The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Register of Ratlinghope This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Register of Ratlinghope Editor: W. G. D. Fletcher Release date: March 28, 2007 [eBook #20926] Language: English Credits: Transcribed from the 1909 Shropshire Parish Register Society edition by David Price *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE REGISTER OF RATLINGHOPE *** Transcribed from the 1909 Shropshire Parish Register Society edition by David Price, email The Register of Ratlinghope. Ratlinghope is a parish situate on the road from Shrewsbury to Bishop's Castle, four miles west from Church Stretton and twelve miles south from Shrewsbury, in the hundred of Purslow, rural deanery of Bishop's Castle, archdeaconry of Ludlow, and diocese of Hereford. The township of Gatten is in Ford hundred. Its area is 5,456 acres, of which 3,756 are arable and pasture, 200 woodland, and about 1,500 common. The population in 1901 was 197. The surface is hilly, and the soil is sand and clay, on a rocky subsoil. An old Roman road, the Portway, runs between Ratlinghope and Church Stretton, and is continued along the crest of the Longmynd in a north-easterly direction. In the neighbourhood are some British camps and tumuli. Ratlinghope, in _Domesday_ Rotelingehope, means the _hope_ or valley of the children of _Rotel_, "Rotel" being the Saxon name from which the County of Rutland was called. At the time of the _Domesday_ survey, Rotelingehope was a manor of two hides, which were waste, and was held by Robert fitz Corbet of Earl Roger de Montgomery. In Edward the Confessor's reign, Seuuard had held it. Robert fitz Corbet was a younger brother of Roger, the builder of Caus Castle; he left two daughters, his heirs, Sibil (or Adela), and Alice. Sibil, who had been one of Henry I.'s mistresses, married Herbert fitz Herbert, whilst Alice became the wife of William Botterell. Before 1209 Ratlinghope was acquired by Walter Corbet, an Augustine Canon, and a relative of Prince Llewelyn ap Jorwerth, who gave him a letter of protection. Walter Corbet founded here a small cell or priory of Augustinian Canons of St. Victor, in connection with Wigmore. Nothing is known of its history, but at the dissolution there was a Prior and 29 Canons; and the possessions of the Priory, valued at 5 pounds 11s. 1.5d., per annum, were sold in May, 1546, to Robert Longe, citizen and mercer of London. {ia} In 1845 the manor and advowson of Ratlinghope were purchased by Robert Scott, Esq., of Great Barr, M.P. for Walsall, and at his death in 1856 they passed to his son John Charles Addyes Scott, Esq., who died in 1888, and on the death of his widow in 1907, their son, James Robert Scott, Esq., became lord of the manor and patron of Ratlinghope. Stitt and Gatten, two miles north-west, were members of the _Domesday_ manor of Ratlinghope. Between 1204 and 1210, William de Botterell confirmed a moiety of Stitt to Haughmond Abbey. Robert Corbet, of Caus, also gave to the Canons of Haughmond his culture of Gateden, and an assart situate near their culture of Gatteden. There was a church at Stitt in the reign of Henry II., but since the dissolution of Haughmond Abbey nothing more is heard of it, and its district with Gatten was annexed to the parish of Ratlinghope. W. E. M. Hulton-Harrop, Esq., is lord of the manor of Gatten, which, he inherited in 1866 from his maternal grandfather, Jonah Harrop, Esq. The Church of St. Margaret, at Ratlinghope, is a small stone building, consisting of nave and chancel, with south porch, and a wooden bell turret. The original Church erected in the 12th century was no doubt the Priory Church also. The Rev. D. H. S. Cranage says that the mediaeval Church may have entirely disappeared, and that there are no details which prove that the present building is not entirely of post-Reformation date. {ib} The south and only door was made in 1625, and erected by Humfrey Bigge and Thomas Bright, then Churchwardens. The roof may be of the same date. There are two fonts. In 1341, Ratlinghope Church was in the Deanery of Clun. It was afterwards held to be in the Deanery of Pontesbury. It is not named in the _Valor Ecclesiasticus_ of 1534-5. Until the dissolution of the Priory it was considered as extra-parochial and extra-diocesan. The Church was served by the Canons until the dissolution; and no Incumbent seems to have been instituted by the Bishops of Hereford until 1555. The following is the most complete list of the Incumbents we have as yet been able to make out:-- 1549. Sir Lances Philson, clerk, curate. 