |
Pickling | 30th. |
Picnic | 31st. |
Picture | Market opens steady and firm at yesterday's closing quotations. |
Pigment | Market firm. |
Pigmy | Market a shade firmer. |
Pilaster | Market firmer, but not quotably higher. |
Pilfer | Market firmer, with indications of an advance. |
Pilgrim | Market firm, but unchanged. |
Pilgrimage | Market firm, good shipping demand. |
Pillow | Market firm, good shipping and speculative demand. |
Pillowed | Market firm, owing to light receipts. |
Pilot | Market firm, with upward tendency. |
Piloting | Market firmer on better foreign advices. |
Pimple | Market firm at full quotations. |
Pippin | Market firm at the advance. |
Pistol | Market very firm. |
Pitcher | Market very firm, with strong upward tendency. |
Pitfall | Market very firm, notwithstanding the heavy receipts. |
Pitiful | Market firmer; prices a shade higher. |
Pitifully | Market firmer in anticipation of light receipts. |
Pitiless | Market in seller's favor. |
Pitman | Market active. |
Pity | Market very active. |
Placard | Market active at the advance. |
Plague | Market active, and still advancing. |
Plainly | Market active, but holders sell freely. |
Plaintiff | Market active and excited, and prices higher. |
Plaintive | Market steadier, with firm feeling. |
Plantain | Market steady. |
Plantation | Market is improving. |
Plaster | Market is strong. |
Plate | Market is very strong. |
Plating |
Market is advancing rapidly. |
Platform | Market has advanced. |
Platinum | Market advancing owing to local speculation. |
Platoon | Market excited, and so unsettled accurate quotations cannot be given. |
Plausible | Market is very sensitive. |
Play | The market has been largely oversold. |
Playful | Market is cornered. |
Playfully | Holders are very firm. |
Playmate | Holders are firmer in their views and are not disposed to sell freely even at the advance. |
Plaything | Holders are asking higher prices. |
Plead | Holders are now asking ____ |
Pleader | Demand is chiefly to fill short contracts. |
Pleasant | Demand is purely speculative. |
Please | Buyers are giving a decided preference for future delivery. |
Pleasing | Buyers at last quotations, but holders demand an advance. |
Pleasure | More buyers than sellers. |
Plebian | Short sellers are buying freely. |
Pledge | Everything offered is being taken. |
Pledging | More disposition to buy. |
Plentiful | Everything on the market has been taken. |
Plenty | Good enquiry and few sellers. |
Pliable | Good enquiry. |
Plow | Active demand for immediate delivery. |
Pluck | Unfavorable weather is causing a firmer feeling. |
Plucked | Receipts continue large, but do not exceed the demand and prices rule firm. |
Plucking | Under influence of firm advices from New York, this market has stiffened. |
Plumage | Eastern and foreign advices being decidedly more favorable, speculators bought freely. |
Plumb | Strong efforts are being made to advance prices. |
Plumber | The advance caused by reported heavy failure. |
Plumply | The advance caused by reported damage to crops. |
Plunder |
The advance caused by local manipulation. |
Plunge | Canadians buying largely causes the advance. |
Plunging | Large purchases being made for future delivery. |
Plural | Large purchases being made for shipment. |
Poach | General tendency upward, owing to confidence in prices. |
Polar | The stock is mostly in second hands, and is firmly held. |
Polish | Packers buying freely. |
Polished | The greater part of the stock being in few hands, the short sellers find it very difficult to cover. |
Polishing | Demand is chiefly on Eastern orders. |
Polite | The recent decline has caused an active demand for shipment. |
Politely | Good shipping demand. |
Politeness | Good demand. |
Political | Speculation is encouraged by the easy money market. |
Polka | At one time sales were made as high as ____ |
Pollute | Strong feeling; indications of better market to-morrow. |
Polluting | Closes steady and firm at quotations. |
Pollution | Closes very firm with buyers at quotations. |
Pomade | Opened dull, but closed with a better demand. |
Pomp | Closed much firmer. |
Pontiff | Held firmly at the close at ____ |
Pontoon | . . . . . . |
Poodle | . . . . . . |
Popular | . . . . . . |
Populate | . . . . . . |
Portable | . . . . . . |
Portico | . . . . . . |
Portion |
. . . . . . |
Portrait | . . . . . . |
Position | . . . . . . |
Possess | . . . . . . |
Possible | . . . . . . |
Postal | . . . . . . |
Postman | . . . . . . |
Postpone | . . . . . . |
Potash | . . . . . . |
Potato | . . . . . . |
Poultry | Market inactive. |
Poverty | Market quiet, prices nominal. |
Powder | Market very quiet, scarcely anything doing. |
Powdered | Market unchanged. |
Practice | Demand checked, but prices nominally unchanged. |
Practical | Foreign advices have checked business. |
Praise | Little inquiry, but prices steady. |
Prancing | Shippers holding off. |
Prattle | Shippers holding off, there being no margin for shipment. |
Pray | Market dull, but holders unwilling to make concessions. |
Preach |
Holders not pressing their stock on the market. |
Preacher | Quotations nominal, no disposition to operate. |
Preaching | Demand of an entirely retail character. |
Predestine | Nothing doing. |
Predict | Market inactive, buyers and sellers apart. |
Predicted | Packers disposed to let their stocks accumulate rather than sell at a decline. |
Preface | Market very tame. |
Prefer | Very quiet at unchanged prices. |
Prefix | No life in the market. |
Prefixed | Closes very quiet. |
Prefixing | . . . . . . |
Prelude | . . . . . . |
Prepare | . . . . . . |
Present | . . . . . . |
Presented | . . . . . . |
Presenting | . . . . . . |
Preside | . . . . . . |
President | . . . . . . |
Presiding | . . . . . . |
Presume | . . . . . . |
Presuming | . . . . . . |
Presumption | . . . . . . |
Pretend | . . . . . . |
Pretended | . . . . . . |
Prank | Leaders buying looks like higher prices. |
Prankish | Local support being given should do better. |
Prattling | New York buying freely in this market. |
Prayer | St. Louis buying freely in this market. |
Praying | Northwest buying freely in this market. |
Preamble | Foreigners buying freely in this market. |
Precaution | Chicago buying freely in this market. |
Precede | Country buying freely in this market. |
Precedence | Shippers buying freely in this market. |
Preceding | Elevator men buying freely in this market. |
Precentor | Firmer on large shipments from here. |
Precept | Firmer on large clearances seaboard. |
Preceptor | Cash demand a bullish feature. |
Precious | Light receipts making shorts nervous. |
Preciously | Frost reports scaring in shorts. |
Precise | Dry weather causing firmer feeling. |
Precisely | Dry weather and hot winds causes advance. |
Precision | Market oversold locally, look for reaction. |
Preclude | Continued cold weather advancing market. |
Precluding | Continued, wet weather advancing market. |
Preclusion | Crowd so bullish bear news has little effect. |
Predatory | Bulls talk higher prices but too timid to follow up their conviction. |
Predicant | Bears talk lower prices but lack the nerve to follow their conviction. |
Predicate | Bulls seem to have lost courage. |
Prejudice | Character of buying too much by scalpers chancing an eighth. |
Prelacy | Character of selling too much by scalpers chancing an eighth. |
Prelate | Good investment buying; ought to do better. |
Premature | Looks as if market bulled to sell on. |
Premises | Higher cables would advance market quickly. |
Preparable | Crowd bearish and short, any bull news will start buying. |
Prepayment |
Market of a negative character, without guiding indications. |
Prepay | Cables conflicting look as if manipulated from this side. |
Prepaying | Leaders selling looks like lower prices. |
Preponder | New York selling freely in this market. |
Prepossess | St. Louis selling freely in this market. |
Prepotent | Northwest selling freely in this market. |
Presbyter | Foreigners selling freely in this market. |
Prescribe | Chicago selling freely in this market. |
Presence | Country selling freely in this market. |
Presently | Elevator men selling freely in this market. |
Press | Receivers selling freely in this market. |
Pressing | Crowd so bearish bull news has little effect. |
Presto | Bears seem to have lost courage. |
Pressed | Will require fresh buying to sustain prices. |
Pressman | Holders realizing freely market lacks support. |
Prestige | Lower cables would cause decline. |
Pretension | Crowd bullish and long, any bear news will start selling. |
Prettily | Lower cables a damper on the market. |
Prevalent | Estimated cars wheat for to-morrow. |
Prevention | Estimated cars corn for to-morrow. |
Priest | Estimated cars oats for to-morrow. |
Priestess | Estimated live hogs for to-morrow. |
Priestly | Visible supply wheat increases. |
Priesthood | Visible supply com increases. |
Prigged | Visible supply oats increases. |
Prigging | Visible supply wheal decreases. |
Priggish | Visible supply corn decreases. |
Primacy | Visible supply oats decreases. |
Primal | To-day's clearances seaboard wheat ____ |
Priming | To-day's clearances seaboard corn ____ |
Primeval | To-day's clearances seaboard oats ____ |
Primative | ____ boat loads taken at seaboard for export. |
Primness | ____ taken here for export. |
Primrose | ____ taken here for shipment. |
Princely | ____ cash wheat worked here. |
Pretending | Market dull. |
Pretense | Market dull, but not quotably lower. |
Pretext | Market dull and irregular. |
Prevail | Market dull and declining. |
Prevailed | Market dull; holders anxious to realize. |
Prevailing | Market is a shade lower. |
Pride | Market weak; transactions small. |
Princess | Market tending downward. |
Principle | Market is declining. |
Privation | Market is declining rapidly. |
Probable | Market is dull at the decline. |
Probate | Market generally is easier. |
Probation | Market is heavy and a good deal unsettled. |
Probe | Market heavy. |
Probing | Market very heavy. |
Problem | Market very dull. |
Proclaim | Market rather worse. |
Proclaimed | Market completely unsettled. |
Proclaiming | Market depressed and so unsettled accurate quotations can't be given. |
Prodigal | Market in a panic. |
Prodigy | Market has declined. |
Produce | Market moderately active at the decline. |
Producing | Market active at the decline. |
Profane | Market is very fluctuating. |
Profanely | Market in buyer's favor. |
Profess | Demand moderate. |
Professed | Demand very moderate. |
Profession | Demand for shipment very moderate. |
Profile | Demand for local trade moderate. |
Profound | Scarcely any demand for local trade. |
Profoundly | Supply exceeds the demand and prices have declined. |
Progress | Holders pressing their stock on the market. |
Prohibit |
More disposition to sell. |
Prohibited | New York advices have had a depressing effect on the market. |
Prohibiting | Foreign advices have had a depressing effect on the market. |
Project | Decline in Eastern markets has reduced prices here. |
Projectile | Very few purchases being made on Eastern orders. |
Prolific | Advance in freights has caused decline here. |
Prologue | The decline caused by reported heavy failure. |
Prolong | Large buyers have withdrawn from th market. |
Promenade | Buyers holding off for lower prices. |
Prominent | Packers buying very moderately. |
Promise | Packers not buying. |
Promising | Packers holding off for lower prices. |
Promote | Very few shippers in the market. |
Promoting | There are no shippers in the market. |
Promotion | Speculators less anxious to buy for future delivery. |
Prompt | Prospects of large receipts depress the market. |
Promptly | Closeness in the money market has a depressing effect on the market. |
Prompting | Heavy stock depresses the market. |
Pronoun | Heavy receipts depress the market. |
Pronounce | Fine weather depresses the market. |
Proof | More disposition to sell but not to force sales. |
Propel | Buyers waiting for the bottom. |
Propelled | Large sales at lower prices. |
Propelling | Receivers free sellers for future delivery. |
Properly | No improvement in condition of market to-day. |
Prophet | Strong efforts being made to reduce prices. |
Proportion | To force sales would have to accept lower prices. |
Proposal | Difficult to sell much at quotations. |
Propose | Bears have the advantage and are hammering the market. |
Proposing | Sellers at last quotations but buyers demand a reduction. |
Prospect | A combination is formed to break the market. |
Prosecute |
Everybody disposed to sell. |
Prosper | At one time sales were made as low as ____ |
Prostrate | Free sellers, indications of a lower market to-morrow. |
Prostrating | Closes weak. |
Protege | Closes very weak. |
Protract | Closes very weak with sellers at quotations. |
Protracted | Opened firm but closed weak. |
Protracting | . . . . . . |
Proverb | . . . . . . |
Provide | . . . . . . |
Providence | . . . . . . |
Providing | . . . . . . |
Provoke | . . . . . . |
Provoking | . . . . . . |
Prowl | . . . . . . |
Prowler | . . . . . . |
Prowling | . . . . . . |
Prudence | Market opens this morning. |
Prudent | Market opens on 'Change. |
Prudently | Market opens this afternoon. |
Prudish | Market opens. |
Puberty | Market closes this noon. |
Public | Market closes this afternoon board. |
Publican | Market closes, final close. |
Publicly | Market closed on the call. |
Publish | Market closed on the evening board. |
Published | Market closed last night. |
Publishing | Beerbohm quotes Liverpool, Wheat. |
Pudding | Beerbohm quotes Liverpool, Corn. |
Puffing | Beerbohm quotes Liverpool. |
Pugilist | Beerbohm quotes London, Wheat. |
Pulley | Beerbohm quotes London, Corn. |
Pulpit | Beerbohm quotes Mark Lane, Wheat. |
Pulse | Beerbohm quotes Mark Lane, Corn. |
Pumpkin | Beerbohm quotes cargoes off coast, Wheat. |
Punctual | Beerbohm quotes cargoes off coast, Corn. |
Pungent | Beerbohm quotes cargoes on passage, Wheat. |
Punish | Beerbohm quotes cargoes on passage, Corn. |
Punished | Beerbohm quotes floating cargoes, Wheat. |
Punishing | Beerbohm quotes floating cargoes, Corn. |
Punishment | Beerbohm quotes California Wheat. |
Punster | Beerbohm quotes Flour. |
Pupil | Beerbohm quotes English country markets. |
Purely | Beerbohm quotes French markets. |
Purgative | Beerbohm quotes weather in England. |
Purgatory | Beerbohm quotes. |
Purge | Private cables quote Wheat. |
Purging | Private cables quote Corn. |
Purify | Private cables quote weather in England. |
Purloin | Private cables quote. |
Purloined | Public (or ticker) quotes Wheat. |
Purple | Public (or ticker) quotes Corn. |
Purport | Public (or ticker) quotes Flour. |
Purpose | Public (or ticker) quotes California Wheat. |
Purposely | Public (or ticker) quotes weather in England. |
Pursue | Public (or ticker) quotes. |
Pursuit | Private cables are conflicting. |
Pustule | Penny higher. |
Puzzle | One to two pence higher. |
Quadrant | Two pence higher. |
Quadrille | Two to three pence higher. |
Quadruped |
Three pence higher. |
