The Project Gutenberg eBook of Mason's Norwich General and Commercial Directory & Handbook This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Mason's Norwich General and Commercial Directory & Handbook Author: R. Hindry Mason Release date: June 14, 2020 [eBook #62401] Language: English Credits: Transcribed from the 1852 Mason’s edition by David Price. Many thanks to Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library, UK, for kindly allowing their copy to be used for this transcription *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MASON'S NORWICH GENERAL AND COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY & HANDBOOK *** Transcribed from the 1852 Mason’s edition by David Price, email Many thanks to Norfolk and Norwich Millennium Library, UK, for kindly allowing their copy to be used for this transcription. [Picture: Book cover] MASON’S NORWICH GENERAL AND COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY & HANDBOOK, INCLUDING THE HAMLETS OF EARLHAM, EATON, HEIGHAM, HELLESDON, LAKENHAM, POCKTHORPE, THORPE, TROWSE, CARROW, AND BRACONDALE. * * * * * * * * * * ENTERED AT STATIONERS’ HALL. * * * * * * * * * * PRICE, TO SUBSCRIBERS, TWO SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE, TO NON-SUBSCRIBERS, THREE SHILLINGS. * * * * * * * * * * LONDON: PUBLISHED BY THE PROPRIETOR, AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1852. * * * * * LONDON: ADLARD AND PALMER, PRINTERS, 35A, LUDGATE HILL. * * * * * THE immense utility of a DIRECTORY, in a city of such great importance as NORWICH, can only be fairly estimated by those who, having felt the need, have had occasion to regret the want, which the Publisher hopes this work will be found to supply. Every endeavour has been made to render the NORWICH DIRECTORY AND HANDBOOK as complete and perfect a work of reference as possible, without regard to expense; and it is hoped that, notwithstanding occasional and trivial errors,—some owing to the changes which are daily taking place, and others which will creep into all such books, in spite of the utmost diligence,—it will be received in a liberal spirit. The usefulness of this DIRECTORY AND HANDBOOK will doubtless be considerably extended in future editions. _London_, _April_, 1852. CONTENTS. PAGE NORWICH GENERAL DIRECTORY 5 ,, COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY 61 THE HANDBOOK: Bethel Hospital 7 Borough Court 9 Carriers to and from Norwich 11 Census—1852, &c. 20 Chamber of Commerce 17 Charities Trustees 6 City Mission 9 CLERGY LIST. Cathedral and Churches 10 Offices of Archdeaconries 10 Churches in the Hamlets 13 Chapels of Ease 13 Suburban Churches 14 Coaches to and from Norwich 18 Corporation of Norwich 3 Counsel attending Norfolk and Norwich 21 Assizes ,, ,, Sessions 21 County Court 8 Cruelty to Animals, Auxiliary Society for 8 the Prevention of Dissenting Chapels 14 Distances of Market Towns in Norfolk from 21 Norwich Dwelling Houses, Duty on 23 Eye Infirmary, Norfolk and Norwich 9 Government School of Design 8 Guardians of the Poor, Corporation of the 4 Haven and Pier Commissioners 4 Horticultural Society, Norfolk and Norwich 8 Hospital, Norfolk and Norwich 7 Indigent Blind, Institution for the 8 Inland Revenue Office 9 Juries, Persons exempt from serving on 23 Justices of the Peace 4 Library, Public 8 List of Parishes, with the Streets in each 1 Museum, Norfolk and Norwich 9 Norfolk, County of 21 People’s College 7 Post Office 19 Ragged Schools 8 Registration 21 Registration Districts and Registrars 3 Savings’ Bank 7 ,, Interest Table 23 Stamps and Taxes 22 Stamp Office 9 Vans and Omnibusses 18 Witnesses upon Trials, Rule of Allowance to 23 Young Man’s Institute 7 MASON’S NORWICH GENERAL DIRECTORY. ABBOTT, Mrs. Clementina, 3 Albion-terrace, Mount Pleasant, Eaton Abbott, Rev. John, Roman catholic priest, St. John’s Maddermarket Abbott, Rev. Robert, minister of the New Jerusalem Church, Belle Vue, the Greenhills Abbott, William, boot and shoe manufacturer, 22, Magdalen-street Abel, David, upholsterer, cabinet maker, &c. Pottergate street Abel, Frederick, brush manufacturer, St. Gregory’s Church-alley Abel, John, horse dealer, _Rising Sun_, Chapelfield-road Abrahams, Benjamin, watch and clock maker and working jeweller, 1 Bethel st. Absolon, Edward, Muspole street Adams, James, stone and marble mason, Chapelfield-road Adams, Miss Frances, 5, Bank-street Adcock, Daniel, segar maker, 3 Charles-street, Dereham-road Adcock, Thomas, _Prince of Orange_, King street Addison, Thomas, Esq. 3 Foundry-road, Thorpe Adwick, Thomas, saddle, harness and whip manufacturer, 8 Davey-place Aggs, Lucy, Miss, Castle-meadow Ainsworth, Ann, tobacconist, Back of the Inns Alden, Edward, baker, St. Martin-at-Oak Alden, James, boot-tree and last maker, Ber-street Alden, Robert, carriage-lamp maker and brazier, St. Stephen’s plain Alden, William, porter, Rose-lane Aldis, James, plasterer, Princes-street Aldis, staymaker—see Kidd and Aldis Aldous, Charles and John Fuller, carpenters and cabinet makers, 7 Surrey-road Aldrich, John, grocer; &c. West Pottergate-street Aldridge, John, 5, Trafalgar-street, Lakenham Alexander, Rev. John, (Independent), Gildengate-street Algar, Robert, baker, Princes-street Allwood, Thomas, subsacrist of the Cathedral, Lower Close Allcock, Trivett, Esq. Tombland Allen, George, manufacturer, St. Stephen’s back-street, and Wounded Hart-lane; res: St. Stephen’s-street Allen, Henry, groat manufacturer and corn merchant, Magdalen-street Allen, John, butcher, Tombland Allen, John, grocer and chandler, Upper Westwick street Allen, John, turner, Tombland church-yard Allen, John, guard, Norfolk railway, Thorpe road Allen, Thomas House, tailor and draper—see Allen and Banks; res: Buxton-lodge, Norfolk Allen, — Esq. Mile End-lane, Eaton Allen, manufacturer—see Rowling & Allen Allen and Banks, tailors and woollen-drapers, 20 and 21 London-street Allison, Sophia, cutler and surgical instrument maker, St. Peter’s-steps, Market-pl. Allthorpe, Thomas, baker, King-street Ames, Daniel, Esq. 1 Willow-place, Lakenham Amies, John, carpenter and builder, Southwell-street, Lakenham Amy, Joseph, cooper, _Castle_, Spitalfields, Pockthorpe Amy, Thomas, cooper, Magdalen-street Anderson, John, wholesale and retail tea dealer, St. Martin’s palace-plain Andrews, Charles, tea-dealer and grocer, 54 St. Stephen’s-street Andrews, George Frederick, clerk, Victoria-street Andrews, Thomas, Esq. 3 St. Stephen’s-square Andrews, Thomas, shop-keeper, St. Faith’s lane Andrews, William, Golden Dog-lane Andrews, William, horse-breaker, Westlegate-street Andrews & French, soap makers, Fishgate-street Angell, Joseph, plumber, glazier & painter, Middle-street, St. George’s Annison, Daniel Mackenzie, plumber, glazier, writer, grainer and painter, 3 Cherry-street, St. Mark’s, New Lakenham Annison, David, boot & shoemaker, Mousehold Annison, John, _Sportsman_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Answorth, manufacturer—see Middleton and Answorth Anthony, William, wine and spirit merchant, Upper Market Archer, Jesse, butcher, Pitt-street Archer, William, _Coachmakers’ Arms_, St. Stephen’s-gate Archdall, Rev. George, D.D., canon of Norwich Cathedral, Upper Close Armstrong, William, tea-dealer and draper, Colegate-street Arnold, Edward, chemist, Orford-hill Arnold, Maria, brewer, wine and spirit merchant, St. Margaret’s-plain Arnold Mary R., _William the Fourth_, Middle-street, St. Augustine’s Ashen, Robert, brazier, St. Stephen’s-street Asker, Arthur, coach trimmer, Chapelfield-road Asker Elizabeth, _Swan_, St. Peter’s Mancroft Asker, Harriett Jane, glove manufacturer and hosier, 20 Gentleman’s-walk Asker, Mrs. Frances, Newmarket-road Asker, Samuel Hurry, attorney and solicitor, St. Giles’-street; res: Chapelfield-grove Aspin, Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Albion-terrace, Mount Pleasant, Eaton Athow, John, Esq., Castle-street Athow, Edward John, wine merchant, Castle-street, Back of the Inns Atkin, James, draper, St. Benedict’s-street Atkins, Matthew, baker, Upper Westwick-street Atkins, Richard, carpenter and builder, 27 Bethel-street Atkinson, James G., Manchester and Scotch warehouseman, Jay’s-court, Brigg’s-street Atkinson, John Goldsmith, solicitor, agent to the Church of England Life and Fire Office, Post office-street Aufrère, Miss, Upper King-street August, Alfred, ironmonger, 23 St. Stephen’s street August, John and William, building contractors, Unthank’s-road, and August-street, Julian-place Austin, Emily, dressmaker, Golden Ball-lane, St. George’s Austin, Harriett, _Queen Caroline_, St. Martin-at-Oak Austin, Temperance, dressmaker, Gildengate-street Austrin, Anne, drapery and stay warehouse, 5, Oxford-hill Avey, Thomas, grocer and tea-dealer, 9, Ber-street Aylmer, John, _Black Horse_, Tombland Ayton, James, clerk of the Corn Exchange, Pottergate-street, and Corn Exchange-rooms * * * * * BACK, John Alfred, Esq. 18, St. Giles’-street Back & Co., family grocers, foreign wine and spirit merchants, Haymarket Bacon, Edmund and Edward, sacking manufacturers and merchants, 3, Davey-place, and Gaol-hill, Market-place Bacon, Nicholas, Esq. Bracondale Bacon, Richard Noverre, proprietor and publisher of the _Norwich Mercury_—see Bacon and Kinnebrook; res: Upper Surrey-street Bacon & Kinnebrook, proprietors of the _Norwich Mercury_, printers, booksellers, and stationers, 12, London-street Bagshaw, George, bone mills, artificial manure works, rag merchants, &c., Coslany street Bagshaw, Joseph, fish-salesman, game-dealer, and fruiterer, St. Stephen’s-street Bailey, Anthony, cashier in the East of England Bank, Heigham Cottage, Newmarket-road Bailey, Elijah Crosier, solicitor; clerk to Norwich Corporation of Guardians; secretary to the Norfolk Agricultural Association; Little Orford-street Bailey, Isaac, builder, West Pottergate-street Bailey, Isaac, schoolmaster, St. Andrew’s-hill Bailey, William, accountant, 5, Foundry-bridge-road Baker, Charles, register office for servants, Princes-street Baker, James, butcher, _Bess of Bedlam_, St. Martin’s-at-Oak Baker, John, Esq. Point Cottage, Surrey-road Baker, John, Esq. 16, Victoria-street, Lakenham Baker, William, Torrington’s-court, St. Simon’s Baker & Hornor, wholesale and retail ironmongers, &c., Post Office-street Baker, Mrs. Maria, 13 Chapelfield-road Baker, Mrs. lodging-house keeper, White House, Spitalfields Baldly, Elizabeth, teacher of music and dancing, St. Giles’-street Baldry, William, livery-stable keeper, Crescent-road Baldry, William, land surveyor, St. Giles’-street Baldry, William, surveyor, Gildengate-street Baldwin, Anthony Samuel, builder, &c. All Saints-green Baldwin, Henry, baker, St. Martin-at-Oak Baldwin, William, _Distillery_, Distillery-street Bales, Jonathan, _Wine Coopers’ Arms_, St. Augustine’s-street Bales, William, governor of the Girls’ Home for the Destitute and Orphan, Upper Heigham Ball, George, butcher, Upper Westwick-street Balls, Alexander, _Rose_, King-street Balls, Daniel, builder, &c. West Pottergate-street Balls, Edward Joseph, bankers’ clerk, Castle-Meadow Ball, Mrs. Elizabeth, Colegate-street Balls, Robert, banker and bill-broker, Weston’s-court, St. Peter’s Mancroft; res: 72, St. Giles’-street Balls, Robert, tailor, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ Balls, Susanna, shoe manufacturer, Bridge-street, St. George’s Balls, William, umbrella and parasol maker, Bull-Close Bambridge, John, law clerk, Willow-lane Bancalari, Domenico, baker, Ber-street Banham, George, wine and dry cooper, and brewer, 2½, Lower King-street, St. Peter per Mountergate Banks, Mrs. Mary, 1 Grove-place-terrace Banks, William, tailor and woollen draper—see Allen and Banks Barber, Charles James, accountant, 1, Albion-terrace, Mount Pleasant, Eaton Barber, George, Esq. Thorpe-road Barber, James, accountant, 32, Victoria-street, St. Stephen’s Barber, (John) and Sons, merchants and wholesale grocers, Lamb Inn-yard, Old Haymarket Barber, John Lee, cotton manufacturer and corn merchant, St. Martin’s-lane and Haymarket; res: Duke-street Barber, John, _Three Tuns_, Lower King-street Barber, William, bricklayer, _White Lion_, Palace-plain Barbour, James, stone mason, _Globe_, Botolph-street Bardwell, George Syder, rent and debt collector and general agent, 1, Priest’s-buildings, St. Stephen’s-road—(see advertisement) Bardwell, George, coal merchant, 3, Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s Bardwell, Everett, solicitor, the Close Barker, Benjamin, woollen and Manchester warehouseman, 1, York Tavern-passage, Orford-hill; res: New Lakenham Barker, Henry, _Earl of Leicester_, Dereham-road Barker, James, tailor and draper, Muspole-street Barker, James, _King’s Arms_, Hall-lane, Lakenham Barker, James, _Man in the Moon_, Duke-street Barker, John, Esq. Mount Pleasant, Eaton Barker, John, agent to Stapleton’s London Champagne establishment, Chapelfield Barker, John George, boot and shoemaker, 3, St. Stephen’s-street Barker, Mrs. Martha, St. Benedict’s-plain Barker, Samuel, baker, St. Mary’s-plain Barker, Samuel, _Brazen Door_, Upper Surrey-street Barker, Thomas, hotpresser, Coslany-street Barker, William, _Bull’s Head_, Ber-street Barker & Barnes, wholesale shoe manufacturers, 1, York Tavern-passage, Oxford-hill Barker, hatter, &c.—see Browne & Barker Barker, Robert, plumber and glazier; register office for servants; Orford-hill Barley, Christopher, wine and spirit merchant, _Fleece_, Bridewell-alley—(see advertisement) Barlow, Richard Jeremiah, collector of rates and taxes, St. Margaret’s-street Barnard & Bishop, general ironmongers, smiths, ironfounders, wire-workers, and tinmen, 3 Gentleman’s-walk, and Calvert street Barnard & Boulton, ironmongers, London-street Barnard, Charles, _Champion_ wine vaults, Chatham-place, St. Stephen’s-gate Barnard, Dennis, auctioneer, valuer, and agent, Castle-street; res: Bracondale Barnard, John, hay and corn merchant, Golden Ball-street Barnard, John, dealer in game and in marine stores, Wensum-street and Fishgate-street Barnard, John Cuthbert, accountant, Lower Westwick-street Barnard, Mrs. Sophia, William-street Barnard, Stephen, last maker, Coslany-street Barnes, James, shoemaker, 5, St. James’s-street Barnes, John, iron and brass founder, Fishgate-street; res: St. George’s Colegate Barnes, John Edward, _Greyhound_, Ber-street Barnes, Miss, Bracondale Barnes, Mary, _Wool Pack_, St. George’s Colegate Barnes, shoe manufacturer—see Barker and Barnes Barnes, Mrs. Mary, 1, Upper Surrey-street Barnham, James Calthorpe, attorney—see Watson & Barnham; res: Grove Cottage, St. Stephen’s-road Barnham, John, carver and gilder, Brazen-door-road Barnham, Mrs., Magdalen-street Barnsdale, Anne, matron of the Orphan’s Home, 54, St. Benedict’s-street Barrett, John, _Cross Keys_, Magdalen-street Barthropp, Mrs. Marianne, Chapelfield-road Barton, Mrs. Hannah, Newmarket-road Barwell, (John) & Son, wine merchants, &c., St. Stephen’s-street; res: Surrey-street Base, Samuel, postmaster of Norwich, Post Office, Post Office-street Base, William, boot maker, St. Michael-at-Coslany Basey, James, carver, Elm-hill Basey, Robert, bootmaker, _King’s Head_, Magdalen-street Basingthwaite, Edward, _King’s Arms_, Bethel-street Bassingthwaite, William, wholesale boot and shoe maker, 56, St. Stephen’s-street Bassett, Henry, Esq., Stone-hill, Heigham Batchelder, Mrs. Sarah, 5, Newmarket-terrace, Heigham Batcheler, Rev. T. J., Upper King-street Bateman, Benjamin, tea-dealer and spice merchant, 2, Gentleman’s-walk—(see advertisement) Bateman, John & James G. J., yarn and silk merchants, Gildengate-street Batley, William, chair manufacturer, Lower Westwick-street Batley, William, junr., chair manufacturer, Muspole-street Batson, Edward, corn-dealer, Magdalen-street Batson, James, cabinet maker, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Batson, John, grocer, &c. Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Batson, Potter, miller and corn chandler, 7, Tabernacle-street Batterbee, James, boot and shoe maker, Upper Westwick-street Baxter, John James, chemist and druggist, Upper Westwick-street Baxter, John, butcher, Ber-street Baxter, Maria, baker, Brazen-door, Lakenham Baxter, Neville Plummer, artist in fireworks, Brazen-door-road Baxter, William, coal-merchant, King-street Bayes, (Elizabeth) & Sons, woollen drapers, tailors, clothiers, and cap manufacturers, 4, Orford-hill and Red Lion-street Bayes, Louisa, furrier, Oak-street Bayes, William, hairdresser, Oak-street Bayfield, Ann, baker, Ber-street Bayfield, (Ann) & Sons, ironmongers, dealers in oil and colours, &c., Magdalen-street Bayfield, John Freeman, accountant, King-street Bayfield, Shearman, fish-salesman, Sussex-street Bayliss, Andrew, grocer, 3, Trafalgar-street, New Lakenham Bayliss, Henry, accountant and valuer, Old Hay-hill; res: Lakenham Bayne, Alexander D. Esq., reporter, St. Benedict’s-road Beals, Thomas, Esq. 2, York-place Bean, china-dealer—see Brundell & Bean Bean, Mrs. Susanna, Dereham-road-terrace Bean, Samuel, _Yarmouth Bridge_, Red Lion-street Beare, Miss Amelia, Gildengate-street Beare, Mrs. Elizabeth, 2, Trafalgar-place, Lakenham Beare, Samuel Shalders, currier and leather merchant, Bridge-street, St. George’s; res: Town Close Beart, Robert Haywood, merchant, Bethel-street Beaty, Henry, decorative painter and japanner, 14, Little London-street Beaumont, John, butcher, St. Catharine’s-plain Beckham, Robert John, coal merchant, Magdalen-street Beckham, Benjamin, _Angel_, New Catton, St. Clement’s Beckwith, Augustus Adolphus Hamilton, solicitor—see Beckwith & Co. Beckwith & Co., solicitors, Palace-street, St. Martin’s-at-Palace Beckwith, Mrs., Foundry-road Beddingfield, John, commercial traveller, All Saints-green Beddingfield, Nelson, postmaster, Westlegate-street Bedford, Mrs. Charlotte, Fern-hill Cottage, Eaton Bedford, Phillip, coppersmith, brazier, tin and iron-plate worker, and gas-fitter, Pottergate-street Beesley, Mrs. Maria, Unthank’s-road Beeston, John, general commission agent, Chapelfield Opening Beeston, Rosamond, milliner, Chapelfield Opening Beeton, John, _Wild Man_, Pottergate-street Boha, Lorenz, watch and clock maker, St. Stephen’s-plain Belding, William, wholesale and retail grocer, tea-dealer, and cheesefactor, 1, Magdalen-street, and St. Edmunds; res: St. Clement’s-hill, Catton Bell, John Crawford, surgeon, Princes-street Bell, John, horticulturist, Mousehold Bell, John, _Cat and Fiddle_, Botolph-street Bell, John, bootmaker, _Sir John Barleycorn_, St. James’s Bell, Matthew, _Moulder’s Arms_, Ber-street Bell, Mrs. Ann, fruiterer, Red Lion-street Bell, Robert, watch maker and jeweller, 11, Davey-place, and Bridge-st., St. Andrew’s Bell, Rebecca, carpenter and builder, Peacock-street Bell, William, physician and surgeon, St. Stephen’s-road Bellman, Fanny, St. Leonard’s Cottage, Mousehold Bending, Thomas, schoolmaster, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Benest, Edward E., C.E., surveyor to the Corporation and Local Board of Health, 24, Castle Meadow Benjamin, James, working jeweller, St. Andrew’s-street Benles, Francis, warehouseman, 8 Victoria-street Bennett & Bream, wholesale grocers, tea-dealers, &c., Upper Market Bennett, Austin, shoemaker, _Tuns_, Whitefriars’-street Bennett, Edward, junr., grocer, 2 Windsor-terrace, Grove-road Bennett, Edward, grocer, Newmarket-road Bennett, Henry, schoolmaster, Gildengate-street Bennett, Robert, baker, West Pottergate-street Bennett, Samuel, baker, Pump-street Bennett, William, Bennett’s commercial boarding-house, 12 and 13, Exchange-street—(see advertisement) Bennett William, and Son, tailors and leech importers, corner of Wensum-street, Tombland Bensley, Charles, Esq., St. Stephen’s-street Bensley, George, hat manufacturer and hosier, 16, London-street Bensley, John, Esq., Mousehold Bensley, Robert, Esq., Newmarket-road Bensley, Thomas, Esq., Thorpe-road Berry, George John, baker, Rising Sun-lane Berry, James, bellman, 2, Horn’s-lane, Ber-street Berry, Other Windsor, bankers’ clerk, 2, Windsor-place, Lakenham Bessey, James Hayn, merchant, 102, Pottergate-street Betts, Charles, _Lord John Russell_, Dereham-road Betts, David C., clerk, St. Clement’s Church-alley Betts, Henry, grocer and tea-dealer, Southwell-street, Lakenham Betts, John, draper, Albion-house, Market-place Betts, John, register office for servants, and dealer in tea, 27, Castle-meadow Betts, John, baker, Coslany-street Betts, John, bricklayer, West Pottergate-street Betts, Osborn, willow pill box manufacturer, Waterloo-road, St. Clement’s, New-Catton Betts, Thomas, hairdresser, 7, Little London-street Bevan, Robert, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Magdalen-street Bevoy, William Mills, plasterer, &c., Peacock-street Benfield, John, cabinet maker, Union-place Bianchi, Giovanni, modeller and figure maker, Bridge-street, St. George’s Bidewell, Mrs. Elizabeth, William-street, Heigham Bidwell, George, _Swan_, Magdalen-street Bidwell, John, sack manufacturer, Calvert-street Bidwell, Joseph, engraver, copper-plate printer, and lithographer, Bethel-street Biggs, Mrs. Mary, 7, St. Stephen’s-square Bignold, Edward Samuel, solicitor—see Field and Bignold; res: Bracondale Bignold, Samuel, secretary to the Norwich Union Fire and Life offices, Surrey-street Bignold, Thomas, solicitor, South End-terrace, Lakenham Bilby, William, hairdresser, Pitt-street Bilham, John, master of the Guardians’ Infirmary and Asylum, St. Clement’s Bingham, Thomas, tailor and draper, Post office-street Bird, Bailey, saw-mills, Mousehold Bird, John, Esq., Gildengate-street Bird, Michael, innkeeper, _Carrow_-gardens, Carrow Bird, Jane, shirt and collar maker, Timberhill-street Bishop, George, draper, silk-mercer, and children’s dress warehouse, 2, Haymarket (see advertisement) Bishop, John, ironmonger, Market-place and Calvert-street: res: Foundry-road Bishop, ironmonger, &c.—see Barnard and Bishop Bishop, Thomas, builder, St. Paul’s; res: Calvert-street Bishop, William Ames, builder and carpenter, Magdalen-street Bishop, Rev. William, Holl’s-lane, Heigham Black & Co., confectioners, Gentleman’s-walk Black, William, Esq., the Crescent, St. Stephen’s Blake & Everett, silk and worsted finishers, St. George’s Middle-street Blake, Keith, & Blake, solicitors, the Chantry, St. Stephen’s Blake, Edward and Robert Wiffen, mohair and worsted spinners, Colegate-street; res: Tultington-hall, Aylsham Blake, E. and W. R., yarn mills, Old Lakenham Blake, George, brick manufacturer, Surrey-road, Lakenham, Sprowston, and Rockland Blake, George, bricklayer, Newmarket-road Blake, James, _Pheasant Cock_, Ber-street Gates Blake, John Joseph, solicitor—see Blake, Keith & Blake, Chantry; res: Palace-street Blake, Jonathan, surgeon, Mount-pleasant, Eaton Blake, Joseph, Esq., Pottergate-street Blake, Robert, merchant, Magdalen-street Blake, Robert, butcher, Lower Westwick-street Blake, Francis John, solicitor and commissioner for taking acknowledgments of deeds by married women, Upper King-st Blakely, Edward, 15 & 16, London-street, and 7, Conduit-street, Regent-st., London; res: Thorpe Blakely, Edward Theobald, manufacturer, River House Factory, Duke’s-palace Blakely, the Misses, ladies’ school, 13, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Blanchflower, William, _Cock_, Upper St. Giles’-street Blandon, William, draper and tea-dealer, Ber-street Blazely, Thomas, _Vine_, Church-alley Blazey, Walter, _Golden Fleece_, Fishgate-street Bleakley, Elijah, surgeon, 12, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Bleakley, Page, woolstapler, St. Mary’s Church-alley Bloch, Israel, wholesale jeweller, 48, Pottergate-street Blogg, William, schoolmaster, King-street Blunderfield, Mrs. Amelia, 11, Newmarket-terrace, Heigham Blyth, Bates William, bootmaker, Bethel-st Blyth, John, turnkey city gaol, Oak-street, St. Martin’s Blyth, John, _Jolly Butchers_, Ber-street Blyth, Jonas Norman, _Bird in Hand_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Blyth, Joshua, baker, Adelaide-street, Upper Heigham Blyth, Joshua, baker and confectioner, St. Martin at Oak Blyth, Matthew, paper manufacturer, World’s End-lane Blyth, Robert John, engineer, machinist, and iron-founder, Ber-street Blyth, William, timber and slate merchant, St. Faith’s-lane Blythe, Caleb, _Artichoke_, Magdalen-street Boardman, Benjamin, hat maker, 11, Briggs street Boardman, James, merchant, Newmarket-road Boardman, James Theobald, and Sureham, John, corn and coal merchants, Wensum-street, Tombland, and Soup Office-yard, near Fye-bridge, St. Clement’s Boardman, Mrs. Frances, London-terrace, St. Stephen’s-road Boast, John, _Greenland Fishery_, Coslany-street Boatwright, Elizabeth, milliner and dress-maker, Cowgate-street Boatwright, James, straw hat blocker, Cowgate-street Bolingbroke, C. and F., manufacturers, St. Clement’s Bolingbroke, Charles Nathaniel, manufacturer, St. Clement’s Church-alley; res: Upper St. Giles’-street Bolingbroke, Frederick, manufacturer, St. Clement’s; res: Magdalen-street Bolingbroke, George Errington, wine merchant, &c.—see Norwich Wine Company Bolingbroke, Henry, Esq., Carrow-hill, Bracondale Bolingbroke, Horatio, agent to the Economic Life Assurance Society, St. Clement’s Church-alley; res: 23, St. Giles’-street Bond, Edgar, solicitor, Rampant Horse-street Bond, E., _Goat_, Upper Goat-lane Bond, John, tailor, &c., Davey-place Bond, Harriet, milliner and dress maker, Magdalen-street Bond, Thomas William, Seymour-place, St. Stephen’s-square Bone, Francis, baker, St. Benedict’s street Bone, Nicholas, keeper of St. Peter’s Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Lady-lane Booth, George, accountant, Richmond-place, Lakenham Borking, Thomas, tailor, Willow-lane Borrett, William, confectioner and sugar boiler, Duke-street Boswell, John, whitesmith and bell-hanger, St. Andrew’s-hill; res: Cathedral-close Boswell, Robert, clerk of Christ church, New Catton Boswell, Thomas, toy and carriage manufacturer, St. John’s-street Boswell, William, print-seller, carver, gilder, and looking-glass manufacturer, paper hanger, upholsterer, and artist’s colour-man, Magdalen-street Botwright, J. R., chemist, All Saints-green Botwright, James William, clerk in Inland Revenue office, 31, Victoria-street Boughton, Benjamin N., yeoman, 5, St. Giles’-road Boughton, Samuel, hairdresser and glover, Red Lion-street Boulger, Patrick Joseph, surgeon dentist, Willow-lane Boult, George, tanner, Heigham-street Boulton, William Staples, ironmonger—see Barnard and Boulton; res; 9, Crescent Bowden, John, Esq., Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s Bowen, Henry, _City Arms_, St. Andrew’s-plain Bower, James Garton, accountant, St. Martin’s-lane Bowes, William, harness maker, St. Benedict’s-street Bowgen, John Hart, coal-merchant, 4, Lower Westwick-street Bowhill, Henry, boot and shoe manufacturer, Broad-street Bowles, Ann Elizabeth, ladies-school, 4, Thorpe Terrace, Thorpe-road Bowles, John Sharpe, city missionary, 4, Thorpe-terrace, Thorpe-road Bowsen, James, Unthank’s office, Bank-street Bowtell, Thomas, boot maker, 20 and 21, Davey-place, & 49, Skinner-street, Snow-hill, London Bowthorpe, William, cordwainer, Rose-Valley-terrace, Heigham Bowyen, John Hart, clothier, Lower Westwick-street Boyce, James Stanford, plumber, glazier, and painter; parish clerk of St. Michael at Coslany, Duke-street Boyden, the Misses, seminary for young ladies, Pottergate-street Bradbury, Anne, _Lord Howe_, Upper Westwick-street Bradfield, George, accountant, St. Giles’-hill Bradfield, James, and Frederic Ellmer, clog and patten manufacturer, 10, Little London-street Bradshaw, William, officer of Inland Revenue, 3, Caledonian-place Brady, Alfred T., plumber, glazier, and painter, Redwell-street Branch, James, accountant, Bethel-street Branford, Benjamin, malster, Stamp Office-yard; res: Thorpe-road Bray, Charles, plumber, &c., _White Lion_, White Lion-street Bray, Richard, tailor and draper, 83, St. Giles’-street Bray, Robert, _King’s Arms_, Ber-street Bray, Mrs. Sarah, 7, Sussex-street Bray, William, linen draper, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Bream, grocer and tea dealer—see Bennett and Bream Bream, Henry, grocer, Botolph-street Breame, Henry Israel, grocer, 9, St. Augustine’s-street Brennan, Elizabeth, Berlin repository, 35, London-street Brereton, Rev. Charles, Bracondale, Lakenham Brewster, Lydia, _Whip and Nag_, Tooley-street Breeze, Christmas, dyer, Bridge-street, St. George’s Breeze, Robert, saddler and harness maker, Magdalen-street Bridgman, William Kenceley, surgeon-dentist, 69, St. Giles’-street Bricher, Thomas, builder, St. Benedict’s plain Briggs, —., clerk, Muspole-street Bright, John, carpenter, Earlham-road Brighten, Charles George, baker and confectioner, St. Stephen’s-gates Brighten, Maria, milliner and dress maker, 3, Bethel-street Brighton, Robert, gun maker, Lower Goat-lane—(see advertisement) Brightwell, Thomas, solicitor, Surrey-street Brightwell, Thomas, junr., solicitor, St. Giles’-street Brightwell, Thomas, tailor and broker, 23, Charing-cross Brinkley, James, _Southwell Arms_, Hall-lane, New Lakenham Britcher, John, boat builder, Carrow Brittain, James, agent, Bracondale Brittain, William, _Saracen’s Head_, West Pottergate-street Broadhurst, William, letter-press printer, St. Benedict’s Brock, Samuel, baker, Botolph-street Brock, William, baker and confectioner, 1, Sussex-street, St. Martin-at-Oak Brock, William, coachman, Grout’s-court, Timber-hill Brooke, William, master of the Priory school, Gray Friars’ Priory, King-street Brookes, Miss, farmer, Old Lakenham Brooks, Cooper, currier, Pottergate-street Brooks, John, whitesmith, Golden Ball-street; res: Bracondale Brooks, John, shoeing-smith and farrier, All Saints-street Brooks, Thomas, builder, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Brooks, William, carpenter, Tabernacle street Brooks, William Thomas, builder, 3, St. Faith’s-terrace Broom, Abraham, cooper, Lower Westwick street Browes, Robert, carpenter, _Brickmakers’ Arms_, Brazendoor-road Brown, Ann, dress maker, Sherbourne-place, Mariner’s-lane Brown, Barnabas, baker, 1, Front-row, New Lakenham Brown, Frederick, merchant, King-street; res: Bracondale Brown, Henry, grocer, tea-dealer, and coffee roaster, agent to the Alliance Fire and Life Assurance office, 14, Gentleman’s-walk Brown, Rev. James, B.D., minister of St. Andrew, and hon. canon of Norwich Cathedral, St. Andrew’s Brown, James Eaton, baker, Lower Westwick-street Brown, John, architect, county surveyor, and architect to the Dean and Chapter of Norwich Cathedral, Bank of England-court, Queen-street; res: Chapel Field-grove Brown, James Hopewell, wine-merchant, Redwell-street Brown, John, basket maker, Ber-street Brown, Mrs. Maria Crisp, Bracondale, Lakenham Brown, Mary Ann, bread and biscuit baker, 11, White Lion-street Brown, Robert, bone crusher and merchant, St. Benedict’s-lane; res: 10, Chapel-field Brown, Thomas Cuthbertt, _Boar’s Head_, Surrey-street Brown, Robert, draper’s assistant, Dereham-road Brown, William, draper and tea-dealer, Lower Westwick-street Brown, Isaiah, dyer, Tombland Browne, A., builder, Theatre-street Browne & Barker, hatters and hosiers, London-street Browne, —., Esq., Mount-pleasant, Eaton Browne, John, baker, Philadelphia, St. Clement’s Browne, Rev., P. U., rector of St. Lawrence, Hellesdon Browne, Charles William, paper hanger, French polisher, haberdasher, dealer in toys, &c., 8, St. Augustine’s-street Brownie, Charles, pork butcher, ham and tongue curer, 57, St. Stephen’s-street Browne, Edmund, _Ten Bells_, Upper Westwick-street Browne, Hall, grocer and tallow chandler, Ber-street Browne, Mrs. Ives 2, Upper Close, and Framingham Cottage, Framingham Earl. Browne, (John) & Sons, ironmongers and colourmen, 4, Upper Market Browne, John, carpenter, _Clarence Harbour_, Carrow Browne, Maria, milliner, Bridge-street, St. George’s Browne, Marianne, druggist, St. Catherine’s-plain Browne, Mentor, _Royal Oak_, St. Augustine’s Browne, Rose Ann, _Corn Exchange_, Pottergate-street Browne, Samuel, grocer and tea-dealer, St. Martin’s Palace-plain Browne, Miss Susannah, Close Browne, William, clerk of St. Stephen’s parish, Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s Browne, William, land surveyor, valuer, and lithographer, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s; res: Unthank’s-road Browne, William, dyer, dealer in ironmongery, stationery, and earthenware, 14½, Bridge-street, St. Miles Browne, W. J. Utten, Esq., 1, Crescent, and Bramerton Lodge Browne, Zachariah, bookseller, 115, Ber-street Browne, William, Esq., Ferry-road, Lower Close Brownson, Miss Ann, the Chantry Bruce, William, corn and seed merchant, near Fye-bridge Bruff, Robert, _Lord Camden_, Charing-cross Brundell & Bean, china and earthenware dealers, Up. Market-place Brundell & Boan, pawnbrokers, Pottergate-street, and Upper-walk, Market-place Brundell, Charles, pawnbroker, (see Brundell & Boan)—also managing clerk to the Norwich Union Life Office Brundell, John, tailor, 3, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s Bruning, John, cabinet maker, Grout’s-court, St. John’s Timber-hill Bryan, Joshua, haberdasher and hosier, 8, Haymarket Bryant, Miss Mary, ladies’ school, St. Benedict’s-plain street Bryant, Samuel, _Toper_, Thorn’s-lane, Ber-street Bryant, Thomas, medical botanist, 8, West End-terrace Buck, Charles Harrison, shoe factor, back of the Inns Buck, Zechariah, organist of the Cathedral, Upper Close Buckenham, J. C., watch maker, 19, Tombland Buckle, William, engineer, St. Faith’s-lane Bugden, Thomas, grocer and tea-dealer, Muspole-street Bull, Isaac, boot and shoe maker, 8, back of the Inns Bull, Mrs. Jane, 18, Crescent Bull, John, brewer, Anchor Brewery, Pockthorpe Bullard, Edwin, porter house and wine vaults, St. Stephen’s-road Bullard, Rebecca, gardener, St. Stephen’s-street Bullard, Richard, brewer, wine and spirit merchant, St. Michael at Coslany, and at Lowestoft Bullard, Robert, orange merchant, Swan-lane Bullard, William, provision merchant, 10, Lower Goat-lane Bunn, George, _Light Dragoon_, Westlegate-street Bunn, John, architect and surveyor, 20, Pottergate-street Bunn, William, Esq., 3, Lakenham-place Bunting, Son, & Durrant, soap manufacturers and tallow chandlers, Coslany-street Bunyon, George, Mount-pleasant, Eaton Bunting, James, 1, St. Catherine’s-terrace Bunting, James, shopkeeper, Coslany-street Bunting, John, wholesale lead and glass merchant, Earlham-road Bunting, Thomas Girling, general shop-keeper, Bull-close Burcham, —, merchant, St. Martin at Oak Burcham & Pyle, corn-chandlers, Wensum-street, Tombland Burdett, Jonathan, brewer, _Dial_, Dereham-road Burgess, William, cordwainer, New Buildings, Mariner’s-lane Burrage, Albert, baker, Coslany-street Burrage, Edward, baker, Distillery-street Burrage, Edwin, baker and confectioner, Elm-hill Burrage and Jeffries, tailors, hatters, and general outfitters, 2, Davey-place Burrage, John Charles, master of Castle-hill school, Castle-hill Burrage, Joseph James, schoolmaster, Luckett’s-court, St. Andrew’s Broad-street Burrage, Susannah Brown, tea-dealer, 2, St. Stephen’s-street Burrell, James, Esq., Magdalen-street Burrell, John, shopkeeper, Gildengate-street Burrell, Richard Mills, hair manufacturer, St. George’s Middle-street Burrell, William Baker, tea-dealer, grocer, and paper-hanger, Magdalen-street Burrell, William Francis, dealer in tea, Cowgate-street Burroughes, Randal Ellis, solicitor, (see Foster, Unthank, Burroughes, and Robberds) res: the Close Burrows, George C., valuer and commission agent, 3, Tabernacle-street Burrows, George Crisp, emigration, loan, house, land, and general agency office, Post Office-street; res: Stoke Holy Cross Burrows, Mary, _Dressers’ Arms_, St. George’s Plain Burrows, William, _Duncan Arms_, Magdalen-street Burt, Miss Priscilla, Surrey-street Burton, Thomas, marble mason, Rose-lane Button & Rix, chemical match manufacturers, and willow pill-box makers, Little Queen Caroline Yard, St. Martin’s-at-Oak Bush Francis, dyer, Princes-street Bush, George, fancy repository, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Bush, George Walter, 4, Vauxhall-terrace, Julian-place Bush, Henry, pork butcher, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Bushnell, Joseph, grocer and draper, Suffolk-street, Union-place Bussey, Benjamin, grocer and tea-dealer, St. George’s Middle-street Butcher, Charles, plasterer, Pitt-street Butcher, Jeremiah, Esq., 11, Newmarket-road Butcher, Robert, wholesale grocer, Bank-plain; res: Newmarket-road Butcher, Simon, greengrocer and fruiterer, Pitt-street Butcher, William, auctioneer, land-agent, and surveyor, Theatre-street Butler, Walter, upholsterer, Elm-hill Butterfant, William George, accountant, Cowgate-street Buttifant, C., and Son, millwrights and engineers, King-street Buttifant, David, hairdresser, Golden Ball-street Buttifant, David Thomas, millwright, Church-street, and _The Foundry_, St. Julian-street Buttifant, Josiah, tea-dealer, and secretary to the Norwich and Norfolk Provident Building and Freehold Land Society, 6, Cow-hill, St. Giles’ Buttle, Henry, _Ship_, King-street Buttle, John, beer-seller, Palace-plain Button, Edward John, Mount Pleasant, Eaton Button, Mrs. Mary, Mile End, Eaton Buxton, Stephen, baker, grocer, and tea-dealer, Carrow-road Bygrave, Robert, carter and beershop-keeper, Quay-side * * * * * CALEY, Nathaniel Henry, mercer, laceman, and draper, 17 Gentleman’s-Walk Callon, Hannah, _Two Quarts_, Gildengate-street Calthorpe, Elizabeth, patent grease manufacturer and cooper, Castle Meadow Calthorpe, John Peter, cooper, _Lord Brougham_, St. Martin-at-Oak Calton, Charles, last-maker, Botolph-street Calton, John Dixon, _George_, Hay-hill Calver, John, grocer, All Saints-green Calver, John, saddler and harness maker, All Saints-green Calver, John, bootmaker, Church-street, St. Simon’s Calver, Robert, timber-merchant, Thorpe-road Calver, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 10, Upper Market Campling, Abraham, Paul’s-back-lane, St. Saviour’s Campling, Alfred, dyer, Gildengate-street Campling, George, grocer and draper, Magdalen-street Campling, Henry, tailor, Gildengate-street Campling, Jacob, _Two Brewers_, Magdalen-street Campling, James, millwright, engineer, and iron-founder, Buff Coat-lane; res: Golden Ball-street Campling, John, fishmonger, Magdalen-street Campbell, Joseph, draper and tea-dealer, St. Stephen’s-gates Campbell, Mrs., professor of music, St. Stephen’ s-gates Campling, William, plumber, glazier, and painter, Coslany-street Candler, John, wholesale and retail stationer, 5, Rampant Horse-street Candler, John, plumber, glazier, & painter, Peacock-street Candler, Mrs. Louisa, Grove-place, St. Giles’-road Candler, Miss, Thorpe-terrace, Thorpe-road Canham, Robert George, Esq., 5, Heigham-terrace, Dereham-road Canham, Sarah, broker, Ber-street Canham, William, draper, Seymour-place, St. Stephen’s Cann, William, saw mills, Philadelphia, St. Clement’s Cannell, Mrs. Ann, Victoria-street, Lakenham Cannell, George Symonds, boot maker, Ber-street Cannell, Henry, 11, Newmarket-road Cannell, Henry B., banker’s clerk, Newmarket-road Cannell, James, grocer, Upper Westwick-street Cannell, John, saddler, Ber-street, Timber-hill Cannell, Nunn, Newmarket-road Cannell, Robert, baker, King-street, St. Peter per Mountergate Canner, John, _Prince of Wales_, Upper Westwick-street Cannon, G. W. T., _Anchor_, Rising Sun-lane Capes, Mary Ann, milliner & dress maker, Calvert-street Capon, James, merchant, St. Clement’s-hill Caprani, Lewis, general dealer, 4, 5, & 6, White Lion-street Carey, Charles, dealer, _Boatswain’s Call_, St. Augustine’s-street Caro, Simon, teacher of languages, Westlegate-street Carpenter, Philip, Esq., Heigham-terrace, Dereham-road Carr, Charles, basket maker, _Briton’s Arms_, Elm-hill Carr, Daniel, tanner, Brazen Doors-road, Lakenham Carr, Harriet, dress maker, &c., Gildengate-street Carter, Mrs. Hannah Bayfield, Helen’s-square, Bishopgate-street Carter, John, dyer, 3, All Saints Carter, Mrs. Marianne, 19, Victoria-street Carter, Rev. George, M.A., minor canon, vicar of Trowse, with Lakenham and the annexed hamlets of Trowse Millgate, Carrow, and Bracondale; Lower Close Cartwright, Henry, gun maker, Rampant-Horse-street Carver, Ruth, schoolmistress, 2, West Pottergate-street Carver, William, shopkeeper, Ber-street Cary, Joseph Henry, pianoforte hammer rail manufacturer, St. James’s factory; res: 3, Grove-place-terrace, Lakenham Case, Mrs., 28, Victoria-street, Lakenham Case, Philip, chemist, Bridge-street, St. George’s; res: St. Clement’s-hill, Catton Casper, George, commercial traveller, Lower Close Castle, William, hair dresser, Back-street, St. Peter’s Mancroft Castleton, William Sparkhall, tailor, 15, Bank-street Caston & Co., grocers, King-street Caston, Joseph, _Victoria_, St. Stephen’s Gates Cattermole, Robert, 3 _Tuns_, Thorpe Cattermoul, David, _Coach and Horses_, Foundry Bridge-road Cattermoul, Everet, Mr., Pitt-street Cattermoul, J. O., bricklayer and builder, Pitt-street Cattermoul, Mrs. Sarah, Ber-street Cattermoul, William, dyer, St. Andrew’s-hill Cawdron, Jonathan, engineer, lathe maker, wood and metal turner, lock and whitesmith, Duke-street Chainey, William, eating and chop-house keeper, Bridewell-alley Clarke, Stephen, whitesmith, Upper King-street Chalker, Mary Ann, _Crispin_, 29, St. Miles’ Church-street Challis, John, boot maker, 43, London-street Chamberlin, (Henry) Sons, & Co., wholesale and retail drapers, Market-place Chamberlin, James, junr., grocer, tea and coffee-dealer, 1, Post Office-street; res Newmarket-road Chamberlin, James, inspector of weights, Newmarket-road Chamberlin, Mrs. Sarah, St. Stephen’s-road Chambers, Mrs. Mary, 1, Theatre-street Chambers, Mrs., Lower Close Chaplin, George, wool-stapler, Southgate-street Chaplin, Thomas, ironmonger, West End-place, Chapelfield-road Chapman, Abel, butcher, Palace-street Chapman, Edward, _Hop Pole_, St. Faith’s-lane Chapman, Gardiner, solicitor—see Chapman and Hansell; res: precincts of Cathedral Chapman & Hansell, solicitors, Bank-street Chapman, Mrs. Jane Emily, Pottergate-street Chapman, Samuel, butcher, St. Giles’ Chapman, William Samuel, butcher, St. Stephen’s-street Chapman, William, tailor, Upper Westwick street Chapman, William, baker, Wensum-street Chase, Charles, grocer, Rampant Horse-street Cherry, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, St. Catherine’s-road Cheston, William, tailor, 17, Chapelfield-road Chettleburgh, Henry, baker and confectioner, Rampant Horse-street Chettleburgh, Robert, saddler and harness maker, Upper King-street Chifney, Mrs., Seymour-place, St. Stephen’s square Chilvers, Mrs. Eleanor, Tinkler’s-lane, Heigham Chittock, Timothy C., 5, West End Grove-place, Lakenham Christie, Thomas Barzillai, general outfitter, corner of Magdalen-street Christie, Thomas, pawnbroker and silversmith, Colegate-street Christie, Thomas and John, merchants, Quay-side and King-street Church, Charles, bill distributor and messenger, 4, Fisher’s-lane, St. Giles’ Church, Edward, stationer and fancy repository, 9, Post Office-street Church, George, professor of music, Theatre-street Churchman, Mrs. Sarah, Holl’s-lane Clabburn & Sparks, wine, spirit, and porter merchants, Magdalen-street Clabburn, Thomas, manufacturer, Pitt-street Clabburn, Sons & Co., manufacturers, Pitt-street Clabburn, Thomas, junr., manufacturer, Pitt-street; res: Calvert-street Clare, Caroline, milliner, Magdalen-street Clark, James, accountant, West Wymer-street Clark, Robert, Appleton, schoolmaster, Oxford-hill, and loan agent, 98, Pottergate-street Clark, Maria Ann, dressmaker, St. Faith’s-lane Clark, Robert, whitesmith, Fishgate-street Clark, R., & Son, watch and clock makers, 6, Upper Westwick-street Clark, Samuel, accountant to the Union Fire Insurance Society, William-street, West Pottergate Clark, Thomas, accountant, appraiser, surveyor, &c., Ivy Cottage, Lakenham—(see advertisement) Clark, Charles, brewer, St. Miles Coslany Clarke, David, boot maker, Ber-street Clarke, Frederic Edward, tunist, Princes-street Clarke, Henry, shoe factor, Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s Clarke & Hunter, upholsterers and cabinet makers, Dove-lane Clarke, Isaac, shoemaker and shopkeeper, Botolph-street Clarke, James, assessor of property and income tax, Tabernacle-street Clarke, Joseph & George, farmer, Old Lakenham Clarke, Joseph, writing master, Colegate-st. Clarke, Justinian Barret, wharfinger and merchant, Duke’s-palace, Coslany, and King-street; res: West End Cottage, Heigham Clarke, Maria, straw hat manufacturer and dealer in plait, 3 & 4, St. Gregory’s Church-alley Clarke, Richard, Esq., 7, Crescent Clarke, Samuel, inspector of nuisances to the local board of health, 24, Castle-meadow Clarke, Samuel, city missionary, 8, Waterloo-road Clarke, Samuel Royal, butcher and dealer, Unthank’s-road Clarke, Thomas Samuel, boot and shoe maker, New Catton Clarke, William, grocer and tea-dealer, St. James’-street Clayton, Rev. William, St. Giles’-street Claxton, James, butcher, St. Faith’s-lane Claxton, Johnson, toy warehouse, 27, St. Stephen’s-street Claxton, Robert, draper and clothier, 9, Davey-place Clemence, John Louth, architect, 22, St. Giles’-street Clements, Charlotte, _Coachmaker’s Arms_, 20, Bethel-street Clifton, Anne, schoolmistress and lodging-house keeper, Earlham-road Clowes, Francis, auctioneer, land and estate agent and valuer; artificial manure broker; agent for the regular weekly line of packets from London to New York, and from London to the Australian ports; agent for the Scottish Equitable Life Office; Halifax, Bradford and Keighley Fire Office; and the London Mutual Guarantee Society; St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Coakes, Richard, Esq., Golden Dog-lane Coalman, George Rising, builder; drain, pipe, tile, and brick-maker, lime-burner, and coal merchant; Chalk Cliff, near Bishop’s Bridge, Thorpe-road; res: Castle Meadow Cobb, Rev. John William, rector of St. Margaret, and chaplain of the city gaol, Colegate-street Cobb, Leggatt, butcher, _Rose_, St. Augustine’s Cobbold, Rev. Robert, the Chantry Cockaday, Isaac, fringe and lace maker, St. Andrew’s-hill Cockburn, James, Major, staff officer of pensioners, and agent to the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, Lakenham Cocks, Dennis, tailor and salesman, Magdalen-street Cocks, Thomas, tailor and draper, Lower Westwick-street Codling, Arthur John, schoolmaster, Magdalen-street Coe, Mark, bricklayer, _Plough_, Castle-hill Coe, George, pyrotechnist, _Plasterers’ Arms_, Cowgate-street Cogman, Emma, dress maker, Princes-street, Tombland Cogman, Frederick, tailor and draper, Princes-street, Tombland Cohen, Philip, fruiterer, Swan-lane Coldham, John, _Duke of York_, Bishopbridge-road, Thorpe Coldwell, Mrs. and Miss, boarding and day school, St. Clement’s Church-alley Cole, Mrs. Ann, Thorpe-road Cole, Elijah, _Wheatsheaf_, Castle-ditches Cole, Emma, baby linen warehouse, 42, London-street Cole, Mrs. John, the Shrubbery, St. Stephen’s-road Cole, John B., tailor and woollen draper, 3, Post Office-street (see advertisement) Coleby, Edward Glover, surgeon, Calvert-street Coleman, George Lovick, wholesale and retail draper, Market-place Coleman & Son, linen drapers, 8, London-street Coleman, Samuel, solicitor, St. Lawrence-lane Coleman, Samuel, _Prince Albert_, Ber-street Collins, Alfred, boot and shoe manufacturer, 41, London-street Collins, James, boot and shoe maker, 4, Davey-place Collins, James, boot and shoe manufacturer, 16, Upper St. Giles’-street Colman, Mrs. Anne, Newmarket-road Colman, Mrs. Elizabeth, Bracondale-green, Lakenham Colman & Glendenning, furnishing ironmongers, corner of Rampant Horse-street Colman, Henry, tea and grocery warehouse, Library-opening, Market-place—(see advertisement) Colman, John Daniel, carpenter and builder, Magdalen-street Colman, Thomas, 4, Lame Dog-road Colsey, Charles, stay maker, St. Andrew’s-plain Colsey, Francis, warehouseman, Crown Bank-plain Collyer, Mrs. Catherine, King-street, St. George, Tombland Collyer, William, Esq., Tombland Coman, Brothers (Thomas, John, & Henry), grocers, Upper Westwick-street, and Coltishall, Norfolk Cook, Charlotte, dress maker, 23, Bethel-street Cook, Edward, corn and coal merchant, Pitt-street Cook, Edward Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Revoking Depôt, 21, White Lion-street Cook, Mrs. Elizabeth, Foundry-road Cook, John, _Fox and Mounds_, Ber-street Cook, Samuel, brush, patten, and clog manufacturer, 6, Davey-place Cook, Thomas, former, Eaton-hill Cooke, Ann, silk dyer, Middle-street, St. Augustine’s Cooke, Rev. Bell, Heigham-grove Cooke, Edward, leather seller, St. John-street Cooke, Henry, solicitor—see Rackham and Cooke Cooke, Thomas Paul, dyer, Coslany-street Cooke, Timothy, carpenter and wheelwright, Magdalen-street Cooke, William, chemist, druggist, and tea-dealer, St. Giles’-street Cooper, architect—see Osmond & Cooper Cooper, Ann, general shopkeeper, Union-place Cooper, Carlos, barrister-at-law, Oxford-hill; res: Old Lakenham Cooper, Emanuel, surgeon, Tombland Cooper, Jacob, _Rifle Man_, All Saints-green Cooper, James, fruiterer, Princes-street Cooper, John V., solicitor, 3, Crescent Cooper, (John) and Sons, jewellers, silversmiths, and watchmakers, London-street Cooper, the Misses, Louisa and E., Thorpe Cooper, Rev. Robert Henry, Ber-street Cooper, Robert, 1, Tudor Cottages, Unthank’s-road Cooper, Robert, _Railway_, King-street Cooper, Thomas, manufacturer, St. John’s Timberhill Cooper William, surgeon, St. George’s Colegate and Duke-street Cooper, William, furniture & house painter, writer, grainer, &c., Upper Westwick-street Cooper, William, boot and shoe maker, Pitt-street Cooper, Sarah, lodging-house keeper, Lower Close Coote, G. M., bookbinder, Hay-hill Coote, Maria, dealer in hams, tongues, and sausages, Hay-hill Copeman, Bell, draper, 6, Exchange-street Copeman, Edward, M.D., Post Office-street Copeman, John, grocer, &c.