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Title: Stanford Achievement Test, Ed. 1922

Advanced Examination, Form A, for Grades 4-8

Author: Truman Lee Kelley

G. M. Ruch

Lewis M. Terman

Release date: August 29, 2007 [eBook #22425]
Most recently updated: December 21, 2009

Language: English

Credits: Produced by Joe, Claire, and Seth Longo


Edition 1922

Stanford Achievement Test

By Truman L. Kelley, Giles M. Ruch, and Lewis M. Terman



Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade . . . . . . . . . Boy or girl . . . . . . . .

Age . . . . . . When is your next birthday? . . . . . . . . . . . How old will you be then? . . . . . .

Name of school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Test Score Subject
1: Reading: Paragraph Meaning  
2: Reading: Sentence Meaning  
3: Reading: Word Meaning  
Total Reading Score    
4: Arithmetic: Computation      
5: Arithmetic: Reasoning  
Total Arithmetic Score
6: Nature Study and Science    
7: History and Literature    
8: Language Usage    
9: Dictation Exercise    
   Composite Score (Sum of Subject Scores ÷ 10)    
   Educational Age

Note. This page may be torn off and filed as a record.

Published by World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York, and 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago
Copyright 1922 by World Book Company. Copyright in Great Britain. All rights reserved. SAT: ADV. A-3
Printed in U. S. A.
[1] (p. 1 image)

Grade Chart

Adv. Exam.: Form A


Sample: Dick and Tom were playing ball in the field. Dick was throwing the ball and .............

  was trying to catch it.

Write JUST ONE WORD on each dotted line.

1 Fanny has a little red hen. Every day the hen goes to her nest and lays an egg for Fanny to eat. Then she makes a funny noise to tell Fanny to come and get the ..............
2 A kitten can climb a tree, but a dog cannot. This is very lucky for Nellie's kitten. Every time Joe's big dog comes along the kitten climbs a tree and the ............. cannot follow.
3 Anna had never seen a squirrel in her life, although she had always wanted to very much. One day when she was playing under a tree she heard a funny little noise over her head. She looked up, and what do you think she saw? Up there in the ............. was the very thing she had always wanted to see, a ...............
4 John and Joe played one day till they were very hungry; so John went into the house and asked his mother for something to.............. When he came out again he had a big apple for himself and another for ...............
5 One day when Jane was sweeping she found a dime on the floor under the bed. They could not find out whose dime it was, so Jane's mother gave it to her. Now, every time Jane ............ the floor she looks carefully under the bed for another ..............
6 Helen and Kate pulled their sled through the deep snow to the top of the hill and soon were coasting swiftly down again. They did this over and over. The ............ was so deep that they found it hard work to drag the ............ to the top.
7 Once a black raven wanted to have white feathers like a swan. The raven saw that the swan lived in the water, and thought it was the water that made the swan's feathers so white. So the ............ decided to wash his feathers every day to see if it would not make them ...............
8 Birds' eggs are almost as different from each other as are the birds themselves. The robin lays four or five blue eggs. The dove lays two white eggs. The sparrow lays six or eight speckled eggs. If we should find a nest with four blue eggs in it, we could be pretty sure that it was the nest of a ............ rather than of a ............ or dove.
9 > Once there lived on a mountain near a village an immense giant whose cruelty kept the people of the village in great terror. However, there was one person in the village who was not afraid of the giant. This was a young soldier who carried a magic sword that a fairy had given him. Once when the ............ came down from the ............ the soldier attacked him with his magic ............ and killed him.
10 Once a hen was so foolish as to go to a fox and ask him to look after her chicks while she went to the barnyard to find some worms for her chicks. The fox was of course quite willing. The hen was gone a long time. When she finally returned, she found that the fox had eaten all her chicks. Since then no ............ has employed a as a nurse.
Turn the page and go right on.

[3] (p. 3 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


11 When the bear appeared near the hut, Walter was alone. His father had driven to the village, that morning, several miles away. Fortunately he had left his gun hanging on the wall loaded and ready for service. Walter was excited, but he did not hesitate. Quickly seizing the .................. he .................. the ...................
12 In a certain village a ton of coal costs just as much as a cord of wood, but it produces twice as much heat. Therefore the poor families in this village should be advised to burn ............. rather than .................
13 "Come on" called Joe, "let's go for a swim down by Jones' Point, where the river is deep." "No," said Pete, "let's swim down by Duggan's. where the water is warmer." "It isn't because the water is warm that you want to go to .............., but because you can't swim," said ................
14 Richard and Miss Cabot quickly found their way alone to the house of Mr. Smith on Craven Street. Miss Cabot left Richard in the carriage, walked quickly to the door, and sending up her card by the servant, requested to see Mr. Smith. The ............. soon returned and begged her to come in. As soon as she had done so. Miss Cabot introduced herself to Mr. ............. and begged him to come out and talk with ............., who was waiting outside in the carriage.
15 Joe made up a game which he called "Jac-alack." One person called Jack must climb a tree and hang by his arms from a low bough. The others stand behind him and say in unison, "Alas, alack, he fell on his back," and while they are saying it, one of them hits Jack with a bean bag. If Jack can see or guess who did it, he may drop down, and the guilty person takes his place. Otherwise he has to ............ there for another turn and sing out, "Alas, alack, another whack." It is quite a game and Jack must have strong ................
16 It is well established that the bee, which is commonly supposed to be so industrious, really works only two or three hours a day. The man who works eight or ten hours a day is therefore far more ............ than the ................
17 Boys and girls know my name. And mothers and fathers, too. Big folks love me. You do, too. The first letters in the first four sentences of this paragraph spell my name; so write it here ................
18 Energy is a measure of the fullness of life and is indispensable for genius. No energy at all is death. Idiots are feeble and listless. Nearly all the leaders of mankind have been noted for their remarkable ................
19 Deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter, while evergreens, as their name implies, do not. Therefore, in forests composed of ............. trees the ground is less shaded in winter than is the case in forests whose trees are ................
20 Some historians believe that the spread of anti-slavery feeling among the people of the North previous to the Civil War was due less to the moral issue involved than to the fact that they recognized the system of ............ as a menace to the industrial system of free labor.
Go right on to next page.

