The Project Gutenberg eBook of Catalogue of British Columbia Birds This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Catalogue of British Columbia Birds Author: Francis Kermode Release date: August 1, 2004 [eBook #6329] Most recently updated: December 29, 2020 Language: English Credits: Produced by Karen Fabrizius, David Starner and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CATALOGUE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BIRDS *** Produced by Karen Fabrizius, David Starner and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team Catalogue of British Columbia Birds. PROVINCIAL MUSEUM, VICTORIA B. C. PREFACE. The present list is intended to include all birds which have been so far proven to occur in British Columbia. I am fully aware of its incompleteness, and very much regret much of its lack of more definite information regarding the distribution of certain species, and with regard to that portion of the Province in north and northeastern interior, which, I have no doubt, is a valuable field for work. Since the publication of the list of British Columbia birds in 1898 by the late John Fannin, which contained 339 species and sub-species, and with the information to hand, enables me to add to this 24. I wish to extend my thanks especially to the following constant observers for more or less extended local lists, notes and specimens:--A. C. Brooks, Chilliwhack, Okanagan and Cariboo; Rev. J. H. Keen, Queen Charlotte Islands and Metlakatla; Thos. Kermode, William Head Quarantine Station; E. P. Venables, Yernon; Chas. de Blois Green, Fairview and Keremeos. I have also obtained valuable information from the check-list published by the late John Fannin. FRANCIS KERMODE, _Curator Provincial Museum_. _Victoria, B. C., August, 1904_. Order PYGOPODES. Diving birds. Family PODICIPEDIDÆ. Grebes. ÆCHMOPHORUS Coues. 1. Western Grebe. _Æchmophorus occidentalis_ (Lawr.). A common winter resident along the coast of Vancouver Island and Mainland. Mr. Brooks says a few remain all winter at Okanagan Lake. COLYMBUS Linnæus. 2. American Red-necked Grebe. "Holboell's Grebe." _Colymbus holboelli_ (Reinh.). A common winter resident along the coast of Vancouver Island and Mainland. Winter resident on Okanagan Lake. (_Brooks_.) Not common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) Breeds on many of the lakes along the Cariboo Road above Clinton. (_Fannin_.) 3. Horned Grebe. _Colymbus auritus_ (Linn.). A common winter resident on the coast, and very common in the straits near Victoria, in April. Brooks reports it at Okanagan Lake all winter. Breeds on the lakes from Okanagan to Dense Lake. (_Fannin_.) Rare at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) 4. American Eared Grebe. _Colymbus nigricollis californicus_ (Heerm.). Taken at Kamloops, June, 1889. (_Spreadborough_.) Found breeding on lakes at Kamloops; Catalogue of Canadian Birds. (_Macoun_.) PODILYMBUS Lesson. 5. Pied-billed Grebe. _Podilymbus podiceps_ (Linn.). Common resident on Vancouver Island; it breeds on lakes close to Victoria. Common resident on Island and Mainland; breeds throughout its range. (_Fannin_.) Family GAVIIDÆ Loons. GAVIA Forster. 6. Great Northern Diver. Loon. _Gavia imber_ (Gunn.). Common resident throughout the Province; breeds on Vancouver Island and Mainland. 7. Black-throated Loon. _Gavia arcticus_ (Linn.). Taken at Burrard Inlet (_Fannin_), and at Dease Lake, Cassiar, by James Porter. 8. Pacific Loon. _Gavia pacificus_ (Lawr.). Not common; one specimen taken at Comox by W. B. Anderson, and at Chilliwhack by Brooks; Victoria, May 13th, 1904, by Fred. Foster. 9. Red-throated Loon. _Gavia lumme_ (Gunn.). I found this species quite common on Barkley Sound, V. I., April 19th, 1894, and fairly common near Esquimalt. Mr. Brooks reports it at Chilliwhack. Family ALCIDÆ. Auks, Murres and Puffins. LUNDA Pallas. 10. Tufted Puffin. _Lunda cirrhata_ (Pall.). Common along the coast of Vancouver Island, Queen Charlotte Islands and Mainland; breeds on Bare Island, near Sidney, B. C. FRATERCULA Brisson. 11. Horned Puffin. _Fratercula corniculata_ (Naum.). Rare at Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) CERORHINCA Bonaparte. 12. Rhinoceros Auklet. _Cerorhinca monocerata_ (Pall.). Coasts of Vancouver Island and Mainland. Breeds on islands in Gulf of Georgia. PTYCHORAMPHUS Brandt. 13. Cassin's Auklet. _Ptychorampus aleuticus_ (Pall.). The entire coast line of the Province and West Coast of Vancouver Island. (_Fannin_.) This species was seen in the Gulf of Georgia, between Salt Spring Island and Nanaimo, May 7th, 1887. (_Macoun_.) SYNTHLIBORAMPUS Brandt. 14. Ancient Murrelet. _Synthliborampus antiquus_ (Gmel.). Not common. West Coast of Vancouver Island and taken in the Straits, near Victoria. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it rare on Queen Charlotte Islands. BRACHYRAMPHUS Brandt. 15. Marbled Murrelet. _Brachyramphus marmoratus_ (Gmel.). An abundant resident along the coast of British Columbia; have taken it at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, in August, 1895. Rare at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) Breeds on Vancouver Island, and on some of the smaller islands in the Gulf of Georgia, and along many of the inlets of the Mainland. (_Fannin_.) CEPPHUS Pallas. 16. Pigeon Guillemot. _Cepphus columba_ (Pall.). An abundant resident along the coast from Race Rocks to Alaska, and quite common in Skidegate Inlet, Q. C. I., August, 1895. Breeds throughout its range. URIA Brisson. 17. California Murre, Guillemot. _Uria troile californica_ (Bryant). A resident along the coast of Vancouver Island and Mainland. Breeds on West Coast of Vancouver Island. Order LONGIPENNES. Long-winged Swimmers. Family STERCORARIIDÆ. Skuas and Jaegers. STERCORARIUS Brisson. 18. Pomarine Jaeger. _Stercorarius pomariuus_ (Temm.). One specimen taken near Victoria, October 22nd, 1898. 19. Parasitic Jaeger. _Stercorarius parasiticus_ (Linn.). One specimen taken at Victoria by Wm. L. Gilchrist, November, 1897. Another specimen was taken at Comox by A. C. Brooks, September 12th, 1903. 20. Long-tailed Jaeger. _Stercorarius longicaudus_ (Vieill.). Once shot and several times seen at Sumas Lake, September, 1890. (_Brooks_). Family LARIDÆ. The Gulls and Terns. PAGOPHILA Kaup. 21. Ivory Gull. Snow Gull. _Pagophila alba_ (Gunn.). One specimen shot at Dease Lake, Cassiar, by James Porter, September, 1889. Another specimen was shot at Okanagan Lake in November, 1897, by Mr. J. T. Studley, and presented to the Museum. Mr. A. C. Brooks also reports it from Okanagan. RISSA Stephens. 22. Pacific Kittiwake. _Rissa tridactyla pollicaris_ (Ridgw.). Taken near Discovery Island, January, 1896, by W. Lindley, and at Queen Charlotte Islands by Dr. C. F. Newcombe, September, 1895. LARUS Linnæus. 23. Glaucous-winged Gull. _Larus glaucesceus_ (Naum.). An abundant resident on the coast; breeds on some of the islands in the Gulf of Georgia. Mr. Brooks reports it from Okanagan Lake. 24. Western Gull. _Larus occidentalis_ (Aud.). An abundant resident on the coast during the winter months. Taken at Chilliwhack. (_A. C. Brooks_.) Breeds in Similkameen Valley. (_Fannin_.) 25. American Herring Gull. _Larus argentatus smithsonianus_ (Coues.). An abundant resident on the coast. It breeds on the coast and in the interior of Mainland. Common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) 26. California Gull. _Larus californicus_ (Lawr.). A common winter resident on the coast. Common in the Lower Fraser Valley and on the Okanagan Lake in winter. (_Brooks_.) 27. Ring-billed Gull. _Larus delawarensis_ (Ord.). Common along the coast of Vancouver Island and Mainland. Common in winter at Okanagan Lake and Chilliwhack. (_Brooks_.) Breeds in the Interior, especially to the northward. (_Fannin_.) 28. Short-billed Gull. _Larus brachyrhynchus_ (Rich.). Common winter resident along the coast of Vancouver Island and Mainland. Common in Lower Fraser Valley. (_Brooks_.) During the early part of May, 1891, I saw quite a number on the lakes of the Cariboo District, where it probably breeds. (_Fannin_.) 29. Heermann's Gull. White-headed Gull. _Larus heermanni_ (Cass.). Common along the southern coast of Vancouver Island during July and August. Taken at William Head in full plumage, June 28th, 1904, by Thos. Kermode. 30. Bonaparte's Gull. _Larus philadelphia_ (Ord.). An abundant resident throughout the Province, and found in great numbers about the inlets and rivers in March and April; it breeds in the interior of the Province. I have also seen it on the coast in June and July. XEMA Leach. 31. Sabine's Gull. _Xema sabinii_ (Sab.). Taken at Okanagan Lake, September 9th, 1897. (_Brooks_.) STERNA Linnæus. 32. Common Tern. _Sterna hirundo_ (Linn.). One specimen shot at Cowichan Gap by R. D. McClure, September 15th, 1896, and presented to the Museum. 33. Arctic Tern. _Sterna paradisæa_ (Brunn.). From Dease Lake south, through the interior of the Mainland to Okanagan Lake. Two specimens--one taken at Dease Lake by James Porter, and another shot at Okanagan Lake by A. C. Brooks, September, 1807. HYDROCHELIDON Boie. 34. Black Tern. _Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis_ (Gmel.). Not common. I observed it at Okanagan, June, 1895. Taken at Sumas and Okanagan Lake by A. C. Brooks, Burrard Inlet, Eraser River and interior of Mainland. (_Fannin_.) Order TUBINARES. Tube-nosed Swimmers. Family DIOMEDEIDÆ. Albatrosses. DIOMEDEA Linnæus. 35. Black-footed Albatross. _Diomedea nigripes_ (Aud.). West Coast of Vancouver Island. (_Fannin_.) Rare at Queen Charlotte Islands. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) One specimen taken near Nanaimo, June 3th, 1904. 36. Short-tailed Albatross. _Diomedea albatrus_ (Pall.) In April, 1894, I found this species quite common in the Pacific Ocean, near Cape Beale. Tolerably common on both coasts of Vancouver Island, but more abundant on the West Coast; a few have been taken in the straits off Victoria Harbour. (_Fannin_.) Family PROCELLARIIDÆ. Fulmars & Shearwaters. FULMARUS Stephens. 37. Pacific Fulmar. _Fulmarus glacialis glupischa_ (Stejn.). One specimen taken at Chemainus, Vancouver Island, November, 1895. (_Fannin_.) PUFFINUS Brisson. 