The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Aldine speller, part one This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Aldine speller, part one for grades one and two Author: Catherine T. Bryce Frank J. Sherman Release date: March 23, 2022 [eBook #67693] Language: English Original publication: United States: Newson & Company Credits: hekula03 and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE ALDINE SPELLER, PART ONE *** THE ALDINE SPELLER PART ONE FOR GRADES ONE AND TWO BY CATHERINE T. BRYCE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. AND FRANK J. SHERMAN FORMERLY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS MONSON, MASS. [Illustration] NEW YORK NEWSON & COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY NEWSON & COMPANY. _All rights reserved._ PREFACE To teachers and the public alike, probably no subject taught in the public schools has been more disappointing than spelling. This disappointment is undoubtedly due to: 1. Defective material for study and poor methods of teaching; 2. Too much testing and too little teaching; 3. Finding errors rather than preventing them; 4. The use of a theoretical, rather than the practical, vocabulary of children and adults. The teaching of spelling must be done from a spelling book in the hands of the children, since the individual teacher does not have the time to prepare lists of words which will produce as good results as the lists given in a spelling book, the selection and preparation of which are the result of years of special observation and testing. A plan of teaching spelling to secure the best results should consist of a thoughtful, systematic, and comprehensive presentation of the words and spelling facts which every pupil must learn. It must contain an adequate and simple system of phonics for the primary grades, since a large percentage of the words in common use are purely phonetic and present no spelling difficulties once a sane and practical phonetic foundation is fixed. It must have a vocabulary selected and graded with such care that it will give the child the ability to spell correctly those words which he needs to use in his written work, and that it will also develop and broaden his vocabulary for his future needs. It should contain suitable directions and hints to the teacher, sufficiently removed from the pupil’s text so that he may not be confused by them. It may, and in many grades should, contain information and suggestions to the pupil that will help him to master the many peculiarly non-phonetic words which present their individual problems and must be individually mastered. It should contain a very few of the most important spelling rules simply stated. It should contain a large variety of sentences for dictation, which may wisely take the form of gems of thought. Such a plan, well taught, constantly supplemented by the teacher with such words as the peculiar difficulties of individual pupils and classes may require, will produce a maximum of ability to spell correctly. In the Aldine Speller the authors have presented a plan of teaching which in actual results has proved singularly effective. The vocabulary has been selected and graded with unusual care to meet the actual needs of life and to develop a spelling sense. In its preparation a careful comparison was made of the vocabularies of several of the most popular spelling books of the day in respect to both gradation and selection. Paralleling this, the various recent tests and investigations, notably those of Ayres, Jones, and Cook and O’Shea, have been checked. The resulting vocabulary is thought to represent the real writing vocabulary of the average child of the grade in which it is taught. Special and repeated drills are given on the real trouble makers—the one hundred and more words that comprise four-fifths of the misspelled words of the schoolroom. In the primary grades use is made of exceptionally valuable phonetic lists. Emphasis is placed upon this important and very practical foundation for the development of a spelling sense, and its mastery in the primary grades will do much to train children to spell correctly. A few comparatively uncommon words are used in these lists chiefly for the value of the phonetic drill. As every error creates a tendency, and if repeated quickly establishes a habit, it is important that the correct spelling of words be taught before children have occasion to write them. Every worth-while test and investigation shows the most common and most useful words in our language to be the words used early by children. It is likewise certain that very many of the misspelled words are one-syllable words in very common use. It would, therefore, seem essential that the real teaching of spelling should be done as early as possible in the grades—somewhat earlier than has frequently been the case—that correct habits, rather than incorrect ones, may be formed. Obligation is expressed to Dr. Leonard P. Ayres of the Russell Sage Foundation for kind permission to make use of his list of “The Thousand Commonest Words.” These and some four thousand other very common and important words constitute the Aldine