1555. Laurence Johnson, a Canon of Wigmore, presented by Philip and Mary, and instituted 15th February, 1555. 1587. Richard Davis, curate, presented by William Whittingham, gent. His salary was 7 pounds 13s. 4d. 1755. William Williams, curate. 1758. George Hodges, born at Shrewsbury 1720, educated at Westminster and Christ Church, Oxford, B.A. 1743. Rector of Woolstaston 1770-1780. 1769. David Richards, signs in 1767-70 as "Minister," and afterwards as "Curate." 1778. Thomas Williams. 1782. Richard Lloyd, curate. 1795. John Hawkins. 1833. Edward Homfray, died 24th June, 1856. 1857. Edmund Donald Carr, B.A. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Rector of Woolstaston 1865-1900. Died June, 1900. 1866. William George Clutton Nottley, Rector of Alpheton, Suffolk, 1876-8. 1876. William Henry Whitworth, M.A. and sometime fellow and tutor of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 1885. Henry Anderton. Vicar of Hopton Cangeford 1881, and of Garway 1883-4. Resigned in 1891, and went to live at Chester. 1891. Arthur William Benjamin Walmsley Watts, B.A. Selwyn College, Cambridge. Resigned 1892. Rector of Coates, 1901. 1892. Thomas Baker Aston, M.A. Christ Church, Oxford, Curate-in-Charge. Rector of Habberley since 1869. There was no Incumbent from 1892 to 1895. 1895. William Perry Ireland, M.A. Merton College, Oxford. Vicar of Peter's Marland, 1897. 1896. Thomas Robert Glenn, L.Th. Univ. of Durham. The present Incumbent. The Inventory of Church Goods made 11th August, 1549, shows that there were then at Rotlynchope "one chalyce off sylver parcell gilt, and one cruete of pewter, one vestment of crule, one crismatory, one altare cloth, one towell, and two bellys." In 1553 there remained "to bellys, [one chalice of silver] with the patent thereunto"; and another return of 1553 gives "a chales of sylver, ij belles." The Religious Census of Shropshire made in 1676, states that there were at Ratlinghope (in Pontesbury Deanery) 128 Conformists, no Papists, and 3 Nonconformists. These were the number of inhabitants over the age of sixteen. In 1727 William Mitton was patron of the perpetual curacy. The _Parish Register Abstract_ of 1831 contains the following account of the Ratlinghope Registers:-- "Ratlinghope R. Nos. I., II. Bap., Bur., 1702-1793, Marr., 1702-1752. No. III., Bap., Bur, 1794-1812. No. IV., Marr., 1755-1812." The Registers have been very badly kept, all the earlier ones are missing, and those of the earlier ones that remain are in a bad state of preservation. Nos. I. and II. are now altogether lost; they were apparently in existence in 1876, when the Rev. W. G. C. Nottley made a list of the Registers, and placed it in the box in which the Registers were kept. Sometime between 1876 and 1896 these Registers disappeared, together with Mr. Nottley's list. The Marriage Register 1755-1812 (No. IV. above) was formerly bound in boards covered with parchment, but one board has disappeared, leaving the parchment torn and crumpled, with a large hole in the centre, and the whole book is in a dilapidated condition. The marriage entries are on the first twelve leaves which are loose and damaged. It is a folio book, containing the usual printed forms. The Baptisms and Burials, 1794-1812 (No. III. above) simply consists of three loose sheets of parchment, folded, making twelve pages, without any cover. The writing in places is nearly obliterated, and difficult to decipher. The transcripts at Hereford, which commence in 1660, are fairly complete, and it would be very desirable that these should be copied and printed, so as to make this Register more perfect. The Registers were copied by Miss Hulton-Harrop (now Mrs. Rowan Robinson), and were collated in 1903 by the late Rev. F. W. Kittermaster, and have been seen through the press by the Rev. W. G. D. Fletcher. They are now printed, by permission of the Rev. T. R. Glenn, the present Incumbent, at the cost of W. E. M. Hulton-Harrop, Esq., of Gatten Lodge and Lythwood Hall, who has generously presented these Registers to the Society. W. G. D. FLETCHER. OXON VICARAGE, SHREWSBURY, MAY, 1909. VOLUME I. MARRIAGES, 1755-1813. [_The parties are of Ratlinghope_, _and the Marriages by banns_, _except where otherwise stated_.] 1755, Mar. 6 Edward Lewis & Elizabeth Homes [_signs_ Home], wid. ,, Oct. 28 Bromley Coles & Elizabeth Price. 