Title: The Book Review Digest, Volume 13, 1917
Author: Various
Editor: Margaret Jackson
Mary Katharine Reely
Release date: December 17, 2016 [eBook #53750]
Language: English
Credits: Produced by Richard Tonsing, Juliet Sutherland and the
Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net
Transcriber's Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Vol. XIII | February, 1918 | No. 12 |
Entered as second class matter, November 13, 1917 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
One year | $10.00 |
Single numbers | 1.00 |
Semi-annual cumulation (August) | 2.00 |
Annual cumulated number, bound (February) | 5.00 |
Combined rate for Book Review Digest, Cumulative Book Index and Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature—$35 per page per month; two of these publications $30; one of these publications $25 per page per month. Smaller space and contract rates furnished upon request.
Many minds and hands have contributed to the success of the Book Review Digest in the year 1917. Descriptive notes have been written by Margaret Jackson, Corinne Bacon, Justina Leavitt Wilson and Mary Katharine Reely. Classification numbers have been assigned by Corinne Bacon. The editorship has been divided between Margaret Jackson and Mary Katharine Reely, Miss Jackson leaving at the end of October to assume new duties on the staff of the New York Public Library School. Thruout the year the tasks of assembling material, preparing copy, and meeting the exacting demands of proof and press work have been carried on by Pauline H. Rich and Alice Sterling, and, on the business side, the correspondence which keeps us in touch with advertisers, publishers and subscribers has been ably handled by Frances Sanville. Credit for the supplementary List of Documents published with each issue goes to Adelaide R. Hasse and Edna B. Gearhart of the New York Public Library. For the Quarterly List of New Technical Books, to the Applied Science Reference Department of Pratt Institute Free Library, Brooklyn.
Who reads reviews? Much thought, scholarship and wit goes to their writing. Is a corresponding measure of appreciation given to the reading?
At first thought it might be assumed that it is the business of the Digest to discourage the reading of reviews, but we should vigorously deny any such accusation. The excerpts which we carefully cull and bring together for purposes of contrast and comparison are meant to serve as guide posts only; to serve as guides to the busy persons who make books their business. But we should be sorry to think that we were in any way detracting from the enjoyment of those to whom books should be a pleasure. We should be glad to feel that even the rushed, overworked librarian to whom our publication is a “tool” might occasionally find her curiosity so piqued by our judiciously selected quotation that she would turn back to the pages of the Nation or the Dial or the New Republic or the Spectator to read the review as a whole. It has pleased us to be told this year that in two of the larger libraries of the country the Digest is kept on file in the periodical room. From the testimony of these two libraries it appears that reviews are read and that demands for them come to the librarian. “Where can I find a review of ——,” and the Digest is referred to for answer. This public use of the Digest gives sanction to a new practice which we have somewhat tentatively adopted this year, that of starring (*) certain reviews. An asterisk so used means, generally speaking, Here is something worth reading. It may mean, if the book is a serious work of information, that the reviewer, also an expert on the subject of the book, throws further light on it; it may mean, in case of a work of literature, Here is an excellent piece of literary criticism, worth your reading for its own sake.
Signs of any kind are so seldom noticed that we call special attention to this one, and, even tho we know that prefaces are so seldom read, we trust that the notice will come to the attention of some one who will find this feature useful.
We should like to feel that the Digest itself, with its interesting assemblage of contrasting opinions, would be of value to the reading public if it were occasionally handed out over the desk to inquiring readers. Indeed one flattering friend has advised us to issue a special edition in larger type for sale on the news stands! But altho this course hardly seems practicable, we believe that in its present form, the Digest might be of some general interest and that if it were made more accessible it might act as an influence in the formation of critical taste. Even the inveterate reader of fiction might be helped by it, and to the more thoughtful it would serve as a guide to a course of reading in literary criticism.
In addition to the above list the Book Review Digest frequently quotes from Henry Turner Bailey’s reviews in the School Arts Magazine; Boston Transcript; New York Call; Cleveland Open Shelf; N. Y. Best Books; N. Y. Libraries; N. Y. City Branch Library News; New York Public Library New Technical Books (a selected list, published quarterly); Pittsburgh Monthly Bulletin; Pratt Institute Quarterly Book List; St. Louis Monthly Bulletin; Wisconsin Library Bulletin (Book Selection Dept.), and the Quarterly List of New Technical and Industrial Books chosen by the Pratt Institute Library.
Abbreviations of publishers’ names will be found in the Publishers’ Directory at the end of the Annual, 1916 number.
An asterisk (*) before the price indicates those books sold at a limited discount and commonly known as net books.
The figures following publisher’s name represent the class number and Library of Congress card number.
The descriptive note is separated from critical notices of a book by a dash.
The plus and minus signs preceding the names of the magazine indicate the degrees of favor or disfavor of the entire review.
An asterisk (*) before the plus or minus sign indicates that the review contains useful information about the book.
In the reference to a magazine, the first number refers to the volume, the next to the page, the letters to the date and the last figures to the number of words in the review.
ABBOTT, EDITH, and BRECKINRIDGE, SOPHONISBA PRESTON. Truancy and non-attendance in the Chicago schools. *$2 Univ. of Chicago press 379.2 17-3577
“‘Truancy and non-attendance in the Chicago schools’ carries the tale of public education—‘the most important subject that we as a people can be engaged in’—through its vivid history in the second city in the United States, from the establishment of our free schools to the present day, indeed it may be said, to the last authentic news on the topic in the present day. ... Beginning with a picturesque survey of the struggle for the ‘free-school’ principle (1818-55), the chronicle continues with a relation of the main events of the struggle for the compulsory principle (1855-83) ‘when the first compulsory law was passed,’ and closes with a record of the various activities characterizing the period, still continuing, ‘of struggle for the perfection of the compulsory law.’”—Dial
“This book should be carefully read by every administrative officer in charge of the enforcement of school attendance or child labor laws, and also by every person who contemplates the difficult task of drafting such legislation. Practically every feature of the system recommended for Illinois is in effect in one or more other states.” H. L. Sumner
+ | Am Econ R 7:409 Je ‘17 750w |
Reviewed by E. L. Talbert
+ | Am J Soc 22:839 My ‘17 370w |
“A clear, logical and interesting study, illustrated with the case histories of many children, of value to social workers and specially to educators. A companion volume to ‘The delinquent child in the home’ (Booklist 9:9 S ‘12).”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:374 Je ‘17 | |
+ | Cleveland p108 S ‘17 30w |
“Of especial interest for two reasons. Because it forms a striking comment on a characteristic American weakness—our failure to realize—our inability to follow up with sustained attention or even with intelligent curiosity the vital social experiments made, or perhaps one should say the vital social experiments mentioned as mandatory, by our statute-books. It is of interest also because of its description of our inability to correlate juvenile laws whose joint efficiency should guarantee a child a fair opportunity for education.” Edith Wyatt
+ | Dial 62:310 Ap 5 ‘17 1650w | |
Educ R 54:94 Je ‘17 50w |
“By far the most extensive study of the kind that has yet been made for any American city. ... The recommendations are reasonable and conservative. ... The book is therefore written from the social worker’s sympathetic point of view rather than from the frequently more circumscribed, and usually somewhat different, point of view of the professional school man. It is a model of rigorous scientific study of the questions involved that ought to be of large suggestiveness to other cities in their making of similar studies.” J. F. Bobbitt
+ | El School J 17:771 Je ‘17 550w |
“It is likely that the book will result in an important improvement of the child labor law in Illinois.” J. H. T.
+ | Int J Ethics 27:535 Jl ‘17 100w |
“The question of how to make compulsory education laws and child labor laws jointly effective is so important that light upon it is to be welcomed from every quarter. The experience of Illinois with such legislation is that of one of the most advanced states; it is described by two experienced workers in the Chicago School of civics and philanthropy in a manner that goes well outside the field suggested by the title.”
+ | Nation 104:438 Ap 12 ‘17 230w | |
Pittsburgh 22:691 O ‘17 90w | ||
Pratt p15 O ‘17 40w |
“A story competently told with adequate documentation, not essentially different from that which could be presented for most parts of the country during the same periods. The accomplishment of this book is to take public schooling out of its antiquated and still somewhat academic atmosphere, and out of the outworn but persistent habits and concepts of the earlier American community, to present it in the light of the social background in which it belongs today, and compel the reader to realize that the education of the children of our great cities demands consistent thinking and courageous following up of its implications and honest common sense in administration.” G: H. Mead
+ | Survey 38:369 Jl 28 ‘17 1350w |
ABBOTT, ELEANOR HALLOWELL (MRS FORDYCE COBURN). Stingy receiver. il *$1 (4c) Century 17-7926
A middle-aged woman who is tired of spending her wealth on people who receive grudgingly, a young doctor and a beautiful and radiant young girl who rejoices in the name of Solvei Kjelland, are the characters in this little story. The rich woman is ill. The young doctor is trying to cure her. The rich woman is offered one wish. This is what she wished: “That the last mail of the day may never leave me utterly letterless; and that I may always be expecting a package by express!” The story was published as a serial in the Woman’s Home Companion.
A L A Bkl 13:353 My ‘17 |
“The story is possible but we cannot escape from the feeling that it is wildly improbable. The young doctor is the one real character in a world of phantoms. ... Although it possesses a certain amount of charm in the telling it lacks conviction.”
– + | Boston Transcript p13 Ap 7 ‘17 280w | |
+ | Ind 90:594 Je 30 ‘17 40w |
“It is a gay and sweet little story, unusual in its beginning, happy in the way it ends, entertaining and sympathetic throughout the progress of its pretty romance. It is full of laughter, and it has touches, especially in unexpected bits here and there about the older woman, of tenderness.”
+ | N Y Times 22:99 Mr 18 ‘17 270w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p19 Mr 25 ‘17 250w |
2ABBOTT, GEORGE FREDERICK. Turkey, Greece and the great powers; a study in friendship and hate. maps *$3 (3c) McBride 949 17-7959
The two parts of this book are quite distinct. In part 1 chapters devoted to France and the Turks, Russia and the Turks, England and the Turks, and The Germanic powers and Turkey are followed by a discussion of Turkey’s choice in the present war. “While the practical statesman must deplore the effects of that choice,” says the author, “the philosophical onlooker will derive a certain cold satisfaction from its perfect logicality. The capricious hand of chance had nothing to do with it. It all came about in strict accordance with the law of causation. Each side reaped precisely what it had sown.” The treatment of Greece and the powers in part 2 is similar. The historical relationship of Greece to each of the great powers at war is studied at some length in order that her position and attitude at the present time may be understood. The policy of the Allies toward Greece since the beginning of the war is characterized as stupid and blundering, producing an effect exactly opposite from that desired. Mr Abbott was a war correspondent in the Turko-Italian war and published a book on “The holy war in Tripoli.” He is also author of “Turkey in transition.”
“Very readable, it gives a better understanding of the Near East problem. Many references and a page list of source material.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:16 O ‘17 |
“The last chapter, ‘The moral suasion of Greece,’ is an excellent study of popular sentiment.” C. H. P. Thurston
+ | Bookm 46:289 N ‘17 40w |
“The author is more convincing in his historical statements, for which he invariably cites his authorities, than he is in his judgments of contemporary policies. The book is certainly a valuable contribution to a better understanding of the Near East problem. There are two maps; one of Turkey in Europe at its zenith, published about 1680, and the other is of the Balkans today.”
+ — | Boston Transcript p6 My 2 ‘17 730w | |
+ | Dial 63:164 Ag 30 ‘17 420w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:91 Je ‘17 | ||
Pittsburgh 22:824 D ‘17 60w |
“So far as it professes to be a historical examination of the relations between Turkey and Greece and the great powers the book is defective and badly planned. ... Mr Abbott brought to his task much familiarity with Balkan countries, an incisive style, and an evident capacity for laborious research. Yet the result is to some extent disappointing, for the book lacks balance and perspective. ... Yet, with all its faults, some sections of it serve a very useful purpose, and it is worth reading.”
– + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p51 F 1 ‘17 1350w |
ABBOTT, GRACE. Immigrant and the community. *$1.50 (2c) Century 325.7 17-13469
Our policy toward the immigrant has been one of laissez-faire. Miss Abbott’s purpose in this book is to show how, as a result, both the immigrant and the community have suffered, and to point out means for his protection and better adjustment to American life. The book is based in part on lectures given before the Chicago School of civics and philanthropy and consists of chapters on: The journey of the immigrant; The problem of finding a first “job”; The special problems of the immigrant girl; Protection against exploitation; The immigrant in the courts; The immigrant and the public health; The immigrant and the poverty problem; The immigrant and industrial democracy; The education of the immigrant; The immigrant in politics; The immigrant and American internationalism; The immigrant’s place in a social program. The author is a resident of Hull House and director of the Immigrants’ protective league of Chicago. Judge Julian W. Mack writes an introduction for the work.
“No other existing book treats so fully or so well the problem of the woman immigrant. Admirable example of settlement house method and viewpoint. As a work of reference, particularly in statistics, needs to be used with caution.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:426 Jl ‘17 |
“Miss Abbott has been able to put her evidence into readable form, to appeal to our common humanity and yet reveal that she is not blind to the problems involved. The volume is to be highly commended to all who are interested in immigration, and particularly to those who want to know the extent of our own failure to safeguard newcomers and help in their readjustment to our life.” C. K.
+ | Ann Am Acad 74:302 N ‘17 210w |
“Miss Abbott’s plea is for adjustment rather than assimilation. In this respect she disagrees with the textbook writers, and perhaps with most staunch Americans. She believes that the immigrant brings a contribution to America which should be preserved. One of the most interesting of her many pertinent suggestions regarding immigrant adjustment is that we organize more carefully the potentialities for the development of an international understanding through immigration into this country and return migration.” L. L. Bernard
+ | Dial 63:205 S 13 ‘17 1150w | |
+ | Ind 91:186 Ag 4 ‘17 180w |
“It is not Grace Abbott’s facts, but her inferences, that will produce two opinions about her volume. ... The entire responsibility for the stranger within our gates she places squarely upon our shoulders. Perhaps, so long as we admit him, that position is arguable. But Miss Abbott will not allow us to lighten the burden by restricting immigration. ... Yet it might be urged that the immigrant himself would profit by a slower infiltration, which would prevent the growth of the huge foreign colonies which have hindered as well as aided his advance, and have created a special problem for a democracy already pretty well loaded up.”
Nation 104:763 Je 28 ‘17 400w |
“The book fails in just one point. After piling on a tremendous indictment—an indictment that every American should read and ponder—there is no great general lesson drawn. These questions press for reply: What drives these hordes here? Should they continue to come? Should we let them in? If they have a right to come, then these further questions appear to need answer.” W: M. Feigenbaum
+ — | N Y Call p14 Jl 15 ‘17 500w |
“Authoritative, incisive. The book cuts far below the surface alike of censure and of complacency. It offers the kind of information which, now perhaps as never before, every American needs.”
+ | N Y Times 22:169 Ap 29 ‘17 600w | |
Pratt p10 O ‘17 30w |
“Miss Abbott is director of the Immigrants’ protective league of Chicago, and has worked for the Massachusetts immigration commission. Her study of the problem has included visits to some of the most important European homes of the immigrant, notably, Galicia, Croatia and the Slovak districts of Hungary and Bohemia. It is from her own experiences and knowledge of the question that she has drawn in writing a discussion that is illuminating in its choice of incidents and sound in its suggestive conclusions.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 My 16 ‘17 600w |
“The only disappointing chapter of the book is that which deals with the immigrant and the public health.” B. L.
+ — | Survey 38:372 Jl 28 ‘17 1200w | |
+ | Wis Lib Bul 13:153 My ‘17 70w |
ABDULLAH, ACHMED. Bucking the tiger. *$1.35 (2½c) Shores 17-15283
“Ritchie Macdonald finds himself ‘dead broke.’ ... Unable to borrow any money in Spokane, he evolves an original scheme to lift from him, and from the little group of men with whom he foregathers, the common burden of dead-brokeness. ‘There’s just one way, and I’ve pointed it out to you. We chip in—all of 3us—all but one—we buy a heavy life insurance for that one. He kills himself at the end of a year, and we divide the money.’ The adventurers agree and gamble to decide who shall be the one sacrificed. The lot falls to Mac himself. He sees to it that it does. Another clause has meanwhile been added to the agreement, whereby the prospective suicide is to be provided by his confrères with sufficient money to make this last year of his life one long enjoyment. ... Mac at once takes up quarters in the leading hotel of Spokane. ... Now enters the little manicurist, Emily Steeves. And soon Mac finds that the idea of suicide is growing less and less alluring. He becomes identified with certain large life insurance interests. Makes money rapidly. A plot is formed to discredit him. But he circumvents this plot, and gets out of the fulfillment of the suicide pact exactly as Emily declares he must, ‘without paying blackmail and without welshing.’”—Boston Transcript
Boston Transcript p6 Ag 22 ‘17 360w | ||
N Y Br Lib News 4:86 Je ‘17 |
“A slangy, but broadly amusing tale.”
Springf’d Republican p19 Je 10 ‘17 150w |
ABT, ISAAC ARTHUR. Baby’s food; recipes for the preparation of food for infants and children. *$1.25 Saunders 613.22 17-19828
The author, who is professor of diseases of children in the Northwestern university medical school, says in his foreword: “Young mothers, nurses, and caretakers frequently ask the physician for minute directions for the preparation of foods for infants and older children. I have attempted to collect from various sources recipes for the preparation of the most commonly employed foods. I undertook to do this primarily for my own convenience in prescribing for patients and meeting the repeated demand. I claim no originality in regard to the recipes, and acknowledge my indebtedness to various sources for information.” He appends a list of authorities in English and German and refers to practical help given by various women dietitians. In addition to the recipes, which are grouped by class and indexed, the book contains tables of Mineral constituents of the food, Caloric value of various foods, Diet lists (for children up to five years), Baths and packs, Tables of measurements, etc.
“A good collection of recipes. ... For the intelligent mother.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:79 D ‘17 |
“A most useful book for mothers, and one that will save many doctor’s bills.”
+ | R of Rs 56:555 N ‘17 40w |
ACADEMY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. Labor disputes and public service corporations; ed. by H: Raymond Mussey. (Proceedings, v. 7, no. 1) pa $1.50 Acad. of political science 331.1 17-26392
“This is a valuable survey of American, Canadian, and Australian experience in governmental mediation and arbitration, with statements of the attitude of the labor unions toward compulsory arbitration, mediation, and conciliation.”—R of Rs
Am Econ R 7:411 Je ‘17 130w | ||
A L A Bkl 13:375 Je ‘17 |
“The book is divided into four sections: (1) Government mediation and arbitration, (2) Trade unions and compulsory arbitration, (3) Trade unions and mediation and conciliation, (4) Recent aspects of labor disputes. The fourth section discusses arbitration of recent labor disputes and also the Adamson act, from the employees’, employers’ and public viewpoints.”
Engin N 77:435 Mr 15 ‘17 90w | ||
+ | R of Rs 55:443 Ap ‘17 30w |
ACHARYA, ANANDA. Brahmadarsanam; or, Intuition of the absolute. il *$1.25 (2½c) Macmillan 181 17-24840
An untechnical introduction to Hindu philosophy by Ananda Achārya. The author discusses the six systems of Hindu philosophy all of which differ from the philosophies of the rest of the world by presupposing that the soul is ultimate reality. His analysis leads up to a tabulation of the four states of our psychic life, viz. (1) waking, in which we are conscious of the outward universe; (2) dreaming, in which we are conscious of the inward universe; (3) dreamlessness, in which we are unconscious of the inward and outward universe; (4) Turiya, in which we are self-conscious in the absolute sense. The four states correspond to (1) conquest of the objective world of sense and emotion; (2) conquest of the subjective world of intellect and reason; (3) conquest of the subtile world in which the first two lie in seed form; (4) freedom in the identity of self with God, and the attainment of the absolute. His doctrine of error, expounded at some length and consisting in thinking of non-existence as existence, suggests the Christian science idea. The study is stimulating and inspirational.
“Unqualified approval can scarcely be the meed of an author who professes to be scientific yet has no notion of history and no clear sense of the value of definition. These faults vitiate the ‘Brahmadarsanam.’ Despite these defects, the ‘general reader’ will learn a good deal from the Acharya’s book, and his exposition, albeit rather too flowery and poetical, of Hindu monism is, on the whole, to be approved.”
+ — | Nation 106:97 Ja 24 ‘18 300w | |
+ | New Repub 13:132 D 1 ‘17 130w |
“Sri Ananda Acharya is an excellent writer. He has a faculty for making the most abstract and profound subject absorbing and entertaining. His method is direct, concise, yet vivid and human.”
+ | N Y Times 22:498 N 25 ‘17 220w |
“Brief and popular exposition of Hindu philosophical doctrine presented to us by a Hindu in terms which are not exposed to the suspicion of western or of Christian prejudice. His book is well worth reading. But we must repeat the caution that its teaching may mislead those who are unfamiliar with the phraseology and development of western speculation.”
+ — | Spec 119:357 O 6 ‘17 1000w |
“Satisfactory to such as it satisfies. And others will take refuge in ‘common sense.’ Perhaps the better, or best, attitude is to welcome the book as offering an exposition of the Vedānta school of philosophy not readily to be found elsewhere in such clear and full detail.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p484 O 11 ‘17 950w |
ACKERMAN, CARL WILLIAM. Germany, the next republic? il *$1.50 (3c) Doran 940.91 17-17989
In his preface the author makes the following somewhat surprising statement: “I believe that the United States by two years of patience and note writing, has done more to accomplish the destruction of militarism and to encourage freedom of thought in Germany than the Allies did during nearly three years of fighting.” He was in Germany as correspondent for the United press from March 1915 to the breaking off of diplomatic relations and he watched the progress of thought in Germany during that time. President Wilson’s notes started the people to thinking, but as the thinking did not go far enough, a crushing military defeat is now looked to as the only hope for a democracy in Germany. Contents: Mobilization of public opinion; “Pirates sink another neutral ship”; The gulf between Kiel and Berlin; The hate campaign against America; The downfall of von Tirpitz and von Falkenhayn; The period of new orientation; The bubbling economic volcano; The peace drive of December 12th; The Bernhardi of the seas; The outlawed nation; The United States at war; President Wilson. Among the illustrations are a number of interesting German cartoons.
A L A Bkl 14:17 O ‘17 |
Reviewed by C. H. P. Thurston
+ | Bookm 46:289 N ‘17 20w | |
Cleveland p102 S ‘17 50w |
4“We knew very little of Germany before the war, and we know practically nothing of what has been going on in that country since August, 1914. Our conception of the whole war is confined to some trite phrase, such as ‘democracy against autocracy.’ ... In view of this deplorable situation, it is fortunate that Mr Ackerman has written this book; it is a book that every American, and especially every American liberal, should find of the greatest value.” Ward Swain
+ | Dial 63:104 Ag 16 ‘17 2750w | |
+ | Ind 91:473 S 22 ‘17 300w | |
+ | Lit D 55:34 S 29 ‘17 600w |
“When the more impartial post-bellum histories of the war are written, volumes like Mr Ackerman’s will have become invaluable source-books. And this solely because of the facts presented, not because of any insight. To disagree with Mr Ackerman’s interpretation of his facts does not necessarily imply that one maintains the opposed or pacifistic view. It means rather a criticism of his plausibility. So many flagrant inconsistencies appear in the book because, I believe, his viewpoint towards our entrance into the war is the result of a reasoned rather than a felt conviction. To reconcile his early statement that Wilson’s two years of diplomatic patience and appeal to public opinion did more to liberalize Germany than all of England’s and France’s attacks in the field with his later statement that only a crushing military victory for the Allies will free Germany of her autocratic rulers—such a task would require more dialectical skill than Mr Ackerman possesses.” H. S.
+ – — | New Repub 13:129 D 1 ‘17 1950w |
“The author, who stayed in Germany during the last two years of the war and whose dispatches to the American press betrayed a keen insight in German public affairs, offers mainly a description of the internal struggle between the Bethmann-Hollweg and the Tirpitz factions and its reaction upon American foreign policy. While in general his judgment is reliable, his description of Bethmann-Hollweg as leading the democratic forces can hardly be called well-chosen.” J. Koettgen
+ | N Y Call p14 Jl 8 ‘17 880w |
“One of the most illuminating phases of his book is the view he gives of the discussion and division of opinion among the people and in the government itself as to submarine warfare.”
+ | N Y Times 22:306 Ag 19 ‘17 350w | |
+ | Pittsburgh 22:679 O ‘17 80w |
“The earlier chapters are by far the most interesting. The last two chapters—on the United States at war, and President Wilson—descend to journalese and add nothing to the book.” Frank Fitt
+ — | Pub W 92:816 S 15 ‘17 520w | |
+ | R of Rs 56:549 N ‘17 100w |
“Whatever may be said of the value of this evidence, the portions of Mr Ackerman’s book that deal with Germany, though containing little that is new, are of interest to the American public; the chapters on America’s entrance into the war, with long quotations from speeches and editorials, make the most obvious sort of padding.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p17 Jl 1 ‘17 750w |
“For the serious student of affairs the importance of the book lies in the large mass of information which it contains as to the struggle which was going on all the time in Germany between the two great parties, the Pan-Germans and the party of comparative moderation which centered round the Foreign office.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p3 Ja 3 ‘18 1400w |
ACTON, JOHN EMERICH EDWARD DALBERG-ACTON, 1st baron.[2] Selections from the Correspondence of the first Lord Acton; ed. with an introd. by J: Neville Figgis and Reginald Vere Laurence. 2v v 1 *$5 Longmans 17-31664
v 1 The editors have made selections from Lord Acton’s correspondence with Cardinal Newman, Lady Blennerhassett, W. E. Gladstone and others. This collection constitutes volume 1 and is to be followed by a second volume devoted to correspondence with Döllinger. The letters have been arranged in three groups: Early letters; Ecclesiastical correspondence; General correspondence. Groups 2 and 3 are then subdivided. The editors say, “Out of a large mass of letters we have chosen those which throw most light on Acton’s development.”
“A liberal Catholic, a lover of freedom, enunciator of the maxim that ‘liberty depends on the division of power,’ and an opponent of capital punishment, Acton was in advance of much of the opinion of his time. For this reason, if there were no others, the correspondence is worthy of attentive study.”
+ | Ath p597 N ‘17 180w |
“The importance of these letters is due essentially to the fact that they relate to Lord Acton rather than to Lord Acton’s times and contemporaries.” W. S. B.
+ | Boston Transcript p10 D 8 ‘17 700w |
“Though he knew too many men as well as books to be dull, the lovers of personalities and gossipy biography are warned off. On the other hand, those who wish to understand something of the beginnings of continental liberalism in church and state will find so much instruction in Lord Acton’s letters that they will be well repaid for the attentive reading which they demand.”
+ | Sat R 124:333 O 27 ‘17 1250w |
“This new volume of Acton’s own correspondence is welcome in so far as it throws light on his elusive personality, but it must be added that the letters are not often as interesting as we had hoped. For our part, we should have preferred a strictly chronological order for the Acton-Gladstone correspondence, which would then have illustrated clearly the long and intimate friendship existing between these two eminent men. As it is, we are carried backward and forward, from one topic to another. His editors have diligently annotated the text, and their biographical references are valuable. But the book is, like Acton’s other writings, not at all easy to read.”
+ — | Spec 119:417 O 20 ‘17 2150w |
“Apart from the notes and the index it cannot be said that the editors have done their work particularly well. Their worst sin is their method of arrangement. ... This sounds like order, but in fact produces chaos.”
+ – – | The Times [London] Lit Sup p488 O 11 ‘17 1900w |
ADAMS, ARTHUR BARTO. Marketing perishable farm products. (Columbia univ. studies in history, economics and public law) pa *$1.50 Longmans 338 16-14602
For descriptive note see Annual for 1916.
“In thus stating the problem it seems that the author must realize that he is dealing with a question of the distribution of wealth; that is, with the method of its apportionment among those who produce and handle farm products. But he considers marketing as entirely a part of production. In his review of the present system of marketing and in his analysis of its cost he dwells only upon activities which are mechanically necessary to put goods in the hands of the consumer. ... Mr Adams goes farther in recommending government aid than many authorities—Mr Weld, for instance, in his work on ‘The marketing of farm products’; but not so far as Mr Elwood Mead, who has the Australian and European situation in mind.” W: R. Camp
Am Econ R 7:125 Mr ‘17 1350w |
“The author has produced a valuable work. It is analytical, not dogmatic, keeps in view the facts, and is constructive. It overturns preconceived opinions and demolishes the positions of some writers and many agitators. The reader of the work has the sense of dealing with something substantial and trustworthy and feels that he has secured a much better foundation 5for judging the case of the much maligned marketing or middleman system.” J: M. Gillette
+ | Am J Soc 22:559 Ja ‘17 650w |
“The book is valuable in pointing out definite defects and discussing corrective measures. It does not contribute much that is new to the solution of the problem.” N. D. H.
+ | Ann Am Acad 70:325 Mr ‘17 180w |
Reviewed by C. L. King
Survey 37:585 F 17 ‘17 280w |
ADAMS, FRANKLIN PIERCE. Weights and measures. *$1 Doubleday 817 17-29489
A new book of verses, selected from the author’s contributions to newspapers and magazines. Mr Adams parodies Amy Lowell, Sara Teasdale, Edgar Lee Masters, and Horace, and writes on The indignant captain of industry, The patriotic merchant prince, and other modern themes. “Don’t tell me what you dreamt last night” is inspired by Freud, and “Strange cases” relates a series of tales with surprising conclusions—surprising because not unusual.
+ | A L A Bkl 14:119 Ja ‘18 | |
+ | Cleveland p134 D ‘17 100w |
“Besides his funniness, which depends as much on his assumptions of intimacy as on a gentle irony, Mr Adams is felicitous in his use of exacting metres and involved rhyme-schemes. Most choice is his use of slang in paraphrasing Latin.”
+ | Dial 63:528 N 22 ‘17 420w |
“As any one might know by mention of ‘F. P. A.’ as the author, this is a delightful book. It is so full of a number of things!”
+ | N Y Times 22:485 N 18 ‘17 320w |
ADAMS, JOHN DUNCAN. Carpentry for beginners. il *$1.50 Moffat 684 17-24720
“John D. Adams has gathered together his articles on carpentry which have previously been printed in magazines, and they now appear in book form under the title ‘Carpentry for beginners.’ Beginning with the simplest of articles which the average small boy can make, the author proceeds to describe others, more difficult, some of which would be a credit to a cabinet maker. ... For those who do not care to undertake the laborious task of getting out their own stock, each article has its mill bill. This enables the builder to have all material cut and planed, leaving only the putting together and finishing to be done.”—Springf’d Republican
+ | A L A Bkl 14:79 D ‘17 |
“The photographs, drawings and descriptions are so clear that with patience one should turn out very creditable pieces of furniture granting that one has the necessary knack.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 D 1 ‘17 130w |
ADAMS, JOSEPH QUINCY. Shakespearean playhouses. il *$3.50 (4½c) Houghton 792 17-24678
A history of seventeen regular and five temporary English theaters which takes advantage of the findings of later scholars. The writer, who is assistant professor of English in Cornell university, has examined original sources first hand and offers his own interpretation of historical evidences. The audience sought includes college and university students of Shakespeare or of the Elizabethan drama; all persons interested in English literature; and those interested in the history of the theater. The illustrations and maps are note-worthy for their value as a pictorial history of English theaters from their beginning to the restoration. The bibliography, tho “not intended to be exhaustive, is fairly complete.”
“A good reference book.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:82 D ‘17 |
“Its material is drawn from a first-hand examination of original sources and from an independent examination of the historical evidences. It is to be regretted, however, that in reproducing old documents he has chosen to modernize their spelling and punctuation, and that he has thought it necessary to change dates from the old style chronology to the new.” E. F. E.
+ — | Boston Transcript p10 N 28 ‘17 630w |
“Since the present cannot be understood without a thorough knowledge of the past, Mr Adams’s scholarly account of ‘Shakespearean playhouses’ is an important factor in any study of contemporary development. Mr Adams’s book will be welcomed by all students of the theatre, whether of its contemporary or historical phases.”
+ | N Y Times 22:578 D 30 ‘17 170w |
ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS. Our square and the people in it. il *$1.50 (2c) Houghton 17-29518
“Walled in by slums stands our square, a valiant green space, far on the flank of the great city,” writes the author in a foreword. He has told a series of stories of the people of the square, the little sculptor, the doctor, the Scotch tailor and others. The stories deal with matters of every day life but are told from the point of view of a romanticist. Contents: Our square; The chair that whispered; MacLachan of our square; The great peacemaker; Orpheus, who made music in our square; “Tazmun”; The meanest man in our square; Paula of the housetop; The little red doctor of our square. Some of these are reprinted from magazines.
A L A Bkl 14:129 Ja ‘18 |
“It would not be altogether candid to say that their truth to life impresses one as he reads these pleasant chapters. That there is no evil under the sun which true love may not remedy might well be the motto of each essay.”
+ — | Boston Transcript p6 D 26 ‘17 240w |
“The author’s style, stimulating and capricious as it always is, sets heart-strings to vibrating and brings tears close to the surface.”
+ | Lit D 55:51 D 29 ‘17 180w |
“They are pleasant stories, ... and if they make one feel that they belong to some enchanted dreamland rather than in and around a New York east side park, they are, nevertheless, agreeable and entertaining.”
+ — | NY Times 22:458 N 11 ‘17 900w |
“The stories are luminous with a delicate humor and wholly free from the vulgarity which sometimes characterizes stories in or about the slums.”
+ | Outlook 117:510 N 28 ‘17 170w |
ADLER, ALFRED. Neurotic constitution; outlines of a comparative individualistic psychology and psychotherapy; auth. English tr. by Bernard Glueck and J: E: Lind. *$3 Moffat 130 17-4718
“Dr Adler, starting as a pupil of Freud, has now been disowned by the master because of the diminished emphasis laid by Adler on the sexual element. The neuroses grow, according to Adler, from a sense of inferiority, due itself to some actual or imagined bodily infirmity. The neurotic individual, even as a child, feels himself inferior and his position and outlook insecure; this feeling, not acquiesced in, leads to a self-assertion (the ‘masculine protest’) that seeks fictitious and strained means of expression, while at the same time shrinking from the real tests of life.”—Survey
“The book is not pleasant reading, and one has, all through, the impression that Adler is trying very hard to defend himself in a position, which really does not need such valiant efforts, to gain the fulfillment of his own craving for security.” Wilfrid Lay
Bookm 45:199 Ap ‘17 1250w |
“Furnishes many suggestions of therapeutic value. ... Any person, whether neurotic or not, would be much interested in and benefited by a reading of Dr Adler’s work.”
+ | N Y Times 22:272 Jl 22 ‘17 250w |
“‘The neurotic constitution’ prompts the observation that if all the studies of Freud and his 6method are to be translated for the American public they should at least be put into intelligible English.”
Springf’d Republican p6 F 20 ‘17 110w |
Reviewed by R. S. Woodworth
Survey 38:361 Jl 21 ‘17 130w |
AIKEN, CONRAD POTTER. Jig of Forslin. *$1.25 Four seas co. 811 A17-1323
“‘The jig of Forslin’ is a much more ambitious effort than ‘Turns and movies.’ ... Its theme, as explained in the preface, is ‘the process of vicarious wish fulfillment by which civilized man enriches his circumscribed life and obtains emotional balance. It is an exploration of his emotional and mental hinterland, his fairyland of impossible illusions and dreams.’ Forslin, alone in his hall bedroom, dreams himself by turns a murderer, a juggler, the lover now of a woman of the street, now of a great queen, now of a lamia. He ranges through all periods, all climes. The sound of music binds his dreams together.”—N Y Times
“The poem as a whole is unlike anything else. The sensibilities will be offended, the coarseness of the picturesque novel is introduced, and yet there are sections of mystical beauty and lyrical intensity. It will arouse discussion, and rightfully so, because, whatever one may say of form and method, there is little or no artifice in the substance. As a poet Mr Aiken gains immeasurably with this poem.” W. S. B.
Boston Transcript p9 D 20 ‘16 1300w |
“The author has not quite completed the dramatization of his narratives. They are poignant as stories of other men and women, as dramatic monologs, if you will, but in spite of painstaking efforts on Mr Aiken’s part their vicarious significance in Forslin’s life does not really emerge from the fluid mixture.”
+ — | Ind 89:366 F 26 ‘17 150w |
“The author has not tempered the rashness of his colors, but, by substituting vision for reality, he has in a manner lowered the gas, and, in the restful though morbid twilight, effects are more poetical and less repulsive. Mr Aiken employs many verse-forms, including free verse. He is a born metrist.” O. W. Firkins
+ | Nation 105:245 S 6 ‘17 290w |
“The evident purpose is to render man’s vicarious satisfaction of the tabooed impulses. The thing will be done some day, but it will take a greater knowledge of life and man and Freud than this poet seems to possess.” Clement Wood
— | NY Call p15 Ja 5 ‘18 130w |
“‘The jig of Forslin,’ no less than ‘Turns and movies,’ is a poem of youth, but of youth imaginative, not sensuous.”
+ | N Y Times 22:55 F 18 ‘17 350w |
“To the persons who like the newer schools of verse and enjoy the study of the processes of the mind, and to all poets, one heartily commends ‘The jig of Forslin,’ a most extraordinary novel in verse.”
+ | R of Rs 55:211 F ‘17 120w |
“With a refreshing sense of relief, the reader in search of something new comes upon the work of a new poet who deserves the term in a descriptive sense as well. Such a writer is Conrad Aiken, one of the youngest of contemporary poets, a graduate of Harvard in the class of 1911, and already the author of two volumes of verse.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Mr 18 ‘17 1100w |
AIKENS, CHARLOTTE ALBINA. Home nurse’s handbook of practical nursing. 2d ed, thoroughly rev il *$1.50 (1½c) Saunders 610.7 17-7826
The first edition was published in 1912. Changes in the new edition consist of minor revisions and additions. “Of the additions, the most important are the notes on the care of premature babies, infantile paralysis, tuberculosis patients, aged patients, and patients afflicted with chronic diseases of the heart and kidneys, and on the prevention of mental diseases—all of which have their beginnings, and in most cases their endings, in the home.”
A L A Bkl 13:361 My ‘17 |
AINGER, ARTHUR CAMPBELL. Memories of Eton sixty years ago; with contributions from Neville Gerald Lyttelton and J: Murray. il *9s Murray, London 373 (Eng ed 17-13276)
“The author finds a reason for the presentment of another book on Eton in the fact that many of the events of the years from 1850 to 1860 show the passing of the old order and the birth of the new. Not only to old Etonians, but also to the general reader, this volume of memories clinging around the ancient school, its inner life, the discipline, manners, and customs of far-off days, and the picturesque buildings, some of which are no more, will be of great interest.”—Ath
“The illustrations are very attractive.”
+ | Ath p104 F ‘17 90w |
“To the old English public schoolboy, these reminiscences of sixty years ago will call up many vivid recollections; to the old American schoolboy they will prove no less delightful by their contrasts between the educational systems and methods of the two countries.” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ja 12 ‘18 1250w |
“He has fulfilled his task, obviously a labour of love, in a manner that calls for unstinted praise at the hands not only of those who owe to Eton the educational and moral training which has fitted them for the battle of life, but of all Englishmen who are justly proud of this, one of her greatest institutions.”
+ | Library World 19:271 Ap ‘17 430w |
“Mr Ainger writes always with the urbanity which is the special charm of the Etonian. Never unkind, as is the way of some stylists more careful of effect than of the truth, he speaks out when criticism is needed.”
+ | Sat R 123:sup5 Mr 31 ‘17 950w |
“It is even scrappy; but does that matter if every scrap is a pleasure? Inserted between the chapters are seventeen of his school songs and other verses, and Johnson’s ‘Boating song,’ which, with Mr Ainger’s ‘Carmen’ and ‘Vale,’ is known all the world over.”
+ | Spec 118:440 Ap 14 ‘17 720w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p89 F 22 ‘17 800w |
AKSAKOV, SERGIEI, TIMOFIEEVICH. Russian gentleman; tr. from the Russian by J. D. Duff. *$2.25 (2½c) Longmans (Eng ed 17-22678)
Sergiei Aksakov was a Russian writer who lived from 1790 to 1859. He is the author of two autobiographical works, one of which “Years of childhood” was published in English last year. The other, “Recollections,” is promised for future publication. The present work is pre-autobiographical. It deals with matters before the author’s time and ends with the year of his birth. “Family history” is its more exact title. The translator’s preface says, “‘A Russian gentleman’ seems a suitable title for this book, because the whole scene, in which a multitude of characters appear, is entirely dominated and permeated by the tremendous personality of Aksakov’s grandfather, Stepan Mihailovitch. Plain and rough in his appearance and habits, but proud of his long descent; hardly able to read or write, but full of natural intelligence; capable of furious anger ... but equally capable of steadfast and even chivalrous affection; a born leader of men and the very incarnation of truth, honour, and honesty—Stepan Mihailovitch is more like a Homeric hero than a man of modern times.”
A L A Bkl 14:57 N ‘17 | ||
+ | Ath p256 My ‘17 50w | |
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Je 30 ‘17 420w |
“The hot-tempered but strictly honorable country squire of eighty years ago is splendidly 7portrayed. The picture of the times in which he lived, however, is the picture of a nightmare.”
+ — | Ind 92:56 O 6 ‘17 130w |
“It is accepted in Russia as a faithful picture of the conditions which prevailed in the district of Orenburg under Catherine the Great.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:649 O ‘17 50w | |
Pratt p47 O ‘17 30w |
“Mr Duff, who has already given us an excellent rendering of Aksakov’s ‘Years of childhood,’ has added to our indebtedness by this translation of what is generally admitted to be his masterpiece, ‘Family life,’ under the title of ‘A Russian gentleman.’”
+ | Spec 118:565 My 19 ‘17 1750w |
“Half-imaginary memoirs is the best description we could give of this book. As for its merit, it is simply this, that every page of it is interesting with a quiet but intense interest.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p187 Ap 19 ‘17 1350w |
AKSAKOV, SERGIEI TIMOFIEEVICH.[2] Russian schoolboy; tr. from the Russian by J. D. Duff. *$2.25 (2½c) Longmans 18-1741
“A Russian gentleman,” “Years of childhood,” and “A Russian schoolboy” are the three volumes of Aksakov’s recollections, named in chronological order. The second however, which appeared in English translation in 1916, was written later than the other two, having been published within a short time of the author’s death. The book, which begins with a touching account of a little boy’s homesick longings for his mother, covers the years from 1799 to 1807, and consists of four long chapters: My first term at school; A year in the country; My return to school; Life at college. An appendix contains a sketch, “Butterfly-collecting, an episode of college life,” which was the author’s last piece of writing.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ja 2 ‘18 450w |
“This completes Mr Duff’s translation of the memoirs of one of the most striking and individual among Russian writers.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p530 N 1 ‘17 40w |
“When we consider the rare merit of these books we can scarcely thank the translator sufficiently. Ignorant as we are of the works of Aksakov, it would be rash to say that this autobiography is the most characteristic of them; and yet one feels certain that there was something especially congenial to him in the recollection of childhood. He is not, we think, quite so happy in the present volume because he passes a little beyond the scope of childhood. ... Aksakov’s peculiar gift lay in his power of living back into the childish soul.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p539 N 8 ‘17 1950w |
ALDEN, RAYMOND MACDONALD. Alfred Tennyson: how to know him. il *$1.50 Bobbs 821 17-25767
The author is professor of English in Leland Stanford Jr. university. “Professor Alden adopts the method of copious quotation intermingled with commentary and exposition. He gives us the meagrest details of Tennyson’s life and then only as his doings and his writings are interwoven.” (Boston Transcript) He takes up “all the important briefer poems of Tennyson” with the text; gives “some account of the general character and structure of the great works which are too extensive to be represented by giving their full text”; but does not include the dramas. One chapter is given to “the relations of our age to the Victorians, as illustrated by the poetry of Tennyson.”
“A sound interpretation.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:84 D ‘17 |
“Like its predecessors in the same series, Professor Alden’s ‘Tennyson: how to know him,’ is better than its title. And like its predecessors, it is all the better because it does not fulfill the implications of its title. ... Professor Alden interprets the poet and his work with a sound judgment. ... But his style is, we regret to say, frequently far from impeccable.” E. F. E.
+ — | Boston Transcript p6 S 29 ‘17 1400w | |
+ | Cleveland p133 D ‘17 100w | |
+ | Ind 92:64 O 6 ‘17 100w |
“As an American interpreter of Tennyson, Professor Alden labors under the disadvantage of remoteness from the poet’s environment and also from his modes of thought. This remoteness from Tennyson’s world leads his interpreter into misconception. He misses the point of ‘The northern farmer.’ ... On the whole, Professor Alden is on the side of the angels, and defends this Victorian archangel against the attacks of the little cliques, the faddists and the Philistines. He might, however, make fewer concessions to the enemy.”
+ — | Nation 105:603 N 29 ‘17 1000w |
“A teacher who renounces much of Tennyson, and whose admiration of what is left is strong and contagious—such is Mr Alden.” P. L.
+ — | New Repub 13:24 N 3 ‘17 1250w |
ALDIS, HARRY GIDNEY. Printed book. (Cambridge manuals of science and literature) il *45c (1c) Putnam 655 17-8491
“The scope of the present volume is limited to a brief outline of the origin and development of the printed book of the western world, printed for the most part on paper, occasionally on vellum, and more rarely on other material. In point of time the subject falls within the last five hundred years.” (Introd.) Contents: The advent of printing; The spread of the art; The fifteenth-century book; The scholar-printers of the sixteenth century; English books, 1500-1800; The modern book; The construction of a book; Illustrations; Bookbinding and bookbindings; The handling and mishandling of books. The volume has several interesting illustrations, a bibliography and an index.
A L A Bkl 14:44 N ‘17 |
“There is an excellent chapter on modern presses.”
+ | Cleveland p112 S ‘17 20w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:59 Ap ‘17 |
“Interesting little book.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:667 O ‘17 20w | |
Pratt p22 Jl ‘17 10w |
ALDON, ADAIR. Island of Appledore. il *$1.25 (3c) Macmillan 17-28795
Appledore island lies off the New England coast, and it is here that Billy Wentworth, who had never seen salt water before, comes to spend a summer with an aunt. He had not wanted to come at all and he has made up his mind not to like the Atlantic ocean. But that mood cannot last, and he is shortly asking old Captain Saulsby to teach him all about boats. Billy has use for his new knowledge, and some very real adventures lie before him, for this is the time of the European war and German spies are at work along the Atlantic coast. In the end Billy enlists in the navy.
A L A Bkl 14:100 D ‘17 | ||
+ | Ind 92:448 D 1 ‘17 20w |
“A capital story for boys.”
+ | Outlook 117:432 N 14 ‘17 10w |
“Any one who knows Appledore as one of the Isles of Shoals will recognize in a moment that Adair Aldon has taken liberties with the scenery. The author admits it, claiming a novelist’s license, and then proceeds to write a stirring tale.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 D 8 ‘17 190w |
ALDRICH, DARRAGH. Enchanted hearts. il *$1.35 (1½c) Doubleday 17-25127
A story which is as wholesome for grown-ups as it is enchanting to younger readers. Little Comfort, the heroine, sleeping or waking, inhabits her castle of dreams where she is Fairy-godmother. “That,” she says, “is what I truly am; but of course my business is peeling potatoes and things and washing dishes. I wait on 8tables, too, mostly—when I am not making beds.” In the boarding house where she wields alternately her fairy wand and the paring knife is her Princess who writes stories. Fairy-godmother observes that when the fat envelope comes back, gloom prevails. Her work is to hunt up a Prince who can save the Princess. Success seems to come readily after a visit to the rooms of a rich, bored young man whom the wand transforms. But the uncertain days that follow, days during which Fairy-godmother tests and even doubts the magic of her wand, ripen her childish wisdom. She never gives up, and the end makes her dreams all come true.
“A good story of its kind.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:94 D ‘17 |
“The Pollyannas and Little Sir Galahads have made so vivid an impression on our present day fiction that we probably shall not lose their influence for some time to come. We can forgive that influence, however, when it gives us a character as lovable as Fairy godmother in ‘Enchanted hearts.’”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 N 24 ‘17 300w |
“There is a spirit of reality, spontaneous joy, and spiritual faith in the book which excites and maintains interest. It even disarms criticism when sane reason disapproves of excessive flights of fancy.”
+ | Lit D 55:48 D 29 ‘17 250w |
ALDRICH, MILDRED. On the edge of the war zone. il *$1.25 Small 940.91 17-24668
Miss Aldrich’s letters published under the title of “A hilltop on the Marne” covered the period between June 3 and September 8, 1914. The first letter in the present volume, also written from the little house near Huiry on the Marne, is dated September 16, 1914, and the last April 8, 1917. The book pictures for us both the spirit of the French nation and the happenings in one little corner of France, “from the battle of the Marne to the entrance of the Stars and Stripes.” (Sub-title)
+ | A L A Bkl 14:51 N ‘17 |
“Miss Aldrich has seen little more than the smoke of distant conflict, but she has lived in the very heart of France during all its struggle. These quiet letters, quite devoid of thrilling incident, are the essence of the home life of these memorable three years and to the reader who knows nothing of the technical art of war they are far more interesting than detailed accounts of battles.” F. A. G.
+ | Boston Transcript p7 D 8 ‘17 1650w |
“The reader will appreciate and share the writer’s evident affection for the French peasant and find especially interesting her account of supplying books to the poilus and of work with the American base hospital in the neighborhood.”
+ | Cleveland p118 N ‘17 70w |
“Has nothing quite so thrilling to relate as the earlier book, but it lacks neither interesting incidents nor charm of style.”
+ | Ind 92:61 O 6 ‘17 30w |
“Every one knows that Miss Aldrich can write and that she has a very human, observant eye, and a unique understanding of the French mind under the stress of the war. Her new book is packed with incidents and observations of the pathos and beauty of the French spirit.”
+ | Lit D 55:38 D 8 ‘17 150w |
“A quiet record of one woman’s experiences and reactions more illuminating than many volumes of vague generalizations.” E. P. Wyckoff
+ | Pub W 92:1387 O 20 ‘17 350w |
“Full of vital, soul-stirring experience.”
+ | R of Rs 56:442 O ‘17 70w |
ALEXANDER, PHILIP FREDERICK.[2] Earliest voyages round the world, 1519-1617. (Cambridge travel books) il *75c Putnam 910.4
“In the century, 1519-1617, covered by this travel-book there were six voyages round the world—one Spanish, led by a Portuguese, Magellan; two English, led by Drake and Cavendish; and three Dutch, led by Van Noort, Speilbergen, and Le Maire and Schouten. Mr Alexander includes in this volume Pigafetta’s account of the Magellan expedition; Francis Pretty’s narratives of Drake’s piratical voyage, and of Cavendish’s first voyage; and an account of Le Maire and Schouten’s discovery of the route round Cape Horn. There are numerous illustrations, including a sixteenth-century map of Drake’s voyage corrected by the great navigator; a dozen pages of useful notes; a brief introduction to the narratives; and a table of important dates in the history of discovery.”—Nature
“As a contemporary source book, which maintains the atmosphere of the great days of the early voyages, this compilation will prove extremely useful and stimulating.”
+ | Nature 98:388 Ja 18 ‘17 150w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:134 S ‘17 30w |
“As an introduction to Hakluyt and the publications of the Hakluyt society, nothing could be better. As a school text-book, nothing could be more attractive.”
+ | Spec 118:110 Ja 27 ‘17 110w |
ALEXINSKY, GREGOR. Russia and Europe; tr. from the manuscript by Bernard Miall. *$3 Scribner 947 17-5551
“A previous work of the author’s on modern Russia was devoted to the distinguishing facts of Russian life as contrasted with the life of western Europe. And now he discloses how Russia has ‘Europeanized herself’ and sums up the effects of European influences on the great Slav empire, past and present. ... We read that it is through the foreigner’s money and his novel forms of exploitation that the old state of things in Russia has been subject to a profound upheaval. Coming to the present war, the author says that all the democrats in Russia recognize in it the cause of liberty, external and internal. They see in the fraternity of Russia and the western nations a force tending to democratize and Europeanize their country. And they believe their country will achieve its own liberty when it reaches the end of the road leading to victory over the external oppressor.”—Boston Transcript
A L A Bkl 13:344 My ‘17 |
“This writer, who has been a member of the Duma, knows his Russian intimately. ... Interesting chapters are devoted to ‘The Europeanization of the state’ and ‘Ideals.’ The influence of western ideas upon philosophy and social movements is set forth in an attractive way. ... Mr Alexinsky’s book should help to calm the fears of those who have been led to believe that great Russia will, sooner or later, decide to throw in her lot with Germany and Austria.”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 Mr 10 ‘17 400w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:77 My ‘17 | ||
+ | N Y Times 22:84 Mr 11 ‘17 750w | |
+ | Outlook 116:74 My 9 ‘17 80w | |
Pittsburgh 22:677 O ‘17 20w | ||
Spec 118:342 Mr 17 ‘17 140w |
“Mr Bernard Miall has done well in the essential matter of making the book read almost as though it were written in English; but he is open to reproach for certain defects apparently due to carelessness. The book badly needs an index, and no indication is given of what system of transliteration has been followed. He is curiously reckless with the centuries.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p50 F 1 ‘17 850w |
ALEXINSKY, TATIANA. With the Russian wounded; tr. by Gilbert Cannan; with an introd. by Gregor Alexinsky. *2s 6d Unwin, T. Fisher, London 940.91
“The author is the wife of Gregor Alexinsky, who played so revolutionary a rôle in the second Duma that he was exiled to Paris. On the outbreak of the war, Mrs Alexinsky, who shares her husband’s internationalist hopes, went to Russia primarily to discover if it really was a 9people’s war. Several months as a nurse in a hospital train finally destroyed her early scepticism. ‘All wars are not the same,’ her patients would say to her, ‘but ours is a just war.’ Other ideas, however, received confirmation. There was a touching, dull wonder at the stupidity of a world which made wars necessary—even the most ignorant peasants expressed that. ... If there was likewise a determination to fight this war ‘to a finish,’ it was only because the men believed it was the one sure way to end future conflicts.”—New Repub
+ | New Repub 9:307 Ja 13 ‘17 400w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:140 Ap 15 ‘17 400w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p539 N 9 ‘16 70w |
ALFORD, LEON PRATT, ed. Manufacture of artillery ammunition. il *$6 McGraw 623.45 17-5988
Papers reprinted from the American Machinist. “The material splits up into sections on shrapnel, high-explosive shells, cartridge cases and fuses. In each field the manufacturing methods are disclosed for a variety of sizes; production data are given for each kind and size of ammunition shown.”—Engin News-Rec
+ | A L A Bkl 13:431 Jl ‘17 |
“The appendix includes some timely suggestions, based on twenty-six months’ experience of the allied nations, for the standardization and procurement of machine tools by the United States government.”
+ | Bul N Y Public Library 21:482 Jl ‘17 100w |
“An up-to-date text on munitions manufacture has been earnestly desired by the Council of national defense and by every manufacturer who may have to turn his plant into an arsenal. The most obvious way to secure such a book was to reprint the papers that have appeared in the American Machinist since the onset of the European war. The contact with munitions manufacture is coming at so many points that this work will be needed by great numbers of industrial engineers who will not themselves bear the direct responsibility of manufacture.”
+ | Engin News-Rec 78:360 My 17 ‘17 130w |
“Admirable work—complete, practical, and carefully illustrated.”
+ | N Y P L New Tech Bks p11 Ap ‘17 100w |
“A very interesting and valuable book.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:443 My ‘17 6w (Reprinted from Iron Trade Review p732 Mr 29 ‘17) | |
Pittsburgh 22:521 Je ‘17 |
“Contains 699 illustrations.”
+ | Pratt p18 Jl ‘17 30w |
ALINGTON, CYRIL ARGENTINE. Shrewsbury fables. *75c Longmans 170
“‘Shrewsbury fables’ are addresses given in the chapel of Shrewsbury school by the former headmaster, Cyril Alington, who last year succeeded Dr Lyttelton as headmaster of Eton. ... Dr Alington’s early addresses are on simple and practical questions of religion and ethics, and since the war have mainly to do with service of the country in the army. The last address, however, is a pleasant homily on the quest of glory and its transitoriness.”—Springf’d Republican
N Y Br Lib News 4:93 Je ‘17 20w |
“We confess to a certain degree of dismay that an eminent head master, among whose functions is, presumably, that of educating the taste of his pupils, should hold up so bizarre a style of composition for their imitation, for boys are essentially imitative. ... Of the moral and religious lessons which Dr Alington desires to enforce in the garb of fable we would speak with all respect and appreciation. ... Apart from this one lapse [concerning Milton] from good taste and wisdom, it is the form, and not the matter, of these discourses that we do not like.”
+ — | Sat R 123:390 Ap 28 ‘17 820w |
“There are not a few passages which in their delivery must have provoked smiles, for Mr Alington is not afraid of humour, even of a freakish kind; but, as a set-off, there is a great deal that is profoundly serious and touching. We are reminded at times of Bunyan and again of Plato, but the touch and the illustrations are essentially modern and admirably suited to the boy audience.”
+ | Spec 118:236 F 24 ‘17 1900w | |
Springf’d Republican p8 Ap 20 ‘17 220w |
“If anyone strange to the public school system of England and its ideals were to need a short cut to the understanding of them, he might do worse than begin with Mr Alington’s ‘Fables.’”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p103 Mr 1 ‘17 620w |
ALLEN, GEORGE HENRY; WHITEHEAD, HENRY C., and CHADWICK, FRENCH ENSOR. Great war. 5v v 2-3 il ea $5 Barrie 940.91 (Eng ed 15-19225)
“A comprehensive popular history ... to be sold by subscription.” (Springfield Republican) “Volume 1 treats of: Causes of and motives for the war; Volume 2, The mobilization of the moral and physical forces; Volume 3, The original German plan and its culmination. There is a ‘Chronological table’ at the end of each volume.” (Pittsburgh) Volume 1 was run in the Digest in 1915.
“The preceding volume dealt with the causes of the war. This one concerns the manner in which the conflict was begun, the last conversations of diplomats and statesmen, etc. ... There is something finely dramatic in his account of the memorable sessions of the Reichstag and the House of commons. ... The second part of the volume most readers will find of less interest. There is lengthy statement of the military organization of the warring powers and also of their naval strength. ... It cannot be said that the author displays improper prejudice for the Teutonic allies, but prolonged acquaintance with the German people has brought him thoroughly under the glamour of their achievements and their greatness. The German army is the exemplar and the pattern. ... There is lack of clear, trenchant, lucid generalization, and especially of interpretation, while the statistical comparisons might be better made in tables than by the narrative form in which they are expounded. In the third part there is a chapter on the mobilization of financial resources, interesting and especially good as regards Great Britain and Germany.” E: R. Turner
+ — | Am Hist R 22:864 Jl ‘17 1400w (Review of v 2) | |
Am Pol Sci R 11:594 Ag ‘17 50w (Review of v 2) |
“The book is written in a terse and lucid style, and its logical plan, combined with its clear and judicial manner of treatment, makes it a work of much popular appeal, although the painstaking care of the authors to make it comprehensive and accurate in its use of facts gives it scholarly authoritativeness.”
+ | N Y Times 22:282 Jl 29 ‘17 220w (Review of v 2) | |
Pittsburgh 22:49 Ja ‘17 30w (Review of v 1-3) |
“The publishers have done their part well by providing a volume which, if somewhat too large for comfortable reading, is handsomely printed and generously illustrated. ... ‘The great war,’ so far as issued, provides a full, clear, authentic view of the beginning of the conflict, and, while the work is intended for the general reader, historical students will find it useful for reference.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p10 Ap 27 ‘17 220w (Review of v 2) |
ALLEN, H. WARNER. Unbroken line. il *$2 Dutton 940.91 (Eng ed 17-1330)
“An illustrated survey of the French trenches from Switzerland to the North sea, by one of the British newspaper correspondents with the French armies in the field during the years 1915-16.” (R of Rs) “Under Mr Allen’s guidance, 10we are able to take a personally conducted tour along the line and remark the idiosyncrasies of its several sections. Except in the case of the defence of Nancy and the Somme offensive, he attempts no consecutive narrative of the fighting, but contents himself with illustrating military geography with graphic anecdotes of heroism and ingenuity. ... The book is brought up to date by a chapter describing the first ten weeks or so of the battle of the Somme—or rather of that part of the battle assigned to the French troops.” (The Times [London] Lit Sup)
“Mr Allen had opportunities for observation accorded to perhaps no other press correspondent save Frederick Palmer. And the story he tells of his journey from Switzerland to the Channel along the ‘Wall of civilization’ is one of high inspiration and encouragement.” F. B.
+ | Boston Transcript p7 Ap 28 ‘17 700w |
“Among the illustrations are many official photographs reproduced by permission of the French government.”
R of Rs 55:551 My ‘17 40w |
“The reader derives a clear impression of the daily life and the temper of the French soldiers.”
+ | Spec 118:105 Ja 27 ‘17 350w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p530 N 9 ‘16 650w |
ALLEN, WILLIAM HARVEY. Self-surveys by colleges and universities; with a referendum to college and university presidents. (Educational survey ser.) il $3 World bk. co. 378 17-29342
“To make it easier for American democracy to understand, and to shape for democracy’s ends, the higher education upon which it spends a half-billion dollars yearly, is one purpose of this book,” says the foreword. The work consists of “first-aid tests that will help a trustee, president, professor, parent, or student act as business doctor or efficiency engineer to his own college.” The author is an ardent advocate of the self-survey in preference to the survey by outside experts. He says, “The study of higher education which is most needed today is study by colleges themselves of themselves, and by each college of itself.” Contents: The survey movement in higher education; Procedure for a coöperative college survey; Relation of trustees to president and faculty; Executive and business efficiency; Faculty government; Extracurricular activities of students; Course of study; Instructional efficiency; Relation with college communities. Various “exhibits,” including the faculty questionnaire of the University of Wisconsin, are given in the appendix.
+ | El School J 18:393 Ja ‘18 600w | |
+ | School R 26:64 Ja ‘18 420w |
ALLEN, WILLIAM HARVEY, and PEARSE, CARROLL GARDNER. Self-surveys by teacher-training schools. (Educational survey ser.) il $2.25 World bk. co. 370.73 17-29341
In this work the authors advocate the plan of educational survey that was employed in a study of the eight normal schools of Wisconsin. This survey was carried out by the State board of public affairs, and in his introduction President Carroll G. Pearse, of the Milwaukee normal school, points out some of its advantages: “The study was neither framed nor carried on by any foundation or other private agency, nor was it conducted by a distant bureau, whose knowledge of the study and findings and whose influence on the methods of work and conclusions drawn could not be only nominal. The survey was coöperative. ... The survey was not hurried. ... The study was made by men who were familiar with the problems to be studied. ... The study was not only coöperative but also immediately and continuingly constructive.” Contents: Reasons for self-surveys; Pathfinding by Wisconsin’s normal schools; Steps in making a self-survey; Making self-surveys build as they go; Administration problems; Course-of-study problems; Supervision problems; Classroom instruction; Training department’s training; Extra-curricular activities of students; Technique of reporting surveys; General needs of teacher-training schools; Exhibits.
+ | El School J 18:393 Ja ‘18 600w |
“It cannot be doubted that this book in the hands of normal schools and college administrators will provide a powerful impetus for improvement of present methods of administering higher official work in this country.”
