The Project Gutenberg eBook of Rada: A Drama of War in One Act This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Rada: A Drama of War in One Act Author: Alfred Noyes Release date: April 1, 2004 [eBook #12220] Most recently updated: December 14, 2020 Language: English Credits: Produced by Juliet Sutherland, Juliet Sutherland, Charles M. Bidwell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK RADA: A DRAMA OF WAR IN ONE ACT *** Produced by Juliet Sutherland, Juliet Sutherland, Charles M. Bidwell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. RADA _A DRAMA OF WAR IN ONE ACT_ BY ALFRED NOYES Author of "The Wine Press," "Tales of the Mermaid Tavern," Etc. 1913 PERSONS OF THE PLAY RADA, _wife of the village doctor_. SUBKA, _her daughter, aged twelve_. ARRAM } _two hostile soldiers quartered_ MICHAEL } _in her house, in time of war_. NANKO, _a half-witted schoolmaster_. Several soldiers. THE SCENE is in the Balkans, in a village which has just been taken by the enemy, on Christmas Eve. RADA SCENE--_A guest-chamber, the typical living-room of a prosperous village doctor in the Balkans. On the left, a small window and an entrance door. On the right, a door leading into a bedroom. At the back, an open fire of logs is burning brightly. Over the fireplace is the eikonostasis, with three richly coloured and gilded eikons, the central one of the Madonna. The light, which is never allowed to go out, is burning before it. The room is lit at present only by this, the fire-light, and two candles in brass candlesticks on a black wooden table under the window. Rows of porcelain plates round the walls gleam fitfully. On either side of the eikonostasis is a large chibouk, with inlaid bowl and amber mouth-piece. There is a divan with scarlet rugs flung across it to the right of the fire; and there are several skins and rugs on the floor. Two Roumanian soldiers_, ARRAM_ and _MICHAEL, are seated at the table, drinking_. RADA, _a dark handsome woman, sits weeping with her head bowed in her hands, on the divan_. NANKO, _the idiot, sits on the floor, rubbing his hands, snapping his fingers, chuckling to himself, and staring into the fire_. ARRAM Look here, my girl, where's the use of snivelling? You ought to think yourself damned lucky to be alive. RADA O my God! My God! MICHAEL This is war, this is! And you can't expect war to be all cakes and cream. [_They laugh and drink_.] ARRAM You ought to think yourself damned lucky to be alive, and have two men quartered on you instead of one. If your husband and the rest of the villagers hadn't made such a disturbance, _they_ might have been alive, too. NANKO Exactly! Exactly! I used to be a schoolmaster, you know, in the old days; and, if you knew what I know, you'd understand, my dear, it's entirely a question of the survival of the fittest! The survival of the fittest! That's what it is. ARRAM Wouldn't they have done the same to us, if they'd had the chance? We've got women and children at home snivelling and saying, "O my God, O my God," just like you. Don't you trouble about God. What can _He_ do when both sides go down on their marrow-bones? He can't make both sides win, can He? RADA O God! God! God! MICHAEL [_Getting up and standing in front of her_.] Look here. We've had enough of this music. We've been cutting throats all day, and now we want to unbuckle a bit. There'll be hell to pay when the other boys come back. A pretty wild-goose chase you've sent them on, too, with your tale about the old Jew's money-bags. What was the game? You seemed mighty anxious to wheedle us all out of the house; and you'd never get out of the village alive to-night. Listen to that! [_There is an uproar outside, a shot, and a woman's scream, followed by the terrified cry of a child_: "Ah! Ah! Father!"] ARRAM The men are mad with zaki and blood and--other things. There's no holding them in, even from the children. What chance would there be for a fine-looking wench like yourself? MICHAEL Don't tell me you were going out into that? [_He points in the direction of the uproar_.] Something to hide on the spot, eh? Well, now you've got the others out of the way, we're going to have a look. What's in there? [_He points to the little door on the left_.] RADA [_Rising to her feet slowly, steadying herself with one hand against the wall, and fixing her eyes on his face_.] This is war, isn't it? If I choose to revenge myself on those I hate-- listen to me. I suppose you--want money. And I can tell you where to find it. ARRAM Another wild-goose chase to the other end of the valley? RADA No. In the old mill-house. Not a hundred yards away. Money, money enough to make us all rich. But [_a cunning expression comes into her face_] if I tell you where to find it, you must come back and give me my share. MICHAEL [_Staring at her._] Another pack of lies! What are you up to, eh? ARRAM It's been too much for her nerves. Don't worry her, or she'll go out of her mind, and then there'll be nobody to get us our supper. NANKO That _would_ be selfish, Rada. You know it's Christmas