38. Black-vented Shearwater. _Puffinus opisthomelas_ (Coues). Not common; four specimens taken off Albert Head, October 24th, 1891. 39. Dark-bodied Shearwater. _Puffinus griseus_ (Gmel.). During the fall of 1895 Dr. C. F. Newcombe found this species common on the West Coast of Queen Charlotte Islands. Since then one was picked up dead on the beach near Victoria. 40. Slender-billed Shearwater. _Puffinus tenuirostris_ (Temm.). Not common; one specimen shot at William Head and presented to the Museum by T. Kermode, February 23rd, 1904. OCEANODROMA Reichenbach. 41. Gray Fork-tailed Petrel. _Oceanodroma furcata_ (Gmel.). Found along both coasts of Vancouver Island, but more common on the Pacific Coast; a few have been taken in the Straits near Victoria. Very rare at Metlakatla; one picked up exhausted. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) 42. Leach's Fork-tailed Petrel. White-rumped Petrel. _Oceanodroma leucorrhoa_ (Vieill.) Coues. West Coast of Vancouver Island. Four specimens taken in Hecate Strait, July, 1904. One specimen found dead on beach off Beacon Hill, Victoria, November, 1893. Order STEGANOPODES. Totipalmate Swimmers. Family PHALACROCORACIDÆ. Cormorants. PHALACROCORAX Brisson. 43. White-crested Cormorant. _Phalacrocorax dilophus cincinnatus_ (Brandt). Common on both coasts of Vancouver Island and coast of Mainland, from Race Rocks to Alaska. 44. Brandt's Cormorant. Pencilled Cormorant. _Phalacrocorax penicillatus_ (Brandt). Two specimens were killed in the Straits, near Victoria, by D. E. Campbell, April 19th, 1897. Later in the month another specimen was found on the beach at Beacon Hill. 45. Violet-green Cormorant. _Phalacrocorax pelagicus robustus_ (Ridgw.). This is the most abundant Cormorant in the Province, and is found along both coasts of the Island, and has been taken as far north as Port Simpson. Breeds on islands close to Sidney Island. Common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) Family PELECANIDÆ. Pelicans. PELECANUS Linnæus. 46. American White Pelican. _Pelecanus erythrorhynchos_ (Gmel.). Not common. Four specimens taken--Sicamous, October, 1890; Alexandria Bridge, September, 1895; Tranquille, August, 1897; Comox, September 8th, 1900. Mr. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Said to breed in the Chilcotin country. (_Fannin_.) 47. California Brown Pelican. _Pelecanus californicus_ (Ridgw.). Not common. One specimen in the Museum killed at Race Rocks, January, 1897. Seen at Sumas Lake. (_Brooks_.) Order ANSERES. Lamellirostral Swimmers. Family ANATIDÆ. Mergansers, Ducks, Geese and Swans. MERGANSER Brisson. 48. American Merganser. _Merganser americanus_ (Cass.). Found throughout the Province, have taken it on West Coast of Vancouver Island in May; also on Queen Charlotte Islands in July, 1895, I took four young birds. Brooks reports it found on Okanagan Lake all winter. 49. Red-breasted Merganser. _Menganser serrator_ (Linn.). Found distributed throughout the Province. I saw them at Sumas Lake May 17th, 1904. Rev. J. H. Keen says common at Metlakahtla, Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) LOPHODYTES Reichenbach. 50. Hooded Merganser. _Lophodytes cucullatus_ (Linn.). This species is common throughout the Province and on the Pacific Coast. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. ANAS Linnæus. 51. Mallard. _Anas boschas_ (Linn.). An abundant resident throughout the Province; breeds in suitable localities throughout its range. CHAULELASMUS Bonaparte. 52. Gadwall. Gray Duck. _Chaulelasmus strepera_ (Linn.). Not common; a few have been taken near Victoria. Mr. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. MARECA Stephens. 53. European Widgeon. _Mareca penelope_ (Linn.). Rare. Two specimens, one taken near Victoria February 9th, 1899, and another near Saanich. 54. American Widgeon. Baldpate. _Mareca americana_ (Gmel.). A common winter resident on the coast. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Breeds on lakes on Cariboo Road above Clinton. (_Fannin_.) NETTION Kaup. 55. Green-winged Teal. _Nettion carolinensis_ (Gmel.). An abundant resident, Breeds in the interior of the Mainland. Common on the coast throughout the winter. Rare on Queen Charlotte Islands. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) QUERQUEDULA Stephens. 56. Blue-winged Teal. _Querquedula discors_ (Linn.). Not common on the coast; a few are taken every year. Taken at Chilliwhack. (_Brooks_.) 57. Cinnamon Teal. _Querquedula cyanoptera_ (Vieill.). A summer visitor in the interior of the Province. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. SPATULA Boie. 58. Shoveller. Spoon-bill. _Spatula clypeata_ (Linn.). A common resident on the Mainland, rarely met with on Vancouver Island. Brooks says common resident in Lower Fraser Valley about Sumas Lake, has also taken it on Okanagan. DAFILA Stephens. 59. Pintail. Sprigtail. _Dafila acuta_ (Linn.). An abundant winter resident on the coast. Breeds in the interior of the Mainland. AIX Boie. 60. Wood Duck. _Aix spona_ (Linn.). Not common. A summer resident on Island and Mainland. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. AYTHYA Boie. 61. Red-head. Pochard. _Aythya americana_ (Eyt.). A winter resident on the coast, but nowhere common; a few are taken every season. Fannin found it breeding on the lakes along the Cariboo Road. 62. Canvas-back Duck. _Aythya vallisneria_ (Wils.). A winter resident on the coast. Brooks has taken it on Okanagan Lake. I found them in pairs on the lakes near 108-Mile House, Cariboo Road, in April and May, 1891, where I was told they breed. (_Fannin_). 63. American Scaup Duck. Blue-bill. _Aythya marila_ (Linn.). An abundant winter resident on the coast. Breeds in the interior of Mainland. 64. Lesser Scaup Duck. _Aythya affinis_ (Eyt.). Not common on the coast. Fannin has taken it in May near Ashcroft, and Brooks has seen it all winter at Okanagan. 65. Ring-necked Duck. _Aythya collaris_ (Donov.). Not common. A few have been taken on Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks says common in Lower Fraser Valley, and is found all winter on Okanagan Lake. CLANGULA Leach. 66. American Golden-eye. Whistler. _Clangula clangula americana_ (Faxon.) A common winter resident on the coast. Fannin says breeds in interior. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 67. Barrow's Golden-eye. _Clangula islandica_ (Gmel.). Not common. It winters on the coast; a few have been taken on Vancouver Island. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan. Fannin found it plentiful on the lakes along the Cariboo Road, May, 1891. CHARITONETTA Stejneger. 68. Buffle-head. Butter-ball. _Charitonetta albeola_ (Linn.). An abundant winter resident on the coast. Breeds in the interior of the Mainland. Common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) HARELDA Stephens. 69. Long-tailed Duck. Old Squaw. _Harelda hyemalis_ (Linn.). Common; the coasts of Vancouver Island and Mainland. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it common at Metlakatla. HISTRIONICUS Lesson. 70. Harlequin Duck. _Histrionicus histrionicus_ (Linn.). A common resident on the coast. I found it breeding at Bear River, Vancouver Island, May, 1894. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Rare at Queen Charlotte Islands. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) OIDEMIA Fleming. 71. American Black Scoter. _Oidemia americana_ (Swains.). Not common; has been taken at Victoria and Port Simpson. Fannin saw a small flock on a lake near 108-Mile House, Cariboo Road, 10th May, 1891. Fairly common at Matlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) 72. White-winged Scoter. _Oidemia deglandi_ (Bonap.). An abundant resident, and is found on the coast throughout the year. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Rev. J. H. Keen says is common at Metlakatla. 73. Surf Scoter. Sea Coot. _Oidemia perspicillata_ (Linn.). Abundant resident along the coasts of Vancouver Island and Mainland. Found at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) Common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) ERISMATURA Bonaparte. 74. Ruddy Duck. _Erismatura jamaicensis_ (Gmel.). Not common on the Coast; a few are taken in the winter. Fannin found it breeding in the lakes along the Cariboo Road, May, 1891. Brooks has seen it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. CHEN Boie. 75. Lesser Snow Goose. _Chen hyperborea_ (Pall.). A winter resident on the Coast. Brooks has seen it at Chilliwhack. During some winters large numbers congregate off the mouth of Fraser River. (_Fannin_.) 76. Ross's Snow Goose. _Chen rossii_ (Cassin.). This is a rare bird in B. C. One specimen taken at Comox, January, 1894; another was taken at Kuper Island, April, 1895. ANSER Brisson. 77. American White-fronted Goose. _Anser albifrons gambeli_ (Hartl.). Abundant on the Coast in winter. Breeds both on Island and Mainland. The young have been taken on Cowichan Lake. (_Fannin_.) Brooks has taken it at Sumas and Okanagan Lakes. Common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) BRANTA Scopoli. 78. Canada Goose. _Branta canadensis_ (Linn.). An abundant winter resident on the Coast. Breeds in the interior of the Mainland; the eggs have been taken at Penticton by C. DeBlois Green. 79. Hutchin's Goose. _Branta canadensis hutchinsii_ (Rich.). Abundant in the spring and fall migrations, and winters on the Coast. 80. White-cheeked Goose. _Branta canadensis occidentalis_ (Baird). Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. 81. Cackling Goose. _Branta canadensis minima_ (Ridgw.). Winter resident on the Coast; has been taken at Elk Lake, near Victoria. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 82. Brant. _Branta bernicla glaucogastra_ (Brehm.). Two specimens shot at Comox by A. C. Brooks, January 10th, 1904. 83. Black Brant. _Branta nigricans_ (Lawr.). An abundant winter resident on the Coast. In April, 1894. I saw them in great numbers off Barkley Sound migrating north. PHILACTE. 84. Emperor Goose. _Philacate canagica_ (Sevast.). One specimen shot at Chemainus, December, 1894. OLOR Wagler. 