The Project Gutenberg eBook of Henrik Ibsen This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Henrik Ibsen Author: Ina Ten Eyck Firkins Release date: February 8, 2006 [eBook #17719] Language: English Credits: E-text prepared by Louise Hope, David Starner, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team ( *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HENRIK IBSEN *** E-text prepared by Louise Hope, David Starner, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team ( Transcriber's note: A number of typographical errors have been corrected. Details are given at the end of the file. Except for these errata, all material in brackets [] is from the original text. Words or phrases enclosed by + signs are in bold face (+bold+). Practical Bibliographies HENRIK IBSEN A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography with an Index to Characters Compiled by INA TEN EYCK FIRKINS Reference Librarian of the University of Minnesota New York The H. W. Wilson Company London: Grafton & Company 1921 Published April, 1921 INTRODUCTION The following bibliography has been compiled to meet a general rather than a scholarly need. It is for this reason that the subject index has been expanded beyond the limits required by the Ibsen specialist. While it is hoped that the bibliography will not be despised by the expert, it has been the convenience of the library assistant, the college student and the ubiquitous club woman that the compiler has had in mind throughout its preparation. No attempt has been made to compile a complete list of Ibsen's writings. The work of Dr. J. B. Halvorsen has rendered that service unnecessary. Therefore a brief list of the best Norwegian and English editions is all that has been included. The attempt has been made to provide a list of the best available critical and biographical material relating to Henrik Ibsen, and to present it in such a form as will meet satisfactorily the constant demand for information about special phases of the great dramatist's work. The bibliography has been compiled through examination of the books in local collections, in the Library of Congress, in Columbia University Library, and in the New York Public Library. The American, English, French, Italian, German and Scandinavian national bibliographies, the general and special indexes to periodicals and all available reference lists have been consulted. The bibliography is arranged in three lists, an Author Index, a Subject Index, and an Index to Characters. In the author list full information about the book or article is given; in the subject list, the author and title only of books are given, with page references; full information is to be obtained by referring to the author index. Magazine references are given in full. The Index to Characters contains an alphabetical list of all the characters in the plays, and the title of the play in which each character may be found. INA TEN EYCK FIRKINS. September 10, 1920. CONTENTS Abbreviations 7 Editions 9 Author Index 11 Subject Index 39 Index to Characters 75 ABBREVIATIONS +Acad.+ Academy +Amer.+ American (Phila.) +Ath.+ Athenaeum (Lond.) +Atlan.+ Atlantic Monthly +Bib. d'Art de la critique+ +Blackw.+ Blackwood's Magazine +Bk. Buyer+ Book-Buyer +Bookm.+ Bookman +Calif. M.+ Californian Illustrated Magazine +Canad. M.+ Canadian Magazine +Cath. W.+ Catholic World +Cent.+ Century Magazine +Chaut.+ Chautauquan +Class. J.+ Classical Journal +Contemp.+ Contemporary Review +Cosmop.+ Cosmopolitan +Cur. Lit.+ Current Literature +Deut. Med. Presse+ Deutsche Medizinische Presse +Dram. Mir.+ Dramatic Mirror +Dub. R.+ Dublin Review +Eclectic M.+ Eclectic Magazine +Econ. R.+ Economic Review +Every Sat.+ Every Saturday +Fortn.+ Fortnightly Review +Freie Bühne+ Freie Bühne für modernes Leben +Gent. M.+ Gentleman's Magazine +Green Bk. Album.+ Green Book Album +Hampton.+ Hampton Magazine +Harp. B.+ Harper's Bazar +Harp. W.+ Harper's Weekly +Harv. M.+ Harvard Monthly +Hist. Polit. Blätter f. d. Kath. Deutschland+ Historisich-Politische Blätter für das Katholische Deutschland +Il. Lond. News+ Illustrated London News +Indep.+ Independent +Internat. M.+ International Monthly +Internat. Q.+ International Quarterly +Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil.+ Journal of English and Germanic Philology +Lippinc.+ Lippincott's Magazine +Lit. Digest+ Literary Digest +Lit. W.+ (Bost.) Literary World (Boston) +Liv. Age+ Living Age +Lond. Q.+ London Quarterly +Metrop.+ Metropolitan +Mod. Lang. R.+ Modern Language Review +Monthly R.+ Monthly Review +Munsey.+ Munsey's Magazine +Nat'l. M. (Bost.)+ National Magazine +National R.+ National Review +Nebraska Univ. Studies+ Nebraska University Studies +New Century R.+ New Century Review +New Eng. and Yale R.+ New England and Yale Review +New Eng. M.+ New England Magazine +New R.+ New Review +N.Y. Dram.+ New York Dramatist +19 Cent.+ Nineteenth Century +No. Amer. R.+ North American Review +Outl.+ Outlook +Pop. Sci.+ M. Popular Science Monthly +Pub. Soc. Adv. of Scand. Study+ Publications of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study +Putnam's.+ Putnam's Magazine +Quar. R.+ Quarterly Review +R. of Rs.+ Review of Reviews +Rev. Germ.+ Revue Germanique +St. James.+ St. James's Magazine +Sat. R.+ Saturday Review +Scrib. M.+ Scribner's Magazine +Spec.+ Spectator (London) +Temp. Bar+ Temple Bar +Univ. M.+ (Montreal). University Magazine. (Montreal) +Werner's M.+ Werner's Magazine +Westm.+ Westminster Review +Zeitschrift für philos. u. philos. kritik+ Zeitschrift für philosophie und philosophische kritik ABBREVIATIONS USED IN INDEX TO CHARACTERS +Brand+ Brand +Catilina+ Catilina +Doll's House+ Doll's House +Emp. and Gal. 1 & 2.+ Emperor and Galilean 1. Caesar's Apostasy 2. The Emperor Julian +En. of Peop.+ Enemy of the People +Feast at Sol.+ Feast at Solhaug +Fjeld.+ Fjeldfuglen. +Ghosts+ Ghosts +Hed. Gab.+ Hedda Gabler +J. G. Borkm.+ John Gabriel Borkman +Kæmp.+ Kæmpehøjen +Lady fr. Sea+ Lady from the Sea +Lady Inger+ Lady Inger paa Östrat +L. of Youth+ League of Youth +Lit. Eyolf+ Little Eyolf +Love's Com.+ Love's Comedy +Mast. Build.+ Master Builder +Olaf. Lil.+ Olaf Liljenkrans +Peer Gynt+ Peer Gynt +Pil. of Soc.+ Pillars of Society +Pretend.+ Pretenders +Rosm.+ Rosmersholm +Rypen.+ Rypen i Justedal +Sankt.+ Sankthansnatten. +Svan.+ Svanhild. +Vik. of Helg.+ Vikings of Helgeland +When we Dead+ When we Dead Awaken +W.+ Workshop +W. Duck+ Wild Duck EDITIONS +Breve fra Henrik Ibsen;+ udgivne med indledning og oplysninger af Halvdan Koht og Julius Elias, 1849-1900. Kjøbenhavn. 1904. 2v. +Efterladte skrifter;+ udgivne of Halvdan Koht og Julius Elias-- Kristiania og Kjøbenhavn. Gyldendalske boghandel. Nordisk forlag. 1909. 3v. +Henrik Ibsens Sämtliche Werke in deutscher Sprache.+ Durchgesehen und eingeleitet von Georg Brandes. Julius Elias, Paul Schlenther. Von Dichter authorisiert. Berlin. S. Fischer. 1898-1903. 9v. +Henrik Ibsens Sämtliche Werke in deutscher Sprache.+ Zweite Reihe: Nachgelassene Schriften. Hrsg. von Julius Elias and Halvdan Koht. Berlin. S. Fischer. 1909. 4v, facs. +Ibsen: lyrics and poems.+ Trans. by F. E. Garrett. N.Y. Dutton. 1913. +Ibsen's lyrical poems.+ Selected and translated by R. A. Streatfield. London. 1902. [Vigo Cabinet Series No. 8] +Ibsen's prose dramas.+ (Authorized English edition. Edited by William Archer. New York. Scribner & Welford. 1890.) London. Heinemann. 6v. front. (port.) [Each volume has special title-page.] +Letters of Henrik Ibsen.+ Trans. by J. N. Laurvik, and M. Morison. N.Y. Duffield. 1905. Introduction. 45p. +On the heights+ (Paa vidderne); a tragedy in lyrical ballads by Henrik Ibsen; English version in the form of the original by William Norman Guthrie. Sewanee, Tenn. Printed for the University extension department of the University of the South. (1910) 7p. +The Richard Mansfield acting-version of Peer Gynt+ by Henrik Ibsen. Chicago. The Reilly & Britton Company. 1906. 173p. front. +Samlede digtervaerker.+ Standardutgave ved Didrik Arup Seip. Kristiania. 1919. 7vs. +Samlede værker+ ... København. Gyldendal, 1898-1902. 10v. front. (port.), facsm. Each volume preceded by "Bibliografiske oplysninger" (v. 1-7 by J. B. Halvorsen; v. 8-9 "paa grundlag af J. B. Halvorsen's samlinger"; v. 10 by Halvdan Koht). +Speeches and new letters (of) Henrik Ibsen.+ Tr. by Arne Kildal, with an introduction by Dr. Lee M. Hollander ... and a bibliographical appendix. Boston. R. G. Badger. 1910. 222p. front. (port.) _Same._ London. F. Palmer. 1911. 222p. +The works of Henrik Ibsen.+ The Viking edition. New York. C. Scribner's Sons. 1911. 13v. plates, ports. [Each volume has special title page.] HENRIK IBSEN: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CRITICISM AND BIOGRAPHY AUTHOR INDEX +Aall, Anathon von.+ Ibsen og Nietzsche. Samtiden 17:146-63, 278-300. 1906. ---- Henrik Ibsen als Dichter und Denker. Halle. 1906. 272p. _Same._ Review. Nation 85:84-5. July 25, 1907. +Aberg, Lawrence H.+ Betraktelser öfver Ibsens Gengangere. Stockholm. 1882. 24p. ---- I äktenskapsfrågen; betraktelser med anledn. af Ibsens familjedramer. Stockholm. 1883. 91p. ---- Några ord om Henrik Ibsens Et dukkehjem. Stockholm. 1880. 20p. +Achorn, Edgar O.+ Ibsen at home. New Engl. M. n.s. 13: 737-48. Feb. 1896. +Adams, W. D.+ Sarcey on Ibsen. Theatre (Lond.) 37:19. 1896. +Adlersparre, S. L.+ Ibsens Gengangere ur etisk synpunkt. Stockholm. 1882. 38p. +Albrecht, Hanns.+ Frauen Charaktere in Ibsens Dramen. Leipzig. 1902. 34p. +Allen, B. S.+ Recurrent elements in Ibsen's art. Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil. 17:217-26. 1918. +Anderson, A. R.+ Ibsen and the classic world. Class. Jour. 11:216-25. 1916. +Anderson, R. B.+ Henrik Ibsen. American (Phila.) 4:8. 1882. +Andreas-Salomé, _Frau_ L.+ Henrik Ibsens Frauengestalten nach seinen sechs Familiendramen. Berlin. 1892. 238p.; 1896. 181p. ---- Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. Autoriseret oversættelse ved Hulda Garborg. Med et forord af Arne Garborg. Kristiania. 1893. 185p. +Andrews, A. LeR.+ Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Goethe's Faust. Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil. 13:238-46. 1914. +Anstey, F.+ pseud. _See_ Guthrie, T. A. +Archer, Mathias.+ Ibsens drittes Reich. Wien. G. 1900. 20p. +Archer, William.+ Breaking a butterfly. Theatre (Lond.) n.s. 3: 209-14. 1894. ---- Craftsmanship of Ibsen. Fortn. 86:111-13. 1906. _Same._ Liv. Age. 250:558-68. 1906. ---- Doll's House. _In_ Archer, W. Theatrical World [London. 1894-'98. 5vs.] 1893:83-88, 155-62; 1897:134-6. ---- Enemy of the people. _In_ Archer, W. Theatrical World 1893:162-68. ---- From Ibsen's workshop: the genesis of the dramas. Fortn. 92:976-92. 1909. _Same._ Forum 42:506-22. 1909. ---- Henrik Ibsen. St. James. 48:27, 104. 1881. ---- Henrik Ibsen: an appreciation. Critic. 49:31-32. 1906. ---- Henrik Ibsen: philosopher or poet? Cosmop. 38:409-16. 1905. ---- Humor of the Wild Duck. _In_ Archer, W. Theatrical World 1897:146-51. ---- Ibsen and English criticism. Fortn. 52:30-37. 1887. ---- Ibsen as he is translated. Time (Lond.) 22:37. 1890. ---- Ibsen as I knew him. Monthly R. 23, No. 3:1. 1905. _Same._ Reader 8:185-97. 1906. ---- Ibsen as seen in his letters. Fortn. 83:428-41. 1905. _Same._ Liv. Age 245:209-19. 1905. ---- Ibsen's apprenticeship. Fortn. 81:25-35. 1904. ---- Ibsen's imperialism. 19 Cent. 61:244-55. 1907. ---- Master builder _In_ Archer, W. Theatrical World 1893. p 54-70. ---- Mausoleum of Ibsen. Fortn. 60:77-91. 1893. _Same._ Das Ibsenmausoleum. Die Zukunft 5:174-87. 1893. ---- Nora. Theatre (Lond.) n.s. 3:209-14. 1884. ---- Quintessence of Ibsenism. New R. 5:463. 1891. ---- Real Ibsen. Internat. M. 3:182-201. 1901. ---- Two dramas of Ibsen (En Folkefiende and Nora) Acad. (Lond.) 23:5-6. Jan. 6, 1883. ---- Wild duck: a study in illusions. _In_ Archer, W. Theatrical World 1894. 136-43. ---- Editor. Introduction Doll's house. Scott 1901. ---- ---- Ghosts. Scott 1901. ---- ---- John Gabriel Borkman. Duffield 1909. ---- ---- League of Youth. Scott 1901. ---- ---- Master Builder. Heineman 1902. ---- ---- Pillars of Society. Scott 1901. ---- ---- Wild Duck. Scott 1905. +Armstrong, R. A.+ Ibsen's Brand. Westm. 135:409-27. 1891. +Arnold, Robert F.+ Das moderne Drama. Strassburg. 1908. 388p. +Aronsohn, Oskar.+ Erläuterungen zu Ibsens pathologischen Gestalten. Halle. 1. Oswald Alving. Eine pathologische Studie. 1909. 39p. 2. Das Problem im Baumeister Solness. 1910. 64p. +Arnstein, Ph.+ Ibsens Frauengestalten. Die Frau 5:347-53. 1898. +Aveling, E.+ Nora. To-day 1:473-1884. +Bab, J.+ Ibsens Unsterblichkeit. Schaubühne 2:703-8. 1906. +Bahr, Herman.+ Henrik Ibsen. Wien. 1887. 18p. +Bang, Herman.+ Erinnerungen an Henrik Ibsen. Die Neue Rundschau. Jahrg. 17:1491-1500. 1906. ---- Et Dukkehjem. _In_ Bang, H. Kritiske studier og udkast. Kjøbn. 1880. p. 204-28. ---- Etwas von jungen Ibsen ... Beilage zur Allgemeine Zeitung. 1896. Nr. 316. +Basch, V.+ Ibsen et G. Sand. Cosmopolis 9:466-92. 1898. +Baussan, C.+ Moral ideas of Ibsen. Cath. W. 87:785-98. 1908. +Bayet, Jean.+ Henrik Ibsen. La Nouvelle Revue n.s. 41:30-40. 1906. +Beerbohm, Max.+ Dr. Brandes on Ibsen. Sat. R. 85:821. 1898. ---- Ibsen. Sat. R. 101:650-1. 1906. ---- Ibsen after all. Sat. R. 88:101-2. 1899. ---- Pillars of Society. Sat. R. 91:631-2. 1901. ---- Vikings at Helgeland. Sat. R. 95:517-18. 1903. +Bekker, P.+ Die Musik in Ibsens Dichtung. Neue Musik-Zeitung 27:457-61. 1906. +Bellaigue, C.+ Hedda Gabler. Revue des deux mondes 109:218-24. Jan. 1892. +Bennett, L.+ Ibsen as a pioneer of the woman movement. Westm. 173:278-85. 1910. +Benoist-Hannapier, L.+ La théorie du mensonge dans Ibsen. Revue Franco-Allemande 5:268-74. 1901. +Berg, Leo.+ Heine-Nietzsche-Ibsen. Berlin. 1908. p. 65-102. ---- Henrik Ibsen; Studien. Köln. 1901. 127p. ---- Henrick Ibsen. _In_ Berg, L. Zwischen zwei jahrhunderten. p. 420-33. ---- Henrik Ibsen und das Germanenthum in der modernen Litteratur. Berlin. [1887]. 48p. (Litterärische Volkshefte. nr. 2). ---- Hebbel und Ibsen. Eine parallele. _In_ Berg, L. Zwischen zwei Jahrhundert, Frankfurt. 1896. p. 258-73. +Bergengren, R.+ Doll's House as played by Mrs. Fiske. Nat'l. M. (Bost.) 16:568. 1902. +Berger, Alfred.+ Henrik Ibsen; Ibsens Rosmersholm. _In_ Berger, A. Studien und kritiker. Wien. 1896. p. 203-40. +Bergsøe, Vilhelm.+ Henrik Ibsen paa Ischia og "Fra Piazza del Popolo"; Erindringer fra Aarene 1863-69. Kjøbenhavn. 1907. 312p. +Bergwitz, J. K.+ Henrik Ibsen. I sin avstamning Norsk eller fremmed? Kristiania. 1916. 62p. ---- Henrik Ibsens ophold i Grimstad 1844-1850. _In_ Bergwitz, J. K. Grimstad 1800-1850 som type paa Norsk smaaby. Kristiania. 1916. +Bernardini, L.+ [Henrik Ibsen] In La littérature Scandinave. Paris. 1894. p. 249-80. +Berndtson, Fredrika.+ Samfundets Støtter. _In_ Berndtson, F. Dramatiska studier och kritiker. Helsingfors. 1879. p. 202-12. +Bienenstock, M.+ Henrik Ibsens Kunstanschauungen. Leipzig. 1913. 244p. [Teil I. Bienenstock, M. Zur théorie des modernen dramas.] +Berteval, W.+ Le théâtre d'Ibsen. Paris. 1913. +Bijvanck, W. G. C.+ Ibsen. _In_ Bijvanck, W. G. C. Poezie en leven in de 19de eeuw. Haarlem 1889. p. 315-83. +Bing, Just J.+ Henrik Ibsen. Kjøbenhavn. 1909. 95p. (Mennesker; litteraturens, kunstens, politikens og videnskabens tjeneste. Bd. 2.) ---- Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Bing, J. J. Norske digte og digtere. Kristiana. 1898. p. 23-96. ---- Henrik Ibsens ungdomsdigtning. Tilskueren. 24:934-43. 1907. ---- Norsk litteratur-historie. Kristiania. 1904. p. 157ff. +Birkenbihl, Michael.+ Ibsen. Nord und Süd. (Breslau) 43:73-81. 1919. +Bistram, Ottilie von.+ Ibsens Nora und die wahre Emanzipation der Frau. Wiesbaden. 1900. 10p. +Björkman, Edwin.+ Ibsen as he should be read. N.Y. 1907. ---- Ibsen myth. Forum 45:565-85. 1911. ---- Optimism of Ibsen. Contemp. 103:544-54. 1913. _Same._ Liv. Age 277:716-23. 1913. +Blanc, Tharald.+ Henrik Ibsen og Christiania theater, 1850-1899. Et bidrag til den Ibsenske digtnings scenehistorie. Kristiania. 1906. 75p. +Blangstrup, C.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Salmonsens store illustrerede konversationslexikon 9:307-13. 1899. +Boccardi, A.+ La donna nell' opera di Henrik Ibsen. Trieste. 1893. 51p. +Boettcher, Friederike.+ La femme dans le théâtre d'Ibsen. Paris. 1912. 208p. +Bøgh, E.+ Dit og dat fra 1877. Kristiania. 1877. p. 240-48. +Bom, E. de.+ Ibsen en zijn werk. Gent. 1893. 107p. +Bonus, A.+ Ibsen und die Islandergeschichte. Preussische Jahrbücher 126:324-48. 1907. +Bordeaux, Henri.+ Réalisme et symbolisme. Mercure de France 12:57-66. 1894. +Boyesen, H. H.+ Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. London. 1894. 317p. Reviews. Spec. 72:652-3. 1894. Sat. R. 78:359-60. 1894. ---- Doll's House. Cosmop. 16:84-89. 1893. ---- Henrik Ibsen. Cent. 39:794-6. 1890. ---- Henrik Ibsen's greatest work. Chaut. 12:207-13. 1890. ---- Ibsen's Poems. Cosmop. 15:91-99. 1893. ---- Ibsen's treatment of self-illusion. (Wild duck). Dial 15:137-40. 1893. ---- Peer Gynt. Chaut. 17:293-99. 1893. +Brachvogel, Wolfgang.+ Hedda Gabler in München. Freie Bühne 2:117-18. 1891. +Brahm, Alcanter de.+ Critiques d'lbsen. Bib. d'Art de la Critique Paris. 1898. +Brahm, O.+ Ibsenforschung. Neue Rundschau 17:1412-35. 1906. ----Der Volksfeind auf der Volksbühne. Freie Bühne 1:1204. 1890. ----Henrik Ibsen. Deutsche Rundschau 49:193-220. 1886. ----Henrik Ibsen; ein Essay. Berlin. 1887. 71p. ----Hedda Gabler. Freie Bühne 2:170-1. 1891. +Brandes, Edward.+ Le drama d'Ibsen. Revue d'art dramatique n.s. 9:220-227, 322-330. 1900. +Brandes, Georg.+ Appreciation. Indep. 60:1249-52. 1906; Dial 40:351-2. 1906. ----Et Dukkehjem i Berlin. _In_ Brandes, G. Samlede Skrifter. Kristiania. 1905. v. 14:265-70. ----Henrik Ibsen. Kjøbn. 1898. 183p. Illustreret undgave. 1916. ----Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Brandes, G. Aesthetische studier. Kjøbenhavn. 1888. p. 278-336. ----Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Brandes, G. Eminent authors of the 19th Century. N.Y. 1886. p. 405-60. ----Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Brandes, G. De moderne gjennembruds mænd. Kjøbenhavn. 1891. p. 70-143. ----Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Brandes, G. Fugleperspektiv. Kjøbn. 1913. p. 234-38. ----Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Brandes, G. Moderne Geister. Frankfort. 1887. ----Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Brandes, G. Samlede Skrifter, Kristiana. 1900. v. 3: 237-54; v. 17: 228-68. ----Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson; critical studies. N.Y. 1899. 171p. _Reviews._ Acad. 57:79-80. July 1899; Ath. 2:202-3. 1899; Dial 27:314-18, 1899; Nation 69:340-1, Nov. 2, 1899; Sat. R. 85:821. 1898; Sat. R. 88:101-2. 1899; Spec. 83:25. 1899. ----Henrik Ibsen: De unges forbund. _In_ Brandes, G. Samlede Skrifter. Kristiana. 1903. v. 13; 376-81. _Same._ Brandes, G. Kritiker og portræter. Kjøbenhavn. 1885. p. 339-48. ----Henrik Ibsen; mit zwölf Briefen Henrik Ibsens, siebzehn Vollbildern und vier Faksimiles. Berlin. [1908]. 125p. ----Henrik Ibsen intime. Mercure de France (Paris) 105:5-35. 1913. ----Henrik Ibsen og Grimstad. _In_ Brandes, G. Fugleperspektiv. Kjøbn. 