Quaff | Three to four pence higher. |
Quaffing | Three to six pence higher. |
Quail | Four to six pence higher. |
Quaint | Six pence higher. |
Quaintly | Six to nine pence higher. |
Quake | Six pence to shilling higher. |
Quaking | Nine pence higher. |
Qualify | Nine pence to shilling higher. |
Quarrel | Shilling higher. |
Quarrelled | Shilling to shilling six pence higher. |
Quarry | Penny lower. |
Quarter | One to two pence lower. |
Quartered | Two pence lower. |
Quartette | Two to three pence lower. |
Quartz | Three pence lower. |
Queen | Three to four pence lower. |
Queenly | Three to six pence lower. |
Quell | Four to six pence lower. |
Quelled | Six pence lower. |
Quelling | Six to nine pence lower. |
Quench | Six pence to shilling lower. |
Quenched | Nine pence lower. |
Quenching | Nine pence to shilling lower. |
Question | Shilling lower. |
Questioned | Shilling to shilling sixpence lower. |
Quietly | Holiday, no market. |
Quince | . . . . . . |
Quinine | . . . . . . |
Quintal | . . . . . . |
Quiver | . . . . . . |
Quivered | . . . . . . |
Rabbit | Receipts are large. |
Rabble | Receipts are very large. |
Radiance | Receipts are increasing. |
Radiant | Receipts are light. |
Radiate | Receipts are very light. |
Radical | Receipts are diminishing. |
Radish | Receipts are light, owing to bad condition of the roads in the country. |
Radius | Receipts are light, owing to detention of trains. |
Ragged | No receipts. |
Raging | Receipts of Flour to-day ____ bbls. |
Rainbow | Receipts of Flour for last six days ____ bbls. |
Rakish | Receipts of Wheat to-day ____ bush. |
Ramble | Receipts of Wheat for last six days ____ bush. |
Rambling | Receipts of Corn to-day ____ bush. |
Rampart | Receipts of Corn for last six days ____ bush. |
Ranch | Receipts of Oats to-day ____ bush. |
Random | Receipts of Oats for last six days ____ bush. |
Range | Receipts of Rye to-day ____ bush. |
Ransack | Receipts of Rye for last six days ____ bush. |
Ransacked | Receipts of Barley to-day ____ bush. |
Ransomed | Receipts of Barley for last six days ____ bush. |
Rape | Receipts of Wheat to-day by canal ____ bush. |
Rapid | Receipts of Corn to-day by canal ____ bush. |
Rapidly | Receipts of Oats to-day by canal ____ bush. |
Rapture | Receipts of Live Hogs to-day ____ |
Rarely | Receipts of Live Hogs for last six days ____ |
Rascal | Receipts of Dressed Hogs to-day ____ |
Rascally | Receipts of Dressed Hogs for last six days ____ |
Rashly | Receipts of Mess Pork to-day ____ bbls. |
Ratify | Receipts of Mess Pork for last six days ____ bbls. |
Ratio | Receipts of Lard to-day ____ tierces. |
Rattan | Receipts of Lard for last six days ____ tierces. |
Ravine |
Receipts of ____ to-day ____ |
Ravish | Receipts of ____ for last six days ____ |
Ravished | Cars of Wheat posted for to-morrow. |
Ravishing | Cars of Corn posted for to-morrow. |
Read | Cars of Oats posted for to-morrow. |
Reader | Cars of Rye posted for to-morrow. |
Reading | Cars of Barley posted for to-morrow. |
Readable | . . . . . . |
Readily | . . . . . . |
Realm | . . . . . . |
Rebel | . . . . . . |
Rebellion | . . . . . . |
Rebound | . . . . . . |
Rebounded | . . . . . . |
Rebuff | Shipments are light. |
Rebuke | Shipments are very light. |
Rebuking | Shipments are diminishing. |
Rebus | Shipments are large. |
Recall | Shipments are very large. |
Recalled | Shipments are increasing. |
Recalling | No shipments. |
Reckless | Shipments of Flour to-day ____ bbls. |
Recommend | Shipments of Flour for last six days ____ bbls. |
Redeem | Shipments of Wheat to-day ____ bush. |
Redeemed | Shipments of Wheat for last six days ____ bu. |
Redeeming | Shipments of Corn to-day ____ bush. |
Redemption | Shipments of Corn for last six days ____ bu. |
Reduction |
Shipments of Oats to-day ____ bush. |
Refine | Shipments of Oats for last six days ____ bush. |
Refining | Shipments of Rye to-day ____ bush. |
Refinement | Shipments of Rye for last six days ____ bush. |
Refit | Shipments of Barley to-day ____ bush. |
Refrain | Shipments of Barley for last six days days ____ bush. |
Refresh | Shipments of Live Hogs to-day ____ |
Refreshed | Shipments of Live Hogs for last six days ____ |
Refreshing | Shipments of Dressed Hogs to-day ____ |
Refuge | Shipments of Dressed Hogs for last six days ____ |
Refund | Shipments of Mess Pork to-day ____ bbls. |
Refunded | Shipments of Mess Pork for last six days ____ bbls. |
Refunding | Shipments of Lard to-day ____ tierces. |
Regal | Shipments of Lard for last six days days ____ tierces. |
Regalia | Shipments of ____ to-day ____ |
Regard | Shipments of ____ for last six days ____ |
Regarded | Charters to-day Wheat ____ bush. |
Regiment | Charters to-day Corn ____ bush. |
Region | Charters to-day Oats ____ bush. |
Register | No charters to-day. |
Regret | . . . . . . |
Regretted | . . . . . . |
Regulate | . . . . . . |
Rehearse | . . . . . . |
Rehearsal | . . . . . . |
Rehearsing | . . . . . . |
Relate | . . . . . . |
Relating | . . . . . . |
Relation | Stock in store Flour ____ bbls. |
Relax | Stock in store Wheat ____ bush. |
Relaxed | Stock in store Corn ____ bush. |
Relaxing | Stock in store Oats ____ bush. |
Relent | Stock in store Rye ____ bush. |
Relented | Stock in store Barley ____ bush. |
Relenting | Stock in store Mess Pork ____ bbls. |
Reliable | Stock in store Lard ____ tierces. |
Reliance | Stock in store ____ |
Relic | Stock is estimated at ____ |
Religion | Stock of all grades about ____ |
Relish | Stock is large. |
Relished | Stock is very large. |
Relishing | Stock is accumulating rapidly. |
Reluctant | Stock is diminishing rapidly. |
Rely | Stock is small. |
Remains | Stock is entirely exhausted. |
Remark | Corresponding time last year. |
Remarked | Corresponding week last year. |
Remarking | Up to corresponding time last year. |
Remarkable | . . . . . . |
Remedy | . . . . . . |
Remember | . . . . . . |
Remnant | . . . . . . |
Remodel | . . . . . . |
Remodeled | . . . . . . |
Remorse | . . . . . . |
Remote | Buy immediately. |
Remotely | Buy as soon as possible. |
Remove | Buy at opening of the market. |
Renegade | Buy at about ____ |
Renew | Buy at not exceeding ____ |
Renewed | Buy in store. |
Renovate | Buy afloat. |
Renown | Buy aboard cars. |
Renowned | Buy buyer's option. |
Rental | Buy seller's option. |
Renting | Buy and ship. |
Repair | Buy and ship immediately. |
Repaired | Buy and ship as soon as possible. |
Repairing | Buy and ship by first opportunity. |
Repentance | Buy and ship for account of ____ |
Repented | Buy and ship if you can lay down here at ____ |
Repenting | Buy and ship if you can lay down in in ____ at ____ |
Replenish | Buy immediately and ship when you can engage freight at ____ |
Replenished | Buy and hold for further orders. |
Reporter | Buy at not over quotations in letter. |
Reporting | Buy at prices you name. |
Represent | Buy at prices you name or a shade higher. |
Reprint | Buy when prices have declined to ____ |
Reprinted | Buy to arrive. |
Reprinting | Buy a small cargo. |
Reproach | Buy a medium sized cargo. |
Reproached | Buy a large cargo. |
Reproaching | Buy when cheap lots offer. |
Reptile | Buy in my short. |
Republic | Buy if no material change. |
Republish | Buy if you can hold on margin. |
Repudiate | Buy for immediate delivery. |
Repugnant |
Buy if you can draw part on time. |
Repulse | Buy if you can draw half on time. |
Repulsing | Buy if you can draw at ____ days. |
Repulsive | Buy if quality is choice. |
Repute | Buy on the best terms. |
Require | Buy to-day at the best prices you can. |
Requisite | Buy if foreign advices higher. |
Rescue | Buy according to your judgment. |
Resemble | Buy all you can contract for the season. |
Resembling | Buy part if you cannot get all. |
Resentful | Buy in when you can without loss including all charges. |
Reside | Buy in when profit can be had over all charges. |
Residence | Buy if you can ship. |
Residing | Buy if you can ship immediately. |
Resolute | Buy if you can ship in bulk by railroad. |
Resolutely | Buy at country points, freights being equal to Chicago rates. |
Resolution | Buy car lots daily without exciting prices. |
Resist | Buy fresh receipts if you can so as to save extra storage. |
Resistance | Buy if strictly prime. |
Resisted | Buy in favorite houses. |
Resisting | Buy for account of of ____ |
Resolve | Buy for my account. |
Resolving | Buy at ____, freights to be equal to Chicago rates. |
Resound | Buy delivery any point same freight as from Chicago to ____ |
Resounded | Keep on buying. |
Resounding | Keep on buying; how much have you bought? |
Respected | Get refusal of ____ at lowest price until we can answer by telegraph. |
Respectful | If you cannot buy at our limits, telegraph the best you can do. |
Respond | If you cannot get all to-day complete order to-morrow. |
Responded | Buy ____ order in force until countermanded. |
Responding |
Buy ____ order in force to-day only. |
Response | Can you buy? |
Restless | Can you buy buyer's option? |
Restrain | Can you buy in store? |
Restrained | Can you buy afloat? |
Restraining | Can you buy freely? |
Restrict | Can you buy to arrive? |
Restricted | Can you buy for immediate delivery? |
Restricting | Can you buy for future delivery? |
Restriction | Can you buy and lay down here at ____? |
Result | Can you buy for future lower than for present delivery? |
Resulted | Can you buy and hold on margin? |
Resulting | Can you buy aboard cars? |
Retire | At what price can you buy? |
Retiring | At what price can you buy for present delivery? |
Retreat | At what price can you buy for future delivery? |
Retreated | If not bought await further orders. |
Retrench | If not bought, telegraph the best price you can buy at. |
Retrenched | Is there any prospect of buying? |
Return | Have you bought? |
Returned | How much have you bought? |
Reveal | Quote expense of holding ____ in your city ____ days including all charges. |
Revealed | Quote cost free on board. |
Revealing | Quote cost free on board not including commission. |
Revelation | Quote price ____ laid down in ____ |
Revelry | Stop buying; how much have you bought? |
Revenge | Stop buying until you receive our letter dated ____ |
Revenging | Stop buying unless prices lower. |
Revengeful | Stop buying until further orders. |
Revenue | Order to buy is hereby countermanded. |
Revile | Do not buy on order contained in our letter dated ____ |
Reviling |
Don't buy at over ____ |
Revisal | Do not buy to arrive. |
Revoke | . . . . . . |
Revoking | . . . . . . |
Revolt | . . . . . . |
Revolted | . . . . . . |
Revolting | . . . . . . |
Revolution | . . . . . . |
Ribbon | . . . . . . |
Riddance | Have bought. |
Ridge | Have bought in store. |
Ridicule | Have bought afloat. |
Rifle | Have bought to arrive. |
Rifling | Have bought at your limits. |
Rigger | Have bought for immediate delivery. |
Rigging | Have bought for your account. |
Righteous | Have bought for account of ____ |
Rigid | Have bought and are shipping. |
Rigidly | Have bought subject to inspection. |
Rigidness | Have bought at ____ freight to be equal to Chicago rates. |
Rigor | Have bought aboard cars. |
Ringlet | We are buying slowly. |
Rinse | Had bought before your despatch reached us. |
Ripen | Had bought before your letter reached us. |
Ripened |
Can buy. |
Ripple | Can buy at ____ |
Rippling | Can buy buyer's option. |
Risky | Can buy in store. |
Risking | Can buy afloat. |
Ritual | Can buy to arrive. |
Rivalry | Can buy freely. |
Rivulet | Can buy for immediate delivery. |
Robe | Can buy aboard cars. |
Robber | Can buy at prices you name. |
Robin | Can buy for future lower than for present delivery. |
Robust | Can buy and hold here on margin. |
Robustly | Can buy free on board including all charges. |
Rogue | Have refusal for ____ hours. |
Roguish | With order in hand think could buy at ____ |
Roman | Can buy and hold with ____ dollars margin. |
Romance | Can buy for future delivery with ____ dollars margin. |
Romantic | Can get no refusal, but think direct offer of ____ would buy. |
Romp | Can buy ____ to cost not exceeding ____ laid down in ____ |
Romping | We are offered but cannot get refusal. |
Roomy | We are offered subject to your immediate reply by telegraph. |
Rooster | We expect to buy at your limits. |
Rosebud | We expect to be able to fill your order soon. |
Rosette | Think we can buy. |
Rotate | Think we can buy at about ____ |
Rough | Might possibly buy at ____ |
Roughly | We are trying to buy. |
Roughness | Difficult to buy much without advancing prices. |
Roulette | Cannot buy. |
Routine | Cannot buy aboard cars. |
Rover | Cannot buy buyer's option. |
Royal | Cannot buy in store. |
Rubbish | Cannot buy afloat. |
Ruby |
Cannot buy to arrive. |
Rudder | Cannot buy freely. |
Rudely | Cannot buy for immediate delivery. |
Rudeness | Cannot buy for future delivery. |
Rudiment | Cannot buy at prices you name. |
Ruff | Cannot buy for future lower than for present delivery. |
Ruffian | Cannot buy and bold here on margin. |
Ruler | Cannot buy at your limits. |
Rural | Cannot buy under ____ |
Russet | Cannot buy now, but consider order open. |
Rustic | Cannot buy except for cash. |
Rusticate | None offering in the market. |
Ruthless | Little trading in buyer's option; difficult to buy. |
Sabbath | Have not bought. |
Sachem | Shall we buy? |
Sacrament | How much shall we buy? |
Sacred | Shall we buy more? |
Sacredly | Name the highest price you will pay, and if we can do better will give you the benefit. |
Saddle | Is your order to buy still in force? |
Saddling | . . . . . . |
Sadly | . . . . . . |
Sadness | . . . . . . |
Safeguard | . . . . . . |
Saffron | . . . . . . |
Saintly | . . . . . . |
Salad | . . . . . . |
Salesman | . . . . . . |
Saline | . . . . . . |
Salivate | Sell immediately. |
Salivated | Sell as soon as possible. |
Salmon | Sell on opening of the market. |
Saloon | Sell at about ____ |
Salutary | Sell at not under ____ |
Salutation | Sell in store. |
Salute | Sell afloat. |
Saluting | Sell aboard cars. |
Salvage | Sell buyer's option. |
Salvation | Sell seller's option. |
Salver | Sell at not under quotations in letter. |
Sample | Sell at prices you name. |
Sampling | Sell at prices you name or a shade lower. |
Sanative | Sell if foreign advices lower. |
Sanction | Sell to arrive. |
Sanctity | Sell out my long. |
Sandal | Sell if no material change. |
Sandwich | Sell if you cannot ship immediately. |
Sandy | Sell if you can without loss; otherwise, ship. |
Sanguine | Sell at a clear profit of ____ |
Sanitary | Sell when a profit can be had over all charges. |
Sapling | Sell when prices have advanced to ____ |
Sarcasm | Sell subject to inspection. |
Sarcastic | Sell at cost or a small loss. |
Sardonic | Sell on the best terms. |
Satan | Sell for immediate delivery. |
Satanic | Sell at best offer. |
Satelite | Sell to-day at the best price you can get. |
Satire | Sell according to your judgment. |
Satisfied | Sell out when you can without loss including all charges. |
Satisfy | Sell on present excitement at best prices you can get. |
Saturn | Sell part if you cannot sell all. |
