The Project Gutenberg eBook of The heathery; or, A monograph of the genus Erica. vol. 4

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Title: The heathery; or, A monograph of the genus Erica. vol. 4

Author: active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews

Release date: February 20, 2023 [eBook #70085]

Language: English

Original publication: United Kingdom: Henry G. Bohn

Credits: Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by Biodiversity Heritage Library.)



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ERICA Andromedæflora.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores axillares, sub-terminales, declinati, plerumque terni. Calyx magnus, lato-ovatus, carneus: corollis ovatis, magnis, incarnatis. Folia ternata, subulata, incurvata, acuta, petiolis longis adpressis. Caulis erectus, pedalis et ultra. Rami pauci. Ramuli verticillati, ternati.


Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers grow from the axillæ of the leaves, are nearly terminal, and bend downwards, mostly in threes. The empalement is large, of a broad ovate form, and flesh-coloured. Blossom egg-shaped, large, and flesh-coloured. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, incurved, sharp-pointed, with long footstalks pressed to the branches. Stem upright, a foot or more high. Large branches few. The smaller branches in whorls, by threes.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till May.


1. The empalement.
2. A blossom.
3. The same spread open.
4. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA aristata.


Antheræ inclusæ, basi bicornes. Flores in ramis terminales, fasciculati, plerumque quaterni. Pedunculi longi, colorati. Corolla inflato-tubulosa, ore arctata, saturate purpurea, pollicaris, lucida; laciniis limbi rotundatis, expansis, albicantibus. Folia quaterna et quina, revoluta, lucida, apice aristata. Caulis fruticosus, vix pedalis, ramosus. Rami et ramuli flexuosi, filiformes.


Tips within the blossoms, and two-horned at their base. Flowers terminate the branches in bunches, mostly in fours. Footstalks long, and coloured. Blossom of an inflated tubular form, narrowed at the mouth, which is of a deep purple, an inch long, and shining. The segments of the border are rounded, spreading, and white. Leaves by fours and fives, rolled back, and shining, with a bristle at the point. Stem shrubby, scarce a foot high, branching. The small and large branches are flexuose, and thread-shaped.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom in spring, and again late in autumn.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement.
3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA aurea.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores horizontaliter verticillati, prope ramorum summitatem. Pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus instructi. Corolla cylindracea, glabra, aurantia: laciniis oris parum reflexis. Folia sena, linearia, glabra, apice incurvata, patentia. Caulis erectus, fruticosus, pedalis. Rami verticillati, patentes.


Tips beardless, just within the blossom. Flowers grow horizontally in whorls near the summit of the branches. Footstalks very short, and furnished with three floral leaves. Blossom cylinder-shaped, smooth, and of a gold colour: segments of the mouth a little reflexed. Leaves by sixes, linear, and smooth, turned inward at the point, and spreading. Stem upright, shrubby, a foot high. The branches grow in whorls, and are spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till September.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA Blandfordia.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores plures, sessiles, et horizontaliter siti, ramulos plerumque binatim terminantes: sub apicibus ramorum conferti in ramulos brevissimos, spicam formantes. Corolla urceolata, glabra, lutea, ore arctata: laciniis reflexis. Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, glabra. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis, erectus.


Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers numerous, sessile, in a horizontal direction, and terminate the smaller branches mostly in twos: near the upper part of the larger branches they are crowded together upon very short branches, and form a spike. Blossom jar-shaped, smooth and yellow, narrowed at the mouth, with the segments reflexed. Leaves by fours, linear, obtuse, and smooth. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high, and upright.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The seed-bud, chives, and pointal.
3. A chive magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA calycina, major.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in ultimis ramulis terminales, umbellati. Pedunculi carnei. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis spathulatis, acuminatis, carneis, ad basin virescentibus, corolla longioribus. Corolla urceolata, saturate carnea, ad basin pallida; oris laciniis patentibus, acuminatis. Folia terna, lanceolata, trigona, acuminata, adpressa. Caulis virgatus, pedalis. Rami et ramuli flexuosissimi.


Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the smaller branches in umbels. Footstalks flesh-coloured. Cup four-leaved. Leaflets spathula-shaped, sharp-pointed, flesh-coloured, greenish at the base, and longer than the flower. Blossom pitcher-shaped, of a deep flesh-colour, pale at the base: segments of the border spreading, and sharp-pointed. Leaves by threes, lance-shaped, three-sided, sharp-pointed, and pressed to the branches. Stem twiggy, a foot high. The small and large branches are very flexuose.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till September.


1. The empalement.
2. A blossom.
3. A chive magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

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ERICA canaliculata.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ, nigræ. Flores in ultimis ramulis terminales, plerumque terni, cernui. Pedunculi longi, colorati. Corolla campanulata, pallide purpurea; oris laciniis ovatis, acutis. Folia terna, erecta, obtusa, supra plana, subtus canaliculata. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, ferrugineus. Rami et ramuli verticillati, numerosi.


Tips beardless, just without the blossom, and black. Flowers terminate the ends of the smaller branches, mostly by threes, hanging down. Footstalks long and coloured. Blossom bell-shaped, and of a pale purple: segments of the border are egg-shaped, and sharp-pointed. Leaves by threes, upright, and blunt, flat on the upper surface, and channelled beneath. Stem shrubby, two feet high, upright, and rusty. The large and smaller branches are whorled and numerous.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till May.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. A blossom.
4. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
5. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA canaliculata, minor.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, plerumque terni, cernui. Pedunculi colorati. Calyx glandulosus. Corolla parva, campanulata, pallide purpurea: oris laciniis ovatis, acutis. Folia terna, erecta, obtusa, supra plana, subtus canaliculata. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus. Rami et ramuli verticillati, numerosi.


