Title: The Book Review Digest, Volume 02, 1906
Author: Various
Editor: C. E. Fanning
Justina Leavitt Wilson
Release date: June 30, 2019 [eBook #59837]
Language: English
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This volume is the second annual cumulation of the Book Review Digest. In the main it includes the books of 1906 that have been commented upon by the best critics. It aims, on the one hand, to record truthfully the scope, character and subject content of books as they appear, and, on the other, to supplement this descriptive information from month to month with excerpts culled from the best current criticism appearing in forty-five English and American magazines which make a prominent feature of book reviews, thus furnishing to the librarian and bookseller a basis for the evaluation of books.
Frequently the best reviews of a book appear during the year following its publication, so in this volume will be found supplementary excerpts relating to books which were entered in the 1905 annual.
It will also be observed that a number of entries include only the descriptive note. These titles look to the year 1907 to furnish the material for appraisal, and excerpts will be published in current numbers of the Digest as fast as reviews appear.
During the first year of the Cumulative Book Review Digest’s existence the question of its being entered as second class matter was pending. It was finally ruled out on account of the cumulative idea. So the second year a new name and a new plan which would meet the postal requirements cut off the recognition of the first volume, and the Book Review Digest was launched as volume one. Now that the post office ruling has been reversed, the present volume may take its place chronologically as volume two of our series.
Abbreviations of Publishers’ Names will be found in the Publishers’ Directory at the end of The Cumulative Book Index.
An Asterisk (*) before the price indicates those books sold at a limited discount and commonly known as net books. Books subject to the rules of the American Publishers’ Association are marked by a double asterisk (**) when the bookseller is required to maintain the list price; by a dagger (†) when the maximum discount is fixed at 20 and 10 per cent, as is allowable in the case of fiction.
The plus and minus signs preceding the names of the magazines indicate the degree of favor or disfavor of the entire review.
In the reference to a magazine, the first number refers to the volume, the next to the page and the letters to the date.
No book previously noticed has its descriptive note reprinted. Books noticed for the first time this month have descriptive note which is set off from excerpts by a dash.
The publications, named above, undoubtedly represent the leading reviews of the English-speaking world. Few libraries are able to subscribe for all and the smaller libraries are supplied with comparatively few of the periodicals from which the digests are to be culled. For this reason the digest will be of greater value to the small libraries, since it places at their disposal, in most convenient form, a vast amount of valuable information about books, which would not otherwise be available.
We shall endeavor to make the descriptive notes so comprehensive, and the digests so full and accurate, that librarians who do not have access to the reviews themselves, will be able to arrive at substantially correct appreciations of the value of the books reviewed.
This is particularly true in regard to the English periodicals, which are practically out of the reach of the ordinary library; we shall endeavor to make the digest of these reviews so complete that there will be little occasion to refer to the original publications.
Abbot, Henry L. Problems of the Panama canal. $1.50. Macmillan.
Abbott, G. F. Through India with the prince. *$3.50. Longmans.
As special correspondent for the Calcutta Statesman, Mr. Abbott accompanied the Prince and Princess of Wales on their recent tour thru’ India. The author gives the route of the royal party making the description interesting with receptions and fêtes; he records observations socially and politically; he “touches on every imaginable topic that India offers to a writer.” (Dial.) “Disposed to be epigrammatic, sarcastic, and ironical, in epigram he is sometimes betrayed into excess.” (Lond. Times.)
“The style is, as the French say, ‘tortured,’ or, in other words, there is some straining after effect. We are, nevertheless, able to commend Mr. Abbott’s volume: and his photographs are among the best of the many good Indian photographs we have seen.”
“The want of descriptive power and the too pronounced personal note are the two blemishes that detract from the main value of the book, which is found in the writer’s comments and observations on the political status of India.” H. E. Coblentz.
“Mr. Abbott made lively use of his exceptional opportunities and shows himself to be a man of, at any rate, independent judgment.”
“He has not written daily newspaper ‘stories,’ but a book that will quite probably endure.”
“He had opportunities of seeing pageants, and we allow that he has a gift for describing them. But where is his call to deal with the ‘serious problems of British rule?’”
Abbott, Lyman. Christian ministry. **$1.50. Houghton.
“The book is a valuable one for the modern ministry. It is full of reality, of suggestion, and of inspiration.” J. M. English.
“The book is characterized by keen analysis, comprehensive thought, practical interest, and by vigorous and clean-cut expression.” E. A. Hanley.
Acton, Sir John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st baron. Lord Acton and his circle; ed. by Abbot [Francis Aidan] Gasquet. *$4.50. Longmans.
The letters of Lord Acton render a direct service in throwing light on a personality little known and little understood. “With the exception of a few letters written to Mr. Wetherell, all those here published were addressed to Richard Simpson, one of the most brilliant though least famous of the Oxford converts to Rome, and they are all concerned with the conduct of ‘The rambler,’ ‘The home and foreign review,’ and the other periodicals which occupied the energetic youth of Acton.... We see in the letters how thoroughly Acton was imbued with the principle of growth in religious thought.... We get a series of interesting glances into European and Papal politics before either Bismarck had won his laurels or the Pope had lost his crown.” (Ath.)
“It may be said of the letters as a whole that they will possess most importance to the liberal section of English Catholics, for whom, indeed, the book seems to have been written.”
“On the whole the picture of Lord Acton as it appears in this volume is a very favorable one.”
“Attractively edited.”
“The letters contained in the present volume are of surpassing interest.”
“The editor has done his work of annotating the letters and explaining the allusions admirably; and it could not have been an easy task.”
Adams, Andy. Cattle brands. †$1.50. Houghton.
Life on the frontier in the eighties is vividly portrayed in the fourteen stories which Mr. Adams, “a veteran cowboy,” has included in this volume. These are tales “of the desperado; of man-to-man difficulties; of queer characters; the adventures of the cowboy in the field of politics, the capture of outlaws by rangers; and the ransom of rich rancheros who have been kidnapped.” Some titles are: Drifting North, Bad Medicine, A winter round-up, A college vagabond, The double trail, Rangering, and The story of a poker steer.
“These stories are somewhat slight in texture, more suited to the ephemeral needs of a magazine than a bound volume, but they have a ring of sincerity about them and an insight into essentials.”
“To many people they will seem more enjoyable than the longer stories by Mr. Adams. Their merit lies wholly in the obvious truth to life of the scenes.”
“The new book will seem to most readers too much like an echo of ‘The log of a cowboy’ to allow of its producing the same effect of sincerity.”
Reviewed by Louise Collier Willcox.
2Adams, Frederick Upham. Bottom of the well. †$1.50. Dillingham.
The capture of a smuggling craft by a revenue cutter off the Jamaica coast brings into view the hero of Mr. Adams’ story, a lad of twelve, the charge of the smugglers. Once separated from them, he is adopted and educated by a titled Englishman. From England the scene shifts to New York where young Stanley Deane espouses the cause of some much abused strikers whose plans brew within the four walls of the “Well.” He is convicted of murder, but cleared of the charge when the supposed victim dramatically appears and reads a serious lecture to the supporters of a police system that “makes justice a market place for the employment of incompetence and the enriching of pettifoggers.”
Adams, Samuel. Writings of Samuel Adams; ed. by H. A. Cushing. *$5. Putnam.
“In one respect this volume is superior to the first. It indicates with care the reason for attributing newspaper letters and other papers to Adams. Little more if anything can be demanded. The notes are numerous and helpful.” A. C. McLaughlin.
“Mr. Cushing has followed Wells too closely, and has not made such a careful, critical study of the contributions to journals as to give his decision the requisite weight.”
Adams, Thomas Sewall, and Sumner, Helen L. Labor problems: a text book; ed. by Prof. R. T. Ely. *$1.60. Macmillan.
“The ground covered has not been well covered in any other text book. The scope of this book is unusually broad.” John Cummings.
Addison, Mrs. Julia de Wolf. Art of the National gallery: a critical survey of the schools and painters as represented in the British collection. **$2. Page.
“Will be likely to hold its own for several generations.”
“Is brightly and sympathetically written.”
“Is for a person visiting the gallery who has a fair general knowledge of art, one who would like to be guided by impressionistic criticism rather than by accepted scientific connoisseurship.”
Adler, Elkan Nathan. About Hebrew manuscripts. *$2.50. Oxford.
Nine detached pieces compose this group: Some missing chapters of Ben Sira; An ancient bookseller’s catalogue; Professor Blau on the Bible as a book; A letter of Menasseh Ben Israel; Jewish literature and the diaspora; The humours of Hebrew mss.; The romance of Hebrew printing: and Zur jüdisch-persischen litteratur, by Prof. Bacher.
“Much of his work is, of course, tentative: but he at the same time provides very useful material for further study.”
“To the true book worm, to the man who loves ‘erudition’ for its own sake without looking very deep for the substantial contents of rare prints or manuscripts, this work will be welcome.”
Adler, Felix. Essentials of spirituality. **$1. Pott.
“In fact Dr. Adler does not mean quite what he says. His theory followed logically would lead us all into a moral Nirvana.” Edward Fuller.
“Four popular addresses which are very readable and elevating in tone.” E. L. Norton.
Adler, Felix. Religion of duty. **$1.20. McClure.
Reviewed by George Hodges.
Aflalo, Moussa. Truth about Morocco; an indictment of the British foreign office; with introd. by R. B. Cunninghame Graham. *$2. Lane.
Agnus, Orme, pseud. (John C. Higginbotham). Sarah Tuldon. [+]75c. Little.
A popular edition of a 1904 book. Sarah Tuldon, an English peasant girl, is the type of heroine which one expects to find in historical novels, but her spirit, energy, good commonsense and generosity are directed towards leavening sordid conditions among the laboring classes. She is self-reared from most unpromising surroundings, and thru never-wearying perseverance reaches a position of self-command and generalship in her community.
“Its greatest claim to importance lies in the artistic and sympathetic treatment the author has given the subject.”
Ainger, Alfred. Lectures and essays. 2v. *$5. Macmillan.
Canon Ainger, “of blessed memory, never forgot in the pulpit that he was a man of letters, or out of it that he was a clergyman.” In these volumes, he “ranges over a wide field, from Chaucer to Tennyson, giving five lectures and two essays to Shakespeare, and writing also of Swift, Cowper, Burns, Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Charles Lamb, Dickens, of children’s books, of actors, modern plays, conversation, of wit, and of euphuism.” (Spec.)
“The saving grace in Canon Ainger was his appreciation of perfect language. In his critical estimates we think he very often wandered wide.”
“Had the Royal institution lectures been omitted, our judgment might have been much more favourable.”
“That the author has found the secret of charm in literature no one who is familiar with his genial and sympathetic work on Lamb needs to be reminded.”
“The two volumes are likely to find contented readers best among those who look for a discussion of style and obvious quality rather than verbal felicities and critical niceties.”
“The two volumes will not take rank as permanent additions to the literature of the English essay, but they form most agreeable reading.”
“Sanity and sympathy is the keynote of these essays.”
“It is, indeed, no small merit in a writer when he expresses his most subtle thought with the lucidity, ease, and completeness that are to be found here.”
3Alden, Raymond MacDonald. Knights of the silver shield; with il. by Katharine H. Greenland. †$1.25. Bobbs.
Out of such ingredients as castles, knights, giants, palaces and fairies, the author has fashioned a story for little people abounding in good deeds and true.
Aldin, Cecil Charles Windsor. Gay dog; pictured by Cecil Aldin. †$1.50. Dutton.
Mr. Aldin’s “gay dog” is a bull terrier owned by an actress. And the creature is as veritable a bit of canine irresponsibility and pomposity as one could imagine. He indulges in the fun-loving, care-free pursuits of his mistress, gets into scrapes, and is finally sent into the country to recuperate. His dog-philosophy is this: “Some dogs are too readily imposed upon—not I.”
“No display of cleverness quite compensates for unsuitability in choice of subject-matter.”
“The text is poor, but Mr. Aldin’s drawings have some spirit.”
“This year of a dog’s life is very amusing.”
Aldington, Mrs. A. E. Love letters that caused a divorce. [+]75c. Dillingham.
The title is quite self-explanatory of the contents of the book. A series of letters which at first intend no harm, grow to the proportion of Platonic missives, and later become the unlicensed love-letters that cause a separation.
Aldis, Janet. Madame Geoffrin, her salon and her times. **$2.75. Putnam.
From the journals and letters of friends have been gathered the interesting phases of a unique salonist’s life. Madame Geoffrin was “a homely bourgeoise without rank and connections,” yet able to draw about her kings and princes, dukes and maréchals, in short, the literary, artistic and social lights of all Europe. Aside from being simply a diversion, the book sets forth much economic and social history of the latter half of the eighteenth century.
“The central story is well enough told, though in rather a rambling manner.”
“The scraps of information of which it is made up are of exactly the right kind. We cannot commend the style of the book, which is unpleasantly jerky.”
“A most interesting volume.”
“It is an extremely vivacious and interesting throng of men and women that pass before us in the pages. The author is an amiable and communicative cicerone.”
“The volume is remarkably crisp and concise in its treatment of material which in many hands would have remained an incoherent medley, and, what is of prime importance in a work of this kind, its clever and sprightly pages slacken to no dull word.” Jessie B. Rittenhouse.
“It is bright, easy, extremely anecdotal, and studded with word-miniatures of the notables of the day.”
“An interesting and readable book.”
Aldrich, Richard. Guide to The ring of the Nibelung. $1.25. Ditson.
“The book furnishes a very helpful aid to the study of Wagner’s great tetralogy.”
“An analysis which in completeness and usefulness surpasses those of his predecessors.”
“Particularly useful to students is the second part of this little book.”
“For general use this guide is most convenient.”
Alexander, De Alva Stanwood. Political history of the state of New York. 2v. ea. *$2.50. Holt.
Volume 1, (1774–1832) follows the movements of political parties in New York from 1777, when the state constitution was drawn up, to 1832 and the formation of the Whig party. Volume 2, (1833–1861) takes up the story and carries it down thru the formation of the republican party in 1854, to the crippling of the Weed machine in 1861. The causes of fractional divisions during these years are carefully traced, and the subtle methods by which such men as George Clinton, Hamilton, Burr, De Witt Clinton, Van Buren, Seymour and Thurlow Weed achieved leadership and in succession ordered the political course of the Empire state receive detailed analyses.
“These volumes will have small value for the special student of New York politics, but they are capable of rendering a real service to the general reader until the time when a more thorough and comprehensive study of this subject shall appear.”
“In this limited field Mr. Alexander writes with vigor, and shows generally a sound judgment which partly atones for his tendency to hero-worship and his lack of research.” Theodore Clarke Smith.
“The author has contrived so well to adorn the necessary political facts with items in personal biography, that the chronicle rises to a place somewhere in the domain of masterpieces.”
“What Mr. Alexander has done is to give an interesting, although, perhaps, a too uncritical account of political leaders and events in a field of American history that was practically unoccupied. To the reader, who has hitherto found it impossible to get anything like a general idea of early New York politics in a single work, the volumes should prove a boon.”
“Mr. Alexander is very successful in conducting the reader through the mazes of New York politics.”
“In the main, Mr. Alexander has succeeded well in presenting the personalities that have figured conspicuously in New York’s history.”
Alexander, Eleanor. Lady of the well. †$1.50. Longmans.
“This novel is a romantic story of Guelf and Ghibelline, of troubadour and queen of beauty. The Emperor Frederick II., grandson of Barbarossa, is the central figure, and the troubadour, Bernart, is very properly the hero. There is a great deal of real romance in the book, and the clash of arms and perilous adventures which occur in it are very much more lifelike than is usual in works of this kind.”—Spec.
“It is a pretty story, gracefully written, as such a story should be; but a little nebulous, as is the troubadour himself.”
4“Miss Alexander writes with distinction, and her book may be recommended as a quiet and artistic piece of work.”
“Just the proper amount of realism and humor to make a pretty and fairly plausible tale.”
“A picturesque piece of work in many ways, but the style is stiff and affected and at times careless and slipshod.”
“The beginning of the story certainly drags a little. The book is altogether an extremely successful attempt to portray an exceedingly difficult subject, and we may congratulate the author on the mediaevel atmosphere which she has contrived to impart into her story.”
Alexander, Grace. Judith. †$1.50. Bobbs.
Camden, Ohio, in the days of the Omnibus bill furnishes the setting for this romance. The principal actors in the little drama, which is barely saved from being a tragedy, are the following: Stephen Waters, a stalwart young minister; Judith La Monde who is to be sacrificed matrimonially to atone for her mother’s wrong done to the fiancé’s father; Abel Troop, the colorless but altogether good youth, for whom Judith is making her sacrifice; and a group of town’s people who lend a social and political atmosphere to the story. Judith’s battle between conscience and heart’s desire is waged valiantly and her patience has its reward.
“The story shows painstaking effort and some skill in handling, but it lacks the subtle power and imaginative grasp that mark a novel of the first rank.”
“A volume that is not devoid of merit.”
“Some of the scenes are well done, and the characters stand out with a good degree of boldness.”
Reviewed by Mrs. L. H. Harris.
Alexander, Hartley Burr. Poetry and the individual: an analysis of the imaginative life in relation to the creative spirit in man and nature. **$1.50. Putnam.
“If it be necessary to analyze the reason for the expression of thought in poetry, then Dr. Alexander has done a useful thing. If not, he has at least done an interesting thing, in tracing from a philosophical standpoint the evolution of poetry since its earliest manifestation.” (Pub. Opin.) The question is dealt with under the general subjects: Impulse and song, Evolution of poetic spirit, The worth of life. The universal and the individual, The imagination, Aesthetic expression, Beauty and personality, and Nature and poetic mood.
“His style impresses me as surprisingly inconsistent. It is both brilliant and stilted, fluent and awkward. The book is admirable for its sympathetic and sure apprehension of the present age (its individualism, introspection and courageous faith) and for a captivating string of poetry and eloquence which pervades the whole.” Ralph Barton Perry.
“Doubtless many will question the validity of his logical process at various points, and a still larger number will find it extremely difficult to read his pages with confident grasp of his meaning, for it is not the habit of the day to carry such discussions quite as far beneath the surface as he has presumed to go.”
“It is a well-ordered and well-reasoned treatment.”
“The book is not unusual at all, but shows care in its preparation, and somewhat more interesting than this, an actual love for the subject.”
Alexander, J. H. Elementary electrical engineering in theory and practice. $2. Van Nostrand.
A class book for junior and senior students and working electricians. The volume is fully illustrated.
“It is difficult to find much in this book to recommend.”
Alexander, Lucia. Libro d’oro of those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life; tr. from the Italian by Mrs. Francis Alexander. *$2. Little.
“Her translation is in excellent English, and reads like an original; she has given us an altogether delightful book.”
“Mrs. Alexander ... has discharged the translator’s task very faithfully and gracefully.”
“As a whole, the book will undoubtedly appeal to a limited and definite class of readers, but the legends are picturesque enough to make a casual dipping into the treasures of the book decidedly pleasurable. The English rendering of the text is simple and graceful.”
Alexander, William. Life insurance company. **$1.50. Appleton.
“It is, indeed a ‘primer’ with all a primer’s defects and merits; a text of so great skill in presentation that it may be trusted pretty nearly to teach itself; of surpassing snap and go; of perfect mastery in technique of exposition; of consistent actuality and concreteness of method: of interest almost rivaling a storybook.” H. J. Davenport.
Alger, George William. Moral overstrain. **$1. Houghton.
“Eight essays dealing with the moral aspects of modern business and law.... The writer ... who is a New York lawyer, discusses ‘graft’, the influence of corporate wealth, the irresponsible use of money, and the man with the ‘muck-rake.’”—R. of Rs.
“In the flood of, to say the least, ill-judged revelation with which the magazines are being flooded at the present time such calm reviews as these are of the greatest benefit as a needed antidote.”
“One feature of the book which recommends it is that in almost every case the lawyer-author has a remedy to suggest for the evil he exposes.”
“Any American citizen will be benefited by reading the eight essays. They are sane without being commonplace, and interesting without being sensational.”
“They are vigorous in thought, and written in a nervous and virile English.”
5Allen, Charles Dexter. American bookplates. *$2.50. Macmillan.
“It is still the only book on the subject and serves its purpose well as an indispensable book of reference.”
Allen, Frank Waller. Back to Arcady. †$1.25. Turner, H. B.
“It is a pretty and poetic book, perhaps without much substance, but all the better for its delicacy of touch and feeling.”
“Mr. Allen’s fancy is tenderly delicate, and entirely free from sentimentality.”
Allen, Philip Loring. America’s awakening: the triumph of righteousness in high places. **$1.25. Revell.
An optimistic view of America’s reviving ideals in business and politics. “This book is an attempt to catch, while the subject is still close and living, some of the spirit and accomplishment of this revival. Dealing, as it must with movements only half worked out and men still active in the same fields, it cannot pretend to be in any sense critical or final. Yet it does hope to make the citizen who reads it a little better acquainted with some of the personalities and some of the forces most prominent in this remarkable period.”
“He does not hold a brief for any reformer or any fad. The novelty and assured interest of Mr. Allen’s book lie chiefly, of course, in his interpretation of events.”
“A readable and suggestive little work.”
Alston, Leonard. Modern constitutions in outline: an introductory study in political science. *90c. Longmans.
“May be of some service to the reader who wishes to get a little knowledge of a big subject in a short time and with little effort: it is a short cut to learning.”
Ambler, Sara Ellmaker. Dear old home. †$1.50. Little.
A happy wholesome story for young boys and girls. Two city children spend the summer with their grandmother in an Amish settlement of Pennsylvania. The story records the pranks and sports of these youngsters aided by two Pennsylvania Dutch children.
Amelung, Walter, and Holtzinger, Heinrich. Museums and ruins of Rome; ed. by Mrs. S. Arthur Strong. 2v. *$3. Dutton.
Each of these volumes gives a “synthetic and comprehensive view” of the subject with which it deals. “The plan of the work is very simple. Beginning with the Vatican, the student is taken through the papal collections, the municipal collections, and the national collections, the text describing and characterizing the masterpieces, with sufficient biographical data relating to the sculptors, with succinct but clear accounts of the character of the work, and descriptions which enable the reader to fasten his attention on special characteristics with the enforcement of a profusion of illustrations.” (Outlook.) A short bibliography prefaces each volume.
“Altogether, these little books are without their match, and no one should go to Rome without them.”
“This manual, however, is not calculated to please the ordinary visitor to Rome, nor the student of Roman antiquities in general, on account of its bias in favour of one class of specialists.”
“It is very evident that our author has given us the latest and best theories as to the different works of art.” James C. Egbert.
“The volume becomes quite a liberal education in the history of antique sculpture, which is made more thorough by its historic index in the concluding chapter.”
“Amelung’s knowledge and experience are broad and solid, his perception keen, and his writing vigorous yet pleasant. The translation represents him as worthily as perhaps any translation of a book of æsthetic as well as historic criticism could reproduce its original.”
“Gives the traveler a convenient and suggestive guide for his rambles about the Roman capital.”
“A convenient work.”
“Probably the best compendium yet produced of the art treasures of the mother city of the world.”
“The idea embodied in these volumes is an excellent one, and it is, upon the whole, carried out with a large measure of success. Some points, however, invite criticism. Dr. Amelung’s verdicts on ancient sculptors are not free from that dogmatism which is the besetting sin of German archæologists.”
American Jewish yearbook, 5667. Sept. 20, 1906, to Sept. 8, 1907; ed. by Henrietta Szold. 75c. Jewish pub.
The eighth issue of this yearbook. Among the new features are a table of the time of sunrise and sunset, and the beginning of dawn and the end of twilight for six northern latitudes, on three days of each month of the solar year; two new lists including respectively a record of the United States during the current year and notable articles appearing in the Jewish press and thru secular mediums, and notably a table of Jewish massacres in Russia during the period “whose entrance and exit are guarded by Kishineff and Bialystok as blood stained sentinels.”
Ames, V. B. Matrimonial primer; with pictorial matrimonial mathematics and decorations by Gordon Ross. **$1.50. Elder.
Amsden, Dora. Impressions of Ukiyo-ye, the school of Japanese colour-print artists. **$1.50. Elder.
“Accurate investigation of personalities, epochs and eras, and warm appreciation, expressed in highly rhetorical terms, of Japanese art characterize this informing volume.”
“This little book tells us things we desire to know about a fascinating subject.”
6Anderson, Asher. Congregational faith and practice: principles, polity, benevolent societies, institutions. *5c. Pilgrim press.
A little pamphlet for pastors and church workers.
Anderson, Sir Robert. Sidelights on the home rule movement. *$3. Dutton.
“Sir Robert Anderson’s ‘Side lights on the home rule movement’ is emphatically a controversy-breeding book. It contains the recollections of the well-known British secret service official so far as they pertain to his activity in connection with Fenianism and later aspects of Irish agitation, and it may also be described in large part a scathing criticism of the Irish sections of Mr. Morley’s ‘Life of Gladstone,’ which Sir Robert attacks as the work of a romanticist rather than a historian.”—Outlook.
“It has fallen to the lot of hardly any other man in our time to have so intimate a knowledge of the darker aspects of Irish Separatist politics as Sir Robert Anderson.”
“It will be difficult for most readers who are not of his immediate social or political circle to see any advantage that can result from the publication.”
“Apart from these personal interests, the book has an undoubted historical value as a contribution to our knowledge of the events with which it mainly deals. Especially interesting are the chapters on the Fenian movement, the dynamite campaign, and the much too historic Clerkwell explosion.”
Anderson, Wilbert L. Country town; with introd. by Josiah Strong. **$1. Baker.
Dr. Strong says “The author has faith in the country town, and is able to render a reason for the faith that is in him.” Mr. Anderson maintains that the great drift from the country to the city will only benefit the rural districts, for there will be left an enduring residuum with the stout heart that battles with problems of civilization and advancement. He says “that there is no scientific reason for the popular notion that the rural population is under a fatality of evil. The future depends almost wholly upon the power of environment—upon education, upon commerce, upon evangelization, upon participation in the great movements of the age.”
“This study of existing conditions will be found valuable even by those who do not agree with all the conclusions reached.”
“Though he cites numerous authorities, he writes in the graceful style of the essayist.”
“It is involved in style; is loaded with quotations and citations having no particular bearing on the case, full of repetition, and not clear in its manner of reaching conclusions, which are, however, sane ones.”
“The most serious criticism that can be advanced against it is that the author carries the argument from evolution to an extreme in conducting a sociological inquiry along biological lines. To be commended for its readableness as well as for the sanity and fair-mindedness.”
“Extremely interesting and informing work.” Edward Cary.
“Mr. Anderson is an optimist where optimism is rare.”
Andreas and The fates of the apostles: two Anglo-Saxon narrative poems; ed. with introd., notes, and glossary by G: Philip Krapp. *$2. Ginn.
This volume in “The Albion series of Anglo-Saxon and middle English poetry,” contains all the material essential to a thoro study of these two poems. The text of both poems is based upon Wülker’s Codex Verallensis and the variant readings present a full history of the textual criticism of the works. A comprehensive introduction discusses the Vercelli manuscript, the sources of the poems, their history, and their authorship. The volume is fully annotated and contains a classified bibliography and a glossary.
“Altogether, this much-needed edition is one of the most scholarly contributions that have been made in recent times to the illustration of Old English literature.”
Andrews, Arthur Lynn, ed. Specimens of discourse. *60c. Holt.
A miscellaneous collection of specimens chosen with the object of teaching a student to present near-at-hand occurrences in clear English. The introduction gives a variety of themes, analyses them, and shows how to elaborate various types of composition, as description, narration and exposition.
Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman (Mrs. William S. Andrews). Bob and the guides; il. by F. C. Yohn, A. B. Frost and others. †$1.50. Scribner.
A book of ten Canadian hunting stories with Bob, a small boy, for the hero. In each he gives in boyish fashion some camping adventure, admitting that he gets “big words mixed sometimes unconscientiously.” but having a “noble ear for general picturesqueness.”
“Can be read aloud and out of doors, two severe tests for a book.”
Angus, S. Sources of the first ten books of Augustine’s De Civitate Dei. $1. Univ. library, Princeton, N. J.
A three-part thesis which treats “Literary sources of Augustine.” “Annotations on books i-x,” and “Augustine’s knowledge of Greek.”
Annandale, Nelson. Faroes and Iceland; with 24 il. and an appendix on the Celtic pony, by F. H. A. Marshall. *$1.50. Oxford.
“Is pleasant reading. He might with advantage have given a little more time to contemporary Icelandic literature before printing his censures: he is too ready to cry ‘All is barren,’ and hardly appreciates the variety of life, the mixture of old fashions and modern culture in that wonderful country. Some of his statements may be flatly contradicted by other travellers, who have found better entertainment there and little of the squalor which seems to have beset Mr. Annandale.” W. P. Ker.
7Anstruther, Elizabeth. Complete beauty book. **$1.25. Appleton.
“Beauty is a matter of health, dress, and winsomeness,” the author declares in her introduction, and she follows her assertion with sensible advice upon the care of the body, a detailed plea for fresh air, exercise, and cold water, with some additional counsel upon clothes and conduct. The skin, diet, digestion, the hair, the hands, feet, and teeth, fatness and thinness and charm of manner are treated in successive chapters.
“With the utmost good sense and simplicity, we are told just how to keep well and to be beautiful.” Hildegarde Hawthorne.
Arbiter in council: a collection of papers on war, peace and arbitration. *$2.50. Macmillan.
“Is there any reason to hope that right ever will be ready? This is the question which the ‘Arbiter in council’ essays to answer. In form, the work is a series of colloquies initiated by a veteran Liberal, a disciple of Bright and of Cobden, and a lifelong advocate of peace and arbitration.” (Lond. Times.) The subjects discussed, one for every day during a week, are the causes and consequences of war, modern warfare, private war and the duel, cruelty, the federation of the world, arbitration, the political economy of war and Christianity and war.
“The scheme is a well-imagined one and the discussions are full of interest, information and suggestion. Nevertheless the result is far from satisfactory. The book is pervaded throughout by the assumption more or less openly avowed that war is always and everywhere a wrong thing—not merely that most wars are wrong, and that many wars are wicked: and the several parties to the discussion are all too much of the same way of thinking.”
“As a summary of all that is to be said on the subject, thrown into a readable form, the book is well done; nevertheless, after reading it there is left in the mind of the reader the perhaps unavoidable feeling that it is an old story.”
“A clever piece of special pleading rather than a serious contribution to political thought.”
Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th duke of: autobiography and memoirs; ed. by the Dowager Duchess of Argyll. 2v. *$10. Dutton.
In his autobiography the Duke of Argyll sketches a “long career filled with notable activities. Acceding to the title very young and unexpectedly ... he was of a serious and energetic bent. Early called to share in the government, he was a member of several cabinets.... For years he was an enthusiastic follower of Gladstone, but broke with him on the land question and Home rule; but their personal friendship remained unimpaired. Yet his chief distinction was as a controversial writer. He had considerable scientific attainments. From early life an eager naturalist ... and was practically skilled in geology. He read widely in science, too, and being, as he innocently observes, ‘inclined to question rather than to harbor doubt’ he ‘took most naturally to religion and theology.’” (Nation.)
“His biography was well worth writing; though it might have been advantageously condensed into half the size.”
“The Duke might have curbed his pen to advantage.”
“It differs in two particulars from most British biographies. It deals with political and social life in Scotland as well as in England; and more than any biography of recent times, except perhaps that of Earl Granville, it deals with life almost exclusively from an aristocratic point of view.”
“Has an interest and a value little below Morley’s ‘Life of Gladstone’ in the brightness of the light which it throws on the English history of its time.”
“The chapters which follow the autobiography give a most inadequate picture of what the Duke was in his prime and of what he did. The chapter on his science is particularly disappointing.”
“The various kinds of interest that belong to the memoirs of a statesman, relating great events in which he has a borne a part, and the chronicles of a recluse, of a naturalist watching the lower lives about him, belong to these volumes.” Montgomery Schuyler.
“To the biographical library these volumes will be a valuable addition. Will be interesting as a biography to the reader who is versed in the art of judicious skipping, and valuable as a contribution to the history of the nineteenth century.”
“The Duke of Argyll’s literary gift was considerable, as is shown, not only by his speeches, but by his descriptive criticism of the great men by whom he was surrounded.”
“It is full of interest, and displays almost on every page a love and knowledge of nature which add to its charm.”
Armitage, Albert B. Two years in the Antarctic. $5. Longmans.
A personal narrative of the British Antarctic expedition to which Dr. Nansen contributes a preface.
“Those who have studied Captain Scott’s weighty volumes may skim with some amusement and interest Lieutenant Armitage’s lighter pages.”
“He is a good narrator and carries the reader along with a warmth that is surprising in such a chilly subject.” Stephen Chalmers.
“Mr. Armitage supplies some points of detail which supplement Captain Scott’s narrative.”
Armour, John P. Edenindia: a tale of adventure. †$1.50. Dillingham.
Edenindia is a Utopian realm into which an airship drops the hero of this tale, Victor Bonnivard. Jilted by a heartless maiden, and weary of life at best, it touches his vanity to be called to join the king’s counsellors and family of state. Edenindia is a socialistic kingdom whose inhabitants have been kept in ignorance of any other people. Ennui finally compels young Victor to elope with the king’s daughter.
8“His imagination, if bold, is rather heavy and lumbering in its gait.”
Armour, Jonathan Ogden-. Packers, the private car lines and the people. $1.50. Altemus.
In which Mr. Armour defends the packers. He tells of the conditions that brought the private car-line into existence and what it has accomplished to facilitate traffic and to improve the business situation.
“Mr. Armour is not a stylist; but he knows how to put his arguments clearly and effectively.”
“The book is vigorously written, and probably must be regarded as the authoritative reply of the packers, by one of their most eminent representatives, to the accusations brought against them. It is an able plea in defense and avoidance. As such the careful student of the problem will find it valuable. He will not find it conclusive.”
“Mr. Armour writes in a rather bitter tone.”
Armstrong, Sir Walter. Gainsborough and his place in English art. $3.50. Scribner.
“Has already come to be justly regarded as a standard biography.”
Armstrong, Sir Walter. Peel collection and the Dutch school. $2. Dutton.
“A meritorious contribution to museum literature.” Royal Cortissoz.
“The volume is perhaps the best contribution to the critical study of Dutch painting since the publication of ‘Les maîtres d’autrefois.’ It is something new in the literature of art. Its criticism is fresh and stimulating.”
Armstrong, Sir Walter. Sir Joshua Reynolds, first president of the Royal academy. *$3.50. Scribner.
“Excellent critical life.” Royal Cortissoz.
“His whole aim seems to be to belittle and disparage Sir Joshua as a man, and as a result to lessen the potentiality of his art.” Charles Henry Hart.
“It is probably the best book that has yet been written about Sir Joshua.... His presentment of Reynolds’s character is, perhaps, more just than the pæans of the hero worshippers; and his critical opinions on Reynolds’s art are worthy of the most careful attention.”
Armstrong, William Jackson. Heroes of defeat. $3. Clarke, R.
Six heroes who thru no fault of bravery failed to attain their hoped for success “are here described with all the vivid and picturesque power of a Froude, a Macaulay or a Hugo.” (Arena.) They are Schamyl, the soldier priest and hero of Caucasus; Abdel Kader, the Sultan of Algeria who for fifteen years kept France from any stronghold in Algeria; Scanderbeg, the Albanian who saved Europe from the Turk’s dominion; Tecumseh, our own Shawnoe hero; Vercingetorix, King of Gaul, who fought against Julius Caesar; and Kosiuszko, the hero of Polish freedom.
“It is a real acquisition to our literature, a work of permanent value.”
“Mr. Armstrong tells the story of all these with some skill, though his style is considerably marred by flights that suggest stump oratory.”
Arnim, Mary Annette (Beauchamp) gräfin von. Princess Priscilla’s fortnight. †$1.50. Scribner.
“Priscilla’s adventures are a shade too preposterous for genuine enjoyment.”
“The most charming extravaganza imaginable.” Wm. M. Payne.
“A gentle cynicism, which we fancy a little mellower, and a style a little riper than in the earlier books, leave a pleasant fragrance in the memory, when the strange experience ends, precisely as it should.”
“‘Priscilla’ is an unworthy successor to ‘Elizabeth,’ though she will be probably quite as popular.”
“The strength of the book lies in its faithful picture of the contrast of two modes of life, brought on this occasion sharply together—a true comedy-motive when, as in this case, both are adequately understood.”
Arnold, Matthew. Sohrab and Rustum: ed. for schools and general use by W. P. Trent and W. T. Brewster. *25c. Ginn.
Supplied with an accurate text, footnotes and an introduction, this poem is offered to the general reader by way of preparation for the study of Arnold no less than to the preparatory school student.
Arthur, Richard. Ten thousand miles in a yacht. **$2. Dutton.
A narrative which follows the incidents of the celebrated cruise made by Commodore E. C. Benedict’s yacht among the West Indies and up the Amazon in the winter of 1904–5. The author and also Mr. Ivins who contributes the introduction were among the eleven cruisers. The volume contains numerous illustrations from photographs.
“Some readers may wish that the author and the introductory writer had exchanged places.” H. E. Coblentz.
“A singularly naïve narrative it is.”
“A slight but readable account of quite an unusual cruise.”
“Mr. Arthur has a knack of telling his experiences pleasantly.”
Asakawa, Kanichi. Early institutional life of Japan. *$1.75. Scribner.
Reviewed by Munroe Smith.
Ashley, William James. Progress of the German working classes in the last quarter of a century. *60c. Longmans.
“An example of judicial and balanced argument.” Charles Richmond Henderson.
Aspinwall, Alicia. Story of Marie de Rozel—Huguenot. *75c. Dutton.
The wife of Marie de Rozel’s great-greatgrandson 9has written the true story of this brave little Huguenot maid and what befell her in the days when the people of her faith were persecuted in Catholic France. It is a pretty little tale and the author has given it to us unembellished, just as it came to her out of the dim past.
“Not quite so interesting as it should be, considering the material.”
Asser, Bishop of Sherbourne. Life of King Alfred, trans. from the text of Stevenson’s edition, with notes, by Albert S. Cook. *50c. Ginn.
The Bishop of Sherbourne’s quaint contemporary account of England’s greatest king is here given in a form which will appeal to students in schools and colleges as well as to the general reader. The Latin text, thru the critical labors of Stevenson, has been cleared of many Elizabethan interpolations, and the present translation is accurate and well annotated.
“Presents in convenient form a valuable document whose authenticity is now generally conceded.”
“The advantages which Professor Cook’s translation enjoys over previous ones is due mainly to the fact that he has been able to use the results of the investigations of these two scholars [Plummer and Stevenson.]”
Aston, W. G. Shinto: the way of the gods. *$2. Longmans.
Forty years of research and study in Japanese literature, language and history have provided material for this treatise. It is “chiefly intended as a repertory, for the use of students, of the more significant facts of Shinto, the old native religion of Japan before the introduction of Chinese learning and Buddhism.”
Reviewed by Henry Preserved Smith.
“So attractively written that the reader hardly appreciates at once the amount of learning, Eastern and Western, which it implies.”
“In his arrangement of the book, with its abundant translation of ancient text and ritual, all well indexed, we have just what the volume professes to be—a handbook for the study of Shinto.” William Elliot Griffis.
“This master of facts is very modest in theory and generalization. This is ‘the’ book on Shinto. There is no other.”
“It is the one complete monograph on Shinto.”
“No part of his subject has escaped his notice, and his materials are arranged in a logical sequence which makes them clear even to a casual reader. But the book is not for casual readers.”
Atherton, Gertrude Franklin (Frank Lin, pseud.). Travelling thirds. †$1.25. Harper.
“Incidentally points a moral, if she cannot be said always to adorn her tale.” G. W. Adams.
“Can scarcely be considered with its writer’s more serious work.” Olivia Howard Dunbar.
“The book possesses its author’s characteristic faults of hardness and exaggeration; it is almost destitute of sympathy and moderation, while of the unusual virtues of bold plot and suspended creation that we have come to associate with Mrs. Atherton’s name, it has scant measure.”
“The book as a whole is rather too suggestive of the pages of a guide-book; but if slight, the story is amusing, and is written with Mrs. Atherton’s usual vivacity.”
Atkinson, Fred Washington. Philippine islands. *$3. Ginn.
“It attempts to cover the whole field, history, geography, commerce, government, religion and the characteristics of the people. The last is probably the most important part of the book, because in Filipino psychology lies the problem, and this is the hardest part of the book to write, and it is a part upon which the author’s experience should enable him to make a real contribution.” J. Russell Smith.
“This is a wholesome, stimulating, enjoyable book, the ripe fruit of an earnest worker, a lover of ideals, yet a master of facts. It is a real illuminator of the theme treated.”
“This latter section is by far the most valuable portion of the work, for here the writer has apparently felt at liberty to speak with somewhat less restraint than elsewhere, and to give expression to his own views. The book as a whole, especially in its earlier portions, gives the impression of having often been read before, and follows with minute care the official view at almost every point.”
“Is both valuable and interesting where it presents the author’s own observations and opinions, but is often inaccurate where sources of encyclopaedic and historic information which should now be discarded have been relied upon in the work of compilation.”
“This is one of the most interesting of the many books which have been published on the new possession of the United States. This book is indeed a manual of its subject.”
Atkinson, George Francis. College textbook of botany. *$2. Holt.
“Professor Atkinson has been exceptionally fortunate in accomplishing a very difficult piece of work. The studies have been carefully prepared and this scientific survey of the botanical field will be widely appreciated.” Carlton C. Curtis.
Atlay, J. B. Victorian chancellors. 2v. v. 1. *$4. Little.
“Mr. Atlay purposes to deal in two volumes with the careers of the Lords Chancellors during the reign of Queen Victoria. The first volume contains the memoirs of Lord Lyndhurst, Lord Brougham, Lord Cottenham and Lord Truro.... Mr. Atlay’s work is extremely interesting whether he is writing of men about whom there are voluminous biographies too cumbrous to be read pleasantly, or of men such as Lord Cottenham and Lord Truro about whom he has had to collect data for himself.... Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham have been much written about; but Mr. Atlay has used information either not open to Lord Campbell or used by him invidiously; and as to Lord Lyndhurst especially he corrects Campbell’s unfair sketch following Sir Theodore Martin’s biography.” (Sat. R.)
“To measure two men so dissimilar in character, opinion and temperament as Lyndhurst and Brougham, with an equal hand is no small 10achievement, and Mr. Atlay deserves all the commendation that we can give him.”
“This volume is lively and entertaining, well compiled from a variety of authentic sources, and as regards Lyndhurst and Brougham much more trustworthy than the rather spiteful and far from accurate biographies which the late Lord Campbell wrote of his two contemporaries.”
“Mr. Atlay. though neither a subtle thinker nor a masterly writer, does provide his readers with a clear, sensible, and, above all, an honest narrative of the career of the men whose lives he undertakes to write.”
“To lawyer, politician, student of manners, and lover of good stories alike his book will furnish the best of entertainment.”
Aubin, Eugene. Morocco of to-day. *$2. Dutton.
“M. Eugene Aubin is a French observer of Morocco, with the gift of precise, delicate, sympathetic appreciation. This he is able to convert into words, and the result is a very good book.... There are ... some exceptionally good chapters, notably that on Du Hamara, in which Moroccan warfare is described.... The author describes many places, institutions, and customs, together with some of the internal incidents of the years 1902–3, but he does not deal with international questions save for a few trade statistics.”—Nation.
“His descriptions are vivid; the information he supplies is lucidly set forth, and upon the whole remarkably trustworthy. The number of equally informative English books about Morocco is extremely small.”
“Without doubt this book contains more information about modern Morocco than any other book to be obtained. To many M. Aubin’s explanations of the Sultan’s life and position will be in the nature of a revelation.”
“It suffers from a certain unevenness. The translation is fair and contains few slips.”
“An excellent translation.”
“A scholarly work.”
“It is the most complete book of its kind upon the subject, of to-day.”
Auchincloss, W. S. Book of Daniel unlocked. *$1. Van Nostrand.
“An ingenious but useless addition to the already extensive literature based on the desire to interpret the book of Daniel as literal predictions of dates and events far in the future.”
Audubon, John Woodhouse. Audubon’s western journal: 1849–1850. *$3. Clark, A. H.
This is a manuscript record of a trip from New York to Texas, and an overland journey thru Mexico and Arizona to the gold-fields of California. There is a biographical memoir by Maria R. Audubon, daughter of the diarist, and an introduction, notes and index by Frank Heywood Hodder.
“Persons interested in early California history will find here some descriptions of the conditions in the early days really worth reading.” Edwin E. Sparks.
Reviewed by Theodore Clarke Smith.
“On the whole, the volume leaves nothing to be wished for, either in the editor’s or the publisher’s field.”
“The journal is of very great interest, and admirably edited.”
Austin, Alfred (Lamia, pseud.). Door of humility. *$1.50. Macmillan.
A poem of 57 cantos in which a poet “is perplexed in youth with some obvious theological doubts, and his lady refuses him till he comes to a better frame of mind. He straightway proceeds upon a kind of grand tour, which gives him the opportunity to describe elaborately Switzerland, Rome, Greece, and other places. After much trite metaphysical speculation he arrives at a sort of solution, and returns home.... Humility, the poem, teaches, is the only gateway to truth.” (Spec.)
“Mr. Austin has read his ‘In memoriam’ too lovingly, and, in his poem, at least, has not been able to rid himself of the domination of the great mind and to stand on his own feet. This result is rendered the more conspicuous and deplorable by the thick sowing of the text with phrases that can only be described as journalistic.”
“The philosophy and its sentimental setting are patiently planned on the Tennysonian model, but unhappily it is not enough to succeed a poet in order to be successful in imitating him.”
“The piece is as a whole marked by a suavity and a kind of thin dignity, though not seldom there is a lapse into banality.”
“The most obvious excellence of Mr. Austin’s work is its metrical purity in the matter of rhythm he never offends. But his excellence is bought at the price of his liberty.” Jessie B. Rittenhouse.
“We have no wish to be unkind to a writer who is so transparently ingenuous and well-meaning, and we readily admit that he is not without his felicities.”
Austin, Louis Frederic. Points of view; ed, with prefatory note by Clarence Rook. **$1.50. Lane.
Essays selected from the author’s contributions to London newspapers compose this volume. Such subjects are treated as Sir Henry Irving, America at Oxford, Men and modes. Logic for women. Motor cars and nervous systems, A famine in books, etc. “Mr. Rook’s prefatory note contains an impressive idea of Mr. Austin’s strenuous life. It is, indeed, ironical that a man should be strenuous in chatting with his pen; but it is also tragic.” (Ath.)
11“The papers collected in this memorial volume are fresh, witty, and shallow in the sparkling way of champagne.”
“There are in fact, few writers nowadays who can write this kind of essay, and fewer still who can make their own writing, on the whole, so much worth while as Mr. Austin.”
Austin, Martha Waddill. Tristam and Isoult. $1. Badger, R: G.
“The finished play appears to us possessed of acting possibilities. Besides being liberally endowed with no small measure of beauty in poetic figure and expression.”
“The workmanship throughout is excellent, with vigorous lines, pictorial imagery, and ease of movement.”
Reviewed by Louise Collier Willcox.
Austin, Mrs. Mary Hunter. The flock; il. by E. Boyd Smith. **$2. Houghton.
Mrs. Austin’s flock is a literal flock of sheep. “This is a sort of epic of the sheep pastures. She begins with a sort of New Englandish landmark, the year of the Boston massacre, which was also the year Daniel Boone moved into the West east of the Mississippi, but the country of her pasture is the Pacific slope, where she has lived among the herders and their woolly charges. Mrs. Austin tells of the work of these herders in the mountain valleys, in rain and drought, of the shearing baile, of the dogs, of the struggle for the control of the feeding grounds. She tells how the wild beasts come down upon the fold or the grazing flock, and how the sheep are protected by the faithful shepherds. There are stories, too, of individual shepherds who have had adventures, an account of a particular old California sheep range, and a chapter on ‘The sheep and the forest reserves.’” (N. Y. Times.)
“The poetic temperament which so well fits Mrs. Austin for writing stories of the West has been of equal advantage to her in telling of the shepherd-life with ‘its background of wild beauty, mixed romance, and unaffected savagery.’” May Estelle Cook.
“The charm of the whole lies in three qualities: the novelty and interest of the subject, the picturesque texture of the author’s mind, and in a style which is both cultivated and racy, and adapted to conveying her unusual sense of beauty.”
“As a matter of fact the sheep are only an excuse for an outdoor book which takes on a certain pastoral stamp because of them, but rejoices chiefly in the open—the free earth, the sun, and the wind.”
Austin, Mary. Isidro. †$1.50. Houghton.
“A not too probable Spanish-American romance gaining color from a picturesque setting.” Mary Moss.
Avary, Myrta Lockett. Dixie, after the war. **$2.75. Doubleday.
A new picture of the period of reconstruction in the South drawn by one who has made a first-hand study of her subject. “The book is the aftermath of defeat described in poignant words, in sorrow rather than in anger, and without a trace of bitterness.” (Lit. D.) “Mrs. Avary sets forth in a serio-comic way the blunders and even the corruption incident to military dictatorship, and in the course of the volume throws many side-lights on what most Northerners now admit to have been the serious mistake of reconstruction policy.” (R. of Rs.)
“Probably about all we can reasonably expect in the way of fairness and soberness, in dealing with the reconstruction period, has been done in the volume under review. The book is written in a lively anecdotal style; the author has a keen sense of humor and a profound conception of the value of a good story.” Walter L. Fleming.
“A little judicious pruning, a little more care for style, a little more regard for accuracy in historical detail, would have made of this a really good book.”
“As a collection of anecdotes and observations the book may be found entertaining, but it should not profess, as it does, to be an exposition of social conditions in the South.”
“It vividly brings before the reader the way Southern men and women felt and talked in a most trying period.”
“An unusually vivid portrayal of the actual social conditions in the South during the years immediately succeeding the fall of Richmond.”
Avery, Elroy McKendree. History of the United States and its people. In 15 vol. ea. *$6.25. Burrows.
“A history that reflects and epitomizes the verified historic data of our preceding historians, and that is of special worth in that accuracy has been made the crowning aim of both author and publishers.”
“What is lacking is precisely the quality which makes Mr. Channing’s book noteworthy,—the impression of personality and individual authority.” Theodore Clarke Smith.
“In spite of a few trivial errors in the matters of date and the like, this second volume is in the highest degree satisfactory.”
“Excellently adapted for the public for which it is designed.”
“Maintains in general the level of its predecessor, and in some important respects shows improvement.”
“Throughout is evident the master desire for accuracy and impartiality, and both have been attained to a really remarkable degree.”
“As to the text of this history, while it has had the benefit of readings and suggestions by many historical experts, it retains the great advantage of a continuous narrative written by a single hand, and thus adhering to a well-proportioned scheme.”
12Ayer, Mary Allette. Joys of friendship. **$1. Lee.
A companion volume to the author’s “Daily cheer year book.” The extracts are arranged under the following sub-headings: The love of friendship, Companionship, Sympathy, Influence, Immortality of friendship, and The Divine friendship.
“A book of this character, however, loses much through lack of an author’s index.”
Ayres, S. G. Complete index to the Expositor’s Bible, topical and textual. *$1. Armstrong.
“First, as to its general design, it undertakes to exhibit each book both in its general teaching and in the specific teaching of its several sections. Next, as to the school of criticism represented, it is composite, some of its volumes representing the older and others, especially in some Old Testament books, the newer school. The present ‘Index’ is by subjects, texts, and authors quoted; there are, for instance, forty-eight citations from Renan. The accompanying Introductions present an appreciative and discriminating review of the progress and general results of Biblical criticism up to the present time.”—Outlook.
“Seems to be quite adequate.”
“This ‘Index’ is very full and will be of great value to all users of the ‘Expositor’s Bible’.”
Babelon, Ernest. Manual of oriental antiquities. New ed., with a chapter on the Recent discoveries at Susa. **$2.50. Putnam.
A reprint of Everett’s translation of Babelon’s work with a chapter which includes M. de Morgan’s discoveries in Susa. He “gives a chronology of the ruins according to recent discoveries, and describes the principles of building, stone sculpture, bronze metal work, jewelry, and the industrial arts. The region described in this chapter has hitherto been almost unknown.” (N. Y. Times.)
“This added chapter only makes more evident the need of a revision or rewriting of the whole work.”
Bacheller, Irving (Addison). Silas Strong, emperor of the woods. †$1.50. Harper.
A strong plea for the preservation of our forests. The author says “It is in no sense a literary performance. It pretends to be nothing more than a simple account of one summer life, pretty much as it was lived, in a part of the Adirondacks.” Silas Strong is a woodland philosopher, and his camp is the scene of the wooing of a wood-nymph by a young politician. “The incidents include a forest fire, while among the leading characters is a dog said to be particularly engaging.” (N. Y. Times.)
“Many will be unable to feel either great admiration for, or any unusual interest in, Silas.”
“Altogether, it is a book that deserves to be read, and, having been read, to be pondered.”
“Strong, fine-flavored story of the woods.”
“The actual story is not as impressive as it might be.”
Bacon, Alice Mabel. In the land of the gods: some stories of Japan. †$1.50. Houghton.
“Ten true pictures of fairyfolk and phenomena set in the frame of a dainty English style.” (Ind.) They illustrate “Japanese beliefs and traditions which Miss Bacon regards as the sources of the Japanese qualities and traits which have been so clearly shown the world during the great crisis of the last two years.” (Outlook.)
“This book is a ‘Japanese fairy world’ to date, but with something of Hearn’s witchery of style.”
“All are worth telling, extremely well told, and full of interest both for children and for their elders.”
“There is certainly much pleasure to be had from reading these ten little stories.”
“These stories are very happily phrased, full of the spirit of intuition, and thoroughly sympathetic with the life which they describe.”
Bacon, Mrs. Dolores Harbourg. King’s divinity. †$1.50. Holt.
They met at a ball given by royalty, he a cousin of royalty, she a charming American girl. The course of true love is interrupted by court conventions and obdurate counsellors, but the divinity of love finally proves itself more than that of majesty.
“Is pleasant reading, but thin in quality and imperfect in its plot development.”
Bacon, Edgar Mayhew, and Wheeler, Andrew Carpenter. Nation builders: a story. $1. Meth. bk.
An appreciation of the itinerant preachers of Methodism who went out to possess the American frontier a century ago.
“It is an inspiring record and the joint authors have well presented it.”
Bacon, Edwin Munroe. Connecticut river, and the valley of the Connecticut; three hundred and fifty miles from mountain to sea: historical and descriptive. **$3.50. Putnam.
Under the headings “Historical,” “The romances of navigation,” and “The topography of the river and valley” the author has “traced all the interesting movements and events associated with New England’s chief river down to the present day.” The book abounds in the picturesque and traditional no less than in well authorized historical fact.
“Is a book of notable interest to New-Englanders.”
13“The proportions of the long stretch have been duly considered, and the narrative, not unlike the river which it portrays, runs consistently, though compressed within brimming pages, from cover to cover—a happy concurrence of literary ease and historical severity.”
Bagley, William Chandler. Educative process. *$1.25. Macmillan.
“Students of schoolcraft and teachers will find that Mr. Bagley’s elaborate account of the processes of education repays careful study.”
“The contribution in this book lies in the careful selection of biological and physiological principles which have educational bearings, and which can be seen as such by the average teacher.” Frederick E. Bolton.
“What has been especially needed for some time is just such a work as Dr. Bagley has written. It will be generally agreed that Dr. Bagley has given us here a sound and scholarly statement of educational theory.” Edwin G. Dexter.
Bagot, Richard. Italian lakes; painted by Ella Du Cane, described by Richard Bagot. *$6. Macmillan.
“Mr. Bagot gossips not unpleasantly, if with no great indication of profound historical research.”
“His book contains much valuable and interesting information, but the pleasure of reading it is somewhat marred by the uncalled-for apologetic tone adopted throughout, and the ever-recurrent use of the personal pronoun.”
“Charming pictures—with a very inferior text. Indeed it would have been better had the sketches followed one another and the printed matter been condensed into notes.”
“We have found this the most pleasing volume of a class of books which appear now to have a certain vogue.”
Bagot, Richard. Passport. †$1.50. Harper.
“Mr. Bagot’s style is clever and finished. It lacks a definite clear-cut motive that should give it force and value.”
Bailey, Mrs. Alice Ward (A. B. Ward, pseud.). Roberta and her brothers; il. by Harriet Roosevelt Richards. †$1.50. Little.
A lively story with a wide-awake, ambitious young heroine who is mother, sister, housekeeper and counsellor in her father’s home. Her trials, her triumphs, and her longings offer wholesome entertainment to young readers.
“Is a book with plenty of life and vim between its covers.”
“The story is wholesome, lively, and sufficiently natural to arouse a response in the heart of all girl readers.”
“The characters are nicely differentiated, the expression fresh.”
Bailey, Mrs. Alice Ward (A. B. Ward, pseud.). Sage brush parson. †$1.50. Little.
The sage brush wastes of Nevada furnish the general setting of Mr. Ward’s story while the particular interest centers in one of the little towns filled with rough miners. Among these carousing groups there appears one day an Englishman of deep religious zeal and culture bent upon the mission of saving souls. The reader’s sympathy is readily won for the lonely figure, whose apparent asceticism is not bred in the bone, but the outgrowth of a bitter heart load. The melodramatic touches are thoroughly in keeping with the locale of the story-drama.
“This is one of the strongest and most human stories we have read in months.”
“It is a good example of how much weakness in a plot and in style may be pardoned, if the central characters win our affection and hold our interest.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“There is much strength in this vivid narrative, combined with humor, realistic description, and incisive characterization.” Wm. M. Payne.
“The style is crisp, virile, incisive; and although there may be suggestions of Bret Harte, perhaps even of ‘The Virginian’ here and there, this is yet a new story, strongly told, with a character all its own.”
“Logic is not A. B. Ward’s strong point, but she ... writes a readable story and one that keeps the attention right up to the last word.”
Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Outlook to nature. **$1.25. Macmillan.
“We see that the writer is a passionate lover of nature with a strain of the poet in him, but we do not always find his treatment convincing.”
Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Plant-breeding: being lectures upon the amelioration of domestic plants. **$1.25. Macmillan.
To this fourth edition of his volume in the “Garden craft series,” Prof. Bailey has added a new chapter on current plant-breeding practice. “For one who already knows something of garden plants ‘Plant breeding’ affords a royal road to modern evolutionary doctrine, while the changes in the text between the first and the present fourth edition show how rapid has been recent progress in this field.” (Atlan.)
“Gives a remarkably simple and readable account of current practice in this department of horticulture, interpreting every process in the light of recent theory.” E. T. Brewster.
+ + |Atlan. 98: 424. S. ’06. 150w.
“Most accomplished writer of pure horticultural English.” Mabel Osgood Wright.
Bailie, William. Josiah Warren, the first American anarchist: a sociological study. **$1. Small.
“Warren’s anarchism was of a type different from that exemplified in the terrorists of today; was, in fact, philosophical anarchism in its purest form. Upholding the doctrine of the sovereignty of the individual and the abolition of all government but self-government, and cherishing the idea that the restraints of government are not needed to induce each individual to exercise his liberty with due regard to the rights of others, Warren spent many years in the endeavor to demonstrate in practice the validity of his theories.”—Outlook.
14“Those who are interested in the growth of social theories in this country will welcome this little volume.”
“The story of the way in which Warren sought to put his teachings into practice makes entertaining and not unprofitable reading.”
“Mr. Bailie doesn’t succeed in conveying any impression of his personality.”
Bain, F. W. Digit of the moon, and other love stories from the Hindoo. $1.50. Putnam.
“As stories of an ancient civilization, these flowery, unhurried tales have a charm of movement and meaning. As love stores the tales are pure and ardent, mixing earthly and heavenly motive and passion in the intimate way of the early world.”
Baird, Jean K. Cash three. 60c. Saalfield.
A little lad, as cash boy in a department store, fighting poverty with his father while his mother’s relatives are trying to find him. The tale, ending in a happy Christmas, is full of hardships, relieved by a father’s devotion and a child’s natural cheerfulness.
Baird, Jean K. Danny. 60c. Saalfield.
Goat Hill, an Irish washerwoman settlement, furnishes the setting of a story in which Mary Shannon, and Danny, the pride of her heart, are the principal characters.
Baker, Abby G., and Ware, Abby H. Municipal government of the city of New York. *90c. Ginn.
Altho written for eighth grade pupils in the New York schools, much of the discussion exceeds local interest and offers suggestions for every city’s government as well as help along the line of preparation for civil service examinations.
Baker, Cornelia. Queen’s page. †$1.25. Bobbs.
“Is one of the most delightful children’s books of the year.” Amy C. Rich.
Baker, Louise R. Mrs. Pinner’s little girl $1. Jacobs.
Baldwin, May. Girls of St. Gabriel’s. †$1.25. Lippincott.
Baldwin, May. That little limb; il. †$1.25. Jacobs.
A misunderstood, unconsciously naughty little girl lives a riotous life in her canon uncle’s home until he has to send her away to school. Her friendship for a young doctor just over the wall who is her prince and who understands her is the foil for all her childishly weird thrusts at life and people.
“Is rather a disappointing book.”
Baldwin, Simeon Eben. American judiciary and judicial system. *$1.25. Century.
Baltzell, W. J. Complete history of music. Presser.
A book for schools, clubs and private reading. “The author begins at the beginning, with the prehistoric music of Assyrians and Egyptians, and follows down through Hebrew and Greek music, through the beginnings of mediaeval music, through the great period of the polyphonic ecclesiastical composers, and so to the modern schools, and the most modern schools There are chapters on musical instruments, on singing, on the origin and development of the opera and of the suite and sonata.” (N. Y. Times.)
“The most useful and up-to-date history of music in any language.”
“For its purpose, and within its limitations this history is unusually good, and an uncommon skill has been shown in its compilation and in the arrangement of its parts.”
“Especially full and informing are the early chapters dealing with the origin and primitive evolution of music.”
Baly, Edward Charles Cyril. Spectroscopy. *$2.80. Longmans.
“Briefly the volume may be described as an excellent scholarly compendium of terrestrial spectroscopy brought up to date. The subject of astrophysics is barely touched upon. Of the seventeen chapters which the treatment includes, the first seven are devoted to what might be called ordinary spectroscopic practice, including the theory and use of the prism and the diffraction grating; the remaining ten chapters are given to more advanced and special problems, such as those occurring in the infrared and ultra-violet regions, spectroscopic sources, the Zeeman effect, spectral series, etc. Concerning each of these chapters it may be said that the problem is always definitely stated, the English is clear and simple, and the references to original sources are ample.”—Astrophys. J.
“The volume as a whole is characterized by a fine perspective and by always putting the emphasis in the right place. It should find a place in the library of every student of physical optics.” Henry Clew.
“The book, indeed, fills a gap in spectroscopic literature which has long existed. Notwithstanding the few drawbacks to which attention has been directed, the book reflects the greatest credit on its author.”
Bangs, John Kendrick. R. Holmes & co.: being the remarkable adventures of Raffles Holmes, esq., detective and amateur cracksman by birth. †$1.25. Harper.
The conflicting traits and characteristics of Raffles and of Sherlock Holmes are strangely blended in this new hero, Raffles Holmes, who introduces himself as the grandson of the famous cracksman and the son of the great detective. His history and adventures as recorded by Jenkins, who is his Dr. Watson and his Bunny in one, are highly amusing. In the double capacity of thief and detective he enjoys a successful and spectacular career, for while the Raffles in him perpetually cries “Take” the Holmes in him thunders “Restore” and he does both to his own advantage.
15“A parody needs to be remarkably well done to secure the forgiveness of the admirers of the original. It is to be feared that Mr. Bangs must go unforgiven.”
Banks, Rev. Louis Albert. Great promises of the Bible. $1.50. Meth. bk.
This is the fourth volume of a quartette, the first three of which are “The great sinners of the Bible,” “The great saints of the Bible,” “The great portraits of the Bible.” There are thirty sermons which comprise a complete survey of the Bible promises including the promise of a new heart, forgiveness, answers to prayer, sleep, home of the soul, victory, morning and immortality.
Barbey, Frederic. Friend of Marie Antoinette (Lady Atkyns). *$3. Dutton.
“Lady Atkyns an English actress, lived in France long enough to acquire violent Royalist sentiments, and to be presented to the lovely queen Marie Antoinette, to whose cause she forever swore allegiance. Her recently discovered correspondence reopens the puzzle of the disappearance of the Dauphin. However, the case remains as completely unsolved as ever.... Lady Atkyns seems to have been a monomaniac of very generous impulses, who was the dupe of excited French Royalists, and they appeared as eager for English gold as for the rescue of their king.”—Outlook.
“A most disappointing book. Indeed, one is tempted to ask oneself, when wading through the excellent translation of M. Barbey’s work whether that distinguished writer really made the best of his material.”