vocabulary. That the Aldine Speller may lead to some real teaching, and decrease “lesson hearing,” is the hope of the authors. DIRECTIONS TO TEACHERS ORAL SPELLING Oral spelling should always precede written spelling in the primary grades. Careful and distinct pronunciation by the child should always precede oral spelling. Children cannot be expected to spell correctly words that they cannot pronounce. It is well to emphasize the form of a word of more than one syllable by syllabication. It makes the spelling more obvious, promotes clear enunciation, and assists in creating a correct mental picture of the word. The sight words in this book are so syllabicated when first presented. A slight pause between the syllables is usually sufficient in oral spelling. In writing the words they should not be divided. TESTING The mere “hearing” of spelling lessons is happily a thing of the past in most schools. However, teachers cannot be too strongly impressed with the worthlessness of such exercises. The primary object is to instruct, not to examine—to teach to spell correctly, not to find out how many words may be spelled incorrectly. Review lessons are frequently given, and these are sufficient for test purposes. All other lessons should be thoroughly taught with instruction the aim and object of the lesson. CORRELATION WITH PHONICS The best possible preparation for teaching to spell is thoughtful, intelligent drill in phonics. As all modern methods of teaching reading give systematic phonic drills, and thus most children have had some preparation before spelling is begun, the phonetic lists in this book will be found to be easy. Not only will they be easy, if intelligently taught, but they will serve the double purpose of teaching the children to spell intelligently and independently, and of enabling them to recognize new words. In other words, the right kind of phonetic teaching may be made of great educative value, teaching at the same time both spelling and reading. Thoughtful consideration will show the teacher that a large proportion of words are strictly phonetic, i.e. “spell themselves.” In learning the spelling of one word, if the phonetic elements have been properly and thoroughly taught, the child is learning the spelling of all words containing the same phonograms. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance in the primary grades that a phonetic sense be developed and utilized. The lists used in this book are presented first in the text as short lists, each of which precedes the use of any word of the series in dictation. On page 61 will be found more complete lists for supplementary drill. These are numbered in the same order and are similar to those found on the Aldine Phonic Chart, which the teacher will find to be of great assistance. Drills on these complete series may well be given whenever a review or additional lesson is possible. The pupil may study from his book; quick drills may be given from the Phonic Chart; then a selected list may be dictated by the teacher. Too much intelligent drill on these phonic series cannot be given. INTEREST It has been well said that “interest is nine-tenths of education.” This is true in teaching spelling. Any means which will arouse interest in mastering words is likely to be effective. So far as our forefathers succeeded in securing results in this subject they did so by the interest in the old-fashioned “spelling bee.” Spelling matches of various sorts are desirable for creating interest. The review lists and phonetic lists will be found admirable for this purpose. It should be remembered, however, that this is testing what is already learned and is not teaching something new. PUPILS’ LISTS Each pupil has his own difficulties in spelling. Teach him to make private lists of the words which he finds especially hard to spell and have him use extra effort to conquer these trouble makers. These may be listed in the back of his textbook or in his individual notebook. Occasional lessons may be devoted entirely to this kind of exercise, and they should be individual and painstaking. Such words should be watched for in the other written work and misspelling prevented rather than corrected. Besides making the misspelled words the basis of a lesson they may well be correctly and carefully written on the board with the difficulty shown in colored crayon. If possible leave them in sight for several days. REVIEWS Frequent reviews are given, and these should be used to test the children, to check their accomplishment, and to supply a record of their individual ability. The lists of “Initial Words of Phonetic Series” at the end of the work for each grade should be used for the same purpose, and much valuable reviewing may be done with the Series themselves. The Phonic Chart is valuable for this purpose. ALPHABETICAL LIST That the teacher may know just what words have been taught, an alphabetical list of all sight words is given at the end of the book. HOMOPHONES Words spelled differently but pronounced alike should be kept apart until the spelling of each has become fixed and the ability to use correctly in sentences, reasonably sure. Then only may