The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Juvenile Bible: Being a brief concordance of the Holy Scriptures, in verse This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Juvenile Bible: Being a brief concordance of the Holy Scriptures, in verse Author: Anonymous Release date: May 23, 2016 [eBook #52146] Language: English *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE JUVENILE BIBLE: BEING A BRIEF CONCORDANCE OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, IN VERSE *** Produced by Peter Sahlstrom , Transcriber's Note: The original text makes heavy use of the "long s" character. These have been replaced with the ASCII "s". Capitalization of words within sentences is reproduced faithfully from the original. This text makes heavy use of obsolete and archaic spellings. The original spellings have been preserved. [Illustration: The GOOD BOY getting off the JUVENILE BIBLE by Heart.] _Train up a Child in the Way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it, Prov. xxii. 6._ The JUVENILE BIBLE: BEING A BRIEF CONCORDANCE OF THE _HOLY SCRIPTURES_, IN VERSE. CONTAINING A Summary of all the CHAPTERS in the Books of the _OLD and NEW TESTAMENT,_ From GENESIS to the REVELATION _Alphabetically Arranged,_ AND ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO THE COMPREHENSION AND RETENTION OF YOUNG READERS. _Search the Scriptures, and let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Wisdom, John v.39. Col.iii.16_ LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY M. ALLEN, NO. 15, Paternoster-Row; And Sold by all other Booksellers in the United Kingdom. [Entered at Stationers-Hall] The NAMES AND ORDER OF ALL THE BOOKS OF THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT, WITH THE NUMBER OF CHAPTERS. Genesis hath 50 | II. Chronicles . 36 | Daniel ......... 12 Exodus ......... 40 | Ezra ........... 10 | Hosea .......... 14 Leviticus ...... 27 | Nehemiah ....... 13 | Joel ........... 3 Numbers ........ 36 | Esther ......... 10 | Amos ........... 9 Deuteronomy .... 34 | Job ............ 42 | Obediah ........ 1 Joshua ......... 24 | Psalms ........ 150 | Jonah .......... 4 Judges ......... 21 | Proverbs ....... 31 | Micah .......... 7 Ruth ........... 4 | Ecclesiastes ... 12 | Nahum .......... 3 I. Samuel ...... 31 | Solomon's Song 8 | Habakkuk ....... 3 II. Samuel ..... 24 | Isaiah ......... 66 | Zephaniah ...... 3 I. Kings ....... 22 | Jeremiah ....... 52 | Haggai ......... 2 II. Kings ...... 25 | Lamentations ... 5 | Zecheriah ...... 14 I. Chronicles .. 29 | Ezekiel ........ 48 | Malachi ........ 4 _The Books of the New Testament._ Matthew ........ 28 | Ephesians ...... 6 | Hebrews ........ 13 Mark ........... 16 | Philippians .... 4 | James .......... 5 Luke ........... 24 | Colossians ..... 4 | I. Peter ....... 5 John ........... 21 | I. Thessalonians 5 | II. Peter ...... 3 The Acts ....... 28 | II. Thessalonians 3 | I. John ........ 5 Romans ......... 16 | I. Timothy ..... 6 | II. John ....... 1 I. Corinthians 16 | II. Timothy .... 4 | III. John ...... 1 II. Corinthians 13 | Titus .......... 3 | Jude ........... 1 Galatians ...... 6 | Philemon ....... 1 | Revelation ..... 22 PREFACE This JUVENILE BIBLE, or TABLES OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, being a Metrical Index to the Old and New Testament, has with much Labour been compiled for the Edification of Youth. By means of this little Instructor, the reader is not only made acquainted with the chief Contents of every Chapter, but likewise with the number of chapters in every Book. This methodical arrangement is as follows: Every Book _that exceeds five Chapters_ is divided into Stanzas, each Stanza, acrostic-like, beginning with A, B, C, &c. the Stanzas contain four lines each, and every line is a Chapter (except otherwise distinguished, as the Chapters are numbered in the margin by figures); thus B, beginning the second Stanza and fifth line, is the fifth Chapter, C the 9th, D the 13th, E the 17th, &c. as far as N, which is the 49th Chapter, no Book containing more than 52, except the PROPHECY of ISAIAH, which runs four letters more, O, P, Q, and R; likewise the Book of PSALMS, being 150, which are divided into three alphabets, not exceeding N, and containing 50 each. Those Books which _do not exceed five chapters_, viz. RUTH, LAMENTATIONS, JOEL, OBADIAH, &c. are without this method, which do not require it, and are consequently expressed in one Stanza, sometimes exceeding four lines. In the historical books, the contents of every chapter is as fully expressed as the narrow limits of _one line_ will admit; and the PSALMS, which have letters expressive of the occasions of them, are by _those_ distinguished: but the other PSALMS, as also the PROVERBS, ECCLESIASTES, &c. consisting of various and unconnected Sentences, and not being reducible to any certain head, are only characterized by some remarkable passage in them. This novel and curious arrangement will, it is presumed, gratify the taste of young readers, and not only give them a relish for the Sacred Volume, but even assist their memories when duly acquainted with it. Any person desirous of committing this JUVENILE BIBLE to memory (which may be done in a month, or less) should first learn perfectly the name of all the Books, and the numbers of the chapters in each Book, on the back of the title-page; then observe A stands for 1, B 5, C 9, D 13, E 17, F 21, G 25, H 29, I 33, K 37, L 41, M 45, N 49. When it is known what number every letter denotes, the number of the chapter that begins with that letter is known by it; for example, if you know the letter B stands for 5, then when you hear this line, "Before the flood man's life was long," you can soon tell it is the 5th chapter. If it be asked, what are the contents of the 5th chapter of Genesis, you answer with the above line, and so of the rest. The three last lines of every Stanza depend upon the first line of it; so that if the number of the first line is known, it is easy to know the number of the rest: for instance, if you know that "Each male of Abram circumcis'd" is the 17th of Genesis, then it follows "He angels entertains" is the 18th; "Sees Sodom's flame God's wrath proclaim" is the 19th; "His wife his sister feigns" is the 20th. This work is designed to promote the knowledge and practice of the Holy Scriptures--and when presents are made by Parents, or promiscuously awarded by Schools, let the JUVENILE BIBLE be always the _first_ gift: but no portion of it should ever be allotted as a _Task_; the Author of this Work being well convinced, it is owing to the modern and _impious_ mode of Education, compelling Children to learn Collects, chapters in the Bible, Hymns, &c. as occasional Exercises, and frequently _by way of Punishment_, that the Word of God is not heard and read with that satisfaction it always should be. _GENESIS_ 1 All things created Moses writes, 2 And Paradise displays, 3 Tells Adam's fall, which ruin'd all: 4 Cain righteous Abel slays 5 Before the flood, Man's life was long, 6 Noah the ark doth frame; 7 The world is drown'd, eight favour found, 8 Out of the ark they came. 9 Covenant of rain-bow; Noah drunk-- 10 His family's increase; 11 They Babel rear, confounded are. 12 Abram is call'd in grace; 13 Departs from Lot: again is blessed, 14 'Gainst four kings doth prevail. 