The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Living Letter, Written with the Pen of Truth This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Living Letter, Written with the Pen of Truth Author: J. Church Release date: October 2, 2018 [eBook #58011] Language: English Credits: Transcribed from the 1814 B. Bennett edition by David Price *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE LIVING LETTER, WRITTEN WITH THE PEN OF TRUTH *** Transcribed from the 1814 B. Bennett edition by David Price, email [Picture: Public domain book cover] THE LIVING LETTER, WRITTEN WITH THE _PEN OF TRUTH_, BEING THE SUBSTANCE Of a Sermon, PREACHED AT THE _OBELISK CHAPEL_, _St. George’s Fields_, On SUNDAY Morning, Sept. 26, 1813. * * * * * _By J. CHURCH_, _V. D. M._ * * * * * My Tongue is the Pen of a ready Writer. Psalm xlv. Ver. 1. Written among the living in Jerusalem. Isaiah, Chap. iv. V. 3. I will write on him my new name. Rev. Chap. 3. Ver. 12. * * * * * London: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY B. BENNETT, TICHBORNE STREET, HAYMARKET. 1814. * * * * * _To Miss K. and Miss M._ _Dear Friends_, _Grace and Peace be with you_:—_I received your kind present of the Bundle of Pens_, _and beg your acceptance of my thanks for the same_; _I really stood in need them_, _and I suppose you thought so by the badness of my writing_, _or my reluctance in sending out more Sermoms from the Press_. _The Pens were very good_, _and I hope to use them for the Glory of God only_,—_whilst laying before me they led me to reflect on the passage I selected for a Text preached from on the following Sunday morning_, _and I now send you the outlines of the Discourse_. _This Sermon will no doubt meet with the same reception that others have_; _some bless_, _some curse_, _some believe the things that are spoken_, _and some believe not_, _but to the great Head of the Church_, _I humbly commit my feeble attempt to shew forth his praise_, _praying you may be able to ascertain your personal interest in the Book of Life_, _where the names of the elect are enrolled_, _and remain_, _Your obliged Servant in Christ Jesus_, [Picture: Signature of J. Church] A Sermon. II. CORINTHIANS, Chap. iii. Verses 2 & 3. _Ye are our Epistle written in our hearts_, _known and read of all men_. _For as much as ye are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ ministered by us_, _written_, _not with ink_, _but with the spirit of the Living God_,—_not in tables of stone_, _but in fleshy tables of the heart_. THE Epistle out of which this Text is selected, was with the one proceeding it, written to the Church of Jesus at Corinth; many of the Lord’s elect people were in this place, and the Apostle Paul was sent here to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation; the Lord was graciously with him, and gave testimony to the word of his grace, those who received the truth, being knit together in spirit, formed themselves into a body. Among them the Apostle abode two years and then departed. Soon after his departure he heard of their dissentions; defections in doctrines and ordinances, luxury, intemperance, uncleanness, and abuses of their religious liberties, litigious law suits and irregularities in their public assemblies, he writes this Epistle to correct them, to warn, instruct, and direct in all important subjects. False teachers made sad work among them likewise; endeavouring to set their minds against the Apostle to bring him into contempt that his ministry might lose its efficacy, and also to misrepresent his doctrine, as tending to licentiousness, whereas there was nothing but the violation of law and conscience, the effect of their ministry and which is to be seen to this day amongst most teachers of the law such as direct their hearers to the law instead of Jesus, as the law fulfiller:—these in general are full of wrath, bitterness, pride, and carnal enmity, and though great advocates for holiness and good works never perform any without making it well known, that they may have to plead in the last day:—“Lord, Lord, have we not done many wonderful works?” However the Apostle in this second epistle triumphs, that his ministry is a sweet savour to God; to some it would terminate in their present salvation, to others add to their condemnation for rejecting it. Then he levels his artillery at those false apostles, who had formed themselves into a body and gave letters of recommendation to one another to the Churches where they went, they could go no where without these letters. But Paul and every true Apostle needed not such recommendation. “Do we begin again to commend ourselves to you, or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?” No, ye are our epistles; you were written on our hearts, we travailed in spirit for your conversion, and all could see the change made in you, it was so clearly manifested to be the writing of Christ, which we preach; the impressions made on you could not be erased from the mind, and which will be seen in the last great day. So runs the Text which we will proceed to notice in the following order: first, the writing; secondly, the means; thirdly, its publicity: “Ye are our epistles written in our hearts, known and read of all men.” We shall first consider the writing. First, the writing: Our covenant, God has promised that he will write his laws on the hearts of his people; that he will write on them his new name and the city of God. These blessings in the heart are the writings he himself will own it is his own image and the superscription to this image all the elect people of God are divinely predestinated; there never was but one