+ | School R 26:64 Ja ‘18 830w |
ALLEN, WILLIAM HARVEY.[2] Universal training for citizenship and public service. il *$1.50 (3c) Macmillan 323 17-27906
Dr Allen who is director of the Institute for public service in New York believes that one of the great problems for all countries after the war will be how, while removing war’s wreckage, to guarantee the permanence of its benefits and to direct its momentum towards rebuilding what war has torn down. The purpose of his book is to formulate for lay students of public affairs certain minimum aims and steps which are within the reach of the general public. “In addition to listing minimum essentials that are necessary in training privates for citizenship, it discusses briefly other minimum essentials of training which citizens should require for drillmasters, for entering and remaining in public and semi-public service, and for the professions. Three other chapters indicate the country’s need for specialized training for parenthood, for public spirited use of special gifts and for creative imagination and devoted attention to the country’s upbuilding after the war.” (Publishers’ note)
“The somewhat arid title of this book scarcely suggests to the reader its really inspiring appeal. Replete with the latest ideas as to civic work, its discussion of the problems of citizenship that confronts us now, and will confront us after the war, is terse, vigorous, and helpful to a high degree.”
+ | Outlook 118:66 Ja 9 ‘18 60w |
ALTSCHUL, CHARLES. American revolution in our school text-books; with an introd. by James T. Shotwell. *$1 Doran 973.07 17-25472
“The object of this informal study is ... to determine whether we are justified in thinking that the history text-books in use more than twenty years ago may have had a definite prejudicial influence on the minds of a considerable part of our population; and if so, to what extent the text-books in use at present promise a different result.” (Preface) “Applying a rather rigid formula, Mr Altschul praises (by implication) the school books that show the political conditions in England prior to the Revolution and indicate that the action of the British government was not supported by the people at large. He condemns (by implication) those that do not dwell on British political conditions prior to the Revolution and that do not enumerate and honor the eminent Englishmen who espoused the American cause.” (Springf’d Republican)
“Drawing his data from some ninety-three text-books, he establishes some significant results. The book is a compilation with a moral which Professor Shotwell draws in his excellent introduction.” C. H. Van Tyne
+ | Am Hist R 23:403 Ja ‘18 600w | |
A L A Bkl 14:87 D ‘17 |
“Should be purchased by school superintendents from Portland, Me., to Portland, Ore., and used as a guide for the elimination of antiquated rubbish and the acquisition of such rare but procurable text-books as tell the story of our struggle with England in a presentation that is fair to both countries.”
+ | Boston Transcript p7 N 10 ‘17 330w |
11“We heartily recommend this whole book to the American public for perusal and thoughtful consideration. But in pointing out the significance of such a study as this, we must by no means lose sight of Mr Altschul’s fair-mindedness, his modesty, the complete absence from his book of anything that approaches the dogmatic. Nor should any mistake be permitted as to the object of his criticism; as we have said, he is not criticising American research, but American elementary school textbooks and it is not their accuracy with which he finds fault. He does not quarrel with the truth of their facts, but with their incompleteness—an incompleteness that makes for superficiality and prejudice, and that is responsible for an impression that is inaccurate, however correct the statement of narrow fact may be.”
+ | N Y Times 22:399 O 14 ‘17 1850w | |
R of Rs 57:104 Ja ‘18 90w | ||
Spec 119:772 D 29 ‘17 550w |
“Mr Altschul seems to favor a method of teaching history which should be deliberately friendly to the English, as the teaching of the past has been, it seems, deliberately unfriendly. But what is wanted is the truth—a critical, rather than sentimental view—and it is just a matter of common-sense pedagogy to determine at what age a child can adopt a critical view.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p8 S 28 ‘17 600w |
ALTSHELER, JOSEPH ALEXANDER. Rulers of the lakes. (French and Indian war ser.) il *$1.35 Appleton 17-24207
“This is a book for boys, full of Indian warfare, treachery, intrigue, skirmishes, narrow escapes, and portraying American history from the time of Braddock’s defeat at Fort Duquesne to the Colonists’ success at Lake George. The principal characters are young Robert Lennox and his Indian friend Tayoga, who make the journey through the wilderness, in the face of terrible danger, to warn Fort Refuge, and afterward do scout duty and hard fighting at Lake George and Lake Champlain.” (Lit D) “While it is linked up with the two preceding volumes, ‘The hunters of the hills’ and ‘The shadow of the north,’ by means of a common set of characters, the story is complete in itself, and may be enjoyed and understood independently of its companion tales.” (Springf’d Republican)
“Not important but readable.”
+ — | A L A Bkl 14:172 F ‘18 |
“Gives a picture of Iroquois life and warfare that is historically true.”
+ | Ind 92:449 D 1 ‘17 40w |
“The description of life in the wilderness, of the intrigue and cunning necessary in dealing with the French and Indians, of repeated encounters where ultimate success depends on quick wit and wily cleverness, makes fascinating reading for youth.”
+ | Lit D 55:38 O 27 ‘17 160w |
“Mr Altsheler draws some very vivid pictures of the struggle between the forces contending for the North American dominion; but the individual efforts of the daring trio will occasion the reader the livelier interest.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 S 23 ‘17 260w |
ALVORD, CLARENCE WALWORTH. Mississippi valley in British politics. 2v *$10 Clark, A. H. 973.2 16-23066
“In an exhaustive two volume study of ‘The Mississippi valley in British politics,’ Clarence Walworth Alvord recounts the various attempts made by the British government to settle and develop the vast territory between the Appalachian barrier and the Mississippi which came into its hands as a result of the Treaty of Paris in 1769. In the opinion of the author the failure of the British to solve the problem of governing and settling this region was one of the leading causes of the American Revolution, and a far more important one than the riots and patriotic demonstrations in Boston and other cities on the Atlantic coast which bulk so large in our histories.”—Ind
“Able as is the political narrative yet the most interesting, illuminating chapters are those which discuss the rival capitalistic enterprises of land speculation and the fur trade (the only two lines open in the West to moneyed men), and the political manoeuvring of each for the right to exploit the great interior in its own interests.” A. C. Ford
+ | Am Econ R 7:382 Je ‘17 800w |
“Professor Alvord has himself published a study of the proclamation of 1763. ... And twenty years ago Professor Coffin gave us an excellent history of the Quebec act of 1774. But hitherto no one has attempted a comprehensive study of the many problems involved in the possession of the western territory, or of the British policy of dealing with these problems during the whole period from the Peace of Paris to the opening of the Revolution. ... The results of Professor Alvord’s labor constitute an important contribution to the literature of the American Revolution.” Carl Becker
* | + | Am Hist R 22:671 Ap ‘17 1600w |
“Professor Alvord’s volumes will prove of interest to at least four groups of persons: students of the history and problems of colonial administration; ... persons interested in British political history; ... persons who seek a corrective on that treatment of pre-revolutionary American history which fixes the attention upon the performances of the ‘madding crowd’ of New York and Boston, to the exclusion of things transmontane. ... Finally, for students of western history the work has much illuminating interpretation.” F: A. Ogg
* | + | Am Pol Sci R 11:349 My ‘17 650w |
“These volumes contain a detailed, but rather dull and dryasdust narrative of the story of British misgovernment of North America in the eighteenth century. Ample bibliographies are included, as well as a good index.”
+ | Ath p51 Ja ‘17 30w |
“Professor Alvord makes out an excellent case, and in the two large volumes which contain the elaboration of his theory, he has brought to light a mass of historical material of surpassing interest and value, if not absolutely convincing. ... But apart from this question, these two volumes have a value of their own as a study of the development of the Mississippi valley which we have not found matched in any other similar compass. The historian, the economist, the student of affairs, will alike find in them material of incalculable value. The style is one to attract the reader, and the copious footnotes and citations afford opportunity to pursue the study of the subject still further.” G. H. S.
+ | Boston Transcript p8 D 27 ‘16 1850w |
“A splendid bibliography and a good index complete this scholarly inquiry.”
+ | Cath World 106:119 O ‘17 1900w |
“There are few readers on this side of the Atlantic who will not have much to learn from Mr Alvord’s learned and thoughtful volumes. They are accompanied by some useful maps.” H. E. Egerton
+ | Eng Hist R 32:299 Ap ‘17 950w | |
Ind 89:232 F 5 ‘17 250w |
“All that Professor Alvord has here written of the actual attempts to settle the western territory, of land-schemes and land-grants, of the activities of promoters, and of the migrations of restless wanderers and pioneers is of the greatest interest and value. ... If the fact be recognized that in this work we are dealing with only one aspect of a great and difficult problem, and are not to look on what it contains as a study of causes culminating in the American revolution, then we can freely accord to it the praise that it justly deserves.”
+ | Nation 104:579 My 10 ‘17 1850w | |
Pittsburgh 22:323 Ap ‘17 |
“To most readers these volumes will give a wholly new conception of the attitude of Great Britain towards its American possessions during the decade preceding the Revolution. From public and private documents never before published, Professor Alvord shows that the ministry at London was far more deeply concerned than has generally been supposed with the fate of its western possessions in America.”
+ | R of Rs 55:107 Ja ‘17 140w |
12AMERICAN HIGHWAY ASSOCIATION. Good roads year-book, 1917. 6th annual ed $2 Am. highway assn. 625.7 (12-14988)
“The ‘Good roads year book’ for 1917 of the American highway association carefully summarizes, as usual, the progress of the last year in the improvement of roads in the commonwealths, our insular possessions, and Alaska. A new departure is to be found in two hundred pages devoted to papers upon those simple and non-technical features of highway construction and maintenance which a commissioner entrusted with the expenditure of road funds should know. There has been a demand for this from local road officials who have found that most of the treatises on roads are more useful to engineers than to the uninitiated. The American highway association has entered upon this work with enthusiasm, enlisting some fifty experts in it. The result is a veritable brief reference-book upon rural road building, applicable to the whole country.”—Nation
+ | Nation 105:268 S 6 ‘17 170w |
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. City planning progress in the United States, 1917. il $2 Am. inst. of architects 710 17-15450
“Valuable service has been rendered by the production of this survey of city-planning effort—and lack of effort—in 233 cities and towns of the United States. Information obtained from authentic published reports or from signed reports by responsible authorities is presented for every city and town of 25,000 or less (1916 census estimates) and for some smaller places. The review for each city and town is a readable account of local city-planning activities, whether private, semi-public or public. Maps and halftones are freely used. A ‘Summary’ of four pages is devoted chiefly to progress at home and abroad in various lines during 1917. This is followed by four pages of city-planning references, by Theodora Kimball, Harvard university.” (Engin News-Rec) The compilation has been made by the Committee on town planning of the American institute of architects under the editorship of George B. Ford, city planner, to Newark and Jersey City, author of “Comprehensive city planning,” etc., assisted by Ralph F. Warner.
“In the revised and extended edition promised early in 1919 it is to be hoped that an attempt will be made to bring out clearly for each city just what has been accomplished in the realization of the reports and plans reviewed. Where nothing has been done, it would perhaps help the cause, both locally and generally, to say so instead of leaving the reader to draw his own conclusions. The need for more definiteness may well be illustrated by the case of Hartford, Conn.”
+ | Engin News-Rec 78:603 Je 21 ‘17 380w |
AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Teaching of government; report by the Committee on instruction, C: Groves Haines, chairman. *$1.10 Macmillan 353 16-23033
The report of a committee appointed in 1911 to investigate this subject. “Besides a very suggestive section on ‘Recent progress in the teaching of government,’ there are parts devoted to a report on the teaching of civics in secondary schools, the course of study, report on the teaching of political science in colleges and universities, and an appendix containing the report of state committees on the teaching of civics in elementary and secondary schools. ... The section on the course of study contains suggestions as to the subject-matter and methods of approach to the study of government in both the elementary and the secondary schools, and rather complete bibliographies on methods of teaching and books for both texts and references.” (School R)
A L A Bkl 13:287 Ap ‘17 |
“Teachers of government have waited long and patiently for this book. In some respects the book is likely to prove of service. On the other hand, its value is greatly impaired by the lack of orderliness in arrangement, by the inclusion of much that is of neither present-day interest nor usefulness, and by the complacent contempt for accuracy in matters of detail which the volume shows all too plainly. Within the twenty-odd pages of the bibliography, in fact, one may find excellent examples of nearly everything that a good bibliographer ought not to do.”
* | – + | Nation 104:314 Mr 15 ‘17 750w |
“The report is of considerable value and is well worth a careful perusal by civics teachers in both junior and senior high schools.”
+ | School R 25:293 Ap ‘17 450w |
AMES, JOSEPH BUSHNELL. Under boy scout colors. il *$1.35 (2c) Century 17-25246
Dale Tompkins, a newsboy out of school hours, has faithfully studied the boy scout handbook in the hope of some day becoming a real scout. A sudden emergency, in which a little boy’s life is at stake, finds Dale with the necessary knowledge and skill at his command. At many other times in the course of the story, the value of boy scout training is put to the test and in the final chapter the team work of the entire troop is called for in a crisis. The story has appeared serially in St Nicholas, and has been “approved by the Boy scouts of America.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:135 Ja ‘18 |
“A good and wholesome tale of its kind.” J: Walcott
+ | Bookm 46:498 D ‘17 190w | |
Lit D 55:59 D 8 ‘17 50w |
ANDERSON, BENJAMIN MCALESTER. Value of money. *$2.25 Macmillan 332 17-14066
“Those economists who are thinking vitally are using money as their approach to economic theorizing. Professor Anderson is among these. This book aims to show money as a function rather than an instrument of modern business life. Because it is functional, it is dynamic, changing under the influence of complex social forces and in turn being a factor in the change of these social forces. In a word, the author applies the concept of social value which he has outlined in a former treatise to the problem of money value. This necessitates the refutation of the quantity theory of money, marginal utility and other fundamental principles of orthodox analysis.” (Survey) The author is assistant professor of economics at Harvard university.
+ | A L A Bkl 14:112 Ja ‘18 |
“An important and rather technical discussion.”
+ | Ind 92:487 D 8 ‘17 20w |
“Seldom does a book developing such novelties show such signs of patient study. Almost too much attention has been given to details and to defense of his differences with the defenders of the orthodox ideas on these subjects.”
+ — | NY Times 22:298 Ag 12 ‘17 1100w |
“The book shows patient study and very thorough acquaintance with the literature of the subject. It will surely stimulate interest and discussion. It is a contribution to a slowly forming body of opinion which would rewrite economic theory in terms of a sounder social psychology.” H. F. Grady
+ | Survey 39:74 O 20 ‘17 250w |
ANDERSON, ISABEL (PERKINS) (MRS LARZ ANDERSON). Odd corners. il *$2.50 (3c) Dodd 910 17-28483
Traveling in the unusual way means necessarily getting a view of things from an unaccustomed angle. House-boating, for instance, on inland waters from New York to Key West promises something new in the way of travel sensations. The writer’s zig zag journeyings take her across the southern states to California, down into Mexico, across to the gulf, thence to Spain and Morocco, on to India, back to England, over the fiords of Norway into Russia, across Siberia to Japan and thence to China. The chapters on China give glimpses of court life, tell of visits to famous temples in Peking, 13to mounds and tombs of the ancestors, and intimately describe sensations that natives, streets, and buildings produce upon the tourist in Hankow, Nankin and Shanghai.
A L A Bkl 14:125 Ja ‘18 |
“This last journey [to Mexico] was undertaken while Diaz still ruled and her observations are superficial and wholly from the point of view of the private car in which she traveled.”
+ — | NY Times 22:579 D 30 ‘17 130w | |
St Louis 15:430 D ‘17 10w |
“When the wife of a member of the American diplomatic corps undertakes to tell the reading public of some of the corners of the world she has seen, there is always a promise of something out of the ordinary. And when such a writer brings to the task the enthusiasm and freshness that belong to the writings of Mrs Larz Anderson, the promise is usually more than fulfilled.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p10 N 16 ‘17 400w |
ANDERSON, ISABEL (PERKINS) (MRS LARZ ANDERSON). Spell of the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippines. (Spell ser.) il *$2.50 Page 919.69 16-23396
“Out of her personal observations and many historic sources Mrs Anderson has gathered the material for the writing of her third book of travel. ... She has gathered into her latest volume a vast fund of information about our Pacific possessions. She writes about the land and its people, about the historic and political conditions, and she introduces her readers to the great scenic beauty of these islands, and to the quaint customs of their inhabitants. ... No less entertaining than her sketches of Hawaiian life are her descriptions of the Philippines, and they are all visualized by a series of excellently reproduced photographic illustrations.”—Boston Transcript
“It has two good maps, one of the Hawaiian Islands, and one of the Philippines.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:263 Mr ‘17 | |
+ | Boston Transcript p6 N 25 ‘16 250w | |
+ | Dial 62:150 F 22 ‘17 230w |
ANDERSON, PAUL LEWIS. Pictorial photography; its principles and practice. il *$2.50 Lippincott 770 17-21825
“That there is a school of real photography in this country is evidenced in Mr Anderson’s ‘Pictorial photography,’ a handbook devoted almost wholly to the obtaining of beautiful, artistic effects in pictures made through the purely mechanical means of a camera and its accessories. ... ‘Pictorial photography’ is divided into five parts, Apparatus, Negative modification, Printing methods, Color and Miscellaneous. Its closing chapter on motion picture photography is a sane criticism of the admirable features and the faults of that important department of modern work with the camera.”—Boston Transcript
+ | A L A Bkl 14:47 N ‘17 |
“The illustrations in this book are revelations. They are free from the sharp decisiveness of the photograph we have known as a type, are rich in shadow and an occasional blur of mystery that lifts the product to a plane that is in essentials artistic.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ag 22 ‘17 180w | |
Cleveland p136 D ‘17 10w |
“A helpful manual, broad in scope but not too technical for the comprehension of the amateur.”
+ | Ind 92:345 N 17 ‘17 120w | |
Pittsburgh 22:651 O ‘17 30w |
“This volume comes with a distinct field of usefulness, and will find the welcome it deserves from all who realize the finer possibilities of lens work. ... But with all his intimate and extraordinarily well-digested knowledge of technical possibilities, Mr Anderson persistently keeps before the mind of the reader, who is also a photographer, that there is something more needed to produce the perfect picture than merely perfection of technique and taste in composition.” G. I. Colbron
+ | Pub W 92:815 S 15 ‘17 500w |
ANDERSON, SHERWOOD. Marching men. *$1.50 (2c) Lane 17-24209
This is not a novel of war, but of labor. “Beaut” McGregor, son of a miner, “huge, graceless of body, indolent of mind, untrained, uneducated, hating the world,” saw his fellow-countrymen as “a vast, disorganized, undisciplined army, leaderless, uninspired, going in route-step along the road to they know not what end,” and the idea came to him to teach these men to march rhythmically, shoulder to shoulder, until they should become “one giant body,” and a brain should grow in the giant they had made. As a boy McGregor worked in his mother’s bakery and afterwards in a stable in the mining town where he was brought up. Then he went to Chicago where he worked his way up in an apple warehouse, studied law, and won a reputation by defending a man wrongly accused of murder. This success gave him a chance to leave his class, but his sense of solidarity with the working-class prevailed, and he continued to struggle to “make an army out of labor by progress from the mere rhythm of marching to a rhythm of like-mindedness in society.” (New Repub) Three women influenced his life—the undertaker’s daughter in the mining town; Edith, the milliner who gave him her savings that he might study, and Margaret, daughter of a rich man and worker in a settlement.
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton
Bookm 46:338 N ‘17 140w |
“Naturally all brief characterizations are unfair, but I suppose ‘Marching men’ might be described as a pæan to order and (quite incidentally, I hope) a naked and somewhat febrile celebration of force. It is, in fact, too insistently, too stridently and remorselessly dedicated to the main theme to make a wholly satisfactory novel. ... Mr Anderson’s is surely the last word of anti-intellectualism; for the men who follow McGregor do not know why they are marching or whither. ... Marching satisfies a deep disposition. Very well, let them march, and trust to luck that the collectivist mind will emerge. To present a programme would be only to repeat the old intellectualist fallacy of the socialists and the organizers. ... Mr Anderson has the skill to make you feel the thick press of life in great cities.” G: B. Donlin
– + | Dial 63:274 S 27 ‘17 1650w | |
Nation 105:403 O 11 ‘17 600w |
“The sensational and spectacular scheme by which this Pennsylvania miner aspires to evoke the solidarity of labor hardly succeeds in escaping the ludicrous. But ‘Marching men’ is not a literal novel. It has, indeed, its large element of the caveman piffle that played such a part in the romanticizations of Jack London, but outside this puerility, this day-dream of the male egoist, there is a great deal of inspiring symbolism in ‘Marching men.’ ... The chief fact about ‘Marching men’ is not its rhetoric, its grandiloquence. It is its apprehension of the great fictional theme of our generation, industrial America.” F. H.
+ — | New Repub 12:249 S 29 ‘17 1500w |
“Back of the new volume is a big idea, a strong purpose, a white light. It is obviously propaganda, interesting because it makes you thoughtful about the struggle that is going on here in Chicago and in all the labor centers of the land. ... Mr Anderson’s novel, while it compels one to read it to the end, is weak in many places. It savors too much of a preachment, and in the handling of the final chapters falls a bit flat.” J: N: Beffel
+ — | N Y Call p14 N 11 ‘17 950w |
“A disappointing book. For in the very beginning of it the descriptions of Coal Creek, the miners, and Norman McGregor’s hatred alike of the place and of the people, are sufficiently well done to lead the reader to expect a novel of possibly a trifle more than average interest and average merit.”
– + | N Y Times 22:442 O 28 ‘17 260w |
14 | ||
Pittsburgh 22:748 N ‘17 50w |
“Mr Anderson writes with an earnestness that cannot fail to awaken respect. Tho his characters occasionally—by no means always—sound a little more than human, his appreciation of the perversities of the social order—or disorder—and his sincere seeking for ‘the wherefore of the why,’ gain for this comparatively new author a sympathetic response.” Doris Webb
+ — | Pub W 92:1372 O 20 ‘17 350w |
ANDREÄ, JOHANN VALENTIN. Christianopolis; tr., with an historical introd., by Felix Emil Held. (Germanic literature and culture) il *$1.25 Oxford 321.07 16-14590
“Christianopolis, a translation from the Latin of Johann Valentin Andreae, portraying ‘an ideal state of the seventeenth century,’ is an important addition to utopian literature in the English language. Professor Held’s valuable introduction connects Christianopolis with the other utopias—Plato’s, More’s, Campanella’s City of the sun, Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, Samuel Gott’s Solyma—and with seventeenth century educational reforms. The text ranges quaintly over many of the rough realities and the fine ideals with which every people is still struggling.”—Survey
“The Latin original of this utopian sketch is very rare. It is just 270 years since Robert Boyle, in a letter to Samuel Hartlib, exprest the wish that an English version of it might be made. Such a version has now been made, and well made, by Assistant Professor Held of Miami university.”
+ | Educ R 53:428 Ap ‘17 100w |
“The introduction gives a conspectus of the literature on the whole subject, and will be useful for reference. It summarizes opinions, corrects errors, and rectifies ill-founded judgments. Dr Held doubtless overestimates his author, but the things for which Andreae may be regarded as noteworthy are properly specified, and a fair degree of probability is made out for the theses here propounded.”
+ | Nation 104:375 Mr 29 ‘17 230w |
“Dr Held’s translation of ‘Christianopolis’ is not only accurate, but it reads easily.” C. A. Williams
+ | School R 24:710 N ‘16 180w | |
+ | Survey 37:586 F 17 ‘17 180w |
“The matter of his pages is admirable, but the manner it deserves is lacking. It is as the socialist who so long ago saw that the social question is a moral and religious one, as the promoter of educational and scientific reform, that he is important.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p341 Jl 19 ‘17 1350w |
ANDREYEV, LEONID NIKOLAEVICH. Confessions of a little man during great days; tr. from the Russian by R. S. Townsend. *$1.35 Knopf 17-26393
“The book is just the quite shameless confession of a little clerk who gets no nearer the war than Petrograd, a futile, stupid, fussy, egoistic, but affectionate, sensitive, and somehow lovable little man of forty-five, with but one heroic quality, his honesty—at least to himself; he does not spare himself when he writes the diary that no one is to see. ... He wins your sympathy, from a fellow-feeling, and he keeps it, even when he is worrying about himself and his miserable digestion and his neglected state while his fine wife goes nursing, even when the smallness of his life makes him most ridiculous. ... Again when he decides to go to the front and serve with the ambulance you believe that he will go and somehow play his little part.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
“Registers his revolt against war, his gradual patriotic awakening and finally his desire to help. Will appeal to many Americans now entering upon similar experiences.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:448 Jl ‘17 | |
+ | Boston Transcript p7 My 26 ‘17 220w |
“Andreyev’s genius for analysis attains an intensity at times that is fairly hypnotic. ... But the analysis is not all. There are moments of great poetic freshness—pages of lyric beauty with accents exultant or despairing, as in the vivid pictures of springtime in Petrograd, or the moonlit city, still and mysterious and fearful, or the scene in the depot where the wounded soldiers arrive.”
+ | Dial 62:527 Je 14 ‘17 280w | |
Pratt p50 O ‘17 20w |
“This diary of a non-combatant increasingly touched by war is one of the most remarkable books the war has produced.”
+ | Sat R 123:207 Mr 3 ‘17 720w |
“There is no purpose or propaganda here. All Andreyeff wants is to be honest, and he leaves you to make what you like of it. ... This honesty is what makes the book so absorbing, that and two other things; first, the extraordinary skill with which, in the simplest words, Andreyeff creates his little man and the splendid wife and the jolly children and the rest; and secondly, the fact that Ilya Petrovitch Dementev is a universal type. Even a brief, terrible description of how some women were tortured by Turks—Andreyeff’s one lapse into the ghastly—cannot altogether dismay you, for even here there is more pity than horror.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p92 F 22 ‘17 950w |
ANESAKI, MASAHARU. Nichiren, the Buddhist prophet. il *$1.25 Harvard univ. press 294 16-17131
“This study is a kind of foreword to the author’s forthcoming work on the ‘Religious and moral development of the Japanese.’ The teachings and influence of Nichiren have played a large part in the present religious attitude of the Japanese nation. He has been called the ‘Nietzsche of Japan.’ ... His teachings, which unified religion and ethics, rescued pure Buddhism from the contamination of spurious beliefs and restored it to the purity of its original high ideals and to the worship of one Buddha (Buddha Sakya-muni), the Lord of the universe. To the restored purity of the Buddhist faith can be traced—at least in part—the great vitality of the Japanese nation.”—R of Rs
“This sketch, written under the inspiration of Professor Royce and his own experiences as professor of Japanese literature and life at Harvard, will help to an understanding of Japan.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:196 F ‘17 | |
Dial 63:411 O 25 ‘17 200w | ||
+ | Int J Ethics 27:403 Ap ‘17 70w |
“Though he never converted the rulers of the land he gathered a considerable following and founded a sect which is to-day enjoying a notable revival. Nichiren, moreover, was not only a preacher, but a writer of real power, and Dr Anesaki has wisely given us many extracts from the ‘prophet’s’ essays and letters.”
+ | Nation 104:24 Ja 4 ‘17 400w |
“This brief, clear exposition of Nichiren’s personality and teachings is a distinct contribution to the literature of religious psychology and a clearly cut portrait of a man western scholars will indeed be glad to know.”
+ | R of Rs 55:105 Ja ‘17 270w |
“The author is professor of the science of religion at the Imperial university of Tokio.”
+ | St Louis 15:94 Mr ‘17 15w |
“Undoubtedly the most complete history of the thoughts and acts of this remarkable man that has ever been published in the English language.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Jl 8 ‘17 330w |
Annual of new poetry, 1917. *5s Constable & co., London 821.08
“Thirty pages, and more, of this volume are occupied by ‘dramatic reveries’ from Mr Gibson’s ‘Livelihood.’ Seven other poets are included. Two, Mr Davies and Mr Drinkwater, furnish barely twenty pages between them. 15There remain Mr Sturge Moore and Mr R. C. Trevelyan, who contribute each a single long poem, Mr Robert Frost, Mr Gordon Bottomley, and Mr Edward Eastaway.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
Ath p309 Je ‘17 80w |
“Perhaps the most interesting contributions to this volume are those by Edward Eastaway [Edward Thomas], whose poetic impulse was stimulated by the example of Robert Frost ... and who now lies dead on a French battlefield.” E: Garnett
Atlan 120:373 S ‘17 210w |
“Mr Trevelyan’s drama is pretty enough but has none of the wit and brilliancy of his best work. ... Mr Gordon Bottomley contributes several beautiful little poems, all full of the pressure of life and death and of the greatness of to-day as coming out of yesterday and travelling to to-morrow. ... Mr Frost’s poems are just little bits of fact or incident which he has observed, sometimes more or less interesting, sometimes defiantly commonplace. ... Mr Eastaway is a real poet, with the truth in him. ... He has no instinct of selection. Several of his pieces here are not so much poems as notes out of which poems might have been made. But he has real imagination.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p151 Mr 29 ‘17 2000w |
APUKHTIN, ALEKSIEI NIKOLAEVICH. From death to life; tr. from the original by R. Frank and E: Huybers. il 60c R. Frank, 15 E. 40th st., N.Y. 17-15469
“This first volume in the Gems of Russian literature series is a little book of sixty-odd pages containing a novelette by A. Apukhtin, Russian poet and novelist, who died in middle age a quarter of a century ago. The novelette might be called an essay in reincarnation, for it chronicles in the first person the thoughts and emotions of a man, a member of the Russian nobility, from the moment of his death until, on the day of his funeral, his individuality enters life again in the new-born infant of his wife’s maid. This brief shadow time is filled with intimations of previous existences which waver in and out through the dead man’s consciousness of what is going on around him, and it is ended by a passionate longing for life which fills him as his soul is born again into the body of the infant just entering the world.”—N Y Times
“The extravagance of the central idea in no way detracts from one’s enjoyment of the piece. The prose is simple and direct—and the images are poetic.”
+ | Dial 63:282 S 27 ‘17 150w |
“Such a trifle might seem memorable if stumbled on or more humbly presented, but for the first of a number of Gems of Russian literature it is scarce more glowing than artful glass.”
– + | New Repub 13:192 D 15 ‘17 160w |
“The eerie conceit is told with such simplicity and sincerity that it carries the air of absolute truth.”
+ | N Y Times 22:260 Jl 8 ‘17 300w |
ARCHER, WILLIAM, comp. Gems (?) of German thought. *$1.25 Doubleday 940.91 17-15965
Extracts from over eighty books and pamphlets, of which the full titles and dates of publication are given in every instance, showing, “the dominant characteristics of German mentality,” and arranged under the headings: “Deutschland über alles”; German ambitions; War-worship; Ruthlessness; Machiavelism; England, France, and Belgium—especially England. Mr Archer states in his introduction that the great majority of the quotations are taken direct from the original sources, and adds that “it will be found by anyone who puts the matter to the test that in no case is there any unfairness in taking these brief extracts out of their context. The context is almost always an aggravating rather than an extenuating circumstance.” There is an “Index of books and pamphlets from which quotations are made,” and an “Index of authors,” with brief notes placing the different writers in the public life of Germany.
A L A Bkl 14:17 O ‘17 | ||
Ath p411 Ag ‘17 70w |
Reviewed by H. M. Kallen
Dial 63:264 S 27 ‘17 1300w | ||
Nation 105:153 Ag 9 ‘17 330w |
“Mr Archer has done an important service, as ingenious as it is real, to the cause of truth and of sober realization of the fundamental causes of the great world war by the compilation of this volume.”
+ | N Y Times 22:247 Jl 1 ‘17 870w | |
R of Rs 56:325 S ‘17 140w |
“It is unnecessary to insist upon Mr Archer’s qualifications for the task. As a literary and dramatic critic he has always been distinguished for independence, honesty, and a remarkable freedom from all insular bias. ... And his knowledge of continental literature is based upon first-hand acquaintance with the originals. The method he has adopted in this book is what might be expected from so well equipped and conscientious a writer.”
+ | Spec 118:672 Je 16 ‘17 1700w |
“They are meant to amuse us—as they do, except when we stop to reflect that a certain blindness in the German mind, which they exemplify, and which is much more a lack of humor than of humanity, has been a trait that helped to make the war possible.”
Springf’d Republican p17 Jl 1 ‘17 520w |
ARCHER, WILLIAM. God and Mr Wells; a critical examination of “God, the invisible king.” *$1 Knopf (*1s 9d Watts & co., London) 201 17-24674
“Mr Archer is concerned about what the men of the future may think of Mr Wells, and accordingly writes what is certainly a witty and exhilarating, and the publisher calls a ‘complete and crushing,’ rejoinder. ... The critic’s point of view is that of the grave and respectful rationalist, who believes in the tendency of human progress towards good, but declines to be persuaded, by what he regards as ‘a mere system of nomenclature,’ into the belief that Mr Wells has found a new religion, a new God—in other words, the ‘key to the mystery of existence.’”—Ath
“As a literary effort, Mr Archer’s book is clearer, more humorous, and much more convincing than the book that evoked it. We say this without intending any adjudication on the issues at stake.”
Ath p406 Ag ‘17 130w |
Reviewed by W: L. Phelps
* | Bookm 46:723 F ‘18 950w |
“Not much is left of Mr Wells’s glowingly imaginative creation after Mr Archer has devoted a hundred searching pages to its consideration but a large number of brightly colored shreds and tatters. Mr Archer has enjoyed himself very much in the making of them and the reader has equally enjoyed the process. But Mr Archer has not been simply destructive. As he goes along, and in a score or more of pages at the end, he modestly outlines a basis for man’s attitude toward the mystery of the universe and of himself that is austere almost to grimness but is simple, manful, and reasonable.”
+ | N Y Times 22:368 S 30 ‘17 750w | |
Pittsburgh 22:769 N ‘17 80w |
“In the latter part of his book Mr Archer extends his criticism from Mr Wells’s theology to Christian theology, and then he strikes us as no less ineffectual, because no less ignorant, and considerably less amusing, than Mr Wells when similarly engaged.”
— | Spec 118:92 Jl 28 ‘17 550w |
“Mr Archer is, it seems, an agnostic, and the destructive force of his Scottish intellect makes havoc with Mr Wells’s confident and bustling attempt to discover a God in the universe.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 O 1 ‘17 910w |
16ARMSTRONG, HAMILTON FISH, ed.[2] Book of New York verse. il *$2.50 Putnam 811.08
An anthology of New York verse, fittingly introduced and concluded with selections from Walt Whitman and celebrating both the ancient glories and the modern beauties of the city. The early poems in the collection are arranged in order of events. We have: Verrazano in New York harbour; Hudson’s last voyage; Epitaph for Peter Stuyvesant; When Broadway was a country road, etc. The later poems are arranged loosely by locality: Central park; Brooklyn bridge; Washington square; Broadway. Among the modern poets represented are Sara Teasdale, Chester Firkins, Dana Burnet, Ruth Comfort Mitchell, James Oppenheim, and Edward Arlington Robinson. There are over sixty illustrations, many of them from interesting old prints.
+ — | New Repub 13:322 Ja 12 ‘18 210w |
“In spite of its considerable bulk, this book of New York verse is hardly ever monotonous. The whole possession of the city’s past is suggested in the earlier pages, and no reader will leave them without a keen appreciation of Manhattan nomenclature.”
+ | N Y Times 23:6 Ja 6 ‘18 620w |
ARNDT, WALTER TALLMADGE. Emancipation of the American city. *$1.50 (2½c) Duffield 352 17-18177
“Home rule appears to the author to be the first step toward a solution of the many problems of the modern city. Not only is the achievement of this step necessary to enable the city to direct its affairs in its own interest, but it is indispensable to the training of its citizens in moral self-direction. Concentration of business and political responsibility through commission government (or its equivalent), the short ballot, separation of local from national political issues, the substitution of independent for partisan tickets, an adequate and irreproachable civil service, the regulation and curtailment of public-utility franchises, the rationalization and standardization of the finance methods of the city within the limits at least of solvency—these are some of the most important reforms explained and urged.” (Dial) There are seven appendices dealing with city charters, preferential voting, etc., and a two page bibliography.
“In not a few paragraphs the language, whether of criticism or of praise, is stronger than a dispassionate analysis of the facts would support. Nevertheless the book will make an effective appeal to those who like to drink their potions of reform propaganda with some ginger mixed in it.”
+ — | Am Pol Sci R 11:789 N ‘17 150w |
“Careful and illuminating study of the principles underlying home rule.”
+ | Boston Transcript p9 N 3 ‘17 130w |
“The viewpoint of the author is decidedly sane and progressive, and the book may be trusted to hold the interest of the average reader.”
+ | Dial 63:276 S 27 ‘17 200w |
“One of the best recent studies and discussions of American municipal government in the present age of reform.”
+ | Ind 92:108 O 13 ‘17 100w |
“It might be said that Mr Arndt has made available in the most readable way all the best thought of the intelligent business class and their unconscious academic allies on municipal government reform. ... Here, it seems to me, lies the value of the book for us. It is a compact and handy guide to recent useful political inventions, some of which it will pay us well to appropriate for our own purpose. There is, however, abundant evidence in this work of an utter failure to understand the heaviest burdens to which our cities have fallen heir.” Evans Clark
+ — | N Y Call p15 O 14 ‘17 1150w |
“One would have welcomed a more detailed account of the beginnings of municipal reform in this country, with some comment on the pioneers of the movement.”
+ — | R of Rs 56:327 S ‘17 160w |
“The best field for the book is probably among those newly enfranchised women who desire a simple, straightforward account of current reform efforts as an aid in understanding public questions.” R. S. Childs
+ | Survey 39:370 D 29 ‘17 180w |
ARNOLD, SARAH LOUISE. Story of the Sargent industrial school at Beacon, New York, 1891-1916. il Sarah L. Arnold, Simmons college, Boston 640.7 A17-1514
An intimate account of the founding, growth and success of the Sargent industrial school at Beacon-on-Hudson. To establish a home school for girls, without an institutional aspect, where culture and refinement abound, where house-keeping and home-making are efficiently taught, where the community spirit is nourished—this was the original hope of the founder. She began her work in 1878 and from that time to the present has trained more than ten thousand girls. The program provides courses in sewing, dressmaking, embroidery, cooking, house-keeping, laundry work, physical training, singing and drawing. The influence of the school upon the community is a valuable aspect of Mrs Sargent’s success.
ARNOLD, THOMAS JACKSON. Early life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson, “Stonewall” Jackson. il *$2 Revell 17-241
“From earliest childhood, Mr Arnold (who is a nephew of General Jackson) tells us, his memory is very clear as to the personal appearance of General Jackson, ‘and from that time forward I knew him quite well as a boy would know a man.’ ... In later years, Mr Arnold knew intimately General Jackson’s boyhood companions, and from them gathered much unpublished interesting information. In addition, he recently came into possession of more than one hundred letters from General Jackson’s private correspondence. Of all this material he has made good, judicious use, producing what seems to the reader to be a new, and certainly a true portrait of the famous Confederate chieftain.”—Lit D
“These evidences of Jackson’s growth and inner life are both enlightening and characteristic, although it must be said that they do not materially qualify the picture we have in Dabney’s ‘Life and campaigns’ or Henderson’s remarkable portrait of more recent years. Mr Arnold has done his part of the work well and acceptably, without parade or undue hero-worship.” W: E. Dodd
+ — | Am Hist R 23:413 Ja ‘18 1150w | |
A L A Bkl 13:398 Je ‘17 | ||
Boston Transcript p8 Ja 31 ‘17 470w |
“The domestic qualities of Stonewall Jackson are traced in a biography by his widow, the military qualities, in the standard biography by Henderson. Neither Mrs Jackson nor Henderson, however, was fully or accurately informed about the early life of the great soldier. Information regarding these formative years has been gathered carefully by Mr Thomas J. Arnold, Jackson’s nephew, and is now published. ... For those who would become thoroughly acquainted with either the exact details of Jackson’s life, or the fulness of his character, an acquaintance with Mr Arnold’s work is indispensable.”
+ | Dial 62:250 Mr 22 ‘17 250w |
“A somewhat new and very personal view of the Confederate leader.”
+ | Ind 89:421 Mr 5 ‘17 160w | |
+ | Lit D 54:260 F 3 ‘17 850w | |
R of Rs 55:216 F ‘17 80w |
ARONOVICI, CAROL. Social survey. (Bu. for social research of the Seybert inst. of Philadelphia) il $1.25 (2½c) Harper press, 1012 Chancellor st., Philadelphia 309.1 16-17518
This work has been developed from a pamphlet that was published as Bulletin no. 20 of the department of social and public service of the American Unitarian association. Parts of the book have also appeared in newspapers and magazines. Its purpose is to suggest lines of inquiry for those contemplating a local survey. 17Contents: The meaning of the survey; General considerations; Character of the community; The city plan; Local government; Suffrage; Industry; Health; Leisure; Education; Welfare agencies; Crime; Statistical facts and the survey; Social legislation and the survey; The facts and the people; A social program. A list of Social agencies of national scope is given in an appendix and there is a bibliography of thirty-six pages.
“The volume gives evidence of rather hasty composition. Its workmanship is distinctly inferior to the grade which the writer has maintained in special articles. Current platitudes too frequently appear as substitutes for clear thinking. ... The book gives little or no evidence of any utilization of the numerous reports of social surveys. A noticeable deficiency is the absence of even a brief résumé of the social survey movement. The merits, rather than the deficiencies, of the book are likely to impress the majority of its readers. The section on housing is an exceptionally good piece of work. Well-selected charts provide striking illustrations. ... The bibliography is of service not only for its representative enumeration of surveys, but also for the classified selection of books. There is, however, no acknowledgment of the author’s evident indebtedness to the ‘Bibliography of the social survey,’ published by the Department of surveys and exhibits of the Russell Sage foundation.” E. W. Burgess
Am Econ R 7:424 Je ‘17 420w |
“Based on the author’s wide experience as director of the Bureau for social research, Philadelphia, this book furnishes a good, usable text for civic clubs and classes or communities which are contemplating a survey.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:243 Mr ‘17 |
“Closes with an excellent bibliography.”
+ | Cleveland p37 Mr ‘17 60w |
“A useful introduction to the subject for the general reader, as well as a convenient manual of reference in regard to the important surveys already completed. The work is characterized thruout by an active appreciation of the value of facts as a guide to conduct, and of the value of vision in guiding research.”
+ | Ind 90:217 Ap 28 ‘17 120w |
“It is not a handbook for social surveyors, but it is a first-rate introduction for the average citizen to the problems of his community.” R. E. Park
+ — | J Pol Econ 25:752 Jl ‘17 270w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:8 Ja ‘17 50w | ||
Pittsburgh 22:131 F ‘17 90w | ||
St Louis 14:428 D ‘16 |
ARTSYBASHEV, MIKHAIL PETROVICH. Tales of the revolution; tr. by Percy Pinkerton. *$1.50 (1½c) Huebsch 17-26653
There are five stories in this book: Sheviriof; The blood-stain; Morning shadows; Pasha Tumanof; The doctor. All are stories of men and women who sacrificed themselves for the revolution. It appears a hopeless cause, in which a few helpless individuals hurl themselves in futile rebellion against an invincible power, but the stories, dark as they are, will be read with a different feeling now, when it is known that the sacrifice was not in vain.
A L A Bkl 14:25 O ‘17 |
“Characterized for the most part by a grim realism.”
Ath p253 My ‘17 10w |
“This writer never lays himself open to criticism on the ground of inconsistency or of producing horror merely for horror’s sake. The emotions that he describes are justified by the situations which produce them, and these in turn by his characters, who are undoubtedly real to his experience. ... Personally we read him with mingled feelings—a deep admiration for his power and a feeling of the futility of its expenditure.” R. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Jl 11 ‘17 400w |
“Artzibashef was a very young man when he wrote some of the stories in ‘Tales of the revolution,’ but they show little sign of immaturity. ... We may not like the Russia he shows us, we may even profess to disbelieve in its existence, yet he himself is the best proof that it does exist. It is a Russia that we must take into account in the present crisis, and in spite of Artzibashef’s black pessimism, by no means as a factor altogether evil. For it is an honest and a straightforward and an unsentimental Russia, and even in its hopelessness it keeps on striving.”
+ | N Y Times 22:249 Jl 1 ‘17 800w |
ASH, SHOLOM.[2] Mottke, the vagabond (Mottke ganef); tr. and ed. by Isaac Goldberg. *$1.50 (1½c) Luce, J: W. 17-30731
This novel, translated from the Yiddish, is a story of life in a Jewish village in Russian Poland and in the underworld of Warsaw. Mottke is born into an overcrowded household. His mother, who gave birth to a child each year, earned her living and that of her family by nursing other people’s children, her own being left to survive or die, as it happened. Mottke, who early shows a tenacious grasp on life, survives, to grow up an unkempt, unlettered lad, the terror of his village. At fourteen he had experienced all the sensations of life—except murder. And that follows not long after. In turn Mottke is a blower in a glass factory, a member of a troupe of wandering acrobats, and keeper of a brothel. He is torn between his love for two women, is moved to reform himself for the sake of one of them, is betrayed by her, and in the face of the other’s efforts to save him, gives himself up to defeat.
“The story has the usual characteristic of Russian literature, frankness, but also a certain wide humanity which makes it distinctive. In the great conflict of passions running through the book decency inevitably triumphs. The descriptions of Jewish life, told in nervous, vivid style are arresting.” I. W. L.
+ | Boston Transcript p7 D 22 ‘17 780w |
“The people throughout are well drawn, and the realism with which the life of the underworld is given makes it at once more pitiful and less alluring than most authors dare to present it. It is a sordid enough story, as far as its scenes go. Thieves, vagabonds, outcasts figure in it very largely. But they are not stereotyped, and therefore they have those moving qualities which belong to life in all its confusion of beauty and misery.”
+ | N Y Times 22:570 D 23 ‘17 1000w |
ASHBEE, CHARLES ROBERT. American league to enforce peace; with an introd. by G. Lowes Dickinson. *2s 6d Allen & Unwin, London 341.1 17-24821
“Mr Ashbee, who was one of the few Englishmen present at the inauguration of the American League to enforce peace, interprets in this book the tendencies of modern American opinion; and emphasizes the significance of that movement, which passed almost unnoticed in England until President Wilson’s speech in June, 1916. Like Mr Brailsford and others, he considers the adhesion of America to a League of nations would bring this project into the sphere of practical politics; and he is alive to the value of the United States as a counter-weight in the European league; for the United States, within its own borders, is solving by fusion some problems of nationality.”—Int J Ethics
+ | Ath p256 My ‘17 90w | |
Int J Ethics 27:539 Jl ‘17 100w |
“If Mr Ashbee does not later prove a true prophet, he has at any rate written a stimulating and incisive analysis of recent American public opinion towards international problems.”
+ | New Repub 13:sup16 N 17 ‘17 170w | |
Spec 118:568 My 19 ‘17 80w |
ASHLEY, ROSCOE LEWIS. New civics; a textbook for secondary schools. il *$1.20 Macmillan 353 17-11359
“Part 1 is devoted to the topic, ‘The citizen and society,’ and contains chapters on citizenship, the education of the citizen, the American nation, civic organization, and the American 18home and family. Part 2 deals with ‘Government and the citizen’ and is made up of a chapter on each of the following topics: suffrage and elections, other means of popular control, civil liberty and public welfare, public finance, city government, state and country government, the national constitution, and the national government. Part 3 is on the general topic, ‘Some public activities.’ Public health and welfare, labor and industry, commerce, other business activities, territories and public land, and foreign relations are the subjects considered. The appendix contains an outline of a course on civic problems. ... At the end of each chapter there is a list of general references on the material considered in the chapter, a series of topics for special consideration with exact references on each, a group of studies which contain material for brief daily reports, and, finally, a number of questions based, for the most part, on the text. Besides the foregoing aids the book contains some sixty-four well-selected illustrations and eight maps and charts.”—School R
“Equipped with excellent notes and teaching aids. The book has been recommended to teachers of citizenship for adults in the extension department of the Cleveland schools.”
+ | Cleveland p135 D ‘17 90w |
“If books like this could be placed in every school it is no rash prediction that the electorate of the next generation would view political issues more sanely and thoughtfully than this.”
+ | Ind 91:235 Ag 11 ‘17 70w |
“Singularly free from any partisanship. Written as a text for high schools, it may well serve as a handy reference to the general reader.” A. D.
+ | St Louis 15:322 S ‘17 24w |
“From the standpoint of teaching aids the book has much to commend it. ... There is also an abundance of marginal notes as well as footnotes. On the whole the book is a decided improvement over the traditional text on civics.”
+ | School R 25:532 S ‘17 280w |
ASHLEY, W. B., comp. Church advertising; its why and how; papers delivered before the Church advertising section of the twelfth annual convention of the Associated advertising clubs of the world. il *$1 (4c) Lippincott 260 17-19521
“A series of lively discussions of church advertising and publicity methods by authorities on the subject, who presented their views at the first national conference on church advertising held in Philadelphia in June, 1916. Seemingly nothing has been omitted in the way of church advertising, from the out-of-door devices, steeples, bulletins, etc., to moving pictures and newspaper publicity.”—R of Rs
+ | Ind 91:293 Ag 25 ‘17 100w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:125 Ag ‘17 | ||
+ | R of Rs 56:331 S ‘17 90w |
“This volume gives many useful suggestions for the church which is looking for ideas. Hesitating churches will likewise get inspiration. Tell the world about the gospel and do it in the 20th century way—advertising. That seems to be the burden of these exhortations.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p8 Ag 1 ‘17 250w |
ASHMUN, MARGARET ELIZA. Heart of Isabel Carleton. il *$1.25 (2c) Macmillan 17-25745
A sequel to “Isabel Carleton’s year,” one of last season’s popular books for girls. The early scenes of the story are laid in London in the fall of 1914. Isabel and her cousin, Mrs Everard, who have been traveling on the continent, reach England just as war is declared. The second part of the story takes her back to Jefferson. She is joyfully received by her family and enters the state university with every promise for a bright future. But there is a dark cloud in her sky, for between herself and Rodney Fox, always her best and most understanding friend, there seems to be a barrier. But this situation is adjusted and Isabel is further made happy by the opportunity to do a service in memory of her friend, Molly Ramsay, whose death had been the tragic incident of the year before.
“Distinguished by its wholesome simplicity and its emphasis on natural interests and companionships. Not as sentimental as its title.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:135 Ja ‘18 | |
+ | N Y Times 22:547 D 9 ‘17 70w |
“An agreeable story for girls.”
+ | Outlook 117:432 N 14 ‘17 20w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p13 D 16 ‘17 140w |
ASHTON, HELEN. Marshdikes. *$1.40 Brentano’s
“Marshdikes is the house on the coast of England where Michael and Celia Dittany have made their home, and where they each do their writing. In different ways each has a sincere fondness for Francis Harland and a deep desire to bring more happiness into his life, as well as to give him some real interest in existence. For this reason they invite him to Marshdikes, hoping that this intimate glimpse of their own happiness may bring him nearer to falling in love with Michael’s young half-sister Letty, who imagines herself tremendously in love with Harland. Through a series of clever chapters, Francis evades their efforts, always fearful of where they may lead him and always content with his rather superficial life. The way in which Celia gains her end, only to discover at last that she has made a mistake, is cleverly managed.”—Boston Transcript
“A certain gift of brilliant dialogue is the largest attraction of this novel by a new writer.”
+ — | Boston Transcript p6 Jl 18 ‘17 320w |
“The story, which begins simply as a gay and sparkling tale, becomes more serious as it proceeds.”
+ | N Y Times 22:137 Ap 15 ‘17 250w |
ATHERTON, MRS GERTRUDE FRANKLIN (HORN). Living present. il *$1.50 (2½c) Stokes 940.91 17-18157
Mrs Atherton spent several months in France in 1916 studying the work of French women. She devotes the major part of her book to the work they are doing to help win the war and to the changes that the war seems to be making in French life, especially in the re-action of the French woman to life. The last five chapters, under the caption “Feminism in peace and war,” discuss the present and probable future status of woman in the United States as well as in Europe.
A L A Bkl 14:17 O ‘17 |
“One gets a feeling of impressions caught at lightning speed and given out all the more personally for not having been mulled over and reasoned out.” Edna Kenton
+ | Bookm 46:343 N ‘17 830w |
“A distinctly valuable sociological contribution as well as a vivid record of contemporary women.” D. F. G.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Jl 11 ‘17 920w |
“The second part of the present volume is worthless; but the first part where the author states facts, and does not attempt to philosophize, is interesting and even inspiring.”
+ — | Cath World 106:124 O ‘17 570w |
“Strongly tinged with Mrs Atherton’s personality and feministic views, the book is readable and provocative of thought.”
+ | Cleveland p118 N ‘17 50w |
“Mrs Atherton’s book, we believe, would have been more delightful, had she confined herself to portraiture and narrative, instead of undertaking, rather superficially, an abstract discussion of values.”
+ — | Dial 63:166 Ag 30 ‘17 400w | |
Ind 91:352 S 1 ‘17 60w | ||
+ | Lit D 55:48 D 1 ‘17 200w |
“Her book is a curious although intriguing jumble of prejudice, keen, swift insight, merciless 19observation and a good deal of perhaps unconscious snobbery. Only Mrs Atherton could have written it without misgivings.”
+ — | New Repub 12:310 O 13 ‘17 450w |
“She writes with frank and astonishing one-sidedness.” C. W.
— | N Y Call p14 Ag 26 ‘17 180w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:254 Jl 8 ‘17 950w |
“Of some of the ideas she strikes out, one can say only that they show ability, not that they are inherently sound. The notion, for example, that there is among woman an instinctive tendency toward a return to the primeval matriarchate, though none too seriously advanced, is yet advanced with more seriousness than it probably deserves. Inherently sound ideas are, however, not lacking.”
+ — | No Am 206:635 O ‘17 950w | |
+ | Outlook 116:592 Ag 15 ‘17 90w | |
+ | Pittsburgh 22:679 O ‘17 40w |
“Her speculations as to the bearing of the war on the future course of feminism in France are also provocatively stimulating.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p579 N 29 ‘17 770w. |
ATKINSON, ELEANOR (STACKHOUSE) (MRS FRANCIS BLAKE ATKINSON). Hearts undaunted; a romance of four frontiers. il *$1.30 (2c) Harper 17-31031
This story follows the forward movement of the frontier from northern New York to Chicago. The heroine, Eleanor Lytle, spends her childhood as a captive among the Indians. As a little girl of three, she attracts the attention of Chief Cornplanter, who kidnaps her and makes her an honored member of his tribe. She is grown to young womanhood before she is returned to her sorrowing mother. To make up to her for the years of suffering, Eleanor marries the man who is her mother’s choice, but later, after his death, she marries one she loves and goes westward with him, as a pioneer to the new frontier.
“Of limited appeal.”
+ — | A L A Bkl 14:168 F ‘18 |
“Despite its interest, and the fact that it is based on historic truth, the book does lack the element of realism. It is glossed over with sentimentality; heroism and nobility are unrelieved by any mere human failing. It is, however, much more entertaining than the average romance, and the stressed historic note gives it an added interest.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:500 N 25 ‘17 400w |
ATWOOD, ALBERT WILLIAM. How to get ahead; saving money and making it work. *$1.25 (2c) Bobbs 331.84 17-6557
“The purpose of this book is to help young men and women of moderate earning capacity to save and invest money. Incidentally its aim is to show the advantages of thrift. The main purpose is the practical one of explaining actual, workable methods of saving and investment.” (Introd.) The author writes on: Money—its use and abuse; Real and unreal wants; Personal finance; Family finance; Saving on small wages; Making money work; Owning a home; Different kinds of desirable investments, etc.
“Author is a lecturer on finance at New York university.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:329 My ‘17 |
“There is not much in recognition of those ideals of life which are higher than money making and money saving. But there are a few reminders that many wage-earners are failing to make the most of their opportunities.”
Boston Transcript p6 Je 27 ‘17 350w | ||
+ | Ind 90:517 Je 16 ‘17 40w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:43 Mr ‘17 | ||
Pittsburgh 22:689 O ‘17 40w | ||
+ | St Louis 15:135 My ‘17 30w | |
St Louis 15:347 S ‘17 |
AUMONIER, STACY. Friends, and other stories. *$1 (2½c) Century 17-23334
“Stacy Aumonier, author of ‘Olga Bardel,’ is an Englishman well known in London as a landscape painter as well as a writer. This book contains three of his short stories, of which ‘The friends,’ which gives title to the volume, appeared in the Century Magazine. ... The other two, ‘The packet’ and ‘In the way of business,’ are similar in theme and treatment. ... All three deal with business men in London, salesmen and department managers of furniture or dry goods houses, and the central theme of all of them is the immense amount of alcohol these men consume by way of facilitating the conduct of their affairs. ... One of the stories, ‘In the way of business,’ deals with the business career of a hard-working, upright, morally fastidious man who does not like alcoholic drinks and to whom they are physically ruinous. The story tells how, notwithstanding his struggles, he cannot make a living for his family until, little by little, he comes round to the methods of the others, and what happened to him afterward.”—N Y Times
“The initial story is by far the best of the three. ... There is no air of preaching about it, no attempt to draw a moral. It is just a story told with such fine realism, such artistic and impressive selection and arrangement of incidents that it becomes wholly convincing.”
+ | N Y Times 22:336 S 9 ‘17 470w |
AUSTIN, FRANK EUGENE. Examples in battery engineering. il $1.25 Austin, F. E., Hanover, N.H. 621.3 17-20028
“‘Battery engineering’ is quite distinct from the subject of the chemistry, or chemical reactions accompanying the operation of batteries. The latter subject is not given extensive consideration in this book; it being deemed expedient to devote the discussion to those features that are of importance in the efficient industrial operation of any and all types or kinds of cells and batteries. ... The arrangement of the subject matter in lessons under important subject headings adapts the book for use as a textbook, while the discussion of the application of theory to practice renders the book useful to electricians, operators of submarines, and of automobiles.” (Preface) The author is a professor in the Thayer school of civil engineering connected with Dartmouth college.
AUSTIN, FRANK EUGENE. Preliminary mathematics. $1.20 Austin, F. E., Hanover, N.H. 512 17-11117
“This book is designed by its author, a professor in the Thayer school of civil engineering connected with Dartmouth college, to serve as a connecting link between the study of arithmetic and the study of algebra. The subject matter up to page 77 is suitable for pupils in the eighth grade and below, while the remaining portion of the text will prove of assistance to pupils in the high schools. ... Many points are explained herein that are passed over in ordinary text books. The chief object of this book is to show how to solve problems.” (Preface)
“Useful to one who has not had the advantages of school and wishes to take up arithmetic and algebra by himself.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:443 My ‘17 100w (Reprinted from Telephony p46 Ap 7 ‘17) | |
Railway Mechanical Engineer p175 Ap ‘17 |
AUSTIN, MARY (HUNTER) (MRS STAFFORD W. AUSTIN). The ford. il *$1.50 (1c) Houghton 17-11466
California is at once the scene and the theme of this novel. Steven Brent, one of those men who have an instinctive feeling for the soil, who are meant to be its tillers, has nurtured his ranch, Las Palomitas, till it is on the point of paying, when he yields to the persuasions of his wife and the promises held out by the speculators and goes into oil. But men of his calibre are not built for speculation. Financial failure and the wife’s death come together. The story thereafter is concerned with the two 20Brent children, Anne and Kenneth, whose dream it is to buy back Las Palomitas. In the end it is Anne who accomplishes it, for Anne proves to have the business sense that those two lovers of the soil for its own sake, Kenneth and his father, lack. Anne is the new woman at her best.
“Well written and more interesting for its atmosphere and character drawing than for its plot.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:448 Jl ‘17 |
“A story of fine feeling and (to use a wooden term) exceptional workmanship. Its four women might be taken as a microcosm of the modern world of women.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 45:412 Je ‘17 550w |
“The great social and commercial plot behind these children is strongly handled and conveys more than any other American fiction since Frank Norris of what Mrs Austin calls the ‘epic quality of the west.’” J: Macy
+ | Dial 63:112 Ag 16 ‘17 380w |
“The story is interesting, and yet it disappoints us in some way not easy to describe. There is a vagueness which allows the mind of the reader to wander and his interest to flag. ... Words cloud the plot and befog the issue.”
+ — | Lit D 54:1858 Je 16 ‘17 180w |
“In this book is a substance worthy of Mrs Austin’s rich and finished style.”
+ | Nation 104:601 My 17 ‘17 680w |
“Brooding deep beneath the ferocious animosities of capitalist and homesteader, Mary Austin has wrought in her still pastoral something of almost Biblical beauty. Some few novels of the year may offer as good construction; fewer as clear, racy diction; none a more satisfying picture than little dripping Kenneth with the drowned lamb in his arms.” T. D. Mygatt
+ | N Y Call p14 Jl 1 ‘17 600w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:157 Ap 22 ‘17 650w |
“Industrial conditions, business intrigue, social reactions, and the temperaments of individuals are all constantly involved among the motives of this remarkable tale, and all are treated with knowledge, with insight, and with feeling. It is one’s final impression, however, that the story as a whole fails to attain a quite sufficient unity and strength. ... The reader is roused as by an impassioned plea; he is stimulated to the point of being ready to change his whole outlook upon life and yet in the end he cannot tell whether the thing that has so impressed him is Providence or the brute forces of life or the spirit of California. ... One must marvel at the degree of success which Mrs Austin has attained in treating a broad and complex theme both comprehensively and minutely, both psychologically and epically.”
+ | No Am 206:132 Jl ‘17 1050w |
“The description is clear and strong in its picture of industrial conditions. There are also charm and romance in the life of the young people. The plot and development are not as closely woven as one could wish.”
+ — | Outlook 116:32 My 2 ‘17 50w |
“Stands without a peer among recent books of fiction as a thoroughly characteristic portrayal of a typically American community of the West.”
+ | R of Rs 55:663 Je ‘17 470w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 Jl 22 ‘17 500w |
AYDELOTTE, FRANK, ed. English and engineering. *$1.50 McGraw 620.7 17-4324
A collection of essays for the use of English classes in engineering colleges. “A quotation from the introduction is the fullest explanation of Professor Aydelotte’s endeavor, and an index of the pedagogic value of his work: ‘To train the student to write by first training him to think—to stimulate his thought by directing his attention to problems of his own profession and of his own education and to the illumination of them which he can find in literature: these two tasks may be performed together—better together than separately—and with that double aim in view this collection has been made.’” (Engin Rec)
A L A Bkl 13:340 My ‘17 |
“An admirable collection of essays with a breadth and keenness of selection that certifies the right of its compiler to occupy the chair of English in one of our greatest engineering schools. Also a most commendable introduction whose ideas are unassailable and remarkably illustrated. ... In no sense can it be taken as a handbook. It needs the attrition of the class to make its somewhat hidden gold to glisten. To any except those who know writing and its methods, the collection of essays would prove a bewilderment.”
+ | Engin Rec 75:275 F 17 ‘17 450w |
“If this book is designed for use in a course in freshman composition, it has too limited a scope, if it is to be used for the specific purpose indicated above, as a part of a broader programme, it is an admirable volume.”
Nation 104:547 My 3 ‘17 400w | ||
N Y Br Lib News 4:61 Ap ‘17 | ||
Pittsburgh 22:204 Mr ‘17 |
“‘Collection of selected essays, some by famous authors and some by others of lesser note. ... A most interesting collection of good writings that any man will profit by reading, and it should find a welcome on the shelf of every technical man who aspires, as he should, to evaluate the place that his profession occupies in the affairs of the world.’” D. S. Kimball
+ | Pittsburgh 22:332 Ap ‘17 60w (Reprinted from American Machinist p440 Mr 8 ‘17) |
“The author is professor of English in the Massachusetts institute of technology.”
