The Project Gutenberg eBook of A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales Author: Jonathan Nield Release date: June 1, 1998 [eBook #1359] Most recently updated: April 2, 2015 Language: English Credits: This etext was prepared by Donald Lainson *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A GUIDE TO THE BEST HISTORICAL NOVELS AND TALES *** This etext was prepared by Donald Lainson, A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales by Jonathan Nield "These historical novels have taught all men this truth, which looks like a truism, and yet was as good as unknown to writers of history and others, till so taught: that the bygone ages of the world were actually filled by living men, not by protocols, state-papers, controversies, and abstractions of men." --Carlyle on the Waverley novels. Contents Introduction Pre-Christian Era First Century Second Century Third Century Fourth Century Fifth Century Sixth Century Seventh Century Eighth Century Ninth Century Tenth Century Eleventh Century Twelfth Century Thirteenth Century Fourteenth Century Fifteenth Century Sixteenth Century Seventeenth Century Eighteenth Century Nineteenth Century Supplementary List (Semi-Historical) Suggested Courses of Reading (Juvenile) Bibliography INTRODUCTION. It is not proposed, in these preliminary remarks, to sketch in detail the origin and growth of the Historical Novel; this has already been amply done by Professor Saintsbury and others. I shall be content to approach the subject on its general side, offering, at the same time, some critical suggestions which will, I hope, not be without value to readers of Romance. But, first of all, I must explain how the List which follows came to be compiled, and the object I have in offering it. For many years I have been an assiduous reader of novels and tales in which the historical element appeared, supplementing my own reading in this direction by a careful study of all that I could find in the way of Criticism on such works and their writers. Only in this way could I venture on a selection involving a survey of several thousand volumes! With the above understanding, I can say that no book has been inserted without some reason, while I have made all possible effort to obtain accuracy of description. And this leads me to remark, that just in this process of selection do I claim originality for my List. Nearly twenty years ago an excellent "Descriptive Catalogue of Historical Novels and Tales" was published; Mr. H. Courthope Bowen was the compiler,* and I would here mention my indebtedness to him. In Mr. Bowen's list, however, one finds good and bad alike--all the works of even such moderately endowed writers as G. P. R. James, Ainsworth, Grant, etc., are there set down. It seemed to me that, not only was there room for a new list of Historical Novels (Stevenson, Marion Crawford, Conan Doyle, Weyman, Mason, and a number of more or less capable romancists having come forward in the last twenty years), but, also, that more than ever was there a need for some sort of clue in the search for such books. In the last year or two there has been an almost alarming influx in this department of Fiction, and teachers in schools, besides readers in general, may be glad to be saved a somewhat tedious investigation. * "A Descriptive Catalogue of Historical Novels and Tales, for the use of School Libraries and Teachers of History," compiled and described by H. Courthope Bowen, M. A. (Edward Stanford, 1882.) Having thus attempted to justify the existence of my little "Guide," I pass on to deal with the subject of Historical Fiction itself. Most of us, I suppose, at one time or another have experienced a thrill of interest when some prominent personage, whom we knew well by repute, came before us in the flesh. We watched his manner, and noted all those shades of expression which in another's countenance we should have passed by unheeded. Well, it seems to me that, parallel with this experience, is that which we gain, when, reading some first-rank romance, we encounter in its pages a figure with which History has made us more or less familiar. And I would remark that the great masters do not, as a rule, make that mistake which less skilful writers fall into--the mistake of introducing well-known historical figures too frequently. The Cromwell of "Woodstock" has an element of mystery about him, even while he stands out before our mental vision in bold relief. Had Scott brought him more prominently into the plot, and thus emphasized the fictional aspect of his figure, our interest in the story, as such, might have been sustained, but we should have lost that atmosphere of vraisemblance which, under a more careful reserve, the hand of the master has wrought for us. But it is not only this introduction of personalities which constitutes a novel "historical"; the mere allusion to real events, or the introduction of dates, may give us sufficient ground for identifying the period with which a novel deals. Of course the question as to whether a particular person or event is truly historical, is not always an easy one to answer. By the adaptation in it of some purely mythical character or event, a novel is no more constituted "historical" than is a Fairy-tale by the adaptation of folklore. King Arthur and Robin Hood are unhistorical, and, if I have ventured to insert in my list certain tales which deal with the latter, it is not on that account, but because other figures truly historical (e.g., Richard I.) appear. As there has been some dispute on this question of the Historical Novel proper, I offer the following definition:--A Novel is rendered Historical by the introduction of dates, personages, or events, to which identification can be readily given. I am quite aware that certain well-known novels which give the general atmosphere of a period--such, for example, as Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter" and Mr. Hewlett's "Forest Lovers"--do not come within the scope of my definition; but this is just why I have added a "Supplementary List" of semi-historical tales. And, while I am alluding to this "Supplementary List," I should like to give my reason for omitting from it one remarkable book which has every claim to be considered representative of the mid-nineteenth century. Readers of "John Inglesant" may be reminded that in his interesting preface Mr. Shorthouse alludes to William Smith's philosophical novel--"Thorndale." As a picture of Thought developments in the early Victorian period, the latter work has special historical interest for the philosophical and theological student; in this respect it may be likened to Pater's "Marius the Epicurean," which vividly reproduces the Intellectual ferment of an earlier age. "Thorndale," however, is primarily didactic, and the philosophical dialogues (interesting as these are to the metaphysician) hardly atone to the general reader for an almost entire absence of plot. The above is, doubtless, an altogether extreme instance, but the exclusion of several other works from the category of Romance seems to follow on something like the same grounds. Becker's "Charicles" and "Gallus" are little more than school textbooks, while, turning to a less scholarly quarter, Ainsworth's "Preston Fight," and even his better-known "Guy Fawkes," may be cited as illustrating what Mr. Shorthouse means when he speaks of novels "in which a small amount of fiction has been introduced simply for the purpose of relating History." In all such cases the average novel-reader feels that he has been allured on false pretences. I am well aware that not a few of the books included in my List might be considered to fall under the same ban, but I think it will be found that in most of them there is at least a fair attempt to arouse narrative interest. Coming to the List itself, it will be noticed that I have been somewhat sparing in the books given under the "Pre-Christian" heading. Novels dealing with these very far-off times are apt to be unsatisfactory; the mist in which events and personages are enveloped, takes away from that appearance of reality which is the great charm of the historical novel. We are hardly concerned, in reading "Sarchedon" and similar books, to get away from the purely imaginary pictures which spring from the Novelist's own brain, and the danger is that the very elements which add to our interest in the tale as such, will go far to mislead us in our conception of the period dealt with. There is none of that sense of familiarity which we enjoy when reading a sixteenth or seventeenth century romance; in the latter case, the historical background, being easily perceptible, merges for us with the creations of the author's own imagination. Where the writer of an "ancient" romance happens to be a scholar like Ebers, we feel that--so far at least as historical presentment goes--we cannot be far wrong, but the combination of great scholarship and narrative capacity is, alas, too rare! I have likewise refrained from giving many tales dealing with Early-Christian times. We are here, it must be admitted, on controversial ground, and under the First Century heading I have endeavoured to insert romances of the highest quality only. For instance, I think that Dr. Abbott's "Philochristus" and Wallace's "Ben Hur" ought to satisfy two different types of readers. And this is the place, doubtless, to say that in my lists will be found books of widely differing merit and aim. School teachers, and others in like capacity, will easily discriminate between authors suitable for juvenile or untrained tastes, and authors whose appeal is specially to those of maturer thought and experience. Differing as much in method and style as in choice of period and character type, Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" and George Eliot's "Romola" have at least this in common--they require a very high degree of intelligence for their due appreciation. Who, among those of us with any knowledge of such works, would dream of recommending them to a youthful reader fresh from the perusal of Miss Yonge's "Little Duke," or Captain Marryatt's "Children of the New Forest"? Naturally in a list of this kind there is bound to be very great inequality; certain periods have been wholly ignored by writers of the first rank, while in others we have something like an embarras de richesse. Consequently, I have been compelled, here and there, to insert authors of only mediocre merit. In other cases, again, I have not hesitated to omit works by writers of acknowledged position when these have seemed below the author's usual standard, and where no gap had to be filled. I would instance the James II.- William III. period. Here Stanley Weyman and "Edna Lyall" might have been represented, but, there being no dearth of good novels dealing with both the above reigns, I did not deem it advisable to call in these popular writers at the point which has been very generally considered their lowest. I mention this to show that omissions do not necessarily mean ignorance, though, in covering such an immense ground, I cannot doubt that romances worthy of a place in my list have been overlooked. I think many will be surprised to find how large a proportion of our best writers (English and American) have entered the domain of Historical or Semi-Historical Romance. Scott, Thackeray, Dickens, George Eliot, Charlotte Bronte, George Meredith, R. L. Stevenson, Hawthorne, Peacock, Charles Kingsley, Henry Kingsley, Charles Reade, Anthony Trollope, Mrs. Gaskell, Walter Besant, Lytton, Disraeli, J. H. Newman, J. A. Froude, and Walter Pater--these are a few of the names which appear in the following pages; while Tolstoy, Dumas, Balzac, George Sand, Victor Hugo, De Vigny, Prosper Merimee, Flaubert, Theophile Gautier, Freytag, Scheffel, Hauff, Auerbach, Manzoni, Perez Galdos, Merejkowski, Topelius, Sienkiewicz, and Jokai are, perhaps, the chief amongst those representing Literatures other than our own. "The Last Days of Pompeii," "The Gladiators," "Hypatia," "Harold," "Ivanhoe," "The Talisman," "Maid Marian," "The Last of the Barons," "Quentin Durward," "Romola," "The Cloister and the Hearth," "The Palace of the King," "Westward Ho!", "Kenilworth," "The Chaplet of Pearls," "A Gentleman of France," "John Inglesant," "The Three Musketeers," "Twenty Years After," "Woodstock," "Peveril of the Peak," "Old Mortality," " The Betrothed Lovers" ("I Promessi Sposi"), "Lorna Doone," "The Refugees," "In the Golden Days," "The Courtship of Morice Buckler," "Dorothy Forster," "The Men of the Moss Hags," "Esmond," "The Virginians," "Heart of Midlothian," "Waverley," "The Master of Ballantrae," "Kidnapped," "Catriona," "The Chaplain of the Fleet," "The Seats of the Mighty," "Barnaby Rudge," "A Tale of Two Cities," "War and Peace"--what visions do these mere titles arouse within many of us! And, though most of the books given in my list cannot be described in the same glowing terms as the masterpieces just named, yet many "nests of pleasant thoughts" may be formed through their companionship. Hitherto allusion has been mainly in the direction of modern authors, and I would now say a word or two in regard to those of an earlier period who are also represented. Defoe, Fielding, Richardson, Goldsmith, Smollett, Frances Burney, Samuel Lover, John Galt, Maria Edgeworth, Susan Ferrier, William Godwin, Mary Shelley, Fennimore Cooper, J. G. Lockhart, Leigh Hunt, Thos. Moore, Harriet Martineau, J. L. Motley, Horace Smith, Charles Lever, Meadows Taylor, and Wm. Carleton,--these (in greater or less degree) notable names were bound to have a place; and, coming to less distinguished writers, I may mention the brothers Banim, Gerald Griffin, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Lady Morgan, the sisters Porter, W. G. Simms, George Croly, Albert Smith, G. R. Gleig, W. H. Maxwell, Sir Arthur Helps, Eliot Warburton, Lewis Wingfield, Thomas Miller, C. Macfarlane, Grace Aguilar, Anne Manning, and Emma Robinson (author of "Whitefriars"). To G. P. R. James, Harrison Ainsworth, and James Grant I have previously alluded. It has been my endeavour to choose the best examples of all the above-named novelists--a task rendered specially difficult in some cases by the fact of immense literary output. Doubtless not a few of the works so chosen are open to criticism, but they will at least serve to illustrate certain stages in the growth of Historical Romance. With the exclusion of Mrs. Radcliffe, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Gore, Lady Blessington, Lady Fullerton, Mrs. Bray, and Mrs. Child, few will, I imagine, find fault; but writers like Miss Tucker (A. L. O. E.) and Miss Emily Holt still find so many readers in juvenile quarters, that it has required a certain amount of courage to place them also on my Index Expurgatorius! Turning once again to writers of the sterner sex, I have ruled out C. R. Maturin, G. W. M. Reynolds, and Pierce Egan, Junr.; and (quitting the "sensational" for the "mildly entertaining") out of the Rev. J. M. Neale's many historical tales I have selected only one--"Theodora Phranza," which, besides being well written, has the merit of dealing with a somewhat neglected period. Stories possessing a background of History are to be found in "Tales from Blackwood," as also in "Wilson's Tales of the Borders," but their extremely slight character seemed scarcely to justify insertion; while not even the high literary position attained by him on other grounds reconciled me to either of Allan Cunningham's novels--"Sir Michael Scott" and "Paul Jones." Of the Foreign novelists appearing in my list, several have been already named, but Marchese D'Azeglio, F. D. Guerrazzi, Cesare Cantu, "W. Alexis" (G. Haring), H. Laube, Louise Mulbach (Klara M. Mundt), Nicolas Josika, Viktor Rydberg, Hendrik Conscience, Xavier B. Saintine, Amedee Achard, and "Erckmann-Chatrian" here call for notice as not coming under strictly Contemporary classification. I would forestall the criticism that two writers have been passed over whose fame is greater than any of those just mentioned, viz.: "Stendhal" (Henri Beyle) and Alphonse Daudet. Beyle's "La Chartreuse de Parme," though containing the