Tips beardless, and just within the blossom. Flowers terminate the ends of the smaller branches mostly by threes, hanging down. Footstalks coloured. Empalement glandular. Blossom small, bell-shaped, and of a pale purple: the segments are ovate, and sharp-pointed. Leaves by threes, upright and obtuse, flat on the upper surface, and channelled beneath. Stem shrubby, two feet high, and upright. The larger and smaller branches are whorled, and numerous.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. A chive magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA cordata.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Floras terminales, in apicibus ramulorum confertissimi, capitati, erecti. Pedunculi breves. Corolla globosa, glabra, albida; laciniis limbi rotundatis, patentibus. Folia terna, cordata, patentia, marginibus revolutis, supra villosa, subtus lanata. Caulis humilis, spithamæus. Rami et ramuli numerosi, conferti, flexuosi, patentes.


Tips beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers terminal, crowded very close together at the ends of the branches in upright heads. Footstalks short. Blossom globular, smooth, and white. Segments of the border round and spreading. Leaves by threes, heart-shaped, spreading, and rolled back at the edges, hairy on the upper surface, and woolly beneath. Stem low, a span high. The large and small branches are numerous, crowded together, flexuose, and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till June.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement and blossom.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

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ERICA decora.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores spicati, laxi, in medio ramulorum, axillares, dependentes. Pedunculi longi, colorati. Corolla campanulata, costata, saturate carnea: oris laciniis reflexis. Folia sena, linearia, obtusa, arcuata, petiolis longis adpressis. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis, sub-erectus, gracilis. Rami et ramuli verticillati.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers grow in large spikes, about the middle of the branches, from the footstalks of the leaves, and hang down. Flower-stalk long, and coloured. Blossom bell-shaped, ribbed, and of a deep flesh-colour: the segments of the border are reflexed. Leaves by sixes, linear, obtuse, and bowed, with long footstalks pressed to the branches. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high, nearly upright, and slender. The small and large branches grow in whorls.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from November till February.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

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ERICA discolor.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores plerumque terni, sub-cernui, ramulis terminalibus. Calyx duplex. Corolla tubulosa, sub-cylindracea, ima parte carnea, summa flavo-albicante. Folia terna, linearia, nitida, erecto-patentia. Caulis fruticosus, tripedalis, erectus, ramosus.


Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers mostly by threes, bending a little downwards, and terminating the smaller branches. Empalement double. Blossom tubular, nearly cylindrical, flesh-coloured at the base, and of a yellowish white at the mouth. Leaves by threes, linear, shining, and between erect and spreading. Stem shrubby, three feet high, upright, and branching.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from November till April.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA Echiiflora.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores fere terminales, in spicam dense verticillati, horizontales. Corolla tubulosa, brevis, inflata, instar Echii, saturate carnea, costata, viscosa; laciniis patentibus, rotundatis. Folia sena vel septena, irregulariter verticillati. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers almost terminal, in a spike, densely whorled, and horizontal. Blossom tubular, short, inflated, and resembling an Echium, of a deep flesh-colour, ribbed, and viscous; segments spreading, and rounded. Leaves by sixes or sevens, and irregularly whorled. Stem shrubby, and two feet high.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till May.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A blossom.
3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA ferruginea.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, simpliciter verticillati, horizontales. Pedunculi colorati, hispiduli, bracteis tribus hirsutis instructi. Corolla basi inflata, apice attenuata; ima pars carnea, summa saturate purpurea, ore arctata: laciniis acutis, patentibus. Folia sub-quaterna, obtusa, pilis longis ferrugineis circumsessa. Caulis humilis, fruticosus, erectus, sub-pedalis. Rami et ramuli flexuosi, filiformes, foliis subtecti.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the smaller branches in single horizontal whorls. Footstalks coloured, slightly hispid, and furnished with three hairy floral leaves. Blossom inflated at the base, tapering to the point, the lower part of a flesh-colour, the upper part of a deep purple, straightened at the mouth: the segments are pointed, and spreading. Leaves mostly by fours, blunt-ended, and beset with long rusty-coloured hairs. Stem low, shrubby, upright, and scarce a foot high. The large and small branches are flexuose, thread-shaped, and nearly covered by the leaves.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA fragrans.


Antheræ basi bicornes, exertæ. Flores plerumque terni, laterales et terminales, parvi: pedunculis longiusculis. Corolla campanulata, fragrans, pallide purpurea: laciniis majusculis revolutis. Folia ternata, subulata, erecta, glauca, acuta, supra plana, subtus sulcata. Caulis fruticosus, semi-pedalis, valde ramosus: ramis patentibus.


Tips two-horned at the base, and without the blossom. Flowers grow mostly by threes, lateral, and terminal, small, and with longish peduncles. Blossom bell-shaped, sweet-scented, pale purple, with largish revolute segments. Leaves in threes, awl-shaped, upright, of a glaucous green, and sharp-pointed, flat on their upper surface, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, half a foot high, very much branched, with the branches spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till May.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. Seed-bud, chives, and pointal, magnified.