15 A numerous feed is promised. 16 Hagar bears Ishmael. 17 Each male of Abram circumcis'd, 18 He angels entertains; 19 Sees Sodom's flame God's wrath proclaim, 20 His wife his sister feigns. 21 Feasting and mirth for Isaac's birth; 22 God claims, but saves his life; 23 Machpelah's cave is Sarah's grave, 24 Rebeckah's Isaac's wife. 25 Good Abraham's death; Rebeckah's twins, 26 Isaac his wife denies; 27 Jacob by wiles Isaac beguiles, 28 To Padan-Aram flies. 29 He Rachel weds, and Leah beds, 30 Grows rich by cunning flight; 31 From Laban he doth quickly flee, 32 Wrestles with God all night. 33 Jacob and Esau friendly meet, 34 Fair Dinah's foul disgrace; 35 Benjamin's birth is Rachel's death, 36 The dukes of Esau's race. 37 Kind Joseph in a pit and fold, 38 To Jude twins Temar bears; 39 Joseph the chaste in prison cast, 40 To servants dreams declares. 41 Learns Pharaoh's dreams, and is advanc'd, 42 He takes his brethren up; 43 Them come again, doth entertain, 44 But stops them with his cup; 45 Makes himself known: for Jacob sends, 46 He with his house comes down; 47 In Goshen has a dwelling place, 48 Makes Joseph's sons his own. 49 Next blesseth all his sons and dies; 50 To Canaan is convey'd: And thus in this book Genesis, You fifty chapters read. _EXODUS_ 1 All Hebrew males were to be drown'd. 2 Moses born, sav'd in th' Ark; 3 From bush on flame is told God's name, 4 And wonders sent to work. 5 By Pharoah Israel's task'd, and cries, 6 JEHOVAH comfort speaks. 7 Moses the flood doth turn to blood; 8 Frogs, lice, and flies he makes. 9 Contagious murrain, boil, and hail, 10 Locusts and darkness reign; 11 Bids jewels borrow against the morrow, 12 Jews expell'd, first-born slain. 13 Dismissed they march with Joseph's bones, 14 Pharoah pursues, is drown'd; 15 At first they sing; then murmuring, 16 Quails sent and manna found. 17 Even the rock affords them drink 18 Jethro to scheme is driven; 19 God's thunders make mount Sinai quake, 20 The Ten Commandments given. 21 For servants, and man-slayers, laws, 22 With many more besides; 23 The seventh-years rest. Three yearly feasts, 24 Moses in mount abides. 25 Gifts ask'd for tent, ark, mercy-seat, 26 Boards, curtains, bars, and vail, 27 Oil, altar, court, with hangings for't, 28 Priests robes and pectoral [1] 29 How priests must consecrated be, 30 Anointed and perfum'd. 31 Bezaleel inspir'd with skill, 32 The golden calf's consum'd. 33 Jehovah's anger Moses stays, 34 New tables made and brought; 35 The people bring free-offering; 36 Boards, curtains, bars are wrought. 37 Knops, flowers, ark, table, mercy-seat, 38 And altar are prepar'd; 39 Priests garments too doth Moses view, 40 The tabernacle's rear'd. [1] The breast-plate of judgment for the High-Priest _LEVITICUS_ 1 A Ritual of burnt-offerings, 2 Meat-off'rings, ordinance; 3 Off'rings of peace, and sacrifice, 4 For sins of ignorance. 5 Burnt-offerings for sins unknown, 6 For sins premeditated; 7 Off'rings of peace, and trespasses, 8 Aaron is consecrated. 9 Confirm'd is Aaron by God's flame, 10 Strange fire his wrath excites; 11 What sorts of meat may not be eat, 12 For child-birth the due rites. 13 Directions leprosy to know, 14 To cleanse it in what case; 15 Off'rings for less uncleannesses, 16 High priest in holy place. 17 Eating of blood prohibited, 18 Unlawful marriage blam'd; 19 Laws manifold again are told, 20 And shameful sins are nam'd. 21 Forbidden priests to mourn are, 22 Uncleannesses disowned; 23 Sabbaths of rest, and yearly feasts, 24 Blasphemers to be stoned. 25 Great seventh-year-sabbath: jubilee, 26 Blessings and curses given; 27 Vows how esteemed, and how redeem'd. Here chapters twenty-seven. _NUMBERS_ 1 All Israel number'd by their tribes, 2 To each their place assign'd; 3 Levites succeed in first-born stead, 4 Their services defin'd. 5 By what rules jealousy was try'd, 6 The Naz'rites law is stated 7 Princes oblation at Dedication [2]. 8 The Levites consecrated. 9 Cloud guides them: passover renew'd, 10 Two silver trumpets sound; 11 The people lust; quails fall like dust, 12 Miriam is leprous found. 13 Deceitful spies spread false reports, 14 Great murmurings which raise; 15 Breaker of sabbath ston'd to death, 16 Korah's rebellious ways. 17 End strife doth Aaron's budding rod, 18 Priest's charge and salary; [3] 19 Water with ashes the unclean washes, 20 Miriam and Aaron die. 21 Fierce fiery serpents bite the Jews, 22 Balaam's ass reproves him; 23 In vain his skill to curse Israel, 24 To bless the spirit moves him. 25 Good Phinehas' zeal God's wrath atones, 26 Old race all dead but two; 27 In Moses room must Joshua come, 28 Continual offerings due. 29 High offerings for set holy-days, 30 What vows do bind, what not; 31 Revenge on Midian: Balaam slain 32 Both Gad's and Reuben's lot. 33 Israelites journeys forty-two, 34 How Canaan was divided; 35 Six refuge-towns and Levites bounds, 36 Zelophehad's case decided. [2] Of the Tabernacle. [3] Their part or portion of all offerings, their wages, or dues. _DEUTERONOMY_ 1 Acts of the Hebrews Moses writes; 2 How Sihon's kingdom fell; 3 How Og was slain: Manasseh's gain. 4 Exhorts them to do well. 5 Bids them the Ten Commandments keep, 6 And God to fear and love; 7 Shun foreign leagues, for fear of plagues, 8 And not ungrateful prove. 9 Confutes their vain self-righteousness, 10 God's mercies represents; 11 And that they should be therefore good, 12 Burn idol-monuments. 13 Deceitful prophets must be ston'd; 14 Clean fishes, birds, and beasts. 15 Each seventh year releases were. 16 All males must keep three feasts. 17 Election of their kings directs. 18 The priest's and Levites dues. 19 Witnesses, land-bounds, refuge-towns, 20 What laws of war to use. 21 First-born is heir, stone stubborn son, 22 Cloths must the sex descry. 23 Of filthiness, vows, trespasses, 24 Divorce, pledge, leprosy. 25 Good weights, just stripes, unmuzzel'd ox, 26 Of first fruits with contrition. 27 Twelve curses count on Ebal-mount, 28 Blessings in opposition. 29 Here Moses calls to covenant. 