The Project Gutenberg eBook of A List of Philippine Baptismal Names This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: A List of Philippine Baptismal Names Compiler: Edwin Emil Schneider Author of introduction, etc.: David P. Barrows Editor: Emerson Brewer Christie Release date: April 9, 2022 [eBook #67803] Most recently updated: October 18, 2024 Language: English Original publication: Philippines: Department of Public Instruction, 1905 Credits: Jeroen Hellingman and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at for Project Gutenberg (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A LIST OF PHILIPPINE BAPTISMAL NAMES *** BULLETIN No. 9, 1905 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF EDUCATION A LIST OF PHILIPPINE BAPTISMAL NAMES MANILA BUREAU OF PUBLIC PRINTING 1905 INTRODUCTION. The following list of Philippine baptismal names originated with Mr. E. E. Schneider, a teacher in the Bureau of Education in the division of Ambos Camarines, and was submitted to the undersigned in October of last year. Mr. Schneider found that very great difficulty is experienced by American teachers in determining the correct spelling of the proper names of Filipino pupils enrolled in our schools. Filipino teachers also are frequently careless in this matter, and, through neglect and the absence of proper standards, the spelling of proper names in the Philippines has undergone great corruption. The necessity for such a list as this is certainly apparent to anyone who has had the task of properly enrolling pupils in a school. Mr. Schneider’s list comprises something more than 1,400 names. They were in large part taken from the Roman Catholic calendars, but other names were added by him from school registers and other sources. It was Mr. Schneider’s recommendation that the matter be submitted to revision here in Manila, and this task was excellently performed by Mr. Emerson Christie. Mr. Christie went through a great number of the cedula lists of Manila, examining over 25,000 names, and in this way verified and corrected many doubtful names. In making corrections of the spelling of these names as they appear on the cedula lists, Mr. Christie followed an authorized edition of the Roman Martyrology, published in Madrid in 1891. In adding written accent marks he followed the rules of the Royal Spanish Academy as set forth in its authoritative grammar in Chapter III, Part IV. Mr. Christie desired to express his deep sense of obligation to Monsignor Fowler, Father Stanton, S. J., Father O’Connell, S. J., Father Sotero, who aided him in the work and collaborated with him; and to Mr. Ellis Cromwell, chief deputy collector of the Department of Assessments and Collections, who gave him free access to the tens of thousands of names preserved in his office. David P. Barrows, General Superintendent of Education. Manila, June 27, 1904. PREFACE. To facilitate the use of the list, the compiler begs leave to call the attention of his fellow-teachers to the following common sources of error: (1) Confusing g, j, and h. H having in the native languages the same value as g before e and i and as j before all vowels, is frequently confused with them. (Examples: Heminiano and Jiminiano for Geminiano; Aleho