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ERICA halicacaba.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores sub-terni, cernui, terminales. Pedunculi breves. Perianthium duplex, corollis adpressum. Corolla ovata, inflata, maxima, pallide lutea: oris laciniis erectis, acuminatis, conniventibus, obtusis. Folia terna, subulata, recurvata, trigona, glabra. Caulis robustus, pedalis, valde ramosus. Ramuli patentes, plurimi, oppositi.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow mostly by threes, nodding, and terminating the branches. Footstalks short. Cup double, and pressed to the blossom. Blossom egg-shaped, inflated, large, and of a pale yellow colour: the segments of the border are erect, tapered, approaching, and blunt-ended. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, recurved, three-sided, and smooth. Stem sturdy, a foot high, and very branching. The smaller branches are spreading, numerous, and opposite.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till July.


1. The empalement.
2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA hirta.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, terni, cernui. Pedunculi breves. Corolla clavata, pollicaris, ad basin profunde rubro-purpurea, apice virescens, ore parum arctata; laciniis obtusis, erectis. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa, hirta. Caulis erectus, ramosus, bipedalis.


Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches by threes, hanging down. Footstalks short. Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, of a deep red purple at the base, greenish at the end, a little narrowed at the mouth: segments blunt, and upright. Leaves by threes, linear, blunt, and hairy. Stem upright, branching, and two feet high.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from January till April.


1. The empalement.
2. The chives and pointal spread.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA hirta; Var. viridiflora.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, plerumque terni, patente-cernui. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla cylindracea, pollicaris, viridis: limbi laciniis obtusis, erectis. Folia terna et quaterna, linearia, recta, obtusa, hirta, supra plana, subtus sulcata. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis, villosus. Ramuli terni, verticillati.


Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the smaller branches mostly by threes, between spreading and hanging down. Footstalks very short. Blossom cylindrical, an inch long, and green. The segments of the border are obtuse, and upright. Leaves by threes and fours, linear, straight, blunt, and hairy, flat on their upper surface, and furrowed beneath. Stem upright, a foot and a half high, and hairy. The small branches grow by threes, in whorls.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from October till January.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement.
3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA Hyacinthoides.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores sessiles, erecti, fastigiati, quaterni, conferti, terminales, fere pedunculati. Corolla ventricosa, incarnata, ore arctata; laciniis sub-cordatis, undulatis, expansis, maximis. Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra, crassiuscula, nitida. Caulis fruticosus, spithameus, erectus, ramosus. Ramuli frequentissimi, erecto-patentes.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers sit close in upright bunches by fours, on the ends of the branches with scarcely any footstalks. Blossom swelled out, flesh-coloured, and narrowed at the mouth; the segments are nearly heart-shaped, waved, spreading, and very large. Leaves by fours, linear, smooth, thickish, and shining. Stem shrubby, a span high, upright, and branching. The smaller branches are numerous, and between erect and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till August.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

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ERICA incarnata.


Antheræ cristatæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, in racemum densum coalescentes. Pedunculi longi, purpurei. Corolla sub-ovata, cernua, carnea; ore contracto, lævissime quadrifido, laciniis erectis. Folia quaterna, obtusa, linearia, glabra. Caulis sub-erectus, pedalis, ramosissimus; rami et ramuli flexuosi, divaricatopatentes.


Tips crested, and just within the blossom. The flowers grow at the ends of the smaller branches, forming a close bunch. Footstalks are long, and purple. Blossom nearly egg-shaped, bending down, and flesh-coloured; the mouth contracted, and slightly cut into four upright segments. Leaves by fours, obtuse, linear, and smooth. Stem nearly upright, a foot high, and very much branched; the large and smaller branches are flexuose, and spread outwards.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till October.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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ERICA incurva.


Antheræ aristatæ, sub-inclusæ: stylo sub-exerto. Flores in ramulis terminales, umbellati, terni. Pedunculi aculeati. Folia terna, farinose viridia, arcuata, incurva, aculeata, subtus exarata. Corolla urceolata, purpurea, odorata: oris laciniis rotundatis, sub-erectis. Caulis fruticosus, ramosus. Rami et ramuli hirsuti, erecto-patentes.


Tips bearded, and just within the blossom. Shaft just without. Flowers terminate the small branches in umbels by threes. Footstalks prickly. Leaves by threes, of a mealy green, bowed, turned inwards, prickly, and deeply furrowed beneath. Blossom pitcher-shaped, purple, and sweet-scented: the segments of the border are roundish, and nearly upright. Stem shrubby, and branching. The large and small branches are roughly haired, and between erect and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till May.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. A flower and leaf of a small variety.

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ERICA lachnæa, purpurea.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terni, in apice ramulorum, cernui. Perianthium duplex; pedunculis brevissimis. Corolla cylindraceo-urceolata, purpureo-pulverulenta; laciniis limbi obtusis, sub-erectis. Folia terna, obtusa, conferta, tomentosa, farinaria, viridia. Caulis erectus, pedalis, fruticosus. Rami numerosi, ramulis brevissimis tecti.


Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers grow by threes, at the ends of the small branches, nodding. Cup double; footstalks very short. Blossom cylindrically pitcher-shaped, and of a powdery purple; segments of the border are obtuse, and nearly upright. Leaves by threes, blunt, crowded, downy, and of a mealy green. Stem upright, a foot high, and shrubby. Branches numerous, and covered by very short smaller ones.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till October.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 81]

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ERICA Lambertia.


Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in medio ramulorum, solitarii, vel terni, cernui. Pedunculi et calyx colorati. Corolla sub-globosa, inflata, alba, glabra, magnitudine pisi magni; laciniis ovatis, ad basin gibbis, erectis. Folia quaterna, acuminata, glabra; juniora erecto-patentia, seniora reflexa. Caulis fruticosus, sub-pedalis, ramosissimus.


Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers grow in the middle of the small branches, solitary, or by threes, nodding. The footstalks and empalement coloured. Blossom nearly globular, swelled out, white, smooth, and of the size of a large pea; the segments egg-shaped, bunched at the base, and upright. Leaves by fours, sharp-pointed, and smooth; the younger ones erect and spreading, the older ones reflexed. Stem shrubby, near a foot high, and very much branched.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till July.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal.
3. A chive magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

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ERICA lucida.


Antheræ cristatæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores terminates, in umbellis trifloris. Pedunculi breves. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis, acutis, ciliatisque. Corolla breviter campanulata, laciniis patulis, pallide carneis et lucidis. Folia ternata, subulata, erecta, lucida. Caulis fruticosus, strictus, gracilis, bipedalis. Rami plerumque ternati, erecto-patentes.


Tips crested, just within the blossom. Flowers terminal, in three-flowered umbels. Footstalks short. Cup four-leaved: leaflets broadly egg-shaped, sharp-pointed, and ciliated. Blossom shortly bell-shaped, with spreading segments of a pale shining flesh-colour. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, upright, and shining. Stem shrubby, upright, slender, and two feet high. Branches mostly by threes, between erect and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till June.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A blossom magnified.
3. The chives and pointal, magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, magnified.

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ERICA Monsoniana.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusae. Flores in ramulorum apice terni, nutantes, spicam quasi formantes prope caulis summitatem. Pedunculi fere nulli. Corolla tubulosa, fauce arctata, candidissima; laciniis sub-erectis. Folia terna, nitida, linearia, erecto-patentia. Caulis tripedalis, teres, erectus.


Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers grow by threes at the ends of the smaller branches, hanging down, and forming a sort of spike near the end of the stem; with hardly any footstalks. Blossom tubular, narrowed at the mouth, and of a very clear white. Segment of the border nearly upright. Leaves by threes, shining, linear, and between erect and spreading. Stem three feet high, round and upright.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till July.


1. A flower-branch with its involucrum.
2. The empalement.
3. The chives and pointal spread.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 93]

[Pg 96]

[Pg 95]

[Pg 94]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA mucosa.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores plures, terminales, fasciculati, cernui, purpurei, fulgentes, mucosi; pedunculis longis, purpureis. Corolla globosa; laciniis semi-orbiculatis, æqualibus, erectis. Folia quaterna, sub-trigona, obtusa, glaberrima. Caulis fruticosus, tripedalis, ramosus; ramis longis, virgatis, flexuosis.


Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers many, terminating the branches in bunches, hanging down, of a brilliant purple colour, and clammy. Footstalks long and purple. Blossom globular; the segments of the border are half round, equal, and upright. Leaves by fours, nearly three-sided, blunt, and smooth. Stem shrubby, three feet high, and branching; the branches are long, twiggy, and flexuose.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till September.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, summit magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 97]

[Pg 100]

[Pg 99]

[Pg 98]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA multiflora.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores axillares, sub-terminales, sub-spicati. Pedunculi capillares, longissimi, bracteis tribus minutis instructi. Corolla cylindraceo-urceolata, costata, sub-carnea; laciniis minutis, reflexis. Folia quaterna seu quina, obtusa, glabra, linearia, recta. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, ramosus. Rami et ramuli rigidi, erecti.


Tips beardless, and without the blossom. Flowers grow from the insertion of the leaves, nearly terminal, and almost spiked. Footstalks hair-like, very long, and furnished with three small floral leaves. Blossom cylindrically pitcher-shaped, ribbed, and slightly flesh-coloured: segments small and reflexed. Leaves by fours or fives, blunt, smooth, linear, and straight. Stem shrubby, upright, and branching. The small and larger branches are harsh, and upright.


Native of Portugal.
In bloom from October till December.


1. An umbel of flowers.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, magnified.

[Pg 101]

[Pg 104]

[Pg 103]

[Pg 102]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA mutabilis.


Antheræ sub-exertæ, basi bicornes. Flores terminales, in umbellis irregularibus, plerumque horizontaliter siti. Pedunculi longissimi, capillares, colorati, glandulis tecti. Calyx lanceolatus, coloratus, glandulosus, adpressus. Corolla tubulosa, costata, leviter pilosa, imprimis saturate purpurea, denique pallidior. Folia terna, quaterna, ad basin plantæ quina, supra convexa, subtus sulcata, margine pilis longis obsita. Caulis fruticosus. Rami numerosi, erecto-patentes.