“The translation is, as a whole, very tolerably executed.”
“Although M. Barbey is a good compiler of evidence, he has no gift for vividness.”
“There are more exclamatory passages by the author than authentic quotations from Lady Atkyns’s letters.”
“It is a pretty romance anyway, and a few words at least of it might be given as a foot note to the history of France.”
Barbour, Mrs. Anna Maynard. Breakers ahead. †$1.50. Lippincott.
This story outlines the life of a “sublime egoist.” A young Englishman, Thomas Macavoy Denning, leaves home because he has been expelled from school, and comes to America with the resolve to make in the new world, single-handed, a name which shall equal his father’s in the old. He succeeds in so far as wealth and position are concerned, by sheer will, force, and self confidence he succeeds financially; but on the eve of his political triumph, just as his election as governor of a western state seems assured, the results of a lax past, of a period when he sowed wild oats rises up to defeat him—and his was not a soul which could bear defeat.
“The effect as a whole is not convincing. The author’s style is rather stilted and the dialogue is somewhat less than natural.”
“Otherwise the story is exceptionally well put together, and rises steadily toward a climax of interest that proves fairly enthralling.” Wm. M. Payne.
Barbour, Ralph Henry. Crimson sweater. †$1.50. Century.
Life at the Ferry Hill school as Roy Porter, brother of Porter of the Harvard eleven, found it, forms an interesting study of the smallness and the breadth of various boy natures as well as a series of pictures of football, hockey, cross country runs, boat racing, base-ball, and other sports as they were played there. Harry, daughter of the head-master, furnishes a wholesome girl element and is Roy’s comrade thru the various ups and downs that made up his school life from the time when, as a boy, he rescued her pet rabbit, to the time when, having won his place as leader of the school, he is carried on the shoulders of his triumphant classmates at the close of the game in which Ferry Hill at last beat Hammond.
“Although the book was intended primarily for boys, the wholesome, outdoorsy girl will find it just as interesting on account of the hearty friendship between the boy and one of his girl schoolmates.”
“It is perfectly safe to predict a large reading for this book among American schoolboys.”
Barbour, Ralph Henry. Maid in Arcady. †$2. Lippincott.
An aimless Vertumnus drifts into Arcady and beholds Clytie, a daughter of the gods. He gazes spellbound. So begins a tale of love which has the stamp of Olympia upon it, but which in reality is very modern after all, and, true to the adage, does not run smoothly. Believing that she is Laura Devereaux the girl whom his friend loves, he takes himself miserably away striving to forget that he had ever stumbled into Arcady. After a long and weary waiting he discovers his mistake and a happy ending ensues.
“The new story is longer and somewhat more substantial than its predecessors, but equally graceful and amusing.”
“The story is graceful and more spirited than one would expect from the emphasis given to its externals.”
Bard, Emile. Chinese life in town and country. **$1.20. Putnam.
Barine, Arvede, pseud. (Cecile Vincens) (Mrs. Charles Vincens). Louis XIV. and La Grande Mademoiselle. **$3. Putnam.
The present story continues the career of La Grande Mademoiselle where the author’s “The youth of La Grande Mademoiselle” dropped it, just at the close of the Fronde,—that protest of the French nobility against centralization. Mme. Barine’s heroine was related to Louis XIII., was the richest heiress in France, and aspired to be an empress, a political power and a nun. “Her mad vagaries and misguided impulses” furnish material for a comic as well as a tragic study of a fascinating period.
“It is a book of striking interest, and the rendering is tolerably well done, though it retains French idiom too much, and gives us occasionally but jerky English.”
“The proof of the merit of Mme. Barine’s work lies in the fact that one is eager to read it in spite of the very bad translation. To a subject replete with picturesque interest Mme. Barine has done full justice.”
16“The narrative has all the vivacity of fiction, though at the same time its historical care and accuracy are evident at every turn. The translation, which is anonymous, is easy and unaffected.”
“Is, to say the very least, vastly entertaining.”
“There is a lack of delicacy in some of the passages, which the translator would have shown better taste either by omitting or toning down, but the sketch given of the court and its manners is admirably drawn, and the pathos of the often ridiculous adventures of the heroine is well brought out.”
“The story may be read at length in these pages, admirably told by the author, so far as a deplorable translation permits us to appreciate it.”
Barnard, William Francis. Moods of life: poems of varied feeling. $1. The Rooks press.
A hundred and some poems which portray the grave as well as the gay moods of life.
Reviewed by William M. Payne.
Barnes, James. Outside the law. †$1.50. Appleton.
“A detective story with the detective left out.” (Outlook.) Lorrimer, a man of great wealth, imparts to an old servant the secret process by which he can reproduce the works of old engravers with great fidelity. The servant’s treachery in joining a band of counterfeiters starts a series of situations which implicate the innocent Lorrimer, and weave a relentless mesh about him.
Barr, Mrs. Amelia Edith Huddleston. Cecilia’s lovers. †$1.50. Dodd.
A companion book to Mrs. Barr’s “Trinity bells.” New York life of to-day is portrayed, but Cecilia’s “Quakeress benefactor and Quaker home are the most pleasing and realistic features of the book. Her worldly friends and lovers are by no means satisfying to the reader.” (Outlook.)
“As regards the literary quality of the book there is not much to be said, but it is bright and pleasant, and likely enough to find readers.”
Barr, Robert. Speculations of John Steele. †$1.50. Stokes.
“There is not a dull page in the story. It moves on to a happy ending and the situations are so well handled that the reader’s attention is held from the beginning to the end, while as he reads he begins to understand why the mere pursuit of unearned wealth in this country is so absorbing.” Mary K. Ford.
“We cannot believe that Mr. Steele really did that which he is alleged to have done.”
Barr, Robert (Luke Sharp, pseud.). Triumphs of Eugene Valmont. †$1.50. Appleton.
“Eugene Valmont is an addition to the large number of private detectives who have betrayed the confidence of their clients by recording their achievements.” (Ath.) His exploits carried thru a group of stories frequently reveal a deviation from English legal methods, and hence an opportunity for other than machine made results. “The story of how the famous diamond necklace brought ill fate to every one connected with it from Marie Antoinette down is capitally told and helps to explain why Valmont lost his place as chief of detectives in Paris.” (N. Y. Times.)
“The creation of Eugene Valmont may, indeed, be counted one of Mr. Barr’s best achievements.”
“The stories are readable but not absorbing.”
“Some ingenious and amusing detective stories.”
Barrett, Alfred Wilson. Father Pink. †$1.50. Small.
A wily tho good-natured priest enters a fight to secure for his niece, Lucretia, money and diamonds which, by right of an unsubstantiated claim, go to the heroine of the tale, a young French girl. Interested in righting the much-tangled up affairs of fortune is a young bachelor who, tho outwitted on several occasions and who sees Father Pink disappear thru a tiger’s cage with the coveted diamonds, none the less wins the heroine and restores to her her wealth.
Barrington, Mrs. Russell. Reminiscences of G. F. Watts. *$5. Macmillan.
“The author of this affectionately fashioned memorial reveals no critical qualifications for her task.” Royal Cortissoz.
Barrows, Charles Henry. Personality of Jesus. **$1.25. Houghton.
Mr. Barrows is a successful lawyer who was formerly president of the International Young men’s Christian association training school. The author discusses the personal appearance, growth and education, intellectual power, emotional life, will, and unwritten principles of Jesus.
“This indifference to the large lessons to be learned from recent historical study of the Gospels is the more to be regretted, since the author proves himself so well qualified, in his general knowledge and by his warm religious feeling, to discuss the high theme upon which he has expended so much patient labor.”
“The author has done as well as anyone could be expected to do without the aid of criticism.”
“Its practical common sense, its freedom from theological predilections, its sincere spirit, and its unpretentious style combine to make it a useful aid.”
Barry, J. P. At the gates of the east: a book of travel among historic wonderlands. $2. Longmans.
“The information contained in the volume was not obtained from other books of travel, but derived at first hand. The places were visited 17in separate circular tours ... both in the spring and the autumn. The volume opens with descriptions of the capitals of Eastern Europe ... Cairo is the next city dealt with, after which come the cities of Southern Greece ... the eastern Adriatic towns ... and in the Western Balkans, Cettinje and the Provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A chapter on ‘Ways and means,’ in which the author tells the prospective tourist how to plan the trip outlined in his book, where to start and at what time of the year, what places to see, a word concerning costs and money, guide books, etc., closes the volume.”—N. Y. Times.
“When the author becomes eloquent or sentimental, as he often does, he is apt to show imperfect knowledge, and make statements which jar on the educated reader. Yet ... the book is pleasant and often instructive.”
Barry, John D. Our best society. †$1.50. Putnam.
“It lacks Mrs. Wharton’s subtlety and finish, and is far from evincing great sophistication but it is none the less an accurate portrayal of certain phases of New York life.”
“A sprightly and acute narrative. Considered as a novel, the book lacks conventional structure and plot, but so does the life it discriminatingly portrays.”
“Is written with some skill.”
Barry, Richard. Sandy of the Sierras. $1.50. Moffat.
Sandy, true to his name, is a red-headed Scotch lad who goes from the Sierras down to San Francisco to make his fortune. He rises from the lower rounds of the ladder to the heights of political fame. He “becomes boss of the Pacific coast, and is not above the tricks of his trade. You leave him happy in having at one stroke won his love and made his father-in-law Senator.” (N. Y. Times.)
“The author has a better command of journalistic slang than of literary English.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Those who are familiar with the word-painting and lurid touches of Mr. Barry’s ‘Port Arthur: a monster heroism,’ will not miss them in his new story.”
“Mr. Barry, no doubt, could write a better novel now.”
“Much as I like Sandy I should like him better if his creator liked him less.”
Barry, William (Francis). Tradition of Scripture: its origin, authority, and interpretation. *$1.20. Longmans.
“This is a volume of the ‘Westminister library,’ a series intended for the use of ‘Catholic priests and students,’ presumably ecclesiastical students.... The author’s preoccupation is theological, not scientific; and in his treatment of critical questions, he inquires, not what are the conclusions established by the evidence, but what proportion of these conclusions can be reconciled with the pronouncements of Roman authority.” (Acad.)
“The book is no doubt well adapted to those for whom it is intended, many of whom will learn from it much that they do not know, particularly about the Old Testament; and it will serve well enough as material for sermons. But priests and students will be well advised not to rely on Dr. Barry’s treatment of the critical problems of the New Testament, should they ever be called upon to discuss those problems with persons having a real knowledge of them.”
“It is an encouragement to find a Catholic writer thus generously and intelligently treating the critical study of the Bible, and thus ready to welcome the results of honest and truth-loving scholarship.”
Bashford, Herbert. Tenting of the Tillicums; il. by Charles Copeland. [+]75c. Crowell.
“Tillicums,” the Indian word for “friends” is adopted by four boys who ran the round of camping adventure on Puget Sound. Their fearlessness is put to the test by wild animal as well as desperado, and is the real keynote to the spirited tale.
Bashore, Harvey Brown. Sanitation of a country house. $1. Wiley.
“This little book would form a useful, popular and non-technical guide on sanitary matters to anyone about to build a country house.”
“A clean-cut, authoritative little exposition.”
Bassett, Mrs. Mary E. Stone. Little green door. †$1.50. Lothrop.
“The story is pretty in its pale, anemic way, but there are so many lustier blossoms to be gathered.”
Bastian, Henry Charlton. Nature and origin of living matter. *$3.50. Lippincott.
“For the past thirty-five years Dr. Bastian has consistently upheld the doctrine that life not only in the past originated, but does at the present time originate, from dead matter—the doctrine once generally known as that of spontaneous generation.... The present book ... dwells particularly on the importance to medical science of proof that disease germs may arise de novo.... Our boards of health are proceeding on the assumption that one typhoid germ, for instance, is always the offspring of another similar germ, and that if we can exclude these germs we can exclude the disease.... If it be true that a typhoid germ may under certain conditions arise where no such germ existed before, our precautions, tho necessary, will often be unavailing. And that they are sometimes failures for this very reason is Dr. Bastian’s belief.”—Lit. D.
“That the author is convinced of the truth of what he sets forth in his book none can doubt, but that it will succeed in making converts among men of science is not to be expected.” W. P. Pycraft.
“Whatever one may think of the group of opinions which Dr. Bastian has maintained for a generation, consistently and almost alone, he is at least a learned man and a skillful writer, so that his discussion of the general problem is most illuminating.” E. T. Brewster.
“The observations and experiments are absolutely inconclusive.”
“No one will suggest that of the two hundred and forty-five micrographs reproduced in this book, a single one has been falsified; yet it will be almost universally held that the interpretation put upon them by their author and the inference drawn from them are incorrect.”
18“Dr. H. Charlton Bastian re-expounds his well known biological heresies with a vigour and industry worthy of a better cause.” J. A. T.
“Dr. Bastian’s work is an interesting one, both scientifically and, so to speak, psychologically. One cannot but feel in reading the work that the author is a man with an extraordinary amount of learning and industry, and it is not unlikely that the learning and industry will be useful at least, in drawing more attention to the subject of heterogenesis.” Charles Loomis Dana.
“If this author is not quite a Huxley, he is more readable than Haeckel: we wonder that it never struck him that proper ‘contents,’ page headings, and side summaries are indispensable accompaniments of a serious scientific book.”
Batten, Rev. Loring W. Hebrew prophet. $1.50 Macmillan.
“His treatment is interesting, fresh, and skillfully related to modern life.” John E. McFadyen.
“The closing chapters, on the prophet’s relation to the church and on the prophet’s vision, are somewhat one-sided and disappointing. As a whole, gives an excellent portraiture of one of the most remarkable figures in the history of religion.” Kemper Fullerton.
“It speaks well for the American pulpit that a work of such ability comes from the rector of an important city parish.”
Battine, Cecil. Crisis of the confederacy: a history of Gettysburg and the Wilderness. $5. Longmans.
“Captain Battine is a clever, a vivid and an engaging writer. But his judgments, both of men and of events, are often airy and unbased.”
“A confessed Confederate bias does not interfere with impartial treatment, and the work is quite worth study by those who are interested in our history as well as by professional soldiers.”
Baughan, Edward Algernon. Music and musicians. *$1.50. Lane.
The twenty seven articles included in “Music and musicians” are reprints of the author’s contributions to English periodicals. He treats such subjects as “The obvious in music,” “Richard Strauss and his symphonic poems,” “Richard Strauss and programme music,” and “Wagner’s ‘Ring.’”
“He has a way of his own in looking at men and things, and it is therefore not surprising if one cannot in all points agree with him. There are many excellent comments and criticisms in the volume.”
“He has ideas of his own, and his lucid style enables him to convey them to the general reader even when they relate, as they must now and then, to matters technical.”
“In all these matters, Mr. Baughan writes interestingly and gives frequent fillips to thought and discussion, even if he has not all the conviction of an aggressive advocate.” Richard Aldrich.
Baxter, James Phinney. Memoir of Jacques Cartier, Sieur de Limoilou: his voyages to the St. Lawrence, a bibliography and a facsimile of the manuscript of 1534; with annotations, etc. **$10. Dodd.
“This volume contains a new translation from the original French of Cartier’s ‘Voyages’ in 1535–1536 and 1541, and the first translation of the manuscript discovered in 1867 in the Bibliotheque Nationale, of the voyage of 1534. A bibliography and a collection of all the pertinent documents thus far discovered in the French and Spanish archives and included, as well as an exhaustive memoir of Cartier.”—Am. Hist. R.
“Dr. Baxter has given us what may almost be regarded as the last word on the great navigator of St. Malo. His work is authoritative.” Lawrence J. Burpee.
“This volume, which seems to have been a true labor of love, is a worthy tribute to his memory.”
“His book is distinctly valuable and an important addition to any library aiming to keep up with the development of the knowledge of American history.”
Bayliss, Sir Wyke. Seven angels of the renascence. **$3.50. Pott.
“Unfortunately, however, it can scarcely be said that he has really contributed anything new to the vast mass of literature on the same subject already in circulation.”
Bazan, Emilia Pardo. Mystery of the lost dauphin, tr. with an introd. essay by Annabel Hord Seeger. †$1.50. Funk.
With a dramatic power which is moving in its forcefulness this Spanish author has written the story of the lost dauphin, the little son of Louis XVI, who was long supposed to have died in prison. It is a book of such realism that the reader feels thruout that it is the dread hand of fate and not the author who relentlessly orders the unhappy life of Naundorff, and forces him finally to give up voluntarily the recognition he has struggled a lifetime to gain. The story of his lovely daughter Amélie, whose happiness is sacrificed, gives to the book a deeper human interest.
“This particular version of the imagined history of the Dauphin has a romantic atmosphere of hopeless unreality, and arouses only a languid sort of interest.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Her literary style is remarkable for clarity and simplicity.”
“It belongs to the highest type of the historical novel, drawing its inspiration from authentic sources and rich in those elements which invest the dry bones of history with flesh and blood.”
“The novel is so well constructed, there is so much rich color in the landscapes, and so much clever character drawing that, at first sight, it seems strange that it does not interest one particularly. But the reason is not far to seek. It is a novel of propaganda.”
19“Generally speaking, the English will do well enough. For the story, in spite of Senora Bazan’s reputation, it does not in the present version afford those thrills which one demands in fiction of the lost Dauphin school.”
Beach, Rex Ellingwood. Spoilers. †$1.50. Harper.
A story which breathes the “wild west” atmosphere of Nome and the outlying mining camps, one whose brutality (of the daring Jack London order) proves the truth of Kipling’s “there’s never a law of God or man runs north of Fifty-three.” The plot involves a conspiracy against the joint owners of the Midas, the richest mine of Anvil Creek. A charming girl is the unconscious agent of the villains, and is also the cause of bitter rivalry between one of the owners and one of the conspirators. There are brawls, shootings in the streets, riots, battles at the mines, and murderous hand-to-hand fights—all of which show elemental savage man free from moral restraint.
“The only trouble with his method is that it results in an absolutely false picture of life.” Edward Clark Marsh.
“He mistakes vulgarity for strength and brute force for manliness; and he discusses without reserve matters which emphatically demand discreet treatment.”
“Grips us by sheer brute strength, and almost makes us forget how devoid it is of anything like grace or delicacy of workmanship.” Wm. M. Payne.
“In turning his material into the form of the novel, however, the writer has won no success other than that of maintaining a high sensational tension.”
“He is chiefly intent on his story. That’s a thing full of dramatic incidents and dramatic figures. If the hero and heroine are less effective than the others, that is one of the proved penalties of the dignity.”
“The young novelist knows the men he writes of, and he knows, also, the place in which he has located them.”
“It is distinctly a man’s book, just as the north was a man’s country.”
Beach, Seth Curtis. Daughters of the Puritans. *$1.10. Am. Unitar.
“No one can read these lives without being renewed in spirit, and for young women we know of no works so instinct with spiritual virility or so potential for good as the ‘Daughters of the Puritans.’”
“A collection of brief biographical sketches, characterized by a real interest of subject-matter and a pleasantly unconventional manner of treatment.”
“The author has used pretty faithfully all printed matter relating to his subject; but there is absolutely no evidence of that added exploration of manuscript material which is now demanded by the thoughtful reader.”
“The author’s style and treatment are sufficiently fresh and original to justify publication.”
Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli. Lord George Bentinck: a political biography; new ed; with introd. by Charles Whibley. **$2. Dutton.
“It seemed timely, amid the great free-trade electoral campaign just closed across the water to bring out on behalf of the losing side a new edition of Disraeli’s political biography.... It opens on the eve of the repeal of the Corn laws, of which it gives the Tory view. Bentinck forestalled Chamberlain in thinking that England’s commercial policy should be not free trade but reciprocity.” (Nation.) Mr. Whibley in his introduction “leads thru unsparing denunciation of Cobden and Peel up to a parallel between the leader of the Protectionists in 1846 and the leader of the Protectionists to-day. Thus it trenches so closely upon present politics that we, being non-political must leave Mr. Whibley’s opinions to speak for themselves.” (Ath.)
“An eloquent, not to say vehement, introduction. Frankly partisan in tone.”
“Mr Whibley has certainly managed to compress into a few pages an exhibition of a lack of political judgment and foresight, along with a degree of supercilious cocksureness which will not conduce to recommend his work to the reading public.”
“Mr. Whibley has written as if he had lost at once his temper and his sense of historical perspective.”
“From the historical standpoint, too, there is ample room for criticism. The sweeping statements common to campaign documents abound.”
“Disraeli sums up the character and career of Peel with an impartiality and a penetration that make this biography an English classic. It is the only instance we know of contemporary history being written with a due sense of perspective. But Mr. Whibley is more than sympathetic: he is discerning.”
Bearne, Catherine M. A queen of Napoleon’s court. **$2.50. Dutton.
A sketch of Désirée Bernadotte whose interest centers in “the picture it gives of her times rather than of her life, for she seems to have been an exceptionally dull product of a brilliant age.” (Acad.)
“Miss Bearne has put together a book which will appeal to the reader who is not particular in the matter of strict accuracy.”
“No more interesting book of gossip about famous and infamous people has appeared in recent years.”
“A book that has caught something of the glamour of that extraordinary age. Mrs. Bearne is not always correct, she repeats herself, she will drag in a fine tale, gallantly regardless of any right it has to be there; but she is pleasant gossip, full of mirth and entertainment.”
“It will please a class of readers unacquainted with Bourrienne and Madame Lenormand, indifferent as to criticism and judgment, unskilled in matters of grammar and rhetoric, intent merely on promiscuous anecdote and cheap sentiment.”
“Out of these persons and adventures the author has made a readable volume.”
20“Mrs. Bearne’s amusing book gives a capital picture of Napoleon’s France.”
Bearne, Rev. David. Charlie Chittywick. 85c. Benziger.
The tale of a resolute little lad who battled against a whole family of idle, shiftless, worthless members, and step by step becomes a self-respecting bread-winner.
Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John. Works. Cambridge English classics; text ed. by Arnold Glover. 10v. ea. *$1.50. Macmillan.
An edition of Beaumont and Fletcher in the series of “Cambridge English classics.” It gives the text of the second folio, which contained the thirty-four plays of the first folio with the addition of the wild-goose chase and all other known plays of the authors published previously to 1679. All the variant readings appear in the appendix, but there is no critical apparatus provided.
“Does not seem to us to possess any advantage over the Variorum edition ... except that of greater cheapness.”
“Within its restricted limits it seems to be well done. But it is not the twentieth century edition of Beaumont and Fletcher which is wanted by all students of the history of the English drama.” Brander Matthews.
“The text ... is that of the second folio ... which causes us both wonder and regret.”
“The work has been executed with scrupulous care, but the result is far from satisfactory.”
Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John. Works. Variorum ed.; ed. by A. H. Bullen. 12v. ea. *$3.50. Macmillan.
Mr Bullen’s variorum edition of Beaumont and Fletcher was some years ago announced to “include all that was of importance in the work of previous editors, together with such further critical matter as the investigations of the past half-century supplied, and also a fuller record of the variant readings of early texts.... It follows in the main the lines laid down by Dyce, and offers an excellent reading text, while much learning is accumulated in the notes; textually, however, it is hardly what the modern philological scholar will regard as altogether satisfactory.” (Spec.)
“Where all the old editions are unanimous in one reading, but that reading is to modern editors inexplicable, the Variorum edition does not hesitate to change it.”
“The most striking of its deficiences is that it appears in what the general editor terms ‘modern spelling.’” Brander Matthews.
“There is no astonishing amount of erudition displayed in the very concise introductions.”
Beavan, Arthur H. Fishes I have known. $1.25. Wessels.
The author’s many and varied experiences in landing strange fishes in out-of-the-way abodes are given instructively enough for cyclopedia information and entertainingly enough to captivate the most indifferent angler. “Dolphins, turtles, pilot-fish—very seldom caught it seems—the Australian barracouta, the Murray cod, the catfish and other antipodean fishes, have been among his prey.... After experiences in faraway waters he comes back to England, and always an entertaining guide, conducts us to more familiar scenes.” (Spec.)
“A pleasant non-technical little volume upon fishing in general and particular—from the British standpoint.” Mabel Osgood Wright.
“It is a book which any intelligent reader might presumably enjoy if he enjoys animate life, travel and adventure of any kind; but we imagine the average ten year-old boy would read it with keener interest and more profit than the angler.”
Beck, (Carl) Richard. Nature of ore deposits; tr. and rev. by Walter Harvey Weed; with 272 figures and a map. 2v. $8. Engineering and mining journal.
The work “has that temper which has marked the Freiberg work for a century, and which took shape in the like work of his predecessor, Von Cotta, and the many successive scholars of that school.... The aim of the treatise is to give a compendium of what is known as to the origin and distribution of all those deposits which afford important metallic elements, with a measure of attention to each in some proportion to its economical importance, and by the means of a systematic classification of the occurrences.”—Engin. N.
“Coming to the matter of this work, it may summarily be said that within its limits it is almost beyond praise. What is essential of all the important metalliferous ore deposits of the world is briefly, yet clearly, set forth, and this with a surprising evenness of presentation. The present writer knows of no other treatise dealing with as varied and wide-ranging features which approaches it in its accuracy and sufficiency. The work of the translator in his emendations as well as his renderings from the German is generally excellent.” N. S. Shaler.
“The subject of ore deposits is treated in an exhaustive way.” E. W. S.
Becke, (George) Louis. Adventures of a supercargo. †$1.50. Lippincott.
“Given a setting which includes a man or two, a ship and a stretch of the Pacific, Mr. Louis Becke may be relied upon to reel off yarns of adventure to any extent.... The young hero is caught by a ‘southerly buster’ while sailing in Sydney harbour, and driven out between the towering ironbound Heads which guard the entrance to that famous haven, we settle down with confidence to the perusal of a string of adventures in which no break is likely to occur.... A [story] that should find much favour among boy readers.”—Ath.
21“The opening part of the present book inclines to dullness. The critic may quarrel with such books for their lack of any artistic scheme of construction, and upon many other grounds. But it is a fact that the adventures do not halt.”
“To enjoy the book to the full one should not be more than seventeen.”
“We imagine that ‘The adventures of a supercargo,’ although disappointing from the viewpoint of Mr Becke’s old admirers, will prove an enjoyable book to boys and those fond of taking their travels in such fictional form.”
Bedford, Randolph. Snare of strength. †$1.50 Turner, H. B.
A tale of Australia which “shows intimate acquaintance with Australian miners, politicians, company promoters, and prodigal sons.” (Ath.) The atmosphere of vitality, of invincible youth greedy of life and domain is fairly heroic. Three young men “run their race with extraordinary vigor and leave the reader breathless, as was the way of the early Australian novels of the bushranging days. Modern worship of athletics has resuscitated the old type of wild rider and bold lover, but he has the modern touch of self-consciousness and knows himself for the man he is.” (N. Y. Times.)
“But because there are signs of power in Mr. Bedford’s book, we would beg him not to squander his language as Ned the prodigal squandered his life.”
“In the matter of style he sometimes errs through striving after force of expression, but there are passages in the book that are admirably written. Taken as a whole ‘The snare of strength’ is a remarkable book.”
“If you can forget its shortcomings, you will find in it no small measure of rugged human nature, and you will get some new and interesting impressions of Australian life, physical, social and political.” Frederick Taber Cooper.
“No more man-book has appeared since Theodore Roberts gave us ‘Hemming the adventurer’ in ’94.”
“Is in its very being a book ‘worth while.’”
“While the book is defective in proportion and literary art in some respects, the author has a genuine knowledge of human nature, and often writes acutely and with a real grasp on his characters and their motives.”
Beebe, C. William. Bird: its form and function. **$3.50. Holt.
An untechnical study of the bird in the abstract, which, the author believes, with an earnest nature-lover, should follow the handbook of identification. Among the phases of physical life discussed are features, framework, the skull, organs of nutrition, food, the breath of a bird, muscles, senses, beaks, and bills, body, head and neck, wings, feet and legs, tails and eggs of birds. The book is handsomely made and copiously illustrated.
“A valuable contribution to nature study, for it is both scientific and popular.”
“It is to the fascinating drama of the evolution of bird life that he devotes most attention, and it is this feature of the book that will probably be found the most interesting.”
Beebe, C. William. Log of the sun: a chronicle of nature’s year; with 52 full-page il. by Walter King Stone; and numerous vignettes and photographs from life. **$6. Holt.
Fifty-two short essays form the text of a chronicle which deals with interesting forms of the twelve-months’ life including plant, fish, insect and the neighbor in fur and feather. The sketches are direct invitations to enjoy the wild beauties of out-of-door life, and the illustrations fully second the call. The volume represents perfection in book-making combining strength with artistic points of excellence.
“The most sumptuous nature book of the year. Anyone who absorbs this book will become in his own person a fairly accomplished naturalist, besides having a very good time in the process.” May Estelle Cook.
“A most useful handbook.”
“We find only one false note in the present volume, and this was sung by a ‘bob-white’ in January.”
“His words should reach a larger audience than holiday buyers and recipients.”
Beebe, C. William. Two bird-lovers in Mexico. **$3. Houghton.
“A simple, unforced and delightful narrative.”
“They have made one of the most delightful of nature-books.”
“Mexico is an attractive country, and the account of the profusion of bird life, especially in the marshes of Chapala, is vividly written. But the book is not a work of great literary merit.”
Beecher, Henry Ward. Life of Christ: without—within: two sermons. $1. Harper.
Two of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher’s strongest and most inspiring sermons. Christ’s life from without is sketched as it appeared to pharisee and publican; from within, as the greatest moral force the world has ever known.
Beecher, Willis Judson. Prophets and the promise. **$2. Crowell.
“The real strength and interest of Dr. Beecher’s book lie in the second part, ‘The promise.’” Kemper Fullerton.
Beet, Joseph Agar. Last things. *$1.50. Eaton.
A reprint, carefully revised and partly rewritten work published in 1897. The principal topics discussed are “The second coming of Christ,” and “The doom of the wicked.”
Beethoven, Ludwig van. Beethoven, the man and the artist, as revealed in his own words; compiled and annotated by Friedrich Kerst; tr. into Eng., and ed., with additional notes by H: E: Krehbiel. *$1. Huebsch.
22“Of real value to the student of musical history.”
Reviewed by Richard Aldrich.
Beldam, George W., and Fry, Charles B. Great batsmen: their methods at a glance. *$6.50. Macmillan.
“We think [its value] considerable from every point of view save the pictorial.”
Bell, Lilian Lida (Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Bogue). Carolina Lee. †$1.50. Page.
An ardent Southern girl brought up abroad refuses to be comforted when her father dies. “How can you believe in a God who punishes you and sends all manner of evil on you while calling himself a God of love” expresses the burden of her distracted mind. She loses her fortune, she falls from a horse and becomes a cripple. Life looks hard and bitter. To her, in this state comes the healing truth of Christian science with its deep revelations of the power that can bind up the broken hearted, make whole and restore harmony.
Bell, Nancy R. E. Meugens (Mrs Arthur Bell) (D’Anvers, pseud.). Paolo Veronese. $1.25. Warne.
Bell, Nancy R. E. Meugens (Mrs. Arthur George Bell) (N. D’Anvers, pseud.). Picturesque Brittany; il. in col. by Arthur G. Bell. *$3.50. Dutton.
The text and illustrations work out a unity of presentation interesting from a descriptive, historical and artistic standpoint. It is the record of a summer holiday in Brittany, and the observations include scenery, people, their homes, customs and manners, with now and then a dip into the religious and political aspects.
“We think [Mr. Bell’s drawings], indeed, better than those of any other colour-book on Brittany that has yet been issued. Mrs. Bell reveals in the arrangement and proportion of her book the skill of a practised writer, if in the loose style we are sometimes allowed to see the author almost ‘en déshabille.’”
“To journey through this romantic region with such accomplished guides is indeed a privilege.”
“The text is agreeably written, and the pictures ... are sober, truthful, and sufficiently able, and are without any of those extravagances of color that have grown, of late, somewhat too familiar.”
Bell, Ralcy Husted. Words of the woods. **$1. Small.
Verse, “ranging from patriotic addresses to our country, through appreciation of nature in many moods, and eulogiums of friends, to impassioned love-songs.” (Outlook.)
“Conventional verse of a rather commonplace kind, devoid of anything like originality and not noticeably felicitous in diction.” Wm. M. Payne.
“An impression is left upon the mind that prudent pruning would have made the volume smaller and saved the reader from occasional commonplaces both in thought and phrase.”
Benn, Alfred William. History of English rationalism in the nineteenth century. 2v. *$7. Longmans.
Mr. Benn’s book “includes intelligent summaries of the various systems of philosophy which have influenced English thought, and gives much detailed consideration to the influence of Coleridge and the neo-Platonists, to utilitarianism, and Benthamism, to the Oxford movement, and to all literary work of distinction which has influenced the spread of rationalism or tended to curb its spread.”—N. Y. Times.
“His book strikes us as neither amusing nor particularly instructive.”
“It is a singularly interesting and well written account of the movement of theological (and, to some extent, of philosophical) thought in England during the last century. The fulness and accuracy of Mr. Benn’s information regarding the books and writers whom he passes in review makes his survey instructive and suggestive even to those who dissent from the barren negativity of his conclusions.”
“The discussion is necessarily far less simple than Sir Leslie Stephen’s account of the eighteenth century, and its dramatic unity correspondingly weaker; but it has a richness and variety that are not without their compensating interest.”
Bennett, John. Treasure of Peyre Gaillard. †$1.50. Century.
While Jack Gignillatt, a young civil engineering student is recuperating among his Southern relatives, an old box is found at the end of a secret stairway which contains the legend of treasure buried in an adjoining swamp by an ancestor in the Revolutionary days at the time of a Tory raid. Jack’s nimble mathematical wit, aided by a cousin’s intuition, is put to the test of unravelling a cryptogram’s secret, which when once revealed starts an excited group on its way to the sure unearthing of a fortune.
“A remarkable ingenious and vigorous yarn of mystery.”
“The manner of the book is unconventional, and its combination of poetic imagination with rugged, somewhat broken style gives it a peculiar charm. The author’s one love scene, although it is told with poetic beauty and elevation of feeling, is a serious fault in construction, because in it he makes the sole departure from the first person in which the rest of the book is written.”
“Will certainly hold a high place among tales of modern treasure-trove.”
Benson, Arthur Christopher (T. B. pseud.). From a college window. **$1.25. Putnam.
Eighteen essays whose subjects “are exceedingly diverse and unless they can all be brought under the heading, ‘criticism of life,’ there is no real bond of connexion amongst them.” (Ath.) The author writes upon religion, education, and literary subjects.
“He is always suggestive, and writes in a style that must commend itself to every lover of letters.”
23“We find an ease and withal a grace, in these essays that charm out of the reader his sense of the pettiness of their reflections.”
Reviewed by C. H. A. Wager.
“After reading ‘From a college window,’ it is still possible to hold that ‘T. B.’ is a more engaging and even a more ‘convincing’ person than Mr. Arthur Christopher Benson.” H. W. Boynton.
“There is nothing musty about these essays. They are characterized by good sense, clear discrimination, and sane judgment, but they were written with scholarly ease, and they are invested with the atmosphere of well-bred leisure.”
“The interesting and attractive personality of the author stands out from the discussions, which are clothed in the best of modern essay style.”
“The chief fault one finds in these agreeable papers is here and there a touch of sentimentalism.”
Benson, Arthur Christopher (Christopher Carr, pseud.). Peace and other poems. *$1.50. Lane.
“Mr. Benson does not seek verbal felicities, and he has few lines that stand out from the rest, but all his writing is at a high level of thought and style. Sincerity and simplicity are too rare endowments at any time for us to pass them by lightly.”
Benson, Arthur Christopher (Christopher Carr and T. B., pseuds.). Upton letters. **$1.25. Putnam.
Benson, Arthur Christopher (T. B. pseud.). Walter Pater. **75c. Macmillan.
A life of Walter Pater written for the “English men of letters” series. The biography “is arranged chronologically in seven chapters; each chapter stands as a complete story either of events or of mental development. Pater’s early and long-forgotten writings are recalled, the raison d’etre of his Oxford life is clearly defined, the authorship of ‘Marius the Epicurean’ is analyzed with much care, and, finally, the fifty-odd pages devoted to ‘Personal characteristics’ are an achievement in graphic and intimate personalia which will doubtless be generously cited by reviewers of the book.” (N. Y. Times.)
“The life of Pater could not have fallen into safer, kindlier, or more sympathetic keeping than that of Mr. Arthur Benson.”
“The biographer has entered so thoroughly into the spirit of his work that he writes of Pater with almost Pater’s own felicity.”
“On the whole, however, the book is to be counted among the best of this excellent series.”
“Mr. Benson writes with the most scrupulous self-effacement. Throughout, he walks warily, reverently, seriously, decorously, and his admiration is so constant that in one or two passages, as in the opening pages and the last chapter of the book, he falls somewhat into the manner of the master. Pater has been given into uncommonly sympathetic hands.” Wm. T. Brewster.
“It does not perhaps dig very deeply into Pater’s curious mind, and it has certain definite limitations; but it is a living sketch, vivid, tender, engaging, taken from a particular point of view, and touched off with real grace and ease.”
“It is quite an ideal biography.”
“His book is readable. He has marshaled his facts and given them to us in an interesting style.” James Huneker
“Is, so far, the best expression of the life and mission of that Oxford dilettante in Roman English art and letters that we have.”
“Mr. Benson, with extraordinary skill, has caught the butterfly, and yet produced the impression upon our minds that it is still free and alive, still floating in the air that gave it being.”
“This little volume is the best summary of Pater’s life and work we have yet seen.”
“With a fine and delicate reserve he refuses to do more than to suggest how and in what spirit we should approach so lovable, so reticent, so shy a man. Just this, so it seems to us, is the chief value of his work.”
Benson, Edward Frederic. Angel of pain. †$1.50. Lippincott.
The hero of this new tale by the author of “Dodo” is a fine young Englishman, inheriting wealth and strength, but “a man with an iron hand who did not always remember to put on the velvet glove.” He proceeds in much too business-like a manner with his courtship, but is accepted by Madge Ellington chiefly through her ambitious mother’s persuasion. On the eve of the marriage, Madge finds that she loves a poor painter, and so begins a series of tragic happenings which lend hurried action to the story. There is a character worthy a Maeterlinck, Tom Merivale, who can give and receive messages from bird and beast.
“We have no patience with the chapters in which the hermit appears.”
“The book is full of clever satire, trenchant analysis and a certain underlying vein of symbolism that is full of suggestion, but it lacks heart. There is not quite enough human nature in it, of the better sort, to make the characters convincing.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“Mr Benson has gained much in solidity; he can no longer be called merely clever. But he has lost in vitality.”
“He has simply spoiled a story of genuine human interest by a reckless indulgence in sensational imaginings.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Is a good story and is something more.”
“Leaves us with the impression that, for all its laboured length and solid paragraphs, the book is the result of incomplete imagination and undigested thought.”
“The book is undeniably a little disappointing at first, because somewhat lacking in the amusing qualities which we have learned to expect from its author but it grows upon one 24as the characters slowly develop and the theme is worked out through the medium of their lives.”
“A singular mingling of the attractive and the disappointing. It is in its plot and situations distressing, but in its pictures of English society it is extremely interesting, and there are several characters worth knowing and rather carefully worked out.”
“It is unusual, and well executed in a way but it is decidedly not a cheerful tale.”
“Mr Benson would do well to shun the supernatural: it does not suit his style.”
Benson, Edward Frederic. Paul. †$1.50. Lippincott.
Paul Norris and Norah Ravenscroft who had played together since childhood find that they love each other after Norah marries Theodore Beckwith, a mean-spirited shrivelled up specimen of mankind. Paul becomes Beckwith’s private secretary and incidentally is compelled to be a modern type of court fool, tho sacrificing none of his dignity and courage in playing an entertainer’s rôle to amuse a pagan, sensuous nature. Paul’s hatred for the man tempts him to run him down with a motor car, he repents at the last moment but too late to avert the tragedy. The second part of the story shows Paul’s remorse which would drown itself in drink, his conversion, his marriage with Norah, and his final reparation to a “calm, un-angry, inevitable justice” by saving the child of Theodore and Norah from certain death.
“An unpleasant laboured story.”
“We are disposed to rank this novel as Mr. Benson’s best work accomplished since the public ear was captured by the specious cleverness of ‘Dodo.’”
“The writing is hardly less slovenly and involved than usual, and, as usual, the minor characters are delightful.”
“The villain is too villainous to be true, and the hero too amiable to engage sympathy; the heroine is simply a nice girl in an awkward position.”
“It would be a safe prediction that the people who have liked Mr. Benson’s other books will like this new one even better.”
“There is just a tinge here of that diabolism toward which Mr. Benson seems to have a bent.”
“Mr. Benson is a writer who never quite gets the effect at which he seems to be aiming. The book would be twice as interesting if it were half as long.”
Benson, Godfrey R. Tracks in the snow: being the history of a crime; ed. from the Ms. of the Rev. Robert Driver. †$1.50. Longmans.
The rector of an English country parish has recorded the story of the mysterious murder of his friend and neighbor, Eustace Peters and the unravelling of the mystery to which certain tracks of heavy boots found in the snow furnish the chief clue. It is from this manuscript that the present thrilling detective story with its mazes of suspicions, its strange adventures and narrow escapes is supposed to have been edited.
“We do not remember reading such a clever murder story since Grant Allen’s ‘The curate of Churnside.’”
“The book, in short, shows considerable crudeness, but also an imaginative faculty by no means contemptible.”
“It is the history of a crime set forth with much artistic literary ability.”
“A good detective story of a somewhat novel kind. The book is really interesting.”
Benson, Rev. Robert Hugh. King’s achievement. $1.50. Herder.
A piece of controversial fiction which portrays Elizabethan times and doings, and which specifically deals with the suppression of the monasteries and the proclamation of the Royal supremacy in religious affairs. “Father Benson frankly takes sides.... The good is all on the side of the monasteries, the bad on the side of Henry and Cromwell and their creatures.” (Acad.)
“An exceptionally good historical novel, as such things go. It is a clever, a thorough, and a powerful work; but, in our opinion, it was a mistake to write it.”
“The story, which is long, is mainly used as a vehicle for expressing the author’s decided views upon the religious and political matters of the day, and is rather overweighted by the historical detail which obtrudes itself too persistently in the foreground.”
“The work does not, on the whole, show as much careful elaboration as its predecessor [‘By what authority?’]. In compensation, however, the story has more unity and proportion, chiefly because there are fewer characters to claim the attention.”
“He draws his characters with ease and sympathy, but not with that intensity of insight which creates a type and yet gives it the force of an individual. But they are not complete and striking human beings; and this is the flaw in what is a really beautiful and sensitive piece of work.”
“We gladly recommend the book not only as a romance but also as history, inasmuch as it gives a far more truthful picture of the great sacrilege of the sixteenth century than most of the (so-called) histories of the period.”
Benson, Rev. Robert Hugh. Queen’s tragedy. $1.50. Herder.
The court setting is a prominent feature of Father Benson’s portrayal of Queen Mary, against which background he outlines her as “human and a woman.... First love, a passion for Philip of Spain in the breast of a woman of thirty-seven, is tragedy in suspense from its commencement, and the novelist makes her foolish heart flutter before us till we need the annalist to reduce the temperature of our pity.” (Ath.)
“Whatever else may be thought of Father Benson’s latest historical novel, no one will fail to find it fresh, suggestive and interesting.” J. H. Pollen.
“The writing at the end of the book is fine and grandiose.”
“Though it is a creditable piece of work is scarcely on a level with either ‘By what authority?’, or ‘The king’s achievement.’”
25“It is first and foremost an engaging book. The author has what is called ‘a way with him’ ... his humour is fresh ... then, too, though the style is firm and good, it is all so easy, so limpid, so light.”
“Two historic scenes are depicted with great power, the marriage of Mary and Philip at Winchester, and the burnings of Ridley and Latimer at Oxford.”
Benton, Joel. Persons and places. $1. Broadway pub.
“Mr. Joel Benton came into casual contact with many people we want to know about—Emerson, Thoreau, Matthew Arnold, Horace Greeley, Barnum and Bryant—and he chats about them in a pleasant way, tho without contributing anything very novel or important to our knowledge of these men.”—Ind.
“Writing largely of things a part of which he was and nearly all of which he saw, Mr. Benton can by no means be accused of producing merely the echo of an echo.”
“Most of the papers are not of serious importance.”
Benziger, Marie Agnes. Off to Jerusalem. *$1. Benziger.
A happy account of a pilgrimage to Jerusalem during which the narrator gained “many graces, deep and holy impressions, and an enthusiastic love for the Holy land.”
Berard, (Eugene) Victor. British imperialism and commercial supremacy; tr. by H. W. Foskett; with a pref. to the Eng. ed. by the author. *$2.60. Longmans.
Mr. Foskett says: “At the present time, the antagonistic opinions of free trade on the one hand, and the protection, fair trade, preference to the colonies on the other, are shaking to its very foundations the economic structure on which commercial Great Britain has rested and flourished undisturbed for the past fifty years. Under the circumstances the comprehensive survey made by M. Victor Bérard of the commercial and industrial situation of Great Britain among the leading communities of the day must undoubtedly appeal to the intelligence of all thinking Britons.” The translator’s aim is to emphasize the necessity for a thoro application of modern scientific methods.
“The analysis of the book is keen, its style lively, and it is interesting reading.”
“On the whole, the translation is meritorious, and pains have been bestowed upon the book.”
“The figures are now so far out of date that an appendix bringing them down to within the year—if it be impossible to recast the text—is necessary. The translation is excellent.” Edward A. Bradford.
“Suggestive and entertaining.” Alvin S. Johnson.
“M. Berard is at best an able journalist juggling with second-hand knowledge and snippets from Blue-books and consular reports. Seriously, M. Berard’s English friends ought to have revised this undoubtedly interesting volume before it was allowed to appear before the English public.”
“M. Bérard is a charming writer, but of English politics, of the English temperament, of Imperialism, of the personnel of English government, his conception is wholly farcical. The English version, in our opinion, might have been better done, for it is full of misprints, and many of the phrases are awkwardly rendered.”
Bergamo, Rev. Cajetan Mary da. Thoughts and affections on the passion of Jesus Christ for every day of the year taken from the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the fathers of the church; new tr. by the Passionist fathers of the U. S. *$2. Benziger.
“The principal object of this new translation is to rescue from oblivion a valuable work for many years out of print.”
Bernheimer, Charles Seligman, ed. Russian Jew in the United States: studies of social conditions in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, with a description of rural settlements. **$2. Winston.
“All are written out of a wealth of precise information and, though deeply sympathetic, exhibit a perfectly sane and fair minded spirit.” Frederic Austin Ogg.
“The book could still be rescued for the mass of American people who ought to read it, by careful editing, by the elimination of one third of its material, which is useless repetition, and by giving it that typographical dress in which the average reader expects a book of such popular value to appear.” Edward A. Steiner.
Bernstein, Hermann. Contrite hearts. †$1.25. Wessels.
“In its pictures of facts and conditions the book is entirely convincing, but as a story is not signally impressive.”
“The story has a curious interest, as an interpretation, from the inside, of a theory of life utterly foreign to the average reader’s ideas.”
“Is a simple, affecting tale of Russian-Jewish life.”
Bertin, L. E. Marine boilers: their construction and working, dealing more especially with tubulous boilers; tr. and ed. by Leslie S. Robertson, with a new chapter on “Liquid fuel” by Engineer-Lieutenant H. C. Anstey and a preface by Sir William White. *$5. Van Nostrand.
A second edition of this work by a Frenchman appears with such revision and extension as the strides in marine practice, make necessary. The editor says that “progress has been rather in the direction of concentrating practice, along well acknowledged lines, than by the introduction of any noticeable departure in the design of boilers. Considerable development has taken place in the application of steam turbines to marine propulsion, but it has not called for any change in the types of boilers already in use.” A notable addition to the volume is a chapter on “Liquid Fuel.”
“On the whole, the book is to be commended as the most satisfactory treatise on water tube boilers from the historical and constructive standpoint of which the reviewer has knowledge.” Wm. Kent.
26Besant, Walter. Mediaeval London, v. 1. Historical and social. *$7.50. Macmillan.
This division of the posthumous work of Walter Besant on “The survey of London” will be complete in two volumes. “Mediaeval London, historical and social” to be followed by “Mediaeval London, ecclesiastical.” “The first volume discusses the history of the city in relation to our kings, whose dealings with the capital are succinctly recorded. The social condition of the town is also exhibited in its many and varied phases.” (Ath.) “The numerous and excellent illustrations are not the least attractive feature of the book. Many are taken from manuscripts in the British museum and elsewhere.” (Nation.)
“The great charm of these volumes is the individuality of the writer.”
“His notes are exceedingly valuable, and no future historical novelist of London will, we imagine, ever pass them by.”
“Parts of the whole volumes are suggestive rather of a collection of materials than of the production of a literary artist.”
“It is impossible here to do justice to the ability with which this picture of the past is drawn. Sir Walter left out nothing that could help us to realize the vigour of the great city, its pride of patriotism, its wealth, its far-reaching commerce. His name will be linked with it in such a fashion as we can hardly find paralleled in the history of the world’s capitals.”
Betts, Ethel Franklin. Favorite nursery rhymes. †$1.50. Stokes.
Some of the oldest and the best nursery rhymes are grouped here and charmingly illustrated in black and white with six full-page colored plates.
Bible for young people: arranged from the King James version; with twenty-four full page il. from old masters. $1.50. Century.
A need of the day is supplied in this volume of Bible stories which is a new and revised edition of a book originally issued at double the price. In making the text interesting to young readers, genealogies, doctrines and the hard-to-understand passages have been omitted. The illustrations are fine reproductions of the work of old masters.
“The present edition is in more popular form than when it first appeared.”
“The compiler has shown discrimination and taste in her selection of material. While primarily appealing to young people, this admirable compilation will interest grown readers as well.”
Bible—Proverbs; tr. out of the original Hebrew and with former translations diligently compared and revised. $1. Century.
This little volume uniform with the “Thumb nail series” contains for introduction a chapter on “The proverbs of the Hebrews” from Dr. Lyman Abbott’s “The life and literature of the ancient Hebrews.”
Bible. Book of Ecclesiastes: a new metrical translation, with an introduction and explanatory notes by Paul Haupt. 50c. Hopkins.
“The translation here presented is a good one—accurate, fresh, suggestive, and rhymical. The conclusions embodied in this work ... seem to rest upon too uncertain and subjective grounds.” Ira Maurice Price and John M. P. Smith.
Bielschowsky, Albert. Life of Goethe; authorized tr. from the German by W: A. Cooper. 3v. ea. **$3.50. Putnam, v. 1, ready.
A three-volume life of Goethe, with full critical estimates, designed for the student rather than for the general reader. The author devoted a life-time to the work and based it upon material made accessible by the opening of the Goethe archives and by recent philological investigation. The first volume covers the period from 1749–1788,—from Goethe’s birth to his return from Italy.
“Mr. Cooper approves himself a competent German scholar, and a writer of sound English as well. His rendering is now and then a trifle loose.”
“Bielschowsky’s book, by reason of its fuller and more accurate information will now take the place in our libraries that Mr. Lewes’s held so long. Professor Cooper’s translation is, in general, a very satisfactory piece of work. The language is usually well-chosen, and renders the thought, and in some degree the style, of the original.” Lewis A. Rhoades.
“Is remarkable for the impartiality with which, as a general thing, it keeps the balance between literature and scholarship.”
“Bielschowsky has brought to his task the two indispensable requisites: on the one hand, familiarity with the details of Goethe research, a world of scholarship by itself; on the other hand, the ability to think and feel and enjoy independently and to write with clearness and charm.”
“Two things seem defective in this volume: Bielschowsky has been no more successful than his predecessors in getting at the details incident to Goethe’s administration of public office at Weimar, and less even than others has he appreciated the dramatic significance of Goethe’s first touch with Schiller when Goethe visited the military school in Würtemberg, which he disposes of in two lines.” J. Perry Worden.
“Is probably the most complete and authoritative life of Goethe.”
“The story of the years covered by this installment—1749 to 1788—is told clearly enough, but with all his study, all his industry, all his admiration of Goethe’s genius Bielschowsky has not written a great biography.”
Biese, Alfred. Development of the feeling for nature in the middle ages and modern times. *$2. Dutton.
“It has been the author’s endeavor to trace 27in this volume the development of human thought in regard to the phenomena of nature from the introduction of Christianity downwards, in the same way that was done in a previous volume for the time of the Greeks and Romans. This has been done mainly by the study of writings, both in prose and poetry, in which natural phenomena, whether connected with scenery, weather, birds, or flowers, are spoken of with admiration.” (Nature.) “Ample quotations, pertinent notes, and a good index give point to Herr Biese’s discussions.” (Outlook.)
“The vague and unsatisfactory impression left by his generalizations is, no doubt, due in some degree to his style, though for this the translator may be to blame. On the whole, however, the translation is workmanlike.” C: H. A. Wager.
“Useful and comprehensive handbook.”
Bigelow, Melville Madison, and others. Centralization and the law; scientific legal education, an illustration, with an introd. by Melville M. Bigelow. **$1.50. Little.
Eight lectures delivered before the Boston university law school “on various recent occasions ... as part of the plan of legal extension now on foot there.” “The main lines of thought centre around the ideas (1) of Equality which according to the author, was formerly the dominant legal force in American life; (2) of Inequality, which is characteristic of present conditions; and (3) of Administration, which is the supreme end of legal, and, in fact, of all education intended to fit men for the practical affairs of life. Specifically, the more important subjects discussed are the extension of legal education, the nature of law, monopoly, the scientific aspects of law, and government regulation of railway rates.” (Dial.)
“The economic philosophy underlying these essays is of a somewhat conventional, if not dangerously superficial order.”
“The book is one that can be recommended to the general reader as well as to the lawyer and the law student. The historical presentation is excellent, and the citation of modern cases gives to the conclusions an immediate interest which either presentation by itself would not possess.” Worthington C. Ford.
“As an exposition of law regarded as a progressive science, ‘Centralization and law’ is a valuable contribution to real progress, and in a department where that contribution is greatly needed.”
Bigelow, Poultney. History of the German struggle for liberty, v. 4. **$2.25. Harper.
“In the details of book-construction the volume is unusually faulty. A large proportion of the text, probably a third, consists of quotations worked in with so little skill that the volume suggests the note-book rather than the finished production. The worst feature of the book, however, is its unfortunate tone.” Frank Maloy Anderson.
“It contains the same slap-dash miscellaneous kind of matter as do its three predecessors, and does not deserve, any more than they, to be ranked as history according to any established canon, nor as literature if grace of style and a clear thread of consecutive narrative are to be regarded as necessary.”
“The tone of the work is throughout journalistic, often hysterical; but some later writer will doubtless find in this mass of material abundant matter for a single volume that will clearly and logically present the subject without sacrificing what has evidently been Mr. Bigelow’s paramount aim—the readableness and popular character of the narrative.”
“Occurrences are treated rather in accordance with their picturesqueness or with the degree of attention which they excited at the time than with their permanent significance.”
Bigg, Charles. Church’s task under the Roman empire. *$1.75. Oxford.
“They are delightful reading, fresh and breezy in their manner, with an ease of handling the material that speaks of long familiarity. The footnotes add very much both to the size of the book and to its value.” Franklin Johnson.
Bigham, Madge A. Blackie, his friends and his enemies: a book of old fables in new dresses; il. by Clara E. Atwood. †$1.50. Little.
Thirty-five stories made new with the furbishing suggested by the “Story lady’s” imagination are told a little street boy by way of compensation for his pet rat that died.
“An animal book which children will find very charming.”
Bindloss, Harold. Alton of Somasco. †$1.50. Stokes.
“It is interesting to compare with Mr. Beach’s novel the somewhat similar ‘Alton of Somasco.’ Here the scene is British Columbia instead of Alaska, and there is no political deviltry to impel the action, but otherwise the situation is the same, being evolved out of the conflict between legitimate settlers and unscrupulous schemers for the possession of valuable ranching and mining properties.”—Dial.
“A novel which is terse, powerful yet graceful, showing intimate knowledge and acute observation, never overweighted with description yet containing many delightful pictures of colonial life and manners.”
“We have no hesitation in pronouncing this his best story, nor in recommending it particularly to the attention of adventurous young England.”
“The interest of the plot is fairly well sustained, but the book is carelessly written.”
“An admirable novel is the result, and one which introduces us to a territory hitherto almost unexploited in fiction.” Wm. M. Payne.
“In ‘Alton of Somasco’ Mr. Bindloss is seen at his best.”
Bindloss, Harold. Cattle-baron’s daughter. †$1.50. Stokes.
The transition-period when the boundless cattle-lands 28of the Northwest were first opened to the home-steader is well handled in this story of the cattle-baron’s daughter and her divided loyalty to her father, the champion of the old order, and to her lover, the leader of the homestead boys. The characters are well drawn Western types and the scenes of feud and riot, of miniature war and revolution, are stirring, because behind the hero is the spirit of the times, the steady march of the settler leading to the final triumph of the plow.
“A tale of thrilling adventure with plentiful humorous relief.”
“The interest is well sustained to the end of the story, which is much above the average and is well worth reading.”
Binns, Henry Bryan. Life of Walt Whitman. **$3. Dutton.
In Mr. Binns’ biography and interpretation it has been the aim to write about Whitman rather than to give Whitman’s work with running commentary. The author is an Englishman “who ‘loves’ the United States,” and thinks the time is not yet ripe for a final and complete biography, and therefore his work is suggestive rather than conclusive in the sense of literary decisions. “It is as a man that I see and have sought to describe Whitman. But as a man of special and exceptional character, a new type of mystic or seer.” (N. Y. Times.)
“As a biography, it will easily take its place as our most exhaustive and authoritative record of Whitman’s career.”
Reviewed by M. A. DeWolfe Howe.
“Both in biographical detail and in critical comment the book is an excellent piece of work, perhaps the fullest and best study of the poet’s life and writings that has yet appeared.” Percy F. Bicknell.
“A book of some interest and value, which yet has a few of the faults common to most biographies. In the first place, it is too long.”
“The poet’s work is, indeed, vindicated simply and naturally by Mr. Binns, with no violence of argument, and it is a pleasure to acknowledge the fine quality of spirit which he displays.” Jessie B. Rittenhouse.
“Mr. Binns’ book, granted a few somewhat soulful peculiarities, is not at all bad.”
Birney, Mrs. Theodore W. Childhood. $1. Stokes.
Believing that “discord in the home is in most cases due to a lack of comprehension of child nature and its needs,” Mrs. Birney offers parents and teachers the benefits of her earnestly acquired experience. “She is singularly free from fads; does not write as if she were the whole Law and the Prophets on the subject of children.” (Critic.)
“A careful perusal of the book should bring help to many households.”
Birrell, Augustine. Andrew Marvell. **75c. Macmillan.
“Very little is said of the poetry upon which his reputation rests.”
Birrell, Augustine. In the name of the Bodleian, and other essays. **$1.50. Scribner.
“A collection of short essays on a great variety of subjects by a writer who is, by nature and training, a spectator and commentator of the school though not of the genius of Charles Lamb.” (Outlook.) “He opens his service, so to speak, in the name of the Bodleian, and goes to tell us of book-worms—the literary bookworm, not the one with spectacles—confirmed readers, first editions, libraries, old booksellers, collecting, and some score of similar things of value to the bibliophile.” (Acad.)
“If his work is always slight, it is very nearly always agreeable.”
“Represents him favorably enough as a critic none the less stimulating because he touches his topics with a light hand.”
“Is characteristically full of quaint fancies, brilliant sallies of wit and humor, keenly-calculated judgments of men and things, and an erudition that pointedly avoids beaten highways to cull its treasures from old nooks and dusty corners.”
“Without being in any sense of the word a great essayist, Mr. Augustine Birrell is a brilliant and lucid writer.”
“It would be a limited taste indeed that could not extract from [these essays] several half-hours of entertainment.”
“None of them will seem really trivial to lovers of ‘Obiter dicta’ and its successors. For they are all marked with the good-humored acuteness, the animated nonchalance, which engaged us in him long ago.” H. W. Boynton.
“This volume is more fragmentary and discursive than the earlier books from the same hand, and the papers are, on the whole, less valuable.”
“These essays, aside from the Arnold fling, are charming in tone and in their literary quality, which ranges from Baconian formality to a very effective use of modern slang.”
“It is always easy, but not always comforting, to read Mr. Birrell. When he is writing about books he is commonly delightful, though even here he cannot resist the temptation to ‘get his knife into’ something or somebody that he dislikes.”
Birukoff, Paul. Early life of Leo Tolstoy, his life and work. **$1.50. Scribner.
The work of a man who was a friend of Tolstoi’s and in his employ. The outlines of M. Paul Birukoff’s biography were filled in by notes furnished by Tolstoi himself which fact lends a serious and authoritative value to the work. This first volume gives an account of the origin of the Tolstois, the novelist’s childhood, youth and manhood, and ends with his marriage. “A great deal of attention is devoted to the moral development of the young prodigy and very little to those amusements and external interests that probably were of far more importance in shaping his character.” (Acad.)
“It is indeed a most serious work and suggests that the author was much more anxious to exhibit Leo Tolstoy as a prophet and teacher than as a literary artist whose province it is to hold the mirror up to nature.”
29“This most interesting publication ought to find many readers.”
“There can be no doubt that this work will be a mine of information to the more critical biographer as well as in itself of much value.”
“It is an exhaustive analysis of the youth and early manhood of a personality of exceptional interest, with whose later years of achievement the reading-public is generally familiar.” Annie Russell Marble.
“When completed bids fair to become one of the important contributions to our biographical knowledge during recent years.” Wm. T. Brewster.
“One can pardon somewhat his lack of literary skill, in view of his transparent honesty, and modest attitude toward his work as ‘material’ for the use of more competent workers hereafter.”
“There is in his attitude towards his literary master a certain servility of indiscriminate admiration, a too thoroughgoing sympathy. The net result of which simplicity is that the eminent Russian’s worst enemy could have wished him no other biographer.”
“The undisguisedly autobiographic portions are exceedingly frank in places, and always intensely egotistical.”
“The book is thus chaotic and almost incoherent, yet most of the material is of intense interest.”
Black, Rev. J. F. Bible way: an antidote to Campbellism. *50c. Meth. bk.
An argument in dialogue form which presents arguments against the doctrine of so-called Christian or Campbellite church.
Black, John Janvier. Eating to live, with some advice to the gouty, the rheumatic, and the diabetic: a book for every body. *$1.50. Lippincott.
“Forewarned is forearmed” might be said to be the watchword of Dr. Black in his present work. He aims to save from pitfalls the mortals who eat and drink from instinct rather than from reason. He discusses the economics and values of different foods and gives dietary advice to people variously afflicted.
Blackmar, Frank Wilson. Elements of sociology. *$1.25. Macmillan.
“On the whole, the author has furnished us with a very serviceable text. It is a logical development of the principles of the science and the different branches have been brought into proper correlation. Its style is sufficiently simple for easy comprehension and the student will find it a working manual of great value.” George B. Mangold.
“Is a singularly ineffective and eminently mediocre book. It affords no real penetrating insight into the nature of society. It has no intrinsic coherence.”
“In general it may be said that Mr. Blackmar has made effective use of the new sources of material and new developments of theory that have become available since the publication of Mr. Fairbanks’ book.... Many pages of Mr. Blackmar’s book are marred by English not merely faulty, but incorrigibly and persistently so to such an extent that the sense may be recovered only with difficulty.” Robert C. Brooks.
“The chapters on social pathology bring the science down to earth, and constitute probably the most valuable part of the book.”
“Will serve a useful purpose ... for intelligent general readers and social workers who wish to gain a social attitude of mind in relation to all varieties of man’s activities.”
Blair, Emma Helen, and Robertson, James Alexander, eds. Philippine islands, 1493–1898. 55 v. ea. *$4. Clark, A. H.
“In eight volumes just under consideration, ninety documents ... are produced in translation, as are parts of the whole of seven old printed works. The editorial work upon these documents shows painstaking care and much discrimination. The translations—and this is important—appear generally to deserve the same commendation.” James A. LeRoy.
Reviewed by James A. LeRoy.
“The volumes of 1905 are, all in all, the best edited and most carefully arranged and translated of the series thus far.”
Blake, Katharine Evans. Hearts’ haven. †$1.50. Bobbs.
“A stirring romance, rich in lights and shadows, full of human interest and possessing the peculiar charm of new scenes and surroundings. Another excellence of this work is the remarkable knowledge of psychology displayed.”
“The author of ‘Hearts’ haven’ has made clever use of her material, and the admission that the book leaves behind it a sense of depression is in itself a tribute to her strength.” Frederick Taber Cooper.
Blake, William. Poetical works: a new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letter-press originals; with variorum readings and bibliographical notes and prefaces by J. Sampson. *$3.50. Oxford.