Sauce |
Sell for account of ____ |
Sausage | Sell for my account. |
Savage | Sell at ____ freights to fee equal to Chicago rates. |
Savagely | Keep on selling. |
Savant | Keep on selling; how much have you sold? |
Saxon | If you cannot sell all to-day, sell the balance to-morrow. |
Scabbard | Sell ____ order in force to-day only. |
Scaffold | Sell ____ order in force until countermanded. |
Scald | Can you sell? |
Scalded | Can you sell afloat? |
Scalding | Can you sell to arrive? |
Scamper | Can you sell freely? |
Scantling | Can you sell for future delivery? |
Scarf | Can you sell for immediate delivery? |
Scarlet | Can you sell for future higher than for present delivery? |
Scepter | Can you sell at a profit? |
Scholar | Can you sell without loss? |
Scholarly | Can you sell aboard cars? |
School | Can you sell at ____ freights being equal to Chicago rates? |
Schooling | At what price can you sell? |
Scorn | At what price can you sell for present delivery? |
Scornful | At what price can you sell for future delivery? |
Scornfully | At what price can you sell to arrive? |
Scotch | At what price can you sell afloat? |
Scoundrel | If not sold await further orders. |
Scourge | If you cannot sell at limits, telegraph best you can do. |
Scowl | If not sold, telegraph best price you can get. |
Scowling | Is there any prospect of selling? |
Scramble | Have you sold? |
Scrape | How much have you sold? |
Scraping | Stop selling; how much have you sold? |
Scrub | Stop selling until you receive our letter dated ____ |
Scrubbed | Stop selling until further orders. |
Scrubbing |
Our order to sell is hereby countermanded. |
Scruple | Do not sell on order contained in our letter dated ____ |
Scrupulous | Don't sell at under ____ |
Sculptor | Don't sell to arrive. |
Sculpture | . . . . . . |
Scuttle | . . . . . . |
Scuttling | . . . . . . |
Seaman | . . . . . . |
Seamless | . . . . . . |
Seamstress | . . . . . . |
Search | . . . . . . |
Season | Have sold. |
Seasoned | Have sold in store. |
Seasoning | Have sold afloat. |
Seclude | Have sold at your limits. |
Secluding | Have sold to arrive. |
Seclusion | Have sold for your account. |
Section | Have sold for account of ____ |
Secure | Have sold for immediate delivery. |
Securely | Have sold seller's option. |
Sedate | Have sold buyer's option. |
Sedately | Have sold subject to inspection. |
Sedative | Have sold at ____ freight to be equal to Chicago rates. |
Seedling |
Have sold aboard cars. |
Seemly | We are selling slowly. |
Segment | Had sold before your despatch reached us. |
Seldom | Had sold before your letter reached us. |
Select | Can sell. |
Selected | Can sell afloat. |
Selecting | Can sell to arrive. |
Selfish | Can sell freely. |
Selfishly | Can sell for future delivery. |
Seminal | Can sell for immediate delivery. |
Seminary | Can sell at ____ |
Semitone | Can sell in store. |
Senate | Can sell for future higher than for present delivery. |
Senator | Can sell at ____ freights being equal to Chicago rates. |
Sensation | Can sell for future delivery with ____ dollars margin. |
Senseless | We are offered ____, subject to your immediate reply by telegraph. |
Sensible | Cannot sell. |
Sensual | Cannot sell afloat. |
Sensually | Cannot sell to arrive. |
Sentence | Cannot sell freely. |
Sentiment | Cannot sell for future delivery. |
Sentinel | Cannot sell at prices you name. |
Sentry | Cannot sell for future higher than for present delivery. |
Separate | Cannot sell at your limits. |
Separation | Cannot sell at over ____ |
Sequel | Cannot sell now, but consider order open. |
Sequence | Cannot sell for cash. |
Serenade | Cannot sell except at a loss. |
Sermon | The best offer is ____ |
Serpent | Difficult to sell much except at a decline. |
Serpentine | Have not sold. |
Session | Shall we sell? |
Settler | Shall we sell more? |
Severe |
Expect to sell at your limits soon. |
Severely | Will probably be able to sell. |
Sextant | We are trying to sell. |
Sexton | Think we can sell. |
Sexual | Think we can sell at about ____ |
Shabby | Might possibly sell at ____ |
Shabbily | Name lowest price you will sell at, and if we can get more will give you the benefit thereof. |
Shackle | How much shall we sell? |
Shackling | Is your order to sell still in force? |
Shadow | . . . . . . |
Shadowed | . . . . . . |
Shagged | . . . . . . |
Shaggy | . . . . . . |
Shaker | . . . . . . |
Shallow | . . . . . . |
Shame | . . . . . . |
Shameful | . . . . . . |
Shameless | . . . . . . |
Shampoo | . . . . . . |
Shanty | . . . . . . |
Shape | . . . . . . |
Shapeless | . . . . . . |
Shapely | . . . . . . |
Sharp | We advance limits ____ |
Sharpen | We reduce limits ____ |
Sharpened | Consider order open until countermanded. |
Shaving | Consider order open until to-morrow. |
Shawl | Consider order open ____ days. |
Sheaf | Consider order open this week. |
Shears | All previous orders are hereby countermanded. |
Sheath | This order is on the way by mail; do not execute it twice. |
Shelf | Prefer not to execute discretionary orders. |
Shell | Please give positive instructions. |
Shelter | Have executed your order. |
Sheltered | Have you executed our order? |
Shepherd | Is your order still open? |
Shield | Will advise by mail for whose account this order is sent. |
Shielded | Whatever you do will be satisfactory. |
Shielding | Do not act on order contained in letter dated ____ |
Shiftless | We confirm what has been done. |
Shine | Do the best you can. |
Shining | Every advance of ____ |
Shingle | Every decline of ____ |
Shingling | If market rallies to ____ |
Shocked | If market breaks to ____ |
Shocking | If you do not hear from us to the contrary. |
Shorten | Please send account purchase and sales and account current. |
Shortly | Think more orders can be obtained provided those you have are executed satisfactorily. |
Shoulder | At what difference can you change our ____ to ____ |
Shoveled | Can change your ____ to ____ at ____ cents difference. |
Shower | It is satisfactory. |
Showing |
It is not satisfactory. |
Shrimp | Is it satisfactory? |
Shrink | Can get ____ cents difference for changing your ____ to ____ |
Shroud | Will follow instructions. |
Shrug | Prefer not to act upon your judgment. |
Shrugging | Have done as you requested. |
Shudder | Cannot make the suggested arrangement. |
Shuffle | Have not sufficient data to form an opinion. |
Shuffling | In accordance with your instructions. |
Shun | The best that could be done. |
Shunned | Have we authority to ____ |
Shy | Offer is under consideration. |
Shyly | We refer you to our letter of ____ |
Shyness | We refer you to our despatch of ____ |
Sickle | We consider all orders open until countermanded. |
Sickly | Particulars by mail. |
Sickness | Documents go forward by mail. |
Sideboard | We send account purchase, account sales and account current this day. |
Sigh | Subject to winter storage of four cents. |
Sighing | Subject to your immediate reply by telegraph. |
Sightless | Will leave here ____ |
Signal | No session of the Board to-morrow. |
Signally | Subject to inspection. |
Signified | Send full explanations. |
Signify | . . . . . . |
Silence | . . . . . . |
Silent | . . . . . . |
Silently | . . . . . . |
Silk | . . . . . . |
Silken | . . . . . . |
Silly |
. . . . . . |
Silver | . . . . . . |
Simpleton | . . . . . . |
Simplify | . . . . . . |
Simply | . . . . . . |
Sinew | . . . . . . |
Sinful | . . . . . . |
Sinfully | . . . . . . |
Sinfulness | . . . . . . |
Singular | . . . . . . |
Sinister | . . . . . . |
Sinless | . . . . . . |
Siphon | . . . . . . |
Sister | . . . . . . |
Sisterly | . . . . . . |
Situate | . . . . . . |
Situation | . . . . . . |
Skating | . . . . . . |
Skeleton | . . . . . . |
Skeptic | Ship immediately. |
Sketch | Ship as soon as possible. |
Sketched | Ship by ____ |
Sketching | Ship via ____ |
Skillful | Ship by sail. |
Skinflint | Ship by steam. |
Skirmish | Ship by steam and rail. |
Skirmished | Ship by all rail. |
Skittish | Ship by rail in bulk. |
Skulk | Ship by steam if not much difference in rates. |
Slander | Ship by sail in preference to steam. |
Slandered | Ship by the quickest route. |
Slang | Ship by the cheapest route. |
Slaughter | Ship by the route you think best. |
Slaver | Ship by vessel that does not lighter through the Welland Canal. |
Slavish | Ship when you can engage freight at ____ |
Sledge | Ship if good prospect shipment getting through promptly. |
Sleeper | Ship before any more extra storage accrues. |
Sleeping | Ship before close of navigation. |
Sleigh | Ship rather than store. |
Sleighing | Ship as before. |
Slide | Ship, getting time freight contract. |
Sliding | Ship, getting time freight contract, if possible. |
Slight | Ship, getting through freight contract. |
Slightly | Ship, getting through freight contract, if possible. |
Slipper | Complete cargo and ship at once. |
Sliver | Hurry forward shipments. |
Slobber | Have written you shipping instructions. |
Slobbered | Will send shipping instructions by mail. |
Slothful | If you have not shipped hold for further instructions. |
Sluggard | Hold for lower freights. |
Sluggish |
Hold for shipment on opening of navigation. |
Slumber | Stop shipping. |
Slumbered | . . . . . . |
Slumbering | . . . . . . |
Slush | . . . . . . |
Smart | . . . . . . |
Smartly | . . . . . . |
Smartness | . . . . . . |
Smile | . . . . . . |
Smiling | . . . . . . |
Smoke | . . . . . . |
Smoking | . . . . . . |
Smolder | Can you ship immediately? |
Smooth | Can you ship by ____? |
Smoothly | Can you ship via ____? |
Smother | Can you ship by rail in bulk? |
Smuggle | Can you ship before freights advance? |
Smuggling | Can you ship less than a full cargo? |
Smutty | Can you get a time freight contract? |
Snatch | Can you get a through freight contract? |
Snatched | Can you ship before close of navigation? |
Snatching | Have you shipped? |
Snuffers | How much have you shipped? |
Soak |
When can you ship? |
Soaked | What is the difference between steam and sail rates? |
Soaking | At what rate can you engage freight to ____? |
Sober | Quote lowest freights by sail to ____ |
Soberly | Quote lowest freights by steam to ____ |
Soda | Quote lowest freights steam and rail to ____ |
Soften | Quote lowest freights all rail to ____ |
Softened | Quote lowest freights via ____ |
Softly | Quote lowest freights by ____ |
Softness | Quote freight per 100 lbs. on Dressed Hogs to ____ |
Sojourn | Quote time freight per 100 lbs. on Dressed Hogs to ____ |
Sojourned | Quote lowest freight per 100 lbs. to ____ |
Solace | Quote freight on 4th class per 100 lbs. to ____ |
Solar | Quote freight per bushel on Wheat to ____ |
Soldier | Quote freight per bushel on Corn to ____ |
Soldierly | Quote freight per bushel on Oats to ____ |
Solemn | What is the rate of freight? |
Solemnly | . . . . . . |
Solid | . . . . . . |
Solidity | . . . . . . |
Solitary | . . . . . . |
Solitude | . . . . . . |
Soluble | . . . . . . |
Solution | . . . . . . |
Solvent | . . . . . . |
Songster | . . . . . . |
Songstress | Have shipped. |
Sonnet | Have shipped by ____ |
Soothe | Have shipped via ____ |
Soothing | Have shipped by sail. |
Sorrow | Have shipped by steam. |
Sound | Have shipped by steam and rail. |
Sounder | Have shipped by all rail. |
Sounding | Have shipped by rail in bulk. |
Soundly | Have shipped as before. |
Sourly | Have shipped, getting time freight contract. |
Sourness | Have shipped, getting through freight contract. |
South | Shipped yesterday. |
Southern | Shipped to-day. |
Spa | Shipping to-day. |
Space | We are shipping. |
Spangles | Will ship immediately. |
Spaniel | Will ship as soon as possible. |
Spanish | Will ship as directed. |
Spanker | Expect to ship to-morrow. |
Sparkle | Expect to ship in a few days. |
Sparkling | Expect to ship this week. |
Spartan | Have engaged freight. |
Spasm | Have chartered to arrive. |
Spasmodic | Have been delayed in shipping by unfavorable weather. |
Spawn | Have been delayed in shipping by scarcity of cars. |
Spawned | Will ship as soon as can engage freight. |
Spawning | Will ship as soon as can procure cars. |
Speak | Shall we ship exactly the quantity ordered, or as near it as we can? |
Speaker | This is the nearest sized vessel we could get. |
Speaking | Please give shipping instructions. |
Special |
Can ship immediately. |
Specific | Can ship by ____ |
Specimen | Can ship via ____ |
Spectacle | Can ship by rail in bulk. |
Spectator | Can ship before freights advance. |
Speech | Can ship less than a full cargo. |
Speechless | Can get a time freight contract. |
Speedy | Can get a through freight contract. |
Speedily | Can ship before close of navigation. |
Spend | Can ship by steam same rate as by sail. |
Spending | Can charter to arrive at ____ |
Sphinx | The difference between steam and sail rates is ____ |
Spider | Can engage freight. |
Spigot | Cannot ship immediately. |
Spike | Cannot ship at present, but will as soon as possible. |
Spinage | Cannot ship by ____ |
Spinal | Cannot ship via ____ |
Spindle | Cannot ship by rail in bulk. |
Spindling | Cannot ship before freights advance. |
Spinster | Cannot ship less than a full cargo. |
Spirit | Cannot ship before close of navigation. |
Spiteful | Cannot ship by vessel that does not lighter through the Welland Canal. |
Spitefully | Cannot ship as before. |
Spittle | Cannot get a time freight contract. |
Spittoon | Cannot get a through freight contract. |
Splash | Time guaranteed. |
Splashed | The prospect for shipments getting through promptly is favorable. |
Splashing | The prospect for shipments getting through promptly is unfavorable. |
Spleen | No suitable vessels now offering. |
Splendid | Very few vessels now offering. |
Splendor | No grain vessel in port unengaged. |
Splint | Vessels are scarce and firmly held. |
Splinter | Vessels are more plenty. |
Splutter | Vessels are plenty. |
Spoil |
Quite a fleet expected with the next change of wind. |
Spoken | The recent difficulty in regard to shipping no longer exists. |
Sponge | Freights tending upward. |
Sponging | Freights steady and firm. |
Sportful | Freights unchanged. |
Spotless | Freights tending downward. |
Sprain | Freights dull. |
Sprained | Prospect of freights advancing soon. |
Sprawl | Expect an advance in freights next week. |
Sprawling | Lake freights have advanced. |
Spray | Rail freights have advanced. |
Spread | Prospect of freights declining soon. |
Spreading | Expect a decline in freights next week. |
Sprightly | Lake freights have declined. |
Sprinkle | Rail freights have declined. |
Sprinkling | . . . . . . |
Sprout | . . . . . . |
Sprouted | . . . . . . |
Sprouting | . . . . . . |
Spruce | . . . . . . |
Sprucely | . . . . . . |
Spunky | . . . . . . |
Spurn | . . . . . . |
Spurned | . . . . . . |
Spurning | . . . . . . |
Squalid | We bid you. |
Squalidly | We bid you net track Chicago. |
Squandered | We bid you net track Chicago local rate freight. |
Squashing | We bid you net your track. |
Squatter | We bid you net track ____ |
Squaw | We bid you Miss. River basis. |