Tips just without the blossom, with two horns at their base. Flowers terminate the branches in irregular umbels, mostly in a horizontal direction. Footstalks very long, thread-shaped, coloured, and covered with glands. The empalement is lance-shaped, coloured, glandular, and pressed to the flower. Blossom tubular, ribbed, and slightly hairy, of a deep purple at first, and afterwards paler. Leaves by threes and fours, and towards the base of the plant they grow in fives, convex on their upper surface, and furrowed beneath, with long hairs on their margins. Stem shrubby. The branches are numerous, and between erect and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till October.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. The seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 105]

[Pg 108]

[Pg 107]

[Pg 106]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA odorata.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores numerosi, sub apices ramorum umbellati. Pedunculi flore triple longiores, viscosi, bracteis tribus adpressis. Corolla campanulata, magna, alba, viscosa, lucida, melliodora: laciniis rotundatis, reflexis. Folia sparsa, sæpe vero quaterna, linearia, margine glanduloso-denticulata, truncata: petiolis longis. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis. Rami simplices, longi.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers numerous, growing in umbels at the ends of the branches. The footstalks thrice the length of the flowers, clammy, with three floral leaves pressed to them. Blossom bell-shaped, large, white, viscous, shining, and honey-scented: the segments of the border are rounded, and reflexed. Leaves scattered, but sometimes by fours, linear, appearing toothed by small glands at the edge, and seeming cut off at the ends. Footstalks long. Stem shrubby, a foot high. The branches are simple, and long.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.


1. A leaf shown from the under side, magnified.
2. The empalement.
3. Chives and pointal, summit magnified.
4. The seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 109]

[Pg 112]

[Pg 111]

[Pg 110]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA oppositifolia.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, plerumque bini. Pedunculi breves, bracteis duabus minutis adpressis. Calyx magnus, ovatus. Corolla urceolata, alba: laciniis reflexis. Folia binatim opposita, triquetra, nitida, adpressa. Caulis semipedalis, filiformis, ad basin ramosissimus, flexuosus.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches mostly by twos. Footstalks short, having two small floral leaves pressed to them. The empalement is large, and egg-shaped. Blossom pitcher-shaped, and white. The segments of the border are reflexed. Leaves grow opposite in pairs, three-sided, shining, and pressed to the stem. Stem half a foot high, and thread-shaped: the lower part of the plant very much branched and flexuose.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.


1. The empalement.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 113]

[Pg 116]

[Pg 115]

[Pg 114]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA oppositifolia, major.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, plerumque bini. Pedunculi breves, bracteis duabus minutis adpressis. Calyx magnus, ovatus, acutus. Corolla urceolata, alba: laciniis suberectis. Folia binatim opposita, triquetra, nitida, adpressa, magna. Caulis pedalis, filiformis. Rami et ramuli numerosi, erecti.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches mostly by twos. Footstalks short, having two small floral leaves pressed to them. The empalement is large, egg-shaped, and pointed. Blossom pitcher-shaped, and white. The segments of the border are nearly upright. Leaves grow opposite in pairs, three-sided, shining, pressed to the stem, and large. Stem a foot high, and thread-shaped: the large and smaller branches are numerous and upright


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till May.


1. The empalement.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 117]

[Pg 120]

[Pg 119]

[Pg 118]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA oppositifolia, rubra.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, plerumque bini. Pedunculi breves, bracteis duabus. Perianthium magnum, ovatum, acutum. Corolla urceolata, rubra: limbo quadrilobo, sub-reflexo. Folia binatim opposita, triquetra, nitida, adpressa. Caulis semi-pedalis, filiformis, gracilis, ad basin ramosus. Ramuli conferti, flexuosi.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches mostly in pairs. Footstalks short, having two floral leaves. Cup large, oval, and sharp-pointed. Blossom pitcher-shaped, and red, having a slightly reflexed four-lobed border. Leaves grow opposite in pairs, three-sided, shining, and pressed to the stem. Stem half a foot high, thread-shaped, and slender, branching to the bottom. The branches crowded together, and flexuose.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.


1. The empalement.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.
6. A branch with the involucrum of the flowers.

[Pg 121]

[Pg 124]

[Pg 123]

[Pg 122]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA Patersonia.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores plures, axillares et in medio caulis, e foliis recte emergentes; pedunculis fere nullis. Perianthium duplex. Corolla cylindrica, sub-pollicaris, glabra, lutea, ore arctata; limbo reflexo. Folia quaterna, linearia, incurvata, acuta, glabra. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus; basi ramosus, dein simplicissime pyramidatus, ramulis brevissimis vestitus.


Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers numerous, growing close to and about the middle of the stem, peeping straight out from amongst the leaves, with scarce any footstalks. Cup double. Blossom cylindrical, near an inch long, smooth, yellow, and narrow at the mouth; border reflexed. Leaves by fours, linear, and incurved, sharp-pointed, and smooth. Stem shrubby, two feet high, and upright; branching at the base, then forming a simple pyramidal spike covered with very short branches.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till August.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
3. The shaft and its summit magnified.

[Pg 125]

[Pg 128]

[Pg 127]

[Pg 126]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA pallens.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, in umbellis ternis vel senis, sub-sessiles. Corolla tubulosa, luteo-alba, horizontaliter sita: oris laciniis rotundatis, erecto-patentibus. Folia terna, subulata, tomentosa, albo-virescentia. Caulis humilis, fruticosus, semi-pedalis. Rami et ramuli numerosi, patentes.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels of from three to six, nearly sessile. Blossom tubular, of a yellowish white colour, and standing in a horizontal direction. Segments of the border roundish, and between erect and spreading. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, downy, and of a whitish green. Stem low, shrubby, half a foot high. The small and large branches are numerous, and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 129]

[Pg 132]

[Pg 131]