1913. p. 239-40. ---- Henrik Ibsen und sein schule in Deutschland. _In_ Brandes, G. Deutsche persönlichkeiten. München. 1902. p. 37-69. ---- Ibsen en France. Cosmopolis 5:112-24. 1897. ---- Ibsen und Nietzsche. Die Zukunft (Berlin) 55:490-91. 1906. ---- Personal reminiscences and remarks on Ibsen's plays. Cent. 93:539-46. 1917. +Brausewetter, E.+ Ibsen zu Hause. Freie Bühne 9:532-4. 1897. +Breinholm, A.+ [Mark, pseud.] Något on Ibsen och Brand. Götenberg. 1885. +Brinton, C.+ Ecce Ibsen! Critic 40:236-49. 1902. +Broch, Olaf.+ Lidt om Ibsen i og fra Rusland. Samtiden 11:459-66. 1900. +Bröchner, Jessie.+ Henrik Ibsen: a biographical sketch. Book-Lover (N.Y.) 4:385-91. 1903. ---- Henrik Ibsen. Bookm. 18:180-189. 1903. +Brünnings, Emil.+ Ibsen Drama; die Frau darin. Leipzig. 1910. +Bulthaupt, H. A.+ Ibsen, Wildenbruch, Sudermann, Hauptmann. (Bulthaupt, H. A. Dramaturgie des Schauspiels. v. 4.) Oldenburg. 1907, 1909. 645p. +Burchardt, Carl.+ Ibsen og det moderne engelske drama. Litteraturen. Kjøbn. 1918. 1:662-70. +Butler, A. M.+ View of Ibsen. Contemp. (Amer. ed.) 81:709-19. 1902. _Same._ Liv. Age 233:769-78. _Same._ Eclectic M. (Bost.) n.s. 8:161-70. +C. R. N.+ Samfundets stötter. Nordisk Tidsskrift. 1878:182-83. +Caffin, Charles H.+ Hedda Gabler. _In_ Caffin, C. H. Appreciation of the drama. N.Y. 1908. Ch. 7-9, p. 162-237. +Canudo, Ricciotto.+ La représentation féministe et sociale d'lbsen, Grande Revue. 38 (n.s. 1.) 561-72. Paris 1906. +Carpenter, G. R.+ Henrik Ibsen. Scrib. M. 5:404-12. 1889. +Carpenter, W. H.+ Bibliography of Ibsen. Bookm 1:274-77. 1893. ---- Ibsen as a dramatist. _In_ Warner classics. Doubleday, v. 5, p. 156-78. _Same._ Warner: Library of world's best literature v. 20. p. 7839-47. +Carruth, W. H.+ Henrik Ibsen (Review of Jaeger's Ibsen). Dial 32:16-17. 1902. +Cary, E. L.+ Two impersonations of Peer Gynt. Putnam's 2:193-96. 1907. +Chandler, F. W.+ Drama of ideas. Ibsen. _In_ Chandler, F. W. Aspects of modern drama. N.Y. 1914. p. 1-29. +Channing, G. E.+ Henrik Ibsen. Overland n.s. 15:314-17, 1890. +Cheney, E. J.+ Dramatic poem by Ibsen. Open Court 4:2557ff. 1890. +Clark, Barrett H.+ Ibsen. _In_ Clark, B. H. Continental drama of to-day. N.Y. 1914. p. 16-38. +Clarke, H. A.+ _Joint author._ _See_ Porter, Charlotte. +Clutton-Brock, A.+ Genius of Ibsen. Liv. Age 249:816-18. 1906. +Colbron, G. I.+ Ibsen and the stage system. Critic 49:41-5. 1906. +Colby, F. M.+ Hedda Gabler; analogies of a disagreeable heroine. Bookm. 25:467-71. 1907. +Colleville, Vicomte de and Zepelin, F. de.+ Le maître du drame moderne, Ibsen; l'homme et l'oeuvre. Paris. 1904. 392p. +Collin, Chr.+ Henrik Ibsen fremtidsdrøm. Samtiden 17:385-96, 481-96. 1906. ---- Henrik Ibsen; sein Werk, seine weltanschauung, sein leben. Heidelberg. 1910. 610p. ---- Henrik Ibsens selv portræt i Peer Gynt. Memnon-støttens sang og oprindelsen til Peer Gynt. _In_ Collin, C. Det geniale menneske. Kristiania. 1914. 234p. ---- Kampen om Kjærlighed og Kunst i naturalismus tidsalder. Kristiania. 1913. p. 36-45. +Collin, Joseph.+ Henrik Ibsen, Gedächtnisrede, geh. bei der Trauerfeier des Gieszener Theatervereins am 14 Nov. 1906. Gieszen. 1906. 24p. ---- Henrik Ibsen; sein Werk, seine weltanschauung, sein Leben. Heidelburg. 1910. 610p. +Colline, Gustave.+ Ist Henrik Ibsen ein Dichter? Nord und Süd, Breslau. 149:50-55. 1914. +Coleman, A. I. du P.+ Seventy years of Ibsen. Critic 34:34-7. 1899. +Courtney, W. L.+ Social dramas of Ibsen. _In_ Courtney, W. L. Studies at leisure. London. 1892. Ch. 2. ---- Note on Little Eyolf. Fortn. 63:277-84. 1895. _Same._ Liv. Age 205:239-45. 1895. +Crawford, Oswald.+ Ibsen question. Fortn. 55:723-40. 1891. +Cross, W. L.+ Ibsen's Brand. Arena 3:81-90. 1890. +Crowell, Ella.+ Shakespeare's Katharine and Nora. Poet-Lore 8:192-97. 1896. +Daly, _Father_.+ Ibsen in the class-room. America. Aug. 14, 1915. +Dario, Ruben.+ Ibsen jugé par un poète de l'Amerique Latine. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:56-67. 1890. +Darthèze, A.+ Ibsen et les acteurs Français. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:27-35. 1898. +Davies, Trevor H.+ "Peer Gynt"--the ignominy of half-heartedness. _In_ Davies, T. H. Spiritual voices in modern literature. N.Y. 1919. p. 41-69. +Davignon, Henri.+ Ibsen, poète et auteur dramatique. La Revue Générale (Bruxelles) 84:703-43. 1906. +Destrez, Félix.+ Ibsen et la critique française. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:36-45. 1898. +Dickinson, G. L.+ Shakespeare, Ibsen and Bernard Shaw. Liv. Age 250:437-40. 1906. +Dickmar, Helene.+ Henrik Ibsen: Bygmester Solness. _In_ Dickmar, H. To literære studier. Kristiania. 1895. 75p. +Diefke, M.+ Was muss Mann von Ibsen und seinen Dramen wissen? Berlin. 1904. 80p. +Dodge, Daniel K.+ Language of Ibsen. Critic 32:149. Feb. 1898. ---- Some of Ibsen's women. New Eng. and Yale Rev. 56:118-24. 1892. +Doumic, René.+ De Scribe à Ibsen: Causeries sur le théâtre contemporain. Paris. 1896. 352p. ---- Le théâtre d'Ibsen. Revue des deux mondes 195:924-35. 1806. +Dowden, Edward.+ Henrik Ibsen. Contemp. 90:652-672. 1906. ---- Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Gosse, E. Life of Henrik Ibsen. (v. 13 of Ibsen's Works. Scribner. 1912. p. 218-58.) ---- Men and women of Ibsen. Contemp. 90:652-72. 1906. ---- Study of Ibsen's work. _In_ Dowden, E. Essays modern and Elizabethan. N.Y. 1910. p. 26-60. +Dresdner, A.+ Ibsen als Norweger und Europäer. Jena. 1907. 105p. +Dressler, Max.+ Was ist leben nach Ibsens dramatischen epilog? Preussische Jahrbücher (Berlin) 102:231-45. 1900. +Due, C. L.+ Ibsen's early youth. Critic. 49:33-40. 1906. +E. G. R.+ Et dukkehjem. Nysvensk Tidskrift 1880. p. 183-90. +Eaton, W. P.+ Harps in the air (Nazimova in The master-builder). _In_ Eaton, W. P. American Stage of To-day. Boston. 1908. p. 132-49. +Ehrenfels, Christian von.+ Die Wertschätzung der Kunst bei Wagner, Ibsen und Tolstoi. Prag. 1901. 21p. +Ehrhard, A.+ Henrik Ibsen et le théâtre contemporain. Paris. 1892. 472p. +Eitrem, H.+ Henrik Ibsen's Stellanea. Edda 3:68-92. 1915. +Eketrae, P.+ Le génie et le bonheur dans l'oeuvre d'Ibsen. Mercure de France 33:391-404. 1900. +Eller, William H.+ Ibsen in Germany, 1870-1900. Boston. Badger [c. 1918.] 203p. +Elliott, Agnes M.+ Ibsen. Contemporary bibliography. Carnegie Library Pittsburg. 1903. +Ellis, Havelock.+ Ibsen. _In_ Ellis, H. New spirit. London. 1890. p. 133-73. +Ende, A. von.+ Henrik Ibsen and the women of his dramas. Theatre (N.Y.) 10:48-50ff. Aug. 1909. ---- Henrik Ibsen: poet, philosopher, dramatist and revolutionist. Craftsman 8:421-36. 1905. +Ernst, P.+ Henrik Ibsen. (Die Dichtung Bd. 1. Berlin. 1904.) 90p. +Evans, Edward P.+ Henrik Ibsen: his early career as poet and playwright. Atlan. 65:577-88. 1890. ---- Henrik Ibsen: his life abroad and later dramas. Atlan. 66:457-69. 1890. ---- Ibsen's home and working habits. Critic 16:122. 1890. +Faguet, E.+ Symbolism in Ibsen's dramas. Internat. 8:329-41. 1903. +Farinelli, A.+ La tragedia di Ibsen. Nuova Antologia (Roma), Ser. 6. 188:233-54; 189:241-61. 1917. +Farquhar, E. F.+ Recruiting Ibsen for the allies. Drama 8:317-28. 1918. +Felden, Emil.+ Alles oder nichts! Kanzelreden über Henrik Ibsens schauspiele. Leipzig. 1919. +Feldman, Wilhelm.+ Henrik Ibsen. Feldman. Warsaw. 1906. 206p. +Findlater, Jane L.+ Ibsen the reformer. National R. (Lond.) 48:482-91. 1906. +Finnegan, J.+ Ibsen girl; poem. Harp. W. 51:1384. 1907. +Firkins, Oscar W.+ Hedda Gabler [Neighborhood Playhouse, N.Y.]. Review 1:525-6. 1919. ---- When we dead awaken [Neighborhood Playhouse, N.Y.]. Review 1:568. 1919. +Fiske, Minnie Maddern.+ On Ibsen the unpopular. _In_ Mrs. Fiske: her views on actors, acting, and the problems of production, recorded by Alexander Woollcott. New York. 1917. p. 41-74. _Same._ Century 93:529-38. +Fitzgerald, Percy.+ Ibsen. New Century Rev. 3:113-21. 1898. +Flower, B. O.+ Review of Henderson's Interpreters of the modern spirit. Twentieth Century 4:161-6. 1911. +Ford, J. L.+ Ibsen performance in New York. Munsey 22: 610-11. 1900. +Forsyth, P. T.+ Ibsen's treatment of guilt. Hibbert Journal 14:105-22. 1913. +Franc, Miriam.+ Ibsen in England. Boston. 1919. 195p. +France, W. O.+ Ibsen's letters. Nation 82:243-4. 1906. +Franklin, F.+ Ibsenism and truth. _In_ Franklin, F. People and problems. N.Y. p. 308-11. +Franz, Rudolf.+ Der Monolog und Ibsen. Halle. 1908. 168p. +Fulda, Ludwig.+ Nordische Heerfahrt. Freie Bühne 1:72-4. 1890. +Fuller, Edward.+ Ibsen's social dramas. New Eng. M. n.s. 2:584-90. 1890. +Garborg, Arne.+ Henrik Ibsens En folkefiende. Nyt tidsskrift. 1882. p. 571-81. ---- Henrik Ibsens "Kejser og Galilaeer"; en kritisk studie. Christiania 1874. 71p. +Garde, Axel.+ Der Grundgedanke in Henrik Ibsens Dichtung. Übertrag. aus. d. Dän. v. Carl Küchler. Leipzig 1898. 48p. +Garland, Hamlin.+ Ibsen as a dramatist. Arena 2:72-82. 1890. ---- Influence of Ibsen. _In_ Garland, H. Crumbling idols. Chicago. 1894. 20p. +Geiger, A.+ Der Pfarrer in Ibsens Dramen. Beilage zur Allgemeine Zeitung. 1901. Nr. 261-2. +Genung, C. H.+ Ibsen's Spectres. Nation 44:116-17. 1887. +Gerfault, M.+ Ibsen. Revue Socialiste 44:18-36. 1906. +Gejerstam, G. af.+ Ibsen der Mensch. Schaubühne 2:25-30. 1906. +Gietmann, Gerhard.+ Henrik Ibsen. Frankfürter Zeitgemässe Broschüren Bd. 26, Hft. 8:211-48. 40p. 1907. +Giglio-Tos, Efisio.+ La morale nel teatro d'lbsen. Torino. 1904. 140p. +Gilliland, M. S.+ Ibsen's women. London. 1894. 32p. +Gizycki, Lily von. (Braun).+ Die Neue Frau in der Dichtung. Stuttgart. 1896. 40p. +Gnad, E.+ Literarische Essays. Neue Folge. Wien. 1894. p. 1-37. +Goldman, Emma.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Social significance of modern drama. Boston. 1914. p 11-42. +Goldschmidt, K. W.+ Henrik Ibsen. Berlin. 1901. 30p. +Goodman, E. J.+ Ibsen at Christiana. Theatre (London) 35:146. 1895. +Gosse, Edmund.+ Estimate of Ibsen. Atlan. 98:30-34. 1906. ---- Henrik Ibsen. N.Y. 1908. 244p. Reviews Ath. 1:364. 1908; Atlan. 102:260. 1908; Dial 44:108. 1908; Indep. 64:921. 1908; Nation 86:222. 1908; Putnam's 4:238. 1908; Sat. R. 105:330-1. 1908. ---- Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian satirist. _In_ Gosse, E. Studies in the literature of Northern Europe, London. 1879. p. 34-69. Reprinted in Gosse, E. Northern studies. London. 1890; _Same._ Fortn. 19:74-88. 1873; Every Sat. 14:133. 1873. ---- Ibsen. London. 1907. 267p. (Literary lives series). ---- Ibsen's new drama [Hedda Gabler]. Fortn. 55:4-13. 1891. ---- Ibsen's new poems. _Review._ Spec. 45:344-45. 1872. ---- Ibsen's social dramas. Fortn. 51:107-21. 1889. ---- Introduction. _In_ Lady from the sea. Tr. by E. M. Aveling. London. 1889. ---- Social Dramas of Ibsen. Fortn. 51:107-21. 1889. Liv. Age 180:298-307. 1889. ---- To Henrik Ibsen: poem. Ath. 1:371. 1902. ---- Visit to the friends of Ibsen. Mod. Lang. R. 13:282-91. 1918. +Gran, Gerhard.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Gran., G. _ed._ Nordmænd i det 19de. Aarhundrede. Kristiania. 1914. v. 3, p. 180-286. ---- _ed._ Henrik Ibsen; festkrift i anledning af hans 70de fødselsdag, udgivet af "Samtiden." Bergen. 1898. 304p. +Groddeck, Georg.+ Tragödie oder Komödie? Eine Frage an die Ibsenleser. Leipzig. 1910. 135p. +Grotthus, J. E. von.+ Probleme und Charakteristiken. Stuttgart. 1898. p. 275-327. +Grummann, Paul Henry.+ Ibsen in his maturity. Poet Lore 28:432-44; 609-20. 1917. ---- Ibsen's symbolism in "The master builder" and "When we dead awaken." Nebraska Univ. Studies. Lincoln, Neb. 10:235-41. 1910. +Gumpertz, K.+ Ibsens vererbungstheorie. Deutsche Medizinische Presse 10:84ff. 1906. +Guthrie, Thomas Anstey+ [Anstey F. pseud.] Mr. Punch's pocket Ibsen. N.Y. 1893. 228p. +H. A. N.+ Ännu en gång några ord on Ibsens Gengangere. Nysvensk Tidsskrift. 1882. p. 20-26. +Hackett, F.+ John Gabriel Borkman. New Republic 2:285. 1915. +Halbert, A.+ Henrik Ibsen und L. Tolstoi. Die Dichtung. v. 1, no. 12. 1907. ---- Henrik Ibsen und Leo Tolstoi. Eine vergleichende Studie über ihre künstlerischen und kulturellen Einflüsse. München. 1912. 22p. +Halvorsen, Jens B.+ Bibliografiske oplysninger til Henrik Ibsens samlede værker. Kjøbenhavn. 1901. 126p. ---- Bibliographical information concerning Ibsen's works. Review. Nation 74:73. 1902. ---- Henrik Ibsens liv og forfattervirksomhed aktmæssig fremstillet. _In_ Norsk forfatterlexikon. Kristiania. 1889. +Hamilton, Clayton.+ Ibsen once again. Bookm. 47:426-31. 1918. ---- Pillars of Society and Little Eyolf. _Review._ Bookm. 31:416-17. 1910. ---- Theory of the theatre. N.Y. 1910. +Hamilton, G. K.+ Brand. Nordisk tidsskrift. 1:106-12. +Hans, Wilhelm.+ Die presse in Ibsens dramen. Zeits. für den Deutschen Unterricht 24:587-99. 1910. ---- Ibsens Selbstporträt in seinen Dramen. München. 1911. 220p. ---- Ibsens stellung zur Socialismus. Die Hilfe. (Berlin). Nr. 22, 1909. ---- Schicksal und Wille: Ein Versuch über Henrik Ibsens Weltanschauung. München. 1906. 109p. +Hanssen, L. Marholm.+ _See_ Marholm, Laura. +Hansson, Ola.+ Die "Gespenster" in Paris. Freie Bühne 1:499-500. 1900. +Hanstein, A. von.+ Ibsen als Idealist. Vorträge über Henrik Ibsen's Dramen, geh. an d. Humboldt-Akademie zu Berlin. Leipzig. 1897. 210p. +Hapgood, Norman.+ Ghosts. _Review._ Bookm. 13:165. 1901. ---- Reaction against Ibsen. Harv. M. 13:51. 1891. ---- Ibsen. _In_ Hapgood, N. Stage in America. 1897-1900; N.Y. 1901. p. 206-18. +Harden, Maximilian.+ Ibsen. _In_ Köpfe (Berlin) 1910. 1:263-30. +Harding, Edward J.+ Henrik Ibsen, iconoclast. Critic 16:131-2. Mar. 15, 1890. ---- Is Ibsen a reformer? Critic 16:157. Mar. 29, 1890. +Harford, C. H.+ Ibsen in London. Acad 35:432. 1889. +Harnack, Otto.+ Ueber Ibsens sociale Dramen. _In_ Harnack, O. Essais und Studien zur Literaturgeschichte. Braunschweig. 1899. +Harrison, R. C.+ Ibsen; individualism in his plays. Harv. M. 11:25. 1890. +Hart, H.+ Ibsen und die deutsche Literatur. _In_. Hart, H. Gesammelte Werke. Berlin. 1907. v. 3:3-17. +Hawkins, C. J.+ Ibsen's ethics of marriage. _In_ Hawkins, C. J. Will the home survive? N.Y. 1907. +Hedén, E.+ Ibsens senare diktning. Stockholm. 1906. 94p. +Hegermann-Lindenkrone, L. de.+ Sunny side of diplomatic life. N.Y. 1914. p. 100-1. +Heiberg, Gunnar E. R.+ Ibsen og Bjørnson paa scenen. Krist. 1918. 196p. +Heimann, Moritz.+ Ibsen--immer wieder. Neue Rundschau (Berlin) 28:119-24. 1917. +Heller, Otto.+ Henrik Ibsen. Poet-Lore 1:337-42. 1889. ---- Henrik Ibsen; his plays and our problems. Boston. 1912. 356p. ---- Henrik Ibsen; study course. Drama League Monthly. (Mount Morris, Ill.) 2:353-64. 1917. +Hellman, A.+ Hedda Gabler. Poet-Lore 22:134-6. 1911. +Helveg, Fr.+ Bjørnson og Ibsen i deres to seneste værker. Kjøbenhavn. 1866. +Henderson, A.+ Henrik Ibsen and social progress. Arena 33:26-30. 1905. ---- Henrik Ibsen: 1. The evolution of his mind and art. 2. Ibsen; the genesis of his dramas. _In_ Henderson, A., Interpreters of life and the modern spirit. N.Y. Kennerley. 1911. p. 161-283. _Same revised._ _In_ Henderson, A. European dramatists. Cincinnatti. 1914. p. 72:195. ---- How Ibsen made his plays. Bookm. 31:492-7. 1910. ---- Ibsen harvest. Atlan. 102:258-62. 1908. +Herford, C. H.+ Earlier work of Ibsen. Lippinc. 49:351. 1892. ---- Ibsen in London. Acad. 35:432. 1889. ---- Ibsen again. Acad. 36:60-1. 1889. ---- Wickstead, P. H. Four lectures on Ibsen. _Review._ Acad. (London) 41:247-9. 1892. ---- Scene from Love's comedy. Fortn. 73-191-9. 1900. +Herrmann, Oscar.+ Living dramatists: Pinero, Ibsen, d'Annunzio. N.Y. 1905. 187p. +Hertzberg, J.+ Henrik Ibsen som tragiker. Nordisk tidsskrift. 1898:163-85. +Hertzberg, N.+ Er Ibsens kvinde-typer Norske? Kristiania. 1893. 36p. +Hervey, R. K.+ The pillars of society. Theatre (London) 23:94. 1889. +Herzfeld, Marie.+ Die skandinavische Literatur und ihre Tendenzen. Berlin. 1898. p. 21-30. +Hickson, J. W. A.+ Biographical sketch of Ibsen. Univ. M. (Montreal) 9:64-91. 1910. ---- Henrik Ibsen. Univ. M. (Montreal). 6:322-55. 1907. +Hjelmstad, J. H.+ Ibsen's social dramas. Master's thesis, University of Minnesota. 1915. 83p. (not in print). +Hollander, Lee M.+ (Introduction to) Ibsen's speeches and new letters. Tr. by Arne Kildal. Boston. 1910. +Holm, Erich, pseud.+ [Mathilde Prager.] Henrik Ibsens politisches Vermächtnis. Wien. 1906. 104p. +Holm, Olaf.+ Christus oder Ibsen? Alte oder neue Weltanschauung? Autorisier Uebersetzung aus dem Norwegien von H. Hansen. Hamburg. 1903. 192p. ---- Kristus eller Ibsen? Kristiania. 1893. 307p. +Høst, S.+ Henrik Ibsen, drøm og daad. Edda 4:327-41. 1915. +Howells, W. D.+ Appreciation. No. Amer. R. 183:1-14. 1906. ---- Ibsen seen in his letters. Harper 112:958-61. 1906. +Huch, R.+ Eine Krisis. München. 1904. p. 29-49. +Huneker, J. G.+ Hated artist and his work. Scrib. M. 40:351-61. 1906. ---- Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Huneker, J. G. Iconoclasts. N.Y. 1905. p. 1-138. ---- Hedda. Forum 52:765-9. 1914. ---- Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Gosse, E. Life of Henrik Ibsen. v. 13 of Ibsen's Works. Scribner: 1912. p. 261-292. ---- Ibsen. _In_ Huneker, J. G. Egoists. N.Y. 1909. p. 317-49. +Jacobs, Monty.+ Ibsens unsichtbare. Deutsche Rundschau (Berlin) 183:195-214. 1920. +Jaeger, H. B.+ Fra Henrik Ibsens rusaar. _In_ Jaeger, H. B. Norske forfattere. Kjøbenhavn. 1883. p. 150-207. ---- Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Jaeger, H. B. Illustreret Norsk ---- literatur historie. Krist. v. 2:563-89. ---- Henrik Ibsen 1828-1888; et literært livsbillede. København. 1888. 296p. ---- Henrik Ibsen, a critical biography ... from the Norwegian by William Morton Payne. 2nd. ed. with supplementary chapter by the translator. Chicago. 1901. 320p. Review by W. E. Simonds. Dial 11:146-8. 1890. ---- Henrik Ibsen. Ein litterar Lebensbild ... aus d. Norweg übertr. erweit u. selbständig fortges. von H. Zchaig. Dresden. 1897. 304p. ---- Henrik Ibsen og hans værker. En fremstilling i grundrids. Kristiania. 1892. 230p. ---- Henrik Ibsens barndomsliv og ungdomsdigtning. Nyt Tidsskrift 1887. p. 872-904. ---- Henrik Ibsens Olaf Liljekrans. Nyt Tidsskrift 1887. p. 76-103. +James, Henry.+ Hedda Gabler. New R. (Lond.) 4:519. 1891. ---- Hendrik Ibsen. _In_ James, H. Essays in London. N.Y. 1893. p. 230-52 ---- Master builder. _In_ James, H. Essays in London. p. 248-52. +Jeanroy-Felix, V.+ Ibsen. _In_ Jeanroy-Felix, V. Études de littérature étrangére. Paris. 1900. +Jenkins, W. E.+ Before and after Ibsen. Drama League of America. 1916. 7p. +Jentsch, C.+ Nietzsche und Ibsen. _In_ Jentsch, C. Wandlugen. Leipzig. 1905. Pt. 2. p. 314-73. +Johnson, R. B.+ Books about Ibsen. Acad. 45:285-86. 1894. +Josephson, Ludwig.+ Ett och annat on Henrik Ibsen och Kristiania teater. Stockholm. 1898. 118p. +Joyce, J. A.+ Ibsen's new drama (When we dead awaken). Acad. 58:307-8. 1900. Fortn. 73:575-90. 1900. +Kahle, Bernhard.+ Henrik Ibsen, Björnstjerne Björnson und ihre Zeitgenossen. Leipzig. 1908. 140p. ---- Ibsen, Björnson und ihre Zeitgenossen. Jahrbuch de Freien deutschen Hochstifts. 1908. p. 1-18. +Kalthoff, A.+ Ibsens Religion. _In_ Kalthoff, A. Die Religionen der modernen. Jena. 1905. p. 227-50. +Keddell, E. A. and Standing, P. C.+ Gleanings from Ibsen. Preface on "Ibsenism." Stockholm. 1897. 192p. +Kehler, H.+ Studier i det Ibsenske drama. Edda 4:169-217. 1915. +Kerr, A.+ Hebbel und Ibsen. Neue Deutsche Rundschau 12:1323-33. 