Eve. Nobody ought to think of unpleasant things on Christmas Eve. I don't think it's right to spoil people's pleasure on Christmas Eve. What have you done with the Christmas tree, Rada? ARRAM And who's to blame? That's what I want to know. You don't blame _us_, do you? Why, as likely as not, we shall be fighting on _your_ side against somebody else before next Christmas. MICHAEL What have you got in there? [_He points to the door on the left again and advances toward it._] RADA [_Hurriedly and as if misunderstanding him, opens a cupboard between him and the door._] Food! Food! Food for hungry men! Food enough for a wolf-pack. Come on, help yourselves! MICHAEL Holy St. Peter, what a larder! Look at this, Arram. Here's a dinner for forty men. RADA [_Laughing wildly._] Better take your pick before the others come. It's our Christmas dinner. [_She thrusts dishes into _MICHAEL'S_ hands and begins loading the table with food._] NANKO If you happen to have any crystallized plums there, Rada, you might give me one. ARRAM Lord, what a sight for hungry soldiers! We're in luck's way. Here, fetch me a bowl of water! I'm hungry; but there are times when you can't enjoy food without washing your hands. [RADA _hesitates, then goes out of the room._ ARRAM _holds out a ring to_ MICHAEL.] Her husband's ring. I got it off his finger When he went down. He lay there on his back Howling like a wolf, with his belly blown out. I put him out of his misery. Look at my hands. Ugh! I want to wash. [NANKO _rises and peers at them._] NANKO Ah, but they're red. Red, aren't they? And there's red on your coat, too. [_He fingers it curiously._] I suppose that's blood, eh? People are such cowards. Many of them never seem to understand That man's a fighting animal. They're afraid, Dreadfully afraid of the sight of blood. I think it's a beautiful colour, beautiful! You know, in the Old Testament, they used To splash it on the door-posts. ARRAM [_Pushing him off._] Go and sit down, You crazy old devil! [RADA _enters with a bowl of water, sets it on a bench and returns to her place_. ARRAM _washes his hands._] MICHAEL My hands want washing, too. O Lord, you've turned the water into wine! Fetch me some fresh. [RADA _approaches, stares at the bowl and moves back, swaying a little, as if faint._] ARRAM [Roughly] I'll empty it. Give it to me. [_He goes out_] NANKO The Old Testament, you know, is full of it. _Who is this_, it says, _that cometh from Edom In dyed garments from Bozrah_? It was blood That dyed their garments. And in _Revelations_ Blood came out of the wine-press, till it splashed The bridles of the horses; and the seas Were all turned into blood. Doesn't that show That man's a fighting animal? MICHAEL [_Goes to the door on the right and tries to open it._] What's in here? RADA [_Thrusting herself between him and the door._] No! No! Don't go in there! Don't go in there! MICHAEL So that's the treasury, is it? Loot? More loot? What is it? The family stocking? [ARRAM _enters with the bowl and sets it down. Then goes to the table and begins eating._] NANKO O, no! no! The stocking is in the chimney-corner, see! [_He shakes the empty stocking that hangs in the fireplace._] All ready for Santa Claus. It's a new custom. They do it in Germany. The children, there, Believe that Santa Claus comes down the chimney. The doctor studied in Germany, you know. MICHAEL O, ho! So that's the trouble! A little girl, Rada, a little girl? Well, Santa Claus Must wash his hands. We mustn't frighten her. RADA It _is_ my little girl. She's twelve years old. Don't wake her. She has slept all through this night. Help me to save her. I'll do anything for you, Anything! Only help me to get her away Safely. I'll pray for you every night of my life. I'll----- [_The door opens behind her, and_ SUBKA, _in her night-dress, steals into the room._] SUBKA Ah, I knew it couldn't be Santa Claus. ARRAM What? Don't you know me? I came down the chimney. SUBKA I don't see any soot upon your face. [_She goes nearer._] Nor on your clothes. That's red paint, isn't it? ARRAM Can't help it. Santa Claus--that is my name. What's yours? SUBKA Mine? Subka! ARRAM I've a little girl At home called Subka! Just about your age. SUBKA You didn't come down the chimney. [_To_ MICHAEL.] He didn't, did he? [_She runs to the stocking and examines it._] There's nothing in the stocking. ARRAM Ah, Subka, That remains to be seen; that remains to be seen. SUBKA [_Pointing to_ MICHAEL.] Well, who is that? ARRAM The man that carries my bag. SUBKA [_With a sudden note of fear in her voice._] Mother, where's Father? RADA [_Putting her arm round her._] He will soon be here. It's all right, darling. SUBKA Has the gramophone come? RADA Yes, darling, long ago. SUBKA You never told me. NANKO That was a secret, Subka, a great secret. SUBKA I thought, perhaps, you were getting the Christmas tree ready. Can't we? Father won't mind. NANKO [_Putting the Christmas tree out from the corner._] Ah, here it is. Now that's a good idea. It's Christmas Eve. We'll get it ready. ARRAM Here, put