The Project Gutenberg eBook of Regulations for the establishment and government of the Royal Military Asylum This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Regulations for the establishment and government of the Royal Military Asylum Author: Duke of York's Royal Military School Release date: May 16, 2013 [eBook #42717] Language: English Credits: Transcribed from the 1805 T. Egerton edition by David Price. Many thanks to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Library for allowing their copy to be used for this transcription *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK REGULATIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM *** Transcribed from the 1805 T. Egerton edition by David Price, email Many thanks to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Library for allowing their copy to be used for this transcription. REGULATIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM. * * * * * * * * * * London: PRINTED FOR T. EGERTON MILITARY LIBRARY, WHITEHALL. * * * * * 1805. * * * * * * * * * * C. Mercier and Co. Printers, No. 6, Northumberland-court. WARRANT, CONTAINING ORDERS AND REGULATIONS, REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM. GEORGE R. WHEREAS OUR Commissioners for the Affairs of Our Royal Military Asylum did, in pursuance of Our Commands, signified to them in Our Warrant bearing date the 24th June, 1801, prepare and present to Us, in their Report, dated the 30th day of April, 1803, certain Orders and Regulations for the good Government of Our said Asylum, and for the attainment of the humane objects for which it has been erected; and did, in the same Report, propose such an Establishment of Officers, as they deemed necessary, in the first instance, to be appointed in Our said Asylum, together with the Salaries and Allowances fitting to be annexed to their respective employments; of which Report, in all its parts, WE were pleased to approve: And Whereas divers additional Regulations and Appointments of Officers have at different times since been represented to Us by Our Commander in Chief, at the request of Our said Commissioners, to be essential to the welfare of the Institution; and have in like manner met with Our Royal Approbation: WE do, therefore, confirm hereby the several Acts which have been done or directed by Our said Commissioners, in conformity to Our said Warrant, and to the Report and Representations afore mentioned: and, in regard to the Commissioners for managing the Affairs of Our Royal Military Asylum, as well as to the Regulations for the Establishment and Government of the same, in future, WE do declare Our Will and Pleasure, to be as follows: OUR most dearly beloved Son, Field Marshal, Frederic, Duke of York and Albany, Commander in Chief of all Our Forces in Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; Our most dearly beloved Son, General, Edward, Duke of Kent; Our most dearly beloved Son, Lieutenant General, Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland; Our most dearly beloved Son, Lieutenant General, Adolphus Frederic, Duke of Cambridge; General, Charles, Earl of Harrington, Colonel of Our First Regiment of Life Guards; Brownlow, Bishop of Winchester; Lieutenant General, William, Lord Cathcart, Colonel of Our Second Regiment of Life Guards; Our right trusty and well beloved, William Windham, and Our right trusty and well beloved, Charles Yorke, late, respectively, Secretaries at War; General, Sir David Dundas, Knight of the Bath, Governor of Our Royal Hospital at Chelsea; Lieutenant General, George Hewett, Barrack Master General to Our Forces; Major General, Robert Brownrigg, Quarter Master General of Our Forces; Major General, Harry Calvert, Adjutant General of Our Forces; Sir Brook Watson, Baronet, Our Commissary General of Stores and Provisions in Great Britain; the Reverend John Gamble, Chaplain General of Our Forces; and Matthew Lewis, Esq. late Deputy Secretary at War; Together with, The General Commanding in Chief Our Forces in the United Kingdom, for the time being; Our Secretary at War; Our Bishops of London and Winchester; the Paymaster General of Our Land Forces; Our Master General of the Ordnance; Our Quarter Master General; Our Adjutant General; Our Barrack Master General; Our Inspector General of the Recruiting Service; the Governor, and Lieutenant Governor, of Our Royal Hospital, at Chelsea; the Colonels of Our Two Regiments of Life Guards; Our Judge Advocate General; Our Commissary General of Stores and Provisions in Great Britain; the Chaplain General of Our Forces; and Our Deputy Secretary at War; _All for the Time being_; shall be Commissioners for the Government of our Royal Military Asylum, and for the Direction, Management, and Control, of all Affairs belonging thereto. And, it is Our Royal Pleasure, that Our Commander in Chief for time being shall be the President, and Our Secretary at War for the time being shall be the Vice-President, of Our said Royal Military Asylum. WE do hereby Grant to Our several Commissioners above specified, or any Five or more of them, forming a Board, (of whom Our Commander in Chief, Secretary at War, Paymaster General, Quarter Master General, Adjutant General, or Governor of Chelsea Hospital, shall always be One) full Power and Authority generally to do, perform, and direct, all such Matters