1901. ---- Das neue Drama. Berlin. Fischer. 1909. p. 1-35. +Key, Ellen K. S.+ The torpedo under the ark "Ibsen and Women." _Tr._ by M. B. Borthwick. Chicago. 1912. 28p. ---- Die Wenigen und die Vielen. Uebers. von F. Maro. Berlin. 1901. +Kjær, N.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Kjær, N. Bøger og billeder. Kristiania. 1898. +Klavenæs, Thoralf.+ Little Eyolf. Et foredrag. Samtiden 6:88-100. 1895. +Knorr, Helena.+ Ibsen and the ethical drama of the nineteenth century. Poet-lore 10:49-65. Jan.-Mar. 1898. ---- Master builder, played in New York. Poet-Lore 12: 95-97. Nov. 1900. +Knudsen, D. F.+ Utvalg av norsk litteratur. Henrik Ibsen. Kristiania. 1908. 160p. +Koht, H.+ Ibsen as a Norwegian. 19 Cent. 67:346-55. 1910. +Krebs, Robert.+ Moderne realistische-naturalistische Drama im Lichte d. Christentums: Ibsen, Hauptmann, Sudermann. Erfurt. 1897. 71p. +Kretschmer, Ella.+ Ibsens Frauengestalten. Stuttgart. 1906. 175p. +Kristensen-Randers, J. P.+ Hos Bjørnson og Ibsen. Tilskueren. Kjøb. 1917. pt. 1 p. 501-11. +Kronberg, Pauline.+ Un poète du Nord. Nouvelle Revue 17:139-77. 1882. +La Chesnais, P. G.+ Henrik Ibsen. Mercure de France 61:481-504. 1906. ---- Henrik Ibsen et le mouvement ouvrier Norwegien. La Grande Revue (Paris) 83:215-54. 1914. +Lambek, C.+ Bidrag til Ibsen-Kritiken. Kjøbenhavn. 1899. 173p. +Landquist, John.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Filosofiska essayer. Stockholm. 1906. p. 221-62. +Landsberg, Hans.+ Ibsen. Berlin. 1904. 135p. ---- Das Ibsenbuch. Ibsen in seinen Werker, Briefen, Reden und Aufsätzen. Berlin. 1907. 236p. +Larroumet, Gustave.+ Ibsen et l'Ibsenisme. _In_ Larroumet, G. Nouvelles études de litterature et d'art. Paris. 1894. p. 301-18. +Larsen, Karl.+ Henrik Ibsens episke Brand. Kjøbenhavn. 1907. Introduction p. 1-45. Criticism p. 182-264. +Larsen, T.+ Sketch of Ibsen. Canad. M. 27:416-20. 1906. +Lasius, Theodore. Henrik Ibsen.+ Étude des prémisses psychologiques et religieuses de son oeuvre. (thèse). Cahors. 1906. +Laurvik, J. N. and Morison, M.+ Trans. Letters of Henrik Ibsen. N.Y. 1905. Introduction. 45p. +Leach, H. G.+ Bjørnson and Ibsen. _In_ Leach, H. G. Scandinavia and the Scandinavians. New York. 1915. p. 130-42. +Leighton, W.+ Peer Gynt. Arena 27:64-7. 1902. +Lee, Jeannette B.+ The Ibsen secret: a key to the prose dramas of Henrik Ibsen. New York. 1907. _Same._ Putnam's 1:Nov. 1905-Mar. 1907. _Reviews._ Atlan. 103:259. 1908; Indep. 64:922, 1908; Nation 85:500. 1907. +Lemaître, Jules.+ Brand. Journal des Débats. July 1895. ---- Impressions de théâtre. Paris. 1894-98. 5 Série p. 1-26 Ghosts " " p. 27-53 Doll's house 6 " p. 31-44 Wild Duck " " p. 46-61 Hedda Gabler 7 " p. 41-47 Lady from the Sea 8 " p. 107-15 Master-builder 9 " p. 63-71 Little Eyolf 10 " p. 40-44 Peer Gynt ---- Influence récent de litteratures du Nord. _In_ Lemaitre, J. Les contemporains. Paris. 1896. Sér. 6. p. 231-38. _Same._ Revue des deux Mondes 126:851-55. 1894. +Leneveu, G.+ Ibsen et Maeterlinck. Paris. 1902. 320p. +Lescofier, J.+ La Nuit de la Saint Jean. Rev. Germ. 1905:298-306. +Lichtenberger, Henri.+ Le pessimisme d'Ibsen. Revue de Paris 84:806-825. 1901. +Lie, Erik.+ Björnson og Ibseniana. Samtiden 3:184-91. 1892. +Lienhard, F.+ Tolstoi und Ibsen. _In_ Lienhard, F. Neue Ideale. Berlin. 1901. p. 33-47. +Lindau, P.+ Ibsens Arbeitsart. _In_ Lindau, P. Eine Yachtfahrt nach Norwegen. Breslau. 1895. +Linderfelt, K. A.+ Ancestry of Ibsen. Critic 16:83-4. 1890. +Lindgren, Hellen.+ Henrik Ibsen i hans lifskamp och verk. Stockholm. 1903. 181p. +Littell, P.+ Father Daly on Ibsen. New Republic 4:105. 1915. +Little, C. J.+ Henrik Ibsen; Women of Ibsen; Ibsen compared with Sophocles and Shakespeare. _In_ Little, C. J. Biographical and literary studies. New York. 1916. +Litzmann, Berthold.+ Das deutsche Drama in den literärischen Bewegungen der Gegenwart. Hamburg. 1897. 240p. ---- Ibsens Dramen, 1877-1900. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Dramas in 19 Jahrhundert. Hamburg. 1901. 176p. +Logeman, Henri.+ Another three notes on Peer Gynt. Soc. for the advancement of Scandinavian study, Publications, Urbana. 1:214-20. 1914. ---- Commentary, critical and explanatory, on the Norwegian text of Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt; its language, literary associations and folklore. Hague. 1917. 484p. ---- Tilbake til Ibsen. Edda 2:136-45. 1914. +Løchen, A.+ Ibsens moralske grundanskuelse i dens utvikling. _In_ Løchen, A. Digtning og videnskap. Kristiania. 1913. p. 1-42. +Lollis, Cesare de.+ Il nuovo dramma d'Ibsen. Quando noi, morti, ci destiano. Nuova Antologia 85:307-16. 1900. +Lombroso, C.+ Ibsens Gespenster und die Psychiatrie. Die Zukunft 4:554-6. Sept. 9, 1893. ---- Ibsens Gjengangere og psykiatrien. Samtiden 4:395-97. 1893. +Longo, M.+ Schiller-Ibsen: studj di psicologia penale. Torino. 1902. 91p. +Lord, Walter F.+ Works of Ibsen. 19 Cent. 26:241-56. 1889. _Same._ Liv. Age 182:737-46. 1889. +Lothar, R.+ Das deutsche Drama der Gegenwart. München 1905. Ch. 2. ---- Henrik Ibsen. Leipzig. 1902. 175p. (Lothar, R. ed. Dichter und darsteller. v. 8). +Lourié, Ossip.+ Ibsen. La vie d'Ibsen, l'oeuvre et l'Ibsenism. Paris. 1907. ---- La philosophie sociale dans le théâtre d'Ibsen. Paris. 1906. +Lugné-Poé, Alexandre.+ Ibsen et son public. Revue Bleue, ser. 5. v. 2:65-71, 97-102. 1904. ---- Le théâtre d'Ibsen en France. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:14-20. 1898. +Luther, Berhard.+ Ilsens beruf. Halle. 1910. 121p. +Lynner, F. G.+ Hærmændene paa Helgeland. Henrik Ibsens forhold til Kilderne i den norrøne literatur. Kristiania. 1909. 71p. (Smaaskrifter for der litteratur historiske seminar, v. 6). +M. H.+ Ibsens Beichte. Die Zukunft 2:173-82. 1893. ---- Ibsens Fahne. Die Zukunft 10:478-86. 1895. +MacFall, Haladane.+ Ibsen, the man, his art and his significance. New York. 1907. 326p. _Reviews._ Dial 42:116. 1907; Nation 84:137-8. 1907; Putnam's 2:120. 1907. +McLay, H. S. W.+ Russell and Standing on Ibsen. Citizen 3:230. 1897. +McNeill, R.+ (joint author). _See_ Traill, H. D. +Maguire, H.+ How to give the Peer Gynt music with the poem. Musician 14:494-95. 1909. +Mailly, W.+ Ibsen's Master-builder. Arena 39:160-5. 1908. +Marholm, Laura, pseud.+ [Laura M. Hansson.] The author in the cul-de-sac. 19p. _In_ Marholm, L. We women and our authors. London. 1899. ---- Blindgaderner digter. _In_ Marholm, M. Vi kvinder og vore digtere. Kristiania. 1896. p. 53-75. ---- Die Frauen in der skandinavischen Dichtung. Freie Bühne 1:168ff. 1899. ---- Ibsen als Frauenschilderer. Nord und Süd April 1892. +Mark, pseud.+ _See_ Breinholm, Alma +Markowitz, Alfred.+ Die Weltanschauung Henrik Ibsens. Leipzig. 1913. +Matthews, Brander.+ Ibsen the playwright. _In_ Matthews, B. Inquiries and opinions. New York. 1907. _Same._ Bookm. 22:568-75, 23:18-27. 1906. +Mauerhof, E.+ Ibsen der Romantiker des Verstandes. Halle. 1907. 114p. +Maurice, C. E.+ Henrik Ibsen. Econ. R. 1:348-57. 1891. +Maxwell, P.+ Real Ibsen. Bk. Buyer (N.Y.) 19:91. 1899. +Mayrhofer, Johannes.+ Henrik Ibsen, der Prophet des Realismus. Hist. Polit. Blätter f. d. Kath. Deutschland. 142:1-24, 91-107, 179-88. 1908. ---- Henrik Ibsen. Ein literärischer Charakterbild. Berlin. 186p. ---- Henrik Ibsen in seinen Briefen. Hist. polit. Blätter f. d. Kath. Deutschland 138:38-59, 174-182, 263-279. München. 1906. +Meerkerk, J. G.+ Orm det derde rijk; eene studie over Henrik Ibsen ... Rotterdam. 1906. 198p. +Melin, K. A.+ On Ibsen's individualism, med särskild hänsyn till "Brand." Stockholm. 1884. +Mencken, H. L.+ History of A Doll's House. Theatre (N.Y.) 12:41-4. Aug. 1910. ---- _tr._ A Doll's House; ... with introduction and notes. Boston. 1909. ---- _tr._ Little Eyolf; with introduction and notes. Boston. 1908. (Player's Ibsen.). 125p. +Merejkowski, Dimitri.+ Life work of Hendrik Ibsen. From the Russian by G. A. Mounsey. London. 1908. 76p. +Metcalfe, J. S.+ Failure of "The Lady from the Sea" in N.Y. City. Life 58:902. 1911. ---- Little Eyolf; production at Nazimova theatre, N.Y. City. Life 55:766. 1910; N.Y. Dram. 63:8. 1910; Theatre (N.Y.) 11:201. 1910. ---- Production of Pillars of Society at Lyceum theatre, N.Y. Mar. 1910. Life 55:680-1. 1910. ---- Production of Wild Duck at Plymouth theatre. N.Y. City. Life 71:474-5. 1918. +Meyer, A. N.+ Ibsen's attitude toward women. Critic 16: 147-48. Mar. 22, 1889. +Meyer, Annie N.+ Bare bones of Ibsen. Drama 8:369-75. 1918. +Molbech, Christian.+ League of youth. _In_ Molbech, C. Fra Danaidernes kar. Kjøbenhavn. 1873. +Møller, Niels.+ Ibsen og Udlandet. Tilskueren. 1898. v. 1: 420-24. +Monkhouse, Allan.+ Ibsen's social dramas. _In_ Monkhouse, A. Books and plays. London. 1894. +Monrad, M. J.+ Nissen. Riimbrev til Henrik Ibsen. Kristiania. 1876. 16p. +Monroe, W. S.+ Norse letters and Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Monroe, W. S. In Viking land. Boston. 1908. p. 260-77. +Montague, Charles E.+ Some points of Ibsen. _In_ Montague, C. E. Dramatic values. N.Y. 1911. p. 141-51. +Moore, Emily G.+ Ibsen's "Emperor and Galilean" and Hauptman's "Kaiser Karl's Geisel." Nebraska Univ. Studies, Lincoln, Neb. v. 10:243-259. 1910. +Morelli, V.+ Ibsen. Nuova Antologia 160:636-50. 1898. +Moritzen, J.+ Henrik Ibsen, his aim and influence. Twentieth Century Mag. (Boston) 3:503-7. Mar. 11, 1911. and following issues. +Moses, Montrose J.+ Henrik Ibsen: the man and his plays. London. 1908. 522p. _Reviews._ Dial 46:192. 1908; Ind. 66:1400. 1909; Nation 87:609. 1908; No. Amer. R. 189:621-3. 1909; Outl. 91:773. 1909. +Münz, B.+ Ibsen als Erzieher. Leipzig. 1908. 91p. +Mulliken, C. A.+ _See_ Norton, C. A. (Mulliken) +Muret M.+ Un précurseur de H. Ibsen, S. Kierkegaard. Revue de Paris 84:98-122. 1884. +N. N.+ Ibsen's Rosmersholm. Nation 52:215-16. 1891. +Nansen, Peter.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Nansen, P. Portrætter. Kjøbn. 1918. p. 97-136. +Nazimova, A.+ Ibsen's women. Ind. 63:909-14. 1907. +Nordau, Max.+ Ibsenism. _In_ Nordau, M. Degeneration. N.Y. 1895. 100p. [Answer to Nordau in "Regeneration." London 1896. Real Ibsen. 50p.] +Norton, C. A.+ [Ibsen] Reading list on modern drama and opera. Boston. 1911. p. 25-33. +Normann, E.+ Henrik Ibsen in seinen Gedanken und Gestalten. Berlin. 1908. 88p. +Nouhuys, W. G. van.+ Ibsene vrouwefiguren. _In_ Nouhuys, W. G. van. Letterkundige opstellen. Amsterdam. 1894. p. 209-43. +Nyblom, Helena.+ Vildanden. Ny svensk Tidsskrift. 1885. p. 65-69. +Nyhuus, O.+ Henrik Ibsens Keiser og Galilæer. Et indledende foredrag ved en diskussion i de Norske studentersamfund. Kristiania. 1874. 35p. +Odinga, T. von.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Kleine Studien, Herausg. von A. Schupp. Erfurt. 1891. v. 2. 15p. +Olson, J. E.+ Brand; et dramatisk digt; ed. with introduction and notes. N.Y. 1908. +Orton, W. A.+ Ethics of Ibsen. Westm. 174:163-70. 1910. +Paasche, Fredrik.+ Gildet paa Solhaug. Ibsens nationalromantiske digtning. Kristiania. 1908. 115p. +Palmer, A. H.+ Henrik Ibsen's Brand. New Eng. 53:340-73. 1890. +Parker, J. M.+ Prose dramas of Ibsen. Amer. (Phila.) 20:429. 1890. +Passarge, Louis.+ Henrik Ibsen. Leipzig. 1883. 310p. +Pastor, Wilhelm.+ Der junge Ibsen. Deutsche Rundschau 95:474-76. April 1898. +Paulsen. John O.+ Erinnerungen an Henrik Ibsen. Berechtigte übersetz. aus dem Norwegien von Hermann Kiy. Berlin. 1907. 202p. _Review._ Nation 85:266-7. 1907. ---- Ibseniana. _In_ Paulsen, J. Reisen til Monaco og andre erindringer. Kristiania. 1909. p. 81-92. ---- Laura Gundersen og Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Paulsen, J. O. Erindringer. Kjøbenhavn. 1903. p. 155-68. ---- Mit fröste mode med Ibsen. Mit andet möde med Ibsen. _In_ Paulsen, J. O. Mine erindringer. Kjøbenhavn. 1900. p. 1-40. ---- Samliv med Ibsen. _In_ Paulsen, J. O. Nye erindringer og skitser. Kjøbenhavn. Anden samling. 1913. 235p. ---- Siste möde med Ibsen. _In_ Paulsen, J. O. Nye erindringer. Kjøbenhavn. 1901. p. 80-157. +Payne, W. M.+ Brand. Dial 16:236-40. 1894. ---- Brandes on Ibsen and Björnson. Dial 27:314-16. 1899. ---- Bygmester Solness. Dial 14:68-71. 1893. ---- Estimate of Ibsen. Outl. 71:240-7. 1902. ---- Letters. Dial 39:429-32. 1905. ---- Little Eyolf. Dial 18:5-6. 1895. ---- John Gabriel Borkman. Dial 22:37-41. 1897. ---- Message of Ibsen. Harp. W. 50:816. 1906. ---- When we dead awaken. Dial 28:109-13. 1900. +Pennell, E. R.+ Ibsen in England. Nation 49:7-8. 1889. +Petersen, Johannes.+ Faust und Brand; zwei vorträge. Gotha. 1890. 64p. +Petsch, Robert.+ Ibsen's "Brand." Eine Erklärung des Werkes zugleich ein Einführung in die Weltanschlaug des Dichters. Würzburg. 1902. 75p. ---- Sigurd in Ibsen's Nordischer Heerfahrt. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. n.s. v. 16:356-63. Berlin. 1906. +Pick, R.+ Ibsen Zeit-u. Streitdramen. _In_ Fragen der öffentliche Lebens. Herausg. von Karl Schneidt und Rich. Wrede. Berlin. 1897. Jahrg. II, v. 2. 12p. +Pineau. Léon.+ Ibsen d'après sa correspondance. Revue Germanique. Paris. Anneé 3:265-91. 1907. +Platzhoff-Lejeune, E.+ Ibsen als Denker. Kunstwart 19:276-83, 1906. +Plechanow, G.+ Henrik Ibsen. Stuttgart. 1909. +Polonsky, Georg.+ Gewissen, Ehre und Verantwortung. Literarisch-psychologische. Studien. München. 1898. 116p. +Porter, Charlotte.+ John Gabriel Borkman. Poet-Lore 9:302-6. 1897. +Porter, Charlotte, and Clarke, Helena.+ Fatherhood in John Gabriel Borkman. Poet-Lore 11:116. 1899. +Prager, Mathilde.+ _See_ Holm, Erich, pseud. +Price, T. R.+ Solness. Sewanee R. 2:257. 1904. +Prozor, Comte de.+ Une drame de Henrik Ibsen: Brand, drame philosophique. Revue des deux mondes 126:129-61. 1894. ---- Le Peer Gynt d'Ibsen. Paris. Mercure de France. 1897. +Quiller-Couch, A. T.+ Ibsen's Peer Gynt. 14p. _In_ Quiller-Gouch, A. T. Adventures in criticism. N.Y. 1896. +Radiguet.+ Points de vue Ibséniens. Étude sur Ibsen et ses oeuvres. Paris. 1906. +Ramsden, Hermione.+ New mysticism in Scandinavia. 19th Cent. 47:279-296. [London.] 1900. +Rassow, Marie.+ Camilla Collets Romane und ihr Einfluss auf Ibsen und Ellen Key. Die Frau 14:135-48. 1906-7. +Recolin, C.+ Ibsen. _In_ Recolin, C. L'Anarchie littéraire. Paris, 1898. p. 286-99. +Reich, Emil.+ Henrik Ibsens Dramen: zwanzig Vorlesungen gehalten an den Universität Wien. Dresden. 1908. 547p. ----Ibsen und das Recht der Frau. Jahresbericht der Vereines für erweiterte Frauenbildung in Wien. Beilage. März 19, 1892. +Rémusat, Martine.+ Lettres de Henrik Ibsen à une jeune fille. La Revue (Revue des Revues) [Paris] Ser 4, v. 64:204-207. 1906. +Rency, G. pseud.+ M. Stassart. Physionomies littéraires. Bruxelles. Assoc. des Ecrivains Belges. 1907. +Rivas, Jose Pablo.+ Ibsen y sus obras. Estudio. (Madrid.) 1916. 15:193-217. +Roberts, Richard E.+ Henrik Ibsen; a critical study. London. 1912. 205p. +Rod, Edouard.+ La mort d'Ibsen. Correspondant (Paris) 223 (n.s. 187):825-855. 1906. +Rogers, J. M.+ Ibsen and his ism. Lippinc. 79:491-501. 1907. +Rose. H.+ Henrik Ibsen, poet, mystic and moralist. N.Y. 1913. 154p. ----Ibsen as a religious teacher. 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Hft. 13.) +Schenström, Rolf.+ Max Nordau, Henrik Ibsen och kvinnofragen. Stockholm. 1896. 23p. +Schiff, Emil.+ Die Medizin bei Ibsen. _In_ Schiff, E. Aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Jahrhundert. Berlin. 1902. p. 93-100. +Schirmir, T.+ Den norske kulturaand. Maalbevægelsens nationale betydning set gjennem personlighederne Wergeland, Bjørnson, Ibsen. Kristiania. 1908. 77p. +Schøtt, Mathilde.+ Efter læsningen af "Bygmester Solness." En samtale. Kristiania. 1893. 40p. +Schlenther, Paul.+ Kronprätendenten auf der Berliner Hofbühne. Freie Bühne 2:546-9. 1891. +Schmidt, F. G. G.+ Ibsen's influence on German literature. Poet-Lore 17, No. 1:112-18. 1906. +Schmidt, Rudolf.+ [Ibsen's poems.] _In_ Schmidt, R. Ad egne veje. Kjøbenhavn. 1884. p. 264-83. +Schmidt, Wilhelm.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Schmidt, W. Der Kampf um den Sinn des Lebens von Dante bis Ibsen. Berlin. 1907. v. 2. p. 208-303. +Schmitt, Eugen H.+ Ibsen als Prophet: Grundgedanken zu einer neuen Aesthetik. Leipzig. 1908. 401p. ----Ibsen als psychologischen Sophist. Berlin. 1889. 27p. +Schönback, Anton E.+ Ibsen. _In_ Schönback, A. E. Ueber Lesen und Bildung. Graz. 1905. p. 291-342. +Schofield, W. H.+ Personal impressions of Björnson and Henrik Ibsen. Atlan. 81:567-73. April 1898. +Schovelin, T. A.+ Henrik Ibsen. Scandinavia. 1:11. 133. 1844. +Schultze, Karl.+ Glück und Recht in Ibsens dichtung. Preussische Jahrbücher. (Berlin) 178-68-82. 1919. +Schuré, Edouard.+ Ibsen et le théâtre de combat. _In_ Schuré, E. Précurseurs et révoltés. Paris. 1908. p. 211-23. ----Le secret d'Ibsen. Revue d'Art Dramatique (Paris) 4:10-13. 1898. +Schweltzer, Philipp.+ Geschichte der Skandinavischen Litteratur im 19. Jahrhundert. _In_ Geschichte der Weltlitteratur in Einzeldarstellungen. Leipzig. 1886. Bd. 8. +Segur, Nicholas.+ Le théâtre d'Henrik Ibsen. La Revue (Revue des Revues) Paris Ser. 4. v. 63:12-32. 1906. +Seidl, Arthur.+ Zum problem Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Seidl, A. Kunst und kultur. Berlin. 1902. p. 113-32. +Seip, D. A.+ Henrik Ibsen og K. Knudsen; det sproglige gjennembrud hos Ibsen. Edda 1:145-63. 1914. +Sharp, R. F.+ Introductions to The doll's house, The wild duck, and The lady from the sea. Everyman's library. 1910. +Shaw, Charles Gray.+ Ibsen's indignation. Meth. Rev. (N.Y.) 99:517-28. 1917. +Shaw, George Bernard.+ The doll's house as played in 1897. Sat. R. 83:539-41. 1897. ---- Ghosts at the Jubilee. Sat. R. 84:12-14. 1897. ---- Ibsenism. _In_ Shaw, G. B. Sanity of art. New York. 1908. p. 44-51. ---- John Gabriel Borkman. Sat. R. 83:114-15. 1897. ---- John Gabriel Borkman as performed in London. Sat. R. 83:507-9. 1897. ---- Little Eyolf. Sat. R. 82:563-5. 1896; 623-25, 1896. ---- Peer Gynt. Sat. R. 82:542-4. 1896. ---- Peter the Great [and Doll's house]. Sat. R. 55:43. 1898. ---- The quintessence of Ibsenism. New York. 1904. 170p. +Sierke, E.+ Samfundets støtter. _In_ Sierke, E. Kritische Streifzüge. Braunschweig. 1891. p. 441-50. +Simonds, W. E.+ Ibsen's Doll's house. Dial (Chic.) 10: 301-3. 1890. ---- Jaeger's life of Ibsen. Dial 11:146-48. 1890. +Simons, L.+ Ibsen as an artist. Westm. 140:506-13. 1893. +Sinding-Larsen, Alfred.+ Om Ibsen: Fruen fra Havet og personene deri. Kristiania. 1889. 55p. +Singer, Kurt.+ 1st Ibsen theatralisch. Ein Studie. Dresden. 1906. 29p. +Slataper, Scipio.+ Ibsen; con un cenno su Scipio Slataper di Arturo Farinelli. Torino. 1916. 331p. +Slosson, E. E.+ Interpreter of American life. Indep. 60: 1253-55. 1906. +Smedley, C.+ Hedda Gabler to-day. Fortn. 88:77-90. 1907. ---- In defense of Hedda Gabler. Fortn. 89:565-7. 1908. +Smith, L. W.+ Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche, the individualists. Pop. Sci. M. 78:147-57. 1911. +Snoilsky, Carl+, Greve. Minnesteckningar och andra uppsatser. Stockholm. 1904. 341p. +Sokolowsky, Rudolf.+ Henrik Ibsens Römerdramen. Euphorion (Leipzig) 9:593-608. 1902. ---- Ein neuer tragischer Held; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Weltanschauung Henrik Ibsens. Zeitschrift f. Philosophie und Philosoph. Kritik (Leipzig) 123:47-62. 1903. +Solberg, T.+ Ibsen and his translators. Nation 50:67-8. 1890. +Sondresen, S.+ Norwegian of Ibsen. Critc, 31:308-9. 1897. +Sontum, Bolette.