“‘Blake’s final version is uniformly adopted as the text, while all earlier or cancelled readings are supplied in foot-notes.’ All the poems are arranged exactly as they are found, and each group is given, as far as is known, in chronological order. The two main MS. sources, the Rossetti and the Pickering MSS., are now printed for the first time from careful and accurate transcripts, made by the present owner, Mr. W. A. White of Brooklyn, N. Y.”—Ath.
30“If it be desirable to possess a scholarly and complete edition of Blake, it would be impossible to imagine anything more suitable to the purpose than the edition before us.”
“Mr. Sampson’s edition of Blake is a masterpiece of editing and Blake, of all modern English poets, was most in need of a good editor.”
“We cannot be too grateful for this beautiful and scholarly edition of the great mystic.”
“Mr. Sampson has compiled texts, compared different readings, grasped and illuminated obscure points, with all the tact and insight of the born commentator. His book should become the standard authority for all Blake students.”
“Is in point of laborious research and painstaking arrangement, one of the most admirable pieces of editing that we have lately seen.”
Blanchard, Amy Ella. Four Corners. †$1.50. Jacobs.
The three Virginia acres on which the somewhat impoverished Corner family lived formed the center of the stage upon which the four little Corners, Nan, Mary Lee, and the twins, a cousin, an old mule named Pete, an angora cat, a mongrel dog, and a few delightful grownups, act out a little family drama. In it, sad little economies, sickness, and trouble bravely met, are contrasted with the joys of healthy girlhood with homely adventures, and happy little surprises. It is a story that will make careless little girls thankful for their blessings.
“It is a peasant, homy sort of tale.”
Blanchard, Amy Ella. Little Miss Mouse. †$1. Jacobs.
Miss Hester Brackenbury in days of affluence adopts two little waifs, a small boy and a girl, and when a few months later, she becomes poor she refuses to give them up but moves into a cottage and supports them by making buttonholes. It is a pretty story for grown-ups as well as children, for in the background is an old love-story which throws a mellow light upon the children in the foreground, their joys, their contentions and their troubles. In the end, thru little Miss Mouse and an old receipt, Aunt Hester is restored to her old estate.
Bland, Edith (Nesbit) (Mrs. Hubert Bland). Incomplete amorist. †$1.50. Doubleday.
“A study of an accomplished and refined male flirt who plays the game of love with counters only to find that at last he must play with gold. Contrasted with this superfine trifler is a straightforward, even impulsive English girl whose common sense and simple ignorance of the early Empire. These last three studies her girl artist life in Paris. The story has movement, variety, and originality.”—Outlook.
“It is essentially bright, witty, superficial work, and we are sorry to be, more than once, confronted with problems and situations which demand a stronger treatment and a deeper insight into human nature.”
“There are several reasons why ‘The incomplete amorist’ is deserving of attention. To begin with, it treats old and well-worn material in a new and whimsical way.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“To judge by the experiment her true vein would promise to lie not in the picturesque region of Bohemian romance, but on the quiet levels of rustic comedy.”
“‘E. Nesbit’ has shown that she understands grown-ups as well as she does children, and in ‘The incomplete amorist’ has written a novel original, clever, and full of interest.”
“It has the great affirmative merit that it never bores the reader.”
“As this novel is a study in masculine psychology it is unsatisfying.”
“The greater part of the story is extraordinarily vulgar, and to that part of it which is not vulgar it is impossible to apply any epithet but that of ‘stagy.’ The story cannot but remind its readers of the sentimental fiction of about twenty years ago.”
“In the midst of the inrush of novels it is one of the few that deserve a better fate than that of serving as a time-killer.”
Bland, Edith (Nesbit) (Mrs. Hubert Bland). Railway children; with drawings by C. E. Brock. †$1.50. Macmillan.
“By a family misfortune these children are for a time deprived of their father, compelled to leave their pleasant home, and obliged to live in a little cottage close to the railway. All their strange joys and troubles are in one way or another connected with this railway and its surroundings.”—Outlook.
“A fragrant and sweet story. It would be indeed difficult to find one better suited for reading around the nursery fire or one which boys and girls alike would more enjoy.”
“The interest—of which there is fair amount—is fortunately independent of the weak pen-and-ink drawings.”
“E. Nesbit has put into a book for children some of that cleverness and charm which characterize his grown up stories.”
“The incidents are worked out in a decidedly original way, and the story is strong enough to hold the attention of older readers as well as of young people”.
“It seems to us a pity that she has introduced into her latest story so very tragic and unpleasant a subject as imprisonment, whether wrongful or otherwise; to say nothing of implanting a premature distrust of British justice in the youthful reader’s mind.”
“We can thoroughly recommend ‘The railway children’ as an excellent story.”
Bland, Edith (Nesbit) (Mrs. Hubert Bland). Rainbow and the rose. *$1.50. Longmans.
This volume of poems shows the author to be “Skilled in her craft.... We like her best in her village monologues, which are full of insight and humour and sound philosophy. But when she pleases she can write also graceful songs.” (Spec.)
“Full of clever things in the conventional condescending mood which ought not to succeed, but unquestionably does. For the rest, E. 31Nesbit is not a poet, not a minor poet, not even an exquisite maker of verse; but all that an able woman who is not these can do by means of verse, she can do.”
“Many of the occasional pieces here tremble on the verge of success, and it seems as if a little more trouble and thought would have made them excellent.”
“Her work always pleases. It reaches about the level of Jean Ingelow’s thought and sentiment, but never quite achieves the distinction of Christina Rossetti.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Has the same qualities that has given her other collections rather exceptional circulation. Mrs. Bland’s poetic sentiment is appealing rather than poignant with the true poetic poignancy; though she has no gift of verbal magic, she has verbal adequacy, and her verse is always readable.”
“The ‘Rainbow and the rose’ ... is neither decadent nor revolutionary, but fresh and individual in a simple way that makes agreeable reading of her more or less subjective verse.”
“Shows much dexterity in versification, and a wider range than is usual in modern lyrics.”
Bliss, Frederick Jones. Development of Palestine exploration. **$1.50. Scribner.
This book which presents in amplified form the lectures delivered before the Union theological seminary in 1903 “treats of the progress made in the art of identifying sites, of the shifting point of view of travellers of different times, of Edward Robinson, Renan and his contemporaries, and of the Palestine Exploration fund and the exploration of the future.” (Am. Hist. R.)
“The work, as a whole, is written in an admirable spirit. Justice is done to the labors of each writer mentioned, though Dr. Bliss does not hesitate to mete out fair criticism to each when it seems necessary. The book contains an occasional misprint.” George A. Barton.
“His tone is scholarly and his criticism remarkably just and well balanced. In a future edition Dr. Bliss might correct some misprints.”
“An ambitious work covering in small compass a large tract of history.”
“The book is full of important information, not only for the Bible student, but also for the modern traveller, who incidentally receives some good advice.”
“His work is neither a complete bibliography, with such notes as will enable a student to select what he wants for study, nor, on the other hand, is it a narrative of exploration. It falls midway between.”
Blomfield, Reginald. Studies in architecture. *$3.25. Macmillan.
Mr. Blomfield who is a “practising architect of distinction and enthusiasm sends a side-glance at Byzantium and Lombardy, but is chiefly occupied with the architecture (and architects) of the French and Italian renaissance.... Mr. Blomfield has not fallen into the faults he denounces: what he writes is full of interest because of his standpoint (and standing) as an architect, his personal knowledge of the buildings of which he writes, and his researches into their history. Above all, he has great enthusiasm for his art, a passion which archæology (while admitting others) tends, it would seem, to exclude.” (Spec.)
“A book as interesting as it is sound.”
“The volume is a real contribution to architectural criticism.”
“Can be heartily recommended to layman and architect alike. Its literary flavour is delicate; its architectural criticisms are sound, to the point, and keen.”
Blundell, Mary E. Sweetman (Mrs. Francis Blundell). Simple annals. †$1.50. Longmans.
Natural simple stories of humble village life. “Mrs. Blundell says in her Foreword that a golden thread runs through the homespun of even the most commonplace life. In each of these stories she has followed the golden thread. The village girls are innocent and charming, the men are chivalrous—their purpose is invariably marriage, and courtships end, as they should, with wedding-bells.” (Acad.)
“Our only quarrel is with her claim in the Foreword to call these charming fables ‘studies.’ For that, they are surely too slight and too determinedly optimistic.”
“None of them reaches the high level which the best of ‘Dorset dear’ attained.”
“It is as charming a book of the kind as we have come across in many a long day.”
“The book is full of delicately handled studies of the lights and shadows that fall across the existence of the modern workaday world.”
“A collection of short stories, which are even better from a point of view of comprehensive description than her novels.”
Blundell, Mary E. (Sweetman) (Mrs. Francis Blundell; M. E. Francis, pseuds.). Wild wheat: a Dorset romance. †$1.50. Longmans.
Another tale of the West country, which “carries its readers’ thoughts far afield on to the blue hills and into the wild woods.” (Spec.) “It has more of passion and sorrow in it than most of her romances, but is all the stronger for this, while there is enough of the humorous and cheerful to balance the whole. The love story is sweet and wholesome.” (Outlook.)
“‘Wild wheat’ is an admirable story and Peter’s character is finely handled, but in general interest it does not reach the level of some other Dorset tales.”
“This is a very readable story of country life, though it is not equal to ‘The manor farm.’ The plot is a little thin.”
“A correct, pretty, unpretentious tale that will please those who love the primroses of literature.”
32“Inconsequent as the story is, it is readable, and perhaps we have found it the more provoking because indications are not wanting of the author’s capability of really good work.”
Boas, Henrietta O’Brien (Owen) (Mrs. Frederick Samuel). With Milton and the Cavaliers. **$1.50. Pott.
“This book is a collection of biographical sketches relating to the chief personages in England at the time of the civil war. The only connection that binds them together is the common period of which they treat and the historical thread that runs through them. The political, military, religious, literary, and social figures of the time are all illustrated in these essays, which taken together, thus present in a way a sort of picture of the moving forces of the period.”—N. Y. Times.
“Is not an instructive or a well-written book.”
“She has written soundly and soberly and from abundance of information. She has not made her work abstruse, and it is a clear and consistent account of a momentous period in English history.”
Boggs, Sara E. Sandpeep. †$1.50. Little.
Keren Happuch Brenson, better known as Sandpeep, a child of the waves as well as the shore who “fished and lobstered for a living” and listened in ecstasy to the music of her fiddle string across the pane of her cobwebby loft, is a heroine “rustic from her finger tips to her innermost cerebral atom.” Her development from the moment she became young Geoffrey Warrington’s governess to the day that established her in Munich for musical study is characterized by fearless loyalty and keen devotion to purpose. With a “Jane Eyre heroine and a virtuous Rochester” the story also records the mercenary intrigue of a woman’s substitution, of herself and child for her departed twin sister and baby, out of which deception grows the plot.
“Parts of it are really exciting.”
Boissier, Gaston. Tacitus and other Roman studies tr. by W. G. Hutchison. †$1.75. Putnam.
“This volume contains four essays: the first, occupying more than half the whole work, deals with Tacitus as an historian, the others with subjects connected with the same period carry her through some trying experiences and contain much instruction and not a little entertainment. The Roman ‘Schools of declamation’ are described with admirable point and refreshing humour.... The essay on ‘The Roman journal’ helps us to realize how a worldwide empire managed to survive without newspapers. The discussion of the poet Martial is a specimen of ... lively and illuminating literary criticism.”—Sat. R.
“The young student of the Imperial age ... can get to closer grips with the facts, even if he cannot deal with them so incisively and so elegantly as M. Boissier.”
“The translation is correct in the main, and reads fairly smoothly. We wish that the book might be read and pondered by lovers of Tacitus, writers of history, and any other scholars who are planning learned works.”
“M. Boissier’s sympathetic essay will please all those who believe in the educational value of the ancient historians and who admire the greatest of them.” Robert L. Schuyler.
“If consequently we advise all those students who can do so to read M. Boissier in the original, no offence is intended Mr. Hutchison, whose translation is readable and accurate, and will lead many to work at the subject who would be deterred by a French book.”
Bolton, Sarah Knowles (Mrs. Charles E. Bolton). Famous American authors. $2. Crowell.
“Entertaining, chatty, sympathetic essays.”
Bombaugh, Charles Carroll. Facts and fancies for the curious from the harvest-fields of literature. **$3. Lippincott.
“The collection is large and varied, and the ‘chestnut’ is not more frequent than one would expect.”
Bond, Francis. Gothic architecture in England. *$12. Scribner.
“Mr. Bond’s work is extraordinarily full, extraordinarily minute, and enriched by a wealth of illustrations, as well as most elaborate indexes, a very full bibliography, a chronological table, and many sheets of comparative mouldings drawn ... to a uniform scale.... Part 1 is introductory, and covers the whole origin and development of mediæval church architecture in this country; while Part 2 is an analysis in which the whole ground is gone over in detail, piece by piece.”—Spec.
“This is in every sense of the word, a great book. It is a book that at once steps to the front as authoritative, and it will be long before it is superseded.”
“Weighty and eminently trustworthy volume. His language is never obscure, and the veriest novice can follow with ease the arguments that are the result of many years’ study and of the critical insight that is so rare a gift.”
“As a mine of erudition, of detailed analysis and information, and of criticism on English mediaeval church architecture, the book is worthy of all praise. It is no rival in persuasive literary style to the charm of Viollet-le-duc’s delightful mastery of lucid French.”
“This is a scholar’s book.”
“Altogether a volume very well worth having, worth inspecting, worth reading, even, up to a certain point, worth studying.” Montgomery Schuyler.
“Must stand for many years to come as the book of reference on the subject of ecclesiastical Gothic in England for all architects and archæologists.”
Bond, Octavia Zollicoffer. Old tales retold; or, Perils and adventures of Tennessee pioneers. *$1. Pub. House of M. E. Ch. So.
The annals of Ramsay and Putnam and later historical chronicles have been followed “with faithful and painstaking exactness” by 33the writer in these tales of pioneer life. “They will give the rising generation of Tennesseans more admiration and respect for the hardy and intelligent pioneers who invaded the wilderness and built up our western civilization.”
Bonner, Geraldine (Hard Pan, pseud.). Castlecourt diamond case. †$1. Funk.
Lady Castlecourt’s diamonds are stolen, and thereby hangs a detective tale in the relating of which six people participate. First the lady’s maid tells her story, then follow statements by the real thief, by Cassius P. Kennedy and his wife into whose innocent possession the stolen gems are thrust when the scared thief is forced to act quickly, by the private detective, and, lastly, by Lady Castlecourt herself who furnishes the key to a surprising situation.
“A detective novelette of some uncommon qualities.”
“An amusing detective story.”
Booth, Eva Gore-. Three resurrections, and The triumph of Maeve. **$2. Longmans.
Mythological and metaphysical parables based upon the themes of Lazarus, Alcestis and Psyche form the first part of this volume of poetry, while the second is a romance in dramatic form which is “filled with the haunting spirit of Celtic mysticism.” (Dial.)
“Miss Gore-Booth is a very thoughtful poet, who avoids affected diction, and combines depth with simplicity.” Wm. M. Payne.
“The bathos which is so frequently the result of a forced alliance between poetry and science, is a feature of ‘The three resurrections, and The triumph of Maeve.’”
“There is an unreality in the imagery and a monotony in the epithets which, in spite of all her art, affect the reader with weariness.”
Borrow, George. Romano lavo-lil; word book of the Romany or English-Gypsy language. $2. Putnam.
“Altogether it is an entertaining book, full of the spirit that makes ‘Lavengro’ so attractive, and with a bit more of a serious definite character.”
Bose, Jagadis Chunder. Plant response as a means of physiological investigation. *$7. Longmans.
“A substantial octavo volume of more than 700 pages, devoted to the elucidation and illustration of a single thesis. Although this thesis is here given in many forms and stated in connection with numerous associated topics, it is essentially simple in its outline. It is this: the plant is a machine; its movements in response to external stimuli, though apparently various, are ultimately reducible to a fundamental unity of reaction.... By means of ingenious delicate instruments which exaggerate the slightest motion at any spot, he has long been able to demonstrate that even the oldest tissues of a plant, so long as they are living are capable of responding in a marked degree to certain external stimuli. A special feature distinguishing this treatise from many of its class is the presentation, at the end of every chapter, of a summary which gives in a few short sentences the substance of the chapter.”—Nation.
“One which no plant physiologist, however much he may combat details in it, can afford to ignore.”
“The account itself is too detailed and too diffuse to be read straight through by any but a lover of plants or a student of the problem. It is however, simple and straightforward.” E. T. Brewster.
“The book is not without errors, both of reasoning and fact, into which the author has fallen by reason of some unfamiliarity with his materials. But whatever the future may show as to the accuracy of details, this book may be acclaimed as a path-breaking one; for it shows a method of attack and a refinement of instrumentation for the study of the phenomena or irritable reactions in plants that are sure to be of the utmost service.” C. R. B.
“The treatise is stimulating and is likely to be fruitful in controversy.”
Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson; ed. with an introd. by Mobray Morris. 2v. $2.50. Crowell.
The introduction sketches briefly the difficulties and perils which surrounded Boswell in the preparation of his lasting work, and concludes with “A great subject and a great picture! Nor can portrait and painter ever be dissociated. As long as the huge bulk of Johnson rolls down the stream of Time, so long will the queer little figure of his biographer be saluted with no unkindly laughter.”
Boswell, James. Life of Johnson. $1. Frowde.
A reprint of the third edition of this standard biography. It is similar in make-up to the handy classic volumes.
Boulton, William B. Sir Joshua Reynolds. **$3. Dutton.
“If less vigorous in its ideas than Armstrong’s work, has the merit of telling the story of the painter’s life with much entertaining detail.” Royal Cortissoz.
“While the work of Leslie and Taylor must remain the best source for an original study of Reynolds, this volume is easily the best general survey that we know.” Charles Henry Hart.
“He has something of Boswell’s gift. He knows what facts are worth telling and what are not. His style is unpretending, but not disagreeable.”
Bourne, Henry Eldridge. History of mediaeval and modern Europe. $1.50. Longmans.
“In the volume under review, Professor Bourne aims to give an account of European history which shall accent the features of the development common to European peoples as a whole, and subordinate the details of the different countries. He has met with reasonable success in this aim as well as in the effort to adapt the narrative to the needs of secondary school students; for it is this audience rather than that of a college that the author appears to have had in mind.”—Yale R.
Reviewed by Earl Wilbur Dow.
“A conveniently arranged and well illustrated text-book for school.”
34“The geographical relationships have been carefully noted, and strict attention has been paid to chronology, the various events of history in several countries being arranged in respect to time, so that the pupil will be able to carry the general situation pretty clearly in mind, while studying some special detail.” Francis W. Shepardson.
“The style on the whole is excellent, simple, remarkably free from technical terms, and abounding in effective illustrations.” Curtis Howe Walker.
Bousset, Wilhelm. Jesus; tr. by Janet Penrose Trevelyan; ed. by W. D. Morrison. *$1.25. Putnam.
A book which “is a study of the mind of Jesus in its relation to the Jewish circle of His time, with its ideas and ideals, and also to the larger world of humanity.” (Ath.) “Bousset rejects the miraculous from the Gospel story and regards it as a later accretion. The only wonderful works of Jesus which he considers genuine are His miracles of healing. ‘His healing activity lies entirely within the bounds of what is psychologically conceivable.’” (Hibbert. J.)
“Translated into excellent English.”
“Tho brief in compass and designed as a popular hand-book, could not be omitted from any fair list of recent scientific studies in the records of the past.”
“The character and teaching of the Saviour are treated by Professor Bousset with splendid sympathy, though he occasionally adopts a tone of patronage; and he frankly rejects some of His moral teaching as exaggerated and impracticable. But in spite of this, we welcome the book as being a real step back from mere criticism towards a deeper religious appreciation of our Lord and His gospel.”
Bovey, Henry Taylor. Theory of structures and strength of materials. *$7.50. Wiley.
“The book, as its title indicates, is an attempt to cover, in one volume subjects which are generally and in the opinion of the reviewer, better, separated. It apparently aims to be a treatise on mechanics, the strength of materials, friction, framed structures, masonry, and, to some extent on machinery. The subjects of toothed gearing, dynamometers, belts and ropes appear, although they are usually included in works on structures.”—Engin. N.
“The book contains a very large amount of information, and will be useful as a book of reference for those familiar with the subject, but it is very poorly arranged and there is a lack of emphasis on fundamental principles.” George F. Swain.
“We have no hesitation in saying that Prof. Bovey in thus practically rewriting his book has considerably improved its value, both to the engineering student and to the civil engineer, engaged in the design of all classes of structures in steel and iron.” T. H. B.
Bowen, Marjorie. Viper of Milan. $1.50. McClure.
“The viper of Milan,” written by a youthful novelist of sixteen, outlines against a mediaeval background the black intrigues of Gian Galeazzo Visconti. The plot centers about Visconti’s destruction of Verona, his abduction of the Duke of Verona’s wife and the efforts of the Duke to rescue her, necessitating a round of treacherous adventure.
“While making no special pretensions to historical accuracy, it attains, from the standpoint of romance, an unusually high level. We notice with regret the numerous grammatical slips which disfigure an otherwise excellent style.”
“The book represents an infinitesimal achievement, and it would not be serving Miss Bowen to pretend that we find special promise in it.”
“Della Scala and Visconti stand out most vividly in one’s memory of the characters, but there are many others drawn with admirable delicacy and skill. She has certainly triumphed along unconventional lines, for love is not the absorbing theme in ‘The viper of Milan,’ and the ending is most unhappy.”
“For so young a writer, Miss Bowen shows a remarkable sense of style, which, taken in conjunction with her energy and imaginative power, make her a welcome recruit to the ranks of adventurous romancers.”
Bowne, Borden Parker. Immanence of God. **$1. Houghton.
The author says that “The undivineness of the natural and unnaturalness of the divine is the great heresy of popular thought respecting religion.” He would offset the heresy with the statement “God is the omnipresent ground of all finite existence and activity.” “Two ... characteristics are very apparent in this little book.... The first is his ability to see clearly the reality so often hidden behind a voluminous debate about words; the second is his literary knack in so expressing the truth that the non-scholastic reader can understand it.” (Outlook.)
Reviewed by George Hodges.
“His volume is a very sane and a very readable book, at once profound in thought and intelligible in expression.”
Boxall, George E. Anglo-Saxon; a study in evolution. $1.25. Wessels.
The aim of this volume is “to bring all the English-speaking peoples together by enabling them to realize their own characteristics.” And to this end the author “has covered the ground that the Anglo-Saxon occupies in anthropology, history, economics, art, theology, and everything else.... The privileged classes of England are a Latin survival, and so is the ‘boss’ of American politics. Nevertheless, Americans, Australians, and other Anglo-Saxons are far ahead of Great Britain in their progress towards true Anglo-Saxonism; but a revulsion is coming even there.” (N. Y. Times.)
“He goes on for page after page proclaiming statements, sometimes of the most far-reaching importance positive and negative, and sometimes completely reversing conclusions of the students of those subjects, without a rag of evidence except the statement of his own general impression.”
“His observations are comprehensive and interesting, but rather cursory and superficial. In philosophizing upon them he is plainly amateurish.”
Boyce, Neith, pseud. (Mrs. Hutchins Hapgood). Eternal spring: a novel. †$1.50. Fox.
A drama full of youth and love is enacted by 35a group of Americans on an Italian stage. A young American of thirty whose struggle for a competence in the Chicago stock-market had worn him down to “the absolute essentials of physical being” goes to Italy to marry the woman he had secretly loved—eight years his senior and now a widow. While pursuing the course of a luke-warm wooing he falls in love with her cousin, a gifted girl made melancholy by a wrongly fostered idea of hereditary insanity. The courage of the woman who relinquishes her claim on him is only surpassed by his energy in dispelling the illusion of insanity that holds the woman he loves.
“‘The eternal spring,’ forms a curious and not altogether satisfactory antithesis to ‘The forerunner,’ insomuch as its plot is a much more conspicuous feature than its human nature. It is not so fine a piece of art as the author’s earlier novel, not so fine even as her short stories.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“Sentimentality runs riot in this story of young love in Italy.”
“The story is told with freshness and charm, in parts almost with distinction.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Although we have found its leading characters not a little exasperating, ‘The eternal spring’ is a model of unusual originality and interest.”
“This story is not bad reading.”
“The absence of plot and incident seems to indicate that it was intended to be a psychological novel; but the absence of any real psychological analysis leaves it doubtful just where to place it.”
Boyd, James E. Differential equations. 60c. James E. Boyd, Columbus, O.
“The merit of the book consists in a large number of mechanical and electrical problems that are given. These ought to do much to stimulate the interests of the students for whom the author writes.” William Benjamin Fite.
Boyd, Mary Stuart. Misses Make-Believe. †$1.50. Holt.
The Misses Make-Believe occupy a dilapidated London house, drive a victoria, jobbed for the London season on the most moderate terms, give “ghastly” receptions, the eve of which function finds them in the kitchen making half a dozen packets of table jelly and a bag of flour and a dozen shop eggs into supper for fifty. The guardian of these ambitious sisters at length persuades them to leave their stifling atmosphere and take up their abode in the country. The story really begins at this point, for when Belle and Eileen learn to live natural lives, their most coveted desires are within reach,—happiness, friends, and even husbands.
“The book is not remarkable, nor is it, in style, to be called common-place.”
Boyesen, Bayard. Marsh: a poem. $1. Badger, R: G.
“Is a piece of rather shadowy symbolism, which has, withal, a continuity of poetic atmosphere that is distinctly of promise.”
“It contains some fine lines, but the average reader is too intent upon economizing his gray cortex to use it in deciphering allegories.”
“Is poetic both in feeling and expression, moving swiftly and easily in its dramatic form, but the symbolism is too pervasive and rather obscure and the setting is cumbersome for the matter.”
Bradford, Amory H. Inward light. **$1.20. Crowell.
“Altho these papers were written before the publication of Sabatier’s ‘Religions of authority and the religion of the spirit,’ they may be regarded as the doctrine and message of that remarkable book adapted to the religious situation in America.”
Bradford, Gamaliel, jr. Between two masters. †$1.50. Houghton.
“A young man who suspects taint on money won in State street but is uncertain as to how it may be removed or avoided is the central figure of the tale. In addition there are three young ladies, one standing for ease of living and material comfort, one for charm and vivacity of manner, and the third for social service. In the end his feet stray into the paths of the social settlement.”—Pub. Opin.
“An entertaining sentimental novel.”
“The social philosophy with which the book abounds is rather vague and ill-defined but the general idea has promise.”
Bradley, A. C. Shakespearian tragedy: lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. $3.25. Macmillan.
“We are impelled to state our belief that we have here a criticism which, in its combination of profundity and brilliance, of subtlety and balance, of eloquence of expression and exactness of thought, surpasses any comprehensive treatment of Shakespeare since the great critics of the romantic revival.” William Allen Neilson.
Bradley, Arthur Granville. Captain John Smith; with a map of the Powhattan district of Virginia. 75c. Macmillan.
Relying chiefly upon Captain Smith’s personal narrative, the biographer sketches Smith’s early career in the high seas, his coming to America, his adventures here among the savages and his explorations, his return to the Old world and his quiet life there, and the end of his busy life.
“Admirable little book.”
“The volume is to be commended.”
“With all the author’s credulity, however, we have in this work one of the best accounts of Smith’s life that has been written.”
“The whole story is agreeably told, and the book in every way pleasant to read.”
“Considering the range of the hero’s career and the advantages the subject affords, the book is astonishingly tame—but one may count it as a fairly truthful picture of the man as candid historians have come to see him.”
“Is undeniably interesting, but is extremely uncritical.”
36“Forms one of the best of the ‘Men of action’ series.”
“Mr. Bradley tells the tale in a pleasantly ironic style, where enthusiasm for the subject is mingled with a sense of his amazing and whimsical fortunes.”
Bradley, Arthur Granville. In the march and borderland of Wales. **$3. Houghton.
In this volume “Wales and its people and the eastern counties of England are happily described.... The book treats not only of the Marches of Wales, but of the English counties bordering on the principality.... Wherever Mr. Bradley wandered, he made notes and studied local history—not merely the history that one finds in books, but the history that is handed down by word of mouth.... Odds and ends ... that make this story vastly interesting to read.... Mr. Bradley was accompanied by a sympathetic artist, Mr. W. M. Meredith, whose pictures are pronounced excellent and accurate by the author.... A good index completes the volume.”—N. Y. Times.
“Here is a long book, disfigured by blunders so numerous that they arrest the attention abruptly and make the act of reading far less agreeable than it ought to be.”
“He knows how to write and what to write.”
“For the average American reader the treatment is sometimes over-minute and leisurely.”
“Is a guide-book, a history, an atlas, and an appreciation of Wales, all in one.”
“The book is, we think, decidedly superior to the author’s two volumes of ‘Highways and byways’ and quite on a level with ‘Owen Glyndwr.’ Such slips notwithstanding, this itinerary is a brilliant piece of work for which all dwellers and tourists on the March should be duly grateful to the author.”
“Every page has some new and various interest. And the pleasantest part of the whole thing, perhaps, is the waiter’s own fresh, good-humored, kindly, enthusiastic spirit.”
Brady, Cyrus Townsend. My lady’s slipper. **$1.50. Dodd.
“Another charming love story.”
Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Patriots. †$1.50. Dodd.
“General Lee is the noble figure put upon a fitting pedestal in this romance of our Civil war. A tangled love affair straightens itself out by the simple device of mismatched lovers seeing their error and turning to their soul mates before it is too late.”—Outlook.
“The writer has, moreover, a pretty knack of working up his historical argument, and he has really read widely and wisely in American annals.” W. M. Payne.
“His last novel is, by all odds, the best he has ever written, but that is not saying enough to recommend it.” Mrs. L. H. Harris.
Brady, Cyrus Townsend. True Andrew Jackson. *$2. Lippincott.
The “True biographies” series aims at no formal biography in chronological order. In keeping with this purpose the author says, “here is an attempt to make a picture in words of a man; to exhibit personality; to show that personality in touch with its human environment; to declare what manner of man was he whose name is on the title page. Not to chronicle events, therefore, but to describe a being; not to write a history of the time, but to give an impression of a period associated with its dominant personal force, has been my task.” Thus the work is an intimate personal sketch of the man, based upon years of study.
“Mr. Brady seems to have placed a rather uncritical dependence upon Parton and the two recent biographies of Colyar and Buell, and to have wholly ignored the collection of Jackson papers in the Library of Congress, a collection that is unique for the vivid insight it gives into Jackson’s character.”
“Mr. Brady’s picture is neither true nor plausible.”
“There is too much quotation, and the result is too much like a scrap-book. Mr. Brady has made a closer study of Jackson than most of the recent authorities quoted by him, and his judgment, not theirs, should have been given.”
“The historical background is weak, and the forces which shaped the hero’s life are but half understood.”
“He is uncritical and undiscriminating in the use of material. The book is, of course, not faultless in accuracy of detail. He is always fair.”
“His work is further open to objection as ill-proportioned, abounding in extreme statements, and uncritical—defects which quite outweigh the considerations that it is vivacious, rich in anecdote, and thoroughly readable.”
“Little new knowledge is added to the work of previous biographers.”
“Most readers will be indebted to him for not a few facts that they could not have gleaned from a reading of Parton or any other of Jackson’s numerous biographers.”
“With laudable impartiality, but without much claim to clearness of arrangement or distinction of style, Mr. Brady has brought together a mass of facts which fairly justify the title of his book.”
Brady, Cyrus Townsend, and Peple, Edward Henry. Richard the brazen. $1.50. Moffat.
In this amusing comedy the vigorous hero, in the guise of a cowboy, rescues the heroine, who is the daughter of his father’s ex-partner in business, from a cattle stampede. Then he follows her to New York and, owing to a lucky accident, is enabled to masquerade as a young English earl and thus throw aside paternal prejudice and find time and opportunity to win the daughter. When all is explained the heroine does not regret her lost coronet but welcomes the discovery of her cowboy rescuer in the person of her audacious American lover.
“Clever and entertaining story.”
37“The tone of this novel will not commend it to those who appreciate work of the first order.”
“A novel which makes good reading for a winter’s night, or, for that matter, for any time.”
Brain, Belle Marvel. All about Japan; stories of the sunrise land told for little folks. **$1. Revell.
“A pleasantly written book.”
“The book would have been much better if it had not been leveled down, and if it had been expurgated of most of its piety—not its religion.”
Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt. Concerning Belinda. $1.50. Doubleday.
“Any one who has followed the diverting ‘Nancy’ through her various ‘misdemeanours’ and other sensations will not be disappointed in the new character Belinda.” G. W. A.
Brainerd, Eleanor Hoyt. In vanity fair: a tale of frocks and femininity. *$1.50. Moffat.
“A bright, chatty, and quite superficial account of certain phases of Parisian life, such as many newspaper people could throw off, and not a few could do better.” (N. Y. Times.) “She calls her views snapshots of the inner courts of Vanity fair, and the representation must be viewed entirely apart from any moral or ideal sentiment. Frocks, dining, races, sport, hunting, fashionable Paris in its most extravagant follies, with Americans following hard after, make up the record.” (Outlook.)
“The book, whether or not satisfactory as a whole, is entertaining.”
“The book of this season that most strongly commends itself as a gift to a traveler, especially to a woman, is ‘In vanity fair.’”
“Manages to treat a frail and trivial subject with much skill.”
“A very entertaining, gossipy book about French women.”
Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen. Main currents in nineteenth century literature. 6v. v. 4 and 6. v. 4, *$3; v. 6, *$3.25. Macmillan.
Volume six deals with “Young Germany,” and covers the period lying between the Congress of Vienna and the great revolutionary years of the mid-century.
“The present volume is one of the most interesting and admirable in the series. It gives the author abundant opportunity for the display of his extraordinary psychological gifts.”
“It is difficult to keep within bounds our admiration for the energy, the insight, and the profound philosophical basis of this masterwork of criticism.”
“He wrote in the full tide of liberalism, and his opinions are manifestly colored by political affiliations, but he writes always with spirit. The translation in the present edition is idiomatic, and, so far as we have examined, accurate.”
“Miss Morison, who has translated the last three volumes of the series, is responsible for much of the interest of the book; her translation is easy and fluent, to a very large extent, throwing down the bars between a foreign writer and an English reader, and much of the book’s interest is due to her.”
“As a whole, the study shows literary insight, breadth of view, and treatment vitalized by deep human sympathies.”
Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen. On reading: an essay. *75c. Duffield.
Dr. Brandes answers the three questions why, what, and how to read, incidentally giving good advice on the subject of owning a library.
Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen. Reminiscences of my childhood and youth. **$2.50. Duffield.
The reader follows this autobiography in the spirit of its synthetic presentation. Especially interesting is the transitional period when the formative forces became apparent, when religious, philosophical, and social ideas were vaguely demonstrating a resolving principle. It is a thoroughly subjective sketch, and its introspective character appeals rather to the philosophical student than the casual reader.
“Perhaps the most notable characteristic of the book is the address with which the writer manages to convey the impression of his own personality and at the same time to suggest the influences of his early environment.”
“What the most famous critic has to tell us is of interest in view of his position and personality, and it is charmingly told.”
“The vigor and the vitality which characterize his treatment of other writers are equally characteristic of this account of his own career, and in part even to the most trivial happenings a high degree of interest.” Wm. M. Payne.
“A two-fold value may be attached to this work. It is a piece of self-revelation by a master of psychological analysis, and it is a picture of events and personages prominent on the page of European history in the third quarter of the nineteenth century, seen through the prism of a very rich temperament.”
“The translation of the book is, unfortunately, not very good. Not only is Brandes’s nervous, individual style entirely lost, but the translator shows lamentable ignorance of idiomatic English.”
“While there is little in the narrative that is of permanent value, it is an interesting exercise to assume the writer’s point of view, and look out of the windows he opens toward the world of social, artistic, and literary movement.”
38Breal, Auguste. Velazquez, tr. by Mme. Simon Bussy. *75c; lea. *$1. Dutton.
“He has plenty of enthusiasm in his heart, but he writes with moderation, and his little book forms an almost ideal introduction to the study of Velasquez.” Royal Cortissoz.
Breasted, James Henry. Ancient records of Egypt: historical documents from the earliest times to the Persian conquest, collected, edited and translated with commentary. 5v. ea. *$3. Univ. of Chicago press.
A five volume work which when completed by the last volume next fall will constitute a full and reliable source book of Egyptian history. The work is intended as a companion to the author’s “History of Egypt,” and in scope covers chronologically arranged inscriptions from the earliest records to the final loss of Egyptian independence by the Persian conquest.
“The general arrangement of the work seems excellent, and Dr. Breasted’s translations leave nothing to be desired.”
“The series is admirably planned and executed and promises to be of immense value to all workers in these lines.”
“No student of ancient history can be satisfied without access to this important work.”
“When the promised index to these translated records has been issued, Professor Breasted may be cordially congratulated on having begun and ended a great task, by the successful accomplishment of which he has put the study of Egyptian history on an entirely new footing.” F. Ll. Griffith.
“Such source-books are invaluable to the student of Egyptian history.” Ira Maurice Price.
“The fullest as well as the most vivid and interesting that has ever been written.” F. Ll. Griffith.
“It is time that such a work as this by Professor Breasted were provided.”
“Professor Breasted has accomplished a very difficult task never before accomplished, and one which is greatly to the credit of himself and of the Chicago university.”
“The whole series of volumes is indispensable not only to the Egyptologist but also to the historian, and will be found interesting even by ‘the general reader.’”
Breasted, James Henry. History of Egypt from the earliest times to the Persian conquest. **$5. Scribner.
“This book fills a great want. The writer seems to me to view Egypt too often not as a critic but as an over-enthusiastic lover and admirer, a fault rather general with the older school of Egyptologists. The treatment of the transliteration of Egyptian names, abounding in unwarranted innovations and inconsistencies, is hardly suited to a popular work.” W. Max Müller.
“Pitfalls have been avoided by Dr. Breasted, and in the result, and subject to the caution we have indicated, his book is the best so far at the disposal of the general reader.”
“The best single-volume history of Egypt yet published. The work is intended for the general public rather than the specialist.”
“Professor Breasted has shown remarkable skill in weaving together the scattered fragments of information that we possess covering the whole period of his treatment; and the result is a vigorous, popular, and highly interesting narrative account—even though sometimes severely condensed—of the political, religious, and social life of the ancient Egyptians.” Ira Maurice Price.
“He has, in a word, and without abating a jot of authority, invested the most arid as well as the most intensely human topics of Egyptology with a fresh interest. To us its most serious defect lies in the unduly high valuation of the influence of the Nile valley people on the earliest civilization of Southern Europe.”
“His style ... is singularly vigorous and lucid. Professor Breasted never forgets that his book is a history and not an archaeological treatise, and this is one of his great merits.”
“The student will look in vain for any other one work so well adapted as this volume is to give him his first broad ideas and impressions of the beginning of civilization and of the great general tendencies of social evolution which have been exemplified in the development of all peoples ancient and modern.” Franklin H. Giddings.
“Little seems to have escaped his notice, and the story is put together out of it in a pleasant and readable way.”
Brennan, Rev. Martin S. What Catholics have done for science: with sketches of the great Catholic scientists. 3rd. ed. $1. Benziger.
A general refutation of the two wide-spread notions that when a man devotes himself to science, he must necessarily cease to be a Christian and that the Catholic church is hostile to scientific progress.
39Brent, Rt. Rev. Charles Henry. Adventure for God; six lectures delivered in 1904. **$1.10. Scribner.
Bishop Brent of the Philippine islands appeals to the intellect, thru the imagination in his six lectures, The vision, The appeal, The response, The quest, The equipment, and The goal.
“Bishop Brent outlines in vivid, effective form the impetus, character, and purpose or goal of the active Christian life. The style is vigorous and direct and the thought is practical and helpful.”
Bridges, Robert (Droch, pseud.). Demeter: a mask. *85c. Oxford.
“In ‘Demeter’, a masque written for and acted by the ladies of Somerville College, Oxford, the author tells the old tale of the rape of Persephone, of Demeter’s quest for her, and of her return as queen of Hades, to live in this world only during the flower-time. His variation upon the simplicity of the tale is his mystical account of Persephone’s experiences in the nether-world, where she learns the hidden darkness of evil.”—Spec.
“The verse throughout is extraordinarily interesting, and there is much to rank with the best of modern verse, both in its novelty and in its excellence.”
“It is but fair to observe that correctness and decorum usually attend the march of Mr. Bridges’s metrical battalions.” Edith M. Thomas.
“He had things that were worth saying and he has said them; but they are not the mighty things that Milton had it in him to say, nor has he the organ voice at the sound of which all other voices know that their part is silence.”
“The versification, where he is content to be normal, is easy and flowing, the diction graceful and worthy of the subject, but the beauty of the myth is too often overlaid with philosophisings which are not startlingly original.”
“In the main the verse has that grave perfection of form which Mr. Bridges almost alone of the moderns can achieve.”
Bridgman, Raymond Landon. World organization. 50c. Ginn.
“The present volume is an important contribution to the literature of peace and progress. In it Mr. Bridgman discusses the subject of world organization in the clear and able manner of one who has thoroughly mastered his theme.” (Arena.) The chief subjects discussed are: The world constitution, The world legislature, The world judiciary, The world executive, World legislation already accomplished, World business now pending. Forces active for world unity, and World organization secures world peace.
“It is an important contribution to the literature that makes for a permanent upward-moving civilization.”
Brierley, J. (“J. B.,” pseud.). Eternal religion. **$1.40. Whittaker.
Making use of the “heritage of the past centuries, with their vast endeavors after ultimate truth, and at the same time of a scientific method for assaying their results” the author first sets forth principles, necessary to an understanding of the theme as a whole, then deals with some of the leading positions of Christianity, and devotes the succeeding chapter to application of religion, as he expounds it, to some of the prominent present-day problems.
“In Mr. Brierley’s treatment of his subject, breadth and discrimination are equally apparent. For all religious teachers, and for any who are perplexed with religious problems, it would not be easy to find a more stimulating and helpful book.”
“We have read this book with much interest and with frequent agreement. On the other hand, we find much that is impossible to accept.”
Briggs, Charles Augustus. Critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Psalms. 2v. v. I. **$3. Scribner.
“This volume includes the introduction to the entire Psalter and the Commentary on Pss. 1–50.... Especial attention is given in the commentary to the poetical form, each psalm being translated with the due attention to the parallelism and recognition of the strophic structure. The critical position of the author might be called conservative in these days when many interpreters are denying the existence of pre-exilic psalms in the Psalter.”—Bib. World.
“The introduction is full and thorough, packed with learning.”
“His work upon it is not likely to be excelled in learning, both massive and minute, by any volume of the ‘International series,’ to which it belongs.”
“Dr. Briggs’s introduction is a monument of industry and learning.”
Brinkmeyer, Rev. Henry. Lover of souls: short conferences on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. *$1. Benziger.
Nineteen helpful conferences which treat from a Roman Catholic standpoint of: Devotions in the church, Love manifested in creation, The exceeding great reward, The memorial, The bread of life, The sacrifice, Reparation, The malice of sin, The satisfaction for sin, and other kindred subjects.
Brinton, Davis. Trusia: a princess of Krovitch. †$1.50. Jacobs.
Of the same old ingredients, an obscure corner of Europe, a revolution, a beautiful and throneless princess, and an adventurous American, the author has made a stirring and interesting tale. He carries his readers and his hero in a touring car from a New York club to Krovitch, an ancient kingdom on the borderland of Russia, where there is bloodshed and treachery, war and intrigue, in plenty. There the hero’s valet becomes a king, and the hero wins the love of a princess, Trusia, who after all is better fitted to be the wife of a wealthy New Yorker than mistress of a crumbling medieval castle.
“The proceedings are by turns stirring, comic, and pathetic. If there were less real gore and real killing it would read like unstaged extravaganza. Even as it is it seems widowed without light music.”
“There are plenty of exciting incidents, which begin with the first page and end with the last, and they are woven together with a fair amount of skill into a plot that is coherent and sufficiently reasonable.”
40Brooke, Stopford Augustus. On ten plays of Shakespeare. *$2.25. Holt.
“To the reader who has thought much about Shakespeare and is not new to Shakespearian criticism the book is disappointing in its meagreness. The author, while not going beyond what has been said by his predecessors, writes almost as if he had had none.”
Reviewed by William Allen Neilson.
“It is marked throughout by thorough scholarship, keen critical acumen, and refined taste.”
“To make us see more in Shakespeare, that is the writer’s desire. There have been few books so single-minded as this.” Edward E. Hale, jr.
“His inferences are generally reasonable, and his statements of facts accurate. But it is not clear that any very definite addition has been made by the publication of this book to the common stock of knowledge.” R. W. Chambers.
“They consist mainly of moral and esthetic commonplaces interrupted by occasional flashes of original insight.”
“The remaining plays chosen by Mr. Brooke are treated with equal individuality and insight, and with a finish and charm of style which would render the volume eminently readable, even to a jaded student of Shakespeare.” Jessie B. Rittenhouse.
“Unhappily Mr. Brooke’s insight and sympathy appear to be in an inverse ratio to the importance of the subjects on which they are exercised.”
“They are all the product of a fresh and imaginative mind, alive to all the subtle influences of poetry, and capable of conveying its impressions to others. Perhaps the best of all are those upon ‘As you like it’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet.’”
Brookfield, Charles, and Brookfield, Frances. Mrs. Brookfield and her circle. 2v. **$7. Scribner.
“The work of the editors is well done, and the book is sure to take its place among remembered annals of the Victorian period.” H. W. Boynton.
“Are quite as interesting as any other Brookfield volumes that have been published; and this is paying them the highest compliment.” Jeannette L. Gilder.
“There are fifteen portraits, all remarkably good; so good in fact as to give a value to the book in spite of the lack of judgment and good workmanship which characterize the editing.”
“It is really in these letters that the claim of the book to be here noticed lies, for the connecting paragraphs and the descriptions of the principal personages which come from the pens of the two compilers, are done in a somewhat loose and careless fashion, which shows itself even in the numerous misprints or misspellings of proper names we encounter.”
“The letters speak for themselves and are so complete in their reflection of the times and the people they represent that the slender thread connecting them is hardly more than a placing in order.”
Brooks, Hildegard. Larky furnace and other adventures of Sue Betty. $1.25. Holt.
Sue Betty worried about things in the nighttime and as a result she had many surprising adventures. She followed the larky furnace that went out nights and discovered what a really giddy creature he was, she met a pirate in the lighthouse where she went to see her cousin do light housekeeping, she rode delightedly on a saddle-moose, she interviewed the editor of the powder magazine in behalf of her uncle’s rejected manuscript, and she did many other interesting things all of which are found in this volume.
Brooks, William Keith. The oyster; a popular summary of a scientific study. *$1. Hopkins.
“The book is of great interest as a contribution to both natural and industrial history.”
“This book is interestingly written and well illustrated.”
Broughton, Rhoda. Waif’s progress. $1.50. Macmillan.
Brown, Alice. County road. †$1.50. Houghton.
“The thirteen stories that make this volume are excellent reading. Most of them are set in the kitchens and dooryards of New England houses; nearly all are enveloped in the young green of spring, and every one deals with a human predicament.”—Nation.
“There is no abatement of cleverness and there is an increase of rational motive, which both go to make a heartily agreeable volume.”
“Those to whom the stories are new have a rare pleasure before them. Those who have lingered lovingly over the tales as they appeared in the magazines will rejoice in their possession in permanent form.”
“They pass through pleasant places, they are free from haste, and they are frequented by quaint, simple, original people.”
Brown, Alice. Court of love. †$1.25. Houghton.
The Court of love “where everybody has what he likes and likes what he has,” was naturally looked upon by the world as a lunatic asylum, but it was merely the whim of a girl who had not found happiness and who wished to make other people happy. Julia Leigh’s unrestrained hospitality involves her in strange complications not of her planning, but by her fantastic masque she succeeds in re-uniting her best friend to a forgetful husband, in restoring a lost child to its uncle, in giving a burglar his deserts, in providing a real vacation for a houseful of strangers, and finally in securing for herself her heart’s desire. The whole is a pretty farce-comedy.
“No outline of its plot—if there be such a thing about it—could convey the least sense of its bubbling humor and joyously riotous course.” W. M. Payne.
“It has the piquancy of plot and an ease of expression that are refreshing.”
41“The plot is merry and farcical, quite absurd in fact, but some of the characters are cleverly amusing. On the whole, however, the little play is not up to the author’s usual high standard.”
Brown, Alice. Paradise. †$l.50. Houghton.
“It is a story of strong human interest, tender and humorous, and in its peculiar way strangely attractive.”
“The larger relations of life, with which the book professes to deal, it handles, after all, rather half-heartedly; its real delight lies in the pages of humorous observation, its delineations of eccentric character. Miss Brown has done bigger and more enduring work.”
Brown, Anna Robeson (Mrs. C. H. Burr, jr.). Wine-press. †$1.50. Appleton.
Reviewed by Mary Moss.
Brown, Arthur Judson. New forces in old China: an unwelcome but inevitable awakening. **$1.50. Revell.
“The most obvious omission is that of the vital matter of education, but with the help of the index even this defect may in a measure be supplied.”
Brown, Charles Reynolds. Social message of the modern pulpit. **$1.25. Scribner.
The Lyman Beecher lectures on preaching delivered at Yale during 1905–6. “The burden of the lectures is that it is the chief duty of the clergy, at least in the present situation, to inculcate true principles of social action and become leaders in the work of social reconstruction.” (Nation.)
“His appeal is rarely to facts of personal observation or to what might be called the original documents of sociological controversy, but is commonly to writers whose entire fairness and inerrancy have yet to be proved.”
“Vitalized throughout by a strenuous moral tone, insisting on the supremacy of spiritual ends and values, these lectures are characterized also by the breadth of view and sanity of judgment which comes of long and friendly contact with the interests both of trade and unionists and capitalists in California.”
“The man who thinks that the message of Christianity is an academic discussion of theological matters would do well to read this volume. For every clergyman the reading of it is a duty.”
Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes. In and around Venice. *$1.50. Scribner.
“Other books may tell us much of Venice; Mr. Brown gives us Venice from the Venetian point of view.”
“Justifies all expectations. He does not write simply of its picturesque aspects. He is learned in all the lore of the region, historical, geographical, practical and artistic.”
Brown, John A. Harvie-. Travels of a naturalist in northern Europe: Norway, 1871, Archangle, 1872, Petchora, 1875. il. 2v. *$20. Wessels.
These two volumes contain the journals which Mr. Harvie-Brown, “an accomplished ornithologist and enthusiastic faunist,” kept from day to day during the expeditions to Norway, Archangle and Petchora. “The real value and purpose of the book, however, lie in the observations of the author and his companions on bird and animal life,—observations that are minutely correct and scientific, and will be of interest to those deeply versed in bird and animal lore.” (Dial.)
“The book is rather one for a naturalist’s library than for general reading, yet there are many passages of character and travel which no reader could fail to appreciate.”
Reviewed by H. E. Coblentz.
“There are some instructive notes on the habits both of birds and men, for all of which one is grateful, wishing only that there had been more of this wheat and less of the journalistic chaff.”
Brown, Marshall, ed. Humor of bulls and blunders. **$1.20. Small.
A book of fun primarily designed to amuse, and negatively to suggest the importance of clear expression and simplicity of style. There are educational, parliamentary, political, and typographical bulls and blunders, there are humorous arraignments of advertisements, epitaphs, and letters, and there is comedy in careless sentence structure, punctuation and wrong use of words.
“A merry book, a book full of mirth-provoking passages. He seems to have captured everything in his line.”
Brown, Vincent. Sacred cup. †$1.50. Putnam.
“The title refers to the sacrament of the Communion. The central characters are a gentle clergyman, a young man, and a young woman.... Before the story opens a man has seduced a village girl, who dies after giving birth to a child. The child is brought up in the clergyman’s house, a fact which scandalizes many people. Presently the vicar hits upon the identity of the child’s father, who becomes engaged to the Lady Bountiful of the district. There comes a day when the vicar feels obliged to refuse to administer the sacrament to this unconfessed sinner, and upon that action the whole book hinges.”—Ath.
“We have found the novel extremely interesting, for the plot is well worked out and the characters are clearly developed.”
“The conclusion is ineffective, and, notwithstanding a certain cleverness, the novel cannot be called a success.”
“This is altogether the best piece of fiction written by Mr. Brown.”
“It may be occasionally dull, but it is never cheap; while in conception it is tender, and even noble, and it yields passages of real delicacy and sensitiveness to spiritual beauty.”
“There is decided ability and moving power in the scenes when the quiet, timid little rector stands true to his religious conviction and sacrifices his interests and his human ties.”
“The story is lacking in many essential elements of strength, as well as in a completely balanced development of the characters.”
42Brown, William Garrott. Life of Oliver Ellsworth. **$2. Macmillan.
“Besides being a biography and concerned particularly with the career of Ellsworth, the book also presents a picture of life in New England in Colonial times—the life of the people, picturesque scenes, and many episodes.” (N. Y. Times.) “Much hitherto unpublished material is brought to light, the arrangement is as a rule excellent, and the impression left is that of a clean cut portrait of a fine old Connecticut and American patriot.” (Outlook.)
“I cannot venture to say that it is absolutely free from error, for I have not scrupulously sought for blunders; but those I have noticed are trivial. The book is well written because the English style is clear, straight-forward, and simple, not over-elaborated or striving for effect.” A. C. McLaughlin.
“Much information which is not readily, if at all to be found elsewhere.”
“A clear and sane account of a worthy patriot and jurist is given by a practiced historian in this volume.”
“The life story [is] ... unfolded clearly and in an interesting way. At times Mr. Brown troubles himself overmuch about petty details, and at others betrays an undue enthusiasm for his hero. But his work—which is based on original research and makes available not a little hitherto unpublished material—has the signal merit of affording a better insight not alone into Ellsworth’s character and activities, but into the temper of the times in which he lived.”
“His biographer, accordingly, finds a dearth of material, and is forced to rely much upon that indispensable and most dangerous faculty of the historian—imagination. As a judicious and sympathetic study of a notable American statesman and jurist, the volume is heartily to be welcomed.”
“In William Garrott Brown’s book on his life and works the treatment is as ample as could be desired, if, indeed, it be not a trifle too detailed for easy reading.”
Brown, William Haig. Carthusian memories and other verses of leisure. *$1.60. Longmans.
“A little volume of occasional and other verses by the late head master of Charterhouse, collected by his daughter. These verses represent some of the thoughtful hours of ease crowning days of toil, and reflect a gentle, kindly man whether in serious or more humorous moods.... These pages contain no mere jingling rhymes, although they show the light touch of an accomplished versifier, the work being invariably easy and natural. Dr. Haig Brown is equally at home in English or Latin, French or Greek or German.... The many specimens of prologues for Old Carthusian theatricals show a pen as facile as that of Dryden, and the four-foot rhyming Latin lines, might have come from a skilful mediaeval monk.”—Ath.
“There is in all these sets of verses ... a warmth of heart and an affection ... for the school over which he reigned for thirty-four years together with a quiet sense of fun.”
“A congeries of scholarly good things.”
“The general reader will find the book not without a peculiar charm, which it derives less, perhaps, from its graceful art than from its attractive humanity.”
Brown, William Horace. Glory seekers: the romance of would-be founders of empire in the early days of the Southwest. **$1.50. McClurg.
These true stories which read like romance are mainly of men who “standing on the rugged confines of civilization in America at an early period of our national life, sought distinction by attempting to hitch their wagons to the star of empire.” Here are recorded Wilkinson’s “treasonable enterprise,” “Citizen” Genet’s undertakings, disgrace of Senator Blount, Burr’s arrest, Philip Nolan’s expedition to Texas, the Magee expedition to Texas and Mexico and other glory-seekers’ efforts to invade the Southland.
“The book is well done and is interesting.”
“Mr. Brown narrates the facts fairly enough, but still with that due regard for the picturesque which the subject seems to demand.”
“The stories are worth re-telling, and the author tells them most interestingly.”
“He has also sacrificed critical caution to the desire to be entertaining, and his work is further marred by a flippancy of style strangely out of keeping with the theme and in itself conducing to weaken any claim his book may have to serious consideration.”
Browne, George Waldo. St. Lawrence river: historical, legendary, picturesque. **$3.50. Putnam.
“It is in delineating the picturesque that Mr. Browne is at his best, but even here we usually have rhapsody rather than sane description. It would be tedious even with space at one’s disposal to point the dozens of mistakes in the book. Enough has been written to show that Mr. Browne was not equal to the task before him.”
Browne, Nina Eliza, comp. Bibliography of Nathaniel Hawthorne. *$5. Houghton.
The initial volume in a series of bibliographies of prominent fiction writers. The author, the secretary of the American library association publishing board, has spent sixteen years upon her task, and has included entries of everything that can be found in print by and about Hawthorne, with references also to all the articles that were called forth by the recent Hawthorne centenary.
“The book is comprehensively arranged, and the items for the most part very completely covered, so that the volume stands as a genuine contribution to bibliographical literature, and must prove invaluable to the Hawthorne student.”
“Miss Browne has done a remarkably good piece of work in her bibliography of Hawthorne.”
Browning, Oscar. Napoleon: the first phase: some chapters on the boyhood and the youth of Bonaparte, 1769–1793. *$3.50. Lane.
“He has carefully gathered the necessary materials and arranged them in excellent order for 43those to whom French books are sealed. The digest, too, is fair and discriminating.”
“Does not claim to be more than a summary of MM. Chuquet and Mason’s works on Napoleon’s early years.” L. G. W. L.
Browning, Robert. Select poems; arranged in chronological order, with biographical and literary notes by Andrew Jackson George. $1.50. Little.
Browning, Robert. Selected poems; with biographical sketch by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. $1.25. Crowell.
Browning in the “Thin paper poets” edition is a companion for daily walks, easily pocketed. The fact that Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke contribute the biographical sketch vouches for its literary quality and authoritativeness. The frontispiece is a reproduction of his last photograph made in 1889.
Browning, Robert. Selections from Browning; ed. with introd. and notes by Robert Morss Lovett. *30c. Ginn.
A collection for the person who has not read Browning. The order in which they would easily appeal to such a reader has been followed, giving first poems of action and narration; second, poems of places; third, love poems; and fourth, poems of character.
Bruce, William Samuel. Social aspects of Christian morality. *$3.50. Dutton.
Believing that the social problems are at the foundation personal and moral problems, the author would solve them “in accordance with the principles of justice and equity.” He discusses the following subjects: Scope and method of social ethics. Christian ethics, The family, Marriage, Family life and relationships, The state, The national state, State intervention, The civic power, The Christian state, Public morality and the state, The social mind and the press, Ethics of war, Ethics of art, Science and Education.
“Dr. Bruce cannot be said to have made any real contribution to the discussion of his theme.”
“Simplicity, practicality, and sedate strength characterize these lectures.”
Brummitt, Daniel B. Epworth league methods. *$1. Meth. bk.
“The Epworth league movement is here set forth with such attention to detail that the book will be found a working hand-book, sufficient to give every chapter a complete and not easily exhausted scheme of work, with most of the plans worked out in full,” and it will be of interest and value to the thousands of young people of the Methodist church who are enrolled under the league’s banners thruout the United States.
Bryan, William Jennings. Letters to a Chinese official: being a western view of eastern civilization. **50c. McClure.
Written by way of reply to the “Letters from a Chinese official” by Mr. Lowe Dickinson. They have grown out of Mr. Bryan’s recent travels in the Orient, and discuss such subjects as Chinese civilization overrated, Western civilization underrated, The folly of isolation, Labor-saving machinery, Government, The home, Without a mission, and Christianity versus Confucianism.
“It is a serious and convincing argument that Mr. Bryan advances—rather more serious, perhaps, than was called for by so evident a satire as the first production.”
Bryant, Sara Cone. How to tell stories to children. *$1. Houghton.
Helpful instruction to mothers and teachers on the psychology of story-telling is followed by a group of stories prepared for use. “It is pleasant to realize that the author places more store by the imaginative force of the legend than its educative value, that she realizes the first requisite of the story is to give joy rather than to carry primarily useful information.”—Ind.
“Suggestive to mothers and teachers.”
Buck, Gertrude, and Morris, Elizabeth Woodbridge. Course in narrative writing. *80c. Holt.
A course is here provided with an aim to definite practical results for the student of composition. The author discusses the structure of the story, finding the story, the point of view, the beginning and the end of the story, scenes and transitions, character drawing, and the setting, names and titles.
“It appears to us, that granting the propriety of the fundamental conceptions, as we do not, the development of the subject is in the right order, and the exercises, as is usual in the text-books of these authors, ingenious and good.” E. E. Hale, jr.
“Contains some interesting comment on the construction of the novel and might be useful in connection with the study of literature.”
Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis. Egyptian heaven and hell. 3v. *$5. Open ct.
“The first two of his three volumes are given to the transcription and interpretation of the two great books in which the ‘Learning of the Egyptians.’ as it is related to the life after death, was expressed; the third is a history and explanation of the two. These may be defined as rival theories of eschatology, or they might be described in more popular language as illustrated guides to the abodes of the dead. They represent respectively the popular and the educated view of the other world.”—Spec.
“Dr. Budge’s rendering of the very difficult texts with which he here has to deal is in every way adequate, and his third volume, in which he discusses their bearing, contains matter which it is incumbent upon every student of such matters to read.”
“It is impossible to do full justice to this work in the space at our disposal, but it will certainly long form the standard work on the subject of Egyptian eschatology.”
“The conceptions of the rewards and punishments of the dead in the next world as given in these two books are also well worth the attention of the anthropologist.”
“None of the material has escaped Dr. Budge’s unwearied industry. The English reader now has before him all that can be known at present about the ‘Book Am-Duat’ and the ‘Book of gates.’”
44Buell, Augustus C. Paul Jones: founder of the American navy. 2v. $3. Scribner.
Mr. Buell’s work on Paul Jones published six years ago appears in new edition form, with supplementary chapter by General Horace Porter of sixty-five pages devoted to a detailed account of the recent discovery and identification of the remains of this revolutionary hero.
“Unfortunately, the publishers have not taken advantage of the opportunity afforded by a new edition to correct the many inaccuracies of the first imprint.”
“His book is quite good enough to deserve its splendid new setting.”
“Will probably take place as the authentic narrative relating to this early officer under the American flag.”
Buff: a tale for the thoughtful by a physiopath. $1. Little.
Buff, a frail wisp of humanity, passes thru interesting stages of development as thought, reason and observation bring him into harmony with the restorative power of nature. The aim of the sketch is to teach the beneficial results of co-operating with nature in developing useful lives.
“In the form of a biography, written in an unconventional but attractive manner.”
Buley, E. C. Australian life in town and country. **$1.20. Putnam.
“Australia is no longer a colony, but a nation. This is the keynote of Mr. Buley’s book on Australia.... It is a vivid picture that Mr. Buley presents of newly made cities humming with industry and business and filled with comfortable homes; great cattle and horse ranches, where every proprietor is a little lord of the manor; sheep farms in the back blocks fifty miles from a neighbor; gold fields where fortunes are made in a day and lost the same night; and wide, dreary stretches of the Never-Never land still awaiting irrigation and the consequent inrush of settlers.”—Pub. Opin.
“The book deals most entertainingly with Australian life, and is well illustrated.”
“The especial virtue of the book is its elementariness.”
“We have not, however, often read a volume in which solid information was conveyed in a more pleasing style.”
“This is an interestingly written volume, with a particularly absorbing chapter on the ‘Never never’ country.”
Bullock, Charles Jesse, ed. Selected readings in public finance. *$2.25. Ginn.
A book which supplies the collateral reading needed to supplement the text-book and lectures in a general course in finance. It aims to introduce students to standard authors on subjects of finance, to draw upon modern monographic or periodical literature not easily accessible, to present other material of a statistical, historical and descriptive nature that is necessary to amplify a knowledge of the subject.
“Ought to prove of great value to teachers in small colleges.”
“The chief criticism to be passed upon what is in other respects a most useful work is the comparatively slight attention paid to specifically American problems.”
“It is not often that a volume is found where the evils of such multiple authorship are so well overcome.” H. C. E.
Bumpus, T. Francis. Cathedrals of England and Wales. **$4. Pott.
“Mr. Bumpus’s book is a valuable guide in the case of these buildings not only describing them very fully, but also pointing out what parts of them are original, and what new.”
“His book should be carefully read before any of the churches he describes are visited.”
“It is no mere dressing-up of old material and hackneyed views.”
“Mr. Bumpus has only one real fault in writing about our cathedrals. He is convinced that all the restorations of English cathedrals, since, say, 1840 have been justified.”
“Not merely a useful handbook, but a piece of real literature.”
