The Project Gutenberg eBook of An index to the collected works of William Hazlitt This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: An index to the collected works of William Hazlitt Author: William Hazlitt Editor: Arnold Glover A. R. Waller Release date: November 26, 2023 [eBook #72232] Language: English Original publication: London: J. M. Dent & Co Credits: Richard Tonsing and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK AN INDEX TO THE COLLECTED WORKS OF WILLIAM HAZLITT *** INDEX TO HAZLITT’S COLLECTED WORKS _All Rights Reserved_ AN INDEX TO THE COLLECTED WORKS OF WILLIAM HAZLITT EDITED BY A. R. WALLER AND ARNOLD GLOVER ❦ 1906 LONDON: J. M. DENT & CO. 29 AND 30 BEDFORD STREET, W.C. TO THE MEMORY OF A. G. _E. H. G._ _A. R. W._ PREFACE It was originally intended to add an index at the end of volume xii. of our edition, but so many of Hazlitt’s previously unidentified writings were discovered during the progress of the work, that it was found to be impossible to make volumes xi. and xii. any thicker. A brief index of the titles of Hazlitt’s various essays and papers closed, therefore, volume xii., and the publication of a separate index was designed. The scope of this index was agreed upon between Arnold Glover and myself; the slips were made under my direction, and it was my intention to have checked them myself. Upon the death of Arnold Glover, however, I had to undertake other work left uncompleted by him, and the labour of checking each entry in the proofs with the twelve volumes indexed has been accomplished by Mrs Arnold Glover. The book is now published, through the collaboration of Mrs Arnold Glover, Messrs J. M. Dent & Co. and myself, at a price considerably below cost, in order to place it within reach of all lovers of Hazlitt; and in memory of one who spared no pains in his self-chosen task of making the writings of Hazlitt better known, one who added so considerably to the known bulk of those writings. Recognition of the value of his labour has, since his death, been ungrudgingly given him. It remains to be added that he himself would have regarded that labour as incomplete until he had passed the last proof-sheet of this index. A. R. WALLER. CAMBRIDGE, _1st September 1906_. NOTE The index is practically confined to the names of persons and things. The names of imaginary persons, characters in novels, plays, etc., are indexed under the first word of the name by which they are usually designated, _e.g._ _Tony_ Lumpkin, _Don_ Quixote, _Dr_ Faustus. The names of real persons are indexed in the ordinary way. In the very heavy list of Quotations the method adopted has followed so far as seemed possible that in use in the Index to Quotations in _Notes and Queries_. The list of quotations has been very considerably lightened by leaving out almost all phrases from Shakespeare and Milton: to have added these would have made the list of quotations almost double its present length, so often did Hazlitt quote from these two. Hazlitt’s spelling has been followed where deemed characteristic. It has been discovered that a short essay has, by mistake, been printed twice in the text (vol. vii. p. 360, and vol. xi. p. 433). Owners of the edition will, perhaps, be so good as to note this fact in their copies. It is the intention of the surviving editor to keep the notes and index up to date, in case a second impression should be required. He will be obliged if readers will send him any suggestions they may wish to make. ADDENDA Beyle, M. H., vi. 285; viii. 411. For Sir Thomas Booby, see under Sir Thomas, not Booby. Bothwell, v. 142. Change-Alley, iii. 297. Conciones ad Populum, x. 131. Destut, etc., _read_ Destutt de Tracy, _and add_ vii. 323. Dr Slop, viii. 121. Ecole des Femmes, viii. 554; xi. 276. Excursion, The, vii. 76. French Revolution (Burke’s), ix. 473 _n._; xii. 291. For _Still_ substitute _Stevenson_ as the probable author of _Gammer Gurton’s Needle_. Geneva, ix. 216. Junius, iv. 217. For La Fontaine the fabulist, see Under La, not Fontaine. Madge Wildfire, viii. 413 _n._ Neapolitan Nobleman, xi. 222. Onslow, Arthur, vii. 271. Present Discontents, iii. 335. For Sterne’s Uncle Toby, See Under “My Uncle,” as well as Uncle Toby, and add v. 129. Stoddart, Dr, xi. 444. ADDENDA TO QUOTATIONS above all pain, all passion, and all pride, ix. 59. all this world were one glorious lie, v. 334. and doubtless ’mong the grave and good, vii. 366. as good as a prologue, viii. 309. calm pleasures, vii. 318. commanded to shew the knight in love, i. 348. constrained by mastery, i. 151. deem not devoid of elegance, vii. 317. each other’s beams to share, xi. 488. earth destroys those raptures, vii. 318. elegant Petruchio, etc., i. 344. Elysian beauty, vii. 320. endure having hot molten lead, etc., vii. 322. first garden ... innocence, i. 105. for a song, vii. 362. gentlemen’s gentlemen, vii. 211. glared round his soul, vii. 319. grand carnival of this our age, xi. 440. Hamlet, to leave the part of, xii. 383. he was hurt and knew it not, vii. 354. head to the East, vii. 342. his face ’twixt tears and smiles, xi. 480. his grace looks cheerfully, viii. 183. his look made the still air cold, vii. 99. huge, dumb heap, viii. 448. interlocutions between Lucius and Caius, iv. 276. is it to be supposed that it is England, xi. 444. leave all and follow it, vii. 315. license of the time, i. 235. like dew-drops from the lion’s mane, v. 267 _n._ like poppies spread, vii. 308. madness, that fine, xii. 340. meek mouths ruminant, iii. 239. mighty dead, vii. 365. mind reflecting ages past, iv. 213. mouth with slumbery pout, viii. 478. No maid could live near such a man, i. 305. No, thou art not my child, viii. 427. Not Fate itself could awe, xi. 410. now of the planetary, iv. 230. Oh, not from you, vii. 339. out on the craft, vii. 365 _n._ owes no allegiance, i. 112. paint a sunbeam to the blind, etc., v. 237. perceive a softness, etc., xi. 522. picks pears, etc., ix. 71. play at bowls with the sun and moon, ix. 64. play with wisdom, xi. 551. pomp of elder days, v. 177. prevailing gentle arts, iii. 108. proper study, etc., vii. 312. rejoice when good kings bleed, i. 191. right divine, iii. 288. roast me these Violantes, viii. 156. round which with tendrils, etc., vii. 310. sailing with supreme dominion, vii. 339. see o’er the stage, etc., vi. 273; xii. 123. spin his brains, vii. 319. stand all apart, viii. 181. still, small, etc., vii. 336. strange that such difference, etc., xi. 505. sweet passion of love, viii. 261. there were two upon the housetops, viii. 393. thin partitions do their bounds, etc., viii. 217. trees in Sherwood forest, v. 143. well of English, etc., vii. 321. what was my pride, etc., xi. 455. which waste the marrow, xii. 427. whose body nature was, vii. 320. winged words, xii. 345. within our bosoms, etc., ii. 395. you ask her crime, vii. 350. About one-third of the above are additional occurrences of quotations already indexed. A. A. (Mr), vi. 390. Aaron (Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus), i. 357; v. 207. Aaron’s Rod, iv. 63. Abbot’s Ford, iv. 245. Abbott, William, vi. 277; viii. 235, 266, 292, 333, 335, 413, 455; xi. 402. —— Mr Speaker (Lord Colchester), iv. 199; xii. 370. À Becket, Thomas, v. 143. A’Beckett, Gilbert, v. 143. Abednego, iii. 265. Abel Drugger (Ben Jonson’s The Alchemyst), ii. 76 _n._, 79; vi. 273, 418; viii. 227, 228; xii. 33. Abelard and Eloise (Pope’s), v. 75. —— Peter, iv. 213; v. 75; vii. 96; ix. 146, 354; xii. 165. Aben Hamet (in Dimond’s Conquest of Taranto), viii. 368. Aberdeen, ii. 209; viii. 290; ix. 492. Abernethy, John, vi. 62. Abhorson (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), i. 346. Abimelech Henley (in Holcroft’s Anna St Ives), ii. 128. Abinger, Lord (Mr Scarlett), vii. 174 _n._, 516. Abington, Mrs, i. 157; vi. 426, 453; viii. 74, 174, 393; ix. 147; xii. 24. Aboam (in Southerne’s Oroonoko), xi. 302. Abraham Adams (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), viii. 106; x. 328. Abruzzi, The Passes of the, ix 255, 259; x. 283, 291. Absalom and Achitophel (Dryden), v. 80. Abstract Ideas, On, xi. _p._ v., 1. —— —— xi. 1. Abstraction, On, xi. 180. Academie de Musique, viii. 363. Academy, at Bologna, ix. 205, 264. —— of Compliments, i. 235. —— of Painting (Venice), ix. 273, 274. —— of St Luke, x. 280, 296. Accusation. See Anglade Family. Acetto, Count, ix. 213. Achilles, i. 221; iv. 225; v. 15, 54, 64; vii. 255; x. 6, 98; xii. 8. Achitophel (Dryden’s), iii. 400; v. 80. Achmet (in John Brown’s Barbarossa), viii. 372. Acis and Galatea (by John Gay), vii. 103. Ackerman, Rudolf, i. 366; viii. 143; ix. 313. Acropolis, ix. 379; x. 343; xi. 227, 486. Actæon—Hunting (Titian), i. 27, 78. Acted Drama in London, Essays on the, viii. 381. Actium, i. 229; v. 50; viii. 192. Acton, Sir Francis, v. 213. Actor, The (Holcroft’s paper), ii. 87. Actors and Acting, On, i. 153, 156, 382. —— ought to sit in the Boxes? Whether, vi. 272. Actors and the Public, xi. 348. Acts of Uniformity, xi. 314. Adair, Sir R., ii. 169, 214, 227. Adam, i. 38, 105 _seq._, 385, 425; iv. 337; v. 60, 66; vi. 96, 396, 411; vii. 36; xi. 233, 452; xii. 276, 455 _n._ —— (in Shakespeare’s As You Like It), i. 340. —— (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 241, 332, 362. —— (in Milton’s Paradise Lost), v. 357, 371. —— and Eve (Barry’s), ix. 418. —— —— (Martin’s), vi. 398; vii. 292 _n._; xi. 553. —— —— in Paradise (Poussin), vii. 291, 292; ix. 109. —— —— driven out of Paradise (Ribera’s), ix. 70. Adam Bell (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. Adams, Mr (Sec. of the Constitutional Soc.), ii. 153. Addington, Henry, Viscount Sidmouth, iii. 3, 38; viii. 17; xii. 206, 450. —— Hiley, iii. 238, 300. Addison, Joseph, i. 2, 8, 9, 370, 372, 374, 380, 382, 415; ii. 43, 212; iv. 233, 269, 367; v. 78, 319, 373; vii. 6, 36; viii. 22, 89, 97, 98, 99, 101, 105, 158; ix. 276; x. 112, 206, 359; xi. 391, 489, 543, 546; xii. 35, 170, 330, 331, 375. Address to the Inhabitants of New Lanark (Robert Owen’s), iii. 121. Adela (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. Adelaide, or The Emigrants (Sheil’s), viii. 308, 530. Adelard (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 232. Adelinde (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 235. Adelphi, i. 35; viii. 404, 411, 412; ix. 420, 421, 422; x. 200; xi. 242; xii. 168, 195, 196. Adige, The, ix. 277. Admetus, iii. 206. Admirable Crichton, viii. 459; xii. 34. Admiralty, vii. 115. Adonis, Gardens of, v. 38. Adoration, An (Raphael’s), ix. 73. —— of the Angels (Poussin’s), ix. 51. —— of the Shepherds (Caracci’s), ix. 26. Adrian (Pope), xi. 235. Adriana (in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors), i. 352. Adriano de Armada (in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost), v. 324. Adrian’s Villa, ix. 256; xi. 199. Adriatic, ix. 200, 264, 266, 284. Adventurer, The (Hawksworth’s), vii. 226; viii. 104. Adventures of Friar Albert (Chaucer), xii. 30. —— at Madrid, or Gallantry (a play), viii. 399. Advertisement and Biographical and Critical Notes from the Eloquence of the British Senate, iii. 388. Advice to a Patriot; in a Letter addressed to a Member of the Old Opposition, iii. 1. Ægeon of Syracuse (Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors), iv. 341; vi. 58. Æmilia (in Two Noble Kinsmen), v. 261. —— (Shakespeare’s Othello), i. 201 _seq._, 293; vi. 303. Æneas, i. 416; iii. 461; v. 54; ix. 171; x. 20; xi. 492; xii. 19. —— Escaping, etc. (Barry’s), ix. 415. —— (in Opera Didona Abandonnata), viii. 197. —— and Dido (Guérin’s), ix. 135. Æneid (Gawin Douglas’ version), v. 399. —— (Virgil’s), xi. 492. Ænobarbas (in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra), see Enobarbus. Ænone, v. 203. Æschylus, i. 194; iv. 216; v. 56; vi. III; viii. 12; x. 33; xi. 284, 506; xii. 240, 260. Æsop. See Fables by Æsop. Ætna, v. 122. Afrancesadoes (Spaniards), i. 428. African (or Negro), i. 69. Agamemnon (Æschylus), i. 221; v. 54; x. 81, 94, 98; xi. 284, 421; xii. 240, 260. Agar (Welbore Ellis), vi. 369. Agatha Friburg (in Kotzebue’s Lovers’ Vows), viii. 335. Age of Elizabeth, The Lectures on, etc.; Lecture I.—Introductory, v. 175. Agincourt, i. 285, 289, 425. Aglaura (Suckling’s), viii. 57. Agli, Messer, x. 300. Agnes, or the Triumph of Principle, iv. 243 _n._ —— (Mrs Radcliffe’s), viii. 126 —— (in Lillo’s Fatal Curiosity), ii. 212. —— (in Molière’s School for Wives), viii. 76; xi. 276. Agnese (opera by Paer), viii. 540. Agnolo, Andrea d’. See Andrea del Sarto. Agreeable Surprise, The (O’Keeffe’s), viii. 166, 167, 319, 387, 463. Agriculture, On (Cowley), viii. 60. Aickin, James, ii. 197, 199, 201. Aikin, Dr John (Dr A.), ii. 198; xi. 505. Ailsa, Craig of, ii. 64. Aimwell (Farquhar’s Beaux’ Stratagem), viii. 10, 88. Airy, Sir George, viii. 503. Ajax, x. 94; xii. 10. Akenside, Mark, i. 114; ii. 79; iii. 222; v. 68, 119, 375; xi. 573. Aladdin, ix. 269. Alastor, or the Spirit of Solitude (Shelley’s), x. 261, 265. Albano, Francesco, i. 77; vi. 441; ix. 34, 111, 236. —— Hills of, ix. 234, 254, 376. Albany, The, xi. 486. —— Duke of, ii. 80. Albemarle Street, i. 370; iii. 217; iv. 367; xi. 423, 486, 487. Albergo di Venezia (an inn), ix. 264. Alberigi, Frederigo, i. 163, 331; vii. 303; x. 68; xi. 501. Albigeois, The Civil Wars of the, x. 56. Alcæus, iv. 271. Alcamenes (painter), ix. 466. Alcantara (town), iii. 290 _n._ Alceste (in Molière’s Misanthrope), ix. 150–1 Alcestis, vi. 179; x. 97. Alchymist, The (Ben Jonson’s), viii. 45, 227; x. 117, 171. Alcibiades, i. 211 _seq._; vii. 213; xi. 228. Alcides, The (acrobats), vi. 442. Alcinous, Gardens of, ix. 325; xi. 514. Alderman Gripe (Wycherley’s Love in a Wood), viii. 78. Aldermanbury, xi. 441. Aldobrand (in Maturin’s Bertram), viii. 306–7. Aldridge’s, ii. 174. Ale-house Door (Wilkie’s), viii. 140; ix. 15; xi. 252. Aleman, Mateo. See Guzman D’Alfarache. Aleppo (referred to in Shakespeare’s Othello), xi. 283. Alexander and Campaspe (John Lyly’s), v. 197, 201, 202. —— Battle of (a picture), ix. 41. —— of Aberdeen, ii. 209. —— I. of Russia, iii. 56, 160, 306; iv. 189; ix. 479; xi. 415. —— the Great, i. 291; ii. 67, 173; iv. 71; v. 124; vi. 106, 107; x. 15, 17, 26, 329; xi. 3, 234, 553; xii. 37, 204. Alexander the Great (by Lee, Nathaniel), v. 357; vi. 342; vii. 301. —— VI., Pope, Bower’s Life of, ii. 172. —— the Spy, ii. 154 _n._ Alexander’s Feast (Dryden’s), iv. 276; v. 81, 372; vi. 204 _n._; xii. 347. Alfieri, Count, x. 45, 232, 241; xi. 424. Alfred (Wilkie’s), ix. 389. Algiers, iii. 335, 442. Alhambra, The, ix. 349. Alice (in Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 247. —— Bridgenorth (in Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 540. Alicia (in Rowe’s Jane Shore), viii. 352. Alien Bill, The Scotch, ix. 214. —— Office, The, ii. 248. Alighieri, Family of the, x. 63. Alithea (in Wycherley’s adaptation of Molière’s School for Wives), viii. 76, 153, 554; xi. 276. Allan, The bog of, v. 34. Allen, Bobbie (Lamb’s schoolfellow), xi. 585. Allen-a-Dale (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), iv. 209. Allen, John, M.D., ix. 17. All Fools (Chapman’s), v. 234. All for Love (Dryden’s), viii. 190. All-Foxden, vi. 183; xii. 269, 271. All in the Wrong (Murphy’s), viii. 164. Allston, Washington, xi. 189, 190, 456 _n._ All’s Well that Ends Well (Shakespeare’s), i. 329; also referred to, iii. 437; viii. 330; xi. 296. Allworthy (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), vi. 452. Almack’s, xi. 343. Almanach des Gourmands, The, xi. 501. Almeria (Congreve’s Mourning Bride), viii. 75. Almeyda (in Dryden’s Don Sebastian), v. 357. Alonzo (in Maywood’s Zanga), xi. 398. Alphonso VI. of Castile and Leon, x. 57. Alps, The, iv. 193; vii. 368; ix. 182, 188, 190, 195, 199, 207, 208, 240, 263, 264, 273, 277, 288, 290, 297, 303, 360; xi. 231; xii. 134. Alpuente, Romero (Landor’s), x. 251. Alric (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. Alsop, Mrs, viii. 252, 355, 361, 369, 370, 412, 524; xi. 277, 305. Alsop’s Rosalind, Mrs, viii. 252. Altarpiece of St Mark (Tintoretto’s), ix. 113. Alton (town), vii. 126. Altona (town), ii. 256. Alwyn, or the Gentleman Comedian (Holcroft’s), ii. 95 _seq._, 280. Amadis de Gaul (early romance), i. 133; vii. 253; x. 14, 19, 20, 57; xii. 62. Amadis of Greece, x. 57. Amanda (Vanbrugh’s Relapse), viii. 83. Amanthis (in Mrs Inchbald’s Child of Nature), viii. 196. Amaryllis, vii. 41. —— (in Fletcher’s Faithful Shepherdess), v. 255. Ambrogetti, Signor, viii. 365; xi. 308. Ambrose Lamela (in Le Sage’s Gil Blas), vii. 380. Ambrose (Wilson’s Noctes Ambrosianæ), xii. 367. Amelia (Fielding’s), i. 130; vi. 457; vii. 84; viii. 114, 115, 152, 555; x. 32, 33; xi. 501; xii. 64. —— Mammonton (in Ups and Downs), xi. 385, 387. Amelia, the Princess (George II.’s daughter), x. 159. —— Carolina Wilhelmina Skeggs (in Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield), iii. 313. —— Wildenheim (in Lovers’ Vows, Mrs Inchbald’s adap. of Kotzebue’s Natural Son), viii. 249, 336. American Farmer’s Letters, The, x. 314. —— Lion (Kean’s), xi. 332. —— Literature—Dr Channing, x. 310. —— Revolution, ii. 133; iii. 32 _n._, 279, 302, 304; vii. 52. —— War, The, iii. 250, 420, 422, 424; vi. 385; x. 150–2; xii. 263, 293. Americans, ix. 257. Amiens, ii. 216; iii. 6, 61, 83, 99; vii. 227 _n._ —— (Shakespeare’s As You Like It), xi. 367, 378; xii. 122. Amine (in Arabian Nights), viii. 14. Aminta (Tasso’s), x. 73. Amintor (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Maid’s Tragedy), v. 251, 252. Amlet, Mrs (Vanbrugh’s Confederacy), viii. 14, 80. Ammerbach (philosopher), x. 143. Amory, John, i. 52. Amours of Peter the Long (L. E. Billardson de Sauvigny), ii. 107. Amphion, xi. 282. Amphitheatre of Titus, ix. 234. —— The (at Verona), ix. 277. Amsterdam, vii. 100; ix. 295, 300, 301. Amy Robsart (in Scott’s Kenilworth), ii. 314; iv. 248, 251. Anabaptists, x. 360. Anacharsis (traveller), vii. 255. Anacreon, iv. 356; vii. 372 _n._ Anacreon (Herrick’s translation), v. 312. Anacreontics (Cowley’s), v. 372; viii. 59. Anah (Byron’s), vii. 85. Analogy (Butler’s), vi. 224; ix. 415; xii. 266, 346. Analytical Review, The, ii. 116. Ananias (Raphael’s), ix. 272 _n._ Anastasius, vii. 220. Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton’s), iv. 365; vi. 225. Ancient Britons (the corps), ii. 176. —— Mariner (Coleridge’s), iii. 205; iv. 218; v. 166, 377; viii. 14; xii. 236, 273, 319, 460. —— Pistol (Shakespeare’s Henry IV., etc.), i. 425; iii. 54. —— and Modern Literature, On Spirit of; On German Drama contrasted with that of Age of Elizabeth, v. 345. Ancona, View of (Wilson’s), xi. 199. Andalusia, Castle of (O’Keeffe’s), viii. 329. Anderson, Dr, v. 124. Andes, iv. 193; vii. 255; viii. 415. Andrea del Sarto, vi. 11; ix. 25, 51, 226. Andromache (Racine’s), viii. 334. Andromeda (Guido’s), vi. 441; viii. 253; ix. 61, 237. Andrugio (in Marston’s Antonio and Mellida), v. 225. Angelica (Congreve’s Love for Love), i. 133; viii. 15, 152, 555. —— and Medora (a picture), ii. 212, 227; v. 3; x. 71. Angelo (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), i. 346, 347. —— Michael. See Michael Angelo. Angerstein, John Julius, vi. 174, 346; ix. 9, 35, 75, 113, 439. Angerstein’s Collection, ix. 7. Angiers, i. 311. Anglade Family (or Accusation, by Payne), viii. 279. Anglaises pour rire (a play), xi. 366. Angler. See Complete Angler. Angrisani (Signor), viii. 365, 371; xi. 308. Anhalt (in Lovers’ Vows, Mrs Inchbald’s version of Kotzebue’s Natural Son), viii. 249. Anjou, Charles of, x. 56. Anlaff the Dane (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. Anna, Verses upon (Gifford’s), iv. 302; vi. 221. —— St Ives (Holcroft’s), ii. 128, 132, 136, 201, 279. Annabel (in Holcroft’s The Man of Ten Thousand), ii. 160. Annabella (in Ford’s ’Tis a Pity She’s a Whore), v. 269. Anne Page (in Shakespeare’s Merry Wives), i. 350; ix. 36. —— Queen, i. 8, 138; iii. 405; iv. 212, 217, 367; v. 82, 104, 105; vi. 113, 322, 323, 376, 445; viii. 96; x. 73, 205, 310, 358, 373, 374, 377, 378; xii. 405. Annecy (town), i. 17; v. 100; vii. 304. Annesley (a novel), x. 392. Annual Anthology, iii. 211. —— Register, ii. 56. Annunciation (Guido’s), ix. 111. Annus Mirabilis, The (Dryden’s), v. 81. Anselme (in Molière’s L’Avare), xi. 379. Anstey, Christopher, viii. 560. Antæus, i. 160; iv. 38. Antigone (Sophocles), x. 81, 97. Antigonus (Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale), i. 324. Anti-Jacobin Review, i. 401; iii. 219, 238, 261, 262, 295; v. 164; x. 139, 158, 225. Antinous, The (statue), vii. 167; viii. 149; ix. 107, 350, 378; xi. 228, 486, 542. Antipholis (in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors), i. 351; iv. 341; vi. 58; viii. 401. Antipodes, xii. 279. Antiquary (Scott’s), iv. 248; vii. 156; viii. 413, 425; ix. 202; xi. 558. Antiquaries, Society of, viii. 335. Antiquity, On, vii. 252. Antonines, The, ix. 366. Antonio (in Middleton’s Witch), v. 218. —— (Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), i. 321; viii. 179, 250, 374; xi. 417. —— (Godwin’s), iv. 210 _n._; xii. 326. —— and Mellida (Marston’s), v. 224, 225. Antony (Shakespeare’s Julius Cæsar and Antony and Cleopatra), i. 197; iv. 183; vii. 264. —— and Cleopatra (Shakespeare’s), i. 228; v. 50, 253; viii. 190; also referred to, i. 195; v. 253; viii. 31, 389; ix. 27. Antwerp, ix. 110, 300, 302, 492; xii. 48 _n._ A. P. E., vii. 124, 207. Ape, Lines on the Story of the (Merry’s), iv. 309 _n._ Apelles (sculptor), vi. 74. —— (in Lyly’s Alexander and Campaspe), v. 201. Apemantus (Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens), i. 210 _et seq._ Apennines, The, ix. 199, 207, 208, 209, 210, 254, 260, 263, 264, 276, 303; xii. 57, 134. Apicius, xii. 141. Apocalypse, The, vii. 199; xii. 280, 441. Apollo, i. 34, 416; v. 83, 192; vi. 141; vii. 157; x. 349, 350; xi. 544; xii. 341. —— (statues), iii. 169; v. 164; vi. 141; ix. 28, 107, 147, 164, 165 _n._, 169 _n._, 222, 223, 237, 240, 339, 340, 341, 350, 378, 379, 381, 430, 491–2; x. 341, 342, 344; xi. 196, 227, 228, 493. Apollo and Daphne (Titian’s), ix. 74. —— giving a Poet a Cup of Water (Poussin’s), vi. 172; ix. 24. —— and the Seasons (R. Wilson’s), ix. 392; xi. 198. Apollodorus, x. 100. Apology for His Own Life (Cibber), viii. 160, 359. Apostate, The (by Richard Lalor Sheil), v. 345; viii. 538. Apostates, On Modern, iii. 155. Apothecary (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), ii. 368 _n._ Apparitions, History of (Defoe’s), x. 382. Appeal to Honour and Honesty (Defoe’s), x. 369 _n._ —— from the New to the Old Whigs (Burke’s), iii. 32. Appius and Virginia (Webster’s), v. 234. Appleby, iii. 423; v. 148. Application to Study, On, vii. 55. Apprentice, The (Murphy’s), viii. 514. Apuleius, Lucius, v. 199; vi. 201; x. 17, 18. Apullius and Apullia (Turner’s), xi. 190. Aquapendente (town), ix. 230. Aquinas, Thomas, iv. 217; xii. 35. Arabia, v. 88, 340 _n._; xi. 560. Arabian Nights, i. 46; ii. 347; iv. 337; v. 113; vi. 53, 408; vii. 23, 421 _n._; viii. 12, 13, 14; ix. 69; x. 46. Aram, Eugene, vi. 314; xii. 34. Araminta (Vanbrugh’s Relapse), viii. 83. Arbaces (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s King and no King), v. 252. —— (in the opera Artaxerxes), viii. 248, 321, 451. Arbe, The (river), ix. 292. Arbela, The Battle of, vi. 107. Arbuthnot, John, iii. 33; iv. 217; v. 78, 104, 105. Arcadia, i. 338; ix. 324, 325. —— Sir Philip Sidney’s, v. 98, 318, 319, 320, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326; ix. 9, 10, 58; x. 14; xii. 282. Arch of Constantine (Claude), ix. 54. —— of Constantine, ix. 232. Archangel, ii. 251. Archbishop of Grenada, The (in Le Sage’s Gil Blas), x. 31. Archer (in Farquhar’s Beaux’ Stratagem), viii. 14, 88; xii. 451, 452. Archimago (in Spenser), v. 36. Archimedes, iii. 151; vi. 377; x. 13; xii. 36. Arcite (Chaucer), v. 21, 29, 30, 258. Arctic Circle, The, xii. 253. Arden of Feversham (play), i. 357. —— Forest of, i. 185, 338, 339; xi. 367; xii. 122. Arethusa, xii. 200. —— (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Philaster), v. 262. Aretine, Peter, iii. 218; iv. 225; v. 186; viii. 10. Aretino, Pietro (Titian’s supposed portrait of), ix. 354; xii. 30. Arezzo, ix. 262, 302. Argenis (Barclay’s), x. 145. Arguing in a Circle, xii. 285. Argus, The (a newspaper), xi. 386. Argyll, Duke of, vi. 521. —— 2nd Duke of, John Campbell, iii. 415. —— The Duchess of, vi. 450. —— in Prison (Northcote’s), vi. 341. —— Place, vi. 358. Ariadne, vi. 238; vii. 125; xii. 203. Ariel (Shakespeare’s Tempest), i. 23, 238, 241, 245; iv. 216; v. 15, 151; viii. 235, 236; ix. 177, 463; x. 116; xi. 179. Ariosto, i. 161; iv. 257, 356; v. 3, 35, 45, 224; vi. 425; vii. 94, 252; ix. 29, 239, 266, 301; x. 9, 13, 16, 20, 45, 69, 70, 71, 73, 77, 409; xi. 235, 492. Ariosto (Titian’s portrait of), ix. 270; xi. 30. —— (Harington’s), v. 186; vi. 319 _n._ Aristarchus, iv. 307. Ariste (should be Valère), (in Molière’s L’Ecole des Femmes), xi. 356. Aristocracy of Letters, On the, vi. 205. Aristophanes, v. 56; viii. 28, 166; x. 99, 100, 112 _n._ —— of Byzantium, i. 183. Aristotle, i. 13, 123, 139; iv. 9 _n._, 143, 144, 283, 285; v. 360; vi. 107, 109, 198; vii. 248, 316; viii. 63, 93, 305; x. 143, 248, 249; xi. 97, 262; xii. 164, 326, 361, 370. Arkwright (Sir Richard), ii. 175; vi. 456; vii. 165, 186; ix. 243 _n._ Armelie (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 232, 235. Armida (Ariosto’s), x. 71. Armitage (racket-player), vi. 89. Armstrong, John, ii. 169, 183, 194, 195; v. 119, 376; vi. 332. Arnaud, Anthony, xi. 289. —— Daniel, x. 55. Arne, Michael, ii. 86. —— Dr Thomas Augustine, ii. 86; viii. 451, 452. Arno, The, ix. 211, 212, 221; xii. 134. Arnold, S. J., viii. 224, 243, 244, 314, 322, 323, 463, 476. Arpasia (in Bajazet), xi. 275. Arragon, x. 56. Arruntius (in Ben Jonson’s Sejanus), v. 264. Arsinoe (in Molière’s Misanthrope), ix. 149. Art, Fragments on, ix. 489. —— of Walking the Streets. See Trivia. Artamène (in Mlle. de Scudéry’s Artamène ou Le Grand Cyrus), xii. 61. Artaxerxes (F. A. Arne’s), viii. 192; also referred to in viii. 248, 320, 330, 451, 532; xi. 455 _n._ Arthur, King, x. 20–21, 56; xii. 221. —— (in Shakespeare’s King John), i. 306 _et seq._; vii. 344. Arthur’s Seat, ii. 314; ix. 98, 324, 336, 337. —— —— View of (Nasmyth’s), xi. 247. Artist, The (a magazine), vi. 416. Artists, On the Old Age of, vii. 88. Arts, On the Progress of the, i. 372. —— are not Progressive, Why the, i. 160; ix. 489; referred to, ix. 478. Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of, ix. 34. Arviragus (in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), i. 182 _seq._; v. 258; xi. 293. Ascham, Roger, x. 236–7. Ascot Heath, ii. 4, 5, 6. Ashburton, Baron. See Dunning, John. —— the Inn at, vi. 407. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, ii. 14. Ashmole, Elias, iii. 141. Asia Minor, v. 199. Aspasia (Landor’s), ii. 396; vii. 299. Aspatia (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Maid’s Tragedy), v. 251. Aspin, Mr, ii. 205. Ass (of Apuleius), x. 17, 18. Assembly of the Just (Raphael’s), iii. 142; xii. 208. —— of Saints (Raphael’s), ix. 380; xi. 227. Assignation Scene, The (Hogarth’s), viii. 134. Assizi, ix. 261. Ass’s Foal, Ode to an (Coleridge’s), v. 164. Assumption (Titian’s), ix. 273. Astley, John, vii. 111. Astley’s, xii. 49. Astolpho (Ariosto’s), vii. 252. Astræa, xi. 384. Astrea and Cleopatra, Histories of, x. 14. Astronomical Discourses, Dr Chalmers’s, iv. 230; xii. 279. Asturias, xi. 317. As You Like It (Shakespeare’s), i. 338; also referred to in i. 185; vii. 260 _n._; viii. 513; xi. 396. Atala at the Tomb (Girodet’s), ix. 132. At-all (in Abbe’s Double Gallant), viii. 162, 360. Athalie (Racine’s), x. 106; xi. 452. Athanasius, Creed of St, iii. 139, 269. Athenæ Oxonienses (Wood’s), iii. 276. Athenæum, The, xi. 386. Athenians, xi. 312. Athens, i. 4, 212; vi. 188, 448; vii. 95, 185, 254; ix. 381, 379, 466, 492; x. 347; xii. 170. Atherstone, ii. 14. Atkins, Mr (actor), viii. 275. —— Mrs, ii. 219. Atkinson (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), vii. 214; viii. 114; x. 33. Atlas (the horse), ii. 22. —— The, vi. 505, 517, 520, 521, 522; ix. 484–5; x. 403; xii. 320, 339, 342, 346, 348, 350, 353, 354, 357, 360, 363, 364, 367, 369, 370, 377, 381, 386, 391, 394, 402. Atterbury, Francis, iii. 408; v. 79; vii. 24; viii. 14. Attica, ix. 325; xi. 495. Atticus (Pope’s), ii. 79, 199. Attila, ix. 267. —— (Raphael’s), ix. 364. Attributes (Samuel Clarke’s), xi. 118. Attwood, Mr (actor), ii. 195, 222, 225. Audrey (in Shakespeare’s As You Like It), i. 185, 340; iv. 348; v. 146; viii. 167, 252, 319; xi. 367, 397. Aufidius (in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus), i. 217; iii. 435; viii. 375. Augustus (in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra), i. 230. —— (statue), ix. 165, 221. Auld Reekie School, The, viii. 478 _n._ Auld Robin Gray (ballad), v. 141; vii. 253. Aumerle (Shakespeare’s Richard II.), i. 273. Aurelia, Duchess of Pietro Jacomo (in Marston’s Malcontent), v. 230. Aurelio and Miranda (Boaden’s), ii. 218. Aurora (newspaper), xi. 386. —— (in Le Sage’s Gil Blas), xii. 141. —— (Guido’s), ix. 237; xii. 36. —— (Poussin’s), vi. 171. Ausias (Italian author), x. 56. Austerlitz, i. 415; iii. 99, 112; vi. 13, 237. Austria, iii. 14, 104, 179. —— Archduke of, i. 310, 311. —— Emperor of, iii. 106, 107; ix. 277. Austrian Catechism, The, xi. 343–4. —— Troops, ix. 259. Austrians, ix. 187 _n._ Authors, On the Conversation of, vii. 24. ——, The Royal Society of, vii. 105. Autolycus (in Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale), i. 155, 326; viii. 230, 388. Auvergne, Countess of, i. 292. Avare (Molière). See L’Avare. Avarice (in Spenser), v. 39. Avon, v. 297. Aylesbury, iii. 422. Ayr, ii. 78. Ayrton, William, vi. 195, 201; vii. 37. Ayton, Miss Fanny, xi. 378. B. B——, xii. 455 _n._ B., Arthur, ii. 211. B——, Col., ii. 194, 196. B., Dr, ii. 224. B., Duke of, ii. 225. B——ll, ii. 176. B——r, ii. 215. Babilonia, La (Salvator’s), x. 301. Babylon, v. 183, 203, 273; vii. 185; ix. 268; xii. 153. Baccano (a town), ix. 231. Bacchus, v. 81; viii. 28, 231; ix. 216, 220. —— and Ariadne (Titian’s), iv. 276; ix. 72. Bacon, Lord, i. 23, 82, 123; iii. 293; iv. 45, 200 _n._, 283, 365; v. 3, 175, 179, 307, 326, 332, 333; vi. 85, 154; vii. 182 _n._, 262, 306, 320; viii. 58, 100; ix. 28, 186, 243 _n._; x. 249, 258, 291, 326; xi. 25, 26, 27, 163, 164, 203, 287, 323; xii. 35 _n._, 50, 369, 372. —— Friar, v. 334. —— Roger, vii. 443 _n._ Bacon’s Works, Character of Lord, compared as to Style with Sir Thomas Brown and Jeremy Taylor, v. 326. Bagdad, iii. 146. Bagnigge Wells, iv. 108; vii. 70; viii. 140; xi. 252. Bagot (Henry VI.), i. 295. Bagshot, xi. 375; xii. 13. Bailie Bradwardine (Scott’s Waverley), viii. 129; xi. 534. —— Nicol Jarvie (Scott’s Rob Roy), iv. 248. Baillie, Miss Joanna, v. 147, 148, 270; viii. 420 _n._ Baird, Mr (a mate), ii. 248, 249, 252. Baker, Mr (actor), viii. 318; x. 382. —— Sir George, ii. 174, 175. Bakewell, ii. 18. Bakhuysen, Ludolf, ix. 20. Balaam (in Holcroft’s The Exiles), ii. 201. —— (in Kotzebue’s Indian in England), ii. 196. Balafre (in Scott’s Quentin Durward), iv. 248. Balasteros, Francisco, x. 250. Bal Champêtre (Watteau’s), ix. 22, 23. Balfour of Burley (Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 229, 247; viii. 129; xi. 381, 532. Ball, John, iii. 194, 303. Ballad on a Wedding (Sir John Suckling’s), v. 371; viii. 56. Ballads, On the Old English, v. 123. Ballantyne Press, vii. 222. Ballets, Two New, viii. 353. Balmawhapple (in Scott’s Waverley), xii. 91. Balmerino, Lord, iii. 285 _n._; x. 161, 168. Baltimore, viii. 473; xii. 377. —— House, viii. 12. Banbury, ii. 14. —— Mutton, ii. 246. Banchieri, Monsignore, iii. 178. Bandello, Matteo, x. 9. Bandinelli, Baccio (Correggio’s), ix. 43. ——, Bartolommeo, ix. 219, 229. Bank of a River (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. Banks, Henry, xi. 473. —— Sir Joseph, ii. 178, 183, 199, 203; vii. 210. —— Mr, ix. 56 _n._ —— Miss, ii. 206. —— the Miller (in The Merry Devil), v. 294. —— of the Thames (J. Wilson’s), xi. 247. —— of the Wye (Wordsworth’s), v. 156. Bannister, John, i. 155, 326; ii. 160, 162, 165, 195, 196, 197, 198, 202, 368; vi. 273, 417; vii. 76, 127; viii. 230, 234, 317, 387, 388, 514; xi. 366; xii. 24. Bannister’s Farewell, viii. 229. Banquo (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), vi. 410; xi. 316. Banstead Downs, vi. 12. Baptistery, The, at Florence, ix. 212. Barabbas, v. 210. Barbara Yellowley (in Scott’s Pirate), xi. 534. Barbarelli, Giorgio. See Giorgione. Barbarosa (Brown’s), viii. 372. Barbaroux, vi. 102. Barbauld, Mrs (Anna Letitia), v. 147. Barber, Mrs, xii. 139 _n._ —— of Bagdad, The (in Arabian Nights), viii. 13. Barberigo Palace, The, ix. 269, 270. Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco. See Guercino. Barcelona, ix. 185. Barclay, Captain, viii. 203. Bard (Gray’s), xi. 326 _n._; xii. 223. —— Bracy (in Coleridge’s Christabel), x. 415. Bardolph (in Shakespeare), ii. 72; viii. 33; xii. 7. Barebone’s Parliament, iii. 395. Baretti, G. M. A., vi. 381. —— Reynolds’ Portrait of, ix. 399. Bareuth, the Margravine of, vi. 445. Barker, Benjamin, xi. 248. Barkley, Sir Robert, ii. 224. —— Miss, ii. 224. Barlow, Joel, iii. 460. Barmecide, The, iii. 139; iv. 337; vi. 53; viii. 13. Barnaby Brittle (a play founded on Molière), viii. 28. Barnard, Mr (actor), viii. 241, 279, 280, 302, 399, 460, 475, 525, 532. —— Sir John, iii. 413. Barnard’s Inn, ii. 218. Barnes, Mrs and Mr, viii. 271, 439. Barney o’ Mulchesen (in Leigh’s Where to Find a Friend), viii. 258, 260. Baron of Bradwardine (Scott’s Waverley), iv. 247. —— Wildenheim (in Mrs Inchbald’s Lovers’ Vows), viii. 335. Barrés, The, iii. 420; iv. 237; xii. 293. Barrett, George, vi. 380. Barrière d’Enfer (a gate), ii. 235. Barrois, Monsieur, ii. 268. Barrow (artist), vi. 365. —— Isaac, iii. 151; v. 147; viii. 26, 63; xii. 346. —— Sir John, ix. 247 _n._ Barry, Colonel, ii. 191, 212, 224, 228. —— James, ix. 413; also referred to in i. 35, 148, 150; ii. 221; iii. 257; vi. 270, 340, 372; vii. 89; ix. 31, 35, 225, 363 _n._, 380; x. 199, 200, 280; xi. 226; xii. 186, 194–6, 221, 292. —— Mrs, i. 157; viii. 160. —— Spranger, viii. 209; xii. 33. Barrymore (actor), iii. 206; viii. 410; xi. 277, 305. —— Mrs, iii. 206; xi. 364. Bartholine Saddletree (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 248; ix. 151; xii. 91. Bartholomew Fair, ii. 77 _n._; iii. 312; vi. 436; viii. 45, 400; ix. 143, 196, 212; xi. 349, 360, 372; xii. 20. Bartlemy Fair. See Bartholomew Fair. Bartley, George (actor), viii. 177, 234, 258, 278, 280, 315, 327, 331, 464, 474, 528; xi. 277, 370, 374, 389. —— Mrs, viii. 302. Bartoline Saddletree. (See Bartholine Saddletree.) Bartolommeo, Fra, ix. 226. Bartolozzi, Francesco, xi. 392. Barton, Bernard, i. 423; x. 405. Basedaw, J. B., ix. 483. Basil (Miss Baillie’s), v. 147; viii. 555. Basile, Madame, i. 90; vii. 304. Basingstoke, Mayor’s Feast at, vi. 498. Basle, ii. 185; ix. 295, 298. Bassanio (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), viii. 179, 180, 465. Bassano II, Jacopo da Ponte, ix. 35, 43, 355, 386. Bastard, The (in Shakespeare’s King John), i. 311; viii. 347. Bastile, The, i. 105 _n._, 388, 427; ii. 217; iii. 290; iv. 92, 93, 218; xi. 197; xii. 135, 287. Bates, Miss. See Harrop, Miss. Bates, William, iii. 266. Bates’s (Joah) Company, ii. 79, 212. Bath, ii. 87, 199, 260, 267; vii. 306; viii. 405; ix. 277; xii. 139 _n._ Bath Easton Vase, The, ii. 87. Bath Guide (Anstey’s), viii. 560. Bath, Lord, vi. 378. Bath Theatre Royal, viii. 254, 335, 410. Bath of Diana (Titian’s), i. 72; ix. 27. Bath of Seneca (Luca Giordano’s), ix. 67. Baths of Titus, The, ix. 234. Bathsheba (Wilkie’s), v. 141. Bathurst, Allen, Lord, iii. 408; ix. 140, 187 _n._ Batte, Batte, Masetto (a song), viii. 365, 370; xi. 308. Battle of Hexham, The (G. Colman, the younger), ii. 109. Battle of Norlingen (Rubens’), ix. 41. Battle-piece (Barker’s), xi. 248. —— (Giulio Romano’s), ix. 43. —— (Salvator Rosa’s), ix. 226; x. 303. Baveno, ix. 278. Baviad (Gifford’s), i. 380, 385, 396; iv. 304, 309; vi. 221. Baxter, Richard, iii. 266; vi. 76, 364; vii. 243, 320, 321; xii. 383. Bayes (in Villiers’ The Rehearsal), iii. 97; ix. 319; x. 11, 19, 388. Bayle, Pierre, i. 82; xi. 323. Beacon, The (a periodical), vi. 518 _n._; xi. 534; xii. 259. Beaconsfield (the place), iii. 137; iv. 284. Beatrice (Dante’s Divina Commedia), x. 87. Beatrice (Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing), ii. 110; viii. 32, 401 _n._ —— (in J. P. Kemble’s Pannel), xi. 305. Beattie, James, iii. 225; vi. 444, 445. —— Mrs, vi. 445. Beauclerc, Topham, viii. 103. Beau Didapper (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), viii. 115; x. 33; xii. 226. Beau Mordecai (in Macklin’s Love a la Mode), viii. 387. Beau Tibbs (in Goldsmith’s Citizen of the World), viii. 105. Beaufre, Madame, xi. 366. Beaumont, Francis, v. 295; also referred to in iv. 367; v. 175, 176, 193, 224, 296, 344 _n._, 346; vi. 192, 193, 203, 218 _n._; vii. 134, 229, 320, 321; viii. 48, 69, 89, 264, 353; x. 118, 205, 261; xii. 34. —— Sir George, vi. 375; vii. 293; ix. 472; xi. 548. —— Sir John, v. 297. —— and Fletcher, Ben Jonson, Ford, and Massinger, On, v. 248. Beaumont Street, ii. 163. Beaunoir, Count de (in Holcroft’s Anna St Ives), ii. 128. Beausobre, Isaac de, vi. 76. Beauties of Charles II.’s Court (Lely’s), ix. 38. Beauty, On, i. 68. Beaux’ Stratagem, The (by George Farquhar), ii. 77 _n._; viii. 10, 88. Beccaria, Cesare Marchese de, xii. 466. Beckford, William, ix. 56 _n._, 59, 60, 349, 350, 351, 352; xii. 84. Beckmann, J., ix. 483. Beddoes, Dr Thomas, ii. 212; iii. 350 _n._; xi. 579. Bede, The Venerable, ii. 187. Bedford, Duke of, ii. 219; vii. 12, 13, 228, 276. Bedlam, i. 139; iv. 196; v. 191; vi. 167, 280. See also Diccon. Beecher, Mrs. See Miss O’Neill. Beechey, Sir William, ii. 180, 189, 198, 214; vi. 302, 388, 397; ix. 21. Bee-Hive, The (by John G. Millingen), viii. 315; xi. 367. Beelzebub, iii. 373. —— (Milton’s Paradise Lost), v. 61. Bees-Inn, ii. 317. Beggar of Bethnal-green (by Mr Grimaldi), viii. 351. Beggar’s Bush, The. See Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges, viii. 264, 265. Beggar’s Opera (Gay’s), i. 65; viii. 193, 254; xi. 373; also referred to in i. 80, 154, 394; iii. 131 _n._, 210, 252; v. 10, 98, 106, 107, 108, 374; vi. 292, 293; viii. 56, 158, 162, 165, 178, 315, 323, 330, 341, 470, 473, 476; x. 153, 311, 355; xi. 317, 533; xii. 57, 130, 169, 355. Begri, Signor (Begrey, Pierre Ignace), viii. 326. Begum, Sheridan’s Speech on the, iii. 252; viii. 166. Behmen, Jacob, iv. 217; vii. 199; viii. 479; x. 138, 141, 145. Belcher, Jem, xi. 487; xii. 7, 9. —— Tom, xii. 2, 9. Belcour (in Cumberland’s West Indian), viii. 511. Belfield, Mrs, viii. 241. Belhaven, Lord, iii. 403. Belief, Whether Voluntary? xii. 439. Belinda (in Vanbrugh’s The Provoked Wife), viii. 83. —— (Pope’s), i. 26; v. 72, 73; viii. 134; ix. 76; xi. 505. Bell, Andrew, i. 123; iii. 297; x. 133, 134. Bell of Antermony (Dr John), x. 15, 16. —— Mr, ii. 201. Bellafront (in Dekker’s The Honest Whore), v. 238, 239, 241, 247; vi. 192. Bellario (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Philaster), v. 262, 296. Bellarius (in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), v. 258; viii. 540. Belle’s Stratagem, The (Mrs Cowley), viii. 163; xi. 404. Bellini, Gentile, xi. 238. Bellochi, Madame, vi. 402. Belmore, Mrs (in Mrs Kemble’s Smiles and Tears, or The Widow’s Stratagem), viii. 266. Belphœbe (Spenser’s), v. 38; viii. 364; x. 83, 348; xi. 307. Belsham, William, ii. 219. Belvidera (in Otway’s Venice Preserved), i. 157; v. 354, 355; vii. 306; viii. 210, 307, 391, 397, 459; x. 243; xi. 297, 382, 402, 403, 407; xii. 122. Bembo, Cardinal, ix. 238. Ben (in Congreve’s Love for Love), vii. 127; viii. 72, 152, 278, 555. Ben Jonson (and Shakespeare), On, viii. 30. Ben Lomond, iv. 245. Benedick (in Shakespeare’s Much Ado), viii. 32. Benedict XIV. (Lambertini), vi. 379. Benfield, Paul, ii. 176, 222, 226. Bengough (actor), viii. 335, 353; xi. 303. Bennet, Mr, iii. 236. Bennett, Mrs (in Fielding’s Amelia), vi. 457; viii. 114, 115; x. 33. Bensley, Robert, ii. 81. Benson, William, x. 377. Bentevole (in Jephsen’s Italian Lover), viii. 337. Bentham, Jeremy, iv. 189; xi. 411; also referred to in i. 139; iv. 200, 225; vi. 151, 356; vii. 49, 50, 129, 186, 240, 250; viii. 411; xi. 414, 415; xii. 86 _n._, 255, 281, 362, 415, 466, 470. Bentinck, Lord William, iii. 179. —— William Henry Cavendish. See Portland (Duke of). Bentley, Richard, x. 163, 164; xi. 178 _n._ —— Thomas, ii. 203. Beppo (Lord Byron’s), vi. 210; viii. 153; xi. 423. Berchem, Nicolaas Pietersz, called Berchem or Berghem, ii. 189, 198; ix. 22, 59, 355. Berenice, vi. 238; vii. 125; xii. 203. Beresfords, The, ii. 169. Berg (sculptor), ix. 355. Bergami, Bartolomeo, xi. 556. Berghem. See Berchem. Berinthia (in Vanbrugh’s The Relapse), viii. 80, 83, 153. Berkeley, Bishop, George, i. 411; iv. 216, 283; vi. 64, 191 _n._; vii. 224, 306, 415 _n._, 434 _n._, 448; ix. 19, 289; x. 141, 249; xi. 1, 9, 12, 14, 22 _et seq._, 32, 42, 65, 100, 101, 108, 109, 112, 129, 130, 173 _n._, 285, 579; xii. 35, 266, 319, 346, 397 _n._ —— Square, ii. 213, 272. Berkshire, ii. 4, 7, 41. —— Earl of, iii. 402. Berlin, ii. 186; iii. 99; viii. 429, 528; xi. 195. Bermudas, v. 372. Bernadotte, iii. 106, 107. Bernardino Perfetti (Godwin’s), x. 391. Berne, ix. 285. Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo (sculptor), vi. 353; vii. 89; ix. 164; x. 292, 296, 298. Berquin, Arnauld, ii. 114. Berri, Duke of, xi. 390. Berry’s, The Miss (Miss B...s), vi. 461. Berteche, Monsieur (actor), xi. 366. Berthier, Alexander, iii. 192. Bertram (Miss Baillie’s), v. 147. —— (Maturin’s), viii. 304; also referred to in viii. 335, 352, 368, 416, 421, 478, 530; x. 158 _n._; xi. 418. Berwick (smack), ii. 300. Bessus (in Beaumont & Fletcher’s King and No King), v. 252. Bethlem Gabor, the dungeon of (Godwin’s), x. 389. Betrothed, The (Scott’s), xii. 88. Betsy Thoughtless (Heywood’s), x. 24. Betterton, Thomas, i. 8, 157; iii. 389; viii. 96, 160. Bettinelli, Xavier, ix. 483. Betty Foy (Ballad of), (Wordsworth’s), xii. 270. Betty, Old, ii. 47, 48, 49. —— William Henry West, iv. 233; vi. 294, 295 _n._, 342. Beverley (in Miss Burney’s Cecilia), vi. 120. Beverley, Mrs (in Moore’s The Gamester), vii. 299; viii. 210, 223, 391, 397; xi. 382, 408. Bevil, Mr (in Steele’s Indiana), viii. 158. Bewdley (the town), ii. 66, 196. Bewick, Thomas, iv. 277, 337; vi. 53, 522. Bex (a town), ix. 284. Bexley Baron. See Vansittart. Beyle, Marie Henri, ix. 250, 278; xii. 96 _n._ Bianca (in Middleton’s Women beware Women), v. 214–16. —— Capella (Tuscany, Grandduchess of), vi. 453. Bibby, Mr (an American), viii. 299 _n._ —— (actor), viii. 318, 351. Bible, The, v. 15, 16, 116, 182, 183; vi. 392; viii. 284; x. 124, 125, 132; xi. 312, 452 _n._, 506. Bible (Raphael’s), ix. 240. —— Society, i. 139. Bienne, Lake of, i. 91, 92; ix. 297. Big Ben, iv. 342. Bigordi, Domenico. See Ghirlandaio. Bilfinger, G. B., ix. 483. Billingsgate, ii. 244; iii. 445; iv. 252; vii. 375; ix. 247; xi. 546. Billington, Mrs Elizabeth, vi. 292; ix. 472. Bills of Mortality, The, vi. 160; vii. 376. Bingley, Lord, iii. 422. Biographia Literaria (Coleridge’s), i. 401; iii. 243 _n._; v. 118; vii. 38. Birch (Mr, picture-cleaner), ii. 185, 198, 218, 224. —— of Cornhill, iii. 445. Bird, Edward, vi. 360; xi. 188, 189, 244. Birds (of Aristophanes), viii. 28. —— (M. Chantry’s), xi. 248. Birmingham, ii. 14, 69, 70; v. 286; ix. 302; x. 149 _n._; xii. 267. Biron (in The Fatal Marriage), viii. 210, 397; xi. 407. —— (in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost), viii. 553; xi. 360. Birth of Flattery (Crabbe’s), xi. 606. Birthday Odes (Cibber’s), viii. 160, 359. —— Ode (Southey’s), x. 242. Bishop, Sir Henry Rowley, viii. 254. Bishop’s-gate Street, vii. 212. Bitter pangs (a glee), ii. 190. Black Breeches, alias Hercules, xii. 214. Black Bull, The, xii. 277. Black Dwarf (Scott’s), iv. 246, 248; vii. 339, 343, 345; viii. 129, 422. Black Eyed Susan (Gay’s), ii. 243; v. 109. Black Forest, The, ix. 298. Black George (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), vi. 452, 457; viii. 114. Black, Dr Joseph, ii. 178, 415. Black Lion Inn, ii. 59. Black Ousel (song), viii. 275. Black Prince, i. 100. Blackamoor’s Head Inn, ii. 19. Blackheath, ii. 270, 344. Blacklock, Thomas, v. 122. Blackmore, Sir Richard, i. 425; v. 108, 164; vi. 180; vii. 185; xi. 123, 489. Blacksmith of Antwerp, O’Keeffe’s Farce, viii. 534. Blackstone, Sir William, Judge, iv. 296; vi. 197; vii. 374, 380; viii. 107; x. 27. Blackwall (London), xii. 275. Blackwood, Mr William (publisher), iv. 245, 246, 361; vii. 66, 123, 183, 380; ix. 233, 451; xi. 360; xii. 258, 272, 275, 284, 314, 315. Blackwood’s Magazine, i. 384; iv. 206, 419; vi. 222, 299, 478–9, 494, 498, 508, 518; vii. 137 _n._, 378; viii. 479; ix. 247; x. 221, 407, 411; xi. 322, 484, 547, 610; xii. 255, 259, 297, 384, 455. Blair, Robert, iv. 346. Blake, Robert (Admiral), vi. 380. —— William, vii. 95. Blanc, Mont, vii. 368; ix. 279, 283, 288, 291–4, 296. —— —— (Shelley’s), x. 270. Blanch, in Shakespeare’s King John, xi. 411. Blanchard in Tuckitomba, xi. 365. —— William, viii. 251; xi. 305, 374. Blanche Mackay (in Planché’s Carronside), xi. 388, 389. Bland, Mrs, viii. 237. Blefuscu (in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels), v. 111. Blenheim Palace, vi. 14, 172, 174, 188, 444; ix. 53, 71, 113, 144 _n._, 387; xi. 228 _n._ Blifil (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), iii. 172; iv. 169; vi. 452, 457; vii. 231, 363; viii. 113, 165, 506, 560; xi. 436; xii. 63. Blind Fiddler (Wilkie’s), vi. 259 _n._; viii. 140, 141; xi. 250, 251, 253. Blind-Man’s-Buff (Wilkie’s), ix. 15. Blondeau (in Pigeons and Crows), viii. 468. Blondel (in Romance of Richard Cœeur de Lion), x. 54. Bloody Brother, The (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 261. Bloomfield, Robert, v. 95–7, 377; xii. 53 _n._ Bloomsbury Square, vii. 249; xi. 344. Blossom, lines to (Donne’s), viii. 51. Blount, Martha, v. 71; xi. 432, 507. —— Patty, xii. 31, 32. Blowing Hot and Cold (Jordaens’), ix. 21. Blücher, Gen., iii. 63; vii. 156 _n._; ix. 465; xi. 195, 197. Blue Anchor, xii. 272. Blue Beard, viii. 14; x. 393. Blue Stocking (Moore’s M.P. or the), viii. 239. —— —— Affair, xi. 386. Bluemont, Lady, xii. 276. Boa constrictor, iii. 448. Boaden, James, ii. 199, 218; vi. 341, 342. Boar-hunt (Snyder’s), ix. 54. Boarding House, The (by Samuel Beazley), viii. 239. Bob Acres (in Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 165, 388, 508; xii. 24. Bobadil (in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in his Humour), iii. 65; v. 198; vi. 275; viii. 44, 310. Bobby, Master (in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), i. 135. Boccaccio, Giovanni, i. 25, 80, 138, 161, 163, 164, 331, 332; v. 13, 19, 29, 30, 32, 45, 76, 82, 186, 189, 240, 346, 347; vi. 121 _n._, 369, 393; vii. 93, 227, 303; viii. 94, 110, 133; ix. 75, 211; x. 30, 45, 67, 68, 69, 75, 76, 77, 409; xi. 256, 424, 501, 505, 517; xii. 30, 43, 67, 134, 323. Boccarelli (a composer), vi. 432. Boconnock (a town), iii. 414. Bodleian, The, vi. 188. Bohemia, i. 346; viii. 283; xi. 451, 452. Boileau Nicolas (sieur Despréaux), ii. 166; v. 106; viii. 29; x. 232, 250. Bois de Boulogne, The, ix. 158. Boissy (town), i. 18; v. 100. Boleyn, Ann, ix. 23; x. 244. Bolingbroke (in Shakespeare’s Richard II.), i. 272–3, 275–6, 294, 296; viii. 76, 224. —— Henry St John, Viscount, iii. 337, 409, 410; iv. 90 _n._; v. 76, 77; vii. 117; xii. 31, 50, 155 _n._ Bolivar, Simon, x. 255; xi. 385. Bologna. See also Domenichino, vi. 239; ix. 197, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211, 263, 264, 275, 282, 409, 417; xii. 48 _n._ —— John of, painter. See John of Bologna. —— la dotta, ix. 207. Bolsena (town), ix. 231. Bolton, Duchess of, xii. 35. Bonchamps, General, vii. 331. Bond, Oliver, ii. 188, 190. Bond Street, ii. 212, 222, 227; iii. 132; vi. 162, 375; vii. 212; viii. 250; xi. 343, 385, 441, 486; xii. 226, 277, 329. Bondman, The (Massinger’s), v. 266. Bonduca (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 261. Bone, Henry, vi. 241. —— R. T., xi. 247. Boniface, v. 293. Bonnafoux, Messrs, ix. 183, 199. Bonnar, Charles, ii. 113. Bonneville, Nicholas de, ii. 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 163, 268. —— (place), ix. 294. Bonney, Mr, ii. 151. Bonomi, Joseph, x. 201. Booby, Sir Thomas (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), vii. 363. Book of the Church (Southey’s), iv. 267; xii. 305. Book of Martyrs, the (Foxe’s), iii. 265. Book of Sports (James the First’s), xii. 20. Books, On Reading Old, vii. 220. Boors Merry Making (Ostade’s), ix. 26. —— (Teniers’), ix. 35. Booth (Fielding’s), vii. 84; xii. 64. —— David, iv. 393. —— Henry (Earl of Warrington), iii. 400. —— Junius Brutus, i. 157; ii. 75, 78, 91, 103; viii. 160, 354, 355, 357, 368, 404, 410, 428, 430, 440, 441, 450, 472. —— Miss, viii. 235, 254. Booth’s Company, ii. 72, 75, 79. —— Duke of Gloster, viii. 354. —— Iago, viii. 355. —— Richard III., viii. 355, 357. Border Minstrelsy, The (Scott’s), v. 155. Borghese Palace, The, ix. 238. —— Princess, The, vi. 382; vii. 113. Borgia, Cæsar, ii. 172. —— Portrait of (Raphael’s), ix. 238. —— Lucretia, vi. 401; ix. 238; xii. 36. Borgo de Renella, The, x. 282. Boringdon, Lord John, vi. 349, 376. Born, Bertrand de (Vicompte Hautefort), x. 54. Borodino (a conspirator), iii. 113. Borough (Crabbe’s), iv. 351, 352; viii. 454; xi. 606. Boroughbridge, iii. 405. Boroughmongers, iv. 338. Borromees, The Isles, ix. 278. Borromeo, The Marquis of, ix. 278. Boscow (a town), ii. 167. Bosola (in Dekker’s Duchess of Malfy), v. 246. Bossu, René le, x. 8. Bossuet, Jacques Benigne, vii. 321; ix. 119. Bostock, John, vi. 488. Boston (U.S.A.), viii. 473; x. 316; xii. 377. Bosville, William, ii. 199. Boswell, James, i. 138, 174; ii. 178; 181, 183, 184, 187, 190; vi. 205 _n._, 366, 401, 505; vii. 36; viii. 103; xi. 221; xii. 27, 31. Botany Bay, v. 163; viii. 405; xi. 554. Botany Bay Eclogues (Southey’s), v. 164. Both, Jan, ix. 20. Botherby, Mr (William Sotheby), xii. 276. Bothwell (Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 247; viii. 129. Botley (town), i. 425; iv. 337; vi. 53, 102; vii. 25. Bottle Imp, The (by Richard Brinsley Peake), xii. 229. Bottom (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 61, 379, 424–5; ii. 59; iii. 85; viii. 275, 276, 420; xi. 338. Boucher, François, vi. 130 _n._ Bouilly, M., ii. 235. Boulevards, The, ix. 143, 153, 192; xii. 146, 170 _n._, 189. Boulton-le-Moors, vii. 174 _n._ Bourbonnois, The, ix. 179, 180. Bourbons, i. 99; iii. 31, 33, 39, 46, 52, 61, 62, 63, 80, 81, 82, 97, 99, 100, 101, 105, 108, 109, 118, 123, 130, 132, 169, 171, 172, 216, 227, 228, 263, 279, 295, 313, 314, 435, 446; iv. 249, 307, 320, 359, 360; vi. 150, 189, 197, 324; vii. 34, 128; viii. 174, 309, 319, 322, 323; ix. 104, 157, 181, 244; x. 220, 233, 250; xi. 196, 339, 417, 509, 529; xii. 104, 236, 320, 457, 460. —— and Bonaparte, The, iii. 52. Bourdon, Sebastian, ix. 110. Bourgeois, Sir Peter Francis, ii. 181, 184, 198; vi. 120; ix. 18, 20. —— Gentilhomme (Molière), v. 2; viii. 28, 193; x. 107; xi. 355, 383. Bouton, Charles Marie, ix. 124. Boutterwek, Professor, x. 46. Bouverie, Mr, ii. 190. Bow-bells, vii. 254. Bowdich, Thomas Ed., ix. 255. Bow Street, ii. 173; xii. 120. Bower, Archibald, ii. 172. —— of Bliss, The (Spenser’s), v. 36, 38. Bowes, George, ii. 73. Bowkitt (dancing-master), vi. 417. Bowles, William Lisle, xi. 486; also referred to in iv. 217, 259; v. 379; x. 138. Bowling, Lieutenant, viii. 116. Boxhill, xii. 146. Boy Lamenting the Death of his Favourite Rabbit (W. Davison’s), xi. 248. Boyardo, Matteo Maria, x. 69. Boyce, Miss, viii. 184, 515. Boyd, Walter, ii. 176, 226. Boydell, Alderman John., vi. 362, 434; viii. 515. Boyer (artist), ix. 167. Boyle, Miss, viii. 333, 336, 534. Boyle’s Rosalind, Miss, viii. 336. Boys with Dogs fighting (Gainsborough’s), xi. 204. Bracebridge Hall (Irving’s), iv. 367. Bracegirdle, Mrs, i. 157; viii. 160. Brachiano. See Duke of Brachiano. Bradamante (Tasso’s), x. 71. Bradshaw, President, vi. 418. Bradwardine. See Cosmo Comyne Bradwardine. Braes of Yarrow, The (by William Hamilton), v. 142. Braham, John Abraham, vii. 70; viii. 225, 226, 229, 297, 326, 451, 452, 453, 459, 461, 470, 528, 559; ix. 152; xi. 370, 378. Brahmins, vi. 81. Brain-worm (in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humour), viii. 45, 310, 311. Brakenbury (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), xi. 193, 399. Bramhall, Bishop, xi. 54, 579. Bramhead (Mr), ii. 175. Brancaccia, Cardinal, x. 283. Brandenburg-House, vi. 386. Brandes (German dramatist), ii. 116. Brandreth, Jeremiah, iii. 280. Branghtons, The (Miss Burney’s, in Evelina), vi. 157, 160; vii. 72; viii. 124; x. 42; xi. 442. Brass (in Vanbrugh’s Confederacy), viii. 80. Brazen Horses, The (at the Tuilleries), ix. 113. —— —— (at Venice), ix. 274. Breakfast-table (Wilkie’s), ix. 36. Breaking the Ice (Jas. Burnett’s), xi. 247. Bremen, ii. 195. Brenda (in Scott’s Pirate), xi. 536. Brennoralt (Suckling’s), viii. 57. Brenta, The, ix. 266; xii. 51. Brentford, i. 350; viii. 140; ix. 42; xi. 252. Brescia, ix. 275, 277. Breton, Mr, ii. 213, 225. Breughel, see Brueghel. Brewer, Anthony, v. 292. Brian, Mr (picture collector), ix. 33 _n._ Brian de Bois-Guilbert (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), viii. 426. Brian Perdue (Holcroft’s), ii. 236. Briareus, xii. 221. Bride of Abydos, The, x. 15. Bride of Lammermuir, The (Scott’s), xii. 141. Bridewell, iv. 312; viii. 143. Bridge at Llangollen (Wilson’s), xi. 199. Bridge of Sighs at Venice, The, ix. 275; xi. 422. Bridge St. Association, vi. 190; xii. 267. Bridget Allworthy (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), viii. 113. Bridgewater, vi. 186; xii. 269, 274. —— Duke of, ix. 33 _n._ —— Mrs, ix. 447. Brigg (town), vii. 169, 177; ix. 255, 280, 281. Brighton, ii. 200; iii. 246; viii. 354, 355, 405; ix. 89, 90, 91, 94; xi. 497. Brigs of Ayr, The (Burns), v. 132. Brill, Paul, ix. 66. Brisk, Mr (Congreve’s Double Dealer), viii. 72. Bristol, ii. 212; iii. 421; vi. 95; vii. 10; ix. 98; xi. 418; xii. 10, 270, 274. Bristol Channel, The, xii. 272. —— Countess of. See Chudleigh, Elizabeth. —— Lord, iii. 399. Bristow, Miss C., viii. 235, 244. British Gallery, The, i. 157; vi. 171 _n._, 173; viii. 133; ix. 12, 472; xi. 201, 202, 453. —— Institution, The, xi. 242, 246, 248; also referred to in i. 25, 77; ix. 13, 75, 392, 401 _n._, 464, 471, 476; x. 196; xi. 187; xii. 327. —— ——, The Catalogue Raisonné of the, i. 140, 146; ix. 311. —— Museum, i. 144; ix. 168 _n._ —— Novelists (Cooke’s), vii. 223. —— Poets, Dr Johnson’s Lives of, v. 46; viii. 58. Britomart (Spenser’s), v. 38. Britton, John, vi. 213, 492. —— Thomas. See Small-Coal Man’s Musical Parties. Brobdignag (Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels), v. 112; x. 131; xi. 483. Brocard, Mademoiselle, vi. 415; xi. 371. Brodum, Dr, xii. 297. Broken Heart, The (Ford’s), v. 269, 273. —— Sword (play), viii. 535. Brompton, ii. 196; xii. 353. Bromsgrove, ii. 66, 196. Bronzino (painter), ix. 225. Brooke (Fulke Greville), Lord, iv. 216; xii. 34. Brookes’s, ii. 200. Brother Jonathan, x. 313. —— the Younger (in Milton’s Comus), viii. 231. Brothers, Richard, ii. 226. —— The (Cumberland’s), ii. 206. Brougham, Henry, Lord, iii. 128, 214, 234, 240; iv. 225, _et seq._, 318, 337; vi. 87; vii. 505; xi. 465, 468, 469, 470; xii. 275, 459. Brougham, Henry, Esq., M.P., the speech of, iii. 127, 132. Broughton (the fighter), xii. 14. Brouwer, Adrian, ix. 20. Brown, Charles Brockden, vi. 386; x. 310, 311. —— Mr, vi. 379. —— Mountain, The (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), vii. 465. —— Thomas, iii. 311, 319; vii. 368; viii. 176 _n._ —— William, v. 98, 122, 311. —— William George, ii. 204, 225, 228. Browne, Sir Thomas, v. 326; also referred to in iv. 365, 367; v. 131, 333, 339, 341, 343; vi. 225, 245; vii. 36, 320, 443 _n._; viii. 480; xi. 559, 572; xii. 27, 150. Brownrigg, Mrs, iii. 220, 238; vii. 350. Bruce, James, ix. 349. —— Mr, xi. 554. —— Michael, v. 122. Bruckner, Rev. John, iv. 402. Brueghel, Jas., ix. 349, 354. —— Peter Peters, ix. 354. Brueys, François Paul, ii. 214. Bruges, viii. 265. Bruin (in Butler’s Hudibras), viii. 65. Brummell, George Bryan (Beau Brummell), ix. 464; xii. 124. Brunet, Jean-Joseph Mira, called, ix. 154, 174. Bruno, Jordano (or Jordanus), iii. 139; xii. 403. —— (in Pocock’s Ravens, or the Force of Conscience), xi. 305. Brunswick, Duke of, iii. 461; xi. 555. —— House of, iii. 159, 285; iv. 206, 249; vi. 155; vii. 34; xii. 288. Brunton, Miss, vi. 277; viii. 454, 461, 513; xi. 396, 401, 402, 404. Brunton’s Rosalind, Miss, xi. 396. Bruscambille (in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), vii. 221. Brussells, ii. 173; xi. 289. Bruton Street, ix. 158. Brutus, i. 435; ii. 361; iv. 205; vi. 176; ix. 373. —— (David’s), ix. 134. —— exhorting the Romans (Eastlake’s), xi. 243, 247. —— (in Buonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 234. —— (Shakespeare, Julius Cæsar), i. 157; iii. 170; v. 52; vi. 274; vii. 344; viii. 379, 410. —— the latter, Ode to (Cowley’s), viii. 58. —— the Trojan, vii. 255, 341; x. 20 and 21. Bubble (in Cooke’s Greene’s Tu Quoque), v. 289, 290. Buccaneers, History of the (Captain Burney’s), iii. 290. Bucephalus (a horse), xi. 3. Buchan, Dr A. P., ii. 237, 238. —— Earl of, ix. 422. Buck, Mr, ii. 78. Buckhurst, Lord (afterwards Earl of Dorset), v. 193. Buckingham, Duke of, iii. 394, 400; iv. 350; v. 78; vii. 96; viii. 22, 69; ix. 354; xii. 161 _n._, 286. —— —— (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), viii. 182, 183, 354. —— Duchess of, and her Children, Vandyke, vi. 14; ix. 72. —— J. S., vii. 184; xi. 386. —— House, vi. 438. Buckinghamshire, iii. 397; xi. 303. Buffamalco (artist), xii. 274 _n._ Bull, Bishop, vi. 76. —— calf, viii. 33. —— (Paul Potter’s), ix. 301. Buller, Judge (Sir Francis), ii. 186, 199. Bullock, William, i. 8, 157. Bully Bottom (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), x. 216. Bulmer, Mrs Mary Ann, viii. 241. Bulwer, x. 404. Bunbury, Sir Charles, vii. 111, 211. Bunbury, Lady Sarah, vi. 454; vii. 111. Bunce (in Scott’s Pirate), xi. 535. Buncle, John, i. 51; also referred to in iii. 142; vii. 35. Bundle (in Dibdin’s Waterman), ii. 79. Bunker’s Hill, vi. 322. Bunn, Mrs, viii. 391, 393. Bunyan, John, ii. 43; iv. 365; v. 14, 94; x. 24; xii. 33. Buona, Figliola (Italian opera), ii. 86. Buonaparte, Napoleon, iii. 52, 380; also referred to in i. p. xxxi., 45, 97, 139, 415, 425, 429; ii. 172, 173, 175, 176, 185, 187, 188, 196, 199, 204, 211, 300, 304, 305, 331, 333, 343, 383; iii. 7, 34, 36, 39, 50, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 65, 68, 72, 76, 78 _n._, 80, 82, 83, 84, 93, 95, 99, 100, 101, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 119, 120 _n._, 126, 140, 154, 158, 159, 168, 169, 179, 181, 221, 227, 228, 235, 246, 295, 435, 447; iv. 92, 296, 324, 359; v. 66, 128, 153, 154; vi. 93, 102 _n._, 106, 109, 110, 196, 241, 292, 319, 382, 387, 393, 401, 428; vii. 86, 94, 96, 101, 122, 166, 203, 227 _n._, 314 _n._, 324 _n._; viii. 526; ix. 104, 133 _n._, 159, 175, 186, 191, 203, 239, 244, 290, 352, 355, 466; x. 123, 232, 233, 236, 254, 316, 324, 328, 329; xi. 195, 196, 230, 242, 339, 391, 422, 423, 444, 448, 519, 553; xii. 104, 135, 146, 165, 189, 193, 206, 217, 221, 242, 291, 310. —— Analysis of the Character of (Dr Channing’s), x. 328. —— and Muller, iii. 154. —— Family, The, xi. 417. —— Lucien, ix. 254, xi. 230 _et seq._, 237, 238, 239. —— Napoleon, Life of (Hazlitt’s), i. p. xxvii. Buonaparte’s Collection, etc., Lucien, xi. 237. —— Pillar, ix. 157. Buonaparte and the President of the Senate (Landor’s), x. 245. Burbage, Richard, v. 282. —— St., vi. 86. Burchell (in Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield), iii. 313; viii. 257. Burdett, Sir Francis, iv. 318; also referred to in ii. 202, 204, 205, 214, 222, 224; iii. 236; iv. 236, 318, 324, 325; vii. 271; xi. 120, 124; xii. 202, 203. Burford Bridge, iv. 229 _n._ Burger, G. A., ix. 483. Burgh, James, iv. 85, 89, 93, 94; xii. 470 _n._ Burghersh, Lord, ix. 212, 214. Burgoyne, Colonel, iii. 422. Burial of our Lord (Coventry’s), xi. 244. Burke, Edmund, i. 83, 104, 105 _n._, 127, 139, 148, 383, 387, 391, 394, 400, 427, 430, 434; ii. 157, 158 _n._, 180; iii. 17, 32 _n._, 96, 98, 132, 133, 135, 136, 169, 170, 187 _n._, 210, 253, 257, 281, 291, 293, 294, 299, 303, 304, 310, 312, 324, 343, 346 _n._, 349, 389, 393, 395, 401, 418, 420, 422, 425, 444, 445, 466; iv. 96, 166, 201, 217, 237, 283, 284, 298, 319, 334; v. 7, 15 _n._, 120, 318, 323, 327; vi. 33, 36, 51, 130, 146, 154, 163, 267, 286, 322, 348, 365, 366, 367, 401, 414, 420, 421, 450, 460; vii. 10, 12, 13, 14, 46, 53, 77, 89, 100, 112, 115, 117, 118, 126, 128, 164, 184, 198, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 273, 275, 276, 374; viii. 69, 85, 99 _n._, 100, 103, 107, 160, 322, 340, 417; ix. 37, 58, 157, 281, 347, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 464, 472, 474; x. 26, 64 _n._, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 178, 181, 213, 291, 367, 370, 380; xi. 46, 48, 197, 208, 257, 324, 442, 445, 458, 460, 518, 523, 530; xii. 33, 132, 215, 264, 274, 286, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 328, 346, 355, 369, 370, 395, 410, 413. Burke, Character of Mr, iii. 250, 325. —— Richard, ix. 417. —— William, iii. 257; ix. 417. Burleigh House, v. 34; vi. 9, 14; ix. 62, 68; xi. 485. Burleigh and Spenser, vii. 362. Burnet, Bishop (in Landor’s Imaginary Conversations), x. 245. —— Bishop (Gilbert), iv. 95, 212. Burnett, James, xi. 246, 247. —— John, xi. 245, 246, 247. —— Thomas, ix. 229. Burney, Dr Charles, i. 35, 425 _n._; iii. 255; vi. 73, 209; vii. 66; ix. 399, 421; xii. 195, 259. —— Fanny. See D’Arblay, Madame. —— James (Admiral), vi. 491; vii. 37; x. 405. —— Martin Charles (M.B.), vi. 196, 490; vii. 37. —— Sarah Harriet, vi. 491. Burneys, the, vi. 209; vii. 132, 492. Burnham, Bucks, xi. 303. Burning Bush, The, xii. 263. Burn’s Justice, v. 97. Burns (pamphleteer), ii. 224. Burns, Robert, i. 93 _n._; ii. 436; iii. 254; iv. 244, 358 _n._; v. 95, 122 _n._, 126, 127, 367, 369, 376; vi. 21, 45, 100, 491; vii. 363; ix. 211; xi. 313, 327, 435; xii. 36, 193, 255, 258. —— and the Old English Ballads, On, v. 123. Burr (in Dryden’s Wild Gallant), viii. 68. Burrell, Miss, viii. 275, 404, 461. Burton, Robert, iv. 365; vi. 245; vii. 16. Burton-upon-Trent, ii. 14. Bury Hills, ii. 30. Busaco (a town), iii. 113. Busca, Madame, ii. 281. Bushy (in Shakespeare’s Richard II.), i. 295. —— Park, ix. 42. Bussy D’Ambois (Chapman’s), v. 230. Bustles, The (in Leigh’s Where to find a Friend), viii. 258, 260. Busy Body, The (by Susannah Centlivre), viii. 270; also referred to in viii. 11, 69, 155, 156, 332, 502. Butler, Bishop Joseph, iv. 216; vi. 224, 225; vii. 434 _n._, 468 _n._, 469 _n._; ix. 415; x. 249; xi. 141; xii. 35, 96, 98, 99, 266, 274, 283, 346. —— (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 247. —— Rev. Weeden, i. 366. —— Samuel (poet), v. 369, 372; vi. 70, 285, 317; viii. 16, 62, 67; xi. 435; xii. 449, 450. Buxton, a town, ii. 18. —— Jedediah, vi. 46. Byron, Admiral, vii. 211. —— Lord, iv. 253, _et seq._; xi. 486; also referred to in iii. 254; iv. 244, 268, 274, 278, 312, 343, 356, 359, 361; v. 152, 153, 154, 155, 369, 378; vi. 45, 192, 193, 209, 210, 219, 254, 269, 278, 287, 291, 333, 334, 335, 336, 374, 391, 393, 401, 415, 419, 424, 425, 426, 452, 454, 491; vii. 17, 53, 85, 104, 105, 112, 303, 306, 312 _n._, 313, 319, 320, 368, 372 _n._, 378, 379, 380, 381; viii. 421, 474; ix. 106, 109, 157, 164, 165 _n._, 234, 238, 246, 258, 267, 275, 284, 324, 326, 447, 448, 467; x. 13, 169, 202, 233, 260, 296, 327, 329, 411, 416; xi. 247, 422, 483, 536, 544, 546; xii. 22, 23, 39, 44, 94, 155 _n._, 161, 169, 170 _n._, 179, 203 _n._, 240, 325, 338, 341, 355, 371. —— and Wordsworth, xii. 328. —— Elegy on Death of (Moore’s), vii. 314; ix. 106. —— Lady, xi. 383 _n._ —— Lord, and his Contemporaries (Leigh Hunt’s), xi. 372. —— Memoirs of (Moore’s), vii. 314, 368. Byron, Miss, x. 39; xi. 546; xii. 62, 63. Byshe, Edward, ix. 483. C. C——, xii. 380. Cxxx, Mr, iv. 241. C., Sir L., ii. 217, 227. Cabbala, v. 334; vii. 242, 317. Cacafogo, viii. 234. Cacus’ Oxen, vi. 152 _n._ Cade, Jack, vi. 280 _n._ Cadell, Thomas, the younger, ii. 228. Cadenobia (town), ix. 278. Cadmus, xi. 39; xii. 30. Cadore, ix. 267. Caernarvon, Earl of, iii. 400. Caernarvonshire, iii. 394. Cæsar, vii. 253; xii. 249, 257, 371. See also Julius. —— (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s False One), v. 253. Café des Milles Colonnes, ix. 152; x. 212. Café del Piazza (at L’Ariccia), ix. 253. Cain, xi. 234. —— after the murder of Abel (Paul Guérin’s), ix. 136. —— and Abel (Titian’s), ix. 273. —— (Byron’s), iv. 260; xii. 179. Cairn of Derncleugh, iv. 246. Cairo, ii. 178; ix. 255. Caius, Dr, i. 350. Calabria, ix. 255. Calais, ii. 211; iii. 319 _n._; vi. 188, 340, 360; vii. 228 _n._; viii. 331; ix. 201 _n._, 302. Calamy, Edmund, iii. 265, 266; iv. 217; vii. 321. Calantha (in Ford’s Broken Heart), v. 270, 273. Calcutta, Black Hole of, ix. 184. Calderon, x. 79, 118, 271. Caleb, Old (in Scott’s Bride of Lammermuir), xii. 141. Caleb Williams (Godwin’s), iv. 201, 208; vi. 408; viii. 128, 130, 131, 241, 342, 343, 419; x. 311, 385, 386, 393, 394, 395, 398, 399, 400; xii. 274, 281, 347. Caledonian Chapel, iv. 224, 225, 228; vii. 129, 225; xii. 275–6, 280. Calendar of Nature (Leigh Hunt), viii. 477. Calianax (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Maid’s Tragedy), v. 251. Caliari, Paolo. See Veronese, Paul. Caliban (in Shakespeare’s The Tempest), i. 346, 425; iii. 287; iv. 189; v. 48, 187; vi. 161; viii. 231, 236, 283; x. 116; xi. 416, 417, 418. Calista (in Rowe’s Fair Penitent), vii. 306; viii. 287. Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall, vi. 438. Callisthenes (Landor’s Imaginary Conversations), x. 248. Callum Beg (in Scott’s Waverley), viii. 129. Calm, A (W. Vandervelde’s), ix. 20. Calmet, Augustin, vi. 76. Calonne, Mr, ix. 55. Calton Convening Room, The, ix. 324, 325. —— Hill, ii. 314; iv. 245; ix. 324, 337; xi. 560; xii. 253. Calvin, John, ix. 226. Calypso, ix. 103. Camacho (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), iii. 41; v. 113; viii. 109; x. 29. Camberwell, vii. 71, 212. Cambiaso, ix. 35. Cambridge, ii. 8, 9, 49, 50, 217; iii. 398, 418, 423; iv. 412; v. 273; vi. 205; viii. 301, 319; ix. 69; xi. 448; xii. 351. —— Carrier, viii. 55. —— Hill (Newmarket), ii. 30, 38, 40. —— History of the University (Dyer’s), xii. 165 _n._ —— paper, ii. 190. Cambridge, Richard Owen, viii. 489. —— Sonnet to (Lamb’s), v. 284 _n._ Camden, Lord, iii. 127, 419; vii. 316. Camelford, Thomas Pitt, 2nd Lord, ii. 221; iv. 235; vi. 120. Cameronians, vii. 180. Camilla (Miss Burney’s), vi. 186; viii. 123; x. 41; xii. 269. Camille-Desmoulins, xii. 305. —— Jourdan, xii. 305. Caminade, Alexandre François, ix. 125. Camoens, Luis de, i. 33. Camp, The (by Richard Tickell), ii. 85. Campagna, The, vi. 295; ix. 236, 256, 276, 376; x. 206. Campaign (Addison’s), v. 13. Campanile of St Mark at Venice, ix. 274. Campbell, Dr George, viii. 62. —— John, 2nd Duke of Argyll, iii. 415. —— Miss, xi. 402, 403, 404, 405. —— Mr, and Mr Crabbe, iv. 343. —— Thomas, iv. 343 _et seq._, 353, 354; v. 150, 369, 377; ix. 490; x. 13; xi. 494, 496, 502. —— Mr (M.P.), iii. 411. Campidoglio Collection, ix. 239. Camporese, Madame, viii. 365; xi. 300. Cana, Marriage of (Paul Veronese’s), ix. 274. Canaletti (Antonio Canal), vi. 95; ix. 60, 269. Candide (Voltaire’s), i. 116; v. 114; viii. 216; ix. 178; xi. 125, 364. Candido (in Dekker’s Honest Whore), v. 239. Candour, Mrs (Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 164, 251. Canino, Prince of (Lucien Buonaparte). See Buonaparte, Lucien. Cankwood (town), ii. 166. Canning, Rt. Hon. George, i. 378, 379; ii. 208; iii. 92 _n._, 110, 203, 213, 214, 219, 237, 238, 241, 262, 291, 295, 301, 425; iv. 308, 320; vi. 87, 109, 153, 154, 155, 198, 270, 271, 395, 396, 462, 475; vii. 51, 91, 183, 268, 273 _n._, 279 _n._, 379; viii. 24; ix. 187 _n._, 244; x. 139; xi. 243, 304, 334, 447, 476, 478, 479, 551; xii. 275, 284, 290. —— Character of, xi. 334. Cannock, ii. 15. Cannon, Robert, ii. 91. Cannonian, The, ii. 91. Canova, Antonio, vi. 353, 382; vii. 113, 368; ix. 165, 168, 203, 225; 240, 366, 373; xi. 486. Cant and Hypocrisy, On (A Fragment), xii. 330, 336. Canterbury, ii. 85. —— Tales (Chaucer’s), i. 11; iv. 276; v. 22; vii. 255; viii. 151; ix. 367; x. 75, 76. Canton, viii. 105. —— (in Colman and Garrick’s Clandestine Marriage), viii. 163. Capel Street (Dublin), ii. 62, 63. Caper (in Fielding’s Widow’s Choice), viii. 159. Capet, Hugh. See Hugh Capet. Capitol, viii. 457; ix. 232, 373; xi. 421, 422. Capri, x. 231. Captain (a ship), 464. —— Absolute (in Sheridan’s The Rivals), viii. 508. —— Allan Lindsay (in Planché’s Carronside), xi. 388, 389. —— Bibber (in Jones’ The Green Man), viii. 468. —— Brazen (in Farquhar’s The Recruiting Officer), viii. 286. —— Macheath (in Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera), iii. 131 _n._; v. 108; viii. 194, 255, 256, 470, 473; xi. 349, 374, 533; xii. 57. —— Macintire (in Scott’s Antiquary), viii. 413. Captain Macmorris (in Shakespeare’s Henry V.), i. 291. —— Mervin (in Miss Burney’s Evelina), ix. 139 _n._ —— Neville (in Pigeons and Crows), viii. 469. —— Otter (in Ben Jonson’s The Silent Woman), viii. 40. —— Sentry (Addison), xii. 35. —— Singleton (Defoe’s), x. 381. —— Whiffle (in Smollet’s Roderick Random), iii. 218; vii. 378. Captive Bee, The, or The Little Filcher (Herrick), v. 313. Capulet (Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), i. 251. Caradori, Madame, xi. 370. Caravaggio (painter), x. 292. Card-players (Wilkie’s), viii. 141; ix. 389; xi. 253. Cardan, Jerome, vi. 76. Cardi, Ludovico. See Cigoli. Cardinal Beaufort (Reynolds’), ix. 401. —— Bentivoglio (Vandyke’s), ix. 111, 226. —— Blessing a Priest (Paul Veronese’s), ix. 26. —— Pierre, x. 55. Carduel (Carlisle), x. 21. Careless (a horse), ii. 22, 23. —— Husband (Cibber’s), viii. 161, 360. Carew, Killigrew and (Vandyke’s), ix. 39. —— Miss, viii. 275, 426, 451, 453, 459, 460. —— Thomas, iv. 361; v. 311; viii. 54. Carignani, Prince, ix. 197. Carl John (Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte), iii. 62. Carleton, Sir Dudley (Viscount Dorchester), iii. 394. Carlisle, ii. 75. —— Countess of (Vandyke’s), ix. 38. —— Lord, vi. 376; vii. 293, 376; xi. 548. Carlisle, Sir Anthony, ii. 170, 175, 178, 195, 198, 201, 205, 238; x. 341. —— St., Soho, ii. 228. Carlton House, i. 366; iii. 62, 110, 112, 119, 236, 258, 304; xi. 546. Carmarthen, Lord, ii. 105. Carmen Annuum (Southey’s), iii. 49, 92 _n._ —— Nuptiale, The Lay of the Laureate, by Robert Southey, Esq., iii. 109, 114, 220. —— Seculare (Horace’s), iii. 49. —— Triumphale (Southey’s), iii. 49, 99. Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, iv. 323. Caroline (Holcroft’s), ii. 204. —— of Litchfield, ii. 107. —— Queen, iii. 114; x. 219; xi. 554. Carpathia, Travels in (by Hacquet), vii. 175 _n._ Carr, Captain, ii. 126. —— Holwell, vii. 293; xi. 548. —— Lady (Vandyke’s portrait), ix. 61. Carracci, Annibale, v. 124; vi. 14, 74, 173, 363; vii. 126; ix. 7, 9, 10, 14, 31, 32, 112, 197, 206, 237, 386, 409, 465; x. 278; xi. 188, 238, 243. —— Ludovico, vi. 363; vii. 126; ix. 7, 9, 10, 112, 355, 386, 409; xi. 278. Carrasco, The Batchelor (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), iv. 53. Carron-Side, or the Fête Champêtre (by Mr Planché), xi. 387, 388. Carteret, George, Lord, iii. 411. —— John, Lord, iii. 410. Carthage, iii. 81; x. 71; xii. 99, 103. Carthagena, v. 88. Cartoons (Buffamalco’s), xii. 274 _n._ —— (Gribelin’s engravings of), vi. 185. Cartoons (Raphael’s), i. 9; iv. 244; vii. 36; viii. 148; ix. 12, 36, 42, 43–8, 70, 164, 365, 366, 380, 389, 402; xi. 216, 226, 352, 590. Cartwright, Major John, iv. 325; vi. 59. Caryl, Joseph, vii. 317. Casatella and Villa of Mæcenas (Wilson’s), ix. 25. Casaubon, Isaac, x. 243. Cassandra, i. 133; ii. 396; vii. 299; xii. 61, 265. Cassel, ix. 300. Cassiopeia, vii. 125. Cassius (in Shakespeare’s Julius Cæsar), v. 52; vi. 274; vii. 344. Castalio (in Otway’s The Orphan), viii. 263. Castiglione, Count, i. 163; ii. 180; v. 186; vii. 287; ix. 412. Castile, xi. 317. Castiza (in Tourneur’s Revenger’s Tragedy), v. 246. Castle of Andalusia (by O’Keeffe), viii. 329. —— of Indolence, (Thomson’s), v. 88, 374; vii. 66, 371; xii. 175, 332. —— of Otranto (Walpole’s), viii. 127. —— of St Aldobrand. See Maturin’s Bertram, viii. 308. —— of Udolpho (Mrs Radcliffe’s), viii. 126. —— Rack-rent (Maria Edgeworth’s), ii. 128; viii. 123, 466. Castlereagh, Lady, xii. 356. —— Lord, i. 45, 103, 379, 425; iii. 36, 59, 75, 76, 82, 102, 103, 108, 121, 122, 125, 158, 164, 179, 181, 192, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 240, 241, 246, 261, 291, 312, 314, 315; iv. 281; vi. 89, 109; vii. 13, 14, 214, 215, 220, 496; viii. 351; ix. 30, 315, 465 _n._; x. 229; xi. 465, 470, 474, 474 _n._; 551; xii. 215, 250, 310, 356. Castle Spectre (Monk Lewis’s), xii. 271. Castles (Government Spy), iii. 232, 234, 240, 261. Catacombs, Paris, ix. 161. Catalani, Madam Angelica, vi. 220, 404; vii. 160, 161; viii. 193; xi. 351, 454. Catalogue Raisonné of the British Institution, On the, i. 140, 146; ix. 311; also referred to in i. 425; vii. 39; x. 196; xi. 509. Catalonia, x. 56. Cathedral of Milan, ix. 278. —— Rouen, ix. 98. Cathelineau (Vendéan Chief), vii. 331, 332. Catherine, Empress, iii. 107; iv. 189. Catiline, v. 186, 265; ix. 217, 373. Catley, Nan (Ann Catley), ii. 88. Cato, i. 155; ii. 361; iv. 205; vi. 274, 279; viii. 376, 379, 407; ix. 373; x. 211. —— (Addison’s), i. 157, 425; ii. 162; v. 356; viii. 89; xi. 391. —— St. Conspiracy, A, ix. 226. Catuelan, Count de, ii. 107. Causes Célèbres, vii. 339; viii. 279. —— of Methodism, On the (by Hunt), i. 378. Cavaliere Punto Michino, and Mr Denis Eusebius Talcranagh (Landor’s), x. 250. Cavallo, Monte, ix. 237. Cavanagh, John, vi. 86–89, 286; vii. 71. Cave of Despair (Spenser’s), v. 38, 42, 43; x. 74. —— of Mammon, (Spenser’s), v. 38, 42, 193; vi. 113; x. 74. Cavendish’s Negotiations of Cardinal Wolsey, xi. 601. Cavendish, George, iii. 278. —— Square, ii. 203; ix. 158. Cawdron, Mr, ii. 147. Cawse, Miss, xi. 388, 389. Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress (Fanny Burney’s), vi. 120, 157, 411; viii. 123; x. 16, 41; xi. 326 _n._; xii. 65. Cecilia (in Sophia Lee’s The Chapter of Accidents), viii. 529. Cecrops, ix. 217. Cedric the Saxon (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), viii. 426. Ceiling at Parma, The, xii. 357. Celadon and Amelia (Thomson’s), v. 90; (Wilson’s), ix. 393; xi. 200. Celia (in Shakespeare’s As You Like It), i. 340; viii. 252. Célimène (Molière), viii. 29; ix. 147, 149, 150, 151; x. 108; xi. 354. Celleno (Spenser’s), x. 74. Cellini, Benvenuto, i. 93; ix. 219, 220, 355; xii. 209. Cenis, Mont, ii. 224, 275; vii. 89; ix. 182, 183, 191, 193, 194, 195, 279, 280. Censorship, On the (Chateaubriand’s), ix. 99 _n._ Centlivre, Mrs, vi. 364; viii. 155, 161, 332, 360, 502. Cephalonia, iv. 261. Cephalus and Aurora (N. Poussin’s), ix. 311. Cerdon (Butler’s), viii. 65. Ceres, iv. 310; ix. 216. Certificate of Merit, iii. 256. Certosa, x. 282. Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de, i. 161, 314; ii. 171 _n._; iii. 64, 142; iv. 208; v. 45; vi. 409, 426; vii. 120; viii. 31, 107, 108, 109, 112, 125; x. 27, 28, 29, 31, 43, 56, 77, 118; xi. 256. Cevallos, Pedro, iv. 310. Chairing the Member (in Hogarth’s Marriage à la Mode), i. 30; viii. 137; ix. 81. Chaldæa, iv. 59. Chalk Farm, viii. 463. Challenge for Beauty, A (Heywood’s), v. 214. Chalmers, Captain, ii. 67. —— Dr Thomas, xii. 275; also referred to in i. 391, 392; iv. 228, 229–31; xi. 324. Chalon, Alfred Edward, xi. 245. Chamber of Deputies, The, ix. 157. Chambéry (a town), i. 91; v. 103; xi. 182, 183, 190. Chamont (in Otway’s The Orphan), viii. 263. Chamouni, ix. 283, 288, 290, 292, 293, 294, 296. Champagne, Philippe de, ix. 110, 129. Champion, The (a periodical), i. 441–2; iii. 438, 454; vi. 481; viii. 174, 512 _et seq._; ix. 459, 470, 481; x. 419; xi. 198, 202, 205, 208, 210, 216, 223, 230, 234, 237, 242, 246, 248, 249. Champions of Christendom, The Seven (by Richard Johnson), vii. 253. Champ de Mars, ix. 160. Champs Elysées, ii. 233; ix. 130 _n._, 159, 160. Chancery, Court of, iv. 326, 328. —— Lane, iii. 267; vii. 68; xii. 1, 2. Chances, The (by Beaumont and Fletcher), v. 261; viii. 48, 49. Change-house, iv. 247. Channing, Dr William Ellery, x. 310, 316. Chantry, Sir Francis Legatt, vi. 270, 326; vii. 89, 329, 367; ix. 127, 168, 330, 435, 490; xi. 248; xii. 271. Chapel Brompton, ii. 166. Chapman, George, v. 223; also referred to in v. 176, 181, 193, 230 _et seq._, 247; vi. 164; viii. 371. Chappel in le Firth, ii. 18. Character of Lord Bacon’s Works, compared as to Style with Sir Thomas Brown and Jeremy Taylor, v. 326. —— On Personal, vii. 230. Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays. See Shakespeare’s Plays, Characters of. —— of the Players (Armstrong’s), v. 119. Characteristics, in the Manner of Rochefoucauld’s Maxims, ii. 351; also referred to in ii. 352–3; vii. 123, 491. Characteristics (Shaftesbury’s), iii. 400; vi. 12, 41. Chariclea, vi. 201; x. 16. Charing-Cross, iv. 324; vi. 101, 379; vii. 271; xii. 361. Charinus (in Chariclea), x. 17. Charity (Vandyke’s), ix. 21. Charlemagne, iii. 105; x. 57, 329; xi. 230; xii. 204, 221. —— ou l’Église Délivrée (L. Bonaparte’s), xi. 230, 234; also referred to in ix. 254. Charlemont, Lady, xi. 496. Charles I., iii. 117, 284, 393, 396, 402; iv. 58; v. 82, 173, 192, 265, 345; vi. 155, 410; vii. 109, 322; viii. 49, 54, 162; x. 243, 334, 374; xii. 288. —— —— (drama by Shelley), x. 271. —— —— (Vandyke’s portraits of), i. 150; ix. 39, 73, 475. Charles II., i. 7, 44, 134, 138, 155, 156; iii. 112, 310, 399, 400, 402; iv. 58, 217; v. 82, 106, 176, 251, 345; vi. 120, 176, 200, 335, 399, 410, 430; vii. 127, 185, 243, 321, 322, 363; viii. 37, 54, 62, 70, 94, 96, 155, 162; ix. 22, 67; x. 118, 188, 205, 363; xi. 272, 276, 355, 435, 440, 579; xii. 356. —— the Second (Payne’s), xi. 381. —— V., i. 163; vi. 303; vii. 126; ix. 412; x. 278. —— IX., xii. 461. —— X., vi. 403; ix. 159; xii. 204, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461. —— XII., v. 124. —— Oakley (in G. Colman’s The Jealous Wife), viii. 505, 532. —— Surface (in Sheridan’s The School for Scandal), ii. 123; viii. 165, 251, 292, 511; xi. 393. Charlotte (in Bickerstaffe’s The Hypocrite), viii. 247. —— (in Goethe’s Sorrows of Werther), i. 70. —— The (a ship), ii. 245. —— The Princess, iii. 109, 278; vi. 454; viii. 313; xi. 425. Charmettes, vii. 367, 371; ix. 190. Charon, vi. 141; xii. 35. Charter-House, The, vi. 383. Chartres, v. 77. —— Duke and Duchess of, ii. 107. Chartreuse, Grand, ix. 189; xii. 334. Chase of Diana (Correggio’s), ix. 204. Chateau de Toune, i. 90. Chateaubriand, Le Vicomte, vii. 331; ix. 99 _n._, 128, 133. Chatham, Lord, iii. 326, 327, 328 _n._, 336, 339, 340, 341, 346 _n._, 389, 414, 416, 417, 418; iv. 210, 237; vii. 268, 269; x. 248, 249, 382; xi. 465; xii. 50. —— Character of Lord, iii. 321. Chatillon (town), iii. 97. Chatterley, Mr and Mrs, viii. 329, 474; xii. 362. Chatterton, Thomas, v. 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 376; vi. 411; xii. 35. —— Life of (Anderson’s), v. 123. Chaucer, Geoffrey, i. 11, 23, 84, 161, 162, 224, 225, 226, 332, 358, 399, 400; iii. 385; iv. 244, 276; v. 13, 19, 45, 46, 50, 51, 52, 68, 82, 99, 146, 195, 196, 240, 261, 367–71; vi. 418; vii. 133, 227, 240, 255, 270, 280; viii. 144; 284; ix. 74; x. 13, 69, 73–7, 171, 408; xi. 226, 269, 272, 505, 506, 573; xii. 29, 30, 206, 265, 327, 348. —— Life of (Godwin’s), iv. 210; vi. 378, 418; x. 399. —— and Spenser, On, v. 19. Chaudet, Antoine Denis, ix. 167. Chauncey, Dr, vii. 306. Cheap Living (by Reynolds), ii. 201. Cheapside, i. 248; vi. 379; viii. 276; xi. 386. Cheats of Scapin (Molière’s), vi. 419; xi. 366. Chebar, River of, iii. 144, 145. Cheevers, William, ii. 30, 31. Chelsea, iii. 132. —— pensioners, xi. 375. Cheltenham waters, The, ii. 194. Chepstow Castle, iii. 220. Cherry (Farquhar’s Beaux’ Stratagem), viii. 14, 88. Chertsey, vi. 292. Cheshire, ii. 12, 14, 17, 18, 166, 167, 267; iii. 400. —— Mrs (in O’Keeffe’s Agreeable Surprise), viii. 319. Chester, ii. 65. —— John, xii. 272, 274. Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, i. 41, 44; vi. 163, 303; viii. 143; x. 248, 249; xi. 272. —— House, xii. 132. —— Lady, vi. 200. ——, ii. 18. Cheviot (in Kenney’s The World), viii. 229. —— Hills, ii. 110. Chevy Chase (old ballad), ii. 16; x. 172. Chiffinch (in Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), ix. 279. Child, Head of a (Andrea del Sarto’s), ix. 51. —— of Nature, The (Mrs Inchbald’s), viii. 196. —— Sleeping (Murillo’s), ix. 26. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron’s), xi. 420; also referred to in, iv. 256, 257; v. 153; vii. 379, 381; ix. 165, 234, 258, 467; xii. 23, 329. Childers (the horse), ii. 22. Children in the Fiery Furnace, The, vii. 57. Children in the Wood (picture), ix. 474. Children in the Wood, The (Morton’s), viii. 229, 388. —— —— The story of the, vii. 252; x. 393. —— of Charles I. (Vandyke’s), ix. 39. —— of the Mist, The (Scott’s), iv. 248; x. 207. Children’s Friend, The (by M. Berquin), ii. 114. Chili, iv. 189. Chimboraco (mountain), iv. 357. China, iii. 357; vi. 187, 328, 376. —— Emperor of, ix. 60. Chinese, i. 46; iv. 143. —— converted to Christianity (Kneller’s), ix. 41. Chirk (town), vi. 186. Chiron and Achilles (Barry’s), ix. 420. Chloe (in Fletcher’s Faithful Shepherdess), v. 254. Choice, The (Pomfret’s), v. 373. Choleric Fathers, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 111. Chrestomathic School (Bentham’s), iv. 190; vii. 247, 249. Christ, i. 145; v. 183; xi. 491; xii. 37, 38. —— and St Thomas (Jacquot’s), ix. 167. —— bearing His cross (Domenichino’s), ix. 35. —— —— (Morales’), ix. 26. —— in the Garden (Correggio’s), ix. 12. —— in the Mount (Claude’s), ix. 53. —— Picture of, at Assisi, ix. 261. —— —— (Carlo Dolci’s), ix. 67. —— Rejected (West’s), ix. 323. Christ-Church Meadows, ix. 69. Christ’s Agony in the Garden (Haydon’s), xi. 481–3. —— Entry into Jerusalem (Haydon’s), x. 201; xi. 482, 484. —— Hospital, iv. 215, 365. Christabel (Coleridge’s), iii. 205; iv. 219; v. 166; viii. 166; x. 411, 418, 420; xi. 580. Christian (Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress), iii. 130; v. 14; vii. 222. Christian, Ned, ix. 451. Christie, James (picture-dealer), ii. 202, 221, 224; ix. 352. Christopher Higgins (in Ups and Downs), xi. 387. —— Sly (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 64; iii. 119; viii. 12, 552; xi. 377. Chronicle (Geoffrey of Monmouth’s), x. 20. Chronicles (Froissart’s), i. 87, 100; vii. 229; xii. 16. Chrysophus, xi. 73. Chubb, Thomas, vii. 223. Chudleigh, Elizabeth, Countess of Bristol, and Duchess of Kingston, vi. 515. Church (racket-player), vi. 89. —— of England, iv. 200; xii. 386, 402. —— of Saint John and Saint Paul, The, Venice, ix. 271. Churchill, Charles, v. 119, 375. —— Miss, vi. 200. Chute, John, x. 159. Cibber, Colley, i. 55, 156, 157, 158, 180, 300, 440; iii. 113, 258, 311; v. 247; vi. 15, 445; viii. 90, 158, 160, 161, 162, 173, 330, 359, 361, 537; x. 134; xi. 399. —— Mrs, i. 157. Cicero, Marcus Tullius, i. 135, 140, 197, 397; iii. 336, 422, 463; iv. 283, 384; v. 186, 195, 265; vi. 61, 111, 462; vii. 14; ix. 373; x. 249, 251; xi. 73, 336; xii. 164, 168, 429, 441. —— at his Villa (Wilson’s), xi. 198. —— (Middleton’s), ii. 173, 176, 190, 194. Cid, The (Southey’s), iv. 268; ix. 203; xi. 328, 329, 333. Cider-Cellar, vi. 199, 208; vii. 70. Cignani, Conte Carlo, vi. 346. Cigoli (Cardi, Lodovico), ix. 226. Cimabue, Giovanni, vii. 254; ix. 409; xii. 36, 38. Cimarosa, Domenico, xi. 300. Cimon and Iphigene (Boccacio’s), i. 332; x. 68. Cincinnatus, iv. 257; ix. 373; x. 211. Cinderella, vi. 165; viii. 428, 436, 437; xii. 120. Cipriani, Giambattista, vii. 96; ix. 355, 420. Circe, viii. 231; x. 12. Circumcision (Bassano’s), ix. 35. Cirencester, iii. 408. Citizen of the World (Goldsmith’s), v. 120; viii. 104. City Shower (Swift’s), v. 109. —— Wives’ Confederacy (Vanburgh’s), vi. 414; viii. 31. Civil and Criminal Legislation, Project for a New Theory of, xii. 405. —— Government, Treatise on (Locke’s), x. 249. Clackmannan, Baron (Lord Erskine), iv. 335. See Erskine. Clairfait, General, ii. 179. Clandestine Marriage (by Geo. Colman the elder and Garrick), vi. 95; vii. 210; viii. 163. Clapham, vii. 73; ix. 300. Clara (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156. —— (Holcroft’s), ii. 266. —— (Mrs Radcliffe’s), viii. 126. Clare (in Merry Devil), v. 293, 294. Claremont, Mr (actor), viii. 251. Clarence, Duke of, iv. 93 _n._ Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, iv. 212; vii. 229. —— Lady, iii. 400; vi. 41. Clarens, ix. 281, 285, 296; xii. 25. Clarissa Harlowe (Richardson’s), i. 133; ii. 130; iii. 157; iv. 371; v. 15; vi. 236, 380, 400, 441, 448; vii. 227, 311; viii. 83, 120, 153, 556; ix. 237, 434; x. 38; xii. 63, 154 _n._, 155 _n._, 435. Clarke, Dr, ix. 467. —— Jack, ii. 