Title: The Path to Rome
Author: Hilaire Belloc
Release date: January 1, 2005 [eBook #7373]
Most recently updated: February 1, 2013
Language: English
Credits: Produced by Eric Eldred, and David Widger
'... and as to what may be in this book, do not
feel timid nor hesitate to enter. There are more mountains than mole-hills
To every honest reader that may purchase, hire, or
receive this book, and to the reviewers also (to whom it is of triple
profit), greeting--and whatever else can be had for nothing.
If you should ask how this book came to be
written, it was in this way. One day as I was wandering over the world I
came upon the valley where I was born, and stopping there a moment to
speak with them all--when I had argued politics with the grocer, and
played the great lord with the notary-public, and had all but made the
carpenter a Christian by force of rhetoric--what should I note (after so
many years) but the old tumble-down and gaping church, that I love more
than mother-church herself, all scraped, white, rebuilt, noble, and new,
as though it had been finished yesterday. Knowing very well that such a
change had not come from the skinflint populace, but was the work of some
just artist who knew how grand an ornament was this shrine (built there
before our people stormed Jerusalem), I entered, and there saw that all
within was as new, accurate, and excellent as the outer part; and this
pleased me as much as though a fortune had been left to us all; for one's
native place is the shell of one's soul, and one's church is the kernel of
that nut.
Moreover, saying my prayers there, I noticed
behind the high altar a statue of Our Lady, so extraordinary and so
different from all I had ever seen before, so much the spirit of my
valley, that I was quite taken out of myself and vowed a vow there to go
to Rome on Pilgrimage and see all Europe which the Christian Faith has
saved; and I said, 'I will start from the place where I served in arms for
my sins; I will walk all the way and take advantage of no wheeled thing; I
will sleep rough and cover thirty miles a day, and I will hear Mass every
morning; and I will be present at high Mass in St Peter's on the Feast of
St Peter and St Paul.'
Then I went out of the church still having that
Statue in my mind, and I walked again farther into the world, away from my
native valley, and so ended some months after in a place whence I could
fulfil my vow; and I started as you shall hear. All my other vows I broke
one by one. For a faggot
must be broken every stick singly. But the strict
vow I kept, for I entered Rome on foot that year in time, and I heard high
Mass on the Feast of the Apostles, as many can testify--to wit: Monsignor
this, and Chamberlain the other, and the Bishop of so-and-so--o--polis
in partibus infidelium; for we were all there together.
And why (you will say) is all this put by itself
in what Anglo-Saxons call a Foreword, but gentlemen a Preface? Why, it is
because I have noticed that no book can appear without some such thing
tied on before it; and as it is folly to neglect the fashion, be certain
that I read some eight or nine thousand of them to be sure of how they
were written and to be safe from generalizing on too frail a basis.
And having read them and discovered first, that it
was the custom of my contemporaries to belaud themselves in this
prolegomenaical ritual (some saying in a few words that they supplied a
want, others boasting in a hundred that they were too grand to do any such
thing, but most of them baritoning their apologies and chanting their
excuses till one knew that their pride was toppling over)--since, I say,
it seemed a necessity to extol one's work, I wrote simply on the lintel of
my diary, Praise of this Book, so as to end the matter at a blow.
But whether there will be praise or blame I really cannot tell, for I am
riding my pen on the snaffle, and it has a mouth of iron.
Now there is another thing book writers do in
their Prefaces, which is to introduce a mass of nincompoops of whom no one
ever heard, and to say 'my thanks are due to such and such' all in a
litany, as though any one cared a farthing for the rats! If I omit this
believe me it is but on account of the multitude and splendour of those
who have attended at the production of this volume. For the stories in it
are copied straight from the best authors of the Renaissance, the music
was written by the masters of the eighteenth century, the Latin is
Erasmus' own; indeed, there is scarcely a word that is mine. I must also
mention the Nine Muses, the Three Graces; Bacchus, the Maenads, the
Panthers, the Fauns; and I owe very hearty thanks to Apollo.
Yet again, I see that writers are for ever anxious
of their style, thinking (not saying) -
'True, I used "and which" on page 47, but Martha
Brown the stylist gave me leave;' or:
'What if I do end a sentence with a preposition? I
always follow the rules of Mr Twist in his "'Tis Thus 'Twas Spoke", Odd's
Body an' I do not!'
Now this is a pusillanimity of theirs (the book
writers) that they think style power, and yet never say as much in their
Prefaces. Come, let me do so ... Where are you? Let me marshal you, my
regiments of words!
Rabelais! Master of all happy men! Are you
sleeping there pressed into desecrated earth under the doss-house of the
Rue St Paul, or do you not rather drink cool wine in some elysian Chinon
looking on the Vienne where it rises in Paradise? Are you sleeping or
drinking that you will not lend us the staff of Friar John wherewith he
slaughtered and bashed the invaders of the vineyards, who are but a
parable for the mincing pedants and bloodless thin-faced rogues of the
Write as the wind blows and command all words like
an army! See them how they stand in rank ready for assault, the jolly,
swaggering fellows!
First come the Neologisms, that are afraid of no
man; fresh, young, hearty, and for the most part very long-limbed, though
some few short and strong. There also are the Misprints to confuse the
enemy at his onrush. Then see upon the flank a company of picked
Ambiguities covering what shall be a feint by the squadron of Anachronisms
led by old Anachronos himself; a terrible chap with nigglers and a great
murderer of fools.
But here see more deeply massed the ten thousand
Egotisms shining in their armour and roaring for battle. They care for no
one. They stormed Convention yesterday and looted the cellar of
Good-Manners, who died of fear without a wound; so they drank his wine and
are to-day as strong as lions and as careless (saving only their Captain,
Monologue, who is lantern-jawed).
Here are the Aposiopaesian Auxiliaries, and
Dithyramb that killed Punctuation in open fight; Parenthesis the giant and
champion of the host, and Anacoluthon that never learned to read or write
but is very handy with his sword; and Metathesis and Hendiadys, two
Greeks. And last come the noble Gallicisms prancing about on their light
horses: cavalry so sudden that the enemy sicken at the mere sight of them
and are overcome without a blow. Come then my hearties, my lads, my
indefatigable repetitions, seize you each his own trumpet that hangs at
his side and blow the charge; we shall soon drive them all before us
headlong, howling down together to the Picrocholian Sea.
So! That was an interlude. Forget the clamour.
But there is another matter; written as yet in no
other Preface: peculiar to this book. For without rhyme or reason,
pictures of an uncertain kind stand in the pages of the chronicle. Why?
Because it has become so cheap to photograph on
In old time a man that drew ill drew not at all.
He did well. Then either
there were no pictures in his book, or (if there
were any) they were done by some other man that loved him not a groat and
would not have walked half a mile to see him hanged. But now it is so easy
for a man to scratch down what he sees and put it in his book that any
fool may do it and be none the worse--many others shall follow. This is
the first.
Before you blame too much, consider the
alternative. Shall a man march through Europe dragging an artist on a
cord? God forbid!
Shall an artist write a book? Why no, the remedy
is worse than the disease.
Let us agree then, that, if he will, any pilgrim
may for the future draw (if he likes) that most difficult subject, snow
hills beyond a grove of trees; that he may draw whatever he comes across
in order to enliven his mind (for who saw it if not he? And was it not his
loneliness that enabled him to see it?), and that he may draw what he
never saw, with as much freedom as you readers so very continually see
what you never draw. He may draw the morning mist on the Grimsel, six
months afterwards; when he has forgotten what it was like: and he may
frame it for a masterpiece to make the good draughtsman rage.
The world has grown a boy again this long time
past, and they are building hotels (I hear) in the place where Acedes
discovered the Water of Youth in a hollow of the hill Epistemonoscoptes.
Then let us love one another and laugh. Time
passes, and we shall soon laugh no longer--and meanwhile common living is
a burden, and earnest men are at siege upon us all around. Let us suffer
absurdities, for that is only to suffer one another.
Nor let us be too hard upon the just but anxious
fellow that sat down dutifully to paint the soul of Switzerland upon a
The Path to Rome
When that first Proverb-Maker who has imposed upon
all peoples by his epigrams and his fallacious half-truths, his empiricism
and his wanton appeals to popular ignorance, I say when this man (for I
take it he was a man, and a wicked one) was passing through France he
launched among the French one of his pestiferous phrases, 'Ce n'est que
le premier pas qui coûté" \ and this in a
rolling-in-the-mouth self-satisfied kind of a manner has been repeated
since his day at least seventeen million three hundred and sixty-two
thousand five hundred and four times by a great mass of Ushers, Parents,
Company Officers, Elder Brothers, Parish Priests, and authorities in
general whose office it may be and whose pleasure it certainly is to jog
up and disturb that native slumber and inertia of the mind which is the
true breeding soil of Revelation.
For when boys or soldiers or poets, or any other
blossoms and prides of nature, are for lying steady in the shade and
letting the Mind commune with its Immortal Comrades, up comes Authority
busking about and eager as though it were a duty to force the said Mind to
burrow and sweat in the matter of this very perishable world, its
temporary habitation.
'Up,' says Authority, 'and let me see that Mind of
yours doing something practical. Let me see Him mixing painfully with
circumstance, and botching up some Imperfection or other that shall at
least be a Reality and not a silly Fantasy.'
Then the poor Mind comes back to Prison again, and
the boy takes his horrible Homer in the real Greek (not Church's book,
alas!); the Poet his rough hairy paper, his headache, and his cross-nibbed
pen; the Soldier abandons his inner picture of swaggering about in
ordinary clothes, and sees the dusty road and feels the hard places in his
boot, and shakes down again to the steady pressure of his pack; and
Authority is satisfied, knowing that he will get a smattering from the
Boy, a rubbishy verse from the Poet, and from the Soldier a long and
thirsty march. And Authority, when it does this commonly sets to work by
one of these formulae: as, in England north of Trent, by the manifestly
false and boastful phrase, 'A thing begun is half ended', and in the south
by 'The Beginning is half the Battle'; but in France by the words I have
attributed to the Proverb-Maker, 'Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coûte'.
By this you may perceive that the Proverb-Maker,
like every other Dema-
gogue, Energumen, and Disturber, dealt largely in
metaphor--but this I need hardly insist upon, for in his vast collection
of published and unpublished works it is amply evident that he took the
silly pride of the half-educated in a constant abuse of metaphor. There
was a sturdy boy at my school who, when the master had carefully explained
to us the nature of metaphor, said that so far as he could see a metaphor
was nothing but a long Greek word for a lie. And certainly men who know
that the mere truth would be distasteful or tedious commonly have recourse
to metaphor, and so do those false men who desire to acquire a subtle and
unjust influence over their fellows, and chief among them, the
Proverb-Maker. For though his name is lost in the great space of time that
has passed since he flourished, yet his character can be very clearly
deduced from the many literary fragments he has left, and that is found to
be the character of a pusillanimous and ill-bred usurer, wholly lacking in
foresight, in generous enterprise, and chivalrous enthusiasm--in matters
of the Faith a prig or a doubter, in matters of adventure a poltroon, in
matters of Science an ignorant Parrot, and in Letters a wretchedly bad
rhymester, with a vice for alliteration; a wilful liar (as, for instance,
'The longest way round is the shortest way home'), a startling
miser (as, 'A penny saved is a penny earned'), one ignorant of
largesse and human charity (as, 'Waste not, want not'), and a
shocking boor in the point of honour (as, 'Hard words break no bones'--he
never fought, I see, but with a cudgel).
But he had just that touch of slinking humour
which the peasants have, and there is in all he said that exasperating
quality for which we have no name, which certainly is not accuracy, and
which is quite the opposite of judgement, yet which catches the mind as
brambles do our clothes, causing us continually to pause and swear. For he
mixes up unanswerable things with false conclusions, he is perpetually
letting the cat out of the bag and exposing our tricks, putting a colour
to our actions, disturbing us with our own memory, indecently revealing
corners of the soul. He is like those men who say one unpleasant and rude
thing about a friend, and then take refuge from their disloyal and false
action by pleading that this single accusation is true; and it is perhaps
for this abominable logicality of his and for his malicious cunning that I
chiefly hate him: and since he himself evidently hated the human race, he
must not complain if he is hated in return.
Take, for instance, this phrase that set me
writing, 'Ce nest que le premier pas qui coûte'. It is false.
Much after a beginning is difficult, as everybody knows who has crossed
the sea, and as for the first step a man never so much as remembers
it; if there is difficulty it is in the whole launching of a thing, in the
first ten pages of a book, or the first half-hour of listening to a
sermon, or the
first mile of a walk. The first step is undertaken
lightly, pleasantly, and with your soul in the sky; it is the
five-hundredth that counts. But I know, and you know, and he knew (worse
luck) that he was saying a thorny and catching thing when he made up that
phrase. It worries one of set purpose. It is as though one had a voice
inside one saying:
'I know you, you will never begin anything. Look
at what you might have done! Here you are, already twenty-one, and you
have not yet written a dictionary. What will you do for fame? Eh? Nothing:
you are intolerably lazy--and what is worse, it is your fate. Beginnings
are insuperable barriers to you. What about that great work on The
National Debt? What about that little lyric on Winchelsea that you thought
of writing six years ago? Why are the few lines still in your head and not
on paper? Because you can't begin. However, never mind, you can't help it,
it's your one great flaw, and it's fatal. Look at Jones! Younger than you
by half a year, and already on the Evening Yankee taking bribes
from Company Promoters! And where are you?' &c., &c.--and so
So this threat about the heavy task of Beginning
breeds discouragement, anger, vexation, irritability, bad style, pomposity
and infinitives split from helm to saddle, and metaphors as mixed as the
Carlton. But it is just true enough to remain fast in the mind, caught, as
it were, by one finger. For all things (you will notice) are very
difficult in their origin, and why, no one can understand. Omne Trinum:
they are difficult also in the shock of maturity and in their ending.
Take, for instance, the Life of Man, which is the Difficulty of Birth, the
Difficulty of Death, and the Difficulty of the Grand Climacteric.
LECTOR. What is the Grand Climacteric?
AUCTOR. I have no time to tell you, for it would
lead us into a discussion on Astrology, and then perhaps to a question of
physical science, and then you would find I was not orthodox, and perhaps
denounce me to the authorities.
I will tell you this much; it is the moment (not
the year or the month, mind you, nor even the hour, but the very second)
when a man is grown up, when he sees things as they are (that is,
backwards), and feels solidly himself. Do I make myself clear? No matter,
it is the Shock of Maturity, and that must suffice for you.
But perhaps you have been reading little brown
books on Evolution, and you don't believe in Catastrophes, or Climaxes, or
Definitions? Eh? Tell me, do you believe in the peak of the Matterhorn,
and have you doubts on the points of needles? Can the sun be said truly to
rise or set, and is there any exact meaning in the phrase, 'Done to a
turn' as applied to omelettes? You know there is; and so also you must
believe in Categories, and you must admit differences of kind as well as
of degree, and you must accept exact definition
and believe in all that your fathers did, that
were wiser men than you, as is easily proved if you will but imagine
yourself for but one moment introduced into the presence of your
ancestors, and ask yourself which would look the fool. Especially must you
believe in moments and their importance, and avoid with the utmost care
the Comparative Method and the argument of the Slowly Accumulating Heap. I
hear that some scientists are already beginning to admit the reality of
Birth and Death--let but some brave few make an act of Faith in the Grand
Climacteric and all shall yet be well.
Well, as I was saying, this Difficulty of
Beginning is but one of three, and is Inexplicable, and is in the Nature
of Things, and it is very especially noticeable in the Art of Letters.
There is in every book the Difficulty of Beginning, the Difficulty of the
Turning-Point (which is the Grand Climacteric of a Book)--
LECTOR. What is that in a Book?
AUCTOR. Why, it is the point where the reader has
caught on, enters into the Book and desires to continue reading it.
LECTOR. It comes earlier in some books than in
AUCTOR. As you say ... And finally there is the
Difficulty of Ending.
LECTOR. I do not see how there can be any
difficulty in ending a book.
AUCTOR. That shows very clearly that you have
never written one, for there is nothing so hard in the writing of a
book--no, not even the choice of the Dedication--as is the ending of it.
On this account only the great Poets, who are above custom and can snap
their divine fingers at forms, are not at the pains of devising careful
endings. Thus, Homer ends with lines that might as well be in the middle
of a passage; Hesiod, I know not how; and Mr Bailey, the New Voice from
Eurasia, does not end at all, but is still going on.
Panurge told me that his great work on Conchology
would never have been finished had it not been for the Bookseller that
threatened law; and as it is, the last sentence has no verb in it. There
is always something more to be said, and it is always so difficult to turn
up the splice neatly at the edges. On this account there are regular
models for ending a book or a Poem, as there are for beginning one; but,
for my part, I think the best way of ending a book is to rummage about
among one's manuscripts till one has found a bit of Fine Writing (no
matter upon what subject), to lead up the last paragraphs by no matter
what violent shocks to the thing it deals with, to introduce a row of
asterisks, and then to paste on to the paper below these the piece of Fine
Writing one has found.
I knew a man once who always wrote the end of a
book first, when his mind was fresh, and so worked gradually back to the
introductory chapter, which (he said) was ever a kind of summary, and
could not be properly dealt with till a man knew all about his subject. He
said this was a sovran way to write History.
But it seems to me that this is pure extravagance,
for it would lead one at last to beginning at the bottom of the last page,
like the Hebrew Bible, and (if it were fully carried out) to writing one's
sentences backwards till one had a style like the London School of Poets:
a very horrible conclusion.
However, I am not concerned here with the ending
of a book, but with its beginning; and I say that the beginning of any
literary thing is hard, and that this hardness is difficult to explain.
And I say more than this--I say that an interminable discussion of the
difficulty of beginning a book is the worst omen for going on with it, and
a trashy subterfuge at the best. In the name of all decent, common, and
homely things, why not begin and have done with it?
It was in the very beginning of June, at evening,
but not yet sunset, that I set out from Toul by the Nancy gate; but
instead of going straight on past the parade-ground, I turned to the right
immediately along the ditch and rampart, and did not leave the
fortifications till I came to the road that goes up alongside the Moselle.
For it was by the valley of this river that I was to begin my pilgrimage,
since, by a happy accident, the valley of the Upper Moselle runs straight
towards Rome, though it takes you but a short part of the way. What a good
opening it makes for a direct pilgrimage can be seen from this little map,
where the dotted line points exactly to Rome.
There are two bends which take one a little out of one's way, and these
bends I attempted to avoid, but in general, the valley, about a hundred
miles from Toul to the source, is an evident gate for any one walking from
this part of Lorraine into Italy. And this map is also useful to show what
route I followed for my first three days past Epinal and Remiremont up to
the source of the river, and up over the great hill, the Ballon d'Alsace.
I show the river valley like a trench, and the hills above it shaded, till
the mountainous upper part, the Vosges, is put in black. I chose the
decline of the day for setting out, because of the great heat a little
before noon and four hours after it. Remembering this, I planned to walk
at night and in the mornings and evenings, but how this design turned out
you shall hear in a moment.
I had not gone far, not a quarter of a mile, along
my road leaving the town, when I thought I would stop and rest a little
and make sure that I had started propitiously and that I was really on my
way to Rome; so I halted by a wall and looked back at the city and the
forts, and drew what I saw in my book. It was a sight that had taken a
firm hold of my mind in boyhood, and that will remain in it as long as it
can make pictures for itself out of the past. I think this must be true of
all conscripts with regard to the garrison in which they have served, for
the mind is so fresh at twenty-one and the life so new to every recruit as
he joins it, he is so cut off from books and all the worries of life, that
the surroundings of the place bite into him and take root, as one's school
does or one's first home. And I had been especially fortunate since I had
been with the gunners (notoriously the best kind of men) and not in a big
place but in a little town, very old and silent, with more soldiers in its
surrounding circle than there were men, women, and children within its
useless ramparts. It is known to be very beautiful, and though I had not
heard of this reputation, I saw it to be so at once when I was first
marched in, on a November dawn, up to the height of the artillery
barracks. I remembered seeing then the great hills surrounding it on every
side, hiding their menace and protection of guns, and in the south and
east the silent valley where the high forests dominate the Moselle, and
the town below the road standing in an island or ring of tall trees. All
this, I say, I had permanently remembered, and I had determined, whenever
I could go on pilgrimage to Rome, to make this place my starting-point,
and as I stopped here and looked back, a little way outside the gates, I
took in again the scene that recalled so much laughter and heavy work and
servitude and pride of arms.
I was looking straight at the great fort of St
Michel, which is the strongest thing on the frontier, and which is the key
to the circle of forts that make up
this entrenched camp. One could see little or
nothing of its batteries, only its hundreds of feet of steep brushwood
above the vineyards, and at the summit a stunted wood purposely planted.
Next to it on the left, of equal height, was the hog back of the Cote
Barine, hiding a battery. Between the Cote Barine and my road and wall, I
saw the rising ground and the familiar Barracks that are called (I know
not why) the Barracks of Justice, but ought more properly to be called the
Barracks of petty tyrannies and good fellowship, in order to show the
philosophers that these two things are the life of armies; for of all the
virtues practised in that old compulsory home of mine Justice came second
at least if not third, while Discipline and Comradeship went first; and
the more I think
of it the more I am convinced that of all the
suffering youth that was being there annealed and forged into soldiery
none can have suffered like the lawyers. On the right the high trees that
stand outside the ramparts of the town went dwindling in perspective like
a palisade, and above them, here and there, was a roof showing the top of
the towers of the Cathedral or of St Gengoult. All this I saw looking
backwards, and, when I had noticed it and drawn it, I turned round again
and took the road.
I had, in a small bag or pocket slung over my
shoulder, a large piece of bread, half a pound of smoked ham, a
sketch-book, two Nationalist papers, and a quart of the wine of
Brule--which is the most famous wine in the neighbourhood of the garrison,
yet very cheap. And Brule is a very good omen for men that are battered
about and given to despairing, since it is only called Brule on account of
its having been burnt so often by Romans, Frenchmen, Burgundians,
Germans, Flemings, Huns perhaps, and generally all
those who in the last few thousand years have taken a short cut at their
enemies over the neck of the Cote Barine. So you would imagine it to be a
tumble-down, weak, wretched, and disappearing place; but, so far from
this, it is a rich and proud village, growing, as I have said, better wine
than any in the garrison. Though Toul stands in a great cup or ring of
hills, very high and with steep slopes, and guns on all of them, and all
these hills grow wine, none is so good as Brule wine. And this reminds me
of a thing that happened in the Manoeuvres of 1891, quorum pars magna;
for there were two divisions employed in that glorious and fatiguing great
game, and more than a gross of guns--to be accurate, a hundred and
fifty-six--and of these one (the sixth piece of the tenth battery of the
eighth--I wonder where you all are now? I suppose I shall not see you
again; but you were the best companions in the world, my friends) was
driven by three drivers, of whom I was the middle one, and the worst,
having on my Livret the note 'conducteur mediocre'. But that is neither
here nor there; the story is as follows, and the moral is that the
commercial mind is illogical.
When we had gone some way, clattering through the
dust, and were well on on the Commercy road, there was a short halt, and
during this halt there passed us the largest Tun or Barrel that ever went
on wheels. You talk of the Great Tun of Heidelburg, or of those monstrous
Vats that stand in cool sheds in the Napa Valley, or of the vast barrels
in the Catacombs of Rheims; but all these are built in situ and
meant to remain steady, and there is no limit to the size of a Barrel that
has not to travel. The point about this enormous Receptacle of Bacchus and
cavernous huge Prison of Laughter, was that it could move, though
cumbrously, and it was drawn very slowly by stupid, patient oxen, who
would not be hurried. On the top of it sat a strong peasant, with a face
of determination, as though he were at war with his kind, and he kept on
calling to his oxen, 'Han', and 'Hu', in the tones of a sullen challenge,
as he went creaking past. Then the soldiers began calling out to him
singly, 'Where are you off to, Father, with that battery?' and 'Why carry
cold water to Commercy? They have only too much as it is;' and 'What have
you got in the little barrelkin, the barrellet, the cantiniere's
brandy-flask, the gourd, the firkin?' He stopped his oxen fiercely and
turned round to us and said: 'I will tell you what I have here. I have so
many hectolitres of Brule wine which I made myself, and which I know to be
the best wine there is, and I am taking it about to see if I cannot tame
and break these proud fellows who are for ever beating down prices and
mocking me. It is worth eight 'scutcheons the hectolitre, that is, eight
sols the litre; what do I say? it is worth a Louis a cup: but I will sell
it at the price I name, and not a penny less. But whenever I come
to a village the innkeeper begins bargaining and
chaffering and offering six sols and seven sols, and I answer, "Eight
sols, take it or leave it", and when he seems for haggling again I get up
and drive away. I know the worth of my wine, and I will not be beaten down
though I have to go out of Lorraine into the Barrois to sell it.'
So when we caught him up again, as we did shortly
after on the road, a sergeant cried as we passed, 'I will give you seven,
seven and a quarter, seven and a half', and we went on laughing and forgot
all about him.
For many days we marched from this place to that
place, and fired and played a confused game in the hot sun till the train
of sick horses was a mile long, and till the recruits were all as deaf as
so many posts; and at last, one evening, we came to a place called Heiltz
le Maurupt, which was like heaven after the hot plain and the dust, and
whose inhabitants are as good and hospitable as Angels; it is just where
the Champagne begins. When we had groomed and watered our horses, and the
stable guard had been set, and we had all an hour or so's leisure to
stroll about in the cool darkness before sleeping in the barns, we had a
sudden lesson in the smallness of the world, for what should come up the
village street but that monstrous Barrel, and we could see by its
movements that it was still quite full.
We gathered round the peasant, and told him how
grieved we were at his ill fortune, and agreed with him that all the
people of the Barrois were thieves or madmen not to buy such wine for such
a song. He took his oxen and his barrel to a very high shed that stood by,
and there he told us all his pilgrimage and the many assaults his firmness
suffered, and how he had resisted them all. There was much more anger than
sorrow in his accent, and I could see that he was of the wood from which
tyrants and martyrs are carved. Then suddenly he changed and became
'Oh, the good wine! If only it were known and
tasted! ... Here, give me a cup, and I will ask some of you to taste it,
then at least I shall have it praised as it deserves. And this is the wine
I have carried more than a hundred miles, and everywhere it has been
There was one guttering candle on a little stool.
The roof of the shed was lost up in the great height of darkness; behind,
in the darkness, the oxen champed away steadily in the manger. The light
from the candle flame lit his face strongly from beneath and marked it
with dark shadows. It flickered on the circle of our faces as we pressed
round, and it came slantwise and waned and disappeared in the immense
length of the Barrel. He stood near the tap with his brows knit as upon
some very important task, and all we, gunners and drivers of the battery,
began unhooking our mugs and passing them to him.
There were nearly a hundred, and he filled them
all; not in jollity, but like a man offering up a solemn sacrifice. We
also, entering into his mood, passed our mugs continually, thanking him in
a low tone and keeping in the main silent. A few linesmen lounged at the
door; he asked for their cups and filled them. He bade them fetch as many
of their comrades as cared to come; and very soon there was a circulating
crowd of men all getting wine of Brule and murmuring their
congratulations, and he was willing enough to go on giving, but we stopped
when we saw fit and the scene ended. I cannot tell what prodigious measure
of wine he gave away to us all that night, but when he struck the roof of
the cask it already sounded hollow. And when we had made a collection
which he had refused, he went to sleep by his oxen, and we to our straw in
other barns. Next day we started before dawn, and I never saw him again.
This is the story of the wine of Brule, and it
shows that what men love is never money itself but their own way, and that
human beings love sympathy and pageant above all things. It also teaches
us not to be hard on the rich.
I walked along the valley of the Moselle, and as I
walked the long evening of summer began to fall. The sky was empty and its
deeps infinite; the clearness of the air set me dreaming. I passed the
turn where we used to halt when we were learning how to ride in front of
the guns, past the little house where, on rare holidays, the boys could
eat a matelote, which is fish boiled in wine, and so on to the place where
the river is held by a weir and opens out into a kind of lake.
Here I waited for a moment by the wooden railing,
and looked up into the hills. So far I had been at home, and I was now
poring upon the last familiar thing before I ventured into the high woods
and began my experience. I therefore took a leisurely farewell, and
pondered instead of walking farther. Everything about me conduced to
reminiscence and to ease. A flock of sheep passed me with their shepherd,
who gave me a good-night. I found myself entering that pleasant mood in
which all books are conceived (but none written); I was 'smoking the
enchanted cigarettes' of Balzac, and if this kind of reverie is fatal to
action, yet it is so much a factor of happiness that I wasted in the
contemplation of that lovely and silent hollow many miles of marching. I
suppose if a man were altogether his own master and controlled by no
necessity, not even the necessity of expression, all his life would pass
away in these sublime imaginings.
This was a place I remembered very well. The
rising river of Lorraine is
caught and barred, and it spreads in a great sheet
of water that must be very shallow, but that in its reflections and
serenity resembles rather a profound and silent mere. The steeps
surrounding it are nearly mountainous, and are crowned with deep forests
in which the province reposes, and upon which it depends for its local
genius. A little village, which we used to call 'St Peter of the
Quarries', lies up on the right between the steep and the water, and just
where the hills end a flat that was once marshy and is now half fields,
half ponds, but broken with luxuriant trees, marks the great age of its
civilization. Along this flat runs, bordered with rare poplars, the road
which one can follow on and on into the heart of the Vosges. I took from
this silence and this vast plain of still water the repose that introduces
night. It was all consonant with what the peasants were about: the return
from labour, the bleating folds, and the lighting of lamps under the
eaves. In such a spirit I passed along the upper valley to the spring of
the hills.
In St Pierre it was just that passing of daylight
when a man thinks he can still read; when the buildings and the bridges
are great masses of purple that deceive one, recalling the details of
daylight, but when the night birds, surer than men and less troubled by
this illusion of memory, have discovered that their darkness has
The peasants sat outside their houses in the
twilight accepting the cool air; every one spoke to me as I marched
through, and I answered them all, nor was there in any of their
salutations the omission of good fellowship or of the name of God. Saving
with one man, who was a sergeant of artillery on leave, and who cried out
to me in an accent that was very familiar and asked me to drink; but I
told him I had to go up into the forest to take advantage of the night,
since the days were so warm for walking. As I left the last house of the
village I was not secure from loneliness, and when the road began to climb
up the hill into the wild and the trees I was wondering how the night
would pass.
With every step upward a greater mystery
surrounded me. A few stars were out, and the brown night mist was creeping
along the water below, but there was still light enough to see the road,
and even to distinguish the bracken in the deserted hollows. The highway
became little better than a lane; at the top of the hill it plunged under
tall pines, and was vaulted over with darkness. The kingdoms that have no
walls, and are built up of shadows, began to oppress me as the night
hardened. Had I had companions, still we would only have spoken in a
whisper, and in that dungeon of trees even my own self would not raise its
voice within me.
It was full night when I had reached a vague
clearing in the woods, right up on the height of that flat hill. This
clearing was called 'The Fountain of Magdalen'. I was so far relieved by
the broader sky of the open field that I could wait and rest a little, and
there, at last, separate from men, I thought of a thousand things. The air
was full of midsummer, and its mixture of exaltation and fear cut me off
from ordinary living. I now understood why our religion has made sacred
this season of the year; why we have, a little later, the night of St
John, the fires in the villages, and the old perception of fairies dancing
in the rings of the summer grass. A general communion of all things
conspires at this crisis of summer against us reasoning men that should
live in the daylight, and something fantastic possesses those who are
foolish enough to watch upon such nights. So I, watching, was cut off.
There were huge, vague summits, all wooded, peering above the field I sat
in, but they merged into a confused horizon. I was on a high plateau, yet
I felt myself to be alone with the immensity that properly belongs to
plains alone. I saw the stars, and remembered how I had looked up at them
on just such a night when I was close to the Pacific, bereft of friends
and possessed with solitude. There was no noise; it was full darkness. The
woods before and behind me made a square frame of silence, and I was
enchased here in the clearing, thinking of all things.
Then a little wind passed over the vast forests of
Lorraine. It seemed to wake an indefinite sly life proper to this
seclusion, a life to which I was strange, and which thought me an invader.
Yet I heard nothing. There were no adders in the long grass, nor any frogs
in that dry square of land, nor crickets on the high part of the hill; but
I knew that little creatures in league with every nocturnal influence,
enemies of the sun, occupied the air and the land about me; nor will I
deny that I felt a rebel, knowing well that men were made to work in happy
dawns and to sleep in the night, and everything in that short and sacred
darkness multiplied my attentiveness and my illusion. Perhaps the
instincts of the sentry, the necessities of guard, come back to us out of
the ages unawares
during such experiments. At any rate the night
oppressed and exalted me. Then I suddenly attributed such exaltation to
the need of food.
'If we must try this bookish plan of sleeping by
day and walking by night,' I thought, 'at least one must arrange night
meals to suit it.'
I therefore, with my mind still full of the
forest, sat down and lit a match and peered into my sack, taking out
therefrom bread and ham and chocolate and Brûlé wine. For
seat and table there was a heathery bank still full of the warmth and
savour of the last daylight, for companions these great inimical
influences of the night which I had met and dreaded, and for occasion or
excuse there was hunger. Of the Many that debate what shall be done with
travellers, it was the best and kindest Spirit that prompted me to this
salutary act. For as I drank the wine and dealt with the ham and bread, I
felt more and more that I had a right to the road; the stars became
familiar and the woods a plaything. It is quite clear that the body must
be recognized and the soul kept in its place, since a little refreshing
food and drink can do so much to make a man.
On this repast I jumped up merrily, lit a pipe,
and began singing, and heard, to my inexpressible joy, some way down the
road, the sound of other voices. They were singing that old song of the
French infantry which dates from Louis XIV, and is called 'Auprès
de ma blonde'. I answered their chorus, so that, by the time we met under
the wood, we were already acquainted. They told me they had had a
forty-eight hours' leave into Nancy, the four of them, and had to be in by
roll-call at a place called Villey the Dry. I remembered it after all
those years.
It is a village perched on the brow of one of
these high hills above the river, and it found itself one day surrounded
by earthworks, and a great fort raised just above the church. Then, before
they knew where they were, they learnt that (1) no one could go in or out
between sunset and sunrise without leave of the officer in command; (2)
that from being a village they had become the 'buildings situate within
Fort No. 18'; (3) that they were to be deluged with soldiers; and (4) that
they were liable to evacuate their tenements on mobilization. They had
become a fort unwittingly as they slept, and all their streets were
blocked with ramparts. A hard fate; but they should not have built their
village just on the brow of a round hill. They did this in the old days,
when men used stone instead of iron, because the top of a hill was a good
place to hold against enemies; and so now, these 73,426 years after, they
find the same advantage catching them again to their hurt. And so things
go the round.
Anyway Villey the Dry is a fort, and there my four
brothers were going. It was miles off, and they had to be in by sunrise,
so I offered them a pull of my
wine, which, to my great joy, they refused, and we
parted courteously. Then I found the road beginning to fall, and knew that
I had crossed the hills. As the forest ended and the sloping fields began,
a dim moon came up late in the east in the bank of fog that masked the
river. So by a sloping road, now free from the woods, and at the mouth of
a fine untenanted valley under the moon, I came down again to the Moselle,
having saved a great elbow by this excursion over the high land. As I
swung round the bend of the hills downwards and looked up the sloping
dell, I remembered that these heathery hollows were called 'vallons' by
the people of Lorraine, and this set me singing the song of the hunters,
'Entends tu dans nos vallons, le Chasseur sonner du clairon,' which I sang
loudly till I reached the river bank, and lost the exhilaration of the
I had now come some twelve miles from my
starting-place, and it was midnight. The plain, the level road (which
often rose a little), and the dank air of the river began to oppress me
with fatigue. I was not disturbed by this, for I had intended to break
these nights of marching by occasional repose, and while I was in the
comfort of cities--especially in the false hopes that one got by reading
books--I had imagined that it was a light matter to sleep in the open.
Indeed, I had often so slept when I had been compelled to it in
Manoeuvres, but I had forgotten how essential was a rug of some kind, and
what a difference a fire and comradeship could make. Thinking over it all,
feeling my tiredness, and shivering a little in the chill under the moon
and the clear sky, I was very ready to capitulate and to sleep in bed like
a Christian at the next opportunity. But there is some influence in vows
or plans that escapes our power of rejudgement. All false calculations
must be paid for, and I found, as you will see, that having said I would
sleep in the open, I had to keep to it in spite of all my second thoughts.
I passed one village and then another in which
everything was dark, and in which I could waken nothing but dogs, who
thought me an enemy, till at last I saw a great belt of light in the fog
above the Moselle. Here there was a kind of town or large settlement where
there were ironworks, and where, as I thought, there would be houses open,
even after midnight. I first found the old town, where just two men were
awake at some cooking work or other. I found them by a chink of light
streaming through their door; but they gave me no hope, only advising me
to go across the river and try in the new town where the forges and the
ironworks were. 'There,' they said, 'I should certainly find a bed.'
I crossed the bridge, being now much too weary to
notice anything, even the shadowy hills, and the first thing I found was a
lot of waggons that belonged
to a caravan or fair. Here some men were awake,
but when I suggested that they should let me sleep in their little houses
on wheels, they told me it was never done; that it was all they could do
to pack in themselves; that they had no straw; that they were guarded by
dogs; and generally gave me to understand (though without violence or
unpoliteness) that I looked as though I were the man to steal their lions
and tigers. They told me, however, that without doubt I should find
something open in the centre of the workmen's quarter, where the great
electric lamps now made a glare over the factory.
I trudged on unwillingly, and at the very last
house of this detestable industrial slavery, a high house with a gable, I
saw a window wide open, and a blonde man smoking a cigarette at a balcony.
I called to him at once, and asked him to let me a bed. He put to me all
the questions he could think of. Why was I there? Where had I come from?
Where (if I was honest) had I intended to sleep? How came I at such an
hour on foot? and other examinations. I thought a little what excuse to
give him, and then, determining that I was too tired to make up anything
plausible, I told him the full truth; that I had meant to sleep rough, but
had been overcome by fatigue, and that I had walked from Toul, starting at
evening. I conjured him by our common Faith to let me in. He told me that
it was impossible, as he had but one room in which he and his family
slept, and assured me he had asked all these questions out of sympathy and
charity alone. Then he wished me good-night, honestly and kindly, and went
By this time I was very much put out, and began to
be angry. These straggling French towns give no opportunity for a shelter.
I saw that I should have to get out beyond the market gardens, and that it
might be a mile or two before I found any rest. A clock struck one. I
looked up and saw it was from the belfry of one of those new chapels which
the monks are building everywhere, nor did I forget to curse the monks in
my heart for building them. I cursed also those who started smelting works
in the Moselle valley; those who gave false advice to travellers; those
who kept lions and tigers in caravans, and for a small sum I would have
cursed the whole human race, when I saw that my bile had hurried me out of
the street well into the countryside, and that above me, on a bank, was a
patch of orchard and a lane leading up to it. Into this I turned, and,
finding a good deal of dry hay lying under the trees, I soon made myself
an excellent bed, first building a little mattress, and then piling on hay
as warm as a blanket.
I did not lie awake (as when I planned my
pilgrimage I had promised myself I would do), looking at the sky through
the branches of trees, but I slept at once without dreaming, and woke up
to find it was broad daylight, and the sun
ready to rise. Then, stiff and but little rested
by two hours of exhaustion, I took up my staff and my sack and regained
the road.
I should very much like to know what those who
have an answer to everything can say about the food requisite to
breakfast? Those great men Marlowe and Jonson, Shakespeare, and Spenser
before him, drank beer at rising, and tamed it with a little bread. In the
regiment we used to drink black coffee without sugar, and cut off a great
hunk of stale crust, and eat nothing more till the halt: for the matter of
that, the great victories of '93 were fought upon such unsubstantial
meals; for the Republicans fought first and ate afterwards, being in this
quite unlike the Ten Thousand. Sailors I know eat nothing for some
hours--I mean those who turn out at four in the morning; I could give the
name of the watch, but that I forget it and will not be plagued to look up
technicalities. Dogs eat the first thing they come across, cats take a
little milk, and gentlemen are accustomed to get up at nine and eat eggs,
bacon, kidneys, ham, cold pheasant, toast, coffee, tea, scones, and honey,
after which they will boast that their race is the hardiest in the world
and ready to bear every fatigue in the pursuit of Empire. But what rule
governs all this? Why is breakfast different from all other things, so
that the Greeks called it the best thing in the world, and so that each of
us in a vague way knows that he would eat at breakfast nothing but one
special kind of food, and that he could not imagine breakfast at any other
hour in the day?
The provocation to this inquiry (which I have here
no time to pursue) lies in the extraordinary distaste that I conceived
that morning for Brule wine. My ham and bread and chocolate I had consumed
overnight. I thought, in my folly, that I could break my fast on a swig of
what had seemed to me, only the night before, the best revivifier and
sustenance possible. In the harsh dawn it turned out to be nothing but a
bitter and intolerable vinegar. I make no attempt to explain this, nor to
say why the very same wine that had seemed so good in the forest (and was
to seem so good again later on by the canal) should now repel me. I can
only tell you that this heavy disappointment convinced me of a great truth
that a Politician once let slip in my hearing, and that I have never since
forgotten. 'Man,' said the Director of the State, 'man is but
the creature of circumstance.'
As it was, I lit a pipe of tobacco and hobbled
blindly along for miles under and towards the brightening east. Just
before the sun rose I turned and looked backward from a high bridge that
recrossed the river. The long effort of the night had taken me well on my
way. I was out of the familiar region of the
garrison. The great forest-hills that I had
traversed stood up opposite the dawn, catching the new light; heavy,
drifting, but white clouds, rare at such an hour, sailed above them. The
valley of the Moselle, which I had never thought of save as a half
mountainous region, had fallen, to become a kind of long garden, whose
walls were regular, low, and cultivated slopes. The main waterway of the
valley was now not the river but the canal that fed from it.
The tall grasses, the leaves, and poplars
bordering the river and the canal seemed dark close to me, but the valley
as a whole was vague, a mass of trees with one Lorraine church-tower
showing, and the delicate slopes bounding it on either side.
Descending from this bridge I found a sign-post,
that told me I had walked thirty-two kilometres--which is twenty
miles--from Toul; that it was one kilometre to Flavigny, and heaven knows
how much to a place called Charmes. The sun rose in the mist that lay up
the long even trends of the vale, between the low and level hills, and I
pushed on my thousand yards towards Flavigny. There, by a special
providence, I found the entertainment and companionship whose lack had
left me wrecked all these early hours.
As I came into Flavigny I saw at once that it was
a place on which a book might easily be written, for it had a church built
in the seventeenth century, when few churches were built outside great
towns, a convent, and a general air
of importance that made of it that grand and noble
thing, that primary cell of the organism of Europe, that best of all
Christian associations - a large village.
I say a book might be written upon it, and there
is no doubt that a great many articles and pamphlets must have been
written upon it, for the French are furiously given to local research and
reviews, and to glorifying their native places: and when they cannot
discover folklore they enrich their beloved homes by inventing it.
There was even a man (I forget his name) who wrote
a delightful book called Popular and Traditional Songs of my Province,
which book, after he was dead, was discovered to be entirely his own
invention, and not a word of it familiar to the inhabitants of the soil.
He was a large, laughing man that smoked enormously, had great masses of
hair, and worked by night; also he delighted in the society of friends,
and talked continuously. I wish he had a statue somewhere, and that they
would pull down to make room for it any one of those useless bronzes that
are to be found even in the little villages, and that commemorate solemn,
whiskered men, pillars of the state. For surely this is the habit of the
true poet, and marks the vigour and recurrent origin of poetry, that a man
should get his head full of rhythms and catches, and that they should
jumble up somehow into short songs of his own. What could more suggest
(for instance) a whole troop of dancing words and lovely thoughts than
this refrain from the Tourdenoise -
... Son beau corps est en terre Son âme
en Paradis.
Tu ris?
Et ris, tu ris, ma Bergère, Ris, ma Bergère,
tu ris.
That was the way they set to work in England
before the Puritans came, when men were not afraid to steal verses from
one another, and when no one imagined that he could live by letters, but
when every poet took a patron, or begged or robbed the churches. So much
for the poets.
Flavigny then, I say (for I seem to be
digressing), is a long street of houses all built together as animals
build their communities. They are all very old, but the people have worked
hard since the Revolution, and none of them are poor, nor are any of them
very rich. I saw but one gentleman's house, and that, I am glad to say,
was in disrepair. Most of the peasants' houses had, for a ground floor,
cavernous great barns out of which came a delightful smell of morning --
that is, of hay, litter, oxen, and stored grains and old wood; which is
the true breath of morning, because it is the scent that all the human
race worth calling
human first meets when it rises, and is the
association of sunrise in the minds of those who keep the world alive: but
not in the wretched minds of townsmen, and least of all in the minds of
journalists, who know nothing of morning save that it is a time of jaded
emptiness when you have just done prophesying (for the hundredth time) the
approaching end of the world, when the floors are beginning to tremble
with machinery, and when, in a weary kind of way, one feels hungry and
alone: a nasty life and usually a short one.
To return to Flavigny. This way of stretching a
village all along one street is Roman, and is the mark of civilization.
When I was at college I was compelled to read a work by the crabbed
Tacitus on the Germans, where, in the midst of a deal that is vague and
fantastic nonsense and much that is wilful lying, comes this excellent
truth, that barbarians build their houses separate, but civilized men
together. So whenever you see a lot of red roofs nestling, as the phrase
goes, in the woods of a hillside in south England, remember that all that
is savagery; but when you see a hundred white-washed houses in a row along
a dead straight road, lift up your hearts, for you are in civilization
But I continue to wander from Flavigny. The first
thing I saw as I came into the street and noted how the level sun stood in
a haze beyond, and how it shadowed and brought out the slight
irregularities of the road, was a cart drawn by a galloping donkey, which
came at and passed me with a prodigious clatter as I dragged myself
forward. In the cart were two nuns, each with a scythe; they were going
out mowing, and were up the first in the village, as Religious always are.
Cheered by this happy omen, but not yet heartened, I next met a very old
man leading out a horse, and asked him if there was anywhere where I could
find coffee and bread at that hour; but he shook his head mournfully and
wished me good-morning in a strong accent, for he was deaf and probably
thought I was begging. So I went on still more despondent till I came to a
really merry man of about middle age who was going to the fields, singing,
with a very large rake over his shoulder. When I had asked him the same
question he stared at me a little and said of course coffee and bread
could be had at the baker's, and when I asked him how I should know the
baker's he was still more surprised at my ignorance, and said, 'By the
smoke coming from the large chimney.' This I saw rising a short way off on
my right, so I thanked him and went and found there a youth of about
nineteen, who sat at a fine oak table and had coffee, rum, and a loaf
before him. He was waiting for the bread in the oven to be ready; and
meanwhile he was very courteous, poured out coffee and rum for me and
offered me bread.
It is a matter often discussed why bakers are such
excellent citizens and good men. For while it is admitted in every country
I was ever in that cobblers are
argumentative and atheists (I except the cobbler
under Plinlimmon, concerning whom would to heaven I had the space to tell
you all here, for he knows the legends of the mountain), while it is
public that barbers are garrulous and servile, that millers are cheats (we
say in Sussex that every honest miller has a large tuft of hair on the
palm of his hand), yet--with every trade in the world having some bad
quality attached to it--bakers alone are exempt, and every one takes it
for granted that they are sterling: indeed, there are some societies in
which, no matter how gloomy and churlish the conversation may have become,
you have but to mention bakers for voices to brighten suddenly and for a
good influence to pervade every one. I say this is known for a fact, but
not usually explained; the explanation is, that bakers are always up early
in the morning and can watch the dawn, and that in this occupation they
live in lonely contemplation enjoying the early hours.
So it was with this baker of mine in Flavigny, who
was a boy. When he heard that I had served at Toul he was delighted beyond
measure; he told me of a brother of his that had been in the same
regiment, and he assured me that he was himself going into the artillery
by special enlistment, having got his father's leave. You know very little
if you think I missed the opportunity of making the guns seem terrible and
glorious in his eyes. I told him stories enough to waken a sentry of
reserve, and if it had been possible (with my youth so obvious) I would
have woven in a few anecdotes of active service, and described great
shells bursting under my horses and the teams shot down, and the gunners
all the while impassive; but as I saw I should not be believed I did not
speak of such things, but confined myself to what he would see and hear
when he joined.
Meanwhile the good warm food and the rising
morning had done two things; they had put much more vigour into me than I
had had when I slunk in half-an-hour before, but at the same time (and
this is a thing that often comes with food and with rest) they had made me
feel the fatigue of so long a night. I rose up, therefore, determined to
find some place where I could sleep. I asked this friend of mine how much
there was to pay, and he said 'fourpence'. Then we exchanged ritual
salutations, and I took the road. I did not leave the town or village
without noticing one extraordinary thing at the far end of it, which was
that, whereas most places in France are proud of their town-hall and make
a great show of it, here in Flavigny they had taken a great house and
written over it ÉCOLE COMMUNALE in great letters, and then they had
written over a kind of lean-to or out-house of this big place the words 'Hôtel
de ville' in very small letters, so small that I had a doubt for a moment
if the citizens here were good republicans--a treasonable thought on all
this frontier.
Then, a mile onward, I saw the road cross the
canal and run parallel to it. I
saw the canal run another mile or so under a fine
bank of deep woods. I saw an old bridge leading over it to that inviting
shade, and as it was now nearly six and the sun was gathering strength, I
went, with slumber overpowering me and my feet turning heavy beneath me,
along the tow-path, over the bridge, and lay down on the moss under these
delightful trees. Forgetful of the penalty that such an early repose would
bring, and of the great heat that was to follow at midday, I quickly
became part of the life of that forest and fell asleep.
When I awoke it was full eight o'clock, and the
sun had gained great power. I saw him shining at me through the branches
of my trees like a patient enemy outside a city that one watches through
the loopholes of a tower, and I began to be afraid of taking the road. I
looked below me down the steep bank between the trunks and saw the canal
looking like black marble, and I heard the buzzing of the flies above it,
and I noted that all the mist had gone. A very long way off, the noise of
its ripples coming clearly along the floor of the water, was a lazy barge
and a horse drawing it. From time to time the tow-rope slackened into the
still surface, and I heard it dripping as it rose. The rest of the valley
was silent except for that under-humming of insects which marks the
strength of the sun.
Now I saw clearly how difficult it was to turn
night into day, for I found myself condemned either to waste many hours
that ought to be consumed on my pilgrimage, or else to march on under the
extreme heat; and when I had drunk what was left of my Brule wine (which
then seemed delicious), and had eaten a piece of bread, I stiffly jolted
down the bank and regained the highway.
In the first village I came to I found that Mass
was over, and this justly annoyed me; for what is a pilgrimage in which a
man cannot hear Mass every morning? Of all the things I have read about St
Louis which make me wish I had known him to speak to, nothing seems to me
more delightful than his habit of getting Mass daily whenever he marched
down south, but why this should be so delightful I cannot tell. Of course
there is a grace and influence belonging to such a custom, but it is not
of that I am speaking but of the pleasing sensation of order and
accomplishment which attaches to a day one has opened by Mass; a purely
temporal, and, for all I know, what the monks back at the ironworks would
have called a carnal feeling, but a source of continual comfort to me. Let
them go their way and let me go mine.
This comfort I ascribe to four causes (just above
you will find it written that I could not tell why this should be so, but
what of that?), and these causes are:
1. That for half-an-hour just at the opening of
the day you are silent and
recollected, and have to put off cares, interests,
and passions in the repetition of a familiar action. This must certainly
be a great benefit to the body and give
it tone.
2. That the Mass is a careful and rapid ritual.
Now it is the function of all ritual (as we see in games, social
arrangements and so forth) to relieve the mind by so much of
responsibility and initiative and to catch you up (as it were) into
itself, leading your life for you during the time it lasts. In this way
you experience a singular repose, after which fallowness I am sure one is
fitter for
action and judgement.
