The Project Gutenberg eBook of McGuffey's Eclectic Primer, Revised Edition This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: McGuffey's Eclectic Primer, Revised Edition Author: William Holmes McGuffey Release date: June 29, 2005 [eBook #14642] Most recently updated: December 19, 2020 Language: English Credits: Produced by Don Kostuch *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MCGUFFEY'S ECLECTIC PRIMER, REVISED EDITION *** Produced by Don Kostuch [Transcriber's Notes: Welcome to the schoolroom of 1900. The moral tone is plain. "She is kind to the old blind man." The exercises are still suitable, and perhaps more helpful than some contemporary alternatives. Much is left to the teacher. Explanations given in the text are enough to get started teaching a child to read and write. Counting in Roman numerals is included as a bonus in the form of lesson numbers. Don Kostuch ] ECLECTIC EDUCATIONAL SERIES. McGUFFEY'S[Registered] ECLECTIC PRIMER. REVISED EDITION. [Illustration: Two children in hammock.] McGuffey Editions and Colophon are Trademarks of JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. NEW YORK - CHICHESTER - WEINHEIM - BRISBANE - SINGAPORE - TORONTO Copyright, 1881, By Van Antwerp, Brag & Co. Copyright, 1896, By American Book Company. Copyright, 1909, By Henry H. Vail. EP 179 Preface The flattering success of McGuffey's Revised Readers, and the inquiry for more primary reading matter to be used in the first year of school work, have induced the Publishers to prepare a REVISED PRIMER, which may be used to precede the First Reader of any well arranged series. The method pursued is the same as that in McGuffey's Revised Readers, and the greatest possible care has been taken to insure a gradation suited to the youngest children. Only about six new words are to be mastered in each lesson. These new words and the new elementary sounds are always to be found in the vocabulary of the lesson in which they are first used. The plan of the book enables the teacher to pursue the Phonic Method, the Word Method, the Alphabet Method, or any combination of these methods. Illustrations of the best character have been freely supplied, and the skilled teacher will be able to use them to great advantage. The script exercises throughout the book and the slate exercises at the close, have been specially written and carefully engraved for this Primer; they may be used to teach the reading of script, and as exercises in learning to write. In the full confidence that the public will appreciate a cheap and attractive Primer of this character, the Publishers have spared no expense to make this book equal, in type, paper, and illustrations, to any that have been issued from their Press. (iii) THE ALPHABET. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z THE ALPHABET. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z [Illustration: Cat watching moth.] McGuffey's Eclectic Primer Lesson 1 a and cat rat a e d n r t [Illustration: Rat] a rat a cat A cat A rat A cat and a rat. A rat and a cat. LESSON II. at the ran has Ann h th s [Illustration: Cat] The cat the rat The cat has a rat. The rat ran at Ann. Ann has a cat. The cat ran at the rat. LESSON III. Nat hat fan can f [Illustration: Children playing at the seashore.] a fan a hat Ann and Nat. Ann has a fan. Nat has a hat. Ann can fan Nat. LESSON IV. man cap lad sat l m p s [Illustration: Boy running and old man, with gout, sitting.] a cap the lad A man and a lad. The man sat; the lad ran. The man has a hat. The lad has a cap. LESSON V.--REVIEW. The cat and the rat ran. Ann sat, and Nat ran. A rat ran at Nat. Can Ann fan the lad? The man and the lad. The man has a cap. The lad has a fan. Has Ann a hat? Ann has a hat and a fan. [Illustration: Script Exercise: a at rat sat can cap lad and The cat ran. Ann ran. The man has a hat. ] LESSON VI. dog Rab fat Nat's o b g [Illustration: Boy and dog watching cat on post.] Nat's cap a fat dog Has the lad a dog? The lad has a fat dog. The dog has Nat's cap. Nat and Rab ran. Rab ran at a cat. LESSON VII. see sees frog on log e [Illustration: Boy sitting on fence, watching frog sitting on log.] a log the frog See the frog on a log. Rab sees the frog. Can the frog see Rab? The frog can see the dog. Rab ran at the frog. LESSON VIII. it stand Ann's is lamp mat i [Illustration: Mother with girl holding cat, by lamplight.] a mat the stand See the lamp! It is on a mat. The mat is on the stand. The lamp is Nat's, and the mat is Ann's. LESSON IX. Tom nag not him catch he his ch [Illustration: Boy and dog chasing horse.] See the nag! It is Tom's nag. Can Tom catch his nag? He can not catch him. The dog ran at the nag, and the nag ran. LESSON X.