and Things, as They, in their Discretion, shall judge expedient, for the due Government and Maintenance of Our said Asylum; subject to such further Orders, Regulations, and Instructions, as WE shall at any time or times hereafter think fit to give under Our Royal Sign Manual, in relation to Our said Asylum, and to the Government thereof. Four Quarterly, or General, Boards shall be holden in each Year; viz. on the 1st Tuesday in the Months of January, April, July, and October, or as soon thereafter as may be; of which the Secretary shall give due notice to each Commissioner, one Week, at the least, preceding each Board. At those Quarterly Boards the general business of the Institution shall be transacted: such as the Appointment or Removal of Officers, not holding their Employments by Commission from Us; the Authorising and Approving of Contracts; the Examining and Settling of all Accounts; and the consideration of the necessary Applications, from time to time, to Parliament, for the Sums required in Support of the Institution. A Committee (open to all Commissioners, but at which, Three of those specially named by the General Board shall always be present) shall meet as often as occasion may require to receive Reports; to determine on the reception, or rejection, of Children recommended for admittance into the Asylum, under such Restrictions and Regulations as shall have been previously prescribed by Our Commissioners at any General Board; and to give directions in all Matters respecting the interior Economy of the Institution: and whenever such Committee may find it expedient, it is to direct the Secretary to Summon a Special General Board of Commissioners, at any intermediate time between the Quarterly Boards. In the selection or the Children for admission, preference in general shall be given, 1st. To Orphans. 2nd. To those, whose Fathers have been killed; or have died on Foreign Service. 3d. To those who have lost their Mothers, and whose Fathers are absent on Duty abroad. 4th. To those whose Fathers are ordered on Foreign Service; or, whose Parents have other Children to maintain. The merit of the Father, as to Regimental Character, shall be always considered as a principal recommendation. None shall be admitted, except the Children, born in Wedlock, of Warrant and Non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers of Our Regular Army. Every Child, previously to admission, must be ascertained to be entirely free from mental, and bodily, infirmity. The Parents, or Friends, applying for the admission of Children, shall be required to sign their consent to such Children remaining in the Asylum as long as Our Commissioners may think fit; and to their being disposed of, when of proper Age, at the discretion of the Commissioners, as Apprentices, or Servants; or, if Boys, to their being placed, with their own free consent, in Our Regular Army, as Private Soldiers. The number of Children to be admitted shall not exceed One Thousand; viz. Seven hundred Boys, and Three hundred Girls; exclusive of such as, upon any pressure of special circumstances, may be received (for a time, and until they are of proper Age to be removed, or until vacancies may occur in the Asylum) into the infant Establishment in the Isle of Wight; hereby declared to be a Branch of this Our Royal Institution, and to be under the general control of the Commissioners thereof. The following shall be the Officers, Assistants, and Servants, on the Establishment of Our Royal Military Asylum; subject to such further change, augmentation, or diminution, in the description, number, or Salaries, of the under Officers, Assistants, and Servants, as to Our said Commissioners may hereafter appear necessary: viz. A COMMANDANT; To whom, in consideration of the great trust reposed in Him, and the continued attention required of Him to promote the general welfare of the Institution, WE are pleased to assign the Pay of Twenty Shillings per Diem, with an Allowance of Coals and Candles for three Rooms. A TREASURER; To whom WE are pleased to Grant a Salary of £.300 per Annum, including all Allowances for Clerks, Stationary, or otherwise. A CHAPLAIN, AND SUPERINTENDANT OF MORALS AND EDUCATION; To whom WE are pleased to Grant a Salary of £.280 per Annum, with an Allowance of Coals and Candles for two Rooms and an half. AN ADJUTANT AND SECRETARY; To whom WE are pleased to Grant the Pay of Ten Shillings per Diem, with an Allowance of Coals and Candles for two Rooms. A QUARTER MASTER AND STEWARD; To whom WE are pleased to Grant a Salary of £.180 per Annum, with an Allowance of Coals and Candles for two Rooms. A SURGEON; Who, holding the Rank of Surgeon to Our Forces, shall have the Pay of Fifteen Shillings per Diem, with an Allowance of Coals and Candles for two Rooms and an half—he shall have the Assistance of an Hospital Mate, (not Resident in the House) at Five Shillings per Diem, without any other Allowance. A SERJEANT-MAJOR OF INSTRUCTION; Whose Pay shall be Two Shillings and Sixpence per Diem, with Clothing; Board, the same as the Children; and an Allowance of Coals and Candles for one Room. SERJEANT-ASSISTANTS; In the proportion of One to every Fifty Boys; they shall have the Pay of One Shilling and Sixpence per Day, each; Clothing and Board; and an Allowance of Coals and Candles, according to the