St Louis 15:117 Ap ‘17 12w |
AYDELOTTE, FRANK.[2] Oxford stamp, and other essays. *$1.20 Oxford 378 18-390
“A group of essays forming the ‘educational creed of an American Oxonian’ is brought together in this volume whose writer is Professor Frank Aydelotte of the Massachusetts Institute of technology, and they are the fruits of his residence and study at the English university as a Rhodes scholar. ‘The holder of one of these appointments,’ he says, ‘who on his return from Oxford engages in university teaching in this country, inevitably makes comparisons, and looks at many of our educational problems from a new point of view. Much in the work and atmosphere of an English university is strikingly different from the adaptations of German university methods which have prevailed in our higher education for half a century. In the hope that this point of view may interest students of our educational problems, these essays are put together.’ Among their titles are ‘The Oxford stamp,’ ‘Spectators and sport,’ ‘The religion of punch,’ ‘A challenge to Rhodes scholars,’ ‘English as humane letters,’ and ‘Robert Louis Stevenson darkening counsel.’”—Boston Transcript
“Rarely before has the complex English college system and the unique English college life been described so clearly and so briefly.” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p7 D 29 ‘17 950w |
AYSCOUGH, JOHN, pseud. (BP. FRANCIS BROWNING DREW BICKERSTAFFE-DREW). French windows. *$1.50 Longmans 940.91 17-24699
The author of this book, the chapters of which originally appeared in the Month, an English periodical, was for the first eighteen months of the war attached to the British expeditionary force as chaplain to a field ambulance. The book does not describe military operations, but consists mainly of conversations with various French and British soldiers. Though John Ayscough is known as a writer of highly imaginative fiction, he assures us that every character and episode in these pages is taken from life, and that his first-hand impressions have not been retouched.
21“It sounds like a contradiction of terms to speak of a charming war book; yet this is exactly what John Ayscough’s new volume is—a book of the war, written in the very heat of the war and out of its turbulent heart, throbbing with its deepest feelings, and yet charming beyond words. Whatever of self-revelation the soldier himself in this war may write, we can never again quite so penetratingly see into it as John Ayscough makes us see.”
+ | Cath World 106:683 F ‘18 210w | |
Cleveland p85 Jl ‘17 60w |
“The book is always sympathetic, often heart-breaking, almost always tender, and not easy to forget.”
+ | N Y Times 22:558 D 16 ‘17 430w |
“Episodes and characters are drawn from reality and each conversation is a portrait and a history.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:679 O ‘17 70w |
“Some of the conversations are of so intimate a character that it almost seems indecent to have recorded them. Humour and pathos jostle one another in these fugitive pages. John Ayscough seems to realize that if things are tragic enough they are funny. Insight and understanding are in this book, and, in spite of a tendency to occasional gush and rhapsody, it has a value of its own. It reveals the simple greatness of the English soldier.”
+ — | Sat R 123:sup6 My 19 ‘17 100w |
“The point of view is that of a man of fifty-six, a Roman Catholic priest singularly devoid of any sectarian bias; one who, though not French, loves every field of France as if he had been born on it, and speaks her language fluently, if not idiomatically; a lover of his kind, ‘half priest and half poet’; and above all a thinker who looks at everything ‘sub specie æternitatis’, and even in the darkest hours remains undismayed and unshaken in his faith. ... This is a book which differs from most war books by reason of its aim. It shows that amid all that makes for brutalization and misery and despair in modern warfare, there are exultations as well as agonies, and that man’s soul remains unconquerable.”
+ | Spec 118:61 Jl 21 ‘17 1650w |
“Mr Ayscough evidently inspires affection in the young soldiers with whom he lives; he betrays his natural pleasure thereat, with undeniable egotism and he records far too categorically the terms in which that affection is conveyed.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p197 Ap 26 ‘17 320w |
AZAN, PAUL JEAN LOUIS. War of positions; with a preface by Brigadier General Joseph E. Kuhn, U.S.A.; tr. at Harvard university. *$1.25 Harvard univ. press 355 17-22880
“The author of this little book is one of the group of officers sent over here by the French government to assist in the training of officers for our new American army. As chief of the military mission which was sent to the Officers’ reserve training camp at Harvard, he worked there all spring and summer, arousing the greatest of enthusiasm among the hundreds of men who were in training under him. ... The same principles of warfare which he expounded to his pupils there he has explained in this book. ... In part one the author considers the present war, its general characteristics, the different forms of warfare it has developed, the fronts, attrition, principles of offensive and defensive, the rôle of a high command in an offensive, the functions of the different arms of the service. The second part deals with ‘Positions,’ their organization, trench duties and relief, while the third and fourth parts develop the principles of attack on a position and defense of a position.”—N Y Times
A L A Bkl 14:75 D ‘17 |
“While written primarily for the instruction of American officers who are going abroad it is full of interest for the student of military history or for any intelligent reader.”
+ | Am Pol Sci R 11:789 N ‘17 170w |
“The book ought to be of the greatest value to all officers and non-coms of the new American armies and of their privates as well. In his capacity as director of officers’ schools in France, Colonel Azan has trained a large part of the French officers up to and including the rank of major. He has, therefore, learned how to teach.”
+ | N Y Times 22:453 N 4 ‘17 450w | |
St Louis 15:417 D ‘17 20w | ||
The Times [London] Lit Sup p571 N 22 ‘17 50w |
BACHELLER, IRVING ADDISON. Light in the clearing; a tale of the north country in the time of Silas Wright. il *$1.50 (1c) Bobbs 17-11215
A story of northern New York state in the first half of the nineteenth century. Much of it is woven about the career of Silas Wright, an early governor of the state. It is told in the first person, however, by Barton Baynes, a boy who came under Wright’s protection early in his career and who was inspired by the older man’s encouragement and example. The early chapters, telling of Barton’s boyhood, spent with stern-faced Aunt Deel and big-hearted Uncle Peabody, give a good picture of the life of the times.
+ | A L A Bkl 13:401 Je ‘17 |
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 45:408 Je ‘17 650w |
“Readers Mr Bacheller will have for his latest novel, and plenty of them, but it will not be long in passing into the dim obscurity of contemporary fiction. It is thoroughly out of date. It is not even a good example of the desirable things of the past, of those departed forms of fiction whose death we sometimes regret. It is distinctly the survival of the unfittest. Yet it is entertaining in its way.” E. F. E.
– + | Boston Transcript p8 Ap 14 ‘17 1350w | |
+ | Cath World 105:554 Jl ‘17 100w |
“Told with simplicity, kindly humor, and genuine understanding.”
+ | Dial 62:483 My 31 ‘17 200w |
“Excellent as are Mr Bacheller’s other works—‘Eben Holden,’ ‘D’ri and I,’ and the ever-popular ‘Keeping up with Lizzie’—none of them equals this story of the forties, either in artistic finish or in breadth of spirit. It is a book we would like every American girl and boy to read.”
+ | Ind 90:380 My 26 ‘17 150w |
“The book is amusing and certainly uplifting in its influence, but sometimes a trifle artificial.”
+ | Lit D 54:1856 Je 16 ‘17 210w |
“‘The light in the clearing’ takes us, yet again, upon a sentimental journey, in a very good sense of the term, into the past. ... Mr Bacheller has the knack of making one’s throat swell with simple, homefelt emotion for the golden rule and other tritenesses which, for the most part, we are ready enough to abandon to the movies, literary and other.”
+ | Nation 104:581 My 10 ‘17 560w |
“Very different in method and purpose from any of his previous stories, Mr Bacheller’s new novel must be accounted, at the outset, as quite the most important piece of fiction he has put forth.”
+ | N Y Times 22:125 Ap 8 ‘17 850w |
“‘The light in the clearing’ is an exact complement to ‘Eben Holden,’ as unmistakably good, less idyllic, but stronger. The two together would seem in themselves to assure their author a considerable and permanent place in American literature.”
+ | No Am 205:947 Je ‘17 1200w |
“Sturdy American ideals are wholesomely offered to admiration and emulation.”
+ | Outlook 116:32 My 2 ‘17 50w |
22“It is a story of simple, homespun life, full of wide, out-door freedom, and the healing, balsamic breath of a cleaner, younger world.” F: T. Cooper
+ | Pub W 91:1316 Ap 21 ‘17 550w |
“While the story is episodical, it is skilfully knit, and the reader’s attention never relaxes until the final page is turned. The book will have a host of contented readers.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p19 My 13 ‘17 650w |
“The continual exaltation of commonplace virtues makes it a wholesome but somewhat tiresome story.”
+ — | Wis Lib Bul 13:221 Jl ‘17 40w |
BACON, CORINNE, comp. Children’s catalog of thirty-five hundred books; a guide to the best reading for boys and girls. (Standard catalog ser.) *$6 Wilson, H. W. 028.5 17-17986
The first edition of the Children’s catalog, a 1,000-title list, was noted in the Digest in 1916. The 3,500-title list includes a few books in French and German; also a few 1916 books published too late for inclusion in the 2,000-title list. 700 volumes have been analyzed. “The editor has been fortunate in securing the advice and cooperation of Miss Agnes Cowing, of the Pratt institute free library; Miss Alice I. Hazeltine, of the St Louis public library; Miss Hatch, of the Cleveland public library, and of the staff of the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh. ... The numbers in parentheses after titles indicate approximately the grades for which the books are suitable, and have been taken for the most part from various library lists. Two of the collaborators also made suggestions as to grading.” (Preface) The 1,000 list, buckram bound, sells for $2; the 2,000 list, for $4; the 3,500 list for $6. These catalogs are also issued in paper covers printed on light-weight paper for quantity use. These are for sale exclusively to those who have previously purchased at least one bound copy. They are sold in lots of ten or more at 15c, 25c, and 40c per copy.
A L A Bkl 13:272 Mr ‘17 |
“This compilation, by one whose work in other lines gives assurance of more than usual merit, is based on many selected lists, and is the result of the advice and co-operation of children’s librarians and others familiar with literature for children.”
Bul of Bibliography 9:112 Ja ‘17 170w |
“All workers with boys and girls, and especially those who have to do with school and public libraries will be grateful to the compiler for the infinite pains she has taken to make sure of a wise selection of really good, wholesome books for young people. Parents will do well to consult the catalog in the public library which they patronize. It goes without saying that every public library will make available this unsurpassed list, without which no library can be said to be properly equipped.” F. H. P.
+ | Education 36:660 Je ‘17 140w |
“The author and publisher of this important book has done a great service to teachers in every grade of the elementary school. As the title indicates, the list is large enough to include the best in all of the more important fields of knowledge.”
+ | El School J 18:77 S ‘17 350w |
“A most valuable bibliography of elementary-school children’s books and books about such books.”
+ | English Journal (Chicago) 6:207 Mr ‘17 20w |
“It is needless to say the advice is trustworthy and of immense value to librarians, teachers and book purchasers.”
+ | Ind 91:297 Ag 25 ‘17 60w |
“Every school and every home needs it in order to buy books intelligently.”
+ | Journal of Education 85:702 Je 21 ‘17 120w |
“The catalog containing 2,000 titles and analyticals for 447 volumes has been practically tested in our children’s room and found to answer most of the demands, although for large collections the 3,500 list now [April, 1917] in preparation will of course be more satisfactory. ... The questions now asked by school children demand indexes that will lead directly to up-to-date reliable facts. How well this demand has been met may be judged by a few titles taken at random from the 2,000 catalog. ... The profession owes a debt of gratitude to Miss Bacon for supplying so indispensable a tool that will lessen the present duplication of effort and promote greater efficiency.” N. M. De Laughter
+ | Public Libraries 22:148 Ap ‘17 400w |
“The list will be useful to librarians for selection and for cataloging. The subject headings conform in the main to Miss Mann’s ‘Subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs of juvenile books.’ It will be useful at the librarian’s desk if checked with books in the library and used as a printed catalog. ... Extra copies would be useful for the public, for special use of teachers, or for catalogers.”
+ | Wis Lib Bul 13:18 Ja ‘17 270w |
BACON, CORINNE, comp. Prison reform. *$1.25 (1c) Wilson, H. W. 365 17-4496
This volume in the Handbook series is designed to give the reader a general knowledge of prison reform in the United States. The material of the book, a selection of the best articles from the literature on the subject, is arranged under nine headings: History of prison reform; Conditions and methods in prisons and reformatories; Sing Sing and Warden Osborne; Psychopathic clinics and classification of prisoners; Convict labor; Indeterminate sentence; Probation and parole; Jails; Centralized control of penal institutions. The bibliography, which is unusually full, follows a similar arrangement. A paper on “The prison of the future” has been written for the volume by Thomas Mott Osborne.
A L A Bkl 13:288 Ap ‘17 | ||
Cath World 105:835 S ‘17 140w |
“There is an excellent bibliography.”
+ | Cleveland p39 Mr ‘17 80w |
“A timely and much-needed work.”
+ | Ind 89:362 F 26 ‘17 20w |
“It is a compilation of over 90 articles by students and experts covering almost the entire field of penology. ... In addition to the 300 pages devoted to the various aspects of reform within the walls, there is a valuable bibliography of 24 pages, listing books, pamphlets, reports, periodicals and many articles dealing with the general subject. ... We take pleasure in commending this book to all students and readers of penological problems.”
Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy n s 56:43 Mr ‘17 140w | ||
Springf’d Republican p15 Jl 15 ‘17 180w |
Reviewed by Philip Klein
Survey 38:46 Ap 14 ‘17 120w | ||
+ | Wis Lib Bul 13:59 F ‘17 60w |
BACON, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Keeping young and well; annotated by W: T: Fernie. *$1 (3c) Clode, E: J. 613 17-24683
The author of “Health and longevity” packs these new chapters full of valuable matter which aims at a maximum of utility with a minimum of words. A long study of personal hygiene and a life-long practice of what the writer preaches give authority to his undertaking. Contents: Health hints for the home; Bodily organs and their functions; Our food, and errors in diet; The drink habit; Light, pure air and ventilation; Respiration and deep breathing; Cheerfulness and happiness; Exercise and rest; Sound sleep and its benefits; Vital energy—conserved or wasted; A long and healthy life; Fifty maxims and rules for the aged; Colds: causes, prevention, remedies; One hundred ailments—cause, prevention and home remedies; Our foods and their medicinal values; Medical glossary.
23BADLEY, JOHN HADEN. Education after the war. *$1.25 Longmans 375 (Eng ed E17-671)
“The author has been for many years a leader in British education, especially in the Workers’ educational association, but he is best known for the demonstration school which he has maintained for twenty-four years at Petersfield in Hampshire. ... Mr J. H. Badley was trained at Rugby, at Cambridge and in Germany. He was interested with Cecil Reddie and Edward Carpenter in the opening of Abbotsholme, but turned from this work to the establishment of his old experimental school primarily because of his interest in coeducation. ... The book contains a careful consideration of the needs of each stage of life from the nursery up. The differentiation of workers and professional groups is well thought out. The plan for training for national service gives consideration to the claims of militarism.”—Springf’d Republican
“Mr Badley rightly says that all subjects will be equally narrowing in their influence if the value of any kind of work be judged by the direct help it will give to the earning of an income. He proposes that special work required for professional training should be begun during the last two years of the suggested longer school course, with the object of relieving the university of much of the preliminary work which now usually occupies the first year of its course. Stress is laid upon the value of research to university students.”
+ | Ath p355 Jl ‘17 200w |
“Of especial interest to Americans are the plans for training for national service. A positive program is given in detail but possibly of equal importance is the very clear showing of what is not essential to this training.” F. A. Manny
+ | Educ R 54:191 S ‘17 600w |
“America has much to learn from what he offers.”
+ | Ind 91:296 Ag 25 ‘17 100w |
“Those who have followed the author’s work will not be surprised to find the outline and details of this post-war program suggestive at many points for American needs.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Ag 22 ‘17 400w |
BAGWELL, RICHARD. Ireland under the Stuarts and during the interregnum. 3v v 3 *$5 Longmans 941.5
v 3 1660-1690.
“There are now six stately volumes written by Mr Bagwell, and in them he narrates the fortunes of his native land from the days of the Tudors to the fall of the Stuarts at the battle of the Boyne. ... In the larger part of the present book he has no other historian to fear, for he is the first to describe the reign of Charles II at any length or with any proper sense of the importance of its opening years. ... From measures to men there is an easy transition. The historian is quite at home in drawing the characters of men like Lord Robartes, Lord Berkeley, Essex, and Clarendon, who were the real governors of the country. ... Another prominent man is Tyrconnel, and a consideration of his strange career introduces quite naturally the revolution in Ireland. ... In the concluding chapters Mr Bagwell has a short account of the three churches and the social state of the country from the restoration to the revolution.” (The Times [London] Lit Sup) For volumes 1 and 2 of this history, consult Digest annual volume for 1909.
“The first adequate account of Ireland during the restoration. That, in a sense, is the chief contribution of this present volume. ... From his pages are eliminated that passion which has made most Irish history all politics, and that memory of wrongs which has made most Irish politics all history.” W. C. Abbott
+ | Am Hist R 22:645 Ap ‘17 1000w (Review of v 3) |
“Though Irish by birth, Mr Bagwell is probably of Anglo-Irish stock. In politics he is a Unionist of the more positive type. This fact is, of course, sufficient to render his work unacceptable to a large part of the reading public in Ireland; for in spite of his almost painful effort to do justice to both sides in the controversies of Britain, it is quite clear that Mr Bagwell regards the union of Ireland with England as one that is necessary to both countries. Critics generally have, however, found much to praise in Mr Bagwell’s histories. His evident fairness, his judicial attitude, his restraint in drawing conclusions and in framing statements have been remarked upon by many reviewers. For his literary style there is very little to be said: it is clear but prosy and bald.” L. M. Larson
+ | Dial 62:354 Ap 19 ‘17 1600w (Review of v 3) |
“The first two volumes of ‘Ireland under the Tudors’ appeared in 1885. It was hailed in this Review as inaugurating ‘a new departure in Irish historiography,’ by its ‘judicial tone’ and its unprejudiced method of treating the political and ecclesiastical controversies of the sixteenth century. At the same time the complaint was made that ‘he crowded his canvas with too many facts to enable the student to realize quite distinctly the salient features of his subject.’ The present volume deserves the same praise, but is not open to similar criticism. Mr Bagwell’s six volumes (including in the total the three on ‘Ireland under the Tudors’) are a monument of well-directed industry, and he has gained in mastery of his materials as his work proceeded.” C. H. Firth
* | + | Eng Hist R 32:296 Ap ‘17 500w (Review of v 3) |
“Ireland, more, almost, than any other land, demands the candor of impartiality in those who would narrate its history. To have achieved this with such splendid thoroughness is Mr Bagwell’s peculiar triumph. The period under consideration is one of the most crucial in all Irish history. ... To read intelligently the history of the nineteenth century in Ireland one must understand and appreciate the results of this distribution of territory in the seventeenth. ... The book is provided with helpful notes and a useful index.”
* | + + | Nation 105:128 Ag 2 ‘17 330w (Review of v 3) |
“He does not describe the war after the Boyne, perhaps because Dr Murray has done this so thoroughly in his recent book. The chapters on social conditions and the churches are excellent but very brief. Dr Bagwell is reserved to a fault, but his history—the work of a whole generation—is the best and almost the only impartial account of Tudor and Stuart Ireland.”
+ | Spec 117:sup533 N 4 ‘16 130w (Review of v 3) |
“Since the death of W. E. H. Lecky, Mr Richard Bagwell is the foremost Irish historian. ... No one could adequately review a book like that lying before us, and hope to do full justice to its many-sidedness. All we can say is that we have been steadily using its two predecessors in the course of our work on the Stuart period and that the more we use them the more we admire them.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p496 O 19 ‘16 1700w (Review of v 3) |
BAILEY, EDGAR HENRY SUMMERFIELD. Text-book of sanitary and applied chemistry; or, The chemistry of water, air and food. 4th ed rev *$1.60 Macmillan 660 17-13814
“Prof. E. H. S. Bailey’s ‘Sanitary and applied chemistry’ appears this year—the eleventh since its first publication—in a fourth, revised edition. Its persistence in recurring editions is testimony to the place it has won for itself in our colleges. Designed for students who have already had a course in general chemistry, it deals with the most important applications of chemistry to the life of the household, without attempting to cover the whole field of what may be called ‘chemistry in daily life.’ An important feature of the book is the introduction of directions for performing many well-chosen illustrative experiments. In this latest edition, the text has been corrected and much of it rewritten and brought down to date; and chapters on Textiles and on Poison and their antidotes 24have been added, increasing the contents by about sixty pages over the last previous edition of 1913. A good index enhances the working value of the text.”—Nation
“The chapters on the Purification of water and Sewerage have been revised and brought up to date. ... There is no bibliography in this edition.”
A L A Bkl 13:455 Jl ‘17 |
“It is not only an excellent textbook, but is written in such a clear style that it should prove valuable to housewives wishing a work of general information and reference on their everyday problems.”
+ | Ind 91:264 Ag 18 ‘17 50w | |
+ | Nation 105:275 S 6 ‘17 160w | |
St Louis 15:393 N ‘17 20w |
“Throughout the text there are distributed 197 well selected experiments which will greatly help to fix important facts in the student’s mind.” W. P. Mason
+ | Science n s 46:540 N 30 ‘17 100w |
BAILEY, HENRY CHRISTOPHER. Highwayman. *$1.50 Dutton (Eng ed 15-19412)
“The hero of ‘The highwayman’ is of the type that the Baroness Orczy delights in drawing—imperturbable, expressionless, of an ironical turn of mind, and possessed of depths which a woman’s charm alone can stir. In the generation of Harry Boyce these qualities cried out for adventure and romance, for it was also the generation of the ‘good’ Queen Anne, of the Pretender, and of the great Duke of Marlborough. With all these did our hero have dealings, but more especially was he lured by the charms of the wayward Alison, whom fate and the impulse of a moment had given him to wife.”—Dial
“We should have been glad to see more of the historical characters introduced by Mr Bailey, for he succeeded in creating a fascinating illusion of their presence and speech. Praise is due to the excellent style of the novel, which is undoubtedly the work of an accomplished and conscientious draftsman.”
+ | Ath 1915, 2:174 S 11 200w |
“His wit is more after the manner of Fielding or of Wycherley than of the later and the modern historical sentimentalists. ‘The highwayman’ is a good brisk story for those not too squeamish.”
Dial 62:403 My 3 ‘17 120w |
“Piquancy is the chosen note, and the performer thoroughly enjoys being piquant. ... There is great play of wit in these pages, as well as the play of swords; the author especially loves, and liberally presents, the naughtiness of polite humor in the reign of Queen Anne.”
Nation 104:460 Ap 19 ‘17 200w | ||
+ | N Y Times 22:136 Ap 15 ‘17 250w |
“An over-mannered and not altogether agreeable tale of Queen Anne’s time.”
— | Outlook 115:622 Ap 4 ‘17 10w |
“A story most spirited, as is always Mr Bailey’s work, of the open road.”
+ | Spec 115:513 O 16 ‘15 20w |
BAILEY, LIBERTY HYDE. Standard cyclopedia of horticulture. 6v v 6 il *$6 Macmillan 634 (14-6168)
v 6 “The last volume extends from S through Z. In addition there is a complete index to the six volumes, a finding list of binomials, a cultivator’s guide and a supplement of additional species which have been introduced to cultivation in this country since the first volumes were prepared. The list of collaborators contains the names of the most prominent men in horticulture and allied sciences in this country.”—Springf’d Republican
“It is to be expected that the nomenclature of this work will be adopted so far as possible by all nurserymen and landscape architects, so that there will be some uniformity. A finding-list is intended to accompany volume six, giving the various more important common and botanical names of plants, with a reference to the name under which the plant appears in the cyclopedia. A committee of the American society of landscape architects, the Ornamental growers association, and other bodies interested, is now working upon the subject of the standardization of the names of plants, and the finding-list will have the benefit of their labors to the date of its publication.”
Landscape Architecture 7:100 Ja ‘17 230w | ||
N Y Times 22:165 Ap 29 ‘17 80w |
“The sixth volume in every way upholds the high standard set by the preceding volumes. ... The cyclopedia is a work containing items of interest to the practical man as well as the scientist. Every group of plants is treated from both the practical side and the botanical viewpoint. ... It is of interest to the florist, market gardener, nurseryman, botanist, landscapist and all lovers of plant life. ... While there are many changes in nomenclature, they are such as have been recommended by the highest authorities in the country.”
+ + | Springf’d Republican p15 Jl 22 ‘17 220w |
BAILEY, TEMPLE. Mistress Anne. il *$1.35 (2c) Penn 17-11213
“Mistress” Anne Warfield was a young Maryland school-teacher with clear ideals and a belief in the dignity of work. She was also the granddaughter of Cynthia Warfield, an aristocrat of the older South. So when the quiet of the little southern village was invaded by a popular novelist, a New York doctor and his mother (who, however, were of the South), and some brilliant society women, Anne’s innate good breeding overcame her inexperience and comparative poverty and she found her place among them. The scene changes from the quiet Maryland riverside to fashionable New York and three love-stories run to a comfortable conclusion.
+ | A L A Bkl 13:448 Jl ‘17 |
“It is written in the same vein as its successful predecessor, ‘Contrary Mary,’ but is neither so quaint nor so touching nor so piquant as the earlier book.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Je 9 ‘17 170w | |
N J Lib Bul p7 Ap ‘17 20w | ||
+ | N Y Times 22:250 Jl 1 ‘17 250w | |
+ | Ontario Library Review 1:116 My ‘17 150w | |
+ | Outlook 116:116 My 16 ‘17 20w |
“Even more praiseworthy than the story itself is the atmosphere of the book. Avoiding the flippant optimism, which has of late been so heavily exploited, Miss Bailey employs a more sane and convincing treatment.” Joseph Mosher
+ | Pub W 91:1319 Ap 21 ‘17 420w |
“While it is primarily a wholesome love story, beneath the surface is a call to service in the great army that work for public weal. Anne Warfield is one of the most delightful heroines of the year’s novels.”
+ | R of Rs 56:102 Jl ‘17 70w |
“The author pictures the loyalty of southern folk to their ancestral homes and their spirit of noblesse oblige.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p19 Je 10 ‘17 330w |
BAIN, FRANCIS WILLIAM. Livery of Eve. il *$1.50 (5½c) Putnam 17-14951
Another fairy tale in imitation of the Hindu. The tale is told by the Moony-crested god to the Daughter of the Snow, and at the end of it he propounds a conundrum. The tale is of Aparájitá, whose beauty was such that the only rival she had to fear was her own reflection in the pool, and of Kámarúpa, the barber, who was unrivaled for ugliness, and of Keshawa, the king, who cared nothing for women, altho he unfailingly attracted their love. To gain her own ends, Aparájitá makes use of the spell by means of which the soul may enter another body. The soul of the handsome king takes on the ugly body of the barber, and the ugly one finds himself enshrined in the body of the king. The conundrum at the end has to do with the old problem of women’s wiles.
25“No other European writer gives us such a sense of being absolutely at home with the Pundits. Kipling, in comparison with the author of ‘A digit of the moon’ or ‘A draught of the blue’ or ‘Ashes of a god,’ seems to be a Cockney interloper.”
+ | Dial 63:163 Ag 30 ‘17 370w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:123 Ag ‘17 |
“We assure those who have read ‘A digit of the moon’ and ‘The ashes of a god’ with amusement and joy, that they will find equal pleasure in ‘The livery of Eve.’”
+ | R of Rs 56:102 Jl ‘17 150w |
“Mr Bain shows us, with all his wonted mastery of picturesque simile and phrase, that the old Hindu spirit and imagination survive, after countless generations of foreign rule. He displays a Hindu literature, subtly blended with and purified by western poetic sentiment and western ethics. ... He has been more successful than most in creating in western minds the atmosphere of Indian romance.”
+ | Spec 118:567 My 19 ‘17 1250w |
“While rich in local color, the book is not by a great deal so rich as ‘A digit of the moon.’ One looks almost in vain for the telling phrases, the subtly cultivated rhythms which in the first work brought the exotic beauty of tropic nights and days home to us.”
Springf’d Republican p15 Jl 15 ‘17 250w |
“We do less than justice to this book if we do not read it aloud, for each syllable has been hammered into place and is taking thrust and strain as in poetry.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p223 My 10 ‘17 1450w |
BAINVILLE, JACQUES. Italy and the war; tr. by Bernard Miall. *$1 (1½c) Doran 945 (Eng ed 17-26484)
The author’s purpose is “to show Italy as the war has revealed her.” He says, “The Italian state is one of the most original and one of the most vigorous elements of modern Europe, and one of the richest in future promise. The war came at one of the most favourable moments of its growth and evolution. Italy was able to seize upon this moment, and to-morrow, we believe, she will count in the world for more than she counted yesterday.” He writes of: Italian opinions and intentions; The adaptations of the House of Savoy; The nationalist tradition; Italy is no longer the country of the dead; The Quirinal and the Vatican; From the Triple alliance to the Quadruple entente; The historic month in Italy; The future. The author is a Frenchman who has seen long service as a correspondent in Italy.
A L A Bkl 13:442 Jl ‘17 |
“M. Bainville’s work is of peculiar interest, and gives some idea of inner Italy, as well as of the motives which led to her intervention in the war.”
+ | Ath p36 Ja ‘17 100w | |
Boston Transcript p6 My 29 ‘17 300w |
Reviewed by H. J. Laski
+ | Dial 63:15 Je 28 ‘17 30w | |
+ | Lit D 55:36 S 15 ‘17 450w |
“For us, his book is admirably informative.”
+ | N Y Times 22:179 My 6 ‘17 750w | |
Pratt p44 O ‘17 20w | ||
R of Rs 55:551 My ‘17 70w | ||
Springf’d Republican p6 Ag 24 ‘17 430w |
BAIRNSFATHER, BRUCE. Bullets and billets. il *$1.50 (3c) Putnam 940.91 17-3729
Bruce Bairnsfather is a cartoonist whose drawings picture the humor of trench life. In this book he has written of the early days of the war, illustrating the account with some of his own sketches. Modern warfare appears to be a muddy business, but the good humor of the author-artist and his pals seemed to be proof against all physical discomforts.
+ | A L A Bkl 13:393 Je ‘17 |
“Among the trivial books growing out of the war, this one found its place abroad and it will amuse a certain (or uncertain) number here.”
Boston Transcript p8 Mr 14 ‘17 70w |
Reviewed by P. F. Bicknell
+ | Dial 62:306 Ap 5 ‘17 170w |
“Unfortunately for us our officer-author gets him a man servant shortly after the book begins and moves out of the picturesque mud—had he seen less of his own class and more of his men this might indeed have been a book to rival ‘Kitchener’s mob.’” Robert Lynd
+ | Pub W 91:213 Ja 20 ‘17 200w |
“This volume is not in the least literary, but it bubbles over with laughter and a very human enjoyment of rare comforts. ... It is well illustrated, too.”
+ | Sat R 122:580 D 16 ‘16 450w |
“The drawings of Captain Bairnsfather have become so much of an institution in the army that they scarcely need an introduction. Personally we are not convinced that some type might not have been found equally comic yet standing less questionably for all that the war means to a democracy that goes forth to fight. ... The book before us shows how much Captain Bairnsfather has in him. His jokes are spontaneous, and, when he tries, they fit the drawings perfectly. He has, moreover, firmness and a power to charm when he pleases.”
+ — | Spec 118:239 F 24 ‘17 150w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p19 Mr 25 ‘17 300w |
“Here we have an army officer who invariably depicts his men (to whom his book is dedicated) as the very type which the army is anxious to suppress. ... It is not with Captain Bairnsfather’s humour that we quarrel, for his situations are invariably amusing. It is because he standardizes—almost idealizes—a degraded type of face.”
– + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p621 D 21 ‘16 450w | |
Wis Lib Bul 13:123 Ap ‘17 80w |
BAKER, HARRY TORSEY. Contemporary short story; a practical manual. $1.25 Heath 808.3 17-1356
“In the course of six chapters the author outlines in a lively manner the essentials of the American short story from both the editor’s and the reader’s point of view, drawing largely for his material upon his own personal editorial experience. ... ‘This volume,’ he says, ‘accordingly aims to teach promiscuous young authors, whether in or out of college, how to write stories that shall be marketable as well as artistic. It attempts to state succinctly, and as clearly as may be, some fundamental principles of short-story writing. ... Each chapter is followed by a series of suggestive questions for beginners in fiction, and at the end of his book are printed lists of American fiction magazines, books on the short story, and titles of representative short stories by English and American writers.’”—Boston Transcript
“The chief criticism has been that he forgets the ideals of the masters and preaches ‘popularity and financial success at all hazards.’”
A L A Bkl 13:301 Ap ‘17 |
“Its author’s qualifications for his task are set forth after his name in these words: ‘Instructor in English in the University of Illinois, formerly special reader of fiction manuscripts, International magazine company, publishers of Good Housekeeping, Harper’s Bazar, etc.’ ... It is obvious again and again, as we turn the pages of Mr Baker’s book, that his knowledge of what sort of short story will be profitable runs far in advance of his critical faculty.” E. F. E.
– + | Boston Transcript p6 Ja 20 ‘17 650w |
“Mr Baker’s drawback is that he has only one market in mind—the market represented by the American magazines that pay highest. ‘It pays, therefore,’ he writes ‘to find out in advance what American editors dislike’ ... But what is required is another standard altogether, not the raising of the commercial standard. A few editors might be induced to consider what discriminating minds approve of.” M. M. Colum
Dial 62:347 Ap 19 ‘17 500w |
26“Brief and ‘snappy’ book on manuscript salesmanship. ... If the author had only refrained from occasional references to art and artistry his little volume would have been wholly justifiable. For there is no reason in the world why short-story writers should not ply their trade for money. ... Only, when they do so, they should stop talking about art.”
Nation 104:548 My 3 ‘17 420w | ||
— | New Repub 10:108 F 24 ‘17 1350w |
“There is a really illuminating chapter on ‘How magazines differ,’ followed by a description of a magazine office from the inside.”
+ | N Y Times 22:162 Ap 22 ‘17 500w |
“A commonsense little volume that should find an audience despite the fact that it is an addition to a long list of books whose excellence varies with their number.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Ap 16 ‘17 260w |
BAKER, ORIN CLARKSON. Travelers’ aid society in America; principles and methods. *$1 (6½c) Funk 910.2 17-14808
This little book, published under the auspices of the Travelers’ aid society of New York city at the close of the thirtieth anniversary of active travelers’ aid work there, deals with the “protection from danger and prevention of crime for travelers, especially young women, girls and boys traveling alone.” (Sub-title) The appendix gives Instructions to agents.
BAKER, RAY STANNARD (DAVID GRAYSON, pseud.). Great possessions. il *$1.30 (3c) Doubleday 17-28078
A slender volume which nevertheless can lure one for a brief respite away from the strident noises of a care-troubled world into a realm where loafing with one’s soul is encouraged. It is another adventure in contentment, Grayson leading the way this time to the country where he points out the well-flavored things of garden and field—the smells, sights, sounds, touches and tastes, two of which, the sense of taste and the sense of smell, having been shabbily treated, he thinks, in the amiable rivalry of the senses. Other essays in the group delve down to the wealth of love to be found in the hearts of humble men.
“Pleasant essays in the author’s familiar vein.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:84 D ‘17 |
Reviewed by A. M. Chase
+ | Bookm 46:336 N ‘17 250w | |
+ | Cleveland p132 D ‘17 40w |
“A fitting successor to ‘The friendly road’ and ‘Adventures in contentment.’ A word should be said for Thomas Fogarty’s delightful drawings, which are entirely in harmony with the text.”
+ | Lit D 55:43 D 8 ‘17 110w |
“What we dislike chiefly, perhaps, is the complacency of his mellow hieratic chant, with its double appeal to those who incline to go ‘back to the land,’ and to those who are determined to be ‘glad,’ according to the current fashion (in fiction).”
– + | Nation 106:118 Ja 31 ‘18 510w | |
Outlook 117:387 N 7 ‘17 40w | ||
+ | Pittsburgh 22:804 D ‘17 20w |
“It is a privilege to come in contact with the type of mind here represented. He is eminently restful, and his attitude promotes a readjustment of values.” F: T. Cooper
+ | Pub W 92:1379 O 20 ‘17 450w |
“It is a delightful book; rich in its wisdom, redolent of nature, and bespeaking a love for humble things and men of gentle will.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 N 18 ‘17 370w |
BAKSHY, ALEKSANDR. Path of the modern Russian stage, and other essays. il *7s 6d Palmer & Hayward, London 792 (Eng ed 17-17074)
“In these essays the author is largely concerned with the problem of representational versus presentational stage performances. Should illusion be carried to its furthest limits? Should the play be represented, as at the Moscow art theatre, as ‘an independent entity existing side by side with’ the observing audience? Or should it be presented through the medium of the stage? Other matters dealt with are the advantages and disadvantages of ensemble-acting, and long-run plays. The concluding essay treats of ‘The kinematograph as art.’”—Ath
Ath p541 N ‘16 70w |
“Valuable is the author’s essay on living space and the theatre, and his criticism of Mr Gordon Craig’s theories. But abstraction seems pushed to the point where words become abstracted from meaning in the essay on a poet-philosopher of modern Russia, the whole sustained in the Nietzschean jargon of the mythic opposition between Dionysus and Apollo. In more than one sentence the old opposition of the classic and romantic spirit is all that is implied.”
+ — | Int Studio 61:99 Ap ‘17 250w |
“The impression left by Mr Bakshy’s very interesting book, which is full of suggestive remarks and illuminating criticism, is that there is very little future for naturalism.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p487 O 12 ‘16 1300w |
BANCROFT, GRIFFING. Interlopers. il *$1.50 Bancroft co., 156 5th av., N.Y. 17-20421
“A study of the ‘yellow peril,’ as the subtle and irresistible absorption of California by the Japanese, whom the law has excluded from citizenship, but has failed to keep off the land. ... The central figure of the story is that of a young eastern-bred doctor, who makes himself an outcast among the ranchers in Eden valley by being friendly with the Japanese. In the event, he wins his lady and reëstablishes himself in the world by discovering a serum for Asiatic cholera. But he does not solve, or even help to solve, the problem of the Californian and his Japanese rival. Not all the white man’s law and gospel can dislodge the yellow man when he has once set foot in Eden valley—an interloper destined in no long time to be acknowledged as master of the premises. The Jap, in fact, is the lustier pioneer, and with a backing of oriental gold and oriental cunning more than a match for the western-born.”—Nation
“Though as a novelist Mr Bancroft still has something to acquire in coördinating the scenes of a story and in making his characters appealing, the book takes on a certain reality from the author’s extensive and affectionate knowledge of the country, and from his not altogether unsuccessful attempt to weave an interesting tale around his comment on the conditions introduced by the Japanese settlements. It is this last element that will make the book worth reading as evidence in a problem that is not without its possibilities as an international question.” F. I.
+ — | Boston Transcript p6 S 8 ‘17 750w |
“The matter of the story is better than its manner: the characters have an air of struggling against the language the author puts into their mouths; for he makes them all talk like a book. The action is impeded by various dissertations on fruit-ranching, Japanese customs, or Asiatic cholera—very interesting in themselves.”
Nation 105:247 S 6 ‘17 320w |
“The plot is merely a thread on which the author has hung a rather interesting essay on the Japanese in California.”
+ | N Y Times 22:303 Ag 19 ‘17 350w |
BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE. In these latter days. $2 Blakely-Oswald co., 124 Polk st., Chicago 304 17-25254
Mr Bancroft is a historian with a long list of volumes to his credit. He has for some time made his home in California, so it is natural that many of the papers in this new book should deal with the problems of the Pacific coast, notably with questions of Asiatic immigration. “Contents: A problem in evolution; Apocalyptic; Infelicities of possession; Germany and Japan; The still small voice; Life’s complex ways; The psychology of lying; China 27and the United States; The autocracy of labor; Municipal rule and misrule; The declination of law; Fallacies and fantasies; The economics of education; The mysterious history of the spirit creation; Spiritual and rational development; Ab ovo; As others see us; Spirit worship of today; The new religion; The war in Europe; Crystallized civilization; Why a world industrial centre at San Francisco bay? Revival of citizenship; The initiative; Assurances for the future.” (Pittsburgh)
Boston Transcript p9 O 20 ‘17 400w | ||
N Y Times 22:581 D 30 ‘17 60w | ||
Pittsburgh 22:687 O ‘17 90w |
“This work of Mr Bancroft’s reveals the author’s pungency and individuality of mind, but reveals also signs of age. Mr Bancroft is eighty-five. Considering this fact, it is easy to understand his overwrought denunciations of current American life.”
– + | Springf’d Republican p6 O 2 ‘17 270w |
BANG, JACOB PETER. Hurrah and hallelujah; a documentation; from the Danish by Jessie Bröchner; with an introd. by Ralph Connor. *$1 (2c) Doran 940.91 17-10428
Dr Bang, of the University of Copenhagen, has collected excerpts from German poems, sermons, etc. His title is taken from a book of poems issued by a German pastor. His purpose is “to show, on the one hand, to what a pitch the contempt and hatred for things foreign has been carried, and, on the other hand, how widely the overestimation, not to say the worship, of things German has spread in Germany.” There are chapters on German prophets, German war poetry, The war in sermons, Speeches by German professors, etc. The book was prepared for publication in 1915.
A L A Bkl 13:393 Je ‘17 | ||
Dial 62:256 Mr 22 ‘17 130w |
Reviewed by H. M. Kallen
Dial 63:263 S 27 ‘17 1100w |
“We do not know among modern books any one volume which will give to the English reader in so brief a form so clear a reflection of the militaristic spirit which seems to possess, not only the military leaders, but the teachers of every description in Germany.”
Outlook 116:305 Je 20 ‘17 100w |
“Those who have any lingering doubts as to the wisdom of the present course taken by the government will find in ‘Hurrah and hallelujah,’ a collection of documents edited by Dr J. P. Bang, of the University of Copenhagen, a terrific arraignment of Germany out of the mouths of her own poets, prophets, professors, and teachers.”
+ | R of Rs 55:552 My ‘17 130w |
“Prof. Bang, in his chapter on ‘The trend of German thought,’ makes the absurd mistake—or else the translation does—of classifying Nietzsche with Treitschke and Bernhardi as prophets of German world-power. Otherwise his observations are apparently correct. ... The numerous examples cited give the book its value.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Ap 2 ‘17 950w |
“Dr Bang, who is a professor of the University of Copenhagen, and himself a distinguished theologian, has done well to publish this book. ... It is a valuable supplement to Professor Nippold’s book on German Chauvinism, which appeared shortly before the war, and to the similar collections made by Mr Alexander Gray in his three pamphlets, ‘The new leviathan,’ ‘The upright sheaf,’ and ‘The true pastime.’”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p630 D 28 ‘16 1200w |
BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK. Half hours with the Idiot. *$1.25 (5c) Little 817 17-14182
“Readers of Bangs are familiar with the boarding house of Mrs Pedagog for single gentlemen, where the Idiot, the Doctor, the Poet, the Bibliomaniac, and Mr Brief, the lawyer, assemble daily for refreshments. Over the waffles each morning the Idiot discourses of some theme of timely interest, like Christmas shopping, the income tax, medical conservation, etc.”—Springf’d Republican
A L A Bkl 13:439 Jl ‘17 |
“Not quite so spontaneous in their humor as the breakfast-table talks in ‘Coffee and repartee.’”
+ — | Cleveland p104 S ‘17 50w |
“Mr Bangs gives no intimation in this volume that his humor is in danger of going stale or ceasing. It is in his usual style, only more so, which is good enough for most of us.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Je 24 ‘17 160w |
BARBEE, LINDSEY. Let’s pretend. il. 75c Denison 812 17-19694
A book of fairy plays for children, provided with notes on costume and properties, stage directions, etc. Contents: The little pink lady; The ever-ever land; When the toys awake; The forest of every day; A Christmas tree joke; “If don’t-believe is changed into believe.” In some of the plays the number of characters is large, making them suitable for school entertainments where many children take part.
+ | Ind 92:444 D 1 ‘17 30w |
“A book of delightful children’s plays. ... They are merry and whimsical and carry their little sermons unobtrusively.”
+ | R of Rs 56:444 O ‘17 40w |
“The value of these plays is increased by practical directions for costuming, by stage directions and by other helps to production.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 D 20 ‘17 80w |
BARBER, CHARLES H. Besieged in Kut and after. *5s Blackwood, London 940.91
“Major Barber records his journey from Basra up to Kut, then the return of the army from Ctesiphon, the long-drawn siege, the hopes and disappointments, the surrender, life as a prisoner in Baghdad, his exchange, and the passage down the river again to the familiar lower reaches—familiar, but already transformed by the preparations for the new advance—and then the farewell to ‘the desert land where we had left only two good years of our life, measured by the standard of time, but a good ten by those of our feelings.’ What those feelings were it is easy to guess, though the author wraps them all in their wonderful natural cover of the soldier’s courage and hopefulness and kindness.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
+ | Sat R 124:312 O 20 ‘17 250w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p371 Ag 2 ‘17 130w |
“Major Barber’s book is a little epic. ... And it is none the less an epic for being in form an impersonal and matter-of-fact record of daily events. The sub-title might be ‘Endurance.’”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p374 Ag 9 ‘17 780w |
BARBER, FREDERIC DELOS, and others. First course in general science. il *$1.25 Holt 502 16-17507
“This book is written for the American school child. It opens with the statement that ‘the primary function of first-year general science is to give, as far as possible, a rational, orderly, scientific understanding of the pupil’s environment to the end that he may, to some extent, correctly interpret that environment and be master of it. It must be justified by its own intrinsic value as a training for life’s work.’ Setting out with this idea, the authors take the various phenomena with which the child is likely to be confronted, and deal with them in a manner calculated to arouse his interest.”—Nature
“It covers somewhat the same field as Caldwell and Eikenberry (Booklist 11:299 Mr ‘15), but is, perhaps, more technical, fuller on physical science, heat, light, ventilation, and refrigeration, and contains less on biology and physical geography, has problems and exercises as well 28as more illustrations. ... A revision and enlargement of the author’s ‘Elements of physical science,’ published in 1906.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:379 Je ‘17 | |
+ | Ind 91:264 Ag 18 ‘17 120w |
“Its facts in regard to physics and vital phenomena are carefully stated, and the many applications of elementary principles to human welfare are ingeniously and clearly presented.”
+ | Nation 104:560 My 3 ‘17 150w |
“Probably the best use of the book is as a teacher’s guide to give him ‘copy’ which he can work up and adapt to his own class.”
+ | Nature 98:348 Ja 4 ‘17 400w |
BARBER, HERBERT LEE. Story of the automobile; its history and development from 1760 to 1917; with an analysis of the standing and prospects of the automobile industry. il *$1.50 (2½c) Munson 629.2 17-16907
As one reads the sub-title of this book he wonders what Franklin had to do with the automobile. Specifically, the author accords Franklin, as the discoverer of electricity, the credit for the electrical automobile, and, in a more general way, shows that in his teachings of frugality and thrift he laid the cornerstone, 150 years ago, on which the superstructure of the automobile business has been erected. The 250 pages tell a concise story of the mechanical and commercial evolution of the automobile, its popularity and its democratization by Henry Ford. What will particularly interest makers and dealers is the analysis of the industry from a financial and investment standpoint, contributed by the Business Bourse International, Inc.
BARBUSSE, HENRI. Under fire; the story of a squad; tr. by Fitzwater Wray. *$1.50 (1½c) Dutton 940.91 17-23984
This book was first published in France, December, 1916, under the title, “Le feu,” and received the prize offered by the Académie Goncourt of Paris for the best book of the year. It has had a wide sale in France. The author is a French soldier who does not hesitate to relate the grim and sickening details of life at the front. He quotes a fellow-soldier as saying: “If you make the common soldiers talk in your book, are you going to make them talk like they do talk, or shall you put it all straight—into pretty talk?” And Mr Barbusse answers that he will not “put it all into pretty talk.” He has kept his word. The book is “not a chronicle, still less a diary, but combines pictures of men in masses, and of individual types, moralisings, impressions, observations, episodes, into a sort of epic of army life from the point of view of a private soldier.” (Bookm) And the soldier’s point of view on the war seems to be that while war has turned him and his fellows into “incredibly pitiful wretches, and savages as well, brutes, robbers, and dirty devils,” that, because they are fighting “for progress, not for a country; against error, not against a country” they must fight on until the spirit of war is slain, and, “there’ll no longer be the things done in the face of heaven by thirty millions of men who don’t want to do them.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:59 N ‘17 |
“Its realism is carried to the extent that some passages are more than merely painful to the reader: they are repellent. There is so much insistence upon the dirt, the vermin, the stench, and the sordidness in the battle zones, and so wrapped in a charnel-house atmosphere are many pages, that we think the artistry of the book has suffered in consequence. However, it is, we repeat, a remarkable production: and it must be admitted that this tale of soldiering in its grimmest and grimiest aspects is well worth reading.”
+ — | Ath p470 S ‘17 170w |
“The sub-title, the ‘Life of a squad,’ is somewhat misleading. There is much more than the life of a squad in this brilliant and varied narrative, which records or divines wide areas of experience.” F. M. Colby
+ | Bookm 46:90 S ‘17 1250w |
“In contrast to his book, the others seem like documents, or pious memorial volumes, or collections of extracts from the average war articles in the magazines. Whether this difference will appear to those who read it only in the present English version it is hard to say, for the translator has come down upon it rather heavily.” C. M. Francis
+ — | Bookm 46:451 D ‘17 150w |
“But a short time ago it would have been thought impossible that the war’s abominations could be restated with such force and vividness as to make them appear almost new to us, yet this is what has been accomplished here by a master hand exercising extraordinary gifts of expression with unrestricted freedom. The book is an achievement that will endure. If it reaches the huge sales here that are recorded of it in France, much credit will be due to the translator, who has done his work extremely well.”
+ | Cath World 106:409 D ‘17 850w |
“He is magnificently indifferent to the curious editorial taboo which results in the frigid brevity of the war dispatch and the inhuman abstractions of Mr Frank H. Simonds. To a man tremendously in earnest who wanted to make those at home see and feel the war—yes and smell it too—any squeamishness would naturally be a simple irrelevance. It would not be thought of, and M. Barbusse hasn’t thought of it. The result is a book of terrific impact, a horrible and fascinating document that brings one nearer to the desolation and despair of No Man’s Land than anything else I have read.” G: B. Donlin
+ | Dial 63:455 N 8 ‘17 1550w |
“Barbusse has the essentially French ability of creating atmosphere. The action moves in vivid patches and flashes of color against a gray background of mud and drizzling rain.”
+ | Ind 92:561 D 22 ‘17 630w |
“It is unnecessary to have been at the front to judge of M. Barbusse’s veracity. It is a book that is no more to be questioned than the diary of Captain Scott or the deathless pages of Tolstoy.” F. H.
+ | New Repub 12:358 O 27 ‘17 1700w |
“‘Under fire’ is an example of genre art, crude often, as Rodin’s casts are crude, as Millet’s paintings are crude. ... The greatest chapter in the book is the last called ‘The dawn.’” B. H.
+ | N Y Call p14 N 25 ‘17 1550w |
“M. Barbusse has succeeded in giving an unforgettable impression of the war as it exists, and in offering us a new point of view from which to consider it and its fighters.”
+ | N Y Times 22:360 S 23 ‘17 700w | |
Pittsburgh 22:651 O ‘17 60w | ||
+ | Pittsburgh 22:748 N ‘17 70w |
“Makes most other war books—barring perhaps Hugh’s letters from the trenches in ‘Mr Britling’ and Donald Hankey’s ‘Student in arms,’ first series—seem flat and soulless—merely pictorial, a kind of motion picture. We laugh with Empey in ‘Over the top,’ but here one doesn’t read to laugh.” Robert Lynd
+ | Pub W 93:213 Ja 19 ‘18 600w |
BARCLAY, FLORENCE LOUISA (CHARLESWORTH) (MRS CHARLES W. BARCLAY). White ladies of Worcester. *$1.50 (1½c) Putnam 17-29023
A novel which views such mediaeval matters as cloisters, feudal pomp and chivalry in the light of our twentieth century breadth of view. The hero possesses all the qualities of the knight of chivalry, its heroine is a cloistered maiden who humbly relinquishes her religious vows for love. But here is the modern note. The Bishop of Worcester not only brings the lovers together but in so doing voices the following sentiment: “Methinks these nunneries would serve a better purpose were they schools from which to send women forth into the world to be good wives and mothers, rather than storehouses filled with sad samples of nature’s great purposes deliberately unfulfilled.” The setting and atmosphere are true to the twelfth century.
A L A Bkl 14:129 Ja ‘18 |
29“The book, which is overloaded with sentiment, does not carry conviction.”
— | Ath p679 D ‘17 90w |
“Except for an occasional ‘methinks,’ and incidental allusions to palfreys and battlements, the cumbersome trappings of mediaevalism, the battles, the conclaves, the obsolete language, are absent from the book. It is rather in the substance of the story that the spirit of an earlier day is felt.” Joseph Mosher
+ | Pub W 92:1375 O 20 ‘17 450w |
“The story has an excellent plot, and is told with commendable restraint, and without the cloying sentimentality and wearisome artificialities characterizing so many of the author’s stories heretofore.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p11 Ja 27 ‘18 300w |
“A pleasing, sentimental romance. ... The whole is too obviously conceived in a modern spirit: we feel the medievalism is but stage scenery and the sentiments those of the twentieth century.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p530 N 1 ‘17 280w |
BARKER, ERNEST. Ireland in the last fifty years (1866-1916). pa *1s 6d Oxford 941.5 (Eng ed 17-14126)
“The author begins with a survey of the period to which his book relates, and proceeds to discuss the Irish church and education, the agrarian question, and the government of Ireland. The latter part of the book deals with Ireland to-day. Mr Barker regards the rebellion of 1916 as ‘a rebellion of those extremists who have, during the last fifty years, found their enemies no less in the Home rule party of Ireland than in the British government.’”—Ath
Ath p203 Ap ‘17 70w |
“This well-written pamphlet gives a dispassionate account of Irish affairs during the last half-century. ... We must demur to Mr Barker’s suggestion that the Unionist party has accepted Home rule. He should have explained more clearly the position of protestant Ulster, which is imperfectly appreciated by those who do not know Ireland and her history.”
+ — | Spec 118:210 F 17 ‘17 90w |
“Nor does he stop with the Church and Land acts—he goes on to discuss in some detail the whole agrarian problem in Ireland as the long series of Land acts has left it, with a peasantry relieved of ‘landlordism’ and turning to a variety of boards, departments, and associations for help and guidance in the new problems that confront them. This is the really valuable part of Mr Barker’s book, and it can be heartily recommended to all who wish to understand the present economic situation in Ireland.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p44 Ja 25 ‘17 650w |
BARKER, GRANVILLE.[2] Three short plays. *$1 Little 822 17-30424
“Rococo,” the first of the three plays, written in 1912, is a farce-comedy with scene laid in an English vicarage. “Vote by ballot,” dated 1914, is a comedy of English politics. The third “Farewell to the theatre,” written in 1916, is a conversation between two persons, a man and a woman, the second of whom is leaving the stage after a long career.
“These plays are tempered with the thin, keen edge of Barker’s fastidious intellectualism. ... In this trifle [’Farewell to the theatre’], hardly a play, Barker is more the poet, or the symbolist, of ‘Souls on Fifth’ than the dramatist.”
+ | R of Rs 57:109 Ja ‘18 190w |
BARKER, HARRY. Public utility rates. *$4 McGraw 658 17-10566
“A discussion of the principles and practice underlying charges for water, gas, electricity, communication and transportation services.” (Sub-title) “After eight years of collection, comparative analysis and study the author has brought to fruition his effort to present “a comprehensive discussion of (1) such corporation and municipal activities as affect service and rates, (2) the trend of public opinion and court and commission decisions, and (3) the most important engineering and economic problems involved.” This he has done ‘in the hope’ that the mere presentation, in one volume, of the diverse phases of rate making may be of service in provoking thought—‘in spite of the inherent shortcomings of the text.’” (Engin News-Rec)
“Perhaps the most orderly and generally comprehensive of the many engineering treatises on valuation and rate making. ... The discussion is carefully balanced, and it offers many excellent criticisms and suggestions. The author appears public-spirited, with possibly an over-confidence that his own state of mind is that of public service corporation officials. If space permitted, many minor points might be profitably discussed or criticized.” J: Bauer
+ | Am Econ R 7:636 S ‘17 140w |
“In its good style and thoroughly readable quality, the book reflects the author’s experience as an editor of one of the most successful technical weeklies (Engineering News). Though it treats a highly technical subject, it does so in a manner to command the interest of the reader, introducing him with a brief and pertinent historic sketch to a logical presentation of the subject, adding breadth and perspective by a discriminating analysis of the essential differences in the rate-making problem of different utilities. Its chief value lies in the comparison of the differences in the nature and past solutions of the problem. ... It should be particularly helpful to the young student.”
* | + | Engin News-Rec 79:322 Ag 16 ‘17 1450w |
N Y Br Lib News 4:90 Je ‘17 |
“‘What is needed to save the observer from being swamped with facts in decisions and froth in partisan theories is just such a clear and unbiased analysis as Mr Barker’s work. ... The volume is the result of painstaking editorial observation over a period of eight years. ... Where there are two sides to a question each is given a fair statement.’”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:444 My ‘17 60w (Reprinted from Municipal Journal p539 Ap 12 ‘17) | |
Pratt p27 O ‘17 | ||
St Louis 15:171 Je ‘17 |
BARKER, W. H., and SINCLAIR, CECILIA, eds. West African folk-tales. il *7s 6d Harrap & co., London 398.2
These thirty-six tales are “based upon the folk-lore of the natives of the Gold coast.” (Ath) “The subject-matter has been obtained largely from native school teachers. ... Different versions of the same story have been collated, spurious additions discovered and discarded, and the common framework isolated and established. We are told that all the material thus collected will be available eventually for the use of the student of folk-lore; but in the meantime the authors have contented themselves with trying to interest a different and wider public in the subject by retelling the original basic stories as simply and directly as possible. ... [The book includes] the primitive version of a classic story which the negro slaves took with them across the Atlantic, and which emerged from the mouth of ‘Uncle Remus’ ... as the immortal adventure of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby.” (Spec)
“A curious feature of the Gold coast folk-stories is the number of Anánsi or spider tales.”
+ | Ath p463 S ‘17 150w |
“The tales are mostly of the explanatory ‘Just-So’ type which Kipling popularized, and although they have none of Kipling’s wonderful power of personification or triumph of linguistic invention in the telling, they are quite as ingenious and convincing in substance. ... The illustrations are delicately and imaginatively drawn, and exactly right to convey the spirit of the letterpress and to stimulate the curiosity of a child.”
+ | Spec 119:247 S 8 ‘17 800w |
30“These West African stories do not ‘grip’ as some others of their kind succeed in doing. ... They are not as dramatic as some, nor are they so surprising. ... The human element is lacking to them also; they throw little light on the manners and customs of the story-teller and his friends. ... A word may be said in appreciation of the illustrations. Their white outline on black ground is most effective.”
– + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p388 Ag 16 ‘17 900w |
BARNARD’S Lincoln, the gift of Mr and Mrs Charles P. Taft to the city of Cincinnati. il *50c (6½c) Stewart & Kidd 17-21909
The most interesting contribution to this little volume is that of the sculptor, George Grey Barnard, who tells what the statue means to him and what he tried to make it express to others,—“Lincoln, the song of democracy written by God.” In addition the book presents various documents connected with the unveiling of the statue in Cincinnati: a poem by Dr Lyman Whitney Allen, the presentation address of William Howard Taft, and the speech of acceptance by George Puchta, mayor of the city. There are five illustrations from photographs, and one from an etching by E. T. Hurley.
Ind 92:384 N 24 ‘17 400w | ||
N Y Times 22:476 N 18 ‘17 580w |
“Mr Taft’s address is a broad and true appreciation of Lincoln’s character.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 N 18 ‘17 650w |
BARNES, JOHN BRYSON (O. N. E., pseud.). Elements of military sketching and map reading. 3d ed rev il *75c (5c) Van Nostrand 623.71 17-14002
“The publication of this book was undertaken with a view of providing a textbook suitable for beginners in the subject of military sketching. To the original book has been added chapters on map reading and landscape sketching.” (Preface) The book is illustrated with diagrams and sketches accompanying the text and folding maps are provided in a pocket at the end.
N Y P L New Tech Bks p13 Jl ‘17 |
BARNETT, GEORGE ERNEST, and MCCABE, DAVID ALOYSIUS. Mediation, investigation, and arbitration in industrial disputes. *$1.25 (6c) Appleton 331.1 16-23810
“The book is based on a study of the activities of the American national and state agencies of mediation and arbitration. The elements of weakness in the present system are analyzed, and the necessary conditions for the successful working of such systems are set forth. After giving due consideration to the experience of other countries in dealing with the problem of industrial disputes, particularly to the Canadian experience under the law for the compulsory investigation of such disputes, the authors present a plan for the reorganization of the existing systems.”—N Y Call
Reviewed by E. L. Earp
+ | Am J Soc 23:559 Ja ‘18 300w |
“Authoritative study. Useful for debates.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:5 O ‘17 |
“The attitude of the authors is impartial and practical, and the treatment of the subject is scholarly. It might be wished that the results of the last three years be included in the book. The appendices contain the Newlands act and the recommendations of the Industrial commission on mediation, arbitration, etc.” J. T. Y.
+ | Ann Am Acad 71:230 My ‘17 200w | |
Engin N 77:108 Ja 18 ‘17 130w | ||
+ | Ind 89:508 Mr 19 ‘17 150w | |
N Y Call p14 D 10 ‘16 80w |
“This volume is one of rather more than ordinary value. ... As a historical study and book of reference, trade unionists and Socialists should find this book a valuable addition to their material on the highly important and timely subjects of which it treats.” C. M. W.
+ | N Y Call p14 Mr 18 ‘17 300w |
“The book is timely and useful, particularly in its tendency to convince the unions that they are too successful for their own interests in some respects. Partisanship may win a battle or two, but fairness is needed to win the campaign for public sympathy and support.”
+ | N Y Times 22:270 Jl 22 ‘17 620w | |
Pratt p11 O ‘17 10w |
“The authors of this book, who hold chairs, respectively, at Johns Hopkins and Princeton, submitted a report in June, 1915, to the United States Commission on industrial relations. The present volume is based on that report but illustrated material has been added and the statements have been brought down to date. In this form it is the best available discussion of the subject in English.”
+ | R of Rs 55:220 F ‘17 60w | |
St Louis 15:47 F ‘17 |
“The classifications in the book are admirably arranged, and its conclusions and recommendations are clearly set forth. It is somewhat unfortunate, however, that a book dealing with such an important problem does not contain more vitality. On the whole, the monograph is to be heartily recommended to everyone interested in social readjustments for its careful analysis and its timely suggestions.” H. W. Laidler
+ — | Survey 39:45 O 13 ‘17 740w |
BARR, MRS AMELIA EDITH (HUDDLESTON). Christine, a Fife fisher girl. il *$1.50 (1½c) Appleton 17-22293
The scene is laid in the little fishing village of Culraine, Scotland, some seventy years ago. Christine’s parents are hard-working, upright, shrewd, deeply religious fisher-folk, whose great ambition is to educate their son, Neil, as a dominie. With the help of Christine, who is intellectually the abler of the two, Neil prepares for the university, but chooses the law instead of the church, and while taking from his parents and Christine all that they can give, grows more and more forgetful and neglectful of them. The tragedy of the ungrateful son is balanced by the love story of the dutiful daughter, whose chief admirers are Angus Ballister, a gentleman, and Cluny Macpherson, a fisherman. The end of the story leaves her not only a happy wife, but a successful authoress.
A L A Bkl 14:129 Ja ‘18 |
“A love story of characteristic sweetness and charm.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 46:340 N ‘17 40w |
“Age can not wither nor custom stale Mrs Barr’s infinite variety. Her writing days have spanned many generations yet no more vigorous character has been given novel readers this year than her Christine.”
