The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Lovers Assistant; Or, New Art of Love This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Lovers Assistant; Or, New Art of Love Author: Henry Fielding Ovid Editor: Claude Edward Jones Release date: January 21, 2010 [eBook #31036] Language: English Credits: E-text prepared by Sankar Viswanathan, Delphine Lettau, Joseph Cooper, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE LOVERS ASSISTANT; OR, NEW ART OF LOVE *** E-text prepared by Sankar Viswanathan, Delphine Lettau, Joseph Cooper, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team ( The Augustan Reprint Society _HENRY FIELDING_ THE LOVERS ASSISTANT, OR, NEW ART OF LOVE (1760) Edited, with an Introduction by Claude E. Jones Publication Number 89 William Andrews Clark Memorial Library University of California Los Angeles 1961 * * * * * GENERAL EDITORS Richard C. Boys, _University of Michigan_ Ralph Cohen, _University of California, Los Angeles_ Vinton A. Dearing, _University of California, Los Angeles_ Lawrence Clark Powell, _Clark Memorial Library_ ASSISTANT EDITOR W. Earl Britton, _University of Michigan_ ADVISORY EDITORS Emmett L. Avery, _State College of Washington_ Benjamin Boyce, _Duke University_ Louis Bredvold, _University of Michigan_ John Butt, _University of Edinburgh_ James L. Clifford, _Columbia University_ Arthur Friedman, _University of Chicago_ Louis A. Landa, _Princeton University_ Samuel H. Monk, _University of Minnesota_ Ernest C. Mossner, _University of Texas_ James Sutherland, _University College, London_ H.T. Swedenberg, Jr., _University of California, Los Angeles_ CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Edna C. Davis, _Clark Memorial Library_ * * * * * INTRODUCTION The publishing history of this translation has been sketched by Cross, in his _History of Henry Fielding_, and may simply be summarized here. The first edition, entitled _Ovid's Art of Love Paraphrased and Adapted to the Present Time_ (or _Times_) was first issued in February, 1747, and was advertised in the _Gentleman's_ and _Scots_ Magazines in that month. During March, further advertisements appeared in the _London Magazine_ and the _St. James Evening Post_. The most extensive notice ran, however, in Fielding's own _Jacobite Journal_ (No. 15), where it served as basis for a detailed comparison between the art of love and the art of Jacobitism. Of this 1747 anonymous, original edition no copy is known. In 1759, the work was reissued in London and Dublin, under the title _The Lover's Assistant_, and again in London in 1760. Meanwhile, advertisements for the original edition, as by Henry Fielding, had been run by the publisher, Andrew Millar, in 1754 and 1758. Inasmuch as Millar apparently still had unsold sheets in 1758, the 1759 edition may comprise these sheets with new title pages and prefatory matter necessary because of Fielding's death in 1754. At any rate, the "modern instances" referred to by the author of the 1759 Preface are not too modern to have been written in 1747. There has been no reprint since 1760. The present text is printed from the 1760 edition, collated with a copy of the 1759 issue. The Latin text, which in the original faces the English, is omitted. Notes keyed by letters and asterisks appear in the original; it will be noted that Fielding's notes combine scholarly and facetious remarks; he frequently used footnotes for comic effect, especially in the translation of the _Plutus_ of Aristophanes in which he collaborated. Literature affords few pleasures so satisfying as translations done by those who are not only expert in the languages concerned, but who also are of the same spirit as the authors they translate. Some examples come readily to mind: Pope's Horace, Dryden's Juvenal and Persius, Smollett's LeSage, Lang's _Aucassin and Nicolette_, and Pound's translations from Provençal. Such a felicitous combination appears in Henry Fielding's translation of Book I of Ovid's _Ars Amoris_. Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, English translators of the classics abounded, including Marlowe, Jonson, Chapman and Sandys; Roscommon, Waller, Denham, Cowley and Dryden. By 1700, the major kinds of translation had been differentiated, described, evaluated and practised. To summarize, Dryden wrote as follows in his Preface to the 1680 edition of _Ovid's Epistles_, Translated by Several Hands: All translation I suppose may be reduced to these three heads: First, that of Metaphrase, or turning an Author word by word, and line by line, from one language to another.... The second way is that of Paraphrase, or Translation with Latitude, where the Author is kept in view by the Translator, so as never to be lost, but his words are not so strictly follow'd as his sense, and that too is admitted to be amplyfied, but not alter'd.... The Third way is that of Imitation, where the Translator (if now [i.e. by taking such liberties] he has not lost that name) assumes the liberty not only to vary from the words and sence, but to forsake them both as he sees occasion: and taking only some general hints from the Original, to run division on the ground-work, as he pleases.... Doubtless, he refers to the translation of verse into verse, but actually verse-into-prose also falls within Dryden's "third way." When the author of the Preface to _The Lover's Assistant_ speaks of it as an "undertaking" in translation, he means prose imitation, or paraphrase of verse. Earlier, in the 1743 _Miscellanies_, Fielding had published "Part of Juvenal's Sixth Satire Modernized in Burlesque [i.e. Hudibrastic] Verse." The modernization, as in his _Art of Love_, was of place (England instead of Italy) as well as time, and allowed the author to satirize some of his contemporaries, as well as the customs of his own age. When, four years later, he turned to the first book of Ovid's _Artis Amatoriae_, he found prose an even better medium for "Imitation," or "Modernization." The result is a most enjoyable _pot pourri_ of Roman mythology and eighteenth century social customs, combined with some of the patriotism left over from Fielding's anti-Jacobinism during the Forty-Five. His devotion to, and constant use of, the classics has excited comment from every Fielding biographer since his own time. His works abound in classical instances, references and imitations; and most of his writing includes translations from Greek or Roman authors. His library, as Austin Dobson observed, was rich in editions of the classics. Curiously, the sale catalogue lists only one, unidentifiable, Ovid item, as contrasted with 5 editions of Horace, 9 of Lucian and 13 (between 1504 and 1629) of Aristotle. This probably means that, along with other unlisted works known to have been in his possession, his Ovid was retained by his family or given to a friend. Dryden's translation of Book One of the _Ars Amoris_ is included among Fielding's books, however, and Cross suggests that Fielding "kept one eye" on it. It is surprising how much visualization there is in his imitation. Many of the incidents resemble those treated by Hogarth, with whom by 1747 Fielding was on excellent terms. There is also some resemblance in his contemporaneous materials, or modernization, to scenes in Fielding's own later plays, and in his novels. PREFACE _This Work was begun many Years ago, though altered in some Places by the Author, before his Death; as will appear by the modern Instances introduced in it. Many of which being so applicable to the present Time, is the Occasion of it being now published._ _As to any Exception which may be made to the Impurity of this Work, we shall transcribe what was written long ago in its Defence, from the Preface prefixed to Mr. _Dryden_'s Translation of this Poem._ 'A great many People are mistaken in these Books; and tho' they were made use of as a Pretence to drive the Author from the Court of _Augustus_, and confine him to _Tomos_ on the Frontiers of the _Getae_ and _Sarmatae_, yet they were not the true Cause of his Confinement. They are very far from being so licentious as the Writings of several other Poets, both _Greek_ and _Latin_. However we must own he might have been a little more discreet, especially in some Places[A]. [Note A: He means in the other two Books.] 'That which offended the _Romans_ most in this Work, cannot touch us. It has always been more dangerous in _Italy_ to converse with Women of Honour, and frequent their Houses, than 'tis with us; where there is more Liberty, and what in that Country may be an Occasion of Debauchery, would not at all be so in ours. 'Notwithstanding all that has been said against these Books _of the Art of Love_, by some over-scrupulous Persons, whose Discretion has too much of Affectation in it: they are not only necessary for the Knowledge of the _Latin_ Tongue, and the _Roman_ History, concerning which they contain several Things very particular; but for the noble Sentiments we find in them, which the _Gravest_ and _Learnedest_ Writers have thought worthy to be quoted for _Authorities_. 'In a Word, there's nothing in them that comes near the _Licence_ of some _Epigrams_ of _Catullus_, _Martial_, and _Ausonius_, of some _Satires_ of _Horace_ and _Juvenal_, and several other Pieces of _Ancient_ and _Modern_ Authors, which are read and commented upon; and about which even celebrated _Jesuits_ and other religious Persons, as eminent for their Piety as their Erudition, have employed their Studies. Yet who has condemn'd or complain'd of them? We must confess, such Things should be managed with Address; and those of them who have meddled with any of the Authors I have named, have shewn that it may be done so, by their succeeding so happily in it. 'As for this Treatise of the _Art of Love_, for which the Author has also prescrib'd a _Remedy_, as it is liable to be ill interpreted by those whose Pens poison every Thing they touch; so it may bear a good Construction, by such as know how to turn every Thing to Advantage. 'I will yet say, this _Art_ may be apply'd to those that intend to marry. There is nothing sure against Decency in all that. I agree, if you will have it so, that it extends so far as to direct one to the Means to gain a Mistress. If this was not lawful heretofore in _Italy_, on account of the jealous Humour of the _Italians_, we cannot, for the same Reason only, say it ought to be forbidden in our Country, any more than in several others, provided we could be sure the Ladies Modesty would not be offended, before whom Youth should be always careful not to exceed the Bounds of the Respect that's due to them.' _To this I may add, that if the Objection of Impurity lies against any Part of this Work, it is only against the two latter Books, for in that which we have here paraphrased, there is nothing capable of offending the nicest Ear._ _With regard to the Merit of this Paraphrase, which is entirely a new Undertaking, and might perhaps, if properly encouraged, be carried on with other Latin Poets, we shall only observe, that the utmost Care hath been taken to preserve the Spirit and true Sense of the Author, and where we have been obliged to deviate, we have given the literal Translation in the Notes._ _Upon the whole, we cannot suppress, what one of the most learned Men of this Age, said upon persuing the Paraphrase_, viz. That he thought it would serve better to explain the Meaning of _Ovid_ to a Learner, than any other Translation, or all his numerous Commentators. BOOK I If in so learned an Age as this, when Arts and Sciences are risen to such Perfection, there be any Gentleman unskilled in the Art of Loving, let him come to my School; where, if he hath any Genius, he will soon become an Adept: For I would by no means have any young Gentlemen think, that