Season of the Year, in a proportion to be fixed by Our Commissioners. To the Quarter-Master Serjeant, and to such of the Serjeant-Assistants as shall be employed to instruct the Boys in the different Trades, WE are pleased to allow Sixpence per Diem, each; in addition to the Pay of One Shilling and Sixpence above specified. A DRUMMER; To be allowed Drummer’s Pay and Clothing, and to Mess with the Children. A MATRON; Who shall have £.100 per Annum as Salary, and in lieu of all former Allowances; except in regard to Coals and Candles, the Allowance for which shall be continued to her for two Rooms. AN ASSISTANT MATRON AND SCHOOLMISTRESS; Who is to have a Salary of £.50 per Annum, (in lieu of her former Salary, and Allowance for Provisions) together with an Allowance of Coals and Candles for one Room. ONE READING MISTRESS, AND ONE KNITTING MISTRESS AND SEMPSTRESS; Each having a Salary of £.25 per Annum, One Shilling per Diem in lieu of Board, and an Allowance of Coals and Candles for one Room. NURSES, In the proportion of One to each Ward; to be allowed £.10 per Annum, each, and their Board; with Clothing, and Coals and Candles, the same as the Serjeant-Assistants. NURSES FOR THE INFIRMARY, In proportion to the number of the Sick; to be allowed £.12 per Annum, each, and their Board; with Clothing, and Coals and Candles, as the other Nurses. A COOK; To be allowed £.20 per Annum, and her Board; with Clothing, and an Allowance of Coals and Candles, the same as the Nurses. She shall be allowed two Assistants; each having £.10 per Annum; with Board, Clothing, and Coals and Candles, the same as the Cook. A LAUNDRESS; To be allowed £.20 per Annum, and her Board; with Clothing, and an Allowance of Coals and Candles, the same as the Cooks; and to have such Aid from the Female Children, and such hired Assistance, as circumstances may from time to time require. A SERJEANT-PORTER; Who shall have the Pay of One Shilling and Sixpence per Day; with Clothing, and One Shilling per Diem in lieu of Board: together with an Allowance of Coals and Candles, in a proportion to be fixed by Our Commissioners. * * * * * The Officers, Assistants, and Servants, belonging to Our Royal Military Asylum, shall not, directly or indirectly, demand or receive any Perquisite; or any Emolument whatever, beyond the Pay and Allowances annexed to their respective Employments, as specified in this Our Warrant, or otherwise expressly authorized by Our Commissioners: and any such Officers, Assistants, or Servants, offending herein, shall be deemed to have forfeited their Situations. WE do hereby Grant unto the Commissioners of Our Royal Military Asylum, or any Five or more of them, assembled at a General Board as aforesaid, full Power and Authority to Nominate, Constitute, and Appoint, from time to time, the said Officers, Assistants, and Servants, and to displace them, or any of them, as to Our said Commissioners shall seem meet: The Commandant, Chaplain, Adjutant and Secretary, Quarter-Master and Steward, and Surgeon, excepted; who, receiving Commissions from Ourselves, shall not be removable, unless by Our especial Command. WE do further Grant hereby to Our said Commissioners, or any Five or more of them, assembled as aforesaid, full Power and Authority to ascertain and settle, what proportions and kinds of Victuals they shall judge most expedient for the Diet of the Children, and of such other Persons as are, in compliance with the above Regulations, to be entertained and fed in Our Royal Military Asylum; and to make, or direct to be made, Contracts and Agreements for the furnishing of the same, at such rates, and for such periods, as to Our Commissioners shall appear best; as also, for Clothing the said Children and Persons; and likewise, to cause the Buildings, Furniture, Grounds, Roads, Walks, and Lights, belonging to Our said Royal Military Asylum, to be maintained and kept in Repair and proper Order, for the due Accommodation and good Government of the same. WE do at the same time direct, and Command, that, in all cases whatsoever, where any Order or Warrant is to be granted for the Payment of any Sum or Sums of Money, for the uses of the Royal Military Asylum, every such Order or Warrant shall be signed by Three or more of the Commissioners; of whom Our Commander in Chief, Secretary at War, Paymaster General, Quarter-Master General, Adjutant General, or Governor of Chelsea Hospital, shall always be One. WE are further pleased to declare all the Officers and Persons, borne on the Establishment of Our Royal Military Asylum, to be subject to the Authority, Command, and Control, of Our said Commissioners; who are hereby empowered to make provision for the future disposal of the Children, when of a proper Age to be removed from the Asylum; according to their Qualifications, Ability, and Dispositions, and as may be most likely to be conducive to their ultimate advantage. FINALLY, WE are pleased to Approve the Instructions hereunto annexed, which have been framed by Our said Commissioners for the more particular guidance of the Officers, Assistants, and Servants, of the Royal Military Asylum, in the execution of their respective Duties; And, WE do hereby give to Our said Commissioners full Power and Authority, from time to time, to amend or annul the same; and to make such further Rules and