+ | Boston Transcript p7 O 3 ‘17 270w |
“One carries away from this story a pleasant impression of fresh breezes, of a people strong and upright and generally goodhearted. ‘Christine: a Fife fisher girl,’ is a novel which will be warmly welcomed by Mrs Barr’s many admirers.”
+ | N Y Times 22:333 S 9 ‘17 700w |
“As heretofore, the story betrays a high moral tone, which makes her novels well-nigh unique among the light fiction of the present day.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p13 D 16 ‘17 220w |
BARR, MRS AMELIA EDITH (HUDDLESTON). Joan. il *$1.50 Appleton 17-3151
“Mrs Barr has gone to the mining region of Yorkshire for her latest novel, and has drawn a clear and convincing picture of the mining folk and the industry. A very different affair is Yorkshire mining from mining here in America, and in a foreword Mrs Barr explains the root of this difference. It lies chiefly in the fact that the miners in England are sons of the soil, men who have grown to maturity in the neighborhood 31in which they work, and who have followed their fathers ‘down pit.’ ... There is plenty of romance in the new story by a born writer of love stories, Joan being a winsome lass, with spirit and courage and beauty. Her fate is a man some years older than herself, and there is wealth and splendor, too, and many happy occurrences. Each character is well visualized; there is a human directness in Mrs Barr’s writing that becomes more pronounced as time passes.”—N Y Times
A L A Bkl 13:401 Je ‘17 | ||
Boston Transcript p8 F 21 ‘17 500w |
“Pleasing in its freshness and sincerity and especially interesting as the work of an author in her eighty-sixth year, who in this book is depicting the scenes with which she was familiar in her girlhood.”
+ | Cleveland p33 Mr ‘17 70w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:59 F 18 ‘17 650w |
BARRETT, SIR WILLIAM FLETCHER. On the threshold of the unseen. 2d rev ed *$2.50 Dutton (*6s 6d Kegan Paul, London) 134 17-29365
“Sir William Barrett, who was for many years professor of experimental physics in the Royal college of science for Ireland, was one of the principal founders of the Psychical research society in 1882, and his interest in and close attention to the subject has been continuous for over forty years. In 1908 he published a book (written many years previously) containing his critical investigations under the title ‘On the threshold of a new world of thought.’ His present publication is in the nature of a new edition of that work, including fresh evidence (obtained independently of any professional mediums) as to survival after death. The book is in six parts. It opens with general matter on psychical research and the objections of science and of religion. Part 2 discusses ‘the physical phenomena’—rappings, levitations, &c. ... Canons of evidence, mediumship, the subliminal self, &c., are then discussed. Part 4 collects particulars of apparitions, automatic writing, and other evidence of survival. Part 5 deals with clairvoyance, trance phenomena; considers difficulties; and advances various corrections and suggestions; and in Part 6 the deeper aspects of the matter are explored—the lesson of philosophy in the interpretation of nature; the mystery of personality; reincarnation; the implications of telepathy.” (The Times [London] Lit Sup) Sir William Barrett is also the author of the volume on “Psychical research” in the Home university library.
Ath p406 Ag ‘17 50w |
“It seems impossible for any reasonable man to dispute the case for further study, philosophic and scientific, of the evidence so far collected, and admirably presented in the volume here reviewed.” T. W. Rolleston
+ | Hibbert J 16:172 O ‘17 1700w |
“The author has passed the psalmist’s warning milepost of threescore and ten, but his handling of evidential matter and his discussions in this volume show that his mind is still keen and fresh and has lost none of its habitual scientific method and temper. ... He discusses most interestingly his idea of an unseen world evolving in harmony with our own. This idea, it is apparent, is closely akin to that of a finite, evolving God which has been developed by philosophical writers from Kant down to William James and has just had forceful presentation by H. G. Wells. But Sir William nowhere intimates perception of the kinship of the two ideas.”
+ | N Y Times 22:281 Jl 29 ‘17 1150w |
“What is of most immediate interest at the present moment is his account of certain very recent personal experiments conducted with well-known amateurs.”
+ | Spec 118:612 Je 2 ‘17 1150w |
“The present short volume presents evidence and considerations on the spiritualist side with a welcome absence alike of credulity and of rhetoric.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p251 My 24 ‘17 300w |
“The chief interest of this book, primarily a clear and temperate presentation of the case for scientific spiritualism, is its suggestion that there is such a thing as a scientific spirituality. ... It is another matter when we can feel that the slow patient gropings of science are inspired by a spiritual aim. ... It is this that Sir William Barrett, like Sir Oliver Lodge, does not neglect. He keeps the reader aware that psychical research is the beginning of an attempt to test an intuition of reality. This is a real meeting ground for discussion.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p280 Je 14 ‘17 950w |
BARRIE, ROBERT. My log. il *$2 Franklin press 17-22077
“Robert Barrie was fortunate in having a father able to give him advantages in youth that many never attain to. When he was nearing the age of twenty-one he had his heart set on a bigger boat than those he had been sailing, and ‘the governor’ had the $2000 ready for it, but asked the boy to go around the world instead. He accepted on condition that his brother of seventeen should go with him, and that trip, which lasted well past a year, is the main part of ‘My log,’ written thirty years later for a birthday gift to ‘the governor.’ ... Paris bulks large in the later chapters, the Paris of the studios.”—Springf’d Republican
“He brings back a life, seemingly as far removed from us today as that of the moyen age. A life whose freedom from wars and rumors of wars seems now well-nigh incredible. Of those moyen days Mr Barrie is delightfully reminiscent, rambling along from one subject to another, in the friendliest of ways which renders negligible any ‘barrier of limit,’ and makes the reader a ‘comrade of the road.’”
+ | Boston Transcript p7 S 12 ‘17 450w |
“The book has its entertaining aspects, but as a whole belongs to the class of autobiographies which are more interesting to the author’s own personal friends and to himself than to the public at large.”
– + | Outlook 117:64 S 12 ‘17 40w |
“Mr Barrie is a good raconteur and while his father and friends will appreciate the book more than anyone else, it has merit and style; and its make-up is such as one might expect in a gift from one maker of fine books to another.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p8 O 11 ‘17 180w |
BARRON, CLARENCE WALKER. Mexican problem. il *$1 (4c) Houghton 917.2 17-20844
Mr Barron, for ten years reporter on the Boston Transcript, is now manager of the Wall Street Journal, Boston News Bureau and Philadelphia News Bureau. He is also the author of “The audacious war” and “Twenty-eight essays on the Federal reserve act.” He went to Mexico to study the oil situation and found in that situation the solution of the Mexican problem, which he had “failed to find in railroad, agricultural or mining development.” The result of his observations is embodied in this book, the greater part of which “is devoted to an account of the development of the oil industry in Mexico, to its various conflicting interests, and to the influence and work of Edward Doheny, the man who ‘has always stood by’ and who is as much concerned with the social as with the commercial problem of Mexico.” (Boston Transcript) There are a number of illustrations from photographs, and, at the end, a map showing the lands of the Mexican petroleum company. The preface is by Talcott Williams.
Am Econ R 7:840 D ‘17 30w | ||
A L A Bkl 14:52 N ‘17 | ||
Am Pol Sci R 11:794 N ‘17 40w | ||
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ag 15 ‘17 450w | |
Cath World 106:392 D ‘17 200w | ||
Cleveland p123 N ‘17 40w |
32“Granting that all the facts are so stated by Mr Barren, that he is not far out of the way in his deductions, and that his little book is worthy of attention, he but touches the surface of the Mexican problem as it exists to-day.”
– + | Dial 63:400 O 25 ‘17 450w |
“Mr Barron writes himself down as 100 per cent plutocratic, and even Prussian in his outlook upon life. ... Mexico is a great country. Mr Barron looks at it only as a means of getting oil for American and foreign capitalism. Mexico has been in disorder for years. He wants tranquility. And he has written this book as a means of arousing American public opinion to consent to intervention in the unhappy nation to the south.” W: M. Feigenbaum
— | N Y Call p15 S 30 ‘17 480w |
“Mr Talcott Williams’s preface is only some twenty-five pages in length, but it compacts the thought and experience of a lifetime by a man with peculiar opportunities for a just judgment upon conditions like Mexico’s. ... Both Mr Barron and Mr Williams draw an attractive picture of the Mexican people.”
* | N Y Times 22:305 Ag 19 ‘17 1350w |
“Supplies fresh and valuable information on the petroleum industry in the Tampico-Tuxpan oil fields.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:759 N ‘17 60w |
“This book supplies fresh and valuable information concerning one major economic interest in Mexico—petroleum. But quite outside its purview lie four others—agriculture, mines, rubber, henequen. It surveys with some degree of intimacy five to ten thousand square miles of territory. Mexico has over 750,000. No reader of the volume can afford to forget these limitations. Within them it is an excellent piece of work. ... Mr Barron is sympathetic in his attitude toward the Mexican people ... but rather sharp with the Mexican government. He is also impatient with Washington.” G. B. Winton
+ | Survey 38:551 S 22 ‘17 410w |
BARROW, GEORGE ALEXANDER. Validity of the religious experience. *$1.50 (2c) Sherman, French & co. 201 17-13311
As a preliminary study in the philosophy of religion, the author makes an examination of religious experience. He accepts religious experience as a fact, as something which happens. He says, “In raising the question of validity, whatever we may mean, we do not mean to question the fact of its existence or what its existence includes. We do not ask whether any given case of religion is or is not a true religious experience. We are concerned only with the form of the religious experience and the questions we ask are questions of possibility and of implication. Our analysis is therefore to be an analysis of concepts.” The book consists of seven lectures delivered originally at Harvard university. Contents: The problem of a philosophy of religion; Religion real and unique; The source of religion; The test of religion; Human and superhuman; Personality; A foundation for theology.
“His work will satisfy the scholar, but it is too ponderous and heavy for the average reader. If his thesis could be set forth in half the words and in more popular style it would insure itself of wider reading.” G. F.
+ — | Boston Transcript p6 S 19 ‘17 470w |
“The effort, unusual in these days, to determine the real by analysis of the mere form of experience, produces here, as it has so often done, abstractness of treatment and dryness of style.” G: A. Coe
– + | Educ R 54:523 D ‘17 400w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:117 Ag ‘17 |
BARRY, WILLIAM FRANCIS. World’s debate; an historical defence of the Allies. *$1.25 Doran 940.9
“The peace of Westphalia, the execution of Charles I, Washington, Napoleon, the Vatican council, not to speak of the real protagonists, Bismarck and the German emperor, the Boer war, Queen Victoria, and President Wilson all contribute to Dr Barry’s picture of ‘The world’s debate,’ which we need not say is the debate between civilization and kultur, between the Catholic Christian ideal of France and England and the heathenism of Prussia.” (The Times [London] Lit Sup) The author says, “‘Autocracy in its assault on democracy was my subject; but my hope was to prove by facts and history two things: first that absolute power is doomed ... and, in the second place, that democracy and Christianity ought to recognize each other as by origin and spirit of the same nature.’” (The Times [London] Lit Sup Ag 23 ‘17)
“The whole method of handling bears the stamp of originality. When the historian combines with scientific exactness the imagination of the poet and the vision of the preacher he holds a powerful weapon with which to drive home truth.” A. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 N 14 ‘17 750w | |
The Times [London] Lit Sup p407 Ag 23 ‘17 50w |
“Dr Barry is a pleasant guide; often rambling and discursive, with no very deep display of learning, he gives us his interpretations of the moral of modern history, and from time to time illustrates his story by the personal reminiscences which make the book resemble a pleasant conversation.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p411 Ag 30 ‘17 850w |
BARTLETT, FREDERICK ORIN. Triflers. il *$1.40 (2c) Houghton 17-10201
A man and a woman, Americans, who meet by chance in Paris, decide in a most commonsense and business-like way to marry. They have known one another for ten years altho they have seen little of one another. The serious responsibilities of marriage are distasteful to both of them, but the marriage they agree upon is to have no responsibilities. Marjory, for her part, desires freedom. The working out of the experiment is the theme of the story. Their meeting with an old lover of Marjory’s induces the two triflers to look at life seriously. By this time too they have fallen deeply in love with one another.
“Brightly written and entertaining in its way.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:401 Je ‘17 |
“Having begun with an arbitrary and improbable, if not impossible, situation, the author is at some pains to motivate fully the rest of his tale. He has succeeded in tracing real character development, and has subordinated circumstances to it in a large measure.” R. W.
+ — | Boston Transcript p8 Ap 14 ‘17 440w |
“Mr Bartlett has so much skill and charm, his style is so clear and pleasing that some day he will surely write a less trifling book.”
– + | Dial 62:528 Je 14 ‘17 100w | |
Nation 105:16 Jl 5 ‘17 130w | ||
+ | N Y Times 22:214 Je 3 ‘17 280w |
“A somewhat improbable romance. ... The book is hardly on the level with Mr Bartlett’s ‘Wall street girl,’ which was notably original and true to life.”
– + | Outlook 115:710 Ap 18 ‘17 80w |
“The reader is not denied a happy ending, but the suspension of interest coincides with the interjection of the false note.”
– + | Springf’d Republican p17 My 6 ‘17 280w |
BARTLEY, MRS NALBRO ISADORAH. Paradise auction. il *$1.50 (1c) Small 17-23973
The influence of one gracious and beautiful woman on the lives of four young people is the central theme of this story. “Darly,” so called from her son’s childish name for her, had been a famous English actress in her youth, but she had given up the stage and had come to a small American city in order to give her child a simple and wholesome bringing up. His playmates from childhood, Paul and Natalie Kail and Molly Brene look up to Darly as 33Jack himself does. Paul and Molly marry early but Natalie, who loves Jack, and Darly, his mother, suffer together the pain of seeing him marry a shallow, flippant little parasite who is destined to make marriage a mockery. It seems for a time that the mother’s life of sacrifice has been in vain; but it has not, and not only Jack, but the others as well, find, even after her death, that their destinies are shaped by her ideals.
A L A Bkl 14:25 O ‘17 |
“We follow the separate destinies with an interest which does not wane through a long story.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ag 18 ‘17 300w |
“It is a rather futile and exhausted subject, handled in a manner that is skilful, though lamentably typical of modern magazine fiction.”
– + | Dial 64:78 Ja 17 ‘18 60w | |
+ | Ind 91:188 Ag 4 ‘17 70w |
“Though the novel is much too long, it holds the reader’s interest fairly well. The people are real with a possible exception of the somewhat too remarkable and admirable Darly.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:222 Je 10 ‘17 430w |
“The characters move without artificial stimulus. This is particularly true in the cases of the actress-mother and the son’s parasitic wife. The dialog is spontaneous.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p15 Ag 26 ‘17 500w |
BARTON, BRUCE. More power to you. *$1 (2½c) Century 170 17-23552
Fifty editorials from Every Week which are really sermonettes. They are tiny doses of American idealism offered to business men who are in danger of sacrificing home life, friends, books, even dreams on the altar of business success. The writer shows that many a man has, as a by-product of his building, strengthened the character and lifted the ideals of hundreds of his associates, and helped in the regeneration of entire communities. There is some good advice concerning how to achieve that by-product.
A L A Bkl 14:38 N ‘17 |
“Mr Barton has the honest American respect for material ‘progress’ and business ‘success.’ But he is not sentimental on the one hand or materialistic on the other. ... ‘More power to you’ is a stimulating, vigorous, wholesome little book.”
+ | N Y Times 22:347 S 16 ‘17 400w | |
St Louis 15:386 N ‘17 20w |
“It is a little book that bids us stop for a moment and examine our rushing world. It is a book of simple aphorisms phrased so cleverly that the advice is often concealed for the moment by the sugar coating.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 N 4 ‘17 160w |
BARTON, GEORGE AARON. Religions of the world. (Handbooks of ethics and religion) *$1.50 Univ. of Chicago press 209 17-20653
The author is professor of biblical literature and Semitic languages in Bryn Mawr college, Pennsylvania. The book “opens with an outline of primitive religions, and then, having stated the main elements of religion in Babylon and Egypt, goes on to deal with the religion of the ancient Hebrews, Judaism, and Mahommedanism. The next section of the book is concerned with Zoroastrianism, from which it passes to the religions of India, China, and Japan. Chapters on the religions of Greece and Rome follow, and the book closes with a section on Christianity.” (The Times [London] Lit Sup) “At the close of each chapter supplementary readings are given. These are divided into two classes, one for extended work, and one for those who have but a limited time to give to the subject. At the end of the volume there are lists of books on special subjects for the teacher, topics for study, and an ‘outline of a book to be written by the student.’ There is a good index.” (Boston Transcript)
+ | A L A Bkl 14:148 F ‘18 |
“The volume is meant to be a textbook, and as such it is admirable.”
+ | Boston Transcript p7 Ag 15 ‘17 480w |
“His work is colored throughout by the conviction of the Protestants that man is saved by faith alone; his book is little more than a summary of the views which various peoples have entertained in regard to God, the soul, immortality, and so on.”
— | Dial 64:74 Ja 17 ‘18 850w | |
Ind 91:293 Ag 25 ‘17 90w |
“An admirable text-book for the study of comparative religions. Without being controversial it is animated throughout by the characteristic spirit which recognizes that pagan religions are the product of the soul’s quest after God.”
+ | Outlook 117:309 O 24 ‘17 60w |
“A terse, well-written text-book packed with the facts concerning the great religions of the world.”
+ | R of Rs 56:329 S ‘17 80w |
“Valuable to all who want a concise and accurate survey of the ideals and growths of the religious systems of the world. ... The book fills a real need in the popular religious literature of the day.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Ag 17 ‘17 300w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p408 Ag 23 ‘17 180w |
BARTON, GEORGE EDWARD. Re-education. *$1 (7c) Houghton 362 17-31277
A fearless analysis of the institutional system of the United States by a business man and for business men. The writer believes that there are some fundamental weaknesses or fallacies in our present system of dealing with education, sin, insanity and disease. He bases objections to the existing institutional system on the failure to do more than prevent, during the period of incarceration, the act of which the prisoner or patient has been guilty. He would build up a system of re-education which would make producers of inmates of institutions with an increase of efficiency. The thought underlying the inquiry and arraignment emanates from the best social theory of the day.
BASHFORD, HENRY HOWARTH. Songs out of school. (New poetry ser.) *75c Houghton 821
There is a note of quiet happiness in this small book of poems. Even “The vision of spring, 1916,” the one piece in the book that touches on the world tragedy, speaks with the voice of hope. Other poems are, The high road, Little April, Litany in spring, Lullabies at Bethlehem, Cradle songs, River songs.
“A small collection of verses, most of which appeared in the Spectator, the Nation, the Outlook, and Country Life.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:389 Je ‘17 | |
+ | Ath p478 O ‘16 30w | |
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Mr 21 ‘17 140w |
“There are serious and elegant poems which comport themselves becomingly, but the zest of the book lies in the pattering and twittering verses which in five or six instances overleap that elusive but difficult barrier that divides mere attractiveness from authentic charm.” O. W. Firkins
+ | Nation 104:710 Je 14 ‘17 180w |
“The difference between a minor and a sub-minor poet is something to be felt rather than explained, yet there is a definite line between. ... Mr Jeffers is a conventional minor poet; Mr Arensberg is an unconventional one; we catch, out of the corner of our eye, a glint of wings, spite of the manifest failures of each. Mr Bashford, on the other hand, without a failure to his credit, is distinctly a sub-minor. ... The trouble with his verses is that they lack something vital, a distinctiveness, a tang, the scent of personality.”
N Y Times 22:257 Jl 8 ‘17 180w | ||
+ | Outlook 115:116 Ja 17 ‘17 180w |
34BASSETT, JOHN SPENCER. Middle group of American historians. *$2 (2½c) Macmillan 928 17-2031
The “middle period” of which the author writes is not exactly defined. Its beginning is placed at some time following the close of the War of 1812, its ending at the time when the scientific spirit gained dominance over the patriotic school of historical writing. 1884, the year of the founding of the American historical association, is suggested as the closing date of the period. The author’s purpose is to treat of the men who were writing history during this time, Jared Sparks, George Bancroft, Prescott, Motley, and Peter Force. There is an introductory chapter on Early progress of history in the United States, and a concluding chapter on The historians and their publishers.
“His chapters on Sparks and Bancroft make the largest contribution of fresh material, for many unpublished passages are drawn from the Sparks manuscripts in the Harvard college library, and still more from the Bancroft manuscripts in the keeping of the Massachusetts historical society.” M. A. DeW. Howe
+ | Am Hist R 22:879 Jl ‘17 650w | |
A L A Bkl 13:304 Ap ‘17 | ||
+ | Boston Transcript p6 F 24 ‘17 120w |
“A distinguishing characteristic of the work is that it has to do with historians rather than with history: the author is far more interested in the men themselves and in their activities than he is in the books they wrote. ... The book is itself a piece of careful research rather than a contribution to historical criticism or the history of ideas; and taken for what it is, it will be found, by professional historians at least, and one would think by a rather wide reading public as well, a very useful book and an extremely interesting one.” Carl Becker
+ | Dial 62:301 Ap 5 ‘17 1800w | |
Eng Hist R 32:460 Jl ‘17 70w | ||
+ | Lit D 54:2000 Je 30 ‘17 430w |
“The book is eminently readable and is valuable for its appreciation, sympathetic and yet critical, of the men who made this middle period a golden age of historical writing in the United States.”
+ | Nation 104:631 My 24 ‘17 900w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:143 Ap 15 ‘17 450w | |
Pittsburgh 22:209 Mr ‘17 | ||
St Louis 15:119 Ap ‘17 50w | ||
+ | Spec 118:417 Ap 7 ‘17 130w |
“Offered as the understudy of a more elaborate work which the author hopes to produce if the future favors.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Je 24 ‘17 720w |
BASSETT, LEE EMERSON. Handbook of oral reading. *$1.60 Houghton 808.5 17-2347
“This book is the outgrowth of several years of classroom instruction and practice based on the theory that effective oral expression is the result of clear thinking.” (Preface) The first of the three parts into which the book is divided is devoted to the problem of thought-getting and to the modulations of the voice that serve to make meaning clear to others. Part 2 is devoted to the problem of the imaginative and emotional response to thought. The technical problems of tone production are treated in part 3. The book is well supplied with illustrative material. The author is associate professor of English at Leland Stanford Junior university.
“Sensible ideas, well expressed. Everts’ ‘The speaking voice’ (A L A Catalog 1904-1911) will be sufficient in the average library.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:389 Je ‘17 | |
Cleveland p122 N ‘17 50w |
“Good selections, a clear statement of principles, and a full outline for teachers.”
+ | Ind 91:234 Ag 11 ‘17 30w | |
St Louis 15:183 Je ‘17 10w |
“The high-school teacher of public speaking will be interested in this book, which sets forth very forcibly the principles of natural oral expression. ... The book might be more attractive to the high-school student if more of the selections were from contemporary literature.” E. F. Geyer and R. L. Lyman
+ — | School R 25:608 O ‘17 100w | |
Springf’d Republican p8 Ap 25 ‘17 150w |
BASSETT, SARA WARE. Story of sugar. il *75c (2½c) Penn 17-16751
Uniform with the stories of cotton, gold and silver, lumber, wool, iron, leather and glass. It is written for boys and girls from seven to twelve and has a thread of plot upon which hang bits of true information about the history and manufacture of sugar. A real sugaring-off in the maple woods, a visit to a sugar refinery, and another to a candy factory are narrated with emphasis on the processes that children can readily grasp. The sport and adventure intermingled are wholesome, the sort that live boys and girls have a big appetite for.
+ | Outlook 117:574 D 5 ‘17 60w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 D 1 ‘17 100w |
BASSETT, SARA WARE. Wayfarers at the Angel’s. *$1.25 (3½c) Doran 17-28601
This is another Cape Cod story by the author of “The taming of Zenas Henry.” A wooden angel, long ago a ship’s figurehead, guards the door of the “straggling house on the bluff, half buried in vines and flowers,” which is the home of three bachelors; John Bartlett, retired captain of the life-saving station; Timothy Talbot, with his Civil war relics and his seven pairs of shoes, which he wears in unvarying rotation, and David Furber, the happy-go-lucky sailor lad whom the life-savers have rescued from a foundering barque, and who after being wrecked twelve times, has now elected to stay ashore. Into this household comes Ann, who is “better’n a trained nurse, she’s a born one,” to nurse David through a fever, and life becomes a different thing to all three men. It also changes greatly for Ann, whom one of the three persuades to stay with him always as “angel of the grey house—a sight better one than that wooden image over the door.”
“The little tale is slight, but rather pleasant. There are some amusing bits, and only one disagreeable character in the book, all the rest being virtuous to a degree.”
+ | N Y Times 22:442 O 28 ‘17 150w |
“Sara Ware Bassett writes another buoyant ‘Cape’ story which nowise infringes upon the rights and prerogatives of Mr Lincoln.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 D 23 ‘17 290w |
BASSETT, WILBUR.[2] Wander-ships; folk-stories of the sea, with notes upon their origin. *$1.50 Open ct. 398.2 17-27992
“The book under the above title—‘Wander-ships’—is a small collection of some of the stories about wonderful and strange ships that have been reported as sailing the seas, from and to no port or haven. ... To further emphasize the stories, for the benefit of the student of such literature, copious notes on the various tales are appended. ... The volume is something of an encyclopædia on the subject of ghostly craft and vessels, the origin and voyages of which are lost in the shades of earliest tradition.”—Boston Transcript
“The several tales are interesting, whether the reader is or is not familiar with such ‘yarns,’ and the volume is a distinct contribution to the literature of the sea.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ja 5 ‘18 280w |
“The work is a very unusual one, but will be a source of delight to those who love to dig down into fundamentals, for even if the superstitions of past ages are taken as the subject, the work is in itself essentially a scientific one.” J. W.
+ | N Y Call p14 D 29 ‘17 800w | |
Outlook 118:31 Ja 2 ‘18 70w |
35BATCHELDER, ROGER. Watching and waiting on the border. il *$1.25 (3c) Houghton 355.7 17-13927
The author writes of his experience on the Mexican border with one of the Massachusetts regiments of the National guard. His first purpose is to answer the many questions asked him since his return: “Was it hot down there?” “What are the Mexicans like?” and so on. His second is “to show, by narrating the story of the mobilization and the subsequent service of the National guard, how pitifully incompetent and unprepared it was and is, to form the reserve military force of the United States.” The book has an introduction by E. Alexander Powell.
A L A Bkl 14:17 O ‘17 | ||
Cleveland p116 S ‘17 40w |
“While Private Batchelder is frankly outspoken in discussing these questions, he writes with the good sense and judgment born of experience. As a record of personal service in what may fairly be termed a hard country physically, his book is well worth reading by every recruit as a helpful guide to his duty and conduct.”
+ | Ind 91:108 Jl 21 ‘17 300w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:102 Jl ‘17 | ||
Pittsburgh 22:684 O ‘17 40w | ||
Pratt p45 O ‘17 40w |
“To those interested in military life with just a dash of adventure thrown in there is an especial appeal in ‘Watching and waiting on the border.’”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 Ag 26 ‘17 130w |
BAYLEY, WILLIAM SHIRLEY.[2] Descriptive mineralogy. il *$3.50 Appleton 549 17-21365
This work, prepared as a textbook for students, is designed to give “a comprehensive view of modern mineralogy rather than a detailed knowledge of many minerals.” The author says, “It does not pretend to furnish a complete discussion of the mineral kingdom, nor a means of determining the nature of any mineral that may be met with. The chapters devoted to the process of determinative mineralogy are brief, and the familiar ‘key to the determination of species’ is omitted. In place of the latter is a simple guide to the descriptions of minerals to be found in the body of the text.” The three parts of the book are devoted to: General chemical mineralogy; Descriptive mineralogy, and Determinative mineralogy. Lists of minerals are given in appendixes; also a list of references. Hintze’s “Handbuch der mineralogie” has been drawn on for matter in the text, and “Mineral resources of the United States” has been used as a basis for the statistics. The author is professor of geology in the University of Illinois.
+ | Pittsburgh 22:814 D ‘17 80w |
BAYLISS, WILLIAM MADDOCK. Physiology of food and economy in diet. *65c Longmans 613.2 Agr17-520
“‘The physiology of food and economy in diet’ is a rather academic manual which has arisen, Professor Bayliss tells us, from a course of lectures given at University college, London, in November, 1916. ... After a brief résumé of the problem as a whole, Professor Bayliss studies the uses of food, the classes of foodstuffs, the question of quantity, accessory factors, digestibility, alcohol, vegetarianism, exercise, the value of cooking, characteristics of certain articles of diet, and possibilities of economy. As a general summary of his directions, he concludes with the aphorism, ‘Take care of the calories and the protein will take care of itself.’”—N Y Times
“The American reader will perhaps turn with especial interest to the study of the work of the Commission for relief in Belgium as an example of good food ministration and control.”
+ | N Y Times 22:395 O 14 ‘17 150w | |
Pratt p19 O ‘17 | ||
St Louis 15:327 S ‘17 10w |
“In a hundred pages he presents in clear, concise and fascinating language the fundamental principles of nutrition. Bayliss, though noted for his work on the secretory glands and not recognized as an expert on nutrition, has nevertheless written with the appreciative touch characteristic of the master mind.” Graham Lusk
+ | Science n s 46:18 Jl 6 ‘17 50w | |
+ | Spec 118:520 My 5 ‘17 180w |
Bayonet training manual used by the British forces. (Van Nostrand’s military manuals) il *30c Van Nostrand 355
This pocket manual is a reprint of material which appeared in the Infantry Journal for May, 1917. The copyright is held by the United States Infantry association. The preface states that the instructions are from the latest British training manual (1916), and that they are based on experience in accordance with which the forces are now being trained.
BEACH, HARLAN PAGE. Renaissant Latin America. il $1 (2c) Missionary educ. movement 266 16-22287
“An outline and interpretation of the Congress on Christian work in Latin America, held at Panama, February 10-19, 1916.” The author has prepared a condensed account of the congress, quoting as largely as was consistent with his purpose from speeches and reports. Contents: The story of the Congress; Re-discovering Latin America; Interpretation, message, method; Latin Americans and education; Leaves for the healing of nations; The upbuilding of womanhood; The Latin evangelical churches; The home fulcrum; Unity’s fraternal program; Congressional addresses; Aftermath and estimates.
“The volume is interesting from beginning to end and for the busy reader meets an urgent need.” J. W. M.
+ | Am J Theol 21:480 Jl ‘17 90w |
“Much suggestive and stirring material is contained in this condensed review of Christian work.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Mr 3 ‘17 300w |
“The exchange of ideas was noteworthy as delegates were present from nearly all over the world, and from these workers Dr Beach has collected a most interesting fund of facts.”
+ | Ind 90:257 My 5 ‘17 60w |
“While the enthusiasm of the author for the South Americans carries him perhaps a little too far, yet the book is well worth reading.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Ap 8 ‘17 140w |
BEACH, REX ELLINGWOOD. Laughing Bill Hyde, and other stories. il *$1.35 (1c) Harper 17-30123
The title story is a tale of Alaska, so is the one following, “The north wind’s malice.” Among the others, several are stories of business, one is a newspaper story. Some of the titles are: His stock in trade; With bridges burned; With interest to date; The cub reporter; Out of the night; The real and the make-believe; Running Elk; The moon, the maid, and the winged shoes; Flesh. The book is printed without table of contents.
“He excels in one kind of fiction which is purely American: the business story.”
+ | Boston Transcript p7 D 22 ‘17 300w |
“There is nothing particularly original or striking in any of these tales, but many of them will no doubt furnish amusement for an idle hour. They are written in Mr Beach’s well-known and rather agreeable style.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:516 D 2 ‘17 800w |
BEALS, MRS KATHARINE (MCMILLAN). Flower lore and legend. *$1.25 Holt 716.2 17-23777
The author has brought together a store of miscellaneous information—myth, legend, and fancy, with quotations from poetry,—connected with thirty-five of our common flowers. Chapters 36are given to the snowdrop, arbutus, crocus, narcissus, dandelion, violet, pansy, mignonette, buttercup, etc.
A L A Bkl 14:75 D ‘17 |
BEAN, C. E. W. Letters from France. il *5s Cassell & co., London 940.91
“Mr Bean, war correspondent for the Commonwealth of Australia, has not attempted to narrate the full story of the Australian imperial force, but gives graphic accounts of the first impressions of some of the Australians in France, of their life in the trenches and in billets, of the share of the Australians in the Somme advance and in the fighting at Pozières, and of their bravery at Mouquet Farm.”—Ath
Ath p420 Ag ‘17 110w |
“The simple, easy style of these letters shows us clearly what the Australians have done in France.”
+ | Sat R 123:552 Je 16 ‘17 1050w |
“It is a wonderful story, and it is told with great spirit. Mr Bean warns his readers that the Australian troops hate to be called ‘Anzacs,’ just as they hate being called ‘Colonials.’”
+ | Spec 118:675 Je 16 ‘17 120w |
BEARD, FREDERICA, comp. Prayers for use in home, school and Sunday school. *60c Doran 248 17-24844
The author has assembled a number of prayers for children and young people. In those for little people she appeals to the child’s natural love of rhythm and repetition. Those for older boys and girls are drawn from many sources and are characterized by a spirit of reverence. They are arranged in four groups: Prayers for little children; Prayers for boys and girls; Prayers for young people; For use on special occasions.
“A beautiful collection.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:73 D ‘17 |
“Tho not many are adapted to use in public schools, in private schools, in the home and Sunday school, they would provide splendid suggestive training.”
+ | Ind 91:354 S 1 ‘17 60w | |
Ind 92:449 D 1 ‘17 30w |
BEAUFORT, J. M. DE. Behind the German veil; a record of a journalistic war pilgrimage. il *$2 (2c) Dodd 940.91 17-14977
Before going to Germany in 1914 as the representative of a London newspaper, the author had spent three years in journalistic work in New York, and he acknowledges a debt of gratitude to his American training. He is a Hollander by birth and parentage and as a boy was sent to school in Germany. His sympathies, even before starting on his mission to Germany, were strongly pro-Ally. He says, “I started on my mission and entered Germany with as far as possible an open mind. I could not honestly say at that time that I hated the Germans; I merely had no use for them.” All his experiences within the German empire intensified his feeling. The book consists of four parts: General impressions; My trip to the eastern front and visit to Hindenburg; An incognito visit to the fleet and Germany’s naval harbours; Interviews.
“He relates his experiences and impressions in journalistic and entertaining fashion.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:17 O ‘17 |
“The style in which the book is written is not attractive, but the matter is undeniably of interest.”
+ — | Ath p204 Ap ‘17 170w |
“The material is interesting but the writer dilates rather too freely on his own shrewdness and ‘nerve.’”
+ — | Cleveland p101 S ‘17 60w |
“If there is anything ‘Behind the German veil’ which is particularly worth disclosing, it has not been revealed by J. M. de Beaufort.”
— | Nation 106:70 Ja 17 ‘18 160w |
“Offers some of the most interesting firsthand accounts that have come out of Germany. ... Mr de Beaufort writes vivaciously, although somewhat garrulously, and his book is full of interesting matter of much importance for Americans if they would understand the German spirit. He was in Europe as the correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph.”
+ | N Y Times 22:215 Je 3 ‘17 600w | |
Pittsburgh 22:680 O ‘17 20w | ||
+ | R of Rs 56:107 Jl ‘17 90w |
BEAVERBROOK, WILLIAM MAXWELL AITKEN, 1st baron. Canada in Flanders. maps *1s 3d Hodder & Stoughton, London 940.91
The second volume of the official story of the Canadian expeditionary force covers the period between September, 1915, and July, 1916. For an account of the first volume consult the Digest annual, 1916, under Aitken, Sir William Maxwell—the name of Lord Beaverbrook before he was raised to the peerage.
“The descriptions of the dash and vigour of the Canadian troops are graphic and inspiring.”
+ | Ath p258 My ‘17 70w | |
St Louis 15:417 D ‘17 20w |
“Lord Beaverbrook’s second volume concerning the Canadians, which is written by him as the Canadian ‘Eyewitness,’ contains a most readable and workmanlike account of the long and bitter struggles first at St Eloi and then at Hooge, in the Ypres Salient, which ended a fortnight before the battle of the Somme began.”
+ | Spec 118:675 Je 16 ‘17 120w |
“It is difficult to conceive of anything more likely to stimulate zeal and efficiency than volumes of this kind. The general public cannot master an official dispatch, so long after the event, without considerable explanatory notes and plans. The whole scheme of the volumes at present issued is to present a coherent account of an action as a whole, and at the same time to signalize individual acts of gallantry.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p110 Mr 8 ‘17 600w |
BECHHOFER, C. E., ed. Russian anthology in English. *$1.50 Dutton 891.7 A17-1637
“Translated extracts in verse and prose from twenty-five authors (of whom only one, Volynsky, is new to English readers), with some ballads and folk songs.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
A L A Bkl 14:119 Ja ‘18 |
“This collection of extracts from Russian verse, drama, and prose is too fragmentary to be satisfying. In some of the examples, such as the excerpt from ‘The idiot’ by Dostoevsky, the absence of context makes for obscurity and a sense of incompleteness. Other examples are enjoyable, such as Gogol’s idyllic ‘Old-world gentle-folk,’ ‘The death of Ivan’ by Alexis Tolstoy, Pushkin’s poem ‘The three sisters,’ Leo Tolstoy’s thoughtful criticism of Maupassant, and the slyly humorous sketch by Chekhov, ‘A work of art.’ Many prominent modern Russian authors are represented, though we miss the names of Gorky, Grigorovitch, Artsibashev, and Sologub.”
+ — | Ath p360 Jl ‘17 100w | |
+ — | Boston Transcript p7 N 3 ‘17 230w | |
The Times [London] Lit Sup p214 My 5 ‘17 20w |
BECKLEY, ZOË, and GOLLOMB, JOSEPH, comps. Songs for courage. *$1 Barse & Hopkins 821.08 17-15993
Courage is one of “the subjects made prominent by the war” to which librarians are officially advised to give special attention in book selection. In this collection of over 100 titles we find the old favorites, such as Henley’s “Invictus,” Sill’s “Opportunity,” Matthew Arnold’s “Self-dependence,” together with the work of more recent writers.
Cleveland p121 N ‘17 50w |
37“Many old favorites are here. ... There are also many unworthy verses. The inferior verse far outranks the worthy. And it is surprising to note how many of the poems of revolutionary courage are missing.” Clement Wood
+ — | N Y Call p14 Je 24 ‘17 120w |
BEECROFT, WILLEY INGRAHAM, comp. Who’s who among the wild flowers and ferns. new and combined ed il *$1.50 Moffat 582 A17-406
“The outstanding feature of the work and the one which commends it to the ordinary student, is that a person need not be a botanist to use Mr Beecroft’s guide.” (Springf’d Republican) “The flowers are classified by colors, as in most volumes of the kind, and under, the name of each flower ample description is detailed for identification. There are blank pages for notes.” (Boston Transcript)
A L A Bkl 13:361 My ‘17 | ||
+ | Boston Transcript p13 Ap 7 ‘17 150w |
“The inclusiveness of ‘Who’s who among the wild flowers and ferns’ will rightly make it a popular guide.”
+ | Ind 91:109 Jl 21 ‘17 40w |
“While scientific and accurate, it is entirely untechnical.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Ag 29 ‘17 130w |
BEER, GEORGE LOUIS. English-speaking peoples; their future relations and joint international obligations. 2d ed *$1.50 (2c) Macmillan 327.73 17-17291
Mr Beer was formerly lecturer in European history at Columbia university, and is the author of “The old colonial system, 1660-1754,” etc. He recalls in his preface Admiral Mahan’s essay of 1894 entitled “Possibilities of an Anglo-American re-union,” and goes on to say: “What in 1894 was unripe and academic, has today become urgent and practical.” A series of notes is appended which furnish a running bibliography to easily accessible and non-technical literature. Some of the material in the book appeared originally in the Political Quarterly, New Republic, and elsewhere.
+ | Am Econ R 7:840 D ‘17 60w | |
+ | A L A Bkl 14:112 Ja ‘18 | |
Ath p463 S ‘17 60w |
“Valuable as the author’s opinions are, it is no discourtesy to him to say that the facts, figures, and references appended to the book in some forty pages of ‘Notes’ are in some respects even more valuable; for facts on these contentious subjects are often ignored and sometimes very difficult to get at, and Mr Beer has a genius for relevant documentation.”
+ | Ath p505 O ‘17 1600w | |
Cleveland p138 D ‘17 60w |
“Mr Beer’s argument is logical and forceful. He has scrupulous regard for the facts of history and economics; his views are the outcome of a lifetime of study of British imperial and colonial affairs and of international politics. Many, perhaps most, of his readers will shrink from his conclusions. But no one will be justified in withholding from this book the tribute of candid and thoughtful consideration.” F: A. Ogg
+ | Dial 63:520 N 22 ‘17 1100w | |
Ind 92:60 O 6 ‘17 70w |
Reviewed by Sinclair Kennedy
J Pol Econ 26:101 Ja ‘18 470w |
“The valuable references and notes are sure to be of immediate help to every thoughtful reader interested in this absorbing and timely question.”
+ | Lit D 55:45 O 13 ‘17 300w |
“The volume is easily one of the most weighty pieces of writing about the war that has yet appeared in this country, and should be widely read.”
+ | Nation 105:322 S 20 ‘17 560w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:133 S ‘17 30w |
“A factor of the first importance in the molding of public opinion in this country. ... In three remarkably thoughtful concluding chapters Mr Beer discusses the predominant factors in the unity of English-speaking peoples, the economic possibilities in co-operation, and the community of Anglo-American policy toward China and Latin America. The chapter on the growing economic interdependence of the world is, in particular, closely reasoned.”
+ | N Y Times 22:356 S 23 ‘17 1200w |
“Without necessarily giving full credence to ideas that are indeed but tentatively advanced, one may affirm that ‘The English-speaking peoples’ is a statesmanlike book. In its grasp of the ends to be wished for, in its perception of present realities, and in the caution of its conclusions, Mr Beer’s book differs essentially and completely both from those forecasts of the future which are more or less frankly utopian and from the desperately opportunistic proposals which the present world-crisis has called forth from certain would-be practical idealists. Although his style is of the plainest (in both senses of the word), the author possesses an unusual power of extracting fundamental truths from a great mass of conflicting facts. ... The book will prove valuable for its broad and illuminating criticisms of such general ideas as that of nationality, and of such programmes or proposals as pan-Americanism and the League to enforce peace.”
+ + | No Am 206:478 S ‘17 950w | |
Outlook 117:64 S 12 ‘17 150w |
“He states his arguments cogently, but without heat, and fortifies every position he takes up with a full reference to facts and authorities. We regret only that in the effort to be at once condensed and accurate he has allowed his style to become, at times, so abstruse and technical as to prevent his volume from appealing to the widest possible public.”
+ — | Spec 119:sup472 N 3 ‘17 800w |
“We are bound to demur to his too facile assumption of the abandonment of free trade by Great Britain.” R: Roberts
Survey 38:549 S 22 ‘17 650w | ||
The Times [London] Lit Sup p395 Ag 16 ‘17 50w |
“It is one of the best, most original, and judicious attempts to construct out of the political anarchy of these times new organizations. ... Mr Beer modestly describes his book as a livre de circonstance dealing with an unpredictable future. It is in reality a valuable addition to political science. ... This book, with its earnest appeal for support to a permanent, loosely knit association between Great Britain and the United States, is to be welcomed by every one who has at heart the ideals which these two countries represent.”
+ + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p422 S 6 ‘17 620w |
“The book is the work of a scholar, and it is, as scholars say, thoroughly documented. But it is not primarily addressed to scholars, and it is not a dry-as-dust performance. It is addressed to thinking people who are ready to consider seriously and with care the duty of the nation in this great crisis, and it abounds with fresh suggestions and arguments which are bound to excite interest and open new channels of thought.” G. B. Adams
+ | Yale R n s 7:416 Ja ‘18 1200w |
BEERS, HENRY AUGUSTIN. Two twilights. *$1 Badger, R: G. 811 17-25112
“This volume includes selections from two early books of verse, long out of print; a few pieces from ‘The Ways of Yale’; and a handful of poems contributed of late years to the magazines and not heretofore collected.” (Preface) The author has been professor of English literature in Yale university since 1880.
BEITH, JOHN HAY (IAN HAY, pseud.). All in it; “K (1)” carries on. *$1.50 (2½c) Houghton 940.91 17-29361
This is the continuation of “The first hundred thousand,” promised us by Captain Beith. “‘The first hundred thousand’ closed with the battle of Loos. The present narrative follows certain friends of ours from the scene of that costly but valuable experience, through a winter 38campaign in the neighbourhood of Ypres and Ploegsteert, to profitable participation in the battle of the Somme.” (Author’s note) Captain (now major) Wagstaffe and Private (now corporal) Mucklewame reappear in this volume.
“Told with the same humorous turns and descriptions that made the first book so readable.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:88 D ‘17 |
“Bit by bit Major Beith pieces together the tale of the fighter in the present war. He does not minimize its horrors, but he does not over-emphasize them. Through his entire story runs an undercurrent of optimism.” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p8 N 7 ‘17 1500w | |
Cleveland p130 D ‘17 60w | ||
Ind 93:128 Ja 19 ‘18 50w |
“Ian Hay’s own narrative is full of the brightest humor, not untouched with an equally bright cynicism. ... And yet it would be a grave mistake to assume that because he writes brightly, and often humorously, Major Beith’s is a ‘light’ book. It is far from that. ... In ‘All in it’ the heroism is present always. The terrible things are not glossed over.”
+ | N Y Times 22:462 N 11 ‘17 750w | |
+ | Outlook 117:520 N 28 ‘17 100w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p11 Ja 27 ‘18 580w |
BEITH, JOHN HAY (IAN HAY, pseud.). Getting together. *50c (6½c) Doubleday; Houghton 940.91 17-6208
In this little book, Captain Beith, who has been lecturing in the United States, attempts to bring Briton and American to an understanding of one another. He answers some of the questions that have been put to him: How about that blockade? What are you opening our mails for? Would you welcome American intervention? etc.
“Appeared in the Outlook, F 7 ‘17.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:345 My ‘17 | |
+ | Cath World 105:843 S ‘17 180w | |
+ | Cleveland p102 S ‘17 50w |
“A sincere and fine-spirited effort to explain misunderstandings between the citizens of Britain and the United States.”
+ | N Y Times 22:45 F 11 ‘17 800w |
Reviewed by Joseph Mosher
Pub W 91:593 F 17 ‘17 350w |
“His brief account of the voluntary help rendered by America to the Allies before she came into the war will surprise many people. ... His manly and sensible little book should do good.”
+ | Spec 118:678 Je 16 ‘17 140w |
“Ian Hay’s little essay in Anglo-American propagandism will not increase his literary reputation. ... There is no need of a presentation of the case of the Allies to intelligent Americans, and this book is not so conceived as to win over old-fashioned Yankees who entertain animosity toward Great Britain. The softness of the language defeats its own purpose.”
– + | Springf’d Republican p15 Mr 4 ‘17 400w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p203 Ap 26 ‘17 220w |
BEITH, JOHN HAY (IAN HAY, pseud.). Oppressed English. *50c (6½c) Doubleday 941.5 17-18156
The author of “The first hundred thousand” and “Getting together,” a Scotsman, has some witty and practical things to say on the world attitude toward the “English” as distinct from the “British” people. He writes: “In the war of to-day, for instance, whenever anything particularly unpleasant or unpopular has to be done—such as holding up neutral mails, or establishing a blacklist of neutral firms trading with the enemy—upon whom does the odium fall? Upon ‘England’; never upon France, and only occasionally upon Great Britain. ... On the other hand, ... a victory gained by English boys from Devon or Yorkshire appears as a British victory, pure and simple.” The fourth and fifth chapters make clear some of the answers to: “Why can’t you people settle the Irish question?”—the claims of the Nationalists, the Unionists, and of the Sinn Fein being put side by side for study by outsiders.
“Good-natured, humorous, but very lucid explanation of the Irish question.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:18 O ‘17 | |
+ | Cleveland p131 D ‘17 70w |
“As is apt to be the case with a book of this kind, Mr Hay’s desire to make his humorous periods leads him sometimes to sacrifice the exact truth. He exaggerates the idiosyncrasies of the Englishman to make his satire carry over. Once you have forgiven that, however, you find the little book pleasant reading.”
+ — | Dial 63:461 N 8 ‘17 190w |
“The Irish rebellion was not made in Germany. It was made in England, and not a little part of it was made by just such dunderheads as Captain Beith, with their inaccurate talk of beneficences that were never really conferred and freedom that never existed.” F. H.
— | New Repub 13:188 D 15 ‘17 1400w |
“As a specimen of dry Scotch humor carrying with it a large volume of matter for serious consideration, Mr Hay’s little book is unrivalled in its way, though it is, perhaps, not exactly the ‘sense of humour’ that is likely to appeal to ardent Irish patriots. ... The book contains much matter of considerable interest to Americans, for the author has much more than an ordinary grasp of the psychology of the peoples he deals with in this little volume.” J. W.
+ | N Y Call p14 Jl 15 ‘17 650w | |
Pittsburgh 22:674 O ‘17 70w | ||
Pratt p46 O ‘17 20w | ||
St Louis 15:379 O ‘17 10w |
“An amusing comment on British characteristics.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p10 O 4 ‘17 300w |
BEITH, JOHN HAY (IAN HAY, pseud.). “Pip”; a romance of youth. *$1.50 (2c) Houghton 17-9709
A happy story of irresponsible youth. Half the book is taken up with the schoolday adventures of the young hero. Pip is a valiant cricketer and when he leaves school he becomes something of a nation-wide figure. The death of his father sends him into the world to earn his living. He does so for a time as a chauffeur. There is a girl in the story, of course. Pip met her first as a friend of his sister’s, when she was sixteen. She is older and so is he when the book closes, ending with a golf match that decides an important matter for Pip.
+ | A L A Bkl 13:354 My ‘17 |
“Up to the outbreak of the war Ian Hay was known in this country as the author of six books, all of them fiction. ... Prior to these, however, he had written another book. Its title is ‘Pip.’ ... Its understanding of childhood, youth and early manhood is keen, its ability to make the most of the zest of delicate comedy is complete.” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Mr 17 ‘17 1500w | |
+ | Lit D 54:1089 Ap 14 ‘17 200w |
“Captain Beith writes with genial humor, and his account of the making of Pip into a man, and a man who is a thorough Englishman, is likely to bring many a smile to the face of his reader. Having been, in the days before the war, a schoolmaster himself he knows much about the life of British schools and the character of the men who conduct them.”
+ | N Y Times 22:93 Mr 18 ‘17 500w | |
+ | Outlook 115:622 Ap 4 ‘17 60w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Ap 22 ‘17 250w |
“As a school story it is inferior to ‘David Blaize,’ and the detailed descriptions of cricket contests are beyond the American reader, but it is nevertheless a story of decided interest.”
+ | Wis Lib Bul 13:126 Ap ‘17 50w |
39BELL, ARCHIE. Trip to Lotus land. il *$2.50 (4c) Lane 915.2 17-30747
The author outlines a six-weeks’ itinerary for the tourist to Japan, and states that his purpose is to convey to the reader something of the joys that such a tour holds for a traveler. He says that the book is not a guide book. “Mr Terry’s ‘Japanese empire’ and the excellent publications of the Imperial Japanese government railways” supply that need, and his pleasant narrative account of his own travels will serve to supplement them. Yokohama, Kamakura, Miyanoshita, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe, Nagasaki and Nikko are among the points visited. There are over fifty illustrations.
Reviewed by A. M. Chase
+ | Bookm 46:335 N ‘17 40w |
“Both instructive and entertaining.”
+ | Lit D 56:40 Ja 12 ‘18 170w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:579 D 30 ‘17 100w |
“[Fulfills its purpose] admirably both in text and illustrations.”
+ | Outlook 117:615 D 12 ‘17 60w | |
+ | R of Rs 57:219 F ‘18 50w |
BELL, FREDERICK MCKELVEY. First Canadians in France; the chronicle of a military hospital in the war zone. il *$1.35 (2½c) Doran 940.91 17-28775
Colonel Bell, attached, as medical director, to the first contingent of Canadian troops overseas, was detailed to found a Canadian hospital near Boulogne. He chronicles the progress of that undertaking among the heterogeneous lot of men whom “the hammer of time,” with many a nasty knock, welded together. The quality that made Colonel Bell the one force that held the boys together is responsible for the grip the book gets on the reader. It is a simple recital of every day routine, without central theme or plot, told in a realistic, colloquial, normal, human fashion with an eye keen to every humorous incident that livened camp monotony.
“The writer confesses to a flavor of romancing in his story, but the reader will not feel like criticising this or seeking too closely the line between fact and imagination.”
+ | Boston Transcript p9 N 10 ‘17 400w |
“Clever characterization, and many amusing anecdotes.”
+ | Cleveland p130 D ‘17 30w | |
+ | Ind 93:128 Ja 19 ‘18 170w |
“Certainly, this excellent book should be read. It is so human.”
+ | N Y Times 22:448 N 4 ‘17 700w | |
Outlook 117:387 N 7 ‘17 30w |
BELL, JOHN JOY. Kiddies. *$1.50 (2½c) Stokes
A collection of seventeen stories about children by this well known Scottish humorist, author of “Wee Macgreegor.” That young hero appears in several of the stories. Among the titles are: Habakkuk; Little boy; Some advantages of being an aunt; The good fairy; Mr Logie’s heart; An early engagement; Silk stocking and suedes; The ugly uncle.
“The stories are canny and full of dry humor and quaint pathos.”
+ | Ind 92:604 D 29 ‘17 200w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:63 Ap ‘17 50w |
“The humorous tales are, generally speaking, the best, the serious and pathetic ones being somewhat conventional and oversentimental.”
+ — | NY Times 22:500 N 25 ‘17 240w | |
+ | Outlook 117:475 N 21 ‘17 20w |
BELL, JOHN JOY. Till the clock stops. *$1.35 (2c) Duffield 17-5450
The clock, with its diamond-studded pendulum, stood in a secluded house in Scotland. It was guaranteed to go for a year and a day after the pendulum was set in motion—that being done on the death of its owner Christopher Craig. It was in some way to watch over the green box full of diamonds and the other fortune reserved for Christopher’s nephew, Alan Craig, supposedly lost in the Arctic. Its enemy was Bullard, London member of a South African mining syndicate, who knew of the existence of the diamonds and its guardians were a dense green liquid with which the case was partly filled, placed over the ominous word “Dangerous,” Caw, the faithful servant of the dead man, and Marjorie Handyside, the daughter of a doctor and neighbor. How these and others played their respective parts, and the surprise in store for all when the clock stopped make a thrilling tale. The writer is the author of “Wee MacGreegor.”
A L A Bkl 13:401 Je ‘17 |
“The story is well planned, and full of excitement and suspense up to the last chapter.”
+ | Ath p101 F ‘17 30w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:110 Mr 25 ‘17 250w | |
Outlook 115:668 Ap 11 ‘17 20w |
“A melodrama full of alarms and surprises.”
Spec 118:241 F 24 ‘17 7w | ||
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Ap 8 ‘17 210w |
“Mr J. J. Bell may have had the cinematograph in mind in writing ‘Till the clock stops.’ Hidden diamonds form the mainspring of the story, and propel it forward mechanically through its allotted span; and one can imagine the pistol shots, explosions, and so forth which arise out of the search for them being reduced to a series of highly effective pictures.”
The Times [London] Lit Sup p44 Ja 25 ‘17 200w |
BELL, JOHN KEBLE (KEBLE HOWARD, pseud.). Gay life. *$1.30 (2c) Lane 17-6536
A happy and wholesome story of theatrical life. The author has written it to counteract some of the sensational ideas that prevail concerning the stage. Jilly Nipchin is an attractive and impudent little Cockney who determines to put her twin gifts, mimicry and an agility in turning handsprings, to use on the stage. Her family is in need, and Jilly chooses this way of helping them. The story follows her progress with a traveling company in the provinces, in the music halls, in a repertory company, and finally takes her to America. The hero, Ed Chauncey, the world’s greatest equilibrist, is as worthy in his way as is Jilly.
+ | Ath p414 Ag ‘17 90w |
“The wholesome story shows a thorough knowledge of the external life of the stage, but not very deep understanding of universal human nature. The author is a theatrical manager and producer, and the editor of the Sketch, a semi-theatrical publication.”
Cleveland p63 My ‘17 70w |
“The thorough knowledge of the stage and of all things stagey which the author obviously possesses apparently does not include the capacity for understanding the forces that underlie the struggles and the successes of its workers. ‘The gay life’ is superficial, occasionally clever, and of fleeting value.”
— | Dial 62:247 Mr 22 ‘17 110w | |
+ | Ind 90:84 Ap 7 ‘17 100w |
“The novel is clever, amusing and graphic in its account of stage life, though developed in a somewhat jerky manner. The theme recalls certain of Leonard Merrick’s delightful tales, and of course this story suffers from the comparison, but it is an entertaining piece of work, with an attractive, very human heroine and several interesting and well-drawn characters.”
+ | N Y Times 22:69 F 25 ‘17 350w |
“The book on the whole is pleasant reading.”
+ | Spec 119:169 Ag 18 ‘17 30w |
“Mr Howard weaves a colorless romance into the narrative, but Jilly’s adventures and high spirits hold the attention without outside aid.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p17 D 9 ‘17 220w |
40“It is a jolly tale, an amusing tale, a good-natured tale. There is general truth in portions of his book, which the tale as a whole lacks.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p334 Jl 12 ‘17 500w |
BELL, JOHN KEBLE (KEBLE HOWARD, pseud.). Smiths in war time. *$1.40 (2½c) Lane 17-30282
This story, by the author of “The Smiths of Surbiton,” “The Smiths of Valley View,” etc. is written in a lighter vein than most of the novels dealing with England in war-time. It tells us how Mr Smith, aged seventy-three, and his devoted wife, tried to help their country; how they rented their pleasant villa at Surbiton and attempted to live in a cottage; how they decided to dismiss Edith, one of the three maids who kept them so comfortable; how Mr Smith tried to observe a meatless day and fell into temptation; how he tried to drill for home service; and how “young George,” the Smith’s idolized grandson, was “reported missing” but returned in safety by aeroplane to his anxious relatives.
“The book is written with a thoroughly delightful mixture of humor and pathos; if we laugh at Mr Smith, it is very tenderly, and we are all the fonder of him for his whimsies and absurdities, just as his wise, sweet wife was. They are people we are glad to know, quiet, simple, human, ‘ordinary,’ and very lovable people, with something big and fine in them underneath it all.”
+ | N Y Times 22:475 N 18 ‘17 550w |
“A charming story; an epitome of the spirit that is making the sacrifices and upholding the nation’s determination that the sacrifices shall not be in vain.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 D 23 ‘17 300w |
BELL, RALPH W.[2] Canada in war-paint. il *$1.25 Dutton 940.91 17-13337
“‘Canada in war paint’ is a series of sketches, mostly of the humorous type, of the Canadian forces across the water. Its author, Capt. Ralph W. Bell, dedicates its pages to the ‘officers, N. C. O.’s and men of the 1st Canadian infantry battalion, Ontario regiment,’ of which he is a member. He has striven to portray types rather than individuals, or as he himself puts it in the preface to give ‘vignettes of things as they struck me at the time, and later.’”—Springf’d Republican
“Among the brightest and most cheerful of the war stories from the men at the front is this crisp and relishing offering. Only a small portion is devoted to the rough and cruel side.”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 N 10 ‘17 150w |
“Captain Bell writes light-heartedly, and makes the best of the everyday events of life in the war zone, in the somewhat fragmentary jottings which he calls ‘Canada in war paint,’ but there is pathos, too, intermingled with the humor of his book.”
+ | Sat R 123:556 Je 16 ‘17 310w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 D 28 ‘17 130w |
BELLAMY, FRANCIS R. Balance. il *$1.35 (1c) Doubleday 17-4706
The author has told the true story of S. Sydney Tappan, playwright, who in the later days of his fame was made the subject of an adulatory biography. To the author, the hero is always Sammy Tappan, never S. Sydney. He was always Sammy to Carrie Schroeder too. When Sammy went to New York to win fame, Carrie remained at home in Melchester, but because she was a modern young woman, requiring a purpose in life, she went into a settlement. In the settlement Carrie came face to face with reality. She learned many things, one of them that men do not throw dynamite for the fun of it. From this background she goes to see Sammy’s first play, his brilliant, shallow and suggestive “Lady in the lion skin.” The shock of this play to her newly awakened social conscience and the hopelessly diverging viewpoint which it discloses leads to the break between her and Sammy. It is not bridged until Sammy, thru suffering and defeat and personal contact with the monster, Poverty, learns to see things as she does and to use his talent for better ends.
“Above and beyond the story itself, it is the fine spirit of humanity pervading the book that makes it notable. It is free from didacticism and sermonizing; it presents no programme, but it is lighted with the flame of a great conviction and charged with human sympathy and emotion.” J. T. Gerould
+ | Bellman 22:160 F 10 ‘17 600w |
“The book is full of charm and as a whole rings true.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 45:95 Mr ‘17 550w |
“If his first novel is any index of those to come, he is an author who bids fair to make his mark in American fiction.”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 Ja 24 ‘17 300w |
“You will rarely find in the writers of this country such poise, and justifiable assurance, and true sense of proportion. ... The finest thing about this exceptional novel is the masterly way in which the author has evolved his characters through the actions and incidents rendered inevitable by those characters themselves. It is this conviction of truth that remains to exhilarate, long after the story has been finished.” Ruth McIntire
+ | Dial 62:102 F 8 ‘17 1150w |
“The story is logical and true to life.”
+ | Ind 90:256 My 5 ‘17 190w | |
+ | Nation 104:270 Mr 8 ‘17 350w |
“Mr Bellamy has, indeed, a decided gift for character drawing, and most of his people are clearly sketched, definitely individualized. ... ‘The balance’ is a first novel, and the plot is not always well handled.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:24 Ja 21 ‘17 500w |
“Mr Bellamy has something serious to say, and at the same time he writes a story which will probably attract a large market.” Joseph Mosher
+ | Pub W 91:207 Ja 20 ‘17 450w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 F 18 ‘17 500w |
BEMAN, LAMAR TANEY, comp. Selected articles on prohibition of the liquor traffic. (Debaters’ handbook ser.) 2d and rev ed *$1.25 (1c) Wilson, H. W. 178 17-12265
A second edition of the debaters’ handbook on Prohibition containing new material. The first edition was published in 1915, since which time prohibition has made great gains. Among the new reprints are articles for the affirmative by Arthur Capper and William J. Bryan and articles for the negative by John Koren and Rev. J. A. Homan.
A L A Bkl 13:456 Jl ‘17 |
BENAVENTE Y MARTINEZ, JACINTO. Plays; tr. from the Spanish, with an introd., by J: Garrett Underhill; authorized ed. *$1.50 Scribner 862 17-14040
“The plays chosen are not the best known. But they are well selected to show the author’s wide range. They are all recent and illustrative of Benavente’s latest manner. The first, ‘His widow’s husband,’ is a farcical depiction of social and political life in a provincial town. ‘The bonds of interest’ is an ingenious, modern adaptation of the old Italian comedy of masks. Crispin, Harlequin, Columbine, and Pantaloon discourse airily on important themes. ... ‘The evil doers of good’ flagellates the busybodies of a small village, who, under the guise of philanthropy, work harm with their meddlesome interference in the affairs of others. ... ‘La malquerida’ is not a thesis-drama like the rest, but a peasant play after the manner of Guimerá.”—Nation
“Well selected to represent the author’s wide range and latest manner.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:119 Ja ‘18 |
41“Mr Underhill does yeoman’s service in the cause of the Spanish stage, showing us how very much we have to learn in America from dramatists already popular in Spain and South America.” T: Walsh
+ | Bookm 46:607 Ja ‘18 100w |
“Mr Underhill’s translation is fluent and generally satisfactory. Occasionally he uses ‘misery’ where ‘poverty’ seems to be the word—a common mistake in translating French and Spanish words. There are a few passages where the sense seems to be somewhat misinterpreted. ... But for the most part one forgets that one is reading a translation.” N. H. D.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Jl 25 ‘17 750w |
“Had Mr Underhill presented us with only two of the four plays that are in this volume—with ‘The bonds of interest’ and ‘La malquerida’—we should have been inclined to accept his high estimate of the dramatic power of Jacinto Benavente.” Padraic Colum
— | Dial 63:393 O 25 ‘17 750w |
“His psychology is more brilliant than profound, and the great passions are beyond his power to portray. He is preëminently a satirist. ... But tho his satire is cynically keen, it is never bitter, and never constructive. ... The volume commends itself to a frequent reader of printed plays for one rare virtue. These are absolutely free from the ponderous mass of descriptions, suggestions, interpretations and stage directions which encumber the text of so many modern dramas. Neither characters nor settings are described at all, and no directions are given. One is not even told the heroine’s age. ... His peasants are not real peasants, but members of le grande monde masquerading in poor clothes. The roughnesses and brutalities of life are as foreign to his genius as are the great emotions.”