85. Whistling Swan. _Olor columbianus_ (Ord.). A winter resident on Vancouver Island and southern Mainland. Mr. Brooks records it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 86. Trumpeter Swan. _Olor buccinator_ (Rich.). I have only seen this bird at Deaso Lake, Cassiar. (_Fannin_.) Mr. Brooks has found it at Sumas and Okanagan. Order HERODIONES. Herons, Ibises, etc. Family IBIDIDÆ. Ibises. PLEGADIS Kaup. 87. White-faced Glossy Ibis. _Plegadis guarauna_ (Linn.). Only two specimens known to be taken in the Province, one on Salt Spring Island, the other at mouth of Fraser River. Check List of B. C. Birds, 1891. (_Fannin_.) Family ARDEIDÆ. Herons and Bitterns. BOTAURUS Hermann. 88. American Bittern. _Botaurus lentiginosus_ (Montag.). Common throughout the greater portion of the Province. Breeds both east and west of Cascades. ARDEA Linnæus. 89. Great Blue Heron. _Ardea herodias_ (Linn.). A common resident on the coast, and is quite common at Sumas Lake and Okanagan. Breeds throughout its range. 90. Northwest Coast Heron. _Ardea herodias fannini_ (Chapman). In August, 1895, I found this form, now named after the late John Fannin by Frank M. Chapman, quite common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands. EGRETTA Forester. 91. Snowy Heron. _Egretta candidissima_ (Gmel.). Rare in British Columbia. Two specimens collected at Burrard Inlet, May, 1879. (_Fannin_.) One specimen is in the Museum. Order PALUDICOLÆ. Cranes, Rails, etc. Family GRUIDÆ. Cranes. GRUS Pallas. 92. Little Brown Crane. _Grus canadensis_ (Linn.). Common, during migrations, throughout the Province. 93. Sandhill Crane. _Grus mexicana_ (Mull.). Common throughout the Province; it breeds in the interior of Mainland; numbers pass over Victoria in the spring and autumn migrations. Family RALLIDÆ. Rails and Coots. RALLUS Linnæus. 94. Virginia Rail. _Rallus virginianus_ (Linn.). Tolerably common on Island and Mainland; breeds close to Victoria. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. PORZANA Vieillot. 95. Carolina Rail. Sora. _Porzana Carolina_ (Linn.). Found on Vancouver Island and Mainland. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it very rare on Queen Charlotte Islands. Common east of Cascades. (_Fannin_.) FULICA Linnæus. 96. American Coot. Mud-hen. _Fulica americana_ (Gmel.). A common resident on Island and Mainland; breeds throughout its range. Order LIMICIOLÆ. Shore Birds. Family PHALAROPODIDÆ. Phalaropes. CRYMOPHILUS Vieillot. 97. Red Phalarope. _Crymophilus fulicarius_ (Linn.). Taken at Clover Point, near Victoria, during migration. PHALAROPUS Brisson. 98. Northern Phalarope. _Phalaropus lobatus_ (Linn.). Abundant along the coast of Island and Mainland in the spring and autumn. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Fannin has taken it at Burrard Inlet in July. STEGANOPUS. Vieillot. 99. Wilson's Phalarope. _Steganopus tricolor_ (Vieill.). Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. Family SCOLOPACIDÆ. Snipes, Sand-pipers, Etc. GALLINAGO Leach. 100. Wilson's Snipe. _Gallinago delicata_ (Ord.) Common throughout the Province on Island and Mainland; breeds in the interior. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it common at Metlakatla. MACRORHAMPHUS Leach. 101. Long-billed Dowitcher. Red-breasted Snipe. _Macrorhamphus scolopaceus_ (Say.). Tolerably abundant throughout the Province. I found it quite common at Clayoquot, West Coast Vancouver Island, in May, 1894. Fannin says breeds in the interior. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Fairly common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) MICROPALAMA Baird. 102. STILT SANDPIPER. _Micropalama himantopus_ (Bonap.). Taken at Chilliwhack, August 19th, 1899, by A. C. Brooks. TRINGA Linnæus. 103. KNOT. ROBIN SNIPE. _Tringa canutus_ (Linn.). Abundant during migrations, chiefly along the coast. (_Fannin_.) Taken at Chilliwhack. (_Brooks_.) ACTODROMAS Kaup. 104. SHARP-TAILED SANDPIPER. _Actodromas acuminata_ (Horsf.). Two specimens taken at Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, December 27th, 1897, by Rev. J. H. Keen. 105. PECTORAL SANDPIPER. _Actodromas maculata_ (Vieill.). Not common; taken along the coast during migrations. Brooks has taken it at Chillihwack and Okanagan. 106. BAIRD'S SANDPIPER. _Actodromas bairdii_ (Coues.). Distributed along the coast of Island and Mainland, Rev. J. H. Keen reports it rare at Metlakatla. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan (_Brooks_); and at Clover Point, Victoria (_E. M. Anderson_). 107. LEAST SANDPIPER. _Actodromas minutilla_ (Vieill.). Common along the coast of Island and Mainland. I found it common at Clayoquot in May, 1894; I have also taken it near Victoria in July. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Fannin has taken it at 108-Mile House, Cariboo Road, in May. PELIDNA Cuvier. 108. RED-BACKED SANDPIPER. _Pelidna alpina sakhalina_ (Vieillot). Common in the spring and autumn migration along the coast of Island and Mainland. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. EREUNETES Illiger. 109. SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER. _Ereunetes pusillus_ (Linn.). Not uncommon in migration along the Coast. Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) Common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) 110. WESTERN SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER. _Ereunetes pusillus occidenlcdis_ (Lawr.). Abundant in the fall along the Coast. I also found it very common at Clayoquot, May, 1894, and have taken it near Victoria in July. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. CALIDRIS Cuvier. 111. SANDERLING. _Calidris arenaria_ (Linn.). Not common; several have been taken near Victoria by A. H. Maynard. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Fairly common at Metlakatla. (_Rev J. H. Keen_.) LIMOSA Brisson. 112. MARBLED GODWIT. _Limosa fedoa_ (Linn.). The whole of British Columbia; breeds chiefly east of Cascades. (_Fannin_.) Port Simpson. (_W. B. Anderson_.) TOTANUS Bechstein. 113. GREATER YELLOW-LEGS. _Totanus melanoleucus_ (Gmel.). Common along the coast in winter; have taken it at Clayoquot in May. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. I found it breeding around the lakes at Clinton, May, 1891. (_Fannin_.) 114. LESSER YELLOW-LEGS. _Totanus flavipes_ (Gmel.). Tolerably common through the Province; winters on the coast. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. HELODROMAS Kaup. 115. SOLITARY SANDPIPER. _Helodromas solitarius_ (Wils.). Found throughout the Province. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_). 116. WESTERN SOLITARY SANDPIPER. _Helodromas solitarius cinnamomeus_ (Brewster). Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_). SYMPHEMIA Rafinesque. 117. WESTERN WILLET. _Symphemia semipalmata inornata_ (Brewster). One specimen shot at Clover Point, near Victoria, August 18th, 1898, by Mr. J. Henley. HETERACTITIS Stejneger. 118. WANDERING TATLER. _Heteractitis incanus_ (Gmel.). Tolerably common along the coast of Island and Mainland. I took it at Clayoquot, May, 1894, and at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, August 5th, 1895. BARTRAMIA Lesson. 119. BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER. _Bartramia longicauda_ (Bechst.). One specimen shot at Comox, August 20th, 1895, by W. B. Anderson. Another was taken at l50-Mile House, Cariboo Road, May 16th, 1901, by A. C. Brooks. TRYNGITES Cabanis. 120. BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER. _Tryngites subruficollis_ (Vieill.). Not common. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. ACTITIS Illiger. 121. SPOTTED SANDPIPER. _Actitis macularia_ (Linn.). This bird is found along the entire coast; I have taken it at Clayoquot Vancouver Island, and at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, July 26th, 1895. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. NUMENIUS Brisson. 122. LONG-BILLED CURLEW. _Numenius longirostris_ (Wils.). A few specimens have been taken on the coast, but is to be more frequently met with in the interior of the Mainland, south through the Okanagan. 123. HUDSONIAN CURLEW. _Numenius hudsonicus_ (Lath.). Not common, but distributed along the coast of Island and Mainland. I have taken it at Clayoquot in May, 1894. W. B. Andersen has taken it at Port Simpson, and J. Maynard at Cadboro Bay, near Victoria. Family CHARADRIIDÆ. Plovers, Etc. CHARADRIUS Linnæus. 124. BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER. _Charadrius squatarola_ (Linn.). Abundant during migrations along the coast. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 125. AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER. _Charadrius dominicus_ (Mull.). Common on the coast during migrations. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it common at Metlakatla. W. B. Anderson has taken it at Port Simpson. ÆGIALITIS Boie. 126. KILLDEER PLOVER. _Ægialitis vocifera_ (Linn.). Found throughout the Province; occasionally on the coast in winter. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 127. SEMIPALMATED PLOVER. _Ægialitis semipalmata_ (Bonap.). Not common. I took two specimens on the West Coast, Vancouver Island--one at Ucluelet, April 28th, 1894, the other at Clayoquot, May, 1894. A. H. Maynard shot one at Cadboro Bay, Victoria. Family APHRIZIDÆ. Surf-birds and Turnstones. APHRIZA Audubon. 128. SURF-BIRD. _Aphriza virgata_ (Gmel.). Not uncommon along the entire coast line of the Province. I found it quite common at Clayoquot, May, 1894. It has been taken at Port Simpson by W. B. Anderson. ARENARIA Brisson. 129. TURNSTONE. _Arenaria interpres_ (Linn.). Along the entire coast line, but not common. It has been taken at Port Simpson and Sidney Island. Brooks has taken it at Sumas Lake. 130. BLACK TURNSTONE. _Arenaria melanocephala_ (Vig.). Common along the entire coast of the Province. I have taken it at Clayquot in May, 1894, and I found it very common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, in July, 1895, and it is found near Victoria throughout the winter. Family HÆMATOPODIDÆ. Oyster-Catchers. HÆMATOPUS Linnæus. 131. BLACK OYSTER-CATCHER. _Hæmatopus bachmani_ (Aud.). Abundant along the entire coast of Island and Mainland. Breeds throughout its range. Common on Queen Charlotte Islands, at Skidegate. Order GALLINÆ. Gallinaceous Birds. Family TETRAONIDÆ. Grouse, Partridges, Etc. OREORTYX Baird. 132. MOUNTAIN PARTRIDGE. _Oreortyx pictus_ (Dougl.). Common on Vancouver Island. Introduced from California. LOPHORTYX Bonaparte. 