Institutions, touching the ordinary Affairs of Our said Asylum, as shall not, in any case, be repugnant to these our Orders and Regulations. Given at Our Court at St. James’s, this 26th Day of April 1805, in the Forty-fifth Year of Our Reign. By His Majesty’s Command, W. DUNDAS. REGULATIONS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF THE OFFICERS, ASSISTANTS, AND SERVANTS, OF THE ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM, IN THE EXECUTION OF THEIR RESPECTIVE DUTIES. DUTY OF THE COMMANDANT. The Commandant must be Resident in the House; over the interior Economy of which, He has a general Superintendence and Control. All the Officers, Assistants, and Servants, are subject to his Orders; and, as he is responsible for their Conduct, He is hereby invested with Power to suspend (until the next meeting of the Committee) any of the Officers not holding Commissions, Assistants, or Servants, whose misconduct may deserve it. It will be his Duty to Report to the Committee all occurrences that may call for their attention; and He will constantly exercise his utmost care and vigilance in promoting the general Welfare of the Institution. It is of essential consequence that all Payments should, as far as practicable, be regularly made every Quarter, under the authority of the General Board: But, as there will be many casual Disbursements, which cannot be conveniently postponed to those Periods; the Treasurer will be authorized by the Commissioners to advance to the Commandant, from time to time, as they shall see occasion, such moderate Sums as they may deem necessary for such Disbursements; and the Commandant will direct the Quarter-Master and Steward to make those payments; to take proper Receipts in the name of the Treasurer; to keep a regular Account of the same: which Account (with the Receipts) shall be produced by the Commandant every Quarter, for examination by the Committee, and for confirmation by the Board. DUTY OF THE TREASURER. The Treasurer shall receive all Monies applicable to the purposes of this Institution; and pay the same agreeably to such orders as the Commissioners shall from time to time issue, in conformity to the directions contained in His Majesty’s Warrant of this Date. He is to produce Accompts Annually (with Vouchers in the Form approved by the Commissioners) of all Monies by him received and expended for the Royal Military Asylum; and, after his Accompts shall have been examined and approved by the Commissioners, He shall finally pass the same, according to the Practice observed in regard to the Accompts of other Public Military Institutions. He shall, at all times when required, furnish the Board, or Committee, with a State of the Balance of Cash in his Hands; and with such other Information as they may call for, respecting his Accompts as Treasurer of this Institution. DUTY OF THE CHAPLAIN AND SUPERINTENDENT OF MORALS AND EDUCATION. The Chaplain is to be Resident in the House. His Duty will be to read Prayers twice, and Preach once, at least, every Sunday; and likewise on Christmas Day, Good Friday, and every Public Fast, or Festival, that may be directed by the Ordinary; and it is the positive order of the Commissioners, that all the Officers, Assistants, and Servants, of the Establishment, shall regularly attend Divine Service on Sundays, and on the Public Fasts and Festivals. The Chaplain is to examine the Children in the Church Catechism, and instruct them in the meaning thereof, according to their capacities, every Sunday; and to read Prayers to them on every Wednesday, and Friday Morning.—He is also to be responsible for, and to have a general Superintendence of, the Education of the Children; to take care that they duly and reverently attend Public Worship; to reprove them for any irregularities and vices, which he shall observe, or know them to be guilty of; and, if they do not amend after admonition, he is to Report their Behaviour in Writing to the Commandant. It will likewise be his Duty to have a watchful Eye over the Moral and Religious Conduct of the Officers, Assistants, and Servants, of the Institution; and likewise to visit frequently, and at uncertain times, the Schools, Workshops, Refectories and Dormitories; and particularly to Report to the Commandant, if He hear any Oaths or indecent Expressions made use of by the Children, or by the under Officers, or Servants, of the Institution. In fine, He shall in every respect, to the best of his ability, endeavour that the Children be carefully instructed in the Principles of Virtue and Religion; and that a pious, sober, and orderly, conduct be observed by every Person in the Asylum. DUTY OF THE ADJUTANT AND SECRETARY. The Adjutant and Secretary is to be Resident in the House; and to consider himself in all respects amenable to the Commandant. It will be his Duty to summon, and attend, all meetings of the Board and Committee; and in the notices for extraordinary meetings, either of a General Board or Committee, he shall insert the cause of such Meetings; He is to take down, and preserve, Minutes of all the Proceedings of the Commissioners; and to produce them fairly written in a Book, at the next succeeding Meeting; as also, whenever called for by a Commissioner or by the Commandant. He shall keep an Alphabetical List of all Applications for the Admission of Children