+ + — | Ind 91:183 Ag 4 ‘17 460w |
“Jacinto Benavente is the central figure among contemporary Spanish dramatists, the continuator of Galdós and Echegaray. Like Galdós, he is interested in social reform, but presents his message with a delicate irony of which that ponderous declaimer is incapable. And if he is less of a stage technician, in the narrow sense, than Echegaray, he interests by his very departure from theatrical convention. In his lightness of touch he is akin rather to Bretón de los Herreros than to either of his more immediate predecessors. His range is surprisingly great. He has attempted nearly every kind of play with scarcely a failure to mark his course. ... He is chiefly known as the satirist of modern social conditions in Spain. ... It is exceptionally difficult to render into English an author so subtle as Benavente, one whose effects depend so much upon lightness. Imagine Shaw in German! But Mr Underhill has been more than successful. One detects no trace of foreign idiom in his English. His biography of Benavente and critical estimate of that writer’s work is the best yet attempted in English.”
* | + + | Nation 105:264 S 6 ‘17 600w |
N Y Br Lib News 4:108 Jl ‘17 | ||
+ | N Y Times 22:325 S 2 ‘17 260w |
“Benavente is a prolific and versatile writer and it would be impossible fully to represent his accomplishment with four plays, but those selected for this volume are sufficiently varied in theme and treatment to suggest the inclusiveness of his talent.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 D 3 ‘17 380w |
BENECKE, ELSE C. M., and BUSCH, MARIE, trs. More tales by Polish authors. *$1.50 Longmans A17-369
The first volume of “Tales by Polish authors” appeared last year. “Two of the names that appeared in the first volume are to be found in the second also—Adam Szymanski and Waclaw Sieroszewski; and Szymanski’s two newly translated tales and Sieroszewski’s one take us again to Siberia. In Szymanski’s ‘Maciej the Mazur’ and ‘Two prayers,’ the engrossing topic is the home-sickness of the Poles in Siberia. Perhaps the ache of home-sickness has never been so ruthlessly forced home as it is in ‘Two prayers.’ ... The other stories are taken from authors not included in the first volume. The longest and the most striking is ‘The returning wave,’ by Boleslaw Prus, whose real name seems to be Alexsander Glowacki.” (The Times [London] Lit Sup)
Cath World 105:553 Jl ‘17 130w |
“The short stories in ‘More tales by Polish authors’ grip from the first to the last page by their earnestness and the power of their different authors to portray characters quite out of the ordinary. The style is exceptionally free from the abruptness so common in Slavic translations.”
+ | Ind 90:298 My 12 ‘17 60w |
“Unfortunately, half of the first volume is taken up by a tale of Sienkiewicz, ‘Bartek the Conqueror,’ which was already accessible. Chief in merit among the pieces here rendered for the first time are, perhaps, the three Siberian sketches by Szymanski. The English of the translators is excellent, with only the very smallest traces of foreign idiom.”
+ | Nation 105:93 Jl 26 ‘17 650w | |
The Times [London] Lit Sup p560 N 23 ‘16 1100w |
BENÉT, WILLIAM ROSE. Great white wall. il *$1 Yale univ. press 811 16-24833
“Timur, the Tartar, has long been a favorite subject for literary treatment. Marlowe wrote one of his best plays about this great, barbaric nomad, and later Rowe made him a dramatic hero. In ‘The great white wall’ William Rose Benét seizes upon this ancient and cruel autocrat for the central figure of a singularly thoughtful narrative poem. It is the story of Timur’s attack on the great wall of China, and the story is mostly a series of pageants.”—Springf’d Republican
“In Mr Benét’s inimitable rhythmic flare.” W: S. Braithwaite
+ | Bookm 45:435 Je ‘17 30w |
“Elements of fantasy are happily combined with the epic story.”
+ | Ind 89:235 F 5 ‘17 50w |
“Benét, equally with Vachel Lindsay, is restoring the chant to its proper place in modern poetry; his work is always interesting and frequently completely successful.” Clement Wood
+ | N Y Call p14 Ap 29 ‘17 170w | |
+ | St Louis 15:183 Je ‘17 20w |
“There is a wealth of descriptive verse here, as well as insight into moral truths.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Ap 24 ‘17 250w |
“The poet’s metrical gifts have the fullest play here, and the verse must be heard to be fully appreciated. Mr Benét’s powers of description were never better used than in this tale of far-off things and battles long ago. The book is original in its workmanship, full of vivid description, and interesting in the life and animation that pervades it. It is Mr Benét at his best.” E: B. Reed
+ | Yale R n s 6:862 Jl ‘17 120w |
BENNETT, ARNOLD. Books and persons; being comments on a past epoch, 1908-1911. *$2 (4c) Doran 824 17-21768
“The contents of this book have been chosen [by Hugh Walpole] from a series of weekly articles which enlivened the New Age during the years 1908-1911, under the pseudonym ‘Jacob Tonson.’ ... Mr Frank Swinnerton approved the selection and added to it slightly. In my turn I suggested a few more additions. The total amounts to one-third of the original matter. ... I have left the critical judgments alone, for the good reason that I stand by nearly all of them, though perhaps with a less challenging vivacity, to this day.” (Prefatory note) Some of the authors included are: Wordsworth, Joseph Conrad, W. W. Jacobs, Anatole France, Swinburne, Tchehkoff, Trollope, Brieux, Henry James, and Mrs Elinor Glyn. There are also essays on such topics as “French publishers,” “The book-buyer,” “Middleclass,” “Censorship by the libraries,” etc.
42“Librarians will be interested in the papers on censorship by the libraries.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:85 D ‘17 |
“The strife about the six-shilling and the sevenpenny novel, the attempts to censor certain novelists, and the stupid animosities of the middle class, are considered from the point of view of a wholehearted disciple of the great French realists.”
+ | Ath p467 S ‘17 220w |
“With entertainment as his special aim, and sportiveness as his deliberate manner, Mr Bennett rambles hither and thither among the books and writers of the three-year period during which he posed as Jacob Tonson.” E. F. E.
— | Boston Transcript p7 O 10 ‘17 600w |
“I think the book is chiefly interesting as a record of the casual judgements—casual in form only—of a tremendous expert on his fellow-craftsmen.” G: B. Donlin
+ | Dial 63:523 N 22 ‘17 1500w |
“The volume is always readable, it is often ‘intime,’ and it is nearly always baffling. ... His judgments seem often to issue from a mind that is constitutionally fussy rather than judicial.”
+ — | Nation 105:671 D 13 ‘17 300w |
“Mr Bennett knows what he is talking about in respect of Dostoievsky, as in respect of Conrad, Henri Becque, François de Curel, Tchekoff, Wilfred Whitten. But here as elsewhere he is dealing in stimulant, not criticism. He is imposing his will. ... Only when he is writing of H. G. Wells is he sufficiently moved by his subject to lose the coolness of a shrewd and judicious informant and become a passionate critic. ... In regard to W. W. Jacobs and Rudyard Kipling and Conrad and Henry James and Meredith there are exceedingly pertinent discriminations, but absorbed or inspired interpretation in no case outside Mr Wells.” F. H.
+ — | New Repub 12:332 O 20 ‘17 1150w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:181 D ‘17 190w |
“In the main neither sufficiently important in theme nor sufficiently careful in treatment to be worthy of permanent publication in book form.”
– + | Outlook 117:575 D 5 ‘17 30w |
“When Mr Arnold Bennett appears as a critic of men and books many of his judgments strike us as irrational, or partial, sometimes to the point of absurdity. His infatuation about Mr H. G. Wells may be the fruit of friendship, but it is not justifiable on literary grounds, not even on the grounds advanced by Mr Bennett. ... Surely Mr Bennett is paradoxical when he praises Mr Henry James for clarity.”
— — + | Sat R 124:49 Jl 21 ‘17 1350w |
“Of mid-Victorian novelists he has a poor opinion. ‘There is not one of them that would not be tremendously improved by being cut down to about one-half’; moreover, ‘they are incurably ugly and sentimental.’ Some of us will wonder to find the author of ‘The old wives’ tale’ casting this reproach in particular at Thackeray and Dickens, Charlotte Brontë and Mrs Gaskell; but it is only Mr Bennett’s humor.”
Spec 119:301 S 22 ‘17 130w |
“This book of literary causeries is a collection of articles published in 1908-1911 in a socialist journal of somewhat exasperating and provocative type called the New Age. They are mostly skits. They are not literary criticisms, though they often reflect literary opinions—rather opinionated opinions, it may be said. ... They have no importance and for American readers no interest at all. ... The one thing that gives flavor outlasting the ephemerality of the subject is Mr Bennett’s pointed journalistic style and pungent choice of epithet. Those who are engaged in the author’s trade and are familiar with the journalists and critics of London may, therefore, read these records of a ‘past age’ with some interest. But of sound instruction or authentic inspiration they have little. To a limited extent they are diverting.”
– + | Springf’d Republican p19 O 14 ‘17 1300w |
“Mr Arnold Bennett is one of the few who can catch their sayings before they are cold and enclose them all alive in very readable prose. That is why these aged reviews (some are nearly ten years old) are as vivacious and as much to the point as they were on the day of their birth. They have another claim upon our interest. They deal for the most part with writers who are still living. We do not think this is a book of first rate criticism; but it is the book of an artist.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p319 Jl 5 ‘17 1150w |
BENNETT, HELEN MARIE. Women and work; the economic value of college training. *$1.50 (2c) Appleton 174 17-11904
A study of the place of the college-trained woman in the modern world. In the past half century the type of girl entering college has changed; rather, many types now enter where once there was but one. The standards demanded of women have also changed, and, to some extent, college curricula have been modified to meet the new demands. All these matters are taken into account by the author, who, as manager of the Chicago Collegiate bureau of occupations, writes from the vocational expert’s point of view. She writes of: The inflorescence of the new education; College training and working efficiency; The problem of the college girl; The problem of the vocational adviser; The psychology of the girl as related to her occupation; The physiology of the girl as related to her occupation; The girl with the dramatic temperament; The philosophic temperament; The scientific temperament; The interdependence of occupations; The college girl—her own employer; The college girl and women.
“There is a specially good chapter on the problem of the vocational adviser.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:426 Jl ‘17 |
“A suggestive book for women in and out of college, and for the college faculty as well.” Edna Kenton
+ | Bookm 46:345 N ‘17 280w |
“Packed with common sense.”
+ | Ind 91:136 Jl 28 ‘17 50w |
“She has made a mistake in adopting a more pretentious title for her work than the results of her efforts warrant. The book falls far short of being an adequate discussion of ‘Women and work.’”
+ — | J Pol Econ 25:856 O ‘17 200w |
“Those parts of the book which deal with the specific problem of finding jobs are interesting and valuable, but when the author attempts to characterize human traits or to give the results of psychology and philosophy she shows a plentiful lack of knowledge. ... The reader of the book is likely to be exasperated by the inexcusable irregularity of the style.”
+ — | Nation 104:739 Je 21 ‘17 400w | |
Pittsburgh 22:532 Je ‘17 70w | ||
Pratt p16 O ‘17 20w |
“With its sociology Miss Bennett’s book has combined some helpful information for the college graduate who is intelligently trying to choose work to fit her abilities.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Jl 10 ‘17 480w |
“Written in entertaining style, and useful not only to the girls themselves but to any one helping to educate or ‘place’ them.”
+ | Wis Lib Bul 13:153 My ‘17 80w |
BENNETT, HENRY EASTMAN. School efficiency; a manual of modern school management. il $1.25 (1c) Ginn 371 17-21650
The author is professor of education in the College of William and Mary, Virginia. He has had in mind, in writing this book, the average community school of medium size, and the teacher of average ability. “It is the only book that has come from the press in recent times which presents in non-technical language a discussion, both of the specific problems of instruction 43and of the broad questions of administration and supervision. The book is really a treatise on the principles and practice of education.” (El School J) The book includes a consideration of the school plant and two chapters deal with “Community coöperation” and “School extension.” “Problems” and “Readings” are appended to the various chapters.
“While the style of the book is distinctly non-technical the author presents the content of the most recent scientific investigations in the various fields of education.”
+ | El School J 18:72 S ‘17 450w |
BENNETT, ROBERT JOSEPH. Corporation accounting. (Ronald accounting ser.) il $3 Ronald 657 16-25224
“This is much more than a book on corporation accounting; it is more properly a treatise on organization from the legal, industrial, financial and accounting standpoints. It appears in seven parts: Part 1 describes the process of organizing a corporation, discusses the different classes of capital stock and shows the purpose of the various corporate meetings; Part 2 takes up the special books and records required by corporations, and analyzes the distinctive corporate accounts relating to capital stock, bonds, surplus, dividends and reserves; Part 3 is devoted to special descriptions and accounting entries relating to stocks, dividends and processes of incorporation; Part 4 treats bond issues, including a description of the different classes of bonds, their security, methods of issue, amortization of discounts and premiums, sinking funds and redemption; Part 5 explains and illustrates the balance sheet, income statement, and various other special reports and statements; Part 6 is devoted to consolidation, including merger, lease and holding company; Part 7 takes up receiverships, reorganizations and dissolutions. Much more space is devoted to general descriptions than to pure accounting discussion.”—Ann Am Acad
“Mr Bennett has given added authority and interest to many of his observations by frequent citations from some of the best known corporations in the United States. In the preface and throughout the volume there is abundant recognition of alternatives of procedure. Mr Bennett’s volume will come to take rank. ... among the first ten or a dozen titles that should be owned by every one seriously interested in accountancy. The arrangement of the book makes it readily adaptable for general reference by corporation officers and accountants. When a new edition is prepared, it is to be hoped that more systematic and thorough attention will be given to the index.” C. H. Scovell
+ | Am Econ R 7:637 S ‘17 800w |
“The book will probably serve as an excellent handbook for practical business men who wish a broad view of corporate organization, finance and accounting. The discussion is unusually clear, simple and informing. Except for incidental suggestions, the book is likely to have little value to the practicing accountant, for it is too general in treatment, or to one interested in the more scientific aspect of accounting because it is not sufficiently analytical. It may serve very well, however, as a text for college classes on account of its forms and clear descriptions.” J: Bauer
+ | Ann Am Acad 72:227 Jl ‘17 430w |
“Concise yet comprehensive.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:444 My ‘17 70w |
BENNION, MILTON. Citizenship; an introduction to social ethics; with an introd. by D: Snedden. *$1 (3c) World bk. co. 323 17-20398
The author, dean of the school of education in the University of Utah says, “This book is the result of six years of experimentation in teaching ethics to college freshman and senior high-school students in the University of Utah. The topics have been developed in class discussion and afterwards written up by each student, who thus made his own text.” Part 1 treats of the nature of society and social problems; Part 2 deals with the social obligations of the individual and the opportunities society offers each one for development thru service. The book aims to meet the needs of the senior year in high school and first year in college. At the end of each chapter are questions and exercises on the subject matter of the chapter.
“On first thought the social-science teacher might feel that the book has no interest for her. Should such be her conclusion, based on a passing notice of the book, she will change her mind upon careful reading. ... By making free use of the questions a teacher could make the book the basis of a full semester’s work in social problems.”
+ | School R 26:69 Ja ‘18 240w |
BENSON, ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER. Life and letters of Maggie Benson. *$2.50 Longmans 17-31049
“The record of this life, largely by means of her letters, is made by her elder brother. Margaret Benson was the daughter of the distinguished Anglican clergyman who became archbishop of Canterbury in 1883, and the story of her years is necessarily to some degree the story of a family placed amid exceptional surroundings. ... Step by step we watch the progress of Margaret Benson through life, viewing the development of her mind and the eagerness with which she thought and studied. Her letters are brief and graphic, but the essential elements of her life, her work and her character are clearly summarized by her brother.”—Boston Transcript
“Such lives as the life of Margaret Benson are among those worth recording but that too infrequently give inspiration to the biographer. ... As a contribution to the history of a remarkable family, Mr Benson’s book is no less remarkable than as a contribution to the study of a notable personality.” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 O 24 ‘17 1750w |
“Without moralizing or preaching, merely by recounting the simple story of Maggie Benson’s life, he does indeed succeed in showing ‘how life can be lived nobly.’”
+ | Cath World 106:404 D ‘17 350w |
“The life impresses her brother as a most useful one but he hardly succeeds in persuading the reader.”
— | Dial 64:30 Ja 3 ‘18 230w |
“Mr Benson has thrown together a mass of notes and hurried communications which can have very slight interest for any except friends of the family. ... Mr Benson’s own additions in the way of narrative and characterization are pleasantly written.”
– + | Nation 105:543 N 15 ‘17 130w |
“Dr Benson may rest assured that many readers, friends and strangers, will thank him for bringing out a book which will certainly elevate and strengthen and brighten them.”
+ | Sat R 124:444 D 1 ‘17 650w | |
+ | Spec 119:651 D 1 ‘17 60w |
“Her brother has performed his task lovingly and well. Arthur Benson’s own contribution is in his fluent, modulated English; he supplies delightful descriptions of English country life as his family lived it.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 D 4 ‘17 950w |
“It cannot be said that as far as art goes his treatment of his sister’s life marks any advance. The author with facile skill sets forth the family facts which he has mostly given elsewhere; and he includes a number of letters of all shades of interest. The attraction lies rather in that Bensonian faculty for criticizing other Bensons, as well as folk in general, which Maggie possessed in a large measure.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p552 N 15 ‘17 1000w |
44BENSON, EDWARD FREDERIC. Freaks of Mayfair. il *$1.50 (4½c) Doran 18-1525
“In ‘The freaks of Mayfair’ Mr E. F. Benson pokes fun at some very paltry people. Among them are the social snobs; the woman who makes the fad of the moment into a religion; the man who will prattle to anyone who purveys nice food; the cats of both sexes who pretend to be kittens; and the automaton who is governed not by reason or impulse, but by habit.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
“Mr Benson is happier in his satire than in those long and rather didactic efforts in fiction by which we have so far known him. ... Compared with satire qua satire, the sketches are not of much account, they are rather too obvious and laboured; but they amuse, especially ‘The perpendicular,’ which is decidedly the best.”
+ — | Ath p46 Ja ‘17 100w |
“What makes this volume so worth while is that one feels that it is not inspired by a mere desire and delight in mocking, but that it springs rather from an honest and profound detestation of all the soft-brained and wasteful snobs and parasites that incumber a gasping world. Mr Benson, you feel, is a philosopher as austere as Emerson.”
+ | N Y Times 22:463 N 11 ‘17 900w |
“Mr George Plank’s intricate patterns of lines and squares trick out with much ornament things that are not worth any ornament at all. ... When Mr Benson has finished with his freaks, the futility of what they do compared to the effort they make to do it must be apparent even to themselves. No defence is left to them; and we fear they are too invertebrate to turn and say: ‘How came you, brother, when paper is so dear, to describe us in a rivulet of print, meandering thro’ a meadow of margin?’”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p636 D 28 ‘16 350w |
BENSON, EDWARD FREDERIC. Tortoise (Eng title, Mr Teddy). *$1.50 (2c) Doran 17-17423
This novel, the scene of which is laid in Sussex, was published in England under the title, “Mr Teddy.” It is a gently humorous story, with a slight plot, of youth, middle-age, and old age. Edward Heaton, or “Mr Teddy,” as he is usually called, a kindly bachelor of forty, devoted to his exasperatingly selfish mother, is “the tortoise.” Other characters are the two middle-aged sisters, “Miss Marion,” who writes stories for the parish magazine, and “Miss Daisy,” who looks after their home; Mrs Vickary, clergyman’s wife and feline diplomatist, and the youthful lovers, Robin and Rosemary.
+ | A L A Bkl 14:129 Ja ‘18 |
“This is a far better story than ‘The Oakleyites,’ in which similar material is handled with less spontaneity and freshness. Mr Benson has no idea or ‘message’ to convey unless it be that the humours of ourselves and our neighbours are among the best sources of refreshment the Lord has given us, and that beneath them, we may flatter ourselves, there wells many a pure fountain of kind feeling and honest purpose.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 46:491 D ‘17 350w |
“In ‘The tortoise,’ a delightful tale of English village life, Mr E. F. Benson displays again his peculiarly feminine outlook to great advantage.”
+ | Dial 64:77 Ja 17 ‘18 80w |
“‘The tortoise’ is just good enough to read when there’s nothing better around.” Harry Salpeter
– + | N Y Call p14 Ja 12 ‘18 320w |
“It is one of those quiet, human, very interesting tales which are so rare and so difficult to write.”
+ | N Y Times 22:434 O 28 ‘17 980w | |
Outlook 117:475 N 21 ‘17 40w | ||
+ | Spec 119:169 Ag 18 ‘17 30w |
“Mr Benson has the intuition and deftness to make trivialities take on importance.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p13 Ja 20 ‘18 500w |
“Once more Mr Benson takes us into a quiet little set of ‘nice’ people in a provincial town, or village; and once more he studies them with a tenderness at once shrewder and blunter than Mrs Gaskell’s, but not less attractive.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p272 Je 7 ‘17 370w |
BENSON, OSCAR HERMAN, and BETTS, GEORGE HERBERT. Agriculture and the farming business. il *$3.50 Bobbs 630 17-7062
The preface says that this book attempts “what has not yet been accomplished for the farmer—the bringing together in one simple non-technical volume of a wide range of practical scientific information directly related to the every-day problems of the farm and home.” The object of the authors has been to bring together in convenient form a wide variety of information that is now scattered thru reports and bulletins, etc. In addition to chapters covering the usual subjects, farm management, farm crops, live stock, etc., there are chapters devoted to: The farm home; The automobile and the farmer; Extension education and the farmer; Extension education by means of boys’ and girls’ club work, and other miscellaneous subjects. Mr Benson is connected with the United States Department of agriculture, and Mr Betts is author of “Better rural schools.”
“An admirable general work. ... Well illustrated.”
+ | Agricultural Digest 1:460 My ‘17 60w |
“There is vast deal of material touched upon between these covers, but it is not always clear upon what principle it is organized and distributed. ... This volume does pretty much all that can be done in 500 pages towards a manual of information, of laboratory experiment, and of field practice. Whether the feat is worth attempting, remains a question.”
Nation 103:521 N 30 ‘16 270w | ||
N Y Br Lib News 4:71 My ‘17 |
BENSON, STELLA. This is the end. *$1.35 (3c) Macmillan 17-29334
The author has a way of her own in telling a story, as one who has read “I pose” will know. Simplified, the story she now tells is of an English girl who leaves home in war-time to become a London ‘bus-conductor. Hoping to find her, her family starts out on a motor car journey around the English coast, following clews thrown out in the girl’s letters. Only one of them, her brother, home on leave, knows that the “house by the sea” of which she writes is fancy and make-believe. For these two, brother and sister, have always played at that game together. They have lived in a secret world, which later, comes to an end for the girl with the news of the brother’s death in France.
“Cleverness of a somewhat forced type mars the effect of this volume. The author has both imagination and insight, but her sarcastic gifts are apt to run away with her.”
+ — | Ath p253 My ‘17 70w |
“In ‘I pose’ her recklessness seemed a little too real for comfort, her modernity too desperate, her feminine nature set too defiantly against any sort of simple emotion or faith. The impression is renewed in this second novel, or fantasy.” H. W. Boynton
— | Bookm 45:533 Jl ‘17 500w |
“Starts like an essay on modern philosophy, continues like a confession, goes at a bound into fiction, shifts into the manner of a Kipling fairy tale, and ends in perfect consistency with them all.”
+ | Dial 63:117 Ag 16 ‘17 550w |
“Another very modern, and rebellious, and essentially sentimental affair.”
Nation 104:737 Je 21 ‘17 230w |
“In spite of its many pathetic efforts at cheerfulness, and even gayety and whimsical humor, it is this effect of utter hopelessness which remains in the mind of the reader after closing the slender volume.”
N Y Times 22:238 Je 24 ‘17 400w |
45“A book so kaleidoscopic in its changes from mockery to tenderness, from realism to fantasy, defies the ordinary canons of criticism. We must not omit to note Miss Benson’s gift for verse—whimsical and mystical—or her suggestive and vivid treatment of the mysteries of existence. ... In fine, this is a book to bewilder the old, to perplex the middle-aged, and to enrapture the very modern young.”
Spec 118:593 My 26 ‘17 930w |
“Miss Benson often irritates when she means to stimulate; and if we have dwelt on this at some length it is because the irritation spoils our enjoyment of gifts of fancy and expression not often met with. There is an imaginative tenderness in what she writes about certain dead soldiers which shows her sensibility to be delicate, rare, and true.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p152 Mr 29 ‘17 650w |
BENTON, ALEXANDER HAY. Indian moral instruction and caste problems: solutions. *$1.40 Longmans 17-13834
“The British government in India has, according to the author, made three mistakes in dealing with the educational problem and the book may be regarded as a study of the causes of those mistakes and of possible remedies for the evil results. ... Mr Benton suggests that toleration should be substituted for neutrality; and toleration he explains to be ‘impartial favour for all religions, with maintenance of the law.’ Mr Benton’s suggestion is to found a committee in each district for religious and moral instruction, empowered to draw up a religious and moral syllabus; and this syllabus would ‘contain a narrative of the barest facts of Christ’s life simply told, with the most important gospel precepts embodied.” (Int J Ethics) “This scheme, he suggests, should be first introduced in the higher schools and colleges, ‘where the plague spot is to be found,’ rather than in the elementary schools.” (The Times [London] Lit Sup)
“The treatment of the caste problem seems to us to be somewhat inadequate. ... A similar criticism may be passed upon the treatment of the subject of religious toleration. ... Here again the defect is chiefly due to lack of space and it may be left to the reader to fill in the gaps and to apply to present day problems the truths enunciated in the past and expounded by Mr Benton. We have nothing but praise for the masterly way in which Mr Benton with the scholarship of a statesman is not content merely with stating the problem and suggesting temporary and superficial remedies but insists on referring his readers to the fundamental principles underlying the problems set forth. But some of his remedial measures are dangerous.” M. C.
+ — | Int J Ethics 27:544 Jl ‘17 570w |
“We hope that Mr Benton’s thoughtful study will commend itself to the British as well as to all governments concerned with the education and welfare of Asiatic wards.”
+ | Nation 106:42 Ja 10 ‘18 1550w |
“The failure of the educational system being assumed, many minds have been directed for many years to find a remedy, or, at least, a palliative. Mr Benton’s book is a thoughtful contribution for this purpose. But ... his proposals are open to serious political objections.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p65 F 8 ‘17 780w |
BERCOVICI, KONRAD. Crimes of charity. *$1.50 Knopf 361 17-15181
“It is the contention of Konrad Bercovici that in being a remedy for one evil, organized charity has become itself an even greater evil to be combated. ... His charges are not made for the common reasons that it is a futile palliative, that it works toward graft and expenses wasted in red tape, but for the more vital reason that it becomes an actual force of detriment and oppression to those it is supposed to aid.”—Boston Transcript
“It is a very strong book whose pictures come very truly from the heart of reality.” D. L. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ap 21 ‘17 1000w |
“In spite of the extreme position of condemnation taken by the author as the result of his alleged experiences as an investigator, the book is worth reading as showing the possible need of a change of method along certain lines.”
+ | Cleveland p93 Jl ‘17 50w |
“Many of the charities condemned by the author of ‘Crimes of charity’ would certainly not be considered forms of ‘organized charity’ by those who are supposed to know what these words stand for. ... But the book is chiefly devoted to the work of a large relief agency, apparently a Jewish relief society in New York, and the author finds his opportunity to observe the methods of the society by becoming what he calls a ‘charity spy.’ ... Is it necessary to say that such dishonesty is not really the method of organized charity in America. The language of the author is extremely violent throughout. ‘This stupid ass in charge of the poor,’ ‘This spiritual hog,’ are typical of expressions found throughout the book. His conduct is almost equally violent. ... Whatever the faults of organized charity may be, they are certainly not set forth in this volume of hysterical stories.” Edith Abbott
– — | Dial 62:478 My 31 ‘17 1200w |
“The testimony given by the author is not melodramatic, but a revelation made by one who has studied at first hand conditions that are pathetic, thrilling, and revolting.”
+ | Lit D 55:37 S 22 ‘17 200w | |
Pittsburgh 22:687 O ‘17 90w | ||
Pratt p11 O ‘17 20w |
“A preposterous attack.”
— | Springf’d Republican p19 O 14 ‘17 60w |
BERENSON, BERNARD. Study and criticism of Italian art, v. 3. il *$3.25 Macmillan 759.5 (17-14402)
“Of the six essays in this volume, five relate to Venetian painting in the fifteenth century. They have been selected because they deal with points for which there was no room in another book, published under the title of ‘Venetian painting in the United States: the fifteenth century.’ Two essays, however, on Carpaccio’s ‘Glory of St Ursula’ and ‘A Carpacciesque Madonna in Berlin,’ stand somewhat apart, being chiefly essays in method. A paper on Leonardo da Vinci is an attempt at a revaluation.”—Ath
Ath p197 Ap ‘17 80w |
“It is equally hard to accept our critic’s final appraisal of Leonardo, whom he would put down to Botticelli’s level. And still harder is it to share his implicit tenet that the art of the Far East gives us a norm by which Leonardo’s painting, and presumably all other painting, is to be measured. ... Even if Leonardo does not seem wholly to come to his rights in this remarkable essay, the incidental criticism and the fresh point of view are boldly significant.” R: Offner
+ — | Dial 63:447 N 8 ‘17 1850w |
“Offers besides the reprinted papers a novelty and a sensation in a revaluation of Leonardo da Vinci. Mr Berenson describes whimsically his gradual liberation from the spell of legend and his final view that Leonardo is barely a great artist, rather a charming draughtsman obfuscated by the discovery of counterpoise and chiaroscuro. We by no means share the individual appreciations, or depreciations, upon which Mr Berenson’s view is based. ... The whole volume is good reading whether for the amateur or for the professional student.”
+ | Nation 104:663 My 31 ‘17 430w |
“Nor will the admirer of Leonardo be much troubled by the dubious studio works with which Mr Berenson tries to fortify his case. The essence of his attack is that knowledge, science, logic, and attention to technical problems are ruinous to the artist. Such a sweeping generalization does not stand the test of inquiry.”
The Times [London] Lit Sup p91 F 22 ‘17 1200w |
46BERENSON, BERNARD. Venetian painting in America: the fifteenth century. il *$4 Sherman, F: Fairchild 759.5 16-25230
“Gathered and amplified into a book, Mr Berenson’s conclusions, known to us through his serial studies in Art in America, have gained in persuasion and consequence. Mr Berenson, finding an adequately representative sequence of Venetian paintings in our collections, has grouped them historically; and adopting the discursive method of his avowed master Morelli, he has made them the pretext for discussion of almost all problems incident to their study. ... As one might expect, the central figure in the book is Giovanni Bellini, and the central problem, his chronology.”—Dial
Ath p307 Je ‘17 60w |
“One of the most significant works of reconstructive criticism that have appeared in recent years on the subject of Italian painting. It teems with incidental criticism, æsthetic evaluations, and valuable hints of attribution. ... The 263 pages of text are abundantly illustrated with one hundred and ten reproductions and provided with two tables and two indexes.” R: Offner
* | + | Dial 62:64 Ja 25 ‘17 2500w |
“Alike for enjoyment and for minute consideration of attributions and chronology the book must be read widely. Thanks are due the publisher for making what must have been a pretty costly book accessible at a price possible for students.”
* | + | Nation 104:316 Mr 15 ‘17 720w |
“Whatever one may think of the author’s method, the volume shows insight and enthusiasm and contains valuable information on the subject with which it principally deals.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p19 My 20 ‘17 570w | |
The Times [London] Lit Sup p166 Ap 5 ‘17 90w |
“If the book fails wholly to satisfy, the scheme on which it is planned must be held in some measure responsible. The author has attempted to rewrite the history of the Venetian school in terms of the pictures representing that school in America. These are of very unequal merit, and though interest in them doubtless gave Mr Berenson the principal stimulus for his work, it is a little unfortunate for its permanent value that it was not planned on cosmopolitan lines.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p195 Ap 26 ‘17 750w |
BERESFORD, JOHN DAVYS. House-mates. *$1.50 (1½c) Doran 17-12391
The main interest in this story lies in the author’s analysis of the character of Wilfred Hornby, a young architect, shy, awkward, conventional, brought up “to divide society into categories.” “His early experiences at home, at school, and in the architect’s office, his love affairs and engagement to his cousin Gladys—a poseuse to the backbone ... are related with comparative brevity. Then comes the day when, for the first time in his life, obliged to act for himself, he takes lodgings on the ground floor of the old house in Keppel street, a house inhabited by all sorts and conditions of men—and women. Resolved though he is at first to have nothing to do with his fellow-lodgers, proud of his isolation, he is gradually, inevitably drawn into the life of the house. And presently he comes to know all these ‘House-mates’ of his, and one of them is the girl with whom he quickly falls honestly and deeply in love.” (N Y Times) In Keppel street Wilfred learns to alter his standard of values and comes to the “simple realization of [his] essential equality with the rest of mankind.”
“When all is said, it is by far the most vital and most appealing of all Mr Beresford’s novels.” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 S 8 ‘17 1300w | |
* | Nation 105:292 S 13 ‘17 750w |
“The hand of the craftsman continues to work, though the materials are of a quality so much thinner and cruder than those he customarily uses.”
+ — | New Repub 13:387 Ja 26 ‘18 380w |
“The book is written in a style somewhat easier than are the majority of Mr Beresford’s novels, but it does not quite rank with his best work—not with ‘A candidate for truth,’ for instance—though it is, of course, well worth reading and decidedly interesting. The development of Hornby’s character, which is the core of the book, is in every way excellent. The product of his narrow, middle-class, Sabbatarian surroundings, the brief spells of emotionalism for which he is unable to find a name, his hesitations and mistakes, and that honesty which lies at the root of his character—all these are portrayed with sure, firm strokes. ... In the last pages of the story we are given a brief glimpse of the result of the war and of several weeks’ service in the trenches on this especial temperament.”
+ — | NY Times 22:322 S 2 ‘17 1050w |
“Not by any means the equal of Mr Beresford’s ‘These Lynnekers.’ The incidents are disagreeable and in one case revolting, and the young man who narrates the history of his younger days is much more interested in his own psychological development than the reader is likely to be.”
— | Outlook 117:100 S 19 ‘17 50w |
“If, however, the book has no great central purpose, so that there seems to be no place where the reviewer can take hold, it brings out two big Beresford ideas—freedom from restraint, whether that restraint be stereotyped art or stereotyped thought, and democracy.” Doris Webb
+ — | Pub W 92:808 S 15 ‘17 500w |
“Its purpose is to show the influence of a strange group of human beings in drawing out and molding the spirit and character of a sensitively introspective young man. It is a carefully wrought picture, and a keenly analyzed situation, differing widely from the character of work Mr Beresford has done heretofore. ... It is not a particularly easy or entertaining story to read.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 S 23 ‘17 660w | |
The Times [London] Lit Sup p104 Mr 1 ‘17 480w |
BERESFORD, JOHN DAVYS. The Wonder. *$1.40 (2c) Doran 17-8200
The story of a child prodigy. Victor Stott was the son of the most famous man of his time in England. It was the father’s ambition to raise up a son who should take his place. The father was a champion cricketer; the son turned out to be a Wonder. Abnormal in appearance, his well-developed and sturdy child’s body appearing frail in comparison with his massive head, Victor Stott seemed, so far as those who tried to puzzle out his case could ascertain, to possess illimitable understanding. Nothing in the universe, unless it was the mystery of his own personality, was hidden from him. He had a strange power over every one who came in contact with him. There was one being only who could defy that power. This was the idiot boy, who tried dumbly to claim a kinship with the Wonder. No-mind and absolute-mind were brought into contact in these two. As Henry Challis, the scientist, explained the Wonder, he represented finality, giving a glimpse of what a world would be without ignorance and without mystery.
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton
Bookm 45:315 My ‘17 400w |
“All the elements of wizardry in this story can only be suggested. It is told consistently with all the verisimilitude of a scientific document, with an occasional footnote and a mention of actual men that can not fail to delude the reader, at least for the moment, into thinking that he is having set before him the life story of a prodigy that actually existed. As to his fate, ... it brings the story to a logical and a sensible conclusion.” E. F. E.
Boston Transcript p8 Mr 31 ‘17 1050w | ||
Nation 105:456 O 25 ‘17 500w |
“Throughout the book we feel restraint. Now and again in elusive realism possible analogies 47in the life of Jesus are hinted at, analogies which are never pressed—from that pitfall the author is saved by his understanding of how only in little flashes historical analogy may appeal to the imagination. But for the familiar and barren query, ‘What would happen if Jesus appeared on earth today?’, Beresford plainly substitutes in effect the more stimulating query, ‘What would have to happen today to produce the effect Jesus once produced?’” E. C. P.
+ — | New Repub 13:53 N 10 ‘17 1900w |
“Mr Beresford’s new story is quite unlike any of his previous novels. It is, indeed, a peculiar book, and one is not at all certain whether the author intends it to be taken partly at least, as an allegory. ... But one thing at least seems fairly certain—it is a book about which people will disagree.”
N Y Times 22:113 Ap 1 ‘17 500w |
“The workmanship of the book is notable; its intent is presumably satirical, but it is also, to us at least, unfathomable.”
Outlook 115:710 Ap 18 ‘17 200w | ||
Pittsburgh 22:649 O ‘17 20w |
“In ‘The wonder’ Mr J. D. Beresford has satirically pilloried certain methods of education and taken a fling at the sum of human knowledge.”
+ | R of Rs 56:553 N ‘17 210w |
BERGER, MARCEL. Ordeal by fire; tr. by Mrs Cecil Curtis. *$1.50 (1c) Putnam 17-26261
This story of the first days of the war follows the development of a man who is transformed from a sceptic and cynic to a loyal and ardent patriot. Michel Dreher is in Switzerland when he learns that war has been declared. For a moment he entertains the idea that he need not return to his country. That he does so is due to a sense of his social position rather than to patriotism. He takes up his duties as a sergeant half-heartedly, but as the war progresses he gradually undergoes a change. Shortly before he had met a young French girl who attracted him greatly, but since love and marriage had no place in his cynical scheme of life, he had passed her by. But with his new seriousness he comes to think of her more and more often and the Epilogue, which carries the story into 1915, pictures their union. The author is a sergeant in the French army.
A L A Bkl 13:314 Ap ‘17 |
“It is grimly terrible, but not morbid.”
+ | Bellman 22:303 Mr 17 ‘17 260w |
“This, evidently, is a book of deeper mood and meaning than the now famous ‘Gaspard’; here are Gaspards in their natural setting and relation to the great theme as a whole—the great theme of France at war, which has here its finest interpretation in fiction thus far.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 45:93 Mr ‘17 550w |
“A vivid translation of a story that throbs with life.”
+ | Cath World 105:543 Jl ‘17 160w |
“The story is told in the first person with all the characteristic incident and spirited dialogue to be expected from a French writer handling such a theme.” P. F. Bicknell
+ | Dial 62:306 Ap 5 ‘17 180w |
“‘Ordeal by fire’ does for France something very much like what ‘Mr Britling’ and ‘The vermilion box’ have done for England. It shows how the war came home to France.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Nation 104:404 Ap 5 ‘17 180w | |
+ | Nation 104:491 Ap 26 ‘17 950w |
“Whatever M. Berger, himself a sergeant in the French army, was solely responsible for in this book has been admirably done. ... But the work of the translator leaves much to be desired. ... One closes the book with a strong desire to read it in French.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:26 Ja 28 ‘17 700w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Mr 18 ‘17 150w | |
+ | Wis Lib Bul 13:158 My ‘17 40w |
BERLE, LINA WRIGHT. George Eliot and Thomas Hardy; a contrast. *$1.50 Kennerley 823 17-30753
In a preliminary chapter the writer shows that it is Eliot and not Hardy who furnished a basis upon which rational idealism may be developed,—one which, while acknowledging facts, recognizes also the relation of the spiritual elements in life to the grosser material forces. George Eliot’s idealism has been in the direction which subsequent generations have found most sound. Hardy, on the other hand, is the romantic decadent. His characters never pass from a lower to a higher spirituality but are bound on the wheel of life which inexorably breaks them in its revolution. Following a statement of these fundamental principles of difference are essays that show the striking contrast in treatment of both weak and good women; that indicate how both novelists struck the same rock in the creation of men—both making the minor characters real men, their principals, men of straw; points out the differences of goal in their love stories,—Eliot attaining wisdom higher than ourselves thru suffering and pain, Hardy descending to licentious, often brutal love; finds saneness in the treatment of old age; and closes with an illuminating estimate of radical and reactionary types with the deduction that Eliot was the radical and Hardy the reactionary.
“On every page of Miss Berle’s book is evidence of the futility of writing such a study.” E. F. E.
— | Boston Transcript p9 N 24 ‘17 780w |
“As worked out by Miss Berle the thesis becomes fruitful of excellent criticism, at once ethical and æsthetic, as the best literary criticism always is. Only the last chapter gives one pause. In her use of the words ‘radical’ and ‘conservative’ Miss Berle is somewhat arbitrary, and in a manner that may lead to confusion in the minds of many readers.”
+ — | Nation 105:697 D 20 ‘17 200w |
“The book is decidedly interesting and well phrased, but one feels that while the radicalism of George Eliot has been properly valued by the author, there are emendations that might be suitably made to the estimate of Hardy.”
+ — | R of Rs 57:217 F ‘18 70w |
BERTSCH, MARGUERITE. How to write for moving pictures; a manual of instruction and information. il *$1.50 (2½c) Doran 808.2 17-17069
The author is director and editor for the Vitagraph company and the Famous players film company. “Her complete discussion of the writing and production of the photoplay is followed by warnings against hackneyed themes, which she classifies, and a presentation of unhackneyed possibilities.” (Springf’d Republican) The last four chapters deal with the censorship and the educational possibilities of moving pictures. The illustrations are from photographs. There is no index.
A L A Bkl 14:49 N ‘17 |
“The literature of scenario-making is already bulky, but Miss Bertsch’s manual is well worth a place in it.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 Ag 19 ‘17 90w |
BETTS, FRANK. Saga plays. *$1.25 Longmans 822
There are three plays in this collection: The passing of Sinfiotli; Ingiald Evilheart, and The sword of Sigurd. Writing in 1917, the author says in his preface, “The plays were completed in April, 1914, by one who did not believe that great wars were any longer possible. Especially in ‘The sword of Sigurd’ he used the traditional motif of the sword to stand in his imaginations for all the adventurous and creative life of men. There is now need for the actual and physical sword as well as the Sword of the Spirit. ... The writer finds nothing to alter on this account. ... ‘The sword of Sigurd’ is not intended to be a complete play. It is a prologue to a play, as yet unfinished, dealing with the death of Sigurd.”
48“They present tragic episodes from the ‘Volsungasaga,’ and the terse, grinding dialogue is strong and dramatic, and a fair imitation of that in the translated sagas. But though a prose different from that of real life is tolerable in a translation, where one unconsciously makes allowances, it gives a sense of unreality here without evoking the right poetic atmosphere.”
+ — | Ath p411 Ag ‘17 100w |
“Through their likeness and unlikeness to the conditions of our own strenuous days Mr Betts’s three plays come apt to the moment. Even in the days of laughter and dancing, peace and overflowing garners they would have been found exciting, exalting work. ... The dialogue seems to thrill and quiver; and though we are always kept close to the matter in hand, the suggestions of thought on fighting, on adventure, on honour, on religion and fate, set the mind at work outside the scope of the stories here vividly and dramatically told.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p246 My 24 ‘17 900w |
BETTS, GEORGE HERBERT. Class-room method and management. il *$1.25 Bobbs 371.3 17-13425
“Part 1, which is devoted to a discussion of general method, makes use of what Professor Betts calls the ‘four cardinal elements which comprise method.’ These to him are (1) the determination of aim, (2) the selection of material, (3) the organization of subject-matter for instruction, (4) presentation or the technique of instruction. He states the outcome of instruction in the elementary subjects as (1) fruitful knowledge, (2) right attitudes, (3) applied skills. ... In Part 2 the author discusses method in teaching, applied specifically to reading, spelling, language, arithmetic, geography, history, civics, physiology and hygiene, agriculture, and home economics. In each case he makes use of his four cardinal elements of method and tries to summarize the conclusion from the recent scientific work in learning and teaching in each of the elementary subjects.”—El School J
“In spite of the many excellences of the book, the reader familiar with contemporary critical thought in education finds frequent cause for disappointment. ... Nearly all contemporary books intended as guides to teachers, while indicating orientations of aim and subject matter, fail like that of Dr Betts, to present acceptable indications as to desirable boundaries of the areas of knowledge and skill to be mastered.” D: Snedden
+ — | Educ R 54:203 S ‘17 1450w |
“The title of the book is in part misleading. It is really a rather systematic treatise on the principles of education and general principles of method in teaching together with a statement of method applied specifically to each of the common branches. ... Prof. Betts’s discussion of the teaching of spelling ought to be very helpful. His treatment of reading from the standpoint of the ‘quantitative movement’ is quite inadequate. ... He has not taken advantage of available scientific material in the chapter on the teaching of arithmetic. ... This book will be of definite value to prospective teachers of elementary subjects or teachers who wish to keep abreast of current modes of thinking about school problems.”
+ — | El School J 17:687 My ‘17 520w |
BEVAN, EDWYN ROBERT.[2] Land of the two rivers. *$1 (3c) Longmans 935 (Eng ed 18-1520)
A brief historical survey that attempts to answer the question What has Mesopotamia stood for in the past? The author says: “The country which we incorrectly call Mesopotamia and the countries connected with it—Armenia, Asia Minor, Palestine, Persia—have recently become associated with living interests of the hour and immediate questions of practical politics; that may seem a reason for trying to give a fresh rapid survey of what their significance has been in former ages. ... I have tried to seize the main points and leave out all details which did not contribute to making them apprehensible.” There is one folding map.
“This admirable little sketch of Mesopotamia’s place in history is by far the best of its kind that we have seen. Mr Bevan’s very first sentence, protesting against that misleading catchword ‘the unchangeable East,’ stimulates curiosity, and is fully justified in the course of the book.”
+ | Spec 119:452 O 27 ‘17 210w |
“To write a small book on such a subject calls for special qualities in its author, if it is not to degenerate into a mere list of names and dates. Mr Bevan has avoided that pitfall. The reader with no special knowledge of ancient history will here find a book he has long wanted.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p523 N 1 ‘17 900w |
BEVAN, EDWYN ROBERT. Method in the madness. *$1.50 Longmans 940.91 17-28628
A fresh consideration of the case between Germany and ourselves. Loyal to the cause of the Allies, in no sense a pacifist, the author who is an Englishman sets aside controversy and denunciation and prepares an unimpassioned statement of what appear to him the inexactitudes in prevalent views of Germany; and looks at Germany just as it might be looked at by some one who stood outside the hurly-burly, with a desire, not to score points, but to say what he seems to see. In the quiet atmosphere of reflection he invites the reader to a consideration of truths which forward-looking men of all countries regard as basic, calling attention to these truths as the common ground upon which plans for peace may be made, the questions of territorial possessions and economic prosperity cleared up, and the matter of future warfare settled for all time.
“This English book on the great war has two unusual characteristics: it is written in a style of fine and deliberate quality, and its writer is almost as much as it is humanly possible to be, fair and dispassionate. ... With regard to the attainment of peace, his chapter entitled ‘Differences on the major premise’ is of special worth as showing that after all the difference between the contending parties is not so much a difference of primary principles as of judgment on particular facts.”
+ — | Cath World 106:252 N ‘17 500w | |
Pittsburgh 22:825 D ‘17 100w |
“Perhaps its greatest merit is that Mr Bevan, unlike too many of the patriotic men of letters who ‘do their bit,’ has really taken the trouble to master his material. ... Our only criticism concerning the documentation of the book is that it has been allowed to appear without an index. That is all the more unfortunate because there is a certain lack of consecutiveness and plan. ... His book is valuable for the light it throws on German aims and German methods.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p315 Jl 5 ‘17 1100w |
BIERSTADT, EDWARD HALE. Dunsany the dramatist. il *$1.50 (4c) Little 822 17-7565
This study of Lord Dunsany consists of four chapters: The man; His work; His philosophy; Letters. The author finds a happy characterization of Dunsany in the exclamation of Thoreau, “Who am I to complain who have not yet ceased to wonder?” He cannot be classified as a realist or romanticist, for he deals not with life but with dreams. The series of letters, taken from a correspondence between Mr Stuart Walker and Lord Dunsany during Mr Walker’s production of the Dunsany plays, is particularly interesting. The illustrations show scenes from the plays.
A L A Bkl 13:398 Je ‘17 |
49“The most interesting section of Mr Bierstadt’s book is the chapter which records the recent correspondence between Lord Dunsany and Mr Stuart Walker, the proprietor of the Portmanteau theatre. ... The simple record of this correspondence, in itself, would make the book worth reading. ... Those of us who have seen ‘The gods of the mountain’ do not need to be told that it is a great play. All we really want to learn is a catalogue of further facts concerning the career of a dramatist whose life has been hidden in obscurity. On this account, it is unfortunate that Mr Bierstadt’s book is weakest on the score of information.” Clayton Hamilton
+ | Bookm 45:192 Ap ‘17 700w | |
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ap 18 ‘17 950w |
“While Mr Bierstadt’s comments are entertaining rather than authoritative, the volume will repay perusal.”
+ — | Cath World 106:544 Ja ‘18 110w |
“He has read everything in print on the subject. He has conned all the plays and Dunsany’s other writings. Yet the result leaves one with a sense of undiscovered depths. Least fortunate of all is Mr Bierstadt in the life of Dunsany. ... The appendix, on the contrary, dealing with productions and publication, seems precise and accurate. The sixteen illustrations in half-tone give us a notion of both the man and his plays. Altogether the book will be welcome as the first treatment of a playwright whose vogue has advanced with surprising leaps in the last year or two.”
+ — | Nation 105:18 Jl 5 ‘17 350w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:316 Ag 26 ‘17 700w |
“The most discriminating and valuable part of the author’s survey is his treatment of Dunsany’s philosophy. Like Yeats, Dunsany is more interested in ideas than in people. ... But he has revived Wonder for us. His plays release us from an intolerable burden of photography and realism.” Algernon Tassin
+ | Pub W 91:975 Mr 17 ‘17 550w | |
R of Rs 55:662 Je ‘17 370w | ||
St Louis 15:151 My ‘17 20w |
“His criticisms are highly laudatory, but the points at which he takes issue with Dunsany are points which to the average reader will appear to have little importance.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p17 My 6 ‘17 480w |
BIGELOW, FRANCIS HILL. Historic silver of the colonies and its makers. il *$6 Macmillan 739 17-25629
A vast fund of information has been collected in this work which describes and illustrates the various forms of colonial silver of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries made principally by the colonial silversmiths. It seeks its audience among possessors of colonial heirlooms, art lovers, art collectors, and art students. Church silver, beakers, tankards, flagons, mugs, chalices, table silverware, candlesticks, porringers, casters, tea kettles, inkstands, stew pans, bread baskets and many other objects wrought in silver are included with genealogical and historical notes concerning owners, donors and silversmiths. Over three hundred illustrations accompany the text.
“The 325 illustrations of pieces of colonial plate which the author has selected as typical or as particularly beautiful will arouse the wondering admiration of those who think of our forefathers only as simple and rather inartistic frontiersmen.”
+ | Ind 92:261 N 3 ‘17 100w |
“There is a confusing mass of genealogical information and dates which would appeal principally to the collector or student, but there is, too, much that is interesting for the general reader. The anecdotes that enliven these pages are of like variety and interest.”
+ — | Lit D 55:38 D 8 ‘17 160w |
“The art side of our pre-Revolutionary times is seldom brought home to us so graphically as in this well-illustrated book. The author writes as one who loves his subject and is an authority upon it.”
+ | Outlook 117:349 O 31 ‘17 40w |
“The book will prove a joy to lovers of old silver and a competent guide to collectors.”
+ | R of Rs 57:103 Ja ‘18 220w |
“He has made a book of much value in its particular place, one which collectors and connoisseurs will be very glad to possess.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 D 8 ‘17 250w |
BIGELOW, JOHN. Breaches of Anglo-American treaties; a study in history and diplomacy. maps *$1.50 Sturgis & Walton 341.2 17-11357
In quotations from the British press the author shows that the United States has been looked upon as a treaty breaker. His purpose in this book, begun and practically finished before the war, is to examine the record of the two nations in this respect. He says, “The following study is devoted to determining the relative trustworthiness of two great nations as indicated in their conventional intercourse with each other. Beginning with the treaty of peace at the end of our War of independence, it considers all the treaties, conventions, and similar agreements negotiated between Great Britain and the United States that may be regarded as broken by either of the contracting parties, sets forth and discusses the infraction in each case, and ends with a summarising of the records on both sides and a balancing of the accounts.” This summary shows that “the United States has more than a safe balance of good faith to its credit.”
“A perusal of the work indeed fully confirms the accuracy of the statement that it ‘was not written to form or influence public opinion as to any phase or feature of the present world war.’ ... An examination of the disputes arising out of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty occupies nearly two-thirds of the volume. In this way their relative importance is perhaps unduly enhanced.” J. B. Moore
+ — | Am Hist R 23:194 O ‘17 850w | |
A L A Bkl 14:40 N ‘17 |
“A curious, interesting, and, in some ways, a futile book. It would seem to reflect the spirit of an enquiring mind, rather than the results of profound research.” P. M. Brown
– + | Am Pol Sci R 11:577 Ag ‘17 530w |
“The limits of this review do not permit of an analysis, or estimate of the evidence which Major Bigelow brings forward in support of his conclusions but it may be doubted whether the case he makes out against Great Britain in some of the instances which he cites is conclusive.” J. W. Garner
Ann Am Acad 72:240 Jl ‘17 480w |
“Marked by fairness of treatment and broad scholarly effort.”
+ | Cath World 105:553 Jl ‘17 120w |
“We have ventured to sound a note of protest against the tone and temper of this volume, which doubtless contains much valuable matter, but we should equally regret railing accusations on behalf of British claims. One can only hope that a major, even though retired, is finding now more useful scope for his energies than in fanning the flames of wellnigh extinct controversies.” H. E. Egerton
— | Eng Hist R 32:443 Jl ‘17 900w |
“Greatly to be commended for its research and candor. ... After reading the author’s gatherings and conclusions about the treatise named, one lays down the book feeling that he has produced a powerful argument for the world court that seems to be rapidly coming nearer.”
+ | Ind 90:436 Je 2 ‘17 150w | |
R of Rs 56:215 Ag ‘17 80w | ||
+ | Springf’d Republican p10 My 25 ‘17 1250w |
BILBRO, MATHILDE. Middle pasture. il *$1.25 (1½c) Small 17-26262
The middle pasture divided the two Crawford farms. Neglected and unused and overgrown with brambles, it lay between the well-kept acres, dividing the two families as well. For at their father’s death, each brother had claimed it, and the family quarrel that resulted had lasted thru many years. The difference didn’t 50extend to the children, however, and the pasture that separated their elders became a common meeting ground for them. Billy and Beatrice climbed the stone wall on one side to meet Mary and Carey, who came tumbling over the wall on the other. The pasture was a very paradise for play. Beatrice, a delightful mixture of earnestness and mischief and naughtiness and wisdom, tells the story, bringing into it the grown-up affairs of many of the neighbors in the pleasant little southern community.
“A mildly interesting story by a precocious child of twelve who with her brother manages the affairs of family and friends in a little southern town. ... Of course there is a sentimental interest. A good example of its type.”
A L A Bkl 13:314 Ap ‘17 |
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 45:313 My ‘17 250w |
“Another of the type of stories to which ‘Little women’ and ‘Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm’ belong.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Je 13 ‘17 170w | |
+ | Dial 62:246 Mr 22 ‘17 180w |
“A good story about decent, lovable human beings told with directness and simplicity.”
+ | Ind 90:84 Ap 7 ‘17 140w |
“We are pretty close to village melodrama. But there are characterization and true color and sincere feeling in the book.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Nation 104:404 Ap 5 ‘17 40w |
“The telling is simple; but after it is all over you wonder why the book should have been written at all. It is a weak novel of the ‘old South’ type.” C. W.
– + | N Y Call p13 Ap 22 ‘17 120w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:99 Mr 18 ‘17 350w |
“The atmosphere of the story is fresh and delightful.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p19 My 20 ‘17 220w |
“Very real folk and a charming setting—a little Alabama farming community—make this a pleasing story.”
+ | Wis Lib Bul 13:158 My ‘17 40w |
BILLINGS, MARIS WARRINGTON, pseud. (EDITH S. BILLINGS). Cleomenes. *$1.40 (1½c) Lane 17-13922
“The central figure is Cleomenes, the great sculptor, who is commissioned by the emperor to make a statue symbolizing maidenhood. This piece of art is known in the present as the famous ‘Medici Venus.’ In his search for a beautiful, virtuous maiden to serve as model, Cleomenes chooses a young Greek slave girl, and sets to work in the atmosphere of danger and intrigue of Nero’s court. The story, which involves the sculptor, the model and the emperor as its principal actors, unfolds during the progress of the work on the statue.”—Springf’d Republican
“The characters, many of them historical, follow generally historical tradition. The chief exception is that of Octavia, the young wife of Nero.”
Boston Transcript p6 Je 20 ‘17 250w |
“The author deserves praise for the care with which the background of imperial Rome has been prepared and set forth.”
+ | N Y Times 22:250 Jl 1 ‘17 190w |
“The tale is not distinguished either as to style or character drawing, but the author makes telling use of fact and legend to make a narrative of suspense and thrilling incident, the action of which never lags.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 S 2 ‘17 300w |
BINDLOSS, HAROLD. Brandon of the engineers (Eng title, His one talent). il *$1.35 (1c) Stokes 16-24202
Altho the scene of this story is Central America, its plot is concerned with international affairs. Dick Brandon, who had been dismissed from the Royal engineers after losing valuable papers that were in his possession, is engaged in engineering work in one of the Central American states. Here he unexpectedly meets Clare Kenwardine and her father, who are associated in his mind with his disgrace, for it had been after an evening spent at their house that the loss of the papers was discovered. Kenwardine’s presence in the country is not explained, but it later develops that he is, and has all the time been, a spy. This disclosure however does not permanently affect Brandon’s relations with Clare.
A L A Bkl 13:266 Mr ‘17 | ||
+ | Ath p544 N ‘16 60w |
“The author’s hand too obviously moves his puppets about; circumstances do not occur as the result of character, but at the very apparent wish of the author.”
Boston Transcript p13 Ap 7 ‘17 190w |
“Interesting but not important.”
Ind 90:257 My 5 ‘17 50w |
“Like most of Mr Bindloss’s books, this one is neatly manufactured, but Brandon is less likeable than are the majority of his heroes.”
N Y Times 22:40 F 4 ‘17 300w | ||
The Times [London] Lit Sup p526 N 2 ‘16 130w |
“Not better than the author’s other stories, but of a different type.”
Wis Lib Bul 13:158 My ‘17 40w |
BINDLOSS, HAROLD. Carmen’s messenger. il *$1.35 Stokes 17-13719
Carmen is the “belle” of a Canadian lumber town and her messenger is a young Englishman going home to visit the parents of his partner. Just before he leaves a man commits suicide—or is murder committed?—and a safe is robbed. At this time too he learns for the first time that his partner is subject to blackmail owing to wrongdoing in his youth. Carmen’s message is a package to be personally delivered in Great Britain. The outwitting of blackmailers and evil-doers takes place both on the Scottish border and in Canada and local color is added to the interest of events.
A L A Bkl 14:59 N ‘17 |
“A well-written tale of adventure, but the complications are rather too numerous and too subtle.”
+ | Ath p204 Ap ‘17 15w |
“Not a remarkable piece of work in any particular, but it is a capital story of adventure told in a forthright manner, which insures the reader’s attention.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 S 12 ‘17 280w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:311 Ag 26 ‘17 500w |
BING, PHIL CARLETON.[2] Country weekly. *$2 Appleton 070 18-291
A manual for the rural journalist and for students of the country field. “The purpose of this book is to open the whole subject of the problems and possibilities of the country field. It is written to show the journalistic neophyte that there are chances in the country field which are worth while from every point of view. It is written, too, to suggest plans and possibilities to men who are already in the field; to encourage a vigorous effort among country editors to do their utmost to make country journalism a bigger, more vital thing than it has heretofore been.” (Preface) Contents: The country weekly and its problems; Local news; County correspondence; Agricultural news; The editor; The editorial page; Make-up of the country weekly; Copy-reading and headline writing; Circulation problems; Advertising in the country weekly; Cost finding for the country weekly.
“Notwithstanding Professor Bing’s disclaimer that he presents this book as an authoritative, definitive guide, every editor and journalistic neophyte who absorbs the feast of good things provided under its many subjects will be in a fair way to make a success in his profession. In his chapters on the editor and the editorial page Professor Bing devotes 51several pages to an elaboration of some capital suggestions which might be adopted to their ultimate profit by city editors.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 D 29 ‘17 290w |
BINYON, LAURENCE. The cause. *$1 Houghton 811 17-9484
A volume of poems on the war, with such titles as: The fourth of August, Ode for September, To women, The bereaved, To the Belgians, Louvain, Orphans of Flanders, To Goethe, At Rheims, Gallipoli, The healers, Edith Cavell, The zeppelin, Men of Verdun, etc.
“Reprints some of the poems which appeared in ‘The winnowing fan.’”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:439 Jl ‘17 |
“This spirit of exaltation, of glory in the fact that England has chosen the heroic part, is the strongest emotional utterance throughout the book. It is the book’s strength and its weakness. He approaches the whole subject in the guise of the idealist, and while he admits the presence of pain and death, he counts them little beside the white heights of patriotism. This attitude is apparently instinctive, but it makes evident a certain limitation, for one must recognize the depths of human passion in the sacrifice and consecration of the soldier before that sacrifice and consecration can raise him to the loftiest heights.” D. L. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 My 2 ‘17 1150w |
“Laurence Binyon’s poetry once was somewhat coldly ‘literary’—aloof from common human experience. But the war has given him new vigor and new humanity.”
+ | Lit D 54:1511 My 19 ‘17 280w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:78 My ‘17 |
“Laurence Binyon’s vigorous war poems have great spiritual strength and imaginative richness. ‘Thunder on the downs’ has scarcely been equaled by any poet save Masefield since 1914, and ‘Fetching the wounded’ fixes a picture every eye-witness of the war must remember. It is quite the best work Mr Binyon has done.”