Squelch | We bid you ____ f. o. b. Miss. River basis. |
Squelched | We quote present market track Chicago. |
Squelching | Quote us present market track Chicago. |
Squirmed | We accept your bid. |
Squirming | We accept your bid of ____ net track Chicago. |
Stabbed | We accept your bid of ____ net track Chicago, local rate freight. |
Stagger | We accept your bid of ____ net our track. |
Staggered | We accept your bid of ____ net track. |
Staging | We accept your bid of ____ Miss. Rive basis. |
Stagnantly | We accept your bid of ____ f. o. b. Miss. River basis. |
Stagnation | We accept your offer and confirm purchase subject to immediate acceptance by wire. |
Stakes | We can net you ____ |
Stalk | Purchases subject to market difference on day of arrival if other than grade purchased. |
Stalked | Reply must reach us by 11 A. M. to-day. |
Stalking | Reply must reach us by 12 M. to-day. |
Stalkless | Reply must reach us by 1 P. M. to-day. |
Stalwart | Reply must reach us by 2 P. M. to-day. |
Stamina | Reply must reach us by 9 A. M. to-morrow. |
Stammered | Reply must reach us by 9:30 A. M. to-morrow. |
Stammering | Reply must reach us by 10 A. M. to-morrow. |
Stamp | Reply must reach us by ____ to-day. |
Stamped |
Reply must reach us by ____ to-morrow. |
Stamping | Reply must reach us by opening next business day. |
Stampede | Open all day. |
Stampeding | Open to-day and to-morrow. |
Standish | Your acceptance too late; cannot confirm. |
Starboard | No bid obtainable to arrive. |
Statistics | Cannot sell without sample. |
Statuette | Prompt acceptance can sell to arrive. |
Statutes | Do utmost to get acceptance but if unworkable make lowest offer. |
Staunch | Unable to execute limited order, market barely touched your price. |
Stemmed | Does your last order cancel previous orders? |
Stemming | Be as quick as possible. |
Stepping | Delay could not be avoided. |
Stigmatic | Do nothing in the matter until you get our letter. |
Stigmatize | Telegram should have read. |
Stiletto | Hold for full directions by mail. |
Stillness | Send sample of ____ by first mail. |
Stilts | Send a good sized sample. |
Stimulant | Not much inquiry for ____ |
Stimulate | There is a great scarcity of ____ |
Stimulus | Please send necessary papers at once. |
Stinted | Road says will furnish empty cars promptly. |
Stinting | Road says cannot furnish empty cars promptly. |
Stipulate | Ship to our order New York care South Chicago via E. J. & E. Ry. shipment Lake and Rail for export. |
Stirring | Ship to our order New York, notify us Chicago to be inspected and weighed Chicago, shipment Rail and Lake for export. |
Stirrup | Bill to our order New York via West Chicago E. J. & E. Ry. and South Chicago Lake and Rail for export care ____ |
Stitch |
Bill to our order New York via South Chicago Lake and Rail for export care ____ |
Stitched | Bill to our order New York, notify us Chicago to be inspected and weighed at Chicago. |
Stitching | Bill to our order New York via E. J. & E. Ry. South Chicago care ____ |
Stooping | Bill to our order New York via E. J. & E. Ry. South Chicago shipment Rail and Lake care ____ |
Stooped | Will you extend time on our shipment ____ days? |
Stopper | We extend time on your shipment ____ days. |
Storm | Shipment Lake and Rail. |
Stormed | Shipment Lake and Rail for export. |
Storming | Shipment Lake and Canal. |
Stormless | Ship to our order Chicago. |
Stoutness | Bill to our order Chicago. |
Stowage | Bill to our order ____ |
Stowing | Ship to our order ____ |
Straddle | Shipment ____ days from your station. |
Straddled | To load during winter in vessels. |
Straddling | Canal rates including Buffalo charges. |
Straight | Not to be held for inspection. |
Straighten | Chicago weights and inspection. |
Stratagem | New York weights and inspection. |
Stratified | Buffalo weights and inspection. |
Stratum | Illinois weights and inspection. |
Streak | ____ weights and inspection. |
Streaked | Chicago certificate of weight and inspection to be final. |
Streamlet | C. I. F. Kingston. |
Striking | C. I. F. Buffalo. |
Strip | C. I. F. Erie. |
Stripped | C. I. F. Buffalo or Erie buyer's option. |
Stripping | C. I. F. Fairport. |
Strutted | Buyer paying tolls. |
Strutting | Seller paying tolls. |
Stubble |
. . . . . . |
Stucco | . . . . . . |
Studding | . . . . . . |
Stuffy | . . . . . . |
Stultified | . . . . . . |
Stultify | . . . . . . |
Stumpage | . . . . . . |
Subaltern | . . . . . . |
Sublet | . . . . . . |
Subsoil | . . . . . . |
Substance | . . . . . . |
Substitute | . . . . . . |
Subterfuge | . . . . . . |
Subvert | . . . . . . |
Succeeded | . . . . . . |
Succor | . . . . . . |
Succulent | . . . . . . |
Succumb | . . . . . . |
Suffered | . . . . . . |
Suffering | . . . . . . |
Sufflate | . . . . . . |
Suffocated | . . . . . . |
Suggested | . . . . . . |
Per Bushel. | Per Barrel. | Per 100 Lbs. | Destination. |
Sputter | Squinting | Stand | Buffalo, N. Y. |
Squabble | Squirm | Standard | Cape Vincent, N. Y. |
Squabbling | Squirrel | Standing | Chicago, Ill. |
Squadron | Stab | Stanza | Cleveland, O. |
Squall | Stabbing | Staple | Collingwood, Ont. |
Squalling | Stability | Starch | Detroit, Mich. |
Squander | Stable | Starched | Erie, Pa. |
Square | Staff | Starching | Goderich, Ont. |
Squarely | Stage | Star | Kingston, Ont. |
Squash | Stagnant | Starless | Montreal, P. Q. |
Squashed | Stagnate | Starlight | Ogdensburg, N. Y. |
Squeal | Stained | Startle | Oswego, N. Y. |
Squealed | Stainless | Startling | Pt. Colborne, Ont. |
Squealing | Stallion | Starve | Toronto, Ont. |
Squint | Stammer | Starving | ____ |
Per Bushel. | Per Barrel. | Per 100 Lbs. | Destination. |
Stately | Stifling | Strengthen | Buffalo, N. Y. |
Statement | Stigma | Stretch | Cape Vincent, N. Y. |
Statesman | Stipend | Stretched | Chicago, Ill. |
Station | Stockade | Stretching | Cleveland, O. |
Stationed | Stomach | Stricken | Collingwood, Ont. |
Statue | Strand | Strict | Detroit, Mich. |
Steadfast | Stranded | Strictly | Erie, Pa. |
Stealing | Stranding | Stricture | Goderich, Ont. |
Stealth | Strange | Strife | Kingston, Ont. |
Steel | Strangle | Strike | Montreal, P. Q. |
Stench | Strata | Stringent | Ogdensburg, N. Y. |
Stencil | Strategy | Stripling | Oswego, N. Y. |
Sternly | Stray | Stroll | Pt. Colborne, Ont. |
Steward | Straying | Strolled | Toronto, Ont. |
Stifle | Strength | Strolling | ____ |
Per Bushel. | Per Barrel. | Per 100 Lbs. | Destination. |
Struck | Stumble | Stutter | Albany, N. Y. |
Struggle | Stumbling | Style | Baltimore, Md. |
Struggling | Stupefy | Stylish | Boston, Mass. |
Stubborn | Stupid | Subdue | Boston Points. |
Stubbornly | Stupidly | Subduing | New York. |
Student | Stupor | Subject | Philadelphia. |
Studio | Sturdily | Subjected | Portland, Me. |
Studious | Sturgeon | Subjection | ____ |
Per Bushel. | Per Barrel. | Per 100 Lbs. | Destination. |
Sublime | Suffer | Superbly | Albany, N. Y. |
Sublimely | Suffix | Supine | Augusta, Ga. |
Submerge | Suffocate | Supinely | Baltimore, Md. |
Submit | Suffrage | Supper | Boston, Mass. |
Submitted | Sugar | Supplant | Boston Points. |
Submitting | Suggest | Supplanted | Charleston, S. C. |
Subside | Sulky | Supple | Chicago, Ill. |
Subsiding | Sullenly | Supply | Cincinnati, O. |
Subsist | Sulphate | Support | Detroit, Mich. |
Subsisted | Sulphur | Supported | Indianapolis, Ind. |
Subsisting | Sultan | Supporting | Louisville, Ky. |
Subtle | Sultry | Suppress | Memphis, Tenn. |
Subtract | Summit | Suppressed | Mobile, Ala. |
Subtracted | Summons | Sustain | New Orleans, La. |
Suburban | Sunlight | Sustained | New York. |
Suburbs | Sunbeam | Sustaining | Philadelphia. |
Success | Sunrise | Swaddle | Pittsburgh, Pa. |
Suckling | Sunset | Swaddling | Portland, Me. |
Suction | Sunshine | Swagger | St. Louis, Mo. |
Sudden | Sunstroke | Swallow | San Francisco, Cal. |
Suddenly | Superb | Swallowed | ____ |
Swamp | Freights per 100 lbs. to Antwerp via ____ |
Swamped | Freights per 100 lbs. to Belfast via ____ |
Sweeping | Freights per 100 lbs. to Bremen via ____ |
Sweeten | Freights per 100 lbs. to Bristol via ____ |
Sweetly | Freights per 100 lbs. to Bristol via ____ |
Swept | Freights per 100 lbs. to Hamburg via ____ |
Swiftly | Freights per 100 lbs. to Havre via ____ |
Swiftness | Freights per 100 lbs. to Liverpool via ____ |
Swim | Freights per 100 lbs. to London via ____ |
Swimming | Freights per 100 lbs. to ____ via ____ |
Swindle | . . . . . . |
Swindling | . . . . . . |
Swing | . . . . . . |
Swinging | . . . . . . |
Swiss | . . . . . . |
Switch | Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. |
Switched | Canada Southern Railroad. |
Switching | Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railroad. |
Swollen | Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. |
Swooned | Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. |
Swoop | Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. |
Sylph | Chicago, Danville & Vincennes Railroad. |
Sylvan | Grand Trunk Railway |
Symbol | Great Western Railroad. |
Symbolic |
Illinois Central Railroad. |
Sympathy | Kansas Pacific Railroad. |
Symptom | Michigan Central Railroad. |
Synagogue | Michigan Southern & Lake Shore Railroad |
Synod | Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. |
Syntax | New York Central Railroad. |
System | New York & Erie Railroad. |
Tableau | Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railroad. |
Tablet | Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad. |
Tactics | Pan Handle Railroad. |
Tactile | Pennsylvania Central Railroad. |
Tadpole | Union Pacific Railroad. |
Taking | Vermont Central Railroad. |
Supercede | Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. |
Suppose | Boston & Albany. |
Supposing | Boston & Maine. |
Supreme | Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern. |
Supremely | Burlington Route. |
Surety | Canadian Pacific. |
Surf | Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. |
Surface | Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha. |
Surfeit | Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville. |
Surfeiting | Chicago & Great Western. |
Surgeful | Chicago & West Michigan. |
Surgeon | Chicago & Eastern Illinois. |
Surgery | Chicago & Erie. |
Surgical | Chicago & Grand Trunk. |
Surloin | Chicago, Hamilton & Dayton. |
Surmise | Chicago Terminal Transfer. |
Surpass | Chicago, Hammond & Western. |
Surpassed | Chicago, Lake Shore & Eastern. |
Surpassing | Chicago & Western Indiana. |
Surplice | Cotton Belt Route. |
Surplus | Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific. |
Surprisal | Cleveland, Belt & Terminal. |
Surprised | Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis. |
Surprising | Delaware, Lackawanna & Western. |
Surrender | Delaware & Hudson. |
Surrendered | Denver & Rio Grande. |
Surrounding | Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic. |
Survey |
Elgin, Joliet & Eastern. |
Surveyed | Fitchburg. |
Surveying | Flint & Pere Marquette. |
Surveyor | Grand Rapids & Indiana. |
Survive | Great Northern. |
Survival | Indiana, Illinois & Iowa. |
Surviving | Iowa Central. |
Suspect | Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf. |
Suspecting | Kewaunee, Green Bay & Western. |
Suspense | Lake Erie & Western. |
Suspicion | Lehigh Valley. |
Sustenance | Louisville & Nashville. |
Swab | Maine Central. |
Swabbed | Memphis Route. |
Swabbing | Minneapolis & St. Louis. |
Swarm | Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie. |
Sweep | Missouri, Kansas & Texas. |
Sweetened | Missouri Pacific. |
Swelter | Mobile & Ohio. |
Sweltered | Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis. |
Sweltering | New York, Chicago & St. Louis. |
Swipe | New York, New Haven & Hartford. |
Swivel | New York, Ontario & Western. |
Swoon | Ohio Central. |
Swooning | Northern Pacific. |
Swooped | Omaha & St. Louis. |
Sword | Philadelphia & Reading. |
Symbolism | Plant System. |
Symbolize | Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg. |
Symmetry | Southern Railway. |
Symphony | Southern Pacific. |
Syncopist | St. Louis Southwestern. |
Synodic | St. Louis & San Francisco. |
Synopsis | Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan. |
Synoptic | Texas & Pacific. |
Tabaret | Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City. |
Tabby | Texas Central. |
Tabernacle | Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf. |
Tabling | Vandalia Line. |
Taboo | Wabash. |
Tabular |
West Shore. |
Tabulate | Wisconsin Central. |
Talent | Blue Line. |
Talented | Black Line. |
Talisman | Diamond Line. |
Talkative | Empire Line. |
Talking | Erie & Pacific Despatch. |
Talon | Erie & North Shore Line. |
Tangent | Fast Freight Line. |
Tangible | Green Line. |
Tangle | Globe Line. |
Tangling | Kankakee Line. |
Tansy | National Line. |
Tape | National Despatch. |
Tapestry | Red Line. |
Tardily | South Shore Line. |
Tardy | Star Union Line. |
Target | Union Star Line. |
Tariff | White Line. |
Tackle | Canadian Pacific Despatch. |
Tackling | Canada Southern Line. |
Tailless | Central States Despatch. |
Tailor | Commercial Express. |
Talmud | Erie Despatch. |
Tamed | Great Eastern Line. |
Tannery | Hoosac Tunnel Line. |
Tandem | Inter State Despatch. |
Tantrum | Kanawha Despatch. |
Tapering | Lackawanna Line. |
Tardiness | Lehigh & Wabash Despatch. |
Tarnish | Merchants Despatch. |
Tarpum | Nickel Plate. |
Tarried | Ontario Despatch. |
Tarry | Provision Dealers Despatch. |
Tarsus | Reading Despatch. |
Tartaric | Southern Despatch. |
Tassel | Traders Despatch. |
Tattling | West Shore Line. |
Tartar | Anchor Line. |
Tartly | Northern Transportation Co. |
Tartness | Sarnia Line. |
Task | Union Steamboat Co. |
Taste | Western Transportation Co. |
Taught | Lackawanna Transportation Co. |
Taxless | Lehigh Valley Transportation Co. |
Teamless | Minneapolis, St. Paul & Buffalo St. Co. |
Teasing | Ogdensburg Transportation Co. |
Teasel | Owen Line. |
Tempered | Western Transit Co. |
Temperance | . . . . . . |
Temporal | . . . . . . |
Tenable | . . . . . . |
Tenantry | . . . . . . |
Tenantless | . . . . . . |
Tenderloin | . . . . . . |
Tenderness | . . . . . . |
Tennis | . . . . . . |
Terrapin | . . . . . . |
Terrible | . . . . . . |
Terrify | . . . . . . |
Testing | . . . . . . |
Testate | . . . . . . |
Thanked | . . . . . . |
Thanking | . . . . . . |
Tasteful | Allan Line. |
Tasteless | American Line. |
Tattoo | Anchor Line. |
Tavern | Bremen Line. |
Tax | Cunard Line via Boston. |
Taxable | Cunard Line via New York. |
Taxation | Guion Line. |
Taxed | Hamburg Line. |
Taxing | Havre Line. |
Teach | Inman Line. |
Teacher | National Line. |
Teaching | Red Star Line. |
Teamster | State Line. |
Teapot | White Star Line. |
Tedious | . . . . . . |
Tediously | . . . . . . |
Teeth | . . . . . . |
Teething | . . . . . . |
Temper | . . . . . . |
Temperate | . . . . . . |
Tempest | . . . . . . |
Templar | . . . . . . |
Temple | . . . . . . |
Tempt | . . . . . . |
Tempted | . . . . . . |
Tempting | . . . . . . |
Tenant | Draw at sight. |
Tenderly | Draw at sight with bill of lading attached. |
Tendon | Draw on demand. |
