The Project Gutenberg eBook of A Complete Classified List of Books, Pamphlets, Etc., Published Exclusively by The Open Court Publishing Co. This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: A Complete Classified List of Books, Pamphlets, Etc., Published Exclusively by The Open Court Publishing Co. Creator: Open Court Publishing Company Release date: October 7, 2017 [eBook #55691] Language: English Credits: Produced by deaurider and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A COMPLETE CLASSIFIED LIST OF BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ETC., PUBLISHED EXCLUSIVELY BY THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO. *** Produced by deaurider and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) A Complete Classified List of Books Pamphlets, Etc., Published Exclusively by The Open Court Publishing Co. Including also a few valuable importations. With Author and Title Index October, 1905 [Illustration: ΗΘΟΣ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΩι ΔΑΙΜΩΝ “Character is man’s destiny.”] _CONTENTS_ PAGE BIOLOGY, EVOLUTION, ETC. 2 MATHEMATICS, MECHANICS, PHYSICS 3, 4 PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY AND LANGUAGE 4, 5, 6 HISTORY OF RELIGION & ORIENTAL WORKS 6, 7, 8, 9 ETHICS AND RELIGION 9, 10 FICTION AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS 10, 11 THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE LIBRARY 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 The Open Court Publishing Company, 1322 Wabash Ave., Chicago London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. TITLE LIST OF THE OPEN COURT PUBLICATIONS, WITH AUTHOR and TITLE INDEX, PRICES and ORDER NUMBERS Biology, Evolution, Etc. COPE, E. D., Ph. D. =219. THE PRIMARY FACTORS OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION=, by E. D. Cope, Ph. D., Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences; Professor of Zoölogy and Comparative Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Second edition. 1904. 121 illustrations. Pp. 550. Cloth $2.00 net. (10s.). DE VRIES, HUGO =332. SPECIES AND VARIETIES, THEIR ORIGIN BY MUTATION=, Lectures delivered at the University of California by Hugo de Vries, Professor of Botany in the University of Amsterdam. Edited by Daniel Trembly MacDougal, Assistant Director of the New York Botanical Garden. 1905. Pp. xviii., 847. $5.00 net. (21s. net.) =332a. FRAMING PORTRAIT OF HUGO DE VRIES=, Platino finish. Size, 10“×12”; unmounted. Price, postpaid, $1.00. (4s. 6d. net.) HUEPPE, DR. FERDINAND =257. THE PRINCIPLES OF BACTERIOLOGY=, by Dr. Ferdinand Hueppe, Professor of Hygiene in the University of Prague. Authorized translation from the German by Dr. E. O. Jordan, Assistant Professor of Bacteriology in the University of Chicago. 1899. Pp. xi., 465. $1.75 net. (9s.). ROMANES, GEORGE JOHN, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S. =240. AN EXAMINATION OF WEISMANNISM=, by George John Romanes, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S., Honorary Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Second edition. 1899. Pp. ix., 221. Cloth $1.00 net. =237. DARWIN AND AFTER DARWIN=, An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions, by George John Romanes, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S., Honorary Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Three volumes. $4.00 net. =238.= PART I. =THE DARWINIAN THEORY.= Third edition. 1901. Pp. xiv., 460. Cloth $2.00. =239.= PART II. =POST-DARWINIAN QUESTIONS: HEREDITY AND UTILITY.= Second edition. 1897. Pp. xii., 344. Cloth $1.50. =252.= PART III. =POST-DARWINIAN QUESTIONS: ISOLATION AND PHYSIOLOGICAL SELECTION.= 1897. Pp. 181. Cloth $1.00. SHUTE, D. KERFOOT, A. B., M. D. =276. A FIRST BOOK IN ORGANIC EVOLUTION=, by D. Kerfoot Shute, A. B., M. D., Ophthalmic Surgeon to the University Hospital (Columbian), Professor of Anatomy in the Columbian University. 1899. 39 illustrations. Pp. xvi., 285. Cloth $2.00 net. (7s. 6d. net.) VON NÄGELI, CARL =300. A MECHANICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL THEORY OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION=, by Carl von Nägeli. Summary. 1898. Pp. 53. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) WEISMANN, AUGUST =299. ON GERMINAL SELECTION=, as a Source of Definite Variation, by August Weismann. Translated from the German by Thomas J. McCormack. Second edition. 1902. Pp. 87. Cloth 60c net. (3s. net.) Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics DEDEKIND, RICHARD =287. ESSAYS ON THE THEORY OF NUMBERS. I. CONTINUITY AND IRRATIONAL NUMBERS. II. THE NATURE AND MEANING OF NUMBERS=, by Richard Dedekind. Authorized translation by Wooster Woodruff Beman, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Michigan. 1901. Pp. 115. Cloth 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) DE MORGAN, AUGUSTUS =271. ELEMENTARY ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS=, by Augustus DeMorgan. New edition. 1899. Pp. viii., 144. Cloth $1.00 net. (4s. 6d. net.) =264. ON THE STUDY AND DIFFICULTIES OF MATHEMATICS=, by Augustus DeMorgan. Second reprint edition. 1902. Pp. viii., 288. Cloth $1.25 net. (4s. 6d. net.) FINK, DR. KARL =272. A BRIEF HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS.= An authorized translation of Dr. Karl Fink’s Geschichte Der Elementar-Mathematik, by Wooster Woodruff Beman, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Michigan, and David Eugene Smith, Professor of Mathematics in Teachers’ College, Columbia University. Second revised edition. 1903. Pp. xii., 343. Cloth $1.50 net. (5s. 6d. net.) HILBERT, DAVID, Ph. D. =289. THE FOUNDATIONS OF GEOMETRY=, by David Hilbert, Ph. D., Professor of Mathematics, University of Göttingen. Authorized translation by E. J. Townsend, Ph. D., University of Illinois. 1902. Pp. vii., 143. Cloth $1.00 net. (4s. 6d. net.) LAGRANGE, JOSEPH LOUIS =258. LECTURES ON ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS=, by Joseph Louis Lagrange. From the French by Thomas J. McCormack. Second edition. 