[4] (p. 4 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


21 If I were writing about the rich, I should be inclined to divide them, according to their attitude toward life, into workers and parasites. The motto of the worker is, "I owe the world a life," and the motto of the ................. is, "The ................. owes me a living."
22 Caution, when not present in excess, is a desirable trait. Often it saves one from disappointment or failure. Occasionally, however, one finds a person so extremely ................. that his will is paralyzed and he is totally unable to set about any new undertaking. Too much ................. is indeed often ................. than too little.
23 A whale is not a fish, even though it does live in water. A fish has no lungs, is cold-blooded, and absorbs oxygen from the water through its gills; but a whale is warm-blooded and has a genuine set of lungs. In consequence, in bodily structure the is ................. like a shark, which is a true fish, than it is like a horse.
24 The brook on our farm has many whims. It ripples over bright and shiny rocks, and falls into a placid little pool so clear that I can see the pebbles on the bottom and can see myself down there, too. As I look straight down, it is hard to tell whether what I see is my nose or a .................., but as I move a little, that which I sec stands still, so I know it is not ..................................... Farther on the brook forgets the placid pool and tumbles over roots and rocks. It does, indeed, have many ....................
25 To pant for recognition, to yearn to impress one's personality upon one's fellow-men, is the essence of ambition. The ambitious person may think that he merely thirsts to "do something" or "be somebody" but really what he craves is to figure potently in the minds of others, to be greatly loved, admired, or feared. To reap a success which no one .................. does not satisfy the yearnings of the .................. individual.
26 Washington was a very silent man. Of no man in the world's history do we have so few sayings of a personal kind. As for talking about himself, that was something in which he almost never indulged. Yet it would be a great error to interpret his ................. as an indication that he was in any sense cold or unfeeling.
27 As a rule, it is more economical to remember things by associating them clearly and vigorously than by going through many repetitions of them. Thus, a clear understanding of the causes for the Democratic victory in the national election in 1916 will be ................. effective in remembering the fact than a dozen ................. of the statement "Woodrow Wilson was elected in 1916."
28 Fundamentally, education depends upon the capacity of a person to profit by past experiences. Past situations modify present and future adjustments. Education in its broadest sense means acquiring experiences that serve to ................. existing inherited or acquired tendencies of behavior.
29 "Naïve" and "unsophisticated" are frequently confused. The former suggests a type of behavior which is artless, spontaneous, and free from the restraints of custom. The latter implies fully as great lack of knowledge of social usage, and, in addition, conduct which is primitive and perchance inelegant. Thus, the ................. youth was the first to enter the car, and his ................. little sister warmly kissed him in the presence of the king. We may also say that a country boy is ................. with respect to city life and customs.
Test 1. Number right .......... × 2 = Score ..........

[5] (p. 5 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


Samples: Can dogs bark? YesNo
  Does a cat have six legs? YesNo

Read each question and draw a line under the right answer.

  1 Is milk white? YesNo 1
  2 Do we sleep in beds? YesNo 2
  3 Is the day as dark as night? YesNo 3
  4 Is green a color? YesNo 4
  5 Is smoke always yellow? YesNo 5
  6 Do men and women dress just alike? YesNo 6
  7 Do ships sail on the sea? YesNo 7
  8 Are all chimneys made of brass? YesNo 8
  9 Are rocks hard? YesNo 9
  10 Is everybody as huge as a giant? YesNo 10
  11 Do pupils always have excellent memories? YesNo 11
  12 Are brooms used to sweep bedrooms? YesNo 12
  13 Are machines ever useful? YesNo 13
  14 Are sugar and salt sold in stores? YesNo 14
  15 Are geese generally clad in bonnets? YesNo 15
  16 Do lambs roar? YesNo 16
  17 Does crime always bring happiness? YesNo 17
  18 Does justice sometimes seem cruel? YesNo 18
  19 Could one cradle hold eighty infants? YesNo 19
  20 Is a beetle very different from a mole? YesNo 20
  21 Does the friendship of a cheerful person make us unhappy? YesNo 21
  22 Is a dime less than a nickel? YesNo 22
  23 Is the guilty thief always located? YesNo 23
  24 Is it ever important to hurry? YesNo 24
  25 Might a prisoner feel sorrow at the ruin he has caused? YesNo 25
  26 Are all antique benches made of bamboo? YesNo 26
  27 Are battleships dedicated to warfare? YesNo 27
  28 Can we discern things clearly in a dense fog? YesNo 28
  29 Might a person suffer confusion during an examination? YesNo 29
  30 Are marmalade and gruel made of milkweed? YesNo 30
31 Could delicious chocolate be served at a festival? YesNo 31
32 Do all university professors give instruction in science YesNo 32
33 Does it take courage to perform a very dangerous task? YesNo 33
34 Should one always be censured for playing a flute by the fireplace? YesNo 35
35 Are homely people always loathed and disliked? YesNo 35
36 Is it deemed delightful to suffer a bloody defeat? YesNo 36
37 Would a man be fortunate if he could flee from a famine? YesNo 37
38 May careful observation be of considerable help in decreasing mistakes? YesNo 38
39 Does speaking with brevity necessarily mean that one is peevish YesNo 39
40 Are chimes ever played in a cathedral? YesNo 40
Go right on to next page.