they safely be brought together for comparison. When this is done, much care must be used that no confusion may exist in the child’s mind as to the proper use of each. ORDER OF PRESENTATION All children do not learn spelling equally well in the same way. Some are sense-organ learners, while others are largely motor-organ learners. Most children are both. In all cases the order of seeing words, hearing them pronounced, pronouncing them, spelling them aloud, and then writing them, will be found to be most effective. Appeal is thus made successively to the eye, the ear, the memory, and the hand. PROPER NAMES In the first grade the child should be taught to spell his own name. In the second grade he should be taught the most common names of other children in the room, the name of the teacher, of the city or town, and of the state. He should be taught that these names always begin with a capital letter. Other local names of special importance may be presented at the discretion of the teacher. HOW THIS BOOK IS TO BE USED THE ALPHABET Page 1 Often the spelling of words is forced upon the child before he has properly mastered the alphabet. This is the cause of much poor spelling, much _guessing_ in the primary grades. Before a child is allowed to spell orally he should be absolutely sure of the name of every letter, and he should be able to recognize and name it at sight. Before he is allowed to write one word in a dictated spelling lesson, the pupil should be able to write any letter of the alphabet from dictation. This means that the real study of spelling should not be undertaken until the middle of the first year or later. Be sure that your pupils know their letters before beginning spelling. Following are some suggestions for Alphabet drills. Use any that you think helpful. ALPHABET DRILLS 1. Have pupils read the alphabet in order, pointing to each letter as it is named. 2. Have pupils point to the letters in any order as you call them. In this drill teach them the approximate place of the letters, that is, to look for _a_, _d_, _c_, _f_, near the beginning; _j_, _n_, _k_, _o_, near the middle; _t_, _v_, _w_, near the end. 3. Ask such questions as, “What letter comes after _m_? _n_? _d_? _t_?” 4. Consonant Drills. (_a_) Call a letter and have pupils give the sound. (_b_) Sound a letter and have pupils give the name. 5. Written Work. (_a_) Have pupils copy the alphabet in script from print. (_b_) Have pupils write the alphabet from memory. (_c_) Dictate the letters in any order and require the pupils to write them. Time the children in this exercise, encouraging them to write as rapidly as possible. 6. The Typewriter Game. Call the alphabet on page 1 of the child’s book the keys of a typewriter. Have the children spell words, touching the letters as the letter keys. Dictate as follows: “Write _at_ on your typewriter.” The pupils touch _a_ and _t_ as they spell aloud. Then dictate _cat_, _bat_, _hat_. Use phonetic words or words made of letters near together in the alphabet. The object of the exercise is to find quickly the place of each letter in the alphabet, as well as to give the ability to quickly recognize the letters. A PHONETIC LIST Page 2, Lesson 1 As may be seen at a glance, this lesson contains five words using the phonogram _un_. The directions and suggestions given below for the study of this particular lesson apply to all similar phonetic lessons in the book. 1. Pronounce each word distinctly, giving its meaning or using it in a sentence, as, “sun—The sun is shining brightly.” You thus give the children the word properly used and leave in no pupil’s mind the idea that you meant _son_. “Fun—Did you have fun at recess time, Tom?” Tom’s recollection of the recess games will associate the word and its meaning. “Gun—Who has seen a gun? What is its use? Bun—The baker puts currants in the bun.” By the variety of ways in which you give or suggest the meaning of the word, try to arouse the pupil’s interest in the word itself. Never require a pupil to study the spelling of a word until he has heard it properly pronounced and knows the meaning. 2. Have the pupils read the words, pronouncing each correctly. The children may give original sentences, using any unusual word. 3. Pupils pronounce and spell each word orally. 4. Ask what letters are found in every word. Teach the children to call the common part the “family name” of the word and to spell it as a unit, as, “sun—spell, s-_un_.” 