--REVIEW. Tom's nag is fat; his dog is not fat. Nat is on Tom's nag. Nat's dog, Rab, can not catch the rat. See the frog on the log. A lad sees the frog. The lad can not catch it. A cat is on the mat; the cat sees a rat. Ann's fan is on the stand. The man has a lamp. A dog ran at the man. Ann sat on a log. [Illustration: Script exercise: Tom sees Nat's dog. A fat frog is on the log. Can not Rab catch it? ] LESSON XI nest this eggs she in get box hen e x sh [Illustration: Cat watching hen, watching eggs in nest.] the box a nest This is a fat hen. The hen has a nest in the box. She has eggs in the nest. A cat sees the nest, and can get the eggs. LESSON XII. old run fox o u [Illustration: Dog chasing fox away from a hen.] Can this old fox catch the hen? The fox can catch the hen, and get the eggs in the nest. Run, Rab, and catch the fox. [Illustration: Script Exercise: This nest has eggs in it. ] LESSON XIII. pond ducks them feed Nell I by will i y ch w [Illustration: Girl watching ducks on pond.] Nell is by the pond. I see ducks on the pond. Nell sees the ducks, and will feed them. She can not get the ducks LESSON XIV. holds to blind Mary hand kind a o k y [Illustration: Girl lead old, blind man.] This old man can not see. He is blind. Mary holds him by the hand. She is kind to the old blind man. LESSON XV.--REVIEW. I see ducks on the pond; Tom will feed them. Tom is blind; he holds a box in his hand. Nell is kind to him. This old hen has a nest. Mary will run and get the eggs. LESSON XVI. Sue doll dress new her let e u ew [Illustration: Two girls sitting by tree, playing with dolls.] Sue has a doll. It has a new dress. She will let Ann hold the doll in her hands, and Ann will fan it. Sue is kind to Ann. LESSON XVII. there five bird tree rob do e i v [Illustration: Cat watching bird and eggs in nest on tree top.] A bird is in the tree. It has a nest there. The nest has five eggs in it. Do not rob the nest. Will the bird let the cat get her five eggs? LESSON XVIII. cage pet sing lives so loves o g ng [Illustration: Bird perched on girl's hand.] This is a pet bird. It lives in a new cage. It will stand on Sue's hand, and sing. Sue loves her pet bird. So do I love it. LESSON XIX. are you yes fast too like boys of (ov) play a a y oy [Illustration: Boys playing in snow by a canal. Town in background.] Do you see the boys at play? Yes, I see them; there are five of them. Tom is too fat to run fast. Nat can catch him. I like to see boys play. LESSON XX.--REVIEW. Sue has a doll and a pet bird. Her doll has a new dress and a cap. Sue loves Mary, and will let her hold the doll. The pet bird lives in a cage. Sue and Mary will stand by the cage, and the bird will sing. There are birds in the tree by the pond. Can you see them? Yes; there are five of them in a nest. Tom will not rob a bird's nest. He is too kind to do so. [Illustration: Script Exercise: Nell will feed the ducks. Sue has a new dress. ] LESSON XXI. what night owl day an but well big eyes best a ow wh [Illustration: Owl perched on tree branch.] What bird is this? It is an owl. What big eyes it has! Yes, but it can not see well by day. The owl can see best at night. Nat Pond has a pet owl. LESSON XXII. grass they come off barn shade hot cows out e ou [Illustration: Cows standing under a tree.] The day is hot. The cows are in the shade of the big tree. They feed on the new grass. Our cows do not run off. At night they come to the barn. LESSON XXIII. soon sun neck set way bell one (wun) their oo [Illustration: Cows leaving pasture at subset.] The sun will soon set. The cows are on their way to the barn. One old cow has a bell on her neck. She sees our dog, but she will not run. Our dog is kind to the cows LESSON XXIV. brave if ship boat drown men rock save [Illustration: Men rowing through storm to shipwreck.] The ship has run on a rock. Five men are on the ship. If the boat can not get to them, they will drown. The boat has brave men in it. They will save the five men. LESSON XXV.--REVIEW. Come, boys, and feed the cows. The sun has set, and they are at the barn. Sue has a bell on the neck of her pet cat. One hot day Ann and Nell sat on the grass in the shade of a big tree. They like to rock their dolls, and sing to them. The brave men in our boat are on their way to the ship. They will save the men in the ship, if they can. They will not let them drown. What bird has big eyes? The owl. Can an owl see at night? Yes, an owl can see best at night. LESSON XXVI. fall ice skates cry with had stone did a c sk [Illustration: Children skating on pond in winter.] The boys are on the ice with their skates. There is a stone on the ice. One boy did not see it, and has had a fall. But he is a brave boy, and will not cry. [Illustration: Sawmill near river; town and hillside in background. two children playing near river in foreground.] LESSON XXVII. look go John here all wheel mill have round oo j Look! there are John and Sue by the mill pond. They like to see the big wheel go round. They have come to play on the logs and in the boat. John and Sue will play here all day. [Illustration: Script Exercise: The cows like grass. They stand in the shade. ] LESSON XXVIII. or Jane girls floor roll some which black o Here are some girls with skates; but they are not on the ice. Their skates roll on the floor. Which way do you like to skate,--on the ice, or on the floor? The girl with the new black dress is Jane Bell. [Illustration: Four girls roller-skating.] LESSON XXIX. for out as how try horse should hurt ears be o no u [Illustration: Train approaching railroad crossing; two boys and a horse and wagon waiting to cross tracks.] Look out for the cars! How fast they come! No horse can go as fast as the cars. I will not try to catch them, for I should fall and be hurt. See the horse look at the cars. Will he not run? LESSON XXX.