into the Asylum, and likewise a Register of such as are admitted; with their Names and Ages, Time of Admission, the Regiment to which the Father of the Child belonged; and his Parochial Settlement, when the same can be ascertained; also, of the manner in which such Child is disposed of, on quitting the Asylum. He shall likewise keep a Book, wherein shall be constantly recorded the behaviour of each of the Children. He is also to examine, check, and keep, all the Accounts of the Institution; and to enter the Abstract thereof in a Book, for the examination of the Commandant, the Committee, and the Board, previously to, or immediately after, their being ordered for Payment. He is to keep, and deliver out, all such School Books, and Stationary, to the Serjeant Major of Instruction, as may from time to time be wanted; taking a Receipt for them. He is to see that the Serjeants attend strictly to their Duty, and maintain proper Discipline and Order among the Children; and that both they, and the Children, do keep themselves clean and neat in their Persons; for which purpose, it is expected that he shall frequently be in the Schools and Workshops, and visit the Refectories, and Dormitories, and report to the Commandant any irregularities he may observe. He will attend to the Drill of the Boys; and to such other Military Duties as are incident to the situation of Adjutant, or as the Commandant may from time to time require of him. DUTY OF THE QUARTER MASTER AND STEWARD. The Quarter Master and Steward is to be Resident in the House. It will be his Duty to examine all the Provisions, Stores, and Clothing, sent in; to see that they are of the Quality, and charged at the Price, contracted for, under the orders of the Board; to give Check Receipts to the several Tradesmen furnishing the same, and to take a Counter Check from them in like manner. He must be provided with Scales, Weights, Measures, &c. to ascertain the Quantities of every Article brought in, which he shall regularly enter into a Store Book, under their respective heads; to enable the Secretary to examine the Tradesmen’s Accounts at the end of each Quarter previously to their being paid. He shall be accountable for all Receipts, Issues, and Remains, and keep a regular account thereof; and shall not allow any waste to be committed by the Servants, or suffer any article of Provisions, Clothing, or Stores, to be carried out of the House; but shall report the same, or any other irregularity, that may come under his notice, to the Commandant. _He_ is to take care that every thing necessary be provided, and in readiness for the meals of the Children, at the following Hours; viz. Breakfast at Eight o’clock in Summer, and at Nine o’Clock in Winter; Dinner at One o’clock the Year round; and Supper, at Seven o’Clock in Summer, and Six o’clock in Winter. DUTY OF THE SURGEON. The Surgeon is to be Resident in the House.—It will be his Duty to examine all the Children brought to the Asylum for Admission, and to Report on any special cases occurring among them; to take charge of the Sick; to regulate all matters within the line of his professional Duty, respecting them and the Wards appropriated for their reception; and from time to time to suggest to the Committee (through the Commandant) whatever may in his Judgment appear likely to contribute to the better health of the Children in general. DUTY OF THE SERJEANT-MAJOR OF INSTRUCTION. The Serjeant-Major of Instruction shall cause the Boys to rise, by beat of Drum, at Six in the Morning from the 25th of March to the 29th of September; and at Seven o’Clock in the Morning from the 29th September, to the 25th of March. He is to allow the Boys one hour to clean their Shoes, wash their Hands and Faces, and to have their Heads combed; He is then to read, or cause one of the Senior Boys to read, such Prayers as may be directed by the Chaplain; after which he shall cause them to proceed to the School-business of Reading, Writing, and the four first Rules in Arithmetic, or to such other employments as may be assigned, to qualify them either for the Duties of a Soldier, or for other subordinate situations in Life. He is previously to examine each Boy, to see that he be washed clean, and dressed in a proper manner; and if this should have been neglected to be done, he is to deliver the Boy, so improperly dressed, to the Serjeant or Nurse of the Ward to which such Boy belongs, to be put in order; and he will report any repetition of neglect in the same person to the Commandant. He, and his Assistants, are to attend the Boys at all meals, and to cause one of them to say Grace, before and after each meal. He and his Assistants are also to attend the Boys at their hours of recreation, to prevent them from behaving improperly in any respect. He, and his Assistants, are to see that the Boys are all in Bed at the hours appointed; and that no Fire, or Candle, is left in their Dormitories. He, and his Assistants, are to see that the Boys are decently and properly dressed on Sundays, previously to their attending Divine Service; where they are all required to be present with the Children. He will promote, to the utmost of his power, Good-will, Friendship, and Cordiality, among the Children; endeavouring to impress them with those sentiments of Virtue and Religion, which may best enable