image in which the great Jehovah expressed his delight, namely, “Behold, my servant whom I uphold, mine elect in whom my soul delighteth.” This is the image and all others he will surely despise: this image is the pattern model exemplar, it is Christ’s holy nature and as the elect head of his family, possessing all divine and human excellencies, graces and qualifications; these excellencies shining in the human nature even in the seven-fold operations of the holy spirit that was upon him, this was the image in which God made man: “in the image of God made he man.” In this he delighted even from eternity, for Adam was formed the shadow of him that was to come, from this image Adam fell, and to this we are brought again by the renewing influences of the Holy Ghost: hence the Apostle says, we all with open face beholding as in a glass, the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image, this image the Apostle declares is wisdom, righteousness and true holiness, it is an experimental knowledge of Jesus and a covenant God in him. Our dear Lord is called wisdom. God made man and endued him with wisdom and we are made wise unto salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus, this image is love; the Saviour is love also; Adam had it, and it is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost given to us; this image is righteousness: this is another name our Lord bears; in righteousness the first Adam was created and our privilege is to know that in the Lord we have righteousness and strength; this image is true holiness, it is the holy spirit that makes a man holy a spirit of light, life and love, this holy spirit breathed into Adam the breath of life,—rested on the Redeemer and takes up its abode in every believer’s heart—all holiness besides this is false—this is writing on us, this is stamping the image of Jesus: love to this image wherever we see it, evidences we are passed from death unto life;—this image which Christ bears, he stamped on the hearts of his Apostles; the church being converted through their ministry having this image communicated to their souls, are called their children, for this the Apostles travailed in spirit till Christ was formed in them the hope of glory. Second, the writing in my Text is not only the image of God, but also the words of truth which these men preached,—hence Paul says in the Text, this writing was ministered by us, these words are of Divine Authority, they were first received of the Father, by the Lord Jesus in the everlasting Covenant; during our Lord’s Ministry upon the earth they were applied to the hearts of the Apostles; hence the Redeemer says, in John xvii. “I have given them the words thou gavest me, and they have believed thou didst send me.” The Saviour received the Father’s Mind and Will concerning the elect and their salvation; this was written on his heart, then copied off in the word, and afterwards wrote on the hearts of God’s Ministers, and through them conveyed to the hearts of God’s elect with power:—the Will of the Father is made known to Christ as Mediator,—the Saviour makes it known in his word by his spirit, and ministers to God’s children. Thus it appears, what is in Christ’s human nature, is to be found in all his people, and what the Father has made known to him, he has kindly revealed to us,—this appears the sense of the writing in the Text, the love of God shed abroad in the heart, and the word having an abiding place in the soul, producing its glorious fruits to his honor; these are the laws written within, not on tables of stone, which could receive no lively impression, but on the new hearts, God has promised to give his people:—I come secondly, to shew the means, “written by us.” Those who receive the truth in the love of it are compared to epistles or letters wrote which contain the mind and will of God, and it is evident there must be pen, paper, and ink. To this the Apostle alludes; here the minister is compared to a pen, to shew their meaness, their entire dependance, and that they cannot act to any good purpose only as they are led; as pens, they must be shaped, formed, cut on purpose, simple means, yet accomplishing great ends, no merit due, yet useful, pleasant, and prized as it suits the purpose, hard or soft, giving broad or fine strokes, often wants nibbing or mending, used to write on various subjects, charges, sentences, consolations, love, promises, and pardons:—this is a fit emblem of the ministers of the gospel in their different gifts, as called and qualified by the Great Head of the church. Some of the most simple, mean, and obscure characters have been employed in this service of Jesus in the great work of the ministry. Elisha, from following the plough, David, the sheep, and Amos from the herds, Peter, and the other Apostles from their fishing-boats, John Bunyan from mending kettles, and William Huntington from the coal barge: and Paul declares that God has chosen the base things to confound the wise, that no flesh should glory in his presence. Such ministers are cut and formed for the work; cut also from the from of Godliness, from fleshly confidences, from dependance, or any thing short of the Almighty minister in the Church. By trials, by divine light, life and love, by knowledge and wisdom they are formed and furnished in heart, head, and tongue. Hence Paul says, God has made us ministers of the New Testament, and spiritual counsel in the heart of such men, is as deep water, and men of understanding shall draw it out. This makes their tongue like the pen of a ready writer, whilst their hearts teach their mouths and adds learning to their