5. Tell the children to look at the list of words and choose the hardest. They may look at the word for a moment, then spell it without looking at the book. In some such way arouse interest in the spelling of each word in the lesson, as, “Who can find and spell the word that is the name of something that makes a great noise?” “The one we all enjoy at recess?” “The one that opens the flowers?” “The one we like to eat?” 6. Pronounce each word, give the family, and spell the word thus, sun, -un, s-u-n. Have pupils emphasize the first letter—the part of each word that is not common to the series—as, _s_un, _f_un, _b_un, _g_un, _n_un. 7. Children place their books face down on their desks, while the teacher dictates the words. Children spell orally. If a word is missed, do not pass it to another child. The one who missed turns over his book and studies the correct spelling while the teacher continues to dictate words to the other pupils. After all the children have spelled, those who missed have a chance to spell their words correctly. From the beginning every child must feel a responsibility for every word dictated to him. He must spell it correctly before the lesson is ended for him. In all oral spelling, save time by having the children respond in turn without being called upon by name. Perhaps the best way is to go up and down the rows. COPYING A SPELLING LESSON Spell the first word very softly and write it on the blackboard as you pronounce each letter. The children look at the written form on the board, and copy the word, saying to themselves each letter as they write. Do the same with other words. It is not necessary to copy each word more than once. The common part or family name—the combination of letters that requires special drill—is repeated in each word. As pupils gain facility in written letter forms, they should copy their lessons once in script from the printed lesson in the book. For the first ten lessons, however, the teacher may well take the time to have the work copied from the board. DICTATING A SPELLING LESSON The teacher who truly means to make her children realize the importance of accurate spelling and neat writing will see that each child has a notebook in which to keep his spelling lessons. She will show him just how the work should be arranged in his book. (The child’s Spelling Book shows a good arrangement.) She will insist that he follow the arrangement and that his penmanship be neat. If the teacher cannot provide regular blank books for spelling, the children may make their own of regular writing paper, fastening the requisite number of sheets together with two Magill fasteners, or sewing them with thread or raffia. In dictating, pronounce each word clearly and distinctly. Have the children repeat, then write the word. This habit of correct pronunciation of the words cannot be overemphasized. It has been said, and the saying is true, “A word correctly pronounced is half spelled.” MARKING AND CORRECTING PAPERS When a lesson is perfect, mark it. Mark it 100%. That is the mark primary children like best. Mark it in colored pencil. If the child has made a special effort in writing or in neatness, show your appreciation and observation by affixing a star or some other symbol to his paper. Encourage him, make him proud of his spelling, proud of his writing, proud of his book, proud of himself. Give no spelling mark but the mark for perfect work. When a child makes a mistake in spelling, call his attention to it. If it is only a careless mistake, he will spell the word orally. The _teacher_ then erases the mistake, and the child corrects it. If, however, the child has not mastered the correct spelling, he should be referred to his book. When he can spell the word, the teacher erases the incorrectly spelled word, and the child writes it correctly. The correcting of the lesson should follow as soon as possible the writing of the lesson. In order that this may be done in the same period, the lessons are kept very short. In order that there may be few mistakes the lessons are very simple. If the lessons are studied as suggested, there should be very few errors to correct. If the work is corrected as definitely as outlined, the pupils will soon learn what is required of them, and will take pride in having a perfect, attractive book. The arousing of such pride, and the cultivation of habits of correctness and neatness are of incalculable value. 1. By thoughtful, intelligent study, prevent errors. 2. When mistakes are made, have the pupils correct them immediately as an important duty. SIGHT WORDS Lesson 3, Page 2 The children have had two series or families in past lessons. In the new lesson ask them to look for words that belong to these families. They will find _run_ in the _un_ family, and _me_, _the_, _tree_, in the _e_ (_ee_) family. These words should be distinctly pronounced and spelled orally. The remaining word is _to_. It belongs to no family that the children have studied. Have the children pronounce it, use it in a number of simple sentences, and spell it. Give each child a small piece of paper. Tell the children to look at _to_ and spell it silently. Then without looking at the book have them write the word on paper. Each word in the lesson may be studied and written in the same way. WRITING SENTENCES Lesson 4, Page 2 No new spelling words occur in this lesson. It is a review, an application of some of the words learned. The first lesson, and perhaps a few others of the same kind, should be taught from the board, although it is better that each child should have a book before him. A child reads the first sentence from the book. “Run to me.” The teacher says, “I will write it on the board if you will spell the words. The children in the first row stand.” Without waiting to be called upon by name the children spell the words in turn. The teacher says, “_Run_ begins with a capital