them to regulate their future conduct. He will be especially careful that no profane or indecent expressions be on any occasion made use of to them, or in their hearing, by his Assistants, or the Servants; And whenever he may discover any species of Vice or Immorality, or tendency thereto, in the Boys, or any improper Conduct towards them on the part of the Assistants or Servants, he is immediately to Report the same to the Adjutant, or (through him) to the Commandant; according to the nature and degree of the offence. He is to make a Weekly Return of what Stationary may be wanted; in order that it may be delivered to him by the Secretary, who will take his Receipts for the same. He shall, every Three Months, deliver to the Adjutant, for the purpose of its being laid by the Commandant before the Board, an exact List of the Boys, divided into proper Classes of Reading, Writing, and other Employments; specifying each Boy’s Age, the time he has been in the Asylum, the Trade to which He is applying, and the progress he has made since his Admission. He is to have especial care that the Assistants do their Duty diligently in the Instruction of the Boys; and, at convenient times, he is to hear and examine the respective Classes under their care. He is to keep, hung up in some convenient place, the Table of the Employment of the Boys for the several hours of the Day; and see that the same be strictly attended to. DUTY OF THE SERJEANT-ASSISTANTS. The Serjeant-Assistants are to be subordinate to, and follow the Instructions of, the Serjeant-Major; and to assist him in every Department of his Office, to the utmost of their abilities. They are to watch over the Boys, when at their Recreation; to prevent them from doing mischief, or acting improperly in any respect. They are constantly to attend Divine Service with the Children. They are to abstain from the use of Profane or Indecent Language; and in all respects to behave themselves Religiously and Soberly; so as, by their example, to excite in the Children an emulation to Virtue. They are to be present with the Boys at Meal-times; and to assist the Serjeant-Major in keeping Silence, and maintaining a decency of Behaviour, during Meals; and in seeing that the Candles and Fires be extinguished in proper time in the Boys Dormitories. DUTY OF THE DRUMMER. The Drummer is to beat the Drum at the hours appointed for the Children’s Meals; for their rising in the Morning, and going to Bed in the Evening; and at any other times, or for any other purpose, that may be directed by the Commandant. He is to Teach such Boys to beat the Drum, as may be appointed by the Commandant. He is also to inflict such Corporal Punishment on the Boys, as may be ordered by the Commandant. DUTY OF THE MATRON. The Matron shall be Resident in the House. She is to have the direction of the Female Servants, subject to the Control of the Commandant; and the entire management of the Girls, with whom she shall be present during their Meals. The Rules which are above detailed for the Boys, in regard to the times of rising and going to Bed, the hours of Instruction, the Reading of Prayers in the Morning, and the Saying of Grace before and after each Meal, are to be equally and uniformly maintained among the Girls, under the immediate direction of the Matron, who shall be responsible for the due observance of the same. She is to superintend the Education of the Girls in Reading, Writing, Sewing, Knitting, Marking, Washing, and getting up Linen; in Kitchen and House-work; and in such other Female Employments as may qualify them for useful Servants. She is to take care, that, during their continuance under the Protection of this Institution, they be properly employed in the School, and in the domestic requisites of the Establishment, as far as their Ages and Abilities will permit. She is to take care that one of the Female Teachers, or Attendants, be always present with the Girls at their Hours of Recreation, to prevent them from behaving improperly in any respect. She is to take under her charge from the Steward (giving him a Receipt for the same) the House Linen, Children’s Linen, and Bedding. She is to see that the Children’s and House Linen be as much as possible made up and repaired by the Girls; that the Linen of the Children be properly changed; and that the Beds be likewise furnished with clean Sheets, at such times as shall be directed. She must take care, that the Nurses be constantly attentive to the keeping of the Children’s Heads clean and well combed, and to the washing of their Feet thrice a Week, at the least, in Summer, and twice a Week in Winter. She is Personally to inspect the Dormitories of the Girls, both in the Day-time and after they go to Bed; and she will not fail to apply to the Commandant, whenever she may consider his interference necessary, to enforce a due obedience to her Orders. DUTY OF THE ASSISTANT MATRON. The Assistant Matron shall be immediately subject to, and under the Direction of the Matron. She is to take care, that the Girls go to Bed, and rise in the Morning, at the Hours appointed; that they come into School, properly washed and combed; that they be regularly employed while in the School; and that such as are of an Age for that purpose, be sent in rotation to be employed in Kitchen and Laundry Work. She is to take