1901. Pp. 172. Cloth $1.00 net. (4s. 6d. net.) MACH, ERNST =230. POPULAR SCIENTIFIC LECTURES=, by Ernst Mach, formerly Professor of Physics in the University of Prague, now professor of the History and Theory of Inductive Science in the University of Vienna. Translated by Thomas J. McCormack. Third edition. Revised and enlarged, with 59 cuts and diagrams. 1898. Pp. 415. $1.50 net. (7s. 6d.). =229. THE SCIENCE OF MECHANICS=, A Critical and Historical Account of its Development, by Ernst Mach, Professor of the History and Theory of Inductive Science in the University of Vienna. Translated from the German by Thomas J. McCormack. Second revised and enlarged edition, with 259 cuts and illustrations. 1902. Pp. xx., 605. Cloth $2.00 net. (9s. 6d. net.) ROW, T. SUNDARA =284. GEOMETRIC EXERCISES IN PAPER FOLDING=, by T. Sundara Row. Edited and revised by Wooster Woodruff Beman, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Michigan, and David Eugene Smith, Professor of Mathematics in Teachers’ College of Columbia University. With 87 illustrations. 1901. Pp. xiv., 148. Cloth $1.00 net. (4s. 6d. net.) SCHUBERT, HERMANN =266. MATHEMATICAL ESSAYS AND RECREATIONS=, by Hermann Schubert, Professor of Mathematics in the Johanneum, Hamburg, Germany. From the German, by Thomas J. McCormack. Second edition. 1903. 37 cuts. Pp. 149. Cloth 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) SMITH, PROF. DAVID EUGENE =202c. PORTRAITS OF MATHEMATICIANS.= Edited by Prof. David Eugene Smith, Teachers’ College, Columbia University. New York. 1905. 12 Portraits on Imp. Jap. Vellum, $5.00; 12 Portraits on Am. Plate Paper, $3.00. WITHERS, JOHN WILLIAM, Ph. D. =335. EUCLID’S PARALLEL POSTULATE: ITS NATURE, VALIDITY AND PLACE IN GEOMETRICAL SYSTEMS.= Thesis presented to the Philosophical Faculty of Yale University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, by John William Withers, Ph. D., Principal of the Yeatman High School, St. Louis, Mo. 1905. Pp. vii., 192. Cloth, net $1.25. (4s. 6d. net.) Philosophy, Psychology and Language BERKELEY, GEORGE =307. A TREATISE CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE=, by George Berkeley. Reprint edition. 1901. Pp. xv., 128. Cloth 60c net. (3s. net.) =308. THREE DIALOGUES BETWEEN HYLAS AND PHILONOUS=, by George Berkeley. Reprint edition. 1901. Pp. vi., 136. Cloth 60c net. (3s. net.) BINET, ALFRED =296. ON DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS=, Experimental Psychological Studies, by Alfred Binet. New edition. 1896. Pp. 89. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) =201. THE PSYCHIC LIFE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS=, A Study in Experimental Psychology, by Alfred Binet. Reprint. 1897. 75c. (3s. 6d.). Pp. xii., 120. =270. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF REASONING=, based on Experimental Researches in Hypnotism, by Alfred Binet, Doctor of Science, Laureate of the Institute (Académie des Sciences and Académie des Sciences Morales), Director of the Laboratory of Physiological Psychology in the Sorbonne (Hautes Études). Translated from the second French edition by Adam Gowans Whyte, B. Sc. 1899. Pp. 191. 75c net. (3s. 6d.). CARUS, PAUL =204. FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS=, the Method of Philosophy as a Systematic Arrangement of Knowledge, by Paul Carus. Third edition. 1903. Pp. xii., 373. Cloth, $1.50. (7s. 6d.). =312. KANT’S PROLEGOMENA TO ANY FUTURE METAPHYSICS.= Edited in English by Paul Carus. With an Essay on Kant’s Philosophy, and Other Supplementary Material for the Study of Kant. 1902. Pp. 301. Cloth 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) =303. KANT & SPENCER, A STUDY OF THE FALLACIES OF AGNOSTICISM=, by Paul Carus. Pp. 105. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) =210. MONISM AND MELIORISM=, A Philosophical Essay on Causality and Ethics, by Paul Carus. 1885. Pp. 83. Paper, 50c. (2s. 6d.). =208. PRIMER OF PHILOSOPHY=, by Paul Carus. Revised edition. 1899. Pp. vi., 242. Cloth, $1.00. (5s.). =213. (a) THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE TOOL.= Pp. 24. 10c. (6d.). =(b) OUR NEED OF PHILOSOPHY.= Pp. 14. 5c. (3d.) =(c) SCIENCE A RELIGIOUS REVELATION.= Pp. 21. 5c. (3d.). By Paul Carus. =207. THE SOUL OF MAN=, an Investigation of the Facts of Physiological and Experimental Psychology, by Paul Carus, with 182 illustrations and diagrams. Third edition. 1905. Pp. 482. Cloth, $1.50 net. (6s. net.) =290. THE SURD OF METAPHYSICS=, An Inquiry into the Question =ARE THERE THINGS-IN-THEMSELVES?= by Paul Carus. 1903. Pp. vi., 233. $1.25 net. (5s. 6d. net.) DEANE, SIDNEY NORTON, B. A. =324. ST. ANSELM PROSLOGIUM; MONOLOGIUM=; An Appendix in Behalf of the Fool, by Gaunilon, and Cur Deus Homo, translated from the Latin by Sidney Norton Deane, B. A. With an Introduction, Bibliography and Reprints of the Opinions of Leading Philosophers and Writers on the Ontological Argument. 1903. Pp. xxxv., 288. Cloth, net $1.00. DESCARTES, RENÉ =301. DISCOURSE ON THE METHOD OF RIGHTLY CONDUCTING THE REASON AND SEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES=, by René Descartes. Translated from the French and Collated with the Latin by John Veitch, LL. D., late professor of Logic and Rhetoric in the University of Glasgow. Authorized reprint. 1899. Pp. vi., 87. Cloth 60c net. (3s. net.) =310. THE MEDITATIONS AND SELECTIONS FROM THE PRINCIPLES= of René Descartes. (1596-1650.) Translated by John Veitch, LL. D., late Professor of Logic and Rhetoric in the University of Glasgow. With a Preface, Copies of Original Title Pages, a Bibliography and an Essay on Descartes’ philosophy, by L. Lévy-Bruhl, Maître de Conférences in the Sorbonne. 1901. Pp. xxx., 248. Cloth 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) DE SPINOZA, BENEDICTUS =346. THE PRINCIPLES OF DESCARTES’ PHILOSOPHY=, by Benedictus De Spinoza (the Philosopher’s Earliest Work). Translated from the Latin with an Introduction by Halbert Hains Britan, Ph. D. Pp. lxxxi, 177. Price, cloth, 75c net; mailed, 85c. (3s. 6d. net.) GARBE, RICHARD =223. THE PHILOSOPHY OF ANCIENT INDIA=, by Richard Garbe, Professor in the University of Tuebingen. 1897. Pp. 89. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) HERING, PROF. EWALD =298. ON MEMORY AND THE SPECIFIC ENERGIES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM=, by Prof. Ewald Hering. Third edition. 