—see Copeman and Sons; res: Surrey-road Copeman, and Sons, wholesale and retail grocers, soda and salt agents, 12, Gentleman’s Walk Coppin, Edward, ironmonger, oil & colourman, Oxford-hill Coppin, George Self, prompter at the Norwich Theatre, Mill-lane, New-city Corbyn, William, dealer, Distillery-street Cordran, Charles, coachmaker, Magdalen-street Cordran, William, cabinet maker, 1 Chapelfield-road Cordran, William, butcher, Fye Bridge, Magdalen-street Cork, John, market-gardener, Mill-lane, Heigham Cornes, John, machinist, 4, Adelaide-buildings, St. Benedict’s-road Cornish, Jane, _King’s Head_, Gildengate-street Corsbie, Dennis Tooke, 5, West End terrace, St. Giles’-hill Corsbie, Joseph, accountant, the Valley, Old Lakenham Corsbie, Samuel Webster, clerk, William-street Cory, Christmas, tailor, Calvert-street Cossey, John, estate agent, Botolph-street Cossey, Robert, _Royal Oak_, Oak-street Cott, Thomas, accountant, 4, West End terrace Cousens, John, shoemaker, Rising Sun-lane Cousins, James, fruiterer, Church-alley, St. Gregory’s Cousins, Thomas, currier and leather merchant, Upper Market Cowan, Charlotte, _Tuns_, All Saints-green Cox, John, lay clerk of Norwich Cathedral, Chapelfield-road Cox, John, boot and shoe maker, branch Post Office, Stump Cross, Magdalen-street Cox, William, engineer, _Duke of York_, Cow-hill, St. Giles’ Coy, Jeffery Sumpter, revenue officer, Sussex-street Cozens, Mrs. Mary Ann, Pitt-street Cozens and Son, coal, corn, and seed merchants, St. Benedict’s-street Crane, Poynter, Com, R.N., 6, Dereham terrace, St. Benedict’s-road Crancher, William, _Recruiting Serjeant_, Ber-street Craske, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Lower Goat-lane Craske, Josiah John, Esq., Parry’s-buildings, Hellesdon Crawfoot, George, baker, St. Benedict’s Crawley, Mrs. Lydia, Rigby’s-court, St. Giles’ Crawshay, Charles, brewer—see Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs; res: Bracondale Creak, James, general warehouseman, corner of Bridewell-street Cremer, Francis, corn merchant, Princes-street Cremer, Robert Rolfe, surgeon and apothecary to the Guardian’s Dispensary, Broad street, St. Andrew’s Cresswell, Addison John, Esq., Bracondale, Lakenham Crickmay, Edward, surgeon, Magdalen-street Crickmear, John, commercial traveller, Point House, St. Stephen’s-road Crickmore, Henry, _White Hart_, Hay-hill Crisp, the Misses, (Ellen, Susan, and Elizabeth,) ladies’ boarding-house, Martineau House, Magdalen-street Crisp, George, _The Wrestlers_, St. James’s street Crisp, John, junr., merchant, St. John’s Head-yard, St. Miles’ Crisp, John W., army tailor and clerical robe maker, Castle Meadow—(see advertisement) Crisp, Lieut., R.N., Martineau House Magdalen-street Critchfield, Samuel, cutler, Royal Hotel-street, Back of the Inns Crook, John, surgeon, 6, London-street Crook, Madame Oury, professor of dancing, 6, London-street Crook, William, Esq., Mile End-lane, Eaton Cross, Mrs. Dorotha, Oxford-hill Cross, James, Victoria-street, Lakenham Cross, John, farmer, Hellesdon Crosse, Thomas William, surgeon, 22, St. Giles’-street Crosskill, Robert, cork manufacturer, Gildengate-street Crotch, Matthew, hairdresser, Magdalen-street Crowe, Charles, eating-house keeper, Elm-hill Crowe, Edward, coal merchant, _Balloon_, Lower Westwick-street Crowe, Elizabeth, seminary, St. George’s Plain Crowe, John, _Eagle_, Church-alley, St. Gregory’s Crowe, (John) and Sons, cabinet makers, upholsterers, decorators, carvers and gilders, St. Stephen’s-street Crowe, Spicer, dyer, block tin kettle manufacturer, plumber, glazier, and painter, Upper Westwick-street Crowfoot, Robert, baker, Pottergate-street Crowfoot, William, broker, Ber-street Cruso, Lydia, millinery and ready made linen warehouse, 6, Briggs-street Croxford, Henry, bookseller and agent for Tallis & Co.’s publications, 33, Magdalen street Cubitt, George, druggist; agent to the Clerical and Medical Life Assurance Society, and secretary to the Norwich Union Provident Society, Upper Market Cubitt, George Robert, surgeon, Surrey-street Cubitt, James, shopkeeper, King-street Cubitt, Samuel Durrant, ironmonger, St. Andrew’s-hill Cubitt, Thomas, _Old Two Brewers_, Magdalen-street Cubitt, William Jary, spirit merchant, corner of St. Clement’s Churchyard; res: Gildengate-street Cudbards, John & Charles, machine makers, Theatre-street Cudden, Ann, _Victory_, Back-street, St. Stephen’s Cuddon, James & Francis Thomas, conveyancers, St. Giles’ plain Cullen, Thomas Barshaw, Esq., West Pottergate Culley, Benjamin, sawyer, Church-street, St. Michael’s Coslany Culley & Hart, timber, oil-cake, agricultural manure, coal and salt merchants, Duke’s Palace, St. John’s Maddermarket Culley, John, wine and spirit merchant, St. Andrew’s-hill Culley, Hannah, Lower Close Culyer, Charles Arthur, cooper, Rampant Horse-street Culyer, Thomas, Gothic architectural carver, Pottergate-street Culyer, Thomas, dyer, St. John’s Timberhill Cullington, Mary Anne, ladies’ shoe maker, Queen-street Cullyer, George, whitesmith and bellhanger, Saul’s-yard, Pottergate-street and Cow-hill Cullyer, William Frederick, glass-stainer, decorator, &c., parish clerk of St. Giles’, Willow-lane and Pottergate-street Cumberland, David, surveyor of taxes, 8, St. Stephen’s-square Cundall, Benjamin, mercer and draper, 19, Gentleman’s Walk Cundy, Michael, Crescent-place Cunningham, Thomas, hay dealer, _Eight Ringers_, Coslany-street Cunningham, William, _Holkham Arms_, Castle Meadow Curtis, Francis, bricklayer, West Pottergate-street Curtis, George William, grocer, Gildengate-street Curtis, George, bricklayer, Rising Sun-lane Curtis, John, Chapel-field-grove Curtis, Robert, chemist—see Steel and Curtis Curtis, William, currier, leather seller, &c., Upper Westwick-street Cushing, Charles, carver, St. Lawrence-lane, Pottergate-street Cushing, John, _Grapes_ wine vaults, Market-place Cushion, William, dealer in Foreign and English deals, &c., Chapel Field-road Custance, Jonathan, haberdasher and dealer in toys, Magdalen-street Cuthbert, Edward, boot and shoe maker, Pitt-street * * * * * DADE, Charlotte, linen draper, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Dade, Charlotte, baker and confectioner, 4, Upper St. Giles’-street Dade, Henry, _Hospital Boy_, Whitefriars’-bridge Daines, Robert, _Coach and Horses_, Bethel-street Dailies, William, watch maker, St. Augustine’s-street Dallinger, Joseph, engraver and general printer, 12, Davey-place Dalrymple, Archibald, surgeon, All Saints Dalrymple, Arthur, solicitor, secretary to the City of Norwich Waterworks Company, 66, St. Giles’-street Dalrymple, Donald, surgeon, Surrey-street Dalton, Samuel, solicitor, 5, St. Giles’-terrace Daniel, Benjamin, butcher, Botolph-street Dann, James, shopkeeper, Magdalen-street Dann, Mary Ann, _French Horn_, Pottergate-street Daniels, Simon, warehouseman, Pitt-street Daniels, Thomas, _Prince Albert_, Dove-street Daplyn, Mary, baker, St. Augustine’s-gates Darken, James, printer, bookseller, and news agent, 2, Little London-street Darkins, Canuel, builder, 2, Victoria-street, Lakenham Dashwood, Lancelot, surgeon, and registrar for the West Wymer district, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Dashwood, —, Cambrian-place, Heigham Daveney, Charles Burton, solicitor, Bethel-street Davey, Edward, _Trumpet_, St. Stephen’s-street Davey, Miss Elizabeth, Magdalen-street Davey, Joseph, silk merchant, Pitt-street; res: Thorpe Davey, Mrs. Sarah, Calvert-street Davey, William, Esq., Magdalen-street Davis, Henry, surgeon, 31, Pottergate-street Davy, Daniel, confectioner and fruiterer, St. Stephen’s-street Davy, Edward, clock manufacturer, De Caux’s-court, St. Simon’s Davy, Jane & Sarah, milliners, 6, Upper St. Giles’-street Davy, John, Albion printing office, St. Clement’s Church-alley Davy, W. P., Dereham-road Dawbarn, James, draper, 14, 15, & 16, Exchange-street Dawes, Larrance, carver, gilder, looking-glass frame manufacturer, and printseller, Bank-plain Dawson, George, 5, St. Giles’-hill Dawson, George, farmer and brickmaker, Brazen Doors-road Dawson, George, general shopkeeper, Rosemary-lane, St. Mary’s Dawson, James, carpenter, _King’s Arms_, Bishop-bridge, Thorpe Dawson, John, tailor and coal merchant, Ber-street Dawson, Jonathan, butcher, Magdalen-street Dawson, Philip, butcher, Magdalen-street Dawson, Samuel, shopkeeper, St. Martin at Oak Day, Alfred, solicitor, 1, Upper Surrey-street Day, Rev. Charles, rector of St. Swithin, Pitt-street Day, Miss E., Brazen Doors-road Day, Frederick, grocer, Trowse Millgate Day, James, tailor, St. Lawrence-steps Day, Peter, solicitor, and a commissioner for taking the acknowledgment of deeds by married women, 8, Upper Surrey-street Day, Starling, cashier to the Court of Guardians; res: St. Clement’s-hill Day, Thomas Starling, inspector of corn returns, and silk agent, Duke-street Day, William, clerk to the magistrates, Newmarket-road Day, William Hawkes, surgeon, Upper Surrey-street Day, Miss, Pottergate-street Daynes, Jeremiah, baker, Fishgate-street Daynes, John, _Crown and Angel_, St. Stephen’s-street Daynes, John C., news agent, bookseller, and circulating library keeper, back of the Inns Daynes, Samuel, printer and bookbinder, 54, St. Stephen’s-street Daynes, Thomas, grocer and dealer in marine stores, Magdalen-gates Deacon, Rev. J., Pottergate-street Dean, James, wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, &c., Magdalen-street Dearle, George, dentist, Princes-street Debbage, James, _Fountain_, St. Benedict’s-street Debney, Richard, currier, _Grapes_, Red Lion-street De Carle, Edward, coachmaker, King-street De Carle, James Irwin, grocer, Charing-cross De Carle, Mary, statuary marble and stone mason, Duke’s Palace De Carle, Robert, accountant, Newmarket-road De Carle, William, commercial traveller, 15, Victoria-street De Caux, Mrs. Priscilla, St. Augustine’s-street De Caux, Mrs., miller, Mousehold; res: Chalk-hill, Thorpe-road De Caux, Shakespeare, shopkeeper, Botolph-street De Caux, William, _Guildhall_, Gaol-hill, Market-place Deday, Thomas, Esq. St. Clement’s-hill Deeks, Mrs. Christiana, Middle-street, St. George’s Deeks, John, _George the Fourth_, Ber-street Delane, William, paper maker, Hellesdon; paper mills, Taverham Mills, Norfolk Delf, William Stannard, draper, Tombland House, Tombland Delph, Thomas, _Flower in Hand_, Pitt-street Delph, William, plumber and glazier, St. Augustine’s-street Denmark, Dunch, beer-seller, Cowgate-street Denmark, William, shoe maker, _Seven Stars_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Derving, Mrs. Mary, Heigham-grove De Vear, Miss, St. Giles’-street De Vear & Phillips, warehousemen, Davey-place De Vear, John, merchant, Lower Close Devereaux, Edmund, plumber, glazier, and painter, Middle-street, St. George’s Devereaux, Mrs., 3, Dereham-road Dew, B. E., hair dresser, 3, Lower King-street Dew, Britiffe Edmund, superintendent of the Rosary Cemetry, Thorpe-road Dewing, David, merchant’s clerk, 4, Grove-place-terrace Deynes, Richard, confectioner and tailor, Lower Westwick-street Dexter, Robert, Bracondale, Lakenham Diamond, William, Mount Pleasant, Eaton Dickinson, Richard, harness maker, Castle-ditches Didwell, William, house agent, near the church, New Catton Digby, Anne, _Jolly Gardeners_, Silver-road, Pockthorpe Digby, Robert, _Anchor of Hope_, Bracondale Digby, Peter, _Catherine Wheel_, St. Augustine’s-gates Diver, Isaac, _Old Goat_, Upper Goat-lane Diver, Jabez, leather seller, &c., St. Paul’s Church-plain Diver, Owen Albert, grocer, tea-dealer, cheesefactor, &c., Upper-walk, Market-place Dix, Anna Charlotte, boarding school for ladies, Chapel-field Dix, Francis, 8, York-place Dix, William James, farmer, Eaton-grove Dixon, Emily, dress maker and lodging-house keeper, 8, St. Catherine’s-plain Dixon, Fuller, gig maker, King-street Dixon, John, plumber and glazier, Bethel-street Dixon, Samuel, Cambrian-place, Heigham Dobson, Martha, dress maker, Gildengate-street Dobson, Richard, hat blocker, St. Benedict’s-street Dodd, Edward James, collector for the water company, New Mills Dodds, James, grocer, Pottergate-street Dodson, William Robert, gold and silversmith, London-street Doman, Mrs. Amy, Bracondale Doman, John, commercial traveller, Bracondale Dongworth, Ann, shopkeeper, Botolph-street Doubleday, John, Esq., St. Clement’s-hill Doughty, Bathia, Wellington-terrace, St. Stephen’s-road Doughty, Mrs. Julia, 4, Bethel-street Doughty, Richard, _King’s Head_, Davey-place Doughty, Thomas, grocer, King-street Dongworth, Ann, shopkeeper, Botolph-st. Dove, Harry, M.D., surgeon, Tombland Downes, Henry, tailor, Peacock-street Downes, Maria, straw bonnet manufacturer, Duke-street Downing, Joseph, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, 22, Gentleman’s Walk, and 1, White Lion-street Dowson, Edward, writer, grainer, & house-painter, 15, Duke-street Dowson, John Withers, solicitor and schoolmaster, 19, Castle Meadow Dowson & Sons, merchants, King-street Drage, William, _World’s End_, World’s End-lane Drake, Charles, surgeon to the Guardians Dispensary and to the Henstead Union, and Eastern Union Benevolent Institution; registrar of births and deaths for the Conisford district; All Saints-green Drake, John, St. Giles’-street Drake, Thomas Samuel, tailor, Rose-lane Drane, William, surveyor and valuer, Rampant Horse-street Driver, William, accountant, St. Stephen’s-square Driver, William Charles, banker’s clerk, 8, Heigham-terrace, Dereham-road Druery, John Henry, barrister, Cambrian-place, Heigham Duberry, Thomas, Esq., Lower Close Duckett, James, Upper St. Giles’-street Duffield, George, grocer, &c., Coslany-street Duffield, Henry, tailor, Museum-court Duffield, John, leather cutter, 10, St. John’s Timber-hill-street Duffield, Robert, Esq., 5, St. Clement’s-hill Duge, John, Esq., 1, Trafalgar-place, Dereham-road Dunham, Harman, _Cinder Ovens_, King-street, St. Peter’s Southgate Dunmore, Robert, corn and seed merchant, St. Benedict’s-street Dunn, James, shoe maker, St. George’s-plain Dunn, James, coal merchant, Quay-side Dunn, James, junr., coal merchant, _Queen’s Head_, Quay-side Dunn, Richard, plumber, glazier, & painter, Surrey-grove, Surrey-road Dunn, William, tailor and draper, Calvert-street Dunthorn, Jacob, _Light Horseman_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe, and a shopkeeper in St. James’-street Durrant, George, solicitor and director of the Norwich Union Fire office, Surrey-street Durrant, Robert, grocer, tea-dealer, tallow-chandler, and soap-boiler, St. Miles’ and St. Michael’s Coslany Durrant, William, _Norfolk_, St. Giles’-street Dye, Charles, coffee and dining rooms, Market-place Dye, George Arthur, solicitor, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Dye, Henry, whitesmith, _Black Dogs_, St. Clement’s Dye, M. and W., tailors and drapers, Bank-plain Dye, Samuel, accountant, Crescent-place Dye, William, fellmonger, _Jolly Skinners_, St. Martin-at-Oak Dyer, Jephunneh John, cane-worker, &c., Ber-street * * * * * EADE, Thomas, tailor and draper, 7, St. Giles’-hill Earl, John, _Woolcombers’ Arms_, Magdalen-street Eastaugh, Mary, _York_, Castle-hill Easter, William, cabinet maker, Pitt-street Easto, George, _Church Stile_, Upper Market Easto, John, grocer, St. Stephen’s-street; res: Eaton-road Easton, Isaac, _Unicorn_, St. Mary’s Easton, William, _Elephant_, Stump Cross, Magdalen-street Eaton, Thomas Damant, Chapelfield Edgar, Henry Robert, surgeon, St. Giles’-street Edwards, Edward Manning, perfumer, 40, London-street Edwards, Mrs. Elizabeth, 12, Newmarket-road Edwards, Maria, greengrocer, Palace plain Edwards, Robert, _Lame Dog_, Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s Edwards, Sarah, beer-seller, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Edwards, Thomas, woollen draper, tailor, and undertaker, Orford-hill Edwards, William Pye, linen draper, St. Stephen’s-street Eglington, Mrs. Ann, Cross-lane, St. George’s Egmore, Randall, superintendent of City Mission, 6, Grove-terrace, Grove-road Eldridge, James Upton, Esq., St. Clement’s-hill Ely, Robert, grocer and furniture broker, Tooley-street Elliott, Charles, tailor, Ber-street Elliott, Emma, milliner, Magdalen-street Elliott, George, grocer, Ber-street Elliott, John, 2, Crescent, St. Stephen’s Ellis, Benjamin, _Dove_, Lower Westwick-street Ellis, Jane, baker, Gildengate-street Ellis, John, carpenter and builder, Oak-street Ellis, Mrs. Mary, Middle-street, St. George’s Ellis, Richard, lodging-house keeper, 15, Chapel-field Ellison, Thomas, barometer maker, &c., Dove-street Elmer, Mrs. Ann, Bank-street Elmes, Jonathan, boot and shoe maker, St. Stephen’s-road Elvin, Mary, midwife, Ber-street Elvish, William, _Post Office_, Post Office-street Elwin, Miss P. Elizabeth, Upper King-street Ellwood, Henry, butcher, Timber-hill-street Ellwood, James, butcher, St. Michael’s Coslany Emery, George, farmer, Eaton Hall Farm and Union-place Emms, Charles, spirit merchant, Cross-street and Distillery-street Emms, William, _Star and Crown_, Timberhill-street Empson, Eyre, baker, Sussex-street Emslie, James, engraver and printer, 7, Horn’s-lane, Ber-street Enfield, William, Esq., Colegate-street Engall, Joseph, shopkeeper, Botolph-street Engall, T., _Flickered Bull_, Ber-street England, Robert, carpenter, 2, Dereham-terrace English, Joseph, tailor and woollen draper, 45, London-street English, Mark, _Sawyers_, St. Paul’s-plain English, Richard, _Cattle Market_, Castle-hill English & Son, linen drapers, silk mercers, &c., London-street English, William, upholsterer, Tombland Etheredge, Robert Philip, merchant, 7, Victoria-street, Lakenham Etheredge, Philip, Esq., Carrow-road Etheridge, George and William Ellis, gold and silversmiths, jewellers, and watchmakers, 10, Market-place; res: Thorpe-road Ewing, John William, nurseryman and seedsman; nursery, Eaton; seed warehouse, 9, Exchange-street Ewing, William Creasy, Esq., Post Office-street Evans, Charles, barrister, King-street Evans, George, shoemaker and grocer, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Evans, Lewis, M.D., half-pay physician to the Forces, Upper Surrey-street Evans, Robert, grocer, &c., St. Martin at Oak Everett, Isaac, Esq., Pottergate-street Everett, Joseph, wool stapler and fell-monger, Thorpe-road Everett, Robert, Calvert-street Everett, Thomas, Bracondale * * * * * FAIR, Mrs. Susannah, 7, York-place Fairchild, Mary Ann, linen draper, Spitalfields Fairman, Thomas, builder, 2, West End-terrace, St. Giles’ Fairman, William, hair dresser and shop-keeper, Barrack-street Fairweather, Henry, upholsterer & cabinet maker, 46, Upper St. Giles’-street Fairweather, Lydia, draper and milliner, 4, London-street Fake, John, well sinker and pump maker, _White Swan_, Cowgate-street Fann, John, baker, Charing-cross Farmer, Benjamin, Old Meeting School, Calvert-street Farnell, William Keeling, boarding school, Theatre-street Farrow, William, straw hat manufacturer, Magdalen-street Faulke, James, Victoria-street Faulke, John, shoe manufacturer, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Fearnside, Benjamin, clock maker, Palace-street Feek, William, horse breaker, St. Giles’-road Felstead, Elizabeth, straw bonnet manufacturer, 10, Orford-hill Felstead, Hannah, hatter, 19, Davey-place Felstead, Harriet, boot and shoe maker, 4, Exchange-street Feltham, Mark, miller, Pea-field, Lakenham Fenn, Josiah, accountant, 11, St. Stephen’s-street Fenn, Robert, grocer, Magdalen-street Fenn, Thomas, _Hen & Chickens_, St. Mary’s-plain Fenn, William, accountant, Lower Close Fenton, Mrs., mistress of the Model Girls’ School, St. Andrew’s; res: Lower Close Fickling, Mrs. Caroline, Mile End-lane, Eaton Fickling, Robert, solicitor, Princes-street Fickling, Thomas, Esq., 53, St. Stephen’s-street Fiddeman, Robert, _Old Lobster_, Lobster-street Fiddy, George, carpenter, Dereham-road Field & Bignold, solicitors, Rampant Horse-street Field, Edward, solicitor, Surrey-street Field, Robert, King-street Figg, George, _Thorn_, Ber-street Filby, William, _Duke’s Palace_, Duke’s Palace Finch, Peter, Esq., St. Mary’s—see Steward, Patteson, Finch & Co. Finch, Walter, whitesmith, locksmith, and bell-hanger, Elm-hill Finch, William, coal merchant, Coslany-street Finch, William Henry, whitesmith and bell-hanger, 3, Waggon and Horses-lane, Tombland Finchley, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Giles’-road Finegan, Thomas William, linguist, Cow-hill Firth, George W. W., surgeon, Palace-plain Firth, Miss, seminary, Bethel-street Fish, Miles, inn-keeper, Eaton-road Fish, William, professor of music & music-seller, 17, Bridewell-alley Fisher, James, solicitor—see Steward and Fisher Fisher, James Cracknell, grocer, &c., 11, Old Haymarket, and St. Benedict’s-street Fisher, James Whiting, cabinet maker, upholsterer, and paper-hanger, corner of Calvert-street Fisher, Joshua, plumber, glazier, and painter, West Pottergate-street Fisher, Robert, dyer and dresser, Calvert-street Fisher, Robert, grocer, St. Martin-at-Oak gates Fisher, Thomas, builder and surveyor, St. Andrew’s Broad-street; res: 11, Crescent, St. Stephens Fisk, Mrs. Mary Margaretta, the Chantry Fiske, Francis Robert, linen draper and silk mercer, London-street Fitch, Robert, dispensing chemist, Market-place Fitt, John, carpenter and builder, Rising Sun-lane Fitt, John, fruiterer, Botolph-street Fitt, Mary, meat seller, Princes-street Fitt, Mesdames, Cowgate-street Fitt, Richard, gardener, Earlham-road Fitt, Robert, pipe manufacturer, Ber-street Fitt, Robert, _Gin Shop_, Castle Meadow Fitt, Royal James, butcher, Ber-street Fitt, William, pork butcher, Ber-street Fitzgerald, Charles Robert, musician, Upper Goat-lane Flatt, John, wholesale and retail ironmonger, oil and colourman, 15 and 16, Magdalen-street Flatt, Samuel, baker, Ber-street Flaxman, John, Mr., Richmond-place, Lakenham Fleet, James Read, commercial traveller, City-road Fleet, John, manufacturer’s warehouseman, 22, Sussex-street Fletcher, Ann, rag dyer, 19, Quay-side Fletcher, Joseph, _Red Lion_, St. Andrews Fletcher, Josiah, bookseller, publisher, printer, &c., Haymarket—(see advertisement) Florence, George, engineer, Thorn-lane Flower, Mrs. Frances, 72, St. Giles’-street Flower, John, Esq., Unthank’s-road Flower, Jonathan, linen draper, Wensum-street Flowerday, James, _Cat and Fiddle_, Magdalen-street Flowers, Thomas, fruiterer, St. Andrew’s-plain Ford, William, wholesale and retail shoe manufacturer and wholesale stationer, 13 & 14, Davey-place; res: Chapel-field-road Ford, William Foyster, clerk, Seymour-place, St. Stephen’s-square Ford, Mary Ann, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Cowgate-street Forrester, George, land agent, Upper Close Forster, —, Esq., City-road, Heigham-fields Forster, John, umbrella, parasol, and straw hat manufacturer, 28, London-street Forster, Samuel, shopkeeper, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Forster, Thomas, tea-dealer & general shopkeeper, West Pottergate-street Forster, William, Esq., Earlham-road Forster, William, solicitor, Post Office-street Foster, John, grocer, &c., St. James’-street Foster, Sampson, banker, Bank-plain Foster, Samuel, Mr., 11, Nelson-terrace, Lakenham Foster, Unthank, Burroughes, & Robberds, solicitors, Bank-place Foster, Sir William, Bart., Thorpe-road Foulger, Rev. William, King-street Foulsham, Henry, currier and leather-seller, 3, St. Lawrence-steps Foulsham, James, stocking maker, Thorpe-road Foulsham, Thomas, china and glass warehouse, Bridge-street, St. George’s Foulsham, Thomas, carpenter, _Queen Adelaide_, Pitt-street Foulsham, William, hair dresser, Bridge-street, St. George’s Fountain, Henry, painter, gilder, & paper-hanger, Redwell-street Fountain, Henry, hay dealer, King-street Fountain, Mary pastrycook, register office for servants, Redwell-street Fountain, Mrs. St. Mary’s Fowell, William, seedsman, Upper King-street Fowler, Abel, manufacturer, Unthank’s-road Fowler, William, _Dyers’ Arms_, Lower Westwick-street Fox, Frederick, solicitor, Rampant Horse-street; res: Surrey-street Fox, Isaac, _Queen’s Head_, St. Giles’ Upper-street Fox, Joel, furrier, Market-place Fox, Lacey, cooper, Rose-lane Fox, Thomas Colman, attorney’s clerk, Surrey-street Fox, Robert, _Bushel_, St. Augustine’s-street Fox, William, Lame Dog-road Fox, William, baker, near St. James’s Church Fox, Elizabeth, baker, Lower Close Foyson, Robert, tailor, Pump-street Foyson, William, clerk, Chapelfield-road Francis, George, shoemaker, _Jolly Dealers_, Castle Ditches Francis, Henry, solicitor, proctor, registrar of Norfolk archdeaconry, Surrey-street; res: Eaton-road Francis, John, manufacturer, Calvert-street Francis, Richard, gardener, Unthank’s-road Francis, Maria, _Maid’s Head_, Wensum-street Francis, Mrs. Marianne, Crescent-road, Lakenham Francis, Nathan, coffee and eating-house keeper, Little Orford-street Francis, Thomas, _Lion and Castle_, Orford-hill Francis, Thomas, _Church and State_, Upper Westwick-street Francis, William Bransby, surgeon, Colegate-street Frank, F. Bacon, Esq., Earlham-hall Franklin & Co., hatters, 42, London-street Franklin, Charles, boot and shoe maker, 11, London-street Franshaw, Thomas, _Jolly Gardeners_, Infirmary-road Freeman, Charles Jeremiah, upholsterer, decorater, carver, cabinet maker, &c., 10, London-street Freeman, Charles Robert, foreign fruit merchant, 3, King-street, and flour and corn factor, Upper Market; res: Eaton Lodge, Eaton Freeman, David Garthorn, auctioneer and agent to the Equitable Fire and Life offices, 7, Post Office-street Freeman, Henry, grocer, &c.—see Freeman and Nash Freeman, James, Holl’s-lane Freeman, James, boat builder, St. Ann’s Staith-lane, King-street Freeman, James, biscuit and bread baker, 15, St. Giles’-street Freeman, John, builder and lime burner, Earlham-road Freeman & Nash, wholesale grocers, tea-dealers, cheese factors, and tallow-chandlers, Upper Market Freeman, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Upper Westwick-street Freeman, William, carver, gilder, print-seller, looking-glass manufacturer, and colourman, 2, London-street Freeman, —, Esq., Distillery-street Freestone, Edward, solicitor, Little Orford-street Freeston, Robert, accountant, West Wymer-street French, James, cellarman, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ French, Robert, soap maker—see Andrews and French; res: Sussex-street Frew, Archibald Charles, _Windsor Castle_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Froggatt, Mrs. Eleanor, Infirmary-road Fromow, John, clothier, _Three Turks_, 6, Lower Westwick-street Fromow, William, wholesale and retail druggist, St. Augustine’s-street Fromow, Stephen, beast and sheep salesman, 10, Sussex-street Frost, George, upholsterer and paper-hanger, Muspole-street Frost, George, accountant, St. Faith’s-terrace Frost, James, grocer, Magdalen-street Frost, Robert, portmanteau and carpet bag manufacturer, 15, Davey-place Fulcher, Stephen, King-street Fuller, Benjamin, commercial traveller, 37, Victoria-street Fuller, Edward, tailor and cap maker, 15, Red Lion-street Fuller, James, saddler and harness maker, 23, Market-place Fuller, Jemima Woods, preparatory school for young gentlemen, Willow-lane Fuller, John James, 4, Chatham-place Fuller, Robert, _Unicorn_, St. Stephen’s-street Fuller, William, tobacconist, Red Lion-street Furse, James Thomas, upholsterer, Gildengate-street Furse, M., dyer and dresser, Gildengate-street Fussey, Richard, butcher, Ber-street Futter, James, _Black Horse_, St. Catherine’s-plain * * * * * GAFFER, Samuel, estate agent, St. Augustine’s Church-alley Galey, John, pork butcher, Golden Ball-street Galey, Thomas, grocer, Charing-cross Gardiner, Mrs. Anne, 4, Newmarket-terrace, Heigham Gardiner, George, wool warehouse, Golden Dog-lane Gardiner, William, _Red Lion_, London-street Gardiner, William, rag and paper merchant, dealer in marine stores, Paul’s opening Gardner, Thompson, greengrocer, 15, Upper St. Giles’-street Gardon, John William, silk manufacturer, Unthank’s-road Garerd, William, collector of inland revenue, Mile-end, Newmarket-road Garnham, William, grocer, &c., Hall-lane, New Lakenham Garrard, Mrs. Mary Sophia, Foundry-road, Thorpe Garrett, Sarah, milliner, Paul’s Back-lane Garrod, Edward, Esq., assistant editor of “Norfolk Chronicle,” 2, Priest’s-buildings, St. Stephen’s-road Garrod, Robert, _Exmouth_, St. Stephen’s-street Garthon, Benjamin, sexton of St. Stephen’s, St. Stephen’s Back-street Garthon, James Slapp, surgeon, 46, Bethel-Street Garwood, Mrs. Sarah Ann, St. Clement’s-hill Gaul, John, shuttle maker, Magdalen-street Gay, Elizabeth, basket and sieve maker, 15, Tombland Gay, Mary, brush and basket manufacturer, Upper Market Gay, Samuel, bonnet blocker, Elm-hill Gaze, George, English timber merchant, St. Giles’-hill Gaze, Samuel, shoemaker, Duke-street Gaze, Mrs. Sarah, Church-street, St. Michael Coslany Gaze, William, millwright, &c.—see Howard and Gaze Gaze, William, clerk, Colegate-street Gaze, William Hammond, register office for servants, Westlegate-street Gaze, Matthew, builder, King’s-street Gearing, James, timber merchant, King-st. Geary, William, manufacturer, St. Augustine’s; res: Duke-street Gedge, Edward Peter, dyer and grocer, Brazen Door-road Gedge, George, dyer, St. Michael Coslany Gedge, Robert Crispin, plumber, glazier, painter, St. Giles’-terrace, and Lower Goat-lane Gedge, William, hair dresser, Upper Westwick-street Geldart (Joseph) and Son, importers of foreign wines and spirits, Wensum-street; res: Thorpe George, Robert, carpenter and builder, Muspole-street George, Richard, fishmonger, St. Benedict’s-street George, Thomas William, brewer, Eaton-road Gerard, William, hair dresser, &c., Botolph-street Gibbon, Thomas William, drapers’ assistant, 7, Heigham-terrace, Dereham-road Gibson, Charles Mends, surgeon, Bethel-street Gibson, James, _Two Necked Swan_, St. Martin-at-Oak, and St. Clement’s Gibson, William, baker, 1, City-road, Lakenham Giddens, Susannah, librarian, St. Stephen’s Gidney, Frederick, master of the hospital school, Fishgate-street Gidney, J., well-sinker, St. Clement’s-hill Gidney, Richard, Magdalen-street Gidney, Robert, watchmaker, St. Giles’-road Gidney, Robert William, jewellery and fancy warehouse, 71, St. Stephen’s-street Gidney, Samuel, _Prince of Wales_, St. Augustine’s-street Gilford, Samuel, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s-street Gifford, Thomas, tailor, Magdalen-street Gilbeigh, George, steam flour mill, St. Benedict’s-gates Gilbert, Ann, plumber, glazier, &c., corner of Sussex-street Gilbert, Mary Ann, fancy warehouse, 5, Little London-street Gilbert, Robert, Esq., Thorpe-road Gilbert, William, carpenter, Pitt-street Giles, Ebenezer, butcher, Thorpe-road Giles, Thomas, Esq., Eaton-road Gill, Elizabeth, draper and shoe warehouse, Orford-hill Gill, James, grocer end provision dealer, 1, Bridge-street, St. Lawrence Gill, John, china and glass dealer, 86, St. Giles’ Broad-street Gilman, Charles Suckling, solicitor, stork and share broker, secretary to the General Hail-Storm Insurance Society, secretary to the Norfolk Farmers’ Cattle Insurance Society, secretary to the Norwich Chamber of Commerce, solicitor to the Norwich Mutual Marine Assurance Association; agent to the London Indisputable Life Policy Company, and the Alfred Life Assurance Association; res: St. Giles’-street;—office, Bethel-street Gilman, Charles Suckling, wholesale shoe manufacturer, the Athenæum, Bethel-street; res: St. Giles’-street Gilman, John, printseller, publisher, carver and gilder, corner of Dove-street, Market-place Gilman, Samuel Heyhoe Le Neve, distributor of stamps, 24, Broad-street Girdlestone, James, _Plough_, Upper Westwick-street Girling, William, farmer, Earlham-road Girling, William, _Golden Ball_, Castle-hill Gittings, Charles, porter merchant, Tombland; res: St. George’s Glalddon, Joseph, woolsorter, Mousehold Glendenning, John Browne, ironmonger—see Colman and Glendenning Girdlestone, Reuben, hairdresser and artist in hair, branch Post Office, 8, Upper St. Giles’-street Girdlestone, Thomas, _Horse Shoes_, Palace-street Goddard, Mrs. Elizabeth, 6, St. Stephen’s square Goddard, Thomas, _Black Prince_, Market-place Goffin, Matilda Elizabeth, postmistress, Palace-street Goggs, Robert Raven, Esq., Dereham-road Goggs, William, grocer, 14, St. Giles’ Goldsmith, James, grocer, 34, St. Stephen’s-street Goldsmith, James, _Duke of Wellington_, St. Stephen’s-street Goldsmith, Thomas, baker, St. Stephen’s-street Goldsmith, —, sheep salesman, Hellesdon-road Gooch, Mrs. Amelia, Newmarket-road Gooch, David, shoemaker, Upper King-street Gooch, George, carver and gilder, St. Andrew’s-hill Gooch, George Carver, plumber, glazier, and decorator, Castle-meadow and Upper King-street Gooch, Joshua, lace and fringe maker, Dove-street Gooch, Noah, brewer, Charing-cross Gooch, Richard, astronomer, Cherry-street, Lakenham Gooch, Robert, bookseller, White Lion-street Gooch, Samuel, leather cutter and American over-shoe depôt, 2, White Lion-street Gooch, Thomas, brush maker, Grout’s-thoroughfare, St. John’s Timber-hill Gooch, Thomas, _Fortune of War_, Calvert-street Gooch, William, Unthank’s-road Goodchild, George Pipe, clerk, Prospect-place, Aylsham-road Gooderham, Samuel, pianoforte, seraphine, harmonium, and accordion tunist, Elm-hill Gooderson, John, draper, Heigham-fields Gooderson & Moll, linen drapers, Upper Market Goodwin, James, solicitor, Willow-lane Goodwin, John, solicitor, Willow-lane; res: Thorpe-road Goodwin, Rev. William, 14, Chapelfield Goose, Agas, clerk, Theatre-street Goose, Emma, milliner, Briggs-street Goose, Mrs., Maria, Victoria-Street Goose, Mrs. Mary, 7, St. John’s Timberhill Goose, Robert, bricklayer and builder, Union-place, Heigham Goose, William, artist, Briggs-street Gorell, Robert Atkinson, commission agent, yarn, cotton, and silk agent, Duke-street; res: Tudor Cottage, Unthank’s-road Gosling, William, grainer, Little Orford street; res: Charles-street, St. Benedict’s-road Gostling, Francis, woollen warehouseman, West End-place, Julian-road Gotterson, John, butcher, &c., _Plasterers’ Arms_, St. Margaret’s-street Gould, Rev. George, (Baptist) St. Saviour’s Gould, John, sub-agent Branch Bank of England; res: Bracondale, Lakenham Govett, Rev. Thomas Romaine, Heigham-grove Goulder, Harriet, milliner, Magdalen-street Gowen, Thomas Love, draper, St. Mary’s Church-alley Gower, Thomas, manufacturer of lemonade, 8, Gun-lane Gowing, Mrs. farmer, Hellesdon Gown, Jeremiah, draper, corner of St. Mary’s-plain Grand, Edward, tailor, Muspole-street Grand, George, tailor and draper, 32, Pottergate-street Grand, John, Esq., St. Giles’-street Grand, John, corn merchant, Golden Ball-street Grand, Robert, shoe maker, _Jolly Dyers_, Fishgate-street Grant, George Muskett, grocer and tea-dealer, 63, St. Giles’-street Grant, Thomas, druggist, Ber-street Grave, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Ber-street Graver, Abraham, wine cooper, _Windmill_, Ber-street Graver, Thomas, baker, Paul’s Church-plain Gray, George, hair dresser, 5, Bethel-street Gray, Joseph, Esq., Heigham-grove Grey, Mary Anne, schoolmistress, Pottergate-street Gray, Robert, grocer, Ber-street Green, Anne, straw bonnet maker, Post Office-street Green, John, _City of Norwich_, St. Stephen’s plain Green, John, plumber, glazier, and painter, Pottergate-street Green, John, grocer, St. James’-street Green, John, market gardener, Asylum-lane Green, Richard, plasterer, St. Martin at-Oak Green, Robert, mahogany and timber merchant, Thorn-lane Green, Robert, basket maker, Upper Westwick-street Green, Thomas, _King’s Arms_, Ber-street Green, William, clerk, 9, Peacock-street Greene, James, clerk, Colegate-street Greene, Mary Ann, milliner, Colegate-street Greene, Miss, Foundry-road, Thorpe Greenfield, Mark, _Norwich-a-Port_, Carrow-hill Greenhough, Joseph, worsted spinner, Golden Dog-lane Greenwood, William, upholsterer, &c.—see Pigg and Greenwood Greeves, Henry, butcher, Upper Market; res: Hornes-lane, Ber-street Gridley, Mrs., St. Stephen’s road Griffiths, Hannah, plane maker, Goat-lane and Pottergate-street Griggs, William, Mr., Upper Westwick-street Grimes, George Sadler, law clerk, 4, Vauxhall-terrace, Heigham Grimes, Thomas, baker and confectioner, Botolph street Grimmer, Samuel, chemist and druggist, 12, White Lion-street Grimmer, Mrs. Martha, Newmarket-road Grinling, George, accountant, Unthank’s-road Grinter, Charles Edward, bookbinder, Gildengate-street Grogan, Rev. George William, A.M., minister of St. Matthew’s Thorpe, Lower Close Groom George, wholesale shoe manufacturer, 53, St. Stephen’s-street Grout, George, Esq., Magdalen-street Grout & Co., silk and crape manufacturers, Silk Mills, Lower Westwick-street Gunton, Henry, manufacturer, Elm-hill; res: St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Gunton, Henry, watchmaker and jeweller, Rampant Horse-street Gunton, John Hamnall, linen draper and silk mercer, 4, Old Haymarket Gunton, Thomas, Pitt-street Gunton, Thomas, junr., hair seating manufacturer, White Lion-yard, St. Martin-at-Oak Gurney, Robert, _Three Jolly Farmers_, Charing-cross Gurney, William, compositor, 7, Fountain-place, Union-square Gurneys & Birkbeck, bankers, Bank-plain Gurrin, James, tailor and woollen draper, 9, London-street Guyton, Hubert, _Half Moon_, Market-place * * * * * HABBERTON, Mrs. Elizabeth, Hill House, Newmarket-road Haddon, John, collector of market dues, Weighbridge-street, St. John’s Timberhill Haddon, Richard Curson, confectioner and tea-dealer, Rose-lane Hagon, William, broker, St. Martin-at-Oak Haldinstein, Philip, cap manufacturer and shopkeeper, 4, Bridewell-alley Hales, James, cabinet maker, St. John’s-street Hales, John, schoolmaster, St. Clement’s Hall, Charles, butcher, King-street Hall, George Norton, boot and shoe maker, Castle-street Hall, Harriet, baker, Little London-street Hall, James, plumber, glacier, painter, and gas fitter, Magdalen-street Hall, James, painter and gilder, Timberhill-street, Orford-hill Hall, James, house agent, Cowgate-street Hall, Mrs. Mary, Pottergate-street Hall, Samuel, builder and broker, St. Gregory’s Church-alley Hall, William, Esq., Ipswich-road Hall, William, engraver and lithographer, Back of the Inns Hallows, George, saddler, Rampant Horse-street Hallows, Joseph, hair dresser, &c., 3, Royal Hotel-street Ham, Frederick, consulting engineer and chemist, and insurance agent, King-street Hamley, Osbertus Shipton, commercial traveller, Heigham-road Hammond, John, _Victoria_, Upper-walk, Market-place Hammond, Samuel, carpenter and joiner, _Dog_, Paul’s Churchyard Hanks, William, corn, coal, hop merchant and malster, St. Michael Coslany; res: 4, Newmarket-road Hannah, Peter, tea-dealer, St. Lawrence-lane Hannant, Richard, wholesale and retail grocer and tea-dealer, oil and Italian warehouseman, Rose-corner, King-street Hansell, Henry, solicitor, notary public, proctor, and agent to the Scottish Widows’ Fund Life Office—(see Chapman & Hansell); res: Thorpe Hansell, Mrs. Mary, Dean’s-square, the Close Harborough, William, gardener, St. George’s Middle-street Harcourt, Anthony, coach builder and heraldic painter, Chapelfield-road; res: Julian-place Harcourt, James, professor of music, Colegate-street Hardesty, John, grocer and tea-dealer, corner of St. George’s Bridge-street Hardesty, Robert Barber, grocer, 1, St. Mary’s Church-alley Hardiment, Jabez, _Spread Eagle_, Sussex-street Hardiment, J., earthenware dealer, St. Augustine’s-street Hardingham, William, grocer and provision dealer, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Hardy, Charles, whip maker, Timberhill-street Hardy, James, wholesale grocer, tea-dealer, and tallow-chandler, Rampant Horse-street Hardy, James, plasterer, 18, Bethel-street Hardy, John, plumber, &c., Dove-street; res: Unthank’s-road Hardy, Jonathan, boot and shoe manufacturer, Upper Westwick-street Hardy, Michael, baker, Finket-street Hardy, Mrs. Susan, lodging house keeper, 3, York-place Hardy, Mrs., Theatre-street Hardy, William, _Royal Oak_, Middle-street, St. Augustine’s Hare, Charles, wine vaults, Bridge-street, St. Lawrence Hare, Edward, Dereham-road Harley, John Payne, butcher, St. Benedict’s-street Harman (Leonard) and Sons, wine, spirit, ale and porter merchants, St. Andrew’s-hill Harmer & Co., carriers and wharfingers, Duke’s-palace Harmer, Mrs. Maria, West End Cottage, Heigham Harmer, Robert, St. Stephen’s-street Harmer, Thomas, warehouseman—see Rivett and Harmer; res: Newmarket-road Harmer, William, 4, London-terrace, St. Stephen’s-road Harper, George, chemist and druggist, Bank-plain Harper, George, dyer, Calvert-street Harper, Isaac, King-street Harper, James Kersey, brush, patten, and toy warehouse, Upper Westwick-street Harper, John, stay maker and milliner, 4, London-street Harper, William Richard, classical and commercial academy, 101, Pottergate-street Harpley, Thomas, hair dresser, &c., Cowgate-street Harris, James J., shoe maker, Ber-street Harris, William, _Angel_, Trowse Harrison, Charles, boot and shoe maker, St. Mary’s-plain Harrison, Francis, muffin baker and confectioner, 12, Elm-hill Harrison, John, draper and grocer, 3, Globe-street, Union-place Harrison, Robert, boot and shoe maker and grocer, 4, Elm-hill Harrison, Thomas Thurlow, saddler and harness maker, 10, Upper St. Giles’-street Harrison, William, wholesale and retail boot and shoe manufacturer, 7, Bridewell-alley Harrison, William, confectioner, St. Andrew’s-hill Harrison, William Thomas, baker, Golden Ball-street Harrod, Henry, solicitor, agent to the Rock Life Assurance Company, Bank street Hart, Charles, merchant, Duke’s-palace; res: St. Giles’ Hart, Philip W., coach builder, St. Giles’-gates and Red Lion-street Hart, Robert, havel & slaie manufacturer, Golden Dog-lane Hart, Susan, _Crown_, St. Stephen’s-street Hart, —, timber merchant, &c.—see Culley and Hart Hartley, William, hair dresser, Little Orford-street Hartman, Franz Alexander, M.D., Surrey-street Hartt, Catherine, ladies’ school, 14 Victoria-street Hartt, Edward, chemist and medical agent, 11, Distillery-street Hartt, Walter, chemist and druggist, Rose-corner, King-street Hartt, William George, jeweller, London-street Harverson, Francis, sawyer, St. Mary’s-place Harverson, James, sawyer and timber merchant, St. Julian’s Harvey, George, _Wellington_, 7, White Lion-street Harvey, James, 9, Victoria-street Harvey, John, comb-manufacturer, 4, Timberhill-street Harvey, John, ironmonger, 9, Newmarket-road Harvey, Matilda, straw bonnet manufactory, 10, Upper Market Harvey, Richard, dealer, St. Miles’ Harvey, Lieut.-General Sir Robert John, C.B., Mousehold House, Plumstead-road Harvey, Robert John H., Esq., Bracondale Harvey, Samuel, baker and grocer, _Staff of Life_, Fishgate-street Harveys and Hudsons, bankers, (Crown Bank) Upper King-street Haslewood, Christopher John, corn and seed merchant, Weaver’s-lane, Old Haymarket; res: Southwell-street, New Lakenham Hase, Samuel, superintendent of cotton factory, St. Martin’s-lane Hastings, Job, well-sinker, and pump maker, New Catton Hatcarton, Joseph, confectioner, Swan-lane Havers, James Reynold, _Bee Hive_, St. Stephen’s-gate Havers, Mrs. Maria, 7, Chatham-place Havers, William Henry, grocer, draper, pawnbroker, and rent collector, St. Paul’s New Opening, Rotten-row, Paul’s-plain Haward, Ann, dress maker, Theatre-street Hawes, David, gardener, St. Lawrence-acre, Earlham Hawkes, Robert William, wool merchant Hawkins, John, Esq., Bracondale Cottage, Castle-ditches; res: Willow-lane Hawkins, Mrs. Martha, Bracondale, Lakenham Hayden, Benjamin Thomas, parish clerk of St. Mary Coslany, Southgate-street Hayward, Cary, brazier, Ber-street Hayward, Henry, brazier and tinman, Magdalen-street Hayward, James John, watch and clock maker and jeweller, Little London-street, and King-street Heald, Mrs. Mary Ann, Rose-lane Heap, William, china and glass dealer, _Pigeons_, Charing-Cross Hensell, Elizabeth and Suzanna, boarding and day school, Surrey-road Hensell, Mrs. Sarah, Chapel-look Heath, Edward, commercial traveller, Infirmary-road Hedgeman, Mrs. Susanna, Cook’s-lane, King-street Heigham, Richard, brewer, Magdalen-street Henderson, John, draper, Dereham-road Henry, Thomas, silk mercer, haberdasher, and milliner, Back of the Inns Henley, Cornelius, Mr., 13, Newmarket-road Henley, William, Mr., 10, Newmarket-road Herbert, Abel, _John Bull_, Crook’s-place, New City Hering, Mrs. Anne, West Pottergate-street Herring, William, Esq., St. Faith’s-lane Heseltine, James, _Royal_, Market-place Hewen, Joseph, _Plumbers’ Arms_, Princes-street Hewison, Joseph, shoe manufacturer, St. John’s Timberhill Hewitt, J., builder, St. Augustine’s-gates Hewitt, William, _White Horse_, St. Mary’s Church-alley Hewitt, J., builder, St. Augustine’s-gates Hibgame, Edward Thurlowe, Esq., Julian-road, Chapelfield Hibgame, Rev. Edward, Upper Close Hick, William, confectioner and tea-dealer, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Hickman, Mrs. Esther, 4, Heigham-terrace, Dereham-road Hicks, Leonard, butcher, Market-place Hicks, Leonard, butcher, 93, St. Michael-at-Thorn High, George, grocer, New Catton Hinchley, Samuel, _Black Horse_, Earlham-road Hind, Anne, dress maker, Cowgate-street Hinde, Francis, manufacturer, St. Augustine’s; res: All Saints-green Hinde, Richard Francis, manufacturer, Sussex-street Hindes, Daniel, shopkeeper, New Catton Hindes, Ephraim and Frank, silk manufacturers, Botolph-street Hindes, Henry, rope and sack manufacturer, Red Lion-street, and Magdalen-street Hindle, William, dealer, Pump-street Hine, Charles, engineer, machinist, and turner, Muspole-street Hinsbey, Mrs. Cambrian-place, Heigham Hinsbey & Son, (William and Thomas William) architects and surveyors, Princes-street Hill, Elizabeth, grocer, Ber-street Hill, Ezekiah, shopkeeper, St. Augustine’s-street Hill, Frederick, clerk, Fishgate-street Hill, George, baker, Bishopgate-street Hill, Horace, professor of music, St. Giles’-Hill Hill, James Frederick, professor of music, 4, St. Giles’-terrace Hill, John, plumber and glazier, Chesnut-court, St. Giles’-street Hill, John, grocer, corner of Middle-court, St. Augustine’s Hill, Mrs. Mary, 4, Foundry-road Hill, M. F., tailor, St. Augustine’s-street Hill, Richard, general dealer, Cow-hill, St. Giles’ Hill, Robert, hair dresser, Red Lion-street Hill, Samuel, St. Augustine’s-street Hill, William, post office receiving house, Thorpe-road Hilling, Frederick, clerk, Fishgate-street Hilling, James, Nelson-terrace, Eaton Hilling, John, _Market House_, Weaver’s-lane, Market-place Hilling, Mary, _Steam Packet_, King-street, St. Peter per Mountergate Hills, Miss Anne, 6, Victoria-street Hills & Underwood, vinegar makers and rectifiers, St. Faith’s-lane, and 25, Eastcheap, London Hipper, Mary Ann, draper and milliner, Upper Westwick-street Hipper, William, boot and shoe maker, Bridge-street, St. George’s Hipperson, Mary, fancy repository, St. Peter’s Mancroft Back-street Hixon, J. J., manager of Bowtell’s boot warehouse, 20 and 21, Davey-place Hodds, Richard, tailor, draper, and tea-dealer, Elm-hill Hodds, Richard, grocer, Ber-street Hodges, Mrs. Carrow Old Hall Hodgson, David, artist, Tombland Hodgson, Rev. Francis Henry Stone, curate of Rackheath; and second master of King Edward the Sixth’s Grammar school, Gray Friars-lane Hogg, Henry, _Pelican_, Pitt-street Holder, Reuben, Birmingham and Sheffield, foreign & fancy warehouse, St. Stephen’s-plain—(see advertisement) Holl, Alfred Samuel, commercial traveller, Upper Westwick-street Holl, George N., bootmaker, All Saints’-green Holl, Robert Durant, boot and shoe manufacturer, Gaol-hill, Market-place; res: Mount-pleasant, Eaton Holland, Catherine, sausage manufacturer, and ham warehouse, 1, Lower Goat-lane Holland, William, 2, Grove-place, Lakenham Hollis, Robert, _Shakespeare_, Theatre-street Holman, Edward, _Spread Eagle_, West Pottergate-street Holmes, Benjamin, farmer, New Catton Holmes, Henry, tobacconist, 16, Bridewell-alley Holmes, J., and Sons, engineers, iron-founders, and general machine manufacturers, Prospect-place-works, Globe-lane, and Castle-hill; res: Globe-place-terrace Holmes, James, dealer and broker, Quay-side Holmes, Robert, hair dresser, 3, St. Martin’s-at-Palace-plain Holmes, William, shoe maker, Paul’s-opening Holtoway, Mrs. Marianne, St. Stephen’s-road Homersham, Edward, Mr., St. Stephen’s-road Hood, Robert, builder, steam saw mills, St. Miles’ Coslany and Sussex-street Hook, Samuel Birkett, tailor, St. George’s-plain Hook, William, grocer, Magdalen-street Hooper, John, druggist, Hall-road, New Lakenham Hope, James, cattle salesman, 2, Lakenham-terrace Horne, James, St. Giles’-hill Horne, John, estate agent, Castle-meadow Horne, Robert, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Little London-street; res: 23, Distillery-street Hornor, Charles, land agent and surveyor—see Pratt, Son, and Hornor; res: 16, Castle-meadow Hornor, Jarrard, Esq., Pitt-street Hornor, ironmonger, &c.—see Baker and Hornor Horstead, James, gas-fitter, &c., All Saints green Hotblack, John, Victoria-street Hotblack, John, wholesale shoe warehouse, Orford-hill Hotson, Wales Christopher, barrister, Upper King-street Houghton, David, dyer and dresser, 4, St. Giles’-street—(see advertisement) Houghton, Henry, printer, All Saints-green Houghton, Robert, carpenter, Ber-street Houghton, Robert E., house-steward and secretary to the Norfolk and Norwich hospital Hovell, William, basket maker, Charing Cross Howard, Anne, ladies’ boarding-school, St. George’s Middle-street Howard, Charles, bricklayer, plasterer, and grocer, Bishopsgate-street Howard, Daniel, baker and shopkeeper, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Howard, George, coach maker, Little Orford street Howard & Gaze, millwrights and engineers, St. Paul’s back-lane Howard, Rev. Henry, 7, Grove-place-terrace Howard, Henry, _Green Man_, King-street Howard, James, _Free Trade House_, Rose-lane Howard, John J. & Thomas, butchers, Market-place Howard, John, yeoman, St. Saviour’s-Church-lane, Magdalen-street Howard, John, _Ribs of Beef_, Wensum-street Howard, Mary Ann, dress maker and milliner, 7, Surrey-road Howard, Stephen, cabinet maker, Rose-lane Howard, Thomas, bricklayer, _Red Lion_, Bishopsgate-street Howard, William, _Duke of Marlborough_, Fishgate-street Howell, Edward, _Vauxhall_, Vauxhall-street, Julian-place Howell, James, builder, St. Augustine’s-gates Howell, James, currier, Castle-ditches Howell, William, leather-seller, Lower Goat-lane Howes, Abraham, boot maker, Rampant Horse-street Howes, Ann, grocer and tallow-chandler, corner of Wellington-street, St. Giles’ Howes, Mrs. Elizabeth, Golding-street, Heigham Howes, Elizabeth, dress maker, Colegate-street Howes, Henry, _Half Moon_, King-street Howes, James, letter press and copper plate printer and bookbinder, Back of the Inns Howes, James, bricklayer, _White Lion_, Magdalen-street Howes, Jeremiah, hotpresser, Dial-yard, Church-street, Coslany Howes, John, Lower Westwick-street Howes, Joseph and James, coach builders and harness makers, Red Lion-street Howes, Robert Heron, _Adam and Eve Gardens_, St. Helen’s Howes and Son, grocers and tallow chandlers, Lower Goat-lane Howes, Thomas, shoe maker, St. Martin’s-lane Howes, Thomas Self, coach and furniture broker, near Rose-corner, King-street Howes, William, grocer, Upper Westwick-street Howes, Mrs. Sarah, Upper Close Howlett, currier, &c.