oft-praised account of Waterloo, is far more Psychological than Historical; and Daudet's "Robert Helmont," while it depicts (under Diary form) certain aspects of the Franco-German War, has hardly any plot running through it. As the Waterloo and Franco-German War periods were amply illustrated in numerous other novels of more assured suitability, I had the less hesitation in deciding against the two works just named. In the selections from Foreign Historical Fiction nothing more has been attempted than to include the leading examples; most of these, it will be found, have been translated into English. Before leaving the subject of older writers, it may be mentioned that not a few of the works chosen to represent them are, at the moment, out of print. To anyone objecting that something ought to have been done to indicate this in each separate case, I would urge that the "out of print" line can never be drawn with precision in view of constant reprints as well as of further extinctions. Perhaps this introduction may be most fitly concluded by something in the nature of apology for Historical Romance itself. Not only has fault been found with the deficiencies of unskilled authors in that department, but the question has been asked by one or two critics of standing--What right has the Historical Novel to exist at all? More often than not, it is pointed out, the Romancist gives us a mass of inaccuracies, which, while they mislead the ignorant (i.e., the majority?), are an unpardonable offence to the historically-minded reader. Moreover, the writer of such Fiction, though he be a Thackeray or a Scott, cannot surmount barriers which are not merely hard to scale, but absolutely impassable. The spirit of a period is like the selfhood of a human being--something that cannot be handed on; try as we may, it is impossible for us to breathe the atmosphere of a bygone time, since all those thousand- and-one details which went to the building up of both individual and general experience, can never be reproduced. We consider (say) the Eighteenth Century from the purely Historical standpoint, and, while we do so, are under no delusion as to our limitations; we know that a few of the leading personages and events have been brought before us in a more or less disjointed fashion, and are perfectly aware that there is room for much discrepancy between the pictures so presented to us (be it with immense skill) and the actual facts as they took place in such and such a year. But, goes on the objector, in the case of a Historical Romance we allow ourselves to be hoodwinked, for, under the influence of a pseudo- historic security, we seem to watch the real sequence of events in so far as these affect the characters in whom we are interested. How we seem to live in those early years of the Eighteenth Century, as we follow Henry Esmond from point to point, and yet, in truth, we are breathing not the atmosphere of Addison and Steele, but the atmosphere created by the brilliant Nineteenth Century Novelist, partly out of his erudite conception of a former period, and partly out of the emotions and thoughts engendered by that very environment which was his own, and from which he could not escape! Well, to all such criticisms it seems to me there are ample rejoinders. In the first place it must be remembered that History itself possesses interest for us more as the unfolding of certain moral and mental developments than as the mere enumeration of facts. Of course, I am aware that the ideal of the Historian is Truth utterly regardless of prejudice and inclination, but, as with all other human ideals, this one is never fully realised, and there is ever that discrepancy between Fact and its Narration to which I just now alluded. This being so, I would ask--Is not the writer of Fiction justified in emphasising those elements of History which have a bearing on life and character in general? There is, doubtless, a wise and an unwise method of procedure. One novelist, in the very effort to be accurate, produces a work which--being neither History nor Fiction--is simply dull; while another, who has gauged the true relation between fact and imagination, knows better than to bring into prominence that which should remain only as a background. After all, there are certain root motives and principles which, though they vary indefinitely in their application, underlie Human Conduct, and are common to all ages alike. Given a fairly accurate knowledge as regards the general history of any period, combined with some investigation into its special manners and customs, there is no reason why a truly imaginative novelist should not produce a work at once satisfying to romantic and historical instincts. Again, if it be true that the novelist cannot reproduce the far past in any strict sense, it is also true that neither can he so reproduce the life and events of yesterday. That power of imaginative memory, which all exercise in daily experience, may be held in very different degrees, but its enjoyment is not dependent on accuracy of representation--for, were this so, none of us would possess it. In an analogous manner the writer of Romance may be more or less adequately equipped on the side of History pure and simple, but he need not wait for that which will never come--the power of reproducing in toto a past age. If, in reading what purports to be no more than a Novel, the struggle between Christianity and Paganism (for example), or the unbounded egotism of Napoleon, be brought more vividly before our minds--and this may be done by suggestion as well as by exact relation, then, I would maintain, we are to some extent educated historically, using the word in a large though perfectly legitimate sense. I recently read a work which here presents itself as admirably illustrating my meaning. In her too little known "Adventures of a Goldsmith" Miss M. H. Bourchier has contrived to bring forcibly before us the period when Napoleon, fast approaching the zenith of his power, was known in France as the "First Consul." The "man of destiny" himself--appearing on the scene for little more than a brief moment--can in no sense be described as one of the book's characters, and yet the whole plot is so skilfully contrived as to hinge on his personality. We are made to feel the dominating influence of that powerful will upon the fears and hopes of a time brimming over with revolutionary movement. Whether the Chouan revolt is in this particular story accurately depicted for us in all its phases, or whether the motives which impelled certain public characters are therein interpreted aright--both in regard to these and other points there may be room for doubt, but at least the general forces of the period are placed before us in such a way as to drive home the conviction that, be the historical inaccuracies of detail what they may in the eyes of this or that specialist, the picture as a whole is one which, while it rivets our attention as lovers of romance, does no injury to the strictest Historic sense. I know well that numerous novels might be cited which, besides abounding in anachronisms, are harmful in that they present us with a misleading conception of some personality or period; moreover, I acknowledge that this defect is by no means confined to romances of an inferior literary order. That Cromwell has been unreasonably vilified, and Mary Queen of Scots misconceived as a saintly martyr-- how often are these charges brought against not a few of our leading exponents of Historical Fiction. Let this be fully granted, it remains to ask--To whom were our novelists originally indebted for these misconceptions? Were not the historians of an earlier generation responsible for these wrong judgments? True, the real Science of History--the sifting of evidence, and the discovery and unravelling of ancient documents--may be described as an essentially modern attainment, so it would be unreasonable to blame our older historians for errors which it was largely, if not wholly, beyond their power to overcome. And it is just here that I would emphasise my defence of the Romancist. If Historians themselves have differed (and still differ)! may it not be pleaded on behalf of the Historical Novelist that he also must be judged according to the possibilities of his time? For, while he may have too readily adopted false conceptions in the past, there is no necessity why, in the future, he also--profiting by the growth of Critical investigation--should not have due regard, in the working out of his Historical background, for all the latest "results." And, I would further add, even though it be true that Scott and others have misled us in certain directions, this does not prevent our acknowledgment that, given their aspect of a particular period, it was only fitting that the scheme of their novels should be in harmony with it. If "Bloody Mary" was a cruel hypocrite, then our reading of her period will be influenced by that real (or supposed) fact; but, if further investigation reverses this severe judgment on the woman herself, then, in Heaven's name, let us mould our general conception afresh. The fountains of Romance show no sign of running dry, and, though we may look in vain at the moment for a genius of the very highest type, the Future has possibilities within it which the greatest literary pessimist among us cannot wholly deny. If, then, fault can be found with the older Romancists for the spreading here and there of false historical notions, let us look to future workers in the same sphere for adjustment. I believe, however, that one notable critic has pronounced the mischief already done to be quite irreparable, seeing that the only "History" at all widely spread is that derived from those very romances in which errors are so interwoven with the sentimental interest of the plot itself that readers inevitably "hug their delusions!" But I think that this danger need not be contemplated seriously. The Historical Novel exists primarily as Fiction, and, even though in our waking moments we may be persuaded of the unreality of that "dream" which a Scott or a Dumas has produced for us, we shall still be able to place ourselves again and again under the spell of their delightful influence. Moreover, while admitting Dumas' carelessness of exact detail, it would hardly be contended by the most sceptical that his works (still less those of Scott) are without any background of Historic suggestiveness. Scott, indeed, shows signs of having possessed something of that "detachment" which is one important qualification in the Historian proper; there is a fairness and prevision in his historical judgments which we look for in vain when reading the works of his contemporaries. And, having thus touched on what I believe to be the true relation between Romance and History, I may note, as a last word, the use of the Historical Tale to those who have the training of young folk. That "desire to know," which is an essential for all true learning, is sometimes best fostered by methods outside the ordinary School routine. Thus, as regards History, where the text-book fails in arousing interest, the tale may succeed, and, once the spirit of inquiry has been stimulated, half the battle is gained. In saying this I am far from wishing to imply that the reading of romances can ever take the place of genuine historical study. I know well that such a book as Green's "Short History of the English People" may prove to some more fascinating than any novel. There are, however, cases in which recourse may be had to a high-class work of fiction for the attainment of a truer historic sense; while, taken only as supplement to more strictly Academic reading, such a work may prove to have its uses. Considerable discrimination is required--as I have already hinted--in the choice of suitable books, and, as a help in this direction, I have made out (vide "Suggested courses of Reading" at the end of this volume) two special lists for Boys and Girls respectively, which will, I trust, be found useful. If, besides being of help to teachers, my recommendations should lead in any degree to further appreciation of the great masters of Romance, the labour (by no means inconsiderable) expended on this little compilation will be amply rewarded. J. N. January, 1902. NOTE--the order in which the books are placed is, on the whole, according to the periods dealt with; occasionally the grouping decided on has prevented absolute correctness in this respect. PRE-CHRISTIAN ERA. SARCHEDON -- G. J. Whyte Melville Ancient Babylon and the Assyrians W. Thacker & Co., and Ward, Lock, & Co. UARDA -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Egypt--Rameses Sesostris Sampson Low & Co. ZOROASTER -- F. Marion Crawford Zoroaster, the Persian Religious Reformer Macmillan & Co. AN EGYPTIAN PRINCESS -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Egypt--Amasis and Cambyses, 6th Century B. C. Sampson Low & Co. THE FALL OF ATHENS -- A. J. Church Peloponnesian War Seeley & Co. A YOUNG MACEDONIAN -- A. J. Church Alexander the Great Seeley & Co. SALAMMBO -- Gustave Flaubert (trans.) Rome versus Carthage G. P. Putnam's Sons, and Grant Richards THE LION'S BROOD -- Duffield Osborne Rome versus Carthage W. Heinemann LORDS OF THE WORLD -- A. J. Church Rome versus Carthage. Blackie & Son THE SISTERS -- Georg Ehers (trans.) Egypt--Ptolemy Philometer, and Euergetes Sampson Low & Co. THE HAMMER -- A. J. Church and R. Seeley Maccabaean Times Seeley & Co. DEBORAH -- J. M. Ludlow Maccabaean Times J. Nisbet & Co. HELON'S PILGRIMAGE TO JERUSALEM -- F. Strauss (trans.) Judaism in the Century preceding Christ J. Mawman, London, 1824 PRUSIAS -- Ernst Eckstein (trans.) The Slave Revolt under Spartacus. Trubner & Co. TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO -- A. J. Church Rome--Spartacus and Mithridates Blackie & Son WOE TO THE CONQUERED -- Alfred Clark Roman Life, B. C. 73-71 Sampson Low & Co. A FRIEND OF CAESAR -- W. S. Davis Pompey and Caesar Macmillan & Co. CLEOPATRA -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Latter Years of Cleopatra. Sampson Low & Co. FIRST CENTURY A.D. NEAERA -- John W. Graham Rome under Tiberius (A. D. 26) Macmillan & Co. PHILOCHRISTUS -- Anonymous Memoirs of a Disciple of Christ Macmillan & Co. BEN HUR -- Lew Wallace Rome in the time of Christ Harper & Brothers, and others TARRY THOU TILL I COME (Salathiel) -- G. Croly Judaism and Christianity (the early struggle) Funk & Wagnalls Co. AS OTHERS SAW HIM -- Anonymous Early Christianity (A. D. 54) W. Heinemann BERIC THE BRITON -- G. A. Henty Roman Invasion of Britain Blackie & Son ONESIMUS-- Anonymous Memoirs of a Disciple of Paul Macmillan & Co. QUO VADIS? -- H. Sienkiewicz (trans.) Rome in the time of Nero J. M. Dent & Co. NERO -- Ernst Eckstein (trans.) Rome in the time of Nero Trubner & Co. THE BURNING OF ROME -- A. J. Church Rome in the time of Nero Seeley & Co. ACTE -- Hugh Westbury Rome in the time of Nero Bentley DARKNESS AND DAWN -- Dean Farrar Persecutions under Nero Longmans, Green, & Co. THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII -- Lytton Time of Vespasian Geo. Routledge & Sons THE GLADIATORS -- G. J. Whyte Melville Fall of Jerusalem W. Thacker & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co. DOMITIA -- S. Baring-Gould Time of Domitian Methuen & Co. MASTERS OF THE WORLD -- Mary A. M. Hoppus Time of Domitian Bentley, 1888 QUINTUS CLAUDIUS -- Ernst Eckstein (trans.) Time of Domitian W. S. Gottsberger SECOND CENTURY. VALERIUS -- J. G. Lockhart Time of Trajan (Rome) W. Blackwood & Sons TO THE LIONS -- A. J. Church Christians and the Younger Pliny Seeley & Co. ANTINOUS -- George Taylor (trans.) Time of Hadrian William S. Gottsberger, New York, 1882 MARIUS THE EPICUREAN -- W. Pater Time of Marcus Aurelius Macmillan & Co. THIRD CENTURY. PER ASPERA -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Alexandria in time of Emperor Caracalla Sampson Low & Co. PERPETUA -- S. Baring-Gould Nimes--beginning of Third Century Isbister & Co. THE CAMP ON THE SEVERN -- A. D. Crake Persecution in Britain Mowbray & Co. THE VILLA OF CLAUDIUS -- E. L. Cutts Roman occupation of Britain Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge CALLISTA -- J. H. Newman North Africa persecutions Longmans, Green, & Co. *THE EPICUREAN -- Thomas Moore Worship of Isis (Egypt) Downey & Co. * This tale, it must be admitted, is given a place mainly on account of its literary interest; as a historical romance it has been very severely criticised. AURELIAN -- W. Ware Rome--late Third Century Warne & Co. THE LAST DAYS AND FALL OF PALMYRA (ZENOBIA) -- W. Ware Zenobia and Longinus Cassell & Co. ("Red Library," 1890) FOURTH CENTURY. HOMO SUM -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Christians in Arabia Sampson Low & Co. *OUR FOREFATHERS (Die Ahnen) -- Gustav Freytag (trans.) Germany A. D. 357 Asher & Co., 1873 * The collective title of a series in which the history of a family is made to illustrate successive stages of German Civilisation. The English translation does not extend beyond the first two stories, dealing with the years 357 and 724 respectively; the remaining four stories (published by Hirzel of Leipsic, 1874-80) depict German life in 1226, 1519, 1647, and 1805. THE LAST ATHENIAN -- V. Rydberg (trans.) Athens A. D. 361 T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia *THE DEATH OF THE GODS -- D. Merejkowski (trans.) The Emperor Julian Constable & Co. * No. 1 of the trilogy "Christ and Anti-Christ." JETTA -- George Taylor (trans.) Heidelberg under the Romans Trubner & Co., 1886 SERAPIS -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Alexandria A. D. 391 Trubner & Co., 1885 A DUKE OF BRITAIN -- Sir Herbert Maxwell Picts and Romans W. Blackwood & Sons FIFTH CENTURY. GATHERING CLOUDS -- Dean Farrar Chrysostom [late Fourth--early Fifth Century] Longmans, Green, & Co. CONQUERING AND TO CONQUER -- Mrs. Charles Jerome [late Fourth--early Fifth Century] Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge FABIOLA -- Cardinal Wiseman Rome early Fifth Century Burns, 1855 HYPATIA -- Charles Kingsley Alexandria Macmillan & Co. THE COUNT OF THE SAXON SHORE -- A. J. Church Departure of Romans from Britain Seeley & Co. ATTILA -- G. P. R. James Decline of Roman Empire Warne & Co. FELICITAS -- Felix Dahn (trans.) The German Migrations, A. D. 476 Macmillan & Co. SIXTH CENTURY. BUILDERS Of THE WASTE -- Thorpe Forrest Britains v. Anglians in Yorkshire Duckworth & Co. A STRUGGLE FOR ROME -- Felix Dahn (trans.) The Ostrogoths and Belisarius R. Bentley, 1878 ANTONINA -- Wilkie Collins Rome in 546 Chatto & Windus HAVELOK THE DANE -- C. W. Whistler Denmark and England T. Nelson & Sons SHAVEN CROWN -- M. Bramston Conversion of the Surrey Border (time of Ethelbert) Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge SEVENTH CENTURY. THE SON OF AELLA -- Gertrude Hollis Conversion of Northumbria Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge CAEDWALLA -- F. Cowper Saxons in the Isle of Wight Seeley & Co. THE BRIDE OF THE NILE -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Egypt, A. D. 643 Trubner & Co. *EIGHTH CENTURY. * The second tale in Freytag's "Our Forefathers" (vide Fourth Century section) illustrates the Germany of A. D. 724. THE INVASION -- G. Griffin Ireland and Northern Europe in second half of the Eighth Century Saunders & Otley, London, 1832 NINTH CENTURY. A THANE OF WESSEX -- C. W. Whistler Ethelwulf (mid Ninth Century) Blackie & Son THE WOOING OF OSYTH -- Kate T. Sizer Edmund the Martyr Jarrold & Sons *THE KING'S SONS -- G. Manville Fenn Alfred and his times E. Nister * A very slight but charming story of Alfred's boyhood, specially suited for the very young. IN AELFRED'S DAYS and UNDER THE BLACK RAVEN -- Paul Creswick Alfred and his times E. Nister GOD SAVE KING ALFRED -- E. Gilliat Alfred and his times Macmillan & Co. THE DRAGON AND THE RAVEN -- G. A. Henty Alfred and his times Blackie & Son KING ALFRED'S VIKING -- C. W. Whistler Alfred and his times T. Nelson & Sons A HERO KING -- Eliza F. Pollard Alfred and his times Partridge & Co. TWIXT DAYDAWN AND LIGHT -- Gordon Stables Alfred and his times J. F. Shaw & Co. A LION OF WESSEX -- Tom Bevan Alfred and his times Partridge & Co. TENTH CENTURY. THE LITTLE DUKE -- Charlotte M. Yonge Normandy--Richard the Fearless Macmillan & Co. EKKEHARD -- Scheffel (trans.) Germany--The Huns, &c. Sampson Low & Co. EDWY THE FAIR -- A. D. Crake Britain--Dunstan Longmans, Green, & Co. THE VIKINGS OF THE BALTIC -- G. W. Dasent The Vikings--last quarter of Tenth Century Chapman & Hall, 1875 ELEVENTH CENTURY. OLAF THE GLORIOUS -- Robert Leighton Russia and Norway Blackie & Son THE FALL OF ASGARD -- Julian Corbett St. Olaf's Days Macmillan & Co. KING OLAF'S KINSMAN -- C. W. Whistler Ethelred the Unready Blackie & Son WULFRIC THE WEAPON THANE -- C. W. Whistler Edmund Ironside Blackie & Son ALFGAR THE DANE -- A. D. Crake Edmund Ironside Longmans, Green, & Co. EDWARD THE EXILE -- Mary Davidson Edward the Confessor's period (abroad) Hodder & Stoughton HAROLD -- Lytton The Norman Conquest George Routledge & Sons WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR -- Sir Charles Napier The Norman Conquest George Routledge, 1858 THE CAMP OF REFUGE -- C. Macfarlane The Norman Conquest Constable & Co. HEREWARD THE WAKE -- Charles Kingsley The Norman Conquest Macmillan & Co. THE RIVAL HEIRS -- A. D. Crake The Norman Conquest Longmans, Green, & Co. WULF THE SAXON -- G. A. Henty The Norman Conquest Blackie & Son RUFUS, OR THE RED KING -- Anonymous William II. Constable & Co. (reprint announced) IN THE DAYS OF ST. ANSELM -- Gertrude Hollis William II. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge COUNT ROBERT OF PARIS -- Scott First Crusade A. & C. Black GOD WILLS IT -- W. S. Davis First Crusade Macmillan & Co. TWELFTH CENTURY. PABO THE PRIEST -- S. Baring-Gould Time of Henry I. Methuen & Co. A LEGEND OF READING ABBEY -- C. Macfarlane Time of Stephen Constable & Co. THE KNIGHT OF THE GOLDEN CHAIN -- R. D. Chetwode Time of Stephen C. A. Pearson VIA CRUCIS -- F. Marion Crawford Second Crusade Macmillan & Co. THE BETROTHED -- Scott Henry II. A. & C. Black FOREST OUTLAWS -- E. Gilliat Henry II. Seeley & Co. IN HIS NAME -- E. E. Hale The Waldenses Seeley & Co. THE TALISMAN -- Scott Richard I. A. & C. Black IVANHOE -- Scott Richard I. A. & C. Black RICHARD YEA-AND-NAY -- Maurice Hewlett Richard I. Macmillan & Co. MAID MARIAN -- Thomas Love Peacock Richard I. Macmillan & Co. THE BLUE BANNER -- Leon Cahun (trans.) Period of Crusades and the Mongol Conquest (late Twelfth to early Thirteenth Century). Sampson Low & Co. THIRTEENTH CENTURY. ROYSTON GOWER -- Thomas Miller Time of John Colburn, 1838 RUNNYMEDE AND LINCOLN FAIR -- J. G. Edgar Time of John (the Charter) Ward, Lock, & Co. WALDEMAR -- B. S. Ingemann (trans.) Denmark, 1204 Saunders & Otley, 1841 THE MOST FAMOUS LOBA -- N. K. Blissett Persecution of the Albigenses--Carcassonne Wm. Blackwood & Sons PHILIP AUGUSTUS -- G. P. R. James France in early Thirteenth Century Warne & Co. LA BATTAGLIA DI BENEVENTO -- F. D. Guerrazzi Italy--period of Emperor Frederick II. Guiseppe Maspero, Milan, 1829 THE COUNTESS TEKLA and THE STRONG ARM -- Robert Barr Germany mid-Thirteenth Century Methuen & Co. 'NEATH THE HOOF OF THE TARTAR; OR, THE SCOURGE OF GOD -- Baron Nicolas Josika (trans.) Hungary--the Tartar Invasion Jarrold & Sons A CLERK OF OXFORD -- E. Everett Green Henry III.--Barons' Wars T. Nelson & Sons HOW I WON MY SPURS -- J. G. Edgar Henry III.--Barons' Wars Ward, Lock, & Co. A STOUT ENGLISH BOWMAN -- E. Pickering Period of Henry III. Blackie & Son THE ROBBER BARON OF BEDFORD CASTLE -- A. J. Foster and E. C. Cuthell Period of Henry III. T. Nelson & Sons THE THIRSTY SWORD -- Robert Leighton Norse Invasion of Scotland, 1262-3 Blackie & Son THE PRINCE AND THE PAGE -- Charlotte M. Yonge 8th Crusade Macmillan & Co. THE KING'S REEVE -- E. Gilliat Time of Edward I. Seeley & Co. THE LORD OF DYNEOVER -- E. Everett Green Time of Edward I. T. Nelson & Sons FOURTEENTH CENTURY. THE SCOTTISH CHIEFS -- Jane Porter Scotch Wars--Wallace J. M. Dent & Co. IN FREEDOM'S CAUSE -- G. A. Henty Wallace and Bruce Blackie & Son CASTLE DANGEROUS -- Scott Scotch Wars A. & C. Black THE DAYS OF BRUCE -- G. Aguilar Edward II.--Bruce Warne & Co. and others THE CHEVALIER OF THE SPLENDID CREST -- Sir Herbert Maxwell Edward II.--Bruce W. Blackwood & Sons THE WHISTLING MAID -- E. Rhys Wales in time of Edward II. Hutchinson & Co. MARCO VISCONTI -- T. Grossi (trans.) Italy, early Fourteenth Century Geo. Routledge & Sons, 1877 MARGHERITA PUSTERLA -- Cesare Cantu Italy, early Fourteenth Century Felice Le Monnier, Florence, 1839 RIENZI -- Lytton Rome, middle of Fourteenth Century Geo. Routledge & Sons IN THE SHADOW OF THE CROWN -- M. Bidder Edward II.--Edward III. Constable & Co. *THE COUNTESS ALYS (in "New Canterbury Tales") -- Maurice Hewlett Period of Edward III. Constable & Co. * Mr. Hewlett's volume ought not to be described (I have seen it so in one quarter) as dealing with the time of Henry VI. The "tales" are supposed to be told in 1450 by Pilgrims on their way to Canterbury. THE WHITE COMPANY -- Conan Doyle Period of Edward III. Smith, Elder, & Co. ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND -- G. A. Henty Period of Edward III. Blackie & Son CRECY AND POICTIERS -- J. G. Edgar Period of Edward III. Ward, Lock, & Co. THE LANCES OF LYNWOOD -- Charlotte M. Yonge Period of Edward III. Macmillan & Co. GOD, THE KING, MY BROTHER -- Mary F. Nixon Roulet Period of Edward III. (Spain) Ward, Lock, & Co. GOD SAVE ENGLAND -- F. Breton Period of Edward III. (Winchelsea and Rye) Grant Richards IN THE DAYS OF CHIVALRY -- E. Everett Green Crecy, taking of Calais, &c. T. Nelson & Sons JOHN STANDISH -- E. Gilliat Richard II.--Wat Tyler Seeley & Co. ROBERT ANNYS, POOR PRIEST -- Annie N. Meyer Richard II.--Wat Tyler Macmillan & Co. THE BANNER OF ST. GEORGE -- M. Bramston Richard II.--Wat Tyler Duckworth & Co. A MARCH ON LONDON -- G. A. Henty Richard II.--Wat Tyler Blackie & Son OTTERBOURNE -- Anonymous Battle of Otterbourne, 1388 R. Bentley, 1832 KATE CAMERON OF BRUX -- J. E. Muddock Scotland, late Fourteenth Century Digby, Long, & Co. THE LION OF FLANDERS -- Hendrik Conscience (trans.) France, late Fourteenth Century Burns & Oates, 1881 THE LION OF ST. MARK -- G. A. Henty Venice, late Fourteenth Century Blackie & Son KNIGHTS OF THE CROSS -- H. Sienkiewicz (trans.) Poland--The Teutonic Knights J. M. Dent & Co. FIFTEENTH CENTURY. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF JOAN OF ARC, BY THE SIEUR LOUIS DE CONTE -- Mark Twain Joan of Arc Chatto & Windus A NOBLE PURPOSE NOBLY WON -- Miss Manning Joan of Arc Arthur Hall, Virtue, & Co., 1862 A MONK OF FIFE -- A. Lang Joan of Arc Longmans, Green, & Co. THE CAGED LION -- Charlotte M. Yonge Scotland, early Fifteenth Century Macmillan & Co. THE FAIR MAID OF PERTH -- Scott Scotland, early Fifteenth Century A. & C. Black OLD MARGARET -- Henry Kingsley Ghent, in early Fifteenth Century Ward, Lock, & Co. THE GLEAMING DAWN -- C. Baker The Hussites Chapman & Hall ISABELLA ORSINI -- F. D. Guerrazzi Italy--The Medici Felice le Monnier, Florence, 1844 BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDER -- G. A. Henty Period of Henry IV. Blackie & Son IN THE DAYS OF PRINCE HAL -- H. Elrington Henry IV.--Henry V. Blackie & Son A CHAMPION OF THE FAITH -- J. M. Callwell Henry IV.--Henry V. Blackie & Son AGINCOURT -- G. P. R. James Henry V. Warne & Co. AT AGINCOURT -- G. A. Henty Henry V. Blackie & Son BY WEEPING CROSS -- Lady Laura Ridding Southern France, 1424 Hodder & Stoughton NOEMI -- S. Baring Gould Guienne--Time of Charles VII. Methuen & Co. THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD -- James Grant James II. of Scotland Geo. Routledge & Sons BLACK DOUGLAS -- S. R. Crockett James II. of Scotland Smith, Elder, & Co. THE CARDINAL'S PAGE -- C. Baker Bohemia, middle of Fifteenth Century Chapman & Hall THE PRINCE OF INDIA -- Lew Wallace Fall of Constantinople, 1453 Harper & Brothers THEODORA PHRANZA -- J. M. Neale Fall of Constantinople, 1453 J. Masters, 1857 TWO PENNILESS PRINCESSES -- Charlotte M. Yonge Period of Henry VI. Macmillan & Co. THE LAST OF THE BARONS -- Lytton Wars of the Roses Geo. Routledge & Sons THE BLACK ARROW -- R. L. Stevenson Wars of the Roses Cassell & Co. GRISLY GRISSELL -- Charlotte M. Yonge Wars of the Roses Macmillan & Co. IN THE WARS OF THE ROSES -- E. Everett Green Wars of the Roses T. Nelson & Sons HOW DICKON CAME BY HIS NAME (in "The Deserter and other Stories") -- Harold Frederic Wars of the Roses Lothrop Publishing Co. WHERE AVON INTO SEVERN FLOWS (in "The Deserter and other Stories") -- Harold Frederic Wars of the Roses Lothrop Publishing Co. THE CHANTREY PRIEST OF BARNET -- A. J. Church Wars of the Roses Seeley & Co. THE WOODMAN -- G. P. R. James Time of Richard III. Warne & Co. RED ROSE AND WHITE -- Alfred Armitage Time of Richard III. J. Macqueen PERKIN WARBECK -- Mary Shelley Richard III.--Henry VII. Colburn & Bentley, 1830 THE HEIR OF HASCOMBE HALL -- E. Everett Green Time of Henry VII. T. Nelson & Sons THE CAPTAIN OF THE WIGHT -- F. Cowper Time of Henry VII. Seeley & Co. WILD HUMPHRY KYNASTON -- H. Hudson Shrewsbury (1490-1493) Kegan, Paul, & Co. THE YELLOW FRIGATE -- James Grant Scotland, late Fifteenth Century Geo. Routledge & Sons MARY OF BURGUNDY -- G. P. R. James Ghent (1456-1477) Warne & Co. THE DOVE IN THE EAGLES NEST -- Charlotte M. Yonge Time of Maximilian (1472-1531) Macmillan & Co. THE BURGOMASTER OF BERLIN -- Wilibald Alexis (trans.) Germany, late 15th Century Saunders & Otley, London, 1843 QUENTIN DURWARD -- Scott A. & C. Black France--Louis XI. ANNE OF GRIERSTEIN -- Scott Charles the Bold, Margaret of Anjou, &c. A. & C. Black MARIETTA -- F. Marion Crawford Venice, 1470 Macmillan & Co. DESIDERIO -- Edmund G. Gardner Florence--Savonarola. J. M. Dent & Co. ROMOLA -- George Eliot Florence--Savonarola. W. Blackwood & Sons NOTRE DAME -- Victor Hugo (trans.) Paris, late Fifteenth Century J. M. Dent & Co. THE CLOISTER AND THE HEARTH -- Charles Reade Eve of the Reformation (Parents of Erasmus) Chatto & Windus THE RESURRECTION OF THE GODS -- D. Merejkowski (trans) Leonardo da Vinci Constable & Co. THE VALE OF CEDARS -- Grace Aguilar Jewish Persecution in Spain Walter Scott and others THE BLACK DISC -- Albert Lee Conquest of Granada Digby, Long, & Co. LEILA -- Lytton Conquest of Granada Geo. Routledge & Sons WESTWARD WITH COLUMBUS -- Gordon Stables Christopher Columbus, 1492 Blackie & Son THE GOD SEEKER -- P. Rosegger (trans.) The Styrian Alps, 1493 G. P. Putnam's Sons LITTLE NOVELS OF ITALY -- Maurice Hewlett Italian manners from early Fourteenth to late Fifteenth Century Macmillan & Co. SIXTEENTH CENTURY. THE HONOUR OF SAVELLI -- Levett Yeats Italy--the Borgias Sampson Low & Co. THE CHALLENGE OF BARLETTA -- M. D'Azeglio (trans.) Gonsalvo di Cordova, &c. W. H. Allen & Co., 1880 THE MAID OF FLORENCE; OR, NICCOLO DE' LAPI -- M. D'Azeglio (trans.) Florence, 1529-1530 R. Bentley, 1853 TRUE HEART -- F. Breton Switzerland, 1514-25 (Erasmus, &c.) Grant Richards IN THE BLUE PIKE -- Georg Ebers (trans.) Germany--time of Maximilian Sampson Low & Co. CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY -- Mrs. Charles The Reformation T. Nelson & Sons BARBARA BLOMBERG -- Georg Ebers. (trans.) Charles V. and Luther Sampson Low & Co. LICHTENSTEIN -- Hauff (trans.) Germany, early Sixteenth Century E. Nister IN THE OLDEN TIME -- Miss Roberts Germany, early Sixteenth Century Longmans, Green, & Co. THE BRAES Of YARROW -- C. Gibbon James V. of Scotland (Flodden) Chatto & Windus IN THE KING'S FAVOR -- J. E. Muddock James V. of Scotland (Flodden) J. Digby MARY OF LORRAINE -- James Grant Battle of Pinkie, 1547 Geo. Routledge & Sons THE SHROUDED FACE -- Owen Rhoscomyl Wales in Tudor times C. A. Pearson BY RIGHT OF CONQUEST -- G. A. Henty Conquest of Mexico Blackie & Son THE FAIR GOD -- Lew Wallace Conquest of Mexico Warne & Co. MONTEZUMA'S DAUGHTER -- H. Rider Haggard Conquest of Mexico Longmans, Green, & Co. THE INCA'S RANSOM -- Albert Lee Conquest of Peru Partridge & Co. THE HOUSEHOLD OF SIR THOMAS MORE -- Miss Manning Period of Henry VIII. J. C. Nimmo HENRY VIII. AND HIS COURT; OR, CATHERINE PARR -- Louise Muhlbach (trans.) Period of Henry VIII. D. Appleton & Co. WINDSOR CASTLE -- Harrison Ainsworth Period of Henry VIII. Geo. Routledge & Sons DEFENDER OF THE FAITH -- Frank Mathew Period of Henry VIII. John Lane MY FRIEND ANNE -- Jessie Armstrong Period of Henry VIII. Warne & Co. THE ARMOURER'S 'PRENTICES -- Charlotte M. Yonge Period of Henry VIII. Macmillan & Co. THE HOUSE OF THE WIZARD -- M. Imlay Taylor Period of Henry VIII. Gay & Bird WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER -- E. Caskoden Period of Henry VIII. Sands & Co. THE WHITE QUEEN -- Russell Garnier Mary Tudor, 1514 Harper & Brothers FRESTON TOWER -- R. Cobbold Time of Wolsey Simpkin, 1850 WESTMINSTER ABBEY -- Author of "Whitefriars" Wolsey, Cranmer, &c., 1527 Routledge & Sons LIKE A RASEN FIDDLER -- Mary E. Shipley Destruction of the Monasteries, 1536 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge UNDER BAYARD'S BANNER -- Henry Frith Chevalier de Bayard Cassell & Co. THE TWO DIANAS -- Dumas (translation) Period of Francis I. J. M. Dent & Co. JOHN OF STRATHBOURNE -- R. D. Chetwode Period of Francis I. C. A. Pearson MARGUERITE DE ROBERVAL -- T. G. Marquis Period of Francis I. Fisher Unwin A WARD OF THE KING -- Katherine S. Macquoid Period of Francis I. John Long ST. LEON -- William Godwin Battle of Pavia, 1525 G. G. & J. Robinson, London, 1799 THE BRIGAND -- G. P. R. James France, middle of Sixteenth Century Warne & Co. ASCANIO -- Dumas (translation) France, middle of Sixteenth Century (1540) J. M. Dent & Co. THE PAGE OF THE DUKE OF SAVOY -- Dumas (translation) Period of Emperor Charles V. (1528-80) J. M. Dent & Co. ROYAL FAVOUR -- A. S. C. Wallis (translation) Time of Melanchthon and Eric XIV. of Sweden Sonnenschein & Co. THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER -- Mark Twain Edward VI. Chatto & Windus THE MAID OF LONDON BRIDGE -- S. Gibney Edward VI. Jarrold & Sons THE COLLOQUIES OF EDWARD OSBORNE -- Miss Manning Edward VI.