133. CALIFORNIA PARTRIDGE. _Lophortyx californicus_ (Shaw.). Common on Vancouver Island. Introduced from California. DENDRAGAPUS Elliot. 134. SOOTY GROUSE. _Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus_ (Ridgw.). Abundant west of Cascade Mountains, including Vancouver Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, and all the larger islands along the coast. 135. RICHARDSON'S GROUSE. _Dendragapus obscurus richardsonii_ (Dougl.). An abundant resident east of Cascade Mountains to Rocky Mountains. CANACHITES Stejneger. 136. FRANKLIN'S GROUSE. _Canachites franklinii_ (Dougl.). An abundant resident throughout the wooded portion of the interior east of the Cascade Mountains, from Okanagan to Cassiar. BONASA Stephens. 137. CANADIAN RUFFED GROUSE. _Bonasa umbellus togata_ (Linn.). An abundant resident east of and including the Cascade Mountains. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. 138. GRAY RUFFED GROUSE. _Bonasa umbellus umbelloides_ (Dougl.). Rocky Mountain District, Soda Creek and Beaver Pass. Check List of B. C. Birds, 1898. (_Fannin_.) Okanagan, A. C. Brooks. 139. OREGON RUFFED GROUSE. _Bonasa umbellus sabini_ (Dougl.). An abundant resident on Vancouver Island and all the larger islands of the coast, and on the Mainland west of Cascade Mountains. LAGOPUS Brisson. 140. WILLOW PTARMIGAN. _Lagopus lagopus_ (Linn.). Northern portion of British Columbia, Dease Lake, Cassiar. (_James Porter_.) Log Cabin, Atlin. (_Fletcher_ and _Englehardt_.). 141. ROCK PTARMIGAN. _Lagopus rupestris_ (Gmel.). Common on the summit of most of the mountains on the Mainland and Vancouver Island. (_Fannin_.) Quite common at Atlin. 142. WHITE-TAILED PTARMIGAN. _Lagopus leucurus_ (Swains. & Rich.). Found on the summit of most mountains on the Mainland except the Coast Range. Taken at Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) Cassiar. (_James Porter_.) PEDIOECETES Baird. 143. COLUMBIAN SHARP-TAILED GROUSE. PRAIRIE CHICKEN. _Pedioecetes phasianellus columbianus_ (Ord.). An abundant resident east of Cascade Range through the southern portions of the Province. E. P. Venables reports it common near Vernon. CENTROCERCUS Swainson. 144. SAGE GROUSE. _Centrocercus urophasianus_ (Bonap.). Three specimens taken by Mr. G. B. Martin at Osoyoos Lake in October, 1864. (Check List of B. C. Birds, 1891. _Fannin_.) Family PHASIANIDÆ. Pheasants. PHASIANUS Linnæus. 145. RING-NECKED PHEASANT. _Phasianus torquatus_ (Linn.). Abundant on Vancouver Island and in the Lower Fraser River Valley and other portions of the Mainland. Introduced from China; now thoroughly naturalised. Order COLUMBÆ. Pigeons. Family COLUMBIDÆ. Pigeons. COLUMBA Linnæus. 146. BAND-TAILED PIGEON. _Columba fasciata_ (Say.). A common summer resident in the south-western portions of the Province including Vancouver Island. ECTOPISTES Swainson. 147. PASSENGER PIGEON. _Ectopistes migratorius_ (Linn.). Mentioned in John Keast Lord's "Naturalist in British Columbia" (1866). If it ever did occur here, it is now, without doubt, extinct. (_Fannin_.) ZENAIDURA Bonaparte. 148. MOURNING DOVE. _Zenaidura macroura_ (Linn.). Not common on Vancouver Island. I found it quite common in the Okanagan in June, 1895. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it rare at Metlakatla. Order RAPTORES. Birds of Prey. Family CATHARTIDÆ. American Vultures. GYMNOGYPS Lesson. 149. CALIFORNIA VULTURE. _Gymnogyps californianus_ (Shaw.). In September, 1880, I saw two of these birds at Burrard Inlet. It is more than probable they are accidental visitants here. Lord says: Mouth of Fraser River; seldom visits the Interior. (_Fannin_.) CATHARTES Illeger. 150. TURKEY VULTURE. _Cathartes aura_ (Linn.). Tolerably common on Vancouver Island and portions of the Mainland. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Family FALCONIDÆ. Falcons, Hawks, Eagles, etc. CIRCUS Lacépède. 151. MARSH HAWK. _Circus hudsonius_ (Linn.). Common on Vancouver Island and Mainland. Abundant on the Mainland. Partially migratory; a few are found throughout the winter at Ladners. (_Fannin_.) Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) ACCIPITER Brisson. 152. SHARP-SHINNED HAWK. _Accipiter velox_ (Wils.). Abundant on Vancouver Island and portions of the Mainland. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 153. COOPER'S HAWK. _Accipiter cooperii_ (Bonap.). Found on Vancouver Island and Mainland; have taken it at Sicamous. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 154. AMERICAN GOSHAWK. _Accipiter atricapillus_ (Wils.). Rather common in interior of Province. A few have been taken on Vancouver Island. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 155. WESTERN GOSHAWK. _Accipiter atricapillus striatulus_ (Ridgw.). Common throughout the Province. I found it very common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, in August, 1895. BUTEO Cuvier. 156. WESTERN RED-TAILED HAWK. _Buteo borealis calurus_ (Cass.). An abundant resident on Vancouver Island and coast of Mainland. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) Rare at Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) 157. RED-BELLIED HAWK. _Buteo lineatus elegans_ (Cass.). Not common. I have no record of it on Vancouver Island. It has been taken at Burrard Inlet by J. Fannin, and at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. 158. SWAINSON'S HAWK. _Buteo swainsoni_ (Bonap.). Not common on Vancouver Island; it has been taken at Victoria and Union. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. ARCHIBUTEO Brehm. 159. AMERICAN ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK. _Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis_ (Gmel.). Not common. Found on both Vancouver Island and Mainland. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. AQUILA Brisson. 160. GOLDEN EAGLE. _Aquila chrysaetos_ (Linn.). Found throughout the entire Province. Rare on Vancouver Island. A resident. HALIÆETUS Savigny. 161. BALD EAGLE. _Haliæetus leucocephalus alascanus_ (C. H. Townsend). An abundant resident throughout the entire Province, on Island and Mainland. Breeds throughout its range. Common on Queen Charlotte Islands. FALCO Linnæus. 162. GYRFALCON. _Falco rusticolus gyrfalco_ (Linn.). One specimen shot at Comox, October, 1894, by W. Harvey. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. 163. PRAIRIE FALCON. _Falco mexicanus _(Schleg.). Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks, and at Kamloops, November, 1894, by W. Fortune. 164. DUCK HAWK. _Falco peregrinus anatum_ (Bonap.). Apparently more common on the Mainland than Vancouver Island. Several have been taken in the Okanagan Country. 165. PEALE'S FALCON. _Falco peregrinus pealei_ (Ridgw.). Found chiefly along the coasts of Mainland and Vancouver Island. Several specimens have been taken at Cadbora Bay, near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Rare at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) 166. PIGEON HAWK. _Falco columbarius_ (Linn.). Apparently more common east of the Coast Range. A few have been taken on the Coast. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 167. BLACK MERLIN. _Falco columbarius suckleyi_ (Ridgw.). Abundant; summer resident on Vancouver Island and portions of Mainland. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 168. RICHARDSON'S MERLIN. _Falco richardsonii_ (Ridgw.). Not common on Vancouver Island; a few specimens have been taken near Victoria. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 169. DESERT SPARROW HAWK. _Falco spaverius phaloena_ (Lesson). Abundant throughout the southern portion of Mainland, including Vancouver Island, from the coast to Rocky Mountains. PANDION Savigny. 170. AMERICAN OSPREY. FISH HAWK. _Pandion halioetus carolinensis_ (Gmel.). Common throughout the Province, on Mainland and Island, including Queen Charlotte Islands. Their nest is a huge heap of sticks, usually on the broken top of a tree. Family BUBONIDÆ. Horned Owls, etc. ASIO Brisson. 171. AMERICAN LONG-EARED OWL. _Asio wilsonianus_ (Less.). Not common; a few have been taken on Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 172. SHORT-EARED OWL. _Asio accipitrinus_ (Pall.). Common throughout the Province, on Island and Mainland; rather common near Victoria throughout the winter. SYRNIUM Sanigny. 173. NORTHERN SPOTTED OWL. _Syrnium occidentale caurinum_ (Merriam). Rare resident at Chilliwhack and Mount Lehman (_Brooks_.) The late John Fannin had this bird on his first list of B. C. birds, he having taken it at Burrard Inlet some years ago, but in his lists of 1891 and 1898 he dropped it. SCOTIAPTEX Swainson. 174. GREAT GREY OWL. _Scotiaptex nebulosa_ (Forster). A rare bird in this Province; it has been taken at Vernon and Stewart's Lake. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. CRYPTOGLAUX Richmond. 175. RICHARDSON'S OWL. _Cryptoglaux tengmalmi richardsoni_ (Bonaparte). Taken at Okanagan by A. C. Brooks. 176. SAW-WHET OWL. _Cryptoglaux acadica_ (Gmel.). Not common on Vancouver Island; several have been taken near this city. Tolerably at Chilliwhack and common in winter at Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) 176A. NORTH-WEST SAW-WHET OWL. _Cryptoglaux acadica scotæa_ (Osgood). Queen Charlotte Islands. MEGASCOPS Kaup. 177. KENNICOTT'S SCREECH OWL. _Megascops asio kennicottii_ (Elliot). An abundant resident throughout the Province. Breeds in the neighbourhood of Victoria. 178. MACFARLANE'S SCREECH OWL. _Megascops asio macfarlanei_ (Brewst.). Southern portion of the Province, east of Cascade Mountains. BUBO Dumeril. 179. GREAT HORNED OWL. _Bubo virginianus_ (Gmel.). Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks, and near Victoria by John Hall, November, 1896. 180. WESTERN HORNED OWL. _Bubo virginianus pallescens_ (Stone). Common on Vancouver Island and Mainland. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) 181. ARCTIC HORNED OWL. _Bubo virginianus arcticus_ (Swains.). One specimen taken near Victoria, November, 1896, by A. H. Maynard, and at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. 182. DUSKY HORNED OWL. _Bubo virginianus saturatus_ (Ridgw.). An abundant resident in this Province; common on Vancouver Island. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. NYCTEA Stephens. 