letter because it is the first word in a sentence. Spell it, capital R-u-n.” When all the words in the sentence have been spelled and written on the board, the teacher places the period at the end, saying, “There is a period at the end of this sentence.” The second sentence is to be spelled by the children and written on the board by the teacher in the same way. The children may now copy the sentences from the blackboard. The two things to be taught in this lesson are the capital to begin the first word, and the period at the end of the sentence. REVIEWS OF PHONETIC WORDS Phonetic reviews are given frequently throughout the book. Each lesson contains one word of the series taught. These words are numbered. Have the children open their books to the review lesson, as that on page 6. Let the children read the words and the families, as, _run-un_, _me-e_, _play-ay_, _fly-y_. Then have each word spelled orally. Now dictate other words from the same families, as, _sun_, _see_, _gay_, _cry_, _sand_. If a pupil misspells a word, give him the number of the family in which the word occurs. Let him look in his book, study his word, and be ready to spell it when you have finished dictating other words to the rest of the class. Thus you may dictate the word _say_. The child hesitates or misspells the word. Give him number 3. He looks in his book, finds 3 and the well-known word _play_ after the number. He knows the word _say_ is in the same family, and he studies out the word while you are hearing the rest of the class spell words in the other families. When you return to him and ask, “What is your word?” he answers, “Say—s-a-y.” Never pass a word to a second child. Each child must spell, with help if necessary, every word that is dictated to him. For written review, dictate any words from the series represented in the review lesson. Return again and again to these review lessons. SEAT WORK Have the children copy the words and under each write one or more words in the same family. Thus: run me play fly and fun be hay try band REVIEWS OF SIGHT WORDS Use these reviews for oral spelling matches and for written tests. Keep records of these written tests. There are 36 sight words assigned to the first year. The following chart is simple and effective in keeping a record of these tests. SPELLING CHART We can spell: Children’s Names 12 Words 24 Words 36 Words John Smith 100% 100% Mary Brown 100% Tom Good 100% 100% 100% This shows that John Smith can spell the first two columns of sight words given on page 17, Mary Brown can spell the first column, and Tom Good can spell all three. No mark but the 100% mark is placed on the chart. Arouse the child’s interest and ambition to master these sight words. In the second year, keep a space on the chart for each review lesson as it occurs. ADDITIONAL SEAT WORK 1. Make the words or sentences in each lesson with “word builder” letters. This work should be carefully examined to see that it is correct and that it follows the arrangement given in the book. 2. Copy in script the lesson from the book. THE QUESTION Lesson 32, Page 8 Teach the use of the question mark as follows, “There is a question mark after ‘Will they fall?’ because this sentence asks a question.” QUOTATION MARKS Lesson 23, Page 25 Have the children copy these sentences, telling them that the quotation marks are put around, “Where are my baby stars?” because these are the words of the moon. If omitted in dictation lessons, have the child open his book and put them in, but do not count this omission an error. THE ALDINE SPELLER PART ONE FIRST YEAR [Illustration] FIRST YEAR THE ALPHABET +---+---+---+---+ | a | b | c | d | +---+---+---+---+ | e | f | g | h | +---+---+---+---+ | i | j | k | l | +---+---+---+---+ | m | n | o | p | +---+---+---+---+ | q | r | s | t | +---+---+---+---+ | u | v | w | x | +---+---+---+---+ | | y | z | | +---+---+---+---+ 1 sun fun bun gun nun 2 be he we see bee 3 run to me tree the [Illustration] 4 Run to me. Run to the tree. 5 day gay hay may say 6 band hand land sand stand 7 play and with [Illustration] 8 Run and play. Play with me. 9 by my try cry dry buy why 10 bold cold gold sold told hold fold 11 fly birds lit tle old [Illustration] 12 The little birds fly. Fly to the old tree. 13 best rest west test vest chest pest 14 all ball call fall hall wall small 15 pin spin tin chin win skin thin 16 nest is in tall 17 ear dear fear year near tear 18 low row grow show slow snow 19 bit hit pit sit fit wit [Illustration] 20 Fly to the nest. The nest is in the tall tree. REVIEW 21 (1) run (2) me (3) play (4) fly (5) and (6) bold 22 (7) all (8) best (9) in (10) dear (11) blow (12) it 23 hear wind blow it [Illustration] 24 Hear the wind blow. It blows the tall trees. 25 bill fill hill mill still ill 26 ring bring wing king thing spring 27 bad had lad mad sad glad 28 book hook took brook cook shook 29 bat cat hat that sat fat 30 wade fade grade shade spade made 31 will sing they [Illustration] 32 The birds sing in the tree. Will they fall? 33 look who at [Illustration] Look at the little nest. Who made it? 34 fan man pan ran 35 song long strong gong 36 up cup sup pup 37 can you yes [Illustration] Can you sing? Yes, I can sing a song. REVIEW 38 (1) will (2) sing (3) glad (4) look (5) at (6) made 39 (7) can (8) song (9) blow (10) it (11) nest (12) the 40 peep deep creep keep sheep sweep 41 bed fed Ned red sled led 42 might sight light right bright fight [Illustration] 43 Sleep, little bird. Sleep in the little nest. Sleep and rest. 44 night are a sleep [Illustration] It is night. The birds are asleep. 