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Title: A naval expositor

shewing and explaining the words and terms of art belonging to the parts, qualities, and proportions of building, rigging, furnishing, & fitting a ship for sea

Author: Thomas Riley Blanckley

Release date: August 27, 2016 [eBook #52902]

Language: English

Credits: E-text prepared by Steven Gibbs, Les Galloway, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team



E-text prepared by Steven Gibbs, Les Galloway,
and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team





Naval Expositor,

Shewing and Explaining The Words and Terms of Art belonging to the Parts, Qualities and Proportions of Building, Rigging, Furnishing, & Fitting a Ship for Sea.


All Species that are received into the Magazines, and on what Services they are Used and Issued.

Together with

The Titles of all the Inferior Officers belonging to a Ship, with an Abridgment of their respective Duties.

By Thomas Riley Blanckley.

London Printed by E. Owen, in Warwick Lane, and Engraved by Paul Fourdrinier at Charing Cross.


To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, and of all His Majesty's Plantations, &c.

As the following Sheets have been published by your Lordships Approbation, they are, with the greatest Submission and Gratitude, dedicated to your Lordships,


My Lords,

Your Lordships

Most Obedient,

Most Dutiful,


Most Humble Servant,

Thomas Riley Blanckley.



Page 3, Line 7, instead of Is a Platform, read, Are Platforms.—p. 4. l. 1. instead of Is, read, Are made of.—p. 8. l. 13, instead of Is a long Bolt, read, Are long Bolts.—l. 14. instead of goes round, read, go round.—p. 38. l. 15. instead of Is the Flag, read, Are Flags.—p. 83. l. 1. instead of Are made, read, Is made.—p. 135. l. 12. instead of steeving, read, staving—p. 148. l. 9. instead of stands, read, stand.—p. 181. l. 1. instead of pretuberant, read, protuberant.

Names of each particular Part of a new Ship, as they are put together (in a progressive Manner) for Frameing and Finishing the Structure Building on the Stocks.

Keel 85
Stem 160
Sternpost ⎛  Framed  ⎞ 161
Transoms ⎨and raised⎬ 174
Fashion Pieces ⎝ together ⎠ 54
Dead Rising 49
Floor 57
Timbers 171
Keelson 85
Futtocks 61
Hawse Pieces 72
Top Timbers 172
Waals 181
Harpings 71
Plank 120
Clamps 35
Sleepers 153
Foot Waaling 57
Beams 6
Knees 87
Bitts 10
Cross Pieces
Carlings 29
Ledges 93
Waterways 183
Spirketing 156
Upper Deck 50
String 165
Quarter Deck 50
Forecastle 58
Partners Mast 116
Comeings 40
Breast Hooks 22
Fore Step 160
Riders 132
Pointers 121
Crotches 47
Steps Main 160
Main Capston
Decks Lower the
Flat or Plank
Orlop 113
Capstons 28
Pillars 118
Channels 32
Navel Hoods 110
Knee of the Head 86
Cheeks 33
Lyon 102
Trailboard 173
Gallery 62
Taffarel 168
Quarter Pieces 127
Brackets 21
Well 185
Pumps 124
Limber Boards 97
Garboard Strake,
or Plank
Blkheads 23
Ports 122
Cathead 30
Chestrees 34
Hatchways 72
Scuttles 143
Grateings 66
Ladders 88
Manger 103
Pallating Magazine
and Bread-room
Gunwales 68
Rails 128
Gangways 63
Cleats 35
Kevels 86
Ranges 129
Knight Heads 87
Rother 137
Tiller 170
Scuppers 143
Standards 158
Rufftrees 139
Poop Lanterns 89
Cradle or For
Buildgeways 23

N. B. All the foregoing Particulars, upon any Emergency, may, by a sufficient Number of Men, be taken in Hand very nearly together.

[Pg 1]

Naval Expositor.