3. That the surroundings incline you to good and
reasonable thoughts, and for the moment deaden the rasp and jar of that
busy wickedness which both working in one's self and received from others
is the true source of all human miseries. Thus the time spent at Mass is
like a short repose in a deep and well-built library, into which no sounds
come and where you feel yourself secure against the outer world.
4. And the most important cause of this feeling of
satisfaction is that you are doing what the human race has done for
thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years. This is a matter of such
moment that I am astonished people hear of it so little. Whatever is
buried right into our blood from immemorial habit that we must be certain
to do if we are to be fairly happy (of course no grown man or woman can
really be very happy for long--but I mean reasonably happy), and, what is
more important, decent and secure of our souls. Thus one should from time
to time hunt animals, or at the very least shoot at a mark; one should
always drink some kind of fermented liquor with one's food--and especially
deeply upon great feast-days; one should go on the water from time to
time; and one should dance on occasions; and one should sing in chorus.
For all these things man has done since God put him into a garden and his
eyes first became troubled with a soul. Similarly some teacher or ranter
or other, whose name I forget, said lately one very wise thing at least,
which was that every man should do a little work with his hands.
Oh! what good philosophy this is, and how much
better it would be if rich people, instead of raining the influence of
their rank and spending their money on leagues for this or that
exceptional thing, were to spend it in converting the middle-class to
ordinary living and to the tradition of the race. Indeed, if I had power
for some thirty years I would see to it that people should be allowed to
follow their inbred instincts in these matters, and should hunt, drink,
sing, dance, sail, and dig; and those that would not should be compelled
by force.
Now in the morning Mass you do all that the race
needs to do and has done for all these ages where religion was concerned;
there you have the sacred and
separate Enclosure, the Altar, the Priest in his
Vestments, the set ritual, the ancient and hierarchic tongue, and all that
your nature cries out for in the matter of worship.
From these considerations it is easy to understand
how put out I was to find Mass over on this first morning of my
pilgrimage. And I went along the burning road in a very ill-humour till I
saw upon my right, beyond a low wall and in a kind of park, a house that
seemed built on some artificial raised ground surrounded by a wall, but
this may have been an illusion, the house being really only very tall. At
any rate I drew it, and in the village just beyond it I learnt something
curious about the man that owned it.
For I had gone into a house to take a third meal
of bread and wine and to replenish my bottle when the old woman of the
house, who was a kindly person, told me she had just then no wine. 'But,'
said she, 'Mr So and So that lives in the big house sells it to any one
who cares to buy even in the smallest quantities, and you will see his
shed standing by the side of the road.'
Everything happened just as she had said. I came
to the big shed by the park wall, and there was a kind of counter made of
boards, and several big tuns and two men: one in an apron serving, and the
other in a little box or compartment writing. I was somewhat timid to ask
for so little as a quart, but the apron man in the most businesslike way
filled my bottle at a tap and asked for fourpence. He was willing to talk,
and told me many things: of good years in wine, of the nature of their
trade, of the influence of the moon on brewing, of the importance of
spigots, and what not; but when I tried to get out of him whether the
owner were an eccentric private gentleman or a merchant that had the sense
to earn little pennies as well as large ones, I could not make him
understand my meaning; for his idea of rank was utterly different from
mine and took no account of idleness and luxury and daftness, but was
based entirely upon
money and clothes. Moreover we were both of us
Republicans, so the matter was of no great moment. Courteously saluting
ourselves we parted, he remaining to sell wine and I hobbling to Rome, now
a little painfully and my sack the heavier by a quart of wine, which, as
you probably know, weighs almost exactly two pounds and a half.
It was by this time close upon eleven, and I had
long reached the stage when some kinds of men begin talking of Dogged
Determination, Bull-dog pluck, the stubborn spirit of the Island race and
so forth, but when those who can boast a little of the sacred French blood
are in a mood of set despair (both kinds march on, and the mobility of
either infantry is much the same), I say I had long got to this point of
exhaustion when it occurred to me that I should need an excellent and
thorough meal at midday. But on looking at my map I found that there was
nothing nearer than this town of Charmes that was marked on the
milestones, and that was the first place I should come to in the
department of the Vosges.
It would take much too long to describe the dodges
that weary men and stiff have recourse to when they are at the close of a
difficult task: how they divide it up in lengths in their minds, how they
count numbers, how they begin to solve problems in mental arithmetic: I
tried them all. Then I thought of a new one, which is really excellent,
and which I recommend to the whole world. It is to vary the road, suddenly
taking now the fields, now the river, but only occasionally the turnpike.
This last lap was very well suited for such a method. The valley had
become more like a wide and shallow trench than ever. The hills on either
side were low and exactly even. Up the middle of it went the river, the
canal and the road, and these two last had only a field between them; now
broad, now narrow.
First on the tow-path, then on the road, then on
the grass, then back on the
tow-path, I pieced out the last baking mile into
Charmes, that lies at the foot of a rather higher hill, and at last was
dragging myself up the street just as the bell was ringing the noon
Angelus; nor, however tedious you may have found it to read this final
effort of mine, can you have found it a quarter as wearisome as I did to
walk it; and surely between writer and reader there should be give and
take, now the one furnishing the entertainment and now the other.
The delightful thing in Charmes is its name. Of
this name I had indeed been thinking as I went along the last miles of
that dusty and deplorable road--that a town should be called 'Charms'.
Not but that towns, if they are left to themselves
and not hurried, have a way of settling into right names suited to the
hills about them and recalling their own fields. I remember Sussex, and as
I remember it I must, if only for example, set down my roll-call of such
names, as--Fittleworth, where the Inn has painted panels; Amberley in the
marshes; delicate Fernhurst, and Ditchling under its hill; Arundel, that
is well known to every one; and Climping, that no one knows, set on a
lonely beach and lost at the vague end of an impassable road; and Barlton,
and Burton, and Duncton, and Coldwatham, that stand under in the shadow
and look up at the great downs; and Petworth, where the spire leans
sideways; and Timberley, that the floods make into an island; and No Man's
Land, where first there breaks on you the distant sea. I never knew a
Sussex man yet but, if you noted him such a list, would answer: 'There I
was on such and such a day; this I came to after such and such a run; and
that other is my home.' But it is not his recollection alone which moves
him, it is sound of the names. He feels the accent of them, and all the
men who live between Hind-head and the Channel know these names stand for
Eden; the noise is enough to prove it. So it is also with the hidden
valleys of the lie de France; and when you say Jouy or Chevreuse to a man
that was born in those shadows he grows dreamy--yet they are within a walk
of Paris.
But the wonderful thing about a name like Charmes
is that it hands down the dead. For some dead man gave it a keen name
proceeding from his own immediate delight, and made general what had been
a private pleasure, and, so to speak, bequeathed a poem to his town. They
say the Arabs do this; calling one place 'the rest of the warriors', and
another 'the end', and another 'the surprise of the horses': let those who
know them speak for it. I at least know that in the west of the Cotentin
(a sea-garden) old Danes married to Gaulish women discovered the just
epithet, and that you have 'St Mary on the Hill' and 'High Town under the
Wind' and 'The Borough over the Heath', which
are to-day exactly what their name describes them.
If you doubt that England has such descriptive names, consider the great
Truth that at one junction on a railway where a mournful desolation of
stagnant waters and treeless, stonewalled fields threatens you with
experience and awe, a melancholy porter is told off to put his head into
your carriage and to chant like Charon, 'Change here for Ashton under the
Wood, Moreton on the Marsh, Bourton on the Water, and Stow in the Wold.'
Charmes does not fulfil its name nor preserve what
its forgotten son found so wonderful in it. For at luncheon there a great
commercial traveller told me fiercely that it was chiefly known for its
breweries, and that he thought it of little account. Still even in Charmes
I found one marvellous corner of a renaissance house, which I drew; but as
I have lost the drawing, let it go.
When I came out from the inn of Charmes the heat
was more terrible than ever, and the prospect of a march in it more
intolerable. My head hung, I went very slowly, and I played with cowardly
thoughts, which were really (had I known it) good angels. I began to look
out anxiously for woods, but saw only long whitened wall glaring in the
sun, or, if ever there were trees, they were surrounded by wooden
palisades which the owners had put there. But in a little time (now I had
definitely yielded to temptation) I found a thicket.
You must know that if you yield to entertaining a
temptation, there is the opportunity presented to you like lightning. A
theologian told me this, and it is partly true: but not of Mammon or
Belphegor, or whatever Devil it is that overlooks the Currency (I can see
his face from here): for how many have yielded to the Desire of Riches and
professed themselves very willing to revel in them, yet did not get an
opportunity worth a farthing till they died? Like those two beggars that
Rabelais tells of, one of whom wished for all the gold that would pay for
all the merchandise that had ever been sold in Paris since its first
foundation, and the other for as much gold as would go into all the sacks
that could be sewn by all the needles (and those of the smallest size)
that could be crammed into Notre-Dame from the floor to the ceiling,
filling the smallest crannies. Yet neither had a crust that night to rub
his gums with.
Whatever Devil it is, however, that tempts men to
repose--and for my part I believe him to be rather an Aeon than a Devil:
that is, a good-natured fellow working on his own account neither good nor
ill--whatever being it is, it certainly suits one's mood, for I never yet
knew a man determined to be lazy that had not ample opportunity afforded
him, though he were poorer than the cure of Maigre, who formed a syndicate
to sell at a scutcheon a gross such souls as were too insignificant to
sell singly. A man can always find a chance for doing nothing as amply and
with as ecstatic a satisfaction as the world allows, and so
to me (whether it was there before I cannot tell,
and if it came miraculously, so much the more amusing) appeared this
thicket. It was to the left of the road; a stream ran through it in a
little ravine; the undergrowth was thick beneath its birches, and just
beyond, on the plain that bordered it, were reapers reaping in a field. I
went into it contentedly and slept till evening my third sleep; then,
refreshed by the cool wind that went before the twilight, I rose and took
the road again, but I knew I could not go far.
I was now past my fortieth mile, and though the
heat had gone, yet my dead slumber had raised a thousand evils. I had
stiffened to lameness, and had fallen into the mood when a man desires
companionship and the talk of travellers rather than the open plain. But
(unless I went backward, which was out of the question) there was nowhere
to rest in for a long time to come. The next considerable village was
Thayon, which is called 'Thayon of the Vosges', because one is nearing the
big hills, and thither therefore I crawled mile after mile.
But my heart sank. First my foot limped, and then
my left knee oppressed me with a sudden pain. I attempted to relieve it by
leaning on my right leg, and so discovered a singular new law in medicine
which I will propose to the scientists. For when those excellent men have
done investigating the twirligigs of the brain to find out where the soul
is, let them consider this much more practical matter, that you cannot
relieve the pain in one limb without driving it into some other; and so I
exchanged twinges in the left knee for a horrible great pain in the right.
I sat down on a bridge, and wondered; I saw before me hundreds upon
hundreds of miles, painful and exhausted, and I asked heaven if this was
necessary to a pilgrimage. (But, as you shall hear, a pilgrimage is not
wholly subject to material laws, for when I came to Épinal next day
I went into a shop which, whatever it was to the profane, appeared to me
as a chemist's shop, where I bought a bottle of some stuff called 'balm',
and rubbing myself with it was instantly cured.)
Then I looked down from the bridge across the
plain, and saw, a long way off beyond the railway, the very ugly factory
village of Thayon, and reached it at last, not without noticing that the
people were standing branches of trees before their doors, and the little
children noisily helping to tread the stems firmly into the earth. They
told me it was for the coming of Corpus Christi, and so proved to me that
religion, which is as old as these valleys, would last out their
inhabiting men. Even here, in a place made by a great laundry, a modern
industrial row of tenements, all the world was putting out green branches
to welcome the Procession and the Sacrament and the Priest. Comforted by
this evident refutation of the sad nonsense I had read in Cities
from the pen of intellectuals--nonsense I had
known to be nonsense, but that had none the less tarnished my mind--I
happily entered the inn, ate and drank, praised God, and lay down to sleep
in a great bed. I mingled with my prayers a firm intention of doing the
ordinary things, and not attempting impossibilities, such as marching by
night, nor following out any other vanities of this world. Then, having
cast away all theories of how a pilgrimage should be conducted, and broken
five or six vows, I slept steadily till the middle of the morning. I had
covered fifty miles in twenty-five hours, and if you imagine this to be
but two miles an hour, you must have a very mathematical mind, and know
little of the realities of living. I woke and threw my shutters open to
the bright morning and the masterful sun, took my coffee, and set out once
more towards Epinal, the stronghold a few miles away--delighted to see
that my shadow was so short and the road so hot to the feet and eyes. For
I said, 'This at least proves that I am doing like all the world, and
walking during the day.' It was but a couple of hours to the great
garrison. In a little time I passed a battery. Then a captain went by on a
horse, with his orderly behind him. Where the deep lock stands by the
roadside--the only suggestion of coolness--I first heard the bugles; then
I came into the long street and determined to explore Epinal, and to cast
aside all haste and folly.
There are many wonderful things in Epinal. As, for
instance, that it was evidently once, like Paris and Melun and a dozen
other strongholds of the Gauls, an island city. For the rivers of France
are full of long, habitable islands, and these were once the
rallying-places of clans. Then there are the forts which are placed on
high hills round the town and make it even stronger than Toul; for Epinal
stands just where the hills begin to be very high. Again, it is the
capital of a mountain district, and this character always does something
peculiar and impressive to a town. You may watch its effect in Grenoble,
in little Aubusson, and, rather less, in Geneva.
For in such towns three quite different kinds of
men meet. First there are the old plain-men, who despise the highlanders
and think themselves much grander and more civilized; these are the
burgesses. Then there are the peasants and wood-cutters, who come in from
the hill-country to market, and who are suspicious of the plain-men and
yet proud to depend upon a real town with a bishop and paved streets.
Lastly, there are the travellers, who come there to enjoy the mountains
and to make the city a base for their excursions, and these love the
hill-men and think they understand them, and they despise the plain-men
for being so middle-class as to lord it over the hill-men: but in truth
this third class, being outsiders, are equally
hated and despised by both the others, and there is a combination against
them and they are exploited.
And there are many other things in which Épinal
is wonderful, but in nothing is it more wonderful than in its great
I suppose that the high Dukes of Burgundy and
Lorraine and the rich men from Flanders and the House of Luxemburg and the
rest, going to Rome, the centre of the world, had often to pass up this
valley of the Moselle, which (as I have said) is a road leading to Rome,
and would halt at fipinal and would at times give money for its church;
with this result, that the church belongs to every imaginable period and
is built anyhow, in twenty styles, but stands as a whole a most enduring
record of past forms and of what has pleased the changing mind when it has
attempted to worship in stone.
Thus the transept is simply an old square barn of
rough stone, older, I suppose, than Charlemagne and without any ornament.
In its lower courses I thought I even saw the Roman brick. It had once two
towers, northern and southern; the southern is ruined and has a wooden
roof, the northern remains and is just a pinnacle or minaret too narrow
for bells.
Then the apse is pure and beautiful Gothic of the
fourteenth century, with very tall and fluted windows like single prayers.
The ambulatory is perfectly modern, Gothic also, and in the manner that
Viollet le Duc in France and Pugin in England have introduced to bring us
back to our origins and to remind us of the place whence all we Europeans
came. Again, this apse and ambulatory are not perpendicular to the
transept, but set askew, a thing known in small churches and said to be a
symbol, but surely very rare in large ones. The western door is purely
Romanesque, and has Byzantine ornaments and a great deep round door. To
match it there is a northern door still deeper, with rows and rows of
inner arches full of saints, angels, devils, and flowers; and this again
is not straight, but so built that the arches go aslant, as you sometimes
see railway bridges when they cross roads at an angle. Finally, there is a
central tower which is neither Gothic nor Romanesque but pure Italian, a
loggia, with splendid round airy windows taking up all its walls, and with
a flat roof and eaves. This some one straight from the south must have put
on as a memory of his wanderings.
The barn-transept is crumbling old grey stone, the
Romanesque porches are red, like Strasburg, the Gothic apse is old white
as our cathedrals are, the modern ambulatory is of pure white stone just
quarried, and thus colours as well as shapes are mingled up and different
in this astonishing building.
I drew it from that point of view in the
market-place to the north-east which shows most of these contrasts at
once, and you must excuse the extreme shakiness of the sketch, for it was
taken as best I could on an apple-cart with my book resting on the
apples--there was no other desk. Nor did the apple-seller mind my doing
it, but on the contrary gave me advice and praise saying such things as--
'Excellent; you have caught the angle of the apse
... Come now, darken the edge of that pillar ... I fear you have made the
tower a little confused,' and so forth.
I offered to buy a few apples off him, but he gave
me three instead, and these, as they incommoded me, I gave later to a
little child.
Indeed the people of Épinal, not taking me
for a traveller but simply for a wandering poor man, were very genial to
me, and the best good they did me was curing my lameness. For, seeing an
apothecary's shop as I was leaving the town, I went in and said to the
apothecary -
'My knee has swelled and is very painful, and I
have to walk far; perhaps you can tell me how to cure it, or give me
something that will.'
'There is nothing easier,' he said; 'I have here a
specific for the very thing you complain of.'
With this he pulled out a round bottle, on the
label of which was printed in great letters, 'BALM'.
'You have but to rub your knee strongly and long
with this ointment of mine,' he said, 'and you will be cured.' Nor did he
mention any special form of words to be repeated as one did it.
Everything happened just as he had said. When I
was some little way above the town I sat down on a low wall and rubbed my
knee strongly and long with this balm, and the pain instantly disappeared.
Then, with a heart renewed by this prodigy, I took the road again and
began walking very rapidly and high, swinging on to Rome.
The Moselle above fipinal takes a bend outwards,
and it seemed to me that a much shorter way to the next village (which is
called Archettes, or 'the very little arches', because there are no arches
there) would be right over the hill round which the river curved. This
error came from following private judgement and not heeding tradition,
here represented by the highroad which closely follows the river. For
though a straight tunnel to Archettes would have saved distance, yet a
climb over that high hill and through the pathless wood on its summit was
I went at first over wide, sloping fields, and
some hundred feet above the valley I crossed a little canal. It was made
on a very good system, and I recommend it to the riparian owners of the
Upper Wye, which needs it. They take the water from the Moselle (which is
here broad and torrential and falls in steps, running over a stony bed
with little swirls and rapids), and they lead it along at an even
gradient, averaging, as it were, the uneven descent of the river. In this
way they have a continuous stream running through fields that would
otherwise be bare and dry, but that are thus nourished into excellent
Above these fields the forest went up steeply. I
had not pushed two hundred yards into its gloom and confusion when I
discovered that I had lost my way. It was necessary to take the only guide
I had and to go straight upwards wherever the line of greatest inclination
seemed to lie, for that at least would take me to a summit and probably to
a view of the valley; whereas if I tried to make for the shoulder of the
hill (which had been my first intention) I might have wandered about till
It was an old man in a valley called the Curicante
in Colorado that taught me this, if one lost one's way going upwards
to make at once along the steepest line, but if one lost it going downwards,
to listen for water and reach it and
follow it. I wish I had space to tell all about
this old man, who gave me hospitality out there. He was from New England
and was lonely, and had brought out at great expense a musical box to
cheer him. Of this he was very proud, and though it only played four silly
hymn tunes, yet, as he and I listened to it, heavy tears came into his
eyes and light tears into mine, because these tunes reminded him of his
home. But I have no time to do more than mention him, and must return to
my forest.
I climbed, then, over slippery pine needles and
under the charged air of those trees, which was full of dim, slanting
light from the afternoon sun, till, nearly at the summit, I came upon a
clearing which I at once recognized as a military road, leading to what we
used to call a 'false battery', that is, a dug-out with embrasures into
which guns could be placed but in which no guns were. For ever since the
French managed to produce a really mobile heavy gun they have constructed
any amount of such auxiliary works between the permanent forts. These need
no fixed guns to be emplaced, since the French can use now one such
parapet, now another, as occasion serves, and the advantage is that your
guns are never useless, but can always be brought round where they are
needed, and that thus six guns will do more work than twenty used to do.
This false battery was on the brow of the hill,
and when I reached it I looked down the slope, over the brushwood that hid
the wire entanglements, and there was the whole valley of the Moselle at
my feet.
As this was the first really great height, so this
was the first really great view that I met with on my pilgrimage. I drew
it carefully, piece by piece, sitting there a long time in the declining
sun and noting all I saw. Archettes, just below; the flat valley with the
river winding from side to side; the straight rows of poplar trees; the
dark pines on the hills, and the rounded mountains rising farther and
higher into the distance until the last I saw, far off to the south-east,
must have been the Ballon d'Alsace at the sources
of the Moselle--the hill that marked the first full stage in my journey
and that overlooked Switzerland.
Indeed, this is the peculiar virtue of walking to
a far place, and especially of walking there in a straight line, that one
gets these visions of the world from hill-tops.
When I call up for myself this great march I see
it all mapped out in landscapes, each of which I caught from some
mountain, and each of which joins on to that before and to that after it,
till I can piece together the whole road. The view here from the Hill of
Archettes, the view from the Ballon d'Alsace, from Glovelier Hill, from
the Weissenstein, from the Brienzer Grat, from the Grimsel, from above
Bellinzona, from the Principessa, from Tizzano, from the ridge of the
Apennines, from the Wall of Siena, from San Quirico, from Radicofani, from
San Lorenzo, from Montefiascone, from above Viterbo, from Roncigleone, and
at last from that lift in the Via Cassia, whence one suddenly perceives
the City. They unroll themselves all in their order till I can see Europe,
and Rome shining at the end.
But you who go in railways are necessarily shut up
in long valleys and even sometimes by the walls of the earth. Even those
who bicycle or drive see these sights but rarely and with no consecution,
since roads also avoid climbing save where they are forced to it, as over
certain passes. It is only by following the straight line onwards that any
one can pass from ridge to ridge and have this full picture of the way he
has been.
So much for views. I clambered down the hill to
Archettes and saw, almost the first house, a swinging board 'At the sign
of the Trout of the Vosges', and as it was now evening I turned in there
to dine.
Two things I noticed at once when I sat down to
meat. First, that the people seated at that inn table were of the
middle-class of society, and secondly, that I, though of their rank, was
an impediment to their enjoyment. For to sleep in woods, to march some
seventy miles, the latter part in a dazzling sun, and to end by sliding
down an earthy steep into the road, stamps a man with all that this kind
of people least desire to have thrust upon them. And those who blame the
middle-class for their conventions in such matters, and who profess to be
above the care for cleanliness and clothes and social ritual which marks
the middle-class, are either anarchists by nature, or fools who take what
is but an effect of their wealth for a natural virtue.
I say it roundly; if it were not for the
punctiliousness of the middle-class in these matters all our civilization
would go to pieces. They are the conservators and the maintainers of the
standard, the moderators of Europe, the salt of
society. For the kind of man who boasts that he
does not mind dirty clothes or roughing it, is either a man who cares
nothing for all that civilization has built up and who rather hates it, or
else (and this is much more common) he is a rich man, or accustomed to
live among the rich, and can afford to waste energy and stuff because he
feels in a vague way that more clothes can always be bought, that at the
end of his vagabondism he can get excellent dinners, and that London and
Paris are full of luxurious baths and barber shops. Of all the corrupting
effects of wealth there is none worse than this, that it makes the wealthy
(and their parasites) think in some way divine, or at least a lovely
character of the mind, what is in truth nothing but their power of
luxurious living. Heaven keep us all from great riches--I mean from very
great riches.
Now the middle-class cannot afford to buy new
clothes whenever they feel inclined, neither can they end up a jaunt by a
Turkish bath and a great feast with wine. So their care is always to
preserve intact what they happen to have, to exceed in nothing, to study
cleanliness, order, decency, sobriety, and a steady temper, and they fence
all this round and preserve it in the only way it can be preserved, to
wit, with conventions, and they are quite right.
I find it very hard to keep up to the demands of
these my colleagues, but I recognize that they are on the just side in the
quarrel; let none of them go about pretending that I have not defended
them in this book.
So I thought of how I should put myself right with
these people. I saw that an elaborate story (as, that I had been set upon
by a tramp who forced me to change clothes: that I dressed thus for a bet:
that I was an officer employed as a spy, and was about to cross the
frontier into Germany in the guise of a labourer: that my doctor forbade
me to shave--or any other such rhodomontade): I saw, I say, that by
venturing upon any such excuses I might unwittingly offend some other
unknown canon of theirs deeper and more sacred than their rule on clothes;
it had happened to me before now to do this in the course of explanations.
So I took another method, and said, as I sat down
'Pray excuse this appearance of mine. I have had a
most unfortunate adventure in the hills, losing my way and being compelled
to sleep out all night, nor can I remain to get tidy, as it is essential
that I should reach my luggage (which is at Remiremont) before midnight.'
I took great care to pay for my glass of white
wine before dinner with a bank-note, and I showed my sketches to my
neighbour to make an impression. I also talked of foreign politics, of the
countries I had seen, of England especially, with such minute exactitude
that their disgust was soon turned to admiration.
The hostess of this inn was delicate and courteous
to a degree, and at every point attempting to overreach her guests, who,
as regularly as she attacked, countered with astonishing dexterity.
Thus she would say: 'Perhaps the joint would taste
better if it were carved on the table; or do the gentlemen prefer it
carved aside?'
To which a banker opposite me said in a deep
voice: 'We prefer, madam, to have it carved aside.'
Or she would put her head in and say: 'I can
recommend our excellent beer. It is really preferable to this local wine.'
And my neighbour, a tourist, answered with
decision: 'Madame, we find your wine excellent. It could not be bettered.'
Nor could she get round them on a single point,
and I pitied her so much that I bought bread and wine off her to console
her, and I let her overcharge me, and went out into the afterglow with her
benediction, followed also by the farewells of the middle-class, who were
now taking their coffee at little tables outside the house.
I went hard up the road to Remiremont. The night
darkened. I reached Remiremont at midnight, and feeling very wakeful I
pushed on up the valley under great woods of pines; and at last, diverging
up a little path, I settled on a clump of trees sheltered and, as I
thought, warm, and lay down there to sleep till morning; but, on the
contrary, I lay awake a full hour in the fragrance and on the level carpet
of the pine needles looking up through the dark branches at the waning
moon, which had just risen, and thinking of how suitable were pine-trees
for a man to sleep under.
'The beech,' I thought, 'is a good tree to sleep
under, for nothing will grow there, and there is always dry beech-mast;
the yew would be good if it did not grow so low, but, all in all,
pine-trees are the best.' I also considered that the worst tree to sleep
under would be the upas tree. These thoughts so nearly bordered on nothing
that, though I was not sleepy, yet I fell asleep. Long before day, the
moon being still lustrous against a sky that yet contained a few faint
stars, I awoke shivering with cold.
In sleep there is something diminishes us. This
every one has noticed; for who ever suffered a nightmare awake, or felt in
full consciousness those awful impotencies which lie on the other side of
slumber? When we lie down we give ourselves voluntarily, yet by the force
of nature, to powers before which we melt and are nothing. And among the
strange frailties of sleep I have noticed cold.
Here was a warm place under the pines where I
could rest in great comfort on pine needles still full of the day; a
covering for the beasts underground that love an even heat--the best of
floors for a tired man. Even the slight wind that
blew under the waning moon was warm, and the stars
were languid and not brilliant, as though everything were full of summer,
and I knew that the night would be short; a midsummer night; and I had
lived half of it before attempting repose. Yet, I say, I woke shivering
and also disconsolate, needing companionship. I pushed down through tall,
rank grass, drenched with dew, and made my way across the road to the bank
of the river. By the time I reached it the dawn began to occupy the east.
For a long time I stood in a favoured place, just
above a bank of trees that lined the river, and watched the beginning of
the day, because every slow increase of light promised me sustenance.
The faint, uncertain glimmer that seemed not so
much to shine through the air as to be part of it, took all colour out of
the woods and fields and the high slopes above me, leaving them planes of
grey and deeper grey. The woods near
me were a silhouette, black and motionless,
emphasizing the east beyond. The river was white and dead, not even a
steam rose from it, but out of the further pastures a gentle mist had
lifted up and lay all even along the flanks of the hills, so that they
rose out of it, indistinct at their bases, clear-cut above against the
brightening sky; and the farther they were the more their mouldings showed
in the early light, and the most distant edges of all caught the morning.
At this wonderful sight I gazed for quite
half-an-hour without moving, and took in vigour from it as a man takes in
food and wine. When I stirred and looked about me it had become easy to
see the separate grasses; a bird or two had begun little interrupted
chirrups in the bushes, a day-breeze broke from up the valley ruffling the
silence, the moon was dead against the sky, and the stars had disappeared.
In a solemn mood I regained the road and turned my face towards the
neighbouring sources of the river.
I easily perceived with each laborious mile that I
was approaching the end of my companionship with the Moselle, which had
become part of my adventure for the last eighty miles. It was now a small
stream, mountainous and uncertain, though in parts still placid and slow.
There appeared also that which I take to be an infallible accompaniment of
secluded glens and of the head waters of rivers (however canalized or even
overbuilt they are), I mean a certain roughness all about them and the
stout protest of the hill-men: their stone cottages and their lonely paths
off the road.
So it was here. The hills had grown much higher
and come closer to the river-plain; up the gullies I would catch now and
then an aged and uncouth bridge with a hut near it all built of enduring
stone: part of the hills. Then
again there were present here and there on the
spurs lonely chapels, and these in Catholic countries are a mark of the
mountains and of the end of the riches of a valley. Why this should be so
I cannot tell. You find them also sometimes in forests, but especially in
the lesser inlets of the sea-coast, and, as I have said, here in the upper
parts of valleys in the great hills. In such shrines Mass is to be said
but rarely, sometimes but once a year in a special commemoration. The
rest of the time they stand empty, and some of the
older or simpler, one might take for ruins. They mark everywhere some
strong emotion of supplication, thanks, or reverence, and they anchor
these wild places to their own past, making them up in memories what they
lack in multitudinous life.
I broke my fast on bread and wine at a place where
the road crosses the river, and then I determined I would have hot coffee
as well, and seeing in front of me a village called Rupt, which means 'the
cleft' (for there is here a great cleft in the hillside), I went up to it
and had my coffee. Then I discovered a singular thing, that the people of
the place are tired of making up names and give nothing its peculiar
baptism. This I thought really very wonderful indeed, for I have noticed
wherever I have been that in proportion as men are remote and have little
to distract them, in that proportion they produce a great crop of peculiar
local names for every stream, reach, tuft, hummock, glen, copse, and gully
for miles around; and often when I have lost my way and asked it of a
peasant in some lonely part I have grown impatient as he wandered on about
'leaving on your left the stone we call the Nuggin, and bearing round what
some call Holy Dyke till you come to what they call Mary's Ferry'... and
so forth. Long-shoremen and the riparian inhabitants of dreadful and
lonely rivers near the sea have just such a habit, and I have in my mind's
eye now a short stretch of tidal water in which there are but five shoals,
yet they all have names, and are called 'The House, the Knowle, Goodman's
Plot, Mall, and the Patch.'
But here in Rupt, to my extreme astonishment,
there was no such universal and human instinct. For I said to the old man
who poured me out my coffee under the trellis (it was full morning, the
sun was well up, and the clouds were all dappled high above the tops of
the mountains): 'Father, what do you call this hill?' And with that I
pointed to a very remarkable hill and summit that lie sheer above the
'That,' he said, 'is called the hill over above
'Yes, of course,' I said, 'but what is its name?'
'That is its name,' he answered.
And he was quite right, for when I looked at my
map, there it was printed, 'Hill above Rupt'. I thought how wearisome it
would be if this became a common way of doing things, and if one should
call the Thames 'the River of London', and Essex 'the North side', and
Kent 'the South side'; but considering that this fantastic method was only
indulged in by one wretched village, I released myself from fear,
relegated such horrors to the colonies, and took the road again.
All this upper corner of the valley is a garden.
It is bound in on every side
from the winds, it is closed at the end by the
great mass of the Ballon d'Alsace, its floor is smooth and level, its
richness is used to feed grass and pasturage, and knots of trees grow
about it as though they had been planted to please the eye.
Nothing can take from the sources of rivers their
character of isolation and repose. Here what are afterwards to become the
influences of the plains are nurtured and tended as though in an orchard,
and the future life of a whole fruitful valley with its regal towns is
determined. Something about these places prevents ingress or spoliation.
They will endure no settlements save of peasants; the waters are too young
to be harnessed; the hills forbid an easy commerce with neighbours.
Throughout the world I have found the heads of rivers to be secure places
of silence and content. And as they are themselves a kind of youth, the
early home of all that rivers must at last become--I mean special ways of
building and a separate state of living, a local air and a tradition of
history, for rivers are always the makers of provinces--so they bring
extreme youth back to one, and these upper glens of the world steep one in
simplicity and childhood.
It was my delight to lie upon a bank of the road
and to draw what I saw before me, which was the tender stream of the
Moselle slipping through fields quite flat and even and undivided by
fences; its banks had here a strange effect of Nature copying man's art:
they seemed a park, and the river wound through it full of the positive
innocence that attaches to virgins: it nourished and was guarded by trees.
There was about that scene something of creation
and of a beginning, and as I drew it, it gave me like a gift the freshness
of the first experiences of living and filled me with remembered springs.
I mused upon the birth of rivers, and how they were persons and had a
name--were kings, and grew strong and ruled great countries, and how at
last they reached the sea.
But while I was thinking of these things, and
seeing in my mind a kind of picture of The River Valley, and of men
clustering around their home stream, and of its ultimate vast plains on
either side, and of the white line of the sea beyond all, a woman passed
me. She was very ugly, and was dressed in black. Her dress was stiff and
shining, and, as I imagined, valuable. She had in her hand a book known to
the French as 'The Roman Parishioner', which is a prayer-book. Her hair
was hidden in a stiff cap or bonnet; she walked rapidly, with her eyes on
the ground. When I saw this sight it reminded me suddenly, and I cried out
profanely, 'Devil take me! It is Corpus Christi, and my third day out. It
would be a wicked pilgrimage if I did not get Mass at last.' For my first
day (if you remember) I had slept in a wood beyond Mass-time, and my
second (if you remember) I had slept in a bed. But this third day, a great
Feast into the bargain, I was bound to hear Mass, and this woman hurrying
along to the next village proved that I was not too late.
So I hurried in her wake and came to the village,
and went into the church, which was very full, and came down out of it
(the Mass was low and short--they are a Christian people) through an
avenue of small trees and large branches set up in front of the houses to
welcome the procession that was to be held near noon. At the foot of the
street was an inn where I entered to eat, and finding there another man--I
take him to have been a shopkeeper--I determined to talk politics, and
began as follows:
'Have you any anti-Semitism in your town?'
'It is not my town,' he said, 'but there is
anti-Semitism. It flourishes.'
'Why then?' I asked. 'How many Jews have you in
your town?'
He said there were seven.
'But,' said I, 'seven families of Jews--'
'There are not seven families,' he interrupted;
'there are seven Jews all told. There are but two families, and I am
reckoning in the children. The servants are Christians.'
'Why,' said I, 'that is only just and proper, that
the Jewish families from beyond the frontier should have local Christian
people to wait on them and do their bidding. But what I was going to say
was that so very few Jews seem to me an insufficient fuel to fire the
anti-Semites. How does their opinion flourish?'
'In this way,' he answered. 'The Jews, you see,
ridicule our young men for holding such superstitions as the Catholic. Our
young men, thus brought to book and made to feel irrational, admit the
justice of the ridicule, but nourish a hatred secretly for those who have
exposed their folly. Therefore they feel a standing grudge against the
When he had given me this singular analysis of
that part of the politics of the mountains, he added, after a short
silence, the following remarkable phrase--
'For my part I am a liberal, and would have each
go his own way: the Catholic to his Mass, the Jew to his Sacrifice.'
I then rose from my meal, saluted him, and went
musing up the valley road, pondering upon what it could be that the Jews
sacrificed in this remote borough, but I could not for the life of me
imagine what it was, though I have had a great many Jews among my friends.
I was now arrived at the head of this lovely vale,
at the sources of the river Moselle and the base of the great mountain the
Ballon d'Alsace, which closes it in like a wall at the end of a lane. For
some miles past the hills had grown higher and higher upon either side,
the valley floor narrower, the torrent less abundant; there now stood up
before me the marshy slopes and the enormous forests of pine that forbid a
passage south. Up through these the main road has been pierced, tortuous
and at an even gradient mile after mile to the very
top of the hill; for the Ballon d'Alsace is so
shaped that it is impossible for the Moselle valley to communicate with
the Gap of Belfort save by some track right over its summit. For it is a
mountain with spurs like a star, and where mountains of this kind block
the end of main valleys it becomes necessary for the road leading up and
out of the valley to go over their highest point, since any other road
over the passes or shoulders would involve a second climb to reach the
country beyond. The reason of this, my little map here, where the
dark stands for the valley and the light for the
high places, will show better than a long description. Not that this map
is of the Ballon d'Alsace in particular, but only of the type of hill I
Since, in crossing a range, it is usually possible
to find a low point suitable for surmounting it, such summit roads are
rare, but when one does get them they are the finest travel in the world,
for they furnish at one point (that is, at the summit) what ordinary roads
going through passes can never give you: a moment of domination. From
their climax you look over the whole world, and you feel your journey to
be adventurous and your advance to have taken some great definite step
from one province and people to another.
I would not be bound by the exaggerated zig-zags
of the road, which had been built for artillery, and rose at an easy
slope. I went along the bed of the dell before me and took the forest by a
little path that led straight upward, and when the path failed, my way was
marked by the wire of the telegraph that crosses to Belfort. As I rose I
saw the forest before me grow grander. The pine branches came down from
the trunks with a greater burden and majesty in
their sway, the trees took on an appearance of
solemnity, and the whole rank that faced me--for here the woods come to an
even line and stand like an army arrested upon a downward march -- seemed
something unusual and gigantic. Nothing more helped this impression of awe
than the extreme darkness beneath those aged growths, and the change in
the sky that introduced my entry into the silence and perfume of so vast a
temple. Great clouds, so charged with rain that you would have thought
them lower than the hills (and yet just missing their tops), came covering
me like a tumbled roof and gathered all around; the heat of the day waned
suddenly in their shade: it seemed suddenly as though summer was over or
as though the mountains demanded an uncertain summer of their own, and
shot the sunshine with the chill of their heights. A little wind ran along
the grass and died again. As I gained the darkness of the first trees,
rain was falling.
The silence of the interior wood was enhanced by a
bare drip of water from the boughs that stood out straight and tangled I
know not how far above me. Its gloom was rendered more tremendous by the
half-light and lowering of the sky which the ceiling of branches
concealed. Height, stillness, and a sort of expectancy controlled the
memories of the place, and I passed silently and lightly between the high
columns of the trees from night (as it seemed) through a kind of twilight
forward to a near night beyond. On every side the perspective of these
bare innumerable shafts, each standing apart in order, purple and
fragrant, merged into recesses of distance where all light disappeared,
yet as I advanced the slight gloaming still surrounded me, as did the
stillness framed in the drip of water, and beneath my feet was the level
carpet of the pine needles deadening and making distant every tiny noise.
Had not the trees been so much greater and more enduring than my own
presence, and had not they overwhelmed me by their regard, I should have
felt afraid. As it was I pushed upward through their immovable host in
some such catching of the breath as men have when they walk at night
straining for a sound, and I felt myself to be continually in a hidden
When I came to the edge of this haunted forest it
ceased as suddenly as it had begun. I left behind me such a rank of trees
aligned as I had entered thousands of feet below, and I saw before me,
stretching shapely up to the sky, the round dome-like summit of the
mountain--a great field of grass. It was already evening; and, as though
the tall trees had withdrawn their virtue from me, my fatigue suddenly
came upon me. My feet would hardly bear me as I clambered up the last
hundred feet and looked down under the rolling clouds, lit from beneath by
the level light of evening, to the three countries that met at my feet.
For the Ballon d'Alsace is the knot of Europe, and
from that gathering up and ending of the Vosges you look down upon three
divisions of men. To the right of you are the Gauls. I do not mean that
mixed breed of Lorraine, silent, among the best of people, but I mean the
tree Gauls, who are hot, ready, and born in the plains and in the
vineyards. They stand in their old entrenchments on either side of the Saône
and are vivacious in battle; from time to time a spirit urges them, and
they go out conquering eastward in the Germanics, or in Asia, or down the
peninsulas of the Mediterranean, and then they suck back like a tide
homewards, having accomplished nothing but an epic.
Then on the left you have all the Germanics, a
great sea of confused and dreaming people, lost in philosophies and
creating music, frozen for the moment under a foreign rigidity, but some
day to thaw again and to give a word to us others. They cannot long remain
apart from visions.
Then in front of you southward and eastward, if
you are marching to Rome, come the Highlanders. I had never been among
them, and I was to see them
in a day; the people of the high hills, the race
whom we all feel to be enemies, and who run straight across the world from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, understanding each other, not understood by
us. I saw their first rampart, the mountains called the Jura, on the
horizon, and above my great field of view the clouds still tumbled, lit
from beneath with evening.
I tired of these immensities, and, feeling now my
feet more broken than ever, I very slowly and in sharp shoots of pain
dragged down the slope towards the main road: I saw just below me the
frontier stones of the Prussians, and immediately within them a hut. To
this I addressed myself.
It was an inn. The door opened of itself, and I
found there a pleasant woman of middle age, but frowning. She had three
daughters, all of great strength, and she was upbraiding them loudly in
the German of Alsace and making them scour and scrub. On the wall above
her head was a great placard which I read very tactfully, and in a distant
manner, until she had restored the discipline of
her family. This great placard was framed in the
three colours which once brought a little hope to the oppressed, and at
the head of it in broad black letters were the three words, 'Freedom,
Brotherhood, and an Equal Law'. Underneath these was the emblematic figure
of a cock, which I took to be the Gallic bird, and underneath him again
was printed in enormous italics--
Quand ce coq chantera Ici crédit l'on
Which means--
When you hear him crowing Then's the time for
owing. Till that day--Pay.
While I was still wondering at this epitome of the
French people, and was attempting to combine the French military tradition
with the French temper in the affairs of economics; while I was also
delighting in the memory of the solid coin that I carried in a little
leathern bag in my pocket, the hard-working, God-fearing, and honest woman
that governs the little house and the three great daughters, within a yard
of the frontier, and on the top of this huge hill, had brought back all
her troops into line and had the time to attend to me. This she did with
the utmost politeness, though cold by race, and through her politeness ran
a sense of what Teutons called Duty, which would once have repelled me;
but I have wandered over a great part of the world, and I know it now to
be a distorted kind of virtue.
She was of a very different sort from that good
tribe of the Moselle valley beyond the hill; yet she also was Catholic--
(she had a little tree set up before her door for the Corpus Christi: see
what religion is, that makes people of utterly different races understand
each other; for when I saw that tree I knew precisely where I stood. So
once all we Europeans understood each other, but now we are divided by the
worst malignancies of nations and classes, and a man does not so much love
his own nation as hate his neighbours, and even the twilight of chivalry
is mixed up with a detestable patronage of the poor. But as I was
saying--) she also was a Catholic, and I knew myself to be with friends.
She was moreover not exactly of- what shall I say? the words Celtic and
Latin mean nothing-- not of those who delight in a delicate manner; and
her good heart prompted her to say, very loudly--
'What do you want?'
'I want a bed,' I said, and I pulled out a silver
coin. 'I must lie down at once.'
Then I added, 'Can you make omelettes?'
Now it is a curious thing, and one I will not
dwell on--
LECTOR. You do nothing but dwell.
AUCTOR. It is the essence of lonely travel; and if
you have come to this book for literature you have come to the wrong booth
and counter. As I was saying: it is a curious thing that some people (or
races) jump from one subject to another naturally, as some animals (I mean
the noble deer) go by bounds. While there are other races (or
individuals--heaven forgive me, I am no ethnologist) who think you a
criminal or a lunatic unless you carefully plod along from step to step
like a hippopotamus out of water. When, therefore, I asked this
family-drilling, house-managing, mountain-living woman whether she could
make omelettes, she shook her head at me slowly, keeping her eyes fixed on
mine, and said in what was the corpse of French with a German ghost in it,
'The bed is a franc.'
'Motherkin,' I answered, 'what I mean is that I
would sleep until I wake, for I have come a prodigious distance and have
last slept in the woods. But when I wake I shall need food, for which,' I
added, pulling out yet another coin, 'I will pay whatever your charge may
be; for a more delightful house I have rarely met with. I know most people
do not sleep before sunset, but I am particularly tired and broken.'
She showed me my bed then much more kindly, and
when I woke, which was long after dusk, she gave me in the living room of
the hut eggs beaten up with ham, and I ate brown bread and said grace.
Then (my wine was not yet finished, but it is an
abominable thing to drink your own wine in another person's house) I asked
whether I could have something to drink.
'What you like,' she said.
'What have you?' said I.
'Beer,' said she.
'Anything else?' said I.
'No,' said she.
'Why, then, give me some of that excellent beer.'
I drank this with delight, paid all my bill (which
was that of a labourer), and said good-night to them.
In good-nights they had a ceremony; for they all
rose together and curtsied. Upon my soul I believe such people to be the
salt of the earth. I bowed with real contrition, for at several moments I
had believed myself better than they. Then I went to my bed and they to
theirs. The wind howled outside; my boots were stiff like wood and I could
hardly take them off; my feet were so
martyrized that I doubted if I could walk at all
on the morrow. Nevertheless I was so wrapped round with the repose of this
family's virtues that I fell asleep at once. Next day the sun was rising
in angry glory over the very distant hills of Germany, his new light
running between the pinnacles of the clouds as the commands of a conqueror
might come trumpeted down the defiles of mountains, when I fearlessly
forced my boots on to my feet and left their doors.
The morning outside came living and sharp after
the gale--almost chilly. Under a scattered but clearing sky I first
limped, then, as my blood warmed, strode down the path that led between
the trees of the farther vale and was soon following a stream that leaped
from one fall to another till it should lead me to the main road, to
Belfort, to the Jura, to the Swiss whom I had never known, and at last to
But before I call up the recollection of that
hidden valley, I must describe with a map the curious features of the road
that lay before me into Switzerland. I was standing on the summit of that
knot of hills which rise up from every side to form the Ballon d'Alsace,
and make an abrupt ending to the Vosges. Before me, southward and
eastward, was a great plain with the fortress of Belfort in the midst of
it. This plain is called by soldiers 'the Gap of Belfort', and is the only
break in the hill frontier that covers France all the way from the
Mediterranean to Flanders. On the farther side of this plain ran the Jura
mountains, which are like a northern wall to Switzerland, and just before
you reach them is the Frontier. The Jura are fold on fold of high
limestone ridges, thousands of feet high, all parallel, with deep valleys,
thousands of feet deep, between them; and beyond their last abrupt
escarpment is the wide plain of the river Aar.
Now the straight line to Rome ran from where I
stood, right across that plain of Belfort, right across the ridges of the
Jura, and cut the plain of the Aar a few miles to the west of a town
called Solothurn or Soleure, which stands upon that river.
It was impossible to follow that line exactly, but
one could average it closely enough by following the high road down the
mountain through Belfort to a Swiss town called Porrentruy or Portrut--so
far one was a little to the west of the direct line.
From Portrut, by picking one's way through
forests, up steep banks, over open downs, along mule paths, and so forth,
one could cross the first ridge called the 'Terrible Hill', and so reach
the profound gorge of the river Doubs, and a town called St Ursanne. From
St Ursanne, by following a mountain road and then climbing some rocks and
tracking through a wood, one could get straight over the second ridge to
Glovelier. From Glovelier a highroad took
one through a gap to Undervelier and on to a town
called Moutier or Munster. Then from Munster, the road, still following
more or less the line to Rome but now somewhat to the east of it, went on
southward till an abrupt turn in it forced one to leave it. Then there was
another rough climb by a difficult path up over the last ridge, called the
Weissenstein, and from its high edge and summit it was but a straight fall
of a mile or two on to Soleure.
So much my map told me, and this mixture of roads
and paths and rock climbs that I had planned out, I exactly followed, so
as to march on as directly as possible towards Rome, which was my goal.
For if I had not so planned it, but had followed the highroads, I should
have been compelled to zig-zag enormously for days, since these ridges of
the Jura are but little broken, and the roads do not rise above the
crests, but follow the parallel valleys, taking advantage only here and
there of the rare gaps to pass from one to another.
Here is a sketch of the way I went, where my track
is a white line, and the round spots in it are the towns and villages
whose names are written at the side. In this sketch the plains and low
valleys are marked dark, and the crests of the mountains left white. The
shading is lighter according to the height, and the contour lines (which
are very far from accurate) represent, I suppose, about a thousand feet
between each, or perhaps a little more; and as for the distance, from the
Ballon d'Alsace to Soleure might be two long days' march on a flat road,
but over mountains and up rocks it was all but three, and even that was
very good going. My first stage was across the plain of Belfort, and I had
determined to sleep that night in Switzerland.
I wandered down the mountain. A little secret
path, one of many, saved me the long windings of the road. It followed
down the central hollow of the great cleft and accompanied the stream. All
the way for miles the water tumbled in fall after fall over a hundred
steps of rock, and its noise mixed with the freshness of the air, and its
splashing weighted the overhanging branches of the trees. A little rain
that fell from time to time through the clear morning seemed like a sister
to the spray of the waterfalls; and what with all this moisture and
greenery, and the surrounding silence, all the valley was inspired with
content. It was a repose to descend through its leaves and grasses, and
find the lovely pastures at the foot of the descent, a narrow floor
between the hills. Here there were the first houses of men; and, from one,
smoke was already going up thinly into the morning. The air was very pure
and cold; it was made more nourishing and human by the presence and noise
of the waters, by the shining wet grasses and the beaded leaves all
through that umbrageous valley. The shreds of clouds which, high above the
calm, ran swiftly in the upper air, fed it also with soft
rains from time to time as fine as dew; and
through those clear and momentary showers one could see the sunlight.
When I had enjoyed the descent through this place
for but a few miles, everything changed. The road in front ran straight
and bordered--it led out and onwards over a great flat, set here and there
with hillocks. The Vosges ended abruptly. Houses came more thickly, and by
the ceaseless culture of the fields, by the flat slate roofs, the
white-washed walls, and the voices, and the glare, I knew myself to be
once more in France of the plains; and the first town I came to was
Here, as I heard a bell, I thought I would go up
and hear Mass; and I did so, but my attention at the holy office was
distracted by the enormous number of priests that I found in the church,
and I have wondered painfully ever since how so many came to be in a
little place like Giromagny. There were three priests at the high altar,
and nearly one for each chapel, and there was such a buzz of Masses going
on, beginning and ending, that I am sure I need not have gone without my
breakfast in my hurry to get one. With all this there were few people at
Mass so early; nothing but these priests going in and out, and continual
little bells. I am still wondering. Giromagny is no place for relics or
for a pilgrimage, it cures no one, and has nothing of a holy look about
it, and all these priests--
LECTOR. Pray dwell less on your religion, and--
AUCTOR. Pray take books as you find them, and
treat travel as travel. For you, when you go to a foreign country, see
nothing but what you expect to see. But I am astonished at a thousand
accidents, and always find things twenty-fold as great as I supposed they
would be, and far more curious; the whole covered by a strange light of
adventure. And that is the peculiar value of this book. Now, if you can
explain these priests---
LECTOR. I can. It was the season of the year, and
they were swarming.
AUCTOR. So be it. Then if you will hear nothing of
what interests me, I see no reason for setting down with minute care what
interests you, and I may leave out all mention of the Girl who could only
speak German, of the Arrest of the Criminal, and even of the House of
Marshal Turenne--- this last something quite exceptionally entertaining.