45 fast last cast mast past blast 46 hop mop drop stop shop top 47 bake cake lake make rake take 48 wake up [Illustration] Wake up. The night is past. Fly to the tree-top. REVIEW 49 (1) sleep (2) bed (3) night (4) last (5) top 50 (6) wake (7) up (8) look (9) old (10) all 51 one two three four five 52 six sev en eight nine ten 53 fa ther moth er broth er sis ter ba by 54 girl boy has dog doll [Illustration] The boy has a dog. The girl has a doll. 55 blew new knew dew few flew 56 Jack back black tack crack sack 57 in to into up on upon a way away 58 come from [Illustration] The birds flew away from the nest. Will they come back? REVIEW OF PHONETIC WORDS fun he say stand buy told west small skin dear know sit still bring had took that made man long keep red right last stop knew back cup make ring deep hand thin REVIEW OF SIGHT WORDS to with birds little is wind they who you yes are one two three four five six seven eight nine ten father mother brother sister baby boy girl has dog doll into on upon come from [Illustration] THE ALDINE SPELLER PART ONE SECOND YEAR [Illustration] SECOND YEAR 1 moon soon noon spoon boon 2 did hid bid lid kid 3 star far bar car tar 4 you were was too [Illustration] Did you see the sky last night? The moon was bright. The stars were shining too. 5 find kind bind be hind mind 6 fine dine line mine shine 7 cross toss boss loss moss 8 her chil dren [Illustration] The moon is the mother. The stars are her children. 9 REVIEW OF SIGHT WORDS children you were was too her REVIEW OF PHONETIC WORDS 10 (1) moon (2) find (3) hid (4) cross (5) dine (6) noon (7) far 11 (1) did (2) loss (3) shine (4) kind (5) bar (6) pine (7) lid 12 (1) star (2) fine (3) soon (4) boss (5) bid (6) bind (7) nine 13 tell well bell fell spell 14 loud cloud proud 15 must just dust rust crust 16 would not [Illustration] STARS AND DAISIES One night the little stars were cross. They would not shine. They hid behind a cloud. 17 born corn horn morn 18 grass pass class glass 19 how cow now bow 20 down town gown clown brown crown drown 21 get let yet met net pet wet 22 saw paw jaw law raw straw draw 23 Where said shin ing do “Where are my baby stars?” said the moon. “Why are they not shining?” “Tell me why they do not shine,” she said. 24 want large go ing [Illustration] We do not want to shine. Let the large stars shine. We are going to sleep. 25 no go earth la zy here You were born to shine. I will have no lazy stars here. You must go to the earth. REVIEW OF SIGHT WORDS 26 do going earth too said 27 want here would why children 28 large not lazy where were REVIEW OF PHONETIC WORDS 29 (1) down (2) loud (3) drown (4) corn (5) how (6) loss 30 (1) get (2) soon (3) just (4) shine (5) born (6) now 31 (1) crust (2) behind (3) spell (4) car (5) did (6) draw 32 their lost most them The lazy stars shook with fear. Most of them lost their hold. Down they fell to the earth. [Illustration] 33 shone stone bone tone 34 good stood wood hood 35 love above dove shove 36 [Illustration] on been wish lie there The little stars had to lie on the cold grass. All night they had to lie there. They wished they had been good. 37 done an y for Did any one see the stars? Father Sun saw them. “What can be done for them?” he said. [Illustration] 38 cov er die if “How cold the stars look. They will die,” said the sun. “Not if we cover them with snow,” said the clouds. 39 rose those nose hose pose 40 sent went bent tent dent 41 came name game same lame 42 win ter All winter the stars were covered with snow. The stars above shone down on them. But they did not wake. 43 rain gain pain grain chain train plain 44 rock cock block lock knock clock sock 45 eat heat beat meat neat seat cheat 46 his dai sy time dai sies At last the spring came. The sun sent his rays down to the earth. It is time for the stars to wake. 47 o pen eyes smile The stars opened their sleepy eyes. They looked up at the sun. He smiled at them. They were not cross now. 48 these live now These stars now live on the earth. They shine all day long. Children call them daisies. [Illustration] REVIEW OF SIGHT WORDS 49 cover their die lost wish been done for his 50 March winds rock the trees. March April brings the rain. April May brings the birds back. May June brings roses. June July brings heat. July REVIEW OF PHONETIC WORDS 51 (1) soon (2) hid (3) far (4) sell (5) kind (6) shine (7) loss 52 (1) brown (2) get (3) horn (4) just (5) class (6) stone (7) straw 53 deer peer cheer queer steer 54 hark dark bark mark park 55 gift swift lift drift sift 56 San ta Claus as rein deer com ing [Illustration] Hark! I hear bells. Santa Claus is coming. His reindeer are as swift as light. 