“We are not much struck by the illustrations, which are reproductions from very ordinary photographs such as any amateur might take, but the letterpress shows painstaking work, and the author is clearly well studied in architecture.”
“Mr. Bumpus writes, for the most part, with moderation and good sense. It is a pleasure to follow a guide so well informed and so enthusiastic.”
Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s progress: with notes and a sketch of Bunyan’s life. *25c. Ginn.
Uniform with the “Standard English classics” this “Pilgrim’s progress” has been carefully edited and abridged for school use.
Burdick, Lewis Dayton. Hand. $1.50. Irving co.
A survey of facts, legends, and beliefs pertaining to manual ceremonies, covenants and symbols. The chapters include a historical study of the hand as “Executant of the brain,” “A symbol of life,” “A symbol of authority,” “An indicator of fortune,” “Trial by the hand,” “Laying on hands,” “Lifting the hand,” “Taking an oath,” “The social hand,” “The healing hand,” “The hand of evil,” and others related in idea.
“An unusually interesting little monograph, prepared in a scholarly manner.”
Burgess, (Frank) Gelett. Are you a bromide? or, The sulphitic theory expounded and exemplified according to the most recent researches into the psychology of boredom, including many well-known bromidioms now in use. *50c. Huebsch.
In his satiric essay the sulphitic author raises a question without an answer, furnishing a classification by which the bores may be separated from the apostles of the unexpected which the few will apply and the many will indignantly condemn. But his theory is expounded with such conviction that if he 45reach a wide enough audience the stock phrases of the bromides here listed are doomed to become obsolete.
Burgess, (Frank) Gelett. Little sister of destiny. †$1.50. Houghton.
Margaret Million is a wealthy young heiress who plays the rôle of chorus girl, cashier, manicure, artist’s model, and serving maid in order to befriend and help less fortunate girls. Her Lady Bountiful methods demand that her beneficiaries never know the source of their good fortune—the idea of mystery enhancing the fairy-tale aspect of the book.
“The stories of her experiences are entertaining in spite of their unlikeliness.”
“Is one of the most lovable books that have come to our table for many a long day.”
“Everybody should read ‘The little sister of destiny.’”
“They vary in merit, but as a whole will not enhance the author’s reputation as a whimsical humorist.”
“After Mr. Burgess’s usual manner he mixes a good deal of sense with considerable whimsical nonsense.”
Burgess, William Watson. Life sentence; or, Duty in dealing with crime. $1.50. Badger, R. G.
The scene of this story is Carson City. In commuting the life sentence of a woman who had murdered a villainous man there is opportunity for the author’s arguments of justification. He would reform the world by preventing instead of punishing crime.
Burke, John Butler. Origin of life: its physical basis and definition. *$3. Stokes.
This bulky volume is based upon the “experiments of J. Butler Burke of Cambridge, England, upon the effect of radium salts upon sterile solutions of bouillon and other organic media. Under the influence of the radiations, small bodies (termed ‘radiobes’) appear in the medium which appear strikingly like micro-organisms in that they grow in size and later exhibit nuclei and then divide. It is held that they are not bacteria nor even protoplasm, but that they are really alive, and represent transitional and evanescent forms of matter and energy lying between the common inorganic types of matter and stable living aggregates.”—Nation.
“We are indeed no nearer the solution of the problem of the origin of life than before this book was written.” W. P. Pycraft.
“He possesses neither the learning nor the clarity of mind which give value to Dr. Bastian’s treatment of the same topics, irrespective of his personal views.” E. T. Brewster.
“It is to be hoped that he is more skillful with the test-tube than with the pen. His style is extraordinarily loose and awkward.”
“While biologists generally will regard this presentation, like the earlier one, as failing to prove the author’s main thesis ... nevertheless, the volume will serve a valuable purpose as an excellent exposé of both old and new theories of the origin of life, and of a philosophy of nature which is growing in popularity.”
“An interesting book on a perennially interesting theme.” J. A. T.
“Mr. Burke may not have proved his points, but he is not dogmatical, and he certainly seems a very wholesome philosopher.” Charles Loomis Dana.
“It is amazing that a man should dare to publish such a record of experiment, so slipshod, so uncritical, so destitute of scientific method; great must be his trust in the abundant and unfailing beneficence of popular ignorance.”
Burland, Harris. Black motor car. †$1.50. Dillingham.
“The volume, contains indications of a gift for narrative, and some respectable powers of description; it is compact of energy and enthusiasm.”
Burland, Harris. Financier. †$1.50. Dillingham.
A new story by the author of “The black motor car.” “Briefly set down, the plot involves an African region, a promoter who is also an unscrupulous British patriot, a contest with Germany, a little war with heaps of slain, an impossible young actress, an equally impossible young civil engineer, a peer or two, a panic, gold mines, and members of the kaiser’s secret service—especially a lady spy, picturesquely named Mrs. Wooddevil. Mr. Burland has by the way, a curious taste in names.” (N. Y. Times.)
“His ‘Financier’ like his other stories, is readable in spite of the glaring inexpertness of the diction, the wretched quality of the puppets, and the exposed condition of the wires that pull them about to do the showman’s will.”
“A crude story.”
“Is an honest piece of sensationalism free from the most glaring vices of its class.”
Burnett, Frances Hodgson (Mrs. Stephen Townsend). Dawn of a to-morrow. †$1. Scribner.
A book which embodies the spirit of Christian science without the letter seems to be a sermon with the unannounced text “I if I be lifted up ... will draw all men unto me.” A king of finance just ready to “shuffle off this mortal coil” by act of suicide withdraws to the slum section of London to hide his deed in a pauper’s seclusion. Here he is found by a “little rat of the gutter,” an ugly girl of twelve years, with astonishing insight into human hearts. This child with her sure faith in God as a present unfeared reality; Jenny Montaubyn who had taught her this hope; Polly, a girl of the streets; and a hungry thief form a group who make a great capitalist take hope and desire to work out his own salvation.
“Is a simple, old-fashioned miracle-play, set forth in modern London with the sure, swift touch of a practised story-teller.” Mary Moss.
“The little story is tenderly told, leaving the reader with a softened heart and broader sympathies.”
“It is an unusual little tale, written powerfully and dramatically.”
46“There is a decidedly tense air about the short story, which detracts from its intended effect.”
Burnett, Frances Hodgson (Mrs. Stephen Townsend). Little princess: being the whole story of Sarah Crewe now told for the first time. †$2. Scribner.
“It is unusual to tell a story three times over, but all three versions are charming, and we accept them with gratitude.”
“Is written in that fascinating style which has won for the gifted author of ‘The little Lord Fauntleroy’ so many admirers.”
Burnett, Frances Hodgson (Mrs. Stephen Townsend). Queen Silver-Bell. [+]60c. Century.
Silver-Bell, queen of the fairies, grieves because people have grown so stupid that they no longer believe in fairies. She is so agitated that her temper flies out of its golden cage, and the Dormouse, to whom she goes for advice, assures her that the only way she can atone for her loss is to encourage the writing of fairy stories. Into the ears of her amanuensis, apprenticed for life, she whispers these stories, which so far are three in number. “Queen Silver-Bell” and “How Winnie hatched the little rooks” are found in this first volume of the series.
“The little story will be warmly received.”
“While Mrs. Burnett’s style is so pure that it makes easy reading, there is not in her subject matter in these books any very striking motive to make an impression on the child’s mind.”
Burnett, Frances Hodgson (Mrs. Stephen Townsend). Racketty-Packetty house. [+]60c. Century.
The second volume of fairy tales dictated by Queen Silver-Bell to her amanuensis.
Burney, Frances (Madame D’Arblay). Diary and letters of Madame D’Arblay; ed. by her niece, Charlotte Barrett. 6v. ea. *$2.50. Macmillan.
Reviewed by J. C. Bailey.
Reviewed by J. C. Bailey.
Burns, Robert. Poems; with biographical sketch by Nathan H. Dole. $1.25. Crowell.
One of the eight volumes in the “Thin paper poets” series. The book contains a biographical sketch and a glossary, and as a frontispiece reproduces the Peter Taylor painting of Burns in 1786.
Burr, Agnes Rush. Russell H. Conwell, founder of the institutional church in America: the work and the man. **$1. Winston.
This is the sketch of a philanthropist still living, still doing active work for church, college, and hospital, in all of which three lines “he has blazed new paths ... has not only proven their need, demonstrated their worth, but he has shown how it is possible to accomplish such results from small beginnings, with no large gifts of money, with only the hands and hearts of willing workers.”
Burrage, Henry Sweetser. Gettysburg and Lincoln: the battle, the cemetery, and the National park. **$1.50. Putnam.
“His book is divided into three parts, the first dealing with the battle, the second detailing the circumstances connected with the inception, dedication, and completion of the cemetery and the third giving a record of the work of the park commission.” (Outlook.) “Of special interest are the chapters on Lincoln’s address, and the slightly different versions of it printed. He shows that many persons who heard the address were deeply impressed by it.... Mr. Burrage, with greater fulness than Nicolay or Hay, has gone into the circumstances in which Lincoln wrote the speech. He presents facts which are as new as they are interesting.” (Lit. D.)
“The sketch is well written and to the point.” Edwin Erle Sparks.
“Mr. Burrage’s monograph was worth the doing, and he has performed this task fairly well.”
“A useful volume by Major Henry S. Burrage, himself a war veteran and imbued with obvious enthusiasm for his theme.”
Burrell, Joseph Dunn. New appraisal of Christian science. 50c. Funk.
An estimate of Christian science made according to the standard of mental science resulting in an adverse summary characterized by such expressions as “infantile logic, offensive pretentiousness, and slippery casuistry.”
Burroughs, John. Bird and bough. **$1. Houghton.
This collection of the nature verses which have been published in various periodicals is happily dedicated “To the kinglet that sang in my evergreens in October and made me think it was May.” “The freshness and precision of Mr. Burrough’s observation need no comment. He is a master of clean-drawn phrase, and ... has a good gift of short-lined metre. So far as his work is poetry rather than versified nature study, it is so by virtue of a certain single-minded affectionateness of interest in nature.” (Nation.)
Reviewed by Edith M. Thomas.
Reviewed by Wm. M. Payne.
“Quite free from such introspection, without a trace of the haunting melancholy that pervades ‘The Shropshire lad,’ John Burroughs makes his songs of ‘Bird and bough.’”
Burroughs, John. Ways of nature. **$1.10. Houghton.
“In his latest book his observations are new and described with freshness and point.”
“Burroughs evidently proves his case to his own convincing, if not to a legion of his hearty friends and admirers.” Mabel Osgood Wright.
“He has thought out the subject, and what he writes is fairly interesting.”
Burry, B. Pullen-. Ethiopia in exile: Jamaica revisited. †$1.50. Wessels.
“It is a valuable contribution to the great racial problem which demands the serious attention of American statesmen. The author draws an instructive parallel between the condition of the negroes of Jamaica and those of the United States.” (Ath.) “The black man in republican America is vastly worse off than in monarchist Britain, she says; and no American has a right to gainsay her. The Jamaican is out of work because, owing to changed conditions, there is no work in Jamaica for him to do; the American negro is deliberately prevented from working by the whites, both North and South; they won’t have him.” (Nation.) “Miss Pullen-Burry sees the most hopeful sign in the work done by Dr. Booker T. Washington and his colleagues for the education and racial elevation of the negro, and gives a full and interesting account of this work.” (Ath.)
“We can commend Miss Pullen-Burry’s book; it is an excellent account of Jamaica, it is a fair study of the chief problem before us Americans.”
Burton, Richard. Rahab: a drama in three acts. *$1.25. Holt.
A drama made out of the story of the “Woman of Jericho” whose house was on the city wall. Dr. Burton’s quick imagination has given life and a distinctive dramatic energy to a Bible story that of itself is meager. His Rahab who has seen the glory of God of Israel in a vision and has dreamed of the downfall of Jericho is drawn in flesh and blood characters, and thru her and her three rival lovers a strong human interest is maintained.
“Dr. Burton brings to his task the faculty of clearly perceiving his ‘dramatis personæ’ of determining the interaction of his characters, and a skilled workmanship in the management of the verse-vehicle.” Edith M. Thomas.
“Dr. Burton’s ‘Rahab’ is a pretty enough academic exercise. But it has about as much to do with existing conditions as has the megatherium.”
“If the play lacks sufficient vigor to foretell for it length of days it has some qualities that are uncommon in contemporary verse.”
“It is simply and fluently written, with many felicities of phrase, and with comparatively few passages to which the most super-sensitive critic might object.”
“It is not in any sense a great play, but it has movement, vivacity, color, and dramatic feeling.”
Bury, John B. Life of St. Patrick and his place in history. *$3.25. Macmillan.
“His method can without hesitation be said to be sound, and his mind singularly unbiased. His mastery of the evidence, both in Latin and in Irish, is also unquestionable. The style, too, though rather compact and severe, is lucid and readable.” F. N. Robinson.
“The arrangement of the book is admirable. We hope that in a second edition we may be supplied with a complete index.” F. E. Warren.
Reviewed by T. W. Rolleston.
“The text of Professor Bury’s book is clear, succinct, and well arranged chronologically.”
“We cannot part from Professor Bury’s work without expressing our unfeigned admiration for his complete control of the original authorities on which his narrative is based, and of the sound critical judgment he exhibits in dealing with sources which present unusual difficulties.”
Butler, Alford A. Churchman’s manual of methods: a practical Sunday school handbook for clerical and lay workers. $1. Young ch.
A practical handbook compiled wholly from the author’s experience as Sunday school teacher, superintendent, clergyman and professor of religious pedagogy.
Butler, Ellis Parker. Incubator baby. [+]75c. Funk.
The author of “Pigs is pigs” writes an incubator baby’s comments upon the change from her “paradise” to the big uncongenial world presided over by her indifferent father and mother.
“Here we have gentle satire at its best. It is a delightful story and will be enjoyed by old as well as young, though it will be especially pleasing to the little people.”
“The satire is relieved by an abundance of sentiment and common sense.”
Butler, Ellis Parker. Perkins of Portland; Perkins the Great. †$1. Turner, H. B.
Seven adventures of Perkins of Portland leave nothing to be desired in the way of advertising-finesse. He seizes the moment to launch a ware upon a gullible public, and whether it be porous plasters or guinea pigs his success is obvious.
“Sequels and second books in the wake of a popular success, while they may be measurably good themselves, are usually dangerous experiments. This little book is, unfortunately, no exception to the rule.”
Byrne, Mary Agnes. Fairy chaser and other stories. 60c. Saalfield.
Five charming fairy tales for young readers: The fairy chaser, Kitty’s ring, The magic mirror, The old gray shawl, and Cecelia’s gift.
Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron. Poetical works; new and rev. ed.; ed. with a memoir by Ernest Hartley Coleridge. *$1.50. Scribner.
A complete edition of Byron’s poetry, containing all the new poems included in the 1898–1904 edition. The reader will find “a lively and well-written memoir by the editor, and judicious notes to the various poems, which explain all that one needs to know.” (Ath.)
“The introductory memoir ... is all that could be desired; in every way this is a most satisfactory edition of Byron to have on the bookshelf, and we think it will continue for many a long day, to deserve a place there.”
“An admirable and probably final edition of the noble poet.”
“It contains the gist of the editorial matter in Mr. Coleridge’s definitive seven-volume edition.”
“The text is authoritative.”
“In every way it is an excellent addition to one’s book shelves.”
“This is an acceptable one-volume edition of Byron’s poems.”
Cabell, James Branch. Line of love. †$2. Harper.
“An interesting contribution to romantic literature, not beyond popular understanding and enjoyment.”
“Altogether Mr. Cabell’s book is unusual in style, poise, and dramatic fervor.”
Cable, George Washington. Old Creole days; with 8 full-page il. and head and tail pieces in photogravure by Albert Herter. $2.50. Scribner.
In reprinting “Old Creole days” eight full-page drawings and fourteen smaller ones add new charm to the contents.
“The mechanical features are all of a high grade of excellence, and the volume has an air of dignity and beauty that well fits the charm of the contents.”
Cabot, Mrs. Ella Lyman. Everyday ethics. $1.25. Holt.
Both teacher and general reader will find in this volume the rudiments of right choosing and well doing. The moral aspects of the soul’s activities—memory, imagination courage, feeling and the sense of honor are discussed in detail with the special aim of serving the teacher’s needs.
“It is a book that every child might read with profit if it were not forced upon him in the form of ‘lessons.’”
Cadogan, Edward. Makers of modern history: three types: Louis Napoleon, Cavour, Bismarck. **$2.25. Pott.
Caffin, Charles Henry. How to study pictures. **$2. Century.
“Regarded as a frank imitation, however, the book is well enough of its kind.”
“Mr. Caffin helps people to look at pictures with their eyes, a not too common thing with writers on art, who mostly see pictures with their minds, which is quite a different matter.”
Caird, Edward. Evolution of theology in the Greek philosophers. *$4.25. Macmillan.
Reviewed by George Burman Foster.
Caird, Mrs. Mona. Romantic cities of Provence; il. by Joseph Pennell and Edward Synge. *$3.75. Scribner.
“This is a book bred of a sojourn in Provence and attesting an awakened eye and sympathy. It aims to catch the spirit of the place, the indefinable quality lost in a hurried railway passage, and succeeds best, perhaps, in imparting the reflex effects produced upon the traveller. The book is illustrated from over two dozen pen sketches by Joseph Pennell and about twice the number by Edward M. Synge, who draws with a similar preoccupation with the effect of sunlight, but with a more downright stroke, a generally wider interspace in shading and a greater use of outline.”—Int. Studio.
“Mrs. Mona Caird brings a romancer’s love of sentiment and an artist’s powers of description to her ‘Romantic cities of Provence,’ with the happiest of results.” Wallace Rice.
“Certainly no one of the season’s volumes is better worth owning than is this.”
Calderon de la Barca, Pedro. Eight dramas of Calderon; freely tr. by E. Fitzgerald. $1.50. Macmillan.
The eight dramas included here are as follows: The painter of his own dishonor, Keep your own secret, Gil Perez the Galician, Three judgments at a blow. The mayor of Zalamea, Beware of smooth water, The mighty magician and Such stuff as dreams are made of.
“His versions appeal neither to the scholar nor to the general reader: the one is irritated by constant omissions, amplifications, and liberties of every kind, while the other is disappointed at finding that the Spanish atmosphere has vanished.”
“It will save searching in a general collection, and can be comfortably held in the hand.”
“The Eversley imprint, owing to its cheapness and excellent typography, will appeal to many lovers of the Spanish poet.”
Calvert, Albert Frederick. Moorish remains in Spain. **$15. Lane.
“Taken altogether, Mr. Calvert’s book is most disappointing, and we think that the Alhambra plates should be withdrawn.” A. J. Butler.
“The coloured plates reproduce admirably the delicate devices characteristic of Moorish workmanship at its best. Mr. Calvert habitually confounds legend with fact, and fails to distinguish between the random assertions of a tourist and the statements of a scholar.”
“His book, so complete in other respects, is without an index, a fact that detracts very greatly from its value to the student.”
“With regard to the Moorish ‘architecture and decoration’ in these three cities, the main theme of the book, Mr. Calvert is himself rather prone to superlatives and gush; and, moreover, does not clearly see that architecture is something altogether different from decoration.”
49“The book seems worthy of its subject, and we would gladly give a more effective description of its many beauties.”
Cambridge modern history; planned by Lord Acton; ed. by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero, and Stanley Leathes. 12v. ea. **$4. Macmillan.
“There are unhappily gaps filled with second-rate productions, which detract considerably from the value of the whole.”
“As a book of reference this one has a certain value, though it is neither a monument of British scholarship nor of Continental, there being neither continuity nor unity in the product of a well-meant effort to weld the two. There is little charm of style anywhere, no quality of mysterious evolution in the subject which compels attention, no magisterial character in the book to command the highest respect. As to the bibliography, no arrangement could have been invented more forbidding to the searcher after authors, titles, or subjects.”
Reviewed by W. E. Lingelbach.
“It contains a great deal of good work by capable writers and if it does not reach Acton’s ideal, it does not fall far below that of M. Ernest Lavisse.”
“The weakest part of the scheme is its treatment of great men.”
“In the assignments of topics to their European associates, the editors of this important series have been especially happy. The division of the subject-matter into topics has been accomplished satisfactorily.” Henry E. Bourne.
“One is naturally tempted to compare the two volumes with the corresponding ones of their predecessor, the ‘Histoire generale.’ They are full of well-attested facts. But from the point of view of attractiveness of style and matter the English books fall behind the French. Its writers have not the French knack of dovetailing a striking incident or quotation into a perforce heavy narrative. All of them possess learning and industry; but taken as a whole their product is but dull reading, though there are exceptions.” W. E. Rhodes.
“It is in relation to international affairs, and especially to war, that the co-operative method breaks down worst. In a volume of such dimensions, with a scheme which drags most things away from chronological order, the lack of a thoroughly good index is especially unfortunate.” Hereford B. George.
“The volume is ample for clear views of Napoleon the man, the soldier, the statesman, and for his effect on the world in government, religion, society and art.”
“It is hard to see who will read the book, for the expert can get little from the disconnected monographs, while the layman is confused by the overlapping divisions, where there is no charm of style and no evolution which holds the attention.”
“The volume before us is inferior to none of its predecessors. Some of the chapters are of conspicuous merit, and throughout a very respectable standard is maintained, while, as the editors observe, ‘the dominance of an overwhelming personality gives the events narrated cohesion and unity.’”
“That part which deals with the literature printed and manuscript, including pamphlets and news letters, relating to the Thirty years’ war is likely to be of great service to students.”
“The general level of quality is well-sustained. It is perhaps not so high as in the first two volumes—‘Renaissance’ and ‘Reformation’—but it strikes us as rather higher than in the last preceding volume, that on the French revolution.”
“It must be acknowledged that the volume on Napoleon is not so uniformly excellent as the volumes on earlier epochs—the renaissance, the reformation, and the wars of religion.” Christian Gauss.
Reviewed by J. H. Robinson.
“There is not only a lack of general cohesion in the fragments but most of them are far from complete in themselves.”
Campbell, Douglas Houghton. Structure and development of mosses and ferns. *$4.50. Macmillan.
A recently re-written and enlarged edition of Professor Campbell’s work.
“That the book is fairly brought up to date goes without saying, though one may differ from the author as to the relative values among some of the newer researches, and may wish that some of the old figures had been replaced by new and better ones. Proof-reading throughout the volume has been very bad. The index is really absurd. Spite of defects ... we welcome the new edition and commend it to every botanist as a necessary reference work, even though he have the first.” C. R. D. and C. J. C.
“Professor Campbell is an ardent investigator, to whom cryptogamic botany is much indebted for substantial advance in certain directions, and he is, moreover, a clear expositor.”
“This edition without question must prove to be as helpful and suggestive as the one it supplants, and will be used by all students who wish to obtain a clear notion of the structure and relationship of higher plants.” Charles E. Bessey.
Campbell, Frances. Dearlove, the history of her summer’s make-believe. †$1.50. Dutton.
“Dearlove is a little maiden of eleven years, portrayed in a charming frontispiece. She holds 50sway over a family consisting of her grandfather, the Earl of Amherst; her uncle and aunt, Lord and Lady Inverona, and her young widowed mother Lady Margaret Gordon. The ‘Summer’s make-believe’ takes place on the Isle of Guernsey, where the family is spending a happy holiday. The ‘make-believe’ is an invention of Dearlove (otherwise Philomena,) who decrees that for the summer all the grownups shall become her age—except ‘Ganpa,’ who may be twenty-five—shall be called by their Christian names, and shall disport themselves like eleven-year-olds. How they do this, whom they meet, and what comes of it all makes a fanciful book.”—N. Y. Times.
“She tells her tale with a complete understanding of children and their ways; and heart as well as skill goes to make it the charming book it is.”
“The author can do better than this, but her gifts appear to us to lie in the direction rather of pure fantasy than fiction.”
“Will make grown-ups young again, if any book can.”
“The book is written in a style so limpid and pleasant, and tells about such true-hearted sweet people, besides having that indefinable thing we call ‘atmosphere,’ that, albeit with some grumbling, we fare on to the end.”
“Readers who like a series of charming sketches with a delicate thread of plot connecting them are cordially recommended to send for ‘Dearlove.’”
Campbell, Frances. Measure of life. **$1.50. Dutton.
“In her dedication Mrs. Campbell alludes to these tales and dreams as her ‘spiritual adventures,’ and that is perhaps the clearest description that can be given of them. Dreams, legends, and visions have each a golden thread of spiritual meaning woven into them. All the author’s eloquence is upon the side of right and goodness; her pages are full of counsels of perfection, of the wisdom of endurance, of the salutary effect of patience under pain, suffering and loss, of the value of self-sacrifice and tribulation in the discipline of life. Throughout she glorifies those bracing qualities which ordinary human nature is least inclined to go out of its way to cultivate. Some of the tales are charming in their tenderness and gaiety.... Others, of dreams and second sight, are curious and interesting.”—Acad.
“Ideas flow easily and find expression in a wealth of imagery that transforms familiar truths into something new and strange.”
“While her symbolical personages, such as the ‘master of illusion,’ are charming, her contemporary characters, whether English ladies or Irish peasants, do not entirely carry conviction. This criticism does not, however, hold good with regard to the still-life of the picture, which testifies to an intimate and sympathetic acquaintance with Irish landscape, and to a notable gift of description.”
Campbell, Scott, pseud. (Frederick William Davis). Below the dead line. †$1.50. Dillingham.
When Inspector Byrnes commanded New York police he issued an order demanding the instant arrest of every crook found by day or night in that part of the city lying south of Fulton street. This order soon earned for the district the title “Below the dead line.” This story records the operations of clever criminals who tried to evade the order.
Campbell, Wilfred. Collected poems. **$1.50. Revell.
A collection of Mr. Campbell’s poems that have appeared in American and English periodicals. They are prefaced by an introduction by the author in which he says “After all, the real root of all poetry, from Shakespeare to the latest singer, is the human heart.... It is man the hoper, man the dreamer, the eternal child of delight and despair, whose ideals and desires are ever a lifetime ahead of his greatest accomplishments, who is the hero of nature and the darling of the ages. Because of this true poetry will always be to him a language.”
“A poet whose inspiration is both strong and sustained.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Is marked neither by exquisite craft nor by great imaginative power.”
“His ‘Collected poems’ would have gained in poetic value by a more rigorous standard of selection, and by the drastic pruning of some of the pieces selected.”
“They have a pleasant ease and a very true and sensitive feeling for nature.”
“Some of his patriotic verses are as good as anything we have seen of the kind.”
Canning, Albert Stratford George. History in Scott’s novels. **$3.15. Wessels.
“Mr. Canning takes up fifteen novels in chronological sequence, from ‘The talisman’ to ‘Red-gauntlet.’ and runs through such portions of the plot as bring authentic personages into view.” (Nation.) “In each he explains the allusions, expands the references to historical facts, and in general connects romance with actuality.” (Outlook.)
“Is not without, some merit.”
Capart, Jean. Primitive art in Egypt; tr. by A. S. Griffith. *$5. Lippincott.
“M. Capart’s own part in the book appears to have been mostly confined to the selection of the matters to be reproduced, and this task has been discharged with both skill and judgment. The translation by Miss Griffith is adequate to its purpose.”
“It appeals, with its wealth of illustration and its sober judgment, to all who concern themselves in any wise with the civilization of primitive man. A word of praise should be said for the admirable work of the translator of the book, Miss Griffith ... her version reads like a bit of original English.” L. H. Gray.
Capen, Oliver Bronson. Country homes of famous Americans. **$5. Doubleday.
Capes, Bernard. Bembo: a tale of Italy. $1.50. Dutton.
“The tale opens in 1476, with the introduction of the heroine and a cavalier and their attendants going toward Milan. Later on in this chapter comes Bernard Bembo, who ‘mouths parables as it were prick-songs, and is esteemed among all as a saint.’ He is very young 51in appearance and ‘pretty.’ And he is a ‘child propagandist interpreting and embodying in himself the spirit of love.’ The story is not based on fact, Mr. Capes points out in preface, but ‘the fundamental fact of nature.’”—N. Y. Times.
“In the novel Mr. Bernard Capes is quite at his best.”
“Not even Mr. Hewlett has so successfully reproduced the mediæval atmosphere. The whole characterization is of a piece with the swing and virility of the style. It is a fine work, and reaches the high-water mark of living romance.”
“Mr. Capes has produced in this moving and opulent work something that comes near to being a masterpiece.” Wm. M. Payne.
“The story is well told.”
“Extravagance and violent over-emphasis are the greatest faults of his style, which is always strained to top-pitch, and glaringly over-coloured.”
“His euphuism sometimes gets out of hand and mars the poetry of his tale, and sometimes he lingers so long on an emotion that the reader is a little repelled. But for the work as a whole we have nothing but praise.”
Carducci, Giosue. Poems of Italy: selections from the odes of Giosue Carducci; tr. with an introd. by M. W. Arms. **$1. Grafton press.
A half dozen pieces selected from “Odi barbare,” translated, introduced and annotated by M. W. Arms.
Carey, Rosa Nouchette. No friend like a sister. †$1.50. Lippincott.
Sister Gresham, the strong, capable, contented woman, who establishes a model nurses’ home and finds her life’s happiness in it is a friend to the other characters in the book, in times of stress or trouble. They all lean upon her; her favorite sister Eleanor, who is made happy by the chance confession of the man who dares not aspire to her, her brother Lyall who goes as a missionary to Africa, and his child-like wife who refuses to go with him and later wakes to a realization of her love and duty. There are other characters also, some of whom stand alone, and there is another love affair in which the daughter of an old country family throws aside conventional barriers to marry the man of her choice.
“Her popularity is no doubt deservedly due in great part to the extreme wholesomeness of her tone, which makes her stories eminently suitable for the young girl, and also a love of detail which appeals to a certain order of mind in old and young alike.”
“It is her complacency, and the apparent conviction that she is conveying the truest and best in life to her twenty-five thousand readers that make Miss Carey’s books irritating.”
Carey, Wymond. “No. 101.” †$1.50. Putnam.
“No. 101” is a spy of the time of Louis XV, who betrays the secrets of the French ruler to the British. The identity of this spy is a mystery, and anyone so unfortunate as to discover the secret perishes within twenty-four hours. An English captain, a French nobleman, Louis XV, and Mme. de Pompadour figure prominently in the story.
“Few of the figures have the indefinable quality of vitality, but perusal brings the not altogether unsatisfactory sensation of having assisted at a well-staged historical drama while still enjoying the comforts of the domestic hearth.”
“He has allowed himself considerable liberties with the facts of history. But in view of the capital tale he has produced, the reviewer can not but readily forgive him.”
“Taken by and large it is a good deal better (merely as an excuse for passing superfluous time away) than most of its kind.”
“The story is entertaining.”
“The book is well above the average, but lovers of Dumas need feel no anxiety.”
Carl, Katherine A. With the empress dowager. **$2. Century.
“If she has been led away by gratitude and kindly feeling, it is difficult to find fault with her. And we may add that the skill and insight needed for literary portraiture are not often combined with the painter’s craft.”
“Reveals one of the most important steps in the transformation now going on in that giant empire.” John W. Foster.
“Beside being fascinating in itself, reveals very much of historical and antiquarian interest to those who have read widely and critically in the court life of the vassal kingdoms around the Middle country.” W. E. Griffis.
“She is not to be blamed for writing of the empress as she found her. But she must not expect her readers to accept her estimate at face value.”
“Cannot boast of any special literary attractions. The book is worthy of what it has not, an index.”
“It is interesting in a way and up to a certain point. But all that one cares to read might have been put into a smaller compass.”
Carleton, Will. Poems for young Americans. $1.25. Harper.
The verses of Will Carleton that are peculiarly adapted to younger readers have been grouped under three headings as follows: Poems for young Americans, Poems of festivals and anniversaries, and Humorous verse.
“They have the trick of rime, but somewhere there is the false ring of patriotism, that comes whenever one tries hard to write patriotically.”
Carlile, Rev. Wilson, and Carlile, Victor. Continental outcast: land colonies and poor law relief; with a preface by Rt. Rev. E. S. Talbot. *60c. Wessels.
An account of a visit to some of the labor colonies of Belgium, Holland, Germany and Denmark by two men engaged in the work of the Church army of England, and actually interested in the improvement 52of the English poor law. “How the unemployed of every sort, able-bodied or infirm, honest or criminal, men in search of work or vagrants and beggars, are treated in Continental Europe is the subject of this instructive volume.” (Outlook.)
Carling, George. Richard Elliott, financier. $1.50. Page.
Trained in an unscrupulous school of finance, the hero of Mr. Carling’s tale shows how material success can be attained by very corrupt practices. An eavesdropping stenographer rises to the position of trust magnate and the rounds by which he did ascend materially are scathingly marked off. It is a sort of “crack o’ doom” warning to “high finance” aspirants.
“The book is not pleasant reading, but may be a faithful picture. The story part of it is closely, carefully, and skillfully woven. Its satire is perhaps rather too patent to be as biting as satire ought to be.”
Carling, John R. Viking’s skull. 75c. Little.
A popular edition of “The viking’s skull.” Mr. Carling has written a peculiarly interesting and thrilling story which involves the mystery centering about a crime, and the meaning of a runic inscription on an old Norse altar ring. The hero promises his mother before her death to find the criminal in whose stead his father is serving a life sentence. The father’s escape from prison and disappearance add to the mystery to be solved.
Carlyle, Thomas. French revolution. 2v. $2.50. Crowell.
Uniform with the “Thin paper two volume sets.” The books are pocket size, with flexible leather binding, and are printed in large clear type on Bible paper. The frontispieces are respectively portraits of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
Carman, (William) Bliss. Pipes of Pan. *$2. Page.
Five recent collections of Mr. Bliss Carman’s poetry make up this substantial volume. They are as follows: From the book of myths, From the green book of the bards, Songs of the sea children, Songs from a northern garden, and From the book of valentines.
“There is scarcely a piece in the present volume that is devoid of melodious cadences and poetic imagery, yet the effect of the whole is of sunrise on a foggy morning at sea. Mr. Carman’s later work lacks poetic intensity, and the reader of it takes little away with him.”
“It is the chief fault of this fluent and often charming verse that it, too, is singularly soulless.”
Carman, (William) Bliss. Poetry of life. **$1.50. Page.
Carmichael, Montgomery. In Tuscany: Tuscan towns, Tuscan types and the Tuscan tongue. **$2. Dutton.
“The author has lived long in the Tuscan cities and has learned to admire the Tuscan character. His book is a series of expositions of that character in various manifestations. First, there are some chapters about the temperament of the people in general; then descriptions of types, such as the priest, the cook and the coachman; then accounts of less-known localities—Portoferraio, Mont La Verna, Orbetello—and of the national sport and the national lottery.”—Ind.
“No English reader, who thinks of visiting Tuscany or taking up residence there, should fail to read his book.”
Carmichael, Montgomery, ed. Life of John William Walshe as written by his son Philip Regidius Walshe. *$1.50. Dutton.
“John Walshe, says his son, was a splendid scholar and a devoted servant of God. Of his scholarship he has left as a monument many volumes of material relating chiefly to St. Francis of Assisi; of his devotion to God, impressive evidence is given in this narrative of his quest to know God, a quest that began in England in his earliest youth and found its consummation in distant Italy, whither he had fled from his merchant father’s counting-room, and where he entered upon a life of study, love and religion that was to lead him to the purest and most profound mysticism. The phrase a nineteenth-century mystic sounds strange indeed, but such was John Walshe, and a mystic whose influence, as diffused by his son’s filial zeal, must touch with uplifting power all who read the story of his painful pilgrimage.”—Outlook.
“A most unusual, fine, eloquent, sincere, even inspired piece of writing.”
“It is not a great biography, indeed, it has sundry obvious defects from a purely literary standpoint. But whatever of blemish it may seem to us to hold is lost from sight in contemplation of the saintly figure it reveals.”
Carpenter, Edmund Janes. Long ago in Greece: a book of golden hours with the old story tellers. $1.50. Little.
The atmosphere and literary excellence of the old Greek tales are preserved in these twenty and more simplified stories. Among them are Homer’s “Battle of the frogs and mice,” a portion of Aristophanes’ “Birds,” the wooing of Pelops, the tale of Hero and Leander, Ovid’s version of Narcissus and his shadow, Hesiod’s account of Pandora’s curiosity, and Pindar’s sketch of Thetis and many others.
“It has the particular merit that it follows the originals very closely and preserves something of the atmosphere as well as the subject matter of the famous old stories that it presents.”
“They are retold simply and in every way made attractive to the youthful reader.”
Carpenter, Edward. Days with Walt Whitman. $1.50. Macmillan.
“Mr. Carpenter, an English gentleman, made the poet’s acquaintance in the sixties through his writings; but met him only in 1877. Seven years later they met again. The notes made by the disciple were written out carefully, and have been published in an English magazine, but now only in book form.... The book has a chapter on Whitman as a prophet, one on the poetic form of ‘Leaves of grass,’ and another, and by no means the least interesting, on Whitman and Emerson. The new volume should please the ever-widening circle of lovers of the ‘Good gray poet.’”—N. Y. Times.
Reviewed by M. A. De Wolfe Howe.
“What one misses most in the book is any evidence that the author saw and felt Whitman as a poet.”
“But while Traubel’s face to face likeness of Whitman in all his moods is more interesting, Carpenter’s book contains a more definite literary appreciation of the man and his genius.”
“Mr. Carpenter’s attitude and language are those of an entirely sane person; he writes entertainingly and interestingly, without gush. Yet that his opinion of Whitman was that of a pupil toward a chosen master appears on every page.”
“Pleasantly written, reminiscent book, in the entertaining style of Mr. Carpenter’s other books.”
“It is a pity so much of this book should be mere tittle-tattle.”
Carpenter, Edward Childs. Captain Courtesy, a story of Old California. *$1.50. Jacobs.
The struggle between Mexico and the United States in old California is intertwined with the story of Captain Courtesy whose Spanish mother and American father were killed by the Mexicans and who for six years waged a warfare of his own upon his enemies by becoming an outlaw whose name spelled terror, a daring road agent with a great price upon his head. After a series of bold adventures he wins an American wife and American citizenship.
“This is evidently a first book, and it shows many of the faults of the ’prentice hand. He merely skims over the surface of things, as if he were in haste to tell his slight little story with the fewest words possible.”
Carpenter, Joseph Estlin. James Martineau; theologian and teacher. *$2.50. Am. Unitar.
“The work is really a model of what a work of this kind should be.”
Carpenter, Rt. Rev. William Boyd, bp. of Ripon. Witness to the influence of Christ; being the William Belden Noble lectures for 1904. **$1.10. Houghton.
“The author demands scientific examination of the religious facts, and shows himself well informed in the latest literature on the psychology of the religious experience.” Thomas C. Hall.
“Its chief excellence is its suggestiveness; its chief defect, its lack of orderly treatment of the subjects undertaken.” Henry Thomas Colestock.
Carr, Clark Ezra. Lincoln at Gettysburg. **$1. McClurg.
Written primarily as an address and delivered before the State historical society of Illinois, Mr. Carr’s effort may be considered an appreciation well worth the time of any student and reader. He sketches the transition from the disappointment of the assembled Gettysburg multitude, over Lincoln’s speech to the dawning realization that it was a masterpiece of oratory, and a “crowning triumph of literary achievement.”
Reviewed by Edwin Erle Sparks.
Carrington, FitzRoy. Pilgrim’s staff: poems divine and moral, selected and arranged by FitzRoy Carrington. **75c. Duffield.
The aim of the compiler has been to choose from the verse of three and a half centuries a “handful of poems, beautiful in thoughts and spiritual import, which should reflect, as well as might be, in a space so limited, all moods for self abasement of utter unworthiness, to the courage born of a firm faith in the divinity of man, which can face, unafraid, the Great Unknown.”
“Though there are lacking some poems that one might expect in even so small a collection as this, those that are included have been discriminatingly selected.”
Carroll, Phidellia Patton. Soul-winning: a problem and its solution; with an introd. by C: H. Fowler. *50c. Meth. bk.
A seven part discussion of the problem of soul-winning treats The importance of soul-winning, Personal effort in soul-winning, A successful method, Steps leading to Christ, Children won by personal effort, A revival not absolutely essential to soul-winning, and Preparation for soul-winning.
“To all who follow Dr. Carroll in his apparent contention that winsomeness consists in words fitly spoken, this book will be of great and interesting and in some respects a difficult sub-permanent value.” Edward Braislin.
Carter, E. Fremlett. Motive power and gearing for electrical machinery: a treatise on the theory and practice of the mechanical equipment of power stations for electricity supply and for electric power and traction. *$5. Van Nostrand.
“The first edition of this book was issued in 1896.... The book is essentially a compilation of principles, theory and results of experiments of the mechanical engineering features of electrical power plants, with some illustrated descriptions of existing plants.... [It includes] many subjects which are usually treated in separate books. It is neither a textbook nor a work of reference but practically an encyclopaedic compilation, from various sources, of descriptions and data on mechanical engineering which are supposed to be of interest to the electrical engineer.”—Engin. N.
“The engineering student will find each of the subjects of this book treated in far better shape in numerous standard works, and the general reader who is not a student will find the book in many cases too difficult of comprehension for him.” William Kent.
Carter, Jesse Benedict. Religion of Numa, and other essays on the religion of ancient Rome. *$1. Macmillan.
In order to facilitate presentation, Mr. Carter divides Roman history into five epochs, those of the legendary kings and the semi-historical kings, the first half of the republic, the last half of the republic, the beginning of the empire, and the renaissance of religion under Augustus. It “is less a handbook than a sketch of the change by which the original agricultural and secluded mythology of Rome and its gods who had their proper home within the Pomerium, developed into the prevailing mythology of the classical period.” (Ind.)
54“Gives, perhaps, as clear a general view as the reading public either desires or deserves. The work is entirely destitute of reference to authorities.” Andrew Lang.
“Mr. Carter gives no authorities and not too many details; hence his book will not supply the needs of real students of the subject. Nevertheless, the book will serve well as an introduction to the subject, being clearly and forcibly written.”
“This is a very valuable short study of an interesting and in some respects a difficult subject.”
“This little volume is full of suggestion and value.”
“The society may be congratulated on a carefully prepared and valuable volume.”
“Involves some interesting excursions in the bypaths of classical learning.”
“A readable sketch ... based on the recent critical work which has pieced together many isolated indications and filled numerous gaps by illuminating conjecture.”
Carter, Thomas. Shakespeare and the Holy Scriptures, with the version he used. *$3. Dutton.
“The good intentions and industry of the author of this volume are, of course, worthy of all respect, but we cannot avoid the feeling that they have been wasted on a tedious piece of work.”
Cartrie, Count de. Memoirs of the Count de Cartrie; with introd. by F: Masson, and appendices and notes by Pierre Amédée Pichot. *$5. Lane.
A record of the extraordinary events in the life of a French royalist during the war in La Vendée, and of his flight to Southampton, where he followed the humble occupation of gardener.
“A work which reflects credit on all concerned.”
“As a tale of adventure, the work cannot fail to attract. It also has value as a side-light thrown on a memorable epoch in French history.”
“The interest of these memoirs is very great, great everywhere and they have considerable historic value.”
“Its limitations in interest are its best guarantee of genuineness: and in genuineness as a human document typically illustrative of personal fortunes during the French revolution its chief interest lies.” G: S. Hellman.
“This story of suffering and hairbreadth escape shows the nature of the struggle in a way that historians as well as students will welcome.”
Cartwright, Julia (Mrs. Henry Ady). Raphael. *75c. Dutton.
This little manual on the life and art of Raphael is the fourteenth volume in “The popular library of art.” The author tells about the “birth of Raphael and his life and studies at Perugia, Florence and Rome. She describes his Madonnas, the Vatican Stanze, his portraits of contemporaries, his work as architect and decorator, and his cartoons, the last of which, she says, ‘mark the final stage of Raphael’s artistic development.’” (N. Y. Times.)
“Mrs. Ady seems to have been helped by the rigid limitations of space to give us her very best. The essential acts of Raphael’s life and art could not have been stated more concisely. Nor has the necessary compression of the material made for dullness.”
“Within its limited compass, a singularly complete account of the character and development of Raphael’s work. She is of course thoroughly familiar with modern critical opinion, and as far as it goes her work is exact and scholarly.”
“The volume is a worthy successor to its forerunners.”
Carus, Paul. Friedrich Schiller. **75c. Open ct.
In Mr. Carus’ memorial volume fittingly contributed at the time of the Schiller centenary, a biographical sketch is followed by two essays on Schiller as a philosophical poet and on Schiller’s poetry. There are illustrative selections from the poet’s works given in both German and English.
“A concise but scholarly sketch of Schiller’s life and an appreciation of his poetry.”
“It is a book of popular character, and very interesting in its presentation of the subject.”
Carver, Thomas Nixon, comp. Sociology and social progress: a handbook for students of sociology. *$2.75. Ginn.
A book designed to be used as the basis for class-room discussions or to furnish collateral reading to a course of lectures. The author has gone out-side of systematic treatises on sociology for observations upon the phenomena of society, upon the laws of social growth and decay, and upon the problems of social improvement, and has presented them in form for the student and the general reader as well. The discussion is in three parts: part 1, The nature, scope and method of sociology; part 2. Sociology as a study of social progress—the direction of social progress; part 3. The factors of social progress.
“The general purpose is admirable, and Professor Carver’s book will be welcomed by sociologists as a distinct enlargement of library facilities.” G: E. Vincent.
“The compiler has produced a volume which will be of very great service to those of his readers who wish to get a general conception of the ideas of the best thinkers and students of society, but who have not the time to read the works in extenso, nor the wisdom to choose well.”
“The volume does not, accordingly, show us much of its compiler’s personal opinions, and can hardly, we think, be of great usefulness to the general reader.”
“The book is a timely one and should both promote and assist the teaching of sociology.”
55Cary, Elisabeth Luther. Novels of Henry James: a study. **$1.25. Putnam.
“Miss Cary is not quite an ideal interpreter.”
“Elisabeth Luther Cary would appear to have done, in her study of Henry James, pretty much all for him that it is possible for an ardent disciple to do at this time.” H. W. Boynton.
Cary, Elisabeth Luther, and Jones, Annie Maria. Books and my food. **$1. Moffat.
Mental and physical aliment in the form of quotations and recipes for every day in the year.
“We hope that the culinary taste of the authors is in keeping with the literary.”
“On the whole, the object has been attained; but now and again an exception must be taken to the compiler’s accuracy.”
“The quotations will be a godsend to the harassed makers of menus for public occasions.”
Castle, Mrs. Agnes (Sweetman), and Castle, Edgerton. Heart of Lady Anne. †$1.50. Stokes.
“It is very dainty, amusing and inconsequential.”
“The texture is of the lightest, but skilfully woven.”
“The book is gracefully written and is easy reading, but it will strike many readers as being as artificial as the age which it is intended to represent.”
Castle, Mrs. Agnes (Sweetman), and Castle, Egerton. If youth but knew. †$1.50. Macmillan.
The time and rule of Jerome Bonaparte furnish the “occasion and material of this romance.... The period chosen by the authors is just anterior to the fall of Jerome, and the critical part of the narrative passes in Cassel at the King’s court. The atmosphere clothes this story as a garment from the very outset, when we make the acquaintance of the young Anglo-Austrian count and his chance companion, the wayfaring fiddler, Geiger-Hans. It begins to be romantic, it continues in the true vein of romance, and ends sweetly upon a proper romantic note, to the accompaniment of Geiger-Hans’s fiddle.” (Ath.)
“From the opening pages of the present story the stage and its machinery are always in sight. But once accept the book as a glorified libretto of a romantic opera, clever, dainty, delicately treated, and all runs smoothly and delightfully to the end.”
“It is a story throbbing with life, instinct with poetic feeling, and bearing the stamp of a creative power that is closely akin to genius.” Wm. M. Payne.
“This is one of the prettiest of the stories of Agnes and Egerton Castle.”
Reviewed by Louise Collier Willcox.
Castleman, Virginia Carter. Roger of Fairfield. $1.25. Neale.
With picturesque and historic Virginia for a setting, reflecting the spirit of ante-bellum days, Miss Castleman follows the fortunes of Roger of Fairfield thru college and the theological seminary to his ordination and marriage.
Cather, Willa Sibert. Troll garden. †$1.25. McClure.
“For cultivation and distinction of style, Miss Cather may even rank with Mrs. Edith Wharton, but she is far more sympathetic, far deeper. Although her stories are short and unpretentious, they seem to me quite the most important in recent American fiction.” Mary Moss.
Catherine of Siena, St., tr. by Vida D. Scudder. *$2.50. Dutton.
Cator, Dorothy. Everyday life among the head-hunters, and other experiences from East to West. $1.75. Longmans.
“Without making any pretense to being scientific this plain and unvarnished but eminently readable, narrative ... contains a large amount of interesting information with regard to the customs and modes of life of both Dyaks and the less well known Muruts.” R. D.
Cattell, J. McKeen, ed. American men of science: a biographical directory. *$5. Science press, N. Y.
A “who’s who” for the men who work in the field of pure science.
Cavaness, Alpheus Asbury Brenton. Rubaiyat of hope. *$1. Meth. bk.
Omar’s red rose, wine-dyed, gives place to the lily which waves with a palm, symbol of victory. The author of this poem sounds a triumphant note of hope mastering despair, man mastering destiny. He teaches that “nothing can unhinge us but ourselves.”
Cawein, Madison Julius. Nature-notes and impressions, in prose and verse. **$1.50. Dutton.
Brief sketches in prose and verse taken from the author’s note book. “A memorandum of moods, of accents in nature, caught at the moment, to be elaborated later into a picture.” (N. Y. Times.)
“The whole output tends to give the impression that the successes themselves are not spontaneous but the mere chance triumphs of a highly self-conscious and wholly artificial method.”
“One of the qualities, indeed which in poetry serves to give him distinction, a remarkably affluent and picturesque imagery, in prose has a tendency to become a defect, rendering the style too poetic and imaginative and the periods 56over-sustained. This is, indeed the chief limitation to the volume, but a limitation redeemed by the delicate picturing to be found on every page.” Jessie B. Rittenhouse.
“The work of Mr. Cawein is not distinctly lyric, although the verse has rhymthic charm.”
Cawein, Madison Julius. Vale of Tempe. *$1.50. Dutton.
“The most surprising thing about Mr. Cawein’s work is the even excellence which characterizes so great a quantity of matter.” Wm. M. Payne.
Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de. Don Quixote; tr. with introd. by John Quimby. 2v. $2.50. Crowell.
Uniform with the “Thin paper two volume set” this “Don Quixote” is of interest alike to students and library collectors. There is an informing introduction, the first part of which presents the merits and demerits of the edition offered to English readers thru the past two centuries and a half, and the second part of which sketches Cervantes’ life.
Chadwick, John White. Later poems. *$1.25. Houghton.
Chadwick, Samuel. Humanity and God. **$1.50. Revell.
“The one weakness in the otherwise masterful work is in the lowering of the standard of human perfection in order to permit to consciousness the sense of its attainment.” Edward Braislin.
Chamberlain, Charles Joseph. Methods in plant histology. *$2.25. Univ. of Chicago press.
“The book will be very useful to teachers of secondary schools, as well as to independent workers, for it gives in usable and concise form the latest and most approved methods of modern micro-technique.” W. J. G. Land.
Chamberlain, Leander Trowbridge. True doctrine of prayer: with foreword by the Rev. W: R. Huntington. **$1. Baker.
Dr. Chamberlain has presented the doctrine of prayer in a logical succession of paragraphs “each one of which presents truth which no one who desires to think deeply about prayer can afford to lose out of sight.... It is not merely as a healthful exercise for the soul that he would have us think of prayer, but as a potency, a dynamic, an efficient cause.... He is willing to explain, to interpret, to justify, but never to minimize.”
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder, and Salisbury, Rollin D. Geology. 3v. v. 1, Processes and their results; v. 2, and 3, Earth history, ea. *$4. Holt.
The first volume of the work appeared in 1904 and is now in its second edition. “In that volume was given a statement of the planetismal hypothesis of earth origin. In these new volumes the hypothesis is developed and applied, and its application requires a new reading of dynamical geology, with a consequent new interpretation of geologic history.... A notable feature of the work is the attention paid to past climates and the use made of them in interpretation.... The treatment of Pleistocene and the human or present periods is unusually full and satisfactory.... The book closes with a very interesting and suggestive discussion of man as a geologic agent, and as influenced by his geologic environment.”—Dial.
“Whether we accept or reject their views, there is no gainsaying the fact that Profs. Chamberlin and Salisbury have produced a very suggestive work, which is likely to exert a marked influence on the teaching of geology in all English-speaking countries.”
“It is not sufficiently complete to be an entirely satisfactory book of reference. For the general reader the book has a charm and freshness not common to scientific texts, but it contains so much new and not yet accepted doctrine that such a reader will need to take careful note of the qualifying phrases. It is to working geologists that the book will make the strongest appeal.” H. Foster Bain.
“For the graduate student and as a reference work for the teacher and general reader the work is, however, indispensable.”
“The arrangement of the book is in most respects well adapted to the requirements of students, and the presentation of the subject matter is always clear.” A. H.
“The principal adverse criticisms that can be made, relate to the minor details of editing—not to the subject-matter or the method of treatment. In the presence of so much that is large, and helpful, and inspiring such criticisms seem like mere quibbling. Not a subject is touched upon in the entire work that does not have the breath of a new life breathed into it.” J. C. Branner.
“The authors give an admirable account of the various stages through which the earth has passed since it became solid, and their beautifully illustrated volumes form one of the most complete and trustworthy geological treatises which have yet been published.”
Chambers, Robert William. Fighting chance. **$1.50. Appleton.
Silvia Landis, a spoiled society girl, and Stephen Siward, who has inherited a weakness for drink, meet at a railway station “and continue the game there begun at a house party where assorted time killers are assembled.... Silvia angles for a new millionaire and plays with Stephen even while she lands him.... The story passes from the house party to the city, where Silvia pursues her social pastimes and retains her golden fiancé and Stephen ... fights the demon rum alone with more or less unsuccess. You have in the meantime club scenes, bridge scenes, scenes of domestic, infelicity, scenes of sordid life, glimpses of the half-world, a panorama of high finance.... In the end ... Mr. Chambers, to achieve his happy ending appropriates a motor car ... and lets it blow up with the marplot.” (N. Y. Times.)
“Mr. Chambers is so clever, has so keen a sense of character, that after enjoying his book, you ungratefully regard him with violent irritation. He has no right not to do even better! 57His abundant and interesting material is not thoroughly digested.” Mary Moss.
“Such books as this play with the glittering surface of life but have nothing to do with its deeper realities.” Wm. M. Payne.
“A real rival to Mrs. Wharton’s ‘House of Mirth.’”
“The interpretation which Mrs. Wharton attempted of New York society in ‘The house of mirth,’ Robert Chambers has really accomplished in his new novel.”
“Realistic in the extreme and to the extent of introducing slang and even profanity, it still has fine touches of sentiment and reveals an intimate knowledge of a species of human existence which, in a sense is as new and as modern as the motor and skyscraper.”
“With all its palpable defects upon it, this novel was framed for popularity. It is emphatically not for the literary epicure.”
“Mr. Robert W. Chambers has taken the material of Mrs. Wharton’s ‘House of mirth’ and made it over. Like Mrs. Wharton, Mr. Chambers shows you the brightest and best touched with the poison; unlike Mrs. Wharton, he refuses to permit, much less to organize, a conspiracy of bitter circumstances which shall assist the poison in its cruel work and bring everything to a bitter end.” H. I. Brock.
“A particularly good story.”
“While the novel may be at heart no more pessimistic, socially speaking, than Mrs. Wharton’s ‘The House of mirth,’ it lacks the delicate perception and fine literary shading of that searching analysis.”
“If Mr. Chambers had only taken the time to reconstruct the volume, prune it of superfluous conversations, and infuse into it a little more of the heroism his title suggests, he would have had a novel of real significance.”
Chambers, Robert William. Iole. †$1.25. Appleton.
“This is the prettiest and gayest bit of satire that we have seen in print for many a day; daintily good-humored, but none the less piercing and effective.”
“The fun really ends with Iole’s marriage, at which point a wise reader, grateful for a smile, will move on to other pastures.” Mary Moss.
Chambers, Robert William. Mountain-land; with 8 full page il. in col. by Frank Richardson. **$1.50. Appleton.
Two little children have an instructive day’s journey to the mountain-land during which they converse with the mountains centuries old and learn the lesson of its disregard for time and change, and talk with the ice-fly, the snow jay, a band of owls, a squirrel, a lynx and giant silkworm moths. Each one of the creatures furnishes instruction regarding its identity, habitat and general characteristics.
Chambers, Robert William. Reckoning. †$1.50. Appleton.
“Mr. Chambers’s richly dressed puppets move briskly through their many trials to a happy end, and the author, as I before said, is a competent story teller.” Mary Moss.
“It leaves you with a sense of puzzled doubt just where erudition ceases and the dime novel begins.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
Chambers, Robert William. Tracer of lost persons. †$1.50. Appleton.
Certain interesting cases taken up by Mr. Keen, head of the firm of Keen & co., Tracers of lost persons, form the substance of these amusing stories, but they are not on the old detective story order, for they are all cases in which the lost person is a lost love or a lost ideal and they all end in happy marriages as the dinner given to Mr. Keen at the close of the volume by five radiant young couples testifies.
“Somewhat puerile and wholly absurd is the main idea of this amorous tale, but some of the incidents are amusing, and the dialogue is brisk.”
“A new and improved form of the detective story.”
“Capital reading for a leisure hour or two.”
Chamblin, Jean. Lady Bobs, her brother and I: a romance of the Azores. †$1.25. Putnam.
“The trick of pitching an unpretentious story in just the right key is rare enough to entitle Jean Chamblin’s placid little idyl of the Azores, ‘Lady Bobs, her brother and I’, to a word or two of cordial commendation.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“She has a facile and humorous pen and her letters are literature.”
“It is a pity that Miss Chamblin has felt it necessary to resort to meaningless slang and cheap humor in order to enliven her heroine’s letters.”
“A large amount of interesting description and information regarding these unique islands is cleverly woven into the story.”
Champlain, Samuel de. Voyages and explorations of Samuel de Champlain (1604–1616) narrated by himself; tr. by Annie Nettleton Bourne, together with the voyage of 1603, reprinted from Purchas his pilgrimes; ed. with introd. and notes by Edward Gaylord Bourne. 2v. ea. **$1. Barnes.
“These volumes are a welcome addition to the ‘Trail makers’ series. They comprise the first English translation of Champlain’s ‘Voyages and explorations’ that has ever been made accessible to the general public. Thirty years ago translations were made for the Prince society, but they were published in an edition ‘strictly limited and now to be found only in the richer public and private collections of Americana.’ Professor and Mrs. Bourne have therefore rendered a distinct service to students of our early history. An extremely adequate and interesting introduction of twenty-eight pages has been contributed by Professor Bourne.”—Lit. D.
“An edition that represents in brief the sum of present-day knowledge.”
“A work of considerable interest to the historical student.”
Champlin, John Denison. Young folks’ cyclopedia of common things. $2.50. Holt.
This third edition revised and enlarged meets the demands of rapid advance during the past decade in everything pertaining to science and industrial arts.
Champlin, John Denison. Young folks’ cyclopaedia of persons and places. $2.50. Holt.
More than five hundred new articles appear in this fifth edition, including names of persons and places prominent in latter-day happenings.
“Will be welcomed by all boys and girls of alert, inquiring mind.”
Champney, Elizabeth Williams. Romance of the French abbeys. **$3. Putnam.
Chancellor, William Estabrook, and Hewes, Fletcher Willis. United States; a history of three centuries. 10 pts. pt. 2, Colonial union, 1698–1774. **$3.50. Putnam.
“It is unfortunate that so faulty a work should be launched upon the public by the reputation of a great publishing house and by strangely favorable notices from several literary periodicals of high standing.” W. M. West.
“His material is slight and it is further obscured by a flood of ‘literary’ allusions and historical philosophy-and-water in an inflated style which becomes a weariness to the reader’s patience.” Theodore Clarke Smith.
Channing, Edward. History of the United States. 8v. v. 1, Planting of a nation in the New World. **$2.50. Macmillan.
“Not only an admirable specimen of historical scholarship, but also a successful effort to present the results of scholarship in an attractive form.” Edward Gaylord Bourne.
“[His] sense of balanced judgment is reinforced by the shrewd, occasionally ironical or humorous style which reflects the personality of the author.” Theodore Clarke Smith.
“He still shows the mastery, the cool, skeptical scholarship, with the occasional gleam of wit and the constant clearness of expression which marked his first volume.”
Reviewed by Henry Russell Spencer.
Chapin, Henry Dwight. Vital questions. **$1. Crowell.
“The volume is a good one to put in the hands of one whose interest in matters social needs quickening.”
Charles, Frances Asa. Pardner of Blossom range. †$1.50. Little.
A tale of Arizona in which cowboys and Indians figure. Holly, the granddaughter of the owner of Blossom ranch conceives a dislike for an army captain who is alleged to be responsible for the death of a private whose horse Pardner comes into her possession. That this same officer should become a favorite in her train of suitors suggests an interesting situation which is satisfactorily worked out.
“The story is pretty, and the author has evidently made a resolute effort to soften the asperities of her early manner.”
Charlton, John. Speeches and addresses: political, literary, and religious. $2. Morang & co.
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury tales, prologue and selections: rewritten in simple language by Calvin Dill Wilson, and decorated by Ralph Fletcher Seymour. *$1. McClurg.
In retelling old tales for young readers, Mr. Wilson aims to preserve in his prose rendering the literary no less than the poetic and artistic qualities of the original. This Chaucer is a charming volume which is uniform with Mr. Wilson’s retold “Faery queen.”
Cheney, John Vance. Poems. **$1.50. Houghton.
Cheney, Warren. Challenge. †$1.50. Bobbs.
The dramatic incidents of Mr. Cheney’s tale serve to show in turn stout-hearted, superstitious and treacherous phases of character as exhibited among a group of Russians in the Alaskan bay of Ltua. The rebellious gurgling of the “draw”—a dangerous whirlpool at a certain turn of the tide—gets into the very action of the story, and as it sinks every mortal caught in its swirl except the brave-hearted Ivan and his Mortyra, typifies the evil of the tale. There is also a case of mental assassination worked out which introduces a metaphysical problem.
“There are some very strong situations and finely-drawn scenes in the work, which on the whole is far above the ordinary present-day story of this character.”
“It is a novel with a new idea, if there is such a thing in the world, and a new field, which is worth while in itself.”
“Warren Cheney ... knows his Alaska and the Russians there thoroughly. There is in this story a restrained dramatic intensity very grateful to the artistic sense.”
“There is decided value in the tale’s study of motive and character, together with a singularly full acquaintance with the local color and of a little-known historical episode.”
Chesnutt, Charles Waddell. Colonel’s dream. †$1.50. Doubleday.
“The narrative not unfrequently drags, and the character-drawing is sometimes wanting in clearness.”
59Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Charles Dickens. **$1.50. Dodd.
“This new book is builded on the false idea that just at this time Dickens needs a champion among his own people.” (N. Y. Times.) “Mr. Dickens and Mr. Chesterton move ... arm in arm through these pages like a pair of boon companions, and the ordinary reader may be trusted not to notice that Mr. Dickens’ arm is somewhat hard held.” (Sat. R.) “Dickens is a typical English figure, and it is on this side that Mr. Chesterton’s study is illuminating. It abounds in side-lights thrown by a somewhat mystical optimism and uproarious spirits on the Gargantuan feast of good humour provided by the master.” (Ath.)
“The style in which the book is written reminds us too closely of the smart political leader.”
“The real misfortune of the book is that the author seems unable to check his propensity for wild paradox, and cherishes a growing habit of exaggeration, which leads to false emphasis and essentially obscures the issue.”
“Mr. Chesterton’s book is one which no one who loves Dickens or who admires brilliant writing can afford to ignore.” Arthur Bartlett Maurice.
“As a life of Dickens it does not profess to have value. At the same time, it is entertaining, suggestive, brilliant in spots, the very last book one would go to sleep over. As a self-portrayal of Mr. Chesterton, rather than a picture of his greater countryman, it has decided merits.” Percy F. Bicknell.
“As biography Mr. Chesterton’s book is quite superfluous, and, we may add, quite inadequate. As criticism it will hugely delight folks who find enjoyment in literary fireworks.”
“With so good a book as Dr. Ward’s little critical biography in the field, the present volume seems a work of supererogation.”
“One cannot regard Mr. Chesterton as the ideal critic of Charles Dickens though he makes a very effective apologist.”
“The book, taken as a whole, is as warm and understanding a tribute as any hand has laid on the great writer’s grave. We find ourselves also largely in accordance with him when he blames and demurs.”
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Club of queer trades. †$1.25. Harper.