1756, Oct. 17 Edward Clark & Mary Bowen, of Churton. ,, Oct. 31 John Thomas & Mary Wild, of Ford, _lic._ 1757, Feb. 11 Thomas Andrews & Mary Harries, _lic._ 1758, Oct. 13 William Pugh, of Worthen, & Elizabeth Hayward. 1759, Jan. 23 Richard Harris & Sarah Perkin. ,, Oct. 6 Richard Andrews & Sarah Sankey. ,, Nov. 4 Robert Cooke & Martha Home. ,, Dec. 26 Richard Davies & Ann Preece. 1760, Oct. 1 Thomas Morris, p. Edgstone, & Mary Gwilliam. 1761, Apr. 11 Samuel Davies & Ann Davies [_both signs_ Davis], _lic._ ,, Apr. 23 Joseph Jones, p. Pulverbatch, & Ann Pearce, _lic._ ,, Apr. 26 Joseph Price & Catharine Small. ,, May 11 William Hurdley [_signs_ Hordley], p. Smethcot, & Margery Bowen. ,, Aug. 27 William Andrews [_signs_ Andrus], yeoman, & Mary Tudor, _lic._ 1762, Aug. 3 Charles Gwilliam & Hannah Whigley [_signs_ Haner Wigley]. 1763, Apr. 10 Thomas Morris, servant, & Mary Davies. ,, July 13 Thomas Tudor, yeoman, & Martha Everall, _lic._ 1764, Nov. 2 Joseph Davies [_signs_ Davis] & Catherine Gwilliam. 1765, July 20 William Andrews, widr., & Sarah Butler, wid., p. Wentnor, _lic._ ,, Nov. 21 Edward Gough [_signs_ Goff], p. Condover, & Ann Clarke, _lic._ 1766, June 1 William Pugh, widr., & Jane Henley. 1769, Oct. 9 Thomas Munslow & Elizabeth Sankey. ,, Oct. 12 William Jones & Ann Tudor. ,, Dec. 9 Richard Jones & Martha Pool. 1770, Feb. 26 Edward Swinnert & Jane Howells. ,, Aug. 8 Mathew Morris, p. Stapleton, & Mary Lewis, _lic._ 1771, Nov. 3 Robert Everal [_signs_ Everall], p. Hyssington, & Martha Brees [_signs_ Price], _lic._ 1772, Oct. 17 Robert Jones & Mary Tomkins. 1774, Nov. 18 Richard Jones & Mary Hayward. 1775, Dec. 11 John Dod & Jane Morris [_signs_ Moris]. 1776, Aug. 5 Job Bishop & Martha Sankey. 1777, Aug. 1 William Lee & Mary Holmes, _lic._ 1778, Feb. 23 John Price & Sarah Gwilliam. 1779, Feb. 11 John Tudor & Martha Holmes [_signs_ Home], _lic._ ,, May 3 William Medlicot [_signs_ Medlicott], p. Wentnor, & Mary Groves. ,, July 25 Morris Everal [_signs_ Everall], & Joan Perkin. 1780, June 18 Thomas Dodd & Catherine Matthews. ,, Sep. 8 Edward Pryce & Martha Hotchkis. 1781, Jan. 8 Joseph Thomas & Mary Haberley. 1782, Dec. 24 Joseph Purslow & Mary Price. 1783, Mar. 3 John Andrews & Sarah Ancritt. 1784, Oct. 4 John Jones & Susannah Gwilliam [_signs_ Guilliam]. ,, Oct. 11 William Rogers, p. Smethcot, & Priscilla Groves, _lic._ Examd. & Recd, the duty to this place, J. Edwards, D. Collector. 1787, Sep. 10 John Careless & Elizabeth Lewis, _lic._ 1789, Apr. 13 Thos. James, p. Wentnor, & Susannah Davies [_signs_ Davis]. 1789, July 6 Edward Everall, widr., p. Wentnor, & Jane Davies. 1790, May 4 Thomas Andrews & Ann Humphreys. 1791, May 11 Samuel Poulter & Sarah Fox. ,, Dec. 7 Evan Evans & Martha Fox. 1792, May 3 Morris Davies [_signs_ Davis] & Sarah Price. ,, Oct. 13 John Williams & Ann Pinches. ,, Dec. 13 Thomas Roberts & Ann Jones. ,, Dec. 23 Reese Reese & Elizabeth Poulter [_signs_ Poult], _lic._ 1793, July 29 John Williams, widr., & Martha Cooke, wid. ,, Aug. 12 Thomas Davies & Ann Doveson. ,, Nov. 18 Edward Gough, p. Madeley, & Ann Everal [_signs_ Everall]. 1794, Aug. 7 Benjamin Langdon & Mary James, wid. 1795, Apr. 30 Thomas Poulter & Jane Morris. 1795 Banns of William Jones and Ann Andrews were publised on April 26th, May 3, and May 10th. ,, May 10 William Andrews {3} [_sic_] & Ann Andrews. ,, Nov. 12 Robert Munslow & Elizabeth Jones. 1796, Jan. 26 John Homes & Elizabeth Edwards, p. Westbury, _lic._ 1797, Mar. 6 Samuel Pinches & Ann Munslow. ,, Aug. 14 James Warwick & Harriot Knight, p. Church Stretton, _lic._ 1798, May 6 Samuel Wilks & Rebecca Gravner. ,, June 17 William Rogers, widr., & Mary Pinches, _lic._ 1800, May 15 John Thomas & Catherine Jones. 1802, Oct. 10 Henry Poulter & Sarah Cooke [_signs_ Cook], p. Norbury, _lic._ ,, Nov. 20 John Finch & Rebecca Postan. 1803, June 7 Clement Carless, widr., & Mary Humphries. 1804, May 7 James Pugh, p. Worthen, & Sarah Medlicott, _lic._ 1805, Oct. 28 William Jones, widr., & Sarah Edwards, wid. 1807, Mar. 17 John Beddoes & Mary Price. ,, Nov. 17 Thomas Pugh & Hannah Munslow. 1808, Jan. 24 James Coxsell, widr., p. Pontesbury, & Mary Bishop. 1808, June 2 Richard Crump & Elizabeth Pugh. ,, Nov. 25 William Munslow & Hagar Martin. 1809, May 11 Thomas Gwilliam & Ann Rogers. 