+ Personal recollections of Ibsen, Bookman (N.Y.) 37:247-56. 1913. +Spender, A. S.+ Little Eyolf; a plea for reticence. Dub. R. 120:112. 1896. +Stampenbourg, Baron de.+ Passing of Ibsen. Indep. 53: 2630-3. 1901. +Standing, P. C.+ _See_ Keddell, E. A. and Russell, E. R. +Steevens, G. W.+ New Ibsen. New R. (Lond.) 12:39. 1895. +Steiger, E.+ Henrik Ibsen und die dramatische Gesellschaftskritik. 318p. _In_ Steiger, E. Das werden des neuen dramas. Berlin. 1898. Th. 1. +Stein, Bernhard.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Stein, B. Neuere Dichter im Lichte des Christentums. Ravensburg. 1907. p. 212-62. +Stein, Ph.+ Henrik Ibsen. Zur Bühnengeschichte seiner Dichtungen. Berlin. 1901. 52p. +Stern, A.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Stern, A. Studien zur Litteratur der Gegenwart. Dresden, 1905. p. 339-60. +Stobart, M. A.+ New light on Brand. Fortn. 72:227-39. 1899. +Stone, Jane D.+ An interpretation of Ibsen's Brand. Poet-Lore 17, no. 3:60-68. 1906. +Strodtmann, A.+ Das geistige Leben in Dänemark. Berlin. 1873. p. 204-58. +Strunsky, S.+ Dougherty on Ibsen. Bookm. 26:293-7. 1907. +Stuart, R. M.+ Browsing about the Ibsen country. Harp. B. 45:312-13. 1911. +Stümcke, Heinrich.+ Die vierte Wand. Leipzig. 1904. p. 39-52. ---- Zwichen den Garben. Leipzig. 1899. p. 209-26. +Sturtevant, Albert Morey.+ Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Paa Vidderne. Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil. 9:43-48. 1910. ---- Ibsen's Sankthansnatten. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 14:357-74. 1914. ---- Kjæmpehøien and its relation to Ibsen's romantic works. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 12:407-24. 1913. ---- Some phases of Ibsen's symbolism. Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian study. (Urbana, Ill.) v. 2, no. 1. Oct. 1914. p. 24-49. +Suarès, André.+ I. La morale de l'anarchie. Revue des deux mondes 178:847-88. 1903. II. Sur les glaciers de l'intelligence. Revue des deux mondes 179:376-413. 1903. ---- Trois hommes, Pascal, Ibsen, Dostoïevski. Paris. 1913. 366p. +Symons, Arthur.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Symons, A. Figures of several centuries. N.Y. n.d. p. 222-67. _Same._ Quar. R. 205:375-97. 1906. ---- Henrik, Ibsen. Univ. R. 3:567. 1889. +Synnesvedt, Magnus.+ Ibsen et la femme Scandinave. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:51-55. 1898. +Tailhade, Laurent.+ L'ennemi du peuple, conference. Societe libre d'edition des gens de lettres. Paris. 1900. +Terwey, T.+ Henrik Ibsen, 1828-1888. Amsterdam. 1888. +Thaarup, H.+ Henrik Ibsen set under en ny synsvinkel. København. 1900. 173p. +Thomas, C.+ Sketch of Ibsen. Nation 82:442-4. 1906. +Thompson, T. B.+ When we dead awaken. Poet Lore 20:201-17. 1909. +Thompson, V.+ John Gabriel Borkman. Natl. M. (Bost.) 8:120. 1898. +Tissot, Ernest.+ Le drame Norvégien. Henrik Ibsen. Björnstjerne Björnson. Paris. 1893. p. 31-142. ---- Ibsen's three philosophical poems. Chaut. 16:53-56. 1892. +Traill, H. D. and McNeill, R.+ Ibsenism. National R. (Lond.) 28:641. 1896. _Same._ Liv. Age. 212:317-22. 1897. +Tridon, A.+ Symbolism in Peer Gynt. Theatre (N.Y.) 7:48-9. 1907. +Tweedie, Ethel B.+ Henrik Ibsen and B. Björnson. Temp. Bar. 98:566. 1893. ---- Ibsen's home. _In_ Tweedie, E. B. A winter jaunt to Norway. London 1894. +Vasenius, V.+ Henrik Ibsen--ett skalde porträtt. Stockholm. 1882. 343p. ---- Henrik Ibsens dramatiska digtning i dess förste skede. Helsingfors. 1879. 178p. ---- Henrik Ibsens tragedi "Et dukkehjem" belyst. Helsingfors. 1880. 29p. +Vaughan, C. E.+ Types of tragic drama. London. 1908. p. 248-72. +Vedel, Valdemar.+ Ibsens nye skuespil. Tilskueren. 1900. v. 1:81-86. ---- John Gabriel Borkman. Tilskueren. 1897. p. 166-72. ---- Taler til og for Henrik Ibsen. Tilskueren. 1898. v. 1:345-52. +Vincent, E.+ Ibsen en Allemagne. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:46-50. 1898. +Viollat, G.+ Hedda Gabler. Revue Bleue. 21:222-23. 1891. +Vogt, Nils.+ Paa reise med Henrik Ibsen. Samtiden 17:329-34. 1906. +Volger, F.+ Ibsens Drama "Nordische Heerfahrt" und die altnordische Sagen. Vortrag gehört in den litterarischen Vereinig. zu Altenburg. Altenburg. 1904. 17p. +Waage, C. M.+ Notes about Ibsen. Calif. M. 4:512. 1893. +Wagner, Albert.+ Henrik Ibsen. Leipzig. 1907. 351p. +Walkley, A. B.+ Ibsen's life; Rosmersholm; Hedda Gabler; Lady from the sea. _In_ Walkeley, A. B. Playhouse impressions. London. 1892. ---- Master builder. Fortn. 59:468-76. 1893. ---- Plays of Ibsen in England. Acad. 60:204-45. 1901 _Same._ Liv. Age. 230:789-92. 1901. +Walsh, J. J.+ Medical aspects of Ibsen. Indep. 61:444-47. 1906. +Walzel, Oskar F.+ Neues von und über Ibsen. Neue Jahrbücher für das Klassisische. Altertum Geschichte und deutsche Litteratur und für Pädagogik. Leipzig. 1910. Jahrg. 13. Abt. 1, p. 428-50. +Warfelmann, Fritz.+ Das Sigurd-problem in Ibsen's "Nordische Heerfahrt". Zeitschrift für den Deutschen Unterricht 28:872-74. +Waring, H.+ Ibsen in London. Theatre (London) 33:164. 1894. +Watson, W.+ Ibsen's prose dramas. _In_ Watson, W. Excursions in criticism. N.Y. 1893. p. 127-32. +Weinel, H.+ Ibsen, Björnson, Nietzsche. Individualismus und Christentum. Tübingen. 1908. 244p. +Weininger, Otto.+ "Peer Gynt" und Ibsen. _In_ Weininger, O. Uber die letzen Dinge. Wien. 1907. p. 1-47. +Wergeland, Agnes Mathilde.+ Ibsen and the Norwegians. _In_ Wergeland, A. M. Leaders in Norway, and other essays .... edited and arranged by Katharine Merrill. Menasha, Wis. 1916. ---- Interpretations of Ibsen. Dial 16:262. 1894. +Weygandt, W.+ Die abnormen Charaktere bei Ibsen. Wiesbaden. 1907. 16p. ---- Ibsen. _In_ Weygandt, W. Abnormen Charaktere in der dramatischen Literatur. Leipzig. 1910. +Whitcomb, S. L.+ Work and influence of Ibsen. R. of R. 34:37-9. 1906. +Who+ killed Ibsen? Literary Digest 54:338-39. 1910. +Wicksteed, Philip H.+ Four lectures on Henrik Ibsen dealing chiefly with his metrical works. London. 1892. 112p. _Review._ Acad. 41:247-9. 1892. ---- Henrik Ibsen's poems. Contemp. 60:333-46. 1891. ---- Peer Gynt. Contemp. 56:274-87. 1889. +Wiehr, Josef.+ Hebbel und Ibsen in ihren auschauungen Vergleichen. Stuttgart. 1908. 183p. Thesis. University of Pennsylvania. +Wilhelmi, Kurt.+ Ibsens Zukunftsreich. Magdeburg. 1909. 39p. +Windscheid, K.+ Dem Gedächtnis Henrik Ibsens; Vortrag gehalten in Frauenklub. Leipzig. 1907. +Winter, Wm.+ Little Eyolf, an estimate. Harp. W. 54:24. May 21, 1910. ---- The Ibsen drama. _In_ Winter, W. Shadows of the stage. New York. 1895. Ser. 3. p. 330-7. ---- Ibsenites and Ibsenism. Harp. W. 54:24, 30. May 21, 1910. +Winterfeld, A. von.+ Henrik Ibsen. Berlin. 1910. 132p. ---- Ibsen als Erwecker. Leipzig. 1909. 43p. +Wirsen, Carl D.+ Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Wirsen, C. D. Kritiker. Stockholm. 1901. +Woerner, Roman.+ Henrik Ibsen. München. 1900-10. 2v. ---- Henrik Ibsens Jugenddramen. München. 1895. 119p. ---- Ibsen und Sophocles. Die Zukunft 70:159-63. 1910. +Wolff E.+ Sardou, Ibsen und die Zukunft des deutschen Dramas. Kiel. 1891. 40p. +Wolff Gustav.+ Psychiatric und Dichtkunst. Ein Vortrag. Wiesbaden. 1903. 20p. +Woodbridge, H. E.+ Fruit of the Tree and Rosmersholm. Nation. 85:514. 1907. ---- Winterfeast and The vikings of Helgeland. Nation 89:352. 1909. +Woolcott, Alexander.+ Mrs. Fiske "On Ibsen the unpopular." Century 93:529-38. 1917. (Ch. 2 of Mrs. Fiske "On Ibsen the unpopular"). _See_ Fiske, Mrs. +Wülffen, Erich.+ Ibsens "Nora" vor dem Strafrichter und Psychiater Halle. 1907. +Zabel, Eugen.+ Studien zur modernen dramaturgie. Oldenburg. 1898-1905. Bd. 1 & 3. ---- Das letze drama Henrik Ibsens. _In_ Zabel, E. Zur modernen dramaturgie, v. 3. p. 450-54. 1903. +Zanoni.+ Henrik Ibsen and the drama. London. 1894. +Zepelin, F. de.+ joint author. _See_ Colleville, Vicomte de +Ziegler, G.+ Ibsens Jugendwerke. Gesellschaft (Dresden) 16:150-63. 1900. SUBJECT INDEX +Abnormal characters.+ _See also_ Pathology. Weygandt, W. Die abnormen Charaktere bei Ibsen. +Anecdotes.+ Outlook 83:311-2. June 9, 1907. Critic 49:3-4. July, 1906. +Ancestry.+ Linderfelt, K. A. Critic 16:83-4. Feb. 15, 1890. +Art.+ _See also_ Technique of Ibsen. Allen, B. S. Recurrent elements of Ibsen's art. _In_ Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil. 17:217-226. 1918. Archer, W. Craftsmanship. Fortn. 86:101-13. July 1906. _Same._ Liv. Age 250:558-68. Sept. 1, 1907. Bienenstock, M. Henrik Ibsens Kunstanschauungen. Ehrenfels, C. von. Die Weltschätzung der Kunst bei Wagner, Ibsen und Tolstoi. Halbert, A. Henrik Ibsen und Leo Tolstoi. Eine vergleichende Studie über ihre künstlerischen und kulturellen Einflüsse. Henderson, A. Evolution of Ibsen's mind and art. _In_ Henderson, A. Interpreters of life. p. 161-283. Henrik Ibsen the artist moralist. Chaut. 43:394-5. July 1906. Huneker, J. Hated artist and his work. Scrib. M. 40: 351-61. Sept. 1906. Ibsen's art. Indep. 53:2047-8. Aug. 29, 1901. Lindau, P. Ibsens arbeitsart. _In_ Lindau, P. Eine yachtfahrt nach Norwegen. Simons, L. Ibsen as an artist. Westm. 140:506-13. Nov. 1893. +Auf den höhen.+ _See_ On the heights. +Bibliography.+ Bibliographical appendix. _In_ Ibsen, H. Speeches and new letters. Boston. Badger. 1910. Carpenter, W. H. Bibliography of Ibsen. Bookm. 1: 274-77. May 1875. Chandler, F. W. Aspects of modern drama, p. 462-5. Elliott, A. M. Ibsen: contemporary bibliography. Halvorsen, J. B. Bibliografiske oplysninger til Henrik Ibsens Samlede værker. _Review._ Nation 74:73. Jan. 23, 1902. Johnson, R. B. Books about Ibsen. Acad. 45:285-86. April 7, 1894. Norton, C. A. M. Modern drama and opera. Boston Book Co. 1911. p. 25-33. _Same._ (less additions) Bul. Bibliography 5:35-37 July 1907. Norton, C. A. M. Modern drama and opera. Boston Book Co. 1915. v. 2, p. 81-90. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 373-83. +Birthday.+ _See_ Seventieth birthday +Bjørnson and Ibsen+ Heiberg, G. E. R. Ibsen og Bjørnson paa scenen. Helweg, F. Bjørnson og Ibsen i deres to seneste værker. Ibsen og Bjørnson. Book Buyer 20:140-42. 1900. Kable, B. Ibsen, Bjørnson, und ihre Zeitgenossen. ---- Ibsen, Bjørnson, und ihre Zeitgenossen. Jahrb. d. Freien Deutsch. Hochstifts. 1908. p. 1-18. Kristensen-Randers, J. P. Hos Bjørnson og Ibsen. Tilskueren 1917. pt. 1:501-11. Leach, H. G. Bjørnson and Ibsen. _In_ Leach, H. G. Scandinavia and the Scandinavians. Lie, E. Bjørnson og Ibsen. Samtiden 3:184-91. 1892. Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. Luther, B. Auf den Hohen. Zeitschrift für d. Deutschen Unterricht. 28:124-25. Schofield, W. H. Personal impressions of Bjørnson and Henrik Ibsen. Atlan. 81:567-73. 1898. Tweedie, E. B. Henrik Ibsen and Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. Temple Bar 98:566. 1893. +Brand.+ Berg, L. Henrik Ibsen: Studien, p. 12-16. Bernardini, L. La littérature Scandinave. p. 249-80. Bom, E. de. Ibsen en zijn werk. p. 25-44. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 73-103. ---- Henrik Ibsen's greatest work. Chaut. 12:207-13. Nov. 1890. Brahm, O. Henrik Ibsen: ein Essay. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. p. 22-27. Breinhohn, A. Något on Ibsen og Brand. Cross, W. L. Ibsen's Brand. Arena 3:81-90. Dec. 1890. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. Felden, E. Brand: Das Christentum: Der Staat: Die Kirche. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 11-52. Garde, A. Der Grundgedanke in Ibsens Dichtung. p. 23. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 121-50. Hamilton, G. K. Brand. Nordisk tidsskrift 1:106-12. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 57-61. Helweg, F. Bjørnson og Ibsen. ... p. 26-7. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen (Chic. 1901). p. 167-88. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 54-66. Larsen, K. Henrik Ibsens episke Brand. Lemaitre, J. Brand. Journal des debats. July 1895. MacFall, H. Ibsen the man. ... p. 100-28. Melin, K. A. Om Ibsens individualism ... p. 4. Norwegian drama. Lit. W. (Bost.) 13:325-26. Oct. 7, 1882. Olsen, J. E. Brand; et dramatisk digt. Palmer, A. H. Henrik Ibsen's Brand. New Eng. M. 53:340-73. Oct. 1890. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 101-33. Payne, W. M. Brand. Dial 16:236-40. Apr. 16, 1894. Petersen, J. Faust und Brand. Petsch, R. Ibsens "Brand". 75p. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsen's Dramen. p. 98-119. Prozor, Comte de. Brand, drame philosophique. Revue des deux mondes 126:129-161. Nov. 1, 1894. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. Ch. 3. Ruud, M. B. Story of the publication of Ibsen's Brand. Scandinavian studies and notes. Menasha. 5:91-95. 1918. Sarolea, Ch. Henrik Ibsen. p. 28. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 51-62. Schmitt, E. H. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 222-35. Shaw, B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 48-51. Stobart, M. A. New light on Brand. Fortn. 72:227-39. Aug. 1899. Stone, J. D. An interpretation of Ibsen's Brand. Poet Lore 17, no 3:60-68. 1906. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. p. 175-206. Wicksteed, P. H. Four lectures on Henrik Ibsen. p. 27-52. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 7. +Bygmester Solness.+ _See_ Master builder. +Le canard sauvage.+ _See_ Wild duck. +Catilina+ Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 18-22. Catilina. Euphorion 9:593-608. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen, p. 16-28. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 17-24. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 7-13. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Kjøbn. 1888). p. 34-52. (Chic. 1901). p. 39-53. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 7ff. Knudsen, D. F. Utvalg af norsk literatur. Henrik Ibsen. p. 2-7, 115-18. MacFall, H. Ibsen the man. p. 45-54. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 37-47. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 15-17. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 151-68. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 9-36. ---- Ibsens dramatiske digtning i dess förste skede. p. 31-76. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. p. 21-43. ---- Henrik Ibsens Jugendramen. p. 5-30. +Character of Ibsen+ Gosse, E. Intellectual characteristics. _In_ Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 233-44. ---- Personal characteristics. _In_ Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 211-32. Ibsen the man. Acad. 57:79-80. July 22, 1899. Ibsen the master builder. Cur. Lit. 36:551-2. May 1904. New light on Ibsen's character. Cur. Lit. 41:416-8. Oct. 1906. Paulsen, J. Ibseniana. _In_ Paulsen, J. Reisen til Mónaco og andre erindringer, p. 81-92. Schofield, W. H. Personal impressions of Bjørnson and Henrik Ibsen. Atlan. 81:567-73. April 1898. Sontum, B. Personal recollections of Ibsen. Bookm. 37:247-56. +Christus oder Ibsen.+ Holm, O. +Comedy of love.+ (Kjærlighedens komedie). Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 63-72. Brahm, O. Henrik Ibsen: ein Essay. p. 13-17. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. p. 49-67. Garde, A. Der Grundgedanke in Ibsens Dichtung. p. 16ff. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 79-84. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als idealist, p. 35-41. Herford, C. H. Scene from Love's comedy. Fortn. 73: 191-9. Feb. 1900. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 135-40. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 48-51. Love's comedy. Ath. 1:762-3. June 16, 1900. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 77-90. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 57-70. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 2. Scalinger, G. N. Ibsen. 26p. Scene from Love's comedy. Acad. 58:527. June 23, 1900. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 19-33. Schmitt, E. H. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 199-208. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. p. 119-48. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 5. +Danish+ interpretation of Ibsen's development. R. of R. 37: 626-7. May 1908. +Dante.+ Schmidt, W. Henrik Ibsen. _In_ Schmidt, W. Der Kampf um den sinn des lebens von Dante bis Ibsen, v. 2. p. 208-303. +Derogatory+ opinion of Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 29:529. Nov. 1900. +Doll's House.+ (Et Dukkehjem). Åberg, L. H. I äktenskapsfrågen. ---- Några ord on Henrik Ibsens et Dukkehjem. 22p. Archer, W. Breaking a butterfly. Theatre (Lond.) n.s. 3:209-14. April, 1884. ---- Doll's house. Theatrical World. 1893. p. 83-88. 155-62; 1897. p. 134-6. ---- Two dramas of Ibsen [En folkefiende and Nora]. Acad. 23:5-6. Jan. 6, 1883. Aveling, E. Nora. To-Day 1:473. 1884. Bang, H. Kritiske studier og udkast. p. 204-28. Bergengren, R. Doll's house as played by Mrs. Fiske. Nat'l. M. (Bost.) 16:568. 1902. Bistram, O. von. Ibsens Nora und die wahre Emanzipation der Frau. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 199-218. Brandes, G. Et dukkehjem i Berlin. _In_ Brandes, G. Samlede skrifter v. 14:265-70. Crowell, E. Shakespeare's Katharine and Nora. Poet Lore 8:192-97. 1896. Doll's House in moving pictures. Dramatist 9:922-23. 1918. E. G. R. Et dukkehjem. Nysvensk tidsskrift. 1880. p. 183-90. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen, p. 286-314. Felden, E. Nora: pflichten gegen uns selbst. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 96-106. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 144-47. Grumann, P. H. Ibsen in his maturity. Poet Lore 28. 609-20. 1917. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 99-106. Hertzberg, N. Er Ibsens kvinde-typer Norske? Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen (Chic. 1901). p. 239-46. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 141-50. Lee, J. B. Ibsen secret, p. 8-19. Lemaître, J. Impressions de théâtre. 5e Ser. p. 26-53. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 35-46. MacFall, H. Ibsen the man. ... p. 190-203. Mencken, H. L. Doll's house; with notes and introduction. ---- History of a doll's house. Theatre (N.Y.) 12:41-4. Aug. 1910. Nazimova. Doll's House. Dram. Mir. 78:656. 1918; Theatre (N.Y.) 27:358. 1918. Passarge. L. Henrik Ibsen, p. 281-96. Production of A Doll's House at Court Theatre, London. Acad. 80:298. Mar. 11, 1911. Production of A Doll's House at Kingsway Theatre, London. Acad. 80:587. May 13, 1911. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 208-35. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 5. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Henrik Ibsens digtning. p. 91-107. Schäfer-Dittmar, W. Nora. Eine Lebensgeschichte. 37p. Schenstrøm, R. Max Nordau, Henrik Ibsen och kvinnfrågen. Schmitt, E. Ibsen als Prophet. p. 277-80. Sharp, R. F. Doll's house, The wild duck, and The lady from the sea. Introduction. Shaw, G. B. Doll's house as played in 1897. Sat. R. 83:539-41. May 15, 1897. ---- Peter the Great [and Doll's house]. Sat. R. 55:43. Jan. 8, 1898. ---- Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 82-86. Simonds, W. E. Ibsen's Doll's house. Dial (Chic.) 10: 301-3. Mar. 1890. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 236-307. ---- Henrik Ibsens tragedi Et dukkehjem belyst. 29p. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 64-90. Wulffen, E. Ibsens "Nora" vor dem Strafrichter und Psychiater. +Dostoïevski.+ Suarès, A. Trois hommes, Pascal, Ibsen, Dostoïevski. +Duse als Nora.+ Deutsche Rundschau. 74:129-30. Jan. 1893. +Emerson.+ Smith, L. W. Ibsen. Emerson and Nietzsche, the individualists. Pop. Sci. M. 78:147-57. 1911. +Emperor and Galilean.+ (Kejser og Galilæer). Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the work of Henrik Ibsen. p. 167-80. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. p. 196-223. Garborg, A. Henrik Ibsens "Kejser og Galilæer"; en kritisk studie. 71p. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 126-30. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 74-83. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 210-17. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 106-16. Kaiser und Galilæer. Deutche Rundschau 95:303. Mai. 1898. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man ... p. 151-74. Moore, E. G. Ibsen's "Emperor and Galilean," and Hauptmann's "Kaiser Karls Geisel." Nebraska Univ. Studies. 10:243-59. July 1910. Nyhuus, O. Henrik Ibsens Kejser og Galilæer. 35p. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsens. ... p. 355-71. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 145-184. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 4. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 75-84. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 59-76. Sokolowsky, R. Ein neuer tragischer Held; Zeitschrift f. Philos, u. Philos. Kritik 123:47-62. 1903. ---- Henrik Ibsens Römerdramen. Euphorion (Leipzig) 9:593-608. 1902. Tissot, E. Le drame Norvégien. p. 91-102. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 192-236. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 9. +Enemy of the people+ (En Folkefiende). Archer, W. Theatrical World. 1893. p. 162-68. ---- Two dramas of Ibsen [En folkefiende and Nora]. Acad. 23:5-6. Jan. 6, 1883. Berg, L. Henrik Ibsen; Studien, p. 34-40. Bom, E. de. Ibsen en zijn werk. p. 61-66. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Ibsen. p. 23-3-47. Brahm, O. Henrik Ibsen; Ein Essay. p. 57-59. ---- Der Volksfeind auf der Volksbunde. Freie Bühne 1:1204. 1890. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 355-71. Ein Volksfeind; production at Irving Place Theatre, N.Y. Dram. Mir. 75:9. 1916. Enemy of the people. Production at His Majesty's theatre, London. Il. Lond. News. 134:680. May 8, 1909. Enemy of the people. _Review._ Ath. 1:444. April 5. 1902. Felden, E. Ein Volksfeind. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 82-95. Garborg, A. Henrik Ibsens En folkefiende. Ny tidsskrift 1882. p. 571-81. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 151-55. Grumann, P. H. Ibsen in his maturity. Poet Lore 28: 232-44. 1917. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 121-30. Jaeger, H. B. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 252-6. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 165-72. Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 91-111. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. 1877-1900. p. 62-75. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 221-49. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 264-80. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 260-82. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. Ch. 6. Sarolea, C. Henrik Ibsen, p. 67-72. Scalinger, G. M. Ibsen: studio critico. p. 41-44. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 119-37. Schmitt, E. H. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 296-306. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 96-100. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 121-138. +Ethics.+ _See also_ Moral ideas; Philosophy; Religion. Adlersparre, S. L. Ibsens Gengangere ur etisk synpunkt. 38p. Giglio-Tos, E. La morale nei teatro d'Ibsen. 140p. Hawkins, C. J. Ibsen's ethics of marriage. _In_ Hawkins, C. J. Will the home survive? Knorr, H. Ibsen and the ethical drama of the nineteenth century. Poet Lore 10:49-65. 1898. Orton, W. A. Ethics of Ibsen. Westm. 174:163-70. Aug. 1910. +Feast at Solhaug+ (Gildet paa Solhaug). Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 27-9. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, p. 98-101. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 60-3. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 19-22. Jaeger, H. B. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 103-6. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 66-8. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 30-5. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 186-88. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 71-86. ---- Henrik Ibsens dramatiske digtning. p. 76-112. ---- Henrik Ibsen. v. 1, p. 55-60. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsens Jugenddramen. p. 44-51. +Feminism.+ _See_ Women. +Fiske, Mrs.+ Doll's house as played by Mrs. Fiske. Bergengren, R. Nat'l. M. (Bost.) 16:568. 1902. +Folly of Ibsenism.+ Blackw. 180:131-6. July 1906. +Die Frau+ vom Meere. _See_ Lady from the Sea +Fruen+ fra Havet. _See_ Lady from the Sea +Dem Gedächtnis+ Henrik Ibsens; Vortrag gehalten in Frauenklub. Leipzig. 1907. +Genesis of Ibsen's dramas+ Archer, W. From Ibsen's workshop; the genesis of his dramas. Fortn. 92:976-92. Dec. 1909. Henderson, A. Ibsen; the genesis of his dramas. _In_ Henderson, A. Interpreters of life. p. 243-83. +Genius of Ibsen.+ Clutton-Brock, A. Liv. Age 249:816-8. June 30, 1906. +German+ literature, Ibsen's influence on. Schmidt, F. G. G. Poet Lore 17:112-18. 1906. +Ghosts (Gengangere)+ Äberg, L. H. Betraktelser öfver Ibsens Gengangere 24p. Adlersparre, S. L. Ibsens Gengangere ur etisk synpunkt. 38p. After the play. (Ibsen's Ghosts given by the Washington Square players). New Republic 11:83. 1917. Andreas-Salomé, L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 37-53. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen, p. 219-31. Brahm, O. Henrik Ibsen. p. 48-56. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. p. 77-82. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 315-38. Felden, E. Gespenster: das Ehreproblem. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 107-118. Genung, C. H. Ibsens Spectres. Nation 44:116-7. Feb. 10, 1887. Ghosts, art and moral of. Poet Lore 6:356-61. Nos. 6-7, 1894. ---- production at Ibsen club, London. Acad. 80:616. May 20, 1911. ---- Review. Ath. 1:444. Apr. 5, 1902. Gosse, E. Ibsen, p. 147-51. Grumann, P. H. Ibsen in his maturity. Poet Lore 28:232-44. 1917. H. A. N. Ännu en gång några ord om Ibsens Gengangere. Nysvensk tidsskrift 1882. p. 20-26. Hansson, O. Die "Gespenster" in Paris. Frei Bühne 1:499-500. 1890. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 107-20. Hapgood, N. Ghosts. Review. Bookm. 13:165. April, 1901. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 246-552. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 151-161. Lemaître, J. Impressions de théâtre. 5 Ser. p. 1-26. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 47-61. Lombroso, C. Ibsens Gespenster und die Psychiatrie. Die Zukunft 4:554-6. Sept. 9, 1893. ---- Ibsens Gjengangere og psychiatrien. Samtiden 4:395-97. 1893. MacFall, H. Ibsen. p. 203-21. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 297-310. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 236-59. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 6. Ruggieri, C. Enrico Ibsen e gli Spettri. 19p. Scalinger, G. M. Ibsen: studio critico. p. 35-41. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Henrik Ibsens digtning. p. 107-19. Schmitt, E. H. Ibsen als prophet, p. 281-95. Shaw, G. B. Ghosts at the Jubilee. Sat. R. 84:12-14. July 3, 1897. ---- Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 86-96. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen, p. 308-26. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 91-120. +Goethe.+ Andrews, A. LeR. Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Goethe's Faust. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 13:231-46. 1914. Petersen, J. Faust und Brand. +Guilt.+ Forsyth, P. T. Ibsen's treatment of guilt. Hibbert J. 14:105-22. Oct. 1915. +Gundersen, Laura.+ _In_ Paulson, J. O. Erindringer, p. 155-68. +Hauptman.+ Moore, E. G. Ibsen's "Emperor and Galilean" and Hauptman's "Kaiser Karl's Geisel." Nebraska Univ. studies 10:243-59. 1910. +Hebbel.+ Kerr, A. Hebbel und Ibsen. Neue Deutsche Rundschau 12:1323-33. 1901. +Hedda Gabler.+ Andreas-Salomé, L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 141-75. Bellaigue, C. Hedda Gabler. Revue des deux mondes 109:218-24. Jan. 1892. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen, p. 291-304. Brachvögel, W. Hedda Gabler in München. Freie Bühne 2:117-18. Jan. 1891. Brahm, O. Hedda Gabler. Freie Bühne 2:170-1. 1891. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. p. 103-108. Caffin, C. H. Appreciation of the drama. ch. 7, 8, 9. p. 162-37. Colby, F. M. Hedda Gabler. Analogies of a disagreeable heroine. Bookm. 25:467-71. July 1907. Doumic, R. De Scribe à Ibsen. p. 332-41. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 441-61. Felden, E. Hedda Gabler: mut zur eigenen lebensführung. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 145-53. Firkins, O. W. Hedda Gabler [Neighborhood Playhouse]. Review 1:525-6. 1919. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 175-8. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 165-71. Har Henrik Ibsen i Hedda Gabler skildret virkelige kvinder? Kristiania. 1891. 28p. Hedda Gabler; production at Kingsway Theatre, London. Acad. 80:683-4. June 3, 1911; Il. Lond. News 138: 824. June 3, 1911. Hedda Gabler: story of its production and actresses who have played the title role. Green Book Album 6: 1211-8. Dec. 1911. Hellman, A. Hedda Gabler. Poet Lore 22:134-6. 1911. Huneker, J. G. Hedda. Forum 52:765-9. Nov. 1914. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 281-7. ----Ibsen og hans værker. p. 188-203. James, H. Hedda Gabler. New R. (Lond.) 4:519. 1891. Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 140-55. Lee, J. B. Ibsen secret. p. 20-36. Lemaître, J. Impressions de théâtre. Ser. 6. Nr. 3: p. 46-61. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 119-32. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 282-93. Nazimova in Hedda Gabler. New Republic 14:359. 1918. Origin of Hedda Gabler and The master builder. Nation 85:170. Aug. 22, 1907. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 7. Scalinger, G. M. Ibsen; studio critico. p. 49-54. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 177-83. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 338-45. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 118-27. Smedley, C. Hedda Gabler to-day. Fortn. 88:77-90. July, 1907. ----In defence of Hedda Gabler. Fortn. 89:565-7. Mar. 1908. Tissot. G. Le drame norvégien. p. 117ff. Viollat, G. Un nouveau drame d'Ibsen. Revue Bleue 21:222-23. Feb. 14, 1891. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2:226-60. +Heredity.+ _See also_ Pathology. Gumpertz, K. Ibsens Vererbungstheorie. Deut. Med. Presse. 10:84ff. 1906. +Historical plays.+ _See also_ Emperor and Galilean; Feast at Solhaug; Lady Inger of Ostraat; Pretenders; Vikings of Helgeland. Gosse, E. Studies in Northern literature. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 2. +Home life+ Achorn, E. O. Ibsen at home. New Eng. M. n.s. 13:737-48. Feb. 1896. Brausewetter, E. Ibsen zu Hause. Freie Bühne 9:532-4. 1897. Evans, E. P. Ibsen's home and working habits. Critic 16:122. Mar. 8, 1890. Tweedie, E. B. Ibsen's home. _In_ Tweedie, E. B. A winter jaunt to Norway. +Hünnegrab.+ _See_ Kæmpehøjen. +Ibsen.+ Acad. 70:501. May 26, 1906; Ath. 1906, 1:647-8. May 26, 1906; Book News 26:649-68. May, 1908; Can. M. 16:84. Nov. 1900; Can. M. 27:416 20. Sept. 1906; Dial 40:351-2. June, 1906; Harp. W. 47:451, 481-4. Mar. 21, 1903; Mercure de France 61:481-504. 1906. Werner's M. 25:247-63. 1900; Die Zukunft, 55:309-28. June 2, 1906. +Ibsen+ and the morbid taint. Belgravia 83:59. 1894. +Ibsen+ and the students of Christiania. Scand. 2:311. 1885. +Ibsen+ as a world-force from many points of view. R. of R. 34:96-9. July, 1906. +Ibsen+ auf der Bühne, 1898-99. Deutsche Rundschau 99:281. May, 1899. +[Ibsen].+ Authors of the nineteenth century. Werner's Mag. 25:247-63. N.Y. 1900. +Ibsen country+ Ibsen as seen in his own country. R. of R. 31:365-6. Mar. 1905. Stuart, R. M. Browsing about the Ibsen country. Harp. B. 45:312-13. July, 1911. +Ibsen;+ Collin, J. Gedächtnisrede gehalten bei der Trauerfeier des Giessener Theatervereins an 14 Nov. 1906. Giessen. 1906. 24p. +Ibsen in England+ Archer, W. Ibsen and English criticism. Fortn. 52:30-37. 1889. Burchardt, C. Ibsen og det modernen Engelske drama. Litteraturen 1:662-70. 1918. Franc, M. Ibsen in England. Ibsen à Londres. Le drame de demain. Rev. des Deux Mondes 132:178-91. 1895. Harford, C. H. Ibsen in London. Acad. 35:432. 1889. Ibsen on the English stage. Amer. 18:267. 1889. Pennell, E. R. Ibsen in England. Nation 49:7-8. 1889. Walkley, A. B. Plays of Ibsen in England. Acad. 60: 244-45. 1901. _Same._ Liv. Age 230:789-92. 1901. Waring, H. Ibsen in London. Theatre (London) 33:164. 1894. +Ibsen in France+ Brandes, G. Ibsen en France. Cosmopolis 5:112-24. 1897. Darthèze, Alberic. Ibsen et les acteurs Français. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:27-35. 1898. Destrez, F. Ibsen et la critique française. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:36-45. 1898. Hansson, Ola. Die "Gespenster" in Paris. Freie Bühne 1:499-500. 1890. Lugné-Poé, A. Le théâtre d'Ibsen en France. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:14-20. 1898. +Ibsen in Germany+ Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen und sein schule in Deutschland. _In_ Brandes, G. Deutsche persönlichkeiten. p. 37-69. Eller, W. H. Ibsen in Germany. 1870-1900. Vincent, E. Ibsen en Allemagne. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:46-50. 1898. +Ibsen in Japan.+ Cur. Lit. 48:428-9. April, 1910. +Ibsen in New York+ Ford, J. L. Ibsen performance in New York. Munsey 22:610-11. Jan. 1900. +Ibsen in Norway.+ _See also_ Home Life Achorn, E. O. Ibsen at home. New Eng. M. n.s. 13:737-48. 1896. Blanc, T. Henrik Ibsen og Christiania theatre. Goodman, E. F. Ibsen at Christiania. Theatre (London) 35:146. 1895. Ibsen and the students of Christiania. Scandinavia 2:311. Ibsen as seen in his own country. R. of R. 31:365-6. Mar. 1905. Wergeland, A. M. Ibsen and the Norwegians. _In_ Wergeland, A. M. Leaders in Norway. +Ibsen in Rome.+ _In_ Hegermann-Lindenkrone, L. de. Sunny side of diplomatic life. New York. 1914. p. 100-1. +Ibsen in Russia+ Broch, O. Lidt on Ibsen i og fra Rusland. Samtiden 11:459-66. 1900. +Ibsen+ _intime_. Dial 40:379-80. June 16, 1906. +Ibsen myth+ Björkman, E. Ibsen myth. Forum 45:565-83. May 1911. Ibsen legend. Dial 18:259-60. May 1, 1895. Ibsen myth analysed. R. of R. 43:729-30. June, 1911. +Ibsen+ the unpopular. Fiske, M. M. _In_ Woollcott, A. Mrs. Fiske. +Ibsen+ to-day. Outlook 89:414-5. June 27, 1908. +Ibsenheft.+ Bühne und Welt. 1903. Nr. 12. +Ibsenism+ Folly of Ibsenism. Blackw. 180:131-6. July, 1906. Franklin, F. Ibsenism and truth. _In_ Franklin, F. People and problems, p. 308-11. Ibsenism. Lond. Q. 78:227. 1891. Ibsen's Beichte. M. H. Die Zukunft 2:173-82. Jan. 21, 1893. Keddell, E. A. and Standing, P. C. Gleanings from Ibsen. Preface. Larroumet, G. Ibsen et l'Ibsenisme. p. 301-18. Lourié, Ossip. Ibsen. La vie d'Ibsen, l'oeuvre et l'Ibsenism. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. ---- Sanity of art. p. 44-51. Shaw on Ibsenism. Sat. R. 72:455. 1891. Traill, H. D. and McNeill, R. Ibsenism. National R. (Lond.) 28:641. 1896. _Same._ Liv. Age 212:317-22. Jan. 30, 1897. Winter. W. Ibsenites and Ibsenism. Harp. W. 54:24-30. May 21, 1910. +Ibsen's+ "Balloon letter"--1870. Tr. by A. R. Anderson. English Review 18:501-12. Nov. 1914. +Ibsen's+ career. Outl. 83:259-61. June 2, 1906. +Ibsen's+ voice from the grave. Cur. Lit. 42:300-2. Mar. 1907. +Iconoclast+ Harding, E. J. Henrik Ibsen, iconoclast. Critic 16:131-2. Mar. 15, 1890. Huneker, J. G. Iconoclasts, p. 1-138. +Idealism+ Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist. Shaw, G. B. Ideals and idealists. _In_ Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 20-31. +Influence+ Commanding influence of Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 41:57-61. July, 1906. Franc, M. Influence in English drama. _In_ Franc, M. Ibsen in England. Garland, H. Influence of Ibsen. _In_ Garland, H. Crumbling idols. 20p. Lemaître, J. Influence récent de littérature du nord. _In_ Lemaître, J. Les contemporains. v. 6. p. 231-38. _Same._ Revue des deux mondes 126:851-55. Dec. 1894. Moritzen, J. Henrik Ibsen, his aim and influence. Twentieth Cent M. (Bost.) 3:503-7. Mar. 11, 1911. Schmidt, F. G. G. Ibsen's influence on German literature. Poet Lore. 17:112-18. 1906. +Individualism+ Harrison, R. C. Ibsen; individualism in his plays. Harv. M. 11:25. 1890. Maurice, C. E. Henrik Ibsen. Econ. R. 1:348-57. July 1891. Individualismus. Henrik Ibsen. Deutsche Rundschau 87:462. June, 1896. +John Gabriel Borkman+ Archer, W. Introduction. John Gabriel Borkman. Duffield. 1909. Felden, E. John Gabriel Borkman. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 166-75. Gosse, E. Ibsen. p. 197-200. Hackett, F. John Gabriel Borkman. New Republic 2: 285. April 17, 1915. Holm, E. John Gabriel Borkman. In Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermachtniss. p. 451-61. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 300-10. John Gabriel Borkman. Deutsche Rundschau 91:140. 42. April 1897; Sat. R. 82:654-5. Dec. 19, 1896. John Gabriel Borkman; production in London. Il. Lond. News p. 137-646. Oct. 29, 1910. John Gabriel Borkman; scene from Japanese play (picture). Il. Lond. News 136:170. Jan. 29, 1910. Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 156-64. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 154-64. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man ... p. 314-18. Payne, W. M. John Gabriel Borkman. Dial (Chic.) 22:37-41. Jan. 16, 1897. Porter, C. John Gabriel Borkman. Poet Lore 9:302-6. 1897. Porter, C. and Clark, H. A. Fatherhood in John Gabriel Borkman. Poet Lore 11:116. 1899. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 8. Russell, Sir E. R. and Standing, P. C. Ibsen on his merits, p. 169-89. Schack, A. En efterskrift om Henrik Ibsens digtning. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 369-88. Seidl, A. John Gabriel Borkman. _In_ Seidl, A. Kunst und kultur, p. 125-32. Shaw, G. B. John Gabriel Borkman. Sat. R. 83:114-15. Jan. 30, 1897; Sat. R. 83:507-9. May 8, 1897. Thompson. V. John Gabriel Borkman. Nat'l. M. (Bost.) 8:120. 1898. Vedel, V. John Gabriel Borkman. Tilskueren. 1897. p. 166-72. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 308-332. +Julian the apostate.+ _See_ Emperor and Galilean +Kaiser und Galilæer.+ _See_ Emperor and Galilean +Key, Ellen+ Ellen Key's masterly interpretation of Ibsen's women. Cur. Lit. 48:411-13. April, 1910. +Kæmpehøjen+ (Warrior's tomb) Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen (Chicago 1901). p. 69-72. Sturtevant, A. M. Kjæmpehøien and its relation to Ibsen's romantic works. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 12:407-24. 1913. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 1:45-47. +Knudsen, K.+ Seip, D. A. Henrik Ibsen og K. Knudsen. Edda 1: 145-63. 1914. +Kristus+ oder Ibsen? Holm, O. +Labor+ La Chesnais, P. G. Henrik Ibsen et la mouvement ouvrier Norvégien, 1849-51. Grande Revue (Paris) 83:217-54. 1914. +Lady from the sea+ (Fruen fra Havet) Die Frau vom Meere, Schauspiel. Deutsche Rundschau 59:299-30. Juin 1889. Doumic, A. De Scribe à Ibsen. p. 342-49. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 418-40. Felden, E. Die Frau vom Meere: Freiheit und verantwörtlichket. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 134-44. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 171-73. Grumann, P. H. Ibsen in his maturity. Poet Lore 28: 609-20. 1917. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 155-65. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 276-81. ----Ibsen og hans værker. p. 183-87. Lady from the sea; production at Lyric theatre, New York, by Drama Players. Bookm. 35:362, 369-70. Dec. 1911; N.Y. Dram. 66:7. Nov. 15, 1911; Theatre (N.Y.) 14:186. Dec. 1911. Lady from the Sea. Review Westm. 158:105. July 1902. Lemaître, J. Impressions de théâtre. Ser. 7. p. 41-47. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 107-18. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 273-82. Metcalfe, J. S. Failure of "The lady from the sea" in New York. Life 28:902. Nov. 23, 1911. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 347-70. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 7. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 160-72. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 324-37. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 114-17. Simons, L. Ibsen as an artist. Westm. 140:506-13. Nov. 1893. Sinding-Larsen, A. Om Ibsen; Fruen fra Havet ... 55p. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 197-225. +Lady Inger of Ostraat+ (Fru Inger til Østråt) Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 23-25. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. p. 94-97. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. ... Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 54-60. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 14-19. Heller, O. Henrik Ibsen; his plays and problems. p. 26-33. ---- Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 90-100. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen og hans værker. p. 23-31. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 48-51. MacFall, H. Henrik Ibsen, the man. ... p. 63-65. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 19-20. Schack, A. Om utviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 10ff. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 175-85. ---- Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 46-70. Vasenius, V. Ibsens dramatiska diktning, p. 112-130. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. p. 49-55. ---- Henrik Ibsens Jugenddramen. p. 38-44. +League of youth+ (De unges Forbund) Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 129-40. Brandes, E. Dansk skuespilkunst portrætstudíer. p. 131ff. Brandes, G. De unges forbund. _In_ Brandes, G. Samlede skrifter, v. 13:376-81. _Same._ Brandes, G. Kritiker og portræter. p. 339-48. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen. p. 245-62. Gosse, E. Ibsen. p. 113-20. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 85-88. Jaeger, H. Ibsen og hans værker. p. 87-95. ----Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 197-206. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 43-51. Molbech, C. Fra Danaidernes kar. p. 440-49. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 239-51. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 145-60. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 5. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 84-89. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 269-73. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 76-78. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. ... p. 262-71. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 30-64. +Letters+ Archer, W. Ibsen as seen in his letters. Fortn. 83: 428-41. Mar. 1905. _Same._ Liv. Age 245:209-19. April 22, 1905. Breve fra Henrik Ibsen til teaterchef Schrøder. Edda 4:362-66. 1915. France, W. O. Ibsen's letters. Nation 82:243-4. Mar. 22, 1906. Ibsen as revealed in his letters. Cur. Lit. 39:307-10. Sept. 1905. Koht, H. and Elias, J. eds. Breve fra Henrik Ibsen udgivne med indledning og oplysninger. Laurvik, J. N. and Morison, M. Introduction. _In_ Letters of Henrik Ibsen, trans. by J. N. Laurvik and M. Morison. Letters of Henrik Ibsen. Internat. Q. 10:261-77. Jan. 1905. Letters of Henrik Ibsen to George Brandes. Trans. by J. N. Laurvik. Critic 46:157-62. Feb. 1905. Letters, Reviews. Dial 39:429-32. Dec. 16, 1905; Outl. 82:321-3. Feb. 1910; Critic 48:280-2. Mar. 1906; Nation 82:243-4. Mar. 22, 1906; Bookm. 24:477-9. Jan. 1907. Mayrhofer, J. Henrik Ibsen in seinen Briefen. Hist. Polit. Blätter f. d. Kath. Deutschland 138:38-59. 174-82, 263-79. 1906. Remúsat, M. Letters de Henrik Ibsen à une jeune fille. La Revue Ser. 4, v. 64:204-9. 1906. +Literary+ remains. Nation 90:169-70. Feb. 17, 1910. +Little Eyolf+ (Lille Eyolf) Archer, W. Theatrical world. 1896. p. 306-31. Courtney, W. L. Note on Little Eyolf. Fortn. 63:277-84. Feb. 1895. Felden, E. Kleine Eyolf, _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder Nichts! p. 187-99. Gosse, G. Henrik Ibsen. p. 194-97. Hamilton, C. Pillars of Society and Little Eyolf; Review. Bookm. 31:416-17. June 1910. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen as Idealist, p. 183-91. Holm, E. Little Eyolf. _In_ Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermächtniss. p. 55-48. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901.) p. 295-300. Klavenæs, T. Little Eyolf. Samtiden 6:88-100. 1895. Lemaître, J. Impressions de théâtre. 9 Ser. p. 63-71. Little Eyolf. Acad. 50:465, Nov. 28, 1896; Collier's 45:34. May 7, 1910; Hampton 24:824. June 1910; Metrop. 32:532-3. July 1910; Poet Lore 7 no. 2:99. 1895. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 141-53. M. H. Ibsens Fahne. Die Zukunft 10:478-86. Mar. 2, 1895. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 305-14. Mencken, H. L. Introduction and notes. Little Eyolf. Metcalfe, J. S. Little Eyolf; production at Nazimova theatre, N.Y. City. Life 55:766 April 28, 1910; N.Y. Dram. 63:8, April 30, 1910; Theatre (N.Y.) 11:201. June, 1910. Payne, W. M. Little Eyolf. Dial 18:5-6. Jan. 1, 1895. Reich, E. Ibsens Dramen. p. 417-36. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 8. Russell, Sir E. R. and Standing, P. C. Ibsen on his merits, p. 67-74, 121-34. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 189-95. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 357-68. Seidl, A. Little Eyolf. _In_ Seidl, A. Kunst und kultur. p. 120-25. Shaw, G. B. Little Eyolf. Sat. R. 82:563-5. Nov. 28; 623-5. Dec. 12, 1896. Spender, A. S. Little Eyolf; a plea for reticence. Dub. R. 120:112. 1896. Winter, W. Little Eyolf; an estimate. Harp. W. 54:24. May 21, 1910. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 288-307. +Love's comedy.+ _See_ Comedy of Love. +Maeterlinck+ Lenevue, G. Ibsen et Maeterlinck. +Mansfield's+ Peer Gynt. Dial 41:309-11. Nov. 16, 1906. +Marriage+ Hawkins. C. J. Ibsen's ethics of marriage. _In_ Hawkins, C. J. Will the home survive? Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. +Master Builder+ (Bygmester Solness) Andreas, Salome, L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 176-85. Archer, W. Master builder. Theatrical world 1893. p. 54-70. Boccardi, A. La donna nell' opera di Henrik Ibsen, p. 42-51. Bom, E. de. Ibsen en zijn werk. p. 83-90. Boyesen. H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen, p. 305-17. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. p. 109-14. Description of The master builder. Graphic 83:518. April 8, 1911. Dickmar, H. To literære studier, p. 24-75. Felden, E. Baumeister Solness. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 176-86. Gladstone and The master builder. Sat. R. 76:34. July 8. 1893. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 190-93. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 172-82. Hertzberg, J. Er Ibsens kvinde-typer Norske? p. 23-26. Holm, E. Baumeister Solness. _In_ Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermächtniss. p. 11-30. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 287-98. James, H. Essays in London, p. 248-52. Knorr, H. Master builder, played in New York. Poet Lore 12:95-7. 1900. Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 156-64. Lemaître, J. Impressions de théâtre. 8 série. p. 107-24. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 133-40. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 293-305. Mailly, W. Ibsen's Master builder. Arena 39:160-5. Feb. 1908. Master builder. Sat. R. 75:241. Mar. 4, 1892. Master builder. Production at the Bijou theatre, N.Y. City. Theatre (N.Y.) 7:288-297. Nov. 1907. Master builder. Production at Hammersmith theatre, London. Il. Lond. N. 134:470. April 3, 1909. Master builder. Production at Little theatre, London. Acad. 80:426-7. Apr. 8, 1911; Il. Lond. N. 138:450. Apr. 1911. Nazimova in The master builder. Harp. W. 51:496-7. Oct. 12, 1907. Nazimova in The master builder. _In_ Eaton, W. P. American stage of to-day. Origins of Hedda Gabler and The master builder. Nation 85:170. Aug. 22, 1907. Payne, W. M. Bygmester Solness. Dial 14:68-71. Feb. 1, 1893. Price, T. R. Solness. Sewanee R. 2:257. 1904. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsen's Dramen. p. 396-416. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 8. Scalinger, G. M. Ibsen: studio critico. p. 54-58. Schack, A. von. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 183-88. Schjøtt, M. Efter læsningen af "Bygmester Solness". 40p. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 346-56. Simons, L. Ibsen as an artist. Westm. 140:506-13. Nov. 1893. Walkley, A. B. Master builder. Fortn. 59:468-76. Apr. 1893. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 261-287. +Medical aspects.+ _See_ Heredity; Pathology. +Memory;+ poem by Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 31:670. Dec. 1901. +Men+ and women of Ibsen. Westm. 131:626-49. June, 1889. +Men+ and women of Ibsen. Dowden, E. Contemp. 90:652-72. Nov. 1, 1906. +Moral ideas.+ _See also_ Ethics; Philosophy; Religion. Baussan, C. Moral ideas of Ibsen. Cath. W. 87:785-93. Sept. 1, 1908. Ehrhard, A. Les idées morales d'Ibsen. _In_ Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 94-120. Heller, O. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 6. Henrik Ibsen, the artist moralist. Chaut. 43:394-5. July 1906. Løchen, A. Ibsens moralske grundanskuelse i dens utvikling. _In_ Løchen, A. Digtning og videnskap. p. 1-42. Rose, H. Henrik Ibsen, poet, mystic and moralist. Schultze, K. Glück und recht in Ibsens Dichtung. Preussische Jahrbücher 178:68-82. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 128-41. Suarès, A. Ibsen. La Morale de l'anarchie. Revue des deux mondes 178:847-88. Aug. 15, 1903. +Morbid+ taint in Ibsen. Belgravia 83:59. 1893. +Moving pictures+ Doll's House in moving pictures. Dramatist 9:922-23. 1918. +Music+ Bekker, P. Die musik in Ibsens dichtung. Neue Musik-Zeitung 27:457-61. 1906. Maguire, H. How to give the Peer Gynt music with the poem. Musician 14:494-5. Nov. 1909. +Mysticism+ Ramsden, H. New mysticism in Scandinavia. 19 Cent. 47:279-96. 1900. Rose, H. Henrik Ibsen, poet, mystic and moralist. +Naturalism+ Collin, C. Kampen om Kjærlighed og kunst i naturalismens tidsalder, p. 36-45. +Nazimova+ Criticism of Hedda Gabler and Mme. Nazimova. New Rep. 14:359. 1918. Doll's House. Production at Plymouth theatre, N.Y. Dram. Mir. 76:656. 1918; Theatre (N.Y.) 27:358. 1918. Eaton, W. P. Harps in the air (Nazimova in the Master Builder). _In_ Eaton, W. P. American stage of to-day. p. 132-149. Hedda Gabler, production at Plymouth theatre, N.Y. City. Dram. Mir. 78:548. 1918; Theatre (N.Y.) 27:287. 1918. Nazimova in the Master Builder. Harp. W. 51:1496-7. 1907. Wild Duck. New Rep. 14:238. 1918. ---- Production at Plymouth theatre, N.Y. City. Dram. Mir. 78:5. 1918; Life 71:474-5 1918; Theatre (N.Y.) 27:217. 1918. +Nietzsche and Ibsen+ Aall, A. Ibsen og Nietzsche. Samtiden 17:146-63, 278-300. 1906. Brandes, G. Ibsen und Nietzsche. Die Zukunft (Berlin). 55:490-91. 1906. Jentsch, C. Nietzsche und Ibsen. _In_ Jentsch, C. Wandlungen. Pt. 2. p 314-73. Smith, L. W. Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche; the individualists. Pop. Sci. M. 78:147-57. Feb. 1911. Weinel, H. Ibsen, Bjørnson, Nietzsche. +Nora.+ _See_ Doll's house. +Nordau, Max+, Henrik Ibsen och kvinnofragen. Schenström, R. +Nordische Heerfahrt.+ _See_ Vikings of Helgeland. +Norma+; or a politician's love, (unpublished). Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901) p. 78. +Norwegian+ of Ibsen. Sondresen, S. Critic 31:308-9. Nov. 20, 1897. +Olaf Liljekrans+ Brandes. G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. p. 88-93. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 109-17. ---- Henrik Ibsens Olaf Liljekrans. Nyt tidsskrift 1887. p. 76-103. Olaf Liljekrans: production at the Rehearsal theatre, London. Acad. 80:787. June 24, 1911. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 169-74. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. p. 62-67. +On the Heights+ Luther. B. "Auf den Höhen," ein beitrag zum verständnis Ibsens. Zeits. für d. Deut. Unterricht 28:115-26. +Optimism+ Bjørkman, E. Optimism of Ibsen. Contemp. R. 103:544-54. April 1913. _Same._ Liv. Age 277:716-23 June 21, 1913. +Parodies+ Guthrie, T. A. Mr. Punch's pocket Ibsen. Franc, M. Ibsen, in England, p. 120-29. +Pascal+ Suarès, A. Trois hommes, Pascal, Ibsen, Dostoievski. +Pathology+ _See also_ Heredity. Aronsohn, O. Oswald Alving; Eine pathologische Studie. Gumpertz, K. Ibsens Vererbungstheorie. Deut. Med. Presse 10:84ff. 1906. ---- Ibsens Gespenster und die Psychiatrie. Die Zukunft 4:551-6. 1892. Lombroso, C. Ibsens Gjengangere og psychiatrien. Samtiden 4:395-97. 1893. Longo, M. Schiller-Ibsen; studj di psicologia penale. Schiff, E. Die medizin bei Ibsen. _In_ Schiff, E. Aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Jahrhundert. Walsh. J. J. Medical aspects of Ibsen. Indep. 61:444-47. Nov. 16, 1906. Wolff, G. Psychiatrie und Dichtkunst. Wülffen, E. Ibsens Nora vor dem Strafrichter und Psychiater. +Peeps+ into Ibsen's brain. Cur. Lit. 48:191-2. Feb. 1910. +Peer Gynt.+ _See also_ Poems. Andrews, A. La R. Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Goethe's Faust. Jour. Eng. & Germ. Phil. 13:238-46. 1914. Berg, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 16-19. Bom, E. de. Ibsen en zijn werk. p. 45-49. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 105-27. ---- Peer Gynt. Chaut. 17:293-99. June 1893. Brahm, O. Henrik Ibsen; Ein Essay. p. 29-32. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. p. 34-37. Cary, E. L. Two impersonations of Peer Gynt. Putnams 2:193-6. May 1907. Collin, C. Henrik Ibsens selv portræt i Peer Gynt. Memnon-støttens sang og oprindelsen til Peer Gynt. _In_ Collin, C. Det geniale menneske. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 150-95. Felden, E. Peer Gynt. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 53-81. Garde, A. Der Grundgedanke in Henrik Ibsens Dichtung. p. 25-29. Gosse, F. Henrik Ibsen. p. 103-9. Hanstein, A von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 62-74. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 188-97. ---- Henrik Ibsen og hans værker. p. 67-81. Leighton, W. Peer Gynt. Arena 27:64-7. Jan. 1902. Lemaître, J. Impressions de théâtre. Sér. 10. p. 40-44. Logeman, H. Another three notes on Peer Gynt. Soc. for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study Publications 1:214-20. ---- Commentary, critical and explanatory, on the Norwegian text of Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man.... p. 129-43. Maguire, H. How to give the Peer Gynt music with the poem. Musician 14:494-95. Nov. 1909. Mansfield in Peer Gynt. Dial 41:309-11. Nov. 16, 1906. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen, p. 134-91. Peer Gynt. Sat. R. 74:417. 1892. Peer Gynt and other Ibsen plays. Theatre (N.Y.) 6:291-4. Nov. 1906. Peer Gynt; production at New Amsterdam theatre, N.Y. City. Theatre (N.Y.) 7:86-7. April 1907. Peer Gynt; production at the Rehearsal theatre, London. Acad. 80:558. Mar. 6, 1911. Quiller-Couch, A. T. Adventures in criticism. p. 283. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 120-44. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 3. Sarolea, C. Henrik Ibsen. p. 33-39. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 62-75. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet. p. 236-49. Shaw, G. B. Peer Gynt. Sat. R. 82:542-4. Nov. 21, 1896. ---- Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 51-58. Sturtevant, A. M. Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Paa Vidderne. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 9: 43-48. 1910. Tridon, A. Symbolism of Peer Gynt. Theatre (N.Y.) 7: 48-9. Feb. 1907. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 207-29. Wicksteed, P. H. Four lectures, p. 52-85. _Same._ Contemp. 56:274-87. Aug. 1889. Weininger, O. Ueber die letzen Dinge. p. 1-47. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 1. ch. 8. +Pessimisme+ d'Ibsen. Lichtenberger, H. Revue de Paris. 1901. v. 4:806-825. +Philosophy+ Archer, W. Ibsen, philosopher or poet? Cosmop. 38: 409-16. Feb. 1905. Ende, A. von. Poet, philosopher, dramatist and revolutionist. Craftsman 8:420-36. July 1905. Ibsen; his plays and his philosophy. Theatre (N.Y.) 6:177. July 1906. Lasius, T. Henrik Ibsen. Étude des premisses psychologiques et religieuses de son oeuvre. Lourié, Ossip. La philosophie sociale dans le théâtre d'Ibsen. Prozor, Comte de. Une drame de Henrik Ibsen: Brand, drame philosophique. Revue des deux mondes 126:129-61. Nov. 1, 1894. Schmitt, E. H. Ibsen als psychologischen sophist. Smith, L. W. Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche, the individualists. Pop. Sci. M. 78:147-57. Feb. 1911. Tissot, E. Ibsen's three philosophical poems. Chaut. 16:53-6. Oct. 1892. +Pillars of Society+ (Samfundets Støtter) Beerbohm, M. Pillars of society. Sat. R. 91:631-2. May 18, 1901. Berndtson, F. Dramatiska studier, p. 202-12. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen, p. 181-97. C. R. N. Samfundets støtter. Nordisk tidsskrift, 1878 p. 182-83. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen, p. 263-85. Felden, E. Die Stützen der gesellschaft. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 82-95. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 135-39. Hamilton, C. Pillars of society; Review. Bookm. 31:416-17. June 1910. Hervey, R. K. Pillars of society. Theatre (Lond.) 23:94. 1889. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 235-39. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 127-40. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 19-34. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man.... p. 180-89. Metcalfe, J. S. Production of Pillars of Society at Lyceum theatre, N.Y. City. Mar. 1910. Life 55:680-1. April 14, 1910. Mrs. Fiske's revival of Pillars of society. Everybody's 22:849-50. June 1910. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen, p. 252-63. Pillars of society; production at the Lyceum theatre, N.Y. City. Mar. 1910. N.Y. Dram. 63:6. April 9, 1910; Theatre (N.Y.) 11:129-33, 139. May 1910. Pillars of society; synopsis. Green Bk. Album 3:1244-5. June 1910. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 185-207. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 5. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsens als Prophet, p. 274-6. Sierke, E. Kritische Streifzüge. p. 441-50. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 78-82. Stützen der Gesellschaft. Deutsche Rundschau 14:485-8. Mar. 1878. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 272-85. +Poetry+ Aall, A. von. Henrik Ibsen als dichter und denker. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the writings of Henrik Ibsen, p. 141-66. ---- Ibsen's poems. Cosmop. 15:91-99. May 1893. Colline, G. 1st Henrik Ibsen ein Dichter? Nord und Süd 149:50-55. Davignon, H. Ibsen, poète et auteur dramatique. La Revue Générale 84:703-43. Ende, A. von. Henrik Ibsen; the poet, philosopher, dramatist and revolutionist. Craftsman 8:421-36. 1905. Garde, A. Der Grundgedanke in Henrik Ibsens Dichtung. Jaeger, H. Ibsen og hans værker. p. 96-105, 120-26. Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 2. Schack, A. En efterskrift om Henrik Ibsens digtning. 46p. ---- Om udviklingsgangen i Henrik Ibsens digtning. Schmidt, R. Ad egne veje. p. 264-83. Tissot, E. Ibsen's three philosophical poems. Chaut. 16:53-6. Oct. 1892. Wicksteed, P. H. Four lectures on Henrik Ibsen, dealing chiefly with the metrical works, p. 1-26. ---- Henrik Ibsen's poems. Contemp. 60:333-46. Sept. 1891. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 1. ch. 10. +Politics+ Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermächtniss. +Pretenders+ (Kongs-Emnerne) Brahm, O. Henrik Ibsen; ein Essay, p. 17-20. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 68-84. Garde, A. Grundgedanke in Ibsens Dichtung. p. 19-22. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 46-57. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 141-46. ---- Ibsen og hans værker. p. 23-35. Kronprätendenten. Deutsche Rundschau 8:154. July 1876. Knudsen, D. F. Utvalg av norsk litteratur. Henrik Ibsen. p. 118-40. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 63-76. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 71-97. Schlenther, P. Kronprätendenten auf der Berliner Hofbühne. Freie Bühne 2:546-9. 1891. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 209-21. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 34-49. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsens dramatiske diktning, p. 156-69. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 6. +Press+ Hans, W. Die presse in Ibsens dramen. Zeits. für den Deutschen Unterricht 24:587-99. 1910. +Priest+ Geiger, A. Der pfarrer in Ibsens dramen. Beilage zur Allgemeine Zeitung 1901. Nr. 261-62. +Prophet+ Saintsbury, G. Literary prophets of the later 19th century. Indep. 54:3023-6. Dec. 18, 1902. Schmitt, E. H. Ibsen als Prophet. +Prose dramas+ Prose dramas. Sat. R. 69:352, 472. 1890. Parker, J. M. Prose dramas of Ibsen. Amer. (Phila.) 20:429. 1890. +Real+ meaning of Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 50:651-3. June 1911. +Realism+ Bordeaux, H. Realisme et symbolisme. Mercure de France 12:57-66. 1894. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 225-44. Krebs, R. Moderne realistische-naturalistische Drama im Lichte der Christentums. Mayrhofer, J. Henrik Ibsen, der Prophet des Realismus. Hist. Polit. Blätter für d. Kath. Deutschland. 142:1-24. 91-107, 179-88. 1908. Wahrheitsproblem im Volksfeind. Deutsche Rundschau 97:228-30. Nov. 1898. +Reformer+ Findlater, J. H. Ibsen the reformer. National R. (Lond.) 48:482-91. Dec. 1906. Harding, E. J. Ibsen as a reformer. Critic 16:157 Mar. 29, 1890. Ibsen the reformer and the critics. Literature (Lond.) 9:147-55. 1901. +Réjane+ als Nora. Deutsche Rundschau 93:462. Dec. 1897. +Religion.+ _See also_ Ethics, Moral ideas, Philosophy Kalthoff, A. Die Religionen der Modernen. p. 227-50. Lasius, T. Henrik Ibsen. Étude des premisses psychologiques et religieuses de son oeuvre. Rose, H. Ibsen as a religious teacher. Contemp. 93:692-708. June 1908. +Roman Plays.+ _See also_ Catilina, Emperor and Galilean Sokolowsky, R. Henrik Ibsens Romerdramen. _In_ Euphorion 9:593-608. 1902. +Rosmersholm+ Andreas-Salomé, Frau L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 79-104. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 263-77. Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen. Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson. p. 100-102. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 392-417. Felden, E. Rosmersholm. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 154-65. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 167-71. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 139-52. Jaeger. H. Henrik Ibsen og hans værker. p. 176-83. ---- Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 259-70. Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 124-39. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 89-106. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 259-72. N. N. Ibsen's Rosmersholm. Nation 52:215-16. Mar. 12, 1891. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 307-46. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 7. Rosmersholm. Nation 52:216-17. Mar. 12, 1891; Sat. R. 71:258, 1889; Theatre (Lond.) 26:196. 1890. Rosmersholm, Production at Lyric theatre, N.Y.City. Theatre (N.Y.) 8:32-3. Feb. 1908. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 149-60. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 314-21. Seidl, A. Rosmersholm. _In_ Seidl, A. Kunst und kultur. p. 113-20. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 105-114. Simons, L. Ibsen as an artist. Westm. 140:506-13. Nov. 1893. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 166-196. Woodbridge, H. E. Fruit of the tree and Rosmersholm. Nation. 85:514. Dec. 5, 1907. +Russell+ and Standing on Ibsen. McLay, H S. W. Citizen. 3:230. 1897. +Saga plays+ MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 74-100. +Samfundets Støtter.+ _See_ Pillars of Society +Sankthansnatten+ (St. John's Night) Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen, (Chic. 1901). p. 87-89. Lescofier, J. La nuit de la Saint Jean. Rev. Germ. 1905:298-306. Paasche, F. Gildet paa Solhaug, p. 56ff. Seip, D. A. Henrik Ibsen og K. Knudsen. Edda 1:145-63. 1914. Sturtevant, A. M. Ibsens Sankthansnatten. Jour. Eng. and Germ. Phil. 14:357-74. 1914. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. p. 60-62. +St. John's Night.+ _See_ Sankthansnatten +Sand, Georg.+ _See_ Basch, V. Ibsen et G. Sand +Sarcey+ on Ibsen. Adams, W. D. Theatre (Lond.) 37:19. 1896. +Sardou.+ _See_ Wolff, E. Sardou, Ibsen, etc. +Satire+ Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian satirist. _In_ Gosse, E. Studies in the literature of Northern Europe. ---- Henrik Ibsen. p. 78-109. +Satirist+ Gosse, E. Ibsen the Norwegian satirist. _In_ Gosse, E. Studies in the literature of Northern Europe; _Same._ Gosse, E. Northern studies. Fortn. 19:74-88. Jan. 1873; Every Sat. 14:133. 1872. ---- Henrik Ibsen. p. 74-100. +Self-portraiture+ Collin, C. Henrik Ibsens selv portræt i Peer Gynt _In_ Collin, C. Det geniale menneske. Hans, W. Ibsens selbsporträt in seinen dramen. +Self-illusion+ Ibsen's treatment of [Wild duck]. Dial 15:137-40. Sept. 16, 1893. +Seventieth birthday+ +Seventieth birthday+ Henrik Ibsen. Festskrift i anledning af hans 70de Fødselsdag. udg. af "Samtiden" red. af Gerhard Gran. Bergen. Grieg. 1898. 304p. Henrik Ibsen. La Revue d'art dramatique. Numero consacré à Henrik Ibsen, (à l'occasion de sa 70e année). Paris. 1898. n.s. 4:5-71. Ibsen. Die Zukunft. 22:550-2. Mar. 12, 1898. Ruhe, A. Le jubilé d'Ibsen en Scandinave. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:21-26. 1898. Seventieth birthday, a diary of progress. Acad. 53:352-3. Mar. 26, 1898. Seventy years of Ibsen. Coleman, A. I. du P. Critic 34:33-37. Jan. 1899. +Shakespeare+ Crowell, E. Shakespeare's Katherine and Nora. Poet Lore 8:192-97. 1896. Dickinson, G. L. Shakespeare, Ibsen and Bernard Shaw. Liv. Age 250:437-40. Aug. 18, 1906. Little, C. J. Ibsen compared with Sophocles and Shakespeare. _In_ Little, C. J. Biographical and literary studies. +Shaw, G. B.+ Shaw on Ibsenism. Sat. R. 72:455. 1892. Shaw's Quintessence of Ibsenism. Nation 79:282. Oct. 6, 1904. Shakespeare, Ibsen and Bernard Shaw. Dickinson, G. L. Liv. Age 250:437-40. Aug. 18, 1906. +Social Dramas.+ _See also_ Doll's house, Enemy of the people, Ghosts, Lady from the sea, League of youth, Pillars of society, Rosmersholm, Wild duck Canudo, R. La répresentation feministe et sociale d'Ibsen. Grande Revue 38 (n.s. 1):561-72. 1906. Courtney, W. L. Studies at leisure, ch. 2. Fuller, E. Ibsen's social dramas. New Eng. M. n.s. 2:584-90. July 1890. Gosse, E. Social dramas of Ibsen. Fortn. 51:107-21. Jan. 1889. _Same._ Liv. Age 180:298-307. Feb. 2, 1889. Harnack, Otto. Ueber Ibsen's sociale dramen. _In_ Harnack, O. Essais und Studien zur Literatürgeschichte. Henderson, A. Henrik Ibsen and social progress. Arena. 33:26-30. Jan. 1905. Hjelmstad, J. H. Ibsen's social dramas. Monkhouse, A. Ibsen's social dramas. _In_ Monkhouse, A. Books and plays. Social dramas. Quar. 172:309-19. April 1891. Wicksteed, P. H. Four lectures on Henrik Ibsen, p. 66-112. +Socialism+ Goldman, Emma. Social significance of modern drama. Hans, W. Ibsens Stellung zur Sozialismus. Die Hilfe (Berlin). 1908. Nr. 22. Gerfault, M. Ibsen. Revue Socialiste 44:18-36. July 1906 +Solness.+ _See_ Master Builder. +Sophocles+ Little, C. J. Ibsen compared with Sophocles and Shakespeare. _In_ Little, C. J. Biographical and literary studies. Woerner, R. Ibsen and Sophocles. +Spectres.+ _See_ Ghosts +Spectacular+ in Ibsen. Cur. Lit. 31:727. Dec. 1901. +Study Course.+ Heller, O. Henrik Ibsen; study course. Drama League Monthly 2 no. 1:353-64 Jenkins, W. E. Before and after Ibsen; a course comparing and contrasting the old and new technique. +Stützen der Gesellschaft.+ _See_ Pillars of society +Swedenborgian influence+ Rose, H. Ibsen as a religious teacher. Contemp. 93: 692-708. June 1908. +Symbolism.+ _See also_ Brand, Lady of the sea, Little Eyolf, Master builder, Peer Gynt, When we dead awaken, Wild duck. Bordeaux, H. Realisme et symbolisme. Mercure de France. 12:57-66. 1894. Ehrhard, A. Le symbolisme d'Ibsen. _In_ Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 339-54. Faguet, E. Symbolism in Ibsen's dramas. Internat. 8:839-41. Dec. 1903. Grummann, P. H. Ibsen's symbolism in The master builder, and When we dead awaken. Nebraska Univ. Studies 10:235-41. 1910. Lee, J. Ibsen secret. Sturtevant, A. M. Some phases of Ibsen's symbolism. Pub. Soc. Adv. of Scand. study v. 2. no. 1. p. 25-45. Oct. 1914. Tridon. A. Symbolism of Peer Gynt. Theatre (N.Y.) 7:48-9. Feb. 1907. +Technique.+ _See also_ Art Colbron, G. T. Ibsen and the stage system. Critic 49:41-5. July 1906. Hamilton, C. Theory of the theatre. N.Y. 1910. p. 18 seq. Henderson, A. How Ibsen made his plays. Bookm. 31: 492-7. July 1910. Ibsen's technique. New Republic 2:106. Feb. 27, 1915. Lindau, P. Ibsen's Arbeitsart. Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. Matthews, B. Ibsen the playwright. _In_ Matthews, B. Inquiries and opinions. _Same._ Bookm. 22:568-75, 23:18-27. Feb.-Mar. 1906. +Terje Vigen+ (poem). Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen, p. 84-85. +To Henrik Ibsen;+ poem. Gosse, E. Ath. 1902, 1:371. Mar. 22, 1902 +Tolstoï+ Ehrenfels, Christian von. Die wertschätzung der kunst bei Wagner, Ibsen und Tolstoi. Halbert, A. Henrik Ibsen und L. Tolstoi. Die Dichtung 1: no. 12, 1907. ---- Henrik Ibsen und Leo Tolstoï. Eine vergleichende Studie über ihre künstlerischen und kulturellen Einflüsse. Ibsen and Tolstoy. R. of R. 43:476-7. April 1911. Lienhard, F. Tolstoi und Ibsen. _In_ Lienhard, F. Neue ideale. +Tragödie+ oder Komödie? Eine Frage an die Ibsenleser. Leipzig. Hirzel. 1910. 135p. +Translators+ Archer, W. Ibsen as he is translated Time 22:37. 1889. Franc, M. English translations. _In_ Franc, M. Ibsen in England, p. 57-75, 163-67. Ibsen and his translators. Nation 50:67-8. Jan. 23, 1890. +Tree, Beerbohm+ Beerbohm Tree on Ibsen. Gent. M. 272:103. Jan. 1892. +Vikings of Helgeland+ (Hærmændene på Helgeland). Beerbohm. M. Vikings at Helgeland. Sat. R. 95:517-18. April 25, 1903. Fulda, L. Nordische Heerfahrt. Freie Bühne 1:72-4. Jan. 1890. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 23-35. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 118-31. ---- Henrik Ibsen og hans værker. p. 23-35. Lynner, F. G. Hærmændene paa Helgeland. 71p. Nordische heerfahrt. Deutsche Rundschau 63:455-8. Juin 1890. Passarge, L. Henrik Ibsen. p. 52-62. Petsch, R. Sigurd in Ibsen's Nordischer Heerfahrt. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Litteratürgeschichte (Berlin), n.s. 16:356-63. 1906. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 17-25. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 13-18. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 189-98. Vasenius, V. Henrik Ibsen. p. 105-18. ---- Henrik Ibsens dramatiske digtning. p. 142-56. Vikings of Helgeland. Review Ath. 1903, 1:539. Apr. 25, 1903. Volger, F. Ibsens Drama "Nordische Heerfahrt." 17p. Warfelmann, F. Das Sigurd-problem in Ibsens "Nordische Heerfahrt." Zeits. für den Deutschen Unterricht 28:872-4. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 3. Woodbridge, H. F. Winterfeast and Vikings of Helgeland. Nation 89:452. Oct. 14. 1909. +Volksfeind.+ _See_ Enemy of the people. +Warrior's tomb.+ _See_ Kæmpehøjen. +Wharton, Edith+ Woodbridge, H. E. Fruit of the tree and Rosmersholm. Nation 85:514. Dec. 5, 1907. +When We Dead Awaken+ (Naar vi döde vaagner) Archer, W. (tr.) When we dead awaken. Introduction. Felden, E. When we dead awaken. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 200-14. Firkins, O. W. When we dead awaken [Neighborhood Playhouse]. Review 1:568. 1919. Gosse, E. Ibsen, p. 204-6. Holm, E. When we dead awaken. _In_ Holm, E. Henrik Ibsens politisches vermächtniss. p. 88-104. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 310-19. Joyce, J. Ibsen's new drama (When we dead awaken). Acad. 58:307-8, April 14, 1900; Fortn. 73:575-90. April 1900. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen, p. 165-76. Lollis, C. de. Il nuovo dramma d'Ibsen. Nuova antologia 85:307-16. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man.... p. 318-23. Payne, W. M. When we dead awaken. Dial 28:109-13. Feb. 16, 1900. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen, ch. 8. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 389-401. Thompson, T. B. When we dead awaken. Poet Lore 20:201-17. 1909. When we dead awaken. Reviews. Ath. 1900. 1:442-3. April 7; Bookm. 11:283-4. May 1900; Deutsche Rundschau 103:298-300; Nation 70:94. Feb. 1900. ---- excerpt. Cur. Lit. 41:68-72. July 1906. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen, v. 2. p. 333-55. Where Ibsen failed. Cur. Lit. 43:88-9. July 1907. +Wild Duck (Vildanden).+ Andreas-Salomé. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 54-78. Archer, W. Humour of The wild duck. Theatrical world. 1897. p. 146-51. ---- Wild duck: a study in illusions. Theatrical world, 1894. p. 136-43. Bom, E. de. Ibsen en zijn werk. p. 75-7. Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on Ibsen, p. 249-62. ---- Ibsen's treatment of self-illusion. Dial 15:137-40. Sept. 16, 1893. Doumic, R. De Scribe à Ibsen, p. 315-31. Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 372-91. Felden, E. Wildente. _In_ Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 119-33. Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 156-63. Hanstein, A. von. Ibsen als Idealist, p. 130-38. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 256-9. ---- Henrik Ibsen og hans værker. p. 172-8. Lemaitre, J. Impressions de théâtre. Sér. 6. p. 1-47. Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 76-88. MacFall, H. Ibsen. p. 245-58. Nazimova. Wild Duck. New Republic. 14:238. 1918. Nyblom, H. Vildanden. Ny svensk tidsskrift 1880. p. 65-9. Production at Plymouth theatre (N.Y. City). Dram. Mir. 78:5. 1916; Life 71:474-5. 1918; Theatre 27:217. 1918. Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 283-306. Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 6. Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 138-49. Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet. p. 307-13. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 100-5. Wild duck. New Republic. 9:356. Jan. 27, 1917. Wildente. Deutsche Rundschau 55:461-4. Juin 1888. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 139-65. +Wildente.+ _See_ Wild Duck +Woman suffrage+ Un épisode de la vie d'Ibsen. Revue Bleue, Sér. 5. v. 16: 191-2. +Women+ Albrecht, H. Frauen-Charaktere in Ibsens Dramen. Andreas-Salomé, L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. Archer, W. Nora. Theatre (Lond.) n.s. 3:209-14. April 1884. Arnstein, P. Ibsens Frauengestalten. Die Frau 5:347-53. 1898. Aveling, E. Nora. To-Day 1:473. Bennett, L. Ibsen as a pioneer of the woman movement. Westm. 173:278-85. Mar. 1910. Bistram, O. von. Ibsens Nora und die wahre Emanzipation der Frau. Boccardi, A. La donna nell' opera di Henrik Ibsen. Boettcher, F. La femme dans la théâtre d'Ibsen. Brünnings, E. Ibsen Drama; die Frau darin. Caffin, C. H. Hedda Gabler. _In_ Caffin, C. H. Appreciation of the drama. ch. 7-9. Canudo, R. La répresentation féministe et sociale d'lbsen. Grande Revue (Paris) 38 (n.s. 1):561-72. 1906. Colby, F. M. Hedda Gabler; analogies of a disagreeable heroine. Bookm. 25:467-71. July 1907. Crowell, E. Shakespeare's Katharine and Nora. Poet Lore 8:192-7. 1896. Dodge, D. K. Some of Ibsen's women. New Eng. and Yale R. 56:118-24. Feb. 1892. Dowden, E. Men and women of Ibsen. Contemp 90. 652-72. Nov. 1906. Ellen Key's masterly interpretation of Ibsen's women. Cur. Lit. 48:411-13. April 1910. Ende, A. von. Henrik Ibsen and the women of his dramas. Theatre (N.Y.) 10:48-50ff. Aug. 1909. Finnegan, J. Ibsen girl; poem. Harp. W. 51:1384, Sept. 21, 1907. Gilliland, M. S. Ibsen's women. Gizycki, L. von. Die neue Frau in der Dichtung. Har Hendrik Ibsen i Hedda Gabler skildret virkelige kvinder? Kristiania. 1891. 28p. Hertzberg, N. E. Ibsen's koindetype Norske, p. 23-26. Hertzberg, N. E. Er Ibsen's kvinde-typeé Norske p. 23-26. Ibsen und das Recht der Frau. Jahrsbericht des Vereines für erweiterte Frauenbildung in Wien. Beilage 19 Marz, 1892. James, H. Hedda Gabler. New R. [Lond.] 4:519. 1891. Little, C. J. _In_ Little, C. J. Biographical and Literary studies. Key, Ellen K. S. Torpedo under the ark "Ibsen and women". 