“They have not a free inventive stroke. They are whimsical and studied.”
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. Heretics. *$1.50. Lane.
“As a critic, not only of heretics but of various aspects and relations of life discussed in this volume, when he has finished off the heretics, Mr. Chesterton shows a definite advance in clearness and force.”
Cheyne, Thomas Kelly. Bible problems and the new material for their solution. *$1.50. Putnam.
“The book is stimulating and thought-provoking, even though its theories are now and then insufficiently supported by facts.” Ira Maurice Price and John M. P. Smith.
Cholmondeley, Mary. Prisoners. †$1.50. Dodd.
“This novel is essentially a tragedy, with an Italian setting for the initial crime, that brings about the punishment of an innocent man through a woman’s revolting cowardice. The action of the novel centres about the redemption of the small-souled woman who emerges as a fairly honourable character.”—Canadian M.
“In no modern novel has the female mind been analyzed with a more delicate sense.”
“A powerful though somewhat painful book. Her one failure is Carstairs.”
“Faults it has in abundance—big, obtrusive, exasperating faults. It is a book well worth reading.” Edward Clark Marsh.
“Is as vivid in literary force as ‘Red pottage,’ and is more wholesome in tone. It is the work of an artist, not a vivisectionist.”
“The author makes herself the peer for a page or two with the writers of the best literature in the ... tribute to a certain class of dull, enduring Englishmen.”
“The story is not without dramatic chapters. In spite of literary defects it often holds the interest of the reader effectively.”
“Some of the deeper things in human nature are cleverly touched and their fountain sources stirred.”
“We find wisdom, indeed, rather in the stuff of the story than in those often brilliant incidental comments on which no small part of her fame reposes. We suggest that in this book, wise and witty as her ‘chorus’ often is, she has a little abused that privilege by trying ostentatiously to live up to it.”
“If the story, as said, mounts steadily, the reader, at least, is breathless much of the way under the suspense and under the cleverness. The ethical aspects are broad and deep.”
“In more ways than one, we are continually reminded of George Eliot; not that there is the faintest trace of imitation, but that Miss Cholmondeley has an equal insight into character and motive, a like power of analysis, a similar gift for pregnant sentences of humor and of wisdom.” M. Gordon Pryor Rice.
“This is not so well-rounded and satisfying a story as was ‘Red pottage.’”
“Is technically faulty in construction in that the critical point of the plot is reached in the early chapters, but the tenseness of the situation continues.”
“Brilliant but unequal novel.”
Christian, Eugene, and Christian, Mrs. Eugene (Mollie Griswold Christian). Uncooked foods and how to use them. $1. Health-Culture.
A new revised and enlarged edition of a treatise on how to get the highest form of animal energy from food. Food problems and the function of foods are discussed, and the use of uncooked foods is advocated from a stand-point of health, simplicity, and economy. Recipes for the preparation 60of uncooked foods with detailed menus of healthful combinations are given. The little book will prove valuable to those who feel that conventional modern cooking is not giving them the proper returns in health and strength.
Church: her communion and her service. 25c. General council pub. house.
Pastors of the Lutheran church, members, and those who desire to know the teachings of the Lutheran church will find in this booklet concise answers to questions concerning the church, her history and her doctrines.
Churchill, Winston. Coniston. †$1.50. Macmillan.
Love and politics are deftly blended in this life story of Jethro Bass, the New England politician of a generation ago, the crude man of the tannery who made himself a power in the state. His first victory, won by questionable methods, cost him the first Cynthy, but after a life in which his politics outweighed his love, great as that love was, he at last retires from the political field in a voluntary sacrifice of his power to the second Cynthia’s happiness. The book is full of strong characters; Bob, Cynthia’s lover, Bob’s father, old Ephraim, Ezra Graves. All Coniston seems to live upon its pages, with its local interests, its plots and counter plots; but the warm heart and the shrewd unscrupulous mind of Jethro, and the noble spirited girl who loved him while she despised his methods are the truly great things of the book.
“The novel, when tried on the touchstone of nature, does not stand the test. A genuine humour twinkles over the book, making it very pleasant indeed to read.”
“It is not too much to say that it places him at the head of contemporary American novelists.”
“It is of better quality than the average fiction of to-day.”
“A sober estimate will give the book due recognition for its idealism, its close observation, and its genuine human interest, while not ignoring its coherent structure, its superficial characterization, its long-windedness, its affected pose, and its slovenly diction.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Mr. Churchill’s latest novel is his best novel.”
“The story is open, nevertheless, to the same objections which have been brought against its predecessors—lack of concentration, and the diffusion of events over too large an area.”
“He transcribes rather than creates, and his effects are got by plodding equably ahead with his narrative rather than by any flash of inspiration.”
“‘Coniston’ would have been a good novel if it had begun in the middle.”
“‘Coniston’ can hardly fail to give its readers food for thought. Well will it be for our government if these readers are many, and if they straightway proceed to run according to the reading.”
“‘Coniston’ is so great an advance on ‘The crisis’ and ‘The crossing’ in construction, condensation, and artistic feeling that it cannot fail to appeal to a new group of readers, while its human duality will hold those who have already accepted Mr. Churchill as a born storyteller.”
“But Mr. Churchill does not merely preach a sermon on civic righteousness. ‘Coniston’ is a love story, and a capital one, of perhaps a deeper motive than any of the earlier romances from Mr. Churchill’s pen.”
Churchill, Winston. Title-mart. **75c. Macmillan.
In this little three-act comedy Mr. Churchill satirizes the American custom of bartering off comely heiresses in the title-market. The scene is laid in a millionaire’s New England “camp,” the principal actors are a practical father, an ambitious stepmother, an athletic daughter devoted to jiu-jitsu, and an English lord who for the amusement of the moment trades his title for the plain Reginald Burking, M. P. of the friend accompanying him. The situations growing out of the exchange of identity are humorously farcical.
“The whole, though a trifle extravagant, is written with remarkable spirit and humour.”
“It is smartly written and reads well. The contrast of the rustic mind with metropolitan swiftness is humorously set forth.”
“The play is extremely light, however, and depends for its substance upon a confusion in identities.”
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer. Lord Randolph Churchill. 2v. **$9. Macmillan.
The fact that Mr. Winston Churchill is not of the party in the interests of which his father ran his brief political career insures for this work non-partisan treatment. It deals with Lord Churchill’s public rather than his private life, and is in the main a record of ten brief years of an effective career. During this period Lord Churchill became leader of the House of Commons and chief exponent of the so-called Tory democracy, attempted the reform of the Conservative party from within and in the end broke with all his former leaders and colleagues. “The atmosphere is from start to finish severely political.” (Acad.)
“Mr. Morley himself did not show more candour in writing the life of Mr. Gladstone than Mr. Winston Churchill has shown in dealing with the career of his father.”
“It will have to be carefully studied by all who would be well versed in the political history of England, especially party history, from the Reform act of 1867 to the end of the Unionist administration of 1886–1892.” Edward Porritt.
“In the work before us there are many fine passages, and we find it almost as a whole both vivid and dignified in narration, and here and there even noble.”
“Mr. Winston Churchill makes the reader feel the tragedy of his father’s life,—a tragedy equally dramatic whether, as he contends, it was due to a conscientious struggle for principles that could not be carried out, or whether, 61like the tragedies of romance, it was the fatal result of defects of character.” A. Lawrence Lowell.
“A biography of marked interest, of rare quality and of intrinsic historical value.” George Louis Beer.
“It has, then, both biographical importance and historical value, for it gives us a clearer insight into the workings of Tory machinery than any other volume.” E. D. Adams.
“Its place is alongside John Morley’s ‘Life of Gladstone.’”
“If executed with tact and a certain deference to family susceptibilities, may safely be pronounced an impressive political biography and an invaluable contribution to the history of the conservative party and of British politics generally.”
“A life so well worth writing has been admirably written.”
“His book has a general value in so far as it treats of the politics of Great Britain during a brief period active in partisan struggles if not notable for great achievements; for it gives us an inside view of the strange way in which a nation is governed.” Joseph O’Connor.
“Considering everything Mr. Churchill is to be felicitated on the zeal, tact, and ability with which he has executed his task.” H. Addington Bruce.
“His manifest care and wish—and he succeeds in both—are to present his father as he lived, fought, worked among his fellows.”
“The style of the narrative is easy and clear, occasionally graceful and pathetic. There is a due sense of perspective.”
“The book has its faults,—faults of arrangement, of prolixity and repetition, of occasional irrelevance; and the writer has been tempted unconsciously to turn the narrative of certain incidents in his father’s life into a kind of apology for certain incidents in his own. Mr. Churchill tells the story of his father’s private life with singular tact and good taste, and he has striven to make the tale of his public life an adequate history of an epoch in English politics.”
Clare, W. H. Rattle of his chains. $1.25 Eastern pub. co.
Here is portrayed on the one hand the bondage of a young man serving false gods bound so that with every move the chains rattle; on the other, the freedom of industry—“with greed, avarice and covetousness wanting, and with the golden rule as a living precept.”
Clarke, Rev. Richard F. Lourdes: its inhabitants, its pilgrims, and its miracles. *$1. Benziger.
The miracle phase of the Lourdes pilgrimage is uppermost in this account which is given with “rigorous exactitude.”
Clarke, William Newton. Use of the Scriptures in theology; the Nathaniel William Taylor lectures delivered at Yale university in 1905. **$1. Scribner.
“We believe the author’s positions and arguments are in the main sound and irrefutable.” Milton S. Terry.
“Mention should be made of the sweet spirit, religious insight, and frank and honest courage which appear conspicuously upon every page of the book.” G. B. S.
Clayden, Arthur William. Cloud studies. **$3.50. Dutton.
Not alone to the meteorologist and to the artist who finds extraordinary examples of art in the “general negligence of cloud forms,” but to the general reader also does this work appeal. “It is important to notice that the author accepts the types of the international cloud atlas and arranges his various forms as subforms of these types.” The illustrations include many reproductions of typical cloud-forms, and forms showing the transformation of one cloud-form into another.
“Not only the nature-lover and the artist, but the meteorologist as well, will find much of value and interest in this book.”
“While of great value to specialists, is hardly less interesting to the general reader, and will be immensely helpful in continued and more accurate study of this fascinating subject.”
“Mr. Claydon’s work will be a standard one for all students of clouds.” H. Hildebrand Hildebrandsson.
“While its text should appeal to the scientific man, and its photographic illustrations to the artist, the style is not attractive, and in spite of the theoretical interest of the subject, will hardly induce the wider public to read it in large numbers.”
“This volume is essentially practical, and anyone who has read it with attention will find a new interest added for the future to his daily study of the sky.”
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.). Editorial wild oats. †$1. Harper.
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.). Eve’s diary. $1. Harper.
“Translated from the original,” these experiences of Eve in the garden of Eden and afterwards form a fitting companion piece to “Extracts from Adam’s diary.” Thruout she is Eve, the first woman, naive, frankly curious and frankly loving, a world of women feel the kin-call when she speaks and her Adam, as she draws him, is without question the eternal masculine. There is a fund of wit and humor in this gentle satire on man and nature and there is something more, an undernote which culminates in this closing tribute to the first mother: At Eve’s grave. Adam: “Wheresoever she was there was Eden.”
“The book is hardly to us a favorable specimen of the author’s humour.”
“The only fault to find with these books is that there is so little of them.”
“The book bears internal evidence that it owes much to the skill of the translator.”
62Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.). Men and things. $1.25. Harper.
An illustrated volume of humor, comprising well chosen selections from thirty-six modern humorists including Ade, Aldrich, Bangs, Burdette, Field, Harris, Harte, Holmes, Howells, Nye, Warner and others perhaps less well known but no less amusing. Mark Twain, as compiler, opens the book with this apology, “Those selections in this book which are from my own works were made by my two assistant compilers, not by me. This is why there are not more.”
“It would seem that each author is represented by his inferior work only.”
“The new book is full of good matter, in prose and verse.”
“It is trite and unnecessary but only fair to say that the best things in the book are his own.”
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.), ed. Primrose way. Mark Twain’s library of humor. †$1.50. Harper.
The third volume in Mark Twain’s “Library of humor” continues for funloving readers the humorous offerings of “Men and things,” and “Women and things.” Besides the editor’s own contributions are stories by George Ade, John Kendrick Bangs, Samuel Cox, Sewell Ford, William Dean Howells, John G. Saxe, Melville D. Landon, Hugh Pendexter and many others.
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.). $30,000 bequest and other stories. $1.75. Harper.
Forty or more of Mark Twain’s funniest stories have been gathered into this volume. Some have appeared before in book form while other more recent ones have seen print only in magazines. The volume includes: A dog’s tale, The Californian’s tale, A telephone conversation, Italian with grammar, The danger of lying in bed, Eve’s diary, Extracts from Adam’s diary, and A double-barreled detective story. The frontispiece is a photograph of the author on his 70th birthday, and there are other illustrations.
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain, pseud.). Women and things. †$1.50. Harper.
The second volume in Mark Twain’s “Library of humor.” There are some of Mark Twain’s own stories including the inimitable funny “Esquimau maiden’s romance.” There are stories by George Ade, John Kendrick Bangs, Josh Billings, Josiah Allen’s Wife, Widow Bedott, Bret Harte and others. The stories humorously show the graces, the foibles, the fancies and weaknesses of women.
Clement, Ernest Wilson. Christianity in modern Japan. **$1. Am. Bapt.
“Clear, compact, and well arranged.”
Clement, Ernest Wilson. Handbook of modern Japan. **$1.40. McClurg.
Clements, Frederick E. Research methods in ecology. $3. Univ. pub., Neb.
“One can scarcely praise this work too much; it is what is needed to prevent ecology from falling into a swift and merited disfavor.”
Clerke, Agnes Mary. System of the stars. *$6.50. Macmillan.
The results of the past fifteen years of sidereal research have been embodied in Miss Clerke’s revision. Extensive modifications of the old text have been made, and new chapters inserted.
“It has the remarkable feature of combining extraordinary profusion of precise information with an elegance of literary style quite unusual in scientific authors.”
“All astronomers and those interested in astronomy will heartily welcome the new edition of Miss Clerke’s ‘System of the stars’.”
“Students of astronomy will find the latest results of sidereal research admirably stated in the new edition.”
“The work is so good that every student of astronomical physics must be familiar with it, and every astronomical library must include it.” R. A. Gregory.
“Is one of the noteworthy additions to scientific literature.”
“We find, as we expected to find, a well-arranged, lucid and remarkably accurate account of an immense number of observations and a sympathetic though judicious and cautious analysis of the various inferences that have been drawn from them.”
“Miss Clerke. with her usual power of accurate and lucid exposition, has given us a most fascinating account of all that astronomers have thus far discovered about these immensely distant stars.”
Cleveland, Frederick Albert. Bank and the treasury. *$1.80. Longmans.
Reviewed by Frank L. McVey.
“In character it is a plea, not an investigation; an exposition and defense of ‘a point of view.’ The author also makes some excellent proposals concerning the form of bank reports.” David Kinley.
Cleveland, (Stephen) Grover. Fishing and shooting sketches: il. by H: S. Watson. *$1.25. Outing pub.
Mr. Grover Cleveland is manifestly as authoritative on the subject of fishing as was Isaak Walton of old. Much of the former’s philosophy 63is simmered down to creed form for the sportsman. And his book, copyrighted now for the fifth time, has become a guide book for the fisherman and hunter who are only better instructed for the woodsy out-of-door tang to all of Mr. Cleveland’s law unto their “honorable order.”
Climenson, Mrs. Emily J. Elizabeth Montagu, the Queen of the Blue-stockings: her correspondence from 1720–1761. 2v. **$8. Dutton.
The story of the early life of Mrs. Montagu, written by her great-great-niece. “The material in the two volumes was gleaned from some sixty-eight cases, in each of which were from 100 to 150 letters, written by Mrs. Montagu or received by her. There are letters to and from the most learned and celebrated personages in England and France and other countries. Among the names mentioned are the Duchess of Portland, Laurence Sterne, Dr. Johnson, Sir Robert Walpole, Mrs. Friend, Elizabeth Carter, the translator of Epictetus; Gilbert West, Nathaniel Hooke, Mrs. Pococke, David Hume, Lyttleton, Lord Bath, Dr. Young, and a number of others.” (N. Y. Times.)
“Mrs. Climenson has succeeded in identifying, with one or two exceptions, the numerous folk whose names occur in her text; in other respects her notes are defective and capricious.”
“Though containing a variety of readable matter, we think it might with advantage have been shortened by the excision of much domestic detail which is not of general interest.”
Reviewed by J. H. Lobban.
“Mrs. Climenson has proved herself a loving editor of her kinswoman’s letters. She has verified with enormous labor the dates of letters, many of which were previously uncertain.” Basil Williams.
“She was a formalist rather than a wit, and in her letters she tries so hard to be amusing that one would really prefer her natural dulness.”
[Mrs. Climenson has] “so more than edited it that the two handsome and liberally illustrated volumes ... might be styled a memoir.”
“The two volumes before us are edited with some care and not a little profusion.”
“Her correspondence is interesting, for it gives an insight into the customs of the day, fashions, amusements, travel, etc.”
“We have many reliable and entertaining contemporary records of the crowded eighteenth century, but this must be regarded as exceptionally attractive.” Elizabeth Lore North.
“Mrs. Climenson is defective in ... literary tact and sense of perspective.”
Clute, Willard Nelson. Fern allies. **$2. Stokes.
“The field notes, which show an intimate acquaintance with the life histories of the various forms, will interest the botanist as well as the layman.”
“One could hardly ask a better guide than Mr. Clute’s handsome volume.”
“A few years ago the Clutes gave us the best, most comprehensive book that we have concerning our ferns in their haunts, and now they have accomplished a yet more difficult task, that of writing and adequately illustrating a guide to the more obscure kin of the fern tribe.” Mabel Osgood Wright.
Coates, Thomas F. G. Prophet of the poor: the life story of General Booth. *$1.50. Dutton.
“In its special mission of reclaiming and preventing the waste of humanity, the Salvation army has put life and force into the desiccated idea of the ‘Church militant.’ Of this idea, as well as of the poor, General Booth has been for over half a century the prophet, and also the prophet of a human brotherhood, the Christian ideal of which is more largely realized in his army than in any other branch of the church. The life-story of this great leader, and of his like-minded and noble wife and comrade, the ‘mother’ of the army, is an illustrious chapter in the yet unfinished Acts of the apostles.”—Outlook.
“One would turn to it in vain to find broad grasp of the relation of the Army to other religious or social efforts of the time, or even vivid portrayal of the personality of its subject. It fails also in arrangement of its material, has no index, and is not in any way satisfactory as a biography of General Booth.”
“A very entertaining and graphic biography.”
Cody, Sherwin. Success in letter-writing, business and social. **75c. McClurg.
The methods of the old-fashioned polite letter-writing have been studiously avoided in this up to date volume which “actually tells how to deal with human nature by mail.” Under the head of business letter writing not only routine business letters, but circular letters, advertising letters and letters which “sell goods” are treated. Under social letter writing are included the various forms of social correspondence, invitations, regrets, letters of friendship and liberal advice upon love letters.
Colcock, Annie T. Her American daughter. $1.50. Neale.
A group of American writers and artists come together in Madrid at the opening of the Spanish-American war, and during these agitated days they work out among themselves the very pretty little love story of Miss Ray, an art student from South Carolina and Russell, a New York writer who has had the misfortune to offend her by publishing an article which ridicules the South. A bull-fight, a carnival, a wicked señor who has made a wager that Miss Ray will dine with him at midnight unchaperoned, and good Donna Dolores who calls Miss Ray her American daughter, lend to the story a truly Spanish atmosphere.
Colegrove, William. Hartford; an epic poem. $1.25. Badger, R. G.
An epic poem modeled upon the Æneid, which presents the early history of Hartford, Connecticut and sings of arms and the colony’s founders.
Collier, The Hon. John. Art of portrait painting. *$3.50. Cassell.
In this practical treatise for the student and professional painter, the subject is treated from a threefold point of view: The historical, The aims and methods of the great masters, and The practice of portrait painting. The illustrations 64include forty or more portraits painstakingly reproduced from some of the world’s best work.
“No man of our day could write of his subjects more agreeably, sanely, or with more intimate knowledge, nor produce a volume so likely to gain the attention of the general public.”
“Much personal suggestion is also admitted by the pleasantly colloquial manner of the book, and the attitude throughout is marked by common sense, definite opinions and an open-minded inclination for progress and novelty coupled with a sufficient conservatism.”
Collins, Archie Frederick. Wireless telegraphy: its history, theory and practice. *$3. McGraw.
A general explanation of the theory of etheric waves furnishes a foundation for an explanation of the nature of waves in general, of light waves of electrical vibrations, and apparatus for producing them. “He discusses electric discharges, the action of ultra violet rays, direct and alternating current effects.... He explains the workings of a variety of oscillating current generators and then passes to electric wave detectors—the best known to the public being the Marconi ‘coherer.’” (N. Y. Times.)
“Aims to be—and seems to succeed in being—a practical treatise on wireless telegraphy so written so as to be of use both to the expert in scientific matters and to the tyro who has everything to learn.”
“In the opinion of the reviewer the illustrations ... constitute the most useful part of this book. In the hands of one whose familiarity of the subject enables him to interpret the many obscure passages and to distinguish the inaccurate statements from those that are correct, Mr. Collins’s book may in some cases be found useful.” Ernest Merritt.
“He covers the whole field briefly but satisfactorily. In addition to being practically the first book in this field, Mr. Collins’s is well prepared and authoritative.”
Collins, John Churton. Studies in poetry and criticism. $2.50. Macmillan.
Seven essays which regard poetry from the standpoint of the moralist,—the moralist who thinks that “In the wretched degradation into which belles lettres have fallen we seem to be losing all sense of the importance once attached to them, when critics were scholars and poets something more than aesthetes.” The essays are The poetry and poets of America, The collected work of Lord Byron, The collected poems of Mr. William Watson, The poetry of Gerald Massey, Miltonic myths and their authors, Longinus and Greek criticism, and the True functions of poetry.
“In this book Mr. Churton Collins writes as a pessimist.”
“As a critic, Prof. Collins has a cultivated taste, but his instinct is unsure.”
“Impeccable in scholarship. Mr. Collins has not in this volume avoided one or two minor slips of style, probably due to careless proofreading.”
“A genuine by-product of scholarship, true essays, containing not any sound doctrine, but the human touch which alone is able to convey the results of scholarship to those who stand outside the bars of that snug pasture.” H. W. Boynton.
“A fine book because its author has high ideals and has lived with and learned to love the master-minds of literature.”
“The truth is that Professor Collins’s doctrine turns out, if it is followed to its logical conclusion, to be a fatally narrow one.”
Colson, Elizabeth, and Chittenden, Anna Gansevoort, comps. Children’s letters: a collection of letters written to children by famous men and women. $1. Hinds.
As different in tone and individuality are these letters as the characteristics and moods of the long list of contributors. Among the letter-writers selected are Holmes, Whittier, Lincoln, Phillips Brooks, Martin Luther, Sidney Smith, Longfellow, Stevenson, Scott, Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Hans Christian Andersen and many others.
“The compilers ... have performed their tasks of selection and explanation with good judgment and sympathy.”
“Altogether a delightful little volume, and one well worth making.”
Colton, Arthur Willis. Belted seas. †$1.50. Holt.
Reviewed by Mary Moss.
Colton, Arthur Willis. Cruise of the Violetta. †$1.50. Holt.
An Ohio woman, left with a vast fortune, equips a yacht and sails to the land of “parrots and monkeys and bananas and foreign missions.” The story is a humorous characterization of a practical woman’s missionary work, shared by the unique Dr. Alswater, who was “not a ‘globe trotter’ but rather a floater,—in the manner resembling sea-weed, that drifts from place to place, but wherever it drifts or clings, is tranquil and accommodating.” The fortunes of a young electrician, sent to a South American town to establish an electric light plant, form one thread of the tale.
“Mr. Colton’s new novel is conceived in an unconventional, not to say freakish, style. Banter and sarcasm prevail from the beginning to the end. Humor is not lacking, but it is seldom wholesome or spontaneous.”
“He approaches the ticklish realm of burlesque with too great cocksureness.”
“It is lively and clever, and fit company for hours that might otherwise be dull.”
“In this book he is not at his best.”
Colvin, Sir Auckland. Making of modern Egypt. *$4. Dutton.
“It is the imperturbability of Lord Cromer which dominates Sir. Auckland Colvin’s history,” (Acad.)—the man who is chiefly responsible for the growth of modern Egypt. “The scheme of the book is a simple one. Whereas Lord Milner gave us a series of brilliant essays on different aspects of the Egyptian problem, Sir Auckland aims at presenting a consecutive narrative of successive incidents so that the reader may know, in any given year, the exact 65progress made by Egypt up to that date in all branches of the public service. It is an attempt to show history in the making, and, though lacking the style and charm of “England in Egypt,” it will prove of more value to the student than Lord Milner’s volume.” (Lond. Times.)
“Well written, lucid and temperate, it sets before us the events of the last five and twenty years without favour. As we read Sir Auckland Colvin’s book, we understand the reason of the supremacy which England most unselfishly still holds in Egypt and her colonies, and we can imagine no better handbook of practical statesmanship than ... ‘Making of modern Egypt.’”
“Sir Auckland Colvin knows all there is to be known on ‘The making of modern Egypt.’ The fact that he can hardly be said to possess the art of constructing a book does not detract from the worth of this volume, though it renders it heavy for the general reader.”
“It differs from Lord Milner’s ‘England in Egypt’ in being more of a consecutive narrative of incidents, but at the same time lacks the brilliancy of style that characterizes Lord Milner’s essays.”
“Despite a few errors and a few redundancies this book is the most useful record available, if we exclude Lord Cromer’s official reports, of Egypt’s progress from 1882 to the present day.”
“The book, despite the many romantic phases of the subject, is not exciting reading, but it supplies the safest guide to those who may wish to study one of the most interesting and far-reaching series of events which have occurred in our own time.”
“Cannot fail to be a valuable and interesting work.”
“Every chapter is enlivened with wit and picturesqueness of phrase, and he has a happy gift of classical reminiscence.”
Coman, Katherine. Industrial history of the United States for high schools and colleges. *$1.25. Macmillan.
“In view of the scattered and partial character of the material available, it is not perhaps surprising that Miss Coman’s book gives the impression of a collection of facts having to do with the economic history of the United States, rather than of a clear presentation of the main features of that history and the influences by which they have been determined. It must be said, moreover, that even in her statements of facts the author has not exercised as much care as might fairly be expected.” Henry B. Gardner.
“On all moot questions in our economic history, whether resulting from political differences or purely academic in character, she has shown an eminent degree of fairness.” Robert C. Brooks.
“One of the good qualities of the book is its directness and clearness of statement.” Henry E. Bourne.
“This is an instructive and a much needed work.”
“It is written in a clear, concise style and contains a large amount of descriptive material within brief compass. Its main defect is that it fails to leave upon the mind of the reader a clear impression of the development of the principal industries of the country.” Robert Morris.
“The lines of conception ... are broad, and bold, but not fully matched by firmness in execution.” Carl Russell Fish.
“As a first attempt it is entitled to considerable measure of commendation. The great defect of the book is that those ‘essential elements’ of our economic history are not only not brought out clearly so that the reader may be sure to grasp them, but they are apparently not comprehended by the author herself.” G. S. C.
Commons, John Rogers, ed. Trade unionism and labor problems. *$2.50. Ginn.
The second volume of the “Selections and documents in economics” being brought out by Professor W. Z. Ripley of Harvard university. There are twenty-seven essays, mostly reprints from current scientific magazines on a variety of aspects of the social and economic situation, which aim to furnish collateral reading for college classes.
“Is invaluable to the student; it places in accessible form a mass of most important material, and heartily commends itself to the reader.” G. B. Mangold.
“There is scarcely a question of the day that does not have interesting light shed on it by one or more persons peculiarly fitted to discuss it. The book is an excellent disseminator of wholesome good sense and moderation.” W. E. C. W.
“It will furnish the raw material for a course in descriptive economics, and as such is a serviceable volume.”
“Despite the variety of material in the book, a fair amount of unity is preserved through Mr. Commons’s introduction, which adequately relates the chapters.”
“To any student of labor problems the book is indispensable.”
“With most of the material included economists are generally familiar, but the assembling of the material in one volume provides an excellent text-book for classes making a study of labor problems.” John Cummings.
“The selections will supplement admirably the lectures and ordinary reference-books which have constituted hitherto the principal pabulum that teachers could set before their students.”
“The volume is full of valuable information, but it is rather material for the student than history, philosophy, or sociology for the general reader.”
“In no other one book is such a mass of vital facts brought together.”
Companion to Greek studies; ed. by Leonard Whibley. *$6. Macmillan.
“The only weakness is in a detail of arrangement i. e. the neglect of side references and the consequent lack of coherence. There is much unevenness in the bibliographies.” James C. Egbert.
Comstock, Harriet T. Meg and the others. 75c. Crowell.
Two little girls of to-day, sitting in the firelight just before bed-time hear the stories of Meg, and Mary, and the Boy, which their grandmother 66calls out of the long ago for them. And when they have heard all about them, their games, their troubles, and their adventures, when they have learned to love them, and are loath to let them go, they find that Mary is a nice old lady who is coming to live with them, and that Meg and the Boy are really their own dear grandmother and grandfather.
Comstock, Mrs. Harriet Theresa. Queen’s hostage. †$1.50. Little.
A story built up about plot, treachery, and treason which constantly threatened Queen Elizabeth’s peace of mind. The hero is a young lord of the house of Rathven who incognito redresses the wrongs of a treacherous father and earns the long questioned right to be counted among the queen’s loyal subjects.
Comstock, Seth Cook. Marcelle the mad. †$1.50. Appleton.
“With the romantic Ardennes forest for setting, and for the motif the incident of a medieval feud between the Duke of Burgundy and the citizens of the town of Dinant, Dr. Comstock has written a stirring tale of adventure to which he gives the name of ‘Marcelle the mad’ ... after the female Robin Hood who plays the leading role.”—Lit. D.
“A trifle melodramatic and stilted in the earlier chapters, it develops into a really powerful piece of work. If the story boasts little originality either of plot or incident, it is told with a skill and vigor that lift it well above the level of its kind, and few are likely to leave it dissatisfied.”
“As a romance—a mere romance—of the time-killing variety, Mr. Comstock’s story will do very well indeed.”
“A stirring tale of love and adventure.”
Conant, Charles Arthur. Principles of money and banking. 2v. *$4. Harper.
Mr. Conant’s work carries “the reader from the beginnings of exchange when cattle and fragments of metal passed by tale of weight down through the origin of coinage and the birth thereof of modern banking to the complete mechanism of money and credit as they exist to-day.” “It is not written for the purpose of demolishing the ‘quantity theory,’ extirpating the bimetallist, or advocating an ‘asset currency,’ but is devoted to irenic exposition rather than polemical discussions.” (Nation.)
“The work is not only a forceful exposition of so-called principles which have guided commercial people and leading nations in thinking about monetary problems, but it is unique in that the work of the author is in the nature of a collation of the thought and expression of nearly every writer of note on the several topics treated.” Frederick A. Cleveland.
“The proper man to write on the subject is the man who is constantly practicing the operations he describes. Mr. Conant fulfills these conditions.”
“To his task Mr. Conant brings some very unusual qualifications.” Winthrop More Daniels.
“A breadth of view and a freedom from partisan bias not frequently found in monetary treatises.” R. C. B.
“A careful reading increases the admiration for the skill with which the well-selected quotations have been woven into the book. What was once scattered and almost unattainable in small libraries has been brought together in an attractive, new and forceful way, which leaves the professor of economics deeply indebted to the author.” Frank L. McVey.
“In spite of its theoretical weakness, the work has much to recommend it to serious students of monetary science. It furnishes one of the best available accounts of recent developments in money and banking.”
“He has not always discriminated between what was novel to him and what would be new to a well-informed reader. His pages are encumbered with superfluous quotations upon unimportant topics. His historical chapters are sometimes painfully inadequate, and his treatment of theoretical subjects not always satisfactory.”
“It would be difficult to name a treatise which blends facts and theory so well, applying each to the other in a manner so illuminating.”
“As a writer he possesses an agreeable style and the ability so to present the most arid scheme that it becomes interesting even to a reader having a minimum of economic knowledge.”
“While Mr. Conant’s work possesses the virtue of great comprehensiveness, it is the opinion of the reviewer that, to be of greatest use to the general reader and the university student alike, a book on money and banking should above all exhibit that unity and precision of theory which is the greatest lack in Mr. Conant’s work.” A. C. Whitaker.
“Mr. Conant’s treatment of disputed questions in monetary theory, in the opinion of the present reviewer, leaves much to be desired. Mr. Conant is none too happy in his handling of technical economic phrases.” A. Piatt Andrew.
Congo, The: a report of the commission of enquiry appointed by the Congo Free State government. *$1. Putnam.
“The main topics taken up in the commissions’s report are the land régime, taxation, military service, trade concessions, depopulation, and the administration of justice. In respect to all of these matters, numerous evils are pointed out: the arrogance of the government in appropriating alleged vacant lands, the oppressiveness of the labor tax, the terrorism and cruelty resulting from quasi-military expeditions, the exploitation of the natives by agents of greedy commercial companies, and the lax jurisdiction of the territorial courts.”—Dial.
Connolly, James Bennet. Deep sea’s toll. †$1.50. Scribner.
“It is a healthy, stimulating book, with the tang of salt air in every page.”
“Though applauded by all true sailors, is a trifle too special for a general reader.” Mary Moss.
“Is written with full knowledge and sympathy, and in the slow, involved talk of the men we get much of the flavour of the spoken word.”
67Connor, Ralph, pseud. (Charles William Gordon). The Doctor, a tale of the Rockies. †$1.50. Revell.
A character of rare strength and beauty is developed in this story of Barney, who as a lad was obliged to renounce his hope of a college education in favor of a clever younger brother. He stayed at the mill, worked, played his violin, and longed to be a doctor. Then, after many things had come to pass which tried his soul, and purged it of all dross, he became a preacher-doctor in the Rockies where strong men and rough loved him for his unselfish ministrations to their bodies and their souls and honored him as a power for good. In the end when he laid down his life for his friend he brought his career to its final triumph of success in failure.
“It is hard to see why the average adult should not find the story at once commonplace and passably long-winded.”
“The best thing Ralph Connor has done since ‘The sky pilot,’ and perhaps the best thing he has ever done. Is a good book, both in the religious and literary senses of the word.”
Conover, James Potter. Memories of a great schoolmaster. **$1.50. Houghton.
The life of Dr. Henry A. Coit, for fifty years headmaster of St. Paul’s school at Concord, N. H., has inspired this volume. It is a confession of Dr. Coit’s religious and educational faith expressed in terms of high standards and ideals in everything.
“To the alumnus of St. Paul’s the book will be a valuable memorial of its chief personality; and to others it will be an interesting disclosure of a noteworthy influence.”
“It is an inspiring book for all who, whether teachers or parents, have the perilous charge of either boys or girls in the budding time of adolescence.”
“His book has the double charm of personal knowledge and of love for his subject.”
Conrad, Joseph (Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski). Mirror of the sea. †$1.50. Harper.
One who has long known and loved her, and who has always understood, writes here of the sea and her moods, of her anger when the winds lash her, of the fear of her, the charm of her, of the men in the good ships that sail her and sometimes go down in her, of their ways, their rugged courage, and the various phases of the lives they lead. There are bits of sentiment, scraps of romance, flashes of humor, many real dramatic scenes and much hard fact, and thru it all the sound of the sea.
“But the book is more than a series of fine pictures; it is a sensitive appreciation of the whole art of seamanship, an imaginative reading of the varying moods of the sea.”
“There is nothing here which the discriminating reader can afford to miss.”
“His latest work will compare well with the best work he has done.”
“For ‘The mirror of the sea’ we would make bold to predict a very long life. We seem to see it being discovered and re-discovered as the years roll on.”
“He knows the souls of the sea and of ships, as he knows the souls of men, but that would be worth but little to us, did he not possess a still more wonderful faculty of interpretation and expression—a faculty that was never better shown than in these sketches.”
“To a practical knowledge of seamanship, of lading cargoes, ruling crews, managing and navigating vessels, Joseph Conrad adds the vision of a poet and exercises the witchcraft of a master of style.”
“To those who belong to the totem of its writer it will be always a kind of gospel. It contains the whole soul of a man who has known the deeps of sea mysteries, who has sought them as a lover, with joy, and reverence, and fear.”
Conrad, Joseph (Joseph Conrad Korzeniowski). Nostromo: a tale of the seaboard. $1.50. Harper.
Reviewed by Mary Moss.
Conversations with Christ: a biographical study. $1.50. Macmillan.
The author of these “Conversations” which, he says, have “too much personality to be mythical” “has taken between twenty and thirty passages from the gospels in which questions put, or petitions made, to the Master, and His answers, are recorded. In all of these we have portraits of Christ, wonderfully various, but with an unmistakable likeness, and also with an unmistakable reality.” (Spec.)
“As a study it has the merit of freshness and insight; it is the product of a cultured and vigorous mind, intellectually and spiritually strong.”
“A really noble piece of writing.”
Conway, Sir Martin. No man’s land; a history of Spitsbergen from its discovery in 1596 to the beginning of the scientific exploration of the country. *$3. Putnam.
It is the history of the whaling industry engaged in by rival nations along the coasts of this group of islands that occupies the greater part of Sir Martin Conway’s volume. In addition are accounts of Russian exploring enterprises and scientific expeditions in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
“His task has been accomplished in a characteristically complete fashion, and has evidently involved a good deal of research in rare books of old voyages, both English and Dutch.”
“No one has a better claim than Sir Martin Conway to have undertaken this history, and few could have written it so well. The book is a most valuable achievement, a most important contribution to geographical literature.”
“The great value of this work is that it brings within convenient compass a great body of information scattered through forgotten books and manuscripts which throw light on some obscure points and give a connected history and a most complete account in English of the great whale industry.” Cyrus C. Adams.
68“Sir Martin Conway arouses the interests of his readers in the curious history of a land which, though never permanently inhabited, has played the part of an apple of discord between the great powers of former days.”
“A compendious bibliography and some good illustrations add to the value of his excellent book.”
Cook, E. Wake. Betterment, individual, social and industrial; or, Highest efficiency. **$1.20. Stokes.
The preface says: “The object of this work is to give in convenient form the latest discoveries which promote individual, industrial, and collective efficiency.” Conservation of energy in all its forms would result in the “Simple life,” weary though the expression be, and the author suggests it as the goal that insures immunity from disease, and a great increase in mental and physical energy.
Cook, Theodore Andrea. Old Provence. 2v. **$4. Scribner.
“Old Provence is the land of romance, and of the tale of its beauty and interest Mr. Cook is the most delightful of narrators.”
“The work needs a clearer plan, more adequate special knowledge, better judgment and critical discrimination, many more references (there are but very few), more personal reserve, a better index and a real map. It is pleasant, semi-learned magazine writing.”
“More than a guide-book and less, it is one of those aids to travel which, like Mr. Crawford’s ‘Rulers of the South,’ should lie by the side of Baedeker in even the smallest steamer trunk.” Josiah Renick Smith.
“The effect is excellent and exquisite, the information fixed and true.”
“We commend these attractive volumes to every one who cares for truth and romance blended in European history.”
Cooke, Edmund Vance. Chronicles of the little tot. $1.50. Dodge.
Under five head verses grave and gay are here grouped for little people: The cradlers. The creepers, The cruises, The climbers, and In remembrance.
“Should make both universal and tender appeal,—not alone to those who are the little tot’s vassals and slaves, but to the wider circle of child-lovers, as well.”
Cooke, Grace MacGowan. Their first formal call; il. by Peter Newell. †$1. Harper.
How two ambitious boys just out of knickerbockers and duly posted in “Hints and helps to young men in business and social relations,” fared in making their first formal call upon the Misses Claiborne. Not daring to make their mission known they sat at the feet of Grandfather Claiborne and Aunt Missouri the entire Sabbath afternoon and when night came were sent to bed, much to the humbling of their youthful pride.
“Mrs. Cooke has made the whole affair wonderfully ludicrous and real and Peter Newell has furnished fourteen full-page pictures as funny as the text.”
Cooke, Jane Grosvenor. Ancient miracle. †$1.50. Barnes.
“Life in the Grand plateaux of northern Canada is described pleasantly in this peaceful but not unpleasing tale of love and labor. Mrs. Cooke has imprisoned the atmosphere of this cold yet beautiful country and draws well the good and pleasant folk who live there. The Francoeur family, the faithful curé Xavier, and his numerous progeny are all pictured graphically, while the love stories of the two girls furnish sufficient interest to keep the reader’s attention.”—Critic.
“It is chiefly for the characterization that the book will be found enjoyable.”
“A romance of the Canadian forests, alive with the fascination and witchery of those vast regions.”
“So good superficially that it is a little difficult to express its limitation. There is a lack of human warmth and sympathy.”
Cooper, Edward Herbert. Twentieth century child. $1.50. Lane.
Reviewed by E. L. Pomeroy.
Cooper, Walter G. Fate of the middle classes. *$1.25. Consolidated retail booksellers.
Copperthwaite, William C. Tunnel shields and the use of compressed air in subaqueous works. *$9. Van Nostrand.
“Mr. Copperthwaite’s task has been to compile and condense ... scattered information into one place. He has done his work excellently.... Mr. Copperthwaite divides his book into eleven chapters. Of these the last chapter on ‘Cost of the shield,’ and the first three chapters on ‘Early history, 1818–1880,’ ‘Use of compressed air in engineering works’ and ‘Cast-iron lining for tunnels,’ respectively, are general in character; the remaining seven chapters are collections of descriptions of specific shield tunnel works classified under three heads; Shields in London clay, Shields in water bearing strata and Shields in masonry tunnels.”—Engin. N.
“The book is undoubtedly destined to be the standard English work on this peculiarly difficult branch of engineering practice.”
“The volume is in all respects worthy of prominent position in the tunnel engineer’s library.”
“A very valuable and comprehensive history of a system of tunnelling.”
Corelli, Marie (Minnie Mackay). Treasure of heaven: a romance of riches. †$1.50. Dodd.
The treasure of Heaven which becomes the quest in Miss Corelli’s story is love, and she would demonstrate the fact that riches menace its possession. David Helmsley, an aged multi-millionaire, becomes a tramp in pursuit of definite happiness, he gives and takes in his wanderings and learns both are spontaneous. Finally he is nursed back from death by one who teaches him the great love lesson which, without any matrimonial thought, blesses his closing days.
69“The novel is exceedingly modern in flavor and probably will be found satisfactory by those readers who were in expectation of iconoclastic touches such as recently have distinguished Miss Corelli’s utterances.”
“Miss Corelli’s latest story is by no means lacking in power. Lacking in distinction, it of course is; but it has more dignity of substance and less indignity of style than anything of hers we have hitherto seen.”
“As a literary production does not measure up to its ethical intention.”
Cornell, Hughes. Kenelm’s Desire. †$1.50. Little.
Desire, a musician by instinct, by training, and by heredity, spends a summer in British Columbia among the Indians, canoeing, sailing, mountain-climbing and fishing. Here she discovers in a young Alaska Indian, adopted and educated by white people, a soul fired by ambition and pride, one that reflects the sad poetry of vanishing traditions. The love idyll is interwoven with flagrant race prejudice, political scenes, and true-to-life sketches of Indian character.
“Hughes Cornell has a novel situation in this story and manages it well.”
Cornes, James. Modern housing: houses in town and country, illustrated by examples of municipal and other schemes of block dwellings, tenement houses, model cottages and villages. *$3. Scribner.
Coryat, Thomas. Coryat’s crudities. 2v. *$6.50. Macmillan.
“The recently republished crudities of Thomas Coryat give, perhaps, a clearer notion of Shakespeare’s period than does Shakespeare himself.” Herbert Vaughn Abbott.
Cotes, Sara Jeannette (Duncan) (Mrs. Everard Cotes). Set in authority. †$1.50. Doubleday.
A story “about India and the possibility of carrying our beloved doctrines of liberalism into practice in that strange land.... In with the politics is wound a story of men and women, of love and loss and hopes and fears, which displays a number of very cleverly drawn characters, whose thoughts and feelings are of deep interest. The soldier, by strange bonds that remain concealed until the very end, is united by close ties to the Viceroy himself—and the discovery adds pathos to the wretched muddle which everybody made of things.” (Ath.)
“It is not a comforting or exhilarating story, but it is a clever, mature, and thoughtful piece of work that will increase Mrs. Cotes’s already high reputation.”
“Mrs. Cotes has given us of her best in this story of Indian life.”
“Every character in the book is alive and every character has its proper measure of interest.”
“People who like atmosphere, much clever talk, details of life and character, will enjoy her book. Those who prefer much story and less atmosphere will pronounce it tedious.”
“It is quotable to a large degree, and cannot be read without constant responsive smiles and a desire to share the witty characterizations with any near-by neighbor.”
“Society in the capital of a small Indian province is clearly sketched, but the ineffective love-story of the chief characters is unconvincing.”
“Her present book, though from a literary standpoint not quite in her happiest vein, is, however well worth reading.”
Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller- (“Q,” pseud.). From a Cornish window. *$1.50. Dutton.
This reflective and discursive “volume is somewhat arbitrarily divided into twelve chapters named after twelve months. Cornish matters, so far as treated at all, are more particularly discussed in ‘August’ and ‘December’; the other chapters handle at random, literature and life and politics and education. The writer’s unenthusiastic estimate of ‘our modern bards of empire,’ whom he finds lacking in high seriousness and any recognition of the human soul, is to be noted with approval. In the sober month of November he indulges in reflections on this human soul’s ultimate destiny.”—Dial.
“Despite occasional dull pages in these random outpourings, our popular story-teller ‘Q’ is worth reading in his more serious moods.”
“There are pages of fooling that we could wish omitted; there is a certain flippancy, a lightness of word that wrongs the serious thought, that makes us say, ‘Not worthy of “Q”!’ We speak of this at once, that we may get our objections out of the way and have done with them. Who—where so much is good—can help a little sigh after perfection?”
“There is much variety in this miscellany, or series of miscellanies, arranged by the calendar; but nothing therein is labored or affected. It is excellent talk, as flexible, suggestive, and responsive to suggestion, as good talk should be.”
“A very charming miscellany.” H. I. Brock.
“All lovers of good literature will find it a treasury which they will not readily exhaust.”
Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller- (“Q,” pseud.). Mayor of Troy. †$1.50. Scribner.
“A broadly humorous tale.” Mary Moss.
“So long as we are ready to take the actors as characters in farce, the fun is fast and furious, and the writer carries us along with him so that we do not stop to think of possibilities.”
70Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller- (“Q”, pseud.). Shakespeare’s Christmas and other stories. †$1.50. Longmans.
Reviewed by Mary Moss.
“Are capital illustrations of his narrative skill.”
Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller- (“Q,” pseud.). Sir John Constantine: memoirs of his adventures at home and abroad, and particularly in the island of Corsica, beginning with the year 1756; written by his son, Prosper Paleologus, otherwise Constantine; ed. by Q. †$1.50. Scribner.
This tale of adventure “has movement, suspense, the thrill of danger and the delight of high-minded devotion and idealized love. The time is in the seventeenth century, when Corsica was in arms against Genoa’s occupation and oppression, and the people were rallying to Paoli. Among the aspirants for the crown is a young English lad whose somewhat quixotic but chivalrous father, Sir John Constantine, of Cornwall, has procured from Theodore, a dissolute ex-king confined in an English debtor’s prison, a written renunciation in favor of the boy, together with the possession of the famous iron crown. With a few friends Sir John and his son land in Corsica and encounter adventure aplenty.”—Outlook.
“As adventure there has been no better story for a long time; and there is many a laugh in it too.”
“A novel of adventure of many merits is ‘Sir John Constantine,’ about whose ultimate relation to the literature of its period there need be but little doubt.” A. Schade van Westrum.
“How does he produce a literature that is not literal of life, but higher—a sublimated form of memories that come to the reader like the fragrance of centuries, sweet and familiar, too elusive to hold, too dear to lose?”
“His genius consists in having the right words with which to interpret a high romance of a time long past.”
“Mr. Quiller-Couch is no weaver of ornate verbal fabrics; but he is at once too ardent and too steeped in great literature to be ever mean or cold, and there are times when the mere beauty of his style, as style, moves us to enthusiasm.”
“As a tale of romantic adventure we have had hardly anything since Stevenson’s time so good as Mr. Quiller-Couch’s new story. The story as a whole, indeed, is so excellent of its kind that one wishes that the author had recast some parts of the book and subjected it to a severer test of his judgment as to construction, probability, and humor.”
“Sometimes the changeling in ‘Q’ gets the better of the romancer, and the farce, delightful in itself, strikes a jarring note in such an environment. Apart from this blemish, we have nothing but praise for a story which is not only ‘Q’s’ finest achievement, but one which must stand very near the work of the greatest of the romantics.”
“For ingenuity of plot and unconventionality of adventure the book is in a class by itself. His work never descends to vulgarity or claptrap excitement. For he is an artist.”
Coudert, Frederick René. Addresses, historical—political—sociological. **$2.50. Putnam.
“Mr. Coudert was a man of broad and deep culture, thoroughly acquainted with the literature of France, Spain, and Germany, and possessing a lucid, graceful, and effective English style.”
Cowan, Rev. Henry. John Knox, the hero of the Scottish reformation, 1505–1572. **$1.35. Putnam.
“The index in Cowan is admirable; that in Macmillan is almost worthless. The work by Cowan is the more scholarly, the more unbiased, and the more valuable.” Eri. B. Hulbert.
“Dr. Cowan’s work is less a piece of detraction or of eulogy than a plain narrative of events, with occasional comment upon the main issues which claimed Knox’s effort.”
Cox, Isaac Joslin, ed. Journeys of La Salle and his companions. 2v. **$2. Barnes.
The latest issue of the “Trail makers” series. The work includes translations from the memoirs of Tonty, Membré, Hennepin, Douay, Le Clercq, Joutel, and Jean Cavelier, besides minor sketches and an introduction.
“An admirable supplement to the formal story of American history and exploration, giving us cheap reprints of the personal narratives of the early discoverers and travellers, most of which are long out of print and comparatively inaccessible in the libraries.”
“Some of these narratives have been difficult of access, and certainly they all abound in stirring adventure and incident.”
Cox, Kenyon. Old masters and new: essays in art criticism. **$1.50. Fox.
“Amounting to a general view of the course of art since the sixteenth century.”
Craigie, Mrs. Pearl Mary Teresa Richards (John Oliver Hobbes, pseud.). Dream and the business. †$1.50. Appleton.
Mrs. Craigie’s posthumous novel. “There are six main figures in the book,—Firmalden, the Nonconformist minister, and his sister; the Roman Catholic Lord Marlesford and his wife; Lessard, the musician, and Miss Nannie Cloots, the actress. Among these six the game of love is played with immense confusion.” (Spec.) “The story is one of dreams and of disillusions; it fits its title better than it does the text from which the title is taken. To the meaning of the latter, as made obvious by the context, it seems scarcely to adhere.” (N. Y. Times.)
“We close it with the feeling that here is a fine novel marred by the old lack of sympathetic interest in human nature.”
“Under her customary lightness of manner the tone is full of grave sincerity, but this does not mean that the story is a tract—far from it!—or that it is dull. On the contrary, her 71workmanship has never been more careful or her good sayings more abundant.” Mary Moss.
“The author’s skill in describing the play of light and shadow on the surface of character, her French firmness and lightness of touch, the abundance of epigram and delicately elegant phrase, and the keenness of her observation, in which mingles a slight dash of kindly cynicism, make up a fine story.”
“The characterization, acute enough up to a point, constantly breaks down through the writer’s becoming more interested in the conversation than in the people. She lays herself open to the reproach of talking through her characters instead of letting them talk.”
“It may well enough stand as her monument, for it suggests everything characteristic in her substance and manner.”
“Although, as we think, its characters do not measure up to their creator’s conception of them, and although we are sometimes dragged rather than swept along with the narrative, the ability of the novel is of so high an order that we agree with Mr. Choate in his belief that it ‘will be another laurel’ in its writer’s ‘well-won crown.’”
“Its chief charm, alike from the development of a double plot, which is so delicately conceived and carried out with so much artistic finish as to obscure the end before the end comes, lies in the vitality of its characters and their consistently preserved personalities.”
“The book is in many ways the best that Mrs. Craigie has written. It is riper, maturer, firmer. It exhibits a more vivid grasp of things. Much of the pain which strove in her earlier books to hide itself under a mask of flippancy is mercifully gone.”
“Will not, we think, add to the reputation of Mrs. Craigie; but it will not detract from it. It is a fair example of her strength and her weakness.”
Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards) (John Oliver Hobbes, pseud.). Flute of Pan. †$1.50. Appleton.
“It should be safe to predict success for the comedy.”
“The whole story is told in the vein of comedy, and is but a trifling performance.” Wm. M. Payne.
“It is moderately amusing. The reader with a small purse might hesitate, however, before putting out his $1.50. for it.”
Cram, Ralph Adams. Impressions of Japanese architecture and the allied arts. **$2. Baker.
“To our mind the most important chapter in it is that dealing with Japanese sculpture. We do not remember any work in which its subject is so well and instructively handled.”
“The general reader as well as students of this subject will find Mr. Cram’s book interesting and instructive.”
“The essays that make up this volume are thoughtful and discriminating.” Frederick W. Gookin.
“It is the work of a man who finds perfected Japanese designs as nearly supreme as any decorative art in the world can be. A book of extreme subtlety of thought, which is increased by the strongly religious turn that all Mr. Cram’s reasoning is apt to take.”
“A keen analysis, interestingly written, of the beauties of Japanese architecture.”
Cram, Ralph Adams. Ruined abbeys of Great Britain. **$2.50. Pott.
“For the book generally we have nothing but praise. It is a pity, however, that Mr. Cram did not use more moderation of language in his introduction.”
Crane, Aaron Martin. Right and wrong thinking and their results. **$1.40. Lothrop.
The undreamed-of possibilities which man may achieve thru his own mental control.
“Mr. Crane’s argument is both skilful and convincing.”
“A forceful monograph.”
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney. Religion and politics. **$1.25. Whittaker.
A series of thirteen sermons, delivered before the author’s own congregation which discuss “society as politically and ecclesiastically organized, from the point of view of the religion of Christ as conceived by the author.” (Outlook.)
“All this, however, is incidental. The book is an excellent popular treatment of the subject of the relation between church and state, going most originally into the profoundest questions as to the nature of each, and giving a most excellent historical resume of their relations.” Ralph Albertson.
Reviewed by George Hodges.
“On matters of politics and industry, as well as history, and on the spirit of American institutions, and on the church as the incarnation of that spirit ... on all such themes this will be found a simple yet stimulating book, brave and persuasive, conferring dignity upon the writer, transferring worth unto the reader, a book of dear ideas that may be cheaply had (by us) but never cheaply practiced.”
“It cannot, however, be regarded as a contribution of original value to the subject. In spite of its plea for science, it seems to be the product of the writer’s inner consciousness rather than his investigations.”
Crawford, Francis Marion. Fair Margaret a portrait. †$1.50. Macmillan.
“It is always interesting, and told with the author’s deep knowledge of human nature, and his unvarying charm.”
“The story, if it does not rank with this popular author’s best work, is none the less very readable.”
“If there were nothing else in this book than the portrait of the big-hearted, Junoesque, voluble French woman ... it would still be one of the books that Mr. Crawford might justly be very proud of.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“The present addition to the Crawford library does not promise to dispute the position 72of the ‘Saracinesca’ series, though, like all of Mr. Crawford’s work, it belongs to the first-class of current fiction.”
“The dialog has more than Mr. Crawford’s customary vivacity.”
“Is extremely interesting, and there is some good character drawing in it.”
“There is a certain skill in the construction, but the mechanism is always visible, and there is no character which really lives. The interest in the book lies rather in the shrewd comments and reflections with which the dialogue is interspersed.”
“The story is told, too, in his own charmingly leisurely fashion, with many stops by the way to comment or analyze, and we confess to a distinct desire for its sequel.”
“It is, by all odds, the best thing he has done within the last ten years.”
Crawford, Francis Marion. Lady of Rome. †$1.50. Macmillan.
“It has for background the social life of Rome which he depicts so well, and deals chiefly with the character—or rather conscience—of Maria Montalto, which is sustained through many years and various crises by religious conviction, causing her to expiate her sin at some length, in fact from cover to cover. Expiations and religious scruples at such length might easily become irritating, but here the author has shown his skill by making Maria’s struggles not only far from wearisome but so far interesting that the reader is pleased to leave her in the last pages still a sensible woman, who believes in the reward of virtue.”—Acad.
“The story is told well and smoothly, though without the deeply studied and vividly rendered psychology for which the characters give plenty of opportunity, so that they lack in some measure the vitality which such studies demand.”
“Maria ... fails to be as convincing as some of the slighter characters who are depicted with more of Mr. Crawford’s usual vitality.”
“It belongs distinctly in the first rank of Mr. Crawford’s novels ... even if it does not attain the standard set by the Saracinesca trilogy.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“Mr. Crawford’s usual freshness of invention seems to have deserted him in this story; but he is so skillful and thoroughly trained a novelist that he never fails to interest his readers. This story, however, cannot be ranked with his very successful ventures in fiction.”
“Bears signs of forced activity and of hasty construction.”
Crawford, Francis Marion. Salve Venetia: gleanings from history. 2v. **$5. Macmillan.
“We have the raw material of history, slowly amassed or laboriously epitomized by others, treated mainly from the artist’s point of view, end dexterously, though never dishonestly, manipulated, so as to produce the best scenic effect.”
“It is very readable, and, needless to say, abounds in picturesqueness.”
“These two volumes need no pictures to make them attractive to their readers.”
“These volumes ... are neither history nor romance, but a blend of both. If we judge them as history, their value is small; as romance they are entertaining.”
“The volumes are filled with data, description, episode, and anecdote drawn from noted monographs and arranged, retold, and commented on with that fine historical insight, that superb grasp of materialistic and spiritual significance, that poetic charm of narrative which have made this author’s ‘Ave Roma immortalis’ and ‘Rulers of the South’ valuable contributions to history and pleasant books to read.”
“Is not the equal of its predecessor: it is less profound, less picturesque, less well written; it should have been more fascinating, it is less so. We can commend the book from beginning to end as a faithful and fascinating picture of the story of Venice.”
Crawford, Francis Marion. Southern Italy and Sicily and the rulers of the South; with 100 original drawings by Henry Brokman. *$2.50. Macmillan.
“It is well written and lively, but is the work of a novelist rather than an historian, with many positive mistakes, not to speak of omissions and oversights.”
“It is an entirely charming and fascinating chapter of history written by one who, while full of the noblest spirit of romance, is yet soberly devoted to fact, who while recognizing and employing the canons of practical exposition does not shrink from the use of that poetical language which alone can illumine the stirring epics of the history of South Italy.”
Creed of Christ. *$1.25. Lane.
“The work contains seven chapters which are devoted to a consideration of ‘The sayings of Christ,’ ‘Phariseeism,’ ‘God the Lawgiver,’ ‘God the Father,’ ‘The kingdom of God,’ ‘Apparent failure,’ and ‘Final triumph.’ We have never known a work in which the line has been drawn so clearly and strikingly between the letter that killeth and the spirit that maketh alive as in this book.”
“That he is a man of broad mental vision, of rich imagination and of deep spiritual intuition is clearly revealed in the work, which seems to us to be pregnant with the seeds of a spiritual renaissance. We could heartily wish that this volume could be placed in the hands of every truth-loving and sincerely religious man and woman in the land.”
Reviewed by George Hodges.
“The author has made an interesting book; but he has made it by confounding Hebraism with Pharisaism; by forgetting that Jesus Christ was a Jew—the reformer, not the repudiator, of the religion of his people; its spiritual interpreter, and so its defender, not its enemy.”
“Is written with more than ordinary vigor and knowledge of the facts of everyday living.”
“A really remarkable and original book.”
73Cripps, Arthur Shearly. Magic casements. $1.25. Dutton.
“The casements so Arthur Shearly Cripps tells us, look outward upon a ‘beautiful and restless England,’ look inward upon ‘her many-coloured faith.’ The magic we can aver is the tinge of imagination, the glamour of romance which he has succeeded in throwing over the little happenings of which we catch fleeting glimpses through those casements.” (N. Y. Times.) “A man escapes by the hanging of a dead bear instead of him: an old woman who goes to pray for her son loses her offering, and sees a true miracle, to the horror and instant conversion of a wicked priest, who was about to show her a false one for somebody else’s money; a a gold coin looks up in the face of a person who likes gold coins too much. These things are attractive and there is a touch of power in ‘The orb of terror,’ and ‘Dead in April’; of beauty in ‘The black-faced lamb,’ and in the end of ‘Crimson for snow-white.’” (Lond. Times.)
“Mr. Cripps has made a pretty success out of indifferent material.”
“The coloring in these bits of writing is of too opalescent a sort to win great popularity.”
Crocker, Francis Bacon, and Wheeler, Schuyler Skaats. Management of electrical machinery. *$1. Van Nostrand.
A thoroly revised and enlarged edition of the practical management of dynamos and motors.
Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. Cherry ribband: a novel. †$1.50. Barnes.
“It differs from his usual types in a touch of something deeper and more spiritual.”
“The book deserves well of the reader, albeit it is little more than a replica of earlier ones.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Mr. Crockett does not seem to have advanced in his art, but ‘The cherry ribband’ will satisfy his public.”
Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. Fishers of men. †$1.50. Appleton.
The missionary of Mr. Crockett’s Edinburgh slum district is a man who in a “beautifully human, devoted, and non-pietistical way, is shown among the burglars and toughs of Edinburgh’s Cowgate. The hero of the story is a lad who has the advantages of a high-class finishing school in artistic burglary, but insists on turning out straight and square; and some of the most interesting scenes are in a boys’ reformatory.” (Outlook.)
“Mr. Crockett’s latest book is full of his good qualities.”
“Abundance of exciting incident (sometimes close to melodrama), a well-sustained plot, shrewd characterization, and genial humor all combine to make this book one of the most entertaining that Mr. Crockett has ever written.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Altogether a badly constructed, but decidedly readable book.”
Crook, Rev. Isaac. Earnest expectation. *50c. Meth. bk.
Eight sermons “suggested by many of the rarest hearers as well as the finest preachers in Methodism.”
Crooke, William. Things Indian: interesting and entertaining information in regard to India by a former member of the Bengal civil service. *$3. Scribner.
A volume belonging to the series including “Things Chinese,” and “Things Japanese.” “It might well be called a ‘Cyclopedia of India,’ for it is divided alphabetically into subjects varying from agriculture at the beginning, through barasaul guns, caste, juggernaut, opium, tree worship, to writing. It covers a great deal of ground, and contains a vast deal of seemingly intimate knowledge of India.” (N. Y. Times.)
“It deals with a vast variety of subjects pleasantly throughout, and in many cases supplying useful information: in others the treatment is inadequate.”
“As a book of reference ‘Things Indian’ will take its place beside Yule and Burnell in the revolving bookcase.”
“A wider circle of subjects, more intimate acquaintance with Sanskrit literature, and Mr. Crooke’s unrivalled knowledge of India as it is would produce a work of very great value.”
“A valuable book for traveler, student, or reader.”
Reviewed by F. A. Steel.
Crosby, Ernest. Garrison the non-resistant. 50c. Public pub. co.
“There are present in this work the moral uplift and inspiring elements that render a book vital. It is a little volume that should be placed in the hands of young people everywhere.”
“Apart from these possible flaws, however, Mr. Crosby has written a wholesome book for the times, and we hope that it will have a wide reading.”
“It is not, however, structurally organic. In the personal narrative there are several minor errors of fact.”
Crosby, Oscar Terry. Tibet and Turkestan: a journey through old lands and a study of new conditions. **$2.50. Putnam.
The journey of exploration thru central Asia made in 1903 by Mr. Crosby in company with Capt. Ferdinand Anginieur of the French army furnishes much of the material for his “stirring tale of adventure and still more stirring record of wrongs.... [He] tears off with pitiless hand the thinly decent covering which ‘political necessity’ threw over the Lhasa affair, and exposes that affair in its naked simplicity.” The book is fully illustrated.
“We cannot rate Mr. Crosby’s book high, although we can readily understand that it may be useful and informing to the American reader.”
“The narrative is particularly attractive and valuable wherein he brings out the rival relation of the Russians and the British.” John W. Foster.
“A book at once readable and disappointing.”
“With its text, index, and brand-new map, it is a revelation of the new Asia of railways and telegraphs.” W. E. Griffis.
“Mr. Crosby’s description of the countries named is familiar, and his discussion of the political aspect is independent.” H. E. Coblentz.