1811, Feb. 7 James Ambler, p. Church Pulverbatch, & Mary Lewiss [_signs_ Lewis], _lic._ ,, Dec. 9 Richard Savage, p. Church Pulverbatch & Elizabeth Lewiss [_signs_ Lewis], _lic._ 1812, July 6 Richard Jones & Ann Andrews, wid. ,, Oct. 12 John Vaughan, p. Westbury, & Eleanor Beaumond, _lic._ ,, Dec. 11 Edward Mansell & Eleanor Partridge. 1813, Apr. 20 John Sankey, p. More, & Ann Groves, _lic._ VOLUME II. BAPTISMS AND BURIALS, 1794-1812. 1794, Jan. 12 Mary, d. of Richard bap. and Susanah Pugh ,, Jan. 13 Abraham, s. of John bap. and Martha Tudor ,, Jan. 21 Hariot, d. of Samuel bap. and Ann Groves ,, Mar. 2 Ann, d. of William bap. and Prissella Rogers ,, Mar. 9 Prissella, w. of bur. William Rogers ,, Mar. 23 Josiah, s. of John bap. and Jane Gwilliam ,, Apr. 6 Prissila, bap. illegitimate d. of Martha Rogers ,, May 18 William, s. of Edward bap. and Jane Everall ,, May 21 Elizabeth, d. of bap. William and Mary Lewis ,, Aug. 4 John, s. of John and bap. Mary Dolphin ,, Oct. 5 Robbert, s. of Thomas bap. and Elizabeth Cook ,, Oct. 12 Susanah, illegitimate bap. d. of Sarah Brown ,, Nov. -- Sarah, d. of John and bap. Sarah Andrews 1795, Jan. -- Prissilla, d. of bap. William and Mary Medlicott ,, Apr. -- Elizabeth, d. of bap. Thomas and Mary Parry ,, May -- William, illigitimate bap. s. of Elinor Harriss ,, May -- Jeremiah, s. of bap. William and Ann Hotchkiss ,, Aug. 12 Frances, d. of bur. William and Ann Jones ,, Aug. 21 Ann, d. of William bur. Rogers, widower ,, Sep. 15 Mary, w. of Clemont bur. Carless ,, Oct. 7 John, s. of Thomas bap. and Mary Everall 1795, Oct. 11 Ann, d. of Edward and bap. Ann Everall ,, Nov. 1 Mary, d. of Thomas bap. and Jane Poulter ,, Nov. 2 Edward Medlicott, s. bap. of Samuel and Ann Groves 1796, Mar. -- Susanah Gwilliam, bur. wid. ,, Mar. -- Jone Tudor, wid. bur. ,, Apr. -- Ann, d. of Richard bap. and Susanah Pugh ,, Apr. -- Ann, d. of William bap. and Mary Lewis ,, May 1 Ann, d. of Robbert bap. and Elizabeth Munslow ,, May 9 Elizabeth, bur. illegitimate d. of Mary Gwilliam ,, Aug. 5 Edward Meddlicott, s. bur. of Samuel and Ann Groves ,, Aug. 14 James, s. of John and bap. Jane Gwilliam ,, Nov. 16 Hannah, d. of Ann bur. Andrews, wid. ,, Dec. 21 Ann Sankey, wid. bur. 1797, Mar. 27 John Davis, batchelor bur. ,, Apr. 9 Charlott, d. of John bap. and Elizabeth Carless ,, Apr. 30 William, s. of bap. William and Mary Andrews ,, June 18 Thomas, s. of John bap. and Sarah Price ,, June 25 William, s. of Samuel bap. and Ann Groves ,, July 1 Mary, w. of John bur. Everall ,, July 2 Mary, d. of Thomas bap. and Mary Parry ,, July 9 George, s. of Thomas bap. and Elizabeth Cook ,, Sep. 18 Samuel, s. of William bap. and Mary Medlicott ,, Sep. 17 Sarah, d. of Samuel bap. and Ann Pinches ,, Sep. 29 Elizabeth Lewis, wid. bur. ,, Oct. 8 Thomas, s. of Robbert bap. and Elizabeth Munslow ,, Nov. 26 Richard, s. of Thomas bap. and Mary Everall ,, Nov. 26 Martha, d. of Edward bap. and Ann Everall 1798, Jan. 14 Ann, d. of Richard bap. and Sarah Pinches ,, Jan. 21 Sarah, w. of John bur. Price ,, Jan. 29 Samuel, s. of William bap. and Ann Hotchkiss 1798, Mar. 12 Samuel, s. of William bap. and Mary Lewis ,, Apr. 1 Betty, d. of Richard bap. and Susannah Pugh ,, May 25 Richard, s. of James bap. and Mary Pinches ,, Nov. 4 Thomas, illegitimate bap. s. of Esabella Price ,, Nov. 25 Richard, s. of Samuel bap. and Rebecca Wilkes 1799, Apr. 12 Thomas Hill bur. ,, May 12 Samuel, s. of William bap. and Mary Rogers ,, May 25 William, s. of bap. William and Mary Richards ,, June 1 Sarah, d. of John and bur. Sarah Andrews ,, June 9 Prissilla, d. of bap. Samuel and Ann Groves ,, July 21 Mary, illegitimate d. bap. of Ann Andrews ,, July 28 Elizabeth, d. of bap. Samuel and Ann Pinches ,, Aug. 9 Martha, d. of John bap. and Mary Price ,, Aug. 15 Samuel Everall bur. ,, Oct. 3 Ann Humphreys, wid. bur. ,, Nov. 7 Robbert Jones bur. ,, Nov. 15 Richard, s. of John bur. and Martha Tudor 1800, Jan. 17 Thomas, s. of Thomas bap. and Mary Everall ,, Feb. 5 John, s. of John and bap. Elizabeth Carless ,, Apr. 6 John, s. of Robert bap. and Elizabeth Munslow ,, Apr. 12 Thomas, s. of John bap. and Maria Humphries ,, Apr. 17 Elizabeth, d. of bap. Edward and Ann Everall ,, Apr. 28 John, s. of William bap. and Mary Lewis ,, May 17 James, s. of William bap. and Mary Medlicott ,, May 13 Samuel, s. of Samuel bap. and Rebecca Wilkes ,, May 21 James, s. of William bur. and Mary Medlicott ,, June 8 Eleanor, d. of bap. William and Mary Rogers ,, June 8 Edward, s. of William bap. and Ann Hotchkiss ,, June 15 Thomas, s. of Morriss bap. and Sarah Davies ,, Aug. 31 