for Alejo.) (2) Confusing b and p with v and f. (Bibencia for Vivencia; Pilemón for Filemón.) (3) Confusing c, s, and z, and sometimes x. (Cenón for Zenón; Cenén for Senén; Zofronio for Sofronio; Felis and Feliz for Felix; Mácsima for Máxima.) (4) Confusing e with i, and o with u. (Eusídio for Eusebio; Froctoso for Fructuoso.) (5) Omitting or inserting initial H. (Eladio for Heladio; Henrique for Enrique.) (6) Writing ll for li and ñ for ni. (Emillo for Emilio; Higiño for Higinio. Ll and ñ occur only once in the whole list, in Llorente and Iñigo.) The above are only a few out of hundreds of examples actually found in school registers, tax and cedula lists, etc. Referring to the written accent in such names as Damián (o) (a), it should be remembered that this disappears in the forms with vowel terminations, as in these the natural tonic accent falls on the penultimate syllable. While the compiler hopes that the list may be of service to his colleagues in teaching their pupils what American children learn almost first of all—that is, to spell correctly their own names—he is at the same time well aware that this attempt is not complete nor absolutely correct, and he will acknowledge with sincere thanks any additions and corrections that teachers or others may be kind enough to send him. E. E. Schneider. San José, Camarines, P.I., October, 1903. LIST OF PHILIPPINE BAPTISMAL NAMES. A Aarón Abdías Abdón Abercio Abraham Absalón Abundio Acacio Acario Acisclo Acucio Acudeo Adalberto Adela Adelaida Adelfo (a) Adelina Adolfo Adriano (a) Afro (a) Afrodisio (a) Agapito (a) Agatocilia Agatón (a) Agatónico (a) Agatópedes Aglae Agoardo Agrícola Agripino (a) Águedo (a) Agustín (a) Albano (a) Alberico (a) Alberto (a) Albino (a) Aldegunda Alejandro (a) Alejandrino (a) Alejo (a) Alfonso (a) Alfredo (a) Alipio (a) Almaquio (a) Alodia Alvaro (a) Amadeo (a) Amado (a) Amador Amalio (a) Amancio (a) Amando (a) Amaranto (a) Amario (a) Ambrosio (a) Amelberga Amiano (a) Amón (a) Amonaria Amós Amparo Ana Anacleto (a) Ananías Anastasio (a) Anatolio (a) Andoquio (a) Andrea Andrés Anfiloquio (a) Ángel (a) Ángeles Angélica Aniano (a) Aniceto (a) Anisio (a) Anselmo (a) Ansia Antea Antelmo (a) Antero (a) Antidio (a) Antioco (a) Antipas Antoliana Antonio (a) Antusa Anunciación Apeles Apias Apolinar (io) (ia) Apolonio (a) Aproniano (a) Áquila Aquíleo (a) Aquilino (a) Arcadio (a) Arcángel Areta Aretas Argéntea Aristarco (a) Arístides Aristón (a) Arnolfo (a) Arsenio (a) Artemio (a) Arturo (a) Ascención Astorga Asunción Atalo (a) Atanasio (a) Atenodoro (a) Atenógenes Atilano (a) Atón Augurio (a) Augusto (a) Aureo (a) Aurelio (a) Aurora Auspicio (a) Austreberta (o) Austregísilo (a) Austremonia Avelino (a) Avito (a) Azas B Balbino (a) Baldomero (a) Baltasar (a) Bárbara Barbea Barlaán Barsabas Bartolomé (ea) Barula Basíla (eo) Basiliano Basilio (a) Basiliso (a) Basso (a) Batilde Baudelio (a) Báyulo Beata (o) Beatriz Beda Bega Benedicto (a) Benigna (o) Benildes Benito Benjamín Bercario Berenguer Berenice Bernabé Bernabela Bernardino (a) Bernardo (a) Berta Bertila Bertino Bertoldo Bibiano (a) Bienvenido (a) Blanca Blanda Blandina Blas (a) Bona Bonifacio Bonosa Borromeo Braulio Briccio Brígido (a) Bruno (a) Buenaventura Burcardo C Calamanda