Are those Parts which are towards the Stern of a Ship.
A Sea Term, to strike a Main, is to lower at once.
illustration The Parts of an Anchor are, First, The Ring unto which the Cable is bent or fastened.
Secondly, The Shank, which is the longest Part of the Anchor; and at the End where the Ring goes through, is called the Eye, and wrought Square with two Nutts on it, which are let into the Stock.
Thirdly, The Arm is from the Crown to the Flook.
Fourthly, The Flook, by some called the Palm, being that broad Part brought on upon the Arm, like an Arrow Head, the sharpest Part of which is called the Bill, and fastens into the Ground. [Pg 2]
The Anchors on board a Man of War are the Sheat, Spare, Best and Small Bower, which by the Establishment, are all of one Weight, the Stream one Fourth, the Kedge one Eighth, of the large ones; and the First and Second Rates are allowed a small warping one, one Half the Weight of the Kedge.
When the Cable is Perpendicular between the Hawse and the Anchor, it is then said to be a Peek; when hangs right up and down by the Ship's Side, it is said to be a Cock Bill, upon the Ship's coming to an Anchor; when a Ship drives by the Violence of Wind or Tide, and the Anchor cannot hold her, then it's said to come Home. Those which have lost one of their Flooks, are made use of for Moarings.
Anchor Stock
illustration A Piece of Wood fastened together with Iron Hoops and Treenails upon the Square near the Ring, serving to guide the Flook, so as it may fall right and fix in the Ground.
Ditto Tackle
Are for Loosing too the Stock, so as to be clear of the Bends. [Pg 3]
Is Ground fitting to hold a Ship's Anchor, so as she may safely ride it out in a Storm; stiff Clay, and hard Sand, is esteemed the best to be chose for that Purpose.
illustration Are used by the Smiths for working all Sorts of Iron-work on.
Is a Plat-form raised a little above the Bottom of a Dock at its Entrance, against which the Gates shut.
A Ship is said to be arm'd when fitted in all Respects for War.
Signifies to stop, hold, or stay.
Auger Bitts
illustration Made of several Sizes, and when shut to a Shank, are for boreing Holes through the Plank and Timbers, that the Treenails may go through them, for fastening both together. [Pg 4]
Is old Canvas spread by Ropes over the Upper Deck, Quarter Deck, or Poop; and some Ships have them fitted with thin slit Deal, over the Steering Wheel on the Quarter Deck; and all are to keep off the Sun, Rain or Wind.
illustration Are used for cutting up Junk, or cleaving Wood.
Are sort of Shrouds, which go up to the Topmasthead, hath Lanyards reev'd through dead Eyes, and Backstay Plates at the Ship's Side, are called standing or shifting, and are for succouring the Topmasts.
Bail or Bale
Casting or throwing the Water out of a Boat, which when done she is freed.
Is in great Ships generally Beach Stones, and in small Iron, laid in the Hold next the Keelson, in order to keep the Ship stiff, so that she may bear the more Sail. [Pg 5]
Barrels Press
illustration Are emptied Tar Barrels filled with Clay, to be put on the Drags and Sledges when closeing Cables in the Rope Yard.
illustration Small Casks of Twenty one Inches long, bound with four Iron Hoops, were formerly allowed to Ships bound on Foreign Voyages for fetching Water.
illustration Goes into the Drum-head, at which the Men heave when weighing an Anchor, or purchasing a great Weight.
illustration Each End goes through a Ring Bolt, and with Wedges, barrs in the Ports.
illustration Are made use of for carrying Officers Stores in, and several other Uses.
Is for Ships to lye in to be repaired, before or after taken out of the Dock. [Pg 6]
Small rough Firr Timber, used for Shoreing Ships when in the Dock, and other such like uses.
Beak Head
The foremost End of the Forecastle, fronting the Head, and limitting the Length of it, and is a becoming Part or Grace of a Ship.
Beak Irons
Are for turning square, round, and all Sorts of Hoops; and also used by Plumbers, as Anvils are by the Smiths.
Large Pieces of Timber cross the Ship, the Ends of which are lodged on the Clamps to support the Decks, and also keeps her out to her Breadth, and likewise to bear the Weight of her Ordnance.
Is used by the Sail-makers for waxing the Twine before they sew the Seams of Canvas for making Sails.
Beetles Reeming
illustration Used by the Caulkers for driving in their Irons into a Ship's Bottom, in order for Caulking. [Pg 7]
A Ship bears her Ordnance when she carries her Guns well, when having her Sails abroad in a Gale of Wind she don't heel. When sails towards the Shore, she is said to bear in with the Land. When a Ship that was to Windward comes under another's Stern, and gives her the Wind, she is said to bear under her Lee. If sails into an Harbour with the Wind large or before the Wind, she is then said to bear in with the Harbour. When a Ship keeps off from any Land, she is said to bear off from it. When they would express how any Cape or Place lieth from another, they say it bears off so, or so,—In Conding also, they say, bear up to the Helm, (i. e.) let her go more large before the Wind, and bear up round, that is, let her go between her two Sheets, directly before the Wind.
Allowed all Ships, for the Use of Admirals, and Commanders, to call their Servants.
For striking the Hour at each Box in the Yard at Night, and also are allowed all Ships for that Service both in the Day and Night. [Pg 8]
Signifies the same as fasten.
Bench Stakes
Are used by the Smiths for cold Work on a Vice Bench.
In a Ship, there are several, as the Midship-bend, and others called frame Bends, which shews the Shape of her at the respective Places where they are placed. They say Bend the Cable, when it is seized and made fast to the Ring of the Anchor. To Unbend the Cable is to loosen it from the Ring of the Anchor, in order to be returned into Store, or cut up for inferior Uses.
Is a long Bolt on which are put generally six or seven Shackles, which goes round a Man's Leg when he has committed any Fault, and for securing him in Case his Offence is so great as to deserve further Punishment.
The flatest Part of a Ship's Bottom, and when she strikes on a Rock, they say she is Bildged. [Pg 9]
Is a due and proper Distance observed between Ships lying at an Anchor or under Sail; so also the raising or bringing up the Sides of a Ship is called Birthing up; also the proper Place aboard for a Mess to put their Chests, &c. is called the Birth of that Mess; also a convenient Place to Moar a Ship is called the Birth.
Is a Sort of Locker framed with Deal to hold the Compass, a Glass and Candle, and stands on the Quarter Deck just before the Steering Wheel, by which, he that Steers the Ship is enabled to keep her in her right Course.
Is any Turn or Part of a Rope that lies compassing; and therefore when they cannot take the End of a Rope in Hand, they say, Give me the Bite, or hold by the Bite.
Any turn of a Cable about the Bitts, is called a Bitter, so as that the Cable may be let out by little and little. And when a Ship is stopped by a Cable, they say, She is brought up by a Bitter. Also that End of the Cable which is wound or belayed about the Bitts, is called the Bitter-end of the Cable. [Pg 10]
Are two perpendicular Pieces of Timber in the Fore-part of the Ship, bolted to the Gun-Deck and Orlop Beams, their lower Ends stepping in the Footwaaling, the Heads of which are braced with a Cross-piece, and when several turns of the Cable are taken over them, is for securing the Ship at an Anchor; there are generally two Pair of them; besides there are others upon the Upper Deck, which are fixed by the Main and Foremast, and called the Topsail Sheat and Jeer Bitts.
Is in small Barrels, and used by the Boatswains for making the Yards Black.
Are fitted with Shivers and Pins for Running Rigging to go through, and of the different Natures following.
Blocks Double
Has two Shives, and are used for Jeers, Topsail-Runners, Main Bowlines, Mizon Sheats, and Winding Tackle Falls. [Pg 11]
Double Ironbound
The Toptackle Falls for all Ships are reeved through them, the upper ones hook into a Thimble at the End of the Toprope Pendant; and the lower ones has a Swivel in the Iron binding, and hooks either to an Eye or Ring-bolt upon Deck; and so are those for the Catt Falls for Ships from 70 Guns downwards, but with a large Hook, which takes the Shank of the Anchor.
Has one large and one small Shive, one above another, and are used for all single Tackles.
Has only one Shive.
Are made with a Shoulder, and Holes bored through the same, for the Strap to go through, in order for Lashing the former about the Yards.
Are lashed to each Side of the Gammoning in the Head, and has several Shives one above another, through which the Spritsail-lifts, Buntlines, Clewlines, and Sprit Topsail Sheats go. [Pg 12]
Are turn'd, and has Holes for the Pendants (which serve as a Strap) to go through.
Are made with Shoulders, and lashed to the Low Yard Arms, in order to hall Home the Topsail Sheats.
Has a Hole bored at the Tapering-end, and a Notch cut in the upper Part, for a Bite of a Rope to be put in.
Are bound with Iron, and a Hook turned from the same to hang in the Eye-bolt of the Cap; has a Brass Shive and an Iron Pin, through which Block, the Pendant of the Toprope goes for getting up the Topmasts.
The Shive has a Brass Coak let into it, which works on an Iron Pin, by reason of the great Strain-hove by the Voyal (brought round the Capston) when purchasing the Anchor. [Pg 13]
Made in the same manner as the Snatch are, but lighter, with a long Iron Pin, which serves the Man that warps off the Yarn from the Winches, for a Handle to hold by.
Has three Shives, are used for Fore and Main Jeers for Ships from 100 to 80 Guns; for the Foretop Bowlines of all Rates; Mizon Jeers from 100 to 60 Guns, and Winding Tackle Falls from 100 to 40 Guns.
Do. Ironbound
With a large Hook for the Catropes, and allowed to Ships from 100 to 80 Guns.
A Ship is said to be so, when she is built with small, or too upright Rake forward on.
Is used for several Services about the Yard, on board Ships, and repairing Boats, &c.
For sheathing Ships Bottoms, flooring their Cabbins, and making Moulds, &c. [Pg 14]
Board Wainscot
For building Barges, Pinnaces and Wherries; and other Uses relating to the Joyners.
Rows with twelve Oars; are allowed to the Flag Officers, as Pinnaces are to Captains.
Made use of by the Master's Attendant for transporting Ships, are built of a great Breadth, and low to the Water for the more conveniently coyling transporting Hawsers in.
Is the largest Boat belonging to a Ship, and the strongest built, being used for carrying Water, or Officers Stores to and from the Ship.
All Ships are allowed one, for the Use of the Commanders.
Are allowed to some of the Yard Officers.
Are the inferior and smallest Boats allowed Ships. [Pg 15]
BoatTackle Pendants
Are fastened with an Eye pretty near the Ends of the Fore and Main-Yards, with Longtackle Blocks, and through them pass the Falls which are used for hoisting in the Boat upon the Booms, or out of the Ship.
Is the Officer, who receives into his Charge all the standing and running Rigging, Cables, Cordage, Anchors, Sails, Boats, and other Stores by Indenture.
Are large Posts set into the Ground, on each Side of a Dock, and to them (on docking or undocking Ships) are lashed large double or treble Blocks, through which are reeved the Transporting Hawsers to be brought to the Capstons.
The Smiths lay them on their Anvils, when they stretch or open Holes with Pins.
Goes through an Eye of the Chain-plate to be drove into the Ship's Side. [Pg 16]
When drove, are to be clench'd at each End, to keep them from starting or flying out.
Are of a superior Length, to be cut, upon occasion, of different Lengths, as wanted.
Are used to drive out other Bolts.
Illustration Are drove into Ships Decks or Sides, for Tackle Hooks to hook in, when a great Purchase is depending.
Illustration Made with thick Heads, to be drove into Waals, to save the Ship's Sides from Bruises.
Illustration Has a small Eye at one End, in which the Forelock is driven, to prevent starting out.
Are small ones, for fastening the Bars down on the Hatches in Time of Fight. [Pg 17]
Illustration Are full of Jaggs or Barbs on each Side, to keep them from flying out of the Timber into which they are drove.
Illustration Serve for bringing to the Ports, when the Bars are put through their Rings, &c.
Illustration Are for bringing Planks or other Works close to one another.
Illustration Has a Ring at one End for a Staff to go through, and small Holes made toward the other End for Forelocks, and are used on Frames of Ships for bringing Planks, &c. to the Sides.
Bolt Staves
Square Bars of Iron, cut into different Lengths, just put into the Fire, and their Edges rounded off, preparative to their being forged into Bolts of any Diameter or Size, as may be wanted in Haste.
Are small Sails to be laced on upon the Main or Foresails, and Jibbs of Sloops, Yachts or Hoys, when fair, or to be taken off in foul Weather. [Pg 18]
When a Ship makes all the Sail she can, they say she comes Booming; also those Poles with Bushes or Baskets on the Top, which are placed near Lakes, to direct how to steer into a Channel, are called Booms.
Are made out of long Sparrs, and fitted with a Spud of Iron at the End, and ferril'd; their Use is to prevent Fire-ships boarding, or fending off any others that may fall on board them.
Flying Jib
Runs up the Bowsprit, from which the flying Jib sail is hoisted.
Goes along the Yards, through Irons fixed on them, that when they sail before the Wind, the studding Sail being set, causes the Ship to go through the Sea with greater Swiftness.
Boom Irons
Illustration Are made with two Rings, the large one clips the Yard, and the Booms go through the small one. [Pg 19]
Boothose Tops
Are laid on about three Strakes of Plank below the Waters Edge with Tallow, and are generally given Ships when ordered on a Cruize.
Illustration Are allowed the Boatswain, for the Use of the Men to put their Provision in.
Of the Growth of New-England or Riga, are always wrought into sixteen Squares, before brought from thence, and are received into Store by their Diameter in Inches.
When on board, they lie steeving on the Head of the Stern, having the lower End fastened to the Partners of the Fore-mast, and a Gammoning reeved several Times through the Knee of the Head, and farther supported by the Fore-stay. It carries the Sprit-sail-yard, (Sprit-top-mast in three Deck Ships) Jack Staff and flying Jib Boom.
Is a Rope fastened in three or four Parts of the Leech of the Sail, which is called the Bowline Bridle, but the Mizon Bowline is fastened at the lower End of the Yard.—All Sails have it except the Spritsail and[Pg 20] Sprit-top-sail, and therefore those Sails cannot be used close by a Wind; for the Use of the Bowline is to make the Sails stand sharp, close, or by a Wind.
Bowline Knot
Is a Knot that will not slip, by which the Bowline Bridle is fastened to the Cringles.
Signifies as much as hawl or pull, thus, hawling upon the Tack is called bowsing upon the Tack, and when they would have the Men pull altogether, they say, Bouse away.
All the Yards in a Ship, except the Mizon, has two; there is a Pendant made with an Eye, which goes round the Yard Arms, at whose other End there is a Block, through which the Brace is reeved, and their use is to square, traverse, or right the Yard, that is, to bring it so, that it shall stand at Right Angles with the Length of the Ship. The Main Brace comes to the Poop, the Main-top-sail Brace to the Mizon Top, and thence to the Main Shrouds; the Fore and Fore-top-sail Braces come down by the Main and Main-top-mast Stays, and so all the rest: But the Mizon[Pg 21] Bowline serves for a Brace to that Yard, and the Cross Jack Braces are brought forward to the Main Shrouds, and the Mizon-top-sail Braces go through Blocks at the Mizon Peek.
Are Pieces fayd on the Outside of the Timbers in the Head, and between the Stern and Gallery Lights, and were formerly carved.
Small Ropes reeved through Blocks, which are seized on either Side of the Mizon Course, a little Distance off upon the Yards, so that they come down those Sails, and are fastened at the Skirt of them to the Cringles. Their use is for furling the Mizon, to hawl up its Bunt, that it may the more readily be taken up or let fall. These Brails belong to Yachts, and Hoys Main-sails.
Brasses for Wheels
Illustration Are let into the Heads of Laying or Spinning Wheels at the Rope Yard, for the Whirls to work on. [Pg 22]
Breast Hooks
Are crooked Pieces of Timber lying transverse to the Stem, which being bolted on both Sides, and also through the Stem, they thereby brace both Bows together.
Is burning off the Weeds, Filth, &c. (which a Ship contracts under Water,) with Furze, Faggots or Reed, before her Bottom is caulked and graved, and this is done when in the Dock, on the Carreen, or on the Ground ashore.
Being mixed with Oyl, is used by the Master Caulker for paying Ships Bottoms.
For cleaning the Ships, Store-houses, or Yards, &c.
Illustration Used by the Boatswain for blacking the Ship's Yards, &c.
Illustration For cleaning Admirals, Captains and Lieutenants Cabbins on board a Ship. [Pg 23]
Brushes Tarr
Illustration For paying Rigging, Masts, or Blocks, &c.
Illustration Used for drawing Water to clean the Decks, &c.
Illustration Are to prevent the Water washing in at the Hawse-holes.
A Frame of Timber fayd to the Outside of a Ship under her Buildge, for the more securely and commodiously launching her.
Bulk of a Ship
Is her whole Content in the Hold for Stowage.
Is a Partition that goes athwart the Ship, as at the great Cabbin, Steerage and Forecastle, &c.
Is the middle Part of the Sail, when formed into a Kind of Bag or Cavity, that the Sail may receive the more Wind, and is chiefly used in Top-sails. [Pg 24]
Are small Ropes, made fast to the Bottom of the Sails, in the middle Part of the Boltrope to a Cringle, and so are reeved through a small Block, seized to the Yard; their Use is to trice up the Bunt of the Sail, for the better furling of it up.
Illustration Are hooped with Iron, and made very strong, in Shape of a Cann; their Use is to lie on Shoals or Sands for Marks.
Illustration Are made tapering at each End, and filled with Rhine Hoops and some Iron, which being strapped with Ropes, are fastened to the Buoy-rope, so as to float directly over the Anchor.
Illustration Are made out of old Masts, &c. and hath a large Hole made at one End, through which the Buoy-rope is reeved, and serves for the aforesaid Uses: From hence the Word Buoyant, signifies any Thing that is floatable. [Pg 25]
Burden or Burthen
Of a Ship, is her Content, or the Number of Tuns she will carry, to compute which, (according to the Rule of Shipwrights Hall) is to multiply the Length of the Keel, by her Breadth and half Breadth, and divide by 94, gives the Number of Tuns.
Is a small Tackle, to be fastened any where at Pleasure, fitted with two single Blocks, and its Use is to hoist small Things.
Ditto Pendants
Short Ropes, which at one End is fastened either to the Head of the Mast, End of the Yards, on the Main Stay, or Back of the Rudder; and at the other End hath a Thimble spliced in, or a Block to reeve a Fall through.
Is the End of any Plank which joins to another on the Outside of a Ship under Water; and therefore when a Plank is loose at one End, they call it springing a Butt, to prevent which, they are usually bolted at the Ends.
That Part of the Ship's Stern under the Wing Transom, whether round or square. [Pg 26]
Is the Round of a Ship's Side forward, reckoned from the After-bitts (on the Gundeck) to the Stem; if she hath a broad Bow, they call it a Bold-bow; if a narrow thin Bow, its called a Lean-bow.
Allowed a Ship for Channel Service, are distributed in this Manner, two being spliced together are called the Sheat-shot; three, the Best-bower; one the Small-bower, and one Spare; but if they go a Foreign Voyage, then they are allowed another, which is either bent to the Spare or Small-bower, and are all of one Size; and all Ships are likewise allowed a Stream, which being bent to their respective Anchors, holds the Ship fast when she rides. To serve round, or Plat the Cable, is bind about it old Rope, Canvas, &c. to keep it from gawling in the Hawse, &c. Splice the Cable, is to make two fast together, by working the several Strands one into the other. Coyl the Cable, is to roll it up round in a Ring, of which the several Rolls one upon another are called the Cable Tire. Pay or Veer more Cable, is let more out from the Ship. When two or three Cables are spliced together, it is called a Shot. [Pg 27]
Illustration Are for taking the Diameter of Timber, Masts, Yards, and Bowsprits, before received into Store.
Is driving in Ocham, spun Hair, or Hemp, into the Seams of the Planks, to prevent the Ship's Leaking.
A Deck lies Cambring, when it lies not level, but higher in the Middle than at either End: Also if the Keel is bent in the Middle upwards, they say, She is Camberkeeled.
Are used in the several Offices, by the Artificers to work at Night, in Ships Holds, for taking out their Ballast, and are allowed Quarterly to the Officers of the Ships in Ordinary.
Used for making Sails, Awnings, Tarpawlings, &c.
Canvas Hoses
Are for starting Water into or out of Casks. [Pg 28]