Elizabeth, d. of bap. William and Ann Jones ,, Sep. 14 Samuel, s. of Thomas and Jane Poulter, recd. into the Church ,, Sep. 21 Richard, s. of John bap. and Mary Price 1800, Dec. 14 Eleanor, d. of bap. Richard and Susanna Pugh ,, Dec. 25 Abigail, d. of John bap. and Elizabeth Bishop 1801, July 8 Benjamin, bap. illegitimate s. of Jane Richards ,, Aug. 2 Mary, d. of Samuel bap. and Ann Groves ,, Aug. 16 Robert Hayward bur. ,, Oct. 4 Thomas Andrews bur. ,, Nov. 25 Samuel, s. of Samuel bur. and Rebecca Wilkes 1802, Jan. 31 Elizabeth, d. of bap. Charles and Mary Bufton ,, Feb. 7 Mary, d. of James and bap. Mary Pinches ,, Feb. 14 William, s. of Thomas bap. and Mary Everall ,, Mar. 7 Thomas, illegitimate bap. s. of Hannah Poulter ,, Mar. 7 Sarah, illegitimate bap. d. of Mary Thomas ,, Mar. 17 Mary, d. of William bap. and Mary Rogers ,, Mar. 31 Mary, d. of William bur. and Mary Rogers ,, Apr. 10 Thomas, illegitimate bur. s. of Hannah Poulter ,, June 16 Ann, d. of John and bap. Mary Price ,, June 13 Thomas, s. of Samuel bap. and Rebecca Wilkes ,, Aug. 1 William, s. of Thomas bap. and Eleanor Williams ,, Aug. 19 Thomas, s. of Samuel bap. and Ann Pinches ,, Aug. 22 Thomas, s. of Samuel bur. and Ann Pinches ,, Oct. 17 Edward, s. of Edward bap. and Ann Everall ,, Oct. 26 Peter, s. of Richard bap. and Susanna Pugh ,, Nov. 21 Sarah, d. of William bap. and Ann Hotchkiss ,, Dec. 5 Samuel, s. of Robert bap. and Elizabeth Munslow ,, Dec. 21 John, s. of William bap. and Ann Jones ,, Dec. 24 John, s. of William bur. and Ann Jones 1803, Apr. 3 William, s. of Thomas bap. and Elizabeth Cook ,, Aug. 7 Benjamin, s. of John bap. and Mary Price ,, Aug. 8 Hannah, d. of William bap. and Mary Rogers ,, Aug. 12 Andrew, s. of William bap. and Mary Andrews 1803, Aug. 28 Samuel, s. of Samuel bap. and Ann Pinches ,, Oct. 7 Ann, d. of Samuel and bap. Rebecca Wilkes ,, Nov. 2 Emma, d. of Samuel bap. and Ann Groves 1804, Jan. 22 Sarah Amiss, wid. bur. ,, Feb. 17 Elizabeth Everall, bur. wid. ,, Mar. 3 Amia, d. of John and bap. Elizabeth Bishop ,, Apr. 8 Richard Davies bur. ,, May 27 Hannah, d. of William bap. and Ann Jones ,, Aug. 1 Martha, d. of Thomas bap. and Sarah Bady ,, Aug. 5 Mary, d. of Thomas bap. and Mary Everall ,, Sep. 16 Thomas, s. of Thomas bap. and Eleanor Williams ,, Oct. 14 James, s. of Charles bap. and Mary Bufton ,, Oct. 21 John, s. of Edward bap. and Ann Everall ,, Oct. 23 . . ., d. of John and bap. Elizabeth Carless 1805, Feb. 25 Samuel, s. of Thomas bap. and Rebecca Spencer ,, Feb. 25 Elizabeth, d. of bap. Joseph and Sarah Edwards ,, Mar. 3 George, s. of John bap. and Mary Price ,, Mar. 6 William Harriss bur. ,, Mar. 17 Jeremiah, bap. illegitimate s. of Ann Tudor ,, Mar. -- Elizabeth, d. of bap. Robert and Elizabeth Munslow ,, Apr. 28 Ann, d. of William bap. and Mary Rogers ,, May 26 Charles, illegitimate bap. s. of Hannah Batfield ,, July 6 Joseph Edwards bur. ,, July 14 Mary, illegitimate d. bap. of Hannah Jones ,, Sep. 9 George, s. of John bap. and Mary Munslow ,, Oct. 17 Priscella, d. of bap. William and Mary Andrews ,, Nov. 17 Thomas, illegitimate bap. s. of Ann Crockat ,, Nov. 22 Francis, d. of Samuel bap. and Ann Pinches 1806, Mar. 2 Thomas, illegitimate bur. s. of Ann Crockat ,, Mar. 4 Samuel Davies bur. ,, Mar. 9 Sarah, d. of William bap. and Mary Lewis ,, Apr. 6 Thomas, s. of Thomas bap. and Elizabeth Cook ,, Apr. 20 Jeremiah, bur. illegitimate s. of Ann Tudor 1806, Apr. 20 Sarah, d. of Morriss bur. and Sarah Davies ,, June 13 William, s. of bap. Benjamin and Francis Bromley ,, July 13 Hannah, illegitimate bap. d. of Ann Perkin ,, Aug. 3 Ann, d. of Thomas and bap. Mary Everall ,, Aug. 3 Samuel, s. of Samuel bap. and Rebecca Wilkes ,, Aug. 10 John, s. of John and bap. Elizabeth Bishop ,, Sep. 21 Sarah, d. of Robert bap. and Martha Everall ,, Oct. 19 Elizabeth, bap. illegitimate d. of Ann Poulter ,, Oct. 19 Richard, s. of Thomas bap. and Rebecca Spencer ,, Nov. 20 Mary, w. of John bur. Richards 1807, Jan. 13 Priscilla, d. of bap. Edward and Ann Everall ,, Feb. 1 Robert, s. of William bap. and Ann Jones ,, Apr. 12 Ann, d. of Edward and bap. Susanna Griffiths ,, July 5 Elizabeth, d. of bap. William and Ann Hotchkiss ,, Aug. 9 Mary, d. of John and bap. Mary Beddow ,, Aug. 30 Mary, d. of John and bap. Sarah Richards ,, Oct. 8 Mary Thomas, wid. bur. ,, Nov. 8 Robert, illegitimate bap. s. of Mary Purslow ,, Nov. 15 James, s. of Robert bap. and Martha Everall ,, Nov. 15 Sarah Harrington, bur. wid. ,, Dec. 