--Mary. J. C. Nimmo SEETHING DAYS -- Caroline C. Holroyd Edward VI.--Mary. A. D. Innes & Co. THE TOWER OF LONDON -- Harrison Ainsworth Period of Mary Geo. Routledge & Sons THE ROYAL SISTERS -- Frank Mathew Period of Mary J. Long LEST WE FORGET -- Joseph Hocking Period of Mary Ward, Lock, & Co. THE STORY OF FRANCIS CLUDDE -- Stanley Weyman England and the Netherlands Cassell & Co. THE SCARLET JUDGES -- E. F. Pollard The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Partridge & Co. MY LADY OF ORANGE -- H. C. Bailey The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Longmans, Green, & Co. BY PIKE AND DYKE -- G. A. Henty The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Blackie & Son BY ENGLAND'S AID -- G. A. Henty The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Blackie & Son LYSBETH -- H. Rider Haggard The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Longmans, Green, & Co. TRUE TO THE PRINCE -- Gertrude Bell The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Digby & Long IN TROUBLED TIMES -- A. S. C. Wallis (translation) The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Sonnenschein & Co. THE MASTER BEGGARS -- L. Cope Cornford The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain J. M. Dent & Co. *LUDOVIC AND GERTRUDE -- Hendrik Conscience (translation) The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain J. Hodges * Told from the Roman Catholic standpoint. THE BEGGARS -- J. B. de Liefde The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Hodder & Stoughton FOR FAITH AND FATHERLAND -- M. Bramston The Netherlands--Period of Inquisition and Revolt against Spain Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge SHUT IN -- E. Everett Green Siege of Antwerp T. Nelson & Sons THE SPANISH BROTHERS -- Anonymous Spain--The Inquisition T. Nelson & Sons IN FAIR GRANADA -- E. Everett Green Spain--Time of Philip II. T. Nelson & Sons IN THE PALACE OF THE KING -- F. Marion Crawford Spain--Time of Philip II. Macmillan & Co. THE TRAITOR'S WAY -- S. Levett Yeats France--Conspiracy of Amboise Longmans, Green, & Co. ABOUT CATHERINE DE MEDICI -- Balzac (translation) Catherine de' Medici and her Policy J. M. Dent & Co. KLYTIA -- George Taylor (trans.) Germany--Erastus Sampson Low & Co. FOR THE RELIGION and A MAN OF HIS AGE -- Hamilton Drummond France--Coligny, &c. Smith, Elder, & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co. MARGUERITE DE VALOIS -- Dumas (translation) France--Coligny, &c. St. Bartholomew J. M. Dent & Co. A CHRONICLE OF THE REIGN OF CHARLES IX. -- Prosper Merimee (trans.) France--Coligny, &c. St. Bartholomew J. C. Nimmo, 1890 THE HOUSE OF THE WOLF -- Stanley Weyman France--Coligny, &c. St. Bartholomew Longmans, Green, & Co. COUNT HANNIBAL -- Stanley Weyman France--Coligny, &c. St. Bartholomew Smith, Elder, & Co. THE CHAPLET OF PEARLS -- Charlotte M. Yonge France--Coligny, &c. St. Bartholomew Macmillan & Co. AN ENEMY TO THE KING -- R. N. Stephens Henry of Guise Methuen & Co. A GENTLEMAN OF FRANCE -- Stanley Weyman Period of the League Longmans, Green, & Co. THE KING'S HENCHMAN and UNDER THE SPELL OF THE FLEUR DE LIS -- W. H. Johnson Henry of Navarre Gay & Bird THE HELMET OF NAVARRE -- Bertha Runkle Henry of Navarre Macmillan & Co. THE KING'S PAWN -- Hamilton Drummond Henry of Navarre W. Blackwood & Sons CHEVALIER D'AURIAC -- Levett Yeats Henry of Navarre Longmans, Green, & Co. FROM THE MEMOIRS OF A MINISTER OF FRANCE -- Stanley Weyman Henry of Navarre Cassell & Co. LA DAME DE MONSOREAU -- Dumas (translation) French Court, &c. (1578) J. M. Dent & Co. THE FORTY FIVE -- Dumas (translation) French Court, &c. (1585) J. M. Dent & Co. BEATRICE CENCI -- F. D. Guerrazzi (translation) Italy, late Sixteenth Century Bosworth & Harrison, London, 1858 THE TERRIBLE CZAR -- Count A. K. Tolstoy (translation) Russia--Ivan IV. Sampson Low & Co. A BOYAR OF THE TERRIBLE -- F. Whishaw Russia--Ivan IV. Longmans, Green, & Co. UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS -- Anonymous Peru--late Sixteenth Century T. Nelson & Sons THE FLAMINGO FEATHER -- K. Munro Huguenots in Florida T. Nelson & Sons THE MONASTERY -- Scott Melrose and District. (1550). A. & C. Black THE ABBOT -- Scott Mary, Queen of Scots A. & C. Black THE QUEEN'S MARIES -- G. J. Whyte Melville Mary, Queen of Scots W. Thacker & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co. UNKNOWN TO HISTORY -- Charlotte M. Yonge Mary, Queen of Scots Macmillan & Co. MARY HAMILTON -- Lord Ernest Hamilton Mary, Queen of Scots Methuen & Co. ONE QUEEN TRIUMPHANT -- Frank Mathew Mary, Queen of Scots John Lane MAGDALEN HEPBURN -- Mrs. Oliphant Mary, Queen of Scots (Knox) Hurst & Blackett. (1854) KENILWORTH -- Scott Elizabeth A. & C. Black WESTWARD HO! -- Charles Kingsley Elizabeth Macmillan & Co. FOR GOD AND GOLD -- Julian Corbett Elizabeth Macmillan & Co. BY STROKE OF SWORD -- A. Balfour Elizabeth Methuen & Co. SONS OF ADVERSITY -- L. Cope Cornford Elizabeth Methuen & Co. A GENTLEMAN PLAYER -- R. N. Stephens Elizabeth Methuen & Co. SIR LUDAR -- T. Baines Reed Elizabeth Sampson Low & Co. MAELCHO -- Emily Lawless Irish Rebellion Methuen & Co. GUAVAS THE TINNER -- S. Baring-Gould The Devonshire Tinneries Methuen & Co. THE WHITE KING OF MANOA -- Joseph Hatton Sir Walter Raleigh, &c. Hutchinson & Co. PENSHURST CASTLE -- Emma Marshall Sir Philip Sydney Seeley & Co. MASTER SKYLARK -- John Bennett Shakespeare Macmillan & Co. THE OUTLAWS OF THE MARCHES -- Lord Ernest Hamilton Scotland (1587) Fisher Unwin THE FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE -- Standish O'Grady Ireland, late Sixteenth Century Lawrence & Bullen WITH ESSEX IN IRELAND -- Emily Lawless Ireland (1599) Methuen & Co. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. THE FORTUNES OF NIGEL -- Scott Time of James I. A. & C. Black *THE LANCASHIRE WITCHES -- Harrison Ainsworth Time of James I. Geo. Routledge & Sons * Ainsworth's two novels, "Guy Fawkes" and "The Star Chamber," also deal with James I., but they are distinctly inferior in literary workmanship. THE BLACK TOR -- G. Manville Fenn Time of James I. W. & R. Chambers IN THE DAYS OF KING JAMES -- S. H. Burchell Time of James I. Gay & Bird ROMANCE OF THE LADY ARBELL -- Alastor Graeme Time of James I. F. V. White JUDITH SHAKESPEARE -- William Black Time of James I. Sampson Low & Co. THE LOST TREASURE OF TREVLYN -- E. Everett Green Time of the Gunpowder Plot T. Nelson & Sons *STANDISH OF STANDISH -- J. G. Austin America--Period of the Pilgrim Fathers Ward, Lock, & Co. * This is the first of a series of tales dealing with Early American history by the same author, viz.:--"Betty Alden" (sequel to above); "A Nameless Nobleman" (half-century later than "Standish of Standish"), with its sequel, "Dr. Le Baron and his Daughters" (all published by Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.) SOLDIER RIGDALE -- B. M. Dix America--Period of the Pilgrim Fathers Macmillan & Co. LONGFEATHER THE PEACEMAKER -- Kirk Monroe America--Period of the Pilgrim Fathers George Newnes BY ORDER OF THE COMPANY (TO HAVE AND TO HOLD) -- Mary Johnston Old Virginia, 1622 Constable & Co. MERRY-MOUNT -- J. L. Motley Plymouth Colony James Monroe & Co. Boston 1849 MISTRESS BRENT -- Lucy M. Thruston Maryland, 1636 Little, Brown, & Co., U.S.A. ANTONIA -- Jessie Van Zile Belden Dutch Colonists in Hudson River Districts, 1640-50 John Murray THE DUKE'S SERVANTS -- S. H. Burchell The Duke of Buckingham (1624-8) Gay & Bird IN HIGH PLACES -- Miss Braddon Earlier years of Charles I. Hutchinson & Co. WHITEHALL -- Anonymous Earlier years of Charles I. Geo. Routledge & Sons MEMOIRS OF A CAVALIER -- Defoe Civil War Period J. M. Dent & Co. THE CAVALIERS -- S. R. Keightley Civil War Period Hutchinson & Co. WHEN CHARLES I. WAS KING -- J. S. Fletcher Civil War Period Gay & Bird HOLMEY HOUSE -- G. J. Whyte Melville Civil War Period W. Thacker & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co. THE SPLENDID SPUR -- "Q" Civil War Period Cassell & Co. WITH THE KING AT OXFORD -- A. J. Church Civil War Period Seeley & Co. MISTRESS SPITFIRE -- J. S. Fletcher Civil War Period J. M. Dent & Co. CROMWELL'S OWN -- A. Paterson Civil War Period Harper & Brothers ST. GEORGE AND ST. MICHAEL -- George Macdonald Civil War Period H. S. King, 1876 HUGH GWYETH -- B. M. Dix Civil War Period Macmillan & Co. MIRIAM CROMWELL -- Dora McChesney Civil War Period W. Blackwood & Sons THE CHILDREN OF NEW FOREST -- Marryatt Civil War Period J. M. Dent & Co. *FOR KING AND KENT -- Col. Colomb Civil War Period Remington * This book well represents the extreme Royalist point of view. TO RIGHT THE WRONG -- Edna Lyall Hampden Hurst & Blackett IN SPITE OF ALL -- Edna Lyall Falkland, Laud, &c. Hurst & Blackett JOHN INGLESANT -- J. H. Shorthouse England (Charles I.) and Italy (the Molinists). Macmillan & Co. UNDER SALISBURY SPIRE -- Emma Marshall George Herbert Seeley & Co. A HAUNT OF ANCIENT PEACE -- Emma Marshall Nicholas Ferrar Seeley & Co. THE MAIDEN AND MARRIED LIFE OF MARY POWELL -- Miss Manning John Milton (1643) J C. Nimmo OLD BLACKFRIARS -- Beatrice Marshall Van Dyck Seeley & Co. THE THREE MUSKETEERS -- Dumas (translation) France--Richelieu, &c. J. M. Dent & Co. UNDER THE RED ROBE -- Stanley Weyman France--Richelieu, &c. Methuen & Co. THE MAN IN BLACK -- Stanley Weyman France--Richelieu, &c. Cassell & Co. CINQ MARS -- A. de Vigny (trans.) France--Richelieu, &c. Geo. Routledge & Sons, 1877 RICHELIEU -- G. P. R. James France--Richelieu, &c. G. P. Putnam's Sons CAPTAIN FRACASSE -- Theophile Gautier (translation) Strolling Players, in time of Louis XIII. Duckworth & Co. and J. Macqueen A DAUGHTER OF FRANCE -- Eliza Pollard France and Acadia T. Nelson & Sons *THE BETROTHED LOVERS -- Manzoni (translation) Italy--the Plague in Milan, 1630 Ward, Lock, & Co. ("Minerva Library," 1889) * Also published by George Bell & Sons (Bohn's Series) under the title "The Betrothed." I adopt the fuller title to prevent confusion with Scott's romance. RUPERT BY THE GRACE OF GOD -- Dora McChesney Prince Rupert's time Macmillan & Co. STRAY PEARLS -- Charlotte M. Yonge Prince Rupert's time Macmillan & Co. THE LION OF THE NORTH -- G. A. Henty Gustavus Adolphus Blackie & Son A BRAVE RESOLVE -- J. B. de Liefde Wallenstein Hodder & Stoughton BARON AND SQUIRE -- Noeldechen (translated by Mrs. Pereira) Thirty Years War J. Nisbet & Co. WON BY THE SWORD -- G. A. Henty Thirty Years War Blackie & Son MY LADY ROTHA -- Stanley Weyman Thirty Years War A. D. Innes & Co. RED AXE -- S. R. Crockett Thirty Years War Smith, Elder, & Co. *THE KING'S RING -- Zacharias Topelius (translation) Thirty Years War Jarrold & Sons * The first of a series covering the 17th and 18th Centuries. Under the general title of "The Surgeon's Stories," the remaining volumes were published by Messrs. Jansen & Co., of Chicago (1883- 4); one of these appears in my list later on. DER DEUTSCHE KRIEG (Collective Title of Series) -- Heinrich Laube Thirty Years War H. Haeffel, 1863 PHILLIP ROLLO -- James Grant Thirty Years War Geo. Routledge & Sons TWENTY YEARS AFTER -- Dumas (translation) France--Time of Mazarin, &c. (1648-9) J. M. Dent & Co. THE WAR OF WOMEN -- Dumas (translation) France--Time of Mazarin, &c. (1650) J. M. Dent & Co. MARIE DE MANCINI -- Madame Sophie Gay (translation) France--Time of Mazarin, &c. Lawrence & Bullen THE SILVER CROSS -- S. R. Keightley France--Time of Mazarin Hutchinson & Co. HENRY MASTERTON -- G. P. R. James England (Civil War) and France (the Fronde). Warne & Co. PRETTY MICHAL -- M. Jokai (translation) Hungary, middle Seventeenth Century Jarrold & Sons WITH FIRE AND SWORD -- H. Sienkiewicz (translation) Poland and Russia, from middle of the Seventeenth Century J. M. Dent & Co. THE DELUGE -- H. Sienkiewicz (translation) Poland and Russia, from middle of the Seventeenth Century J. M. Dent & Co. PAN MICHAEL -- H. Sienkiewicz (translation) Poland and Russia, from middle of the Seventeenth Century J. M. Dent & Co. JOHN SPLENDID -- Neil Munro Period of Montrose and the Covenant Wm. Blackwood & Sons THE LEGEND OF MONTROSE -- Scott Period of Montrose and the Covenant A. & C. Black JOURNAL OF THE LADY BEATRIX GRAHAM -- Mrs. Fowler Smith Period of Montrose and the Covenant Geo. Bell & Sons THE ANGEL OF THE COVENANT -- J. Maclaren Cobban Period of Montrose and the Covenant Methuen & Co. KATHLEEN CLARE -- Dora McChesney Ireland, 1637-41 W. Blackwood & Sons JOHN MARMADUKE -- S. H. Church Ireland--Cromwellian wars G. P. Putnam's Sons IN THE KING'S SERVICE -- F. S. Brereton Ireland--Cromwellian wars Blackie & Son ETHNE -- Mrs. Field Ireland--Cromwellian wars Wells, Gardner, & Co. HARRY OGILVIE -- James Grant Scotland. Cromwellian wars Geo. Routledge & Sons THE WHITE KING'S DAUGHTER -- Emma Marshall The Princess Elizabeth Seeley & Co. IN COLSTON'S DAYS -- Emma Marshall Bristol, 1636-1720 Seeley & Co. WOODSTOCK -- Scott Commonwealth period A. & C. Black CAPTAIN JACOBUS -- L. Cope Cornford Commonwealth period Methuen & Co. AFTER WORCESTER -- E. Everett Green Commonwealth period T. Nelson & Sons ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SEA -- Mrs. Charles Commonwealth period T. Nelson & Sons THE MAKING OF CHRISTOPHER FERRINGHAM -- B. M. Dix Commonwealth period (New England) Macmillan & Co. *DEBORAH'S DIARY -- Miss Manning Milton's Daughter (1665) J. C. Nimmo * Sequel to "The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell." ADAM HEPBURN'S VOW -- Annie S. Swan Scotland--Kirk and Covenant Cassell & Co. FRIEND OLIVIA -- Amelia E. Barr George Fox, the Quaker James Clarke & Co. THE SHADOW OF A CRIME -- Hall Caine Quakers at the Restoration Chatto & Windus A GALLANT QUAKER -- Mrs. M. H. Roberton George Fox and William Penn Methuen & Co. THE ROMANCE OF DOLLARD -- Mrs. Catherwood French in Canada Fisher Unwin TARA -- Meadows Taylor India, 1657 Kegan, Paul, & Co. BRAMBLETYE HOUSE -- Horace Smith Commonwealth--Charles II. Henry Colburn, 1826 GOD SAVE THE KING -- Ronald Macdonald Commonwealth--Charles II. John Murray PEVERIL OF THE PEAK -- Scott Time of Charles II. A. & C. Black LONDON PRIDE -- Miss Braddon Time of Charles II. Simpkin & Co. DANIEL HERRICK -- S. H. Burchell Time of Charles II. Gay & Bird I LIVED AS I LISTED -- Arthur L. Maitland Time of Charles II. Wells, Gardner, & Co. THE PURITAN'S WIFE -- Max Pemberton Time of Charles II. Cassell & Co. WHITEFRIARS -- Anonymous Time of Charles II. Geo. Routledge & Sons THE ROBBER -- G. P. R. James Time of Charles II. Warne & Co. SILAS VERNEY -- E. Pickering Time of Charles II. Blackie & Son CHERRY AND VIOLET -- Miss Manning Time of Charles II. J. C. Nimmo HISTORY OF THE PLAGUE -- Defoe Time of Charles II. (Plague) J. M. Dent & Co. OLD ST. PAULS -- Harrison Ainsworth Time of Charles II. (Plague) Geo. Routledge & Sons THE DAGGER AND THE CROSS -- J. Hatton Time of Charles II. (Eyam) Hutchinson & Co. TRAITOR OR PATRIOT? -- Mary C. Rowsell Time of Charles II. (Rye House Plot) Blackie & Son SIMON DALE -- Anthony Hope Time of Charles II. Methuen & Co. NELL GWYNN, COMEDIAN -- Frankfort Moore Time of Charles II. C. A. Pearson IN THE GOLDEN DAYS -- Edna Lyall Time of Charles II. (Algernon Sidney) Hurst & Blackett SIR RALPH ESHER -- Leigh Hunt Time of Charles II. Henry Colburn, 1832 MARY HOLLIS -- H. J. Schimmel (translation) Time of Charles II. John Camden Hotten OLD MORTALITY -- Scott Bothwell Bridge, 1679 A. & C. Black THE MEN OF THE MOSS HAGS -- S. R. Crockett Bothwell Bridge, 1679 Isbister & Co. JOHN BURNET OF BARNS -- J. Buchan Scotland and the Low Countries (1678-88) John Lane WINCHESTER MEADS -- Emma Marshall Bishop Ken Seeley & Co. IN THE EAST COUNTRY WITH SIR THOMAS BROWNE -- Emma Marshall Author of "Religio Medici." Seeley & Co. IN WESTMINSTER CHOIR -- Emma Marshall Purcell the Composer Seeley & Co. THE CARVED CARTOON -- Austin Clare Grinling Gibbons Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge SPINOZA -- Auerbach (trans.) A romance of Spinoza the Philosopher. Sampson Low & Co. 