Illustration Is a square Piece of Timber put over the Head, or upper End of the Mast, having a round Hole to receive the Mast; by them the Top-masts and Top-gallant-masts are kept steady and firm in the Tressle-trees, where their Feet stand, as those of the lower Masts do in their Steps.
Illustration Are of two Kinds in a Ship, the Jeer and the Main. The Jeer Capston is placed between the Main and Fore-mast, and its Use is chiefly to heave upon the Jeer, or to heave upon the Voyal, when the Anchor is weighing. The Main is placed Abaft the Main-mast, its Foot, or lower End standing in a Step on the lower Deck, and its Head is between the two upper Decks. Its several Parts are thus called, the main Substance or Post is the Barrel or Spindle; the Brackets set upon the Body are called Whelps; the thick Piece of Elm at the End of the Barrel, in which the Barrs go, is called the Drum-head. The Pawl is a Piece of Iron bolted at one End to the Beams, or upon Deck, close to the Body of the Capston, to stop it from turning back, and this they call Pawl the Capston; the Use of them are to weigh the Anchors, hoist up or strike down Top-masts, heave any weighty Thing, or to[Pg 29] strain any Rope that requireth a main Force. The Terms are, Come up Capston, (i. e.) slack the Voyal which you heave by, in which Sense also they say, Launch or Pawl, that is, stop it from going back.
Capston Pins & Chains
Illustration Goes into the Drum-head of the Capston, and through the Barrs to prevent them flying out of the Holes.
Illustration A Ship is said to be brought on a Carreen, when the most Part of her Lading, &c. being taken out, she is laid along-side of the Hulk, which being lower than her, is hawled down as low as Occasion requires, in order to trim her Bottom, to caulk her Seams, or to mend any Thing that is at fault under Water.
Are square Pieces of Timber ranging from Beam to Beam Fore and Aft the Ship, which being supported by Scores in their respective Beams, they thereby contribute to strengthen the Deck.
Is the Officer charged with the Masts, Yards and Stores proper to his Province. [Pg 30]
Carvel Work
In Boats, the Boards are fayd to lye fair to one another, so as that the Seams of Longboats and Pinnaces may be caulked without Difficulty.
Are small Ropes running in little Blocks from one Side of the Shrouds to the other, near the Deck; their Use is to force the Shrouds taught, for the Ease and Safety of the Masts when the Ship rowls; they are also used at the upper Part of the Shrouds, but there, worn Rope, from three and an half, to two and an half Inches is used, and do not run through Blocks, but has several turns taken in them, and are made fast.
Illustration Pieces of Timber projecting over the Ship's Bow from the Fore-Castle at the After-end of the upper Rail of the Head, so far as to clear the Flook of the Anchor from the Ship's Side, in order to lodge it on the fore Channel, that it may the more freely be let go again to Anchor the Ship in any Road or Harbour. At one End of which Shivers are let in, in which is reeved a Fall which passes through a large Iron bound treble or double Block; and at the End of a Pendant a large Hook is fixed,[Pg 31] and called the Fish Hook, and is to trice up the Anchor from the Hawse to the Top of the Fore-Castle.
A Rope Chafes when it galls or frets by rubbing against any Thing that is rough or hard.
Illustration Are used for rideing the Cann Buoys on the Shoals or Sandheads.
Illustration Are large, one End of them being made fast to a Claw ashore, and the other to the Moaring Cable; the Ships in Harbour Ride by them.
Illustration Goes round the Shank of the Anchor to support it, when hove up at the Bow.
Illustration Are for slinging the Yards in Time of Fight. [Pg 32]
Illustration Are Fore, Main and Mizon, which is Plank placed an Edge, against the upper Edge of the Waal, and of a convenient Length for such a Number of dead Eyes the Ship requires, and so broad as to keep the Shrouds from touching the upper Rails.
Channel Waals
Are wrought thicker than the Plank, and goes Fore and Aft; are placed in the Midship against the upper Deck, and shews the Sheer of the Ship; besides, is a great Strengthening to her Sides, as well as Benefit of shoreing her in a Dock.
Chambers for Pumps
Are Cast in Brass, which were used formerly, and put into the lower Part of the Pump, to prevent the Chain, when working, from galling the Pump.
Illustration Runs on two Wheels, is made close for carrying Earth, Ballast, &c.
Illustration Runs on two Wheels, and is made open, not unlike a Waggon. [Pg 33]
Illustration Runs on two solid Truck Wheels, and is for carrying Timber.
Illustration Runs on four solid Truck Wheels, fitted with Iron Axle Trees and Brass Coaks; and on them the Timber is put out of the Hoys, to be carried to its respective Births about the Yard.
Used by the Plumber for melting Sodder, and by the Sail-maker for stoving Boltropes.
Signifies Pursuit.
Cheeks of the Head
Are small Knees fayd on each Side of the Knee of the Head, bracing it securely to both Bows.
Ditto for Masts
Are two pieces of Oak fayd to the Head of the Mast on each Side, to make good the Want of Firr, and also makes them stronger than if they were made out of the same Tree. [Pg 34]
Are Pieces of Timber fayd perpendicularly up and down the Ship's Sides, not quite so far forward as the Fore-castle; their Use is for the Main Tack to be hawl'd through.
To hold
Small Arms.
The Boatswain's Colours, &c.
The Compasses.
The Carpenter's Nails.
The Gunner's Powder.
Illustration Are made of Copper, and placed on the Fore-castle for carrying Smoak clear out of the Cook-Room.
Is to take Care of the sick, maimed or wounded Seamen on board. [Pg 35]
Strakes of Plank in great Ships, on the Gundeck, eight or nine Inches thick, fayd to the Sides, to support the Ends of the Beams.
Ditto Hanging
Illustration May be fixed to any Place about the Ship's Sides for fastening Ropes to, to hold Stages for the Men to work on, &c.
For Moarings are framed of Wood, piled and Land tyed with a Piece of thick Timber a-cross next the Water's Edge, in which is an Iron Shackle let in, for the Pendant Chain to be fixed to.
Made use of by the Scavel Men and Labourers, for filling up Dams to keep out Water, from running into the Docks, &c.
Illustration Are to belay small Rigging to; likewise all Yards have a Pair in the Slings to stop; the Parrell and Jeer Blocks, and a Pair at each Yard-Arm to stop the Straps of the Topsail Sheat Blocks from sliding any further on. [Pg 36]
Clencher Work
The Boards are laid landing one upon the Edge of the other, not unlike Weather boarding, and worked so, on Deal Yawls.
Of the Sail, is the lower Corner which reaches down to the Earing, where the Tacks and Sheats are fastened, so that when a Sail is cut, goreing, or slopeing by Degrees, it is said to spread a great Clew.
Clew garnet
Is a Rope fastened to the Clew of the Sail, and from thence runs in a Block, seized to the Middle of the Fore or Main Yard; its Use is to hawl up the Clew of the Sail, close to the Middle of the Yard, in order to its being furl'd.
Is the same to the Top-sails, Top-gallant-sails and Sprit-sails, as the Clew-garnet is to the Fore and Main Courses, and is of the very same Use in a Gust of Wind; when a Topsail is to be taken in, they first hawl home the Lee Clewline, and then the Sail is taken in the easier. [Pg 37]
Is that Part of a Cable which is bent to the Ring of the Anchor, seized or made fast.
Is before the Bulk-head of the Round-house or Captain's Cabbin on the Quarter Deck, when a Flag Ship, and made use of for dining in, as the Steerage is.
Are made of Brass, and let into the Shives of Voyal Blocks through which the Iron Pin goes; and also into the Wheels of Timber Carts wherein the Iron Axle-trees work.
Are Pieces of tarr'd Canvas which are put about the Masts at the Partners, and are also used at the Rotherhead, and there called a Helm-coat.
Illustration Are soddered on to the Furnaces to let their liquor out, &c.
Illustration Are used at the Cistern the Men Pump the Water into, with which they can stop any Branch or Pipe that goes to the Officers Lodgings, or the Jetty Heads for watering Ships. [Pg 38]
Illustration Are used at the Officers Lodgings, &c.
Illustration Are square Pieces of Brass into which the Cocks are sodder'd.
Is a Plat-form on the Orlop Abaft, where the Steward Room, Purser and Chirurgeon's Cabbins are built.
Cold Chissels
Illustration Are for cutting off any Bolt.
Of the Forestay is seized round the Bowsprit, the Main fastened about the Beak-head, and the Mizon about the Main-mast, having dead Eyes fixed in them, through which the Lanyards go, as well as those at the End of the Stays.
Are used by the Smiths to work Anchors in.
Colours, Ensigns
Illustration Is the Flag hoisted at the Stern of a Ship, in the Canton of which the Union is placed. [Pg 39]
Are Colours which the Admirals of the Fleet are allowed. The Admiral carries his at the Main-top-mast-head; the Vice-Admiral at the Fore, and the Rear-Admiral his at the Mizon-top-mast-head; beside there is allowed to each Flag a Proportion of Signal Colours.
Lord High Admiral
Illustration Is a red Flag, which has the Anchor and Cable in yellow Bewper, placed in the Center of it.
Illustration Are of different Lengths, cut pointing towards the End, and there divided into two Parts, and are hoisted on a Spindle at the Top-mast-head; and those for Yard Arms are called Distinction Pendants, and used for Signals.
Illustration Are hoisted on a Staff at the Bowsprit End, and made in the same Manner (those for Men of War) as the Union Flags are; and those for Naval Vessels have the Arms of the Office the Vessel belongs to, placed in them. [Pg 40]
Illustration Hoisted at the Main-top-mast-head when His Majesty is on board; when the Admiral of the Fleet hoisteth it at the Mizon-top-mast-head it is for all Flag Officers. When in the Mizon Shrouds the English Flags only; and when put abroad at the Mizon-top-mast-head and a Pendant at the Mizon Peek, then the Flags and Land General Officers; when on the Ensign Staff, the Vice or Rear Admirals of the Fleet, or those that Command in the second or third Posts, are to come aboard.
Illustration Are allowed Boatswains to put at the other Mastheads, where the Pendant don't fly.
Are Comeing Carlings, that go Fore and Aft on the middle and upper Deck, as far as where the Grateings are; the Midship Edge has a Rabbit for the Grateings to lodge in, and the Edge is as much above the Deck, as the Deck is thick, to stop the Water. The Hatchways on the Gun Deck has Comeings round them, but Comeing Carlings is only Plank sayd flat on the Deck, so thick as to turn the Water. [Pg 41]
Illustration Are used by the Riggers or Seamen, with which they drive in the Fidds for Spliceing Cables, &c.
Illustration Is an Instrument made in a large Brass Box, with Imbers and a broad Limb, having Ninety Degrees diagonally divided, with an Index and Thread to take the Sun's Amplitude or Azimuth, in order to find the Difference between the Magnetical Meridian and the Sun's Meridian, which shews the Variation of the Compass.
Brass Box
Illustration They stand in the Bittacle, that the Men at the Steering Wheel may see to keep the Ship in her right Course.
Illustration Flag Officers are generally furnished with them to hang up in their great Cabbins.
Is to Guide or Conduct a Ship in her right Course; he that Conds gives the Word of Direction to the Men at the Steering Wheel how to Steer. [Pg 42]
Is a Warrant Officer that dresses the Ship's Companys Victuals.
Is variously seated, generally in the Fore-Castle, but in some great Ships it is on the Middle Deck, and in lesser on a Plat-form under the Deck.
Is in general all the Ropes belonging to the Standing or Running Rigging of a Ship, and is also distinguished by,
Illustration Is made with nine Strands, (i. e.) the first three Strands are laid slack, and then three of them being closed together makes a Cable or Cablet; the same for Tacks, but they are laid tapering.
Illustration Is made only with three Strands.
Are Cablelaid, but made with four Strands as Cables are with three, with an Addition of an Heart which goes through the Center of them. [Pg 43]
Is the arching Part of the Stern above the Wing Transom, and the lower is from the Wing Transom to the Upper Deck, and the other is from the Upper Deck to the lower Edge of the Ward-room or Great Cabbin, the Projecture of which, is lower almost the Quadrant of a Circle.
The Point of the Compass on which a Ship Steers.
In a Ship are her low Sails, and when she Sails under them only, they say she goes under her Courses.
Is the Person who sits in the Box at the Boat's Stern, Steers her, hath the Direction and Command of the Boat's Crew.
Illustration When Cables or Ropes are placed in a round or oval Ring, one fake (or turn) upon one another, so that they may the more easily be stowed out of the Way, and also run out free and smooth without Kinks as they call them, i. e. without twisting or doubling, then they are said to be coyled up. [Pg 44]
Illustration An Engine of Wood with three Claws placed on the Ground like a Capston, and is used at launching or heaving Ships into the Dock.
Illustration A Frame of Timber fayd to the Outside of a Ship under her Buildge, for the more securely and commodiously Launching her.
Are small Vessels, such as Ketches, Hoys, Smacks, &c. they call all such small Craft.
Illustration Short Pieces of Iron, whose Ends being turned down, are let into Stones, and melted Lead being run into the Holes, binds two Stones fast together.
Illustration Are placed on the Wharfs for hoisting up Anchors, Timber, and other bulky Weights.
Cranes Chimney
Illustration For hanging a Kettle or Pot on in the Cook Room. [Pg 45]
Cranes Gangway
Are hung in the Wast of the Ship, and when Deals are laid on them, make a Gangway from the Quarter Deck to the Fore-Castle.
A Term for a Ship that cannot bear her Sails for fear of overseting, or cannot be brought on Ground without Danger of injureing her Body.
Illustration Made fast to the Stock, for ringing it.
Illustration Supports the Lanterns, either at the Ship's Stern, or at the Round Top.
Illustration Made like a Grapnel, but without Flooks, the Use of which is to recover sunken Stores that may be lost over-board.
Are small Pieces of Rope spliced into the Body Rope of Courses and Topsails, and are,
First, The Bowline Cringle, to which the Bowline Bridle is fastened. [Pg 46]
Second, Leech Cringle, where the Leechlines and Clewgarnets are made fast.
Third, Reef Cringle, to which is fastened the Reef-tackle Tye.
There are also Cringles made of Iron, which are Rings to go round the Stays of Hoys or Yachts, and are seized to their Fore-sails and Jibbs for the more easy hoisting them.
Is a Yard flung at the upper End of the Mizon Mast under the Top; it hath no Halyards belonging to it; its Use is to spread and hawl Home the Mizon-top-sail Sheats.
Is a great Piece of Timber which goes a-cross the Bitts of a Ship, and about which several Turns of the Cable are taken when she Rides at Anchor.
Are Pieces that go a-cross the Tressle-trees at each of the standing Mast-heads; there are two and three to a Top-mast. [Pg 47]
Illustration Are very crooked Pieces of Timber in the Hold or Bread-room, from the Mizon Step Aft, fayd cross the Keelson to strengthen the Ship in the Wake of the half Timbers.
Crotches Iron
Illustration Are used on board Sloops or Long Boats, which go with Shoulder of Mutton Sails, for their Boom to lodge upon.
Illustration Are made with a Claw at one End, and a sharp Point at the other, and used for heaving or purchasing great Weights.
Illustration Are small Ropes put through the Holes of dead Eyes, and divided into several Parts, and spreads from the Rim of the Tops, pointways to a Tackle on the Stays, for preventing the Topsails getting foul of them.
Is a Place upon the Quarter Deck Afore the Captain's Cabbin. When an Admiral is on board, it is divided into Partitions for the Secretary's Office. [Pg 48]
Is used for burning Plymouth Marble Stone, or Chalk, to make Lime.
Illustration A Piece of Timber in a Ship having a Notch at one End, in which, by a Strap, hangs a Block called the Fish Pendant Block, the Use of which is, to hawl up the Flook of the Anchor, in order to fasten it to the Ship's Bow; this Davit is shiftable from one Side to the other as occasion serves.
Dead Eyes
Illustration Are a Kind of Blocks having three Holes in them, and through them the Lanyards go, which make fast the Shrouds below to the Chains; the Fore, Main and Mizon Stays of a Ship are set taught by dead Eyes, but they have only one Hole through which the Lanyards have several Turns passed through them.
Illustration Has a great many Holes bored through them, wherein is reeved the Crowfoot for the Top.
Illustration Serves (in Case a Chain Plate gives way) with being hooked to a Shroud Ess as a Chain Plate. [Pg 49]
Is that Estimation, Judgment or Conjecture which is made where a Ship is, by keeping an Account of her Way by the Logg, in knowing the Course they have steered by the Compass, and by rectifying all the Allowance for Drift, Leeway, &c. according to the Ship's Trim, so that this reckoning is without any Observation of the Sun, Moon and Stars, and is to be rectified as often as any good Observation can be had.
Are Pieces of Timber put on the Keel one upon another Afore and Abaft; there is more or less according as the Ship is either full or lean; if the latter, the dead Wood is so put that the Floor Timbers would be within a Square.
Is the Water just behind the Stern of a Ship, and if a great Eddy follows her, they say, she makes much Dead-water; this is called so, because it doth not pass away so swiftly as the Water running by her Side.
Deals Ordinary
Are used by the House Carpenters and Joyners for Flooring, making Bulk-heads, &c. [Pg 50]
Deals Prusia
For Ships upper Works, or laying their Decks.
Is a planked Floor, on which the Guns lye, and Men walk. In great Ships there are three Decks, Upper, Middle and Gun, besides a Quarter Deck, which reaches from the Bulk-head of the Round-house, to very near the Main-mast.
A Square Piece of Wood, framed and made not unlike the Dial Plate of a Clock, whereon the Hours are painted, fixed to the Mizon-Mast, and after the Ship's Bell being struck, they put the Hand of it to the Hour.
Dipping Needle
A Magnetical Needle, so hung, that instead of playing horizontally, and pointing out N° and S°, one End dips and inclines to the Horizon, the other Points to a certain Degree of Elevation.
Or Squadron, being Part of a Fleet, commanded by a Flag Officer or Commodore. [Pg 51]
Is made by the Side of the Harbour for taking in Ships, and Men to work in, in order to build or repair them.
A Dry-Dock, the Water is kept out by Gates, 'till a Ship is built or repaired, but after that, can easily be let in to Float and Launch her.
A Wet-Dock is a Place where a Ship lies a Float at all Times of Tide to be repaired in.
A small Vessel built after the Dutch fashion, with a narrow Stern, and commonly but one Mast.
Illustration To burn Wood on.
Illustration Are drove into Timber for Horses to draw it about the Yard, or to the Saw-pits.
Made of Canvas, to be added to a Bonnet when there is need of more Sail.
Illustration Are for clearing the Aprons of the Docks of the Filth, that the Gates may the better, and without Difficulty, open and shut. [Pg 52]
Drift Sail
Used under Water, veered Right out a-head, upon the Sea in a Storm, being to keep the Ship's Head Right upon the Sea.
A Ship is said to drive, when her Anchors will not hold her fast; to prevent which, they Veer out more Cable, (for the more she has out, the surer and safer she Rides) or else they let go more Anchors.
Is that Part of the Boltrope which at the four Corners of the Sail is left open in the Form of a Ring; the two uppermost of which are put over the Yard-Arms to fasten the Sail to the Yard: And into those at the Foot, the Tacks and Sheats are seized or bent to the Clews.
Ease the Ship
Done by slackening the Shrouds when they are too stiff set up.
When the Water turns back contrary to the Tide.
End for End
When a Rope is all run out of the Block, &c. [Pg 53]
Engines Water
Are for extinguishing any Fire that may happen on board a Ship, when Breaming, Cleaning, or Graving, on which occasion a Number stand ready filled with Water on each Side of the Dock, and Mann'd, to prevent any fatal Accident of Fire.
Illustration For a Kettle or Pot to hang on in the Cook-Room.
Illustration To hook into an Iron-bound dead Eye, to serve as a Chain-plate in Case of Need.
Illustration The Compass or Ring left in the Strap of any Block, which is called the Eye of the Strap. [Pg 54]
The End of those Strands which do not go through the Tops, when a Cable or Rope is closed, are called Faggs.
Is one Round or Circle of a Cable or Hawser coyled up out of the Way.
That Part of the Rope of a Tackle which is hauled upon, is called a Fall. Also when a Ship is under Sail, and keeps not so near the Wind as she should do, they say, She Falls off: Or when a Ship is not flush, but hath riseings of some Parts of her Decks more than others, it is called Falls.
Fashion Pieces
Are two Compassing Pieces of Timber, into them are fixed on each Side, the Transom.
A Line of small Rope cut six Feet long, and used for measuring the Length of Cables and Cordage.
For defending or saving a Boat from being staved against the Rocks, Shore, or Ships Sides. [Pg 55]