—see Tillyard and Howlett Howlett, Hannah, _Woolsack_, Coslany-street Howlett, James, carpenter, Pottergate-street Howlett, Mary, lodging-house keeper, 10, West End-terrace Howlett, Peter, hair merchant, 49, Botolph street Howlett, Richard, tailor, Bridge-street, St. George’s Howlett (Robert) and Co., wholesale and retail furnishing ironmongers, bar iron, oil and colour merchants, 6, Old Haymarket Howlett, Thomas, sheriff’s officer and general shop-keeper, Lower Westwick-street Howlett, Walter, pianoforte tunist, 3, London-street Howlett, William, pianoforte, organ, and music saloon, 3, London-street; organ building establishment, Bridge-street Howman, Samuel, _White Horse_, Old Seed Mart, Hay-hill Howman, William, beer-seller, St. Martin at Oak Hubbard, Henry, stay maker, Westlegate-street Hubbard, Horatio, yeast manufacturer, 4, Lower King-street Hubbard, James, brewer, wine, spirit and porter merchant, Golden Dog-lane Hubbard, Mary Ann, artist, Surrey-street Hudbud, Stephen, auctioneer, Upper Westwick-street Hudson, Anthony—see Harveys and Hudson; res: Upper King-street Huggins, John, cutler, 2, Rising Sun-lane Huggins, Maria, upholsterer, 10, St. Andrew’s Broad-street Hughes, Fortunatus, drilling and fencing master, 7, Hamlet-place, St. Giles’s-hill Hughes, William, _Bath House_, St. Martin’s at Oak Hugman, Rachael, _Three Malsters_, King-street Hull, Robert, M.D., Redwell-street Hull, William Henry, confectioner, St. Martin’s-lane Huhne, John Hughes, chemist and dentist, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Humphrey, William, commercial traveller, St. Stephen’s-road Humphrey, Mrs., teacher of music, St. Stephen’s-road Hunt, Charlotte, schoolmistress, St. Catherine’s-plain Hunt, Mrs. Harriet, 1, Victoria-street Hunt, James, confectioner and fruiterer, Golden Ball-street Hunt, James Thomas, wholesale tea-dealer, Cundall’s-court, Market-place; res; Newmarket-road Hunt, John, confectioner and cutler, Upper Westwick-street Hunt, John Edwin, _Curriers’ Arms_, St. Giles’ Hunt, Thomas, _Two Necked Swan_, St. Stephen’s-street Hunter, Upholsterer, &c.—see Clarke and Hunter Hunter, William, plumber, glazier, and eating house-keeper, Castle-meadow Hupton, Mrs. Frances, Calvert-street Hurn & Son, (Elizabeth and George) sack, rope, twine, net and mat manufacturers, 13, Dove-street and Newmarket-road; res: 4, York-place Huson, Mary, milliner, 12, London-street Hussey, William, nurseryman, St. Catherine’s-plain, Lakenham Hutchinson, Charles, M.D., Surrey-street Hutson, George, _Foundry-bridge_, Foundry-bridge-road Hutton, John William, commercial traveller, Mount Pleasant, Eaton * * * * * IBROKE, —, accountant, Newmarket-terrace Ingledew, William, woolsorter, Peacock-street Isaac, Edward, Trafalgar-street, New Lakenham Isley, William, commission agent, Chapel-lane, Surrey-road Iverson, Edward, baker, Union-place Ives, Ann Sarah, schoolmistress, 12, Crescent Ives, Ferdinand, Esq., St. Catherine’s-hill Ives, George, auctioneer, appraiser, estate agent, and valuer of farming covenants, Crown Bank-plain Ives, John Collingwood, wholesale milliner, 21, Victoria-street Ives, Thomas, _Sawyers’ Arms_, Fishgate-street Ivory, William, wholesale and retail grocer, St. George’s Tombland Iungius, Joseph, printer and stationer, Lower Goat-lane * * * * * JACKSON, Mrs. Charlotte, Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s Jackson, William, Golden Dog-lane, Magdalen-street Jackson, William, teacher of music, National-court, Princes-street James, Benjamin, working jeweller, St. Andrew’s James, Henry, chemist, St. Mary’s James, Jane, milliner, Rose-lane James, William, _Griffin_, Upper King-street Janeth, Charles, baker, Ber-street Jarrett, Thomas, dyer, Pipe Office-yard, St. Clement’s Jarrold & Sons, booksellers, stationers, printers, bookbinders, and publishers, London-street and Exchange-street, and St. Paul’s Churchyard, London Jarrold, Samuel—see Jarrold & Sons; res: Bracondale, Lakenham Jarrold, Thomas—see Jarrold & Sons; res: Newmarket-road Jarvis, Henry, railway clerk, Rose-lane Jarvis, Richard, _Pine Apple_, Trowse Jay, C. & J., wholesale fishmongers, Market-place Jay, George, mohair spinner, Albion-mill, King-street Jay and Pilgrim, solicitors, Toll’s-court, Briggs-street Jay, John, glass merchant, St. Andrew’s-hill Jay, Joshua, dyer, Bethel-street Jay, Matthew, Esq., Willow-lane Jay, Thomas, Esq., Heigham-grove Jay, William, florist, Sussex-street Jeans, Edwin, bibliographer, 1, Heigham-terrace, St. Benedict’s-road Jeary, John, agricultural chemist, Coslany-street Jeary, Robert, news agent, bookseller, stationer, printer, and bookbinder, 5, Bridewell-alley—(see advertisement) Jecks, W. and C., timber merchants, St. George’s-plain Jecks, C., Esq., Thorpe Jeffries, George, gun maker and timber merchant, Golden Ball-street Jeffries, Samuel, Brazen Doors-road Jeffries, Walter L., tailor and outfitter—see Burrage and Jeffries Jenkinson, Joseph, _Punch House_, Market-place Jenkinson, Robert, brick maker, Brazen Doors-road Jenkinson, Samuel, shopkeeper, Mill-hill, New Catton, St. Clement’s Jennings, George, brewer, Upper Westwick-street Jermy, Jeremiah, shoe maker, Pottergate-street Jessup, Benjamin, solicitor, St. Michael-at-plea; res: Sprowston Jessup, Robert, grocer, West Wymer-street Johnson, Ambrose Searle, chemist and druggist, Lower Westwick-street Johnson, Mrs. Amelia, Church-alley, Princes-street Johnson, Ann, dress maker, St. Clement’s Johnson, Daniel, timber merchant, Trowse Millgate Johnson, Elizabeth, straw-bonnet maker, Cowgate-street Johnson, Goddard, Esq., Rampant Horse-street Johnson, Hemnell, grocer, Rose-lane Johnson, James, M.D., Theatre-street Johnson, John Godwin, surgeon, 64, St. Giles’-street Johnson, J. William, _Stag’s Head_, Princes-street Johnson, Mrs. Mary Anne, St. Stephen’s-road, and London-street Johnson, Robert, baker, 1, All Saints’-street, St. John’s Timberhill; res: 9, Gun-lane. Johnson, Robert, house agent and register office for servants, 9, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s and 1, All Saints’ street Johnson, Susanna, confectioner, Rampant Horse-street Johnson, Thomas, clerk to Messrs. Day and Son, solicitors; res: Tooley-street Johnson, William & John, shoe and clothes manufacturers, 1, 2, and 3, Mitchell’s-court, Market-place Johnson, woollen draper, &c.—see Lovick and Johnson Johnstone, John, draper and tea-dealer, 8, Chatham place Johnstone, Joseph, draper, 8, Chatham-place Jolly, Charles W., carriage builder and harness maker, St. Stephen’s-gates Jolly, Henry, corn merchant, _Eagle and Child_, Golden Ball-street Jones, Elizabeth, draper, Briggs-street Jones, Hannah and Amelia, seminary for young ladies, and dancing academy, Wensum-street Jones, James, optician, Wensum-street Jones, Peter, plumber and glazier, St. Margaret’s parish clerk, Church-walk, St. Margaret’s Jones, Sarah Jane, shopkeeper, Oak-street Jubes, Mrs. Mary, 33, Victoria-street Juler, Richard, chemist, St. James’-street * * * * * KEDGE, Thomas, grocer, Ber-street Kehle, Joseph, watch and clock maker, Duke-street Keith, Thomas Moore, solicitor—see Blake, Keith, and Blake; res: Bracondale Kemp, George Park, hair dresser and perfumer, 17, Exchange-street Kemp, Henry, proprietor of the reading and billiard rooms, Market-place; res: 2, Old Post Office-court Kemp, Isaac, Chapelfield-road Kemp, James Matthew, _Sun_, Coslany-street Kemp, William, _Tuns_, St. Giles’-gates Kemp and Son, shoe manufacturers, 18, Pitt-street Kempster, Rev. John Joseph James, (minister of the Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion) Tabernacle House, St. Martin’s-at-Palace Kent, Henry, hosier and shirt maker, 3, London-street Kent, John, shoe maker, Gildengate-street Kent, Robert, boot maker, 22, White Lion-street Kent, Thomas, hat maker, Gildengate-street Kent, William, rag and skin merchant, Upper Goat-lane Kenyon, John, saw, file, and plane manufacturer, Pottergate-street Kerr, John, plumber, glazier, and painter, Lower Goat-lane Kerridge, John, general shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s-street Kerrison, James, watch maker and grocer, Magdalen-street Kerrison, John B., Esq., Point House, Ipswich-road Kerrison, Roger, solicitor, Tombland Kerrison and Preston, solicitors, Bank-street Kett, George, butcher, Ber-street Kett, Henry, wool merchant, King-street Kett, Henry, coach maker, &c., St. Giles’-street Kett, James, farmer, Church Farm, Earlham Kett, James, butcher, Magdalen-street Kett, William W., draper, 2, London-street Kettle, Mrs. Mary, Pottergate-street Kew, Flora and Charlotte, perfumers and hair dressers, 19, White Lion-street Key, William Drake, manufacturer, Carrow Keymer, Thomas, King-street Keyzor, Brothers, opticians, St. Giles’-street Kidd, Archibald, brewer, Golding-street, Heigham Kidd, John R., dyer, Coslany-street Kiddell, Joshua, clerk, Calvert-street Kidd & Aldis, stay makers, Princes-street Killigrew, Mrs. Frances, Unthank’s-road Killigrew, Robert, tailor and pork butcher, St. Giles’-hill King, David, plumber, glazier, and painter, Elm-lane, Elm-hill King, Edward, butcher, St. Catherine’s-plain King, Edward, shopkeeper, Calvert-street King, George, _White Lion_, Princes-street King, George Trafalgar, watch and clock maker, 15, Red Lion-street King, James, decorator, &c.,—see King and Sons; res: St. Giles’-hill King, Hammond, Esq., 8, Spring-place, Newmarket-road King, Joseph, furniture broker, picture dealer, and second-hand bookseller, Back of the Inns King, M., milliner and dress maker, Cowgate-street King, Samuel, master of lunatic asylum, Bethel-street King Tyrrell, umbrella maker, St. Saviour’s lane King, Mrs. Union-place, Heigham King and Sons, plumbers, glaziers, glass stainers, and general decorators, Princes-street Kingsmill, William, clothier, Bridge-street, St. Michael-at-Coslany Kinnebrook, David, instrument maker, Waddington-terrace, St. Julian’s Kinnebrook, William,—see Bacon and Kinnebrook; res: Pottergate-street Kisch, Moses, boot and shoe manufacturer, Magdalen-street Kitson, John, registrar of the diocese, secretary to the Bishop, and chapter clerk, Lower Close; res: Foundry-road, Thorpe Kitton, Charles Thomas, commercial agent and cart-grease manufacturer, St. Giles’-hill Kitton, George, grocer and tallow chandler, Haymarket Kitton, John, grocer, Stump Cross, Magdalen-street Kitton, John, seed crusher, Foundry-wharf Kitton, Robert, architect and surveyor, St. Giles’-street; res: Ber-street Kitton, William Manning, solicitor, Palace-street, St. Martin’s-at-Palace Kitton, Mrs. Castle-meadow Kitton, Mrs. Lucy, Magdalen-street Knevett, Charlotte, baker, Upper Westwick-street Knevett, Jonathan, whitesmith, Upper Westwick-street Knight, Charlotte, pawnbroker, Ber-street Knight, Thomas, animal and bird preserver, King-street, St. Peter’s-per-Mountergate Knights, George, cutler, Dove-street Knights, James, pawnbroker, Upper Westwick-street Knights, Samuel, brush manufacturer, Middle-street, St. George’s Knights, Susanna, _Boarded House_, Castle-ditches Knopwood, John, _Windmill_, Hellesdon-road * * * * * LACK, Ainger, _Cabinet Maker’s Arms_, Redwell-street Lacey, Benjamin, bricklayer and plasterer, _Theatre_, Bethel-street Lacey, George Plummer, carpenter and builder, Surrey-grove, Surrey-road Lacey, Horace, plasterer, St. Stephen’s-square Lacey, James Wilkins, plasterer and builder, Surrey-road; res: 13, Surrey-street Lacey, John Grimwood, bricklayer and plasterer, Richmond-hill, Bracondale Lacey, William R., bricklayer and plasterer, Surrey-street Lacey, William, shoe maker, New Catton Ladbrooke, John Barney, drawing master, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Ladbrooke, Robert, carver and gilder, White Lion-street Ladell, William, Esq., Newmarket-road Ladlor, Bartholomew, clerk, Sussex-street Ladyman, tea-dealer,—see Sidney and Ladyman—(see advertisement) Lain, Edward, bookseller and librarian, Elm-hill Lake, James, boot and shoe maker, Red Lion-street Lake, John, _New Mills_, Lower Westwick-street Lake, John, baker, 3, World’s-End-lane Lake, John, Wellington-terrace, Grove-place Lake, John Holmes, whitesmith, Upper Goat-lane Lake, Samuel, baker and confectioner, Bridge-street, St. George’s Lake, Samuel, bricklayer, Lake’s-yard, St. Augustine’s-street Lake, William, accountant, Norgate’s-court, St. Stephen’s Laint, Benjamin Charles, coal merchant, King-street-gates, Pockthorpe, and St. Mary’s Lammas Brothers, tea dealers, Gentleman’s-walk Lamb, Charles, butcher, Upper Market Lamb, David Thomas, wire-worker and machine maker, 5, Golden Ball-street, and Castle-hill Lamb, James, butcher, Market-place Lambert, Francis, wholesale and retail tea-dealer, 6 & 7, Lower Goat-lane Lambert, Mary, young ladies’ boarding-school, Steel’s-court, Queen-street Land, Charles, grocer, &c., 1, 2, & 3, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Land, Henry, baker, St. Clement’s Land, John, baker, back of St. Peter’s Mancroft Land, William, gas-fitter, bell-hanger, &c., Hay-hill—(see advertisement) Landor, Henry, surgeon, Heigham-retreat Lane, Israel, cheesefactor and provision merchant, Stamp Office-yard, St. Andrew’s; res: Earlham-road Langton, Edward, librarian of the Public Library, opposite the Guildhall Lanham, James, confectioner, St. Giles’-street Lanham, Rachael, _Ship_, King-street Lann, William, _Adam and Eve_, St. Benedict’s-street Lantenant, Camille, professor of the French language, St. Andrew’s Lantenant, Maria, ladies’ school, St. Andrew’s Large, tallow-chandler—see Saunders and Large Larke, J. B., draper, William-street, Heigham Larke, Hannah Susanna, schoolmistress, Cow-hill Larkman, William, tailor, cap manufacturer, &c., Gildengate-street Larkman, William, baker, King-street Larwood, William, cabinet maker, _Cock and House_, Duke-street Lawes, Robert C., seed merchant and fruiterer, Little Orford-street; res: Julian-place Lawn, Lubbuck, _White lion_, St. Benedict’s Lawrence, William, upholsterer and paper-hanger, Ten Bell-lane Laws, James, spirit dealer, St. Giles’-street Laws, John, _Bee-hive_, St. Paul’s-plain Laws, Robert, straw hat cleaner & blocker, Westlegate-street Laws, William, 4, Victoria-street Lawter, Elizabeth, schoolmistress, 2, Rampant Horse-street Laxen, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Giles’-terrace Leach, Eliza, straw bonnet maker, All Saints-green Leach, William, builder, St. Martin’s-lane Leath, Thomas, estate and house agent, 18, Distillery-street Lee, William, boot and shoe maker, All Saints-street Leeds, Charles, whip maker, All Saints-green Leeds, the Misses, Thorpe-road Leeds, William, brush and patten manufacturer, 17, London-street Leeson, Richard C., upholsterer, &c., 81, St. Giles’-street and Surrey-road Leist, James, plane maker and edge-tool dealer, Wensum-street Leist, Mrs. Letitia, St. Clement’s-hill Leggatt, Samuel, _Spread Eagle_, Marketplace Leggatt, Samuel, coffee house keeper, Castle-hill Leggett, Sarah, straw bonnet maker, Timberhill-street Leggett, Samuel, _Dolphin_, Upper Heigham Leman, Emily, school-mistress, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s Leman, Robert, managing clerk at the Union Fire Office, Newmarket-street Lemmon, J. Robert, printer, stationer, bookseller and binder, Upper Marketplace LeNeve, Charles, baker, Fishgate-street Levine, John Myers, jeweller, William-street, Heigham Liddelow, Robert, _London_, St. Andrew’s-hill Lifford, Thomas, estate agent, _Bird in Hand_, king-street Lilly, Henry, fruiterer, Pottergate-street Lilly, William, carpenter, Rose-lane Lincoln, James, post office, King-street Lincoln, John, pipe and match, and willow box maker, Pump-street Lincoln, Sarah, milliner and dress maker, Botolph-street Lincolne, Elizabeth Sarah, ladies’ school, Surrey-street Lindsey, Sarah, mattress maker, Elm-street Linford, Robert, watch and clock maker, 9, Davey-place Ling, Abraham, _Shire Hall_, Castle Meadow Ling, Edmund, bankers’ clerk, St. Augustine’s-street Ling, George, bricklayer and builder, All Saints-green, and St. Stephen’s Upper-street Ling, George, boot and shoe maker, St. Benedict’s-street Ling, Harriet Elizabeth, school mistress, 56, Bethel-street Ling, Henry, solicitor, 24, St. Giles’-street Ling, Henry, schoolmaster, Pottergate-street-House Ling, Nicholas, painter and glazier, Magdalen-street Ling, Walter, brush maker, Middle-street, St. George’s Ling, William, 7, Infirmary-road, St. Augustine’s Ling, William, brush maker, 2, Princes-street Ling, William Samuel, tailor and robe maker, 2, Upper King-street Linstead, Robert, shopkeeper, St. George’s-plain Lister, (Wm.) Son, & Co., manufacturing cutlers, 10½, Old Haymarket; res: Bloomsbury-place, Dereham-road Little, Henry, confectioner, 3 Dove-street Littleboy, John, bankers’ clerk, 10, Heigham-terrace, Dereham-road Littleboy, George attorney’s clerk, Lower Close Littlepond, Horace, _White Rose_, Back of the Inns Littlewood, Ephraim, _Barge_, King-street Littlewood, Samuel, draper, St. Andrew’s-plain Livock, Joseph Robert, whitesmith, Crown-court, Elm-hill Livock, William Thomas, tailor and draper, Redwell-street Loades, Henry, grocer, King-street Lock, Charles, confectioner, 7, Exchange-street Lock, Henry, boot and shoe maker, 3, St. Stephen’s-street Lock, Henry, civil engineer, 3, St. Catherine’s-terrace, Bracondale Lockett, William, commercial agent, St. Faith’s-lane Lofty, James, hairdresser, St. George’s-plain Lohr, Mrs. Eliza, Gildengate-street Lomas, William, saw maker and tool warehouse, Upper Westwick-street Lonegan, Francis, _Dove_, St. James’-street Long, Edmund S. D., solicitor, Magdalen-street Long, Henry, silversmith, 17½, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ Long, Joseph Page, baker, St. Martin’s-lane Loombe, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Timberhill-street Lord, Aaron, cabinet maker and upholsterer, St. John’s Maddermarket Lord, James, plasterer, _Eagle_, Lower Westgate-street, Heigham Lord, John, wool-stapler and yarn agent, Fishgate-street and 11, St. Catherine’s-plain Lorkin, Walter Theodore, cooper, Ber-street Lound, Thomas, agent to the County Fire and Provident Life Offices, King-street Love, William, _Queen’s Mead_, Cowgate-street Lovett, Henry, fancy repository, &c., 58, St. Stephen’s-st; res: 2, St. Stephen’s-road—(see advertisement) Lovett, William, toy dealer, Golden Ball-street Lovewell, Thomas, hay dealer, _Baker’s Arms_, Ber-street Lovick and Co., china and glass warehouse, Broad-street, and Bridewell-alley, St. Andrew’s Lovick and Johnson, woollen drapers and hosiers, 16, London-street Lovick, Mary Ann, grocer, Ber-street Lovick, Samuel, grocer, Brazen Doors-road Lowe, Henry, _Golden Lion_, King-street Lowe, Joseph, baker, 5, Gildengate-street Lowe, William, draper, Peacock-street Lowne, Mary, confectioner, 3, Lower Goat-lane Lowne & Shaw, accountants, and Fire and Life Assurance Agents, Tombland Lowne, William Charles, Junr., accountant, &c., William-street, Heigham Lucas Brothers, (Charles and Thomas) contractors and builders, 22, St. Giles’-street; South-wharf, Lowestoft, and Lucas-wharf, Belvedere-road, Lambeth Lucas, Charles, railway contractor, builder, &c., Thorpe House, Foundry-road, Thorpe Ludlow, Henry, bankers’ clerk, Wellington-terrace, Grove-place Lynes, Samuel, grocer, Cow-hill Lynn, George Doughty, M.D., Bracondale * * * * * MACE, John, _Wheatsheaf_, St. Stephen’s-street Macgregor, James, booksellers’ agent, 48, Upper St. Giles’-street Machet, Maria Jane, ladies’ school, Church-street, St. Simon’s Mack, Ann, beerhouse keeper, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ Mackay, John, tea-dealer, Bethel-street Mackenzie, Nicholas, pattern designer, Fye-bridge Mackie, Mrs. Elizabeth, Cambrian-place, Heigham Mackie & Stewart, nurserymen, seedsmen, and florists; seed establishment, 10 & 11, Exchange-street; horticultural establishment, Bracondale; nursery, Ipswich-road Mackley, John, _Dun Cow_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Mackley, John Edward, tailor and draper, 5, Westlegate-street Mackley, Richard, _Dun Cow_, St. Martin-at-Oak Mackley, William, tailor, near St. Peter’s Church Madge, Giles, tunist and pianofortist, Botolph-street Madge, Robert, teacher of music, Botolph-street Main, Susan, corset and bandage maker, 4, Briggs-street Mallett, Francis, tailor and woollen draper, 2, London-street Mallett, Henry, top manufacturer and lodging-house keeper, Castle-meadow Mallows, Charles, plumber, glazier, and painter, 3, Princes-street Mandall, Robert, carpenter and builder, Princes-street Mann, Alfred, _Black Boys_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Mann, George, _Jolly Drovers_, Ber-street Mann, Henry, _Fleece_, Tombland Mann, James, _Shoulder of Mutton_, or _Corn Exchange_, St. Andrew s-hill Mann, Joseph, grocer and draper, Distillery-street Mann, Joseph Matthew, _Mischief_, Paul’s Back-lane Mann, Lucy Rebecca, straw bonnet manufacturer, 15, Chapelfield-road Mann, Matthew, _St. John’s Head_, Bridge-street, St. Michael’s-at-Coslany Mann, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, 6, Magdalen-street Mann & Co., coal depôt, Eastern Union Railway Mannings, John, _St. Catherine’s_, Brazen Doors-road Mansfield, James, plumber and glazier, St. Stephen’s-street Manthorpe, James, kiddier, King-street Maquire, Joseph, accountant, 5, Victoria-street Marcon, Mrs. Jane, 20, St. Giles’-street Marrison, Samuel, gun maker, Great Orford-street, Orford-hill Marrison, Robert, engraver and copper-plate printer, Great Orford-street Marsh, Hannah, milliner and dressmaker, Surrey-street Marshall, Charlotte, governess, Finket-street Marshall, Ephraim, schoolmaster, 5, Chapel-look, Ber-street Marshall, Joseph, _Green Dragon_, Little London-street Marshall, Joseph, tailor, 19, St. Giles’-street Marshall, Mary Ann, draper, Palace-street Marshall, Peter, shopkeeper, Ber-street Marshall, Robert, baker and confectioner, Magdalen-street Marston, Alfred, carrier, Gt. Orford-street, Orford-hill Marston, Richard, confectioner, 13, Gentleman’s Walk Martin, Francis, upholsterer and paper-hanger, Upper Westwick-street Martin, Mrs. Rebecca, West Pottergate-street Martin, Robert, sheriff’s officer, Hay-hill Martin, and Sons, wholesale shoe manufacturers, Church-alley, St. Gregory Martin, Thomas Lillystone, umbrella and parasol manufacturer, 39, London-street Martineau, Mrs. Fanny, Upper King-street Martinson, Lucy, milliner, 67, St. Giles’-street Mason, Abram, _Waterman_, King-street Mason, Henry, hairdresser and tobacconist, Ber-street Mason, Henry John, auctioneer and appraiser, 3, Church-alley Mason, James, furniture broker, Charing-cross Mason, John, plumber, &c., Magdalen-street Mason, John, clerk, St. Giles’-hill Mason, John, beer seller, Wensum-street Mason, John Leeds, _Sir John Barleycorn_, Orford-hill Mason, Samuel, basket maker, Ber-street Mason, Mrs. Sophia Ann, 3, London-terrace, St. Stephen’s-road Massey, Thomas, Esq. Thorpe-road Massingham, Arthur Davey, bankers’ clerk, Albert-terrace, St. Stephen’s-road Massingham, John, eating-house keeper, St. Stephen’s-plain Massingham, Joseph, Newmarket-road Massingham, Leak, shopkeeper, St. George’s Colegate-street Massingham, Robert, hatter, Bethel-street Master, Alfred, surgeon, St. Giles’-plain Matcham, Dr., St. Giles’-hill Matchett and Co., printers, &c., Norfolk Chronicle Office, Market-place Matchett, Rev. Jonathan Chase, Close Matthews, George, _William the Fourth_, Mousehold Matthews, James, herbalist, 3, Norris’-buildings, St. Benedict’s-road—(see advertisement) Maturin, Rev. Washington Shirley, curate of All Saints and St. Julian’s, Castle-meadow May, Charles, commission agent, Holl’s-lane May, John, artist, Sussex-street May, William, silversmith, jeweller, and watchmaker, Rampant Horse-street May, William, _King of Prussia_, Lakenham May, William, boot and shoe maker, Upper St. Giles’-street Mayes, Mrs. Anne, general shopkeeper, Bridge-street, St. George’s Mayes, Mrs. Margaret, London-terrace, St. Stephen’s-road Mayes, Mrs., Calvert-street Mayhew, George, grocer and furniture broker, Norris’-buildings, Dereham-road Mayhew, Judith, shopkeeper, Ber-street Mayhew, Samuel, _Duke of Sussex_, St. Stephen’s-street Mayor, James, tailor, 9, Heald’s-buildings, Rose-lane Mays, George, attorney, 38, Victoria-street Mays, Miss, Upper Westwick-street Mayston, Samuel, the Close M‘Ilmorrow, John, draper, Coslany-street Meachen, S. H., builder, William-street Meadows, George, china and glass dealer, Westlegate-street Meadows, Jonathan, coach builder, St. Michael Coslany Mealing and Mills, corn and coal merchants and malsters, King-street Mealing, Samuel W., merchant, Ipswich-road Mear, William, architect and surveyor, Lower Close Mendham, Wace Lockett, solicitor—see Tillett and Mendham; res: Grove-terrace, Unthank’s-road Merchant, John, clerk, Richmond-place, Lakenham Merrison, James, watchmaker, Cross-street, St. George’s Merry, John, wine cooper, Lobster-street Merry, Robert, merchant, Wilderness-house, Bracondale Metcalf, Francis, shawl cleaner, dyer, and dresser, Colegate-street Metcalf, Joseph, chintz glazer, St. Clement’s Church-alley; res: Towler’s-court, Fye-bridge Metcalf, Joseph, hat maker, Elm-hill Metcalf, Mrs. Maria, 2, Surrey-grove Metcalf, William, grocer and draper, parish clerk of St. Benedict’s, St. Benedict’s-gates Middleton & Answorth, manufacturers of plain and fancy dresses, shawls, &c., Calvert-street; and 16, Watling-street, London Middleton, Edward, hairdresser, 4, St. Giles’-street Middleton, George, Nelson-place, Mount Pleasant, Eaton Middleton, George, manufacturer, Calvert-street: res: Eaton Villa Middleton, Jacob, banker’s clerk, Lakenham-terrace Middleton, James, accountant, 12, Newmarket-terrace Middleton, Jeremiah, _Crown_, Bridge-street, St. George’s Middleton, John, Esq., 4, Surrey-street Middleton, John, boot and shoe maker, Calvert-street Middleton, Robert, grocer, &c., William-street, Heigham Middleton, William, shopkeeper and beer-seller, World’s-end-road Millard, William Salter and Son, agents to the Suffolk Alliance Fire and Life, Assurance Company, surveyors and land agents, Princes-street; res: Sprowston Milliard, Mrs., Lower Close Miles, Charles, chemist and druggist, St. Stephen’s-street Miller, Alfred S., family brewer and hop merchant, St. Stephen’s brewery, St. Stephen’s-gates Miller, Amelia, tobacconist and cigar importer, 5, London-street Miller, George Robert, cabinet, chair and picture-frame maker, St. Andrew’s-hill Miller, Henry, solicitor, registrar of the Guildhall court, and one of the revising assessors of the city of Norwich, Surrey-street Miller, Henry Blake, solicitor—see Miller and Son; res: 9, Newmarket-terrace Miller, and Son, solicitors, Surrey-street Miller, John, _Factory_, Cowgate-street Miller, Mrs. Mary, Eaton Hall-road Miller, Mrs. Mary, 1, Grove-place, Lakenham Miller, Wallace Shade, tobacconist and cigar importer, 1, Bird’s-court, Red Lion-street Mills, Ebenezer, Esq., Upper Surrey-street Mills, Frederick Anthony, surgeon, All Saint’s-plain Mills, George Thomas, plasterer and bricklayer, Pottergate-street Mills, Jacob Mealing, merchant and maltster, 10, Nelson-terrace, Grove-place Mills, James, Chapel-field-road Mills, Jeremiah, _Pheasant Cock_, St. Michael Coslany Mills, John, Lower Goat-lane Mills, Mrs. Mary Hoogan, Lady-row, Lakenham Mills, Miss, professor of music, Tuck’s-court, St. Giles’ Mills, William, Dereham-road Mills, William, glover, Golden Ball-street Mills, William M. J., plumber, &c. St. Miles’ Coslany Mingay & Son, ladies’ London shoe warehouse and fancy repository, 7, Old Haymarket; res: Mount Pleasant, Eaton Minns, David, butcher, St. Benedict’s-street Minns, George William, builder, Castle-meadow Minns, Jesse, dresser, St. Clement’s-alley; res: Magdalen-street Minns, John, _Queen’s Arms_, Magdalen-street Minns, Robert, master of Doughty’s Hospital Minns, Robert, carpenter, _Jolly Hatters_, St. James’ Mitchell, Mrs. Ann, Mile End-road, Eaton Mitchell, Edward, St. Faith’s-lane Mitchell, Frederick G., baker, Palace-street Mitchell, John, greengrocer, 12, Timberhill-street. Mole, William, draper, Heigham-hill Moll, Richard, chair maker and broker, St. John’s-street Moll, Robert, _Black Horse_, 13, St. Giles’-street Moll, William, linendraper—see Gooderson and Moll; res: St. Giles’-road Money, Mrs. Charlotte Ann, 5, St. Catherine’s-terrace Money, Capt. P. J., Trowse Moneyment, Mrs. Ann Bayspoole, Lady-row, Lakenham Monney, James, grocer, Bethel-street Monsey, James, cooper, Thorn-lane Monteith, George Lovell, warehouseman, St. Giles Moore, Elizabeth, _Jolly Dyers_, Wensum-street Moore, Foster Grand, clerk of the Mendicity Society, St. Andrew’s Hall; res: St. Stephen’s-street Moore, Francis, grocer, Cowgate-street Moore, Robert, bricklayer, _Bull_, St. Paul’s Church-street Moore, James, carpenter and builder, St. George’s, Colegate-street Moore, James, Ber-street Moore, James Brett, chemist, Robinson’s-buildings, Rose-lane Moore, John, farmer, Plumstead-road Moore, John, _Globe_, Rising Sun-lane Moore, (John George) and Co., haberdashers, hosiers, and agents, 12, Castle-street; res: Pier Cottage, East, Union-place Moore, J. G., Union-place, Heigham Moore, Joseph, butcher, Magdalen-street Moore, Mrs. Martha, milliner and dress maker, St. Stephen’s-street Moore, William, warehouseman, Calvert-street Moore, William, hairdresser, Ber-street Morgan, Charles, surgeon, City Dispensary, Pottergate-street Morgan, Edward Charles, and Co., share-brokers, Tolls’-court; res: St. Stephen’s-gates Morgan, Henry, Esq., Earlham Lodge, Earlham-grove Morgan, John, pawnbroker, St. Saviour’s-lane, Magdalen-street Morgan, John Brandram, Esq., King-street Morgan, J. B. and H. brewers, Old Brewery, King-street Morgan, Richard, actuary to the Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, Chapelfield-grove Morgan, William Robert, pawnbroker, St. Paul’s-plain Morris, George, wheelwright and carpenter, _Red Lion_, Magdalen-street Morris, John, slater and slate merchant, King-street Morris, Mary Ann, register office, &c.. 19, Ten Bell-lane Morris Robert, Esq., Thorpe-road Morrison & Co., wine, brandy, and porter merchants, Gaol-hill, Market-place Morse, Rev. Charles, incumbent of St. Mary Coslany and St. Michael at Plea, Mousehold, Thorpe Morse, Miss Maria, Lower Close Mortimer, John Thursby, commercial traveller, Calvert-street Mortimer, Mary, milliner and dress maker, St. Giles’-street Moss, Joshua, hotpresser, St. Martin-at-Oak Mottram, James Nasmith, bankers’ clerk, Bank-street Moughton, John, coal merchant, _Waterman’s Arms_, St. Ann’s-lane, St. Peter-per-Mountergate Mouser, William, timber merchant, Thorn-lane Mousir, Robert, bookseller, 9, Upper St. Giles’-street Moy, James, _Tiger_, Fishgate-street Munday, John, solicitor, Chapel-field-road Mundy, Thomas, weaver and shopkeeper, Mill-hill, New Catton Munn, Charles Clabburn, tailor, Upper St. Giles’-street Murry, Miss A., 2, Grove-place-terrace Murray, Rev. James, Incumbent of St. Giles’, 10, Newmarket-terrace Murrell, Michael, _Fellmonger’s Arms_, St. Martin-at-Oak Murrell, Owen, tailor, St. Augustine’s-street Murnane, John, general superintendent Eastern Union Railway, Victoria-station; res: 2, St. Stephen’s-road Murrell, William, iron-founder, Westlegate-street Murrell, William, _Lord Nelson_, Trafalgar-street, New Lakenham Murton, Mary, shopkeeper, St. Michael’s, Coslany Muskett, Charles, printer, bookseller, binder, and stationer, 5, Gentleman’s-walk, Old Haymarket Muskett, Charles Henry, wheelwright, King-street, and Ber-street Muskett, Mrs. Mary, St. Clement’s-hill Muskett, Robert, Esq., Heigham-grove Myall, Benjamin, baker, Palace-plain Myhill, Mrs. Elizabeth, Sussex-street Myhill, William, cordwainer, 7, Lady’s-lane * * * * * NASH, Spooner, paper and rag merchant, Charing-cross Nash, wholesale grocer, &c.—see Freeman and Nash Naylor, William, engineer, Railway-station, Thorpe Neale, W. V., St. Benedict’s-gates Needham, Francis Studley, ironmonger. Grout’s-thoroughfare Neep, William Edward John, dentist, 5, Post Office-street Nelson, Thomas, shopkeeper and beer-seller, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Nelson, Thomas, jun., shuttle maker, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Nettleton, Mrs. Ann, Mount-pleasant, Eaton Neve, Mrs. Martha, Chapel-field-road Neville, Richarda, milliner and dressmaker, Duke-street Newbegin (James) and Son, tobacco and cigar manufacturers, Bridewell-alley and Market-place Newby, John, Holl’s-lane, Heigham Newcome, Mrs. Charlotte S., Albert-place, St. Stephen’s-gates Newman, Charles, gardener, Old Lakenham Newman, Frederick George, dealer, _Old Barge_, King-street Newman, Frederick H., _Red Lion_, Red Lion-street Newman (George) & Co., tea-dealers and coffee merchants, 7, Davey-place, and at 27, Bell-street, Birmingham Newman, Henry, farmer, Plumstead-road, Thorpe Newman, Henry, gardener and grocer, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Newman, J., broker, Ber-street Newman, Mrs. Mary, Holl’s-lane, Heigham Newman, Sarah, _Three Pigeons_, Fishgate-street Newson, Frederick, grocer and draper, Oak-street, and at Mill-hill, New Catton Newson, Henry, grocer and draper, Mill-hill, New Catton Newson, Henry, grocer, Seymour-place, St. Stephen’s-road Newson, Samuel, baker, Trowse Newstead, William, draper, King-street Newton, Freeman, bookbinder, Infirmary-road Newton, James, fish-salesman, Fye-bridge Newton, Mrs. Sarah, Muspole-street Newton, Son, and Woodrow, land agents, Tombland Newton, William, fruiterer, Swan-lane Nichols, Charles, dyer, Pottergate-street Nichols, Edward, clerk, Nelson-street, Heigham Nichols, Mrs. Hannah, 3, Chatham-place Nichols, William, _Carriers’ Arms_, 33, Pottergate-street Nichols, William Cobb, baker, City-road, Heigham Nichols, William Peter, surgeon, Surrey-street Nicholson, Catharine Anne, schoolmistress, the Chantry Nicholson, Ebon, butcher, Bridge-street, St. George’s Nickalls, John, cabinet maker, Botolph-street Nickols, Jeremiah, tailor, All Saints-green Nickols, John, bird dealer, _Old Friends_, Ber-street Nightingale, Robert Wilson, grocer and tea-dealer, Cowgate-street, Charing-cross, and St. Stephen’s-street Nightingale, William, grocer and tea-dealer, 4, Lower Goat-lane Ninham, Henry, artist, Chapel-field Ninham, John, land agent, Mousehold Nixon, John Hindson, solicitor, Bracondale Nixon, Robert, _Lamb_, Eaton-road Nobbs, Edward Frederick, coach painter, Britannia metal and pewter smith, Red Lion-street Nobbs, Francis, baker, St. Catherine’s-plain Noble, George, _Turk’s Head_, William-street Nockall, David, grocer, 4, Red Lion-street Nockold, Henry, shopkeeper, Ber-street Nockolds, —, hatter, hosier and glove cleaner, 2, Briggs-street Norfolk and Eastern Counties Coal Depôt, Trowse; E. & A. Prior, managers Norfolk Coal Company, St. Faith’s-lane Norgate, Benjamin Henry, surgeon, Bank-street Norgate, John, grocer and wine merchant—see Norgate and Co.; res: Curfew Cottage, Earlham-road Norgate and Co., wine and spirit importers, ale and porter agents, and family grocers, St. Stephen’s-street Norman, Charles, smith, St. Julian’s Norman, James, printer, bookbinder, &c., Haymarket Norman, John, bricklayer, plasterer, and beer-seller, Magdalen-street Norman, Robert, plumber, 6, York-place Norris, James, upholsterer and cabinet maker, 38, Charing-cross, and 4, St. Peter’s Hungate Norton, Fanny, milliner and dressmaker, 4, Bank-plain Norton, Francis James, tailor and hatter, 30, White Lion-street Norton, Mrs. Jane, Distillery-street Norton, John Culley, Esq., 6, Newmarket-terrace Norton, Henry, _Rampant Horse_, Fishgate-street Norton, Robert, tea-dealer, grocer, and tobacconist, 1, Magdalen-street Norwich Wine Company, St. Giles’ Upper-street Noverre, Frank, teacher of dancing, Theatre-square; also Theatre-square, Yarmouth—(see advertisement) Nudds, William, carpenter, 7, Chatham-place Nunn, John, hairdresser, florist, and seedsman, St. Augustine’s-street Nunn, Joseph, _George_, St. Stephen’s Nunn, Marianne, dressmaker, 67, St. Giles’-street Nurse, Robert, carver & gilder, Castle-street Nursey, Eliza, lodging-house keeper, Crescent-place * * * * * OAKES, Henry, _Bull_, Magdalen-street Oakley, Robert, veterinary surgeon, Palace-street Ollett, Henry, carpenter, Eels-buildings, Rose-lane Ollett, Mary Ann, Carver and builder, Life’s-green, Lower-close Olley, Edward, currier, Yarrington’s-court, Wensum-street Olley, Stephen, hotpresser, Upper Westwick-street Olley, Stephen Benjamin, tinplate worker, St. Benedict’s-street Onley, Daniel, earthenware dealer, _Golden Lion_, Brazen Doors-road Opie, Mrs. Amelia, Castle-meadow Orfeur, John, timber and coal merchant, Fishgate-street, and at Yarmouth; res: Gem-cottage, Bracondale Ormsby, Rev. William Arthur, M.A., perpetual curate of St. James, St. Martin’s-at-Palace-plain Orris, Frederick Henry, surgeon, Magdalen-street Osborn, John, tailor and draper, Little London-street Osborne, Charles, carpenter, _Anchor_, Ten Bell-lane Osborne, Rev. John Francis, 23, Victoria-street Osmond & Cooper, architects, St. Andrew’s-street Ostler, Charles, _Prince of Wales_, Pump-street Otty Philip, printer and bookbinder, agent for Morison’s medicines, Orford-hill Oury & Co., English and Foreign circulating library, booksellers and binders, engravers, printers, and stationers, 6, London-street Owen, Frederick, pawnbroker, jeweller, and optician, Magdalen-street Owen, Rev. John, Half Mile-road, Eaton Owen, Thomas, pawnbroker, Colegate-street Oxley, Richard, hosier, hatter, and shirt maker, 7, London-street; res: 111, Pottergate-street—(see advertisement) * * * * * PADGETT, John, postmaster, Rampant Horse-street Page, Alfred W., _West-End Retreat Gardens_, Heigham Page, James, confectioner, Wensum-street Page, John, grocer and tea-dealer, St. Martin-at-Oak; res: 23, Sussex-street Page, John, _Rose_, Palace-street Page, Joseph, tailor, hosier, shirt maker and outfitter, 13, Briggs-street Page, M. F., clerk, Point-house, Ipswich-road Page, Mary, baker, St. John-street Page & Son, wholesale stationers and brush manufacturers, 23, Old Haymarket, and Scoles-green Page & Son, curriers, Magdalen-street Palgrave, Thomas, Esq., Lakenham Palmer, Jonathan, shoemaker, _Angel_, St. Martin-at-Oak Palmer, John, shoeing smith, St. Augustine’s-street Palmer, Lucy, milliner and haberdasher, 6, London-street Palmer, Nathaniel, barrister, Thorpe Palmer, Robert, tea-dealer, 3, Rose-valley-terrace, Unthank’s-road Palmer, Robert, whitesmith, St. Saviour’s-lane Palmer, Mrs. Susan, Crescent-place, Chapel-field Palmer, Thomas Hitchen, attorney, Redwell-street; res: Bracondale Palmer, William, carver in wood, St. Lawrence-lane Palmer, William, boot-tree and last maker, St. John’s Timberhill-street Palmer, William, whitesmith, &c., St. Augustine’s-street Pank, Abraham, gas-fitter, bell-hanger, brass-worker, &c., 123, Pottergate-street—(see advertisement) Pank, Edward, gardener, _Pine Apple_, St. Martina-lane Pank, William, accountant, Ten Bell-lane Paraman, Christiana and Rosa, milliners, 56, St. Giles’-street Paraman, Mrs., upholsterer, Grout’s-thoroughfare Park, John, _Hatchet and Gate_, Lower Goat-lane Park, Joseph, mohair and worsted spinner, the Villa, Mount-pleasant, Eaton Parke, David, clerk, Sussex-street Parke, George, 1, Dereham-road Parker, Clare, builder, St. Martin-at-Oak Parker, Glare, junr., bricklayer and baker, St. Martin-at-Oak Parker, Francis, tailor, St. Julian-street Parker, George, _Lord Nelson_, Pottergate-street Parker, James, bricklayer, _Boy and Cup_, Lobster-lane Parker, Mrs. Mary Ann, 3, Chapel-field-road Parker, Oliver, tailor, Thorpe-road Parker, Thomas, fishmonger and game dealer, St. Stephen’s-street Parker, William, draper and tea dealer, corner of City-road, Dereham-road Parker, William, grocer, &c., St. Augustine’s Parlour and Sons, ironmongers, &c., 15, London-street Parlour, Henry Edward, ironmonger, 15, London-street, and St. Andrew’s-hill Parr, John, baker, Chapel-field-road Parr, Thomas, dealer, Ber-street Parr, William Burrell, Esq., St. Giles’-street Parkins, John, wool-sorter, Sussex-street Parkinson, Thomas, _Elephant and Castle_, King-street Parsons, Georgians, governess, Lakenham-terrace Parsons, Henry, baker, Cowgate-street Parsons, John, hat manufacturer, Brazen Doors-road Parsons, Thomas, plumber and glazier, 3, Rising Sun-lane Parsons, William, civil engineer, 2, Heigham-terrace Partridge, Mrs. Mary, 3, Lakenham-terrace Pashley, Charles, professor of music and music seller, Queen-street Paston, Charles, musician, Ber-street Paston, William, currier, &c.—see Rudd and Paston Paston, William, _Paul Pey_, St. Giles’-hill Patchell, William, _Crown_, Upper Westwick-street Patrick, Charles, grocer and tea-dealer, Cowgate-street Patterson, James, shoemaker, St. Benedict’s-street Patteson, Rev. William Frederick, incumbent of St. Helen’s, Helen’s-square, Bishopgate-street Patteson, H. S., Esq., brewer—see Steward, Patteson, Finch and Co.; res: Thorpe Paul, Mrs. Elizabeth, 7, Earlham-road Paul, Richard, ham and beef shop, 2, Bridewell-alley Paul, William Francis, schoolmaster, Bracondale Payne, John, _All Saints_, All Saints-green Payne, Simon, parish clerk of St. Paul’s, Cowgate-street Payne, Sturley, surgeon, Duke-street Pearce, Charles, blacksmith, Ber-street Pearse, Mrs. Mary, 111, Pottergate-street Pearson, James, Golden Dog-lane Pease, Esther, straw bonnet and dress maker, Pottergate-street Peck, Edward, inspector of police, 3, St. Lawrence-lane Peck, Richard, nurseryman, Plumstead-road, Thorpe Pedder, William, leather cutter, Old Meeting-alley, St. Clement’s Peel, John, _Ship_, Cowgate-street Pegg, George, builder, _Norwich Arms_, Ber-street Pegg, William Bacon, carpenter, Horne’s-lane, Ber-street Pellew, the Hon. and Very Rev. George, D.D., Dean of Norwich, Deanery, Lower-close Pentney, Mrs. Mary, Bath-rooms, Castle-meadow Penton, James, broker, Magdalen-street Perfect, John, fancy chair and basket manufactory, St. Stephen’s-street Perowne, Rev. John, rector of St. John’s Maddermarket, Upper Surrey-street Perowne, John, Rose Cottage, Hall-lane, Lakenham Petch, Hannah, boat builder, _Horse Barracks_, Pockthorpe-road Phillippo, Matthias, Newmarket-road Phillips, Elizabeth, schoolmistress, 5, Chatham-place, St. Stephen’s-gates Phillips, Francis, master of Mancroft Charity School, Hay-hill Phillips, John, _Eagle and Child_, brewery, Golden Ball-street Phillips, John, tailor, draper, and hatter, Orford-hill Phillips, the Misses, boarding school, the Priory, St. Stephen’s Phillips, Robert, wholesale warehouseman, Davey-place; res: the Priory, St. Stephen’s Phillips, Samuel Michael, watch and clock maker, 5, Chatham-place, St. Stephen’s-gates Phillips, William, _Tuns_, St. Michael’s Coslany Philliss, William, currier, _Lord Nelson_, Timberhill Phillpotts, Henry, D.D., master of Catherine Hall, Cambridge, the Close Philo, Joseph, saddler, harness, and whip maker, 44, London-street Pickford &, Co., general railway carriers, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s—agent, J. A. Emmett; res: Heigham-place, Heigham Pierson, Edward, coachmaker, 4, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s Pigg, Arthur John, clothier and hatter, White Lion-street Pigg, John, builder and carpenter, All Saints green Pigg and Greenwood, upholsterers, &c., London-street Pigg, Thomas, shopkeeper, _Baker’s Arms_, St. Clement’s-hill Pigg (Samuel) and Co., woollen merchants, Lamb Inn-court, Haymarket Pigg, Edward, ironmonger, &c.—see Piper and Pigg; res: 5, Wellington-terrace, Grove-place, Lakenham Pigg, Henry, bookseller and stationer, 17, London-street Pigg, Horace Samuel, Manchester and woollen warehousemen, Lamb Inn-court, Haymarket; res: 4, Albion-terrace, Mount Pleasant, Eaton Pigg, James, _Cellar House_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Pigg, Mrs. John, milliner and dress maker, Bethel-street Pigg (Joseph) and Son, mahogany and deal merchants, Bridge-street, St. George’s; res: Mill-hill, Catton Piggin, John, watch and clock maker, optician, and jeweller, Post Office-street Pigott, John, linendraper & hosier, Bridge-street, St. George’s Piggott, J. H., linendraper, Charing-cross Pillgrim, Elizabeth, ladies’ school, St. Benedict’s-plain Pilgrim, John, sen., coroner for Norfolk, Chapel-field Pilgrim, John, jun., solicitor—(see Jay and Pilgrim); res: Chapel-field Pilgrim, Thomas, _Plummer’s Arms_, Cowgate-street Pinching, William, baker and confectioner, 3, Bethel-street Pinson, George, keeper of the County Gaol, the Castle Pinson, Henry, furnishing and general ironmonger, oil and colourman, Bank-plain Piper and Pigg, wholesale and retail ironmongers, braziers, tinmen, bellhangers, oil and colourmen, 5, London-street Piper, John D., ironmonger, &c.