[Pg 130]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA pellucida.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, plerumque quaterni, cernui. Pedunculi longi, glandulosi, bracteis tribus lanceolatis, glandulosis, instructi. Corolla tubulato-ventricosa, pilosa, costata, alba, et pellucida; limbi laciniis semi-orbicularibus, sub-erectis. Folia quaterna, lanceolata, lucida, aculeata, sulco exarata. Caulis gracilis, sesquipedalis, hirsutus. Rami et ramuli hirsuti, flexuosi.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the small branches mostly by fours, nodding. Footstalks long, glandular, and furnished with three lance-shaped, glandular floral leaves. Blossom of an inflated tubular form, hairy, ribbed, white, and transparent. The segments of the border are half round, and nearly upright. Leaves by fours, lance-shaped, shining, prickly, and deeply furrowed beneath. Stem slender, a foot and a half high, harshly haired. The large and small branches are hirsute and flexuose.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from November till June.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A chive magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 133]

[Pg 136]

[Pg 135]

[Pg 134]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA pinifolia.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores sub apices ramorum verticillatim conferti, horizontaliter siti. Pedunculi colorati. Corolla clavata, pollicaris, alba, pilis tomentosis densissime circumsessa: oris laciniis revolutis, obsolete crenulatis. Folia sena vel octona, linearia, tremula, glabra, subtus sulcata, attenuata in petiolos capillares. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis, parum ramosus. Ramuli simplices, foliis tecti.


Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers grow near the ends of the branches in crowded whorls, and in an horizontal direction. Footstalks coloured. Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, white, and closely beset with downy hairs: the segments of the border rolled back, and slightly notched. Leaves by sixes or eights, linear, tremulous, and smooth, furrowed beneath, and tapering into hair-like footstalks. Stem upright, a foot and a half high, branching but little. The small branches are simple, and covered with leaves.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till July.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 137]

[Pg 140]

[Pg 139]

[Pg 138]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA planifolia.


Antheræ exsertæ, basi bicornes. Flores sub apices ramorum, simplices, axillares. Pedunculi longi, colorati, glanduloso-pilosi. Corolla urceolata, purpurea: oris laciniis obtusis, erectis. Folia terna, spathulata, supra plana, subtus carinata: marginibus glandulosis, revolutis. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis. Rami et ramuli numerosi, erecto-patentes.


Tips without the blossom, and two-horned at their base. Flowers grow near the ends of the branches, singly, from the insertion of the leaves. Footstalks long, coloured, and glandularly hairy. Blossom pitcher-shaped, and purple: the segments obtuse, and upright. Leaves by threes, spathula-shaped, flat on their upper surface, and keeled beneath: the margins are glandular, and rolled back. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high. The large and small branches are numerous, and between erect and spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till November.


1. A leaf shown from the under side, magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 143][Pg 142][Pg 141]

[Pg 146]

[Pg 145]

[Pg 144]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA Plukenetia.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores sub-solitarii, pendentes a ramulis, in medio ramorum spicam laxam formantes. Pedunculi longi, colorati: bracteis tribus infra minutis. Corolla conica, purpurea: laciniis exiguis, erectis, luteo-virentibus. Folia terna, linearia, arcuata, acuta, glabra, fasciculata. Caulis erectus, bipedalis, fruticosus. Rami sub-simplices, ramulis brevissimis, confertis, tecti.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers nearly solitary, hanging down from the smaller branches, and forming a loose spike about the middle of the branches. Footstalks long, coloured: with three minute floral leaves on the lower part. Blossom conical, and purple. The segments of the border are small, upright, and of a yellowish green. Leaves by threes, linear, bowed, pointed, smooth, and bundled together. Stem upright, two feet high, and shrubby. The large branches are nearly simple, long, and covered with very short branches crowded together.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. The seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 147]

[Pg 150]

[Pg 149]

[Pg 148]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA Plukenetia, albens.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores sub-solitarii, pendentes a ramulis, in medio ramorum crescentes, et spicam laxam formantes. Pedunculi longi: bracteis tribus minutis ad basin instructis. Corolla conica, exalbida: laciniis erectis. Folia terna, fasciculata, linearia, arcuata, acuta, glabra. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis, fruticosus. Rami sub-simplices, ramulis numerosis brevissimis tecti.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers nearly solitary, hanging down from the small branches, growing near the middle of the branches, and forming a loose spike. Footstalks long, and furnished at the base with three small floral leaves. Blossom conical and whitish. Segments of the border are upright. Leaves by threes, bundled together, linear, bowed, sharp-pointed, and smooth. Stem upright, a foot and a half high, and shrubby. The large branches nearly simple, and covered with numerous very short branches.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till September.


1. The empalement.
2. The chives and pointal.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. The seed-bud magnified.
5. Flower of a large variety.

[Pg 151]

[Pg 154]

[Pg 153]

[Pg 152]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA racemifera.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores sub-terminales, racemosi, cernui, plerumque duo; pedunculis longissimis. Corolla sub-globosa, purpurea; oris laciniis erecto-patentibus. Folia sena, linearia, conferta, oblique verticillata, tremula. Caulis fruticosus, sub-pedalis. Rami virgati, sub-simplices.


Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers nearly terminate the branches in clusters, hanging down, mostly two together, with very long footstalks. Blossom nearly globular, and purple; the segments of the border are between erect and spreading. Leaves by sixes, linear, crowded, irregularly whorled, and tremulous. Stem shrubby, near a foot high. Branches twiggy, and nearly simple.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till June.