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 35, 36, 37, 48, 49, 50, 54. —— Mrs, iii. 218; xi. 556; xii. 276 _n._ —— Samuel, iv. 216; xi. 118. —— Tom, ii. 31. Clarkson, Thomas, iv. 333. Classical Education, On, i. 4. Claud Halcro (in Scott’s The Pirate), xi. 535. —— Lorraine, i. 79, 142, 148, 149, 442; ii. 361, 402; iv. 217, 274; v. 11, 98, 178, 343; vi. 8, 13, 19, 25 _n._, 39, 45, 92, 128 _n._, 163, 173, 201, 212, 320, 458; vii. 36, 56, 114, 120, 121, 177; viii. 125, 364, 474; ix. 13, 22, 30, 35, 53, 54, 57, 59, 65, 66, 107, 108, 109, 113, 128, 164, 238, 289, 317, 318, 351, 389, 392, 394, 427, 464–5, 477; x. 179, 187, 192, 197, 278, 281, 300, 303; xi. 191, 198, 201, 202, 212, 213, 238, 246, 336 _n._, 373, 458, 541; xii. 36, 155 _n._, 202, 208, 274 _n._, 327, 337, 347, 349, 350, 372, 439. Claudian Gate, The, at Rome, ix. 234. Claudio (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), viii. 283. Clause (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 264, 265. Claverhouse (Scott), iv. 247, 251; viii. 129. Clavigo (by Goethe), ii. 163. Clease, Thomas, ii. 167. Clement VII. (Giulio Romano’s), ix. 34. —— —— (Titian’s), ix. 34. Clementi, Muzio, ii. 70, 164, 178, 188, 199, 212, 226. Clementina (in Richardson’s Sir Chas. Grandison), vi. 236; vii. 227; viii. 120; x. 39; xii. 62, 63. Cleopatra (Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra), i. 257, 357; ii. 396; v. 50, 209; vii. 299; viii. 389; xi. 295. Cleora (in Massinger’s Bondman), v. 266. Clerical Character, On the, iii. 266, 271, 277. Clerk of Oxenforde, The (Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales), v. 30. Clerkenwell Sessions House, ii. 148. Cleveland, Duchess of, i. 44; vi. 430; vii. 212 _n._; xi. 272; xii. 356. —— (in Scott’s Pirate), xi. 532, 533. —— House, ix. 33 _n._, 50, 55. —— Lady (Vandyke’s), ix. 73. —— Row, ix. 479. Cleves, ix. 299. ——Princess of, vii. 308; viii. 326. Clifford’s Inn, xii. 164 _n._ Clifton Coke (in Holcroft’s Anna St Ives), ii, 128, 131. Clise-Horn, The, ix. 280, 281. Clitophon and Leucippe, x. 24. Clive, Lord, vii. 350. —— Mrs, i. 157; ii. 77 _n._; vi. 275; xii. 33. Cloak Lane, ii. 201. Clootz, Anacharsis, iii. 75. Clorin (in Fletcher’s Faithful Shepherdess), v. 255, 256. Clorinda (in Cibber’s Double Gallant), viii. 361. Cloten (in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), xii. 196. Clothilde, vii. 175. Clotilda (in Maturin’s Bertram), viii. 306. Cloudesley (Godwin’s), x. 386, 389, 391, 392, 393. Clown Pompey (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), viii. 283. Clowns, The (in Marlowe’s Dr Faustus), v. 207. Cloyne, Bishop of. See Berkeley (Bishop). Clyde, The, iii. 122, 124. Clym of the Clough (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. Clytemnestra (Guérin’s), ix. 136. Coates (correctly Cotes, Francis), iii. 307. —— Robert, viii. 200, 209. Cob (in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in his Humour), viii. 45, 311. Cob’s Wife (Ben Jonson’s Every Man in his Humour), viii. 45, 311. Cobbett, William, iv. 334; referred to in i. 5, 139, 424–6, 432; iii. 40, 207 _n._, 224, 300, 375; iv. 342, 343 _n._; vi. 87, 102, 154, 161, 182, 190, 198, 244, 384, 422, 423; vii. 62, 376; x. 220; xi. 528, 539, 540, 556; xii. 7, 51, 206, 301, 302–3, 348, 354, 360, 370. —— Character of, vi. 50. Cobbetts, The, iii. 206. Cobbett’s Weekly Political Register, i. 424 _n._; iii. 300; iv. p. xi., 399, 401 _et seq._; xii. 206. Cobham, Thomas, viii. 298, 299. Coblentz, ix. 299. Cobler, The (mountain), ii. 329. Coburg Theatre, The, vi. 160; viii. 394, 404, 409; ix. 278; xi. 370. Cobweb (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 61, 244; viii. 275. Cock and the Fox, The (Chaucer’s), v. 33. —— Lane Ghost, iii. 138. Cockayne, Land of, ix. 90. Cocke (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286. Cockermouth, ii. 72, 73, 75. Cockney School, vi. 99. —— The word, vii. 66. —— Watty, viii. 539. Cockpit, The, viii. 145. Cocles defending the Bridge (Le Brun’s), ix. 25. Codrus, iv. 205; xi. 319. Cœlebs, vi. 196. Cœlum Britannicum (Carew’s), viii. 54. Coffee-House Politicians, On, vi. 189. Coghlan, A Catholic Bookseller, ii. 177. Coigley, ii. 176, 192, 205. Coke, Sir Edward, i. 80; iii. 393, 415; v. 175. —— Thomas William, iii. 285 _n._ Col de Peaume, ix. 290, 291. Colburn, Henry, xi. 348, 386; xii. 375. Colchester, Lord. See Abbott, Mr Speaker. Cold-Bath-Fields’ Prison, vii. 378. Cole, Mr, ii. 143 _n._, 144, 228. Cole-Orton, iv. 274. Coleridge, Berkeley, iv. 216 _n._ —— Derwent, iv. 216 _n._ —— Hartley, iv. 216 _n._ —— Samuel Taylor, iv. 212; xi. 411; referred to in i. 38, 95, 383 _n._, 387, 388, 401; ii. 428; iii. 135, 149, 157, 159, 170, 200, _et seq._, 243, 249, 253, 295, 312, 350 _n._, 448; iv. 202, 225, 233, 268, 269, 286, 341; v. 88, 131, 165, 339, 340 _n._, 341 _n._, 363, 377, 379; vi. 58, 87, 110, 183, 203, 224–5, 251, 281, 294–5, 305, 314, 362, 369, 442; vii. 15, 23, 29, 35 _et seq._, 41, 102, 198, 226, 228, 265, 289, 313, 347, 374, 482, 513; viii. 247, 352, 368, 416, 421, 479, 480 _n._, 534; ix. 338 _n._; x. 120, 135, 157, 162, 225, 410–11 _et seq._; xi. 354, 412 _et seq._, 416, 502 _n._, 509, 514, 532, 536, 568, 570, 585; xii. 56, 259, 260 _et seq._, 319, 339, 359, 364, 373, 436, 460. Coleridge’s Christabel, x. 411; xi. 580. —— Lay Sermon, iii. 152; x. 120; also referred to in i. 441. —— Lectures at Bristol, xi. 416; also referred to in iii. 435. —— Literary Life, x. 135. ——Memorabilia of, xii. 346. Colin Clout (in Spenser), v. 38. Colin Macleod (in Cumberland’s Faithless Lover), ii. 83. College of Heralds, The, xii. 44. —— of Physicians, The, xii. 246. —— of Somasco, The, x. 277, 287. Colles, Mrs (? Mrs Cole), ii. 273. Collier, Jeremy, viii. 89, 155. Collins, Anthony, vii. 72. —— earth (a paint), vi. 431. —— Richard, ix. 31. —— William, v. 104; also referred to in i. 252; iv. 277; v. 8, 126, 374; vi. 72; viii. 71; xii. 450. —— William (painter), ix. 406; xi. 191. Colloquies (of Erasmus), vi. 245. Colman, George, the elder, ii. 103, 109, 169, 170, 172, 173; vi. 443–4; viii. 163, 164, 241, 316, 342, 343, 505. —— Geo., the younger, xi. 374. Colmar (town), ix. 298. Colnaghi, Paul, ii. 188; ix. 8. Colocotroni, General, x. 232, 251. Cologne, ix. 299; xii. 57. Colonel Bath (in Fielding’s Amelia), vii. 84; viii. 114; x. 33. —— Briton (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156, 333; xi. 402. —— Feignwell (in Mrs Centlivre’s Bold Stroke for a Wife), viii. 388. —— Jack (Defoe’s), viii. 107 _n._; x. 381, 382; xii. 142. —— Mannering (Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248; viii. 292. —— O’Donolan (in Mrs Kemble’s Smiles and Tears), viii. 266, 267. —— Oldboy (in Bickerstaffe’s Lionel and Clarissa), ii. 83. —— Standard (in Farquhar’s Trip to Jubilee), viii. 86. —— Standfast (in Cibber’s Double Gallant), viii. 361. Colonel Trent (Fielding’s), viii. 114; x. 33. Colonna, Cape, xi. 495. Colosseum, The, vi. 429; ix. 232, 234. Colour-Grinder (R. T. Bone’s), xi. 247. Colquhoun, Patrick, iii. 148. Columbus, Christopher, xii. 30, 262. Comachio, The Gulph of, ix. 264. Combe, Dr Andrew, vii. 156 _n._ Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare’s), i. 351; also referred to in v. 199; viii. 31, 401. —— On Modern, i. 10. Comic Writers, etc., of Great Britain, Lectures on the, viii. 5. —— —— viii. 531; xi. 571, 576, 577. —— —— of the Last Century, On the, viii. 149. Commentaries (Cæsar’s), vi. 107, 191, 304. Committee, The (Sir Robert Howard’s), viii. 69. Commodore Trunnion (Smollett’s Peregrine Pickle), vii. 223; xii. 378. Common-Place Critics, On, i. 136. —— places, xi. 540; also referred to in i. 434; vii. 507; xi. p. vii., 540. —— Sense, xii. 377. —— —— (Paine’s), iv. 334; vi. 51. Commonwealth (Plato’s), v. 3. —— of England, History of the (Godwin’s), iv. 212; x. 399. Como, ix. 278. Compagnons du Lys, iii. 171; xi. 288; xii. 448. —— d’Ulysse, viii. 20; xi. 288; xii. 452. Company at the Opera, The, xi. 369. Complaint, The (Wordsworth’s), v. 156. —— of a Poor Indian Woman, The (Wordsworth’s), xii. 270. Complete Angler (Walton’s), i. 56, 57 _n._; ii. 370, 371; iv. 277; v. 98, 99, 298; vii. 26, 161; xii. 19, 177. Complete Tradesman, The (Defoe’s), x. 366. Compton, Mr, ii. 199. Comus (Milton’s), viii. 230; also referred to in ii. 80, 180; v. 43, 239, 255, 300 _n._, 315; vi. 224; x. 74, 118. Conciones ad Populum (Coleridge’s), i. 388; iii. 139; v. 167; vii. 265; x. 149; xi. 412, 417. Concordat, The, x. 329. Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, iv. 378 _n._; vii. 454 _n._; xi. 1, 7, 29, 88, 117, 165, 173 _n._, 181, 182, 579; xii. 104. Condorcet, M. J. A. Nicolas Caritat, iii. 369, 382; iv. 20, 30, 33, 105, 106, 108, 112, 116; xi. 579; xii. 170. Conduct of Life; or, Advice to a Schoolboy, On the, xii. 423. Confederacy, The (Vanbrugh’s), viii. 77, 80, 81, 83, 555. Confession, The (in Liber Amoris), ii. 292. Confessions of an Opium-eater, The (De Quincey’s), x. 222. —— (Rousseau’s), i. 17, 90, etc.; v. 100; vi. 24; vii. 368, 429; xii. 58 _n._ Confidant (Crabbe’s), iv. 353. Congleton, ii. 18. Congress, Whether the Friends of Freedom can entertain any Sanguine Hopes of the Favourable Results of the Ensuing, iii. 103. Congreve, William, viii. 70; also referred to in i. 12, 155, 176, 313; ii. 410; v. 79, 231; vi. 364; vii. 28, 127, 322; viii. 14, 31, 35, 37, 38, 71, 152, 153, 155, 161, 251, 278, 360, 470, 505, 510, 552, 555; x. 118, 188, 205; xi. 276, 311 _n._, 346; xii. 22. Connoisseur, The (a journal), ii. 109; vii. 226; viii. 104. Connor, Charles, viii. 427, 469, 475. Conquest, The Norman, iii. 77; vi. 367. —— of Taranto (Dimond’s), viii. 366. Conrade and Gulnare (Singleton’s), xi. 247. Conscious Lovers (Steele’s), viii. 33, 90. Consciousness, Essay on (Fearn’s), vi. 65, 260; xi. 181 _n._ Consistency of Opinion, On, xi. 508. Conspiracy of Catiline (Salvator Rosa’s), ix. 226. Constable, Archibald, publisher, iv. 245; vi. 513. —— John, ix. 126. Constance (Chaucer’s), v. 21, 28, 82, 370; x. 76; xi. 505. —— (Shakespeare’s King John), i. 306 _et seq._, 425; viii. 346; xi. 410. Constancy (Shakespeare’s sonnet), i. 360. Constant Couple. See Trip to the Jubilee. —— Benjamin, iii. 36; vi. 102 _n._; viii. 79. Constantia (in Gallantry), viii. 399, 400. Constantine, Conversion of, iii. 142. Constantine’s Arch, viii. 457; ix. 232. —— Bath, ix. 238. Constantinople, iv. 75; vi. 73; ix. 230; x. 19; xi. 495; xii. 401. Constitution Hill, ii. 190. —— of 1792, The, iii. 290. Constitutional Association, xi. 322, 513. —— Society, ii. 152, 153, 206. Contempt of the Clergy, On the (Echard’s), viii. 107; x. 27; xii. 148. Contention between a Nightingale and a Musician (Strada’s), v. 318. Contingent Remainders, Treatise on (Fearn’s), vii. 26. Contrast (in Burgoyne’s Lord of the Manor), xi. 316. Controversial Works (Baxter’s), xii. 383. Controversy, The Spirit of, xii. 381. Contucci, Andrea. See Sansovino. Convention of Paris, xi. 302. Conversation of Authors, vii. 24, 35. —— of Lords, On the, xii. 38. —— between Oliver Cromwell and Walter Noble, The (Landor’s), x. 243. —— —— King James I. and Isaac Casaubon, The (Landor’s), x. 243. Conversations as Good as Real, xii. 363, 369. —— Lord Byron’s, vi. 374. —— (Captain Medwin’s), vii. 343. —— Northcote’s, Mr, vi. 331. Conversion of Saint Paul (Rubens’), ix. 52. Convocation of Saints (Raphael’s), ix. 365. Conway, William Augustus, viii. 177, 200, 209, 231, 232, 239, 263, 275; xi. 361, 362. Cooke, George Frederick, i. 299; viii. 166, 181, 182, 292. —— John, vii. 222, 223. Cooper, Ab., xi. 248. —— (actor), viii. 480, 484; xi. 376, 379, 385. —— J. Fenimore, vi. 386, 422; x. 310, 312, 313. —— Richard, ix. 121. —— Thomas, of Manchester, vi. 513; vii. 173 _n._, 174 _n._, 451 _n._ Cooper’s Hill (Denham’s), v. 84, 372. Copeland, Miss, viii. 413 _n._ Copenhagen, ii. 229; x. 123. Copenhagen-house, vi. 88; vii. 71. Copmanhurst, The Hermitage of, viii. 425. Copper Captain, The (in Fletcher’s Rule a Wife and Have a Wife), vi. 275; viii. 49, 234; xii. 24. Corbaccio (Ben Jonson’s), viii. 44. Corbould, Mr, ii. 197. Corcoran, Peter, viii. 480 _n._ Cordelia (in Shakespeare’s Lear), i. 258; v. 5, 225; viii. 430, 444, 447, 450; xi. 295. Corderoy, Mrs (in Ups and Downs), xi. 385, 387. Corelli, Archangelo, ii. 176. Corinna, iv. 205; viii. 153, 555. —— (in Vanburgh’s Confederacy), viii. 77, 80, 82, 83. Corinth, ix. 325. Coriolanus (Shakespeare’s), i. 214, viii. 347; also referred to in i. 155, 195; iii. 169, 435; v. 186, 356; vi. 500; viii. 31, 178, 198, 374, 376, 385, 391, 402, 414; xi. 206, 488, 601; xii. 73. Cork (the town), ii. 182; ix. 413, 414, 415, 416. —— Earl of, x. 150. Cornbury, Lord, v. 77; viii. 555; xii. 31. Corneille, Pierre, ii. 179; vii. 311, 323; viii. 29; x. 105, 106. Cornelia (in Webster’s White Devil), v. 243. Cornelius (in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), i. 186. Cornet Hector Lindsay (in Planché’s Carronside), xi. 388–9. Cornwall, ii. 224; iii. 395, 414; vi. 390. —— Barry, v. 379; vi. 203. —— Duke of, i. 264; viii. 448. Cornwallis, Earl, ii. 200, 212. Coronation Anthem (Handel’s), xi. 455. —— of Napoleon (David’s), ix. 30. Corporal Foss (in The Poor Gentleman), xi. 376. —— Trim (Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), iii. 372; iv. 23; v. 105; vi. 191 _n._, 235; vii. 223; viii. 121; ix. 427; x. 39; xi. 283. Corporate Bodies, On, vi. 264. Corporation and Test Acts, xi. 473; xii. 405. Correggio, Antonio Allegri da, i. 24, 78, 161; ii. 187, 365, 406; v. 45, 297; vi. 11, 13, 16, 74, 282, 316, 318, 335, 353, 361, 371, 394, 399, 400, 509; vii. 57, 94, 108, 118, 119, 126, 284; ix. 10, 12, 14, 15, 25, 26, 31, 35, 41, 43, 51, 70, 74, 107, 113, 163, 203, 204, 206, 224, 237, 313, 342, 347, 349, 369, 382, 383, 384, 399, 400, 409, 410, 427; x. 77, 192; xi. 197, 212, 214, 218, 241 _n._, 464, 482; xii. 36, 38, 356, 357, 426. Correspondent, The (a newspaper), iii. 153, 181. Corresponding Society, The, ii. 153. Corri, Miss R., viii. 465, 470. Corsair (Byron’s), iv. 257; v. 153; x. 15; xi. 247. Corsica, xi. 236. Corsini pictures, The, ix. 239. Corso, The, Florence, ix. 212. —— The (at Rome), ix. 233; xii. 462. Cortes, Fernando, iii. 106, 159, 216, 295; vii. 149; xi. 414, 551. Cortona, ix. 239, 253, 262, 302. Cortot, Jean Pierre, ix. 167. Corvino (in Ben Jonson’s Volpone), viii. 40, 44. Coryate, Thomas, v. 162; vii. 255. Cosi fan Tutti (Mozart’s), viii. 325, 326; xi. p. viii. Cosmo Comyne Bradwardine (in Scott’s Waverley), ix. 367; xii. 91. Cossacks, The, iii. 63; xi. 196, 197. Cossé, L., xi. 246. Cosway, Maria, vi. 400; ix. 254. —— Richard, vi. 333, 354, 380, 381, 432; vii. 90, 95, 96; ix. 354, 355; xii. 439. Cotes, Francis, iii. 307. Cottage Child at Breakfast (W. Collins’), xi. 246. —— Children (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. Cottar’s Saturday Night (Burns’), v. 126, 137, 183; xi. 313, 452 _n._ Cotton, Charles, i. 57 _n._; v. 122; viii. 94. —— Sir Robert, iii. 393. Cottrells, The Miss, vi. 343, 450. 507. Council Chamber of the Senate, The, Venice, ix. 274. Count (in Fielding’s Jonathan Wild), iii. 234. —— Basset (Cibber’s), viii. 37. —— Camaldole (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 386. —— Conolly Villars (in Holcroft’s School for Arrogance), ii. 117. —— Egmont (Goethe’s), v. 363; x. 119. —— Fathom (Smollett’s), i. 12; iii. 103, 125, 181, 233, 291; v. 277; viii. 117, 127, 151; x. 35; xi. 374. —— Hottentot (Burgoyne’s, in Richard Cœur de Lion), viii. 196. —— Julian, Tragedy of (Landor’s), x. 255. —— La Ruse (Fielding’s), xi. 136. —— Lunenberg (Sheil’s Adelaide, or the Emigrants), viii. 309, 310. —— Maldecini, The (in Thomson’s The Dumb Savoyard and his Monkey), xi. 363. —— Ugolino (Michael Angelo’s), v. 18; x. 63. —— —— (Dante’s), v. 18; vi. 466; ix. 401; xi. 368, 406; xii. 30. —— —— (Reynolds’), v. 18; vi. 348; vii. 275; ix. 400; x. 63. Countess of Cumberland, Epistle to the (Daniel’s), v. 371. —— Dowager Delamere (in Ups and Downs), xi. 385, 387. —— Pillar, The, v. 148. Countess of Servan (in Payne’s Anglade Family), viii. 280. Country Cousins (a play), viii. 428, 430, 434. —— Girl, The (Wycherley’s), vi. 68, 463; viii. 524; xi. 274, 276. —— People, Character of the, xi. 309. —— Scene (Cossé’s), xi. 246. —— Wife, The (Wycherley’s), viii. 29, 76; x. 108. Cour des Fontaines, The (an inn), ix. 177. Courier, The (newspaper), i. 388; iii. 47 _n._, 76, 97, 98, 107, 110, 122, 124, 126, 135, 148, 206, 211, 214, 284, 435–6; iv. 214, 218; vi. 196, 294 _n._; viii. 332, 335, 336, 340; x. 158 _n._, 219; xi. 416, 417, 420, 547; xii. 133. —— and Times Newspapers, On the, iii. 58. —— and the Wat Tyler, The, iii. 200. Court of Honour, The (in The Tatler), i. 9; viii. 98. —— Influence, On, iii. 254, 259. —— Journal, The, a Dialogue, xii. 354. Courteney (? Courtenay, John), iii. 419. Courtney, Mr, ii. 205, 214, 217. Courtneys, The, vi. 367. Coutts, Thomas, xi. 496. Covenanters, vii. 180. Covent Garden Theatre, i. 65, 157, 194, 248; ii. 78, 100, 101, 111, 113, 116, 159, 162, 163, 182, 194, 196, 207; vi. 294; vii. 308; viii. 176, 190, 192, 193, 195, 227, 230, 234, 237, 247, 250, 252, 253, 256, 261, 266, 275, 276, 281, 291, 292, 297, 298, 302, 315, 317, 318, 319, 332, 334, 335, 336, 338, 341, 342, 345, 347, 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 362, 370, 373, 374, 386, 391, 401, 410, 413, 422, 425, 426, 427, 428, 430, 431, 432, 436, 439, 442, 452, 464, 465, 466, 526, 529, 530, 531, 539; ix. 463; xi. 277, 303, 304, 359, 362, 365, 369, 370, 373, 375, 376, 381, 382, 386, 388, 394, 396, 401, 403, 407, 410, 419, 499; xii. 17, 120, 121, 122 _n._, 124, 140 _n._ Coventry, ii. 10, 11, 14; ix. 302. —— Cross, ii. 11. —— C., xi. 244. —— Emily, xii. 364. Coviello of the Carnival, the, x. 279. Covigliaijo, ix. 199, 209. Cowley, Abraham, i. 133; v. 84, 125, 300, 372; vi. 110, 236; viii. 24, 57–62, 94, 463, 496; ix. 326; x. 64, 98; xi. 574; xii. 34, 124. —— (Butler Suckling, Etherege, etc.), viii. 49. —— Mrs, viii. 163. Cowper, Lord, ii. 225. —— William, v. 85; also referred to in i. 40; iii. 243, 266, 271; iv. 217, 351; v. 63, 369, 376; vi. 210, 248; viii. 51; x. 162, 327; xi. 249, 305, 306, 486, 492, 495, 503; xii. 240, 251, 273, 346. Cowslip (O’Keefe’s Agreeable Surprise), vi. 417; viii. 167, 319, 468. Coy Mistress, To his (Marvell’s), v. 314, 372. Coypel (painter), ix. 397. Crab (a dog), iii. 109. Crabbe, George, iv. 343; xi. 603; also referred to in iv. 348 _et seq._; v. 95, 96, 97, 98, 377; viii. 24; ix. 200; x. 264, 327; xi. 536; xii. 368. Crabtree (in Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 251; xi. 393; xii. 24. Cracovius, iii. 266. Craig Campbell (in Holcroft’s Love’s Frailties, or Precept against Practice), ii. 159. Craig-Crook, ii. 314. Craigie Burn Wood (in Scott’s Antiquary), viii. 413. Cranach, Lucas, ix. 354. Cranmer, Thomas, ix. 23. Crashaw, Richard, v. 311, 318; viii. 49, 53. Crawfurd, Mrs, viii. 393. Crayon, Geoffrey. See Irving, Washington. Crazy Kate (in Cowper’s Task), v. 92. Creation (Sir R. Blackmore’s), xi. 489. —— Haydn’s, viii. 298. —— The (Milton), v. 183. Crébillon, Prosper J. de, ii. 179; iv. 217; vi. 49; vii. 311. Credibility of the Gospel History (Lardner’s), iii. 266. Crellius, iii. 266. Cremona Fiddles, ii. 164. Creskeld, Mr (Member of Parliament), iii. 395. Crespi, Giuseppe Maria, ix. 20. Cressida (Chaucer’s), v. 20; (Shakespeare’s) xi. 295. Crete, x. 7. Crewe, Mrs, ii. 84, 86. —— Park, ii. 167. Cribb, Tom (pugilist), iv. 223, 334; vi. 50; ix. 242; xii. 7, 9, 12. Crichton, James (The Admirable Crichton), vi. 46; x. 335; xii. 277. Criminal Law (? Hazlitt’s), xi. p. viii. See also xii. 405. Crisis, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 83, 84, 85, 86. Cristall, Joshua, ix. 309. Crites (in Ben Jonson’s Cynthia’s Revels), v. 303. Critic, The (Sheridan’s), ii. 260; viii. 164. Critical Essays (Pope’s), v. 69; (Addison’s) viii. 99. —— Review, The (a periodical), ii. 269. Criticism, On, vi. 214. —— Essay on (Pope’s), i. 41; v. 73, 74, 373. Critics, Upon (Butler’s), viii. 68. Critique of Pure Reason, The (Kant’s), vii. 37; xii. 164 _n._ Critique de l’Ecole des Femmes (Molière’s), viii. 29, 77; x. 108. Crivelli, Signor, viii. 365; xi. 300. Crockery (in Jameson’s Exit by Mistake), iii. 304; viii. 322, 468. Croft, Herbert, v. 122, 123, 124. Croker, Right Hon. John Wilson, i. 379, 384; iii. 48, 103, 110, 162, 206, 230, 231, 278; iv. 241, 308; vi. 89, 212, 284, 360; vii. 100, 101 _n._, 102, 115, 123, 165, 376; viii. 453, 479; ix. 185, 244, 246; xi. 344, 384, 385, 547, 551; xii. 276 _n._, 294, 310. —— Mr. See Talking Potato. Croley (Croly, George), vii. 104, 105; xi. 360; xii. 283. Crompton, Mr, ii. 164. Cromwell, Oliver, i. 153, 428; ii. 157; iii. 168, 310, 390, 398; iv. 61; v. 83; vi. 38, 85, 93, 106, 110, 111, 177, 178, 303, 410, 411; viii. 61, 62, 233; x. 243; xi. 221; xii. 33, 310. —— Sonnet to (Milton’s), i. 428. —— Richard, iii. 399. Cropper, John (of Liverpool), vi. 190. Crosby House, viii. 514. Crossbite (Wycherley’s Love in a Wood), viii. 78. Crouch, Mrs Anna Maria, vi. 352. Crouchback, Edmund, x. 335. Crowdero (in Butler’s Hudibras), viii. 65, 67. Crown Prince of Poland, The (in Pocock’s John du Bart), viii. 254. Crowning with Thorns, The (in the Louvre), ix. 112. —— of the Virgin (Correggio’s), ix. 204. —— —— (Raphael’s), ix. 240, 273, 365. Crucified Jesus (Horneck’s), ii. 43. Crucifixion, xi. 312. —— the (Carraci’s), ii. 225. —— (Rubens’), ix. 299. Crudities (Coryate’s), v. 162; vii. 255. Cubit, Mr (singer), ii. 86, 259. Cuckold’s Point in Essex, vi. 167; vii. 240. Cuckoo, Lines to a (Wordsworth’s), v. 156. —— Song (in Shakespeare’s As You Like It), viii. 252, 337. Cudworth, Ralph, iv. 216. Culpepper, Nicholas, ii. 251. Cumberland, i. 53, 92; iv. 4; ix. 216, 393; xi. 200, 311, 512. —— Duchess of, The, vi. 449. —— Gate, xii. 134. —— Richard, i. 320; ii. 197, 207; v. 363; vii. 101 _n._; viii. 164, 166; ix. 349; x. 16; xii. 276 _n._ Cunningham, John, ii. 80, 81; v. 122; vi. 448, 449. Cupid, v. 41; vi. 201; vii. 202. —— tormenting the Soul (after Chaudet), ix. 167. —— in search of Venus’ Doves (Prior’s), v. 106. —— at Whitehall (Rubens’), ix. 387. —— and Psyche (Gérard’s), ix. 137. —— —— (Raphael’s), ix. 239, 365. —— —— (Titian’s), ix. 74. Curate, The (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286. Curfew, The (Tobin’s), v. 345. Curll, Edmund, vi. 418; xii. 330. Curran, John Philpot, xii. 353; also referred to in i. 393; iii. 312, 425; iv. 212, 319; vii. 41; viii. 21; ix. 34 _n._; xi. 383 _n._; xii. 349. Currie, Mr, xii. 405. Curtail (Holcroft’s), ii. 204. Curtis, Sir William, vi. 112; vii. 271; xi. 352, 474. Curzon Street, xii. 132. Cut Finger (Wilkie’s), viii. 140; xi. 252. Cuthbert, John, xii. 14. Cuthell (publisher), ii. 171. Cutter of Coleman Street (Cowley’s), viii. 61. Cuvier, Georges, ix. 120. Cuyp, Aelbert, ix. 19, 36, 51. Cymbeline (Shakespeare’s), i. 179; also referred to in i. 394; v. 258; x. 116. Cymon (Dryden’s), vi. 371; (Garrick’s) viii. 261. Cynthia (in Lyly’s Midas and Endymion), v. 199. Cynthia’s Revels (Ben Jonson’s), v. 265, 303, 306. Cyprus, i. 205; v. 55; xi. 294. Cyropædia (Greek prose romance), x. 16. D. D——, vi. 456. Daddy Ratton (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), vii. 137 _n._ Dædalus, x. 346. Daisy, To a (Wordsworth), v. 156. D’Alembert, Jean le Rond, vi. 111; viii. 29, 552. Dalkeith Palace, ii. 325. Dalmatia, ix. 267. Dalrymple, Alexander, ii. 178. Damas, Monsieur, ix. 149. Dame Chat (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286. —— Hellenore (in Spenser), viii. 303. —— Lorenza Sephora (Le Sage’s Gil Blas), vii. 223. Damiani, Signor, ii. 177. Damon and Musidora (in Thomson’s Seasons), v. 90. Dampiere, Marquise de, ii. 107, 280 _n._ Damsel of the Idle Lake, The (Spenser’s), viii. 27. Danae (Caracci’s), ix. 31. —— (Correggio’s), ix. 480, 482. Danaides, x. 387. Dance, George (Sir Nathaniel Holland), vi. 359, 374, 442. —— (William?), ii. 79. —— of Bacchanals (Poussin’s), ix. 14. —— of Death, The, x. 264. Dancing (Davies’ Poem), viii. 53. Dan Cupid (in Holcroft’s Old Clothesman), ii. 190, 194. Dandy Dinmont (in Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248. —— School, The, xi. 344. Danger (Collins), v. 8. D’Angouleme, Duchess, iii. 444. Daniel, iii. 265. —— (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 362. —— in the Lion’s Den (Barry’s), ix. 415. —— Arnaud, x. 55. —— P. A., i. 452. —— Samuel, v. 309, 371. Daniell, Lady, vii. 111. Danish Zealand, iii. 68. Dansomanie (Étienne Nicolas Méhul’s), xi. 299; also referred to in viii. 325–6, 437, 537. Dante, i. 23, 37, 161; ii. 229; iv. 257, 276, 302; v. 15, 17, 18, 19, 45, 56, 65, 66, 186; vi. 425, 455; vii. 61, 94; viii. 414 _n._; ix. 219, 250, 251, 252, 401, 474; x. 45, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 77, 87, 112 _n._, 408; xi. 235, 368, 406; xii. 30, 134. Daphne, iv. 213; xii. 200. Daphnis and Chloe (Longus’), x. 14. Dapperwit (in Wycherley’s Love in a Wood), viii. 78. Dapple (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), vii. 223; viii. 8, 108, 109; x. 27, 28. D’Arblay, Madame, v. 146; vi. 157, 186, 209, 411; vii. 72, 73, 482; viii. 123, 124, 125, 560; ix. 490; x. 24, 41, 42, 43, 44; xi. 385, 442; xii. 65, 86. Dares and Entellus (Virgil’s), ix. 166. Darius, iii. 461; xii. 204. Darlemont (in Holcroft’s Deaf and Dumb), ii. 235. Darlington, ii. 79. Darnley (in David Rizzio), viii. 460. Dartmoor, vi. 407. D’Artois, Jacques (Flemish painter), ii. 221. Darwin, Erasmus, v. 146; xi. 504. Dashwoud (Murphy’s Know Your Own Mind), viii. 164. Datchet, ix. 36. Daudel, Madame, xi. 356. Daughter of the Dawn, The (a picture), ix. 237. Dauntless (in Bannister’s The World), viii. 229. Davenant, Dr Charles, ii. 219, 415; iv. 90 _n._ —— Sir William, viii. 54. Davenport, Mrs, viii. 255, 262, 319, 427, 428; xi. 370, 374, 404. Daventry, ii. 14. David, i. 57; v. 183. —— (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 219, 220, 241; xii. 134. —— and Bacchus (Michael Angelo’s), x. 354. —— Jacques Louis, v. 265; ix. 30, 110, 120, 122, 129, 133, 134, 167; xi. 213, 240 _n._, 241 _n._; xii. 190. David Deans (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 247; vii. 181; xi. 559; xii. 383. —— Gellatly (in Scott’s Waverley), iv. 247; viii. 129. —— Ritchie (in Scott’s Black Dwarf), viii. 129. —— Rizzio (by Colonel Hamilton), viii. 456, 459; xi. 316. —— Simple (by Sarah Fielding), viii. 123 _n._ Davie (Burns), v. 139. Davies (actor), xi. 374. —— George. See Harley George Davies. Davies, Signora Cecilia, vi. 404. —— John (a racquet player), vi. 89, 451, 522; vii. 273. —— Sir John, v. 34; viii. 49, 53. Davila, Enrico Caterino, ix. 187 _n._ Da Vinci. See Leonardo da Vinci. Davis, Mr (an actor), ii. 69. —— Lockyer, ii. 104 _n._ Davison, Mrs, viii. 229, 258, 260, 316; xi. 376, 387, 393, 409. —— Thomas, vi. 236. —— W., xi. 248. Davy, Sir Humphry, iii. 54; vi. 85; vii. 226. Dawe, George, vi. 270. Day, Alexander, vi. 347, 348; vii. 89; ix. 475 _n._ —— of Judgment, The, xi. 313. —— and New Times. See New Times. —— and Night, Figures of (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 240. De Bausset, Baron, xii. 135. De Cive (Hobbes’s), xi. 48. D’Enghien, Duc, xi. 577; referred to in iii. 82. De F., Mademoiselle Hersilie (Raymond Gayrard’s), ix. 167. De Genlis, Madame, ii. 268, 281. D’Holbach, Baron, i. 434. De l’Allemagne (Madame de Stael’s), x. 119. —— l’Amour (Beyle’s), ix. 250. —— l’Esprit (Helvetius’), vii. 454 _n._; xi. 254. —— Lolme, John Louis, vii. 380; viii. 107; x. 27. —— Mandeville, Bernard, i. 9, 403; ii. 372; iv. 2, 269, 298, 334, 351; vi. 50, 353, 387; vii. 166 _n._, 309, 467; viii. 94 _n._, 99; xi. 143, 254, 543; xii. 96, 98, 177, 228, 308, 426. —— Marveil, Arnaud, x. 55. —— Methodo (Descartes’), x. 143. —— Montfort (Miss Baillie’s), v. 147. —— Natura Humana (Hobbes’s), x. 143. De Nemours, The Duc, xii. 62. —— Piles, Roger, ix. 477. —— Quincey, Thomas, iv. 399. —— Stael, Madame, viii. 552, 557, 558; ix. 311, 490. —— Thou, George Augustus. See Thuanus. —— Thoyras, x. 145. —— Tivoli, Rosa (Philipp Peter Roos), vi. 419. —— Troyes, Chretien, x. 57. —— Vaquieras, Rambaud, x. 55. —— Vere (by R. P. Ward), xi. 374. —— Very, Monsieur, xii. 141. —— Wint, Peter, ix. 309; xi. 249. —— Witt, John, ii. 415. Dead Christ (A. Caracci’s), ix. 238. —— —— (Guido’s), ix. 207. —— Man restored to Life by touching the Bones of Elisha (Allston’s), xi. 189. Deaf and Dumb (Holcroft’s), ii. 230, 235. —— —— Politician, The (a play), xi. 387. —— Lover, The (Farren’s), viii. 480, 484. Deal (town), ii. 126. Dean Street, ii. 183. Death (Drelincourt on), vi. 430. —— of Abel, The (Solomon Gessner’s), xii. 273. —— of Abercrombie, The (song), ix. 152. —— of Adonis (Cambiasi’s), ix. 35. —— of Ananias (Raphael’s), ix. 44. —— of Cardinal Beaufort (Reynolds’), vi. 403; ix. 23. —— of Clorinda (Lodovic Lana’s), vi. 237. —— of a Fawn, On the (Marvell’s), v. 372. —— and the Lady (a ballad), ii. 42. —— of Nelson, The (song), viii. 229, 370. Death of Oliver Cromwell (Waller’s), v. 371. —— on the Pale Horse (West’s), v. 33; vi. 290 _n._; ix. 318. —— On the Punishment of, xii. 466. —— of St. Jerome (Domenichino’s), ix. 240. —— of Socrates (Martine’s), ix. 182. —— of an Unfortunate Lady, Elegy on the (Pope’s), v. 373. —— Verses on his own (Swift’s), v. 374. —— of the Virgin (Durer’s), ix. 35. —— of Wolfe (West’s), ix. 55. Deborah, The Song of, xi. 321. —— (in F. Reynolds’ The Will), viii. 253. —— Woodcock (in Bickerstaffe’s Love in a Village), viii. 329. Debrett’s, John (Whig Resort in Piccadilly), ii. 169–227 _passim_. Decade Philosophique, La (periodical), ii. 223. Decalogue, xi. 313, 490. Decameron (Boccaccio’s), i. 332; ix. 196, 211; x. 67, 68, 69; xii. 30, 43, 130, 164. Decamp, Mr (actor), viii. 229, 247. Deckar, Thomas, v. 223; also referred to in iv. 310; v. 176, 181, 185, 191, 193, 234, 240, 266, 345; vi. 167, 192, 218 _n._; vii. 122, 320; x. 205; xii. 34. Dee, The River, vi. 186. Defeat of Goliath (Volterra’s), ix. 110. Defence of National Debt (? Hazlitt’s), xi. p. vii. —— of Poetry (Sir Philip Sidney’s), v. 326. —— of the People of England (Milton’s), viii. 233. Defensio pro populo Anglicano (Milton’s), iii. 299. Definitions, Specimen of a Dictionary of, ix. 484. Defoe, Daniel, iv. 334; v. 14; vi. 50, 430; vii. 70; viii. 107 _n._; x. 27 _n._, 382; xii. 142, 400, 403. —— —— Life and Times of (Wilson), x. 355. —— Sophia, x. 382. Delacroix, Eugène, ix. 137. Delaval (in Mrs Kemble’s Smiles and Tears), viii. 266. Del Piombo, Sebastian, ix. 11. —— Popolo, The Gate, ix. 231. Delft (town), ix. 301. Delille, The Abbé, x. 250. —— Jacques, ix. 146. Della-Cruscan, iv. 309, 356; v. 148, 300; vi. 221, 254; vii. 318; ix. 354, 409; x. 127; xii. 346. Delphi, The Temple of, x. 17. Delphine (De Stael’s), vii. 220. Deluge, The (Byron’s description), iv. 258; ix. 109. —— (Girodet’s), ix. 132; xi. 241. —— (Poussin’s), vi. 171; ix. 109, 384, 491; xi. 197, 201 _n._, 242. Delvilles, The (Miss Burney’s), vi. 157; xi. 385; xii. 65. Democratic Lectures, iii. 206. Democritus, x. 232. Demosthenes, iii. 395; vi. 111; x. 248; xii. 168. Denbighshire, iii. 413. Denham, Sir John, v. 84, 372. Denman, Rev. Mr, vii. 73. Denmark, iii. 68; iv. 93. —— Court of, viii. 185. —— King of, iii. 62; x. 303. —— Prince of, vi. 376. Denner, Balthasar, ii. 402; vi. 133, 134, 241; vii. 56; ix. 41; xi. 218, 462. Dennett (The Misses), vi. 160, 161; viii. 351, 352, 353, 404, 411, 436, 437, 454, 478, 479, 535. Dennis, John, v. 356; vi. 464; viii. 89, 322. Dent de Jamant, The, ix. 285, 296; xii. 25. Deptford, Kent, vi. 484. Depth and Superficiality, On, vii. 346. Derby, ii. 14; iii. 280. —— The Countess of (in Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 537. Derbyshire, ii. 14; ix. 279; xi. 540. Dérivis, Henri Étienne, ix. 171. Dermody, Thomas, ii. 279. Derwent River, iv. 270. Des Noyers, Mons., i. 30; viii. 137; ix. 81. Descartes, René, x. 143; xi. 286, 288, 289. Descent of Liberty, The (Leigh Hunt’s), vii. 122. Description of a Pig (Southey’s), v. 164. Desdemona (in Shakespeare’s Othello), i. 16, 105, 180, 200, 293; v. 6; vii. 306; viii. 189, 214, 216, 217, 218, 272, 340, 528, 519, 534, 560; x. 116; xi. 291, 294, 295, 405. Desenfans, Noel Joseph, ii. 189, 198; ix. 19, 24, 25, 55; xi. 205 _n._ Desert, The Great, ix. 349. Deserted Daughter, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 159, 161, 162, 201, 229. —— Village, The (Goldsmith’s), v. 376. Deshayes (dancer), i. 72. Destouches, Mons., ii. 117. Destut Tracy, Comte de, ix. 186; xii. 104. Deucalions, The, v. 162. Devil’s Ditch, The, ii. 37, 40, 52. —— Elixir, The (Edward Fitzball’s), xii. 229. Devin du Village, The (Rousseau’s), vi. 444; ix. 170. Devonshire, ii. 143, 164; iii. 423; vi. 345, 367; ix. 185; x. 416. —— Duke of, ii. 22. —— Duchess of, ii. 105; xii. 455. —— The Duchess of (Vandyke’s), ix. 61. —— House, ii. 175. Devotion (Laschallas’), xi. 245, 246. Dialogue between Roger Ascham and Lady Jane Grey (Landor’s), x. 236. —— between Queen Elizabeth and Burleigh (Landor’s), x. 238. —— French and English, xi. 122. Diamond, Newton’s dog, xi. 263 _n._ —— (a thief), ii. 182. —— Berchem (Beckford’s), ix. 59. —— Ring, the, or Exchange No Robbery (Theo. Hook’s), viii. 475. Diana, i. 330; iii. 336; v. 30; vi. 168; ix. 216, 341. —— bathing (Allston’s), xi. 190. —— and Actæon (Caracci’s), xi. 238. —— —— (Domenichino’s), ix. 238. —— —— (Titian’s), ix. 32. —— and Calisto (Titian’s), ix. 32. —— and Endymion (Guercino’s), ix. 238. —— with her Fawn, at the Louvre, viii. 149; ix. 107, 165, 491; xi. 197. —— and Nymphs Bathing (Caracci’s), ix. 32. Diary (Holcroft’s), ii. 169. Dibdin, Charles, the younger, ii. 222. —— Thomas John, ii. 223; viii. 413 _n._, 524. Diccon, The Bedlam (Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286, 287, 288. Dick Amlet (in Vanbrugh’s Confederacy), viii. 80, 81. Dickons, Mrs Maria, vi. 220, viii. 226. Dicky Gossip, viii. 388. Dictionary of Painters (Pilkington’s), ii. 184. Diderot, Denis, i. 91; vi. 444. Didier (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 235. Dido, iii. 461; viii. 197; ix. 170; xii. 19. Didone Abandonnata, viii. 196. Die Vernon (Scott’s Rob Roy), iv. 248. Dieppe, ix. 91, 92, 94, 95, 100. Digby, Lord George, iii. 396. —— Sir Kenelm, vii. 443 _n._ —— Lady Venetia (Vandyke’s), ix. 38, 39. Digges, Sir Dudley, iii. 394. Dignum, Charles, vi. 388, 432; vii. 193; xi. 367. Dilettanti Society, vi. 372 _n._; vii. 279; ix. 409. Dilly, Charles, xi. 221. Dilworth, (?) Thomas, vii. 26. Dimond, William, viii. 366, 535. Dinah Cropley (in Mr Kenney’s The World), viii. 368, 369. Diodati, Charles, vi. 486. Diogenes, i. 210. —— Antonius, x. 15. Diomed (in Homer’s Iliad), x. 6, 7; xii. 10. Diphilus, x. 100. Dipsas (in Lyly’s Midas and Endymion), v. 201. Dirge in Cymbeline, The (Collins’), v. 116, 374. Dirk Hatteraick (in Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248; viii. 129. Dirty Dick, vi. 359. Disadvantages of Intellectual Superiority, On the, vi. 279. Disagreeable People, On, xii. 173. Disciples, The, v. 184. —— at Emmaus, The (in the Louvre), ix. 112. Discourse with Cupid (Ben Jonson’s), v. 304. Discourses (Dr Chalmers’), v. 9. —— (Sir Joshua Reynolds’), vi. 32, 366; ix. 399, 403, 490; x. 181; xi. 543. —— (by Algernon Sydney), iv. 81. —— (R. Taylor’s), xii. 383. Dispute of the Sacrament (Raphael’s), ix. 380; xi. 226. D’Israeli, Isaac, ii. 172; iv. 308. Dissenters, The, x. 368, 370, 372, 375–76, 377. —— Address to the (Defoe’s), x. 368. Dissertation on the Rise and Progress of Modern Metaphysics (Stewart’s), xi. 285. Distant Objects Please, Why, vi. 255. Distraining for Rent (Wilkie’s), xi. 253. Distressed Mother, The, viii. 334. —— Poet (Hogarth’s), i. 95; ix. 55. Distresses of the Country, A Lay-Sermon on the, Addressed to the Middle and Higher Orders, by S. T. Coleridge, Esq., iii. 138. Diversions of Purley (Horne Tooke’s), iv. 238, 240, 390; vii. 198; xi. 119, 173; xii. 343. Divine Comedy of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory (Dante’s), v. 334; x. 60. —— Legation of Moses, The (Warburton’s), vi. 368; x. 18. Dobbs, Mrs (actress), viii. 251. Dobson, Mr, ii. 167. Dr Cantwell (in Bickerstaffe’s Hypocrite), viii. 245–6; xi. 395. —— Faustus (the legend), v. 293. —— Harrison (in Fielding’s Amelia), viii. 115; x. 33. —— Last in his Chariot (Bickerstaffe), ii. 75, 76; vi. 418. —— Pangloss (in Colman, Jr.’s, The Heir at Law), iv. 283. —— Pedro Positive (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), iii. 78. —— Rat (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286. —— Slop (Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), x. 39. Doctour of Phisike, The (in Chaucer), v. 24. Doctrine of Necessity, Treatise on the (Hobbes’s), xi. 44. Dodd, James William, i. 155; viii. 230, 388, 509; xi. 367; xii. 24. Dodd, Dr William, xii. 348. Doddridge, Dr Philip, vi. 368. Dodington, George Bubb, v. 85; vi. 100; xii. 301. Dodsley, Robert, v. 122. Dog Tray (Dyer’s), vii. 44. Dogberry (in Shakespeare’s Much Ado), i. 338; iii. 207; viii. 79; xi. 309, 549. Doge of Venice, The, xi. 499. —— —— (Palma Vecchio’s), ix. 34. —— —— returning Thanks (P. Veronese), ix. 274. Doge’s Palace, The (Venice), ix. 274. Dogget, Mr (actor), i. 157, 441; viii. 160. Dolci, Carlo, ix. 12, 20, 41, 67. Doll (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286. —— Tearsheet (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), i. 280. Dolly Snip (in Shakespeare _versus_ Harlequin), viii. 436. Domenichino (Domenicho Zampieri, also of Bologna), vi. 14, 15, 74; vii. 274; ix. 35, 51, 70, 107, 112, 113, 206, 238, 240, 264, 367, 386; x. 278, 292, 294; xi. 197, 238; xii. 48 _n._, 272, 367. Dominican Friars, The, xii. 224. Dominie Sampson (in Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248; viii. 129, 292, 413. Domitian, i. 390. Domo d’Ossola, ix. 279. Don Adriano de Armado (in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour Lost), i. 332; iii. 64. —— Carlos (Schiller’s), ii. 178, 183; v. 362; vi. 325 _n._; xii. 158. —— Felix (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 155, 156, 333; xi. 402. —— Giovanni (the Opera, etc.), iii. 226; viii. 362, 363, 365, 366, 371, 404, 538; xi. 307, 370, 427, 455, 500. Don Giovanni and Kean’s Eustace de St Pierre, xi. 307. —— John (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s The Chances), viii. 49, 461, 515. —— —— (in Much Ado), i. 335. —— Juan (Byron’s), iv. 256, 259 _n._; vi. 236, 425; vii. 319; viii. 90, 370; ix. 258; xi. 489; xii. 23, 374. —— Lopez (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156. —— Manuel (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156. —— —— (Cibber’s Kind Impostor, or She Would and She Would Not), ii. 83. —— —— (in Maturin’s Bertram), viii. 368. —— Octavio (in Don Juan), viii. 365. —— Pedro (in Don Juan), viii. 363, 371. —— Quixote (Cervantes), i. 12, 57 _n._, 71 _n._, 138, 349, 350, 422; iii. 41, 61, 90, 142; iv. 53, 83, 245; v. 83, 140, 325, 372; vi. 85, 97, 162, 225, 238, 395, 409; vii. 120, 160, 164 _n._, 223, 229, 465, 474; viii. 11, 65, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 117, 125, 151, 398, 429; x. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 43, 56, 57, 394; xi. 266, 273 _n._, 328, 338, 458, 510; xii. 37, 72, 165. —— —— receiving Mambrino’s Helmet, etc. (Richter’s), ix. 309. —— Sebastian (Dryden’s), v. 356, 357–8. Donald (in Holcroft’s The Deserted Daughter), ii. 159. —— Bean Lean (in Scott’s Waverley), viii. 129; xiii. 354. —— Mackay (Bartley), xi. 389. Donatus, Letters to (Milton’s), vi. 180. Donna Anna, viii. 365; xi. 370. —— Elvira (in Don Juan), viii. 365. —— Isabella (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), xi. 402. Donne, John, iv. 212; v. 83; vi. 304; vii. 36; viii. 49, 51, 53, 57; xii. 28. Doria Palace, The, vii. 177; ix. 238. Doriforth (in Mrs Inchbald’s A Simple Story), xii. 65. Dorimant (in Etherege’s Man of Mode), viii. 68. Dorinda, xii. 451. Dorington (Holcroft’s Man of Ten Thousand, The), ii. 160. Dornton (in Holcroft’s Road to Ruin), ii. 123; xii. 24. Dorothea (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), iv. 245. —— (in Massinger’s The Virgin Martyr), v. 266. Dorset, Lord, v. 369, 373. Dorsetshire, iii. 396, 400. Dottrel-Catching, iii. 51. Dou. See Douw, Gerard. Double Dealer (Congreve’s), viii. 72. —— Gallant (Cibber’s), viii. 359. Also referred to in viii. 161, 162, 360. Douce, Francis, vii. 38. Douglas, Family of, x. 172. —— Gawin, v. 399; x. 311. —— (Home’s), iv. 233; v. 359; vi. 294; viii. 292; xi. 546 _n._ —— (in Miss O’Neill’s Elwina), viii. 257. Douro, The Marquis of, xi. 362. Dousterswivel (in Scott’s The Antiquary), vii. 156. Douw, Gerard, vi. 10; ix. 35, 355. Dover, ii. 211; ix. 94, 286. —— -cliff, i. 176, 268. —— packet-boat, viii. 435. Dow. See Douw, Gerard. Downing, (?) George (or Dunning), ii. 66. —— Mrs, ii. 67, 68. —— Street, iii. 217, 461. Downs, The, ii. 126. Dowton, William, i. 157; viii. 167, 168, 189, 229, 245, 246, 249, 250, 256, 258, 260, 270, 278, 317, 361, 362, 370, 392, 400, 451, 472; xi. 303, 305, 306, 307, 368, 369, 376, 378, 395. Dowton in the Hypocrite, xi. 395. Drake, Sir Francis, v. 175; vi. 367. Drama, Schlegel on the, x. 78. Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, Lectures on the, v. 169; also x. 275 _n._ —— Pieces translated from English. —— —— Selection of Smaller (by Claude Pierre Patu), i. 66 _n._ —— Scenes (by B. Cornwall), v. 346. —— Writers contemporary with Shakespeare, Lyly, Marlow, Heywood, Middleton and Rowley, On the, v. 192. Draper, Sir William, iv. 238. Drawcansir (in Buckingham’s The Rehearsal), iv. 277, 309; vi. 216. Drayton, Michael, v. 295; also referred to in v. 201, 370; viii. 42; xi. 284. Dream of a Painter (Northcote’s), i. 442; ix. 66. Dreams, On, vii. 17. Drelincourt, Charles, vi. 430. Drennan, Dr Wm., ii. 224. Dresden Gallery, vii. 135. Drinking (by Cowley), viii. 59. Droitwich, ii. 66, 196. Drölling (Michel Martin), ix. 123, 137 _n._ Dromios, The Two (Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors), i. 351. Drouet, Louis-François Philippe, viii. 298. Druids, v. 335. Drummer, or The Haunted House (Addison’s), viii. 158. Drummond (of Hawthornden), William, v. 299, 301, 302, 303; vi. 175; xii. 34. —— Samuel, ii. 228. Drury Lane Theatre, i. 157, 194, 248; ii. 78, 83, 89, 113, 114, 122, 159, 160, 193, 199, 213, 218, 219, 228, 230, 236; vii. 204; viii. 179, 189, 190, 208, 229, 233, 237, 249, 252, 254, 258, 263, 264, 270, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 284–285, 289, 292, 294, 297, 300, 304, 310, 316, 335, 340, 341, 352–9, 368, 372, 374, 388, 394, 398, 423–4, 426–7, 430, 435, 439, 450, 461, 465–6, 470, 472, 476, 524, 525, 526, 529, 534, 539; ix. 149; xi. 301, 303, 305, 308, 351, 359, 365, 370, 375–7, 382, 384, 386, 392, 395, 397, 399, 402, 404–5, 409–10, 413; xii. 17, 139 _n._, 140 _n._, 168, 217, 275. Dryad, i. 19. Dryden, John, i. 39, 80, 332, 380; ii. 79; iii. 63, 113, 258, 400, 461; iv. 276, 277, 309; v. 13, 30, 61, 68, 122, 246, 261, 356, 357, 359, 369, 372; vi. 204 _n._, 218, 222, 254, 336, 351, 363, 371, 425, 455, 464; vii. 17, 36, 93, 102, 105, 124; viii. 43, 68, 159, 190, 191, 192, 235, 503; ix. 363; x. 68, 118, 204, 205, 416; xi. 132, 186, 226, 256, 269, 270, 272, 535; xii. 3, 32, 207, 208, 244 _n._, 323, 326, 327, 375. Dryden and Pope, On, v. 68. Du Bart, John and Francis, viii. 253. Du Bartas, Guilaume de Saluste, Seigneur, v. 186. Du Fresnoy, Charles Alphonse, ix. 477. Dublin, ii. 56, 61, 64, 65, 181, 188, 202; iii. 405, 420; viii. 203, 466, 478; ix. 415, 416; x. 179; xi. 402. Dubois, Edward, xii. 276 _n._ Duchesnois, Mademoiselle, ix. 154. Duchess of Malfy (Webster’s), v. 240, 245; vi. 94 _n._; vii. 54. Ducis, Jean François, xi. 283. —— Louis, ix. 137. Ducrow, Andrew, xii. 368. Dudley, Bate, xi. 349. Duenna, the (Sheridan’s), iv. 159; viii. 164, 165; xii. 24, 332. Duessa, the false (Spenser), iv. 201; v. 277. Dugdale, Sir William, vii. 316. Dughet, Gaspard. See Poussin, Gaspar. Duke Aranza (in Tobin’s The Honeymoon), v. 345; viii. 229, 263; xi. 409. —— Hercules of Ferrara (in Manton’s, Parasitaster), v. 226. —— of Austria (in Shakespeare’s King John), xi. 411. —— of Brachiano (in Webster’s The White Devil), v. 241, 243. —— of Milan, The (Massinger’s), viii. 289; also referred to in v. 266, 267; viii. 292. —— of Wellington, etc. (Perry Nursey’s), xi. 249. —— of York, The (in Shakespeare’s Richard II.), viii. 224. Duke’s Place, ii. 71; iii. 49, 157; x. 164; xii. 363. Dulcinea (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156. —— del Toboso (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), i. 92, 422; v. 140; vi. 238, 287; viii. 110; x. 30; xi. 273 _n._; xii. 76. Dulwich College, vi. 120; ix. 17, 390. —— Gallery, the, ix. 17; also referred to in vi. 219, 369 _n._; ix. 17, 55, 113; xi. 249. Dumain (in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost), i. 334. Dumb Savoyard and his Monkey, The (Thompson’s), xi. 363. Dumbarton Bridge, ii. 328. Dumbiedikes (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 247; viii. 413 _n._; xi. 382. Dumblain, iii. 415. Dumple, a pony (in Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248. Duncan (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), i. 293; vi. 39; viii. 205; x. 81; xi. 316. —— Gray (by Wilkie), viii. 141. Duncan’s fleet, Lord, ii. 250. —— Victory (by Fittler), ii. 201. Dunciad, The (Pope’s), v. 76, 80, 359, 373; x. 375; xi. 489. Dundas, Henry, first Viscount Melville, ii. 158, 169, 204, 223; xii. 293. Dundee, ii. 252. Dunkirk, viii. 253; xi. 556. Dunkley, Mr (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54; iii. 142. Dunlop, John Colin, x. 5. Dunlop’s History of Fiction, x. 5. Dunning, xii. 293. See also Downing, George. —— John, Lord Ashburton, iii. 418, 423; iv. 237; vi. 367, 397. Duns Scotus, iv. 217; vii. 199. Dunster (a town), xii. 272. —— Mr (the fishmonger in the Poultry), vii. 73, 74, 75. Duomo, The (at Florence), ix. 211, 212. Duplicity (Holcroft’s), ii. 89, 100, 101, 102, 163. Dupre (in Holcroft’s Deaf and Dumb), ii. 235. Durer, Albert, ix. 35, 95. Durfey, Tom, viii. 96. Durham, ii. 79; xi. 311. Duruset, J. B., vii. 70; viii. 231, 232, 248, 261, 370, 371, 413, 533; xi. 316, 397. Dutch Fair (Teniers’), ix. 389. —— School, i. 29; viii. 54; ix. 301, 314, 317, 386, 398, 406; xi. 187, 205 _n._, 240, 462, 547. Duties of Children, On the (Channing’s), x. 317. Du Val, Mr, ii. 181. Dyches, Family of, iii. 420. Dyer, George, ii. 177, 180, 217; v. 119, 375; vii. 43, 220; xii. 164 _n._ Dying Gladiator (Byron’s), ix. 234. —— —— (Louvre), viii. 149; ix. 107, 165 _n._, 166, 350, 491; x. 341; xi. 196. —— Mother, a Statue (West’s), ix. 322. Dyot, Sir Thomas, vi. 120. —— Street, vi. 120; vii. 249. E. Earl Delamere (in Ups and Downs), xi. 387. —— Egbert (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. —— of Flanders (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 264, 265. —— of Glenallan (Scott’s Antiquary), iv. 248. Eastcheap, x. 310; xi. 311. East India Company, The, ii. 56; vii. 184. —— London Theatre, The, viii. 404, 412; xi. 370. Eastward Hoe (Ben Jonson’s), v. 234; vi. 164. Ecce Iterum Crispinus (Gifford’s), iv. 305. Ecclesiastical History (Mosheim’s), iii. 276. —— Polity (Hooker’s), x. 145. Echard (Eachard, John), viii. 107; x. 27; xii. 148. Echelles (a town), ix. 189. Echo (in Ben Jonson’s Cynthia’s Revels), v. 265. —— (in Kenney’s The World), viii. 229. Eclogues, The (Collins’), v. 116, 374. École des Femmes (Molière’s), viii. 29; x. 108; xi. 452. —— des Maris (Molière’s), xi. 356. —— Militaire, The, ix. 160. —— des Vieillards, The (a French Play), xi. 366. Edelinck, Gerard, ii. 198. Eden, v. 67, 70. Edgar (in Shakespeare’s King Lear), i. 293; v. 5; vi. 156; viii. 440, 441, 449, 450. Edgeworth, Miss, i. 105; viii. 123; x. 41; xii. 65. Edie Ochiltree (in Scott’s Antiquary), iv. 248; viii. 413; x. 399. Edinburgh, ii. 59, 188, 304, 308, 314, 394; iv. 320; viii. 290, 315, 425, 478; ix. 98, 178, 233, 324, 326, 336; xi. 560; xii. 91, 219, 253, 256 _n._, 277, 353, 367. —— To (in Hazlitt’s Liber Amoris), ii. 314. —— Encyclopædia, The (Sir David Brewster’s), xii. 316. —— Magazine (or New Scots Magazine), iv. 420; v. 385, 389; ix. 465; xi. pp. viii., xi., 430, 433, 437, 442, 450, 454. —— Review, i. 97, 131, 139, 166, 385, 393 _n._, 410, 428, 435; iii. 44, 51, 214, 221, 280, 454; iv. 245, 287, 310, 323, 342–3, 399; v. 128, 131, 150, 280, 348; vi. 18, 59, 87, 99, 205, 212, 216, 284; vii. 123, 183, 185, 261, 312, 365, 379, 381; viii. 419, 453, 498; ix. 102 _n._, 186, 295, 490; x. 5, 135, 243; xi. 162, 437, 484, 501; xii. 163, 169, 255, 316, 320, 327. —— ——, Contributions to, xi. —— View of (Hofland’s), xi. 246. —— View of (Nasmyth’s), xi. 247. —— Views of (a book), vi. 429–30. Edith Bellenden (Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 247. Edith Elspeith (Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 247, 248. Editha (in Arnold’s The King’s Proxy, or Judge for Yourself), viii. 244. Editors, A Chapter on, xii. 230. Edmonds (an upholsterer), ii. 198. Edmonton, xi. 306. Edmund (in Shakespeare’s King Lear), i. 17, 209, 392; viii. 215, 221. Education, Treatise on (Locke’s), x. 249. —— —— (Milton’s), vi. 180. —— of Bacchus (Poussin’s), ix. 24. —— of Jupiter (Poussin’s), ix. 24. Edward the Confessor, x. 335. —— II. (Marlowe’s), v. 211. —— III., v. 19; vii. 193. —— V. (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), viii. 183. Edwards, Edward, vi. 346; xi. 590. —— Jonathan, i. 49 _n._; x. 314, 315; xi. 50, 65, 70; xii. 35. —— Mr (actor), viii. 247, 298. —— Dr, ix. 246, 247. Edwin, John, the elder, i. 155; ii. 111; vi. 417; viii. 230, 273. —— Mrs (Elizabeth Rebecca Richards), viii. 400. —— and Emma (Mallet’s), v. 375. Edwitha (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. Effects of War and Taxes, On the, iii. 243. Effeminacy of Character, On, vi. 248. Effie Deans (Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 247; vii. 339; xi. 534, 556. Egerton, Daniel, viii. 299, 442; xi. 316, 395. —— MacSycophant (in Macklin’s The Man of the World), viii. 318, 350. —— Mrs Sarah, viii. 292. Eglantine (by Madame de Genlis), ii. 281. Egmont, Lord, ii. 383. Egotism, On, vii. 157. Egremont, Lord, ix. 13, 61; xi. 190. Egypt, iii. 7; v. 52; xi. 497. —— Travels in (Nicholas Savary’s), ii. 107. Egyptian Hall, xi. 472 _n._ Ehrenbreitstein (town), ix. 299. Eiconoclastes Satyrane, iii. 52. Elba, vii. 96; viii. 466; ix. 355. Elbe, The, ii. 253, 254, 255, 257. Elbow (in Measure for Measure), viii. 388; xii. 24. Eldon, Lord, iv. 325; also referred to in i. 103, 431; ii. 146; iii. 125, 219; iv. 333; vii. 160, 216; xi. 480. Eleazar, the Moor (in Marlowe’s Lust’s Dominion, or The Lascivious Queen), v. 207, 208, 209. Election, The (Miss Baillie’s), v. 147. —— Dinner, The (Hogarth’s), viii. 137, 140; ix. 81; xi. 252; xii. 364. Elector of Hanover, i. 427; iii. 284. Electors of Westminster, The, vii. 7. Electra (Æschylus), x. 81, 94. Elegant Epistles, The (Warburton’s), vi. 368 _n._ —— Extracts in Verse, The (Dr Knox), v. 367, 368; ix. 222. Elegy in a Country Churchyard (Gray’s), v. 118, 126, 375; xi. 546; xii. 147. —— on the Death of Lord Byron, An, vii. 314. —— —— of Foote (Holcroft’s), ii. 87. Elephant (a horse), ii. 41. Elgin, Lord, ix. 327, 381, 490, 492; xi. 227. —— Marbles, ix. 326; also referred to in i. 143; vi. 16, 50, 74, 353, 435; vii. 329; viii. 335; ix. 28, 164, 166, 168, 169, 241, 366, 379, 381, 421, 433, 466, 490; x. 190, 198, 201, 344, 345; xi. 227, 352, 590. Elia. See Lamb, Charles. Eliante (in Molière’s Misanthrope), ix. 149. Elijah, The Prophet, x. 358. Elisée (in Rousseau’s New Eloise), x. 75. Elizabeth, Queen, i. 218, 333; ii. 379; iv. 212; v. 34, 56, 82, 185, 197, 201, 284, 347; vi. 218 _n._, 367, 393; viii. 55, 69, 162, 391; ix. 217; x. 188, 205, 209, 238, 242, 243; xi. 321; xii. 167, 168. Ellen, or The Fatal Cave (Holcroft’s), ii. 114. Ellengowan (Scott’s Guy Mannering), viii. 129. Ellenborough, Lord, iii. 126, 163; ix. 247 _n._; xi. 480. Elleviou, Mons. and Madame, ii. 234. Elliott, Sir John, iii. 395. Ellis, George, x. 24. —— Mr, ii. 266. —— (in Miss Burney’s The Wanderer or Female Difficulties), x. 43. Elliston, R. W., viii. 224, 229, 392, 400, 401, 403, 413, 423, 427, 429, 430, 454, 459, 465, 467, 471, 472, 476, 479; xi. 367, 409; xii. 275. Elmes, James, vi. 519. Eloise (Pope’s), v. 75, 76, 373; xii. 165. —— (Rousseau’s), i. 133; vi. 425; ix. 146. Eloquence of British Senate, iii. 387; also referred to in i. 433; iii. 460; xi. 602. Elphinstone, James, i. 96. Elshie Elshender (Scott’s Black Dwarf), vii. 207; viii. 129; xi. 531. Elspith (in The Antiquary, a play), viii. 413. Elton (a town), x. 356. Elwina (in Hannah More’s Percy), viii. 256. Ely, Isle of, ii. 9, 10. Elymas the Sorcerer (Raphael’s), i. 131; ii. 387; vi. 41; ix. 46, 272 _n._ Elysium (Barry’s), ix. 415, 421. Embassy to China (Gilray’s), vi. 455. Emblems (Quarles’s), xii. 48 _n._ Emery, John, ii. 195, 365; vi. 161, 453; viii. 10, 235, 236, 256, 283, 315, 333, 370, 391, 413, 426, 428, 442, 466; xi. 304–5, 378, 402; xii. 24. Emigrants, The (see Adelaide), viii. 308, 530. Emile (Rousseau’s), ii. 379; vii. 224–5, 401 _n._, 456 _n._; ix. 120; xi. 85, 135, 178 _n._, 259. Emilia (in Shakespeare’s Othello), viii. 217. —— Gauntlet (in Smollett’s Peregrine Pickle), xii. 64. Emily (G. Colman the younger’s The Poor Gentleman), viii. 319. —— Tempest (in Cumberland’s Wheel of Fortune), xi. 207, 208. —— Worthington (in The Poor Gentleman), xi. 376. Emmaus, v. 184. Empedocles, v. 122. Emperor Alexander in his Droschi (Sauerweide’s), xi. 249. Enchanted Castle (Claude’s), vi. 74; ix. 13; xi. 212. —— Island (in Shakespeare’s Tempest), v. 187. Encyclopædia Britannica, ix. 377, 483. —— Metropolitana, viii. 480. Endymion, vi. 201; vii. 23. —— (Girodet’s), ix. 131. —— (Guercino’s), ix. 224. —— (Keats’), ii. 302; vi. 254; viii. 478; x. 270. —— (Lyly’s), v. 197–9, 247. Enfield, William, v. 90, 147; vi. 294. Enghien, Duc d’. See D’Enghien. England, Church of, xii. 386, 402. —— in 1798 (by S. T. Coleridge), iii. 241. —— History of— (1) Mackintosh’s iv. 287; (2) Oldmixon’s, x. 368 _n._; (3) Turner’s, v. 143. Englefield, Captain, vii. 92. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (Byron’s), iv. 258. —— Comic Writers, Lectures on the, viii. 1; also referred to in i. 417, 418, 419, 437; xi. 568. —— Grammar, xii. 342. —— Novelists, viii. 106; also referred to in vii. 300; x. 405. —— Opera House, New, viii. 314, 327, 463, 464, 474, 476. —— Poets, Lectures on the, v. 1; also referred to in i. 395, 419, 420, 421, 442, 458; x. 406. —— Philosophy, History of (Hazlitt’s Prospectus), xi. 25. —— Revolution, i. 430; iii. 100, 252; x. 153. —— School, The, ix. 314. —— Students at Rome, ix. 367. —— Traveller, The (Heywood’s), v. 214. Englishman, The (a newspaper), x. 212. Enobarbus (in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra), i. 231–2; v. 253; viii. 191. Enquiry concerning Political Justice, The (Godwin’s), ii. 163; iii. 126; vii. 198; x. 385, 394–6, 398, 400; xii. 170. —— concerning Population (Godwin’s), iv. 297. Enraged Musician, The (Hogarth’s), viii. 142. Ensign Hibbert (in Fielding’s Amelia) viii. 114; x. 33. —— Beverley (in Sheridan’s The Rivals), viii. 508. Ensor, George (on State of Europe in Jan. 1816), xi. p. vii. Entombment of Christ (Bird’s), xi. 244. Entombing of Christ, The, in the Louvre, ix. 112. Entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, The (Haydon’s), xii. 271. Envy, xii. 386. —— (in Spenser), v. 39. —— On (a dialogue), vii. 97. E. O. Tables, i. 145; iii. 77. Epic Pictures, i. 28. Epicene (in Ben Jonson’s The Silent Woman), viii. 42. Epicharmus, The Sicilian, x. 100. Epictetus, x. 16. Epicurus, iii. 101; iv. 293; ix. 161. Epistles (Dryden’s), v. 79. —— (Ben Jonson’s), v. 306. —— (Pope’s), v. 69, 77. Epistle to Abelard, The (Pope’s), xi. 505. Epistles to Arbuthnot and Jervas (Pope’s), v. 78, 373. Epistle to Lord Byron (Leigh Hunt’s), iv. 361. —— to the Countess of Cumberland (Daniel), v. 309. —— to Michael Drayton (Ben Jonson’s), v. 307. —— (of St Paul), An, xii. 280. —— to Selden (Ben Jonson’s), v. 307. —— to Robert Southey, Esq. (Lamb’s), vii. 131. Epitaph (by W. Gifford), i. 374. Epithalamion on a Count Palatine of the Rhine (Donne’s), viii. 52. Epps, Mr (a Strand shopkeeper), iii. 297. Erasmus, vi. 245; ix. 218; xii. 214. —— (Holbein’s portrait of), ix. 41. Eresbourg, The Forest of, xi. 232. Eriphile (Racine’s Aulis), x. 98. Eros, i. 231. Erskine, Lord, ii. 147, 154 _n._, 185, 214, 228; iii. 44, 425; iv. 319, 335; vi. 51, 199, 406; vii. 161, 215; xi. 480; xii. 254. Escapes, The (Holcroft), ii. 235. Escurial, ix. 349; x. 278. Espercieux, Jean Joseph, ix. 167. Esplandian (early romance), x. 57. Essays (Bacon’s), v. 328, 333. —— (Hume’s), xi. 323. —— (Montaigne’s), v. 165. Essays (Southey’s), v. 165. Essay Writing, A Farewell to, xii. 321. Essex (the county), ii. 248; x. 357. —— Lady, vi. 454. Establishment of the Enfants Trouvés, ix. 125. Estcourt, Will, i. 157; viii. 96, 160. Este, Mr, ii. 205, 214, 225. Estifania (in Fletcher’s Rule a Wife and Have a Wife), viii. 49, 234. Estremadura (town), xi. 317. Etherege, Sir George, i. 53, 155; viii. 68, 70, 82, 152; xi. 276–7. —— etc., On, viii. 49. Ethics (Grove’s), xi. 254. Eton, iii. 421; iv. 199; v. 118; vi. 72; ix. 187 _n._, 480; xi. 334, 373. —— College ... Ode on a Distant Prospect of (Gray’s), v. 118; vii. 74. Etruscan cities, xii. 223. Eubulides (Landor’s), x. 248. Euclid, i. 46; vi. 433; vii. 257; viii. 19, 25; x. 179, 347; xi. 45, 273, 288, 491. Eudemus (in Ben Jonson’s Fall of Sejanus), v. 265. Eudocia (Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 391. Eugene de Biron (in Morton’s Henri Quatre), viii. 443. Euler, Leonard, vii. 306. Eumenides (in Lyly’s Endymion), v. 199. —— (of Æschylus), x. 91. Euphrasia (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Philaster), v. 262. Euphues and his England (Lyly), v. 201. Euripides, iv. 216; x. 97, 98, 99, 100, 271; xii. 326. European Child, The (in Campbell’s Gertrude of Wyoming), v. 150. —— Magazine, The, vii. 74; viii. 12; x. 221. —— Repository, The, ii. 229. Eurydice (Nantreuil’s), ix. 127. Eustace de St Pierre (in Colman’s The Surrender of Calais), viii. 331; xi. 307, 308. Eustace, Mr (The story of, in The Tatler), i. 9; viii. 99. Eutropius, ix. 17. Evadne (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Maid’s Tragedy), v. 251–2. —— The (by Richard Lalor Sheil), v. 345. Evan Dhu (Scott’s Waverley), iv. 247. Evangelists (Rubens’), ix. 52. —— xii. 281. Evans, Mr (actor), ii. 84. —— Thomas, iii. 238, 299, 300. Eve, vi. 397; xi. 517. —— (Milton’s), i. 38; v. 60, 65–6, 371; vii. 36; viii. 561; xi. 452. —— (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 363. —— On the Character of Milton’s, i. 105. —— (Raphael’s), ix. 240. —— of St Agnes (Keats’), iv. 304; vii. 225. Eve’s Apple, xii. 222. Evelina (Miss Burney), vi. 160; vii. 72; viii. 123, 124; ix. 139 _n._; x. 24, 25, 41, 42; xii. 65. Evelyn, John, vii. 232; x. 287 _n._ Evening Scene (in Hogarth’s Marriage à la Mode), i. 30; viii. 137; ix. 80. —— Ode on (Collins), v. 116, 126, 147, 374. Every Man in His Humour (Ben Jonson’s), viii. 310; also referred to in viii. 44; vii. 313. Evreux (town), ii. 268; ix. 102. Examination before the Privy Council (Franklin’s), x. 314. Examiner, The, i. pp. xxx., xxxi., 367 _n._, 374, 376, 385, 430, 445, 451, 456; iii. 103, 107, 109, 121, 152, 194, 201, 213, 281, 438 _et seq._; iv. 302, 362, 401, 432; vi. 86, 286, 496; vii. 16, 123, 378, 379, 381, 507, 515; viii. 174, 224 _n._, 497, 500, 502, 512; ix. 462, 466; x. 220, 228, 418–21; xi. 253, 258, 269, 274, 277, 282, 284, 290, 297, 299, 301, 303, 305, 307, 309, 315, 317, 323, 328, 334, 343, 348, 352, 356, 358, 362, 366, 369, 373, 377, 381, 384, 389. Exchange no Robbery, or Diamond Ring (Hook’s), viii. 475. Exclusion Bill, The, x. 364. Excursion, The (Wordsworth’s), i. 46 _n._; v. 114, 156, 280; vi. 65 _n._; xi. 311, 457, 512; xii. 276. Exeter, ii. 143 _n._; vi. 21, 161, 379, 390; ix. 68. —— Change, iii. 121; iv. 223; vi. 349, 416; ix. 160; xi. 350, 364, 503; xii. 49, 215. Exile, Reflections on (Bolingbroke’s), vi. 100. —— (in Lewis’s The Monk), viii. 127. Exiles, The (Kotzebue’s), ii. 201. Exit by Mistake (by Jameson), viii. 321; also referred to in iii. 304. Exmoor, x. 416. Exmouth, Lord, vi. 429. Expiring Taper, To an (by Peter Pindar), xii. 350. Eyre, Lord Chief Justice, ii. 146; iii. 75 _n._ Eyre’s Charge to the Jury, Remarks on Judge (Godwin’s), iv. 210, 211 _n._ Ezekiel, iii. 144, 145; v. 183. Ezra (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 362. F. F——, vi. 390. F——, Mrs, viii. 406. Fables (Æsop’s), i. 9, 46; viii. 25, 98; x. 107; xi. 273, 491. —— (Dryden’s), iv. 102 _n._; v. 372. —— (Gay’s), v. 106, 107. —— (Northcote’s), vi. 408, 415, 416. Fable of the Bees (Mandeville), vii. 467; viii. 157 _n._; xi. 254. Fables for the Holy Alliance (Moore’s), ix. 283. Fable of Salmacis (Albano’s), ix. 34. Face (Ben Jonson’s Alchemyst), viii. 228. Fadladeen (in Moore’s Lalla Rookh), v. 152. Faërie Queene (Spenser), i. 71 _n._, 138; iii. 113; v. 12, 35, 43, 187, 299, 370; viii. 438; x. 74, 155; xi. 464; xii. 129. —— (in Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 63. Fag (in Sheridan’s Rivals), viii. 510. Failer (in Etherege’s Wild Gallant), viii. 68. Fainall (in Congreve’s Way of the World), viii. 74. Fair, The (Teniers), ix. 35. —— Deserter, The (a farce), viii. 533. —— Penitent (Rowe’s), viii. 287; also in v. 268. —— Quarrel (Rowley’s), v. 214. Fairfax, General, iii. 398; vi. 177. —— (Holcroft’s), ii. 204. Fairhurst, Richard, ii. 167. Faithful Shepherdess (Fletcher’s), v. 254, 256; vi. 184; x. 118. Fakreddin, The two pages of (Beckford’s Vathek), ix. 60. Falcon, The (in Boccacio), i. 163; v. 82, 347; vii. 227; viii. 558; xi. 501; xii. 30. Falconbridge (in Shakespeare’s King John), v. 209; viii. 347; xi. 411. Falconer, William, xi. 486, 495. Falcoz, Madame, xi. 356. —— Mademoiselle, xi. 358. Faliero (Byron’s), iv. 258. Falkland (in Godwin’s Caleb Williams), iv. 208; viii. 130, 131, 241, 420; x. 385, 398, 399; xii. 67. Fall of Nineveh (Martin’s), xi. 381. —— of Sejanus, The (Ben Jonson), v. 263. Fallacies, Book of (Bentham’s), xii. 361. Falling Tower, The, at Bologna, ix. 205. Falls of the Grenfells, The, xi. 364. False Duessa (Southey’s), iii. 217. —— One, The (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 253, 295. Falsity of Human Virtues, Treatise on, xi. 254. Falstaff’s Letters (by Jem White), vii. 37. Fame, The (vessel), ii. 126. —— On Different Sorts of, i. 93. Familiar Style, On, vi. 242. Family of Anglade, The (Payne’s), xi. 304; viii. 279. —— Instructor, The (Defoe’s), x. 379. —— Picture, The, etc. (Holcroft’s Tales), ii. 104. —— Journal, vi. 505, 506. —— Vandyke, The (a picture), ix. 57. Fancy, The (by J. Hamilton Reynolds), viii. 480 _n._ —— Poems of (Pope’s), v. 69. Fanning, Mrs, xi. 546. Fanny, Mademoiselle, ix. 174. —— (Fielding’s), vi. 236; vii. 223; viii. 107. Farce of Taste (Foote’s), vii. 216. —— Writer, The (a play), viii. 523. Farewell (Byron’s), vi. 210; x. 221. —— to the Stage (Ben Jonson’s), v. 312. —— to Tobacco (Lamb’s), v. 378. Farington, Joseph, ii. 189, 198; vi. 359, 379, 380; x. 172, 173, 175, 180, 181, 189, 192, 195, 201, 202. Farley, Charles, viii. 251, 253, 281, 416, 465, 468, 469, 535; xi. 207, 208, 305, 384. Farmer’s Boy, The (Blomfield’s), v. 95, 97. Farmer’s library (Richard Farmer), ii. 188. Farnese family, The, vi. 385. —— the Little, ix. 239, 365. —— Theatre, The, ix. 204. Farnham, vii. 126. Farquhar, George, vi. 434; vii. 227; viii. 14, 163, 285, 552; x. 118; xii. 451. —— On, viii. 70. Farren, Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, ii. 160; viii. 165, 268, 291, 389; ix. 147, 149; xii. 24. —— William, viii. 154, 412, 426, 466, 480, 484. —— —— Dr Cantwell (in The Hypocrite), xi. p. viii. Farrier shoeing an Ass (Berchem’s), ix. 22. Fashion, On, xi. 437. —— in High Life (Hogarth’s), viii. 400. —— (in The Relapse), vi. 414. Fashionable Tales (Miss Edgeworth’s), ix. 490. —— World (a newspaper), x. 220. Fatal Cave. See Ellen. —— Curiosity (Lillo’s), ii. 212; v. 359. —— Dowry (Massinger and Field), v. 268; viii. 287. —— Marriage (a play), viii. 391; xi. 383 _n._; xii. 355. Fate of Calas (a play), viii. 428, 439. —— The Fiat of (song), ii. 190. Fates, The (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 220, 363 _n._ Father and Daughter, Tale of (Mrs Opie), viii. 268. Father Paul (in Sheridan’s Duenna), iv. 159. Fathers of the Church (Rubens’), ix. 52. Faucit, Helena, Lady Martin, viii. 192, 231, 251, 266, 267, 276, 340; xi. 316, 403. Faulkener (not Ferdinand), a play (Godwin’s), iv. 210 _n._ Faulkland (in Sheridan’s Rivals), viii. 509. Faust (Goethe), vii. 313; x. 261, 271. —— (Lessing), x. 274. Faustina (a statue), ix. 221. Faustus, Dr (Marlowe), v. 202, 203, 206, 207, 247; vii. 36; x. 274. Faux, Guy, iv. 249, 365; vii. 69, 129; x. 245; xi. 317; xii. 26, 37. —— Moll, vi. 510, 511. Fauxbourg St Germain, The, xi. 384. Favourite Kitten (Miss Geddes’), xi. 245. —— Lamb (Collins’s), xi. 191. Fawcett, John, vi. 453; viii. 244, 251, 252, 262, 266, 291, 319, 386, 443; xi. 277, 304, 305, 370, 397, 402; xii. 140 _n._, 152 _n._ —— Rev. Joseph, ii. 171 _n._; iii. 337; iv. 210, 283 _n._; vi. 224, 225, 304; vii. 133. —— Mrs, viii. 413, 426. Fawn, The, or Parisitaster (Marston’s), v. 225, 226. Fazio (by Milman), v. 147; viii. 416; xi. 419. Fear of Death, On the, vi. 321. —— Odes to (Collins), v. 116, 374. Fears in Solitude (Coleridge’s), iii. 242. Fearn, John, vi. 64, 65; xi. 181 _n._; xii. 345. Fearne, Charles, vii. 26. Fearon, Miss, ix. 278. Feast of the Poets (Leigh Hunt’s), i. 377; iv. 302, 361; v. 378. Feeble (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), viii. 33. Felice (in Marston’s Antonio and Mellida), v. 225. Felix Mudberry (in Ups and Downs), xi. 387, 388. Felton, John, ix. 354. Female head (Leonardo da Vinci’s), ix. 35. Female Seducers, Fable of the (Moore’s), vi. 368. —— Vagrant, The (Wordsworth’s), viii. 233 _n._ Fenella (in Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 537. Fénélon (François de Salignac de la Motte), vii. 321; ix. 119; x. 323, 324. Fennings, The, iii. 420. Fenwick, Mr, ii. 173, 192, 205. Ferdinand of Sicily, iii. 179; xii. 242, 446. —— VII. of Spain, iii. 106, 119, 157, 158, 160, 290, 309; vi. 156; vii. 149; viii. 267; x. 316; xi. 339, 551, 558; xii. 104, 204. —— the Beloved, viii. 539. —— (a play). See Faulkener. —— (in Scott’s Yellow Dwarf), xii. 246 _n._ —— (in Shakespeare’s Tempest), vii. 213; xi. 417. —— Count Fathom. See Count Fathom. Fergusson, Robert, v. 139. Feriole (town), ix. 278. Ferrara (town), ix. 264, 265, 266, 277, 302. —— Duke Hercules of, x. 69. Ferraw (a knight) (from Ariosto), v. 224. Ferrers, Lord, x. 168. Ferret, Mr (in Cherry’s Soldier’s Daughter), xi. 298. Ferrex and Porrex (Thomas Sackville’s), v. 193, 195. Ferry-bridge, The Inn at, xii. 203. Fesch, Cardinal, ix. 363 _n._ Fesole (town), ix. 211, 217. Fête Champêtre (Watteau’s), ix. 22. —— —— See Carronside. Feudal Times (George Colman, jnr.), ii. 228. Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, iv. 218; x. 141, 145. Fidelia (in Wycherley’s Plain Dealer), viii. 78. Field, Master John, ii. 226. Fielding, Anthony Vandyke Copley, ix. 127; xi. 245, 246, 248. —— Henry, i. 28; ii. 171 _n._, 280, 391; iii. 234; iv. 365, 367; v. 284; vi. 225, 236, 413, 426, 448, 452, 457, 458; vii. 36, 214, 322, 363; viii. 79, 107, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 133, 144, 158, 163, 287, 454, 506; ix. 78, 118, 243 _n._, 391; x. 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 167, 168, 206, 328; xi. 223, 225, 273 _n._, 374, 403, 435, 501, 543; xii. 22, 32, 46, 63, 98, 155 _n._, 226, 274, 310, 364, 374. —— William, Mr Justice, vii. 84. —— and Walker (booksellers), ii. 95. Fife, ii. 314. Figalon (painter), ix. 128. Figaro, The Marriage of, or The Follies of a Day (Holcroft’s), ii. 113; viii. 355; xi. p. viii. Fight, The, xii. 1. Filch (in Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera), vi. 286; viii. 255, 315, 387; xi. 373; xii. 24. Filmer, Sir Robert, iii. 240, 284. Finch, Daniel (second Earl of Nottingham), iii. 402. —— Sir Heneage, and his son, iii. 394, 399. Finche dal Vino (a song), viii. 365. Fine Arts, The, ix. 377; also in ix. 408; xi. 195. —— —— whether they are promoted by Academies, ix. 470. —— —— British Institution, xi. 187. —— —— The Louvre, xi. 195. —— —— (E. B. Article), ix. 464; xi. 567, 568. Fingal, The Son of (Ossian), xi. 300. Finger-Post, The (a play), xi. 367. Finland, iii. 158, 216. Finnerty, Peter, iii. 236, 237; xii. 307. Fire of London, vii. 69. —— Famine, and Slaughter (Coleridge), iii. 157, 205; v. 166, 377. Firense la bella, ix. 207. Firmian, Joseph, Count de, ix. 419. First Elements (Nicholson’s), ii. 173. Firth of Forth, ii. 252, 314; iv. 244. Fish-street-hill, xi. 385. Fisher (Catherine Maria), ix. 473. —— of Duke Street, vii. 486. —— Mr, viii. 465, 513. Fittler, James, ii. 201. Fitzgerald, Thomas Judkin, iii. 237, 240, 241. Fitzharding, Mr (in Smiles and Tears), viii. 266. —— Miss (in Smiles and Tears), viii. 266. Fitz-Osborn’s Letters (by William Melmoth the younger), i. 93. Fitzpatrick, Mrs (Fielding’s Tom Jones), vi. 457; viii. 114, 115; x. 33. Fitzwilliam (2nd Earl of) (Wentworth, Wm.), ii. 169, 225. Five Patron-Saints of Bologna, Guido’s, ix. 206. Fives Court, The, xii. 8, 325. —— —— St Martin’s St., The, vi. 88. Flageolet, The (in Liber Amoris), ii. 291. Flamborough Family (in Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield), v. 119; viii. 554. Flamineo (in Webster’s White Devil), v. 243, 245. Flaminius, ix. 262. Flash, Theodore (? Theodore Hook), xii. 276. Flaxman, John, vii. 90, 95; ix. 168, 490. Flaxman’s Lectures on Sculpture, x. 330. Flech Horr, The, ix. 279, 280. Flecknoe (Marvell’s), viii. 54. Fleet-Ditch, vii. 69. —— Prison, ii. 216; v. 84 _n._; vi. 89; viii. 463. —— Street, iv. 342; vi. 59, 415; viii. 104; xii. 35 _n._ Fleetwood (Godwin’s), iv. 209. Flemish School, i. 26; ix. 314, 386. Fletcher, Andrew (of Saltoun), iv. 98 _n._ —— George, vii. 263, 504. —— John, v. 248; also referred to in iv. 367; v. 175, 176, 181, 189, 193, 224, 296, 297, 346; vi. 203, 218 _n._; vii. 134, 229, 320, 321; viii. 48, 69, 89, 264, 353; x. 118, 205, 261; xii. 34. —— P., v. 295, 311. Fleur de Lys, Order of, viii. 20. Fleuri, Joli de, iii. 290. Flight into Egypt (Poussin’s), ix. 24. —— —— (Rubens’s), ix. 72. —— of Paris and Helen, The (Guido’s), vii. 283. Flippanta (in Vanbrugh’s The Provoked Wife), viii. 80, 156. Flitch of Bacon, The (Henry Bates’s), ii. 85; vi. 432. Flora (the goddess), iv. 310; ix. 216. —— (in Rowe’s Jane Shore), viii. 537. —— (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), xi. 402; xii. 24. —— MacIvor (in Scott’s Waverley), iii. 32; iv. 247; viii. 129. Florence, i. 332; v. 189; vi. 353, 368, 404; vii. 369; ix. 111 _n._, 187, 197, 198, 207, 211, 212, 217, 218, 219, 221, 224, 227, 229, 233, 240, 241, 249, 256, 260, 262, 263, 277, 363 _n._, 409, 417, 429; x. 63, 68, 300, 301, 302, 354; xii. 20, 134, 172 _n._ —— History of (Guicciardini’s), vii. 229. Florentine Observer, The, x. 270. —— School, ix. 222. Florestan (early romance), x. 57. Florid (Holcroft’s), ii. 191, 222. Florimel (Spenser), ii. 347; v. 38; vii. 193; x. 81; xi. 235. Floris (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 265, 266. Florismarte of Hircania (early romance), x. 57. Florizel (in Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale), viii. 354. Floscel, Mr, ii. 114. Flower, Benjamin, i. 423; ii. 177, 190. —— and the Leaf (Chaucer’s), i. 162; v. 27, 82, 370; x. 75; xi. 269; xii. 327. Flute (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), viii. 275. Fly drowned in Treacle, Lines to a (Peter Pindar’s), xii. 350. Flying Mercury, John of Bologna’s, ix. 222. Fodor, Madame Mainville, viii. 297, 327, 364, 370, 371; xi. 307, 308, 427, 500, 501. Foe, Daniel (see Defoe). —— James, x. 356, 357. Foible (Congreve’s The Way of the World), viii. 75. Foligno, ix. 260, 261, 365. —— Picture, The (Raphael’s), ix. 240. Folle par Amour, La (opera), ix. 174. Follies of a Day (see Figaro), ii. 113; viii. 355; xi. p. viii. Fontainebleau, ix. 175, 176. Fontaine, Jean de la, i. 46; iv. 190; vi. 109; viii. 29; x. 109. Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de, ii. 393; iii. 319 _n._ Fonthill Abbey, ix. 348; also referred to in vii. 135, 292; ix. 55, 56, 58, 60, 61; xii. 83. Fool, The (in Shakespeare’s Lear), viii. 24. —— of Quality, The (Henry Brooke’s), viii. 123 _n._ Foote, Maria, viii. 196, 231, 266, 268, 275, 426, 428, 457, 540; xi. 207, 208, 364, 402. Foote, Samuel, ii. 59, 60, 77 _n._, 87, 170; viii. 166, 167, 241, 242, 319. ——, Garrick, Letters of, xi. p. viii. Footmen, xii. 131. Force of Conscience. See Ravens. —— of Ridicule, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 159. Ford, John, v. 248; also referred to in v. 193, 265 _et seq._, 268, 318; vi. 218 _n._; vii. 134; x. 205. —— Mr, ii. 173. —— (in Cooke’s Green’s Tu Quoque), v. 290. —— Miss, xii. 122. Foresight (in Congreve’s Love for Love), vi. 287; viii. 279. —— (Munden’s), viii. 71, 72. Forest of Merry Sherwood, The, viii. 425. —— Scene (Stark’s), xi. 249. Forester (the horse), ii. 31, 41. Forli (town), vi. 238. Fornarina (Raphael’s), i. 92; ix. 73, 223, 224; xii. 36, 332. Forrest (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), v. 188. Forsyth, Joseph, ix. 221, 253. Forth, The river, v. 300. Fortunate Mistress. See Roxana. Fortunatus’s Wishing Cap, vii. 221. Fortune (Salvator Rosa’s), x. 301. Fortune-Teller (Northcote’s), vi. 404. Fortunes of Nigel (Scott’s), iv. 248; xi. 538. Foster, James, iv. 204 _n._; vi. 367. —— Thomas, vi. 360, 509. Fouché, Joseph, iii. 192. Foulkes, Mr, ii. 145, 176, 183, 225. —— Mrs, ii. 193, 194. Foundling, History of a. See Tom Jones. Four Ages (Titian’s), ix. 31, 38, 270. Four Orations for the Oracles of God (Edward Irving’s), iv. 228. —— P’s, The, v. 274. —— Seasons of Life, The (Giorgioni’s), v. 321. Fourth Estate, iv. 334. Fox, Charles James, i. 103, 127, 384, 429; ii. 200, 217, 227, 374; iii. 15 _n._, 17, 108, 324, 328 _n._, 336, 337, 347 _n._, 349, 391, 416, 421, 424, 461, 466; iv. 190, 231–2, 237; vi. 109, 455; vii. 7, 8 _n._, 184, 200, 267, 269, 273, 274–5, 364; x. 151–2, 213, 232; xi. 436, 522–3; xii. 274, 292–3, 346, 369. —— Character of Mr, iii. 337. —— George, iii. 112; x. 145. —— Henry (Lord Holland), iii. 416. —— John, vi. 364, 365, 366. —— Joseph, iii. 111. —— William Johnson, iv. 227. —— at the Point of Death, The (Gay’s), v. 107. —— Dogs (Gainsborough’s), xi. 204. —— hunted with Greyhounds (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. Foxe, John, vii. 129, 320; xi. 443. Frail, Mrs (in Congreve’s Love for Love), viii. 72, 279. Francanzani, Francesco, x. 283, 287. France, iii. 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 22, 31, 36, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 63, 65, 68, 71, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 111, 119, 129, 158, 164, 179, 180, 181, 216, 227, 240, 285, 290, 335, 347 _n._, 399, 415; iv. 93, 323; v. 354; xi. 184, 390. —— and Italy, Notes on a Journey Through, ix. 83; xi. 568. —— Travels in (Holcroft’s), ii. 232–4. Francesca of Rimini (Dante), x. 405. Francesca of Rimini (Leigh Hunt), x. 409. Francesco (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 391. —— (in Massinger’s The Duke of Milan), v. 267; viii. 289, 290. Francis I., i. 133. —— Sir Philip, ii. 172, 182, 199. Franciscan Friars, The, xii. 224. Francken, Frans, ix. 354. Frank Osbaldistone (in Scott’s Rob Roy), xii. 66. —— and Clara (Holcroft’s), ii. 176, 182. —— Henley (in Holcroft’s Anna St Ives), ii. 129, 131. —— Jerningham (in Merry Devil), v. 293, 294. Franks. See Francken, Frans. Franks’s Hotel at Rome, ix. 231. Frankelein, The (Chaucer), v. 24. Frankenstein (Mrs Shelley), x. 311. Frankford, Mrs (in Heywood’s A Woman Killed with Kindness), v. 212, 213. Frankfort, ii. 187. Franklin, Dr Benjamin, ii. 203, 205; iv. 9 _n._, 190; x. 251, 314; xi. 472 _n._ Frascati (town), ix. 254. Frates Poloni, The, i. 82; ii. 165; iii. 266. Frati Church, in Venice, ix. 270. Frazer, Mr, ii. 218. Frederic (in The Poor Gentleman), xi. 376. Frederick the Great, ii. 115, 116, 116 _n._, 179; iii. 106, 160; vi. 445. —— William I., vi. 445. Frederigo Alberigi. See Alberigi. Free Admission, The, xii. 119. —— Thoughts on Public Affairs in a letter addressed to a Member of the Old Opposition, iii. 1; also referred to in i. 383 _n._ Freeman, Mr, of Bath, ii. 259–61, 266. Freeman, Mr (in Double Gallant), viii. 361. Freemasons, The, iii. 106. Freethinkers, i. 48. Frejus (town), i. p. xxxi. French, The, viii. 309; ix. 80, 89, 138 _et seq._; xi. 195, 196, 256, 258, 339, 353. —— Academy, Discourses of the (Coypel’s), xi. 208 _n._ —— Art, ix. 29, 389, 404, 407; xi. 188, 209, 220, 238, 240, 244. —— Exhibition, ix. 108. —— Opera, The, ix. 169. —— Philosophy, xi. 162, 285. —— Plays, xi. 352. —— Poetry, xi. 162. —— Revolution (Mignet’s), ix. 186. —— —— The, i. 89 _n._, 105 _n._, 117, 138, 214, 427, 430; ii. 133, 156, 162, 176; iii. 32 _n._, 114, 116, 146, 157, 160, 169, 179, 205, 206, 210, 221, 246, 250, 279, 281, 302, 304, 343, 460; iv. 218, 237, 263, 282, 338; v. 83, 161, 359; vi. 55, 147, 150, 151, 155, 198; vii. 51, 240, 257; viii. 309, 347, 416; x. 128, 150, 151; xi. 306, 311, 374, 418, 420; xii. 157, 170, 236, 269, 287, 288, 291, 459. —— —— Reflections on (Burke’s), i. 71 _n._, 214; iii. 100, 170, 255, 335; iv. 284 _n._; vi. 33; vii. 118, 227–8, 247, 257; viii. 347; xi. 458; xii. 132. —— Writers, iv. 277. Frere, Mr, ii. 232. Freres, The (Frere, John Hookham), x. 139. Freybourg, ix. 298. Friar, The (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), viii. 199. —— John (in Rabelais), i. 52, 131; v. 112, 113, 277; xii. 348. —— Lawrence (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), viii. 209. —— Onion (in Rabelais), v. 277. —— Tuck (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), iv. 223; viii. 424, 426. Fribble (Miss in her Teens), ii. 80. Fribourg, ix. 285. Friedland, iii. 112. Friend (Coleridge’s), iii. 130 _n._, 139, 159, 294 _n._; vii. 374; x. 123, 135, 141, 150; xi. 452, 516. —— Where to Find a, viii. 258. Friends of Revolution, xi. p. vii. Friendly Reproof to Ben Jonson (by Carew), v. 312. Frightened to Death (Oulton’s), viii. 358. Friscobaldo, Signor Orlando, vi. 192; vii. 121. Froissart, Jean, i. 87, 100; vii. 229; xii. 16. Frontiniac (a wine), xi. 487. Frontispiece (Hogarth’s), ix. 357. Fry, Mrs, ix. 91. Fudge Family (Moore’s), iii. 311, 312; iv. 359, 360; vii. 380; viii. 176 _n._; xi. 440. —— —— in Paris, The, iii. 311. Fuessly, Johann Heinrich. See Fuseli. Fugitive Writings, xi. 1. Fulham, ii. 221. Fullarton (? William), ii. 186. Fuller, Thomas, iv. 331, 365; vi. 245; vii. 16; xii. 137, 392. Fulmer (in The West Indian), ii. 83. Fulvia (in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra), i. 229. Funeral, The (Donne’s poem), viii. 52. —— (Steele’s), viii. 158. Furies (in Æschylus), viii. 159; xi. 506. Furor (Spenser’s), x. 245. Fuseli, Henry, ii. 180; iv. 208 _n._, 233; vi. 10, 270, 296, 336, 340, 342, 363, 365, 379, 385, 389, 393, 400, 403, 428, 434; vii. 41, 89, 90, 93, 94, 104; viii. 99, 307; ix. 15, 131, 226, 427; x. 197, 200; xii. 168. Fusina (town), ix. 266. G. G——, xii. 355, 369. Gabriel, the Angel, xii. 199. Gabrielle (in Morton’s Henri Quatre), viii. 443. —— ix. 175. Gadshill, i. 285; vi. 318, 403; viii. 33. Gaffer Gray (in Holcroft’s Hugh Trevor), ii. 137, 138. Gainsborough, Thomas, ii. 189; vi. 128, 129, 369, 437, 438; ix. 38, 395; xi. 202, 248. Gainsborough’s Pictures, On, xi. 202. Galaor (early romance), x. 57. Galatea (Cervantes’), vii. 229; viii. 110. —— (Raphael’s), i. 76, 134; ix. 239, 419, 429; x. 278. Galba, ix. 221. Galicia, xi. 317. Galignani’s, vi. 422; ix. 287. Galileo, vi. 466; vii. 306; ix. 211, 212 _n._, 429; xi. 424; xii. 134. Gall, Dr, vii. 19, 137, 138, 144, 155, 231; ix. 206 _n._ Gallantry, or Adventures at Madrid, viii. 399. Gallaspy, Mr (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54; iii. 142. Galley, Mdlle., i. 90. Galt, John, vii. 134. Gamaliel, iv. 202. Gamble, Andrew (Irish boxer), xi. 487. Gamester, The (E. Moore’s), ii. 265; v. 359; vii. 299; viii. 198. Gammer Gurton’s Needle (John Still), v. 274; also referred to in v. 286. Gandy, William, vi. 21, 345, 367; x. 181. Ganges, vi. 64. Ganlesse (Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 540. Ganymede (Titian’s), ix. 11 _n._ Garat, Dominique Joseph Comte, ii. 180. Garda, The Lake of, ix. 277. Gardiner, Sir Allan, iv. 231, 232. Gargantua (Rabelais), iii. 287 _n._; v. 113; viii. 29, 200. Garnish (in Kenney’s Touchstone), viii. 369. Garofalo (Tisi, Benvenuto), ix. 238, 239. Garrard, George, iii. 121 _n._ Garrick, David, i. 156–8, 290, 335; ii. 72–80, 358, 367; iii. 389; vi. 46 _n._, 50, 273, 275, 301, 322, 342, 350, 399, 404, 405, 418, 438, 444, 453; vii. 305, 306; viii. 83, 103, 144, 163, 173, 174, 180, 198, 209, 261, 263, 273, 285, 313, 345, 384, 406, 429, 435, 443, 454, 514; ix. 46; xi. 349, 363, 393, 449; xii. 33, 34, 207. —— (Gainsborough’s portrait of), xi. 203. —— between Tragedy and Comedy (Reynolds’s), ix. 402. Garrow, Sir William, ii. 186; iii. 164; xi. 476. Gas Lights, i. 139. —— Man, The, xii. 4 _et seq._ Gasparo (Webster’s White Devil), v. 241, 245. Gassendi, Peter, xi. 48. Gaston de Foix (Giorgione’s), ix. 271. Gate Beautiful (Raphael’s), viii. 147; ix. 47. —— of Galienas, The (Verona), ix. 277. Gates, General, iii. 422. Gathering of Manna (Rubens’s), ix. 52. Gatti, Signor, ix. 205. Gattie, Henry, viii. 229, 245, 403. Gatton, Borough of, ii. 154 _n._ Gatty (actor), xi. 364. Gaveston (in Marlowe’s Edward II.), v. 211. Gay, John, i. 46, 65; iv. 365; v. 83, 98, 104, 106, 108, 129, 164, 369, 373; vi. 96, 367; vii. 36; viii. 56, 158, 193, 255, 256, 323; x. 375; xi. 273, 375; xii. 32, 35, 121, 355. Gayrard, Raymond, ix. 168. Gazette, The, x. 161. Gazza Ladra, The (Rossini’s opera), ix. 174. Gebir (Landor’s), x. 255. Geddes, Dr, ii. 177, 178. —— Miss, xi. 245. Geese that cackled in the Capitol (bronze), ix. 239. Geiseveiller, Mr, ii. 173, 178, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 192, 193, 194, 195, 201. Gelamont (a town), ix. 285, 287. Gelling, Rev. Isaac, vi. 364. General Advertiser, The (newspaper), ii. 92. —— Savage (Wycherley’s School for Wives), ii. 83. —— Torrington (in Leigh’s Where to Find a Friend), viii. 258, 259, 260. —— Warrants, Lord Chatham’s speech on, iv. 210. Genesis, v. 183. Geneva, i. 92; ix. 182, 197, 280, 281, 285, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297; x. 45. Genevieve (Coleridge’s), v. 377; xii. 436. Genevra, The Story of, x. 56, 62, 62 _n._ Genius and Common Sense, vi. 31, 42. —— is Conscious of its Powers? Whether, vii. 117. —— and Originality, On (Reynolds’ Discourse), xi. 210. Genoa, iii. 158, 234; iv. 281; vi. 384, 385; ix. 198, 207, 267; xi. 467; xii. 223. Gensano Girls, vii. 175; ix. 236, 376. Gentle Geordie (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), vii. 137; xi. 534 —— Shepherd (Allan Ramsay’s), ii. 77–8. Gentleman Comedian, The, or Alwyn. See Alwyn. —— Dancing Master, The (a farce), viii. 78. —— On the Look of a, vii. 209. Gentleman’s Magazine, i. 374, 376, iv. 365; x. 221, 222. Geoffrey Crayon, iv. 362. —— of Monmouth, x. 20. George I., i. 425; iii. 405, 409; iv. 343 _n._; v. 359; vi. 59 _n._, 445; xii. 269. —— II., i. 25, 156; iii. 285 _n._, 414; vi. 445, 521; vii. 211; viii. 106, 121, 122, 134, 263; ix. 76; x. 26, 40; xii. 269. —— III., iii. 114, 123, 221, 360, 445; vi. 322, 387; vii. 16, 88; viii. 122; ix. 465; x. 40, 41, 152; xi. 555; xii. 24, 242. —— IV., iv. 338; vi. 55, 482; xi. 547; xii. 56, 168, 249. —— the Fourth, A Portrait of, ix. 367. —— Prince, x. 377. —— a Green, or The Pinner of Wakefield (by Robert Greene), v. 289, 294. —— Barnwell (by George Lillo), viii. 268; also referred to in i. 154. —— Dandin (Molière’s), viii. 28. —— of Douglas (Scott’s Abbot), iv. 248. —— St., vi. 120. Georges, Mademoiselle, ix. 154. Georgics (Virgil’s), xi. 492; xii. 273. Georgium Sidus, x. 331. Gerald (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 265, 266. Geraldine (in Coleridge’s Christabel), x. 413. Gérard, François Pascal Simon, Baron, ix. 123, 124, 125, 137. Gerardeschi, The, ix. 211. Gerat (the singer), viii. 363. German Drama, contrasted with that of the Age of Elizabeth, On the, v. 345. German Hotel, The (a play from Brandes), ii. 116. —— Painters, xi. 209. —— Philosophy and Literature, Account of (Madame de Staël’s), xi. 162. —— Play, The (Mr Canning’s), xi. 341. —— Poetry, xi. 162. —— School of Singing, xi. 428, 501. Germany, iii. 53, 55; iv. 218; v. 182, 362; xi. 162, 289. Gertrude (in Jonson, Marston, and Chapman’s Eastward Hoe), vi. 164, 165. —— (in Cooke’s Green’s Tu Quoque), v. 290. —— (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 264, 265. —— of Wyoming (Campbell’s), iv. 345, 346; v. 149, 150, 377; viii. 153; x. 15; xii. 239. Gerusalemme liberata, The (Ariosto’s), x. 14. Gessner, Mr, ii. 186. Ghengis Khan, xii. 37. Ghent, ix. 302. Ghetto Judaico, xii. 462. Ghibellines, The, xi. 443. Ghirlandaio, Domenico, iv. 217; vii. 254; ix. 205, 261, 409; xi. 238; xii. 36, 38. Ghost, The (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), viii. 186, 188, 189. —— of King of Ormus (in Fulke Greville’s Mustapha), vii. 255. Giannuzzi, Giulio dei. See Romano, Julio. Giant Despair (in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress), iv. 337; vi. 54; ix. 229. Giant’s Causeway, xii. 273. Giaour, The (Byron’s), v. 153. Giardini, Felice, vi. 373. Gib the Cat (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286. Gibbet (in Farquhar’s Beaux’ Stratagem), viii. 10. Gibbon, Edward, i. 138; iii. 144; iv. 365; vi. 222; ix. 153 _n._, 375. Gibbons, Grinling, ix. 67. Gibbs, Vicary, ii. 147. —— Mrs, viii. 251, 252, 319, 333, 465, 468; xi. 397, 402. Gibby (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156, 333; xi. 402. Gibson’s Field, vi. 418. Gifford, John, iii. 206, 295. —— William, iv. 298; also referred to in i. p. xxx., 166; iii. 45, 206, 219, 262, 295; iv. 421; vi. 212, 475, 494; vii. 121, 207, 301, 516; ix. 247; x. 139, 228; xii. 324. —— A Letter to William, i. 363. Gil Blas (Le Sage’s), i. 12, 136, 138, 160; v. 91; vi. 118, 224–5, 457; vii. 33, 36, 74, 173, 303, 311, 380; viii. 111, 112, 116, 141, 151, 315; ix. 29, 99 _n._; x. 30, 31, 34, 214; xi. 252, 458; xii. 141. Giles (in Bickerstaffe’s Maid of the Mill), ii. 83. —— Arbe (in Miss Burney’s The Wanderer), x. 44. Gillies, Mr, ii. 176, 231. Gilray, James, ii. 185; vi. 455; viii. 330, 400; xii. 20, 363. Gin Lane (Hogarth’s), viii. 142; ix. 323; xii. 364. Ginevra, a fragment (Shelley), x. 270, 271. Giordano, Luca, vi. 128 _n._; ix. 67. Giorgione, vi. 11 _n._; ix. 26, 31, 225, 226, 239, 271, 386; xii. 36. Giotto, iv. 217; vii. 254; ix. 205, 206, 261; xii. 36, 38, 347. Giovanni in London (Moncrieff’s), viii. 461, 462. Girard & Co., ii. 113. Girl with Beer (picture), ii. 228. —— drawing with a Pencil (Reynolds’), ix. 399. —— and Pigs (Gainsborough’s), xi. 204. Girl feeding Pigs (Watteau’s), vi. 437. —— Reading (Correggio’s), ix. 41. —— going to the Well (Gainsborough’s), xi. 204. —— at a Window (Rembrandt’s), ix. 22. Girodet-Trioson, Anne Louis, vii. 331; ix. 131; xi. 241; xii. 190. Girton, Thomas (Girtin, Thomas), ii. 221. Giusti Gardens, Verona, ix. 276. Giving of the Keys (Raphael’s), ix. 48. Glamorganshire, iii. 399. Glasgow, ii. 78; iii. 421; vi. 66; viii. 290, 350, 374; xii. 278. Glencairn, Lines to (Burns’), v. 139; vi. 45. Glendover (Southey’s), iv. 265. Glibly (in Holcroft’s Hugh Trevor), ii. 137. Globe, The (a tavern), vi. 193, 322. Glorieux, Le (Destouches), ii. 117. Glossary (Spelman’s), iv. 96, 99 _n._ Glossin (Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248. Glossop, Mr (actor), viii. 403; ix. 278. Gloucester, xii. 268. —— (in Shakespeare’s Lear), vi. 156; viii. 440, 448, 450. —— (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), xi. 192, 194, 399. —— Dean of (Tucker, Dr), vi. 449. —— Duke of (Rowe’s Jane Shore), viii. 352. —— Duke and Duchess of, vi. 376; viii. 294, 532. Gloucestershire, iii. 408; ix. 230. Glover, J., landscape painter, xi. 245, 249, 309. —— Richard, v. 122. —— Mrs, viii. 184, 234, 249, 274, 280, 316, 318, 515, 532. Gluckstadt (town), ii. 256. Glumdalclitch (in Swift’s Gulliver), v. 111. Gluttony (in Spenser’s Procession of the Passions), v. 35, 39; x. 74. Gnostics, i. 57. Gobbo (in Merchant of Venice), viii. 250. Goblet, Alexander, vi. 384. Goblin Page, The (in Scott’s Lay of the Last Minstrel), v. 155. Goblins, The (Suckling’s), viii. 57. God of Love, The (in Spenser), v. 35. Goddard Crovana-stone, The (in Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 540. Godfrey, Mr, ii. 173. Godiva, Lady, ii. 11; xi. 496. Godwin, Wm. (G——), iv. 200; x. 385; also referred to in ii. 163, 165, 170, 171, 176, 178, 181, 182, 190, 192–3, 195–6, 205, 219, 220, 230, 237, 242, 277, 278–9; iii. 40, 75 _n._, 122, 369, 373, 382; iv. 20, 24, 49, 60, 62, 64–5, 69–71, 107, 118, 142, 144, 160 _n._, 200, 217, 219, 220–1, 233, 282, 289, 290, 296–7, 366, 433; vi. 151, 285, 334, 380, 381, 386, 391, 408, 411, 418, 455–6; vii. 29, 41, 198, 251, 482, 489; viii. 130–2, 241, 343, 419, 420, 503 _n._; x. 369, 385; xii. 67, 170, 264, 275, 281, 326, 407. —— Mary Woolstonecraft, vii. 41. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, i. 76; ii. 171 _n._, 229; iii. 161; v. 207, 362, 363; vii. 226, 313; x. 119, 261, 271; xii. 67. Gogain, Mr, vi. 384. Going a Journey, On, vi. 181. Golconda, vi. 247. Gold against Paper (Cobbett’s), vi. 154. Golden Ass (of Lucius Apuleius), vi. 201; x. 17, 18. —— Calf, The, xii. 204. —— Cross, The, at Rastadt, ix. 298. Goldfinch (in Holcroft’s The Road to Ruin), ii. 122; viii. 416. Golding, Arthur, v. 399. Goldoni, Carlo, x. 45. Goldsmith, Oliver, i. 421; ii. 358; iv. 201, 217; v. 119, 120, 375, 376; vi. 32, 47, 65, 80, 88, 93, 226, 322, 348, 370, 401, 412, 421, 443–5; vii. 6 _n._, 9, 40, 100, 102, 111, 112, 163, 164, 168, 197, 226, 275; viii. 78, 102–5, 115, 121, 164, 507; ix. 283, 351, 472, 474; x. 33, 131, 178; xi. 221, 403, 404, 449; xii. 31, 33, 165, 207, 293. —— —— (Reynolds’ portrait of), ix. 399. Gollogher, Mr (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54; iii. 142. Gondibert (Davenant’s), viii. 53. Goneril (in Shakespeare’s King Lear), i. 188, 392; viii. 446, 447, 448. Gonsalez (in Congreve’s Mourning Bride), viii. 75. Gonzago, Prince of Urbino (in Marston’s Parasitaster), v. 226. Good Apprentice (Hogarth’s), ii. 387; viii. 144. —— Gentleman, Miss (in Cherry’s Soldier’s Daughter), xi. 298. Goodall, Mrs, xi. 367; xii. 122. Goodge Street, ii. 90. Goodman, Dr, vii. 70–72. Goodman’s Fields, vii. 306. Good Nature, On, i. 100. —— Natured Man (Goldsmith’s), viii. 164. —— Old Times (in Marriage à la Mode), i. 29, 30. —— —— Sketches of the History of the, xi. 582. —— Samaritan, v. 184. Goody Two Shoes, iv. 93; viii. 428, 439. Goose-Gibbie, The (in a picture), ix. 58. Gorboduc (by Thomas Sackville), v. 193, 195, 196. Gordons, The, xii. 255. Goring, Lord (Vandyke’s portrait), ix. 61. Gospels, The, xii. 280. Gosset, Dr Isaac, ii. 188. Gould, Mrs, viii. 404, 461. Govarcius (Vandyke’s portrait of), ix. 12. Governor of Barbadoes (a play), viii. 464. Goward, Miss, xi. 369, 370, 388. Gower, Earl, vii. 111. —— Lord Leveson, x. 271, 274. Gowrie, Earl of, vii. 489. Gracchi, The, iv. 205; viii. 198; ix. 373. Gracchus, x. 211. Grace Armstrong (in Scott’s Black Dwarf), iv. 248; viii. 129. —— Campbell (in Planché’s Carronside), xi. 388, 389. —— Lady, xii. 24. Grâce aux Prisonniers (David’s), ix. 167. Graces (Canova’s), vi. 383. —— (Raphael’s), ix. 239. Grafton, The Duke of, ii. 27; viii. 21. Grammar of the English Tongue, Preface to a New and Improved, iv. 387. —— (Cobbett’s), vi. 53, 423. —— Godwin’s, x. 400. —— Lowth’s, ii. 79. —— Lindley Murray’s, xii. 232. Grammont, Count, vi. 200; ix. 22; xii. 41, 356. Grammont, Lady (Lely’s), ix. 38. Grampound (town), x. 197. Grand Canal, The (Venice), ix. 269; xi. 486, 495. —— Cyruses, The, xii. 61. —— Monarque, The, i. 99; iii. 172; xii. 287. —— Rebellion, The, vi. 155. Granby, Marquis of (Reynolds), ix. 475. Grandi, Sebastiano, vi. 403. Gran Scala, Theatre of the, ix. 278. Grandmother (a play), viii. 388. Grantham, ii. 14. Granuffo (in Marston’s Parasitaster), v. 226. Granville, Sir Richard, vi. 367. Grasmere, i. 92; iv. 274; xii. 268. Grasshopper, To the (Cowley’s), viii. 59. Grassini, Madame, viii. 197, 198. Gratiano (Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), viii. 250. Grattan, Henry, iii. 424; viii. 20; xi. 288, 471, 472, 473. Grave (Blair’s), iv. 346; v. 150 _n._, 374. Grave-digger (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), vii. 294; xii. 207. Gravesend, ii. 126, 242, 244, 245, 246, 248. Gray’s-Inn, ii. 99; iv. 365; vii. 68. Gray, Lady Jane, x. 236–7. —— Thomas, v. 104; also referred to in ii. 200; iv. 277; v. 68, 359, 374, 375, 378; vi. 72, 97 _n._, 192, 193; vii. 13, 102, 205; viii. 57, 106, 301; ix. 37, 157; x. 25, 155, 161, 162; xi. 303, 326 _n._, 503, 546; xii. 35, 62, 75, 147, 273. —— Mr (Master of the Edinburgh High School), v. 128. Greame (poet), v. 122. Great Bedwin (a town), 111, 394. —— Desert, The, ix. 349. —— and Little Things, On, vi. 226. —— Marlow (town), iii. 397. —— North Road, The, ix. 64; xii. 203. —— Tun of Heidelberg, The, xi. 373. —— Greatness, On (Cowley), viii. 60. Grecca, Giulia, x. 282. Grecian Coffee-house, The, i. 7; viii. 96. —— Harvest (Barry’s), ix. 421. —— Sculpture, xi. 188, 217, 458. Greece, i. 67; iii. 92, 379; iv. 178; v. 57, 199; ix. 28, 324; xi. 421; xii. 293. Greek, i. 22, 69; iv. 261; ix. 257. Greenland, ii. 64; vi. 323, 408. Green Man, The (Jones’s), viii. 467. —— Park, The, i. 7; viii. 96. —— Valentine, ii. 185; v. 119, 289; ix. 419, 420. Green’s Tu Quoque (George Cook’s), v. 289. Greenwich, iii. 132; vii. 66, 95; x. 331. Gregoriana Via, The, ix. 231. Gregory, Dr George, v. 123. —— the Great, Pope, x. 20. Grenada, Archbishop of, The, viii. 112, 313. Grenville, Baron (Wm. Wyndham), ii. 200; iii. 337 _n._, 461; vii. 274; xi. 480; xii. 50. —— Sir John, vi. 359. —— Mr, ii. 227; iii. 416. Grenvilles, The, iii. 420. Gresset, Jean Baptiste Louis, ii. 166. Greville, Richard Fulke, ii. 84, 89, 90, 100, 103, 104, 107, 262, 265, 270; xii. 276 _n._ Greville, Fulke, v. 231; vii. 255; xii. 27, 28. —— Miss, viii. 241, 242. —— Mrs (Frances Macartney), ii. 84, 86, 100, 105, 265, 266; viii. 216. Grey, M.P., C., ii. 222. —— Dr Zachary, viii. 62. Gribelin, Simon, vi. 12, 185. Griffiths, Ralph, ii. 163. Grill, i. 426. Grimaldi, Joseph, vi. 279; viii. 236, 351, 398, 416, 439, 526. Grimani, Miss, viii. 300. —— Palace, The, ix. 269. Grimm, Baron (Friedrich Melchior), i. 91, 131, 132, 136, 434; vii. 33; viii. 555. Grimm’s Memoirs, i. 434; viii. 557. Grimm, Mr, xii. 139 _n._ Gripe (in Vanbrugh’s The Confederacy), viii. 80. —— (in Mrs Centlivre’s Busy Body), viii. 270. Griselda (Chaucer’s), i. 162, 332; v. 28, 30, 32, 99, 239, 370; viii. 558; x. 69, 76; xi. 505. Grongar Hill (Dyer’s), v. 119, 375. Grose, Captain, v. 139. Grosvenor, Lord Robert (2nd Earl, 1st Marquis of Westmoreland), i. 374, 385; vi. 174, 373, 512; ix. 49, 55; xi. 202. —— Square, vi. 453; vii. 68; ix. 158; xi. 385. —— Collection of Pictures, Lord, ix. 49, 473. Grotius, Hugo, iv. 283; ix. 226; xii. 378. Group of Cattle, etc. (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. Grove, Henry, xi. 254. —— Mrs, viii. 329, 331, 464. Grub Street, vi. 158, 205, 211; vii. 380; viii. 404. Grynæus, Simon, x. 145. Gualberto (Southey’s), v. 164. Guardian, The (journal), viii. 99. Guarini, Battista, x. 16, 73. Guasto, The Marchioness of, vii. 282, 283; ix. 112. Guelphs and Gibelines, Wars between, iii. 97; xi. 443. Guercino, Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, vii. 274; ix. 25, 224, 238, 239. Guérin, Paulin Jean Baptiste, ix. 126, 136. —— Pierre Narcisse, ix. 122, 134; xi. 240, 241. Guicciardini, Francesco, iv. 283; vii. 229; ix. 187 _n._ Guiderius (in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), v. 258; vii. 329. Guidi Tommaso. See Masaccio. Guido, xii. 168, 180, 310, 439. Guignené, M., x. 46. Guildenstern (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), iii. 373; iv. 25; v. 48; viii. 186, 187, 188. Guildhall, The, x. 370. Guise, Sir William, ix. 70. Gulliver’s Travels (Swift’s), i. 398; ii. 42; iii. 41, 138; v. 15, 109, 110, 111; vi. 388; x. 131, 179; xii. 154 _n._, 279. Gully, John (a prize fighter), xii. 8, 9. Gummow, Mr, ix. 50. Gunpowder Plot, iv. 83 _n._, 249; vii. 69; xi. 318. Gurth the Swineherd (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), iv. 251; viii. 426. Gusto, On, i. 77. Guy Faux, On, iv. 432; xi. 317, 323, 328. —— Mannering (Scott’s), viii. 292, 401, 410, 425. —— —— a play, xi. p. viii. —— of Warwick (in Drayton’s Polyolbion), i. 9; vi. 413; viii. 98. Guy’s Hospital, vi. 113. Guyon, Madame, vii. 368. —— (Spenser’s), v. 193. Guzman d’Alfarache, or Spanish Rogue (by Mateo Aleman), i. 12, 123; vi. 419; viii. 111, 151; x. 30; xii. 142. Gwydir, Lord, vi. 437. Gwyn, Mrs (G——, Mrs). See Horneck, Mary. Gwynn, Nell, vi. 430; xii. 356. Gyngell, Mr (a showman), viii. 242. H. H——, General, ii. 222; vi. 391. H——, Lord, ii. 203; xii. 354. H——, Mr (a friend of Fox), xii. 346. H——, Mr (Lamb’s Farce), vi. 232; viii. 536. Habby of the Heughfoot (Scott’s Black Dwarf), iv. 248. Habeas Corpus Bill, ii. 142, 218; viii. 357. Hackman, James, ii. 391. Hackney, ix. 480; xii. 405. Hacquet, Balthasar, vii. 175 _n._ Hæmon (in Sophocles’ Antigone), x. 97. Hagar (Rosa’s), x. 292. —— in the Wilderness (Salvator’s), x. 283. Haggis, The Address to a (Burns), v. 132. Hague, The, ii. 232; iii. 402; ix. 300, 301. Hairbrain (in Holcroft’s Man of Ten Thousand), ii. 160. Halberstadt (a town), ii. 246. Halford, Misses, viii. 527. Halidon Hill, vii. 5 _n._ Halifax, The Marquis of, i. 195; v. 373; viii. 94; x. 368. Hall, Jacob, vi. 200. —— Dr Joseph, iii. 397. —— Robert, vii. 184. —— of Justice, The, Paris, ix. 157. Haller, Mrs, viii. 391. Halley, Dr, xii. 397 _n._ Hallowe’en (Burns), v. 132. Hamblin, Mr (an actor), viii. 426, 450, 465. Hamburgh, ii. 168, 182, 195, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 249, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258; xi. 195. Hamerton, Mr (an actor), viii. 254. Hamilton, Chevalier, vi. 200. —— Sir William, ix. 419. Hamlet (Shakespeare), i. 232; also referred to in i. 23, 157, 179, 186, 200, 254, 293 _n._, 393, 394; ii. 59, 81, 178; iii. 121 _n._, 160, 373; iv. 25; v. 48, 49, 188; vi. 162, 274, 315, 392, 394; vii. 33, 205, 225, 294, 344, 365; viii. 31, 203, 208, 209, 223, 249, 377, 423, 436, 439, 465, 478, 480, 518; x. 117; xi. 207, 394, 451; xii. 33, 262, 325, 355, 425. Hammersley, Mr, ii. 199. Hammersmith, ii. 198. Hammond, James, v. 118. Hampden, Lord, xii. 378. Hampden, John, iv. 61, 250; vii. 320; xii. 286. Hampshire, i. 425; iv. 367; vi. 102; ix. 158. Hampstead, ii. 181, 182, 187, 203; vii. 70; ix. 158, 161; xii. 253. Hampton Court, vii. 329; ix. 36, 71, 301. —— —— the Pictures in, ix. 42. Handel, George Frederick, i. 86; ii. 79, 178; vi. 353; xi. 455; xii. 33, 332. Handford (in Holcroft’s Alwyn), ii. 97. Handwriting on The Wall (Rembrandt’s), vi. 14. Hanmer, Sir Thomas, iii. 405. Hannah (in Inchbald’s Nature and Art), vii. 339. Hannibal, viii. 58; ix. 262. Hanover, iii. 68, 72, 290; vi. 445. —— Elector of, i. 427; iii, 32; vi. 221. —— House of, iii. 31; v. 91; vii. 322; viii. 121; ix. 42, 247; x. 40, 377. —— Square, ix. 158. Harancour, the Lord of (in Holcroft’s Deaf and Dumb), ii. 235–36. Harcourt, Mrs, ii. 105. —— (in Wycherley’s Country Girl), xi. 276. Hardcastle (in Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer), ii. 83. —— Miss (in Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer), xi. 404. —— Mrs (in Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer), xi. 404. Harding, Jem, vi. 89. Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor (Yorke, Philip), iii. 414; vi. 367. Hardy, Thomas, ii. 151, 157, 158. Hare, Mr, ii. 200, 218. —— Court, iv. 205. —— with Many Friends, the (Gay’s Fable), v. 107. Harfleur, the Siege of, i. 289; xii. 7. Harington, Sir John, v. 224 _n._; vi. 319 _n._ Harleian Miscellany, iii. 279, 389. Harley, Sir Edward, iii. 405; x. 375, 377, 378. —— George Davies, vi. 342. —— John Pritt, viii. 239–242, 255, 270, 274, 278, 286, 311, 317, 358, 361, 369, 370, 392, 399, 400, 412, 436, 462, 464, 524, 525; xi. 303, 379, 393, 409. —— Robert (Earl of Oxford), iii. 405; x. 358. —— (in Mackenzie’s Man of Feeling), xii. 67. Harlot’s Funeral, the (by Hogarth), xii. 364. —— Progress, the (by Hogarth), viii. 143. Harlow, George Henry, xi. 245. Harlowe, Mrs, viii. 240, 245, 279, 369, 370, 392, 400. Harmer Hill, xii. 267. Harold (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. Harrel (in Madame D’Arblay’s Cecilia), xi. 326 _n._, 385; xii. 86. Harriet (in Etherege’s Man of Mode), viii. 68. —— Byron (in Sir Charles Grandison), vi. 90; viii. 118, 120; x. 36. —— Russet (in G. Colman the elder’s The Jealous Wife), viii. 505. Harrington, James, iii. 122. Harris, James, iv. 238, 239; viii. 19, 423; xi. 45, 288. —— Miss (in Fielding’s Amelia), i. 130. —— Mrs (Swift’s), v. 110. —— Thomas, ii. 100, 101, 102, 112, 116, 122, 174, 192, 193, 194, 201, 215, 217, 219, 221, 224, 225, 226, 264, 266; viii. 423. Harrop, Miss Sarah (later, Miss Bates), ii. 79. Harrow, ix. 480; xii. 233. Harrowgate Wells, i. 54; iii. 142. Harry (in Holcroft’s The Exiles), ii. 201. Hart, Misses Mary and Charlotte, ii. 206. Hart-leap Well (Wordsworth’s), v. 156, 157. Hartley, David, iv. 216, 379 _n._; vii. 224, 306, 434; x. 141, 143, 249; xi. 36, 70, 108 _n._, 112, 116, 119, 579; xii. 35. —— and Helvetius, Some Remarks on the Systems of, vii. 383, 434. Hartwell, iii. 448. Hartz Forest, the, iv. 218; xii. 275, 348. —— Mountains, vi. 98. Harvey, Gideon, vii. 306. Harwood, Colonel, ii. 164, 237, 238, 277. —— Mrs, ii. 277. Haslem (Cheshire), ii. 17. Haslington (a town), ii. 166. Hassan, The Camel Driver (in Collins’s Oriental Eclogues), iv. 222. Hastings (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), viii. 182, 183; xi. 194, 400. —— General, ii. 204. —— Warren, iii. 252; vii. 275; x. 153. Hatchard, John, iii. 124. Hating, On the Pleasure of, vii. 127. Hatton, Mr (an actor), ii. 75. —— Garden, iv. 227; xii. 275. Haunted House (Addison’s). See Drummer. Hawk, Sir Thomas, viii. 41. —— and Buzzard (a game), iv. 331; xi. 475. —— The (Boccacio’s), i. 163; v. 82, 347; vii. 227; xi. 501. Hawker, Major-General, xi. 249. Hawkesbury, Lord, iii. 61; xi. 196. Hawkins, Sir John, vi. 452. Hawksworth, John, viii. 104. Hawthorn (in Oulton’s My Landlady’s Night-Gown, or My Landlady’s Gown), viii. 329. Haydn, John Michael, ii. 174, 178, 195, 198, 200, 201. Haydon, Benjamin Robert, vi. 336, 365, 380, 398, 399, 471, 476; vii. 42; ix. 123, 309, 338, 359, 427; x. 200, 423; xi. 481, 590; xii. 271, 277. Haydon’s Christ’s Agony in the Garden, xi. 481. —— Solomon, ix. 309. Hayley, William, v. 146. Hayman, Francis, i. 149; x. 180. Haymarket, The, ii. 60, 87, 90, 103, 109, 122, 163, 185, 193, 208, 213; viii. 237, 240, 242, 318, 322, 327, 328, 332, 412, 462, 463, 467, 475; ix. 169; xi. 370, 392, 532–3. Hayter, Sir George, ix. 126, 128; xi. 245. Hazlitt, William, his Father, iii. 265; vii. 108. —— —— himself, vi. 306; vii. 204; x. 423, 426; iii. 206. —— Some Thoughts on the Genius of (by E. L. Bulwer), i. 166. Head of an Angel (Guido’s), ix. 67. —— of the Antinous, The, at the Louvre, ix. 491; xi. 197. —— of a Boy (Correggio’s), ix. 224. —— of Chatham (Barry’s), ix. 421. —— of a Child (Holbein’s), ix. 60. —— of a Lady (Guérin’s), ix. 126. —— of an Old Man (Rembrandt’s), ix. 20. —— of a Student (Raphael’s), ix. 112. Heads, by Parmegiano, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci, ix. 41. Heads, Study of (Correggio’s), ix. 15. Headlong (in Holcroft’s Hear Both Sides), ii. 204, 219. Health, Art of Preserving (Armstrong’s), v. 119, 376. Heaphy, Thomas, ix. 406. Hear Both Sides (Holcroft’s), ii. 219, 230, 235. Heart of Midlothian, The (Scott’s), iv. 247; vii. 137 _n._, 339; viii. 413 _n._, 439; x. 207, 379; xi. 459, 534, 539, 559. Heartall (in Cherry’s Soldier’s Daughter), xi. 298. Heartly (in Leigh’s Where to Find a Friend), viii. 258, 260. Heath, Mr, ii. 197. Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, 111, 410. Heathfield, Lord (Reynolds’ portrait of), ix. 15. Heaven and Earth (Byron’s), iv. 244, 258; ix. 109. Hebe (H. Howard’s), xi. 247. Hebrew, The (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), viii. 423, 425, 426, 427. Hecate (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), iv. 230; v. 218, 223. Hector, i. 224. —— Macintire (in Scott’s Antiquary), x. 356. Hecuba, xi. 308. Heir of Vironi, The, or Honesty the Best Policy, viii. 538. Heiress, The (Burgoyne’s), (a play), viii. 555. Helen of Troy, v. 16, 205; vii. 264; ix. 28; x. 83. —— (in Shakespeare’s All’s Well, etc.), xi. 296. —— (in G. Colman the younger’s The Iron Chest), viii. 241. Helena (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), viii. 275. Heligoland, ii. 253. Heliodorus, Bishop of Tricca, vi. 201; x. 16. —— (Raphael’s), ix. 240, 371. Hellenore (Spenser’s), iii. 55. Hellespont, The, xi. 483, 495. Helvellyn, iv. 274; vii. 255; xi. 552. Helvetius, Claude Adrien, vii. 434. Also referred to in i. 403; vi. 381; x. 177; xi. 57, 58, 62, 85, 86, 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 143, 173 _n._, 178 _n._, 579; xii. 95, 98, 99, 104. Hemskirk (in Kinnaird’s The Merchant of Bruges), viii. 266; ix. 193. Henderson, John (the actor), ii. 264; vi. 341; xii. 347. Hengist, x. 20. Henley, Chancellor, iii. 418; iv. 229. —— Mrs, viii. 315. Henri Quatre (Morton’s), viii. 441, 443. Henriade (Voltaire’s), xi. 231. Henrietta, Queen (Vandyke’s portraits of), ix. 39. Henrietta (Charles I.’s daughter), iii. 402. Henry II., xii. 273. —— III., x. 335. —— IV., xi. 300. —— —— (2nd Part), (Shakespeare’s), i. 277. Also referred to in, i. 43 _n._, 64, 275, 291, 350 _n._, 425 _n._; viii. 33, 343. —— —— of France, ix. 175. —— —— The Last Moments of (Gérard’s), ix. 124. —— —— Pardoning the Peasants, etc. (a picture), ix. 128. —— V., i. 425; xii. 7. —— —— (Shakespeare’s), i. 285; also referred to in i. 292, 356; vii. 58; xi. 526. —— VI., ii. 180; vi. 403. —— —— (Shakespeare’s), i. 292; also referred to in i. 276, 312; vi. 28, 280 _n._; viii. 205, 354. —— VII.’s Chapel, vi. 334; x. 335. —— VIII., iii. 210, 278; v. 274; xi. 601; xii. 168. Henry VIII. (Shakespeare’s), i. 303; also referred to in i. 356, 387; x. 244. Henry Bertram (in Scott’s Guy Mannering), vii. 344; viii. 401. —— and Emma (Prior’s), v. 106. —— Morton (in Scott’s Old Mortality), xii. 66. —— Mr, ii. 195. —— Prince, ii. 206. —— Robert, iv. 250 _n._ Heraclitus, iii. 151; x. 131. Heral, Legendre, ix. 166. Herald’s College, The, i. 10 _n._; viii. 99; xii. 246. Herbert (in Holcroft’s The Man of Ten Thousand), ii. 160. Hercules, i. 34, 160; iv. 38, 39; vi. 248; vii. 357; viii. 275; x. 9, 387. —— and Achelous (Domenichino’s), ix. 112. —— and Antæus (Schiavoni’s), ix. 226. —— (_alias_ Black Breeches), xii. 214. —— (Bandinello’s), ix. 219. —— The Elgin, ix. 340, 341, 381, 430; x. 344; xi. 227. —— (in Marston’s Parasitaster), v. 226, 228. —— (in Fletcher’s Two Noble Kinsmen), v. 257. —— and Dejanira (Titian’s), ix. 74. —— recovering the body of Scarus (Razzi’s), ix. 167. Hereford, ii. 65, 66, 196; ix. 230. —— (in Shakespeare’s Richard II.), viii. 224. Herman and Dorothea (Goethe’s), ii. 229. Hermes (Mr Harris’s), iv. 238; viii. 19; xi. 45, 288. Hermia (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), viii. 275. Hermione (in Philips’ The Distressed Mother), viii. 334; xi. 382. Herminia (Tasso’s), x. 71. Hermitage, The (a village), ii. 20. Herne the Hunter, the oak of (in Shakespeare’s Merry Wives), ix. 36. Hero (in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night), viii. 32. Herodias’s Daughter, iii. 209. —— —— (Guido’s), ix. 61, 239. —— —— (Luini’s), ix. 224. Heroes of Romance are Insipid, Why The, xii. 59. Heroical Epistles (Drayton’s), v. 311, 371. Heron’s Letters (by Mr Pinkerton), ii. 181. Herrick, Robert, v. 311, 312. Herring (Archbishop), v. 141; xi. 249. —— Mr (an actor), viii. 323, 330. Hersent, Louise, Madame, ix. 124. Hertford, Marquis of, iii. 48. —— College, Oxford, iii. 421. Hervey, Mrs, ii. 86; viii. 468. Hesiod, v. 186; ix. 217; x. 13, 17. Hesketh, Lady, x. 162. He’s Much to Blame (Holcroft’s), ii. 159, 162, 190. Hesperides, i. 106; iv. 282. Hetman Platoff, The, xi. 390. Heydon (a town), iii. 410. Heywood, John, v. 274. —— Thomas, v. 192; also referred to in i. 356; v. 176, 181, 193, 211, 247, 277, 293; x. 117; xii. 34. —— Mrs, x. 24. Hickes’s Hall, ii. 145, 148; vii. 69. Hickman, Thomas (prize-fighter), xii. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. —— (Richardson’s), viii. 120; x. 38. —— Mrs, xii. 4. Hidalgo (in Webster’s White Devil), v. 240. High Court of Star Chamber, The, xii. 286. Highgate, vi. 288; vii. 70, 300; ix. 158, 161; xii. 253. High Life Below Stairs, xii. 133. High Street, Edinburgh, vi. 162; xii. 91. High Treason, Trials of, 1794, iv. 330. Highmore, i. 149; x. 180. High Way, Sonnet to the (Sidney’s), v. 326. Higman, Mr (an actor), viii. 292, 410. Hilkirk (in Holcroft’s Alwyn), ii. 95, _et seq._ Hill, Aaron, v. 122, 359. —— Mrs, viii. 538; xi. 307. —— Tom, vi. 212, 492. Hilton, William, xi. 190. Himalaya, iv. 357. Hinchinbroke, Lord, vii. 212. Hinckley (a town), ii. 12. Hinckliff (a town), ii. 166. Hind and Panther, The (by Dryden), v. 80. Hindon, The Lamb at, viii. 478. Hindoos, i. 46. Hippesley, Sir John Coxe, xi. 337. Hippolita (in Fletcher’s Two Noble Kinsmen), v. 257. Hippolito (in Dekker’s Honest Whore), v. 235, 238, 239. —— de Medici (Titian’s), vi. 16; vii. 286, 292; ix. 225. Hippolytus, The (Euripides), x. 97, 98. Historical Illustrations of Childe Harold (Hobhouse’s), vii. 379; xi. 422. Historical View of the Progress of Opinion on the Criminal Law and the Punishment of Death, xi. p. viii. Hoadley, John, viii. 163. Hoare, Prince, vi. 347, 373–9, 404, 416, 451; vii. 48 _n._; xii. 276 _n._ —— Sir Richard Colt, ix. 60, 61. Hobbimia, Meindert, iv. 350; vi. 15; ix. 22. Hobbes, Thomas, i. 127, 403; ii. 400; iii. 16, 273, 348; iv. 237, 285, 377; vi. 289, 337; vii. 224, 306, 467; viii. 19 _n._, 54, 58; ix. 374; x. 135, 143, 249, 315, 427; xi. 1, 25, 48, 49, 53, 54, 58, 59, 68, 70, 74, 75, 77–8, 82, 90, 97, 108 _n._, 115, 116, 127, 129, 140, 141, 143, 165, 166, 167, 173 _n._, 265, 279, 284, 285, 286, 287, 289, 375; xii. 16, 35, 96, 98, 177, 213, 317, 401, 413, 439 _n._ —— on the Writings of, xi. 25. Hobhouse, John Cam, Lord Broughton of, iii. 39; iv. 189; vi. 190, 278, 487; vii. 183, 378, 379, 381, 382; ix. 234, 246, 284; xi. 422, 425, 474 _n._; xii. 203. Hobson, Thomas, viii. 55. —— and Dobson (Holcroft), ii. 204. Hodge (in Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286, 287, 288; xii. 24. —— (Bickerstaffe’s Love in a Village), ii. 83; vi. 382; viii. 391. Hodges, William, ii. 189. Hodnet (a village), ix. 68. Hoffer (Wordsworth’s Sonnet to), xi. 414. Hofland, Thomas Christopher, xi. 245, 246, 248. Hog Hath Lost His Pearl (by Robert Tailor), v. 356. Hogarth, William, i. 25, 31 _n._, 70 _n._, 75, 95, 139, 353, 380; ii. 176, 368, 386, 387; iv. 66, 200, 217, 365; v. 234, 346; vi. 49, 95, 123, 139, 141, 144, 164, 167, 270, 347, 361, 414, 448, 449, 453–5; vii. 36, 118, 138 _n._, 240, 248, 300, 322; viii. 65, 113, 121, 133, 138, 246, 256, 400, 469; ix. 15, 45, 55, 75, 163–4, 202, 243 _n._, 323, 342, 377, 389–91, 399, 405, 409, 426, 433, 476–8; x. 32, 40, 165, 180, 188, 194, 197, 286–7; xi. 212, 225, 250–2, 261–2, 377, 414, 422, 520, 536, 543; xii. 7, 22, 24, 33, 145, 149, 194, 242, 363–8, 374, 450. Hogarth’s “Marriage-a-la-Mode,” Criticism on, i. 25, 28; ix. 75. Hogarth, On the Works of, On the Grand and Familiar Style of Painting, viii. 133. Hogg, James, xi. 317, 318. Hohenlinden, Battle of (Campbell’s), iv. 347; v. 149. Holbein, Hans, i. 305; iv. 275; vii. 314; ix. 23, 24, 40, 41, 60, 66, 67; xii. 168. Holborn, vi. 192, 431; xii. 132. Holborn Hill, ii. 99; iv. 227; xi. 281. Holcroft, Ann, ii. 106. —— Fanny, ii. 70, 106, 170, 174, 195, 198, 199, 206, 207, 218, 219, 221, 232, 236, 275, 277. —— Louisa, ii. 221, 228. —— Mrs, ii. 72, 124, 228, 230, 231, 237, 238, 261, 274. —— Sophy, ii. 72, 106, 143 _n._, 144, 228. —— Thomas, Life of, vol. ii. pp. 1–281; also referred to in iv. 233; vi. 457; vii. 37, 72; viii. 166; xii. 265, 275. —— William, ii. 72, 106, 114, 125. Hole in the Wall, The (a tavern), vi. 208; vii. 72; xii. 1, 2. Holinshed, Ralph. See Hollingshed. Holkham (a village), iii. 285 _n._ Holkliff (a town), ii. 166. Holland, iii. 22, 53, 55, 68, 73, 75; ix. 295, 299, 300; xi. 289. —— Charles, viii. 224, 264, 272, 274, 369, 370. —— House, iii. 44; iv. 359; vi. 205; vii. 379. —— Lord (the third), ii. 217, 218; vi. 205 _n._; vii. 46; xi. 480. —— Sir Nathaniel. See Dance, Sir Nathaniel. Hollingshed, Ralph, v. 188; vii. 229, 254, 316; xi. 601. Holly-tree, The (Southey’s), v. 164. Holman, Joseph George, ii. 219. Holofernes (in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour Lost), v. 128. Holstein (town), iii. 62. Holt, Chief Justice, ix. 248 _n._ Holy Alliance, x. 276; xi. 414. Holy Family (Andrea del Sarto’s), ix. 25, 226. —— —— (Giulio Romano’s), ix. 226. —— —— (Raphael’s and Correggio’s), ix. 224. —— —— (Titian’s), ix. 221, 226; xi. 238. —— —— The, vi. 437. —— Living and Dying (Jeremy Taylor), v. 341, 342; vii. 321; xii. 252. —— War (Bunyan’s), iv. 365. Holyrood House, viii. 460. Home’s Douglas, viii. 415. Home, Life of (Mackenzie’s), xi. 546 _n._ Homer, i. 37, 71, 135, 147, 161, 332; ii. 79, 229, 358; iii. 336; iv. 199, 271; v. 3, 15–18, 45, 58, 64, 66, 70, 99, 123, 125, 186, 230, 247; vi. 106–7, 158, 168, 222–3, 369–71, 392; vii. 124, 137 _n._, 158, 160, 246, 255; viii. 17, 24, 335; ix. 187 _n._, 415, 491; x. 6, 8, 13–14, 16–17, 25, 69, 77, 83, 329; xi. 235, 256, 288, 452, 492; xii. 32–3, 429. Hone, William, xi. 342 _n._, 556; xii. 275. Honest Thieves (by Robert Howard), viii. 69. —— Whore, The (Dekker’s), v. 235. Honeycomb, Harry (Leigh Hunt), vi. 505. Honeymoon (Tobin), xi. 409; also referred to in i. 344; v. 345; vii. 239; viii. 229, 263, 392, 513, 552. Honoria (Dryden’s), i. 332; v. 82; x. 68. Honoria (Massinger’s The Picture), v. 266. Honour, Mrs (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), viii. 114. Hook, Theodore, vi. 418; vii. 376; viii. 475; ix. 184, 246; xi. 344, 346, 348, 349; xii. 315, 339. Hooker, Richard, v. 175; x. 145. Hookham, Mr (a print-seller), vii. 314. Hoole, John, ix. 29. Hooper, Mr (an actor), xi. 385, 387. —— Dr, ii. 237. —— Mr, xi. 422. Hope (Cowper’s), v. 94. ——; or, The Delusion (a poem by Holcroft), ii. 74. —— Finding Fortune in the Sea (a picture), ii. 325. —— (Spenser’s), v. 41. Hope, Thomas, vi. 488, 491. Hopkins, Mr (an actor), ii. 83, 84. Hoppner, John, i. 149, 379; vi. 334; vii. 98, 207; ix. 426. Horace, i. 81 _n._; ii. 104, 222; iii. 49, 151; v. 109, 372; vi. 111, 206, 236, 286; x. 131, 250; xi. 452 _n._ Horatio (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), xi. 395. —— (in Rowe’s Fair Penitent), viii. 288. Horn, Charles Edward, viii. 321, 323, 329, 330, 531, 532. —— Mrs, viii. 265. Hornbook, Dr, xii. 258. Horneck, Antony, ii. 43. —— Mary (Mrs Gwyn), vi. 370, 401, 512. —— The Misses, vi. 401, 454; vii. 100, 111. Horner, Francis, iii. 128; viii. 14, 77 Hornsey Wood, ii. 197. Horrebow, Mr (an actor), vi. 277. Horse Guards, The, vi. 423; xi. 556. Horsley, Dr Samuel, xi. 65. Hortensio (Webster’s), v. 243. Horwendillus (referred to in Hamlet), i. 232; iii. 120 _n._ Hospital of Invalids, The, ix. 157, 160. Hot and Cold, vii. 169. Hotel des Couriers, The, at Lyons, ix. 181. —— de l’Europe, The, at Lyons, ix. 193. —— of the Four Nations, The, at Florence, ix. 216, 217. —— de Mouton, The, Louviers, ix. 102. —— du Nord, The, at Lyons, ix. 193. —— de Notre Dâme de Piété, The, at Lyons, ix. 182. Hotspur (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV., part i.), vii. 268; ix. 190; xi. 333, 448. Hottentots, iv. 194. Houdon, Jean-Antoine, ix. 120. Houghton (a town), iii. 405; x. 170. Hounslow, xi. 375; xii. 3, 13. —— Heath, iv. 250; xi. 495. Houdetot (Madame d’), i. 91; ii. 308. House of Brunswick, iii. 314. —— of Commons, iii. 133; iv. 280, 324, 326; vii. 214, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 279 _n._; ix. 157; x. 215; xi. 273 _n._, 334, 335, 344, 465. —— of Hanover, The. See Hanover, House of. —— of Lords, iv. 316. —— of Pride, The (Spenser’s), v. 38. —— of Stuart (portraits), ix. 39. Houynhyms, The (in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels), iii. 137; v. 112. Howard, Henry, R.A., xi. 247. —— John, iii. 140; iv. 6; vii. 83. —— Sir Robert, iii. 402, 464; viii. 69. Howe, John, iii. 266; viii. 415; x. 250. —— Miss (in Richardson’s Clarissa Harlowe), iv. 56 _n._; viii. 120; x. 38; xii. 63. Howel, James, viii. 41. Howick, Lord, iii. 461. Hoyden, Miss (in Sheridan’s Trip to Scarborough), viii. 77, 82, 83, 525. Hubert (in Payne’s The Anglade Family), viii. 279. —— and Arthur (Harlowe’s), xi. 245. —— (in Shakespeare’s King John), vii. 83, 344; viii. 346; xi. 411. —— (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 266. Huckel, Mr (an actor), viii. 315. Hudibras (Butler’s), ii. 64; iv. 144; v. 83, 372; vi. 207, 347, 380, 394, 433; viii. 16, 17, 21, 62, 65, 67; x. 372; xii. 367, 452, 453. Hudson, Thomas, i. 149; vi. 345; ix. 397; x. 174, 180, 181. Hue and Cry of Love, The (Carew’s), v. 312. Hugh Capet, i. 286. —— Trevor (by Holcroft), ii. 6 _n._, 82 _n._, 95, 104 _n._, 106 _n._, 136, 194, 201, 223. Hughes, Richard, ii. 85, 86, 259; v. 359; viii. 311, 370. —— Miss, viii. 248. —— Mrs, ii. 260. —— Signora, viii. 365. Huguenots, xi. 289. Hull, iv. 320. Hullin (Mademoiselle), viii. 482. Human Action, An Essay on the Principles of, vii. 383; also referred to in i. 403; iv. 286, 307, 380 _n._; vi. 237; xi. p. v., 565, 566; xii. 320. —— Frailty (Salvator Rosa’s), x. 301. —— Knowledge, Principles of (Berkeley’s), xi. 14, 106, 108, 130. —— Life (Roger’s), xi. 457. —— Mind, On the (Usher’s), vii. 398 _n._ —— —— An Argument in Defence of the Natural Disinterestedness of the, vii. 385; xii. 266. Human Nature, Discourse of (Hobbes’s), xi. 30, 32, 33, 41, 42, 173 _n._ —— —— Treatise on (Hume’s), vi. 65; vii. 306; xi. 14, 173 _n._, 289; xii. 266. —— Understanding, Essay on (Locke’s), xi. 12, 29, 30, 74, 167, 179, 181, 285, 579; xii. 26. Humboldt, Fred. Hen. Alex. von, vi. 319. Humby, Mrs, xii. 122. Hume, David, i. 138; iii. 144; iv. 9 _n._, 63, 70, 112, 116 _n._, 283; vi. 106, 164, 445; vii. 224, 355; x. 130, 144, 249, 250; xi. 1, 14, 15, 64, 70, 100, 108, 129, 173 _n._, 267, 285, 289, 323, 516. —— Joseph (H——), vi. 195, 201, 351, 352, 508; vii. 132, 492; xii. 35, 110, 266, 319, 346. Humorous Lieutenant, The, viii. 353. Humphrey Clinker (Smollett’s), vi. 224; viii. 117, 410, 510; x. 35; xii. 64. —— Hardcastle (in Landor’s Imaginary Conversations), x. 245. Humphreys, Mr (the artist), (? Ozias Humphry), vi. 342; xi. 590. Hungerford, xii. 8, 13. —— Stairs, vi. 89. Huns, The, ix. 267. Hunt, James Henry Leigh, iv. 353; also referred to in i. xxx. xxxi., 43, 71, 370, 373–4, 376–9, 415, 417, 424; iii. 120 _n._, 201, 206, 207; iv. 359, 360; v. 378; vi. 68, 83, 202, 258, 285, 334, 335, 482, 502, 505 _n._; vii. 16, 38, 39, 42, 122, 132, 376, 378, 379; viii. 224, 477, 519, 520; ix. 183, 211; x. 227, 407–11, 428; xi. 355–6, 582; xii. 145, 323–5, 328. —— John, iii. 29. —— Rev. Dr Philip, ix. 467. —— Mrs (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), viii. 114. Hunt’s Rimini, Leigh, x. 407. Hunter, John, ii. 142; iv. 198; vi. 85; ix. 399. Hunting-piece, A. Caracci’s, ix. 112. Huntingdon, ii. 26. Hurlothrumbo, xi. 499. Huron, xii. 402. Husbandry (Jethro Tull’s), vi. 102; vii. 25. Huss, John, iii. 265; iv. 217. Hutcheson, Francis, iii. 411; xi. 139. Hutchinson, Mrs, ix. 38; xii. 37. Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, iii. 399. Hyde Park, ii. 187, 188, 225; viii. 253, 291; ix. 212, 237. Hyde Park Corner, vii. 69; xii. 3. Hyder Ally, vii. 13. Hydriotaphia (Sir Thos. Browne’s), v. 335, 340. Hymettus, v. 201. Hymn of Pan (Shelley’s), x. 270. Hymn to Pan (Chapman’s), v. 303 _n._ Hymn to the Pillory, A (Defoe’s), x. 375. Hypocrite, The (Bickerstaffe’s), viii. 245; also referred to in vii. 189; viii. 162, 163. I. Iachimo (in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), i. 106; v. 4; viii. 539; xi. 291, 293. Iago (in Shakespeare’s Othello), i. 259, 293, 376; iii. 60; iv. 55; v. 51, 115; vii. 137 _n._, 344; viii. 31, 131, 208, 210, 211, 214, 234, 272, 339, 340, 356, 414, 465, 519, 534; xi. 294, 368, 405–6; xii. 184, 219, 291. Iarbas (in opera Dido), ix. 171. Iceland, xii. 24. Icilius (in Knowles’s Virginius), viii. 457. Ideal, On the, ix. 429; xi. 223. Ideologie (De Stutt-Tracey’s), ix. 186. Idle and Industrious Apprentice (Hogarth), vi. 164; viii. 147. Idleness (in Spenser), v. 39. Idler, The (periodical), i. 68; ix. 338. Ignorance of the Learned, On the, vi. 70; also referred to in i. 382; xii. 320. Il Penseroso (Milton’s), v. 295, 371. Il Torrismondo (Tasso’s), x. 73. Iliad (Homer’s), i. 138; v. 13, 66, 75; vi. 235; vii. 255; ix. 28; x. 6, 16, 399; xi. 236, 483; xii. 168. Ilissus, the Elgin, ix. 327, 330, 344. Illustrations of Philosophical Necessity (Priestley’s), xi. 65. —— of Vetus, iii. 63, 67, 73, 85, 90. See also Vetus. Ilminster, viii. 478. Imaginary Conversations (Landor’s), x. 231. Imitation of Nature, On the, xi. 216. —— On, i. 72. Immortality, Ode on (Wordsworth’s), iii. 433. —— in Youth, On the Feeling of, xii. 150. Imogen (Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), i. 105, 106, 228, 319, 391; v. 4; vii. 329; viii. 74, 323, 539; x. 116; xi. 291, 451; xii. 196, 277. Imogine (in Maturin’s Bertram), viii. 306, 307, 352; xi. 303. Imoinda (in Southerne’s Oroonoko), xi. 301, 303. Impertinent Barber, Story of (in Arabian Nights), viii. 13. Incendio del Borgo (Raphael’s), x. 351; xi. 242. Inchbald, Mrs Elizabeth, ii. 78, 196; iv. 212; v. 146; vii. 41, 301, 303, 339; viii. 123, 127, 128; x. 41; xii. 65. Incisa (a town), ix. 262. Incledon, Charles, ii. 226; viii. 248, 329, 330, 451, 453, 459, 470, 532; xi. 374. Income Bill, The, ii. 217. Inconsistency of Human Expectations, Thoughts on (Mrs Barbauld), v. 147. Inconstant, The (Farquhar’s), i. 154; viii. 48, 89; xi. 366. Index (in Kenney’s The World), viii. 229. India, ii. 199; iv. 285, 286; v. 81; vi. 64. —— Bill, The, ii. 182. —— House, vii. 183, 382 _n._; xii. 362. Indian Boy, The (referred to in Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 246. —— Exiles, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 202. —— Jugglers, The, vi. 77. —— The Sooty (in Campbell’s Gertrude of Wyoming), v. 150. Indiana (Steele’s), viii. 158. Indians, The (Kotzebue’s), ii. 198, 199. Indicator, The (newspaper), i. 415; vi. 258; vii. 17, 39. Indostan, vi. 64. Inequality of Mankind, On (Rousseau), vii. 430. Infancy of our Hopes and Fears (a song in Arne’s Artaxerxes), viii. 248. Infant Christ (Poussin’s), ix. 473. —— —— Sleeping on a Cross (Guido’s), ix. 35. —— Hercules (Reynolds’), ix. 400. —— Samuel (Reynolds’), ix. 400. Infants of Spain, One of the (Velasquez), vi. 369. Infelice (in Dekker’s Honest Whore), v. 239. —— (Sarah Walker), vi. 235. Inferno, The (Dante), v. 18; vii. 194; ix. 137; x. 62, 63; xii. 12. Inkle, Thomas, viii. 464. Inn-keeper’s Daughter, The (Soane’s), viii. 362. Inner Temple Mask, The (Brown’s), v. 315. Innocent X. (Velasquez’s), ix. 238. Inns of Court, The, vii. 68. Inopus (Sculpture), ix. 165. Inquiry concerning Freewill (Edwards’s), xi. 65, 66. Inquiry into the Real and Imaginary Obstructions, etc. (Barry’s), ix. 420. Inquisition, The, i. 99; iii. 33, 106, 111, 130, 158, 172, 216, 228, 263, 266, 270, 293, 295; iv. 83 _n._, 93, 320; vi. 379; vii. 128, 136, 244 _n._; ix. 211, 244; x. 276, 301, 316; xi. 341, 443. Inquisitor, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 163, 170, 172, 181. Inscription on Old Sarum (Southey’s), iii. 157, 220. Inscriptions (Southey’s), iii. 238; iv. 202. Intellectual Superiority, On the Disadvantages of, vi. 279. —— System (Cudworth’s), iv. 216. Interesting Facts ... Murat, Macirone, etc., iii. 177, 183. Interior of an Ale-house (Adrian Brouwer’s), ix. 20. —— of a Cathedral (Sanadram’s), ix. 20. —— of a Gothic Ruin (Bouton’s), ix. 124. Intra (a town), ix. 279. Inverness, ii. 78. Invincibles, The (a musical farce), xi. 366. Invisible Girl, The (a show), vi. 303. Invitation, The (Liber Amoris), ii. 288. Io (Correggio’s), ix. 14, 342. Ionia, x. 12. Iphigenia (Goethe’s), v. 363. —— (Reynolds’), vi. 383, 454; vii. 113; ix. 400. —— in Aulis (Euripides), x. 97, 98, 107. Ipswich, ii. 171. Ireland, iii. 187 _n._, 290, 411, 412, 420, 421; xii. 164. —— John, ii. 176. Ireland, Samuel William Henry, vi. 354. Irene (Godwin’s), x. 391. —— (Dr Johnson’s), i. 174; vi. 145. Ireton, Mrs (in Miss Burney’s The Wanderer), x. 44. Iris (the god), ix. 135. —— (a Sheffield newspaper), vii. 13. Irish Eloquence, iv. 318. —— Melodies (Moore’s), iv. 358. —— Union, Pamphlet on (Burns), ii. 224. —— Widow, The (Garrick’s), viii. 316. Irma, Mademoiselle, xi. 366. Iron Chest, The (by G. Colman), viii. 342; also referred to in viii. 240, 420. —— Man, The, or, Talus (in Spenser), v. 43. Ironsides (in Cumberland’s The Brothers), ii. 206. Iroquois, xii. 402. Irving, Rev. Edward, iv. 222; xii. 275; also referred to in iv. 246; vi. 385, 431; vii. 129, 225, 322; ix. 186; xi. 376, 556, 557; xii. 169, 359. ——, Washington, iv. 362 _et seq._, 367; vi. 385; vii. 311 _n._; ix. 283; x. 222, 310. Isaac Bickerstaff (in The Tatler), i. 7, 9 _n._, 83; iv. 117; vi. 322; vii. 233 _n._; viii. 95, 96, 98, 158, 163, 245, 372. —— of York (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), viii. 426, 427. Isaacs, Mr (a singer), viii. 315. Isabel, Queen, iii. 290 _n._ Isabella (a play), xii. 121. —— (Boccaccio), i. 163, 332; v. 82; vi. 121 _n._; vii. 93; x. 68. —— (in the Fatal Marriage), viii. 199, 210, 223, 391, 397; xi. 303, 383 _n._, 407. —— (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), viii. 284. Isabella, Story of (Ariosto), x. 71. Isabelle (in Molière’s Tartuffe), xi. 356. Isabey, Jean Baptiste, xi. 474 _n._ Isabinda (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Busybody), viii. 504. Isaiah, v. 183; xi. 233. Isis (goddess), x. 18. —— (river), ix. 69. Isle of Man, ii. 64; xi. 540. —— of St Pierre, The, ix. 297. Isles Borromees, The, ix. 278. Ismael, iii. 12. Isola Bella (island), ix. 278. Isolier (a poem by L. Buonaparte), xi. 236. Israel, iii. 147. Israelites, Returning Thanks in the Wilderness (Poussin’s), ix. 51. Issachar, The Tribe of, x. 186; xii. 256. Istria, ix. 267. Italian (Mrs Radcliffe’s), vi. 379; x. 296. —— Lover, The (by Robert Jephson), viii. 337. —— Opera, The, viii. 324; also referred to in viii. 476. —— Opera in Paris, ix. 174; xi. 371. —— Novelists, xi. 296. —— Painters, xi. 187, 462, 547. —— School of Singing, xi. 428, 501. Italy, iii. 53, 104, 106, 158, 179, 216, 219, 230 _n._; iv. 95; v. 19, 186; viii. 153; ix. 169, 187 _n._, 198, 366; x. 12. —— View in (Wilson’s), xi. 199. Ithaca, x. 12. Ithamore (in Marlowe’s Jew of Malta), v. 210. Ivanhoe (Scott’s), iv. 248; vi. 81; vii. 171 _n._, 338; viii. 410, 413 _n._, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427; xii. 66, 329. Iverdun (a town), ix. 296, 297. Ivernois, Mademoiselle d’, ix. 153 _n._ Ives (Miss), viii. 532. Ixion embracing the False Juno (Rubens’), ix. 53. J. Jack (in Sheridan’s The Rivals), viii. 508. Jack and the Bean Stalk, viii. 398. Jack Bustle (in Leigh’s Where to find a Friend), viii. 260. Jack Cade (in Shakespeare’s Henry VI.), i. 425; iii. 207. Jack the Giant-killer, vi. 370, 371, 413; x. 12. Jack Phantom (in Oulton’s Frightened to Death), viii. 358. Jack Pointer (in Ups and Downs), xi. 385, 387–8. Jack-o’-the-Green, xii. 17. Jack Rugby (in Shakespeare’s Merry Wives), i. 350. Jackson, John (artist), vi. 420; ix. 426. —— —— (prize-fighter), xii. 12. —— Miss, xi. 245. Jacob, Mr, iv. 308. Jacob’s Dream, v. 16, 183; vi. 392; xi. 506; xii. 279. —— —— (a picture), ix. 67. —— —— (Rembrandt’s), v. 9; vi. 321; vii. 120; ix. 21, 22, 164, 389; xi. 455, 464. Jacob and Esau (Rembrandt’s), ix. 73. Jacob and Laban (Claude’s), ix. 13; xi. 190. —— —— (Glover’s), xi. 245, 249. Jacobinism, i. 14; x. 218, 233; xi. 418. Jacobite Relics (Hogg’s), xi. 317, 318. Jacomo Gentili, v. 234. Jacques du Noir (in Pocock’s The Ravens), xi. 305. Jacquot, Georges, ix. 127, 167. Jael, xi. 321. Jaffier (in Otway’s Venice Preserved), ii. 59; v. 354, 355; viii. 210, 261, 397, 459; xi. 361, 403, 407; xii. 67. Jaggernaut, The, vi. 81. Jago, Richard, v. 122; vii. 72. Jamaica, iv. 93; xi. 365. James (King of Scotland), xii. 257. James I., ii. 206; iii. 282, 393, 394, 395, 405; v. 234, 328; vii. 96; xiii. 49, 95; ix. 355; x. 243; xi. 317, 322. —— II., iii. 32 _n._, 112, 117, 240, 284, 285 _n._, 399, 400, 401, 402; v. 80; vi. 41; vii. 274; x. 