Erudition is unnecessary upon this Occasion. It is well known that the [1]Rules of Art are necessary to the Conduct of a Ship; for which reason, none but able and experienced Seamen are preferred to the Command of one. Rules are necessary even to make a good Coachman, as those Gentlemen who have the Ambition to excel this way very well know. In the same manner is Art required to drive the Chariot of Love well. Now it hath pleased _Venus_ to place me in the Coach-Box: what a Captain is to a Ship, or the Driver to his Chariot, that am I to Love. I own indeed Master _Cupid_ is a little wild, and often stubborn; but he is only a Child, and of an Age to be disciplined: And however fierce the Disposition of a Lad may be, a judicious Schoolmaster knows very well how to correct it: For many a Boy who hath afterwards turned out a Hero, hath when at School very patiently submitted to the Lash, and quietly, at the Word of Command, held out his Hands to be whipt [2]. Duke _William_ [3] himself, when a Lad, very possibly submitted to Correction; and he [4] who was hereafter to become the Terror of his Enemies, might in his Youth have been afraid of his Tutor. Mr. _Pointz_ was his Preceptor: I am the Preceptor of Love. Both these Youths were of a fierce Disposition, both elevated [5] in their Birth. But as the stoutest Ox submits himself to the Yoke, and the most fiery Horse to the Bridle, so shall Love to me. Though he may bend his Bow against my Breast, and shake his Torches at me; no matter: nay, the more he pierces me with his Arrows, the more he burns me, the more severely will I be revenged of him. But here, Master _Apollo_, I will tell no lies to my Readers. I do not pretend to have received any Inspiration from you, any more than from Parson _Whitefield_ [6]: And as for Miss _Clio_ [7] and her eight Sisters, I never visit them; nor have I even a Cap-Acquaintance with them. I write from Experience only; and _Experto crede Roberto_ is my Motto. I promise my Readers that I will tell them truth; and if I must, for form sake, invoke any Muse, _Venus_ herself shall be the Person [8]. Sweet Goddess! then be thou present, and smile at my Undertaking. But as for you who cannot smile, I mean you, Prudes, with your screw'd Faces, which may be considered as Signs hung forth before the Door of Virtue, and which perhaps, like other Signs, promise what is not to be found in the House; I desire neither your Favour nor your Company. Good-natur'd Girls[9] are all I write to; and such I promise them may read my Works without a Blush. Know then, my good Scholar, that art unexperienced in the Art of Love, that this Art consists of three principal Points: First, to select a proper Mistress: Secondly, to win her Affections: And, Thirdly, to preserve your mutual Affection. Of all these therefore we will treat; or, to speak metaphorically, through these three Roads we will drive the Chariot we have undertaken to guide. First then as to the Choice of a Mistress, to whom you may say, _In Thee alone my choice is fixed_. Do not believe such a one will fall into your Lap. It will become you to look about sharp for her, and with all your Eyes, I do assure you. And here my first Instruction shall be, where she may most probably be found: For he is a bad Huntsman who would beat about the _Royal Exchange_ for a Hare or a Fox; and not a much better Gunner or Fisherman, who goes a shooting in _Somerset-Gardens_, or attempts to angle in the magnificent Bason there. As these all know the Places where their Game resort, so must you. Here then, I by no means advise you to make a long Voyage after a foreign Mistress, as _Perseus_ did, who fetched _Andromeda_[10] from the _Indies_; or _Paris_, whom nothing would serve but a _Grecian_ Mistress. Your own Country, my Friend, will produce Women which the World cannot equal. Beauties are as plenty in the City of _London_ as Apples in[11] _Herefordshire_, or Grains of Wheat[12] in _Hampshire_; they are indeed as plenty as Fish in the Sea, or Birds in the Air; nay, the Sky hath not more Stars than _London_ hath Beauties: for _England_[13], not _Cyprus_, is the Queen of Love's favourite Island. Whether you love green Fruit, and which is in the Bud only, or Beauty in its fuller Bloom, or that which is arrived to perfect Ripeness; nay, if nothing but Wisdom or Sagacity will serve your turn, of these too Old _England_ will afford you a sufficient Plenty. In the pleasant Month of _May_, repair to _Vaux-Hall_[14]. Here take your Evening Walk, either round the verdant Scenes, where Nightingales, the only Foreigners who give us their Songs for nothing, warble their most delicious Notes. When your Limbs demand Repose, you may enjoy it in an Alcove, from whence the embattel'd Troops of _Venus_ will pass in review before you. Again, the lofty Dome of _Ranelagh_ invites your Steps. Whether the illustrious Artist took his Model from that House, which as a Reward for their Industry, or for some little regard for their Honey, the benevolent Nature of Man hath conferred on that laborious Animal the Bee: Or whether a more pious Disposition chose this Form from the musical Instrument which summons the whole Parish to Church: Or whether the wondrous Force of Genius, unassisted by any Model, did not of itself strike out this wondrous Architecture; let _Kent_ or _Benson_ inquire. Hither, from every Corner of the Town, repair the loveliest Nymphs. Here too thou may'st survey them, either walking or reposed on Benches at thy Ease. Nor is the _Mall_ to be neglected, where once die brawny Arm of _Charles_ displayed its Strength, and beat his subtle Courtiers at the Play, whence it derives its Name. Nor, _Kensington_, must thy Gardens be passed by, once the Delight of mighty _Caroline_, and to the future Age a Monument of her Taste. Here the Charmers draw in sweet Air, and send it forth again in sweeter Sighs, as Tributes to the loved Memory of that mighty Queen. As for the Ring, formerly the Scene of Beauty's many Triumphs, it is now become a lonely deserted Place: Brilliants and brilliant Eyes no longer sparkle there: No more the heedless Beau falls by the random Glance, or well-pointed Fan. The Ring is now no more: Yet _Ruckholt_, _Marybone_ and _The Wells_ survive; Places by no means to be neglected by the Gallant: for Beauty may lurk beneath the Straw Hat, and _Venus_ often clothes her lovely Limbs in Stuffs. Nay, the very Courts of Law are not excluded; and the Scenes of Wrangling are sometimes the Scenes of Love. In that Hall where _Thames_ sometimes overflowing, washes the Temple of _Venus Lucy_, the grave Serjeant becomes a Victim to the Fair; and he who so well knows how to defend others, cannot defend himself. Here the Special Pleader loses all Power to Demurr, and finds beyond his Expectation a novel Assignment spring up in the Cause. Him _Venus Lucy_[15] laughs at from her neighbouring Temple; for the Council is now become the Client, and squeezes an empty Hand harder than he ever did a full one. But above all, the Theatres are the Place of Sport: for these will be most fruitful to your Wishes. Here you will find one Object to love, and another to toy with. Some, of whom a single Touch will suffice, and others, in whom you will desire a stronger Tenure. Neither do the Ants in pursuit of Grain, or the Bees in quest of Flowers, swarm in greater Numbers than the Beauties to the Theatres. The variety of Charmers here have often distracted my Choice. Hither they come to see, and to be themselves seen; and many are the Love-Bargains here made. And now, Friend, I will tell you a Story. _Romulus_ was the first Person who ever made this use of the Theatre, when he ordered his Soldiers to fall foul on the _Sabine_ Ladies, whom he invited to a Play acted by his Command. Not that I would have you think, that Theatre was like the Playhouse in _Convent-Garden_, enriched with Scenes, Machines, and other Decorations. To say the truth, it was no better than a Barn, or Booth. Here he assembled the _Sabine_ Girls, and ordered his _Romans_ to chuse every Man his Miss. They did so, and while the poor Girls thought no Harm, those Fellows felt strange Emotions within. Now while a certain Dancer, called, _The Ludio_, was performing _a Tambourine_, which I suppose took greatly at that time, _Romulus_ on a sudden gave the Signal for falling on. This was instantly obeyed. They all rushed in, laid their Hands upon the Girls, and soon gave them sufficient Tokens of their Purpose. As the Doves, who are the most timorous of Birds, fly from Eagles; or as the young Lamb runs from Wolves, as soon as she sees them, so terrified were these Ladies, at the Men rushing upon them, in this unlawful manner. The Colour forsook their Cheeks at once. All were equally in a Fright, though they discovered their Fear by different Symptoms. Some of them tear their Hair, others sit in Amazement, Terror strikes some dumb, others call in vain for the Assistance of their Mammas. One cries out, another is shocked to death; one stands still, another endeavours to get out of the House. But all their Endeavours are vain; and perhaps indeed their Blushes heightened their Beauty; they were all led off, and those who would not go were carried. Methinks, I hear one of their Gallants thus addressing his weeping Fair. _Why, my Dear, will you spoil those lovely Eyes with Tears? I promise you, you shall be served no worse than your Mother hath been before. I will only do to you, what your Father did to her._ Ah _Romulus! Romulus!_ no General ever better knew how to reward his Soldiers; I promise you, that when I hear your Drum beating up for Voluntiers, I will enlist under your Command. Ever since that time, the Theatre hath been consecrated to Love, and many a pretty Girl, since the _Sabines_, hath owed the Loss of her Maidenhead to it. Other Places of publick Meeting may likewise be frequented, as Horse Races[16] and the Like. And especially public Shews, which never fail of Women. Here get upon a crouded Scaffold, and sit next to the Girl you like. Squeeze yourself as close to her as you can; for Custom here countenances such squeezing whether the pretty Creatures will or no. Here find some Opportunity to begin a Discourse; you will not be driven to talk upon your Fingers, or by Signs, but may use your Tongue[B]. Begin then with News, or the Chitchat of the Town. Nay, the Shew itself will afford a Subject: for instance supposing it was my Lord Mayor's Shew, you may ask her what Alderman that Coach, or those Liveries belong to; and be sure to admire the same with herself: Do not omit moreover, to give her an early Intimation of your Gallantry, and that you are a Woman's Man. If it should happen that any one of the Aldermen should be a greater Cuckold than the rest of his Brethren; take care to titter at his Appearance; and while the Pageants[17] are passing by, endeavour to find out a Resemblance of Horns in some of them. All those Things have a remote Tendency to this great point. [Note B: These Verses are transposed from the Place in which they stand in the Original, and this, I think, with Advantage to the Connection.] If a Grain of Snuff should happen to fall on the Lady's Bosom, wipe it off with your Fingers; and if none fall, wipe off that none. Take every Opportunity to be as officious in her Service as possible. If she drop her Fan or Gloves, presently take them up; for this you will have sure Reward in the very Fact, for you may at the same time lift up her petticoat and see her Legs. Be careful that the Person who sits behind her doth not press her tender Back with his Knee. Small Matters captivate light Minds. Many a Man hath drawn considerable Advantage from handing[18] a Lady to Coach, by gallanting her Fan, or even by taking up her Clog[19]. Nor