But do not let us continue thus, nor push things to an open quarrel. You
must imagine for yourself about six miles of road, and then--
--then in the increasing heat, the dust rising in
spite of the morning rain, and the road most wearisome, I heard again the
sound of bugles and the sombre excitement of the drums.
It is a thought-provoking thing, this passing from
one great garrison to another all the way down the frontier. I had started
from the busy order of Toul; I had passed through the silence and peace of
all that Moselle country, the valley like a long garden, and I had come to
the guns and the tramp of Épinal. I had left Épinal and
counted the miles and miles of silence in the forests, I had crossed the
great hills and come down into quite another plain draining to another
sea, and I heard again all the clamour that goes with soldiery, and
looking backward then over my four days, one felt--one almost saw--the new
system of fortification, the vast entrenched camps each holding an army,
the ungarnished gaps between.
As I came nearer to Belfort, I saw the guns going
at a trot down a side road, and, a little later, I saw marching on my
right, a long way off, the irregular column, the dust and the invincible
gaiety of the French line. The sun here and there glinted on the ends of
rifle-barrels and the polished pouches. Their heavy pack made their tramp
loud and thudding. They were singing a song.
I had already passed the outer forts; I had noted
a work close to the road; I had gone on a mile or so and had entered the
long and ugly suburb where the tramway lines began, when, on one of the
ramshackle houses of that burning, paved, and noisy endless street, I saw
written up the words,
Wine; shut or open.
As it is a great rule to examine every new thing,
and to suck honey out of every flower, I did not--as some would--think the
phrase odd and pass on. I stood stock-still gazing at the house and
imagining a hundred explanations. I had never in my life heard wine
divided into shut and open wine. I determined to acquire yet one more
great experience, and going in I found a great number of tin cans, such as
the French carry up water in, without covers, tapering to the top, and
standing about three feet high; on these were pasted large printed labels,
'30', '40', and '50', and they were brimming with wine. I spoke to the
woman, and pointing at the tin cans, said--
'Is this what you call open wine?'
'Why, yes,' said she. 'Cannot you see for yourself
that it is open?'
That was true enough, and it explained a great
deal. But it did not explain how--seeing that if you leave a bottle of
wine uncorked for ten minutes you spoil it--you can keep gallons of it in
a great wide can, for all the world like so
much milk, milked from the Panthers of the God. I
determined to test the prodigy yet further, and choosing the middle price,
at fourpence a quart, I said--
'Pray give me a hap'orth in a mug.'
This the woman at once did, and when I came to
drink it, it was delicious. Sweet, cool, strong, lifting the heart,
satisfying, and full of all those things wine-merchants talk of, bouquet,
and body, and flavour. It was what I have heard called a very pretty wine.
I did not wait, however, to discuss the marvel,
but accepted it as one of those mysteries of which this pilgrimage was
already giving me examples, and of which more were to come--(wait till you
hear about the brigand of Radicofani). I said to myself—
'When I get out of the Terre Majeure, and away
from the strong and excellent government of the Republic, when I am lost
in the Jura Hills to-morrow there will be no such wine as this.'
So I bought a quart of it, corked it up very
tight, put it in my sack, and held it in store against the wineless places
on the flanks of the hill called Terrible, where there are no soldiers,
and where Swiss is the current language. Then I went on into the centre of
the town.
As I passed over the old bridge into the
market-place, where I proposed to lunch (the sun was terrible--it was
close upon eleven), I saw them building parallel with that old bridge a
new one to replace it. And the way they build a bridge in Belfort is so
wonderfully simple, and yet so new, that it is well worth telling.
In most places when a bridge has to be made, there
is an infinite pother and worry about building the piers, coffer-dams, and
heaven knows what else. Some swing their bridges to avoid this trouble,
and some try to throw an arch of one span from side to side. There are a
thousand different tricks. In Belfort they simply wait until the water has
run away. Then a great brigade of workmen run down into the dry bed of the
river and dig the foundations feverishly, and begin building the piers in
great haste. Soon the water comes back, but the piers are already above
it, and the rest of the work is done from boats. This is absolutely true.
Not only did I see the men in the bed of the river, but a man whom I asked
told me that it seemed to him the most natural way to build bridges, and
doubted if they were ever made in any other fashion.
There is also in Belfort a great lion carved in
rock to commemorate the siege of 1870. This lion is part of the precipice
under the castle, and is of enormous size--- how large I do not know, but
I saw that a man looked quite small by one of his paws. The precipice was
first smoothed like a stone slab or tablet, and
then this lion was carved into and out of it in
high relief by Bartholdi, the same man that made the statue of Liberty in
New York Harbour.
The siege of 1870 has been fixed for history in
yet another way, and one that shows you how the Church works on from one
stem continually. For there is a little church somewhere near or in
Belfort (I do not know where, I only heard of it) which, a local mason and
painter being told to decorate for so much, he amused himself by painting
all round it little pictures of the siege--of the cold, and the wounds,
and the heroism. This is indeed the way such things should be done, I mean
by men doing them for pleasure and of their own thought. And I have a
number of friends who agree with me in thinking this, that art should not
be competitive or industrial, but most of them go on to the very strange
conclusion that one should not own one's garden, nor one's beehive, nor
one's great noble house, nor one's pigsty, nor one's railway shares, nor
the very boots on one's feet. I say, out upon such nonsense. Then they say
to me, what about the concentration of the means of production? And I say
to them, what about the distribution of the ownership of the concentrated
means of production? And they shake their heads sadly, and say it would
never endure; and I say, try it first and see. Then they fly into a rage.
When I lunched in Belfort (and at lunch, by the
way, a poor man asked me to use all my influence for his son, who
was an engineer in the navy, and this he did because I had been boasting
of my travels, experiences, and grand acquaintances throughout the
world)--when, I say, I had lunched in a workman's cafe at Belfort, I set
out again on my road, and was very much put out to find that showers still
kept on falling.
In the early morning, under such delightful trees,
up in the mountains, the branches had given me a roof, the wild
surroundings made me part of the out-of-doors, and the rain had seemed to
marry itself to the pastures and the foaming beck. But here, on a road and
in a town, all its tradition of discomfort came upon me. I was angry,
therefore, with the weather and the road for some miles, till two things
came to comfort me. First it cleared, and a glorious sun showed me from a
little eminence the plain of Alsace and the mountains of the Vosges all in
line; secondly, I came to a vast powder-magazine.
To most people there is nothing more subtle or
pleasing in a powder-magazine than in a reservoir. They are both much the
same in the mere exterior, for each is a flat platform, sloping at the
sides and covered with grass, and each has mysterious doors. But, for my
part, I never see a powder-
magazine without being filled at once with two
very good feelings--- laughter and companionship. For it was my good
fortune, years and years ago, to be companion and friend to two men who
were on sentry at a powder-magazine just after there had been some
anarchist attempts (as they call them) upon such depots--and for the
matter of that I can imagine nothing more luscious to the anarchist than
seven hundred and forty-two cases of powder and fifty cases of melinite
all stored in one place. And to prevent the enormous noise, confusion, and
waste that would have resulted from the over-attraction of this base of
operations to the anarchists, my two friends, one of whom was a duty-doing
Burgundian, but the other a loose Parisian man, were on sentry that night.
They had strict orders to challenge once and then to fire.
Now, can you imagine anything more exquisite to a
poor devil of a conscript, fagged out with garrison duty and stale
sham-fighting, than an order of that kind? So my friends took it, and in
one summer night they killed a donkey and wounded two mares, and broke the
thin stem of a growing tree.
This powder-magazine was no exception to my rule,
for as I approached it I saw a round-faced corporal and two round-faced
men looking eagerly to see who might be attacking their treasure, and I
became quite genial in my mind when I thought of how proud these boys
felt, and of how I was of the 'class of ninety, rifled and mounted on its
carriage' (if you don't see the point of the allusion, I can't stop to
explain it. It was a good gun in its time--now they have the seventy-five
that doesn't recoil--requiescat), and of how they were longing for
the night, and a chance to shoot anything on the sky line.
Full of these foolish thoughts, but smiling in
spite of their folly, I went down the road.
Shall I detail all that afternoon? My leg
horrified me with dull pain, and made me fear I should never hold out, I
do not say to Rome, but even to the frontier. I rubbed it from time to
time with balm, but, as always happens to miraculous things, the virtue
had gone out of it with the lapse of time. At last I found a side road
going off from the main way, and my map told me it was on the whole a
short cut to the frontier. I determined to take it for those few last
miles, because, if one is suffering, a winding lane is more tolerable than
a wide turnpike.
Just as I came to the branching of the roads I saw
a cross put up, and at its base the motto that is universal to French
Ave Crux Spes Unica.
I thought it a good opportunity for recollection,
and sitting down, I looked backward along the road I had come.
There were the high mountains of the Vosges
standing up above the plain of Alsace like sloping cliffs above a sea. I
drew them as they stood, and wondered if that frontier were really
permanent. The mind of man is greater than such accidents, and can easily
overleap even the high hills.
Then having drawn them, and in that drawing said a
kind of farewell to the influences that had followed me for so many
miles--the solemn quiet, the steady industry, the self-control, the deep
woods, of Lorraine--1 rose up stiffly from the bank that had been my desk,
and pushed along the lane that ran devious past neglected villages.
The afternoon and the evening followed as I put
one mile after another behind me. The frontier seemed so close that I
would not rest. I left my open wine, the wine I had found outside Belfort,
untasted, and I plodded on and on as the light dwindled. I was in a grand
wonderment for Switzerland, and I wished by an immediate effort to conquer
the last miles before night, in spite of my pain. Also, I will confess to
a silly pride in distances, and a desire to be out of France on my fourth
The light still fell, and my resolution stood,
though my exhaustion undermined it. The line of the mountains rose higher
against the sky, and there entered into my pilgrimage for the first time
the loneliness and the mystery of meres. Something of what a man feels in
East England belonged to this last of the plain under the guardian hills.
Everywhere I passed ponds and reeds, and saw the level streaks of sunset
reflected in stagnant waters.
The marshy valley kept its character when I had
left the lane and regained
the highroad. Its isolation dominated the last
effort with which I made for the line of the Jura in that summer twilight,
and as I blundered on my whole spirit
was caught or lifted in the influence of the waste
waters and of the birds of evening.
I wished, as I had often wished in such
opportunities of recollection and of silence, for a complete barrier that
might isolate the mind. With that wish came in a puzzling thought, very
proper to a pilgrimage, which was: 'What do men mean by the desire to be
dissolved and to enjoy the spirit free and without attachments?' That many
men have so desired there can be no doubt, and the best men, whose
holiness one recognizes at once, tell us that the joys of the soul are
incomparably higher than those of the living man. In India, moreover,
there are great numbers of men who do the most fantastic things with the
object of thus unprisoning the soul, and Milton talks of the same thing
with evident conviction, and the Saints all praise it in chorus. But what
is it? For my part I cannot understand so much as the meaning of the
words, for every pleasure I know comes from an intimate union between my
body and my very human mind, which last receives, confirms, revives, and
can summon up again what my body has experienced. Of pleasures, however,
in which my senses have had no part I know nothing, so I have determined
to take them upon trust and see whether they could make the matter clearer
in Rome.
But when it comes to the immortal mind, the good
spirit in me that is so cunning at forms and colours and the reasons of
things, that is a very different story. That, I do indeed desire to
have to myself at whiles, and the waning light of a day or the curtains of
autumn closing in the year are often to me like a door shutting after one,
as one comes in home. For I find that with less and less impression from
without the mind seems to take on a power of creation, and by some mystery
it can project songs and landscapes and faces much more desirable than the
music or the shapes one really hears and sees. So also memory can create.
But it is not the soul that does this, for the songs, the landscapes, and
the faces are of a kind that have come in by the senses, nor
have I ever understood what could be higher than
these pleasures, nor indeed how in anything formless and immaterial there
could be pleasure at all. Yet the wisest people assure us that our souls
are as superior to our minds as are our minds to our inert and merely
material bodies. I cannot understand it at all.
As I was pondering on these things in this land of
pastures and lonely ponds, with the wall of the Jura black against the
narrow bars of evening--(my pain seemed gone for a moment, yet I was
hobbling slowly)--I say as I was considering this complex doctrine, I felt
my sack suddenly much lighter, and I had hardly time to rejoice at the
miracle when I heard immediately a very loud crash, and turning half round
I saw on the blurred white of the twilit road my quart of Open Wine all
broken to atoms. My disappointment was so great that I sat down on a
milestone to consider the accident and to see if a little thought would
not lighten my acute annoyance. Consider that I had carefully cherished
this bottle and had not drunk throughout a painful march all that
afternoon, thinking that there would be no wine worth drinking after I had
passed the frontier.
I consoled myself more or less by thinking about
torments and evils to which even such a loss as this was nothing, and then
I rose to go on into the night. As it turned out I was to find beyond the
frontier a wine in whose presence this wasted wine would have seemed a
wretched jest, and whose wonderful taste was to colour all my memories of
the Mount Terrible. It is always thus with sorrows if one will only wait.
So, lighter in the sack but heavier in the heart,
I went forward to cross the frontier in the dark. I did not quite know
where the point came: I only knew that it was about a mile from Delle, the
last French town. I supped there and held on my way. When I guessed that I
had covered this mile I saw a light in the windows on my left, a trellis
and the marble tables of a cafe. I put my head in at the door and said--
'Am I in Switzerland?'
A German-looking girl, a large heavy man, a
Bavarian commercial traveller, and a colleague of his from Marseilles, all
said together in varying accents: 'Yes.'
'Why then,' I said, 'I will come in and drink.'
This book would never end if I were to attempt to
write down so much as the names of a quarter of the extraordinary things
that I saw and heard on my enchanted pilgrimage, but let me at least
mention the Commercial Traveller from Marseilles.
He talked with extreme rapidity for two hours. He
had seen all the cities in the world and he remembered their minutest
details. He was extremely accurate, his taste was abominable, his
patriotism large, his wit crude but continual, and to his German friend,
to the host of the inn, and to the blonde serving-girl, he was a familiar
god. He came, it seems, once a year, and for a day would pour out the
torrent of his travels like a waterfall of guide-books (for he gloried in
dates, dimensions, and the points of the compass in his descriptions);
then he disappeared for another year, and left them to feast on the memory
of such a revelation.
For my part I sat silent, crippled with fatigue,
trying to forget my wounded feet, drinking stoup after stoup of beer and
watching the Phocean. He was of the old race you see on vases in red and
black; slight, very wiry, with a sharp, eager, but well-set face, a small,
black, pointed beard, brilliant eyes like those of lizards, rapid
gestures, and a vivacity that played all over his features as sheet
lightning does over the glow of midnight in June.
That delta of the Rhone is something quite
separate from the rest of France. It is a wedge of Greece and of the East
thrust into the Gauls. It came north a hundred years ago and killed the
monarchy. It caught the value in, and created, the great war song of the
I watched the Phocean. I thought of a man of his
ancestry three thousand years ago sitting here at the gates of these
mountains talking of his travels to dull, patient, and admiring
northerners, and travelling for gain up on into the Germanics, and I felt
the changeless form of Europe under me like a rock.
When he heard I was walking to Rome, this man of
information turned off his flood into another channel, as a miller will
send the racing water into a side sluice, and he poured out some such
torrent as this:
'Do not omit to notice the famous view S.E. from
the Villa So and So on Monte Mario; visit such and such a garden, and hear
Mass in such and such a church. Note the curious illusion produced on the
piazza of St Peter's by the interior measurements of the trapezium, which
are so many years and so many yards, ...' &c., and so forth ...
exactly like a mill.
I meanwhile sat on still silent, still drinking
beer and watching the Phocean; gradually suffering the fascination that
had captured the villagers and the German friend. He was a very wonderful
He was also kindly, for I found afterwards that he
had arranged with the host to give me up his bed, seeing my weariness. For
this, most unluckily, I was never able to thank him, since the next
morning I was off before he or any one else was awake, and I left on the
table such money as I thought would very likely satisfy the innkeeper.
It was broad day, but not yet sunrise (there were
watery thin clouds left here and there from the day before, a cold wind
drove them) when, with extreme pain, going slowly one step after the other
and resting continually, I started for Porrentruy along a winding road,
and pierced the gap in the Jura. The first turn cut me off from France,
and I was fairly in a strange country.
The valley through which I was now passing
resembled that of the lovely river Jed where it runs down from the
Cheviots, and leads like a road into the secret pastures of the lowlands.
Here also, as there, steep cliffs of limestone bounded a very level dale,
all green grass and plenty; the plateau above them was covered also with
perpetual woods, only here, different from Scotland, the woods ran on and
upwards till they became the slopes of high mountains; indeed, this
winding cleft was a natural passage through the first ridge of the Jura;
the second stood up southward before me like a deep blue storm.
I had, as I passed on along this turning way, all
the pleasures of novelty; it was quite another country from the governed
and ordered France which I had left. The road was more haphazard, less
carefully tended, and evidently less used. The milestones were very old,
and marked leagues instead of kilometres. There was age in everything.
Moss grew along the walls, and it was very quiet under the high trees. I
did not know the name of the little river that went slowly through the
meadows, nor whether it followed the custom of its French neighbours on
the watershed, and was called by some such epithet as hangs to all the
waters in that gap of Belfort, that plain of ponds and marshes: for they
are called 'the Sluggish', 'the Muddy', or 'the Laggard'. Even the name of
the Saone, far off, meant once 'Slow Water'.
I was wondering what its name might be, and how
far I stood from Porrentruy (which I knew to be close by), when I saw a
tunnel across the valley, and I guessed by the trend of the higher hills
that the river was about to make a very sharp angle. Both these signs, I
had been told, meant that I was quite close to the town; so I took a short
cut up through the forest over a spur of hill--a short cut most
legitimate, because it was trodden and very manifestly used--and I walked
up and then on a level for a mile, along a lane of the woods and beneath
small, dripping trees. When this short silence of the forest was over, I
saw an excellent sight.
There, below me, where the lane began to fall, was
the first of the German cities.
LECTOR. How 'German'?
AUCTOR. Let me explain. There is a race that
stretches vaguely, without
defined boundaries, from the Baltic into the high
hills of the south. I will not include the Scandinavians among them, for
the Scandinavians (from whom we English also in part descend) are
long-headed, lean, and fierce, with a light of adventure in their pale
eyes. But beneath them, I say, there stretches from the Baltic to the high
hills a race which has a curious unity. Yes; I know that great patches of
it are Catholic, and that other great patches hold varying philosophies; I
know also that within them are counted long-headed and round-headed men,
dark and fair, violent and silent; I know also that they have continually
fought among themselves and called in Welch allies; still I go somewhat by
the language, for I am concerned here with the development of a modern
European people, and I say that the Germans run from the high hills to the
northern sea. In all of them you find (it is not race, it is something
much more than race, it is the type of culture) a dreaminess and a love of
ease. In all of them you find music. They are those Germans whose
countries I had seen a long way off, from the Ballon d'Alsace, and whose
language and traditions I now first touched in the town that stood before
LECTOR. But in Porrentruy they talk French!
AUCTOR. They are welcome; it is an excellent
tongue. Nevertheless, they are Germans. Who but Germans would so
preserve--would so rebuild the past? Who but Germans would so feel the
mystery of the hills, and so fit their town to the mountains? I was to
pass through but a narrow wedge of this strange and diffuse people. They
began at Porrentruy, they ended at the watershed of the Adriatic, in the
high passes of the Alps; but in that little space of four days I made
acquaintance with their influence, and I owe them a perpetual gratitude
for their architecture and their tales. I had come from France, which is
full of an active memory of Rome. I was to debouch into those larger
plains of Italy, which keep about them an atmosphere of Rome in decay.
Here in Switzerland, for four marches, I touched a northern, exterior, and
barbaric people; for though these mountains spoke a distorted Latin
tongue, and only after the first day began to give me a Teutonic dialect,
yet it was evident from the first that they had about them neither the
Latin order nor the Latin power to create, but were contemplative and
easily absorbed by a little effort.
The German spirit is a marvel. There lay
Porrentruy. An odd door with Gothic turrets marked the entry to the town.
To the right of this gateway a tower, more enormous than anything I
remembered to have seen, even in dreams, flanked the approach to the city.
How vast it was, how protected, how high, how eaved, how enduring! I was
told later that some part of that great bastion was Roman, and I can
believe it. The Germans hate to destroy. It overwhelmed me as visions
overwhelm, and I felt in its presence as boys feel
when they first see the mountains. Had I not been
a Christian, I would have worshipped and propitiated this obsession, this
everlasting thing.
As it was I entered Porrentruy soberly. I passed
under its deep gateway and up its steep hill. The moment I was well into
the main street, something other of the Middle Ages possessed me, and I
began to think of food and wine. I went to the very first small
guest-house I could find, and asked them if they could serve me food. They
said that at such an early hour (it was not yet ten) they could give me
nothing but bread, yesterday's meat, and wine. I said that would do very
well, and all these things were set before me, and by a custom of the
country I paid before I ate. (A bad custom. Up in the Limousin, when I was
a boy, in the noisy valley of the Torrent, on the Vienne, I remember a
woman that did not allow me to pay till she had held the bottle up to the
light, measured the veal with her finger, and estimated the bread with her
eye; also she charged me double. God rest her soul!) I say I paid. And had
I had to pay twenty or twenty-three times as much it would have been worth
it for the wine.
I am hurrying on to Rome, and I have no time to
write a georgic. But, oh! my little friends of the north; my struggling,
strenuous, introspective, self-analysing, autoscopic, and generally
reentrant friends, who spout the 'Hue! Pater, oh! Lenae!' without a ghost
of an idea what you are talking about, do you know what is meant by the
god? Bacchus is everywhere, but if he has special sites to be ringed in
and kept sacred, I say let these be Brule, and the silent vineyard that
lies under the square wood by Tournus, the hollow underplace of Heltz le
Maurupt, and this town of Porrentruy. In these places if I can get no
living friends to help me, I will strike the foot alone on the genial
ground, and I know of fifty maenads and two hundred little attendant gods
by name that will come to the festival.
What a wine!
I was assured it would not travel. 'Nevertheless,'
said I, 'give me a good quart bottle of it, for I have to go far, and I
see there is a providence for pilgrims.'
So they charged me fourpence, and I took my bottle
of this wonderful stuff, sweet, strong, sufficient, part of the earth,
desirable, and went up on my way to Rome.
Could this book be infinite, as my voyage was
infinite, I would tell you about the shifty priest whom I met on the
platform of the church where a cliff overhangs the valley, and of the
anarchist whom I met when I recovered the highroad--- he was a sad, good
man, who had committed some sudden crime
and so had left France, and his hankering for
France all those years had soured his temper, and he said he wished there
were no property, no armies, and no governments.
But I said that we live as parts of a nation, and
that there was no fate so wretched as to be without a country of one's
own--what else was exile which so many noble men have thought worse than
death, and which all have feared? I also told him that armies fighting in
a just cause were the happiest places for living, and that a good battle
for justice was the beginning of all great songs; and that as for
property, a man on his own land was the nearest to God.
He therefore not convinced, and I loving and
pitying him, we separated; I had not time to preach my full doctrine, but
gave him instead a deep and misty glass of cool beer, and pledged him
brotherhood, freedom, and an equal law. Then I went on my way, praying God
that all these rending quarrels might be appeased. For they would
certainly be appeased if we once again had a united doctrine in Europe,
since economics are but an expression of the mind and do not (as the poor
blind slaves of the great cities think) mould the mind. What is more,
nothing makes property run into a few hands but the worst of the capital
sins, and you who say it is 'the modern facilities of distribution' are
like men who cannot read large print without spectacles; or again, you are
like men who should say that their drunkenness was due to their drink, or
that arson was caused by matches.
But, frankly, do you suppose I came all this way
over so many hills to talk economics? Very far from it! I will pray for
all poor men when I get to St Peter's in Rome (I should like to know what
capital St Peter had in that highly capitalistic first century), and,
meanwhile, do you discuss the margin of production while I go on the open
way; there are no landlords here, and if you would learn at least one
foreign language, and travel but five miles off a railway, you
town-talkers, you would find how much landlordism has to do with your
'necessities' and your 'laws'.
LECTOR. I thought you said you were not going to
talk economics?
AUCTOR. Neither am I. It is but the backwash of a
wave ... Well, then, I went up the open way, and came in a few miles of
that hot afternoon to the second ridge of the Jura, which they call 'the
Terrible Hill', or 'the Mount Terrible'--and, in truth, it is very jagged.
A steep, long crest of very many miles lies here between the vale of
Porrentruy and the deep gorge of the Doubs. The highroad goes off a long
way westward, seeking for a pass or neck in the chain, but I determined to
find a straight road across, and spoke to some wood-cutters who were
felling trees just where the road began to climb. They gave me this
curious indication. They said--
'Go you up this muddy track that has been made
athwart the woods and over the pastures by our sliding logs' (for they had
cut their trunks higher up the mountains), 'and you will come to the
summit easily. From thence you will see the Doubs running below you in a
very deep and dark ravine.'
I thanked them, and soon found that they had told
me right. There, unmistakable, a gash in the forest and across the
intervening fields of grass, was the run of the timber.
When I had climbed almost to the top, I looked
behind me to take my last view of the north. I saw just before me a high
isolated rock; between me and it was the forest. I saw beyond it the
infinite plain of Alsace and the distant Vosges. The cliff of limestone
that bounded that height fell sheer upon the tree-tops; its sublimity
arrested me, and compelled me to record it.
'Surely,' I said, 'if Switzerland has any gates on
the north they are these.' Then, having drawn the wonderful outline of
what I had seen, I went up, panting, to the summit, and, resting there,
discovered beneath me the curious swirl of the Doubs, where it ran in a
dark gulf thousands of feet below. The shape of this extraordinary turn I
will describe in a moment. Let me say, meanwhile, that there was no
precipice or rock between me and the river, only a down, down, down
through other trees and pastures, not too steep for a man
to walk, but steeper than our steep downs and
fells in England, where a man hesitates and picks his way. It was so much
of a descent, and so long, that one looked above the tree-tops. It was a
place where no one would care to ride.
I found a kind of path, sideways on the face of
the mountain, and followed it till I came to a platform with a hut perched
thereon, and men building. Here a good woman told me just how to go. I was
not to attempt the road to Brune-Farine--that is, 'Whole-Meal Farm'--as I
had first intended, foolishly trusting a map, but to take a gully she
would show me, and follow it till I reached the river. She came out, and
led me steeply across a hanging pasture; all the while she had knitting in
her hands, and I noticed that on the levels she went on with her knitting.
Then, when we got to the gully, she said I had but to follow it. I thanked
her, and she climbed up to her home.
This gully was the precipitous bed of a stream; I
clanked down it--thousands of feet--warily; I reached the valley, and at
last, very gladly, came to a drain, and thus knew that I approached a town
or village. It was St Ursanne.
The very first thing I noticed in St Ursanne was
the extraordinary shape of the lower windows of the church. They lighted a
crypt and ran along the ground, which in itself was sufficiently
remarkable, but much more remarkable was their shape, which seemed to me
to approach that of a horseshoe; I never saw such a thing before. It
looked as though the weight of the church above had bulged these little
windows out, and that is the way I explain it. Some people would say it
was a man coming home from the Crusades that had made them this eastern
way, others that it was a symbol of something or other. But I say--
LECTOR. What rhodomontade and pedantry is this
talk about the shape of a window?
AUCTOR. Little friend, how little you know! To a
building windows are everything; they are what eyes are to a man. Out of
windows a building takes
its view; in windows the outlook of its human
inhabitants is framed. If you were the lord of a very high tower
overlooking a town, a plain, a river, and a distant hill (I doubt if you
will ever have such luck!), would you not call your architect up before
you and say--
'Sir, see that the windows of my house are tall,
narrow, thick, and have a round top to them'?
Of course you would, for thus you would best catch
in separate pictures the sunlit things outside your home.
Never ridicule windows. It is out of windows that
many fall to their deaths. By windows love often enters. Through a window
went the bolt that killed King Richard. King William's father spied
Arlette from a window (I have looked through it myself, but not a soul did
I see washing below). When a mob would rule England, it breaks windows,
and when a patriot would save her, he taxes them. Out of windows we walk
on to lawns in summer and meet men and women, and in winter windows are
drums for the splendid music of storms that makes us feel so masterly
round our fires. The windows of the great cathedrals are all their
meaning. But for windows we should have to go out-of-doors to see
daylight. After the sun, which they serve, I know of nothing so beneficent
as windows. Fie upon the ungrateful man that has no window-god in his
house, and thinks himself too great a philosopher to bow down to
windows! May he live in a place without windows
for a while to teach him the value of windows. As for me, I will keep up
the high worship of windows till I come to the windowless grave. Talk to
me of windows!
Yes. There are other things in St Ursanne. It is a
little tiny town, and yet has gates. It is full of very old houses,
people, and speech. It was founded (or named) by a Bear Saint, and the
statue of the saint with his bear is carved on the top of a column in the
market-place. But the chief thing about it, so it seemed to me, was its
The gorge of the Doubs, of which I said a word or
two above, is of that very rare shape which isolates whatever may be found
in such valleys. It turns right back upon itself, like a very narrow U,
and thus cannot by any possibility lead any one anywhere; for though in
all times travellers have had to follow river valleys, yet when they come
to such a long and sharp turn as this, they have always cut across the
intervening bend.
Here is the shape of this valley with the high
hills round it and in its core, which will show better than description
what I mean. The little picture also shows what the gorge looked like as I
came down on it from the heights above.
In the map the small white 'A' shows where the
railway bridge was, and in this map, as in the others, the dark is for the
depth and the light is for the
heights. As for the picture, it is what one sees
when one is coming over the ridge at the north or top of the map, and when
one first catches the river beneath one.
I thought a good deal about what the Romans did to
get through the Mont Terrible, and how they negotiated this crook in the
Doubs (for they certainly passed into Gaul through the gates of
Porrentruy, and by that obvious valley below it). I decided that they
probably came round eastward by Delemont. But for my part, I was on a
straight path to Rome, and as that line lay just along the top of the
river bend I was bound to take it.
Now outside St Ursanne, if one would go along the
top of the river bend and so up to the other side of the gorge, is a kind
of subsidiary ravine--awful, deep, and narrow--and this was crossed, I
could see, by a very high railway bridge.
Not suspecting any evil, and desiring to avoid the
long descent into the ravine, the looking for a bridge or ford, and the
steep climb up the other side, I made in my folly for the station which
stood just where the railway left solid ground to go over this high, high
bridge. I asked leave of the stationmaster to cross it, who said it was
strictly forbidden, but that he was not a policeman, and that I might do
it at my own risk. Thanking him, therefore, and considering how charming
was the loose habit of small uncentralized societies, I went merrily on to
the bridge, meaning to walk across it by stepping from sleeper to sleeper.
But it was not to be so simple. The powers of the air, that hate to have
their kingdom disturbed, watched me as I began.
I had not been engaged upon it a dozen yards when
I was seized with terror.
I have much to say further on in this book
concerning terror: the panic that haunts high places and the spell of many
angry men. This horrible affection of the mind is the delight of our
modern scribblers; it is half the plot of their insane 'short stories',
and is at the root of their worship of what they call 'strength', a
cowardly craving for protection, or the much more despicable fascination
of brutality. For my part I have always disregarded it as something impure
and devilish, unworthy of a Christian. Fear I think, indeed, to be in the
nature of things, and it is as much part of my experience to be afraid of
the sea or of an untried horse as it is to eat and sleep; but terror,
which is a sudden madness and paralysis of the soul, that I say is from
hell, and not to be played with or considered or put in pictures or
described in stories. All this I say to preface what happened, and
especially to point out how terror is in the nature of a possession and is
For in the crossing of this bridge there was
nothing in itself perilous. The sleepers lay very close together--I doubt
if a man could have slipped between them; but, I know not how many hundred
feet below, was the flashing of the torrent, and it turned my brain. For
the only parapet there was a light line or pipe, quite slender and low
down, running from one spare iron upright to another. These rather
emphasized than encouraged my mood. And still as I resolutely put one foot
in front of the other, and resolutely kept my eyes off the abyss and fixed
on the opposing hill, and as the long curve before me was diminished by
successive sharp advances, still my heart was caught half-way in every
breath, and whatever it is that moves a man went uncertainly within me,
mechanical and half-paralysed. The great height with that narrow
unprotected ribbon across it was more than I could bear.
I dared not turn round and I dared not stop. Words
and phrases began repeating themselves in my head as they will under a
strain: so I know at sea a man perilously hanging on to the tiller makes a
kind of litany of his instructions. The central part was passed, the
three-quarters; the tension of that enduring effort had grown intolerable,
and I doubted my ability to complete the task. Why? What could prevent me?
I cannot say; it was all a bundle of imaginaries. Perhaps at bottom what I
feared was sudden giddiness and the fall--
At any rate at this last supreme part I vowed one
candle to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour if she would see that all went
well, and this candle I later paid in Rome; finding Our Lady of Succour
not hung up in a public place and known to all, as I thought She would be,
but peculiar to a little church belonging to a Scotchman and standing
above his high altar. Yet it is a very famous picture, and extremely old.
Well, then, having made this vow I still went on,
with panic aiding me, till I saw that the bank beneath had risen to within
a few feet of the bridge, and that dry land was not twenty yards away.
Then my resolution left me and I ran, or rather stumbled, rapidly from
sleeper to sleeper till I could take a deep breath on the solid earth
I stood and gazed back over the abyss; I saw the
little horrible strip between heaven and hell--the perspective of its
rails. I was made ill by the relief from terror. Yet I suppose railway-men
cross and recross it twenty times a day. Better for them than for me!
There is the story of the awful bridge of the Mont
Terrible, and it lies to a yard upon the straight line--quid dicam---
the segment of the Great Circle uniting Toul and Rome.
The high bank or hillside before me was that which
ends the gorge of the Doubs and looks down either limb of the sharp bend.
I had here not to climb but to follow at one height round the curve. My
way ran by a rather ill-made lane and passed a village. Then it was my
business to make straight up the farther wall of the gorge, and as there
was wood upon this, it looked an easy matter.
But when I came to it, it was not easy. The wood
grew in loose rocks and the slope was much too steep for anything but
hands and knees, and far too soft and broken for true climbing. And no
wonder this ridge seemed a wall for
steepness and difficulty, since it was the
watershed between the Mediterranean and the cold North Sea. But I did not
know this at the time. It must have taken me close on an hour before I had
covered the last thousand feet or so that brought me to the top of the
ridge, and there, to my great astonishment, was a road. Where could such a
road lead, and why did it follow right along the highest edge of the
mountains? The Jura with their unique parallels provide twenty such
Wherever it led, however, this road was plainly
perpendicular to my true route, and I had but to press on my straight
line. So I crossed it, saw for a last time through the trees the gorge of
the Doubs, and then got upon a path which led down through a field more or
less in the direction of my pilgrimage.
Here the country was so broken that one could make
out but little of its general features, but of course, on the whole, I was
following down yet another southern slope, the southern slope of the third
chain of the Jura, when, after passing through many glades and along a
stony path, I found a kind of gate between two high rocks, and emerged
somewhat suddenly upon a wide down studded with old trees and also many
stunted yews, and this sank down to a noble valley which lay all before
The open down or prairie on which I stood I
afterwards found to be called the 'Pasturage of Common Right', a very fine
name; and, as a gallery will command a great hall, so this field like a
platform commanded the wide and fading valley below.
It was a very glad surprise to see this sight
suddenly unrolled as I stood on the crest of the down. The Jura had
hitherto been either lonely, or somewhat awful, or naked and rocky, but
here was a true vale in which one could imagine a spirit of its own; there
were corn lands and no rocks. The mountains on either
side did not rise so high as three thousand feet.
Though of limestone they were rounded in form, and the slanting sun of the
late afternoon (all the storm had left the sky) took them full and warm.
The valley remaining wide and fruitful went on out eastward till the hills
became mixed up with brume and distance. As I did not know its name I
called it after the village immediately below me for which I was making;
and I still remember it as the Valley of Glovelier, and it lies between
the third and fourth ridges of the Jura.
Before leaving the field I drew what I saw but I
was much too tired by the double and prodigious climb of the past hours to
draw definitely or clearly. Such as it is, there it is. Then I went down
over the smooth field.
There is something that distinguishes the rugged
from the gracious in landscape, and in our Europe this something
corresponds to the use and presence of men, especially in mountainous
places. For men's habits and civilization fill the valleys and wash up the
base of the hills, making, as it were, a tide mark. Into this zone I had
already passed. The turf was trodden fine, and was set firm as it can only
become by thousands of years of pasturing. The moisture that oozed out of
the earth was not the random bog of the high places but a human spring,
caught in a stone trough. Attention had been given to the trees. Below me
stood a wall, which, though rough, was not the haphazard thing men pile up
in the last recesses of the hills, but formed of chosen stones, and these
bound together with mortar. On my right was a deep little dale with
children playing in it--and this' I afterwards learned was called a
'combe': delightful memory! All our deeper hollows are called the same at
home, and even the Welsh have the word, but they spell it cwm; it
is their mountain way. Well, as I was saying, everything surrounding me
was domestic and grateful, and I was therefore in a mood for charity and
companionship when I came down the last dip and entered Glovelier. But
Glovelier is a place of no excellence whatever, and if the thought did not
seem extravagant I should be for putting it to the sword and burning it
all down.
For just as I was going along full of kindly
thoughts, and had turned into the sign of (I think it was) the 'Sun' to
drink wine and leave them my benediction--
LECTOR. Why your benediction?
AUCTOR. Who else can give benedictions if people
cannot when they are on pilgrimage? Learn that there are three avenues by
which blessing can be bestowed, and three kinds of men who can bestow it.
(1) There is the good man, whose goodness makes
him of himself a giver of blessings. His power is not conferred or of
office, but is inhaerens persona; part of the stuff of his mind.
This kind can confer the solemn benediction, or
Benedictio major, if they choose; but
besides this their every kind thought, word, or action is a Benedictio
generalise and even their frowns, curses, angry looks and irritable
gestures may be called Benedictiones minores vel incerti. I believe
I am within the definitions. I avoid heresy. All this is sound theology. I
do not smell of the faggot. And this kind of Benedictory Power is the
fount or type or natural origin, as it were, of all others.
(2) There is the Official of Religion who, in the
exercise of his office--
LECTOR. For Heaven's sake--
AUCTOR. Who began it? You protested my power to
give benediction, and I must now prove it at length; otherwise I should
fall under the accusation of lesser Simony--that is, the false assumption
of particular powers. Well, then, there is the Official who ex officio,
and when he makes it quite clear that it is qua sponsus and not sicut
ut ipse, can give formal benediction. This power belongs certainly to
all Bishops, mitred Abbots, and Archimandrates; to Patriarchs of course,
and a fortiori to the Pope. In Rome they will have it that
Monsignores also can so bless, and I have heard it debated whether or no
the same were not true in some rustic way of parish priests. However this
may be, all their power proceeds, not from themselves, but from the
accumulation of goodness left as a deposit by the multitudes of
exceptionally good men who have lived in times past, and who have now no
use for it.
(3) Thirdly--and this is my point--any one, good
or bad, official or non-official, who is for the moment engaged in an opusfaustum
can act certainly as a conductor or medium, and the influence of what he
is touching or doing passes to you from him. This is admitted by every one
who worships trees, wells, and stones; and indeed it stands to reason, for
it is but a branch of the well-known 'Sanctificatio ex loco, opere,
tactu vel conditione.' I will admit that this power is but vague,
slight, tenuous, and dissipatory, still there it is: though of course its
poor effect is to that of the Benedictio major what a cat's-paw in
the Solent is to a north-east snorter on Lindsey Deeps.
I am sorry to have been at such length, but it is
necessary to have these things thrashed out once for all. So now you see
how I, being on pilgrimage, could give a kind of little creeping blessing
to the people on the way, though, as St Louis said to the Hascisch-eaters,
'May it be a long time before you can kiss my bones.'
So I entered the 'Sun' inn and saw there a woman
sewing, a great dull-faced man like an ox, and a youth writing down
figures in a little book. I said--
'Good morning, madam, and sirs, and the company.
Could you give me a little red wine?' Not a head moved.
True I was very dirty and tired, and they may have
thought me a beggar, to whom, like good sensible Christians who had no
nonsense about them, they would rather have given a handsome kick than a
cup of cold water. However, I think it was not only my poverty but a
native churlishness which bound their bovine souls in that valley.
I sat down at a very clean table. I notice that
those whom the Devil has made his own are always spick and span, just as
firemen who have to go into great furnaces have to keep all their gear
highly polished. I sat down at it, and said again, still gently--
'It is, indeed, a fine country this of yours.
Could you give me a little red wine?'
Then the ox-faced man who had his back turned to
me, and was the worst of the lot, said sulkily, not to me, but to the
'He wants wine.'
The woman as sulkily said to me, not looking me in
the eyes--
'How much will you pay?'
I said, 'Bring the wine. Set it here. See me drink
it. Charge me your due.'
I found that this brutal way of speaking was just
what was needed for the kine and cattle of this pen. She skipped off to a
cupboard, and set wine before me, and a glass. I drank quite quietly till
I had had enough, and asked what there was to pay. She said 'Threepence,'
and I said 'Too much,' as I paid it. At this the ox-faced man grunted and
frowned, and I was afraid; but hiding my fear I walked out boldly and
slowly, and made a noise with my stick upon the floor of the hall without.
Neither did I bid them farewell. But I made a sign at the house as I left
it. Whether it suffered from this as did the house at Dorchester which the
man in the boat caused to wither in one night, is more than I can tell.
The road led straight across the valley and
approached the further wall of hills. These I saw were pierced by one of
the curious gaps which are peculiar to limestone ranges. Water cuts them,
and a torrent ran through this one also. The road through it, gap though
it was, went up steeply, and the further valley was evidently higher than
the one I was leaving. It was already evening as I entered this narrow
ravine; the sun only caught the tops of the rock-walls. My fatigue was
very great, and my walking painful to an extreme, when, having come to a
place where the gorge was narrowest and where the two sides were like the
posts of a giant's stile, where also the fifth ridge of the Jura stood up
beyond me in the further valley, a vast shadow, I sat down wearily and
drew what not even my exhaustion could render unremarkable.
While I was occupied sketching the slabs of
limestone, I heard wheels coming up behind me, and a boy in a waggon
stopped and hailed me.
What the boy wanted to know was whether I would
take a lift, and this he said in such curious French that I shuddered to
think how far I had pierced into the heart of the hills, and how soon I
might come to quite strange people. I was greatly tempted to get into his
cart, but though I had broken so many of my vows one remained yet whole
and sound, which was that I would ride upon no wheeled thing. Remembering
this, therefore, and considering that the Faith is rich in interpretation,
I clung on to the waggon in such a manner that it did all my work for me,
and yet could not be said to be actually carrying me. Distinguo.
The essence of a vow is its literal meaning. The spirit and intention are
for the major morality, and concern Natural Religion, but when upon a
point of ritual or of dedication or special worship a man talks to you of
the Spirit and Intention, and complains of the dryness of the Word, look
at him askance. He is not far removed from Heresy.
I knew a man once that was given to drinking, and
I made up this rule for him to distinguish between Bacchus and the Devil.
To wit: that he should never drink what has been made and sold since the
Reformation--I mean especially
spirits and champagne. Let him (said I) drink red
wine and white, good beer and mead--if he could get it--liqueurs made by
monks, and, in a word, all those feeding, fortifying, and confirming
beverages that our fathers drank in old time; but not whisky, nor brandy,
nor sparkling wines, not absinthe, nor the kind of drink called gin. This
he promised to do, and all went well. He became a merry companion, and
began to write odes. His prose clarified and set, that had before been
very mixed and cloudy. He slept well; he comprehended divine things; he
was already half a republican, when one fatal day--it was the feast of the
eleven thousand virgins, and they were too busy up in heaven to consider
the needs of us poor hobbling, polyktonous and betempted wretches of
men--I went with him to the Society for the Prevention of Annoyances to
the Rich, where a certain usurer's son was to read a paper on the cruelty
of Spaniards to their mules. As we were all seated there round a table
with a staring green cloth on it, and a damnable gas pendant above, the
host of that evening offered him whisky and water, and, my back being
turned, he took it. Then when I would have taken it from him he used these
'After all, it is the intention of a pledge that
matters;' and I saw that all was over, for he had abandoned definition,
and was plunged back into the horrible mazes of Conscience and Natural
What do you think, then, was the consequence? Why,
he had to take some nasty pledge or other to drink nothing whatever, and
become a spectacle and a judgement, whereas if he had kept his exact word
he might by this time have been a happy man.
Remembering him and pondering upon the advantage
of strict rule, I hung on to my cart, taking care to let my feet still
feel the road, and so passed through the high limestone gates of the
gorge, and was in the fourth valley of the Jura, with the fifth ridge
standing up black and huge before me against the last of the daylight.
There were as yet no stars.
There, in this silent place, was the little
village of Undervelier, and I thanked the boy, withdrew from his cart, and
painfully approached the inn, where I asked the woman if she could give me
something to eat, and she said that she could in about an hour, using,
however, with regard to what it was I was to have, words which I did not
understand. For the French had become quite barbaric, and I was now indeed
lost in one of the inner places of the world.
A cigar is, however, even in Undervelier, a cigar;
and the best cost a penny. One of these, therefore, I bought, and then I
went out smoking it into the village square, and, finding a low wall,
leaned over it and contemplated the glorious clear green water tumbling
and roaring along beneath it on the other side; for a little river ran
through the village.
As I leaned there resting and communing I noticed
how their church, close at hand, was built along the low banks of the
torrent. I admired the luxuriance of the grass these waters fed, and the
generous arch of the trees beside it. The graves seemed set in a natural
place of rest and home, and just beyond this churchyard was that marriage
of hewn stone and water which is the source of so peculiar a satisfaction;
for the church tower was built boldly right out into the stream and the
current went eddying round it. But why it is that strong human building
when it dips into water should thus affect the mind I cannot say, only I
know that it is an emotion apart to see our device and structure where it
is most enduring come up against and challenge that element which we
cannot conquer, and which has always in it something of danger for men. It
is therefore well to put strong mouldings on to piers and quays, and to
make an architecture of them, and so it was a splendid thought of the
Romans to build their villas right out to sea; so they say does Venice
enthrall one, but where I have most noticed this thing is at the Mont St
Michel--only one must take care to shut one's eyes or sleep during all the
low tide.
As I was watching that stream against those old
stones, my cigar being now half smoked, a bell began tolling, and it
seemed as if the whole village were pouring into the church. At this I was
very much surprised, not having been used at any time of my life to the
unanimous devotion of an entire population, but having always thought of
the Faith as something fighting odds, and having seen unanimity only in
places where some sham religion or other glozed over our tragedies and
excused our sins. Certainly to see all the men, women, and children of a
place taking Catholicism for granted was a new sight, and so I put my
cigar carefully down under a stone on the top of the wall and went in with
them. I then saw that what they were at was vespers.
All the village sang, knowing the psalms very
well, and I noticed that their Latin was nearer German than French; but
what was most pleasing of all was to hear from all the men and women
together that very noble good-night and salutation to God which begins--
Te, lucis ante terminum.
My whole mind was taken up and transfigured by
this collective act, and I saw for a moment the Catholic Church quite
plain, and I remembered Europe, and the centuries. Then there left me
altogether that attitude of difficulty and combat which, for us others, is
always associated with the Faith. The cities dwindled in my imagination,
and I took less heed of the modern noise. I went out with them into the
clear evening and the cool. I found my cigar and lit it again, and musing
much more deeply than before, not without tears, I considered the nature
of Belief.
Of its nature it breeds a reaction and an
indifference. Those who believe nothing but only think and judge cannot
understand this. Of its nature it struggles with us. And we, we, when our
youth is full on us, invariably reject it and set out in the sunlight
content with natural things. Then for a long time we are like men who
follow down the cleft of a mountain and the peaks are hidden from us and
forgotten. It takes years to reach the dry plain, and then we look back
and see our home.
What is it, do you think, that causes the return?
I think it is the problem of living; for every day, every experience of
evil, demands a solution. That solution is provided by the memory of the
great scheme which at last we remember. Our childhood pierces through
again ... But I will not attempt to explain it, for I have not the power;
only I know that we who return suffer hard things; for there grows a gulf
between us and many companions. We are perpetually thrust into minorities,
and the world almost begins to talk a strange language; we are troubled by
the human machinery of a perfect and superhuman revelation; we are
over-anxious for its safety, alarmed, and in danger of violent decisions.
And this is hard: that the Faith begins to make
one abandon the old way of judging. Averages and movements and the rest
grow uncertain. We see things from within and consider one mind or a
little group as a salt or leaven. The very nature of social force seems
changed to us. And this is hard when a man has loved common views and is
happy only with his fellows.
And this again is very hard, that we must once
more take up that awful struggle to reconcile two truths and to keep civic
freedom sacred in spite of the organization of religion, and not to deny
what is certainly true. It is hard to accept mysteries, and to be humble.
We are tost as the great schoolmen were tost, and we dare not neglect the
duty of that wrestling.
But the hardest thing of all is that it leads us
away, as by a command, from all that banquet of the intellect than which
there is no keener joy known to man.
I went slowly up the village place in the dusk,
thinking of this deplorable weakness in men that the Faith is too great
for them, and accepting it as an inevitable burden. I continued to muse
with my eyes upon the ground ...
There was to be no more of that studious content,
that security in historic analysis, and that constant satisfaction of an
appetite which never cloyed. A wisdom more imperative and more profound
was to put a term to the comfortable wisdom of learning. All the balance
of judgement, the easy, slow convictions, the broad grasp of things, the
vision of their complexity, the pleasure in their innumerable life--all
that had to be given up. Fanaticisms were no longer entirely to be
despised, just appreciations and a strong grasp of reality no longer
entirely to be admired.
The Catholic Church will have no philosophies. She
will permit no comforts; the cry of the martyrs is in her far voice; her
eyes that see beyond the world present us heaven and hell to the confusion
of our human reconciliations, our happy blending of good and evil things.
By the Lord! I begin to think this intimate
religion as tragic as a great love. There came back into my mind a relic
that I have in my house. It is a panel of the old door of my college,
having carved on it my college arms. I remembered the Lion and the Shield,
Haec fuit, Haec almae janua sacra domus. Yes, certainly religion is
as tragic as first love, and drags us out into the void away from our dear
It is a good thing to have loved one woman from a
child, and it is a good thing not to have to return to the Faith.
They cook worse in Undervelier than any place I
was ever in, with the possible exception of Omaha, Neb.
LECTOR. Why do you use phrases like 'possible
AUCTOR. Why not? I see that all the religion I
have stuck into the book has no more effect on you than had Rousseau upon
Sir Henry Maine. You are as full of Pride as a minor Devil. You would
avoid the cliché and the commonplace, and the phrase
toute faite. Why? Not because you naturally write odd
prose--contrariwise, left to yourself you write pure journalese; but
simply because you are swelled and puffed up with a desire to pose. You
want what the Martha Brown school calls 'distinction' in prose. My little
friend, I know how it is done, and I find it contemptible. People write
their articles at full speed, putting down their unstudied and valueless
conclusions in English as pale as a film of dirty wax--sometimes even they
dictate to a typewriter. Then they sit over it with a blue pencil and
carefully transpose the split infinitives, and write alternative
adjectives, and take words away out of their natural place in the sentence
and generally put the Queen's English--yes, the Queen's English--on the
rack. And who is a penny the better for it? The silly authors get no real
praise, not even in the horrible stucco villas where their clique meet on
Sundays. The poor public buys the Marvel and gasps at the
cleverness of the writing and despairs, and has to read what it can
understand, and is driven back to toshy novels about problems, written by
cooks. 'The hungry sheep,' as some one says somewhere, 'look up and are
not fed;' and the same poet well describes your pipings as being on
wretched straw pipes that are 'scrannel'--a good word.