lips; by such means the spirit has accomplished the external designs of Jehovah, in bringing souls to the knowledge of a dear Saviour; hence the Prophet predicts the glorious effects of converting grace: they shall beat their swords into plough-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks;—this may be seen in Paul, and many others who have been persecutors, whose hearts and tongues have been afterwards used in turning up the ground of sinner’s hearts, and employed in God’s vintage. No merit is due to the greatest preacher in the world, for he is nothing but as he is made, used and guided any more than a pen; hence the acknowledgement of one minister, for all I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I but the grace God; we must speak as the spirit of God gives us utterance, and as we are led into the truths of God’s most holy word, nor can we go but as we are led;—whence the promise, he shall guide you into all truths; all means must be used by the minister; it is the spirit alone can bless in public and private; God giveth the increase, as pens differ, so do the ministers of God in their knowledge and ability, having different gifts, some give broad, others fine strokes, some cry an alarm in God’s holy mountains, others speak more comfortably. “He that believeth not shall be damned,” “except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of God:” these are broad strokes indeed; others are commanded to cry unto her that her iniquity is pardoned, to shew the richess of grace and mercy in the salvation of the soul, the covenant love, ancient counsels, the glorious end of the law, and the unspeakable efficacy of the blood of the lamb:—some are capacitated to explain mysterious passages in the word; mysterious experience of grace and providence; such are sons of consolation, all these worketh that one, and the self-same spirit that divideth to every man severally as he will. As pens, we often want mending, we are apt to get dull when God is pleased to cut us, that we may be the more useful to others; if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation; this appears hard to us,—but faith bows with adoring submission, when the head fall into the water. The Prophet cut down a stick and cast it into the water also, which brought it up again; so the Lord appoints that his ministers should dive deep into tribulations to bring out his dear elect people. These pens are used to write charges and sentences. So Peter charged the blood of Christ to the consciences of his hearers; and Paul declares if the Gospel be hid, be it hid to them that are lost. The Saviour said whatsoever they bind on earth should be bound in heaven. Pens are used to write on subjects of consolation, pardons, and promises, and these glad tidings we are to proclaim to the broken and contrite hearts of God’s people; these must be held in his hands and used at his pleasure to accomplish his good will of purpose and promise. These must in time be wore out and laid aside, affecting thought, yet glorious prospect. Your Fathers, where are they, and do the Prophets live for ever? Death worketh in us, but life in you, as candles that waste away their bodies in giving light to others. This the Prophet saw in the vision of Cherubims, when they stood they let down their wings. I have often admired the wisdom of God in the qualifications of his dear ministers. Let not one minister envy, oppose or speak against another, every one will and must do his own work; they can never do the work of another. Here I must introduce a beautiful though simple, yet just and candid remark of Mr. Huntington, in his book called the Qualifications of a Minister, page 316. “The Lord’s army in London is marshalled in three ranks; there are some professing nobility and gentry; these being learned, God sends gentlemen of eminent learning to preach to them:—the second rank consists chiefly of mechanics of good education, and God sends mechanics to preach to them: the third battallion consists of servants, journeyman, a great number of old chair women, together with some scavengers, lamp-lighters, and hod-men.” Now, you and I must be standard bearers to this battallion of light infantry, and we are protected by the same laws, fight under the same banner, and are no less beloved of the same king; our temporal pay may be less, put perhaps our spiritual pay is more. “Ye are our epistle written on our hearts,” the paper on which these things are written. Christ and his word are the writing; the Apostle says it is the heart; I will write my laws on their hearts;—hence the prayer, Lord have mercy upon us and write all these thy laws on our hearts we beseech thee? The first law wrote on the heart is the moral law; this is sent home to shew us our sin and danger, to point out our state, and make us feel our guilt. By the law is the knowledge of sin; I had not known it but for the law; under this tuition we are, till Jesus proclaims liberty from its curse and bondage, then we are at liberty to serve him as sons and not as slaves, in imputed righteousness, in the spirit of holiness and in filial fear. This is the design of the liberty of the Gospel: Christ formed in the heart—faith wrought, there embracing the atonement, purifying the conscience, whilst a good hope through grace leads and animates us with the purity of mind and conduct; this is the writing on the heart, not merely in the head or outward conduct. A man may have clear notions and a moral conduct, and yet nothing of this writing on the heart, because destitute of the new heart itself. This new heart are the faculties of the soul under the divine influence