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 371, 373; xi. 272. —— III., ix. 236, 367. Jameson (a playwright), viii. 523. Jamieson, Dr John, xii. 88 _n._ Jacques (in Shakespeare’s As You Like It), i. 185; viii. 32, 337, 413; xi. 378, 397. Jane Shore (Rowe’s), viii. 352; also referred to in vii. 306; viii. 537; xi. 401. January and May (Chaucer’s), v. 33; xii. 443. Janus, vi. 161. Janus Weathercock (see Wainewright). Japan, King of, ix. 60. Japhet, ix. 217. Jardin des Plantes, The, ix. 160, 206 _n._ Jealous Wife, The (by Colman, George, the elder), viii. 316; also referred to in viii. 163, 164, 505, 532. Jealousy (Spenser), v. 42. —— and the Spleen of Party, On the, vii. 365. Jeanie Deans (Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 243, 247; vi. 158; vii. 137 _n._, 342; viii. 413 _n._; xi. 381. Jefferies, Judge (Jeffreys George, Baron Wern), iii. 311; vii. 232. Jeffrey, Francis, iv. 310; also referred to in i. 166; ii. 314; v. 110; vi. 441, 520; x. 403, 407, 411, 420; xii. 320. Jeffrey, James, v. 128; vii. 92. Jekyll, Joseph, v. 109; x. 213. Jemmy Dawson, Lines on (Shenstone), v. 119. —— Jessamy (a picture), iv. 102. Jena, iii. 99, 112. Jenkin (in Greene’s George a Greene), v. 294. Jenkins, Sir Leoline, iii. 399. —— Mr, xii. 260. —— Winifred, xii. 64. J——s Rev. Mr, viii. 406. Jenkinson, Charles, Earl of Liverpool, iii. 422. Jenyns, Soame, iv. 381; v. 122. Jerdan, William, vii. 123, 378; ix. 157; xi. 360. Jeremiah (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 241, 361, 382; xi. 215. Jeremy (in Congreve’s Love for Love), viii. 72, 278, 279. Jerome of Prague, iii. 265; iv. 217. Jeronymo (Boccaccio’s), i. 332; x. 68. —— (Kyd’s), v. 294. Jerry (in Wycherley’s The Plain Dealer), viii. 78. —— Sneak (Foote’s Mayor of Garratt), ii. 76 _n._, 77 _n._, 85, 368; viii. 167, 168, 315, 317, 318, 392, 400; xi. 368. Jerusalem Delivered, The (Tasso’s), x. 70, 71, 73. Jessica (Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), vi. 279. Jessy (Burns), v. 140. Jesuits, The, iii. 106, 293; xii. 172. Jesus College, Oxford, iii. 399. Jew and the Doctor, The (Dibdin’s), ii. 215, 222. —— of Malta, The (Marlowe’s), v. 209, 210. Jewry, v. 29, 32; x. 76. Jews, Emancipation of the, xii. 461. —— out of Egypt, The Deliverance of the (in the Bible), v. 183. Jews at Rome, ix. 233. Jews’ Letters, The (Abbé Guenée), xii. 169. Joachim, King, iii. 179. —— Murat, Interesting Facts relating to the Fall and Death of, by Francis Macirone, iii. 177. Joan of Arc, vi. 363. —— —— (Southey’s), i. 428; iii. 109, 113, 114, 157, 177, 205, 211, 225, 258; iv. 266; v. 164. Joaz (in Racine’s Athalie), x. 106. Job, the Book of, v. 17, 183; vi. 392; xi. 506. —— Commentaries upon (Caryl’s), vii. 317. —— (prints by Barry), ix. 421. —— (Salvator’s), x. 297. —— and his Friends (Bird’s), xi. 188, 244. Jockey Club, The, xii. 356. Jocko (in Thomson’s Dumb Savoyard and His Monkey), xi. 364. Jocrisse (in Merton’s Henri Quatre), viii. 442, 443. Jocunda (Leonardo da Vinci), vii. 96; ix. 354; xi. 237. Joey Snip (in Shakespeare versus Harlequin), viii. 436. John Anderson, My Joe (old ballad), v. 139. —— Barleycorn (Burns), xii. 36. —— of Bologna, ix. 205, 219 _n._, 222, 274, 355. —— Bull, The (magazine), vi. 508; vii. 378; ix. 244, 247; x. 227, 229; xi. 347, 348, 385, 528; xii. 259, 314, 455. —— —— (Arbuthnot’s), iv. 217; v. 104. —— —— (Croker’s), iv. 217. —— —— Character of, i. 97. —— —— (in Kinnaird’s Merchant of Bruges), viii. 264. —— Buncle, On (by Amory), i. 51; also referred to in i. 382; iv. 373. —— du Bart (Pocock?), viii. 253. —— of Gaunt, v. 19. —— of Gaunt (in Shakespeare’s Richard II.), viii. 224. —— Gilpin (by Cowper), xi. 305; also referred to in v. 95, 376; vi. 210; viii. 538; xi. 306; xii. 6. —— King (Shakespeare’s), i. 155, 306, 312, 387; v. 209; viii. 377, 378, 385, 513; xi. 410. —— Moody (Garrick’s), viii. 37. —— Ox, ix. 244. Johnny and Mary (a song by Holcroft), ii. 88. Johnson, Captain, ii. 195. —— Dr Samuel, i. 31, 35–6, 39, 40, 49, 57 _n._, 72, 96, 138, 158, 174–9, 270, 303, 314, 394, 401, 421, 434; ii. 181, 183, 191, 358; iii. 334, 336, 339 _n._; iv. 217, 277, 359; v. 61, 63, 85, 105, 110, 114, 179, 359; vi. 32, 130, 140, 180, 189, 195, 243, 301, 322, 329, 336, 338, 348–50, 358–9, 366, 370, 374, 389, 401, 411, 420–1, 443, 450, 459, 464; vii. 6, 8, 33, 40, 89, 111, 117, 161, 163, 165, 198, 228, 271, 275, 277; viii. 30, 49, 55, 58, 75, 89, 100, 101–2, 104, 119, 269, 273, 443, 482 _n._, 507; ix. 420, 472; x. 37, 178, 181, 221, 232, 251, 327; xi. 221, 226, 404, 499; xii. 19, 27, 31, 193 _n._, 266, 274, 293. —— Dr, Life of (Boswell’s), i. 434; ii. 169, 174, 175, 182, 184, 188; v. 120; vii. 33, 198; viii. 103. —— Dr Samuel (Reynolds’s), ix. 399; xi. 222. —— T. (publisher), ii. 171, 192, 202; iv. 380. Johnston, Henry, viii. 350, 351. Johnstone, John Henry, ii. 27, 28, 29, 30; viii. 258, 260, 286, 350, 351, 388, 443; xi. 402, 403, 409. John Woodvil (Lamb’s), iv. 366; v. 346, 378. Jollivet, Monsieur, xi. 411, 412, 413. Jonas (in Holcroft’s Knave or Not?), ii. 162. —— (Salvator’s), x. 303. Jonathan Oldbuck (Scott’s Antiquary), iv. 248; viii. 413; x. 356. —— Wild (by Fielding), iii. 181, 233, 291; x. 167; xi. 125, 136. Jones, Mrs C., xi. 385, 387. —— Inigo, ix. 157. —— Richard, viii. 200, 238, 262, 266, 267, 284, 328, 428, 455, 462, 465, 466, 467, 469; xi. 316, 376, 385, 387. —— See Sherwood, Neely, and Jones. Jonson, Ben, v. 248; viii. 30; also referred to in i. 356, 378, 385, 388 _n._; iv. 212, 309, 367; v. 175, 176, 181, 186, 193, 198, 224, 234, 247, 262, 265, 294, 297, 299, 303, 307, 312, 345; vi. 97, 118, 164, 192, 193, 458; vii. 73; viii. 162, 310, 416, 552; x. 117, 261; xii. 34, 207. Jordan, Mrs Dorothea, i. 325, 335; ii. 162, 170; viii. 49, 77, 252; ix. 38, 147, 151; xi. 367; xii. 24, 122. Jordaens (? Jakob), ix. 21. Jordano, Luca. See Giordano. Joseph of Arimathea, x. 21. —— and his Brethren, Story of, v. 183. —— and Potiphar’s Wife (Alessandro Veronese’s), ix. 35. —— II., Emperor, ii. 179. —— Andrews (Fielding’s), i. 121; v. 120; vi. 458; vii. 223; viii. 106, 107, 112, 114, 506; x. 26, 31, 32; xi. 223, 403; xii. 33, 63, 226, 374. —— Surface (in Sheridan’s School for Scandal), i. 12; viii. 151, 164, 165, 251, 560; xi. 393. Josephine, Empress, ix. 124. Jourdain, M. (in Molière’s Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme), i. 81; viii. 160; xi. 355. Jourdan of the Chimes, xii. 305. Journey, Notes of a (by Hazlitt), ix. 83; xi. 568. —— to Lisbon, The (Fielding’s), xii. 130. Journey to London, The; or, The Provoked Husband (Vanbrugh’s), vi. 444. Jouvenet, Jean, ix. 129. Joyce (in Cooke’s Greene’s Tu Quoque), v. 290. —— Jeremiah, ii. 151. Joys of Eating (a song in Holcroft’s The Old Clothesman), ii. 225. Judah, x. 186; xii. 256. Judas (Haydon’s), xi. 485. —— (in Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper), vi. 321. —— Iscariot, xii. 37. Judge for Yourself; or, The King’s Proxy (Arnold’s), viii. 243. Judges, Book of, vi. 60. Judging of Pictures, ix. 356. Judgment of Brutus (Le Thière’s), ix. 137. —— of Paris (Congreve’s), viii. 76. —— —— (Vanderwerf’s), ix. 26. —— of Solomon (Haydon’s), ix. 309; xi. 482. Judy (in Miss Edgeworth’s Castle Rackrent), i. 105. Julia (in Byron’s Don Juan), vi. 236. —— (Rousseau’s Nouvelle Eloise), i. 91, 133; ii. 326; vii. 24, 112, 224, 304; ix. 146, 221, 223. —— (in Sheridan’s Rivals), viii. 509; xii. 435. —— de Roubigné (Mackenzie’s), vii. 227; viii. 105; ix. 237. —— Gowland (in Holcroft’s Alwyn), ii. 97. —— Mannering, viii. 292. Julian (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 389, 391, 392. —— and Maddalo (Shelley’s), x. 261. Juliana (in Tobin’s Honeymoon), xi. 409. Julien, Monsieur, ii. 188. Juliet (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), i. 106, 153; ii. 67; vi. 277, 321, 329; vii. 306; viii. 198, 284; ix. 266, 276; x. 116; xii. 120. Julio (in Holcroft’s Deaf and Dumb), ii. 235, 236; viii. 268. Julius II., Pope, vi. 10. —— —— (Titian’s portrait), x. 197. —— —— (Raphael’s portrait), ix. 11, 12. —— Cæsar, iv. 257; vi. 106, 107, 110; ix. 232, 373; x. 329; xi. 423; xii. 37. —— —— (Shakespeare’s), i. 195; also referred to in iii. 303; vi. 279; vii. 264; viii. 319, 407; x. 228; xi. 601. Jumping Jenny, The (in Scott’s Redgauntlet), vii. 319. Jungfrau, ix. 280. Junius Brutus, iv. 170. Junius’s Letters, i. 96, 97, 138; ii. 370; iii. 337, 416–9, 422–3, 445; iv. 235 _n._, 237, 238, 365; vi. 87, 222, 423; vii. 36, 126, 228, 427; viii. 21; x. 211, 213, 251; xi. 123, 160, 449, 458; xii. 32, 50, 170, 274. Jupiter, i. 33, 34; vi. 171; vii. 268; x. 6, 7, 8, 9, 93, 349, 350. —— (of Phidias), ix. 430; x. 343. —— Stator, The Temple of, viii. 457. —— and Antiope (Titian’s), ix. 54. —— and Io (Titian’s), ix. 74. —— and Juno on Mount Ida, (Barry’s), ix. 419. Jura, The, vi. 186; ix. 289, 295, 296. Jus Divinum, vii. 373; xi. 413. Justice Dorus (in Garrick’s Cymon), viii. 261. —— Greedy (in A New Way to Pay Old Debts), v. 269 _n._; viii. 274, 304. —— Mittimus, iii. 238. —— Shallow (Shakespeare’s 2nd Henry IV.), i. 425; vii. 76. —— Woodcock (in Love in a Village), ii. 83; vi. 221; viii. 329. Juvenal, i. 210, 376, 380, 385, 428; ii. 217. K. K——, vi. 436; xii. 356. K——, J., ii. 221. K——, Miss, vi. 358. Kaim of Derncleugh (in Scott’s Guy Mannering), viii. 146 _n._ Kaimes, Lord, ii. 175; iv. 84. Kamschatka, vi. 407. Kant, Immanuel, ii. 173, 192; iv. 218, 379, 380; vii. 324 _n._; x. 141, 143, 144; xi. 128, 162, 163, 166, 168, 170, 171, 176, 290. Katharine (in Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew), xi. 379. Katterfelto (in Cowper’s Task), vi. 295. Kauffman, Angelica, vi. 363; vii. 164; ix. 333. Kean, Charles, xi. 362, 373. —— Edmund, viii. 292; xi. 389, 410; also referred to in i. 64, 156–7, 237, 247, 256, 298–300, 323; ii. 301, 365, 369; iii. 298; v. 145, 229, 356; vi. 40, 50, 161, 277, 292–4; vii. 205–6, 305; viii. 174–5, 179, 223, 233, 255, 258, 261, 263–5, 271–4, 277, 284, 290, 294, 299, 307, 310, 314, 334, 338–9, 344–5, 352, 354–6, 358, 372, 377–8, 385, 389–91, 394–6, 402, 412, 414, 426–30, 440, 444, 450, 459, 465, 471, 472, 475, 478 _n._–9, 515, 518–9; ix. 134, 193, 347; xi. 192, 195, 207, 257, 274, 283, 301, 307–8, 316, 332, 350, 367–8, 382, 383, 398–9 _et seq._, 453; xii. 122, 243, 276, 307, 366, 390. —— and Miss O’Neill, xi. 407. —— as Oroonoko, viii. 537. Kean’s Bajazet and Country Girl, xi. 274; also referred to in viii. 524. —— Eustace de St Pierre, in the Surrender of Calais, xi. 307; also referred to in viii. 539. —— Hamlet, viii. 185. —— Iago, On Mr, i. 14; viii. 190, 211, 215, 512, 559. Kean’s Lear, viii. 443. —— Leon, viii. 233. —— Macbeth, viii. 204, 513; xi. p. viii, 404. —— Othello, viii. 189, 513; xi. p. viii, 405. —— Richard II., viii. 221. —— —— III., viii. 180, 200; xi. 399; also referred to in viii. 176, 263, 391, 513. —— Romeo, viii. 208. —— Shylock, viii. 179, 294; also referred to in xi. p. viii. —— Sir Giles Overreach, viii. 284; also referred to in xi. p. viii. —— Zanga, viii. 227. Keats, John, iv. 302, 306, 307; v. 378; vi. 99, 211, 254; vii. 123; viii. 478 _n._; ix. 247, 349; x. 228, 260, 270, 428. Keeley, Robert, xi. 365, 368, 369, 370, 388–9. Kehama, Curse of (Southey’s), v. 164; vi. 415. Kellermann, François Christophe, vi. 120 _n._; ix. 146. Kelly, Count, ii. 226. —— Frances Maria, viii. 226, 244, 245, 247, 255, 258, 280, 286, 315, 324, 329, 330, 331, 355, 361, 362, 368, 369, 389, 400, 464, 465, 470, 475, 525, 532, 537; ix. 118; xi. 303, 367, 369, 373, 381, 382, 409. —— Miss L., viii. 264, 327. —— Michael, ii. 201; vi. 352; viii. 225. Kemble, Charles, viii. 251–2, 255, 262, 263, 266–7, 281, 292, 309, 333, 335, 340, 347, 371, 426, 441, 443, 465, 479, 539, 546; xi. 366, 367, 381, 391, 394, 402, 404, 407, 411; xii. 121, 140 _n._ —— Mrs Charles, viii. 255, 266, 268, 291, 465, 470; xi. 297. Kemble’s Cato, viii. 342. —— King John, viii. 345. —— Penruddock, xi. 205. —— Retirement, viii. 374. —— Sir Giles Overreach, viii. 302. Kemble, Mr (Beechey’s Portrait of), ix. 21. —— H., viii. 411. —— John, i. 155, 237, 299, 325, 379; ii. 66, 68, 69, 160, 184, 189, 196, 198, 369; iv. 212, 233; v. 147, 356; vi. 275, 294, 334, 341, 342, 397; vii. 41, 300, 305; viii. 176, 180, 181, 207, 223, 233, 241, 255, 273, 302–3, 314, 343, 345, 350, 355, 385, 390, 403, 410, 434, 444, 455, 457, 459, 465, 468, 479; ix. 34 _n._, 154, 347; xi. 205 _et seq._, 316, 363, 366, 402; xii. 354, 390. —— John Philip, vi. 274; viii. 537. —— Miss Sarah (later, Mrs Siddons), ii. 68. See also Mrs Siddons. —— Stephen, viii. 340. ——Miss (afterwards Mrs Whitelocke), ii. 95. —— Mrs, ii. 66, 67, 196. Kempe, William, v. 282. Kendal, ii. 75, 96, 97. —— Duchess of, vi. 445. Kendall, Edward Augustus, vi. 394. Kenilworth (Scott’s), ii. 314. Kennedy, Mrs, viii. 319. Kennet, The (a ship), ii. 247, 250, 251. Kenney, James, viii. 368; xi. 388. Kensington Gardens, xii. 134. —— Gore, ii. 195. —— Palace, vi. 445. Kent, ii. 248; v. 197. —— (in Shakespeare’s Lear), v. 225; viii. 451. Kenyon, Lord, iv. 236; vi. 406; xii. 231. Kepler, Johann, iii. 151. Keppel, Admiral, iii. 210. —— Lord, vii. 115 _n._ —— Miss, viii. 341. Kershaw, Tom, vi. 346. Keswick, ix. 216; x. 420. Ketch, Jack, iv. 195; xi. 343, 538. Kettle-Drumle (in Scott’s Pirate), xi. 531. Kew, ix. 42; xi. 495, 555. Keys, Mr (actor), ii. 70 _n._ Kidderminster, vi. 76, 364; vii. 243; viii. 203. Kilburn, ii. 227. Killancureit, xii. 91. Killigrew and Carew (Vandyke’s), ix. 39. —— Thomas, iv. 361; vi. 200. Killing no Murder (Theodore Hook), xi. 385. Kilmarnock, ii. 78. Kind Impostor. See She Would or She Would Not. Kind Keeper; or, Mr Limberham, (Dryden’s), viii. 393. King, Sonnet to the (Wordsworth’s), i. 428. —— Arthur (? Dryden’s), ii. 102. —— of Bohemia (in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), vii. 74. —— Cambyses, iii. 158; vi. 229. —— Charles’s Golden Rules, ii. 42. —— Cophetua, vi. 232; xii. 251. —— Henry (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), xi. 399. —— of Inde (Chaucer’s), x. 75. —— Meliadus (Early Romance), x. 57. —— Philip (in Shakespeare’s King John), i. 310. —— Pecheur (in Merlin The Enchanter), x. 21. —— of Thrace (Chaucer), x. 75. —— Mr John, ii. 205. —— Lord Chancellor (Peter), vi. 367. —— Mr Thomas, i. 155, 325; ii. 87; vi. 367; vii. 76; viii. 230; xi. 367. —— Mr (an auctioneer?), ii. 89, 172, 182, 186, 188, 198, 201, 220. —— and No King (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 252. King’s Bench, ii. 202; vi. 89; xi. 362. King’s Mead, viii. 508. —— Mews (London), ii. 2. —— Proxy, The (by Samuel James Arnold), viii. 243. King Street, ii. 345. King’s Theatre, viii. 324, 362, 476, 537; ix. 169; xi. 299, 307, 370, 373, 392. Kinsayder, Monsieur (in The Return from Parnassus), v. 224. Kingston upon Thames, vi. 292. Kippis, Dr Andrew, ii. 184; vi. 216 _n._ Kirby, Mr (Keeper of Newgate), ii. 150. Kirk of Scotland, iv. 226. Kirkpatrick, George, vi. 194, 195. —— Roger (R.), vi. 195, 196. Kitchiner, Dr William, ix. 357. Kitely (Jonson’s Every Man in His Humour), viii. 44, 311. Kitten and the Leaves (a Fable), vi. 221. Kitty Corderoy (in Ups and Downs), xi. 385, 387. Kitty Pry (Garrick’s Lying Valet), ii. 77 _n._ Kleber, General, and some French Officers (Landor’s), x. 244. Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, ii. 229; vii. 328. Knapp, Mr, ii. 147. Knave or Not? (Holcroft’s), ii. 159, 160, 161, 200, 201. Kneller, Sir Godfrey, vi. 366; vii. 6 _n._, 220, 287; ix. 39, 41, 42, 397; xii. 27. Knicker-bocker (Irving’s), iv. 367. Knight, Edward, vi. 286; viii. 226, 227; xi. 303, 409. —— Sir John, iii. 402. —— Mrs, viii. 335. —— Richard Payne, i. 143; vi. 430, 488, 490. —— Thomas, ii. 222, 225; viii. 234, 245, 258, 280, 286, 315, 359, 392, 400, 462; xi. 393. Knight’s Tale (Chaucer’s), i. 332; v. 20, 25, 29, 195 _n._, 370; x. 69, 75; xi. 226. Knight of the Burning Pestle (Beaumont and Fletcher), viii. 69. Know Your Own Mind (Murphy’s), viii. 164. Knowledge of Character, On the, vi. 303. —— of the World, On, xii. 297, 301, 306. Knowles, James Sheridan, ii. 328, 436; iv. 368; viii. 455, 457; xi. 391. —— Knowsley, vi. 14. Knox, Dr, v. 122, 124, 125, 368, 367. —— John, vi. 356; vii. 180; xi. 420. Knutsford, ii. 18, 167; vi. 346. Kœnig, Frederick, iii. 158. Koran, The, xii. 334. Kosciusko and Poniatowski, the Dialogue between (Landor’s), x. 250. Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von, ii. 196, 205; v. 213, 362, 363; viii. 249, 469. Kraken, The (sea monster), ii. 251, 252. Kremlin, The, xi. 196. Ktzichigoff (a Russian), xi. 197. Kubla Khan (Coleridge’s), x. 416; xi. 580. Kyd, Stewart, ii. 151. Kynaston, Edward, i. 440; viii. 160. L. L—— Dr, see Dr Whittle. L—— Duke of, ii. 225. L—— Lord, xii. 354. La Babilonia (Salvator’s), x. 301. La ci darem (Song in Shadwell’s The Libertine); viii. 370; xi. 307. Lackington, James, vi. 429, 430. Lacy, Marshal, ii. 178, 179. —— Willoughby, L——, ii. 213. Lafayette, Madame, xii. 62. La Flèche (a village), xi. 289. —— Fleur (Sterne’s Sentimental Journey), xii. 256. —— Fontaine, Jean de, i. 46; iv. 190; vi. 109; vii. 311, 323; viii. 29; ix. 146, 166; x. 107, 109, 250; xi. 273; xii. 37. —— Grotte (a town), ix. 190. —— Guerra (Salvator’s), x. 301. —— Harpe, Jean François de, vii. 311. —— Maschere (a town), ix. 210. —— Place, Pierre Simon, Marquis de, ix. 120, 183, 246. —— Roche (in The Mirror), viii. 105. —— Rochefaucault, François Duc de, i. 16, 403; ii. 351–3, 372, 410, 416; vi. 387; vii. 467; viii. 29, 214; xi. 143, 253; xii. 37, 62, 426. —— Rochelle, xi. 289. —— Scala, the Inn of, at Siena, ix. 228. —— Vendée, iii. 84. —— Vigne, Casimir de, ix. 183. Ladies’ Philosophy, The; or, The Refusal (Cibber’s), viii. 513. Lady, The (in Milton’s Comus), viii. 231. —— Allworth (in Massinger’s A New Way to pay old Debts), viii. 274. —— Ann, (in Holcroft’s The Deserted Daughter), ii. 159. —— Anne (Shakespeare’s Richard III.), viii. 182, 183, 201, 209, 299, 354, 515; xi. 192. —— Bellaston (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), ii. 316; vii. 221; viii. 114. —— Bloomfield (in Kenney’s The World), viii. 229. —— Booby (Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), viii. 107, 115; x. 27, 33; xii. 131. —— Brute (Vanbrugh’s Provoked Wife), viii. 83. Lady Charlewood (in Ups and Downs), xi. 385, 387. —— Cranberry (in Hook’s The Diamond Ring), viii. 475. —— Dainty (in Cibber’s The Double Gallant), viii. 162, 360, 361. —— Davers (in Richardson’s Pamela), viii. 119; x. 38. —— Easy (in Cibber’s Careless Husband), viii. 161. —— Emily (in Mrs Kemble’s Smiles and Tears), viii. 266. —— Freelove (in G. Colman the elder’s The Jealous Wife), viii. 505. —— Grace (Vanbrugh’s), viii. 84; xii. 24. —— Grandison (in Richardson’s Sir Charles Grandison), vi. 90; xii. 154 _n._ —— of the Lake (Scott’s), v. 155; iv. 243; viii. 153. —— Lambert (in Bickerstaffe’s The Hypocrite), viii. 246; xi. 396. —— of Loretto, xii. 315. —— Lurewell (Congreve’s), viii. 85, 86. —— Macbeth (Shakespeare’s Macbeth), vi. 363, 452; vii. 306; viii. 223, 385; xi. 307, 316. See also Macbeth. —— Mary Livingstone (in Opera, David Rizzio), viii. 459. —— Moreden (in Leigh’s Where to find a Friend), viii. 258, 260. —— Peckham (in Holcroft’s The School for Arrogance), ii. 117, 120. —— Percy (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), i. 284. —— Pliant (Congreve’s Double Dealer), viii. 72. —— Racket (Murphy’s Three Weeks after Marriage), viii. 427. —— of the Rock, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 235. Lady Rodolpha Lumbercourt (in Macklin’s Man of the World), viii. 318. —— Sadlife (in Cibber’s Double Gallant), viii. 361. —— Sneerwell (in Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 164, 251. —— Teazle (in Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 165, 251, 291, 398, 530; ix. 147; xi. 369, 393; xii. 24. —— Touchwood (Congreve’s Double Dealer), viii. 72. —— Townly (in The Provoked Husband), vi. 453; viii. 37, 84, 336. —— Vane (in Smollett’s Peregrine Pickle), xii. 41. —— Wishfort (Congreve’s), viii. 37, 74, 75. Lady’s Magazine, iii. 50, 334; x. 221. Laertes (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), viii. 187. Laetitia Macnab (G. Colman the younger’s The Poor Gentleman), viii. 319. Laird, Mr, vi. 415. Lake, Mr (a soldier), ii. 173. —— of Neimi (Wilson’s), xi. 199. Lakes, The, vi. 318. Lake School of Poetry, The, iv. 222; v. 53, 161; vi. 222, 421; vii. 102, 103; ix. 281; x. 149 _n._, 155, 417; xi. 517; xii. 31, 294. Lalla Rookh (Moore’s), iv. 356, 361; v. 152; vii. 380. L’Allegro (Milton’s), i. 36; v. 371; viii. 21. Lamartine, A. M. L. de Prat de, ix. 182, 183. Lamb, Charles, i. 31 _n._, 43, 167, 271 _n._, 457; ii. 428; iii. 120 _n._, 206, 295; iv. 215, 362, 366; v. 131, 190, 207, 222, 273, 292, 378; vi. 184, 202, 232, 235, 245, 285, 291, 449, 455, 477, 487, 489, 522; vii. 35–6, 38, 42, 131–2, 224, 312–3; viii. 144, 492; ix. 81 _n._, 391 _n._; x. 222, 381, 405–6; xi. 298, 309, 458, 586; xii. 130, 142, 295, 326–7, 365–8, 448. Lamb, George, vi. 487. —— Mary, ii. 421; vi. 477, 487; xi. 586; xii. 327. Lambert, Mr (actor), viii. 340. Lambert’s Leap, The Story of, vii. 96; ix. 355. Lambrun, Margaret, xi. 320, 324, 325. Lament (Lady Ann Bothwell’s), v. 142. —— The (Burns), v. 139. Lampatho (in Marston’s What You Will), v. 225. Lanark, iii. 122; iv. 198; vi. 66. Lancashire, ii. 2; iii. 394; iv. 57. Lancaster, i. 155; vii. 253; xii. 356. —— Joseph, i. 123; iii. 111, 150, 297; x. 133. —— Mr (actor), viii. 315. —— and York, Civil Wars of. See York. Landau, The (a Play), xi. 356. Landes, The (a Play), xi. 356. Landlady’s Night-Gown, My (Oultan’s), viii. 328. Landlord, Tales of My (Scott’s), vii. 220. Landohn, Gideon Ernest, ii. 178, 179. Landor, Walter Savage, “L,” ix. 359 _et seq._ Landor’s Imaginary Conversations, x. 231–55. See also under _Dialogue_ and _Conversation_. Landscape (Gaspar Poussin’s), ix. 14. —— (Nicolas Poussin’s), vi. 168. —— (Ruysdael’s), xi. 238. —— (Salvator Rosa’s), ix. 24. —— with Cattle and Figures (Both’s), ix. 20. —— with Figures bathing (Wilson’s), xi. 199. —— with a Holy Family (Molas’), ix. 25. Landscape with Rainbow (Rubens’s), ix. 110. —— with Sheep at a Fountain, (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. —— with a Waterfall (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. Land’s End, iii. 245; viii. 405; xi. 360; xii. 240. Lane, John Bryant, xii. 367. Laneburg (a town), ii. 274. Lanfranco, Giovanni, x. 283, 292. Langham, Mr (singer), ii. 43, 44. Langhorne, John, v. 122. Langton, Bennet, viii. 103. Lansdowne, Lord, iii. 340; xii. 275. —— House, ii. 213; iv. 359. —— Lord (Pope’s), vi. 367. Laocoon, The (statue), viii. 149; ix. 107, 164, 165 _n._, 234, 240, 379, 401, 491–92; x. 341; xi. 196. —— (Reynolds’s), ix. 401. Laodamia, The (Wordsworth’s), iv. 274; vii. 320; ix. 431; x. 244. Lapland, v. 89. Laporello (in Mozart’s Don Juan), viii. 365. Laporte, Monsieur, xi. 380. Laputa (in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels), vii. 247. Lara (Byron’s), iv. 257. L’Ariccia (a town), ix. 253. Lascars, vii. 51. Las Casas, x. 227. Lascelles, Lord, iii. 233–6. Laschallas, J., xi. 245, 246. Lascivious Queen, The. See Lust’s Dominion. Lass with Speech, ii. 80. Last Judgment, The (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 241, 274, 360; x. 354. —— —— (Bronzino’s), ix. 225. —— Man, The (a Tragedy), vii. 186. —— Moments of Mr Fox, vii. 46. —— Supper (Leonardo da Vinci’s), vi. 321; ix. 278, 419; x. 192. Latimer, Hugh, vii. 16. Latter Lammas, iii. 285. Laud, William, vi. 76; vii. 248. Lauder, William, viii. 102. Lauderdale, The Earl of, vii. 228 _n._ Laugh When You Can (by Reynolds), ii. 207. Laughing Boy (Leonardo da Vinci’s), ix. 104, 349. Launce (in Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona), iii. 109, 278; v. 132. Launcelot Gobbo (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), vii. 146; viii. 250. —— Greaves (Smollett’s), viii. 117; x. 35. —— of the Lake (an early romance), x. 57. Laura (Petrarch’s), i. 45; v. 299, 302; vii. 223, 369; x. 65; xi. 273; xii. 165. Laurel, Mr (actor), ii. 89. Lavalette, Madame, viii. 280 _n._ L’Avare (Molière’s), viii. 554; xi. 377, 379. Lavater, J. K., ii. 115, 116; ix. 315. Lavender, Mr (Bow-street Runner), vi. 410; vii. 83. Laveno (a town), ix. 278. Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, ii. 415; ix. 120. Law, Mr (an American), ix. 246 _n._ —— Mrs, ix. 246 _n._ —— John, ii. 176. —— of Nature and Nations, Lectures on (Mackintosh’s), iv. 282. —— of the Twelve Tables, The, xi. 506. Lawes, Henry, on his Airs (Milton’s), vi. 179. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, i. 148; vi. 270, 403; ix. 108, 121, 126, 315, 327, 329, 427, 490; x. 208; xii. 168. Lawrence, Mr (Milton’s), vi. 179. —— (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 236. Lawyer, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 215, 218, 219, 221, 225. —— Dowling (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), v. 24. —— Scout (Fielding’s Tom Jones), iii. 238; viii. 107; x. 27. Lawyers and Poets, On Modern, iii. 161. Laxtons, The, iii. 420. Lay of the Last Minstrel (Scott’s), iv. 242, 244; v. 155; x. 420. Lay of the Laureate, The (Southey’s Carmen Nuptiale), iii. 109, 114. Lay Sermons (Coleridge’s), iii. 138; also referred to in iii. 152, 157, 219, 221, 276; x. 120, 145, 420; xi. 373. Lazarillo de Tormes (by ? Dom Diego Hurtado de Mendoza), vi. 419; viii. 111. Lazarus, Picture of (Haydon’s), xii. 277. —— Raising of (S. del Piombo’s), ix. 10. Le Bon, Joseph, ii. 216, 217. —— Brun, Charles, ix. 25, 110; xi. 190. —— Complaisant (a French play), ii. 163. L’Enclos, Ninon de, vi. 111, 370; viii. 29. L’Epée, Abbé de, ii. 235–6. Le F——, M., ii. 219. —— Fevre (in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), viii. 105, 121; x. 39. —— Gallois, Madame Amélie Marie Antoinette, ix. 174. —— Nain, Antoine and Louis, ix. 35. —— Peintre (an actor), ix. 153. —— Roche, Father, ii. 178. —— Sage, Alain Réné, vii. 323; viii. 107; ix. 166; x. 27, 109. —— Sueur, Eustache, ix. 110, 129. —— Thière, Guillaume Gillon, ix. 137. Le Vade, Monsieur, ix. 288. Lea, The River, i. 56; v. 98. Leadenhall Street, ii. 205; vii. 222. Leah (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), viii. 296. Leantio and his Mother (in Middleton’s Women, beware of Women), v. 215. Lear (Shakespeare’s), i. 17, 23, 163, 176, 179, 186, 200, 233, 257, 293, 392; ii. 80; iii. 168, 192; v. 4, 5, 8, 52, 56, 145, 188, 225, 244; vi. 273–4, 409, 425, 456; vii. 341, 342; viii. 24, 31, 174, 185, 215, 249, 302, 305, 427–9, 430, 440, 445, 447, 449–50; ix. 421; x. 82–3, 112 _n._, 117, 156; xi. 451, 491, 533; xii. 33, 198. Learning, Advancement of (Lord Bacon’s), iv. 200 _n._; v. 328; ix. 186; x. 258; xii. 35 _n._ Leatherhead (in Moore’s The Blue Stocking), viii. 239. Lechery (in Spenser), v. 39. Leda with her Swan (a picture), iv. 103. Leddi, Ben (mountain), ii. 318. Lee, Nathaniel, v. 357; viii. 159; x. 205. Leech-gatherer, The (Wordsworth’s), v. 122 _n._, 156; xi. 512. Leeds, ii. 65; ix. 302. Lefebre, Robert, xi. 242. Legion Petition, The (Defoe’s), x. 360. Leibnitz, G. W., i. 410; iv. 216; vii. 306; xi. 94, 166, 168; xii. 35. Leicester Fields, ii. 1; vi. 296 _n._; xi. 242. —— Sir John, vi. 376. Leicestershire, ii. 14; vii. 184. Leigh, Anthony, i. 157; viii. 258. —— Miss, viii. 467, 469. —— Hunt. See Hunt, J. Henry Leigh. Leipsic, iii. 177. Leith Walk, ix. 98. Leland, John, iv. 204 _n._ Lely, Sir Peter, vi. 39, 398; vii. 107; viii. 68; ix. 38, 39, 397; xi. 517; xii. 168. Lemnos (island), v. 14. Lenitive (in Hoare’s The Prize), vi. 417; viii. 388; xii. 24. Lennox, Lady Sarah, vii. 211. Lennoxes, The, vi. 460. Lenthall, William, iii. 398. Leo X., i. 49; vi. 378; x. 190, 206. —— —— (Raphael’s), ix. 226, 366. Leominster, ii. 66, 196. Leon (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Rule a Wife and Have a Wife), viii. 49, 233; xi. 317. Leon, Madame, xi. 300. Leonard (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110. —— (in Cumberland’s Word for Nature), ii. 206. Leonidas, x. 255. Leonardo da Vinci, i. 142; ii. 199, 402; iv. 365; vi. 11, 12, 321, 347, 455; vii. 61; viii. 148; ix. 26, 35, 41, 104, 120, 225, 278, 381–3, 417, 482; x. 341; xi. 214, 237, 240 _n._; xii. 36, 37, 189, 277. Leonore (in Molière’s Ecole des Maris), xi. 356. Leontes (in Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale), i. 155; v. 257; viii. 376; xi. 206. Leopold, Prince, xii. 250. —— of Austria, x. 55. —— Peter and the President du Paty (Landor’s), x. 247. Lepidus (in Ben Jonson’s Sejanus), v. 264. Leporello (in Shadwell’s The Libertine), viii. 371, 462; xi. 308. Les Plaideurs (Racine’s), x. 107. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, iv. 218; v. 362; x. 119, 274. Lethbridge, Sir Thomas, xii. 202. Letitia Hardy (in The Belle’s Stratagem), xi. 404. Letter-Bell, The, xii. 235. —— to Bedford, Duke of (Burke’s), i. 427; iii. 210, 335; vii. 11, 115 _n._, 118, 228, 257, 275; x. 212. —— to * * * * on the Rev. W. L. Bowles’s Strictures on the Life and Writings of Pope (Byron’s), xi. 486 _n._ —— to the Dilettanti Society (Barry’s), ix. 422. —— to a Dissenter, etc., A (Halifax’s), x. 368. —— to Dunning (Horne Tooke’s), iv. 238, 240. —— to the Editor of My Grandmother’s Review (Byron’s), iv. 258. —— to a Friend in London, The (Shelley’s), x. 267. —— to Mon Prince, The (Lord Castlereagh’s), ix. 315. —— to a Noble Lord (Burke’s). See Letter to Bedford, Duke of. —— on Reform (Duke of Richmond’s), vi. 156. —— to William Smith, Esq., M.P., from Robert Southey, Esq., iii. 210, 218, 224. Letters (Burke’s), iii. 257. —— (Farquhar’s), viii. 89. —— (Gray’s), v. 118. —— (to and from Holcroft), ii. 240 _et seq._ —— (of Junius). See Junius. —— from Correspondents (Dr Johnson’s), viii. 101. —— on Ireland (Kendall’s), vi. 394. —— in Answer to Malthus, iv. 1. Lettres de Cachet, i. 388. Leverian Museum, ii. 212. Leviathan, Hobbes’s, ii. 400 _n._; iii. 292; viii. 19 _n._; xi. 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 46, 129, 173 _n._; xii. 413. Levis, Duke of, iii. 181. Levite, The, vii. 365. Leviticus, The Book of, xi. 506. Lewes (town), iii. 414. Lewis, Lee, ii. 264; xii. 24. Lewis, William Thomas, ii. 122, 219; vi. 232, 275; viii. 386, 454; xi. 366. Lexiphanes (by Campbell), vi. 421. Liaisons Dangereux, Les (Ch. de Laclos), ii. 115. Liar, The (by Samuel Foote), viii. 11. Liber Amoris; or, The New Pygmalion, ii. 283. —— Veritatis (Claude’s), xi. 213 _n._, 394 _n._ Liberal, The (the newspaper), i. xxx; iii. 442; iv. 258, 414, 431; vii. 378–9; ix. 246; xi. 7; xii. 241, 253, 259, 275, 285. Liberal Snake (Disraeli’s Vivian Grey), xii. 339. Libertine, The (Shadwell’s), viii. 370; also referred to in viii. 54; xi. 316, 397. Liberty, On (Cowley), viii. 58, 60. —— Poem on (Thomson’s), v. 91. —— and Necessity, On, xi. 48, 50. Library (Crabbe’s), xi. 606. Licinio, Giovanni Antonio. See Pordenone. Liege (town), ii. 280. Lieutenant Bowling (Smollett’s Roderick Random), x. 35. —— Worthington (in The Poor Gentleman), xi. 376. Life’s Decay (Shakespeare’s Sonnet), i. 361. Liffey, The (river), ii. 61; ix. 416. Light, Hymn to (Cowley’s), viii. 58. —— of Nature Pursued (Tucker’s), iv. 369; vi. 327; vii. 355 _n._; xi. 85, 178 _n._; xii. 358. Ligny, Godfrey de, x. 57. Lille, ix. 302. —— Count de, iii. 290. Lillie, Charles, viii. 497. Lilliputians (Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels), v. 15, 112; xi. 483. Lillo, George, i. 194; ii. 212; v. 6, 359; viii. 268. Lillys, The, iii. 420. Lily [Lilly], William, iii. 141. —— of St Leonard’s (Scott’s), xi. 531, 556. Limberham, Mr; or, The Kind Keeper (Dryden’s), viii. 393. Lincoln’s Inn, iii. 86, 126; iv. 282, 284; vii. 447, 448, 449, 452 _n._; viii. 8. Lincolnshire, ii. 14; iii. 396; x. 310. Lingo (O’Keefe’s Agreeable Surprise), iii. 233; vi. 417; viii. 167, 319, 387; xii. 24. Lingua, v. 289, 292. Linley, Thomas, ii. 102, 114. Linnæus, Carl von, v. 24. Linton (a town), x. 416; xii. 272, 273. Lion’s Head (in London Magazine), viii. 479. Lipsius, Justus (Rubens’s portrait of), ix. 226. Lisbon Job (Canning’s), iii. 301. Lismahago (in Smollett’s Humphry Clinker), viii. 117; x. 35; xii. 253. Lissardo (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156; xi. 402. Liston, John, i. 154, 247; ii. 368; v. 120; vi. 417; vii. 133, 300, 508; viii. 140, 159–60, 177, 193, 196, 227, 233, 254, 273, 275, 283, 292, 315, 353, 371, 385, 391, 392, 413, 428, 443, 462, 465–6, 469, 475, 507, 526, 529, 536; ix. 15, 174; xi. 252, 303–4, 316, 367, 376–8, 387–8, 404; xii. 23, 24, 365, 366. Liston’s Cloten, viii. 540. —— Mrs, viii. 195, 261. Litchfield, ii. 14, 15, 166. Literary Character, On the, i. 131. —— Examiner (newspaper), ix. 186; xi. p. vii; 540. —— Gazette, The, vii. 123. Literary Remains (Hazlitt’s), xi. 596. Literature of the South (Sismondi’s), x. 44. Little, Thomas, vii. 368. —— Baddington (a town in Fielding’s Tom Jones), viii. 113. —— Filcher, The. See Captive Bee, The. —— French Lawyer, The (Beaumont and Fletcher), v. 261. —— Hunchback, The (in Arabian Nights), viii. 12. —— Offsprings, The; or, Little Offerings (a farce), xi. 369. —— Pickle (in The Spoilt Child), viii. 470; xii. 24. —— Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tale), iv. 93; xii. 122. Littleton, Edward, i. 80. Liverati, Mons. (a musician), xi. 388. Livernois (Monsieur), ix. 108. Liverpool, ii. 55; iv. 320, 341; vi. 58, 103, 153, 156, 190, 203, 204 _n._, 387; vii. 28; ix. 302; xi. 480 _n._ —— Lord, iii. 48, 59, 75, 76; iv. 225; vii. 268; xi. 480; xii. 275. Lives of British Poets (Dr Johnson’s), v. 46; viii. 58 _n._ Livia (in Middleton’s Women, Beware Women), v. 215. —— (in Jonson’s Fall of Sejanus), v. 265. Living in London, viii. 242. —— to One’s Self, On, vi. 90. —— Poets, On the, v. 143. Livy, iv. 283; vi. 13. Llangollen, vi. 34, 186. —— (Wilson’s), xi. 199. —— Vale, xii. 268. Lloyds, The, iii. 206. Lloyd’s, ii. 176. Lochiel (Scott’s), xi. 531. Lock, Matthew, xi. 404. Locke, John, i. 425; ii. 133; iii. 296; iv. 45, 212, 285, 377; v. 108; vi. 31, 64, 337, 360, 432; vii. 21, 33, 88, 224, 371, 373, 454 _n._; viii. 18 _n._; x. 134, 176, 232, 249, 361; xi. 1, 29, 30, 42, 44–5, 47, 58, 59, 62, 64, 74, 126, 127, 129, 165–6, 168 _n._, 171, 174, 176, 178–9, 181–4 _et seq._, 578; xii. 26, 27, 35, 313, 403. Locke, Mr, a great Plagiarist, xi. 284. Locke’s Essay on Human Understanding, On, xi. 74. Lockhart, John Gibson, vi. 498; viii. 478 _n._; x. 407, 411. Lockitt. See Lucy Lockitt. Locksley (Scott’s Ivanhoe), vi. 81; viii. 424. Locrine (? Shakespeare), i. 357. Locusta Poisoning a Young Slave (Figalon’s), ix. 128. Lodon, The River, v. 121. Lodovico (in Webster’s White Devil), v. 241, 245. Lofft, Capel, viii. 241. Loftus (brother-in-law of Rev. W. Hazlitt), vii. 502. Logan, John, ii. 328; v. 122. Loggia in the corridors of the Vatican (Raphael’s), ix. 240. Logic, xii. 350. —— Condillac’s, xi. 173 _n._ Logos, i. 52. Loiter (in Kenney’s The World), viii. 229. Lombard, Peter, i. 332. —— Street, vi. 113. Lombardy, ix. 264. Lomond, Ben, ii. 328, 329. —— Loch, ii. 329. —— —— (Hofland’s), xi. 242. London, Account of (Pennant’s), vii. 69. —— Views of (a book), vi. 429. —— Bridge, ii. 242; xi. 352. —— Description of the Morning in (Swift’s), v. 109. —— Institution, vi. 199; xii. 76. —— Magazine, vi. 469, 483, 484, 494; vii. 481, 496, 498–9, 502–4; viii. 383, 477, 479; ix. 18, 439 _et seq._, 466, 468; x. 223; xi. p. viii, 464, 481, 486, 508, 521, 531, 537. London Prodigal, The (? Shakespeare’s), i. 357. —— Wall, iv. 365; vii. 69, 254. —— Weekly Review, xii. 296, 297, 301, 306, 311, 316, 321, 328, 330, 336. Londoners and Country People, On, vii. 66. Long-Acre, xii. 120. Long, Charles, i. 379. —— Robinson (a cricketer), xii. 17. Long’s (16 New Bond St.), iv. 259; vi. 202; xi. 344, 385, 486. Longford Castle, ix. 55, 56. Longhena, Baldassare, ix. 269. Longinus, i. 401; xii. 168. Longman, Mr (publisher), vii. 378. —— Messrs, iv. 312. Longus, x. 14. Look of a Gentleman, On the, vii. 209. Lopez Banos (in Landor), x. 251. —— de Vega, vi. 49; x. 118. Lord Alton (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 392. —— Avondale (in Merton’s School of Reform), viii. 315. —— Clamourcourt (in Jameson’s Living in London), viii. 242, 243. —— Danvers (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 386, 392. —— Duberly (Liston’s), vi. 417. —— Foppington (in Vanbrugh’s Relapse), i. 12; vi. 275, 444; viii. 9, 36, 37, 82, 83, 151, 304, 328, 465; xi. 309, 439. —— and Lady Froth (Congreve’s), viii. 72. —— Glenallan (in Scott’s Antiquary), viii. 413; ix. 202. —— Grizzle (in Fielding’s Mock Doctor), viii. 159, 540; xi. 377; xii. 365. Lord Lovell (in Massinger’s A New Way to Pay old Debts), v. 267; vii. 274, 277, 304. —— of the Manor, The (Burgoyne’s), xi. 316. —— Mayor’s Procession, The (Hogarth’s), viii. 142. —— —— Show, viii. 18. —— Ogleby (G. Colman the elder’s The Clandestine Marriage), vii. 210; viii. 154. —— Peter (in Swift’s Tale of a Tub), iii. 136; iv. 245; v. 112; vii. 192. —— Sands (in Shakespeare’s King Henry VIII.), viii. 387; xii. 24. —— Townley (in Vanbrugh’s The Provoked Husband), vi. 453; viii. 465; xi. 346. —— Trinket (in G. Colman the elder’s Jealous Wife), viii. 317, 505. Lord’s Cricket-ground, xii. 17, 233, 373. Lords, On the Conversation of, xii. 38. Lorenzo (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), vi. 279. Loretto (a town), x. 304. Lorraine, Claude. See Claude. Loss of The Royal George (Cowper’s), v. 95. Lot and his Family (West’s), xi. 190. Lothario (in Rowe’s The Fair Penitent), i. 12; ii. 59; viii. 151, 288. Lothbury, x. 310. Loudon Hill, iv. 247. Loughborough, Baron, ii. 99; vi. 438. Louis IX., Saint, ix. 175. —— XIII., ix. 110. —— XIV., iii. 100, 160, 258, 307, 311; v. 106; vi. 419; vii. 185, 308, 323, 346; viii. 251; ix. 14, 23, 150, 165; x. 233, 250, 303; xi. 275, 354–5; xii. 122. Louis XIV. taking leave of his Grandchild (Madame Hersent’s), ix. 124. —— XV., i. 388; v. 114; vi. 349; xii. 287. —— XVI., iii. 32 _n._, 290; vii. 268. —— XVIII., iii. 101, 106, 158, 175, 228, 240, 290, 319 _n._, 448; vi. 360; viii. 267, 275 _n._, 340; ix. 94, 108, 124, 125; xi. 413, 417, 551; xii. 141, 356, 448. Lounger, The (newspaper), viii. 105. Loutherbourg, P. J., i. 149; ii. 185; vii. 95. Louvet, Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray, vi. 102. Louviers (a town), ix. 101, 102, 103, 104. Louvre, The, i. 45, 145, 163; iii. 169, 421; iv. 324; vi. 15, 17, 93, 174, 237, 319; vii. 24, 274, 280, 281, 285, 291, 314; viii. 148, 443; ix. 31, 53, 59, 106, 108, 112, 113, 120, 126, 129, 147, 160, 165, 224, 225, 226, 232, 237, 241, 270, 271, 273, 301, 302, 352, 359, 365, 366, 372, 385, 388, 472, 475, 491; xi. 196, 197, 213, 222, 237, 273, 352; xii. 189, 190, 198, 209, 216, 322. Lovatt, Lord, iii. 285 _n._ Love, Miss, viii. 464; xi. 377. —— and a Bottle (Farquhar’s), viii. 89. —— of the Country, On the, i. 17. —— and Gout (? Jameson), viii. 242, 322. —— Law and Physic (Kenney’s), viii. 159, 193. —— of Life, On the, i. 1. —— in Limbo (? Millingen), viii. 227. —— for Love, (Congreve’s), viii. 278; also referred to in ii. 84; vii. 127; viii. 71, 72, 77. —— of Power or Action as a Main Principle in the Human Mind, as Sensibility to Pleasure or Pain, xi. 263. Love in a Riddle (Cibber’s), viii. 162. —— and Toothache (a play), viii. 536. —— in a Tub (Etherege’s), viii. 68. —— in a Village (Bickerstaffe’s), ii. 301; vi. 293, 352, 382; viii. 163, 330, 341, 532; xi. 317, 366. —— in a Wood (Wycherley’s), viii. 78; xi. 573. Love’s Catechism (in Farquhar’s The Beaux’ Stratagem), xii. 122. Love’s Consolation (Shakespeare’s Sonnet), i. 360. —— Deity (Donne’s), viii. 52. —— Frailties (Holcroft’s), ii. 159, 161. —— Labour’s Lost (Shakespeare’s), i. 332; also referred to in v. 128; xi. 360, 416. —— Last Shift (Cibber’s), viii. 162. —— Sacrifice (Ford’s), v. 270. Loves of the Angels (Moore’s), iv. 258; vii. 134; ix. 73. —— of the Gods (Titian’s), ix. 73. —— of Persiles and Sigismunda (Cervantes), viii. 110. Lovegrove, Thomas, viii. 250, 253. Lovelace (in Richardson’s Clarissa Harlowe), i. 12; ii. 128; vii. 227 _n._; viii. 120, 151, 561; x. 38, 39; xii. 63, 435. Loveless (in Vanbrugh’s Relapse), viii. 79. Lovell, Robert, ii. 279. Lover’s Complaint, The (Shakespeare’s), i. 360. —— Melancholy, The (Ford’s), v. 270, 318. Lovers’ Vows (Mrs Inchbald’s adaptation of Kotzebue), viii. 249; also referred to in ii. 196, 198; v. 360; viii. 335; xi. 362. Lovibond, Edward, v. 122. Lowe, Sir Hudson, vii. 83; x. 227. —— Mauritius, ii. 191. Lowth, Robert, Bishop of London, iv. 238, 391. Lowther Estate, iii. 421. Loyola, Ignatius, vi. 303; ix. 43. Lubin Log (in Kenney’s Love, Law and Physic), viii. 159, 193, 416, 428, 540; xi. 377; xii. 23. Lucan, iii. 222; x. 13. Lucca, ix. 213. Lucetta (in Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona), i. 319. Lucian, v. 199; viii. 28; x. 17. Luciani, Sebastiano. See Piombo, S. del. Lucien Buonaparte’s Collection, etc., xi. 237. Lucifer, v. 279. Lucinda (in Bickerstaffe’s Love in a Village), viii. 329. Lucio (in Marston’s Antonio and Mellida), v. 225. Lucio (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), i. 391; viii. 283, 284. Lucius (in Shakespeare’s Julius Cæsar), i. 199. Lucretia (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), vii. 223. —— Borgia (portrait of), xii. 36. Lucretius, xi. 492. Lucy (in Wycherley’s Love in a Wood), viii. 78. —— (in Sheridan’s Rivals), viii. 508. —— Bertram (in Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248 _n._; viii. 292. —— Lockitt (in Gay’s Beggar’s Opera), i. 66; iii. 156; v. 108; viii. 194, 255–6, 268, 315, 324, 470; xi. 373, 533. Ludgate Hill, ii. 215; vii. 275. Ludlow, ii. 66, 196. Ludovico (in Mrs Radcliffe’s Castle of Otranto), viii. 126. —— (in Othello), viii. 221. Luini, Bernardino, ix. 224, 278. Luke (in Massinger’s City Madam), xii. 142. —— (in Sir J. B. Burgess’s Riches), viii. 208. Luppino, Miss, viii. 244, 535. Lusiad (Camoens), i. 33. Luss (a town), ii. 329. Lust’s Dominion; or, The Lascivious Queen, v. 207. Lutea Alanson (Suckling’s), viii. 56. Luther, Martin, iv. 250; vi. 147; viii. 297; xi. 216; xii. 195, 348. Lutrin, The (Boileau), v. 73. Lutterworth, ii. 14, 166. Luttrel, Hon. Temple, iii. 422. Luxembourg, The, ix. 23, 110, 123, 129, 157, 159. Lyceum, The, v. 147; viii. 239, 243, 244, 314, 412, 463, 471; xi. 381. Lycidas (Milton’s), i. 31, 36, 94; iii. 433; v. 59, 98, 315, 371; vii. 160; viii. 232, 233. See also Milton. Lydgate, John, v. 34. Lydia (in Lyly’s Mother Bombie), v. 198. Lydia Languish (in Sheridan’s The Rivals), viii. 509. Lydia Melford (in Smollett’s Humphry Clinker), viii. 410. Lying Valet, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 80. Lyly, John, v. 192; also referred to in v. 193, 197, 201 _et seq._ Lynn, iii. 405. Lynton, iii. 149. Lyonnais, The, Diligence, ix. 177. Lyons, i. 90; ii. 275; vi. 384; ix. 154, 176, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 193. Lyrical Ballads, The (Wordsworth’s, etc.), i. 92; iii. 168; iv. 271, 273, 275, 313; v. 129, 131, 146, 156, 162, 164; vi. 44; vii. 226; viii. 420; x. 135, 142; xi. 311, 335 _n._, 457, 512; xii. 269, 273, 329. Lystra, Sacrifice of (Raphael’s), xi. 211. Lyttelton, George, Lord, iii. 414. —— Thomas, Lord, iii. 423; vii. 350. M. M——, Lord, vi. 380. M——, Mr (? Malthus), iv. 241. M——, (? Tom Moore), vi. 358. M—— (T.), vi. 454. MacAdam, John Loudon, iv. 250; ix. 94. MacAlpine, Mr, xii. 379. —— Mrs, xii. 379. —— Miss, viii. 275. Macartney, Lord, vi. 455. Macauley, Elizabeth Wright, iv. 223. Macbeth (Shakespeare’s), i. 186; also referred to in i. 138, 179, 200, 201, 238, 293, 300, 311, 394, 395; iii. 168; v. 10, 52, 56, 188, 218, 220, 223; vi. 39, 392, 394, 409, 410; viii. 31, 49, 185, 199, 203, 208–9, 249, 272, 305, 314, 378, 472, 518; ix. 401, 474; x. 81, 82, 111, 117; xi. 192, 315, 404, 451, 482, 506, 601; xii. 33, 365. Macbriar (Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 247; viii. 129; xi. 531; xii. 277. Maccabees, The Book of, xi. 321. Macclesfield, ii. 12, 14, 18. Macculloch, John Ramsay, ii. 415; xii. 131, 141, 320, 345, 361, 412. Macdonald, Chevalier, ii. 107. Macduff (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), v. 48; vi. 39; viii. 333; xi. 316. MacFane (in Holcroft’s Anna St Ives), ii. 128. Macflecknoe (Dryden’s), v. 80. M’Gibbon, Mrs, viii. 192, 459. Macgregor, Sanders, viii. 105. Machiavelli, Niccolo, iv. 283; v. 186; vii. 28; xi. 424. Macintosh, Sir James, iv. 279; also referred to in ii. 196; iii. 86; iv. 211, 319; vi. 205 _n._; vii. 447, 448, 451 _n._, 460; ix. 490; xi. 465, 467, 468; xii. 264, 275, 347. Macirone, Francis, Interesting Facts relating to the Fall and Death of Joachim Murat, etc., iii. 177, 183. MacIvor, Fergus, ix. 367. Mackenzie, Henry, ii. 195, 200; iv. 367; vii. 227; x. 399; xi. 546 _n._; xii. 67. Macklin, Charles, i. 157, 158; ii. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 109 _n._; viii. 166, 351. Maclean, Dr, ii. 232. Macready, William Charles, ii. 302; vi. 277, 278; viii. 334, 335, 337, 338, 356, 368, 391, 426, 440, 442, 457, 465, 534; xi. 315, 391. Macready’s Macbeth, Mr, xi. 315. —— Othello, viii. 338. Macullamores, The, xii. 255. Mad Tom (in Shakespeare’s King Lear), i. 260, 268; viii. 302, 440, 441. Madame Centaur (in Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43. —— d’Orbe (in Rousseau’s New Eloise), ix. 146. —— Haughty (in Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43. —— Mavis (in Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43. —— Valmont (in Tyran Domestique), xi. 356. Madamira (song in Shadwell’s Libertine), viii. 372. Madge Wildfire (Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 248; vii. 342; xi. 388. Madison, James, iii. 172 _n._ Madman, The (Hogarth’s), xii. 242. Mad Mother, The (Wordsworth’s), xii. 270. Madoc (Southey’s), iv. 265. Madonna, The (Correggio’s), xii. 356. —— Guido’s, ix. 34. —— Raphael’s, ix. 261, 433. —— of Foligno, The (Raphael’s), x. 191. —— and Child (Cranach’s), ix. 354. —— of the Crown, or of the Garland (Raphael’s), ix. 67; xi. 485. Madonna and Infant Christ (Vandyke’s), ix. 21. —— Pia, ix. 252. —— della Seggia (Raphael’s), ix. 226. Madras System, Southey’s Tract on, iii. 149. Madrid, i. 123; iii. 119. Maeviad (Gifford’s), i. 379 _n._, 380, 385, 396; iv. 304, 309; vi. 221. Maffei, Counts, x. 303. Magdalen (Dolci’s), ix. 41. —— (Guido’s), ix. 57. —— (Titian’s), ix. 269, 270. Magellan, v. 187; xi. 601. Maggiore, Lago, ix. 278. Magna Charta, iv. 93; vi. 155. Magnus Troil (in Scott’s The Pirate), xi. 534, 536. Magpie; or, Maid of Palisseau (? Dibdin’s version), xi. 304, 381. Mahomet, xi. 472 _n._ —— (Voltaire’s), vi. 383. Mahomet’s Coffin, iii. 138. Maid’s Tragedy, The (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 251. Maid and Magpie (Arnold’s version), viii. 244; also referred to in vii. 339; viii. 280; ix. 175; xi. 304, 381. —— of Orleans (Shakespeare’s 1st Henry VI.), i. 292. —— of The Vale (Holcroft’s adaptation), ii. 86. Maiden Queen (Dryden’s), i. 195. Maidstone, ii. 186. Main Chance, The, xii. 78. Maintenon, Madame de, vi. 419; ix. 179. Maitland, General, ii. 218, 222. Maître Jacques (a play), xi. 380. Major Bath (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), vii. 223. —— Dumpling (in Jones’s The Green Man), viii. 468. —— Galbraith (Scott’s), iv. 248. —— Oakley (in G. Colman the elder’s Jealous Wife), viii. 532. —— O’Flaherty (in The West Indian), ii. 83; viii. 511. Major Sturgeon (Foote’s Mayor of Garratt), viii. 167, 168, 246, 317, 318, 392; xi. 366, 368, 396. Makins, Mr (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54; iii. 142. Malades, Mont des, ix. 98. Malatesta, Anthony, ix. 218. Malbecco (Spenser’s Faëry Queen), iii. 55; v. 42, 43. Malcolm (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), v. 48. Malcontent, The (Marston’s), v. 226, 228, 229, 271 _n._, 272. Malebranche, Nicolas, iv. 216; vii. 144, 146; xi. 286, 288. Malevole (in Marston’s The Malcontent), v. 225, 228, 230. Malibran (de Beriot, Maria Felicita), xii. 384. Mall in St James’s Park, View of (Gainsborough’s), vi. 437. Mallet, David, v. 375. Malmesbury, x. 143. Malone, Edmond, ii. 184; vi. 366, 510, 511; x. 172, 173. Malta, ii. 173, 175; iii, 3, 5, 7. Malthus, Thomas Robert, iv. 287; also referred to in iii. 95; iv. 241; vi. 269; vii. 193; x. 403; xii. 40, 141. Malthus’s Doctrines, An Examination of: (1) the Geometrical and Arithmetical Series, iii. 356. —— Essay, On the Originality of, iii. 361. —— Principle to the Poor Laws, On the application of, iii. 374. —— Reply to the Essay on Population, by Rev. T. R., iv. 1; also referred to in iii. 462; xii. 412. Malthuses, The, xii. 255. Malvil (Murphy’s), viii. 164. Malvolio (in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night), iii. 213; v. 97; viii. 12, 32, 164, 302. Mambrino (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), viii. 108; x. 27. Man, The, in the Louvre (Titian’s), ix. 273. Man, Aphorisms on, xii. 209. —— The Essay on (Pope’s), v. 76, 373; xi. 491; xii. 31. —— in Black, portrait (in the Louvre), xii. 192. —— of Business (G. Colman, the elder), ii. 109 _n._ —— of Feeling, The (Mackenzie’s), ii. 336; vii. 227; viii. 105; xii. 67. —— with a Hawk (Northcote’s), ix. 55. —— —— (Rembrandt’s), ix. 49. —— in the Iron Mask, The, iii. 290. —— was made to Mourn (Burns), v. 139. —— of Mode, The (Etherege’s), viii. 68. —— in Mourning for Himself, A (a play), viii. 323. —— of Ten Thousand, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 159, 161, 201. —— of the World, The (Macklin), viii. 318, 350; also referred to in ii. 58; viii, 105, 166. Manager in Distress, The (G. Colman, the elder), viii. 428. Manchester, ii. 267; iv. 4; vi. 103, 203, 204 _n._, 346; vii. 28; ix. 290, 302; xii. 93. —— Duke of, ii. 105. Mandane (in Arne’s Artaxerxes), vi. 292; viii. 192, 194, 248, 320, 451, 453; xi. 304, 317. Mandeville. See De Mandeville, Bernard. —— (Godwin’s), iv. 209; viii. 131, 420; x. 399. Mandrake (Farquhar’s Twin Rivals), viii. 22. Manfred (Byron’s), iv. 258; viii. 421. Manfrini, Signor, ix. 270. Mangeon, Miss, viii. 372. Manly (in Wycherley’s The Plain Dealer), viii. 14, 78. Manner, On, i. 41. Manners, Essay On, xi. 269. Manners and Treatment of Animals, An Account of the (D’Obsonville), ii. 107. Mannheim (town), ix. 298, 299. Manning, Thomas (M.), vi. 68. Manoah (in Jephson’s The Italian Lover), viii. 338. Mansfield, ii. 18, 19. —— Lord, iii. 419; v. 77; vi. 414; xii. 31. Mansion House, The, vii. 68. Mantes (town), ix. 105. Mantua (town), vii. 96; ix. 355; x. 73. Manwaring, Dr, iii. 395, 400. Mary Morison, Lines to (by Burns), v. 140. Manzotti (an Italian), xi. 341. Maquerella (in Marston’s Malcontent), v. 229. Mar, Earl of, iii. 415. Marall (in Massinger’s A New Way to Pay Old Debts), v. 269 _n._; viii. 274, 304; x. 172. Maratti, Carlo, vi. 124, 128; ix. 19, 21, 409, 482; xi. 211. Marcella (Sackville’s Ferrex and Porrex), v. 195, 243. —— (in Don Quixote), viii. 110; x. 30. March, Lord, ii. 28, 31, 35, 48. —— to Finchley (Hogarth’s), i. 31; viii. 138; ix. 81. Marchant, Nathaniel, vi. 438. Marchese Pallavicini and Walter Landor (Landor’s), x. 244. Marconi, Madame, viii. 297. Marcus Sextus, The Return of (Guérin’s), xi. 240. Mardyn, Mrs, viii. 249, 252, 270, 278, 285, 316, 336, 361, 463, 465, 475, 524, 525, 531, 537. Marengo (a town), iii. 112; ix. 290. Maret, H. B., iii. 154. Margaret of Anjou, i. 293. —— (in Lamb’s John Woodvil), v. 346. —— Street, ii. 163, 203. Margaret’s Ghost (an old ballad), ii. 42. Margate Hoy, A, viii. 435. Marguerite (in Godwin’s St Leon), viii. 131; x. 389. Maria (in Holcroft’s Alwyn), ii. 95. —— (in Holcroft’s He’s much to Blame), ii. 162. —— The tale of (Sterne’s), viii. 121; ix. 178, 179; x. 39. —— (in Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 251. —— Heartley (in Leigh’s Where to Find a Friend), viii. 258, 259. Maria-Louisa, Queen, ix. 199, 200, 203. Mariage de Figaro (Beaumarchais), ii. 112, 114, 115. —— Forcé (Molière), v. 228. Marialva (Le Sage’s Gil Blas), x. 214. Marian, ii. 224. Marianne (Claude Prosper Jolyot de Marivaux), x. 16. Marianne’s Dream (Shelley’s), x. 264. Marie Antoinette, i. 71 _n._, 427; xii. 290. Marina (in Shakespeare’s Pericles of Tyre), i. 357; ix. 27. Mariner’s Glee, The (Pinkerton’s), ii. 185. Marino (Italian poet), v. 315. —— Faliero (Byron’s), xi. p. viii. Maritorneses (Cervantes’ Don Quixote), ix. 176. Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de, iv. 217; vii. 311; viii. 112, 369; x. 31. Mark Antony (in Shakespeare’s Julius Cæsar). See Antony. Marlborough, Duke of, i. 8, 44; iii. 415; viii. 96; ix. 74. —— Duchess of, viii. 160; ix. 71. Marlow (Goldsmith’s), viii. 507. Marlowe (Christopher), v. 192; also referred to in i. 356; iv. 309; v. 99, 176, 181, 189, 202, 229, 298; vi. 218 _n._, 243 _n._; vii. 134, 224, 313, 320; x. 205, 274; xii. 34. Marmion (Scott’s), iv. 242; v. 155. Marmontel, Jean François, vii. 311; ix. 118. Marmozet (in Smollett’s Peregrine Pickle), viii. 513. Marmozette (Thompson’s Dumb Savoyard), xi. 364. Marplot (in Mrs Centlivre’s Busy-Body), viii. 156, 270, 503. Marriage of Cana (Paul Veronese’s), vi. 319; ix. 53, 113, 491; xi. 197. —— of St Catherine (Caracci’s copy of Correggio’s), ix. 35. —— of Figaro (Chalon’s), xi. 245. —— à la Mode (Hogarth’s), i. 25 _et seq._; vi. 453; viii. 133, 134, 136, 141, 143; ix. 15, 75, 389, 391, 392; xi. 212, 252 _n._; xii. 24. —— of Two Children, The (Northcote’s), vi. 296. —— of the Virgin (Caminade’s), ix. 125. Mars, v. 30; vii. 202; viii. 375; x. 6, 7. —— Mademoiselle, vii. 324; also referred to in ix. 147, 148, 151; xi. 354, 355, 366, 379; xii. 24, 146. —— Subdued by Peace (Miss Jackson’s), xi. 245. —— and Venus (Titian’s), ix. 74. Marsac, Mr, ii. 89, 261. Marsan, Madame, ix. 152. Marsennus (Marin Mersenne), xi. 53. Marshall, Mr, ii. 172, 181. Marston, John, v. 176, 181, 193, 224, 234, 280; vi. 164. —— Chapman, Deckar, and Webster, On, v. 223. Martello Tower, iv. 257. Martigny (town), ix. 283, 288, 290. Martin (in Voltaire’s Candide), v. 114. —— Jack (fighter), xii. 4. —— John (a bookseller), vi. 490. Martin, John (painter), vi. 397; ix. 109, 336, 337; xi. 381, 553. —— Richard, xi. 344. Martin’s Muir (in Lancashire), ii. 2, 167. Martinet, Mr (an emigrant), ii. 217, 219. Martinus Scriblerus, v. 104; xi. 288. Martorell, Jean, x. 56. Martyrs, Book of (Foxe’s), vii. 129, 320; xi. 443; xii. 384. Martyrdom of Saint Damian and Saint Cosmas, The (Salvator’s), x. 305. —— of St Lawrence (Titian’s), ix. 273. —— of St Placide (Correggio’s), ix. 204. —— of St Sebastian (Guido’s), ix. 26. Marullus (in Shakespeare’s Julius Cæsar), i. 195. Marveil, Arnaud de, x. 55. Marvell, Andrew, iii. 277; iv. 61; v. 83, 258, 311, 313, 372; vii. 232; xi. 123, 282, 514; xii. 47. Marville, Vignuel de, vi. 170 _n._ Mary, Lines to (Cowper’s), v. 95; vi. 210. —— the Cookmaid (Swift’s), v. 110. —— the Maid of the Inn (Southey’s), viii. 362. —— Magdalen Anointing the Feet of our Saviour (Hilton’s), xi. 190. —— Queen of Scots, viii. 460; ix. 23, 66; xi. 320, 324. —— Stuart (Schiller’s), viii. 391. Marys with the Dead Body of Christ, The Three (L. Caracci’s), ix. 112. Mary-le-bone Street, ii. 163, 242. Masaccio (painter), iv. 217; vi. 45, 126, 346; ix. 409, 427; xi. 211. Masetto (in Byron’s Don Juan), viii. 365, 366, 371; xi. 307. Mask of Arthur and Emmeline, The (Dryden’s), v. 356. Mask of Cupid, The (Spenser’s), v. 35, 38, 40; x. 74. —— of Semele (Congreve’s), viii. 76. Maskwell (Congreve’s Double Dealer), viii. 72. Mason, William, i. 171; x. 164. Massacre of Glencoe, Apology for the (Defoe’s), x. 378. —— of the Innocents (Le Brun’s), ix. 25. —— of the Mamelukes (Vernet’s), ix. 137. —— in Piedmont (Milton), vi. 176, 178. Massachusetts, x. 315. Massaniello (Tommaso Aniello), x. 301. Massena, André, ix. 146. Massinger, Philip, v. 248; also referred to in iv. 309, 310; v. 193, 265, 269 _n._, 345; viii. 272, 287, 290. Massys, Quentin, ix. 40. Master Baillie (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286. —— Barnardine (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), i. 241, 346, 347, 425; iv. 248; vi. 249; viii. 283. —— Bobby (Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), xii. 152. —— Edward Knowell (in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humour), viii. 312. —— Froth (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), i. 391; viii. 283. —— Kerneguy (in Scott’s Woodstock), vi. 410. —— Matthew (in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humour), viii. 45, 311. —— Nicolas the Barber (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), viii. 108. —— Oliver the Barber (Scott’s), iv. 248. —— Silence (Shakespeare’s 2nd Henry IV.), iv. 365. Master Stephen (in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humour), vi. 194 _n._; viii. 45, 311. —— Well-bred (Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humour), viii. 312. Mater Dolorosa (Carlo Dolce’s), ix. 20, 41. Matheo (in Dekker’s Honest Whore), v. 238, 239, 241, 247. Matilda (General Burgoyne’s Richard Cœur de Lion), viii. 195. Matsys, Quintin. See Massys, Quentin. Matter and Manner (Hazlitt), i. 421; xi. p. x _n._ Matthew (Wordsworth’s), xii. 57. —— Bramble (Smollett’s Humphry Clinker), viii. 117, 165, 510; x. 35. Matthews, Charles, vi. 273, 278, 350, 417, 418 _n._; vii. 300, 508; viii. 177, 243, 281, 317, 412, 428, 430–5, 459, 484, 523; xi. p. viii, 367, 483, 554; xii. 6, 140 _n._, 353. —— (John), viii. 497. —— Miss, vi. 293; viii. 231, 235, 236, 275, 531; xi. 395. —— (in Fielding’s Amelia), viii. 114; x. 33. Matthias (Massinger’s The Picture), v. 266. Matrimony (a Comedy), viii. 392. Maturin, Rev. Robert Charles, viii. 308, 368, 416, 421, 478; xi. 418. Maud the Milkmaid (in Walton’s The Complete Angler), i. 56; v. 98. Maurice of Nassau, Prince, xi. 289. Maurice’s Parrot, Prince, iii. 101. Maurocordato, Prince, x. 232, 251. Mawworm (in Bickerstaff’s Hypocrite), i. 59; ii. 84; viii. 163, 246, 392; xi. 396; xii. 366. Maximilian of Bavaria, xi. 289. Maxims on Love, xii. 354. Maxwell, Mr, ii. 173. May-Day (Chapman’s), v. 234. May-Day Night (Shelley’s, from Goethe), x. 261, 271. May Fair, xii. 132. Mayence, ix. 298, 299. Mayor of Garratt, The (Foote’s), viii. 166, 167, 168, 316; xi. 368. Maywood (actor), viii. 374; xi. 397, 405, 406. —— as Iago, viii. 513. —— —— Shylock, viii. 374. —— —— Zanga, xi. 397; also referred to in viii. 513. Mazarin, Cardinal, vi. 238. Mazeres, Baron, xii. 302, 303. Mazzuola, Francesco. See Parmegiano. Meadows, Mr (actor), xi. 373. —— (in Bickerstaff’s Love in a Village), viii. 329. —— (in Madame D’Arblay’s The Wanderer), viii. 123; x. 42. —— (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 392. Means and Ends, On, xii. 184. Measure for Measure (Shakespeare’s), i. 345; viii. 281; also referred to, i. 241, 391; v. 226; vi. 249. Mecca, x. 120. Mechel (print-seller), ii. 185. Medea, The (Euripides), x. 97. Medecin malgré lui (Molière’s), viii. 28, 159, 558; x. 107. Medici Family, ix. 212, 221, 225. —— Cosmo de, vi. 353. —— Hippolito de (Titian’s portrait of), ix. 345, 385; xi. 222. —— Lorenzo de, The Chapel of, x. 354. Meditations (Harvey’s), vii. 163. Mediterranean, The, viii. 126; ix. 182. Medoro (Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso), v. 3. Medusa’s Head (Leonardo da Vinci’s), ix. 225; x. 261; xii. 195. Medwin, Captain, vii. 313, 343. Meeting of Abram and Melchisedec (Rubens’), ix. 52. Meeting of Christ and St John (Raphael’s), ix. 30. —— of Jacob and Laban (Murillo’s), ix. 54. —— of Jacob and Rachel (Murillo’s), ix. 23. —— between Louis XIV. and the Spanish Ambassador (Gérard’s), ix. 123. Meggett, Mr (actor), viii. 239, 240, 241, 532. Meg Merrilees (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 248; vii. 341, 343; viii. 129, 146 _n._, 292; ix. 206; xi. 531. Meggy Macgilpin (in O’Keeffe’s Highland Reel), xi. 364. Méhul, Étienne Nicolas, viii. 325. Meillerie (Rousseau’s Nouvelle Héloïse), i. 133; ii. 326; ix. 281; xii. 25. Melancholy, Address to (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Nice Valour), v. 295. Melanchthon, Philip, iv. 228; x. 143. Melaric (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 236. Melchior, Friedrich. See Grimm, Baron. Meleager and Atalanta (Wilson’s), xi. 200. —— ix. 433; x. 208. Melford (Cherry’s The Soldier’s Daughter), xi. 297. Melissa (Holcroft’s), ii. 264, 265. Mellida (in Marston’s Antonio and Mellida), v. 225. Mellon, Miss, vii. 127. Melmoth (Maturin’s), viii. 478. —— Wm., i. 93. Melrose Abbey, ix. 235. Memnon (mythological), v. 60; ix. 108; x. 221, 337. Memoirs of Anastasius the Greek (Thomas Hope’s), v. 363. —— (Baron de Bausset), xii. 135. Memoirs of De Tott (translated by Holcroft), ii. 107. —— (Count Grammont’s), iii. 307; xi. 276. —— (of Margravine of Bareuth), vi. 445. —— (Cardinal Retz), vi. 238, 349; x. 301. —— (Sir J. Reynolds), i. 442. —— of Granville Sharp (by Prince Hoare), vii. 48 _n._, 49. Memoires de Voltaire écrits par lui-même, ii. 267. —— of a Cavalier, The (Defoe’s), x. 382. —— on Chivalry, The (by M. de St Palaye), x. 20. —— of an Heiress, or Cecilia. See Cecilia. —— of Fanny Hill (Cleland’s), iv. 102 _n._ —— of Lady Vane, The (in Smollett’s Peregrine Pickle), vii. 221. Memorabilia of Mr Coleridge, xii. 346. Memory (in Spenser), v. 38. Menæchmi (Plautus), i. 351. Menander, viii. 552; x. 100, 232. Mendacio (in Brewer’s Lingua), v. 293. Menenius, Agrippa (in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus), viii. 403. Mengs, Anton Rafael, vi. 345, 431; ix. 203, 349, 409, 472 _n._, 482; xi. 230, 255. Menjaud, Mlle., ix. 150. Merchant of Bruges, The (Kinnaird’s), viii. 264. —— of Venice (Shakespeare’s), i. 320; also referred to in i. 391, 392; ii. 71; v. 210; viii. 249. Merciers, The, ii. 107, 114, 168, 181, 195, 218, 219, 228, 230, 234, 272; vii. 241. Mercury, i. 33, 71; v. 83; vii. 203; x. 93, 350, 387. —— The Elgin, ix. 340, 341. Mercury teaching Cupid to Read (Correggio’s), xii. 356. —— and Herse (Turner’s), xi. 191. —— inventing the Lyre (Barry’s), ix. 419. Mercutio (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), i. 257; viii. 32, 200. Meredith, Sir W., iii. 422; vi. 88. Mergées (Merger, Mr), ii. 280. Mérimée, Madame (Madame M.), vi. 319, 503. Merlin the Enchanter (early romance), x. 20, 21, 56. Mermaid Inn, v. 297; xii. 207. Merrimee, J. F. L., vii. 333. Merry, Miss, viii. 323, 329. —— England, xii. 15. —— Robert, iv. 309 and _n._ —— Devil of Edmonton, The, v. 289, 293. —— Sherwood, xii. 15. —— Wives of Windsor, The (Shakespeare’s), i. 349; also referred to in viii. 31, 32, 43. Mertoun, the elder (in Scott’s The Pirate), xi. 535. Merveilleuses in Bedlam (Hogarth’s), vi. 167. Meshech, iii. 265. Message, The (in Liber Amoris), ii. 290. Messalina, ix. 221. Messiah (Handel’s), xi. 455. Messora, M. (a painter), xi. 245. Metamorphoses (Ovid), iii. 287. Metastasio, x. 45; xii. 128. Methodism, vii. 351; x. 158. —— On the Causes of, i. 57. Methuselah, xii. 263. Metzu, Gabriel, ii. 225; ix. 35. Meux, Mr, iii. 308. Mexicans, xi. 319. Mexico, iii. 290 _n._; iv. 189. Mezentius, ix. 132. Mezzofanti, Prof. Joseph Caspar, ix. 205. Michael, Poem of (Wordsworth’s), xii. 316. Michael Angelo, i. 78, 85, 148, 161, 164; ii. 276; iv. 276; v. 18, 45, 247, 297; vi. 10, 74, 85, 127, 128, 132, 137–9, 145, 212, 297, 346, 347, 353, 363, 368, 392, 413; vii. 59, 61, 94, 96, 103, 107, 118, 157, 158, 199, 203; viii. 55, 284, 364, 470; ix. 11, 28, 42, 134, 165, 211, 219, 220, 232, 235, 236, 239, 240–1, 273, 274, 327, 360–4, 366, 369, 380–2, 394, 403, 409, 427, 491; x. 63, 77, 180, 181, 206–8, 279–82, 336, 354; xi. 202, 212, 214, 215, 217, 227–9 _n._, 234 _n._, 424, 449, 482, 590; xii. 36. —— Cassio (in Shakespeare’s Othello), vi. 195; viii. 189, 214, 339, 340, 473, 560; xi. 294. Mickle, William Julius, v. 122. Micklestane Moor, iv. 246; vii. 343. Microcosmus (Nabbes’s), v. 289, 290, 292, 334. Midas, v. 197, 199, 201; ix. 105. Middle Passage, The, vii. 47; ix. 185. —— Temple, The, x. 363. Middlesex, iii. 423. Middleton, Conyers, ii. 169, 173, 176, 190, 194; x. 249. —— Thomas, v. 176, 181, 193, 214, 223, 224. Midhurst, iii. 421. Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare’s), i. 61, 244; viii. 274; also referred to in i. 137, 178, 242, 244, 359; v. 190; viii. 305; x. 116; xi. 451; xii. 74 _n._ Mieris (a family of painters), ix. 60, 92. Mignet, François Auguste Marie, ix. 186. Milan, vii. 169; viii. 291, 429; ix. 187 _n._, 198, 260, 264, 275, 277, 278, 419; x. 192. Mile-end, ix. 480. Milford (in Holcroft’s The Road to Ruin), ii. 124. —— Haven, i. 182; xi. 292. Milking (by John Burnett), xi. 247. Mill, James, vii. 160, 183, 186, 495; xii. 131, 255. Mill, John Stuart, xii. 255. Millamant (Congreve’s Way of the World), i. 12; vi. 165; vii. 121; viii. 14, 37, 73, 74, 151, 152, 465, 555; xi. 346. Millamour (in Murphy’s All in the Wrong), viii. 164. Millar, Andrew, vii. 220. Miller, Miss, viii. 128. —— The (Chaucer), v. 24. —— and his Men, The (Pocock’s), xi. 394. Miller’s Wife (in Pocock’s Miller and His Men), viii. 292. Millennium (in Cowper’s Task), v. 94. Millisent (in Merry Devil of Edmonton), v. 293. Millot, Claude François Xavier, x. 46. Mills, Dr (Milles, Dr Jeremiah), v. 122. Mills, Mr, Mrs and Miss (actors), ii. 70 _n._, 77, 78, 195. Milman, Henry Hart, iv. 421; v. 379; viii. 416, 478. Milner, Miss (in Mrs Inchbald’s Simple Story), vii. 304; ix. 237; xii. 65. Miltiades, x. 232. Milton, John, v. 44; also referred to in i. 3, 22, 49, 79, 94, 138, 153, 156, 161, 164, 319, 381, 397–401, 425; ii. 79, 91, 166, 275, 358, 397 _n._, 436; iii. 1, 168, 258, 270, 299, 326, 336; iv. 45, 61, 190, 217, 229, 244, 275, 276, 355, 365; v. 11, 68, 70, 123, 125, 145–6, 148, 180, 183, 230, 247, 256, 316–8, 369, 371; vi. 42, 68, 73, 77, 85, 96, 100, 106, 110, 163, 169, 210, 218, 223–4, 316, 347, 350, 356, 362, 380, 392–3, 399, 401, 413, 423, 427, 433; vii. 8, 17, 36, 117, 119–20, 153, 158, 160, 169, 197, 203, 249, 268, 320, 322, 371; viii. 23, 43, 55, 58, 68, 101–2, 230, 232–3, 273, 298, 385, 478 _n._, 535, 561; ix. 15, 159, 167, 186, 196, 211, 218, 232, 238, 243 _n._, 283, 320, 321, 427, 431, 483, 491; x. 13, 62–4, 71–2, 77, 116, 118, 155, 156, 200, 204, 232, 244, 324, 325, 327, 377, 399, 406, 416; xi. 215, 233, 235, 294, 431, 450–2, 457, 464, 486–7, 506, 514, 518, 546, 573; xii. 27, 39, 67, 116, 142, 192, 207–8, 273, 277, 341, 346, 372, 433. Milton’s Eve, Character of, i. 105. —— Lycidas, On, i. 31. —— Sonnets, On, vi. 174; also referred to in v. 371. —— Versification, On, i. 36. Milwood (in Lillo’s George Barnwell), viii. 269. Mina, General, x. 250. Mincing, Mrs (in Congreve’s Way of the World), viii. 465. Mind and Motive, vi. 496; xi. p. x. Mind, On the (Helvetius), xi. 173 _n._ Minehead, xii. 272. Mine Host (Ben Jonson’s New Inn), v. 263. —— —— of the George (Merry Devil of Edmonton), v. 293. —— —— of The Tabard (Chaucer), xii. 30. Minerva (statue), ix. 341, 430, 466; x. 343, 350. —— Sunias, Temple of the, ix. 325, 381. —— Press, The, vii. 222; xi. 459. Minna (in Scott’s The Pirate), xi. 532 Minor, The (Foote’s), ii. 170. —— Theatres, viii. 403, 478. Minstrel, The (Beattie’s), v. 100. Minstrel’s Song in Ælla, The (Chatterton’s), v. 126. Minucci (an Italian), x. 303. Minuet de la Cour, The (a dance), xii. 122. Minute Philosopher (Berkeley’s), vi. 198; xii. 397 _n._ Mirabaud, J. Bapt. de, i. 408; vii. 430; xi. 579; xii. 116. Mirabel (Farquhar’s The Inconstant), i. 154; viii. 73, 74, 75; xi. 367. Miracles, Essay on (Hume’s), xii. 266. Miracle of Bolseno (Raphael’s), vi. 340; ix. 240, 364. Miracle of the Conversion (Raphael’s), ix. 380; xi. 227. —— of St Mark (Tintoretto’s), ix. 274. Miraculous Draught of Fishes (Raphael’s), vi. 220; viii. 147; ix. 47. Miranda (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Busy-Body), viii. 270, 503. —— (in Shakespeare’s The Tempest), i. 105, 238; x. 116; xi. 296, 417. Mirandola (Barry Cornwall’s), vi. 96. Mirror, The (a periodical), viii. 105. Mirrour for Magistrates, The Induction to the (Thomas Sackville’s), v. 196. Misanthrope (Molière’s), viii. 28, 31, 554, 558; ix. 147–9; x. 107, 108; xi. 354, 383; xii. 24. Miscellaneous Poems, F. Beaumont, P. Fletcher, Drayton, Daniel, etc., Sir P. Sidney’s Arcadia, and other works, v. 295 Miser, The (Molière’s), xi. 379, 380. Miserere, The, ix. 235. Misers (Massys’), ii. 417; ix. 40. Misnah, The, iii. 274. Miss Mactab (in The Poor Gentleman), xi. 376. —— Prue (Congreve’s Love for Love), vii. 127, 226; viii. 14, 72, 77, 82, 152, 278, 555. Mistress, Lines to his (Donne’s), xii. 28. —— (Titian’s), vii. 282; ix. 33, 112, 121, 224, 270. Mitre, The (an inn), vi. 193; viii. 103. —— Court, vii. 37; xii. 35 _n._ Mock Doctor, The (Fielding’s), viii. 159. Modena (town), ix. 207. Modern Comedy, On, i. 10; viii. 551 —— Midnight Conversation (Hogarth’s), viii. 142, 143. —— Tory Delineated, xi. p. vii. Mogul, The, ii. 224. Mohun, Michael, viii. 160. Moiano (a town), ix. 211. Molesworth, Robert, Lord, iv. 93. Molière, i. 81, 314; ii. 166, 229; v. 227, 228; vi. 49, 85, 86, 111, 196 _n._, 417; vii. 311, 323; viii. 28, 29, 31, 42, 76–8, 122, 133, 159, 160, 162, 167, 193, 195, 244, 319, 554, 558; ix. 129, 146–50, 152, 166, 214, 242, 391; x. 40, 107, 108, 298; xi. 276, 288, 354, 358, 366, 371, 379, 383, 395, 452, 460; xii. 22, 37, 346. Molineaux, Tom (pugilist), iv. 223. Moll Flagon (in Burgoyne’s Lord of the Manor), xi. 316, 388. —— Flanders (Defoe’s), x. 380; xii. 367. Molly, Old, xi. 311. —— Jollop (G. Colman the elder’s The Jealous Wife), viii. 168, 318, 392. —— Seagrim (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), vii. 221; viii. 113. Molteno’s print-shop, ix. 8. Mombelli, Esther, ix. 174. Momus, The Elgin, ix. 340. Monaghan, Mr (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54; iii. 142. Monarchy, On the Spirit of, xii. 241. Monastery (Scott’s), vii. 201; viii. 439 Monasticon (Dugdale’s), v. 120; vii. 317. Moneses (Congreve’s Bajazet), xi. 275. Money, On the want of, xii. 136. Monimia (in Otway’s Orphan), i. 157; v. 355; viii. 263, 310. —— (in Smollett’s Count Fathom), xii. 64. Moniteur, The (a newspaper), ix. 165. Monk Lewis, xii. 271. —— The (Lewis), viii. 127. Monkeys, The (Gay’s Fable), v. 107. Monmouth’s Rebellion, x. 357. Monmouth Street, vi. 459; vii. 69; xii. 210. Monrose (in Holcroft’s Knave or Not?), ii. 161, 162. Monsieur Jourdain (in Molière), i. 81; viii. 160; xi. 355. —— D’Olive (Chapman’s), v. 231. —— Pourceaugnac (Molière’s), i. 81; viii. 28, 160; x. 107. —— Thomas (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 261. Montagu, Mrs Basil, vii. 41, 132. —— Edward Wortley, iv. 90 _n._ —— Lady Mary Wortley, vii. 207; ix. 477; xii. 32, 134, 153 _n._ Montaigne, Michael, Lord of, i. 7; ii. 410; iv. 195, 373; v. 334; vi. 86; vii. 26, 28, 219 _n._, 230, 311, 313, 323; viii. 92, 93, 94, 95, 100; ix. 166; x. 72; xi. 383; xii. 37. Mont-Mirail, The Battle of (Vernet’s), ix. 128. Mont St Jean, The Battle of, ix. 128. Montargis (a town), ix. 175, 176, 177. Monte-Fiascone, ix. 231. Monte Pincio, The, x. 303. Monte-Pulciano, xi. 487. Monte Rosa, ix. 279, 281, 296. Montesquieu, Charles de St Bavon de, iv. 9 _n._; vii. 40, 311; x. 184; xii. 247. Montfort (actor), i. 440. Montgomery, James, v. 378; vi. 156; vii. 14. Monthly Magazine, The, ii. 175, 177, 192; iv. 9 _n._; vii. 230; x. 221, 222; xii. 136, 150, 161, 173, 184, 198, 209, 230, 235. —— Mirror, The, ii. 228. —— Review, The, ii. 95, 163, 225; iv. 284, 311 _n._; vi. 65, 216. Montmartre, vii. 332; ix. 161; xii. 189. Montmorenci, vii. 307; ix. 161. Montpelier Tea Gardens, vi. 257. Montroses, The, xii. 255. Montrose (the town), ii. 308. Monument, The, iii. 128; vi. 421; vii. 68; viii. 435; ix. 59. —— of the Two Children (Chantrey’s), vi. 326. Moody or Pinchwife (in Garrick’s adaptation of Wycherley’s Country Wife), vi. 68; viii. 77; xi. 277. Moonshine (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 248; viii. 276. Moor (Schiller’s), xii. 67. —— The (in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus), x. 117. Moor of Venice, or Othello (Shakespeare’s). See Othello. Moore, Edward, v. 6, 359; vi. 368. —— Sir John, ii. 375. —— Peter, viii. 413. —— Dr, ii. 171, 198; vi. 360. —— Thomas, iii. 122, 311, 312; iv. 9, 13, 213, 258, 312, 353; v. 151, 152, 153, 155, 369, 378; vi. 67, 334 _n._, 454, 495, 509; vii. 123, 153, 314, 319, 365–72, 378–82; viii. 10, 166, 284, 422; ix. 34 _n._, 73, 106, 160 _n._, 190, 218, 246, 257, 281, 283; x. 233, 314; xi. 372, 386; xii. 138, 155 _n._, 307, 323. —— Sir Graham, vi. 385. Moorish Alhambra, The, ix. 349. Mopsa and Dorcas (Sir Philip Sidney’s), ix. 58. Moral Epistles (Pope’s), v. 373. Morals (Seneca’s), viii. 557. Moral and Political Philosophy, Paley’s, iii. 224, 276; iv. 166 _n._; vii. 49; xi. 336. Morales, Luis de, ix. 26. Morceaux, from Wat Tyler (Southey’s), iii. 194 _et seq._ Mordaunt, Mertoun (in Scott’s The Pirate), xi. 532. Mordent (Holcroft’s The Deserted Daughter), ii. 159. More, Hannah, i. 66; v. 108, 147; vi. 363; viii. 194, 256, 257, 284. Moreau, Jean Victor, iii. 53, 56. Moredens, The (in Leigh’s Where to Find a Friend), viii. 258–260. Morgan (in Holcroft’s Old Clothesman), ii. 173, 174, 176, 177. —— (in Smollett’s Roderick Random), iii. 218; vii. 378. —— Lady, iv. 308; vii. 220; ix. 226, 267; x. 233, 276 _et seq._, 305 _n._ Morganti Maggiore (Pulci’s), x. 69. Mori, Miss, viii. 341. Morland, George, ii. 202; vii. 56. Morn (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 363. Morning (C. V. Fielding’s), xi. 248. —— (Hogarth’s), viii. 144; ix. 80. —— Chronicle, The, i. p. xxx., 415–6, 418, 425, 426, 434–5, 441–2; ii. 94, 204, 205, 207, 221, 222; iii. 47 _et seq._, 51, 101 _n._, 107, 205, 232, 339 _n._, 453–4; vi. 190, 292, 293; vii. 205; viii. 174, 241, 459, 502, 512 _et seq._, 522–3, 531, 551; ix. 84, 85, 186, 315, 462, 489; x. 213–6; xi. p. ix., 162, 167, 172, 180, 187, 191, 195, 420, 447, 566, 567, 602; xii. 319. —— Herald, The, ii. 106, 109, 224; iii. 97; vi. 190. —— Post, i. 383 _n._; ii. 143, 144; iii. 18 _n._, 76, 93, 126, 243 _n._, 350; x. 138, 150, 220; xi. 495. —— and Evening of the Roman Empire (Claude’s), ix. 54, 57. Morocchius (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), i. 322, 391, 392. Morocco, Emperor of (in Peter Pindar), viii. 168. Moroni, Giovanni Battista, ix. 34. Morose (in Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 42. Morpeth, Lord, xi. 386. Mortimer (in Cumberland’s Faithless Lover), ii. 83. —— (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), i. 284. Morton, Charles, x. 357. —— Thomas, iii. 162; vi. 453; viii. 442; xi. 374. —— (Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 247. Mosaics of the Church of St Mark, Venice, ix. 274. Mosca (in Jonson’s Fox or Volpone), viii. 44. Moscow, iii. 99, 178; vi. 241; xi. 195, 196. Moses, iii. 265, 297; viii. 58; xi. 233, 472 _n._; xii. 263. —— Cosmogony of, xii. 279. —— (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 362; x. 208. —— (Poussin’s), ix. 473. —— (Sheridan’s), viii. 250. —— in Egypt (an Oratorio), ix. 202. —— (in a play), viii. 387; xii. 24. Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von, iii. 276. Mossop, Henry, ii. 63, 64. Moth (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 61, 244; viii. 275. Mother Bombie (by John Lyly), v. 197, 198. —— Cole (in Foote’s The Minor), viii. 167. —— and Child, The (Raphael’s), viii. 148. —— Hubberd’s Tale (Spenser’s Shepherds’ Calendar), v. 98. —— and a Sleeping Child (Guido’s), ix. 51. Mother’s Picture, Verses on his (by Cowper), v. 95. Motto, or Invocation to his Muse (Cowley’s), viii. 58. Moudon (a town), ix. 285, 295, 296. Mouldy (Shakespeare’s 2nd Henry IV.), viii. 33. Moulins (a town), ix. 178, 179. Mounsey, George, vi. 192, 195, 197, 198, 199, 201. Mount, Sermon from the, v. 184. Mountaineers, The (G. Colman, junr.), ii. 109; viii. 239. Mountford, Sir Charles, v. 213. Mountfort, Susanna, i. 157; viii. 160. Mountjoy, Lady, ix. 473. Mourning Bride (Congreve’s), i. 176; vi. 195; vii. 306; xi. 382. Mourritt (operatic singer), ix. 171. Moustache (Macready’s Henry IV.), viii. 442. Mowbray (Shakespeare’s Richard II.), i. 273. Mozart, Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus, ii. 174, 178, 200, 201; iii. 311; vi. 74; vii. 239; viii. 325–7, 362–4, 370–1, 452, 535; xi. 427, 455, 500; xii. 168, 345, 384. Mrs Battle’s Opinions on Whist (Lamb’s), iv. 364; vi. 199, 245. Mrs James (in Fielding’s Amelia), viii. 114; x. 33. —— Leicester’s School (Lamb’s), v. 146. —— Malaprop (in Sheridan’s Rivals), viii. 165, 508; x. 142; xi. 307. —— Marwood (Congreve’s Way of the World), viii. 74. —— Oakley (in Geo. Colman the elder’s The Jealous Wife), viii. 316, 505; xi. 304. —— Patch (in Mrs Centlivre’s Busy-Body), viii. 503. Much Ado about Nothing (Shakespeare’s), i. 335; iii. 200; viii. 32, 401 _n._ Mucklewrath (Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 247. Mudford, William, vi. 111, 196, 293 _n._; x. 219; xi. 547. Mudge, Dr, vi. 368, 419, 512. Mudges, The, vi. 366, 367, 374, 510, 512. —— Zachary, vi. 368. Muiopotmos (Spenser’s), viii. 404. Mulberry Tree, The (a song), viii. 301. Muleteers (Correggio’s), ix. 35. Muley-Muloch (in Dryden’s Don Sebastian), v. 357, 358. Mulgrave, Lord, i. 374. Müller, Johannes von, iii. 154. Mumps (in Oulton’s Frightened to Death), viii. 359. Munchausen, Baron, vii. 37, 138. Munden, Joseph Shepherd, ii. 147, 148, 368; v. 269 _n._; vi. 275–6 _n._, 418, 453; viii. 71, 226–7, 256, 264–5, 278, 286, 310, 317, 343, 359, 386, 392, 400, 416, 459, 465, 525, 534, 536; xi. 303, 306, 366, 377–8, 392; xii. 24, 198 _n._ Munden’s Sir Peter Teazle, xi. 392. Mundungus, x. 149 _n._ Mungo (in Bickerstaffe’s Padlock), ii. 84. Müntz, John Henry, x. 164. Murder of Dentatus (Haydon’s), xi. 482. Murillo, Bartolomeo Esteban, vi. 219; ix. 23, 25, 26, 54, 158, 186, 389, 390; xi. 205 _n._, 249; xii. 262. Murphys, The, v. 359; viii. 164. Murray, Chas., viii. 309. —— John, i. 376, 379, 380; iii. 124, 194, 217, 218; iv. 302, 312; vi. 89, 211; vii. 376, 378, 515; ix. 247 _n._; xi. 423, 486, 489, 580; xii. 267, 320. —— Lindley, iii. 445; iv. 241 _n._, 391; xii. 232. Murray, William (Earl of Mansfield), iii. 416. —— Mr (Pope’s friend), viii. 555. —— Miss, viii. 529. Muse, Invocation to, or Motto (Cowley’s), viii. 58. Music, History of (Burney’s), x. 288 _n._ —— Messora’s, xi. 245. Music-piece (Giorgione’s), ix. 271. —— (Titian’s), ix. 11, 70. Musical Instruments, Personification of (in Tatler), i. 9; viii. 98. —— Party (Giorgione’s), ix. 26. Musician and the Nightingale, The Contest between the (by Crashaw), viii. 53. Musidorus and Philoclea (Sir Philip Sidney’s), ix. 58. Mustapha and Alaham (by Fulke Greville), v. 231; vii. 255; xii. 34. Mustard Seed (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 61, 244; viii. 275. My Aunt (a farce), viii. 239, 240. —— Father (in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), i. 12; viii. 121, 151. —— First Acquaintance with Poets, xii. 259. —— Grandmother (by Prince Hoare), i. 155; vi. 416; viii. 230. —— Landlady’s Night-Gown (Oulton’s), viii. 328. —— Spouse and I (C. Dibdin’s), viii. 525. —— Uncle Toby (in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), i. 12; viii. 11, 121, 151; x. 39; xi. 553. —— Wife! What Wife? (by Barrett), viii. 237. Myrrha (Byron’s Sardanapalus), ii. 307. Myrtle (in Steele’s Conscious Lovers), viii. 158. Mysie Happer (in Scott’s Monastery), viii. 454. Mysterious Mother, The (Walpole’s), x. 165. Mysteries, The, x. 60. —— of Udolpho, The (by Mrs Radcliffe), viii. 125; xii. 64. Mystery of the Passions, x. 60. N. Naiad, i. 19. Nairn, iv. 280. Naldi, Guiseppe, viii. 326, 365, 372; xi. 308. Namur, Siege of, i. 429. Nantreuil, Charles François le Bœuf, ix. 127. Nantucket, x. 315. Nantwich, ii. 167. Nanty Ewart (in Scott’s Redgauntlet), vii. 319. Napier, John, vi. 85. —— (of Marchiston), xii. 441. —— MacVey, xii. 255. Naples, ii. 180, 223; iii. 179; vi. 347, 379, 385; ix. 233, 249, 253, 256, 259, 419, 475 _n._; x. 56, 277, 282, 283, 287 _n._, 292, 300. Napoleon Buonaparte. See Buonaparte, Napoleon. Narcissa (in Smollett’s Roderick Random), xii. 64. Narcissus, i. 25; xii. 200. —— and The Graces (Bishop’s), iv. 102. —— Looking into Water (Barry’s), ix. 419. Narni (a town), ix. 258. Narrative of Facts (Holcroft’s), ii. 139, 156, 201, 205. Nash, Sir B., vi. 451. —— Miss, viii. 254. Nasmyth, Peter, xi. 245, 246, 247. Nathan, Mr (an actor), viii. 401. —— the Wise (Lessing’s), x. 119. Nathaniel (in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost), i. 332. National Antipathies, ix. 138. —— Gallery, ix. 3; xii. 215. Natural Son (Kotzebue’s). See Mrs Inchbald’s Lover’s Vows. Natural Disinterestedness of the Human Mind, The (Coleridge’s), xii. 266. Nature and Art (Mrs Inchbald’s), ii. 336; vi. 364; viii. 123, 127; x. 41. —— State of (Hobbes), vi. 308. Naufragium Joculare (Cowley’s), v. 214. Nayrs, The, vi. 150. Neal, Daniel, iii. 265; iv. 217; xi. 443. —— John, x. 313. Neapolitan Nobleman (Titian’s), vii. 292; ix. 385. Neate, Bill (pugilist), iv. 223; xii. 8 _et seq._ Nebuchadnezzar, xii. 204. Nebuchadnezzar’s image, viii. 407. Ned Christian (in Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 538. —— Softly (in The Tatler), vii. 64. Neely. See Sherwood, Neely, and Jones. Negro (or African), i. 69. Nehemiah, ii. 4. Nell (in Coffey’s The Devil to Pay), viii. 252, 389; xii. 24, 122. Nelson, Lord, i. 97; vi. 85, 359, 522. —— Life of (Southey’s), ii. 48. Nelson’s Victory, iii. 195. Nemours, Duc de, vii. 308; viii. 326. Neptune, i. 34; vi. 168; ix. 348. —— The (of John of Bologna), ix. 205. —— The (Elgin Marbles), ix. 467, 492. —— and Amphitrite (Titian’s), ix. 75. Nerestan (in Voltaire’s Zaire), xi. 282. Nerissa (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), i. 322; iv. 260. Nero, i. 390; iv. 61; ix. 221; x. 231; xii. 285. Nero’s Golden House, ix. 234. Nessus, iv. 104; xi. 268. Nestor (in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida), i. 221. —— (Homer’s), xii. 155. Netcher, Caspar, ix. 354. Nether-Stowey, x. 150; xii. 265, 269, 270, 272, 274. Net-maker and His Wife. See Zembuca. Neufchatel, The Lake of, ix. 296. Neuilly, Barrier of, ix. 133 _n._, 158, 159; xii. 191. Neuss (a town), ix. 299. Nevers (a town), ix. 177. Neville, Living in London (? Jameson’s), viii. 242, 243. New Books, On Reading, xii. 161. —— Eloise (Rousseau’s), i. 91, 427; vi. 186; vii. 24, 28, 224, 304; ix. 146, 281, 285; x. 75; xii. 14, 54, 123 _n._, 169. —— English Drama. See William Oxberry. —— English Opera, The, viii. 314, 320, 323, 329. —— Holland, iv. 46. —— Inn, The (Ben Jonson’s), v. 263, 265. —— Jerusalem, The, v. 94; xii. 463. —— Lanark, iii. 172; iv. 198. —— Man of Feeling (Godwin’s), x. 399. —— Monthly Magazine, The, iv. 186, 348, 418 _et seq._; vi. 485–6, 494, 504 _et seq._; vii. 481, 485–7, 489, 507, 509–11; ix. 62 _n._, 446, 469, 470; x. 221–2; xi. p. vii, 496, 590; xii. 1, 15, 26, 38, 51, 59, 68, 78, 95, 104, 119, 125, 131. —— Pygmalion. See Liber Amoris. —— River, The, vii. 129. —— Road, The (London), ii. 163. —— Scots Mag. See Edinburgh Magazine. —— Testament, The, v. 183; vi. 392. New Times (a newspaper), iii. 233, 284, 286, 313, 314; x. 217, 218; xi. 316; xii. 289. —— View of Society, A, iii. 121. —— View of Society (Owen’s), iv. 198. —— Way to Pay Old Debts, A (Massinger), viii. 272; also referred to in v. 266, 267 _n._; vii. 313; viii. 277; xii. 168. —— Year’s Ode (Southey’s), iii. 49. —— York, ii. 205; viii. 473. —— Zealand, iii. 360. Newark-upon-Trent, ii. 12. Newbury, xi. 309; xii. 2, 6, 13. New Castile, x. 57. Newcastle, ii. 166. —— Duke of, xii. 41, 383. —— Duchess of, iv. 216; viii. 69, 503; xii. 37. —— The Marquis of, xi. 53. Newfoundland Dog, vi. 452. Newgate, ii. 148, 150, 171, 206; iv. 195; v. 97; vii. 449; ix. 157; x. 227, 377, 380, 381; xi. 373. —— Calendar, iv. 250; vi. 314; viii. 269; xi. 190; xii. 34 _n._, 355. Newington Green, x. 357. Newman Street, ii. 147, 163, 199. Newmarket, ii. 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 35–7, 40–2, 45, 46, 49, 50, 52–5, 107; vii. 211. Newport, Lord (Vandyke’s), ix. 61. Newport-Pagnell, ii. 14. News, The, x. 220. Newspaper (Crabbe’s), xi. 606. Newstead Abbey, x. 169. Newton, Bishop (Reynolds’s), ix. 399. Newton, Sir Isaac, i. 10 _n._, 46, 82, 100; iii. 140, 141, 151; iv. 8, 45; v. 163; vi. 85, 239, 304; vii. 153, 249, 306, 358, 371, 458; viii. 99; ix. 243; x. 13, 134, 222, 249; xi. 258, 263 _n._, 273, 311; xii. 26, 27, 153 _n._, 154 _n._, 279, 441. Ney, Marshal, iii. 165; ix. 146. Nice Valour; or, The Passionate Madman (Beaumont and Fletcher), v. 295. Nicholas Gimcrack (in The Tatler), iii. 40; vi. 118, 119. N.