Oh, for one man who should write healthy, hearty,
straightforward English! Oh, for Cobbett! There are indeed some great men
who write twistedly simply
Because they cannot help it, but their
honesty is proved by the mass they turn out. What do you turn out, you
higglers and sticklers? Perhaps a bad triolet every six months, and a book
of criticism on something thoroughly threadbare once in five years. If I
had my way--
LECTOR. I am sorry to have provoked all this.
AUCTOR. Not at all! Not at all! I trust I have
made myself clear.
Well, as I was saying, they cook worse at
Undervelier than any place I was ever in, with the possible exception of
Omaha, Neb. However, I forgave them, because they were such good people,
and after a short and bitter night I went out in the morning before the
sun rose and took the Moutier road.
The valley in which I was now engaged--the phrase
seems familiar--was more or less like an H. That is, there were two high
parallel ranges bounding it, but across the middle a low ridge of perhaps
a thousand feet. The road slowly climbed this ridge through pastures where
cows with deep-toned bells were rising from the dew on the grass, and
where one or two little cottages and a village already sent up smoke. All
the way up I was thinking of the surfeit of religion I had had the night
before, and also of how I had started that morning without bread or
coffee, which was a folly.
When I got to the top of the ridge there was a
young man chopping wood outside a house, and I asked him in French how far
it was to Moutier. He answered in German, and I startled him by a loud
cry, such as sailors give when they see land, for at last I had struck the
boundary of the languages, and was with pure foreigners for the first time
in my life. I also asked him for coffee, and as he refused it I took him
to be a heretic and went down the road making up verses against all such,
and singing them loudly through the forest that now arched over me and
grew deeper as I descended.
And my first verse was--
Heretics all, whoever you be, In Tarbes or Nimes,
or over the sea, You never shall have good words from me. Caritas non
conturbat me.
If you ask me why I put a Latin line at the end,
it was because I had to show that it was a song connected with the
Universal Fountain and with European culture, and with all that Heresy
combats. I sang it to a lively hymn-tune that I had invented for the
I then thought what a fine fellow I was, and how
pleasant were my friends when I agreed with them. I made up this second
verse, which I sang even more loudly than the first; and the forest grew
deeper, sending back echoes--
But Catholic men that live upon wine Are deep in
the water, and frank, and fine; Wherever I travel I find it so, Benedicamus
There is no doubt, however, that if one is really
doing a catholic work, and expressing one's attitude to the world,
charity, pity, and a great sense of fear should possess one, or, at least,
appear. So I made up this third verse and sang it to suit--
On childing women that are forlorn, And men that
sweat in nothing but scorn: That is on all that ever were born, Miserere
Then, as everything ends in death, and as that is
just what Heretics least like to be reminded of, I ended thus--
To my poor self on my deathbed, And all my dear
companions dead, Because of the love that I bore them, Dona Eis
I say 'I ended.' But I did not really end there,
for I also wrote in the spirit of the rest a verse of Mea Culpa and
Confession of Sin, but I shall not print it here.
So my song over and the woods now left behind, I
passed up a dusty piece of road into Moutier, a detestable town, all
whitewashed and orderly, down under the hills.
I was tired, for the sun was now long risen and
somewhat warm, and I had walked ten miles, and that over a high ridge; and
I had written a canticle and sung it--- and all that without a sup or a
bite. I therefore took bread, coffee, and soup in Moutier, and then going
a little way out of the town I crossed a stream off the road, climbed a
knoll, and, lying under a tree, I slept.
I awoke and took the road.
The road after Moutier was not a thing for
lyrics; it stirred me in no way. It was bare in the sunlight, had fields
on either side; and in the fields stood houses. In the houses were
articulately-speaking mortal men.
There is a school of Poets (I cannot read them
myself) who treat of common things, and their admirers tell us that these
men raise the things of everyday
life to the plane of the supernatural. Note that
phrase, for it is a shaft of light through a cloud revealing their
disgusting minds.
Everyday life! As La Croix said in a
famous leading article: 'La Presse?' POOH!' I know that everyday
life. It goes with sandals and pictures of lean ugly people all just like
one another in browny photographs on the wall, and these pictures are
called, one 'The House of Life', or another, 'The Place Beautiful', or yet
again a third, 'The Lamp of the Valley', and when you complain and shift
about uneasily before these pictures, the scrub-minded and dusty-souled
owners of them tell you that of course in photographs you lose the
marvellous colour of the original. This everyday life has mantelpieces
made of the same stuff as cafe-tables, so that by instinct I try to make
rings on them with my wine-glass, and the people who suffer this life get
up every morning at eight, and the poor sad men of the house slave at
wretched articles and come home to hear more literature and more
appreciations, and the unholy women do nothing and attend to local
government, that is, the oppression of the poor; and altogether this
accursed everyday life of theirs is instinct with the four sins crying to
heaven for vengeance, and there is no humanity in it, and no simplicity,
and no recollection. I know whole quarters of the towns of that life where
they have never heard of Virtus or Verecundia or Pietas.
LECTOR. Then--
AUCTOR. Alas! alas! Dear Lector, in these houses
there is no honest dust. Not a bottle of good wine or bad; no prints
inherited from one's uncle, and no children's books by Mrs Barbauld or
Miss Edgeworth; no human disorder, nothing of that organic comfort which
makes a man's house like a bear's fur for him. They have no debts, they do
not read in bed, and they will have difficulty in saving their souls.
LECTOR. Then tell me, how would you treat of
common things?
AUCTOR. Why, I would leave them alone; but if I
had to treat of them I will show you how I would do it. Let us have a
dialogue about this road from Moutier.
LECTOR. By all means.
AUCTOR. What a terrible thing it is to miss one's
sleep. I can hardly bear the heat of the road, and my mind is empty!
LECTOR. Why, you have just slept in a wood!
AUCTOR. Yes, but that is not enough. One must
sleep at night.
LECTOR. My brother often complains of insomnia. He
is a policeman.
AUCTOR. Indeed? It is a sad affliction.
LECTOR. Yes, indeed.
AUCTOR. Indeed, yes.
LECTOR. I cannot go on like this.
AUCTOR. There. That is just what I was saying. One
cannot treat of common things: it is not literature; and for my part, if I
were the editor even of a magazine, and the author stuck in a string of
dialogue, I would not pay him by the page but by the word, and I would
count off 5 per cent for epigrams, 10 per cent for dialect, and some
quarter or so for those stage directions in italics which they use to pad
out their work.
So. I will not repeat this experiment, but next
time I come to a bit of road about which there is nothing to say, I will
tell a story or sing a song, and to that I pledge myself.
By the way, I am reminded of something. Do you
know those books and stories in which parts of the dialogues often have no
words at all? Only dots and dashes and asterisks and interrogations? I
wonder what the people are paid for it? If I knew I would earn a mint of
money, for I believe I have a talent for it. Look at this--
There. That seems to me worth a good deal more
money than all the modern 'delineation of character', and 'folk' nonsense
ever written. What verve! What terseness! And yet how clear!
LECTOR. Let us be getting on.
AUCTOR. By all means, and let us consider more
enduring things.
After a few miles the road going upwards, I passed
through another gap in the hills and--
LECTOR. Pardon me, but I am still ruminating upon
that little tragedy of yours. Why was the guardian a duchess?
AUCTOR. Well, it was a short play and modern, was
it not?
LECTOR. Yes. And therefore, of course, you must
have a title in it. I know that. I do not object to it. What I want to
know is, why a duchess?
AUCTOR. On account of the reduction of scale: the
concentration of the thing. You see in the full play there would have been
a lord, two baronets, and say three ladies, and I could have put suitable
words into their mouths. As it was I had to make absolutely sure of the
element of nobility without any help, and, as it were, in one startling
moment. Do you follow? Is it not art?
I cannot conceive why a pilgrimage, an adventure
so naturally full of great, wonderful, far-off and holy things should
breed such fantastic nonsense as all this; but remember at least the
little acolyte of Rheims, whose father, in 1512, seeing him apt for
religion, put him into a cassock and designed him for the Church,
whereupon the youngling began to be as careless and devilish as Mercury,
putting beeswax on the misericords, burning feathers in the censer, and
even going round himself with the plate without leave and scolding the
rich in loud whispers when they did not put in enough. So one way with
another they sent him home to his father; the archbishop thrusting him out
of the south porch with his own hands and giving him the Common or Ferial
Malediction, which is much the same as that used by carters to stray dogs.
When his father saw him he fumed terribly, cursing
like a pagan, and asking whether his son were a roysterer fit for the
gallows as well as a fool fit for a cassock. On hearing which complaint
the son very humbly and contritely said--
'It is not my fault but the contact with the
things of the Church that makes me gambol and frisk, just as the Devil
they say is a good enough fellow left to himself and is only moderately
heated, yet when you put him into holy water all the world is witness how
he hisses and boils.'
The boy then taking a little lamb which happened
to be in the drawing-room, said--
'Father, see this little lamb; how demure he is
and how simple and innocent, and how foolish and how tractable. Yet
observe!' With that he whipped the cassock from his arm where he was
carrying it and threw it all over the lamb, covering his head and body;
and the lamb began plunging and kicking and bucking and rolling and
heaving and sliding and rearing and pawing and most vigorously wrestling
with the clerical and hierarchically constraining garment of darkness, and
bleating all the while more and more angrily and loudly, for all the world
like the great goat Baphomet himself when the witches dance about him on
All-hallowe'en. But when the boy suddenly plucked off the cassock again,
the lamb, after sneezing a little and finding his feet, became quite
gentle once more, and looked only a little confused and dazed.
'There, father,' said the boy, 'is proof to you of
how the meekest may be driven to desperation by the shackles I speak of,
and which I pray you never lay upon me again.'
His father finding him so practical and wise made
over his whole fortune and business to him, and thus escaped the very
heavy Heriot and Death Dues of those days, for he was a Socage tenant of
St Remi in Double Burgage. But we stopped all that here in England by the
statute of Uses, and I must be getting back to the road before the dark
catches me.
As I was saying, I came to a gap in the hills, and
there was there a house or two called Gansbrunnen, and one of the houses
was an inn. Just by the inn the road turned away sharply up the valley;
the very last slope of the Jura, the last parallel ridge, lay straight
before me all solemn, dark, and wooded, and making a high feathery line
against the noon. To cross this there was but a vague path rather
misleading, and the name of the mountain was Weissenstein.
So before that last effort which should lead me
over those thousands of feet, and to nourish Instinct (which would be of
use to me when I got into that impenetrable wood), I turned into the inn
for wine.
A very old woman having the appearance of a witch
sat at a dark table by the little criss-cross window of the dark room. She
was crooning to herself, and I made the sign of the evil eye and asked her
in French for wine; but French she did not understand. Catching, however,
two words which sounded like the English 'White' and 'Red', I said 'Yaw'
after the last and nodded, and she brought up a glass of exceedingly good
red wine which I drank in silence, she watching me uncannily.
Then I paid her with a five-franc piece, and she
gave me a quantity of small change rapidly, which, as I counted it, I
found to contain one Greek piece of fifty lepta very manifestly of lead.
This I held up angrily before her, and (not without courage, for it is
hard to deal with the darker powers) I recited to her slowly that familiar
verse which the well-known Satyricus Empiricius was for ever using in his
now classical attacks on the grammarians; and without any Alexandrian
twaddle of accents I intoned to her--
and so left her astounded to repentance or to
Then I went out into the sunlight, and crossing
over running water put myself out of her power.
The wood went up darkly and the path branched here
and there so that I was soon uncertain of my way, but I followed generally
what seemed to me the most southerly course, and so came at last up
steeply through a dip or ravine that ended high on the crest of the ridge.
Just as I came to the end of the rise, after
perhaps an hour, perhaps two, of that great curtain of forest which had
held the mountain side, the trees fell away to brushwood, there was a
gate, and then the path was lost upon a fine open sward which was the very
top of the Jura and the coping of that multiple wall which defends the
Swiss Plain. I had crossed it straight from edge to edge, never turning
out of my way.
It was too marshy to lie down on it, so I stood a
moment to breathe and look about me.
It was evident that nothing higher remained, for
though a new line of wood--firs and beeches--stood before me, yet nothing
appeared above them, and I knew that they must be the fringe of the
descent. I approached this edge of wood, and saw that it had a rough fence
of post and rails bounding it, and
as I was looking for the entry of a path (for my
original path was lost, as such tracks are, in the damp grass of the
little down) there came to me one of those great revelations which betray
to us suddenly the higher things and stand afterwards firm in our minds.
There, on this upper meadow, where so far I had
felt nothing but the ordinary gladness of The Summit, I had a vision.
What was it I saw? If you think I saw this or
that, and if you think I am inventing the words, you know nothing of men.
I saw between the branches of the trees in front
of me a sight in the sky that made me stop breathing, just as great danger
at sea, or great surprise in love, or a great deliverance will make a man
stop breathing. I saw something I had known in the West as a boy,
something I had never seen so grandly discovered as was this. In between
the branches of the trees was a great promise of unexpected lights beyond.
I pushed left and right along that edge of the
forest and along the fence that bound it, until I found a place where the
pine-trees stopped, leaving a gap, and where on the right, beyond the gap,
was a tree whose leaves had failed; there the ground broke away steeply
below me, and the beeches fell, one below the other, like a vast cascade,
towards the limestone cliffs that dipped down still further, beyond my
sight. I looked through this framing hollow and praised God. For there
below me, thousands of feet below me, was what seemed an illimitable
plain; at the end of that world was an horizon, and the dim bluish sky
that overhangs an horizon.
There was brume in it and thickness. One saw the
sky beyond the edge of the world getting purer as the vault rose. But
right up--a belt in that empyrean--ran peak and field and needle of
intense ice, remote, remote from the world. Sky beneath them and sky above
them, a steadfast legion, they glittered as though with the armour of the
immovable armies of Heaven. Two days' march, three days' march away, they
stood up like the walls of Eden. I say it again, they stopped my breath. I
had seen them.
So little are we, we men: so much are we immersed
in our muddy and immediate interests that we think, by numbers and
recitals, to comprehend distance or time, or any of our limiting
infinities. Here were these magnificent creatures of God, I mean the Alps,
which now for the first time I saw from the height of the Jura; and
because they were fifty or sixty miles away, and because they were a mile
or two high, they were become something different from us others, and
could strike one motionless with the awe of supernatural things. Up there
in the sky, to which only clouds belong and birds and the last trembling
colours of pure light, they stood fast and hard; not moving as do the
things of the sky. They were as distant as the little upper clouds of
summer, as fine and tenuous; but in their reflection and in their quality
as it were of weapons (like spears and shields of an unknown array) they
occupied the sky with a sublime invasion: and the things proper to the sky
were forgotten by me in their presence as I gazed.
To what emotion shall I compare this astonishment?
So, in first love one finds that this can belong to me.
Their sharp steadfastness and their clean uplifted
lines compelled my
adoration. Up there, the sky above and below them,
part of the sky, but part of us, the great peaks made communion between
that homing creeping part of me which loves vineyards and dances and a
slow movement among pastures, and that other part which is only properly
at home in Heaven. I say that this kind of description is useless, and
that it is better to address prayers to such things than to attempt to
interpret them for others.
These, the great Alps, seen thus, link one in some
way to one's immortality. Nor is it possible to convey, or even to
suggest, those few fifty miles, and those few thousand feet; there is
something more. Let me put it thus: that from the height of Weissenstein I
saw, as it were, my religion. I mean, humility, the fear of death, the
terror of height and of distance, the glory of God, the infinite
potentiality of reception whence springs that divine thirst of the soul;
my aspiration also towards completion, and my confidence in the dual
destiny. For I know that we laughers have a gross cousinship with the most
high, and it is this contrast and perpetual quarrel which feeds a spring
of merriment in the soul of a sane man.
Since I could now see such a wonder and it could
work such things in my mind, therefore, some day I should be part of it.
That is what I felt.
This it is also which leads some men to climb
mountain-tops, but not me, for I am afraid of slipping down.
Then you will say, if I felt all this, why do I
draw it, and put it in my book, seeing that my drawings are only for fun?
My jest drags down such a memory and makes it ludicrous. Well, I said in
my beginning that I would note down whatever most impressed me, except
figures, which I cannot draw (I mean figures of human beings, for
mathematical figures I can draw well enough), and I have never failed in
this promise, except where, as in the case of Porrentruy, my drawing was
blown away by the wind and lost--- if anything ever is lost. So I put down
here this extraordinary drawing of what I saw,
which is about as much like it as a printed song
full of misprints is to that same song sung by an army on the march. And I
am consoled by remembering that if I could draw infinitely well, then it
would become sacrilege to attempt to draw that sight. Moreover, I am not
going to waste any more time discussing why I put in this little drawing.
If it disturbs your conception of what it was I saw, paste over it a
little bit of paper. I have made it small for the purpose; but remember
that the paper should be thin and opaque, for thick paper will interfere
with the shape of this book, and transparent paper will disturb you with a
memory of the picture.
It was all full of this, as a man is full of music
just after hearing it, that I plunged down into the steep forest that led
towards the great plain; then, having found a path, I worked zig-zag down
it by a kind of gully that led through to a place where the limestone
cliffs were broken, and (so my map told me) to the town of Soleure, which
stands at the edge of the plain upon the river Aar.
I was an hour or more going down the enormous face
of the Jura, which is here an escarpment, a cliff of great height, and
contains but few such breaks by which
men can pick their way. It was when I was about
half-way down the mountain side that its vastness most impressed me. And
yet it had been but a platform as it were, from which to view the Alps and
their much greater sublimity.
This vastness, even of these limestone mountains,
took me especially at a place where the path bordered a steep, or rather
precipitous, lift of white rock to which only here and there a tree could
I was still very high up, but looking somewhat
more eastward than before, and the plain went on inimitably towards some
low vague hills; nor in that direction could any snow be seen in the sky.
Then at last I came to the slopes which make a little bank under the
mountains, and there, finding a highroad, and oppressed somewhat suddenly
by the afternoon heat of those low places, I went on more slowly towards
Beside me, on the road, were many houses, shaded
by great trees, built of wood, and standing apart. To each of them almost
was a little water-wheel, run by the spring which came down out of the
ravine. The water-wheel in most cases worked a simple little machine for
sawing planks, but in other cases it seemed used for some purpose inside
the house, which I could not divine; perhaps for spinning.
All this place was full of working, and the men
sang and spoke at their work in German, which I could not understand. I
did indeed find one man, a young hay-making man carrying a scythe, who
knew a little French and was going my way. I asked him, therefore, to
teach me German, but he had not taught me much before we were at the gates
of the old town and then I left him. It is thus, you will see, that for my
next four days or five, which were passed among the German-speaking Swiss,
I was utterly alone.
This book must not go on for ever; therefore I
cannot say very much about Soleure, although there is a great deal to be
said about it. It is distinguished by an impression of unity, and of civic
life, which I had already discovered in all these Swiss towns; for though
men talk of finding the Middle Ages here or there, I for my part never
find it, save where there has been democracy to preserve it. Thus I have
seen the Middle Ages especially alive in the small towns of Northern
France, and I have seen the Middle Ages in the University of Paris. Here
also in Switzerland. As I had seen it at St Ursanne, so I found it now at
Soleure. There were huge gates flanking the town, and there was that
evening a continual noise of rifles, at which the Swiss are for ever
practising. Over the church, however, I saw something terribly seventeenth
century, namely, Jaweh in great Hebrew letters upon its front.
Well, dining there of the best they had to give me
(for this was another milestone in my pilgrimage), I became foolishly
refreshed and valiant, and instead of sleeping in Soleure, as a wise man
would have done, I determined, though it was now nearly dark, to push on
upon the road to Burgdorf.
I therefore crossed the river Aar, which is here
magnificently broad and strong, and has bastions jutting out into it in a
very bold fashion. I saw the last colourless light of evening making its
waters seem like dull metal between the gloomy banks; I felt the
beginnings of fatigue, and half regretted my determination. But as it is
quite certain that one should never go back, I went on in the darkness, I
do not know how many miles, till I reached some cross roads and an inn.
This inn was very poor, and the people had never
heard in their lives, apparently, that a poor man on foot might not be
able to talk German, which seemed to me an astonishing thing; and as I sat
there ordering beer for myself and for a number of peasants (who but for
this would have me their butt, and even as it was found something
monstrous in me), I pondered during my continual attempts to converse with
them (for I had picked up some ten words of their language) upon the folly
of those who imagine the world to be grown smaller by railways.
I suppose this place was more untouched, as the
phrase goes, that is, more living, more intense, and more powerful to
affect others, whenever it may be called to do so, than are even the dear
villages of Sussex that lie under my downs. For those are haunted by a
nearly cosmopolitan class of gentry, who will have actors, financiers, and
what not to come and stay with them, and who read the paper, and from time
to time address their village folk upon matters of politics. But here, in
this broad plain by the banks of the Emmen, they knew of nothing but
themselves and the Church which is the common bond of Europe, and they
were in the right way. Hence it was doubly hard on me that they should
think me such a stranger.
When I had become a little morose at their
perpetual laughter, I asked for a bed, and the landlady, a woman of some
talent, showed me on her fingers that the beds were 50c., 75c., and a
franc. I determined upon the best, and was given indeed a very pleasant
room, having in it the statue of a saint, and full of a country air. But I
had done too much in this night march, as you will presently learn, for my
next day was a day without salt, and in it appreciation left me. And this
breakdown of appreciation was due to what I did not know at the time to be
fatigue, but to what was undoubtedly a deep inner exhaustion.
When I awoke next morning it was as it always is:
no one was awake, and I had the field to myself, to slip out as I chose. I
looked out of the window into the dawn. The race had made its own
These people who suffocated with laughter at the
idea of one's knowing no German, had produced, as it were, a German
picture by the mere influence of years and years of similar thoughts.
Out of my window I saw the eaves coming low down.
I saw an apple-tree against the grey light. The tangled grass in the
little garden, the dog-kennel, and the standing butt were all what I had
seen in those German pictures which they put into books for children, and
which are drawn in thick black lines: nor did I see any reason why tame
faces should not appear in that framework. I
expected the light lank hair and the heavy
unlifting step of the people whose only emotions are in music.
But it was too early for any one to be about, and
my German garden, si j'ose m'exprimer ainsi, had to suffice me for
an impression of the Central Europeans. I gazed at it a little while as it
grew lighter. Then I went downstairs and slipped the latch (which, being
German, was of a quaint design). I went out into the road and sighed
All that day was destined to be covered, so far as
my spirit was concerned, with a motionless lethargy. Nothing seemed
properly to interest or to concern me, and not till evening was I visited
by any muse. Even my pain (which was now dull and chronic) was no longer a
subject for my entertainment, and I suffered from an uneasy isolation that
had not the merit of sharpness and was no spur to the mind. I had the
feeling that every one I might see would be a stranger, and that their
language would be unfamiliar to me, and this, unlike most men who travel,
I had never felt before.
The reason being this: that if a man has English
thoroughly he can wander over a great part of the world familiarly, and
meet men with whom he can talk. And if he has French thoroughly all Italy,
and I suppose Spain, certainly Belgium, are open to him. Not perhaps that
he will understand what he hears or will be understood of others, but that
the order and nature of the words and the gestures accompanying them are
his own. Here, however, I, to whom English and French were the same, was
to spend (it seemed) whole days among a people who put their verbs at the
end, where the curses or the endearments come in French and English, and
many of whose words stand for ideas we have not got. I had no room for
good-fellowship. I could not sit at tables and expand the air with
terrible stories of adventure, nor ask about their politics, nor provoke
them to laughter or sadness by my tales. It seemed a poor pilgrimage taken
among dumb men.
Also I have no doubt that I had experienced the
ebb of some vitality, for it is the saddest thing about us that this
bright spirit with which we are lit from within like lanterns, can suffer
dimness. Such frailty makes one fear that extinction is our final destiny,
and it saps us with numbness, and we are less than ourselves. Seven nights
had I been on pilgrimage, and two of them had I passed in the open. Seven
great heights had I climbed: the Forest, Archettes, the Ballon, the Mont
Terrible, the Watershed, the pass by Moutier, the Weissenstein. Seven
depths had I fallen to: twice to the Moselle, the gap of Belfort, the
gorge of the Doubs, Glovelier valley, the hole of Moutier, and now this
plain of the Aar. I had marched 180 miles. It was no wonder that on this
eighth day I was oppressed and that all the light long I drank no good
met no one to remember well, nor sang any songs.
All this part of my way was full of what they call Duty, and I was
sustained only by my knowledge that the vast mountains (which had
disappeared) would be part of my life very soon if I still went on
steadily towards Rome.
The sun had risen when I reached Burgdorf, and I
there went to a railway station, and outside of it drank coffee and ate
bread. I also bought old newspapers in French, and looked at everything
wearily and with sad eyes. There was nothing to draw. How can a man draw
pain in the foot and knee? And that was all there was remarkable at that
I watched a train come in. It was full of
tourists, who (it may have been a subjective illusion) seemed to me common
and worthless people, and sad into the bargain. It was going to
Interlaken; and I felt a languid contempt for people who went to
Interlaken instead of driving right across the great hills to Rome.
After an hour, or so of this melancholy dawdling,
I put a map before me on a little marble table, ordered some more coffee,
and blew into my tepid life a moment of warmth by the effort of coming to
a necessary decision. I had (for the first time since I had left Lorraine)
the choice of two roads; and why this was so the following map will make
Here you see that there is no possibility of
following the straight way to Rome, but that one must go a few miles east
or west of it. From Burgundy one has to strike a point on the sources of
the Emmen, and Burgdorf is on the
Emmen. Therefore one might follow the Emmen all
the way up. But it seemed that the road climbed up above a gorge that way,
whereas by the other (which is just as straight) the road is good (it
seemed) and fairly level. So I chose this latter Eastern way, which, at
the bifurcation, takes one up a tributary of the Emmen, then over a rise
to the Upper Emmen again.
Do you want it made plainer than that? I should
think not. And, tell me--what can it profit you to know these geographical
details? Believe me, I write them down for my own gratification, not
I say a day without salt. A trudge. The air was
ordinary, the colours common; men, animals, and trees indifferent.
Something had stopped working.
Our energy also is from God, and we should never
be proud of it, even if we can cover thirty miles day after day (as I
can), or bend a peony in one's hand as could Frocot, the driver in my
piece--a man you never knew--or write bad verse very rapidly as can so
many moderns. I say our energy also is from God, and we should never be
proud of it as though it were from ourselves, but we should accept it as a
kind of present, and we should be thankful for it; just as a man should
thank God for his reason, as did the madman in the Story of the Rose, who
thanked God that he at least was sane though all the rest of the world had
recently lost their reason.
Indeed, this defaillance and breakdown which comes
from time to time over the mind is a very sad thing, but it can be made of
great use to us if we will draw from it the lesson that we ourselves are
nothing. Perhaps it is a grace. Perhaps in these moments our minds repose
... Anyhow, a day without salt.
You understand that under (or in) these
When I was at Oxford there was a great and
terrible debate that shook the Empire, and that intensely exercised the
men whom we send out to govern the Empire, and which, therefore, must have
had its effect upon the Empire, as to whether one should say 'under these
circumstances' or 'in these circumstances'; nor did I settle matters by
calling a conclave and suggesting Quae quum ita sint as a common
formula, because a new debate arose upon when you should say sint
and when you should say sunt, and they all wrangled like kittens in
a basket.
Until there rose a deep-voiced man from an
outlying college, who said, 'For my part I will say that under these
circumstances, or in these circumstances, or in spite of these
circumstances, or hovering playfully above these circumstances, or--
I take you all for Fools and Pedants, in the
Chief, in the Chevron, and in the quarter Fess. Fools absolute, and
Pedants lordless. Free Fools, unlanded Fools, and Fools incommensurable,
and Pedants displayed and rampant of the Tierce Major. Fools incalculable
and Pedants irreparable; indeed, the arch Fool-pedants in a universe of
pedantic folly and foolish pedantry, O you pedant-fools of the world!'
But by this time he was alone, and thus was this
great question never properly decided.
Under these circumstances, then (or in these
circumstances), it would profit you but little if I were to attempt the
description of the Valley of the Emmen, of the first foot-hills of the
Alps, and of the very uninteresting valley which runs on from Langnau.
I had best employ my time in telling the story of
the Hungry Student.
LECTOR. And if you are so worn-out and bereft of
all emotions, how can you tell a story?
AUCTOR. These two conditions permit me. First,
that I am writing some time after, and that I have recovered; secondly,
that the story is not mine, but taken straight out of that nationalist
newspaper which had served me so long
to wrap up my bread and bacon in my haversack.
This is the story, and I will tell it you.
Now, I think of it, it would be a great waste of
time. Here am I no farther than perhaps a third of my journey, and I have
already admitted so much digression that my pilgrimage is like the story
of a man asleep and dreaming, instead of the plain, honest, and
straightforward narrative of fact. I will therefore postpone the Story of
the Hungry Student till I get into the plains of Italy, or into the barren
hills of that peninsula, or among the over-well-known towns of Tuscany, or
in some other place where a little padding will do neither you nor me any
great harm.
On the other hand, do not imagine that I am going
to give you any kind of description of this intolerable day's march. If
you want some kind of visual Concept (pretty word), take all these little
châlets which were beginning and make what you can of them.
LECTOR. Where are they?
AUCTOR. They are still in Switzerland; not here.
They were overnumerous as I maundered up from where at last the road
leaves the valley and makes over a little pass for a place called
Schangnau. But though it is not a story, on the contrary, an exact
incident and the truth--a thing that I would swear to in the court of
justice, or quite willingly and cheerfully believe if another man told it
to me; or even take as historical if I found it in a modern English
history of the Anglo-Saxon Church--though, I repeat, it is a thing
actually lived, yet I will tell it you.
It was at the very end of the road, and when an
enormous weariness had begun to add some kind of interest to this
stuffless episode of the dull day, that a peasant with a brutal face,
driving a cart very rapidly, came up with me. I said to him nothing, but
he said to me some words in German which I did not understand. We were at
that moment just opposite a little inn upon the right hand of the road,
and the peasant began making signs to me to hold his horse for him while
he went in and drank.
How willing I was to do this you will not perhaps
understand, unless you have that delicate and subtle pleasure in the
holding of horses' heads, which is the boast and glory of some rare minds.
And I was the more willing to do it from the fact that I have the habit of
this kind of thing, acquired in the French manoeuvres, and had once held a
horse for no less a person than a General of Division, who gave me a franc
for it, and this franc I spent later with the men of my battery,
purchasing wine. So to make a long story short, as the publisher
said when he published the popular edition of Pamela,
I held the horse for the peasant; always, of course, under the implicit
understanding that he should allow me when he came out to have a drink,
which I, of course, expected him to bring in his own hands.
Far from it. I can understand the anger which some
people feel against the Swiss when they travel in that country, though I
will always hold that it is monstrous to come into a man's country of your
own accord, and especially into a country so free and so well governed as
is Switzerland, and then to quarrel with the particular type of citizen
that you find there.
Let us not discuss politics. The point is that the
peasant sat in there drinking with his friends for a good three-quarters
of an hour. Now and then a man would come out and look at the sky, and
cough and spit and turn round again and say something to the people within
in German, and go off; but no one paid the least attention to me as I held
this horse.
I was already in a very angry and irritable mood,
for the horse was restive and smelt his stable, and wished to break away
from me. And all angry and irritable as I was, I turned around to see if
this man were coming to relieve me; but I saw him laughing and joking with
the people inside; and they were all looking my way out of their window as
they laughed. I may have been wrong, but I thought they were laughing at
me. A man who knows the Swiss intimately, and who has written a book upon
'The Drink Traffic: The Example of Switzerland', tells me they certainly
were not laughing at me; at any rate, I thought they were, and moved by a
sudden anger I let go the reins, gave the horse a great clout, and set him
off careering and galloping like a whirlwind down the road from which he
had come, with the bit in his teeth and all the storms of heaven in his
four feet. Instantly, as you may imagine, all the scoffers came tumbling
out of the inn, hullabooling, gesticulating, and running like madmen after
the horse, and one old man even turned to protest to me. But I, setting my
teeth, grasping my staff, and remembering the purpose of my great journey,
set on up the road again with my face towards Rome.
I sincerely hope, trust, and pray that this part
of my journey will not seem as dull to you as it did to me at the time, or
as it does to me now while I write of it. But now I come to think of it,
it cannot seem as dull, for I had to walk that wretched thirty miles or so
all the day long, whereas you have not even to read it; for I am not going
to say anything more about it, but lead you straight to the end.
Oh, blessed quality of books, that makes them a
refuge from living! For in
a book everything can be made to fit in, all
tedium can be skipped over, and the intense moments can be made timeless
and eternal, and as a poet who is too little known has well said in one of
his unpublished lyrics, we, by the art of writing--
Can fix the high elusive hour And stand in things
And as for high elusive hours, devil a bit of one
was there all the way from Burgdorf to the Inn of the Bridge, except the
ecstatic flash of joy when I sent that horse careering down the road with
his bad master after him and all his gang shouting among the hollow hills.
So. It was already evening. I was coming, more
tired than ever, to a kind of little pass by which my road would bring me
back again to the Emmen, now nothing but a torrent. All the slope down the
other side of the little pass (three or four hundred feet perhaps) was
covered by a village, called, if I remember right, Schangnau, and there
was a large school on my right and a great number of children there
dancing round in a ring and singing songs. The sight so cheered me that I
determined to press on up the valley, though with no definite goal for the
night. It was a foolish decision, for I was really in the heart of an
unknown country, at the end of roads, at the sources of rivers, beyond
help. I knew that straight before me, not five miles away, was the
Brienzer Grat, the huge high wall which it was my duty to cross right over
from side to side. I did not know whether or not there was an inn between
me and that vast barrier.
The light was failing. I had perhaps some vague
idea of sleeping out, but that would have killed me, for a heavy mist that
covered all the tops of the hills and that made a roof over the valley,
began to drop down a fine rain; and, as they sing in church on Christmas
Eve, 'the heavens sent down their dews upon a just man'. But that was
written in Palestine, where rain is a rare blessing; there and then in the
cold evening they would have done better to have warmed the righteous.
There is no controlling them; they mean well, but they bungle terribly.
The road stopped being a road, and became like a
Californian trail. I approached enormous gates in the hills, high,
precipitous, and narrow. The mist rolled over them, hiding their summits
and making them seem infinitely lifted up and reaching endlessly into the
thick sky; the straight, tenuous lines of the rain made them seem narrower
still. Just as I neared them, hobbling, I met a man driving two cows, and
said to him the word, 'Guest-house?' to which he said 'Yaw!' and pointed
out a clump of trees to me just under the precipice
and right in the gates I speak of. So I went there
over an old bridge, and found a wooden house and went in.
It was a house which one entered without ceremony.
The door was open, and one walked straight into a great room. There sat
three men playing at cards. I saluted them loudly in French, English, and
Latin, but they did not understand me, and what seemed remarkable in an
hotel (for it was an hotel rather than an inn), no one in the house
understood me--neither the servants nor any one; but the servants did not
laugh at me as had the poor people near Burgdorf, they only stood round me
looking at me patiently in wonder as cows do at trains. Then they brought
me food, and as I did not know the names of the different kinds of food, I
had to eat what they chose; and the angel of that valley protected me from
boiled mutton. I knew, however, the word Wein, which is the same in all
languages, and so drank a quart of it consciously and of a set purpose.
Then I slept, and next morning at dawn I rose up, put on my thin, wet
linen clothes, and went downstairs. No one was about. I looked around for
something to fill my sack. I picked up a great hunk of bread from the
dining-room table, and went out shivering into the cold drizzle that was
still falling from a shrouded sky. Before me, a great forbidding wall,
growing blacker as it went upwards and ending in a level line of mist,
stood the Brienzer Grat.
To understand what I next had to do it is
necessary to look back at the little map on page 105.
You will observe that the straight way to Rome
cuts the Lake of Brienz rather to the eastward of the middle, and then
goes slap over Wetterhorn and strikes the Rhone Valley at a place called
Ulrichen. That is how a bird would do it, if some High Pope of Birds lived
in Rome and needed visiting, as, for instance, the Great Auk; or if some
old primal relic sacred to birds was connected therewith, as, for
instance, the bones of the Dodo.... But I digress. The point is that the
straight line takes one over the Brienzer Grat, over the lake, and then
over the Wetterhorn. That was manifestly impossible. But whatever of it
was possible had to be done, and among the possible things was clambering
over the high ridge of the Brienzer Grat instead of going round like a
coward by Interlaken. After I had clambered over it, however, needs must I
should have to take a pass called the Grimsel Pass and reach the Rhone
Valley that way. It was with such a determination that I had come here to
the upper waters of the Emmen, and stood now on a moist morning in the
basin where that stream rises, at the foot of the mountain range that
divided me from the lake.
The Brienzer Grat is an extraordinary thing. It is
quite straight; its summits are, of course, of different heights, but from
below they seem even, like a ridge: and, indeed, the whole mountain is
more like a ridge than any other I have
seen. At one end is a peak called the 'Red Horn',
the other end falls suddenly above Interlaken, and wherever you should cut
it you would get a section like this, for it is as steep as anything can
be short of sheer rock. There are no precipices on it, though there are
nasty slabs quite high enough to kill a man--I saw several of three or
four hundred feet. It is about five or six thousand feet high, and it
stands right up and along the northern shore of the lake of Brienz. I
began the ascent.
Spongy meads, that soughed under the feet and grew
steeper as one rose, took up the first few hundred feet. Little rivulets
of mere dampness ran in among the under moss, and such very small hidden
flowers as there were drooped with the surfeit of moisture. The rain was
now indistinguishable from a mist, and indeed I had come so near to the
level belt of cloud, that already its gloom was exchanged for that
diffused light which fills vapours from within and lends them their
mystery. A belt of thick brushwood and low trees lay before me, clinging
to the slope, and as I pushed with great difficulty and many turns to
right and left through its tangle a wisp of cloud enveloped me, and from
that time on I was now in, now out, of a deceptive drifting fog, in which
it was most difficult to gauge one's progress.
Now and then a higher mass of rock, a peak on the
ridge, would show clear through a corridor of cloud and be hidden again;
also at times I would stand hesitating before a sharp wall or slab, and
wait for a shifting of the fog to make sure of the best way round. I
struck what might have been a loose path or perhaps only a gully; lost it
again and found it again. In one place I climbed
up a jagged surface for fifty feet, only to find
when it cleared that it was no part of the general ascent, but a mere
obstacle which might have been outflanked. At another time I stopped for a
good quarter of an hour at an edge that might have been an indefinite fall
of smooth rock, but that turned out to be a short drop, easy for a man,
and not much longer than my body. So I went upwards always, drenched and
doubting, and not sure of the height I had reached at any time.
At last I came to a place where a smooth stone lay
between two pillared monoliths, as though it had been put there for a
bench. Though all around me was dense mist, yet I could see above me the
vague shape of a summit looming quite near. So I said to myself--
'I will sit here and wait till it grows lighter
and clearer, for I must now be within two or three hundred feet of the top
of the ridge, and as anything at all may be on the other side, I had best
go carefully and knowing my way.'
So I sat down facing the way I had to go and
looking upwards, till perhaps a movement of the air might show me against
a clear sky the line of the ridge, and so let me estimate the work that
remained to do. I kept my eyes fixed on the point where I judged that sky
line to lie, lest I should miss some sudden gleam revealing it; and as I
sat there I grew mournful and began to consider the folly of climbing this
great height on an empty stomach. The soldiers of the Republic fought
their battles often before breakfast, but never, I think, without having
drunk warm coffee, and no one should attempt great efforts without some
such refreshment before starting. Indeed, my fasting, and the rare thin
air of the height, the chill and the dampness that had soaked my thin
clothes through and through, quite lowered my blood and left it piano,
whimpering and irresolute. I shivered and demanded the sun.
Then I bethought me of the hunk of bread I had
stolen, and pulling it out of my haversack I began to munch that
ungrateful breakfast. It was hard and stale, and gave me little
sustenance; I still gazed upwards into the uniform meaningless light fog,
looking for the ridge.
Suddenly, with no warning to prepare the mind, a
faint but distinct wind blew upon me, the mist rose in a wreath backward
and upward, and I was looking through clear immensity, not at any ridge,
but over an awful gulf at great white fields of death. The Alps were right
upon me and before me, overwhelming and commanding empty downward
distances of air. Between them and me was a narrow dreadful space of
nothingness and silence, and a sheer mile below us both, a floor to that
prodigious hollow, lay the little lake.
My stone had not been a halting-place at all, but
was itself the summit
of the ridge, and those two rocks on either side
of it framed a notch upon the very edge and skyline of the high hills of
Surprise and wonder had not time to form in my
spirit before both were swallowed up by fear. The proximity of that
immense wall of cold, the Alps, seen thus full from the level of its
middle height and comprehended as it cannot be from the depths; its
suggestion of something never changing throughout eternity--yet dead--was
a threat to the eager mind. They, the vast Alps, all wrapped round in ice,
frozen, and their immobility enhanced by the delicate, roaming veils which
(as from an attraction) hovered in their hollows, seemed to halt the
process of living. And the living soul whom they thus perturbed was
supported by no companionship. There were no trees or blades of grass
around me, only the uneven and primal stones of that height. There were no
birds in the gulf; there was no sound. And the whiteness of the glaciers,
the blackness of the snow-streaked rocks beyond, was glistening and
unsoftened. There had come something evil into their sublimity. I was
Nor could I bear to look downwards. The slope was
in no way a danger. A man could walk up it without often using his hands,
and a man could go down it slowly without any direct fall, though here and
there he would have to turn round at each dip or step and hold with his
hands and feel a little for his foothold. I suppose the general slope,
down, down, to where the green began was not sixty degrees, but have you
ever tried looking down five thousand feet at sixty degrees? It drags the
mind after it, and I could not bear to begin the descent.
However I reasoned with myself. I said to myself
that a man should only be afraid of real dangers. That nightmare was not
for the daylight. That there was now no mist but a warm sun. Then choosing
a gully where water sometimes ran, but now dry, I warily began to descend,
using my staff and leaning well backwards.
There was this disturbing thing about the gully,
that it went in steps, and before each step one saw the sky just a yard or
two ahead: one lost the comforting sight of earth. One knew of course that
it would only be a little drop, and that the slope would begin again, but
it disturbed one. And it is a trial to drop or clamber down, say fourteen
or fifteen feet, sometimes twenty, and then to find no flat foothold but
that eternal steep beginning again. And this outline in which I have
somewhat, but not much, exaggerated the slope, will show what I mean. The
dotted line is the line of vision just as one got to a 'step'. The little
figure is AUCTOR. LECTOR is up in the air looking at him. Observe the
perspective of the lake below, but make no comments.
I went very slowly. When I was about half-way down
and had come to a place where a shoulder of heaped rock stood on my left
and where little parallel ledges led up to it, having grown accustomed to
the descent and easier in my mind, I sat down on a slab and drew
imperfectly the things I saw: the lake below me, the first forests
clinging to the foot of the Alps beyond, their higher slopes of snow, and
the clouds that had now begun to gather round them and that altogether hid
the last third of their enormous height.
Then I saw a steamer on the lake. I felt in touch
with men. The slope grew easier. I snapped my fingers at the great devils
that haunt high mountains. I sniffed the gross and comfortable air of the
lower valleys, I entered the
belt of wood and was soon going quite a pace
through the trees, for I had found a path, and was now able to sing. So I
At last I saw through the trunks, but a few
hundred feet below me, the highroad that skirts the lake. I left the path
and scrambled straight down to it. I came to a wall which I climbed, and
found myself in somebody's garden. Crossing this and admiring its wealth
and order (I was careful not to walk on the lawns), I opened a little
private gate and came on to the road, and from there to Brienz was but a
short way along a fine hard surface in a hot morning sun, with the gentle
lake on my right hand not five yards away, and with delightful trees upon
my left, caressing and sometimes even covering me with their shade.
I was therefore dry, ready and contented when I
entered by mid morning the curious town of Brienz, which is all one long
street, and of which the population is Protestant. I say dry, ready and
contented; dry in my clothes, ready for food, contented with men and
nature. But as I entered I squinted up that interminable slope, I saw the
fog wreathing again along the ridge so infinitely above me, and I
considered myself a fool to have crossed the Brienzer Grat without
breakfast. But I could get no one in Brienz to agree with me, because no
one thought I had done it, though several people there could talk French.
The Grimsel Pass is the valley of the Aar; it is
also the eastern flank of that great massif, or bulk and mass of
mountains called the Bernese Oberland. Western Switzerland, you must know,
is not (as I first thought it was when I gazed down from the Weissenstein)
a plain surrounded by a ring of mountains, but rather it is a plain in its
northern half (the plain of the lower Aar), and in its southern half it is
two enormous parallel lumps of mountains. I call them 'lumps', because
they are so very broad and tortuous in their plan that they are hardly
ranges. Now these two lumps are the Bernese Oberland and the Pennine Alps,
and between them runs a deep trench called the valley of the Rhone. Take
Mont Blanc in the west and a peak called the Crystal Peak over the Val
Bavona on the east, and they are the flanking bastions of one great wall,
the Pennine Alps. Take the Diablerets on the west, and the Wetterhorn on
the east, and they are the flanking bastions of another great wall, the
Bernese Oberland. And these two walls are parallel, with the Rhone in
Now these two walls converge at a point where
there is a sort of knot of mountain ridges, and this point may be taken as
being on the boundary
between Eastern and Western Switzerland. At this
wonderful point the Ticino, the Rhone, the Aar, and the Reuss all begin,
and it is here that the simple arrangement of the Alps to the west turns
into the confused jumble of the Alps to the east.
When you are high up on either wall you can catch
the plan of all this, but to avoid a confused description and to help you
to follow the marvellous, Hannibalian and never-before-attempted charge
and march which I made, and which, alas! ended only in a glorious
defeat--to help you to picture faintly to yourselves the mirific and
horripilant adventure whereby I nearly achieved superhuman success in
spite of all the powers of the air, I append a little map which is rough
but clear and plain, and which I beg you to study closely, for it will
make it easy for you to understand what next happened in my pilgrimage.
The dark strips are the deep cloven valleys, the
shaded belt is that higher land which is yet passable by any ordinary man.
The part left white you may take to be the very high fields of ice and
snow with great peaks which an ordinary man must regard as impassable,
unless, indeed, he can wait for his weather and take guides and go on as a
tourist instead of a pilgrim.
You will observe that I have marked five clefts or
valleys. A is that of the Aar, and the little white patch at the
beginning is the lake of Brienz. B is that of the Reuss. C is that
of the Rhone; and all these three are north of the great
watershed or main chain, and all three are full of German-speaking people.
On the other hand, D is the valley of the Toccia,
E of the Maggia, and
F of the Ticino. All these three are south
of the great watershed, and are inhabited by Italian-speaking people. All
these three lead down at last to Lake Major, and so to Milan and so to
The straight line to Rome is marked on my map by a
dotted line ending in an arrow, and you will see that it was just my luck
that it should cross slap over that knot or tangle of ranges where all the
rivers spring. The problem was how to negotiate a passage from the valley
of the Aar to one of the three Italian valleys, without departing too far
from my straight line. To explain my track I must give the names of all
the high passes between the valleys. That between A and C is called the Grimsel;
that between B and C the Furka. That between D and C is the Gries
Pass, that between F and C the Nufenen, and that between E and F is
not the easy thing it looks on the map; indeed it is hardly a pass at all
but a scramble over very high peaks, and it is called the Crystalline
Mountain. Finally, on the far right of my map, you see a high passage
between B and F. This is the famous St Gothard.
The straightest way of all was (1) over the Grimsel,
then, the moment I got into the valley of the Rhone (2), up out of it
again over the Nufenen, then the moment I was down into the valley
of the Ticino (F), up out of it again (3) over the Crystalline to
the valley of the Maggia (E). Once in the Maggia valley (the top of
it is called the Val Bavona), it is a straight path for the lakes
and Rome. There were also these advantages: that I should be in a place
very rarely visited--all the guide-books are doubtful on it; that I should
be going quite straight; that I should be accomplishing a feat, viz. the
crossing of those high passes one after the other (and you must remember
that over the Nufenen there is no road at all).
But every one I asked told me that thus early in
the year (it was not the middle of June) I could not hope to scramble over
the Crystalline. No one (they said) could do it and live. It was all ice
and snow and cold mist and verglas, and the precipices were smooth--a man
would never get across; so it was not worth while crossing the Nufenen
Pass if I was to be balked at the Crystal, and I determined on the Gries
Pass. I said to myself: 'I will go on over the Grimsel, and once in the
valley of the Rhone, I will walk a mile or two down to where the Gries
Pass opens, and I will go over it into Italy.' For the Gries Pass, though
not quite in the straight line, had this advantage, that once over it you
are really in Italy. In the Ticino valley or in the Val Bavona, though the
people are as Italian as Catullus, yet politically they count as part of
Switzerland; and therefore if you enter Italy thereby, you are not
suddenly introduced to that country, but, as it were, inoculated, and led
on by degrees, which is a pity. For good things should come suddenly,
like the demise of that wicked man, Mr (deleted
by the censor), who had oppressed the poor for some forty years, when
he was shot dead from behind a hedge, and died in about the time it takes
to boil an egg, and there was an end of him.
Having made myself quite clear that I had a formed
plan to go over the Grimsel by the new road, then up over the Gries, where
there is no road at all, and so down into the vale of the Tosa, and having
calculated that on the morrow I should be in Italy, I started out from
Brienz after eating a great meal, it being then about midday, and I having
already, as you know, crossed the Brienzer Grat since dawn.
The task of that afternoon was more than I could
properly undertake, nor did I fulfil it. From Brienz to the top of the
Grimsel is, as the crow flies, quite twenty miles, and by the road a good
twenty-seven. It is true I had only come from over the high hills; perhaps
six miles in a straight line. But what a six miles! and all without food.
Not certain, therefore, how much of the pass I could really do that day,
but aiming at crossing it, like a fool, I went on up the first miles.
For an hour or more after Brienz the road runs
round the base of and then away from a fine great rock. There is here an
alluvial plain like a continuation of the lake, and the Aar runs through
it, canalized and banked and straight, and at last the road also becomes
straight. On either side rise gigantic cliffs enclosing the valley, and
(on the day I passed there) going up into the clouds, which, though high,
yet made a roof for the valley. From the great mountains on the left the
noble rock jutted out alone and dominated the little plain; on the right
the buttresses of the main Alps all stood in a row, and between them went
whorls of vapour high, high up--just above the places where snow still
clung to the slopes. These whorls made the utmost steeps more and more
misty, till at last they were lost in a kind of great darkness, in which
the last and highest banks of ice seemed to be swallowed up. I often
stopped to gaze straight above me, and I marvelled at the silence.
It was the first part of the afternoon when I got
to a place called Meiringen, and I thought that there I would eat and
drink a little more. So I steered into the main street, but there I found
such a yelling and roaring as I had never heard before, and very damnable
it was; as though men were determined to do common evil wherever God has
given them a chance of living in awe and worship.
For they were all bawling and howling, with great
placards and tickets, and saying, 'This way to the Extraordinary
Waterfall; that way to the Strange Cave. Come with me and you shall see
the never-to-be-forgotten Falls of
the Aar,' and so forth. So that my illusion of
being alone in the roots of the world dropped off me very quickly, and I
wondered how people could be so helpless and foolish as to travel about in
Switzerland as tourists and meet with all this vulgarity and beastliness.
