The Project Gutenberg eBook of A Classified Catalogue of Works in General Literature Published by Longmans, Green, & Co. This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: A Classified Catalogue of Works in General Literature Published by Longmans, Green, & Co. Author: and Co. Green Longmans Release date: May 12, 2012 [eBook #39677] Language: English Credits: Produced by Chris Curnow and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF WORKS IN GENERAL LITERATURE PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. *** Produced by Chris Curnow and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive.) A Classified Catalogue OF WORKS IN GENERAL LITERATURE PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, E.C. 91 and 93 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, AND 32 HORNBY ROAD, BOMBAY CONTENTS. PAGE _BADMINTON LIBRARY (THE)_ 12 BIOGRAPHY, PERSONAL MEMOIRS, &c. 9 CHILDREN'S BOOKS 32 CLASSICAL LITERATURE, TRANSLATIONS, ETC. 22 COOKERY, DOMESTIC MANAGEMENT, &c. 36 EVOLUTION, ANTHROPOLOGY, &c. 21 FICTION, HUMOUR, &c. 25 FINE ARTS (THE) AND MUSIC 36 _FUR, FEATHER AND FIN SERIES_ 15 HISTORY, POLITICS, POLITY, POLITICAL MEMOIRS, &c. 3 LANGUAGE, HISTORY AND SCIENCE OF 20 LOGIC, RHETORIC, PSYCHOLOGY, &c. 17 MENTAL, MORAL, AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY 17 MISCELLANEOUS AND CRITICAL WORKS 38 POETRY AND THE DRAMA 23 POLITICAL ECONOMY AND ECONOMICS 20 POPULAR SCIENCE 30 RELIGION, THE SCIENCE OF 21 _SILVER LIBRARY (THE)_ 33 SPORT AND PASTIME 12 _STONYHURST PHILOSOPHICAL SERIES_ 19 TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE, THE COLONIES, &c. 11 WORKS OF REFERENCE 31 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND EDITORS. _Page_ Abbott (Evelyn), 3, 19, 22 ---- (J. H. M.), 3 ---- (T. K.), 17, 18 ---- (E. A.), 17 Acland (A. H. D.), 3 Acton (Eliza), 36 Adelborg (O.), 32 Æschylus, 22 Albemarle (Earl of), 13 Alcock (C. W.), 15 Allen (Grant), 30 Allgood (G.), 3 Alverstone (Lord), 15 Angwin (M. C.), 36 Anstey (F.), 25 Aristophanes, 22 Aristotle, 17 Arnold (Sir Edwin), 11, 23 ---- (Dr. T.), 3 Ashbourne (Lord), 3 Ashby (H.), 36 Ashley (W. J.), 3, 20 Atkinson (J. J.), 21 Avebury (Lord), 21 Ayre (Rev. J.), 31 Bacon, 9, 17 Bagehot (W.), 9, 20, 38 Bagwell (R.), 3 Bailey (H. C.), 25 Baillie (A. F.), 3 Bain (Alexander), 17 Baker (J. H.), 38 ---- (Sir S. W.), 11, 12 Baldwin (C. S.), 17 Balfour (A. J.), 13, 21 Ball (John), 11 Banks (M. M.), 24 Baring-Gould (Rev. S.), 21, 38 Barnett (S. A. and H.), 20 Baynes (T. S.), 38 Beaconsfield (Earl of), 25 Beaufort (Duke of), 12, 13, 14 Becker (W. A.), 22 Beesly (A. H.), 9 Bell (Mrs. Hugh), 23 Bent (J. Theodore), 11 Besant (Sir Walter), 3 Bickerdyke (J.), 14, 15 Bird (G.), 23 Blackburne (J. H.), 15 Bland (Mrs. Hubert), 24 Blount (Sir E.), 9 Boase (Rev. C. W.), 6 Boedder (Rev. B.), 19 Bonnell (H. H.), 38 Booth (A. J.), 38 Bottome (P.), 25 Bowen (W. E.), 9 Brassey (Lady), 11 Bright (Rev. J. F.), 3 Broadfoot (Major W.), 13 Brooks (H. J.), 