care, that they be occupied at stated times in making and repairing their own Apparel, and the Linen and Stockings of the Boys; and to see that the same be regularly changed at the times directed. DUTY OF THE READING MISTRESS, AND OF THE KNITTING MISTRESS AND SEMPSTRESS. Beside the particular Objects for which the Reading Mistress, and the Knitting Mistress and Sempstress, are respectively engaged, they shall assist the Matron and Assistant Matron in their several Duties, as may be required. DUTY OF THE NURSES. The Nurses are to see, that the Children retire orderly to their Beds at the Hour appointed; and rise in the Morning in the same manner. They are to take care, that the Children be properly washed and combed, and their Clothes decently put on, before they attend in the School; and that their Feet be regularly washed at Night, three times a Week in Summer, and twice a Week in Winter. They are likewise to take care, that the Dormitories, and their own Apartments, be constantly kept clean, and in proper Order; and that the Bedding, Sheets, Towels, and Children’s Clothing, delivered to their care, be kept in repair, and regularly returned to the Matron, at the times appointed. DUTY OF THE NURSES FOR THE INFIRMARY. It will be the Duty of each Nurse in the Infirmary to take care of all the Children committed to her Charge; to keep them clean, and to comb them daily. She must never wash the Apartments where the Sick Children are kept, without permission of the Medical Officers having the charge of them; she shall be careful, that all Medicines, &c. delivered to her be punctually administered at the times prescribed by such Officers; and she shall, in every respect, implicitly obey their Directions, and those of the Matron. She is never to be absent from the Infirmary; nor to suffer the Relations or Friends of the Children to come there, without the Permission of the Commandant, or Matron; and she shall in all respects conduct herself soberly and properly, as becomes a Person intrusted with the care of the Sick. DUTY OF THE COOK. The Cook is to be under the immediate Control of the Matron; and likewise of the Steward, from whom she shall daily receive the necessary Quantity of Provisions for the Institution. She is to be punctual in preparing the several Meals at the hours appointed; She shall likewise instruct such of the Girls in Kitchen-work, as may be sent to her, in Monthly or Weekly rotation, for that purpose; She shall keep the Kitchen and Utensils clean, and in order; She shall not dispose of any Provisions, Kitchen-stuff, or Ashes, on any account whatever; and she shall in all respects behave herself honestly, soberly, and quietly in her Station. DUTY OF THE LAUNDRESS. The Laundress is to receive from the Matron, every Monday Morning, the Children’s Linen, and such House Linen as is to be washed in the Week; and to take care that the Washing be done in a proper manner, without damaging the Linen; and she shall return the several articles back to the Matron, at the times appointed. She shall likewise instruct and employ such Girls in Laundry Work, as may, from time to time, be sent for that purpose; and she must take care, that the Laundry, and all the Utensils belonging to her Department, be kept constantly clean, and in order. DUTY OF THE SERJEANT PORTER. The Serjeant Porter is constantly to reside at his Lodge; for the cleanliness and decent Appearance of which, at all times, he shall be responsible. He shall not suffer any Child to go out, without a Ticket, or an Order in Writing from the Commandant; nor any Servant, without leave from the proper Officer. He shall not allow the Friends or Relations of any of the Children to pass into the Asylum, without the like permission. * * * * * The Attention of all, and every of the Officers, Assistants, and Servants, whose particular Duties have been pointed out in the foregoing Regulations, is required, and must constantly and invariably be given, to the following Order, contained in His Majesty’s Warrant of this Date: “The Officers, Assistants, and Servants, belonging to our Royal Military Asylum, shall not, directly or indirectly, demand or receive any Perquisite; or any Emolument whatever, beyond the Pay and Allowances annexed to their respective Employments, as specified in this Our Warrant, or otherwise expressly authorized by Our Commissioners: and any such Officers, Assistants, or Servants, offending herein, shall be deemed to have forfeited their Situations.” Given under Our Hands, at the Board Room of the Royal Military Asylum, this 26th Day of April 1805. FREDERICK, C. in C. President. EDWARD, General. ERNEST, Lieut. General. ADOLPHUS FREDERICK, Lieut. General. HARRINGTON, General. CHATHAM, M. G. O. B. LONDON. B. WINTON. W. WINDHAM. W. DUNDAS. CHARLES MORGAN, Judge Advocate General. D. DUNDAS, Governor of Chelsea Hospital. W. DALRYMPLE. G. HEWITT, Lieut. General. CHARLES HENRY SOMERSET, P.M. General. J. WHITELOCKE, Major General. ROBERT BROWNRIGG, Major General. HARRY CALVERT, Major General. BROOK WATSON. J. GAMBLE, Chaplain General. M. LEWIS. F. MOORE. DIET TABLE, ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM, FOR ONE CHILD. DAYS. BREAKFAST. DINNER. SUPPER. SUNDAY. Milk Pottage. Beef, roasted, Bread, l-20th 8 Ounces. of a Quartern Milk, 1-6th of a Loaf. Quart. Potatoes, 12 Ounces. Cheese, 