If a man goes to drink good wine he does not say,
'So that the wine be good I do not mind eating strong pepper and smelling
hartshorn as I drink it,' and if a man goes to read a good verse, for
instance, Jean Richepin, he does not say, 'Go on playing on the trombone,
go on banging the cymbals; so long as I am reading good verse I am
content.' Yet men now go into the vast hills and sleep and live in their
recesses, and pretend to be indifferent to all the touts and shouters and
hurry and hotels and high prices and abominations. Thank God, it goes in
grooves! I say it again, thank God, the railways are trenches that drain
our modern marsh, for you have but to avoid railways, even by five miles,
and you can get more peace than would fill a nosebag. All the world is my
garden since they built railways, and gave me leave to keep off them.
Also I vowed a franc to the Black Virgin of La
Delivrande (next time I should be passing there) because I was delivered
from being a tourist, and because all this horrible noise was not being
dinned at me (who was a poor and dirty pilgrim, and no kind of prey for
these cabmen, and busmen, and guides and couriers), but at a crowd of
drawn, sad, jaded tourists that had come in by a train.
Soon I had left them behind. The road climbed the
first step upwards in the valley, going round a rock on the other side of
which the Aar had cut itself a gorge and rushed in a fall and rapids. Then
the road went on and on weary mile after weary mile, and I stuck to it,
and it rose slowly all the time, and all the time the Aar went dashing by,
roaring and filling the higher valley with echoes.
I got beyond the villages. The light shining
suffused through the upper mist began to be the light of evening. Rain,
very fine and slight, began to fall. It was cold. There met and passed me,
going down the road, a carriage with a hood up, driving at full speed. It
could not be from over the pass, for I knew that it was not yet open for
carriages or carts. It was therefore from a hotel somewhere, and if there
was a hotel I should find it. I looked back to ask the distance, but they
were beyond earshot, and so I went on.
My boots in which I had sworn to walk to Rome were
ruinous. Already since the Weissenstein they had gaped, and now the
Brienzer Grat had made the sole of one of them quite free at the toe. It
flapped as I walked. Very
soon I should be walking on my uppers. I limped
also, and I hated the wet cold rain. But I had to go on. Instead of
flourishing my staff and singing, I leant on it painfully and thought of
duty, and death, and dereliction, and every other horrible thing that
begins with a D. I had to go on. If I had gone back there was nothing for
Before it was dark--indeed one could still read--I
saw a group of houses beyond the Aar, and soon after I saw that my road
would pass them, going over a bridge. When I reached them I went into the
first, saying to myself, 'I will eat, and if I can go no farther I will
sleep here.'
There were in the house two women, one old, the
other young; and they were French-speaking, from the Vaud country. They
had faces like Scotch people, and were very kindly, but odd, being
Calvinist. I said, 'Have you any beans?' They said, 'Yes.' I suggested
they should make me a dish of beans and bacon, and give me a bottle of
wine, while I dried myself at their great stove. All this they readily did
for me, and I ate heartily and drank heavily, and they begged me
afterwards to stop the night and pay them for it; but I was so set up by
my food and wine that I excused myself and went out again and took the
road. It was not yet dark.
By some reflection from the fields of snow, which
were now quite near at hand through the mist, the daylight lingered
astonishingly late. The cold grew bitter as I went on through the
gloaming. There were no trees save rare and stunted pines. The Aar was a
shallow brawling torrent, thick with melting ice and snow and mud. Coarse
grass grew on the rocks sparsely; there were no flowers. The mist overhead
was now quite near, and I still went on and steadily up through the
half-light. It was as lonely as a calm at sea, except for the noise of the
river. I had overworn myself, and that sustaining surface which hides from
us in our health the abysses below the mind--I felt it growing weak and
thin. My fatigue bewildered me. The occasional steeps beside the road, one
especially beneath a high bridge where a tributary falls into the Aar in a
cascade, terrified me. They were like the emptiness of dreams. At last it
being now dark, and I having long since entered the upper mist, or rather
cloud (for I was now as high as the clouds), I saw a light gleaming
through the fog, just off the road, through pine-trees. It was time. I
could not have gone much farther.
To this I turned and found there one of those new
hotels, not very large, but very expensive. They knew me at once for what
I was, and welcomed me with joy. They gave me hot rum and sugar, a fine
warm bed, told me I was the first that had yet stopped there that year,
and left me to sleep very deep and yet in pain, as men sleep who are
stunned. But twice that
night I woke suddenly, staring at darkness. I had
outworn the physical network upon which the soul depends, and I was full
of terrors.
Next morning I had fine coffee and bread and
butter and the rest, like a rich man; in a gilded dining-room all set out
for the rich, and served by a fellow that bowed and scraped. Also they
made me pay a great deal, and kept their eyes off my boots, and were still
courteous to me, and I to them. Then I bought wine of them--the first wine
not of the country that I had drunk on this march, a Burgundy--and putting
it in my haversack with a nice white roll, left them to wait for the next
man whom the hills might send them.
The clouds, the mist, were denser than ever in
that early morning; one could only see the immediate road. The cold was
very great; my clothes were not quite dried, but my heart was high, and I
pushed along well enough, though stiffly, till I came to what they call
the Hospice, which was once a monk-house, I suppose, but is now an inn. I
had brandy there, and on going out I found that it stood at the foot of a
sharp ridge which was the true Grimsel Pass, the neck which joins the
Bernese Oberland to the eastern group of high mountains. This ridge or
neck was steep like a pitched roof--very high I found it, and all of black
glassy rock, with here and there snow in sharp, even, sloping sheets just
holding to it. I could see but little of it at a time on account of the
Hitherto for all these miles the Aar had been my
companion, and the road, though rising always, had risen evenly and not
steeply. Now the Aar was left behind in the icy glen where it rises, and
the road went in an artificial and carefully built set of zig-zags up the
face of the cliff. There is a short cut, but I could not find it in the
mist. It is the old mule-path. Here and there, however, it was possible to
cut off long corners by scrambling over the steep black rock and smooth
ice, and all the while the cold, soft mist wisped in and out around me.
After a thousand feet of this I came to the top of the Grimsel, but not
before I had passed a place where an avalanche had destroyed the road and
where planks were laid. Also before one got to the very summit, no short
cuts or climbing were possible. The road ran deep in a cutting like a
Devonshire lane. Only here the high banks were solid snow.
Some little way past the summit, on the first
zig-zag down, I passed the Lake of the Dead in its mournful hollow. The
mist still enveloped all the ridge-side, and moved like a press of spirits
over the frozen water, then--as suddenly as on the much lower Brienzer
Grat, and (as on the Brienzer
Grat) to the southward and the sun, the clouds
lifted and wreathed up backward and were gone, and where there had just
been fulness was only an immensity of empty air and a sudden sight of
clear hills beyond and of little strange distant things thousands and
thousands of feet below.
LECTOR. Pray are we to have any more of that fine
AUCTOR. I saw there as in a cup things that I had
thought (when I first studied the map at home) far too spacious and spread
apart to go into the view. Yet here they were all quite contained and
close together, on so vast a scale was the whole place conceived. It was
the comb of mountains of which I have written; the meeting of all the
There, from the height of a steep bank, as it were
(but a bank many thousands of feet high), one looked down into a whole
district or little world. On the map, I say, it had seemed so great that I
had thought one would command but this or that portion of it; as it was,
one saw it all.
And this is a peculiar thing I have noticed in all
mountains, and have never been able to understand--- namely, that if you
draw a plan or section to scale, your mountain does not seem a very
important thing. One should not, in theory, be able to dominate from its
height, nor to feel the world small below one, nor to hold a whole
countryside in one's hand--yet one does. The mountains from their heights
reveal to us two truths. They suddenly make us feel our insignificance,
and at the same time they free the immortal Mind, and let it feel its
greatness, and they release it from the earth. But I say again, in theory,
when one considers the exact relation of their height to the distances one
views from them, they ought to claim no such effect, and that they can
produce that effect is related to another thing--the way in which they
exaggerate their own steepness.
For instance, those noble hills, my downs in
Sussex, when you are upon them overlooking the weald, from Chanctonbury
say, feel like this--
or even lower. Indeed, it is impossible to give
them truly, so insignificant are they; if the stretch of the Weald were
made nearly a yard long, Chanctonbury would not, in proportion, be more
than a fifth of an inch high! And yet, from the top of Chanctonbury, how
one seems to overlook it and possess it all!
Well, so it was here from the Grimsel when I
overlooked the springs of the Rhone. In true proportion the valley I gazed
into and over must have been somewhat like this--
It felt for all the world as deep and utterly below
me as this other--
Moreover, where there was no mist, the air was so
surprisingly clear that I could see everything clean and sharp wherever I
turned my eyes. The mountains forbade any very far horizons to the view,
and all that I could see was as neat and vivid as those coloured
photographs they sell with bright green grass and bright white snow, and
blue glaciers like precious stones.
I scrambled down the mountain, for here, on the
south side of the pass, there was no snow or ice, and it was quite easy to
leave the road and take the old path cutting off the zig-zags. As the air
got heavier, I became hungry, and at the very end of my descent, two
hundred feet or so above the young Rhone, I saw a great hotel. I went
round to their front door and asked them whether I could eat, and at what
price. 'Four francs,' they said.
'What!' said I, 'four francs for a meal! Come, let
me eat in the kitchen, and charge me one.' But they became rude and
obstinate, being used only to deal with rich people, so I cursed them, and
went down the road. But I was very hungry.
The road falls quite steeply, and the Rhone, which
it accompanies in that valley, leaps in little falls. On a bridge I passed
a sad Englishman reading a book, and a little lower down, two American
women in a carriage, and after that a priest (it was lucky I did not see
him first. Anyhow, I touched iron at once, to wit, a key in my pocket),
and after that a child minding a goat. Altogether I felt myself in the
world again, and as I was on a good road, all down hill, I thought myself
capable of pushing on to the next village. But my hunger was really
excessive, my right boot almost gone, and my left boot nothing to exhibit
or boast of, when I came to a point where at last one looked down the
Rhone valley for miles. It is like a straight trench, and at intervals
there are little villages, built of most filthy chalets, the said chalets
raised on great stones. There are pine-trees up, up on either slope, into
the clouds, and beyond the clouds I could not see. I left on my left a
village called 'Between the Waters'. I passed through another called
'Ehringen', but it has no inn. At last, two miles farther, faint from lack
of food, I got into Ulrichen, a village a little larger than the rest, and
the place where I believed one should start to go either over the Gries or
Nufenen Pass. In Ulrichen was a warm, wooden, deep-eaved, frousty,
comfortable, ramshackle, dark, anyhow kind of a little inn called 'The
Bear'. And entering, I saw one of the women whom god loves.
She was of middle age, very honest and simple in
the face, kindly and good. She was messing about with cooking and stuff,
and she came up to me stooping a little, her eyes wide and innocent, and a
great spoon in her hand. Her face was extremely broad and flat, and I have
never seen eyes set so far apart. Her whole gait, manner, and accent
proved her to be extremely good, and on the straight road to heaven. I
saluted her in the French tongue. She answered me in the same, but very
broken and rustic, for her natural speech was a kind of mountain German.
She spoke very slowly, and had a nice soft voice, and she did what only
good people do, I mean, looked you in the eyes as she spoke to you.
Beware of shifty-eyed people. It is not only
nervousness, it is also a kind of wickedness. Such people come to no good.
I have three of them now in my mind as I write. One is a Professor.
And, by the way, would you like to know why
universities suffer from this curse of nervous disease? Why the great
personages stammer or have St Vitus' dance, or jabber at the lips, or hop
in their walk, or have their heads screwed round, or tremble in the
fingers, or go through life with great
goggles like a motor car? Eh? I will tell you. It
is the punishment of their intellectual pride, than which no sin
is more offensive to the angels.
What! here are we with the jolly world of God all
round us, able to sing, to draw, to paint, to hammer and build, to sail,
to ride horses, to run, to leap; having for our splendid inheritance love
in youth and memory in old age, and we are to take one miserable little
faculty, our one-legged, knock-kneed, gimcrack, purblind, rough-skinned,
underfed, and perpetually irritated and grumpy intellect, or analytical
curiosity rather (a diseased appetite), and let it swell till it eats up
every other function? Away with such foolery.
LECTOR. When shall we get on to ...
AUCTOR. Wait a moment. I say, away with such
foolery. Note that pedants lose all proportion. They never can keep sane
in a discussion. They will go wild on matters they are wholly unable to
judge, such as Armenian Religion or the Politics of Paris or what not.
Never do they use one of those three phrases which keep a man steady and
balance his mind, I mean the words (1) After all it is not my business.
(2) Tut! tut! You don't say so! and (3) Credo in Unum Deum
Patrem Omnipotentem, Factorem omnium visibilium atque invisibilium; in
which last there is a power of synthesis that can jam all their analytical
dust-heap into such a fine, tight, and compact body as would make them
stare to see. I understand that they need six months' holiday a year. Had
I my way they should take twelve, and an extra day on leap years.
LECTOR. Pray, pray return to the woman at the inn.
AUCTOR. I will, and by this road: to say that on
the day of Judgement, when St Michael weighs souls in his scales, and the
wicked are led off by the Devil with a great rope, as you may see them
over the main porch of Notre Dame (I will heave a stone after them myself
I hope), all the souls of the pedants together will not weigh as heavy and
sound as the one soul of this good woman at the inn.
She put food before me and wine. The wine was
good, but in the food was some fearful herb or other I had never tasted
before--a pure spice or scent, and a nasty one. One could taste nothing
else, and it was revolting; but I ate it for her sake.
Then, very much refreshed, I rose, seized my great
staff, shook myself and said, 'Now it is about noon, and I am off for the
At this she made a most fearful clamour, saying
that it was madness, and imploring me not to think of it, and running out
fetched from the stable a tall, sad, pale-eyed man who saluted me
profoundly and told me that he
knew more of the mountains than any one for miles.
And this by asking many afterwards I found out to be true. He said that he
had crossed the Nufenen and the Gries whenever they could be crossed since
he was a child, and that if I attempted it that day I should sleep that
night in Paradise. The clouds on the mountain, the soft snow recently
fallen, the rain that now occupied the valleys, the glacier on the Gries,
and the pathless snow in the mist on the Nufenen would make it sheer
suicide for him, an experienced guide, and for me a worse madness. Also he
spoke of my boots and wondered at my poor coat and trousers, and
threatened me with intolerable cold.
It seems that the books I had read at home, when
they said that the Nufenen had no snow on it, spoke of a later season of
the year; it was all snow now, and soft snow, and hidden by a full mist in
such a day from the first third of the ascent. As for the Gries, there was
a glacier on the top which needed some kind of clearness in the weather.
Hearing all this I said I would remain--but it was with a heavy heart.
Already I felt a shadow of defeat over me. The loss of time was a thorn. I
was already short of cash, and my next money was Milan. My return to
England was fixed for a certain date, and stronger than either of these
motives against delay was a burning restlessness that always takes men
when they are on the way to great adventures.
I made him promise to wake me next morning at
three o'clock, and, short of a tempest, to try and get me across the
Gries. As for the Nufenen and Crystalline passes which I had desired to
attempt, and which were (as I have said) the straight line to Rome, he
said (and he was right), that let alone the impassability of the Nufenen
just then, to climb the Crystal Mountain in that season would be as easy
as flying to the moon. Now, to cross the Nufenen alone, would simply land
me in the upper valley of the Ticino, and take me a great bend out of my
way by Bellinzona. Hence my bargain that at least he should show me over
the Gries Pass, and this he said, if man could do it, he would do the next
day; and I, sending my boots to be cobbled (and thereby breaking another
vow), crept up to bed, and all afternoon read the school-books of the
children. They were in French, from lower down the valley, and very
Genevese and heretical for so devout a household. But the Genevese
civilization is the standard for these people, and they combat the
Calvinism of it with missions, and have statues in their rooms, not to
speak of holy water stoups.
The rain beat on my window, the clouds came lower
still down the mountain. Then (as is finely written in the Song of
Roland), 'the day passed and the night came, and I slept.' But with the
coming of the small hours, and with
my waking, prepare yourselves for the most
extraordinary and terrible adventure that befell me out of all the marvels
and perils of this pilgrimage, the most momentous and the most worthy of
perpetual record, I think, of all that has ever happened since the
beginning of the world.
At three o'clock the guide knocked at my door, and
I rose and came out to him. We drank coffee and ate bread. We put into our
sacks ham and bread, and he white wine and I brandy. Then we set out. The
rain had dropped to a drizzle, and there was no wind. The sky was obscured
for the most part, but here and there was a star. The hills hung awfully
above us in the night as we crossed the spongy valley. A little wooden
bridge took us over the young Rhone, here only a stream, and we followed a
path up into the tributary ravine which leads to the Nufenen and the
Gries. In a mile or two it was a little lighter, and this was as well, for
some weeks before a great avalanche had fallen, and we had to cross it
gingerly. Beneath the wide cap of frozen snow ran a torrent roaring. I
remembered Colorado, and how I had crossed the Arkansaw on such a bridge
as a boy. We went on in the uneasy dawn. The woods began to show, and
there was a cross where a man had slipped from above that very April and
been killed. Then, most ominous and disturbing, the drizzle changed to a
rain, and the guide shook his head and said it would be snowing higher up.
We went on, and it grew lighter. Before it was really day (or else the
weather confused and darkened the sky), we crossed a good bridge, built
long ago, and we halted at a shed where the cattle lie in the late summer
when the snow is melted. There we rested a moment.
But on leaving its shelter we noticed many
disquieting things. The place was a hollow, the end of the ravine--a bowl,
as it were; one way out of which is the Nufenen, and the other the Gries.
Here it is in a sketch map. The heights are marked
lighter and lighter, from black in the valleys to white in the impassable
mountains. E is where
we stood, in a great cup or basin, having just
come up the ravine B. C is the Italian valley of the Tosa, and the neck
between it and E is the Gries. D is the valley of the Ticino, and the neck
between E and it is the Nufenen. A is the Crystal Mountain. You may take
the necks or passes to be about 8000, and the mountains 10,000 or 11,000
feet above the sea.
We noticed, I say, many disquieting things. First,
all, that bowl or cup below the passes was a carpet of snow, save where
patches of black water showed, and all the passes and mountains, from top
to bottom, were covered with very thick snow; the deep surface of it soft
and fresh fallen. Secondly, the rain had turned into snow. It was falling
thickly all around. Nowhere have I more perceived the immediate presence
of great Death. Thirdly, it was far colder, and we felt the beginning of a
wind. Fourthly, the clouds had come quite low down.
The guide said it could not be done, but I said we
must attempt it. I was eager, and had not yet felt the awful grip of the
cold. We left the Nufenen on our left, a hopeless steep of new snow buried
in fog, and we attacked the Gries. For half-an-hour we plunged on through
snow above our knees, and my thin cotton clothes were soaked. So far the
guide knew we were more or less on the path, and he went on and I panted
after him. Neither of us spoke, but occasionally he looked back to make
sure I had not dropped out.
The snow began to fall more thickly, and the wind
had risen somewhat. I was afraid of another protest from the guide, but he
stuck to it well, and I after him, continually plunging through soft snow
and making yard after yard upwards. The snow fell more thickly and the
wind still rose.
We came to a place which is, in the warm season,
an alp; that is, a slope of grass, very steep but not terrifying; having
here and there sharp little precipices of rock breaking it into steps, but
by no means (in summer) a matter to make one draw back. Now, however, when
everything was still Arctic it was a very different matter. A sheer steep
of snow whose downward plunge ran into the driving storm and was lost,
whose head was lost in the same mass of thick cloud above, a slope
somewhat hollowed and bent inwards, had to be crossed if we were to go any
farther; and I was terrified, for I knew nothing of climbing. The guide
said there was little danger, only if one slipped one might slide down to
safety, or one might (much less probably) get over rocks and be killed. I
was chattering a little with cold; but as he did not propose a return, I
followed him. The surface was alternately slabs of frozen snow and patches
of soft new snow. In the first he cut steps, in the second we plunged, and
once I went right in and a mass of snow broke
off beneath me and went careering down the slope.
He showed me how to hold my staff backwards as he did his alpenstock, and
use it as a kind of brake in case I slipped.
We had been about twenty minutes crawling over
that wall of snow and ice; and it was more and more apparent that we were
in for danger. Before we had quite reached the far side, the wind was
blowing a very full gale and roared past our ears. The surface snow was
whirring furiously like dust before it: past our faces and against them
drove the snow-flakes, cutting the air: not falling, but making straight
darts and streaks. They seemed like the form of the whistling wind; they
blinded us. The rocks on the far side of the slope, rocks which had been
our goal when we set out to cross it, had long ago disappeared in the
increasing rush of the blizzard. Suddenly as we were still painfully
moving on, stooping against the mad wind, these rocks loomed up over as
large as houses, and we saw them through the swarming snow-flakes as great
hulls are seen through a fog at sea. The guide crouched
under the lee of the nearest; I came up close to
him and he put his hands to my ear and shouted to me that nothing further
could be done--he had so to shout because in among the rocks the hurricane
made a roaring sound, swamping the voice.
I asked how far we were from the summit. He said
he did not know where we were exactly, but that we could not be more than
800 feet from it. I was but that from Italy and I would not admit defeat.
I offered him all I had in money to go on, but it was folly in me, because
if I had had enough to tempt him and if he had yielded we should both have
died. Luckily it was but a little sum. He shook his head. He would not go
on, he broke out, for all the money there was in the world. He shouted me
to eat and drink, and so we both did.
Then I understood his wisdom, for in a little
while the cold began to seize me in my thin clothes. My hands were numb,
my face already gave me intolerable pain, and my legs suffered and felt
heavy. I learnt another thing (which had I been used to mountains I should
have known), that it was not a simple thing to return. The guide was
hesitating whether to stay in this rough shelter, or to face the chances
of the descent. This terror had not crossed my mind, and I thought as
little of it as I could, needing my courage, and being near to breaking
down from the intensity of the cold.
It seems that in a tourmente (for by that
excellent name do the mountain people call such a storm) it is always a
matter of doubt whether to halt or go back. If you go back through it and
lose your way, you are done for. If you halt in some shelter, it may go on
for two or three days, and then there is an end of you.
After a little he decided for a return, but he
told me honestly what the chances were, and my suffering from cold
mercifully mitigated my fear. But even in that moment, I felt in a
confused but very conscious way that I was defeated. I had crossed so many
great hills and rivers, and pressed so well on my undeviating arrow-line
to Rome, and I had charged this one great barrier manfully where the
straight path of my pilgrimage crossed the Alps--and I had failed! Even in
that fearful cold I felt it, and it ran through my doubt of return like
another and deeper current of pain. Italy was there, just above, right to
my hand. A lifting of a cloud, a little respite, and every downward step
would have been towards the sunlight. As it was, I was being driven back
northward, in retreat and ashamed. The Alps had conquered me.
Let us always after this combat their immensity
and their will, and always hate the inhuman guards that hold the gates of
Italy, and the powers that
lie in wait for men on those high places. But now
I know that Italy will always stand apart. She is cut off by no ordinary
wall, and Death has all his army on her frontiers.
Well, we returned. Twice the guide rubbed my hands
with brandy, and once I had to halt and recover for a moment, failing and
losing my hold. Believe it or not, the deep footsteps of our ascent were
already quite lost and covered by the new snow since our halt, and even
had they been visible, the guide would not have retraced them. He did what
I did not at first understand, but what I soon saw to be wise. He took a
steep slant downward over the face of the snow-slope, and though such a
pitch of descent a little unnerved me, it was well in the end. For when we
had gone down perhaps 900 feet, or a thousand, in perpendicular distance,
even I, half numb and fainting, could feel that the storm was less
violent. Another two hundred, and the flakes could be seen not driving in
flashes past, but separately falling. Then in some few minutes we could
see the slope for a very long way downwards quite clearly; then, soon
after, we saw far below us the place where the mountain-side merged easily
into the plain of that cup or basin whence we had started.
When we saw this, the guide said to me, 'Hold your
stick thus, if you are strong enough, and let yourself slide.' I could
just hold it, in spite of the cold. Life was returning to me with
intolerable pain. We shot down the slope almost as quickly as falling, but
it was evidently safe to do so, as the end was clearly visible, and had no
break or rock in it.
So we reached the plain below, and entered the
little shed, and thence looking up, we saw the storm above us; but no one
could have told it for what it was. Here, below, was silence, and the
terror and raging above seemed only a great trembling cloud occupying the
mountain. Then we set our faces down the ravine by which we had come up,
and so came down to where the snow changed to rain. When we got right down
into the valley of the Rhone, we found it all roofed with cloud, and the
higher trees were white with snow, making a line like a tide mark on the
slopes of the hills.
I re-entered 'The Bear', silent and angered, and
not accepting the humiliation of that failure. Then, having eaten, I
determined in equal silence to take the road like any other fool; to cross
the Furka by a fine highroad, like any tourist, and to cross the St
Gothard by another fine highroad, as millions had done before me, and not
to look heaven in the face again till I was back after my long detour, on
the straight road again for Rome.
But to think of it! I who had all that planned
out, and had so nearly done it! I who had cut a path across Europe like a
shaft, and seen so many strange
places!--now to have to recite all the litany of
the vulgar; Bellinzona, Lugano, and this and that, which any railway
travelling fellow can tell you. Not till Como should I feel a man again
Indeed it is a bitter thing to have to give up
one's sword.
I had not the money to wait; my defeat had lowered
me in purse as well as in heart. I started off to enter by the ordinary
gates--not Italy even, but a half-Italy, the canton of the Ticino. It was
very hard.
This book is not a tragedy, and I will not write
at any length of such pain. That same day, in the latter half of it, I
went sullenly over the Furka; exactly as easy a thing as going up St
James' Street and down Piccadilly. I found the same storm on its summit,
but on a highroad it was a different affair. I took no short cuts. I drank
at all the inns--at the base, half-way up, near the top, and at the top. I
told them, as the snow beat past, how I had attacked and all but conquered
the Gries that wild morning, and they took me for a liar; so I became
silent even within my own mind. I looked sullenly at the white ground all
the way. And when on the far side I had got low enough to be rid of the
snow and wind and to be in the dripping rain again, I welcomed the rain,
and let it soothe like a sodden friend my sodden uncongenial mind.
I will not write of Hospenthal. It has an old
tower, and the road to it is straight and hideous. Much I cared for the
old tower! The people of the inn (which I chose at random) cannot have
loved me much.
I will not write of the St Gothard. Get it out of
a guide-book. I rose when I felt inclined; I was delighted to find it
still raining. A dense mist above the rain gave me still greater pleasure.
I had started quite at my leisure late in the day, and I did the thing
stolidly, and my heart was like a dully-heated mass of coal or iron
because I was acknowledging defeat. You who have never taken a straight
line and held it, nor seen strange men and remote places, you do not know
what it is to have to go round by the common way.
Only in the afternoon, and on those little
zig-zags which are sharper than any other in the Alps (perhaps the road is
older), something changed.
A warm air stirred the dense mist which had
mercifully cut me off from anything but the mere road and from the
contemplation of hackneyed sights.
A hint or memory of gracious things ran in the
slight breeze, the wreaths of fog would lift a little for a few yards, and
in their clearings I thought to approach a softer and more desirable
world. I was soothed as though with
caresses and when I began to see somewhat farther
and felt a vigour and fulness in the outline of the Trees, I said to
myself suddenly--
'I know what it is! It is the South, and a great
part of my blood. They may call it Switzerland still, but I know now that
I am in Italy, and this is the gate of Italy lying in groves.'
Then and on till evening I reconciled myself with
misfortune, and when I heard again at Airolo the speech of civilized men,
and saw the strong Latin eyes and straight forms of the Race after all
those days of fog and frost and German speech and the north, my eyes
filled with tears and I was as glad as a man come home again, and I could
have kissed the ground.
The wine of Airolo and its songs, how greatly they
refreshed me! To see men with answering eyes and to find a salute
returned; the noise of careless mouths talking all together; the group at
cards, and the laughter that is proper to mankind; the straight carriage
of the women, and in all the people something erect and noble as though
indeed they possessed the earth. I made a meal there, talking to all my
companions left and right in a new speech of my own, which was made up, as
it were, of the essence of all the Latin tongues, saying--
'Ha! Si jo a traversa li montagna no erat
facile! Nenni! II san Gottardo? Nil est! pooh! poco! Ma hesterna jo ha
voulu traversar in Val Bavona, e credi non ritornar, namfredo, fredo erat
in alto! La tourmente ma prise...'
And so forth, explaining all fully with gestures,
exaggerating, emphasizing, and acting the whole matter, so that they
understood me without much error. But I found it more difficult to
understand them, because they had a regular formed language with
terminations and special words.
It went to my heart to offer them no wine, but a
thought was in me of which you shall soon hear more. My money was running
low, and the chief anxiety of a civilized man was spreading over my mind
like the shadow of a cloud over a field of corn in summer. They gave me a
number of 'good-nights', and at parting I could not forbear from boasting
that I was a pilgrim on my way to Rome. This they repeated one to another,
and one man told me that the next good halting-place was a town called
Faido, three hours down the road. He held up three fingers to explain, and
that was the last intercourse I had with the Airolans, for at once I took
the road.
I glanced up the dark ravine which I should have
descended had I crossed the Nufenen. I thought of the Val Bavona, only
just over the great wall that
held the west; and in one place where a rift (you
have just seen its picture) led up to the summits of the hills I was half
tempted to go back to Airolo and sleep and next morning to attempt a
crossing. But I had accepted my fate on the Gries and the falling road
also held me, and so I continued my way.
Everything was pleasing in this new valley under
the sunlight that still came strongly from behind the enormous mountains;
everything also was new, and I was evidently now in a country of a special
kind. The slopes were populous, I had come to the great mother of fruits
and men, and I was soon to see her
cities and her old walls, and the rivers that
glide by them. Church towers also repeated the same shapes up and up the
wooded hills until the villages stopped at the line of the higher slopes
and at the patches of snow. The houses were square and coloured; they were
graced with arbours, and there seemed to be all around nothing but what
was reasonable and secure, and especially no rich or poor.
I noticed all these things on the one side and the
other till, not two hours from Airolo, I came to a step in the valley. For
the valley of the Ticino is made up of distinct levels, each of which
might have held a lake once for the way it is enclosed: and each level
ends in high rocks with a gorge between them. Down this gorge the river
tumbles in falls and rapids and the road picks its way down steeply, all
banked and cut, and sometimes has to cross from side to side by a bridge,
while the railway above one overcomes the sharp descent by running round
into the heart of the hills through circular tunnels and coming
out again far below the cavern where it plunged
in. Then when all three--the river, the road, and the railway--- have got
over the great step, a new level of the valley opens. This is the way the
road comes into the south, and as I passed down to the lower valley,
though it was darkening into evening, something melted out of the mountain
air, there was content and warmth in the growing things, and I found it
was a place for vineyards. So, before it was yet dark, I came into Faido,
and there I slept, having at last, after so many adventures, crossed the
threshold and occupied Italy.
Next day before sunrise I went out, and all the
valley was adorned and tremulous with the films of morning.
Now all of you who have hitherto followed the
story of this great journey, put out of your minds the Alps and the passes
and the snows--postpone even
for a moment thé influence of the happy
dawn and of that South into which I had entered, and consider only this
truth, that I found myself just out of Faido on this blessed date of God
with eight francs and forty centimes for my viaticum and temporal
provision wherewith to accomplish the good work of my pilgrimage.
Now when you consider that coffee and bread was
twopence and a penny for the maid, you may say without lying that I had
left behind me the escarpment of the Alps and stood upon the downward
slopes of the first Italian stream and at the summit of the entry road
with eight francs ten centimes in my pocket--my body hearty and my
spirit light, for the arriving sun shot glory into the sky. The air was
keen, and a fresh day came radiant over the high eastern walls of the
And what of that? Why, one might make many things
of it. For instance, eight francs and ten centimes is a very good day's
wages; it is a lot to spend in cab fares but little for a coupé.
It is a heavy price for Burgundy but a song for Tokay. It is eighty miles
third-class and more; it is thirty or less first-class; it is a flash in a
train de luxe, and a mere fleabite as a bribe to a journalist. It
would be enormous to give it to an apostle begging at a church door, but
nothing to spend on luncheon.
Properly spent I can imagine it saving five or six
souls, but I cannot believe that so paltry a sum would damn half an one.
Then, again, it would be a nice thing to sing
about. Thus, if one were a modern fool one might write a dirge with 'Huit
francs et dix centimes' all chanted on one low sad note, and coming in
between brackets for a 'motif, and with a lot about autumn and
Death--which last, Death that is, people nowadays seem to regard as
something odd, whereas it is well known to be the commonest thing in the
world. Or one might make the words the Backbone of a triolet, only one
would have to split them up to fit it into the metre; or one might make it
the decisive line in a sonnet; or one might make a pretty little lyric of
it, to the tune of 'Madame la Marquise' -
'Huit francs et dix centimes, Tra la la, la la
Or one might put it rhetorically, fiercely,
stoically, finely, republicanly into the Heroics of the Great School. Thus
HERNANI (with indignation)... dans ces efforts
'Qu'avez vous à offrir?' RUY BLAS (simply)
Huit francs et dix centimes!
Or finally (for this kind of thing cannot go on
for ever), one might curl one's hair and dye it black, and cock a dirty
slouch hat over one ear and take a guitar and sit on a flat stone by the
roadside and cross one's legs, and, after a few pings and pongs on the
strings, strike up a Ballad with the refrain -
Car j'ai toujours huit francs et dix centimes!
a jocular, sub-sardonic, a triumphant refrain!
But all this is by the way; the point is, why was
the eight francs and ten centimes of such importance just there and then?
For this reason, that I could get no more money
before Milan; and I think a little reflection will show you what a meaning
lies in that phrase. Milan was nearer ninety miles than eighty miles off.
By the strict road it was over ninety. And so I was forced to consider and
to be anxious, for how would this money hold out?
There was nothing for it but forced marches, and
little prospect of luxuries. But could it be done?
I thought it could, and I reasoned this way.
'It is true I need a good deal of food, and that
if a man is to cover great distances he must keep fit. It is also true
that many men have done more on less. On the other hand, they were men who
were not pressed for time--I am; and I do not know the habits of the
country. Ninety miles is three good days; two very heavy days. Indeed,
whether it can be done at all in two is doubtful. But it can be done in
two days, two nights, and half the third day. So if I plan it thus I shall
achieve it; namely, to march say forty-five miles or more to-day, and to
sleep rough at the end of it. My food may cost me altogether three francs.
I march the next day twenty-five to thirty, my food costing me another
three francs. Then with the remaining two francs and ten centimes I will
take a bed at the end of the day, and coffee and bread next morning, and
will march the remaining twenty miles or less (as they may be) into Milan
with a copper or two in my pocket. Then in Milan, having obtained my
money, I will eat.'
So I planned with very careful and exact
precision, but many accidents and unexpected things, diverting my plans,
lay in wait for me among the hills.
And to cut a long story short, as the old sailor said
to the young fool--
LECTOR. What did the old sailor say to the young
AUCTOR. Why, the old sailor was teaching the
young fool his compass, and he said---
'Here we go from north, making round by west, and
then by south round by east again to north. There are thirty-two points of
the compass, namely, first these four, N., W., S., and E., and these are
halved, making four more, viz., NW., S W., SE., and NE. I trust I make
myself clear,' said the old sailor.
'That makes eight divisions, as we call them. So
look smart and follow. Each of these eight is divided into two
symbolically and symmetrically divided parts, as is most evident in the
nomenclature of the same,' said the old sailor. 'Thus between N. and NE.
is NNE., between NE. and E. is ENE., between E. and SE. is...'
'I see,' said the young fool.
The old sailor, frowning at him, continued--
'Smart you there. Heels together, and note you
well. Each of these sixteen divisions is separated quite reasonably and
precisely into two. Thus between N. and NNE. we get N. by E.,' said the
old sailor; 'and between NNE. and NE. we get NE. by E., and between NE.
and ENE. we get NE. by E.,' said the old sailor; 'and between ENE. and E.
we get E. by N., and then between E. and ESE. we get...'
But here he noticed something dangerous in the
young fool's eyes, and having read all his life Admiral Griles' 'Notes on
Discipline', and knowing that discipline is a subtle bond depending 'not
on force but on an attitude of the mind,' he continued--
'And so TO CUT A LONG STORY SHORT we come round to
the north again.' Then he added, 'It is customary also to divide each of
these points into quarters. Thus NNE. 3/4 E. signifies...'
But at this point the young fool, whose hands were
clasped behind him and concealed a marlin-spike, up and killed the old
sailor, and so rounded off this fascinating tale.
Well then, to cut a long story short, I had to
make forced marches. With eight francs and ten centimes, and nearer ninety
than eighty-five miles before
the next relief, it was necessary to plan and then
to urge on heroically. Said I to myself, 'The thing can be done quite
easily. What is ninety miles? Two long days! Who cannot live on four
francs a day? Why, lots of men do it on two francs a day.'
But my guardian angel said to me, 'You are an ass!
Ninety miles is a great deal more than twice forty-five. Besides which'
(said he) 'a great effort needs largeness and ease. Men who live on two
francs a day or less are not men who attempt to march forty-five miles a
day. Indeed, my friend, you are pushing it very close.'
'Well,' thought I, 'at least in such a glorious
air, with such Hills all about one, and such a race, one can come to no
great harm.'
But I knew within me that Latins are hard where
money is concerned, and I feared for my strength. I was determined to push
forward and to live on little. I filled my lungs and put on the spirit of
an attempt and swung down the valley.
Alas! I may not linger on that charge, for if I
did I should not give you any measure of its determination and rapidity.
Many little places passed me off the road on the flanks of that valley,
and mostly to the left. While the morning was yet young, I came to the
packed little town of Bodio, and passed the eight franc limit by taking
coffee, brandy, and bread. There also were a gentleman and a lady in a
carriage who wondered where I was going, and I told them (in French) 'to
Rome'. It was nine in the morning when I came to Biasca. The sun was
glorious, and not yet warm: it was too early for a meal. They gave me a
little cold meat and bread and wine, and seven francs stood out dry above
the falling tide of my money.
Here at Biasca the valley took on a different
aspect. It became wider and more of a countryside; the vast hills,
receding, took on an appearance of less familiar majesty, and because the
trend of the Ticino turned southerly some miles ahead the whole place
seemed enclosed from the world. One would have said that a high mountain
before me closed it in and rendered it unique and unknown, had not a wide
cleft in the east argued another pass over the hills, and reminded me that
there were various routes over the crest of the Alps.
Indeed, this hackneyed approach to Italy which I
had dreaded and despised and accepted only after a defeat was very
marvellous, and this valley of the Ticino ought to stand apart and be a
commonwealth of its own like Andorra or the Gresivaudan: the noble garden
of the Isere within the first gates of the Dauphine.
I was fatigued, and my senses lost acuteness.
Still I noticed with delight the
new character of the miles I pursued. A low hill
just before me, jutting out apparently from the high western mountains,
forbade me to see beyond it. The plain was alluvial, while copses and wood
and many cultivated fields now found room where, higher up, had been
nothing but the bed of a torrent with bare banks and strips of grass
immediately above them; it was a place worthy of a special name and of
being one lordship and a countryside. Still I went on towards that near
boundary of the mountain spur and towards the point where the river
rounded it, the great barrier hill before me still seeming to shut in the
It was noon, or thereabouts, the heat was
increasing (I did not feel it greatly, for I had eaten and drunk next to
nothing), when, coming round the point, there opened out before me the
great fan of the lower valley and the widening and fruitful plain through
which the Ticino rolls in a full river to reach Lake Major, which is its
Weary as I was, the vision of this sudden
expansion roused me and made me forget everything except the sight before
me. The valley turned well southward as it broadened. The Alps spread out
on either side like great arms welcoming the southern day; the wholesome
and familiar haze that should accompany summer dimmed the more distant
mountains of the lakes and turned them amethystine, and something of
repose and of distance was added to the landscape; something I had not
seen for many days. There was room in that air and space for dreams and
for many living men, for towns perhaps on the slopes, for the boats of
happy men upon the waters, and everywhere for crowded and contented
living. History might be in all this, and I remembered it was the entry
and introduction of many armies. Singing therefore a song of Charlemagne,
I swung on in a good effort to where, right under the sun, what seemed a
wall and two towers on a sharp little hillock set in the bosom of the
valley showed me Bellinzona. Within the central street of that city, and
on its shaded side, I sank down upon a bench before the curtained door of
a drinking booth and boasted that I had covered in that morning my
twenty-five miles.
The woman of the place came out to greet me, and
asked me a question. I did not catch it (for it was in a foreign
language), but guessing her to mean that I should take something, I asked
for vermouth, and seeing before me a strange door built of red stone, I
drew it as I sipped my glass and the woman talked to me all the while in a
language I could not understand. And as I drew I became so interested that
I forgot my poverty and offered her husband a glass, and then gave another
to a lounging man that had watched me at work, and so from
less than seven francs my money fell to six
exactly, and my pencil fell from my hand, and I became afraid.
'I have done a foolish thing,' said I to myself,
'and have endangered the success of my endeavour. Nevertheless, that
cannot now be remedied, and I must eat; and as eating is best where one
has friends I will ask a meal of this woman.'
Now had they understood French I could have
bargained and chosen; as it was I had to take what they were taking, and
so I sat with them as they all came out and ate together at the little
table. They had soup and flesh, wine and bread, and as we ate we talked,
not understanding each other, and laughing heartily at our mutual
ignorance. And they charged me a franc, which brought my six francs down
to five. But I, knowing my subtle duty to the world, put down twopence
more, as I would have done anywhere else, for a pour boire; and so
with four francs and eighty centimes left, and with much less than a third
of my task accomplished I rose, now drowsy with the food and wine, and
saluting them, took the road once more.
But as I left Bellinzona there was a task before
me which was to bring my poverty to the test; for you must know that my
map was a bad one, and on a very small scale, and the road from Bellinzona
to Lugano has a crook in it, and it was essential to find a short cut. So
I thought to myself, 'I will try to see a good map as cheaply as
possible,' and I slunk off to the right into a kind of main square, and
there I found a proud stationer's shop, such as would deal with rich men
only, or tourists of the coarser and less humble kind. I entered with some
assurance, and said in French--
'Sir, I wish to know the hills between here and
Lugano, but I am too poor to buy a map. If you will let me look at one for
a few moments, I will pay you what you think fit.'
The wicked stationer became like a devil for
pride, and glaring at me, said--
'Look! Look for yourself. I do not take pence. I
sell maps; I do not hire them!'
Then I thought, 'Shall I take a favour from such a
man?' But I yielded, and did. I went up to the wall and studied a large
map for some moments. Then as I left, I said to him--
'Sir, I shall always hold in remembrance the day
on which you did me this signal kindness; nor shall I forget your courtesy
and goodwill.'
And what do you think he did at that?
Why, he burst into twenty smiles, and bowed and
seemed beatified, and said: 'Whatever I can do for my customers and for
visitors to this town, I shall always be delighted to do. Pray, sir, will
you not look at other maps for a moment?'
Now, why did he say this and grin happily like a
gargoyle appeased? Did something in my accent suggest wealth? or was he
naturally kindly? I do not know; but of this I am sure, one should never
hate human beings merely on a first, nor on a tenth, impression. Who
knows? This map-seller of Bellinzona may have been a good man; anyhow, I
left him as rich as I had found him, and remembering that the true key to
a forced march is to break the twenty-four hours into three pieces, and
now feeling the extreme heat, I went out along the burning straight road
until I found a border of grass and a hedge, and there, in
spite of the dust and the continually passing
carts, I lay at full length in the shade and fell into the sleep of men
against whom there is no reckoning. Just as I forgot the world I heard a
clock strike two.
I slept for hours beneath that hedge, and when I
woke the air was no longer a trembling furnace, but everything about me
was wrapped round as in a cloak of southern afternoon, and was still. The
sun had fallen midway, and shone in steady glory through a haze that
overhung Lake Major, and the wide luxuriant estuary of the vale. There lay
before me a long straight road for miles at the base of high hills; then,
far off, this road seemed to end at the foot of a mountain called, I
believe, Ash Mount or Cinder Hill. But my imperfect map told me that here
it went sharp round to the left, choosing a pass, and then at an angle
went down its way to Lugano.
Now Lugano was not fifteen miles as the crow flies
from where I stood, and I determined to cut off that angle by climbing the
high hills just above me. They were wooded only on their slopes; their
crest and much of their sides were a down-land of parched grass, with
rocks appearing here and there. At the first divergent lane I made off
eastward from the road and began to climb.
In under the chestnut trees the lane became a
number of vague beaten paths; I followed straight upwards. Here and there
were little houses standing hidden
in leaves, and soon I crossed the railway, and at
last above the trees I saw the sight of all the Bellinzona valley to the
north; and turning my eyes I saw it broaden out between its walls to where
the lake lay very bright, in spite of the
slight mist, and this mist gave the lake
distances, and the mountains round about it were transfigured and seemed
part of the mere light.
The Italian lakes have that in them and their air
which removes them from common living. Their beauty is not the beauty
which each of us sees for himself in the world; it is rather the beauty of
a special creation; the expression of some mind. To eyes innocent, and
first freshly noting our great temporal inheritance--I mean to the eyes of
a boy and girl just entered upon the estate of this glorious earth, and
thinking themselves immortal, this shrine of Europe might remain for ever
in the memory; an enchanted experience, in which the single sense of sight
had almost touched the boundary of music. They would remember these lakes
as the central emotion of their youth. To mean men also who, in spite of
years and of a full foreknowledge of death, yet attempt nothing but the
satisfaction of sense, and pride themselves upon the taste and fineness
with which they achieve this satisfaction, the Italian lakes would seem a
place for habitation, and there such a man might build his house
contentedly. But to ordinary Christians I am sure there is something
unnatural in this beauty of
theirs, and they find in it either a paradise only
to be won by a much longer road to a bait and veil of sorcery, behind
which lies great peril. Now, for all we know, beauty beyond the world may
not really bear this double aspect; but to us on earth--if we are ordinary
men--beauty of this kind has something evil. Have you not read in books
how men when they see even divine visions are terrified? So as I looked at
Lake Major in its halo I also was afraid, and I was glad to cross the
ridge and crest of the hill and to shut out that picture framed all round
with glory.
But on the other side of the hill I found, to my
great disgust, not as I had hoped, a fine slope down leading to Lugano,
but a second interior valley and another range just opposite me. I had not
the patience to climb this so I followed down the marshy land at the foot
of it, passed round the end of the hill and came upon the railway, which
had tunnelled under the range I had crossed. I followed the railway for a
little while and at last crossed it, penetrated through a thick brushwood,
forded a nasty little stream, and found myself again on the main road,
wishing heartily I had never left it.
It was still at least seven miles to Lugano, and
though all the way was downhill, yet fatigue threatened me. These short
cuts over marshy land and through difficult thickets are not short cuts at
all, and I was just wondering whether, although it was already evening, I
dared not rest a while, when there appeared at a turn in the road a little
pink house with a yard all shaded over by a vast tree; there was also a
trellis making a roof over a plain bench and table, and on the trellis
grew vines.
'Into such houses,' I thought, 'the gods walk when
they come down and talk with men, and such houses are the scenes of
adventures. I will go in and rest.'
So I walked straight into the courtyard and found
there a shrivelled brown-faced man with kindly eyes, who was singing a
song to himself. He could talk a little French, a little English, and his
own Italian language. He had been to America and to Paris; he was full of
memories; and when I had listened to these and asked for food and drink,
and said I was extremely poor and would have to bargain, he made a kind of
litany of 'I will not cheat you; I am an honest man; I also am poor,' and
so forth. Nevertheless I argued about every item--the bread, the sausage,
and the beer. Seeing that I was in necessity, he charged me about three
times their value, but I beat him down to double, and lower than that he
would not go. Then we sat down together at the table and ate and drank and
talked of far countries; and he would interject remarks on his honesty
compared with the wickedness of his neighbours, and I parried with
tions of my poverty and need, pulling out the four
francs odd that remained to me, and jingling them sorrowfully in my hand.
'With these,' I said, 'I must reach Milan.'
Then I left him, and as I went down the road a
slight breeze came on, and brought with it the coolness of evening.
At last the falling plateau reached an edge, many
little lights glittered below me, and I sat on a stone and looked down at
the town of Lugano. It was nearly dark. The mountains all around had lost
their mouldings, and were marked in flat silhouettes against the sky. The
new lake which had just appeared below me was bright as water is at dusk,
and far away in the north and east the high Alps still stood up and
received the large glow of evening. Everything else was full of the coming
night, and a few stars shone. Up from She town came the distant noise of
music; otherwise there was no sound. I could have rested there a long
time, letting my tired body lapse into the advancing darkness, and
catching in my spirit the inspiration of the silence--had it not been for
hunger. I knew by experience that when it is very late one cannot be
served in the eating-houses of poor men, and I had not the money or any
other. So I rose and shambled down the steep road into the town, and there
I found a square with arcades, and in the south-eastern corner of this
square just such a little tavern as I required. Entering, therefore, and
taking off my hat very low, I said in French to a man who was sitting
there with friends, and who was the master, 'Sir, what is the least price
at which you can give me a meal?'
He said, 'What do you want?'
I answered, 'Soup, meat, vegetables, bread, and a
little wine.'
He counted on his fingers, while all his friends
stared respectfully at him and me. He then gave orders, and a very young
and beautiful girl set before me as excellent a meal as I had eaten for
days on days, and he charged me but a franc and a half. He gave me also
coffee and a little cheese, and I, feeling hearty, gave threepence over
for the service, and they all very genially wished me a good-night; but
their wishes were of no value to me, for the night was terrible.
I had gone over forty miles; how much over I did
not know. I should have slept at Lugano, but my lightening purse forbade
me. I thought, 'I will push on and on; after all, I have already slept,
and so broken the back of the day. I will push on till I am at the end of
my tether, then I will find a wood and sleep.' Within four miles my
strength abandoned me. I was not even so far down the lake as to have lost
the sound of the band at Lugano floating up the still water, when I was
under an imperative necessity for repose. It was perhaps ten
o'clock, and the sky was open and glorious with
stars. I climbed up a bank on my right, and searching for a place to lie
found one under a tree near a great telegraph pole. Here was a little
parched grass, and one could lie there and see the lake and wait for
sleep. It was a benediction to stretch out all supported by the dry earth,
with my little side-bag for pillow, and to look at the clear night above
the hills, and to listen to the very distant music, and to wonder whether
or not, in this strange southern country, there might not be snakes
gliding about in the undergrowth. Caught in such a skein of influence I
was soothed and fell asleep.
For a little while I slept dreamlessly.
Just so much of my living self remained as can
know, without understanding, the air around. It is the life of trees. That
under-part, the barely conscious base of nature which trees and sleeping
men are sunk in, is not only dominated by an immeasurable calm, but is
also beyond all expression contented. And in its very stuff there is a
complete and changeless joy. This is surely what the great mind meant when
it said to the Athenian judges that death must not be dreaded since no
experience in life was so pleasurable as a deep sleep; for being wise and
seeing the intercommunion of things, he could not mean extinction, which
is nonsense, but a lapse into that under-part of which I speak. For there
are gods also below the earth.
But a dream came into my sleep and disturbed me,
increasing life, and therefore bringing pain. I dreamt that I was arguing,
at first easily, then violently, with another man. More and more he
pressed me, and at last in my dream there were clearly spoken words, and
he said to me, 'You must be wrong, because you are so cold; if you were
right you would not be so cold.' And this argument seemed quite reasonable
to me in my foolish dream, and I muttered to him, 'You are right, I must
be in the wrong. It is very cold ...' Then I half opened my eyes and saw
the telegraph pole, the trees, and the lake. Far up the lake, where the
Italian Frontier cuts it, the torpedo-boats, looking for smugglers, were
casting their search-lights. One of the roving beams fell full on me and I
became broad awake. I stood up. It was indeed cold, with a kind of
clinging and grasping chill that was not to be expressed in degrees of
heat, but in dampness perhaps, or perhaps in some subtler influence of the
I sat on the bank and gazed at the lake in some
despair. Certainly I could not sleep again without a covering cloth, and
it was now past midnight, nor did I know of any house, whether if I took
the road I should find one in a mile, or in two, or in five. And, note
you, I was utterly exhausted. That enormous
march from Faido, though it had been wisely broken
by the siesta at Bellinzona, needed more than a few cold hours under
trees, and I thought of the three poor francs in my pocket, and of the
thirty-eight miles remaining to Milan.