Tendril | Draw on demand with bill of lading attached. |
Tenement | Draw payable with New York Exchange. |
Tenor | Draw as before. |
Tension | Draw on us. |
Tepid | Draw for what margin you require. |
Tepidly | Draw at one day. |
Terminus | Draw at five days. |
Testament | Draw at ten days. |
Testator | Draw at fifteen days. |
Testified | Draw at twenty days. |
Testify | Draw at thirty days. |
Testimony | Draw at forty-five days. |
Textile | Draw at sixty days. |
Texture | Draw at ninety days. |
Thankful | At what rate can you draw? |
Thankfully | Can you negotiate time drafts? |
Thankless | Have remitted. |
Thatch | Have remitted currency. |
Thatched | Have remitted New York Exchange. |
Thatching | Have remitted Chicago Exchange. |
Thawed | Have remitted by mail. |
Thawing | Have remitted by express. |
Theater | Have deposited margin with ____ |
Thebes | We are remitting margins. |
Theme | Will remit immediately. |
Theology | Will remit to-morrow. |
Thereby | Will remit in a few days. |
Therefore | Will remit New York Exchange. |
Thick | Will remit Chicago Exchange. |
Thicket | Will remit currency. |
Thickly | Will remit necessary funds. |
Thief | Can you wait for a remittance? |
Thievish |
What margin do you require? |
Thigh | Retain margin until you hear from us. |
Thimble | Have drawn at sight. |
Thirsty | Have drawn at sight with bill lading attached. |
Thirstful | Have drawn on demand. |
Thistle | Have drawn on demand with bill lading attached. |
Thorny | Have drawn payable with New York Exchange. |
Thought | Have drawn as before. |
Thoughtful | Have drawn for ____ dollars margin. |
Thrall | Have drawn at one day. |
Thrash | Have drawn at five days. |
Thrashed | Have drawn at ten days. |
Thrashing | Have drawn at fifteen days. |
Threat | Have drawn at twenty days. |
Threaten | Have drawn at thirty days. |
Threatened | Have drawn at forty-five days. |
Threshold | Have drawn at sixty days. |
Thrifty | Have drawn at ninety days. |
Throb | Will you remit or shall we draw? |
Throbbing | How shall we draw? |
Throng | Can draw at ____ |
Throttle | A remittance will do if it reaches us ____ |
Thrust | You can remit New York Exchange or we will draw. |
Thumb | Can draw as desired. |
Thumping | Will telegraph you if want more margin. |
Thunder | Can make advances with ____ per cent. margin. |
Thwart | How have you remitted? |
Thwarted | Have you remitted? |
Ticket | Cannot draw as directed. |
Ticklish | Cannot negotiate time paper. |
Tidal | Cannot draw time drafts against shipments. |
Tidily | Cannot act without margin in hand. |
Tidings | Cannot wait for a remittance, seller demands cash, must draw. |
Tiger | Cannot make advances now, but hope to do so soon. |
Tiller |
Please remit ____ dollars. |
Tilling | Please deposit ____ dollars. |
Tillable | Please send ____ dollars by first express. |
Tillage | Deposit ____ dollars to our credit and have Bank wire us. |
Tillman | Unless you deposit ____ dollars to our credit and have Bank wire us at once shall close your trades. |
Timbal | Have deposited ____ dollars to your credit. |
Timeful | Your credit balance. |
Timeless | Your debit balance. |
Timerous | Please leave more margin in future drafts against shipments. |
Tinged | You must leave margin to cover shortage and misgrading. |
Tinkered | Your draft excessive. Deposit ____ dollars to our credit, have Bank wire us and we will honor your draft. |
Tinkering | Please remit to our New York house for our credit ____ dollars. |
Tinsmith | Your draft seems excessive, wire weights at once. |
Tinware | Do not draw to exceed ____ cents per bu. on wheat. |
Tippet | Do not draw to exceed ____ cents per bu. on corn. |
Tippling | Do not draw to exceed ____ cents per bu. on oats. |
Tireless | Do not draw to exceed ____ cents per bu. on ____ |
Tiresome | Draft with bill of lading when loaded. |
Titantic | Draft with bill of lading when navigation opens. |
Tithes | Please send bill of lading at once. |
Title | Bill of lading forwarded ____ |
Titmouse | Bill of lading not yet received. |
Toadstool | We must receive bill of lading by opening market. |
Tobacco | Draft when loaded, shipment opening navigation. |
Tigress |
Must draw for margin, payable on demand. |
Timely | Must draw for ____ dollars margin. |
Timid | Must draw at sight. |
Timidly | Must draw on demand. |
Tincture | Banks will not advance on property, must have currency to act. |
Tinkling | Margin of ____ per cent. on all property bought or sold, margin to be kept good. |
Tinsel | Unless you remit additional margin immediately we must cover your sales. |
Tipple | Unless you remit additional margin immediately we must sell your property. |
Tipsy | Market advancing; your margin nearly exhausted; shall we draw for additional margin or cover your sales? |
Tissue | Market declining; your margin nearly exhausted; shall we draw for additional margin or sell your property? |
Titbit | Your margin exhausted; have closed all your trades. |
Toast | Have closed your trades; you may draw for ____ dollars. |
Toasted | We hold subject to your order ____ dollars. |
Toasting | Have deposited proceeds with ____ |
Toddy | Money market easy. |
Toilet | Money market tight. |
Toilsome | Sight exchange ____ per cent. premium. |
Tomato | Sight exchange par. |
Tombstone | Sight exchange ____ per cent. discount. |
Tongue | . . . . . . |
Tonnage | . . . . . . |
Tooth | . . . . . . |
Toothless | . . . . . . |
Topaz | . . . . . . |
Tophet | Keep fully insured in good offices. |
Topic | Effect marine insurance. |
Torment | At what rate can you insure? |
Tormented | Have effected insurance. |
Tormenting | We will insure. |
Torpedo | We can insure at ____ |
Torpid | Shall we insure here? |
Torture | Insured here in our open policy. |
Total | Have not insured; consider you have insured in your open policy. |
Totally | Including marine insurance. |
Towards | Marine insurance ____ cents per $100. |
Township | . . . . . . |
Track | . . . . . . |
Tracked | . . . . . . |
Tracking | . . . . . . |
Trackless | Telegraph when you buy. |
Trader | Telegraph when you sell. |
Tradition | Telegraph when you ship. |
Traduce | Telegraph when you draw. |
Traducing | Telegraph when you remit. |
Traffic | Telegraph when you do anything. |
Tragedian | Telegraph when ____ stops advancing. |
Tragedy | Telegraph when ____ stops declining. |
Tragic | Telegraph when you are offered any bargains. |
Tragical |
Telegraph receipts for to-day. |
Traitor | Telegraph cars posted for to-morrow. |
Tramp | Telegraph shipments for to-day. |
Trample | Telegraph your stock. |
Tranquil | Telegraph best offer. |
Transact | Telegraph fully and often. |
Transfer | Telegraph promptly what progress. |
Transfix | Telegraph immediately if satisfactory. |
Transfixed | Telegraph price, quality, and brand. |
Transform | Telegraph price, quality, and quantity. |
Transgress | Telegraph any important change. |
Transit | Telegraph shipping instructions. |
Translate | Telegraph quotations. |
Transmit | Telegraph state of your market. |
Transpire | Telegraph to-morrow early. |
Transplant | Telegraph frequently and keep us well posted. |
Transport | Telegraph closing prices of ____ |
Trap | Telegraph closing prices of ____, night despatch. |
Trapped | Telegraph daily with quotations, until further advised. |
Trapping | Telegraph market daily, by night despatch. |
Travel | Telegraph in cipher. |
Traveler | Telegraph in plain language. |
Traveling | Answer by telegraph. |
Tread | Answer by telegraph immediately. |
Treadle | Answer by night despatch. |
Treason | We do not understand your despatch. |
Treasure | We telegraphed you, but have no reply. |
Treating | Your despatch received after market closed; will act next session unless otherwise instructed. |
Treatment | Your order by telegraph received at ____ |
Treaty | . . . . . . |
Tremble | . . . . . . |
Trembling | . . . . . . |
Trespass | The seeding this spring is backward. |
Trespassed | The weather is unfavorable for the growing crops. |
Trial | The weather continues unfavorable. |
Triangle | Up to this time very little has been done, the ground being too wet. |
Tribunal | Late frosts said to have done much injury. |
Tribute | Reported damage to crops by ____ |
Trifle | Crops have been injured by the late rains. |
Trifling | Crops have been injured by the severe drought. |
Trigger | Should wet weather continue the harvest will be very late. |
Trinity | The seeding this spring progressing favorably |
Trinket | The weather is favorable for the growing crops. |
Triplet | Accounts of the crops very encouraging. |
Tripod | Indications of an early harvest. |
Triumph | Harvesting in this section will probably begin next week. |
Trombone | Harvesting is now progressing in this section. |
Trodden | ____ in this section has been mostly secured in good condition. |
Trouble | Samples exhibited of the new crop look ____ |
Trowel | Quality of the new crop is superior to last year's. |
Trudge | Quality of the new crop is inferior to last year's. |
Trudging | Quality of the new crop as good as expected. |
Truly | The new crop, it is estimated, will average ____ bushels per acre. |
Trumpet | The yield, both as to quality and quantity, is very satisfactory. |
Trundle | Prospects of an early crop. |
Truss | Prospects of a late crop. |
Trustee |
Prospects of an average crop. |
Trustful | Prospects above an average crop. |
Ugly | Prospects below an average crop. |
Ugliness | Little of the new crop arriving. |
Ultimate | The proportion of the new crop in arrivals is ____ |
Ultra | The new crop now arriving freely. |
Umbrage | First samples of the new crop exhibited here to-day. |
Umbrella | Condition of the new crop arriving is excellent. |
Umpire | Weather is fine. |
Unaware | Weather is hot and forcing. |
Unbelief | Weather is unsettled. |
Unbend | Weather showery. |
Unbended | Weather is stormy. |
Unbending | Weather wet and cold. |
Unbolt | Weather is cold for this time of the year. |
Unbolted | Weather is warm for this time of the year. |
Unbolting | Severe thunder storms prevailing. |
Unborn | Weather more settled. |
Unbosom | Weather is spring-like. |
Unbridle | Weather is brilliant. |
Unbuckle | Frost seems breaking up. |
Unbutton | Incessant rains still prevail. |
Unchain | Hard frost last night. |
Unclasp | Light frost last night. |
Uncle | Weather is warm and pleasant. |
Unclean | Heavy rains in this section of the country. |
Uncover | . . . . . . |
Undaunted | . . . . . . |
Undergo | . . . . . . |
Undone | . . . . . . |
Undress | . . . . . . |
Uneasy | The Hogs arriving are very heavy in weight. |
Unequal | The Hogs arriving are heavier than usual. |
Unrobe | The Hogs arriving are mostly light in weight. |
Unroll | Very few of the Hogs now arriving are heavy enough for Mess Pork. |
Unruly | The Hogs now arriving will average about ____ lbs. net. |
Unsaddle | Dressed Hogs arriving are too soft to ship. |
Unseen | Dressed Hogs arriving are in good condition. |
Unsettle | Dressed Hogs arriving are in fair shipping condition. |
Unsightly | The Hogs now arriving are heavier than those received earlier in the season. |
Unstable | The Hogs now arriving are not as heavy as those received earlier in the season. |
Unspotted | The weather is cold and favorable for packing operations. |
Untimely | The weather is unfavorable for packing operations. |
Untold | The Hogs thus far received will average about ____ lbs. net. |
Untrue | The cutting is principally into ____ |
Untruth | The packing to the present time is about ____ |
Untwist | The packing season is expected to be short. |
Unwell | The packers expect to stop cutting for the season ____ |
Unwind | The packing season may now be considered closed. |
Unwise | The number of Hogs packed amount to ____ |
Unworthy | Packers will not guarantee any foreign inspection. |
Upbraid | . . . . . . |
Upcast | . . . . . . |
Upheave |
. . . . . . |
Uphill | . . . . . . |
Uphold | . . . . . . |
Upholding | . . . . . . |
Upland | 6:00 A. M. |
Uplift | 7:00 A. M. |
Upright | 7:30 A. M. |
Upset | 8:00 A. M. |
Upsetting | 8:15 A. M. |
Upshot | 8:30 A. M. |
Upside | 8:45 A. M. |
Upstart | 9:00 A. M. |
Urbane | 9:15 A. M. |
Urgent | 9:30 A. M. |
Usage | 9:45 A. M. |
Useful | 10:00 A. M. |
Useless | 10:15 A. M. |
Usher | 10:30 A. M. |
Usurp | 10:45 A. M. |
Utensil | 11:00 A. M. |
Utility | 11:15 A. M. |
Utmost | 11:30 A. M. |
Utter | 11:45 A. M. |
Utterly | 12:00 M. A. |
Vacant | 12:15 P. M. |
Vacantly | 12:30 P. M. |
Vacate | 12:45 P. M. |
Vacating | 1:00 P. M. |
Vacation | 1:15 P. M. |
Vagabond | 1:30 P. M. |
Vagrant | 1:45 P. M. |
Valentine | 2:00 P. M. |
Valet | 2:15 P. M. |
Valiant | 2:30 P. M. |
Validity | 2:45 P. M. |
Valuable | 3:00 P. M. |
Value | 3:15 P. M. |
Vampire | 3:30 P. M. |
Vandyke | 3:45 P. M. |
Vanguard | 4:00 P. M. |
Vanilla | 4:15 P. M. |
Vanish | 4:30 P. M. |
Vanished | 4:45 P. M. |
Vanity | 5:00 P. M. |
Vanquish | 5:15 P. M. |
Vapor | 5:30 P. M. |
Vastly | 6:00 P. M. |
Vegetate | 6:30 P. M. |
Vegetation | 7:00 P. M. |
Vehement | 7:30 P. M. |
Velvet | 8:00 P. M. |
Vengeful | 8:30 P. M. |
Vengeance | 9:00 P. M. |
Venom | 9:30 P. M. |
Ventilate | 10:00 P. M. |
Verdant | 10:30 P. M. |
Vesper | . . . . . . |
Vestment | . . . . . . |
Vestry | . . . . . . |
Veto | . . . . . . |
Vexed | . . . . . . |
Vexation | . . . . . . |
Viaduct | . . . . . . |
Vial | . . . . . . |
Vibrate | . . . . . . |
Vibration | . . . . . . |
Vibrating | . . . . . . |
Victim | . . . . . . |
Victuals | . . . . . . |
Vigilant | . . . . . . |
Vignette | . . . . . . |
Village | . . . . . . |
Villa | . . . . . . |
Villain |
. . . . . . |
Virtue | . . . . . . |
Virtuous | . . . . . . |
Visage | . . . . . . |
Visably | . . . . . . |
Visit | . . . . . . |
Vital | . . . . . . |
Vitally | . . . . . . |
Vixen | . . . . . . |
Vocal | . . . . . . |
Vocalist | . . . . . . |
Volcano | . . . . . . |
Volume | . . . . . . |
Vomit | . . . . . . |
Vomited | . . . . . . |
Vomiting | . . . . . . |
Vortex | . . . . . . |
Vulcanize | . . . . . . |
Vulgar | . . . . . . |
Vulgarly | . . . . . . |
Vulture |
. . . . . . |
Waddle | . . . . . . |
Waddling | . . . . . . |
Wafer | . . . . . . |
Waffle | . . . . . . |
Wager | . . . . . . |
Wagon | . . . . . . |
Waist | . . . . . . |
Waiter | . . . . . . |
Wakeful | . . . . . . |
Walrus | . . . . . . |
Wampum | . . . . . . |
Wanton | . . . . . . |
Wardrobe | . . . . . . |
Warfare | . . . . . . |
Warlike | . . . . . . |
Warped | . . . . . . |
Warping | . . . . . . |
Warrant | . . . . . . |
Warranty | . . . . . . |
Wabbly |
. . . . . . |
Wafted | . . . . . . |
Wagging | . . . . . . |
Waggish | . . . . . . |
Waggishly | . . . . . . |
Wagonette | . . . . . . |
Wagtail | . . . . . . |
Wainscot | . . . . . . |
Waistband | . . . . . . |
Waitress | . . . . . . |
Waken | . . . . . . |
Wakened | . . . . . . |
Wakening | . . . . . . |
Waldgrave | . . . . . . |
Walk | . . . . . . |
Walked | . . . . . . |
Walking | . . . . . . |
Wallop | . . . . . . |
Walloped | . . . . . . |
Walloping | . . . . . . |
In adding a Supplement to The Robinson Telegraphic Cipher, no other change whatever has been made.