will[20] _Tower-hill_, when the Tragic Scaffold is strewed with Saw-Dust, be an improper Place to begin your Intrigue: for _Cupid_ himself always attends, and acts the Part of an Executioner on such Occasions; many a poor Man having lost his Heart, while he hath attended to another's losing his Head. While the Fair-One carelessly laying her Hand on his, argues concerning the Criminal's Guilt, and offers to lay a Wager that he will die well; the wounded Lover feels a sudden Stroke, and is not better able to bear the Smart without a Sigh. [21]If it was the Custom of _England_ to imitate the _Romans_ in insulting over the Conquered, what Spectacles might have formerly been exhibited! How many _French_ Youths and Virgins might have followed the Chariot-Wheels of our Monarchs! In that Cafe many a poor _English_ Heart must have submitted to a _French_ Conquest, and Beauty would have been triumphant in Chains. Nay, I prophesy we shall again see those victorious Times. Our Mighty GEORGE now meditates new Triumphs, and _France_[22] shall be punished as she ought. Rejoice, O ye Shades[23], whose Bodies lie buried in the Plains of _Fontenoy_, where _British_ Colours were polluted by _Gallic_ Hands. WILLIAM your Avenger comes. The General in him shone forth in his first Campaign, and while a Youth, he managed War beyond his Years. Let not his Age therefore deter us from ranking him among our greatest Commanders. His Warlike Genius springs forth and outruns his Years, impatient of the sluggish Pace of Time. The _Swedish Charles_[24] was scarce beyond a Child when he crushed two mighty enemies at once; _Charles_[25] the _German_ Prince, yet but a Youth, what was he when he past the _Rhine_ and terrified the Host of _France_? Thy Father's Genius, WILLIAM, and his Courage, shall inspire thy youthful Arms. With that Genius and that Courage shalt thou conquer. Such Beginnings dost thou owe to the mighty Name of thy illustrious Sire; that thou who art the Noblest of all young Commanders mayst hereafter become the first among the old. 'Tis time to avenge the Injuries attempted to thy House, and to maintain thy glorious Father's Rights. Thy Country's Father and thy own, girts on thy Sword, and thy Cause is no less glorious than thy Arms. In both is _France_ inferiour, and to both shall yield. I prophesy, that thou shalt conquer, and to thy Conquest I dedicate my votive Prayers, prepared hereafter to resound thy Praise; when we shall see thee, most lovely Prince, returning, thy Glories far outshining the Gold in which thou art attired. Thee shall Crouds of Youths and beauteous Virgins hail from their crouded Windows as thou passest, and universal Joy shall overspread each _British_ Face on that Blest Day. If then, my Scholar, thou shouldst happen to be placed in a Window near some lovely Girl, who, fired with the Glories of the young Conqueror, should enquire into all his matchless Labours[26], his Wound at _Dettingen_; his Danger and Intrepidity at _Fontenoy_; his Toils at home, in defiance of Cold and Fatigue; his Pursuit to _Carlisle_; his Victory at _Culloden_; and many more which will then be as well known; repeat all if thou canst, and if thy Memory fails, go on nevertheless: for Invention cannot here outdo the Reality, and thy Fictions shall recommend thee equal with Truth to her Ears. Again, when thou dost sit down at table among the Women, thou may'st reap other Pleasures besides those of Wine: For, to speak figuratively, _Cupid_ with glowing Cheeks often presses the Horns of _Bacchus_ in his tender Arms; and the Wings of the little God of Love being wetted with Wine, he is unable to fly off: And if he happens to shake his wet Wings, he may possibly sprinkle the Bosom of your Mistress with Love. In more intelligible Language, Wine fills our Minds with Courage, and makes them susceptible of other warm Passions. Care flies away, and is dissolved in much Liquor. Then comes Laughter, the poor Man becomes bold, and Grief and Solicitude, and knitted Brows vanish. Then it is that Simplicity, a rare Virtue in our Age, opens our Hearts, Wine having divested us of Cunning. At this Season, many a watchful young Fellow hath gained the Heart of his Mistress[27]. And Love hath sprung from Wine, as the Flame doth from Fire. However, do not confide too much at this time to the Light of a Candle: for Night and Wine obstruct us in forming a true Judgment of Beauty. _Paris_ beheld the Goddesses in open Daylight, when he gave the Preference to _Venus_. Indeed by Candle-light, and in a Side-Box, almost every one is a Beauty: Jewels, Clothes, and Women, are all best discerned by the Light of the Sun. And here if I should recount all the rural Haunts in which a Lover may find his Game, I might write more Volumes than _Oldmixon_, _Tunbridge_, and _Scarborough_, and _Cheltenham_, and _Holt_, and many other Places shall be therefore omitted; but, Bath[28], thy sulphurous Waters must not be past by. Hence Master _Dapperwit_ bringing home the Wounds made by fair Eyes in his Bosom, cries out, on his Return, _The Waters are not so wholesome as they are reported; I have received more Harm than Good at the Place_. Here rises the Temple[29] of the God (CNASH) whose Walls are hung round with the Portraits of Beauties. The Apotheosis of this God hath cost many a poor Man his Heart. Thus far, my Scholar, I have endeavoured to instruct thee in what Places thou art to hunt for thy Game, and where to spread thy Net. I will now proceed to shew thee by what Means Puss is to be taken, when you have found her Sitting. _Mind all_, as my old Schoolmaster used to say; for I assure you my instructions will be worthy the Attention of both the Great Vulgar and the Small. My first Lesson then is: Be confident. Believe every Woman is to be come at. Do but spread your Net, and I warrant she runs into it. Sooner shall the Birds be silent in the Spring, or the Frogs in the Winter: Sooner shall the Greyhound run away from the Hare, than a Woman shall resist the Youth who gently assails her. Though she skrews up her Face ever so demurely, she will at length yield to his Persuasions. A dark Corner is as agreeable to a Girl, as to one of us, though we cannot so well dissemble our Desires as she can; but if we should once enter into a Confederacy against the Sex to leave off courting them, they would soon begin to act the Part of Lovers, and come a wooing to us. And what is this but a natural Affection, common to the Females of every other Species, who often make love to the Males? And give me leave to tell the Ladies, that we are more able to command our Affections, nor are our Desires so furious, and exceeding all Bounds, as theirs. The Story of _Byblis_[30] is too well known to be related, who being in love with her Brother, punished her Crime with her own Hands, and hanged herself in her Garters. Miss _Myrrha_[31] loved her Papa with an Affection improper for a Daughter; for which she was turned into a Tree. I do assure you the Story is true; and the Tree now drops continual Tears for her Offence, which we use as a Perfume; and they retain the Lady's Name. In the shady Valleys of _Ida_[32], there was a white Bull, which was the Glory of the Farmer to whom he belonged. This Bull had a beautiful black Speck between his Horns, all the rest of his Body being as white as Milk. With him the _Gnossian_ and _Cydonian_ Heifers were all in love, and eagerly longed to be embraced by him in the tenderest manner in which Bulls embrace the Fair Sex of Cows. _Pasiphaë_, I am very sorry to say it, conceived a Passion worse, if possible, than that of Mrs. _Mary Hamilton_, for this Bull. Lady ---- is not more envied in the Drawing-Room than was every handsome Heifer by this unfortunate Woman. The Story is so well known that there is not a Freethinker[33] in the Age who can refuse his Credit to it, though they believe nothing which they cannot see and account for. This poor Girl is reported to have mowed the sweetest Grass with her own Hands for her beloved Bull. She likewise wandered about among the Cows, without the least Regard to Mr. Alderman. _Minos_ her Husband; for a Bull had totally supplanted him in her Esteem. Alas! _Pasiphaë_, to what purpose are the brocaded Petticoats? Your Gallant is not sensible of your Finery. Why do you consult your Looking-Glass, in order to pursue the Mountain-Herds? Or why with so much Art do you set your _Tête_? If you will consult your Glass, let it inform you you are no Heifer. Ah! how desirous are you to have those Horns on your own Forehead, which you intend to graft on your Husband's! It would be better to preserve your Virtue, and be constant to the Alderman, if you can like him: But if you must make a Cuckold of him, do it at least with a young Fellow. No; nothing but a Bull will suffice. She leaves the Alderman's House, and flies away to the Groves and Mountains. To say the truth, I believe she used to drink away her Senses; and that is the best Excuse for her. Ah! how often hath she cast a jealous Eye on some Heifer! and cried out, _Why should that vixen please my Love? Behold, says she, how the Slut dances a Minuet on the Grass before him: Let me die, but she is silly enough to think her Airs become her in my Love's Eyes._ At length she resolved to punish her Rivals. One Heifer she ordered barbarously to be yoked to the Plough; another she condemned to be sacrificed, and held the Entrails of the poor Victim in her Hand with all the insulting Triumph of a Rival: _Now_, says she, having the Entrails in her Hand, _now go and make yourself agreeable to my Dear_. At one time she wishes to be _Europa_[34], at another _Io_: for one of these was herself the Wife of a Bull, and the other made her Horse of one. Filled with these Thoughts, she contrived the strangest Method of compleating her Desires. She sent for a Joiner of great Ingenuity, and ordered him to make her a large Cow of Wood. Into this she conveyed herself, and thus deceived Master Bull into her Embraces. She conceived by this monstrous Coition, and brought forth an Offspring, which by his partaking equally of the human and taurine Form, betrayed her horrid Passion. If the _Cretan_ Lady[35] had abstained from the Love of _Thyestes_, (O! how Women disdain Constancy to their Husbands!) the Sun had not stopt in the middle of his Career, and turned about his Face to the East, that he might avoid the bloody Banquet. God be praised! the Cuckolds of our Age are not so bloody in their Revenge. The Daughter of _Nisus_[36], who stole her Papa's Hair, feeds hungry Dogs in those Parts which first set her a longing for _Minos_. _Agamemnon_, after returning safe from so many bloody Campaigns, and from the dangerous Seas which he crossed, fell at last a dreadful Victim to the Whore his Wife[37]. Who hath not wept at the sad Story of _Creüsa_? consumed by the Flames of a Sorceress, who afterwards drenched her Hands in the Blood of her own Children[38]. _Phoenix_[39], the Son of _Amyntor_, hath often paid many a Tear for his Amours, though he had not the wretched Fate of _Hippolytus_[40], to be torn in pieces by wild Horses. And thou, O _Phineus_[41]! why dost thou indulge that Jade _Harpalice_ by digging out the Eyes of thy Children? Believe me, Divine Vengeance will hereafter inflict the same Punishment on thyself. All these have been the Effects of Women's raging Desires, which are so much more violent and mad than ours. Come on then, and doubt not the Conquest of any Girl whatever: there is not one in a thousand who will deny you. And even those who will deny you, love to be put to the Question; if you are disappointed therefore, your Repulse will be attended with no Danger. But why should you apprehend any Disappointment, when every new Amour pleases them, and they all hanker after the Lovers and Husbands