1902. Pp. 50. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) HUME, DAVID =305. AN ENQUIRY CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTANDING=, by David Hume. Reprinted from the edition of 1777. With Hume’s Autobiography and a Letter from Adam Smith. 1900. Pp. xxv., 180. Cloth 60c net. (3s. net.) =306. AN ENQUIRY CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALS=, by David Hume. Reprinted from the edition of 1777. 1900. Pp. 169. Cloth 60c net. (3s. net.) INGRAHAM, ANDREW =322. SWAIN SCHOOL LECTURES=, by Andrew Ingraham, late Head-Master of the Swain Free School, New Bedford, Mass. 1903. Pp. 197. Net $1.00. LÉVY-BRUHL, LUCIEN =273. HISTORY OF MODERN PHILOSOPHY IN FRANCE=, by Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, Maître de Conférences in the Sorbonne, Professor in the École Libre des Sciences Politiques, with portraits of the leading French philosophers. 1899. Pp. 500. $3.00 net. (12s. net.) MACH, DR. ERNST =250. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ANALYSIS OF THE SENSATIONS=, by Dr. Ernst Mach, formerly Professor of Physics in the University of Prague, now Professor of the History and Theory of Inductive Science in the University of Vienna. Translated by C. M. Williams, with 37 cuts. 1897. Pp. xi., 208. $1.25 net. (6s. 6d.). MONTGOMERY, DR. GEORGE R. =311. LEIBNIZ DISCOURSE ON METAPHYSICS=, Correspondence with Arnauld and Monadology. With an Introduction by Paul Janet, Member of the French Institute. Translated from the Originals by Dr. George R. Montgomery. 1902. Pp. xxi., 272. Cloth 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) MÜLLER, F. MAX =231. THREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF THOUGHT=, delivered at the Royal Institution, London, during the month of March, 1887, by F. Max Müller, with an Appendix which contains a Correspondence on =THOUGHT WITHOUT WORDS= between F. Max Müller and Francis Galton, the Duke of Argyll, George J. Romanes and Others. 1888. Pp. 128. Cloth 75c. (3s. 6d.). =232. THREE LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE=, delivered at the Oxford University Extension Meeting, with a supplement, =MY PREDECESSORS=, by F. Max Müller. Third edition. 1899. Pp. 112. Cloth 75c. (3s. 6d.). NOIRÉ, LUDWIG =297. ON THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE, AND THE LOGOS THEORY=, by Ludwig Noiré. Second unaltered edition. 1899. Pp. 57. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) POWELL, J. W. =263. TRUTH AND ERROR=, or the Science of Intellection, by J. W. Powell. 1898. Pp. 423. $1.75. (7s. 6d.). RIBOT, TH. =235. THE DISEASES OF PERSONALITY=, by Th. Ribot, Professor of Comparative and Experimental Psychology in the Collège de France. Authorized translation. Third revised edition. 1898. Pp. 157. Cloth 75c. (3s. 6d). =236. THE DISEASES OF THE WILL=, by Th. Ribot, Professor of Comparative and Experimental Psychology in the Collège de France. Authorized translation from the eighth French edition, by Merwin-Marie Snell. Second enlarged English edition. 1896. Pp. vi., 121. Cloth 75c. (3s. 6d.). =279. THE EVOLUTION OF GENERAL IDEAS=, by Th. Ribot, Professor in the Collège de France. Authorized translation from the French by Frances A. Welby. 1899. Pp. xi., 231. Cloth $1.25. (5s.). =234. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ATTENTION=, by Th. Ribot, Professor of Comparative and Experimental Psychology in the Collège de France. Authorized translation. Fourth revised edition. 1898. Pp. 121. Cloth 75c. (3s. 6d.). STANLEY, HIRAM M. =274. PSYCHOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS=, an Outline Sketch, by Hiram M. Stanley, Member American Psychological Association, Author of “Evolutionary Psychology of Feeling” and “Essays on Literary Art.” 1899. Pp. 44. Boards 40c net. (2s.). TOPINARD, PAUL =269. SCIENCE AND FAITH OR MAN AS AN ANIMAL, AND MAN AS A MEMBER OF SOCIETY=, with a =DISCUSSION OF ANIMAL SOCIETIES=, by Paul Topinard, late General Secretary of the Anthropological Society of Paris and some time Professor in the School of Anthropology. Translated from the Author’s Manuscript by Thomas J. McCormack. 1899. Pp. 361. $1.50 net. (6s. 6d. net.) =202a. PHILOSOPHICAL PORTRAIT SERIES.= 43 portraits, on plate paper, $6.25 (30s.). Single portraits, on plate paper, 25c (1s. 6d.). =202b. PSYCHOLOGICAL PORTRAIT SERIES.= 25 portraits, on Japanese paper, $5.00 (24s.) per set; plate paper, $3.75 (18s.) per set. Single portraits, on Japanese paper, 50c (2s. 6d.); single portraits, on plate paper, 25c (1s. 6d.). =202. PHILOSOPHICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PORTRAIT SERIES.= 68 portraits on plate paper, $7.50 (35s.) per set. History of Religion, and Oriental Works BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS, M. A., Litt. D., D. Lit. =317. A HISTORY OF EGYPT=, From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII, B. C. 30, by E. A. Wallis Budge, M. A., Litt. D., D. Lit., Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum. Richly illustrated. 8 vols. Cloth $1.25 each, 8 vols. net $10.00. 1902. =226. THE BOOK OF THE DEAD=, an English translation of the Chapters, Hymns, etc., of the Theban Recension, with Introduction, Notes, etc., by E. A. Wallis Budge, M. A., Litt. D., D. Lit. Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum, with four hundred and twenty vignettes. 1901. 3 vols. Pp. 702. $3.75 per set net. Vols. VI, VII, VIII in the series of Books on Egypt and Chaldea. =325. THE GODS OF THE EGYPTIANS OR STUDIES IN EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY=, by E. A. Wallis Budge, M. A., Litt. D., D. Lit., Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum. With 98 coloured plates and 131 illustrations in the text. 1904. 2 vols. Cloth $20.00 net. CARUS, PAUL =254. BUDDHISM AND ITS CHRISTIAN CRITICS=, by Paul Carus. Second edition. 1905. Pp. 311. $1.25. (6s. 6d.). =216. DAS EVANGELIUM BUDDHAS=, a German translation of =THE GOSPEL OF BUDDHA=. 1895. Pp. 352. Cloth $1.25. (5 marks.) =261. GODWARD=, A Record of Religious Progress, by Paul Carus. 1898. Pp. 26. 50c. (2s. 6d.). =255. LAO-TZE’S TAO-TEH-KING.= Chinese-English. With Introduction, Transliteration and Notes by Paul Carus. 