it on the table. NANKO What shall we hang on it? MICHAEL What do you think Of that, now? [_He hangs a revolver on the tree._] SUBKA [_Clapping her hands._] O! O! What a great big pistol! That'll be Father's present! And now what else? What else? ARRAM Well, Subka, what do you say to a ring? How prettily it hangs upon the bough! See, Subka! SUBKA Why, it's just like Father's ring! ARRAM [_Striking a light._] And now we'll light the candles. NANKO [_Clapping his hands and dancing._] Yes that's right! Light all the little candles on the tree! O, doesn't the pistol shine, doesn't the ring Glitter! SUBKA But O, it _is_ like Father's ring. He had a little piece of Mother's hair Plaited inside it, just like that. It _is_ My father's ring! RADA No. There are many others Just like it, Subka,--hundreds, hundreds of others. MICHAEL And now, what's in that package over there? SUBKA The gramophone! O, that's the gramophone! That's Father's Christmas present to us all. NANKO O, what a wonderful man the doctor was. Nobody else, in these parts, would have thought Of buying a gramophone. Let's open it! SUBKA Yes! Yes! And we'll give Father a surprise. It shall be playing a tune when he comes in. [ARRAM _opens the package_. NANKO _capers round, rubbing his hands._] NANKO O, this will be a merry Christmas Eve. There now--just see how this kind gentleman Has opened the package for us. Doesn't it show The value of training, military training? That's what we want. It benefits the health. Sets a man up. Look at old Peter's legs, He's a disgrace to the nation, a disgrace! Nobody shoots him, either. So he spoils Everything; for you know, you must admit, Subka, that war means natural selection, Survival of the fittest, don't you see? For instance, _I_ survive, and _you_ survive; Don't we? So Peter shouldn't spoil it all. They say that all the tall young men in France Were killed in the Napoleonic wars, So that most Frenchmen at the present day Are short and fat. Isn't that funny, Subka? [_She laughs._] Which shows us that tall men are not required To-day. So nobody knows. Perhaps thin legs Like Peter's may be useful after all In aeroplanes or something. Every ounce Makes a great difference there. Nobody knows. It's natural selection, after all. Survival of the fittest! Don't you see? Ah, now the gramophone's ready. Make it play "Proud Nikephor Determined!" MICHAEL [_Taking out a record._] Why, look here! Here is the tune for Christmas Eve. ARRAM [_While he speaks he looks to outer door, and draws a curtain over the window._] Don't do it! Don't start it playing if you want to keep This Christmas party to ourselves, my boy. The men are mad with drink and--other things. Look here, Michael, what are we going to do About this youngster, eh? MICHAEL Better keep quiet Till morning. When the men have slept it off They'll stand a better chance of slipping away. NANKO O, what a pity, Subka! I did think That we should have some music. Well--I know! Tell us the Christmas piece you learned in school. That's right! Stand there! No! Stand up on the bench. Your mother tells me that you won the prize For learning it so beautifully, Subka. That's right. These good kind gentlemen shall hear Your Christmas piece. SUBKA It's about the first Christmas. [_Her hands behind her as if in school, she obeys him._] She laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, "Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." [_There is silence for a moment, then the sound of a pistol shot, a scream, and a roar of drunken laughter without, followed by a furious pounding on the outer door._] ARRAM Here, Michael, what the devil are we to do About this child? [_He calls through the door._] Clear out of this! The house Is full! We want to sleep. [_There is a louder shout outside, and the pounding is resumed._] Bundle the child Into that room, woman, at once! [RADA _snatches the revolver from the Christmas tree and hurries_ SUBKA _into the room on the right, just as the outer door bursts open and a troop of drunken soldiers appear on the threshold, shouting and furious with drink._] FIRST SOLDIER Come on! They're in that room. I saw them! The only skirts Left in the village. Come, it's Christmas Eve, Comrades. You've had your fun. ARRAM Clear out of this, We want to sleep. SECOND SOLDIER Well, hand the women over. MICHAEL There are no women here. FIRST SOLDIER You bloody wolf, I saw them! NANKO Come! Come! Come! It's Christmas Eve. SECOND SOLDIER Well--if there are no women--where's the harm In letting us poor soldiers take a squint Thro' yonder door. My God, we'll do it, too. Come on, my boys! [_They make a rush towards the room._] NANKO Be careful! Or you'll smash The Christmas tree! You'll smash the gramophone! [_A soldier tries the door on the right. Suddenly it is opened from within_ and RADA _appears on the threshold with the revolver in her hand._] FIRST SOLDIER Liars! Liars! RADA There is one woman here, One woman and a child---- And war they tell me is a noble thing; It is the mother of heroic deeds, The nurse of