of other Women? This I am afraid is too natural in all things. The Corn in our Neighbour's Field seems always to flourish beyond our own, and we think our own Cow gives less Milk than his. However, before you attack any Lady, make first sure of her Maid; for she will pave the Way to your Addresses. If the Lady have many Females about her Person, take care to secure her who is most in the Confidence of her Mistress; and who will faithfully betray to you all her private Conversation. When you have found this Confidant out, corrupt her with Promises and Intreaties; for she can soon bring you to the End of your Desires, if she pleases. Let her watch the Opportunity, (Physicians will tell you the Use of attending proper Seasons) when the Mind of your Mistress is easy, and apt for your Purpose. This Season, I apprehend, is when she is in the best Humour; for Love then becomes luxuriant in her Mind, as Corn doth in a rich Soil. When the Heart is full of Gladness, and bound up by no Vexation, it is open; and then the Compliments of a Lover will easily find an Admission. Remember, _Troy_ was defended while it remained in a sullen Mood, and opened its Gates to the armed Horse, when it was full of Good-Humour, and drunk with Joy. Yet every Vexation should not deter you; for if your Mistress should be uneasy at the Falshood of her Husband, then is a proper time to attack her, and to assist her in revenging the Injury. When your Mistress is in this Humour, let _Abigail_ while combing her Hair at the Toilette in a Morning, stir her up to Vengeance. This will under-hand promote your Voyage; for while you openly manage your Sails, she works under the Water with her Oars. Now let Abigail with a soft Sigh mutter to her self: _Ah! poor Lady, I am afraid it is not in your power alone to revenge your Husband's Perfidy!_ Then let her introduce a Discourse of you; let her say something in your Favour, and swear that you are gone distracted and dying for Love. But no Time must be lost; lest the Passions she hath raised should again subside; and Resentment intervene by Delay, and freeze up her Love as Ice doth Water. And here perhaps you will ask a Question, Whether it is prudent to kiss the Agent herself. This is not easy to answer: for it is a mere Cast of the Dye, whether you succeed the better of the worse for it. One Woman is by Enjoyment made a more industrious Solicitor, another becomes just the reverse. One thinks of procuring the Pleasures she hath tasted for her Mistress, another of securing them herself. The Event is doubtful; and though she may be easy enough to be had, my Advice is, abstain from the Confidant; for I will not imitate the Empyric in striking bold Strokes; nor will I lead my Scholars over a Precipice. I give no Advice but what is safe, nor shall any Youth by following my Precepts run himself into _Rosamond's Pond_. If therefore the Girl who goes between you and your Mistress, pleases you in her Person as well as in her Diligence; enjoy the Mistress first, and the Maid falls of course; but never begin with the latter. One thing however I must admonish you, (if my Art deserves any Credit, and my Words are to be regarded as any thing better than Wind) EITHER NEVER ATTEMPT THE CONFIDANT, OR GO THOROUGH STITCH WITH HER: for by making her _particeps criminis_ you take away her Evidence. This Doctrine you may learn from all other Sportsmen: for if a Bird escapes with Birdlime on his Wings, or a Boar breaks through the Toils, or a Fish gets off from the Hook; they are all sure to alarm their Companions, and spoil the Sport of the Fowler, the Hunter, or the Fisher. If once therefore you attempt her, press her to it with all your Vigour, and never leave her till you have enjoyed her. For when once she is involved in the same Guilt with yourself, you are sure she will not betray you. Nay, you may be assured further, that she will betray every Word and Action of her Mistress to you. But take particular care not to blab any of the Secrets she discloses to you: for while her Mistress hath no Suspicion of her Confidant, she will be able to lay her entirely open to your Knowledge. And now, to resume that Matter, believe me, he is deceived, who thinks that none but the Farmer and Mariner are obliged to regard the Season: for as it is not proper at all times to commit the Corn to the fallacious Fields, nor to trust your Vessel at all times to the green Ocean; so neither is it always safe to attack a tender Girl, for she will be taken at one time who will resist at another. If it be for instance her Birth-day[42], perhaps, her Grandmother hath instructed her to be particularly cautious on that day; so if it be the Day of the Week on which _Childermas_ hath happened to fall that Year; or King _Charles's_ Martyrdom: defer the attack at all such Seasons. For to speak in Sea-Language, then is dirty Weather[43], then it blows a Hurricane; and if you weigh Anchor at that Season, you will be scarce able to keep your keel downwards. Above all avoid your Mistress's Birth-day; nor will it be more prudent in you to visit her first on the Morning of _Valentine's_ Day[44], you will pay more for being her Valentine than it is worth. Indeed all Seasons which give them any Hint of receiving Presents should be carefully avoided: for be never so cautious and sneaking, have it of you she will. They all very well know the Art of squeezing a Lover who longs to squeeze them. Mr.[C] _Deards_ will make his Appearance in his Silk Night-Gown, and unbundle his Packet in your Presence. The Lady will then desire you to look over his Trinkets, (she can do no less, you know, in Compliment to your Taste:) then she will make you a Present of a Kiss, and afterwards desire you to buy it. [Note C: An eminent Joyner in _London_.] "I promise you, my Dear," says she, "if you will but buy me this single Jewel, I will not ask another of you the Lord knows how long; but I have really a present Occasion for this, and besides it is the cheapest Thing I ever saw." If you pretend to have no Money about you, the Answer is, O, my Dear, you may give your Note: Mr. _Deards_ will take your Note. So that you may repent having learnt to write your Name. Then she adds, _O la, I had almost forgot, it is my Birth-day, I am sure you will make me a Present on my Birth-day_: for they can be born every Day in the Year to serve their Purpose. Or else she pretends to have lost a Drop from her Ear-Ring; this Loss makes her miserable, and sure, says she, _if you loved me, you would repair that Loss_. Nay, some are not so honest as to desire a Present, they only borrow; but they are sure never to restore. By this Means you lose the Thing, without having the Merit of bestowing it. In short, if I had ten Mouths, with ten Tongues in each, all would not suffice to display all the Arts by which Harlots pick the Pockets of their Cullies. Begin then your Amour with an Epistle; let that break the Ice for you, and make the first Discovery of your Flame. In this you may insert all your little Blandishments, and Expressions of Fondness, nor be ashamed, however high your Quality is, to add the strongest Entreaties. Remember that many a Rebel's Son hath had his Life spared at the Supplication of his Father; nay, the Wrath of Heaven itself is often averted by Prayer. It is moreover my Advice to you, to be liberal of your Promises; for what Injury can you receive by Promising? This is a Treasure in which any Man may be rich. Nor can your Mistress complain that she is absolutely cheated, if you can bring her to believe your Promises. A lifely Faith hath supported many a Man for a long Time: For though our Faith may sometimes deceive us, it is however a great and commodious Virtue. Beware of giving: For when once your Mistress hath the Present in her Clutches, she may answer jilting you to her Prudence. She hath gained at least what she is in possession of, and cannot be said to have lost any thing by the Bargain. On the contrary, keep her still in Expectation. Seem always about to give, but never part with a Shilling: For in this Manner doth a barren Soil often deceive its Owner. Thus, that he may not be a Loser, the Gamester pushes on his ill Luck, and one flattering Throw makes him eager to have the Box again in his Hands. Indeed the great Business is to enjoy your Mistress before she hath touched you. If she once yield to you gratis, she will continue to bestow her Favours still gratis, in Hopes of being at last rewarded for all her past Favours. Epistolize therefore first; flatter and sooth her with tender Lines. Let these probe her Mind, and open the Way for your Addresses. You know the Story of _Cydippe_[45], who was outwitted by a Letter inclosed in an Apple; by which Means she was made to speak Words she never intended. I would advise the young Gentlemen of the _Temple_, to study the Arts of Persuasion, on other Accounts, besides that of defending Sheep-stealers at an Assizes: For a pretty Girl may be as easily captivated by Eloquence, as a Judge or Jury; and surely she is a much nobler Prize. But here conceal your Art, and do not carry your Eloquence in your Face: And above all Things, beware of hard Words; for who but an empty Coxcomb ever made a verbose Declamation to his Mistress? By such Methods you may raise her Abhorrence more probably than her Love. Let your Passion appear credible, and disclose it in easy and common Language; it may be as tender and warm as you please; but preserve the Stile of Conversation. If she should not receive your Letter, but send it back unopened, hope for better Success another Time, and maintain your Purpose. Time brings the Stubborn Steer to bend his Neck to the Yoke, and the Horse to endure the Bridle. Iron Bonds and Ploughshares are worn out by constant Use. What is harder than a Rock? or what is softer than Water? And yet hard Rocks are hollowed by soft Water. _Penelope_ herself in Time might have been conquered. You see _Troy_, though it defended itself so long, was however taken at last. If she reads your Letters, but is unwilling to answer them, do not attempt to compel her. If she but reads your Fondness, it is sufficient. If she will read, in Time she will answer what she reads. All these Matters will be brought about in their own good Time. Perhaps the first Answer she sends you will be a cruel one, and may desire you to quit all future Solicitations. She fears to be taken at her Word, and hopes you will not grant her Request. Follow her, and in Time you will obtain your Wishes. If you meet her Chair, and the Curtains should be drawn, approach it as it were by Accident; and when you discover her there, whisper something tender in her Ear; but whisper softly, lest the Chairman, or any other impertinent Person, should over-hear you. When she walks in the _Mall_, dangle after her, and interrupt her Walk with your Conversation. Here you will have an Opportunity of seeing her Shape, and shewing her yours, by sometimes walking behind, and sometimes before her. But for the most Part keep even pace with her, whether she trips along briskly, or only saunters. Sometimes she will take a longer Walk, as far perhaps as the second or Third Stone. Hither follow her, and take every Opportunity of getting up close to her Side. Never let her go to the Play without attending her: No Matter what the Play is, she will bring sufficient Entertainment for you with her. Here keep your Eyes always intent on her only, and admire every Thing about her. By your Eyes, and by Signs, you may inform her of many Things. Be sure to applaud greatly any amorous wanton Dance; and be no less favourable to those Scenes where the Business of Love is transacted, and almost brought to a Conclusion on the Stage: Many of which occur in _Congreve_, _Vanbrugh_, and _Wycherly_. If