+ | R of Rs 55:660 Je ‘17 50w |
BIRD, CHARLES SUMNER, jr. Town planning for small communities. (National municipal league ser.) il *$2 (2c) Appleton 710 17-11219
A volume prepared by the chairman of the Walpole town planning committee and based on the experience of Walpole, Massachusetts. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 consists of a general discussion of town planning with chapters on The why of town planning, Ways and means, Streets and roads and physical problems, Parks and playgrounds, Outdoor recreation, Public health, etc. Parts 2 and 3 are devoted specifically to Walpole’s experience. Bibliographies are added to the chapters of part 1. Mr Clinton Rogers Woodruff, general editor of the National municipal league series, says that the book affords an admirable complement to John Nolen’s volume on “City planning” published earlier in the series.
+ | A L A Bkl 13:438 Jl ‘17 |
“The appropriateness, interest and novelty of his experiment justify the book in spite of some deficiencies in execution. These include a lack of proportion—the choice of illustrations—nearly always local and sometimes even personal; and the all pervading discussion of Walpole. These, it must be confessed, are faults natural to that town viewpoint which is the first requisite for a book of this kind.” C: M. Robinson
+ — | Am Pol Sci R 11:787 N ‘17 260w |
“The inclusion of this practical matter renders the book all the more useful as a guide to other communities seeking to rebuild themselves in a scientific and economical manner.”
+ | Dial 64:75 Ja 17 ‘18 260w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:88 Je ‘17 130w | ||
Pittsburgh 22:812 D ‘17 60w |
“The illustrations are effective and interesting.”
+ | R of Rs 56:327 S ‘17 70w |
“The spirit animating the book is that of a broad, fraternal liberalism which is entitled to be regarded as progressive in the best sense. ... The foreword is a vigorous protest against the evils of individualism, especially as found in the manufacturing classes and as embodied in the industrial village.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 Jl 22 ‘17 1100w | |
Survey 39:46 O 13 ‘17 220w |
BIRDSALL, RALPH. Story of Cooperstown. il $1.50 M. F. Augur, Cooperstown, N.Y. 974.7 17-18707
Mr Birdsall is the rector of Christ church, Cooperstown, where Cooper worshipped and within whose grounds he was buried. A circumstantial account is given of Cooper’s life in the village, and many pages are devoted to the subject of the originals of the most famous characters in his novels. The book also gives the history of Cooperstown and its inhabitants from Indian days to the present time.
“Contains many photographic illustrations.” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p7 Ag 1 ‘17 1150w |
“Books about Cooperstown there have been in some numbers, one of them by Cooper himself, which he called ‘Chronicles,’ but this and others deal with the smaller and less generally interesting facts. Mr Birdsall’s book stands quite apart from any of these. It abounds not so much in the simple annals of an old and somewhat aristocratic community, as in sketches of important men and picturesque events, that give to the book much wider value. ... The style has distinct originality and is notable for its literary quality.”
+ | Lit D 55:33 Ag 18 ‘17 1300w |
“The author has done his work well and has made as human and as interesting a book of that kind as any one could wish.”
+ | N Y Times 22:279 Jl 29 ‘17 1100w | |
+ | R of Rs 57:104 Ja ‘18 30w |
BIZZELL, WILLIAM BENNETT. Social teachings of the Jewish prophets: a study in Biblical sociology. *$1.25 (2c) Sherman, French & co. 224 16-23121
The author says, “This volume is the outgrowth of studies begun in the University of Chicago several years ago, and since made use of in a series of lectures delivered to college students and instructors. The approach to the study of prophetic literature from the social point of view has aroused a genuine interest, but the fact that I could find no book that exactly met the requirements made the instruction somewhat difficult.” This book, based on the best works of modern scholarship, will doubtless meet the needs of others planning similar courses. The general plan is to present the life and teachings of each of the prophets against his historical background, for it is assumed that “the social message of the Jewish prophet was intended for his own times.” The author is president of the Agricultural and mechanical college of Texas.
“We are almost led to doubt whether the author knows anything about either biblical or sociological science. ... What we have here is an uncritical use of critical tools. On top of the lamentable deficiency in scientific method the book is swamped beneath a host of inexcusable errors in spelling and the like.”
— | Bib World 49:379 Je ‘17 250w | |
+ — | Dial 63:534 N 22 ‘17 100w | |
Pittsburgh 22:436 My ‘17 20w |
“For those who wish to revalue the teachings of the Judaic prophets, this book meets a real need.”
+ | R of Rs 56:554 N ‘17 80w | |
St Louis 15:47 F ‘17 12w |
BLACKMORE, SIMON AUGUSTINE.[2] Riddles of Hamlet and the newest answers. il *$2 Stratford co. 822.3 18-2484
The only apologia a writer needs for the appearance of a new interpretation of Hamlet is that the interest inherent in the tragedy is 52perennial. Hamlet is examined in this study not only as a drama, but as an ethical treatise in which the characters and the problems in the play are shown in their relation to Shakespeare’s religious and social affiliations. The first part is preliminary and deals with such questions as the invalidity of Gertrude’s marriage, Hamlet’s right to the crown, his feigned madness, his commonly alleged vacillation and defective power of will, his character, his religion and philosophy. The second part is the commentary proper. It takes up the drama, scene by scene, analyzing the thought and purpose and Shakespeare’s pertinent allusions. An appendix contains a “Note on the doctrine of repentance and justification in relation to the conflict of the king at prayer.”
+ | Cath World 106:691 F ‘18 250w |
BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON. Day and night stories. *$1.50 Dutton 17-21793
“These fifteen stories are of varying length, and in each of them is some phase of that form of mysticism which Mr Blackwood has made the basis of all his fiction. Their mystic quality is, however, as variable as their length. ... Now and then they touch the mythology and the religions of bygone ages; now and then they are wholly of the immediate hour.” (Boston Transcript) Contents: The tryst; The touch of Pan; The wings of Horus; Initiation; A desert episode; The other wing; The occupant of the room; Cain’s atonement; An Egyptian hornet; By water; H. S. H.; A bit of wood; A victim of higher space; Transition; The tradition.
“It is probably coincidence that the title of this book has already been used for two volumes of more or less creepy stories by Mr T. R. Sullivan, published in the early nineties. Mr Blackwood’s fancies are to my mind more effective in these brief sketches than in the long-drawn narratives of ‘Julius Le Vallon’ and ‘The wave.’” H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 46:207 O ‘17 310w |
“Especially notable in this collection are two stories entitled, ‘The occupant of the room’ and ‘By water.’” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ag 22 ‘17 1750w |
“The present volume is not one that can be regarded with very warm hopes for the author’s permanence in literature. Certainly such a tale as ‘The touch of Pan’ is not worthy of a place in any volume.”
– + | Cath World 106:407 D ‘17 320w |
“Mr Blackwood is undeniably a master of style—one not only rich and wonderful in itself, but also admirably adapted to his bizarre stories.”
+ | Dial 63:532 N 22 ‘17 160w |
“The ‘Stories’ have the author’s usual unusualness. No one else could write with the restrained art which always seems about to lift the curtain between man and the unseen, yet always leaves us with a sense of mystery and of Isis faintly guessed at thru many veils.”
+ | Ind 91:514 S 29 ‘17 50w |
“No one of these stories equals the half dozen tales, scattered through different volumes, which represent the high-water mark of Mr Blackwood’s production. ... That reincarnation theory, which forms the cornerstone of so much of Mr Blackwood’s fiction, is the main theme of ‘Cain’s atonement’—a story of the present war. ... Two of the most characteristic stories in the volume are ‘Initiation’ and ‘H. S. H.,’ both tales of the mountain solitudes.”
+ — | NY Times 22:310 Ag 26 ‘17 1100w |
“We have often commented on the imaginative quality of Mr Blackwood’s work. These mystical tales have that quality in a pre-eminent degree. Like his former stories, they possess distinct literary value.”
+ | Outlook 117:100 S 19 ‘17 30w |
“The book is seasoned with one humorous tale.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p92 F 22 ‘17 650w |
BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON. The wave; an Egyptian aftermath. *$1.50 (1c) Dutton 16-24201
From childhood he had been haunted by a wave. It rose behind him, advanced, curled over from the crest, but did not fall. Sometimes it came as a waking obsession, sometimes as a dream. His father, a learned psychologist with inclinations toward Freud, tries to explain it, but the Freudian hypothesis is inadequate. Associated with the wave, is a strange perfume, identified afterwards as Egyptian. The recurring experience follows him into manhood, affecting his life and his relations to men and women. Certain persons are borne to him on the crest of the wave, as it were. These always become of significance in his life. Of them are Lettice Aylmer and his cousin Tony. Later in Egypt, these three act out a drama which seems to be a repetition of something they have experienced before. It is here that Tom Kelverdon’s wave rises to its full height and breaks, but it does not overwhelm him.
“On the whole, Mr Blackwood maintains, though he does not strengthen, our good opinion of his imaginativeness and power of evoking the beautiful.”
+ | Ath p544 N ‘16 150w |
“Mr Blackwood knows how to give these stories of reincarnation an effect beyond mere creepiness. But his method is so leisurely that he is often ‘slow,’ in the sense of dull and long-drawn-out; and his manner is formal and ponderous and unleavened by humour: common frailties of philosophical romance.” H. W. Boynton
+ — | Bookm 45:207 Ap ‘17 480w |
“Never before has Mr Blackwood written a novel that comes so close to the real things of life as ‘The wave,’ It touches persistently upon the supernatural, but its visions are wholly subjective.” E. F. E.
+ + | Boston Transcript p8 F 21 ‘17 1400w | |
+ | Ind 89:556 Mr 26 ‘17 200w | |
+ — | Nation 104:368 Mr 29 ‘17 430w |
“One’s strongest impression on closing this book is that of beauty—beauty alike of style and of spirit. The glory of words, the grandeur that was Egypt, the splendor of a brave and loving human soul—these are the very substance of this fascinating volume.”
+ + | N Y Times 22:47 F 11 ‘17 950w |
“A strange and unusual book, full of insight and imagination. It is the work of a very delicate literary craftsman, who is a past master in the art of elusive suggestion.”
+ | Sat R 123:40 Ja 13 ‘17 500w |
“With the characteristic Blackwood mystery to help, the book is rich in excitement and experience.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p488 O 12 ‘16 450w |
BLAISDELL, ALBERT FRANKLIN, and BALL, FRANCIS KINGSLEY. American history for little folks. il *75c (2c) Little 973 17-25786
This book, adapted for use in the third school grade, is intended as an introduction to “The American history story-book” and other more advanced works by the authors. The aim has been to choose some of the more dramatic and picturesque events and to relate them in a simple and easy style. A partial list of contents follows: Columbus, the sailor; The sea of darkness; The hero of Virginia; Seeking a new home; Captain Miles Standish; Dark days in New England; The Dutch in New York; William Penn, the Quaker; A famous tea party; Polly Daggett saves the flagpole; Peggy White calls on Lord Cornwallis.
Reviewed by J: Walcott
Bookm 46:496 D ‘17 50w |
BLANCHARD, RALPH HARRUB. Liability and compensation insurance. il *$2 Appleton 331.82 17-24252
A textbook which presents the results of the workmen’s compensation movement in the United States in terms of legislative and insurance 53practice, and explains the industrial accident problem and the development of liability and compensation principles as a background for the comprehension of present problems. The book is divided into three parts: Industrial accidents and their prevention; Employers’ liability and workmen’s compensation; Employers’ liability and workmen’s compensation insurance.
“Mr Blanchard covers the entire field in a very fair way, though it is evident that he does so in the professor’s study rather than from the ground of practical experience. The insurance feature is especially well covered.”
+ — | Dial 63:534 N 22 ‘17 170w |
“The author deals with the state compensation acts, and the stock company, mutual and state fund methods of insuring the payment of such compensation. He concludes that, because of insufficient data, a choice among these three methods cannot be made at present. The author misses the determining factor in such a choice. This is, that the most desirable method of taking care of industrial accident losses is that which does most to prevent such losses.”
— | Engin News-Rec 79:1170 D 20 ‘17 240w |
“In the presentation of the insurance problem an important and timely contribution has been made.” E. S. Gray
+ | J Pol Econ 25:1050 D ‘17 250w |
“It should appeal primarily to teachers and students of insurance, but it contains much information of interest to the business man and the intelligent general reader as well.”
+ | Nation 106:122 Ja 31 ‘18 360w |
“The subject is presented both broadly and well. The point is not shirked that the subject in some aspects is controversial. In such cases both sides are presented, as the author’s intention is to give information rather than judgment.”
+ | N Y Times 22:497 N 25 ‘17 230w |
“The author has to be commended for the clearness and conciseness of statement and helpful bibliographic notes. On the other hand it must, like most text-books, be dogmatic, and one fails to get the impression from reading the book how much is still controversial in the field of compensation. ... One is somewhat inclined to question the wisdom of the printing of the New York compensation law as an appendix to the book. The New York act is not as typical as a good many other acts.” I. M. Rubinow
+ — | Survey 39:149 N 10 ‘17 350w |
BLAND, JOHN OTWAY PERCY. Li Hung-chang. (Makers of the nineteenth century) il *$2 (2c) Holt (Eng ed 17-26886)
Mr Bland is joint author of Backhouse and Bland’s “China under the Empress Dowager.” The introductory chapter of the present volume reviews the conditions existing in China at the outset of Li Hung-chang’s career. The author then gives a detailed account of Li’s life from childhood to his death in 1901, just after the Boxer rebellion, at the age of seventy-eight. He considers him as a Chinese official, as a diplomat, a naval and military administrator, and a statesman and politician, and concludes that Li’s chief claim to greatness lies in the fact that, at the time of the Taiping rebellion, he “grasped the vital significance of the impact of the West, and the necessity for reorganizing China’s system of government and national defences to meet it.” The biographer’s task, he tells us, has been complicated by the lack of any accurate Chinese account of Li’s career, and the untrustworthiness of Chinese official records. Moreover, the “Memoirs of the Viceroy Li Hung-chang,” published in 1913, were a “literary fraud.” The present work, therefore, is based largely upon the recorded opinions of independent and competent European observers. There is a bibliographical note of two pages, followed by a chronological table of events in Chinese history. The book is indexed.
“Mr Bland makes very clear to us the mingling elements in Li’s nature, showing how sometimes patriotism and sometimes self-interest stirred him most. ... By the time we reach Mr Bland’s final summing up of the character we realize how skilful has been his handling of the material and how vividly he has made us realize his impression of the great premier.” D. L. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p8 O 17 ‘17 900w | |
+ | Lit D 55:36 N 3 ‘17 950w |
“His treatment of his subject recalls a time when familiarity with life at the treaty ports was enough literary capital for the ordinary authority on Chinese affairs and real acquaintance with their history and ideas was left to the missionaries. ... No new material about Li has been unearthed, no advance has been made towards obtaining Chinese estimates of the man, no approach towards any but an Englishman’s point of view is attempted. ... On the other hand, it is fair to add that the book is easily read and that it portrays a rather splendid type of the oriental viceroy.”
– + | Nation 105:488 N 1 ‘17 1500w |
“Excellent biography.”
+ | N Y Times 22:501 N 25 ‘17 1000w |
“The really significant services that Li Hung Chang rendered to his race are clearly set forth in this volume by a writer who has had good opportunities to study China and the Chinese at first hand.”
+ | R of Rs 56:551 N ‘17 120w |
“If the provision of an adequate ‘setting’ is one of the difficulties to be encountered in limning Li Hung-chang’s career, another is the paucity of record. ... Mr Bland is to be congratulated upon the comprehensive narrative which he has succeeded in compiling.”
* | + – | The Times [London] Lit Sup p535 N 8 ‘17 1850w |
BLATHWAYT, RAYMOND. Through life and round the world; being the story of my life. il *$3.50 Dutton 17-23043
Mr Blathwayt is a British journalist who has traveled widely and has made a specialty of the art of interviewing. Before taking up journalism, he served as a curate in Trinidad, in the East End of London, and in an English village. He believes himself to be the first to adapt the American “interview” to English manners. Among those interviewed by him are William Black, Thomas Hardy, Hall Caine, Grant Allen, William Dean Howells, Thomas Bailey Aldrich, and Oliver Wendell Holmes.
“Illustrated from photographs and from drawings by Mortimer Menpes.” E. F. E.
Boston Transcript p7 Ag 8 ‘17 800w |
“So many aspects of English life and examples of English character are included in Mr Blathwayt’s book that it forms a reminiscential commentary upon the journalistic and literary world of London during the past thirty years.” E. F. E.
Boston Transcript p6 Ag 11 ‘17 900w |
“The book is a veritable gold mine for the after-dinner speaker, for it is besprinkled with quotable anecdotes.”
+ | Dial 64:30 Ja 3 ‘18 250w |
“His book abounds in what Mr Leacock calls ‘aristocratic anecdotes,’ platitudinous reflections, and ‘fine writing.’ His naïve confessions as a curate help to explain the spiritual deadness and professionalism of the Church of England; they might well be used as illustrative footnotes to ‘The soul of a bishop.’”
— | Nation 105:610 N 29 ‘17 190w |
“It is very entertaining, as engaging a book of reminiscence as has been put before the public in many a day.”
+ | N Y Times 22:293 Ag 12 ‘17 1200w |
“Mr Blathwayt is a born raconteur. Particularly good are his descriptions of his life as a young curate and as an almost penniless wanderer in Connecticut.”
+ | Outlook 117:26 S 5 ‘17 70w | |
Sat R 123:436 My 12 ‘17 820w |
54“All his admiration of Captain Marryat and of Mrs Radcliffe has not taught him to spell their names right. He misquotes with the utmost facility. ... Here is a writer who has made livelihood and reputation by writing, yet has never mastered the elementary rules of the art. ... His book is frequently, though not constantly entertaining; but it would be much less entertaining than it is without the innocence of its author’s self-revelation.”
– + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p198 Ap 26 ‘17 950w |
BLEACKLEY, HORACE WILLIAM. Life of John Wilkes. il *$5 (3½c) Lane 17-24876
This is a scholarly account, based to a great extent on original documents of the English politician, publicist and political agitator, who, “from 1764 to 1780 was the central figure not only of London but of England.” (Sat R)
“Mr Bleackley has executed his task in a scholarly and interesting manner, and his book forms an acceptable supplement to Lecky. ... The numerous illustrations are a valuable feature of the book.”
+ | Ath p419 Ag ‘17 160w |
“Remarkable as the career of John Wilkes confessedly was, and undeniably interesting as this biography is, in spite of Mr Bleackley’s literary skill its final impression is not good. If, as we are told, none ‘of his contemporaries influenced more powerfully the spirit of the age,’ that spirit must have been grossly immoral to condone his immoral grossness.”
– + | Lit D 55:44 N 17 ‘17 240w |
“Mr Bleackley has found a subject well suited to his talent in this profoundly interesting historical study.”
+ | N Y Times 22:417 O 21 ‘17 550w | |
+ | Outlook 117:184 O 3 ‘17 50w |
“This is one of the best biographies that have appeared for a long time. Mr Bleackley has read and rifled nearly all the memoirs, manuscripts, diaries, letters, newspapers of the period, and we have not read a more erudite and conscientious treatment of a controversial subject. ... He treats his hero with the benevolent impartiality of the scientific historian.”
* | + + | Sat R 124:sup4 Jl 7 ‘17 1200w |
“Mr Bleackley has given us a most interesting book. ... He has put before himself the task of proving that a man who wrought so much for liberty was himself a great man and a lover of the cause for which he fought. We allow that Wilkes had genius of a sort, but doubt whether he really cared two pins about the rights of constituencies, or the illegality of general warrants, or the liberty of the press. He fought for John Wilkes, and in fighting for him achieved results of wide constitutional importance.”
* | Spec 119:167 Ag 18 ‘17 1500w |
“The language is journalistic. ... As a picture of 17th-century England in its most corrupt and licentious phases the book has some historical value, though it is too often written in the language of gossip rather than history. ... The book has its faults—particularly its emphasis upon Wilkes’s mistresses—but the evidence is well documented. ... It is to be regretted that a career so closely connected with American independence should be treated to so great an extent as the subject of a record of private vices. ... There is much biographical and historical matter in it of genuine interest.”
– + | Springf’d Republican p15 S 23 ‘17 1050w |
“Mr Bleackley enumerates a good many of those who have included Wilkes in their historical canvases. ... An essay by Fraser Rae preceded Trevelyan’s description in his rainbow-tinted history of Charles James Fox, and later came a biography in two volumes by Percy Fitzgerald. Praise is reiterated of the excellent monograph by J. M. Rigg in the ‘Dictionary of national biography’; but so far as we see, no mention is made of by far the most judicial and philosophic account of the transactions in which Wilkes was conspicuous in Lecky’s ‘History of England in the eighteenth century.’ ... His style is a little arid, but his ripened power of research, his patience and diligence in sifting material, combine to furnish a truly notable portrait. ... The historical background shows a great advance upon any of his preceding work. ... The volume is very well finished, the references (largely to Mss.) overwhelming, the illustrations well-chosen, the errata scrupulous, the index complete.”
* | + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p318 Jl 5 ‘17 2050w |
BLUMENTHAL, DANIEL.[2] Alsace-Lorraine. map *75c (7c) Putnam 943.4
“A study of the relations of the two provinces to France and to Germany and a presentation of the just claims of their people.” The author, an Alsatian by birth, has been deputy from Strasbourg in the Reichstag, senator from Alsace-Lorraine, and mayor of the city of Colmar. The book has an introduction by Douglas Wilson Johnson of Columbia university, who says, “The problem of Alsace-Lorraine is in a very real sense an American problem.”
“There is no more moving recent plea for the restoration of Alsace-Lorraine than this little volume.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ja 9 ‘18 200w |
BLUNDELL, MARY E. (SWEETMAN) (MRS FRANCIS BLUNDELL) (M. E. FRANCIS, pseud.). Dark Rosaleen. *$1.35 (1c) Kenedy A17-1416
A story of modern Ireland. In a study of the relationship between two families, the author gives an epitome of the situation that exists in Ireland between Catholics and Protestants. Hector McTavish’s father is a fanatical Scotch Presbyterian, but since he grows up in a Catholic community, Hector makes friends with the children of that church. Patsy Burke is his dearest playmate and Honor Burke is to him a foster mother. Fearing these influences, the father takes the boy away and, when he returns thirteen years later, it is to find Patsy an ordained priest and Patsy’s little sister, Norah, grown into sweet womanhood. The love between Hector and Norah, their marriage and the birth of their child leads to tragedy. But, in the child, the author sees a symbol of hope for the new Ireland.
“The author has not written a thesis novel, but a touching tale of what she feels and loves.”
+ | Cath World 105:259 My ‘17 130w |
“There is nothing intolerant in the spirit of this very thrilling book.”
+ | N Y Times 22:166 Ap 29 ‘17 550w |
BODART, GASTON, and KELLOGG, VERNON LYMAN. Losses of life in modern wars; ed. by Harald Westergaard. *$2 Oxford 172.4 16-20885
“It is the function of the Division of economics and history of the Carnegie endowment for international peace, under the direction of Professor J. B. Clark, to promote a thorough and scientific investigation of the causes and results of war. ... The first volume resulting from these studies contains two reports upon investigations carried on in furtherance of this plan. The first, by Mr Gaston Bodart, deals with the ‘Losses of life in modern wars: Austria-Hungary, France.’ The second, by Professor Vernon L. Kellogg, is a preliminary report and discussion of ‘Military selection and race deterioration.’ ... Professor Kellogg marshals his facts to expose the dysgenic effects of war in military selection, which exposes the strongest and sturdiest young men to destruction and for the most part leaves the weaklings to perpetuate the race. He cites statistics to prove an actual measurable, physical deterioration in stature in France due apparently to military selection. ... To these dysgenic aspects of militarism the author adds the appalling racial deterioration resulting from venereal diseases.”—Dial
Am Hist R 22:702 Ap ‘17 450w |
55 | ||
+ | A L A Bkl 13:196 F ‘17 |
“The work is a candid and sane discussion of both sides of this very important aspect of militarism.”
+ | Dial 61:401 N 16 ‘16 390w |
“It would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of this original and authoritative study into the actual facts of war.”
+ | Educ R 52:528 D ‘16 70w |
BOGARDUS, EMORY STEPHEN. Introduction to sociology. $1.50 University of Southern California press, 3474 University av., Los Angeles, Cal. 302 17-21833
The author who is professor of sociology in the University of Southern California offers this textbook as an introduction not only to sociology in its restricted sense but to the entire field of the social sciences. He presents the political and economic factors in social progress not only from a sociological point of view but in such a way that the student will want to continue along political science or economic lines. It is the aim to stimulate and to direct social interest to law, politics and business. He discusses the population basis of social progress, the geographic, biologic and psychologic bases as well; social progress as affected by genetic, hygienic, recreative, economic, political, ethical, esthetic, intellectual, religious, and associative factors. A closing chapter surveys the scientific outlook for social progress.
“The advantage of Professor Bogardus’s method is that it brings to bear in a simple, elementary way a great mass of pertinent facts.”
+ | Dial 63:596 D 6 ‘17 150w |
“The author does not, perhaps, distinguish clearly enough between the sociological and the social points of view.” B. L.
+ — | Survey 39:202 N 24 ‘17 240w |
BOGEN, BORIS D. Jewish philanthropy; an exposition of principles and methods of Jewish social service in the United States. *$2 Macmillan 360 17-15182
“The entire field of Jewish social service, both theoretic and practical, is here discussed by a man who has been engaged in it for about twenty-five years as educator, settlement head, relief agent, and now field secretary of the National conference of Jewish charities. ... The author points out that the pre-eminent Jewish contribution to social service in this country is the ‘federation idea.’ By federating their charities, the Jews succeeded in uniting communities, in raising more funds to carry on work more adequately; they have prevented duplication of effort, conserved energies and eliminated waste.” (Survey) The book has an eight-page bibliography.
A L A Bkl 14:40 N ‘17 |
“No one perhaps is better qualified to discuss with authority the subject of Jewish philanthropy than Dr Boris D. Bogen, of Cincinnati. Himself a Russian by birth and early training, he speaks concerning the immigrant with a thoroughness born of intimate and empiric knowledge, supplemented by years of accurate and exhaustive study.” A. A. Benesch
+ | Am Pol Sci R 11:785 N ‘17 580w |
“Once in a while the author makes a sweeping statement without citing authorities. There are two serious drawbacks to the usefulness of the work. One is the constant use of Hebrew words, which are usually not translated or are mistranslated. Any future work of this character should have a glossary of such Hebrew words as part of its appendix. The other is the chapter on Standards of relief, which ought to have been the most important, received the most scant attention. But all in all, the book is a splendid piece of work.” Eli Mayer
+ — | Ann Am Acad 74:303 N ‘17 400w | |
Cleveland p107 S ‘17 10w | ||
+ | Ind 92:109 O 13 ‘17 110w |
“The book contains a great mass of information regarding various Jewish philanthropies, although no attempt is made to present statistical matter in a formal way.”
R of Rs 56:441 O ‘17 50w |
“Dr Bogen’s book is wide in scope and will be found useful as a handbook for non-Jewish as well as for Jewish social workers.” Oscar Leonard
+ | Survey 38:532 S 15 ‘17 500w |
BOIRAC, ÉMILE. Our hidden forces (“La psychologie inconnue”); an experimental study of the psychic sciences; tr. and ed., with an introd., by W. de Kerlor. il *$2 (3c) Stokes 130 17-13485
This work, translated from the French, is based on investigations in a field to which scientists of note in the United States, with the exception of William James, have given little attention, that of psychic phenomena. In France, on the other hand, the translator assures us, such investigations, have made such progress as to gain national recognition. The book is based on experimental studies and consists of collected papers that were written during the period from 1893 to 1903. Animal magnetism in the light of new investigations, Mesmerism and suggestion, The provocation of sleep at a distance, The colors of human magnetism, The scientific study of spiritism, etc., are among the subjects.
“Professor Émile Boirac, rector of the Academy of Dijon, France, and author of this book, is an acknowledged leader of thought in matters both psychological and psychic. He has devoted many years to studying the problems pertaining to life and death, and this present book was awarded the prize in a contest to which many of the leading psychologists contributed. ... Though a scientific book, it is not without attraction for the lay reader.”
+ | Boston Transcript p7 Je 13 ‘17 320w | |
Cleveland p91 Jl ‘17 30w | ||
N Y Br Lib News 4:93 Je ‘17 | ||
+ | R of Rs 56:106 Jl ‘17 80w |
BOLIN, JAKOB. Gymnastic problems; with an introd. by Earl Barnes. il *$1.50 (4c) Stokes 613.7 17-12150
This book by the late Professor Bolin of the University of Utah has been prepared for publication by a group of his associates, who feel that the work is “one of the most important contributions to the subject of gymnastics which has been written in English.” In the first chapter the author discusses the relation of gymnastic exercise to physical training in general. His own position is that the aim of gymnastics is hygienic in a special sense, its object being to counteract the evils of one sided activity. The remaining chapters are devoted to: The principle of gymnastic selection; The principle of gymnastic totality; The principle of gymnastic unity; The composition of the lesson; Progression; General considerations of method.
“Of value to all teachers of physical education and to those interested in healthful efficiency.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:10 O ‘17 |
BONNER, GERALDINE (HARD PAN, pseud.). Treasure and trouble therewith. il *$1.50 (1½c) Appleton 17-21974
“After the opening scene, which pictures a hold-up and robbery of a Wells-Fargo stage coach in the California mountains, the story drops into more conventional lines of romance. The robbery, which is the act of two rough prospectors, is the prelude to the social experiences in San Francisco of a familiar type of cosmopolitan adventurer. He is little better than a tramp when he discovers the robbers’ cache. He makes off with the gold and conceals it near San Francisco. Being well-born and educated, though thoroughly unscrupulous, he finds an easy entrance to San Francisco society.” (Springf’d Republican) The rest of the book gives the story of his life in the city. The California earthquake of 1906 plays an important part in the story.
56 | ||
+ | A L A Bkl 14:59 N ‘17 |
“Geraldine Bonner has a good plot in ‘Treasure and trouble therewith,’ although not an especially attractive one. ... All her pictures of California are vivid and sympathetic, but the character drawing is unskilful.”
+ — | N Y Evening Post p3 O 13 ‘17 80w |
“Miss Bonner has endeavored, with commendable success, to combine realism with the stirring incidents and dramatic situations of the story of plot and action. Especially good are the chapters which deal with the earthquake.”
+ | N Y Times 22:311 Ag 26 ‘17 770w |
“In spite of the complete lack of plausibility, the book affords a certain measure of diversion.”
– + | Springf’d Republican p15 S 16 ‘17 300w |
BOSANKO, W. Collecting old lustre ware. (Collectors’ pocket ser.) il *75c (3½c) Doran 738 A17-1002
The editor in his preface says that he believes this to be the first book on old English lustre ware ever published. He adds: “Yet there are many collectors of old lustre ware; it still abounds, there is plenty of it to hunt for, and prices are not yet excessive. By the aid of this informative book and the study of museum examples a beginner may equip himself well, and may take up this hobby hopefully, certain of finding treasures.” There are over forty-five illustrations.
A L A Bkl 13:436 Jl ‘17 |
“Simple, practical handbook.”
+ | Cleveland p97 Jl ‘17 20w | |
N Y Br Lib News 5:75 My ‘17 20w | ||
+ | R of Rs 56:220 Ag ‘17 50w |
BOSANQUET, BERNARD. Social and international ideals. *$2.25 Macmillan 304 (Eng ed 17-28213)
“This volume is a collection of essays, reviews, and lectures, all of which, with one exception, were published before the war, and most of which on the face of them reveal that fact. ... Though the contents of the volume seem at first sight to be fortuitously put together, there runs through them unity of spirit, thought, purpose, and manner.” (The Times [London] Lit Sup Jl 12 ‘17) “Most of the pages (14 out of 17 are reprinted from the Charity Organization Review) discuss the principles which should govern our handling of social problems with the view of displaying ‘the organizing power which belongs to a belief in the supreme values—beauty, truth, kindness, for example—and how a conception of life which has them for its good is not unpractical.’” (The Times [London] Lit Sup Je 21 ‘17)
“We may single out, as of special importance in this new volume, Mr Bosanquet’s idea of the growth of individuality and his idea of the structure of political society. In the chapter on ‘Optimism’ he points out that the mistake of its opponents is the acceptance of their momentary experience as final. ... Criticism, confined to a few sentences, must obviously be inadequate. ... If there are omissions in Mr Bosanquet’s analysis of fact, his ideal also appears to be too simple.”
+ | Ath p398 Ag ‘17 950w |
“It is a great privilege to listen to a wise man and a real logician, who is at once a wit and a humanitarian. Dr Bosanquet was not for nothing a fellow in moderations. The whole book is full of sound common sense.”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 Ja 19 ‘18 600w | |
Cleveland p135 D ‘17 60w |
“Written in a strain of reasoned optimism.” M. J.
+ | Int J Ethics 28:291 Ja ‘18 200w |
“Here we have the precious kernel of wisdom in the hard nut of paradox. No doubt, justice and kindness, beauty and truth are the things that matter most, and it is no small service to direct our thoughts once again to them. But how to embody and realize them in the maze and tangle of our actual world, that is a problem apparently too great for any single thinker.” R. F. A. H.
+ — | New Repub 13:353 Ja 19 ‘18 1850w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p299 Je 21 ‘17 130w |
“If we are tempted to say that these pages show his aptitude for making simple things look difficult, they reveal also the meaning of life. They disclose to those living the humblest of lives that they may enter if they will—the door is ever open—to regions the highest and purest. ... If the book contained nothing else than some of the observations in the last chapters as to true pacifism and patriotism, it would make every reader its debtor.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p326 Jl 12 ‘17 1800w |
BOSSCHÈRE, JEAN DE, il. Christmas tales of Flanders. il *$3 Dodd 398
Popular Christmas tales current in Flanders and Brabant, translated by M. C. O. Morris, and spiritedly illustrated partly in color and partly in black and white by Jean de Bosschère.
“The engaging color-work of Mr de Bosschère is full of brilliancy, and makes of this Christmas book a rich gift from a country now sorely stricken.”
+ | Lit D 55:53 D 8 ‘17 50w |
“A very charming book for young people, and so interestingly illustrated that their elders will find it almost equally attractive. All the pictures have humor, dexterity, force, and appreciation of character.”
+ | N Y Times 22:514 D 2 ‘17 70w |
“This handsome and well-illustrated book is one of the most attractive we have seen this season. ... Some of the drawings seem to us a little scratchy, but they will all be clear to a child. They lack the tortured straining after originality and the purposeful ugliness which modern art has occasionally thrust upon the nursery.”
+ — | Sat R 124:sup10 D 8 ‘17 280w | |
Spec 119:sup628 D 1 ‘17 330w |
“The stories are sometimes abrupt in their inconclusiveness; homely and almost entirely unromantic. Sometimes a disagreeable hint of cynicism obtrudes itself; but this may have been left on our minds by the association with M. de Bosschère’s illustrations. They are completely unsuited to their purpose.”
– + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p621 D 13 ‘17 200w |
BOSTWICK, ARTHUR ELMORE. American public library. il *$1.75 (2c) Appleton 020 17-17641
This is a new edition, revised and brought up to date, of a book written by the librarian of the St Louis public library and first published seven years ago. “As a matter of mechanical necessity, no doubt, the revisions and additions have limited themselves to such changes as could be made, here and there, without requiring any considerable resetting or recasting of the pages, so that the former pagination is retained, except that two pages have been added to the index. The table of contents of the first edition has also been reprinted without change, though a few of its details do not apply to the new edition, and a few details in the new edition find no place in the reprinted table of contents. Among alterations made necessary by recent developments, several of importance arrest attention in the chapter on ‘The library and the state.’ A useful list of American library periodicals takes the place of the old list of library clubs.” (Dial)
A L A Bkl 14:66 N ‘17 |
“The only comprehensive manual in its special field.”
+ + — | Dial 63:468 N 8 ‘17 220w |
BOTHWELL-GOSSE, A. Civilization of the ancient Egyptians. (Through the eye ser.) il *$2 (7c) Stokes 913.32 17-1644
The motto of the series to which this book belongs is “Look and understand.” A publisher’s note has this to say of the purpose of the 57series: “Its central idea is the treatment of subjects of general interest in a plain manner, relying to a large extent on a profusion of illustration to elucidate the text.” There are over 150 illustrations in the present volume, accompanied by descriptive text, with chapters on: The Egyptians, their temperament and domestic life; Education; Professions and occupations; Amusements; Architecture—pyramids and temples; Sculpture and painting; Science—engineering skill; Medicine; Science—astronomy; Government and laws; Religion; Literature.
“Of value chiefly for its excellent illustrations.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:349 My ‘17 |
“Special attention is given to ancient home life.”
+ | Pratt p32 Jl ‘17 10w |
BOTTOME, PHYLLIS. Derelict. il *$1.35 (2c) Century 17-14180
“The derelict” is a story that has been running as a serial in the Century Magazine this year. It is a study of the situation that results from the efforts of a well-meaning young woman to rescue a girl from the underworld. Emily Dering, engaged to Geoffrey Amberley, intentionally throws her protégé in his way. It is part of her program for Fanny’s reform, and when the girl suddenly turns about and goes back to her old life, she of course does not understand the nobility of purpose that lay back of the act. The story, which is only a long short story, is followed by seven others, also reprinted from the Century: The liqueur glass; “Mademoiselle l’Anglaise”; An awkward turn; The syren’s isle; “Ironstone”; The pace; Brother Leo.
“Of all the stories in this excellent collection of eight, ‘The liqueur glass’ seems to one reader at least by far the best—not only the best of these, but outstanding among the myriad output of the year.” F. A. G.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Je 13 ‘17 530w |
“The things that pleased us in ‘The dark tower’ were its economy of utterance and its simple relation of a story whose characters made its telling worth while. In this connection the only story that is really worth the reader’s attention—judged by Phyllis Bottome’s own standard of work—is the title piece.”
+ — | Dial 63:73 Jl 19 ‘17 100w |
“Miss Bottome’s manner is of the well-bred school, with a family resemblance to Mrs Wharton’s and Miss Sedgwick’s, her work has the finish and proportion which, in fiction as elsewhere, are the reward of the artist in contrast with the improvisator.”
+ | Nation 105:370 O 4 ‘17 400w |
“A strong and piquant flavor of personality breathes from all her pages and gives to them a unique tang—something that is always a blessed thing to find in fiction of any sort.”
+ | N Y Times 22:206 My 27 ‘17 720w |
“With one or two exceptions they have grim and tragic plot-ideas, but the author has a sense of humor and her art is of the finest. ‘The liqueur glass,’ for instance, might have been written by Edmond de Goncourt.”
+ | Outlook 116:304 Je 20 ‘17 50w |
BOTTOME, PHYLLIS. Second fiddle. il *$1.35 (2c) Century 17-28800
“You know, a secretary is a kind of second fiddle. ... I like being a second fiddle.” So speaks Stella Waring, secretary for seven years to Professor Paulson, the great naturalist, and later to Mr Leslie Travers, expert accountant. Stella’s father was a dreamy antiquarian, and her mother a gentlewoman who “did not manage anything and when she was very unhappy said she was in tune with the infinite.” So the three girls, Eurydice, the “suppressed artist,” Cicely, who studied medicine, and Stella, had to fend for themselves. The story concerns itself mainly with the business life and the love affairs of Stella, more especially her affair with Sir Julian Verny, who is invalided home from the front.
+ | A L A Bkl 14:129 Ja ‘18 |
“The tale is told with Miss Bottome’s customary fluency and charm: Stella stands out as the living and original characterisation of the book.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 46:491 D ‘17 190w |
“The chief charm of the story is in the telling—the dash, the sparkle, the ready humor, and the quick, fine understanding.” R. T. P.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 N 10 ‘17 1150w |
“It is a pity that Phyllis Bottome should waste her efforts on intellectual cream-puffs. A great deal of the psychology in ‘The second fiddle’ is accurate; but where could such happy endings possibly evolve? And how could one lovely, normal girl be all but surrounded by a set of caricatures.”
— | Dial 63:463 N 8 ‘17 110w |
“For the human development of ‘The second fiddle’ is based upon the sound, and often neglected, psychological fact that sympathy is not pity; that out of love and understanding—and out of nothing else in the world—do human beings raise their hurt comrades from pain and defeat to human brotherhood and sanity and triumph once more. That is the theme of ‘The second fiddle.’ And it is that that lifts the book from the conventionality of its incident and the mere pleasantness of its romance to a place among novels that are not only readable but worth reading.”
+ | N Y Times 22:452 N 4 ‘17 670w |
“The great charm of the book—and its charm is not insignificant—lies in the unfolding of Stella’s personality, in delicious bits of humor tucked in like little surprises, and in most human love-making!” Doris Webb
+ | Pub W 92:1374 O 20 ‘17 330w |
“The author supplies a certain note of pathos, offset by humor and pointed wit.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 D 9 ‘17 250w |
BOUCHIER, EDMUND SPENSER. Sardinia in ancient times. *$1.75 (4c) Longmans 937.9 17-23952
Sardinia merits attention, the author says, “alike for the primitive civilization of which the architectural and artistic remains are numerous and varied, for the flourishing Phœnician colonies which fringed the southern and western shores during several centuries, and for the proof here given of the stimulating and consolidating effect of Roman rule even amidst unpromising surroundings.” His account is carried down to the year 600, with chapters devoted to: The prehistoric age; Legendary history; The Carthaginian supremacy; Natural products and commerce; The republican province; Carales; The early empire; The chief cities of Sardinia; The later empire; Architecture and the arts; Religion.
“Mr Bouchier has essayed the difficult task of writing a technical work in a popular style. The scholar will long for more critical apparatus, the layman will be bewildered by scientific details. Still both will find much that is worth while and valuable.” J. J. V.
+ — | Am Hist R 23:208 O ‘17 400w | |
Ath p419 Ag ‘17 40w | ||
Cath World 105:830 S ‘17 100w |
“Mr Bouchier admits the insufficiency of materials, so far, for any complete history, but he does succeed in giving a fairly connected idea of the fortunes of the island and its people in rough outline.”
+ — | Nation 105:267 S 6 ‘17 250w |
“Mr Bouchier is doing useful work in writing monographs on the Roman provinces. After dealing with Spain and Syria, he has now summarized all that is known of ancient Sardinia.”
+ | Spec 118:733 Je 30 ‘17 110w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p206 My 3 ‘17 500w |
BOULTING, WILLIAM.[2] Giordano Bruno; his life, thought, and martyrdom. *$3.75 Dutton 17-13237
“It is not an exaggeration to say that in the writings of Giordano Bruno, one of the most amazingly fertile of thinkers, are to be found the germs of all subsequent vital philosophic 58thought. ... [In this biography] there are chapters that deal with his birth and parentage, with his boyhood, and with his monastic life in the south; there is a satisfactory account of his early reading (in the classics, in the scholastics, in the Neo-Platonists, and in the writings of contemporary thinkers) and of his first wanderings, which were an inevitable consequence of that reading; a chapter is devoted to an analysis of the budding philosophy of his early works; the renewed wanderings are recounted; the seven books printed in London are explained; the further travels are retold: the final books are outlined; and then the trial and death of the restless and daring thinker are described.”—Am Hist R
“Notable is this book, not only because of its subject, but also because unmistakably its preparation and writing have been a work of solicitude of the heart as well as solicitude of the mind. The book is admirable both in its plan and in its execution. The usefulness of the book would have been greatly increased had it been provided with a critical bibliography of the literature relating to Bruno.” E: M. Hulme
+ — | Am Hist R 23:376 Ja ‘18 900w |
“The volume contains a useful analysis of Bruno’s principal writings.”
+ | Ath p483 O ‘16 100w | |
Boston Transcript p10 O 13 ‘17 880w |
“Though we believe that Bruno’s philosophy has never before been so well interpreted, so popularized, in English as by Mr Boulting, it is the excellence of the portrait of the man himself which distinguishes this biography.”
+ — | N Y Times 23:5 Ja 6 ‘18 950w | |
Spec 117:sup605 N 18 ‘16 1850w |
“In our judgment Dr Boulting’s scholarship is scarcely equal to the task he has undertaken. He is laborious, painstaking, widely read in the literature both ancient and modern which is germane to his subject, and he is inspired with a genuine though somewhat wayward enthusiasm for it; but alike in his appreciation of Bruno’s thought and in his presentation of its relations to the thought of other thinkers, both before and after, he seems to us to be wanting in the ‘judicium’ and the restraint of the true scholar.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p484 O 12 ‘16 1700w |
BOURNE, RANDOLPH SILLIMAN. Education and living. *$1.25 (3c) Century 370.4 17-13424
Brief papers reprinted from the New Republic. Mr Bourne is author of a work on “The Gary schools.” He is also one of those disciples of John Dewey who are engaged in spreading the Dewey ideals of education thruout the land. They view education, not as a preparation for life, but as identical with living. Among the subjects under discussion are: Education and living; The self-conscious school; The wasted years; Puzzle—education; Learning out of school; Education in taste; Universal service and education; The schools from the outside; What is experimental education? Communities for children; Really public schools.
+ | A L A Bkl 13:427 Jl ‘17 | |
Cleveland p108 S ‘17 30w |
“The fairest, the most impartial, description of the numerous educational experiments now making in America. His marshalling of them is impressive; his review of them, concise, lucid, constructive. One may therefore assert that ‘Education and living’ is the best handbook for teachers that has thus far appeared. The only serious fault to be found with this book is that it is either too comprehensively titled or too exclusive in confining itself almost entirely to the grammar and the high schools. Furthermore, the author is too brief and cursory in his treatment of the colleges.” Bayard Boyesen
+ — | Dial 63:156 Ag 30 ‘17 1000w | |
+ | Ind 91:108 Jl 21 ‘17 100w |
R of Rs 56:440 O ‘17 40w |
“Mr Bourne has made some searching analyses of our imperfect education system. But he has allowed himself to echo many innuendoes neither convincing nor entirely pertinent.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p6 O 22 ‘17 800w |
BOUTROUX, ÉMILE.[2] Contingency of the laws of nature; tr. by Fred Rothwell. *$1.50 Open ct.
“This essay was presented as a thesis for a doctor’s degree to the Sorbonne by its author in 1874. Nearly fifty years have passed, and now it is brought into English with a special preface by the author. The two leading thoughts of the work may be stated in the language of its author. ‘The first is that philosophy should not confine itself to going over and over again the philosophical concepts offered us by the systems of our predecessors with the object of defining and combining them in more or less novel fashion: a thing that happens too frequently in the case of German philosophers.’ Philosophy, he holds, should keep itself in touch with the realities of nature and life; it should be grounded on the sciences. So he has sought to replace a philosophy essentially conceptual by one moulded upon reality. Secondly, to his mind all systems can be divided among three types, materialistic, idealistic and dualistic. He says: ‘These three points of view have this in common: they force us to regard as a chain of necessity, rendering illusory all life and liberty.’”—Boston Transcript
Boston Transcript p6 Ag 25 ‘17 430w |
“As long as M. Boutroux criticizes the assumption of an ultimate mechanical explanation of phenomena he is contributing to our understanding of experience. When he substitutes rather arbitrarily another ultimate he makes his argument lose most of its point.” J. R. K.
+ — | Int J Ethics 28:294 Ja ‘18 310w |
“This book abounds in shrewd insights and in keen criticisms of the half-baked monistic philosophy which underlies current popular science.” M. R. C.
+ — | New Repub 13:191 D 15 ‘17 1200w |
BOWEN, MARJORIE, pseud. (MRS GABRIELLE MARGARET [CAMPBELL] COSTANZO). William, by the grace of God. 2d ed *$1.50 Dutton 18-83
“A story of the rising of the Netherlands against Philip II of Spain. The siege and relief of Leyden, and the assassination of William of Nassau, are prominent episodes; and there are glimpses of the massacre of St Bartholomew and the death of Coligny.”—Ath
“Tedious and lacking in ‘go.’ The Spanish governor of the Netherlands was Luis de Requesens, not ‘Resquesens.’”
— | Ath p479 O ‘16 80w |
“Whatever her faults of taste, this writer shows a power of projecting character which is rare among her fellow-workmen in this field.”
+ — | Nation 105:487 N 1 ‘17 300w |
“One cannot quite escape the feeling that the brave William, the cunning Philip, have been taken out of archives, dusted off, and dressed up into fiction, the former in white, the latter in black. But aside from this common failing of historical novels, ‘William, by the grace of God’ is a book of more than average veracity and vividness.”
+ — | New Repub 13:sup16 N 17 ‘17 150w |
“A picture of the times and an historical narrative rather than a novel.”
N Y Times 22:388 O 7 ‘17 260w |
“The narrative is given frankly in the form of a romance, not a history. The author has already treated several historical personages by this method and is unusually successful in recreating the atmosphere of past times.”
+ | R of Rs 56:550 N ‘17 50w |
“An admirable novel.”
+ | Spec 117:773 D 16 ‘16 10w |
59BOWER, B. M., pseud. (BERTHA MUZZY SINCLAIR) (MRS BERTRAND WILLIAM SINCLAIR). Lookout man. il *$1.35 (1½c) Little 17-22305
“A worse than foolish escapade in the environs of Los Angeles, and Jack Corey suddenly finds himself in danger of arrest for manslaughter. His flight to Feather River canyon in northern California follows. He secures the position of ‘lookout man’ on the summit of Mount Hough, and here, in the little house of glass, the ‘observatory’ for forest fires ... he starts upon a new life. ... Then fate ... sends Marion Rose to him. Her coming to the Toll house had been almost as sudden, as had been his to the great peak towering above it. Only in her case the haste was legitimate. An unexpected opportunity to share with friends a certain mining claim, which is of course to bring wealth to them all. ... She and Jack become ‘comrades.’ And indeed Marion proves herself a real one, when the ‘lookout man’s’ identity being discovered, a peculiar complication develops.”—Boston Transcript
A L A Bkl 14:62 N ‘17 | ||
Boston Transcript p6 Ag 22 ‘17 350w | ||
Cleveland p103 S ‘17 50w |
“A pleasant, entertaining little story.”
+ | N Y Times 22:318 Ag 26 ‘17 350w |
BOWER, B. M., pseud. (BERTHA MUZZY SINCLAIR) (MRS BERTRAND WILLIAM SINCLAIR). Starr, of the desert. il *$1.35 (2c) Little 17-13075
It was her father who sent Helen May down into the desert to herd goats. He was worried about Helen May’s health and all neglectful of his own. The doctor had ordered a change of climate and out-of-door life for the girl, and the father, buying a relinquished claim in New Mexico, made arrangements to carry out the doctor’s orders. Then he died, and Helen May and her young brother, Vic, feel that his wishes must be complied with. They know nothing of desert life and less of goats, but they find a good friend in Starr. Starr is something of a mystery for a time. He is really a secret service man engaged in heading off a Mexican revolution. Circumstances make it appear to him that Helen May is involved in revolutionary plots, but this mistake, fortunately, is easily explained.
A L A Bkl 13:452 Jl ‘17 | ||
+ | Boston Transcript p6 My 9 ‘17 460w |
“A thrilling tale.”
Ind 90:474 Je 9 ‘17 40w |
“The machinery of the narrative creaks a bit at times, but the style is so far superior to that of the average performance in this kind that one may willingly consent to be fooled in the matter of plot.”
+ — | Nation 105:246 S 6 ‘17 350w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:190 My 13 ‘17 310w |
BOWERS, EDWIN FREDERICK. Bathing for health; a simple way to physical fitness. *$1 (4c) Clode, E: J. 613 17-8215
The bath as a preventive and as a curative agent is the subject of this book. Contents: Civilization and the bath; Bathing and morality; Why man needs the bath; The bath tub route to health; Baths as “big medicine”; Cold baths and common sense; Bathing for beauty; Smoothing ragged nerve edges; Sea and surf bathing; Fomentations, cold compresses and wet packs; “Hydrotherapy”; Sunstroke, icy tubs and heat prostration; Turkish and Russian operations, etc.
St Louis 15:173 Je ‘17 10w |
“Neither faddish nor extreme.”
+ | St Louis 15:410 N ‘17 40w |
BOWERS, R. S. Drawing and design for craftsmen. (Handcraft library) il *$2 McKay 740 A17-1322
The chapters of this book are so arranged as to form a series of consecutive lessons, beginning with a treatment of the simple principles of drawing and working up gradually to the application of principles in practical design for woodwork, glazing, stenciling, metalwork, etc. The illustrations, of which there are over 700, “have been prepared and selected with a view not only of elucidating elementary principles, but of providing a storehouse of motifs, suggestions, styles, and treatments of which the craftsman will be glad to avail himself.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:12 O ‘17 | |
+ | Ath p430 S ‘16 70w |
“His text abounds with practical hints and suggestions which should prove very helpful to the student.”
+ | Int Studio 60:53 N ‘16 160w | |
Pratt p30 O ‘17 20w |
“The book would be suitable for self instruction, would also offer suggestions to teachers of drawing and design.”
+ | Quar List New Tech Bks Jl ‘17 50w |
BOWERS, R. S., and others. Furniture making. (Handcraft library) il *$2 McKay 684 (Eng ed 16-10852)
This book gives “designs, working drawings, and complete details of 170 pieces of furniture, with practical information on their construction.” It is a book for the advanced workman, as it does not concern itself with the elementary processes of woodworking. These will be treated in a later volume of the series. There are over 1,000 illustrations.
+ | Quar List New Tech Bks Jl ‘17 50w |
BOWIE, WALTER RUSSELL. Master of the Hill: a biography of John Meigs. il *$3 (3½c) Dodd 17-28879
The biography of a schoolmaster. John Meigs was for thirty-five years head-master of the Hill school in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. His life story is here written by one who was associated with him first as a pupil and later as one of the teachers in the school. Contents: Schoolmaster and man; John Meigs’ ancestry, and his antecedents at the Hill; Boyhood and youth; The beginning of the venture; Lights and shadows; Ideals for the school; The making of men; The life within; Final achievements and a finished life; Victory.
+ | A L A Bkl 14:127 Ja ‘18 | |
Boston Transcript p7 N 10 ‘17 380w |
“The author has succeeded in making us glad that a man like John Meigs lived among us, and that he lives in this book. Doubtless this is in part due to the fact that Bowie is himself an old Hill boy and former Hill master as well, and brought to his task not only the authority of personal knowledge, but the ability to write well.”
+ | Nation 105:667 D 13 ‘17 1000w |
“It is enough for us to say here that this book, written by one who was first his pupil and afterwards a teacher in his school is pervaded by his spirit of absolute sincerity. It is appreciative, warmly affectionate, even at times eloquently enthusiastic, but it is not indiscriminating.”
+ | Outlook 118:31 Ja 2 ‘18 140w |
BOWMAN, ISAIAH. Andes of southern Peru: geographical reconnaissance along the seventy-third meridian. il *$3 (3c) Pub. for the Am. geographical soc. of N.Y. by Holt 558 17-1921
This work by the director of the American geographical society, is an outgrowth of the Yale Peruvian expedition of 1911, under the direction of Hiram Bingham. The author’s part in the expedition was the mapping of the country between Abancay and the Pacific, a stretch of two hundred miles. The book is divided into two parts. The first, Human geography, is devoted to native life, economic products, climate, etc.; the second to Physiography of the Peruvian Andes. There are seven topographic maps and many diagrams in addition to the noteworthy illustrations from photographs.
60 | ||
+ | A L A Bkl 13:294 Ap ‘17 |
“The originality of thought and content, the brilliancy of style, the many original maps and diagrams, the wonderfully beautiful half-tone illustrations, all combine to make this work a noteworthy contribution to geographic science and to our knowledge of Peru.” G. B. Roorbach
+ | Ann Am Acad 73:233 S ‘17 250w |
“Mainly scientific in its plan and purpose, this study of the mid-southern section of Peru makes a considerable appeal to general interests on account of the information it gives regarding the inhabitants of that region.”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 Ja 24 ‘17 330w |
“While a physical geographer might be better equipped to make use of the valuable information collected in this book, there are many pages interesting to the casual reader.”
+ | Ind 90:257 My 5 ‘17 50w |
“Mr Bowman has made repeated journeys in South America, of which, unfortunately, no sufficient account is given in the volume before us, though they have deservedly brought him a gold medal from the Geographical society of Paris. His explorations have thrown much new light on the Andes, long known but never so well described as in his book. A series of contoured maps by K. Hendricksen, topographer of the expedition, are cartographic oases in an uncharted desert.”
+ | Nation 105:203 Ag 23 ‘17 1150w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:273 Jl 22 ‘17 110w | |
R of Rs 55:555 My ‘17 130w | ||
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Jl 8 ‘17 200w |
BOWMAN, JAMES CLOYD, ed. Promise of country life. *$1 Heath 808 16-12269
“‘The promise of country life,’ is the attractive title of a book of descriptions and narrations to be used as models in an agricultural course in English. ... The work has been carefully planned. The author says in his preface: ‘The first group of selections has to do with the type of individual who is most at home in the country. The second treats of the pleasures which may be found in solitude; the third shows how various types of men have found enjoyment in a rural environment; the fourth contrasts life in the city with life in the country; still another describes man’s mastery over the crops of the fields and domestic animals.’ ... The selections have been chosen from such well-known writers as John Burroughs, Hamlin Garland, James Lane Allen, Corra Harris, Guy de Maupassant, and Lyoff N. Tolstoi.”—School R
“Good for general reading and for high-school libraries that would not have many of the authors represented.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:255 Mr ‘17 |
“A book of this sort may well exercise a real influence in opening the eyes of young people to the real opportunities and genuine charm of country life.”
+ | Educ R 54:208 S ‘17 50w | |
+ | Ind 87:232 Ag 14 ‘16 40w |
“In his effort to appeal to farm boys, Mr Bowman has happily broadened his appeal to American boys and girls. The selections, without being erudite, are full of the call of the woods and the by-lanes and the out-of-doors.”
+ | School R 25:68 Ja ‘17 350w |
Reviewed by E. F. Geyer and R. L. Lyman
+ | School R 25:610 O ‘17 270w |
“In schools and on the country book shelf it is worthy of permanent place.” H. W. F.
+ | Survey 38:175 My 19 ‘17 110w |
BOWSER, THEKLA. Britain’s civilian volunteers. il *$1.50 Moffat 361 17-14033
“Some eight years ago there was started in England an organization known for short as the V. A. D. Now at the time, members of the Volunteer aid detachments who took seriously their training in hospital work and canteen service were looked on with mild amusement. But when August, 1914, came there was the nucleus of that tremendous body of workers on whom the Red cross and the medical staff have depended and without whom their work could not have been done. ... The book is an unadorned account of the many sorts of work done in France, Belgium and Great Britain by these volunteer workers, men and women.”—Ind
A L A Bkl 14:52 N ‘17 | ||
+ | Cleveland p118 N ‘17 40w |
“Some such methods will surely develop here, in making practical the immense and as yet not wholly regulated force of our National league for woman’s service and other civilian organizations. ... The pages have the intense interest that belongs to the story of great endeavor.”
+ | Ind 90:436 Je 2 ‘17 350w | |
Pittsburgh 22:68 O ‘17 40w | ||
Pratt p38 O ‘17 30w | ||
Wis Lib Bul 13:220 Jl ‘17 50w |
BOYAJIAN, ZABELLE C., comp. Armenian legends and poems. il *$8 Dutton (*21s Dent, London) 891.54
“Miss Boyajian has gathered examples of genuine Armenian art and literature, to show the world what contributions the horribly persecuted people of that country have made for its enrichment. Lord Bryce prefaces the work with a brief encomium of their poetry and painting, which he rightly says is less known than it deserves to be. This hint at its value is supplemented by a somewhat extended chapter by Aram Raffi on the epics, folk-songs, and medieval poetry of Armenia. Miss Boyajian, the daughter of an Armenian clergyman formerly British vice consul at Diarbekir and herself an artist of fine abilities, furnishes a dozen illustrations reproduced in soft and exquisite colors.”—Boston Transcript
+ | Ath p541 N ‘16 100w |
“Examples of folk-songs, medieval poems and lyrics by various nineteenth century authors are included, some of them from Alice Stone Blackwell’s versions. ... Most of the translations are made by Miss Boyajian, who dedicates the volume to ‘The undying spirit of Armenia,’ and who devotes all the profits from its sale to the cause of her countrymen. It is a worthy cause and magnificently upheld.”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 F 7 ‘17 650w | |
+ | Int Studio 61:99 Ap ‘17 280w | |
+ | Sat R 122:sup5 D 9 ‘16 530w | |
Spec 117:sup684 D 2 ‘16 210w | ||
The Times [London] Lit Sup p148 My 29 ‘17 1400w |
BOYD, ERNEST AUGUSTUS. Contemporary drama of Ireland. *$1.25 (2½c) Little 822 17-7566
This is one of the first volumes to be issued in the Contemporary drama series, edited by Richard Burton. The aim of the series is to give in separate volumes an account of the contemporary drama in various countries. In this volume, devoted to Irish drama, the dramatic movement is shown to be related not only to the literary revival in Ireland, but also to the general revival of interest in the theatre which stirred the later nineteenth century. There are chapters on: The Irish literary theatre; Edward Martyn; The beginnings of the Irish national theatre; William Butler Yeats; The impulse to folk drama: J. M. Synge and Padráic Colum; Peasant comedy: Lady Gregory and William Boyle; Later playwrights; The Ulster literary theatre; Summary and conclusion. A bibliography is given in an appendix.
“Of more use to study clubs than to the casual reader. Has a good bibliography with dates, and a full index.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:340 My ‘17 |
“The only thing that is lacking in this little book is the element of style. To write without eloquence about such masters of the art of eloquence 61as Lord Dunsany, John M. Synge, and William Butler Yeats is to cheat the reader of the better half of criticism.” Clayton Hamilton
+ — | Bookm 45:193 Ap ‘17 300w | |
Boston Transcript p9 F 21 ‘17 700w | ||
+ | Dial 62:484 My 31 ‘17 370w |
“In his review of Yeats’s works Mr Boyd is eulogist and apologist rather than critic, but he writes with a keen appreciation of his indisputable poetic gifts. In a kindly but just and searching criticism of Lady Gregory’s plays, Mr Boyd, while fully recognizing the value of her zeal and ability to the cause which she has championed, rightly concludes that the majority of them are not important contributions to literary drama or in harmony with the aims of a national theatre.” J. R. Towse
+ | Nation 105:546 N 15 ‘17 1000w |
“Mr Boyd’s book, for all that, makes a valuable guide to the American or English reader, whose standards and preconceptions are always voiced in the judgments of the author. One cannot help feeling that importance is being given to things really little, and that Mr Boyd planned a definitive handbook and executed it accordingly.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:225 Je 10 ‘17 260w | |
Pratt p36 O ‘17 40w |
“It is to be regretted that in dealing with such a fascinating topic he cramped himself by a somewhat dry and commonplace style, but even with this handicap the work is of some value for the information it furnishes regarding a noteworthy dramatic movement. As a popular hand-book it fulfils its function satisfactorily.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Mr 12 ‘17 450w |
BRACQ, JEAN CHARLEMAGNE. Provocation of France. *$1.25 Oxford 944.08 16-24205
“Professor Bracq, holding the chair of French literature at Vassar college, has undertaken, in this interesting little volume, to tell in simple language the story of the provocation and aggression to which France has been subjected by the German government in the last half century, and to describe the general dignity, calmness, and good faith with which the French republic has met this course on the part of Germany. ... Professor Bracq is himself in close sympathy with the pacifist movement in France, of which the Baron d’Estournelles has been the leader.”—N Y Times
“By the author of ‘France under the republic’ (A L A Catalog 1904-1911). ... From the French point of view, of course, but temperate and supplied with reference to sources.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:393 Je ‘17 |
“Professor Bracq writes temperately of Germany’s treatment of his country, but nevertheless with tense feeling.”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 Ja 24 ‘17 140w |
“There is no doubt of the enthusiasm and patriotism of Dr Bracq, but it is a question whether he might not have served his end better had he observed more reticence of feeling and precision of phrasing.”