'MIDST THE WILD CARPATHIANS -- M. Jokai (trans.) Transylvania, 1666 Jarrold & Sons THE BLACK TULIP -- Dumas (trans.) William of Orange, 1672 J. M. Dent & Co. THE VICOMTE DE BRAGELONNE -- Dumas (trans.) France--Louis XIV. J. M. Dent & Co. BELLE ROSE -- Amedee Achard France--Louis XIV. A. Bourdilliat et Cie., Paris, 1859 IN THE DAY OF ADVERSITY -- J. Bloundelle Burton France--Louis XIV. Methuen & Co. *THE SCOURGE OF GOD -- J. Bloundelle Burton France--Louis XIV. (Huguenots) James Clarke & Co. * Intentionally placed with the Louis XIV. romances. It should, however, be noted that the events of the story are supposed to happen in the first years of the Eighteenth Century (the Cevennes Revolt). THE REFUGEES -- Conan Doyle Louis XIV.--Old and New World Longmans, Green, & Co. THE BLACK WOLF'S BREED -- H. Dickson Louis XIV.--Old and New World Methuen & Co. CAPTAIN SATAN -- Louis Gallet (trans.) Adventure in early Louis XIV. period Jarrold & Sons THE KING'S SIGNET -- Eliza Pollard Madame de Maintenon, &c. Blackie & Son THE MARCHIONESS OF BRINVILLIERS -- Albert Smith Marquise de Brinvilliers, the poisoner Bentley (new edition, 1886) THE GOLDEN FLEECE -- Amedee Achard(trans.) Turkish Wars (Louis XIV.) J. Macqueen HIS COUNTERPART -- Russell M. Garnier Wars of Turenne (John Churchill) Harper & Brothers THE CLASH OF ARMS -- J. Bloundelle Burton Wars of Turenne (John Churchill) Methuen & Co. UNCROWNING A KING -- E. S. Ellis America--King Philip's war Cassell & Co. THE OLD DOMINION (PRISONERS OF HOPE) -- Mary Johnston Virginia, late Seventeenth Century Constable & Co. VIVIAN OF VIRGINIA -- Hulbert Fuller Virginia, late Seventeenth Century Jarrold & Sons THE HEART'S HIGHWAY -- Mary E. Wilkins Virginia, late Seventeenth Century John Murray A REPUTED CHANGELING -- Charlotte M. Yonge Period of Charles II.--William III. Macmillan & Co. THE REBEL -- H. B. Marriott Watson Rising at Taunton, 1684. W. Heinemann LORNA DOONE -- R. D. Blackmore James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Sampson Low & Co. FOR FAITH AND FREEDOM -- Walter Besant James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Chatto & Windus MICAH CLARKE -- Conan Doyle James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Longmans, Green, & Co. IN TAUNTON TOWN -- E. Everett Green James II.--Monmouth Rebellion T. Nelson & Sons THE BLUE FLAG -- Max Hillary James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Ward, Lock, & Co. URITH -- S. Baring-Gould James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Methuen & Co. DEB CLAVEL -- M. E. Palgrave James II.--Monmouth Rebellion Religious Tract Society DUKE OF MONMOUTH -- Gerald Griffin James II.--Monmouth Rebellion R. Bentley, 1836 IN THE SERVICE OF RACHEL LADY RUSSELL -- Emma Marshall Period of James II. Seeley & Co. THE STANDARD BEARER -- S. R. Crockett Period of James II. (Covenanters) Methuen & Co. THE COURTSHIP OF MORICE BUCKLER -- A. E. W. Mason Period of James II. (1685-7) Macmillan & Co. THE SWORD OF THE KING -- Ronald Macdonald William of Orange John Murray THE OUTLAW -- Mrs. Hall Revolution period (1688) R. Bentley, 1847 THE LIFEGUARDSMAN -- H. J. Schimmel (translation) Revolution period (1688) A. & C. Black THE SCOTTISH CAVALIER -- James Grant Battle of Killiecrankie Geo. Routledge & Sons RINGAN GILHAIZE -- J. Galt Battle of Killiecrankie Greening & Co. LOCHINVAR -- S. R. Crockett Battle of Killiecrankie Methuen & Co. MISTRESS DOROTHY MARVIN -- J. C. Snaith Period of Judge Jeffreys, &c. Ward, Lock, & Co. BLUE PAVILIONS -- "Q" William III. Cassell & Co. KENSINGTON PALACE -- Emma Marshall William III. Seeley & Co. MY MISTRESS THE QUEEN -- M. A. Paull Marriage of Mary to William (Charles II.--William III.) Blackie & Son BY THE NORTH SEA -- Emma Marshall Cromwell's Grand-daughter Jarrold & Sons A MAN'S FOES -- E. H. Strain Siege of Derry (1689) Ward, Lock, & Co. THE CRIMSON SIGN -- S. R. Keightley Siege of Derry (1689) Hutchinson & Co. IN THE WAKE OF KING JAMES -- Standish O'Grady Siege of Derry (1689) J. M. Dent & Co. THE BOYNE WATER -- J. Banim Battle of the Boyne (1690) James Duffy, Dublin THE MAC MAHON -- Owen Blayney Battle of the Boyne (1690) Constable & Co. REDMOND COUNT O'HANLON -- W. Carleton Battle of Aughrim James Duffy, Dublin THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR -- Scott East Lothian, 1695 A. & C. Black ON THE RED STAIRCASE -- M. Imlay Taylor Russia in the youthful days of Peter the Great Gay and Bird THE LION CUB -- F. Whishaw Russia in the youthful days of Peter the Great Griffith, Farran, & Co. THE ROAD TO FRONTENAC -- S. Merwin French occupation of Canada John Murray THE TRAIL OF THE SWORD -- Gilbert Parker French occupation of Canada Methuen & Co. THE YOUNG PIONEERS -- E. Everett Green La Salle, the French Explorer T. Nelson & Sons THE BEGUM'S DAUGHTER -- E. L. Bynner New York (Jacob Leisler) Houghton, Muffin. & Co. IN FURTHEST IND -- Sydney C. Grier East India Company, 1697 W. Blackwood & Sons DARIEN -- Eliot Warburton William Paterson and the Darien Scheme (1698) Colburn, 1852 MAZEPPA -- F. Whishaw Mazeppa and the Cossacks (17th-18th Century) Chatto & Windus MONSIEUR MARTIN -- W. Carey Sweden from 1699 (Charles XII.) W. Blackwood & Sons A LADY OF QUALITY -- F. Hodgson Burnett Social Life, end of Seventeenth Century Warne & Co. HIS GRACE OF OSMONDE -- F. Hodgson Burnett Social Life, end of Seventeenth Century Warne & Co. A SET OF ROGUES -- Frank Barrett Algerine Pirates, &c. A. D. Innes & Co. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. THE PIRATE -- Scott Shetland and Orkney Islands, 1700 A. & C. Black ESMOND -- Thackeray Time of Anne Smith, Elder, & Co. DEVEREUX -- Lytton Time of Anne (England and Abroad) Geo. Routledge & Sons ST. JAMES'S -- Harrison Ainsworth Time of Anne Geo. Routledge & Sons THE OLD CHELSEA BUN HOUSE -- Miss Manning Time of Anne J. C. Nimmo ACROSS THE SALT SEAS -- J. Bloundelle Burton Time of Anne (Battle of Blenheim) Methuen & Co. THE QUEEN'S SERF -- Elsa d'Esterre Keeling Time of Anne Fisher Unwin MOHAWKS -- Miss Braddon Time of Anne J. & R. Maxwell Ditto. IN KING'S HOUSES -- Julia C. R. Dorr Time of Anne Duckworth & Co. THE BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE -- G. A. Henty Time of Anne (Peterborough) Blackie & Son THE CORNET OF HORSE -- G. A. Henty Time of Anne (Duke of Marlborough) Sampson Low & Co. IN THE IRISH BRIGADE -- G. A. Henty Time of Anne (Foreign Wars). Blackie & Son TOM TUFTON'S TRAVELS and TOM TUFTON'S TOLL -- E. Everett Green Time of Anne T. Nelson & Sons ESTHER VANHOMRIGH -- Margaret L. Woods Dean Swift John Murray THE BLACK DWARF -- Scott The Lowlands of Scotland, 1706 (Jacobites) A. & C. Black AN IMPERIAL LOVER -- M. Imlay Taylor Russia--Peter the Great Gay & Bird BORIS THE BEAR-HUNTER and A LOST ARMY -- F. Whishaw Russia (from late Seventeenth Century) T. Nelson & Sons CAPTAIN SINGLETON -- Defoe Time of George I. J. M. Dent & Co. FOR THE KING -- C. Gibbon Time of George I. Chatto & Windus THE HERITAGE OF LANGDALE -- Mrs. Alexander Time of George I. Hutchinson & Co. PARSON KELLY -- A. E. W. Mason and A. Lang Time of George I. Longmans, Green, & Co. DUANCE PENDRAY -- G. Norway Time of George I. (Cornish Jacobites) Jarrold & Sons MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE -- Booth Tarkington Bath--early Eighteenth Century John Murray THE RAIDERS and THE DARK O' THE MOON -- S. R. Crockett Galloway--early Eighteenth Century Fisher Unwin and Macmillan & Co. ROB ROY -- Scott The Jacobites A. & C. Black DOROTHY FORSTER -- Walter Besant The Jacobites Chatto & Windus A DAUGHTER OF STRIFE -- J. H. Findlater The Jacobites Methuen & Co. A LOYAL LITTLE MAID -- S. Tytler The Jacobites Blackie & Son TO ARMS! -- A. Balfour The Jacobites Methuen & Co. *CLEMENTINA -- A. E. W. Mason The Old Pretender and Princess Clementina Sobieski Methuen & Co. * Decidedly superior to the same Author's "Lawrence Clavering" (also Jacobite period). A JACOBITE EXILE -- G. A. Henty Charles XII. of Sweden Blackie & Son TIMES OF CHARLES XII. -- Z. Topelius (trans.) Charles XII. of Sweden Jansen & Co., Chicago LE CHEVALIER D'HARMENTHAL -- Dumas (translation) France--the Regency (1718) J. M. Dent & Co. THE REGENT'S DAUGHTER -- Dumas (translation) France--the Regency (1719) J. M. Dent & Co. THE YEMASSEE -- W. G. Simms South Carolina, 1715 W. J. Widdleton, New York, 1866 (Revised Ed.) FREE TO SERVE -- E. Rayner Colonial New York G. P. Putnam's Sons AUDREY -- Mary Johnston Virginia, in George I-II. Period Constable & Co. HALIL THE PEDLAR -- M. Jokai (trans.) Stambul, 1730 Jarrold & Sons THE MISER'S DAUGHTER -- Harrison Ainsworth Time of George II. Geo. Routledge & Sons THE WORLD WENT VERY WELL THEN -- Walter Besant Time of George II. Chatto & Windus HEART OF MIDLOTHIAN -- Scott Time of George II. (Porteous Riots) A. & C. Black WILLOWDENE WILL -- Halliwell Sutcliffe Time of George II. C. A. Pearson THE GIPSY -- G. P. R. James Time of George II. Warne & Co. NED LEGER -- G. Manville Fenn Time of George II. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge RODERICK RANDOM -- Smollett Time of George II. Constable & Co. TREASURE TROVE -- S. Lover Time of George II. (Fontenoy) Constable & Co. WHERE HONOUR LEADS -- Marian Francis Time of George II. (Fontenoy) Hutchinson & Co. THE HOUSE DIVIDED -- H. B. Marriott Watson Time of George II. Harper & Brothers LADY GRIZEL -- Lewis Wingfield Time of George II. Bentley, 1877 FOR THE WHITE ROSE OF ARNO -- Owen Rhoscomyl Wales, in 1745 Longmans, Green, & Co. WAVERLEY -- Scott The Jacobites A. & C. Black MISTRESS NANCY MOLESWORTH -- Joseph Hocking The Jacobites J. Bowden THE FORTUNES OF CLAUDE -- Edgar Pickering The Jacobites Warne & Co. A LOST LADY OF OLD YEARS -- J. Buchan The Jacobites John Lane DENOUNCED -- J. Bloundelle Burton The Jacobites Methuen & Co. RICROFT OF WITHENS -- Halliwell Sutcliffe The Jacobites Fisher Unwin THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE -- R. L. Stevenson The Jacobites Cassell & Co. AN EXILED SCOT -- H. A. Bryden The Jacobites (The Cape) Chatto & Windus SIR SERGEANT -- W. L. Watson The Jacobites W. Blackwood & Sons KIDNAPPED -- R. L. Stevenson Scotland, 1751 Cassell & Co. CATRIONA -- R. L. Stevenson Scotland, 1751 Cassell & Co. THE SHOES OF FORTUNE -- Neil Munro Jacobites, 1755 Isbister & Co. THE BIRTHRIGHT -- Joseph Hocking Time of John Wesley (Cornwall) J. Bowden HUMPHREY CLINKER -- Smollett Manners, mid. Eighteenth Century Constable & Co. THE CHAPLAIN OF THE FLEET -- W. Besant and J. Rice Manners, mid. Eighteenth Century Chatto & Windus MOONFLEET -- J. Meade Falkner Smugglers, 1757 E. Arnold THE MASTER OF THE MUSICIANS -- Emma Marshall Handel, 1742-1759 Seeley & Co. PEG WOFFINGTON -- Charles Reade The Stage, middle of Eighteenth Century Chatto & Windus THE JESSAMY BRIDE -- F. Frankfort Moore Goldsmith, Garrick, &c. Hutchinson & Co. MEMOIRS OF BARRY LYNDON -- Thackeray World of fashion, from middle to end of Eighteenth Century Smith, Elder, & Co. THE BATH COMEDY -- Agnes & Egerton Castle Bath, middle of Eighteenth Century Macmillan & Co. THE DUTCHMAN'S FIRESIDE -- J. K. Paulding New York, middle of Eighteenth Century Scribners IN OLD NEW YORK -- Wilson Barrett and E. Barron New York, middle of Eighteenth Century J. Macqueen AGNES SURRIAGE -- Edwin L. Bynner America (Boston), middle of Eighteenth Century Sampson Low & Co. FAIRFAX -- J. E. Cooke Valley of the Shenandoah, 1748-81 Sampson Low & Co. WITH CLIVE IN INDIA -- G. A. Henty India, middle Eighteenth Century Blackie & Son RALPH DANIELL -- Meadows Taylor India, middle Eighteenth Century Kegan, Paul, & Co. LIKE ANOTHER HELEN -- Sydney C. Grier India, middle Eighteenth Century W. Blackwood & Sons IVAN DE BIRON -- Sir Arthur Helps Russia, middle Eighteenth Century Chatto & Windus THE KING'S "BLUE BOYS" -- Sheila E. Braine Frederick William I. of Prussia and his Giant Grenadiers Jarrold & Sons THE CITIZEN OF PRAGUE -- C. L. A. Paalzow (translation) Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria H. Colburn, 1846 CONSUELO and THE COUNTESS OF RUDOLSTADT -- George Sand (trans.) Time of Frederick the Great Walter Scott *FREDERICK THE GREAT AND HIS FAMILY -- Louise Muhlbach (translation) Time of Frederick the Great D. Appleton & Co. * One of L. Muhlbach's several romances dealing with this period. GAVIN HAMILTON -- M. E. Seawell The Seven Years War Harper & Brothers WITH FREDERICK THE GREAT -- G. A. Henty The Seven Years War Blackie & Son A FALLEN STAR -- C. Lowe The Seven Years War Downey & Co. AMYOT BROUGH -- E. Vincent Briton England and Canada, middle of Eighteenth Century Seeley & Co. THE FORGE IN THE FOREST -- C. D. G. Roberts Canada, middle Eighteenth Century Kegan, Paul, & Co. A SISTER TO EVANGELINE -- C. D. G. Roberts Canada, middle Eighteenth Century John Lane AT WAR WITH PONTIAC -- Kirk Munroe Canada, middle Eighteenth Century Blackie & Son THE SEATS OF THE MIGHTY -- Gilbert Parker The Taking of Quebec Methuen & Co. THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS -- Fennimore Cooper Montcalm, 1757 Macmillan & Co. THE STORY OF OLD FORT LOUDON -- C. E. Craddock North America, 1758. (French War) Macmillan & Co. FORTUNE'S MY FOE -- J. Bloundelle Burton Cartagena, 1758 Methuen & Co. THE VIRGINIANS -- Thackeray America and England, George II.-III. Smith, Elder, & Co. THE GOLDEN DOG -- William Kirby Quebec, in the days of Louis XV. Jarrold & Sons OLYMPE DE CLEVES -- Dumas (translation) France, Louis XV. J. M. Dent & Co. THE HOUSE OF DE MAILLY -- Margaret H. Potter France, Louis XV. Harper & Brothers THE LITTLE HUGUENOT -- Max Pemberton France, Louis XV. Cassell & Co. THE LAST RECRUIT OF CLARE'S -- S. R. Keightley Marquise de Pompadour, &c. (Irish Brigade stories) Hutchinson & Co. THE FAVOR OF PRINCES -- Mark L. Luthur Adventure in time of Louis XV. Macmillan & Co. MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN -- Dumas (translation) Louis XV.