—see Piper and Pigg; res: Magdalen-street Piper, William, draper and haberdasher, 17, London-street Pitcher, Henry, pawnbroker, Lobster-lane Pitcher, Thomas, baker and confectioner, Magdalen-street Pitman, Mrs. Newmarket-road Pitt, John Ballard, surgeon, St. Stephen’s-street Pitts, Robert Christopher, chemist, 8, St. Giles’-street Plane, Richard, brewer, _Excise Coffee-house_, Lower Goat-lane Platten, Peter, livery-stable keeper, Surrey-Mews, St. Stephen’s Playford, Arminger, _Two Quarts_, Bridge-street, St. George’s Playford, William, _Rising Sun_, Golden Ball-street Pleasants, Thomas H., baker, Magdalen-street Plowman, Stephen, linen draper—see Venables and Plowman Plunkett, John, _Shuttles_, St. Augustine’s-street Plummer, Charles Taylor, Nelson-terrace, Grove-place, Lakenham Plummer, Elizabeth, lodging-house keeper, Lady’s-lane Plummer, the Misses, teachers of music, Pottergate-street Plumstead, Robert, hair-dresser, Wensum-street Plumstead, Samuel James, general dealer, Coslany-street Plumstead, Frederick, hair-dresser, Wensum-street Plumptre, Robert, barrister, Lower Close Pointer, Henry, confectioner, Charing Cross Pointer, Robert, _Mill_, Mill-hill, New Catton, St. Clement’s Poll, Samuel, manufacturer of camlets, Botolph-street Poole, Mrs. M., Pottergate-street Poole, Thomas, Esq., 5, Crescent, St. Stephen’s Pooley, Richard, baker, Charing-cross Pooley, William, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 2 and 3, Charing-cross—(see advertisement) Porrett, James, butcher, Bracondale Porter, James, _Bowling Green_, Chapelfield Porter, John Spratt, tailor, Upper Surrey-street Porter, Mrs. Maria, Foundry-road, Thorpe Porter, Robert, coal merchant, Botolph-street Porter, Samuel, commercial traveller, Magdalen-street Porter, Thomas, _Key of the Castle_, Oak-street Porter, William, innkeeper, Eaton-road, Eaton Postle, William, commercial agent, Chapel-field Potter, Mrs. Ann, Newmarket-road Potter, James, manufacturer—see Williams and Potter; res: Gildengate-street Potter, James, manufacturer, St. George’s Middle-street; res: 51, Pottergate-street Potter, Harriet, dress maker, Princes-street, Tombland Potter, Robert, shopkeeper, King-street Potter, Thomas, hatter and furrier, 5, Gentleman’s-walk Poulter, William, confectioner, St. Augustine’ s-street Powell, Edward, butcher, _Bricklayers’ Arms_, Union-place Powell, Mrs. Hannah, Theatre-square Powell, John, hairdresser, Upper Westwick-street Powell, Robert, linendraper, London-street Power, Rev. Alexander Bath, principal of Diocesan Training Institution, Ipswich road Powley, Mrs. Catherine J., St. Stephen’s square Powley, Robert, _Jolly Farmers_, Castle-hill Pratt, Benjamin, _Arabian Horse_, St. Martin-at-Oak Pratt, John, shoe maker, 64, Coslany-street Pratt, Robert, land agent—see Pratt, Son, and Homer; res: Newmarket-road Pratt, Sarah, strawbonnet manufacturer, Lower Goat-lane Pratt, Son, & Hornor, land agents and surveyors, Queen-street Pratt, William, wholesale grocer, cheese-factor and tallow chandler, Wensum-street Prentice, John, patten maker, Calvert-street Prentice, Samuel, harness maker, Magdalen-street Prentice & Co., coal depôt, Eastern Union Railway Press, Edward, merchant, Bishop’s-bridge; res: St. Paul’s Back-lane Press, William, grocer, Pottergate-street Preston, Arthur, solicitor, agent to the Royal Insurance Company, and hon. secretary to the Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Society—see Kerrison and Preston Price, Miss, Upper Surrey-street Priest, George, 2, Priest’s-buildings, St. Stephen’s-road Priest, George, watch maker, 3, Briggs-street Priest, Mrs. Henry, academy for young gentlemen, Pottergate-street Priest, Pilgrim, & Co., wine and spirit merchants, &c., 1, St. Giles’-street Priest, Robert Raven, chemist, 1, St. Giles’-street Priest, Thomas, bookseller, printer, stationer, and bookbinder, Rampant Horse-street Primrose, Mary, baker, corner of Pitt-street Pritty, William, _Half Moon_, Stone-hill, Heigham Provart, William, clerk, 10, Sussex-street Puncher, Robert, 17, Victoria-street Pulham, William, grocer and tallow-chandler, St. Mary’s-plain Pull, Elizabeth Mary, grocer and provision dealer, Bull-close, St. Paul’s Pulley, Henry, solicitor, Surrey-street: res: Carrow-hill Pulley, Mrs., Surrey-street Pummell, James, baker, Ten Bell-lane Purdy, Richard Howes, plumber, glazier, and house painter, Hall-road, Lakenham Puxley, James, _Marquis of Granby_, Bishopgate-street Puxley, Martha, milliner, 26, Bethel-street Puxley, William, plumber, glazier, painter, &c., 12, Orford-hill Pycroft, Nathaniel Burton, butcher, Red Lion-street Pycroft, Thomas, butcher, 54, St. Stephen’s-street Pye, Esau, _Bull_, Bull-close, St. Paul’s Pye, Robert, bricklayer, _Bricklayers’ Arms_, Pottergate-street Pye, Samuel, pipe manufacturer, All Saints’-green Pye, William, _Two-Necked Swan_, Market-place Pye, William M., grocer, &c., 6, St. Augustine’s-street Pyman, John, wool merchant and yarn agent, Castle-meadow: res: Mile-end, Eaton * * * * * QUANTRELL, Sarah, grocer—and draper, Union-place Quantrill, Henry, plumber and glazier, King-street Quevillart, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, 1 Keyzor-terrace, Unthank’s-road Quinton, Elizabeth, dress maker, Grout’s-thoroughfare Quinton, John, librarian and secretary of the Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, St. Andrew’s-street; res: 18, Victoria-street Quinton, William, bookbinder, parish clerk, Charing-cross, and 36, Pottergate-street * * * * * RACKHAM (William) and Cooke, solicitors, Tuck’s-court, St. Giles’-street Rackham, John, _Bee Hive_, Upper Westwick-street Rackham, Mrs. Mary Anne, 9, Sussex-street Rackham, Matthew, solicitor, proctor, and notary-public, Bishop’s-office, Lower-close; res: Thorpe Rackham, Thomas, relieving officer, 3, Peacock-street Rackham, William, commercial traveller, 66, Pottergate-street Rackham, and Turner, solicitors, the Close Radford, William, _Black Chequers_, Cowgate-street Rainbird, Samuel, carpenter, &c., Church-street Rainer, Francis, hairdresser, Upper Market Rainger, G. H., accountant, Earlham-road Rand, William Fell, surgeon, 14, Sampson and Hercules-court, Tombland Randall, Henry, Esq., Dereham-road Ranking, William Harcourt, M.D., St. Giles’-street Ransom, Mrs. Susan, 3, Priest’s-buildings, St. Stephen’s-road Ransome, Harriet, haberdasher, toy dealer, and fancy repository, 18, Market-place Ransome, James, watch maker, Queen-street Ransome, Mary Ann, watch maker and jeweller, Bridewell-alley Ransome, Robert, Cambrian-place, Heigham Rant, Jonathan, bricklayer, _Dyer’s Arms_, Quay-side Raven, Edward, _Queen Anne_, St. Michael’s Coslany Rawlinson, Mrs. Emma, Newmarket-road Ray, Alfred William, banker’s clerk, local secretary to the English and Cambrian Assurance Society, 16, St. Giles-street Ray, Mrs. Caroline, Victoria-street Ray, Charles, teacher at the Hospital for Indigent Blind, 13, Calvert-street Ray, John, iron merchant, Goat-lane; res: Thorpe-road Rayner, John, clerk, St. Catherine’s-place, Lakenham Rayner, William, _Greyhound_, St. Stephen’s Raynes, Michael James, Esq., St. Giles’-road Rayson, Mrs. Mary, Grove-place Read, Charles, bricklayer and builder, Union-place Read, Charles, bookbinder and account book manufacturer, Upper Westwick-street Read, Eliza Eleanor, ladies’ school, St. Giles’ Broad-street Read, Mrs. Jane, Lady’s-lane Read, Robert, corn and coal merchant, Bishopgate-street Read, Thomas William, merchant, King-street Read, Trevett, Esq., Newmarket-road Read, W., miller, Trowse Read, William, machine paper miler, St. Peter’s-per-Mountergate Redgrave, Helen, seminary for young ladies’, Gray Friars’, King-street Redgrave, James, commission agent, 1, Bracondale-terrace Redgrave, William Rant, manufacturing chemist, lemonade and soda water maker, &c., Wensum-street Redgrave, Joseph, Esq., Upper-close Redhouse, Hannah, broker, St. Augustine’s-gates Reid, Samuel, draper, hatter, &c., 64, St. Augustine’s-street Reed, Rev. Andrew, minister of Independent dissenters at the Old Meeting-house, Middle-street, St. George’s Reeve, Edward, whitesmith, Cherry Tree-yard, St. George’s Reeve, Eliza, schoolmistress, West End-place, Chapelfield-road Reeve, Henry, shopkeeper and accountant, Upper Westwick-street Reeve, Richard, carrier and wharfinger, Duke’s-palace; res: 110, Pottergate-street Reeve, Mrs. Rose, Bracondale Reeves, Sims, barrister, Tombland Reeve, William, baker, Bull-close Reeve, William Henry, linen draper, 38, London-street Restieaux, Joseph, clerk, and registrar of marriages for the district of Norwich, Lady-lane Reynolds, Edward, brewer, St. Martin’s-lane Reynolds, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Reynolds, Joshua, miller, Hellesdon Reynolds, William, nurseryman, Hall-lane, Lakenham Reynolds, William W., linen draper, Upper Westwick-street Reynolds, William, saddler and harness maker, Upper Westwick-street Reynolds, William, farmer, Hellesdon Reynoldson, M. L., _Eastern Union Railway_, St. Stephen’s-gates Rice, William Herbert, professor of music, 6, St. Faith’s-terrace, St. Faith’s-lane Riches, Edward, hair dresser, Pottergate-street Riches, Henry Charles, warehouseman, Isley’s-buildings, Surrey-road Riches, Robert, hair dresser, Elm-hill Riches, Susannah, straw bonnet warehouse, London-street Riches, William, Sussex-street Riches, William, wheelwright and blacksmith, St. Benedict’s-gates Riches, William Daniel, Esq., 14, Crescent Riches, William Smith, _Foundry Bridge_, Rose-lane Rigg, Rev. Richard, rector of St. Clement and St. Michael’s Coslany, Bethel-street Riley, Francis, beer-seller, Whitefriars Ringer, Mrs. Susanna, 10, Gun-lane Ringer, William, Berlin and fancy repository, 7, Gentleman’s-walk Rivett, Francis, Manchester warehouseman,—see Rivett and Harmer; res: Richmond House, Bracondale Rivett and Harmer, warehousemen, Post Office-court, Market-place Rix, Blofield John, accountant, 35, Victoria-street Rix, George, Temperance Coffee House, Golden Ball-street Rix, Henry, brush, patten and clog manufacturer, &c., Stump Cross, Magdalen-street Rix, William, _White Horse_, Bridge-street, St. Lawrence Rix, William, _Three Compasses_, 3, Upper King-street Rix, match and pill-box maker—see Burton and Rix Roach, Edward, accountant, Chapel-look, Surrey-road Robberds, Charles Augustus, paper maker and miller (Lyng mills, Norfolk), 6, Chapel field-road Robberds, John May, solicitor, (see Foster, Unthank, Burroughes, and Robberds); res: 10, St. Catherine’s place Robbins, Rev. William, A.M., Rector of Heigham, Lady-lane Roberts, Henry, medical botanist, Union-place—(see advertisement) Roberts, James, surveyor, Bank of England-court, Queen-street Roberts, James, shoe manufacturer, 6, St. John’s, Timberhill, res: William-place, Lakenham Roberts, Mrs., Foundry-road, Thorpe Roberts, Susanna, milliner and dress maker, Upper King-street Roberts, William, tailor, Chapel-look, Surrey-road Robertson, Henry, cabinet and chair maker, upholsterer, &c., 121, Lakenham; res: 8, Grove-place-terrace Robertson, Miss, Lower-close Robins, John, _Ship_, Thorn’s-lane Robins, Sarah, _Princess Royal_, Rampant Horse-street Robinson, Mrs. Anna, cork manufacturer, Bridge-street, St. George’s Robinson, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Martin-at-Oak Robinson, John, cork-cutter, _Cork-cutter’s Arms_, Bridge-street, St. George’s Robinson, Mary, clear starcher, Cowgate-street Robinson, Thomas, slater, Cross-lane, St. George’s Robinson, William Henry, Esq., St. Faith’s-lane Rogers, Charles, tailor, &c., 47, Bethel-street Rogers, Edmund Dawson, Esq., reporter, 7, Dereham-road terrace Rogers, Henry, brush and patten manufacturer, Wensum-street Rogers, William, _Grapes_, St. Giles’-gates Roe, Bartholomew, warehouseman, 15, Sussex-street Roe, Charlotte, _Queen Victoria_, Pottergate-street Roe, John Chambers, traveller, 2, Bracondale-terrace Roe, John, _Yarmouth Arms_, Market-place Roe, John, cabinet maker, Orford-hill Roe, Richard, tailor, 16, Bank-street Roe, Sarah Ann, wine-merchant, Old Post Office-court, Market-place Rollings, Abigail, milliner, St. Stephen’s-road Rollings, William, carpenter and builder, All Saints Green Roofe, William, baker, Spitalfields, Thorpe Rooks, Charles, supervisor of Inland Revenue, Orford-hill; res: 3, Bracondale-terrace Roope, Jane H., chemist, Red Lion-street Root, Robert, carver and gilder, Golden Dog-lane Rose, P. W. and R., wine and spirit merchants, St. Andrew’s-hill Rose, George, cork-cutter, 68, St. Stephen’s-street Rose, James, _Nelson’s Monument_, Lower King-street Rose, John, general dealer, William-street Rose, Philip, baker, St. Michael’s Coslany Rose, Robert, _Topers_, Oak-street Rose, Robert, West Pottergate-street Rose, Sarah, bookseller and dealer in fancy goods, Castle-street Rose, Philip William, St. Giles’-road Rossi, George, silversmith and jeweller, Market-place; res: Unthank’s-road, Eaton Rouse, Thomas, grocer, St. Stephen’s-street Rouse, William, brazier, St. George’s Middle-street Row, Frederick, chemist and druggist, St. Stephen’s-street Rowland, Daniel, carpenter, _Raven_, King-street Rowling and Allen, manufacturers, St. Faith’s-lane Royall, Daniel, tailor, Upper King-street Rudd, Elizabeth, druggist and drysalter, St. Michael’s Coslany Rudd, Francis, 4, St. Stephen’s-square Rudd, Henry, shopkeeper and sawyer, St. Paul’s Back-lane Rudd, Mrs., teacher of the pianoforte, Muspole-street Rudd, Noah, butcher, Pottergate-street Rudd, Robert, grocer, &c., Coslany-street Rudd, Thomas, _Little Buck_, Oak-street Rudd, Thomas, bricklayer, Ber-street Rudd, William, tailor, Surrey-street Rudling, William, butcher, Ber-street Rudrum, Christopher, butcher, King-street Rudrum, Spencer Drake, wharfinger and contractor for the conveyance of goods by land or water carriage, Duke’s-palace and King-street-wharfs Rump, James and Robert, carpenters and builders, Colegate-street Rump, James Smith, tanner, Heigham-street Rump, Thomas, grocer, Golden Ball-street Rushbrook, Robert, baker, Thorpe-road Rushmer, John, New Lakenham Rushmer, Sarah Elizabeth, dress maker, St. Mary’s-plain Russell, Benjamin, watch and clock maker, 128, Magdalen-street Russell, Christianna, mistress of the Old Meeting Infant School Russell, Samuel, pipe maker, Pipe Maker’s-yard, St. Clement’s Russell and Son, piano forte manufacturers, 15, Bridewell-alley Russell (Thomas) and Co., manufacturers, of rope, twine, sacks, mats, candle-wicks tarpauling, &c., St. Martin’s-lane, Buff-coat-lane, Scoles-green, and Mousehold Rust, Hannah, draper, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ Rust, James Barron, tailor and draper, 20, Bethel-street Rust, Robert, beer-seller, Redwell-street Rust, Rose, shopkeeper, Princes-street Rust, Thomas, water bailiff, Calvert-street Rutt, Alfred, boat builder, Poole’s-ferry; res: 7, Spitalfields, Thorpe * * * * * SACRET, Thomas, boot and shoe manufacturer, Magdalen-street Sadd, Anthony, manufacturer, Duke-street Sadd, David, shopkeeper, St. Catherine’s plain Sadler, James, horse-hair manufacturer, St. Martin-at-Oak Saddler, John, _Roe Buck_, Trafalgar-street, New Lakenham Sadd, William, Coslany-street Saint, Samuel, Thorpe-road Saint Quintin, Edward Henry, R.N., Foundry-road, Thorpe Sainty, Mrs. Bethel-street Sales, Francis, shoemaker, Botolph-street Salkind, Simon, dealer, Pitt-street Salmon, Christopher John, _Nelson_, West Pottergate-street Salter, Robert Henry, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Duke-street Salter, William, grocer and beerseller, Union-place Samuel & Joseph, pawnbrokers, St. John’s Timberhill Sanderson, A., agent to the Eastern Counties Coal Company, Spitalfields, Thorpe Sands, Thomas, Portland-place, Holl’s-lane, Heigham Sant, William, _Barley Mow_, Haymarket Sapey, Thomas, _London Coffee House_, Rampant Horse-street Saul, Tom, 53, Pottergate-street Saul, William Staff, mahogany, timber, and deal merchant, 61 & 62, Pottergate-street Saul, William, builder, Pottergate-street Saunders & Large, tallow-chandlers, Whitefriars-street Savage, Robert, butcher, Swan-lane and Charing-cross Savory, Matthew, porter at Bishop-street Hospital, Timberhill-street Sawyer, John, _Shoulder of Mutton_, St. Stephen’s-street Say, Sarah, plumber, glazier, and painter, 14, St. Giles’-street Sayer, Benjamin, _Heart’s Ease_, Plumstead-road, Thorpe Sayer, Daniel, veterinary surgeon, 27, Pottergate-street Sayer, John, naturalist, 7, St. Giles’-street Scarlet, Robert, _Surrey_, Surrey-road Scarnell, John, farmer, Earlham goods Scott, Anna Maria, grocer and draper, 1, August-street, Heigham Scott, Charles, sofa and mattress maker—see Thirkettle and Scott Scott, Henry, _Gardeners’ Arms_, 3, Timberhill-street Scott, Mrs. Jane, Castle-meadow Scott, John, boot and shoe maker, Magdalen-street Scott, Maria, dress maker, Princes-street Scott, Mary, shopkeeper, Ber-street Scott, Mrs., the Close Scott, Mrs. Page Nicol, Carrow House, Carrow Scott, Peter Thomas, wholesale brush and patten manufacturer, White Lion-street Scott, Robert Bagge, cabinet maker and upholsterer, St. John’s-street, and 18, Charing-cross; res: St. Andrew’s Scott, Samuel, brazier and ironmonger, 20, Charing-cross Scott, Sarah, tobacconist, 6, Bridewell-alley Scott, Rev. Thomas, (Baptist) Chalk-hill, Thorpe Scott, Thomas, cabinet maker, 21, Charing-cross Scott, William, grocer, Magdalen-street Scott, William, broker, 9, St. John’s Timberhill Scotto, Charlotte, lodging-house keeper, Grove-place, Lakenham Scottow, Mary, confectioner, 2, Red Lion-street Scowen, John, _Grapes_, Dove-lane Scrutton, Henry, grocer, 55, Bethel-street Seaman, Joseph, _King’s Head_, St. James’-street Seaman, Nathaniel, _Black Swan_, Upper Market Seaman, Robert, wine merchant, St. John Maddermarket and Asylum-lane, Heigham Seago, William, spring maker and glover, St. John-street Searles, Frances, linen draper, Norfolk and Norwich House, Ber-street Searles, Robert, schoolmaster of the Heigham National School, Dereham-road Searles, William, bricklayer, _Cattle Hill_, St. John’s Timberhill Sedgwick, Rev. Adam, canon of the Cathedral, and Woodwardian professor of Geology in the University of Cambridge, Lower Close, and Trinity College, Cambridge Sedgwick, Rev. —, Rector of St. Martin-at Oak, the Close Seed, Henry, woolstapler, Muspole-street Seeley, John, butcher, _Bowling Green_, Muspole-street Seeley, Job, Pottergate-street Seeley, William, 6, Priest’s-buildings, St. Stephen’s-road Selby, John Hunt, grocer, Stump-cross, Magdalen-street Self, James, gas-fitter, bell-hanger, & brass-founder, 112, Pottergate-street Self, James William, boot and shoe maker, Heigham-road Self, Thomas, cabinet maker and grocer, St. Mary’s-plain Self, Thomas, brass-founder, gas-fitter, and bell-hanger, Back of the Inns—(see advertisement) Self, Thomas, broker, Upper Westwick-street Selles, Mrs. Elizabeth, 6, St. Catherine’s-terrace Sendall, Mary, milliner, 8, London-street Senior, Richard, cordwainer, Bridge-street Coslany, St. Miles’ Seppings, Mrs. Anna, Paragon-buildings, Castle Meadow Seppings, William, _Shakespeare_, Colegate-street, St. George’s Severn, James, boot and shoe maker, 16, Calvert-street Severn, Samuel, boot maker, _Saint Paul_, Cowgate-street Sexton, Edward, brewer and maltster, _Whalebone_, New Catton Sexton, Horace, builder, Lower Westwick-street Sexton, Joseph, dyer, Calvert-street Sexton, Richard, Ivy Cottage, Lakenham Sexton, Richard, smith, St. Augustine’s Sexton, Robert Watling, builder, Calvert-street Shalders, Charlotte, milliner and dress maker, Bethel-street Shalders, Edward, grocer, &c., Upper Westwick-street Shalders, John, bookseller and binder, Bethel-street Shalders, Noah, pawnbroker, clothier, &c., Westgate-street Shalders, Noah, junr., bookseller, stationer, and news agent, 9, St. Stephen’s-street Shalders, Thomas, shoeing-smith and farrier, Hay-hill Shalders, William, jun., patent fountain pump, hydraulic, and leather works, Bank-plain Sharland, Mrs. Mary, West-end Grove-place, Lakenham Sharland, William, chemist and druggist, agent to the Medical, Invalid, and General Life Assurance Society, Golden Ball-street Sharp, Daniel, solicitor, Surrey-street; res: 7, Lakenham-terrace Sharp, Granville, accountant, East of England Bank; res: 7, Lakenham-terrace Sharp, William, chemist and druggist, Briggs-street Sharpe, Benjamin Thomas, solicitor, 2, Upper Surrey-street Sharpe, Frederick, accountant, Thorpe-terrace, Thorpe Sharpe, John Judd, printer and estate agent, Colegate-street, St. George’s Sharpe, Samuel, B.A., licentiate of the College of Preceptors, professor of the classics, private boarding school master, Belle Vue House, Eaton-park Sharpe, Rev. William Leggatt, curate of St. Clement’s, and of St. Michael’s at Coslany, 6, Heigham terrace, Dereham-road Shaw, Charles Barnabas, cheese factor and provision merchant, 1, Post Office-street Shaw, Henry, farmer, Rose Villa, Dereham-road Shaw, Lieut., R.N., Upper King-street Shaw, Richard, manufacturer, Colegate-street. St. Clement’s Shaw, William, accountant, &c.—see Lowne & Shaw, res: West Wymer-street, Heigham Sheedy, Rachael, _Rosary_, Thorpe-road Sheldrake, Mrs. Hannah, Pottergate-street Shenfield, John, chair maker, 12 Upper-street, St. Giles Sheppard, Robert, commission agent, 82, St. Giles’-street; res: St. Benedict’s-gates Sheppard, John, _Wheatsheaf_, Bethel-street Shibley, William, house agent, 5, York-place Shickle, Mrs. King-street Shickle, Mrs., Sarah Anne, 15, Crescent Shickle, Sarah, dress maker, All Saints’-green Shildrake, Thomas, bankers’ clerk, Bracondale, Lakenham Shildrake, William, watch and clock maker, jeweller, and silversmith, 34, London-street Shildrick, William, _Grapes_, St. Miles’ Church-street Shields, Daniel, grocer, Golden Ball-street, and hoop and rim maker, Prospect-square, Scoles-green Shipman, James, _Suffolk Arms_, Oak-street Short, Edmund Barker, clerk, London-street Short, Henry, wine cooper, Middle-street, St. George’s Short, Joanna, milliner, London-street Short, John, superintendent at the silk mills, Lower Westwick-street, St. Benedict’s-lane Shorting, Mrs. Mary, Chapel-field Shreave, William, carpenter, Towler’s-court, St. Clement’s Shreeve, John, shoeing smith and farrier, Magdalen-street Sidney and Ladyman, wholesale and retail tea-dealers, 6, Gentleman’s-walk, and 8, Ludgate-hill, London—(see advertisement) Sillett, Mrs. Ann, All Saints’-green Sillcock, Mrs. Charlotte, Perry’s-buildings, Hellesdon Silvey, Letitia Ann, confectioner, Ber-street Silvey, William, confectioner, 3, White Lion-street Simmons, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Stephen’s-road Simpson, Amelia, shopkeeper, Ber-street Simpson, George, master of the Great Hospital, Bishopsgate-street, St. Helen’s Simpson, George Edward, solicitor, clerk to the Henstead Union, to the magistrates of the Swainthorpe division, clerk to the Trustees of the Thetford and of the New Buckenham Turnpike Roads; agent to the European Life Assurance, London Fire Insurance, and the Guarantee Societies, Tombland Simpson, John, whip maker, Ber-street Singleton, Mrs. Jemima, 13, Victoria-street Simpson, William Rudd, warper, Calvert-street Sinkler, John, builder and carpenter, Magdalen-street Sissen, William, hairdresser, &c., St. Benedict’s-street Sizeland, Adam, 19, Bethel-street Skayles, Crisp James, shoe manufacturer, 49, Pottergate-street Skelton, John, warehouseman, Sussex-street Skelton, John Smith, tailor and draper, St. Andrew’s-street Skipper, Mrs. Eleanor Anne, Muspole-street Skipper, Henry, confectioner, fruiterer, &c., Magdalen-street Skipper, John, solicitor and proctor, secretary to the Equitable Fire Office, Bank-street; res: Thorpe Skipper and Son, solicitors, Bank street Skoyles, William, furniture broker, Upper Westwick-street Slack, Thomas, machinist, St. Giles’-hill Slacke, James C., engraver, 10, William-street Slaughter, Christopher, shopkeeper and meat seller, Middle-street, St. Augustine Slipper, Charles, toy maker, Upper King-street Slipper, Chas. John, tanner, Botolph-street Smith, Baker, St. Stephen’s-road Smith, David, baker and grocer, Magdalen-street Smith, Edward, chemist and druggist, Calvert-street Smith, Edward, _Waterloo_, Upper Walk, Market-place Smith, Edward, _Coach and Horses_, Union-place Smith, Mrs. Eleanor, Nelson-terrace, Grove-place Smith, George, boot and shoe maker, Trafalgar-street, Lakenham Smith, Gabriel Cooke, banker’s clerk, Thorpe-road Smith, George Williams, clothier and woollen draper—see Steward & Smiths; res: Golden Dog-lane Smith, Mrs. G. W. St. Giles’-street Smith, Mrs. Isabella, Caledonian-place, Dereham-road Smith, James, _Surrey_, Grove-place, Lakenham Smith, James, baker, Magdalen-street Smith, James, umbrella maker, St. Benedict’s-street Smith, John, tobacconist, Gentleman’s-walk Smith, John, glass merchant, St. Stephen’s-plain Smith, John, _Shoulder of Mutton_, St. Augustine’s-street Smith, John, painter, plumber, &c., Ber-street Smith, John, tailor and draper, Great Orford-street Smith, Jonathan, Chesnut-court, St. Giles’-street Smith, Joseph De Carle, wholesale druggist and appraiser, Magdalen-street Smith, Robert, baker, Carrow-hill Smith, Rosamond, _Kett’s Castle_, Spitalfields, Thorpe Smith, Samuel, poulterer, Scole’s-green Smith, Samuel, clerk, Lower Westwick-street Smith, Samuel Howard, jeweller, Orford-hill Smith, Susannah, portrait painter, Cherry-street, Lakenham—(see advertisement) Smith, Susan and Helen, milliners, 17, St. Giles’ Smith & Sons, chemists and druggists, London-street and Magdalen-street Smith, Thomas, Elm-hill Smith, William, glass and china dealer, Rampant Horse Back-street; res: Westlegate-street, St. John Timberhill Smith, William, grocer and tea dealer, Magdalen-street Smith, William, _King’s Arms_, St. Martin-at-Oak Gates Smith, William, general dealer, 11, Lower Goat-lane Smith, William Lyall, chemist and druggist, St. Stephen’s-plain Smithdale, Thomas, iron & brass founder, St. Ann’s Staithe-lane, St. Peter-per-Mountergate Snape, Mrs. Jane, 68, St. Giles’-street Snell, Capt. George, R.N., Crescent-road Snelling, John, _Duke of Wellington_, Pottergate-street Snelling, Thomas, grocer, 43, Magdalen-street Snelling, William, boot and shoe maker, gutta percha dealer, 1 Orford-hill Snowdon (John) & Sons, linen and woollen drapers, hosiers, hatters, haberdashers, lacemen, &c., Bridge-street, St. George’s Snowling, John, _Pope’s Head_, Upper Market Soman, David, wholesale shoe manufacturer Sothern, George, 1, St. Giles’-terrace, Bethel-street Sothern, Mrs. Hannah, Lady’s-lane Sothern, Samuel, (of the firm of Sothern and Sons, stationers, at Gt. Yarmouth,) St. Martin’s Palace-plain South, George, Unthank’s-road Souther, Sherlock, 2, Caledonian-place, St. Benedict’s-road Southgate, William, baker, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Sowels, William, accountant, 5, Chapelfield-road Sowels, William, accountant, Distillery-street, Heigham Spanton, Francis H., postmaster, _Bell_, Orford-hill and Castle-hill Sparke, Alfred, solicitor, Scoles-green Sparke & Co., engineers, ironfounders, and machine manufacturers, Thorn-lane Foundry Sparke, Mrs. Elizabeth, West End-place, Chapelfield-road Sparke, James Bird, iron founder—see Sparke & Co.; res: Earlham-road Sparkes, Francis William, wine merchant, see Clabburn and Sparks, 5, St. Giles’-st. Sparks, Mrs., Thorpe-terrace, Thorpe Spatchett, James, chemist and druggist, St. John’s Maddermarket Spelman and Sons, auctioneers and estate agents, 6, St. Giles’-street, and Hall-quay, Yarmouth Spelman, Henry—see Spelman and Sons; res: St. Giles’-road Spelman, William—see Spelman & Sons; res: Heigham-hill Spence, George, machinist, tobacconist, &c., Bridge-street, St. George’s Spencer, Christopher, J. M., surgeon, King-street Spencer, David James, accountant and cashier to Messrs. Blake, Keith, and Blake, the Chantry Spencer, George, farmer, Earlham-road Spencer, Robert, _Elm_, St. Clement’s, New Catton Spinks, James, grocer and draper, St. Augustine’s-street Spinks, Joint, clerk to the Norwich District Visiting Society, appraiser and valuer of farming covenants, &c., 104, Pottergate-street Spinks, John, junr., post office clerk, Douro-terrace Spinks, Samuel, manufacturer, Calvert-street Spratt, Andrew William, shopkeeper, St. Benedict’s-street Spratt, Mrs. Emma, Unthank’s-road Spratt, Sarah, governess, 2, Bethel-street Spratt, Stephen, _Old Star_, Quay-side Spratt, William, coach builder, Chapelfield Spratt, William, hay and corn dealer, 1, Gun-lane Springall, Benjamin, miller and corn merchant, St. Clement’s-hill Springall, Isaac, watch and clock maker, Wensum-street Springall, James, wholesale and retail tea dealer and grocer, Ber-street Springall, John, wheelwright, Baker’s-road, St. Clement’s Springfield, Osborn, Esq., Old Catton Springfield, Thomas Osborn, Esq., St. Mary’s Church-yard Springfield, Son, and Nephew, silk merchants, St. Mary’s Church-yard, and 66, Coleman street, London Spooner, Edward, mat maker, _Robin Hood and Little John_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Spooner, Edward Frederic, upholsterer, St. Margaret’s-plain Spurdens, Mary Ann, straw bonnet maker, Finket-street Spurgeon, John, maltster, St. Augustine’s-gates Spurgeon, Thomas, lodging-house keeper, Priest’s-buildings, St. Stephen’s-road Stacey, Anthony, cooper, Thorpe-road Stacey, Edward, boot manufacturer, Orford-hill Stacey, George, Esq., Lakenham Stacey, Mary Ann, milliner, Orford-hill Stacy, Mrs., Theatre-street Staff, John, lucifer match maker, Old Caroline-yard, St. Martin-at-Oak Staff, John Rising, solicitor and town clerk, London-street Stafford, Francis, Town House, St. Andrew’s-hill Stafford, William, baker, Union-place Stammers, Robert, whitesmith, Little Orford-street and Castle-hill Stangroom, James, _Cupid and Bow_, 1, St. Martin’s-at-Palace-plain Stangroom, John, _Duke of Sussex_, Gildengate-street Stangroom, John, bill distributor, _Dolphin_, St. Mary’s Stanhaw, George, coachmaker, St. Giles’-road Stanley, George, scale, beam, and weighing-machine maker, Elm-hill Stanley, Joseph, statuary and mason, St. Stephen’s-street Stannard, Alfred, artist, Upper King-street Stannard, Cubitt, manufacturer, St. George’s plain Stannard, Mrs. Emily, artist, Rose-lane Stannard, James, grocer, beer seller, ham and beef shop, Magdalen-street Stannard, Mrs. Marianne, milliner, &c., St. Giles’-hill Stannard, Richard, carpenter and builder, St. George’s-plain Stannard, Robert John, boot maker, St. Giles’-hill Stannard, Sarah, Register Office for Servants, Willow-lane Stanton, Edward, carpenter and joiner, St. Martin-at-Oak Stapleton, Robert, boot maker, St. John’s Maddermarket Stark, Albert Drummond, manufacturing chemist, Duke’s-palace; res: Pottergate-street Stark, William, Esq., St. George’s-plain Stark, William, Son, and Co., manufacturing chemists, Duke-street Stark, William, and Co., dyers and finishers, Duke’s-palace-bridge Starkey, Richard, tax collector, Bracondale Starland, John, plumber and glazier, Surrey-street Starling, Mary Ann, Octagon Chapel School, Calvert-street Starling, Lieut. Colonel Parlett, 4, Crescent, St. Stephen’s Starling, Robert, smith, _East End Retreat_, Thorpe-road Starr, Francis commercial traveller, Infirmary-road Stebbing, Robert, Newmarket-road Stebbings, Henry, livery stablekeeper, Hale’s-court, St. Giles’ Stedman, John, butcher, Lady-lane Steel, Mrs. Ann, 4, Bracondale-terrace Steel and Curtis, wholesale and family chemists, 15, Gentleman’s-walk, and Tombland Steel and Co., grocers and tea dealers, Bank-plain Steel and Rix, fancy repository, 3, Queen-street Stevens, Charles Frederick, tinman and brazier, Magdalen-street Stevens, G. and W., ironmongers, Orford-hill Stevens, John Thomas, law stationer, Castle-meadow Stevens, Thomas William, tailor and draper, 23, Castle-meadow, and Golden Ball-street Stevens, William Horace, letter press printer and bookbinder, Pottergate-street Stevens, William John—see G. & W. Stevens; res: Scole’s-green Stevenson, Seth William, printer and publisher of the “Norfolk Chronicle,” Market-place: res: Surrey-street Stevenson, Thomas, manager of railway goods department, St. Faith’s-lane Steward and Co., timber merchants, King-street, and at Southtown, Yarmouth Steward, Edward, notary public and solicitor—see Steward and Fisher; res: Eaton-hall, Eaton Steward, Mrs. Elizabeth, Bracondale Steward and Fisher, solicitors, King-street Steward, Henry, baker, Bull-close, St. Paul’s Steward, James, tailor and woollen draper,—see Steward and Smiths; res: Thorpe-road Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co., brewers, spirit merchants, and maltsters, Anchor Brewery, Pockthorpe Steward, Samuel, bookbinder, paper ruler, &c., Elm-hill Steward & Smiths, clothiers, hatters, and woollen drapers, 9 and 10, Tombland Steward, Stephen, _Red Lion_, Magdalen-street Steward, Timothy, Esq., Unthank’s-road Steward, William, _Masonic_, Elm-hill Stewardson, Edward, Esq., 6, St. Giles’-road Stewardson, Nathaniel, jun., grocer and general shopkeeper, St. James’-street Stewart, George Ashley, straw bonnet manufacturer, 22, Red Lion-street Stewart, nurseryman, &c.—see Mackie and Stewart Stichall, Mrs. Priscilla, Town Close Lodge, Ipswich-road Stimpson, James, broker, 3, Orford-hill, and 1, Norfolk-street, Union-place Stockings, Jonathan, _Eagle_, Newmarket-road Stockings, Mark, butcher, St. Stephen’s-street Stocks, Alfred Joseph, wholesale and retail draper, 12, Briggs-street Stocks, Rev. Edward, Mile-end House, Eaton Stokes, John, _Temperance_ hotel, 2, Upper Walk, Market-place Stone, Mrs. Elizabeth Agatha, 1, Castle-street Stone, Mrs. Elizabeth, King-street Stone, James, Esq., 1, Cattle-street, and Carrow-hill Stonex, William, butcher, Ber-street Storey, James, grocer and beer retailer, St. Augustine’s-street Storey, William, brewer, maltster, grocer, tea-dealer, beer-seller, &c., Bull Close Brewery, Bull close Stother, John M., R.N., 4, St. Catherine’s-plain Stout, Simon, builder, Pottergate-street Stowers, James, tobacconist and general dealer, Red Lion-street Stowers, Mrs. Sarah Maria, 1, Garden-street St. Quentin, Richard, carpenter and shopkeeper, Cowgate-street St. Quintin, James, Lieut. R.N., the Close St. Quintin, John, plumber, glazier, and decorator, corner of Bethel-street Stracey, Rev. Sir George, Bart., Thorpe Stratford, William, _Three Kings_, Upper Westwick-street Street, —, organ builder, Pottergate-street Stringer, Henry, banker’s clerk, Wellington-terrace, Grove-lane, St. Stephen’s Stringer, Robert, baker, Middle-street, St. Augustine’s Stubbs, Edward, _Golden Lion_, St. John’s-street Stubbs, George, carter, _White Hart_, St. Andrew’s Broad-street Sturley, George, cashier of the Norwich branch Bank of England, 3, Heigham-terrace, Dereham-road Sturley, Joseph Juby, _Norfolk Arms_, St. Michael Coslany Suckling, Maurice Nelson, 2, Porter’s-terrace, Thorpe Sudbury, Thomas, Sussex-street Suffield, Mrs. Elizabeth, Thorpe-road Suggett, (Dunsford & Suggett) surgeon-dentists, St. Giles’-street Sultzer, John, manufacturer, St. Augustine’s-street Sumner, John, officer of Inland Revenue, 1, Golden Dog-lane, St. George’s Surflin, William, plumber, glazier, and painter, _Bank_, 12, Bank-street Sursham, John, corn and coal merchant; superintendent to the Soup and Coal Societies, Soup Office-yard, Fishgate-street; res: St. Clement’s Sussams, William, grocer, Heigham-road Sutton, Daniel Morrison, tailor and draper, Broad-street Sutton, Mrs. Julia, the Grove, Lakenham Sutton, H. M., draper, St. Augustine’s Sutton, Robert, broker, Magdalen-street Sutton, Samuel, clerk, Wensum-street Sutton, Samuel, cutler and surgical instrument maker, 21, Gentleman’s-walk; res: Union-place, Heigham Swann, Harriet, milliner and dress maker, Chapelfield-road Swann, James, boot and shoe maker, St. Clement’s Swann, Joshua, manufacturer, Chapelfield-grove Swann, Mrs. Tabernacle-street Swash, Barnaby, hairdresser, St. James’-street Swash, Robert, bricklayer, _Turkey Cock_, Church-street, St. Simon’s Swinton, William, Pottergate-street Sweetman, Henry, _Rose_, St. Stephen’s-street Symonds, Mrs. Ann, 2, St. Clement’s-hill Symonds, Rev. Henry, the Close * * * * * TADMAN, John Richard, clerk, Gas Works, Mousehold Tadman, William, superintendent of Norwich Gas Works, Mousehold Talbot, Mrs. Anne, Lower Close Talbot, George, tailor, &c., Bridge-street, St. Andrew Tallack, William, office clerk to the Corporation of Guardians, Heigham-road Taney, William, coach lace maker, Timberhill-street Tann, Samuel Wiseman, upholsterer and paper hanger, 38, Pottergate-street Tann, Mary Ann, lodging-house keeper, Hall-road, Lakenham Tany & Co., fishmongers, Fish Market Tate, James, confectioner, Bridge-street, St. Miles Tate, William, carver gilder, and paper hanger, Botolph-street Tatham, Charles, Distillery-street, Heigham Taylor, Adam, joint secretary to the Norwich Union Fire-Office, Surrey-street Taylor, Adam, and Clement, solicitors, deputy under-sheriffs of Norfolk, deputy to the Clerk of the Peace of Norfolk, agents to the Palladium Life Insurance Office, Orford-place Taylor, Charles, _Peacock_, St. Stephen’s-street Taylor, Edward, Charles-street, Heigham Taylor, Elizabeth, corset & elastic bandage maker, 13, Upper St. Giles’-street Taylor, George, fruiterer and gardener, St. Stephen’s-street and White Lion-street Taylor, George, truss maker, 13, Upper St. Giles’-street Taylor, James William, cooper, measure maker, carpenter, and bowl turner, Palace-plain Taylor, John, plumber, glazier, & painter, Palace-street Taylor, John O., solicitor, St. Giles’-street Taylor, Joseph, _White Horse_, Castle-ditches Taylor, Mrs. Maria Elizabeth, Mile-end-cottage, Eaton Taylor, Mrs. Marianne, Surrey-street Taylor, Mary, _Castle_, Castle-hill Taylor, William, medical agent, chemist, herbalist, and druggist, Botanic Medical Dispensary for Diseases of the Skin, 11, Magdalen-street Taylor, William, _White Lion_, St. Martin-at-Oak Taylor, William, tailor, National School-court, Princes-street Taylor, William, manager of Waterworks, Redwell-street Taylor, William Brown, tobacconist and tea dealer, 1, St. Stephen’s-street Taylor, William Henry, surgeon, Princes-street Taylor, William James, plumber and glazier, _Bird in Hand_, Mill-lane, New Catton Teasel, Osborn, timber merchant, steam saw mills, Fishgate-street Terrington, William, boot and shoe maker, 8, Bank-street Theobald, John, glover—see Theobald and Son; res: Newmarket-road Theobald and Son, glovers, London-street Theobald, Mrs., Colegate-street Theobald, Mrs. Sarah, Magdalen-street Thirtle, Mrs. Elizabeth, Heigham-terrace, Dereham-road Thirtle, James, boot maker, 50, Pottergate-street Thirtle, Thomas, livery stable keeper, Golden Ball-street Thirtle, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Bridewell-alley Thirkettle (John) and Scott, sofa, couch, and mattress manufacturers, Middle-street, St. George’s Thirkettle, Harriet, furrier and feather dresser, 90, Upper Westwick-street Thirkettle, Thomas, _Mitre_, Briggs-street Thirkettle, William, whitesmith and bell-hanger, Orford-hill; res: 11, West End-terrace, St. Giles Thompson, Alfred William, commercial traveller, 11, Chapelfield-road Thompson, Charles, shoe maker, Cross-lane, St. George’s Colegate Thompson, Rev. Frederick C., Unthank’s-road Thompson, Henry, Esq., reporter, Dereham-road-terrace Thompson, Gamaliel, farmer, Long John’s-hill, Lakenham Thompson, Henry, chemist and druggist, Medical Institution, 78, St. Stephen’s-street Thompson, Henry, philosophical instrument maker, 10, White Lion-street Thompson, James, grocer, Fishgate-street Thompson, Mrs. Jemima, William-street, Heigham Thompson, John, _Anchor_, Silver-road, Pockthorpe Thompson, John, boot maker, and gutta-percha factor, 10, White Lion-street—(see advertisement) Thompson, Joseph, tea dealer, grocer, &c., 23, White Lion-street Thompson, Joseph, baker and grocer, Mousehold Thompson, Martin, _Griffin_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Thompson, Robert, surgeon, Theatre-street Thompson, Robert, ironmonger, Gentleman’s-walk, and Back of the Inns. Thompson, Thomas, _Red House_, Timberhill Thompson, William, coach maker, _Steam Packet House_, King-street Thorndick, Henry, printer, Princes-street Thorne, Robert, _Goose and Gridiron_, Little Orford-street Thorns, Robert, wholesale ironmonger and manufacturer of tin goods, 8, Exchange-Street; res: 3, Dukes Palace-street Thorpe, Alfred, boot and shoemaker, King-street, St. Peter-per-Mountergate Thorpe, Thomas, _Tun and Anchor_, Colegate-street Thorpe, Thomas, hair-dresser, Coslany-street Thorold, William, civil engineer, ornamental gardener, &c., Phœnix-buildings, Foundry-bridge; res: Thorpe-bower, Thorpe-road Thorsby, Robert, grocer and draper, St. Stephen’s-road Thouless, William, cordwainer, _Thorn_, Bartholomew-street, Thorn-lane Thurgar, Thomas William, artist, Assembly-rooms Thurgar, Walter Christopher, surgeon, 2, Lakenham-place, St. Catherine’s-plain Thurlow, John, _Jubilee_, Ber-street Thurston, Carnaby, baker, New Catton Thurston, Daniel, _Bull_, St. Stephen’s-street Thurston, Rebecca, draper, 5, Davey-place Thurston, Samuel William, Duke’s Palace-road Thurtell, Thomas, Hall-road, Lakenham Thwaites, John, _King’s Head_, St. Stephen’s-street Thwaites, John, _Rainbow_, King-street Tidd, John, _Rifleman_, Cross-lane Tidd, Robert, grocer and tea-dealer, 20, Gildengate-street Tidnam, George, butcher, 6, Bethel-street Tidnam, James, cooper, St. Martin-at-Oak Tidman, Robert, blacksmith, _Rose and Crown_, Bishopgate-street Tidnam, Robert, _Bishopbridge House_, Thorpe-road Tiffin, William, _Waggon and Horses_, Tombland Timpson, William, currier, 5, Dove-street Tinkler, Sophia, milliner, 16, Bethel-street Tinkley, Esther, boot and shoe maker, Rampant Horse-street Tillett, Jacob, Quay-side Tillett, Jacob Henry—see Tillett and Mendham; res: St. Andrew’s-street Tillett, James, wheelwright, St. Augustine’s-gates Tillett, M. A., grocer, St. Martin-at-Oak Tillett and Mendham, solicitors, St. Andrew’s-street Tills, Benjamin, grocer, &c., Magdalen-street Tilney, Henry, _Wine Coopers’ Arms_, Lower Goat-lane Tillyard, Isaac, shoe manufacturer, Elm-hill and Swan-lane Tillyard, Rebecca, linen draper, Stump-cross, Magdalen-street Tillyard, Robert Thomas, shoe manufacturer, Gothic Cottage, West Pottergate-street Tillyard, R. T., and Co., wholesale boot and shoe manufacturers, Upper Goat-lane Tillyard, —, shoe manufacturer—see Tillyard & Son; res.: Douro-terrace, Heigham Tillyard & Son, boot and shoe manufacturers, Elm-hill—(see advertisement) Tipple, John, clerical tailor, woollen draper, hatter, &c., 12, Exchange-street; res.: 2, Adelaide-buildings, St. Benedict’s-road Tripple, John, wholesale shoe manufacturer, Elm-hill; res.: Upper Surrey-street Titlow, Rev. Samuel, 16, Crescent Todd, John, tailor, draper, and hatter, Queen-street Todd, William, accountant, King-street Toll, Elizabeth, lodging house keeper, 3, Crescent-place Tollady, Joseph, horse hair manufacturer, Lower Westwick-street Tolson, Mrs. Martha, 5, London-terrace, St. Stephen’s-road Tomlinson, Robert Stewart, hatter, hosier, and glover, Castle-street Tomlinson, William, upholsterer and boarding-house keeper, Bank-plain Tompson, John Locke, grocer, White Lion-street Tooke, Michael, tailor and grocer, Ber-street Tooke, Sarah Roberts, circulating library and reading rooms, Rampant Horse-street Tooley, William, coal merchant, _Cock and Pye_, Quay-side Towell, Thomas, _White Cottage_, Philadelphia, St. Clement’s Towler, Abel, manufacturer—see Towler, Campin, & Co.; res.: Heigham-grove Towler, Campin, & Co., manufacturers, Elm-hill Towler, Hannah, draper, 3, Fye-bridge Towler, Richard, beer seller, Spitalfields, Thorpe Townshend, George, _Crown_, Elm-hill Townshend, James, dealer in rags, Bridge-street, St. Miles Townshend, Samuel, carver and gilder, Bethel-street Townshend, Samuel Thomas, jun., carver and gilder, 32, Charing-cross Townshend, Timothy, clerk, Fye-bridge Townshend, William, Infirmary-road, St. Augustine’s Townshend, William, _Coach and Horses_, Red Lion-street Townshend, William Charles, printer and shop-keeper, Elm-hill Townley, Jonathan, treasurer of County Courts, Surrey-place, Lakenham Trevor, Henry, cabinet maker, upholsterer, carver, gilder, and paper hanger, 5, Post Office-street Tripp, John, whitesmith, All Saints’-green Trory, John, teacher of music, Elm-hill Trory, William, Unthank’s-road Trower, Noah, _Wool Pack_, Golden Ball-street Trowse, John, parish clerk of St. Peter’s Mancroft, 19, Bethel-street True, Samuel, Tillett’s-buildings, Infirmary-road Tubb, William Henry, Berlin wool and tea warehouse, 46, London-street Tuck, Charles Edward, solicitor, St. Giles’-street Tuck, James Stannard, tailor and draper, 4, Lower Goat-lane Tuck, James, turner and French polisher, Calvert-street Tuck, Robert, painter, Wensum-street Tuddenham, Edward, _Swan_, Swan-lane Tuffs, William, _Light Horseman_, Botolph-street Tungate, Maria, clothes broker, Lower Westwick-street Turner, Benjamin, shoe maker, Harvey’s-terrace, Telegraph-lane, Thorpe Turner, Rev. Charles, M.A., incumbent of St. Peter’s, Mancroft, 17, Crescent Turner, Charles, Esq., 10, Crescent Turner, Frederick, teacher of music, opposite St. Mary’s Church Turner, Henry, general agent, and agent for the Prince of Wales Life Assurance Company, Cross-lane, Calvert-street Turner, James, gilder, opposite St. Mary’s Church Turner, James M., iron-founder and agricultural implement maker, St. Andrew’s Broad-street Turner, Joseph, _Anchor_, 33, Surrey-street Turner, Robert, hair cutter, Trowse Mill-gate Turner, William, shoe maker, Palace-street Turner, William Nicholas Harwin, attorney—see Rackham and Turner; res: Newmarket-road Turrell, James, grocer, Ber-street Tuttell, William, baker, Trafalgar-street, New Lakenham Tutton, Mary, _Goldbeaters’ Arms_, Bethel-street Tuxford, Ann, trunk manufacturer, 6 & 7, Back of the Inns, and Ber-street-gates Twiss, Christopher, _Rampant Horse_, Rampant Horse-street Tyce and Womack, cabinet makers, 16, Charing cross Tyzack, William Valentine, wig maker, hair cutter, and artist in hair, 27, London-street * * * * * ULPH, James, _New Brewery_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Ulph, William, dyer, Lower Westwick-street Underwood, Henry, plasterer and scagliola worker, St. Margaret’s-plain Underwood, John, builder, King-street Underwood, Joseph, vinegar maker—see Hills and Underwood Unthank, Clement William, solicitor—see Foster, Unthank, Burroughes, and Robberds; res: Heigham Upcroft, James, _Jack of Newbury_, Magdalen-street Utting, John, shoe maker, Gildengate-street Utting, Robert, farmer, Grove-place * * * * * VARLEY, John, cabinet maker, St. Stephen’s-street Valo, Mrs. Charlotte, Tombland Vassar, Jabez John, _Butcher’s Arms_, Ber-street Vassar, Mrs. Marianne, Grove-place, St. Giles’-road Venables and Plowman, linen drapers, 9, Gentleman’s-walk Venning, John, Esq., Surrey-street Vincent, Dr., head master of Grammar School, Upper-close Vince, Jacob, gardener, 3, Victoria-street Vincent, Eliza, milliner and dress maker, 9, West-end-terrace, St. Giles’-hill Vincent, Henry, brazier and broker, Upper Westwick-street Vlieland, Jerome Nicholas, professor of French, Italian, and German, Redwell-street Vyall, George, house and furniture painter, St. Andrew’s Broad-street Vyall, Daniel, coal merchant, clerk of St. Andrew’s parish, Broad-street * * * * * WADE, Frances, wholesale and retail woollen draper, 18, London-street Wade, Robert, hair dresser, Redwell-street Waddington, James, land agent, Waddington-terrace, St. Julian’s Waites, Charles, solicitor, Sampson & Hercules-court, Tombland Waites, James, horn and hoof buyer, &c., Ber-street Waites, Robert, cow-keeper and meal-seller, Palace-plain Waite & Son, braziers and gas fitters, London-street Wales, William, builder and timber merchant, St. Stephen’s-street Walker & Co., worsted spinners, Calvert-street Walker, James, carpenter and joiner, Rampant Horse-street Walker, John, _King’s Head_, Pump-street Walker, Richard, fancy repository, Bridge-street, St. George’s Walker, Robert, printer and bookseller, Church-street, St. Michael Coslany Walker, Robert, printer, Bridge-street, St. George’s Walker, Thomas, Gildengate-street Walker, Thomas, carpenter, Upper Westwick-street Walker, William Steward, accountant, Norwich Union Fire-office, Surrey street Wall, Mrs. Hannah, 6, Lakenham-terrace Wall, Harriet, governess, Dereham-road Wallace, James, _Two Brewers_, St. John’s-street Waller, Edward, baker, St. Martin-at-Oak Waller, J. G., cotton manufacturer, Pitt-street Waller, Thomas, baker, Cowgate-street Wallis, Thomas, mustard and chicory manufacturer, 7, Newmarket-terrace Walne, Daniel, Esq., Old Lakenham Walne, Miss Mary, Upper Surrey-street Walters, Martha and Eliza, ladies’ school, Rampant Horse-street Ward, Charles Palmer, hairdresser, 3, Orford-hill Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. Catherine’s-plain Ward, James, baker, Red Lion-street Ward, James, carpenter, St. Andrew’s-hill Ward, William, _Wounded Hart_, Upper Market Ward, William, baker, St. Andrew’s-hill Warman, Zachariah Wright, woollen draper, &c., 2 Rose-lane Warne, Elizabeth, piano-forte tuner and regulator, 122, Pottergate-street Warner, Rev. A. S., chaplain of St. Faith’s Union, Colegate-street Warner, Edward, brewer, _Hope Brewery_, St. Saviour’s-lane Warne, George, _Weston’s Cellar House_, Bridge-street, St. George’s Warner, James, shopkeeper, Eaton-street, Eaton Warner, Walter, grocer, tea-dealer, &c., corner of Bethel-street, Upper Market Warner, William, ironmonger, Theatre-street Warner, William, & Co., copper and zinc merchants, coppersmiths, braziers, brass-founders, tin and iron plate workers, 2, St. Giles’ Broad-street, and Goat-lane Warnes, Henry, clerk, Earlham-road Warnes, Robert, _Eastern Counties Railway_, Foundry-bridge Warnett, Charles, builder, King-street, St. Julian’s Warnett, Harriet, young ladies’ establishment, King-street, St. Julian’s Warren, Thomas, 1, Albert-place, St. Stephen’s Warren, William, Esq., Bracondale Warterton, Edward, tailor, _Cottage_, Silver-road, Pockthorpe Watering, George, musician, Ber-street Watering, John, linen-draper, 69, and 70, St. Stephen’s-street Waters, F. W., miller, Lower Westwick-street Watling, Isaiah, cooper, Gildengate-street Watson and Barnham, attornies and solicitors, Upper Surrey-street Watson, Daniel, carver, gilder, and print-seller, All Saints’ Green Watson, Frederick Elwin, solicitor—see Watson and Barnham; res: 6, Lakenham-terrace Watson, Gilbert P., chemist and druggist, King-street Watson, James, _Prospect House_, Hellesdon-road Watson, John Ferra, resident medical proprietor of private asylum, Heigham-hall Watson, John, _Star_, Haymarket Watson, John Wilcocks, Esq., Heigham Hall cottage Watson, Mrs. stone-mason, Castle-meadow; glass warehouse, Bridewell-alley; res: Foundry-road, Thorpe Watson, Mary Anne, milliner and dressmaker, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Watson, Richard, Esq., Earlham-road Watson and Son, stone-merchants, Castle meadow, and St. Faith’s-lane Watts, Elizabeth, milliner, &c., Pottergate-street Watts, Henry, printer, &c., Pottergate-street—(see advertisement) Watts, James, house agent, Chapel-field-road Watts, James, engineer, iron and brass founder, and general machinist, Rose-lane Watts, John, _Ship_, Mousehold Watts, John Winter, _Spear in Hand_, Vauxhall-street, Julian-place Watts, Sarah, _Lord Nelson_, Stone-hill, Heigham Watts, Thomas, butcher, Market-place and Pitt-street Watts, Thomas, mathematician, Pitt-street Watts, William, _Old Dove_, Market-place Waytes, Philip, cattle-dealer, _Marquis of Granby_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Weavers, William, and Son, fishmongers and dealers in game, Fishmarket Webb, James, artist, _Mazeppa_, Cowgate-street Webb, John Barton, Esq. Earlham-road Webb, Thomas, Castle-meadow Webb, William, rope and twine maker, Magdalen-street Webber, William, consulting surgeon, 65, St. Giles’-street Websdale, John, _Lamb_, Old Haymarket Webster, Anna Maria, milliner and dressmaker, West Wymer-street Webster, Daniel, builder, Pottergate-street Webster, Elizabeth, provision dealer, 8, Golden Ball-street Webster, George, Yarington’s-court, Wensum-street Webster, James, carver, St. Andrew’s-hill Webster, John, hair-dresser, Timberhill-street Webster, Matthew, _Leopard_, St. James’-road Webster, Paul Thomas, commercial traveller, 12, Chapel-field Webster, Robert, shoe maker and clothes broker, St. Lawrence-steps Webster, Thomas, printer, agent to the Christian Knowledge Society, Pottergate-street Webster, William, livery-stable keeper, Maid’s Head Inn-yard, St. Simon’s Weeds, Sarah, grocer and tea-dealer, Bishopbridge, Thorpe Weeks, William, plumber, glazier, and painter, Botolph-street Welch, Rev. William, Baptist minister, Julian-place Wells, Henry, miller, Hellesdon Mills Wells, John William, Castle-meadow Wells, John, _Buff Coat_, Buff Coat lane Wells, Mrs., Queen-street Wells, Peter Michael, tailor, Mandall’s-court, Princes-street Wells, Stephen, junr., auctioneer and valuer, Willow-lane; and at Belmont Cottage, Barnsbury-park, London Wells, Stephen Peter, accountant, Willow-lane Wells, Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Castle-meadow Welton, William, baker and confectioner, Upper Westwick-street Wenn, Mary, eating-house keeper, Market-place West, Edward, shopkeeper, Mill-hill, New Catton West, John, _White Swan_, King-street Weston, Charles, brewer, St. George’s bridge; res: Thorpe Weyer, Thomas, _Red Lion_, St. Miles’-bridge Weyer, William, _Flower Pot_, St. Martin-at-Oak Whaites, Henry T., wine merchant, Dereham Road-terrace Whall, Jeremiah, gun-smith, Little London-street Whall, John, tallow chandler, _Rose_, Cowgate-street Wharton, George, M.D., Upper Close Wheatley, Edward Adams, coffee-house keeper, 18 Davey-place Wheeler, Thomas, Esq., Gildengate-street Wheeler, Rev. Thomas Archibald, Baptist minister, Golden Dog-lane Whincop, Garwood George, bankers’ clerk, Newmarket-road Whistler, James, station-master, Trowse railway station White, Andrew, shopkeeper, St. Martin-at-Oak White, A. M., and D., Berlin wool warehouse, Briggs-street White, Frederick Edward, ironmonger, oil and colourman, 17 Tombland White, Jeremiah, builder and carpenter, Thorn-lane White, Mrs., Grove-place, St. Giles’-road White, Philip, lodging-house keeper, Upper Goat-lane White, Richard, surgeon-dentist, St. Giles’-street; res: the Woodlands, Stoke Holy Cross White, Robert, whitesmith, Calvert-street White, William, farmer, Old Lakenham