[6] (p. 6 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


41 Do repealed interruptions sometimes exasperate us? YesNo 41
42 Should thieves be encouraged by giving them magnificent rewards? YesNo 42
43 Are locusts and gnats generally believed to enjoy immortality? YesNo 43
44 Might an accidental outbreak cause anxiety? YesNo 44
45 May shortages often be prevented by foresight? YesNo 45
46 Is an annual appeal made once a week? YesNo 46
47 May occasional opposition awaken us to greater endeavor? YesNo 47
48 Is every earl destined to become a genius or a conqueror? YesNo 48
49 Might a person show unfeigned enjoyment of a symphony? YesNo 49
50 Are we irresistibly led to confide in every near-by idler? YesNo 50
51 Do any considerable percentage of motorists use headlights? YesNo 51
52 Does an auctioneer boost prices with earnestness? YesNo 52
53 Is it advisable to use dynamite as a lubricant? YesNo 53
54 Is a person in a frenzy likely to make wild gestures? YesNo 54
55 Should the captain of a yacht consider the weather forecast? YesNo 55
56 Would it take a considerable income to provide a sumptuous wardrobe? YesNo 56
57 Is it disgraceful to teach a defenseless person decimals? YesNo 57
58 Is the idea of burial usually attractive? YesNo 58
59 May allies make exertion to enter into a federation? YesNo 59
60 Should enthusiastic homage make a man indignant? YesNo 60
61 Could the imperious actions of a lordly person become notorious? YesNo 61
62 Is all adventurous activity to be deplored? YesNo 62
63 Should a person be advised to sacrifice a good opportunity? YesNo 63
64 Is a harmonious alliance sometimes expedient? YesNo 64
65 Could an eloquent lawmaker do anything heinous? YesNo 65
66 Is boric acid a chemical made of graphite? YesNo 66
67 Are all festivities characterized by extravagance? YesNo 67
68 May imposition upon others become habitual? YesNo 68
69 Is a scarecrow a kind of inoffensive imitation? YesNo 69
70 Does bliss always befall desperate people? YesNo 70
71 Could congressional action cause the people to be dissatisfied? YesNo 71
72 May seeing a person drunk decrease one's admiration for him? YesNo 72
73 Could an inexperienced person be jovial and fascinating? YesNo 73
74 Is one often assaulted by a boon companion? YesNo 74
75 Ought accursed liars to be suppressed? YesNo 75
76 Might an involuntary impulse impel one to be malicious? YesNo 76
77 Is one necessarily inhospitable who dislikes an obnoxious guest? YesNo 77
78 Does extreme audacity sometimes make us stand aghast? YesNo 78
79 Is humanity subject to joyous emotions? YesNo 79
80 Might a hysterical person given to rashness be intolerable? YesNo 80
Number right . . . . . . . . . .
Number wrong . . . . . . . . . .
Test 2. Score (subtract) . . . . . . . . . . 

[7] (p. 7 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


Samples: Bread is something to  catch drink eat throw wear
A robin is a  bird cat dog girl horse

In each sentence draw a line under the word that makes the sentence true.