13 John, s. of Samuel bap. and Ann Pinches ,, Dec. 27 Thomas, s. of William bap. and Mary Andrews 1808, Feb. 21 Thomas, s. of Richard bap. and Mary Gwilliam ,, Mar. 9 William, s. of Thomas bap. and Rebecca Spencer ,, Mar. 9 Sarah, d. of Benjamin bap. and Francis Bromley ,, Mar. 24 Clement Carless bur. ,, Apr. 7 Ann Davies, wid. bur. ,, May 10 William, s. of James bap. and Mary Pinches ,, May 11 Thomas, s. of Charles bap. and Mary Bufton ,, July 17 Edward, s. of Thomas bap. and Ann Price ,, Aug. 14 John, s. of Thomas bap. and Elizabeth Cook ,, Aug. 21 Thomas, illegitimate bap. s. of Sarah Irish 1808, Sep. 23 Catherine, d. of bap. William and Sarah Jones ,, Oct. 30 Edward Burley, s. of bap. Thomas and Mary Everall ,, Nov. 6 Elizabeth, d. of bap. Samuel and Rebecca Wilkes ,, Nov. 13 Priscilla, bap. illegitimate d. of Ann Jones ,, Nov. 30 Thomas, s. of Charles bur. and Mary Bufton 1809, Apr. 23 Thomas, s. of Thomas bap. and Hannah Pugh ,, Apr. 24 Eleanor Harriss bur. ,, July 16 Elizabeth, d. of bap. Richard and Elizabeth Crump ,, Aug. 13 Frances, illegitimate bap. d. of Elizabeth Roberts ,, Sep. 10 Sarah, d. of Jeremiah bap. and Sarah Medlicot ,, Oct. 22 Elizabeth, d. of John bap. and Sarah Richards ,, Oct. 23 Edward Burley, s. of bur. Thomas & Mary Everall ,, Oct. 25 Hannah, w. of John bur. Brazenor ,, Nov. 26 Robert, s. of Robert bap. and Martha Everall ,, Nov. 26 Ann, d. of William bap. and Ann Jones ,, Dec. 25 William, illegitimate s. of Mary Rogers, recd. into the Church, turned two years three quarters old 1810, Jan. 4 Eliza, d. of William bap. and Mary Andrews ,, Feb. 11 Edward, s. of Thomas bap. and Maria Evans ,, Mar. 18 Elizabeth, d. of bap. Thomas and Sarah Beady ,, Apr. 15 James, s. of William bap. and Hagar Munslow ,, June 24 John Thomas bur. ,, July 11 Eleanor Hill, wid. bur. ,, Aug. 26 Ann, d. of Samuel and bap. Ann Pinches ,, Nov. 27 Edward and Martha bap. (twins), s. and d. of Thomas and Mary Everall ,, Dec. 9 Hannah, illegitimate bap. d. of Elizabeth Jones ,, Dec. 17 Martha and Susanna bap. (twins), illegitimate daus. of Jane Richards 1810, Dec. 24 Martha Milnes, d. of bap. Adam and Sarah Rutherford ,, Dec. 26 Martha, d. of John bap. and Elizabeth Bishop ,, Dec. 30 Samuel, s. of Samuel bur. Poulter 1811, Feb. 10 Hannah, d. of Edward bap. and Sarah Overton ,, Mar. 3 Eleanor, illegitimate bap. d. of Ann Hotchkiss ,, Mar. 10 Richard, s. of bap. Richard and Mary Gwilliam ,, Mar. 29 Eliza, d. of Benjamin bap. and Hannah Corfield ,, June 29 Edward, s. of Charles bap. and Mary Bufton ,, June 29 Martha, d. of bap. Benjamin and Martha Bennett ,, July 18 James, s. of James bap. and Mary Ambler ,, July 21 Thomas, s. of Richard bap. and Francis Weaver ,, Sep. -- Richard, s. of Thomas bap. and Elizabeth Cooke ,, Dec. 23 William, illegitimate bap. s. of Sarah Wainwright 1812, Jan. 5 Richard, s. of John bap. and Mary Jones ,, Apr. 5 Margaret Turnbull, d. bap. of Adam and Sarah Rutherford ,, Apr. 26 Timothy, s. of Samuel bap. and Ann Pinches ,, May 3 Samuel, s. of Samuel bap. and Mary Evans ,, June 7 Charles, s. of Thomas bap. and Margaret Griffiths ,, July 26 Samuel, illegitimate bap. s. of Letitia Harriss ,, Aug. 24 John Everall bur. ,, Sep. 27 Sarah, d. of William bap. and Ann Jones ,, Nov. 1 Richard, s. of bap. Richard and Martha Pugh ,, Nov. 14 Richard, s. of John bap. and Mary Munslow ,, Nov. -- Richard, s. of John bur. and Mary Munslow ,, Nov. -- John, s. of Richard bap. and Elizabeth Savage ,, Nov. 27 Margaret Turnbull, d. bur. of Adam and Sarah Rutherford ,, Nov. 27 Elizabeth, w. of bur. Abraham Poulter RATLINGHOPE. INDEX LOCORUM. Compiled by F. A. ROBERTS. [An Asterisk (*) denotes that the place occurs more than once on the page.] Alpheton, co. Suffolk, iv. Bishop's Castle, iii. Cambridge, Emmanuel Coll., iv; Selwyn Coll., iv. Caus, iii. Chester, iv. Church Pulverbatch, 4*. _see also_ Churton _and_ Pulverbatch. Church Stretton, iii*, 3. Churton, 1. Clun, iii. Coates, iv. Condover, 2. Durham, iv. Edgton (Edgstone) 1. Ford, iii, 1. Garway, iv. Gatten (Gateden, Gatteden), iii*, v. Great Barr, iii. Habberley, iv. Haughmond Abbey, iii*. Hereford, iii, iv, v. Hopton Cangeford, iv. Hyssington, 2. London, iii. London, Westminster, iv. Longmynd, iii. Ludlow, iii. Lythwood, v. Madeley, 3. More, 4. Norbury, 3. Oxford, Christ Church, iv*; Corpus Christi Coll., iv; Merton Coll., iv. Oxon, v. Peter's Marland, iv. Pontesbury, iii, iv, 3. Pulverbatch, 1, 4*. Purslow, iii. Ratlinghope (Rotelingehope, Rotlynchope), _passim_. Rutland, co., iii. Shrewsbury, iii*, iv, v. Shropshire, iii, iv. Smethcott (Smethcot), 1, 2. Stapleton, 2. Stitt, iii*. Walsall, iii. Wentnor, 2*, 3. Westbury, 3, 4. Wigmore, iii, iv. Woolstaston, iv*. Worthen, 1, 3. INDEX NOMINUM. [An Asterisk (*) denotes that the name occurs more than once on the page.] IRREGULARITY:--_Christian name omitted_: . . . Charles, 8. Ambler, Jas., 4, 11*; My., 4, 11. Amiss, Sar., 8. Ancritt, Sar., 2. Anderton, Hy., iv. Andrews (Andrus), Andrew, 7; Ann, 3*, 4, 5, 6; Eliza, 10; Hannah, 5; Jn., 2, 4, 6; My., 1*, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; Prise., 8; Rich., 1; Sar., 1, 2*, 4*, 6*; Thos., 1, 3, 7, 9; Wm., 1, 2, 3, 5*, 7, 8, 9, 10. Andrus, _see_ Andrews. Aston, Thos. Baker, iv. Bady (Beady), Eliz., 10; Marth., 8; Sar., 8, 10; Thos., 8, 10. Batfield, Chas., 8; Hannah, 8. Beaumond, Elean., 4. Beddoes (Beddow), Jn., 3, 9; My., 3, 9*. Bennett, Benj., 11; Marth., 11*. Bigge, Humph., iii. Bishop, Abig., 7; Amia, 8; Eliz., 7, 8, 9, 11; Job, 2; Jn., 7, 8, 9*, 11; Marth., 2, 11; My., 3. Botterell, Wm. de, iii*. Bowen, Margery, 1; My., 1. Brazenor, Hannah, 10; Jn., 10. Brees, _see_ Preece. Bright, Thos., iii. Bromley, Benj., 9*; Frances, 9*; Sar., 9; Wm., 9. Brown, Sar., 4; Sus., 4. Bufton, Chas., 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; Edw., 11; Eliz., 7; Jas., 8; My., 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; Thos., 9, 10. Butler, Sar., 2. Carless (Careless), . . . 8; Charlotte, 5; Clement, 3, 4, 9; Eliz., 2, 5, 6, 8; Jn., 2, 5, 6*, 8; My., 3, 4. Carr, Edm. Donald, iv. Clark (Clarke), Ann, 2; Edw., 1; My., 1. Coles, Bromley, 1; Eliz., 1. Cook (Cooke), Eliz., 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11; Geo., 5; Jn., 9; Marth., I, 3; Rich., 11; Rob., 1, 4; Sar., 3; Thos., 4, 5, 7, 8*, 9, 11; Wm., 7. Corbet, Adela, iii; Alice, iii*; Rob., iii; Rob. fitz, iii*; Rog., iii; Sibil, iii*; Walt., iii*. Corfield, Benj., 11; Eliza, 11; Hannah, 11. Coxsell, Jas., 3; My., 3. Cranage, Rev. D. H. S., iii. Crockat, Ann, 8*; Thos., 8*. Crump, Eliz., 4, 10*; Rich., 4, 10. Davis (Davies), Ann, 1*, 3, 9; Cath., 2; Jane, 3; Jn., 5; Jos., 2; My., 1; Morris, 3, 6, 9; Rich., iv, 1, 8; Sam., 18; Sar., 3, 6, 9*; Sus., 2; Thos., 3, 6. Dod (Dodd), Cath., 2; Jane, 2; Jn., 2; Thos., 2. Dolphin, Jn., 4*; My., 4. Doveson, Ann, 3. Edward the Confessor, iii. Edwards, Eliz., 3, 8; J., 2; Jos., 8*; Sar., 3, 8. Evans, Edw., 10; Evan, 3; Marth., 3; My., 10, 11; Sam., 11*; Thos., 10. Everall (Everal), Ann, 3, 5*, 6, 7, 8, 9*; Edw., 3, 4, 5*, 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10; Edw. Burley, 10*; Eliz., 6, 8; Jane, 3, 4; Jas., 9; Joan, 2; Jn., 4, 5, 8, 11; Marth., 1, 2, 5, 9*, 10*; My., 4, 5*, 6, 7, 8*, 9, 10*; Morris, 2; Prisc., 9; Rich., 5; Rob., 2, 9*, 10*; Sam., 6; Sar., 9; Thos., 4, 5, 6*, 7, 8, 9, 10*; Wm., 4, 7. Finch, Jn., 3; Reb., 3. Fletcher, Rev. W. G. D., v*. Fox, Marth., 3; Sar., 3. Glenn, Rev. Thos. Rob., iv, v. Goff (Gough), Ann, 2, 3; Edw., 2, 3. Gravner, Reb., 3. Griffiths, Ann, 9; Chas., 11; Edw., 9; Marg., 11; Sus., 9; Thos., 11. Groves, Ann, 2, 4, 5*, 6, 7, 8; Edw. Medlicott, 5*; Emma, 8; Harriet, 4; My., 2, 7; Prisc., 2, 6; Sam., 4, 5*, 6, 7, 8; Wm., 5. Gwilliam (Guilliam), Ann, 4; Cath., 2; Chas., 1; Eliz., 5; Hannah, 1; Jas., 5; Jane, 4, 5; Jn., 4, 5; Jos., 4; My., 1, 5, 9, 11; Rich., 9, 11*; Sar., 2; Sus., 2, 5; Thos., 4, 9. Haberley, My., 2. Harries (Harris, Harriss), Elean., 4, 10; Letitia, 11; My., 1; Rich., 1; Sam., 11; Sar., 1; Wm., 4, 8. Harrington, Sar., 9. Harrop, Jonah, iii. _see also_ Hulton-Harrop. Hawkins, Jn., iv. Hayward, Eliz., 1; My., 2; Rob., 7. Henley, Jane, 2. Henry I., iii. Henry II., iii. Herbert, Herb. _fitz_, iii. Hill, Elean., 10; Thos., 6. Hodges, Geo., iv. Home (Holmes, Homes), Eliz., 1, 3; Jn., 3; Marth., 1, 2; My., 2. Homfray, Edw., iv. Hordley (Hurdley), Margery, 1; Wm., 1. Hotchkis (Hotchkiss), Ann, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11; Edw., 6; Elean., 11; Eliz., 9; Jer., 4; Marth., 2; Sam., 5; Sar., 7; Wm., 4, 5, 6, 7, 9. Howells, Jane 2. Hulton-Harrop, Miss, v; W. E. M., iii, v. Humphreys (Humphries), Ann, 3, 6; Jn., 6; My., 3, 6; Thos., 6. Ireland, Wm. Perry, iv. Irish, Sar., 9; Thos., 9. James, My., 3; Sus., 2; Thos., 2. Johnson, Laurence, iv. Jones, Ann, 1, 2, 3*, 4*, 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10*, 11; Cath., 3, 10; Eliz., 3, 6, 10; Frances, 4; Hannah, 8*, 10; Jn., 