“There is much of interest in the narrative of his trip. Many of his views are quite novel.”
Crosland, Thomas William Hodgson. Wild Irishman. **$1.25. Appleton.
“One expects of him bitter sarcasm and finds on the whole kindly appreciation.”
Crothers, Samuel McChord. Endless life. **75c. Houghton.
The will of the late George T. Ingersoll provides for an annual lecture on “the immortality of man.” Mr. McChord, chosen to deliver the 1905 address, cites the case neither of the primitive man nor of the average modern man, avoiding a “jungle growth of superstition” on the one hand, and a region of indifference on the other, but of the simple man who is viewed in contrast to the man of highly specialized intelligence. The relation of ethical idealism to future life is discussed.
“The book is a healthful consideration of a universally interesting topic, presenting old and familiar matter with clearness and suggestiveness.” Henry M. Bowden.
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton.
“His volume is an interpretation of life by a seer.”
Crothers, Samuel McChord. Pardoner’s wallet. **$1.25. Houghton.
These ten essays by the author of “The gentle reader” offer indulgences for such sins as those of omission, of necessarily slighted work, of doing more than is expected of one, and of unreasonable virtues. He deals with the “foibles, peccadillos, fallacies and the prejudices” of mankind with a subtle but always kindly humor, and never fails to make his moral purpose responsible for the friendly arraignment. The undertone of the book sounds a note of gentle manners and broad charity.
“He shoots very straight, although he does not employ a deadly kind of ammunition.”
“Mr. Crothers is less whimsical, but hardly less effective, than in ‘The gentle reader.’” H. W. Boynton.
“Finally, Dr. Crothers, to use the language of a brother divine, belongs to that best class of essayists who ‘clarify life by gentle illumination and lambent humor.’”
“Like its predecessor, is altogether delightful reading.”
“All the essays are well written.”
“In that most genial and delightful style of which he is master Doctor Crothers has written a series of essays in which the connecting thread is a kindly judgment of human peccadillos.”
Crowley, Mary Catherine. In treaty with honor. †$1.50. Little.
The historic setting of this tale is the struggle of French Canada for independence in 1837. A young volunteer of Irish birth, French education and United States citizenship and his comrade, a Polish aristocrat fight the same battles, share thrilling adventures and love the same winsome Jacquette. In the end one gives up his life for his country’s cause and the other wins the heroine.
Crowther, Samuel, jr., and Ruhl, A. Rowing and Track athletics. **$2. Macmillan.
A double volume in which the first subject is treated by Mr. Crowther and the second by Mr. Ruhl appears in the “American sportsman’s library.” “The treatment of rowing is largely historical, several chapters being devoted to the origin and development of collegiate rowing in the United States. The exposition of track athletics gives a convenient résumé of all the important records made in this branch of athletics during recent years.” (R. of Rs.)
“In fact, the book is a history of athletics in America, so clearly and intelligently written that the layman may catch much of the professional’s enthusiasm.”
“The somewhat dry statistics of track athletics in America are made readable by the excellence of the style in which the events are described by Mr. A. Ruhl.”
Culbertson, Anne Virginia. Banjo talks. $1. Bobbs.
“These include a captivating variety of themes, touched with considerable originality in dialect, idiom, and orthography.”
Cuppy, Hazlitt Alva, ed. Our own times: a continuous history of the twentieth century. *$3. J. A. Hill & co., New York.
The aim of this enterprise is to furnish each year a clear, concise compendium of the twelvemonth’s record, doing yearly what Dr. Albert Shaw does monthly in his Review of reviews. The initial volume, prepared by Bonnister Merwin touches upon the main conditioning forces of the world’s activity to-day. The book is provided with maps and also with many full-page half-tones of important personages and noteworthy events.
“That every reference library must have the series goes without saying. Dr. Cuppy should have the hearty gratitude of every literary worker.” A. W. S.
“We have tested it at a number of points and have found it adequate and just in its treatment and comprehensive in its view.”
“The whole not only forms an invaluable compendium of the year’s record, clear, concise, and reliable, but possesses a certain charm of style and literary grace that lend to the history the interest of a story.” Gerhardt C. Mars.
Curry, Charles Emerson. Electromagnetic theory of light, pt. I. *$4. Macmillan.
“Dr. Curry’s account of the electromagnetic 75theory of light promises to be very useful to students of mathematical physics, for whom no English book of exactly similar scope is at present available.... This first part deals with such phenomena of light as can be fully explained by the beautiful theory of Clerk Maxwell, whilst the second part is to treat of those cases in which that theory has hitherto failed to yield a satisfactory explanation.”—Sat. R.
“The author has fallen into the error, only too common, of not confining himself within any definite limits. The author’s treatment is adequate for the most part, but we are not much impressed by it; his mathematics are heavy, of the ‘sledge-hammer’ order, but they are stronger than his physics.”
“The work is purely theoretical, and in some chapters has no obvious pertinency to known facts.”
“The mathematician will find its pages at once lucid and accurate.”
“A book unnecessarily abstract, which, while entirely modern in treatment, and sufficiently cognizant of recent theoretical discussions, is out of touch with the experimental side of the science.” C. E. M.
Curtis, David A. Stand pat; or, Poker stories from the Mississippi. $1.50. Page.
The little town of Brownsville, Arkansas, furnishes the setting for Mr. Curtis’ twenty poker stories. Long Mike, Gallagher, the man with one eye only, and Stumpy figure thruout the sketches, and the characterizations are chiefly of this card quartette so mis-matched in sporting proclivities.
“It is a pleasant volume for casual reading.”
Curtis, Edward. Nature and health: a popular treatise on the hygiene of the person and the home. *$1.25. Holt.
How to claim “the priceless boon of health, happiness and the usefulness of years,” is discussed according to late enlightenment on the subject of hygiene. The chapters consider breathing, eating, drinking, drugging for delectation, seeing, hearing, clothing, bathing, disposing of waste, disinfecting, exercising the body, exercising the mind, sleeping and waking, working and playing, and living and dying.
“This is a particularly excellent manual.”
“It is full of good advice and usually in striking form.”
“For those who must read about their health, there is no better book than this, with its clarion call back to nature.”
“Now and again there are signs that he is a bit of a ‘faddist,’ but notwithstanding this his book may be heartily commended to the lay reader desirous of leading a sane, clean, wholesome life.”
“The style of the writing is easy and unconventional, possibly at times a little too colloquial.”
“One can dip into it here and there, and be certain always of finding something worth while told succintly, with a dry wit that like the claws of a burr makes it stick.”
“Delightful treatise.”
“The book as a whole is characterized by accuracy of statement, clear discussion, and practical suggestion, and it is a welcome contribution to an important subject.” J. E. Raycroft.
Curtis, Newton Martin. From Bull Run to Chancellorsville: the story of the Sixteenth New York infantry with personal reminiscences. **$2. Putnam.
In sketching the movements of the Sixteenth New York infantry from Bull Run to Chancellorsville there is also an amount of incidental information about northern New York organizations identified with the army of the Potomac. “The whole tendency of the narrative and of the comment which Gen. Curtis allows himself to make from time to time—with notable restraint and fairness—is to exalt the qualities of Gen. George B. McClellan as a commander of armies.” (N. Y. Times.)
“Few writers on events and conditions during the civil war have approached the subject with a better fund of historic information, and few have the vivid yet plain power of narration possessed by General Curtis.”
“Not only does Gen. Curtis write entertainingly, but he has also seen in good perspective the part played by his regiment in the campaigns and battles which he describes.”
“It is not often that a book which sets out to tell the story and record the services of a single military organization results in a narrative so full of really and generally interesting matter. He writes like a man and a soldier not like an army clerk.”
“In addition to its value as material for full knowledge of military history of the Civil war, this book has also considerable interest in its personal narrative of camp and battle incidents. Here and there flashes of humor enliven the story.”
Curtis, Olin Alfred. Christian faith personally given in a system of doctrine. *$2.50. Meth. bk.
A book which claims simply to impart a vision of the Christian faith as an organic whole of doctrine. It is not dogmatic, does not attempt “to speak the final word.... The main clue to all can be found in one thing, namely, in the junction of the two ideas, personal responsibility and racial solidarity.” The introduction discusses man and the Christian religion, then follows a six part treatment of the system of doctrine.
“A book which very fairly represents the present drift away from dogmatism in American theology.”
Curtis, William Eleroy. Egypt, Burma and British Malaysia. **$2. Revell.
“This is the latest and best literary photograph of the contemporary British protectorates here so agreeably treated.”
“For the most part he gives us what we often need, recent and reliable information about distant lands.”
76Curtis, William Eleroy. Modern India. **$2. Revell.
Reviewed by John W. Foster.
“Its statistics are recent, and the author evidently has the reporter’s instinct highly developed and a well-trained eye for the picturesque. On the other hand, his style is diffuse, his diction ‘journalese,’ and his inaccuracy amazing.” Louis H. Gray.
“He tells us much that most books leave out. He helps us to adjust traditional notions to present-day reality.”
Curzon of Kedleston, George Nathaniel, 1st baron. Lord Curzon in India: being a selection from his speeches as viceroy and governor-general of India, 1898–1905. With a por., explanatory notes, and an index, and with an introd. by Sir Thomas Raleigh. *$4. Macmillan.
“Lord Curzon made more than 250 set speeches during his seven and a half years’ service as viceroy, of which some sixty are in Sir Thomas’s book. They refer to all sorts of subjects, from the Budget—seven budget speeches are given—to art, archaeology, education, the famine, irrigation, game, preservation, the plague, and temperance. Their interest to Americans is of the slightest, except as showing what manner of man Curzon is, who has reversed the usual course of events, and has served in the highest post under the British crown without having worked his way to it systematically.”—N. Y. Times.
“Lord Curzon does not possess a good literary style.”
“To the student, not only of history, but of sociology of the human atmosphere, so to speak, of the last decade, the book is deeply interesting and extremely suggestive.”
“On the whole, however, it is the matter rather than the manner of the speeches that will interest the reader of this large volume.”
“His selected speeches are for those who have to reckon with him in domestic politics, and again for all libraries.”
“Indispensable to those who would understand how England has developed her vast dependency.”
“If there is much of self-confidence in this volume of speeches so full of rare charm, commanding eloquence and literary delights, it is the just confidence of a strong man armed and equipped at all points for the fray.”
“Certainly no collection of speeches has been published for long so full of political wisdom and sustained at so high a level of style.”
Cust, Lionel. Royal collection of paintings at Buckingham palace and Windsor castle; with an introd. and descriptive text. 2v. *$100. Scribner.
The benefits of King Edward’s recent movement to have the Royal art collection put in order, properly arranged, classified and cataloged are extended to the public through the medium of Mr. Cust’s magnificent two-volume work. There are one hundred and eight photogravures which illustrate masterpieces of the Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Flemish, German and English schools. The author furnishes an introduction and descriptive text which aid the illustrations in forming “a precious record of one of the finest collections of the world.”
“The public ... is certain to be grateful that the Royal commands have been so thoroughly and adequately executed by Mr. Lionel Cust.”
Reviewed by Royal Cortissoz.
“A work which reflects great credit on all who have been concerned in its preparation.”
“The second of Mr. Cust’s two magnificent volumes on the King’s pictures is of even greater interest than the first.”
“Useful and handsome publication.”
“But though the work before us is open to criticism on these minor points, we have nothing but praise for the general result achieved.”
Cust, Robert H. Hobart. Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, hitherto usually styled “Sodoma;” the man and the painter. *$6. Dutton.
A “just and fair-minded picture” of the artist deals with question of name,—including the origin of nickname, “Sodoma”—date of birth and birthplace of Bazzi; gives an account of his early years and apprenticeship; and then turns to discussions of his frescoes and paintings, his visits to Rome, and his fame and fortune. The book is equipped with notes, and numerous illustrations in photogravure which have been selected to aid the student in following the artist’s development.
“Mr. Cust’s book is a welcome and valuable addition to the existing literature relating to this fascinating painter.”
“With lawyer-like acuteness he weighs the evidence on either side before he pronounces judgment.”
“Persons interested in Italian art will read the book with pleasure, in spite of a somewhat heavy style and a superabundance of notes.”
“A treatise which is practically exhaustive. Mr. Cust’s style throughout is clear and simple, and, in treating of artistic matters, he eschews the terminology of the modern scientific school.”
“It is a fascinating volume, and will even hold the attention of the lay reader who has a keenness for the episodic drama of history and biography.”
“Even if Mr. Cust seems a little too enthusiastic about the subject of his book, his work is an interesting contribution to the literature of Renaissance art.”
77Cutler, James Elbert. Lynch law: an investigation into the history of lynching in the U. S. **$1.50. Longmans.
“The book is not only henceforth the authority on the subject, it is also a good example of a rational and scientific historical method.” Albert Bushnell Hart.
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson.
“The general line of treatment is wholly satisfactory and eminently fair. The book is a contribution and is a good example of the scientific historical method.” Charles H. Ambler.
Dale, Thomas F. Fox. $1.75. Longmans.
A recent volume in the “Fur, feather and fin series,” whose general aim is to treat the fowl, fish or beast under consideration from the standpoint of its natural history, its capture and its food value. “The present volume gives not only its natural but its psychological history adequately for the first time, and in a way that should attract all those interested in the question of the extent of animal intelligence.” (N. Y. Times.) The following headings suggest the extent of the treatment: The natural history of the fox, The education of the fox, The mind of the fox, How to preserve foxes, Home and haunts of the fox, The hunted fox, The fox as a captive, The fox as an outlaw, The fox in fable, Cousin Jack, The fox and his fur, and Hunting the fox.
“Had Mr. Dale kept within his proper limits, we should have had nothing but commendation to bestow upon his work.”
“Openly stating his sympathetic appreciation of the animal, the author proceeds with his study, combining faithful observation that carries conviction with it and all the compelling interest of a romance.” Mabel Osgood Wright.
“It is in short a capital monograph, and will be read with interest we are sure not only by those who delight in the sport of fox-hunting, but also by every lover of natural history.”
“Though this book on ‘The fox’ does not quite come up to the standard of certain of its predecessors, every one who cares about fox-hunting should read it. It would have been better had the natural history of the fox been entrusted to a zoölogist.”
Dale, Thomas F. Polo, past and present. *$3.75. Scribner.
“The selection of this book dealing with the polo of the remote past might it seems to us well have been omitted. Has written on the whole an excellent book, and we can thoroughly recommend it to all interested in perhaps the most fascinating game that was ever invented.”
Dana, John Cotton. Notes on bookbinding for libraries. 75c. Library bureau, Chicago.
“The problem with which this book deals is purely a library problem. It makes no pretence of contributing anything to the art or craft of book making; its aim is to give to librarians such an elementary knowledge of this craft that they may intelligently decide on the methods and materials that are best adapted to their needs. The point of view is purely the economic one—how shall the library bind its books so as to secure the largest possible service at the least cost.”—Nation.
Reviewed by Henry E. Bliss.
“Library commissions are recommending it, and it is likely to become the standard text book on library binding in summer schools, apprentice classes, and in the more elementary of the regular library schools.”
Dana, John Cotton, and Kent, Henry W. Literature of libraries in the 17th and 18th centuries. 6v. *$12. McClurg.
Two volumes of this series of six have made their appearance. One of them is “The duties and qualifications of a librarian: a discourse pronounced in the general assembly of the Sorbonne, December 23, 1870, by Jean-Baptiste Cotton des Houssayes, to which have been prefaced an introduction and bibliographical note.” The other introduction is “The reformed librarie-keeper. or two copies of letters concerning the place and office of librarie-keeper” by John Dury. with a biographical sketch of this Presbyterian divine of the sixteenth century.
“A collection that should be studied by all library workers, and that might well be read by any student of educational and intellectual history.”
Daniel, James Walter. Maid of the foothills; or, Missing links in the story of reconstruction. $1.50. Neale.
It has been the aim of the author to depict the spirit of the times truthfully, and to give proper place to the importance of the Red-shirt movement which severed the shackles of a bound populace. The story treats of the grim humor of the oppressed citizens, the heroism of Southern women in that period of severest trial and oppression, and shows the infamous deeds and evil spirit of Southern men who joined the hosts of carpet-baggers and helped them to bleed the prostrate state.
Darrow, Clarence S. Eye for an eye. †$1.50. Fox.
Jim Jackson who tells the tale of his crime the night before the expiation of his guilt, is one of those unfortunate “submerged tenth” victims of negative circumstances. Not with the spirit of resentment but of discouragement over never having had a chance in life, Jim tells his story with a mildness that “is a more severe arraignment of social conditions than the fiercest tirades could be.” (Bookm.)
“If to create an illusion, to attain the effect aimed at, completely and entirely, is literary art, then Mr. Darrow’s work is literary art of the highest, in spite of an apparent neglect of all the canons of literary art.” Grace Isabel Colbron.
Dauncey, Mrs. Campbell. Englishwoman in the Philippines. *$3.50. Dutton.
“This is a series of letters written by an Englishwoman during a stay of nine months in the Philippine islands, and they are full of those definite details of living which satisfy the curiosity and give precision, without any special attempt at style, the innumerable phases of a life so foreign as to be interesting in all its commonplaces: they describe the climate and scenery, the costumes of the natives, their houses, their occupations, amusements, politics, religion. And they abound in criticisms of the American administration, indeed of everything American.”—Outlook.
78“If [the great American people] read Mrs. Campbell Dauncey’s penetrating but not unkindly criticisms in the proper spirit, her book for them will be of real service. To the British reader it will appeal as a notable contribution to Pacific literature, worthy, at a reasonable interval, to be placed on the same shelf with Stevenson’s ‘South sea studies.’”
“Barring several ludicrous blunders thus almost wilfully made, the letters stick with great faithfulness to conditions as personally observed, and have the touch which comes from direct observation.” H. Parker Willis.
“Quite commonplace in all ways and practically valueless as bearing upon the Philippines. Scarcely a single general comment upon the Philippines or Philippine conditions is correct.”
“With every page a challenge, one may be glad to read the volume, regretting for the lively and confident author’s sake, that a competent editor had not revised some of its phrases.”
“It is told much better and more interestingly than we have seen it told before.” Montgomery Schuyler.
“It is distinctly above the average of such books.”
Davenport, Frederick Morgan. Primitive traits in religious revivals: a study in mental and social evolution. **$1.50. Macmillan.
“One may regret that not many first-hand observations of revivals in process are made by the author, that his material is almost exclusively historic; still his work of interpretation is vital throughout,—there are no dead pages.” H. H. Horne.
“The book is admirable in many ways. It is perhaps marked by facility rather than by great power and depth. The book should prove helpful to readers of quite contrasted training and sympathies.” G. M. Stratton.
Davey, Richard Patrick Boyle. Pageant of London; with 40 il. in color by John Fulleylove. 2v. *$5. Pott.
A series of word-pictures with pictorial accompaniment of the principal events that have transpired in London. It is called a “Pageant,” “meaning not only coronations, royal marriages, funerals, and other pompous shows and spectacles, but as signifying the unrolling, as in a sort of procession, of the story of the British capital from the day when Julius Caesar appeared on the bank of the Thames, to that which witnessed the funeral of Queen Victoria.” (Ath.)
“Mr. Davey is not always accurate, and his style is not always pure, but his book is as good a compendium of the history of London as we know.”
“In a work intended for the general reader rather than for the serious student it may perhaps seem ungracious to dwell on imperfections which a very little care could remove. It is a pleasanter task to dwell on the merits of a book which is replete with information, presented with a considerable amount of literary skill.”
“Thoroughly up-to-date, embodying the results of the most recent archæological researches, the new publication is indeed a most noteworthy one, full of curious information on all manner of side issues and giving token on every page of deep erudition.”
“The coloured pictures by Mr. Fulleylove are a serious mistake. Such a book could not have been too copiously adorned with old engravings. Properly selected, such a pictorial accompaniment would more than have doubled its value.”
“It is not always decreed that a man shall live to execute the work which his years have accumulated, but in this case the decree seems to have existed and seems to have been fulfilled. The world of history and literature is as much to be congratulated as the author.”
“Americans ... should find this book very entertaining and enlightening, and good reading before a trip to England—or even after one, as a pleasant reminder.”
Davies, D. Ffrangçon-. Singing of the future; with an introd. by Edward Elgar. *$2.50. Lane.
“A book which prompts thought.”
“Is a direct and serious appeal to the English-speaking singer.”
Davis, Henry William Charles. England under the Normans and the Angevins. *$3. Putnam.
Volume 2 of Professor C. W. C. Oman’s “History of England” to be complete in six volumes and to include the period “from the beginning” to 1815. “Mr. Davis seeks to focus his volume at a given point by dwelling on the inventive and experimental features of his era as contrasted with the spirit of consolidation which marked the age of the three Edwards.” (Nation.)
“An attractive book, at once well-planned, well-written, and scholarly. The narrative is crisp and clear and the characterizations pointed, and Mr. Davis treats his theme broadly.” Charles H. Haskins.
“To the author’s mastery of his sources as well as the literature on his subject is added the gift of writing in a bright and interesting fashion; while the excellent table of contents and the marginal headings will be found useful pilots by the teacher and the student.”
“As a popular history it is likely to take high rank.”
“Thoroly as it has been covered by many historians before him, he adds touches of freshness and vigor to an old narrative.”
“Mr. Davis is an excellent writer, and keeps at all points in touch with first hand authorities.”
“Mr. Davis is scarcely at his best with regard to Norman England and its great constitutional document, Doomsday Book.” Joseph Jacobs.
“Mr. Davis’s sympathies are manifestly with the native element, and perhaps as a result of this he scarcely does justice to some of the notable foreigners who were responsible at once for the spoliation and regeneration of England. His work further suffers from carelessness in identifying persons and places, and from eccentricities in the spelling of proper names.”
79“The characters described are made alive, and the institutions real. We do not know a more suggestive or interesting guide to this important period.”
Davis, John Patterson. Corporations: a study of the origin and development of the great business combinations and their relation to the authority of the state. 2v. **$4.50. Putnam.
“Altogether, we must regard this book as materials collected with a view to the production of a definite theory, rather than any coherent statement of such a theory.”
“It is also highly suggestive, penetratingly analytical, and rich in information useful to the economist, jurist, and legislator; and if it is impossible wholly to agree with Dr. Davis’s findings as to facts or to deem his influences always sound, it is equally impossible to deny the value of his work as an aid to the more intelligent consideration of its important subject.”
Reviewed by Henry R. Seager.
“The work as it stands, is of very high merit, and covers a vast range of ground. It is a work that every library which wishes to be well equipped in the side-lights of history must possess, for, apart from the independent research and clear thought that distinguish it, it comprises the views and research of most modern thinkers on the difficult and often obscure subjects with which Dr. Davis deals.”
“As a whole, the work, while it shows careful thought and much reflection, lacks proportion, and is too plainly bent to a preconceived theory.” Simeon E. Baldwin.
Davis, Morgan Lewis. The gas offis, by the offis boy. $1. Broadway pub.
Dedicated “To everybody wot uses gas,” these observations of the gas company’s office boy will prove amusing reading for the gas burning public who will learn how the chronic kicker appears when viewed from inside, and of the many amusing devices to which human nature resorts to dodge or reduce the gas bill. It may even fulfill the pacific mission of rousing down-trodden customers to sympathize with an equally down-trodden head-bookkeeper.
Davis, Norah. Northerner. †$1.50. Century.
“If she lavishes ornamental words, she is never common.” Mary Moss.
“It is an unusually strong book, with an unusually strong man for its central character.” Wm. M. Payne.
Dawson, Miles Menander. Business of life insurance. **$1.50. Barnes.
“Any person intending to take out a policy who fails to read this or some similar work is certainly very short-sighted.”
“This book will be found good reading by all who are interested in life insurance.”
“In short, precisely because the book is more than a text, it is for textbook purposes better than a text.” H. J. Davenport.
Dawson, William Harbutt. German workman: a study in national efficiency. *$1.50. Scribner.
“In this volume William Harbutt Dawson gives an account of what the state is doing for the working classes in Germany. The book is a history, not an argument; a book of information not of philosophy. The reader will rise from the perusal of it impressed by the fact that the least democratic state in western Europe is also, at least in one sense of the term, the most socialistic state.... The book contains twenty-two chapters, each chapter devoted to a specific department of state provision of one sort or another for workingmen.”—Outlook.
“A volume which, if not attractively written, is probably the most convenient guide for English readers who would venture into the mazes of German ‘Sozialpolitik.’”
“A valuable addition to our information.”
Dawson, William James. Makers of English prose; new and rev. ed. *$1.50. Revell.
The author “traverses in one volume practically the whole realm of English verse from Burns to the men of our day and that of English prose from Johnson to Ruskin and Newman. The books deserve popularity in America for their helpfulness, sanity, and learning.”—Lit. D.
“The author refrains from wild theories or strange deductions, and is exempt from bias towards any especial domain of letters.”
“The discussion is trenchant, the style pithy, and the judgment pronounced is usually temperate and sound. An occasional statement may strike us as a rhetorical exaggeration, but in the main the criticism is intelligent and compact.”
“Mr. Dawson is admirable—in his application of common sense to criticism, and in his moral prepossessions of literature.”
“Mr. Dawson has insight, sympathy, and knowledge, but with these qualities combines others that are more rare in an essayist; he has practical aims, and his style has both clearness and distinction.”
“We know of no book that gives a juster, sounder, or, on the whole, a more interesting view of the group of writers selected by Mr. Dawson, and of the times in which they lived and labored.” Edward Cary.
“A volume of literary criticism of unusual importance.”
“Mr. Dawson’s breadth of view is remarkable and his memory extraordinarily retentive. His point of view is always eminently sane, sympathetic and impartial. His style, moreover, is delightfully clear, forceful, and smooth.”
“He is clearly familiar with the great body of first-class English fiction, and can write with force and common sense. But we doubt the necessity or demand for books of this character.”
“He says many true things, and says them well; he says some few things which do not seem to us true, but he always commends them by the manifest conviction from which they proceed.”
80Dawson, William James. Quest of the simple life. $1.50. Dutton.
In form Mr. Dawson’s book “is autobiographical, narrating the happy escape of a London clerk, after twenty years’ drudgery in the city, to the free air and manifold delights of a horticultural, piscatorial and literary life in the lake district.” (Dial.)
“It is to be hoped that the seductive volume may not fall into the hands of any London-weary clerk who shall mistake its plausible fictions for the gospel truth. A student of social problems, he has things to say about the evils of city life and the advantage of country life that are worth saying and worth reading.”
“Animated by sanity, sympathy and knowledge, linked to a felicitous and forceful style.”
“Dr. Dawson’s account of his quest for a simpler and more satisfactory life has in it nothing extreme, nothing so austere as to make the ordinary man draw back and doubt its wisdom.”
“These essays have distinction and grace of manner, and they also contain not a little of philosophical value as relates to the social civilization and social movement of our day.”
Day, Holman Francis. Squire Phin. †$1.50. Barnes.
“Yet another story of Maine is ‘Squire Phin.’ His office was over Asa Brickett’s village store, and there and thereunder goes forward the chorus in this rustic melodrama. The protagonists, meanwhile, are variously occupied in practicing law, making love, adjusting quarrels, and preventing scandals, while over all is cast the limelight of burlesque by the return to his native town of the showman ... with chariots, parrot and elephant he shrieks and plunges and crashes through the story till, tired of his unchartered freedom, he sinks into the repose of wedlock.”—Nation.
“The dialect of this book touches deeper depths than even the usual New England coast story. The incidents bear the same enlarged relation as the dialect to the average village chronicle.”
“Rarely have we met a more amusing group of village sages.”
Deakin, Dorothea. “Georgie.” †$1.50. Century.
Broad shouldered, blond, boyish, frankly engaging, and wholly sincere in each passing fancy, Georgie succeeds in becoming engaged to any number of nice girls, sometimes in quick succession and sometimes all at once. The story of his loves is amusing and it is interesting to see how one can be such a trifler and still remain a gentleman at heart. As for Violet, pretty as paint, Druscilla, plain Anne, the goddess girl, Phillida, Dolly and the little Puritan, their cause needs no sympathy.
“But though belonging to the bubbles of bookmaking, the story is of an ingratiating kind, and serves to wreathe an hour in half-protesting smiles.”
“Making no pretensions that are not fulfilled, they disarm criticism and succeed in their mission of being diverting.”
“Such a book might easily be made silly, but in fact this is thoroughly amusing.”
Dealey, James Quayle, and Ward, Lester Frank. Text book of sociology. *$1.30. Macmillan.
“Sociology is in its infancy, but such a book as this will avail much to interpret it to students.”
“The treatment throughout the book is altogether constructive and non-controversial. The style is very clear and attractive, considering the character of the work.” R. F. Hoxie.
“Only those who have had considerable training in the biological sciences, history, economics, and psychology will be able to get much good from the book. To the student so prepared, however, who will read also widely both from Ward’s larger works and from other works mentioned in the text, this little book will prove of great value.” Henry W. Thurston.
“The book is very clever and very readable, but we cannot help thinking a trifle paradoxical.”
Decharme, Paul. Euripides and the spirit of his dramas; tr. by James Loeb. **$3. Macmillan.
An introduction shows the need of an “able” attempt to reveal the true Euripides. The author believes that both as a man and a poet he has been underrated from Aristophanes down. Part 1 of Professor Decharme’s discussion shows what were Euripides’ emancipatory views upon religious traditions, philosophy, society and politics. Part 2 is a critical study of Euripides’ dramatic art.
“The analytical index of a dozen pages is a commendable feature.”
Reviewed by F. B. R. Hellems.
“Excellent version.”
“Mr. Loeb has escaped the danger of over-literalness, and has lost nothing of the lucidity of Decharme’s French. It should be in the hands of all students of the drama.”
“We know, however, of no analysis of the character and work of Euripides that is, all things considered, as thorough, impartial, and convincing as that made by Paul Decharme.” George S. Hellman.
“In breadth of view, close analysis, and well-thought-out presentation, Professor Decharme’s work is very able, and Mr. Loeb seems to have done justice to his self-imposed task.”
Deeping, (George) Warwick. Bess of the woods. †$1.50. Harper.
Bess, the courageous heroine of this stirring tale, has been brought up as one of a rough band of English smugglers who quarrel over her among themselves, but when one of them tries to win her by brute force, there comes to her aid young Richard Jaffray, owner of a near-by estate, who rescues her and is wounded in her defence. How Bess is freed from Dan, and how Richard escapes from the toils of the passé Miss Jilian, and how they both come to their own, forms the substance of this story of brave deeds and social banter, of ball-room, of forest and of sea.
81“A vigorous, full-blooded romance of the eighteenth century, in which the tone and temper of the age are most successfully realized.”
“Might have been written by any one of a dozen other novelists—and written rather better.”
“The characters are vividly drawn; the plot ‘marches’; the color is laid on freely and not without sureness.”
“Extremely interesting well-written and artistically framed romance, which has not had many equals in the action of recent years.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Marked by—clear style and a simplicity of diction. It is an engaging story, full of entertainment for those who ask no more of a novelist than that he should entertain.”
Deland, Ellen Douglas. Little son of sunshine, a story for boys and girls. †$1.25. Harper.
Sunny little Christopher, an orphan with only one leg and a pair of crutches upon which to begin his walk thru life, limps straights into the hearts of a kindly farmer and his childless wife who have taken the little waif into their home for a summer’s outing. At the end of his holiday, which is made merry by his escapades with Betty who with her aunt has come to board at the farm, he finds that two homes are open to him and later discovers that General Keith, the rich, lonely old man whose stern nature has melted before the sunshine of Christopher’s nature, is really his own grandfather.
“All told with much literary skill, and the storyteller’s knack of weaving incidents together to give them the flavor of reality.”
“A pretty, well-managed story of a dear child.”
Deland, Mrs. Margaret Wade (Campbell). Awakening of Helena Richie. †$1.50. Harper.
Helena Richie’s soul awakening seems so natural and possible amid the Old Chester people and Old Chester surroundings, with Dr. Lavendar at his best, as philanthropist, philosopher and mentor. This woman has violated the structural facts of the moral law. She is led by little David, a homeless child whom she takes, to discover the great religion of duty. As the light comes, her old standards seem the poor tottering things they really are and she struggles for permanent defences. When her life becomes known and Dr. Lavendar regards her unfit to keep David, her submission to the law of retributive justice which operates for a time then gives way, and her determination to make the remainder of her life “clear and sound” but give evidence to the genuineness of her awakened sincerity.
“The book has many of the merits and faults that are frequently met in novels written by women.”
“In this last story we feel that Mrs. Deland has, as never before, proved herself the creator, and not merely the finely-equipped and enjoyable story-teller.” Edith Baker Brown.
“It is a story that has seldom been told as appealingly and with such conscience-searching effect as in ... Mrs. Deland’s latest and best novel.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Strikes a deeper and truer chord of human passion, and indeed of tragedy, than most of the novels of the day that deal with a similar theme.”
“The story is beyond question a contribution to real literature. We are inclined to believe it must be coupled with Mr. Wister’s ‘Lady Baltimore’ as the finest fiction produced in this country this year.”
“It is a good thing to have a ‘text’ for your novel, if your judgment is so well able to bear it as is Mrs. Deland’s; if it warms you to so much sympathy and understanding as are revealed in this wise, deep, and tender story.”
“Mrs. Deland’s latest novel opens and proceeds with a firm tread which has not always characterized her larger books. At the same time the accustomed fine inlay work that marks all her dealings with Old Chester and its inhabitants is here peerlessly present.”
“Flawless in literary form, penetrated through and through with ‘an inward spiritual grace,’ surely it must come to its own—a permanent place among the books that abide.” M. Gordon Pryor Rice.
“Mrs. Margaret Deland’s latest and most successful novel.”
“Highly sophisticated cosmopolitan novels are so numerous that the success of this deeply human tale, told in the universal language of the writers who are born and not made, is a thing in which even the judicious may rejoice without loss of dignity.”
De La Pasture, Elizabeth (Bonham) (Mrs. Henry De La Pasture). Man from America. †$1.50. Dutton.
A story by the author of “Peter’s mother.” “The pretty granddaughters—one is a butterfly beauty but as sweet and good as good can be, the other an earnest thinker, but no prig—grow up and fall in love and get married to the right people, and learn in time that bon-papa is not really poor, but that he (and they) are very rich; and the little troubles they have passed through, the little white clouds that have sailed across on the summer wind, only make the sunshine of their sunny lives more golden.” (Acad.)
“That the work is fresh, human and altogether delightful, must be the verdict of every reader.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Crude as it is in execution, told with a frank disregard for the niceties of narrative art, it comes very close to being great.”
“We ... find in the author’s portraits of one or two not a little of the genius of Jane Austen.”
“Comedy of the most light and charming kind, with sentiment enough of a natural and healthy kind and wit enough to add savor to the sentiment.”
“A very genial and entertaining romance.”
De La Pasture, Elizabeth (Bonham) (Mrs. Henry De La Pasture). Toy tragedy: a story of children. †$1.50. Dutton.
The tragedy is a toy tragedy merely because it deals with children, and the things which make up their weal and woe, and it is a story of, rather than for, children because the tale of the four orphaned little folks and how they learned too early the harder side of human nature and how to cope with it, is really a story for thoughtful grown ups. The death of little Elsie, and the sweet chastened spirit of Jean cast a shadow over the story which the success of the two boys does not dispel.
“The story is well written.”
“It is an attractive children’s story, although the situations are just the least bit improbable, and there is a touch of false sentiment in the relations between the good little sister and the pretty spoiled one.”
Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel. Breaking the wilderness: the story of the conquest of the far West. **$3.50. Putnam.
“A very readable book, which has the great attraction of a thoroughly humane and reasonable point of view; nor is the drift of the main argument less interesting to follow because some conclusions differ from those of several who have gone before in the same track of adventure.”
De Mille, James. Cord and creese. †$1. Harper.
This new edition of an old story enables a new generation to revel in its dramatic scenes of love and mystery, in its graphic descriptions of the search for a stolen treasure, and to follow the many tangled threads of its plot to a happy ending. The cord of the title is one of curious Eastern manufacture, the creese is a Malay dagger, and the two form the principal clues in the search for the villain of this stirring tale.
“So far as style goes it is much superior to the novel of adventure of commerce, as put on the market to-day.”
“A story better worth reading than most of the more recent examples of its class.”
“Folks who like good measure, however, will find ‘Cord and creese’ a satisfying book, the work of a story-teller who knew his business as it was practiced in his day, and who knew the world.”
De Morgan, William Frend. Joseph Vance: an ill-written autobiography. †$1.50. Holt.
The autobiography of a middle-class Englishman of fifty years ago which unites the characteristics of the novel with the interest of a human document. The author turns analyst, and includes father, mother, friends and self in a sketch that runs close to the heart. He follows his boyhood days, and youth amid poverty, his Oxford days which developed an inordinate love for chess as well as mechanical inventive ability, and colors the latter happenings with his love for a woman whom he does not marry. The life-story reflects much of middle-class English thought and customs of fifty years ago.
“We wish that Mr. de Morgan had been content with a manner of construction as simple and direct as the actual writing of his book.”
“Is fresh, original, and unusually clever.”
“In my personal opinion this ‘ill-written autobiography’ is wise, witty, gentle and of unflagging interest, but then, I have been frightfully prejudiced in its favour—by reading it.” Mary Moss.
“It is not a book that the reviewer can boom, much as he would like to; nor can he give a more definite idea of it than to say that, if the reader likes both ‘David Copperfield’ and ‘Peter Ibbetson,’ he can find the two books in this one.”
“It is ill-written only in the sense of not being composed according to the present trim, abrupt fashion of novel-reading. We hardly know how to suggest the mellowness of this story, and therein lies its charm. We doubt if any reader who has a sense for true humour will find it tedious.”
“A work as admirable in detail as in mass effect, a book worth reading and rereading and keeping in your house.”
“This is a novel of the first order—one that aligns itself with the best English fiction.”
“Amuses by its willful divagations from the straight of narrative, quietly pleases by its wholesome sentiment, and leaves one with an impression of thorough enjoyment.”
“The style is strong and expressive, but very often clumsy and over-elaborate and would-be humorous. The strength and interest of the book lies in the fresh original observation of lower-middle-class life; in its shrewd characterisation and life-like dialogue and incidents.”
“Were it not that he challenges comparison with the classics, we might almost call it a great novel.”
Denby, Charles, colonel. China and her people. **$2.40. Page.
Uniform with the “Travel lover’s library,” this new work is in two handy-sized volumes. “The first volume is filled with reminiscences of the author’s stay in China and his personal impressions of the land and the people, and with accounts of court life at Pekin and social life and customs elsewhere in the kingdom. The second volume is concerned with Chinese politics and industrial and commercial problems and conditions.” (Dial.)
“The material is arranged in an interesting fashion. The books are readable and, more important, reliable.”
“It must be accepted as the most authoritative of late contributions to the literature on Chinese affairs, and is especially valuable in its observations on political topics.” John W. Foster.
“In general, the topics dealt with in both volumes are of the sort that would naturally interest a man of affairs, and Colonel Denby’s method of treating them will appeal particularly to masculine readers.”
“Particularly is it of service to American statesmen and business men.”
“A few ... inaccuracies ... are but minor blemishes in a very delightful and informing book.”
“Colonel Denby made good use of the unusual opportunities for observation which he enjoyed, and for absorption of the Oriental spirit and way of looking at things.”
“Especially interesting and important are the late minister’s own words on the Boxer rebellion and the missionary question.”
Dennis, James Shepard. Christian missions and social progress. v. 3. **$2.50. Revell.
The third and last volume of an encyclopedic work on missions. “This entire volume is concerned with the contribution of missions to social progress and every phase of the subject is accorded full and careful treatment, with abundant illustrations from missionary activities under all churches, and in all countries.” (Nation.)
“The work is valuable for reference.”
“The range is cyclopædic the details multitudinous and interesting throughout. Altogether, this is a unique work, without which no reference library can be considered complete.”
“In the twelve years in which Dr. Dennis has been engaged upon this great task, he has accumulated a vast store of interesting facts, most of which had never before been classified or grouped in systematic order.”
De Quincey, Thomas. Autobiography and confessions of Thomas De Quincey; with photogravure front. por. and biographical and critical introd. by Tighe Hopkins. *$1.25. Scribner.
Uniform with the “Caxton thin paper classics.” The volume is prefaced by the editor’s introduction.
Reviewed by Montgomery Schuyler.
Devine, Edward Thomas. Efficiency and relief: a programme of social work. **75c. Macmillan.
“The inaugural address of Mr. Edward T. Devine on the occasion of his taking the Schiff Professorship of social economy at Columbia University.... His subject is ‘Efficiency and relief,’ and he discusses modern methods of increasing the industrial efficiency of the individual and at the same time of providing adequate relief for those who are of deficient wage-earning capacity.”—Ind.
“Large and fine as is the outlook of this lecture, it lacks something of complete analysis of the aim of charity. The treatment is, indeed, broader than the definition; the spirit of the author is wider than the programme he outlines; and the lectures which will follow will pass beyond the territory which can be accurately named ‘economics.’” C. R. Henderson.
“Those who are interested in these great problems of social advance will find this address most helpful and stimulating.”
Reviewed by Winthrop More Daniels.
“The necessity of the scientific study of these problems in the analysis of conditions and the formulation of principles of action are clearly and forcefully stated.”
“The little book is packed with ideas and is larger than it looks.” Chas. Richmond Henderson.
“We commend Mr. Devine’s little volume to all who would intelligently co-operate in the work of social betterment.”
“We venture to predict that all who get to read it at all will be interested readers.”
Devins, John Bancroft. Observer in the Philippines. $2. Am. tract.
“The random and indiscriminating observations of a visitor in missionary interests.”
Dewsnup, Ernest Ritson, ed. Railway organization and working. $2. Univ. of Chicago press.
“To those acquainted with the literature of railway transportation it will not need emphasizing that the book really occupies a unique place. The numerous aspects of the railway service which it treats, the plain and untechnical way in which every subject is handled, the fact that more than a score of railway experts of the highest reputation, have collaborated in its production, all combine to make the volume indispensable to the ambitious young ‘railroader.’... It is also to be hoped that the book ... will have a stimulating effect upon the teaching of railway economics in our universities.”
“Should appeal to serious students of railway economics.”
Dexter, Henry Martyn, and Dexter, Morton. England and Holland of the Pilgrims. **$3.50. Houghton.
“The book is strongest on the side of opinion, theology, and controversial literature.” William Elliot Griffis.
“A very minute and learned study of the early founders of Congregationalism.”
“This work is absolutely unique in thoroness and accuracy.”
“Lightness of touch this volume does not possess in an eminent degree, but it contains a large amount of information which has been digested with affectionate and conscientious care.”
“This is by all odds the most complete record of Pilgrim origins yet published in this country.”
Dicey, A. V. Law and opinion in England. *$3. Macmillan.
“Clear thought, wide scholarship, and lucid writing make the defence as strong as the facts will warrant, and the facts are so conclusive that few flaws can be found in the proof.”
Reviewed by C. J. Hamilton.
“While carefully delimiting the field to be covered, presents a wealth and variety of fact, 84suggestion, and speculation on governmental concerns.” George R. Bishop.
Dick, Stewart. Arts and crafts of old Japan. **$1.20. McClurg.
“After the score of books on Japanese art and art industry, and by men who on the ground have studied the art of Nippon, this book seems shallow and of slight value.”
“The book seems also the best familiar study we have seen of the visible tangible work of art which we get from Japan, as distinguished from the subtle influences which lie back of it.”
Dickens, Charles. Mr. Pickwick’s Christmas. $2. Baker.
The account of the Pickwickians’ Christmas at the Manor farm, of the adventures there and tale of the goblin who stole a sexton, and of the famous sports on the ice, are here recorded as in the famous Pickwick chronicle. George Alfred Williams has written an introduction and has illustrated the volume.
Dickens, Charles. Tale of two cities; ed. with introd. and notes by James Weber Linn. 50c. Ginn.
A student’s edition well annotated. The editor’s aim has been principally to show the general relation of this novel to Dickens’ other works, and to point out the devices of Dickens’ art in the construction of the plot.
Dickens, Charles. Tales from Dickens, ed. by Hallie Erminie Rives. †$1.50. Bobbs.
“If the mature reader would enjoy Dickens he must read Dickens; but to children or youthful persons not acquainted with the marvelous stories of England’s greatest novelist this book will appeal.”
“Miss Rives’s book must have a good influence; her summaries of the famous novels are lucid, tasteful, and sympathetic; she gives much in little.”
“Not only is the book well suited to the peculiarities of the child mind, but it is also of no negligible value as a book of reference.”
Dickerson, Mary Cynthia. Frog book. **$4. Doubleday.
“An enthusiastic recital of close and critical observation.... The introductory chapter deals with the distinction between batrachians and fishes and reptiles, development and metamorphoses, classification, phylogeny, hibernation, poison, voice, color, change, behavior, and distribution of the ‘batrachia salientia,’ or frogs and toads.... The remainder of the book is given up to a detailed account of about sixty frogs, tree-toads and toads, of this continent.”—Dial.
“The scope of the work is not too great for the space allotted; the treatment is scientific, thoroughly modern and up-to-date, reflecting current university standards. The selection of material and the completeness and comprehensiveness of the treatment are commendable.”
“The need of a popular frog book is now well met for Miss Dickerson has given just the information wanted by the general nature student and in a form which will surely win popular interest for these interesting vertebrated animals.”
“Notwithstanding some examples of the prevailing nature-study gush or cant the style is generally simple and direct. Unmixed commendation cannot be accorded either the author or the publishers.”
“She gives the fruit of much study and personal investigation with a light, though none the less sure, literary touch.” Mabel Osgood Wright.
Dickinson, Emily Monroe. Patriot’s mistake; being personal recollections of the Parnell family, by a daughter of the house. *$3. Lane.
“The history of the great patriot Charles Parnell is too well known to need any comment here; but many others of the family, though not always through fault or sin of their own, met with misfortune and premature death. The entire story is peculiarly sad, but the fearful ‘mistake’ of Charles, with the shame and disgrace that followed hard upon it, overshadows all the other painful chapters in the record.”—Critic.
“Extraordinary indiscretion.”
“A narrative of most pathetic interest.”
“The radical fault of it lies in the fact that it was ever published.”
“We think that a little more reserve would not have been amiss; but there is romance about some of her pages that is real Irish.”
Dickinson, Edward. Study of the history of music; with an annotated guide to music literature. **$2.50. Scribner.
“It will be a vade mecum for all musicians, students, and music lovers.” W. J. Henderson.
“It offers a straightforward and scholarly treatment of the subject.”
“In its field there is probably no book in any language that can compare with this one in completeness, suggestiveness, clearness and general usefulness for the student of musical history.”
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. Greek view of life. 3d ed. (new issue). **$1. McClure.
“It is an investigation and explanation of the attitude of the Greeks toward life, nature and humanity, based upon a study of the Greek classics.” (N. Y. Times.) “The book has five chapters.—1. The Greek view of religion, 2. The Greek view of the state, 3. The Greek view of the individual, 4. The Greek view of art, 5. Conclusion. Each chapter has its divisions carefully planned and succintly treated, and concludes with a useful summary.” (Dial.)
“A well-balanced and well-written book from the hands of a competent author.” F. B. R. Hellens.
85Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. Modern symposium. **$1. McClure.
“It is impossible, without more quotation, to do justice to the security and ease, the lightness and penetration combined, of Mr. Dickinson. The book is as charming as it is suggestive. In its author we have one of the few living Englishmen who can really write prose.”
“A suggestive little volume, well worth reading.”
“The book has a genuinely literary character and is entertaining in the best sense. The dramatic setting increases the interest; but there is a lack of spontaneity in the arranging of the speakers which mars the artistic effect; the chairman is too much in evidence.” David Phillips.
“We have to thank Mr. Dickinson for several pleasing epigrams, and the brilliant comparison of America and Europe, put into the mouth of Ellis the journalist, makes by itself the slender book worth reading.”
“He does his best for all, and he shows remarkable versatility in doing it.”
“It is, of course, the work of a critic, and its use is to interpret men of different opinions to each other. The defect of it is that while it throws much light upon opinions, it throws none on the problems.”
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. Religion: a criticism and a forecast. **50c. McClure.
Reviewed by George Hodges.
Dickson, Harris. Gabrielle, transgressor. †$1.50. Lippincott.
The scene of this romance, by the author of “The Ravanels,” is laid in the colonies. Gabrielle, daughter of a sturdy Frenchman, is married at the age of five and left to grow up in a convent. When she has reached a woman’s years, but while still a child in mind, she is taken forth to meet her husband. Before he arrives, however, an exiled prince of Turkey comes into the life of this impulsive young woman and, by his mystic suggestions of the Orient, takes her heart captive. The love story is especially ardent and has an unexpected ending.
“The author’s treatment of the theme makes the yarn rather less absurd than might have been expected.”
“It is an ‘Arabian nights’ tale without the simple faith of the narrator which conquers the incredulity of the reader. Hence the interest it excites is languid, and it is not easy to follow it to its finish.”
Dignan, Frank W. Idle actor in Aeschylus. *50c. Univ. of Chicago press.
In his monograph Mr. Dignan shows that the fault of Aeschylus’s technique, if it really exists, is due to material limitations and to the restraints of tradition.
Dilke, Lady Amelia Frances Strong. Book of the spiritual life, with a memoir of the author by the Rt. Rev. Sir Charles W. Dilke. *$3. Dutton.
“Should be read by everyone interested in the literature of art.” Royal Cortissoz.
Dill, Samuel. Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. *$2.50. Macmillan.
“The work is a magnificent piece of historical synthesis. It is drawn from many sources, and presents a comprehensive view of the intellectual, social, moral and religious conditions of an important epoch. Whether the author’s opinions will receive universal acceptance may be doubted.” Patrick J. Healy, D. D.
Dillon, Mary. In Old Bellaire. †$1.50. Century.
A quaint old Pennsylvania town with its cavalry school and dashing young officers at the east end and its students and intellectual mentors at the west end furnishes the scene of his story of the early sixties. The heroine is a prim little Puritan maiden whom it takes four years to convince that Quaker teaching and Northern prejudices can be made compatible with her love for a handsome, fastidious, daring, Southern-bred lover.
Reviewed by Mrs. L. H. Harris.
“Treats of the war time with the admirable poise and impartial spirit we have learned to expect.”
“To our ears the conversations have an unreal, stilted sound.”
Dillon, Mrs. Mary C. The leader. †$1.50. Doubleday.
“The story is concerned mainly with the career of a statesman, in whom it is the author’s evident intention to picture William J. Bryan, who has made himself the leader and the idol of the masses of his party. A large part of the narrative is taken up with events connected with the last Democratic national convention. There are some spirited descriptions of convention scenes, and a very good picture is presented of the convention as a whole.”—N. Y. Times.
“All in all, ‘The leader’ is a great political work—a matchless campaign document. It were superfluous to dwell on the evidence that its author is as unskilled in the use of the English language as most makers of political documents; that the construction of her novel, considered merely as a novel, is as shaky as that of many a party platform.” Edward Clark Marsh.
“One feature of the book, however, is distinctly offensive; that is the affectation of British phrasing for the common details of American life.”
“The veil of fiction cast over these incidents is of the thinnest; the writer’s art gives them no fresh meaning.”
“Mrs. Dillon’s sole equipment for the writing of fiction is a knack for descriptive narrative. The plot of her story could hardly be more flimsy or more hackneyed.”
“A very good story in a conventional way, although the politics are rather bookish, and the social background is not specially true to any American locality.”
Discrepant world: being an essay in fiction by the author of “Through spectacles of feeling.” $2. Longmans.
86“The scene is a Scottish village; there is a real story; there are several real characters from a lord to a pussy-cat that purred ‘three threads and a thrum;’ there are incidents as startling as a murder, and there are many deaths.... The author puts his folks into promising dilemmas, then ... has recourse to nature’s method—always ready. Fortunately the story is told with nature’s own simplicity, and the resultant for the reader is a vast cheerfulness in woe.”—Nation.
“This book is really good.”
Dix, Beulah Marie. Fair maid of Graystones. †$1.50. Macmillan.
“The book is alive; now and again it may border on the melodramatic, but it is all wholesomely good and healthily sentimental. The presentation shows power, skill, and sympathy, and we congratulate the author.”
“Miss Beulah Dix is an accomplished artificer of historical romance.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Is really interesting.”
Dix, Morgan, ed. History of Trinity church in the city of New York; compiled in large part from original documents, by order of the corporation. 4v. **$5. Putnam.
The last volume of the four devoted to the history of Trinity church brings the account of the earliest Episcopal church in the city of New York down to the accession of the author who is the present rector.
“An interest ... far wider than the limits of the parish, albeit the largest and most influential parish in the land.”
“When the time shall come for the history of this period to be written, let us hope that the historian will go back over the contents of this fourth volume, and, using the material therein collated, will place it in its true historic perspective and in its proper relation to the times now present.”
“The work now finished is rather the collection of material for history than history itself.”
“A variety of incidents that attracted much public interest in their time occur in this record.”
Dixon, Richard Watson. Last poems of Richard Watson Dixon. Selected and ed. by Robert Bridges. *$1.40. Oxford.
“There are less than two-score pages in this final sheaf of song, and more than half of them are occupied by ‘Too much friendship,’ a miniature epic having for its hero an Athenian whose fortunes (or misfortunes) suggest those of both King Candaules and Job.” (Dial.) “Though this little volume holds the last gleanings of a poetic field, the ears of corn are firm and sound.” (Acad.)
“The first-piece, a tale of Roman friendship, is indeed unsuccessful, but the more intimate poems have a directness which at once arrests attention.”
“His lyrical faculty which was considerable, shows here somewhat laboriously, and yet it is from the purely lyrical pieces that the book derives such value as it may possess.”
“A poet of sincerity and thoughtfulness.” Wm. M. Payne.
Dixon, Thomas, jr. Life worth living. **$1.20. Doubleday.
Doat, Taxile Maximin. Grand feu ceramics; tr. by S: E. Robineau. *$7.50. Keramic Studio pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y.
The series of articles by the well-known French authority on pottery which appeared in the “Keramic studio” during 1903. Part 1 is a view of the position of porcelain at the beginning of the twentieth century: Part 2 covers the ground of the technical instruction in the making of the Grand feu porcelain and grès.
“Comprehensive handbook.”
Dodd, Lee Wilson. Modern alchemist, and other poems. $1.50. Badger, R: G.
The author says:
Observations of men and things, and retrospect in history’s and fancy’s realm have furnished most of the hints of his poems.
“There is stuff in these poems—deep thought and deep feeling. And conjoined with them is a delicacy of touch that shows the artist keeping the upper hand of his emotions.” Wm. M. Payne.
“There is brain work behind Mr. Dodd’s verse, and poetic information. There is at present a certain overemphasis in Mr. Dodd’s phrasing which blunts his fineness.”
“It is a pleasure to take up ‘A modern alchemist.’ It gives no hint that a great poem has arisen; but there is an agreeable certainty that the author has something to say and has not disdained to learn the art of saying it.”
Dodge, David Low. War inconsistent with the religion of Jesus Christ; with an introd. by Edwin D. Mead. 75c. Ginn.
This volume contains both of Mr. Dodge’s famous old pamphlets, with an introduction which tells the story of his remarkable life and reviews his pioneering work in the peace cause in the early part of the century.
Dodge, Henry Irving. Other Mr. Barclay; drawings by Nella Fontaine Binckley. †$1.50. Consolidated retail booksellers.
A tale of Wall street. “The plot concerns a certain Mr. Barclay, who was a bear, and went short to such an extent that he was ruined. After that he retired to a country town called Cosburg, and filled the place with frenzy. For he got the inhabitants interested in a pool, and later admitted them all as partners with himself in a joint stock grocery concern.” (N. Y. Times.) “The devastation wrought in a sleepy village by one stock gambler who fans the spirit of greed is forcibly depicted.” (Outlook.)
“The author knows his subject and handles it with directness and spirit.”
“With the narrative goes much shrewd country humor and more than a passing insight into the rustic temperament.”
Dodge, Henry Nehemiah. Mystery of the West. $1.25. Badger, R: G.
A book of stirring verse dedicated to “sea lords strong of soul” who boldly discovered new lands, to “the heroic dead” who bled for freedom, and to the faithful who guard the state from wrong.
Reviewed by Wm. M. Payne.
Dole, Charles Fletcher. Hope of immortality; our reasons for it. *75c. Crowell.
The Ingersoll lecture for 1906. Mr. Dole maintains that the hope of immortality arises out of a unity of thought, feeling and conduct, and he gives cumulative facts in which human life consists and which point to the hope of future life.
“The perusal of this little volume leaves one questioning whether any better argument will ever be addressed to doubters of the future life.”
Dole, Charles Fletcher. Spirit of democracy. **$1.25. Crowell.
A timely work dealing fairly and hopefully with the leading problems of present-day democracy and showing what real democratic government is.
“Though the book is full of suggestive and helpful thoughts and on the whole is a valuable contribution to social progress, it is far inferior, we think, to Mr. Henry George’s latest work ‘The menace of privilege,’ in which democracy is treated in a far more fundamental and able manner.”
“We need an accurate, clear and thoroughgoing description of actual social conditions, and a sound, practical, restrained indication of ways in which we may better ourselves. To the satisfaction of the first of these needs, Mr. Dole has made a worthy and suggestive contribution, but we cannot think that his treatment of the second has permanent significance.”
“Its style is clear; its principles are simple and put with great simplicity. It embodies many wise suggestions. But it lacks intellectual coherence. On the whole, the book must be described as an expression of the author’s social and political ideals, many of which are admirable, rather than as an interpretation of historical facts or a study of fundamental social principles.”
Dole, Nathan Haskell, comp. Latin poets: an anthology. $2. Crowell.
“The selections from the various English translators have been most judiciously made.”
Donaldson, James. Westminster confession of faith and Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England: the legal, moral, and religious aspects of subscription to them. *$1.20. Longmans.
“By the decision of the House of Lords the vast properties of the Free church of Scotland pass over to the “Wee Frees,” a little company of belated ministers who in 1900 refused to acquiesce in the union of the Free church and the United Presbyterian. The ground of the verdict of the last court of appeal is that the Free church has departed from the literal and rigid terms of the Confession of faith, thereby forfeiting its belongings of whatever sort to the insignificant minority who still accent the Confession in its original bare, bald literalness. This, with its manifold implications is the theme to which the principal of St. Andrews addresses himself.”—Am. J. Theol.
“Principal Donaldson’s volume ought to awaken serious inquiry in the minds of all Christians who are fettered by creed subscriptions, for it all goes to show how unwise it is, and how dishonest and how morally ruinous, to cling to an outworn creed and outwardly to maintain religious tenets which the subscriber knows are no longer tenable.” Eri B. Hulbert.
“This is a deeply interesting book dealing with subjects which are smouldering to-day and may be burning to-morrow. We would offer to the writer of so thought-provoking a book not polemics but thanks.”
Doney, Carl G. Throne-room of the soul: a study in the culture of the spiritual. $1. Meth. bk.
The synopsis of thirty sermons on the culture of the soul.
Donnell, Annie Hamilton. Rebecca Mary; with eight illustrations in color by Mary Shippen Green. †$1.50. Harper.
“As a whole the story is an admirable example of that American school of fiction which esteems simplicity in art as its highest achievement.”
“And she deserves to live in our hearts along with Mrs. Rice’s ‘Lovey Mary.’”
Donnell, Annie Hamilton. Very small person; il. by Elizabeth Shippen Green. †$1.25. Harper.
The stories here are about children but their lesson is entirely for grown ups who have in their trust the developing child. The little comedies as well as the heart tragedies of children grow pathetic when there is no one near with whom to share them. It is to such a lonely group of children that the author turns in her sketches. It is a book for every mother.
“They are written, for the most part, with a delicate art, with a keen sympathy for the needs of the childish heart, and a humorous appreciation of the workings of the childish mind. The central theme of most of the stories, however, lacks freshness both in idea and method of treatment.”
“The effect is decidedly morbid.”
88Dorsey, George Amos. Cheyenne. 2v. ea. 50c. Field Columbian museum.
An extensive monograph on the ceremonial organization of the Cheyenne which appears in the anthropological series of publications of the Field Columbian museum.
“A most interesting and valuable account of some of the social organizations of the Cheyenne Indians.”
Doub, William Coligny. History of the United States. *$1. Macmillan.
“The author has carried the grouping system to the extreme. Among the commendable features are the following: the space given to the life of the people; comparatively few pages given to accounts of the wars; and the large number of well-executed maps.” J. A. James.
Dougherty, John Hampden. Electoral system of the United States; its history together with a study of the perils that have attended its operations; an analysis of the several efforts by legislation to avert these perils, and a proposed remedy by amendment of the constitution. **$1.50. Putnam.
Mr. Dougherty’s book “deals with the counting of votes for president and vice-president of the United States. Mr. Dougherty tells the story of debates over the question and of the settlement of the dispute between the Senate and House of representatives in 1877; he reviews the judgments of the Electoral commission in Florida, Louisiana, Oregon, and South Carolina, and criticises the law of 1877. There are also discussions of the dangers of the electoral system and the ‘evils’ of the general election ticket system. The book closes with a remedy and explanation of it.”—N. Y. Times.
“While we cannot but think that Mr. Dougherty’s work would have profited by condensation, particularly in its summaries of the opinions of members of Congress, its historical merits are both sound and considerable. So far as he has gone, his work is not likely to need doing over again.” Wm. MacDonald.
“Invaluable as a historical treatise.”
“The one adverse criticism that can be passed upon the book is that the author’s rigid ideals of historical exposition have led him to employ such wealth of detail that only the trained scholar will be able to keep a clear notion of what is essential in the work.”
“It is a searching review and criticism of the electoral system now in vogue, and altho it undoubtedly fails to take sufficient account of the obstacles in the way of radical reform proposed, it is a critique of no small value in reference to a subject which has hitherto received too little attention considering its importance to the Republic.”
“Mr. Dougherty has done an excellent piece of work in pointing out the evils of the present system.”
“All will not agree with his proposed remedies for the defects in the existing method of choosing the National chief executive, but none can fail to find suggestive value in the successive chapters.”
Douglas, James. Old France in the new world. $2.50. Burrows.
“The book as it stands is well worthy of careful consideration.”
“Despite all that has been written on Quebec, Dr. Douglas manages to give us a fresh, unhackneyed and characteristic volume.”
Dowd, Alice M. Our common wild flowers of springtime and autumn. $1.25. Badger, R. G.
While this volume will undoubtedly hold the interest of all young nature lovers it is intended primarily for school use and to this end is divided into four parts for use in four successive school years, and excludes those plants which blossom only during vacation days. The plants chosen are common to the northeastern part of the United States, and their classification follows the sequence of families adopted by the most recent botanical works.
“There is nothing of a scientific value to be derived from the use of such a text. But judged by the existing standards of nature study as it actually exists in our schools, the book has much to commend it.”
“We do not feel quite so sure that the writer is a safe guide in matters of teleology, or the doctrine of final causes.”
“Its author has contrived by careful condensation to pack much literary and artistic reference and allusion into its small space.”
Dowden, Edward. Montaigne. **$1.50. Lippincott.
“Professor Dowden’s volume is by no means contemptible, but it is unfortunate, like most of this serial piecework, in doing again what has been better done already.”
Downey, Edmund. Charles Lever: his life and his letters. 2v. *$5. Scribner.
The author of “Harry Lorrequer,” and “Charles O’Malley” contributes somewhat to his own biography, thru letters and autobiographical prefaces to early stories which primarily show him to be a “typical good fellow,” with an amount of spring in his temperament and the power of enjoying life. The social and literary man, with a warm interest in politics, was a “good husband and father; he was honest (though his sincerity was sometimes under suspicion from the rapidity of his conclusions); he was kind; but he always got through more than he earned, and the result is a record of perpetual struggle to meet the claims upon him.... His extravagance led to a growing discontent, which reached unreasonable proportions. He was incapable alike of correcting his proof-sheets and his indulgences and grew embittered, unable to keep friends with himself, as the ‘good fellow’ is expected to do.” (Ath.)
“One would think it were an impossible feat to write a dull life of such an author, and yet, we fear, it has very nearly been accomplished by Mr. Edmund Downey.”
“It consists of materials for such a biography, but needs ... rigorous selection. There is a fair index, but the proof-reading has not been well done.”
“On the whole the brilliant passages in these letters are much fewer than would have been expected.” H. W. Boynton.
“He wisely decided to base the work almost entirely upon the letters and other autobiographical 89material at his disposal, and the result is very satisfactory, though it might perhaps have been more so if the matter had been condensed into half the space.”
“Not even its careful workmanship gives it the flavor of an ideal biography. Mr. Downey’s index ... leaves much to be desired.” Percy F. Bicknell.
“Mr. Downey’s biography is a great improvement on the previous one by Dr. Fitzpatrick. He is much more careful than his predecessor about his facts, and he has had the advantage of using new documents.”