1898. Pp. 345. $3.00. (15s.). =321. THE AGE OF CHRIST=, A Brief Review of the Conditions under which Christianity Originated, by Paul Carus. 1903. Pp. 34. Price paper, 15c net. (10d.) =341. THE DHARMA=, or the Religion of Enlightenment, An Exposition of Buddhism, by Paul Carus. Fourth edition. 1898. Pp. 50. 15c. (9d.) =215. THE GOSPEL OF BUDDHA=, according to old records, told by Paul Carus. Ninth edition. 1904. Pp. xiv., 275. Cloth $1.00. (5s.). =278. THE HISTORY OF THE DEVIL AND THE IDEA OF EVIL=, From the Earliest Times to the Present day, by Paul Carus. 1900. 311 illustrations. Pp. xvi., 496. $6.00. (30s.). CONWAY, MONCURE DANIEL =277. SOLOMON AND SOLOMONIC LITERATURE=, by Moncure Daniel Conway. 1899. Pp. viii., 243. Cloth $1.50 net. (6s.). CORNILL, CARL HEINRICH =262. GESCHICHTE DES VOLKES ISRAEL=, von Carl Heinrich Cornill. 330 Seiten. Gebunden $2.00. (Marks 8.) 1898. =259. HISTORY OF THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL=, from the Earliest Times to the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Written for lay readers by Carl Heinrich Cornill, Ph. D., S. T. D., Professor of Theology in the University of Königsberg. Translated by W. H. Carruth, Professor of German in the University of Kansas. Second edition. 1899. Pp. vi., 325. Cloth $1.50. (7s. 6d.). =220. THE PROPHETS OF ISRAEL=, Popular Sketches from Old Testament History, by Carl Heinrich Cornill, Doctor of Theology and Professor of Old Testament History in the University of Königsberg. Translated by Sutton F. Corkran. Fifth edition. 1901. Pp. 210. $1.00 net. (5s.). =251. THE RISE OF THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL=, by C. H. Cornill, in =EPITOMES OF THREE SCIENCES, COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY=, H. H. Oldenberg, J. Jastrow, C. H. Cornill. 1890. Pp. 130. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d.). CUMONT, FRANZ =319. THE MYSTERIES OF MITHRA=, by Franz Cumont, Professor in the University of Ghent, Belgium. Translated from the Second Revised French Edition by Thomas J. McCormack, Principal of the La Salle and Peru Township High School. With a Frontispiece, Map and Fifty Cuts and Illustrations. 1903. Pp. xiv., 239. Cloth $1.50 net. (6s. 6d. net.) DELITZSCH, DR. FRIEDRICH =293a. BABEL AND BIBLE=, Two Lectures on the Significance of Assyriological Research for Religion, Embodying the most important Criticisms and the Author’s Replies, by Dr. Friedrich Delitzsch, Professor of Assyriology in the University of Berlin. Translated from the German by Thomas J. McCormack and W. H. Carruth. Profusely illustrated. 1903. Pp. iv., 167. 75c net. EDMUNDS, ALBERT J. =345. BUDDHIST AND CHRISTIAN GOSPELS=, being Gospel Parallels from Pali Texts. Now first compared from the originals by Albert J. Edmunds, Honorary Member and American Representative of the International Buddhist Society of Rangûn, Translator of the =Dhammapada=, the Buddhist Genesis, etc. Member of the Oriental Society of Philadelphia. Third and Complete Edition, edited with Parallels and notes from the Chinese Buddhist Triptaka, by M. Anesaki, Professor of the Science of Religion in the Imperial University of Tokyo. Pp. xvii., 230, with index, printed in large octavo, clear type, good paper; bound in limp board, with paper wrapper, printed in two colors. Price $1.50 net. (7s. 6d. net.) =218. HYMNS OF THE FAITH (DHAMMAPADA)=, being an Ancient Anthology Preserved in the Short Collection of the Sacred Scriptures of the Buddhists. Translated from the Pâli by Albert J. Edmunds. 1902. Pp. xiii., 119. Cloth $1.00 net. (4s. 6d. net.) FREYTAG, GUSTAV =243. MARTIN LUTHER=, by Gustav Freytag. Translated by Henry E. O. Heinemann. 1897. 26 illustrations. Pp. 130. Cloth $1.00 net. (5s.). GUNKEL, HERMANN =227. THE LEGENDS OF GENESIS=, by Hermann Gunkel, Professor of Old Testament Theology in the University of Berlin. Translated by W. H. Carruth, Professor of German in the University of Kansas. 1901. Pp. 164. Cloth $1.00 net. (4s. 6d.). HAUPT, PAUL =292. BIBLICAL LOVE-DITTIES, A CRITICAL INTERPRETATION AND TRANSLATION OF THE SONG OF SOLOMON=, by Paul Haupt, Professor in the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. 1902. Pp. 10. Paper, 5c. (3d.). HOLYOAKE, GEORGE JACOB =228. ENGLISH SECULARISM=, a Confession of Belief, by George Jacob Holyoake. 1896. Pp. xiii., 146. Cloth 50c net. HUC, M. =244. TRAVELS IN TARTARY, THIBET AND CHINA=, during the years 1844-5-6, by M. Huc. Translated from the French by W. Hazlitt. Second reprint edition. Illustrated with 100 engravings on wood. In one volume. 1900. Pp. 688. $1.25 net. (5s. net.) =260. THE SAME.= Two Vols. Pp. 688. $2.00. (10s.). KHEIRALLA, IBRAHIM GEORGE =326. BEHA ’U’LLAH (THE GLORY OF GOD)=, by Ibrahim George Kheiralla, assisted by Howard MacNutt. 1900. Pp. xiii., 545. $3.00. LOYSON, MADAME EMILIE HYACINTHE =338. TO JERUSALEM, THROUGH THE LAND OF ISLAM=, among Jews, Christians and Moslems, by Madame Emilie Hyacinthe Loyson, preface by Prince De Polignac. Pp. viii., 375. Cloth, gilt top, octavo, profusely illustrated, $2.50 net. (10s. 6d. net.) MILLS, REV. LAWRENCE HEYWORTH, D. D. =339. ZARATHUSHTRA AND THE GREEKS=, a Treatise upon the Antiquities of the Avesta with special reference to the Logos-Conception, written at the request of the Trustees of the Sir. J. Jejeebhoy Translation Fund of Bombay, by the Rev. Lawrence Heyworth Mills, D.D., Professor of Zend Philology in the University of Oxford. 1905. Pp. xiii., 208. Cloth, 8vo $2.00 net. =318. ZARATHUSTRIAN GATHAS=, in Metre and Rhythm. Second edition of the author’s version of 1892-94, with important additions, by Lawrence H. Mills, D. D., Hon. M. A., Professor of Zend Philosophy in the University of Oxford. 1903. Pp. xix., 196. Cloth $2.00. OLDENBERG, PROF. H. =233. ANCIENT INDIA=, Its Language and Religions, by Prof. H. Oldenberg. Second edition. 1898. Pp. ix., 110. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d.). RADAU, DR. HUGO =294. THE CREATION--STORY OF GENESIS I.= A Sumerian Theogony and Cosmogony, by Dr. Hugo Radau. 1902. Pp. vi., 70. Boards 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) SUZUKI, TEITARO =283. ACVAGHOSHA’S DISCOURSE ON THE AWAKENING OF FAITH IN THE MAHAYANA.