of the holy spirit. This is the paper or parchment; the understanding is enlightened, the will bent on God-ward, the affections led to Jesus, the thoughts occupied about divine things, and the conscience renewed quickened and made tender. On this heart these impressions are made for ever, the ink used, is the gracious influence of the spirit;—not literal ink, or the ink of human eloquence, nor merely moving the passions or affecting the body; but, the sacred powerful workings of the Holy Ghost; hence the Apostle calls it the demonstration of the spirit; the Saviour calls it shewing the things that are his: this is done in such power as proves it the work of God. All other religion but that which is attended with this power will fall to nothing like the lamps of the foolish virgins. This accounts for the apostacy of many who have run well for a time and then stopped for ever; what the spirit wrote on us can never be broken, or washed off, or erased, it may at times be hid from the possessor and from others, but it will be seen again when the Saviour shines, for it is in his light we are light; the hand that begun this letter will also finish it: hence the Apostle says, he was confident, that he who had begun the good work would finish it. Our spiritual Zerubabel whose hands begun to build, his hands will also finish it. God’s yea and amen in the eternal covenant is manifested in the hearts of all God’s elect people: hence he says;—yea, I have loved thee; this shed abroad in the heart is the spirit’s amen; the believer is thus fitted for glory by a principle of love to and delight in God, Father, Son and Spirit. This letter must be sealed; the seal upon this letter is the secret yet assuring influences of the spirit: hence the Apostle says, after that ye believed ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise; the church is called a fountain sealed, and God seals his law, his new covenant blessings; 1st among his disciples; this sealing is intended to shew that what passes between God and the soul is kept a secret from others:—2nd. the security of these blessings, none can rob us of them, they are secured to us:—3rd the assurance of interest in these mercies; this secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will shew them his covenant the work of God on the heart, agreeing with the word, the spirit blesses us with a holy confidence that our experience is genuine, that Jesus is ours, and we are his, that we are interested in the promises of a faithful God, and we believe and are _sure_, that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. This is the seal, the secret, the hidden, the deep the sure things of God; this makes known to us his love, it is his own mark,—his own seal,—our security from the vengeance of the Almighty, when his desolating judgment go through the land,—our security from eternal death, and secures our redemption from the grave. Grieve not, the holy spirit whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption;—truly dreadful and presumptuous, are those who attempt to imitate this seal of the spirit; particularly a certain pretended Prophetess who attempts to seal those who embrace her lies, by writing certain words, and assuring her deluded followers they are to be made heirs of God, and joint-heirs of Christ; whereas the Lord’s elect Have been made so from all eternity, and it is the blessed work of the holy spirit to assure the conscience of its eternal security in Christ.—Not written on a piece of paper which may be lost, stolen, worn out, or burnt, but the seal of the spirit will stand for ever. “When the last fire burns all things here, These letters shall securely stand, And in the Lamb’s fair book appear, Wrote by the Eternal Father’s hand.” We notice the direction on it, to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Covenant Elect Head, the Redeemer and Saviour of poor lost sinners, whose I am by gift, by purchase, by power, by conquest, and dedication, first presented to him by the adorable Father in the counsels of peace; then by the eternal spirit at my conversion, and having his image written on my soul. I am directed to him as my owner, my portion, my master, my eternal all,—from him I derived my spiritual life; to him I am devoted, I am his sole property and shall be to him a praise, a glory and honour according as he purposed from all eternity that I should be to the praise and glory of his own grace, formed for himself, to shew forth his praise, this is the direction written by the spirit, and as the soul now rises often to him in sweet affection, so it will at death, when the writing is finished, and to all eternity rivers of love, joy, and satisfaction will flow from him to his dear elect, so it will sweetly return to him again. “The place from whence the rivers flow, Thither they return again.” Those who will carry these letters home and deliver them to whom they are directed, are doubtless the elect angels,—these attend the church of God individually from the moment of their birth, till their glorification. The promise of the Father to Jesus, as the head belongs to the body, he shall give his angels charge concerning thee to keep thee in all thy ways. At our conversion they rejoice,—on the ministry of the gospel they attend,—round the dying beds of God’s people they wait,—till they perform the last act of friendship to their souls, by conducting them through into the hands and glory of their Lord. “It came to pass the beggar died and was carried by angels into Abraham’s Bosom.” They will doubtless be employed in the resurrection of the body, hence the command, “gather the wheat into