28p. Kretschmer, E. Ibsens Frauengestalten. Marholm, L. Author in the cul-de-sac. _In_ Marholm, L. We women and our authors. ---- Die Frauen in der skandinavischen Dichtung. Freie Bühne 1:168ff. 1899. ---- Ibsen als Frauenschilderer. Nord und Süd April 1912. Men and women of Ibsen. Westm. 131:626-49. June 1889. Meyer, A. N. Ibsen's attitude toward women. Critic. 16:147-8. Mar. 22, 1889. Nazimova, A. Ibsen's women. Indep. 63:909-14. Oct. 17, 1907. Nouhuys, W. G. van. Letter-kundige opstellen. p. 209-43. Schäfer-Ditmar, W. Nora; eine Lebensgeschichte. 37p. Schenström, R. Max Nordau, Henrik Ibsen och kvinnofragen. Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 32-47. Synnestvedt, M. Ibsen et la femme Scandinave. Revue d'Art Dramatique 4:51-5. 1898. +Young men's union.+ _See_ League of youth. +Youth of Ibsen+ Bang, H. Etwas von jungen Ibsen. Erinnerungen einer Freundin. Beilage zur allgemeine Zeitung. 1896. Nr. 316. Due, C. L. Ibsen's early youth. Critic 49:33-40. July 1906. Evans, E. P. Henrik Ibsen, his early career as poet and playwright. Atlan. 65:577-88. Oct. 1890. Herford, C. H. Earlier work of Ibsen. Lippinc. 49:351ff. 1891. Henrik Ibsens ungdomsdigtning. Tilskueren 24:934-43. 1907. Ibsen in youth. Lit. Digest 40:546. Mar. 19, 1910. Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsens barndomsliv og ungdomsdigtning. Nysvensk Tidsskrift. 1887. p. 872-904. Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 1. MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man.... p. 33-53. Pastor, W. Der junge Ibsen. Deutsche Rundschau 95:474-6. Juin 1898. Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. ch. 3. ---- Henrik Ibsens Jugenddramen. INDEX TO CHARACTERS +Adalgisa.+ Norma. +Agathon.+ Emp. and Gal. +Agnes.+ Brand +Alfer, Haugfolk.+ Sankt. +Alfhild.+ Fjeld. +Alfhild.+ Olaf Lil. +Alfhild.+ Rypen. +Alfson, Gudmund.+ Feast at Solh. +Aline Solness.+ Mast. Build. +Allmers, Alfred.+ Lit. Eyolf +---- Asta.+ Lit. Eyolf +---- Rita.+ Lit. Eyolf +Alving, Mrs. Helen.+ Ghosts +---- Oswald.+ Ghosts +Ambiorix.+ Catilina +Ammian.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Anatolus.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Anders Lundestad.+ _See_ Lundestad, Anders. +Anitra.+ Peer G. +Anna.+ Doll's House +Anna.+ Love's Com. +Anne.+ Sankt. +Apollinaris.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Ariovist.+ Sankt. +Arne of Guldnik.+ Olaf Lil. +Arnesson, Nicolas.+ Pretend. +Arnholm.+ Lady fr. Sea +Åse.+ Peer G. +Asgaut.+ Kæmpehøjen +Aslaksen.+ En. of Peop. +Aslaksen, a printer.+ L. of Youth +Asta Allmers.+ _See_ Allmers, Asta +Aune.+ Pil. of Soc. +Aurelia.+ Catilina +Ballested.+ Lady fr. Sea +Ballon, Monsieur.+ Peer G. +Barbara.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Bård Bratte.+ _See_ Bratte, Bård +Basil of Caesarea.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Bastian Monsen.+ _See_ Monsen, Bastian +Begriffenfeld, Prof.+ Peer G. +Bengt Gauteson.+ _See_ Gauteson, Bengt +Bengt af Bjerkehoug.+ Rypen. +Berg.+ Sankt. +Berg, Fru.+ Sankt. +Bernick, Consul.+ Pil. of Soc. +---- Martha.+ Pil. of Soc. +---- Mrs.+ Pil. of Soc. +---- Olaf.+ Pil. of Soc. +Berta.+ Hed. Gab. +Bielke, Jens.+ Lady Inger +Billing.+ En. of Peop. +Biörn.+ Lady Inger +Birk, Johannes.+ Sankt. +Bjorn.+ Rypen. +Blanka.+ Kæmpehøjen +Blind beggar.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Bodde, Ivar.+ Pretend. +Boletta.+ Lady fr. Sea +Borgheim, Engineer.+ Lit. Eyolf +Borkman, Erhart.+ J. G. Bork. +Borkman, John Gabriel.+ J. G. Bork. +---- Mrs. Gunhild.+ J. G. Bork. +Brack, Judge.+ Hed. Gab. +Brand.+ Brand +Bratsberg, Chamberlain.+ L. of Youth +---- Erik.+ L. of Youth +---- Selma.+ L. of Youth +---- Thora.+ L. of Youth +Bratte, Bård.+ Pretend. +Brendel, Ulric.+ Rosm. +Brovik, Knut.+ Mast. Build. +---- Ragnar.+ Mast. Build. +Caesarius of Nazianzus.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Captain of the watch.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Catilina, Lucius.+ Catilina +Cethegus.+ Catilina +Chor af Bryllupgjaester.+ Fjeld. +Chor af Druider.+ Norma. +Chor af Druidinder.+ Norma. +Chor af Hougfolk.+ Fjeld. +Coeparius.+ Catilina +Constantius, Emperor.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Consul Bernick.+ _See_ Bernick, Consul +Cotton, Master.+ Peer G. +Curius.+ Catilina +Cyrillus.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Dagfinn the peasant.+ Pretend. +Dagny.+ Vik of Helg. +Daniel Heire.+ L. of Youth +Dean.+ Brand +Decentius.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Dina Dorf.+ _See_ Dorf, Dina +Doctor.+ Brand +Dorf, Dina.+ Pil. of Soc. +Dovrë, Old man of the.+ Peer G. +Earl Skule.+ _See_ Skule, Earl +Eberkopf, Herren von.+ Peer G. +Egil.+ Vik of Helg. +Eilert Lörborg.+ Hed. Gab. +Eilif.+ En. of Peop. +Einar.+ Brand +Einar.+ Rypen. +Einar Huk.+ _See_ Huk, Einar +Ekdal, Gina.+ W. Duck +---- Hjalmar.+ W. Duck +---- Old.+ W. Duck +Elina Gyldenlöve.+ _See_ Gyldenlöve, Elina +Ellen.+ Doll's House +Ellida Wangel.+ _See_ Wangel, Ellida +Elvsted, Mrs.+ Hed. Gab. +Engstrand, Jacob.+ Ghosts +---- Regina.+ Ghosts +Erik Bratsberg.+ _See_ Bratsberg, Erik +Erik of Hegge.+ Feast at Solh. +Eunapius.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Eusebia, Empress.+ Emp and Gal. 1 +Eutherius.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Eyolf.+ Lit. Eyolf +Falk.+ Love's Com. +Falk.+ Svan. +Fieldbo, Dr.+ L. of Youth +Finn.+ Lady Inger +Flabby gentleman.+ W. Duck +Fladland.+ Svan. +Flida, Paul.+ Pretend. +Florentius.+ Emp. and Gal. 1. +Foldal, Frida.+ J. G. Bork. +---- Vilhelm.+ J. G. Bork. +Fosli, Kaia.+ Mast. Build. +Frida Foldal.+ _See_ Foldal, Frida +Fromentinus.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Fruitseller.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Furia.+ Catilina +Gabinius.+ Catilina +Gabler, Hedda.+ Hedda Gabler +Gallus, Prince.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Gandalf.+ Kæmpehøjen +Gauteson, Bengt.+ Feast at Solh. +Gerd.+ Brand +Gesling, Knut.+ Feast at Solh. +Gladiators and soldiers.+ Catilina +Gråsberg.+ W. Duck +Green-clad woman.+ Peer G. +Gregers Werle.+ W. Duck +Gregorius Jonsson.+ _See_ Jonsson, Gregorius +Gregory of Nazianzus.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Gudmund Alfson.+ _See_ Alfson, Gudmund +Guldstad.+ Love's Com. +Guldstad.+ Svan. +Gunnar, Headman.+ Vik. of Helg. +Gunnar Herse.+ _See_ Gunnar, Headman +Guthorm Ingesson.+ _See_ Ingesson, Guthorm +Gyldenlöve, Elina.+ Lady Inger +Haakonsson, Haakon.+ Pretend. +Halm, Fru.+ Svan. +Halm, Mrs.+ Love's Com. +Halvard Solness.+ _See_ Solness, Halvard +Harald.+ Rypen. +Hedda Gabler.+ Hed. Gab. +Hedvig.+ W. Duck +Heire, Daniel.+ L. of Youth +Hekebolius.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Helena, Princess.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Helga, Little.+ Peer G. +Helle.+ L. of Youth +Helmer, Torvald.+ Doll's House +Helseth, Madam.+ Rosm. +Hemming.+ Kæmpehøjen +----.+ Olaf Lil. +Heraclius.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Herdal, Dr.+ Mast. Build. +Hessel, Lona.+ Pil. of Soc. +Hilarion.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Hilda.+ Lady fr. Sea +Hilda Wangel.+ _See_ Wangel, Hilda +Hilmar Tönnesen.+ _See_ Tönnesen, Hilmar +Hiördis.+ Vik. of Helg. +Holt, Miss.+ Pil. of Soc. +---- Mrs. Postmaster.+ Pil. of Soc. +Hormisdas, Prince.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Horstad.+ En. of Peop. +Horster.+ En. of Peop. +Hvolloug.+ Kæmpehøjen +Huhu.+ Peer G. +Huk, Einar.+ Lady Inger +Inga of Varteig.+ Pretend. +Ingeborg.+ Fjeld. +Ingeborg.+ Olaf Lil. +----+ Pretend. +Ingeborg.+ Rypen. +Inger, Lady.+ Lady Inger +Ingesson, Guthorm.+ Pretend. +Ingrid.+ Peer G. +Inspector of the baths.+ When we Dead +Invisible choir.+ Brand +Ivar.+ Fjeld. +Ivar Bodde.+ _See_ Bodde, Ivar +Jatgeir Skald.+ Pretend. +Jay, Miss.+ Love's Com. +Jens Bielke.+ _See_ Bielke, Jens +Jensen.+ W. Duck +Johan.+ Svan. +Johan Tönnesen.+ _See_ Tönnesen, Johan +John Gabriel Borkman.+ _See_ Borkman, J. G. +Jonsson, Gregorius.+ Pretend. +Jørgen Kvist.+ _See_ Kvist, Jørgen +Jostejn.+ Kæmpehøjen +Jovian.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Julian, Emperor.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +---- Prince.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Juliane.+ Sankt. +Kaia Fosli.+ _See_ Fosli, Kaia +Kåre the peasant.+ Vik. of Helg. +Kari.+ Peer G. +Kirsten Liljekrans.+ Olaf Lil. +Knud.+ Rypen. +Knut Brovik.+ _See_ Brovik, Knut +Knut Gesling.+ _See_ Gesling, Knut +Krap.+ Pil. of Soc. +Krogstad, Nils.+ Doll's House +Kroll, Rector.+ Rosm. +Kvist, Jørgen.+ Sankt. +Kytron.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Laerke, Frøken.+ Svan. +Laipso.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Lentulus.+ Catilina +Leontes.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Libanius.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Liljekrans, Olaf.+ Olaf Lil. +---- Kirsten.+ Olaf Lil. +Lind.+ Love's Com. +Linden, Mrs.+ Doll's House +Lona Hessel.+ _See_ Hessel, Lona +Lörborg, Eilert.+ Hed. Gab. +Lundestad, Anders.+ L. of Youth +Lykke, Nils.+ Lady Inger +Lynge, Mrs. Doctor.+ Pil of Soc. +Lyngstrand.+ Lady fr. Sea +Madmen.+ Peer G. +Maid-servant at the Chamberlain's.+ L. of Youth +Maia Rubek.+ _See_ Rubek, Maia +Makrina.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Malchus.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Mamertinus.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Manders, Pastor.+ Ghosts +Manlius.+ Catilina +Margit.+ Feast at Sol. +Margrete.+ Pretend. +Maris.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Martha Bernick.+ _See_ Bernick, M. +Maurus.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Maximus the mystic.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Mayor.+ Brand +Medon.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Memnon, an Ethiopian.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Memnon,+ Statue. Peer G. +Mereta.+ Rypen. +Mogens.+ Rypen. +Molvik.+ W. Duck +Monsen, Mons.+ L. of Youth +---- Bastian.+ L. of Youth +---- Ragna.+ L. of Youth +Morten.+ En. of Peop. +Mortensgård, Peter.+ Rosm. +Myrrha.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Nevita.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Nicolas Arnesson.+ _See_ Arnesson, Nicholas +Nils Krogstad.+ _See_ Krogstad, Nils +Nils Lykke.+ _See_ Lykke, Nils +Nils Stensson.+ _See_ Stensson, Nils +En Nisse.+ Sankt. +Nora.+ Doll's House +Norma.+ Norma. +Numa.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Olaf Bernick.+ _See_ Bernick, Olaf +Olaf Liljekrans.+ _See_ Liljekrans, Olaf +Olaf Skaktavl.+ _See_ Skaktavl, Olaf +Old man.+ Catilina +Ollovico.+ Catilina +Oribases.+ Emp. and Gal. +Ornulf of the Fiords.+ Vik. of Helg. +Oswald Alving.+ _See_ Alving, Oswald +Paal.+ Rypen. +Painted woman.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Paralytic man.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Pasok.+ Svan. +Paul Flida.+ _See_ Flida, Paul +Paulsen, Julian.+ Sankt. +Peer Gynt.+ Peer G. +Peter.+ Pretend. +Petra.+ En. of Peop. +Pettersen.+ W. Duck +Phocian.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Potamon.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2 +Priests and servants.+ Catilina +Priscus.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Publia, a woman of Antioch.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Ragna Monsen.+ _See_ Monsen, Ragna +Ragnar Brovik.+ _See_ Brovik, Ragnar +Ragnhild, Lady.+ Pretend. +Rank, Dr.+ Doll's House +Rat-wife.+ Lit. Eyolf +Rebecca West.+ _See_ West, Rebecca +Receiver.+ Peer G. +Regina Engstrand.+ _See_ Engstrand, Regina +Relatives of Arne of Guldvik.+ Olaf. Lil. +Relling.+ W. Duck +Rentheim.+ J. G. Bork. +Ribbing, Sigurd.+ Pretend. +Ringdal.+ L. of Youth +Rita Allmers.+ _See_ Allmers, Rita +Roderik.+ Kæmpehøjen +Rörlund, Dr.+ a schoolmaster (rector) Pil. of Soc. +Rosmer, Johannes.+ Rosm. +Rubek, Arnold.+ When we Dead +---- Maia.+ When we Dead +Rummel, a merchant.+ Pil. of Soc. +---- Miss.+ Pil. of Soc. +---- Mrs.+ Pil. of Soc. +Rundholmen, Madam.+ L. of Youth +Sæter-girls.+ Peer G. +Sallust of Perusia.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Sandstad, a merchant.+ Pil. of Soc. +Schoolmaster.+ Brand +Selma Bratsberg.+ _See_ Bratsberg, Selma +Severus.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Severus.+ Norma. +Sexton.+ Brand +Shipbuilder Aune.+ Pil. of Soc. +Short-sighted gentleman.+ W. Duck +Sigard of Brabant.+ Pretend. +Signë.+ Feast at Sol. +Sigrid.+ Pretend. +Sigurd Ribbing.+ _See_ Ribbing, Sigurd +Sigurd the strong.+ Vik. of Helg. +Sintula.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Sira Viliam.+ Pretend. +Sister of Mercy.+ When we Dead +Skaktavl, Olaf.+ Lady Inger +Skule, Earl.+ Pretend. +Skytte Knut.+ Fjeld. +Sofie.+ Svan. +Solness, Aline.+ Mast. Build. +---- Halvard.+ Mast. Build. +Solveig.+ Peer G. +Sörby, Mrs.+ W. Duck +Sphinx at Gizeh.+ Peer G. +Straamand.+ Svan. +Straamand, Fru.+ Svan. +Statilius.+ Catilina +Stensgård.+ L. of Youth +Stensson, Nils.+ Lady Inger +Styver.+ Love's Com. +Stockmann, Dr. Thomas.+ En. of Peop. +---- Mrs.+ En. of Peop. +---- Peter.+ En. of Peop. +Stranger.+ Lady fr. Sea +Stranger lady.+ When we Dead +Strawman.+ Love's Com. +---- Mrs.+ Love's Com. +Svanhild.+ Love's Com. +Svanhild.+ Svan. +Sven.+ Svan. +Tempter in the desert.+ Brand +Tesman, George.+ Hed. Gab. +Themistius.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Thief.+ Peer G. +Thin-haired gentleman.+ W. Duck +Thora Bratsberg.+ _See_ Bratsberg, Thora +Thorgejr.+ Fjeld. +Thorgejr.+ Olaf Lil. +Thoralf.+ Vik. of Helg. +Tönnesen, Hilmar.+ Pil. of Soc. +---- Johan.+ Pil. of Soc. +Troll-courtier.+ Peer G. +Troll-maidens.+ Peer G. +Troll-urchins.+ Peer G. +Trumpeterstråle.+ Peer G. +Ugly brat.+ Peer G. +Ulfheim.+ When we Dead +Ulric Brendel.+ _See_ Brendel, Ulric +Ursulas.+ Emp. and Gal. 2 +Væradal, Vegand.+ Pretend. +Varg, Miss.+ +Workshop+ Lit. Eyolf +Varro.+ Emp. and Gal. 1 +Vigeland, a merchant.+ Pil. of Soc. +Vikings.+ Kæmpehøjen +Voice.+ Brand +Waiter.+ L. of Youth +Waitress at Madam Rundholmen's.+ L. of Youth +Wangel, Dr.+ Lady fr. Sea +---- Ellida.+ Lady fr. Sea +---- Hilda.+ Mast. Build. +Wedding guests.+ Olaf Lil. +Werle.+ W. Duck +Werle, Gregers.+ W. Duck +West, Rebecca.+ Rosm. +Wilton, Mrs. Fanny.+ J. G. Bork. * * * * * TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: Errors and Inconsistencies: Spelling and Punctuation: All variation between ae and æ, ö and ø, or å and aa is as in the original. Some final periods (full stops) have been regularized for consistency. Although the spelling "Kjæmpehøjen" (or -öj- or -øi-) is as correct as "Kæmpehøjen", it has been regularized in subject headers to simplify text searching. "Abbreviations": +Fjeld.+ Fjeldfuglen. [Fjeldfugeln] +Kæmp.+ Kæmpehøjen [Kæmpehojen] "Editions": ... Durchgesehen und eingeleitet von Georg Brandes. Julius Elias, Paul Schlenther. Von Dichter authorisiert. [Durchgeschen ... authoriesiert] ... v. 8-9 "paa grundlag af J. B. Halvorsen's samlinger" [of J. B. Halvorsen's samlinger _missing close quote_] "Authors": +Andreas-Salomé, Frau L.+ Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. [kvindeskikelser] +Berg, Leo+ Henrick Ibsen. _In_ Berg, L. ... [_"Henrick" in original_] ---- Eine parallele. _In_ Berg, L. Zwischen zwei Jahrhundert [swei Jahrdundert] +Bergwitz, J. K.+ Grimstad 1800-1850 som type paa Norsk smaaby [... som type pad ...] +Boyesen, H. H.+ Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. London... Reviews... [Review] +Brandes, Georg.+ Henrik Ibsen und sein schule in Deutschland. _In_ Brandes, G. Deutsche persönlichkeiten. München. 1902. p. 37-69. [_"sein" in original_] [personlichkeiten] +Collin, Chr.+ Henrik Ibsens selv portræt i Peer Gynt. Memnon-støttens sang og ... [Henrik Ibsen; ... Memnon--støttens og ...] +Darthèze, A.+ Ibsen et les acteurs Français. [Francais] +Holm, Olaf.+ ...Autorisier Uebersetzung... [_"Autorisier" in original_] +James, Henry.+ Hendrik Ibsen. [_"Hendrik" in original_] +Lollis, Cesare de.+ ...Quando noi, morti... [nol] +Longo, M.+ ...studj di psicologia penale [_"studj" in original_] +Nyhuus, O.+ Henrik Ibsens Keiser og Galilæer. ... Kristiania. [Galilær ... Kritsiania] +Schjøtt, Mathilde.+ [Schøtt] Efter læsningen af "Bygmester Solness." [Iæsningen] +Thaarup, H.+ Henrik Ibsen set under en ny synsvinkel. København. [synsvinke. Køpenhavn.] "Subjects": +Bjørnson and Ibsen+ Helweg, F. Bjørnson og Ibsen i deres to seneste værker. [senete] +Catilina+ Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsens Jugenddramen. [Jugendramen] +Hedda Gabler+ Andreas-Salomé, L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 141-75. [kvindekikkelser] +Historical plays+ ... Lady Inger of Ostraat [Lady Inga] +Hünnegrab+ _See_ Kæmpehøjen. [Kjæmpehojen] +Kæmpehøjen+ (Warrior's tomb) [Kjæmphöjen] +Lady from the sea+ ...Freiheit und verantwörtlichket. [Freheit] +Master Builder+ Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning [il Ibsens] +Moral ideas.+ Løchen, A. Ibsens moralske grundanskuelse [grundankskuelse] +Pathology.+ Gumpertz, K. Ibsens Vererbungstheorie. [Verebung...] Longo, M. ...studj di psicologia penale [_"studj" in original_] +Peer Gynt.+ Memnon-støttens sang [Memnon-støtters] +Politics+ Henrik Ibsens politisches vermächtniss. [vermächtiniss] +Pretenders+ Knudsen, D. F. Utvalg av norsk litteratur. [_text reads "ar"; original may be either "av" or "af"_] +Realism+ Wahrheitsproblem im Volksfeind [Volksfeid] +Seventieth birthday+ Henrik Ibsen. Festskrift i anledning af hans 70de Fødselsdag. [_text reads "Fødsedsdag"_] +Warrior's tomb.+ _See_ Kæmpehøjen. [Kjæmpehøjen] +Women+ Har Hendrik Ibsen i Hedda Gabler ... [_"Hendrik" in original_] Hertzberg, N. E. Ibsen's koindetype Norske, p. 23-26. Hertzberg, N. E. Er Ibsen's kvinde-typeé Norske p. 23-26. [_duplicate in original; should read "Er Ibsen's kvinde-typer Norske?"_] Key, Ellen K. S. Torpedo under the ark "Ibsen and women". 28p. [_close quote missing in original_] "Characters": All inconsistencies in cross-references and in the method of listing repeated names are as in the original. +Agathon.+ Emp. and Gal. [_should read_ "Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2"] +Bengt Gauteson.+ _See_ Gauteson, Bengt ["B e n g t, G a u t e s o n"] [_no other name is printed in this form_] +Curius.+ Catilina [Curias] +Dovrë, Old man of the.+ Peer G. [_"-ë" in original_] +Elina Gyldenlöve.+ _See_ Gyldenlöve, Elina [_"-a" in original_] +Gauteson, Bengt.+ Feast at Solh. [Benght] +Guldstad.+ Svan. [Gulstad] +Gyldenlöve, Elina.+ Lady Inger [_"-a" in original_] +Haakonsson, Haakon.+ Pretend. [Hakonsson, Hakon] +Hilmar Tönnesen.+ _See_ Tönnesen, Hilmar [_"ö" printed as "o"_] +Jørgen Kvist.+ _See_ Kvist, Jørgen [_"ø" printed as "o"_] +Kvist, Jørgen.+ Sankt. [_"ø" printed as "o"_] +Maid-servant at the Chamberlain's.+ L. of Youth [of youth] +Oribases.+ Emp. and Gal. [_should read_ "Emp. and Gal. 1 and 2"] +Signë.+ Feast at Sol. [_"-ë" in original_] +Straamand.+ Svan. +Straamand, Fru.+ Svan. [Staamand] +Styver.+ Love's Com. [Stiver] +Thorgejr.+ Olaf Lil. [Thorgjerd] (+Tönnesen+) +---- Johan.+ Pil. of Soc. [Johann] *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HENRIK IBSEN *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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