1. An umbel of flowers.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. Chives and pointal.
4. A chive magnified.
5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
6. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 155]

[Pg 158]

[Pg 157]

[Pg 156]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA Sebana, nana.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores duo, in apicibus ramulorum, dependentes. Pedunculi breves, nudi. Perianthium duplex. Corolla clavata, incurvata, rugosa, saturate aurantia; laciniis limbi erectis, incurvatis. Folia terna, linearia, arcuata, conferta, sub-trigona, glabra, apice acuta. Caulis erectus, robustus, humilis, ramosissimus.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers grow by twos, at the ends of the small branches, hanging down. The footstalks are short, and naked. Cup double. Blossom club-shaped, turned inwards, wrinkled, and of a deep orange colour; the segments of the border are upright, and turned inwards. Leaves by threes, linear, bowed, and crowded, nearly three-sided, smooth, and sharp-pointed. Stem upright, sturdy, low, and very much branched.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till January.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A blossom.
3. The chives spread open.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 159]

[Pg 162]

[Pg 161]

[Pg 160]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA Sebana, spicata.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, longissimæ. Flores terni, in apicibus ramulorum, penduli; pedunculis brevissimis. Corolla clavata, incurvata, saturate coccinea, sulcata: laciniis limbi obtusis, incurvis. Folia terna, linearia, arcuata, conferta, reflexa, apice acuta. Caulis erectus, bipedalis. Rami pauci, ramulis brevissimis confertis tecti.


Tips beardless, without the blossom, and very long. Flowers grow by threes at the ends of the small branches, hanging down, with very short footstalks. Blossom club-shaped, turned inwards, of a deep scarlet colour, and furrowed. The segments of the mouth are blunt, and turned inwards. Leaves by threes, linear, curved, crowded, reflexed, and sharp-pointed. Stem upright, two feet high. The larger branches few, covered with small branches crowded together.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from September till December.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 163]

[Pg 166]

[Pg 165]

[Pg 164]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA sordida.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores sub-sessiles, in apicibus ramulorum, nunc solitarii, nunc bini, vel terni. Corolla tubulosa, clavata, curvata, pollicaris, sordide lutea, pilosa, oris laciniis recurvatis. Folia quaterna, linearia, pilosa, obtusa. Caulis fruticosus, sesqui-pedalis, erectus, apice pilosus.


Tips beardless, and without the blossom. Flowers nearly sessile, upon the ends of the smaller branches, growing solitarily, or by twos and threes. Blossom tubularly club-shaped, curved, an inch long, of a dirty yellow colour, and hairy: the segments of the mouth rolled back. Leaves grow by fours, linear, hairy, and blunt. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high, upright, and hairy at the top.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till December.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. Chives and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 167]

[Pg 170]

[Pg 169]

[Pg 168]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA speciosa.


Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores 2-4-nati, sed plerumque ternati, cernui, ramulos laterales terminantes. Pedunculi colorati. Corolla cylindrica, uncialis, curvata, viscosa, lucida, saturate et læte rubra, sed apicem versus viridis: laciniis superne patentibus. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa, pubescentia. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, ramosus.


Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers in twos and fours, but mostly by threes, bowing, terminating the lateral branches. Footstalks coloured. Blossom cylindrical, an inch long, curved, viscous, and shining, of a deep bright red colour, but towards the apex green; with the upper part of the segments spreading. Leaves by threes, linear, blunt, and downy. Stem shrubby, two feet high, upright, and branching.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till September.


1. The empalement.
2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 171]

[Pg 174]

[Pg 173]

[Pg 172]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA staminea.


Antheræ muticæ. Filamenta capillaria, prælonga, extra flores pendula. Flores solitarii, terminales, in ramulis pernumerosis lateralibus ternatis. Corolla parva, luteo-albida: laciniis patentibus, rotundatis. Folia ternata, erecta, parva, carnosa, lucida. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis: ramis numerosis, verticillatis, patulis.


Tips beardless. Threads hair-like, very long, and hanging out of the flower. Flowers solitary, and terminal, on very numerous lateral ternate branches. Blossom small, of a yellow white colour, with segments spreading and rounded. Leaves by threes, erect, small, fleshy, and shining. Stem shrubby, two feet high, with numerous whorled branches slightly spreading.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till September.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. A blossom.
3. Blossom of a white variety.
4. The chives and pointal, magnified.
5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 175]

[Pg 178]

[Pg 177]

[Pg 176]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA tenuiflora, alba.


Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores ad apices ramulorum quaterni, pedunculis brevibus. Corolla tubæformis, tenuissima: oris laciniis acuminatis, patentibus, albicantibus: tubo pellucido. Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, glabra, erecto-patentia. Caulis fruticosus, debilis, pedalis et ultra. Rami et ramuli filiformes, virgati.


Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow by fours at the ends of the small branches. Footstalks short. Blossom trumpet-shaped, and very slender. The segments of the border are sharp-pointed, spreading, and very white. The tube is of a transparent white. Leaves by fours, linear, blunt, smooth, and between erect and spreading. Stem shrubby, weak, a foot or more high. The large and small branches are thread-shaped, and twiggy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till December.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. Chives and pointal, summit magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. The seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 179]

[Pg 182]

[Pg 181]

[Pg 180]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA thymifolia.


Antheræ basi bicornes, sub-inclusæ. Flores axillares, solitarii; pedunculis basi bracteis duabus instructis. Corolla parva, urceolata, saturate rosea; laciniis expansis, subtus concavis. Folia ternata, cordata, ciliata, subtus glauca. Caulis fruticosus, spithamæus, dumosus, perflexus; ramulis filiformibus, expansis, decumbentibus.