The stars were beyond the middle of their slow
turning, and I watched them, splendid and in order, for sympathy, as I
also regularly, but slowly and painfully, dragged myself along my
appointed road. But in a very short time a great, tall, square, white
house stood right on the roadway, and to my intense joy I saw a light in
one of its higher windows. Standing therefore beneath, I cried at the top
of my voice, 'Hola!' five or six times. A woman put her head out of the
window into the fresh night, and said, 'You cannot sleep here; we have no
rooms,' then she remained looking out of her window and ready to analyse
the difficulties of the moment; a good-natured woman and fat.
In a moment another window at the same level, but
farther from me, opened, and a man leaned out, just as those alternate
figures come in and out of the toys that tell the weather. 'It is
impossible,' said the man; 'we have no rooms.'
Then they talked a great deal together, while I
shouted, 'Quid vis? Non e possibile dormire in la foresta! e troppo
fredo! Vis ne me assassinare? Veni de Lugano--- e piu--- non e possibile
ritornare!' and so forth.
They answered in strophe and antistrophe,
sometimes together in full chorus, and again in semichorus, and with
variations, that it was impossible. Then a light showed in the chinks of
their great door; the lock grated, and it opened. A third person, a tall
youth, stood in the hall. I went forward into the breach and occupied the
hall. He blinked at me above a candle, and murmured, as a man apologizing
'It is not possible.'
Whatever I have in common with these southerners
made me understand that I had won, so I smiled at him and nodded; he also
smiled, and at once beckoned to me. He led me upstairs, and showed me a
charming bed in a clean room, where there was a portrait of the Pope,
looking cunning; the charge for that delightful and human place was
sixpence, and as I said good-night to the youth, the man and woman from
above said good-night also. And this was my first introduction to the most
permanent feature in the Italian character. The good people!
When I woke and rose I was the first to be up and
out. It was high morning. The sun was not yet quite over the eastern
mountains, but I had slept, though so shortly yet at great ease, and the
world seemed new and full of a merry mind. The sky was coloured like that
high metal work which you may see in the studios of Paris; there was gold
in it fading into bronze, and above, the bronze
softened to silver. A little morning breeze,
courageous and steady, blew down the lake and provoked the water to glad
ripples, and there was nothing that did not move and take pleasure in the
The Lake of Lugano is of a complicated shape, and
has many arms. It is at this point very narrow indeed, and shallow too; a
mole, pierced at either end with low arches, has here been thrown across
it, and by this mole the railway and the road pass over to the eastern
shore. I turned in this long causeway and noticed the northern view. On
the farther shore was an old village and some pleasure-houses of rich men
on the shore; the boats also were beginning to go about the water. These
boats were strange, unlike other boats; they were covered with hoods, and
looked like floating waggons. This was to shield the rowers from the sun.
Far off a man was sailing with a little brown sprit-sail. It was morning,
and all the world was alive.
Coffee in the village left me two francs and two
pennies. I still thought the thing could be done, so invigorating and
deceiving are the early hours, and coming farther down the road to an old
and beautiful courtyard on the left, I drew it, and hearing a bell at hand
I saw a tumble-down church with trees before it, and went in to Mass; and
though it was a little low village Mass, yet the priest had three acolytes
to serve it, and (true and gracious mark of a Catholic country!) these
boys were restless and distracted at their office.
You may think it trivial, but it was certainly a
portent. One of the acolytes had half his head clean shaved! A most
extraordinary sight! I could not take
my eyes from it, and I heartily wished I had an
Omen-book with me to tell me what it might mean.
When there were oracles on earth, before Pan died,
this sight would have been of the utmost use. For I should have consulted
the oracle woman for a Lira--at Biasca for instance, or in the lonely
woods of the Cinder Mountain; and, after a lot of incense and hesitation,
and wrestling with the god, the oracle would have accepted Apollo and,
staring like one entranced, she would have chanted verses which, though
ambiguous, would at least have been a guide. Thus:
Matutinus adest ubi Vesper, et accipiens te
Saepe recusatum voces intelligit hospes Rusticus ignotas notas, ac flumina
tellus Occupat--In sancto tum, tum, stans Aede caveto Tonsuram Hirsuti
Capitis, via namque pedestrem Ferrea praeveniens cursum, peregrine,
Pro pietate tuâ inceptum frustratur,
amore Antiqui Ritus alto sub Numine Romae.
LECTOR. What Hoggish great Participles!
AUCTOR. Well, well, you see it was but a rustic
oracle at 9 3/4 d. the revelation, and even that is supposing silver at
par. Let us translate it for the vulgar:
When early morning seems but eve And they that
still refuse receive: When speech unknown men understand; And floods are
crossed upon dry land. Within the Sacred Walls beware The Shaven Head that
boasts of Hair, For when the road attains the rail The Pilgrim's great
attempt shall fail.
Of course such an oracle might very easily have
made me fear too much. The 'shaven head' I should have taken for a priest,
especially if it was to be met with 'in a temple'--it might have prevented
me entering a church, which would have been deplorable. Then I might have
taken it to mean that I should never have reached Rome, which would have
been a monstrous weight upon my mind. Still, as things unfolded
themselves, the oracle would have become plainer and plainer, and I felt
the lack of it greatly. For, I repeat, I had certainly received an omen.
The road now neared the end of the lake, and the
town called Capo di Lago, or 'Lake-head', lay off to my right. I saw also
that in a very little while I should abruptly find the plains. A low hill
some five miles ahead of me was the last roll of the mountains, and just
above me stood the last high crest, a precipitous peak of bare rock, up
which there ran a cog-railway to some hotel or other. I passed through an
old town under the now rising heat; I passed a cemetery in the Italian
manner, with marble figures like common living men. The road turned to the
left, and I was fairly on the shoulder of the last glacis. I stood on the
Alps at their southern bank, and before me was Lombardy.
Also in this ending of the Swiss canton one was
more evidently in Italy than ever. A village perched upon a rock, deep
woods and a ravine below it, its houses and its church, all betrayed the
full Italian spirit.
The frontier town was Chiasso. I hesitated with
reverence before touching the sacred soil which I had taken so long to
reach, and I longed to be able to drink its health; but though I had gone,
I suppose, ten miles, and though the
heat was increasing, I would not stop; for I
remembered the two francs, and my former certitude of reaching Milan was
shaking and crumbling. The great heat of midday would soon be on me, I had
yet nearly thirty miles to go, and my bad night began to oppress me.
I crossed the frontier, which is here an imaginary
line. Two slovenly customs-house men asked me if I had anything dutiable
on me. I said No, and it was evident enough, for in my little sack or
pocket was nothing but a piece of bread. If they had applied the American
test, and searched me for money, then indeed they could have turned me
back, and I should have been forced to go into the fields a quarter of a
mile or so and come into their country by a path instead of a highroad.
This necessity was spared me. I climbed slowly up
the long slope that hides Como, then I came down upon that lovely city and
saw its frame of hills and its lake below me.
These things are not like things seen by the eyes.
I say it again, they are like what one feels when music is played.
I entered Como between ten and eleven faint for
food, and then a new interest came to fill my mind with memories of this
great adventure. The lake was in flood, and all the town was water.
Como dry must be interesting enough; Como flooded
is a marvel. What else is Venice? And here is a Venice at the foot of high
mountains, and all in the water, no streets or squares; a fine even
depth of three feet and a half or so for navigators, much what you have in
the Spitway in London River at low spring tides.
There were a few boats about, but the traffic and
pleasure of Como was passing along planks laid on trestles over the water
here and there like bridges; and for those who were in haste, and could
afford it (such as take cabs in London), there were wheelbarrows, coster
carts, and what not, pulled about by men for hire; and it was a sight to
remember all one's life to see the rich men of Como squatting on these
carts and barrows, and being pulled about over the water by the poor men
of Como, being, indeed, an epitome of all modern sociology and economics
and religion and organized charity and strenuousness and liberalism and
sophistry generally.
For my part I was determined to explore this
curious town in the water, and I especially desired to see it on the lake
side, because there one would get the best impression of its being really
an aquatic town; so I went northward, as I was directed, and came quite
unexpectedly upon the astonishing cathedral. It
seemed built of polished marble, and it was in
every way so exquisite in proportion, so delicate in sculpture, and so
triumphant in attitude, that I thought to myself—
'No wonder men praise Italy if this first Italian
town has such a building as this.'
But, as you will learn later, many of the things
praised are ugly, and are praised only by certain followers of charlatans.
So I went on till I got to the lake, and there I
found a little port about as big as a dining-room (for the Italian lakes
play at being little seas. They have little ports, little lighthouses,
little fleets for war, and little custom-houses, and little storms and
little lines of steamers. Indeed, if one wanted to give a rich child a
perfect model or toy, one could not give him anything better than an
Italian lake), and when I had long gazed at the town, standing, as it
seemed, right in the lake, I felt giddy, and said to myself, 'This is the
lack of food,' for I had eaten nothing but my coffee and bread eleven
miles before, at dawn.
So I pulled out my two francs, and going into a
little shop, I bought bread, sausage, and a very little wine for
fourpence, and with one franc eighty left I stood in the street eating and
wondering what my next step should be.
It seemed on the map perhaps twenty-five, perhaps
twenty-six miles to Milan. It was now nearly noon, and as hot as could be.
I might, if I held out, cover the distance in eight or nine hours, but I
did not see myself walking in the middle heat on the plain of Lombardy,
and even if I had been able I should only have got into Milan at dark or
later, when the post office (with my money in it) would be shut; and where
could I sleep, for my one franc eighty would be gone? A man covering these
distances must have one good meal a day or he falls ill. I could beg, but
there was the risk of being arrested, and that means an indefinite waste
of time, perhaps several days; and time, that had defeated me at the
Gries, threatened me here again. I had nothing to sell or to pawn, and I
had no friends. The Consul I would not attempt; I knew too much of such
things as Consuls when poor and dirty men try them. Besides which, there
was no Consul I pondered.
I went into the cool of the cathedral to sit in
its fine darkness and think better. I sat before a shrine where candles
were burning, put up for their private intentions by the faithful. Of
many, two had nearly burnt out. I watched them in their slow race for
extinction when a thought took me.
'I will,' said I to myself, 'use these candles for
an ordeal or heavenly judgement. The left hand one shall be for attempting
the road at the risk of illness or very dangerous failure; the right hand
one shall stand for my going
by rail till I come to that point on the railway
where one franc eighty will take me, and thence walking into Milan:--and
heaven defend the right.'
They were a long time going out, and they fell
evenly. At last the right hand one shot up the long flame that precedes
the death of candles; the contest took on interest, and even excitement,
when, just as I thought the left hand certain of winning, it went out
without guess or warning, like a second-rate person leaving this world for
another. The right hand candle waved its flame still higher, as though in
triumph, outlived its colleague just the moment to enjoy glory, and then
in its turn went fluttering down the dark way from which they say there is
no return.
None may protest against the voice of the Gods. I
went straight to the nearest railway station (for there are two), and
putting down one franc eighty, asked in French for a ticket to whatever
station that sum would reach down the line. The ticket came out marked
Milan, and I admitted the miracle and confessed the finger of Providence.
There was no change, and as I got into the train I had become that rarest
and ultimate kind of traveller, the man without any money
whatsoever--without passport, without letters, without food or wine; it
would be interesting to see what would follow if the train broke down.
I had marched 378 miles and some three furlongs, or
Thus did I break--but by a direct command--the
last and dearest of my vows, and as the train rumbled off, I took luxury
in the rolling wheels.
I thought of that other medieval and papistical
pilgrim hobbling along rather than 'take advantage of any wheeled thing',
and I laughed at him. Now if Moroso-Malodoroso or any other Non-Aryan,
Antichristian, over-inductive, statistical, brittle-minded man and
scientist, sees anything remarkable in one self laughing at another self,
let me tell him and all such for their wide-eyed edification and
astonishment that I knew a man once that had fifty-six selves (there would
have been fifty-seven, but for the poet in him that died young)--he could
evolve them at will, and they were very useful to lend to the parish
priest when he wished to make up a respectable Procession on Holy-days.
And I knew another man that could make himself so tall as to look over the
heads of the scientists as a pine-tree looks over grasses, and again so
small as to discern very clearly the thick coating or dust of wicked pride
that covers them up in a fine impenetrable coat. So much for the moderns.
The train rolled on. I noticed Lombardy out of the
windows. It is flat. I listened to the talk of the crowded peasants in the
train. I did not understand it. I twice leaned out to see if Milan were
not standing up before me out of the plain, but I saw nothing. Then I fell
asleep, and when I woke suddenly it was because we were in the terminus of
that noble great town, which I then set out to traverse in search of my
necessary money and sustenance. It was yet but early in the afternoon.
What a magnificent city is Milan! The great houses
are all of stone, and stand regular and in order, along wide straight
streets. There are swift cars, drawn by electricity, for such as can
afford them. Men are brisk and alert even in the summer heats, and there
are shops of a very good kind, though a trifle showy. There are many
newspapers to help the Milanese to be better men and to cultivate charity
and humility; there are banks full of paper money; there are soldiers,
good pavements, and all that man requires to fulfil him, soul and body;
cafés, arcades, mutoscopes, and every sign of the perfect state.
And the whole centres in a splendid open square, in the midst of which is
the cathedral, which is justly the most renowned in the world.
My pilgrimage is to Rome, my business is with
lonely places, hills, and the recollection of the spirit. It would be
waste to describe at length this mighty capital. The mists and the woods,
the snows and the interminable way, had left me ill-suited for the place,
and I was ashamed. I sat outside a café, opposite the cathedral,
watching its pinnacles of light; but I was ashamed. Perhaps I did the
master a hurt by sitting there in his fine great café, unkempt, in
such clothes, like a tramp; but he was courteous in spite of his riches,
and I ordered a very expensive drink for him also, in order to make
amends. I showed him my sketches, and told him of my adventures in French,
and he was kind enough to sit opposite me, and to take that drink with me.
He talked French quite easily, as it seems do all such men in the
principal towns of north Italy. Still, the broad day shamed me, and only
when darkness came did I feel at ease.
I wandered in the streets till I saw a small
eating shop, and there I took a good meal. But when one is living the life
of the poor, one sees how hard are the great cities. Everything was
dearer, and worse, than in the simple countrysides. The innkeeper and his
wife were kindly, but their eyes showed that they had often to suspect
men. They gave me a bed, but it was a franc and more, and I had to pay
before going upstairs to it. The walls were mildewed, the place
ramshackle and evil, the rickety bed not clean,
the door broken and warped, and that night I was oppressed with the vision
of poverty. Dirt and clamour and inhuman conditions surrounded me. Yet the
people meant well.
With the first light I got up quietly, glad to
find the street again and the air. I stood in the crypt of the cathedral
to hear the Ambrosian Mass, and it was (as I had expected) like any other,
save for a kind of second lavabo before the Elevation. To read the
distorted stupidity of the north one might have imagined that in the
Ambrosian ritual the priest put a non before the credo, and
nec's at each clause of it, and renounced his baptismal vows at
the kyrie; but the Milanese are Catholics like any others, and the
northern historians are either liars or ignorant men. And I know three
that are both together.
Then I set out down the long street that leads
south out of Milan, and was soon in the dull and sordid suburb of the
Piacenzan way. The sky was grey, the air chilly, and in a little
while--alas!--it rained.
Lombardy is an alluvial plain.
That is the pretty way of putting it. The truth is
more vivid if you say that Lombardy is as flat as a marsh, and that it is
made up of mud. Of course this mud dries when the sun shines on it, but
mud it is and mud it will remain; and that day, as the rain began falling,
mud it rapidly revealed itself to be; and the more did it seem to be mud
when one saw how the moistening soil showed cracks from the last day's
Lombardy has no forests, but any amount of groups
of trees; moreover (what is very remarkable), it is all cultivated in
fields more or less square. These fields have ditches round them, full of
mud and water running slowly, and some of them are themselves under water
in order to cultivate rice. All these fields have a few trees bordering
them, apart from the standing clumps; but these trees are not very high.
There are no open views in Lombardy, and Lombardy is all the same.
Irregular large farmsteads stand at random all up and down the country; no
square mile of Lombardy is empty. There are many, many little villages;
many straggling small towns about seven to eight miles apart, and a great
number of large towns from thirty to fifty miles apart. Indeed, this very
road to Piacenza, which the rain now covered with a veil of despair, was
among the longest stretches between any two large towns, although it was
less than fifty miles.
On the map, before coming to this desolate place,
there seemed a straighter and a better way to Rome than this great road.
There is a river called the Lambro, which comes east of Milan and cuts the
Piacenzan road at a place called Melegnano. It seemed to lead straight
down to a point on the Po, a little above Piacenza. This stream one could
follow (so it seemed), and when it joined the Po get a boat or ferry, and
see on the other side the famous Trebbia, where Hannibal
conquered and Joubert fell, and so make straight
on for the Apennine.
Since it is always said in books that Lombardy is
a furnace in summer, and that whole great armies have died of the heat
there, this river bank would make a fine refuge. Clear and delicious
water, more limpid than glass, would reflect and echo the restless
poplars, and would make tolerable or even pleasing the excessive summer.
Not so. It was a northern mind judging by northern things that came to
this conclusion. There is not in all Lombardy a clear stream, but every
river and brook is rolling mud. In the rain, not heat, but a damp and
penetrating chill was the danger. There is no walking on the banks of the
rivers; they are cliffs of crumbling soil, jumbled anyhow.
Man may, as Pinkerton (Sir Jonas Pinkerton)
writes, be master of his fate, but he has a precious poor servant. It is
easier to command a lapdog or a mule for a whole day than one's own fate
for half-an-hour.
Nevertheless, though it was apparent that I should
have to follow the main road for a while, I determined to make at last to
the right of it, and to pass through a place called 'Old Lodi', for I
reasoned thus: 'Lodi is the famous town. How much more interesting must
Old Lodi be which is the mothertown of Lodi?' Also, Old Lodi brought me
back again on the straight line to Rome, and I foolishly thought it might
be possible to hear there of some straight path down the Lambro (for that
river still possessed me somewhat).
Therefore, after hours and hours of trudging
miserably along the wide highway in the wretched and searching rain, after
splashing through tortuous Melegnano, and not even stopping to wonder if
it was the place of the battle, after noting in despair the impossible
Lambro, I came, caring for nothing, to the place where a secondary road
branches off to the right over a level crossing and makes for Lodi
It was not nearly midday, but I had walked perhaps
fifteen miles, and had only rested once in a miserable Trattoria. In less
than three miles I came to that unkempt and lengthy village, founded upon
dirt and living in misery, and through the quiet, cold, persistent rain I
splashed up the main street. I passed wretched, shivering dogs and
mournful fowls that took a poor refuge against walls; passed a sad horse
that hung its head in the wet and stood waiting for a master, till at last
I reached the open square where the church stood, then I knew that I had
seen all Old Lodi had to offer me. So, going into an eating-house, or inn,
opposite the church, I found a girl and her mother serving, and I saluted
them, but there was no fire, and my heart sank to the level of that room,
which was, I am sure, no more than fifty-four degrees.
Why should the less gracious part of a pilgrimage
be specially remembered? In life were remember joy best--that is what
makes us sad by contrast; pain somewhat, especially if it is acute; but
dulness never. And a book--which has it in its own power to choose and to
emphasize--has no business to record dulness. What did I at Lodi Vecchio?
I ate; I dried my clothes before a tepid stove in a kitchen. I tried to
make myself understood by the girl and her mother. I sat at a window and
drew the ugly church on principle. Oh, the vile sketch!
Worthy of that Lombard plain, which they had told
me was so full of wonderful things. I gave up all hope of by-roads, and I
determined to push back obliquely to the highway again--obliquely in order
to save time! Nepios!
These 'by-roads' of the map turned out in real
life to be all manner of abominable tracks. Some few were metalled, some
were cart-ruts merely, some were open lanes of rank grass; and along most
there went a horrible ditch, and in many fields the standing water
proclaimed desolation. IN so far as I can be said to have had a way at
all, I lost it. I could not ask my way because my only ultimate goal was
Piacenza, and that was far off. I did not know the name of any place
between. Two or three groups of houses I passed, and sometimes church
towers glimmered through the rain. I passed a larger and wider road than
the rest, but obviously not my road; I pressed on and passed another; and
by this time, having ploughed up Lombardy for some four hours, I was
utterly lost. I no longer felt the north, and, for all I knew, I might be
going backwards. The only certain thing was that I was somewhere in the
belt between the highroad and the Lambro, and that was little enough to
know at the close of such a day. Grown desperate, I clamoured within my
mind for a miracle; and it was not long before I saw a little bent man
sitting on a crazy cart and going
ahead of me at a pace much slower than a walk--the
pace of a horse crawling. I caught him up, and, doubting much whether he
would understand a word, I said to him repeatedly--
'La granda via? La via a Piacenza?'
He shook his head as though to indicate that this
filthy lane was not the road. Just as I had despaired of learning
anything, he pointed with his arm away to the right, perpendicularly to
the road we were on, and nodded. He moved his hand up and down. I had been
going north!
On getting this sign I did not wait for a cross
road, but jumped the little ditch and pushed through long grass, across
further ditches, along the side of patches of growing corn, heedless of
the huge weight on my boots and of the oozing ground, till I saw against
the rainy sky a line of telegraph poles. For the first time since they
were made the sight of them gave a man joy. There was a long stagnant pond
full of reeds between me and the railroad; but, as I outflanked it, I came
upon a road that crossed the railway at a level and led me into the great
Piacenzan way. Almost immediately appeared a village. It was a hole called
Secugnano, and there I entered a house where a bush hanging above the door
promised entertainment, and an old hobbling woman gave me food and drink
and a bed. The night had fallen, and upon the roof above me I could hear
the steady rain.
The next morning--Heaven preserve the world from
evil!--it was still raining.
LECTOR. It does not seem to me that this part of
your book is very entertaining.
AUCTOR. I know that; but what am I to do?
LECTOR. Why, what was the next point in the
pilgrimage that was even tolerably noteworthy?
AUCTOR. I suppose the Bridge of Boats.
LECTOR. And how far on was that?
AUCTOR. About fourteen miles, more or less ... I
passed through a town with a name as long as my arm, and I suppose the
Bridge of Boats must have been nine miles on after that.
LECTOR. And it rained all the time, and there was
AUCTOR. Precisely.
LECTOR. Well, then, let us skip it and tell
AUCTOR. With all my heart. And since you are such
a good judge of literary poignancy, do you begin.
LECTOR. I will, and I draw my inspiration from
your style.
Once upon a time there was a man who was born in
Croydon, and whose name was Charles Amieson Blake. He went to Rugby at
twelve and left it at seventeen. He fell in love twice and then went to
Cambridge till he was twenty-three. Having left Cambridge he fell in love
more mildly, and was put by his father into a government office, where he
began at £180 a year. At thirty-five he was earning £500
a year, and perquisites made £750 a year. He met a pleasant lady and
fell in love quite a little compared with the other times. She had £250
a year. That made £1000 a year. They married and had three
children--Richard, Amy, and Cornelia. He rose to a high government
position, was knighted, retired at sixty-three, and died at sixty-seven.
He is buried at Kensal Green...
AUCTOR. Thank you, Lector, that is a very good
story. It is simple and full of plain human touches. You know how to deal
with the facts of everyday life ... It requires a master-hand. Tell me,
Lector, had this man any adventures?
LECTOR. None that I know of.
AUCTOR. Had he opinions?
LECTOR. Yes. I forgot to tell you he was a
Unionist. He spoke two foreign languages badly. He often went abroad to
Assisi, Florence, and Boulogne... He left £7,623 6s. 8d., and a
house and garden at Sutton. His wife lives there still.
LECTOR. It is the human story ... the daily task!
AUCTOR. Very true, my dear Lector ... the common
lot... Now let me tell my story. It is about the Hole that could not be
Filled Up.
LECTOR. Oh no! Auctor, no! That is the oldest
story in the--
AUCTOR. Patience, dear Lector, patience! I will
tell it well. Besides which I promise you it shall never be told again. I
will copyright it.
Well, once there was a Learned Man who had a
bargain with the Devil that he should warn the Devil's emissaries of all
the good deeds done around him so that they could be upset, and he in turn
was to have all those pleasant things of this life which the Devil's
allies usually get, to wit a Comfortable Home, Self-Respect, good health,
'enough money for one's rank', and generally what is called 'a happy
useful life'--till midnight of All-Hallowe'en in the last year of
the nineteenth century.
So this Learned Man did all he was required, and
daily would inform the messenger imps of the good being done or prepared
in the neighbourhood, and they would upset it; so that the place he lived
in from a nice country town became a great Centre of Industry, full of
wealth and desirable family mansions and street property, and was called
in hell 'Depot B' (Depot A you may guess at). But at last toward the 15th
of October 1900, the Learned Man began to
shake in his shoes and to dread the judgement;
for, you see, he had not the comfortable ignorance of his kind, and was
compelled to believe in the Devil willy-nilly, and, as I say, he shook in
his shoes.
So he bethought him of a plan to cheat the Devil,
and the day before All-Hallowe'en he cut a very small round hole in the
floor of his study, just near the fireplace, right through down to the
cellar. Then he got a number of things that do great harm (newspapers,
legal documents, unpaid bills, and so forth) and made ready for action.
Next morning when the little imps came for orders
as usual, after prayers, he took them down into the cellar, and pointing
out the hole in the ceiling, he said to them:
'My friends, this little hole is a mystery. It
communicates, I believe, with the chapel; but I cannot find the exit. All
I know is, that some pious person or angel, or what not, desirous to do
good, slips into it every day whatever he thinks may be a cause of evil in
the neighbourhood, hoping thus to destroy it' (in proof of which statement
he showed them a scattered heap of newspapers on the floor of the cellar
beneath the hole). 'And the best thing you can do,' he added, 'is to stay
here and take them away as far as they come down and put them back into
circulation again. Tut! tut!' he added, picking up a moneylender's
threatening letter to a widow, 'it is astonishing how these people
interfere with the most sacred rights! Here is a letter actually stolen
from the post! Pray see that it is delivered.'
So he left the little imps at work, and fed them
from above with all manner of evil-doing things, which they as promptly
drew into the cellar, and at intervals flew away with, to put them into
circulation again.
That evening, at about half-past eleven, the Devil
came to fetch the Learned Man, and found him seated at his fine great
desk, writing. The Learned Man got up very affably to receive the Devil,
and offered him a chair by the fire, just near the little round hole.
'Pray don't move,' said the Devil; 'I came early
on purpose not to disturb you.'
'You are very good,' replied the Learned Man. 'The
fact is, I have to finish my report on Lady Grope's Settlement among our
Poor in the Bull Ring--it is making some progress. But their condition is
heart-breaking, my dear sir; heart-breaking!'
'I can well believe it,' said the Devil sadly and
solemnly, leaning back in his chair, and pressing his hands together like
a roof. 'The poor in our great towns, Sir Charles' (for the Learned Man
had been made a Baronet), 'the condition,
I say, of the--Don't I feel a draught?' he added
abruptly. For the Devil can't bear draughts.
'Why,' said the Learned Man, as though ashamed,
'just near your chair there is a little hole that I have done my
best to fill up, but somehow it seemed impossible to fill it... I don't
The Devil hates excuses, and is above all
practical, so he just whipped the soul of a lawyer out of his side-pocket,
tied a knot in it to stiffen it, and shoved it into the hole.
'There!' said the Devil contentedly; 'if you had
taken a piece of rag, or what not, you might yourself... Hulloa!...' He
looked down and saw the hole still gaping, and he felt a furious draught
coming up again. He wondered a little, and then muttered: 'It's a pity I
have on my best things. I never dare crease them, and I have nothing in my
pockets to speak of, otherwise I might have brought something bigger.' He
felt in his left-hand trouser pocket, and fished out a pedant, crumpled
him carefully into a ball, and stuffed him hard into the hole, so that he
suffered agonies. Then the Devil watched carefully. The soul of the pedant
was at first tugged as if from below, then drawn slowly down, and finally
shot off out of sight.
'This is a most extraordinary thing!' said the
'It is the draught. It is very strong between the
joists,' ventured the Learned Man.
'Fiddle-sticks ends!' shouted the Devil. 'It is a
trick! But I've never been caught yet, and I never will be.'
He clapped his hands, and a whole host of his
followers poured in through the windows with mortgages, Acts of
Parliament, legal decisions, declarations of war, charters to
universities, patents for medicines, naturalization orders, shares in gold
mines, specifications, prospectuses, water companies' reports, publishers'
agreements, letters patent, freedoms of cities, and, in a word, all that
the Devil controls in the way of hole-stopping rubbish; and the Devil,
kneeling on the floor, stuffed them into the hole like a madman. But as
fast as he stuffed, the little imps below (who had summoned a number of
their kind to their aid also) pulled it through and carted it away. And
the Devil, like one possessed, lashed the floor with his tail, and his
eyes glared like coals of fire, and the sweat ran down his face, and he
breathed hard, and pushed every imaginable thing he had into the hole so
swiftly that at last his documents and parchments looked like streaks and
flashes. But the loyal little imps, not to be beaten, drew them through
into the cellar as fast as machinery, and whirled them to their
assistants; and all the poor lost souls who had been pressed into
the service were groaning that their one holiday
in the year was being filched from them, when, just as the process was
going on so fast that it roared like a printing-machine in full blast, the
clock in the hall struck twelve.
The Devil suddenly stopped and stood up.
'Out of my house,' said the Learned Man; 'out of
my house! I've had enough of you, and I've no time for fiddle-faddle! It's
past twelve, and I've won!'
The Devil, though still panting, smiled a
diabolical smile, and pulling out his repeater (which he had taken as a
perquisite from the body of a member of Parliament), said, 'I suppose you
keep Greenwich time?'
'Certainly!' said Sir Charles.
'Well,' said the Devil, 'so much the worse for you
to live in Suffolk. You're four minutes fast, so I'll trouble you to come
along with me; and I warn you that any words you now say may be used
At this point the Learned Man's patron saint, who
thought things had gone far enough, materialized himself and coughed
gently. They both looked round, and there was St Charles sitting in the
easy chair.
'So far,' murmured the Saint to the Devil suavely,
'so far from being four minutes too early, you are exactly a year too
late.' On saying this, the Saint smiled a genial, priestly smile, folded
his hands, twiddled his thumbs slowly round and round, and gazed in a
fatherly way at the Devil.
'What do you mean?' shouted the Devil.
'What I say,' said St Charles calmly; '1900 is not
the last year of the nineteenth century; it is the first year of the
'Oh!' sneered the Devil, 'are you an
anti-vaccinationist as well? Now, look here' (and he began counting on his
fingers); 'supposing in the year 1 B.C. ...'
'I never argue,' said St Charles.
'Well, all I know is,' answered the Devil with
some heat, 'that in this matter as in most others, thank the Lord, I have
on my side all the historians and all the scientists, all the
universities, all the...'
'And I,' interrupted St Charles, waving his hand
like a gentleman (he is a Borromeo), 'I have the Pope!'
At this the Devil gave a great howl, and
disappeared in a clap of thunder, and was never seen again till his recent
appearance at Brighton.
So the Learned Man was saved; but hardly; for he
had to spend five hundred years in Purgatory catechizing such heretics and
pagans as got there, and instructing them in the true faith. And with the
more muscular he passed a knotty time.
You do not see the river Po till you are close to
it. Then, a little crook in the road being passed, you come between high
trees, and straight out before you, level with you, runs the road into and
over a very wide mass of tumbling water. It does not look like a bridge,
it looks like a quay. It does not rise; it has all the appearance of being
a strip of road shaved off and floated on the water.
All this is because it passes over boats, as do
some bridges over the Rhine. (At Cologne, I believe, and certainly at
Kiel--for I once sat at the end of that and saw a lot of sad German
soldiers drilling, a memory which later made me understand (1) why they
can be out-marched by Latins; (2) why they impress travellers and
civilians; (3) why the governing class in Germany take care to avoid
common service; (4) why there is no promotion from the ranks; and (5) why
their artillery is too rigid and not quick enough. It also showed me
something intimate and fundamental about the Germans which Tacitus never
understood and which all our historians miss--they are of necessity
histrionic. Note I do not say it is a vice of theirs. It is a necessity of
theirs, an appetite. They must see themselves on a stage. Whether they do
things well or ill, whether it is their excellent army with its ridiculous
parade, or their eighteenth-century sans-soucis with avenues and
surprises, or their national legends with gods in wigs and strong men in
tights, they must be play-actors to be happy and therefore to be
efficient; and if I were Lord of Germany, and desired to lead my nation
and to be loved by them, I should put great golden feathers on my helmet,
I should use rhetorical expressions, spout monologues in public, organize
wide cavalry charges at reviews, and move through life generally to the
crashing of an orchestra. For by doing this even a vulgar, short, and
diseased man, who dabbled in stocks and shares and was led by financiers,
could become a hero, and do his nation good.)
LECTOR. What is all this?
AUCTOR. It is a parenthesis.
LECTOR. It is good to know the names of the
strange things one meets with on one's travels.
AUCTOR. So I return to where I branched off, and
tell you that the river Po is here crossed by a bridge of boats.
It is a very large stream. Half-way across, it is
even a trifle uncomfortable to be so near the rush of the water on the
trembling pontoons. And on that day its speed and turbulence were
emphasized by the falling rain. For the marks
of the rain on the water showed the rapidity of
the current, and the silence of its fall framed and enhanced the swirl of
the great river.
Once across, it is a step up into Piacenza--a step
through mud and rain. On my right was that plain where Barbarossa
received, and was glorified by, the rising life of the twelfth century;
there the renaissance of our Europe saw the future glorious for the first
time since the twilight of Rome, and being full of morning they imagined a
new earth and gave it a Lord. It was at Roncaglia, I think in spring, and
I wish I had been there. For in spring even the Lombard plain they say is
beautiful and generous, but in summer I know by experience that it is
cold, brutish, and wet.
And so in Piacenza it rained and there was mud,
till I came to a hotel called the Moor's Head, in a very narrow street,
and entering it I discovered a curious thing: the Italians live in
palaces: I might have known it.
They are the impoverished heirs of a great time;
its garments cling to them, but their rooms are too large for the modern
penury. I found these men eating in a great corridor, in a hall, as they
might do in a palace. I found high, painted ceilings and many things of
marble, a vast kitchen, and all the apparatus of the great houses--at the
service of a handful of contented, unknown men. So in England, when we
have worked out our full fate, happier but poorer men will sit in the
faded country-houses (a community, or an inn, or impoverished squires),
and rough food will be eaten under mouldering great pictures, and there
will be offices or granaries in the galleries of our castles; and where
Lord Saxonthorpe (whose real name is Hauptstein) now plans our policy,
common Englishmen will return to the simpler life, and there will be dogs,
and beer, and catches upon winter evenings. For Italy also once gathered
by artifice the wealth that was not of her making.
He was a good man, the innkeeper of this palace.
He warmed me at his fire in his enormous kitchen, and I drank Malaga to
the health of the cooks. I ate of their food, I bought a bottle of a new
kind of sweet wine called 'Vino Dolce', and--I took the road.
LECTOR. And did you see nothing of Piacenza?
AUCTOR. Nothing, Lector; it was raining, and there
was mud. I stood in front of the cathedral on my way out, and watched it
rain. It rained all along the broad and splendid Emilian Way. I had
promised myself great visions of the Roman soldiery passing up that
eternal road; it still was stamped with the imperial mark, but the rain
washed out its interest, and left me cold. The Apennines also, rising
abruptly from the plain, were to have given me revelations at sunset; they
gave me none. Their foothills appeared continually on my right, they
themselves were veiled. And all these miles of road fade into the
confused memory of that intolerable plain. The
night at Firenzuola, the morning (the second morning of this visitation)
still cold, still heartless, and sodden with the abominable weather, shall
form no part of this book.
Things grand and simple of their nature are
possessed, as you know, of a very subtle flavour. The larger music, the
more majestic lengths of verse called epics, the exact in sculpture, the
classic drama, the most absolute kinds of wine, require a perfect harmony
of circumstance for their appreciation. Whatever is strong, poignant, and
immediate in its effect is not so difficult to suit; farce, horror, rage,
or what not, these a man can find in the arts, even when his mood may be
heavy or disturbed; just as (to take their parallel in wines) strong
Beaune will always rouse a man. But that which is cousin to the immortal
spirit, and which has, so to speak, no colour but mere light, that
needs for its recognition so serene an air of abstraction and of content
as makes its pleasure seem rare in this troubled life, and causes us to
recall it like a descent of the gods.
For who, having noise around him, can strike the
table with pleasure at reading the Misanthrope, or in mere thirst or in
fatigue praise Chinon wine? Who does not need for either of these perfect
things Recollection, a variety of according conditions, and a certain easy
Plenitude of the Mind?
So it is with the majesty of Plains, and with the
haunting power of their imperial roads.
All you that have had your souls touched at the
innermost, and have attempted to release yourselves in verse and have
written trash--(and who know it)--be comforted. You shall have
satisfaction at last, and you shall attain fame in some other
fashion--perhaps in private theatricals or perhaps in journalism. You will
be granted a prevision of complete success, and your hearts shall be
filled--but you must not expect to find this mood on the Emilian Way when
it is raining.
All you that feel youth slipping past you and that
are desolate at the approach of age, be merry; it is not what it looks
like from in front and from outside. There is a glory in all completion,
and all good endings are but shining transitions. There will come a sharp
moment of revelation when you shall bless the effect of time. But this
divine moment--- it is not on the Emilian Way in the rain that you should
seek it.
All you that have loved passionately and have torn
your hearts asunder in disillusions, do not imagine that things broken
cannot be mended by the good angels. There is a kind of splice called 'the
long splice' which makes a cut rope seem what it was before; it is even
stronger than before, and can pass through a block. There will descend
upon you a blessed hour when you will be convinced as by a miracle, and
you will suddenly understand the redintegratio amoris (amoris
redintegratio, a Latin phrase). But this hour you will not receive in
the rain on the Emilian Way.
Here then, next day, just outside a town called
Borgo, past the middle of morning, the rain ceased.
Its effect was still upon the slippery and shining
road, the sky was still fast and leaden, when, in a distaste for their
towns, I skirted the place by a lane that runs westward of the houses, and
sitting upon a low wall, I looked up at the Apennines, which were now
plain above me, and thought over my approaching passage through those
But here I must make clear by a map the mass of
mountains which I was about to attempt, and in which I forded so many
rivers, met so many strange men and beasts, saw such unaccountable sights,
was imprisoned, starved, frozen, haunted, delighted, burnt up, and finally
refreshed in Tuscany--in a word, where I had the most extraordinary and
unheard-of adventures that ever diversified the life of man.
The straight line to Rome runs from Milan not
quite through Piacenza, but within a mile or two of that city. Then it
runs across the first folds of the Apennines, and gradually diverges from
the Emilian Way. It was not possible to follow this part of the line
exactly, for there was no kind of track. But by following the Emilian Way
for several miles (as I had done), and by leaving it at the right moment,
it was possible to strike the straight line again near a village called
Now on the far side of the Apennines, beyond their
main crest, there happens, most providentially, to be a river called the
Serchio, whose valley is fairly straight and points down directly to Rome.
To follow this valley would be practically to follow the line to Rome, and
it struck the Tuscan plain not far from Lucca.
But to get from the Emilian Way over the eastern
slope of the Apennines' main ridge and crest, to where the Serchio rises
on the western side, is a very difficult matter. The few roads across the
Apennines cut my track at right angles, and were therefore useless. In
order to strike the watershed at the sources of the Serchio it was
necessary to go obliquely across a torrent and four rivers (the Taro, the
Parma, the Enza, and the Secchia), and to climb the four spurs that
divided them; crossing each nearer to the principal chain as I advanced
until, after the Secchia, the next climb would be that of the central
crest itself, on the far side of which I should find the Serchio valley.
Perhaps in places roads might correspond to this
track. Certainly the bulk of it would be mule-paths or rough gullies--how
much I could not tell. The only way I could work it with my wretched map
was to note the names of towns' or hamlets more or less on the line, and
to pick my way from one to another. I wrote them down as follows: Fornovo,
Calestano, Tizzano, Colagna--the last at the foot of the final pass. The
distance to that pass as the crow flies was only a little more than thirty
miles. So exceedingly difficult was the task that it took me over two
days. Till I reached Fornovo beyond the Taro, I was not really in the
By country roads, picking my way, I made that
afternoon for Medesano. The lanes were tortuous; they crossed continual
streams that ran from the hills above, full and foaming after the rain,
and frothing with the waste of the mountains. I had not gone two miles
when the sky broke; not four when a new warmth began to steal over the air
and a sense of summer to appear in the earth about me. With the greatest
rapidity the unusual weather that had accompanied me from Milan was
changing into the normal brilliancy of the south; but it was too late for
the sun to tell, though he shone from time to time through clouds that
were now moving eastwards more perceptibly and shredding as they moved.
Quite tired and desiring food, keen also for rest
after those dispiriting days, I stopped, before reaching Medesano, at an
inn where three ways met; and there I purposed to eat and spend the night,
for the next day, it was easy to see, would be tropical, and I should rise
before dawn if I was to save the heat. I entered.
The room within was of red wood. It had two
tables, a little counter with a vast array of bottles, a woman behind the
counter, and a small, nervous man in a strange hat serving. And all the
little place was filled and crammed with a crowd of perhaps twenty men,
gesticulating, shouting, laughing, quarrelling, and one very big man was
explaining to another the virtues of his knife; and all were already amply
satisfied with wine. For in this part men do not own, but are paid wages,
so that they waste the little they have.
I saluted the company, and walking up to the
counter was about to call for wine. They had all become silent, when one
man asked me a question in Italian. I did not understand it, and attempted
to say so, when another asked the same question; then six or seven--and
there was a hubbub. And out of the hubbub I heard a similar sentence
rising all the time. To this day I do not know what it meant, but I
thought (and think) it meant 'He is a Venetian,' or 'He is the
Venetian.' Something in my broken language had
made them think this, and evidently the Venetians (or a Venetian) were (or
was) gravely unpopular here. Why, I cannot tell. Perhaps the Venetians
were blacklegs. But evidently a Venetian, or the whole Venetian nation,
had recently done them a wrong.
At any rate one very dark-haired man put his face
close up to mine, unlipped his teeth, and began a great noise of cursing
and threatening, and this so angered me that it overmastered my fear,
which had till then been considerable. I remembered also a rule which a
wise man once told me for guidance, and it is this: 'God disposes of
victory, but, as the world is made, when men smile, smile; when men laugh,
laugh; when men hit, hit; when men shout, shout; and when men curse, curse
you also, my son, and in doubt let them always take the first move.'
I say my fear had been considerable, especially of
the man with the knife, but I got too angry to remember it, and advancing
my face also to this insulter's I shouted, 'Dio Ladro! Dios di mi alma!
Sanguinamento! Nombre di Dios! Che? Che vole? Non sono da Venezia io! Sono
de Francia! Je m'en fiche da vestra Venezia! Non se vede che non parlar
vestra lingua? Che sono forestiere?' and so forth. At this they
evidently divided into two parties, and all began raging amongst
themselves, and some at me, while the others argued louder and louder that
there was an error.
The little innkeeper caught my arm over the
counter, and I turned round sharply, thinking he was doing me a wrong, but
I saw him nodding and winking at me, and he was on my side. This was
probably because he was responsible if anything happened, and he alone
could not fly from the police.
He made them a speech which, for all I know, may
have been to the effect that he had known and loved me from childhood, or
may have been that he knew me for one Jacques of Turin, or may have been
any other lie. Whatever lie it was, it appeased them. Their anger went
down to a murmur, just like soda-water settling down into a glass.
I stood wine; we drank. I showed them my book, and
as my pencil needed sharpening the large man lent me his knife for
courtesy. When I got it in my
hand I saw plainly that it was no knife for
stabbing with; it was a pruning-knife, and would have bit the hand that
cherished it (as they say of serpents). On the other hand, it would have
been a good knife for ripping, and passable at a slash. You must not
expect too much of one article.
I took food, but I saw that in this parish it was
safer to sleep out of doors than in; so in the falling evening, but not
yet sunset, I wandered on, not at a pace but looking for shelter, and I
found at last just what I wanted: a little shed, with dried ferns (as it
seemed) strewed in a corner, a few old sacks, and a broken piece of
machinery--though this last was of no use to me.
I thought: 'It will be safe here, for I shall rise
before day, and the owner, if there is one, will not disturb me.'
The air was fairly warm. The place quite dry. The
open side looked westward and a little south.
The sun had now set behind the Apennines, and
there was a deep effulgence in the sky. I drank a little wine, lit a pipe,
and watched the west in silence.
Whatever was left of the great pall from which all
that rain had fallen, now was banked up on the further side of heaven in
toppling great clouds that caught the full glow of evening.
The great clouds stood up in heaven, separate,
like persons; and no wind blew; but everything was full of evening. I
worshipped them so far as it is permitted to worship inanimate things.
They domed into the pure light of the higher air,
inviolable. They seemed halted in the presence of a commanding majesty who
ranked them all in order.
This vision filled me with a large calm which a
travelled man may find on coming to his home, or a learner in the
communion of wise men. Repose, certitude, and, as it were, a premonition
of glory occupied my spirit. Before it was yet quite dark I had made a bed
out of the dry bracken, covered myself with the sacks and cloths, and very
soon I fell asleep, still thinking of the shapes of clouds and of the
power of God.
Next morning it was as I had thought. Going out
before it was fully light, a dense mist all around and a clear sky showed
what the day was to be. As I reached Medesano the sun rose, and in
half-an-hour the air was instinct with heat; within an hour it was
blinding. An early Mass in the church below the village prepared my day,
but as I took coffee afterwards in a little inn, and asked about crossing
the Taro to Fornovo--my first point--to my astonishment they shook their
heads. The Taro was impassable.
Why could it not be crossed? My very broken
language made it difficult for me to understand. They talked oframi,
which I thought meant oars; but rami, had I known it, meant the
separate branches or streams whereby these torrential rivers of Italy flow
through their arid beds.
I drew a boat and asked if one could not cross in
that (for I was a northerner, and my idea of a river was a river with
banks and water in between), but they laughed and said 'No.' Then I made
the motion of swimming. They said it was impossible, and one man hung his
head to indicate drowning. It was serious. They said to-morrow, or rather
next day, one might do it.
Finally, a boy that stood by said he remembered a
man who knew the river better than any one, and he, if any one could,
would get me across. So I took the boy with me up the road, and as we went
I saw, parallel to the road, a wide plain of dazzling rocks and sand, and
beyond it, shining and silhouetted like an Arab village, the group of
houses that was Fornovo. This plain was their sort of river in these
hills. The boy said that sometimes it was full and a mile wide, sometimes
it dwindled into dirty pools. Now, as I looked, a few thin streams seemed
to wind through it, and I could not understand the danger.
After a mile or two we came to a spot in the road
where a patch of brushwood only separated us from the river-bed. Here the
boy bade me wait, and asked a group of peasants whether the guide was in;
they said they thought so, and some went up into the hillside with the boy
to fetch him, others remained with me, looking at the river-bed and at
Fornovo beyond, shaking their heads, and saying it had not been done for
days. But I did not understand whether the rain-freshet had passed and was
draining away, or whether it had not yet come down from beyond, and I
waited for the guide.
They brought him at last down from his hut among
the hills. He came with
great strides, a kindly-looking man, extremely
tall and thin, and with very pale eyes. He smiled. They pointed me out to
him, and we struck the bargain by holding up three fingers each for three
lira, and nodding. Then he grasped his long staff and I mine, we bade
farewell to the party, and together we went in
silence through thick brushwood down towards the
broad river-bed. The stones of it glared like the sands of Africa; Fornovo
baked under the sun all white and black; between us was this broad plain
of parched shingle and rocks that could, in a night, become one enormous
river, or dwindle to a chain of stagnant ponds. To-day some seven narrow
streams wandered in the expanse, and again they seemed so easy to cross
that again I wondered at the need of a guide.
We came to the edge of the first, and I climbed on
the guide's back. He went bare-legged into the stream deeper and deeper
till my feet, though held up high, just touched the water; then
laboriously he climbed the further shore, and I got down upon dry land. It
had been but twenty yards or so, and he knew the place well. I had seen,
as we crossed, what a torrent this first little stream was, and I now knew
the difficulty and understood the warnings of the inn.
The second branch was impassable. We followed it
up for nearly a mile to where 'an island' (that is, a mass of high land
that must have been an island in flood-time, and that had on it an old
brown village) stood above the white bed of the river. Just at this
'island' my guide found a ford. And the way he found it is worth telling.
He taught me the trick, and it is most useful to men who wander alone in
You take a heavy stone, how heavy you must learn
to judge, for a more rapid current needs a heavier stone; but say about
ten pounds. This you lob gently into mid-stream. How, it is
impossible to describe, but when you do it it is quite easy to see that in
about four feet of water, or less, the stone splashes quite differently
from the way it does in five feet or more. It is a sure test, and one much
easier to acquire by practice than to write about. To teach myself this
trick I practised it throughout my journey in these wilds.
Having found a ford then, he again took me on his
shoulders, but, in mid-stream, the water being up to his breast, his foot
slipped on a stone (all the bed beneath was rolling and churning in the
torrent), and in a moment we had both fallen. He pulled me up straight by
his side, and then indeed, overwhelmed in the rush of water, it was easy
to understand how the Taro could drown men, and why the peasants dreaded
these little ribbons of water.
The current rushed and foamed past me, coming
nearly to my neck; and it was icy cold. One had to lean against it, and
the water so took away one's weight that at any moment one might have
slipped and been carried away. The guide, a much taller man (indeed he was
six foot three or so), supported me, holding my arm: and again in a moment
we reached dry land.
After that adventure there was no need for
carrying. The third, fourth, fifth,
and sixth branches were easily fordable. The
seventh was broad and deep, and I found it a heavy matter; nor should I
have waded it but for my guide, for the water bore against me like a man
wrestling, and it was as cold as Acheron, the river of the dead. Then on
the further shore, and warning him (in Lingua Franca) of his peril, I gave
him his wage, and he smiled and thanked me, and went back, choosing his
plans at leisure.
Thus did I cross the river Taro; a danger for
Where I landed was a poor man sunning himself. He
rose and walked with me to Fornovo. He knew the guide.
'He is a good man,' he said to me of this friend.
'He is as good as a little piece of bread.'
'E vero,' I answered; 'e San Cristophero.'
This pleased the peasant; and indeed it was true.
For the guide's business was exactly that of St Christopher, except that
the Saint took no money, and lived, I suppose, on air.
And so to Fornovo; and the heat blinded and
confused, and the air was alive with flies. But the sun dried me at once,
and I pressed up the road because I needed food. After I had eaten in this
old town I was preparing to make for Calestano and to cross the first high
spur of the Apennines that separated me from it, when I saw, as I left the
place, a very old church; and I stayed a moment and looked at carvings
which were in no order, but put in pell-mell, evidently chosen from some
older building. They were barbaric, but one could see that they stood for
the last judgement of man, and there were the good looking foolish, and
there were the wicked being boiled by devils in a pot, and what was most
pleasing was one devil who with great joy was carrying off a rich man's
gold in a bag. But now we are too wise to believe in such follies, and
when we die we take our wealth with us; in the ninth century they had no
way of doing this, for no system of credit yet obtained.