30 He life and death propounds. 31 To Joshua charge he gives at large; 32 His dying song rebounds. 33 In blessing all the tribes concludes, 34 And dies in Nebo mount. Thus chapters four and thirty more. In Deuteronomy count. _JOSHUA_ 1 After meek Moses Joshua rules. 2 Rahab doth spies receive. 3 Jews walk dry shod thro' Jordan's flood, 4 Memorial stones they leave. 5 Both [4] seals renew'd; and Manna ceas'd. 6 Jericho's walls o'erturn'd. 7 Achan for theft of life bereft. 8 Ai taken is and burn'd. 9 Craftily Gibeon gets a league. 10 The sun and moon stand still. 11 With Hazor all the countries fall. 12 Thirty-three kings they kill. 13 Drawn Reuben's, Gad's, Manasseh's lines. 14 Good Caleb Hebron claims. 15 Next Judah's bounds with all his towns, 16 Are Joseph's and Ephraim's. 17 Enlarg'd is Joseph's second lot, 18 Then Benjamin's they fix; 19 And lots are cast for all the rest; 20 With refuge-cities fix. 21 Forty-eight cities Levi hath, 22 [5] Ed breeds a false surmise; 23 Joshua by threats, and promise treats, 24 A cov'nant makes and dies. [4] Circumcision and Passover. [5] An altar call'd Ed, see v. 34 _JUDGES_ 1 Acts are rehears'd of divers tribes, 2 Next age doth God provoke; 3 Opprest they pray'd, God sends them aid, 4 Deb'rah breaks Jabin's yoke. 5 Barak's and Deb'rah's thankful song, 6 God Gideon up doth raise; 7 With few he fights the Midianites, 8 And their great captains slays. 9 Curst is Abimelech's cruelty, 10 Israel prays when opprest. 11 Of Ammon's slaughter, and Jephtha's daughter, 12 Shibboleth's make a test. 13 Dan's tribe is fam'd for Samson's birth, 14 His riddle they expound; 15 His fire-brands lights: with jaw-bone fights, 16 By Delilah is bound. 17 Ephod and gods doth Micah make, 18 Stol'n by the men of Dan; 19 A Levite's wife bereft of life. 20 Most all the Benjamites are slain, 21 And Wives for all the rest they gain. _RUTH_ 1 Ruth's kindness unto Naomi 2 She gleans on Boaz land; 3 Her virtues move him her to love, 4 And wed her out of hand. _I. SAMUEL_ 1 A Son by prayer Hannah obtains, 2 How Eli's sons offend; 3 Their doom God tells to Samuel, 4 Ark taken: Eli's end. 5 Before the ark down Dagon falls, 6 The ark again they bring; 7 Jews mourn for sins, smite Philistines, 8 The people ask a king. 9 Choice [6] Saul seeks asses; finds a crown, 10 Doth prophesy when crown'd; 11 With Nahash fights, kills Ammonites, 12 Samuel for grace renown'd. 13 Daring to sacrifice Saul's blam'd, 14 Victorious is his son; 15 For Agag's sake Saul's throne doth shake, 16 And David chose thereon. 17 Encounters and Goliah slays, 18 Saul's younger daughter marries; 19 Saul seeks his life, he's sav'd by's wife, 20 For Jon'than's news he tarries. 21 Flees for his life, at Gath seems mad, 22 Saul kills priests great and small; 23 David escapes Saul's treacherous traps, 24 Cuts off the skirt of Saul. 25 Grants Nabal life for his wife's sake, 26 He takes Saul's spear and cruse; 27 With king of Gath great favour hath, 28 Saul of a witch makes use. 29 Home David is by Achish sent, 30 Finds Ziklag captive gone: 31 Saul with his host and sons are lost, Here chapters thirty one. [6] See ver. 2 _II. SAMUEL_ 1 A Poem David makes on Saul, 2 Doth king in Judah reign; 3 By treacheries stout Abner dies, 4 And Ishbosheth is slain. 5 By all the tribes is David crown'd, 6 The ark with triumph brings; 7 To build intends, God him commends, 8 He conquers many kings. 9 Comforteth lame Mephibosheth, 10 His envoys beards half shav'd; 11 Uriah's wife he takes, and life; 12 Pardon'd; of child bereav'd. 13 Debauch-revenging-Absalom flees, 14 Brought home by Joab's art; 15 Ahithophel and he rebel, 16 Wife Hushai acts his part. 17 Envious Ahithophel hangs himself, 18 Proud Absalom is slain; 19 King comes in peace, shews acts of grace, 20 Sheba rebels again. 21 For Gibeon's sake Saul's sons are hang'd, 22 Kind David's psalm of praise; 23 His dying song and warriors strong, 24 A pestilence three days. _I. KINGS_ 1 Anointed is king Solomon, 2 Performs his father's charge; 3 Prays to be wise; two harlots tries, 4 His wealth and wisdom large. 5 Before-hand fits materials, 6 Then up the temple sets; 7 With houses more, and works good store, 8 The temple dedicates. 9 Cov'nants with God, sends out his fleet, 10 Queen Sheba hears his fame; 11 BY concubines and wives he sins, 12 Ten tribes his son disclaim. 13 Doom'd Bethel's alter; prophet slain, 14 Jer'boam hears heaven's will; 15 The idols all by Asa fall, 16 Zimri himself doth kill. 17 Elijah's fed, doth raise the dead, 18 True God by fire declares; 19 Flees to a cell [7], from Jezebel, 20 Ahab Benhadad spares. 21 For's vineyard Ahab Naboth stones, 22 The dogs lick Ahab's blood; These chapters two and twenty shew, Of fifteen kings, five good. [7] A cave in mount Horeb _II. KINGS_ 1 A Fire from heaven Elijah brings, 2 To heaven in fire ascends; 3 Elisha brings drink for three kings, 4 Dead raises: oil extends. 5 Bathes Naaman clean: Gehazi plagued, 6 Steel swims: an host struck blind; 7 A famine's chang'd to plenty strange, 8 Told Hazael's bloody mind. 9 Cast to the dogs is Jezebel, 10 Jehu Baal's priests ensnares; 11 Joash his reign: his mother slain, 12 The temple he repairs. 13 Dead raised by Elisha's bones, 14 Good Amaziah slain; 15 Good Azariah's leprosy, 16 King Ahaz wicked rain. 17 Exiled are ten tribes for sin, 18 Rabshekeh loudly rails, 19 Sennacherib boasts: God slays his host, 20 And Hezekiah heals. 21 Fierce wrath Manasseh's sins provoke, 22 Josiah good, though only eight; 23 The idols meet his angry stroke, 24 The Jews are brought unto the yoke. 25 Jerusalem laid desolate. _I. CHRONICLES_ 1 Adam's long line, to Edom's dukes, 2 Israel's posterity; 3 Good David's line, with kings doth shine, 4 Of Judah's family. 5 Bounds of Manasseh, Reuben, Gad, 6 The priests of Levi's line; 7 Naphthali, Asher, Issachar, 8 The sons of Benjamin. 9 Charges of priests and Levites too, 10 Saul's overthrow and death; 11 King David's reign: his mighty men, 12 His host he numbereth. 13 David leaves th' ark for Uzz'ah's death. 14 Twice beat the Philistines; 15 Home th' ark he brings, and plays and sings: 16 His holy quire begins. 17 Erects a temple in design, 18 Rich preparation makes, 19 His messengers' affronts he hears, 20 And Rabbah smites and takes. 21 For numb'ring people, three days plague 22 Temples materials got; 23 The Levites charge appoints at large, 24 And Aaron's sons by lot. 25 Gives orders for the singer's lots, 26 And porters lot sets down; 27 Twelve captains ward as his life-guard, 28 Give charge to Solomon, 29 And yields up life and crown. _II. CHRONICLES_ 1 As Solomon pray'd he wisdom had, 2 Prepares things manifold; 3 Temple's extents and ornaments, 4 Vessels of brass and gold. 5 Brings now the ark into its place. 