All but the supplement being printed from the same plates as the former Revised Edition.
The supplement will supply to a great extent phrases, etc., that changes in business methods and new Grades, Railroads, etc., have been called into use since the last revision.
The additions by themselves, rather than scattered through the code, will avoid danger of using a code word for the additions, with one who has not as yet received a copy with the supplement.
With the present arrangement it will at times be necessary to look in two places, for a phrase or code word, the extra turn of a leaf.
Many users of the code having written their own phrases on the blank lines, or pasted phrases over the printed ones they do not care for, but using the "Code" word for the phrase covered up. Any change in the original book would cause confusion, loss and lack of confidence.
You have probably found phrases not needed by you, and failed to find some you do want; to supply this need, write them in the blank lines. A few minutes time will do it.
To attempt to put in one Code the matter to meet all wants, the size would kill its usefulness.
Time is too valuable these days of rush, to use a dollar's worth hunting through a big code to save a few cents in Telegraph Tolls.
Better use two code words, combining the phrases of each, for even then you will seldom fail to get your Telegram inside ten words.
The All Important Thing is Safety.
Very few realize the liability of error by the receiving operator in receiving cipher or code words by sound, where the connecting words are no help.
The missing or adding of a single dot or dash, the misjudgment of a "space", may change the entire meaning.
It is therefore vital that the code words should be selected with the utmost care, and by one fully competent to judge of their fitness.
I studied nearly a year selecting a list of words I considered safe to use, analyzing every one from a telegraphic standpoint, as well as from their liability of being misread from manuscript. In many cases several words equally safe, if but one used. Cutting out the words from Webster's Unabridged Dictionary till I had between five and six thousand I considered safe to use as "code words."
Every word added, the danger of error increases, and the more words added the ratio of danger increasing in proportion.
In this selection I gave the benefit of fifteen years' personal experience as an operator and manager, over three years as operator and cipher clerk for the United States Government, and ten of the fifteen as telegraph manager on the Chicago Board of Trade.
In the majority of codes the cipher words are virtually copied as they come out of a dictionary. Many words so little in use that the sending operator for fear of sending one wrong asks to have the words rewritten, thus causing delay that may cost as much as if sent wrong.
During the past thirty-five years The Robinson Telegraphic Cipher has been, and is still in use in nearly every city and town in the United States and Canada having a telegraph office. Thousands using it, yet the errors in transmitting its code words are less even than in messages in plain English. In fact virtually nil.
Its record speaks for itself.
See Index on Page 4 of Additional Supplement.
Babbler | Ann Arbor. |
Babbling | Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic. |
Babyish | Atlantic Coast Line. |
Baccarat | Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic. |
Baccate | Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg. |
Bacillus | Canadian Northern. |
Bacteria | Central of Georgia. |
Backbone | Central R. R. of New Jersey. |
Badly | Central Vermont. |
Badness | Chesapeake and Ohio. |
Bagatelle | Chicago and Alton. |
Bagpipe | Chicago and Illinois Western. |
Bailiwick | Chicago Great Western. |
Bailment | Chicago, Indiana and Southern. |
Bakery | Chicago Junction. |
Baking | Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound. |
Balconet | Chicago Union Transfer. |
Balefully | Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton. |
Ballastic | Colorado and Southern. |
Balloonist | Colorado Midland. |
Balmy | Erie. |
Balustrade | Florida East Coast. |
Bandana | Frisco Lines. |
Bandbox | Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio. |
Banded | Gulf Air Line. |
Bandelet | Hocking Valley. |
Bandoleer | Houston and Texas Central. |
Bandoline | Houston, East and West Texas. |
Bandsaw | Illinois Terminal. |
Baneful | Indiana Harbor Belt. |
Banefully | International and Great Northern. |
Banished | Kansas City Southern. |
Banishing | Missouri, Oklahoma and Gulf. |
Banjo | National Railway of Mexico. |
Banking | Norfolk and Western. |
Banter | New Orleans Great Northern. |
Bantering | New Orleans, Mobile and Chicago. |
Baptistry |
Northwestern Pacific. |
Baptized | Oregon Short Line. |
Barbarian | Oregon-Washington R. R. and Navigat'n Co. |
Barbaric | Pennsylvania. |
Barbarism | Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. |
Barbecue | Pere Marquette. |
Barbette | Pittsburg and Lake Erie. |
Barbican | Quebec Central. |
Bardism | Queen and Crescent Route. |
Barbatine | Rio Grande and Western. |
Barnacle | Rutland. |
Barology | Star and Crescent Route. |
Baronage | Sunset Route. |
Baronial | Seaboard Air Line. |
Baroscope | St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern. |
Barque | Texas Midland. |
Barracan | Toledo, St. Louis and Western. |
Barricade | Western Maryland. |
Barrister | Western Virginia. |
Basaltic | West New Jersey and Sea Shore. |
Bascule | Wheeling and Lake Erie. |
Basket | Yazoo and Mississippi Valley. |
Bassinet | Western Pacific. |
Beatify | . . . . . . |
Beatitude | . . . . . . |
Beckon | . . . . . . |
Becloud | . . . . . . |
Becoming | . . . . . . |
Bedraggle | . . . . . . |
Bedrench | . . . . . . |
Beehive | . . . . . . |
Beetle | . . . . . . |
Beginning | . . . . . . |
Behavior | Ashville Line. |
Belch | Blue Ridge Despatch. |
Belittle | Cumberland Gap Despatch. |
Belladonna | Grand Trunk Despatch. |
Bellows | Jersey Central, Lake Shore Despatch. |
Belvedere | Jersey Central Mich. Central Despatch. |
Benefactor | Lake Shore, Lackawanna Line. |
Benefice | Lake Shore, Lehigh Valley Route. |
Benighted | Lackawanna Grand Trunk Line. |
Benzine | Michigan Central Lackawanna Line. |
Bereave | Michigan Central Lehigh Valley Route. |
Bergamot | Norfolk and Western Despatch. |
Bermuda | Wabash Erie Despatch. |
Bertha | Wabash O. and W. Route. |
Beseech | . . . . . . |
Beset | . . . . . . |
Bespeak | . . . . . . |
Bestial | . . . . . . |
Billows | Ann Arbor Line. |
Binding | Algoma Central Steamship Line. |
Binocular | Canadian Atlantic Transit Co. |
Biologist | Canadian Lake Line. |
Biology | Canadian Pacific S. S. Lines. |
Bishopric | Chicago and Duluth Transportation Co. |
Bisque | Erie and Western Transportation Co. |
Bittern | Merchants Montreal Line. |
Bivalve | Mutual Transit Co. |
Blacken | Merchants Union Line. |
Blackish | Northern Michigan Transportation Co. |
Blameful | Northern Transportation Co. |
Blazon | Pere Marquette Line. |
Blinker | Rutland Transit Co. |
Bloater | U. S. and Dominion Transportation Co. |
Blooded | . . . . . . |
Blossom | Atlantic Transport Line. |
Blundered | Canadian Pacific S. S. Line. |
Blustered | Cosmopolitan Line. |
Boarding | Dominion Line. |
Bobolink | Great Northern S. S. Line. |
Bobtail | Head Line. |
Bodice | Neptune Line. |
Bogus | Pacific Mail S. S. Co. |
Boldly | Philadelphia Trans-Atlantic Line. |
Bombast | Scandinavian American Line. |
Bonanza | United States Shipping Co. |
Bonifice | Virginia Line. |
Bonnet | Clyde Line. |
Boodle | Mallory Steamship Co. |
Booklet | Metropolitan S. S. Co. |
Boomer | Morgan Line. |
Bootless | Munson S. S. Line. |
Booty | Old Dominion Line. |
Borough | Southern Pacific S. S. Line. |
Botanic | Ward Line Route. |
Bouquet | United Steamship Co. |
Bovine | . . . . . . |
Bowery | . . . . . . |
Bowline | . . . . . . |
Boyhood | . . . . . . |
Brag | . . . . . . |
Bragged | . . . . . . |
Bragging | . . . . . . |
Branchlet | . . . . . . |
Brashly | . . . . . . |
Bravely | Chicago Contract Wheat. |
Brazen | No. 3 Chicago Spring Wheat. |
Brevity | No. 4 Chicago Spring Wheat. |
Bridegroom | Rejected Chicago Spring Wheat. |
Brigand | Sample Grade Chicago Spring Wheat. |
Brighten | No. 3 Milwaukee Spring Wheat. |
Broaden | No. 4 Milwaukee Spring Wheat. |
Brogue | Rejected Milwaukee Spring Wheat. |
Bromide | Sample Grade Milwaukee Spring Wheat. |
Bronco | No. 1 Duluth Spring Wheat. |
Brooklet | No. 2 Duluth Spring Wheat. |
Brougham | No. 3 Duluth Spring Wheat. |
Buddhist | No. 4 Duluth Spring Wheat. |
Budget | Rejected Duluth Spring Wheat. |
Building | Sample Grade Duluth Spring Wheat. |
Bulkhead | No. 3 Northwestern Spring Wheat. |
Bulrush | No. 4 Northwestern Spring Wheat. |
Bulwark | Rejected Northwestern Spring Wheat. |
Bungalow | Sample Grade Northwestern Spring Wheat. |
Burgess | No. 3 Minnesota Spring Wheat. |
Burgundy | No. 4 Minnesota Spring Wheat. |
Burmese | Rejected Minnesota Spring Wheat. |
Bushman | Sample Grade Minnesota Spring Wheat. |
Buttercup | No. 3 Northern Spring Wheat. |
Cabalism | No. 4 Northern Spring Wheat. |
Cabaret | Rejected Northern Spring Wheat. |
Cackle | Sample Grade Northern Spring Wheat. |
Caddy | No. 4 White Spring Wheat. |
Cadenza | Rejected White Spring Wheat. |
Calamus | Sample Grade White Spring Wheat. |
Calcine | Sample Grade Spring Wheat. |
Calliope | No. 1 Hard Spring Wheat. |
Calvanist |
No. 1 Durum Wheat. |
Candle | No. 2 Durum Wheat. |
Candy | No. 3 Durum Wheat. |
Canister | No. 4 Durum Wheat. |
Cankerous | Rejected Durum Wheat. |
Cantata | Sample Grade Durum Wheat. |
Canteen | No. 1 Velvet Chaff Wheat. |
Canticle | No. 2 Velvet Chaff Wheat. |
Capias | No. 3 Velvet Chaff Wheat. |
Capillary | No. 4 Velvet Chaff Wheat. |
Carburet | Rejected Velvet Chaff Wheat. |
Careen | Sample Grade Velvet Chaff Wheat. |
Caressed | Mixed Velvet Chaff Wheat. |
Caressing | No. 4 Hard Winter Wheat. |
Carnation | Rejected Hard Winter Wheat. |
Caroline | Sample Grade Hard Winter Wheat. |
Cartilage | Rejected White Winter Wheat. |
Casino | Sample Grade White Winter Wheat. |
Cassock | Rejected Red Winter Wheat. |
Castanet | Sample Grade Red Winter Wheat. |
Catalpa | No. 1 Pacific Coast Red Wheat. |
Cataract | No. 2 Pacific Coast Red Wheat. |
Cavalcade | No. 3 Pacific Coast Red Wheat. |
Cayman | No. 4 Pacific Coast Red Wheat. |
Celibacy | Rejected Pacific Coast Red Wheat. |
Centaur | Sample Grade Pacific Coast Red Wheat. |
Cephus | No. 1 Pacific Coast White Wheat. |
Chainless | No. 2 Pacific Coast White Wheat. |
Chaldean | No. 3 Pacific Coast White Wheat. |
Chalice | No. 4 Pacific Coast White Wheat. |
Chalk | Rejected Pacific Coast White Wheat. |
Chamois | Sample Grade Pacific Coast White Wheat. |
Chancery | Pacific Coast Mixed Wheat. |
Changeless | No. 1 Mixed Wheat. |
Chaotic | No. 2 Mixed Wheat. |
Chariot | No. 3 Mixed Wheat. |
Charmful |
No. 4 Mixed Wheat. |
Charmless | Rejected Mixed Wheat. |
Cheerless | Sample Grade Mixed Wheat. |
Chemise | Straight Country Run Wheat. |
Chicane | No. 1 Alberta Red Winter Wheat. |
Chicanery | No. 2 Alberta Red Winter Wheat. |
Chiefdom | No. 3 Alberta Red Winter Wheat. |
Chiefless | Sample Grade Alberta Red Winter Wheat. |
Chigger | No. 1 Manitoba Hard Wheat. |
Chillness | No. 1 Manitoba Northern Wheat. |
Choral | No. 2 Manitoba Northern Wheat. |
Chlorine | No. 3 Manitoba Northern Wheat. |
Choppy | Sample Grade Manitoba Northern Wheat. |
Chromo | No. 4 Extra Wheat. |
Churchly | No. 5 Extra Wheat. |
Circus | No. 6 Extra Wheat. |
Civility | Feed Wheat. |
Clamped | No. 2 Feed Wheat. |
Clannish | No. 4 Winter Wheat. |
Clasp | Scoured Manitoba Wheat. |
Clasped | Sample Manitoba Wheat. |
Clasping | . . . . . . |
Claymore | . . . . . . |
Clematis | . . . . . . |