= Translated for the first time from the Chinese Version by Teitaro Suzuki. 1900. Pp. xiv., 160. Cloth $1.25 net. (5s. net.) =275. THE WORLD’S PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS AND THE RELIGIOUS PARLIAMENT EXTENSION=, a Memorial Published by the Religious Parliament Extension Committee. Popular edition. Enlarged by the publication of the Main Responses received in acknowledgement of the Memorial. 1899. Boney-Carus. Pp. 56. Ethics and Religion BONNEY, HON. CHARLES CARROLL, LL. D. =304. WORLD’S CONGRESS ADDRESSES=, Delivered by the President, the Hon. Charles Carroll Bonney, LL. D., to the World’s Parliament of Religious Denominational Congresses of 1893 at the Final Session of the World’s Congress Auxiliary. 1900. Pp. iv., 88. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) CARUS, PAUL =205. HOMILIES OF SCIENCE=, by Paul Carus. 1892. Pp. xi., 317. Cloth, gilt top, $1.50. (7s. 6d.). =212. KARMA, A STORY OF BUDDHIST ETHICS=, by Paul Carus. Illustrated by Kwason Suzuki. 1903. American edition. Pp. 47. 15c. (10d.). =302. THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA, AND OTHER ESSAYS ON RELIGION=, by Paul Carus. 1899. Pp. 50. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) =268. THE ETHICAL PROBLEM=, Three Lectures on Ethics as a Science, by Paul Carus. Second edition. Enlarged by a Discussion of the subject by William M. Salter, John Maddock, F. M. Holland, Prof. Friedrich Jodl, Dr. R. Lewins, Prof. H. Hoeffding, Prof. L. M. Billia, with replies by the Author. 1899. Pp. 351. Cloth $1.25. (6s. 6d.). =206. THE IDEA OF GOD=, by Paul Carus. Fourth edition. Revised and enlarged. 1896. Pp. 32. Paper cover, 15c. (9d.). =211. THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE=, by Paul Carus. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. 1896. Pp. vi., 145. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d.). =285. WHENCE AND WHITHER=, An Inquiry into the Nature of the Soul, Its Origin and Its Destiny, by Paul Carus. Second edition. 1903. Pp. viii., 218. Cloth 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) HUTCHINSON, WOODS, A. M., M. D. =256. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO DARWIN=, by Woods Hutchinson, A. M., M. D. Pp. xii., 241. Cloth $1.50. (6s.). HYLAN, JOHN P. =309. PUBLIC WORSHIP, A STUDY IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION=, by John P. Hylan. 1901. Pp. 94. Cloth 60c net. (3s. net.) ROMANES, GEORGE JOHN, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S. =214. A CANDID EXAMINATION OF THEISM=, by Physicus (the late G. J. Romanes, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S.) Third edition. 1892. Pp. xi., 197. Cloth $2.00. =242. THOUGHTS ON RELIGION=, by the late George John Romanes, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S. Edited by Charles Gore, M. A., Canon of Westminster. Fifth edition. 1902. Pp. 195. Cloth $1.25 net. RUTH, J. A. =329. WHAT IS THE BIBLE?= by J. A. Ruth. 1904. Pp. xi., 172. 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) TOLSTOI, COUNT LEO =348. CHRISTIANITY AND PATRIOTISM=, with Pertinent Extracts from other Essays, by Count Leo Tolstoi, translated by Paul Borger and others. Circa 96 pp. Paper, 35c net; mailed, 40c. (2s. net.) Fiction and Miscellaneous Works =336. PORTFOLIO OF BUDDHIST ART=, A collection of illustrations of Buddhism, Historical and Modern in portfolio. Net 50c. (2s. 6d. net.) =316. THE TEMPLES OF THE ORIENT AND THEIR MESSAGE IN THE LIGHT OF HOLY SCRIPTURE=, Dante’s Vision, and Bunyan’s Allegory, by the Author of “Clear Round!” “Things Touching the King,” etc. With a Map. 1902. Pp. viii., 442. $4.00. =265. SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF BUDDHA=, Reproduced from Paintings by Keichyu Yamada, Professor in the Imperial Art Institute, Tokyo. 1898. $2.50 net. (15s.). BAYNE, JULIA TAFT =323. HADLEY BALLADS=, by Julia Taft Bayne. 1903. Pp. 52. Net 75c. BLOOMFIELD, MAURICE =334. CERBERUS, THE DOG OF HADES=, the History of an Idea, by Maurice Bloomfield, Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology Johns Hopkins University. 1905. Boards, cloth back. Frontispiece. 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) Pp. 41. BONNEY, FLORENCE PEORIA =286. MEDITATIONS= (Poems), by Florence Peoria Bonney. 1900. Pp. 36. Cloth $1.00 net. CARUS, PAUL =282. EROS AND PSYCHE=, A Fairy-Tale of Ancient Greece, Retold after Apuleius, by Paul Carus. Illustrations by Paul Thumann. 1900. Pp. xv., 99. $1.50 net. (6s. net.) =343. FRIEDERICH SCHILLER=, a Sketch of his Life and an Appreciation of his Poetry by Paul Carus. Circa 100 pp., octavo, illus., bds. =224. GOETHE AND SCHILLER’S XENIONS.= Selected and translated by Paul Carus. 1896. Pp. vii., 162. Paper ed. 50c. (2s. 6d.). =217G. KARMA=, Eine buddhistische Erzählung, von Paul Carus. 1897. Illustrated in black. Pp. 29. 35c. =217. KARMA, A STORY OF EARLY BUDDHISM=, by Paul Carus. Third Edition. 1898. Illustrated. Crepe paper, tied in silk. 75c. (3s. 6d.). Pp. 20. =291. NIRVANA, A STORY OF BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY=, by Paul Carus. Illustrations by Kwasong Suzuki. 1902. Pp. 93. Cloth 60c net. (3s. net.) =267. SACRED TUNES FOR THE CONSECRATION OF LIFE=, Hymns of the Religion of Science, by Paul Carus. 1899. Pp. 48. 50c. =247. THE CHIEF’S DAUGHTER=, a Legend of Niagara, by Paul Carus, with illustrations by E. Biedermann. 1901. Pp. 54. Cloth $1.00 net. (4s. 6d.). =246. THE CROWN OF THORNS=, a Story of the Time of Christ, by Paul Carus. Illustrated by Eduard Biedermann. 1901. Pp. 73. Cloth 75c net. (3s. 6d.). =295. THE NATURE OF THE STATE=, by Paul Carus. 1894. vii., 56. Cloth 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) CLEMENT, ERNEST W., M. A. =331. THE JAPANESE FLORAL CALENDAR=, by Ernest W. Clement, M. A. Profusely illustrated. 1905. Pp. 57. Boards. Cloth back, 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) EVANS, HENRY RIDGELY =330. THE NAPOLEON MYTH=, by Henry Ridgely Evans. Containing a Reprint of “The Grand Erratum,” by Jean Baptiste Pérès, and an Introduction by Paul Carus. 