1½ Oatmeal, 1-20th of Ounce. a Pound. Bread, 1-40th of a Quartern Beer, ½ a Pint. Bread, 1-20th of a Loaf. Quartern Loaf. Beer, ½ a Pint. MONDAY. Ditto. Pudding, Rice, Bread, l-20th 3 Ounces. of a Quartern Loaf. Milk, 1-6th of a Quart. Milk, ½ a Pint. Potatoes, 8 Ounces. Beer, ½ a Pint. TUESDAY. Ditto. Beef, boiled, 8 Bread, l-20th Ounces. of a Quartern Loaf. 1 Pint of Broth. Cheese, 1½ Ounces. Potatoes, 8 Ounces. Beer, ½ a Pint. Bread, 1-40th of a Quartern Loaf. Beer, ½ a Pint. WEDNESDAY. Ditto. Soup, Pease, 1 Bread, l-20th Gill. of a Quartern Loaf. Potatoes, 12 Ounces. Milk, ½ a Pint. Bread, l-40th of a Quartern Loaf. Beer, ½ a Pint. THURSDAY. Ditto. Beef, stewed, 8 Bread, l-20th Ounces. of a Quartern Loaf. Potatoes, 12 Ounces. Cheese, 1½ Ounce. Bread, l-40th of a Quartern Beer, ½ a Pint. Loaf. Beer, ½ a Pint. FRIDAY. Ditto. Pudding, Suet, Bread, l-20th 1½ Ounce. of a Quartern Loaf. Flour, 6 Ounces. Milk, ½ a Pint. Potatoes, 8 Ounces. Beer, ½ a Pint. SATURDAY. Ditto. Mutton, boiled, Bread, 1-20th 8 Ounces. of a Quartern Loaf. 1 Pint of Broth. Cheese, 1½ Ounce. Potatoes, 8 Ounces. Beer, ½ a Pint. Bread, l-40th of a Quartern Loaf. Beer, ½ a Pint. N. B. The Meat is estimated as taken from the Butcher, including Bone. A Proportion of the very small Children on 6 Ounces of Meat. DIET OF SERJEANTS, NURSES, &c. DAYS. DINNER. WEEKLY ALLOWANCE. SUNDAY. Roast Beef 1 Pound, Potatoes 1 Beer, 3 Pints. Pound, Bread 1 Pound. MONDAY. Boiled Beef 1 Pound, Ditto, A SERJEANT, Ditto. 1 Pound of Cheese Weekly. ½ a Pound of Butter Ditto. TUESDAY. Ditto, Ditto, Ditto. WEDNESDAY. Pease ½ a Pint, Bacon ½ a A NURSE, Pound, Potatoes 1 Pound Ditto. ½ a Pound of Cheese Weekly. 1 Pound of Butter Ditto. THURSDAY. Stewed Beef, 1 Pound, Ditto, Ditto. FRIDAY. Mutton, baked, 1 Pound, Ditto, Ditto. SATURDAY. Mutton, boiled, 1 Pound, Ditto, Ditto. D. ALEXANDER, _Quarter-Master_ R. M. A. CERTIFICATE AND RECOMMENDATION. » [To be Signed by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment: unless the Regiment be abroad, and the Child at home; in which Case, it is to be signed by the Colonel, or (in his absence from GREAT BRITAIN or IRELAND) by the Senior Officer of the Regiment, who may happen to be at home.] I HEREBY certify, That . . . served in His Majesty’s . . . Regiment of . . . Years, during which Time he conducted himself as a good Soldier; That he . . . {69} * * * * * I further certify, according to the best of my Knowledge and Belief, that the several Circumstances contained in the Petition on the preceding Page of this Paper are truly stated; and that the Applicant has no Parent capable of supporting Him; wherefore I recommend Him as an Object worthy of the benevolent Attention of the COMMISSIONERS of the ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM. » Signature of the Officer † * * * * * N.B. The Children to be admitted into this Institution must _be free from mental and bodily Defect or Infirmity_. They must be the Children of _Men actually serving in the_ REGULAR ARMY; or have been born, _before their Fathers ceased to serve therein_; and the Fathers, if living at the Time of Application, must either be still in the _Regular Service_, _or Out-Pensioners_. The _Age_ of the FEMALES must not exceed TEN Years. The _Age_ of the MALES must not exceed TWELVE Years. CHILDREN under the _Age_ of FIVE Years will not be admitted, except when belonging to _Regiments ordered to embark for Foreign Stations_; or in the Case of ORPHANS, or under other Circumstances of _peculiar Distress_, which must be _specially stated_. A MARRIAGE FORMS OF APPLICATION, RECOMMENDATION, AND CERTIFICATES, FOR THE ADMISSION OF BOYS INTO THE ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM. _To His Royal Highness the COMMANDER IN CHIEF_, _and Others His MAJESTY’S COMMISSIONERS for the Management of the Affairs of the Royal Military Asylum_. THE HUMBLE PETITION of . . . in Behalf of . . . the Child of . . . Soldier in His Majesty’s . . . Regiment of . . . SHEWETH, that the said . . . is the lawful Child of . . . as by the annexed Certificates will appear. That . . . {70a} * * * * * Your Petitioner therefore humbly Prays, that the said . . . may be admitted into the ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM; and if this Prayer be granted, your Petitioner hereby agrees, that the said BOY shall remain in the Asylum as long as the Commissioners thereof shall think fit; and that, when of proper Age, he shall be disposed of at their Discretion, as an Apprentice, or Servant; or placed, with his own free Consent, as a Private Soldier, in the Regular Army. † {70b} CERTIFICATE FOOTNOTES. {69} Here state whether the Soldier is still in the Regiment; or dead; or discharged: if dead, whether he died in the Service; and, if discharged, the Date of his Discharge, and whether he was recommended to Chelsea. {70a} Here state the Service and present Situation of the Father; the Situation of the Mother (if living), and Number and Age of their other Children (if any). {70b} To be signed by the Parent, or Person who has Charge of the Child. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK REGULATIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND GOVERNMENT OF THE ROYAL MILITARY ASYLUM *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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