Tips two-horned at the base, and just within the blossom. Flowers axillary and solitary, with the peduncles furnished with two floral leaves at the base. Blossom small, pitcher-shaped, of a deep rose colour, with the segments expanded, and concave beneath. Leaves in threes, heart-shaped, hairy, and glaucous beneath. Stem shrubby, a span high, bushy, very much bent; with the branches thread-shaped, expanded, and decumbent.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till July.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. A chive magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. Seed-bud magnified.

[Pg 183]

[Pg 186]

[Pg 185]

[Pg 184]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA tiaræflora.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, terni, cernui. Pedunculi longi. Corolla tiaræformis, apice incarnata, ad basin albida; laciniis minutis, obtusis, erectis. Folia terna, obtusa, linearia, rigida, erecto-patentia. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sub-sesquipedalis, ramosus. Rami terni, patentes, erecti.


Tips beardless, and without the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches by threes, nodding. Footstalks long. Blossom turban-shaped, flesh-coloured at the ends, and whitish at the base; the segments of the border are very small, obtuse, and upright. Leaves by threes, blunt, linear, harsh, and between erect and spreading. Stem shrubby, upright, near a foot and a half high, and branching. Branches by threes, spreading, and upright.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till July.


1. Empalement and blossom, magnified.
2. A blossom without its empalement, magnified.
3. A chive magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 187]

[Pg 190]

[Pg 189]

[Pg 188]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA ventricosa.


Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores terminales, numerosi, fastigiati, erecti, fasciculati. Pedunculi purpurei, basi bracteis binis parvis oppositis instructi. Corolla oblongo-ovata, apice arctata, alba, glabra, nitida: limbo æquali, sub-reflexo, in centro rubro. Folia quaterna, linearia, acuta, basi recurvata, apice adscendentia, ciliata, nitida. Caulis fruticosus, semi-pedalis, teres, dumosus.


Tips two-horned at their base, and within the blossom. Flowers terminal, numerous, level, upright, and in bunches. The footstalks are purple, and furnished with two small opposite floral leaves at their base. Blossom of an oblong ovate form, and narrowed towards the end, white, smooth, and shining: segments of the border equal, slightly reflexed, and red in the centre. Leaves by fours, linear, sharp-pointed, with a recurved base and an ascending point, ciliated, and shining. Stem shrubby, half a foot high, round, and bushy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till September.


1. The empalement.
2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 191]

[Pg 194]

[Pg 193]

[Pg 192]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA vestita, coccinea.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores in ramulis mediis conferti, erecto-patentes. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla clavata, pollicaris, saturate coccinea; oris laciniis revolutis. Folia sena, conferta, linearia, tremula, glabra, attenuata in petiolos capillares. Caulis erectus, bipedalis, parum ramosus; ramuli simplices, foliis tecti.


Tips beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers are clustered together about the middle of the branches, between erect and spreading. Footstalks very short. Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, and of a deep scarlet colour; the segments of the mouth are rolled back. Leaves by sixes, crowded together, linear, tremulous, smooth, and tapering into hair-like footstalks. Stem upright, two feet high, seldom branching; the smaller branches are simple, and covered with leaves.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till November.


1. The empalement magnified.
2. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 195]

[Pg 198]

[Pg 197]

[Pg 196]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA vestita, purpurea.


Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores in ramulorum mediis verticillati, recti; corollis clavatis, rectis, pollicaribus, purpureis. Folia sena, linearia, tremulenta, acuta, glabra, attenuata in petiolos capillares semi-unguiculares. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, basi simplex, dein verticillatim ramosus, ramis simplicibus, adscendentibus.


Tips beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers grow in whorls about the middle of the branches, straight out. Blossom club-shaped, straight out, an inch long, and purple. Leaves by sixes, linear, tremulous, sharp-pointed, smooth, and tapering into hair-like footstalks a quarter of an inch in length. Stem shrubby, two feet high, and upright, simple at the base, then branching out from a whorl into simple ascending branches.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till January.


1. A leaf.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

[Pg 199]

[Pg 202]

[Pg 201]

[Pg 200]

[Image unavailable.]

ERICA villosa.


Antheræ muticæ, exertæ. Flores in extremis ramulis terminales, sub terni, penduli. Pedunculi longi, rubri. Perianthium lato-ovatum; margine calycis læte viridi. Corolla urceolata, villosa, alba; oris laciniis obtusis, erectis. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa; margine pilis longis hirta. Caulis fruticosus, flexuosus, purpurascens. Rami et ramuli filiformes, villosi.


Tips beardless, and without the blossom. Flowers grow at the extremity of the smaller branches, mostly by threes, hanging down. The footstalks are long, and of a red colour. Cup broadly egg-shaped; the edges of the cup are of a bright green colour. Blossom pitcher-shaped, villous, and white; the segments of the border are obtuse, and upright. Leaves by threes, linear, and blunt; the edges rough, with long hairs. Stem shrubby, flexuose, and of a purplish colour. The small and large branches are thread-shaped, and hairy.


Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till June.


1. A leaf magnified.
2. The empalement magnified.
3. Chives and pointal, magnified.

[Pg 203]

[Pg 205]

[Pg 204]

[Image unavailable.]




151.   Erica  andromedæflora.
155.calycina major.
157.canaliculata, minor.
166.hirta viridiflora.
170.lachnæa purpurea.
179.oppositifolia, major.
180.oppositifolia rubra.
187.Pluckenetia albens.
189.Sebana nana.
190.Sebana spicata.
194.tenuiflora, alba.
198.vestita, purpurea.
199.vestita, coccinea.