she rises between the Acts, rise also; if she sits, as sometimes Ladies do, to express their Contempt for the Audience, do you likewise keep your Seat. In a Word, conduct yourself entirely according to her Example and Pleasure. Now with regard to your Person: Do not imitate some finical _Petit Matre_ in his _Toupet_, much less in more detestable Effeminacies. Tuck your Hair rather under your Hat, like the rough Fox-hunter, who traverses Hill and Dale to the Musick of the Horn. A careless Air in Dress becomes a Man. Colonel _Theseus_[46] carried off Miss _Ariadne_ in a Campaign Wig without a single Curl in it. In the same Manner did Captain _Hippolytus_ march off with Miss _Phaedra_, though his Shock Head of Hair never had any Powder in it: nay, Lady _Venus_ herself chose young _Jack Adonis_ in a Jockey Coat and Buckskin Breeches. Cleanliness however is agreeable: Let your Face be burnt with the Sun; but let your Cloaths be well made, and without a Spot on them. Wash your Mouth, and clean your Teeth often; let your Beard be close shaved, and your Nails short and free from Dirt. Observe these Documents, and leave all other Niceties to the Women, and to Men who desire to supply their Places. But now _Bacchus_ summons his Poet. He likewise assists Lovers, and favours the Flame which warms himself. The _Cretan_ Lady having jumped out of Bed in a raving Fit, wandered on the foreign Shore of _Dia_. She had nothing on but a loose wrapping Gown, without Stockings or Cap: and her Hair hung dishevelled over her Shoulders. She complained of the Cruelty of _Theseus_ to the deep Waves, whilst an unworthy Shower of Tears ran down her Cheeks. She wept, and lamented aloud, and both became her; nor did her Tears diminish her Beauty. Once, and again, she beat her delicious Breasts with her Hands, and cried aloud, _The perfidious Man hath abandoned me; What will become of poor _Ariadne_? What will become of poor _Ariadne_?_ On a sudden a vast Multitude was heard, while many Kinds of strange Instruments, like those of the miserable Masons, accompanied the Voices. The poor Lady sunk with Fear; and suppressed her last Words; nor did the least Blood remain in her Countenance. And now behold the _Bacchanalian_ Women, with their Hair about their Ears, and the light Satyrs, who are always Forerunners of the God. Behold old Master _Silenus_[47] as drunk as a Piper, riding on an Ass, which he is hardly able either to sit or guide. The old Gentleman, endeavouring to follow the _Bacchanalians_, who fly from him and towards him, sets Spurs to his Ass, which being a vicious Beast, kicked up, and threw him over his Ears: upon which all the Satyrs set up a loud Shout, crying out, _Rise, Father, rise and be d----nd to you_. And now the God himself, high mounted on his Four-Wheel Chaise, the Top of which was adorned with Grapes, and which he drove himself, flung his Golden Reins over the Backs of his Pair of Tygers. Poor _Ariadne's_ Colour forsook her Cheeks, and _Theseus_ and her Voice at once deserted her Lips. Thrice she attempted to fly, and thrice being retained, she grew stiff with Fear, and stood trembling as Corn waves in the Field, or Reeds on the River Bank, when fanned by the Wind. To whom the God; _Behold, Madam, a more faithful Lover at your Feet: Fear nothing, Lady fair, you shall be the Wife of _Bacchus_. The Sky shall be your Dowry, where shining in a bright Constellation, by the Name of _Ariadne's_ Crown, you shall often direct the doubtful Mariner's Passage._ He said; and leaping from his Chariot, lest _Ariadne_ should be afraid of the Tygers, the Sand sunk under the Weight of his Feet; and catching her instantly in his Arms, he carried her, who was incapable of scratching, directly off; (for every Thing, we know, is in the Power of a Deity:) And now, whilst Part of his Train sing the _Hymenaeum_, and other cry _Evie Evoe_, two very mysterious Words, and full of Masonry, the God and his new-ravished Bride go together, between a Pair of sacred Sheets. Whenever therefore you happen to be in Company with a pretty Girl over a Bottle, pray heartily to _Bacchus_, and invoke his nocturnal Rites, that the Wine may not get into your Head. You may now take an Opportunity to toast some Nymph by a fictitious Name, of whom you may say an hundred amorous Things; all which, with the least Assistance, she will readily apply to herself. Double Entendres likewise may be used. You may moreover draw certain Figures in Wine on the Table; and after having spoken of your Mistress in the third Person, you may take this Method of writing her Name, and convincing her, that she herself is the Goddess. But let your gloating Eyes inform her of your Passion: for an expressive Countenance often finds both Words and Utterance. When she drinks, receive the Cup from her; and let her see you industrious to find out the Place before pressed by her Lips; and then drink eagerly at the same. And whatever Part of the Meat she shall touch with her Fingers, do not fail to give the Preference to that: if in catching at it, you touch her Hand into the Bargain, it is the better. But above all Things, let it be your Endeavour to please her Keeper, if she have any: For to make a Friend of him will be very useful to you both. When you are at Table, let him be always helped first, and to the most elegant Tid-Bit; and when you drink together, offer him always the Place of Toast-maker; whether he be your Inferiour or your Equal, let him always choose before you, and be not ashamed to trowel him well over with Flattery. It is a safe and common Way to deceive under Pretence of Friendship; I must own, however safe and common it is, it is not altogether blameless. This is indeed a Dishonesty not very unlike that of a Major Domo, who under the Colour of Friendship empties your Cellars of your Wine, by pushing the Bottle further than is necessary. Now to fix a certain Stint to your Cups, I allow you never to drink till your Head becomes giddy, and your Feet begin to totter. Beware of Quarrels, which are often occasioned by Wine. Let not your Hands be too ready to strike in your Cups. Remember the old Story of the Wedding of _Pyrothous_[48] and many more where drunken Fools by being quarrelsome in their Liquor have come short home. A Drinking Bout is in Reality a properer Scene for Joke and Mirth, than for Fighting. I proceed to other Lessons[49]. If you have a Voice, then sing; if you have handsome Legs, cut Capers, or slide into the Minuet Step. In short, endeavour to please your Mistress, by exerting those Talents in which Nature hath given you to excel. Now, as real Drunkenness may be hurtful to you, so you may sometimes reap Advantages by pretending yourself in Liquor, by Stammering or Lisping a little slyly: For then if you should descend to some Expressions of the grosser Kind, it will be imputed to your having taken a Cup too much. Drink Bumpers to the Health of your Mistress, and of the Gentleman with whom she is obliged to sleep; but I do not insist on your being extremely sincere on this Occasion: for you may heartily wish him hanged at the same Time, if you please. When the Company rises to go away, there is always a Confusion in the Room, of which you may take Advantage. You may then creep close up to your Mistress, may perhaps palm her, and gently tread on her Toes. Whenever you have an Opportunity of speaking to her privately, be not bashful like a Country Boobily Squire. Remember Fortune and Love both favour the Bold. I do not intend to lay down any Rules for your Oratory on this Occasion. Do but begin boldly, and you will be Eloquent of course: Set this only before you, that you are to act the Part of a Lover, to talk of Wounds and Darts, and Dying and Despair, and all that, as Mr. _Bayes_ says: For if you can once make her believe you are in Love, your Business is done. To create therefore this Faith in her, you must employ every Art of which you are Master. Nor is this indeed so difficult a Task: For every Woman believes herself to be the Object of Love; be she never so ugly, she is still amiable in her own Eye. Sometimes indeed no Deceit is in the End put on the Woman, for her pretended Lover becomes often a real one, and is the very Creature which he before personated. And by the Way, young Ladies, let me tell you this is no small Encouragement to you, to countenance such Pretences; for if you manage well, you may often inspire a Man with Love in Earnest, while he is endeavouring to impose a fictitious Passion upon you. But to return to my Scholars. Flatter with all your Might: for the Mind is taken as it were by Stealth, by Flattery, even as the Bank which hangs over a River is undermined by the liquid Waves. Never be weary therefore of commending her Face, or her Hair; her taper Arm, or her pretty little Foot. The chastest Matrons are fond of hearing the Praises of their Beauty; and the purest Virgins make the Charms of their Persons at once their Business and their Pleasure. What else is meant by that ancient Fable of _Juno_ and _Pallas_, whom the _Greek_ Poets represent as yet ashamed of the Conquest obtained by _Venus_. This Vanity seems to extend itself to Animals, in many of which we may observe some Traces of it. The peacock, if you seem to admire her, spreads forth her Golden Plumes, which she never displays to an indifferent Spectator. The Race-Horse, while he is running for a Plate, enjoys the Beauties of his well-combed Mane, and gracefully turned Neck. Secondly, to Flattery, add Promises, and those not timorous nor sneaking ones. If a Girl insists upon a Promise of Marriage, give it her, and bind it by many Oaths[D]; for no Indictment lies for this sort of Perjury. The Antients vented horrid Impieties on this Occasion, and introduced _Jupiter_ shaking his Sides at the Perjuries of Lovers, and ordering the Winds to puff them away: Nay, he is said to have forsworn himself even by _Styx_ to _Juno_: and therefore, say they, he encourages Men to follow his Example. [Note D: This is the most exceptionable Passage in the whole Work. We have endeavoured to soften it as much as possible; but even as it now stands, we cannot help expressing Detestation of this Sentiment, which appears shocking even in a Heathen Writer.] But though a Christian must not talk in this Manner, yet I believe it may be one of those Sins which the Church of _Rome_ holds to be venial, or rather venal. I would here by no Means be suspected of Infidelity or Profaneness. It is necessary there should be a God; and therefore we must believe there is; nay, we must worship him: For he doth not possess himself in that indolent State in which the Deities of _Epicurus_ are depictured. If we live innocent Lives, we may depend on the Care of his Providence. Restore faithfully whatever is deposited in your Hands: Be just in all your Contracts: Avoid all Kind of Fraud, and be not polluted with Blood. A wise Man will be a Rogue only among the Girls: For in all other Articles a Gentleman will be ashamed of breaking his Word. And what is this more than deceiving the Deceivers? The Sex are for the greatest Part Impostors; let them therefore fall in the Snares which they have spread for others. Perhaps you have never read the Justice of _Busiris_; when Egypt was burnt up Nine Years together for want of Rain, one _Thrasius_ a Foreigner came to Court, and being introduced to the King by _Clementius Cotterelius_, he acquainted his Majesty, that _Jupiter_ was to be propitiated by the Blood of a Stranger. The King Answered him, _Then thou thyself shalt be the first Victim, and with thy foreign Blood shalt give Rain to Egypt_. To the same Purpose is the Story of _Phalaris_, who roasted the Limbs of _Perillus_ in his own Bull: Thus making Proof of the Goodness of the Work by the Torments of the