183. SNOWY OWL. _Nyctea nyctea_ (Linn.). A resident in the northern portions of the Province, south in winter to mouth of Fraser River, Chilliwhack and Okanagan, occasionally to Vancouver Island. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it rare at Metlakahtla. SURNIA Duméril. 184. American Hawk Owl. _Surnia ulula caparoch_ (Mull.). Not common, but found throughout the southern part of the Province from the Coast to Okanagan. Rare on Vancouver Island. It has been taken at Victoria, Sardis, Grand Prairie and Vernon. SPEOTYTO Gloger. 185. Burrowing Owl. _Speotyto cunicularia hypogæa_ (Bonap.). Not common, but is found in suitable localities in the southern portions of the Province from Chilliwhack to Okanagan. Mr. Brooks has taken three specimens at Chilliwhack. Rare at Vernon. (_E. P. Venables_.) GLAUCIDIUM Boie. 186. Pygmy Owl. _Glaucidium gnoma_ (Wagl.). Common throughout the Province. (_Fannin_.) 187. California Pygmy Owl. _Glaucidium gnoma californicum_ (Scl.). Common throughout the southern portions of the Province, including Vancouver Island. Order COCCYGES. Cuckoos and Kingfishers. Family CUCULIDÆ. Cuckoos. COCCYZUS Vieillot. 188. Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo. California Cuckoo. _Coccyzus americanus occidentalis_ (Ridgw.). A regular summer resident in the southwestern portions of the Province. It breeds on Vancouver Island near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Family ALCEDINIDÆ. Kingfishers. CERYLE Boie. 189. Belted Kingfisher. _Ceryle alcyon_ (LINN.). An abundant resident throughout the Province, breeds throughout its range. Order PICI. Woodpeckers, Wrynecks, etc. Family PICIDÆ. Woodpeckers. DRYOBATES Boie. 190. Northern Hairy Woodpecker. _Dryobates villosus leucomelas_ (Bodd.). Common resident on the Mainland east of Cascade Mountains. I found it quite common at Sicamous, May, 1895. Mr. Brooks reports having taken it several times at Chilliwhack. 191. Harris's Woodpecker. _Dryobates villosus harrisii_ (Aud.). A common resident west of Coast Range, including Vancouver Island. 192. Cabanis's Woodpecker. _Dryobates villosus hyloscopus_ (Cab.). Rocky Mountain district. Taken at Okanagan by A. C. Brooks. 193. Queen Charlotte Woodpecker. _Dryobates villosus picoideus_ (Osgood). Queen Charlotte Islands. 194. Gairdner's Woodpecker. _Dryobates pubescens gairdneri_ (Aud.). A very common resident on Vancouver Island, Coast of Mainland and Lower Fraser Valley. 195. Batchelder's Woodpecker. _Dryobates pubescens homorus_ (Cab.). Common throughout the interior of the Province, along the C. P. R., at Ducks, and at Vernon. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. XENOPICUS Baird. 196. White-headed Woodpecker. _Xenopicus albolarvatus_ (Cass.). A rare bird in this Province, found east of the Coast Range. Museum specimen from Similkameen Valley, collected by R. V. Griffin. PICOIDES Lacépède. 197. Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker. _Picoides arcticus_ (Swains.). Found only east of Coast Range, where in some localities it is quite common. Mr. Brooks reports it from Okanagan. 198. Alaskan Three-toed Woodpecker. _Picoides americanus fasciatus_ (Bird). West of Cascade Mountains common. Rare on Vancouver Island. Brooks says common resident in the spruce zone on the Coast Range. 199. Alpine Three-toed Woodpecker. _Picoides americanus dorsalis_ (Baird). Mountains east of Cascade Mountains, north to Cassiar. (_Fannin_.) SPHYRAPICUS Baird. 200. Red-naped Sapsucker. _Sphyrapicus varius nuchalis_ (Baird). Generally distributed east of Cascade Mountains throughout the Province. It was quite common at Duck's, May, 1895. 201. Red-breasted Sapsucker. _Sphyrapicus ruber notkensis_ (Suckow.). Generally distributed along the Coast. Not uncommon on Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. 202. Williamson's Sapsucker. _Sphyrapicus thyroideus_ (Cass.). Taken at Similkameen, B. C., by R. V. Griffin, June, 1882, (Check List of B. C. Birds, 1891--_Fannin_.) CEOPHLOEUS Cabanis. 203. Northern Pileated Woodpecker. _Ceophloeus pileatus abieticola_ (Bangs.). Common resident throughout the Province, on Vancouver Island and Mainland through the interior to Okanagan. Mr. Brooks found it scarce in the Cariboo District. ASYNDESMUS (Wils.) Coues. 204. Lewis's Woodpecker. _Asyndesmus torquatus_ (Wils.). Abundant through the interior of the Province, at Vernon and Grand Prairie. I found it quite common at Chilliwhack this year. A summer resident on Vancouver Island. COLAPTES Swainson. 205. Northern Flicker. _Colaptes auratus luteus_ (Bangs.). A rare bird of this Province, but is found on Vancouver Island and east to the Rocky Mountains. 206. Red-shafted Flicker. _Colaptes cafer collaris_ (Vigors). Common east of Cascade Mountains through the interior, at Duck's, Sicamous and Okanagan. 207. North-western Flicker. _Colaptes cafer saturatior_ (Ridgew.). Abundant resident west of Cascade Mountains; very common on Vancouver Island. Order MACROCHIRES. Goatsuckers, Swifts, etc. Family CAPRIMULGIDÆ. Goatsuckers. PHALÆNOPTILUS Ridgway. 208. Poor-will. _Phalænoptilis nuttallii_ (Aud.). Southern interior portions of Province from Kamloops through the Okanagan. Summer resident. CHORDEILES Swainson. 209. Nighthawk. _Chordeiles virginianus_ (Gmel.). An abundant summer resident east of Cascade Mountains. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. 210. Western Nighthawk. _Chordeiles virginianus henryi_ (Cass.). A summer resident west of Cascade Mountains. Abundant on Vancouver Island. Family MICROPODIDÆ. Swifts. CYPSELOIDES Streubel. 211. Black Swift. _Cypseloides niger borealis_ (Ridgw.). Common near Victoria during migration. Rev. J. H. Keen says only pass over at Metlakatla. Said to breed in mountains back of Chilliwhack and in the neighbourhood of Comox. (_Fannin_.) Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) CHÆTURA Stephens. 212. Vaux's Swift. _Chætura vauxii_ (Towns.). A summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland. I found it very common near Sicamous, May 28th, 1895. Family TROCHILIDÆ. Hummingbirds. TROCHILUS Linnæus. 213. Black-chinned Hummingbird. _Trochilus alexandri_ (Bourc. & Muls.). Confined to the Mainland. I have never seen it on Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. SELASPHORUS Swainson. 214. Red-backed Rufous Hummingbird. _Selasphorus rufus_ (Gmel.). An abundant summer resident west of Cascade Mountains, including Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan. Common at Metlakatla (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) 215. Green-backed Rufous Hummingbird. Allen's Hummingbird. _Selasphorus alleni_ (Hensh.). Eastern Cascade and Rocky Mountain districts. (_Fannin_.) STELLULA Gould. 216. Calliope Hummingbird. _Stellula calliope_ (Gould). East and west of Cascade Mountains. (_Fannin_.) Order PASSERES. Perching Birds. Family TYRANNIDÆ. Tyrant Flycatchers. TYRANNUS Cuvier. 217. Kingbird. _Tyrannus tyrannus_ (Linn.). A common summer resident on the Mainland at Chilliwhack, Sardis, Ducks and Vernon, and has been taken as far north as Port Simpson. Rare on Vancouver Island. 218. Gray Kingbird. _Tyrannus dominicensis_ (Gmel.). Accidentally in B. C. One specimen taken at Cape Beale, October 9, 1889, by Miss Cox, and presented to the Museum. 219. Arkansas Kingbird. _Tyrannus verticalis_ (Say). A common summer resident on the Mainland. I have found it quite common at Chilliwhack, Ducks and Okanagan, rarely west to Vancouver Island. SAYORNIS Bonaparte. 220. Say's Phoebe. _Sayornis saya_ (Bonap.). A summer resident. Not common on Vancouver Island, chiefly on Mainland in the interior. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. CONTOPUS Cabanis. 221. Olive-sided Flycatcher. _Contopus borealis_ (Swains.). A summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 222. Western Wood Pewee. _Contopus richardsonii_ (Swains.). A common summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland. Very common at Sicamous, May, 1895. EMPIDONAX Cabanis. 223. Western Flycatcher. _Empidonax difficilis_ (Baird). A common summer resident west of Cascade Mountains on Mainland and Vancouver Island. I also found it quite common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, July, 1895. 224. Traill's Flycatcher. _Empidonax trailli_ (Aud.). A summer resident. I have found it quite common on Vancouver Island and the Mainland at Sicamous and Vernon. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 225. Hammond's Flycatcher. _Empidonax hammondi_ (Xantus.). Summer resident. Chiefly on the Mainland, east and west of Cascade Mountains. A few have been taken on Vancouver Island. 226. Wright's Flycatcher. _Empidonax wrightii_ (Baird). Summer resident. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) Family ALAUDIDÆ. Larks. OTOCORIS Bonaparte. 227. Pallid Horned Lark. _Otocoris alpestris leucoloema_ (Coues.). Common in spring and autumn on Vancouver Island. Have taken it at Clover Point near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 228. Streaked Horned Lark. _Otocoris alpestris strigata_ (Hensh.). Spring and autumn migrant on Vancouver Island. Have taken it near Victoria in September. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. West of Cascades; taken at Burrard Inlet and Vancouver Island (_Fannin_). Fort Simpson by W. B. Anderson. 229. Dusky Horned Lark. _Otocoris alpestris merrilli_ (Dwight). Chiefly east of Cascades. I have never known it to be taken on Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Chas. de B. Green has taken it at Osoyoos. Family CORVIDÆ. Crows, Jays, Magpies. PICA Brisson. 230. American Magpie. _Pica pica hudsonica_ (Sab.). A common resident on the Mainland, rarely west to Vancouver Island. Breeds in the interior of the Mainland, east of Cascade Mountains. CYANOCITTA Strickland. 231. Steller's Jay. _Cyanocitta stelleri_ (Gmel.). An abundant resident west of Coast Range on Mainland and Vancouver Island throughout the year. 232. Black-headed Jay. _Cyanocitta stelleri annectens_ (Baird). This form is quite common in the interior from the Cascades east down through the Okanagan. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. 233. Queen Charlotte Jay. _Cyanocitta stelleri carlottæ_ (Osgood). Queen Charlotte Islands; not uncommon at Skidegate, August, 1895. PERISOREUS Bonaparte. 