1905. Pp. 65. Illustrated. Boards. Cloth back, 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) =347. THE OLD AND THE NEW MAGIC=, by Henry Ridgely Evans, with an introduction by Paul Carus, with numerous illustrations and programmes of entertainments of leading magicians of all times. Circa 400 pp. Cloth, gilt top, price $1.50 net; mailed, $1.70. (7s. 6d. net.) FREYTAG, GUSTAV =221. THE LOST MANUSCRIPT.= A Novel, by Gustav Freytag. Authorized translation from the sixteenth German edition. In two volumes. 1890. Pp. Vol. I, xvi., 409; VOL II, xvi., 544. Cloth $4.00. (21s.). =221a. THE LOST MANUSCRIPT.= A Novel, by Gustav Freytag. Authorized translation from the sixteenth German edition. Complete in one volume. Second unaltered edition. 1898. Pp. xxxii., 953. $1.00. (5s.). GARBE, RICHARD =222. THE REDEMPTION OF THE BRAHMAN=, by Richard Garbe, Professor in the University of Tuebingen. 1896. Pp. 96. Cloth 75c. (3s. 6d.). GILBERT, GROVE KARL =315. JOHN WESLEY POWELL=: A Memorial to an American Explorer and Scholar, Comprising Articles by Mrs. M. D. Lincoln (Bessie Beach), Grove Karl Gilbert, Marcus Baker and Paul Carus. Edited by Grove Karl Gilbert. 1903. Pp. 75. Paper 50c net. STARR, FREDERICK =327. READINGS FROM MODERN MEXICAN AUTHORS=, by Frederick Starr. 1904. Pp. vii., 420. $1.25 net. (5s. 6d. net.) =328. THE AINU GROUP AT THE SAINT LOUIS EXPOSITION=, by Frederick Starr. 1904. Profusely illustrated. Pp. 118. Boards, 75c net. (3s. 6d. net.) STRODE, MURIEL =333. MY LITTLE BOOK OF PRAYER=, by Muriel Strode. 1905. Alexandra paper. Boards, 50c net. (2s. 6d. net.) Second edition. =333a. MY LITTLE BOOK OF PRAYER=, by Muriel Strode. Second edition. 1905. Strathmore Japan paper. Cloth, $1.00 net. (4s. 6d. net.) TRUMBULL, M. M. =245. THE FREE TRADE STRUGGLE IN ENGLAND=, by M. M. Trumbull. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. 1892. Pp. 296. Cloth 75c. (3s. 6d.). =243. WHEELBARROW, ARTICLES AND DISCUSSIONS ON THE LABOR QUESTION=, including the Controversy with Mr. Lyman J. Gage on the Ethics of the Board of Trade; and also the Controversy with Mr. Hugh O. Pentecost, and others, on the Single Tax Question. 1894. Pp. 303. Cloth $1.00. (5s.). WAGNER, RICHARD =249. A PILGRIMAGE TO BEETHOVEN=, A Novel by Richard Wagner. Translated by Otto W. Weyer. 1897. Pp. vii., 40. Boards 50c net. (2s. 6d.). The Religion of Science Library =1. THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE=, by Paul Carus. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 1899. 25c, mailed 30c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. vi., 145. =2. THREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF THOUGHT=, by F. Max Müller, with a correspondence on “Thought Without Words” between F. Max Müller and Francis Galton, the Duke of Argyll, George J. Romanes and others. 1898. 25c, mailed 29c. (1s. 6d.) Pp. vi, 123. =3. THREE LECTURES ON THE SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE=, delivered at the Oxford University Extension Meeting, with a supplement, =MY PREDECESSORS=, by F. Max Müller. Third edition. 1899. 25c, mailed 29c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 112. =4. THE DISEASES OF PERSONALITY=, by Th. Ribot, Professor of Comparative and Experimental Psychology in the Collège de France. Authorized translation. Third revised edition. 1898. 25c, mailed 29c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. viii., 163. =5. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ATTENTION=, by Th. Ribot, Professor of Comparative and Experimental Psychology in the Collège de France. Authorized translation. Fifth revised edition. 1903. 25c, mailed 29c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 120. =6. THE PSYCHIC LIFE OF MICRO-ORGANISMS=, A Study in Experimental Psychology, by Alfred Binet. Reprint. 1903. 25c, mailed 29c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. xii., 120. =7. THE NATURE OF THE STATE=, by Paul Carus. 1904. 13c, mailed 18c. (9d.). Pp. vii., 56. =8. ON DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS=, Experimental Psychological Studies, by Alfred Binet. New edition. 1905. 15c, mailed 18c. (9d.). Pp. 89. =9. FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS=, the Method of Philosophy as a Systematic Arrangement of Knowledge, by Paul Carus. Third edition. 1903. 50c, mailed 60c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. xii., 373. =10. DISEASES OF THE WILL=, by Th. Ribot, Professor of Comparative and Experimental Psychology in the Collège de France. Authorized translation from the eighth French edition by Merwin-Marie Snell. Third enlarged English edition. 1903. 25c, mailed 29c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. vi., 137. =11. ON THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE= and The Logos Theory, by Ludwig Noiré. Second unaltered edition. 1899. 15c, mailed 18c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 57. =12. THE FREE TRADE STRUGGLE IN ENGLAND=, by M. M. Trumbull. Second edition revised and enlarged. 1892. 25c, mailed 31c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 288. =13. WHEELBARROW, ARTICLES AND DISCUSSIONS ON THE LABOR QUESTION=, including the Controversy with Mr. Lyman J. Gage on the Ethics of the Board of Trade; and also the Controversy with Mr. Hugh O. Pentecost, and others, on the Single Tax Question. 1895. 35c, mailed 43c. (2s.). Pp. 303. =14. THE GOSPEL OF BUDDHA=, according to old records, told by Paul Carus. Ninth edition. 1904. 35c, mailed 43c. (2s.). Pp. xvi., 275. =15. PRIMER OF PHILOSOPHY=, by Paul Carus. Fourth revised edition. 1904. 25c, mailed 32c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. vi., 243. =16. ON MEMORY AND THE SPECIFIC ENERGIES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM=, by Prof. Ewald Hering. Third edition. 1902. 15c, mailed 18c. (9d.). Pp. 48. =17. THE REDEMPTION OF THE BRAHMAN.= A Novel by Richard Garbe. 1896. 25c, mailed 28c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 82. =18. AN EXAMINATION OF WEISMANNISM=, by George John Romanes, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S., Honorary Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Second edition. 1899. 35c, mailed 41c. (2s.). Pp. ix., 221. =19. ON GERMINAL SELECTION AS A SOURCE OF DEFINITE VARIATION= by August Weismann. Translated from the German by Thomas J. McCormack. Second edition. 