1March is the name of a  day food month week year 1
2A fat person is always  bad blue cold heavy little 2
3A thing that is perfect is always  close early hard little right 3
4A farmer often raises  bears corn gold paper pictures 4
5Cotton is  cool dark heavy soft sweet 5
6A husband is sometimes a  father flower mother sister town 6
7A path is a place to  eat dress die live walk 7
8A maiden is a  bird boy girt king plant 8
9A lion is  blue fine hot strong sweet 9
10Islands are  land ships soldiers time water 10
11The ocean is  fire land paper water wood 11
12Rice is a  battle beast bell cloud grain 12
13A dove is a   bird boat fish horse sheep 13
14To be silent is to be   heard loud quick still wild 14
15Olives are to  burn drink eat ride wear 15
16To crush is to   break escape guard hold plant 16
17Rapid means  long much quick small soft 17
18A moment means  color form money time place 18
19To stitch is to  reward sew starve suggest tempt 19
20A question is something we  answer build eat grow kill 20
21Harbors are for  churches cows gardens horses ships 21
22To polish is to  bribe brighten smite thrive traverse 22
23To pronounce is to  sail show speak stand watch 23
24A physician is a  child doctor master noise valley 24
25A customer is a person who  buys draws fishes hunts sells 25
26To wander is to  improve locate roam situate wail 26
27To be sober is to be  funny grave happy noisy wild 27
28An orphan is one who has no  clothing education hair parents teeth 28
29To be active is to be  hospitable humorous ignoble indolent sprightly 29
30To be wretched is to be  proud silent swift unhappy valuable 30
31Independence means  blame custom freedom mercy virtue 31
32Agriculture refers to  authority appearance defense farming mystery 32
33To inquire is to  appear ask rest sleep watch 33
34A tavern is a  companion funeral parcel park hotel 34
35To be saucy is to be  affectionate agreeable devoted dignified rude 35
36An argument is a  discussion gully gymnasium penance perjury 36
37Jealous means  affectionate appeased benevolent envious sympathetic 37
38Meek means  gaudy gentle mean strength tight 38
39Gorgeous means  frisky gigantic hereditary magnificent malicious 39
40A barge is a kind of  animal boat castle fruit vegetable 40
Go right on to next page.

[8] (p. 8 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


41Situation refers to  noise number place pleasure time 41
42To plan is to  banish bestow design betray defeat 42
43Behavior refers to  position conduct progress revenge temper 43
44A vagabond is a  kite lantern nightingale tramp scholar 44
45Ambition means  aspiration frivolity lettering remorse slothfulness 45
46A sluggard is  ambitious considerate divine earnest lazy 46
47Victorious means  baffled frustrated triumphant unstable vagrant 47
48To mingle is to  mislead blend sanction screech scurry 48
49To heed is to  escape fancy hurry notice prove 49
50Dignified means  lonely monstrous prominent spiritual stately 50
51An opponent is a  delicacy antagonist detective diplomat hostess 51
52To prophesy is to  assess bemoan cancel disclaim foretell 52
53Imperial affairs concern  cities garments kingdoms machines patterns 53
54To massacre is to  investigate lament manifest misunderstand slaughter 54
55To be prompt is to be  formal frightful hospitable punctual purified 55
56Listless means  indifferent loathsome malicious merciless presumptuous 56
57To lament is to  flatter humor injure lend mourn 57
58A prologue is a kind of  introduction knell prohibition sermon tempest 58
59Lifeless means  inanimate indefinite infamous undecided untidy 59
60An impression is a  century compass copy globe pasture 60
61Crafty means  accurate proficient slavish submissive wily 61
62Liberality means  promotion robbery reproof scandal generosity 62
63Jubilant means  abrupt abject confused triumphant doleful 63
64A bulwark is a  hospital hotel protection punishment purchase 64
65A legacy is an  inheritance inscription levy receptacle regulation 65
66Maintenance means  contention continuance corruption cowardice resource 66
67To meditate is to  escort gossip ponder transgress withhold 67
68Covetous means  avaricious bountiful gaudy gray-headed harassed 68
69Minimum means the  largest least most newest oldest 69
70To chastise is to  promise publish punish purchase trifle 70
71A sequel is something that  excels follows interrupts precedes yields 71
72Ceaseless means  boisterous diminished discontented ended incessant 72
73Emphatic means  forcible frantic incurable pernicious reluctant 73
74To subvert means to  overturn shorten sling sojourn spurn 74
75To be infamous is to be  doubtful polished shameful sorrowful valuable 75
76To be languid is to be  courteous domestic doubtful spiritless jolly 76
77An associate is an  adversary ally antagonist emigrant ensign 77
78To be Vigilant means to be  aloof betrothed betwixt lawless watchful 78
79Decisive means  conclusive dazzled genuine profane prudent 79
80A scullion is a  grasshopper gymnasium haycock hedgehog servant 80
81Usury has to do with  chivalry fiction homage loans manufactures 81
82Perspective has to do with  drawing expenses mining religion warfare 82
83An insurrection is a  fugitive rebellion publication punishment hermit 83
84A reprobate is one who is very  cowardly ugly wealthy wicked youthful 84
85Candid means  illegitimate impeccable imperious incisive ingenuous 85
Test 3. Score . . . . . . . . . .

[9] (p. 9 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


Get the answers to these examples as quickly as you can without making mistakes.
Look carefully at each example to see what you are to do.

Begin here.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
      Add Add
3 + 2 = 3 + 4 = 2 7 13
    5 4 2
(6) (7) (8)(9)(10)
AddSubtractSubtract Add
17 472 × 3 =16
2 24  53
(11) (12) (13)(14)(15)
16 961376526
5 255327 2
(16) (17) (18)(19)(20)
253   6848765426 ÷ 3 =
6 2) 63) 8791654220 
(21) (22) (23)(24)(25)
24 63894679  
12 ⅘7 682)15.82 7/8 - 1 =