+ — | Cath World 105:696 Ag ‘17 150w | |
+ | Cleveland p102 S ‘17 40w | |
+ | Ind 90:382 My 26 ‘17 50w |
“For all the facts he cites he gives careful reference to his sources, and any student can, if he wish, verify the author’s statements. Professor Bracq has given in a couple of hundred pages an excellent summary of the history of the last half century.”
+ | N Y Times 22:10 Ja 14 ‘17 240w |
“Prof. Bracq’s book, though written from the French point of view, may be recommended to those who wish to know historical facts.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p8 Mr 1 ‘17 450w |
BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. Naturalist of souls; studies in psychography. *$2.50 (4c) Dodd 804 17-24248
Mr Bradford gets the title for his book from Sainte-Beuve’s description of himself: “I am a naturalist of souls.” “He discusses in the first chapter the psychographic method in the writing of biography, endeavors to define what it is and what it is not, considers the material to be used and the manner of using it, and defines psychography briefly as ‘the condensed, essential, artistic presentation of character.’ It differs, he explains, from ordinary biography in that it discards the chronological method of treating its subject’s life and uses the material facts as a means of illuminating the inner life.” (N Y Times) Contents: Psychography; The poetry of Donne; A pessimist poet (Leopardi); Anthony Trollope; An odd sort of popular book (Burton’s “Anatomy of melancholy”); Alexander Dumas; The novel two thousand years ago; A great English portrait-painter (Hyde, earl of Clarendon); Letters of a Roman gentleman (Pliny, the younger); Ovid among the Goths; Portrait of a saint (Francis of Sales). The author states that only the last three portraits “are elaborate specimens of psychography working consciously.”
“Using the same delightful method which made his ‘Portraits of women’ a joy to readers of discriminating taste, Mr Bradford analyzes and reveals further personality.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:85 D ‘17 | |
Boston Transcript p7 S 12 ‘17 850w |
“Delightful studies with a strong appeal to every thoughtful reader.”
+ | Cath World 106:540 Ja ‘18 270w |
“Mr Bradford writes the sort of essay that is born of enthusiasm and affection. He is a humble and not unsuccessful follower of the great unconscious psychographers, Tacitus, Saint Simon, Sainte-Beuve, and, though he is not mentioned as such, R. L. S.”
+ | Dial 63:459 N 8 ‘17 350w |
“As psychographic studies they are arranged with a sort of crescendo effect. ... Mr Bradford’s exposition of his developed method of writing biographical studies throws light upon and adds interest to the long series of such portraits he has published, first in the Atlantic Monthly and afterward in book form.”
N Y Times 22:356 S 23 ‘17 670w | ||
Pittsburgh 22:741 N ‘17 60w |
BRADLEE, FRANCIS B. C. Eastern railroad. il *$2 Essex inst. 385 17-21687
“Much local history that is of more than local interest is to be found in ‘The Eastern railroad: a historical account of early railroading in eastern New England’ by Francis B. C. Bradlee. The author has not merely collected the details of the successive stages of financing and organization through which the Eastern railroad passed between 1836 and 1884, when it was merged with its old rival, the Boston and Maine. He gives these necessary facts both in the text and in several tables in the appendix. But he also is at pains to picture the conditions of early railroading and to show the impression, if one may call it such, that the railroad made upon the community at various periods.”—Springf’d Republican
“The illustrations of the old-time locomotives and tickets add much to the attractiveness of the book.” J. B. C.
+ | Boston Transcript p8 N 7 ‘17 630w |
“This volume makes no pretense at being a formal history, and may perhaps be described as a collection of interesting notes. Many amusing incidents are to be found in Mr Bradlee’s pages, and these throw light on manners of the past quite as much as on railroading.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p13 Je 17 ‘17 800w |
BRADLEY, ALICE. Candy cook book. il *$1 (2½c) Little 641.5 17-13104
A preliminary discussion of candy ingredients and necessary equipment is followed by recipes for home-made candies, arranged in chapters as follows: Uncooked candies; Assorted chocolates; Fudges; Fondant candies; Caramels and nougatines; Pulled candies; Hard candies; Glacés and pulled flowers; Crystallized fruits; Fruit and gelatine candies; Dried fruits and nuts; Meringues and macaroons; Popcorn candies; Decorated candies and cakes; Favors.
62“Discusses the food value of candy and gives sources of materials. Well illustrated.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:432 Jl ‘17 | |
+ | Pratt p24 O ‘17 30w |
“The work is compiled with the care of an expert cookery book and appears to be reliable in all respects.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Ap 29 ‘17 170w |
BRADLEY, WILLIAM ASPENWALL.[2] Garlands and wayfarings. *$1.50 Mosher 811 17-25839
“William Aspenwall Bradley has composed extremely artistic verse in ‘Garlands and wayfarings.’ His muse carries him everywhere, from a literary consideration to Jean Moreas and appreciations of nature, to a tribute to Jane Addams and some graphic pictures of sunset on the Connecticut. The various moods mirrored in the verses, however, are all those of a lover of beauty.”—Springf’d Republican
“His is at all times a courteous and gracious muse, vivid, clear and sweet. She deems it by far a more attractive appearance to be dressed in a linen suit with exquisite trimmings than in the sinuous silk of her modern sisters, suggestive and alluring in every movement. No, in ‘Garlands and wayfarings’ are the fruits of a ripe culture, a love of beauty and art for their own sake, an idyllic sensibility to nature and a classic sympathy with the spirit of life.” W. S. B.
+ | Boston Transcript p8 O 31 ‘17 1000w |
“His work is always that of a poet to whom the English language has revealed its secret of rich, lyrical expressiveness.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p13 D 16 ‘17 370w |
BRADLEY, WILLIAM ASPENWALL. Old Christmas, and other Kentucky tales in verse. *$1.25 Houghton 811 17-25830
Some four years ago, Mr Bradley, a Connecticut author, contracted “mountain fever” while exploring the Kentucky Cumberlands and other parts of the southern Appalachian system, and remained there nearly six months, getting acquainted with “the life and character of the mountain people.” This volume, containing seventeen poems, is the result. “The stories,” says the author, “which I have attempted to tell are in no sense offered as generally representative of mountain life. ... All I have tried to do is to invest each story with as much as possible of the peculiar color and atmosphere of mountain life.” (Preface)
+ | A L A Bkl 14:119 Ja ‘18 |
“A reading of these Kentucky tales has made me think of the nearness in his accomplishment of an indigenous Americanism, racy, humorous, pathetic, rich in local color, and characterization, more like Mark Twain than anything we have had in American verse.” W. S. B.
+ | Boston Transcript p9 O 27 ‘17 1700w |
“It cannot be pretended that this is a poetry of a high order; but Mr Bradley, in adapting to his use the life of the Kentucky mountain-folk, has hit upon extremely interesting material; he has given us some excellent stories, told in the folk-language, with many quaintnesses of idiom, and, on the whole, with the simplicity and economy that makes for effect.” Conrad Aiken
+ — | Dial 63:454 N 8 ‘17 180w |
“It is an interesting book, a contribution to our knowledge of our fellow citizens as well as a piece of creative writing. Mr Bradley makes his readers know the Cumberlands better than Mr Masters made them know Spoon River—and like them infinitely better.”
+ | Lit D 55:36 N 17 ‘17 700w |
“The interest and the value of the book lie, as do that of the Russian ethnographical novel, in its folk aspect.”
+ | N Y Times 23:24 Ja 20 ‘18 870w |
“They are picturesque, and full of color and atmosphere.”
R of Rs 57:106 Ja ‘18 160w |
“For the most part he has tried to duplicate in verse the peculiarities of speech and simile that the Kentucky mountaineers use in conversation. Following this plan, he tells their really poetical stories in a truly native vein.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p10 N 2 ‘17 330w |
BRADY, CYRUS TOWNSEND. “By the world forgot”; a double romance of the East and the West. il *$1.40 (2c) McClurg 17-25243
On the morning of his wedding day, Derrick Beekman is shanghaied onto a vessel bound for the South seas. The man responsible for the deed is his best friend, George Harnash, who also loves Stephanie Maynard and is loved by her in return. But of this Beekman knows nothing when he comes to his senses in the hold of the “Susquehanna,” altho later the words of a dying mate, give him a clue. The steamer is wrecked and Beekman is cast upon an isolated volcanic island, inhabited by the descendants of early Dutch explorers. One of these is Truda, a girl of wondrous beauty who promptly makes him forget the woman he was to have married. An earthquake shatters the island and a tidal wave washes the lovers out to sea, to be rescued by the yacht that the Maynards and the repentant Harnash have sent in search of the missing man.
“As usual Dr Brady’s characters stand out boldly for what they are, some of them strong even in their weakness, his drawing of the two principal women actors being a particularly pleasing series of pen pictures.”
+ | Boston Transcript p9 D 5 ‘17 290w |
“Dr Brady kept life at a respectful distance when he wrote his latest book. Thus he has given that part of the public who is avid for novels of adventure an exciting volume.”
+ | N Y Times 22:465 N 11 ‘17 330w |
BRADY, CYRUS TOWNSEND. When the sun stood still. il *$1.35 Revell 17-12713
“For the period of his new story Dr Brady has chosen the time when the various tribes of Israel, under the leadership of Joshua, were busily at work conquering the lands and cities of the Canaanites. The story begins when its hero, Dodai, son of Ahoah, a prince of the tribe of Benjamin, goes with Salmon of the tribe of Judah as a spy to the city of Jericho. ... The tale concludes with the conquest of Gibeon. The biblical narrative on which Dr Brady’s novel is founded gives abundant opportunity for color and for dramatic effects.”—N Y Times
+ | Dial 63:74 Jl 19 ‘17 100w |
“The historical setting of this new book by Dr Brady is far enough back to take on the appearance of a beautiful picture, brilliant, oriental, and engrossing. ... Dr Brady’s association with moving-pictures has accentuated his tendency to melodrama, but he is always interesting.”
+ — | Lit D 54:1857 Je 16 ‘17 150w | |
N Y Times 22:218 Je 3 ‘17 200w |
BRAILSFORD, HENRY NOEL. League of nations. *$1.75 Macmillan 341 17-19730
“The volume discusses calmly and dispassionately pretty nearly all the problems which this war has raised. But it is primarily concerned with the scheme for a League of nations associated with Mr Taft to form a guarantee of the peace of the world. Mr Brailsford as he proceeds in the discussion is led to consider ‘The problems of nationality,’ ‘The roads of the East,’ ‘Sea power,’ ‘Peace and change,’ ‘The future of alliances,’ ‘The economics of peace,’ ‘America and the League of peace’—in short, to examine pretty nearly the entire political horizon. ... At the close of the volume are printed two schemes, ‘The war settlement’ and ‘The League of nations,’ a plan for the organization of peace.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
“This volume is well and thoughtfully written, and the author expresses himself with moderation.”
+ | Ath p95 F ‘17 230w |
63 | ||
+ | Boston Transcript p9 O 6 ‘17 550w |
“Fully to appreciate the wisdom, insight, and dignity of Mr Brailsford’s book one should contrast it with the boiling mess of polemical literature which is still being brewed on both sides of the long fighting line. Mr Brailsford insults no one, impugns no one’s motives, seeks no merely nationalistic interpretation of this war, and does not attempt to assume the rôle of supreme judge between the nations.” W. E. Weyl
+ | Dial 63:198 S 13 ‘17 850w |
“His review of world-politics is masterly. ... His book is certainly an excellent example of sane and persuasive political propaganda. It is more readable than a treatise and less ephemeral than a ‘war book.’ ... Mr Brailsford has shown in this book that the best tradition of English political thinking has not been altogether forgotten in the fog of emotionalism which the war has produced.” C. D. Burns
+ | Int J Ethics 27:525 Jl ‘17 950w |
“It is manifestly impossible to summarize his book or to criticise in detail statements and views beside which stand queries. Time and again, however, the reviewer has found himself wondering how the author could refer to Germany with such mildness and consideration. ... There is a great deal to think of in this volume—it is by no means negligible—when one has once forced oneself to ignore the absence of generous and righteous wrath and of a disposition not to take the hand from the plough till the furrow is done.”
– + | Nation 105:407 O 11 ‘17 800w |
“Mr Brailsford’s book stresses much more than does Mr Harris’s the importance to Europe, even Europe’s great need, of America’s help in the organization of a league of nations. But he does not show a tithe of Mr Harris’s understanding of the difficulties that lie in the way of our entering that league, nor does he show understanding of the procedure by which such a national action would have to be accomplished. His mistake is the same as that which so many publicists in Europe make over and over again—the mistake of thinking that, since the president of the United States has large powers, he must be able to do as he likes without regard to what may be the opinions and wishes of the people. ... But that mishap at the beginning of his work does not in the least lessen the value of his very able discussion of the general subject.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:269 Jl 22 ‘17 470w | |
Pittsburgh 22:701 O ‘17 40w | ||
+ | St Louis 15:358 O ‘17 50w |
“One who writes in form so reasonably earns consideration. He sees the weak points of his scheme and discusses them frankly. ... We are not insensible to the skill and sincerity of Mr Brailsford’s appeal, but we cannot see that there is any such dilemma as that on which he tries to impale us.”
Spec 118:271 Mr 3 ‘17 1800w |
“Futurity is dark for him, as for most candid inquirers. The value of the book is that it will enlarge the horizon of most readers and will convince them that the formation of a League of nations is not so simple a matter, its consequences are not so clear, as its advocates often assume.”
The Times [London] Lit Sup p75 F 15 ‘17 1050w |
BRAINERD, ELEANOR (HOYT) (MRS CHARLES CHISHOLM BRAINERD). How could you, Jean? il *$1.35 (1½c) Doubleday 17-28076
Jean Mackaye, when she lost her money, not only could, but did take a position to do general housework, because cooking was the thing about which she knew the most. She went to live with the Bonners, two “elderly infants,” who badly needed a caretaker. Mr Bonner specialized on moths, while Mrs Bonner was oblivious to most things except the fauna, flora and folk lore of the Faroe islands. How Jean mothered the Bonners in the city and went with them to their farm on the Connecticut river, how well-to-do Teddy Burton fell in love with Jean at first sight, and in order to make her acquaintance, answered the Bonner’s advertisement for a man of all work on the farm, and what came of it all is pleasantly told by Mrs Brainerd.
“Light, will be popular.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:130 Ja ‘18 | |
+ | Cleveland p132 D ‘17 60w |
“The tale moves so slowly that it seems rather the material for a short story than for a book of 337 pages. It shows, however, Mrs Brainerd’s known knack for light fiction.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:500 N 25 ‘17 220w |
Reviewed by Joseph Mosher
+ | Pub W 92:1373 O 20 ‘17 550w |
BRAITHWAITE, WILLIAM STANLEY BEAUMONT, comp. Anthology of magazine verse for 1916, and year book of American poetry. $1.50 Gomme 811.08
For descriptive note see Annual for 1916.
“A valuable year book for the small library.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:256 Mr ‘17 | |
Cath World 104:831 Mr ‘17 550w |
“Whether through inability or unwillingness, Mr Braithwaite seems no nearer learning that there can be little excuse for an anthology which does not select. ... This year’s volume, like last year’s, is for the most part filled with the jog-trot of mediocrity. One must wade through pages and pages of mawkishness, dulness, artificiality, and utter emptiness to come upon the simple dignity of Mr Fletcher’s ‘Lincoln’ (marred by a faintly perfumed close), or the subdued, colloquial tenderness of Mr Frost’s ‘Homestretch,’ or the sinister pattern of ‘The hill-wife,’ or Miss Lowell’s delicately imagined ‘City of falling leaves.’ ... There can be no question that had Mr Braithwaite composed his anthology from books, instead of from magazines, it could have been one thousand per cent better. ... It very seriously misrepresents—or, rather, hardly represents at all—the true state of poetry in America to-day.” Conrad Aiken
– + | Dial 62:179 Mr 8 ‘17 3700w | |
+ | Ind 89:362 F 26 ‘17 130w |
“For a book of avowedly temporary interest, for which the literary horizon is quite as significant as the zenith, I think of no one who could hold the balance between age and novelty, between tradition and adventure, more impartially than Mr Braithwaite.” O. W. Firkins
+ — | Nation 105:596 N 29 ‘17 450w |
“This is the fourth collection of American poetry which Mr Braithwaite has given us. In 1913 he found the current of what he calls ‘distinctive’ poetry running most strongly in the Smart Set. In 1914 the Smart Set, Bellman, and Forum marked an equal wave, while in 1915 the tide left all these high and dry and buried Poetry fathoms deep. This year we learn that ‘the radical influence of Poetry ... has waned,’ and it is the Poetry Review of America to which the capricious current turns.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:117 Ap 1 ‘17 550w |
“Decidedly the best of the series of his anthologies, or year-books, of American poetry so far published.”
+ | R of Rs 55:437 Ap ‘17 300w |
“The tireless optimism of William Stanley Braithwaite persists as one of the disquieting literary phenomena of the times. It was the dominating note in his ‘Anthology of magazine verse and year-book of American poetry’ last year and the year before; it is even more rampantly dominant in the anthology for 1916. ... Mr Braithwaite is not responsible for the material he has to work with; undoubtedly he is responsible for what he thinks of it. It is therefore not Mr Braithwaite’s fault that his anthology can scarcely compare with such a work as the garnerings of ‘Georgian poetry,’ of which two volumes have appeared in England within the last five years.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p15 F 25 ‘17 600w |
64BRAITHWAITE, WILLIAM STANLEY BEAUMONT. Poetic year for 1916; a critical anthology. *$2 Small 821 17-26654
“The substance of the chapters in this book appeared in the columns of the Boston Evening Transcript, in a series of articles called ‘The lutanists of midsummer,’ and in the poetry reviews, which Mr Braithwaite contributed during 1916, to that paper.” (Acknowledgments) The book lacks an index, but the poets considered in each chapter are named in the table of contents.
“It makes a helpful supplement to the year’s ‘Anthology of magazine verse.’”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:14 O ‘17 |
“For the last five years the largest part of Mr Braithwaite’s work has been criticism. ... A too excessive appreciation has been the charge oftenest brought against his estimate of poets. ... In this book, Mr Braithwaite comes nearer than he ever has before to explaining to the public his ideals for American poetry and his personal attitude toward his work.” D. L. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ag 4 ‘17 1200w |
“Though we must give credit to Mr Braithwaite for his labors, and even wonder at his industry, it is in the character of a collector and not that of a critic that his real value consists. A man may have sufficient taste—though Mr Braithwaite’s is by no means impeccable—to make a creditable collection of poems, and yet be incompetent to talk well about them; and hence a bare presentation of his favorites is much to be preferred to this latest method, where the poems are drowned in a sea of talk. For it is talk of the most insufferable sort, namely, that of a literary tea-party—emotional, vague, diffuse, grandiloquent, pompously platitudinous.”
— | Cath World 106:125 O ‘17 880w |
“At the very centre of his attitude toward poetry is the express belief that poetry is a sort of supernaturalism. ... In his present book, therefore, Mr Braithwaite puts a clear emotional emphasis on work which is characteristically sentimental. ... Consequently, such poets as are in the main realists, implicitly critical or analytical of life, or at the most neutrally receptive, are somewhat coolly entertained. ... Clearly, such an attitude reveals in Mr Braithwaite a very decided intellectual limitation. Must poetry be all marshmallows and tears?... The trouble with this book is at bottom, that while it has a rather intriguing appearance of being judicial, it is really, under the mask, highly idiosyncratic.” Conrad Aiken
— | Dial 63:202 S 13 ‘17 1300w |
“Mr Braithwaite, through himself or his proxies, says all manner of things, including some very good things. ... We all know that Mr Braithwaite keeps his praise in a ‘tank,’ and his drafts on that reservoir in the present volume are of characteristic liberality. As for standard English, he seems definitely to have severed his relationship with that archaism.” O. W. Firkins
+ — | Nation 105:596 N 29 ‘17 400w |
“If he had called it an appreciative, not a critical, anthology no one could have quarreled with him. But the idea of separation, of a division between black and white, at least, is implicit in the word ‘criticism,’ and of such separation there is little trace in Mr Braithwaite’s purling periods.”
– + | N Y Times 22:477 N 18 ‘17 900w |
“Among the especially pleasing chapters are ‘The idol-breakers,’ a discussion of free verse; ‘Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos & Co.,’ an appreciation of Edwin Arlington Robinson, and ‘Magic casements,’ which comments upon the poetry of Walter de la Mare, Lizette Woodworth Reese and Bliss Carman.”
+ | R of Rs 56:217 Ag ‘17 230w |
BRANDES, GEORG MORRIS COHEN. World at war; tr. by Catherine D. Groth. *$2 (2½c) Macmillan 940.91 17-13334
A collection of essays written before and during the war. The first is Foreboding, written in 1881, just as Bismarck’s state-socialistic ideas were being put into practice. “State-socialism, deprived of the fundamental principles of fraternity and self-government, is by the very nature of things a liberty-sapping doctrine,” wrote Brandes. Other papers written before the war are: The death of Kaiser Friedrich—1888—the death of the real German spirit; England and Germany—1905—the probability of war between them; German patriotism—1913—the glorification of war. Among those written after the outbreak of war are: The fundamental causes of the world war—1914; Different points of view on the war—1914; The great era—1915; Will this be the last war?—1915; The praise of war—1915; Protectors of small nations—1915; Ideals or politics—1916. Mr Brandes writes thruout as a neutral, and his open letter to M. Georges Clemenceau, reprinted in the volume, is a defense of Denmark’s neutrality.
A L A Bkl 13:442 Jl ‘17 |
“This book fails to get anywhere. It reflects the despondency of a brilliant man of the republic of letters who cannot comprehend the meaning of grave questions of the empire of the sword.”
— | Boston Transcript p6 S 8 ‘17 270w | |
Cleveland p118 N ‘17 60w |
“The book is evidence that the expert had better stick to his province. In the interpretation of literature many of us are anxious to hear what Dr Brandes has to say. As a publicist, he is quite frankly third-rate. His book is a rehash of old material and new comment which has no permanent value of any kind.” H. J. Laski
— | Dial 63:15 Je 28 ‘17 100w | |
Ind 90:438 Je 2 ‘17 260w |
“A more disappointing book on the war has scarcely been written. It preaches a doctrinaire pacifism.”
— | Lit D 55:39 S 15 ‘17 270w |
“In spite of these cosmopolitan ties, or rather because of them, he does not hesitate to deal praise or blame to all of the belligerents with equal vigor, according to his idea of the dictates of justice. He lays down the law like an Old Testament prophet to German militarists as well as to M. Clemenceau and Mr William Archer.”
+ | Nation 105:374 O 4 ‘17 240w |
“The book was completed before the United States had entered upon the contest, but we can infer what judgment would have been passed upon us by the unqualified statement that in 1898 we made war on Spain in order to secure the markets of Cuba. Of the combatant nations in this war, he credits none with any higher motive.”
N Y Times 22:207 My 27 ‘17 780w | ||
R of Rs 56:214 Ag ‘17 80w |
“Dr Brandes touches with fearlessness and a burning sense of justice upon the various aspects of the war without allowing himself to be biased by any one side.” B. D.
+ | St Louis 15:313 S ‘17 30w |
“Not all that he says will be acceptable to American readers, but in these days when it is essential for us to understand the war aims of all the belligerents, his book is at least of value in presenting opinion from a fresh point of view. ... Much of Dr Brandes’s reasoning is reversed by the revolution in Russia and the entrance of the United States into the war.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p6 My 21 ‘17 800w |
“He is not a builder. He analyzes—brilliantly, keenly, cuttingly, yet not unkindly; he does not construct. But it is a relief to read one book on the war which does not propose a final solution of the problem of war. Brandes comes nearest to it when he preaches the gospel of free trade. He persists in looking at the war as a Dane and a Jew naturally looks at the war—detachedly, with a bit of a sob and a bit of a sneer for both sides.” L: S. Gannett
+ | Survey 38:360 Jl 21 ‘17 650w |
65BRANFORD, BENCHARA. Janus and Vesta; a study of the world crisis and after. *$2 Stokes 901 (Eng ed 17-17103)
“Mr Branford is well known in the educational world as a divisional inspector of the London county council. ... His zeal for universal vocational training is the expression of no narrow ideal of ‘national efficiency,’ but springs from a profound study of the conditions of development of the human spirit. It is, therefore, in complete harmony with his passionate conviction that a revival of university life (including a renaissance of the ‘wandering scholar’) is one of the most urgent needs of the time. ... In this connection Mr Branford argues with much force that universities have, during the modern epoch, largely forgotten their catholic mission, and have become, in many insidious ways, organs for the cultivation of national separatism and egotism. As a remedy for this state of things he presses the suggestion of a ‘world university,’ neutral, as the papacy is neutral, to be the guardian of the common spiritual interests of mankind, both western and eastern.”—Nature
Reviewed by F. H. Giddings
Educ R 56:167 F ‘18 550w |
“To one at least it seems a noble book, full of a wise and strong humanity, worthy to be classed with writings to which all men pay homage. Any scientific reader who will start with the chapter on ‘Science and occupation’ and follow whither the clue leads will probably reach much the same opinion. ... Though his ideas are often at first provocative, they are generally seen, on candid consideration, to be widely and solidly based. No one concerned with the problems of our State internal or external, can afford to neglect them.”
+ | Nature 99:142 Ap 19 ‘17 570w |
“An impartial thinker, passionately eager to find a common understanding in every sphere of human life, not by ignoring difficulties, but by honestly attempting to reconcile them and transcend them.”
+ | Sat R 123:85 Ja 27 ‘17 1300w |
“The arrangement of the book baffles patience and even curiosity.”
Springf’d Republican p17 Jl 8 ‘17 170w |
“It is only fair to the prospective reader to warn him that there are some passages in the book that seem reverberantly empty, and others whose content appears to be of the cloudiest; it will be for the reader himself to decide how far any apparent hiatus of meaning is due to failure of expression on the author’s part, how far to his own lack of intuition. This warning uttered, we commend the book whole-heartedly to the consideration of thoughtful people. Besides frequent nobility of thought, it shows much of the keen practicality that always characterizes the work of the true mystic.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p631 D 28 ‘16 1850w |
BRASSEY, THOMAS BRASSEY, 1st earl. Work and wages; the reward of labour and the cost of work. *$1.25 Longmans 331 16-9980
“Lord Brassey describes this book on the title-page as ‘a volume of extracts, revised and partly re-written.’ They are taken partly from the original ‘Work and wages,’ which was published in 1872, and partly from other contributions of his to the subject, none of them later than 1879. They belong, therefore, to the past, and do not directly touch the most acute and recent labour questions of the moment.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
Pratt p11 Ja ‘17 |
“This little book should be put in our bookcases side by side with Thorold Rogers, for it adds a great many facts to the ‘Six centuries of work and wages.’”
+ | Sat R 122:43 Jl 8 ‘16 450w |
“The facts recorded and opinions expressed have a historical value, and some of them throw light on problems of perennial interest.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p183 Ap 20 ‘16 450w |
BRERETON, FREDERICK SADLIER. On the road to Bagdad. il 6s Blackie, London
“The hero of this book has accomplishments beyond those of an ordinary subaltern. During his boyhood his guardian had taken him on many adventurous journeys in Mesopotamia, the pair frequently passing as natives, so perfect was their knowledge of the language and customs of the country. When the theatre of the great war was extended to Mesopotamia, the hero, as a member of the Expeditionary force, found himself detailed for all kinds of adventurous missions.”—Ath
“The story gives a graphic picture of the perils and dangers of the Expeditionary force in this land (Mesopotamia) of desert and marsh.”
+ | Ath p54 Ja ‘17 90w |
“Captain Brereton is an old hand at boys’ books, and he has mingled instruction and adventure well in this narrative.”
+ | Sat R 122:sup6 D 9 ‘16 120w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p606 D 14 ‘16 260w |
BRESHKOVSKY, MME CATHERINE. Little grandmother of the Russian revolution; reminiscences and letters; ed. by Alice Stone Blackwell. il *$2 (2c) Little 17-31436
One of the first acts of Russia’s provisional government, after the revolution, was to liberate Madame Catherine Breshkovsky who for fifty years was not free from police surveillance and for thirty years was an exile in Siberia. Miss Blackwell has had access to three sources of information: the account of Madame Breshkovsky’s childhood and youth given to Doctor Abraham Cahan while she was in America in 1904; a description of her early prison experiences with an outline of her later life, published in the Outlook; and letters, many of them written to Miss Blackwell during the years since 1904. Miss Blackwell has put this material together chronologically, unfolding one of the most dramatic careers of all time. The work is valuable first as a human document; second, as a survey of the social problems that have sent so many missionaries of revolution among the peasants of Russia.
+ | A L A Bkl 14:127 Ja ‘18 | |
+ | Boston Transcript p6 N 24 ‘17 1600w | |
+ | Lit D 55:38 D 8 ‘17 150w |
“Her viewpoint on the war is especially fine and valuable reading in this day; she is so deeply the lover of peace and of humanity, and so vigorous and clear-thinking an advocate of the carrying on of the war to a successful end for Russia and the Allies.”
+ | N Y Times 22:584 D 30 ‘17 380w |
“The letters deserve to live, not only because of their individual charm and interest, but because taken together they give a beautiful reflection from one of the noblest souls who has lived in our time. They are cheerful, often playful, and they are full of human sympathy and human interest. There is in them not a single note of despair, of personal resentment, and rarely is there any evidence of indignation because of her own hateful and wicked treatment.”
+ | Outlook 117:614 D 12 ‘17 230w |
“The skilful editing has plainly been a labor of love. Mme Breshkovsky appears in these intimate communications as a woman of unconquerable spirit, acutely sensitive to the sufferings and wrongs of the people, individually or in the mass, appreciative of the wrongs done to herself but much more concerned in acknowledging the kindnesses bestowed upon her by hosts of friends.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p13 D 16 ‘17 1650w |
BRIDGES, ROBERT SEYMOUR. Ibant obscuri; an experiment in the classical hexameter. *$5 Oxford 873 17-14043
“In this beautiful volume, one of the fairest products of the Clarendon press, Mr Bridges reprints his paraphrase in quantitative hexameters of part of Virgil’s sixth book and gives to the world for the first time a similar paraphrase 66of the scene between Priam and Achilles in the last book of the Iliad. His hexameters occupy the right-hand page, and in smaller type under each line is Virgil’s and Homer’s original, the Greek words being printed from an elegant fount in common use two centuries ago. On the left-hand page appear selections, each under its author’s name and date, framed in a cartouche, from the versions of previous translators, both in prose and verse, fifty-two Virgilian and twenty-eight Homeric, distinguished and undistinguished, curiosities like Gawin Douglas and Chapman, poets like Dryden, Pope, Cowper, and Morris, public men like Derby and Bowen, professional scholars in abundance, Conington, Mackail, Leaf, Simcox. Most important of all is Mr Bridges’s introduction, in which he explains clearly enough to all who can follow it the system upon which he has written these English hexameters.”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
“An experiment of tranquil days, growing up around a friend’s paper on Virgil’s hexameter, lovingly and rather quaintly printed, has ‘loitered on,’ to appear in these tragic times. One may question whether the thing was worth doing, or worth printing when done; but hostile criticism is disarmed by the author’s frank abandonment of any claim.”
Nation 105:147 Ag 9 ‘17 1600w |
“For our part, we see no special reason why any more hexameter verse, whether accentual or quantitive, should be written in the English tongue. The measure is, and remains, an exotic. In the accentual kind the most successful are the ‘Evangeline’ of Longfellow and the ‘Bothie’ of Clough; the former an exercise in romance, and the latter an experiment in fiction. One reads and enjoys them, but hardly desires successors.”
Sat R 123:sup4 Mr 31 ‘17 1300w | ||
* | The Times [London] Lit Sup p114 Mr 8 ‘17 2350w |
BRIGHAM, GERTRUDE RICHARDSON. Study and enjoyment of pictures. il *$1.25 (3c) Sully & Kleinteich 750 17-12954
This work on pictures is divided into four parts: Principles of art criticism; Schools of painting; Pictures to see in America; Pictures to see in Europe. The author says, “About fifty of the most famous names in painting have been chosen for discussion, ranging from the renaissance down to the present day, unfolding the gradual progress of art, and indicating the motives which have influenced artists as great schools have arisen in one country after another. ... The illustrations have been selected from great artists, but of subjects not yet too well known, and hence they offer material for study.” There are sixteen illustrations. A short bibliography is provided at the end and there is an index.
“The ‘Pictures to see in America’ will help as a quick survey of the chief works of art in the leading cities of the country.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:436 Jl ‘17 | |
+ | Cleveland p114 S ‘17 60w | |
+ | Dial 64:81 Ja 17 ‘18 280w |
“Gertrude Richardson Brigham is instructor in the history of art at George Washington university. Her text is sensible but not always free from commonplaces.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 Ag 19 ‘17 140w |
BRITTAIN, HARRY ERNEST. To Verdun from the Somme; an Anglo American glimpse of the great advance. *$1 (4c) Lane 940.91 17-12615
The author visited France in company with James M. Beck, who contributes a foreword to the book. They spent some time with the British forces in the valley of the Somme, visited Verdun and were taken along the battle line of the French front, spending some time with the Russian soldiers who are fighting in France. There is no table of contents, but some of the chapter titles picked out at random are: The Somme; Behind the firing line; On the Peronne road; Tommy Atkins; French airmen; Through the Argonne; To the Russian lines; Rheims.
+ | Ath p106 F ‘17 120w |
“Descriptive writers are divided into two classes, those who can paint a picture and those who can take you there. The book under discussion belongs in the first group. ... Mr Brittain leaves out most of the petty happenings. Genial, though his style is, one cannot help the feeling that he has written with his gloves on. The two accounts of his visits to Verdun and to Rheims are exceptions to this lack of generosity on the author’s part.”
+ | Boston Transcript p14 Ap 7 ‘17 420w | |
+ | Ind 90:298 My 12 ‘17 60w | |
Pittsburgh 22:680 O ‘17 | ||
Pratt p38 O ‘17 10w |
“Mr Brittain treats his subject with a freshness and simplicity which will make a sure appeal to his readers. Possibly one of the most interesting divisions of the book is that which deals with a visit to the Russian lines, and gives a short account of a Russian ‘church parade,’ at which the congregation was representative of anywhere ‘from Korea to the Caucasus.’”
+ | Spec 118:616 Je 2 ‘17 250w |
“Mr Brittain adds little to our knowledge of the war save his own sketchy views of the front as he found it, which are perhaps as valuable as those of other casual observers.”
Springf’d Republican p6 Ap 23 ‘17 80w |
BRONNER, AUGUSTA FOX. Psychology of special abilities and disabilities. *$1.75 (2c) Little 371.9 17-11120
The author has made a special study of two classes: (1) those of normal general ability who possess some special disability; (2) those below normal in general capacities who possess some special ability. At present, she says, all persons are divided into two classes: normal and defective. Children are so divided and are taught accordingly. No provision is made for those on the border line who might be better adjusted to society if account were taken of their particular abilities and defects. Contents: The problem; Methods of diagnosis; Differential diagnosis; Some present educational tendencies; Special defects in number work; Special defects in language ability; Special defects in separate mental processes; Defects in mental control; Special abilities with general mental subnormality; General conclusions. The author is assistant director of the Juvenile psychopathic institute of Chicago.
Reviewed by L. S. Hollingworth
+ | Am J Soc 23:128 Jl ‘17 400w | |
A L A Bkl 14:39 N ‘17 |
“This brief but scientific account of special abilities and disabilities should be read especially by the practicing teacher and the school officer.” E. B. Woods
+ | Am Pol Sci R 11:788 N ‘17 300w |
“Apart from its title, which is altogether too general, this work may be unreservedly commended.”
+ | Dial 63:411 O 25 ‘17 190w |
Reviewed by A. T. Poffenberger
+ | Educ 55:71 Ja ‘18 700w |
“Public-school teachers will get something of benefit from the discussions of this book as well as those engaged in the technical work of mental examination.”
Pittsburgh 22:833 D ‘17 70w | ||
+ | El School J 18:70 S ‘17 750w | |
Pratt p11 Jl ‘17 30w | ||
St Louis 15:139 My ‘17 10w |
“The book is very carefully worked out; the conscientious accounts of the work by others are more than mere references, and the theoretical discussion and the actual case-records go clearly hand in hand. A careful study of this book gives one the comfort that instead of the usual mass of generalities dealt out in 67books on education we have at last solid ground for sensible and well directed constructive work.” Adolph Meyer, M.D.
+ | Survey 38:372 Jl 28 ‘17 270w |
BROOKE, HENRY BRIAN (KORONGO). Poems; with a foreword by M. P. Willcocks. il *$1.25 Lane 821 17-24096
“Captain Brian Brooke lost his life at Mametz, leading his men with unabated courage in spite of wounds. In British East Africa he had a great name as a hunter ... and readers of the foreword by Miss Willcocks will easily see what a splendid man he was. His life was a poem, but he did not write poetry. His verses are like those of Adam Lindsay Gordon, free-and-easy records of ‘The call of the wild,’ close communings with nature, tales of fine horses, lonely souls, and sinners going right at the end, and downright denunciation of some of the humbugs of civilisation.”—Sat R
“Brian Brooke lived poetry rather than wrote it. ... Judged by the critic’s standards, the verses are not poetry at all. ... The bulk of them first appeared in the Leader of South Africa and similar colonial papers. They are direct, sincere interpretations of pioneer life as he saw it, and they do for East Africa much what those of Robert Service have done for Alaska. Like Service’s they are largely narrative.” R. T. P.
+ — | Boston Transcript p6 S 15 ‘17 760w | |
+ | Sat R 123:412 My 5 ‘17 180w |
“‘That ride,’ a race for the border between an illicit trader and a German whom he has taken unawares, is an exciting piece of direct narrative that may rival ‘How we beat the favourite’—its obvious source of inspiration. The Masai called Brooke ‘Korongo’ or ‘The Big Man’; his friends called him ‘The Boy’—a more fitting epithet, for it is long since we read any verse that was so full of the glorious vigour and recklessness of youth.”
+ | Spec 118:616 Je 2 ‘17 170w |
“In spite of the utter lack of literary craftsmanship—perhaps because of it to some extent—his rough ballads of African life are at times curiously impressive. ‘The song of the bamboos,’ for example, will always be remembered by those who have ever camped by a thicket.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p208 My 3 ‘17 670w |
BROOKS, ALDEN. Fighting men. *$1.35 (2c) Scribner 17-21875
The author, who has been war correspondent and American ambulance driver, and is now an officer in the French artillery, uses the knowledge he has gained of the national characteristics of the fighting countries as a background for a series of short stories. Full of the horrors of war, the first interest of these tales is yet psychological. Contents: The Parisian; The Belgian; The Odyssey of three Slavs; The man from America; The Prussian; An Englishman. Some of the series were first published in Collier’s in 1916. “The man from America,” which appeared in the Century Magazine for July, 1917, describes that type of American to whom liberty was dearer than neutrality. He allowed no outsider to criticize his government but before April, 1917, he had died fighting with the Foreign legion of France. The intimate touches which the author gives bring these tales home to the reader as tragedy through which he is personally passing.
A L A Bkl 14:94 D ‘17 |
“They are the work of a writer who has felt (not pursued) the continental influence, and whose master is de Maupassant rather than ‘O. Henry.’ But they are the work of an American, and they have the direct and personal effect of honest work done at first hand.” H. W. Boynton
+ | Bookm 46:337 N ‘17 490w |
“The red realism of war enters into the six short stories that make up this book.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 S 12 ‘17 170w |
“To those who have found war too gloriously represented in fiction, to those who would like to know a few of the typical fighting men of the eastern and western fronts, shorn of their civilized demeanor and expressing in action the purely elemental impulses, we recommend ‘The fighting men.’”
+ | Dial 63:282 S 27 ‘17 140w | |
+ | Ind 92:536 D 15 ‘17 140w |
“As a piece of writing ‘The fighting men’ is an uneven book. But for the most part it is graphic. And always it is horrible. The three stories, which take up the first half of the volume, are the best. ... ‘The Prussian’ is a terrible tale of war, like the others, but it seems less vivid, less real. As for ‘An Englishman,’ it is a morbid piece of fiction, false, maudlin, unwholesome.”
+ — | NY Times 22:325 S 2 ‘17 550w |
“The tale called ‘The Odyssey of three Slavs’ is one of the most powerful war stories we have seen.”
+ | Outlook 117:100 S 19 ‘17 70w |
“Gradually, however, the realization sinks in that they are something more profound and significant than mere printers’-ink pictures of phases of the great war—they are psychological studies executed with amazing dexterity, comprehension and simplicity of means, embodying, for the most part, in a single character the complex personality, the dominant racial spirit of each of the warring nations.” F: T. Cooper
+ | Pub W 92:809 S 15 ‘17 900w |
BROOKS, CHARLES STEPHEN. There’s pippins and cheese to come. il *$2 (5c) Yale univ. press 814 17-29242
“Journeys to Bagdad,” a book of reprinted papers published last year, won a place for the author in the regard of those who still cherish the essay as a form of literary diversion. There are twelve essays in the new volume, that which gives it the inviting title and the following: On buying old books; Any stick will do to beat a dog; Roads of morning; The man of Grub street comes from his garret; Now that spring is here; The friendly genii; Mr Pepys sits in the pit; To an unknown reader; A plague of all cowards; The asperities of the early British reviewers; The pursuit of fire. Some of these have appeared in the New Republic and the Yale Review.
“Whimsical, clever essays with a leisurely atmosphere, reminiscent of Lamb.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:119 Ja ‘18 |
“One of those books which cannot be recommended at all to many readers, but which can be recommended very highly to some. The worst that can be said of these twelve essays, from any point of view, is that they are a waste of time and energy, and fail to stimulate; they are often as futile as Edward Lear’s nonsense books, but at the same time almost as refreshing.” J. F. S.
+ — | Boston Transcript p2 D 15 ‘17 400w | |
+ | Cleveland p133 D ‘17 60w |
“Rarely does one find a book so loaded with quiet humor, literary charm, ease of expression and delicate fancy.”
+ | Ind 92:604 D 29 ‘17 80w |
“He has nothing whatever that is new to communicate but his own personal gusto; and he even smacks his lips, as he employs the subjunctive mood, with an antique smack.”
+ | Nation 106:44 Ja 10 ‘18 200w |
“By all the known laws of style and thought Mr Brooks ought to have lived 100 years ago. The peculiar appeal of what he has to say comes from the fact that he is essentially archaic. He talks about the most modern things from an 18th or early 19th century point of view. ... Not the least entertaining feature of ‘Pippins and cheese’ is the skill with which Theodore Diedricksen, jr., has illustrated the pages.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 D 8 ‘17 1300w |
68BROOKS, EUGENE CLYDE. Story of corn and the westward migration. il 75c (1c) Rand 633 16-23150
The author tells the story of corn from an interesting point of view, linking it up with the history of the westward movement of population in our country and the settlement and development of the Mississippi valley. The first chapters of the book are of a more general nature, treating of The struggle for food, Mythical stories of our food-giving plants, Food a factor in civilization, etc. The work is a companion volume to “The story of cotton,” and the two together, the author says, “should make a good course in elementary economic history for the last year of the grammar school or the first year of the high school.” The author is professor of education in Trinity college, Durham, N.C.
BROWER, HARRIETTE MOORE. Piano mastery; second series. il *$1.75 (3c) Stokes 786 17-25989
A second series of talks with pianists and teachers, including conferences with Hofmann, Godowsky, Grainger, Powell, Novaes, Hutcheson and others. In all, there are twenty-four interviews, each offering from a different angle, colored by a different personality, some big truth or truths about the development of piano art. The chapters will prove stimulating, inspiring and instructive to students.
“Not less interesting and valuable to the student and music lover than the first series.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:82 D ‘17 | |
Pittsburgh 22:811 D ‘17 50w |
BROWN, ALICE. Bromley neighborhood. il *$1.50 (1c) Macmillan 17-18592
“If a ‘neighborhood’ story can be said to have a heroine the outstanding, central figure of Miss Brown’s new novel is not either one of its young women ... but Mary Neale, middle-aged and mother of the two young men whose loves and ambitions, foibles and missteps furnish much of the skeleton of the story. ... But the Neales are only one of several families that inhabit the country neighborhood of Bromley, in New England, and all the others, the Greenes, the Brocks, the Gleasons, and their neighbors are pictured in the same detailed and graphic style, with little threads of quiet humor running through and the interaction of their individualities upon one another and the reaction of each to the environment form the story.”—N Y Times
+ | A L A Bkl 14:25 O ‘17 |
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton
Bookm 46:95 S ‘17 700w |
“It is a story of the spirit rather than of the flesh. ... In a story of New England life we expect to find the sort of New Englanders we meet there. But there are practically none of these in ‘Bromley neighborhood.’ Its people might have existed and their happenings might have come to pass anywhere in the wide world, but least of all in New England.” E. F. E.
– + | Boston Transcript p6 Jl 18 ‘17 1400w |
“The book is excellent in character drawing and has the plot material for several good short stories. As a long story, however, its construction breaks down.”
+ — | Cleveland p103 S ‘17 80w |
“Perhaps the men and women of Bromley neighborhood are a little too consistent, even for New England, where consistency is said to be so common a jewel as to pass unnoticed; perhaps Miss Brown is a shade unsympathetic toward those characters in whom the spirit of New England has shrunk and crystallized into something different. But on the whole, the people of Bromley neighborhood are real people with reactions that are, on the whole, true—deadly true.”
+ — | Dial 63:280 S 27 ‘17 550w |
“Surely one of the best American novels of the year.”
+ | Ind 92:561 D 22 ‘17 300w |
“Miss Brown burns with a clear flame of indignation against the mood of the American government and the American people during the first year of the war. She respects only those who refused to be bound by official neutrality, who saw where our part lay and tried to do it. And she sees the war as a great purifier and solvent. ... As for the story proper, the tangled love story of Hugh and Ben Neale and Ellen Brock and Grissie Gleason, it is, like all of Miss Brown’s longer narratives, plainly a fiction. The truth is, she cannot paint a full-length portrait of a man. The women of this story are truly characterized.”
+ — | Nation 105:124 Ag 2 ‘17 520w |
“Miss Brown’s virulent pro-ally bias can be excused. She is as much entitled to her opinion as one holding the reverse to his. But the artificiality of the whole plot, the excessive limitations of her characters, are not so excusable.” Clement Wood
– + | N Y Call p14 Ag 26 ‘17 400w |
“Miss Brown excels in this rich and glowing interpretation of New England character and temperament. Scarcely does she have her equal among writers of recent years. ... Once in a while she falls short in her interpretation into action, or rather, allows a character so to offend against probability as to rouse the reader to indignant protest. But when she does this it is because of her need of some crucial action in her plot and it usually takes the form of allowing one of her women characters to embark upon some adventure of sex that outrages all human probability. This new novel has just such a flaw in the sudden marriage of Ellen Brock.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:255 Jl 8 ‘17 700w |
“No novel by Alice Brown, not even ‘The prisoner,’ is more mature or richer in character depiction than ‘Bromley neighborhood.’ It would indeed be difficult to name any American novel of the year which is more thoroughly well worth reading.”
+ | Outlook 116:626 Ag 22 ‘17 180w | |
Pittsburgh 22:649 O ‘17 20w |
“A very fine novel, a better sermon on the recovery of the lost values of American citizenship.”
+ | R of Rs 56:333 S ‘17 350w |
“The work contains diverse elements—some richly truthful and others sentimentally romantic.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 Ag 5 ‘17 550w |
BROWN, ALICE. Road to Castaly, and later poems. *$1.50 Macmillan 811 17-7033
The earliest copyright date of the poems brought together in this book is 1893. It is in part a reprint of a small volume with the same title issued a number of years ago. Later poems have been added. Among these are a short poetic drama, “The immortal witnesses,” and a sonnet sequence, “The book of love.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:340 My ‘17 |
“The volume shows no lack of craftsmanship in the handling of a variety of poetic forms. ... It is the sincere and sometimes inspired singing of a poet. ... Her shorter poems are without exception her best.” R. T. P.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Mr 21 ‘17 1150w |
“The distinction of Miss Alice Brown’s poetry is its originality; Miss Brown is remarkable for her power of finding new themes and of saying new things about old themes.”
+ | Lit D 54:1999 Je 30 ‘17 700w |
“Without classing Miss Brown among great or incisive poets, I can warmly commend ‘The road to Castaly.’ First of all, she has utterance, the plastic mouth. There is a perfect leafage of phrase, a sun-flecked and wind-tossed abundance, over which her fancy plays with what I can best describe as a hovering fondness. Again, her work is notable for the rarity of imperfections—itself a high rarity in current American verse of any grade.” O. W. Firkins
+ | Nation 105:400 O 11 ‘17 240w |
69 | ||
+ | N Y Times 22:241 Je 24 ‘17 280w |
“Originality, daring, delicacy—these are the qualities that mark this book of verse from beginning to end. ... Yet the mastery is not complete; a certain obscurity clouds many of the poems, and the fascinating series of sonnets called ‘The book of love,’ which one feels ought to be the author’s best work, is for this reason unsatisfying.”
+ | No Am 205:809 My ‘17 320w |
“One is accustomed to think of Alice Brown as the author of the prize play, ‘Children of earth,’ and as a successful short-story writer, rather than as a poet, but this book will not fail to convince her readers of her great natural gift for poetic expression. The poems in this collection are diverse of theme, thoughtful, and reverent of mood and strong with a certain dramatic propulsion.”
+ | R of Rs 55:439 Ap ‘17 100w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p19 My 27 ‘17 380w |
BROWN, CHARLES REYNOLDS. Master’s way; a study in the synoptic gospels. *$1.75 (1c) Pilgrim press 232 17-2209
A series of papers reprinted from the Congregationalist. The author says, “This is not a ‘Life of Christ.’ It contains a series of studies based upon the more significant actions and utterances of the Master as we find them reported in the synoptic gospels.” They are designed especially for those engaged in Sunday school work or leading Bible study classes. “They were not written for the critical scholar.” The author is dean of the School of religion at Yale university.
“Dr Brown has sufficient keenness of insight, freshness of statement, and real power of interpretation to make his collection of ‘lesson helps’ worth preservation in this permanent form. ... This is the work of a teacher.”
+ | Bib World 50:50 Jl ‘17 300w |
“Filled with a sympathy which finds in love’s boundlessness a hope for all mankind, this collection of Doctor Brown’s sermons comforts as well as inspires.”
+ | Boston Transcript p8 O 31 ‘17 210w |
“Delightful and full of suggestions.”
+ | Ind 90:299 My 12 ‘17 60w |
“To a remarkable degree it correlates the events and the ministry of Christ with present-day problems and needs. ... The best modern scholarship appears throughout the book. The author is very balanced in his judgments and presents both sides of the disputed questions.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p8 F 8 ‘17 150w |
BROWN, DEMETRA (VAKA) (MRS KENNETH BROWN). Heart of the Balkans. *$1.50 (3½c) Houghton 914.97 17-14034
In these papers, some of them reprinted from the Delineator and the Century, the author describes a journey taken thru the Balkans in company with her brother. The date of these travels is not given, but they were probably taken in one of the interims of the first or second Balkan wars. The author was most interested, as she states, in the women of these countries. Contents: Wild Albania; Romantic Albania; Through the lands of the Black-mountaineers; The eagle and the sparrow; Servia, the undaunted; The gypsies of the Balkans; The Prussia of the Balkans; The sons of the Hellenes; Saloniki, the city of histories.
“She gives much information, shows the contrasts between the various peoples and has many original points of view.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:22 O ‘17 |
“The author is remarkably successful in grasping and presenting the diverse characteristics of these neighbor-peoples.”
+ | Cleveland p115 S ‘17 50w |
“It would make a poor guidebook indeed, but it is something better. Her word pictures of the physical appearance of each land are suggestive and touched with beauty.”
+ | Dial 63:348 O 11 ‘17 190w | |
+ | Ind 90:561 Je 23 ‘17 30w |
+ | Ind 91:78 Jl 14 ‘17 50w |
“The author is a Greek, born in Constantinople, a woman who has studied both the political and racial characteristics of her country and who has also a style charmingly individual, picturesque, and a diction worthy of her native land.”
+ | Lit D 55:42 O 13 ‘17 290w | |
+ | Outlook 116:305 Je 20 ‘17 180w | |
Pittsburgh 22:674 O ‘17 50w | ||
Pratt p46 O ‘17 20w |
“Particularly valuable in this fascinating book is the presentation of the characteristics of the women of the various countries. If anyone wishes to get a vivid first-hand account of these countries in brief compass that is more engaging than most fiction, this little book to him can be recommended.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Ag 29 ‘17 260w |
BROWN, EDNA ADELAIDE. Spanish chest. il *$1.35 (2c) Lothrop 17-23755
This book for boys and girls, by an author who can always be depended on for a fresh and absorbing story, describes attractively scenes in the island of Jersey. Two English girls, thrown on their own resources, decide to let rooms to tourists and are fortunate in obtaining as their first lodgers a delightful American family. Edith the younger of the two English girls, immediately makes friends with Frances, the American, and Estelle, the older, is at once attracted to Mrs Thayne. The two American boys, Win and Roger, find interests to their liking, Win in historical research and Roger in outdoor adventure and exploration. The party make friends with the residents of an old manor house, associated with the stay of Charles II on the island, and are allowed to investigate its secret passage ways. The finding of the chest, once the possession of Prince Charley, is the culminating incident.
+ | A L A Bkl 14:100 D ‘17 |
“It is not a love tale; it is not a story of adventure; it is not a story of mystery and ghosts, and yet these features are suggested, giving a distinct charm that makes it readable for older persons, as well as the younger generation.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 S 8 ‘17 100w | |
+ | Ind 92:447 D 1 ‘17 60w | |
N Y Times 22:389 O 7 ‘17 50w | ||
Outlook 117:100 S 19 ‘17 20w |
“The Channel islands are unfamiliar ground to most American readers, and the peculiarities of Jersey in general, and of St Helier’s in particular, are well brought out by the author, and even the little colloquialisms that she introduces are worth noting.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 D 1 ‘17 160w |
BROWN, GEORGE ROTHWELL. My country; a story of today. il *$1.35 (2½c) Small 17-23648
This is said to be the first novel to come out of our war with Germany. The plot and the way in which the story is developed recall Phillips Oppenheim. The hero, Wilhelm Hartmann, known as Billy, and his twin brother, Karl, are Prussians by birth, though their father has become a loyal American citizen. After the father’s death, Karl returns to Germany for his education and becomes thoroughly Prussianized, while Billy, through the influence of Prussians who hope to use him later, though he is ignorant of this at the time, is appointed to Annapolis and later promoted to a position of importance in the United States navy. The crucial point in the story comes when Billy, already obliged to pay the penalty of a dual nationality in suffering the distrust of his fellow officers, meets his twin brother, who has returned secretly by submarine as the official representative of the Kaiser and tells Billy that he is the Kaiser’s man, that he owes his appointment as assistant chief-of-staff to the commander-in-chief to Prussian influence and that it is his duty to save Germany by betraying the American navy. How 70Billy deals with his brother and how he saves and finally wins the girl he loves is ingeniously told.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Je 20 ‘17 480w | |
Cleveland p128 N ‘17 70w |
“The story is a thrilling one and offers a serious idea or two besides.”
+ — | Dial 63:220 S 13 ‘17 120w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:243 Je 24 ‘17 330w |
BROWN, HAROLD WARNER. Electrical equipment; its selection and arrangement, with special reference to factories, shops and industrial plants. il *$2 McGraw 621.3 17-5558
“The book supplements, and does not duplicate, existing recognized texts which describe electrical apparatus or present the principles of design and application or give various performance data. Its aim, in contrast, is to show how to apply principles and data elsewhere accessible.”—Engin News-Rec
A L A Bkl 14:44 N ‘17 | ||
Cleveland p93 Jl ‘17 20w |
“Non-electrical men who have problems in the selection and use of electrical equipment put up to them, will welcome Mr Brown’s lectures.”
+ | Engin News-Rec 78:363 My 17 ‘17 150w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:59 Ap ‘17 |
“Unique in that it attacks the subject from the standpoint of the mechanical engineer. To facilitate study, data references are confined mainly to the ‘Standard’ and the ‘American’ handbooks, while Alexander Gray’s ‘Principles and practice of electrical engineering’ is depended upon for theory.”
+ | N Y P L New Tech Bks p7 Ap ‘17 120w |
“Primarily intended to guide college students in laying out their work and to assist mechanical and electrical engineers in selecting electrical equipment, and in this capacity it should find a wide field of usefulness.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:445 My ‘17 50w |
“Helpful book, the first to deal definitely with this subject.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:517 Je ‘17 20w |
“The tables given in the chapter on Motor applications are a very important part of the work.”
+ | Power 45:400 Mr 20 ‘17 440w | |
Pratt p17 Jl ‘17 20w |
“Author is connected with the engineering department of Cornell university.”
+ | Quar List New Tech Bks Ap ‘17 160w | |
St Louis 15:174 Je ‘17 10w |
BROWN, IVOR. Security. *$1.25 (1½c) Doran
The way of dons, the way of men, the way of women, and the way of the world are the four divisions of this novel. John Grant, an Oxford don at the opening of the story, is just beginning to find the peace and security of the life intolerable. His father’s death, which brings him a comfortable fortune, provides a way of escape. He goes to London to plunge into the world of men with a friend who is a champion of labor. But he is not built for the hazards and excitements of such an existence. He leaves it and marries, expecting to find in marriage the peace and security for which he again longs. But his wife also has married for security, and like himself she finds that it palls after a time. She tries a way of escape which, strangely enough, results in drawing the two, husband and wife, together in a mutual understanding.
“So far as the hero himself is concerned, we hope recognition of the fact will grow among readers that, like many well-intentioned capitalists, he is attempting to improve at one end the situation he is helping to create at the other. ... Security is certainly never attained, though if the hero had any real aim in life, perhaps it was that. A better title would have been ‘The slacker’s progress.’”
— | Ath p126 Mr ‘16 550w |
“‘A thoughtful and sincere piece of work.’”
+ | Cleveland p33 Mr ‘17 60w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:136 Ap 15 ‘17 360w |
“The talk of the labour men is as good as the talk of the dons. ... Our conviction of the author’s knowledge begins to wane in ‘The way of women,’ and it evaporates rapidly in ‘The way of the world.’”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p70 F 10 ‘16 600w |
BROWN, KATHARINE HOLLAND. Wages of honor, and other stories. il *$1.35 (2c) Scribner 17-24278
The stories in this book are divided into three groups, representing three geographical divisions of our continent. The four stories of the first group: The wages of honor; The master strategist; “Crabbed age and youth”; and Brewster blood have scenes laid in the east. Following these are three stories of the Mississippi country: The ragged edge of forty; Raw prose; Briarley’s real woman. The third group consists of three stories of Mexico: Billy Foster and the snow queen; Millicent, maker of history; On a brief text from Isaiah. With two exceptions the stories are reprinted from Scribner’s Magazine.
“Ten readable short stories. They all have a high moral tone.”
+ | A L A Bkl 14:94 D ‘17 |
“Magazine readers are already well acquainted with the clean and dignified style characteristic of the author. There is nothing to offend and much to interest and provide pleasant reading in these three hundred pages.”
+ | Cath World 106:413 D ‘17 80w |
“Rather subtle and a little too slow for the average novel reader. The three stories of Mexico are interesting, especially the first, in letter form, and they present a new view of the Mexican peon.”
+ — | Cleveland p128 N ‘17 50w |
“They are all stories with happy endings, irrespective of the logic of the situation.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:388 O 7 ‘17 160w |
“A man cannot write a story of a sewing society that will convince women and a woman cannot write of violent masculine physical labor, in a way convincing to men. Thus, in ‘The ragged edge of forty,’ Miss Brown, though she has her technical details and a correct background, writes a story that leaves the masculine reader with the unsatisfied sense that she didn’t know what she was writing about. ‘Billy Foster and the snow queen’ has, in many ways, the greatest appeal in the book.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p15 Ja 13 ‘18 380w |
BROWN, PHILIP MARSHALL. International realities. *$1.40 (3c) Scribner 341 17-3489
The author says, “Since the great war began I have been conscious, with many others, of the urgent necessity of a thorough reconstruction of the law of nations in accordance with the big facts of international life. I have set myself the task of endeavoring to ascertain the fundamental values in international relations. The method followed has been to select certain of the large problems of international relations and treat them as separate topics illustrating and elucidating some of the basic principles of international law.” Some of the papers are reprinted from the North American Review. Contents: International realities; Nationalism; The rights of states; The limitations of arbitration; International administration; Ignominious neutrality; The dangers of pacifism; Pan-Americanism; Democracy and diplomacy; The substitution of law for war.
A L A Bkl 14:5 O ‘17 |
“Though unduly obsessed by ‘realities,’—which is to say, existing phenomena—and unnecessarily patronising in tone toward the ‘emotion and sentiment’ of those who seek a more idealistic and visionary solution, it is nevertheless a valuable analysis of the bases of international law.” Nathaniel Pfeffer
+ — | Bookm 45:198 Ap ‘17 230w |
71“His book will serve to clear up some misunderstood points, but his personal predilections are apparent and his ‘common sense’ reduces all considerations to a somewhat materialistic basis. Much of this was written for magazines, and a part of it has a slight political-campaign flavor.”
+ — | Cleveland p53 Ap ‘17 70w |
“It is no dispassionate study as proved by such headings as Ignominious neutrality and Dangers of pacificism, but in pointing out the tasks immediately practical, especially in relation to South America, it is suggestive and inspiring.”
+ | Ind 90:556 Je 23 ‘17 50w |
“Professor Brown of Princeton, in writing of international relations and the ‘law’ that more or less guides and governs them, has the advantage of adding considerable experience in diplomacy to his professional study. He served as secretary of legation and as chargé in the Near East, especially at Constantinople, and as minister to Honduras.”
N Y Times 22:87 Mr 11 ‘17 700w | ||
St Louis 15:133 My ‘17 10w |
BROWN, WILLIAM ADAMS. Is Christianity practicable? lectures delivered in Japan. *$1.25 (4c) Scribner 261 16-23974
Dr Brown is Union seminary lecturer on Christianity in the Far East and the lectures that make up this book were delivered in Japan. The question that serves as title is considered with reference to the present war. The author’s answer is that Christianity has never been tried. It has been tried as an individual religion, but has never been applied to national or international problems. The responsibility for the war is laid to the fact that the leaders of all the so-called Christian nations have assumed the impracticability of Christianity. In this they have been sustained by public sentiment. The five chapters of the book are: The world crisis as challenge and as opportunity; The Christian interpretation of history; The Christian programme for humanity; The duty for to-morrow; What the church can do.
“A courageous, candid, and constructive book—courageous, because it consists of lectures in the Orient upon the most embarrassing question of Christian apologetics; candid and constructive, because without artificial or question-begging theological premises, and working only with real facts and ideals, the author has produced a clear and simple apologetic adapted to build up genuine Christian conviction.” E. W. Lyman
+ | Am J Theol 21:467 Jl ‘17 860w |
“These lectures were delivered in Japan, and ought to have a wholesome influence in counteracting the baleful effects of jingoism both in Japan and in America.”
+ | Bib World 49:186 Mr ‘17 450w | |
N Y Times 22:436 O 28 ‘17 60w | ||
+ | Outlook 115:668 Ap 11 ‘17 200w |
“The volume is a distinct contribution to the literature of social Christianity.” Graham Taylor
+ | Survey 38:574 S 29 ‘17 360w |
BROWN, WILLIAM ALDEN. Portland cement industry; with notes on physical testing. il *$3 Van Nostrand 666 (Eng ed 17-17970)
“A practical treatise on the building, equipping, and economical running of a Portland cement plant.” (Sub-title) A short introductory chapter and a historical sketch of the industry are followed by discussions of: Manufacture—raw materials; Design and construction of a modern Portland cement plant; The rotary kiln; Power plants; Costs and statistics, etc. The author is a member of the South Wales institute of engineers, and the book has been written to encourage the development of the Portland cement industry in Great Britain to meet the competition of Germany and the United States after the war.