57 ought bought brought thought sought 58 big dig fig pig twig 59 bag flag drag rag tag 60 us man y Santa Claus came last night. We were all asleep. He brought us many gifts. [Illustration] 61 does what car ry him our ver y We did not see him. How does Santa carry our gifts? He has a big bag. What a very big bag it is! 62 As bright as day. As swift as a deer. As old as the hills. As good as gold. As red as a rose. As dark as night. 63 cra dle cook y box can dy of Santa brought Nell a doll cradle. He brought Ned a box of candy. He brought baby sister a cooky. [Illustration] 64 kit ten milk some don’t He brought the kitten some milk. He brought the dog a bone. Don’t you love Santa? REVIEW OF SIGHT WORDS 65 done time smile now Santa Claus many carry candy said do 66 his open these March June of does our cooky milk 67 eyes if live April July reindeer us cradle box some 68 don’t were children you too would was her where 69 head spread dead lead read bread thread 70 ice nice slice mice rice price spice 71 air hair fair pair chair lair stair 72 to day today do not don’t [Illustration] Cloud, cloud, don’t stay today, But spread your wings and fly away. 73 A glass of milk and a slice of bread, And then good-night, we must so to bed. [Illustration] 74 barn popped kit ty Some mice sat in the barn to spin, Kitty came by and popped her head in. 75 feed deed need seed weed reed speed 76 gave shave save brave cave wave pave 77 pick quick Dick kick lick sick tick 78 bar ber Barber, barber, shave a pig. How many hairs will make a wig? [Illustration] 79 words like gar den full A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds. REVIEW OF SIGHT WORDS 80 been two father five baby nine any many 81 their ten three brother six mother cover little 82 one eight dog four sister seven large done 83 you will you’ll luck See a pin and pick it up, All the day you’ll have good luck. 84 out about pout stout spout shout scout trout 85 broke smoke spoke joke poke yoke choke woke 86 pail sail wail tail bail fail nail mail 87 wa ter tum bling aft er Jack and Jill went up the hill To get a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after. 88 luck duck cluck tuck stuck suck 89 owl fowl growl howl prowl 90 cried dried fried died lied tied 91 [Illustration] A little boy went into a barn And lay down on some hay. An owl came out and flew about, And the little boy ran away. REVIEW OF PHONETIC WORDS 92 (1) nice (2) gave (3) chair (4) feed (5) quick (6) cried 93 (1) bread (2) duck (3) broke (4) pail (5) brave (6) owl 94 (1) howl (2) about (3) sail (4) spoke (5) stick (6) tied 95 once so [Illustration] Once I saw a little bird Come, hop, hop, hop; So I cried, “Little bird, Will you stop, stop, stop?” 96 lies flies cries skies dries tries ties 97 cool school fool pool spool tool stool 98 ate late gate mate hate plate Kate 99 there is there’s points room There’s a neat little clock, In the schoolroom it stands, And it points to the time With its two little hands. REVIEW OF SIGHT WORDS 100 where kitty words like garden once 101 after full water barn done now 102 candy don’t was were us you 103 rise nev er wise Cocks crow in the morn To tell us to rise, And he who lies late Will never be wise. 104 ant can’t pant lost cost frost cap lap map 105 rap nap trap rap ping nap ping trap ping rapped napped trapped 106 Bo-peep they will they’ll leave home can not can’t [Illustration] 107 Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep, And can’t tell where to find them; Leave them alone and they’ll come home, And bring their tails behind them. 108 hive live drive five alive dive 109 ten then hen den pen men 110 kite bite site white write quite 111 fish caught a gain One, two, three, four, five, I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, I let it go again. 112 feet meet beet sweet sheet fleet 113 found round a round bound ground sound 114 hide ride side wide tide glide 115 sup per time egg SUPPER TIME A cup of milk, White bread, An egg, A cooky, All for good girls and boys. [Illustration] 116 on ly shop ping dime SHOPPING I went shopping today. Mother took me. We had a ride in the cars. Then we came to the shops. 117 I looked along the street. I saw a candy shop. We went in. I had only a dime. I bought a box of candy. I told the man not to wrap it. 118 pen cil teach er desk les son 119 AT SCHOOL Be on time. Have a pencil. Keep your desk neat. Know your lesson. Mind your teacher. Never pout. Smile and smile. [Illustration] 120 not lot blot cot dot got hot 121 am swam dam ham jam clam slam 122 seen green queen hang sang rang SOME SIGHT WORDS 123 a go door goes put son 124 aim do ing leg rob in use 125 both foot on rub once REVIEW OF SIGHT WORDS 126 rise never wise Bo-peep leave home 127 cannot fish caught again supper egg 128 only dime shopping pencil desk teacher 129 lesson ago door goes put son any 130 aim doing their leg robin use does 131 both foot once would there rub very INITIAL WORDS OF PHONETIC SERIES 132 sun be day band by bold best all pin ear low bit bill ring 133 bad book bat wade fan song up peep bed might fast hop bake blew 134 Jack moon did star find fine cross tell loud must born grass how down 135 get saw shone good love rose sent came rain rock eat deer hark gift ought 136 big bag head ice air feed gave pick