White, William, broker and house agent, Church-alley, St. Gregory Whitehead, George, stone and marble mason, Ber-street-gates Whitehead, Mary, midwife, opposite St. Augustine’s Church Whitehead, Philip, bread and biscuit baker, 6, Upper Market Whitehouse, Charles, saddler and harness maker, Upper Westwick-street Whiteley, Joseph, worsted spinner, Saviour’s lane Whiting, Miss Elizabeth L., Grout’s thoroughfare Whiting, Sarah, schoolmistress, Cowgate-street Whiting, Sarah, junr., dress-maker, Cowgate-street Whiting, William, schoolmaster, collector of taxes, &c., Cowgate-street Whitrick, James, grocer, West Pottergate-street Wicks, William, schoolmaster, Duke’s palace Widdowes, Mark, _Lamb_, Coslany-street Wiffen, Josiah, cattle dealer, Duke’s street Wigg, Edward, mail contractor, _Stagg_, St. Benedict’s Wigg, Frances, lodging-house keeper, 10, St. Stephen’s-square Wigger, John H. A., dealer in paintings and articles of vertu, Bethel-street Wiggett, Harriet, lodging-house keeper, 29, Victoria-street Wiggett, Joseph, wood turner, Dial-yard, St. Miles’; res: Calvert-street Wiggins, John, _Saracen’s Head_, St. Giles’s-street Wigham, Robert, tobacco manufacturer, 10, Old Haymarket; res: Northumberland-street, Heigham Wild, John, receiver of Inland Revenue, Orford-hill; res: 6, Newmarket-road Wilde, Frederick, plumber, &c., St. Stephen’s-street Wilde, Matthew, plumber and glazier, _Trowel and Hammer_, St. Stephen’s-road Wilde, Stephen, Unthank’s-road Wilde, William, Esq., coroner of Norwich, St. Stephen’s-street Wilde, William, jun., auctioneer, &c., Post-Office-street Wilding, Henry, hair-dresser and perfumer, 42, London-street Wilet, Mary Ann, baker, King-street Wiley, Samuel Hall, shopkeeper and house agent, St. James’ Wilkins, Elizabeth, clear-starcher, Cowgate-street Wilkins, Robert, musician, Bethel-street Wilkinson, Benjamin, 9, Newmarket-road Wilkinson, Henry Joseph, saddler and harness maker, 85, St. Giles’-street Willdin, Charles, carver and gilder, Golden Ball-street Willement, Richard, manufacturer, 3, Calvert-street Willett, Edward, manufacturer—see Willett, Nephew, and Co.; res: Eaton-grove Willett, Henry, manufacturer—see Willett, Nephew, and Co.; res: Mount-pleasant, Eaton Willett, Mrs. Mary Ann Oxley, Mile-end, Newmarket-road Willett, Nephew, and Co., manufacturers, Pottergate-street, and 63, Friday-street, London Williams, Isaac, manufacturer—see Williams and Potter; res: Calvert-street Williams, Isaiah, tailor, Calvert-street Williams, John, pastrycook, 44, Pottergate-street Williams, John Henry, shopkeeper, corner of Duke-street Williams, Josiah, grocer, Swan-lane Williams, Lewis, _Moon and Stars_, Duke-street Williams, the Misses, boarding and day school, 52, Pottergate-street Williams & Potter, manufacturers, Gildengate-street Williams, Thomas, bankers’ clerk, Surrey Cottage, Upper Surrey-street Williams, William, butcher, New Catton, St. Clement’s Williamson, John James, commercial traveller, Distillery-street Willins, Mrs. Eliza Frances, St. Stephen’s-road Willins, William, solicitor, St. Andrew’s-plain: res: Newmarket-terrace Wills, William, tanner and felmonger, Upper Heigham Willsea, Isaac, _Corn Exchange_, Bridge-street, St. George’s Willsea, John, _Waggon and Horses_, St. Michael Wilson, George, bookseller and general shopkeeper, 1, Peacock-street Wilson, George, grocer, Pockthorpe Wilson, George, confectioner, Queen-street Wilson, James, supervisor of Inland Revenue, 34, Victoria-street Wilson, Mrs. & Misses, boarding and day school for young gentlemen, 13 Crescent Wilson, Robert, accountant and agent, 13, Crescent Wilson, Thomas, Sussex-street Wilson, William Stitt, Esq., manager of East of England Bank; res: Newmarket-road Wilson, William, Lame Dog-road Wilson, William, jun., solicitor, Lame Dog-road Wimperis, William, currier, Grout’s thoroughfare Winter, Ambrose, yeoman, 5, Lakenham terrace Winter, Charles, boot and shoe manufacturer, and leather merchant, 7, 8, & 9, Upper Market; res: Grove House, Heigham Winter, George, grocer and baker, St. John’s, Timberhill-street Winter, James, solicitor, 9, St. Giles’-street, res: Rose-cottage, Heigham Winter, John, baker, St. Margaret’s-plain Winter, John Greene, assessor and collector of the Property and Income Tax for Heigham, Unthank’s-road Winter, Samuel, baker, Magdalen-street Winter, Thomas, _Green Hills_ Gardens, St. Augustine’s-gates Winter, William, painter, plumber, glazier, and japanner, Timberhill-street Winter, William, brush-maker, St. John’s Timberhill Wiseman, Alfred, draper, Grove-place, St. Giles’-road Wiseman, Mrs. Mary Ann, Pitt-street Wiseman, Robert P., builder; Muspole-street Wiseman, Isaac, wine and spirit merchant, corner of Post Office and Pottergate-streets Wiseman, Samuel, agent to Bible Society Withers, Peter, _White Lion_, King-street Wodehouse, Rev. Charles Nourse, canon of Norwich Cathedral, Close Wodehouse, Edmund, Esq., M.P., Thorpe Wodehouse, the Misses Elizabeth and Apollonia, Thorpe-road Wolton and Co., family grocers and hop merchants, 47, London street Womack, George, jun., Central Railway outfitting establishment, 11 and 12, White Lion-street Womack, George, cabinet maker, 2, St. Giles’-street Womack, cabinet maker—see Tyce and Womack Wood, George, _Cellar House_, King-street Wood, James, keeper of the Assembly Rooms, Theatre-street Woodcock, Henry, surgeon-dentist, 70, St. Giles’-street Woodcock, Samuel, corn merchant, Palace-street Woodcock, Sarah, dressmaker and milliner, St. Augustine’s-street Woodcocke, Thomas, All Saints Woodgate, Philip, Manchester warehouseman and shoe manufacturer, Castle-street; res: Earlham-road Woodhouse, George Frederick, Bethel-street Woodhouse, John, shopkeeper, Rosemary-lane, St. Mary’s Woodrow, Arthur Charles, land agent, Tombland; res: Bracondale Woodrow, Mrs. Fanny, Bracondale Woodrow, George, carpenter and builder, 7, Gun-lane Woodrow, John, 2, London-terrace, St. Stephen’s-road Woodrow, Joseph, wine and spirit merchant—see Norwich Wine Company; res: Unthank’s-road Woodrow, Thomas, pawnbroker, Coslany-street Woodrow, Thomas John, clerk in the Stamp office, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Woods, George, currier and leather seller, Church-alley, St. Gregory Woods, James, accountant, 2, Muspole-street Woods, James, _Old Crown_, St. Martin-at-Oak Woods, Peter, _Lock and Key_, Ber-street Woods, Robert John, cabinet maker, _Royal Standard_, Ber-street Woods, —, Norwich Music Repository, London-street Woodward, Mrs. Elizabeth, 22, Victoria-street Woodward, George, baker, Julian-street, Julian-place Woolbright, William Henry, solicitor, King-street Woollistone, Samuel, baker and timber-merchant, Cherry-street, New Lakenham Woolmer, Clement Amies, shoe manufacturer, parish clerk, Bridge-street, St. George’s Woolnough, William, miller and merchant, Plumstead-road, Thorpe, and 3, Lower King-street Woolsey, Samuel, _Bull_, Market-place, and Swiss Farm, Thorpe Woolterton, Robert, surgeon, Samson and Hercules-court, St. George’s, Tombland Worby, Robert, eating-house keeper, Pottergate-street Wordingham, William, builder, _Rose_, St. Catherine’s-plain Worman, Benjamin, _Cardinal’s Cap_, Upper Westwick-street Worman, James, builder, Castle-meadow Worman, Robert, carter, St. Giles’-hill, St. Benedict’s Wortley, Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging-house keeper, Castle-meadow Wortley, Martha, milliner, Briggs-street Wortley, Robert, solicitor, St. Faith’s-lane Wright, Esther, cooper, Ber-street Wright, Jacob, iron and brass founder, Muspole-street Wright, James, confectioner, 67, Ber-street Wright, James, tailor, 50, Ber-street Wright, Jeremiah, builder, St. Catherine’s-plain Wright, John, and Son, manufacturers, Elm-hill; res: Bishopgate-street Wright, Joseph, plumber and glazier, Mission-place, King-street Wright, Mrs., the Close Wright, Robert, land agent, Lower Close Wright, Robert, boot and shoe maker, 31, London-street Wright, Thomas, _True Briton_, New Catton, St. Clement’s Wright, Walter, plumber, glazier, and house decorator, Rose-corner, King-street; res: Surrey-place, New Lakenham Wyatt, John, shoe maker, _Carpenters’ Arms_, Thorn-lane Wymer, Mrs. Elizabeth, St. George’s Colegate * * * * * YARINGTON, Edwin William, secretary to the Blind Hospital, Magdalen-street Yarington, Peter Master, governor of City Gaol, Earlham-road Yarington, William, Saviour’s-lane Yates, William, and Co., glass and china dealers, Davey-place Yeames, Samuel, coal merchant, _Black Horse_, King street Yellop, Robert, _Golden Can_, Broad-street, St. Andrews Young, Charles, accountant, 3, Rose-lane Young, John, commercial traveller, 2 Calvert-street Youngman, Harold, merchants’ clerk, Vauxhall-street, Heigham Youngman, Samuel Wood, commercial traveller, 10, Victoria-street Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs, brewers, King-street Youngs, John, bread and biscuit baker, 24, St. Stephen’s-street Youngs, Mary Ann, grocer, Victoria-street Youngs, Peter, _Richmond Hill_, Ber-street-gates Youngs, William, _Cherry Tree_, Hall-road, Lakenham Youels, Joseph, tailor, Ber-street Youells, William, hair-dresser, St. John Sepulchre * * * * * ZIPFEL, Charles, watch and clock maker, Magdalen-street Zipfel, Matthew, watch maker, _Rose_, St. Martin-at-Oak MASON’S NORWICH COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. Academies:—_See Schoolmasters_. Accountants. Bailey, William, 5, Foundry-bridge-rd., Thorpe Barber, C. Jas, 1, Albion-ter., Mount-pleasant, Eaton Barber, Jas., 32, Victoria-st., St. Stephen’s Barnard, J. Cuthbert, Lower Westwick-st. Bayfield, John Freeman, King-st. Bayliss, H., Old Hay-hill; res: Lakenham Booth, George, Richmond-pl., Lakenham Bower, James Garton, St. Martin’s-lane Bradfield, George, St. Giles’-hill Branch, Jas. Bethel-street Butterfant, William George, Cowgate-st. Clark, Sam., William-st., West Pottergate Clark, Thomas, Ivy Cottage, Lakenham, (see advertisement) Corsbie, Josh., the Valley, Old Lakenham Cott, Thomas, 4, West-end-terrace De Carle, Robert, Newmarket-road Dye, Samuel, Crescent-place Fenn, Josiah, 11, St. Stephen’s street Fenn, William, Lower-close Freestone, Robert, West Wymer-street Frost, George, St. Faith’s-terrace Grinling, George, Unthank’s-road Ibroke, Richmond, Newmarket-terrace Lake, William, Norgate’s-ct., St. Stephen’s Lowne and Shaw, Tombland Lowne, Wm. C., jun., William-st., Heigham Maquire, Joseph, 5, Victoria-street Middleton, James, 12, Newmarket-terrace Pank, William, Ten Bell-lane Rainger, G. H. Earlham-road Reeve, Henry, Upper Westwick-street Rix, Blofield John, 35, Victoria-street Roach, Edward, Chapel-look, Surrey-road Sharpe, Granville, East of England Bank Sharpe, Frederick, Thorpe-terrace, Thorpe Sowels, William, 5, Chapel-field road Sowels, William, Distillery-street, Heigham Todd, William, King-street Wells, Stephen Peter, Willow-lane Wilson, Robert, 13, Crescent Woods, James, 2, Muspole-street Young, Charles, 3, Rose-lane Animal and Bird Preservers. Knight, Thomas, King-street, St. Peter, per Mountergate Sayer, John, St. Giles’-st Architects:—_See Surveyors_. Artists. Blazeby, J. Bethel-street Goose, William, Briggs-st. Hodgson, David, Tombland Hubbard, Mary Ann, Surrey-st. May, John, Sussex-street Ninham, H. Chapelfield-rd. Smith, Susanh. (portrait painter), Cherry-street, Lakenham—(see advertisement) Stannard, Alfred, Upper King-st. Stannard, Emily, Rose-lane Thurgar, Thomas William, Assembly-rooms Theatre-street Webb, James, Cowgate-street Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, &c. Asker, Samuel Hurry, St. Giles’-st. Atkinson, J. Goldsmith, Post Office-street Bailey, Elijah Crozier, clerk to Norwich Corporation of Guardians, and Secretary to the Norfolk Agricultural Association, Little Orford-street Bardwell, Everett, the Close Beckwith & Kitton, Palace-street, St. Martin’s-at-Palace Beynon, John Fowler, Lower-close Bignold, Thos., Southend-ter., Lakenham Blake, Keith, & Blake, Chantry, St. Stephen’s Blake, Francis John, Upper King-street Bond, Edgar, Rampant Horse-street Brightwell, Thomas, and Son, Surrey-street Chapman and Hansell, Bank-street Coleman, Samuel, St. Lawrence-lane Cooper, John V., 3, Crescent Cuddon, J. & Francis T., St. Giles’-plain Dalrymple, Arthur, (sec. to City of Norwich Waterworks Com.) 66, St. Giles’-street Dalton, Samuel, 5, St. Giles’-ter. Daveney, C. Burton, Bethel-st. Day, Peter and Son, 8, Upper Surrey-street Day, William, clerk to the magistrates, Newmarket-road Dye, George Arthur, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Fickling, Robert, Princes-st. Field and Bignold, Rampant Horse-st. Forster, William, Post Office-st. Foster, Unthank, Burroughes, & Robberds, Bank-place Fox, Fred., Rampant Horse-st. Francis, Henry, Surrey-st. Freestone, Edward, Little Orford-st. Gilman, C. Suckling, St. Giles’-st. Goodwin, James and John, Willow-lane Grand, John, St. Giles’-street Harrod, Henry, Bank-st. Jay and Pilgrim, Toll’s-ct. Briggs-st. Jessup, Benjamin, St. Michael-at-Plea Kerrison and Preston, Bank-st. Kitson, John, Lower Close Ling, Henry, 24, St. Giles’-st. Long, Edmund S. D., Magdalen-st. Miller and Son, Surrey-st. Munday, John, Chapelfield-road Nixon, John Hindson, Bracondale Palmer, T. Hitchen, clerk to the county court, Redwell-st. Pulley, Henry, Surrey-st. Rackham & Cooke, Tuck’s-ct. St. Giles’-st. Rackham and Turner, the Close Sharpe, Daniel, Surrey-st. Sharps, B. Thomas, 2, Upper Surrey-st. Simpson, George Edward, Tombland Skipper and Sons, Bank-st. Sparke, Alfred, Scole’s-green Staff, John Rising, town clerk and clerk of the peace, London-st. Steward and Fisher, King-st. Taylor, Adam and Clement, Orford-place Taylor, John Oddin, St. Giles’-st. Tillett and Mendham, St. Andrew’s-st. Tuck, Charles Edward, St. Giles’-st. Watson and Barnham, Surrey-street Waites, Charles, Sampson and Hercules-ct. Tombland Willins, William, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Wilson, Wm., jun., Lame Dog-road Winter, James, 9, St. Giles’-st. Woolbright, Wm. Henry, King-st. Wortley, Robert, St. Faith’s-lane Auctioneers and Appraisers. Barnard, Dennis, Castle-st.; res: Bracondale Butcher, W., Theatre-st. Clowes, Francis, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Drane, William, Rampant Horse-street Freeman, D. Garthom, 7, Post Office-street Hudbud, Stephen, Upper Westwick-street Ives, George, Crown Bank-plain Mason, Henry John, 3, Church-alley Spelman and Sons, 6, St. Giles’-street, and Hall Quay, Yarmouth Wells, Stephen, jun., Willow-lane Wilde, William, Post Office-street Baby-Linen Warehouses. Bishop, George, 2, Haymarket (see advertisement) Caley, N. H., 17, Gentlemen’s-walk Cole, Emma, 42, London-street Cruso, Lydia, Briggs-street Bakers. Alden, Edward, St. Martin at-Oak Algar, Robert, Princes-street Allthorpe, Thomas, King-street Atkins, Matthew, Upper Westwick-street Baldwin, Henry, St. Martin-at-Oak Bancalari, Domenico, Ber-street Barker, Samuel, St. Mary’s-plain Baxter, Maria, Brazen Doors-rd., Lakenham Bayfield, Ann, Ber-street Bennett, Robert, West Pottergate-street Bennett, Samuel, Pump-street Berry, George John, Rising Sun-lane Betts, John, Coslany-street Blyth, Joshua, Adelaide-st., Upper Heigham Blyth, Joshua, St. Martin-at-Oak Bone, Francis, St. Benedict’s-street Brighton, C. George, St. Stephen’s-gates Brock, Samuel, Botolph-street Brock, W., 1, Sussex-st., St. Martin-at-Oak Brown, Barnabas, 1, Front-row, New Lakenham Brown, Jas. Eaton, Lower Westwick-street Brown, John, Philadelphia Brown, Mary Ann, 11, White Lion-street Burrage, Albert, Coslany-street Burrage, Edward, Distillery-street Barrage, Edwin, Elm-hill Buxton, Stephen, Carrow-road Cannell, Robert, King street, St. Peter per Mountergate Chapman, William, Wensum-street Chettleburgh, Henry, Rampant Horse-st. Crawfoot, George, St. Benedict’s Crawfoot, Robert, Pottergate-street Dade, Charlotte, 4, Upper St. Giles’-street Daplyn, Mary, St. Augustine’s-gates Daynes, Jeremiah, Fishgate-street Ellis, Jane, Gildengate-street Empson, Eyre, Sussex street Fann, John, Charing-cross Flatt, Samuel, Ber-street Fox, Elizabeth, Lower Close Fox, William, near St. James’s Church Freeman, James, 15, St. Giles’-street Gibson, William, 1, City-road, Lakenham Goldsmith, Thomas, St. Stephen’s-street Graver, Thomas, Paul’s Church-plain Grimes, Thomas, Botolph-street Hall, Harriet, Little London-street Hardy, Michael, Finket-street Harrison, William Thos. Golden Ball-street Harvey, Samuel, Fishgate-street Hill, George, Bishopgate-street Howard, Daniel, Barrack-st. Pockthorpe Iverson, Edward, Union-place Janeth, Charles, Ber-street Johnson, Robert, 1, All Saints’-street, St. John’s Timberhill Knevett, Charlotte, Upper Westwick-street Lake, John, 3, World’s End-lane Lake, Samuel, Bridge-street, St. George’s Land, Henry, St. Clement’s Land, John, St. Peter’s Mancroft Back-st. Lackman, William, King-street LeNeve, Charles, Fishgate-street Long, Joseph Page, St. Martin’s-lane Lowe, Joseph, 5, Gildengate-street Marshall, Robert, Magdalen-street Mitchell, Frederick G. Palace-street Myall, Benjamin, Palace-plain Newson, Samuel, Trowse Nichols, William Cobb, City-rd. Heigham Nobbs, Francis, St. Catherine’s-plain Page, Mary, St. John-street Pummell, James, Ten Bell-lane Parr, John, Chapelfield-road Parsons, Henry, Cowgate-street Pinching, William, 8, Bethel-street Pitcher, Thomas, Magdalen-street Pleasants, Thomas H., Magdalen-street Pooler, Richard, Charing Cross Primrose, Mary, corner of Pitt-street Pummell, James, Ten Bell-lane Reeve, William, Bull Close Roofe, William, Spitalfields, Thorpe Rose, Philip, St. Michael-road Rushbrook, Robert, Thorpe-road Smith, David, Magdalen-street Smith, James, Magdalen-street Smith, Robert, Carrow-hill Southgate, Wm., Barrack-st. Pockthorpe Stafford, William, Union-place Steward, Henry, Bull Close, St. Paul Stringer, Robt., Middle-st., St. Augustine’s Thompson, Joseph, Mousehold Thurston, Carnaby, New Catton Tuttell, Wm., Trafalgar-st., New Lakenham Waller, Edward, St. Martin-at-Oak Waller, Thomas, Cowgate-street Ward, James, Red Lion-street Ward, William, St. Andrew’s-hill Walton, William, Upper Westwick-street West, Edward, Mill-hill, New Catton Whitehead, Philip, 6, Upper Market Wilett, Mary Ann, King-street Winter, George, St. John’s Timberhill-st Winter, James, St. Margaret’s-plain Winter Samuel, Magdalen-street Woodward, George, Julian-st., Julian pl Woollistone, Sam, Cherry-st., New Lakenham Youngs, John, 24, St. Stephen’s street Banks. Branch Bank of England, Queen-street Deposit Bank, Robert Balls, Weston’s-ct., St. Peter’s, Mancroft East of England Bank, Old Haymarket; W. T. Wilson, Esq., Manager,—draw on London and Westminster Bank, Lothbury Gurneys, Birbeck, and Co., Bank-plain, draw on Barclay, Bevan, and Co., 54, Lombard-street Harveys and Hudson, King-street, draw on Hankey and Co., 7, Fenchurch-street Savings’ Bank, Haymarket, open Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, from 12 till two. Actuary, Edward Hartt, Esq. Barristers. Cooper, Carlos, Orford-hill Evans, Charles, King-street Hotson, Wales Christopher, Upper King-street Druery, J. Henry, Cambrian-pl, Heigham Palmer, Nathaniel, Thorpe Plumptre, Robert, Lower-close Reeves, Sims, Tombland Basket Makers. Brown, John, Ber-street Carr, Charles, _Briton’s Arms_, Elm-hill Gay Elizabeth, 15, Tombland Gay, Mary, Upper Market Green, Robert, Upper Westwick-street Hovell, William, Charing-cross Mason, Samuel Ber-street Perfect John, St. Stephen’s-street Beer Sellers.—_See also Licensed Victuallers_. Bullard, Edwin, St. Stephens’-road Buttle, John, Palace-plain Bygrave, Robert, Quay-side Denmark, Dunch, Cowgate-street Edwards, Sarah, Bridge-st., St. Andrew’s Howman, William, St. Martin-at-Oak Mack, Ann, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ Mason, John, Wensum-street Middleton, William, World’s End-road Nelson, Thomas, Barrack-st., Pockthorpe Norman, John, Magdalen-street Riley, Francis, Whitefriars Rust, Robert, Redwell-street Salter, William, Union-place Stannard, James, Magdalen-street Storey, James, St. Augustine’s-st Storey, William, Bull-close Brewery, Bull-close Towler, Richard, Spitalfields, Thorpe Bell Hangers. Boswell, John, St. Andrew’s-hill Cullyer, George, Pottergate-st, & Cow-hill Finch, Walter, Elm-hill Finch, Wm. H., 3, Waggon & Horses-lane, Tombland Land, Wm., Hay-hill Pank, Abraham, 123, Pottergate-street, (see advertisement) Piper and Pigg, 5, London-street Self, James, 112, Pottergate-street Self, Thomas, back of the Inns, (see advertisement) Thirkettle, William, Orford-hill Berlin and Fancy Repositories. Brennan, Elizabeth, 35, London-st. Bush, George, Bridge-st. St. Andrew’s Church, Edward, 9, Post Office st. Gidney, R. William, 71, St. Stephen’s-st. Gilbert, Mary Ann, 5, Little London-st. Hipperson, Mary, St. Peter’s Mancroft Back-street Holder, Reuben, St. Stephen’s-plain—(see advertisement) Lovett, Henry, 58, St. Stephen’s-st.—(see advertisement) Mingay and Son, 7, Old Haymarket Ransome, Harriet, 18, Market-place Ringer, William, 7, Gentleman’s-walk Rose, Sarah, Castle-street Steel and Rix, 3, Queen-st. Tubb, Wm. Henry, 46, London-st. Walker, Richard, Bridge-st. St. George’s White, A. M. and D., Briggs-st. Blacksmiths.—_See also Shoeing Smiths and Whitesmiths_. Brooks, John, Golden Ball-st. Brooks, John, All Saints’-st. Huggins, J., Chapelfield-road Norman, Charles, St. Julian’s Oakley, Robert, Palace-st. Palmer, John, St. Augustine’s-st. Pearce, Charles, Ber-street Riches, William, St. Benedict’s-gates Sayer, Daniel, 27, Pottergate-st. Sexton, Richard, St. Augustine’s Shreeve, John, Magdalen-st. Smith, William, Pottergate-street Starling, Robert, _East End Retreat_, Thorpe-road Tidman, Robert, _Rose and Crown_, Bishop-gate-st. Warner, James, Eaton Wells, Thomas, Castle Meadow Boarding Houses. Bennett, William, 12 & 13, Exchange-st.—(see advertisement) Crisp, the Misses, (for ladies only,) Martineau House, Magdalen-st. Tomlinson, William, Bank-plain Boat Builders. Butcher, John, Carrow Breeman, James, St. Ann’s Staithe-lane, King-street Petch, Hanh., _Horse Barracks_, Pockthorpe Rutt, Alfred, Poole’s Ferry Bookbinders. Coote, G. M., Hay-hill Daynes, Samuel, 54, St. Stephen’s-st. Grinter, Charles Edward, Gildengate-st. Howes, James, Back of the Inns Jarrold & Sons, London-st. & Exchange-st. Jeary, Robert, 5, Bridewell-alley—(see advertisement) Lemmon, J. Robert, Upper Market-place Muskett, Charles, 5, Gentleman’s Walk, Old Haymarket Newton, Freeman, Infirmary-road Norman, James, Haymarket Ottey, Philip, Orford-hill Oury and Co., 6, London-street Priest, Thomas, Rampant Horse-st. Quintin, William, Charing-cross and 36, Pottergate-street Read, Charles, Upper Westwick-st. Shalders, John, Bethel-st. Stevens, William Horace, Pottergate-st. Steward, Samuel, Elm-hill Booksellers and Stationers. Bacon and Kinnebrook, _Norwich Mercury_ office, 12, London-st. Brown, Zachariah, 115, Ber-st. Croxford, Henry, 33, Magdalen-st. Darken, James, 2, Little London-st. Daynes, John C., Back of the Inns Fletcher, Josiah, (and publisher,) Haymarket—(see advertisement) Gooch, Robert, White Lion-st. Jarrold and Sons, (and publishers,), London-st. and Exchange-st., and St. Paul’s Churchyard, London Jeary, Robert, 5, Bridewell-alley—(see advertisement) Lain, Edward, Elm-hill Lemmon, J. Robert, Upper Market-place Mousir, Robert, 9, Upper St. Giles’-st. Muskett, Charles, 5, Gentleman’s Walk, Old Haymarket Oury and Co., 6, London-street Pigg, Henry, 17, London-st. Priest, Thomas, Rampant Horse-st. Rose, Sarah, Castle-st. Shalders, John, Bethel-st. Shalders, Noah, jun., 9, St. Stephen’s-st. Stevenson & Matchett, _Norfolk Chronicle_ Office, Market-place Walker, Robert, Church-st., St. Michael Coslany Woods, William, London-st. Wilson, George, 1, Peacock-st. Boot and Shoe Makers. Abbott, William, 22, Magdalen-street Annison, David, Mousehold Balls, Susanna, Bridge-street, St. George’s Barker, John George, 3, St. Stephen’s-st. Barker and Barnes (wholesale), 1, York Tavern-passage, Orford-hill Barnes, James, 5, St. James’s-street Base, William, St. Michael-at-Coslany Basey, Robert, _King’s Head_, Magdalen-st. Bassingthwaite, William (wholesale), 56, St. Stephen’s-street Batterbee, James, Upper Westwick-street Bell, J. _Sir John Barleycorn_, St. James’s Bennett, Austin, _Tuns_, Whitefriars’-street Blyth, Bales William, Bethel-street Bowhill, Henry, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Bowtell, Thomas, 30 and 31, Davey-place, and 42, Skinner-street, Snow-hill, London Bowthorpe, William, Rose Valley-terrace, Heigham Buck, Chas. Harrison (factor), Back of the Inns Bull, Isaac, 8, Back of the Inns Burgess, W., New-buildings, Mariner’s-lane Carver, John, Church-street, St. Simon’s Calver, Thomas, 10, Upper Market Cannell, George Symonds, Ber-street Challis, John, 43, London-street Cherry, Thomas, St. Catherine’s-road Clarke, David, Ber-street Clarke, Henry (factor), Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s Clarice, Isaac, Botolph-street Clarke, Thomas Samuel, New Catton Collins, Alfred, 42, London-street Collins, James, 41, Davey-place Cook, Edward Thomas, Revolving Depôt, 21, White Lion-street Cooke, Edward, St. John Maddermarket Cooper, William, Pitt-street Cousens, John, Rising Sun-lane Cox, John, Stump Cross, Magdalen-street Cullington, Mary Anne, Queen-street Cuthbert, Edward, Pitt-street Dann, James, Magdalen-street Dean, James (wholesale), Magdalen-street Denmark, William, _Seven Stars_, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Elmes, Jonathan, St. Stephen’s-road Evans, Geo., Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Faulke, John, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Felstead, Harriet, 4, Exchange-street Ford, William (wholesale and retail) 13 and 14, Davey-place Francis, Geo., _Jolly Dealers_, Castle-ditches Franklin, Charles, 11, London-street Freeman, Richard, Upper Westwick-street Gaze, Samuel, Duke-street Gill, Elizabeth, Orford-hill Gilman, Chas. Suckling (wholesale) the Athenæum, Bethel-street Gooch, David, Upper King-street Grand, Robert, _Jolly Dyers_, Fishgate-st. Grave, Richard, Ber-street Groom, Geo. (wholesale) 53, St. Stephen’s-street Gurrin, J. & M., & Co. (wholesale and retail), 9, 10, & 11, London-street (see Advertisement) Hall, George Norton, Castle-street Hardy, Jonathan, Upper Westwick-street Harris, James J., Ber-street Harrison, Charles, St. Mary’s-plain Harrison, Robert, 4, Elm-hill Harrison, William (wholesale and retail), Bridewell-alley Hewison, Joseph, St. John’s, Timberhill Hipper, William, Bridge-st., St. George’s Holl, George N., All Saints’ Green Holl, Robert Durant, Gaol-hill, Market-pl. Hohnes, William, Paul’s-opening Horne, Robt., (wholesale), Little London-st. Hotblack, John, Orford-hill Howes, Abraham, Rampant Horse-street Jermy, Jeremiah, Pottergate-street Johnson, William and John, 1, 2 & 3, Mitchell’s-court, Market Kemp and Son, 18, Pitt-street Kent, John, Gildengate-street Kent, Robert, 22, White Lion-street Kisch, Moses, Magdalen-street Lacey, William, New Catton Lake, James, Red Lion-street Lee, William, All Saints’-street Ling, George, St. Benedict’s-street Lock, Henry, 3, St. Stephen’s-street Loombe, Thomas, Timberhill-street Mann, Samuel, 6, Magdalen-street Martin and Sons, (wholesale), Church-alley St. Gregory’s May, William, Upper St. Giles’-street Middleton, John, Calvert-street Mingay and Son, 7, Old Haymarket Myhill, William, 7, Lady’s-lane Palmer, Jonathan, _Angel_, St. Martin-at-Oak Patterson, James, St. Benedict’s-street Pratt, John, 64, Coslany street Reynolds, Joseph, Bridge-st., St. Andrew’s Roberts, James, 6, St. John’s, Timberhill Sacret, Thomas, Magdalen-street Sales, Francis, Botolph-street Scott, John, Magdalen-street Self, James William, Heigham-road Senior, Richard, Bridge-street, St. Miles Severn, James, 16, Calvert-street Severn, Samuel, _St. Paul_, Cowgate-street Skayles, Crisp James, 49, Pottergate-street Smith, George, Trafalgar-st., Lakenham Snelling, William, 1, Orford-hill Soman, David (wholesale) Stacey, Edward, Orford-hill Stannard, Robert John, St. Giles’-hill Stapleton, R., St. John’s Maddermarket Swann, James, St. Clement’s Terrington, William, 8, Bank-street Thirtle, James, 50, Pottergate-street Thirtle, Thomas, Bridewell-alley Thompson, Chas., Cross-lane, St. George’s, Colegate Thompson, John, 10, White Lion-street Thorpe, Alfred, King-street, St. Peter per Mountergate Thouless, William, _Thorn_, Bartholomew-st., Thorn-lane Tinkley, Esther, Rampant Horse-street Tillyard, Isaac, Elm-hill, and Swan-lane Tillyard and Co., Upper Goat-lane Tillyard and Son, Elm-hill, (see advertisement) Tipple, John, Elm-hill Turner, Benjamin, Harvey-terrace, Telegraph-lane, Thorpe Turner, William Palace-street Utting, John, Gildengate-street Winter, Charles, 7, 8, and 9, Upper Market Woodgate, Philip, (manufacturer) Castle-st Woolmer, Clement Amies, Bridge-street, St. George’s Wright, Robert, 31, London-st. Wyatt, J., _Carpenter’s Arms_, Thorn-lane Boot-Tree and Last Makers. Alden, James, Ber-street Barnard, Stephen, Coslany-street Calton, Charles, Botolph-street Palmer, Wm., St. John’s, Timberhill-st. Braziers, Tinmen, &c. Alden, Robert, (and Carriage-lamp-maker,) St. Stephen’s-plain Ashen, Robert, St. Stephen’s-street Barnard and Bishop, 3, Gentleman’s-walk, and Calvert-street Barnard and Boulton, London-street Bedford, Philip, Pottergate-street Haywood, Cary, Ber-street Hayward, Henry, Magdalen-street Piper and Pigg, 5, London-street Rouse, Wm., St. George’s, Middle-street Scott, Samuel, 20, Charing-cross Stevens, Chas. Fred., Magdalen-street Vincent, Henry, Upper Westwick-street Waite and Son, London-street Warner, and Co., 2, St. Giles’ Broad-street, and Goat-lane Brewers. Arnold, Maria, St. Margaret’s-plain Banham, George, (and cooper,) 2½, Lower King-street, St. Peter per Mountergate Bull, John, Anchor Brewery, Pockthorpe Bullard, Richard, St. Michael-at-Coslany Burdett, Jonathan, _Dial_, Dereham-road Clark, Charles, St. Miles, Coslany George, Thomas William, Eaton-road Gooch, Noah, Charing-cross Heigham, Richard, Magdalen-street Hubbard, James, Golden Dog-lane Jennings, George, Upper Westwick-street Kidd, Archibald, Golding-st., Heigham Millar, Alfred S., St. Stephen’s Brewery, St. Stephen’s-gates Morgan, J. B. and H., Old Brewery, King-street Phillips, Eagle and Child brewery, Golden ball-street Plane, Richard, Lower, Goat-lane Reynolds, Edward, St. Martin’s-lane Sexton, Edwd., _Whale Bone_, New Catton Steward, Pattern, Finch, and Co., Anchor Brewery, Pockthorpe Storey, William, Bull Close Brewery, Bull-close Warner, Edwd. Hope Brewery, St. Saviour’s-lane Weston, Charles, St. George’s-bridge Youngs, Crawshay, and Youngs, King-st. Bricklayers and Plasterers. Aldis, James, Princes-st. Barber, William, _White Lion_, Palace-plain Betts, John, West Pottergate-st. Berry, William Mills, Peacock-st. Blake, George, Newmarket-road Cattermoul, J. O., Pitt-st. Coe, Mark, _Plough_, Castle-hill Curtis, Francis, West Pottergate-st. Curtis, George, Rising Sun-lane Goose, Robert, Union-place, Heigham Green, Richard, St. Martin-at-Oak Hardy, James, 18, Bethel-st. Howard, Charles, Bishopgate-st. Howard, Thos., _Red Lion_, Bishopgate-st. Howes, James, _White Lion_, Magdalen-st. Lacey, Benjamin, _Theatre_, Bethel-st. Lacey, Horace, St. Stephen’s-square Lacey, James Wilkins, Surrey-road Lacey, John Grimwood, Richmond-hill, Bracondale Lacey, W. R., Surrey-st. Lake, Samuel, Lake’s-yd. St. Augustine’s-st. Ling, George, All Saints’-green and St. Stephen’s Upper-st. Lord, James, _Eagle_, Lower Westgate-st. Heigham Mills, George Thomas, Pottergate-st. Moore, Robert, _Bull_, St. Paul’s Church-st. Norman, John, Magdalen-st. Parker, Clare, jun., St. Martin-at-Oak Parker, James, _Boy and Cup_, Lobster-lane Pye, Rob., _Bricklayers Arms_, Pottergate-st. Rant, Jonathan, _Dyers Arms_, Quay side Read, Charles, (and builder,) Union-place Rudd, Thomas, Ber-st. Searles, William, _Cattle Hill_, St. John’s, Timber-hill Swash, Robert, _Turkey Cock_, Church-st. St. Simon’s Underwood, Henry, (and scagliola worker) St. Margaret’s-plain Brick Manufacturers. Blake, George, Surrey-road and Lakenham Coalman, George Rising, Chalk Cliff, near Bishop’s-bridge, Thorpe-road Dawson, George, Brazen Doors-road Jenkinson, Robert, Brazen Doors-road Brush Makers. Abel, Frederick, St. Gregory’s Church-alley Cook, Samuel, 6, Davey-place Gay, Mary, Upper Market Gooch, Thomas, Grout’s-thoroughfare, St. John’s Timberhill Harper, James Kersey, Upper Westwick-st. Hutchin, John, St. John’s Timberhill-st. Knights, Samuel, Middle-st. St. George’s Leeds, William, 17, London-st. Ling, Walter, Middle-st. St. George’s Ling, William, 2, Princes-st. Page and Son (wholesale), 23, Old Haymarket and Scoles-green Rix, Henry, Stump-cross, Magdalen-st. Rogers, Henry, Wensum-street Scott, Peter Thomas (wholesale) White Lion-street Winter, William, St. John’s Timberhill Builders and Carpenters. Aldous, Chas. and John Fuller, 7, Surrey-rd Amies, John, Southwell-street, Lakenham Atkins, Richard, 27, Bethel-street August, John and William, (contractors), Unthank’s-rd. and August-st., Julian-pl. Bailey, Isaac, West Pottergate-street Baldwin, Anthony Samuel, All Saints’-grn. Balls, Daniel, West Pottergate-st. Bell, Rebecca, Peacock-st. Bishop, Thomas, St. Paul’s; res: Calvert-st. Bishop, William Ames, Magdalen-st. Bricher, Thomas, St. Benedict’s-plain Bright, John, Earlham-road Brooks, Thomas, Bridge-st. St. Andrew’s Brooks, William, Tabernacle-st. Brooks, William Thomas, 3, St. Faith’s-ter. Browes, Robert, _Brickmakers’ Arms_, Brazen Doors-road Browne, Agas, Theatre-st. Browne, John, _Clarence Harbour_, Carrow Coalman, George Rising, Chalk Cliff, near Bishop’s-bridge, Thorpe-road Colman, John Daniel, Magdalen-st. Cooke, Timothy, Magdalen-st. Darkins, Canuel, 2, Victoria-st. Dawson, James, _King’s Arms_, Bishopbridge, Thorpe Ellis, John, Oak-street England, Robert, 2, Dereham-terrace Fairman, Thomas, 2, Westend-ter. St Giles’ Fisher, Thomas, Broad-st. St. Andrew’s Fitt, John, Rising Sun-lane Foulsham, Thos., _Queen Adelaide_, Pitt-st Freeman, J. (and lime-burner) Earlham-rd. Gaze, Matthew, King-street George, Robert, Muspole-street Gilbert, William, Pitt-street Griffin, —, Cow hill Hall, Samuel, St. Gregory’s Church-alley Hammond, Sam., _Dog_, Paul’s Churchyard Hood, Robert, St. Miles, Coslany, and Sussex-street Houghton, Robert, Ber-street Hewitt, J., St. Augustine’s-gates Howell, James, St. Augustine’s-gates Howlett, James, Pottergate-street Lacey, G. Plummer, Surrey-gr. Surrey-rd. Leach, William, St. Martin’s-lane Lilly, William, Rose-June Lucas, Brothers (and contractors), 22, St. Giles’-street; South Wharf, Lowestoft; and Belvedere-road, Lambeth Mandall, Robert, Princes-street Meachen, S. H., William-street Minns, George William, Castle-meadow Minns, Robert, _Jolly Hatters_, St. James’s Moore, James, St. George’s, Colegate Morris, George, _Red Lion_, Magdalen-street Nudds, William, 7, Chatham-place Ollett, Henry, Heal’s-buildings, Rose-lane Ollett, Mary Ann, Life’s-green, Lower Close Osborne, Charles, _Anchor_, Ten Bell-lane Parker, Clare, St. Martin’s-at-Oak Pegg, George, _Norwich Arms_, Ber-street Pegg, William Bacon, Horne’s lane, Ber-st. Pigg, John, All Saints’-green Rainbird, Samuel, Church-street Rollings, William, All Saints’-green Rowland, Daniel, _Raven_, King-street Rump, James Robert, Colegate-street Saul, William, Pottergate-street Sexton, Horace, Lower Westwick-street Sexton, Robert Watling, Calvert-street Shreave, Wm., Towler’s-court, St. Clement’s Sinkler, John, Magdalen-street Stannard, Richard, St. George’s-plain Stanton, Edward, St. Martin’s-at-Oak Stout, Simon, Pottergate-street St. Quentin, Richard, Cowgate-street Underwood, John, King-street Wales, William, St. Stephen’s-street Walker, James, Rampant Horse-street Walker, Thomas, Upper Westwick-street Ward, James, St. Andrew’s-hill Warner, Charles, King-street, St. Julian’s Webster, Daniel, Pottergate-street White, Jeremiah, Thorn-lane Wiseman, Robert P., Muspole-street Woodrow, George, 7, Gun-lane Wordingham, William, _Rose_, St. Catherine’s-plain Worman, James, Castle-meadow Wright, Jeremiah, St. Catherine’s-plain Butchers. Allen, John, Tombland Archer, Jesse, Pitt-street Baker, James, _Bess of Bedlam_, St. Martin’s-at-Oak Ball, George, Upper Westwick-street Baxter, John, Ber-street Beaumont, John, St. Catherine’s-plain Blake, Robert, Lower Westwick-street Chapman, Abel, Palace-street Chapman, Samuel, St. Giles’s Chapman, W. Samuel, St. Stephen’s-street Clarke, Samuel Royal, Unthank’s-road Claxton, James, St. Faith’s-lane Cobb, Leggatt, _Rose_, St. Augustine’s Cobb, Legatt, jun., Magdalen-street Cordran, William, Fye-bridge, Magdalen-st. Cottam and Brewster, Upper Market Daniel, Benjamin, Botolph-street Damson, Jonathan, Magdalen street Dawson, Philip, Magdalen-street Ellwood, Henry, Timberhill-street Ellwood, James, St. Michael’s Coslany Fitt, Royal James, Ber-street Fussey, Richard, Ber-street Giles, Ebenezer, Thorpe-road Gotterson, John, _Plasterer’s Arms_, St. Margaret’s-street Greeves, Henry, Upper Market Hall, Charles, King-street Harley, John Payne, St. Benedict’s-street Hicks, Leonard, Market-place Hicks, Leonard, 93, St. Michael-at-Thorn Howard, John and Thomas, Market-place Kett, George, Ber-street Kett, James, Magdalen-street King, Edward, St. Catherine’s-plain Lamb, Charles, Upper Market Lamb, James, Market-place Minns, David, St. Benedict’s-street Moore, Joseph, Magdalen-street Nicholson, Ebon, Bridge-st., St. Andrew’s Parr, Thomas, Ber-street Porrett, James, Bracondale Powell, Edward, Union-place Pyeroft, Nat. Burton, Red Lion-street Pycroft, Thomas, 54, St. Stephen’s-street Rudd, Noah, Pottergate-street Ruddling, William, Ber-street Rudrum, Christopher, King-street Savage, Robert, Swan-lane, & Charing-cross Seeley, John _Bowling Green_, Muspole-st. Stedman, John, Lady-lane Stockings, Mark, St. Stephen’s-street Stonex, William, Ber-street Tidnam, George, 6, Bethel-street Williams, Wm., New Catton, St. Clement’s Watts, Thos., Market-place and Pitt-street Cabinet Makers. Abel, Daniel, Pottergate-street Aldous, Chas. and J. Fuller, 7, Surrey-road Batson, James, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Benfield, John, Union-place Bruning, J., Grout’s-ct., St. John’s Timberhill Clarke and Hunter, Dove-lane Cordran, William, 1, Chapelfield-road Craske, James, Lower Goat-lane Crowe and Sons, St. Stephen’s-street Crowfoot, William, Ber-street Easter, William, Pitt-street Fairweather, H., 46, Upper St. Giles’-street Fisher, Jas., Whiting, corner of Calvert-st. Freeman, Chas. Jeremiah, 10, London-st. Hales, James, St. John’s-street Howard, Stephen, Rose-lane Larwood, Wm., _Cock and House_ Duke-st. Lord Aaron, St. John’s Maddermarket Miller, Geo. Robert, St. Andrew’s-hill Nickalls, John, Botolph-street Norman, Jas., 38, Charing-cross, and 4, St. Peter Hungate Norris, James, St. John’s Maddermarket Pooler, William, 2 and 3, Charing-cross, (see advertisement) Robertson, Henry, Lakenham Roe, John, Orford-hill Salter, Robert Henry, Duke-street Scott, Robt. Bagge, St. John-st., and 18, Charing Cross Scott, Thomas, 21, Charing Cross Self, Thomas, St. Mary’s-plain Shenfield, John, 12, Upper-st., St. Giles’ Thirkettle and Scott, Middle-street, St. George’s Trevor, Henry, 5, Post-office-street Tyce and Womack, 16, Charing Cross Varley, John, St. Stephen’s-street Womack, George, 2, St. Giles’-street Woods, Robert, _Royal Standard_, Ber-st. Cane Worker. Dyer, Jephunneh John, Ber-street Carters and Carriers. Marston, Alfred, Great Orford-street Pickford and Co., Broad-st., St. Andrew’s; J. A. Emmett, agent Reeve, Richard, Duke’s-palace Rudrum, Spencer Drake, Duke’s-palace and King-street-wharfs Stubbs, George, _White Hart_, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Warman, Robt., St. Giles’-hill, St. Benedict’s Carvers and Gilders. Barnham, John, Brazen Doors-road Basey, James, Elm-hill Boswell, William, Magdalen-street Coot, Robert, Golden Dog-lane Crowe and Sons, St. Stephen’s-st. Culyer, Thomas, (Gothic architectural,) Pottergate-st. Cushing, Charles, St. Lawrence-lane, Pottergate-street Dawes, Larrance, Bank-plain Freeman, Charles Jeremiah, 10, London-st. Freeman, William, 2, London-st. Gilman, John, Market-place Gooch, George St. Andrew’s-hill Ladbrooke, Robert, White Lion-st. Nurse, Robert, Castle-st. Palmer, William, St. Lawrence-lane Tate, William, Botolph-st. Townsend, Samuel, Bethel-st. Townsend, S. Thomas, 32, Charing-cross Turner, James, opposite St. Mary’s Church Watson, Daniel, All Saints-green Webster, James, St. Andrew’s-hill William, Charles, Golden Ball-st. Cattle Salesmen. Fromow, Stephen, 10, Sussex-street Goldsmith, —, Hellesdon-road Hope, James, 2, Lakenham-terrace Chair Makers.—_See also Cabinet Makers_. Batley, William, Lower Westwick-st. Batley, William, jun., Muspole-st. Cheesemongers. Belding, Wm., Magdal.-st. St. Edmund’s Bullard, William, 10, Lower Goat-lane Freeman and Nash (wholesale), Upper Market Lane, Israel, Stamp Office-yard, St. Andrew’s Pratt, William (wholesale), Wensum-st. Shaw, Charles Barnabas, 1, Post Office-st. Webster, Elizabeth, 8, Golden Ball-st. Chemists and Druggists. Arnold, Edward, Orford-hill—(see advertisement) Baxter, John James, Upper Westwick-st. Botwright, J. R., All Saints’-green Browne, Marianne, St. Catherine’s-plain Case, Philip, Bridge-st. St. George’s Cooke, William, St. Giles’-street Cubitt, George, Upper Market Fitch, Robert, Market-place Fromow, William (wholesale and retail) St. Augustine’s-st. Grant, Thomas, Ber-st. Grimmer, Samuel, 12, White Lion-st. Harper, George, Bank-plain Harrt, Edward, 11, Distillery-st. Hartt, Walter, Rose-corner, King-street Hooper, John, Hall-road, New Lakenham Hulme, John Hughes, St. Andrew’s Hall plain James, Henry, St. Mary’s Jeary, John (agricultural), Coslany-st. Johnson, Ambrose, Searle, Lower Westwick-street Juler, Richard, St. James’-st. Miles, Charles, St. Stephen’s-street Moore, James Brett, Robinson’s-buildings, Rose-lane Pitts, Robert Christopher, 8, St. Giles’-st. Priest, Robert Raven, 1, St. Giles’-st. Redgrave, William Rant, Wensum-st. Roope, Jane, H., Red Loin-st. Row, Frederick, St. Stephen’s-st. Rudd, Eliz. (and drysalter,) St. Michael’s Colsany Sharland, William, Golden Ball-st. Sharp, William, Briggs-st. Smith, Edward, Calvert-st. Smith, Josh. de Carle, (wholesale druggist,) Magdalen-street Smith and Sons, London-st. & Magdalen-street Smith, Wm. Lyall, St Stephen’s-plain Spatchett, Jas., St. John’s Maddermarket Stark and Co., (manufacturing) Duke’s-st. Steel and Curtis, (wholesale and retail) 15, Gentleman’s-walk and Tombland Taylor, William, 11, Magdalen-street Thompson, Henry, Medical Institution, 78, St. Stephen’s-street Watson, Gilbert P., King-street China, Glass, and Earthenware Dealers. Beven, Robert, Magdalen-street Brundell and Bean, Upper Market-place Foulsham, Thomas, Bridge-st., St. George’s Gill, John, 86, St. Giles’ Broad-street Hardiment, J. St. Augustine’s-street Heap, William, _Pigeons_, Charing Cross Jay, J., (glass merchant,) St. Andrew’s-hill Lovick and Co., Broad-street and Bridewell-alley, St. Andrew’s Meadows, George, Westlegate-street Onley, Daniel, _Golden Lion_, Brazen Doors-road Smith, John, St. Stephen’s-plain Smith, Wm., Rampant Horse Back-street. Yates and Co., Davey-place Clothiers. Bayes (Elizabeth) and Sons, 4, Orford-hill and Red Lion-street Bowgen, John Hart, Lower Westwick-st. Claxton, Robert, 9, Davey-place Fromow, John, 6, Lower Westwick-st. Johnson, William and John, 1, 2, & 3, Mitchell’s-court, Market Kingsmill, William, Bridge-st. St. Michael’s Coslany Pigg, Arthur John, White lion-street Shalders, Noah, Westlegate-st. Steward and Smiths, 9 & 10, Tombland Tungate, Maria (broker), Lwr. Westwick-st. Coach Builders. De Carle, Edward, King-st. Dixon, Fuller, King-st. Harcourt, Anthony, Chapelfield-road Hart, Philip W., St. Giles’-gates and Red Lion-street Howard, George, Little Orford-st. Howes, Joseph and James, Red Lion-st. Jolly, Charles W., St. Stephen’s-gates Kett, Henry, St. Giles’-st. Meadows, Jonathan, St. Andrew’s Bridge-street Pierson, Edward, 4, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s Spratt, William, Chapelfield Stanhaw, George, St. Giles’-road Coal Merchants. Bardwell, George, 3, Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s Baxter, William, King-st. Beckham, Robert John, Magdalen-st. Boardman and Sureham, Wensum-st., Tombland, and Soup Office-yard, near Fye-bridge, St. Clement’s Bowgen, John Hart, 4, Lower Westwick-st. Coalman, George Rising, Chalf Cliff, near Bishop’s-bridge, Thorpe-road Cook, Edward, Pitt-st. Cozens & Son, St. Benedict’s-st. Crowe, Ed., _Balloon_, Lower Westwick-st. Culley & Hart, Duke’s Palace, St John’s Maddermarket Dawbarn, Sons, and Co., Rudrum’s-wharf, King-street, and 16, Exchange-st.—(see advertisement) Dawson, John, Ber-street Eastern Counties’ Company, Spitalfields, Thorpe—A. Sanderson, agent Finch, William, Coslany-st. Hawkes, William, St. Michael Coslany Hartlepool Company, Exchange-st. and Eastern Union Railway Laint, Benjamin Charles, King-st. gates, Pockthorpe, and St. Mary’s Mealing and Mills, King-st. Monghton, John, _Waterman’s Arms_, St. Peter Pier, Mountergate Norfolk & Eastern Counties’ Depôt, Trowse—E. & A. Prior, managers—(see advert.) Norfolk Company, St. Faith’s-lane Orfeur, John, Fishgate-st. and at Yarmouth Porter, Robert, Botolph-st. Prentice & Co., Eastern Union Railway—Depôt, St Stephen’s Sursham, J., Soup Office-yard, Fishgate-st. Tooley, Wm., _Cock and Pye_, Quay-side Vyall, Daniel, St. Andrew’s Broad-st. Yeames, Samuel, _Black Horse_, King-st Coffee and Eating House Keepers. Chainey, William, Bridewell-alley Crown, Charles, Elm-hill Francis, Nathan, Little-Orford-st. Hunter, William, Castle-meadow Leggatt, Samuel, Castle-hill Massingham, John, St. Stephen’s-plain Rix, George, _Temperance_, Golden Ball-st. Stokes, John, _Temperance_, 2, Upper Walk, Market-place Wenn, Mary, Market-place Wheatley, Edward Adams, 18, Davey-place Worby, Robert, Pottergate-street Commission and General Agents. Bardwell, George Syder, 1, Priest’s-builds., St. Stephen’s-road—(see advertisement) Barker, John (W. Stapleton’s London Champagne Establishment) Chapelfield Beeston, John, Chapelfield-opening Brittain, James, Bracondale Burrows, George C., Post Office-st. Garell, Robert Atkinson, Duke-st. Isley, William, Chapel-lane, Surrey-road Kitton, Charles Thomas, St. Giles’-road Lockett, William, St. Faith’s-lane May, Charles, Holl’s-lane Postle, William, Chapel-field Redgrave, James, 1, Bracondale-terrace Sheppard, Robert, 82, St. Giles’-st. Wilson, Robert, 13, Crescent Confectioners. Black & Co., Gentleman’s-walk Blyth, Joshua, St. Martin-at-Oak Borrett, Wm. (and sugar boiler,) Duke-st. Burrage, Edwin, Elm-hill Chettleburgh, Henry, Rampant Horse-st. Davy, Daniel, St. Stephen’s-st. Deynes, Richard, Lower Westwick-st. Grimes, Thomas, Botolph-st. Haddon, Richard Curzon, Rose-lane Harris, Francis, 12, Elm-hill Harrison, William, St. Andrew’s-hill Hatcarton, Joseph, Swan-lane Hick, William, Bridge-st. St. Andrew’s Hull, William Henry, St. Martin’s-lane Hunt, James, Golden Ball-st. Hunt, John, Upper Westwick-st. Johnson, Susanna, Rampant Horse-st. Lake, Samuel, Bridge-st. St. George’s Lanham, James T., St. Giles’-st. Little, Henry, 3, Dove-st. Lock, Charles, 7, Exchange-st. Lowne, Mary, 3, Lower Goat-lane Marshall, Robert, Magdalen-st. Marston, Richard, 13, Gentleman’s-walk Page, James, Wensum-st. Pinching, William, 8, Bethel-st. Pitcher, Thomas, Magdalen-st. Pointer, Henry, Charing-cross Poulter, William, St. Augustine’s-st. Scottow, Mary, 2, Red Lion-st. Silvey, Letitia Ann, Ber-st. Silvey, Wm., 3, White Lion-st. Skipper, Henry, Magdalen-st. Tate, James, Bridge st. St. Miles’ Welton, William, Upper Westwick-st. Williams, John, 44, Pottergate-st. Wilson, George, Queen-st.