--REVIEW. There is ice on the pond, and the mill wheel can not go round. The boys are all out on the ice with their skates. I will let you and Tom try to skate; but do not fall, for you will be hurt. Look! here come the cars. John and Nat try to skate as fast as the cars go, but they can not. John has had a fall. The girls are not on the pond; but some of them have skates which roll on the floor. [Illustration: Script Exercise: How fast the cars go! Can you see them? ] LESSON XXXI. work ax pile Ned think wood saw hard cut o th n [Illustration: Two boys, one sawing, the other chopping logs.] Ned and John are hard at work. John has a saw, and Ned has an ax. They will try to cut all of the wood which you see in the pile. Do you think they can do this in one day LESSON XXXII. noise air hear gone May walk cool two a oi [Illustration: Two girls walking near a lake. Men working and boys playing in background.] Two girls have gone out for a walk. It is May, and the air is cool. They hear the birds sing in the trees, and they hear the noise of the frogs in the pond. They see men at work and boys at play. LESSON XXXIII. pull cart goats Bess up ride hill u [Illustration: Girl riding in small cart pulled by two goats.] Bess has a cart and two goats. She likes to ride in her cart. See how the goats pull! Bess is so big, I think she should walk up the hill. The goats love Bess, for she feeds them, and is kind to them. LESSON XXXIV. blaze put yet house fire roof call ring we z [Illustration: Boys running in front of burning house.] This house is on fire. Look! the roof is in a blaze. Run, boys, and ring the bell. Call some men to put out the fire. We may yet save the house, if we work hard LESSON XXXV.--REVIEW. Bess, do you hear a noise? Yes, Tom; what is it? It is the mill by our house; logs are cut there. How do they cut the logs, Tom,--with an ax? Not with an ax, Bess; it is too hard work; they cut them with a saw. May we not go and see the mill at work, Tom? Yes, I think so. The air is cool, and we can walk in the shade. We should go soon, Bess, or the pile of wood will be gone. Our two goats and the cart are here, Tom; we can ride to the mill. It is not up hill, and the goats can pull us fast. LESSON XXXVI. Miss wants would tells rule keep good that each u [Illustration: Six children surrounding young woman.] The girls and boys all love Miss May; she is so kind to them. Miss May tells them there is a rule that she wants them to keep. It is, "Do to each one as you would like each one to do to you." This is a good rule, and all boys and girls should keep it. LESSON XXXVII. school child church when books skates [Illustration: Several people standing in front of school that appears similar to a small church.] What kind of house is this? Do you think it is a schoolhouse, or a church? It looks like a church, but I think it is a schoolhouse. I see the boys and girls with their books and slates. When the bell rings, they will go in. A good child likes to go to school. LESSON XXXVIII. quail quick seen kill me oh eat first know Henry qu [Illustration: Quail in brush.] "John! come here. Be quick, and tell me what kind of bird this is." "Do you not know, Henry?" "Oh, no! what is it?" "It is a quail." "It is the first quail I have seen. Is it good to eat?" "Yes; but I should not like to kill it." LESSON XXXIX. Kate dear name blue baby near shut crib sit [Illustration: Baby sleeping in crib.] Is not this a dear baby in the crib? Her name is Kate, and she has big, blue eyes. You can not see her eyes, for they are shut. Kate is a good baby; but she will cry if she is hurt, or if she is not well. Bess likes to sit near the baby, and to rock her in the crib. LESSON XL.--REVIEW. Henry Black and Ned Bell live near our house. They go to school, and I see them go by each day with their books and slates. Miss May tells the girls and boys that they should be at the schoolhouse when the bell rings. So Henry walks fast, and is first at school. He is a good boy, and wants to keep the rule of the school. Ned is not a good boy. I do not think he likes to go to school or to church. I saw him try to kill a quail with a stone. The quail is too quick a bird for that, and Ned did not hurt it; but I know that a good child would not try to kill a bird. [Illustration: Script Exercise: There is a baby at Ned's house. Her name is Kate. Ned is not a good boy, but he loves Kate, and I do not think he would hurt her. ] LESSON XLI. light far its high where sea tall were The tall house which you see on that high rock is a lighthouse. At night its light is seen far out at