out broke pail luck owl cried lies 137 cool ate ant lost cap hive ten kite feet found hide not am seen hang ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SIGHT WORDS after again ago aim any April are as baby barber barn been birds Bo-peep both box boy brother candy cannot can’t carry caught children come coming cooky cover cradle daisies daisy desk die dime do does dog doing doll done don’t door earth egg eight eyes father fish five foot for four from full garden girl go goes going has her here him his home if into is July June Kitten kitty large lazy leave leg lesson lie like little live lost many March May milk most mother never nine no not of on once one only open our pencil point popped put reindeer rise robin room rub said Santa Claus seven shining sister six smile so some son supper teacher ten their them there these they three time to too tumbling two upon us use very want was water were what where who wind winter wise wish with words would yes you PHONIC SERIES 1 see be bee me he she the we tree three flee knee free glee 2 fly sky by my try why cry dry buy spry fry shy spy 3 old hold cold bold fold gold mold sold told 4 nest best west rest chest pest test vest 5 say day may gay hay lay play clay pay ray pray gray tray way sway stay 6 all fall hall call tall stall ball wall small 7 flew blew few hew dew new knew pew 9 grow blow snow low flow slow bow tow mow sow show know row crow throw glow 10 get let yet met net bet pet set wet fret 11 ill will till fill bill hill mill kill pill spill sill still drill skill gill chill 12 sing wing ring cling fling sling bring spring string king thing sting swing 13 made shade spade fade wade trade grade blade 14 glad had bad lad mad sad 15 an can ran man fan pan span tan than plan 16 look took cook book hook nook brook shook 17 back crack Jack pack lack black rack track sack tack 18 found bound round ground mound pound sound 19 tell well fell bell swell cell sell spell shell smell dwell 20 night might right bright fight slight flight sight tight light 21 last fast past blast cast mast 22 hide side ride bride pride wide tide glide slide 23 at hat cat bat fat that mat pat rat sat flat 24 long song gong wrong strong 25 feet meet beet sweet greet fleet sheet street sleet 26 kite white write bite quite 27 wake make bake cake lake rake sake take stake shake flake 28 ear near hear dear fear rear tear year clear 29 feed need deed heed seed weed reed bleed speed 30 rain plain grain brain gain lain slain pain main vain chain train strain drain stain Spain sprain 31 soon moon noon spoon 32 and land sand band stand grand brand hand 33 must just crust dust rust trust 34 saw paw caw jaw law raw straw claw draw gnaw thaw 35 star far bar car mar tar jar scar 36 bed red Fred led fled sled Ned fed wed shed 37 did hid bid kid lid rid 38 top stop drop hop mop pop crop prop shop chop 39 morn horn corn born thorn 40 up cup 41 sun fun run bun gun nun 42 blue due glue cue 43 peep deep keep weep sweep steep creep sheep sleep 44 it sit bit fit hit wit pit quit 45 head dead lead read bread tread spread thread 46 air fair hair pair chair stair 47 went sent bent dent cent rent tent spent 48 came name game dame fame flame same tame lame blame frame shame 49 in din fin sin tin win pin chin spin skin grin thin 50 down town gown brown crown drown frown 51 shone stone bone cone drone tone 52 big dig fig pig rig twig 53 seen green queen screen keen 54 him dim brim trim swim skim slim 55 over clover Rover 56 eat beat heat meat neat seat cheat treat wheat 57 hang sang gang rang 58 rap clap gap cap lap map nap sap strap slap snap trap wrap 59 am swam dam ham jam clam slam 60 ought thought brought bought fought sought 63 cool fool spool pool tool stool school 64 rock cock block frock flock lock mock knock stock shock clock sock 66 not lot blot cot dot got hot knot pot plot shot spot tot trot 67 hark dark spark bark mark park lark 68 hive live dive five alive drive 70 find kind bind hind mind wind grind blind 71 rose those nose hose pose close 72 quick tick Dick kick lick pick sick stick brick trick thick slick 73 then hen den men pen ten when 74 deer peer cheer queer steer 78 ice mice nice price rice slice spice twice vice 83 ail sail snail nail bail fail hail jail mail pail rail trail tail 84 ate gate Kate late date grate hate mate plate rate state skate slate 85 ant can’t grant pant slant 86 cried died dried fried lied tried tied 87 out about pout stout spout shout scout trout 88 flies skies dries lies tries cries 91 cash dash flash clash hash lash mash sash rash trash 92 love dove glove shove 94 fine pine dine line mine nine wine vine shine whine twine 95 grass pass mass glass lass class brass 98 moss toss boss cross loss 100 how bow cow now brow plow mow 113 gave save brave cave pave shave slave wave grave knave 123 good stood hood wood 124 spoke broke joke poke smoke choke yoke woke 128 owl growl fowl howl prowl 145 aid maid paid laid braid 167 brag flag drag stag bag rag tag [Illustration] *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE ALDINE SPELLER, PART ONE *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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