—(see advertisement) Wright, James, 67, Ber-st. Coopers. Amy, Jos., _Castle_, Spitalfields, Pockthorpe Amy, Thomas, Magdalen-st. Banham, George, (and brewer,) 2½, Lower King-st. St. Peter-per-Mountergate Broom, Abraham, Lower Westwick-st. Calthorpe, Elizabeth, (and patent grease manufacturer,) Castle Meadow Calthorpe, John Peter, _Lord Brougham_, St. Martin-at-Oak Culyer, Charles Arthur, Rampant Horse-st. Fox, Lacey, Rose-lane Graver, Abraham, _Windmill_, Ber-street Lorkin, Walter Theodore, Ber-street Merry, John, Lobster-st. Monsey, James, Thorn-lane Short, Henry, Middle-st. St. George’s Stacey, Anthony, Thorpe-road Taylor, James Wm., Palace-plain Tidnam, James, St. Martin-at-Oak Watling, Isaiah, Gildengate-st. Wright, Esther, Ber-street Cork Cutters. Crosskill, Robert, (manufacturer,) Gildengate-street Robinson, Anna, (manufacturer,) Bridge-st. St. George’s Robinson, John, Bridge-st. St George’s Rose, George, 68, St. Stephen’s-st. Corn Chandlers. Batson, Edward, Magdalen-st. Batson, Potter, (and miller,) 7, Tabernacle-st. Burcham & Pyle, Wensum-st., Tombland Read, Robert, Bishop-bridge Spratt, William, Old Haymarket Corn Merchants. Allen, Henry, Magdalen-street Barber, John Lee, St. Martin’s lane and Haymarket Barnard, John, Golden Ball-street Boardman and Sursham, Wensum-street, Tombland, and Soup Office-yard near Fye-bridge, St. Clement’s Bruce, William, near Fye-bridge Cook, Edward, Pitt-street Cozens and Son, St. Benedict’s-street Cremer, Francis, Princes-street Freeman, Chas. Robt., (and flour) Upper Market Grand, John, Golden Ball-street Hankes, Wm., (and hop,) St. Michael Coslany Haslewood, Christopher J., Weaver’s-lane, Old Haymarket Jolly, H., _Eagle and Child_, Golden Ball-st. Mealing and Mills, King-street Read, Robert, Bishop bridge Springall, Benjamin, St. Clement’s-hill Woodcock, Samuel, Palace-street Curriers and Leather Sellers. Beare, Sml. Shalders, Bridge-st., St. George’s Brooks, Cooper, Pottergate-street Cooke, Edward, St. John-street Cousins, Thomas, Upper Market Curtis, William, Upper Westwick-street Debney, Richard, _Grapes_, Red Lion-street Diver, Jabez, St. Paul’s Church-plain Foulsham, Henry, 3, St. Lawrence-steps Gooch, Samuel, 2, White Lion-street Howell, James, Castle-ditches Howell, William, Lower Goat-lane Kemp and Son, Pitt-street Olley, Edw., Yarrington’s-ct., Wensum-st. Page and Son, Magdalen-street Pedder, Wm., Old Meeting-alley, St. Clement’s Philliss, Wm., _Lord Nelson_, Timberhill Rudd and Pastor, St. Giles’-hill Tillyard and Son, Swan-lane Timpson, William, 5, Dove-street Wimperis, William, Grout’s-thoroughfare Winter, Chas., 7, 8, and 9, Upper Market Woods, Geo., Church Alley, St. Gregory Cutlers. _Marked thus_ * _are Surgical Instrument Makers_ * Allison, Sophia, St. Peter’s-steps, Market-place Critchfield, Samuel, Royal Hotel-str., Back of the Inns Huggins, John, 2, Rising Sun-lane Hunt, John, Upper Westwick-street Knights, George, Dove-street Lister, Son, and Co., 10½, Old Haymarket * Pearson, —., St. Andrew’s-hill * Sutton, Samuel, 21, Gentleman’s-walk Dancing Masters: _See Teachers of Music and Dancing_. Dealers. Caprani, Lewis, (hardware) 4, 5, 6, White Lion-street Corbyn, William, Distillery-street Harvey, Richard, St. Miles’ Hindle, William, Pump-street Hill, Richard, Cow-hill, St. Giles’ Newman, Fred, J., _Old Barge_, King-street Plumstead, Samuel James, Coslany-street Rose, John, William-street Salkind, Simon, Pitt-street Smith, William, 11, Lower Goat-lane Waytes, Philip, (cattle) _Marquis of Granby_, Barrack-st., Pockthorpe Wiffen, Josiah, (cattle) Duke-street Dentist: _See Surgeon Dentists_. Dressmakers. _Marked thus_ * _are also Milliners_ Austin, Emily, Golden Ball-lane, Saint George’s Austin, Temperance, Gildengate-street * Boatwright, Elizabeth, Cowgate-street * Bond, Harriet, Magdalen-street * Brighton, Maria, 3, Bethel-street Brown, Ann, Sherbourne-pl., Mariner’s-lane * Capes, Mary Ann, Calvert-street Carr, Harriet, Gildengate-street Clark, Maria Ann, St. Faith’s-lane Cogman, Emma, Princes-st., Tombland Cook, Charlotte, 23, Bethel-street Dixon, Emily, 8, St. Catherine’s-plain Dobson, Martha, Gildengate-street Fulcher, Mrs. Susanna, King-st. Haward, Ann, Theatre-street Hind, Anne, Cowgate-street * Howard, Mary Ann, 7, Surrey-road Howes, Elizabeth, Colegate-street Hurn, E., Bank-street Johnson, Ann, St. Clement’s * King, M. Cowgate-street * Lincoln, Sarah, Botolph-street * Marsh, Hannah, Surrey-street * Moore, Martha, St. Stephen’s-street * Mortimer, Mary, St. Giles’-street * Neville, Richanda, Duke-street * Norton, Fanny, 4, Bank-plain Nunn, Marianne, 67, St. Giles’-street Pease, Esther, Pottergate-street * Pigg, Mrs. J., Bethel-street Potter, Harriet, Princes-street, Tombland Quinton, Elizabeth, Grout’s-thoroughfare * Roberts, Susannah, Upper King-street Rushmer, Sarah Elizabeth, St. Mary’s-pln. Scott, Maria, Princes-street Shalders, Charlotte, Bethel-street Shickle, Sarah, All Saint’s-green * Swann, Harriet, Chapelfield-road * Vincent, Eliza, 9, West End-terrace, St. Giles’-hill * Watson, M. Ann, Barrack-st., Pockthorpe * Webster, Anna Maria, West Wymer-st. Whiting, Sarah, Cowgate-street * Woodcock, Sarah, St. Augustine’s-street Dyers and Dressers. Breeze, Christmas, Bridge-st., St. George’s Brown, Isaiah, Tombland Browne, Wm., 14½, Bridget, St. Miles Bush, Francis, Princes-street Campling, Alfred, Gildengate-street Carter, John, 3, All Saint’s-green Cattermoul, William, St. Andrew’s-hill Cooke, Ann, Middle-st., St. Augustine’s Cooke, Thomas Paul, Coslany-street Crowe, Spicer, Upper Westwick-street Culyer, Thomas, St. John’s Timberhill Fisher, Robert, Calvert-street Fletcher, Ann, 19, Quay-side Furse, M., Gildengate-street George, Edward Peter, Brazen Doors-road George, George, St. Michael Coslany Harper, George, Calvert-street Houghton, David, 4, St. Giles’-street, (see advertisement) Jarrett, Thos., Pipe Office-yd. St. Clement’s Jay, Joshua, Bethel-street Kidd, John R., Coslany-street Metcalf, Francis, Colegate-street Minns, Jesse, St. Clement’s-alley Nichols, Charles, Pottergate-street Sexton, Joseph, Calvert-street Stark and Co., Duke’s Palace Bridge Ulph, William, Lower Westwick-street Engineers. Blyth, Robert John, Ber-street Buckle, William, St. Faith’s-lane Buttifant, C. and Son, King-street Campling, James, Buff Coat-lane Cawdron, Jonathon, Duke-street Florence, George, Thorn-lane Ham, Frederick, consulting Engineer and Chemist, and Insurance Agent, King-st. Hine, Charles, Muspole-street Holmes and Sons, Prospect-place Works, Globe-lane, and Castle-hill Howard and Gaze, St. Paul’s, Back-lane Lock, Henry (civil), 3, St. Catherine’s-terrace, Bracondale Parsons, W. (civil), 2, Heigham-terrace Sparke and Co., Thorn-lane Foundry Thorold, W. (civil), Phœnix-buildings, Foundry-bridge Turner, J. M., St. Andrew’s Broad-street Watts, James, Rose-lane Engravers and Copperplate Printers. Bidwell, Joseph, Rampant Horse-street Dallinger, Joseph, 12, Davey-place Emslie, James, 7, Horn’s-lane, Ber-street Hall, William, Back of the Inns Morrison, Robert, Great Orford-street Orford-hill (see advertisement) Slack, James C., 10, William-street Fellmongers. Everett, Joseph, Thorpe-road Wills, W., Upper Heigham Fishmongers and Game Dealers. Appleton, J. V. W. (salesman), Fishmarket Bagshaw, Joseph, St. Stephen’s-street Bagshaw, George, Fishmarket Baldwin, John, Fishmarket Barnard, John, Wensum-st. & Fishgate-st. Bayfield, Shearman, Sussex-street Campling, John, Magdalen-street George, Richard, St. Benedict’s-street Jay, C. and J. (wholesale), Market-place Lincoln, James, Fishmarket Newton, James (salesman), Fishmarket Parker, Thomas, St. Stephen’s-street Parker, Joshua, Fishmarket Pratt, William, Fishmarket Taney and Co., Fishmarket Weavers and Son, Fishmarket Fringe and Lace Makers. Cockaday, Isaac, St. Andrew’s-hill Gooch, Joshua, Dove-street Taney, Wm., Timberhill-street Fruiterers. Bagshaw, Joseph, St. Stephen’s-street Bell, Ann, Red Lion-street Bullard, Robert, Swan-lane Butcher, Simon, Pitt-street Cohen, Philip, Swan-lane Cooper, James, Princes-street Cousins, Jas., Church-alley, St. Gregory’s Davey, Daniel, St. Stephen’s-street Fitt, John, Botolph-street Flowers, Thomas, St. Andrew’s-plain Hunt, James, Golden Ball-street Lawes, Robert C., Little Orford-street Lilly, Henry, Pottergate-street Newton, William, Swan-lane Skipper, Henry, Magdalen-street Taylor, George, St. Stephen’s-street and White Lion-street Furniture Brokers, &c. Brightwell, Thomas, 23, Charing-cross Canham, Sarah, Ber-street Crowfoot, William, Ber-street Ely, Robert, Tooley-street Hagan, William, St. Martin-at-Oak Hall, Samuel, St. Gregory’s Church-alley Holmes, James, Quay-side Howes, Thomas Self, near Rose-corner, King-street Hudbud, Stephen, St. Gregory King, Joseph, Back of the Inns Mason, James, Charing-cross Mayhew, George, Norris’-buildings, Dereham-street Moll, Rich. (and chair-maker) St. John’s-street Newman, J., Ber-street Norris, James, Charing-cross Penton, James, Magdalen-street Pigg and Greenwood, London-st Redhouse, Hannah, St. Augustine’s-gates Scott, William, 9, St. John’s Timberhill Self, Thos., Upper Westwick-street Skoyles, William, Upper Westwick-street Stimpson, James, 3, Orford-hill, and 1, Norfolk-street, Union-place Sutton, Robert, Magdalen-street White, W., Church-alley, St. Gregory Womack, George, Charing-cross Furriers. Bayes, Louisa, Oak-street Fox, Joel, Market-place Knight, Thomas, Castle-meadow Potter, Thomas, 5, Gentleman’s-walk Thirkettle, Harriet, 90, Upper Westwick-st. Game Dealers.—_See Fishmongers_. Gardeners.—_See also Nurserymen_. Bullard, Rebecca, St. Stephen’s-street Cork, John, Mill-lane, Heigham Fitt, Richard, Earlham-road Francis, Richard, Unthank’s-road Green, John, Asylum-lane Harborough, Wm., St. George’s, Middle-st. Hawes, David, St. Lawrence-acre, Earlham Newman, Charles, Old Lakenham Newman, H., Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Pank, E., _Pine Apple_, St. Martin’s-lane Taylor, George, St. Stephen’s-street and White Lion-street Thorold, William (ornamental), Phœnix-buildings, Foundry-bridge Vince, Jacob, 3, Victoria-street Gas Fitters. Bedford, Philip, Pottergate-street Hall, James, Magdalen-street Horstead, James, All Saints’-green Land, W., Hay-hill (see advertisement.) Pank, Abraham, 123, Pottergate-street (see advertisement) Self, Jas., 112, Pottergate-street Self, Thos., Back of the Inns (see advertisement) Waite and Son, London-street Glovers, &c. Asker, Harriet Jane, 20, Gentleman’s Walk Boughton, Samuel, Red Lion-street Mills, William, Golden Ball-st. Seago, William, St. John-street Theobald and Son, London-street Tomlinson, Robert Stewart, Castle-street Gold and Silver Smiths. Cooper and Son, London-street Dodson, William Robert, London-street Etheridge, George and William Ellis, 10, Market-place Long, Henry, 17½, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ May, William, Rampant Horse-street Rossi, George, Market-place Shildrake, William, 34, London-street Grocers and Tea Dealers. _Marked thus_ * _are Tea Dealers only_. Aldrich, John, West Pottergate-street Allen, John, (and chandler), Upper Westwick-street * Anderson, John (wholesale and retail), St. Martin’s Palace-plain Andrews, Charles, 54, St. Stephen’s-street * Armstrong, William, Colegate-street Avey, Thomas, 9, Ber-street Back and Co., Haymarket Barber and Sons, Lamb Inn-yard, Old Haymarket * Bateman, Benjamin (and Spice Merchant), 2, Gentleman’s-walk—(see advertisement) Batson, John, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Bayliss, A., 3, Trafalgar-st., New Lakenham Belding, William (wholesale and retail), 1, Magdalen-street, and St. Edmund’s Bennett and Bream, (wholesale), Up.-market Bennett, Edward, Newmarket-road Betts, Henry, Southwell-street, Lakenham Bream, Henry, Botolph-street Bream, Henry Israel, 9, St. Augustine’s-st. Brown, Henry (and coffee-roaster), 14, Gentleman’s-walk * Brown, William, Lower Westwick-street Browne, Hall, Ber-street Browne, Samuel, St. Martin’s Palace-plain Bugden, Thomas, Muspole-street Bunting, James, Coslany-street * Burrage, Susannah Browne, 2, St. Stephen’s-street Bushnell, Joseph, Suffolk-st., Union-place Burrell, William Baker, Magdalen-street Busser, Benjamin, St. George’s Middle-st. * Burrell, William Francis, Cowgate-street Butcher, Robert (wholesale), Bank-plain * Buttifant, Josiah, 6, Cow-hill, St. Giles’ Buxton, Stephen, Canon-road Calver, John, All Saint’s-green * Campbell, Joseph, St. Stephen’s-gates Campling, George, Magdalen-street Cannell, James, Upper Westwick-street Caston and Co., King-street Chamberlin, James, jun., 1, Post Office-st. Chase, Charles, Rampant Horse-street Clark, William, St. James’s-street Colman, H., Library-opening, Market-place—(see advertisement) Coman, Brothers, Upper Westwick-street Copeman and Sons (wholesale and retail), 12, Gentleman’s-walk Curtis, George William, Gildengate-street Dawson, George, Rosemary-lane Day, Frederick, Trowse Millgate Daynes, Thomas, Magdalen-street Diver, Owen Albert, Upper-walk, Market-pl. De Carle, James Irwin, Charing-cross Dodds, James, Pottergate-street Easto, John, St. Stephen’s-st., Eaton-road Ely, Robert, Tooley-street Elliott, George, Ber-street Evans, George, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Evans, Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak Fenn, Robert, Magdalen-street Fisher, James Cracknell, 11, Old Haymarket and St. Benedict’s-street Fisher, Robert, St. Martin’s at Oak-gates Foster, Samuel, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe Foster, Thomas, West Pottergate-street Foster, John, St. James’s-street Freeman and Nash (wholesale), Upper-mkt. Frost, James, Magdalen-street Galey, Thomas, Charing-cross Garnham, Wm., Hall-lane, New Lakenham Gedge, Edward Peter, Brazen Doors-road Goggs, William, 14, St. Giles’-street Goldsmith, James, 34, St. Stephen’s-street Gray, Robert, Ber-street Green, John, St. James’s-street Gill, James, 1, Bridge-street, St. Lawrence Grant, Geo. Muskett, 63, St. Giles’-street * Haddon, Richard Curson, Rose-lane * Hannah, Peter, St. Lawrence-lane Hannant, Richard (wholesale and retail), Rose-corner, King-street Hardesty, John, St. George’s, Bridge-street Hardesty, Robert Barker, 1, St. Mary’s Church-alley Hardington, Wm., Barrack-st., Pockthorpe Hardy, James (wholesale and retail), Rampant Horse-street Harrison, John, 3, Globe-street, Union-pl. Harrison, Robert, 4, Elm-hill Harvey, Samuel, Fishgate-street Havers, William Henry, St. Paul’s New-opening, Rotten-row, Paul’s-plain * High, William, New Catton Hick, George, Bridge-st. St. Andrew’s Hill, John, corner of Middle-street, St. Augustine’s * Hill, Hezekiah, St. Augustine’s-street Hodds, Richard, Elm-hill Hodds, Richard, Ber-street Hook, William, Magdalen-street Howard, Charles, Bishopgate-street Howes, Ann, corner of Wellington-street, St. Giles’ Howes and Son, Lower Goat-lane Howes, William, Upper Westwick-street Howlett, Thomas, Lower Westwick-street * Hunt, James Thomas (wholesale), Cundall’s-court, Market-place Ivory, William (wholesale and retail), St. George’s, Tombland Jessup, Robert, West Wymer-street Johnson, Hemnell, Rose-lane * Johnstone, John, 8, Chatham-place Jones, Sarah Jane, Oak-street Kedge, Thomas, Ber-street Kerrison, James, Magdalen-street Kitton, George, Haymarket Kitton, John, Stump-cross, Magdalen-st. * Lammas, Brothers, Gentleman’s-walk * Lambert, Francis (wholesale and retail), 6 and 7, Lower Goat-lane Land, Charles, 1, 2, and 3, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Loades, Henry, King-street Lovick, Mary Ann, Ber-street Lovick, Samuel, Brazen Doors-road Lynes, Samuel, Cow-hill * Mackay, John, Bethel-street Maun, Joseph, Distillery-street Mayhew, George, Norris’-buildings, Dereham-road * McMichael, Daniel, Theatre-street Metcalf, William, St. Benedict’s-gates Middleton, Robert, William-st. Heigham Monney, James, Bethel-street Moore, Francis, Cowgate-street Munday, Thomas, Mill-hill, New Catton Nelson, Thomas, Barrack-st. Pockthorpe Newman and Co., 7, Davey-place, and 27, Bell-street, Birmingham Newman, Henry, Barrack-st. Pockthorpe Newson, Frederick, Oak-street and Mill-hill, New Catton Newson, Henry, Mill-hill, New Catton Newson, Henry, Seymour-place, St. Stephen’s-road Nightingale, Robert Wilson, Cowgate-street, Charing-cross, and St. Stephen’s-street Nightingale, William, 4, Lower Goat-lane Nockall, David, 4, Red Lion-street Norgate and Co., St. Stephen’s-street Norton, Robert, 2, Magdalen-street Page, John, St. Martin at Oak * Palmer, Robert, 3, Rose Valley-terrace, Unthank’s-road * Parker, William, corner of City-road, Dereham-road Parker, William, St. Augustine’s Patrick, Charles, Cowgate-street Pratt, William (wholesale), Wensum-street Press, William, Pottergate-street Pulham, William, St. Mary’s-plain Pull, Elizabeth Mary, Bull-close, St Paul’s Pye, William M. 6, St. Augustine’s-street Quantrell, Sarah, Union-place Rouse, Thomas, St. Stephen’s-street Rudd, Robert, Coslany-street Rump, Thomas, Golden Ball-street Salter, William, Union-place Scott, Ann Maria, 1, August-st. Heigham Scott, William, Magdalen-street Scrutton, Henry, 55, Bethel street Selby, J. Hunt, Stump Cross, Magdalen-st. Self, Thomas, St. Mary’s-plain Shalders, Edward, Upper Westwick-st. Shields, Daniel, Golden Ball-st. * Sidney & Ladyman (wholesale & retail) 6, Gentleman’s-walk, & 8, Ludgate-hill, London—(see advertisement) Stannard, James, Magdalen-st. Smith, David, Magdalen-st. Smith, William, Magdalen-st. Snelling, Thomas, 43, Magdalen st. Spinks, James, St. Augustine’s-st. Springall, James (wholesale & retail), Ber-st. Stannard, James, Magdalen-st. Steel & Co., Bank-plain Stewardson, Nathaniel, jun., St. James’-st. Storey, James, St. Augustine’s-st. Storey, Wm., Bull-close Brewery, Bull-cl. Sussams, William, Heigham-road * Taylor, Wm. Brown, 1, St. Stephen’s-st. Thompson, James, Fishgate-st. Thompson, Joseph, 23, White Lion-st. Thompson, Joseph, Mousehold Thorsby, Robert, St. Stephen’s-rd. Tidd, Robert, 20, Gildengate-st. Tillett, M. A., St. Martin-at-Oak Tills, Benjamin, Magdalen-st. Tompson, John Lock, White Lion-st. Tooke, Michael, Ber-st. * Tubb, William Henry, 46, London-st. Turrell, James, Ber-street Warner, Walter, corner of Bethel-st. Upper Market Weeds, Sarah, Bishopbridge, Thorpe Whitrick, James, West Pottergate-st. Williams, Josiah, Swan-lane Wilson, George, Pockthorpe Winter, George, St. John’s, Timberhill-st. Wolton & Co., 47, London-st. Youngs, Mary Ann, Victoria-st. Gun Makers. Brighton, Robert, Lower Goat-lane—(see advertisement) Cartwright, Henry, Rampant Horse-st. Jeffries, George, Golden Ball-st. Marrison, Samuel, Great Orford-st., Orford-hill Whall, Jeremiah (smith), Little London-st. Haberdashers, Hosiers, &c. Asker, Harriet Jane, 20, Gentleman’s-walk Bensley, George, 16, London-st. Browne & Barker, London-st. Browne, Chas. Wm., 8, St. Augustine’s-st. Bryan, Joshua, 8, Haymarket Custance, Jonathan, Magdalen-st. Henry, Thomas, Back of the Inns Kent, Henry, 3, London-st. Lane, Joseph, All Saints’ and Market-pl. Lovick & Johnson, 16, London-st. Moore, John George & Co., 12, Castle-st. Nockolds, —., 2, Briggs-st. Oxloy, Richard, 7, London-st.—(see advertisement) Page, Joseph, 13, Briggs-st. Ransome, Harriett, 18, Market-place Tomlinson, Robert Stewart, Castle-st. Hair Dressers. Bayes, William, Oak-st. Betts, Thomas, 7, Little London-st. Bilby, William, Pitt-street Boughton, Samuel, Red Lion-street—(see advertisement) Buttifant, David, Golden Ball st. Castle, Wm., Buck-st., St. Peter’s Mancroft Crotch, Matthew, Magdalen-st. Dew, B. E., 3, Lower King-st. Fairman, William, Barrack-st. Foulsham, William, Bridge-st. St. George’s Gedge, William, Upper Westwick-st. Gerard, William, Botolph-st. Girdlestone, Reuben, 8, Upper St. Giles’-st. Gray, George, 5, Bethel-st. Hallows, Joseph, 3, Royal Hotel-st. Harpley, Thomas, Cowgate-st. Hartley, William, Little Orford-hill Hill, Robert, Red Lion-street Holmes, Robert, 3, St. Martin-at-Palace-pln. Kemp, George Park, 17, Exchange-st. Kew, Flora & Charlotte, 19, White Lion-st. Lofty, James, St. George’s-plain Mason, Henry, Ber-street Middleton, Edward, 4, St. Giles’-st. Moore, William, Ber-street Nunn, John, St. Augustine’s-st. Plumstead, Frederick, Wensum-st. Plumstead, Robert, Wensum-st. Powell, John, Upper Westwick-street Rainer, Francis, Upper Market Riches, Edward, Pottergate-st. Riches, Robert, Elm-hill Sissen, William, St. Benedict’s-st. Swash, Barnaby, St. James’s-street Thorpe, Thomas, Coslany-street Turner, Robert, Trowse Millgate Tyzack, Wm. Valentine, 27, London-street Wade, Robert, Redwell-street Ward, Charles Palmer, 3, Orford-hill Webster, Robert, St. Lawrence-steps Wilding, Henry, 42, London-street Youells, William, St. John Sepulchre Hatters. Beasley, George, 16, London-street Boardman, Benjamin, 11, Briggs-street Browne and Baker, London-street Burrage and Jeffries, 2, Davey-place Felstead, Hannah, 19, Davey-place Franklin and Co., 42, London-street Kent, Thomas, Gildengate-street Massingham, Robert, Bethel-street Metcalf, Joseph, Elm-hill Nockolds, —, 2, Briggs-street Norton, Francis James, 30, White Lion-st. Oxley, Richard, 7, London-street—(See advertisement) Parsons, John, Brazen Doors-road Phillips, John, Orford-hill Pigg, Arthur John, White Lion-street Potter, Thomas, 5, Gentleman’s-walk Reid, Samuel, 64, St. Augustine’s-street Steward and Smiths, 9 and 10, Tombland Todd, John, Queen-street Tomlinson, Robert Stewart, Castle-street Womack, George, White Lion-st Hay Dealers. Cunningham, Thomas, _Eight Ringers_, Coslany-street Fountain, Henry, King-street Lovewell, Thomas, _Bakers’ Arms_, Ber-st. Spratt, William, 1, Gun-lane Herbalists. Matthews, James, 3, Norris’s-buildings, St. Benedict’s-road—(see advertisement) Taylor, William, 11, Magdalen-street Horse Breakers and Dealers. Abel, John, _Rising Sun_, Chapelfield-road Andrews, William, Westlegate-street Feek, William, St. Giles’-road Miller, John, Rose-lane, King-st. Hotpressers. Barker, Thomas, Coslany-street Howes, Jeremiah, Dial-yard, Church-street, Coslany Moss, Joshua, St. Martin-at-Oak Olley, Stephen, Upper Westwick-street House and Estate Agents, &c. Bardwell, Geo. Syder, 1, Priest’s-building’s, St. Stephen’s-road, (see advertisement) Burrows, George Crisp, Post Office-street Clowes, Francis, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Cossey, John, Botolph-street Didwell, William, near the Church, New Catton Forrester, George, Upper Close Gaffer, Sam., St. Augustine’s Church-alley Hall, James, Cowgate-street Horne, John, Cattle Meadow Ives, George, Crown Bank-plain Johnson, Robt., 9, Green-lne., St. Stephen’s Leath, Thomas, 18, Distillery-street Lifford, Thomas, _Bird in Hand_, King-st Newton, Son, and Woodrow, Tombland Ninham, John, Mousehold Pratt, Son, and Hornor, Queen-street Sharpe, J. Judd, Colegate-st., St. George’s Shibley, William, 5, York-place Spelman and Sons, 6, St. Giles’-street, and Hall Quay, Yarmouth Waddington, James, Waddington-terrace, St. Julian’s Watts, James, Chapelfield-road White, William, Church-alley, St. Gregory Wiley, Samuel Hall, St. James’ Woodrow, Arthur Charles, Tombland Wright, Robert, Lower Close Insurance Agents and Offices. Alfred, Chas. Suckling Gilman, solicitor, &c., Bethel-street Alliance, H. Brown, grocer, 14, Gentleman’s walk Church of England, J. Goldsmith Atkinson, solicitor Clerical and Medical, Geo. Cubitt, druggist, Upper Market County, J. Lound, King-street Economic, Horatio Bolingbroke, St. Clement’s Church-alley English and Cambrian, (see advertisement,) Alfred Wm. Ray, secretary, 16, St. Giles’-street Equitable, David Garthorn Freeman, auctioneer, 7, Post Office-street Era, Wm. Willins, solicitor, St. Andrew’s European, Geo. Edward Simpson, solicitor, Tombland Globe, W. L. Mendham, solicitor, Saint Andrew’s Guardian, John Barwell, wine-merchant, St. Stephen’s street Hail Storm (see advertisement,) Charles Suckling Gilman, solicitor, &c., Bethel-street Halifax, Bradford, and Keighley, Francis Clowes, auctioneer, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Liverpool and London, W. Wilde, Post-Office-street London, Geo. Edward Simpson, solicitor, Tombland London Indisputable Life Policy, Charles Suckling Gilman, solicitor, &c., Bethel-street London Mutual Guarantee, Fras. Clowes, auctioneer, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Medical, Invalid, and General, Wm. Sharland, Golden Ball-street Mutual Benefit Institution (see advertisement) W. Griggs, St. Lawrence Norfolk Farmers’ Cattle, Charles Suckling Gilman, solicitor, &c., Bethel-street Norwich Equitable, Bank-St., J. Skipper, solicitor, secretary Norwich Mutual Marine Association, Hon. Secs: M. Jas. Colman, and M. J. Copeman, jun. solicitors: Chas S. Gilman & J. H. Tillett Norwich Union, Surrey-st., Sam. Bignold, secretary Norwich Union Provident, George Cubitt, druggist, Upper Market Palladium, Messrs. A. and C. Taylor, solicitors, Orford-place Phœnix, A. W. Ray, 16, St. Giles’ and Pigg and Greenwood, auctioneers, London-street Prince of Wales, H. Turner, Cross-lane, Calvert-street Rock, Henry, Henry Harrod, solicitor, Bank-street Scottish Equitable, Francis Clowes, auctioneer, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Suffolk Alliance, W. S. Millard and Son, surveyors, Princes-street Yorkshire, Watson & Barnham, solicitors, Surrey-road Iron and Brass Founders. Barnard and Bishop, 3 Gentleman’s-walk and Calvert-street Barnes, John, Fishgate-street Holmes and Sons, Prospect-place-works, Globe-lane and Castle-hill Campling, James, Buff Coat-lane Murrell, William, Westlegate-street Smithdale, Thomas, St Ann’s, Staithe-lane St. Peter-per-Mountergate Sparke and Co., Thorn-lane Foundry Turner, James M., St. Andrew’s Broad-st.—(see advertisement) Warner and Co., 2, St. Giles’ Broad-street and Goat-lane Watts, James, Rose-lane Wright, Jacob, Muspole-street Ironmongers. August, Alfred, 23, St. Stephen’s-street Baker and Hornor (wholesale and retail), Post-office-street Barnard and Bishop, 3, Gentleman’s-walk and Calvert-street Barnard and Boulton, London-street Bayfield and Sons, Magdalen-street Browne and Sons, 4 Upper Market Chaplin, Thomas, West End-place, Chapelfield-road Colman and Glendenning, Rampant Horse-street Coppin, Edward, Orford-hill Cubitt, Samuel Durrant, St. Andrew’s-hill Flatt, John (wholesale and retail), 15 and 16, Magdalen-street Harvey, John, 9, Newmarket-road Howlett and Co. (wholesale and retail), 6, Old Haymarket Needham, Francis Studley, Grout’s-thoroughfare Parlour and Sons, 15 London-street Pinson, Henry, Bank-plain Piper and Pigg, 5, London-street Scott, Samuel, Charing-cross Stevens, G. and W., Orford-hill Thompson, Robert, Gentleman’s-walk and Back of the Inns Thorns, Robert (wholesale), 8, Exchange-street White, Frederick Edward, 17, Tombland Jewellers. Abrahams, Benjamin, 1, Bethel-street Bell, Robert, Davey-place and Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Block, Israel (wholesale), 48, Pottergate-st. Cooper and Sons, London-street Etheridge, George and William Ellis, 10, Market-place Gunton, Henry, Rampant Horse-street Hartt, William George, London-street Hayward, James, Little London-street and King-street James, Benjamin, St. Andrew’s Levine, John Myers, William-street May, William, Rampant Horse-street Owen, Frederick, Magdalen-street Piggin, John, Post Office-street Ransome, Mary Anne, Bridewell-alley Rossi, George, Market-place Shildrake, William, 34, London-street Smith, Samuel Howard, Orford-mill Land Agents.—_See House and Estate Agents_. Law Stationers. Butler, Edward, St. John’s Sepulchre Stevens, John Thomas, Castle meadow—(see advertisement) LICENSED VICTUALLERS. Hotels, Inns, Taverns, and Public-Houses. Adam and Eve, St. Benedict’s—W. Lann Adam and Eve Gardens, St. Helen’s—R. Heron Howes All Saints, All Saint’s-green—John Payne Anchor, Rising Sun-lane—G. W. T. Cannon Anchor, Silver-road, Pockthorpe—J. Thompson Anchor, 33, Surrey-street—Joseph Turner Anchor, Ten Bell-lane—Charles Osborne Anchor of Hope, Bracondale—Robt. Digby Angel, New Catton, St. Clement’s—Benj. Beckham Angel, St. Martin-at-Oak—Jonathan Palmer Angel, Trowse—William Harris Arabian Horse, St. Martin-at-Oak—Benj. Pratt Artichoke, Magdalen-st.—Caleb Blythe Baker’s Arms, Ber-st—Thomas Lovewell Baker’s Arms, St. Clement’s-hill—Thomas Pigg Balloon, Lower Westwick-street—Edward Crowe Bank, Bank-street—Wm. Surflin Barge, King-street—Ephraim Littlewood Barley Mow, Haymarket—Wm. Sant Bath House, St. Martin’s-at-Oak—William Hughes Bear and Staff, Fisher’s-lane—Elizabeth Steward Bee Hive, St. Paul’s plain, John Laws Bee Hive, St. Stephen’s-gates—James Reynolds Havers Bee Hive, Upper Westwick-street—John Rackham Bell, Orford-hill and Castle-hill—Francis H. Spanton Bess of Bedlam, St. Martin-at-Oak—James Baker Bird in Hand, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe—Jonas Norman Blyth Bird in Hand, King-street—Thos. Lifford Bird in hand, Mill-lane—New Catton—Wm. Jas. Taylor Bishopbridge House, Thorpe-road—Robert Tiddenham Black Boys, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe—Alfred Mann Black Chequers, Cowgate-st.—W. Radford Black Horse, Earlham-rd.—Sam. Hinchley Black Horse, St. Catherine’s-plain—James Futter Black Horse, 13, St. Giles’-st.—Robt. Moll Black Horse, Tombland—John Aylmer Black Horse, St. Giles’-rd.—Sam. Hinchley Black Prince, Market-place—Thomas Goddard Black Swan, Upper Market—Nathaniel Seaman Boarded House, Castle-ditches—Susannah Knight Boar’s Head, Surrey-street—Thos. Cuthbertt Brown Boatswain’s Call, St. Augustine’s-street—Charles Carey Bowling Green, Chapelfield—Jas. Porter Bowling Green, Muspole-st.—J. Seeley Boy and Cup, Lobster-lane—Jas. Parker Brazen Door, Upper Surrey-street—Samuel Barker Brickmaker’s Arms, Brazen Door-road—Robert Braves Bricklayers’ Arms, Pottergate-st.—Robt. Pye Bricklayers’ Arms, Union-place—Edward Powell Buff Coat, Buff Coat-lane—J. Wells Bull, Bull-close, St. Paul’s, Esau Pye Bull, Magdalen-street—Henry Oakes Bull, Market-place—Samuel Woolsey Bull, St. Paul’s Church-st.—Robt. Moor Bull, St. Stephen’s-st.—Daniel Thurston Bull’s Head, Ber-street—William Barker Bullock and Butcher, St. Giles’-hill—Saml. Colby Bushel, St. Augustine’s-st.—Robert Fox Butcher’s Arms, Ber-st.—J. Jabez Vassar Cabinet Makers’ Arms, Redwell-street—Ainger Lack Cardinal’s Cap, Upper Westwick-street—Benjamin Warman Carpenter’s Arms, Thorn-lane—J. Wyatt Carrow Gardens, Carrow—Michael Bird Castle, Castle-hill—Mary Taylor Castle, Spitalfields, Pockthorpe—Jos. Amy Cat and Fiddle, Magdalen-street—James Flowerday Cat and Fiddle, Botolph-street—John Bell Catherine Wheel, St. Augustine’s-gates—Peter Digby Cattle Hill, St. John’s Timberhill—William Searles Cattle Market, Castle-hill—Rich. English Cellar House, King-street—George Wood Cellar House, Pockthorpe—James Pigg Champion, Chatham-place, St. Stephen’s-gates—Charles Barnard Cherry Tree, Hall-road, Lakenham—Wm. Youngs Church and State, Upper Westwick-street—James Aggas Church Stile, Upper Market—Geo. Easto City Arms, St. Andrew’s-plain—H. Bowen City of Norwich, St. Stephen’s-plain—J. Green Clarence Harbour, Carrow—John Browne Coach and Horses, Bethel-street—Robert Daines Coach and Horses, Foundry Bridge-road—David Cattermoul Coach and Horses, Red Lion-street—Wm. Townshend Coachmaker’s Arms, 20, Bethel-street—Charlotte Clements Coachmaker’s Arms, St. Stephen’s-gates—William Archer Cock, Upper St. Giles’-street—William Blanchflower Cock and House, Duke-st.—Wm. Larwood Cock and Pye, Quay-side—Wm. Tooley Cock, Upper King-street Cork Cutter’s Arms, Bridge-street, Saint George’s—J. Robinson Corn Exchange, Bridge-street, St. George’s—Isaac Willsea Corn Exchange, Pottergate-street—Rose Ann Browne Cottage, Silver-road, Pockthorpe—Edward Waterson Cow, Cow-hill—Samuel Cooper Cow and Hare, Heigham-st.—Wm. Armes Crispin, St. Miles’ Church-street—Mary Ann Chalker Crocodile, Heigham-st.—Levi Harding Crooked Billett, Heigham-street—William Platford Cross Keys, Magdalen-street—J. Barrett Crown Inn, St. Benedicts—Wm. Petchell Crown, Bridge-street, St. George’s—Jerem. Middleton Crown, Elm-hill—George Townshend Crown, St. Stephen’s-st.—Susan Hart Crown, Upper Westwick-st.—Wm. Patchell Crown & Angel, St. Stephen’s st.—John Daynes Cupid & Bow, St. Martin-at-Palace-plain—James Stangroom Currier’s Arms, St. Stephen’s Back-street—Henry Hogg Farriers’ Arms, Pottergate-st.—William Nichols Carriers’ Arms, St Giles’—J. Edn. Hunt Dial, Dereham-road—Jon. Burdett Distillery, Distillery-st.—Wm. Baldwin Dolphin, St. Mary’s—J. Stangroom Dolphin, Upper Heigham—Samuel Leggett Dolphin, Heigham-street—Samuel Leggat Dove, Lower Westwick-st.—Ben. Ellis Dove, St. James’-st.—Francis Lonegan Dressers’ Arms, St. George’s-plain—Mary Burrows Drum, Lower Westwick-st.—Edw. Holmes Duke of Marlborough, Fishgate-st.—Wm. Howard Duke of Sussex, Gildengate-street—J. Stangroom Duke of Sussex, St. Stephen’s-st.—Samuel Mayhew Duke of Wellington, Wellington-st.—Jas. Bolton Duke of Wellington, Pottergate-street—J. Snelling Duke of Wellington, St. Stephen’s-st—James Goldsmith Duke of York, Bishopbridge-road, Thorpe—John Coldham Duke of York, Cow-hill, St. Giles’—Wm. Cox Duke of York, Lower Westwick-street—William Woods Duke’s Palace, Duke’s-palace—Wm. Filby Duncan Arms, Magdalen-st.—W. Burrows Dun Cow, Barrack-st., Pockthorpe—John Mackley Dun Cow, St. Martin-at-Oak, Ed. Mackley Dyers’ Arms, Lower Westwick-st.—Wm. Fowler Dyers’ Arms, Quay-side—Jon. Rant Eagle, Church-alley, St. Gregory’s—J. Crowe Eagle, Lower Westgate-st., Heigham—James Lord Eagle, Newmarket-road—Jon. Stockings Eagle & Child, Golden Ball-st.—Hy. Jolly Earl of Leicester, Dereham-rd.—Hy. Barker East End Retreat, Thorpe-rd.—Rt. Starling Eastern Counties Railway, Foundry Bridge—Robert Warnes Eastern Union Railway, St. Stephen’s-gates—M. L. Reynoldson Eight Ringers, Coslany-st.—Thomas Cunningham Elephant, Stump-cross, Magdalen-street—William Easton Elephant & Castle, King-st.—Th. Parkinson Elm, St. Clement’s, New Catton—Robert Spencer Excise Coffee House, Lower Goat-lane—Richard Plane Exmouth, St. Stephen’s-st.—Robert Garrod Factory, Cowgate-st.—John Miller Fair Flora, Lower Westwick-street—John Moore Fellmongers’ Arms, St. Martin-at-Oak—Michael Murrell Fleece, Bridewell-alley—Christopher Bailey wine & spirit merchant—(see advertisement) Fleece, Tombland—Henry Mann Flickered Bull, Ber-st.—T. Engall Flower-in-Hand, Pitt-st.—Thomas Delph Flower Pot, St. Martin-at-Oak—William Weyer Flower in Hand, Westwick-street—Jonathan Dack Fortune of War, Calvert-st.—Thos. Gooch Foundry, St. Julian-st.—David Thomas Butterfant Foundry Bridge, Rose-lane—Wm. Smith Riches Fountain, St. Benedict’s-st.—J. Debbage Fox and Hounds, Ber-street—John Cook Freemason’s Arms, New Lakenham—Cardinal Woolsey Free Trade House, Rose-lane—J. Howard French Horn, Pottergate-street—Mary Ann Dann Gardener’s Arms, Timberhill-street—Henry Scott George, Hay-hill—John Dixon Calton George, St. Stephen’s—Joseph Nunn George the Fourth, Ber-street—J. Decks Gin Shop, Castle-meadow, Robert Fitt Glaziers’ Arms, Pottergate street—Charlotte Roe Globe, Botolph-street—James Barbour Globe, Rising Sun-lane—John Moore Goat, Upper Goat-lane—E. Bond Goldbeater’s Arms, Bethel-street—Mary Tutton Golden Ball, Castle-hill—William Girling Golden Can, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s—Robert Yellop Golden Cross, Charing Cross—Jas. Mason Golden Fleece, Fishgate-st.—W. Blazely Golden Lion, Brazen Doors-rd.—D. Onley Golden Lion, King-street—Henry Lowe Golden Lion, St. John’s-st.—Edw. Stubbs Goose and Gridiron, little Orford-street—Robert Thorne Grapes, Dove-lane—John Scowen Grapes, Market-place—John Cushing Grapes, Red Lion-street—Richard Debney Gropes, St. Giles’-gates—William Rogers Grapes, St. Miles’ Church-street—William Shildrick Green Dragon, Little London-street—Jos. Marshall Green Hills Gardens, St. Augustine’s-gates—Thomas Winter Greenland Fishery, Coslany-street—John Boast Green Man, King-street—Henry Haward Greyhound, St. Stephen’s—Bidwell, Joseph Greyhound, Ber-street—J. Edw. Barnes Griffin, Barrack-st., Pockthorpe—Martin Thompson Griffin, Upper King-street—Wm. James Guildhall, Gaol-hill, Market-place—Wm. De Caux Half Moon, King-street—Henry Howes Half Moon, Market-pl.—Hubert Guyton Half Moon, Stone-hill, Heigham—William Pritty Half Moon, Dereham-road—Sarah Pretty Half Moon, Gentleman’s Walk—J. Tuddenham Hampshire Hog, St. Swithin’s—W. Kemp Hatchet and Gate, Lower Goat-lane—John Pack Heart’s Ease, Plumstead-road, Thorpe—Benjamin Sayer Hen and Chickens, St. Mary’s-plain—Thos. Fenn Holkham Arms, Castle-meadow—William Cunningham Hop Pole, St. Faith’s-lane—Edw. Chapman Hope Brewery, St. Saviour’s-lane—Edward Warner Horse Barracks, Pockthorpe-road—Hannah Petch Horse Shoes, Palace-street—T. Girdlestone Hospital Boy, Whitefriars’-bridge—Henry Dade Jack of Newbury, Magdalen-street—James Upcroft John Bull, Crook’s-place, New City—Abel Herbert Jolly Butchers, Ber-street—John Blyth Jolly Dealers, Castle-ditches—George Francis Jolly Drovers, Ber-street—George Mann Jolly Dyers, Fishgate-street—Robert Grand Jolly Dyers, Wensum-street—Elizabeth Moor Jolly Farmers, Castle-hill—Robt. Powley Jolly Gardeners, Infirmary-road—Thomas Franshaw Jolly Gardeners, Silver-road, Pockthorpe—Anne Digby Jolly Hatters, St. James’—Robert Minns Jolly Skinners, St. Martin-at-Oak—William Dye Jubilee, Ber-street—J. Thurlow Kett’s Castle, Spitalfields, Thorpe—Rosamond Smith King’s Arms, Ber-street—Robert Bray King’s Arms, Ber-street—Thomas Green King’s Arms, Bethel-street—Edward Basingthwaite King’s Arms, Bishop-bridge, Thorpe—James Dawson King’s Arms, Hall-lane, Lakenham—James Barker King’s Arms, St. Martin-at-Oak-gates—William Smith King’s Head, Gildengate-street—Jane Cornish King’s Head, Magdalen-street—Robert Basey King’s Head, Davey-place—Rich. Doughty King’s Head, Pump-street—J. Walker King’s Head, St. James’-street—Joseph Seaman King’s-Head, St. Stephen’s-st.—J. Thwaites Key of the Castle, Oak-st.—Thos. Porter King of Prussia, Lakenham—William May Lamb, Coslany-street—Mark Widdowes Lamb, Eaton-road—Robert Nixon Lamb, Old Haymarket—J. Websdale Lame Dog, Lame Dog-road, St. Stephen’s—Robert Edwards Leopard, St. James’-road—Matt. Webster Light Dragoon, Westlegate-street—George Bunn Light Horseman, Botolph-street—William Tuffs Lion and Castle, Orford-hill—Thomas Francis Lion and Castle, Timberhill—Thos. Francis Little Buck, Oak-street—Thomas Rudd Lock and Key, Ber-street—Peter Woods London, St. Andrew’s-hill—Robert Liddlelow London Coffeehouse, Rampant Horse-st.—Thomas Sapey London Steam Packet, St. Catharine’s-plain—John Blanch Lord Brougham, St. Martin-at-Oak—John Peter Calthorpe Lord Camden, Charing-cross—Robt. Bruff Lord Howe, Upper Westwick-street—Anne Bradbury Lord John Russell, Dereham-road—Charles Betts Lord Nelson, Pottergate-street—George Parker Lord Nelson, Stone-hill, Heigham—Sarah Watts Lord Nelson, Timber-hill, Wm. Phillis Lord Nelson, Trafalgar-street, New Lakenham—William Murrell Maid’s Head, Wensum-st.—Maria Francis Man in the Moon, Duke-street—James Baker Market House, Weaver’s-lane, Marketplace—John Hilling Marquis of Granby, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe—Philip Waytes Marquis of Granby, Bishopgate street—James Puxley Masonic, Elm-hill—William Stewart Mazeppa, Cowgate-street—James Webb Mill, Mill-hill, New Catton—Robt. Pointer Mischief, Paul’s Back-lane—Joseph Matthew Mann Mitre, Brigg-street—Thomas Thirkettle Moon and Stars, Duke-street—Lewis Williams Moulder’s Arms, Ber-street—Matt. Bell Nelson, West Pottergate-street—Christopher John Salmon Nelson’s Monument, Lower King-street—James Rose New Brewery, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe—James Ulph New City, King-st., New City—Norris Moore New Mills, Lower Westwick-street—John Lake Norfolk Arms, St. Michael Coslany—Joseph Juby Sturley Norwich Arms, Ber-street—George Pegg, builder Norwich a Port, Carrow-hill—Mark Greenfield Old Barge, King-street—George Frederick Newman Old Crown, St. Martin-at-Oak—James Woods Old Dove, Market-place—William Watts Old Friends, Ber-street—John Nickols Old Goat, Upper Goat-lane—Isaac Diver Old Lobster, Lobster-street—Robert Fiddeman Old Star, Quay-side—Stephen Spratt Old Theatre, Bethel st.—Benjamin Lacy Old Two Brewers, Magdalen-street—Thos. Cubitt Paul Pry, St. Giles’-hill—William Paston Peacock, St. Stephen’s-street—Chas. Taylor Pelican, Pitt-street—Henry Hogg Pheasant Cock, Ber-street-gates—James Blake Pheasant Cock, St. Michael Coslany—Jeremiah Mills Pigeons, Charing-cross—William Heap Pine Apple—St. Martin’s-lane—Edward Bank Pine Apple, Trowse—Richard Jarvis Plasterers’ Arms, Cowgate-st.—George Coe Plasterers’ Arms, St. Margaret’s-street—John Gotterson Plough, Castle-hill—Mark Coe Plough, Upper Westwick-street—James Girdlestone Plumber’s Arms, Cowgate-street—Thomas Pilgrim Plumber’s Arms, Princes-street—Joseph Hewen Pope’s Head, Upper Market—J. Snowling Post Office, Post Office-st.—W. Elvish Prince Albert, Ber-street—Samuel Coleman Prince Albert, Dove-st.—Thomas Daniels Prince of Orange, King-st.—Thos. Adcock Prince of Wales, Pump-st.—Chas. Ostler Prince of Wales, St. Augustine’s-street—Samuel Gidney Prince of Wales, Upper Westwick-street—John Canner Prince Regent, Weaver’s-lane—Robert Mounsey Princess Royal, Rampant Horse-st.—Sarah Robins Prospect House, Hellesdon-road—James Watson Punch House, Market-place—Joseph Jenkinson Queen Adelaide, Pitt-st.—Thos. Foulsham Queen Anne, St. Michael Coslany—Edward Raven Queen Caroline, St. Martin-at-Oak—Harriet Austin Queen Victoria, Pottergate-st.—Charlotte Roe Queen’s Arms, Magdalen-st.—J. Minns Queen’s Head, Cowgate-st.—W. Love Queen’s Head, St. Giles’ Upper-street—Isaac Fox Railway House, Foundry bridge-road—Geo. Hutson Railway, King-street—Robert Cooper Rainbow, King-street—J. Thwaites Rampant Horse, Fishgate-st.—H. Norton Rampant Horse, Rampant Horse-street—Christopher Twiss Raven, King-street—Daniel Rowland Recruiting Serjeant, Ber-st.—W. Crancher Red House, Timberhill—Thos. Thompson Red Lion, Bishopsgate-st.—Thos. Howard Red Lion, London-st.—William Gardiner Red Lion, Magdalen-st.—Stephen Steward Red Lion, Magdalen-st.—George Morris Red Lion, Red Lion-street—Frederick H. Newman Red Lion, St. Andrew—Joseph Fletcher Red Lion, St. Miles’-bridge—Thos. Weyer Ribbs of Beef, Wensum-street—J. Howard Richmond Hill, Ber-street-gates—Peter Youngs Rifleman, All Saint’s green—Jacob Cooper Rifleman, Cross-lane—John Tidd Rising Sun, Chapelfield-road—John Abel Rising Sun, Golden Ball-st.—W. Playford Robin Hood and Little John, Barrack-st. Pockthorpe—Edward Spooner Roe buck, Trafalgar st., New Lakenham—J. Saddler Rosary, Thorpe-road—Rachael Sheedy Rose, Cowgate-street—J. Whall Rose, King-street—Alexander Balls Rose, Palace-street—John Page Rose St. Augustine’s—Leggatt Cobb Rose, St. Catharine’s-plain—William Wordingham Rose, St. Martin at-Oak—Matt. Zipfel Rose, St. Stephen’s-st.—H. Sweetman Rose and Crown, Bishopgate-street—Robt. Tiddenham Royal Exchange, Julian-st., Julian-place—John Cubitt Royal, Market-place—James Heseltine Royal Oak, Oak-street—Robert Cossey Royal Oak, Crook’s-place—Geo. Newton Royal Oak, Middle-street, St. Augustine’s—William Hardy Royal Standard, Ber-st.—Robt. J. Woods Royal Standard, Union-place—R. Cogman Saint Paul, Cowgate-st.—Samuel Severn Saracen’s Head, St. Giles’-st.—J. Wiggins Saracen’s Head, West Pottergate-street—William Brittain Sawyers, St. Paul’s-plain—Mark English Sawyers’ Arms, Fishgate-st.—Thomas Ives Seven Stars, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe—William Denmark Shakespeare, Colegate-street, St. George—W. Seppings Shakespeare, Theatre-st.—Robert Hollis Ship, Cowgate-street—John Peel Ship, King-street—Rachael Lanham Ship, King-street—Henry Buttle Ship, Mousehold—J. Watts Ship, Thorn-lane—John Robins Shirehall, Castle-meadow—Abraham Ling Shoulder of Mutton, or Corn Exchange, St. Andrew’s-hill—James Mann Shoulder of Mutton, St. Augustine’s-st.—J. Smith Shoulder of Mutton, St. Stephen’s-street—John Sawyer Shuttles, St. Augustine’s-st.—J. Plunkett Sir John Barleycorn, St. James’—J. Bell Sir John Barleycorn, Orford-hill—J. Leeds Mason Southwell Arms, Hall-lane, New Lakenham—James Brinkley Spear in Hand, Vauxhall-st., Julian-place—J. Winter Watts Sportsman, Barrack-st. Pockthorpe—John Annison Spread Eagle, Market-place—Sam. Leggatt Spread Eagle, Sussex-st.—Jabez Hardiment Spread Eagle, West Pottergate-st.—Edward Holman Staff of Life, Fishgate-st.—Sam. Harvey Stagg, St. Benedict’s—Edward Wigg Stagg’s Head, Princes-street—J. William Johnson Star, Haymarket—J. Wilson Star & Crown, Timberhill-st.—Wm. Emms Steam Packet, King-st. St. Peter-per-Mountergate—Mary Hilling Steam Packet House, King-st.—William Thompson St. Catharine, Brazen Doors-road—John Mannings St. John’s Head, Bridge-st., St. Michael’s-at Coslany—Matthew Mann Suffolk Arms, Oak-st.—James Shipman Sun, Coslany-st.—James Matthew Kemp Sun & Anchor, Colegate-st.—Thos. Thorpe Surrey, Surrey-road—Robert Scarlett Swan, Magdalen-street—George Bidwell Swan, St. Peter’s Mancroft—Eliz. Asker Swan, Swan-lane—Edmund Tuddenham Swan with two Necks, St. Stephen’s-street—Patience Hunt Ten Bells, Upper Westwick st.—Edmund Browne Theatre, Bethel-st.—Benjamin Lacey Thorn, Bartholomew-st., Thorn-lane—Wm. Thouless Thorn, Ber-street—George Figg Three Compasses, Upper King-st.—Wm. Rix Three Jolly Farmers, Charing-cross—Robt. Gurney Three Kings, Upper Westwick-st.—Wm. Stratford Three Maltsters, King-st.—Rachl. Hugman Three Pigeons, Fishgate-st.—Sar. Newman Three Tuns, Lower King-st.—John Barber Three Tuns, Thorpe—Robert Cattermole Three Turks, 6, Lower Westwick-st. John Fromow Tiger, Fishgate-st.—John Moy Toper’s, Oak-street—Robert Rose Trowel & Hammer, St. Stephen’s-road—Matthew Wilde True Briton, New Catton, St. Clement’s—Thomas Wright Trumpet, St. Stephen’s-st.—Edward Davey Tumble Down Dick, Ber-street—Robert John Woods Tuns, All Saints’-green—Charlotte Cowan Tuns, St. Giles’-gates—William Kemp Tuns, St. Michael Coslany—Wm. Phillips Tuns, Whitefriars’-street—Austin Bennett, shoemaker Turkey Cock, Church-st., St. Simons—Rbt. Swash Turk’s Head, William-street—Geo. Noble Two Brewers, Magdalen-st.—Jac. Campling Two Brewers, St. John-st.—James Wallace Two Necked Swan, Market-place—Wm. Pye Two Necked Swan, St. Martin-at-Oak—James Gibson Two Necked Swan, St. Stephen’s-st.—Thos. Hunt Two Quarts, Bridge-st., St. George’s—Arninger Playford Two Quarts, Gildengate-st.—Han. Callon Unicorn, St. Mary’s—Isaac Easton Unicorn, St. Stephen-st.—Robert Fuller Vauxhall, Vauxhall-st., Julian-place—Edw. Howell Victoria, St. Stephen’s-gates—Jos. Caston Victoria, Upper-walk, Market-place—John Hammond Victory, Back-street, St. Stephen’s—Ann Cudden Victoria, Queen-street, New City—Thomas Hunt Vine, Upper Westwick-st.—Thos. Blazely Waggon & Horses, St. Michael—J. Willsea Waggon & Horses, Tombland—Wm. Tiffin Waterloo, Upper-walk, Market-place—Edward Smith Waterman, King-street—Abram Mason Waterman, Lower Westwick-street—Wm. Calver Waterman’s Arms, St. Ann’s-lane, St. Peter-per-Mountergate—John Moughton Wellington, 7, White Lion-street—George Harvey West End Retreat, Heigham—Alpert W. Page Weston’s Cellar House, Bridge-street, St. George’s—George Warne Whalebone, New Catton—Edw. Sexton Wheatsheaf, Bethel-st.—J. Sheppard Wheatsheaf, Castle-ditches—Elij. Cole Wheatsheaf, St. Stephen’s-st.—John Mace Whip & Nag, Tooley-st.—Lydia Brewster White Cottage, Philadelphia, St. Clement’s—Thomas Towell White Hart, Broad-st., St. Andrew’s—George Stubbs White Hart, Hay-hill—Henry Crickmore White Hart, Ber-street—Thomas Whaite White Horse, Castle-ditches—Jos. Taylor White Horse, Bridge-street, St. Lawrence—William Rix White Horse, Hay-hill—Samuel Howman White Horse, St. Mary’s Church-alley—William Hewitt White Lion, King-street—Peter Withers White Lion, Magdalen-st.—James Howes White Lion, Palace-plain—Wm. Barber White Lion, Princes-st.—George King White Lion, St. Benedict’s—Lubbuck Lawn White Lion, St. Martin-at-Oak—William Taylor White Lion, White Lion-st.—Charles Bray White Rose, Back of the Inns—Horace Littlepond White Swan, Cowgate-st.—John Fake White Swan, King-street—J. West William Tell, Castle Ditches—Geo. Hall William the Fourth, Middle-st., St. Augustine’s—Mary R. Arnold William the Fourth, Mousehold—George Matthews William the Fourth, Coburg-street—Wm. Newby Windsor Castle, Barrack-street, Pockthorpe—Archibald Charles Frew Wild Man, Pottergate-st.—John Beeton Windmill, Ber-st.—Abraham Graver Windmill, Hellesdon-rd.—John Knopwood Wine Coopers’ Arms, Lower Goat-lane—H. Tilney Wine Coopers’ Arms, St. Augustine’s-st.—Jonathan Bales Woolcombers’ Arms, Magdalen-st.—J. Earl Woolpack, Coslany-street—Han. Howlett Woolpack, Golden Ball-st.—Noah Trower Woolpack, St. George’s Colegate—Mary Barnes Wounded Hart, Upper Market—William Ward Wrestlers, St. James’s-st.