Clemency | . . . . . . |
Climatic | . . . . . . |
Cloven | . . . . . . |
Cobalt | . . . . . . |
Collodion | . . . . . . |
Colonel | . . . . . . |
Coloring | . . . . . . |
Colossus | No. 4 White Corn. |
Columbine | Rejected White Corn. |
Compiling | Sample Grade White Corn. |
Composite | No. 4 Yellow Corn. |
Conception | Rejected Yellow Corn. |
Concrete | Sample Grade Yellow Corn. |
Condor | No. 1 Mixed Corn. |
Condusive | No. 2 Mixed Corn. |
Confab | No. 3 Mixed Corn. |
Confusing | No. 4 Mixed Corn. |
Conquer | Rejected Mixed Corn. |
Consort | Sample Grade Mixed Corn. |
Contralto | Mixed Corn. |
Contrary | Old Corn. |
Cordage | Old Ear Corn. |
Cordial | New Ear Corn. |
Corduroy | Good Feeder Corn. |
Corona | Common Feeder Corn. |
Corrugate | St. Charles Red Top Corn. |
Cough | Kiln Dried Corn. |
Coughing | Kiln Dried Corn, testing ____ per cent. moisture or less. |
Coverlet | Testing ____ per cent. moisture or less. |
Creation | White Kaffir Corn. |
Cremated | Red Caffir Corn. |
Cremating | Milo-Maize. |
Cremation | . . . . . . |
Cribbage | . . . . . . |
Croak | . . . . . . |
Croaked | . . . . . . |
Croaking | . . . . . . |
Crowded | . . . . . . |
Crucible | . . . . . . |
Crucifix | Standard White Oats. |
Culvert | No. 4 White Oats. |
Cumulate | Rejected White Oats. |
Cupidity | Sample Grade White Oats. |
Cuspidor | No. 1 Yellow Oats. |
Dado | No. 2 Yellow Oats. |
Dagger | No. 3 Yellow Oats. |
Dahlia | No. 4 Yellow Oats. |
Damson | Rejected Yellow Oats. |
Dandy | Sample Grade Yellow Oats. |
Datum | No. 1 Mixed Oats. |
Daybreak | No. 2 Mixed Oats. |
Deadened | No. 3 Mixed Oats. |
Debutant | No. 4 Mixed Oats. |
Decalogue | Rejected Mixed Oats. |
Decorate | Sample Grade Mixed Oats. |
Decorum | No. 1 Red or Rust Proof Oats. |
Decoy | No. 2 Red or Rust Proof Oats. |
Deepen | No. 3 Red or Rust Proof Oats. |
Deepened | No. 4 Red or Rust Proof Oats. |
Deface | Rejected Red or Rust Proof Oats. |
Defeated | Sample Grade Red or Rust Proof Oats. |
Demerit | No. 3 White Clipped Oats. |
Denude | No. 4 White Clipped Oats. |
Dependent | Rejected White Clipped Oats. |
Deployed | Sample Grade White Clipped Oats. |
Desecrate | No. 1 Red Clipped Oats. |
Desperado | No. 2 Red Clipped Oats. |
Despise | No. 3 Red Clipped Oats. |
Despoil | No. 4 Red Clipped Oats. |
Despond | Rejected Red Clipped Oats. |
Devoted | Sample Grade Red Clipped Oats. |
Devoutly | Red Clipped Oats ____ lbs. |
Diabolic | Testing ____ lbs. or over. |
Diagnosis | . . . . . . |
Diaper |
Extra 1 Canadian Western Oats. |
Dicker | No. 1 Canadian Western Oats. |
Dickering | No. 2 Canadian Western Oats. |
Dictation | No. 3 Canadian Western Oats. |
Dictum | Sample Grade Canadian Western Oats. |
Diffuse | No. 1 Canadian Mixed Oats. |
Diffusely | No. 2 Canadian Mixed Oats. |
Digress | No. 3 Canadian Mixed Oats. |
Dilation | No. 1 Canadian Black Oats. |
Dilatory | No. 2 Canadian Black Oats. |
Dilemna | Rejected Canadian Black Oats. |
Dinghy | Sample Grade Canadian Black Oats. |
Diplomacy | . . . . . . |
Dipper | . . . . . . |
Director | . . . . . . |
Disable | . . . . . . |
Disabuse | . . . . . . |
Disciple | No. 4 Rye. |
Disclaim | Sample Grade Rye. |
Discourse | Choice Rye by Sample. |
Disdain | Eastern Canadian Rye. |
Disdained | Western Canadian Rye. |
Disfavor | Manitoba Rye. |
Disfigure | . . . . . . |
Disinfect | . . . . . . |
Disown | . . . . . . |
Disowned | . . . . . . |
Displace | . . . . . . |
Disrupt | Extra No. 3 Barley. |
Dissolute | No. 1 Winter Barley. |
Dissonant | No. 2 Winter Barley. |
Distantly | No. 3 Winter Barley. |
Distracted | No. 4 Winter Barley. |
Disturbed | Rejected Winter Barley. |
Divulging | Sample Grade Winter Barley. |
Dogstar | No. 4 Scotch Barley. |
Dolefully | Rejected Scotch Barley. |
Domicile | Sample Grade Scotch Barley. |
Domino | Purified Barley. |
Doom | No. 1 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley. |
Doomed | No. 2 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley. |
Dormitory | No. 3 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley. |
Dormouse | No. 4 Bay Brewing Mixed Barley. |
Dorsal | Rejected Bay Brewing Mixed Barley. |
Dowager | Sample Grade Bay Brewing Mixed Barley. |
Drudgey | No. 1 Chevalier Mixed Barley. |
Drugged | No. 2 Chevalier Mixed Barley. |
Dugout | No. 3 Chevalier Mixed Barley. |
Dulcimer | No. 4 Chevalier Mixed Barley. |
Dummy | Rejected Chevalier Mixed Barley. |
Dynamo | Sample Grade Chevalier Mixed Barley. |
Easterly | No. 4 Bay Brewing Barley. |
Eastward | Rejected Bay Brewing Barley. |
Educator | Sample Grade Bay Brewing Barley. |
Elocution | No. 4 Chevalier Barley. |
Emersion | Rejected Chevalier Barley. |
Emigrant | Sample Grade Chevalier Barley. |
Emotion | No. 1 Feed Barley. |
Emperor | Choice Malting Barley. |
Emphasis | Fair Malting Barley. |
Emulsion | Common Malting Barley. |
Enduring | . . . . . . |
Endwise | . . . . . . |
Enthuse | . . . . . . |
Eventful | Mill run Winter Wheat Bran in Bulk. |
Evergreen | Mill run Winter Wheat Bran in Sacks. |
Executor | Mill run Spring Wheat Bran in Bulk. |
Executrix | Mill run Spring Wheat Bran in Sacks. |
Exemplar | Mixed Bran in Bulk. |
Expansive | Mixed Bran in Sacks. |
Expressly | Utah Bran in 80 lb. Bags. |
Exquisite | Utah Bran in 90 lb. Bags. |
Fabric | Utah Bran in 100 lb. Bags. |
Fabricate | Utah Bran in irregular sized Bags. |
Fallacy | Choice Yellow Corn Meal in Bulk. |
Fantastic | Choice Yellow Corn Meal in Sacks. |
Fatalism | Fair Yellow Corn Meal in Bulk. |
Femanine | Fair Yellow Corn Meal in Sacks. |
Femoral | Choice White Corn Meal in Bulk. |
Festivity | Choice White Corn Meal in Sacks. |
Fibrous | Fair White Corn Meal in Bulk. |
Fiction | Fair White Corn Meal in Sacks. |
Flamingo | Mixed Corn Meal in Bulk. |
Flatten | Mixed Corn Meal in Sacks. |
Flippant | Buckwheat Midlings in Bulk. |
Florest | Buckwheat Midlings in 100 lb. Sacks. |
Flowers | Gluten Feed in Bulk. |
Flunkey | Gluten Feed in Sacks. |
Forbear | Cotton Seed Oil Cake in Bulk. |
Forbidden | Cotton Seed Oil Cake in Sacks. |
Forcible | Choice Mixed Screenings. |
Forecast | Fair Mixed Screenings. |
Forego | Car Sweepings. |
Foremost | Mill Sweepings. |
Forestry | Flax Screenings. |
Forgiving | In 80 lb. Sacks. |
Forsooth | In 90 lb. Sacks. |
Foulness | In 100 lb. Sacks. |
Fragile | In 140 lb. Sacks. |
Fragment | In ____ lb. Sacks. |
Frantic | . . . . . . |
Fraternal | . . . . . . |
Frontlet | Special Patent Flour. |
Fulcrum | Patent Flour. |
Furniture | Straight ____ Flour. |
Fusible | Clear ____ Flour. |
Gadfly | Second Clear ____ Flour. |
Gallant | Low Grade ____ Flour. |
Gallipot | Equal to ____ Flour. |
Gallivant | Minnesota Spring Wheat Flour. |
Gangway | Northwestern Spring Wheat Flour. |
Garbage | Manitoba Spring Wheat Flour. |
Gardiner | Hard Spring Wheat Flour. |
Garnish | White Winter Wheat Flour. |
Garrison | Hard Winter Wheat Flour. |
Gastric | Pacific Coast White Wheat Flour. |
Gelatine | Pacific Coast Red Wheat Flour. |
Gentility | Winter Wheat Flour. |
Geodesy | Spring Wheat Flour. |
Geometry | Southwestern Flour. |
Ghetto | Export Flour. |
Ghost | City Mills Flour. |
Gibbet | Country Mills Flour. |
Gladsome | Fancy White Rye Flour. |
Glanders | Standard Rye Flour. |
Glimmer | City Mills Rye Flour. |
Glorify | Country Mills Rye Flour. |
Glorious | Dark Rye Flour. |
Glossary | X X Rye Flour. |
Goggles | X X X Rye Flour. |
Gondola | Fancy Buckwheat Flour. |
Gossamer | White Corn Flour. |
Gourd | Red Dog Flour. |
Graft | Wheat Graham Flour. |
Grafted | Rye Graham Flour. |
Grafting | . . . . . . |
Grammer | . . . . . . |
Granule | . . . . . . |
Grapnel | . . . . . . |
Gravel | No. 2 Flax Seed. |
Griffin | No 2 Northwestern Flax Seed. |
Gullible | Rejected Northwestern Flax Seed. |
Gunnery | No. 1 Manitoba Flax Seed. |
Gunshot | No. 2 Manitoba Flax Seed. |
Gunwale | Rejected Manitoba Flax Seed. |
Gusset | Choice Flax Seed by Sample. |
Gutteral | Fair Flax Seed by Sample. |
Hagler | Brome Grass Seed. |
Hailstone | Orchard Grass Seed. |
Halberd | Blue Grass Seed. |
Hammer | Red Top Grass Seed. |
Hammock | Lawn Grass Seed. |
Hamper | Alsyke Seed. |
Handful | Alfalfa Seed. |
Harem | Cane Seed. |
Harken | Rape Seed. |
Harlequin | Choice Buckwheat. |
Hartshorn | Sound Milling Japanese Buckwheat. |
Hawser | Sound Milling Silver Hull Buckwheat. |
Headsman | Sound Milling Mixed Buckwheat. |
Heartless | . . . . . . |
Hectic | Rejected Timothy Hay. |
Heirloom | Sample Grade Timothy Hay. |
Hellebore | Choice Clover Hay. |
Helpmate | No. 3 Clover Hay. |
Hemlock | Rejected Clover Hay. |
Henchman | Sample Grade Clover Hay. |
Heptagon | Choice Clover Mixed Hay. |
Heraldry | No. 3 Clover Mixed Hay. |
Hermit | Rejected Clover Mixed Hay. |
Hibernal | Sample Grade Clover Mixed Hay |
Hickory | Rejected Prairie Hay. |
Hireling |
Choice Upland Hay. |
Hobble | No. 1 Upland Hay. |
Hockey | No. 2 Upland Hay. |
Homicide | No. 3 Upland Hay. |
Hoodlum | Rejected Upland Hay. |
Hoodwink | Sample Grade Upland Hay. |
Hosanna | Choice Marsh Hay. |
Hostage | No. 1 Marsh Hay. |
Hotbed | No. 2 Marsh Hay. |
Hothouse | No. 3 Marsh Hay. |
Household | Rejected Marsh Hay. |
Hubbub | Sample Grade Marsh Hay. |
Hurtful | Threshed Timothy Hay. |
Hyphen | Packing Hay. |
Imbecile | Cattle Hay. |
Immune | Choice Alfalfa Hay. |
Importune | Fair Alfalfa Hay. |
Impunity | Common Alfalfa Hay. |
Indicator | Sample Grade Alfalfa Hay. |
Indispose | Choice Johnson Grass. |
Inflation | Good Johnson Grass. |
Insoluble | Common Johnson Grass. |
Institute | Choice Oat Straw. |
Insular | Fair Oat Straw. |
Integral | Sample Grade Oat Straw. |
Intensely | Choice Rye Straw. |
Interline | Fair Rye Straw. |
Interlope | Sample Grade Rye Straw. |
Intermix | Choice Barley Straw. |
Intervene | Fair Barley Straw. |
Intestine | Sample Grade Barley Straw. |
Intonate | . . . . . . |
Jasmine | . . . . . . |
Jeweler | . . . . . . |
Jimmy | . . . . . . |
Jingling | . . . . . . |
Kennel | What is the condition? |
Kerchief | What is the condition of grain in store? |
Kledive | Is there danger of grain in store going out of condition? |
Kidnap | Is there danger of heating? |
Kindness | Is ____ suitable for seed? |
Kindly | Has ____ been treated? |
Kindred | Will you guarantee? |
Kingdom | Condition on arrival. |
Kinsman | Condition in store. |
Kitchen | Condition when loaded. |
Kitten | Condition in transit. |
Kittenish | Condition when shipped. |
Knapsack | Grain in store. |
Knead | Grain in transit. |
Kneaded | In good condition. |
Kneading | In fair condition. |
Knife | In poor condition. |
Knight | Liable to get out of condition. |
Knightly | Has been turned and improving. |
Knitting | Has been treated. |
Knot | Slightly mixed with ____ |
Knout | Badly mixed with ____ |
Knuckle | Think no danger of heating. |
Knuckling | Think no danger grain in store. |
Kodak | Free from willful mixture. |
Labeling | Better than sample. |
Labored | Fully equal to sample. |
Laboring | Not equal to sample. |
Laborious | Better than last. |
Laconic | As good as last. |
Ladrone | Poorer than last. |
Lagoon | Has not been treated. |
Lambkin | Not properly loaded. |
Lampoon | Unfit for Export. |
Lamprey | Unfit for shipping. |
Lancelot | Unfit for milling. |
Landlady | Not as represented. |
Languidly |
Not suitable for our purpose. |
Landsman | Not suitable for your purpose. |
Lapel | Not suitable for seed. |
Lapidary | Not according to contract. |
Lapsable | If cleaned might grade. |
Larceny | Is suitable for seed. |
Largely | If quality is. |
Largeness | Quality is to be. |
Larkspur | Quality is not. |
Larrup | Satisfaction in every way. |
Lassitude | According to contract. |
Lavatory | Suitable for our purpose. |
Lavishly | Suitable for your purpose. |
Lawlessly | We will guarantee. |
Laxity | To arrive in good condition. |
Laziness | To arrive cool and sweet. |
Leaflet | We cannot guarantee. |
Learn | Official weights. |