6 His consecration prayer. 7 Fire from above doth all approve. 8 His wealth and buildings fair. 9 Choice treasures, vessels, acts, and end. 10 Ten Tribes his son forsake. 11 Three years he thrives: has many wives. 12 Leaves God, and then grows weak. 13 Down Israel by Abijah falls. 14 Asa a million slays. 15 He God doth fear, with heart sincere, 16 Yet not without allays. 17 Excellent preachers Jesa'phat sends. 18 To war with Ahab goes. 19 God to him sends; and reprehends. 20 He prays: God smites his foes. 21 Friendless Jehoram lives and dies. 22 Jehu slays Ahaziah, 23 Young Joash reigns by a priest's means. 24 Yet kills priest Zechariah. 25 Good for a while was Amaziah. 26 Uzziah was the same. 27 Jotham reigns well: doth Ammon quell. 28 The Syrians Ahaz tame. 29 Hez'kiah God's true worship rears. 30 The Passover proclaims. 31 All idols breaks: for priest care takes. 32 Sennacherib blasphemes. 33 In chains Manasseh doth repent. 34 Josiah's virtues shown. 35 Keeps Passover: and dies in war. 36 Jerusalem o'erthrown. _EZRA_ 1 At Cyrus word the Jews return. 2 The company that go. 3 God's house begun with mirth and moan, 4 Is hinder'd by the foe. 5 But once again the work goes on, 6 By license from Darius. 7 Ezra is sent with royal grant, 8 And gifts for uses pious. 9 Complains of strange affinities. 10 And shows them what is right. These chapters ten, shew how great men Shou'd in God's word delight. _NEHEMIAH_ 1 Afflicted Nehemiah fasts. 2 Goes to Jerusalem. 3 The names of all who built the wall. 4 He prays and strengthens them. 5 Bids usurers restore their lands. 6 Sanballat would him awe. 7 What captives came at first doth name. 8 The priests expound the law. 9 Confess their sins, repent and fast. 10 They cov'nant; great and small. 11 Jerusalem's in-dwellers names. 12 They dedicate the wall, 13 And mend disorders all. _ESTHER_ 1 After queen Vashti is dethron'd 2 Commences Esther's reign. 3 Proud Haman vows the death of Jews, 4 And three days fasts the queen. 5 Banquets the king and Haman too; 6 Mord'cai triumphant led, 7 And Haman who would hang this Jew, 8 Is hung himself instead. 9 Complete the Jews' deliverance, 10 By Mordecai's success. These chapters ten, show pious men The Lord will ever bless. _JOB_ 1 All wealth and children ta'en from Job, 2 Sore boils too him perplex, 3 Curses the morn that he was born; 4 But Eliphaz him checks. 5 Born man's to grief, as sparks ascend. 6 Job sad complaints renews. 7 Gives reasons why he wish'd to die, 8 God's justice Bildad shews. 9 Contend with God, Job will not dare; 10 Though sorely he complains. 11 But Zophar meant, Job should repent, 12 Yet Job himself maintains. 13 Dares trust in God tho' slaying him. 14 Man's frailty he declares. 15 El'phaz again does him arraign: 16 No friend has he that spares. 17 Enters appeal from man to God; 18 But Bildad blames him still, 19 Job of his pains and friends complains, 20 And Zophar takes it all. 21 For God's wife providence Job speaks, 22 Still Eliphaz upbraids. 23 Unto God's bar Job would refer, 24 And his deep counsel pleads. 25 Guilty, says Bildad, is mankind. 26 Job God's great power sets forth; 27 And doth declare himself sincere, 28 Proclaiming Wisdom's worth. 29 His former great renown asserts, 30 Tho' now despis'd and weak; 31 Integrity proves solidly. 32 Elihu comes to speak. 33 Instead of God he sets himself, 34 God cannot be unjust; 35 We good or ill, He's happy still. 36 Submit to him we must. 37 Known by his works his wisdom is, 38 God speaks, and them recounts; 39 Goats, hinds, and hawk, ostrich, and stork, 40 But Behemoth surmounts. 41 Lastly the great Leviathan, God's power doth relate; 42 Job then submits: God him acquits, And doubles his estate. _PSALMS_ 1 A Blessed man doth David sing, 2 Christ's kingdom prophesies; 3 Flees from his son: to God doth run, 4 His countenance doth prize. 5 Begs guidance and defence of God, 6 When sick on him doth call; 7 Warns Cush of spight, the Benjamite. 8 Christ is the Lord of all. 9 Commends the judgments of the Lord, 10 The wicket boast and scoff; 11 God's providence, good men's defence, 12 Proud tongues will God cut off. 13 David complains of God's delay, 14 The athiest doth expose: 15 And who shall dwell with God doth tell, 16 Christ's resurrection shews. 17 Entreats defense against his foes, 18 Sings praise for mercies great; 19 Christ like the sun his course shall run, 20 On God the pious wait. 21 For victories he gives God thanks, 22 Christ's sufferings foretels; 23 His sheep are we: our shepherd he, 24 Christ in his temple dwells. 25 God's grace and mercy David asks, 26 Calls God to judge his case; 27 His faith sustains and courage gains, 28 Prays for his foes' disgrace. 29 He magnifies God's thund'ring voice, 30 His dedication song; 31 Trusts in God's name, prays against shame, 32 To whom doth bliss belong. 33 In God's pow'r, goodness, truth, he boasts, 34 As mad from Achish sent; 35 To God he cries 'gainst enemies, 36 Doth wicked times lament. 37 Known faints and sinners he compares, 38 Of miseries complains; 39 Shews life of man short as a span, 40 Foretels our Saviour's pains. 41 Long life the merciful shall have, 42 For God the Psalmist pants; 43 God's house he fain would see again, 44 The church makes sore complaints. 45 Melodious song of Christ and spouse, 46 The saints on God rely; 47 All nations sing to God their king, 48 The churches majesty. 49 No trust in wealth is to be put, 50 Christ shall as judge appear; Now the first set of alphabet, May fitly break off here. The Second Alphabet 51 At Nathan's word David repents, 52 Read Doeg's destiny, 53 Proves athiests fools: God sees and rules; 54 At Ziph betray'd is he. 55 Because of foes prays thrice a day, 56 At Gath in God doth trust; 57 His help doth crave 'gainst Saul in cave, 58 Dooms Judges when unjust. 59 Close, Saul to kill him, watch'd his house, 60 Edom by Joab slain; 61 David to Christ his high rock flies, 62 On that rock trusts again. 63 Dry deserts make him thirst for God, 64 Who did him safely hide; 65 Praise him who hears his people's pray'rs, 66 The saints by him are try'd. 67 Extol God nations, let the ark 68 'Midst gen'ral joy proceed; 69 Christ crucify'd is typify'd, 70 His speedy help in need. 71 From youth to old age God sustains, 72 A psalm for Solomon; 73 Fool's prosp'rous state provokes his hate, 74 He doth the church bemoan. 75 God putteth down and raiseth up, 76 In Judah known is he; 77 Asaph's relief 'gainst unbelief, 78 Israel's strange history. 79 He for Jerusalem laments, 80 The church's doleful state; 81 In solemn feasts what rites were best, 82 With judges doth debate. 