—George Crisp Yarmouth Arms, Market-place—John Roe Yarmouth Bridge, Red Lion-street—Saml. Bean York, Castle-hill—Mary Eastaugh Linen Drapers. Armstrong, William, Colegate-street Atkins, James, St. Benedict’s-street Austin, Anne, 5, Orford-hill Betts, John, Albion-house, Market-place Bishop, George, 2, Haymarket—(see advertisement) Blakely, Edward (and shawl warehouse) 15 and 16, London-street Blandon, William, Ber-street Bray, William, Bridge-st., St. Andrew’s Brown, William, Lower Westwick-street Bushnell, Joseph, Suffolk-street, Union-pl. Caley, Nathaniel Henry, 17, Gentleman’s-walk Campbell, Joseph, St. Stephen’s-gates Campling, George, Magdalen-street Canham, William, Seymour-place, St. Stephen’s Chamberlin, Sons, and Co. (wholesale and retail) Market place Coleman, George Lovick (wholesale and retail), Market-place Coleman and Son, 8, London-street Copeman, Bell, 6, Exchange-street Cundall, Benjamin, 19, Gentleman’s-walk Dade, Charlotte, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Dawbarn, James, 14, 15, and 16, Exchange-street Delf, William Stannard, Tombland House, Tombland Edwards, William Pye, St. Stephen’s-st. English and Son, London-street Fairchild, Mary Ann, Spitalfields Fairweather, Lydia, 4, London-street Fiske, Francis, London-street Flower, Jonathan, Wensum-street Gill, Elizabeth, Orford-hill Gooderson and Moll, Upper Market Gower, Thomas Love, St. Mary’s Church-alley Gown, Jeremiah, corner of St. Mary’s-plain Gunton, John Hamnall, 4, Old Haymarket Harrison, John, 3, Globe-st., Union-place Havers, William Henry, St. Paul’s New Opening, Potter-row, Paul’s-plain Henderson, John, Dereham-road Hipper, Mary Ann, Upper Westwick-street Hodds, Richard, Elm-hill Johnstone, John, 8, Chatham-place Johnstone, Joseph, 8, Chatham-place Jones, Elizabeth, Briggs-street Kett, W. W., 2, London-street Littlewood, Samuel, St. Andrew’s-plain Lowe, William, Peacock-street Marshall, Mary Ann, Palace-street M‘Ilmorrow, John, Coslany-street Metcalf, William, St. Benedict’s-gates Mole, William, Heigham-hill Newstead, William, King-street Nockold, Henry, Ber-street Parker, William, corner of City-road, Dereham-road Piggott, John, Bridge-street, St. George’s Piggott, J. H., Charing-cross Piper, William, 17, London-street Powell, Robert, London-street Quantrell, Sarah, Union-place Reeve, William Henry, 38, London-street Reynolds, William W., Upper Westwick-street Rust, Hannah, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ Searles, Francis, Norfolk and Norwich House, Ber-street Scott, Ann Maria, 1, August-st., Heigham Snowdon and Sons, Bridge-st., St. George’s Spinks, James, St. Augustine’s-street Stocks, Alfred Joseph (wholesale and retail), 12, Briggs-street Sutton, H. M., St. Augustine’s Thorsby, Robert, St. Stephen’s-road Thurston, Rebecca, 5, Davey-place Tillyard, Rebecca, Stump Cross, Magdalen-street Towler, Hannah, 3, Fye-bridge Venables & Plowman, 9, Gentleman’s-walk Watering, John, 69 & 70, St. Stephen’s-st. Wiseman, Alfred, Grove-place, St Giles’-rd Lithographers. Barker and Hill, St. Peter’s Mancroft Bidwell, Joseph, Rampant Horse-street Browne, William, Broad-st., St. Andrew’s Hall, William, Back of the Inns Ninham, Henry, Chapel-field Livery Stable Keepers. Baldry, William, Crescent-road Beddingfield, Nelson, Westlegate-street Goffin, Matilda Elizabeth, Palace-street Paget, John, Rampant Horse-street Platten, Peter, Surrey-mews, St. Stephen’s Stebbings, Henry, Hale’s-court, St. Giles’ Thirtle, Thomas, Golden Ball-street Webster, William, Maid’s Head Inn-yard, St. Simon’s Loan Agents, &c. Burrows, Geo. Crisp, Post Office-street Clark, Robert Appleton, Pottergate-street Norwich & Norfolk Loan Assurance Classes—A. W. Ray, Sec. (see advertisement) Machine Makers. Cudbard, John and Charles, Theatre-street Lamb, David Thomas, 5, Golden Ball-st., and Castle-hill Slack, Messrs., St. Giles’-hill Sparke and Co., Thorn-lane Foundry Stanley, Geo. (_scale_, _beam_, _and weighing_), Elm-hill Maltsters. Arnold, George, St. Stephen’s-gates Branford, Benjamin, Stamp Office-yard Mealing and Mills, King-street Sexton, Edward, _Whale Bone_, New Catton Spurgeon, John, St. Augustine’s-gates Steward, Patteson, Finch, and Co., Anchor Brewery’, Pockthorpe Storey, Wm., Bull-close Brewery, Bull-cl. Manufacturers. Allen, George, St. Stephen’s Back-st., and Wounded Hart-lane Bacon, Edmund and Edward (_sacking_), 3, Davey-place, and Gaol-hill, Market-pl. Barber, John Lee (_cotton_), St. Martin’s-lane and Haymarket Bidwell, John (_sack_), Calvert-street Blakely, Edward Theobald, River House Factory, Duke’s-palace Blyth, Matthew (_paper_), World’s End-lane Bolingbroke, C. and F., St. Clement’s Burrell, Richard Mills (_hair_), St. George’s Middle-street Clabburn, Sons, and Crisp, Pitt-street Column, J. and J. (_mustard_, _starch_, _and indigo blue_), Stoke Mills, and Cannon-st. London (see advertisement) Cooper, Thomas, St. John’s Timberhill Delane, William (_paper_), Hellesdon Francis, John, Calvert-street Gardon, John Wm. (_silk_), Unthank’s-rd. Geary, William, St. Augustine’s Grout and Co. (_silk and crape_), Lower Westwick-street Gunton, Henry, Elm-hill Gunton, Thomas, junior (_hair seating_), White Lion-yard, St. Martin’s-at-Oak Hart, Robert (_hazel and slaie_), Golden Dog-lane Hinde, Francis, St. Augustine’s Hinde, Richard Francis, Sussex-street Hindes, Ephraim and Frank (_silk_), Botolph-street Hindes, Henry (_rope and sack_), Red Lion-street, and Magdalen-street Hurn and Son (_sack_, _rope_, _twine_, _net_, _and mat_), 13, Dove-st., and Newmarket-st. Key, William Drake, Carrow Middleton and Ainsworth (_dresses and shawls_), Calvert-street, and at 16, Watling-street, London Poll, Samuel (_camlet_), Botolph-street Potter, James, St. George’s Middle-street Robberds, Charles Augustus, Lyng Mills, and 6, Chapelfield-road Rowling and Allen, St. Faith’s-lane Russell and Co. (_rope_, _sack_, _&c._), St. Martin’s-lane, Buff Coat-lane, Scoles-green, and Mousehold Sadd, Anthony, Duke-street Sadler, Jas., (_horse hair_) St. Martin-at-Oak Shaw, Richard, Colegate-st., St. Clement’s Spinks, Samuel, Calvert-street Stannard, Cubitt, St. George’s-plain Sultzer, John, St. Augustine’s street Swann, Joshua, Chapelfield-grove Tollady, Joseph, (_hair_) Lower Westwick-st. Towler, Campin, and Co. Elm-hill Waller, J. G., (_cotton_) Pit-street Webb, William, (_rope_) Magdalen-street Willett, Nephew, and Co., Pottergate-st., and 63, Friday-street, London Williams and Potter, Gildengate-street Wright and Son, Elm-hill Marine Store Dealers. Bagshaw, George, Coslany-street Barnard, J. Wensum-st. & Fishgate-street Daynes, Thomas, Magdalen-gates Gardiner, William, Paul’s-opening Kent, William, Upper Goat-lane Townshend, Jas., Bridge-street, St. Miles Medical Botanists. Bryant, Thomas, 8, West End-terrace Roberts, H. Union-pl. (see advertisement) Merchants. Bacon, Edmund and Edmund, 3, Davey-place and Gaol-hill, Market-place Barber and Sons, Lamb Inn-yard, Old Haymarket Bateman, J. and Jas. G. J. (_yarn and silk_) Gildengate-street Beart, Robert Haywood, Bethel-street Bessey, James Hayn, 102, Pottergate-street Blake, Robert, Magdalen-street Boardman, James, Newmarket-road Brown Frederick, King-street Burcham, —, St. Martin-at-Oak Capon, James, St. Clement’s-hill Christie, Thos. and J., Quay-side, & King-street Clarke, Justinian Barret, Duke’s-palace, Coslany, and King-street Crisp, J., jun., St. John’s Head-yard, St. Miles’ Davey, Joseph, (_silk_) Pitt-street De Vear, John Lower Close Etheredge, Robt. Philip, 7, Victoria-street, Lakenham Freeman, Chas. Robt. (_foreign fruit_) Upper Market Hart, Charles, Duke’s Palace Howlett, Peter, (_hair_) 49, Botolph-street Kett, Henry, (_wool_) King-street Merry, Robt., Wilderness-house, Bracondale Nash, Spooner, (_paper and rag_) Charing-cross Pigg and Co., (_woollen_) Lamb Inn-court, Haymarket Press, Edward, Bishop’s-bridge Pymar, J., (_wool and yarn agent_) Castle Meadow Ray, John, (_iron_) Goat-lane Read, Thos. Wm., King-street Springfield, Son & Nephew, (_silk_) St. Mary’s Churchyard, & 66, Coleman-st., London Watson & Son, (_stone_) Castle Meadow and St. Faith’s-lane Woolnough, Wm., Plumstead-rd., Thorpe, and 3, Lower King-street Midwives. Elvin, Mary, Ber-street Whitehead, Mary, opposite St. Augustine’s Church Millers. De Caux, Mrs., Mousehold Feltham, Mark, Pea Field, Lakenham Gilbeigh, George, St. Benedict’s-gates Read, W., Trowse Reynolds, Joshua, Hellesdon Robberds, Chas. Augustus, Lyng Mills and 6, Chapelfield-road Springall, Benjamin, St. Clement’s-hill Waters, F. W., Lower Westwick-street Wells, Henry, Hellesdon Mills Woolnough, Wm., Plumstead-rd., Thorpe, and 3, Lower King-street Milliners: _See also Dressmakers_. Beeston, Rosamond, Chapelfield-opening Browne, Maria, Bridge-st., St. George’s Clare, Caroline, Magdalen-street Cruso, Lydia, 6, Biggs-street Davy, Jane and Sarah, 6, Upper St. Giles’-street Elliott, Emma, Magdalen-street Fairweather, Lydia, 4, London-street Ford, Mary Ann, Cowgate-street Garrett, Sarah, Paul’s Back-lane Goose, Emma, Briggs-street Goulder, Harriet, Magdalen-street Greene, Mary Anne, Colegate-street Harper, John, 4, London-street Henry, Thomas, Back of the Inns Hipper, Mary Ann, Upper Westwick-st. Huson, Mary, 12, London-street Ives, J. Collingwood, (wholesale) 21, Victoria-street James, Jane, Rose-lane Jones, —, London-street Martinson, Lucy, 67, St. Giles’-street Palmer, Lucy, 6, London-street Paraman, Christiana & Rosa, 56, St. Giles’ street Puxley, Martha, 26, Bethel-street Rollings, Abigail, St. Stephen’s-road Sendall, Mary, 8, London-street Short, Joanna, London-street Smith, Susan and Helen, 17, St. Giles’ st. Stacey, Mary Ann, Orford-hill Stannard, Marianne, St. Giles’-hill Tinkler, Sophia, 16, Bethel-street Watts, Elizabeth, Pottergate-street Wortley, Martha, Briggs-street Millwrights. Buttifant, C. and Son, King-street Buttifant, David Thomas, Church-street Campling, James, Buff Coat-lane Howard and Gaze, St. Paul’s, Back-lane Modeller and Figure Maker. Bianchi, Giovanni, Bridge-st., St. George’s Mohair and Worsted Spinners. Blake, Edward and Robert Wiffen, Colegate-street Greenhough, Joseph, Golden Dog-lane Jay, Geo., Albion-mill, King-street Park, Joseph, Eaton Walker and Co., Calvert-street Whiteley, Joseph, St. Saviour’s-lane Music Sellers, &c. Fish, William, 17, Bridewell-alley Howlett, William (Pianoforte and Organ warehouse), 3, London-street Pashley, Charles, Queen-street Warne, Elizabeth, 122, Pottergate-street Woods, William, London-street News Agents. Darken, James, 2, Little London-street Daynes, John C., Back of the Inns Jeary, Robert, 3, Bridewell-alley (see advertisement) Shalders, Noah, jun., 9, St. Stephen’s-street Newspaper Offices. Norfolk Chronicle—Matchett and Stevenson, Market-place Norfolk News—Publishing Office, Exchange-street Norwich Mercury—Bacon and Kinnebrook, 12, London-street Nurserymen, Seedsmen, & Florists. Bell, John, Mousehold Ewing, John William, 9, Exchange-street, and Eaton Hussey, William, St. Catherine’s-plain Jay, William, Sussex-street Mackie and Stewart, 10, & 11, Exchange-street, and Bracondale Nunn, John, St. Augustine-street Pock, Richard, Plumstead-road, Thorpe Reynolds, William, Hall-lane, Lakenham Oil and Colourmen. Bayfield and Sons, Magdalen-street Browne and Sons, 4, Upper Market Coppin, Edward, Orford-hill Flatt, John, 15, and 16, Magdalen-street Howlett and Co., 6, Old Haymarket Pinson, Henry, Bank-plain Piper and Pigg, 5, London-street White, Frederick Edward, 17, Tombland Opticians. Jones, James, Wensum-street Keyzor, Brothers, St. Giles’-street Piggin, John, Post Office-street Outfitters. Burrage and Jeffries, 2, Davey-place Christie, Thomas Bazzillai, corner of Magdalen-street Page, Joseph, 13, Briggs-street Womack, George, jun., Central Railway Establishment, 11 and 12, White Lion-st. Painters, Plumbers, Glaziers, &c. Angell, Joseph, Middle-st., St. George’s Annison, Daniel, 3, Cherry-street, New Lakenham Barker, Robert, Orford-hill Beaty, Henry (and japanner), 14, Little London-street Boyce, James Stanford, Duke-street Brady, Alfred J., Redwell-street Bray, Charles, _White Lion_, White-Lion-st. Campling, William, Coslany-street Candler, John, Peacock-street Cooper, William, Upper Westwick-street Crowe, Spicer, Upper Westwick-street Delph, William, St. Augustine’s-street Deveraux, Edmund, Middle-st., St. George’s Dixon, John, Bethel-street Fisher, Joshua, West Pottergate-street Fountain, Henry, Redwell-street Gedge, Robert Crispin, St. Giles’-terrace, and Lower Goat-lane Gilbert, Ann, corner of Sussex-street Gooch, George, Carver, Castle-meadow and Upper King-street Green, John, Pottergate-street Hall, James, Magdalen-street Hall, James, Timberhill-street, Orford-hill Hardy, John, Dove-street Hill, John, Chesnut-court, St. Giles’-street Hunter, William, Castle-meadow Jones, Peter, Church-walk, St. Margaret’s Kerr, John, Lower Goat-lane King, David, Elm-lane, Elm-hill King and Son, Princes-street Ling, Nicholas, Magdalen-street Mallows, Charles, 3, Princes-street Mansfield, James, St. Stephen’s-street Mason, John, Magdalen-street Mills, William M. J., St. Miles’ Coslany Norman, Robert, 6, York-place Parsons, Thomas, 3, Rising Sun-lane Purdy, Rich. Howes, Hall-road, Lakenham Puxley, William, 12, Orford-hill Quantrill, Henry, King-street Say, Sarah, 14, St. Giles’-street Smith, John, Ber-street Starland, John, Surrey-st. St. Quintin, John, corner of Bethel-st. Surflin, William, 12, Bank-st. Taylor, John, Palace-st. Taylor, William James, _Bird in Hand_, Mill-lane, New Catton Tuck, Robert, Wensum-st. Vyall, George, St. Andrew’s Broad-st. Weeks, William, Botolph-st. Wilde, Frederick, St. Stephen’s-st. Wilde, Matthew, _Trowel and Hammer_, St. Stephen’s-rd. Winter, Wm., Timberhill-st. Wright, Joseph, Mission-place, King-st. Wright, Walter, Rose-corner, King st. Paper Hangers. Boswell, Wm., Magdalen-st. Browne, Charles Wm., 8, St. Augustine’s st. Burrell, William, Magdalen-st. Fisher, James Whiting, corner of Calvert-st. Fountain, Henry, Redwell-st. Frost, George, Muspole-st. Lawrence, William, Ten Bell-lane Martin, Francis, Upper Westwick-st. Tann, Samuel Wiseman, 38, Pottergate-st. Tate, William, Botolph-st. Trevor, Henry, 6, Post Office-st. Patten and Clog Makers. Bradfield, James & Frederick Ellmer, 10, Little London-st. Cook, Samuel, 6, Davey-place Harper, James Kersey, Upper Westwick-st. Leeds, William, 17, London-st. Prentice, John, Calvert-st. Rix, Henry, Stump-cross, Magdalen-st. Rogers, Henry, Wensum-st. Scott, P. Thos. (wholesale), White Lion-st. Pawnbrokers. Brundell & Boan, Pottergate-st. and Upper walk, Market-place Christie, Thomas (and silversmith), Colegate-street Havers, William Henry, St. Paul’s New-opening, Rotten-row, Paul’s-plain Knight, Charlotte, Ber-st. Knights, James, Upper Westwick-st. Morgan, John, St. Saviour’s-lane, Magdalen-street Morgan, William Robert, St. Paul’s-plain Owen, Fred., Magdalen-st. Owen, Thomas, Colegate-st. Pitcher, Henry, Lobster-lane Samuel & Joseph, St. John’s Timber-hill Shalders, Noah, Westlegate-st. Woodrow, Thomas, Coslany-street Perfumers. Edwards, Edw. Manning, 40, London-st. Kemp, George Park, 17, Exchange-st. Kew, Flora & Charlotte, 19, White Lion-st. Wilding, Henry, 42, London-st. Physicians and Surgeons. Bell, John Crawford, Princes-street Bell, William, M.D., St. Stephen’s-road Blake, Jonathan, Mount Pleasant, Eaton Bleakley, Elijah, 12, Broad-st. St. Andrew’s Coleby, Edward Glover, Calvert-street Cooper, Emanuel, Tombland Cooper, William, St. George’s Colegate and Duke-street Copeman, Edward, M.D., Post Office-st. Cremer, Robert Rolfe (and Apothecary to the Guardians’ Dispensary), Broad-st., St. Andrew’s Crickmay, Edward, Magdalen-street Crook, John, 6, London-street Crosse, Thomas William, 22, St. Giles’-st. Cubitt, George Robert, Surrey-street Dalrymple, Archibald, All Saints’ Dalrymple, Donald, Surrey-street Dashwood, Lancelot (registrar for the West Wymer district), Broad-st. St. Andrew’s Davis, Henry, 31, Pottergate-street Day, William Hawkes, Upper Surrey-st. Edgar, Henry Robert, St. Giles’-street Evans, Lewis, M.D., Upper Surrey-street Firth, George W. W., Palace-plain Francis, William Bransby, Colegate-street Garthon, James Slap, 46, Bethel-street Gibson, Charles Mends, Bethel-street Hartman, Franz Alexr., M.D., Surrey-st. Hull, Robert, M.D., Redwell-street Hutchinson, Charles, M.D., Surrey-street Johnson, James, M.D., Theatre-street Johnson, John Godwin, 64, St. Giles’s-st. Landor, Henry, Heigham-retreat Lynn, George Doughty, M.D., Bracondale Master, Alfred, St. Giles’-plain Matcham, —., St. Giles’-hill Mills, Frederick Anthony, All Saints’-plain Morgan, Charles, City Dispensary, Pottergate-street Nichols, Williams Peter, Surrey-street Norgate, Benjamin Henry, Bank-street Orris, Frederick Henry, Magdalen-street Payne, Sturley, Duke-street Pitt, John Ballard, St. Stephen’s-street Rand, William Fell, 14, Sampson and Hercules-court, Tombland Ranking, William Harcourt, M.D., St. Giles’-street Spencer, Christopher J. M., King-street Taylor, William Henry, Princes-street Thompson, Robert, Theatre-street Thurgar, Walter Christopher, 2, Lakenham-place, St. Catherine’s-plain Webber, William, 65, St. Giles’-street Wharton, George, M.D., Upper-close Woolterton, Robt., Sampson and Hercules-court, Tombland Pill Box Makers. Betts, Osborn, Waterloo-rd., St. Clement’s, New Catton Button and Rix, Little Queen Caroline-yard, St. Martin-at-Oak Pipe Makers. Fitt, Robert, Ber-street Lincoln, John, Pump-street Pye, Samuel, All Saint’s-green Russell, Samuel, Pipe-makers’-yard, St. Clement’s Pork Butchers, Meat Sellers, &c. Browne, Charles William, 8, St. Augustine-street Bush, Henry, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Coote, Maria, Hay-hill Fitt, Mary, Princes-street Fitt, William, Ber-street Galey, John, Golden Ball-street Holland, Catherine, 1, Lower Goat-lane Killigrew, Robert, St. Giles’-hill Manthorpe, James, King-street Paul, Richard, 2 Bridewell-alley Potter, Robert, King-street Stannard, James, Magdalen-street Slaughter, Christopher, Middle-street, St. Augustine’s Printers. Bacon and Kinnebrook, “Norwich Mercury” Office, 12, London-street Broadhurst, William, St. Benedict’s Davy, John, Albion Office, St. Clement’s Church-alley Daynes, Samuel, 54, St. Stephen’s-street Fletcher, Josiah, Haymarket—(see advertisement) Houghton, Henry, All Saint’s-green Howes, James, Back of the Inns Iungius, Joseph, Lower Goat-lane Jarrold and Sons, London-street, and Exchange-street Jeary, Robert, 5, Bridewell-alley—(see advertisement) Lemmon, J. Robert, Upper Market-place Matchett & Co., “Norfolk Chronicle Office,” Market-place Muskett, Charles, Gentleman’s-walk, Old Haymarket Norman, James, Haymarket Otty, Philip, Orford-hill Oury and Co., 6, London-street Priest, Thomas, Rampant Horse-street Sharpe, J. Judd, Colegate-st, St. George’s Stevens, Wm. Horace, Pottergate-street Thorndick, Henry, Princes-street Walker, Robert, Bridges-st., St. George’s Watts, Henry, Pottergate-street—(see advertisement) Webster, Thomas, Pottergate-street Print Sellers. Boswell, William, Magdalen-street Dawes, Larrance, Bank-plain Freeman, William, 2, London-street Gilman, John, Market-place Watson, Daniel, All Saint’s-green Pyrotechnists. Baxter, Neville Plummer, Brazen Doors-rd. Coe, George, Plasterer’s Arms, Cowgate-st. Register Office for Servants. Baker, Charles, Princes-street Barker, Robert, Orford-hill Betts, John, 27, Castle-meadow Fountain, Mary, Redwell-street Gaze, Wm. Hammond, Westlegate-street Johnson, Robert, 9, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s Morris, Mary Ann, 19, Ten Bell-lane Stannard, Sarah, Willow-lane Reporters. Bayne, Alexander D., St. Benedict’s-road Garrod, Edward, 2, Priest’s-buildings, St. Stephen’s-road Rogers, Edmund Dawson, 7, Dereham-rd. Terrace Thompson, Henry, Dereham-road terrace Saddle and Harness Makers. Adwick, Thomas, 8, Davey-place Bowes, William, St. Benedict’s-street Breeze, Robert, Magdalen-street Calves, John, All Saint’s-green Cannell, John, Ber-street, Timberhill Chettleburgh, Robert, Upper King-street Dickinson, Richard, Castle-ditches Fuller, James, 23, Market-place Hallows, George, Rampant Horse-street Harrison, Thos. Thurlow, 10, Upper Saint Giles’-street Howes, Josh and Jas. Red Lion-street. Jolly, Chas. W. St. Stephen’s-gates Philo, Joseph, 44, London-street Prentice, Samuel, Magdalen-street Reynolds, William, Upper Westwick-street Whitehouse, Chas., Upper Westwick-st. Wilkinson, H. Josh., 85, St. Giles’-street Sawyers. Culley, Benj. Church-street, St. Michael’s Coslany Harverson, Francis, St. Mary’s-place Harverson, James, St. Julian’s Saw, File, and Plane Makers. Lomas, William, Upper Westwick-street Leist, James, Wensum-street Kenyon, John, Pottergate-street Griffiths, Hannah, Goat-lane and Pottergate-street Saw Mills. Bird, Bailey, Mousehold Cann, William, Philadelphia, St. Clement’s Hood, Robert, Saint Miles’ Coslany, and Sussex-street Teasel, Osborn, Fishgate-street Schoolmasters. Bailey, Isaac, St. Andrew’s-hill Bending, Thomas, St. Andrew’s Hall-pln. Bennett, Henry, Gildengate-st. Blogg, William, King-st. Brooke, William, Gray Friars’ Priory, King-street Burrage, John Charles, Castle-hill School, Castle-hill Burrage, Joseph James, Luckett’s-court, Broad-st., St. Andrew’s Clark, Robert Appleton, Orford-hill Codling, Arthur, John, Magdalen-st. Farmer, Benjamin, Old Meeting School, Calvert-st. Farnell, William Keeling, Theatre-st. Gidney, Fred., Hospital School, Fishgate-st. Hales, John, St. Clement’s Harper, Wm. Richard, 101, Pottergate-st. Ling, Henry, Pottergate-st. Marshall, Ephraim, 5, Chapel-look, Ber-st. Paul, William Francis, Bracondale Phillips, Francis, Mancroft School, Hay-hill Whiting, Wm., Cowgate-st. Wicks, Wm., Duke’s Palace Schoolmistresses. Blakely, the Misses, 13, Broad-st., St. Andrew’s Bowles, Ann Elizabeth, 4, Thorpe-terrace, Thorpe-road Boyden, The Misses, Pottergate-st. Bryant, Mary, St. Benedict’s-plain Carver, Ruth, 2, West Pottergate-st. Clifton, Anne, Earlham-road Coldwell, Mrs. and Miss, St. Clement’s Church-alley Crowe, Elizabeth, St. George’s-plain Dix, Anna Charlotte, Chapelfield Firth, Miss, Bethel-street Fuller, Jemima (preparatory), Willow-lane Gray, Mary Anne, Pottergate-st. Hartt, Catherine, 14, Victoria-st. Heasell, Elizabeth & Susanna, Surrey-road Howard, Anne, St. George’s Middle-st. Hunt, Charlotte, St. Catherine’s-plain Ives, Ann Sarah, 12, Crescent Jones, Hannah & Amelia, Wensum-st. Lambert, Mary, Steel’s-court, Queen-st. Lantenant, Maria, St. Andrew’s Larke, Hannah Susannah, Cow-hill Lawter, Elizabeth, 2, Rampant Horse-st. Leman, Emily, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s Lincolne, Elizabeth Sarah, Surrey-st. Ling, Harriett Elizabeth, 56, Bethel-st. Machet, M. Jane, Church-st. St. Simon’s Marshall, Charlotte, Finket-st. Nicholson, Catherine Ann, The Chantry Parsons, Georgians, Lakenham-ter. Phillips, Elizabeth, 5, Chatham-place Phillips, the Misses, Priory, St. Stephen’s Pillgrim, Elizabeth, St. Benedict’s-plain Priest, Mrs. Henry, Pottergate-st. Read, Eliza Eleanor, St. Giles’ Broad-st. Redgrave, Helen, Grey Friar’s, King-st. Reeve, Eliza, West End-pl., Chapelfield-rd. Spratt, Sarah, 2, Bethel-street Wall, Harriett, Dereham-road Walters, Martha and Eliza, Rampant Horse-street Warnett, King-st., St. Julian’s Whiting, Sarah, Cowgate-st. Williams, the Misses, 52, Pottergate-st. Wilson, Mrs. and Misses (for young gentlemen) 13, Crescent Seed Merchants. Bruce, William, near Fye-bridge Cozens and Sons, St. Benedict’s-st. Fowell, William, Upper King-st. Haslewood, Christopher John, Weaver’s-lane, Old Haymarket Lawes, Robert C., Little Orford-st. Shoeing Smiths. _Marked_ * _are Farriers_. * Brooks, John, All Saints’-street * Oakley, Robert, Palace-street Palmer, John, St. Augustine’s-st. * Shalders, Thomas, Hay-hill * Shreeve, John, Magdalen-st. Slate Merchants. Blyth, William, St. Faith’s-lane Morris, John, King-st. Robinson, Thomas, Cross-lane, St. George’s Soap Makers. Andrews and French, Fishgate-st. Bunting, Son, and Durrant, Coslany-st. Stationers.—_See also Booksellers_. Candler, John, 5, Rampant Horse-st. Fletcher, Josiah (wholesale and retail), Haymarket—(see advertisement) Iungius, Joseph, Lower Goat-lane Jarrold and Sons, (wholesale and retail,) London-st. Jeary, R. Bridewell-alley (see adv.) Muskett, Charles, Old Haymarket Nash, Spooner, Charing-cross Page & Son (wholesale) 23, Old Haymarket and Scole’s-green Staymakers, &c. Austrin, Ann, 5, Orford-hill Colsey, Charles, St. Andrew’s-plain Harper, John, 4, London-st. Hubbard, Henry, Westlegate-st. Kidd and Aldis, Princes’-st. Main, Susan, 4, Briggs-street Taylor, Elizabeth, 13, Upper St. Giles’-st. Stock and Share Brokers. Gilman, Charles Suckling, St. Giles’-st. Morgan, Edward Charles & Co., Toll’s-ct. Stone and Marble Masons. Adams, James, Chapelfield-road Barbour, James, _Globe_, Botolph-st. Burton, Thomas, Rose-lane De Carle, Mary, Duke’s Palace Stanley, Jos. (and statuary), St. Stephen’s-st. Watson, Mrs., Castle-meadow Whitehead, George, Ber-street gates Straw Hat Blockers. Boatwright, James, Cowgate-st. Dobson, Richard, St. Benedict’s-st. Gay, Samuel, Elm-hill Laws, Robert (and cleaner), Westlegate-st, Straw Hat Makers. Clarke, Maria (and dealer in plait), 3 & 4, St. Gregory’s Church-alley Farrow, William, Magdalen-st. Felstead, Elizabeth, 10, Orford-hill Ford, Mary Ann, Cowgate-street Forster, John, 28, London-st. Green, Anne, Post Office-st. Harvey, Matilda, 10, Upper-market Johnson, Elizabeth, Cowgate-st. Leach, Eliza, All Saints’ Green Leggett, Sarah, Timberhill-st. Main, Lucy Rebecca, 15, Chapelfield-road Pease, Esther, Pottergate-st. Pratt, Sarah, Lower Goat-lane Riches, Susannah, London-st. Spurdens, Mary Ann, Finket-st. Stewart, George Ashley, 22, Red Lion-st. Surgeons.—_See Physicians and Surgeons_. Surgeon Dentists. Boulger, Patrick Joseph, Willow-lane Bridgman, William Kenceley, 69, St. Giles’-street Dearle, George, Prince’s-street Dunsford and Suggett, St. Giles’-st. Hulme, J. Hughes, St. Andrew’s Hall-plain Neep, Wm. Ed. John, 5, Post Office-st. White, Richard, St. Giles’-st. Woodcock, Henry, 70, St. Giles’-street Surveyors, &c. Baldry, William, St. Giles’-street Benest, Edward, C. E., Surveyor to the Corporation and Local Board of Health, 24, Castle-meadow Brown, John, county surveyor, and architect to the Dean and Chapter of Norwich Cathedral, Bank of England Court, Queen-street Browne, William, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Bunn, John, 20, Pottergate-street Clemence, John South, 22, St. Giles’-street Drane, William, Rampant Horse-street Fisher, Thomas, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Hinsbey and Son, Prince’s-street Kitten, Robert, St. Giles’-street Mear, William, Lower-close Osmond and Cooper, St. Andrew’s-street Pratt, Son, and Hornor, Queen-street Roberts, James, Bank of England Court, Queen-street Tailors. Allen and Banks, 20 and 21, London-street Balls, Robert, Bridge-street, St. Miles’ Barker, James, Muspole-street Bayes and Sons, Orford-hill Bennett and Son, corner of Wensum-street, Tombland Bingham, Thomas, Post Office-street Bond, John, Davey-place Borking, Thomas, Willow-lane Bray, Richard, 83, St. Giles’-street Brightwell, Thomas, 23, Charing-cross Brundell, John, 3, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s Burrage and Jeffries, 2, Davey-place Campling, Henry, Gildengate-street Castleton, William Sparkhall, 15, Bank-st. Chapman, William, Upper Westwick-st. Cheston, William, 17, Chapelfield-road Claxton, Robert, Davey-place Cocks, Dennis, Magdalen-street Cocks, Thomas, Lower Westwick-street Cogman, Frederick, Princes-street Cole, John B., 3, Post Office-street (see advertisement) Cory, Christmas, Calvert-street Crisp, John W. (and clerical robe maker), Castle-meadow—(see advertisement) Cunningham, John, St. Andrew’s-hill Dawson, John, Ber-street Day, James, St. Lawrence-steps Deynes, Richard, Lower Westwick-street Eade, Thomas, 7, St. Giles’-hill Edwards, Thomas, Orford-hill Elliott, Charles, Ber-street English, Joseph, 45, London-street Foyson, Robert, Pump-street Fuller, Edward, 15, Red Lion-street Gifford, Thomas, Magdalen-street Grand, Edward, Muspole-street Grand, George, 32, Pottergate-street Gurrin, J. and M., and Co., 9, 10, and 11, London-street (see advertisement) Hill, M. F., St. Augustine’s-street Hodds, Richard, Elm-hill Hook, Samuel Birkett, St. George’s-plain Howlett, Richard, Bridge-st. St. George’s Killigrew, Robert, St. Giles’-hill Larkman, William, Gildengate-street Ling, Wm. Samuel, 2, Upper King-street Livock, William Thomas, Redwell-street Mackley, John Edward, 5, Westlegate-st. Mackley, Wm., near St. Peter’s Church Mallett, Francis, 2, London-street Marshall, Joseph, 19, St. Giles’-street Mayor, James, 9, Heald’s-buildings, Rose-lane Murrell, Owen, St. Augustine-street Nickols, Jeremiah, All Saint’s-green Norton, Francis James, 30, White Lion-st. Nunn, Charles Clabburn, Upper St. Giles’-street Osborn, John, Little London-street Page, Joseph, 13, Briggs-street Parker, Francis, St. Julian-street Parker, Oliver, Thorpe-road Parsley, Samuel, St. Giles’-hill Phillips, John, Orford-hill Porter, John Spratt, Upper Surrey-street Roberts, William, Chapel-look, Surrey-rd. Rogers, Charles, 47, Bethel-street Roe, Richard, 16, Bank-street Royall, Daniel, Upper King-street Rudd, William, Surrey-street Rust, James Barron, 20, Bethel-street Skelton, John Smith, St. Andrew’s-street—(see advertisement) Smith, John, Great Orford-street Stevens, Thomas William, 23, Castle-meadow and Golden Ball-street Steward and Sons, Tombland Sutton, Daniel Morrison, Broad-street, St. Andrew’s Talbot, George, Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Taylor, William, National School-court, Princes-street Tipple, John, 12, Exchange-street Todd, John, Queen-street Tooke, Michael, Ber-street Tuck, Jas. Stannard, 4, Lower Goat-lane Warterton, Edward, _Cottage_, Silver-road, Pockthorpe Wells, Peter Michael, Mandall’s-court, Princes-street Williams, Isaiah, Calvert-street Womack and Co., White Lion-street Wright, James, 50, Ber-street Youels, Joseph, Ber-street Tallow Chandlers. Browne, Hall, Ber-street Bunting, Son, and Durrant, Coslany-street Freeman and Nash (wholesale), Upper-market Hardy, James (wholesale and retail), Rampant Horse-street Howes, Ann, corner of Wellington-street, St. Giles’ Howes and Son, Lower Goat-lane Kitton, George, Haymarket Pratt, William (wholesale), Wensum-street Pulham, William, St. Mary’s-plain Saunders and Large, Whitefriar’s-street Tanners. Boult, George, Heigham-street Carr, Daniel, Brazen Doors-road Rump, James Smith, Heigham-street Slipper, Charles John, Botolph-street Wills, William, Upper Heigham Teachers of Music. _Marked_ * _are Teachers of Dancing_. * Baldry, Elizabeth, St. Giles’-street Campbell, Mrs., St. Stephen’s-gates Church, George, Theatre-street * Crook, Madame Oury, 6, London-street Fish, William, 17, Bridewell-alley * Fuller, Charlotte, Red Lion-street Harcourt, James, Colegate-street Hill, Horace, St. Giles’-hill Hill, James Frederick, 4, St. Giles’-terrace Humphrey, Mrs., St. Stephen’s-road Jackson, Wm., National-court, Princes-st. * Jones, Hannah and Amelia, Wensum-st. Madge, Robert, Botolph-street Mills, Miss, Tuck’s-court, St. Giles’ * Noverre, Frank, Theatre-st., and Theatre-square, Yarmouth—(see advertisement) Pashley, Charles, Queen-street Plummers, the Misses, Pottergate-street Rice, William Herbert, 6, St. Faith’s-ter., St. Faith’s-lane Rudd, Mrs., Muspole-street Trory, John, Elm-hill Turner, Frederick, opposite St. Mary’s Church Teachers of Languages. Caro, Simon, Westlegate-street Lantenant, Camille, St. Andrew’s Finegan, Thomas William, Cow-hill Vlieland, Jerome Nicholas, Redwell-street Timber Merchants. Blyth, William, St. Faith’s-lane Calvert, Robert, Thorpe-road Culley and Hart, Duke’s-palace, St. John’s Maddermarket Cushion, William, Chapelfield-road Gaze, George, St. Giles’-hill Gearing, James, King-street Green, Robert, Thorn-lane Harverson, James, St. Julian’s Jecks, W. and C., St. George’s-plain Jeffries, George, Golden Ball-street Johnson, Daniel, Trowse Millgate Mouser, William, Thorn-lane Orfeur, John, Fishgate-street, and at Yarmouth Pigg and Son, Bridge-street, St. George’s Saul, Wm. Staff, 61 and 62, Pottergate-st. Steward and Co., King-street, and at Southtown, Yarmouth Teasel, Osborn, Steam Saw Mills, Fishgate-street Wales, William, St. Stephen’s-street Woollistone, Samuel, Cherry-street, New Lakenham Tin and Iron Plate Workers, &c. Barnard and Bishop, 3, Gentleman’s Walk, and Calvert-street Barnard and Boulton, London-st. Bedford, Philip, Pottergate-street Howlett and Co., Old Haymarket Olley, Stephen Benjamin, St. Benedict’s-st. Warner and Co., 2, St. Giles Broad-street, and Goat-lane Tobacconists. Ainsworth, Ann, Back of the Inns Fuller, William, Red Lion-street Holmes, Henry, 16, Bridewell-alley Mason, Henry, Ber-street Miller, Amelia, 5, London-street Newbegin and Son, Bridewell-alley, and Market-place Scott, Sarah, 6, Bridewell-alley Smith, John, Gentleman’s Walk Spence, George, Bridge-street, St. George’s Stowers, James, Red Lion-street Taylor, Wm. Brown, 1, St. Stephen’s-st. Wigham, Robt., (manufacturer) 10, Old Haymarket Toy Dealers. Boswell, Thos., (manufacturer) St. John’s-street Browne, Chas. Wm., 8, St. Augustine’s-st. Bush, George, St. Andrew’s Bridge-st. Claxton, Johnson, 27, St. Stephen’s-street Custance, Jonathan, Magdalen-street Harper, Jas. Kersey, Upper Westwick-st. Holder, Reuben, St. Stephen’s—(see advertisement) Lovett, William, Golden Ball-street Ransome, Harriet, 18, Market-place Lovett, Henry, St. Stephen’s—(see advertisement) Slipper, Charles, (maker) Upper King-st. Tunists. Clarke, Frederick Edward, Princes-street Gooderham, Samuel, Elm-hill Howlett, Walter, 3, London-street Madge, Giles, Botolph-street Warne, Elizabeth, 122, Pottergate-street Turners. Allen, John, Tombland Churchyard Cawdron, Jonathan, Duke-street Hine, Charles Muspole-street Tuck, James, Calvert-street Wiggett, Josh., Dial-yard, St. Miles’ Umbrella and Parasol Makers. Balls, William, Bull-close Forster, John, 28, London-street King, Tyrrell, St. Saviour’s-lane Martin, Thos. Lillystone, 39, London-st. Smith, James, St. Benedict’s-street Upholsterers. Abel, Daniel, Pottergate-street Boswell, William, Magdalen-street Butler, Walter, Elm-hill Clarke and Hunter, Dove-lane Craske, James, Lower Goat-lane Crowe and Sons, St. Stephen’s-street English, William, Tombland Fairweather, Henry, 46, Upper St. Giles’-st Fisher, Jas. Whiting, corner of Calvert-st. Freeman, Chas. Jeremiah, 10, London-st. Frost, George, Muspole-street Furse, Jas. Thos., Gildengate-street Huggins, Maria, 10, Broad-st., St. Andrew’s Lawrence, William, Ten Bell-lane Leeson, Richard C., 81, St. Giles’-street and Surrey-road Lord, Aaron, St. John’s Maddermarket Martin, Francis, Upper Westwick-street Norris, James 38, Charing Cross, and 4, St. Peter’s, Hungate Paraman, Mrs., Grout’s-thoroughfare Pigg and Greenwood, London-street Pooley, William, 2 and 3, Charing Cross, (see advertisement) Robertson, Henry, Lakenham Salter Robt. Henry, Duke-street Scott, Robt. Bagge, St. John-street, and 18, Charing Cross Spooner, Edwd. Fred. St. Margaret’s-plain Tann, Samuel Wiseman, 38, Pottergate-st. Tomlinson, William, Bank-plain Trevor, Henry, 5, Post Office-street Veterinary Surgeons. Sayer, Daniel, 27, Pottergate-street Smith, William, Veterinary Infirmary, Pottergate-street Wells, Thomas, Castle-meadow Vinegar Makers, &c. Hills and Underwood, St. Faith’s-lane, and 25, Eastcheap, London. F. Ham, King-street, agent Warehousemen. Atkinson, Jas. G. (Manchester and Scotch) Jay’s-court, Briggs-st. Barker, Benj. (Woollen and Manchester), 1, York Tavern-passage, Orford-hill Beales, Francis, 8, Victoria-street Colsey, Francis, Crown Bank-plain Creak, James, corner of Bridewell-alley (see Advertisement) Daniels, Simon, Pitt-street De Vear and Phillips, Davey-place Fleet, John, 22, Sussex-street Monteith, George Lovell, St. Giles’ Moore, William, Calvert-street Pigg, Samuel and Horace (Manchester and Woollen), Lamb Inn-court, Haymarket Riches, Henry Charles, Isley’s-buildings, Surrey-road Rivett and Harmer, Post Office-ct., Market-place Roe, Bartholomew, 15, Sussex-street Skelton, John, Sussex-street Woodgate, Philip (Manchester), Castle-street Watch and Clock Makers. Abrahams, Benjamin, 1, Bethel-street Behn, Loreux, St. Stephen’s-plain Bell, Robert, 11, Davey-place, and Bridge-street, St. Andrew’s Buckenham, J. C., 19, Tombland Clark, R., and Son, 6, Upper Westwick-st. Cooper and Sons, London-street Daines, William, St. Augustine’s-street * Davy, Edward, De Caux’s-st., St. Simon’s Etheridge, George and William Ellis, 10, Market-place * Fearnside, Benjamin, Palace-street Gidney, Robert, St. Giles’-road Gunton, Henry, Rampant Horse-street Hayward, James, Little London-street, and King-street Kehle, Joseph, Duke-street Kerrison, James, Magdalen-street King, George Trafalgar, 15, Red Lion-st. Linford, Robert, 9, Davey-place May, William, Rampant Horse-street Merrison, James, Cross-st., St. George’s Phillips, Samuel Michael, 5, Chatham-place Piggin, John, Post Office-street Priest, George, 3, Briggs-street Ransome, Mary Ann, Bridewell-alley Ransome, James, Queen-street Russell, Benjamin, 128, Magdalen-street Shildrake, W., 34, London-street Springall, Isaac, Wensum-street Zipfel, Charles, Magdalen-street Zipfel, Matt., _Rose_, St. Martin-at-Oak Wharfingers. Clarke, Justinian Barrett, Duke’s Palace, Coslany-street, and King-street Harmer and Co., Duke’s Palace Reeve, Richard, Duke’s Palace Rudrum, Spencer Drake, Duke’s Palace and King-street Wharf Wheelwrights. Cooke, Timothy, Magdalen-street Morris, George, _Red Lion_, Magdalen-street Muskett, Charles, Henry, King-street, and Ber-street Riches, William, St. Benedict’s-gates Springall, John, Baker’s-road, St. Clement’s Tillett, James, St. Augustine’s-gates Whip Makers.—_See also Saddle and Harness Makers_. Hardy, Charles, Timberhill-street Leeds, Charles, All Saints’-green Simpson, J., Ber-street Whitesmiths. Boswell, John, St. Andrew’s-hill Brooks, John, Golden Ball-street Cawdron, Jonathan (Locksmith), Duke-st. Clark, Robert, Fishgate-street Clarke, Stephen, Upper King-street Cullyer, George, Saul’s-yard, Pottergate-st., and Cow-hill Finch, Walter, Elm-hill Finch, William Henry, 3, Waggon and Horses-lane, Tombland Knevett, Jonathan, Upper Westwick-street Lake, John Holmes, Upper Goat-lane Livock, Joseph Robert, Crown-ct., Elm-hill Palmer, Robert, St. Saviour’s-lane Palmer, William, St. Augustine’s-street Reeve, Edward, Cherry Tree-yard, St. George’s Stammers, Robert, Little Orford-street, and Castle-hill Thirkettle, William, Orford-hill Thurtell, George, Pottergate-street Tripp, John, All Saint’s-green White, Robert, Calvert-street Wine and Spirit Merchants. Anthony, William, Upper Market Arnold, Maria, St. Margaret’s-plain Athow, Edward John, Castle-st. Back & Co., Haymarket Barley, Christopher, _Fleece_, Bridewell-alley—(see advertisement) Barwell and Son, St. Stephen’s-st. Brown, James Hopewell, Redwell-st. Bullard, Edwin, St. Stephen’s-road Bullard, Richard, St. Michael-at-Coslany Clabburn and Sparks, Magdalen-st. Cubitt, Wm. Jary, corner of St. Clement’s Church-yard Culley, John, St. Andrew’s-hill Emms, Charles, Cross-st. and Distillery-st. Geldart and Son, Wensum-st. Hare, Charles, Bridge-st., St. Lawrence Harman and Sons, St. Andrew’s-hill Hubbard, James, Golden Dog-lane Laws, James, St. Giles’-street Morrison & Co., Gaol-hill, Market-place Morgate & Co., St. Stephen’s-st. Norwich Wine Comp., St. Giles’ Upper-st. Priest, Pilgrim, & Co., 1, St. Giles’-st. Roe, Sarah Ann, Old Post Office-court, Market-place Seaman, Robert, St. John’s Maddermarket Steward, Patteson, Finch, & Co., Anchor Brewery, Pockthorpe Whaites, Henry T., Dereham-road-terrace Wiseman, Isaac, corner of Post Office and Pottergate-streets Woollen Drapers. Allen and Banks, 20 and 21, London-street Barker, Benjamin, 1, York Tavern-passage, Orford-hill Cole, John B., 3, Post Office-street—(see advertisement) Edwards, Thomas, Orford-hill English, Joseph, 45, London-street Gurrin, J. M. and Co., 9, 10, and 11, London-street—(see advertisement) Lovick and Johnson, 16, London-street Pigg, Sam and Horace, Haymarket Skelton, John Smith, St. Andrew’s-street—(see advertisement) Steward and Smiths, 9 and 10, Tombland Tipple, John, 12, Exchange-street Wade, Frances (wholesale and retail), 18, London-street Woolstaplers. Bleakley, Page, St. Mary’s Church-alley Chaplin, George, Southgate-street Everett, Joseph, Thorpe-road Gardiner, George, Golden Dog-lane Gladdon, Joseph, Mousehold Hawes, Robert William, Duke’s-palace Ingledew, William, Peacock-street Lord, John, 11, St. Catherine’s-plain Parkins, John, Sussex-street Seed, Henry, Muspole-street LIST OF PARISHES, WITH THE STREETS IN EACH. ST. GEORGE-OF-TOMBLAND: Castle-meadow, Tombland, Wensum-street, King-street, Grey Friars-lane, Bank-street, Palace-street, Princes-street, Queen-street, Pig-lane ST. HELEN: Bishopgate-street ST. MARTIN-AT-PALACE: Palace-plain, Tabernacle-street, White Friars-street, World’s-end-lane, Cowgate-street, Quay-side ST. PETER-OF-HUNGATE: Princes-street, Elm-hill, St. Andrew’s-hill, Waggon and Horses-lane, Crown-court ST. PETER-PER-MOUNTERGATE: Scoles-green, St. Faith’s-lane, Pump-street, King-street, Rose-lane, Castle-meadow, Foundry-road, Castle-meadow, Thorn-lane, St. Ann’s-lane, Holkham-street ST. MICHAEL-AT-PLEA: London-street, Bank-street, Bank-plain, Queen-street, Princes-street, Redwell-street, Castle-meadow, Church lane ST. SIMON AND JUDE: Wensum-street, Church-street, Waggon and Horses-lane, Quay-side ST. MARY-IN-THE-MARSH: Upper Close, Lower Close, Horse Fair, Life’s Green, Palace-street, Bishopgate-street ST. ANDREW: Pottergate-street, Broad-street, Bridge-street, London-street, St. Andrew’s-hill, Bridewell-alley, Swan-lane, Cockey-lane, Castle meadow, Hall-plain ST. GREGORY: Lower Westwick-street, Upper Westwick-street, Pottergate-street, Charing-cross, Lower Goat-lane, Turk’s-yard, Church-alley, St. Giles’-street, Benedict-street, Fisher’s-lane ST. JOHN-OF-MADDERMARKET: Post-office-street, Exchange-street, Duke’s-palace, Cockey-lane, Luckett’s-court, Dove-street, Pottergate-street, St. Andrew’s-street, St. John’s-street, St. John’s-plain, Westwick-street, Charing-cross, Waterloo-place, Lobster-yard, Tipply-court, Hole-in-Wall-lane, Nailor’s-lane ST. LAWRENCE: Upper Westwick-street, Lower Westwick-street, Lawrence-lane, Pottergate-street, Bridge-street, St. Giles’-street, Fisher’s-lane ST. MARGARET: Upper Westwick-street, Margaret-street, Lower Westwick-street, Pottergate-street, Church-alley, Three King-lane ST. SWITHIN: Upper Westwick-street, Lower Westwick-street, Ten Bell-lane, Pottergate-street, Church-alley ST. GILES: Pottergate-street, Bethel-street, Upper St. Giles’-street, Willow-lane, Chapel-field, St. Giles’-street, St. Giles’-hill, Cow-hill, St. Giles’-gates, St. Giles’-terrace, Hales’-court, Rigby’s-court, Wellington-street, Watts’-court, Ninham’s-court ST. BENEDICT: Pottergate-street, Benedict-street, St. Giles’-hill, Heigham-street, Lower Westwick-street, Barn-road, Church-alley, Duck-lane HAMLET OF EARLHAM: Lower Earlham, Earlham-road, Green-lane, Earlham-grove HAMLET OF HEIGHAM: West Pottergate-street, Newmarket-road, Heigham-road, Julian-road, Adelaide-street, Unthank’s-road, Union-place, Julian-place, William-street, Dereham-road, Earlham-road, Mill-lane, West Pottergate-street, West Wymer-street, Cross-street, Paragon-street, Holl’s-lane, Grove-hill, Causeway, Tinkler’s-lane, John-street, Golding-street, St. Giles’-hill, Heigham-road, Crook’s-place, Asylum-lane, City-road, Charles-street, Heigham-street, Vauxhall-street, Earlham-road, West-end-street, Waddington-street, Nelson-street, Stone-hills ST. PETER-OF-MANCROFT: Bethel-street, Wounded Hart-lane, Upper Market, Orford-hill, Chapel Field Grove, Castle-street, Castle Ditches, Old Haymarket, London-street, Gentlemen’s-walk, York-place, Market-place, Lady’s-lane, Davey-place, Theatre-street, White Lion-street, Chapel Field, Back of Inns, Gaol-hill, Exchange-street, Hay-hill, Chapel Field-road, Royal Hotel-street, Little Orford-street, Old Post-office-yard, Weaver’s-lane, Fishmarket, Briggs-street, Dove-street, Pudding-lane, Gun-lane, Coburg-street, Weston’s-court ST. JOHN-OF-TIMBERHILL: Timberhill-street, All Saints’-green, All Saints’-street, Golden Ball-street, Westlegate-street, Orford-hill, Ber-street, Castle Ditches, Scoles-green, Grout’s-court ALL SAINTS: St. Stephen’s-plain, Westlegate-street, Upper Surrey-street, Westlegate-street, All Saints-green, Brazen Door-road, Timberhill-street, Surrey-road ST. STEPHENS: St. Stephen’s-street, Church-lane, St. Stephen’s-gates, St. Stephen’s-square, Surrey-street, Red Lion-street, Little Orford-street, Lame Dog-road, Brazen Door-road, King-street (Crook’s-place), Rampant Horse-street, Crescent, Chapel-street (Crook’s-place), Theatre-street, Gun-lane, St. Stephen’s-road, Back-street, Queen-street, Chatham-place, Briggs-street, The Chantry, Norgate’s-court, St. Stephen’s Mews, Orford-hill, Rodent-street, Rodney-street, Toll’s-court, Middle-street (Crook’s-place), Union-street (Crook’s-place), Trumpet-lane HAMLET OF EATON: Mile-end, Eaton-hill, Half Mile-lane, Eaton-road, Newmarket-road, Unthank’s-road, Brewer’s-road, Eaton-grove LIBERTY OF TOWN CLOSE: Town Close ST. ETHELDRED: Mariner’s-lane, King-street, Sherbourne-place ST. JOHN SEPULCHRE: Ber-street, Ber-gates, Catharine’s-plain, Richmond-hill, Brazen Door-road, Catharine-terrace, Southgate-lane, Alderson’s-buildings, Finkett-street, Chapel Loke, Horns-lane, Mariner’s-lane, Bartholomew-street, Catharine-alley, Catharine-hill ST. JULIAN: King-street, St. Ann’s-lane, Horns-lane, Market-lane, Bridget-lane ST. MICHAEL-AT-THORN: Surrey-road, Surrey-grove, Golden Ball-street, Castle Ditches, Thorn-lane, Scoles-green, Rising Sun-lane, Buff-coat-lane, Globe-lane, Pump-street, Holkham-lane ST. PETER SOUTHGATE: King-street, King-street-gates, Carrow-hill, Carrow, Wilderness HAMLET OF LAKENHAM: Willow-place, Hall-lane, Grove-place, City-road, Victoria-street, Trafalgar-street, Lakenham-place, Church-lane, Brazen-door-road, Portland-place, Old Lakenham, Bracondale, Richmond Green, St. Stephen’s-road, Ipswich-road, Wellington-terrace, Peafield, Kensington-place, Cherry-street, Mill-street, Trory-street, Brewery-lane HAMLETS OF TROWSE, CARROW, AND BRACONDALE: Carrow Abbey, Bracondale, Trowse Millgate ST. CLEMENT: Colegate-street, Mill-lane, St. Martin’s-lane, Catton back-road, Green Hills, Waterloo, Magdalen-street, Mill-hill, Infirmary-road, Sussex-street, Sun-lane, Fye Bridge, Philadelphia, Catton-road, Fishgate-street, Goose’s-lane HAMLET OF THORPE: Foundry-road, Thorpe-road, Carrow-road, Mousehold, Plumstead-road, Bishopbridge, Spitalfields, Telegraph-lane, Heart’s-ease-lane HAMLET OF POCKTHORPE: Pockthorpe Loke, Pockthorpe-road, Silver-street, Barrack-street, the Paddock ST. SAVIOUR: Magdalen-street, Golden Dog-lane, Botolph-street, Back-lane, Peacock-street, Church-lane, Calvert-street ST. PAUL: Cowgate-street, Magdalen-street, Paul’s-plain, Bull-close ST. JAMES: Cowgate-street, St. James-street ST. EDMUND: Fishgate-street, Peacock-street ST. AUGUSTINE: Augustine-street, Botolph-street, Pitt-street, Sussex-street, Middle-street, Augustine-gates, Church-alley ST. GEORGE OF COLEGATE: Gildengate-street, Bridge-street, Colegate-street, Calvert-street, Muspole-street, St. Paul’s-opening, St. Martin’s-lane, Water-lane, Cross-lane ST. MARTIN-AT-OAK: Oak-street, Baker’s-road, St. Martin’s-lane, Fuller’s-hole, Oak-gates ST. MARY OF COSLANY: Coslany-street, Muspole-street, Rosemary-lane, St. Mary’s-plain, Tooley-street, Church-alley, Southgate-street, Duke-street ST. MICHAEL OF COSLANY: Coslany-street, Duke-street, Rosemary-lane, Bridge-street, Church-street, St. George’s-plain HAMLET OF HELLESDON: Upper Hellesdon, Lower Hellesdon REGISTRATION DISTRICTS AND REGISTRARS. SUPERINTENDENT REGISTRAR.—Mr. Francis John Blake, Register Office, King-street, Tombland. REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES.—Mr. John Oddin Taylor, solicitor, St. Giles, and Mr. Joseph Restieaux, Lady’s-lane. EAST WYMER DISTRICT: Mr. G. W. W. Firth, surgeon, St. Martin-at-Palace—comprising the parishes of Sts. Michael-at-Plea, Peter Hungate, Simon, Martin-at-Palace, Helen, Edmund, Saviour, Paul, and James, with Pockthorpe, and Thorpe Hamlet. CONISFORD DISTRICT: Mr. C. Drake, surgeon, All Saints; Mr. W. L. Smith, ditto, deputy, comprising the parishes of Sts. John Sepulchre, Peter Southgate, Etheldred, Julian, Peter-per-Mountergate, Michael-at-Thorn, John Timberhill, George-of-Tombland, and All Saints, and for Trowse, Carrow, and Bracondale. MANCROFT DISTRICT: Mr. Edgar, surgeon, Bethel-street; Mr. W. Cooke, St. Giles’-street, deputy—comprising the parishes of Sts. Stephen, Peter Mancroft, and Giles, and Hamlets of Eaton and Lakenham. WEST WYMER DISTRICT: Mr. Lancelot Dashwood, surgeon, St. Andrew—comprising the parishes of Sts. Benedict, Swithin, Margaret, Lawrence, Gregory, John of Maddermarket, and Andrew, and Hamlets of Earlham and Heigham. COSLANY DISTRICT: Mr. William Cooper, surgeon, St. Saviour; Mr. Payne, Duke-street, deputy—comprising the parishes of Sts. Michael-at-Coslany, Mary Coslany, Martin-at-Oak, Augustine, George-of-Colegate, and Clement, and the part of Hellesdon belonging to Norwich. CORPORATION OF NORWICH (_For the time being_.) MAYOR—Charles Winter, Esq. SHERIFF—R. W. Blake, Esq. RECORDER—Michael Prendergast, Esq. ALDERMEN. E. Blakely, ex-sheriff; Jeremiah Butcher, William Butcher, John De Vear, Peter Finch, Charles R. Freeman, John Pymar, Robert Page, John Betts, E. Willett, G. L. Coleman, Canuel Darkins, William Freeman, William Hall, John Sultzer, Wm. H. Woolbright. COUNCILLORS. _First Ward_—Francis John Blake, Roger Kerrison, Robt. Wortley, John Wright, John Kitton, Geo. Wm. Minns. _Second Ward_—R. Chamberlin, H. Woodcock (ex-mayor), John Welham Clarke, Sir W. Foster, bart., Richard Bullard, James Smith Rump. _Third Ward_—Wm. Trory, Jas. Winter, John Henry Druery, E. C. Bailey, George Arthur Dye, Henry Ling. _Fourth Ward_—R. W. Blake (sheriff), C. Winter (mayor), Thos. Brightwell, Arthur Dalrymple, John Barwell, Josiah Fletcher. _Fifth Ward_—John Hilling Barnard, A. A. H. Beckwith, John Easto, James Hardy, Samuel Bignold, Benjamin Bunting. _Sixth Ward_—Joel Fox, Wm. M. Kitton, George Kitton, John Skipper, John G. Johnson, John B. Morgan. _Seventh Ward_—Richard Coaks, Henry Hindes, Wm. Andrews, Frederic Pigg, John W. Dowson, Thos. O. Springfield, _Eighth Ward_—Wm. Pratt, Jacob Henry Tillett, John Bateman, Jas. Colman, Robt. French, John Ferra Watson. WATCH COMMITTEE, Meets every Friday at One o’clock. R. W. Blake (chairman), J. Sultzer, F. J. Blake, J. Kitton, G. W. Minus, H. Woodcock, J. W. Clarke, R. Bullard, J. S. Rump, R. W. Blake, The Major, A. Dalrymple, J. H. Barnard, S. Bignold, J. B. Morgan, R. Coaks, T. O. Springfield, Wm. Pratt, R. French. CITY COMMITTEE. Meets first Thursday in the Month, at Twelve o’clock. E. Blakely, W. Butcher, J. Pymar, R. Page, W. Hull, F. J. Blake, R. Kerrison, G. W. Minns, R. Bullard, J. Winter, H. Ling, R. W. Blake, A. A. H. Beckwith (chairman), J. H. Tillett, R. French. MARKET COMMITTEE. J. Butcher, W. H Woolbright, R. Wortley, G. W. Minus, G. Kitton, W. Andrews, F. Pigg, T. O. Springfield (chairman), J. F. Watson. TONNAGE COMMITTEE. P. Finch (chairman), C. Darkins, R. Kerrison, J. Barwell, J. Fletcher, J. Easto, J. Hardy, B. Bunting, J. G. Johnson, T. O. Springfield. RIVER COMMITTEE. J. De Vear (chairman), J. Betts, C. Darkins, W, H. Woolbright, W. Trory, J. H. Druery, J. Skipper, R. Coaks, F. J. Blake, William Pratt, and the Great Yarmouth Haven Commissioners for the time being. CITY LIBRARY COMMITTEE. C. R. Freeman, J. H. Druery, C. Winter, A. Dalrymple, J. Barwell, A. A. H. Beckwith, J. Skipper, J. G. Johnson, W. Andrews, J. W. Dowson. BOROUGH FUND COMMITTEE. J. Butcher, J. De Vear, G. L. Coleman, W. H. Woolbright, J. S. Rump, J. H. Barnard, W. M. Kitton, J. W. Dowson, Jas. Colman. GAOL AND BRIDEWELL COMMITTEE. W. Hall, G. W. Minns, H. Woodcock, J. S. Rump, The Sheriff, T. Brightwell, J. Barwell, J. B. Morgan, R. Coaks, J. Bateman, and such of the justices as are members of the council. RIVER WATER ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE. W. Hall, W. H. Woolbright, W. M. Kitton. BYE-LAWS COMMITTEE. W. H. Woolbright, R. Wortley, G. W. Minns, R. Chamberlin, J. Winter, T. Brightwell, A. A. H. Beckwith, W. Andrews, J. W. Dowson, J. H. Tillett. * * * * * WARD ALDERMEN. Jeremiah Butcher, 1st ward; John De Vear, 2nd ward; John Sultzer, 3d ward; Geo. Lovick Coleman, 4th ward; William Butcher, 5th ward; Canuel Darkins, 6th ward; Robert Wiffin Blake, 7th ward; Charles Robert Freeman, 8th ward. WARD ASSESSORS. John Forster and John Horne, J. G. Atkinson and G. Womack, John Scarnell and Henry Shaw, Wm. Ranger and Peter T. Scott, Goddart Johnson and D. T. Lamb, William Bunn and George Cattermoul, Wm. R. Morgan and David Smith, Thos. Bugden. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Sir Robert John Harvey, knight, John Hilling Barnard, Samuel Shalders Beare, John Detts, Samuel Bignold, Thomas Blakiston, R.N., Horatio Bolingbroke, Henry Browne, William Collyer, Charles Evans, Lewis Evans, M.D., Wm. Freeman, Richard Hanbury Gurney, John Henry Gurney, Wm. Herring, Anthony Hudson, Robt. Hull, M.D., John Godwin Johnson, Geo. Doughty Lynn, M.D., John Marshall, Phillip John Money, Nathaniel Palmer, Thomas Osborn Springfield, Osborn Springfield, Abel Towler, Charles Turner, Edward Willett, John Wright. HAVEN AND PIER COMMISSIONERS. _Norwich_—T. O. Springfield, J. G. Johnson, and James Colman. _Norfolk_—Robert Marsham, J. Petre, and H. N. Burroughes. _Suffolk_—Rev. E. M. Love, J. Kerrich, and J. Crisp. _Yarmouth_—G. D. Palmer, J. Barker, and W. N. Burroughs. SUPERNUMERARY COMMISSIONERS. _Norwich_—John De Vear, A. A. H. Beckwith, and William Prytt. _Norfolk_—Sir W. B. Procter, Bart., John Stracey, and T. T. Berney. _Suffolk_—Edward Leathes and Charles Steward. _Yarmouth_—D. A. Gourlay and R. Hammond. _Clerk_—S. Tolver. _Treasurer_—E. K. Lacon, Bart. THE CORPORATION OF GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, AND COMMITTEES (_For the time being_.) St. Peter of Southgate,—Christopher John Miles Spencer St. Etheldred,—Robert Mills St. Julian,—William Baxter St. Peter-per-Mountergate,—John Underwood, Geo. Wm. Minns St. John of Sepulchre,—Benjamin Bunting St. Michael-at-Thorn,—Wm. Manning Kitton St. John-of-Timberhill,—John Phillips All Saints,—Thos. Williams St. Stephen and the Town Close,—John Norton Valentine Cooper, James Hardy, Edward Field, William Black, junr. St. Peter-of-Mancroft,—Henry Browne, Benjamin Cundall, Owen Albert Diver, William Postle, Thomas Damant Eaton, St. Giles,—John Godwin Johnson, Henry Francis St. Benedict,—James King St. Swithin,—Joel Fox St. Margaret,—John Hovell St. Lawrence,—Henry Underwood St. Gregory,—Jas. Winter, Spooner Nash St. John-of-Maddermarket,—Wm. Wicks, William Wilde St. Andrew,—Dennis Barnard, James Newbegin, William Robert Dodson St. Michael-at-Plea,—Jeremiah Butcher St. Peter-of-Hungate,—John Baker St. Simon and Jude,—Henry Rogers St. George-of-Tombland,—Francis John Blake, Robert Wortley St. Martin-at-Palace, Augustus Adolphus Hamilton Beckwith St. Helen and Thorpe,—Henry Steel, Frederick Gavell Mitchell St. Michael of Coslany,—George Gedge, Jeremiah Howes St. Mary-of-Coslany,—Thomas Bugden St. Martin-at-Oak,—Abraham Keyzor St. Augustine,—William Fromow St. George-of-Colegate,—John Francis, John Judd Sharpe St. Clement,—John Bidwell, James Hall St. Edmund,—Robert French St. Saviour,—Jacob Henry Tillett St. Paul,—Henry Hindes St. James and Pockthorpe,—William Wilde, junr. Heigham, William Trory, Anthony Bailey, Henry Shaw Lakenham,—Timothy Chittock, George Clarke, Joseph Corsbie Eaton,—Thomas Brightwell, John Pymar, Earlham,—George Ives Hellesdon, Joshua Reynolds Trowse, Carrow, and Bracondale,—Fred. Brown _Monday Relief Committee_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, J. Underwood, J. Phillips, O A. Diver, W. Postle, H. Steel, F. G. Mitchell, G. Gedge, J. J. Sharpe, J. Bidwell, H. Hindes, T. Chittock, J. Reynolds _Thursday Relief Committee_—The Governor, Deputy Governor, G. W. Minns, B. Bunting, W. Black, junr., J. G. Johnson, W. Wicks, W. Wilde, J. Baker, H. Rogers, R. Wortley, J. Howes, W. Wilde, junr., W. Trory _Workhouse_, _Infirmary_, _and Visiting Committee_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, J. Underwood, G. W. Minns, B. Bunting, J. Phillips, W. Black, junr., O. A. Diver, W. Postle, J. G. Johnson, W. Wicks, W. Wilde, J. Baker, H. Rogers, R. Wortley, H. Steel, F. G. Mitchell, G. Gedge, J. Howes, J. J. Sharpe, J. Bidwell, H. Hindes, W. Wilde, junr., W. Trory, T. Chittock, J. Reynolds _Audit Committees_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, C. J. M. Spencer, T. Williams, W. Black, jun., H. Browne, W. Postle, J. G. Johnson, J. King, J. Newbegin, W. R. Dodson, J. Butcher, F. J. Blake, G. Gedge, J. J. Sharpe, J. Bidwell, J. Hall, W. Trory, T. Brightwell, G. Ives _Committee for Receiving and Recovering Mulet from Overseers_, _and Arrears of Poor Rate_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, W. Baxter, B. Bunting, J. Phillips, J. N. V. Cooper, H. Francis, J. Fox, H. Underwood, W. R. Dodson, J. Baker, H. Steel, T. Bugden, J. J. Sharpe, W. Wilde, jun., T. Chittock, G. Clarke _Assessment Committee_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, W. Baxter, J. Underwood, G. W. Minns, B. Bunting, W. M. Kitton, J. Phillips, J. N. V. Cooper, E. Field, W. Postle, J. Hovell, W. Wicks, W. Wilde, D. Barnard, J. Baker, F. J. Blake, R. Wortley, W. Fromow, J. Bidwell, J. Hall, R. French, A. Bailey, H. Shaw, G. Clarke, T. Brightwell, G. Ives _Employment Committee_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, J. Underwood, J. Phillips, J. Fox, D. Barnard, J. Newbegin, F. G. Mitchell, G. Gedge, J. Howes, J. Francis, J. Bidwell, H. Hindes, W. Trory, H. Shaw, G. Ives _Dispensary Committee_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, C. J. M. Spencer, J. N. V. Cooper, J. G. Johnson, S. Nash, W. Wicks, J. Baker, F. J. Blake, H. Steel, W. Fromow, J. Bidwell, J. H. Tillett, W. Trory, T. Brightwell _Removal Committee_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, W. M. Kitton, J. N. V. Cooper, E. Field, H. Francis, W. Wicks, F. J. Blake, R. Wortley, H. Steel, J. H. Tillett, T. Brightwell _School Committee_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, J. Underwood, W. Black, jun., H. Browne, B. Cundall, T. D. Eaton, J. G. Johnson, H. Francis, F. J. Blake, H. Steel, J. J. Sharpe, A. Bailey, F. Brown _Girls’ Home Committee_,—The Governor, Deputy Governor, G. W. Minns, J. Phillips, W. Black, jun., H. Browne, J. G. Johnson, H. Francis, W. Wicks, W. Wilde, J. Bidwell, W. Trory, T. Brightwell, J. Pymar _Governor_,—A. A. H. Beckwith, Esq. _Deputy Governor_,—James Winter, Esq. _Treasurer_,—Timothy Steward, Esq. _Chaplain_, _Workhouse_,—Rev. Phillip Utton Brown _Chaplain_, _Infirmary and Asylum_,—Rev. Edward John Bell _District Surgeons_,—Mr. Charles Drake, Mr. Lancelot Dashwood (Man Midwife), Mr. Henry Robert Edgar, Mr. William Bransby Francis, Mr. Walter Christopher Thurgar, Mr. Thomas William Crosse, Mr. George Robert Cubitt, Mr. John Ballard Pitt _Establishments’ Surgeon_,—Mr. Henry Robert Edgar _Apothecary_,—Mr. Robert Rolfe Cremer _Clerk_,—Mr. Elijah Crosier Bailey _Cashier_,—Mr. Starling Day _Office Clerk_—Mr. William Tallack _Relieving Officers_,—Mr. Robert Winter, (Collector of Arrears of Poor Rates), Mr. James Thouless, Mr. Thomas Rackham _Master of the Workhouse_,—Mr. William Charles Lowne _Matron of the Workhouse_,—Mrs. Mary Lowne _Master of the Infirmary and Asylum_,—Mr. John Bilham _Matron of the Infirmary and Asylum_,—Miss Caroline Bilham _Governor of the Girls Home_,—Mr. William Bales _Matron of the Girls Home_,—Mrs. Rebecca Bales _Removal Officer_,—Mr. Robert Martin _Surveyor_,—Mr. Robert Kitton _Revisor of Assessments_,—Mr. Thomas Francis CHARITIES’ TRUSTEES, (1852.) CHURCH LIST—Anthony Hudson, Esq., Chairman; John Stracey, Esq., Vice-Chairman; Hon. and very Rev. George Pellew; Richard Hanbury Gurney, Esq., Messrs. J. Barwell, Jacob Johnson, Lewis Evans, M.D., Richard Watson, Edward Freestone, Benjamin Bradford, George Seppings, John Norgate, and Francis Bradshaw, Esq. GENERAL LIST—Anthony Hudson, Esq., Chairman; John Stracey, Esq., Vice-Chairman; R. H. Gurney, Esq.; Horatio Bolingbroke, Esq.; Messrs. Edward Freestone, W. Stark, Jacob Johnson, John Barwell, Benjamin Brandford, John Norgate, F. G. Bradshaw, Esq., and John Kitson, Esq. CLERK—Mr. Thomas Brightwell _Bankers to the Church List_—Messrs. Gurneys, Birkbeck, and Co. _Ditto to the General List_—Messrs. Harveys and Hudson. * * * * * _Coroner_—Mr. W. Wilde _Clerk of the Justices_—Mr. W. Day _Ditto for Licensing and Billetting_—Mr. W. Wilde _Clerk of the Peace_, _and Town Clerk_—J. R. Staff, Esq. _City Treasurer_—Mr. T. Edwards _Clerk to Committees_—Mr. R. Fickling _Under Sheriff_—A. Dalrymple _City Surveyor_—Mr. E. Benest _Auditors_—Messrs. Anthony Bailey and Robert Butcher, elected by Citizens. Councillor, James Smith Rump, elected by the Mayor _Revising Assessors_—Messrs. Charles Suckling Gilman and Henry Miller _Superintendent of Police_—Mr. Dunn _Ditto of the Watch_—Mr. William Yarington _Chaplain to the City Gaol_—Rev. W. J. Cobb _Gaoler_—Mr. P. M. Yarington _Collector of Tonnage Duties_—Mr. Haddon _Collector of Provision Market Tolls_—Mr. W. Musson _Master of the Great Hospital_—Mr. George Simpson _Master of Doughty’s Hospital_—Mr. Robert Minns BETHEL HOSPITAL, BETHEL STREET. _Governors_.—Anthony Hudson, Esq.; Sir W. Foster, Bart.; Charles Weston, Esq.; C. W. Unthank, Esq.; Peter Finch, Esq.; J. H. Gurney, Esq.; Henry Birkbeck, Esq. The Committee meet the first Monday in every month, at 12 o’clock. _Medical Officers_.—W. P. Nichols, Esq.; C. M. Gibson, Esq. _Land Steward_,—W. S. Millard, Esq. _Clerk_,—J. N. V. Cooper _Master_,—Samuel King NORFOLK AND NORWICH HOSPITAL, ST. STEPHEN’S GATES. President—The Earl of Leicester Vice-President—The Bishop of Norwich Treasurer—John Henry Gurney, Esq. Physicians and Surgeons who attend gratis,—Hon. Consulting Physician, Dr. Evans—Physicians, Drs. Hull, Ranking, Copeman—Surgeons, Messrs. Norgate, Dalrymple, and Nichols Assistant Surgeon, Mr. G. W. W. Firth BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. Chairman—Edw. Howes, Esq. Vice-Chairman—C. M. Gibson, Esq. The Rev. T. J. G. Marsham; H. W. Edwards, Esq.; The Rev. John Bailey; The Rev. J. H. Payne; Richard Ward, Esq.; J. N. Waite, Esq.; The Rev. R. G. Lucas; John Wright, Esq.; The Rev. J. Alexander; R. W. Blake, Esq.; J. Sultzer, Esq.; Isaac Everitt, Esq.; Wm. Ladell, Esq.; Henry Harrod, Esq.; Alfred Master, Esq., J. B. Morgan, Esq. Auditors—The Rev. Charles Fellowes, W. C. Hotson, Esq. And the House Visitors for the Week House Surgeon—F. Bateman, M.D. House Steward and Secretary,—Mr. R. E. Houghton Matron—Miss Cooper Dispenser of Medicine—Mr. Henry Roope SAVING’S BANK, Old Haymarket. Trustees,—The Earl of Leicester, the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Bayning, the Dean of Norwich, the Hon. and Rev. Armine Wodehouse, Edmund Wodehouse, Esq., M.P., Henry Negus Burroughes, Esq., M.P., Samuel Bignold, Esq., Timothy Steward, Esq. Directors,—The Rev. Canon Wodehouse, John Longe, Esq., George Morse, Esq., Joseph Scott, Esq., H. S. Patteson, Esq., R. Blake Humfrey, Esq., the Rev. T. J. Blofield, John Kitson, Esq., Rev. Armine Herring, T. W. Beauchamp Proctor, Esq., Rev. Canon Brown, William Burroughes, Esq., Rev. Charles Fellowes, Rev. R. Lucas, J. B. Morgan, Esq., Rev. H. Symonds Treasurer,—Anthony Hudson, Esq. Auditor,—W. C. Hotson, Esq. Hon. Sec.,—The Rev. Edward Cole Superintendent,—Thos. Blakiston, Esq. LITERARY INSTITUTION, St. Andrews-st. President,—Lord Wodehouse Vice-Presidents: The Bishop of Norwich, the Dean of Norwich, Rev. Adam Sedgwick, Rev. Charles N. Wodehouse, Hudson Gurney, Esq., Richard Hanbury Gurney, Esq., John Henry Gurney, Esq., Thomas Brightwell, Esq., Samuel Bignold, Esq. Treasurers; Messrs. Gurney and Birkbeck Librarian and Secretary: John Quinton PEOPLE’S COLLEGE, St. George’s Colegate. Committee: Alexander, Rev. J.; Beal, Rev. Dr.; Blakely, E. T. Esq.; Crompton, Rev. Joseph; Dowson, J. W. Esq.; Gurney, J. H. Esq.; Fletcher, Josiah, Esq.; Reed, Rev. Andrew; Wheeler, Rev. T. A.; Woolley, Rev. Dr.; Tillett, J. H. Esq. Secretary and Treasurer: J. W. Dowson Assisting Sec.: T. Bilby Masters: Mr. Dowson, Mr. Tompson YOUNG MEN’S INSTITUTE, Post Office-st. President: A. D. Bayne Vice-President: E. D. Rogers Treasurer: J. Rump Secretary: J. Mullings Committee: George Sadler Grimes; S. Newman; Francis Gostling; William Copeman; Frederick Simpson; Henry Butcher; James Freeman; Jn. St. Quintin; Henry Pigg; Geo. Steel; S. L. Young; Samuel Sothern NORWICH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Post Office-street. DIRECTORS. Chairman: John Henry Gurney Vice-Chairman: Henry S. Patteson John Bidwell; E. T. Blakely; Frederick Brown; James Colman; J. Copeman, jun.; James Hardy; J. Godwin Johnson; Geo. Middleton; Henry Miller; John Norgate; Geo. E. Simpson; Charles Winter; John Youngs Treasurer: R. J. Harvey Harvey Secretary: C. S. Gilman GOVERNMENT SCHOOL OF DESIGN Saint Andrew’s Broad-street. President: Sir J. P. Boileau, Bart. Committee: John Barwell, Esq.; R, W. Blake, Esq.; Edward Blakely, Esq.; T. Brightwell, Esq.; Dr. O’Callaghan; J. G. Johnson, Esq.; R. Kerrison, Esq.; R. Leman, Esq.; T: Lound, Esq.; J. Middleton, Esq.; J. B. Morgan, Esq.; John Sultzer, Esq. Master of the School: Mr. J. Heaviside Secretary: Mr. Isaac Williams RAGGED SCHOOL, St. Martin-at-Oak. Treasurer: Mr. Josiah Fletcher Secretary: Mr. B. T. Sharpe COMMITTEE. Mr. Aldous, Mr. Birch, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Claxton, Mr. Allen, Mr. Buck, Rev. R. Sedgwick, Mr. Skoyles, Mr. Manthorpe, Mr. A. J. Pigg, Mr. Reeve NORFOLK AND NORWICH HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. President,—Henry J. Stracey, Esq. Vice-President,—John Henry Gurney, Esq. Treasurer,—John Kitson, Esq., Thorpe Honorary Secretary,—Mr. Arthur Preston,—Bank-street, Norwich Acting Secretary,—Mr. William Hussey, St. Catherine’s Plain, Norwich Committee,—(1850) Rev. Charles Fellowes, Shottisham; Rev. J. Burroughes, Lingwood; Wm. Warren, Esq., Bracondale; Rev. W. B. Hurnard, Carlton Forehoe; H. S. Patteson, Esq., Thorpe; Rev. T. J. Blofield, Drayton; B. Chamberlin, Esq., Catton (1851.) The Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Norwich, Close; John Gordon, Esq., Saxlingham; J. Pymar, Esq., Eaton; G. B. L. Knight, Esq., Framingham; G. Holmes, Esq., Brooke; Frederick Brown, Esq., Bracondale; C. S. Gilman, Esq., Norwich (1852.) W. Burroughes, Esq., Hoveton; William Matchett, Esq., Norwich; Rev. R. G. Lucas, Mulbarton; Rev. W. Beauchamp, Chedgrave; J. J. Colman, Esq., Stoke; George Morse, Esq., Catton; Rev. J, H. Payne, Colney Auditors,—J. N. Waite, Esq., Catton; Mr. George Stacy, Lakenham INSTITUTION FOR THE INDIGENT BLIND, Magdalen-street. President: The Bishop of Norwich Vice-Presidents: The Dean of Norwich; Mr. Chancellor Evans; J. H. Gurney, Esq.; W. Forster, Esq. Treasurer: J. Kitson, Esq. Trustees: Sir Robert John Harvey, Knt.; Henry Francis, Esq.: G. S. Kett, Esq.; J. J. Gurney, Esq. Committee: The Canon in Residence to be ex-officio a member; Col. Collyer; Mr. J. N. Waite; Rev. Canon Thurlow; Mr. C. S. Gilman; Rev. A. Herring; Mr. H. S. Patteson; H. Birbeck, jun. Esq.; Mr. W. Black; Mr. J. Butcher; Mr. A. Towler; Mr. H. Steel, Rev. H. Symonds; Mr. J. H. Barnard, Mr. J. Culley; Mr. H. Cook; Mr. C. Muskett Auditors: Mr. T. D. Eaton; Mr. F. Hindes; Mr. R. S. Tomlinson Surgeon: W. Cooper, Esq. Superintendent and Secretary: Mr. E. W. Yarington Matron: Mrs. Mary De Carle PUBLIC LIBRARY, Opposite the Guildhall. President: Donald Dalrymple, Esq. Vice-President: Thomas D. Eaton, Esq. Committee: (1851) S. H. Asker; John Barwell; John Barwell, jun.; Edward Bignold; F. J. Blake; Henry Ling; Edmund Ling; G. E. Simpson; James St. Quintin; Benjamin Wilkinson; R. Willement (1852) Arthur Dalrymple; W. E. Etheridge; Robert Tickling; William Forster; James S. Garthon; W. W. Grant; Dr. James Johnson; David Hodgson; G. W. Firth; J. M. Robberds; James Sparke Librarian: Edward Langton Sub-Librarian; George Henry Margetts NORFOLK & NORWICH AUXILIARY SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Treasurer: J. H. Gurney, Esq. Honorary Secretary: B. Jessup Inspector: Samuel Dawson, Badding’s-lane, Quay-side, Norwich Assistant Inspector: James Winter, St. Swithin’s, Norwich COUNTY COURT. Office: Church-lane, St. Michael-at-Plea Judge: Thomas Jacob Birch, Esq. Clerk: Thomas Hitchen Palmer High Bailiff: William Wilde, jun. Assistant Ditto: — Goreham NORFOLK & NORWICH MUSEUM, St. Andrew’s, Broad-street. Patron: The Earl of Leicester President: John Henry Gurney, Esq. Vice-Presidents: The Bishop of Norwich; The Marquis of Cholmondeley; The Earl of Mansfield; Lord Hastings; The Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Bayning; The Dean of Norwich; Sir J. P. Boileau, Bart.; Sir William B. Holkes, Bart.; The Rev. A. Sedgwick; Col. Peel, M.P.; Hudson Gurney, Esq.; Dawson Turner, Esq.; Thomas Brightwell, Esq.; William Slack, Esq.; Seth William Stevenson, Esq. Hon. Secretary: E. H. St. Quintin, Esq., R.N. Treasurer: H. Bolingbroke, Esq. Committee: E. K. Harvey, Esq. (Chairman); H. Brown, Esq. (Dep. Chairman) (1850) T. G. Bayfield, R. Fitch, H. Harrod, R. J. H. Harvey, E. K. Harvey, J. Sultzer (1851) W. K. Bridgman, W. Brook, H. Brown, G. Harper, J. Middleton, W. Squire (1852) J. W. Dowson, J. Fletcher, A. A. H. Beckwith, J. G. Johnson, J. S. Kipper, J. H. Tillett Assistant Secretary: J. Quinton Acting Curator: J. Reeve BOROUGH COURT. Office, Surrey-street. Judge: Nathaniel Palmer, Esq., Thorpe Registrar: Henry Miller, Esq. Sergeants-at-Mace: Thomas Howlett; — Goreham CITY MISSION. Treasurers: Gurney and Co. Secretaries: Mr. J. Massingham; C. J. Bream Examiners of Agents: Rev. John Alexander; Rev. Andrew Reed; Rev. J. F. Osborne Committee: James Cozens, jun., Josiah Fletcher, C. M. Gibson, W. Hall, W. Hawkes, John Jarrold, W. P. Jarrold, James King, W. T. Livock, G. C. Smith, T. Wheeler Agents: R. Egmore, Superintendent; W. Dawson, Benjamin Edwards, J. S. Bowles, J. Cawston, R. Clarke, S. Clarke, G. Knight NORFOLK AND NORWICH EYE INFIRMARY. President: The Lord Lieutenant Vice-Presidents: The Bishop of Norwich; G. S. Kett, Esq., The Rev. F. Bevan Treasurer: Major-Gen. Sir Robert J. Harvey Auditors: J. Godwin Johnson, Esq.; John Kitson, Esq. Secretary: John Goodwin, Esq. Committee: John Waite; J. Jarrold; R. R. Priest; Rev. George Stracey; George Grout; J. Godwin Johnson; J. Norgate; R. Fitch; J. B. Webb Medical Officers: Dr. Evans; B. H. Norgate, Esq.; G. W. W. Firth, Esq. Matron: Mrs. S. Boyd INLAND REVENUE OFFICE, Orford Hill. Collector: John Wild, Esq., 6, Newmarket-road Clerk: J. W. Botwright, Victoria-street Permit Writer and Office Keeper: Richard Sambeach Supervisor 1st district: Jas. Wilson, 34, Victoria-street Supervisor 2nd district: Chas. Rooks, 3, Bracondale Surveyor of Taxes: D. Cumberland Assistant ditto: R. Pearce 1st Division Officer: John Sumner 2nd ,, ,, F. B. Bamford 3rd ,, ,, William Bradshaw 4th ,, ,, R. Ray 5th ,, ,, J. Barker 6th ,, ,, J. Fife 7th ,, ,, T. Butt 1st Ride Officer: J. S. Coy 2nd ,, J. Blomfield 3rd ,, Thomas Stott 4th ,, W. Garrard Supernumerary: W. E. Lancaster Expectants: S. E. White; H. C. Gidley STAMP OFFICE, 8, Andrew’s Broad-street Receiver of Stamp Duties: Samuel Heyhoe Le Neve Gilman Clerk: Thomas John Woodrow Remitters of Taxes for Norwich and its neighbourhood: The Branch Bank of England * * * * * _Botanic Medical Dispensary for Diseases of the Skin_—Mr. W. Taylor, 11, Magdalen-street _Gas Works_, Mousehold—Mr. W. Tadman, superintendent _Mendicity Society_, St. Andrew’s-hall—F. G. Moore, clerk _Norwich Soup Society and Provident Coal Society_—Fishgate-street, St. Clement’s _Norfolk and Norwich United Medical Book Society_, Library Room, Museum, St. Andrew’s—Librarian, Mr. John Quinton _Water-Works_, Redwell-street—Mr. W. Taylor, manager THE CATHEDRAL. Bishop—Hinds, the Right Rev. Samuel, D.D. (1849), Palace, and at Athenæum Club, London Dean—Pellew, the Hon. and Very Rev. George, D.D. (1828), Deanery Archdeacons—Norwich, John Bedingfeld Collyer, M.A. (1844), Hockford; Norfolk, William Arundel Bouverie, B.D. (1850), Denton Sudbury: Glover, George, M.A. (1823), Southrepps Suffolk: Thomas Johnson Ormerod, M.A. (1846), Redenhall, Norfolk Chancellor—Evans, Charles, A.M. (1844), Norwich Wodehouse, Chas. Nourse, A.M. (1817), Upper Close Sedgwick, Adam, A.M. (1834), Trinity College, Cambridge, and Lower Close Archdall, George, D.D. (1842), Emanuel College, Cambridge, and Upper Close Philpott, Henry, D.D. (1845), Master of Catherine Hall, Cambridge, and Lower Close Minor Canons—Carter, George, A.M., (1816), Lower Close Day, G., A.M. (1817), Ber-street Matchett, Jonathan Chase, A.M. (1824) Lower Close Symonds, Henry, Precentor (1844), Close Organist—Buck, Zachariah A., Upper Close Lay Clerks—Cox, John, and Cox, James Valentine, Heigham Cupper, James, Rampant Horse-street English, William, Tombland Fenn, William, Life’s Green Hare, Edward, St. Benedict’s-road Smith, William R., St. Stephen’s Master to the Choristers—Samuel Osborn Principal Registrar’s Office, Life’s Green Registrars—Bathurst, E. Stewart, Oxford; Kitson, John, Thorpe Hamlet Receiver of the Bishop’s Rents—Unthank, Clement W., Crown Bank-plain Secretary to the Bishop—Kitson, John, Thorpe Hamlet Chaplains—Ormerod, Rev. T. J., A.M. Eden, Rev. R., North Walsham Proctors,—Francis H., Surrey-street Hansell, H., Bank-street Kitson, J., Thorpe Hamlet Rackham, Matt. Thorpe Hamlet Skipper, J. Thorpe Hamlet Steward, E. Upper King-street Principal Apparitor—Hopkins, S. Commissary for the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean and Chapter—Evans, Chas. A.M. King-street Chapter Clerk and Registrar—Kitson, J., Office, Life’s Green Coroners for the liberty of the Dean and Chapter—Kitson, J. Thorpe Hamlet Rackham, Matt. Thorpe Hamlet Bishop’s Verger—Hopkins, S. Dean’s Verger—Sewell Richard, Lower Close Rev. Canons’ Verger—Woolbright, Robt. St. Faith’s-lane Subsacrists—Allwood, Thos. Lower Close Price, J. Life’s Green OFFICES OF THE ARCH-DEACONRIES. NORWICH. Commissary—Collyer, John, Esq., A.M., Lincoln’s Inn Official—Yonge, W. Johnson, Rockbourne, Hants Commissary’s Registrar—Bathurst, Henry Allen, Esq. Doctor’s Commons Archdeacon’s Registrar—Yonge, Rev. W. Johnson, Swaffham Deputy Registrar—Steward, Edward, Upper King-street NORFOLK. Commissary—Bouverie, Rev. W. Arundel, B.D. Denton, Norfolk Official—Green, Thos. M.A. Fulmodeston, Norfolk Commissary’s Registrar—Francis, Henry, Surrey-street Archdeacon’s Registrar—Douglas, J. Edw. Morton, New Church, Caermarthenshire Deputy Registrar—Francis, H. Surrey-st. SUDBURY. Archdeacon,—Glover, G., M.A., Southrepps, Norfolk Commissary,—Charles Nourse Wodehouse, M.A., Norwich Official,—Henry Denny Berners, B.C.L., Holbrook, Suffolk Commissary’s Registrar,—Benjamin Bathurst, Esq. Archdeacon’s Registrar,—Rev. William Glover Deputy Registrar,—Charles Wodehouse. Esq., N.P. Proctor,—James Borton SUFFOLK. Archdeacon,—Thomas Johnson Ormerod, M.A., Redenhall, Norfolk Commissary,—Henry Denny Berners, B.C.L., Holbrook, Suffolk Official,—Charles Nourse Wodehouse, M.A., Norwich Commissary’s Registrar,—Charles Steward, Esq., Ipswich, Suffolk Archdeacons Registrar,—John Henry Steward, M.A., East Carlton, Norfolk Deputy Registrar,—Charles Steward, Esq., Suffolk Honorary Canons,—The Honble. E. S. Keppel, M.A., Quiddenham; The Hon. J. T. Pelham, M.A., Berghapton; Robert Hankinson, M.A., Walpole; Ralph Berners, M.A., Erwarton; Francis Cunningham, M.A., Lowestoft; Joseph Cotterill, M.A., Blakeney; William Arundel Bouverie, B.D., Denton; G. Stevenson, M.A., Dickleburgh; Henry Tacy, M.A., Swanton; Fran. Stephen Bevan, M.A., Carlton Rode; Stephen Clissold, M.A., Wrentham; James Brown, B.D., Norwich; E. James Moor, Great Bealings; George Hills, M.A., Great Yarmouth; Theyre Townshend Smith, M.A., Wymondham; C. Green, M.A., Burgh Castle. CHURCHES. ALL SAINTS, All Saints’ Green. Patron—Webster, Rev. G. H., M.A. Rector—Webster, Rev. G. H., M.A. Curate—Maturin, Rev. Washington Shirley, All Saints’ Green Parish Clerk—Madgett, J. All Saints’ Green Sexton—Drew, H. Westlegate-street ST. ANDREW, Broad-street. Patrons—The parishioners Perpetual Curate—Browne, Rev. Jas. B.D. Parsonage House, Broad-street Curate—Calvert, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Bracondale Parish Clerk—Vyall, Dan. Broad-street Sexton—Martin, James, Baker’s-yard, Pottergate-street ST. AUGUSTINE, St. Augustine’s-street. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Rector: Rackham, Rev. Matt. John, B.A. Parish Clerk: Fisk, John, St. Augustine’s-street Sexton: Goose, J. Church-alley, St. Augustine’s-street ST. BENEDICT, Upper Westwick-street. Patrons: The parishioners Perpetual Curate: Goodwin, Rev. W., M.A. Chapelfield Parish Clerk Metcalfe, William, St. Benedict’s-gates Sexton: Gaffer, William, Back-lane ST. CLEMENT, Fyebridge. Patrons: Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge Rector: Rigg, Rev. Richard, M.A. Bethel-street Curate: Sharpe, Rev. W. Leggat, Heigham Parish Clerk: Beales, Nathaniel, Jack of Newbury yard, Magdalen-street Sexton: Howe, John, St. Edmund’s ST. EDMUND, Fishgate. Patron: Brereton, Rev. C. D. Rector: Brereton, Rev. C. D. Curate: Hooper, Rev. John Hill, Bracondale Parish Clerk: Bell, Edw. Hurst, Peacock-street Sexton: Bishop, W. Peacock-street ST. ETHELDRED, King-street. Patrons: The Corporation Perpetual Curate: Deacon, Rev. Jas. A.M. Pottergate-street Parish Clerk: Hawes, George, Mariner’s-lane, King-street Sexton: Hawes, John, King-street ST. GEORGE, Colegate. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Hibgame, Rev. E., M.A. Upper Close Parish Clerk: Woolmer, Clement Amies, Bridge-street Sexton: Burrell, T. St. George’s plain ST. GEORGE, Tombland. Patron: The Bishop of Ely Perpetual Curate: Trimmer, Rev. Kirby, M.A. Church-street, St. Simon Curate; Batchelor, Rev. T. J. Surrey-st. Parish Clerk: Sturges, John Patrick, Crockett’s-court, Wensum-street Sexton: Dewing, W. Churchyard ST. GILES, St. Giles’-street. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Murray, Rev. James, Newmarket-terrace Parish Clerk: Collyer, Fred. Cow hill Sexton: Ames, John, Cock-yard ST. GREGORY, Pottergate-street. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Sharpe, Rev. Wm. Robt., Norwich Parish Clerk: Quintin, William, Charing-Cross Sexton: Moore, Robert, Charing-Cross ST. HELEN, Bishopsgate-street. Patrons: The Corporation Perpetual Curate: Patteson, Rev. William Frederick, St. Helen-square Parish Clerk: Batts, Thomas, Bishopsgate-street Sexton: Boswell, Jas. Bishopsgate-street ST. JAMES, Cowgate. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Ormsby, Rev. William Arthur, Lower Close Parish Clerk: Stewardson Nath, Cowgate-street Sexton: Ames, Wm. St. James’s palace ST. JOHN, Maddermarket. Patrons: New College, Oxford Rector: Perowne, Rev. John, Rodney-st. Parish Clerk: Lemmon, James, Market-place Sexton: Holtaway, Wm. Farnell’s-yard, Church-alley ST. JOHN SEPULCHRE, Ber-street. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Calvert, Rev. Thomas, M.A. Bracondale Curate: Booth, Rev. Matthew, B.D. Lower Close Parish Clerk: Butler, Robt. Ber-street Sexton: Rumsby, John, Ber-street ST. JOHN, Timberhill. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Titlow, Rev. Samuel, A.M. 16, Crescent, Chapel-field Parish Clerk: Brunning, W., Grout’s-court Sexton: Smith, John, Orford hill ST. JULIAN, King-street. Patron: Webster, Rev. G. H., A.M. Rector: The same Curate: Maturin, Rev. Washington Shirley, All Saints’ Green Parish Clerk: Kettle, James, St. Julian’s-alley Sexton: Whisker, W. St. Julian’s-alley ST. LAWRENCE, Upper Westwick-street. Patron: The Crown Rector: Brown, Rev. Philip Utton, Upper Hellesden Parish Clerk: Griggs, W. Upper Westwick-street Sexton: Drake, Samuel, Grigg’s-yard ST. MARGARET, Upper Westwick-street. Patrons: The Bishop of Norwich Rector: Cobb, Rev. John W. St. Clement Parish Clerk: Jones, P. Church-walk Sexton: Ward, Thos. St. Margaret’s-street ST. MARTIN AT OAK, Oak-street. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Sedgwick, Rev. Richard, A.M., Lower Close Parish Clerk: Carriage, Thos. Robinson’s-yard, Oak street Sexton: Burrell, Robert, Oak-street ST. MARTIN AT PALACE, Palace Plain. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Ffolkes, Rev. Henry, Lower Close Parish Clerk: Holden, Wm. Palace-street Sextoness: Greenfield, Mrs. St. Martin’s-plain ST. MARY, Coslany. Patron: The Marquis of Townshend Perpetual Curate: Morse, Rev. Charles, Mousehold Parish Clerk: Hayden, Thomas Benjamin, Muspole-street Sexton: Barker, Jas. Muspole-street ST. MARY-IN-THE-MARSH, St. Luke’s Chapel Cathedral. Patrons: The Dean, and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Matchett, Rev. Jonathan C., M.A. Lower Close Clerk: Elmer, John, Lower Close Sexton: Pratt, John, Bishop’s-gate-street ST. MICHAEL COSLANY. Patrons: Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge Rector: Rigg, Rev. Richard, Bethel-street Parish Clerk: Boyce, Jas. Stanford, Bridge-street Sexton: Hill, Solomon Peckover, Bridge-street ST. MICHAEL AT PLEA, Queen-street. Patrons: Sir Thos. B. Leonard and John Morse, alternately Rector: Morse, Rev. C. Mousehold Parish Clerk: Wade, Robert, Redwell st. Sexton: Parkes, Elias, Bank-street ST. MICHAEL AT THORN, Ber-street. Patron: The Dowager Lady Suffield Perpetual Curate: Barker, Rev. Arthur Alcock, Lower Close Parish Clerk: Houghton, Robert, Ber-st. Sexton: Alden, James, Thorn-lane ST. PAUL. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Cooke, Rev. Bell, Grove-place, St. Giles’-road Parish Clerk: Payne, Simon, Cowgate-st. Sexton: Dover, George, Magdalen-street ST. PETER HUNGATE, Elm-hill. Patron: The Crown Rector: Titlow, Rev. Samuel, 16, Crescent, St. Stephen’s Parish Clerk: Sexton, Simon Wattling, Elm-hill Sexton: Townshend, George, Elm-hill ST. PETER MANCROFT. Patrons: The Parishioners First Minister: Turner, Rev. Charles, the Crescent Second Minister: Brown, Rev. Philip Utton, Upper Hellesdon Parish Clerk: Trowse, J. Bethel-street Sexton: Potter, George, St. Peter’s ST. PETER PER MOUNTERGATE, King-street. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Day, Rev. Geo., M.A. Ber-street Parish Clerk: Sword, Benjamin, Imperial Arms-yard, King-street Sexton: Bell, Thomas, Rose-lane ST. PETER SOUTHGATE, King-street. Patron: The Bishop of Norwich Rector: Deacon, Rev. Jas. Pottergate-st. Parish Clerk: Smith, R. Carrow-road Sexton: Tuffield, John, King-street ST. SAVIOUR, Stump Cross, Magdalen street. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Under sequestration Curate: Govett, Rev. Thomas Romaine, Heigham Parish Clerk: Bond, Christopher, Magdalen-street Sexton: Thornton, Thomas, Cat and Fiddle-yard, Magdalen-street ST. SIMON AND JUDE, Wensum-street. Patron: The Bishop of Norwich Rector: Holloway, Rev. Charles Curate: Owen, Rev. John, Unthank’s-road Parish Clerk: Metcalfe, Joseph, Elm-hill Sexton: Tuck, Robert, Pratt’s-court, Wensum-street ST. STEPHEN, Rampant Horse-street. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Vicar: Under sequestration Curate: Evans, Rev. Edward Evening Lecturer: Booth, Rev. Philip, B.D. Lower Close Parish Clerk: Brown, Wm., Lame Dog-road Sexton: Garthon, Benj. Church-lane ST. SWITHIN, Upper Westwick-street. Patron: The Bishop of Norwich Perpetual Curate: Day, Rev. Charles, Sussex-street Parish Clerk: Minns, Benjamin, Church-alley Sexton: Gardener, James, Upper Westwick-street CHURCHES IN THE HAMLETS. ST. ANDREW, Eaton. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Vicar: Day, Rev. George, A.M. Ber-street ST. BARTHOLOMEW, Heigham. Patron: The Bishop of Norwich Rector: Robbins, Rev. W., A.M. Lady’s-lane Parish Clerk: Wills, Anthony, Heigham Sexton: Hovey, Jude, Upper Heigham. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST AND ALL SAINTS, Lakenham. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Vicar: Carter, Rev. George, A.M. Lower Close Parish Clerk: Townshend, Thos. Lakenham Sexton: High, Isaac, Mill-street, Peafield ST. MARK, Lakenham. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Nevill, Rev. H. Ralph Parish Clerk: Tidnam, Wm. Hall-lane Sexton: High, Isaac, Mill-street ST. MARY, Earlham. Patron: Frederick Bacon Frank, Esq. Vicar: Payne, Rev. John Hervey, Colney Parish Clerk: Green, Robert, Rose-yard, St. Augustine ST. MARY, Hellesdon. Patron: The Bishop of Norwich Rector: Blofield, Rev. T. C. Drayton Parish Clerk: Fuller, James, Drayton CHAPELS OF EASE. TRINITY CHAPEL, Union-place, New City. Minister: Robbins, Rev. William, A.M., Lady’s-lane Clerk: Wills, Anthony, Heigham CHRIST CHURCH, New Catton. Minister: Betts, Rev. William Keeling, St. Clement’s Hill Clerk: Boswell, R. New Catton Sexton: Howard, Daniel, Mill-hill ST. MATTHEW, Thorpe. Minister: Grogan, Rev. George William, Lower Close Clerk: Sexton: SUBURBAN CHURCHES. ST. ANDREW, Thorpe. Patron: Maxwell, James Primrose Rector: Maxwell, Rev. Jas. M.A. Thorpe Curate: Herring, Rev. Armine, B.A. Thorpe Parish Clerk and Sexton: Weeds, Frederick, Thorpe ST. ANDREW, Trowse Newton. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Vicar: Carter, Rev. G., M.A. Lower Close Parish Clerk: Grief, Hamlet, Trowse Hamlet Sexton: Grief, S. Trowse Newton ST. MARGARET, Old Catton. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Vicar: Hartt, Rev. Richard, Old Catton Parish Clerk: Owen, Dixon, Old Catton Sexton: Everett, E. Old Catton ST. MARGARET, Sprowston. Patrons: The Dean and Chapter Perpetual Curate: Banfather, Rev. Henry, Sprowston Parish Clerk and Sexton: Andrews, Fred., Sprowston CATHOLICS. Willow-lane Chapel: Polding, Rev. John St. John’s Maddermarket Chapel: Abbott, Rev. John DISSENTING CHAPELS. INDEPENDENTS. Old Meeting House: Reed, Rev. Andrew Princes-street Chapel: Alexander, Rev. John Tombland Chapel: Scott, Rev. Thomas BAPTISTS. St. Mary’s Chapel: Gould, Rev. Geo. St. Clement’s Chapel: Wheeler, Rev. T. A. Orford Hill Chapel: Welch, Rev. Wm. Bazaar Chapel: Govett, Mr. R. General Baptist Chapel: Priory-yard, Whitefriars—Scott, Rev. Thomas Pottergate-street Chapel: Gray, Rev. Joseph UNITARIANS. Octagon Chapel: Vacant METHODISTS. Topham, Rev. J. J.; Rigby, Rev. T.; Wilde, Rev. T. SWEDENBORGIANS. Abbott, Rev. R., St. Augustine’s CARRIERS TO AND FROM NORWICH. Acle ... York-tavern, Castle-hill; Holmes, Wed Sat 4 Alburgh ... Star and Crown, Timberhill; Tidman, Wed Sat 4 Alboro’, Norfolk ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Horner, Wed Sat 4 Aldboro’, Suffolk ... Pope’s Head, Upper Market; Sawyer, Wed Sat 4, Th 2 Ashwelthorpe ... Shoulder of Mutton, St. Stephen’s; Lloyd, Wed 4, and Sat 5 Attleboro’ ... White Horse, Haymarket; Tann, Tu Th Sat 3. White Lion, White lion-street; Bowen, Tu Fri 5. Star, Haymarket; Clarke, Tu Fri 3. Bull Inn, St. Stephen’s; Mears, Wed Sat 4 Attlebridge ... Jolly Farmers, Charing Cross; Brett, Wed Sat half-past 4; Duke’s Palace; Smith, Fri 2 Aylsham ... Post-office Tavern; Margetson, Mon Wed Sat 4. Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Crowe, Wed Sat 2. Ditto, Purday, Wed Sat 4. White Horse, Magdalen-street; Hall, Sat 2. Duke’s Palace; Chapman, Mon Wed half-past 4. Black Swan, Upper Market; Chapman, Tu Th Fri half-past 4. Ditto; Beasy, Tu Fri 2. Pope’s Head; Beasy, Wed Sat 2 Bacton ... Bull Inn, Magdalen-st.; Neeve, Sat 2. White Horse, Magdalen-street; Marsh, Sat 2 Banham ... White Hart, St. Peter’s; Kemp, Sat. 3 Barford ... Queen’s Head, St. Giles’: Adcock, Mon Wed Fri Sat 4. Ditto; Lebbell, Wed Sat 4 Barnham Broom ... Queen’s Head, St. Giles’; Lebbell, Wed Sat 4 Barningham ... Hen & Chickens, St. Mary’s; Pells, Sat 2 Bawdeswell ... Prince of Wales, St. Benedict’s; Sizeland, Sat. Woolpack, St. George’s; Raven, Wed Sat 12 Beccles ... George, Haymarket; Peck, Tu Fri 4. White Horse, Haymarket: Johnson, Tu Fri 4. Lamb, Haymarket; Fuller, Sat 1 Bessingham ... Star, Haymarket; Browne, Wed Sat 2 Binham ... Hen and Chickens, St. Mary’s, Brown, Wed Sat 2. White Horse, Magdalen-street; Coe, Wed Sat 3 Blakeney ... Woolpack, St. George’s; Miller, Wed Sat 12 Blickling ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Crowe, Wed Sat 2 Blofield ... White Lion, Palace Plain; Cutton, Sat 4. York Tavern, Castle-hill; Betts, Sat 5 Botesdale ... Star, Haymarket; Browne, Wed Sat 2 Boyton ... Horse Shoes, Palace-street; Howard, Sat 2 Briston ... Elephant, Magdalen-street; Carr, Wed Sat 3. White Horse, Magdalen-street; Coe, Wed Sat 3. Duke’s Palace; Fisk, Sat 2 Brooke ... White Horse, Haymarket; Mickleburgh, Sat 3. Star and Crown, Timberhill; Tidnan, Wed Sat 4 Bungay ... White Horse, Haymarket; Coates, Wed 3. Pope’s Head, Upper-Market; Sawyer, Wed Sat 4. Lamb Inn, Haymarket; Hogg, daily 4 Bunwell ... Bull, St. Stephen’s; Hardy, Sat 4 Burnham ... White Horse, Haymarket; Bowden, Tu Fri 4. White Hart, St. Peter’s; Utber, Wed 4 Buxton ... Cross Keys, Magdalen-street; Stibbons, Wed Sat 4. White Horse, Magdalen-street; Hall, Sat 2. Bell Inn; Daniels, Mon Wed Sat 4. Black Horse, Tombland; Collins, Mon Wed Sat 4½ Cantley ... York Tavern, Castle Hill. Moll, Wed 3, Sat 4 Caston ... White Lion, White Lion-street. Bowen, Tu Fr 5 Catfield ... Bull Inn, Magdalen-st.; Breeze, Sat 4, White Lion, Magdalen-street; Marshall, Wed Sat 5, Waggon and Horses, Tombland, Whall, Mon Wed Sat 5 Catton ... Guildhall, Market-place. Gale, daily, 11 & 4 Cawston ... Lord Camden, Charing Cross; Easton, Sat 4, Eight Ringers, St. Miles; Dix, Mon Wed Sat 4, Crown, Saint George’s; Howes, Monday Wed Sat 4, Elephant, Magdalen street; Carr, Wed Sat 3 Cley ... Woolpack, Saint George’s; Miller, Wed Sat 12 Colby ... White Horse, Magdalen-st. Hall, Sat 2 Coltishall ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Cooper, daily, 5, White Lion, White Lion-street; Edwards, Mon Wed Sat 4. Black Swan, St. Peter’s; Barnard, Mon Wed Fri Sat 3 Calthorpe ... Globe, Scole’s Green; Newstead, Sat 2 Corpusty ... White Horse, St. Lawrence, Brown, Wed 2 Sat 4, White Horse, Magdalen-st; Coe, Wed Sat 3, Woolpack, Saint George’s; Miller, Wed Sat 12 Cossey ... Fountain, St. Benedict’s; Whiting Mon Wed Fri Sat 4 Cromer ... Pope’s Head, Upper Market; Beasy, Wed Sat 2, Black Swan, Upper Market; Beasy, Tu Fri 2, Star, Haymarket; Curtis, Wed Sat 2. White Hart, St. Peter’s Jarvis, Wed Sat 2. Woolpack, St. George’s; Summers, Wed Sat 12 Denton ... Star and Crown, Timberhill; Tidnam, Wed Sat 4 Dereham ... Adam and Eve, St. Benedict’s; Murrell, Tu Th Sat 4. Currier’s Arms, St. Giles’; Skerry, Wed Sat 4. Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s; Betts, Wed Sat 4. Wheatsheaf, Bethel Street; Stringer, Wed 3. White Hart, St. Peter’s; Carter, Wed Sat 4 Dickleburgh ... Lion and Castle, Timberhill. White, Wed Sat 2 Dilham ... Elephant, Magdalen-st; Ribbons, Wed Sat 4, Bull, Magdalen Street; Knights, Wed Sat 4, White Horse, Haymarket; Walpole, Wed Sat 3 Diss ... Star, Haymarket, Browne, Wed Sat 2 Docking ... Currier’s Arms, St. Giles’ Towler, Th 4 Drayton ... White Horse, Saint Andrew’s; Burton, Sat 4. Bess of Bedlam, Saint Martin’s; Elliott, Tu Th Sat 2 Easton ... Crown, Saint Benedict’s, Turner, Tu Th Fri 1, Sat 2 East Tuddenham ... Golden Cross, Charing Cross; Basey, Sat 2, Crown, Saint Benedict’s; Turner, Tu Th Fri 1, Sat 2 East Ruston ... White Horse, Magdalen-st., Marsh, Sat 2 Edgefield ... Hen and Chickens, St. Mary’s, Pells, Sat 2 Ellingham ... Coachmaker’s Arms, St. Stephen’s; Twidney, Sat 2, White Lion, White Lion-street; Bowen, Tu Fri 5; Bull, St. Stephen’s; Groom, Tu Fri 5 Elmham ... Prince of Wales, St. Benedict’s; Tomling Sat 2 Eye ... George, Haymarket, Smith, Wed Sat 2 Fakenham ... White Horse, Haymarket; Bowden, Tu Fri 4, White Hart, Saint Peter’s; Utber, Wed 3 Field Dalling ... White Horse, St. Lawrence, Brown, Wed 2 Sat 4, Hen and Chickens, St. Mary’s, Brown, Wed Sat 2 Forncett ... Shoulder of Mutton, St. Stephen’s; Lloyd, Wed 4 Sat 5, Bull, St. Stephen’s. Hardy, Sat 1 Foulsham ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Nicholls, Tu Sat 3. Pheasant Cock, St. Miles’. Wegg, Wed Sat 4 Foulsham ... Eight Ringers, St. Miles’. Eglington, Wed Sat 4. Duke’s Palace; Smith, Tu Fri 2 Freethorpe ... York Tavern, Castle Hill. Moll, Wed 3 Sat 4 Fressingfield ... White Lion, White Lion-st. Hart, Sat 2. Star, Haymarket. Gardner, Sat 2 Fulmodeston ... Pope’s Head, Saint Peter’s. Riches, Sat 1 Guestwick ... White Horse, St. Lawrence. Watts, Sat 4 Hackford ... Beehive, St. Benedict’s. Woodhouse, Sat 3 Hainford ... Bell Inn, Orford-hill. Daniel’s Mon Wed Sat 4 Halesworth ... Pope’s Head, Saint Peters. Sawyer, Wed Sat 4, Th 2; White Horse, Haymarket. Coates, Wed Sat 3 Halvergate ... York Tavern, Castle-hill. Moll, Wed 3 Sat 4 Hanwell ... City of Norwich, St. Stephen’s. Leggatt, Wed. Sat 4 Hanworth ... Star, Haymarket. Browne, Wed Sat 2 Hardwick ... Baker’s Arms, Ber-st. Riches, Wed Sat 4 Hardingham ... Fountain, Saint Benedict’s. Trollope, Sat 1 Harleston ... Star, Haymarket; Gardner, Sat 2. Star, Haymarket; Browne, Wed Sat 2. Lamb, Haymarket; Lincoln, Wed Sat 2 Heacham ... Currier’s Arms, Saint Giles’. Towler, Th 4 Hempnall ... City of Norwich, St. Stephen’s. Leggatt, Wed Sat 4. Star and Crown, Timberhill; Greengrass, Wed. Sat 4. White Hart, Ber-street; Riches, Wed Sat 4. Jubilee, Ber-street; Thrower, Wed Sat 4 Hempstead ... Hen and Chickens, St. Mary’s; Pell’s, Sat 2. Bull, Magdalen-street; Curtis, Wed Sat 2 Hickling ... Horse Shoes, Palace-st.; Goose, Sat 2. Bull, Magdalen-street; Breeze, Sat 4 Hindolveston ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Nicholls, Fri 2. Duke’s Palace; Smith, Th Fri 2 Hingham ... Queen’s Head Inn, St. Giles’; Adcock, Mon Wed Fri Sat 4. Black Horse, St. Giles’; Layt, Tu Th Sat 4 Hockham ... George, Haymarket; Edwards, Th 3 Holt ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Crowe, Wed Sat 2. Bull Inn, Magdalen-street; Curtis, Wed Sat 2. Woolpack, Saint George’s; Miller, Wed Sat 12. Crown, St. George’s; Baines, Wed Sat 8 morn. Honing ... Bull, Magdalen-street; Neeve, Sat 2 Honingham ... Crown, Saint Benedict’s; Turner, Tu Th Fri 1, Sat 2 Hopton ... Lamb, Haymarket. Fisk, Tu Fri 11 morn Horning ... White Lion, Magdalen-street; Marshall. Wed Sat 5. Black Swan, St. Peter’s; Rice, Wed Fri 4 Houghton ... Wheatsheaf, Bethel Street. Stringer, Wed 3 Ingham ... White Horse, Magdalen-street. Lack, Mon Wed Sat 5 Ipswich ... Popes’ Head, Upper Market. Sawyer, Wed Sat 4, Th 2. Lamb, Haymarket; Meen, Wed Sat 2. White Horse, Haymarket; Coates, Wed Sat 3 Itteringham ... Black Horse, Tombland. Tyrrell, Sat 1 Kenninghall ... Lamb, Haymarket. Bowen, Sat 1 Lammas ... Bell Inn. Daniels, Mon Wed Sat 4 Langley ... Woolpack, Golden Ball-street. Ecclestone, Wed Sat 3 Lenwade ... Bess of Bedlam, St. Martin’s. Elliott, Tu Th Sat 2 Litcham ... Pope’s Head, Upper Market. Betts, Wed Sat 4 Loddon ... George, Haymarket; Greengrass, Wed Sat 4. White Horse, Haymarket; Johnson, Th Fri 4. White Lion, White Lion-street; Woolner, Tu Wed Fri Sat 4 Long Stratton ... Star and Crown, Timberhill; Greengrass, Wed. Sat 4. Masonic Tavern, Elm Hill; Barker, Wed Sat 3 Lopham ... Lamb, Haymarket; Bowen, Sat 1 Lowestoft ... White Horse, Haymarket; Johnson, Tu Fri 4 Ludham ... White Lion, Magdalen-street; Marshall, Wed Sat 5. Black Swan, St. Peter’s; Fairhead, Mon Wed Sat 3: Ditto; Rice, Wed Sat 4 Lyng ... White Horse, St. Andrew’s; Burton, Sat 4 Lynn ... Prince of Wales, St. Benedict’s; Tomling, Sat 2. Pope’s Head, Upper Market; Betts, Wed Sat 4. Ditto, Carter, Wed Sat 4. Wheatsheaf, Bethel-street; Stringer, Wed 3 Martham ... Shirehall, Castle Meadow; Ward, Wed Sat 4. Stair and Crown, Timberhill; Dove, Wed Sat 4 Matlask ... Black Horse, Tombland; Tyrrell, Sat 1 Mattishall ... Fountain, St. Benedict’s; Skipper, Wed 1. Black Swan, St. Peter’s; Howes, Wed Sat 2 Mulbarton ... Bull, St. Stephen’s; Kedge, Mon Wed Fri 4 Mundesley ... Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s; Everard, Wed Sat 2; Black Swan, St. Peter’s; Gray, Wed Sat 2 Neatishead ... Bull Inn, Magdalen-street; Breeze, Sat 4. Lamb, Haymarket; Smith, Wed Sat 4. Black Horse, Tombland; Etheridge, Sat 4 New Buckenham ... Coachmakers’ Arms, St. Stephen’s; Johnson, Wed Sat 3 North Repps ... Woolpack, St. George’s; Summers, Wed Sat 12 North Walsham ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Cooper, daily. Wounded Hart, St. Peter’s; Bradfield, daily half-past 4. Star, Haymarket; Scott, Mon Wed Sat 4 Northwold ... Curriers’ Arms, St. Giles’; Payne, Wed Sat 4 Old Buckenham ... Coachmakers’ Arms, St. Stephen’s; Johnson, Wed Sat 3 Overstrand ... Woolpack, St. George’s; Summers, Wed Sat 12 Postwick ... Horse Shoes, Palace-street; Edwards, Sat 3 Pulham ... White Lion, White Lion-street; Riches, Wed Sat 4. Lamb, Haymarket; Lincoln, Wed Sat 3 Ranworth ... White Lion, Palace Plain; Cator, Sat 4 Reepham ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Nicholls, Tu Sat 3. Jolly Farmers, Charing Cross; Brett, Wed Sat half-past 4. Moon and Stars, St. Miles’; Leeds, Wed Sat 4 Reymerstone ... Black Swan, St. Peter’s; Howard, Wed Sat Rockland ... White Lion, White Lion-street; Bowen, Tu Fri 5. Bull Inn, St. Stephen’s; Groom, Sat 4 Rudham ... Wheatsheaf, Bethel-street; Stringer, Wed 3 Saxlingham Bakers’ Arms, Ber-street; Riches, Wed Sat 4. King’s Arms, Ber-street; Cushing, Wed Sat 4 Saxmundham ... Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s; Sawyer, Wed Sat 4, Th 2 Sculthorpe ... Globe, Scoles’ Green; Newstead, Sat 2 Sherringham ... Wounded Hart, St. Peter’s; Jordan, Wed Sat 2; Black Horse, Tombland; Emery, Sat 1 Shipdham ... Fountain, St. Benedict’s; Trollope, Sat 1. Ditto, Skipper, Wed 1 Shottisham ... King’s Arms, Ber-street; Cushing, Wed Sat 4. Jubilee, Ber-street; Wed Sat 4 Smallburgh ... Bull, Magdalen-street; Ribbons, Wed Sat 4. Ditto; Knights, Wed Sat 4. White Horse, Haymarket; Walpole, Wed Sat 3 South Repps ... Woolpack, St. George’s; Summers, Wed Sat 12 South Walsham ... White Lion, Palace Plain; Cator, Sat 4. Ditto; Cutton, Sat 4 Southwold ... White Horse, Haymarket; Johnson, Tu Fri 4. Lamb, Haymarket; Fuller, Sat 1 Stalham ... White Horse, Magdalen-street; Lack, Mon Wed Sat 5. Ditto; Marsh, Sat 2. White Lion, Magdalen-street; Marshall, Wed Sat 5 Stibbard ... Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s; Riches, Sat 1 Stiffkey ... Hen and Chickens, St. Mary’s; Browne, Wed Sat 2 Stoke ... Bakers’ Arms, Ber-street; Riches, Wed Sat 4 Stradbrooke ... Lamb, Haymarket; Meen, Wed Sat 2 Strumpshaw ... Horse Shoes, Palace-street; Beck, Sat 3. Ditto; Howard, Sat 3 Surlingham ... Woolpack, Golden Ball-st.; Aldis, Mon Wed Fri Sat 3 Sustead ... Star, Haymarket; Brown, Sat 3 Sutton ... Bull, Magdalen-street; Breeze, Sat 4. Ditto; Neave, Sat 3 Swaffham ... Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s; Betts, Wed Sat 4. White Hart, St. Peter’s; Carter, Wed Sat 4 Swanton Abbotts ... Cross Keys, Magdalen-street; Hunt, Sat 4 Swanton Morley ... Beehive, St. Benedict’s; Whyer, Sat 3 Thetford ... Star, Haymarket; Clarke, Tu Fri 3 Thornham ... White Hart, St. Peter’s; Cawston, Tu 4 Thorpe ... Horse Shoes, Palace-street; Reeve, daily 2 Thurgarton ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket; Horner, Wed Sat 4. Black Horse, Tombland; Emery, Sat 12 Tiddenham ... Golden Ball; Rippon, Wed Sat 2 Tittleshall ... White Hart, St. Peter’s; Cockett, 6 morn Topcroft ... Star and Crown, Timberhill; Tidnam, Wed Sat 4 Trunch ... Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s; Everard, Wed Sat 2 Tunstead ... White Horse, Magdalen-street; Watts, Sat 2 Upton ... York Tavern, Castle-hill; Betts, Sat 5 Walcot ... White Horse, Magdalen-street; Marsh, Sat 2 Walsingham ... Black Horse, St. Giles’; Stearman, 6 morn Watton ... Curriers’ Arms, St. Giles’; Payne, Wed Sat 5. White Hart, St. Peter’s; Harvey, Tu Fri 1 Wells ... Wounded Hart, St. Peter’s; Belsham, Sat 7 morn. White Horse, Magdalen-street; Coe, Wed Sat 3. Black Horse, St. Giles’; Stearman, Th 6 morn. Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s; Riches, Sat. 1 Weybread ... Star, Haymarket; Gardner, Sat 2 Woodbastwick ... White Lion, Palace Plain; Cator, Sat 4 Woodbridge ... Pope’s Head, St. Peter’s; Sawyer, Wed Sat 4, Th 2 Wood Dalling ... White Horse, St. Lawrence; Watts, Sat 4 Wood Norton ... Duke’s Palace; Smith, Tu Fri 2 Woodton ... Star and Crown, Timberhill; Tidnam, Wed Sat 4 Worstead ... Bull, Magdalen-street; Huggins, Sat 5. White Horse, Magdalen-street; Watts, Sat 2 Wrentham ... Lamb, Haymarket; Fuller, Sat 1 Wretham ... George, Haymarket; Edwards, Fri 2 Wymondham ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket: Betts, daily 5. Bull, St. Stephen’s; Groom, Sat 4. Swan with Two Necks, St. Stephen’s; Fickling, Sat 5. City of Norwich, St. Stephen’s; Dannock, Wed Sat 5. Bull, St. Stephen’s; Parsons, Mon Tu Wed Fri Sat 4. COACHES TO AND FROM NORWICH. Attleborough ... Bell Inn, Wed Sat 4¾ Aylsham ... Duke’s Palace, Sat 5. Star Inn, daily (except Sunday) 5 Beccles ... Star Inn, Mon Wed Sat 4. W. Horse, Haymarket, Mon Wed Sat 4 Bungay ... Star, Haymarket, Mon Wed Fri Sat 4. Lamb Inn, Haymarket, daily 4 Catfield ... Bell Inn, Mon Wed Sat 4¾ Coltishall ... G. Lion, Maddermarket, daily 5. Norfolk Hotel, daily 4¾ Cromer ... Norfolk Hotel, daily 5 (during summer months). Star Inn, daily 5 Halesworth ... Star Inn, Mon Wed Fri Sat 4 Hanworth ... Star Inn, daily (except Sun) 5 Hasboro’ ... White Horse, Magdalen-street, Mon Wed Sat 5 Hethersett ... Bell Inn, Wed Sat 4¾ Holt ... Norfolk Hotel, daily 5 Hoveton ... Bell Inn, Mon Wed Sat 4¾ Ingham ... White Horse, Magdalen-st., Mon Wed Sat 5 Loddon ... Star Inn, Haymarket, Mon Wed Sat 4 Neatishead ... Bell Inn, Mon Wed Sat 4¾ North Walsham ... Norfolk Hotel, daily 4¾. G. Lion, Maddermarket, daily 5 Palling ... White Horse, Magdalen-st., Mon Wed Sat 5 Rackheath ... Bell Inn, Mon Wed Sat 4¾ Salhouse ... Bell Inn, Mon Wed Sat 4¾ Stalham ... W. Horse, Magdalen-st., Mon Wed Sat 5. Waggon & Horses, Tombland, Mon Wed Sat 5 Watton ... Norfolk Hotel, Sat 5 Wroxham ... Bell Inn, Mon Wed Sat 4¾ Wymondham ... Bell Inn, Wed Sat 4¾ VANS AND OMNIBUSSES. Aylsham ... Post-office Tavern, Mon Wed Sat 4. Duke’s Palace, Mon Wed half-past 4. Black Swan, Upper Market, Tu Th Fri Sat half-past 4 Beccles ... White Horse, Haymarket, Mon Wed Sat 4 Coltishall ... Golden Lion, daily 5 Loddon ... White Horse, Haymarket, Mon Wed Sat 4 Lowestoft ... White Horse, Haymarket, Mon Wed Sat 4 Ludham ... White Lion, Magdalen-street, Wed Sat 5 North Walsham ... Golden Lion, Maddermarket, daily 5. Wounded Hart, St. Peter’s, Sat half-past 4 Reepham ... Jolly Farmers, Charing Cross, Wed Sat half-past 4. Moon and Stars, St. Miles’, Wed Sat 5 Southwold ... White Horse, Haymarket, Mon Wed Sat 4. Statham, Waggon and Horses, Tombland, Mon Wed Sat 5. White Lion, Magdalen-street, Wed Sat 5 Wymondham ... Swan with Two Necks, St. Stephen’s, Sat 5 Omnibusses to convey Passengers to the Eastern Counties and the Eastern Union Termini, leave the Norfolk, Royal and Bell Hotels to meet each Train. NORWICH POST OFFICE. DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL OF THE MAILS. Letters for the following places must be posted by 9.20 p.m., but will be received, with an extra stamp affixed, till 9.40 p.m.:— ‡Attleboro’ Huntingdon Spilsby ‡ Alford ‡ London Stamford ‡ Bishop Stortford Louth St. Ives Boston Lynn St. Neots ‡ Brandon March Swaffham Bury Newmarket ‡ Thetford ‡ Cambridge Peterborough Wisbech Downham ‡ Saffron Waldron ‡ Wymondham ‡ Ely Soham Yarmouth, and the posts through London Harlow Spalding Hull Bags are forwarded by Day Mail to the places marked ‡ at 7.40 a.m., and letters may be posted till 7.30 a.m., and, with an extra stamp affixed, till the bags close. 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