“These two volumes will probably be read when his novels are never taken from the shelf.”
“These letters reveal the man. Nothing, in fact, could give posterity a better idea of the Irish novelist.”
“Mr. Downey’s volumes, however, are avowedly rather a supplement and corrective than a substitute [for Mr. Fitzpatrick’s Life.]”
“He kept his fun for his books. We cannot blame him; but his biography suffers.”
Downs, Sarah Elizabeth (Forbush) (Mrs. George Sheldon). Step by step. †$1.50. Dillingham.
An unusually wholesome, possible story for young people. It sketches the upward career of an orphan lad who early learns how to operate in his life a demonstrable principle of success.
Dowson, Ernest. Poems, with a memoir by Arthur Symons. *$1.50. Lane.
Reviewed by P. H. Frye.
Doyle, (Arthur) Conan. Green flag. *50c. Fenno.
A new popular edition of stories of war and sport which include besides the title story: Captain Sharkey, which recounts certain adventures in the career of a notorious pirate; The crime of the brigadier, in which the criminal himself tells of his strange fox hunt; The Croxley master; The “Slapping Sal”; The lord of Châteaunoir; The striped chest; A shadow before; The king of the foxes; The three correspondents; The new catacomb; The début of Bimbashi Joyce; and A foreign romance.
Doyle, (Arthur) Conan. Sir Nigel; il. by the Kinneys. †$1.50. McClure.
“Paladin deeds crowd one on another in this story. The plot is highly colored, and concerns principally three deeds which Nigel swears to perform before he will return from Brittany to claim the Lady Mary Buttesthorn. Forced marches and the taking of robbers’ castles, and joustings for love of fighting, and real battles for the king, all befall on the way. How young Nigel captured ‘The Red Ferret’ and took the castle of La Brohiniere, and finally at the battle of Poitiers took prisoner King John II. of France, thus accomplishing his vows, and how he was knighted by the ‘Black Prince’ and sent home to get married is clearly and graphically told in this book.”—N. Y. Times.
“He has taken pains with his authorities, and the result is an unqualified success.”
“As a narrative pure and simple, Sir Nigel deserves unstinted praise.” Beverly Stark.
“Excellent as the story is in general, it is not flawless—what story is? The author is not immune from the besetting sin of the Celtic temperament—exaggeration.”
“Nor does Sir Arthur ever quite fall between the two stools of explanation and action. It is only that the constant jumping from one to the other is not always deftly executed. But that is our only criticism. The spirit of the fourteenth century is well interpreted.”
“As a picture of the times, the book is successful, though the story does not seem so gripping as ‘The white company.’”
“The novel is not only a spirited story, but a very carefully drawn picture of the age of chivalry, bringing out both the heroism and the brutality of that period and interpreting its spirit in its activities, ideals, dress, and social organization.”
“He can give you, in short, everything in the time and of the time but the time itself. That eludes him.”
Dozier, Orion Theophilus. Poems. $1.25. Neale.
The third edition of Mr. Dozier’s poems including “A galaxy of southern heroes” and other poems of former publications.
Dresser, Horatio Willis. Health and the inner life: an analytical and historical study of spiritual healing theories; with an account of the life and teachings of P. P. Quimby. **$1.35. Putnam.
“Mr. Dresser’s book is primarily devoted to rehabilitating the memory of Mr. P. P. Quimby whom the author declares to have been the founder of the new movement in this country.”—Pub. Opin.
“Mr. Dresser’s last book has the great virtue of presenting abstract truths concretely, in good literary style.”
Driscoll, Clara. In the shadow of the Alamo. †$1.50. Putnam.
“Local color rather than plot is the most conspicuous element in these half-dozen sketches of the San Antonio valley. The spirit of the grim old Alamo pervades all of them and in one of them, Miss Driscoll tells once more the tale of soul-stirring bravery forever associated with its walls.”—Critic.
“Pathos and passion are both to be found in the stories, but it is the atmosphere which is most delightful.”
“They stray from probability and lack skill in the telling.”
“A lack of literary finish and artistic proportion makes the reading somewhat tedious.”
Dubois, Rev. Leo. L. St. Francis of Assisi, social reformer. *$1. Benziger.
A purely sociological study of St. Francis in which “an effort is made to describe the steps by which he became a reformer, the work accomplished by him, the processes of his mind and 90the traits of his character as far as these affected his reform work, the racial ideas and principles on which his reform work was grounded.”
“In many ways it does not compare favorably with the well-known biography of Sabatier, to which the author gives high praise.”
Dubois, Paul. Influence of the mind on the body; tr. from the 5th Fr. ed. by L. B. Gallatin. **50c. Funk.
The education of the reason to control physical health is the watch word of Dr. Dubois’ little volume. In his discussion of the reciprocal influence which the spirit and body, the moral and the physical, exert upon each other, he believes that religion can be efficacious only when it creates a living philosophy in him who practices it, that such a philosophy has power to order harmony.
Dubois, Dr. Paul. Psychic treatment of nervous disorders; tr. from the French by Smith Ely Jelliffe, and William A. White. *$3. Funk.
“He does not make any exaggerated claims.”
Du Bose, William Porcher. Gospel in the gospels. **$1.50. Longmans.
“‘The gospel in the gospels’ is their revelation of God in humanity and of humanity in God. Christianity is described ‘in its largest sense to be the fulfillment of God in the world through the fulfillment of the world in God.’ In these three stages are marked—(1) the gospel of the earthly life of Jesus, the common humanity; (2) the gospel of the resurrection, expressive of the new power communicated by Jesus as the conqueror and destroyer of sin and death; (3) the gospel of the incarnation, presenting the works wrought by Jesus as no mere act of an exceptional humanity, but a work of God, fulfilling and completing himself in humanity. These three stages constitute the main divisions of the work.”—Outlook.
“The former publications of Professor W. P. Du Bose ... have raised high expectations, which are justified in this his latest work.”
“The strong point of Mr. Du Bose’s book is, to the mind of the present writer, that it offers a logical position to metaphysically-minded persons who are already emotionally and spiritually convinced.”
Du Cane, Col. Herbert, tr. War in South Africa. **$4. Dutton.
An authorized translation of the German official account of the war in South Africa. Following a four part narrative of the war’s events is a “Tactical retrospect” of the conflict “in which are considered the skill of the Boers in the employment of their weapons, the defects of their methods of fighting, ‘innocuous’ bombardments, misapplied manoeuvres, the ‘essence’ of war, the difficulties confronting the offensive, the essential need for mental development.” (N. Y. Times.)
“Colonel DuCane’s translation of the German history has its place marked in the library of all soldiers who study their profession in a serious manner.”
“While the book is written primarily for military purposes, it serves admirably as a history of the war for more general reading.”
“A book of considerable value to students of military matters, whether for tactical or historical purposes.”
“The text is clear, sober, and balanced throughout.”
“Admirable translation.”
Duclaux, Mary (Mary Darmesteter) (Agnes Mary Frances Robinson). Fields of France: little essays in descriptive sociology. $6. Lippincott.
“Those who have wandered much in France will enjoy this book, and those who have not may by it conceive a desire to do so.”
Dudden, F. Holmes. Gregory the Great: his place in history and thought. 2v. *$10. Longmans.
A biography which portrays “distinctly the Gregory of his own time.” (Lond. Times.) The sketch follows a three-fold division: (1) a detailed history of the life of Pope Gregory the Great; (2) a systematic exposition of Gregory’s theological opinions; (3) an account of the political, social and religious characterization of the Gregorian age. “Mr. Dudden has fairly faced his difficult task, and his industry has been equal to his courage. The book rests upon a thorough analysis of the original sources to which, by the way, an admirable index serves as guide, whether one use the narrative or not. On the other hand, modern authorities, unfortunately, have been almost entirely ignored.” (Lond. Times.)
“His book is a solid piece of genuine historical work which bears witness to conscientious and laborious research. So thorough is his method that he scarcely leaves room for a future writer to add anything to what will be henceforth the standard work on the subject.”
“It rests everywhere sanely and safely on a personal study of the sources, guided and corrected by a wide knowledge of the researches of modern scholars.” George L. Burr.
“Mr. Dudden must be congratulated upon the ample and well-devised scheme of his work. He cannot be congratulated upon his omission of all reference to the work of other scholars. In the more general field of thought and theology of the age Mr. Dudden fails, if at all, in completeness. He does not take a wide enough sweep. Gregory’s mental peculiarities are treated too much as isolated phenomena. It seems ungracious to dwell so much upon what is absent from so laborious, honest and interesting a book. Had Mr. Dudden allowed himself more time and more liberty of judgment it would have been fully successful.” E. H. Watson.
“Adequate knowledge of the things Gregory said and did, and the sound sense to estimate their value; also an intimate acquaintance with the men and policies of the pope’s period, and sane historical judgment to test them, are conspicuous characteristics of Mr. Dudden’s work: and if the biographer has given us many pages—more than are necessary to satisfy our bare necessities—we may well forget to grumble, and may say our grace with thankfulness.” John Herkless.
“The style is clear and without affectation.”
“Mr. Dudden has succeeded in bringing out in clear relief the truly constructive aspects of his work, and in leaving on the reader’s mind 91an adequate impression of one of the greatest of Christian prelates.”
“For so thorough and informing a piece of historical labor it is wonderfully entertaining.”
“An abler apologist than Mr. Dudden it would be impossible to find; because his defense is indirect and implicit, it is all the more convincing.”
“By reason of its literary merit, its vitalising power over the past, its successful relation of ancient springs of action to living and universal movements, and its strictly scientific use of difficult and often obscure material, will remain the standard work on the spiritual significance of the sixth century in the West.”
Dudeney, Mrs. Henry E. Battle of the weak: or, Gossips Green; il. by Paul Hardy. †$1.50. Dillingham.
A story of love of nearly a hundred years ago is set in a scene furnished by a little town of southern England near the sea. “Quaker Jay was always a Southerner, passionate and voluble, delighting in colour, music, and sunshine. Lucy Vernon, in love with love and with Quaker, and as much a child of the summer and sunshine as he, was married by arrangement to a husband whose gods were decency, self-restraint, and domestic order.” (Lond. Times.) From this romantic chaos unanticipated order finally emerges.
“Lovers of ‘Susan’ will turn eagerly to ‘Gossips Green’, and they will not be disappointed.”
“Its author, in true modern fashion, is concerned less with the theme of the story ... than with the manner of telling it; and this manner, is in the main, admirable—sympathetic, humorous, artistic, yet conveying withal a slight suggestion of insincerity.”
“There are many poignant pages in Mrs. Dudeney’s new book, and for their sake she may be pardoned the palpable effort she had to make at last to secure a happy ending.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“The story ... is not always pleasant reading, and it is extremely difficult to believe in the reality of Quaker Jay, the foundling.”
Dudley, John William Ward, 1st earl of. Letters to “Ivy” from the first Earl of Dudley; ed. with introd. and notes, by S. H. Romilly. *$5. Longmans.
“All who are interested in the politics of the period between Pitt’s death in 1806 and the great Reform bill of 1832 will be delighted with these letters of Lord Dudley to Mrs. Dugald Stewart.” (Sat. R.) “Speaking broadly, one-third of the papers may be called unimportant, since they are but hasty notes illustrating merely the writer’s filial affection for Mrs. Stewart. The other two-thirds consist of moderately long epistles—epistles, at any rate, which are long enough to disclose the nature of Ward’s tastes and mind.... The correspondence here published runs parallel during the greater part of its course with the ‘Creevy papers,’ and covers some of the ground traversed by the first volume of Grenville.” (Nation.)
“The book is efficiently edited ... the one objection that we have to make against it is its title.”
“Mr. Romilly’s chapter-prefaces are, in general, excellent, but his notes are too exclusively political.”
“In these letters he is seen at his best. They are a rich feast for all who enjoy the lighter phases of politics, literature, society and travel.”
“The interest attaching to these letters is much greater than that belonging to the average volume of eighteenth-century correspondence, and, quite apart from their service in recalling the memory of an extraordinary man, they bring us much nearer to Dudley himself than do any of his other writings.”
“As a lively contemporary view of the men and events of that critical period they possess something of the attraction which belongs to those of Horace Walpole himself for a period slightly earlier.”
“Next to their keenness and geniality, their predominant note is extreme sanity. Written in an easy and affectionate style, and full of shrewd judgments on politics and society. We cannot praise too highly the editorial work of Mr. S. H. Romilly.”
“Not only are they excellent in themselves, but they reveal a strange and curiously attractive figure, somewhat of a mystery to his generation, and almost forgotten nowadays save by diligent students of memoirs.”
Dudley, M. E. Tangled threads: a tale of Mormonism. 50c. Badger, R: G.
An anti-mormon poem which in nine cantos of rhymed couplets tells the direful story of the handsome Mormon Rolland, of the wives he married, and of his death which finally set them free.
Duignan, W. H. Worcestershire place names. *$2.40. Oxford.
Duke, Basil W. Morgan’s cavalry. $2. Neale.
Gen. Duke “who has fought under John Morgan gives some accounts of various raids in which he took part. His point of view is that of a Kentucky man who went South; and what is of most interest in the volume is the description of the straits to which the Kentucky secession regiments were driven in the last period of the war, especially after the secession of Lee and Johnston.” (Nation.)
“It is really a long time since there has come into this office a Civil-war book affording such unmixed satisfaction.”
“It contains, moreover, a vast deal of interesting and picturesque matter—in spite of the fact that Gen. Duke is not always cunning at narrative—and throws as much light on the actual state of affairs in the Western army, especially as to the weaknesses of that army, as any contribution to the subject that we now recall.”
“His is a well-written narrative, direct, simple, aglow with human interest, rich in anecdote, and free from animosity against those who brought his leader’s and his own efforts to naught. As a military history it is somewhat 92open to criticism, but corrective readings can easily be obtained, and it is undoubtedly deserving of a wide audience.”
Dumas, Alexandre. Count of Monte Cristo; complete rev. tr. with biographical sketch by Adolphe Cohn. 2v. $2.50. Crowell.
Compactness and utility are foremost among the characteristics that recommend the thin paper two volume sets. This “Monte Cristo” with its two thousand pages will occupy no more than two inches of shelf space. A biographical sketch of Dumas and an introduction make the book desirable from a student’s viewpoint.
Dunbar, Agnes B. C. Dictionary of saintly women. 2v. ea. *$4. Macmillan.
“We have found the references, as far as we have been able to verify them, exact and correct. No Catholic library ought to be without this useful work.”
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Howdy, honey, howdy. **$1.50. Dodd.
“Tho they are songs without notes, they have a lilt by which they sing themselves for the reader. Mr. Dunbar’s poems are much the better of the two, but some of the photographs reproduced in ‘Banjo talks’ have the greater artistic merit.”
Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Lyrics of sunshine and shadow. **$1. Dodd.
“Every poem in this little collection counts.”
Duncan, Norman. Adventures of Billy Topsail. †$1.50. Revell.
The second edition of a book that can delight the heart of a real boy. The author says “All Newfoundland boys have adventures; but not all Newfoundland boys survive them.” Billy Topsail is among the lucky survivors of prank and adventure. He captures a huge devil fish, goes whaling, is lost on a cliff, runs away to join a sealer, and is equally ready in calm or gale, high tide or low to beat any companion’s emergency record. A wholesome book with the right spirit for boys.
“A rare style marks the book.”
“‘The adventures of Billy Topsail’ ... are not in themselves of absorbing interest, and Mr. Duncan’s style is rather spasmodic and impressionistic, but they have the virtue of being out of the ordinary.”
Duncan, Norman. Mother. †$1.25. Revell.
Duncan, Robert Kennedy. New knowledge: a popular account of the new physics and the new chemistry in their relation to the new theory of matter. **$2. Barnes.
“Is a book on science for the layman that will rank among the best of its kind.”
Dunham, Curtis. Golden goblin; or, The Flying Dutchman, junior: a pleasant fantasy for children based on the most fascinating of all undying legends; told in prose and verse; pictures by George F. Kerr. †$1.25. Bobbs.
A fantastic tale of the experiences of two little shipwrecked Dutch children who were picked up by the phantom ship, the Flying Dutchman. Even the most imaginative child will have to exert himself to keep pace with the swift panorama of sea adventures.
Duniway, Clyde Augustus. Development of the freedom of the press in Massachusetts. *$1.50. Longmans.
A monograph which won the Toppan prize of Harvard University in 1897. “After the preliminary chapter on the control of the press in England, the author transfers his investigations to Massachusetts, and traces in chronological order the events which marked the decline of authority over the press in the New World.” (Dial.)
“A valuable addition to the ‘Harvard historical studies’ series in which it is published.” Andrew McFarland Davis.
Reviewed by Ellis P. Oberholtzer.
“Hereafter anyone who wishes to know anything on this subject will refer to this monograph.” Theodore Clarke Smith.
“Abundant footnotes, with references and appendices, attest the scholarly investigation, the authoritativeness, and the excellence of this study of the early press in Massachusetts.”
“A real contribution to the study of the evolution of liberty in America.”
“The development of a free press in the United States has never before been traced so adequately or so authoritatively.”
“He comes nearer than any other writer to being the historian of the free press in the Anglo-Saxon world.”
“Is in all respects scholarly, authoritative, and interesting.”
“Mr. Duniway’s narrative is ... excellent.”
“In Professor Duniway’s excellent monograph a subject requiring exhaustive research is developed with thoroughness, with logical and historic continuity, and flanked by a large array of authorities, personal and documentary.” C. Deming.
Dunn, Martha Baker. Cicero in Maine, and other essays. **$1.25. Houghton.
“Rather too self-consciously light and airy in tone.”
Dunne, Finley Peter (Martin Dooley). Dissertations by Mr. Dooley. †$1.50. Harper.
Mr. Dooley’s observations here recorded deal with such thoroly modern topics as short marriage contracts, automobiles, the Irish question, oats as food, the Carnegie-Homer controversy, gambling, oratory and the comforts of travel. He is at his best and Hennesy as ever a willing foil.
93“His present series of dissertations deserves a place with its forerunners.”
“He shows no diminution in wisdom or the power to express himself, and his dissertations are all up to date.”
“Shrewd and whimsically humorous as ever in many of his recent remarks on questions and sensations of the day, in others Mr. Dooley seems rather heavy-handed, and the old-time Archery road machinery creaks a little here and there.”
Dunning, Harry Westbrook. To-day on the Nile. *$2.50. Pott.
This book was “written primarily for the benefit of prospective tourists.... The Boston Transcript concisely sums it up, in saying: ‘The volume is at once a history and description of the country, and a guide-book, valuable and interesting in each of these respects.’... When the traveler starts he would be well advised to drop a copy of Dr. Dunning’s book into his steamer-trunk.”—Lit. D.
“Contains not a little substantial information, and affords a graphic view of modern Egypt.”
“Popular but scholarly chapters on Egyptian history and mythology.”
Dunning, William Archibald. History of political theories from Luther to Montesquieu. **$2.50. Macmillan.
“The history of political theories has exceptional interest, and the recent English literature devoted to it, already comprising a considerable number of volumes, includes no work more noteworthy than that of Professor Dunning.” Alfred H. Lloyd.
“If I were to venture to name the distinguishing excellence of this volume, I should say that it is the fine sense of proportion that guides the author in the distribution and arrangement of his ponderous material.” I. A. Loos.
“For one who desires a general survey of the ideas of political writers of the period, the book will fill a long-felt want, but there is a decided lack of critical analysis, which, to the student of political institutions, leaves much to be desired.” Ward W. Pierson.
“For a bird’s-eye view of the subject it could scarcely be surpassed.”
“Professor Dunning’s volume covers ground which has often been before traversed, and sometimes with much greater attention to detail, and, it must be admitted, with greater learning.”
“This second volume on the ‘History of political theory,’ like the first by the same author, is a credit to American scholarship.” Isaac Althaus Loos.
Dunton, Theodore Watts-. Coming of love, Rhona Boswell’s story and other poems. *$2. Lane.
The seventh and enlarged edition of Mr. Watts-Dunton’s “Coming of love” includes in addition to the poems of previous editions those that had been “lent to friends in manuscript and mislaid” among them, “Haymaking song,” and “The haunted girl.”
“The freshness of this poem is amazing, almost as amazing as its audacity and simplicity. This poem is a triumph of artistry.” J. S.
“It is in structure, as well as imaginative quality, one of the most original poems written during the past century.”
“As interesting as the story itself, is the prefatory explanation by the author as to the growth and final evolution of ‘The coming of love’ as it now stands.” Edith M. Thomas.
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton.
Durham, M. Edith. Burden of the Balkans. $4. Longmans.
Durstan, Mrs. Georgia Roberts. Candle light; il. by Katharine H. Greenland. $1.25. Saalfield.
The imaginative child and his dreams, the active child and his busy work and play are portrayed in rhyme and color for little people.
“A series of child verse with agreeable qualities.”
Dyer, G. W. Democracy in the South before the Civil war. $1. Pub. house of the M. E. ch. So.
“A strong protest against the theory usually advocated by our historians, that affairs in the South in ante-bellum times were largely controlled by an oligarchy of slave-holders, who kept down the average white man, who made labor disdained, who kept the South agricultural, while the great mass of the people were idle, illiterate, and lazy.”—Am. J. Soc.
“While its substance is of very uneven value, the style and thought are vigorous, and the book deserves attention as a product of its time.” Ulrich B. Phillips.
“The syllabus suggests a most interesting line of work, which, if carried out without prejudice or passion, of which unfortunately there are traces, ought to yield results of great value to the student of American social and economic history.” J. W. Shepardson.
“Some of his statements are, to say the least, open to question, and more of his conclusions. Nevertheless, its general thesis is sound.”
Dyer, Henry. Dai Nippon: a study in national evolution. *$3.50. Scribner.
“The book is interesting, modern, and very thoughtful; having the outlook of a man of scientific training, who is yet conscious of the deeper currents of individual and racial life.”
Dyer, Thomas Finninger Thiselton-. Folklore of women, as illustrated by legendary and traditionary tales, folk-rhymes, proverbial sayings, superstitions, etc. **$1.50. McClurg.
An anthology, concise and classified, of the proverbial sayings, folk-rhymes, superstitions, and traditionary lore associated with women.
“He displays as usual a great industry and a minute knowledge. But his work would be more illuminating if he had chosen fewer facts, and written of each one with more suggestion and fancy.”
Eastman, Henry Parker. Negro, his origin, history and destiny. $2. Roxburgh pub.
“The intention of the author in writing this book has been to reveal and demonstrate beyond all question the origin of the negro; to trace his history from the beginning to the present, and to state what he believes to be the true solution of the race problem.” The work contains a reply to “The negro, a beast.”
Easton, H. T. Money, exchange, and banking, in their practical, theoretical, and legal aspects. $1.75. Pitman.
A complete manual for bank officials, business men and students of commerce. “The nature and use of money, the mechanism of exchange, and the development of banking in various parts of the world—but with special reference to England and the money market—are fully explained. But, in addition, the organization of a bank, the duties of its various officials, and the manner in which the books of a bank are kept and the balance sheet prepared are dealt with.” The legal side of banking and the most important points in connection with bills of exchange, cheques, and the relationship between banker and customer are carefully considered.
“Mr. Easton’s book appeals neither to the theorist nor to the accomplished banker, but to the average student of such matters, and it will serve his purpose well.”
Easton, M. G. House by the bridge. †$1.50. Lane.
Transplanted from sunshiny regiment life in India to a gloomy English home steeped in a skilfully guarded mystery, the sensitive heroine of this tale grows wise among people who “appear either to have mated with the wrong person or suffered troubles of the heart.” The tragic element of the story is fully offset by a romantic interest that grows up about Joan and guides her interests into pleasanter ways.
“The book shows great promise of better things to come. Like many modern novels it has far too much plot.”
“The ’prentice hand betrays itself in an exuberance of incident and coincidence which gives a sense of overcrowding. The plot is, however, well constructed, and the mystery successfully sustained.”
“Here is a story done all in gray and brown and black, with scarcely a gleam of sunshine.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
Eckel, Edwin C. Cements, limes and plasters: their materials, manufacture, and properties. *$6. Wiley.
“It is probably one of the most complete treatises which has been published up to the present day on this subject.”
Edgar, Madalen G. Stories from Scottish history. 60c. Crowell.
Uniform with the “Children’s favorite classics.” A bright series of narratives based on Scott’s “Tales of a grandfather,” running continuously from the struggle for freedom under Wallace and Bruce to the union of the crowns.
“It is well, however, for the reader to bear in mind the fact that Sir Walter Scott was a Tory and his historical tales are sometimes strongly tinged with the deep reactionary prejudices he entertained.”
Edghill, E. A. Inquiry into the evidential value of prophecy: being the Hulsean prize essay for 1904; with preface by Rt. Rev. H. E. Ryle. $2. Macmillan.
“An accomplished scholar, at present a young Anglican curate, presents in this volume both the maximum and the minimum estimate of the validity of the prophecies relating to the Messiah of the Hebrew hope, which conservatively applied criticism may be well considered to justify.”—Outlook.
“His book is not only a conscientious and well-reasoned presentation of his own point of view; it will also assure his readers, whatever their own prepossessions, of the adherence of the best instructed among the younger clergy to the ancient lines of the faith.”
Edwards, A. Harbage. Kakemono: Japanese sketches. *$1.75. McClurg.
Reverently and simply the author sets before us these dainty sketches of Japan and her people, her faith, her art, her gods, and the heart of her. They are dedicated “To my teachers, the people of Japan,” and they breathe the spirit of the cherry blossoms and whisper to our modern commercialism of a something we have lost, or never gained. “‘What is the soul of Japan?’ asked the poet. ‘It is the mountain cherry-tree in the morning sun.’ But a soul so simple, the civilized nations, of course, disdain.”
“Written with reverence and without adulation.”
“Pleasantly written sketches. These pictures are drawn with restraint of colour and line and display no little insight into Japanese life.”
“His is a book of tender meditations, of sympathetic insight. He has made a mosaic out of his many brief chapters which glistens with beauty and has a peculiar charm.”
“While he sees temple and landscape with something of a painter’s vision, his style is too self-conscious and aesthetic to be a source of pleasure.”
Edwards, Tryon. Our country; historic and picturesque. $4. Perrien-Keydel co., Detroit, Mich.
A complete story of our country’s development and progress from the first discovery by the Northmen to the present time, embellished by many hundreds of engravings illustrative of war and historic incidents and the grandeur of American scenery.
Egan, Maurice Francis. Ghost in Hamlet, and other essays in comparative literature. **$1. McClurg.
There are ten essays in this volume. The ghost in Hamlet, Some phases of Shakespearian Interpretation, Some pedagogical uses of Shakespeare, Lyrism in Shakespeare’s comedies, The puzzle of Hamlet, The greatest of Shakespeare’s contemporaries, Imitators of Shakespeare, The comparative method in literature, A definition of literature, and The ebb and flow of romance.
95“He has a felicitous knack of presenting in an original manner, established judgments of first-class criticism. And he has the gift of the born teacher, which is to know how to present his ideas luminously to his readers and his audience. This excellent little volume is replete with suggestion and information for those who, without some commentator, are not always equipped to extract a full share of profit and pleasure from the mines of literature.”
“Is a book of real vitality. Dr. Egan’s style ... is not quite worthy of his theme.”
“If the book is not strongly original, it is interesting, and not without its importance to current literary discussion.”
“He is never dull or commonplace. With his criticism as a whole most readers will be in sympathy, because it is founded on common sense, largely free from vagaries, and based on knowledge of life rather than on theories of life.”
Eggleston, George Cary. Blind alleys. $1.50. Lothrop.
The characters who find themselves groping in the “blind alleys” of modern New York life as they strive honestly to be helpful to those less fortunate are a young newspaper man who has become separated from the wife he loves, a young doctor who received funds for his education from some mysterious source and knows not his own parentage, a fabulously wealthy spinster and the girl who passes as her ward, and others who are hedged about by circumstances more or less unusual. The story of their various complications and how they are finally straightened out is given in great detail.
“No doubt the book will appeal to those who are interested in settlement work and in civic philanthropy in general.”
“The characters of the story are lifelike and typical.”
“Mr. Eggleston’s story has not the smallest relation to life. Two merits, however, it has: It is readable, and many of the opinions expressed in the conversations ... are striking and suggestive.”
“It tells a good story with a wholesome love interest, and it is full of situations and incidents that suggest and stimulate thought.”
Eggleston, George Cary. Life in the eighteenth century. **$1.20. Barnes.
“In this companion volume to ‘Our first century,’ Mr. Eggleston carries his story through the eighteenth century. The plan pursued is essentially the same as in the first book, the author seeking to give his narrative as human a meaning as possible, and merely touching upon the events which are treated at length in the conventional school history.”—Pub. Opin.
“The author has dealt too largely in generalities, included too much vain repetition of the matter contained in the very volumes to which this one should be auxiliary, and omitted too many of the picturesque minor details which more than anything else reveal what the life of any past epoch really was.”
“The new road, which Mr. Eggleston seeks to break, is interesting, and there can be no doubt that as a preparation for more serious work ‘Life in the eighteenth century’ is of value.”
Eichendorff, Joseph Karl Benedikt, freiherr von. Happy-go-lucky; or leaves from the life of a good for nothing; tr. from the German by Mrs. A. L. Wister; il. in color. $2. Lippincott.
A merry youth with the “Wanderlust” upon him follows woodland trails, scales mountains, dreams of his Lady fair and plays his beloved fiddle. The sketch is of his tramps and chance acquaintances.
“Many readers will enjoy these ‘leaves from the life of a good-for-nothing’ in their new garb.”
“Mrs. A. L. Wister has made an excellent translation of this charming German story of irresponsibility and genius.”
Elbé, Louis. Future life in the light of ancient wisdom and modern science. **$1.20. McClurg.
This is a translation of a book which has been creating wide comment thruout France under the title “La vie future.” With great care and exactness M. Elbé has arranged a plain statement of the discoveries, theories, and ideas of the greatest investigators, together with his own views and comments, and a mass of authentic information regarding the beliefs of the primitive races. The two parts into which the treatment is divided are Ideas of the survival as considered by the primitive races, and Deductions drawn from the fundamental sciences.
“A noteworthy book.”
“A work of scientific importance and of reverent philosophical treatment.”
Elements of practical pedagogy, by the brothers of the Christian schools. La Salle bureau of supplies, N. Y.
This volume “treats as fully as may be done in a small book, every side of elementary education—the principles of which regulate the physical, the mental, and the moral development of the young; the school and its organization; the equipment, the duties, and the methods of the teacher; the special methods proper to the teaching of the various branches. The treatment of each topic is systematic, minute, and, above all, practical.”—Cath. World.
“All students of pedagogy will welcome the appearance of this little volume.” Thomas Edward Shields.
Eliot, Charles William. Great riches. **75c. Crowell.
President Eliot’s judicial mind with its eminent fairness is in evidence thruout this well organized discussion. He emphasizes the obligations as well as the powers and privileges of moneyed people, and believes that the only safeguard for the rich man against suspicion and adverse judgments is publicity for his methods and results.
“We sincerely thank Dr. Eliot for his brilliant essay, and shall be greatly pleased to meet him again, carrying on his earnest endeavor to maintain the standard of plain living and high thinking.”
Eliot, Charles William. Happy life. 75c. Crowell.
96Eliot, George, pseud. (Mrs. Mary Ann Evans (Lewes) Cross). Romola; historically il. and ed., with introd. and notes, by Guido Biagi. 2v. *$3. McClurg.
The edition is made valuable by the hundred and sixty illustrations which make a historical background for the story. They have been carefully selected by Dr. Biagi, librarian of the Laurentian library at Florence, who also contributes an introduction on “The making of the romance.” He has found it interesting “to attempt an investigation, new, curious and engrossing, of the historical foundation upon which is based this work of art and fiction, to try to discover the hidden scaffolding which supports it, and see what materials have been employed in its making.”
Eliot, George. Silas Marner. $2. Dutton.
Charles E. Brock has made this “Silas Marner” especially attractive with his twenty-four pictures in color. “He has a most delicate way of setting off what is ‘old-fashioned’ through a rare combination of lavender, old rose, pea greens, and pale yellows superimposed on examples of most careful and suggestive draughtsmanship.” (N. Y. Times.)
“Annie Matheson’s introduction, we think, adds not much to the intellectual adornment.”
Elliott, Mrs. Maude Howe (Mrs. John Elliott). Two in Italy. *$2. Little.
“A delightful account of little visits and rambles by the author and her husband and chiefly distinguished for its vivid portraits of Italian life.”
“Whether the stories are true or not, the impressions evidently are”
Ellis, Clara Spalding. What’s next; or, Shall man live again? $1.50. Badger, R: G.
The great question is answered by two hundred living Americans of prominence in politics; in the army and navy; in science, art, music, and literature; in the mercantile world; in the professions; and in the chairs of universities. An expression from secular life only—the views of all clergyman being excluded.
Ellis, Edward Sylvester (Colonel H. R. Gordon, pseud.). Black Partridge, or, The fall of Fort Dearborn. †$1.50. Dutton.
Auric Kingdom, a Fort Wayne lad, his chum, Jethro Judd of Fort Dearborn, and Black Partridge, the Pottawatomie chief and friend of the white man, are the most prominent figures in this story which culminates in the destruction of Fort Dearborn. The book is full of adventure, of bad Indians, brave settlers, and the woodcraft dear to all boy hearts.
Ellis, Edward Sylvester. Deerfoot in the mountains. †$1. Winston.
“The special value of the tales, apart from their interest for the young, lies in their portrayal of the hardships and perils of the early pioneers who blazed the overland pathway to the Pacific.”
Ellis, Edward Sylvester. Deerfoot on the prairies. †$1. Winston.
Ellis, Edward Sylvester. Hunt on snowshoes. [+]75c. Winston.
The second of these volumes in the “Up and doing series.” It is an account of the adventures of two boys who spend the holidays with an old French Canadian trapper. The race for life with a pack of wolves at their heels, the escape from a huge bear, the moose hunt, the encounter with a panther, etc. all supply aliment for a brave imagination.
Ellis, Elizabeth. Barbara Winslow, rebel. †$1.50. Dodd.
“Another historical romance with an English setting, its scene being laid just after the defeat of Monmouth at Sedgemoor. Here we have a fascinating heroine, arrested for harboring rebels, and a victim of Jeffreys and the Bloody Circuit. Sentenced to a brutal punishment, she is saved by one of the king’s officers, who thereby becomes himself a rebel, and the two take flight together.... Barbara is a young woman of the pert and proud type so dear to the romantic heart, and her soldier lover has the complementary virtues that the situation requires.” (Dial.)
“No complaint may be made of it for lack of interest or excitement.” Wm. M. Payne.
Ellis, John Breckenridge. Stork’s nest. †$1.50. Moffat.
“A tale of rough life in northern Missouri.... The process of molding Emmy, the woodland beauty, into a ‘Person’ suitable to be presented to her relatives in St. Louis, is confided to a youth who seeks health in the woods. He becomes one of a strange company, in which figure a ghost, a weak-minded boy, a brutal counterfeiter, and several tools of the last character. Floods and dangers of all sorts interfere with the progress of the romance, but love is triumphant over evil in the end—the bad people die, and the good live happy ever after.”—Outlook.
“We cannot help reading to a finish, but we have no desire to reread any part of it.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“The plot is mysterious enough to arouse curiosity, yet not sufficiently well managed to prevent annoyance to the reader.”
Ellison, Mrs. Edith Nicholl. Childs recollections of Tennyson. *$1. Dutton.
These child-hood and girl-hood recollections of Tennyson and the life he lived at Farringford began when at the age of three the writer and the poet celebrated a birthday together. Many little incidents of Tennyson’s devotion to his invalid wife and his two sons are given, there are anecdotes of his friends and his friendships and the picture of this happily congenial household is a pleasing addition to our knowledge of the laureate.
“An interesting little book.”
“The book was worth writing, and no reader would be sorry to possess it.”
97Elson, Henry William. School history of the United States. *90c. Macmillan.
A work whose “record of our national development neglects no phase of progress—social, industrial, political, or literary—and takes note of the underlying causes at work, as well as of the changes wrought. In subjects that have been hotly controverted its temper is eminently fair and judicial. Designed for young people in their teens, many of the elders will find it both interesting and instructive. Foot-notes are often skipped, but Mr. Elson’s are so full of anecdote as to escape neglect.”—Outlook.
“The book possesses two decided merits. The first of them is an effort at proportion in dealing with events.”
“Excellent text-book.”
“The style has charm, vigor and color, and the author’s patriotism is stimulating and communicative.”
“Mr. Elson has shown us how a history may be made interesting as well as instructive.”
Reviewed by Marcus W. Jernegan.
Elson, Louis Charles. Elson’s music dictionary. $1. Ditson.
A valuable book of reference for musicians, containing the definition and pronunciation of such terms and signs as are used in modern music, together with a list of foreign composers and artists, with pronunciation of their names, a list of popular errors in music, rules for pronouncing foreign words, and a short English-Italian vocabulary of musical words and expressions.
“For the most part, however, this handy dictionary deserves commendation.”
“We can cordially commend this book to students and teachers alike.”
“A marvel of lucid condensation.”
“Is rather more inclusive than most books of its class. We cannot quite understand why its list of composers and other musical artists should not include Americans.”
“This is one of the first successful attempts to classify and revise, in compact, accessible form, the musical terms which puzzle the layman, and which the teacher is constantly called upon to explain.”
Elton, Oliver. Michael Drayton. Constable & co., London.
This little volume by Professor Elton is “as an ‘avant-courier’ to the concerted attempt to restore Drayton to his place of eminence in English literature ... [and it tells] the prospective reader of the poetry all that is known, through the researches of modern scholarship of the man and his work.” (Dial.)
“Here, then, is the preparation one should need for the study and proper understanding of Drayton’s voluminous works.” W. A. Bradley.
“As regards the study of Drayton this volume should be more or less final. Professor Elton’s style is a trifle too figured for our own taste, but he writes well and has produced a book whose real critical value is considerably more extensive than one might have expected from the subject. There is evidence throughout of long research and indubitable scholarship.”
Eltzbacher, O. Modern Germany. **$2.50. Dutton.
“The author of this very instructive book defines its scope as a study of Germany’s political and economic problems, her policy, her ambitions, and the causes of her success.” (Sat. R.) The author has undertaken to answer the following questions in his discussion: “Will Germany eventually supplant Great Britain and take our place in the world? What is Germany’s policy towards this country, towards the United States, towards Austria-Hungary, and towards Russia? What are Germany’s aims, what are her ambitions, and, above all, what are the causes of her marvelous success?”
“An able and most interesting account of German politics and incidentally of German ambitions.”
“Taken together the two volumes present admirable general discussions, from a strictly British point of view, of the imperialisms of Britain and Germany respectively.” Robert C. Brooks.
“Is both instructive and opportune.”
“His speculations and asservations would, however, bear more weight if he were less prone to trace results to their causes along the lines that suit his thesis, and if he had less of a slap-dash way of drawing inferences from statistics.”
“There are many assertions and fancies set forth in Mr. Eltzbacher’s handy volume with which one must be allowed to differ. He appears to the reviewer to arrive at weighty conclusions, now and then, based on flimsy or at least insufficient premises. But of this there can be no doubt, his book is interesting and full of virile thought.” Wolf von Schierbrand.
“In view of the new tariff which is going into effect on the first of March, Mr. Eltzbacher’s book will receive a timely welcome. Mr. Eltzbacher writes as a protectionist, and his argument is of extreme interest; to the general student, however, his book might have been more valuable if he had devoted more space to the arguments of his opponents. We note his fairness, nevertheless.”
“A very keen and informing study of the German Empire. Mr. Eltzbacher writes in a clear, suggestive style, and has added an excellent index and bibliography to complete his text.”
“This survey of the German’s industrial life is extremely well done, and we do not know any book which within such moderate limits enables one to estimate the ability and energy which are devoted by the State to the purpose of furthering the material prosperity and power of the German people.”
“We would suggest that the latter half of the book, dealing with the financial and economic aspects of the German Empire, would have been better qualified to serve the requirements of the general public had the writer been content to minimise his tables and lists of figures, and so far as possible, to avoid such very thorny problems as that of the comparative wisdom of the fiscal policies of Germany and Great Britain.”
98Elzas, Barnett Abraham. Jews of South Carolina. *$6. Press of J. B. Lippincott co.
“The author’s aim has been to show the part taken by the Jew in commercial, professional, political, and social activities. The volume includes chapters on the beginnings of the Jewish settlements in the colony, their religious organization and religious dissensions, the part taken by the Jews in the wars and in affairs of government, the expansion of the Jews over the State, and short biographies of the most prominent members of the race.”—Dial.
“He has materially added to our knowledge of South Carolina Jewish history, and he might safely have permitted historical students to discover this fact for themselves, without attempting to emphasize it by belittling all his predecessors.” Max J. Kohler.
“In spite of minor defects, the work has a great value as an account of one of the influential elements in Southern society.”
“His book is of the same order as hundreds of local and genealogical histories written about ‘towns’ and old families of New England, but appeals perhaps to a larger public.”
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Friendship and character. $1. Century.
The value of this “Thumbnail” offering is increased by Emma Lazarus’s essay on Emerson’s personality which forms the introduction.
Emerson, Willis George. Builders. $1.50. Forbes.
A young New York newspaper man is sent out west by his managing editor to write a series of sane minded articles on the futility of western investments which will keep eastern money at home. He, however, catches the western fever, invests in lots in an unbuilt city, loses his position by his enthusiastic reports, and finally stakes his all upon a gold mine which to the surprise of everyone “strikes pay dirt.” There is of course, a western girl in the story and there are other characters chiefly prospectors, western in type and of mingled good and evil. The plot of the story is superior to its workmanship.
“Yet for all the crudeness of the story and the people there’s a sort of romantic quality about Mr. Emerson’s book which tempts the reader on from page to page.”
Empire and the century: a series of essays on imperial problems and possibilities, by various writers. **$6. Dutton.
“The present volume is intended to give, within the compass of a single book, the current views of representative men and women upon those special departments of imperial development with which they are severally qualified to deal. Its purpose is to give an authoritative account of the British Empire, as it appeared to contemporaries at this particular moment of its history.” There is an introduction by Mr. Charles Sydney Goldmann, and a poem by Rudyard Kipling, called “The heritage”; the other writers include J. St. Loe Strachey, J. L. Garvin, the Bishop of Stepney, Carolyn Bellairs, R. N.; George Peel, Sir Edward Hutton, Prof. J. W. Robertson, Benjamin Sulte, Sir Godfrey Lagden, Lady Lugard, Valentine Chirol, Sir Frederick Lugard, Col. Younghusband, and many others.
“The essays often contradict one another, and the whole is somewhat in the nature of a collection of magazine articles. On the other hand, some of the contributions are full of interest and well worthy of attentive consideration.”
“Admirable and extensive compendium.” Robert C. Brooks.
“It contains a great deal of political, geographical and commercial information hard to find elsewhere.”
“The work is a collection of expert opinion not a methodical treatise.”
“In every instance the writers are competent to treat of the themes allotted to them, and if their views are frequently colored by political preferences they are nevertheless informative and deserving of close attention.”
“This volume forms an extremely valuable contribution to our knowledge of Imperial problems.”
English essays, selected and edited by Walter Cochrane Bronson. *$1.25. Holt.
“While the volume is in no way designed as a text in the history of English literature, it would prove a most excellent companion piece to such a course.”
“The book is well suited to its special purpose, and should also be welcome to the general reader who is interested in this line of literature.”
Eno, Henry Lane. Baglioni: a play in five acts. **$1.25. Moffat.
A drama founded upon the story of the celebrated Baglioni family who ruled in Umbria for over fifty years. “Set in Perugia, in the Italy of the fifteenth century, with a plot which swims in a mist of blood and tears, it is cast in that antiquated literary style which is always so perilous to handle, and which betrays one so easily into turgidity and bombast.” (N. Y. Times.)
“The blank verse marches with tolerable, even correctness, but the rhetoric is often turgid and we should doubt if the play could be found to be actable, though possibly possessing some dramatic passages.”
“He has allowed himself to be distracted by dramatically irrelevant circumstances.”
“It is worth reading, if one has the time, as a vivacious portrayal of the renaissance mood.”
“The work, which ought to be biting, almost corrosive from its nature, tastes insipid.” Bliss Carman.
Erb, J. Lawrence. Brahms. $1.25. Dutton.
A useful and suggestive introduction to the life of Johannes Brahms which appears uniform with the “Master musicians” series. “There are no stirring events to recount, no revolution, or hurling of artistic thunderbolts; his life is but a record of work, unswervingly pursued, and of a homely, simple life of quiet friendships, with rambles through Italy or Switzerland in holiday times, though these holidays were the opportunities for some of his best work, as is ever the case with a true artist.” (Acad.)
“Mr. Erb’s book is not a bad book; he has gathered his materials conscientiously and he has not tortured truth in their presentation—only he has missed the opportunity to create a fine piece of work.”
99“The most useful of these, [biographies of Brahms] for the general reader, is Erb’s.”
“His biography is not marked by originality, either of research or of critical views; but it will fill a place that has not been exactly filled in English.” Richard Aldrich.
“Although it is written without any great distinction of style, it is decidedly readable.”
“Though not on the same level of excellence as Mr. Duncan’s work, is a useful and unpretending little book.”
Eva Mary, Sister. Community life for women; with introd. by Boyd Vincent. 75c. Young ch.
A little book which advocates the sisterhood idea and organization as an authorized part of church order. The subject is treated in nine chapters, as follows: The need of religious communities, Vocation, Probation, The regular life, The vow, The common life, The temptations of the community life, Popular objections to the community life, and Helps and hindrances.
Evans, Florence Adele. Woodland elf. 60c. Saalfield.
The stories which the woodland elf reads from the leaves of his library bush to comfort Maidie, who is lost in the woods, will interest other little people who are not lost for they tell all about the chameleon’s color, why snakes shed their skins, why Indian pipes grow, why the wild-cat has no tail, why seals wear furs, why wishes no longer come true and explain the whys and wherefores of many other wonderful things.
Evans, Henry Ridgely. Old and new magic; introd. by Dr. Paul Carus. *$1.50. Open ct.
“This book begins with the ancient Egyptian magic and comes down to such modern prestidigitateurs as Kellar and Herrmann. Scores of conjurers’ tricks are explained, with abundant illustration. In its introduction Dr. Paul Carus discourses in a readable way about the relations between magic, illusion, and miracle from the point of view of one to whom the miraculous is the impossible.”—Outlook.
“A discursive and unpolished but hugely entertaining account of necromancy and conjuring.”
“No reader need fear to take up this book because of its moral or ethical purpose. It contains fascinating reading for everybody.”
Evans, Herbert Arthur. Highways and byways in Oxford and the Cotswolds. $2. Macmillan.
In this new volume in the “Highways and byways” series the author “takes Oxford as a starting-place, and wisely devotes far the larger part of the book to less well-known places.... Upper and lower Slaughter, Temple Guiting, Chipping Warden, Stow-on-the-Wold.... These are the samples of the many quaint names of scores of English villages through which the author takes his reader in a leisurely pedestrian trip. Everywhere he finds ancient hills, ruined abbeys, picturesque cottages, or old-fashioned inns, and his narrative abounds in local traditions, legends, and the drift of the side-eddies of history. The drawings are by Frederick L. Griggs.” (Outlook.)
“Mr. Evans, except for an occasional touch of affectation, writes very well, and displays a knowledge alike of architecture, history, and botany.”
“The volume is a thoroly good one, and will be of service to the tourist who visits Oxford, for all necessary instructions for following the route are given.”
“The volume is fully up to the rest of this charming series.”
“It is not only attractive, but taking it as a whole it is accurate and valuable; between its covers is store both of pleasure and of profit.”
“Mr Evans writes in a discursive and agreeably rambling way.”
“Mr. Evans is fully equal to his task of guide and historian.”
Evans, Thomas Wiltberger. Memoirs of Dr. Thomas W. Evans: recollections of the second French empire. *$3. Appleton.
Dr. Evans, American dentist of the French court, had a particularly favorable viewpoint for first hand facts, and in becoming Napoleon III’s “eulogist and apologist” he finds “unusual opportunities of observing the evolution of political ideas and institutions in France and the conditions and causes that immediately preceded and determined the fall of the second empire as seen from within.” (Critic.) The first absolutely authentic account of Empress Eugénie’s flight from France at the time of the Commune is furnished by Dr. Evans, who himself aided in her escape.
“Dr Evans made no pretension to literary ability, but at the same time, if these ‘Memoirs’ are in his own words, he knew how to express himself in an interesting and picturesque manner.” Jeannette L. Gilder.
“It is evident that he could, did he choose, throw much light on the history of the Empire and its fall. The present volume, intelligently edited by his friend and executor, Dr. Crane, is ample evidence that he has so chosen. The last [part] is the most interesting, the first the least convincing.”
“His attempts at assuming political importance leave one unconvinced, his judgments on men and things reveal more a mixture of naiveté and self-importance than anything else, and yet there is a residium that has some claim to attention.”
“It is interesting—it ought to be conclusive, but it is not, for some reason.”
“The book is thoroughly readable and quotable.”
“The human personal interest in the notes and letters more than atones for the lack of literary form.”
“His Memoirs lack both authority and charm.”
“More ‘Memoirs’ of Dr. Evans may be published. It is to be hoped that they will be as interesting as these, but editorially better compressed.”
100Evelyn, John. Diary and correspondence of John Evelyn, esq.; with the life of the author by Henry B. Wheatley. 4v. *$12. Scribner.
The bicentenary of the death of John Evelyn has renewed interest in the famous diarist who “by a prodigal accident” was a contemporary of Samuel Pepys. This four-volume importation contains the diary of John Evelyn, selections from his letters, a biographical sketch of the author and a new preface.
“Mr. Wheatley’s edition is second only to his famous edition of Pepys.”
Reviewed by H. W. Boynton.
“We may welcome an old favorite in its new dress, although we might wish that the volumes were a trifle less bulky—and expensive.”
“The extreme dryness of the memoir, one may almost say, is a guarantee of its authenticity, and in truth it is chiefly, as it almost had to be, a summary of the diary itself.” Montgomery Schuyler.
“This is undoubtedly the definitive edition of Evelyn’s ‘Diary’.”
Everett, Grace W. Hymn treasures. $1.25. Meth. bk.
It is the aim of this book to bring to light some of the hidden treasures of hymnody and to show their worth. From the Magnificat and the Benedictus sung by Mary and Zacharias, respectively, to the very modern songs, the author writes interestingly about the makers of hymns and their contributions.
Ewald, Carl. My little boy; tr. from the Danish by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. **$1. Scribner.
“Not often does the father of a little boy write his biography so humorously, tenderly and sympathetically as does Carl Ewald, in telling the story of his little son. The two are comrades, bound together by many common interests and pursuits.... The little boy ... teaches his father a few lessons, altho the wise man needs fewer than most parents; and the little lad learns many lessons, as all boys and girls must.... He must be taught strict honesty, and respect for the rights of others. The father teaches these things as well as many others, truthfulness, fidelity to a trust or to a promise, the cruelty of race prejudice, in a way of his own, which is always sympathetic and respectful of a child’s feelings.”—Ind.
“It is the sweetest biography we remember.”
Eyre, Archibald. Girl in waiting. $1.50. Luce.
“This story belongs to a class now prevalent in fiction, the short extravaganza.” (Ath.) “This is an unpretentious tale of a rich girl masquerading as a poor one and coming under suspicion as a dangerous character. There is a young man in the case, of course, and circumstances shape themselves, equally of course, to bring the two together.” (Critic.)
“It does not lack the modern essentials of the genus—liveliness and flippancy. As a whole its tone is not quite equal, as the airs of comedy and farce are intermingled a little too crudely.”
“Mr. Eyre writes pleasantly and cleverly and enables the reader to avoid ennui for an idle hour.”
“Taken all together ‘The girl in waiting’ is almost as good as some of the things in the same line which have been done by Mr. Morley Roberts. There’s a light touch, a venturesome spirit, an eye for human oddities, not a little human sympathy, and a knack of kindly caricature.”
“A droll little comedy of misunderstanding, although beyond this Archibald Eyre has produced an unusual story told in an unusual way.”
Eytinge, Rose. Memories of Rose Eytinge. **80c; **$1.20. Stokes.
“The book abounds in interesting bits of reminiscence, anecdotes, and incidents of public characters, with sidelights on their idiosyncrasies,—forming the naïve chronicles and observation of over half a century.”
“There are spirit and individuality in many of her comments upon people.”
Fairlie, John Archibald. Local government in counties, towns and villages. *$1.25. Century.
Uniform with the “American state series,” Dr. Fairlie’s work is mainly descriptive of the present time, reducing historical discussion to a brief summary. Such matters are treated as “county officers, police, and justices; the town in New England, in the south and the west; public education, charities, public health, and local finance in a manner suited to the large mass of readers who approach such a subject neither as lawyers nor as philosophers.” (Nation.)
“He gives a careful and businesslike presentation for the general reader or the young person who wants to get the subject up for a college course.”
“The usefulness of this work will be at once appreciated by any one who has attempted to find an adequate treatment of this topic in existing text-books.”
Fairman, James Farquharson. Standard telephone wiring for common battery and magneto systems. *$1. McGraw pub.
A handbook for telephone men, containing diagrams of circuits for straight lines, party lines, plans, sub-stations, private lines and intercommunicating systems, with a brief description of the apparatus used and rules of the fire underwriters.
“The book is intended primarily for telephone wiremen, and it appears to be well adapted to their work.” H. H. Norris.
Fairweather, Mary. Passion stroke: a tale of ancient masonry. $1.50. Badger, R: G.
A mystical tale of the strange passing of the Sibyl of Delphi-Pythia and the high-priest, Hiereros of Delphi, and his dual personality. 101the faun thru the two kingdoms of the flesh and of the mind to the great third kingdom of life in love. The action centers about the time of the burning of the ancient temple of Delphi.
Fairy stories; retold from St. Nicholas. **65c. Century.
Sixteen fairy tales in prose and rhyme, copyrighted all the way from 1874 to the present year appear here in an attractively illustrated volume for young readers. Among them are Tinkey, The ten little dwarfs, The king of the golden woods, Casperl, Giant Thunder Bones, and How an elf set up housekeeping.
Fanning, Clara E., comp. Selected articles on the enlargement of the United States navy. *$1. Wilson, H. W.
Fifteen articles dealing with material on both sides of the question, “Resolved that the policy of substantially enlarging the American navy is preferable to the policy of maintaining it at its present strength and efficiency” have been reprinted from various magazines to make up this little volume. The result is a fund of information on the subject which will prove valuable not only to the high school debating league but will help all students, club members, or librarians who wish information upon this subject in compact form. Articles by Captain Mahan, John D. Long, Captain Hobson, and Rear Admiral George W. Melville have been included.
Fanshawe, Reginald. Corydon: an elegy in memory of Matthew Arnold and Oxford. *$1.80. Oxford.
In the 224 Spenserian stanzas which compose this tribute to Matthew Arnold “The evolution of the intellectual life of Oxford during the last sixty years is traced with knowledge and insight, and there is some felicitous literary criticism by the way.... Though the elegy abounds in memorable phrases ... depends for its success neither on these nor on the beauty of individual stanzas, but rather on the orderly progress of the closely knit thought and the sustained dignity of the language.” (Ath.)
“Mr. Reginald Fanshaw has paid a heartfelt tribute to an institution, a man and an intellectual epoch.” Wm. M. Payne.
“In passing from the programme to the performance itself the reader is most pleasantly surprised to find it continuously informed by a mellow poetic mood, and containing scarcely a lapse from suave and accomplished workmanship. The tone is frankly academic and traditional, and most successfully so. There is a lack of intensity, of original poetic energy in the conception of this that makes against its wide and enduring appeal.”
“He is a little inclined to a surfeit of epithets, but his verse is orderly and musical, and he expresses gracefully many genuine, if not very startling truths.”
Fariss, Amy Cameron. Sin of Saint Desmond. $1.50. Badger, R: G.
A tale of the loves of a will-o’-the-wisp girl who allows the marriage with the man she does not love to bind her in no way to marital allegiance. She finally enthrals a man of supposedly strong nature known among his relations as “Saint Desmond.” The story is dramatic, even tragic as it finds no better solution than making death a punishment for waywardness.
Farmer, James Eugene. Versailles and the court under Louis XIV. *$3.50. Century.
“It has been a pleasure to read so historically accurate, and so well-balanced a survey of the court of the Grand Monarque.” James Westfall Thompson.
“The book is therefore likely to be of some value as a work of reference, whilst it should also appeal to the general reader. The index is unfortunately far from adequate; but we have seldom read a book containing so much matter which was so free from printers’ errors.”
“Altogether, this is an entertaining and instructive book, although devoid of pretension to profound interpretations of the age of Louis XIV.”
“In some descriptions Mr. Farmer goes dangerously near the language of auctioneers. Though laborious and careful, Mr. Farmer has only produced a guidebook of a very superior kind. A visitor to Versailles could hardly read anything better.”
“One submits to the charm of narrative with the feeling that he is resting on absolutely sure ground.”
“One could hardly ask for a more intimate life-like and exact picture of the first gentleman of Europe and his time.”
“As it stands, it is half guide-book, half history and biography, and so arranged that one finds it difficult to read through. Mr. Farmer’s selections from the memoirs of the time are made with great judgment.”
Farnell, Louis Richard. Evolution of religion: an anthropological study. *$1.50. Putnam.
Two of the four lectures delivered in 1905 for the Hibbert trust deal with the methods and the value of the study of comparative religion and its relations to anthropology; the remaining two are special studies in the anthropological manner, of the ritual of purification and the evolution of prayer from lower to higher forms.
“It contains much that is suggestive and valuable, and the two chapters on ritual purification and the evolution of prayer are real contributions to the study of these important matters.”
“This first essay is essentially only a vindication of the comparative study of religion. The remaining two essays are excellent specimens of constructive work.” F. C. French.
Farquhar, Edward. Poems. $1.50. Badger, R: G.
“A volume of somewhat remarkable verse not without promise of future work, as ambitious in theme, and as widely speculative, yet with all mature reflection and more disciplined regard for order.”
Farquhar, Edward. Youth of Messiah. $1. Badger, R: G.
A poem which is based upon material supposed to have been found in an ancient manuscript newly discovered.
102Farquhar, George. Plays; ed. with an introd. and notes by William Archer. *$1. Scribner.
An addition to the “Mermaid series.” The volume contains the following, four plays: The constant couple, The town rivals, The recruiting officer, and The beaux’ stratagem.
“Mr. Archer’s edition is, as would be expected, scholarly and trustworthy.”
“The ‘Mermaid’ texts are now issued in those thin-paper editions which are the detestation of most good book-lovers.”
Farrer, Reginald J. House of shadows. †$1.50. Longmans.
“Tempest Ladon, is a north-country squire of ancient lineage, who marries a young Italian lady. Elena dies in giving birth prematurely to a son, and leaves behind her a casket of love-letters written, she says, to her husband, which he promises never to read. The son, St. John, in his turn, marries a beautiful middle-class girl and brings her home to his father, who hates her as she hates him. Meanwhile Tempest discovers that he is dying of sarcoma, and is so afraid of hell-fire if he commits suicide that he tries to persuade his son to take the chances of damnation and kill him. Ultimately the daughter-in-law is tempted into handing him the overdose which ends him, but not before he has discovered that Elena’s letters were written to an Italian cousin, who is the real father of St. John.”—Acad.
“It is clever enough to make us hope that, when Mr. Farrer has read more widely and thought more sanely, he may yet do good work.”
“The characters are drawn with a vivid touch, but not one is genuinely agreeable.”
“A book remarkable for its force and continuity.”
Fawcett, Mrs. Millicent Garrett (Mrs. Henry Fawcett.) Five famous French women. $2. Cassell.
Five character studies of French women “of intellect who were born to hold the reins of power.” (Acad.) They are Joan of Arc, Renée, Duchess of Ferrara. Louise of Savoy, her daughter, Margaret of Angoulême and Jeanne d’Albrét, queen of Navarre.
“The studies suffer from weak construction, but they are interesting. The style is clear, with a certain cheerful colloquialism which is rather unexpected.”
“It is a little difficult to determine what kind of public she has in view. Evidences of carelessness in proof-reading are somewhat numerous.”
“As Mrs. Fawcett’s standpoint is a non-Catholic one, she expresses some opinions with which we cannot agree; and she hardly applies the same weights and measures to the Catholic and Huguenot.”
“The author is to be congratulated ... for having brought very near to modern appreciation a series of remarkable characters.”
Fechner, Gustav Theodor. On life after death, from the German by Hugo Wernekke. **75c. Open ct.
“This is a new edition of a book too little known in this country. The author, a professor of physics in the University of Leipsic ... is at once a scientist and a poet.... His fundamental postulate is the continuity of life, and it will commend itself alike to the student of the New Testament and the student of philosophy.... The biographical sketch of the author which is appended to the volume adds to its interest and serves to interpret it.”—Outlook.
Reviewed by W. C. Keirstead.
“Dr. Wernekke’s [translation] is the more literal, but Miss Wadsworth’s reads more smoothly.”
“The chief defect of the book is its tone of assurance, the author’s fancies being affirmed with the same positiveness as if they were scientific observations of philosophical deductions.”
Fenollosa, Mary McNeil (Mrs. Ernest F. Fenollosa) (Sidney McCall, pseud.). Dragon painter. †$1.50. Little.
The depth of feeling which the Japanese of the passing generation hold for Japan and the art that has always been hers is strongly brought out in this story of Kano Indara, the last of a line of great artists, who views with terror the encroachments of western art. He hears of Tatsu, the wild mountain dragon painter and, in his deathless longing for an artist-son, he sends for him and gives to him his daughter Umè-Ko that he may be indeed his son, and also because he could not hold him otherwise, for the youth has painted his dragon-pictures merely because his soul was filled with a longing for the dragon-maid, his mate thruout all incarnations. When he finds her in Kano’s daughter his great love absorbs the artist in him and Kano, who lives for art alone, in his rage and disappointment takes the young wife from her too-loving husband until, from the depths of his great grief and agony of spirit, the artist in him once more emerges, then she is restored to him as from the dead.
“In our judgment ‘The dragon painter’ is far inferior as a novel to either ‘Truth Dexter’ or ‘The breath of the gods.’”
“One does not need to have had any personal experience in the land of which Mrs. Fenollosa writes in order to be perfectly certain that these pages give a truthful picture of Japanese domestic life and a faithful revelation of the inner depths of Japanese feeling—not one of those specious translations of Japan in terms of modern ‘Westernism.’”
Field, Horace, and Bunney, Michael. English domestic architecture of the XVII. and XVIII. centuries. *$15. Macmillan.
The authors of this volume on domestic architecture in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries “have provided examples of smaller buildings, with their measurements and different views of them, besides an introduction and many full notes. There are about 100 illustrations, including half-tone full, double, and half page plates, drawings, diagrams, etc. 103The introduction contains a resume of the history of the English domestic architecture followed by a chapter on ‘The renaissance evolution in England,’ and then by descriptions of the houses presented.” (N. Y. Times.)
“The matter of this text is perfectly well thought out and expressed. The book is a valuable one from every point of view.”
Fielding, Henry. Selected essays, ed. by Gordon Hall Gerould. *60c. Ginn.
“The editor has evidently profited by consulting the best critical comment on his author, and his introduction is both full and interesting.”
Finberg, Alexander J. English water color painters. *75c. Dutton.
“About two dozen artists are considered in Mr. Finberg’s little book on the water-color painters of England and forty-two half-tone reproductions of their works are included.... The names include those of Samuel Scott, a marine and landscape painter; Paul Sandby, sometimes called the ‘Father of the English school of water color;’ Thomas Hearne, accomplished also as a draughtsman; Alexander and John Cozens, Thomas Girtin, Turner, Rowlandson, Blake, Cotman, Cox, Prout, Ford Madox Brown, Rossetti, Holman Hunt, Fred Walker, and others.”—N. Y. Times.
“An admirable and instructive essay, which it is a pleasure to read, even where one is bound to disagree with it.” T. Sturge Moore.
“Is really a model short treatise.”
“Both in text and illustration the little book is extremely valuable.”
Finck, Henry Theophilus. Edvard Grieg. *$1. Lane.
Volume eight in the “Living masters of music” series is the first book in English on the life and personality of this famous Norwegian composer. “An invalid, he has lived in seclusion in the Far North; a successful pianist, conductor, and composer almost from the beginning of his career, happily married to a cousin who could not only inspire but interpret his songs—in spite of some dark years and some inevitable shadows, he stands for us in the sun; largely as to his career, wholly and radiantly as to his warm personality. The photographs of him from the fifteen-year-old boy to the sixty-year-old man ... are full of charm and of a winning quality that fit absolutely into the character of his music.” (Nation.)