Calinico (a) Caliopa Caliopio Calixto (a) Camilo (a) Candelaria Cándido (a) Cantalicio Cantidio Canuto (a) Capitolina Capiton Caridad Carina Carlos Carlota Carolina Carmen Carpo Casdoa Casiano Casimiro Casio Cástido Casto Castor (a) (io) Catalino (a) Cayetano (a) Cayo Ceciliano Cecilio (a) Ceferino (a) Celedonio (a) Celerino (a) Celestino (a) Celso Centola César Cesáreo (a) Cilina Cipriano (a) Cirenia Ciriaco (a) Cirilo (a) Cirion (Ciria) Ciro Citino Clarencio Clarina Claro (a) Clateo Claudiano (a) Claudio (a) Clemencia Clemente Clementino (a) Cleto (a) Climaco Clodoaldo Clotilde Codrato Cointa Coleta Colmano Colomano Columbano Columbo (a) Concepción Conceso (a) Concordio (a) Conrado Consolación Consolada Consorcia Constancio (a) Constantino Consuelo Cordula Corentino Corinto (a) Cornelio (a) Cosme Cosmedín Credula Corr. for Cordula Cremencio Crescenciano (a) Crescencio (a) Crescente Crisanto (a) Crisógono Crisólogo (a) Crisóstomo Crispín (o) (a) Crispiniano Críspulo (a) Cristeto (a) Cristiano (a) Cristino (a) Cristóbal Cuadrado Cuartilla Cucufate Cunegunda Custodio (a) D Dafrosa Dalmacio (a) Dámaso (a) Damián (o) (a) Daniel (a) Darío (a) Dativo (a) Dato David Davino Dedicacion Delfin (a) Democrito (a) Deogracias Desiderio Didimo Diego (a) Digna Diomedes Dionisio (a) Dióscoro Diosdado (a) Doda Dolores Domiciano Dominador Domingo (a) Domna Domnino (a) Domnio Donatila Donato (a) Doroteo (a) Druso Dula (s) E Ebrulfo Edgardo (a) Edilberto (a) Edilburga Ediltrudes Edita Edmundo (a) Eduardo Eduvigis Efrén Egidio Eladio (a) Corr. of Heladio (a) Elamo Eleázaro Electa Eleno (a) Elenida Eleonor Elesbaán Eleuterio (a) Elías Elifio Eligio (a) Elisa Eliseo (a) Elpidio (a) Ema (or Emma) Emelia Emeramo Emerenciana Emerico Emerida Emeterio (a) Emigdio Emilio (a) Emiliano (a) Encarnación Engracio (a) Enrique (eta) Eovaldo Epicarides Epifana Epifanía Epifanio Epimaco Epitacio (a) Erasmo (a) Erena Corr. of Herena Eriberto Corr. of Heriberto Erico Ernesto (a) Erón Corr. of Herón Eróteides Erundina Corr. of Herundina Escolástico (a) Esdras Esmaragdo Esmeraldo (a) Espectacion Barbarism for Expertación Esperanza Espiridíon Estanislao (a) Esteban (fana) Estefanio (a) Estelita Ester Estratón Euclides Eudosio (a) Eufemio (a) Eufrasio (a) Eufromiano Eufronio Eufrosina Eugeniano Eugenio (a) Eulalio (a) Eulampio (a) Eulogio (a) Eunomia Euquerio Eusebio (a) Eustacio (a) Eustaquio (a) Eustasio (a) Eustoquio (a) Eustorgio Eustosio Eustracio Eutiques Eutiquiano Eutiquio Eutropio (a) Evaldo Evaristo (a) Evelio Evodio (a) Exaltación Expectación Ezequiel Exuperio F Fabián (o) (a) Fabio Fabiola Fabriciano Facundo (a) Faina Fandila Fausto (a) Faustiniano Faustino (a) Fé Febronia Federico Feliciano (a) Felicidad Felicísimo (a) Felícitas Felícula Felino Felipe (a) Felisa Felisardo Félix Fermín (a) Fernando Ferredo Fiacrio Fidel (a) Fidencio Filemón (a) Fileto Filiberto Filomeno (a) Filón Filoteo Filotero Flaviana (o) Flavio (a) Floberto Corr. of Filoberto Flora Florencio (a) Florentino (a) Florián (o) (a) Focas Fortunato (a) Francisco (a) Fraterno Froilán (a) Fructuoso (a) Frutos Fulco Fulgencio (a) Fusca G Gabino (a) Gabriel (a) Galación Galatas Galicano Galo (a) Gamaliel Gaspar (a) Gaudencio (a) Gaudioso Gaudino Gaugerico Gedeón