234. Rocky Mountain Jay. _Perisoreus canadensis capitalis_ (Ridgw.). East of Cascade Mountains. Taken at Okanagan and in the Caribou District by A. C. Brooks. 235. Oregon Jay. _Perisoreus obscurus_ (Ridgw.). An abundant resident west of Cascades, on the Mainland, but not so numerous on Vancouver Island. 236. Gray Jay. _Perisoreus obscurus griseus_ (Ridgw.). California to British Columbia, east of the Coast and Cascade Ranges. (_Ridgway_.) CORVUS Linnæus. 237. Northern Raven. _Corvus corax principalis_ (Ridgw.). A resident throughout the Province; more common on the Coast. I have seen it quite common at Clayoquot, V. I., and in August, 1895, it was very common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Common at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) 238. American Crow. _Corvus brachyrhynchos_ (Brehm.) Common east of Coast Range; common at Sicamous, May, 1895. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. 239. Northwest Crow. _Corvus caurinus_ (Baird). An abundant resident west of Cascade Mountains, on Mainland and Vancouver Island, and fairly common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, July, 1895. NUCIFRAGA Brisson. 240. Clarke's Nutcracker. _Nucifraga columbiana_ (Wils.). A common resident on the Mainland, chiefly east of the Coast Range. Rare on Vancouver Island. CYANOCEPHALUS Bonaparte. 241. Blue Crow. Piñon Jay. _Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus_ (Wied.). Rocky Mountain region to the Pacific Coast Ranges, but rather more southerly; north to British Columbia; south to Lower California.--"Key to N. A. Birds (Coues), Fifth Edition." Family ICTERIDÆ. Blackbirds, Orioles, Etc. DOLICHONYX Swainson. 242. Bobolink. _Dolichonyx oryzivorus_ (Linn.) East and west of Cascade Mountains. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. MOLOTHRUS Swainson. 243. Cowbird. _Molothrus ater_ (Bodd.). A summer resident. I have found it fairly common in the neighbourhood of Ducks, on C. P. R., and Okanagan. It is a rare straggler on Vancouver Island; it has been taken near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it rare at Metlakatla. XANTHOCEPHALUS Bonaparte. 244. Yellow-headed Blackbird. _Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus_ (Bonap.). A rare summer resident on the Mainland. I have heard of it at Vernon. Fannin has found it above Clinton, on the Cariboo Road. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. AGELAIUS Vieillot. 245. San Diego Redwing. _Agelaius phoeniceus neutralis_ (Ridgw.). Breeding range north, to eastern British Columbia. (_Ridgway_.) East of Cascades I found this form quite common near Vernon, June, 1895. 246. Northwestern Red-wing. _Agelaius phoeniceus caurinus_ (Ridgw.). Common west of Cascades, on Mainland and Vancouver Island; it is found throughout the year near Victoria. STURNELLA Vieillot. 247. Western Meadowlark. _Sturnella magna neglecta_ (Aud.). Abundant resident on Mainland and Vancouver Island, east and west of Cascades. ICTERUS Brisson. 248. Bullock's Oriole. _Icterus bullocki_ (Swains.). A fairly common summer resident, chiefly east of Cascades. I found it breeding along the valley of the Thompson and in the Okanagan, near Vernon, May and June, 1895. Mr. Brooks has found it breeding at Chilliwhack. EUPHAGUS Cassin. 249. Rusty Blackbird. _Euphagus carolinus_ (Muller). Rare. One specimen shot at Metlakatla by Rev. J. H. Keen, November, 26th, 1901, and presented by him to the Museum. 250. Brewer's Blackbird. _Euphagus cyanocephalus_ (Wagler.). Common, and generally distributed on the Mainland; quite common in the Lower Fraser Valley, Grand Prairie, south side of Thompson River, down into the Okanagan country. Breeding in suitable localities. Not common on Vancouver Island; a few have been taken near Victoria. Family FRINGILLIDÆ. Finches, Sparrows, Etc. HESPERIPHONA Bonaparte. 251. Western Evening Grosbeak. _Hesperiphona vespertina montana_ (Ridgw.). Chiefly on the Mainland. West in winter to Vancouver Island and Lower Fraser Valley. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okaiiagan by A. C. B. PINICOLA Vieillot. 252. Alaskan Pine Grosbeak. _Pinicola enucleator alascensis_ (Ridgw.). Mainland east and west of Cascade Mountains. Common in winter in the neighbourhood of Clinton. Mr. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Rare at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) CARPODACUS Kaup. 253. California Purple Finch. _Carpodacus purpureus californicus_ (Baird). An abundant summer resident west of Cascades. Quite a number winter on Vancouver Island. 254. Cassin's Purple Finch. _Carpodacus cassini_ (Baird). East of Cascades to Rocky Mountains. Tolerably common. LOXIA Linnæus. 255. American Crossbill. _Loxia curvirostra minor_ (Brehm.). An abundant resident throughout the Province, Island and Mainland. 256. White-winged Crossbill. _Loxia leucoptera_ (Gmel.). An abundant resident chiefly on the Mainland, occasionally west to Vancouver Island. LEUCOSTICTE Swainson. 257. Gray-crowned Leucosticte. _Leucosticte tephrocotis_ (Swains.). Rocky Mountain district. In winter, occasionally west to Cascades. Mr. Brooks has taken it as far west as Chilliwhack. 258. Hepburn's Leucosticte. _Leucosticte tephrocotis littoralis_ (Baird). Common on the Mainland from the Coast to Rocky Mountains. Breeds above timber line in the interior. ACANTHIS Bechstein. 259. Hoary Redpoll. _Acanthis hornemannii exilipes_ (Coues.). Mouth of Quesnelle, S. Williams. Chilliwhack, A. C. Brooks. 260. Redpoll. _Acanthis linaria_ (Linn.). The Province at large, but more abundant in the Rocky Mountain district. West in winter to Vancouver Island. ASTRAGALINUS Cabanis. 261. American Goldfinch. _Astragalinus tristis_ (Linn.). Both slopes of Cascades to Rocky Mountains on the Mainland. Taken at Okanagan by A. C. Brooks. 262. Willow Goldfinch. _Astragalinus tristis salicamans_ (Grinnell). Taken at Okanagan by A. C. Brooks. SPINUS Koch. 263. Pine Siskin. _Spinus pinus_ (Wils.). An abundant resident throughout the Province. Breeds throughout its range. PASSER Brisson. 264. House Sparrow. _Passer domesticus_ (Linn.). This bird has now become quite common in the cities along the Coast. PASSERINA (Vieill). 265. Snowflake. _Passerina nivalis_ (Linn.). Not common on Vancouver Island. More abundant east of Cascades on the Mainland. CALCARIUS Bechstein. 266. Lapland Longspur. _Calcarius lapponicus_ (Linn.). The Province at large, but nowhere common. It has been taken a Victoria, Chilliwhack, Burrard Inlet, Okanagan, Fort Simpson and Metlakatla. RHYNCHOPHANES Baird. 267. McCown's Longspur. _Rhynchophanes mccownii_ (Lawr.). Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. POOECETES Baird. 268. Western Vesper Sparrow. _Pooecetes gramineus confinis_ (Baird). Interior portions of the Mainland east of Cascades, and in the Okanagan. 269. Oregon Vesper Sparrow. _Pooecetes gramineus affinis_ (Miller). West of Cascades, including Vancouver Island. PASSERCULUS Bonaparte. 270. Sandwich Sparrow. _Passerculus sandwichensis_ (Gmel.). An abundant summer resident west of Cascades on the Mainland, including Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan. 271. Western Savanna Sparrow. _Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus_ (Bonaparte). A common summer resident on the Coast, including Vancouver Island. COTURNICULUS Bonaparte. 272. Western Grasshopper Sparrow. _Coturniculus savannarum bimaculatus_ (Swainson). A summer resident in the Okanagan, near Vernon. (_Brooks_.) CHONDESTES Swainson. 273. Western Lark Sparrow. _Chondestes grammacus strigatus_ (Swains.). Interior southern portions of the Mainland, from Chilliwhack east through the Okanagan. ZONOTRICHIA Swainson. 274. Harris's Sparrow. _Zonotrichia querula_ (Nutt.). Cadbora Bay, near Victoria, October, 1894, A. H. Maynard; Comox, November, 1894, W. B. Anderson; Sumas (Lower Fraser), 10th January, 1895, A. C. Brooks. 275. Gambel's Sparrow. _Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii_ (Nutt.). Mainland, east of Coast Range, east to Okanagan. Common. 276. Nuttall's Sparrow. _Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli_ (Ridgw.). An abundant summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland, west of Cascades. 277. Golden-crowned Sparrow. _Zonotrichia coronata_ (Pallas.). Abundant during migrations on the Coast; have also taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. SPIZELLA Bonaparte. 278. Western Tree Sparrow. _Spizella monticola ochracea_ (Brewst.). Chilliwhack and Okanagan, A. C. Brooks; Victoria, A. H. Maynard. 279. Western Chipping Sparrow. _Spizella socialis arizonæ_ (Coues.). An abundant summer resident east and west of Cascades. Breeds in the neighbourhood of this City. Also a number remain throughout the winter. 280. Clay-coloured Sparrow. _Spizella pallida_ (Swains.). Carpenter's Mountain, 150-Mile House, Cariboo, July 3rd, 1901. (_Brooks_.) 281. Brewer's Sparrow. _Spizella breweri_ (Cass.). Eastern Cascades and Rocky Mountains districts. Similkameen, R. V. Griffin; Okanagan, A. C. Brooks. JUNCO Wagler. 282. Slate-coloured Junco. _Junco hyemalis_ (Linn.). Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. 283. Oregon Junco. _Junco hyemalis oreganus_ (Townsend). Abundant resident west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island. 284. Shufeldt's Junco. _Junco hyemalis shufeldti_ (Coale). Breeding from interior British Columbia (Stuarts Lake) east to Rocky Mountains, south to Vancouver Island. MELOSIPZA Baird. 285. Rusty Song Sparrow. _Melosipza cinerea morphna_ (Oberh.). An abundant resident throughout the Province. Breeds on Vancouver Island and Mainland. 286. Sooty Song Sparrow. _Melosipza cinerea rufina_ (Bonap.). An abundant resident, chiefly along the coast of Mainland and Vancouver Island. I found it quite common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, August, 1895. 287. Lincoln's Sparrow. _Melosipza lincolnii_ (Aud.). Not common. East and west of Cascades; a few have been taken near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Okanagan. 288. Forbush's Sparrow. _Melosipza lincolnii striata_ (Brewst.). Collected at Comox, September, 1888, by E. H. Forbush. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. PASSERELLA Swainson. 