Learned | Official grades. |
Learning | Official weights and grades. |
Leaseholds | Weights at this end. |
Leathern | Weights at that end. |
Leavened | . . . . . . |
Lecturing | . . . . . . |
Leeward | . . . . . . |
Legalism | . . . . . . |
Legality | . . . . . . |
Legendary | . . . . . . |
Legislator | . . . . . . |
Leisurely | . . . . . . |
Lemonade | . . . . . . |
Lenient | . . . . . . |
Leniently | . . . . . . |
Lenten | . . . . . . |
Lentils | . . . . . . |
Levant | Give us refusal. |
Leverage | We give you refusal. |
Lewdly | Including all charges. |
Lewdness | Cannot give refusal. |
Libation | If foreign advices steady. |
Libelous | If foreign advices higher. |
Liberator | If foreign advices lower. |
Libretto | If you think best. |
Lifeboat | At ____ above your limit. |
Limpidly | At ____ under your limit. |
Lingo | At no premium or discount on. |
Linguist | At no premium or discount over. |
Liquefy | At no premium or discount under. |
Listening | Advance price all grades Wheat. |
Literary | Advance price on all grades Corn. |
Lithium | Advance price on all grades Oats. |
Liturgy | Advance price on ____ |
Loathful | Reduce price on all grades Wheat. |
Lobbyist | Reduce price on all grades Corn. |
Lobelia | Reduce price on all grades Oats. |
Localism | Reduce price on ____ |
Lodgment | Think now good time to buy. |
Loftiness | Impossible to buy any cheaper. |
Logwood | Expect to be able fill your offers. |
Longing | Have refusal for to-day. |
Lookout | Have refusal until ____ |
Loophole | Have given close figures. |
Loosen | Too scarce to offer. |
Loosened | We are working on your offer. |
Lovable | Samples mailed you are still unsold. |
Lukewarm | Work on balance samples. |
Lunacy | Sell subject to being unsold on receipt your telegram. |
Lurch | Sell only to parties who will pay Drafts promptly. |
Lurched | Sell if necessary to compete. |
Lurching | You ought to be able to sell. |
Lustfully |
This is a close price. |
Lynch | Can sell elsewhere to better advantage. |
Macaroni | Sell any of the samples. |
Madcap | Prices named good till tomorrow. |
Madrigal | Think can sell more at same price. |
Magdalen | Sell more at same price. |
Magenta | Sell at best advantage. |
Magic | Quote everything as last quoted. |
Magical | The lowest we can quote is ____ |
Magically | Cannot offer at same price. |
Magnesia | Cannot replace at prices offered. |
Magneto | Continue working on samples at last prices given. |
Magnitude | Offer at prices named in letter. |
Mainmast | Withdraw all quotations. |
Malapert | Market too excited to make sales. |
Malaria | Have no Wheat to offer. |
Malay | Have no Corn to offer. |
Malefactor | Have no Oats to offer. |
Malice | Have no ____ to offer. |
Malicious | Samples all sold. |
Malign | Samples all sold except ____ |
Maltese | Have sold following samples. |
Maltreat | Have on hand unsold ____ |
Mamaluke | Your order by wire is filled. |
Mammal | Your order by mail is filled. |
Mammoth | All sales subject to delay in transfer. |
Manakin | Subject to our confirmation by wire. |
Mandamus | Subject to reply by wire. |
Mandarin | Subject to reply by cable. |
Mandatory | . . . . . . |
Mandolin | . . . . . . |
Mandrake | . . . . . . |
Mandrel | . . . . . . |
Mangle | . . . . . . |
Mangrove | . . . . . . |
Manicure | . . . . . . |
Marriage | To be shipped to ____ |
Marvel | To be shipped from ____ |
Marvelous | By water in bulk. |
Mascot | In even weight packages. |
Matinee | If can get cars. |
Matrix | Vessel to load ____ |
Mature | Shipment within ____ days. |
Maturely | Shipment within ____ weeks. |
Mayor | Shipment first ____ days in. |
Mayoralty | Shipment last ____ days in. |
Meander | Roads crowded cannot ship promptly. |
Medulla | Property shipped some days ago. |
Medusa | Getting very prompt shipments now. |
Melodeon | Cannot ship large or small cars, must take cars as they run. |
Melodist | We are tracing all shipments. |
Melon | Cannot ship route you name as property is already bought on. |
Melotype | Too late to change billing. |
Memorial | Shipments to be scattered. |
Mendacity | Ship to ____ for export. |
Menthol | Wire shipping instructions. |
Merciful | Can you ship to ____ for export. |
Merciless | Can you scatter shipments. |
Mercury | Can ship to ____ for export. |
Meringo | Can scatter shipments. |
Merriment | Cannot ship to ____ for export. |
Metabolic | Cannot scatter shipments. |
Metaphor | Will forward papers to-day. |
Microbe | Freights per bushel from ____ |
Midriff | Freights per barrel from ____ |
Mikado | Freights per 100 lbs. from ____ |
Militant | Freights per bushel to ____ |
Milking | Freights per barrel to ____ |
Millstone | Freights per 100 lbs. to ____ |
Mimicry | . . . . . . |
Mindful | . . . . . . |
Miniature | . . . . . . |
Minnow | . . . . . . |
Miscarry | Basis on track here. |
Mischance | Basis on track there. |
Miscreant | Basis on track ____ |
Miserable | Basis F. O. B. Boat here. |
Misfit | Basis F. O. B. Boat there. |
Missal | Basis F. O. B. Boat ____ |
Mitigate | Basis C. I. F. here. |
Mittimus | Basis C. I. F. there. |
Mobilize | Basis C. I. F. ____ |
Mockery | Basis in store here. |
Moderate | Basis in store there. |
Moderator | Basis in store ____ |
Modulate | Boston points. |
Modiste | Georgian Bay Ports. |
Mogul | Group one Texas. |
Molecule | Group two Texas. |
Molest | Group three Texas. |
Mollify | Group four Texas. |
Momentous | Group five Texas. |
Momentum | Group six Texas. |
Monarchy | Minnesota Transfer. |
Monestery | . . . . . . |
Monastic | . . . . . . |
Monkhood | . . . . . . |
Monkish | . . . . . . |
Monograph | . . . . . . |
Monolith | . . . . . . |
Monologue | . . . . . . |
As code words are primarily to save expense, when one word will express the meaning, I leave that for you to write in your despatch in plain english instead of using a code word for it.
Moonstone | Broomhall quotes Liverpool Wheat. |
Moralist | Broomhall quotes Liverpool Corn. |
Mordant | Broomhall quotes London Wheat. |
Morgue | Broomhall quotes London Corn. |
Mormon | Broomhall quotes Mark Lane Wheat. |
Morphia | Broomhall quotes Mark Lane Corn. |
Morphine | Broomhall quotes English country markets. |
Mortuary | Broomhall quotes Paris Wheat. |
Mosaic | Broomhall quotes French country markets. |
Moslem | Broomhall quotes Antwerp Wheat. |
Mosquito | Broomhall quotes Odessa Wheat. |
Mountain | Broomhall quotes cargoes off coast Wheat. |
Mounted | Broomhall quotes cargoes off coast Corn. |
Movable | Broomhall quotes Argentina market. |
Mucilage | Broomhall quotes weather in England. |
Mulberry | Broomhall quotes weather in France. |
Multiplex | Broomhall quotes weather on Continent. |
Multitude | Broomhall quotes weather in Argentina. |
Mumble | Broomhall quotes weather in Russia. |
Mummy | Broomhall quotes weather in Australia. |
Mumps | Broomhall quotes weather in India. |
Murmur | Broomhall quotes Buenos Aires Wheat. |
Muscatel | Broomhall quotes Berlin Wheat. |
Mushroom | Broomhall quotes Budapest Wheat. |
Music | Broomhall quotes ____ |
Musket | Stocks in ____ large. |
Musketry | Stocks in ____ increasing. |
Muskox | Stocks in ____ decreasing. |
Muskrat | Stocks in ____ small. |
Mustang | Heavy shipments from ____ |
Mutely | Light shipments from ____ |
Muteness | Prospects large crops. |
Mutiscope | Crop prospects poor. |
Myth | . . . . . . |
Mythology | . . . . . . |
Mystified | . . . . . . |
Mythologist | . . . . . . |
Naked | Draft returned refused. |
Nakedly | Bank wires Draft refused. |
Nakedness | Bank has no advice of payment Draft. |
Nameless | Draft was drawn. |
Namely | Cannot draw Drafts payable on arrival. |
Narcotic | Send Draft to ____ |
Narrate | Have Bank present Draft again. |
Narrating | Draw on us for difference. |
Nativity | Pay Draft if not right will adjust difference. |
Nattily | Your draft is paid. |
Naughty | Will honor your Draft on us. |
Nausea | Draw at sight with all documents attached. |
Nautical | Draw on demand with all documents attached |
Navigator | Must pay for property. |
Nebulous | Referring to your letter of ____ |
Nepotism | Referring to our letter of ____ |
Nickname | Referring to your wire of ____ |
Nicotine | Referring to our wire of ____ |
Nimbus | Referring to your contract of ____ |
Nobleness | Referring to our contract of ____ |
Nocturne | . . . . . . |
Nodular | . . . . . . |
Nodule | . . . . . . |
Nomad | . . . . . . |
Nomadic | . . . . . . |
Nonplus | . . . . . . |
Nostrum | . . . . . . |
Novice | . . . . . . |
Noxious | . . . . . . |
Numeral | . . . . . . |
Nuptual | . . . . . . |
Oath | Quote Ups and Downs on Wheat. |
Oblate | Quote Ups and Downs on Corn. |
Oblation | Quote Ups and Downs on Oats. |
Obscurely | Buy Ups on ____ Wheat. |
Obtrude | Buy Ups on ____ Corn. |
Obtusely | Buy Ups on ____ Oats. |
Octave | Buy Downs on ____ Wheat. |
Octopus | Buy Downs on ____ Corn. |
Oddity | Buy Downs on ____ Oats. |
Olivet | Sell Ups on ____ Wheat. |
Olympic | Sell Ups on ____ Corn. |
Omelet | Sell Ups on ____ Oats. |
Onwardly | Sell Downs on ____ Wheat. |
Opossum | Sell Downs on ____ Corn. |
Opponent | Sell Downs on ____ Oats. |
Opposite | Have Bought Ups on ____ Wheat. |
Oppress | Have Bought Ups on ____ Corn. |
Oppressed | Have Bought Ups on ____ Oats. |
Optimist | Have Bought Downs on ____ Wheat. |
Orphan | Have Bought Downs on ____ Corn. |
Orphanage | Have Bought Downs on ____ Oats. |
Ovation | Have Sold Ups on ____ Wheat. |
Overture | Have Sold Ups on ____ Corn. |
Pacify | Have Sold Ups on ____ Oats. |
Padrone | Have Sold Downs on ____ Wheat. |
Pagoda | Have Sold Downs on ____ Corn. |
Pajamas | Have Sold Downs on ____ Oats. |
Palmist | Expiring this week. |
Palmistry | Expiring next week. |
Panoply | Expiring this month. |
Pansy | Good till the end of ____ |
Pantaloon | This order open until ____ |
Papacy | Ups in strong demand indicates large short interest. |
Parable | Downs in strong demand indicates large long interest. |
Parabola | Very moderate demand for Ups. |
Parachute | Very moderate demand for Downs. |
Parasite |
Owing to small offerings do not think can execute your Indemnity order. |
Parlance | Owing to slack demand do not think can execute your Indemnity order. |
Passive | Very heavy trading in Ups. |
Passover | Very heavy trading in Downs. |
Pastoral | Very little doing in Ups and Downs. |
Patience | . . . . . . |
Patiently | . . . . . . |
Patriot | . . . . . . |
Peaceable | . . . . . . |
Pectoral | . . . . . . |
Peculate | . . . . . . |
Pedantic | . . . . . . |
Pediform | . . . . . . |
Pedometer | . . . . . . |
Peevish | . . . . . . |
Peevishly | . . . . . . |
Pelvic | . . . . . . |
Pendulous | . . . . . . |
Pensive | . . . . . . |
Pensively | . . . . . . |
Penumbra | . . . . . . |
People | . . . . . . |
Pepsin | . . . . . . |
Perception | . . . . . . |
Rabid | Dark Northern Spring Wheat. |
Rabboni | Northern Spring Wheat. |
Raccoon | Red Spring Wheat. |
Racket | Red Spring Humpback Wheat. |
Radiator | Amber Durum Wheat. |
Radium | Durum Wheat. |
Rafter | Red Durum Wheat. |
Rafting | Dark Hard Winter Wheat. |
Raftsman | Hard Winter Wheat. |
Rally | Yellow Hard Winter Wheat. |
Ramify | Red Winter Wheat. |
Rampage | Red Walla Wheat. |
Ramrod | Soft Red Wheat. |
Ramus | Hard White Wheat. |
Rascality | Soft White Wheat. |
Rattler | White Club Wheat. |
Raven | Sample Wheat. |
Ravenous | Mixed Wheat. |
Readiness | Smutty Wheat. |
Realism | Treated Wheat. |
Reality | Percentage of Moisture. |
Reap | Number 1. |
Reaped | Number 2. |
Reaping | Number 3. |
Reasoning | Number 4. |
Rebuttal | Number 5. |
Recant | Number 2 or better. |
Reception | Number 3 or better. |
Recess | Number 4 or better. |
Recital | As good as number 2. |
Recite | As good as number 3. |
Reckoning | As good as number 4. |
Reclaim | . . . . . . |
Recluse | . . . . . . |
Recollect | . . . . . . |