-XVI. (1770-74) J. M. Dent & Co. THE QUEEN'S NECKLACE -- Dumas (translation) Court of Louis XVI. (1784-5) J. M. Dent & Co. THE COUNTESS EVE -- J. H. Shorthouse Burgundy, 1785 Macmillan & Co. IN EXITU ISRAEL -- S. Baring-Gould Church and State in France, 1788-9 Macmillan & Co., 1870 THE KING WITH TWO FACES -- M. E. Coleridge Gustavus III. of Sweden E. Arnold MANY WAYS OF LOVE -- F. Whishaw Russia, time of Catharine II. J. M. Dent & Co. A FORBIDDEN NAME -- F. Whishaw Russia, time of Catharine II. Chatto & Windus THE TURKISH AUTOMATON -- Sheila E. Braine Russia, time of Catharine II. Blackie & Son THE PRIDE OF JENNICO -- Agnes & Egerton Castle Moravia, 1771 Macmillan & Co. REDGAUNTLET -- Scott Time of George III. A. & C. Black GUY MANNERING -- Scott Time of George III. A. & C. Black KATERFELTO -- G. J. Whyte-Melville Time of George III. (Exmoor). W. Thacker & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co. THE ORANGE GIRL -- Walter Besant Time of George III. Chatto & Windus *THE ROCK OF THE LION -- M. E. Seawell Time of George III. Harper & Brothers * Deals with the Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1783. BARNABY RUDGE -- Dickens Time of George III. (Gordon Riots) Chapman & Hall THE MAID OF SKER -- R. D. Blackmore Time of George III. Sampson Low & Co. MISS ANGEL -- Miss Thackeray Art (Reynolds & Angelica Kauffmann) Smith, Elder, & Co. THE FATAL GIFT -- F. Frankfort Moore The Sisters Gunning Hutchinson & Co. A NEST OF LINNETS -- F. Frankfort Moore R. B. Sheridan, Johnson, &c. Hutchinson & Co. THE SURGEON'S DAUGHTER -- Scott Fifeshire, Isle of Wight, and India (1780) A. & C. Black THE CASTLE INN -- Stanley Weyman English Manners, late Eighteenth Century Smith, Elder, & Co. THE TONE KING -- Heribert Rau (trans.) Mozart Jarrold & Sons THE VIRGINIA COMEDIANS -- J. E. Cooke Virginia, 1763-5 D. Appleton & Co., 1854 ALICE OF OLD VINCENNES -- Maurice Thompson Fort Vincennes (Clark's Conquest) Cassell & Co. THE GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS -- Daniel P. Thompson American Revolution B. B. Mussey & Co., Boston. Revised edition, 1848 *LIONEL LINCOLN -- Fennimore Cooper American Revolution Geo. Routledge & Sons * "Lionel Lincoln" treats of Boston in the time of Bunker Hill (1775); "The Spy" of Hudson River district 1782); and "The Pilot" of Paul Jones (1779). THE SPY -- Fennimore Cooper American Revolution Geo. Routledge & Sons THE PILOT -- Fennimore Cooper American Revolution Geo. Routledge & Sons RICHARD CARVEL -- Winston Churchill American Revolution Macmillan & Co. HUGH WYNNE -- S. Weir Mitchell American Revolution (Washington) Macmillan & Co. A GREAT TREASON -- Mary A. M. Hoppus American Revolution (Benedict Arnold) Macmillan & Co. A SOLDIER OF VIRGINIA -- Burton Eghert Stevenson American Revolution Duckworth & Co. PHILIP WINWOOD -- R. N. Stephens American Revolution Chatto & Windus LOVE LIKE A GIPSY -- Bernard Capes American Revolution Constable & Co. JANICE MEREDITH -- P. L. Ford American Revolution Constable & Co. THE TORY LOVER -- Sarah Orne Jewett American Revolution (Paul Jones) Smith, Elder, & Co. CARDIGAN -- R. W. Chambers American Revolution Constable & Co. *THE FORAYERS and EUTAW -- W. G. Simms American Revolution W. J. Widdleton, New York * The two last of a series covering the American War period. HORSE-SHOE ROBINSON -- J. P. Kennedy Virginia, 1780 R. Bentley, 1835 THE DUKE OF STOCKBRIDGE -- E. Bellamy Massachusetts (Shays' Rebellion) Gay & Bird ANGE PITOU -- Dumas (translation) French Revolution period J. M. Dent & Co. LA COMTESSE DE CHARNY -- Dumas (translation) French Revolution period (1789-94) J. M. Dent & Co. CHEVALIER DE MAISON ROUGE -- Dumas (translation) French Revolution period (1793) J. M. Dent & Co. *THE STORY OF A PEASANT -- Erckmann-Chatrian (translation) French Revolution period (1789-1815) Ward, Lock, & Co. * Collective title of the four tales--"The States-General" (1789), "The Country in Danger" (1792), "Year One of the Republic" (1793), and "Citizen Bonaparte" (1794-1815). Erckmann-Chatrian's "Madame Therese" (translation) is another good story of this period (1792). THE REDS OF THE MIDI -- Felix Gras (translation) French Revolution period W. Heinemann THE TERROR -- Felix Gras (translation) French Revolution period W. Heinemann THE WHITE TERROR -- Felix Gras (translation) French Revolution period W. Heinemann A TALE OF TWO CITIES -- Dickens French Revolution period Chapman & Hall L'AN '93 -- Victor Hugo (trans.) French Revolution period J. M. Dent & Co. MY LADY MARCIA -- Eliza F. Pollard French Revolution period T. Nelson & Sons THE ATELIER DU LYS -- Miss Roberts French Revolution period Longmans, Green, & Co. ON THE EDGE OF THE STORM -- Miss Roberts French Revolution period Warne & Co. CITOYENNE JACQUELINE -- S. Tytler French Revolution period Chatto & Windus LA VENDEE -- Anthony Trollope French Revolution period Colburn, 1850 THE RED COCKADE -- Stanley Weyman French Revolution period Longmans, Green, & Co. MADEMOISELLE MATHILDE -- Henry Kingsley French Revolution period Ward, Lock, & Co. THE ADVENTURES OF FRANCOIS FOUNDER -- S. Weir Mitchell French Revolution period Macmillan & Co. *A STORM-RENT SKY -- M. Betham Edwards French Revolution period Hurst & Blackett * This striking tale deals with Danton's career. In "A Romance of Dijon" (Black) and "The Dream-Charlotte" (Black) Miss Betham Edwards has depicted earlier phases of the Revolution; the last- named novel takes us away from the Capital, to show us how the forces of the time affected the simple folk of Normandy. THE ADVENTURES OF THE COMTE DE LA MUETTE -- Bernard Capes French Revolution period W. Blackwood & Sons OUR LADY OF DARKNESS -- Bernard Capes French Revolution period W. Blackwood & Sons THE RED SHIRTS -- Paul Gaulot. (trans.) French Revolution period Chatto & Windus A GIRL OF THE MULTITUDE -- Anonymous French Revolution period Fisher Unwin THE LITTLE SAINT OF GOD -- Lady F. Cunningham French Revolution period Hurst & Blackett ST. KATHERINE'S BY THE TOWER -- Walter Besant French Revolution period (England, 1793) Chatto & Windus AT THE SIGN OF THE GUILLOTINE -- Harold Spender Robespierre, 1794 Fisher Unwin THE PARSON'S DAUGHTER -- Emma Marshall George Romney, the Painter Seeley & Co. THE MAID OF MAIDEN LANE -- Amelia E. Barr New York, 1791 Fisher Unwin ARTHUR MERVYN -- Charles Brocden Brown Philadelphia, 1793 (yellow fever year) H. Maxwell, Phil., 1799 ROPES OF SAND -- R. E. Francillon North Devon, 1793 Chatto & Windus A BUSINESS IN GREAT WATERS -- Julian Corbett Sussex Smugglers and French Conspirators Methuen & Co. THE WHITES AND THE BLUES -- Dumas (translation) Rise of Napoleon (1793-9) J. M. Dent & Co. THE CHOIR INVISIBLE -- James Lane Allen Kentucky, 1795 Macmillan & Co. THE MILLS OF GOD -- Elinor Macartney Lane Virginia and England D. Appleton & Co. THE KING'S OWN -- Marryatt Mutiny at the Nore, 1797 J. M. Dent & Co. ADMIRAL -- Douglas Sladen Nelson, 1798-9 Hutchinson & Co. THE BATTLE OF THE STRONG -- Gilbert Parker Jersey, &c., end of Eighteenth Century Methuen & Co. IN PRESS-GANG DAYS -- E. Pickering Battle of the Nile, &c. Warne & Co. THE ANTIQUARY -- Scott Scotch Manners, last decade of Eighteenth Century A. & C. Black THE KING'S DEPUTY -- H. A. Hinkson Dublin in time of Grattan Lawrence & Bullen RORY O'MORE -- S. Lover Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Constable & Co. KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN -- Randal McDonnell Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Fisher Unwin TWO CHIEFS OF DUNBOY -- J. A. Froude Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Longmans, Green, & Co. THE REBELS -- M. McD. Bodkin Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Ward, Lock, & Co. UP FOR THE GREEN -- H. A. Hinkson Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Lawrence & Bullen THE CROPPY -- John and Michael Banim Ireland (the '98 Rebellion) Henry Colburn, 1828 THE INIMITABLE MRS. MASSINGHAM -- Herbert Compton Gretna Green & Botany Bay, 1799 Chatto & Windus THE COMPANIONS OF JEHU -- Dumas (translation) Napoleon in Egypt (1799-1800) J. M. Dent & Co. THE MINISTER'S WOOING -- Mrs. Beecher Stowe American Manners (late Eighteenth to early Nineteenth Century.) Sampson Low & Co. LITTLE JARVIS -- M. E. Seawell American quarrel with France (Constellation cruises, 1798-1800.) D. Appleton & Co. THE HUNGARIAN BROTHERS -- A. M. Porter Vienna in the last decade of the Century Warne & Co. NINETEENTH CENTURY (EARLY AND MID) THE CHOUANS -- Balzac (translation) Brittany in 1800 J. M. Dent & Co. RODNEY STONE -- Conan Doyle English Social Life, beginning of Nineteenth Century Smith, Elder, & Co. THE LORDS OF STROGUE -- Lewis Wingfield Ireland at the Union Bentley, 1879 SWALLOW BARN -- J. P. Kennedy Virginian Life, beginning of Nineteenth Century G. P. Putnam, 1851 BLENNERHASSETT -- C. F. Pidgin America--time of Aaron Burr C. M. Clark Publishing Co., Boston A SON OF THE REVOLUTION -- Elbridge S. Brooks America--time of Aaron Burr Wilde & Co., Boston THE MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY -- E. E. Hale America--time of Aaron Burr (1805-7) Roberts, Boston AT THE POINT OF THE BAYONET -- G. A. Henty Battle of Assaye, &c. Blackie & Son THE HOUR AND THE MAN -- Harriet Martineau Toussaint L'Ouverture Cassell ("Red Library," 1886) THE ADVENTURES OF A GOLDSMITH -- M. H. Bourchier France--Royalist Conspiracy under the Consulate Elkin Mathews PICCIOLA -- X. B. Saintine (trans.) Earlier Napoleonic period Sampson Low & Co. A BOY OF THE FIRST EMPIRE -- Elbridge S. Brooks Napoleon, Fouche, &c. (1806-15) S. W. Partridge & Co. WHEN GEORGE III. WAS KING -- A. Sagon Time of Nelson Sands & Co. SPRINGHAVEN -- R. D. Blackmore Time of Nelson (Trafalgar) Sampson Low & Co. *TRAFALGAR -- B. Perez Galdos (trans.) Time of Nelson (Trafalgar) Trubner & Co., 1884 * One of the series (20 vols.), "Episodios Nacionales," dealing with the Spanish War of Independence. AFLOAT WITH NELSON -- Charles H. Eden Time of Nelson (Trafalgar) J. Macqueen RUHE IST DIE ERSTE BURGERFLICHT and ISEGRIMM -- Wilibald Alexis Prussia--Invasion of Napoleon, &c. Barthol, Berlin (1852 and 1854) RAFAEL -- Ernest Daudet (trans.) Spain--Charles IV. and Napoleon Sampson Low & Co. TOM BURKE Of "OURS" -- Charles Lever French Wars (Consulate--Empire) Downey & Co. and Geo. Routledge & Sons THE AIDE-DE-CAMP -- James Grant Battle of Maida, 1806 Geo. Routledge & Sons CHARLES O'MALLEY -- Charles Lever Peninsular War Downey & Co. and Geo. Routledge & Sons ALICE LORRAINE -- R. D. Blackmore Peninsular War Sampson Low & Co. THE ROMANCE OF WAR -- James Grant Peninsular War Geo. Routledge & Sons WITH MOORE AT CORUNNA and UNDER WELLINGTON'S COMMAND -- G. A. Henty Peninsular War Blackie & Son THE SUBALTERN -- G. R. Gleig Peninsular War W. Blackwood & Sons THE BIVOUAC -- W. H. Maxwell Peninsular War Geo. Routledge & Sons SONS OF THE SWORD -- Margaret L. Woods Peninsular War W. Heinemann WITH THE RED EAGLE -- W. Westall Austria, early Nineteenth Century Chatto & Windus A RED BRIDAL -- W. Westall Austria, early Nineteenth Century (Hofer.) Chatto & Windus WAR AND PEACE -- Tolstoy (translation) Napoleon's Russian Campaign Walter Scott KENNETH -- Charlotte M. Yonge Napoleon's Russian Campaign Macmillan & Co. THROUGH RUSSIAN SNOWS -- G. A. Henty Napoleon's Russian Campaign Blackie & Son SHIRLEY -- Charlotte Bronte The "Luddite" Riots Smith, Elder, & Co. FOREST FOLK -- James Prior The "Luddite" Riots W. Heinemann AN OCEAN FREE LANCE -- Clark Russell Privateering in 1812 Sampson Low & Co. ST. RONAN'S WELL -- Scott Near Firth of Forth, 1812 A. & C. Black D'RI AND I. -- Irving Bacheller America--War of 1812 Grant Richards THE BIG BROTHER -- G. C. Eggleston America--War of 1812. Indian War, 1813 G. P. Putnam's Sons IN THE YEAR '13 -- Fritz Renter (trans.) French occupation of Mecklenburg Sampson Low & Co. (Tauchnitz edition, 1867) UNCLE BERNAC -- Conan Doyle Napoleon and his time Smith, Elder, & Co. EXPLOITS OF BRIGADIER GERARD -- Conan Doyle Napoleon and his time George Newnes THE SHADOW OF THE SWORD -- R. Buchanan Napoleon and his time (Elba.) Chatto & Windus GRANTLEY FENTON -- M. M. Blake Napoleon and his time (Elba.) Jarrold & Sons VENGEANCE IS MINE -- A. Balfour Napoleon and his time (Elba.) Methuen & Co. FACE TO FACE WITH NAPOLEON and IN THE YEAR OF WATERLOO -- O. V. Caine Napoleon and his time J. Nisbet & Co. ONE OF THE 28th. -- G. A. Henty Napoleon and his time (Waterloo.) Blackie & Son THE BLOCKADE -- Erckmann-Chatrian (translation) Napoleon and his time Ward, Lock, & Co. *THE CONSCRIPT and WATERLOO -- Erckmann-Chatrian (translation) Napoleon and his time Ward, Lock, & Co. * These two books depict the period September, 1812-July, 1815. STORIES OF WATERLOO -- W. H. Maxwell Napoleon and his time Geo. Routledge & Sons THE GREAT SHADOW -- Conan Doyle Napoleon and his time (Waterloo.) J. W. Arrowsmith ST. IVES -- R. L. Stevenson French prisoner in England, 1813--14 W. Heinemann CHEAP JACK ZITA -- S. Baring-Gould The Fen Riots Methuen & Co. LES MISERABLES -- Victor Hugo (trans.) France, 1815 J. M. Dent & Co. LAZARRE -- Mrs. Catherwood Son of Louis XVI. (France and America, 1795-1815) Grant Richards THE NAMELESS CASTLE -- M. Jokai (trans.) Daughter of Louis XVI. (Hungary in the Napoleonic period) Jarrold & Sons LORDS OF THE NORTH -- Agnes C. Laut Canada--Hudson Bay Company versus North-West Company W. Heinemann THE REVOLUTION IN TANNER'S LANE -- Mark Rutherford Nonconformity, early Nineteenth Century Fisher Unwin THE MANCHESTER MAN -- Mrs. G. L. Banks Manchester, early Nineteenth Century (Peterloo) George Newnes VANITY FAIR -- Thackeray "High Life," George III.-IV. Smith, Elder, & Co. MIS'ESS JOY -- John Le Breton Last Years of the Regency J. Macqueen YEOMAN FLEETWOOD -- M. E. Francis (Mrs. Blundell) Last Years of the Regency Longmans, Green, & Co. A LADY OF THE REGENCY -- Mrs. Stepney Rawson Time of George IV. Hutchinson & Co. TAKEN FROM THE ENEMY -- Henry Newbolt Time of George IV. (Plot to rescue Napoleon, 1821.) Chatto & Windus ROYAL GEORGIE -- S. Baring-Gould Time of George IV. Methuen & Co. THE VINTAGE and CAPSINA -- E. F. Benson Greek War of Independence, 1821 Methuen & Co. BLACK PROPHET -- W. Carleton Ireland, in 1822 Simms & Co., 1847 THE WHITEBOY -- Mrs. S. C. Hall Ireland, in 1822 Geo. Routledge & Sons HUNGARIAN NABOB -- M. Jokai (translation) Hungary, 1822 Jarrold & Sons THE GREEN BOOK -- M. Jokai (translation) Russia, 1825 Jarrold & Sons THADDEUS OF WARSAW -- Jane Porter Poland, about 1830 Geo. Routledge & Sons THE FIERY DAWN -- M. E. Coleridge Duchesse de Berri (1831-2) E. Arnold THE SHE WOLVES OF MACHECOUL -- Dumas (translation) Duchesse de Berri (1795-1843) J. M. Dent & Co. THE FIREBRAND -- S. R. Crockett Spain--Queen Cristina and the Carlists Macmillan & Co. IN KEDAR'S TENTS -- H. S. Merriman The Carlists Smith, Elder, & Co. FOR THE RIGHT -- Karl Emil Franzos (translation) Carpathian district, 1835 James Clarke & Co. MIDDLEMARCH -- George Eliot Time of William IV. W. Blackwood & Sons FELIX HOLT -- George Eliot Time of William IV. W. Blackwood & Sons UNDER THE MENDIPS -- Emma Marshall Time of William IV. (Bristol Riots.) Seeley & Co. TREWERN -- R. M. Thomas Time of William IV. (Wales.) Fisher Unwin SWALLOW -- H. Rider Haggard South Africa--the Great Trek, 1836 Longmans, Green, & Co. JOHN CHARITY -- H. A. Vachell First years of Queen Victoria's reign. (Hants and California). John Murray ALTON LOCKE -- Charles Kingsley Early Victorian period (Chartists) Macmillan & Co. SYBIL -- Disraeli Early Victorian period (Chartists) Longmans, Green, & Co. TO HERAT AND CABUL -- G. A. Henty First Afghan War Blackie & Son CASTLE RICHMOND -- Anthony Trollope Irish Famine Chapman & Hall, 1860 CASTLE DALY -- Miss Keary Irish Famine Macmillan & Co. MONONIA -- Justin McCarthy Ireland, 1848 Chatto & Windus ISHMAEL -- Miss Braddon France (Louis Philippe-Napoleon III.) J. & R. Maxwell JOURNEYMAN LOVE -- Mrs. Stepney Rawson France. (Period of tile '48 Revolution). Hutchinson & Co. MADEMOISELLE MORI -- Miss Roberts Italian Revolution, 1848 Longmans, Green, & Co *DR. ANTONIO -- G. D. Ruffini Italian Revolution, 1848 Thos. Constable & Co., Edinburgh, 1855 * A remarkable example of a foreigner's mastery of our language. Ruffini, the illustrious Italian patriot, wrote this novel after a sojourn of some years in England. VITTORIA -- George Meredith Italian Revolution, 1848 Constable & Co. FOR FREEDOM -- Tighe Hopkins War of Italian Liberation, 1859 Chatto & Windus OUT WITH GARIBALDI -- G. A. Henty War of Italian Liberation, 1859 Blackie & Son DEBIT AND CREDIT -- Freytag (translation) Silesia, 1848 Bentley, 1857 THE BARON'S SONS -- M. Jokai (translation) Hungarian Revolution, 1848. J. Macqueen MANASSEH -- M. Jokai (translation) Italy and Transylvania, 1848-59 J. Macqueen RAVENSHOE -- Henry Kingsley Period of Crimean War Ward, Lock, & Co. *SEVASTOPOL -- Tolstoy (translatton) Period of Crimean War Grant Richards * This powerful sketch can hardly be described as "romance," but I felt that my Crimean section would be incomplete without it. THE INTERPRETER -- G. J. Whyte Melville Period of Crimean War W. Thacker & Co. and Ward, Lock, & Co. BY CELIA'S ARBOUR -- W. Besant and J. Rice Period of Crimean War Chatto & Windus A