289. Townsend's Sparrow. _Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis_ (Gmel.). A common summer resident west of Cascades. A few remain throughout the winter on Vancouver Island; I have taken it in November and January. 290. Slate-coloured Sparrow. _Passerella iliaca schistacea_ (Baird). Southern portions of Mainland, east of Cascades. Sicamous, J. Fannin, Okanagan, A. C. Brooks. PIPILO Vieillot. 291. Spurred Towhee. _Pipilo maculatus megalonyx_ (Baird). East of Cascades, south through the Okanagan. 292. Oregon Towhee. _Pipilo maculatus oregonus_ (Bell.). An abundant resident west of Cascades. Breeds on Vancouver Island and Mainland. ZAMELODIA Coues. 293. Black-headed Grosbeak. _Zamelodia melanocephala_ (Swains). A summer resident on Vancouver Island. Taken at Chilliwhack. (_Brooks_.) A summer resident east and west of Cascades. (_Fannin_.) CYANOSPIZA Baird. 294. Lazuli Bunting. _Cyanospiza amoena_ (Say.). A summer resident chiefly east of Cascades. I have seen it at Chilliwhack and near Vernon. Rare on Vancouver Island. Family TANAGRIDÆ. Tanagers. PIRANGA Vieillot. 295. Louisiana Tanager. _Piranga ludoviciana_ (Wils.). An abundant summer resident throughout the Province. Vancouver Island and Mainland. Family HIRUNDINIDÆ. Swallows. PROGNE Boie. 296. Purple Martin. _Progne subis_ (Linn.). A common summer resident chiefly in the cities along the Coast. West of Cascades. PETROCHELIDON Cabanis. 297. Cliff Swallow. _Petrochelidon lunifrons_ (Say.). Common summer resident on the Mainland east and west of Cascades, Chilliwhack, Okanagan and Cariboo Road. HIRUNDO Linn. 298. Barn Swallow. _Hirundo erythrogastra_ (Bodd). An abundant summer resident throughout the Province, including Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands. TACHYCINETA Cabanis. 299. White-bellied Swallow. _Tachycineta bicolor_ (Vieill.). An abundant summer resident east and west of Cascades. 300. Northern Violet-green Swallow. _Tachycineta thalassina lepida_ (Mearns). An abundant summer resident throughout the Province, east and west of Cascades. RIPARIA Forester. 301. Bank Swallow. _Riparia riparia_ (Linn.). An abundant summer resident, chiefly east of Cascades, north to Cariboo District. Very common from Sicamous down through the Okanagan. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. STELGIDOPTERYX Baird. 302. Rough-winged Swallow. _Stelgidopteryx serripennis_ (Aud.). A common summer resident throughout the Province. Vancouver Island and Mainland. Family AMPELIDÆ. Waxwings. AMPELIS Linnæus. 303. Bohemian Waxwing. _Ampelis garrulus_ (Linn.). An abundant resident chiefly east of Cascades. A winter visitant to the Coast and Vancouver Island. 304. Cedar Bird. _Ampelis cedrorum_ (Vieill.). A common summer resident throughout the Province. Vancouver Island and Mainland. Family LANIIDÆ. Shrikes. LANIUS Linnæus. 305. Northern Shrike. Butcher-bird. _Lanius borealis_ (Vieill.). Not common, but found distributed throughout the Province. Found throughout the winter on the Coast. 306. White-rumped Shrike. _Lanis ludovicianus excubitorides_ (Swains.). Chilliwhack, A. C. Brooks. Victoria, A. H. Maynard. Family VIREONIDÆ. Vireos. VIREO Vieillot. 307. Red-eyed Vireo. _Vireo olivaceus_ (Linn.). Distributed over the southern portions of the Province, including Vancouver Island. A summer resident. Chilliwhack and Okanagan, A. C. Brooks. 308. Western Warbling Vireo. _Vireo gilvus swainsonii_ (Baird). Common summer resident, west of Rocky Mountains to Pacific. Mainland and Vancouver Island. 309. Cassin's Vireo. _Vireo solitarius cassinii_ (Xantus.). A summer resident east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island. 310. Anthony's Vireo. _Vireo huttoni obscurus_ (Anthony). A summer resident on Vancouver Island. Family MNIOTILTIDÆ. Wood Warblers. HELMINTHOPHILA Ridgway. 311. Calaveras Warbler. _Helminthophila ruficapilla gutturalis_ (Ridgw.). Rocky Mountains to Pacific. A summer resident. Common in the Okanagan. (_Brooks_.) 312. Orange-crowned Warbler. _Helminthophila celata_ (Say.). A common summer resident east and west of Cascades. 313. Lutescent Warbler. _Helminthophila celata lutescens_ (Ridgw.). An abundant summer resident, chiefly west of Cascades, along the coast of Mainland and Vancouver Island. 314. Tennessee Warbler. _Helminthophila peregrina_ (Wils.). Taken at 150-Mile House, Cariboo, by A. C. Brooks. DENDROICA Gray. 315. Alaskan Yellow Warbler. _Dendroica æstiva rubiginosa_ (Pallas). An abundant summer resident throughout the Province, from Rocky Mountains to the Pacific. 316. Myrtle Warbler. _Dendroica coronata_ (Linn.). An abundant summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland, chiefly west of Cascades. Rare at Metlakatla. (_Rev. J. H. Keen_.) Okanagan. (_Brooks_). 317. Audubon's Warbler. _Dendroica auduboni_ (Towns.). An abundant summer resident throughout the Province, Vancouver Island and Mainland east to Rocky Mountains. 318. Magnolia Warbler. _Dendroica maculosa_ (Gmel.). Okanagan, 1898 (_Rhoads_). 319. Black-throated Gray Warbler. _Dendroica nigrescens_ (Towns.). Not common. A summer resident west of Cascades, but chiefly along the Coast. Taken at Chilliwhack (_Brooks_). 320. Townsend's Warbler. _Dendroica townsendi_ (Townsend.). Not common, but found distributed throughout the Province, chiefly west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands. 321. Hermit Warbler. Western Warbler. _Dendroica occidentalis_ (Townsend). A summer resident, chiefly west of Cascade Range. SEIURUS Swainson. 322. Grinnell's Water-thrush. _Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis_ (Ridgw.). Taken at Ducks, C. P. R., by Clark P. Streator, August 7th, 1889. Taken at Quesnel, August 30th, 1900, by A. C. Brooks. GEOTHLYPIS Cabanis. 323. Macgillivray's Warbler. _Geothlypis tolmiei_ (Towns.). A common summer resident throughout the Province, Vancouver Island and Mainland. 324. Western Yellow-throat. _Geothlypis trichas occidentalis_ (Brewst.). A common summer resident throughout the Province. 325. Pacific Yellow-throat. _Geothlypis trichas arizela_ (Oberh.) Summer resident in the southern portion of Mainland and Vancouver Island. ICTERIA Vieillot. 326. Long-tailed Chat. _Icteria virens longicauda_ (Lawr.). Summer resident in the southern portions of the Province, from Sumas east to Okanagan, south of Ashcroft. WILSONIA Bonaparte. 327. Wilson's Warbler. _Wilsonia pusilla_ (Wils.). Vancouver Island and Mainland, east and west of Cascades. S. N. Rhoads, 1892 (_Fannin_.) 328. Pileolated Warbler. _Wilsonia pusilla pileolata_ (Pall.). A common summer resident on Vancouver Island and Mainland. 329. Golden Pileolated Warbler. _Wilsonia pusilla chryseola_ (Ridgw.). A summer resident, New Westminster and Mount Lehman. SETOPHAGA Swainson. 330. American Redstart. _Setophaga ruticilla_ (Linn.). Found through the interior of the Province, from Barkerville south to Okanagan, chiefly east of, and accidentally west of, Cascades. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. Family MOTACILLIDÆ. Wagtails and Pipits. ANTHUS Bechstein. 331. American Pipit. _Anthus pensilvanicus_ (Lath.). Very abundant during migration, east and west of Cascades. Found throughout some winters on Vancouver Island. Family CINCLIDÆ. Dippers. CINCLUS Bechstein. 332. American Dipper. _Cinclus mexicanus_ (Swains.). Common throughout the Province in suitable localities. Family TROGLODYTIDÆ. Wrens. GALEOSCOPTES Cabanis. 333. Catbird. _Galeoscoptes carolinensis_ (Linn.). A common summer resident east and west of Cascades. Rare on Vancouver Island. SALPINCTES Cabanis. 334. Rock Wren. _Salpinctes obsoletus_ (Say.). Common east of Cascades, rarely west to the Coast. Chilliwhack. (_Brooks_.) Burrard Inlet. (_Fannin_.) THRYOMANES Sclater. 335. Vigor's Wren. _Thryomanes bewickii spilurus_ (Vig.). A common summer resident west of Cascades. Found throughout the winter on Vancouver Island. TROGLODYTES Vieillot. 336. Parkman's Wren. _Troglodytes aëdon parkmanii_ (Aud.). A common summer resident east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island. OLBIORCHILUS Oberholser. 337. Western Winter Wren. _Olbiorchilus hiemalis pacificus_ (Baird). An abundant resident east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island. TELMATODYTES Cabanis. 338. Tule Wren. _Telmatodytes palustris paludicola_ (Baird). Abundant east of Cascades, from the lakes along the Cariboo Road, south through the Okanagan. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. Family CERTHIIDÆ. Creepers. CERTHIA Linnæus. 339. Rocky Mountain Creeper. _Certhia familiaris montana_ (Ridgw.). Southern portion of east of Cascades. Okanagan. 340. California Creeper. _Certhia familiaris occidentalis_ (Ridgw.). Common on Vancouver Island. East and west of Cascades on the Mainland. Family SITTIDÆ. Nuthatches. SITTA Linnæus. 341. Slender-billed Nuthatch. _Sitta carolinensis aculeata_ (Cass.). Common east of Cascades, from Ashcroft south through the Okanagan. I found it quite common near Shuswap, May, 1895. 342. Red-breasted Nuthatch. _Sitta canadensis_ (Linn.). Common east and west of Cascades. Found throughout the winter on Vancouver Island. 343. Pygmy Nuthatch. _Sitta pygmæa_ (Vig.). East of Cascades, in the south-eastern portions of the Province. I found it fairly common at Grand Prairie, May, 1895. Family PARIDÆ. Titmice or Chickadees. PARUS Linnæus. 344. Long-tailed Chickadee. _Parus atricapillus septentrionalis_ (Harris.). Common east of Cascades, from Cornwall's south to Okanagan. 345. Oregon Chickadee. _Parus atricapillus occidentalis_ (Baird.). A common resident west of Cascades. 346. Mountain Chickadee. _Parus gambeli_ (Ridgw.). East of Cascades to Rocky Mountains, and south through Okanagan. 347. Columbia Chickadee. _Parus hudsonicus columbianus_ (Rhoads). East of Cascades to Rocky Mountains, from Cassiar District south to Okanagan. 348. Chestnut-backed Chickadee. _Parus rufescens_ (Towns.). An abundant resident chiefly west of Cascades. Vancouver Island and Queen Charlotte Islands. Taken at Arrow Lake by A. C. Brooks. Family CHAMÆIDÆ. Wren, Tits and Bush-Tits. PSALTRIPARUS Bonaparte. 349. Least Bush-tit. _Psaltriparus minimus_ (Towns.). Rare. Taken at Sumas, November 25, 1899, by A. C. Brooks. Family SYLVIIDÆ. Warblers. Kinglets. REGULUS Cuvier. 