[10] (p. 10 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


(26) (27) (28)(29)(30)
¼ of 828 = 9⅖ - 4⅕ =791/7 × 2 =.45)27.90
   16 ⅜   
(31) (32) (33)(34)
3 4/3 ÷ 1½ = 9.72697½27/28 ÷ 6/7 =
  21.8 18  
(35) (36)
4.40 + .00044 + 4400 + .04 = 48.76 - 4 3/20 =
(37) (38)
1/2 + 3/4 + 1/6 + 2/3 + 7/8 = 27.34 + 2 1/4 + 89.2 + 4 3/4 =
(39) (40)
3 1/4 × 5 1/2 × 3 1/2 = 1 3/4 + 25.2 + 1 1/5 + 48.961 =
(41) (42) (43)(44)
  (4)^3=8 yd. 1 ft. 3 in.5 yr. 9 mo.
\/ 45369 6 yd. 3 ft. 9 in.6 yr. 7 mo.
    8 yr. 2 mo.
(45) (46)(47)
  Express as a decimal
 Multiplyto three places
67.36 + ⅔ = 4 gals. 3 qts. 1 pt.29 / 64 =

[11] (p. 11 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


Find all the answers as quickly as you can.
Write the answers on the dotted lines.
Use the blank sheets of paper to figure on.

Begin here.
1 How many are 3 eggs and 2 eggs? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
2 Mary is 7 years old. How old will she be in 3 years? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
3 A hen had 9 chicks and 3 of them died. How many were left? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
4 Milk costs 8 cents a pint and the milkman is going to raise the price 2 cents. What will it then cost? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
5 If you buy a pencil for 4 cents and pay for it with a dime, how much change should you get? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
6 How many dimes are there in a dollar? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
7 How many eggs are there in 7 nests if each nest has 3 eggs? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
8 How many cents will 8 oranges cost at 3 cents each? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
9 David earned $3.50 in June, $2.25 in July, and $1.50 in August. How much did he earn in all? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
10Frank bought 3 two-cent postage stamps and 13 one-cent stamps. How much did he pay for all? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
11Five girls buy a present costing 25 cents. How many cents does each pay? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
12If a train goes 60 miles in three hours, how far does it go in one hour? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
13John has saved $3.75. How many dollars more does he need to buy a pony which costs $45.75? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
14A man pays the street-car fare for himself and two friends. If the fare is 7¢, how much change should he receive from a half dollar? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
15A train which was due at 2 p.m. was 3 1/2 hours late. When did it arrive? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
16What is the cost of 10 oranges at 2 for 5 cents? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
17Edward has $1.67 in the bank and takes out 2 quarters, a dime, and a cent. How much does he have left in the bank? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
18What is the cost of a 4 3/4-pound roast at 40 cents a pound? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
19A boy saved 5 cents a day for two weeks, and 10 cents a day for the next four weeks. How much money does he then have? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
20A gallon is equal to 231 cubic inches. How many gallons are there in a tank 6x7x11 inches? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
21The tax rate in an Eastern city has varied as follows: 1910, 21¢ on each $100; 1911, 17¢ on each $100; 1912, 27¢ on each $100; 1913, 26¢ on each $100; 1914, 34¢ on each $100; 1915, 33¢ on each $100. The highest rate was how many times as great as the lowest? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
Go right on to next page.

[12] (p. 12 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


22Henry was marked 87 in geography the first month, 91 the second, and 93 the third month. What was his average grade? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
23If the butcher's scales read one ounce too much on each weighing, how much is a customer overcharged on a pound of steak at 48¢ a pound? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
24At $1.00 a bushel for potatoes and $20.00 a car for freight, how much will a 400-bushel carload of potatoes cost? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
25Tom has just 4 weeds' vacation and wishes to spend it in a city which it takes two days to reach by train. How many days can he spend in the city? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
26If a fence rail is 10 feet long, how many rails will it take to reach a mile? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
27Sound travels about 1100 ft. a second. If you see the flash of a cannon and 12 seconds later the sound reaches you, how far away is the cannon? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
28A man had $5000, from which he received 6 per cent income each year. In addition he earned $1500 in business. What was his total income for the year? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
29Frank and George buy 300 marbles for 50 cents. Frank pays 35 cents and George 15 cents. How many marbles should George receive? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
30If a watch gains 20 seconds in 24 hours, what fraction of a minute will it gain between noon and 6 p.m.? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
31The heights of 4 boys in a class are 5 feet 10 inches, 5 feet 9 inches, 5 feet 7 inches, and 5 feet 6 inches. What is the average height? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
32An article which formerly sold at 12 cents was raised to 18 cents. What per cent was the price advanced? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
33A broker charges $25 commission on every sale plus 5 per cent on all over $200. What would be his commission on a $500 sale? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
34If 72 per cent of potatoes is water, how many pounds of solid material are there in a ton of potatoes? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
35A man invested $1000 in each of 3 different bonds. The first paid 8 per cent dividend and the second 6 per cent, but on the third he lost $5 on each hundred dollars invested. What was his net yearly gain on the three investments? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
36If the circumference of a circle is 12.5664 feet, what is its diameter? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
37The regular price of a certain piece of linen is $4 per yard. A remnant 1 1/4 yards long is offered at $2.50. What per cent reduction is made? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
38A man six feet tall casts a shadow 8 feet long at 9 a.m. A telephone pole casts a shadow 100 feet long at the same time. How high is the pole? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
39It costs 43 cents to send a 10-pound parcel post package from New Orleans to Dallas. What will it cost to send an 8-pound package if the cost is 3 cents more on the first pound than on additional pounds? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
40If the hour hand of a clock is 3 inches long and the minute hand is 4 inches long, how far apart are the tips of the two hands at 9 a.m.? Answer. . . . . . . . . .
Test 5. Number right. . . . . . . . . . × 4 = Score . . . . . . . . . .