GALLANT GRENADIER -- Captain Brereton Period of Crimean War Blackie & Son SEETA -- Meadows Taylor Indian Mutiny Kegan, Paul, & Co. THE DILEMMA -- Sir George Chesny Indian Mutiny W. Blackwood & Sons ON THE FACE OF THE WATERS -- Mrs. F. A. Steel Indian Mutiny (Siege of Delhi) W. Heinemann FLOTSAM -- H. Seton Merriman Indian Mutiny Longmans, Green, & Co. FOR THE OLD FLAG -- Clive Robert Fenn Indian Mutiny Sampson Low & Co. JENETHA'S VENTURE -- Colonel Harcourt Indian Mutiny Cassell & Co. EBEN HOLDEN -- Irving bacheller New York Journalism (Horace Greeley) Fisher Unwin THE CRISIS -- Winston Churchill American Civil War period Macmillan & Co. THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE -- Stephen Crane American Civil War period W. Heinemann WITH LEE IN VIRGINIA -- G. A. Henty American Civil War period Blackie & Son THE DESERTER, and A DAY IN THE WILDERNESS (In "The Deserter and other stories") -- Harold Frederic American Civil War Period Lothrop Publishing Co. THE COPPERHEAD AND OTHER TALES -- Harold Frederic American Civil War Period W. Heinemann WHO GOES THERE? and FRIEND WITH THE COUNTERSIGN -- B. K. Benson American Civil War Period Macmillan & Co. THE CAVALIER -- George W. Cable American Civil War Period John Murray HENRY BOURLAND -- Albert Elmer Hancock American Civil War Period Macmillan & Co. *RED ROCK -- T. Nelson Page American Civil War Period W. Heinemann * Depicts the Reconstruction period in the Southern States just after the War. AN EMPEROR'S DOOM -- Herbert Hayens Mexican War of Independence T. Nelson & Sons LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS -- Baroness von Suttner (translation) Foreign Wars, 1864-70 Longmans, Green, & Co. FOR SCEPTRE AND CROWN -- G. Samarow (trans.) Prussia v. Austria, 1866 H. S. King & Co., 1875 THE MEMBER FOR PARIS -- E. C. Grenville Murray France--Napoleon III. Smith, Elder, & Co., 1871 HISTOIRE DU PLEBISCITE -- Erckmann-Chatrian Franco-German War Period J. Hetzel et Cie. LORRAINE -- Robert W. Chambers Franco-German War Period G. P. Putnam's Sons VALENTIN -- Henry Kingsley Ward, Lock, & Co. Ditto. THE ISLE OF UNREST -- H. S. Merriman Franco-German War Period (Corsica) Smith, Elder, & Co. THE GARDEN OF SWORDS -- Max Pemberton Franco-German War Period (Strasburg). Cassell & Co. ASHES OF EMPIRE -- Robert W. Chambers Franco-German War Period Macmillan & Co. THE DOWNFALL -- E. Zola (translation) Franco-German War Period (Sedan) Chatto & Windus *UNE EPOQUE -- Paul et Victor Margueritte Franco-German War Period Plon-Nourrit et Cie., Paris * Collective title of the 4 novels--"Le Desastre" (Metz, 1870), "Les Troncons du Glaive" (La Defense nationale. 1870-71), "Les Braves Gens" (Episodes, 1870-71), and "La Commune" (Paris, 1875). The last-named has still (January, 1902) to appear. Messrs. Chatto & Windus have published an English translation of "Le Desastre." THE PARISIANS -- Lytton Paris Commune Geo. Routledge & Sons THE RED REPUBLIC -- Robert W. Chambers Paris Commune G. P. Putnam's Sons THE VELVET GLOVE -- H. S. Merriman Spain, 1870--The Carlists Smith, Elder, & Co. * SUPPLEMENTARY LIST OF NOTABLE NOVELS, Which, while not strictly "Historical," in some way represent bygone periods. * Nothing like exhaustiveness is claimed for this "Supplementary List;" the method of study therein indicated might be indefinitely extended, but the few works given form an almost necessary starting-point. A less restricted list would, of course, include the Semi-Historic examples of such Foreign authors as Madame de Stael, Balzac, Spielhagen, &c. The purport of this book being primarily in the direction of Historical Romance proper, I have confined my attention here to a few works on the borderland of my Introductory definition. THE FOREST LOVERS -- Maurice Hewlett Mediaeval Life Macmillan & Co. THE SCARLET LETTER -- Nathaniel Hawthorne Massachusetts, end of Seventeenth Century Walter Scott and others CASTLE RACKRENT -- Maria Edgeworth Irish character, early Eighteenth Century Macmillan & Co. TREASURE ISLAND -- R. L. Stevenson Adventure, middle Eighteenth Century Cassell & Co. TOM JONES -- Fielding English Life and Manners, middle Eighteenth Century J. M. Dent & Co. CLARISSA HARLOWE -- Richardson English Life and Manners, middle Eighteenth Century Chapman & Hall THE VICAR OF WAKEFIELD -- Goldsmith English Rural Life, Eighteenth Century Macmillan & Co. ANNALS OF THE PARISH -- John Galt Scotch Village Life, 1760-1810 W. Blackwood & Sons EVELINA -- Frances Burney Fashionable manners, end Eighteenth Century J. M. Dent & Co. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE -- Jane Austen Everyday Society, beginning of Nineteenth Century Macmillan & Co. ADAM BEDE -- George Eliot English Rural Life, beginning of Nineteenth Century W. Blackwood & Sons DESTINY -- Susan E. Ferrier Scotch character, beginning of Nineteenth Century J. M. Dent & Co. TRAITS AND STORIES OF THE IRISH PEASANTRY -- William Carleton Irish Peasant-life, beginning of Nineteenth Century J. M. Dent & Co. O'DONNEL -- Lady Morgan Irish character, beginning of Nineteenth Century Colburn, 1814 THE GRANDISSIMES -- G. W. Cable America, early Nineteenth Century (Creole life) Hodder & Stoughton PENDENNIS and THE NEWCOMES -- Thackeray Late Georgian--Early Victorian manners Smith Elder & Co. CRANFORD -- Mrs. Gaskell English Provincial Life in the second quarter of the Nineteenth Century Macmillan & Co. PERLYCROSS -- R. D. Blackmore English Provincial Life in the second quarter of the Nineteenth Century Sampson Low & Co. THE BLITHEDALE ROMANCE -- Nathaniel Hawthorne Margaret Fuller and the "Brook Farm" group, under fictitious names. Walter Scott THE TRAGIC COMEDIANS -- George Meredith Ferdinand Lassalle, under fictitious name Constable & Co. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN -- Mrs. H. Beecher-Stowe Slavery in America Routledge, Cassell, and others A KENTUCKY CARDINAL AND AFTERMATH -- James Lane Allen American Manners, 1850 Macmillan & Co. BARCHESTER TOWERS -- Anthony Trollope Life in an English Cathedral City, middle of Nineteenth Century Chapman & Hall SUNNINGWELL -- F. Warre Cornish "High Church" and "Broad Church," middle of Nineteenth Century Constable & Co. BEAUCHAMP'S CAREER -- George Meredith English Politics, middle of Nineteenth Century Constable & Co. MARY BARTON -- Mrs. Gaskell Manufacturing Districts, middle of Nineteenth Century Smith, Elder, & Co. SUGGESTED COURSES OF READING--JUVENILE. As likely to assist Parents and Teachers, I propose to give two lists (covering English History from the Norman Conquest) for Boys and Girls respectively; but a passing allusion may, first of all, be made to tales dealing with more ancient periods. For the illustration of Greek and Roman History, those books of Professor A. J. Church which are entered in my Pre-Christian section may be safely recommended; while the pictures of First Century life given in Wallace's "Ben Hur," Lytton's "Last Days of Pompeii," and Whyte Melville's "The Gladiators" are, perhaps, as likely to interest an intelligent boy or girl in the "teen" stage as any similar productions that could be mentioned. Turning to the Early History of our own isle, I would specially mention Mr. Henty's "Beric the Briton"; the "Aescendune" series of tales ("Edwy the Fair," "Alfgar the Dane," and "The Rival Heirs") by the late Rev. A. D. Crake; Mr. C. W. Whistler's "Havelok the Dane," "A Thane of Wessex," &c.; and the various books chosen to represent Alfred and his times. In preparing the following lists, I have had in view, for the most part, the average Juvenile taste; doubtless many of the more advanced works might be offered in special cases, but, in regard to that, the Parent or Teacher can alone judge. Some of the tales entered in (I.) reappear in (II.), but a comparison will disclose important differences. A reference to the General List will, in most cases, reveal a more exact specification; for the sake of convenience, the tales are here grouped according to Reigns only. Of the romances dealing with American and Foreign History to be found in the foregoing pages, many are suitable for young readers; but the sequence not being very close (for any lengthy period at least), separate lists would appear superfluous. Such writers (to mention only a few) as Fennimore Cooper, Mrs. J. G. Austin, G. C. Eggleston, Kirk Munroe, and Elbridge S. Brooks, may be particularly recommended for American History; while Scott, Dumas, Charlotte M. Yonge, Miss Roberts (author of "Mademoiselle Mori"), and G. A. Henty, have all illustrated--in more or less adequate fashion--the course of events in Foreign Countries. The novels of Dumas are not infrequently considered somewhat "strong meat," but his " She- Wolves of Machecoul" and "Black Tulip" may be safely placed in any hands. ENGLISH HISTORY SINCE THE CONQUEST (Boys). HAROLD -- Lytton Norman Conquest, Harold--William I. Geo. Routledge & Sons THE CAMP OF REFUGE -- C. Macfarlane Norman Conquest, Harold--William I. Constable & Co. HEREWARD THE WAKE -- Charles Kingsley Norman Conquest, Harold--William I. Macmillan & Co. WULF THE SAXON -- G. A. Henty Norman Conquest, Harold--William I. Blackie & Son IN THE DAYS OF ST. ANSELM -- G. Hollis William II. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge COUNT ROBERT OF PARIS -- Scott William II. A. & C. Black *PABO THE PRIEST -- S. Baring-Gould Henry I. Methuen & Co. * This, the only substantial tale dealing directly with the reign of Henry I., is hardly suitable for very young folk, but it will interest those with older tastes. THE LEGEND OF READING ABBEY -- C. Macfarlane Stephen Constable & Co. THE KNIGHT OF THE GOLDEN CHAIN -- R. D. Chetwode Stephen C. A. Pearson THE BETROTHED -- Scott Henry II. A. & C. Black FOREST OUTLAWS -- E. Gilliat Henry II. Seeley & Co. THE TALISMAN -- Scott Richard I. A. & C. Black IVANHOE -- Scott Richard I. A. & C. Black RUNNYMEDE AND LINCOLN FAIR -- J. G. Edgar John Ward, Lock, & Co. A STOUT ENGLISH BOWMAN -- E. Pickering Henry III. Blackie & Son HOW I WON MY SPURS -- J. G. Edgar Henry III. Ward, Lock, & Co. THE KING'S REEVE -- E. Gilliat Edward I. Seeley & Co. IN FREEDOM'S CAUSE -- G. A. Henty Wallace and Bruce, Edward I.--Edward II. Blackie & Son THE CHEVALIER OF THE SPLENDID CREST -- Sir Herbert Maxwell Wallace and Bruce, Edward I.--Edward II. W. Blackwood & Sons THE WHITE COMPANY -- Conan Doyle Edward III. Smith, Elder, & Co. THE LANCES OF LYNWOOD -- Charlotte M. Yonge Edward III. Macmillan & Co. CRECY AND POICTIERS -- J. G. Edgar Edward III. Ward, Lock, & Co. ST. GEORGE FOR ENGLAND -- G. A. Henty Edward III. Blackie & Son JOHN STANDISH -- E. Gilliat Richard II. Seeley & Co. A MARCH ON LONDON -- G. A. Henty Richard II. Blackie & Son BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDER -- G. A. Henty Henry IV. Blackie & Son IN THE DAYS OF PRINCE HAL -- H. Elrington Henry V. Blackie & Son AT AGINCOURT -- G. A. Henty Henry V. Blackie & Son AGINCOURT -- G. P. R. James Henry V. Warne & Co. THE LAST OF THE BARONS -- Lytton Wars of the Roses, Henry VI.--Edward IV. Geo. Routledge & Sons THE BLACK ARROW -- R. L. Stevenson Wars of the Roses, Henry VI.--Edward IV. Cassell & Co. THE CHANTRY PRIEST OF BARNET -- A. J. Church Wars of the Roses, Henry VI.--Edward IV. Seeley & Co. HOW DICKON CAME BY HIS NAME and WHERE AVON INTO SEVERN FLOWS -- Harold Frederic Wars of the Roses, Henry VI.--Edward IV. Lothrop Publishing Co. RED ROSE AND WHITE -- A. Armitage Richard III. J. Macqueen THE WOODMAN -- G. P. R. James Richard III. Warne & Co. THE HEIR OF HASCOMBE HALL -- E. Everett Green Henry VII. T. Nelson & Sons THE CAPTAIN OF THE WIGHT -- F. Cowper Henry VII. Seeley & Co. WINDSOR CASTLE -- Harrison Ainsworth Henry VIII. Geo. Routledge & Sons THE ARMOURER'S 'PRENTICES -- Charlotte M. Yonge Henry VIII. Macmillan & Co. THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER -- Mark Twain Edward VI. Chatto & Windus THE COLLOQUIES OF EDWARD OSBORNE -- A. Manning Edward VI. J. C. Nimmo THE TOWER OF LONDON -- Harrison Ainsworth Mary Geo. Routledge & Sons SEETHING DAYS -- Caroline C. Holroyd Mary A. D. Innes & Co. KENILWORTH -- Scott Elizabeth A. & C. Black WESTWARD HO! -- Charles Kingsley Elizabeth Macmillan & Co. MASTER SKYLARK -- J. Bennett Elizabeth Macmillan & Co. SIR LUDAR -- T. Baines Reed Elizabeth Sampson Low & Co. THE FORTUNES OF NIGEL -- Scott James I. A. & C. Black THE LANCASHIRE WITCHES -- Harrison Ainsworth James I. Geo. Routledge & Sons THE BLACK TOR -- G. Manville Fenn James I. W. & R. Chambers HOLMBY HOUSE -- Whyte Melville Charles I. Ward, Lock, & Co. THE SPLENDID SPUR -- "Q" Charles I. Cassell & Co. WITH THE KING AT OXFORD -- A. J. Church Charles I. Seeley & Co. WHEN CHARLES I. WAS KING -- J. S. Fletcher Charles I. Gay & Bird HUGH GWYETH -- B. M. Dix Charles I. Macmillan & Co. JOHN MARMADUKE -- S. H. Church Commonwealth G. P. Putnam's Sons WOODSTOCK -- Scott Commonwealth A. & C. Black CAPTAIN JACOBUS -- L. Cope Cornford Commonwealth Methuen & Co. OLD ST. PAUL'S -- Harrison Ainsworth Charles II. Geo. Routledge & Sons WHITEFRIARS -- Anonymous Charles II. Geo. Routledge & Sons TRAITOR OR PATRIOT? -- M. C. Rowsell Charles II. Blackie & Son SILAS VERNEY -- Edgar Pickering Charles II. Blackie & Son OLD MORTALITY -- Scott Charles II. A. & C. Black LORNA DOONE -- R. D. Blackmore James II. Sampson Low & Co. MICAH CLARKE -- Conan Doyle James II. Longmans, Green, & Co. FOR FAITH AND FREEDOM -- Walter Besant James II. Chatto & Windus THE COURTSHIP OF MORICE BUCKLER -- A. E. W. Mason James II. Macmillan & Co. BLUE PAVILIONS -- "Q" William III. Cassell & Co. A MAN'S FOES -- E. H. Strain William III. Ward, Lock, & Co. ST. JAMES'S -- Harrison Ainsworth Anne Geo. Routledge & Sons THE CORNET OF HORSE -- G. A. Henty Anne Sampson Low & Co. THE BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE -- G. A. Henty Anne Blackie & Son TOM TUFTON'S TRAVELS and TOM TUFTON'S TOLL -- E. Everett Green Anne T. Nelson & Sons ROB ROY -- Scott George I. A. & C. Black DOROTHY FORSTER -- W. Besant George I. Chatto & Windus THE MISER'S DAUGHTER -- Harrison Ainsworth George II. Geo. Routledge & Sons WAVERLEY -- Scott George II. A. & C. Black NED LEGER -- G. Manville Fenn George II. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge THE FORTUNES OF CLAUDE -- E. Pickering George II. Warne & Co. THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE -- R. L. Stevenson George II. Cassell & Co. KIDNAPPED -- R. L. Stevenson George II. Cassell & Co. CATRIONA -- R. L. Stevenson George II. Cassell & Co. BARNABY RUDGE -- Charles Dickens George III. Chapman & Hall IN PRESS-GANG DAYS -- E. Pickering George III. Warne & Co. AT THE POINT OF THE BAYONET -- G. A. Henty George III. Blackie & Son WHEN GEORGE III. WAS KING -- A. Sagon George III. Sands & Co. AFLOAT WITH NELSON -- Chas. H. Eden George III. J. Macqueen THE ROMANCE OF WAR -- James Grant George III. Geo. Routledge & Sons WITH MOORE AT CORUNNA and UNDER WELLINGTON'S COMMAND -- G. A. Henty George III. Blackie & Son GRANTLEY FENTON -- M. M. Blake George III. Jarrold & Sons FACE TO FACE WITH NAPOLEON and IN THE YEAR OF WATERLOO -- O. V. Caine George III. J. Nisbet & Co. ONE OF THE 28TH -- G. A. Henty George III. Blackie & Son A GALLANT GRENADIER -- Captain Brereton Crimean War Blackie & Son FOR THE OLD FLAG -- C. R. Fenn Indian Mutiny Sampson Low & Co. ENGLISH HISTORY SINCE THE CONQUEST (GIRLS). HAROLD -- Lytton Norman Conquest, Harold--William I. Geo. Routledge & Sons THE CAMP OF REFUGE -- C. Macfarlane Norman Conquest, Harold--William I. Constable & Co. IN THE DAYS OF ST. ANSELM -- G. Hollis William II. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge COUNT ROBERT OF PARIS -- Scott William II. A. & C. Black *PABO THE PRIEST -- S. Baring-Gould Henry I. Methuen & Co. * This, the only substantial tale dealing directly with the reign of Henry I., is hardly suitable for very young folk, but it will interest those with older tastes. THE LEGEND OF READING ABBEY -- C. Macfarlane Stephen Constable & Co. THE BETROTHED -- Scott Henry II. A. & C. Black FOREST OUTLAWS -- E. Gilliat Henry II. Seeley & Co. THE TALISMAN -- Scott Richard I. A. & C. Black IVANHOE -- Scott Richard I. A. & C. Black RUNNYMEDE AND LINCOLN FAIR -- J. G. Edgar John Ward, Lock, & Co. A CLERK OF OXFORD -- E. Everett Green Henry III. T. Nelson & Sons THE ROBBER BARON OF BEDFORD CASTLE -- A. J. Foster and E. C. Cuthell Henry III T. Nelson & Sons THE PRINCE AND THE PAGE -- Charlotte M. Yonge Henry III Macmillan & Co. THE KING'S REEVE -- E. Gilliat Edward I. Seeley & Co. THE LORD OF DYNEOVER -- E. Everett Green Edward I. T. Nelson & Sons THE SCOTTISH CHIEFS -- Jane Porter Wallace and Bruce (Edward I.