83 Israel's confed'rate foes describes, 84 Longs for God's courts alone; 85 Truth, Mercy meets: Peace, Justice greets, 86 Like God's Works there are none. 87 Known is no place, like Zion's gates, 88 Good Haman's deep dismay: 89 God's cov'nant shown with Christ the Son, 90 Moses shews Man's decay. 91 Long life and safety in God's shade, 92 A song for Sabbath day. 93 Christ's glorious throne of old made known, 94 Vengeance will he repay. 95 Make joyful noise to God with Psalms, 96 He'll all to Judgment bring; 97 His Judgments made mount Zion glad, 98 Both Jews and Gentiles sing. 99 Next Moses, Aaron, Samuel, 100 And all Lands joyful be; This second set of Alphabet, Concludes the Century. The Third alphabet. 101 A plan of houshold government, 102 Afflicted person's prayer; 103 A song of praise for joyful days, 104 God's providences rare. 105 Both Egypt plagu'd and Israel sav'd, 106 They murmur and complain; 107 He represents God's providence, 108 And that man's help is vain. 109 Cursed is Judas in a type, 110 Christ king and priest declar'd; 111 God's works ace pure, commandments sure, 112 The righteous man's reward. 113 Due praise to God must Gentiles give, 114 The hills like lambs did play; 115 The Idols weak, nor see nor speak. 116 To God we vows must pay. 117 Extol God's name must nations all, 118 The corner stone is laid: 119 Next comes the great Jews alphabet. 120 A false tongue justly paid. 121 Full safe they sleep whom God doth keep; 122 Pray for Jerus'lem's peace; 123 Lift up your eye to God on high. 124 He breaks the snare with ease. 125 Guarded they are who trust in God. 126 How Zion's captives come; 127 Unless God keep, the watch may sleep, 128 God blesseth house and home. 129 Haters of Zion cursed are, 130 From God all mercies spring; 131 David was mild as wean'd child, 132 The ark with joy they bring. 133 It's good to see brethren agree, 134 We God by night must bless; 135 Who idols make, their likeness take. 136 God's Mercies never cease. 137 Keen scoffs drew tears from captive Jews. 138 All Kings shall choose God's ways. 139 God's piercing sight is infinite, 140 For Saul's destruction prays. 141 Like incense must our prayers ascend. 142 David doth now complain. 143 To God he flies from enemies. 144 Man's life is short and vain. 145 Mark David's special Psalm of praise, 146 None must in man confide; 147 Let Zion praise God's holy ways, 148 And all the World beside. 149 New Songs Saints on their beds shall sing, And nobles bind in chains; 150 Whatever thing hath breath to sing, Praise God while breath remains. _PROVERBS_ 1 Address of Wisdom to the Young, 2 Assurance of true bliss; 3 The best of gain is in her train, 4 Bids shun all that's amiss. 5 Beware of whoredom; love thy wife. 6 God hateth seven things. 7 A whorish wife describ'd to th'life. 8 Wisdom exalteth Kings. 9 Come welcome Guests to Wisdom's feast, 10 v.1 Here follow Proverbs wise; 11 v.1 A balance right is God's delight, 12 v.22 God loaths lips telling lies. 13 v.10 Debate and strife proceed from pride, 14 v.9 Fools mock at Sin as small, 15 v.33 Honour is nigh humility. 16 v.18 Pride goes before a fall. 17 v.28 Ev'n fools when silent are thought wise, 18 v.23 The Poor rough answers hath; 19 v.6 All are his friend, rich gifts that send, 20 v.14 It's naught the buyer faith. 21 v.17 Followers of pleasure shall be poor. 22 v.29 The diligent promoted; 23 v.31 Look not on wine when brisk and fine, 24 v.30 The sluggard's field is noted. 25 v.21 Give bread unto thine enemy, 26 v.3 A rod for the fool's back. 27 v.6 Wounds of a friend are health in th'end. 28 v.27 Alms-givers shall not lack. 29 v.1 He surely falls that hates reproof. 30 Agur his sins doth own; 31 The mother wife gives good advice, To Lemuel her son. _ECCLESIASTES_ 1 All's Vanity the preacher cries: 2 v.12 There's nothing new that's done; 3 v.46 A time to weep, to lose and keep. 4 v.9 Two better are then one. 5 v.4 Be sure to pay what thou hast vow'd. 6 v.7 Man for his mouth takes pains; 7 v.2 Better is death than our first breath. 8 v.8 The spirit none retains. 9 v.2 Come all things to all men alike. 10 v.18 Buildings decay by sloth. 11 v.1 Bread on streams cast is found at last, 12 v.1 Remember God in Youth. _SOLOMON'S SONG_ 1 Ardent the church's love to Christ, 2 And Christ the church too loves. 3 She tempted sought, and home him brought, 4 Her graces all he proves 5 Beauties of Christ the spouse describes, 6 His love to her he shows; 7 Again sets forth her beauty's worth, 8 Her love more ardent grows. _ISAIAH_ 1 A sad complaint Isaiah makes, 2 Christ's kingdom is foretold; 3 The women's pride he doth deride, 4 Christ's kingdom's a strong hold. 5 Barrenness on God's vineyard charg'd. 6 The prophet's lips are purg'd. 7 Immanuel comes of virgin's womb. 8 Jews by Assyrians scourg'd. 9 Christ shall in trouble bring great joy, 10 Assyria's pride shall fall; 11 The branch of Jesse with peace shall bless, 12 God praised is of all. 13 Destruction speeds to Babylon. 14 Israel denies relief; 15 Howl Moab, howl: in sackcloth toll. 16 From Pride results his grief. 17 Ephraim 'scapes as gleaning grapes, 18 To Ethiopia wo! 19 Egypt's wise men turn'd fools again. 20 She must a captive go. 21 Fall'n, fall'n is Babylon they cry. 22 The Jews make fast a feast. 23 Judgments on Tyre, the turns to hire, 24 The Lord the earth makes waste. 25 God for his judgments, prais'd must be, 26 In him we must confide. 27 He keeps with care his vineyard fair, 28 Wo to the crown of pride! 29 He cries wo, wo to Ariel! 30 Contempt of prophets blam'd. 31 On them that go to Egypt, wo! 32 Christ's kingdom's blessings nam'd. 33 Judgments of spoilers of the church. 34 Judgments on Zion's foes. 35 What happy things the gospel brings. 36 Profane Rabshakeh grows. 37 Kill'd in a night the Assyrian's host, 38 King Hezekiah heal'd. 39 His treasures vaunts to visitants. 40 The gospel-times reveal'd. 41 Loathed of God are Idols all. 42 Christ's offices explain'd. 43 His flock he keeps in fire and deeps. 44 Idolaters disdain'd. 45 Mention'd by name king Cyrus is. 46 Of Bel, and Nebo's doom. 47 For pride and spite, God Babel smites, 48 From thence his church shall come. 49 Not own'd by Jews, Christ Gentiles saves, 50 Shews he had power to save; 51 Jews mean descent doth represent. 52 Bids them his word receive. 53 Obstinate Jews Christ's cross despise. 54 The Gentiles are consol'd. 55 Let every one that thirsteth come: 56 The dumb dogs now are told. 57 Pious men die and none regard. 58 False fasts the seer reproves. 59 'Tis wickedness that hides God's face, 60 The Gentiles flock like doves. 61 Qualify'd Christ to preach begins. 62 His ministers ordains. 