[13] (p. 13 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


Samples: The number of cents in a dollar is   200 100 300
Our rain comes from the  clouds moon stars

Draw a line under the word that makes the sentence true.

Begin here.
1Thanksgiving comes in  July January November 1
2 The earth is shaped most like a   baseball football pear 2
3 A sweet-smelling flower is the  daisy poppy rose 3
4 The month before July is  May June August 4
5 The axle is a part of an  ax typewriter wagon 5
6 Alfalfa is a kind of  corn fruit hay 6
7 Bacon comes from the  cow hog sheep 7
8 An animal that builds dams is the  alligator beaver turtle 8
9 Raisins are dried  currants gooseberries grapes 9
9 London is in  England Scotland Wales 10
11 The dahlia is a kind of  animal flower fruit 11
12 The tractor is used in  farming mining racing 12
13 Tarts are a kind of  drink pastry vegetable 13
14 Planes are used chiefly by  barbers blacksmiths carpenters 14
15 Rubber is obtained from  animals oil trees 15
16 The antelope is a kind of  deer rabbit wolf 16
17 The number of quarts in a gallon is  2 4 6 17
18 A telescope makes things look  larger prettier smaller 18
19 Chop suey is a dish of the  Chinese Indians Mexicans 19
20 A flower that grows from a bulb is the  lily marigold poppy 20
21 The compass is used chiefly by  sailors surgeons tailors 21
22 Serge is a kind of  cloth drink wood 22
23 The article costing the least is  coat gloves overcoat 23
24 The anvil is used by  blacksmiths carpenters printers 24
25 A food requiring many eggs is  "angel food" bread marmalade 25
26 Rye is most like  beans corn wheat 26
27 The cotton gin was invented by  Arkwright Watt Whitney 27
28 Beets are useful for making  catsup sugar jellies 28
29 The earth moves completely around the sun in about  7 days 30 days 365 days 29
30 The most gold is produced in  Alaska New York Tennessee 30
31 The lungs take from the air  carbon dioxide nitrogen oxygen 31
32 The tadpole is the young of the  fish frog lizard 32
33 Most of our anthracite coal comes from  Alabama Colorado Pennsylvania 33
34 Molasses is obtained from   grapes honey sugar cane 34
35 A great clothing-manufacturing state is Massachusetts Oregon Texas 35
36 A food rich in fats is  butter eggs tapioca 36
37 An important meat-packing city is  Chicago New Orleans Seattle 37
38 Lard comes from  butter cattle hogs 38
39 A food containing considerable oil is  rice potatoes walnuts 39
40 Linen is made from  cotton flax hemp 40
41 The United States exports   coffee cotton tea 41
42 A tree that will grow from cuttings is the  oak pine willow 42
43 Organdie is a kind of  cloth marmalade musical instrument 43
44 The common house fly often lays its eggs in  leaves manure water 44
45 The greatest sugar-exporting country is   Brazil Cuba Mexico 45
Go right on to next page.

[14] (p. 14 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


46 The Leghorn is a kind of  cow owl goat 46
47 The panther is most like the   cat dog wolf 47
48 Electric lights were invented by  Edison Marconi Volts 48
49 The most wool is produced in  Australia France Holland 49
50 Calcutta is a city in  China Egypt India 50
51 Tapioca is chiefly  fat starch sugar 51
52 The largest state in the Union is  California New York Texas 52
53 The freezing point on the Centigrade thermometer  0° 32° 100° $3
54 The tooth's enamel is broken down by acids  carbon dioxide starches 54
55 Air and gasoline are mixed in the  accelerator carburetor gear-case 55
56 A crop which enriches the soil is  clover potatoes tobacco 56
57 Distance above sea level is known as  altitude latitude longitude 57
58 The house fly spreads  bubonic plague typhoid yellow fever 58
59 A very important product of Minneapolis is  automobiles flour meat 59
60 A food that has much the same food substance as rice is   beans peas potatoes 60
61 A gross equals  64 144 500 61
62 Milk testers were devised by   Babcock Bell Edison 62
63 The coarsest of these threads is No.   40 60 80 63
64 The differential is a part of an   auto bicycle typewriter 64
65 The largest planet is  Jupiter Neptune Saturn 65
66 A plant that can be grafted is the  apple tree lily potato 66
67 The normal temperature of the human body is about  60° 98° 12° $3
68 Alcohol is made from  gasoline grains oils 68
69 An avalanche causes destruction by  burning sliding spouting 69
70 Most automobiles are manufactured in  Michigan New York Iowa 70
71 The Nile is in  Africa Asia Europe 71
72 A country that imports nearly half its food is  England France Germany 72
73 Bronchitis resembles most  dyspepsia headaches sore throat 73
74 A common ingredient of matches is  calcium iodine phosphorus 74
75 A body that shines by reflected light is the  moon North Star sun 75
76 Monsoons are a kind of  plain plateau storm 76
77 The days are longest in  March July October 77
73 The largest amount of corn is shipped from  Denver Omaha Pittsburgh 78
79 Tokyo is a city of  China India Japan 79
80 A place for storing weapons is called an  abattoir arsenal cafeteria 80
81 A plant that thrives best in dry places is the  lichen lily mushroom 81
82 The dictaphone is a kind of   multigraph phonograph typewriter 82
83 The Wyandotte is a kind of   fowl sheep watermelon 83
84 Linotypes are used in   printing surveying weaving 84
85 An eight-sided figure is called an   octagon scholium trapezium 85
86 "Pi" is equal to  7854 3.141 6666 86
87 Croquettes are a kind of  food ornament weapon 87
88 A botanist is one who studies  animals minerals plants 88
89 The technical name for hard coal is  anthracite bituminous lignite 89
90 Air brakes are used on  automobiles balloons trains 90
91 Deltas tend to grow   larger smaller wetter 91
92 The Angora is a kind of  chicken goat sheep 92
93 One of the lightest-known metals is  aluminum tin zinc 93
94 The most expensive of these rugs is  Axminster Brussels Oriental 94
95 Fondant is a kind of  candy meat salad 95
Number right . . . . . . . . . .
Number wrong . . . . . . . . . . ÷ 2 = . . . . . . . . . .
Test 6. Score (subtract) . . . . . . . . . .