unhappy Maker. Now there was great Justice in both these Examples; for nothing can be more equitable than that the Inventers of Cruelty should perish by their own Art. To apply this to our present Purpose: As there is no Deceit or Perjury which Women will stick at putting in use against us, let them lament the Consequence of their own Examples. Thirdly, Tears are of great Service. The Proverb tells you, _Tears will move Adamant_. If you can bring it about therefore, let your Mistress see your Cheeks a little blubbered upon Occasion. If Tears should refuse to come (as they sometimes will) an Onion in your Handkerchief will be of great use. Fourthly, Kisses. What Lover of any Sense doth not mix Kisses with his tender Expressions! Perhaps she will not give them easily: No Matter, take them without her Leave. Perhaps she will scratch, and say you are rude: Notwithstanding her Scratches, she will be pleased with your getting the better. Do this, however, in so gentle a Manner, that you may not hurt her tender Lips; nor let her complain of being scrubbed with your Beard. Now when you have proceeded to Kisses, if you proceed no farther, you may well be called unworthy of what you have hitherto obtained. When you was at her Lips, how near was you to your Journey's End! If therefore you stop there, you rather deserve the Name of a bashful 'Squire than of a modest Man. The Girls may call this perhaps Violence; but it is a Violence agreeable to them: For they are often desirous of being pleased against their Will: For a Woman taken without her Consent, notwithstanding her Frowns, is often well satisfied in her Heart, and your Impudence is taken as a Favour; whilst she who, when inclined to be ravished, hath retreated untouched, however she may affect to smile, is in reality out of Humour. Ravishing is indeed out of Fashion in this Age; and therefore I am at a Loss for modern Examples; but antient Story abounds with them. Miss[50] _Phoebe_ and her Sister were both ravished, and both were well pleased with the Men who ravished them. Though the Story of _Deidamia_ was formerly in all the _Trojan_ News-Papers, yet my Reader may be pleased to see it better told. _Venus_ had now kept her Word to _Paris_, and given him the Beauty she had promised, not as a Bribe, but as a Gratification for his having made an Award in her Favour, in the famous Cause between _Juno_ and others against _Venus_, in _Trover_ for a Golden Apple; which was referred to him at the Assizes at _Ida_. _Paris_, every one knows, no sooner had received Mrs. _Helen_, than he immediately carried her off to his Father's Court. Upon this the _Grecians_ entered into an Association; and several Noblemen raised Regiments at their own Expence, out of their Regard to the Public: For Cuckoldom was a public Cause, no one knowing whose Turn it would be next. Lieutenant-General _Achilles_, who was to command a large Body of Grenadiers, which the _Greeks_ call _Myrmidons_, did not behave handsomely on that Occasion, though he got off afterwards at a Court-Martial by pleading, that his Mother (who had a great deal in her own Power) had insisted on his acting the Part he did; for, I am ashamed to say, he dressed himself in Women's Clothes, and hid himself at the House of one _Lycomedes_, a Man of good Fortune in those parts. _Fie upon it, General, I am ashamed to see you sit quilting among the Girls; a Sword becomes your Hands much better than a Needle._ _What can you mean by that Work-Basket in a Hand by which Count _Hector_ is to fall? Do you carry that Basket with you to put his Head in?_ _For Shame then, cast away your Huswife, and all those effeminate Trinkets from a Fist able to wield _Harry_ the Fifth's Sword._ It happened, that at the same Time when the General, at the House of 'Squire _Lycomedes_, performed this Feat, Miss _Deidamia_, one of the Maids of Honour, was visiting at the same Place. This young Lady soon discovered that the General was a Man; for indeed he got her Maidenhead. He ravished her, that is the Truth on't; that a Gentleman ought to believe, in Favour of the Lady: But he may believe the Lady was willing enough to be ravished at the same Time. When the General threw away his Needle, and grasped the Armour, (you must remember the Story, for it was in the _Trojan Alamain_) the young Lady began to change her Note, and to hope he would not forsake her so. _Ah! little _Mia_! is this the Violence you complained of? Is this the Ravisher you are afraid of? Why with that gentle Voice do you solicite the Author of your Dishonour to stay with you?_ To come at once to the Moral of my Story; as they are ashamed to make the first Advances, so they are ready to suffer whatever a pushing Man can do unto them. As for those pretty Master-Misses, the _Adonis's_ of the Age, who confide in their own Charms, and desire to be courted by the Girls; believe me, they will stay long enough before they are asked the Question. If you are a Man, make the first Overtures: Remember, it is the Man's Part to address the Fair; and it will be her's to be tenderly won. Be bold then, and put the Question; she desires no more than to have the Question put; and sure you will not deny your own Wishes that Favour. _Jupiter_ himself went a courting to the Heroines of old: For I never heard of any Girl who courted him. But if you find Madam gives herself any immoderate Airs at your Proposal, it will then be good to recede a little from your Undertaking, and to affect to sheer off: For many of them, according to the Poet, _Pursue what flies, and fly what doth pursue._ A short Absence will soon cure her Disdain. It may be proper likewise to conceal your intentions a little at first, and make your first Advance under the Pretence of _Platonic_ Friendship. I have known many a Prude taken under these false Colours; and the _Platonic_ Friend hath soon become a happy Lover. And now as to your Complexion; for believe me, this is a Matter of some Consequence: Though I would not have you effeminate, yet I would have you delicate. A fair Complexion in a Tar is scandalous, and looks more like a Borough Captain or one of those fresh-water Sailors, who have so much dishonoured our Navy. The Skin of a Seaman ought to be rough, and well battered with Winds and Waves. Such likewise ought to be the Face of a Fox-hunter, who ought not to fear Rain or Easterly Winds: And the fame becomes the Soldier. But let the Soldier of _Venus_ look fair and delicate; nay, if your Complexion inclines to Paleness, so much the better; for this will be imputed by every young Girl to Love. Young _Orion_[51] with a pale Countenance wandered through the Groves, being sick with the Love of Lyrice: And the same Effect had the Love of _Naïs_ upon the Countenance of _Daphnis_[52]; two Lovers very famous in Antiquity. Leanness is another Token of a Lover; to obtain which, you need not take Physick; sitting up all Night; and writing Love-Letters, will bring this about. Be sure to look as miserable as possible; so that every one who sees you, may cry, _There goes a Lover_. And here shall I lament the Wickedness of Mankind, or only simply observe it to you? But in Reality all Friendship and Integrity are nothing more than Names. Alas! It is dangerous to be too prodigal in the Praises of your Mistress, even to your Friend; for if he believes you, he becomes your Rival. It is true there are some old Stories of faithful Friends: _Patroclus_ never made a Cuckold of _Achilles_; and _Phaedra's_ Chastity was never attempted by _Pirithous_. _Pylades_ loved _Hermions_, who was his Friend's Wife; but it was with the pure Love of a Brother: And the same Fidelity did _Castor_ preserve towards his Twin-Brother _Pollux_. But if you expect to find such Instances in these degenerate Days, you may as well have Faith enough to expect a Pine-Apple from a Pear-Tree, or to hope to fill your Bottle with _Burgundy_ from the River. I am afraid we are grown so bad, that Iniquity itself gives a Relish to our Pleasures; and every Man is not only addicted to his Pleasures, but those are the sweeter, when season'd with another's Pain. It is in short a terrible Case, that a Lover ought to fear his Friend more than his Enemy. Beware of the former, and you are safe. Beware of your Cousin, and your Brother, and your dear and intimate Companions. These are the Sort of Gentry, from whom you are to apprehend most Danger. Here I intended to have finished; but one Rule more suggests itself. You are to note then, that there is a great Variety in the Tempers of Women; for a thousand different Women are to be wooed a thousand different Ways. Mr. _Miller_ will tell you, that the same kind of Soil is not proper for all Fruits. One produces good Carrots, another Potatoes, and a third Turneps. Now there is as great a Variety of Disposition in the human Mind, as there are Forms in the World: For which Reason a Politician is capable of accommodating himself to innumerable Kinds of Tempers: Not _Proteus_ could indeed diversify himself more Ways than he can. Nay you may learn this Lesson from every Fisherman; for some Fish are to be taken with one Bait, and some with another; others will scarce bite at any, but are however to be drawn out of the Water by a Net. One good Caution under this Head, is to consider the Age of your Mistress: Old Birds are not taken with Chaff; and an old Hare will be sure to double. Again, consider Circumstances. Do not frighten an ignorant Woman with Learning, nor a poor Country Girl with your fine Cloathes; for by these Means you will create in them too great an Awe of you. Many a Girl hath run away frighted from the Embraces of the Master, and afterwards fallen into the Clutches of his Footman. And here we will now cast our Anchor, having finished the first Part of our intended Voyage. _FINIS_ FOOTNOTES [Footnote 1: Here _Ovid_ uses the Examples of _Automedon_, who was the Coachman of _Achilles_; and of _Tiphys_, who was Pilot or Steersman to the _Argonauts_.] [Footnote 2: This is a literal Translation; by which it appears this barbarous Custom of whipping Boys on the Hands, till they look as if they had the Itch, was used by the _Roman_ Schoolmasters as well as by ours.] [Footnote 3: The Original introduces _Achilles_, who was the pupil of _Chiron_.] [Footnote 4: In the Original,--_held forth at his Master's Commands those Hands to be whipt, which_ Hector _was hereafter to feel_. The Indelicacy of which Image we have avoided applying to our _British_ Hero.] [Footnote 5: _Both born of a Goddess._] [Footnote 6: This is transferred, we hope not improperly from _Roman_ to _British_ Superstition. The _Latin_ alludes to Augury, and very justly ridicules the Folly of Divination by the Flight of Birds.] [Footnote 7: _Nor were_ Clio _or her Sisters seen by me, while I tended a Flock in the Valleys of Ascra._ This _Ascra_ was a Valley near the _Helicon_, which was the Residence of the Parents of _Hesiod_. Now _Hesiod_ was fabled, whilst he was keeping his Father's Sheep, to have been led by the Muse to the Fountain _Hippocrene_; and being, I suppose, well ducked in that Water, commenced Poet.] [Footnote 8: This whole Passage is a manifest Burlesque on the Invocations with which the Ancients began their Poems. Not very different is that Sneer at the Beginning of the _Metamorphosis_, ---- _Dii, caeptis_, (NAM VOS MUTASTIS ET ILLAS) _Adspirate_ ---- But the strongest Piece of Burlesque of this kind is the Invocation to _Venus_ at the Beginning of _Lucretius_: For what can be more so than a solemn Application to a Deity for her Assistance in a Work, the professed Intention of which is to expose the Belief of any Deity at all; and more particularly of any Concern which such superior Beings might be supposed to take in the Affairs of Men. For my own part, I must