1902. 25c, mailed 28c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 87. =21. POPULAR SCIENTIFIC LECTURES=, by Ernst Mach, formerly Professor of Physics in the University of Prague, now Professor of the History and Theory of Inductive Science in the University of Vienna. Translated by Thomas J. McCormack. Third edition. Revised and enlarged, with fifty-nine cuts and diagrams. 1898. 50c, mailed 60c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. viii., 411. =22. ANCIENT INDIA, ITS LANGUAGE AND RELIGIONS=, by Prof. H. Oldenberg. Second edition. 1898. 25c, mailed 28c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 110. =23. THE PROPHETS OF ISRAEL=, Popular Sketches from Old Testament History, by Carl Heinrich Cornill, Doctor of Theology and Professor of Old Testament History in the University of Königsberg. Translated by Sutton F. Corkran. Sixth edition. 1904. 25c, mailed 30c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. xiv., 194. =24. HOMILIES OF SCIENCE=, by Paul Carus. Third edition. 1905. 35c, mailed 43c. (2s.). Pp. x., 317. =25. THOUGHTS ON RELIGION=, by the late George John Romanes, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S. Edited by Charles Gore, M. A., Canon of Westminster. Fourth edition. 1898. 50c, mailed 55c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. 196. =26. THE PHILOSOPHY OF ANCIENT INDIA=, by Richard Garbe, Professor in the University of Tuebingen. Second edition. 1899. 25c, mailed 28c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 85. =27. MARTIN LUTHER=, by Gustav Freytag. Translated by Henry E. O. Heinemann. 1897. 25c, mailed 30c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 133. =28. ENGLISH SECULARISM=, A Confession of Belief, by George Jacob Holyoake. 1896. 25c, mailed 30c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. xii., 146. =29. ON ORTHOGENESIS AND THE IMPOTENCE OF NATURAL SELECTION IN SPECIES-FORMATION=, by Th. Eimer, Professor of Zoölogy in Tuebingen. An address delivered at the Leyden Congress of Zoölogists, September 19, 1895. Translated by Thomas J. McCormack. 1898. 25c, mailed 30c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 56. =30. CHINESE PHILOSOPHY=, an Exposition of the Main Characteristic Features of Chinese Thought, by Dr. Paul Carus. Second edition. 1902. 25c, mailed 30c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 64. =31. THE LOST MANUSCRIPT=, a novel by Gustav Freytag. Authorized translation from the sixteenth German edition. Complete in one Volume. Second unaltered edition. 1898. 60c, mailed 80c. (3s.) 2 v. in 1. Pp. xxxii., 953. =32. A MECHANICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL THEORY OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION=, by Carl von Nägeli. Summary. 1898. 15c, mailed 18c. (9d.). Pp 53. =33. CHINESE FICTION=, by the Rev. George T. Candlin, with illustrations from original Chinese works. 1898. 15c, mailed 18c. (9d.). Pp. 51. =34. MATHEMATICAL ESSAYS AND RECREATIONS=, by Hermann Schubert, Professor of Mathematics in the Johanneum, Hamburg, Germany. From the German by Thomas J. McCormack. Second edition. 1903. 25c, mailed 30c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 149. =35. THE ETHICAL PROBLEM=, Three Lectures on Ethics as a Science, by Paul Carus. Second edition. Enlarged by a discussion of the subject by William M. Salter, John Maddock, F. M. Holland, Prof. Friedrich Jodl, Dr. R. Lewins, Prof. H. Hoeffding, Prof. L. M. Billia, with replies by the Author. 1899. 50c, mailed 60c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. xxiv., 351. =36. BUDDHISM AND ITS CHRISTIAN CRITICS=, by Paul Carus. Second edition. 1905. 50c, mailed 58c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. 316. =37. PSYCHOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS=, an Outline Sketch, by Hiram M. Stanley Member American Psychological Association, author of “Evolutionary Psychology of Feeling” and “Essays on Literary Art.” 1905. 20c, mailed 23c. (1s.). Pp. 44. =38. DISCOURSE ON THE METHOD OF RIGHTLY CONDUCTING THE REASON, AND SEEKING TRUTH IN THE SCIENCES=, by René Descartes. Translated from the French and collated with the Latin by John Veitch, LL.D., late Professor of Logic and Rhetoric in the University of Glasgow. Authorized reprint. 1908. 25c, mailed 29c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. vi., 87. =39. THE DAWN OF A NEW RELIGIOUS ERA= and other Essays, by Paul Carus. 1899. 15c, mailed 18c. (9d.). Pp. 50. =40. KANT & SPENCER=, a study of the Fallacies of Agnosticism, by Paul Carus. Second edition. 1904. 20c, mailed 25c. (1s.). Pp. 104. =41. THE SOUL OF MAN=, an Investigation of the Facts of Physiological and Experimental Psychology, by Paul Carus, with 182 illustrations and diagrams. Third edition. 1905. 75c, mailed 85c. (3s. 6d.). Pp. xviii., 482. =42. WORLD’S CONGRESS ADDRESSES=, Delivered by the President, the Hon. Charles Carroll Bonney, LL. D., to the World’s Parliament of Religions and the Religious Denominational Congresses of 1893, with the closing address at the final session of the World’s Congress Auxiliary. Printed as a Memorial of the Scientific Events of the Columbian Year. 1900. 15c, mailed, 20c. (9d.). Pp. iv., 88. =43. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO DARWIN=, by Woods Hutchinson, A. M., M. D. 1900. 50c, mailed 57c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. viii., 241. =44. WHENCE AND WHITHER=, an Inquiry into the Nature of the Soul, Its Origin and Its Destiny, by Paul Carus. Second edition. 1903. 25c, mailed 32c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. viii., 218. =45. AN ENQUIRY CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTANDING=, by David Hume. Reprinted from the edition of 1777. With Hume’s Autobiography and a letter from Adam Smith. Fourth thousand. 1904. 25c, mailed 31c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. xxv., 180. =46. AN ENQUIRY CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALS=, by David Hume. Reprinted from the edition of 1777. 1900. 25c, mailed 31c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 169. =47. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF REASONING=, Based on Experimental Researches in Hypnotism, by Alfred Binet. Doctor of Science, Laureate of the Institute, (Académie des Sciences and Académie des Sciences Morales), Director of the Laboratory of Physiological Psychology in the Sorbonne (Hautes Études). Translated from the second French edition by Adam Gowans Whyte, B. Sc. 1901. 25c, mailed 31c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 191. =48. A TREATISE CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE=, by George Berkeley. Reprint edition. 1904. 25c, mailed 31c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. xv., 128. =49. THREE DIALOGUES BETWEEN HYLAS AND PHILONOUS=, by George Berkeley. Reprint edition. 1904. 25c, mailed 30c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. vi., 136. =50. PUBLIC WORSHIP, A STUDY IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION=, by John P. Hylan. 1901. 25c, mailed 29c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. 94. =51. THE MEDITATIONS AND SELECTIONS FROM THE PRINCIPLES= of René Descartes. (1596-1650.) Translated by John Veitch, LL. D., late Professor of Logic and Rhetoric in the University of Glasgow, with a Preface, Copies of original title pages, a Bibliography and an Essay on Descartes’ Philosophy by L. Lévy-Bruhl, Maître de Conférences in the Sorbonne. 1903. 35c, mailed 42c. (2s.). Pp. xxx., 248. =52. LEIBNIZ, DISCOURSE ON METAPHYSICS=, Correspondence with Arnauld and Monadology, with an Introduction by Paul Janet, Member of the French Institute. Translated by Dr. George R. Montgomery, Instructor in Philosophy in Yale University. 1902. 50c, mailed 58c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. xxiii., 276. =53. KANT’S PROLEGOMENA= to any Future Metaphysics. Edited in English by Dr. Paul Carus, with an Essay on Kant’s Philosophy and Other Supplementary Material for the Study of Kant. 1902. 50c, mailed 59c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. 301. =54. ST. ANSELM PROSLOGIUM; MONOLOGIUM; AN APPENDIX IN BEHALF OF THE FOOL=, by Gaunilon; and =CUR DEUS HOMO=. Translated from the Latin by Sidney Norton Deane, B. A., with an Introduction, Bibliography and reprints of the Opinions of Leading Philosophers and Writers on the Ontological Argument. 1903. 50c, mailed 60c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. xxxv., 288. =55. THE CANON OF REASON AND VIRTUE (LAO-TZE’S TAO TEH KING).= Translated from the Chinese by Paul Carus. 1903. 25c, mailed 28c. (1s. 6d.). Pp. iv., 138. =56. ANTS AND SOME OTHER INSECTS=, an Inquiry into the Psychic Powers of these Animals, with an Appendix on the Peculiarities of Their Olfactory Sense, by Dr. August Forel, late Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Zurich. Translated from the German by Prof. William Morton Wheeler, American Museum of Natural History, New York. 1904. 50c, mailed 53c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. 49. =57. THE METAPHYSICAL SYSTEM OF HOBBES=, as contained in twelve chapters from his “Elements of Philosophy Concerning Body,” and in briefer Extracts from his “Human Nature” and “Leviathan,” selected by Mary Whiton Calkins. 1905. 40c, mailed 47c. (2s.). Pp. iv., 187. =58. LOCKE’S ESSAY CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTANDING=, Books II and IV (with omissions). Selected by Mary Whiton Calkins. 1905. 50c, mailed 60c. (2s. 6d.). Pp. xiii., 342. =59. THE PRINCIPLES OF DESCARTES’ PHILOSOPHY=, by Benedictus De Spinoza (the Philosopher’s Earliest Work). Translated from the Latin with an introduction by Halbert Hains Britan, Ph. D. Pp. lxxxi, 177. Price, paper, 35c; mailed, 42c. (2s.) Index of Titles of Books and Authors Page Acvaghosha’s Discourse, T. Suzuki 9 Ainu Group, The, Prof. Starr 11 Anselm, St. 4, 14 Ants and Some Other Insects, Forel 14 Attention, The Psychology of. Th. Ribot 6, 12 Babel and Bible, F. Delitzsch 7 Bacteriology, Principles of, F. Hueppe 2 Bayne, Julia Taft 10 Beethoven, Pilgrimage to, Richard Wagner 11 Beha ’U’llah, G. B. Kheiralla 8 Berkeley, George 4, 14 Biblical Love Ditties, P. Haupt 8 Biedermann, Eduard 10 Binet, Alfred 4, 12, 14 Bloomfield, Maurice 10 Bonney, Charles Carroll 9, 14 Bonney, Florence Peoria 10 Book of the Dead, Budge 6 Brahman, The Redemption of the, Richard Garbe 11, 12 Buddha, Gospel of, Paul Carus 7, 12 Buddha, Scenes from the Life of, Keichyu Yamada 10 Buddhas, Das Evangelium, Paul Carus 7 Buddhism and its Christian Critics, Paul Carus 7, 13 Buddist Art, Portfolio of 10 Buddist and Christian Gospels, Edmunds 8 Budge, E. A. W. 6, 7 Calculus, Elementary Illustrations, DeMorgan 3 Calkins, Mary Whiton 15 Candlin, George T. 13 Canon of Reason and Virtue, Paul Carus 14 Carus, Paul 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Cerberus, The Dog of Hades, Maurice Bloomfield 10 Chief’s Daughter, The, Paul Carus 10 Chinese Fiction, G. T. Candlin 13 Chinese Philosophy, Paul Carus 13 Christ, Age of, Carus 7 Christianity and Patriotism, Count Leo Tolstoi 10 Clement, Ernest W. 10 Consciousness, On Double, Alfred Binet 4, 12 Conway, Moncure D. 7 Cope, E. D. 2 Cornill, Carl Heinrich 7, 13 Crown of Thorns, The, Paul Carus 10 Cumont, Franz 7 Darwin and after Darwin, G. J. Romanes 2 Darwinian Theory, G. J. Romanes 2 Dawn of a New Religious Era, The, Paul Carus 9, 13 Deane, Sidney Norton, B. A. 4, 14 Dedekind, Richard 3 Delitzsch, F. 7 DeMorgan, Augustus 3 Descartes, Rene 5, 14, 15 De Spinoza, Benedictus 5, 15 Devil, History of the, Paul Carus 7 Devries, Hugo 2 Dharma, Carus 7 Discourse on Method, Rene Descartes 5, 13 Edmunds, Albert J. 8 Egypt: History of, E. A. W. Budge 6 Egyptians, Gods of, Budge 7 Eimer, Th. 13 English Secularism, G. J. Holyoake 8, 13 Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, David Hume 5, 14 Eros and Psyche, Paul Carus 10 Ethical Problem, The, Paul Carus 9, 13 Euclid’s Parallel Postulate, Withers 4 Evans, Henry Ridgely 11 Evolution, First Book on Organic, D. L. Shute 2 Evolution, Mechanico-Physiological, Theory of, C. Von Naegeli 2, 13 Evolution, Primary Factors of Organic, E. D. Cope 2 Fink, Karl 3 Forel, Dr. August 14 France, History of Modern Philosophy in, L. Levy-Bruhl 5 Free Trade Struggle in England, The M. M. 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