Then leaving the main road which runs to
Pontremoli and at last to Spezzia, my lane climbed up into the hills and
ceased, little by little, to be even a lane. It became from time to time
the bed of a stream, then nothing, then a lane again, and at last, at the
head of the glen, I confessed to having lost it; but I noted a great rock
or peak above me for a landmark, and I said to myself-
'No matter. The wall of this glen before me is
obviously the ridge of the spur; the rock must be left to the north, and I
have but to cross the ridge by its guidance.' By this time, however, the
heat overcame me, and, as it was
already afternoon, and as I had used so much of
the preceding night for my journey, I remembered the wise custom of hot
countries and lay down to sleep.
I slept but a little while, yet when I woke the
air was cooler. I climbed the side of the glen at random, and on the
summit I found, to my disgust, a road. What road could it be? To this day
I do not know. Perhaps I had missed my way and struck the main highway
again. Perhaps (it is often so in the Apennines) it was a road leading
nowhere. At any rate I hesitated, and looked back to judge my direction.
It was a happy accident. I was now some 2000 feet
above the Taro. There, before me, stood the high strange rock that I had
watched from below; all around it and below me was the glen or cup of bare
hills, slabs, and slopes of sand and stone calcined in the sun, and,
beyond these near things, all the plain of Lombardy was at my feet.
It was this which made it worth while to have
toiled up that steep wall, and even to have lost my way--to see a hundred
miles of the great flat stretched out before me: all the kingdoms of the
Nor was this all. There were sharp white clouds on
the far northern horizon, low down above the uncertain edge of the world.
I looked again and found they did not move. Then I knew they were the
Believe it or not, I was looking back to a place
of days before: over how many, many miles of road! The rare, white peaks
and edges could not deceive me; they still stood to the sunlight, and sent
me from that vast distance the memory of my passage, when their snows had
seemed interminable and their height so
monstrous; their cold such a cloak of death. Now
they were as far off as childhood, and I saw them for the last time.
All this I drew. Then finding a post directing me
to a side road for Calestano, I followed it down and down into the valley
beyond; and up the walls of this second valley as the evening fell I heard
the noise of the water running, as the Taro had run, a net of torrents
from the melting snows far off. These streams I soon saw below me, winding
(as those of the Taro had wound) through a floor of dry shingle and rock;
but when my road ceased suddenly some hundreds of feet above the bed of
the river, and when, full of evening, I had scrambled down through trees
to the brink of the water, I found I should have to repeat what I had done
that morning and to ford these streams. For there was no track of any kind
and no bridge, and Calestano stood opposite me, a purple cluster of houses
in the dusk against the farther mountain side.
Very warily, lobbing stones as I had been taught,
and following up and down each branch to find a place, I forded one by one
the six little cold and violent rivers, and reaching the farther shore, I
reached also, as I thought, supper, companionship, and a bed.
But it is not in this simple way that human life
is arranged. What awaited me in Calestano was ill favour, a prison,
release, base flattery, and a very tardy meal.
It is our duty to pity all men. It is our duty to
pity those who are in prison. It is our duty to pity those who are not in
prison. How much more is it the duty of a Christian man to pity the rich
who cannot ever get into prison? These indeed I do now specially pity, and
extend to them my commiseration.
What! Never even to have felt the grip of the
policeman; to have watched his bold suspicious eye; to have tried to make
a good show under examination ... never to have heard the bolt grinding in
the lock, and never to have looked round at the cleanly simplicity of a
cell? Then what emotions have you had, unimprisonable rich; or what do you
know of active living and of adventure?
It was after drinking some wine and eating
macaroni and bread at a poor inn, the only one in the place, and after
having to shout at the ill-natured hostess (and to try twenty guesses
before I made her understand that I wanted cheese), it was when I had thus
eaten and shouted, and had gone over the way to drink coffee and to smoke
in a little cafe, that my adventure befell me.
In the inn there had been a fat jolly-looking man
and two official-looking people with white caps dining at another table. I
had taken no notice of them at the time. But as I sat smoking and thinking
in the little cafe, which was bright
and full of people, I noticed a first
danger-signal when I was told sullenly that 'they had no bed; they thought
I could get none in the town': then, suddenly, these two men in white caps
came in, and they arrested me with as much ease as you or I would hold a
A moment later there came in two magnificent
fellows, gendarmes, with swords and cocked hats, and moustaches a l'Abd
el Kader, as we used to say in the old days; these four, the two
gendarmes and two policemen, sat down opposite me on chairs and began
cross-questioning me in Italian, a language in which I was not proficient.
I so far understood them as to know that they were asking for my papers.
'Niente!' said I, and poured out on the table a
card-case, a sketch-book, two pencils, a bottle of wine, a cup, a piece of
bread, a scrap of French newspaper, an old Secolo, a needle, some
thread, and a flute--but no passport.
They looked in the card-case and found 73 lira;
that is, not quite three pounds. They examined the sketch-book critically,
as behoved southerners who are mostly of an artistic bent: but they found
no passport. They questioned me again, and as I picked about for words to
reply, the smaller (the policeman, a man with a face like a fox) shouted
that he had heard me speaking Italian currently in the inn, and
that my hesitation was a blind.
This lie so annoyed me that I said angrily in
French (which I made as southern as possible to suit them):
'You lie: and you can be punished for such lies,
since you are an official.' For though the police are the same in all
countries, and will swear black is white, and destroy men for a song, yet
where there is a droit administratif- that is, where the Revolution
has made things tolerable--you are much surer of punishing your policeman,
and he is much less able to do you a damage than in England or America;
for he counts as an official and is under a more public discipline and
responsibility if he exceeds his powers.
Then I added, speaking distinctly, 'I can speak
French and Latin. Have you a priest in Calestano, and does he know Latin?'
This was a fine touch. They winced, and parried it
by saying that the Sindaco knew French. Then they led me away to their
barracks while they fetched the Sindaco, and so I was imprisoned.
But not for long. Very soon I was again following
up the street, and we came to the house of the Sindaco or Mayor. There he
was, an old man with white hair, God bless him, playing cards with his son
and daughter. To him therefore, as understanding French, I was bidden
address myself. I told him in clear and exact idiom that his policemen
were fools, that his town was a rabbit-warren, and his prison the only
cleanly thing in it; that half-a-dozen telegrams to places
I could indicate would show where I had passed;
that I was a common tourist, not even an artist (as my sketch-book
showed), and that my cards gave my exact address and description.
But the Sindaco, the French-speaking Sindaco,
understood me not in the least, and it seemed a wicked thing in me to
expose him in his old age, so I waited till he spoke. He spoke a word
common to all languages, and one he had just caught from my lips.
'Tourist-e?' he said.
I nodded. Then he told them to let me go. It was
as simple as that; and to this day, I suppose, he passes for a very
bilingual Mayor. He did me a service, and I am willing to believe that in
his youth he smacked his lips over the subtle flavour of Voltaire, but I
fear to-day he would have a poor time with Anatole France.
What a contrast was there between the hour when I
had gone out of the cafe a prisoner and that when I returned rejoicing
with a crowd about me, proclaiming my innocence, and shouting one to
another that I was a tourist and had seventy-three lira on my person! The
landlady smiled and bowed: she had before refused me a bed! The men at the
tables made me a god! Nor did I think them worse for this. Why should I? A
man unknown, unkempt, unshaven, in tatters, covered with weeks of travel
and mud, and in a suit that originally cost not ten shillings; having
slept in leaves and ferns, and forest places, crosses a river at dusk and
enters a town furtively, not by the road. He is a foreigner; he carries a
great club. Is it not much wiser to arrest such a man? Why yes, evidently.
And when you have arrested him, can you do more than let him go without
proof, on his own word? Hardly!
Thus I loved the people of Calestano, especially
for this strange adventure they had given me; and next day, having slept
in a human room, I went at sunrise up the mountain sides beyond and above
their town, and so climbed by a long cleft the second spur of the
Apennines: the spur that separated me from the third river, the
Parma. And my goal above the Parma (when I should have crossed it) was a
place marked in the map 'Tizzano'. To climb this second spur, to reach and
cross the Parma in the vale below, to find Tizzano, I left Calestano on
that fragrant morning; and having passed and drawn a little hamlet called
Frangi, standing on a crag, I went on up the steep vale and soon reached
the top of the ridge, which here dips a little and allows a path to cross
over to the southern side.
It is the custom of many, when they get over a
ridge, to begin singing. Nor did I fail, early as was the hour, to sing in
passing this the second of my
Apennine summits. I sang easily with an open
throat everything that I could remember in praise of joy; and I did not
spare the choruses of my songs, being even at pains to imitate (when they
were double) the various voices of either part.
Now, so much of the Englishman was in me that,
coming round a corner of rock from which one first sees Beduzzo hanging on
its ledge (as you know), and finding round this corner a peasant sitting
at his ease, I was ashamed. For I did not like to be overheard singing
fantastic songs. But he, used to singing as a solitary pastime, greeted
me, and we walked along together, pointing out to each other the glories
of the world before us and exulting in the morning. It was his business to
show me things and their names: the great Mountain of the
Pilgrimage to the South, the strange rock of
Castel-Nuovo; in the far haze the plain of Parma; and Tizzano on its high
hill, the ridge straight before me. He also would tell me the name in
Italian of the things to hand--my boots, my staff, my hat; and I told him
their names in French, all of which he was eager to learn.
We talked of the way people here tilled and owned
ground, of the dangers in the hills, and of the happiness of lonely men.
But if you ask how we understood each other, I will explain the matter to
In Italy, in the Apennines of the north, there
seem to be three strata of language. In the valleys the Italian was pure,
resonant, and foreign to me. There dwell the townsmen, and they deal down
river with the plains. Half-way up (as at Frangi, at Beduzzo, at Tizzano)
I began to understand them. They have the nasal 'n'; they clip their
words. On the summits, at last, they speak like northerners, and I was
easily understood, for they said not lvino' but
'vin'; not 'duo' but 'du', and so forth. They are the
Gauls of the hills. I told them so, and they were very pleased.
Then I and my peasant parted, but as one should
never leave a man without giving him something to show by way of token on
the Day of Judgement, I gave this man a little picture of Milan, and bade
him keep it for my sake.
So he went his way, and I mine, and the last
thing he said to me was about a 'molinar', but I did not know what
that meant.
When I had taken a cut down the mountain, and
discovered a highroad at the bottom, I saw that the river before me needed
fording, like all the rest; and as my map showed me there was no bridge
for many miles down, I cast about to cross directly, if possible on some
man's shoulders.
I met an old woman with a heap of grass on her
back; I pointed to the river, and said (in Lingua Franca) that I wished to
cross. She again used that word 'molinar', and I had an inkling
that it meant 'miller'. I said to myself--
'Where there is a miller there is a mill. For Ubi
Petrus ibi Ecclesia. Where there is a mill there is water; a mill must
have motive power:' (a) I must get near the stream; (b) I must look
out for the noise and aspect of a mill.
I therefore (thanking the grass-bearing woman)
went right over the fields till I saw a great, slow mill-wheel against a
house, and a sad man standing looking at it as though it were the
Procession of God's Providence. He was thinking of many things. I tapped
him on the shoulder (whereat he started) and spoke the great word of that
valley, 'molinar'. It opened all the gates of his soul. He smiled
at me like a man grown young again, and, beckoning me to follow, led
radiantly up the sluice to where it drew from the river.
Here three men were at work digging a better entry
for the water. One was an old, happy man in spectacles, the second a young
man with stilts in his hands, the third was very tall and narrow; his face
was sad, and he was of the kind that endure all things and conquer. I said
'Molinar?'' I had found him.
To the man who had brought me I gave 50 c., and so
innocent and good are these people that he said 'Pourquoi?' or
words like it, and I said it was necessary. Then I said to the molinar, 'Quanta?'
and he, holding up a tall finger, said 'Una Lira1. The
young man leapt on to his stilts, the molinar stooped down and I got upon
his shoulders, and we all attempted the many streams of the river Parma,
in which I think I should by myself have drowned.
I say advisedly--'I should have been drowned.'
These upper rivers of the hills run high and low according to storms and
to the melting of the snows. The river of Parma (for this torrent at last
fed Parma) was higher than the rest.
Even the molinar, the god of that valley, had to
pick his way carefully, and the young man on stilts had to go before, much
higher than mortal men, and
up above the water. I could see him as he went,
and I could see that, to tell the truth, there was a ford--a rare thing in
upper waters, because in the torrent-sources of rivers either the upper
waters run over changeless rocks or else over gravel and sand. Now if they
run over rocks they have their isolated shallow places, which any man may
find, and their deep--evident by the still and mysterious surface, where
fish go round and round in the hollows; but no true ford continuous from
side to side. So it is in Scotland. And if they run over gravel and sand,
then with every storm or 'spate' they shift and change. But here by some
accident there ran--perhaps a shelf or rock, perhaps a ruin of a Roman
bridge--something at least that was deep enough and solid enough to be a
true ford--and that we followed.
The molinar--even the molinar--was careful of his
way. Twice he waited, waist high, while the man on stilts before us
suddenly lost ground and plunged to his feet. Once, crossing a small
branch (for the river here, like all these rivers, runs in many arms over
the dry gravel), it seemed there was no foothold and we had to cast up and
down. Whenever we found dry land, I came off the molinar's back to rest
him, and when he took the water again I mounted again. So we passed the
many streams, and stood at last on the Tizzanian side. Then I gave a lira
to the molinar, and to his companion on stilts 50 c., who said, 'What is
this for?' and I said, 'You also helped.'
The molinar then, with gesticulations and
expression of the eyes, gave me to understand that for this 50 c. the
stilt-man would take me up to Tizzano on the high ridge and show me the
path up the ridge; so the stilt-man turned to me and said, 'Andiamo'
which means 'Allons'. But when the Italians say 'Andiamo'
they are less harsh than the northern French who say 'Allans'; for
the northern French have three troubles in the blood. They are fighters;
they will for ever be seeking the perfect state, and they love furiously.
Hence they ferment twice over, like wine subjected to movement and
breeding acidity. Therefore is it that when they say 'Allons' it is
harsher than 'Andiamo'. My Italian said to me genially, 'Andiamo'.
The Catholic Church makes men. By which I do not
mean boasters and swaggerers, nor bullies nor ignorant fools, who, finding
themselves comfortable, think that their comfort will be a boon to others,
and attempt (with singular unsuccess) to force it on the world; but men,
human beings, different from the beasts, capable of firmness and
discipline and recognition; accepting death; tenacious. Of her effects the
most gracious is the character of the Irish and of these Italians. Of such
also some day she may make soldiers.
Have you ever noticed that all the Catholic Church
does is thought beautiful and lovable until she comes out into the open,
and then suddenly she is found
by her enemies (which are the seven capital sins,
and the four sins calling to heaven for vengeance) to be hateful and
grinding? So it is; and it is the fine irony of her present renovation
that those who were for ever belauding her pictures, and her saints, and
her architecture, as we praise things dead, they are the most angered by
her appearance on this modern field all armed, just as she was, with works
and art and songs, sometimes superlative, often vulgar. Note you, she is
still careless of art or songs, as she has always been. She lays her
foundations in something other, which something other our moderns hate.
Yet out of that something other came the art and song of the Middle Ages.
And what art or songs have you? She is Europe and all our past. She is
returning. Andiamo.
LECTOR. But Mr (deleted by the Censor)
does not think so?
AUCTOR. I last saw him supping at the Savoy. Andiamo.
We went up the hill together over a burnt land,
but shaded with trees. It was very hot. I could scarcely continue, so fast
did my companion go, and so much did the heat oppress me.
We passed a fountain at which oxen drank, and
there I supped up cool water from the spout, but he wagged his finger
before his face to tell me that this was an error under a hot sun.
We went on and met two men driving cattle up the
path between the trees. These I soon found to be talking of prices and
markets with my guide. For it was market-day. As we came up at last on to
the little town--a little, little town like a nest, and all surrounded
with walls, and a castle in it and a church--we found a thousand beasts
all lowing and answering each other along the highroad, and on into the
market square through the gate. There my guide led me into a large room,
where a great many peasants were eating soup with macaroni in it, and some
few, meat. But I was too exhausted to eat meat, so I supped up my broth
and then began diapephradizing on my fingers to show the great innkeeper
what I wanted.
I first pulled up the macaroni out of the dish,
and said, Fromagio, Pommodoro, by which I meant cheese--tomato. He
then said he knew what I meant, and brought me that spaghetti so treated,
which is a dish for a king, a cosmopolitan traitor, an oppressor of the
poor, a usurer, or any other rich man, but there is no spaghetti in the
place to which such men go, whereas these peasants will continue to enjoy
it in heaven.
I then pulled out my bottle of wine, drank what
was left out of the neck (by way of sign), and putting it down said, 'Tale,
tantum, vino rosso.' My guide also
said many things which probably meant that I was a
rich man, who threw his money about by the sixpence. So the innkeeper went
through a door and brought back a bottle all corked and sealed, and said
on his fingers, and with his mouth and eyes, 'THIS KIND OF WINE IS
Only in the foolish cities do men think it a fine
thing to appear careless of money. So I, very narrowly watching him out of
half-closed eyes, held up my five fingers interrogatively, and said, 'Cinquante?'
meaning 'Dare you ask fivepence?'
At which he and all the peasants around, even
including my guide, laughed aloud as at an excellent joke, and said, 'Cinquante,
Ho! ho!' and dug each other in the ribs. But the innkeeper of Tizzano
Val Parmense said in Italian a number of things which meant that I could
but be joking, and added (in passing) that a lira made it a kind of gift
to me. A lira was, as it were, but a token to prove that it had changed
hands: a registration fee: a matter of record; at a lira it was pure
charity. Then I said, 'Soixante Dix?' which meant nothing to him,
so I held up seven fingers; he waved his hand about genially, and said
that as I was evidently a good fellow, a traveller, and as anyhow he was
practically giving me the wine, he would make it ninepence; it was hardly
worth his while to stretch out his hand for so little money. So then I
pulled out 80 c. in coppers, and said, 'Tutto', which means 'all'.
Then he put the bottle before me, took the money, and an immense clamour
rose from all those who had been watching the scene, and they applauded it
as a ratified bargain. And this is the way in which bargains were struck
of old time in these hills when your fathers and mine lived and shivered
in a cave, hunted wolves, and bargained with clubs only.
So this being settled, and I eager for the wine,
wished it to be opened, especially to stand drink to my guide. The
innkeeper was in another room. The guide was too courteous to ask for a
corkscrew, and I did not know the Italian for a corkscrew.
I pointed to the cork, but all I got out of my
guide was a remark that the wine was very good. Then I made the emblem and
sign of a corkscrew in my sketch-book with a pencil, but he pretended not
to understand--such was his breeding. Then I imitated the mode, sound, and
gesture of a corkscrew entering a cork, and an old man next to me said 'Tira-buchon'--a
common French word as familiar as the woods of Marly! It was brought. The
bottle was opened and we all drank together.
As I rose to go out of Tizzano Val Parmense my
guide said to me, 'Se chiama Tira-Buchon perche E' lira il buchon?
And I said to him, 'Dominus Vobiscum? and left him to his hills.
I took the road downwards from the ridge into the
next dip and valley, but
after a mile or so in the great heat (it was now
one o'clock) I was exhausted. So I went up to a little wooded bank, and
lay there in the shade sketching Tizzano Val Parmense, where it stood not
much above me, and then I lay down and slept for an hour and smoked a pipe
and thought of many things.
From the ridge on which Tizzano stands, which is
the third of these Apennine spurs, to the next, the fourth, is but a
little way; one looks across from one to the other. Nevertheless it is a
difficult piece of walking, because in the middle of the valley another
ridge, almost as high as the principal spurs, runs down, and this has to
be climbed at its lowest part before one can get down to the torrent of
the Enza, where it runs with a hollow noise in the depths of the
mountains. So the whole valley looks confused, and it appears, and is,
Very high up above in a mass of trees stood the
first of those many ruined towers and castles in which the Apennines
abound, and of which Canossa, far off and indistinguishable in the haze,
was the chief example. It was called 'The Tower of Rugino'. Beyond the
deep trench of the Enza, poised as it seemed on its southern bank (but
really much further off, in the Secchia valley), stood that strange high
rock of Castel-Nuovo, which the peasant had shown me that
morning and which was the landmark of this
attempt. It seemed made rather by
man than by nature, so square and exact was it and
so cut off from the other hills.
It was not till the later afternoon, when the air
was already full of the golden
dust that comes before the fall of the evening,
that I stood above the Enza and saw it running thousands of feet below.
Here I halted for a moment irresolute, and looked at the confusion of the
hills. It had been my intention to make a straight line for Collagna, but
I could not tell where Collagna lay save that it was somewhere behind the
high mountain that was now darkening against the sky. Moreover, the Enza
(as I could see down, down from where I stood) was not fordable. It did
not run in streams but in one full current, and was a true river. All the
scene was wild. I had come close to the central ridge of the Apennines. It
stood above me but five or six clear miles away, and on its slopes there
were patches and fields of snow which were beginning to glimmer in the
diminishing light.
Four peasants sat on the edge of the road. They
were preparing to go to their quiet homesteads, and they were gathering
their scythes together, for they had been mowing in a field. Coming up to
these, I asked them how I might reach Collagna. They told me that I could
not go straight, as I had wished, on account of the impassable river, but
that if I went down the steep directly below me I should find a bridge;
that thence a path went up the opposite ridge to where a hamlet, called
Ceregio (which they showed me beyond the valley), stood in trees
on the crest, and once there (they said) I could
be further directed. I understood all their speech except one fatal word.
I thought they told me that Ceregio was half the way to Collagna;
and what that error cost me you shall hear.
They drank my wine, I ate their bread, and we
parted: they to go to their accustomed place, and I to cross this unknown
valley. But when I had left these grave and kindly men, the echo of their
voices remained with me; the deep valley of the Enza seemed lonely, and as
I went lower and lower down towards the noise of the river I lost the sun.
The Enza was flooded. A rough bridge, made of
stout logs resting on trunks of trees that were lashed together like
tripods and supported a long plank, was afforded to cross it. But in the
high water it did not quite reach to the hither bank. I rolled great
stones into the water and made a short causeway, and so, somewhat
perilously, I attained the farther shore, and went up, up by a little
precipitous path till I reached the hamlet of Ceregio standing on its
hill, blessed and secluded; for no road leads in or out of it, but only
The houses were all grouped together round a
church; it was dim between them; but several men driving oxen took me to a
house that was perhaps the inn, though there was no sign; and there in a
twilight room we all sat down together like Christians in perfect harmony,
and the woman of the house served us.
Now when, after this communion, I asked the way to
Collagna, they must have thought me foolish, and have wondered why I did
not pass the night with them, for they knew how far off Collagna was. But
I (by the error in language of which I have told you) believed it to be
but a short way off. It was in reality ten miles. The oldest of my
companions said he would put me on the way.
We went together in the half light by a lane that
followed the crest of the hill, and we passed a charming thing, a little
white sculpture in relief, set up for a shrine and representing the
Annunciation; and as we passed it we both smiled. Then in a few hundred
yards we passed another that was the Visitation, and they were gracious
and beautiful to a degree, and I saw that they stood for the five joyful
mysteries. Then he had to leave me, and he said, pointing to the little
'When you come to the fifth of these the path
divides. Take that to the left, and follow it round the hollow of the
mountain: it will become a lane. This lane crosses a stream and passes
near a tower. When you have reached the tower it joins a great highroad,
and that is the road to Collagna.'
And when he indicated the shrines he smiled, as
though in apology for them, and I saw that we were of the same religion.
Then (since people who will not meet again should give each other presents
mutually) I gave him the best of my two pipes, a new pipe with letters
carved on it, which he took to be the initials of my name, and he on his
part gave me a hedge-rose which he had plucked and had been holding in his
fingers. And I continued the path alone.
Certainly these people have a benediction upon
them, granted them for their simple lives and their justice. Their eyes
are fearless and kindly. They are courteous, straight, and all have in
them laughter and sadness. They are full of songs, of memories, of the
stories of their native place; and their worship is conformable to the
world that God made. May they possess their own land, and may their
influence come again from Italy to save from jar, and boasting, and
ineptitude the foolish, valourless cities, and the garish crowds of
shouting men.... And let us especially pray that the revival of the faith
may do something for our poor old universities.
Already, when I heard all these directions, they
seemed to argue a longer road than I had expected. It proved interminable.
It was now fully dark; the night was very cold
from the height of the hills; a dense dew began to fall upon the ground,
and the sky was full of stars. For hours I went on slowly down the lane
that ran round the hollow of the wooded mountain, wondering why I did not
reach the stream he spoke of. It was midnight when I came to the level,
and yet I heard no water, and did not yet see the tower against the sky.
Extreme fatigue made it impossible, as I thought, to proceed farther, when
I saw a light in a window, and went to it quickly and stood beneath it. A
woman from the window called me Caro mio, which was gracious, but
she would not let me sleep even in the straw of the barn.
I hobbled on in despair of the night, for the
necessity of sleep was weighing me down after four high hills climbed that
day, and after the rough ways and the heat and the continual marching.
I found a bridge which crossed the deep ravine
they had told me of. This high bridge was new, and had been built of fine
stone, yet it was broken and ruined, and a gap suddenly showed in the
dark. I stepped back from it in fear. The clambering down to the stream
and up again through the briars to regain the road broke me yet more, and
when, on the hill beyond, I saw the tower
faintly darker against the dark sky, I went up
doggedly to it, fearing faintness, and reaching it where it stood (it was
on the highest ground overlooking the Secchia valley), I sat down on a
stone beside it and waited for the morning.
The long slope of the hills fell away for miles to
where, by daylight, would have lain the misty plain of Emilia. The
darkness confused the landscape. The silence of the mountains and the
awful solemnity of the place lent that vast panorama a sense of the
terrible, under the dizzy roof of the stars. Every now and again some
animal of the night gave a cry in the undergrowth of the valley, and the
great rock of Castel-Nuovo, now close and enormous--bare, rugged, a desert
place--added something of doom.
The hours were creeping on with the less certain
stars; a very faint and unliving grey touched the edges of the clouds. The
cold possessed me, and I rose to walk, if I could walk, a little farther.
What is that in the mind which, after (it may be)
a slight disappointment or a petty accident, causes it to suffer on the
scale of grave things?
I have waited for the dawn a hundred times,
attended by that mournful, colourless spirit which haunts the last hours
of darkness; and influenced especially by the great timeless apathy that
hangs round the first uncertain promise of increasing light. For there is
an hour before daylight when men die, and when there is nothing above the
soul or around it, when even the stars fail.
And this long and dreadful expectation I had
thought to be worst when one was alone at sea in a small boat without
wind; drifting beyond one's harbour in the ebb of the outer channel tide,
and sogging back at the first flow on the broad, confused movement of a
sea without any waves. In such lonely mornings I have watched the Owers
light turning, and I have counted up my gulf of time, and wondered that
moments could be so stretched out in the clueless mind. I have prayed for
the morning or for a little draught of wind, and this I have thought, I
say, the extreme of absorption into emptiness and longing.
But now, on this ridge, dragging myself on to the
main road, I found a deeper abyss of isolation and despairing fatigue than
I had ever known, and I came near to turning eastward and imploring the
hastening of light, as men pray continually without reason for things that
can but come in a due order. I still went forward a little, because when I
sat down my loneliness oppressed me like a misfortune; and because my
feet, going painfully and slowly, yet gave a little balance and rhythm to
the movement of my mind.
I heard no sound of animals or birds. I passed
several fields, deserted in the half-darkness; and in some I felt the hay,
but always found it wringing wet with dew, nor could I discover a good
shelter from the wind that blew off the upper snow of the summits. For a
little space of time there fell upon me, as I crept along the road, that
shadow of sleep which numbs the mind, but it could not compel me to lie
down, and I accepted it only as a partial and beneficent oblivion which
covered my desolation and suffering as a thin, transparent cloud may cover
an evil moon.
Then suddenly the sky grew lighter upon every
side. That cheating gloom (which I think the clouds in purgatory must
reflect) lifted from the valley as though to a slow order given by some
calm and good influence that was marshalling in the day. Their colours
came back to things; the trees recovered their shape, life, and trembling;
here and there, on the face of the mountain opposite, the mists by their
movement took part in the new life, and I thought I heard for the first
time the tumbling water far below me in the ravine. That subtle barrier
was drawn which marks to-day from yesterday; all the night and its
despondency became the past and entered memory. The road before me, the
pass on my left (my last ridge, and the entry into Tuscany), the mass of
the great hills, had become mixed into the increasing light, that is, into
the familiar and invigorating Present which I have always found capable of
opening the doors of the future with a gesture of victory.
My pain either left me, or I ceased to notice it,
and seeing a little way before me a bank above the road, and a fine grove
of sparse and dominant chestnuts, I climbed up thither and turned,
standing to the east.
There, without any warning of colours, or of the
heraldry that we have in the north, the sky was a great field of pure
light, and without doubt it was all woven through, as was my mind watching
it, with security and gladness. Into this field, as I watched it, rose the
The air became warmer almost suddenly. The
splendour and health of the new day left me all in repose, and persuaded
or compelled me to immediate sleep.
I found therefore in the short grass, and on the
scented earth beneath one
of my trees, a place for lying down; I stretched
myself out upon it, and lapsed into a profound slumber, which nothing but
a vague and tenuous delight separated from complete forgetfulness. If the
last confusion of thought, before sleep possessed me, was a kind of
prayer--and certainly I was in the mood of gratitude and of
adoration--this prayer was of course to God, from whom every good
proceeds, but partly (idolatrously) to the Sun, which, of all the things
He has made, seems, of what we at least can discover, the most complete
and glorious.
Therefore the first hours of the sunlight, after I
had wakened, made the place like a new country; for my mind which received
it was new. I reached Collagna before the great heat, following the fine
highroad that went dipping and rising again along the mountain side, and
then (leaving the road and crossing the little Secchia by a bridge), a
path, soon lost in a grassy slope, gave me an indication of my way. For
when I had gone an hour or so upwards along the shoulder of the hill,
there opened gradually before me a silent and profound vale, hung with
enormous woods, and sloping upwards to where it was closed by a high bank
beneath and between two peaks. This bank I knew could be nothing else than
the central ridge of the Apennines, the watershed, the boundary of
Tuscany, and the end of all the main part of my journey. Beyond, the
valleys would open on to the Tuscan Plain, and at the southern limit of
that, Siena was my mark; from Siena to Rome an eager man, if he is sound,
may march in three long days. Nor was that calculation all. The
satisfaction of the last lap, of the home run, went with the word Tuscany
in my mind; these cities were the approaches and introduction of the end.
When I had slept out the heat, I followed the
woods upward through the afternoon. They stood tangled and huge, and the
mosses under them were thick and silent, because in this last belt of the
mountains height and coolness reproduced the north. A charcoal burner was
making his furnace; after that for the last miles there was no sound. Even
the floor of the vale was a depth of grass, and no torrent ran in it but
only a little hidden stream, leafy like our streams at home.
At last the steep bank, a wall at the end of the
valley, rose immediately above me. It was very steep and bare, desolate
with the many stumps of trees that had been cut down; but all its edge and
fringe against the sky was the line of a deep forest.
After its laborious hundreds of feet, when the
forest that crowned it evenly was reached, the Apennines were conquered,
the last great range was passed, and there stood no barrier between this
high crest and Rome.
The hither side of that bank, I say, had been
denuded of its trees; the roots
of secular chestnuts stood like graves above the
dry steep, and had marked my last arduous climb. Now, at the summit, the
highest part was a line of cool forest, and the late afternoon mingled
with the sanctity of trees. A genial dampness pervaded the earth beneath;
grasses grew, and there were living creatures in the shade.
Nor was this tenanted wood all the welcome I
received on my entry into Tuscany. Already I heard the noise of falling
waters upon every side, where the Serchio sprang from twenty sources on
the southern slope, and leapt down between mosses, and quarrelled, and
overcame great smooth dark rocks in busy falls. Indeed, it was like my own
country in the north, and a man might say to himself--'After so much
journeying, perhaps I am in the Enchanted Wood, and may find at last the
fairy Melisaunde.'
A glade opened, and, the trees no longer hiding
it, I looked down the vale, which was the gate of Tuscany. There--high,
jagged, rapt into the sky--stood such a group of mountains as men dream of
in good dreams, or see in the works of painters when old age permits them
revelations. Their height was evident from the faint mist and grey of
their hues; their outline was tumultuous, yet balanced; full of accident
and poise. It was as though these high walls of Carrara, the western
boundary of the valley, had been shaped expressly for man, in order to
exalt him with unexpected and fantastic shapes, and to expand his dull
life with a permanent surprise. For a long time I gazed at these great
Then, more silent in the mind through their
influence, I went down past the speech and companionship of the springs of
the Serchio, and the chestnut trees were redolent of evening all round.
Down the bank to where the streams met in one, down the river, across its
gaping, ruinous bridge (which some one, generations ago, had built for the
rare travellers--there were then no main roads across the Apennine, and
perhaps this rude pass was in favour); down
still more gently through the narrow upper valley
I went between the chestnut trees, and calm went with me for a companion:
and the love of men and the expectation of good seemed natural to all that
had been made in this blessed place. Of Borda, where the peasants directed
me, there is no need to speak, till crossing the Serchio once more, this
time on a trestle bridge of wood, I passed by a wider path through the
groves, and entered the dear village of Sillano, which looks right into
the pure west. And the peaks are guardians all about it: the elder
brothers of this remote and secluded valley.
An inn received me: a great kitchen full of men
and women talking, a supper preparing, a great fire, meat smoking and
drying in the ingle-nook, a vast timbered roof going up into darkness:
there I was courteously received, but no one understood my language.
Seeing there a young priest, I said to him--
'Pater, habeo linguam latinam, sed non habeo
linguam Italicam. Visne mi dare traductionem in istam linguam Toscanam non
nullorum verborum?'
To this he replied, 'Libenter,' and the
people revered us both. Thus he told me the name for a knife was cultello;
for a room, camera par domire; for 'what is it called?' 'come si
chiama?'; for 'what is the road to?' 'quella e la via a ...?'
and other phrases wherein, no doubt, I am wrong; but I only learnt by ear.
Then he said to me something I did not understand,
and I answered, 'Pol-Hercle!' at which he seemed pleased enough.
Then, to make conversation, I said, 'Diaconus
And he answered me, mildly and gravely, 'Presbyter
And a little while after he left for his house,
but I went out on to the balcony, where men and women were talking in
subdued tones. There, alone, I sat and watched the night coming up into
these Tuscan hills. The first moon since that waning in Lorraine--(how
many nights ago, how many marches!)--hung in the sky, a full crescent,
growing into brightness and glory as she assumed her reign. The one star
of the west called out his silent companions in their order; the mountains
merged into a fainter confusion; heaven and the infinite air became the
natural seat of any spirit that watched this spell. The fire-flies darted
in the depths of vineyards and of trees below; then the noise of the
grasshoppers brought back suddenly the gardens of home, and whatever
benediction surrounds our childhood. Some promise of eternal pleasures and
of rest deserved haunted the village of Sillano.
In very early youth the soul can still remember
its immortal habitation, and clouds and the edges of hills are of another
kind from ours, and every scent and colour has a savour of Paradise. What
that quality may be no language can tell, nor have men made any words, no,
nor any music, to recall it--only in a transient way and elusive the
recollection of what youth was, and purity, flashes
on us in phrases of the poets, and is gone before
we can fix it in our minds--oh! my friends, if we could but recall it!
Whatever those sounds may be that are beyond our sounds, and whatever are
those keen lives which remain alive there under memory--whatever is
Youth--Youth came up that valley at evening, borne upon a southern air. If
we deserve or attain beatitude, such things shall at last be our settled
state; and their now sudden influence upon the soul in short ecstasies is
the proof that they stand outside time, and are not subject to decay.
This, then, was the blessing of Sillano, and here
was perhaps the highest moment of those seven hundred miles--or more. Do
not therefore be astonished, reader, if I now press on much more hurriedly
to Rome, for the goal is almost between my hands, and the chief moment has
been enjoyed, until I shall see the City.
Now I cry out and deplore me that this next sixty
miles of way, but especially the heat of the days and the dank mists of
the night, should have to be told as of a real journey in this very
repetitive and sui-similar world. How much rather I wish that being free
from mundane and wide-awake (that is to say from perilously dusty)
considerations and droughty boredoms, I might wander forth at leisure
through the air and visit the regions where everything is as the soul
chooses: to be dropped at last in the ancient and famous town of Siena,
whence comes that kind of common brown paint wherewith men, however
wicked, can produce (if they have but the art) very surprising effects of
depth in painting: for so I read of it in a book by a fool, at six
shillings, and even that was part of a series: but if you wish to know
anything further of the matter, go you and read it, for I will do nothing
of the kind.
Oh to be free for strange voyages even for a
little while! I am tired of the road; and so are you, and small blame to
you. Your fathers also tired of the treadmill, and mine of the conquering
marches of the Republic. Heaven bless you all!
But I say that if it were not for the incredulity
and doubt and agnostico-schismatical hesitation, and very cumbersome air
of questioning-and-peering-about, which is the bane of our moderns, very
certainly I should now go on to tell of giants as big as cedars, living in
mountains of precious stones, and drawn to battle by dragons in cars of
gold; or of towns where the customs of men were remote and unexpected; of
countries not yet visited, and of the gods returning. For though it is
permissible, and a pleasant thing (as Bacon says), to mix a little
falsehood with one's truth (so St Louis mixed water with his wine, and so
does Sir John Growl mix vinegar with his, unless I am greatly mistaken,
for if not,
how does he give it that taste at his dinners? eh?
There, I think, is a question that would puzzle him!) yet is it much more
delectable, and far worthier of the immortal spirit of man to soar into
the empyrean of pure lying--that is, to lay the bridle on the neck of
Pegasus and let him go forward, while in the saddle meanwhile one sits
well back, grips with the knee, takes the race, and on the energy of that
steed visits the wheeling stars.
This much, then, is worth telling of the valley of
the Serchio, that it is narrow, garrulous with water brawling, wooded
densely, and contained by fantastic mountains. That it has a splendid
name, like the clashing of cymbals--Garfagnana; that it leads to the
Tuscan plain, and that it is over a day's march long. Also, it is an oven.
Never since the early liars first cooked eggs in
the sand was there such heat, and it was made hotter by the consciousness
of folly, than which there is no more heating thing; for I think that not
old Championnet himself, with his Division of Iron, that fought one to
three and crushed the aged enormities of the oppressors as we would crush
an empty egg, and that found the summer a good time for fighting in
Naples, I say that he himself would not have marched men up the Garfagnana
in such a sun. Folly planned it, Pride held to it, and the devils lent
their climate. Garfagnana! Garfagnana! to have such a pleasant name, and
to be what you are!
Not that there were not old towers on the steep
woods of the Apennine, nor glimpses of the higher peaks; towns also: one
castle surrounded by a fringe of humble roofs--there were all these
things. But it was an oven. So imagine me, after having passed chapels
built into rocks, and things most curious, but the
whole under the strain of an intolerable sun,
coming, something after midday, to a place called Castel-Nuovo, the first
town, for Campogiamo is hardly a town.
At Castel-Nuovo I sat upon a bridge and thought,
not what good men think (there came into my memory no historical stuff;
for all I know, Liberty never went by that valley in arms); no
appreciation of beauty filled me; I was indifferent to all save the
intolerable heat, when I suddenly recognized the enormous number of
bridges that bespattered the town.
'This is an odd thing,' I mused. 'Here is a little
worriment of a town up in the hills, and what a powerful lot of bridges!'
I cared not a fig for the thousand things I had
been told to expect in Tuscany; everything is in a mind, and as they were
not in my mind they did not exist. But the bridges, they indeed were
worthy of admiration!
Here was a horrible little place on a torrent
bank. One bridge was reasonable for by it went the road leading south to
Lucca and to Rome; it was common honour to let men escape. But as I sat on
that main bridge I counted seven others; indeed there must have been a
worship of a bridge-god some time or other to account for such a necklace
of bridges in such a neglected borough.
You may say (I am off hard on the road to Borgo,
drooping with the heat, but still going strongly), you may say that is
explicable enough. First a thing is useful, you say, then it has to become
routine; then the habit, being a habit, gets a sacred idea attached to it.
So with bridges: e.g. Pontifex; Dervorguilla, our Ballici saint
that built a bridge; the devil that will hinder the building of bridges;
cf. the Porphyry Bridge in the Malay cosmogony; Amershickel, Brùckengebildung
im kult-Historischer. Passenmayer; Durât, Le pont antique,
étude sur les origines Toscanes; Mr Dacre's The Command of
Bridges in Warfare; Bridges and Empire, by Captain Hole, U.S.A. You
may say all this; I shall not reply. If the heat has hindered me from
saying a word of the fine open valley on the left, of the little railway
and of the last of the hills, do you suppose it will permit me to discuss
the sanctity of bridges? If it did, I think there is a little question on
'why should habit turn sacred?' which would somewhat confound and pose
you, and pose also, for that matter, every pedant that ever went blind and
crook-backed over books, or took ivory for horn. And there is an end of
it. Argue it with whom you will. It is evening, and I am at Borgo (for if
many towns are called Castel-Nuovo so are many called Borgo in Italy), and
I desire to be free of interruption while I eat and sleep and reflect upon
the error of that march in that heat, spoiling nearly thirty miles of
road, losing so many great and pleasurable emotions, all for haste and
from a neglect of the Italian night.
And as I ate, and before I slept, I thought of
that annotated Guide Book which is cried out for by all Europe, and which
shall tell blunt truths. Look you out 'Garfagnana, district of, Valley
of Serchio' in the index. You will be referred to p. 267. Turn to p.
267. You will find there the phrase -
'One can walk from the pretty little village of
Sillano, nestling in its chestnut groves, to the flourishing town of Borgo
on the new Bagni railway in a day.'
You will find a mark [1] after that phrase. It
refers to a footnote. Glance (or look) at the bottom of the page and you
will find:
[1] But if one does one is a fool.
So I slept late and uneasily the insufficient
sleep of men who have suffered, and in that uneasy sleep I discovered this
great truth: that if in a southern
summer you do not rest in the day the night will
seem intolerably warm, but that, if you rest in the day, you will find
coolness and energy at evening.
The next morning with daylight I continued the
road to Lucca, and of that also I will say nothing.
LECTOR. Why on earth did you write this book?
AUCTOR. For my amusement.
LECTOR. And why do you suppose I got it?
AUCTOR. I cannot conceive ... however, I will give
up this much, to tell you that at Decimo the mystery of cypress trees
first came into my adventure
and pilgrimage: of cypress trees which
henceforward were to mark my Tuscan road. And I will tell you that there
also I came across a thing peculiar (I suppose) to the region of Lucca,
for I saw it there as at Decimo, and also some miles beyond. I mean fine
mournful towers built thus: In the first storey one arch, in the second
two, in the third three, and so on: a very noble way of building.
And I will tell you something more. I will tell
you something no one has yet heard. To wit, why this place is called
Decimo, and why just below it is another little spot called Sexta.
AUCTOR. I know what you are going to say! Do not
say it. You are going to say: 'It is because they were at the sixth and
tenth milestones from Lucca on
the Roman road.' Heaven help these scientists! Did
you suppose that I thought it was called Decimo because the people had ten
toes? Tell me, why is not every place ten miles out of a Roman town called
by such a name? Eh? You are dumb. You cannot answer. Like most moderns you
have entirely missed the point. We all know that there was a Roman town at
Lucca, because it was called Luca, and if there had been no Roman town the
modern town would not be spelt with two c's. All Roman towns had
milestones beyond them. But why did this tenth milestone from this
Roman town keep its name?
LECTOR. I am indifferent.
AUCTOR. I will tell you. Up in the tangle of the
Carrara mountains, overhanging the Garfagnana, was a wild tribe, whose
name I forget (unless it were the Bruttii), but which troubled the Romans
not a little, defeating them horribly, and keeping the legionaries in some
anxiety for years. So when the soldiers marched out north from Luca about
six miles, they could halt and smile at each other, and say 'At
Sextant... that's all right. All safe so far!' and therefore only a
little village grew up at this little rest and emotion. But as they got
nearer the gates of the hills they began to be visibly perturbed, and they
would say: 'The eighth mile! cheer up!' Then 'The ninth mile! Sanctissima
Madonna! Have you seen anything moving on the heights?' But when they got
to the tenth milestone, which stands before the very jaws of the
defile, then indeed they said with terrible emphasis, 'Ad Decimam!'
And there was no restraining them: they would camp and entrench, or die in
the venture: for they were Romans and stern fellows, and loved a good
square camp and a ditch, and sentries and a clear moon, and plenty of
sharp stakes, and all the panoply of war. That is the origin of Decimo.
For all my early start, the intolerable heat had
again taken the ascendant before I had fairly entered the plain. Then, it
being yet but morning, I entered from the north the town of Lucca, which
is the neatest, the regularest, the exactest, the most fly-in-amber little
town in the world, with its uncrowded streets, its absurd fortifications,
and its contented silent houses--all like a family at ease and at rest
under its high sun. It is as sharp and trim as its own map, and that map
is as clear as a geometrical problem. Everything in Lucca is good.
I went with a short shadow, creeping when I could
on the eastern side of the street to save the sunlight; then I came to the
main square, and immediately on my left was the Albergo di
Something-or-other, a fine great hotel, but most
unfortunately right facing the blazing sky. I had
to stop outside it to count my money. I counted it wrong and entered.
There I saw the master, who talked French.
'Can you in an hour,' said I, 'give me a meal to
my order, then a bed, though it is early day?' This absurd question I made
less absurd by explaining to him my purpose. How I was walking to Rome and
how, being northern, I was unaccustomed to such heat; how, therefore, I
had missed sleep, and would find it necessary in future to walk mainly by
night. For I had now determined to fill the last few marches up in
darkness, and to sleep out the strong hours of the sun.
All this he understood; I ordered such a meal as
men give to beloved friends returned from wars. I ordered a wine I had
known long ago in the valley of the Saône in the old time of peace
before ever the Greek came to the land. While they cooked it I went to
their cool and splendid cathedral to follow a late Mass. Then I came home
and ate their admirable food and drank the wine which the Burgundians had
trodden upon the hills of gold so many years before. They showed me a
regal kind of a room where a bed with great hangings invited repose.
All my days of marching, the dirty inns, the
forests, the nights abroad, the cold, the mists, the sleeplessness, the
faintness, the dust, the dazzling sun, the Apennines--all my days came
over me, and there fell on me a peaceful weight, as his two hundred years
fell upon Charlemagne in the tower of Saragossa when the battle was done;
after he had curbed the valley of Ebro and christened Bramimonde.
So I slept deeply all day long; and, outside, the
glare made a silence upon the closed shutters, save that little insects
darted in the outer air.
When I woke it was evening. So well had they used
me that I paid what they asked, and, not knowing what money remained over,
I left their town by the southern gate, crossed the railway and took the
My way lay under the flank of that mountain
whereby the Luccans cannot see Pisa, or the Pisans cannot see Lucca--it is
all one to me, I shall not live in either town, God willing; and if they
are so eager to squint at one another, in Heaven's name, cannot they be at
the pains to walk round the end of the hill? It is this laziness which is
the ruin of many; but not of pilgrims, for here was I off to cross the
plain of Arno in one night, and reach by morning the mouth
and gate of that valley of the Elsa, which same is
a very manifest proof of how Rome was intended to be the end and centre of
all roads, the chief city of the world, and the Popes' residence--as,
indeed, it plainly is to this day, for all the world to deny at their
peril, spiritual, geographical, historical, sociological, economic, and
For if some such primeval and predestinarian
quality were not inherent in the City, how, think you, would the valley of
the Serchio--the hot, droughty, and baking Garfagnana--lead down pointing
straight to Rome; and how would that same line, prolonged across the
plain, find fitting it exactly beyond that plain this vale of the Elsa,
itself leading up directly towards Rome? I say, nowhere in the world is
such a coincidence observable, and they that will not take it for a
portent may go back to their rationalism and consort with microbes and
make their meals off logarithms, washed down with an exact distillation of
the root of minus one; and the peace of fools, that is the deepest and
most balmy of all, be theirs for ever and ever.
Here again you fall into errors as you read, ever
expecting something new; for of that night's march there is nothing to
tell, save that it was cool, full of mist, and an easy matter after the
royal entertainment and sleep of the princely Albergo that dignifies
Lucca. The villages were silent, the moon soon left the sky, and the stars
could not show through the fog, which deepened in the hours after
A map I had bought in Lucca made the difficulties
of the first part of the road (though there were many cross-ways) easy
enough; and the second part, in midnight and the early hours, was very
plain sailing, till--having crossed the main line and having, at last,
very weary, come up to the branch railway at a slant from the west and
north, I crossed that also under the full light--I stood fairly in the
Elsa valley and on the highroad which follows the railway straight to
Siena. That long march, I say, had been easy enough in the coolness and in
the dark; but I saw nothing; my interior thoughts alone would have
afforded matter for this part; but of these if you have not had enough in
near six hundred miles of travel, you are a stouter fellow than I took you
Though it was midsummer, the light had come
quickly. Long after sunrise the mist dispersed, and the nature of the
valley appeared.
It was in no way mountainous, but easy, pleasant,
and comfortable, bounded by low, rounded hills, having upon them here and
there a row of cypresses against the sky; and it was populous with
pleasant farms. Though the soil was baked and dry, as indeed it is
everywhere in this south, yet little regular streams (or canals) irrigated
it and nourished many trees--- but the deep grass of the north was
For an hour or more after sunrise I continued my
way very briskly; then what had been the warmth of the early sun turned
into the violent heat of day, and remembering Merlin where he says that
those who will walk by night must sleep by day, and having in my mind the
severe verses of James Bayle, sometime Fellow of St Anne's, that 'in
Tuscan summers as a general rule, the days are sultry but the nights are
cool' (he was no flamboyant poet; he loved the quiet diction of the right
wing of English poetry), and imagining an owlish habit of sleeping by day
could be acquired at once, I lay down under a tree of a kind I had never
seen; and lulled under the pleasant fancy that this was a picture-tree
drawn before the Renaissance, and that I was reclining in some background
landscape of the fifteenth century (for the scene was of that kind), I
fell asleep.
When I woke it was as though I had slept long; but
I doubted the feeling. The young sun still low in the sky, and the shadows
not yet shortened, puzzled me. I looked at my watch, but the dislocation
of habit which night marches produce had left it unwound. It marked a
quarter to three, which was absurd. I took the road somewhat stiffly and
wondering. I passed several small white cottages; there was no clock in
them, and their people were away. At last in a Trattoria, as they served
me with food, a woman told me it was just after seven; I had slept but an
Outside, the day was intense; already flies had
begun to annoy the darkened room within. Through the half-curtained door
the road was white in the sun, and the railway ran just beyond.
I paid my reckoning, and then, partly for an
amusement, I ranged my remaining pence upon the table, first in the shape
of a Maltese cross, then in a circle (interesting details!). The road lay
white in the sunlight outside, and the railway ran just beyond.
I counted the pence and the silver--there was
three francs and a little over; I remembered the imperial largesse at
Lucca, the lordly spending of great sums, where, now in the pocket of an
obsequious man, the pounds were taking care of themselves. I remembered
how at Como I had been compelled by poverty to enter the train for Milan.
How little was three francs for the remaining twenty-five miles to Siena!
The road lay white in the sunlight, and the railway ran just beyond.
I remembered the pleasing cheque in the
post-office of Siena; the banks of Siena, and the money changers at their
counters changing money at the rate of change.
'If one man,' thought I, 'may take five per cent
discount on a sum of money in the exchange, may not another man take
discount off a walk of over seven
hundred miles? May he not cut off it, as his due,
twenty-five miserable little miles in the train?' Sleep coming over me
after my meal increased the temptation. Alas! how true is the great phrase
of Averroes (or it may be Boa-ed-din: anyhow, the Arabic escapes me, but
the meaning is plain enough), that when one has once fallen, it is easy to
fall again (saving always heavy falls from cliffs and high towers, for
after these there is no more falling).... Examine the horse's knees before
you buy him; take no ticket-of-leave man into your house for charity;
touch no prospectus that has founders' shares, and do not play with
firearms or knives and never go near the water till you know how to swim.