confess, I cannot perceive _that graceful Air of Enthusiasm_ which a noble Author observes in the Invocation of the Antients; many of them indeed seem to have been too apparently in jest, to endeavour to impose on their Readers, and in reality to apply to the Muses with less Devotion than our modern Poets, many of whom perhaps believe as much in those Deities as in any other.] [Footnote 9: _Ovid_ would here insinuate, that the Courtezans only were the Subjects of the ensuing Poem; and in his _Tristibus_ he cites these Lines, and pleads them in his Defence: But he is not over-honest in his Profession; for in many Parts it appears, that his Instructions are calculated for much more than _concessa furtia_.] [Footnote 10: _Andromeda_ was the Daughter of _Cepheus_ King of _Aethiopia_ and of _Cassiope_. Her Mother having offended the _Nereids_, by contending with them for Superiority in Beauty, _Neptune_, at their Petition, sent a Sea-Monster, which greatly annoyed the _Aethiopians_. Upon this they consulted the Oracle of _Jupiter Ammon_, who ordered them to expose one of the Progeny of _Cepheus_ and _Cassiope_ to be devoured by the Monster. _Andromeda_ was accordingly ty'd to a Rock, where she was espied by _Perseus_, who killed the Monster, and rescued the Lady; for which he received her at the Hands of her Parents as his Reward. The Story is told in the 4th Book of the _Metamorphosis_.] [Footnote 11: _Bunches of Grapes in _Methymna__; a City of _Lesbia_, the Wine of which Country was famous among the Ancients.] [Footnote 12: _Ears of Corn in _Gargara__; which was in _Mysia_, a Province of the _Hellespont_.] [Footnote 13: The Original is, _And the Mother of _AEneas_ resides in the City of her Son._ _AEneas_, from whom the Romans derived their Original, was the Son of _Venus_ by _Anchises_.] [Footnote 14: The Original, rendered as literally as possible, is as follows: _Walk at your ease under the _Pompeian_ Shade, when the Sun enters the _Herculean_ Lion; or where the Mother hath added her Benefactions to those of her Son; a work rich in foreign Marble: Nor avoid that Portico adorned with ancient Pictures, which is called _Livia_, from the Name of its Founder: nor that adorned by the Statues of the _Belides_, who attempted the Lives of their unfortunate Cousins; and where you see the cruel Father standing with his drawn Sword: Nor pass by the Temple of _Venus_ and her lamented_ Adonis; _nor omit the Seventh-Day Festivals of the _Jews_; nor the _Egyptian_ Temples of the _Linnen-clad_ Heifer: She makes many Women to be that which she herself was to _Jupiter_._ To explain these several Particulars to an _English_ Reader, it must be known, that the Portico's in _Rome_ were the publick Walks; and here Persons of both Sexes used to assemble. Among these was one built by _Pompey_. The second Portico mentioned, is by the best Commentators understood of the _Octavian_, which was built by _Octavia_, Sister to _Augustus_, and Mother to _Marcellus_; and this adjoined to a Temple built by the same _Marcellus_. The third Portico was built by _Livia_ the Wife of _Augustus_, and called from her Name. The fourth, where the Picture of the _Belides_ was, is to be understood of the Portico of _Apollo Palatinus_, in which were the Statues of the fifty Daughters of _Danaus_ and Grandaughters of _Belus_. These being married to the fifty Sons of their Uncle _AEgyptus_, every one, by her Father's Command, slew her husband on the first Night, save only _Hypermnestra_. For this they were punished in the lower World, by being obliged to fill a Barrel full of Holes with Water. _Scaliger_ and others have here made a mistake, supposing the Picture of the _Belides_ was here hung up: But the contrary appears by many Authorities, particularly by this in _Qv. Trist. 3_. _Signa peregrinis ubi sunt alterna columnis, Belides, & stricto barbarus ense pater._ It appears that the Number of Pillars was equalled by the Number of Statues. 5thly, The Temple of _Venus_, in which she was worshipped, together with _Adonis_, after the _Assyrian_ manner. This _Adonis_ was the Son of _Cinyras_ King of _Cyprus_, begotten by him on his own Daughter _Myrrha_. The Fame of his Beauty, and the Passion which _Venus_ bore towards him, are well known. 6thly, The _Jewish_ Synagogues. The _Jews_ having been encouraged by _Julius Caesar_, were very numerous in _Rome_ at that time; and the Strangeness and Pomp of their Ceremonies inviting the Curiosity of the _Roman_ Ladies, their Synagogues became famous Places of Intrigue. 7. The Temple of _Isis_. This Goddess, when a Woman, was called _Io_. She was the Daughter of _Inachus_; and being beloved by _Jupiter_, was by him, to preserve her from his Wife's Jealousy, turned into a Heifer, _Juno_ suspecting the Fact, obtained this Heifer of her Husband, and set Argus to watch over her. _Jupiter_ wanting to visit his old Friend, sent _Mercury_ to kill _Argus_; in revenge of which, _Juno_ ordered a Gad-Bee to sting the poor Heifer; which thereupon growing mad, ran to _Egypt_, where she was again restored to the Shape of a Woman, and married to _Osiris_. The Feast of _Isis_ was celebrated in _Rome_ ten Days together by the Women, and was a time of Carnival among them.] [Footnote 15: In _Caesar's Forum_, which was built on the _Appian_ Way, was the Temple of _Venus Genetrix_.] [Footnote 16: Races were run at _Rome_ in _April_ in the _Circus Maximus_, which was likewise the Scene of many other public Exercises and Shews.] [Footnote 17: _And when the Procession shall pass on with the Ivory Deities, do you applaud most the Statue of _Lady_ Venus._ Thus the Original. The Paraphrase preserves the same Sense, though in other Circumstances. These Statues were carried in Procession on many Occasions, particularly at the _Maegalesian_ Games.] [Footnote 18: _Adjusting her cushion._] [Footnote 19: _Putting a Foot-stool under her._] [Footnote 20: The Original mentioned the Fights of the _Gladiators_. The Paraphrase comes as near as our Customs admit; for the _British_ Ladies never attend to see Men kill one another in jest.] [Footnote 21: _Augustus Caesar_ among other rich Shews, with which he entertained the People, exhibited to them a Sea-Fight in a Place dug on purpose near the banks of the _Tyber_. The Poet takes this occasion of introducing many Compliments to the Grandson of this Prince. We have done little more than altered Names in this Place; and as we are assured all here said is as properly applicable to the noble Person to whom we have transferred it, the learned Reader will admire that any Passage in an antient Author can be so apposite to the present Times, and the true _English_ Reader will be no less delighted to see _Ovid_ introduced as singing forth the Praises of the _British Hero_.] [Footnote 22: _Parthia._] [Footnote 23: The _Crassi_.] [Footnote 24: _Hercules._] [Footnote 25: _Bacchus._] [Footnote 26: The Original here described the many Nations who are led Captives.] [Footnote 27: Here we have inverted the Original; but sure the Sense upholds us in so doing.] [Footnote 28: _Baiae_, a Place not far from _Naples_, famous for wholesome as well as pleasant Baths. It is described very largely by _Diodorus_; and _Horace_ mentions it as the pleasantest Place in the World.] [Footnote 29: In the Original, the Temple of _Diana_ in the Suburbs. It stood in a Grove not far from Rome. The next Line, _Partaque per gladios, &c._ alludes to a very singular Custom, by which the Priests of this Temple succeeded to each other, _viz._ by Conquest in single Combat, for which every Slave or Fugitive was admitted to contend, and the Victor was rewarded with the Priesthood. This Practice was renewed every Year, and was, as _Strabo_ informs us, originally taken from the _Scythians_.] [Footnote 30: _Byblis_ fell in love with her Brother _Caunus_; and upon his rejecting her Addresses, hanged herself. The Poets feign she was afterwards turned into a Fountain. See _Metam._ IX.] [Footnote 31: _Myrrha_ was the Daughter of _Cinyras_, who being in love with her Father, took an Opportunity, while her Mother was employed in the Sacrifices to _Ceres_, to supply her Place. Her Father discovering the Imposture, ran after her with a drawn Sword to kill her: But she escaped by means of the Night, and fled into _Sabeaea_. She was changed into the Myrrh-Tree. The Story of which is in _Metam._ X. But though the Poets have subjoined Fable to this Fact, it is related by _Pliny_ as a true History.] [Footnote 32: _Pasiphaë_ was the Daughter of the Sun, married to _Minos_ King of _Crete_. The Poets feign that being in love with a Bull, she employed _Daedalus_, a famous Artist, to make her a wooden Cow, into which she conveyed herself, in order to enjoy her monstrous Desires. From this unnatural Coition sprung the _Minotaur_, a Monster half Man and half Bull, which was enclosed in a Labyrinth, and afterward destroyed by _Theseus_.] [Footnote 33: The Original alludes to the _Cretans_, who were famous among the Antients for the Vice of lying.] [Footnote 34: _Europa_ was the Daughter of _Agenor_ King of _Cydon_, beloved by _Jupiter_, and by him run away with in the Shape of a Bull.] [Footnote 35: _AErope_ was the Wife of _Atreus_. She committed Adultery with her Husband's Brother _Thyestes_, by whom she had two Sons, whom _Atreus_ caused to be killed, and served up to his Brother's Table. To avoid this Sight, the Sun is said to have gone backward.] [Footnote 36: _Scylla_ the Daughter of _Nisus_, King of the _Megarensians_, fell in love with _Minos_, while he was besieging her Father's City. She stole away her Father's Hair, on which the Fate of the City depended, and carried it to _Minos_; for which Fact she was rewarded by her Lover with Contempt only. She is by some said to have been changed into a Lark: But _Ovid_, who here seems to confound two Stories together, makes her Transformation to have been into a Rock, which lies between _Sicily_ and _Italy_; where the dashing of the Waves against the Rock representing the Sound of the Barking of Dogs, gave rise to the Fable which is here hinted at.] [Footnote 37: _Clytemnestra_, the Wife of _Agamemnon_, who in the absence of her Husband committed Adultery with _AEgysthus_, and with him afterwards murdered _Agamemnon_, at his Return from _Troy_.] [Footnote 38: _Creüsa_ was the Daughter of _Creon_ King of _Corinth_, and second Wife to _Jason_; to whom _Medea_, enraged with _Jason_, who had forsaken her, sent a Casket in which Wild-Fire was inclosed, and by which she was burnt as soon [as] it was opened. This _Medea_ afterwards, on account of the same Anger with _Jason_, tore to pieces her two Sons which she had bore to him.] [Footnote 39: This _Phoenix_ having incensed his Father, by lying with a Woman who was beloved by the latter, fled to the Protection of _Peleus_ the Father of _Achilles_, and was by bim [_sic_] Preceptor of that young Hero.] [Footnote 40: _Hippolytus_ being beloved by his Stepmother _Phaedra_, and refusing to gratify her Desires, was by her falsely accused to his Father _Theseus_; upon which account he was obliged to fly, and the Chariot Horses being frighted by Sea-Calves, dashed the Chariot to-pieces, and him also.] [Footnote 41: _Phineus_ King of _Arcadia_, having repudiated his Wife _Cleopatra_, married _Harpalice_; by whose Instigation he put out the Eyes of his Sons: for which he was afterwards punished by Divine Vengeance with the Loss of his own.] [Footnote 42: The _Romans_ paid a Religious Regard to their Birth-Day, as appears from many Passages in their Poets. At this time they used to receive Presents from their Relations and Acquaintance. We have here given the Sense of the Original, only varying the Customs (_Kalendae Martii_.) _Ovid_ advises the Lover to abstain from visiting his