sea, and the men on ships can tell where to go. If it were not for this, they would run on the rocks. How would you like to live in a lighthouse? [Illustration: Lighthouse on cliff above pounding surf.] LESSON XLII. wrong wolf us my took sheep more watch lambs [Illustration: Sheep grazing under a tree. Two boys watching from fence in the background.] Let us watch the sheep as they feed on the hills. They like to eat the new grass. Do you see my two lambs? I had two more; but an old wolf took them one night. I love my pet lambs. It would be wrong to hurt them LESSON XLIII. laugh snow head fun mouth made pipe gh (as f) [Illustration: Three boys making a snowman; two children in foreground carrying water buckets.] The boys have made a big snow man. They have put a tall hat on his head, and an old pipe in his mouth. Hear them laugh as they play! It is good fun for the boys. They would like to have it snow all day and all night. LESSON XLIV. sweets mean please bee buzz vine could said (sed) once (wuns) [Illustration: Bee flying near vine.] "Buzz! buzz!" a bee said to Mary. "What do you mean?" said Mary. "Please tell me once more." "Buzz! buzz! buzz!" but Mary could not tell its wants. I think it said, "Please let me get some sweets in this vine. LESSON XLV.--REVIEW. One day Nat and I sat on the high hill by the sea, where the tall lighthouse stands. We could look far out, and could see the ships at sea. As we sat there, we saw a man near by, with some sheep and lambs. The man had a pipe in his mouth. He sat with us, and let the sheep eat the grass. What fun it is to see lambs play! It made us laugh to see them. The man said that once, when the sheep and lambs were out in the snow, an old wolf took one of the lambs, and ran off with it. I think that men should watch their sheep, so that a wolf can not catch them. LESSON XLVI. while might time things done right your halves [Illustration: Script Exercise: Work while you work, Play while you play, One thing each time, That is the way. All that you do, Do with your might, Things done by halves, Are not done right. ] LESSON XLVII. went fish fell safe arms sprang was thank got [Illustration: Boy fishing from log.] One day John went to the pond to fish. His dog, Watch, went with him. John sat on a log for a time, but did not catch a fish. As he got up to go, he fell off the log. Watch sprang in to save him. John put his arms round the dog's neck, and was soon safe on the log once more. "Thank you, my brave old dog," said John to Watch. LESSON XLVIII. James asks warm town then drives been(bin) show [Illustration: Girl talking to boy leading horse and wagon.] James has been to the mill. The day is warm, and he lets his horse stand in the shade. A girl asks him to show her the way to the town. He tells her the way, and then drives on. LESSON XLIX. I'll she'll don't puss pur pat fur harm deeds [Illustration: Kitten.] I love my dear puss, Her fur is so warm; And, if I don't hurt her, She'll do me no harm. I'll pat my dear puss, And then she will pur, And show me her thanks For my kind deeds to her. LESSON L. now wreaths who queen woods shall crown [Illustration: Children playing in wood. Two boys in foreground playing a fife and drum.] It is the first of May. The boys and girls have gone to the woods to have a good time. See them at their play. The girls have wreaths in their hands. Now they will crown some one Queen of the May. Who shall it be? It should be the best girl, and that is Kate. LESSON LI. God small from world moon shine nut long ago [Illustration: Small girl watching a tree. Two acorns shown in inset.] Do you see that tall tree? Long ago it sprang up from a small nut. Do you know who made it do so? It was God, my child. God made the world and all things in it. He made the sun to light the day, and the moon to shine at night. God shows that he loves us by all that he has done for us. Should we not then love him? LESSON LII. Lord smile joys tears nigh morn griefs woes stars say [Illustration: Sunset; lake in foreground; moon and stars.] When the stars, at set of sun, Watch you from on high; When the light of morn has come, Think the Lord is nigh All you do, and all you say, He can see and hear; When you work and when you play, Think the Lord is near. All your joys and griefs he knows, Sees each smile and tear; When to him you tell your woes, Know the Lord will hear SLATE EXERCISES [Illustration: Script Exercise: n u n nun u r n urn s u n sun c o w cow s a w saw r i m rim c a t cat l a d lad b o x box h e n hen k i d kid q u o quo p e n pen j a r jar e y e eye g u n gun v i z viz i v y ivy f a n fan ] SCRIPT ALPHABET [Illustration: Script Exercise: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Y U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z SCRIPT FIGURES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ] *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MCGUFFEY'S ECLECTIC PRIMER, REVISED EDITION *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. 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