Oh! blessed wisdom of the ages! sole patrimony of the poor! The road lay
white in the sun, and the railway ran just beyond.
If the people of Milo did well to put up a statue
in gold to the man that invented wheels, so should we also put one up in
Portland stone or plaster to the man that invented rails, whose property
it is not only to increase the speed and ease of travel, but also to bring
on slumber as can no drug: not even poppies gathered under a waning moon.
The rails have a rhythm of slight falls and rises ... they make a loud
roar like a perpetual torrent; they cover up the mind with a veil.
Once only, when a number of men were shouting
'POGGI-BON-SI,' like a war-cry to the clank of bronze, did I open my eyes
sleepily to see a hill, a castle wall, many cypresses, and a strange tower
bulging out at the top (such towers I learned were the feature of
Tuscany). Then in a moment, as it seemed, I awoke in the station of Siena,
where the railway ends and goes no farther.
It was still only morning; but the glare was
beyond bearing as I passed through the enormous gate of the town, a gate
pierced in high and stupendous walls that are here guarded by lions. In
the narrow main street there was full shade, and it was made cooler by the
contrast of the blaze on the higher storeys of the northern side. The
wonders of Siena kept sleep a moment from my mind. I saw their great
square where a tower of vast height marks the guildhall. I heard Mass in a
chapel of their cathedral: a chapel all frescoed, and built, as it were,
out of doors, and right below the altar-end or choir. I noted how the city
stood like a queen of hills dominating all Tuscany: above the Elsa
northward, southward above the province round Mount Amiato. And this great
mountain I saw also hazily far off on the horizon. I suffered the
vulgarities of the main street all in English and American, like a show. I
took my money and changed it; then, having so passed not a full hour, and
oppressed by weariness, I said to myself:
'After all, my business is not with cities, and
already I have seen far off the great hill whence one can see far off the
hills that overhang Rome.'
With this in my mind I wandered out for a quiet
place, and found it in a desolate green to the north of the city, near a
huge, old red-brick church like a barn. A deep shadow beneath it invited
me in spite of the scant and dusty grass, and in this country no one
disturbs the wanderer. There, lying down, I slept without dreams till
AUCTOR. Turn to page 94.
LECTOR. I have it. It is not easy to watch the
book in two places at once; but pray continue.
AUCTOR. Note the words from the eighth to the
tenth lines.
AUCTOR. They will make what follows seem less
Once there was a man dining by himself at the Cafe
Anglais, in the days when people went there. It was a full night, and he
sat alone at a small table, when there entered a very big man in a large
fur coat. The big man looked round annoyed, because there was no room, and
the first man very courteously offered him a seat at his little table.
They sat down and ate and talked of several things; among others, of
Bureaucracy. The first maintained that Bureaucracy was the curse of
'Men are governed by it like sheep. The
administrator, however humble, is a despot; most people will even run
forward to meet him halfway, like the servile dogs they are,' said he.
'No,' answered the Man in the Big Fur Coat, 'I
should say men were governed just by the ordinary human sense of
authority. I have no theories. I say they recognize authority and obey it.
Whether it is bureaucratic or not is merely a question of form.'
At this moment there came in a tall, rather stiff
Englishman. He also was put out at finding no room. The two men saw the
manager approach him; a few words were passed, and a card; then the
manager suddenly smiled, bowed, smirked, and finally went up to the table
and begged that the Duke of Sussex might be allowed to share it. The Duke
hoped he did not incommode these gentlemen. They assured him that, on the
contrary, they esteemed his presence a favour.
'It is our prerogative,' said the Man in the Big
Fur Coat, 'to be the host Paris entertaining her Guest.'
They would take no denial; they insisted on the
Duke's dining with them, and they told him what they had just been
discussing. The Duke listened to their theories with some morgue,
much spleen, and no little phlegm, but with perfect
courtesy, and then, towards the coffee, told them in fluent French
with a strong accent, his own opinion. (He had had eight excellent
courses; Yquem with his fish, the best Chambertin during the dinner, and a
glass of wonderful champagne with his dessert.) He spoke as follows, with
a slight and rather hard smile:
'My opinion may seem to you impertinent, but I
believe nothing more subtly and powerfully affects men than the
aristocratic feeling. Do not misunderstand me,' he added, seeing that they
would protest; 'it is not my own experience alone that guides me. All
history bears witness to the same truth.'
The simple-minded Frenchmen put down this
infatuation to the Duke's early training, little knowing that our English
men of rank are the simplest fellows in the world, and are quite
indifferent to their titles save in business matters.
The Frenchmen paid the bill, and they all three
went on to the Boulevard.
'Now,' said the first man to his two companions,
'I will give you a practical example of what I meant when I said that
Bureaucracy governed mankind.'
He went up to the wall of the Credit Lyonnais, put
the forefinger of either hand against it, about twenty-five centimetres
apart, and at a level of about a foot above his eyes. Holding his fingers
thus he gazed at them, shifting them slightly from time to time and moving
his glance from one to the other rapidly. A crowd gathered. In a few
moments a pleasant elderly, short, and rather fat gentleman in the crowd
came forward, and, taking off his hat, asked if he could do anything for
'Why,' said our friend, 'the fact is I am an
engineer (section D of the Public Works Department) and I have to make an
important measurement in connexion with the Apothegm of the Bilateral
which runs to-night precisely through this spot. My fingers now mark
exactly the concentric of the secondary focus whence the Radius Vector
should be drawn, but I find that (like a fool) I have left my Double
Refractor in the cafe hard by. I dare not go for fear of losing the place
I have marked; yet I can get no further without my Double Refractor.'
'Do not let that trouble you,' said the short,
stout stranger; 'I will be delighted to keep the place exactly marked
while you run for your instrument.'
The crowd was now swelled to a considerable size;
it blocked up the pavement, and was swelled every moment by the arrival of
the curious. The little fat elderly man put his fingers exactly where the
other's had been, effecting the exchange with a sharp gesture; and each
watched intently to see that it was right to within a millimetre. The
attitude was constrained. The elderly man smiled, and begged the engineer
not to be alarmed. So they left him with his two forefingers well above
his head, precisely twenty-five centimetres apart, and pressing their tips
against the wall of the Credit Lyonnais. Then the three friends slipped
out of the crowd and pursued their way.
'Let us go to the theatre,' said the experimenter,
'and when we come back I warrant you will agree with my remarks on
They went to hear the admirable marble lines of
Corneille. For three hours they were absorbed by the classics, and, when
they returned, a crowd, now enormous, was surging all over the Boulevard,
stopping the traffic and filled with a noise like the sea. Policemen were
attacking it with the utmost energy, but still it grew and eddied; and in
the centre--a little respectful space kept empty around him--still
stretched the poor little fat elderly man, a pitiable sight. His knees
were bent, his head wagged and drooped with extreme fatigue, he was the
colour of old blotting-paper; but still he kept the tips of his two
forefingers exactly twenty-five centimetres apart, well above his head,
and pressed against the wall of the Credit Lyonnais.
'You will not match that with your aristocratic
sentiment!' said the author of the scene in pardonable triumph.
'I am not so sure,' answered the Duke of Sussex.
He pulled out his watch. 'It is midnight,' he said, 'and I must be off;
but let me tell you before we part that you have paid for a most expensive
dinner, and have behaved all night with an extravagant deference under the
impression that I was the Duke of Sussex. As a fact my name is Jerks, and
I am a commercial traveller in the linseed oil line; and I wish you the
best of good evenings.'
'Wait a moment,' said the Man in the Big Fur Coat;
'my theory of the Simple Human Sense of Authority still holds. I am a
detective officer, and you will both be good enough to follow me to the
police station.'
And so they did, and the Engineer was fined fifty
francs in correctional, and the Duke of Sussex was imprisoned for ten
days, with interdiction of domicile for six months; the first indeed under
the Prefectorial Decree of the 18th of November 1843, but the second under
the law of the 12th germinal of the year VIII.
In this way I have got over between twenty and
thirty miles of road which were tramped in the dark, and the description
of which would have plagued you worse than a swarm of hornets.
Oh, blessed interlude! no struggling moon, no
mist, no long-winded passages upon the genial earth, no the sense of the
night, no marvels of the dawn, no rhodomontade, no religion, no rhetoric,
no sleeping villages, no silent towns (there was one), no rustle of
trees--just a short story, and there you have a whole march covered as
though a brigade had swung down it. A new day has come, and the sun has
risen over the detestable parched hillocks of this downward way.
No, no, Lector! Do not blame me that Tuscany
should have passed beneath me unnoticed, as the monotonous sea passes
beneath a boat in full sail. Blame all those days of marching; hundreds
upon hundreds of miles that exhausted the powers of the mind. Blame the
fiery and angry sky of Etruria, that compelled most of my way to be taken
at night. Blame St Augustine, who misled me in his Confessions by talking
like an African of 'the icy shores of Italy'; or blame Rome, that now more
and more drew me to Herself as She approached from six to five, from five
to four, from four to three--now She was but three days off. The
third sun after that I now saw rising would shine upon the City.
I did indeed go forward a little in the heat, but
it was useless. After an hour I abandoned it. It was not so much the sun,
though that was intemperate and deadly; it was rather the inhuman aspect
of the earth which made me despair. It was as though the soil had been
left imperfect and rough after some cataclysm; it reminded me of those bad
lands in the west of America, where the desert has no form, and where the
crumbling and ashy look of things is more abhorrent than their mere
desolation. As soon march through evil dreams!
The north is the place for men. Eden was there;
and the four rivers of Paradise are the Seine, the Oise, the Thames, and
the Arun; there are grasses there, and the trees are generous, and the air
is an unnoticed pleasure. The waters brim up to the edges of the fields.
But for this bare Tuscany I was never made.
How far I had gone I could not tell, nor precisely
how much farther San Quirico, the neighbouring town, might be. The
imperfect map I had bought at Siena was too minute to give me clear
indications. I was content to wait for evening, and then to go on till I
found it. An hour or so in the shade of a row of parched and dusty bushes
I lay and ate and drank my wine, and smoked, and then all day I slept, and
woke a while, and slept again more deeply. But
how people sleep and wake, if you do not yet know
it after so much of this book you never will.
It was perhaps five o'clock, or rather more, when
I rose unhappily and took up the ceaseless road.
Even the goodness of the Italian nature seemed
parched up in those dry hollows. At an inn where I ate they shouted at me,
thinking in that way to make me understand; and their voices were as harsh
as the grating of metal against stone. A mile farther I crossed a lonely
line of railway; then my map told me where I was, and I went wearily up an
indefinite slope under the declining sun, and thought it outrageous that
only when the light had gone was there any tolerable air in this country.
Soon the walls of San Quirico, partly ruinous,
stood above the fields (for the smallest places here have walls); as I
entered its gate the sun set, and as though
the cool, coming suddenly, had a magic in it,
everything turned kinder. A church that could wake interest stood at the
entry of the town; it had stone lions on its steps, and the pillars were
so carved as to resemble knotted ropes. There for the first time I saw in
procession one of those confraternities which in Italy bury the dead; they
had long and dreadful hoods over their heads, with slits for the eyes. I
spoke to the people of San Quirico, and they to me. They were upstanding,
and very fine and noble in the lines of the face. On their walls is set a
marble tablet, on which it is registered that the people of Tuscany, being
asked whether they would have their hereditary Duke or the House of Savoy,
voted for the latter by such and such a great majority; and this kind of
tablet I afterwards found was common to all these small towns. Then
passing down
their long street I came, at the farther gate, to
a great sight, which the twilight still permitted me to receive in its
For San Quirico is built on the edge of a kind of
swell in the land, and here where I stood one looked over the next great
wave; for the shape of the view was, on a vast scale, just what one sees
from a lonely boat looking forward over a following sea.
The trough of the wave was a shallow purple
valley, its arid quality hidden by the kindly glimmer of evening; few
trees stood in it to break its sweep, and its irregularities and mouldings
were just those of a sweep of water after a gale. The crest of the wave
beyond was seventeen miles away. It had, as have also such crests at sea,
one highest, toppling peak in its long line, and this, against the clear
sky, one could see to be marked by buildings. These buildings were the
ruined castle and walls of Radicofani, and it lay straight on my way to
It is a strange thing, arresting northern eyes,
to see towns thus built on summits up into the sky, and this height seemed
the more fantastic because it was framed. A row of cypress trees stood on
either side of the road where it fell from San Quirico, and, exactly
between these, this high crest, a long way off, was set as though by
With more heart in me, and tempted by such an
outline as one might be by the prospect of adventure, I set out to cross
the great bare run of the valley. As I went, the mountain of Amiato came
more and more nearly abreast of me in the west; in its foothills near me
were ravines and unexpected rocks; upon one of them hung a village. I
watched its church and one tall cypress next it, as they stood black
against the last of daylight. Then for miles I went on the dusty way, and
crossed by old bridges watercourses in which stood nothing but green
pools; and the night deepened.
It was when I had crossed the greater part of the
obscure plain, at its lowest dip and not far from the climb up to
Radicofani, that I saw lights shining in a large farmhouse, and though it
was my business to walk by night, yet I needed companionship, so I went
There in a very large room, floored with brick and
lit by one candle, were two fine old peasants, with faces like apostles,
playing a game of cards. There also was a woman playing with a strong boy
child, that could not yet talk: and the child ran up to me. Nothing could
persuade the master of the house but that I was a very poor man who needed
sleep, and so good and generous was this old man that my protests seemed
to him nothing but the excuses and shame of poverty. He asked me where I
was going. I said, 'To Rome.' He came out with a lantern to the stable,
and showed me there a manger full of hay,
indicating that I might sleep in it... His candle
flashed upon the great silent oxen standing in rows; their enormous horns,
three times the length of what we know in England, filled me with wonder
... Well! (may it count to me as gain!), rather than seem to offend him I
lay down in that manger, though I had no more desire to sleep than has the
flittermouse in our Sussex gloamings; also I was careful to offer no
money, for that is brutality. When he had left me I took the opportunity
for a little rest, and lay on my back in the hay wide-awake and staring at
The great oxen champed and champed their food with
a regular sound; I remembered the steerage in a liner, the noise of the
sea and the regular screw, for this it exactly resembled. I considered in
the darkness the noble aspect of these beasts as I had seen them in the
lantern light, and I determined when I got to Rome to buy two such horns,
and to bring them to England and have them mounted for drinking
horns--great drinking horns, a yard deep--and to get an engraver to
engrave a motto for each. On the first I would have -
King Alfred was in Wantage born He drank out of a
ram's horn. Here is a better man than he, Who drinks deeper, as you see.
Thus my friends drinking out of it should lift up
their hearts and no longer be oppressed with humility. But on the second I
determined for a rousing Latin thing, such as men shouted round camp fires
in the year 888 or thereabouts; so, the imagination fairly set going and
taking wood-cock's flight, snipe-fashion, zigzag and devil-may
care-for-the-rules, this seemed to suit me -
Salve, cornu cornuum! Cornutorum vis Boûm.
Munus excellent Deûm! Gregis o praesidium! Sitis desiderium! Dignum
cornuum cornu Romae memor salve tu! Tibi cornuum cornuto--
LECTOR. That means nothing
AUCTOR. Shut up!
Tibi cornuum cornuto Tibi clamo, te saluto
Salve cornu cornuum! Fortunatam da Domunt!
And after this cogitation and musing I got up
quietly, so as not to offend the peasant: and I crept out, and so upwards
on to the crest of the hill.
But when, after several miles of climbing, I
neared the summit, it was already beginning to be light. The bareness and
desert grey of the distance I had crossed stood revealed in a colourless
dawn, only the Mont' Amiata, now somewhat to the northward, was more
gentle, and softened the scene with distant woods. Between it and this
height ran a vague river-bed as dry as the stones of a salt beach.
The sun rose as I passed under the ruined walls of
the castle. In the little town itself, early as was the hour, many people
were stirring. One gave me good-morning--a man of singular character, for
here, in the very peep of day, he was sitting on a doorstep, idle, lazy
and contented, as though it was full noon. Another was yoking oxen; a
third going out singing to work in the fields.
I did not linger in this crow's nest, but going
out by the low and aged southern gate, another deeper valley, even drier
and more dead than the last, appeared under the rising sun. It was enough
to make one despair! And when I thought of the day's sleep in that
wilderness, of the next night's toil through it--
LECTOR. What about the Brigand of Radicofani of
whom you spoke in Lorraine, and of whom I am waiting to hear?
AUCTOR. What about him? Why, he was captured long
ago, and has since died of old age. I am surprised at your interrupting me
with such questions. Pray ask for no more tales till we get to the really
absorbing story of the Hungry Student.
Well, as I was saying, I was in some despair at
the sight of that valley, which had to be crossed before I could reach the
town of Acquapendente, or Hanging-water, which I knew to lie somewhere on
the hills beyond. The sun was conquering me, and I was looking hopelessly
for a place to sleep, when a cart drawn by two oxen at about one mile an
hour came creaking by. The driver was asleep, his head on the shady side.
The devil tempted me, and without one struggle against temptation, nay
with cynical and congratulatory feelings, I
jumped up behind, and putting my head also on the
shady side (there were soft sacks for a bed) I very soon was pleasantly
We lay side by side for hour after hour, and the
day rose on to noon; the sun beat upon our feet, but our heads were in the
shade and we slept heavily a good and honest sleep: he thinking that he
was alone, but I knowing that I was in company (a far preferable thing),
and I was right and he was wrong. And the heat grew, and sleep came out of
that hot sun more surely than it does out of the night air in the north.
But no dreams wander under the noon.
From time to time one or the other of us would
open our eyes drowsily and wonder, but sleep was heavy on us both, and our
minds were sunk in calm like old hulls in the dark depths of the sea where
there are no storms.
We neither of us really woke until, at the bottom
of the hill which rises into Acquapendente, the oxen stopped. This halt
woke us up; first me and then my companion. He looked at me a moment and
laughed. He seemed to have thought all this while that I was some country
friend of his who had taken a lift; and I, for my part, had made more or
less certain that he was a good fellow who would do me no harm. I was
right, and he was wrong. I knew not what offering to make him to
compensate him for this trouble which his heavy oxen had taken. After some
thought I brought a cigar out of my pocket, which he smoked with extreme
pleasure. The oxen meanwhile had been urged up the slow hill, and it was
in this way that we reached the famous town of Acquapendente. But why it
should be called famous is more than I can understand. It may be that in
one of those narrow streets there is a picture or a church, or one of
those things which so attract unbelieving men. To the pilgrim it is simply
a group of houses. Into one of these I went, and, upon my soul, I have
nothing to say of it except that they furnished me with food.
I do not pretend to have counted the flies, though
they were numerous; and, even had I done so, what interest would the
number have, save to the statisticians? Now as these are patient men and
foolish, I heartily recommend them to go and count the flies for
Leaving this meal then, this town and this people
(which were all of a humdrum sort), and going out by the gate, the left
side of which is made up of a church, I went a little way on the short
road to San Lorenzo, but I had no intention of going far, for (as you know
by this time) the night had become my day and the day my night.
I found a stream running very sluggish between
tall trees, and this sight sufficiently reminded me of my own country to
permit repose. Lying down there I slept till the end of the day, or rather
to that same time of evening which had now become my usual waking hour ...
And now tell me, Lector, shall I
leave out altogether, or shall I give you some
description of, the next few miles to San Lorenzo?
LECTOR. Why, if I were you I would put the matter
shortly and simply, for it is the business of one describing a pilgrimage
or any other matter not to puff himself up with vain conceit, nor to be
always picking about for picturesque situations, but to set down plainly
and shortly what he has seen and heard, describing the whole matter.
AUCTOR. But remember, Lector, that the artist is
known not only by what he puts in but by what he leaves out.
LECTOR. That is all very well for the artist, but
you have no business to meddle with such people.
AUCTOR. How then would you write such a book if
you had the writing of it?
LECTOR. I would not introduce myself at all; I
would not tell stories at random, nor go in for long descriptions of
emotions, which I am sure other men have felt as well as I. I would be
careful to visit those things my readers had already heard of (AUCTOR. The
pictures! the remarkable pictures! All that is meant by culture! The brown
photographs! Oh! Lector, indeed I have done you a wrong!), and I would
certainly not have the bad taste to say anything upon religion. Above all,
I would be terse.
AUCTOR. I see. You would not pile words one on the
other, qualifying, exaggerating, conditioning, superlativing, diminishing,
connecting, amplifying, condensing, mouthing, and glorifying the mere
sound: you would be terse. You should be known for your self-restraint.
There should be no verbosity in your style (God forbid!), still less
pomposity, animosity, curiosity, or ferocity; you would have it neat,
exact, and scholarly, and, above all, chiselled to the nail. A fig (say
you), the pip of a fig, for the rambling style. You would be led into no
hilarity, charity, vulgarity, or barbarity. Eh! my jolly Lector? You would
simply say what you had to say?
LECTOR. Precisely; I would say a plain thing in a
plain way.
AUCTOR. So you think one can say a plain thing in
a plain way? You think that words mean nothing more than themselves, and
that you can talk without ellipsis, and that customary phrases have not
their connotations? You think that, do you? Listen then to the tale of Mr
Benjamin Franklin Hard, a kindly merchant of Cincinnati, O., who had no
particular religion, but who had accumulated a fortune of six hundred
thousand dollars, and who had a horror of breaking the Sabbath. He was not
'a kind husband and a good father,' for he was unmarried; nor had he any
children. But he was all that those words connote.
This man Hard at the age of fifty-four retired
from business, and determined
to treat himself to a visit to Europe. He had not
been in Europe five weeks before he ran bang up against the Catholic
Church. He was never more surprised in his life. I do not mean that I have
exactly weighed all his surprises all his life through. I mean that he was
very much surprised indeed--and that is all that these words connote.
He studied the Catholic Church with extreme
interest. He watched High Mass at several places (hoping it might be
different). He thought it was what it was not, and then, contrariwise, he
thought it was not what it was. He talked to poor Catholics, rich
Catholics, middle-class Catholics, and elusive, wellborn, penniless,
neatly dressed, successful Catholics; also to pompous, vain Catholics;
humble, uncertain Catholics; sneaking, pad-footed Catholics; healthy,
howling, combative Catholics; doubtful, shoulder-shrugging, but devout
Catholics; fixed, crabbed, and dangerous Catholics; easy, jovial, and
shone-upon-by-the-heavenly-light Catholics; subtle Catholics; strange
Catholics, and (quod tibi manifeste absurdum videtur) intellectual,
pince-nez, jejune, twisted, analytical, yellow, cranky, and
introspective Catholics: in fine, he talked to all Catholics. And when I
say 'all Catholics' I do not mean that he talked to every individual
Catholic, but that he got a good, integrative grip of the Church militant,
which is all that the words connote.
Well, this man Hard got to know, among others, a
certain good priest that loved a good bottle of wine, a fine deep dish of
poulet à la casserole, and a kind of egg done with cream in
a little platter; and eating such things, this priest said to him one day:
'Mr Hard, what you want is to read some books on Catholicism.' And Hard,
who was on the point of being received into the Church as the final
solution of human difficulties, thought it would be a very good thing to
instruct his mind before baptism. So he gave the priest a note to a
bookseller whom an American friend had told him of; and this American
friend had said:
'You will find Mr Fingle (for such was the
bookseller's name) a hard-headed, honest, business man. He can say a plain
thing in a plain way?
'Here,' said Mr Hard to the priest, 'is ten
pounds. Send it to this bookseller Fingle and he shall choose books on
Catholicism to that amount, and you shall receive them, and I will come
and read them here with you.'
So the priest sent the money, and in four days the
books came, and Mr Hard and the priest opened the package, and these were
the books inside:
Auricular Confession: a History. By a Brand
Saved from the Burning.
Isabella; or, The Little Female Jesuit. By
Elisha MacNab: a Tale of the French
England and Rome. By the Rev. Ebenezer
Catchpole of Emmanuel, Birmingham.
Nuns and Nunneries. By 'Ruth', with a
Preface by Miss Carran, lately rescued from a Canadian Convent.
History of the Inquisition. By Llorente.
The Beast with Seven Heads; or, the
Apocalyptical Warning.
No Truce with the Vatican.
The True Cause of Irish Disaffection.
Decline of the Latin Nations.
Anglo-Saxons the Chosen Race, and their
connexion with the Ten Lost Tribes: with a map.
Finally, a very large book at the bottom of the
case called Giant Pope.
And it was no use asking for the money back or
protesting. Mr Fingle was an honest, straightforward man, who said a plain
thing in a plain way. They had left him to choose a suitable collection of
books on Catholicism, and he had chosen the best he knew. And thus did Mr
Hard (who has recently given a hideous font to the new Catholic church at
Bismarckville) learn the importance of estimating what words connote.
LECTOR. But all that does not excuse an
intolerable prolixity?
AUCTOR. Neither did I say it did, dear Lector. My
object was merely to get you to San Lorenzo where I bought that wine, and
where, going out of the gate on the south, I saw suddenly the wide lake of
Bolsena all below.
It is a great sheet like a sea; but as one knows
one is on a high plateau, and as there is but a short dip down to it; as
it is round and has all about it a rim of low even hills, therefore one
knows it for an old and gigantic crater now full of pure water; and there
are islands in it and palaces on the islands. Indeed it was an impression
of silence and recollection, for the water lay all upturned to heaven,
and, in the sky above me, the moon at her quarter hung still pale in the
daylight, waiting for glory.
I sat on the coping of a wall, drank a little of
my wine, ate a little bread and sausage; but still song demanded some
outlet in the cool evening, and companionship was more of an appetite in
me than landscape. Please God, I had become southern and took beauty for
Anyhow, seeing a little two-wheeled cart come
through the gate, harnessed to a ramshackle little pony, bony and hard,
and driven by a little, brown, smiling, and contented old fellow with
black hair, I made a sign to him and he stopped.
This time there was no temptation of the devil; if
anything the advance was from my side. I was determined to ride, and I
sprang up beside the driver. We raced down the hill, clattering and
banging and rattling like a piece of ordnance, and he, my brother, unasked
began to sing. I sang in turn. He sang of Italy, I
of four countries: America, France, England, and
Ireland. I could not understand his songs nor he mine, but there was wine
in common between us, and salami and a merry heart, bread which is
the bond of all mankind, and that prime solution of ill-ease--I mean the
forgetfulness of money.
That was a good drive, an honest drive, a human
aspiring drive, a drive of Christians, a glorifying and uplifted drive, a
drive worthy of remembrance for ever. The moon has shone on but few like
it though she is old; the lake of Bolsena has glittered beneath none like
it since the Etruscans here unbended after the solemnities of a triumph.
It broke my vow to pieces; there was not a shadow of excuse for this use
of wheels: it was done openly and wantonly in the face of the wide sky for
pleasure. And what is there else but pleasure, and to what else does
beauty move on? Not I hope to contemplation! A hideous oriental trick! No,
but to loud notes and comradeship and the riot of galloping, and laughter
ringing through old trees. Who would change (says Aristippus of Pslinthon)
the moon and all the stars for so much wine as can be held in the cup of a
bottle upturned? The honest man! And in his time (note you) they did not
make the devilish deep and fraudulent bottoms they do now that cheat you
of half your liquor.
Moreover if I broke my vows (which is a serious
matter), and if I neglected to contemplate the heavens (for which neglect
I will confess to no one, not even to a postulate sub-deacon; it is no
sin; it is a healthy omission), if (I say) I did this, I did what peasants
do. And what is more, by drinking wine and eating pig we proved ourselves
no Mohammedans; and on such as he is sure of, St Peter looks with a kindly
Now, just at the very entry to Bolsena, when we
had followed the lovely lake some time, my driver halted and began to turn
up a lane to a farm or villa; so I, bidding him good-night, crossed a
field and stood silent by the lake and watched for a long time the water
breaking on a tiny shore, and the pretty miniatures of waves. I stood
there till the stars came out and the moon shone fully; then I went
towards Bolsena under its high gate which showed in the darkness, and
under its castle on the rock. There, in a large room which was not quite
an inn, a woman of great age and dignity served me with fried fish from
the lake, and the men gathered round me and attempted to tell me of the
road to Rome, while I in exchange made out to them as much by gestures as
by broken words the crossing of the Alps and the Apennines.
Then, after my meal, one of the men told me I
needed sleep; that there were no rooms in that house (as I said, it was
not an inn), but that across the way he would show me one he had for hire.
I tried to say that my plan was to walk by night. They all assured me he
would charge me a reasonable sum. I insisted
that the day was too hot for walking. They told
me, did these Etruscans, that I need fear no extortion from so honest a
Certainly it is not easy to make everybody
understand everything, and I had had experience already up in the
mountains, days before, of how important it is not to be misunderstood
when one is wandering in a foreign country, poor and ill-clad. I therefore
accepted the offer, and, what was really very much to my regret, I paid
the money he demanded. I even so far fell in with the spirit of the thing
as to sleep a certain number of hours (for after all, my sleep that day in
the cart had been very broken, and instead of resting throughout the whole
of the heat I had taken a meal at Acquapendente). But I woke up not long
after midnight--perhaps between one and two o'clock--and went out along
the borders of the lake.
The moon had set; I wish I could have seen her
hanging at the quarter in the clear sky of that high crater, dipping into
the rim of its inland sea. It was perceptibly cold. I went on the road
quite slowly, till it began to climb, and when the day broke I found
myself in a sunken lane leading up to the town of Montefiascone.
The town lay on its hill in the pale but growing
light. A great dome gave it dignity, and a castle overlooked the lake. It
was built upon the very edge and lip of the volcano-cup commanding either
I climbed up this sunken lane towards it, not
knowing what might be beyond, when, at the crest, there shone before me in
the sunrise one of those unexpected and united landscapes which are among
the glories of Italy. They have changed the very mind in a hundred
northern painters, when men travelled hither to Rome to learn their art,
and coming in by her mountain roads saw, time and again, the set views of
plains like gardens, surrounded by sharp mountain-land and framed.
The road did not pass through the town; the grand
though crumbling gate of entry lay up a short straight way to the right,
and below, where the road continued down the slope, was a level of some
eight miles full of trees diminishing in distance. At its further side an
ample mountain, wooded, of gentle flattened outline, but high and
majestic, barred the way to Rome. It was yet another of those volcanoes,
fruitful after death, which are the mark of Latium: and it held hidden, as
did that larger and more confused one on the rim of which I stood, a lake
in its silent crater. But that lake, as I was to find, was far smaller
than the glittering sea of Bolsena, whose shores now lay behind me.
The distance and the hill that bounded it should
in that climate have stood clear in the pure air, but it was yet so early
that a thin haze hung over the earth, and the sun had not yet controlled
it: it was even chilly. I could not catch the
towers of Viterbo, though I knew them to stand at
the foot of the far mountain. I went down the road, and in half-an-hour or
so was engaged upon the straight line crossing the plain.
I wondered a little how the road would lie with
regard to the town, and looked at my map for guidance, but it told me
little. It was too general, taking in all central Italy, and even large
places were marked only by small circles.
When I approached Viterbo I first saw an
astonishing wall, perpendicular to my road, untouched, the bones of the
Middle Ages. It stood up straight before one like a range of cliffs,
seeming much higher than it should; its hundred feet or so were
exaggerated by the severity of its stones and by their sheer fall. For
they had no ornament whatever, and few marks of decay, though many of age.
Tall towers, exactly square and equally bare of carving or machicolation,
stood at intervals along this forbidding defence and flanked its curtain.
Then nearer by, one saw that it was not a huge castle, but the wall of
a city, for at a corner it went sharp round to
contain the town, and through one uneven place I saw houses. Many men were
walking in the roads alongside these walls, and there were gates pierced
in them whereby the citizens went in and out of the city as bees go in and
out of the little opening in a hive.
But my main road to Rome did not go through
Viterbo, it ran alongside of the eastern wall, and I debated a little with
myself whether I would go in or no. It was out of my way, and I had not
entered Montefiascone for that reason. On the other hand, Viterbo was a
famous place. It is all very well to neglect Florence and Pisa because
they are some miles off the straight way, but Viterbo right under one's
hand it is a pity to miss. Then I needed wine and food for the later day
in the mountain. Yet, again, it was getting hot. It was past eight, the
mist had long ago receded, and I feared delay. So I mused on the white
road under the tall towers and dead walls of Viterbo, and ruminated on an
unimportant thing. Then curiosity did what reason could not do, and I
entered by a gate.
The streets were narrow, tortuous, and alive, all
shaded by the great houses, and still full of the cold of the night. The
noise of fountains echoed in them, and the high voices of women and the
cries of sellers. Every house had in it something fantastic and peculiar;
humanity had twined into this place like a natural growth, and the
separate thoughts of men, both those that were alive there and those dead
before them, had decorated it all. There were courtyards with blinding
whites of sunlit walls above, themselves in shadow; and there were many
carvings and paintings over doors. I had come into a great living place
after the loneliness of the road.
There, in the first wide street I could find, I
bought sausage and bread and a great bottle of wine, and then quitting
Viterbo, I left it by the same gate and took the road.
For a long while yet I continued under the walls,
noting in one place a thing peculiar to the Middle Ages, I mean the apse
of a church built right into the wall as the old Cathedral of St Stephen's
was in Paris. These, I suppose, enemies respected if they could; for I
have noticed also that in castles the chapel is not hidden, but stands out
from the wall. So be it. Your fathers and mine were there in the fighting,
but we do not know their names, and I trust and hope yours spared the
altars as carefully as mine did.
The road began to climb the hill, and though the
heat increased--for in Italy long before nine it is glaring noon to us
northerners (and that reminds me: your fathers and mine, to whom allusion
has been made above {as they say in the dull history books--[LECTOR. How
many more interior brackets are we to have? Is this algebra? AUCTOR. You
yourself, Lector, are responsible for the
worst.]} your fathers and mine coming down into
this country to fight, as was their annual custom, must have had a plaguy
time of it, when you think that they could not get across the Alps till
summer-time, and then had to hack and hew, and thrust and dig, and slash
and climb, and charge and puff, and blow and swear, and parry and receive,
and aim and dodge, and butt and run for their lives at the end, under an
unaccustomed sun. No wonder they saw visions, the dear people! They are
dead now, and we do not even know their names.)--Where was I?
LECTOR. You were at the uninteresting remark that
the heat was increasing.
AUCTOR. Precisely. I remember. Well, the heat was
increasing, but it seemed far more bearable than it had been in the
earlier places; in the oven of the Garfagnana or in the deserts of Siena.
For with the first slopes of the mountain a forest of great chestnut trees
appeared, and it was so cool under these that there was even moss, as
though I were back again in my own country where there are full rivers in
summer-time, deep meadows, and all the completion of home.
Also the height may have begun to tell on the air,
but not much, for when the forest was behind me, and when I had come to a
bare heath sloping more gently upwards--a glacis in front of the topmost
bulwark of the round mountain--- I was oppressed with thirst, and though
it was not too hot to sing (for I sang, and two lonely carabinieri passed
me singing, and we recognized as we saluted each other that the mountain
was full of songs), yet I longed for a bench, a flagon, and shade.
And as I longed, a little house appeared, and a
woman in the shade sewing, and an old man. Also a bench and a table, and a
tree over it. There I sat down and drank white wine and water many times.
The woman charged me a halfpenny, and the old man would not talk. He did
not take his old age garrulously. It was his business, not mine; but I
should dearly have liked to have talked to him in Lingua Franca, and to
have heard him on the story of his mountain: where it was haunted, by
what, and on which nights it was dangerous to be abroad. Such as it was,
there it was. I left them, and shall perhaps never see them again.
The road was interminable, and the crest, from
which I promised myself the view of the crater-lake, was always just
before me, and was never reached. A little spring, caught in a hollow log,
refreshed a meadow on the right. Drinking there again, I wondered if I
should go on or rest; but I was full of antiquity, and a memory in the
blood, or what not, impelled me to see the lake in the crater before I
went to sleep: after a few hundred yards this obsession was satisfied.
I passed between two banks, where the road had
been worn down at the crest of the volcano's rim; then at once, far below,
in a circle of silent trees with here and there a vague shore of marshy
land, I saw the Pond of Venus: some miles of brooding water, darkened by
the dark slopes around it. Its darkness recalled the dark time before the
dawn of our saved and happy world.
At its hither end a hill, that had once been a
cone in the crater, stood out all covered with a dense wood. It was the
Hill of Venus.
There was no temple, nor no sacrifice, nor no
ritual for the Divinity, save this solemn attitude of perennial silence;
but under the influence which still remained and gave the place its
savour, it was impossible to believe that the gods were dead. There were
no men in that hollow; nor was there any memory of men, save of men dead
these thousands of years. There was no life of visible things. The mind
released itself and was in touch with whatever survives of conquered but
immortal Spirits.
Thus ready for worship, and in a mood of
adoration; filled also with the genius which inhabits its native place and
is too subtle or too pure to suffer the effect of time, I passed down the
ridge-way of the mountain rim, and came to the edge overlooking that arena
whereon was first fought out and decided the chief destiny of the world.
For all below was the Campagna. Names that are at
the origin of things attached to every cleft and distant rock beyond the
spreading level, or sanctified the gleams of rivers. There below me was
Veii; beyond, in the Wall of the Apennines, only just escaped from clouds,
was Tibur that dignified the ravine at the edge of their rising; that
crest to the right was Tusculum, and far to the south, but clear, on a
mountain answering my own, was the mother of the City, Alba Longa. The
Tiber, a dense, brown fog rolling over and concealing it, was the god of
the wide plain.
There and at that moment I should have seen the
City. I stood up on the bank and shaded my eyes, straining to catch the
dome at least in the sunlight; but I could not, for Rome was hidden by the
low Sabinian hills.
Soracte I saw there--Soracte, of which I had read
as a boy. It stood up like an acropolis, but it was a citadel for no city.
It stood alone, like that soul which once haunted its recesses and
prophesied the conquering advent of the northern kings. I saw the fields
where the tribes had lived that were the first enemies of the imperfect
state, before it gave its name to the fortunes of the Latin race.
Dark Etruria lay behind me, forgotten in the
backward of my march: a furnace and a riddle out of which religion came to
the Romans--a place that has left no language. But below me, sunlit and
easy (as it seemed in the cooler
air of that summit), was the arena upon which were
first fought out the chief destinies of the world.
And I still looked down upon it, wondering.
Was it in so small a space that all the legends of
one's childhood were acted? Was the defence of the bridge against so
neighbouring and petty an alliance? Were they peasants of a group of huts
that handed down the great inheritance of discipline, and made an iron
channel whereby, even to us, the antique virtues could descend as a living
memory? It must be so; for the villages and ruins in one landscape
comprised all the first generations of the history of Rome. The stones we
admire, the large spirit of the last expression came from that rough
village and sprang from the broils of that one plain; Rome was most
vigorous before it could speak. So a man's verse, and all he has, are but
the last outward appearance, late and already rigid, of an earlier, more
plastic, and diviner fire.
'Upon this arena,' I still said to myself, 'were
first fought out the chief destinies of the world'; and so, played upon by
an unending theme, I ate and drank in a reverie, still wondering, and then
lay down beneath the shade of a little tree that stood alone upon that
edge of a new world. And wondering, I fell asleep under the morning sun.
But this sleep was not like the earlier oblivions
that had refreshed my ceaseless journey, for I still dreamt as I slept of
what I was to see, and visions of action without thought--pageants and
mysteries--surrounded my spirit; and across the darkness of a mind remote
from the senses there passed whatever is wrapped up in the great name of
When I woke the evening had come. A haze had
gathered upon the plain. The road fell into Ronciglione, and dreams
surrounded it upon every side. For the energy of the body those hours of
rest had made a fresh and enduring
vigour; for the soul no rest was needed. It had
attained, at least for the next hour, a vigour that demanded only the
physical capacity of endurance; an eagerness worthy of such great
occasions found a marching vigour for its servant.
In Ronciglione I saw the things that Turner drew;
I mean the rocks from which a river springs, and houses all massed
together, giving the steep a kind of crown. This also accompanied that
picture, the soft light which mourns the sun and lends half-colours to the
world. It was cool, and the opportunity beckoned. I ate and drank, asking
every one questions of Rome, and I passed under their great gate and
pursued the road to the plain. In the mist, as it rose, there rose also a
passion to achieve.
All the night long, mile after mile, I hurried
along the Cassian Way. For five days I had slept through the heat, and the
southern night had become my daytime; and though the mist was dense, and
though the moon, now past her quarter, only made a vague place in heaven,
yet expectation and fancy took more than the place of sight. In this fog I
felt with every step of the night march the approach to the goal.
Long past the place I had marked as a halt, long
past Sette Vene, a light blurred upon the white wreaths of vapour; distant
songs and the noise of men feasting ended what had been for many, many
hours--for more than twenty miles of pressing forward--an exaltation
worthy of the influence that bred it. Then came on me again, after the
full march, a necessity for food and for repose. But these things, which
have been the matter of so much in this book, now seemed subservient only
to the reaching of an end; they were left aside in the mind.
It was an inn with trellis outside making an
arbour. In the yard before it many peasants sat at table; their beasts and
waggons stood in the roadway, though, at this late hour, men were feeding
some and housing others. Within, fifty men or more were making a meal or a
What feast or what necessity of travel made them
keep the night alive I neither knew nor asked; but passing almost
unobserved amongst them between the long tables, I took my place at the
end, and the master served me with good food and wine. As I ate the
clamour of the peasants sounded about me, and I mixed with the energy of
With a little difficulty I made the master
understand that I wished to sleep till dawn. He led me out to a small
granary (for the house was full), and showed me where I should sleep in
the scented hay. He would take no money for such a lodging, and left me
after showing me how the door latched and unfastened; and out of so many
men, he was the last man whom I thanked for a service until I passed the
gates of Rome.
Above the soft bed which the hay made, a square
window, unglazed, gave upon the southern night; the mist hardly drifted in
or past it, so still was the air. I watched it for a while drowsily; then
sleep again fell on me.
But as I slept, Rome, Rome still beckoned me, and
I woke in a struggling light as though at a voice calling, and slipping
out I could not but go on to the end.
The small square paving of the Via Cassia, all
even like a palace floor, rang under my steps. The parched banks and
strips of dry fields showed through the fog (for its dampness did not cure
the arid soil of the Campagna). The sun rose and the vapour lifted. Then,
indeed, I peered through the thick air--but still I could see nothing of
my goal, only confused folds of brown earth and burnt-up grasses, and
farther off rare and un-northern trees.
I passed an old tower of the Middle Ages that was
eaten away at its base by time or the quarrying of men; I passed a
divergent way on the right where a wooden sign said 'The Triumphal Way',
and I wondered whether it could be the road where ritual had once ordained
that triumphs should go. It seemed lonely and lost, and divorced from any
approach to sacred hills.
The road fell into a hollow where soldiers were
manoeuvring. Even these could not arrest an attention that was fixed upon
the approaching revelation. The road climbed a little slope where a branch
went off to the left, and where there was a house and an arbour under
vines. It was now warm day; trees of great height stood shading the sun;
the place had taken on an appearance
of wealth and care. The mist had gone before I
reached the summit of the rise.
There, from the summit, between the high villa
walls on either side--at my very feet I saw the City.
And now all you people whatsoever that are
presently reading, may have read, or shall in the future read, this my
many-sided but now-ending book; all you also that in the mysterious
designs of Providence may not be fated to read it for some very long time
to come; you then I say, entire, englobed, and universal race of men both
in gross and regardant, not only living and seeing the sunlight, but dead
also under the earth; shades, or to come in procession afterwards out of
the dark places into the day for a little, swarms of you, an army without
end; all you black and white, red, yellow and brown, men, women, children
and poets--all of you, wherever you are now, or have been, or shall be in
your myriads and deka myriads and hendeka myriads, the time has come when
I must bid you farewell--
Ludisti satis, edisti satis, atque bibisti;
Tempus abire tibi est....
Only Lector I keep by me for a very little while
longer with a special purpose, but even he must soon leave me; for all
good things come to an end, and this book is coming to an end--has come to
an end. The leaves fall, and they are renewed; the sun sets on the Vexin
hills, but he rises again over the woods of Marly. Human companionship
once broken can never be restored, and you and I shall not meet or
understand each other again. It is so of all the poor links whereby we try
to bridge the impassable gulf between soul and soul. Oh! we spin
something, I know, but it is very gossamer, thin and strained, and even if
it does not snap time will at last dissolve it.
Indeed, there is a song on it which you should
know, and which runs--
So my little human race, both you that have read
this book and you that have not, good-bye in charity. I loved you all as I
wrote. Did you all love me as much as I have loved you, by the black stone
of Rennes I should be rich by now. Indeed, indeed, I have loved you all!
You, the workers, all puffed up and dyspeptic and ready for the asylums;
and you, the good-for-nothing lazy drones; you, the strong silent men, who
have heads quite empty, like gourds; and you also, the frivolous, useless
men that chatter and gabble to no purpose all day long. Even you, that,
having begun to read this book, could get no further than page 47, and
especially you who have read it manfully in spite of the flesh, I love you
all, and give you here and now my final, complete, full, absolving, and
comfortable benediction.
To tell the truth, I have noticed one little fault
about you. I will not call it fatuous, inane, and exasperating vanity or
self-absorption; I will put it in the form of a parable. Sit you round
attentively and listen, dispersing yourselves all in order, and do not
crowd or jostle.
Once, before we humans became the good and
self-respecting people we are, the Padre Eterno was sitting in heaven with
St Michael beside him, and He watched the abyss from His great throne, and
saw shining in the void one far point of light amid some seventeen million
others, and He said:
'What is that?'
And St Michael answered:
'That is the Earth,' for he felt some pride in it.
'The Earth?' said the Padre Eterno, a little
puzzled . . . 'The Earth? ...?... I do not remember very exactly . . .'
'Why,' answered St Michael, with as much reverence
as his annoyance could command, 'surely you must recollect the Earth and
all the pother there was in heaven when it was first suggested to create
it, and all about Lucifer--'
'Ah!' said the Padre Eterno, thinking twice, 'yes.
It is attached to Sirius, and--'
'No, no,' said St Michael, quite visibly put out.
'It is the Earth. The Earth which has that changing moon and the thing
called the sea.'
'Of course, of course,' answered the Padre Eterno
quickly, 'I said Sirius by a slip of the tongue. Dear me! So that is the
Earth! Well, well! It is years ago now ... Michael, what are those little
things swarming up and down all over it?'
'Those,' said St Michael, 'are Men.'
'Men?' said the Padre Eterno, 'Men ... I know the
word as well as any one, but somehow the connexion escapes me. Men ...'
and He mused.
St Michael, with perfect self-restraint, said a
few things a trifle staccato, defining Man, his dual destiny, his hope of
heaven, and all the great business in which he himself had fought hard.
But from a fine military tradition, he said nothing of his actions, nor
even of his shrine in Normandy, of which he is naturally extremely proud:
and well he may be. What a hill!
'I really beg your pardon,' said the Padre Eterno,
when he saw the importance attached to these little creatures. 'I am sure
they are worthy of the very fullest attention, and' (he added, for he was
sorry to have offended) 'how sensible they seem, Michael! There they go,
buying and selling, and sailing, driving, and wiving, and riding, and
dancing, and singing, and the rest of it; indeed, they are most practical,
business-like, and satisfactory little beings. But I notice one odd thing.
Here and there are some not doing as the rest, or attending to their
business, but throwing themselves into all manner of attitudes, making the
most extraordinary sounds, and clothing themselves in the quaintest of
garments. What is the meaning of that?'
'Sire!' cried St Michael, in a voice that shook
the architraves of heaven, 'they are worshipping You!'
'Oh! they are worshipping me! Well, that is
the most sensible thing I have heard of them yet, and I altogether commend
them. Continuez,' said the Padre Eterno, 'continuez!'
And since then all has been well with the world;
at least where Us continuent.
And so, carissimi, multitudes, all of you
good-bye; the day has long dawned on the Via Cassia, this dense mist has
risen, the city is before me, and I am on the threshold of a great
experience; I would rather be alone. Good-bye my readers; good-bye the
At the foot of the hill I prepared to enter the
city, and I lifted up my heart.
There was an open space; a tramway: a tram upon it
about to be drawn by two lean and tired horses whom in the heat many flies
disturbed. There was dust on everything around.
A bridge was immediately in front. It was adorned
with statues in soft stone, half-eaten away, but still gesticulating in
corruption, after the manner of the
seventeenth century. Beneath the bridge there
tumbled and swelled and ran fast a great confusion of yellow water: it was
the Tiber. Far on the right were white barracks of huge and of hideous
appearance; over these the Dome of St Peter's rose and looked like
something newly built. It was of a delicate blue, but made a metallic
contrast against the sky.
Then (along a road perfectly straight and bounded
by factories, mean houses and distempered walls: a road littered with many
scraps of paper, bones, dirt, and refuse) I went on for several hundred
yards, having the old wall of Rome before me all this time, till I came
right under it at last; and with the hesitation that befits all great
actions I entered, putting the right foot first lest I should bring
further misfortune upon that capital of all our fortunes.
And so the journey ended.
It was the Gate of the Poplar--not of the People.
(Ho, Pedant! Did you think I missed you, hiding and lurking there?) Many
churches were to hand; I took the most immediate, which stood just within
the wall and was called Our Lady of the People--(not 'of the Poplar'.
Another fall for the learned! Professor, things go ill with you to-day!).
Inside were many fine pictures, not in the niminy-piminy manner, but
strong, full-coloured, and just.
To my chagrin, Mass was ending. I approached a
priest and said to him:
'Pater, quando vel a quella hora e la prossimma
'Ad nonas,' said he.
'Pol! Hercle!' (thought I), 'I have yet
twenty minutes to wait! Well, as a pilgrimage cannot be said to be over
till the first Mass is heard in Rome, I have twenty minutes to add to my
So, passing an Egyptian obelisk which the great
Augustus had nobly dedicated to the Sun, I entered....
LECTOR. But do you intend to tell us nothing of
AUCTOR. Nothing, dear Lector.
LECTOR. Tell me at least one thing; did you see
the Coliseum?
AUCTOR. ... I entered a cafe at the right hand of
a very long, straight street, called for bread, coffee, and brandy, and
contemplating my books and worshipping my staff that had been friends of
mine so long, and friends like all true friends inanimate, I spent the few
minutes remaining to my happy, common, unshriven, exterior, and natural
life, in writing down this
In these boots, and with this staff Two hundred
leaguers and a half--
(That means, two and a half hundred leagues. You
follow? Not two hundred and one half league.... Well--)
Two hundred leaguers and a half
Walked I, went I, paced I, tripped I,
Marched I, held I, skelped I, slipped
Pushed I, panted, swung and dashed I;
Picked I, forded, swam and splashed I,
Strolled I, climbed I, crawled and scrambled,
Dropped and dipped I, ranged and rambled;
Plodded I, hobbled I, trudged and
tramped I,
And in lonely spinnies camped I,
And in haunted pinewoods slept I,
Lingered, loitered, limped and crept I,
Clambered, halted, stepped and leapt I;
Slowly sauntered, roundly strode I,
And ... (Oh! Patron saints and Angels
That protect the four evangels!
And you Prophets vel majores
incerti, vel minores,
Virgines ac confessores
Chief of whose
peculiar glories
Est in Aula Regis stare
Atque orare et exorare
Et clamare et conclamare
Clamantes cum clamoribus
Pro nobis
Let me not conceal it... Rode I.
who but critics could complain
Of 'riding' in a railway train?) Across
the valleys and the high-land,
With all the world on either hand.
Drinking when I had a mind to,
Singing when I felt inclined to;
Nor ever turned my face to home
Till I had slaked my heart at Rome.
LECTOR. But this is dogg--
AUCTOR. Not a word!