Mistress in the Kalends of _March_. At which time the _Matronalia_ were celebrated to _Juno Lucina_, and the Husbands used to pray to that Goddess to protect the Chastity of their Wives. _Horace_ likewise Lib. III. Ode 8. hints that this was not the proper Season for Batchelors to give a Loose to their Gaieties. (_Sive erit ornatus Circus_, &c.) A third Caution _Ovid_ gives, is not to visit on those Days when the Wealth of the _Roman_ Conquests were exposed to the _Circus_, in admiring which, as _Mycellus_ observes, the Girls were too much taken up, to attend to the Desires of their Lovers. To say the truth, some Custom seems to be alluded to here, which is not sufficiently preserved from the Ruins of Antiquity.] [Footnote 43: _Then the _Pleiades_ are at hand. Then the Goat is merged in the Sea_, _viz._ in the Month of _October_ and _November_.] [Footnote 44: The Original points at the Day in which the _Romans_ were overthrown by the _Gauls_ on the Banks of the River _Allia_. This was the 15th of the Kalends of _August. A. U. C._ 363, and it was marked as a black Day in their Kalendar. As this Nation is too happy to produce any such Day, we have been obliged to give it a different Turn in our Paraphrase.] [Footnote 45: _Cydippe_ was a beautiful virgin of the island of _Delos_. She was celebrating the Rites of _Diana_ when she was seen by _Acontius_, who falling in love with her, and not daring openly to declare his Passion, contrived to drop an Apple at her Feet, in which were inclosed these two Lines: _I swear to you by the mystical Rites of _Diana_, That I will attend you as a Companion, and become your Bride._ _Cydippe_ took up the Apple and read the Lines; by repeating which words they became her own; and she was ignorantly betrothed to her Lover: For it was a Law, that whatever any persons said in _Diana_'s Temple, they were obliged to perform.] [Footnote 46: _Ariadne_ was the Daughter of _Minos_ King of _Crete_. She fell in Love with _Theseus_, and with a Clew of Thread helped him out of the Labyrinth into which he went to kill the _Minotaur_. He afterwards basely deserted the poor Lady, of which our Poet will presently tell the Story.] [Footnote 47: _Silenus_ was the Pedagogue of _Bacchus_, and his Foster-Father: He was likewise his Companion on all Occasions; and is often introduced in his drunken Mood by our Poet.] [Footnote 48: At this Wedding _Eurytion_ the _Centaur_ getting drunk, attempted to ravish _Hippodamia_ the Bride of _Pyrithous_, but _Theseus_ knocked his Brains out with a Bowl. Upon this a Battle ensued between the _Centaurs_ and the _Lapithae_, who defending the Cause of their Prince _Pyrithous_, destroyed almost all the _Centaurs_. _Horace_ Lib. I. Ode 18. mentions this Story likewise, as a Caution to Men not to be quarrelsome in their Cups.] [Footnote 49: Here and in many other Places, we have been obliged to supply that Connection, which is greatly wanting in the Original.] [Footnote 50: _Phoebe_ and _Ilaira_ were two pretty Girls, the Daughters of _Leucippus_, and by their Father betrothed to two Brothers _Idas_ and _Lynceus_; but before the Celebration of their Nuptials, were ravished by _Castor_ and _Pollux_. This ended in the Death of _Castor_, by the Hands of _Lynceus_; and of _Lynceus_, by _Pollux_, whose Death while _Idas_ was attempting to revenge, he was struck dead by Thunder at the Feet of _Pollux_.] [Footnote 51: _Orion_ the _Theban_ was in Love with _Merope_ the Daughter of _AEnopian_; but who this _Lyrice_ was, is not so plain, no Mention being made of her in any other Place.] [Footnote 52: _Daphnis_ was the Son of _Mercury_; for his Love for this _Naïs_, we have here _Ovid_'s Authority.] PUBLICATIONS OF THE AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY First Year (1946-47) Numbers 1-6 out of print. Second Year (1947-1948) 7. John Gay's _The Present State of Wit_ (1711); and a section on Wit from _The English Theophrastus_ (1702). 8. Rapin's _De Carmine Pastorali_, translated by Creech (1684). 9. T. Hanmer's (?) _Some Remarks on the Tragedy of Hamlet_ (1736). 10. Corbyn Morris' _Essay towards Fixing the True Standards of Wit, etc._ (1744). 11. Thomas Purney's _Discourse on the Pastoral_ (1717). 12. Essays on the Stage, selected, with an Introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch. Third Year (1948-1949) 13. Sir John Falstaff (pseud.), _The Theatre_ (1720). 14. Edward Moore's _The Gamester_ (1753). 15. John Oldmixon's _Reflections on Dr. Swift's Letter to Harley_ (1712); and Arthur Mainwaring's _The British Academy_ (1712). 16. Nevil Payne's _Fatal Jealousy_ (1673). 17. Nicholas Rowe's _Some Account of the Life of Mr. William Shakespeare_ (1709). 18. "Of Genius," in _The Occasional Paper_, Vol. III, No. 10 (1719); and Aaron Hill's Preface to _The Creation_ (1720). Fourth Year (1949-1950) 19. Susanna Centlivre's _The Busie Body_ (1709). 20. Lewis Theobold's _Preface to The Works of Shakespeare_ (1734). 21. Out of print. 22. Samuel Johnson's _The Vanity of Human Wishes_ (1749) and Two _Rambler_ papers (1750). 23. John Dryden's _His Majesties Declaration Defended_ (1681). 24. Out of print. Fifth Year (1950-1951) 25. Thomas Baker's _The Fine Lady's Airs_ (1709). 26. Charles Macklin's _The Man of the World_ (1792). 27. Out of print. 28. John Evelyn's _An Apologie for the Royal Party_ (1659); and _A Panegyric to Charles the Second_ (1661). 29. Daniel Defoe's _A Vindication of the Press_ (1718). 30. Essays on Taste from John Gilbert Cooper's _Letters Concerning Taste_, 3rd edition (1757), & John Armstrong's _Miscellanies_ (1770). Sixth Year (1951-1952) 31. Thomas Gray's _An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard_ (1751); and _The Eton College Manuscript_. 32. Prefaces to Fiction; Georges de Scudéry's Preface to _Ibrahim_ (1674), etc. 33. Henry Gally's _A Critical Essay_ on Characteristic-Writings (1725). 34. Thomas Tyers' _A Biographical Sketch of Dr. Samuel Johnson_ (1785). 35. James Boswell, Andrew Erskine, and George Dempster. _Critical Strictures on the New Tragedy of Elvira, Written by Mr. David Mallock_ (1763). 36. Joseph Harris's _The City Bride_ (1696). Seventh Year (1952-1953) 37. Thomas Morrison's _A Pindarick Ode on Painting_ (1767). 38. John Phillips' _A Satyr Against Hypocrites_ (1655). 39. Thomas Warton's _A History of English Poetry_. 40. Edward Bysshe's _The Art of English Poetry_ (1708). 41. Bernard Mandeville's _A Letter to Dion_ (1732). 42. Prefaces to Four Seventeenth-Century Romances. Eighth Year (1953-1954) 43. John Baillie's _An Essay on the Sublime_ (1747). 44. Mathias Casimire Sarbiewski's _The Odes of Casimire_, Translated by G. Hils (1646). 45. John Robert Scott's _Dissertation on the Progress of the Fine Arts_. 46. Selections from Seventeenth Century Songbooks. 47. Contemporaries of the _Tatler_ and _Spectator_. 48. Samuel Richardson's Introduction to _Pamela_. Ninth Year (1954-1955) 49. Two St. Cecilia's Day Sermons (1696-1697). 50. Hervey Aston's _A Sermon Before the Sons of the Clergy_, (1745). 51. Lewis Maidwell's _An Essay upon the Necessity and Excellency of Education_ (1705). 52. Pappity Stampoy's _A Collection of Scotch Proverbs_ (1663). 53. Urian Oakes' _The Soveraign Efficacy of Divine Providence_ (1682) 54. Mary Davys' _Familiar Letters Betwixt a Gentleman and a Lady_ (1725). Tenth Year (1955-1956) 55. Samuel Say's _An Essay on the Harmony, Variety, and Power of Numbers_ (1745). 56. _Theologia Ruris, sive Schola & Scala Naturae_ (1686). 57. Out of print. 58. Eighteenth-Century Book Illustrations. 59. Samuel Johnson's _Notes to Shakespeare_. Vol. I, Comedies, Part I. 60. Samuel Johnson's _Notes to Shakespeare_. Vol. I, Comedies, Part II. Eleventh Year (1956-1957) 61. Elizabeth Elstob's _An Apology for the Study of Northern Antiquities_ (1715). 62. _Two Funeral Sermons_ (1635). 63. _Parodies of Ballad Criticism_ (1711-1787). 64. _Prefaces to Three Eighteenth-Century Novels_ (1708, 1751, 1797). 65. Samuel Johnson's _Notes to Shakespeare_. Vol. II, Histories, Part I. 66. Samuel Johnson's _Notes to Shakespeare_. Vol. II, Histories, Part II. Twelfth Year (1957-1958) 67. Henry Fielding's _The Voyages of Mr. Job Vinegar_ (1740). 68. Elkanah Settle's _The Notorious Impostor_ (1692) and _Diego Redivivus_ (1692). 69. _An Historical View of the ... Political Writers in Great Britain_ (1740). 70. G.W., _Magazine_, or _Animadversions on the English Spelling_ (1703). 71. Samuel Johnson's _Notes to Shakespeare_. Vol. III, Tragedies, Part I. 72. Samuel Johnson's _Notes to Shakespeare_. Vol. III, Tragedies, Part II. Thirteenth Year (1958-1959) 73. Samuel Johnson's _Notes to Shakespeare_. Vol. III, Tragedies, Part III. 74. _Seventeenth-Century Tales of the Supernatural_. 75. John Joyne, _A Journal_ (1679). 76. André Dacier, _Preface to Aristotle's Art of Poetry_ (1705). 77-78. David Hartley, _Various Conjectures on the Perception, Motion, and Generation of Ideas_ (1746). Fourteenth Year (1959-1960) 79. William Herbert, Third Earl of Pembroke's _Poems_ (1660). 80. [P. Whalley's] _An Essay on the Manner of Writing History_ (1746). 81. Two Burlesques of Lord Chesterfield's Letters _The Graces_ (1774). _The Fine Gentleman's Etiquette_ (1776). 82. Henry Fuseli's _Remarks on the Writings and Conduct of J. J. Rousseau_ (1767). 83. _Sawney and Colley_ (1742) and other Pope Pamphlets. 84. Richard Savage's _An Author To Be Lett_ (1729). Fifteenth Year (1960-1961) 85-86. _Essays on the Theatre from Eighteenth-Century Periodicals._ Selected, with an introduction, by John Loftis. [double issue] 87. Daniel Defoe, _Of Captain Misson and his Crew_ (1728). Introduction by Maximillian E. Novak. 88. Samuel Butler, _Poems_. Selected, with an introduction, by Alexander C. Spence. 89. Henry Fielding, _Ovid's Art of Love_ (1760). Introduction by Claude E. Jones. 90. Henry Needier, _Works_ (1728). Selected, with an introduction, by Marcia Allentuck. * * * * * William Andrews Clark Memorial Library: University of California THE AUGUSTAN REPRINT SOCIETY _General Editors_ R. C. BOYS University of Michigan RALPH COHEN University of California, Los Angeles VINTON A. DEARING University of California, Los Angeles LAWRENCE CLARK POWELL Wm. Andrews Clark Memorial Library _Corresponding Secretary:_ MRS. EDNA C. DAVIS, Wm. Andrews Clark Memorial Library The Society's purpose is to publish reprints (usually facsimile reproductions) of rare seventeenth and eighteenth century works. All income of the Society is devoted to defraying costs of publication and mailing. Correspondence concerning subscriptions in the United States and Canada should be addressed to the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 2205 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles 18, California. Correspondence concerning editorial matters may be addressed to any of the general editors. The membership fee is $4.00 a year for subscribers in the United States and Canada and 15/- for subscribers in Great Britain and Europe. British and European subscribers should address B.H. Blackwell, Broad Street, Oxford, England. Publications for the fifteenth year (1960-1961) Six items, most of them from the following list, will be reprinted. Samuel Butler, _Poems_. Selected, with an introduction, by Alexander C. Spence. Daniel Defoe, _Of Captain Misson and his Crew_ (1728). Introduction by Maximillian E. Novak. _Eighteenth-Century Illustrations to The Faerie Queene._ Introduction by Ralph Cohen. _Essays on the Theatre from Eighteenth-Century Periodicals._ Selected, with an introduction, by John Loftis. [double issue] Henry Fielding, _Ovid's Art of Love_ (1760). Introduction by Claude E. Jones. Francis Hutcheson, _Reflections on Laughter_ (1729). Introduction by Scott Elledge. Henry Needier, _Works_ (1728). 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