63 Tis he doth tread the wine-press red. 64 The church of sin complains. 65 Rejected are the faithless Jews, And Gentiles called home. 66 What comfort then for holy men, To see their fulness come. _JEREMIAH_ 1 An almond rod Jeremy sees, 2 God asks why Jews revolt. 3 Israel turns whore, but Judah more, 4 Both charg'd to mend their fault. 5 Because of sins, plagues threaten'd are. 6 Their foes doth God inspire. 7 Threatens to do as to Shiloh, 8 That death they shall desire. 9 Crimes and calamities bewail'd. 10 Their heathen customs vain. 11 The cov'nant they do disobey. 12 Why thrive the wicked train? 13 Down by Euphrates hides his belt. 14 God sends a grievous dearth. 15 To hear refuses Samuel and Moses. 16 Forbids both grief and mirth. 17 Each man is curst that trusts in man. 18 God claims the potter's rights. 19 By bottle broke, forshews a stroke. 20 Pashur the prophet smites. 21 Foretels the king a dismal siege. 22 On Shallum judgments sad. 23 On prophets vain and priests prophane, 24 He sees figs good and bad. 25 Gives warning of captivity, 26 Is taken, try'd, acquitted; 27 Sends yokes and bands to many lands, 28 Is by false prophets twitted. 29 He writes, and bids the captives build, 30 And their return descries. 31 Rachel with groans her babes bemoans, 32 Hanameel's field he buys. 33 Jews sure return once more foretels, 34 Freed slaves are brought in thrall, 35 To wine invites the Rechabites. 36 The king doth burn the roll. 37 Kept first in ward the prophet is. 38 Then to the dungeon sent. 39 The city won, he freed anon, 40 To Gedaliah went. 41 Lewd men to Gedaliah slay. 42 A lie the remnant feign. 43 To Egypt's wo they thither go, 44 And their own grief and pain. 45 Mercy to Baruch he declares, 46 And Egypt's doom relates. 47 And God's designs 'gainst Philistines, 48 And Moab's ruin states. 49 Next Ammon's, with five kingdoms more, 50 And Babylon's at last. 51 This book into Euphrates throw. 52 Jerusalem laid waste. _LAMENTATIONS_ 1 Jerusalem's misery he laments, 2 And doth to God complain; 3 They hope express, and seek redress. 4 Bewail sad state and stain. 5 Lament and pray again. _EZEKIEL_ 1 A Vision strange Ezekiel sees, 2 Tells his prophetic laws. 3 The roll he eats; his charge repeats, 4 A siege on tile he draws. 5 By type of hair Jerusalem threats. 6 Doth Israel's Judgment shew. 7 Some shall remain: he makes a chain. 8 Their image-chambers view. 9 Christ's mark on them that mourn for sins. 10 Live coals are thrown about. 11 He doth complain so few remain. 12 His stuff he carries out. 13 Daubing in prophets he reproves, 14 God's heavy judgments four. 15 The vine a wood for no use good, 16 Jerusalem plays the whore. 17 Eagles large winged plant a vine. 18 Sour grapes the father eats. 19 Young lions taught to catch are caught. 20 Forefather's sins repeats. 21 First sighs, then cries a sword, a sword! 22 Their sins all numbered be. 23 Aholah and Aholibah. 24 Not for the dead mourns he. 25 God's wrath on Ammon and four more, 26 And Tyrus cruel siege; 27 Her rich supply and misery, 28 For pride and sacrilege. 29 Howl Egypt too for forty years. 30 Her arm the Lord hath broke. 31 Assyria's pride is vilify'd. 32 Egyptian's heavy stroke. 33 Injoyn'd a watchman's duty is. 34 false shepherds are reprov'd. 35 Mount Seir for hate made desolate, 36 But Israel shall be lov'd. 37 Knit are two sticks: and dead bones rais'd. 38 Gog's army and design. 39 His judgment read; he buried; 40 Gates measured by line. 41 Length, breadth, and height of temple's rooms. 42 The chambers for each priest. 43 God's glorious rays fill all the place. 44 The prince's gate on th' east. 45 Measures of sanctuary lands. 46 Laws for the prince ordain'd. 47 The waters glide from temple's side. 48 Each tribe his land obtain'd. _DANIEL_ 1 All wise men Daniel doth excel. 2 Tells what the king's dream was. 3 The children three from fire set free. 4 The king turn'd out to grass. 5 Belshazzar feasts, and sees an hand. 6 Daniel in den all night. 7 He sees four beasts rise out of seas. 8 The ram and he-goat fight. 9 Confesseth sins; counts seventy weeks. 10 Sees mighty kingdoms fall. 11 Persia by Greece; by Romans these, 12 Till Christ shall conquer all. _HOSEA_ 1 A wife and children Hosea hath. 2 He bids them all implore. 3 A concubine weds for a sign. 4 The ten tribes menac'd sore. 5 By threats warns princes, people, priests. 6 Exhorts them to repent; 7 Sins many and great he doth relate, 8 And judgments to be sent. 9 Captivity is now denounc'd, 10 For all their sins thereat. 11 For their most rude ingratitude. 12 Hypocrisy so great. 13 Destroy'd is Israel by himself. His help in God doth lie. 14 Who will relent, if they repent Of their Idolatry. _JOEL_ 1 Joel describes a dismal dearth, 2 Prescribes a solemn fast; 3 Denounces woes 'gainst Zion's foes. Pronounces blessings last. _AMOS_ 1 Amos three sins and four reproves. 2 God threatens many a coast. 3 Chiefly his own, to him best known, 4 He swears to punish most. 5 Bids them repent, does them lament. 6 Their wantonness abhorr'd. 7 Amos prays twice for Jacob's rise, 8 A famine of the word, 9 And David's tent restor'd. _OBEDIAH_ 1 Good Obadiah, Edom's pride, And spite to Israel: What recompence for their offence, Shall them befal, doth tell. _JONAH_ 1 Jonah is swallowed by a fish, 2 And then cast up again; 3 Cries Nineveh destroy'd shall be. 4 Doth for his gourd complain. _MICAH_ 1 Anger for Idols Micah tells. 2 For all those who oppress. 3 Priests, prophets, prince, use violence. 4 The church shall peace possess. 5 Beth'lem Christ's birth-place is foretold. 6 With Israel God contends. 7 That good men fail the church doth wail. Herself to God commends. _NAHUM_ 1 Nahum God's grace and wrath describes. 2 His army in array. 3 The chariots dance, and horses prance. Laid waste is Nineveh. _HABAKKUK_ 1 Habakkuk tells Chaldean's rage. 2 By faith he sees their fall. 3 To God he pray'd was much dismay'd. Yet trusts in him for all. _ZEPHANIAH_ 1 Sin ruins all things, Zephany cries. 2 Five lands are singled out; 3 Jerusalem must smart like them, Yet at the last shall shout. _HAGGAI_ 1 Haggai reproves the Jews' neglect, Inciteth them to build. 2 This temple shall, tho' 'tis but small, With glory great be fill'd. _ZECHERIAH_ 1 A view of horses Zachary hath. 2 A measuring line he sees. 3 Satan resists Joshua the priest. 4 Seven laps, two olive-trees. 5 Both sides a roll are curses writ, 6 Chariots and crowns for Priests. 7 The captives ask concerning fasts. 8 Fasts shall be turn'd to feasts. 9 Christ's riding on an ass foretels. 10 Bids ask the Lord for rain; 11 Tells at what price Jews valu'd Christ. 12 Jerus'lem built again. 