[15] (p. 15 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


Draw a line under the word that makes the sentence true.

1 An elf is a kind of  animal brownie dragon 1
2 "The Glass Slipper" reminds us of  Ali Baba Cinderella Goldilocks 2
3The first President of the United States was  Adams Jefferson Washington 3
4The shepherd boy who became king was  David Saul Solomon 4
5Columbus made his first voyage to America in  1492 1620 1776 5
6The highest officer of a city is the  alderman chief of police mayor 6
7Apollo was the god of  rivers the sun wind 7
8A battle of the Revolution was  Bull Run Bunker Hill Tippecanoe 8
9The god of mischief was  Asgard Loki Mimir 9
10Mount Olympus is located in  Greece Italy Washington 10
11Hiawatha was written by   Bryant Longfellow Whittier 11
12The Declaration of Independence was signed in  1776 1781 1789 12
13A name made famous by Longfellow is   Matthew Arnold Admiral Dewey Paul Revere 13
14Kings are supposed to rule for  4 years 8 years life 14
15"The Children's Hour" was written by  Longfellow Riley Stevenson 15
16The Quakers came from  England France Holland 16
17Ulysses captured Troy by hiding in a  forest load of hay wooden horse 17
18The country which helped America in the Revolution was  England  France  Germany 18
19Goliath was slain by  David Joseph Samson 19
20Thor lost his   armor chariot hammer 20
21"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was written by  Alger Sewell Stowe 21
22Louisiana was purchased by  Jefferson Madison Polk 22
23Peter Pan is the name of a  boy dog fairy 23
24The slaves were freed by  Jefferson Lincoln Washington 24
25The first white man to see the Pacific was  Balboa Cabot Vespucci 25
26The United States was allied in the Great War with  Bulgaria France Turkey 26
27"Treasure Island" tells about  Long John Micawber Uncas 27
28Madame Curie is noted for the discovery of  platinum radium pyrite 28
29"The Star-Spangled Banner" was written by  Alcott Burns Key 29
30The earliest of these inventions was  railroad stagecoach steamboat 30
31Foreigners can obtain the right to vote by  habeas corpus naturalization purchase 31
32"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" tells about  Ichabod Crane Hiawatha Pinocchio 32
33Robert E. Lee surrendered to   Grant Sheridan Sherman 33
34New York was settled by the  Dutch English French 34
35Minnehaha means  falling leaves laughing waters whispering pines 35
36The most important qualification for a voter is  generosity intelligence wealth 36
37The king who let the cakes burn was  Alfred Arthur William 37
38Inability to pay debts is called  bankruptcy embezzlement vagrancy 38
39The messenger of the gods was called  Mercury Perseus Vulcan 39
40Virginia was settled by the  English French Spanish 40
41"Oliver Twist" was written by  Dickens Scott Thackeray 41
42Roger Williams was a  colonizer judge merchant 42
43Valley Forge relates to the  Civil War Revolution War of 1812 43
44Sherlock Holmes was a  detective sailor thief 44
45A man who betrayed his country was  Arnold Cornwall Lee 45
Go right on to next page.