“There is much new material relating to the personal side of the composer.”
“A sound and sympathetic study of this great son of the North.”
“The book is charmingly written, is entertaining from cover to cover, and is sure to become popular with all music lovers. Mr. Finck has the gift of the true biographer, of nowhere obtruding his own personality.” Joseph Sohn.
“Mr. Finck’s book is an attempt to place him in the very forefront of modern composers. There are interesting biographical details in the book.” Richard Aldrich.
“In spite of this attitude of fierce worshiper, Mr. Finck has written a very readable as well as useful book. He has succeeded in the first place in filling it with personality. He has, in the second place, brought together much information about Grieg, some old and some new, which has not before been easily accessible.”
Findlater, Jane Helen. Ladder to the stars. †$1.50. Appleton.
The author “depicts a young woman whose relatives are housekeepers, commercial travelers, clerks, as sex or circumstances decree; and she invests her with spiritual ambitions with which the local minister cannot cope; with social aspirations unintelligible in a circle where human society means nothing beyond class-strata; and with intellectual ideals that cannot be shared by those in whose eyes ‘two years at Mrs. Clumper’s’ are synonymous with a liberal education.”—Lond. Times.
“Her picture of middle-class life in a country town is admirably incisive and humorous, and at the same time free from ill-nature. The character of her heroine is less satisfactory.”
“The writer leaves us with a feeling that the ideas which she attributes to her heroine are her own; in other words, the illusion is incomplete. If it had been otherwise the book would have been a triumph of art; as it is, we have a comedy of manners, wise, kindly, and incisive.”
“In spite of its stilted and sometimes unreal heroine and its several impossible incidents, it will certainly be the exceptional reader who will not find himself very much interested and amused.”
“The story, of course, is open to the criticism common to all stories which turn on the literary ability of their characters, that the author can give no proof of this ability, and that the reader has to take it on trust.”
Firth, Charles Harding. Plea for the historical teaching of history: an inaugural lecture delivered on November 9, 1904. *35c. Oxford.
Firth, John Benjamin. Constantine, the first Christian emperor. **$1.35; **$1.60. Putnam.
“On the side of institutions, however, the book is distinctly weak.” Charles H. Haskins.
Fischer, Louis. Health-care of the baby: a handbook for mothers and nurses. *75c. Funk.
Under Part 1, General hygiene of the infant, the author gives chapters upon bathing, clothing, training, etc. Part 2, Infant feeding, treats of the various methods of feeding and of infant foods. Part 3. Miscellaneous diseases and emergencies, includes a detailed treatment of the various children’s diseases and a chapter upon accidents.
104Fisguill, Richard, pseud. (Richard H. Wilson). Venus of Cadiz. †$1.50. Holt.
“Read him sympathetically and he will reward you with the next best thing to tears,—a laugh.” Mary Moss.
Fish, Carl Russell. Civil service and the patronage. *$2. Longmans.
“A careful and useful historical study.”
Fisher, Clarence Stanley. Excavations at Nippur; plans, details, and photographs of the buildings, with numerous objects found in them during the excavations of 1889, 1890, 1893–1896, 1899–1900 with descriptive text by Clarence S. Fisher. (Babylonian expedition of the Univ. of Penn.) 6 pts. ea. pt. $2. C. S. Fisher, Rutledge, Delaware co., Pa.
“The entire work comprises some two hundred large folio pages of topographical introduction and descriptive text, abundantly illustrated with cuts and photographs, including some splendid full-page photogravures, besides many folding lithographic plates giving plans and details of the buildings.”—Outlook.
“Altogether we may heartily congratulate both the University and Mr. Fisher on the first part of a book, which bids fair to be a most valuable contribution to science. We have noticed some typographical errors ... but these are trifles.”
“Mr. Fisher certainly deserves great credit for the manner in which he has exhibited the topographical and culture development of Nippur and its temple. In this regard his work constitutes an important contribution to Babylonian archæology, and scholars will await with interest the publication of the remaining five parts, in which, it is to be hoped, more care will be bestowed on the proof reading of the descriptive text.”
Fitch, (William) Clyde. Climbers: a play in four acts. **75c. Macmillan.
A new volume in the published edition of the plays of Mr. Fitch. The climbers, which had a considerable degree of success on the stage, is not only a clever satire upon the social climber but contains some well-devised situations, which, altho they lose some of their effectiveness in book form, make good reading.
“No other play of this author that we have seen so well bears the test of print.”
Fitch, (William) Clyde. Girl with the green eyes. **75c. Macmillan.
The first appearance in book form of Mr. Fitch’s four-act play.
“While far from being a distinguished illustration of the literary drama, the play reads very well—possibly better than it sounds when acted.”
“Many passages in this smart piece read well, and the study of feminine jealousy it involves has not been surpassed since Colman’s ‘Jealous wife.’”
Fitch, William Edwards. Some neglected history of North Carolina, including the battle of Alamance, the first battle of the American revolution. $2. Neale.
“The value of the book lies wholly in the original documents reprinted from the North Carolina Records.” Theodore Clark Smith.
Fitchett, William Henry. Unrealized logic of religion; a study in credibilities. *$1.25. Eaton.
The author deals with a wide field, and apparently with unrelated subjects, but his object is to show that “when widely separated points in literature, history, science, philosophy and common life are tried by their relation to religion they instantly fall into logical terms with it.” Under the headings: History; Science; Philosophy; Literature; Spiritual life; and Common life he discusses such subjects as; The logic of the missionary; of our relation to nature; of the infinitesimal; of human speech; of answered prayers; of unproved negatives; and of half-knowledge, in which he gives “examples of the innumerable correspondences which link the spiritual and secular realms together.”
“It is a very strong book. The author has read widely, thought deeply and knows his ground thoroly.”
“That the words ‘logic’ and ‘logical’ are the most applicable to his reasonings we certainly doubt. A few pages of his book suggest the obvious criticism that there is much more of rhetoric than logic in it. The pertinence of the criticism may be concerned, but it does not derogate from the value of the work.”
Fitz, George Wells, and Fitz, Rachel Kent. Problems of babyhood; building a constitution, forming a character. **$1.25. Holt.
This two-fold study of the controllable aspects of child development furnishes conclusions reached from the standpoint of the physician, the teacher, the mother and the father. “It is hoped that thru its frank and practical treatment of some of the many problems presented by parenthood it may give courage to withstand the criticism of tradition and convention, strength to resist the modern tendency to indulgence, faith to fight for the child’s birthright of a sane mind in a sane body.”
“There is an air of authority, based on experience and the unmistakable certificate of good common sense about ‘Problems of babyhood.’”
FitzGerald, Edward. Euphranor: a dialogue on youth. *75c. Lane.
“Many will read this charming reprint of a forgotten book not for its educational, but for its literary charm, for in it FitzGerald proved himself a master of the two crafts.”
Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington. Sir Henry Irving: a biography. **$3. Jacobs.
Mr. Fitzgerald’s biography was published during Irving’s life time. This issue includes ten years of added happenings, making it a complete sketch.
105“There is still room, however, for a full critical account of Irving the actor.” Percy F. Bicknell.
“Mr. Fitzgerald’s volume will hardly be a rival of Bram Stoker’s more elaborated and formal one. At the same time, it has a value that is quite its own.”
“It would be better if it were a little more conservative and little less discursive.”
“We commend Mr. Fitzgerald’s biography of Irving to persons who want a handsome book about a great actor, containing the story of his life, told in a kindly way.”
Fitzgerald, Sybil. In the track of the Moors. *$6. Dutton.
“Ranging over wide fields of knowledge, it betrays ignorance which should have deterred the writer ... from venturing anywhere near them. Solecisms are sown so thickly that the charitable supposition of printer’s errors cannot cover half the sins. Nevertheless, the writer has observed many things truly, and said some things well.”
Fitzmaurice, Edmond George Petty. Life of Granville. 2v. $10. Longmans.
“In every way very competent for it, the biographer has done his work sympathetically.”
“This is not only an interesting and readable book, but, as indeed was to be expected, a permanently valuable contribution to our political history.” Augustine Birrell.
“It is not, I may add, too political for the reading of any American who loves to read of the history of his own time in England written so absolutely from the inside as is this.” Jeannette L. Gilder.
“If these two portly volumes cannot lay claim to full equality of style and political insight to John Morley’s monumental work on Gladstone, among the lives of the statesmen of the Victorian era, they may be ranked second, with Charles Stuart Parker’s ‘Sir Robert Peel’ forming a close third.”
“A work of immense importance in its bearing upon the history of England from 1850 to 1890.”
“The biographer has done his work well. American readers will find amusement as well as instruction in this excellent biography.”
Flammarion, Nicolas Camille. Thunder and lightning; tr. by Walter Mostyn. **$1.25. Little.
An abridged form of the French work discussing the victim of lightning, atmospheric electricity, the flash and the sound; giving the effect of lightning on mankind, animals, trees and plants, metals, objects, houses, etc.; showing the curious freaks of fireballs, and concluding with a chapter on pictures made by lightning.
“The translation is exceedingly well done, and we have noticed but one mistake.”
“Apart from the above mentioned differences the English translation is well done, and will be found very interesting reading.”
“Seems less concerned to explain the marvelous occurrences by recognized laws than to startle the reader and convince him that there is much that is inexplicable in electricity.”
Fleming, John Ambrose. Principles of electric wave telegraphy. *$6.60. Longmans.
A treatise based to a large extent upon the author’s Cantor lectures delivered before the Society of arts in London. It is a three part work treating respectively of electric oscillations, electric waves, and electric wave telegraphy.
“The book seems destined to occupy the same place in the field of oscillatory currents as the author’s work on the ‘Alternating current transformer’ did in the field of ordinary alternating currents. It is a book deserving the careful attention of the student, of the physicist, and of the engineer, as well as of the telegrapher.” Samuel Sheldon.
“In Dr. Fleming’s book is to be found a treatment of the subject which is exhaustive and thorough both on the theoretical and practical sides. It is a book which has been wanted and will be warmly welcomed.” Maurice Solomon.
Fleming, Walter Lynwood. Civil war and reconstruction in Alabama. **$5. Macmillan.
“Prof. Fleming’s aim is to trace the course of the civil war in his native state ... particularly in its political and social aspects, from its beginning to the breaking down of reconstruction in 1874.... The book is divided into six sections, treating consecutively: “Secession,” “War times in Alabama,” “The aftermath of war,” “Presidential restoration,” “Congressional reconstruction,” and “Carpetbag and negro rule.” All these phases of the theme are discussed freely and with a wealth of detail and fullness of bibliography that must delight the student’s heart. The general reader will also find much that is new, many a story or party episode told in such a way as to be truly illuminating.”—N. Y. Times.
“The author’s sympathies are decidedly with the South, but the work is free from bitterness or prejudice, and is on the whole as impartial an account as one can expect from any writer on this subject.” William O. Scroggs.
“The spirit in which this book is written and the personal equation of the writer are fairly open to criticism. On the whole, the author is to be commended for a scholarly and critical treatment of a most highly important historical epoch.” Charles C. Pickett.
“The most comprehensive and valuable work of this kind that has yet been written.” James Wilford Garner.
“Professor Fleming’s method, for scientific precision and efficiency, could hardly be surpassed, even by a guillotine. Nevertheless, we consider this volume a very important contribution to the history of its period.”
“It is diffuse, poorly arranged, notwithstanding the elaborate scheme or outline presented in the table of contents. In this the subdivisions seem to be so minute as to become a source of embarrassment to the author. Another difficulty closely allied to this one is the frequent repetition of the same ideas. But despite 106these blemishes—important though they be—the book is eminently worth while. It is a magazine of information for the general reader.” William E. Dodd.
“An admirable, piece of work.”
Reviewed by David Miller DeWitt.
Fletcher, Ella Adelia. Philosophy of rest. 75c. Dodge.
The philosophy of rest is preached in four peaceful little essays which this tranquil philosopher calls; The unrest of our day, The cultivation of soul-force, The ministrations of nature and silence, and To conserve force.
Flint, Robert. Socialism. **$2. Lippincott.
A reprint of the work brought out in 1894. “As becomes its author, ‘Socialism’ is a philosophical essay upon cardinal points of doctrine, and does not deal with the history and present position of socialistic speculation or agitation.” (Nation.)
Fogazzaro, Antonio. The saint (Il santo): authorized tr.; with introd. by W. R. Thayer. †$1.50. Putnam.
“Piero Maironi, a young Brescian, is summoned from an intrigue with a married woman ... to the deathbed of his wife.... In the little church adjoining the asylum Maironi has a vision which alters the whole course of his life. He leaves the world and adopts the name of Benedetto, but remains a layman and joins no religious order. Driven from the monastery ... he goes forth to preach to the people and is hailed by the peasants as a saint and a miracle-worker. He disclaims miraculous power; and a sick man, who is brought to him to be healed, dies under his roof.... Naturally Benedetto is discarded by his ignorant followers.... And he goes to Rome, where he becomes the leader of a movement for the reform of the church. Naturally, again he comes into conflict with ecclesiastical authority, and ... he is relentlessly pursued by Vatican intrigue ... is practically turned into the streets, but is taken in by an agnostic professor ... in whose house he dies, apparently a failure but foretelling with undying faith the triumph of his cause in the person of his disciples.”—Spec.
“The English version reads fairly well as a piece of English, but as a translation it is not satisfactory and the author’s meaning is often inadequately represented or even distorted. But it will give the English reader a very fair idea of the book as a whole, and he will miss nothing essential.”
“One feels compelled to protest against any confusion of the greatness of ‘Il santo’ as a piece of brilliant polemics, a powerful theological brief, with its worth as a novel. Frankly, it is not a great novel; it is too defective in technique, it lacks on the one hand the rugged simplicity of Verga, on the other the melodious rhythm and artistic proportions of d’Annunzio. Nevertheless, it remains one of the most interesting human documents that have come from Italy in the last quarter century.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“Very acceptable English version now given us.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Fogazzaro’s Italian is not the highly poetical medium manipulated by Gabriele d’Annunzio. It is saner, simpler, and more direct, while the wide sympathy, kindness of heart, and light, wholesome humor of Fogazzaro incite, maintain, and develop the reader’s respect.” Walter Littlefield.
“The book has gained a place of power among the factors of coming change.”
“It appeals to the intelligence and to the religious instincts on every page.”
“This task [to illustrate in the guise of romance, with a modern St. Francis of Assisi as its central figure, the four ‘spirits of evil’] has been achieved by Signor Fogazzaro with such eloquence, and yet such reverence and restraint, that the action of the Curia in proscribing his work is little short of the inexplicable.”
Folsom, Justus Watson. Entomology, with special reference to its biological and economic aspects. *$3. Blakiston.
Although planned primarily for the student this volume is intended also for the general reader, and gives “a comprehensive and concise account of insects.” As a rule only the commonest kinds of insects are referred to in the text, in order that the reader may easily use the text as a guide to personal observation. The anatomy of insects, their physiology, color, relations to plants, other animals, and man, their behavior, distribution, etc., are fully treated and the volume is profusely illustrated and has a bibliography and an index.
“It is well adapted to general readers who want books on insects more advanced than the small popular works.”
“It easily takes rank not only with the best treatises on entomology, but among those which modern zoological science has produced. The author’s style is simple, concise, and lucid. His treatment of other writers is uniformly generous and just.”
“Here is an abundance of practically useful as well as interesting knowledge.”
“The style is never prolix, and although verbal infelicities are rather too frequent, the meaning is rarely obscure. The book as a whole is excellent, and will be most useful to the general student.” J. G. N.
Forbush, Rev. William Byron. Boys’ life of Christ. **$1.25. Funk.
The author has made a strong appeal to boys thru this vivid and natural biography of Jesus. His aim is “to show the manly, heroic, chivalric, intensely real, and vigorously active qualities of Jesus,” to approach the divine Jesus thru the human greatness.
“The author of this work has written one of the most fascinating stories for the young, apart from all consideration of the subject, that we have read in years.”
“It is remarkably well done.”
Ford, Ellis A. Challenge of the spirit. **30c. Crowell.
A monograph whose keynote is sounded in the following: “Life itself is revelation,” says Mr. Ford, “in all that I myself have felt or have known through watching others I find the 107triumph of spirit over sense, the gain on things unseen through the instrumentality of the seen.”
Ford, Richard. Letters of Richard Ford. 1797–1858; ed. by Rowland E. Prothero. *$3.50. Dutton.
Mr. Ford’s letters are filled with the inimitable humor that made his guide book to Spain so popular. These letters written in 1830 from Spain to Henry Unwin Addington, then British minister to Madrid, “convey in piquant language Mr. Ford’s first impressions of ‘an original peculiar people, potted for six centuries.’” (Ath.) The editor says “To the artist, the historian, the sportsman, and the antiquary, to the student of dialects, the observer of manners and customs, the lover of art, the man of sentiment, Spain in 1830 offered an enchanting field, an almost untrodden Paradise. In Ford all these interests were combined, not merely as tastes, but as enthusiasms.”
“Mr. Prothero’s connecting narrative is skilful and clear.”
“A graceful but slight book. Only the ghost of Ford has passed into these pages.”
“Excellent letters ... edited with the utmost discretion.”
Fordham, Elias Pym. Personal narrative of travels in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky; and of a residence in Illinois territory, 1817–1818; ed. with notes, introd. and index by Frederick Austin Ogg. *$3. Clark, A. H.
This manuscript, hitherto unpublished was written anonymously in 1817–18 by a young Englishman who assisted Morris Birkbeck in establishing his Illinois settlement. The journeys are “rich in personalia of early settlers, remarks on contemporary history and politics, state of trade, agriculture, prices, and information on local history not obtainable elsewhere ... and make accessible to historical students much new and important material.”
“It might be added that Mr. Ogg’s prefatory description of the westward movement during this period, showing the economic condition of both Old and New World under which Fordham made his tour and his observations, is as interesting as anything Fordham wrote.” Edwin E. Sparks.
Reviewed by Theodore Clarke Smith.
“It is a most enjoyable narrative, and of real historical importance.”
“The volume contains much new material on the local history of the region over which Fordham’s travels extended.”
Foreman, John. Philippine islands. *$6. Scribner.
This third edition of Mr. Foreman’s “Political, geographical, ethnographical, social, and commercial history of the Philippine archipelago, embracing the whole period of Spanish rule with an account of the succeeding American insular government” is not only revised and enlarged but contains several chapters upon our administration in the Philippines since February 6, 1899, not found in the earlier editions. The volume is abundantly illustrated.
“Jumble of facts and fancies, information and misinformation.”
“Such a work as this is of scant value to anyone.”
“The author’s knowledge is so broad and complete that even his criticisms (and he does criticise) are likely not to be resented. The work fulfills all that is implied in its sub-title; it is so complete that it is not possible adequately to catalogue its contents in a short notice.” George R. Bishop.
Forman, Justus Miles. Buchanan’s wife. †$1.50. Harper.
Beatrix Buchanan, for two years married to a man whom she does not love, finds her lot unbearable. The “droop to her mouth” reveals the state of her mind and incidentally betrays the fact that she had not made the way all sunshine for her husband. Grown cynical and harsh, with the “desperately shy sweetness” entirely crushed having nothing to nourish it, Buchanan disappears one night from the world. The day of Beatrix’ happiness must dawn. She tricks the man she loves by purposely lying when called to identify a body resembling her husband. After her marriage a little “gray tramp” steps into her rose garden with mind as well as lungs gone. It is the pitiable shadow of her husband and in her misery she ministers to him till death. The story is one of a woman’s will dramatically expressed.
“A preposterous yarn, which has little power to arouse sympathy, and which depends for its effects upon trickiness and crude melodrama.” Wm. M. Payne.
“Really a most remarkable tale, told in a forked lightning literary style, that is very shocking to the reader’s nerves.”
“Mr. Forman’s new novel has a rather sensational flavor.”
“Nothing and nobody within the covers of the book could possibly have happened; all the same it does grip one’s interest.”
“The weakness of the book lies in its confusion of two literary methods, one objective and melodramatic, the other an analysis of character and its development.”
Forman, Samuel Eagle. Advanced civics: the spirit, the form, and the functions of the American government. *$1.25. Century.
“It offers to the student a large mass of information, clearly expressed, and free from the inaccuracies so common in text books on civics.”
“A valuable handbook for every American citizen, an interesting guide into the field of politics, and an inspiring counselor to duty.” Edward E. Hill.
Forrest, Rev. David William. Authority of Christ. *$2. Scribner.
“The thesis is that Jesus is not to be regarded as authority in matters of literary criticism, to determine the authorship of a Psalm or to 108decide whether the stories about Abraham are legendary or historical, but that his authority consists purely in his ‘final revelation of religious truth and practice, of “what man is to believe concerning God, and what duties God requires of man.”’”—Nation.
“Has something of the heaviness which characterizes doctrinal discussions of the older sort. The second chapter of the book, however, on ‘The legitimate extension of Christ’s authority,’ is a valuable bit of arrangement.”
“Dr. Forrest is careful to give a logical completeness to his treatment of his subject.”
Fosdick, Lucian J. French blood in America. **$2. Revell.
The first portion of her work is devoted to a survey of the Huguenots prior to their coming to America. Then follow an account of the unsuccessful attempts to found Huguenot colonies in North America, and the story of the beginnings at Plymouth, New Amsterdam, and Virginia.
“The purpose of the whole is to exalt the part played by Huguenot exiles and their descendants, but the claims advanced are so boundless and the critical ability displayed so slender as to provoke incredulity.” Theodore Clarke Smith.
“By reason of loose arrangement, repetition and undiscriminating admiration we lose a notable chapter of American history. In this wide field, Mr. Fosdick has worked with enthusiasm, tho not with care.”
“Mr. Fosdick appears to have no sense whatever of historical objectivity. Apart from its anxiety to prove too much this book is a useful recapitulation of what has been accomplished in the United States by people of French Protestant origin.”
“Mr. Fosdick’s book does not rank in scholarship with Douglas Campbell’s almost forgotten book, but it is as good as some other books of ‘claimings’ and will hold its own for some time to come.”
“The defects of the book are so serious that we cannot recommend it either as an authoritative or interesting contribution to its subject.”
“We cannot help thinking that the book might have been ordered; but it was worth writing, and is certainly worth reading.”
Foster, George Burman. Finality of the Christian religion. *$4. Univ. of Chicago press.
Following an introduction and an historical two parts; “Christianity as authority-religion,” and “Christianity as religion of the moral consciousness of man.” In the first section the rise, development, and disintegration of Christianity as authority-religion is historico-critically traced. In the second section, Christianity as religion of the moral consciousness is defined in antithesis to the extremes of naturalism and clericalism.
“Taken altogether, his style has so little in common with the ordinary usage of British and American theologians that it is not transparent enough to make the reading of the book a pleasure, unless it be to the narrowest specialist. What ... is the secret of Professor Foster’s success? Plainly, it is the vitality of his constructive idea, and the earnest, almost passionate, manner in which he works out its legitimate outline. He has neglected no important work upon any phase of his subject.” Andrew C. Zenos.
“He is too closely dependent upon particular German writers.” P. Gardner.
“From the standpoint of a layman, I must confess that the book seems to me too much elaborated in many places.” T. D. A. Cockerell.
“It is the gravest defect of Professor Foster’s work that he has so much to say by way of approach to his subject, and so little, in proportion, on the subject itself.”
“Dr. Foster’s argument is close and learned; not easy to read, but to be studied and pondered over.”
“Both in source and substance this is a significant book, though opening no line of thought quite new.”
Foster, John Watson. Practice of diplomacy. **$3. Houghton.
The audience reached in this work is mainly that made up of men in the diplomatic service of the nation, and the author discusses in an informing manner the utility of the diplomatic service, the duties of diplomats and their rank qualifications, the consular service, the negotiation and framing of treaties, arbitration and international claims.
“His style is so simple and his chapters are so enlivened with interesting incidents and sensible criticisms that even readers entirely unfamiliar with diplomatic work will have no difficulty in understanding and enjoying him.”
“Tho technical in part as setting forth the rules and procedure of diplomatic intercourse, it has been prepared for the general reader and, needless to say, it has the literary distinction which characterizes the works of this experienced and able writer on diplomacy.”
Fountain, Paul. Eleven eaglets of the west. **$3. Dutton.
The “eleven eaglets” of the title are the states or territories of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada. The work “is the record of several journeys made by the author in the days when the Wild West was, with a few exceptions, still a wilderness. He travelled with a strong party, and was usually, if not always, accompanied by a waggon, which, with infinite labour and astonishing success, was dragged through forests, over rocky heights, and across sandy deserts.... [The book] will have permanent interest as an account of the extreme West as it was forty years ago.” (Ath.)
“He tells the story of his adventures in a simple, straightforward way, but the conclusions which he sometimes draws from them are not altogether convincing.”
“The pictures which he presents of the western states which have already changed so greatly are assuredly worthy of preservation.”
“Any one unfamiliar with that section of the continent would carry away from the perusal of his book a most confused impression of its geographical features, and of either its past or its present social and industrial conditions.”
109“One sees that the author is an observer of catholicity. His book, though the travels are travels of so long ago, is singularly refreshing. Informing enough also, though you need not pin your faith too utterly to all the things that are said.”
Fowler, Rev. Charles Henry. Missionary addresses. *$1. West. Meth. bk.
A group of seven missionary addresses on the following subjects: Missions and world movements. Our opportunity. The reflex influence of missions. The message, Home and heathen missions contrasted, The field. The supreme need of the heathen and Divinity of the missionary idea.
Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft (Mrs. Alfred Laurence Felkin). The subjection of Isabel Carnaby. †$1.50. Dodd.
The reappearance of Isabel Carnaby, married and happy makes this story a sequel to Mrs. Felkin’s “Concerning Isabel Carnaby.” “First we have our old friend Isabel, who heroically refrains from sacrificing to a purely personal whim the whole of her husband’s political career; secondly, a half-caste girl, married to a good-natured imbecile of an Englishman whom she finds it impossible to love until (in the disguise of a man) she has felt the weight of his, literally, heavy hand; thirdly a parson whose desertion of his wife, arising from a sequence of incredible occurrences, is by her endured with a meekness which is happily as incredible.” (Ath.)
“In general, the smart and good-natured aphorisms in which the book abounds seem to us as remote from reality as is the framework of the story.”
“In ‘The subjection of Isabel Carnaby’, Miss Fowler has come almost within sight of the borderland of the masterpieces.”
“Somewhat long and extremely loquacious new novel. The author is far too deeply engaged in upholding a thesis to linger for long over any of the facts which she chronicles.”
“The combination of fun with brilliance is her own, absolutely. Her ceaseless sense of the incongruity of congruities, and vice versa, makes an effect as of punning with ideas. There are a few excellent little sermons in the book, and many evidences that the writer thinks her thoughts in the language of David and Paul.”
“Mrs. Felkin appears to be a good woman and a loving wife who had nothing particular to say, and in the course of 357 pages has said it very well.”
“Miss Fowler is an author of irresistible wit and cleverness.”
“This story of her married life is not satisfying, although it is full of those clever generalizations for which the writer has a special gift.”
“The story is neither deep nor vital, but it is entertaining and refreshing.”
“The reader’s feeling of gratitude to her is not due for any subtle analysis of character, but for the brilliant powers of repartee with which she invests her characters.”
Fowler, Nathaniel Clark, jr. Starting in life: what each calling offers ambitious boys and young men; il. by Charles Copeland. **$1.50. Little.
Authoritative and practical is this guide to the selection of a calling in life. The author has summoned to his aid successful representatives of each of the thirty different lines of work discussed. The book represents composite opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of all the vocations of life which young men are likely to enter.
Fowles, George Milton. Down in Porto Rico. 75c. Meth. bk.
“This is an unpretending little volume, giving in plain, matter-of-fact way a description of the island, its inhabitants, and their characteristics and customs.”—Outlook.
“His account, moreover, is marked by a strong religious bias.” H. E. Coblentz.
“It is written in a fair spirit, is neither critical nor eulogistic, but simply descriptive, is free from all affectation of fine writing, but is not characterized by either brilliance of style, pictorial description, or philosophic generalizations.”
France, Jacques Anatole Thibault. Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard, tr. and introd. by Lafcadio Hearn. †$1.25. Harper.
A new edition of this delightful story of that dear old man, Sylvestre Bonnard, member of the Institute and scholar of world-wide reputation, who has lived a long life in the congenial companionship of his books and his cat, treasuring thru the years the memory of the love of his youth. When he finds the daughter of his Clémentine poor and abused he seeks, with a child-like ignorance of the world’s ways, to help her and in so doing commits his great crime: but by it he gains his point and becomes god-father to Jeanne’s romance and to her children.
“Even Lafcadio Hearn’s translation can hardly render in English all the charm of this wholly delightful story in which M. France put all the grace of style and delicacy of characterization which are his in his inspired moments.”
“The story has had many translators, but of them all the translator of the present edition, Lafcadio Hearn, has been most happy in preserving the elusive fragrance of sentiment in this beautiful old rose-jar of a book.”
“Mr. Hearn’s skill as a translator is admirably shown in this book. There are some trifling errors of date in the story.”
Francis of Assisi, St. (Giovanni Francisco Bernadone Assisi). Writings of Saint Francis of Assisi, newly tr. into English, with introd. and notes by Father Paschal Robinson. $1. Dolphin press.
“A simple, tasteful volume containing the work of Saint Francis, including a group of six letters translated by Father Paschal Robinson, of the Order of Friars Minor. The translator supplies an introduction which gives some account of the writings, makes some comment on their quality, and gives a brief history of the manuscripts and the various editions. A series of notes, an appendix relating to doubtful, lost, and spurious writings, and a bibliography, with 110an index, give the volume ... a completeness which many books of this kind lack.”—Outlook.
“Altogether, the volume is that of a thoroughly devout scholar, and should take the place of much of the well-meaning literature of St. Francis which has become so common of recent years, but has little to commend it except its good intentions.”
“We may pronounce the apparatus of this book to be the best bit of modern work done in English on S. Francis of Assisi. The actual translation is to our mind the least unsatisfactory, as it certainly is the least important, part of the book.”
“Father Robinson has done an excellent piece of work, carefully avoiding giving offence to those who, while admiring St. Francis, do not accept the Roman obedience.”
Frankau, Mrs. Julia (Frank Danby, pseud.). Sphinx’s lawyer. †$1.50. Stokes.
A story which perpetuates the spirit of a dead man, a “moral lunatic” thru the wife’s unceasing energy to carry on his cult. “Errington Welch-Kennard, the lawyer, is apparently the high priest of a band of admirers who revolve about the ‘sofa-bed’ of Sybil Algernon Heseltine, for the avowed purpose of keeping alive the dead man’s notorious memory. At much damage to his reputation, the hero has stood by her and her husband through their worst days and now consoles the widow with a genuine friendship which the pair are content to let the world misunderstand. Sybil’s revenge upon fate is to draw young men under the blighting influence of her husband’s life and work, but having a real affection for the lawyer, she bestirs herself to find him a wife, judging that at forty, after an unsavoury career which has exhausted his resources, nothing else can secure him safety and happiness.” (Bookm.)
“The book is irredeemiably vulgar; vulgar in design, vulgar in execution.”
“A mistake both in its motive and its manner.”
“The book is good enough to provoke interest. For the robust, ‘The sphinx’s lawyer’ is not insipid reading; and granted her chosen milieu, Mrs. Frankau does not needlessly offend the timid.” Mary Moss.
“Her book is simply bestial in its implications. There is a skill in the exhibition no doubt, but to any right-minded person it is disgusting.”
“A clever woman who uses her talent perversely is about what we have learned to think of the writer who calls herself ‘Frank Danby.’” Wm. M. Payne.
Franklin, Benjamin. Writings of Benjamin Franklin; collected and ed., with a life and introd. by Albert H. Smyth. **$3. Macmillan.
When complete, this ten-volume work will be “almost certain to be the final edition of Franklin’s work and correspondence.” (Outlook.) It is authoritative, and is compiled from original sources, with material arranged in chronological order. The author “has utilized the Franklin papers, obtained in 1903 by the University of Pennsylvania, as well as the famous Stevens collection in the Library of Congress, and the thirteen thousand documents that are the property of the American Philosophical society. He has also ransacked the archives of Great Britain and of four continental nations, and has made many interesting ‘finds.’ Furthermore, he has taken pains to secure accurate transcripts and has corrected more than two thousand errors that had crept into former editions.” (Forum.) Two volumes have thus far appeared.
“What promises to be the most complete edition of Franklin and one of the most valuable contributions to American historical and literary scholarship. His own labors to add to the materials amassed by his immediate predecessor have evidently been very great and successful.” W. P. Trent.
“Admirable new edition.” Paul Elmer More.
“It would be easy to quarrel with Mr. Smyth for the scantiness and rather vague purpose of his notes. But in other and more essential respects this edition deserves the highest praise. It is far more complete than any hitherto published.”
“As the third general compilation of Franklin’s writings, it must stand against the works of Sparks and Bigelow; and if the promises made are performed, it will surpass in scope and in utility these earlier issues.”
“In one instance Mr. Smyth has traced the author of two of these rejected essays, and in other instances he omits them because they are ‘dull and trivial.’ The editor’s notes are excellent, but it is puzzling to know how the name of Jarman should have been explained only on its third appearance, and why a reference to Whitefield (p. 234) is allowed to remain concealed in the initials only.”
“While Mr. Smyth has not found much that was new in this period, his careful observance of textual accuracy much increases the value of what is printed.”
“In every respect the book is admirably fitted for library use.”
“As this excellent edition of Franklin’s writings approaches completion its superiority over all former editions is increasingly evident.”
Franklin, Benjamin. Selections from the writings of Benjamin Franklin; ed. by U. Waldo Cutler. 35c. Crowell.
“Its carefully chosen selections should be put by the side of the ‘Autobiography’ on the shelves of the many Americans who are interested in the history and literature of their country, but are unable to allow themselves the luxury of 111owning either of the two best editions of Franklin’s works.” W. P. Trent.
Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin; printed from the full and authentic text, ed. by William MacDonald. *$1.25. Dutton.
Reviewed by W. P. Trent.
Franklin, Benjamin. His life, written by himself; condensed for school use, with notes and a continuation of his life by D. H. Montgomery, with an introd. by W. P. Trent. *40c. Ginn.
The essential portions of Franklin’s autobiography have been retained, to which has been added interesting matter drawn from his other writings. The text is annotated, and of special importance is Professor Trent’s introduction.
Franklin, Frank George. Legislative history of naturalization in the United States. *$1.50. Univ. of Chicago press.
This study covers the subject of naturalization from the Revolutionary war to 1861 and in it the author has “sought to exhibit the course of opinion” upon the subject “chiefly as it manifested itself in discussion, reports, and legislation at the central forum of American political life.” A good bibliography and index are appended.
“Unfortunately the scope of the work is too narrow to give it more than a very limited value to the student of citizenship. As a purely ‘legislative history,’ however, there is little to criticize,—except that, it should be brought down to date so as to cover recent legislation.”
“The mass of details given by the author ... prevents the mind from clearly grasping the important matter contained in the work. The value and importance of the study, however, cannot be overlooked.”
“This work presents a careful and exhaustive study.”
“A decidedly useful monograph. The book is not conspicuous for literary graces, its author manifestly being wholly absorbed in the task of accumulating the facts.”
Frantz, Henri. French pottery and porcelain. *$2.50. Scribner.
In this late addition to the “Newnes’ library of applied arts,” “The wonderful variety of French ceramics, from the private factory of Hélè de Hengest at Château d’Orion, in the time of Francis I down to the marvels turned out by the Sevres ovens and their extraordinary artistic and useful achievements in crockery in this book molded into a coherent chronicle of events, full of romance and story.... Not a town or a hamlet which produced a marvel of Faience escapes notice. The wonderful Faience violin, a masterpiece of Rouen as well as the polychrome bas-reliefs of Monstiers receive proportional attention in text and illustrations.”—N. Y. Times.
“The chief objection to the book taken by itself, without comparison with others of the series, is that no attempt is made to carry out the promise of the title. There are signs that the work has been written by some one not familiar with English, or else translated by some one not wholly competent, or not very careful. On the whole, the most important part of the book is its illustrations. These have been made and the examples selected with considerable good taste and thoroughness.”
“The volume is most comprehensive, particularly in its records of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.”
Fraser, John Foster. Canada as it is. $2. Cassell.
“This volume is a fair example of modern ‘special correspondent’ book-making. It is clever, confident, readable, and full of salient points and hurried slangy presentations of political situations.” (Spec.) The author “neglects no aspect of the country—the fruit-gardens of Ontario, the factories of Montreal and Toronto, the wheat-fields of Manitoba, the passes of the Rocky mountains, or the lumber forests of British Columbia. Mr. Foster Fraser has looked into every nook and cranny of all these countries with keen journalistic eye, and has swiftly penned his impressions.” (Acad.)
“The writing is always strong, vigorous, effective. Altogether, this is one of the best books on Canada that has been produced for a long time.”
“Presents a fairly accurate picture of the Dominion and its policy.”
“Gifted with a quick eye, and the wide if not always very deep knowledge of the experienced journalist, he has produced an entirely readable little volume.” Lawrence J. Burpee.
“Much of this is set forth attractively in Mr. Fraser’s little book.”
“In short, Mr. Foster Fraser’s book on the Dominion is both strong and weak in the sense in which his previous work on the United States was strong and weak. There is an undoubted fascination in the cocksure statements conveyed through short, crisp, though occasionally jerky sentences.”
Fraser, John Foster. Pictures from the Balkans. $2. Cassell.
The author’s wanderings led him from Belgrade thru Servia, across the Turkish frontier, thru Albania and various parts of Macedonia, Bulgaria, in and out thru cities and wild mountainous country. He tells, in a pleasing fashion of the people and things which he encountered, of the strange medley of nations, governments and religions, of all the contending forces which go to make up that whirlpool known as the Balkans. Forty full page plates from photographs illustrate the volume.
“The author’s impartiality leads him into a certain amount of contradiction.”
“Mr. Fraser ... contrives to convey a considerable amount of information in an entertaining form, which makes no very exacting demands upon the attention of the reader.”
“When he avoids politics and mingles with the people and restrains his air of British indifference and intolerance, he is quite charming—particularly in his descriptions of gardens and tobacco-fields and where other elements of natural scenery arouse his artistic instincts.”
Fraser, Mary (Crawford) (Mrs. Hugh Fraser). In the shadow of the Lord: a romance of the Washingtons. †$1.50. Holt.
Mary Ball who repulsed an unworthy Scottish 112lover became the second wife of Augustine Washington and sailed with him to Virginia. It is the account of these happenings that opens this romance of the Washingtons. “In due course George is born, and it is his early life which forms the chief interest of the book. He makes an attractive, but somewhat pedantic young hero, but is, indeed, too difficult a subject for Mrs. Fraser, who writes with far more sympathy of his father, a fine old gentleman, and of his mother, a woman who lived and died ‘in the shadow of the Lord,’ than she does of the young lad.” (Lond. Times.)
“The characterization, which is the mainstay of such a book, is excellent throughout.”
“Mrs. Fraser’s portrait of Washington hardly fills the frame of one’s ideal. Upon the whole, however, the novel is a creditable and interesting picture of colonial days.”
“She is too ponderous in her study of child life.”
“If placed in the hands of an intelligent person who, by some anomalous circumstance, had never heard of George Washington, the book would still—ay perhaps more—appeal to the heart and mind as a splendid biography of a splendid family.”
“The story is well arranged, the persons concerned are sufficiently lifelike and the general effect ... is dignified, and wholesome.”
“It is a mistake to weary the reader with details of domestic events, marriages, births, and so on, which have nothing to do with the story.”
“Mrs. Fraser has made her book hang together rather more closely than is the case with most historical novels.”
Fraser, William Alexander. Thirteen men. †$1.50. Appleton.
Thirteen stories of life in Canada and the East Indies. One of the men happens to be a fighting ram, one a king cobra, another a coon, and still another a collie dog, but they claim the reader’s interest no less than the “squaw-man,” the college-bred man and the Scotch lumberman.
“One ought not to quarrel with Mr. Fraser’s stories for what they are not when they are so much that is clever and interesting. For they are about things that grip the heart, and they march along with a brave, gay manner that is like a whiff of sea wind.”
“In these stories the matter as well as the manner shows the deadening influence of facile imitation.”
Frazer, James G. Lectures on the early history of the kingship. *$2.75. Macmillan.
These lectures deal with the early history of kingship, and in sketching a general theory of its evolution show that “it was as sagacious magicians rather than valiant warriors that men first gained kingship.” (Outlook.) The first part of the discussion is introductory and illustrative of savage beliefs in general, the second part surveys the field of savage chieftainship and the third part deals with the classical evidence.
“The points here mentioned detract little from the charm of the work, and those who turn to these lectures for a foretaste of the new ‘Golden bough’ will find, as of old, skilful exposition of the argument, allied to elegance of diction and no little learning.”
“He has made a notable contribution to the literature of primitive sociology.” George Elliott Howard.
“It is the effect of a good book not only to teach, but also to stimulate and suggest, and we think this the best and highest quality and one that will recommend these lectures to all intelligent readers, as well as to the learned.”
“In his handling of the Mediterranean religions, whether he is concerned with legend or with cult, his judgments lack authority and the impress of special insight or adequate study.” Lewis R. Farnell.
“Of Dr. Frazer’s charm of style and literary skill in arranging his material it is needless to speak, and the points noted above detract in no way from the interest of the book, which, indeed, might rest its reputation on the classical material alone.” N. W. T.
“It would not be hazardous to say that Dr. Frazer has shown himself to be the most learned of English scholars. Altogether here as elsewhere in recent years, Dr. Frazer shows himself more ingenious than convincing.” Joseph Jacobs.
“Not often nowadays does one come upon so ingenious a piece of original study as these lectures.”
“Interesting and suggestive work.”
Freeman, Rev. James Edward. Man and the Master. 75c. Whittaker.
The chapters on the life of the Master “simply deal with certain phases or aspects of that life and seek to lay emphasis upon cardinal characteristics” without attempting to set forth any chronological order.
“While there is nothing in these pages which has not been said before, there is nothing which does not need to be said again and again, and it is all said briefly, warmly, impressively.”
Freeman, Mrs. Mary Eleanor (Wilkins). Debtor. †$1.50. Harper.
“It is the story itself, with its unlovely incidents too often and too minutely related, that is disappointing.”
“No better book of the honest, old-fashioned kind has appeared this year.”
“Not worth telling in its bare outlines, it is made into a masterpiece of Mrs. Freeman’s method.”
“This is the most unconventional story that Mrs. Freeman has written ... the dénouement is at once artistically and ethically satisfying.”
“The book is full of little vignettes of village life charmingly depicted, and the story is well put together.”
Freer, William Bowen. Philippine experiences of an American teacher; a narrative of work and travel in the Philippine islands. **$1.50. Scribner.
“This is a narrative of three years of teaching and travel in the Philippines.... It is particularly interesting for the light it throws on many phases of life and character not noticed 113to any extent in other books; and the testimony it furnishes of the real progress of American educational work in the island is extremely gratifying.... The book is illustrated with reproductions of photographs of scenery and life.” (Critic.) The author hopes that his book “will result in a better appreciation of some desirable traits of Filipino character, in a stronger conviction of the unwisdom of granting at this time, any greater degree of self-government than the Filipinos already possess, and in a fuller understanding of the work that is being done in the public schools in the attempt to fit the people for the eventual exercise of complete autonomy.”
“The book is especially valuable for the near views that it gives of the everyday life of the islanders, their manners and customs, and their personal characteristics.”
“His story, told with a simplicity that recalls ‘Robinson Crusoe,’ conveys a more vivid and life like picture of life among the Filipinos than is to be found in more pretentious volumes.”
“The best part of the book is that which describes the methods employed by the teachers.”
“An easily read, unpretentious, but informative and interesting book.”
“His work is a valuable one. The book is especially valuable for its pictures of the home life, the personal characteristics, the customs of the plain people of the islands. It is a study from the ground up.” George R. Bishop.
“Although his style has no distinction, and is sometimes marred by carelessness, it is unaffected. The author has shown skill in selecting the human, the concrete, the picturesque, to present to his readers, and in giving at the same time the impression that he has shown the typical.”
“This narrative of his work and travel in the islands therefore sheds more light on the special conditions which we were called on to face there than all the works of dilettante political economists who have sought to tell the needs of the islands and the short comings of American rule.”
French, Allen. Pelham and his friend Tim. †$1.50. Little.
A stirring story for boys in which two chums have various exciting adventures, the chief of which grows out of a mill strike. The tale teaches wholesome lessons of comradeship and charity.
“Mr. French has infused vigor and action into his pages.”
“A good, wholesome book for boys, and one that will hold their interest from the first page to the last.”
French, Anne Warner (Mrs. Charles Ellis French) (Anne Warner, pseud.). Seeing France with Uncle John. †$1.50. Century.
France as seen with Uncle John is a veritable scenic railway, for the lively and loquacious old gentleman drags his two nieces over the entire map of that interesting country at a rate which makes not only their sightseeing, but the conduct of their love affairs, of which he disapproves, a difficult proposition. His running comment upon the places and things visited is most amusing and forms a clever satire upon the Uncle John type of American. There is much wit, and under the wit wisdom, and the traveler may profitably read it not only for entertainment but as an example of how not to see France.
“Falls so far below what she has taught her readers to expect that even her enemies, if she has any, must be sorry that she has published it. The book provides merely a mild sort of entertainment.”
“It is quite impossible to read this little satire by Anne Warner without laughter.”
French, Anne Warner (Mrs. Charles Ellis French). Susan Clegg and her neighbors’ affairs, †$1. Little.
Susan Clegg once more—nor has she forgotten the little matter of occupying the gossip-stage’s center, and doing the principal bit of talking herself. Mrs. Lathrop is as cheerful a listener as ever, and readily susceptible to Susan’s versions of neighborhood happenings.
“We do not think, however, that the present volume is quite up to the former short stories by this author, and from our point-of-view it is very inferior to ‘The rejuvenation of Aunt Mary.’”
“Latent pathos, the soul of true humor, is entirely absent from the book. The author nearly always relies on grotesque situations, and here her skill is such that the counterfeit often rings like the current coin.”
“Her observations are marked by philosophy as well as wit.”
French, Lillie Hamilton. Mrs. Van Twiller’s salon. †$1.50. Pott.
Mrs. Van Twiller gathers about her various types of New York society—an artist, a scribe of social doings, a professor, a major, various men of the world, etc.—and dominates the group in characteristic modern salon fashion.
“An amusing volume on the order of the ‘Potiphar papers.’”
“The book is not only eminently readable, but very suggestive.”
French, Samuel Livingston. Army of the Potomac from 1861 to 1863. $2.50. Pub. soc. of New York.
A “concise and effective” history of the movements of the army of the Potomac whose purpose is to award the honors impartially, and to frame an absolutely unbiased and correct judgment concerning the various commanders.
“Purports to set forth ‘an absolutely unbiased and correct judgment concerning the various commanders.’ The volume consists largely of extracts from documentary material, which the author uses in such a way as effectually to thwart the purpose stated above.”
“The volume is composed mainly of extracts from official documents and letters, chosen to bolster up the rather absurd and discredited positions taken by the author.”
“Unfortunately excerpt and comment are jumbled together without sufficient typographical distinction between the two, and it is often difficult to tell what is official record and what 114is Mr. French. The proofreading, moreover, is frequently of a sort to add to the reader’s distress. But the matter collated is of the greatest value.”
“He succeeds in shedding considerable new light upon many acts of the Army of the Potomac and its commanders.”
Frenssen, Gustav. Holy land; exclusive authorized tr. of “Hilligenlei;” tr. from the German by Mary Agnes Hamilton. †$1.50. Estes.
“It is less a continuous tale than a collection of charming scenes—simple poetic, realistic—of the lives of humble folk working and striving in a little harbour town in Holstein. The keynote of the book is struck by Hule Beiderwand, ever watching for the coming of a ‘brave man who shall bring the whole land beneath his sword until it is a holy land in deed as in name.’”—Acad.
“Is an exceptionally interesting book, informed throughout with strong and tender feeling. Miss Hamilton’s translation is excellent, especially as reproducing the atmosphere of poetry and romance and of spiritual enthusiasm which is essentially a charm of the original work.”
“Recommend it most heartily to all who regard the art of fiction as something more than a clever spinning of plots and a pleasant arrangement of words.”
“The fundamental impression which it is the author’s purpose to produce is created by a long succession of delicate touches, working upon the subconsciousness of the reader, and gradually combining in cumulative effect.” Wm. M. Payne.
“With the exception of a few passages which bear evidence of a struggle with the style of the original, the translator’s painstaking work has been successful.”
“Though the preacher Frenssen may justify some chapters by his seriousness of ethical purpose, the artist can offer no apology for his offenses against the canons of good taste.”
Frenssen, Gustav. Jorn Uhl; tr. by F. S. Delmer. †$1.50. Estes.
“To quote his own comment on a German landscape, ‘It was all clearly and finely and most lovingly painted, with a touch of plain rustic honesty, and a rough, hearty fruitfulness in it.’” Mary Moss.
“Frenssen tells his story with unique power. He tells it from his own soul. He is a vivisector of his subject’s soul. He probes to the primitive spring of action and of feeling. The style is just the vesture which such truth would seem to demand. It is direct, primitive, and as a rule, bald. It is also live, searching and moving.”
Friedenwald, Herbert. Declaration of independence. **$2. Macmillan.
“Dr. Friedenwald would do well to simplify his style, which is curiously involved.”
Friedrich-Friedrich, Emmy von (Emmy von Rhoden, pseud.). Young violinist; tr. from the 12th ed. of the German of Emma von Rhoden, by Mary E. Ireland. $1. Saalfield.
A pathetic story with a happy ending following the hardships and final happiness of Mignon Marconi, who, when her father died had as an only inheritance her beloved violin. She runs away from cruel treatment, is cared for by a band of traveling musicians and finally becomes the adopted daughter of a lady bountiful.
Friswell, Laura Hain. In the sixties and seventies. **$3.50. Turner, H. B.
“A pleasing volume of personal impressions of literary and social people of note.... The author is the daughter of an English essayist and novelist who had agreeable and friendly relations with Thackeray, Cruikshank, Thomas Cooper the Chartist, Kingsley, and other noted men of his generation, while Miss Friswell has many anecdotes of her own acquaintance, Sir Walter Besant, his collaborator, Mr. J. S. Rice, Sir Henry Stanley, William Black, and many writers of our own day.”—Outlook.
“Is unfortunately disfigured by a good deal of triviality; some egotism, for which, however, the author apologizes handsomely; and one or two indiscreet passages.”
“As a record of ‘Impressions of literary people and others,’ it is vivid, rapid, thoroughly entertaining and seldom frivolous, and, despite occasional carelessness ... generally well written.” Percy F. Bicknell.
“The contents are not quite worthy of the excellent paper and print of this handsome volume. They would have been more in place in a magazine. This is mainly because there is nothing whatever of political interest and it is usually their politics that make English memoirs worth reading.”
“Her book is of interest.”
“The book is cheerful reading, and, while it is occasionally trivial, is in the main a good specimen of a class of books which entertain one’s leisure hours in a most satisfactory way.”
“The book is curiously without ‘purple patches’ ... but it is good to read.”
From servitude to service: the history and work of Southern institutions for the education of the negro. *$1.10. Am. Unitar.
“By its freedom from the polemic spirit and by its adherence to actual facts and conditions, this book is a valuable contribution to our understanding of what is happening to the negro.”
Frothingham, Eugenia Brooks. Evasion. †$1.50. Houghton.
“About two men and a girl. The weak-willed Apollo cheats at cards, and the strong Antaeus shoulders the blame. The girl marries Apollo out of pity and to help her family, regretting it only once, but for a long time.” (Pub. Opin.) “‘The evasion’ contains a plot absorbing enough to hold one’s attention tensely to the end, but it will be remembered longer for its vivid portrayal of the lives of the idle rich and the convincing 115contrast drawn in its pages between these seemingly useless members of society and the big majority that counts.” (N. Y. Times.)
“Her style is cosmopolitan and her point of view that of the dweller in both continents, but her spiritual outlook is of the younger world, and to the end we are left in doubt whether she is on the side of authority, or of negation.”
“There is much that is admirable about the volume. But the prologue strikes the wrong note.” Frederic Taber Cooper.
“It is so good that one wishes it were better. Miss Frothingham should studiously avoid the morbid and overstrained effects which are her most serious menace as a novelist.”
“The great army of happy folk who need no warning will find its picture of Boston as accurate as the picture of New York in ‘The house of mirth.’”
“The story is interesting, well constructed, and written with charm and spirit.”
Reviewed by Louise Collier Willcox.
“The story is strong, and like many strong things not especially pleasant.”
Fuchs, Karl Johannes. Trade policy of Great Britain and her colonies since 1860, tr. by Constance H. M. Archibald. *$2.50. Macmillan.
“It is marked by so much of a scientific spirit as to be a really useful aid towards the study of our fiscal history during the period which it covers.”
Fuller, Caroline Macomber. Flight of puss Pandora. †$1.50. Little.
Weejums, the alley cat’s kitten, has a formidable rival in Pandora, the apartment cat. Miss Fuller’s pets have a way of opening homes and human hearts for near inspection. But the scrutiny results in lessons of observation and human kindness.
“An animal tale which will please all children who love cats.”
Fuller, Hubert Bruce. Purchase of Florida; its history and diplomacy. *$2.50. Burrows.
“This elaborate monograph ... was suggested by the author’s conviction that the epoch identified with the acquisition of Florida and with our early entanglement with Spain had not received adequate treatment at the hands of historians, and that a careful elucidation of this period and of the events which marked the struggle to secure New Orleans and the Mississippi would contribute a pregnant and interesting chapter in our national history. For his material Mr. Fuller has gone direct to original sources.”—Lit. D.
“The result of these investigations has enabled him to present in a new light many momentous episodes in the early diplomatic history of the nation.”
“Excellent as is Mr. Fuller’s book and valuable as are the new facts that it contains, it is open to two serious criticisms. The material upon which it is based is inadequate, and the knowledge which it displays of European diplomatic situations is insufficient.”
“Mr. Fuller’s account of this whole affair is the best we know of.”
“Close revision should be had in the event of another edition, and the work thus be made still more valuable to historical students, who will undoubtedly welcome it if only because it gives ready access to much documentary information hitherto not generally available.”
“A scholarly monograph.”
Fuller, Robert Higginson. Golden hope a story of the time of King Alexander the Great. †$1.50. Macmillan.
“The story is told in a style in which care and the exactness of historical detail are nicely mingled with the charm of genuine sensitiveness to the romantic situation. The book is a fine story of adventure.”
Fyvie, John. Some literary eccentrics. **$3. Pott.
Eleven studies whose best present Landor, Hazlitt and George Wither. The other “eccentrics” are Thomas Day, Crabb Robinson, Douglas Jerrold, King James I, Sir John Mandeville, Babbage, Beckford and John Buncle.
“Taken for no more than it professes to be, the book is a good one.”
“They are hardly worth binding up into a book. They add very little to our knowledge, and they are not a work of a writer alive to the picturesqueness of the past or sensitive to the harmonies of the English language.”
Gale, Zona. Romance island. †$1.50. Bobbs.
The charm of this story does not lie in the plot, indeed one does the book an injustice in sketching the course of St. George’s love affair with the New York heiress whose father has been made king of Yaque, a mysterious island in the eastern seas, which has been ruled by hereditary monarchs since 1050 B. C. and whose civilization is what the world will be a thousand years from now. St. George, an ex-newspaper man now a millionaire, meets the heiress thru an attempt to murder her, and follows her in behalf of his old paper, to Yaque where she is offered her father’s throne and a royal husband. All this, however, is merely a framework about which Miss Gale winds a series of charming fancies. It is a dainty and illusive romance from cover to cover in which pure sentiment, vivid imagination, practical newspaper routine, humor, satire and good character drawing are marvelously blended.
“The story is thrillingly exciting from cover to cover. Those readers who do not demand the element of probability, or even of possibility, in their novels, will enjoy ‘Romance island.’” Amy C. Rich.
Galloway, Julia Rebecca. When the lilacs bloom, and other poems. $1. Badger, R. G.
Songs of springtime give place to poems of feast days, and these to patriotic themes in this little volume of unpretentious verse.
116“There are echoes of many greater poets on the pages, yet sincerity is manifest.”
Galloway, Thomas Walton. First course in zoology: a text-book for secondary schools, normal schools and colleges. *$2.50. Blakiston.
A thorogoing text-book whose plan of treatment has been tested in the author’s own class room. By its use he has secured good interest and fine spirit in the study of animals and animal life on the part of beginners ranging from the third year of the preparatory school to freshmen in college.
Gannett, Henry, Garrison, Miss Carl Louise, and Houston, Edwin James. Commercial geography. *$1.25. Am. bk.
This three-part text book on trade treats commercial conditions, commercial products and commercial countries respectively. Numerous illustrations accompany the text.
“Teachers of geography will find the book most useful.” W. S. J.
“One of the faults of this generous inclusiveness is the difficulty in the logical distribution of emphasis. Some errors have crept in.” J. Paul Goode.
Gapon, Father George. Story of my life. *$3. Dutton.
“A valuable and interesting contribution to the history of the Russian revolutionary movement. All suspicious sensationalism is avoided.... The story of a great organization is convincingly, straightforwardly, and clearly told.” (Lond. Times.) “The story of Gapon’s boyhood, the description of the massacre of January, 1905, the account of his escape are good. So are the pictures, which, though few in number, give interesting glimpses of Russian life in town and country.” (N. Y. Times.)
“Told with vigor and deep feeling.”
“It is instructive also as to the motives and methods of the revolutionists, and as to the corruption, cruelty, and tyranny of the autocracy.”
“His book is very modest in tone.”
“The opportunity thus furnished for the study of a curious character has considerable value, from a psychological point of view.”
“The story of Gapon’s life is told without dates, or without more than the vaguest reference to time. This deficiency greatly diminishes the value of the book.”
Gardenhire, Samuel Major. Long arm. †$1.50. Harper.
Le Droit Conners, artist from inclination and training, non-professional detective from pure “love of the game” figures in a series of fascinating mysteries upon which he brings to bear not clumsy machine-made discretion and discernment, but a finer quality of penetration which expresses itself as an original art study well worth etching. He is an apologist for erring humanity up to the point of a crime’s outraging even the primal instinct then he becomes pitiless. There are eight baffling mysteries in the group.
“Personally, we do not find LeDroit Conners as entertaining as Old Sleuth, although perhaps his methods are more subtle.”
“In every instance the plot is ingeniously and skilfully worked out, while the ‘dramatis personae’ from Conners himself to the humblest fourth villain, reflect on Mr. Gardenhire’s part an intimate knowledge of human nature.”
“All of the stories are good not only from the detective point of view, but from the novelist’s as well, and their ingenuity by no means overshadows their human interest.”
“This new member of the detective fraternity is quite worthy to succeed his illustrious predecessors.”
“The book belongs to that large category which is suitable for reading in railway trains or in other places of detention; but Le Droit Conners cannot be called a very noteworthy creation.”
Gardiner, John Hays. Bible as English literature. **$1.50. Scribner.
“A work which confines its attention to the literary character of the Bible as it appears in the authorized version, though recognizing and indorsing the main principles and results of historical criticism.” (Bib. World.) The larger portion of the book is given to the Bible itself “in the original tongues,” and the remaining part to the translations.
“An excellent work of its kind.”
“Has a value limited only by the extent of its circulation, which cannot be too wide. What one particularly enjoys about it is, that though distinctly scholarly, it is distinctly not academic. It is literary as distinguished from, and opposed to pedagogic.” Montgomery Schuyler.
Gardiner, Ruth Kimball. Heart of a girl. †$1.50. Barnes.
“All of Mrs. Gardiner’s gifts of intuition, memory, imagination, and observation have been marshalled in the depiction of Margaret Carlin, and her years of training in the art of writing stand her in good stead.”
Gardner, Alice. Theodore of Studium: his life and times. $3. Longmans.
“Miss Gardner presents her present volume as ‘a sketch of a notable man, who lived in notable times,’ as one in whose life ‘were focussed many great historical tendencies which gave their character to the Churches and the civil societies of the Middle Ages.’” (Am. Hist. R.) “The iconoclastic controversy, though its history is much less well-known than that of the great theological controversies which preceded it, is yet, as Miss Gardner points out, of more practical interest to us at the present day; and the other conflict in which Theodore was engaged, that as to the marriage of Constantine, ... was based upon a true moral principle.... After an introductory chapter dealing with the earlier history of iconoclasm we have a detailed narrative of Theodore’s life, followed by an account of his services to hymnology and calligraphy, translations of some of his hymns, a short sketch of the succeeding 117history to 1057, and a bibliography of Theodore’s works, while the book is embellished by excellent photographs of the remains of the Studite monastery.” (Eng. Hist. R.)
“Miss Gardner is at her best—as is natural in one of her training and associations—in vivid presentation of the history of the time, yet she never fails to perceive its psychological bearing upon the individuality of her subject. In a future edition the author will doubtless correct some errors and omissions in the index, and a few mistakes of facts and nomenclature pardonable in an author not personally acquainted with the Orient.” H. H. Spoer.
“Is an attractive narrative, well put together and based upon careful study, especially of Theodore’s own works.” E. W. Brooks.
“Whether, however, we agree or disagree with Miss Gardner’s estimate of the merits of the controversy, we can be wholly grateful to her for a work which submits the documents to a fresh examination and draws from them an account so lucid, so discreet and readable, of a little-known age.”
“This is above all a scholarly work. With all her skill in handling her topic she has not succeeded in turning out an interesting book.” W. v. S.
“This is a very learned work, if somewhat marred in execution by the writer’s prepossessions.”
Gardner, Percy. Grammar of Greek art. **$1.75. Macmillan.
Gardner, William. Life of Stephen A. Douglas. $1.50. Eastern pub.
Garland, Hamlin. Witch’s gold; il. by W. L. Taylor, with colored decoration by H. A. Linnell. †$1.50. Doubleday.
A recast of “The spirit of Sweetwater.” It has been restored from its cut down serial form to meet the more expensive requirements of a holiday edition.
“In its present form is a simple healthful love-tale of the West, adapted to beguile an idle hour.”
“The story does not represent Mr. Garland at his best; it is simply an amiable frontier romance, altogether barren of the grim power of ‘Main-travelled roads.’”
“The tale probably most attractive in a cruder and more elusive form, suffers in the lengthening.”
Garnett, W. H. Stuart. Turbines. *$2.75. Macmillan.
This volume “while written with a view to interest amateurs, calls special attention to those points and problems deserving the more particular notice of students. It has been the author’s object to trace the development of the science of turbines as it appears to have grown in the minds of the inventors responsible for its material manifestations. The two parts into which the book is divided deal respectively, with water and steam turbines. Appendices contain tables, notes on the ‘Behavior of gas,’ some mathematical principles, and other matter. There are eighty-three illustrations in the book.”—N. Y. Times.
“It is a popular work of a most excellent sort—the sort that is calculated to instruct rather than merely to interest or amuse, and in which the instruction is given in such plain and simple terms that it can be understood by the non-technical reader. On the whole the book is one which we can heartily recommend to American purchasers.”
“A book which will do much, it is probable, to make the layman take a more intelligent interest in this the latest and most striking development of the skill of the mechanical engineer.”
Garrett, John Henry. Idyllic Avon: being a simple description of the Avon from Tewkesbury to above Stratford-on-Avon; with songs and pictures of the river and its neighborhood. **$3. Putnam.
A fifty mile pilgrimage which the author and some companions made up Shakespeare’s Avon. “With songs and anecdotes and riverside pictures, John Henry Garrett has written a half-personal, half-historical volume to show that the Avon has other personalities than that of Shakespeare, other towns of interest than Stratford.” (N. Y. Times.)
“It is pathetic that a man who can make such good pictures and write pretty good prose should be tempted into making such very bad verse.” Anna Benneson McMahan.
“Will be a valuable guide for anyone who wishes to follow his steps.”
“Is one of the most thorough of its kind.”
“All in all, he has written a delightful book—anecdotal, historic, poetic, and especially personal and intimate.”
“We hear about the history, about the antiquities of the country, about its natural beauties, about the inhabitants and their manners and customs, and hear it in such a way and in such proportions that we are never tired. It is not a book to criticise; it is one to enjoy.”
Garriott, E. B. Long-range weather forecasts. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.
“The bulletin is a formal denunciation on the part of the Government’s meteorological bureau, of weather forecasters and forecasts that pretend to describe the main features of the weather for long periods ahead: periods much longer than those covered by the geographical progression of storms, floods, cold waves, and the like across the corresponding areas of observation.”—Engin. N.
“The bulletin may serve many an engineer as an interesting bit of reading for hours of relaxation.”
Garrison, William Lloyd. Words of Garrison. **$1.25. Houghton.
“With what Garrison said and with what he did, admirably