13 David shall have a fountain ope, All filth to wash away. 14 On horses bells, and all vessels, Shall HOLINESS display. _MALACHI_ 1 Of sins doth Malachi complain, 2 Contempt of clergy shows. 3 Before Messias shall come Elias, 4 Repentance to propose. * * * * * THE NEW TESTAMENT. _St. MATTHEW_ 1 A Gospel Matthew writes; Christ born 2 Worshipp'd; to Egypt sent. 3 Baptiz'd by John; declar'd God's Son, 4 Is tempted; bids repent. 5 Blessings pronounces: law expounds. 6 Of fasting, prayer, and alms. 7 To judge forbear: of wolves beware. 8 Heals sick: and sea becalms. 9 Cures issue, palsy, Jairus child. 10 Gives to the twelve their charge. 11 John to him sends: he John commends. 12 Of sabbath treats at large. 13 Discourseth all in parables 14 Herod beheadeth John. 15 Faith great of might i'th' Canaanite. 16 Peter his sins doth own. 17 Elijah and Moses talk with Christ, 18 Christ bids us shun offence; 19 Divorce doth state: few good and great. 20 Of labourers; and their pence. 21 Fig-tree he curses; rides on ass. 22 The marriage; answers all. 23 Eight woes decrees 'gainst Pharisees. 24 Bewails Jerus'lem's fall. 25 Great dooms-day: talents; Virgins ten. 26 Christ is betray'd; doth sup: 27 By Pilate try'd, and crucify'd. 28 The third day raised up. _St. MARK_ 1 A Gospel Mark writes: Christ's baptiz'd, 2 Declares he's sabbath's Lord, 3 Heals wither'd hand, doth devils command. 4 The sower sows the word. 5 Brings dead to life; casts legion out. 6 Five loaves thousand feed; 7 He makes the ear that's deaf to hear. 8 Sev'n loaves their wants exceed. 9 Casteth a deaf-dumb spirit out. 10 Checks Zebedee's sons desire. 11 Casts changers out who sold and bought. 12 The vineyard let to hire. 13 Downfall of temple, and the world: 14 By Judas he is fold. 15 He's thrice deny'd and crucify'd, 16 Then rises as foretold. _St. LUKE_ 1 A Gospel Luke writes: Christ's conceiv'd. 2 His birth, praise for the same; 3 His line describ'd by Joseph's side. 4 Temptation, and his fame. 5 Begins to call disciples out, 6 Preaches of bliss and woe; 7 Centurion prais'd: a dead man rais'd. 8 Women their gifts bestow. 9 Christ is transfigur'd; lunatic heals. 10 Sends seventy: Martha warns. 11 Blames Pharisees for blasphemies. 12 Rich fool designs new barns. 13 Declares how all repentance need. 14 The dropsy he doth cure. 15 Lost sheep, and goat: lost son home brought, 16 False steward: rich man and poor. 17 Exhorts us to forgive our foes. 18 Tells of two men at prayers. 19 Zaccheus views; Christ weeps for Jews. 20 His future fates declares. 21 For two small mites the widow prais'd. 22 Christ's supper; Peter's fall. 23 The thief with Christ in paradise. 24 Christ risen: seen by all [8]. [8] The Apostles, &c. See Ver. 33, &c. _St. JOHN_ 1 Asserts St. John that Christ's the word: 2 First miracle doth give: 3 With Nicodemus speaks the Lord; 4 Samaritans believe. 5 Bethesda's pool: Jews unbelief. 6 Christ is the bread of life. 7 Goes to the feast: invites each guest. 8 Spares the adult'rous wife. 9 Cures one born blind; blinds Pharisees. 10 Shepherd, and door is he. 11 Doth Laz'rus raise, when dead four days. 12 Much people come to see. 13 Doth wash his twelve disciples' feet. 14 Is the truth, life, and way. 15 The vine is he, the branches we, 16 Speaks comfort; bids us pray. 17 Earnestly prays for all his flock, 18 By Peter thrice deny'd. 19 Dying, calls John, his mother's son, 20 To Thomas shew'd his side; 21 Thrice Peter's love he try'd. _THE ACTS_ 1 Acts of th' Apostles; Christ ta'en up, 2 The Holy Ghost descends. 3 At Peter's word the lame's restor'd, 4 Which act the Jews offends. 5 Breathless for lies, Ananias and wife, 6 Seven Deacons are elected. 7 Stephen doth plead: is ston'd teal dead, 8 And Magus is detected. 9 Converted Paul, and Dorcas rais'd. 10 Cornelius Christian made. 11 The christian name from Antioch came. 12 Peter from heav'n finds aid. 13 Deceitful Elymas struck blind. 14 Paul ston'd at Lystra, rises. 15 He counsel craves; decrees receives. 16 The jailor he baptizes. 17 Encounters the Athenians now. 18 At Corinth meets with strife. 19 Finds Ephesus as barbarous. 20 Brings Eutychus to life. 21 First taken at Jerusalem, 22 A just defence doth make. 23 Escapes a plot; to Felix brought, 24 He makes ev'n him to quake. 25 Goes before Festus, pleads, appeals, 26 To king Agrippa preaches. 27 Is shipwrekt, yet to land doth get. 28 At Rome two years he teaches. _ROMANS_ 1 Against Greeks sins Paul writes to Rome, 2 Jews sins are worse he saith. 3 Both Greeks and Jews doth law accuse. 4 Abraham was sav'd by faith. 5 By Adam death, by Christ came life; 6 To sin we dead must be; 7 And to the law, which doth sin show. 8 From wrath Christ doth us free. 9 Curst for the Jews Paul wish'd himself. 10 Shews two-fold righteousness; 11 Tells Israel's fall, and future call, 12 Doth many duties press. 13 Due tribute, custom, honour pay. 14 Of various things he treats; 15 The strong must seek to please the weak, 16 And then his friends he greets. _I. CORINTHIANS_ 1 At Corinth Paul found preaching power 2 Above Man's wisdom priz'd 3 'Tis Paul that plants: increase God grants. 4 The Apostles were despis'd. 5 Bids censure the incestuous man, 6 And suits in law refrain; 7 Of marry'd state and celibate, 8 And meats to idols slain. 9 Claims maintenance for ministers, 10 Shews sacraments of Jews, 11 Then doth insist on the' [9] Eucharist, 12 Of gifts, and of their use. 13 Describes the worth of charity, 14 Of unknown tongues he treats; 15 Then doth maintain fouls rise again. 16 Collections regulates. [9] The Lord's Supper. _II. CORINTHIANS_ 1 Again tells them his griefs and joys, 2 How that salvation's found; 3 How Christ reveal'd what was conceal'd. 4 Paul's sufferings are crown'd. 5 Blest with assurance longs for death, 6 His ministry doth prove; 7 Corinthians press to godliness, 8 And bounty, for Christ's love. 9 Compareth charity to seed. 10 His presence they deride. 11 These scoffings to self-boasting lead. 12 He afterwards begins to chide, 13 And threatens them beside. _GALATIANS_ 1 Against Galatians Paul inveighs, 2 And Peter doth reprove; 3 Abraham he saith was sav'd by faith. 4 Jerusalem above. 5 Bids them stand and fast in liberty, Wherewith Christ made them free; 6 And shews what made some men persuade Them circumcis'd to be. _EPHESIANS_ 1 As God's elect Ephesians treats. 2 And man's two states he sifts. 3 The Gentiles call reveal'd to Paul, 4 One God, and many gifts. 5 Bids them to love; but lust to flee. Duties to relatives. 6 Of arms compleat from head to feet, A full description gives. _PHILIPPIANS_ 1 Paul to Philippians prais'd his bonds, 2 Bids them Christ imitate; 3 Counts all things loss for Christ and's cross 4 Content is with his state. _COLOSSIANS_ 1 Paul to Colossians Christ describes, 2 Bids angel-worship wave; 3 Exhorts to love the things above 4 Their earnest prayers doth crave. _I. THESSALONIANS_ 1 Paul's thanks for Thessalonians faith. 