Signifies any Pieces of Junk or old Cable, hung over the Ship's Sides, to keep others from rubbing against her. Boats have also the same.—Those made of Iron are for the Hearth in the Cook-Room.
Illustration Are used to splice or fasten Ropes together, and are made tapering at one End; and so are those made of Wood, which are used for spliceing Cables. So there is also one goes through the Heel of the Top-mast, which bears upon the Chess-trees, and are called
Illustration Top-mast Fidds.
Are for wheting Saws, and used by the Smiths in their Works.
Fork For the Use of the Cook-Room.
Are Pieces of Timber put upon the Masts and Yards if sprung, or for strengthening them, least they should fail in Stress of Weather. [Pg 56]
Fishing Geer
A Sett which consists of Nets, Lines, Hooks, &c. is allowed to each Ship which goes to the East and West Indies, Virginia, Guinea, New England, New York, St. Helena, and the Cape, and South Carolina.
Fish Pendant
Hangs at the End of the Davit, by the Strap of the Block, to which the Fish Hook is spliced, by which means the Flook of the Anchor is hawled up to the Ship's Bow or Chanwaal.
When a Ship is a little housing in, near the Water, and the upper Work hangs over, or is broader aloft.
Is a Midship, and as many Timbers Afore and Abaft, that has no more riseing than the Midship Flatt, are all called Flatts.
Altering or removing a dead Eye in the Low or Top-mast Shrouds and Backstays, either to lengthen or shorten them, is called Flitting. [Pg 57]
Is an Instrument used by the Smiths to make their Work smooth, instead of a File.
Are those Timbers lying transverse to the Keel, being bolted through it; they are the first laid in the Order of building, and where the Floor sweep begins, there the Streight one Ends; and when there is a great many Flatts, that has little or no rising, than we say, She carries her Floor a great Way Fore and Aft. And strictly taken, is so much only of her Bottom as she rests upon, when lying a-ground.
Flown Sheats
A ship sails with Flown Sheats when they are not hauled Home, or close to the Blocks; they say when in a Gust of Wind, Let fly the Sheats, for fear the Ship should overset or spring her Top-masts.
When the Deck of a Ship has no Bulk-heads from Stem to Stern, they say, Her Decks are Flush Fore and Aft.
Foot waaling
Is all the Inboard Planking, from the Keelson upwards to the Orlop Clamps. [Pg 58]
Fore Castle
Is that Part where the Fore-mast stands, and it is divided from the Rest of the Floor by the Bulk-head, in which generally the Cook-Room is built; as are the Boatswain, Carpenter and Cook's Cabbins.
Fore Foot
Is the foremost Part of the Keel, that first takes the Ground.
Illustration Are little flat Wedges made of Iron, used at the Ends of Bolts to keep them from flying out of the Holes.
Fore reach
A Ship fore reaches upon another, when both sailing together, one Sails better, or out goeth the other.
Illustration Used by the Caulkers, to hold the Furz Faggots, when on fire, for cleaning Ships bottoms, when to be graved.
Illustration For taking Pieces of Beef or Pork, when dressed by the Cook, out of the Furnaces. [Pg 59]
When a Ship has been long untrimmed, so that Grass, Weeds, or Barnacles stick, or grow to her Sides under Water, she is then said to be Foul; also a Rope is Foul when it is either tangled in its self, or hindered by another, so that it cannot run or be over hawled.
Foul Water
A Ship is said to make Foul-water, when being under Sail, she comes into such Shoal Water, that though her Keel do not touch the Ground, yet she comes so near it, that the Motion of the Water under her, raiseth the Mud from the Bottom.
A Ship is said to Founder, when by any extraordinary Leak, or by a great Sea, breaking in upon her, she is filled with Water, that she cannot be freed of it, nor able to swim under it, but sinks with the Weight thereof.
The Pump Frees a Ship when it throws out more Water than Leaks into her; but on the contrary, when it cannot throw out the Water so fast as it Leaks in, they say, The Pump cannot Free her; also bailing or lading Water out of a Boat, is called freeing the Boat. [Pg 60]
When Ships Quarters and upper Works are painted with Trophies, &c. then it is said they are freezed.
Fresh Shot
Signifies the falling down of any great River into the Sea.
Are used as a Chimney, where Commanders have a Stove in the Great Cabbin.
Are fixt in the Galleries of Ships.
For wrapping up and binding any Sail close to the Yard, which is done by hauling upon the Clew-lines, Bunt-lines, &c. which wraps the Sail close together, and being bound fast to the Yard, with the Gaskets, the Sail is furled.
Illustration For dressing the Ship's Companies Victuals in, or heating Tar at the Rope Yard.
Illustration For heating Pitch, Tar or Turpentine for the Caulkers paying Ships Bottoms or Sides. [Pg 61]
Is the regular fashioning out any Part when the main Piece of the Material is scanty, either by Defects, Wains, or want of Thickness, then a Piece of the same is put behind it, to make good its Thickness, which is called a Furr.
Furz Faggots
For Breeming Ships when in the Dock to be cleaned, or under Repair.
There are lower, second, third and fourth, and these Timbers being put together, make a Frame-bend.
When one Ship is to windward of another, she is said to have the Weather Gage of her.
Are used by the Smiths, for gageing Bolts, so as to make them of a true and right Size.
When the Wind blows not so hard but that a Ship can carry her Topsails a Trip, (that is, hoisted up to the Highest) then they say it is a Loom Gale. When it blows very strong, they say, it is a stiff, strong, or fresh Gale. When[Pg 62] two Ships are near one another at Sea, and there being but little Wind blowing, one of them finds more of it than the other, they say, that the Ship Gales away from the other.
Illustration Is that beautiful Frame, which is made at the Stern of a Ship without-board, into which there is a Passage out of the Admiral's or Captain's Cabbin, and are for stately Shew and Ornament to the Ship.
Is a Place in the Cook-Room, where the Grates are set up, and in which they make Fires, for boyling or roasting the Victuals.
Are several turns of Rope taken round the Bowsprit, and reeved through Holes in the Knee of the Head, for the greater Security of the Bowsprit.
To man the Boat, is to put a Gang of Men (which is a Company) into her, who are called the Boat's Crew. [Pg 63]
A Deal Plat-form, about three Feet wide in great Ships, ranging in the Wast from the Quarter Deck to the Fore Castle, over the upper Deck Guns, for a free Passage for the Officers and Men, in working the Ship either at Sea or in an Engagement; and so is the Walk made from the Ladder to the Quarter Deck, called the Gangway, and lies even with the Gunwale.
Garboard Strake
Is the Plank next the Keel, one Edge of which is run into the Rabit made in the upper Edge of the Keel on each Side.
Is a Tackle in a Ship having a Pendant coming from the Main-mast, with a Block well seized to the Main-stay, just over the Hatchway, to which a Guy is fixed to keep it steady; and at the other End is a Long Tackle Block, in which the Fall is reeved, that so by it any Goods or Casks may be hauled and hoisted into, or out of the Ship; when this Garnet is not used, it is fastened along by the Stay.
Made out of Junk or Rope Yarns, are for fastening the Sails to the Yards when furled up. [Pg 64]
Illustration Is a Machine made for driving Piles fitted with a Windlass and Winches at each End, where eight or nine Men heave, and round which a Rope is reeved, (that goes over a Wheel at the Top) whose End is seized to an Iron Monkey, that hooks to a Beetle of different Weights, according to the Pile they are to drive, being from Eight to Thirteen Hundred Weight, and when hove up to a cross Piece near the Wheel, it unhooks the Monkey, whereby the Beetle falls on the upper End of the Pile, and forces the same into the Ground, and the Monkey's own Weight over-halls the Windlass, in order for its being hooked again to the Beetle.
A Ship is Girt, or hath a Girding Girt, when her Cable being so tight or strained upon the Turning of the Tide, she cannot go over it, but lies a-cross the Tide. [Pg 65]
Illustration Being four Hours, governs them at Sea, for changing the Watch.
Half Watch
Illustration Runs two Hours.
Half Hour
Illustration For keeping the Time of Day and Night.
Half Minute
Quarter Minute
[Transcriber's note: Illustration, Even smaller timers.] By them they count the Knots, when they heave the log, in order for finding what Way the ship makes through the Sea.
Used by the Joyners and House Carpenters in their Works.
A Sail is cut Goreing, when it is cut sloping by Degrees, and is broader at the Clew than at the Earing, as all Topsails and Topgallant Sails are.
Illustration A Piece of Iron fixed on the End of the Tiller to which the Lanyard of the Whipstaff, or the Wheel Rope comes, for steering the Ship. [Pg 66]
When a Ship Sails before, or with a Quarter Wind in a fresh Gale, to make the more Haste, they Launch out a Boom and Sail on the Leeside, to give the Ship more Way, and a Sail so fitted is called a Goosewing.
Illustration Are a Kind of Anchors being made with four Flooks for Boats to ride by.
Fire & Chain
Hand & Chain
Illustration Are made with barbed Claws instead of Flooks; are used to be thrown into an Enemy's Ship, to catch hold of Rigging or any other Part of the Hull, in order for boarding her.
Illustration Are put up in the Cook-Room to make Fires in for dressing Victuals.
Are a Kind of Lettice-work formed of Ledges and Battins, the square Holes of which being three or four Inches wide, are for the current footing of Men over the Hatchways, to give Air alow, and Vent for the Smoke in an Engagement.
Grate Irons
Are to loosen the Mud and Sullage of the Docks, which lodge in the Grates of the Drains. [Pg 67]
Is bringing a Ship a-ground, and then burning off with Furz, Reed, or Broom, all the Filth and Foulness that Sticks to her Bottom without board, in order to pay her anew.
Is a Piece of Timber fay'd against the lower Piece of the Stem, from the Fore-mast End of the Keel, reconciling with the Knee of the Head; its Use is to defend the lower Part of the Stem from any Injury, but is often made the larger to make the Ship keep a good Wind.
Are small Rings formerly fastened with Staples to the Yards, to make fast the Gaskets, but now never used.
Is a Ship's Anchors, Cables, &c. and in general whatever is necessary to make her ride safe at an Anchor.
Is bringing a Ship on Ground to be clean'd, trim'd, or have a Leak stop'd.
Ground toes
Are what come from the Hemp when dressed at the Hatchel for the Spinners, and out of which Deepsea, Hamburgh, or Cabbin Lines, Marlin, and white Ocham are made. [Pg 68]
Illustration Are the Eyes drove into the Stern-post, into which the Pintles of the Rother go to hang it.
Has the Charge of all the Ordnance, Ammunition, Small Arms, and other Stores allowed the Ship in his Province.
Is the Top of the Side in the Wast of all Ships, &c. on the Fore-castle, where there are no Ports, is a Plansheer, over which the Guns are fired, but in Boats all Fore and Aft.
Is any Rope, used for keeping off Things from bearing or falling against the Ship's Side, when they are to be hoisted in; that Rope also which is made fast to the Fore-mast at one End, and seized to a single Block at the Pendant of the Garnet, is also called the Guy of the Garnet.
Is either to call to a Ship, to know from whence she is, where bound, salute her, or to wish her Health.
Hair Loose
Used by the Bricklayers in their Mortar, and by the Caulkers to lay on Sheathing Board. [Pg 69]
Hair Spunn
Used by the Caulkers for Caulking the Seams of Ships.
Illustration For the Use of the Warders, that do Duty at the Yard Gate, and Jetty Heads.
Are those Ropes by which they hoist up all the Topsail Yards; the Cross Jack and Spritsail Yard have none, because they are always slung.
Are made of Canvas for the Seamen to lie in.
Illustration Are made with hardened Edges, to clench Bolts, &c.
Illustration Their Handle is made tapering in the Form of a Fidd.
Illustration Are for notching the Edges of Hacksaws to saw Bolts. [Pg 70]
Illustration Are used by the House Carpenters for dressing Grindstones, and Bricklayers on slateing and tyleing.
Illustration Are used by the Mast-makers for setting up Iron Hoops on Ships Masts, Yards, &c.
Falls or Descents of the Fife Rails which are placed from the Stern down to the Gangways.
Hand Cuffs
Illustration Are for securing Pirates when taken Prisoners.
Hand Hooks
Are used by the Smiths to turn or twist square Iron.
Hand Screws; Double and Single
Illustration Used for canting Timber, or other weighty Stores.
Used by the Smiths to drive in any Work that is hooped up, to cant or turn it. [Pg 71]
Illustration Are used, at Sea to traverse the Ordnance, or heave withal at a Windlass in small Ships or Vessels to weigh the Anchor; and in the Yard, are used by the Labourers, in stowing or canting Timber, &c.
Where Ships may ride safe at an Anchor.
Are the foremost Waal Pieces, rounding from the Stem Aft, either in Boat or Ship.
Illustration For making fast Doors.
Are for barring down the Hatches in Time of Fight.
Illustration Are made use of in the Rope Yard, being set with Teeth for dressing and preparing the Hemp to make it fit for spinning white Yarn.
Illustration Are allowed for cutting Rigging, or other Ropes and Services which they are proper for. [Pg 72]
There are three, all on the Gun Deck, the Fore, Main, and After.
Is the same Thing as what we call pulling a-shore.
Are made of Canvas, tapering, stuffed full of Ocham, and are generally allowed small Ships, to prevent the Seas washing in at the Hawse Holes.
Are large Pieces of Timber in the Bow of the Ship, in which are made two large Holes on each Side for the Cables to pass through.
Are to put into the Holes for preventing the Water washing into the Manger.
Is a Rope consisting only of three Strands, and used for Shrouds, &c. and there is a Kind of small Cablet, which consists of nine Strands, which is vulgarly called a Hawser, being generally used for transporting or warping Ships, &c. [Pg 73]
Head Sails
Are those Sails which belong to the Foremast and Bowsprit, because they govern the Head of the Ship, and make her fall off, or keep out of the Wind, and are in quarter Winds the chief drawing Sails.
Head Sea
Is when a great Wave or Billow of the Sea comes right a-head of a Ship when in her Course.
Hearth Staves
Are to clear the Smith's Fires, or raise the large Cinders.
Signifies to throw or fling any Thing over-board; also turning about the Capston, is called heaving at the Capston; likewise when a ship being at Anchor, riseth and falleth by the Force of the Waves, she is said to heave and set.
That Part of the Foot of any Mast, which is cut away in order for steping, is called the Heel of the Mast; but the Heels of Topmasts are square, through which they put the Fidd; also if a Ship lie on one Side, whether she be a-ground or a-float, they say she heels. [Pg 74]
Is a Piece of Timber, fastened into the Rother Head, and comes as forward as the Bulk Head of the Gun Room, and he that steers the Ship, holds the Whipstaff in his Hand, which is fastened into the Helm, but lately they are left off, and Steering Wheels are made use of.
The Terms of Art belonging to the Helm are,
1 Port the Helm,—
That is, put the Helm over to the left Side of the Ship.
2 Starboard the Helm,—
That is, put it to the Right Side of the Ship.
3 Right the Helm, or Helm a Midship,—
That is, keep it even with the Middle of the Ship.
4 Bear up the Helm,—
That is, let the Ship go more large before the Wind.
5 Bear up round,—
That is, let the Ship go directly before the Wind, in the Middle between her two Sheats. [Pg 75]
A Handle for Axes, Hammers or Mauls.
Is brought from Riga, Queenbro', Russia, Petersburgh brock, or Konninsburgh, is received into the Rope Yard, and wrought up into Cordage, Lines or Twine.
Are for keeping Fowls in.
Illustration Are used by the Joyners for hanging Table Leaves, &c.
Illustration Used for hanging them.
Illustration For light Doors or Lockers.
Illustration For light Doors or Lockers.
Garnet Cross
Illustration For hanging large Doors or heavy Scuttles.
Ditto Dozen
Illustration For hanging small Scuttles. [Pg 76]
Locker joynts
Illustration Are used for small Lockers.
Illustration For hanging Ships Ports.
Illustration For Cabbin Doors, &c.
Illustration For Scuttles.
Illustration For Cabbin Doors, &c.
Is a Word to catch hold of any Thing with a Hook or Rope, and to hold it fast; thus when a Boat is to be hoisted in, Hitch the Tackles into the Ring Bolts of the Boat; so Hitch the Fish Hook to the Flook of the Anchor when they are about to weigh.
Is for hawling up any Thing into the Ship, or getting up a Topmast, Yard, &c. [Pg 77]
Is all that Part of a Ship which lies between the Keelson and lower Deck, wherein are Bulk-heads, and they divided, are the Steward Room, Powder Room, Bread Room, and Boatswain and Carpenter's Store Rooms.
Hold Fasts
Illustration Are made of Iron, used by Joyners, House Carpenters, or Carvers; goes through their Benches to hold fast such Work as cannot be finished by its being held in the Hand.
Hold Off
Is a Term used in weighing the Anchor, when the Voyal is about the Capston; for if the Cables are stiff, or have lain long in Oazy Ground, unless that Part of the Cable heaving in, be hawled away hard by the Capston, the Voyal will surge or slip back, therefore must be hawled away as fast as it comes in, so as that it may keep close about the Whelps; and this Work is called holding off, and may be done by Hand with a small Cable; but in all great Ships, they hold off with Nippers, and in small Craft they bring the Cable to the Jeer Capston, or about a Windlass. [Pg 78]
Illustration Is made of Copper, to go on the Top of the Chimney, (which is placed on the Fore-castle for carrying the Smoke out of the Cook Room) and to shift as the Wind does, that it may always fly out to leeward.
When the Edges of Planks are fayd into one another thus, ᒥᒪᒥᒪᒥ it is said to be Hook and Butt.
Illustration Are for fending or setting off Boats.
Illustration Are for hoisting Casks out or into the Ship.
Illustration Are for turning or canting large Masts, having at one End a Ring for a Hand-spike to go through, and at the other a Claw, which penetrates into the Masts when they are made Use of to turn them for Survey, &c.
Illustration Is to take hold of the Shank of the Anchor when to be hove up to the Bow. [Pg 79]
Illustration With which the Cook takes the Beef and Pork out of the Furnaces.
Illustration Used when Gammoning the Bowsprit.
Illustration To hang the Kettles or Pots on over the Fire.
Illustration Are used by the Rope-makers when laying of Cordage.
Illustration Are drove into the Ship's Sides, on which the Ports hang.
Illustration For the Plates to hook upon.
Illustration Used by the Caulkers for picking the old Ocham out of the Seams of Ships, &c.
Illustration Are great Hooks let into, or put on the Main and Fore Yard Arms of Fireships, in order to fasten into an Enemy's Shrouds, Sails or Rigging. [Pg 80]
Illustration Are drove into the Rails for the Rope-makers to hang their Threads on, as they spin them.
Illustration Spliced into the Straps of Blocks or Ends of Rope.
Hook Pinns
Illustration Are Bolts made with a shoulder at one End, and used by the House Carpenters in frameing, which they drive through the Mortice's and Tennants of the Work prepared for Building or Wharfing.
Hoops Iron
Anchor Stock Are drove round them in order to their greater Strength and Security.
Hoops Wood
Nailed round them on each Side of the Wooldings.
Fastened and nailed round the Rims of the Top. [Pg 81]
Is a Rope in a Ship made fast at each Yard Arm, and on which the Men stand to furl the Sails; and is also a Frame of Wood the Riggers make use of to woold Ships Masts, which hath a Rowl fixed in it, whereon several Turns are taken for heaving the Rope taught round the Mast before the Nails are drove through the Rope.
Horse Irons
Illustration Used by the Caulkers, when they cannot come at a Seam with their common Irons.
Are that shouldered Part of all Masts over which the Shrouds are put; and all above that is called the Mast-head.
Housed in
When the Breadth of a Ship's Bearing is brought in too narrow to her upper Works, or pinched in too much, she is Housed-in.
Is the main Body of a Ship without either Masts, Yards, Sails, or Rigging. [Pg 82]
Is some small Part of a Sail, let loose in a great Storm; it is chiefly used in the Mizon to keep the Ship's Head to the Sea when all the rest of the Sail is made up, except a little at the Mizon Yard Arm.
Illustration Used by the Scavengers for rakeing up the Filth that comes off from the Ships Bottoms upon their being scrub'd, which settles at the Bottom of the Dock, or upon the Apron near the Gates; are made of Wood, not unlike a Rake.
Is a large Rope reeved through treble or double Blocks, lashed at the Mast-head and on the Yard, which are to hoist or lower the Low-Yards.
Illustration Made not unlike the Ring of an Anchor, and of Substance, that its Weight may carry it down, to purchase any Thing that is heavy under Water, when two Parts of a Cable or Rope are put through it, and as they heave, the Jewel slides down, jams the Bite, so as that it may not slip off the Purchase the Rope is about. [Pg 83]