2, 7*, 11; Jos., 1; Marth., 2; My., 2*, 8, 11; Prisc., 10; Rich., 2*, 4, 11; Rob., 2, 6, 9; Sar., 3, 10, 11; Sus., 2; Wm., 2, 3*, 4, 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10*, 11. Kittermaster, Rev. F. W., v. Knight, Harriet, 3. Langdon, Benj., 3; My., 3. Lee, My., 2; Wm., 2; Lewis (Lewiss), Ann, 5; Edw., 1; Eliz., 1, 2, 4*, 5; Jn., 6; My., 2, 4*, 5, 6*, 8; Sam., 6; Sar., 8; Wm., 4, 5, 6*, 8. Llewelyn ap Jorwerth, Prince, iii. Lloyd, Rich., iv. Longe, Rob., iii. Mansell, Edw., 4; Elean., 4. Martin, Hagar, 4. Matthews, Cath., 2. Medlicott (Medlicot), Jas., 6*; Jer., 10; My., 2, 4, 5, 6*; Prisc., 4; Sam., 5; Sar., 3, 10*; Wm., 2, 4, 5, 6*. Mitton, Wm., iv. Morris (Moris), Jane, 2, 3; Mat., 2; My., 1*, 2; Thos., 1*. Munslow, Ann, 3, 5; Eliz., 2, 3, 5*, 6, 7, 8*; Geo., 8; Hagar, 4, 10; Hannah, 3; Jas., 10; Jn., 6, 8, 11*; My., 8, 11*; Rich., 11*; Rob., 3, 5*, 6, 7, 8; Sam., 7; Thos., 2, 5; Wm., 4, 10. Nottley, Wm. Geo. Clutton, iv*. Overton, Edw., 11; Hannah, 11; Sar., 11. Parry, Eliz., 4; My., 4, 5*; Thos., 4, 5. Partridge, Elean., 4. Pearce, Ann, 1. Perkin, Ann, 9; Hannah, 9; Joan, 2; Sar., 1. Philip and Mary, iv. Philson, Sir Lances, iv. Pinches, Ann, 3*, 5*, 6, 7*, 8*, 9, 10*, 11; Eliz., 6; Frances, 8; Jas., 6, 7, 9; Jn., 9; My., 3, 6, 7*, 9; Rich., 5, 6; Sam., 3, 5, 6, 7*, 8*, 9, 10, 11; Sar., 5*; Thos., 7*; Tim., 11; Wm., 9. Pool, Marth., 2. Postan, Reb., 3. Poult, _see_ Poulter. Poulter (Poult), Abr., 11; Ann, 9; Eliz., 3, 9, 11; Hannah, 7*; Hy., 3; Jane, 3, 5, 6; My., 5; Sam., 3, 6, 11*; Sar., 3*; Thos., 3, 5, 6, 7*. Preece (Brees, Price, Pryce), Ann, 1, 7, 9; Benj., 7; Cath., 1; Edw., 2, 9; Eliz., 1; Geo., 8; Isa., 6; Jn., 2, 5,* 6*, 7*, 8; Jos., 1; Marth., 2*, 6; My., 2, 3, 6*, 7*, 8; Rich., 6; Sar., 2, 3, 5*; Thos., 5, 6, 9. Price (Pryce,) see Preece. Pugh, Ann, 5; Betty, 6; Elean., 7; Eliz., 1, 4; Hannah, 3, 10; Jane, 2; Jas., 3; Marth., 11; My., 4; Pet., 7; Rich., 4, 5, 6, 7*, 11*; Sar., 3; Sus., 4, 5, 6, 7*; Thos., 3, 10*; Wm., 1, 2. Purslow, Jos., 2; My., 2, 9; Rob., 9. Reese, Eliz., 3; Rheese, 3. Richards, Benj., 7; Dav., iv; Eliz., 10; Jane, 7, 10; Jn., 9*, 10; Marth., 10; My., 6, 9*; Sar., 9, 10; Sus., 10; Wm., 6*. Roberts, Ann, 3; Eliz., 10; Frances, 10; Thos., 3. Robinson, Mrs. Rowan, v. Roger de Montgomery, Earl, iii. Rogers, Ann, 4*, 8; Elean., 6; Hannah, 7; Marth., 4; My., 3, 6*, 7*, 8, 10; Prisc., 2, 4*; Sam., 6; Wm., 2, 3, 4*, 6*, 7*, 8, 10. Rutherford, Adam, 11*; Marg. Turnbull, 11*; Marth. Milnes, 11; Sar., 11*. Sankey, Ann, 4, 5; Eliz., 2; Jn., 4; Marth., 2; Sar., 1. Savage, Eliz., 4, 11; Jn., 11; Rich., 4, 11. Scott, Jas. Rob., iii; Jn., Chas. Addyes, iii; Rob., iii. Seuuard, iii. Small, Cath., 1. Spencer, Reb., 8, 9*; Rich., 9; Sam., 8; Thos., 8, 9*; Wm., 9. Swinnert, Edw., 2; Jane, 2. Thomas, Cath., 3; Jn., 1, 3, 10; Jos., 2; My., 1, 2, 7, 9; Sar., 7. Tomkins, My., 2. Tudor, Abr., 4; Ann, 2, 8*; Jer., 8*; Joan, 5; Jn., 2, 4, 6; Marth., 1, 2, 4, 6; My., 1; Rich., 6; Thos., 1. Vaughan, Elean., 4; Jn., 4. Wainwright, Sar., 11; Wm., 11. Warwick, Harriet, 3; Jas., 3. Watts, Arth. Wm. Benj. Walmsley, iv. Weaver, Frances, 11; Rich., 11; Thos., 11. Whittingham, Wm., iv. Whitworth, Wm. Hy., iv. Wigley (Whigley), Hannah, 1. Wild, My., 1. Wilks (Wilkes), Ann, 8; Eliz., 10; Reb., 3, 6*, 7*, 8, 9, 10; Rich., 6; Sam., 3, 6*, 7*, 8, 9*, 10; Thos., 7. Williams, Ann, 3; Elean., 7, 8; Jn., 3*; Marth., 3; Thos., iv, 7, 8*; Wm., iv, 7. INDEX RERUM British Camps and Tumuli, iii. Dugdale's Monasticon, cited, iii. Haughmond Abbey, connexion with Ratlinghope, iii. Ratlinghope, Church, Account of, iii, iv. ,, Derivation of the name, iii. ,, History of, iii. ,, Incumbents of, iv. ,, Inventory of Church Goods, 1549 and 1553, iv. ,, Manor, History of, iii. ,, Priory of Augustinian Canons at, iii. ,, Registers, Description of, iv, v. ,, Situation, iii. Religious Census of Shropshire, 1676, iv. Roman Road, the Portway, iii. Transcripts of Registers at Hereford, v. Wigmore Priory, iii. Footnotes {ia} See Dugdale's Monasticon, VI. 496-7. {ib} Architectural Account of the Churches of Shropshire, Vol. 1, p. 423. {3} This is clearly a mistake, and should be William Jones; for in the Banns the man's name appears as William Jones, and by his mark, he signs the Register with William Jones. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE REGISTER OF RATLINGHOPE *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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