--Edward II.) J. M. Dent & Co. THE DAYS OF BRUCE -- Grace Aguilar Wallace and Bruce (Edward I.--Edward II.) Warne & Co. GOD, THE KING, MY BROTHER -- Mary F. Nixon Roulet Edward III. Ward, Lock, & Co. THE LANCES OF LYNWOOD -- Charlotte M. Yonge Edward III. Macmillan & Co. IN THE DAYS OF CHIVALRY -- E. Everett Green Edward III. T. Nelson & Sons ROBERT ANNYS, POOR PRIEST -- Annie N. Meyer Richard II. Macmillan & Co. THE BANNER OF ST. GEORGE -- M. Bramston Richard II. Duckworth & Co. BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDER -- G. A. Henty Henry IV. Blackie & Son IN THE DAYS OF PRINCE HAL -- H. Elrington Henry V. Blackie & Son A CHAMPION OF THE FAITH -- J. M Callwell Henry V. Blackie & Son AGINCOURT -- G. P. R. James Henry V. Warne & Co. TWO PENNILESS PRINCESSES -- Charlotte M. Yonge Henry VI. Macmillan & Co. THE LAST OF THE BARONS -- Lytton Wars of the Roses (Henry VI.--Edward IV.) Geo. Routledge & Sons GRISLY GRISSELL -- Charlotte M. Yonge Wars of the Roses (Henry VI.--Edward IV.) Macmillan & Co. IN THE WARS OF THE ROSES -- E. Everett Green Wars of the Roses (Henry VI.--Edward IV.) T. Nelson & Sons RED ROSE AND WHITE -- A. Armitage Richard III. J. Macqueen THE WOODMAN -- G. P. R. James Richard III. Warne & Co THE HEIR OF HASCOMBE HALL -- E. Everett Green Henry VII. T. Nelson & Sons THE HOUSEHOLD OF SIR THOMAS MORE -- A. Manning Henry VIII. J. C. Nimmo MY FRIEND ANNE -- Jessie Armstrong Henry VIII. Warne & Co. THE ARMOURER'S PRENTICES -- Charlotte M. Yonge Henry VIII. Macmillan & Co. THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER -- Mark Twain Edward VI. Chatto & Windus THE MAID OF LONDON BRIDGE -- S. Gibney Edward VI. Jarrold & Sons THE COLLOQUIES OF EDWARD OSBORNE -- A. Manning Edward VI.--Mary J. C Nimmo SEETHING DAYS -- Caroline C. Holroyd Edward VI.--Mary A. D. Innes & Co. KENILWORTH -- Scott Elizabeth A. & C. Black WESTWARD HO! -- Charles Kingsley Elizabeth Macmillan & Co. UNKNOWN TO HISTORY -- Charlotte M. Yonge Elizabeth Macmillan & Co. PENSHURST CASTLE -- Emma Marshall Elizabeth Seeley & Co. MASTER SKYLARK -- J. Bennett Elizabeth Macmillan & Co. THE FORTUNES OF NIGEL -- Scott James I. A. & C. Black THE LOST TREASURE OF TREVLYN -- E. Everett Green James I. T. Nelson & Sons HOLMBY HOUSE -- Whyte Melville Charles I. Ward, Lock, & Co. MIRIAM CROMWELL -- Dora McChesney Charles I. W. Blackwood & Sons TO RIGHT THE WRONG -- Edna Lyall Charles I. Hurst & Blackett IN SPITE OF ALL -- Edna Lyall Charles I. Hurst & Blackett UNDER SALISBURY SPIRE -- Emma Marshall Charles I. Seeley & Co. A HAUNT OF ANCIENT PEACE -- Emma Marshall Charles I. Seeley & Co. ETHNE -- Mrs. Field Commonwealth Wells, Gardner, & Co. WOODSTOCK -- Scott Commonwealth A. & C. Black ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SEA -- Mrs. Charles Commonwealth T. Nelson & Sons AFTER WORCESTER -- E. Everett Green Commonwealth T. Nelson & Sons IN THE GOLDEN DAYS -- Edna Lyall Charles II. Hurst & Blackett CHERRY AND VIOLET -- A. Manning Charles II. J. C. Nimmo TRAITOR OR PATRIOT? -- M. C. Rowsell Charles II. Blackie & Son THE CARVED CARTOON -- Austin Clare Charles II. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge OLD MORTALITY -- Scott Charles II. A. & C. Black WINCHESTER MEADS -- Emma Marshall Charles II. Seeley & Co. LORNA DOONE -- R. D. Blackmore James II. Sampson Low & Co. IN THE SERVICE OF RACHEL, LADY RUSSELL -- Emma Marshall James II. Seeley & Co. IN TAUNTON TOWN -- E. Everett Green James II. T. Nelson & Sons A REPUTED CHANGELING -- Charlotte M. Yonge James II. Macmillan & Co. DEB CLAVEL -- M. E. Palgrave James II. Religious Tract Society MY MISTRESS THE QUEEN -- M. A. Paull William III. Blackie & Son KENSINGTON PALACE -- Emma Marshall William III. Seeley & Co. BY THE NORTH SEA -- Emma Marshall William III. Jarrold & Sons A MAN'S FOES -- E. H. Strain William III. Ward, Lock, & Co. THE OLD CHELSEA BUN HOUSE -- A. Manning Anne J. C. Nimmo THE CORNET OF HORSE -- G. A. Henty Anne Sampson Low & Co. TOM TUFTON'S TRAVELS and TOM TUFTON'S TOLLS -- E. Everett Green Anne T. Nelson & Sons DOROTHY FORSTER -- W. Besant George I. Chatto & Windus DUANCE PENDRAY -- G. Norway George I. Jarrold & Sons A LOYAL LITTLE MAID -- S. Tytler George I. Blackie & Son WAVERLEY -- Scott George II. A. & C. Black MISTRESS NANCY MOLESWORTH -- Joseph Hocking George II. J. Bowden THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE -- R. L. Stevenson George II. Cassell & Co. KIDNAPPED -- R. L. Stevenson George II. Cassell & Co. CATRIONA -- R. L. Stevenson George II. Cassell & Co. THE CHAPLAIN OF THE FLEET -- W. Besant George II. Chatto & Windus AMYOT BROUGH -- E. Vincent Briton George II. Seeley & Co. BARNABY RUDGE -- Dickens George III. Chapman & Hall MISS ANGEL -- Miss Thackeray George III. Smith, Elder, & Co. THE MAID OF SKER -- R. D. Blackmore George III. Sampson Low & Co. ALICE LORRAINE -- R. D. Blackmore George III. Sampson Low & Co. THE PARSON'S DAUGHTER -- Emma Marshall George III. Seeley & Co. FACE TO FACE WITH NAPOLEON and IN THE YEAR OF WATERLOO -- O. V. Caine George III. J. Nisbet & Co. UNDER THE MENDIPS -- Emma Marshall William IV. Seeley & Co. CASTLE DALY -- Miss Keary Victoria Macmillan & Co. In connection with this subject of Juvenile Literature, I would draw attention to Messrs. Constable's "Library of Historical Novels and Romances"--so admirably edited by Mr. G. Laurence Gomme. Readers (old as well as young) are still further indebted to Mr. Gomme for his well-arranged series of extracts taken from Romantic Literature in the four volumes entitled, "The King's Story Book," "The Queen's Story Book," "The Prince's Story Book," and "The Princess's Story Book." (Constable & Co.) BIBLIOGRAPHY Although I have adopted the heading "Bibliography," it should be understood that, in offering the subjoined list, I do not claim for it absolute comprehensiveness. There are, of course, almost innumerable Biographies, Literary Studies, Histories of Literature and Fiction, &c., in which indirect references to our subject may be traced. Moreover, in preparing this little volume, it has been found necessary to consult largely "The Dictionary of National Biography," the Enyclopaedias (especially Chambers', 1901), and other Standard Works of the Dictionary type. I confine myself below to noteworthy writings which deal directly with the subject of Historical Romance. Article on Historical Romance in The Quarterly Review. Vol. XXXV., page 518. (March, 1827.) Article on historical Romance ("Sir Walter Scott and his Imitators") in Fraser's Magazine. Vol. V., pages 6 (Part I.) and 207 (Part II.). (February and March, 1832.) Article on "The Picturesque Style of Historical Romance" in Blackwood's Magazine. Vol. XXXIII., page 621. (April, 1833.) Article on "Historical Romance in Italy," by G. W. Greene, in the North American Review. Vol. XLVI., page 325. (April, 1838.) Article on Historical Romance in Blackwood's Magazine. Vol. LVIII., page 341. (September, 1845.) Article on Historical Romance, by G. H. Lewes, in The Westminster Review. Vol. XLV., page 34. (March, 1846.) Article on "History in Fiction," in The Dublin Review. Vol. XLV., page 328. (December, 1858.) Lecture III. ("Scott and his Influence") in David Masson's "British Novelists and their Styles." (Macmillan, 1859.) Article on "Historical Novels," by H. James, jun., in The Nation. Vol. V., page 126. (August 15th, 1867.) Article on Historical Romance in The Argosy. Vol. XVII., page 364. (May, 1874.) Chapter X. ("The Waverley Novels"), in R. H. Hutton's "Sir Walter Scott." (Macmillan's English Men of Letters Series, 1878.) The Essay on "The Waverley Novels," in Vol. II. of Walter Bagehot's "Literary Studies." (Longmans, 1879) "A Descriptive Catalogue of Historical Novels and Tales. For the use of School Libraries and Teachers of History. Enlarged from the List in the 'Journal of Education,' March, 1882." Compiled and described by H. Courthope Bowen, M.A. (Edward Stanford, 1882.) The section on "The Historical Novel," in Bayard Tuckerman's "History of English Prose Fiction." (Putnams, 1882.) The Chapter on "Courses of Reading in History," in James Baldwin's "The Book Lover." (Putnams, 1886.) The list of Historical Novels given in W. F. Allen's "The Reader's Guide to English History. With Supplement, extending the plan to other countries and periods." (Ginn & Co., 1888.) [A useful, but very unequal list.] The partially-selective list of Historical Novels in "A Guide Book to Books," by E. B. Sargant and B. Whishaw. (H. Frowde, 1891.) The essay on "Sir Walter Scott," in Vol. I. of Leslie Stephen's "Hours in a Library." (Smith, Elder, & Co., 1892. New edition, with additions.) [Mr. Leslie Stephen is one of the most formidable critics with whom the lover of Historical Romance has to deal. That which it is possible to say against such fiction is said more forcibly by him, perhaps, than by anyone else.] The series of articles dealing with "History in Fiction," &c., by J. B. Carlile, in Great Thoughts, October, 1892, to March, 1894. Article "The Historical Novel," by Prof. A. J. Church, in Atalanta for April, 1893. The useful and partially-selective lists of Historical Tales given in "The Intermediate Textbook of English History," by C. S. Fearenside and A. Johnson Evans. (W. B. Clive, University Tutorial Press, Ltd., 1893, &c.). The short selective list of Historical Tales given in the appendix to John Fiske's "History of the United States for Schools." (James Clarke & Co., 1894.) Article on "The Historical Novel as illustrated by Sir Walter Scott," by Edwin Lester Arnold, in Atalanta for March, 1894. The essay on "The Historical Novel" in W. P. James's "Romantic Professions and other papers." (Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1894.) [A re-print, in somewhat revised form, of the suggestive article appearing in Macmillan's Magazine, November, 1887.] Chapter X. ("Sir Walter Scott") in Prof. Raleigh's "The English Novel." (John Murray, 1894.) Chapters X., XI., and XII. in Prof. Saintsbury's "Essays in English Literature, 1780-1860. Second series." (J. M. Dent & Co., 1895.) [Originally appeared in Macmillan's Magazine, August, September, and October, 1894. A contribution to the subject of quite exceptional brilliance and value.] "A Descriptive List of Novels and Tales dealing with the History of North America," by W. M. Griswold. (Cambridge, U.S.A., 1895.) The Section headed "Historical Tales" in "Guide to the Study of American History," by E. Channing and A. B. Hart. (Ginn and Co., 1896.) A Letter on "Historical Novels, Past and Present," by "Mazarin," in The Bookman, October, 1896. Article on "The Indian Mutiny in Fiction," in Blackwood's Magazine, February, 1897. Article on "The Importance of Illustrating New England History by a series of Romances," by Rufus Choate, in The New England Magazine, November, 1897. Paper read before the College of Preceptors, on "The Use of Historical Romances in the Teaching of History," by R. F. Charles in The Educational Times, November, 1897. Article on "The American Historical Novel," by Paul Lester Ford, in The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1897. [In this article a definition of the "Historical Novel" at variance with my own, has been suggested. In spite of Mr. Fords argument, I am still of opinion that the line of demarcation between the Historical Novel proper and the Novel of Character or Adventure can be more clearly drawn than he allows. I was careful, when dealing with this question in my Introduction, to avoid making the test one of actual historical accuracy, but there are, I have implied, certain readily-verifiable personages and events which form a basis amply sufficient for purposes of distinction. The pirates of "Treasure Island" are taken (as Mr. Ford says) from actual figures of the Eighteenth Century, but under my definition Stevenson's novel is not thereby constituted "historical" in the strict sense.] Article on "The Neo-Romantic Novel," by G. R. Carpenter, in The Forum, March, 1898. Article on "Historical Novels Past and Present," by Harold Frederic, in The Bookman (American), December, 1898. [An admirably-written, stimulating article.) List of Historical Novels, &c., illustrating the Period 1066 to 1815, in the volume "Work and Play in Girls' Schools," by Dorothea Beale, Lucy H. M. Soulsby, and Jane Frances Dove (Longmans, 1898). "Le Roman Historique l'Epoque Romantique," by Louis Maigron (Hachette et Cie., Paris, 1898). [Contains a fine tribute to Scott, and much interesting matter.] Chapters III. and IV. of "The Development of the English Novel," by W. L. Cross (Macmillan, 1899.) [A very full treatment. In the Appendix are some useful lists of the earlier Historical Novels.] Article on "Three American Historical Romances," by W. E. Simonds, in The Atlantic Monthly, March, 1900. Article on "The Reading of Historical Novels and the Study of History," by Ada Shurmer, in The Scots Magazine, April, 1900. Chapter III. ("The Historical Novel"), in F. H. Stoddard's "The Evolution of the English Novel" (Macmillan, 1900). [A highly important contribution.] The two sections on Historical Fiction, relating to Greece and Rome respectively, in Arthur L. Goodrich's "Topics of Greek and Roman History" (Macmillan, 1900). [For those requiring a fuller list of Greek and Roman tales than that given in my pages, the above will be found useful.] Article on "Historical Novels and their uses in teaching," by C. S. Fearenside, in The School World, November, 1900. [An exceptionally good article. The writer states his case clearly and forcibly, and his argument is all the more convincing by reason of its moderation.] Article on "The New Historical Romances," by W. D. Howells, in The North American Review, December, 1900. The Essay on "The Historical Novel" in Prof. J. Brander Matthews' "The Historical Novel and other essays" (Scribner's, 1901). [Originally appeared in The Forum, September, 1897. Represents that School of Criticism which is most adverse to Historical Romance. Some of the Professor's remarks convey the impression that he disbelieves in ANY reconstruction of the Past; such an attitude is, surely, unfavourable to History itself, which is always more than any mere statement of "facts."] The List of Historical Novels in Mudie's Library Catalogue (The New Enlarged Edition, January, 1902). [Non-selective, but useful more especially on account of its Topographical arrangement.] The list of Historical Tales given in J. S. Lindsey's "Certificate Note-Book of European History, 1814-1848." (Heffer & Sons, Cambridge, 1902). "History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century," by Henry A. Beers (Kegan Paul & Co., 1902). [Contains some valuable direct criticism. See especially Chapter I.] The "Dedicatory Epistle" in Scott's "Ivanhoe." The very brief but exceedingly suggestive opening section in Chapter I. of Charles Reade's "The Cloister and the Hearth." The Preface to Scheffel's "Ekkehard." NOTE. Some of the American Public Libraries (notably Boston) have issued useful Lists of Historical Novels. Two works--announced for a considerable time--I should have been glad to consult; these are Mr. P. L. Ford's "The American Historical Novel" (Macmillan), and Mr. E. A. Baker's "Guide to Fiction" (Sonnensehein). The last-named volume will, I understand, contain a section devoted to Historical Romance. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A GUIDE TO THE BEST HISTORICAL NOVELS AND TALES *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg™ electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG™ concept and trademark. Project Gutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if you charge for an eBook, except by following the terms of the trademark license, including paying royalties for use of the Project Gutenberg trademark. 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