Gelando Gelasio Geminiano (a) Gemma Probably corr. of Emmao or Ema Genadio Genaro (a) Corr. of Jenaro (a) General Generoso (a) Genoveva Georgia Gerardo (a) Gereón Gerino Germán (o) (a) Geroncio Gerónimo Misspelling for Jeronimo Gertrudis Geruncio Gervasio (a) Getulio Gil Ginés Gisleno Glafira Glicerio (a) Glodovaldo Misspelling for Clodoaldo Goar Godolfredo Corr. of Godofrido Gonzalo Gorgonio (a) Graciano (a) Gracio (a) Grato (a) Gregorio (a) Gudelia Guido Guillermo (a) Gumersindo Gundenes Gundula Erroneous dim. of Gundenes Guniforte Gurias H Heladio (a) Heliades Heliodoro Heraclio Heradio (a) Herculano Herena Herenia Heriberto (a) Hermas Hermenegildo (a) Herminia Hermógenes (ena) Herón Herundina Hieroteo Higinio (a) Higino (a) Corr. of the preceding Hilario (a) (on) Hilaro Hiltrudes Hipado (a) Hipólito Honesto Honorato (a) Honorio (a) Hortensio (a) Hospicio (a) Hugo I Ida Ifigenia Igmedio Corr. of Emigdio Ignacio (a) Ildefonso (a) Iluminado (a) Indalecio Indés Inés Inocencio (a) Inocente Inocentes Iñigo Iradia Corr. of Iraides Irene (eo) (ea) Irmina Isaac Isabel Isabelo Isabino Isacio Isaías Isidoro (a) Isidro (a) Ismael Ivon J Jacinto (a) Jacob (o) (a) Jaime Jantipa Januario (a) Jasón Javier Jenaro Jeremías Jerónimo Jesús (sa) Joaquín (a) Job Joel Jonás Jorge (ea) José (fa) (fina) Josué Jovito (a) Juan (a) Judas Julio (a) Julián (a) Julita Justiniano (a) Justino (a) Justo (a) Juvencio L Ladislao Lamberto Largo Laurencio (a) Laurentino Lauriano (a) Lauro (a) Lázaro Leandro Leacadio (a) Leodegario León (a) Leonardo (a) Leoncio (a) Leonides Leonila Leonor (or a) Leopardo Leopoldo Leovigildo Leto Liberato (a) Liberio Liborio Librada Licerio Licirio Lidia Barbarism for Lydia Ligorio Lino (a) Lioba Llorente Longinos Lope Lopez Lorenzo (a) Loreto Lourdes Lucas Lucía Luciano Lucila Lucina Lucio Lucrecio (a) Ludovico Luís (a) Lupcino Lupencio Misspelling of Lupcino Luperio Lupo Lutgardes Lutgardo Luz Lydia M Macario (a) Macedon Macedonio Macra Macrina Macrobio Madrona Misspelling of Matrona Magdalena Magín (a) Magnerico Magno (a) Malaquías Mamerto (a) Mameto Corr. of Mamerto Mamiliano Manuel (a) Maranto Corr. of Amaranto Marceliano Marcelino (a) Marcelo (a) Marcia Marcial Marciano (a) Marcos (a) Mardonio Margarita María Mariano (a) Marino (a) Mario Marón Marta Martín (a) Martiniano (a) Martirio Mateo (ea) (ías) Materno Matilde Matrona Mauro (a) Mauricio (a) Maximiano (a) Maximiliano (a) Maximino (a) Maximo (a) Medardo Melanio (a) Melchor (a) Melecio (a) Melitina Melito Melquiades Menas (eo) Merced Mercedes Mercurio (a) Metodio Micaela Miguel (a) Mirón Miropo Modesto (a) Moisés (etes) Mónico (a) Monitor Montano Mucio Mustióla N Nabor Narciso (a) Natalio (a) Natividad Naulina Naval Nazario (a) Nemesio Nemorio Neomisia Neón Nereo Nestor Nestorio Nicandro Nicanor (a) Nicasio (a) Nicéforo Niceta Nicetas Nicodemos Nicolás (a) Nicomedes Nieves Nilo Nimia Nono (a) Nonita Dim. of above Norberto Novato Numeriano Nunilón O Obdulia Octaviano Octavio (a) Odón Olavo Olegario Olimpio (a) Oliva Onésimo Onofre Optaciano Orestes Oscar Osmundo Osorio Ostiano Otilia P Pablo Paciano Paciencia Paciente Pacifico Pacita Dim. of Paz Pafnucio Paladio (a) Palemón Pancracio Pánfilo Pantaleón (a) Parmenas Parmenio Pascasio