[16] (p. 16 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


46The number of United States Senators from each state is  1 2 4 46
47"The Man Without a Country" was written by  Cooper Hawthorne Hale 47
48A general in the Civil War was  Lincoln Sherman Washington 48
49The name "Old Ironsides" refers to a  man mountain ship 49
50A President who was assassinated was  Garfield Roosevelt Taylor 50
51The British Prime Minister in 1918 was  Lloyd George Balfour Asquith 51
52The Red Cross was founded by  Clara Barton Jenny Lind Rockefeller 52
53Legal authority over a dead man's estate is given to an  administrator judge jury 53
51Barbara Frietchie sympathized with the  English South Union 54
55Grover Cleveland was  a general an inventor a President 55
56The crime which brings the greatest punishment is larceny  manslaughter murder 56
57The chief cause of the Mexican War was  disputed territory immigration slavery 57
58The stork reminds us of  Holland Italy Scotland 58
59Cornwallis surrendered at  Appomattox Bunker Hill Yorktown 59
60"Treasure Island" was written by  Alger Defoe Stevenson 60
61The "spoils system" refers to  farming political offices tariff 61
62Jesus was betrayed by  Herod Judas Pilate 62
63Louisiana was purchased from the  French Indians Spanish 63
64The son of Abraham was  Isaac Moses Solomon 64
65Lewis and Clark explored  The Great Lakes The Mississippi Valley The Northwest 65
66The number of men in the Light Brigade was  600 500 400 66
67The War of 1812 was fought against   England Mexico Spain 67
68Among the allies of Germany was  Belgium Bulgaria Roumania 68
69One of Robin Hood's men was  Ivanhoe Lancelot Little John 69
70Each state has the power to  coin money declare war establish schools 70
71A great Scotch poet was  Burns Chaucer Milton 71
72The General who surrendered at Yorktown was  Burgoyne Cornwallis Lafayette 72
73A gnome is a kind of  dwarf giant priest 73
74"Treasure Island" tells about  Black Dog Fagin Miss Hazy 74
75The vessel which overcame the Merrimac was the  Monitor Old Ironsides Wasp 75
76A man known for his strength was  Abel David Samson 76
77One who lives in the poorhouse is legally a  bankrupt delinquent pauper 77
78"A Tale of Two Cities" tells of the   American Revolution Civil War French Revolution 78
79Ivanhoe is a character from  Dickens Scott Wordsworth 79
80Circa changed the men of Odysseus into  horses stones swine 80
81In 1917 there was a great Revolution in  Germany Russia Turkey 81
82A writer of mystery tales was  Dickens Poe Scott 82
83"Styx" was the name of a  giant god river 83
84A city is most likely to own its  electric lights gas plant water system 84
85The author of "Innocents Abroad" is  Hawthorne Stevenson Mark Twain 85
86The American Revolution was chiefly a dispute over   boundary lines slavery taxation 86
87"The Last of the Mohicans" was  Hiawatha Mowgli Uncas 87
88Wallace Irwin is an   actor baseball player writer 88
89Coleridge wrote  "Ancient Mariner" "Hiawatha" "Thanatopsis" 89
90The Chautauqua is a kind of  entertainment museum music 90
91A word that means exactly the opposite of joy is  sad sorrow sorry 91
92Marco Polo was a famous   philosopher traveler warrior 92
93"The Charge of the Light Brigade" was written by  Burns Longfellow Tennyson 93
94The Mohammedan Bible is the  Bagavad-gita Koran Zend-Avesta 94
95The singular of "are" is  is was were 95
Number right . . . . . . . . . .
Number wrong . . . . . . . . . . ÷ 2 = . . . . . . . . . .
Test 7. Score (subtract) . . . . . . . . . .

[17] (p. 17 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


to go soon.
Last year unclegave
me a pair of skates.
His leg was broke.
They have gone
to town.
He isn't any
better than you.
Always bathe
your hands before eating.
I have a heap
great deal
of work to do.
We had a delicious
time at the party.
The earthquake hurt
four buildings.
I had sat
there for an hour.
and your guests are invited.
I saw
him do it.
I think dominoes is an interesting game.
My father is very mad at
angry with
We had only started till
Joe came.
The news are
bad today.
Where are you going?
going to?
They fight as
I told him to to quickly run home.
to run home quickly.
He doesn't
know anything.
I think you had ought
to go.
I asked him which one he chose.
This battle transpired
in 1863.
  He does not go
He goes
to school on Mondays.

Go right on to next page.

[18] (p. 18 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


He acted the part perfect.
He worked with much snap.
He sat
the vase on the table.
Rain has been plenty
this season.
The prisoner finally admitted
he was guilty.
I have often ridden
a horse.
He went in search of
his sheep.
I have often risen
The honest person is to be applauded.
He is disinterested
in history.
He has an appointment
a date
with the president.
We charged and occupied
their trenches.
Slavery was abolished
in 1863.
His attack on my character made me indignant.
One is not qualified
to vote at the age of 18.
I have often rang
this bell.
My work is much
different this year.
He caught nearly
nearly caught
down and went to sleep.
He laid
down and went to sleep.
All went but I.
Charity is when one gives
means giving
to the poor.
It is now plain and evident
why he left.
Are you sure he shall
Arson means when one sets
fire to property.
I can hardly endure
Each man and woman was
Why cherish
a vain hope?
I wish John was
He has no fear; nothing can confuse
Is that he?
Number right . . . . . . . . . .
Number wrong . . . . . . . . . .
Test 8. Score (subtract) . . . . . . . . . .

[19] (p. 19 image)

Adv. Exam.: Form A


Test 9. Full score for easier sentences not dictated . . . . . . . . . .
Number right in sentences dictated . . . . . . . . . .
Sum . . . . . . . . . .

× 2 = Score . . . . . . . . . .

[20] (p. 20 image)