Jews Harp
Are made of Iron, and of such Substance and suitable Strength, as to be sufficient to hold the Pendant Chain where the Moaring Cable is bent to the Ring, and secured by a Forelock; the other End, which is round, takes the two short Pendant Chains the Rings of the Anchors are fastened to; as is the Wood Buoy and Chain.
Orground, Stockholm and Spanish, used by the Smiths for making Anchors, Bolts, Hoops, and for all other Services where it is proper to be used in building Ships, or about the Docks, Wharfs, and Yard, &c.
Iron Sick
A Ship or Boat is said to be Iron-sick, when her Bolts or Nails are so eaten with Rust, and so worn away, that they make hollows in the Planks, so as to make the Ship Leaky.
Is old Cables cut into short Lengths, and issued to Boatswains for making Swabs, Platts and Nippers; to Carpenters of Ships, and to poor People to be picked into Ocham, for Caulking Ships Sides, Decks, &c. [Pg 84]
Jury Mast
Whatever is set up in the Room of a Mast lost in a Fight, or by a Storm, and fastened into the Partners, and fitted with a lesser Yard, Sails and Ropes, is called a Jury Mast, &c.
Jutty heads
Platforms standing on Piles which are made near the Docks, and project without the Wharfs for the more convenient docking and undocking Ships.
Illustration When the Cables of a Ship gaul in the Hawse, they wind old Rope about them, which is called Keckling.
When a Ship is brought up or down in a narrow River, and the Wind contrary to the Tide, and yet is to go with the Tide, they use to set their Fore Course, or Fore-top-sail and Mizon, that so they may flat her about; and if she happens to come over too near the Shore, they have a small Anchor in a Boat with a Warp fastened to it from the Ship, which Anchor they let fall, in order to wind and turn her Head about; and this Work is called Kedging. [Pg 85]
The principal Piece of Timber first laid when a Ship is to be built, her whole Length from the lower Part of her Stem to the lower Part of the Stern Post; into this are all the lower Futtocks fastened and bolted Fore and Aft; to the under Part of which, a false Keel is brought on.
Illustration Are small Tubs, which hold Stuff for the Caulkers to grave Ships Bottoms, on their being hawled on the Ways, or into the Dock.
A principal Piece of Timber fayd within Side of the Ship, cross all the Floor Timbers, and it being adjusted exactly over the Keel with suitable Scarphs, it thereby strengthens the Bottom of the Ship.
The Furrows made by a Saw in Timber, Plank, Deals, &c.
Is allowed to make Waste Cloths, Top Armours, or other Accommodations on board a Ship, Lining entering Ropes, &c. [Pg 86]
Illustration With two Covers, for dressing Provisions in, when a Ship's Company is small.
Illustration Are single, and used for several Services on board, and for the Mens Provisions.
Illustration Are Pieces of Plank fayd against the Quickwork on the Quarter Deck, in the Shape of a Semi-circle, for belaying the running Rigging to.
When Cables or Cordage is new, or too hard laid, it is stubborn, and very apt when handed to be coyled to take in Turns, which is called Kinking.
Knee of the Head
Illustration Is commonly called the Cut-water, it supports the Lyon, and all the Rail-work, &c. of the Head. [Pg 87]
Illustration Serve as Standards in some Parts of the Ship; and are also used in Boats, to keep the Thauts fast to the Side of the Boats.
Illustration Crooked Timbers which brace and bear the End of the Beams, &c. to the Ship's Side, and are called either Hanging, Lodging, Raking, or Square, and fixed to every Beam where they carry Guns.
Two Pieces of spun Yarn put together untwisted.
Knight Heads
Are two Pieces of Timber to which the Halyards and the Top Ropes are belayed.
There are two Sorts of Knots used at Sea; one they call a Bowline Knot; by this the Bowline Bridles are fastened to the Cringles, and will not slip. The other is a Whale Knot, which is a round Knob or Knot made with three Strands of a Rope, and serves for the Topsail Sheats and Stoppers. The Divisions also of the Logline are called Knots, and are usually seven Fathom asunder; and then as[Pg 88] many Knots as the Logline runs out in Half a Minute, so many Miles the Ship sails in an Hour.
When a Ship tumbles or rowls at Anchor, or under Sail at Sea, she is said to Labour.
Those made of Wood are for going from one Deck to another; and those of Ropes, hung over the Stern of the Ships, are to enter out of the Boat, when the Weather is foul and the Sea high; as are those at the Side called Accommodation.
Ladles Pitch
Illustration Are used at Sea by the Carpenters of the Ships, to hold Stuff, to pay the Seams when caulked.
Land Fall
Signifies to fall in with the Land; thus, when a Ship out at Sea, expects to see Land in a little Time, and it so happens that she doth, they say, they have made a good Landfall.
Land Laid
When a Ship is just got out of Sight of the Land. [Pg 89]
Land Lock'd
A Ship rides Land Lock'd when at an Anchor in such a Place, where there is no Point open to the Sea, so that she is safe from the Violence of Wind or Tide.
Land shut in
Is when another Point of Land hinders the Sight of that which a Ship came from.
Land to
Is when a Ship lies so far off from Shore that they can but just see Land.
Illustration Are glazed with Stone-ground Glass, and placed at the Ship's Stern.
Illustration Are glazed with Stone-ground Glass; stands on a Crank at the Main-top when an Admiral or Commodore is on board.
Are to steady the Lanterns.
Go round them.
Illustration Are allowed the Boatswain and Carpenter. [Pg 90]
Illustration Are glazed with Stone-ground Glass, placed at the Bulk-head of the Magazine, and stands over a Wood Cistern lined with Lead, which is kept full of Water.
Illustration A triangular Light placed at the Bulk-head of the Boatswain and Carpenter's Store-Rooms.
Are Ropes reeved through dead Eyes of all Shrouds and Chains which are to slacken or set up the Shrouds. The Stays are also set taught by Lanyards; and those which fasten the Stoppers to the Cables, are called Lanyards.
The Left Hand Side of the Ship when you stand with your Face to the Head.
A Ship goes or sails Large, when she goes neither before the Wind or upon a Wind, but as it were, quartering between both; wherefore Large, Quartering, Veering or Lasking, are all of the same Signification.
Signifies made fast. [Pg 91]
Is twice laid Cordage made out of old Rigging, and used for Lashing Booms, and other uses on board; and by the Boatswain of the Yard for rafting Timber, Masts, &c.
When a Ship sails neither by, nor directly before the Wind, she is said to go Lasking, which is much the same as Veering, or going with a quarterly Wind.
Small Line (made like Loops) is sewn to a Bonnet or Drabler for lacing them together.
Are used by the Bricklayers on the Roofs and Ceiling of Houses.
Is to put out; thus they say, Launch the Ship off the Stocks, or out of a Dock, Launch the Boat, Launch the Davit in or out, Launch out the Capston Bars; also when they have hoisted up a Yard high enough, they say in another Sense, Launch ho; that is, hoist no more; also in stowing any Thing in the Hold of a Ship, they cry, Launch Aft, or Launch forward on. [Pg 92]
Illustration Are bent to Lines for finding the Depth of Water.
Are used for the Pisdales on board a Ship, and for conveying the Water from the Cistern to the Officers Houses, and Jutty Heads.
Are joined to the large Pipes as Branches to the Officers Houses, and Jutty Heads.
Is used for covering Houses, Gutters, lining the Ship's Furnaces, and several other Uses both a-float and a-shore.
Illustration Are let through the Ship's Sides for carrying the Water from off the Decks.
Illustration Are fixed with Lanyards on board a Ship, to be ready in Case of Fire; and also are placed in the Officers Houses for that Purpose.
Are for starting Water at the watering Places into Casks; and for the like Use on board Ships. [Pg 93]
Is for leathering Pump Chains.
Illustration Are nailed over the Holes of the Lead Scuppers, not only for carrying the Water down the Ship's Sides, but also prevents its washing in on the Gun-deck.
Are square Pieces of Timber, reaching from Carling to Carling thwart Ships, and the Decks are fastened to these, as well as to the Carlings and Beams.
A Word diversly used at Sea; they mean generally by it, the Part opposite to the Wind.
Lee Fangs
Are Ropes reeved into the Cringles of Yachts and Hoys Sails.
Lee Latch
A Word of Command to the Men at the Helm or Steering Wheel, spoken by him that Conds, to take Care that the Ship don't go to leeward of her Course. [Pg 94]
Lee Shore
Is that on which the Wind blows; and therefore to be under the Lee of the Shore, is to be close under the Weather Shore, or under the Wind.
Leeward Ship
One that doth not keep her Wind, or doth not sail so near the Wind, nor make her Way so good as she should.
ALee the Helm
They mean put the Helm to the Leeward Side of the Ship.
To lay a Ship by the Lee, or to come by the Lee, is to bring her so that all her Sails may lie flat against her Masts and Shrouds, so that the Wind may come right upon her Broadside.
Leech of a Sail
Signifies the outward Skirt of the Sail from the Earing to the Clew, or Middle of the Sail between the two.
Leech Lines
Are Ropes fastened to the Leech of the Topsails (only) and then reeved into a Block at the Yard, just by the Topsail Runners; their Use is to hawl in the Leech of the Sail, when[Pg 95] the Topsails are to be taken in, which is always first done, and then the Sail can be taken in with the greater Ease.
Lett Fall
The Word at Sea for putting out a Sail when the Yard is Aloft, and the Sail is to come down from the Yard; but when the Yards are lowered, then the Sail is loosed below, before they hoist the Yard: Neither is it said properly of Topsails, because the Yards lie on the Cap, and therefore the Word for them is, Heave out your Topsails; nor can it be applied to the Mizon; for to it, the Word is, Strike the Mizon and set it, so that in Strictness it belongs only to the Main and Fore Courses, when their Yards are hoisted up.
An Instrument used by Carpenters, Bricklayers and Masons, and made of a long Piece of Wood at Bottom, and with an upwright Piece in the Middle, to hold a Thread and Plummet, which plays about a perpendicular line there drawn, and when it falls exactly on it, then is the Bottom Piece in a true Level or horizontal Position. [Pg 96]
Illustration Are made of Iron, and put into the Holes the Masons cut beveling in large Stones for purchasing them, which spread themselves (by having a Wedge put into the Middle) like a Dovetail, so that there is no Danger of the Stones falling when hoisted up, in order to be laid in its bed of Mortar.
A Ship lies under the Sea, when her Helm being made fast a Lee, she lies so a-hull that the Sea breaks upon her Bow, or her Broadside.
Is a Commission Officer next to the Captain, who, upon the Death or Absence of the Commander, has the entire Charge and Conduct of the Ship, and stands accountable for the whole Duty as Commander of her; and the youngest is to exercise the Seamen, and to see that the Small Arms are kept in good order.
Are Ropes made fast to the Yard Arms, and their Use is either to hoist or top the Yard, that is, to make the Ends of the Yards hang higher or lower, as occasion serves. The Topsail Lifts serve as Sheats to the Top-gallant[Pg 97] Yards, as well as Lifts for the Topsail Yards. And they at the Spritsail Yard are standing and running Lifts.
Limber Boards
Are Pieces of Plank fayd from the Foot Waaling to the upper Edge of the Keelson, to prevent the Ballast stopping the free Course of the Buildge-water to the Pumps, which runs through Holes made in the Timbers for that Purpose, and are called Limber Holes.
Limber Irons
Illustration Are to clear the Holes so as that the Water may pass without Interruption to the Well.
Linch Pins
Are made of Iron, and go through the Axle-trees of Carts, Timber Carriages, &c. to keep on their Wheels or Trucks.
Are for lacing the Officers Bed Places.
Bent to a Lead, in order to sound the Depth of Water. [Pg 98]
Are wound about a Reel, to keep an Account of the Ship's Way through the Sea; this Line for about ten Fathom from the Logg, hath, or ought to have, no Knots or Divisions, because so much should be allowed for the Logg's being clear out of the Eddy of the Ship's Wake, before they turn up the Glass; but then the Knots or Divisions begin, and ought to be at least fifty Feet from one another, though the common Practice at Sea is to have them but seven Fathom.
Are used by the Sail-makers in their Work.
Are used for hoisting or lowering Sashes.
Are used for seizing Ropes and Blocks.
Are bent to Hand Leads for sounding the Depth of Water.
Are made use of by the Men when they work at Night, either on docking the Ships, or repairing Wharfs, Jutty Heads, &c. [Pg 99]
If a Ship heels either to Starboard or Port, they say, she hath a List that Way; and they say so, if it be occasioned only by the shooting of her Ballast, or by the unequal stowing of Things in her Hold; though it is more properly said of a Ship, when she is inclined to heel any way upon the Account of her Mold or Make.
Are a Kind of Box or Chest made in the Officers Cabbins to put or stow any Thing in.
Are allowed Flag Ships.
Casement Are used by the Master, House Carpenter, Master Joiner, and Carpenters of Ships, for such uses as they are proper for.
Spring Double
Spring Single
Stock [Pg 100]
Illustration Is a Piece of Wood or Board about seven or eight Inches long, of a triangular Figure, and with as much Lead cast into it at one End, as will serve to make it swim upright in the Water; at the other End of which the Logline is fastened.
Illustration Is made with a large round Ball of Iron at one End of a Handle, and is to heat Pitch on board a Ship.
Loof of a Ship
Is that Part of her Aloft which lies just before the Chess-tree.
If a Ship appears big at Sea when seen at a Distance, they say she Looms, or appears a great Ship.
Loom Gale
Is a gentle easy Gale of Wind, in which a Ship can carry her Topsails a Trip.
Loop hole
Are Holes made in the Comings of the Hatches of Ships, and in their Bulk-heads to fire Muskets through, in a close Fight. [Pg 101]
Is a Term used in conding a Ship; thus Luff up, is to bid the Man at the steering Wheel, keep nearer the Wind. To Luff into an Harbour, is to sail into it, close by the Wind. To spring the Luff, is when a Ship, that before was going large before the Wind, is brought close, or claps close by the Wind. When a Ship sails upon a Wind as they say, that is, on a Quarter Wind, the Word of him that Conds is, Luff; keep your Luff; Veer no more; keep her too; touch the Wind; have a Care of a Lee Latch. All which Words signify much the same Thing, and bids the Man at the Wheel to keep the Ship near the Wind. But on the contrary, if the Ship is to go more large or right before the Wind, the Word is, Ease the Helm; no near! bear up.
Luff Hook
Is to succour the Tackles in a large Sail, that all the Stress may not bear upon the Tack; sometimes also it is used when the Tack is to be seized the surer.
Luff Tackle
Is a Tackle in a Ship, which serves to lift or hoist all small Weights in or out of her. [Pg 102]
Lying under the Sea
When in a Storm the Ship is a-hull, and the Helm so fastened a-lee, that the Sea breaks upon her Bow or Broadside, &c.
Is to make Mortar for the Use of the Bricklayers and Stone Masons.
Is a carved Figure fixed on the Knee of the Head.
Illustration Are made of Iron, and interwoven, not unlike a Chain; they are for rubbing off the loose Hemp which remain on Lines or white Cordage after it is made.
Illustration Are used by the Caulkers for driving in the reeming irons, to open the Seams before caulked.
Illustration Are used by the Riggers to splice Cordage.
Illustration Are used by the Riggers and Sail-makers after they have put on Parsling of old Canvas, for serving the Ship's Shrouds, or Clews of Sails. [Pg 103]
The Smiths set Hoops round, on them.
Is a Place partitioned off in the Bow of the Ship, to keep the Water that may come in at the Hawse Holes from running Fore and Aft on the Deck, and has two large Scuppers fixed on each Side to vent the Water that comes in.
Is small Line made with two Strands laid slack, that it may be the more pliable, out of Hemp flyings; its use is to seize the End of Ropes, Straps of Blocks, &c. And marling a Sail is fastening it to the Boltrope by a Logline put through the Eye-let Holes at the two lower Clews, when served and marled before finished for Service.
Marline Spikes
Illustration Are made tapering of Iron, for spliceing together small Ropes, &c.
Marking Yarn
Is white Yarn spun the wrong Way, and put into all Cordage of three Inches and upwards, as the King's Mark. [Pg 104]
Appointed by Warrant from the Navy Board, and is to obey his Commander's Orders for the dispatching the Ship in fitting her out; to inspect the Provisions and Stores sent on board; to take Care of the Ballast that the Hold be carefully stowed, the Rigging and Stores duely preserved, and to navigate the Ship, &c.
Master at Arms
Appointed by Warrant from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and are to be Men well skilled in Martial Discipline, who are daily to exercise at Small Arms the Petty Officers and Ship's Company; to place and relieve Centinels; to mount the Guard; to see the Firelocks and other Arms be clean; observing the Orders of the Lieutenant at Arms; to see that the Fire and Candles be put out in proper Season; to visit all Vessels and Boats for preventing the Seamen going from the Ship; to acquaint the Officer of the Watch with all Misdemeanors: And the Corporals are to act and perform the same Duty under him.
Master Sailmaker
Is appointed by Warrant from the Navy Board, who, with his Mate and Crew, are to examine all Sails brought on board; attend all Surveys and Conversions; inspect into their[Pg 105] Condition, and timely to repair and keep them fit for Service; to see they are perfectly dry when put into the Store-room, and there secured from Drips, Damps and Vermin; and to attend the Delivery of them into Store.
Of the Growth of New England and Riga, are generally wrought into sixteen Squares, and are received into Store by their Diameter in Inches; the former are worked up for Fore or Main-masts, and the latter generally for Mizon-masts. Norway and Gottenbro' are brought from thence rough as they grow; are measured by girting them, and received by Hands, that is, four Inches make a Hand; are used for Top-masts or Yards.
Masts made
For a Ship are the Sprit-top-mast, Fore, Fore-top, Fore-top-gallant, Main, Main-top, Main-top-gallant, Mizon and Mizon-top; and amongst which may be reckoned her Bowsprit; and the low ones are generally made out of New England Growth, and the Topmasts and Top-gallant Masts, out of those brought from Riga, Gottenbro' or Norway.
Image of the masts, proportionately drawn.
[Pg 106]
Are made out of Junk, old Rope Yarns, &c. for preserving the Yards from galling or rubbing in hoisting or lowering them.
Illustration Are allowed the Carpenters for such Uses as are requisite.
Illustration Are for driving the Iron Fids in or out of the Heel of the Top-masts.
Are allowed to great Ships, and a Cable-laid Rope which are made use of in the same Manner as the Voyals are, though not so big, brought round the main Capston, and are a Sort of Succour to the Voyal, but are never made use of, after the Anchor is a Peek.
His Station on Duty is on the Quarter Deck, Poop, &c. to mind the Braces, look out and give the Word of Command from the Captain and other superior Officers, and to assist on all occasions both in sailing the Ship, and in stowing her Hold, &c. [Pg 107]
Mizon Course
When the Tack is taken off from the Mast forward, it is called a Bon-adventure Mizon.
Signifies the laying out the Anchors of a Ship so, as is best and safest for her riding.
Are laid out in Harbour, and consists of Claws, Pendant Chains, Cables, Bridles, Anchors, Swivel, Jews-harp, Buoys, and Chains for Ships to ride at, either when under Orders of fitting for the Sea, or are laid up in Ordinary.
Illustration A Block made of Iron with a Catch, made use of in Ginns for driving Piles.
Monk Seam
Sewing the Edges or Selvedges of Sails together, over one another on both Sides, to make it the Stronger. [Pg 108]
Is the Person who (after the Tree-nails which are received into Store, rough from the Merchant) makes them smooth, and of proper Sizes, before they are drove through the Plank used on Ships Sides, Decks, Wharfs, &c.
A Preparation of Lyme, Sand, &c. mixed up with Water, and used in Buildings.
Illustration Is a large Knot artificially made by the Riggers on the Ship's Stays.
Used by the House Carpenters and Joyners.
Used on Ships Bottoms when ordered to the West Indies, between the Spaces of the Sheathing Nails.
Used by the House Carpenters.
Used by the Boat Builders.
Used by the Shipwrights. [Pg 109]
Used on Ships Bottoms ordered to the West Indies.
For nailing Lead.
Port; Double and Single
Used by the Shipwrights, and are drove into the Beams for the Mens Hammacoes to hang on.
Used by the Shipwrights to nail on the Rother Irons.
Rove & Clench.
Used by the Boat Builder on Boats.
Has a broad and flat Head, and used for nailing the Leather Scuppers to the Ship's Sides.
Sharp of Sorts
Used by Shipwrights, House Carpenters and Joyners. [Pg 110]