Pascual (a) Pastor (a) Patermucio Paterno Patricio (a) Patrocinio Patronio Misspelling of Petronio Paulo (a) Paulino (a) Páz Pedro Pelagio (a) Pelayo Pelegrín (a) Pelensio Peleo Pentecostes Perfecto (a) Peregrino Perpetuo (a) Perseveranda Petra Petrona Petronilo (a) Petronio Piencia Pilar Pío (a) Plácido (a) Platón Plautila Policarpo (a) Policronio Polixena Pompeyo Pomposa Ponciano (a) Poncio Porcario Porfirio (a) Potamiena Potamio (a) (ón) Potenciano (a) Pragmático Práxedes Praxidio Barbarism for Presidio Precioso (a) Presentación Presidio Primitivo (a) Primo Prisco (a) Priscila Privado Probo Proceso (a) Procopio Próculo Próspero Protasio Proto Prudenciana Prudencio (a) Publio (a) Pulqueria Pura Purificación Purísimo (a) Q Queremón Querubín Quiliano Quinciano Quintila Quintile Quintín (a) (o) Quiriaco Quirico Quirino Quiterio (a) R Radegunda Rafael (a) Raimundo (a) Rainaldo Rainelda Rainerio Ramiro Ramon (a) Ranulfo Raquel Redempta Regino (a) Remedío Remedios Remigio (a) Reparata Reparaz Resada Respicio Restituto (a) Resurrección Ricardo (a) Ricario Rigoberto Rita Rizal Roberto Rodrigo (a) Rodulfo Rogaciano Rogelio (a) Roman (a) (o) Romarico Romualdo (a) Rómulo (a) Roque Rosa Rosalío (a) Rosario Rosauro (a) Rosela Barbarism for Rósula Rosendo (a) Roseta Rósula Rufino (a) Rufo (a) Ruperto (a) Rústico (a) S Sabas Sabel Sabiniano Sabino (a) Sadot Sagar Salaberga Salomé (ca) (ón) Salud Salustia Salustiano Salvador Salvino Salvio Samonas Samuel Sancho (a) Sándalo Santiago Santos Saturnino (a) Saturo Saula Savino (a) Sebastia (án) (a) Sacundiano Secundila Secundino (a) Segismundo Segundina (o) Segundo (a) Semproniana Senén Sefarín (a) Serapia (o) (ón) Sereno (a) Sergio (a) Servando Servideo Serviliano Servo Servulo Severiano (a) Severino (a) Sexto Siervo Better spelling, Servo Silvano Silverio (a) Silvestro (a) Silvino (a) Silvio (a) Símaco Simeón (a) Simón (a) Simplicio (a) Sinforoso (a) Sinesio Síntica Better spelling, Sintiques Sintiques Siricio Siro Sisenando Sixto (a) Socolano Barbarism for Solocano Socorro Sofía Sofronio (a) Solócano Sotero (a) Sulpicio (Surano) Susana T Taciano (a) Tadeo Tais Tarbula Tarcila Taurino Tea Tecla Telesforo (a) Temístocles Teodardo Teodorico (a) Teodoro (a) Teodosio (a) Teodoto (a) Teodulfo Teodulo Teófilo (a) Teopisto (es) Teótimo Terenciano Tereso (a) Tiburcio (a) Timolao Timoteo (a) Tirso Tito Tobías Tolomeo Tomás (a) Torcuato (a) Toribio (a) Torpetes Tranquilino (a) Trasón Trifón (a) (ia) Trifosa Trinidad Troadio Troyano Turiano (a) U Ubaldo (a) Uldarico Ulpiano Ulrica Urbano (a) Ursino Urso Úrsula Urselino (a) V Valencio Valente Valentín (a) Valeriano (a) Valerio (a) Vasco Vedasto Venancio (a) Venerando (a) Ventura Verecundo Verena Verónica Vérulo Vicente (a) Víctor Victoriano (a) Victorio (a) Victorino (a) Victuro Vidal Vigilio (a) Virgilio Virginia Visitación Vitaliano Vitalico Vito Viviano (a) Vivencio (a) Vivina Voto Vulpiano W Walfrido Wenceslao Wilibrordo Wiro Wistremundo Z Zacharías Zenaides Zenas Zenobio (a) Zenón (a) Zoa Zoe Zoelo Zoilo (a) Zósimo (a) Zotico *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A LIST OF PHILIPPINE BAPTISMAL NAMES *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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