my barns.” “They leave the dust, and on the wing, Rise to the middle air; In shining garments meet their King, And now adore him there. O may my humble spirit stand, Amongst them cloth’d in white; The meanest place at his right hand, Is infinite delight.” Third. Its publicity,—known and read of all men. Ye who have been called out of darkness into marvellous light by our ministry, and show forth his praises who has called you by a separation from the world, by a change of principle and practice. You have been observed, and thousands have seen the change, and wondered at the cause; they knew what you once were; they see what you now are; they gaze, they are astonished, and obliged to acknowledge the change;—many hate it, though they cannot but own it is the finger of God. The Deist ridicules this work as enthusiasm;—the Libertine as mere bigotry;—he learned consider it as foolishness;—the Pharisee considers the principles which produce these effects as antinomian, though they have produced such glorious consequences and it is very remarkable that in all ages the great work of the Holy Ghost has been the subject of ridicule of its professed votaries. And even in the present day some have called it mental intoxication. But this work upon the soul produces in its happy possessor the faith of God’s elect; a good hope through grace,—fervent love to God,—unfeigned humility and gospel charity or love to the household of faith,—it reclaims it converts,—it turns a man’s feet to God’s testimonies enables him to deal justly with God, by making use of the work of Christ,—to deal justly with man in all his outward actions, and whilst his faith receives the Saviour’s obedience as the end of the law, he loves that law of Ten commandments after the inward man, (for by faith, love and obedience in the spirit every law of God is fulfilled in him), and by him receiving the atonement in his conscience, the ceremonial law is fulfilled in its design, embracing the obedience of Christ, the moral law is fulfilled in him; the laws of faith, love, liberty, kindness and peace are all manifested to him, and he loves them all. Great peace are they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them. He feels himself bound by the law of love to walk in all holy obedience to the laws of Christ, even the preceptive parts of the New Testament; thus he loves and obeys every law of God, nor is he, nor can he be against one law of God that is revealed in God’s most holy word. This is the doctrine Paul preached, and these are the sentiments God has been pleased to reveal to my soul, and enabled me to preach constantly and faithfully, and this every real believer must confess, that ever heard me unprejudiced: does not this give the lye to all those preachers in Town and Country who have falsely reported that I am an antinomian in principle, and are continually maintaining antinomian sentiments; but I bless God none can prove me an antinomian, either in principle or practice; but it is a lamentable truth constantly seen, viz. that those who belie a man’s principles, will not scruple to belie a man’s practice. Mark this ye enemies in black; perhaps God has enable me to perform as many, and more good works, than those who oppose me, though they talk more about them than I do. Mr. Evans in his Sketch of all Denominations has given us an account of the sect called antinomians; but let any impartial Christian read that account and the above description of a believer, and then charge me with antinomianism if they dare. The best description I ever read of an antinomian, was written by the late Mr. Huntington, in his Sermon:—“Moses unveiled in the face of Christ;” which was afterwards printed in that best of Periodical Publications, the Gospel Magazine, for the Month of November 1798, and which I take the liberty to present to my readers. _A Description of an Antinomian_. A real Antinomian in the sight of God, is one who _holds the truth in unrighteousness_, who has Gospel notions in his head but no grace in his heart: he is one that makes a profession of Christ Jesus, but was never purged by his blood, renewed by his spirit, nor saved by his power. With him _carnal ease_ passes for _Gospel peace_; _a natural assent_ of the mind for faith; _insensibility_ for _liberty_; and _daring presumption_ for the _grace of assurance_. He is alive without the law, the sentence of the _moral law_ having never been sent home to him. The _law_ of _faith_ was never sealed _on_ him; the _law_ of _truth_ was never received _by_ him; nor the _law_ of _liberty_ proclaimed _to_ him.—He was never arraigned at, nor taken from, the _throne_ of _judgment_—He was never justified at the _throne_ of _grace_, nor acquitted at the _bar_ of _equity_.—The tremendous attribute of righteousness was never _seen_ or felt _by_ him; the righteousness of the law was never fulfilled _in_ him; the righteousness of the law was never fulfilled _by_ him; the righteousness of faith was never imputed _to_ him; nor the _fruits_ of righteousness brought forth _by_ him. He is an enemy to the power of God, to the experience of the just and to every minister of the spirit; and is in union with none but hypocrites, whose uniting ties are _the gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity_. He is one that often changes his opinions, but was never changed in heart; he turns to many sects and parties, but never turns to God. In word he is false to Satan, in _heart_ he is false to God: false to Satan by uttering truth, and false to God by a false profession. He is a false reprover in the world, and in the household of faith a false brother. He