Used For nailing on the Sheathing Board.
Used By the Shipwrights and House Carpenters.
Used By the Joyners and Oar-makers for fining Oars.
Used by the Shipwrights and House Carpenters.
Used by the Shipwrights and House Carpenters.
Used by the Boat Builders.
Drove through the Ropes that Woold the Ship's Masts.
Are allowed the Boatswains for repairing the Ship's Sails when at Sea.
Navel Hoods
Are large Pieces of Stuff fayd against the Hawse Holes, and fills out to the outer Edge of the Cheeks, to keep the Cable from rubbing them. [Pg 111]
Is a Rope reeved through a Block made fast to the middle Rib, and another Block being made fast at the Mast-head, the Line goes through them, which makes a Tackle to hoist the Parrel.
The Art of sailing or conducting a Ship or Vessel the safest and most commodious Way from one Place to another.
When a Ship wants Water to float her, so that she cannot get out of a Harbour, off the Ground, or out of the Dock, she is neaped, and are those Tides which happen seven Days after the Moon's Change or Full.
Is twice laid Cordage bigger than Lashing, and is used for Stantion Ropes, &c.
Are a Sort of Grate made with small twice laid Rope, and seized together with Rope Yarn or Twine, and are fixed on the Quarters and in the Tops. [Pg 112]
Are made of Rope Yarns, and several Turns are taken round the Cable and Voyal when heaving at the Main or Jeer Capston, in order to weigh the Anchor.
Illustration Are made out of New England or Dantzick Rafters.
Illustration Are made out either of English Ash, or Firr Rafters from Norway.
Illustration Are generally cut out of Firr Timber.
Oazy Ground
Such as is soft, slimy or muddy.
Is picked out of old Cables or Junk, in order to caulk the Seams, Tree-nails and Bends of a Ship, for preventing Leaks.
Comes from the flyings of dress'd Hemp, and used for caulking the Seams of Ships. [Pg 113]
Is a good Distance from the Shore where there is deep Water, and no Need of a Pilot to Conduct the Ship. Thus if a Ship from Shore be seen sailing out to Seaward, they say, She stands for the Offin; and if a Ship having the Shore near her, have another a good Way without her, or towards the Sea, they say, That Ship is in the Offin.
If a Ship, being a-ground by the Shore, doth Heel towards the Water Side, they say, She Heels Offward.
A Platform under the Gun-deck for stowing the Cables, and where the Officers Store-rooms, &c. are built.
Over Rake
When the Waves break in upon a Ship riding at Anchor, and the Head Sea washes over her, then the Waves Over-Rake her.
Oven Lids
Illustration Are made of Iron to stop the Mouth of the Oven on board a Ship. [Pg 114]
Out licker
Is a Piece fayd down to the upper Rail, and to the cross Piece in the Head, to carry the Foretack farther from the Middle of the Ship.
A Master of a Ship, or other Person that conveys Wool, or other prohibited Goods in the Night to the Sea Side, in order to Ship off, contrary to Law.
Is used for sundry Services on board a Ship, by the Boatswains in mixing it with Blacking or Tar.
The Floor of the Bread-room and Magazine of Powder, generally wrought of ordinary Deal, and is laid above the Keelson, for keeping the Bread and Powder dry, in Case there should be more Water in Hold than usual.
Illustration Are round Pieces of Iron, stamp'd full with round Impressions; are sewed to Leather, which comes into the Palm of the Sail-makers Hand, and are made use of by them to prevent the Needles running into them, when sewing the Seams or Boltropes on the Sails. [Pg 115]
In Joynery, &c. a square Piece of thin Wood, sometimes carved, framed, or groved in a larger Piece between Stiles.
Is the Name given a Rope Contrived almost like a Pair of Slings; it is seized both Ends together, and then put double about any heavy Thing that is to be hoisted in or out of a Ship, and by having a Hook of a Runner or Tackle hitched into it, they hoist up any Cask or Box.
Are Pieces of old Canvas cut about four Inches broad, and wrapped round Shrouds, Stays, Straps for Blocks, &c. before served with spun Yarn.
Illustration Are made of Ribs and Trucks, and Ropes reeved through them, which having both their Ends fastened round about the Masts, the Yards by their Means go up and down the Masts with greater Ease; these also with the Breast Ropes fasten the Yards to the Masts. [Pg 116]
Are Pieces of thick Stuff, through which Holes for the Masts and Capstons are cut on each Deck; they are wrought considerably thicker than the Plank of the Deck, so far as between the respective Beams where they are placed.
Are those Mats made of Sinnet, which in a Ship are made fast to the Main and Fore Yards, to keep them from galling against the Masts.
Is made of Iron, bolted at one End to the Beams through the Deck close to the Capston, but yet so easily as that it can turn about. Its Use is to stop the Capston from turning back, by being made to catch hold of the Whelps, therefore they say, Heave a Pawl; that is, heave a little more for the Pawl to get hold of the Whelps, and this they call Pawling the Capston; and droping Pawls are bolted to the Beams, and fall on the Drum-head, where, on the Top, are Holes cut for receiving the Iron Pawl. [Pg 117]
Laying over the Seams of a Ship a Coat of hot Pitch, is called Paying her; or when she is a graving, and her Soil burned off, and a new Coat of Tallow, Pitch, Rozin and Brimstone boiled together, is put upon her, that is also called Paying of a Ship.
Used in these Senses: An Anchor is said to be a Peek, when the Ship being about to weigh, comes so over her Anchor, that the Cable is perpendicular between the Hawse and the Anchor, and to bring the Ship thus, is called heaving a Peek.
Also Peek the Mizon, that is, put the Mizon Yard right up and down by the Mast.
A Ship is said to ride a Peek when she lies with her Main and Fore Yards hoisted up, and then having one End of the Yards brought down to the Gunwale, the other is raised up an End.
The Reason why they thus Peek up their Yards is, least lying in a River (and they hardly ever use it but then) with their Yards a-cross, another Ship should come foul of them and break their Yards. [Pg 118]
Short Ropes, one End of which is fastened either to the Head of the Mast, End of the Yards, on the Main Stay, or Back of the Rother; and at the other End hath a Thimble spliced in, or a Block to reeve a Fall through.
Pendants of Tackles
Are of the same Size as the Main and Fore Shrouds, made with an Eye at the upper End, to go over the Head of the Mast when single, but when double, are put over Head by a Hitch, with a single Block at their lower End for the Runners to be reeved through.
A Vessel with Fifty Oars.
Illustration Some are turned in the Form of a Column, and others are square, and placed generally under the Beams to support them, and the Decks.
Are large Stakes drove into the Earth for a Foundation to build on, or to make Dams, &c. [Pg 119]
Is he which directs the Men at the Wheel how to steer.
The Piece of Timber whereon the Bowsprit resteth close by the Stem.
For the Shives to run on.
To belay Ropes to.
Used by the Bricklayers in Slates and Tyles.
Illustration Are those Hooks by which the Rother hangs to the Stern Post.
A Person or Vessel that robs on the High Seas, or makes Descents on the Coasts, &c. without Permission or Authority of any Prince or State.
For paying Seams, and all out-board work after caulked.
[Pg 120]
When a Ship falls with her Head too much into the Sea, or beats against it so as to endanger her Top Masts, they say, She will Pitch her Masts by the Board.
Plain Sailing
Is the Art of finding all the Varieties of the Ship's Motion.
Is sawed out of the strongest Beech, Elm, and Oak Timber, brought on to the Ship's Sides, and the latter used for laying their Decks, is cut from four Inches to one Inch and an Half thick; all above four Inches is called thick Stuff; and that cut out of Timber which grows compassing two Ways, is called Croaky; and such whose Edges happen to be circular, is called Snying.
Illustration Has a dead Eye, Iron bound at one End, through which the Lanyards of the Shrouds and Back Stays are reeved; and the other End has an Eye through which the Chain Bolt is drove into the Ship's Sides. [Pg 121]
Illustration Are for Fore-top-mast Shrouds, as the Chain are for the low Shrouds, but with this difference, the dead Eyes are bound into the Plates, and they have Hooks at the End of them.
Illustration Are square and small, nailed on the Rim, through which the Puttock Plates go, and prevent their wearing the Top away.
Illustration Are made flat, out of Rope Yarn, and waved one over another, their Use is to save the Cable from galling in the Hawse.
Is when the Strands of a Cable, or Rope about two Feet, are untwisted, and afterwards made less towards the End, in a tapering Manner, where it is made fast, with Marline wove into the Yarns; the Design of which is, to keep the Rope from raffling out, or that none may be cut off and stole away.
Are Pillars in an oblique Position from the Floor Rider-heads on each Side, (pointing) or meeting each other at the Middle of the Gundeck Beams.
[Pg 122]
Is the Floor or Deck over the Round-house, being the highest or uppermost Part of the Hull of a Ship.
Are those Holes in a Ship's Side through which her Guns are put out.
Port the Helm
Signifies to put the Helm to the Left or Larboard Side; but they never say, Larboard the Helm, but always Port; though it is proper to say, Starboard the Helm, when it is put to the Right Side. A Ship is also said to heel a Port, when she swims not upright, but leans to the Left Side.
Port Last
The same as the Gunwale of a Ship; therefore a Yard is down a Port Last, when it lies down on the Gunwale.
Illustration Are allowed the Boatswains for dressing their Victuals in, and to the Carpenters for heating Pitch.
[Pg 123]
Are Ropes of different Sizes, cut into short Lengths, and knotted at each End, to be ready in Case a Shroud should be shot or broke, that they may be seized to them.
Illustration Are seized round the Mast, and tapers to each End from the Middle, where it is swelled pretty large for the Low-yards (when lowered down) to rest on; and the Rings of the Anchors are also puddened, to prevent the Galling of the Cable.
Illustration Some Ships have one fixed, whose Pipe goes down the Knee of the Head, and is there placed for washing the Decks.
Illustration Hangs over the Side, and lashed there for washing the Decks, and sometimes are put down into the Well, for freeing the Ship when she makes more Water than the Chain Pumps can throw out.
Pump Bolt
Goes through the Head, and the Brakeworks on it. [Pg 124]
Pump Hand
Boxes Lower
Illustration Are small and short, having a Flap, and a large Staple drove into it, to draw it up on Occasion.
Ditto Upper
Illustration Are fixed to the Spear.
Illustration Is the Handle.
Illustration A long Rod of Iron with a Hook at the End, to draw up or put down the lower Box.
Stave or Spear
Illustration Is a long Rod of Iron with an Eye at the upper End, which Hooks to the Brake, and to the lower End of which the upper Box is fixed.
Pumps Chain
Are placed in the Well, and works with Chains.
Ditto Axletrees
Illustration Are fixed in the Center of the Wheels, which are turned round with Winches put on at each End. [Pg 125]
Pumps Chain
Illustration A round Piece of Iron with a Hole in the Middle, and are for opening an Ess or Hook when any want shifting.
Illustration Are round thin Pieces of Iron, very little less than the Bore of the Pump, which are placed between every Length of the Chain, and on each of them the Leather is put for bringing up the Water.
Illustration No Ship goes to Sea without a Spare one, which is kept ready leathered in case those in the Pumps should be wore out.
Illustration Is a round hollow Trunk, which conveys the Water through the Ship's Sides.
Illustration Are for repairing the Chains in Case any break or give way.
Illustration Are for opening an Ess or Hook when old ones are to be taken out, or new put into the Chain.
[Pg 126]
Illustration For repairing the Chains when any are wanting.
Illustration Are put into the lower End of the Pump for the Chain to work on.
Illustration Are made not unlike a large Horse Shoe, drove into the Wheel, and the Chain works on them.
Illustration Are for repairing the Chains when wanting.
Illustration Are drove in on all sides of the Axle-tree, to keep the Wheels fast on it.
Illustration Are turned out of Elm, in which the Sprockets are drove, and when so fitted, the Chains work round them.
Illustration Are the Handles put on each End of the Axle-tree, by which the Men work the Pump. [Pg 127]
The same as draw, but when they cannot haul any Thing with the Tackle, they say, The Tackle will not Purchase.
Is the Officer charged with all Sorts of Provisions allowed the Ship.
Puttock Shrouds
Are short Shrouds which go from the Fore, Main, and Mizon Shrouds to the Top, where the Plates are fixed with dead Eyes in them, through which the Lanyards are reeved for setting up the Top-mast Shrouds.
Puttock Staves
Go a-cross the lower Shrouds, and the Ends of the Puttock Shrouds are hitched round them.
Is the After-part of the Ship without-board Aloft.
Is when a Ship sails upon a Quarter Wind.
Quarter Pieces
Are two Pieces of carved Work reconciled to each End of the Tafferel, and when regularly suited to the same with a just Disposition of Figures, compleats the beautiful Symetry of the whole Stern and Gallery. [Pg 128]
Quarter Tackle Pendants
Fastened on the Quarters of the Yard, and are used for taking in or hoisting Provisions, &c. out of the Hold, or upon Deck.
Is letting in a Ship's Plank to her Keel, which in the Run of her are hollowed away, and is called the Rabbet of her Keel.
Illustration Stand in the Cook-Room, at each End of the Grates, for the Spits to lye on to roast Victuals.
Are brought from New England and Dantzick, and being Ash, Barge, Pinnace and Wherry Oars, are made out of them.
Are generally composed of some regular Members of Architecture, they lye over and under the Banisters and Lights of the Stern and Galleries; are also ranged along the Side under several Denominations, as Sheer Rail, Plansheer Rail, Drift Rail, &c. they are also the principal Ornament in composing the Head of a Ship. [Pg 129]
Is so much of a Ship's Hull as over-hangs the Stem and Stern; that Part of it Afore is called her Rake Forward, and that Abaft at the Stern Post, is called her Rake Aft.
Are a Sort of Cleats, to which they belay or fasten the Spritsail, Fore, Main or Mizon Sheats.
Are small Ropes which make the Steps to get up the Shrouds, therefore are called Ratlings.
The Distance of two Points of Land which bear in a right Line to one another.
In Navigation, the estimating of the Quantity of the Ship's Way, or of the Run between one Place and another.
When there is a great Gale of Wind, they commonly Roll up Part of the Sail at the Head, by which Means it becomes Shoaler, and so draws not so much Wind; and this contract[Pg 130]ing or taking up the Sail they call Reefing, which is done with the Reef Tackle Pendants, Tyes, and Falls.
Reeming Irons
Illustration Are used by the Caulkers for opening the Seams of the Planks of Ships on the Stocks before caulked.
Is to put a Rope through a Block; and, to pull a Rope out of a Block, is called Unreeving.
Of the Sea, the Ebbing of the Water, or its Return from the Shore.
In a Ship, are the same as the Seams between her Planks.
The Points of the Compass.
Are the Timbers when the Planks are off, so called, because are bending like the Ribs of a Carcase; also those which belong to the Parrels are called Parrel Ribs. [Pg 131]
A Ship is said to Ride, when her Anchors hold fast, so that she drives not away by the Force of Wind or Tide; and a Ship is said to Ride well when in a Head Sea, so as that the Waves do not wash over her.
Betwixt Wind and Tide
When the Wind hath equal Force over her one Way, and the Tide another; but if the Wind hath more Power over her than the Tide, she is said to Ride Wind Rode.
A Cross
When she Rides with her Fore and Main-Yards hoisted up.
When in Stress of Weather she falls so deep into the Sea with her Head, that Water runs in at her Hawses.
A Peek
When one End of the Yards are peeked up, and the other hangs down; this is also said of a Ship, when in weighing she is brought directly over her Anchor.
When her Yards are struck upon the Deck, or when are down a Portlast.
A Thwart
When her Side lies a-cross the Tide. [Pg 132]
Are Timbers of a large Scantling fay'd within Side of the Foot Waaling; the Floor Riders are wrought over the Keelson; and the lower Futtock Riders Scarphs to the Floor Riders from the Keelson to the Orlop Beams.
Are all the Ropes whatsoever belonging to a Ship's Masts, Yards, or any Part about her; and she is well rigg'd when all her Ropes are of their fit Length and Size, in Proportion to her Burden.
Right the Helm
A Sea Phrase used by him that Conds to the Men at the Helm or Steering Wheel, ordering them to keep the Helm even in the Middle of the Ship.
Right Sailing
Is when a Voyage is performed on some one of the four Cardinal Points.
Illustration Are drove into the Hatches to open or shut them.
Illustration Are drove into the Ports, and to which the Ropes are fastened to open or shut them. [Pg 133]
Rings & Forelocks
Illustration Are put on the Ends of Bolts to prevent their starting out.
Riping Chissels
Illustration Are used by the Shipwrights in breaking up old Ships.
Riseing Timbers
Are large Pieces of Timber fay'd to the Keel, to the Stem Afore, and from the Keel to the Stern Post Abaft; its Use is to fashion out the lower Part of the Ship Afore and Abaft; and also to fasten the half Timbers into it; it is bolted to the Keel, Stem, and Stern Post respectively; there is also a thinner Piece of dead Wood in the Midships, fay'd on the Keel for the Breach of the Floor Timbers to be let into.
A place of Anchorage at some Distance from the Shore, and sheltered from Winds, where Vessels usually Moar to wait for a Wind or Tide proper to carry them into Harbour, or set sail.
Rock Staff
With which the Smiths blow their Bellows. [Pg 134]
Of a Ship are, in general, all her Cordage; but those which have particular Names given them are as follows:
Are for spreading the Aunings.
Made fast to the Crank for striking it.
By which the Boats at the Ship's Stern are towed.
Are laid white, stoved in an Oven, and then tarr'd; are the Head and Body Ropes sewed round the Sails.
Made fast to the Shrouds in the Chains, to support the Man that heaves the Lead.
To hawl up Water.
Seized to each Hook, to hoist Butts, Hogsheads, and other Casks on board.
For hoisting up the Anchors, in order to be stowed at the Bow. [Pg 135]
Reeved through a Hole which is made at each End, for hauling the Davit to either Side of the Fore Castle.
To take hold of, for going up the Ship's Side.
Is for bousing the Tack aboard, when it blows hard, and is a Sort of a Preventer to the Tack.
Being bent to a Grapnel, either the Long-Boat, Pinnace or Yawl rides by it.
Is for keeping the Long-Boat, Pinnace or Yawl from steeving, or going too much in and out when towing.
Is reeved through the Ribs and Trucks, which, with the Breast Ropes, lashes the Parrel to the Masts.
Reeved through a Hole in the Boat's Rother. [Pg 136]
For triseing up the Bites of the Cable to the Rails of the Head.
Reeved through the Eyes of the Stantions.
Serves as a Handle to them.
Are those with which the Top-masts are set or struck; they are reeved through an Iron-bound Block, which hooks under the Cap, and then reeved through the Heel of the Top-mast, where a Brass Shiver is placed athwart Ships; the other Part of them comes down to the Top Tackle Falls, which has double Blocks Iron-bound, and hooks to Ring Bolts upon the Deck.
To keep the Tiller steady, that it may not fly from Side to Side.
For Boats to make fast to, along-side.
Goes round the Spindle of the Steering Wheel, and from thence to the Tiller, and are generally white Rope. [Pg 137]
Are made out of old Rope, Junk, &c. reeved through the Head Holes of the Sails, which make them fast to the Yards, and are vulgarly called Robins.
Rope Yarn
Is the Yarn of any Rope untwisted, but commonly made out of Junk; its Use is to make Sinnet, Mats, &c.
Illustration Are small square Pieces of Iron, with a Hole punched in the Middle of them, through which the Nail goes, where it is clenched, and fastens the Boards of Pinnaces, Yawles, or Wherries to one another.
Illustration A Piece of Timber suitably formed, and hung with Irons called Pintles and Braces to the Stern Post; its Use is to traverse and govern the Ship under Sail.
Rother Irons
Illustration Are the Cheeks of Iron which is fastened to the Stern Post of Ships or Boats, and into which the Pintles go. [Pg 138]
Rother Tackles
Are for Succour in Case the Tiller should break, and the Pendants are spliced to short Chains at the Back of the Rother, and the Falls come in on each Quarter of the Ship.
Round House
When the Poop is made so long as to come near, or to the Mizon Mast, there is (besides the Cabbins Abaft) an outer Apartment, which is called the Round House.
Is a round Piece of Wood wherein the Whipstaff goes, being made to turn about, that it may carry over the Staff the easier from Side to Side.
Are spaces left on the Gunwale, where two Thoals are let in at such a Distance from each other, as to admit the Oar at the End of the Loom to lie on, for rowing the Boat.