2 He preach'd without deceit. 3 To them his love doth clearly prove. 4 Describes the judgment great, 5 And doth of duties treat. _II. THESSALONIANS_ 1 Again their faith and love commends. 2 The Antichrist reveals. 3 Bids them to flee ill company And then his letter seals. _I. TIMOTHY_ 1 Assigns law's use to Timothy, 2 To pray for kings directs; 3 Bishops and deacons qualifications. 4 Th' Apostacy detects. 5 By what rules he must elders treat. And widows; and his health. 6 What sins to shun; what must be done, By him and men of wealth. _II. TIMOTHY_ 1 Bids Timothy stir up God's gift, 2 And doth him courage teach; 3 He prophesies apostasies, 4 And chargeth him to preach. _TITUS_ 1 Bishops to Titus Paul describes. 2 Duties of young and old. 3 What Titus ought to teach, what not, These chapters three unfold. _PHILEMON_ 1 Philemon's constant faith and love, Great joy to Paul doth give. Then with kind speech doth him beseech, Onesimus to receive. _HEBREWS_ 1 Asserts St. Paul that Christ is God, 2 Man's seed he took, and dy'd, 3 As Moses's Lord must be ador'd. 4 Doth rest for saints provide. 5 'Bove all of Levi's line preferr'd, 6 As God did swear of old, 7 A priest made like Melchizedec, 8 He Levi's laws annull'd. 9 Christ's blood preferr'd 'bove bulls and goats, 10 Was offer'd once for all; 11 Paul next display'th the martyrs faith, 12 To run Christ's race doth call, 13 And to be kind withal. _JAMES_ 1 James in temptation bids rejoice, 2 And shew our faith by love; 3 Describeth truly the tongue unruly. 4 Shews lust contentions move, 5 And rich men doth reprove. _I. PETER_ 1 St. Peter urges godly ways, 2 And on obedience writes; 3 Bids wives be meek, and Sarah-like, 4 And when Christ's patience he displays, 5 To vigilance excites. _II. PETER_ 1 Again bids make our calling sure, 2 False teachers are foretold: 3 How Christ shall come at day of doom, 4 As promis'd was of old. _I. JOHN_ 1 John shews us Christ is our ally, 2 To young and old doth write. 3 Our works must prove the truth of love, 4 And bids us every spirit try: 5 Love makes God's laws seem light. _II. JOHN_ 1 John writes t'a lady and exhorts Her and her children dear, Constant to prove in faith and love, Seducers to beware. _III. JOHN_ 1 John writes to Gaius, and commends His charitable aim: But doth repress Diotrephes, Who strove to be supreme. _JUDE_ 1 Jude bids for faith strive earnestly, Seducers lively paints; What judgments shall to them befal, What blessings to the saints. _REVELATION_ 1 A Vision Christ reveals to John, 2 He writes to churches four. 3 To other three then writeth he. 4 The elders God adore. 5 Book with seven seals the lamb doth take. 6 He opens all but one; 7 The saints seal'd are whom God will spare. 8 Last seal; four trumpets blown. 9 Come next the fifth and sixth to sound. 10 John eats the book that's brought. 11 Witnesses two: last trumpet's woe. 12 Man-child to Heav'n is caught. 13 Describes the beast's seven heads, ten horns. 14 The lamb with saints about. 15 To angels sev'n were vials giv'n, 16 All which they poured out. 17 Egregious whore of Babylon, 18 Her woeful doom foretold; 19 God glorify'd; the lamb and bride; 20 The devil kept in hold. 21 Finally John sees all things new, Heav'n, earth, Jerusalem; 22 Doth visions close, and curseth those, That add or take from them. _The TEN COMMANDMENTS._ _These are the Laws which God did give, Keep them by Faith in Christ, and live._ Exodus XX. 3. to 18. 1 Have thou no other Gods but me. 2 Unto no Image bow thy knee. 3 Take not the name of God in vain. 4 Do not the sabbath-day prophane. 5 Honour thy father, mother too. 6 Take heed that thou no murder do. 7 From whoredom keep thy body clean. 8 Steal not, although thy state be mean. 9 Bear not false witness, shun that blot. 10 What is thy neighbour's covet not. _FINIS._ _An Hymn on the Holy Scriptures,_ _By Dr. WATTS._ Laden with guilt, and full of fears, I fly to thee my Lord, And not a glimpse of hope appears, But in thy written word. The volume of my Father's grace; Does all my griefs asswage; Here I behold my Saviour's face Almost in every page. This is the field where hidden lies, The pearl of price unknown, That Merchant is divinely wise Who makes the pearl his own. Here consecrated water flows To quench my thirst of sin; Here the fair tree of knowledge grows, Nor danger dwells therein. This is the Judge that ends the strife Where wit and reason fail; My guide to everlasting life, Through all this gloomy vale. O may thy counsels, mighty God, My roving feet command, Nor I forsake the happy road, That leads to thy right-hand. _The UNIVERSAL PRAYER,_ _By Mr. POPE._ FATHER of All! in ev'ry Age, In ev'ry Clime ador'd, By Saint, by Savage, and by Sage, Jehovah, Jove, or Lord! Thou Great First Cause, least understood: Who all my Sense confin'd To know but this, that Thou art Good, And that myself am blind; Yet gave me, in this dark Estate, To see the Good from Ill; And binding Nature fast in Fate, Left free the human Will. What Conscience dictates to be done, Or warns me not to do, This, teach me more than hell to shun, That, more than heav'n pursue. What Blessings thy free Bounty gives, Let me not cast away; For God is paid when Man receives, T'enjoy is to obey. Yet not to Earth's contracted Span Thy goodness let me bound, Or think Thee Lord alone of Man, When thousand Worlds are round: Let not this weak, unknowing hand Presume thy bolts to throw, And deal damnation round the land, On each I judge thy Foe. If I am right, thy grace impart, Still in the right to stay; If I am wrong, oh teach my heart To find that better way. Save me alike from foolish Pride, Or impious Discontent, At aught thy wisdom has deny'd, Or aught thy Goodness lent. Teach me to feel another's Woe, To hide the Fault I see; That Mercy I to others show, That Mercy show to me. Mean tho' I am, not wholly so, Since quick'ned by thy Breath: Oh lead me wheresoe'er I go, Thro' this day's Life or Death. This day, be Bread and Peace my Lot: All else beneath the Sun, Thou know'st if best bestow'd or not, And let Thy Will be done. To thee, whose Temple is all Space, Whose Altar, Earth, Sea, Skies! One Chorus let all Being raise! All Nature's Incense rise! THE END. Printed by M. Allen, Paternoster-Row. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE JUVENILE BIBLE: BEING A BRIEF CONCORDANCE OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, IN VERSE *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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