17 Brough (J.), 17 Brown (A. F.), 32 Bruce (R. I.), 3 Buckland (Jas.), 32 Buckle (H. T.), 3 Bull (T.), 36 Burke (U. R.), 3 Burne-Jones (Sir E.), 36 Burns (C. L.), 36 Burrows (Montagu), 6 Butler (E. A.), 30 Campbell (Rev. Lewis), 21 Casserly (G.), 3 Chesney (Sir G.), 3 Childe-Pemberton (W. S.), 9 Chisholm (G. C.), 31 Cholmondeley-Pennell (H.), 13 Christie (R. C.), 38 Churchill (Winston S.), 4, 25 Cicero, 22 Clarke (Rev. R. F.), 19 Climenson (E. J.), 10 Clodd (Edward), 21, 30 Clutterbuck (W. J.), 12 Cochrane (A.), 23 Cockerell (C. R.), 11 Colenso (R. J.), 36 Conington (John), 23 Conybeare (Rev. W. J.) & Howson (Dean), 33 Coolidge (W. A. B.), 11 Corbett (Julian S.), 4 Coutts (W.), 22 Cox (Harding), 13 Crake (Rev. A. D.), 32 Crawford (J. H.), 25 Creed (S.), 25 Creighton (Bishop), 4, 6, 9 Cross (A. L.), 5 Crozier (J. B.), 9, 17 Cutts (Rev. E. L.), 6 Dabney (J. P.), 23 Dale (L.), 4 Dallinger (F. W.), 5 Dauglish (M. G.), 9 Davenport (A.), 25 Davidson (A. M. C.), 22 ---- (W. L.), 17, 20, 21 Davies (J. F.), 22 Dent (C. T.), 14 De Salis (Mrs.), 36 De Tocqueville (A.), 4 Devas (C. S.), 19, 20 Dewey (D. R.), 20 Dickinson (W. H.), 38 Dougall (L.), 25 Dowden (E.), 40 Doyle (Sir A. Conan), 25 Du Bois (W. E. B.), 5 Dunbar (Mary F.), 25 Dyson (E.), 26 Ellis (J. H.), 15 ---- (R. L.), 17 Erasmus, 9 Evans (Sir John), 38 Falkiner (C. L.), 4 Farrar (Dean), 20, 26 Fitzmaurice (Lord E.), 4 Folkard (H. C.), 15 Ford (H.), 16 Fountain (P.), 11 Fowler (Edith H.), 26 Francis (Francis), 16 Francis (M. E.), 26 Freeman (Edward A.), 6 Fremantle (T. F.), 16 Frost (G.), 38 Froude (James A.), 4, 9, 11, 26 Fuller (F. W.), 5 Furneaux (W.), 30 Gardiner (Samuel R.), 5 Gathorne-Hardy (Hon. A. E.), 15, 16 Geikie (Rev. Cunningham), 38 Gibson (C. H.), 17 Gilkes (A. H.), 38 Gleig (Rev. G. R.), 10 Graham (A.), 5 ---- (P. A.), 15, 16 ---- (G. F.), 20 Granby (Marquess of), 15 Grant (Sir A.), 17 Graves (R. P.), 9 ---- (A. F.), 23 Green (T. Hill), 17, 18 Greene (E. B.), 5 Greville (C. C. F.), 5 Grose (T. H.), 18 Gross (C.), 5 Grove (Lady), 11 ---- (Mrs. Lilly), 13 Gurnhill (J.), 18 Gwilt (J.), 31 Haggard (H. Rider), 11, 26, 27, 38 Halliwell-Phillipps (J.), 10 Hamilton (Col. H. B.), 5 Hamlin (A. D. F.), 36 Harding (S. B.), 5 Hardwick (A. A.), 11 Harmsworth (A. C.), 13, 14 Harte (Bret), 27 Harting (J. E.), 15 Hartwig (G.), 30 Hassall (A.), 8 Haweis (H. R.), 9, 36 Head (Mrs.), 37 Heath (D. D.), 17 Heathcote (J. M.), 14 ---- (C. G.), 14 ---- (N.), 11 Helmholtz (Hermann von), 30 Henderson (Lieut-Col. G. F. R.), 9 Henry (W.), 14 Henty (G. A.), 32 Higgins (Mrs. N.), 9 Hill (Mabel), 5 ---- (S. C.), 5 Hillier (G. Lacy), 13 Hime (H. W. L.), 22 Hodgson (Shadworth), 18 Hoenig (F.), 38 Hogan (J. F.), 9 Holmes (R. R.), 10 Homer, 22 Hope (Anthony), 27 Horace, 22 Houston (D. F.), 5 Howard (Lady Mabel), 27 Howitt (W.), 11 Hudson (W. H.), 30 Huish (M. B.), 37 Hullah (J.), 37 Hume (David), 18 ---- (M. A. S.), 3 Hunt (Rev. W.), 6 Hunter (Sir W.), 6 Hutchinson (Horace G.), 13, 16, 27, 38 Ingelow (Jean), 23 Ingram (T. D.), 6 James (W.), 18, 21 Jameson (Mrs. Anna), 37 Jefferies (Richard), 38 Jekyll (Gertrude), 38 Jerome (Jerome K.), 27 Johnson (J. & J. H.), 39 Jones (H. Bence), 31 Joyce (P. W.), 6, 27, 39 Justinian, 18 Kant (I.), 18 Kaye (Sir J. W.), 6 Keary (C. F.), 23 Kelly (E.), 18 Kielmansegge (F.), 9 Killick (Rev. A. H.), 18 Kitchin (Dr. G. W.), 6 Knight (E. F.), 11, 14 Köstlin (J.), 10 Kristeller (P.), 37 Ladd (G. T.), 18 Lang (Andrew), 6, 13, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 27, 32, 39 Lapsley (G. T.), 5 Laurie (S. S.), 6 Lawrence (F. W.), 20 Lear (H. L. Sidney), 36 Lecky (W. E. H.), 6, 18, 23 Lees (J. A.), 12 Leighton (J. A.), 21 Leslie (T. E. Cliffe), 20 Lieven (Princess), 6 Lillie (A.), 16 Lindley (J.), 31 Locock (C. D.), 16 Lodge (H. C.), 6 Loftie (Rev. W. J.), 6 Longman (C. J.), 12, 16 ---- (F. W.), 16 ---- (G. H.), 13, 15 ---- (Mrs. C. J.), 37 Lowell (A. L.), 6 Lucian, 22 Lutoslawski (W.), 18 Lyall (Edna), 27, 32 Lynch (G.), 6 ---- (H. F. B.), 12 Lytton (Earl of), 24 Macaulay (Lord), 6, 7, 10, 24 Macdonald (Dr. G.), 24 Macfarren (Sir G. A.), 37 Mackail (J. W.), 10, 23 Mackenzie (C. G.), 16 Mackinnon (J.), 7 Macleod (H. D.), 20 Macpherson (Rev. H. A.), 15 Madden (D. H.), 16 Magnusson (E.), 28 Maher (Rev. M.), 19 Mallet (B.), 7 Malleson (Col. G. B.), 6 Marbot (Baron de), 10 Marchment (A. W.), 27 Marshman (J. C.), 9 Maryon (M.), 39 Mason (A. E. W.), 27 Maskelyne (J. N.), 16 Matthews (B.), 39 Maunder (S.), 31 Max Müller (F.), 10, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 39 May (Sir T. Erskine), 7 Meade (L. T.), 32 Melville (G. J. Whyte), 27 Merivale (Dean), 7 Merriman (H. S.), 27 Mill (John Stuart), 18, 20 Millais (J. G.), 16, 30 Milner (G.), 40 Monck (W. H. S.), 19 Montague (F. C.), 7 Moore (T.), 31 ---- (Rev. Edward), 17 Moran (T. F.), 7 Morgan (C. Lloyd), 21 Morris (W.), 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 37, 40 Mulhall (M. G.), 20 Murray (Hilda), 33 Myers (F. W. H.), 19 Nansen (F.), 12 Nash (V.), 7 Nesbit (E.), 24 Nettleship (R. L.), 17 Newman (Cardinal), 28 Nichols (F. M.), 9 Oakesmith (J.), 22 Ogilvie (R.), 22 Oldfield (Hon. Mrs.), 9 Osbourne (L.), 28 Packard (A. S.), 21 Paget (Sir J.), 10 Park (W.), 16 Parker (B.), 40 Payne-Gallwey (Sir R.), 14, 16 Pears (E.), 7 Pearse (H. H. S.), 6 Peek (Hedley), 14 Pemberton (W. S. Childe-), 9 Penrose (H. H.), 33 Phillipps-Wolley (C.), 12, 28 Pierce (A. H.), 19 Pole (W.), 17 Pollock (W. H.), 13, 40 Poole (W. H. and Mrs.), 36 Poore (G. V.), 40 Portman (L.), 28 Powell (E.), 7 Powys (Mrs. P. L.), 10 Praeger (S. Rosamond), 33 Pritchett (R. T.), 14 Proctor (R. A.), 16, 30, 35 Raine (Rev. James), 6 Ramal (W.), 24 Randolph (C. F.), 7 Rankin (R.), 8, 25 Ransome (Cyril), 3, 8 Reid (S. J.), 9 Rhoades (J.), 23 Rice (S. P.), 12 Rich (A.), 23 Richmond (Ennis), 19 Rickaby (Rev. John), 19 ---- (Rev. Joseph), 19 Riley (J. W.), 24 Roberts (E. P.), 33 Robertson (W. G.), 37 Roget (Peter M.), 20, 31 Romanes (G. J.), 10, 19, 21, 24 ---- (Mrs. G. J.), 10 Ronalds (A.), 17 Roosevelt (T.), 6 Ross (Martin), 28 Rossetti (Maria Francesca), 40 Rotheram (M. A.), 36 Rowe (R. P. P.), 14 Russell (Lady), 10 Sandars (T. C.), 18 Sanders (E. K.), 9 Savage-Armstrong (G. F.), 25 Seebohm (F.), 8, 10 Selous (F. C.), 12, 17 Senior (W.), 13, 15 Seton-Karr (Sir H.), 8 Sewell (Elizabeth M.), 28 Shadwell (A.), 40 Shakespeare, 25 Shaw (W. A.), 8 Shearman (M.), 12, 13 Sheehan (P. A.), 28 Sheppard (E.), 8 Sinclair (A.), 14 Skrine (F. H.), 9 Smith (C. Fell), 10 ---- (R. Bosworth), 8 ---- (T. C.), 5 ---- (W. P. Haskett), 12 Somerville (E.), 28 Sophocles, 23 Soulsby (Lucy H.), 40 Southey (R.), 40 Spedding (J.), 9, 17 Spender (A. E.), 12 Stanley (Bishop), 31 Stebbing (W.), 28 Steel (A. G.), 13 Stephen (Leslie), 12 Stephens (H. Morse), 8 Sternberg (Count Adalbert), 8 Stevens (R. W.), 40 Stevenson (R. L.), 25, 28, 33 Storr (F.), 17 Stuart-Wortley (A. J.), 14, 15 Stubbs (J. W.), 8 ---- (W.), 8 Suffolk & Berkshire (Earl of), 14 Sullivan (Sir E.), 14 Sully (James), 19 Sutherland (A. and G.), 8 ---- (Alex.), 19, 40 Suttner (B. von), 29 Swinburne (A. J.), 19 Symes (J. E.), 20 Tait (J.), 7 Tallentyre (S. G.), 10 Tappan (E. M.), 33 Taylor (Col. Meadows), 8 Theophrastus, 23 Thomas (J. W.), 19 Thomson (H. C.), 8 Thornhill (W. J.), 23 Thornton (T. H.), 10 Thuillier (H. F.), 40 Todd (A.), 8 Tout (T. F.), 7 Toynbee (A.), 20 Trevelyan (Sir G. O.), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ---- (G. M.), 7, 8 ---- (R. C.), 25 Trollope (Anthony), 29 Turner (H. G.), 40 Tyndall (J.), 9, 12 Tyrrell (R. Y.), 22, 23 Unwin (R.), 40 Upton (F. K. and Bertha), 33 Van Dyke (J. C.), 37 Vanderpoel (E. N.), 37 Virgil, 23 Wagner (R.), 25 Wakeman (H. O.), 8 Walford (L. B.), 29 Wallas (Graham), 10 ---- (Mrs. Graham), 32 Walpole (Sir Spencer), 8, 10 ---- (Horace), 10 Walrond (Col. H.), 12 Walsingham (Lord), 14 Ward (Mrs. W.), 29 Warner (P. F.), 17 Warwick (Countess of), 40 Watson (A. E. T.), 12, 13, 14 Weathers (J.), 40 Webb (Mr. and Mrs. Sidney), 20 ---- (Judge T.), 40 ---- (T. E.), 19 Weber (A.), 19 Weir (Capt. R.), 14 Wellington (Duchess of), 37 Wemyss (M. C. E.), 33 Weyman (Stanley), 29 Whately (Archbishop), 17, 19 Whitelaw (R.), 23 Whittall (Sir J. W.), 40 Wilkins (G.), 23 ---- (W. H.), 10 Willard (A. R.), 37 Willich (C. M.), 31 Wood (Rev. J. G.), 31 Wood-Martin (W. G.), 22 Wyatt (A. J.), 24 Wylie (J. H.), 8 Yeats (S. Levett), 29 Yoxall (J. H.), 29 Zeller (E.), 19 History, Politics, Polity, Political Memoirs, &c. =Abbott.=--_A HISTORY OF GREECE._ By EVELYN ABBOTT, M.A., LL.D. Part I.--From the Earliest Times to the Ionian Revolt. Crown 8vo., 10_s._ 6_d._ Part II.--500-445 B.C. Crown 8vo., 10_s._ 6_d._ Part III.--From the Peace of 445 B.C. to the Fall of the Thirty at Athens in 403 B.C. Crown 8vo., 10_s._ 6_d._ =Abbott.=--_TOMMY CORNSTALK_: being Some Account of the Less Notable Features of the South African War from the Point of View of the Australian Ranks. 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