The Cable or Hawser, that is, take it in or out.
Is used for Paying the Ship's Sides, Boats, Blocks, &c. [Pg 139]
Are slight Rails let into Iron Stantions, generally on the Quarter Deck and Fore Castle, against which a Weather Sail is fixed for Shelter to the Men; and likewise to keep and prevent them from tumbling over-board at Sea.
So much of the After-part of a Ship as is under Water, is called her Run.
Illustration Are allowed the Boatswains to keep Oyl in.
Is a Rope reeved in a single Block seized to the End of a Pendant, and has at the one End a Hook to hitch into any Thing, and at the other End a long Tackle Block, into which is reeved the Fall of the Tackle or Garnet, by which Means it Purchases more than a Tackle Fall can do alone, and they, with the Halyards, hoist up the Topsail Yards, as the Ties do the Top-gallant Yards.
The Floor Timber Heads.
Illustration Are used by the Smiths to turn Thimbles hollow on. [Pg 140]
Every Yard in a Ship hath its proper Sail, (except the Cross Jack) and takes its Name from the Yard; and those which are not bent to the Yards, are, the Flying Jibb, Fore, Fore-top, Main, Main-top, Main-top-gallant, Mizon and Mizon Top-mast Stay Sails, Main and Main-top Studding Sails.
Are made with three flat Strands breeded, or by a small Turn put into several Rope Yarns cut into proper Lengths, and are used when a Shroud or Back Stay wants setting up, which is done by taking a Turn with the Salvagee round the Rope, to which they hook a Tackle Fall, and by bousing thereon, brings down the Shrouds or Back Stays to their proper Position.
Is used by the Bricklayers for making Mortar, and at the Kilns for stoving Plank.
Illustration Are round thick Pieces of Iron, on which the Spindle of the Capstons work. [Pg 141]
Illustration Are made of Scythes, and jag'd at the Edges, and are for cutting and sawing off Bolts.
Illustration Are used by the Masons to saw Stones.
Two hand & Whip
Illustration Are allowed to the Carpenters of all Ships that go to Sea, for the several Services they are wanted for.
A Mathematical Instrument, consisting of one or more Lines drawn on Wood, Metal, or other Matter, divided into unequal Parts; of great Use in laying down Distances in Proportion, or in measuring Distances already laid down.
A Measure, Size or Standard, whereby Dimensions of Things are determined.
Is the same as pieced, fastened, or joined in; thus they say, the Stem of a Ship is Scarfed into her Keel, and they imply by it, that the two Pieces are so shaped as to join with one another close and even, which is called Wood and Wood. [Pg 142]
Scavel Spitters
Illustration Are a small Spade, only shod half Way, and are used for digging Clay.
No one to be warranted who has not been examined at Trinity House, and produces a Certificate of his being well skilled in Navigation, &c. who is to instruct Voluntiers, and other Youths of the Ship; to inform against such as are Idle; and not to be paid his Wages without a Certificate from the Captain.
Illustration Are for throwing Water out of Boats, Lighters, &c.
Illustration Are used for scraping the Ship's Sides, Decks, Boats, &c.
To cut Screws.
To make or cut the Nutts.
Screws for Hatches
Illustration Are made with a very nice Worm, that works in a Nutt let into a Sort of Drum-head, which lifts up or lowers them down to let in or out Water into the Docks or Bason. [Pg 143]
Screws Wood
Illustration Are for lifting great Bodies, and are generally placed at the Bow of a Ship when to be launched off a Slip, to start her.
In Joynery, &c. is when one Side of a Piece of Stuff being fitted to the Side of some other Piece, which last is not Regular, to make the two close together all the Way.
Are made of Leather, and laid to convey the Water from off the Ship's Decks, for which Holes are cut in the Ship's Sides.
Are square Holes big enough for the Body of a Man to go down on Occasion into any Room below; also the little Windows or long Holes which are cut out in Cabbins to let in Light, are called Scuttles.
Sea Gate
When two Ships are aboard one another, by Means of a Wave or Billow, then they lie in a Sea Gate. [Pg 144]
Are where the Planks of a Ship, or Boards in a Boat meet and join together; also Sails are sewed with a flat or round Seam.
Sea Yoke
When the Sea is so rough that the Helm cannot be governed by Hand, they make a Yoke to steer by, having two Blocks seized to the End of the Helm or Tiller, and reeving two Falls through them, they govern the Helm.
Is the same as fastening two Ropes together; or a Block to the End of a Tackle or Pendant is called Seizing it.
When a Ship either at an Anchor or under Sail, falls with her Head or Stern deep into the Trough or hollow of the Sea between two Waves or Billows, they say she sends much a-head or a-stern.
To Serve a Rope, is to lay spun Yarn round it with a Serving Mallet, which preserves it from wet, fretting or galling in any Place. [Pg 145]
When the Seamen observe on what Point of the Compass the Sun, Land, &c. bears, they call it, Setting the Sun, or Land by their Compass.
Setts for Saws
Illustration Are for setting the Teeth when out of Order, so as they may cut with the greater Exactness.
When a Deck of a Ship sinks lower than it was, when first laid; is called Settling.
When a Ship at low Water comes to be on the Ground to lie dry, they say, she is Sewed; and if she be not quite left dry, they say, she Sews to such a Part.
Illustration Are those Rings with which the Ports are shut fast, by lashing the Port Bar to them. There are also Shakles put on the Bilbow Bolts for confining the Men that have been guilty of Faults.
A short Chain fastened under the Fore Shrouds by a Bolt to the Ship's Side, having at the other End a Rope spliced to the End of the Chain, on which the After-part of the Anchor Rests, when it lies by the Ship's Side. [Pg 146]
When a Ship is not steered steadily, then they say she Sheers, or goes Sheering, or when at an Anchor she goes in and out by Means of the swift running of the Tide.
Are two Masts or Yards set a-cross at the upper End of one another, and are used generally for setting or taking out Ships Masts, where there is no Hulk to do that Office.
Is casing that Part of a Ship which is to be under Water, with Firr Board of an Inch thick, which, by laying Hair and Tar mixed together upon the Inside of the Boards, and then nailing them on, is to prevent the Worm from eating her Bottom.
Are Ropes bent to the Clews of the Sails, serving in the lower Sails to hawl Aft the Clew of the Sail; but in Top-sails they serve to hawl home the Clew of the Sail close to the Yard-Arm.
Certain Men employed by the Cooks to shift or change the Water in which the Flesh or Fish is put and laid for some Time, in order for boiling. [Pg 147]
Of War are masted with three Masts and a Bow-sprit, and sailed with square Sails.
Advice Boats
Now out of Use, but were formerly fitted with two Masts, and square Sails.
Illustration Has Rigging and Sails not unlike a Hoy, but is broader and flatter; the covering of the Deck is raised up half a Foot higher than the Gunwale, between which, and the Deck, there is a Passage left free for the Men to walk; are seldom above twenty-four Tun, and can lie nearer the Wind than a Vessel with cross Sails can do.
Bomb Vessels
Illustration Go sometimes with three Masts and square Sails; sometimes Ketch fashion, with one and a Mizon. [Pg 148]
Illustration Not now used, but were built light for rowing or sailing, and had two Masts and square Sails.
Illustration Are masted and sailed Ship fashion, but built in Figure after the Manner of Dutch Fly Boats.
Illustration Are fitted with one Mast and a Spreet-sail, and sometimes with Shoulder of Mutton Sails, whose Yards are not a-cross, but stands Fore and Aft like a Mizon, so can lie nearer the Wind.
Illustration They are generally old Ships cut down to the Gun Deck, and fitted with a large Wheel for Men to go in when Careening; and has several Capstons fixed on the Deck for setting Ships Masts.
Illustration Fitted with two Masts, and their Main-sail and Top-sail stands square as Ships do; and their Fore-sail and Jibbs stands as Hoys do. [Pg 149]
Illustration Are made use of for laying down or shifting the Moarings; for bringing a-shore or carrying off Ships Cables, Anchors, &c. or taking in Ballast out of Ships that are to be docked, &c.
Illustration Are masted, and sail with three Masts, Ship fashion, but round sterned, with a small Lute or Projection Abaft over the Rother.
Illustration Are built four square, and used about the Docks for fetching Clay, and other Services as the Master Shipwright wants them for.
Illustration Is a small Light Vessel, with only a small Main and Fore-mast, and Lugg-sails to haul up and let down on Occasion.
Illustration Are sailed and masted as Mens Fancies lead them, sometimes with one Mast, with two, and with three, with Bermudoes, Shoulder of Mutton, Square, Lugg, and Smack Sails; they are in Figure either square or round Stern'd. [Pg 150]
Illustration Are necessary Transporting Vessels, with one Mast and half Spreet-sail.
Illustration One Mast with an half Spreet or Smack Sail, and sometimes Ketch fashion.
Illustration Are those little round Wheels in Blocks in which the Rope runs, they turn with the Rope; and the Voyal Blocks have Pieces of Brass in their Centers, (which are called Coaks) with Holes in them, into which the Iron Pin of the Block goes, and on which they turn. These Shivers are of Lignum Vitæ, but those in the Heels of Topmasts, and in great Ships, Catheads are generally Brass.
When a Ship sails towards a Shore, and they find by Sounding the Water grows shallow by Degrees; or when a Sail is too deep, and any Canvas is cut from its Depth, then they say the Sail is Shoaled.
Shoe for an Anchor
Is made of a Piece of Baulk, or thick Stuff, one End cut with a Hole for the Bill of the Anchor to go into, and the other with a triangular Notch to receive the Stock, which[Pg 151] keeps off the Sheats, Tacks, and other running Rigging from gauling or being entangled with the Flooks.
Shot of a Cable
Is the splicing two or three Cables together, that a Ship may ride safe in deep Water, and in great Roads.
Illustration Are allowed the Boatswains for trimming, heaving in or out their Ballast, or cleaning the Ship.
Are great Ropes in a Ship which come down both Sides of all Masts; they are fastened below to the Chains by the Ship's Side with Lanyards, and aloft are seized so as to have an Eye, which goes over the Head of the Mast; and so are the Pendants and Swifters, they are Parcelled and Served, to prevent the Masts gauling them. The Top-mast Shrouds are fastened to the Puttock Plates by dead Eyes and Lanyards, as the others are; the Terms are, Ease the Shrouds, that is, slacken them; set up the Shrouds, that is, set them stiffer. [Pg 152]
Are given for the beginning of a Battle, or an Attack at Sea, by Cannon, Lights, Sails, Flags, &c. in the Day, Night, in a Fog, in Distress, or calling Officers on board the Admiral.
Is made of Rope Yarn, consisting generally of two, six, or nine Threads, which are divided into three Parts, and are platted over one another, and then is beaten smooth and flat with a Mallet; is to serve the Ropes, that is, to keep them from gauling.
Illustration Are for weting Yachts Sails, or the Ship's Sides in ordinary the Summer Season.
Usually called the Skeg, is that little Part of the Keel, which is cut slaunting, and is left a little without the Stern Post.
Illustration Are wooden Fenders fay'd on the Outside of the Ship, for the Conveniency of hoisting in Boats, Provisions, &c. [Pg 153]
Illustration Made with a round Hoop of Iron, and a Socket for a Pole or Spar to go into, as a Handle in the Middle of the Hoop. A Net is made of Rope Yarn, not unlike an Oyster Drudge, and they are used by the Scavengers for clearing Chips, &c. which float on the Surface of the Water, from getting into the Joints of the Gates, or into the Drains of the Docks.
After long foul Weather, if there come a small interval of fair, they say, this is a Slatch of fair Weather.
Are commonly three Strakes of Foot Waaling thicker than the rest, wrought over the Wrungheads.
Are used by the Smiths to clear and keep their Fire together.
Slideing Rule
A Mathematical Instrument serving to work Questions in Gauging, measuring Timber without the Use of Compasses, merely by the slideing of the Parts of the Instrument one by another, the Lines and Divisions whereof give the Answer by Inspection. [Pg 154]
Are fixed with Thimbles and Tackle Hooks, which hook into small Ringbolts drove in the Stem, Midships and Stern of the Boats, for hoisting them in or out of the Ship.
Are fixed round them, which not only is a Means to defend them from being staved, but also the Buoy-ropes are seized to one of their Ends.
Are made use of for hoisting them in or out of the Ship.
Snipe Bills
Illustration Are a Sort of Hooks used for fastening the Axle-trees of the Chain Pumps to the Bitts.
The Smiths put them on one End of the Beak Iron, to turn any of their Work with.
Is used for Paying the Slips to make them slippery, that the Ships, when to be launched in their Cradles, or Buildge ways, meet with no Obstruction or Stop in their Run. [Pg 155]
Used by the Plumber for soddering of Pipes, Furnace, and Water Cocks, &c.
Is when the Depth of Water is tryed either by an Inch or three Quarter Rope, with a deep Sea Lead at the End of it; is marked at two, three, or four Fathom with a Piece of black Leather betwixt the Strands, but at five Fathom is marked with a Piece of white Leather or Cloth.
Illustration Is a large Clasp of Iron, which goes round the End of the Davit upon the Fore-Castle, having a long Bolt, which goes through a Fore-Castle Beam, and also Forelocks through an upper Deck Beam in the Midships.
Are from 33 to 35ft long, 5 Hands, Wrought into Booms,
Are from 30 to 28ft long, 4 Hands, Wrought into Top-gallant-masts,
Are from 24 to 20ft long, 3 Hands, Wrought into Flag Staffs, Boats Masts, &c.,
Are from 20 to 16ft long, Delivered into Store.
Are from 16 to 11ft long, Six Score to the hundred.
Both for Bowsprits, Boat Hooks, Mop Staves, &c. [Pg 156]
Signifies doing any Work for a short Time, and then leaving it. Therefore a fresh Spell is when fresh Men come to work; and to give a Spell, is all one as to say, Work in such a one's Room.
Are small Wood Pins, which are drove into the Nail-holes, when a Ship's Sheathing is taken off.
Illustration Is the smallest Part of a Ship's Capston; and where the Vane flies at the Mast Head, is also called a Spindle, and made of Iron.
Illustration Are allowed the Boatswains, and used for roasting the Officers Victuals.
Are Strakes of thick Plank wrought from the lower Edge of each Port to each Deck respectively within Side of the Ship.
When the Ends of two Pieces of Cable or Rope are untwisted, and the several Strands are wrought into one another by a Fid, it is called a Splice. [Pg 157]
When a Sail is blown to pieces, it is Split.
When a Ship being under Sail in a Storm at Sea, and cannot bear it, but is forced to put before the Wind, then she Spoons.
When a Mast is only crack'd, but not quite broken in any Part of it, as in the Partners, Hounds, &c. then it is Sprung.
Is made out of Junk, old Cordage, &c.
The Holes or Spaces between the Futtocks or Rungs by the Ship's Sides,
Of the Sheat, is that which is made fast to a Ring at the Ship's Quarter; when they say over-haul the Sheat, they mean haul upon the Standing Part; and the Standing Part of a Tackle is the End of the Rope where the Block is seized or fastened. [Pg 158]
Standing Rigging
Are those Ropes which do not run in any Block, but are set taught, or let slack, as occasion serves, as the Shrouds, Stays, Back-stays, &c.
Illustration Are a Sort of Knees fay'd from the Deck to the Sides of the Ship within-board, to strengthen her in the same Manner as Knees, but are bigger.
Illustration Are fixed on the Quarters of a Ship, to which the Nettings are generally seized; they stand likewise in the Waste, at the Entering Place, and in the Tops.
Illustration Are those Timbers which being set up Pillarwise, do support and strengthen the Decks, &c.
Illustration Are drove into Ships false Keels, Ports, and several other Uses they are applicable to. [Pg 159]
The Right Hand Side of a Ship, as Larboard is the Left; thus they say, Starboard the Helm, or Helm a Starboard, when he that Conds would have the Men at the Helm or Steering Wheel put the Helm to the Right Side of the Ship.
Are Ropes made with four Strands and a Heart in the Middle, whose Uses are to keep the Masts and Top-masts from falling. To bring a Ship upon the Stays, or to Stay her, is in order to her Tacking.
A Word of Command at Sea from him that Conds, to the Men at the Helm or Steering Wheel, to keep the Ship Steady in her Course, and not to make Angles or Yaws (as they call them) in and out.
A Kind of Ballance used for weighing large Anchors, whose Weight are found by the Use of one single Weight placed on the Beam, with the proper Pea hanging at the End of the Beam. [Pg 160]
To guide or govern a Ship by the Helm or Steering Wheel.
Is always before the Bulk-head of the great Cabbin, and in which the Admirals or Captains generally dine.
The Bowsprit of a Ship Steeves when either stands too upright, and not streight enough forward.
A Curve Piece of Timber projecting from the foremost End of the Keel to the Height of the Bowsprit, into which the Body of the Ship terminates Afore, and all the whooding Ends of the out-board Planks are rabbited.
For Masts, are large Pieces of Timber fay'd cross the Keelson in the Hold into which the Heels of the Masts are fitted. And Steps for Capstons are fitted on the Decks respectively for their Use; other Steps for Ladders are for going from one Deck to another. [Pg 161]
Is all that Part of a Ship as is right Aft, and adorned with Sash Lights.
Stern fasts
Are large Ropes which come out at the Gun-room, or After-Ports of a Ship, in order to lash her fast to a Wharf, &c.
Stern Post
A streight Piece of Timber tennanted into the After-End of the Keel, with an agreeable Rake or Declination from the Perpendicular; into this are all the Transoms scored and bolted, and all the whooding Ends of the out-board Plank of the Bottom rabbited; and on this Post hangs the Rother.
Is he that acts for the Purser, receives and issues all Provisions out to the several Messes of Victuals, &c. to the Ship's Company.
In Carpentry, &c. are the upright Pieces which go from the Bottom to the Top of the Wainscot. [Pg 162]
Is an Iron Plate that turns up on each Side of a Ship's Keel, at her Fore-foot or Stern, where it is bolted.
When the Water in the Bottom of a Ship cannot come to the Well, or pass through the Limber-holes, but something Choaks them up, so that the Pumps will not work, then they say she is Stoaked.
A Ship is said to be on the Stocks when building.
Is used by the Bricklayers for bringing up the Foundations of Houses, &c.
For the Workmen to whet their Tools, &c.
Is laid in the Bottom of the Dock Dreins.
Is laid at the Officers Lodgings and Store-houses for carrying off the Water. [Pg 163]
Are used for touching the Needles of Azimuth or Brass Box Compasses.
Is brought from Plymouth, and burnt in the Kiln to make Lime.
Paving Smooth
Laid at the Bottoms of Cellars, Kitchens, and Courts of the Officers Houses, &c.
Portland Block
Is used at, and for the Service of the Stone Docks.
Are for the House Carpenters and Joyners to whet their Tools on.
Illustration The Ship's Poop and Top Lanterns stand on them, which are supported by the Cranks.
Is a Piece of Cable-laid Rope, having a Whale Knot at one End, with a Lanyard fastened to it, and the other End is spliced round a Thimble in the Ring-bolts upon Deck, and at the Bitts; its Use is to stop the Cable,[Pg 164] that it do not run out too fast; they take Turns with the Lanyard about the Cable, and the Whale Knot stops it, so that it cannot slip away faster than is necessary.
Are square Boxes made of Plank filled with Bricks, and when fitted with an Iron Ring and small Bars, are for burning Charcoal, in order for the Cook to dress the Admiral's or Captain's Victuals on.
Are the uniform Ranges of Planks on the Bottom, Decks and Sides of the Ships, and the Garboard is that which is next the Keel.
Is a Rope spliced about any Block, or made with an Eye to fasten it any where on Occasion.
When a Ship would only stop a Tide in fair Weather and smooth Water, they generally ride only by their Stream Anchor.
A narrow Sea Passage between two Lands. [Pg 165]
When a Ship with all her Sails drawing, steers out of a Road where she has lain at an Anchor, then they say she is stretching away for Sea.
A Word variously used. When a Ship in Fight, or on meeting with a Man of War, lets down or lowers her Topsails at least half Mast high, she Strikes, meaning, she yields or submits, or pays her Devoir to the Man of War she passes by. When a Ship touches Ground in Shoal Water, they say, she Strikes. When any Topmast is to be taken down, the Word is, Strike the Topmast. And when any Thing is let or lowered down into the Hold, they call it Striking down into the Hold.
Is that strake of Plank within Side of the Ship that is wrought over the upper Deck Ports in the Wast.
When heaving at the Capston, if the Cable, Voyal, or Messenger happen to slip a little, they call it Surging.
Is to see that the Ship's Decks are kept neat and clean. [Pg 166]