“The book itself is a very good categorical description of the manufacture of portland cement, with special detailed reference to the individual parts making up the cement mill. More attention is paid to the factory itself and to raw materials than to chemical investigations, although there are six chapters on the technique of testing.”
+ | Engin News-Rec 79:325 Ag 16 ‘17 130w |
“The book before us is eminently practical, and deserves serious consideration because the author has had important American experience, and is now managing a large modern cement works in South Wales. Some notes on physical testing constitute a valuable feature.” J. A. A.
+ | Nature 98:368 Ja 11 ‘17 260w |
BROWNE, BELMORE. White blanket. il *$1.25 (2c) Putnam 17-31026
A sequel to “The quest of the golden valley.” George Draper and Fred Morgan, the two boys of that story, spend a winter in Alaska with George’s uncle, who is prospecting for gold. In addition to helping establish a valuable mining claim, the two boys have many adventures and brave great dangers. The author, who is an arctic explorer, is utilizing his experiences in the north in this series of books for boys. His familiarity with the country is further shown in the drawings he has made to illustrate the story.
“A first-class book with a background of reality.”
+ | N Y Times 22:565 D 16 ‘17 110w |
BROWNE, JOHN HUTTON BALFOUR. Recollections; literary and political. *10s 6d Constable & co., London
Mr Browne, a Scottish lawyer, author of “Forty years at the bar” and of many other volumes, is a brother of Sir James Crichton-Browne. He shows a strong bent towards philosophy and was for several years a reviewer of philosophical books for the magazines. His “Recollections” abound in anecdotes, many of them not new.
“His thumb-nail appreciations of politicians and others are sometimes acute, occasionally amusing, and in certain instances likely to be dissented from by many readers. ... Does not appear to have much sympathy with efforts at social reforms. ... On pp. 113-14 there are some references to the United States which it would have been better, we think, to delete. On p. 203 ‘Aubernon,’ in a copy of a letter from Lord Bramwell, should be Auberon.”
– + | Ath p417 Ag ‘17 390w |
“He has no doubt about his likes and dislikes, and expresses them with a frankness that leaves little to be desired, and deals some shrewd knocks at the idols of the present generation. ... These recollections give us a vivid picture of a shrewd, able, alert, and highly critical mind, keenly interested in many subjects outside the law.”
+ | Spec 118:88 Jl 28 ‘17 1600w |
“These recollections are such as might have been published by that busy, canny old gentleman Polonius, but for the hasty action of Hamlet. ... They are not legal, but political and literary—a record of unimportant elections lost; of writings that have been forgotten by the writer himself; and of sentiments that have nothing novel or striking to commend them.”
— | The Times [London] Lit Sup p353 Jl 26 ‘17 900w |
BROWNE, PORTER EMERSON. Someone and somebody. il *$1.35 (2½c) Bobbs 17-14136
“The collision of a Long Island railroad train with an automobile in which his two tight-fisted uncles are riding raises the hero from the status of book agent to millionaire. Notwithstanding that he is a college man, he is singularly ignorant of the usages of good society. But he is physically attractive and soon learns the ways of the world into which fortune pitches him. Coincidentally with his leap from poverty to affluence, the heroine’s position is reversed. ... One day, however, she discovers that the hero’s uncles had mulcted her father of his fortune. She marches directly to the young man and demands 72her money back. ... He consents. But before he is able to carry out his good intention, the news is brought to him that his confidential agent has ... absconded [with his fortune].” (Springf’d Republican) Both young people, however, contrive to outwit ill fortune, and the book ends happily.
“There is a keenness even under the froth in a story of the type of this present one, and we have the impression that under it all he is rather laughing at those who read it. ... He deliberately puts aside the serious mood, unless it be true that his very burlesquing is serious. He gives us every kind of a fictional misfortune and then ends his story by arbitrarily bringing all right again.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Je 20 ‘17 350w |
“Perhaps Mr Browne’s experience as a playwright is responsible for the manner in which the situation develops. ... His pointed humor is very diverting, and although the romance does not always move voluntarily, there is no lack of lively interest throughout.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Jl 8 ‘17 320w |
BROWNELL, WILLIAM CRARY. Standards. *$1 (4½c) Scribner 801 17-13754
The author discusses standards in art and literature. The tendency of the present day is to discard standards of all kinds, and to point out the dangers of such a course is part of Mr Brownell’s aim in this little book. There are seven chapters, dealing with: Measures of value; The public; Taste; The individual; The inner life; “Modern art”; The cause of art and letters.
A L A Bkl 14:14 O ‘17 |
“A brief monograph, admirable in its technique and apparently intended to supplement his concentrated little essay on criticism.”
+ | Cleveland p89 Jl ‘17 80w |
“A thin volume of masterly essays with a rich and widely varied vocabulary that well serves to project intellectual and art pyrotechnics.”
+ | Ind 92:604 D 29 ‘17 70w |
“There can never be too much of the refined and much-experienced criticism such as Mr W. C. Brownell’s essay on ‘Standards,’ which we all read in Scribner’s Magazine and are glad to have now as a book.”
+ | Nation 105:152 Ag 9 ‘17 100w |
“His pages sparkle with wit and wisdom in happy combination. The reader feels the sway of a loyal, candid, deeply self-respecting nature and of a mind disciplined by the study not only of what literature discloses of life, but of that still richer revelation which actual living brings to the soul that can receive it.”
+ | N Y Times 22:200 My 20 ‘17 800w | |
Pratt p33 O ‘17 20w |
BRUBAKER, HOWARD. Ranny, otherwise Randolph Harrington Dukes. il *$1.40 (2c) Harper 17-20177
“A tale of those activities which made him an important figure in his town, in his family—and in other families.” (Sub-title) The sixteen chapters about the doings of this representative American small boy, during the year when he was “eight-going-on-nine” are written from the adult point of view. They appeared originally in Harper’s Magazine.
+ | A L A Bkl 14:25 O ‘17 | |
Cleveland p128 N ‘17 30w |
“Howard Brubaker has been a real boy, but more to the point, he has the faculty of making his readers boys again. ‘Ranny’ is excellent reading.”
+ | Dial 63:354 O 11 ‘17 40w | |
+ — | N Y Times 22:282 Jl 29 ‘17 370w |
BRUCE, EDWIN MORRIS. Detection of the common food adulterants. 3d ed rev and enl *$1.25 Van Nostrand 614.3 17-31161
This third edition of a little volume published in 1907 “has been revised so that it contains the latest and best tests for the common food adulterants.” (Preface) Contents: Dairy products; Meat and eggs; Cereal products; Leavening materials; Canned and bottled vegetables; Fruits and fruit products; Flavoring extracts; Saccharine products; Spices; Vinegar; Fats and oils; Beverages. In addition to the general index, there is an index to authors and tests.
BRUCE, HENRY ADDINGTON BAYLEY. Handicaps of childhood. *$1.50 (3c) Dodd 136.7 17-29498
The author states that he has written this book “to amplify and supplement his ‘Psychology and parenthood.’” “Its general aim, accordingly, is to present additional evidence in support of the doctrine, that, in view of the discoveries of modern psychology with regard to individual development, the mental and moral training of children by their parents ought to be begun earlier, and be carried on more intensively, than is the rule at present. But whereas in ‘Psychology and parenthood’ the emphasis was chiefly on the importance of early mental training, the chief concern of the present book is to demonstrate the importance of early training in the moral sphere.” (Preface) Much of the material here presented has already appeared in the Century, Good Housekeeping, McClure’s, Harper’s Bazar, Every Week, and the Mother’s Magazine. The book includes chapters on Stammering, The only child, and Fairy tales that handicap. This latter points out the danger to many children of fairy tales that reek of brutality and gore.
“A work of manufacture rather than of literature, but none the less rather interesting reading for an hour or two and, if liberally seasoned with the salt of skepticism, perhaps not unprofitable reading for parents. The salt is needed for the author’s naïve acceptance of Freudian ‘discoveries’; apart from this prepossession, his suggestions are not lacking in sanity.”
+ — | Nation 106:120 Ja 31 ‘18 100w |
“Simple in expression and eminently readable, this discussion of child psychology is based on full knowledge and sound thinking.”
+ | Outlook 117:654 D 19 ‘17 60w |
BRUCE, WILLIAM CABELL. Benjamin Franklin, self-revealed. 2v *$6 (3c) Putnam 17-29818
A biographical and critical study of Franklin based largely on his own writings. All of the aids of modern scholarship have been employed to make the work accurate and exhaustive. It is the many-sided Franklin who stands revealed in these pages. The first volume inquires into Franklin’s moral standing and system, his religious beliefs, family relations, American, British and French friends, and estimates Franklin, the philanthropist and citizen; the second volume portrays his personal characteristics, looks at Franklin, the man of business, statesman, man of science and writer.
“The volumes throughout are distinguished by keen critical insight and by a deep understanding of human nature, added to which are a fine sense of proportion and a literary manner which renders the work eminently readable.” E. J. C.
+ | Boston Transcript p8 N 21 ‘17 730w |
“Here are two volumes which, with literary finish, careful accuracy, and critical insight, consider every side of this remarkable man. They abound in citations from Franklin’s writings, especially his private letters, and thus reveal his personality as no mere biographical pages could.”
+ | Lit D 55:36 D 15 ‘17 340w |
“It is detached, impersonal, detailed, and it discusses Franklin’s foibles and flaws on every side, in all their manifestations and in all their relations to his family, friends, and period.”
+ | N Y Times 23:5 Ja 6 ‘18 650w |
“An admirable piece of work—every page sparkling with the interest that attaches to a unique character.”
+ | Outlook 117:574 D 5 ‘17 100w |
73 | ||
+ | R of Rs 57:100 Ja ‘18 110w | |
+ — | Spec 120:61 Ja 19 ‘18 2050w |
“The author belongs to that school of American writers on biography and history who have never taken to heart the maxim that the half is greater than the whole.”
– + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p16 Ja 10 ‘18 1000w |
BRUNNER, EDMUND DE SCHWEINITZ. New country church building. (Library of Christian progress) il 75c Missionary education movement 17-17093
“Edmund de S. Brunner, who has been successful in community leadership and who knows churches from every angle, including that of the pulpit, ... has packed into these 140 pages a comprehensive survey of architectural and spiritual needs. Eleven plans are submitted for country churches, incorporating in varying degree, from simple to elaborate, suggestive arrangements for Sunday-school rooms, boys’ and girls’ club rooms, gymnasium, etc.; and several other plans deal with parish houses or community buildings.” (Springf’d Republican) The Federal council’s commission on church and country life has indorsed Dr Brunner’s volume.
+ | Ind 91:345 S 1 ‘17 40w |
“While the volume is meant for country churches, it has much of value for town and city parishes.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 O 8 ‘17 350w |
“It is not a technical book, but it should be valuable to the architect, though it is written for the country minister, the country layman and the rural social worker. The sketches and plans by James Grunert are most suggestive. Particularly interesting is the section by Mrs Brunner upon the kitchen.” S.
+ | Survey 38:574 S 29 ‘17 200w |
BRYAN, WILLIAM JENNINGS. Heart to heart appeals. il *$1 Revell 308 17-12620
“These selections from the Bryan speeches and writings are varied and all-embracing. The topics include Government, Imperialism, Equal suffrage, The liquor question, Peace, Ideals, Labor, Trusts, and many more.”—Boston Transcript
“As one glances through the pages of this book it is bound to embody merely the fond and lingering memories of a man whose talents and political efforts have largely spelled failure.”
— | Boston Transcript p6 My 23 ‘17 450w |
Reviewed by H. M. Kallen
Dial 63:445 N 3 ‘17 580w |
“They afford many glimpses of history, with side-lights revealing a personality widely recognized as dominant and picturesque.”
+ | Lit D 55:33 S 1 ‘17 60w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:88 Je ‘17 6w | ||
Springf’d Republican p15 S 30 ‘17 100w |
BRYANT, MRS LORINDA (MUNSON). American pictures and their painters. il *$3 (4c) Lane 759.1 17-16076
This work “is designed to provide a working basis for the appreciation of American art. To accomplish this I have attempted especially to trace the careers of the leaders in their respective eras—artists who even now are modern old masters. ... Naturally it is too early as yet to judge the younger artists correctly, consequently only a limited number are here represented; those are included who indicate the trend of thought in art to-day.” (Introd.) Beginning with a chapter on West, Copley, Peale and Trumbull, the author traces American painting down to the present day, closing with a chapter on Ultra-modern art. The book is illustrated with over 200 reproductions of paintings.
A L A Bkl 14:12 O ‘17 |
“The author has been responsible for a series of quite a half-dozen books embodying various phases of this subject, all of which have found readers. ... The work is broad and comprehensive, and the many illustrations are equally so, and add greatly to the interest of the work.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Je 23 ‘17 420w |
“The author’s appreciations are characterized by both fairness and interest. The 230 illustrations are chosen with discrimination.”
+ | Ind 91:514 S 29 ‘17 60w |
“The illustrations afford only a fair idea of the pictures, for it must be confest that they are somewhat flat and leave much to the imagination.”
+ — | Lit D 55:43 D 1 ‘17 300w | |
+ | Outlook 116:488 Jl 25 ‘17 40w |
“The text is delightfully written, with just enough chattiness to lift it out of the ruts of guide-books. One welcomes the chapter on ultra-modern art, inasmuch as upon the spirit of unrest manifest in it largely depends our artistic progress.”
+ | R of Rs 56:219 Ag ‘17 100w |
“One studies the volume rather hopelessly in the search of the key to the sequence of names. The pictures are so good that they might stand as the raison d’etre of the volume with the letterpress added as commentary.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p6 D 13 ‘17 350w |
BRYCE, MRS CHARLES. Long spoon. *$1.40 (2c) Lane 17-23341
The title of this book is taken from the old proverb, “He must have a long spoon that must eat with the devil.” The scene is laid in Wales. The heroine, Thirza, has married Sir Hugo Averill as a means of support, only to discover that he is a brute with a partially unbalanced brain. Two men fall in love with Lady Averill: George Blount, who has rented Sir Hugo’s fishing, and Oswald Gerrard, Sir Hugo’s land agent. The story goes on to tell how Lady Averill resorts to necromancy to solve her difficulties, and what comes of it all in the end.
“Terse and full of action and sustained interest. ... To introduce necromancy in a novel is daring and difficult, for if the subject is not treated with great tact it so easily distorts and cheapens. Mrs Bryce has done her work cleverly.”
+ | N Y Times 22:343 S 16 ‘17 160w |
BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE, viscount. Some historical reflections on war, past and present. *1s Oxford 172.4
These essays are portions of two presidential addresses delivered to the British academy, June, 1915 and July, 1916. “Among the topics considered are the vast range and extent of the war, its immense influence upon neutral nations, the changes in the methods of war, the cost, the moral issues raised, the effect in each nation upon the whole body of the people, ... the shock given to the rules of international law, the chief causes of war in the past, the question whether international machinery can be contrived ‘calculated to reduce the strength of the forces that make for war and to strengthen those that make for peace.’ He indicates some of the difficulties to be surmounted, but believes that there is much to be hoped from the creation of ... an international mind, and of an international public opinion.” (Ath)
Ath p33 Ja ‘17 280w |
“Lord Bryce’s two presidential addresses are deliberately written in a spirit of detachment. ... The second address contains some acute criticisms upon plans for a federation, or league of nations.” M. J.
+ | Int J Ethics 27:538 Jl ‘17 110w |
BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE, viscount. Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman empire, 1915-1916; documents presented to Viscount Grey. *$1 Putnam 956 17-2893
“The collection is made from a great variety of reliable sources including American consuls and missionaries, German travelers and missionaries, Danish Red cross workers, Swiss visitors, native teachers, pastors and other religious 74leaders. It is a terrible mass of conclusive evidence pointing to the perpetration of the foulest crime ever committed against a defenseless people.”—Ind
A L A Bkl 13:393 Je ‘17 | ||
Ind 90:437 Je 2 ‘17 200w |
“If the reader is sickened by the dreadful reiteration of horrors, of torture and murder and mutilation, of outrage and burning, of the sufferings of starving women forced to march on under a blazing sun when the pains of labour were on them, let him not fail to read Mr Toynbee’s admirable historical retrospect of Armenia and his review of the antecedents and procedure of the deportation policy.”
Spec 118:105 Ja 27 ‘17 2100w |
BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE, viscount, and others. Proposals for the prevention of future wars. *1s Allen & Unwin, London 341.1 (Eng ed 17-22062)
“This is a draft scheme for an international alliance to keep the peace. It differs from the League of nations society’s programme in not asking the Allies to enforce an arbitrator’s award, and from the programme of the American League to enforce peace in requiring the Allies to deal with aggression by a non-Ally as well as by one of their number.”—Spec
Ath p303 Je ‘17 90w | ||
Int J Ethics 28:288 Ja ‘18 110w | ||
Spec 118:705 Je 23 ‘17 60w |
“The proposals are reasonably modest and admittedly deal only with a part of the problem. They are concerned only with international disputes and with the means of preventing international wars. ... They are sound enough so far as they go, but the motor will not move without its petrol; and it is the spirit which is difficult to obtain.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p313 Jl 5 ‘17 2300w |
BRYCE, JAMES BRYCE, viscount, and others. War of democracy. *$2 (2c) Doubleday 940.91 17-8205
A collection of papers on the war from the standpoint of the Allies. Lord Bryce in his introduction says: “The present war differs from all that have gone before it not only in its vast scale and in the volume of misery it has brought upon the world, but also in the fact that it is a war of principles, and a war in which the permanent interests, not merely of the belligerent powers but of all nations, are involved as such interests were never involved before. ... This war of principles is a war not only for the vindication of international right, for the faith of treaties, for the protection of the innocent, but also for liberty.” Among those who contribute to the book are: Lord Haldane, Gilbert Murray, Arthur J. Balfour, G. M. Trevelyan, Viscount Grey of Falloden (Sir Edward Grey), and M. Maurice Barrès.
“Mr Balfour’s discussion of naval questions comes no nearer to our time than the summer of 1915, and this fact suggests the most obvious comment upon this whole volume. It is not keyed to the present moment. It meets no present vital need. The volume entitled ‘The war and democracy,’ which Messrs Seton-Watson, Wilson, Zimmern, and Greenwood published in 1915, is incomparably superior to this one.” C. H. Levermore
– + | Am Hist R 23:170 O ‘17 470w |
“A notable collection of articles, addresses, interviews, and documents.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:348 My ‘17 |
“Mr Fisher’s discussion of the value of small states is an historical analysis of permanent importance. ... The temper of the book is admirable in its moderation and its calm common sense. It is greatly to be hoped that this collection is only the first of a series which will winnow from the immense mass of pamphlets some, at any rate, of those which have more than a momentary importance.” H. J. Laski
+ | Dial 62:473 My 31 ‘17 170w |
+ | Ind 90:556 Je 23 ‘17 70w |
“‘The war of democracy’ was written for American consumption and was put together with the avowed purpose of influencing American opinion. As America made up its mind definitively at the very hour of the book’s publication, many of the articles, addresses, and interviews so carefully selected by the editor are rather belated. A few of the articles, however, are of permanent value.”
+ — | Nation 105:227 Ag 30 ‘17 300w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:58 Ap ‘17 |
“Perhaps the article which most needs to be read by Americans is the one on ‘Economic Germany,’ in which Henri Hauser discusses German industry as a factor making for war. For he lays bare developments, conditions, purposes that are as much a menace to the harmony and well-being of the world as is Prussian militarism.”
+ | N Y Times 22:45 F 11 ‘17 650w |
“Includes some of the great speeches of the war period.”
+ | Ontario Library Review 1:114 My ‘17 30w | |
+ | Pittsburgh 22:427 My ‘17 60w | |
+ | Pratt p43 O ‘17 40w | |
R of Rs 55:445 Ap ‘17 70w | ||
St Louis 15:106 Ap ‘17 |
BUBNOFF, I. V. Co-operative movement in Russia; its history, significance, and character. il $1.25 M. Fainberg, 309 Broadway, N.Y. (Co-operative printing society, Manchester, England) 334 17-30589
The author shows that cooperation has gained a firm footing among the Russian peasantry, and that the European war has given a prodigious stimulus to the movement. He begins with a sketch of agriculture from the abolition of serfdom in 1861, and tells of the help furnished the peasants by the zemstvos and by agricultural societies, whose work is mainly instructional while economic functions are discharged by the artels for production, consumers’ societies for distribution, and credit banks for finance. Consumers’ societies, we are told, between 1905 and 1917 have multiplied from 1,000 to 20,000 and credit and loan associations from 1,434 to 16,057.
“The book evidently contains authentic matter prepared by one thoroughly familiar with the subject at first hand.” Herman Kobbe
+ | N Y Call p14 S 2 ‘17 180w | |
Spec 118:64 Jl 21 ‘17 70w |
“Mr Bubnoff says nothing about the political or industrial side, but his account of the cooperative movement reveals so much capacity for organization, self-help, and practical action among the peasantry and industrial classes of Russia that current events become much more intelligible in the light of it. ... His book is a compact statement of facts with sufficient explanatory comment to make clear the character of cooperation in Russia and its various ramifications. It is a valuable addition to the library of cooperative literature.”
* | + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p291 Je 21 ‘17 950w |
BUCHAN, JOHN. Battle of the Somme. il *$1.50 (2c) Doran (1s Nelson, London) 940.91 17-14221
The main purpose of the allied forces at the Somme, says the author, was “to exercise a steady and continued pressure on a certain section of the enemy’s front.” Subsidiary aims were to ease the pressure on Verdun and to prevent the transference of large bodies of German troops from the western to the eastern front. He gives a somewhat detailed account of the entire campaign, dividing it into four stages. The book is illustrated and well supplied with maps.
“Contains two appendixes: 1, Sir Douglas Haig’s second dispatch; 2, General Sixt von Armin’s report.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:442 Jl ‘17 |
75“A most lucid and instructive account with not a few fine touches; it is also marked by the admirable balance that places Mr Buchan above most war historians and chroniclers of these days.”
+ | Ath p600 D ‘16 33w |
“Mr Buchan’s book is a recital of the field moves of an army all told in a calm, clear way and without passion. Then at intervals it gathers up its momentum of dispassion, its inertia of facts, and in some supreme and succinct statement of fact carries the reader to a conclusion that creates emotion. It is his reticence that gives one additional confidence in the sequence of his facts.”
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Jl 25 ‘17 550w |
“His style is simple narrative with the accent of true English restraint.”
+ | New Repub 13:224 D 22 ‘17 270w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:323 S 2 ‘17 220w | |
Pratt p39 O ‘17 10w | ||
+ | R of Rs 56:213 Ag ‘17 90w |
“Written with the fervour and simple straight patriotism we expect from Mr Buchan. ... Here is the right blend of emotion and of sturdy common sense.”
+ + | Sat R 122:556 D 9 ‘16 100w |
“Its main concern is to give a semitechnical account, which he succeeds admirably in doing, thanks in great measure to the ample number of maps with which the book is supplied, and which appear at sufficiently frequent intervals to make the text entirely comprehensible. ... Mr Buchan’s qualifications for his task are attested by his recent appointment as director of publicity in Great Britain.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p19 My 13 ‘17 450w |
“This is a timely narrative, very well illustrated.”
+ + | The Times [London] Lit Sup p562 N 23 ‘16 20w |
BUCHAN, JOHN. Greenmantle. *$1.35 (1c) Doran 17-20424
Richard Hannay, hero of the author’s first novel, “The thirty-nine steps,” is made the central figure in this war story. Hannay, who has been made a major in England’s new army, is summoned to the foreign office and entrusted with an important mission. He is to investigate the sources of a “jehad” (holy war) said to be organizing in the East. With three companions he gets into Germany, and out again. He then goes to Constantinople, and there finds what he is seeking, the woman who is the chief agent in fomenting rebellion in India.
“An absorbing adventure story, not a series of ‘movie’ thrills but clean cut, sustained excitement.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:314 Ap ‘17 |
“Mr Buchan has given us another novel, not only of vivid interest, but one which visualizes certain phases of the world war as only a book of its kind can.” F. B.
+ | Boston Transcript p7 F 24 ‘17 300w |
“Although (or perhaps because) it is not a realistic war story, the book is a great favorite with convalescent readers at the base hospitals, and the fact that the author wrote it while in active service accounts for the vividness of some of its details.”
+ | Cleveland p63 My ‘17 90w |
“There is no instruction in the book. ... You will just be thrilled—as Cooper thrilled you with his Mohicans and Dumas with his Musketeers. You will arise refreshed from the contemplation of great exploits greatly performed. And next day’s business will seem the brighter because for one short evening you have held commune with the impossible.” H. J. L.
+ | New Repub 11:60 My 12 ‘17 950w |
“A story full of spirit and swing and high heroism. It is very much better than either of its author’s two previous novels, successful and interesting as were both those books.”
+ | N Y Times 22:75 Mr 4 ‘17 450w |
“This is the longest of the sensational romances that Mr Buchan has given us since the outbreak of the war. It is also the most exciting and in our opinion the best.”
+ | Spec 117:555 N 4 ‘16 850w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p15 F 18 ‘17 250w | |
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p512 O 26 ‘16 500w |
BUCHAN, JOHN.[2] Nelson’s history of the war; with preface by the Earl of Rosebery. v 14-17 maps ea *60c Nelson 940.91 (War15-86)
Volumes 1 to 13 were published in 1916. In volume 14 Mr Buchan “begins with General Townshend’s surrender, writes of the war in the Levant, of the Russian front, of the battle of Jutland, of Italy’s part, and ends on the second battle of Verdun.” (N Y Times) Volume 15 deals with Brussilov’s offensive and the intervention of Rumania. “The sixteenth volume is devoted entirely to the battle of the Somme. That great achievement is described in five chapters, the first of which is concerned with preliminaries. The appendixes contain Sir Douglas Haig’s second dispatch, and General Sixt von Armin’s report describing experiences of the 4th German corps during July, 1916.” (Ath) “The two main episodes of the seventeenth instalment are the brilliant opening and the disastrous sequel of Roumania’s campaign, and the heroic advance of the French at Verdun.” (Ath)
“Mr Buchan’s account of the great sea-fight is a masterpiece of clear and sober narrative.”
+ | Ath p551 N ‘16 200w (Review of v 14) | |
+ | Ath p316 Je ‘17 70w (Review of v 16) |
“Lieut.-Col. Buchan continues, with the same mastery of detail and incisive style, to convert yesterday’s news into intelligible history. It would facilitate reference if the year, as well as the month and day, of the event recorded were printed oftener in the margin.”
+ — | Ath p531 O ‘17 180w (Review of v 17) |
“He handles the intricacies of the Balkans with the same quiet clearness that marks his treatment of the attacks on Verdun.”
+ | N Y Times 22:18 Ja 21 ‘17 90w (Review of v 14) |
“The most striking portion of the work is the lucid account of the battle of Jutland, which is described with an exemplary grasp of essentials. There are several diagrams.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Ja 23 ‘17 (Review of v 14) | |
The Times [London] Lit Sup p419 Ag 30 ‘17 100w (Review of v 17) |
BUCHAN, JOHN. Salute to adventurers. *$1.35 (1½c) Doran 17-26974
Altho the story opens in Scotland, its scene changes shortly to Virginia. Young Andrew Garvald goes out to the colonies to engage in trade. His business takes him far away from Jamestown and the tidewater, back into the interior of the country, where he learns more of true conditions than the governor or the young gallants of his train will believe. The sudden outbreak of the Indians does not come to him without warning, and because of this he is able to rescue Elspeth Blair and win the reward of which he had dreamed ever since his first meeting with the girl in Scotland years before.
“Good of its type, but not as good as ‘Greenmantle.’”
+ — | A L A Bkl 14:130 Ja ‘18 |
“It is a colorful tale, this, with plenty of action and ingenuity and interest, but it does not rank for a moment with ‘Greenmantle,’ either in its characters, its setting, or its plot.”
+ — | N Y Times 22:468 N 11 ‘17 550w |
“With its strong Scotch flavor and its tang of hazardous events, the book smacks strongly of Stevenson. ... Unfortunately, Mr Buchan is open to the criticism of which most prolific writers are deserving. His historical facts and background are not accurate. ... But, after 76all, the story’s the thing, and inaccuracies of this sort are unimportant in so gripping and adventurous a yarn.”
+ — | Springf’d Republican p15 Ja 13 ‘18 600w |
BUCHANAN, FLORENCE. Home crafts of today and yesterday. (Harper’s home economics) il *$1 (2½c) Harper 640 17-16903
The author is instructor in handwork in the School of household science and arts, Pratt institute, Brooklyn. “The woman who longs to try something new but feels a bit vague about beginning will find [here] the what, the where, and the how for a variety of crafts. Emphasis is placed on the start rather than on detailing the technical processes, but enough of the latter is always given along with explanatory diagrams to guide a beginner through the piece of work.” (Preface) Linen, chair-caning, basket-planning, dyeing materials for and making rugs, weaving, painting and batik dyeing are among the subjects considered.
A L A Bkl 14:80 D ‘17 |
“Practical book for the home keeper who wishes suggestions for many kinds of handiwork.”
+ | Cleveland p114 S ‘17 30w | |
N Y Times 22:521 D 2 ‘17 50w | ||
Quar List New Tech Bks O ‘17 50w | ||
St Louis 15:365 O ‘17 10w |
BUCHANAN, JOHN YOUNG. Comptes rendus of observation and reasoning. il *$2.25 Putnam 504 (Eng ed 17-18064)
A collection of scientific papers. The author says, “As the title of this volume indicates, the book consists of ‘accounts rendered’ of work done at different times, in different places and on different subjects.” Among the subjects with dates of first publication are: Recent Antarctic exploration (1906); On ice and brines (1887); On steam and brines (1899); The size of the ice-grains in glaciers (1901); Ice and its natural history (1909); On the use of the globe in the study of crystallography (1895); Solar radiation (1901). Some of these are republished from the Proceedings of the Royal society, others from magazines and newspapers.
“Mr Buchanan is a believer in original research in the full significance of the words, including originality in methods and point of view, as well as in the subject dealt with. Unlike his former volume of collected oceanographical papers, this collection consists of a selection on many subjects, scientific and popular, several reproduced from the pages of Nature. ... The memoirs themselves form solid and informing reading for students; but they are rendered entertaining by the extraordinarily copious analytical table of contents, which occupies thirty pages.” H. R. M.
+ | Nature 99:142 Ap 19 ‘17 800w |
“A prospective reader who opens this book at the beginning will find a rather dull account of Antarctic exploration as it stood in 1905, with a reprint of chemical and physical notes for the use of explorers, which, however important for their particular purpose, are likely to bore the layman. If he then turns impatiently to the end, he will find some elementary remarks on such fundamental topics as the ‘power of Great Britain’ or the ‘House of commons,’ and he may then lay the book aside. But if he has the good luck to open it in the middle, he will probably turn over a good many pages with pleasure and profit; for Mr Buchanan has some interesting and important things to say on a fascinating topic, which makes it the more aggravating that they are presented in so unnecessarily unattractive a guise.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p173 Ap 12 ‘17 900w |
BUCK, ALBERT HENRY. Growth of medicine from the earliest times to about 1800. il *$5 Yale univ. press 610.9 17-5568
“As Dr Buck has chronicled them, there are nine periods in the history of medicine. They are: Primitive medicine to be reckoned by thousands of years; the medicine of the East by which we possess only a fragmentary knowledge; the medicine of the classical period of antiquity; that of the Hippocratic writings which in Greece was the most flourishing period; the period during which the greatest intellectual activity was at Alexandria, Egypt; the medicine of Galen whose searching profoundly influenced the thought and practice of one whole civilized world of medicine up to our seventeenth century; the medicine of the middle ages; the medicine of the renaissance which brought adoption of dissection, the only effective method of studying anatomy; and modern medicine, in two periods, the first to about 1775. The second Dr Buck does not attempt to cover.” (Boston Transcript) “The author is consulting aural surgeon of the New York eye and ear infirmary.” (St Louis)
“Especially interesting are the chapters on Oriental medicine, The Arab renaissance, and The advance of surgery during medieval times.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:432 Jl ‘17 (Reprinted from the Journal of the American Medical Association 68:1650 Je ‘17) | |
+ | Boston Transcript p6 My 9 ‘17 1500w |
“The book is not intended for the student of medical history, but for the physician who wishes to become acquainted with the essential phases of that earlier medicine upon which his own theory and practice had been built.”
+ | Nation 105:155 Ag 9 ‘17 220w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:72 My ‘17 |
“Not overburdened with detail, but presents the important facts in an attractive manner.”
+ | Pittsburgh 22:817 D ‘17 10w | |
St Louis 15:142 My ‘17 10w |
“Throughout the volume the reader is impressed by the clearness of Prof. Buck’s expression and by the overwhelming mass of facts that have been interestingly assembled.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Ap 15 ‘17 1550w |
“An interesting and thought-provoking volume is this, when the material might easily have been treated as technical and specialized. The history has a social message and this not for the doctor only, but for every one who watches with interest all progress of matters medical.” G. S.
+ | Survey 39:327 D 15 ‘17 450w |
“Dr Buck claims nothing which is not his own, and credit to authorities is honestly and fairly rendered, wherever due, without the encumbrance of footnotes. The book is printed in beautiful style.” F. H. Garrison
+ | Yale R n s 7:205 O ‘17 1050w |
BUCKROSE, J. E., pseud. (MRS ANNIE EDITH [FOSTER] JAMESON). Matchmakers. *$1.35 (1½c) Doran 16-21706
Peggy, daughter of the rector of Little Pendleton, is the heroine of this story of English village life. Little Pendleton doesn’t always approve of Peggy, but it has her best interests at heart and wants above all to see her make a good match. All the village stands back of the squire in his wooing, but Peggy takes the matter into her own hands, and altho the village is flouted in its aims it isn’t crestfallen. It turns squarely about and takes credit to itself for the success of Peggy’s marriage with young Charley Tremaine. Peggy’s father, the impractical rector, is made a very lovable figure, and the whole story is told with quiet humor.
A L A Bkl 13:266 Mr ‘17 | ||
+ | Ath p479 O ‘16 60w |
“Our greatest quarrel with the story lies in the arbitrary way in which the author has surmounted her difficulties in the end. It quite offends our sense of good story telling that with a good situation, instead of finding a way out of it, she should so arbitrarily go around it.”
+ — | Boston Transcript p8 F 21 ‘17 450w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:47 F 11 ‘17 300w | |
+ | Spec 118:241 F 24 ‘17 30w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Ap 8 ‘17 250w |
77“A genial, placid portrayal of village life which never excites, but equally never bores and never offends.”
The Times [London] Lit Sup p466 S 28 ‘16 70w |
BULLARD, ARTHUR. Mobilising America. *50c (2½c) Macmillan 355.7 17-10363
The author, having spent much time in France and England during the war, had begun to collect data for a book on “How democracies mobilise.” Some of the main points on the subject are summarised in this small book. He says, “I am not considering the ethics of war, nor the advisability of our participation in the present struggle. I accept the fact that we have decided to fight and I try to show how the experiences of other democracies can teach us the way to do it efficiently.” (Preface) Contents: America goes to war; Democracies as fighting machines; The mobilisation of public opinion; The mobilisation of industry; The mobilisation of men; A programme.
“His book has the endorsement of a long list of prominent editors and authors, and of the conference committee of national preparedness.”
A L A Bkl 13:427 Jl ‘17 |
“This is a tiny volume, but it is worth the intelligent perusal of every American citizen. It is sane, thoughtful and constructive. It would be of particular value in any course in government given at our American colleges.” D. F. G.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ag 8 ‘17 370w | |
+ | Cleveland p77 Je ‘17 50w | |
+ | Ind 90:185 Ap 21 ‘17 30w |
“One can only hope that the sanity and helpfulness of Mr Bullard’s fertile suggestions will not be lost in the maze of Washington officialdom.” H. S.
+ | New Repub 11:166 Je 9 ‘17 950w | |
N Y Br Lib News 4:90 Je ‘17 | ||
+ | N Y Times 22:130 Ap 8 ‘17 830w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 Ap 10 ‘17 500w |
“Offers many of the practical suggestions which have since come from the visiting French and English commissions as how best to mobilize and conduct the war.”
+ | Wis Lib Bul 13:182 Je ‘17 50w |
BULLITT, MRS ERNESTA DRINKER. Uncensored diary; from the central empires. *$1.25 (3c) Doubleday 940.91 17-10878
A diary written, the author says, for her great grandchildren, not for publication. She was in Germany with her husband, a newspaper correspondent, in the summer of 1916. A short trip to Belgium and one into Austria-Hungary are recorded in the diary, but it is concerned for the most part with her experiences in Germany. It forms one of the very small number of books which tell us anything of what is going on within the German empire. Informal interviews and conversations with important officials, among them Von Bissing and Zimmermann, are reported, but of no less interest are the accounts of what German women are doing. The book also throws some light on the methods by which Germany is attempting to conserve her child life during war.
+ | A L A Bkl 13:394 Je ‘17 | |
Boston Transcript p14 Ap 7 ‘17 680w | ||
+ | Dial 63:29 Je 28 ‘17 70w |
“The book is markedly good on two counts: It is written with freshness, with cleverness and wholesomeness and real personal charm; and it has things of actual interest and importance to say.”
+ | N Y Times 22:159 Ap 22 ‘17 350w | |
Outlook 116:75 My 9 ‘17 190w | ||
Pittsburgh 22:528 Je ‘17 40w | ||
R of Rs 55:551 My ‘17 80w |
BULLOCK, EDNA DEAN, comp. Selected articles on single tax; 2d ed., rev. and enl. by Julia E. Johnsen. (Debaters’ handbook ser.) *$1.25 (1c) Wilson, H. W. 336.2 18-397
“Since the first publication of the Single tax handbook a fairly large bibliography on the subject has become available, references to which are included in this revised edition. The handbook is brought down to date by the inclusion of late reprints in the concluding pages, and by a revision and enlargement of the bibliography and brief.” (Explanatory note) The first edition, compiled by Edna D. Bullock, was published in 1914. The second edition has been prepared by Julia E. Johnsen.
BÜLOW, BERNHARD HEINRICH MARTIN KARL, fürst von. Imperial Germany; tr. by Marie A. Lewenz. new and rev ed il *$2 (2c) Dodd 943 (17-5549)
This book was first published in Germany as a section in an important general work compiled to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the accession of the Emperor William II. A revised edition was separately published in Germany in 1916. The first edition in English was reviewed in the Digest for 1914. “More than one-half of the letterpress of the original volume has been re-written, ... and the new passages are indicated by brackets. The introduction by Prince Bülow is entirely new, and so are the two chapters on Militarism and the chapter on the Social Democrats, and the latter part of the Conclusion.” (Publishers’ note) An illuminating foreword of twenty-eight pages is by J. W. Headlam, who speaks of the book as “largely a defence and apology of von Bülow’s own action during the years he had held office (1897-1909), and an exposition of the principles by which he had been guided.”
“One dollar cheaper than the first edition (Booklist 10:384 Je ‘14).”
A L A Bkl 13:456 Jl ‘17 | ||
Boston Transcript p6 Ag 22 ‘17 700w |
“It is admirably translated. ... Written as it is by one who, with the single exception of the German emperor, is more responsible than any other man for the present catastrophe, it is little less than a public duty for everyone who wishes adequately to understand the present situation to read it. ... Prince Bülow’s whole conception of international relations is based upon the terrible chimera of the balance of power, and he obviously considers concerted European action of any kind a fantastic dream. ... Such was the attitude of Prince Bülow in 1913. The tragedy of this new edition is the fact that not even the terrible experience of the last three years has led him to modify a single conclusion.” H. J. Laski
+ | Dial 63:16 Je 28 ‘17 1050w | |
New Repub 12:83 Ag 18 ‘17 160w |
Reviewed by W. C. Abbott
Yale R n s 6:892 Jl ‘17 200w |
BUNNER, HENRY CUYLER. Poems of H. C. Bunner. new ed il *$2 Scribner 811 17-24881
H. C. Bunner, former editor of Puck, died in 1896. Lately there has arisen a steady demand for his writings, which resulted in the publication, about a year ago, of a new edition of his stories, now followed by his collected poems. “In the present volume are included the contents of the two books of verse he published during his lifetime, ‘Airs from Arcady’ in 1884, and ‘Rowen’ in 1892, and also a selection from the ‘Ballads of the town’ (which he had been contributing to Puck for half-a-dozen years), together with a few of his later lyrics and the ... lines read before the Army of the Potomac at New London in 1895.” (Introd.)
“‘It is perhaps as a poet,’ writes Brander Matthews in his introduction to this edition, ‘that the author of “Airs from Arcady” is likely longest to be remembered; it is as a poet that he would have chosen to be cherished in men’s memories.’ And his verse met with the same good fortune that befell his fiction; it pleased both the critical and the uncritical. ... Bunner’s 78name stands for the light, delicate and whimsical. His work in prose and verse is alike beloved for its charm. ... Among the more serious poems is one, ‘Bismarck soliloquizes,’ which is a most fitting expression of men’s thoughts today; indeed, nothing more vigorous and condemning has been written by any contemporary poet on the iniquitous system of German autocracy than this poem of Bunner’s—written a quarter of a century ago.” W. S. B.
+ | Boston Transcript p11 O 13 ‘17 1450w |
“Great metrical accomplishment is in these poems. There is such variety in the themes as would be expected of the poet who is also a journalist. Invention often flies on humor’s wing. ... It is a happy sign that the present hour is willing to turn back for inspiration and fine and perfect examples of the lighter lyrical art to the day before yesterday.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p6 O 18 ‘17 650w |
BUNNER, HENRY CUYLER. Stories. 2v il ea *$1.35 (2c) Scribner
Two volumes of the stories of H. C. Bunner were published last year. The addition of two more volumes makes complete a collection of his stories in four books of uniform make-up. The first of the new volumes contains “Short sixes” and The suburban sage; the second, More “Short sixes” and The runaway Browns.
“Good paper and binding, and wide margins.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:361 My ‘17 | |
+ | Nation 104:346 Mr 22 ‘17 330w |
“All these gently satirical tales and the purely humorous ones are more worth while, incidentally, as mirrors of the past, but first and foremost as good short stories.” Doris Webb
+ | Pub W 91:584 F 17 ‘17 500w |
BURBANK, EMILY. Woman as decoration. il *$2.50 (6½c) Dodd 391 17-29164
A book on costume, illustrated with thirty-three plates. The foreword says that the book is intended as a sequel to “The art of interior decoration,” by Grace Wood and Emily Burbank. “Having assisted in setting the stage for woman, the next logical step is the consideration of woman herself, as an important factor in the decorative scheme of any setting,—the vital spark to animate all interior decoration, private or public. ... Contemporary woman’s costume is considered, not as fashion, but as decorative line and colour.” (Foreword) The book has been planned also to meet the demand for a handbook on costuming for fancy dress balls, etc. The scope of the illustrations ranges from studies of Greek vases to portraits of Mrs Vernon Castle.
“It expounds no philosophy of clothes—it is technical rather than philosophic—and it has no claim to being regarded as ‘literature’; and yet one feels that it should be recommended. It teaches the art of using an old weapon in a new cause.”
+ — | Dial 63:530 N 22 ‘17 190w | |
Nation 105:612 N 29 ‘17 60w | ||
N Y Br Lib News 4:182 D ‘17 90w |
BURGESS, GELETT. Mrs Hope’s husband. il *$1 (4c) Century 17-23049
When Mrs Hope became a well-known novelist and was sought out by many clever people, her husband, an able lawyer, ceased to interest her. He regained her love and his own self-respect by courting her a second time, through letters, under an assumed name. The story is being dramatized by a well-known playwright.
A L A Bkl 14:59 N ‘17 | ||
+ | Cleveland p128 N ‘17 70w |
“A delightfully humorous comedy of manners and character.”
+ | Dial 63:282 S 27 ‘17 100w |
“High-class comedy, graceful, skillful, entertaining, and always clever. Its skillfulness is especially manifest in the artful legerdemain with which the author probes into the deeps of the human soul without seeming to be doing more than skimming over its surface.”
+ | N Y Times 22:322 S 2 ‘17 550w |
“Mr Burgess’s humor and satire are delightfully keen; but apart from this he tells a dramatic little tale that provokes a lively sympathy and interest throughout.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 O 7 ‘17 250w |
BURKE, EDWARD. My wife. *$1.50 Dutton 17-23980
This book is the “autobiography of a middle-aged man. Although outsiders show a full appreciation of his wife’s looks and good qualities, he imagines that he cherishes a romantic passion for a flame of his boyhood, till the lady in question reappears on the scene after twenty years, and he finds himself disillusioned concerning her.”—Ath
“Clever and amusing.”
+ | Ath p479 O ‘16 80w |
“Mr Burke’s feeling for character is almost, if not wholly, as noteworthy as is his quality of humor in the handling of it.” D. L. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 O 10 ‘17 1200w | |
Dial 64:78 Ja 17 ‘18 60w |
“Mr Burke has turned out a humorous little story that makes excellent reading. Despite its war atmosphere, it is done in the spirit that ‘while the big things crash around us, the lives of those of us who are out of it go on much the same.’”
+ | N Y Times 22:372 S 30 ‘17 250w |
BURKE, THOMAS. Limehouse nights. *$1.50 (3c) McBride 17-22292
“Limehouse, that district down by the West and East India docks, is not a pleasant part of London, and there is nothing pleasant about any one of the fourteen stories in this volume, each of which has its scene laid in that region. Most of them are grim tales, tales of cruelty, bestiality, horror, and fear.” (N Y Times) Contents: The Chink and the child; The father of Yoto; Gracie Goodnight; The paw; The cue; Beryl, the Croucher and the rest of England; The sign of the lamp; Tai Fu and Pansy Greers; The bird; Gina of the Chinatown; The knight-errant; The gorilla and the girl; Ding-Dong-Dell; Old Joe.
“One of the most frankly and brutally realistic books that has appeared in our tongue in a long time. ... But such a description does not convey the whole truth. The fact is that Burke has cast a glamour over his pages that prevents his stories from being merely studies in the sordid and the morbid. He has seen things with sharp vision and he has etched them just as clearly. But somehow also he makes you feel that he has viewed life with pity and tenderness and loving comprehension.” Milton Bronner
+ | Bookm 46:15 S ‘17 1750w |
“Not pour les jeunes, these heart-rending stories of London’s Chinatown; but for the stalwart reader they are full of cleansing and noble pity and terror. ... Amid erotomaniacs, satyrs and sadists—and if the full meaning of those ghastly terms escapes you, be thankful—he seizes scraps of splendid courage, beauty and pathos. The poor little gifts of those eastern pavements are the undying memory of his book. ... If you dare to face the human heart as it really is, do not miss ‘Limehouse nights.’” C. D. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Ag 18 ‘17 1150w |
“Mr Burke’s passing repute comes from the tales of terror which the libraries were compelled to bar from their shelves; but to those who have some respect for the English tongue and for whom Walter Pater has not lived in vain, Mr Burke will always possess an attraction because he has written well his slight sketches of London life. ... These ‘Limehouse nights’ appeared in three of the most interesting periodicals of England: the English Review, Colour, and the New Witness.” G. V. Seldes
* | + | Dial 63:65 Jl 19 ‘17 2500w |
79“He has made a new sensation in war-time England, avid of spicy diversions. Mr Bennett has praised his book, Mr Wells has lauded its ‘romantic force and beauty.’ ... There is no fresh note of inspiration here; at best, there is a fresh trick.”
– + | Nation 105:317 S 20 ‘17 280w |
“The stories are well told, and have their full share of that curious fascination which so often goes hand in hand with horror. And here and there comes a touch of beauty, a glimpse of real love, like a flower growing from a cranny in the rocks. ... ‘The paw’ [is] an intensely painful tale of a tortured child—almost too painful to read. ... Perhaps the best of all the tales in the volume, however, is ‘The bird,’ a powerful imaginative story, as grim and as brutal and as hideous as its fellows, but with a certain artistic quality which lifts it above them.”
N Y Times 22:303 Ag 19 ‘17 500w |
“Taken as a whole, it is one of the books that would better not have been written.”
– + | Outlook 117:64 S 12 ‘17 50w | |
Pittsburgh 22:748 N ‘17 60w |
“The material was so unique that we quarrel with Mr Burke’s misuse of it. In place of the steady, equalized light which he should have thrown on that pestiferous spot off the West India Dock-road, he has been content for the most part with flashes of limelight and fireworks. ... ‘The paw’ is not a story, but a piece of brutal, horrifying, useless writing.”
— | The Times [London] Lit Sup p464 S 28 ‘16 750w |
BURLEIGH, LOUISE. Community theatre in theory and practice. il *$1.50 (4½c) Little 792 17-25292
A valuable book for students of modern drama which breathes the spirit of the new democracy. The writer in her first chapter quotes a statement of J. R. Seeley’s, “Three ties by which states are held together are community of race, community of religion, and community of interest.” In the course of a thoughtful examination she shows that in America today we have no community of either race or religion. She concludes that “for a unifying force we must find a living expression of a great common ideal: we must depend upon a community of interest: we must find an institution in which great and small can find expression.” The eleven chapters that follow enlarge upon the fitness of the community theatre to perform the desired service and the practical success so far achieved. Mr Percy MacKaye contributes a prefatory letter.
A L A Bkl 14:82 D ‘17 |
“‘The community theatre’ treats the drama earnestly and endearingly, though somewhat scrappily, from the point of view of its social qualities and the emotional needs of the community.” Algernon Tassin
+ — | Bookm 46:347 N ‘17 130w | |
Pittsburgh 22:806 D ‘17 40w | ||
R of Rs 57:108 Ja ‘18 130w |
“Miss Burleigh has produced a rather dull work about an intrinsically keen subject. She fails to recognize the necessary spontaneity of the movement. But her earnestness and enthusiasm cannot fail to win the reader’s own sympathy.”
+ – | Springf’d Republican p8 O 25 ‘17 1100w |
BURNET, JOHN. Higher education and the war. *$1.50 Macmillan 378 (Eng ed 17-18365)
“In his ‘Higher education and the war’ Prof. John Burnet, now dean of the faculty of arts in the University of St Andrews, deals primarily with the conditions of education in Scotland, but his observations bear none the less on his own university, Oxford, and indeed on our American institutions, to which he makes frequent reference.” (Nation) “He states that most of his criticisms were published in 1913 and ‘are not, therefore, unduly influenced by the war.’ That they have been somewhat influenced thereby is thus admitted; this is the chief way the war comes in, for the work is mainly an appreciative account of the German system of higher education. As such it will be useful if only to show those people who are ignorant of the fact ... that this system is more completely based on the ‘humanities’ than that of any other country.” (Nature)
“The work of a master in small compass. Written with a delightful limpidity, in a spirit at once shrewd and idealistic, it is full of real knowledge and wise comment as to the working of higher education, not only in England and Scotland, but in Germany, in France, and in the United States.”
+ | Ath p296 Je ‘17 1000w |
“An important work for educators. ... The first chapter, on German kultur, should be interesting to many who are not concerned with higher education.”
+ | Cleveland p108 S ‘17 40w |
“This is a most thorough, sane, and scientific piece of work. ... This is the best work on education we have seen for a long time.” P. J.
+ | Int J Ethics 28:289 Ja ‘18 100w |
“Not the least valuable part of the treatise is the lucid description of the actual scheme of studies in the German higher schools and universities, and the impartial analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the system, with reference to the systems prevailing in Scotland and England. ... His arguments for the humanities, while neither narrow nor exaggerated, are extremely cogent.”
+ | Nation 105:98 Jl 26 ‘17 240w |
“Like most other humanists, Prof. Burnet holds that an education based upon the acquisition of knowledge which is of no value in after life is more useful than one based on knowledge which is of permanent value. ... Prof. Burnet’s contentions are not without such discrepancies as are inseparable from the pursuit of a weak line of argument.” E. A. Schäfer
– + | Nature 99:361 Jl 5 ‘17 1500w | |
+ | Spec 118:677 Je 16 ‘17 230w |
“He shows a much more intimate knowledge of the details of the German system than do most writers. ... Perhaps the most valuable part of the book is to be found in the pages in which Professor Burnet shows that, however in appearance the Prussian gymnasium and other schools still continue on the old lines, the action of the Prussian state has really completely changed and warped the whole spirit.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p207 My 3 ‘17 2050w |
BURNETT, FRANCES (HODGSON) (MRS STEPHEN TOWNESEND). White people. il *$1.20 (6c) Harper 17-5128
A little story that touches delicately on the supernatural and evidence of life after death. The heroine, who spends a lonely but happy childhood, in an old feudal castle in Scotland, has a gift of seeing things denied to others. She is grown up when she first learns that her “white people” are not visible to other eyes. To her, thru this power or gift, the dead are not dead, and because of this she is able to bring comfort to others. The story was published in Harper’s Magazine, December, 1916—January, 1917.
“Appeared in Harper’s Magazine.”
+ | A L A Bkl 13:315 Ap ‘17 |
“Mrs Burnett has not hitherto done anything with so sustained a note of simplicity and sincerity; moreover, she has here employed the brevity that is the test as well as the achievement of art. By this means she has accomplished that rare result, genuine pathos. The delicate, touching beauty of the one love scene, and of the closing chapter, is not paralleled in any of her former writings and is not surpassed by anything in recent fiction.”
+ | Cath World 105:405 Je ‘17 250w |
“Mrs Burnett’s transcendentalism will probably appeal more to ‘new thinkers’ and the like than to those whose fancies range less 80freely. In any case one may enjoy its consistent setting, in the purple Scotch Highlands, and the manner of the author’s narration.”
+ | Dial 62:314 Ap 5 ‘17 140w | |
+ | Ind 90:299 My 12 ‘17 40w | |
+ | Lit D 54:1087 Ap 14 ‘17 170w |
“Mrs Burnett is always a sentimentalist, but in this instance develops a difficult theme with a fair measure of restraint.”
+ | Nation 104:369 Mr 29 ‘17 200w |
“A story, so simple, so natural, so humanly normal and sweet, that it must hold the reader by its sheer lovely closeness to the realities of ordinary life. Its background is exquisitely beautiful. Its theme is mystical. ... This challenge to the fear of death is a simple story of life.”
+ | N Y Times 22:53 F 18 ‘17 500w | |
+ | R of Rs 55:554 My ‘17 140w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p17 Mr 18 ‘17 220w |
BURNS, CECIL DELISLE. Greek ideals; a study of social life. *$2 Macmillan (*5s G. Bell & sons, London) 938
“This book is mainly an attempt at an analysis of some Athenian ideals in the fifth century B. C. It is a brief, but lucid survey of Greek social life; of the Athenian religion; of the great festivals, such as the Anthesteria, Panathenaia, Dionysia, and Eleusinia; of the political ideals of Athens; of Greek moral standards; and of the ideals of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.”—Ath
Ath p313 Je ‘17 80w |
“The chapter on Athenian religion is an illuminating piece of analysis. ... Mr Burns succeeds in making Greece live again, and this because he is alive himself. ... He is at his best in his criticism of Greek political thought.”
+ + — | Ath p397 Ag ‘17 2000w | |
+ | Int J Ethics 28:293 Ja ‘18 130w |
“To one who is fairly familiar with Greek literature, and has read Mahaffy on Greek life and Frazer on ancient religions, the first part of the book offers nothing new. It has, indeed, the defect of being rather too diffuse for scholars while demanding a little too much from the reader unversed in Greek. ... With the eighth chapter the discussion acquires a keener interest and a surer appeal; for here a certain psychological acumen with which the author is rather unusually gifted comes strongly into play. The analysis of the Athenian thinker of ‘the old school’ is both just and humorously acute. ... In the main an excellent description and a somewhat penetrating analysis of Greek moral ideas, the book is occasionally marred by a certain looseness of statement.”
+ — | No Am 206:311 Ag ‘17 1250w |
“A discussion of Greek ideals, designed primarily for ordinary readers. It presupposes some acquaintance with Greek history and literature, but not necessarily a knowledge of the language. ... Mr Burns gives a lame excuse for his silence about the supreme artistic instinct of the Greeks. ... It is also a pity that he had not more space to deal with their religious contribution to the world’s inheritance. ... Further, he shows little sympathy with or understanding of Christian ideals, and is ready calmly to beg the most colossal questions. ... Then there are definite errors. ... Passages suggest that Mr Burns is not primarily a scholar, but a student of politics and morals in other fields who has interested himself in Greece. But they should not blind us to the merits of his book. He has covered much ground in a small compass. He is thoroughly alive himself, and treats Greece like the living force which it is. Most of what he says is indisputably true.”
+ — | The Times [London] Lit Sup p292 Je 21 ‘17 1600w |
BURNS, ROBERT. Sylvander and Clarinda; the love letters of Robert Burns and Agnes M’Lehose; ed. by Amelia J. Burr. il *$1.50 Doran 17-29797
A woman, shorn of illusions by a worthless husband, her brilliancy grown hard in the process, looks around for a lover “who will offer his passionate devotions at her shrine in the decent name of friendship which shall offend none of her benevolent friends. ... She wants a guest who will accommodate himself to the cramped quarters of her heart and warm them with Promethean fire.” Burns is the man she chooses and this volume brings together their letters extending over many years. The curious satisfaction which many readers find in the bared intimacies of literary folk shrivels before the larger privilege offered here of getting at Burns’s daily life, of seeing at work the quality of genius that gave the world some of its most human poetry.
“To read these letters is to be in the midst of a highly entertaining literary achievement as well as to be witness to a lively exhibition of the greatest of human passions. It is a deep and moving affair while it lasts, but little insight is necessary to discern its transitoriness. ... It must not be imagined that Cupid is their sole hero. In fact, they plunge more than once deeply into the labyrinths of philosophy and religion.” E. F. E.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 N 10 ‘17 1700w | |
Nation 105:642 D 6 ‘17 40w |
“The publishers deserve hearty thanks. The book is edited with care, knowledge, and sympathy, and furnished with an introduction that is an admirable biographical essay in itself.”
+ | N Y Times 22:448 N 4 ‘17 800w | |
+ | Springf’d Republican p11 Ja 27 ‘18 500w |
BURR, AGNES RUSH. Russell H. Conwell and his work; one man’s interpretation of life. auth ed il *$1.35 (1½c) Winston 17-5422
The subject of this biography is widely known as preacher, lecturer and teacher. His is one of those romantic, and essentially American stories of success won against odds. He began life on a rocky New England farm, worked his way thru college, served in the Civil war, prepared himself for the ministry and entered on a life of service that has brought a large measure of success. Dr Conwell’s famous lecture, “Acres of diamonds” is reprinted in an appendix.
+ | A L A Bkl 13:351 My ‘17 | |
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Mr 3 ‘17 650w |
“No other man in America, perhaps, has touched individually and helpfully so many lives as has Russell H. Conwell.”
+ | Lit D 54:1710 Je 2 ‘17 170w |
“The story will inspire many a seeker after education and opportunity, inspire many a servant of humanity and stir the flagging spirits of those who faint by the way. It is a mine of material for illustration, anecdote and quotation.” L. A. Walker
+ | N Y Call p14 Ap 15 ‘17 270w | |
+ | N Y Times 22:533 D 2 ‘17 90w | |
St Louis 15:186 Je ‘17 10w |
“As he is a sort of national institution, by virtue of his ubiquity on the lecture platform, the general public will be glad to know that an authorized biography has appeared.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p8 Ap 13 ‘17 520w |
BURROUGHS, EDWARD ARTHUR. Fight for the future; with a foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury. *1s Nisbet, London
“This is a collection of seven papers of diverse origin and for the most part spoken to audiences of various character. They do not, therefore, present a logical sequence of thought, and there are repetitions of ideas or phrases. But they have a unity of purpose, and it is rather helped than hindered by the emphasis of repetition. The purpose is partly to give some help towards understanding the religious significance of the war, and partly to urge the practical claims of a movement, influentially supported by the leaders of different religious bodies, called ‘The league of spiritual warfare.’”—The Times [London] Lit Sup
Reviewed by Bishop Frodsham
+ | Sat R 122:sup3 O 14 ‘16 600w |
81“An Oxford churchman and scholar has in such a crisis as the present a very definite task before him; and Mr Burroughs is one of those who have done most to show the world what that task is.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p140 Mr 23 ‘16 1000w |
BURROUGHS, EDWARD ARTHUR. Valley of decision. *$1.60 Longmans 940.91 17-15980
“The Rev. E. A. Burroughs, a thoroughgoing British patriot, presents what he calls ‘a plea for wholeness in thought and life.’ The author says the British people have been convicted through the lessons of the war of fragmentary and haphazard living, and stand in need of a philosophy of life. This philosophy he sees in the religion the British ‘have long professed and never yet practiced.’ His view is that the war has not disturbed the claims of Christ on the world, but has illustrated and reinforced them; all that remains to be done, he argues, is to acknowledge these claims and act accordingly.” N Y Times
N Y Times 22:88 Mr 11 ‘17 100w | ||
+ | Spec 118:46 Ja 13 ‘17 1250w |
“This is a man who has devoted the enthusiasm of a well-stored mind and an evangelistic spirit to the task of helping and keeping in touch with men and officers—especially undergraduate officers—during their great ordeal at the front. ... Mr Burroughs has a message based on independent observation, and this gives him an ample right to be heard.”
+ | The Times [London] Lit Sup p572 N 30 ‘16 470w |
BURTON, RICHARD EUGENE. Poems of earth’s meaning. *$1.25 Holt 811 17-18038
“A midsummer memory,” the elegy in memory of Arthur Upson, published by Edmund D. Brooks in 1910, is reprinted as the first number in this volume. It is perhaps Dr Burton’s most distinguished piece of work. Other poems, many reprinted from Harper’s Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly, Bellman, and other magazines complete the book. Among them are a number that justify the title given to the volume. Such are: The earth mother, Song of the open land, Spring fantasies, Aspects of autumn, etc.
“There is none of the pulsing unrest of the present in these poems, nor the disquieting struggle toward complete revelation which is found so often in the poetry of today. It brings us back quietly but unerringly to a realization of the strength and beauty of that which underlies the present and is the enduring link between the present and past and future. ... This collection of verse contains the best of Mr Burton’s poetic work during the last few years.” D. L. M.
+ | Boston Transcript p6 Je 30 ‘17 1250w | |
Cleveland p120 N ‘17 140w |
“Professor Burton holds his old course thru his latest volume. He is untouched by recent fantasies of verse form, neither is there here any poem born of the war. Sincere work there is with no straining for emotional or linguistic effect.”
+ | Ind 92:262 N 3 ‘17 60w |
“There is no appeal for popularity in ‘Poems of earth’s meaning,’ and no high poetic gifts, but a richness of thought foreign to most modern verse.”
+ | Springf’d Republican p8 S 20 ‘17 250w |
BURY, HERBERT. Here and there in the war area. il *$1.40 (2c) Young ch. 940.91 17-18817
A collection of papers by the Bishop for North and Central Europe. The title is well chosen, as his duties have taken the author to many parts of the war zone. Contents: Our naval division in Holland; With the wounded; “Somewhere in France”; In the trenches and firing line; Has there been a spiritual revival? Prisoners of war; “Manfully”; How the permanent chaplains “carry on”; The way to Russia through Norway and Sweden; Russia’s two capitals; With the bishops, clergy, and people of Russia; “Our gallant Russian ally.”
“During his experiences as chaplain on and near the fighting lines in Holland and in France Bishop Bury found the good for which he sought. ... W