honour, manhood. SECOND SOLDIER Christ, a speech! RADA Yes, and your training benefits your health. NANKO [_Who is crouching over the fire again._] Certainly, Rada! Military training! Life is a battle. RADA You hear, drunk as you are, Up to your necks in blood, you hear this fool, This poor old fool, piping his dreary cry; And through his lips, and through his softening brain, You and the men that buy you, statesmen, kings, Teach the poor sheep of the world that war is good. Go! Take your manhood out of this. Or else---- [_She threatens to shoot._] I have one bullet for the child, and five To share between you and myself! FIRST SOLDIER O, Christ, A speech! [_They fall back before the revolver as she raises it._] RADA If you have children of your own, Listen to me ... The child is twelve years old. She has never had one hard word spoken to her In all her life. FIRST SOLDIER Nor shall she now, by God! Where is she? Bring her out! SECOND SOLDIER Twelve years of age! That's ripe enough for marriage to a soldier. [_They laugh._] FIRST SOLDIER She can't shoot! Look at the way she's holding it! Duck down and make a rush for it! Come on! [_Several of them make a rush_, RADA _steps back and shuts the door in their faces._] SECOND SOLDIER Locked out, by God! We'll have to break it down. MICHAEL She'll keep her word. You'll never get 'em alive. ARRAM Never. I know that kind. You'd better clear out! FIRST SOLDIER Come on! We'll burst the door. [_They put their shoulders to the door and it begins to give_. ARRAM _makes a sign to_ MICHAEL, _urging him to interfere. A revolver shot is heard within. The men pause, and there is another shot._] ARRAM By God, she's done it! [_There is a booming of distant artillery._] MICHAEL Hear that! The enemy! Making a night attack! [_There is a loud bugle call without._] ARRAM There goes the bugle! [_They all rush out, except_ NANKO, _who looks out into the night after them, then closes the outer door, takes a crystallized plum from the table, crosses the room and stares at the floor, near the door on the right._] NANKO [_Calls aloud.]_ Rada, these plums are excellent. Don't you see Life is a battle! Survival of the fittest! Something red again. Trickling under the door? Blood, I suppose. Well, I don't think it's right To spoil a person's pleasure on Christmas Eve. I wonder how the gramophone does work? He said the tune that he was putting in Was just the thing for Christmas Eve. I wonder, I wonder what it was. [_He picks up the box from which the record was taken and reads the title._] "_A Christmas Carol Sung by the monks of St. Peter's monastery At midnight mass, on Christmas Eve_--ADESTE, FIDELES!" Fancy that! How wonderful! A Christmas carol on the gramophone! So all the future ages will be sure To know exactly what religion was. To think we cannot hear it! Well, no matter, These plums _are_ excellent. Everybody's gone. To think _I_ was the fittest, after all! Come, Rada, you're pretending! [_He accidentally starts the gramophone working and jumps back, a little alarmed. He runs to the door and knocks._] Rada! Rada! I've started it! Subka! Subka! Do you hear? The gramophone's working! [_He stoops down and looks at the floor again. The artillery booms like a thunder peal in the distance. Then the gramophone drowns it with the deep voices of the monks, a great chorus, singing_ ADESTE, FIDELES! NANKO _dips his finger in something on the floor and stares at it. A look of horror comes into his face. He stands with his mouth open, listening._] It's true! CAST of the first performance at the Christmas (1913) Festival of THE MACDOWELL CLUB OF NEW YORK CITY RADA _A Drama in One Act by Alfred Noyes_ (A Christmas Tragedy of the Balkans, being a plea for "Peace on earth, good will toward men.") * * * * * PERSONS OF THE PLAY RADA, _wife of the vilage doctor_, Miss Mirzah Cheslir SUBKA, _her daughter, aged twelve_, Miss Lenore Phelps ARRAM, } _two hostile soldiers quartered_ Mr. Henry Hull MICHAEL,} _on her house in time of war_ Mr. Wright Kramer NANKO, _a half-witted schoolmaster_, Mr. Charles White Whittlesey FIRST SOLDIER ....... Mr. Charles Douville Coburn SECOND SOLDIER ...... Mr. Harold Herts {..... Mr. Charles F. Peters OTHER SOLDIERS {..... Mr. Harold Butterfield {..... Mr. W. G. Belew * * * * * SCENE: The living-room of a country doctor in the Balkans, in a village which has just been taken by the enemy. TIME: Christmas Eve. Stage Director, Miss Mary Shaw *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK RADA: A DRAMA OF WAR IN ONE ACT *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg™ electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG™ concept and trademark. Project Gutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if you charge for an eBook, except by following the terms of the trademark license, including paying royalties for use of the Project Gutenberg trademark. If you do not charge anything for copies of this eBook, complying with the trademark license is very easy. 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