is a child of Satan in the congregation of dissemblers, and a bastard in the congregation of the righteous. By mouth he contends for a covenant that cannot save him, and in heart he hates the covenant that can. His head is at mount Calvary, his heart and soul at mount Sinia. He is a pharisee at Horeb, and a hypocrite in Zion; he is a transgressor of the law of works, and a rebel to the law of faith; a sinner by the ministry of the letter, and an unbeliever by the ministry of the spirit. As a _wicked servant_ he is _cursed_ by the _eternal law_; and as an _infidel_ he is _damned_ by the everlasting gospel: and this is a real antinomian in the sight of God. “The Apostle of old was charged with saying let us do evil that good may come:” this he calls a slanderous report invented and circulated by those preachers and people who are all zealous for that law which forbids their lies. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” I thought it necessary to discuss this point, to contradict the fiery flying serpents of infamous lies, that many holy kind of people have industriously circulated with great care, pains, and expence; is not the accusation of worldly men, which they bring against professors too true? they will not swear it is true, but they will lie. The doctrines the Lord has taught me he has blessed with power to many souls; the change has been seen, nor could it be denied they have been read of others. The world has seen the glorious effects of sovereign grace; the church has admired and blessed God for it; angels have united in the joy. These letters have been read by ministers who have been obliged to acknowledge them genuine, even the writing of God’s Spirit; and in fact, none can read the hand writing on the wall of the heart, but spiritual Daniels; others see the effect only in the outward conduct, but these see the work itself. “Great is the work, my neighbours cried, And owned the power divine, Great is the work, my heart replied, But be the glory thine.” These letters will be read, in the last great day;—they will appear in his image;—awake up in his likeness, and be satisfied with his smiles. The image in which the person dies, he will rise in at the last great day,—whether the image of God or Satan; thousands will rise in the image of the devil, just as they died in a state of enmity against the Most High God;—these are the rest of the dead that lived not again till the thousand years are expired, then Satan and all the wicked will be released from their prison; come upon the breadth of the earth;—compass the beloved city, and foolishly suppose they can take possession of it. Satan who begun this work by deceiving, will end it in deceiving, and this will be the last act of his deception; the image of the devil will be found on all his children; an image God hates, will reject and punish but those who bear the image of the heavenly Adam; those who love this image, will be seen, known, and acknowledged;—the adorable Father will acknowledge the object of his choice, the Saviour;—the purchase of his own blood, the holy spirit;—the work of his own hand, the ministers of the gospel will see and rejoice in the characters they were useful to, the whole election of grace will be received with the joyful welcome, “Come ye blessed;” the ungodly will see them exalted, and be obliged to say, “Oh we fools:”—counted their life madness, and their end without honour. But now they are numbered with the saints, and their lot is with the children of God; thus they will be known and read of all men. Amen. * * * * * _FINIS_. * * * * * POSTSCRIPT. _THE Author begs leave inform the Religious Public_, _that he is happy he has an opportunity of contradicting the_ (_Ipswich tidings_) _lately published in a scurrilous Pamphlet: as three respectable persons waited on the Accuser_, _and he promptly denied what had been published and widely insinuated_. _Shortly after_, _three other Gentlemen went to Ipswich_, _but could not see him_, _only_, _they were allowed to converse with him_, _through the medium of his Father_, _who shewed him what had been printed_; _and his last confession before the three last witnesses_: _when he_ DECLARED _that he knew nothing of the_ FORMER, _but that his_ LAST _confession was the_ TRUTH. _The Author laments that his former friends should be so imposed upon_,—_that so much discord_, _and a separation should take place_, _through artful and malicious characters_, _merely to gain an end_. _But such have their reward_. _Likewise it is necessary to declare_, _that the Gentlemen_, _before whom the former confession was made_, _were not the authors of that confession_, _as has been most grossly insinuated in the town where they reside_. _And as to an investigation_, _law-suits_, _and clearing up of characters_, _the accused has no objection to this_, _upon condition that every one of his opponents will first set him the_ EXAMPLE, _but till then_, _he shall certainly take the sacred scriptures for his rule of conduct_, _and pray for more of that charity which endureth all things_. * * * * * B. Bennett, Printer, 23, Tichborne Street, Haymarket. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE LIVING LETTER, WRITTEN WITH THE PEN OF TRUTH *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg™ electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG™ concept and trademark. Project Gutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if you charge for an eBook, except by following the terms of the trademark license, including paying royalties for use of the Project Gutenberg trademark. 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