Are Bolts forged at one End not unlike a Bird's Tail, sharpened and hardened; are used in breaking up old Ships, for cutting off the Tree-nails and Bolts after they are almost sawed through with a Hack Saw; then they put the Swallow Tail thereon, which clips the Bolt, and by driving it with a Maul, cuts and separates the same. As also a strong forked fastening together two Pieces of Timber.
When the Mold of a Ship begins to compass in at the Rung-heads, they call it the Sweep of her; as they do when a Hawser is dragged along the Ground at the Bottom of the Sea, to recover any Thing that is sunk, Sweeping for it.
Are esteemed a Part of the Gang of Fore and Main Shrouds, (where they have odd ones) and of the same Size which are for succouring those Masts.
A Boat, is compassing her Gunwale round with a good Rope. A Ship is either bringing her a-ground, or on a Carreen; and the Capston Bars, is straining a Rope all round the outer Ends of them, to prevent their flying out of the Drum-head. [Pg 167]
Illustration Are made use of at the Moarings in Harbour, to which the Cables and Bridles are bent, that the Ships may swing round either upon Tide of Ebb or Flood.
Illustration Are allowed the Warrant Officers for their Cabbins.
Allowed the Admirals and Commanders for their Cabbins, &c.
Tack about
When a Ship's Head is to be brought about so as to lie a contrary Way.
Are Ropes Cable-laid tapering, having a Whale Knot at one End, which is seized or fastened into the Clew of the Sail, reeved through the Chess-trees, and then brought through a Hole in the Ship's Side; its Use is to carry forward the Clew of the Sail, to make it stand close by a Wind; and whenever the Sails are thus trimmed, the Fore and Main Tacks are brought close by the Board, and hauled as forward on as they can be, and are usually belayed to the Bitts or a Kevel to fasten them. [Pg 168]
In a Ship, are Ropes running in three or four Parts, having at one End a Pendant with a Block fastened to it, and also a Tackle Hook for heaving any Thing in or out of the Ship.
Is the uppermost Part of a Ship's Stern Abaft, and always carved.
Is for Paying Ship's Bottoms, and also allowed to the Boatswains and Carpenters for several Uses it is proper for.
Is used for Tarring white Yarn at the Rope Yard, by the Riggers, and Boatswains for Ships Rigging, and for Tarpawlings, Paying Ships Sides, Weather Boards, &c.
Used by the Masons in the Stone Work of the Docks, and for pointing or repairing the Joints, which from Time to Time stand in Need of Repair.
Is a Piece of Canvas well Tarr'd over, to lay on the Hatches, Grateings, or any Place to keep off Rain. [Pg 169]
Is the same as setting the Rope stiff or fast, they say, Set Taught the Shrouds, Stays, or any other Ropes, which are too slack and loose.
When the Masts of a Ship are too tall, they say, She is Taunt masted.
The several Ranks of Guns placed on the Decks are called the Lower, Middle, or Upper Tier.
Is a small Vessel taken up on Contract for attending the Men of War, and employed for pressing Seamen, &c.
Are for the Men which row the Boats to sit on.
Illustration Are a Sort of round Rings, whose Edges are turned up, and the Ropes go round in the hollow Part of the Outside of them when they are seized, in order to prevent the Tackle Hook from galling the Rope. [Pg 170]
Illustration Are those Pins in the Gunwale of a Boat, between which the Men put their Oars when they row.
Are allowed the Boatswains and Carpenters to make Mops; and also to the Master Caulker for Mops to Pay the Ships Bottoms.
Thwart Ship
Is across the Ship.
Two periodical Motions of the Waters of the Sea, called the Flux and Reflux, or the Ebb and Flow.
Or Runners, are those Ropes by which the Yards hang, and they with the Halyards carry or hoist the Yards up.
Illustration The very same with the Helm of a Ship, and are also used in small Ships and Boats for Steering them.
Tiller for Saws
Illustration Are Handles for Whip Saws. [Pg 171]
Is used by the Master House Carpenter in Wheelwright Work.
Is used for Ways at the Bottom of the Dock, and sometimes cut into Keel-pieces.
Is used for making Drumheads, for Capstons, Ships Caps, Keel-pieces, Lyons, Tafferels, &c.
Is used for making Davits, by the House Carpenters for Girders, and such like large Uses in Building.
Oak Compass
Is used by the Shipwrights, and converted for the Compassing Timbers of a Ship.
Is used by the Shipwrights for Beams on board a Ship, and for other Services that it is requisite to be used on, and also by the House Carpenter in his Way of building.
Are those which Form the Body of a Ship, as Floor Timbers, Futtocks, &c. [Pg 172]
Timbers Top
Are the upper Timbers in the Frame of a Ship, forming her Sides, &c.
Tin Plates; Double and Single
Are used for lining the Bread, Cook, and Powder Rooms of Ships, covering the Tops of their Galleries, and for fining Oars, &c.
When a Ship lets in but very little Water, she is Tight, which is known by the Smell o£ that pumped out, for if she lets in but little, it will always stink, otherwise not.
Tire Cable
The Row in the Middle of the Coiled Cable.
A short Piece of Wood made tapering at each End, having a Score cut in the Middle of it, where a Rope is usually fastened, and when put through the Bite of another, there is no Occasion of seizing them together.
Illustration Is a round Frame of Boards which lie upon the Cross-trees, near the Head of the standing Masts. [Pg 173]
Top Armours
Are cut out of red Kersey, and tabled round with Canvas, hung about the Top for Show, and also cover the Men which are in the Tops in a Fight.
Tops Laying
Illustration Are used by the Rope-makers; those made with three Scores are for closing three Strand Ropes, and those with four are for Stays, and has a Hole bored in their Center, through which the Heart of the Stay passes.
To make Saucer Head Bolts in.
To Head Nails in.
Is for making, altering, and repairing Colours in Store, or on board the Ship.
Whatever is drawn after a Boat or Ship with a Rope, &c. is said to be Towed.
Is a carved Board let into, or nailed on the Knee of the Head, just below the Lyon. [Pg 174]
Are large Pieces of Timber forming the Buttock, or After-part of the Ship on both Sides; they are transversely situate on the Post, and in the Middle bolted to it; their Ends are fastened to the After-Timbers on each Side respectively, called Fashion Pieces; they are denominated severally according to their Elevations, as Wing Transoms, Deck Transoms, Transoms under the Deck, &c. All which, as Post Transoms, and Fashion Pieces, being framed together, is commonly called the Stern Frame.
A Ship when she makes Angles in and out, and cannot keep directly to her true Course, is called a Traverse. In Navigation, is the Variation of the Ship's Course, upon shifting of Winds, &c. And a Traverse Board, is a little round Board which hangs up, and bored full of Holes upon Lines, shewing the Points of the Compass upon it; by moving a little Peg from Hole to Hole, the Men at the Helm or Steering Wheel keeps an Account how many Glasses (that is, Half Hours) the Ship Steers upon any Point. [Pg 175]
Are long Pins of Wood, whence they are called Tree-nails, made out of Oak, to fasten the Planks to the Timbers, and are always Caulked with Ocham to prevent any Leak.
Tressle trees
Are those Timbers that stand Fore and Aft at the Mast-head, for the Tops to lie on.
A wooden Frame to bear up Tables, Deals, Scaffolds, &c.
Illustration Are made out of large Spars, having their lower Ends ferrilled with a Ring, and a Spud drove into them, which runs into the Ground to steddy them; their upper End has a Bolt that goes through the three Parts, where a Staple is fixed for hanging a Scale Beam, when they are made use of for weighing Stores without Doors, as are received or delivered into the Yard.
A Ship goes with her Topsails a Trip she carries them hoisted up to the highest, and when the Wind blows not too hard. [Pg 176]
Of a Ship, is her best Posture, with respect to her Proportion of Ballast, the standing of her Masts, &c. for Sailing, and the best Way to make her Sail well, and to find her Trim, depends very much on Experience and Judgment.
For hauling up any Thing by a single Rope, that do not run in a Block, but is done by Hand or main Strength. Thus if any Cask, Chest, or other Goods hath only a Rope fastened to it, and without a Tackle is pulled up into the Ship by Hand, it is Trised up.
Illustration Are used by the Caulkers for large Kettles to stand on for heating Stuff when Paying Ships.
Is the Hollow or Cavity made between any two Waves or Billows in a rowling Sea.
Illustration Are put on the End or Top of the Vane Spindle at the Mast-head.
Illustration Are put on the Ends of them, and also on the Ensign and Jack Staffs. [Pg 177]
Illustration The Rope is reeved through them, and are placed between the Ribs of the Parrel.
Illustration Are made fast to the Shrouds for the Running Rigging to go through.
Is a Tackle fastened to the Parrel at the Yard, which binds it fast when the Ship rowls, lying either a-hull or at an Anchor, and the Fore, Main, and Mizon Yards have them.
A Ship is said to Try, when she hath no more Sails abroad but her Main Course, when her Tacks are close aboard, the Bowlings set up, and the Sheats hauled close Aft, or when, the Helm or Steering Wheel is so fastened as to prevent their having any Power of the Tiller, so as she is let lie in the Sea, and sometimes when it blows so hard that she cannot bear her Main Course, they make her lie a-Try, under her Mizon only.
Is when a Ship is not round Buttock'd, as commonly English Ships are, (Sixth Rates lately excepted) under the Wing Transom, they say she is Square Tuck't. Dutch Men of War, and their Merchant Ships, are generally built with square Tucks. [Pg 178]
Tue Iron
Are for the Smith's Bellows to blow through.
Is used for Paying Ships Sides, Masts, Boats, &c.
Is used by the Sail-makers for making and repairing Sails; allowed the Boatswains for repairing the Sails when they want at Sea, for whiping Ropes, and such like Uses.
Is put into all Cordage, from three Inches downwards, as the King's Mark.
Are used by the bricklayers on the Roofs of Lodgings, Storehouses, &c.
A Rope, one End nailed to the Outside of the Stock of an Anchor, stowed at the Bow, and the other fastened or belayed to the Ship's Sides on the Fore-Castle; its Use is for preventing the Fore-Sheats (when getting under Sail) droping down between the Anchor Stock and Ship's Side. [Pg 179]
Veering out a Rope, is letting it go by Hand, or letting it run out of its self. Thus they Veer more Cable, that is, Let more Cable run out; but this Word is not used for the letting out of any Running Rope except the Sheat, but of that they say, Veer more Sheat, that is, Let more of it run out. The Word Veer is also used in Reference to the Wind, for when it changeth often and suddenly, they say The Wind Veereth.
Illustration There are two Sorts, Bench and Hand; the former are fixed to a Bench in the Smith's Shop, and used by them for holding fast their Work, when to be filed or cleaned, as the other is (being small) held in the Hand when made use of. [Pg 180]
A Cable-laid Rope, which being reeved through a large Block lashed at the Main-mast, is made use of by heaving at the Jeer Capston to weigh the Anchor when Nippers are brought on about the Cable.
Is allowed for washing the Ships between Decks when abroad, for preventing any Contagion spreading among the Men.
Are Screens hung at the Stern over the Ship's Lights, to keep out the Sun, and are generally covered with Canvas or Kersey.
When a Ship or Vessel that Rides at two Anchors begins to get them up in order to Sail, she is Unmoaring.
Are a Kind of Spar brought from Norway, from thirty two Feet to twenty eight Feet long, and four Inches by three and an half square at the Top End. [Pg 181]
Are those protuberant Strakes of Plank (or thick Stuff) wrought thicker than the Rest on the Sides of a Ship, the Appearance of which gives her Sheer, that is, the beautiful Rising they commonly have Fore and Aft above Water.
To make a Waft is to hoist up an Ensign rowled up to the Top of the Staff, as a Sign for the Men to come on board, or that a Ship is in Danger by a Leak, &c. and therefore wants Help from the Shore, or from some other Ship.
Is the smooth Water that runs from a Ship's Stern when under Sail, and by it a good Guess may be made of the Speed she makes. Also when one Ship giving Chace to another, is got as far into the Wind as she, and sails directly after her, they say, She has got into her Wake.
Wale Rear'd
Not Ship shape, but built right up after she comes to her Bearing. [Pg 182]
A Ship is Walt when she hath not her due Ballast, that is, not enough to enable her to bear her Sails.
Is to haul or transport a Ship by a Cablet or Hawser (proper for that Purpose) bent to an Anchor or a Buoy; it is used when a Wind is wanting to carry her into or out of an Harbour, or to Moarings, and this is termed Warping; and the Cablet or Hawser used on this Occasion is called a Warp.
The Ship's Sides between the Quarter Deck and Fore-castle is commonly called so.
Are sometimes set upon the Sides of a Boat, to keep the Sea from breaking into her.
Is Kersey, tabled with Canvas, and hung round the Wast, Quarter Deck, and Poop of a Ship for Ornament.
In small Ships only, are the same as Ruff Trees. [Pg 183]
Signifies the Space of four Hours, because half of the Ship's Company Watch and do Duty in their Turns, so long at a Time, who are divided into two Parts, the Larboard, and the Starboard Watch.
Is when a Ship, even and just with the Ground, first begins to float or swim, being born up by the Water.
Water Line
Is that which goes round the Ship at the Surface of the Water, and shews the true Shape of her Body.
Water Shot
Is a Sort of riding at Anchor, when a Ship is moared neither a-cross the Tide, nor right up and down, but betwixt both.
Water ways
Is that Strake of Plank on the Flat of each Deck respectively next the Ship's Side, for turning the Water out of the Seams. [Pg 184]
Way of a Ship
Is sometimes the same with the Rake or Run of her Fore and Aft; but is mostly used as to her Sailing, for when she goes apace, they say, She makes good or fresh Way. And because most Ships are apt to fall a little to Leeward of their Course, they always in casting up the Logboard allow something for her Leeway, which is one Point or more, according to her Sailing.
Weather Coyl
When a Ship being a-hull, has her Head brought about so as to lie that Way which her Stern did before, without loosing of any Sail, but only by bearing up of the Helm, this is called Weather Coyling of her.
Weather Gage
That Ship is said to have the Weather Gage of another, when she is to Windward of her.
A doubling or getting to Windward of a Point or Place.
Wedges Iron
Illustration Are for splitting Wood. [Pg 185]
Wedges Wood
Illustration Are made out of Beech or Elm for splitting Wood, or to be put between the Wrain Staves and Ships Sides for setting too of Planks, and for barring in of Ports, &c.
Is drawing up an Anchor out of the Ground, in order to set Sail.
When the Smiths give their Iron a proper Heat in the Forge, in order to double up the same when wanted to weld a Work in the Doublings, so as to be in one Piece thick enough for the Purpose it is wanted for.
A square Place, parted off and planked round the Main-mast from the Gundeck down to the Foot-waaling, to keep the Ballast, &c. from the Pumps placed therein.
Is a round Knot or Knob made with three Strands of a Rope at one End of the Tacks, Topsail Sheats and Stoppers, so that they cannot slip. [Pg 186]
Wheels Steering
Illustration Are placed on the Quarter Deck, fixed to an Axis, round which go the Wheelrope, which is made fast to the Tiller in the Gun-Room, it passes through Blocks at the Side, and from thence comes up to the Wheel in the Midships.
Illustration Are those Brackets set Edge ways upon the Barrel of a Capston, which give the Sweep to it, and are so contrived that a Voyal or Cable brought about them may not surge so much as it would do, if the Body of the Capston was quite round and smooth.
Illustration Is fastened into the Helm, for him that Steers to hold in his Hand, thereby to move the Helm and Steer the Ship: It goes through the Rowl, and made fast to the Tiller with a Ring.
Illustration Used by the Rope-makers when either laying small Cordage, or spinning Yarn, and are placed in the Heads of the Wheels and Works in Brasses fixed therein. [Pg 187]
Are the Ends of the Bottom Planks at the Extremities of the Ship, rabbited into the Stem Afore, and into the Post Abaft.
Winches Iron
Illustration Are Handles for turning round Grindstones, Wheels of Chain Pumps, &c.
Bringing a Ship's Head about, is called Winding of her, and when rides at an Anchor, she is said to wind up. Also when she is under Sail, they use to enquire, How she Winds, that is, which way she lies with her Head; so, to Wind the Boat, is to turn her Head about.
Wind Taught
Implying as much as stiff in the Wind, for a Thing is Taught, when it is stiff. Thus too much Rigging over Head, or any Thing holding Wind Aloft, is said to hold a Ship Wind Taught; by which is meant, she stoops too much in her Sailing in a stiff Gale of Wind. So also, when a Ship rides in Stress of Wind and Weather, they strike down her Topmasts, which holds too much Wind, or be Wind Taught. [Pg 188]
Winding Tackle Pendant
Is a Cable-laid Rope brought about the Head of the Mast, having a treble Block with three Shivers in it, seized fast to the End, through which and a double Block, the Fall is reeved, so brought to the Capston by a Snatch Block, whereby the Guns, or any other heavy Stores, are hoisted in or out.
Illustration Is a Piece of Timber having six or eight Squares, and is fixed thwart Ship Abaft the Forecastle; in small Ships, Hoys, &c. this Windlass will Purchase as much as a Capston in weighing of an Anchor, and without any Danger to those that heave, because they heave here about with Handspikes, put into several Holes made in the Windlass, of which though one should happen to break, yet would the Windlass paul of itself, without any further Danger.
Wind sails
Are used for drawing fresh Air into the Holds of Ships, by cooling every Part, which contributes towards preserving them from Decay. [Pg 189]
Wood Hard
Live Oak
Is for making Reeming Beetles and Coggs for the Wheels, used for working the Chain Pumps which throws the Water out of the Docks.
Lignum Vitæ
Is used for making Shivers and Pins for Blocks.
Wood & Wood
Are two Pieces of Timber nicely let in or fay'd to each other, that the Wood of one joyns close to the other.
Wood Faggots
Are used in heating the Kilns for stoving Plank, and also the Oven where the Sail-makers stove the Bolt-ropes.
A hairy coarse Stuff made of Island Wool, and supplied to the Carpenters of Ships at some of his Majesty's Yards for lining of Ports, &c.
Signifies the winding of Ropes at certain Distances about a Mast, in order to strengthen it. [Pg 190]
Double and Single Hand
Used at the Rope Yard, and the Men that work with them, are a great Help to those that heave at the Hooks in laying or closing Cables.
Is twice-laid Cordage, and used for Worming Stays, Shrouds, &c. which is laid betwixt the Strands, in order to strengthen or succour them, or for making Netings on the Quarters, Wast, and Tops of Ships for Shelter to the Men when in Action.
Wrain Staves
Illustration Are a Sort of thick Billets, tapered so at each End that they may go into the Ring of the Wrain Bolt, and are for bringing too Planks or thick Stuff to the Compassing Parts of a Ship's Side, &c.
Is when a Ship is drove ashore in a Storm, or Perishes on the Sea, and no Man escapes alive out of her.
Yards [Pg 191]
New England are wrought in eight squares in the Middle, and from thence in their several Quarters are tapered to the Ends in sixteen Squares, and received by the Inches in Diameter they are in the Slings; the Top and Top-gallant are generally made out of Gottenbro' or Norway Masts, all which are made of suitable Dimensions in Diameter and Length for their proper Sails to be bent to them, which are hoisted up and lowered down by the Jeers, Halyards, Lifts, &c.
Relative sizes of three Main spars
Is a Sea Word for Nimble, Ready, Quick, or Expeditious.
That which the Rope-makers spin out of the Hemp for making Cordage, is called Yarn; and when Four hundred Threads are warped off the Winches, and a slight Turn is put into it, it is called a Hall, in order to be Tarred, which is done by four Men running in a large Wheel, that draws it through a Furnace of boiling Tar, and is pressed so very dry by a Nipper, that it will not soil one's Hand.
A Ship makes Yawes, when through the Fault of him at the Helm or Steering Wheel she is not kept steady in her Course, but makes Angles in and out.




Transcriber's Note

Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected. All other hyphenation, spelling and punctuation remains unchanged, except where noted below.

The errata have been implemented.

Words are often conjoined in the original, apparently to save space. This has been corrected.

While every effort has been made to retain the format of the original, some reorganisation has been necessary, particularly in the entry for Sparrs. Where the original has relied on layout alone to avoid repetition in the entries for Hinges and Nails, the intended phrases have been repeated in full.