350. Western Golden-crowned Kinglet. _Regulus satrapa olivaceus_ (Baird). Abundant throughout the Province. 351. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. _Regulus calendula_ (Linn.). Abundant throughout the Province. Family TURDIDÆ. Thrushes, Solitaires and Bluebirds. MYADESTES Swainson. 352. Townsend's Solitaire. _Myadestes townsendii_ (Aud.). Not common. Found east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island. HYLOCICHLA Baird. 353. Willow Thrush. _Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola_ (Ridgw.). A common summer resident east of Cascades. 354. Russet-backed Thrush. _Hylocichla ustulata_ (Nutt.). A common summer resident west of Cascades. Very common on Queen Charlotte Islands, July, 1895. 355. Olive-backed Thrush. _Hylocichla ustulata swainsoni_ (Cab.). Southern portion of Mainland east of Cascades. 356. Alaska Hermit Thrush. _Hylocichla guttata_ (Pallas). West of Cascades, chiefly coastwise. Common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, August, 1895. 357. Audubon's Hermit Thrush. _Hylocichla guttata auduboni_ (Baird). Southern portions of the Province, east of Cascades to Rocky Mountains. MERULA Leach. 358. American Robin. _Merula migratoria_ (Linn.). Both forms are to be found on Vancouver Island. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks. 359. Western Robin. _Merula migratoria propinqua_ (Ridgw.). An abundant resident throughout the Province. IXOREUS Bonaparte. 360. Varied Thrush. _Ixoreus nævius_ (Gmel.). Common throughout the Province, east and west of Cascades. SIALIA Swainson. 361. Western Bluebird. _Sialia mexicana occidentalis_ (Towns.). A common summer resident east and west of Cascades. A few winter on Vancouver Island. 362. Mountain Bluebird. _Sialia arctica_ (Swains.). A summer resident east and west of Cascades, including Vancouver Island. INDEX. A. No. Albatross, Black-footed 35 Albatross, Short-tailed 36 Auklet, Rhinoceros 12 Auklet, Cassin's 13 B. Bittern, American 88 Blackbird, Yellow-headed 244 Blackbird, San Diego Redwing 245 Blackbird, North-western 246 Blackbird, Rusty 249 Blackbird, Brewer's 250 Bluebird, Western 361 Bluebird, Mountain 362 Bobolink 242 Brant 82 Brant, Black 83 Bunting, Lazuli 294 Bush-tit, Least 349 C. Catbird 333 Chat, Long-tailed 326 Chickadee, Long-tailed 344 Chickadee, Oregon 345 Chickadee, Mountain 346 Chickadee, Columbia 347 Chickadee, Chestnut-backed 348 Cormorant, White-crested 43 Cormorant, Brandt's 44 Cormorant, Violet-green 45 Cowbird 243 Coot, American 96 Crane, Little Brown 92 Crane, Sandhill 93 Creeper, Rocky Mountain 339 Creeper, California 340 Crow, American 238 Crow, Northwest 239 Crossbill, American 255 Crossbill, White-winged 256 Cuckoo, Western Yellow-billed 188 Curlew, Long-billed 122 Curlew, Hudsonian 123 D. Dipper, American 332 Dove, Mourning 148 Dowitcher, Long-billed 101 Duck, Mallard 51 Duck, Gadwall 52 Duck, European Widgeon 53 Duck, American Widgeon 54 Duck, Green-winged Teal 55 Duck, Blue-winged Teal 56 Duck, Cinnamon Teal 57 Duck, Shoveller 58 Duck, Pintail 59 Duck, Wood 60 Duck, Red-head 61 Duck, Canvas-back 62 Duck, American Scaup 63 Duck, Lesser Scaup 64 Duck, Ring-necked 65 Duck, American Golden-eye 66 Duck, Barrow's Golden-rye 67 Duck, Buffle-head 68 Duck, Long-tailed 69 Duck, Harlequin 70 Duck, American Black Scoter 71 Duck, White-winged Scoter 72 Duck, Surf Scoter 73 Duck, Ruddy 74 E. Eagle, Golden 160 Eagle, Bald 161 F. Falcon, Prairie 163 Falcon, Peale's 165 Finch, California Purple 253 Finch, Cassin's Purple 254 Flycatcher, Olive-sided 221 Flycatcher, Western 223 Flycatcher, Traill's 224 Flycatcher, Hammond's 225 Flycatcher, Wright's 226 Flicker, Northern 205 Flicker, Red-shafted 206 Flicker, North-western 207 Fulmar, Pacific 37 G. Godwit, Marbled 112 Goose, Lesser Snow 75 Goose, Ross's Snow 76 Goose, American White-fronted 77 Goose, Canada 78 Goose, Hutchin's 79 Goose, White-cheeked 80 Goose, Cackling 81 Goose, Emperor 84 Goldfinch, American 261 Goldfinch, Willow 262 Grebe, Western 1 Grebe, American Red-necked 2 Grebe, Horned 3 Grebe, American Eared 4 Grebe, Pied-billed 5 Grouse, Sooty 134 Grouse, Richardson's 135 Grouse, Franklin's 136 Grouse, Canadian Ruffed 137 Grouse, Gray Ruffed 138 Grouse, Oregon Ruffed 139 Grouse, Columbian Sharp-tailed 143 Grouse, Sage 144 Grosbeak, Western Evening 251 Grosbeak, Alaskan Pine 252 Grosbeak, Black-headed 293 Guillemot, Pigeon 16 Gull, Ivory 21 Gull, Glaucous-winged 23 Gull, Western 24 Gull, American 25 Gull, California 26 Gull, Ring-billed 27 Gull, Short-billed 28 Gull, Heermann's 29 Gull, Bonaparte's 30 Gull, Sabine's 31 Gyrfalcon 162 H. Hawk, Marsh 151 Hawk, Sharp-shinned 152 Hawk, Cooper's 153 Hawk, American Goshawk 154 Hawk, Western Goshawk 155 Hawk, Western Red-tailed 156 Hawk, Red-bellied 157 Hawk, Swainson's 158 Hawk, American Rough-legged 159 Hawk, Duck 164 Hawk, Pigeon 166 Hawk, Desert Sparrow 169 Heron, Great Blue 89 Heron, North-west Coast 90 Heron, Snowy 91 Hummingbird, Black-chinned 213 Hummingbird, Red-backed Rufous 214 Hummingbird, Green-backed Rufous 215 Hummingbird, Calliope 216 I. Ibis, White-faced Glossy 87 J. Jaeger, Parasitic 19 Jaeger, Pomarine 18 Jaeger, Long-tailed 20 Jay, Steller's 231 Jay, Black-headed 232 Jay, Queen Charlotte 233 Jay, Rocky Mountain 234 Jay, Oregon 235 Jay, Gray 236 Jay, Piñon 241 Junco, Slate-colored 282 Junco, Oregon 283 Junco, Shufeldt's 284 K. Kittiwake, Pacific 22 Kingfisher, Belted 189 Kingbird 217 Kingbird, Gray 218 Kingbird, Arkansas 219 Kinglet, Western Golden-crowned 350 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned 351 Knot 103 L. Lark, Pallid Horned 227 Lark, Streaked Horned 228 Lark, Dusky Horned 229 Lencosticte, Gray-crowned 257 Lencosticte, Hepburn's 258 Longspur, Lapland 266 Longspur, McCown's 267 Loon, Great Northern Diver 6 Loon, Black-throated 7 Loon, Pacific 8 Loon, Red-throated 9 M. Martin, Purple 296 Magpie, American 230 Meadowlark, Western 247 Merlin, Black 167 Merlin, Richardson's 168 Merganser, American 48 Merganser, Red-breasted 49 Merganser, Hooded 50 Murrelet, Ancient 14 Murrelet, Marbled 15 Murre, California 17 N. Nighthawk 207 Nighthawk, Western 208 Nutcracker, Clarke's 240 Nuthatch, Slender-billed 341 Nuthatch, Red-breasted 342 Nuthatch, Pygmy 343 O. Oriele, Bullock's 248 Osprey, American 170 Owl, American Long-eared 171 Owl, Short-eared 172 Owl, Northern Spotted 173 Owl, Great Gray 174 Owl, Richardson's 175 Owl, Saw-whet 176 Owl, North-West Saw-whet 176A Owl, Kennicott's Screech 177 Owl, Macfarlane's Screech 178 Owl, Great Horned 179 Owl, Western Horned 180 Owl, Arctic Horned 181 Owl, Dusky Horned 182 Owl, Snowy 183 Owl, American Hawk 184 Owl, Burrowing 185 Owl, Pygmy 186 Owl, California Pygmy 187 Oyster-catcher, Black 131 P. Partridge, Mountain 132 Partridge, California 133 Pelican, American White 46 Pelican, California Brown 47 Petrel, Gray Fork-tailed 41 Petrel, Leach's 42 Pewee, Western Wood 222 Phalarope, Red 97 Phalarope, Northern 98 Phalarope, Wilson's 99 Pheasant, Ring-necked 145 Phoebe, Say's 220 Pigeon, Band-tailed 146 Pigeon, Passenger 147 Pipit, American 331 Plover, American Golden 125 Plover, Black-bellied 124 Plover, Killdeer 126 Plover, Semipalmated 127 Poor-Will 208 Ptarmigan, Willow 140 Ptarmigan, Rock 141 Ptarmigan, White-tailed 142 Puffin, Tufted 10 Puffin, Horned 11 R. Rail, Virginia 94 Rail, Carolina 95 Raven, Northern 237 Redpoll, Hoary 259 Redpoll 260 Redstart, American 330 Robin, American 358 Robin, Western 359 S. Sanderling 111 Sandpiper, Stilt 102 Sandpiper, Sharp-tailed 104 Sandpiper, Pectoral 105 Sandpiper, Baird's 106 Sandpiper, Least 107 Sandpiper, Red-backed 108 Sandpiper, Semipal mated 109 Sandpiper, Western Semipalmated 110 Sandpiper, Solitary 115 Sandpiper, Western Solitary 116 Sandpiper, Bartramian 119 Sandpiper, Buff-breasted 120 Sandpiper, Spotted 121 Sapsucker, Red-naped 200 Sapsucker, Red-breasted 201 Sapsucker, Williamson's 202 Shrike, Northern 305 Shrike, White-rumped 306 Shearwater, Black-vented 38 Shearwater, Dark-bodied 39 Shearwater, Slender-billed 40 Siskin, Pine 263 Snipe, Wilson's 100 Snowflake 265 Solitaire, Townsend's 352 Sparrow, House 264 Sparrow, Western Vesper 268 Sparrow, Oregon Vesper 269 Sparrow, Sandwick 270 Sparrow, Western Savanna 271 Sparrow, Western Grasshopper 272 Sparrow, Western Lark 273 Sparrow, Harris's 274 Sparrow, Gambel's 275 Sparrow, Nuttall's 276 Sparrow, Golden-crowned 277 Sparrow, Western Tree 278 Sparrow, Western Chipping 279 Sparrow, Clay-colored 280 Sparrow, Brewer's 281 Sparrow, Rusty Song 285 Sparrow, Sooty Song 286 Sparrow, Lincoln's 287 Sparrow, Forbush's 288 Sparrow, Townsend's 289 Sparrow, Slate-coloured 290 Surf-bird 128 Swan, Whistling 85 Swan, Trumpeter 86 Swallow, Cliff 297 Swallow, Barn 298 Swallow, White-bellied 299 Swallow, Northern violet-green 300 Swallow, Bank 301 Swallow, Rough-winged 302 Swift, Black 211 Swift, Vaux 212 T. Tanager, Louisaria 295 Tatler, Wandering 118 Tern, Common 32 Tern, Arctic 33 Tern, Black 34 Thrush, Willow 353 Thrush, Russet-backed 354 Thrush, Olive-backed 355 Thrush, Alaska Hermit 356 Thrush, Audubon's 357 Thrush, Varied 360 Towhee, Spurred 291 Towhee, Oregon 292 Turnstone 129 Turnstone, Black 130 V. Vireo, Red-eyed 307 Vireo, Western Warbling 308 Vireo, Cassin's 309 Vireo, Anthony's 310 Vulture, California 149 Vulture, Turkey 150 W. Warbler, Calaver's 311 Warbler, Orange-crowned 312 Warbler, Lutescent 313 Warbler, Tennessee 314 Warbler, Alaskan Yellow 315 Warbler, Myrtle 316 Warbler, Audubon's 317 Warbler, Magnolia 318 Warbler, Black-throated Gray 319 Warbler, Townsend's 320 Warbler, Macgillivray's 323 Warbler, Hermit 321 Warbler, Western Yellow-throat 324 Warbler, Pacific Yellow-throat 325 Warbler, Wilson's 327 Warbler, Pileolated 328 Warbler, Golden Pileolated 329 Water-thrush, Grinnell's 322 Waxwing, Bohemian 303 Waxwing, Cedar 304 Willett, Western 117 Woodpecker, Northern Hairy 190 Woodpecker, Harris's 191 Woodpecker, Cabanis's 192 Woodpecker, Queen Charlotte 193 Woodpecker, Gairdner's 194 Woodpecker, Batchelder's 195 Woodpecker, White-headed 196 Woodpecker, Black-backed Three-toed 197 Woodpecker, Alaskan Three-toed 198 Woodpecker, Alpine Three-toed 199 Woodpecker, Northern Pileated 203 Woodpecker, Lewis's 204 Wren, Rock 334 Wren, Vigor's 335 Wren, Parkman's 336 Wren, Western Winter 337 Wren, Tule 338 Y. 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