—— (Nicholson, William), ii. 91, 95, 100, 173, 175, 191–3, 195–6, 217, 219, 264, 279; vi. 92; vii. 230. Nicias, viii. 17. Nick Strumpfer (Scott’s The Pirate), xi. 534. Nicknames, On, xi. 442. Nicolas the Barber (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), x. 27. Nicole, Pierre, xi. 289. Niger, The, ix. 255. Night (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 363. —— Picture of (Brown’s), v. 315. —— at Dresden, The (Correggio’s), xii. 357. —— Scene (Hogarth’s), viii. 136, 137; ix. 80. —— Thoughts (Young’s), ii. 91; v. 375. —— Walker, The (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 261. Nightingale, To the (Drummond of Hawthornden), v. 300. Nile, The, i. 232; vii. 344; ix. 350. —— the Battle of the, i. 97. Nimeguen, ix. 299, 300. Nimrod, vi. 168. Nina (an Italian Opera), vii. 325, 335; ix. 174, 175 _n._ Nine Muses (Tintoretto’s), ix. 42. Ninette à la Cour (C. S. Favart’s), xi. 380. Ninon de l’Enclos, xii. 37. Niobe (The Elgin), ix. 379; x. 82. —— (Raphael’s), i. 70. —— (R. Wilson’s), ii. 198; ix. 393; xi. 200. Nipperkin (in Sprigs of Laurel), xii. 24. Nismes, Massacre of, iii. 118, 216. No Song, No Supper (by Hoare), vii. 193; viii. 406, 416. Noah’s Ark, vii. 96; ix. 335; xii. 263. Noble, Walter, x. 243. —— Kinsmen (Fletcher’s), v. 190. —— Lord, Letter to a (Burke’s). See Letter to Bedford, Duke of. —— Peasant, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 87, 109, 268. Noblet, Mademoiselle, ix. 174. Nodin (a picture dealer), ii. 205. Noel, Mademoiselle, i. 53; ix. 170. Nokes, James, i. 157; viii. 160. Nola, the Philosopher of, x. 145. Nollekens, Joseph, vi. 373, 379, 384; vii. 88, 90; xii. 221, 439. Noman (in Homer’s Odyssey), xi. 452. Nonjuror (Cibber’s), viii. 162. Noon (Hogarth’s), viii. 137, 140; ix. 80; xi. 252; xii. 364. Norbury Park, vi. 360. Nore, The, ii. 248. Norfolk, ii. 249, 277; iii. 405. Norfolk, Duke of, xii. 164. —— (in Richard III.), viii. 184, 202. Norman (Holcroft’s), ii. 204. —— Court, vi. 24; ix. 27. Normandy, iii. 97; ix. 100. Norna of the Fitful-Head (in Scott’s The Pirate), xi. 534. North, Lord, iii. 290, 337 _n._, 419, 420; iv. 237. —— T., ii. 205. —— Sir Thomas, v. 186. Norths, The, iii. 389. North Berwick-Law, ii. 314. —— Briton (a newspaper), iii. 422. —— West Passage, iv. 207; vi. 414. Northampton, ii. 14, 125; x. 356. Northcote, James, i. 442; ii. 208, 209, 217, 224; iv. 212; vi. 10, 18, 65 _n._, 296, 318, 407; vii. 39, 40, 42, 89–94, 211, 487; ix. 34, 55, 61, 66, 226, 407 _n._, 475 _n._; xi. 202 _n._, 509, 516, 543, 590; xii. 224, 439. Northcote’s Conversations, vi. 333. —— Samuel, vi. 395. Northern Winter, A (A. Philips), v. 374. North Pole, Panorama of, vi. 407. Northumberland, Duchess of, iii. 307. —— the Family of, x. 171. —— the Earl and Countess of (Vandyke’s), ix. 61. —— in the Tower (Vandyke’s), ix. 61. —— (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV. and VI.), i. 284, 296, 301; xi. 192. Northwich (a town), ii. 18. Norton, Thomas, v. 193. Norval (in Home’s Douglas), vi. 294; viii. 180; xi. 373. Norway, iii. 62, 104, 106, 107, 158, 216. Norwich, ii. 182, 230, 278. Norwood, vii. 114. Norwynne (in Inchbald’s Nature and Art), vii. 339; xii. 65. Nota Bene; or, The Two Doctor Funguses (a play), viii. 536. Nothing, Poem upon (Rochester’s), v. 83. Notre-Dame, ix. 156. Nottingham, ii. 14, 19–23, 29, 72, 85, 106, 125; vi. 445. Nottingham, Lord, iii. 464. Novel (in Wycherley’s Plain Dealer), viii. 78. Novelle di Salernitano, ii. 172. Novelists, On The English, viii. 106. Novelty (Shakespeare’s Sonnet), i. 360. —— and Familiarity, On, vii. 294. Novi (a town), ii. 178. Novum Organum (Bacon’s), v. 328. Nugent, Lord, ii. 94; x. 215. Numitorius (Knowles’s Virginius), viii. 456. Nuneaton, ii. 14. Nurse (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), viii. 199. Nursey, Perry, xi. 249. Nut-Brown Maid, The (old ballad), v. 106; xi. 533. Nym (in Shakespeare’s Henry V.), i. 291, 351; viii. 33. Nymph, The First and Second (in Milton’s Comus), viii. 231. —— (Titian’s), ix. 14. —— appearing to the River God (a picture), ix. 128. —— making a garland of flowers (Parmentier’s), ix. 167. —— and Satyr (Giorgione’s), ix. 226. —— —— (Polemberg’s), ix. 20. —— —— A (a picture), ix. 43. Nymphadoro (Marston’s Antonio and Mellida), v. 228. O. O——, Mr, xi. 387. Oak and the Briar, The (Spenser’s), v. 98. Oakhampton Castle (Wilson’s), xi. 199. Oates, Titus, ii. 143. Oath of the Horatii (David’s), ix. 134. Oberon (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 245 _et seq._ Ober Wesel, xi. 363. Obligations, On the Spirit of, vii. 78. O’Bryan, Mr, ii. 173, 174. Observations on Judge Eyre’s Charge to the Jury in 1794 (Godwin’s), x. 399. Observer, The, ix. 287; x. 220. Occasion (Spenser’s), x. 245. Occasional Conformity Bill, The, x. 377. Occleve, Thomas, v. 34. Oceana (Harrington’s), iii. 122. Oceanus (Æschylus’s Prometheus), x. 93. O’Coigly, James, ii. 429. O’Connell, Daniel, xii. 214. O’Connor, Arthur, ii. 174, 186, 190, 196, 431. —— Roger, ii. 190. Octavia (in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra), i. 229; viii. 192. Octavian (in The Mountaineers), viii. 239, 241. Ode on Chatterton (Coleridge’s), iv. 215. —— to Departing Year (Coleridge’s), v. 377; xii. 268. —— to Eton College (Gray’s), v. 118; vii. 74. —— to Evening (Collins), v. 116, 374. —— to Fear (Collins), v. 116, 374. —— to Indifference (Mrs Greville’s), viii. 216. —— to the Memory of Sir Lucius Cary and Sir H. Morrison (Ben Jonson’s), v. 306. —— to Naples, The (Shelley’s), x. 267. —— on the Passions (Collins), v. 116, 374. —— on the Poetical Character (Collins’s), v. 116, 126, 374. —— on the Progress of Life (Wordsworth’s), i. 250. —— on St Cecilia (Dryden’s), v. 81. Odes and Inscriptions (Southey’s), v. 164. Odeon, The (theatre), ix. 154. Odry, Jacques Charles, ix. 153. Odyssey (Homer’s), i. 71 _n._; v. 14, 66; viii. 20; x. 12; xi. 236, 452; xii. 168. Œdipus (Æschylus), x. 96. —— (Lee’s), v. 357; vii. 298. —— (Corneille’s), ix. 154, 193. O’Fin (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54. Ogygia (in Spenser), viii. 241; (Homer’s), x. 12. Ohio, iv. 337; vi. 53. O’Keefe (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54; iii. 142. O’Keeffe, John, vi. 417; viii. 166, 319, 400, 416, 534; xi. 364, 383. Old Actors, Some of the, xi. 366. —— Age (Cicero’s), iv. 384. —— —— (Holcroft’s), ii. 87. —— —— of Artists, On the, vii. 88. —— Bachelor, The (Congreve’s), viii. 72. —— Bailey, The, ii. 99, 151, 199; vii. 339. —— Clothes to Sell (a song in Holcroft’s Old Clothesman), ii. 177. —— Clothesman, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 163, 170, 173, 195, 222, 225, 226. —— Customs, viii. 327. —— Double (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), i. 64, 283; viii. 33, 35. —— English Baron, The (Mrs Radcliffe’s), viii. 127. —— —— Writers and Speakers, vii. 311. —— Fortunatus (Dekker’s), v. 234. —— Jewry, Chapel in the, vi. 367. —— Masters, The, x. 196. —— Mortality (Scott’s), iv. 243 _n._, 247; vi. 425; xi. 459, 532, 537. —— Mother W. (? Hogarth’s), xii. 364. —— Nosy (in Dibdin’s Past Ten o’clock), xi. 393. —— Project (in Reynolds’s What’s a Man of Fashion?), viii. 262. —— Sarum, Sonnet to (Southey’s), iii. 203. Old Sarum (town), iii. 110, 414; iv. 263. —— Soldier (Opie’s), ii. 228. —— Testament, The, v. 17, 183; x. 62. —— Times (a newspaper), iii. 194. —— Woman, xii. 321. Oldenburgh, Duchess of, iii. 308. Oldfield, Mrs, i. 8, 157; viii. 90, 96, 160. Oldmixon, John, x. 368 _n._, 370, 371. Oliver, Tom, vi. 40. —— (in Shakespeare’s As You Like It), i. 341. —— (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 232. —— (a Government Spy), iii. 232, 234, 240, 261, 280. Olivia (in Holcroft’s Hugh Trevor), ii. 137. —— (in Holcroft’s The Man of Ten Thousand), ii. 160. —— (in Wycherley’s Plain Dealer), viii. 14, 78, 86. —— (in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night), i. 315, 318; viii. 32, 37. Ollapod (in Colman’s The Poor Gentleman), xi. 376. Olympian Jupiter, The, ix. 466. Olympic Games (Barry’s), ix. 421; x. 199. —— Theatre, The, vi. 81; viii. 461, 462, 472. Olympus, i. 34, 71; ix. 324, 325; x. 7. Omai, portrait of (by Northcote), vi. 402. One Man’s Profit is Another’s Loss (Montaigne’s), viii. 94 _n._ O’Neill, Miss, i. 156; v. 355; viii. 177, 210, 211, 223, 256, 261–3, 273, 284, 288, 291, 309, 310, 347, 350, 391–4, 397–8, 465, 478, 524, 528, 537, 538; ix. 147; xi. 304, 367, 403, 407, 410. O’Neill, Miss, as Belvidera, viii. 261, 513. —— —— as Constance, viii. 513. —— —— as Mrs Oakley, viii. 530. —— —— as Elwina, viii. 256. —— —— as Juliet, viii. 198. —— —— as Lady Teazle, viii. 291. —— —— as Widow Cheerly, xi. 297. Onslow, Arthur, xii. 370. Opera, The, xi. 426. Opera, The Company at the, xi. 369. —— New English, viii. 314, 320, 329. —— House, The, ii. 90, 193; viii. 465. Ophelia (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), i. 105, 232, 293 _n._; iii. 122; v. 49, 261; viii. 188, 209, 478 _n._; ix. 145; x. 116; xi. 295, 395, 451; xii. 144. Opie, John, i. 149; ii. 169, 172, 174–6, 178, 180, 184, 189, 196, 198, 208–9, 223–6, 228, 230, 398; vi. 10, 79 _n._, 296, 343, 351, 390, 411, 433, 436, 462; vii. 109, 274, 305; ix. 225, 403; xi. 218. —— Mrs, ii. 169, 226, 231; viii. 268. Opposition and The Courier, iii. 240. O.P. Row, viii. 357; xi. 372; xii. 39, 297. Ops (a heathen god), vii. 255. Orange, House of, vii. 322; ix. 42. —— the Prince of, iii. 284; vi. 221; x. 370, 372. —— Court, ii. 1, 2. Oratorios, The, viii. 296. Orcagna, Andrea, ix. 354. Ordonio (in Coleridge’s Remorse), vi. 314; viii. 421. Orestes (Æschylus), x. 93. —— (Phillips’ The Distressed Mother), viii. 334. Orford, Lord, vi. 461. Orgagna, the Giant (Ariosto’s), ix. 239. Orger, Mrs Mary Ann, viii. 246, 279, 355, 358, 536; ix. 151. Orgon (Molière’s Tartuffe), viii. 29, 246; ix. 151; x. 108; xi. 354. Oriana (in Dimond’s Conquest of Torento), viii. 368. Orient (a ship), ii. 214. Originality, ix. 423. Orinda (in Farquhar’s Inconstant), i. 154. Orion (N. Poussin’s), vi. 169, 170. Orkneys, The, xi. 532, 533. Orlando (in Shakespeare’s As You Like It), i. 339; iii. 297; viii. 252. —— (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 232, 235. —— (in Dekker’s Honest Whore), v. 235, 237, 240. —— Amoroso (Bayardo’s), x. 69. —— Furioso (Ariosto’s), x. 14, 70, 71, 85. Orleans Gallery, The, i. 78; vi. 14; ix. 9, 11, 31, 33 and _n._, 422. Ormond, The Duke of, vi. 345. Ormskirk, ii. 167. Ornamental Gardening, Treatise on (Thomas Whately’s), i. 171. Oroondates, The (in La Calprenède’s Cassandra), xii. 61. Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave (Southerne’s), xi. 301; also referred to in i. 300; v. 359; vii. 70; viii. 537. Orosman (Voltaire’s), x. 111; xi. 282. Orphan, The (Otway’s), v. 355; viii. 263. Orpheus, vii. 14. —— (by Barry), ix. 420. —— (by Dance), vi. 442. —— and Eurydice (Drolling’s), ix. 137 _n._ Orr, William, iii. 237. Orsin (Butler’s Hudibras), viii. 65. Orsini, xi. 443. Orson (in Valentine and Orson), v. 361; vii. 215. Orton, Rev. Job, vii. 316, 317. Orville, Lord, xii. 65. Osborn, the bookseller, x. 221. Osborne (in Holcroft), ii. 262, 263, 264, 265. Osmond, Mr, ii. 205. Osmyn, Mr, x. 204. Ossian, i. 155; v. 15, 18; vi. 197 _n._; vii. 6; xi. 235; xii. 165. Ostade, Adriaen Jazoon van, ix. 20, 26, 35, 60. Ostend, ix. 198. Othello (Shakespeare’s), i. 200; i. 16, 179, 180, 186, 259, 293, 300, 393; ii. 59, 71, 178, 301, 391; iii. 168, 312; v. 5, 52, 55, 145, 188; vi. 274, 409, 456; vii. 137 _n._, 206, 282, 343, 344, 371; viii. 31, 131, 177, 185, 190, 207–10, 214, 216–9, 221, 223, 227, 234, 249, 271, 356, 357, 385, 390, 414, 444, 458, 472, 513, 528, 534, 560; ix. 80; x. 82, 111, 117, 156; xi. 276, 283, 291, 294, 308, 350, 351, 352, 362, 366, 368, 389, 405, 499; xii. 318, 366. Othman (in Southerne’s Oroonoko), xi. 302. Otho, vi. 298. Othryadas erecting the Trophy (statue), ix. 166. —— wounded (Heral’s), ix. 166. Otway, Thomas, i. 157; v. 181, 354, 355; vi. 49; vii. 362; viii. 69, 263, 284; ix. 152; x. 17, 118, 205, 243; xi. 402, 435; xii. 35, 67, 121. Ovando (a Spanish Grandee), iii. 290 _n._ Overbury, Sir Thomas, v. 99, 141. Ovid, iv. 101; v. 79, 186; vi. 217 _n._; viii. 94; x. 257. —— (translated by A. Golding), v. 399 —— in Hexameters (translation by Voss), ii. 229. Owen, Robert, iii. 121, 169, 172, 229, 359; iv. 198; vi. 66, 67; vii. 129; xii. 275, 413. Owen, Mr (a farmer), ii. 167. Owen Glendower (in Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), i. 284. Oxberry, William, i. 159 _n._; viii. 228, 245, 246, 258, 260, 264, 274, 311, 369, 392, 426, 436, 487 _et seq._, 504–6, 508, 511, 536; xi. 303, 396. Oxendon Street, Haymarket, ii. 280. Oxford, i. 84; ii. 137; iii. 399, 408, 411, 416; v. 273; vi. 75, 188; vii. 42; viii. 319; ix. 46, 69, 98, 144 _n._, 232; xi. 309; xii. 351. —— Earl of, ii. 370; x. 358. —— Road (London), ii. 88, 182. —— Scholar, The (in Chaucer), v. 22. —— Street, ii. 199; iii. 239; v. 102; vi. 431, 437; ix. 158. —— and Blenheim, Pictures at, ix. 69. P. P—— Mr. See Patmore, Peter George. P—— Lady F., vi. 401. P—tt—n (? Pitton), xi. 309. Padua, ix. 264, 266, 275. Paddington, iv. 108. Paer, Mr, viii. 540. Pæstum, ix. 255. Paine, Howard, viii. 439. —— Thomas, iii. 143, 169, 300; iv. 128, 201, 334, 335, 336, 340, 341; vi. 51, 52, 57, 58, 338, 391; vii. 275 _n._; xi. 458, 472 _n._; xii. 266, 306, 346. Pains of Sleep, The (Coleridge’s), x. 417. Painter, Edward, vi. 40. —— (Crabbe’s), iv. 353. Painting, Essay on (Richardson’s), xi. 208 _n._ —— in Italy, History of (Stendhal’s), x. 403. Painting, On the Grand and Familiar Style of, viii. 133. Palace of Ice, Empress of Russia’s, v. 92. Palais aux Cerfs, i. 388. —— Royal, The, i. 133; ix. 128; xii. 25. Palamon and Arcite (Chaucer’s), i. 332; v. 21, 82; x. 69; (Fletcher’s), v. 258, 261. Palanza (a town), ix. 278. Palarini (actress), vii. 338; ix. 278. Palemon and Lavinia (Thomson’s), v. 90. Paley, Dr William, iii. 276; iv. 116 _n._, 166 _n._, 201, 277, 283, 333, 373; vi. 199; xi. 336; xii. 267, 358. Palinzi (a town), viii. 126. Palisseau (a town), ix. 179. Palladio, ix. 266, 269, 274; xi. 456 _n._ Pallas, vii. 268. Pallavicini, Cardinal Sforza, x. 301 _n._ Pall Mall, ii. 280; vi. 435; vii. 212, 232; ix. 43; xi. 184; xii. 215. Palma, Jacopo Vecchio, ix. 35. Palmer, The (John Heywood’s Four P’s), v. 274, 276. —— Bob, vii. 127; viii. 229, 388. —— Fyshe, x. 229. —— Jack, viii. 81, 199, 251, 300, 388; xi. 367, 393. —— Thomas (jun.), ii. 198. Palmerins of England, The, xii. 62. Palmyra, vii. 185; ix. 256; xi. 495. Pamela (Richardson’s), ii. 281; iii. 49; vi. 236, 380; vii. 227; ix. 64; x. 37, 38; xii. 63, 226, 328. Pan, i. 239; iv. 217; v. 192, 201; vi. 319. —— (The Elgin), ix. 340. —— (in Fletcher’s Faithful Shepherdess), v. 255. —— Head of, xi. 228. Pancras Churchyard, x. 221. Pandarus (Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida), i. 221; viii. 326; xi. 295 _et seq._ Pandemonium (in Milton’s Paradise Lost), v. 65, 318 _n._; xi. 506. Pandora (Barry’s), ix. 421, 422. Pangs of Conscience. See The Ravens (Pocock’s). Pannel (J. P. Kemble’s), viii. 537; xi. 303, 305. —— The, and The Ravens, xi. 303. Panopticon (Bentham’s), iv. 197; vii. 129, 240, 247, 249; viii. 411. Pantagruel (Rabelais), iv. 378 _n._; v. 113; viii. 29. Panthea (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s King and No King), v. 252. Pantheon, The, ii. 276; ix. 156, 232, 235, 241; x. 296, 301. Pantisocracy, Scheme of, ii. 278 _n._; iii. 166, 225; x. 149 _n._; xi. 513. Panurge (Rabelais), v. 113. Papal Palace, ix. 34. Papinio (a village), ix. 259. Paraclete, The, ix. 146. Paradise (Dante’s), x. 63. —— Lost (Milton’s), i. 22 _n._, 36, 39, 49, 94, 138, 164, 393; ii. 275, 368, 397 _n._; iv. 190; v. 61, 63, 66, 83, 148, 315, 317, 318, 357, 371; vi. 42, 174, 176, 218, 224, 350, 380, 392; vii. 36, 41, 117, 134, 197, 227; viii. 23, 58; ix. 167, 186, 218; x. 327, 416; xi. 254, 382, 457, 464; xii. 67, 193, 207, 354, 367. —— Regained (Milton’s), vii. 36, 119. Paradol, Madame, ix. 154. Paradox and Commonplace, On, vi. 146. Parallel Passages in Various Poets, xi. 282. Parasitaster; or, The Fawn (Marston’s), v. 226. Paræus, Ambrose, iv. 379 _n._ Pardoner (in John Heywood’s Four P’s), v. 274, 276. Paris, i. 8, 91, 132, 133, 390, 435; ii. 21, 104–7, 109, 112–5, 130, 164, 180, 181, 188, 192, 232, 235, 267–8, 280 _n._; iii. 54, 56, 61, 97, 98, 119, 122, 159, 183, 227, 247, 344, 408; iv. 189; v. 203; vi. 16, 303, 404, 422; vii. 96, 185, 311, 313, 314, 323, 324 _n._, 332; viii. 89, 97, 363, 441; ix. 27, 95, 99 _n._, 100, 102, 103–6, 118, 119, 122, 133 _n._, 142, 145, 147, 155, 174, 177, 182, 183, 186, 192, 196, 203, 206 _n._, 207, 212, 214, 244, 246, 252, 254, 274, 355, 365, 417, 491; x. 67, 303, 329; xi. 53, 184, 195, 196, 240, 242, 246, 333, 345 _n._, 352, 353, 371, 389, 391; xii. 19, 23, 24, 146, 169, 225, 226, 314, 458. —— (the man), i. 416. —— (Vandyke, portrait), xii. 36. —— (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), viii. 199. Parish Register (Crabbe’s), xi. 605 _n._ Parismus and Parismenos, history of (E. Ford’s), ii. 2, 4. Park, The, ii. 211. Parkes, Joseph. See Toms, Jo. Parkgate, ii. 64. Parkinson, James (sen.), ii. 212. —— Joseph (jun.), ii. 212. Park Lane, xii. 132. Parliament, The Long, iv. 83 _n._ Parliamentary Report on the Criminal Laws. See Criminal Law, Parliamentary Report on. —— Eloquence, Present state of, xi. 464. —— Register (Debrett’s), ii. 186. Parma, vi. 384, 415; vii. 126; ix. 197, 199, 201, 202, 205, 409; x. 192; xii. 38. Parmegiano Francesco Mazzuola, ix. 11, 41, 43, 51, 226, 355; ix. 543. Parmentier, James, ix. 167. Parnassus, vi. 209; vii. 90; xi. 346, 423. —— (Raphael’s), ix. 365. Parnell, Thos., iv. 365; v. 104, 373. Parolles (in Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well), i. 293; iii. 86, 437; v. 252; vi. 291. Parr, Dr Samuel, i. 425 _n._; ii. 196; iii. 255; iv. 211, 233, 337; vi. 53, 73, 354. Parrhasius (The Prince of Painters), i. 162; vii. 61. Par-ris and Lutetia (Rabelais’ etymology of), ix. 155. Parry James (junr.), ii. 182, 193, 196, 198, 225. —— Dr John, ii. 173, 182, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198, 228. —— Sir William Edward, iv. 207; ix. 138. Parson Adams (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), i. 12, 80, 121; iii. 282; iv. 246, 367; vi. 215, 457; vii. 84, 223, 368; viii. 12, 107, 112, 115, 152, 158, 553; x. 27, 33, 34; xi. 378, 435; xii. 64, 76. —— Supple, xi. 487. —— Trulliber (Eachards’s Contempt of Clergy), viii. 107; x. 27. Parsons, Wm., i. 155; ii. 111; viii. 230, 278, 388; xi. 367; xii. 24. Parthenon, The, ix. 28, 325, 492; xi. 495. Partisanship, On the Spirit of, xi. 521. Partridge (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), viii. 112, 113, 116; x. 31, 35. —— Mrs, viii. 113. Party Spirit, On, xii. 402. Pascal, Blaise, i. 410; vii. 311; xii. 169. Pass of Thermopylæ (David’s), ix. 134. Passeri, Giovanni Battista, x. 296, 305. Passionate Madman; or, Nice Valour (Beaumont and Fletcher), v. 295. —— Pilgrim, The (Shakespeare’s), i. 360. Past and Future, On the, vi. 21. —— Ten o’clock (Dibdin’s), xi. 392. Pasta, Madame, ix. 175 _n._; xi. 300, 352, 372, 382, 383; xii. 307, 366, 384. —— —— and Mlle. Mars, vii. 324. Pastoral Ballad (Shenstone’s), v. 119; vi. 224. Pastorals (Brown’s), v. 315. —— (Gay’s), v. 107. —— (Ambrose Phillips), v. 374. Pastorella (Spenser’s), v. 43. Patent Seasons (Arnold’s), viii. 476. Paternoster Row, ii. 172, 204; iii. 157; xii. 344. Patie and Peggy (Allan Ramsay’s Gentle Shepherd), ii. 78. Patmore, Peter George (P—— Mr), vi. 371–3; x. 404, 406. Paton, Miss I., xi. 387. Patrick’s Return (a ballet), viii. 353. Patriotism, On (a Fragment), i. 67. Patroclus (Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida), i. 227; v. 54. Patronage and Puffing, On, vi. 289. Pattison, William, v. 122. Patu, Claude Pierre, i. 66 _n._ Paul, St., i. 145; iii. 272; iv. 162; vi. 448; vii. 216; x. 128. —— Czar, ii. 246. —— before Felix (Hogarth’s), viii. 146. —— III. (Titian’s), vi. 340, 385. —— Clifford (Bulwer’s), xii. 130. —— and Virginia (Bernardin de St Pièrre’s), vi. 186, 442; viii. 372; xii. 268, 364. Paulo (in Leigh Hunt’s Rimini), x. 409. Pavilion, The, at Brighton, ix. 90. Payne’s Araglade Family, viii. 279; xi. 304. Pays de Vaud, The, vi. 186; vii. 304; ix. 284, 288. Peachum, Mr and Mrs (in Gay’s Beggar’s Opera), i. 66, 94, 142; iii. 68, 142, 163, 233; v. 108; vi. 288, 314; viii. 194, 255, 256; xi. 374; xii. 355. Peacock, Thomas Love, vii. 186, 495. —— Inn, The, at Parma, ix. 201. Peake, Richard Brinsley, xi. 369, 370. Pearman, William, viii. 464. Peasant Family going to Market (Rubens’s), ix. 387. Peasants going to Market (Burnett’s), xi. 247. Pease-Blossom (Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 61; viii. 275. Peavor (a village), ii. 167. Pedantry, On, i. 80, 84; also referred to in i. 382; xii. 320. Pedlar (in John Heywood’s Four P’s), v. 274, 276. Pedrillo (in O’Keeffe’s Castle of Andalusia), viii. 330. Peel, Sir Robert, iv. 250; vi. 89; vii. 186; xi. 473; xii. 275. Peel’s Coffee-house, xii. 165 _n._ Peeping Tom, ii. 11; vi. 417; xi. 387. Peg (Congreve’s), viii. 74. Pegasus, v. 63. Peggy, Miss (in Wycherley’s Country Wife), viii. 15, 76, 77, 554; xi. 274, 276, 290. Pegu, iv. 189. Pekin, ii. 269; vi. 73. Pelaez, Martin, xi. 329. Pelissie, Monsieur, xi. 366. Pellegrini, Félix, ix. 174. Pellew, Sir Edward, vi. 447. Pelliams, The, iii. 389, 412. Pembroke, Anne, Countess of, v. 148. —— Earl of, ix. 71; x. 335. —— Lord and Lady, ix. 58. —— Family, The, vi. 14; ix. 58. —— —— (Vandyke’s), ix. 473 _n._ Pembrokeshire, iii. 411. Pendragon, x. 56. Penelope (Cimarosa’s), viii. 537. —— and the Dansomanie, xi. 299. Penitent, The Fair (Rowe’s), viii. 287. Penitent Girl (Haydon’s), x. 201. Penitentiary, i. 139; vii. 249. Penkethman, William, i. 8, 157; viii. 160. Penley, S., viii. 250, 264, 280, 302, 403, 427, 465, 525. Pennant, Thomas, ii. 170, 172. —— Mr, vii. 69. Pennick, Dr, vi. 390. Penny, Edward, ix. 422. Penrith, ii. 78; v. 148. Penrose, Thomas, v. 122. Penruddock (in Cumberland’s Wheel of Fortune), viii. 376; xi. 205, 206. Penshurst, vi. 354. Pension Suisse, The, at Turin, ix. 196. —— de l’Univers (an inn), ix. 133 _n._ Penson, Mrs W., viii. 315. Pentland Hills, The, ii. 314; ix. 98. People with One Idea, On, vi. 59. —— What is the, iii. 283, 292. —— of Sense, On, vii. 242. Percival, The Knight (in Merlin the Enchanter), x. 21. Percy (Miss Hannah More), viii. 256, 258. —— (in Shakespeare’s Richard II.), i. 276; xi. 192. —— Thomas, vii. 252. Percys, The, x. 172. Perdita (in Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale), i. 35, 106, 176; vii. 327; viii. 74, 354; x. 116; xi. 296; xii. 339. Père la Chaise, Cemetery of, vii. 369; ix. 145, 146, 161. Peregrine (in Jonson’s Volpone), viii. 43. Peregrine Paragon (in Kenney’s The World), viii. 369. —— Pickle (Smollett’s), i. 47; vii. 221, 303; viii. 117; ix. 64; x. 35; xi. 274, 441; xii. 41. Perfect Love (Liber Amoris), ii. 322. Pericles, viii. 335; x. 248, 337, 346. Pericles (Shakespeare’s), ix. 27; x. 117. Perillus’s Bull (Dryden’s), iii. 159. Periodical Essayists, On the, vii. 226; viii. 91. —— Press, The, x. 202, 212. Perkin Warbeck (Ford’s), v. 270. Perlet, Monsieur, xi. 352, 355–6, 366, 379, 380, 383. Perouse, John Francis Galoup de, ii. 192. Perron, Cardinal du, xi. 289. Perry, James, ii. 89, 171, 172, 224, 424; vi. 292, 293, 294 _n._; viii. 175; ix. 315; x. 214, 215, 424. Perry, Mrs, ii. 224. Persecution, Parable against (Franklin’s), x. 314. Perseus (Cellini’s), ix. 219; xii. 209. —— and Andromeda (Guido’s), ix. 41. Persia, iv. 77. Persian Letters, The (Lord Lyttelton’s), viii. 104. Personal Identity, On, xii. 198. —— Politics, xii. 456. Personification of Musical Instruments (Addison’s), i. 9; viii. 98. Persons one would wish to have seen, Of, xii. 26. Pertinax, Surly (Ben Jonson’s Alchemist), xi. 171. Peru, i. 95. —— The Mines of, xii. 149. —— Mr (fives player), vi. 88. Perugia, ix. 211, 228, 260, 262, 302. Perugino, Pietro, vi. 347; ix. 262. Pesaroni, Madame, xii. 366. Peschiera, Fortress of, ix. 277. Peter Aretine, Profile of (Titian’s), vii. 96. —— Bell (Wordsworth’s), xi. 497; xii. 270, 271. —— the Great, ii. 246; iii. 308; vi. 429. —— the Hermit, iv. 226. —— Grimes (in Crabbe), xi. 606. Peter Pastoral (in Teasing made Easy), viii. 468. —— Peebles (in Scott’s Redgauntlet), vii. 319; xii. 91. —— Pickthank (? _nom de plume_ used by Hazlitt), xi. 577. —— Pounce (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), vi. 215; vii. 363. Peterborough, ii. 9; ix. 63. —— Cathedral, xii. 156. —— Court, vi. 415. Petersham, ii. 263. Petion, Jérôme, ii. 177. Petit-André (Scott’s Quentin Durward), iv. 251. Peto (Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), viii. 33. Petrarch, i. 45; v. 19, 30, 186, 299, 301–302; vi. 175, 280; ix. 262; x. 45, 55, 63, 67; xi. 273, 423, 493; xii. 30, 165. Petruchio (Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew), v. 239. Petulant (Congreve’s Way of the World), v. 231; viii. 73, 76. Petworth, ix. 61. Peveril of the Peak (Scott’s), xi. 537; iv. 248; ix. 279; xii. 286. Phædra, The (Euripides), x. 97. —— (Racine’s), x. 97, 106. Phædra and Hippolitus (Guérin’s), ix. 122, 134. Phæton (Wilson’s), ix. 392; xi. 198. Pharaoh’s Daughter (Hogarth’s), viii. 146. Pharsalia (Lucan), xii. 166. Phelim Connar, Epistle from (Fudge Family in Paris), iii. 315. Phidias, vi. 74, 414; ix. 28, 165, 379, 430, 466, 490–2; x. 341, 343, 344, 346, 348, 350. Philadelphia, ii. 205; viii. 473. Philarete (Brown’s), v. 315. Philaster, or Love lies a Bleeding (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 262, 296. Philemon, x. 100. Philia Borzo (Marlowe’s Jew of Malta), v. 210. Philinte (in Molière’s Misanthrope), ix. 150. Philip IV. of Spain (Velazquez), ix. 25. Philips, Ambrose, i. 56; viii. 334. —— John, v. 373; x. 369. —— Sir Robert, iii. 395. —— Thomas, viii. 226, 465. Phillip II. (in Schiller’s Don Carlos), ii. 178. Phillips, Charles, iv. 319, 323; xi. 472 _n._ —— Edward (Ned P——), vii. 37; xii. 476. —— Sir Richard, ii. 177, 234; iii. 221; vi. 362, 418; xi. 556; xii. 224. —— (an auctioneer), ii. 221, 224, 225, 226, 228. Philipses, Lives of (Godwin’s), x. 369, 399. Phillis (Steele’s Conscious Lovers), viii. 158. Philoctetes (Barry’s), ix. 419. —— (Racine’s), ix. 154. —— (Sophocles), v. 14. Philomel, v. 104. Philosophical Necessity, Doctrine of, xi. 277. Philosophy, Lectures on (Hazlitt’s), xi. p. ix. —— of Rhetoric (Campbell’s), viii. 62. Phœbe Dawson (Crabbe’s), iv. 353. —— (in Rosina), viii. 527. Phœbus (Milton’s), i. 32. Photinus (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s False One), v. 253. Photius, x. 15. Phrenologists, Society of, vii. 156 _n._ Phrygian Shepherds (in Lyly’s Midas), v. 199. Physiognomical System (Drs Gall and Spurzheim), vii. 18, 19. Physiology of the Brain (Spurzheim’s), vii. 17. Piazza Coffee House, The, xii. 140 _n._ —— di Spagna, The, at Rome, ix. 229 _n._ Piccadilly, ii. 227; iii. 448; vii. 211; xii. 239, 240, 277. Pichegru, General, x. 250. Pic-Nic, The (a newspaper), xii. 276 _n._ Picture, The (Massinger’s), v. 266. Picture Galleries in England, Sketches of the Principal, ix. 1. Pictures at Burleigh House, ix. 62. —— at Hampton Court, The, ix. 42. —— at Oxford and Blenheim, ix. 69. —— at Wilton, Stourhead, etc., ix. 55. —— at Windsor Castle, The, ix. 36. Picturesque and Ideal, On the, vi. 317 Pie de Lupo, The (a mountain), ix. 259. —— Voleuse, The (French play), xi. 381. Pierre (in Otway’s Venice Preserved), i. 155; ii. 59; v. 354, 355; vi. 329; viii. 262, 378, 459; xi. 402, 407, 480. —— Cardinal, x. 55. —— Vidal, x. 55. Pietra Mala (a town), ix. 209. Pig and Gridiron, viii. 475. Pigeons and Crows (a play), viii. 467, 469. Pigott, Jack, xii. 2, 13, 14, 15. Pigwiggin the Younger (in Pigeons and Crows), viii. 469. Pilgrims and the Peas, The (by Peter Pindar), viii. 168. Pilgrim’s Progress, The (Bunyan’s), i. 57 _n._; ii. 155; iv. 337; v. 13, 14, 43; vi. 54, 413; ix. 133 _n._, 229; x. 24, 74; xii. 33, 236. Pilnitz, iii. 61; xi. 196. Pilot, The (Fenimore Cooper’s), vi. 385, 386; x. 313. Pinch, Richard, vii. 71, 72. Pinchwife; or, Moody (in Garrick’s adaptation of Wycherley’s Country Wife), vi. 68; viii. 76, 77; xi. 277. Pindar, iv. 271. —— Peter (Dr John Walcot), xii. 348; also referred to in vi. 79 _n._, 213, 343, 423; vii. 41; viii. 168; xi. 550, 590; xii. 350. —— —— Address to (Gifford’s), iv. 309. Pindaric Odes (Gray’s), v. 118. Pinkerton, John, ii. 177, 181, 182, 184, 187, 192. Pinnarius Natta (in Jonson’s Sejanus), v. 263. Pinner of Wakefield, The; or, George-a-Greene (by Robert Greene), v. 289, 294. Piombo, Sebastian del, ix. 10, 43, 112; xi. 238. Pipino (in Thompson’s Dumb Savoyard), xi. 364. Pippini, Signor, ix. 229. Piranesi, Giambattista, x. 190. Pirate, The (Scott’s), xi. 531. Pirithous, vii. 253; xii. 19. Pisa, iv. 217; vii. 282; ix. 246, 302, 409; x. 354; xii. 274 _n._, 347. Pisander (in Massinger’s Bondman), v. 266. Pisani Palace, The, ix. 269. Pisanio (in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), xi. 291, 292. Piscatory Eclogues (Sannazarius’s), v. 98. Pistol (in Shakespeare’s 2nd Henry IV.), ii. 255; vi. 229, 246; vii. 277; viii. 33. Pitcairne, Dr, ii. 174, 175, 193, 194, 195. —— Pitcairn’s Island, viii. 529. Pitt, William (younger), i. 379, 383, 397; ii. 158, 178, 200, 223–6, 375; iii. 14–5, 18 _n._, 60–1, 96–9, 131 _n._, 328 _n._, 339, 344, 346, 350, 389, 391, 406–7, 412, 413, 418, 423, 461, 466; iv. 233, 237, 333; vi. 34, 109; vii. 100, 200, 269, 273; viii. 17; x. 213, 232; xi. 196, 257, 436; xii. 50, 94, 206, 274, 289, 293. Pitt, Character of the Late Mr, i. 125; iii. 346. —— Finance, Sinking Fund, xi. p. vii. Pitt (poet), v. 122. Pitti Palace, ix. 212, 220, 221, 224, 225, 226, 366. Pitton (a village), xi. 309. Pizarro (Sheridan’s), v. 360; viii. 468; xii. 346. Place, Francis, iii. 39; vii. 186, 271, 382; xi. 556. —— Vendôme, The, ix. 157. Placentia, ix. 199. Plague, History of the (Defoe’s), x. 382. —— of Athens (Poussin’s), ix. 201 _n._, 384. —— of London, vii. 69. —— of Milan, The (modern painting), ix. 239. Plain Dealer (Wycherley’s), viii. 14, 77, 78, 86, 506; xi. 404. —— Speaker, vii. 1; also referred to in vi. 2, 487; xi. 610. Planche, James Robinson, xi. 388. Plantagenet, House of, The, viii. 181. Plantagenets, The, xii. 356. Platæa, The Plain of, ix. 325. Plato, i. 50, 135 _n._; iii. 151; iv. 9 _n._, 143, 144, 217, 285; v. 3, 296, 327; vi. 198; vii. 46, 52, 246; viii. 243; x. 121, 157, 249; xii. 164, 165 _n._, 370. Platoff, Hetman (Matvei Ivanovitch, Count Platoff), ix. 465. Plausible (in Wycherley’s Plain Dealer), viii. 78. Plautian Family, ix. 256. Plautus, i. 353; viii. 44; x. 100. Pleasure of Painting, On the, vi. 5, 13. Pleasures of Hating, On the, vii. 127. Pleasures of Hope (Campbell’s), ii. 413; iv. 343, 345, 346; v. 149, 375, 377; vi. 210; ix. 490. —— of the Imagination (Addison’s), i. 380; (Akenside’s), v. 119, 375. —— of Memory (Rogers’s), ii. 413; iv. 343; v. 148, 375; ix. 490. Pletho, Gemistius, x. 145. Pleydell the Counsellor (Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248. Pliny, vi. 241; ix. 223, 466. Plotinus, iv. 217; xii. 164 _n._ Plovers (Chantry’s), xi. 248. Plume (in Farquhar’s Recruiting Officer), viii. 286. Plunket, William Conyngham, Baron, iv. 319. Plunkett, M.P. (Mr), xi. 472, 473, 474. Plutarch (Sir Thomas North’s), i. 7, 218; v. 186; viii. 96; xi. 601. Pluto and Proserpine (Titian’s), ix. 74. Plutus (Aristophanes), viii. 28. —— House of (in Spenser), v. 42. Plymouth, ii. 85, 208, 375; iv. 189; vi. 65 _n._, 113 _n._, 351, 374, 375, 390, 418, 446; ix. 102; xi. 341, 546. Po, The, iii. 181; ix. 196, 198. Pocock, Robert, ii. 245. Poelenburgh, Cornelis van, ix. 20, 43, 60. Poems on the Naming of Places (Wordsworth’s), xii. 268. Poetical Character, On the (Collins), v. 116, 126, 374. —— Versatility, On, i. 151. Poetry, xii. 339. —— Art of (Bysshe’s), ix. 483. —— of the Anti-Jacobin (by Canning and others), vii. 350; xi. 341. —— in General, On, v. 1. Poet’s Corner, vi. 94, 333; vii. 67, 249; ix. 156. Poets, My First Acquaintance with, xii. 259. Poggio, Bracciolini, vii. 61 _n._ Poland, iii. 12, 32 _n._, 61 _n._, 68, 71, 103, 104, 107, 158, 216. Polemberg, C. van. See Poelenburgh. Polemon (Barry’s), ix. 421. Police Bill, Mr Peel’s, iv. 250. Polidori, Dr, viii. 474. Polite Conversation (Swift’s), xii. 44. Political Economy, Principles of (John Macculloch’s), xii. 131, 345. —— —— Elements of (Mill’s), xii. 345. —— Essays (Hazlitt’s), i. 426, 433, 438; iii. 463; iv. 401, 410; x. 418, 419, 420, 421; xi. p. vi, 596. —— —— with Sketches of Public Characters, iii. 25, 47. —— House that Jack Built (Hone’s), vii. 279 _n._ —— Justice, Enquiry concerning (Godwin’s), iii. 122, 368; iv. 19, 65, 201–3, 289; vii. 251; viii. 132, 419; xii. 170, 281, 407. —— Register, The (Cobbett’s), iii. 239, 285; iv. 340, 341, 401; vi. 56; xi. 539; xii. 7. Politicians (Wilkie’s), xi. 253. Polixenes (Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale), i. 329. Polling for Votes (Hogarth’s), viii. 137; ix. 81. Polly (a play), viii. 525. —— (in Gay’s Beggar’s Opera), i. 65; v. 107; viii. 158, 193, 194, 195, 254, 323, 341, 470; xi. 274, 304, 317, 373, 533. —— Watts (in Hook’s Diamond Ring; or, Exchange No Robbery), viii. 475. Polonius (Shakespeare’s Hamlet), ii. 79, 81; v. 265; viii. 186, 189; xii. 207, 425. Polydore (in Otway’s The Orphan), viii. 263, 310. Poly-Olbion (Drayton’s), v. 311, 370; vii. 316; xi. 284. Polyphemus (in Gay’s Acis and Galatea), vii. 103. Pomfret, John, v. 373. Pomona, ix. 216. Pompey, ix. 373; (Shakespeare’s), i. 391 —— (Statue), xi. 422. —— (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s False One), v. 253. Pompey’s Pillar, xii. 329. Poniatowski (in Lander’s Imaginary Conversations), x. 250. Ponsonby, John, xi. 471. Pont Beau-Voisin (a town), ix. 185. —— Neuf, The, ix. 156. Ponte, Jacopo da. See Bassano, Il. Pontius Pilate, vii. 36. Pool of Bethesda (Hogarth’s), viii. 147; xii. 367. Poole, Miss, viii. 240, 244. —— Tom, xii. 272. Poor Gentleman, The (George Colman, the younger), viii. 319; xi. 375. —— Robin (Franklin’s), x. 314. —— Susan (Wordsworth’s), v. 156. Pope, Lord Byron, and Mr Bowles, xi. 486. —— Alexander, v. 68; also referred to in i. 8, 18 _n._, 26, 39, 40–1, 56, 71, 80, 138, 162, 171, 176, 318, 324, 380, 399; ii. 79, 166, 199, 370, 397; iii. 46–7, 408, 416, 424; iv. 259, 277, 309, 350, 356, 359, 365; v. 8, 13, 32, 43, 45, 61, 63, 79, 88, 92, 98, 100, 104, 119, 125, 161, 369, 373, 374, 375; vi. 30, 195, 204 _n._, 210, 222, 223, 250, 336, 351, 359, 363, 367, 413, 414, 440, 444, 454, 464; vii. 6 _n._, 24, 36, 40, 93, 102, 103, 105, 124, 168, 203, 206, 209, 226, 234, 290, 303, 363, 380; viii. 14, 18, 24, 29, 30, 53, 62, 79, 93, 96, 134, 152, 158, 160, 273, 359, 401, 416, 555; ix. 37, 76, 233, 391; x. 77, 108, 134, 155, 161, 172, 204, 232, 250, 375, 416; xi. 233, 240, 256, 272, 275, 375, 430, 436, 457, 486, 606; xii. 31, 32, 50, 78, 154 _n._, 207, 208, 245, 251, 273, 375, 388. Pope was a Poet, On the Question Whether, xi. 430. —— Anecdotes of (Spence’s), vi. 30; vii. 209; xi. 498. —— Alexander (actor), viii. 224, 249, 250, 264, 272, 301, 302, 403, 465; xi. 399. —— Mrs Elizabeth, viii. 515. —— Miss, viii. 389; xi. 367; xii. 24. Popular Opinion, On the Causes of, xii. 316. Population, Essay on (Malthus’s), iv. 288. —— Extracts from the Essay on, with a Commentary and Notes, iv. 105. —— On General Tendency of, to Excess, iv. 26. —— Principle of, as affecting Schemes of Utopian Improvement, iii. 367; iv. 18. —— The Principle of, whether Vice and Misery are the necessary Consequences of, and the only checks to, iv. 52. —— Queries Relating to the Essay on, iii. 381. Porchester, Lord, xi. 386. Pordenone (Giovanni Antonio Licinio of), ix. 34, 35. Porlier, General, iii. 119. Porlock, x. 416. Porretta, Jeronymo della, ix. 59. Porridge Island, ii. 90. Porson (Richard), ii. 169, 176; iv. 233; vi. 73, 199, 208; vii. 198; viii. 17; x. 214, 244; xi. 288; xii. 75. Porteous (Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 248. Port Royal Logic, The (Anthony Arnaud’s), xi. 289. Porta di Popolo, vi. 379. Portalis, Jean Étienne Marie, xi. 123. Porter, Miss Jane, x. 296. —— Walsh, ix. 13, 65. Portia (Shakespeare’s Julius Cæsar), i. 198. —— (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), i. 391; iv. 260; viii. 180. Portland, Duke of (D—— P——, the), ii. 169, 216. —— Place, vi. 235; ix. 158, 479. Portman Square, vii. 68; ix. 158; xi. 385. Portrait (by S. del Piombo), xi. 238. —— of an English Lady, On a (by Vandyke), vii. 280. —— of a Female (Rembrandt’s), ix. 50. —— of a Lady (Maratti’s), ix. 21. —— of a Man (Leonardo da Vinci’s), ix. 26. —— of the Prince of the Austurias (Velasquez’s), ix. 23. —— of a Youth (Gainsborough’s), xi. 202. —— of a Youth (Parmegiano’s), ix. 41. Portsmouth, ii. 85, 185. —— Duchess of (Lely’s), ix. 38. Portugal, iii. 216, 228. Posa, Marquis of (in Schiller’s Don Carlos), ii. 178. Possessed Boy (Domenichino’s), xii. 367. Posthumous Fame, On; Whether Shakespeare was Influenced by a Love of it, i. 21. Posthumus (in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline), viii. 539; xi. 291, 293. Pot of Basil, The Story of the (Boccacio’s), i. 163; xi. 517. Poticary, The (in Heywood’s Four P’s), v. 274, 276. Potier, Charles, ix. 153. Potter, Paul, ii. 187; ix. 63, 301. —— Robert, xi. 284. Poulterer’s Shop (G. Dou’s), ix. 355. Poure Persone (Chaucer’s), v. 24. Poussin, Gaspar, ii. 318; vi. 15; ix. 14, 35, 51, 239; x. 278, 300; xi. 17; xii. 272. (See also references under Nicholas Poussin.) —— Lines on a picture of (Southey’s), v. 164. —— Nicholas, i. 149, 163; iv. 277; v. 38, 98; vi. 74, 171, 173 _n._, 174; vii. 103, 291–2; viii. 314; ix. 7, 13–4, 24, 30, 36, 51, 59, 72, 107–10 _n._, 113, 128, 133, 232, 237, 311, 323, 384, 387, 389, 393, 409, 473, 477; x. 77, 192, 278, 281, 303; xi. 188, 191, 197, 199, 200–1 _n._, 240 _n._, 242, 543; xii. 189, 207. —— On a Landscape of Nicholas, vi. 168. Pontoppidan, Eric, ii. 252. Povey, Miss, viii. 460. Powel, Mr (an Oxonian), ii. 196. Powell, William, viii. 280, 286; ix. 149. —— Mr (a racket player), vi. 88, 89, 286, 451. Power, Tyrone, xi. 381. Pozzo Borgo (a town), ix. 227. Practice of Piety (Lewis Bayly’s), iii. 111; xi. 254. Pradere (a musician), ii. 234. Præfatio ad Bellendenum (Parr’s), ii. 196. Prague, viii. 363. Pratt, Charles (Earl Camden), iii. 418. —— Sir John, iii. 418. —— Samuel Jackson, xi. 460. Pratt’s Hotel, Dieppe, ix. 92. Praxiteles, ix. 237; x. 341, 343. Preaux, Guillaume de, x. 54. Predominant Principles and Excitements of the Human Mind, On the, xi. 258. Preface to an Abridgment of Abraham Tucker’s Light of Nature Pursued, iv. 369. Prefaces, Dryden’s, vi. 217. Prejudice, On, xii. 391–6. Presbyterians, viii. 62, 66; x. 362 _n._; xi. 420. Present Discontents (Burke’s), iii. 421. Presentation in the Temple, The, (Guido’s), vii. 283, 292; ix. 111. Press, The—Coleridge, Southey, Wordsworth, and Bentham, xi. 411. Press-yard, iv. 195. Prestor John, iii. 142. Pretender, iii. 117, 408; x. 377; xii. 31. Priam, xii. 155. Price, Mrs, ii. 228. Price, Dr Richard, iii. 225, 401; iv. 9 _n._; xii. 358, 359, 405. Pride (in Spenser), v. 39. Prideaux, Humphrey, vi. 76, 476. Priestley, Dr Joseph, xii. 357; also referred to in i. 49 _n._; ii. 415; iii. 225; iv. 216; vii. 445–6; x. 315, 316; xi. 53, 54, 65, 66, 70, 72, 472 _n._, 579; xii. 405. Primrose, Dr (Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield), v. 119. Primrose-hill, vii. 66; viii. 463; ix. 158, 336. Prince and The Pretender; or, The Year 1745 (a short play), xi. 387. —— Arthur (in Spenser), v. 35; x. 74. —— Athanase, a Fragment (Shelley’s), x. 267. —— Maurice’s Parrot, iii. 101; also referred to in vi. 284. —— of Painters, The (Parrhasius), i. 162; vii. 61. —— Prettyman (in Duke of Buckingham’s Rehearsal), vii. 205. —— Regent, The, i. 416; iii. 218; ix. 479. —— Regent leading a Horse (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. —— of Wales, The (passage boat), ii. 242. Prince’s Street, ii. 314; ix. 324. Princess of Cleves, The (Madame de la Fayette), xii. 62, 169. —— of Arragon, A (Raphael’s), vii. 287. Principia (Newton’s), ii. 379; iii. 141; xii. 26, 279, 402. Principle of Population as affecting the Schemes of Utopian Improvement, On the, iii. 367. Prior, Matthew, i. 80; iv. 359; v. 83, 104, 106–7, 369, 373; viii. 56. —— Aymer (in play from Scott’s Ivanhoe), viii. 410. Prioress, The (in Chaucer), v. 32, 82. Pripscovius, iii. 266. Priscilla, Tomboy (in The Romp), viii. 539. Prison Thoughts (Dodd’s), xii. 348. Pritchard, Mrs, i. 157; vi. 275; xii. 33. Prize, The (Prince Hoare’s), i. 155; viii. 230, 388, 416. Procession of the Passions, The (Spenser’s), v. 35, 39, 40. Proclus, iv. 217; x. 145; xii. 164 _n._ Procrastination, Lines on (Young), v. 114. Procrustes, i. 176; iv. 374 _n._; v. 150. Prodigal Son, The, v. 184. Progress of Finance, xi. p. vii. Project for a New Theory of Civil and Criminal Legislation, xii. 405. Prologue in Heaven, The (Shelley’s, from Goethe), x. 271. Prometheus, vi. 424; ix. 135; xii. 222. —— The picture of (Salvator’s), x. 283, 296. —— (Æschylus’s), iv. 216; v. 64; viii. 420; x. 93; xii. 347. —— (Titian’s), ix. 273. —— Unbound (Shelley’s), vi. 148. Promissory Note, The (a play), viii. 464. Prophet Ezra (Hayter’s), xi. 245. —— Samuel (Reynolds’s), ix. 24. Prophets and Sybils (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 241, 366. Prose-Style of Poets, On the, vii. 5. Proserpine (a frigate), ii. 227. Prospects of Mankind, Nature, and Providence (Wallace’s), iv. 291. Prospero (Shakespeare’s Tempest), i. 245, 346; iv. 202; v. 48, 187; vii. 213; viii. 235, 236; xi. 119, 417, 451. Proteus, iii. 325. —— (Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona), i. 319. —— (Spenser), v. 38. Provençal Poetry, x. 46 _et seq._ Provence, viii. 126; ix. 182. Provincial Letters (Pascal’s), xii. 169. Provoked Husband, The; or Journey to London (Vanbrugh’s), vi. 15, 414, 444, 453. —— Wife, The (Vanbrugh’s), viii. 79, 81, 83. Prussia, iii. 68, 71; xi. 333. —— King of, ii. 185; iii. 106. Psalmanazar, George, vii. 198. Psalmody (Arnold’s), ii. 44, 50, 54. Psalms, The, vi. 392; xi. 489. Psyche (in Apuleius’s Golden Ass), vi. 201. Public Opinion, On, xii. 311. Pucelle (Voltaire’s), i. 292. Puck (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 241, 424; v. 53. —— ix. 177. —— (Reynolds’s), ix. 329, 400. Puff (a horse), ii. 39, 40. Puffendorf, Samuel, Baron von, iv. 283; vi. 76; xii. 378. Pugh, Mr (a surgeon), ii. 225. Pulci, Luigi, x. 69. Pulpit Oratory—Dr Chalmers and Mr Irving, xii. 275. Pulteney, Sir William (Earl of Bath), iii. 389, 410, 412, 465; vi. 449. —— Sir William Johnstone (Plug Pulteney), ii. 217; iv. 2 _n._, 298. Punch and the Puppet Show, ii. 396; vii. 25; xii. 17, 205, 353. Punishment of Death, On the, xii. 466. Purcell, Henry, ii. 176; iii. 311; v. 384. Purgatorio (Dante’s), ix. 251; x. 63. Purgatory (Salvator’s), x. 297. Puritans, i. 49; viii. 54; x. 356. —— History of the (Neale’s), iii. 265; iv. 217; xi. 443. —— The, or Widow of Watling Street, i. 356; v. 289. Purley, Diversions of, On (Tooke’s), xi. 119. Purple Island (P. Fletcher’s), v. 311. Putney Bridge, viii. 201 _n._ Pye, Henry James, iii. 109, 113, 258; viii. 160. Pygmalion (fable of), ii. 400; ix. 222; xi. 241. Pym, John, iii. 394; iv. 61; vii. 320. Pyne, Mr (singer), viii. 240, 244, 301. Pyramids, The, i. 110; iii. 246; vi. 188; vii. 255; ix. 350. Pyrochles, The Shipwreck of (in Sir P. Sidney’s Arcadia), v. 323. Pyrrhus, xii. 204. —— (in Phillips’s Distressed Mother), viii. 334. —— (referred to in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), xi. 395. Pythagoras, iv. 37, 384; vii. 243; x. 338; xi. 491. Q. Quadratus (in Marston’s What You Will), v. 225. Quakers, i. 49 and _n._, 50. Quarles, xii. 48 _n._ Quarrel, The (in Liber Amoris), ii. 294. Quarterly Review, The, iii. 192; also referred to in i. 95, 139, 166, 365, 376, 384, 385–6, 410, 456; iii. 44, 110, 112, 126, 202, 203–4, 211–15, 217–22, 224–5, 229, 231, 242, 262, 295; iv. 298, 302, 307–8, 310, 343, 419; vi. 59, 87, 99, 152 _n._, 226, 263, 284, 479; vii. 131, 208, 301, 312, 381; viii. 453; ix. 246 _n._; xi. 322, 419, 537, 547, 551; xii. 169, 295, 314. Quattro-Fontane-, Via di (at Rome), ix. 233. Quebec, Battle of, xi. 546. Queen (in Lust’s Dominion), v. 207. —— (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), xi. 194. —— Caroline (in Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), viii. 413 _n._ —— Charlotte, The (passage boat), ii. 242. —— Dollalolla (in Fielding’s Tom Thumb), vi. 453. —— Elinor (in Shakespeare’s King John), xi. 411. —— Katherine (in Shakespeare’s King John), i. 311; vii. 306; viii. 223. —— Mab, vi. 276; viii. 32; xii. 20. —— Whim (in Rabelais), iii. 128. Queen’s Matrimonial Ladder (Hone’s), xii. 172 _n._ —— Trial (Hayter’s), vi. 386; ix. 128. Queensberry, Duke of, ii. 28; vii. 211. Queensberry’s Duchess, xi. 375. Quentin Durward (Scott’s), iv. 248; vii. 339. Queries and Answers; or, The Rule of Contrary, xii. 296. Quevedo Y. Villegas, Francisco Gomez de, i. 387; xi. 234; xii. 348. Quick, John, i. 155; vi. 275; viii. 230, 386; xii. 198 _n._ Quickly, Mrs, xi. 312. Quin, James, i. 157; iii. 389; xii. 33. Quintilian, i. 394. Quintus (Cicero’s brother), x. 251. Quotations— A. A jocis ad seria in seriis vicissim ad jocos transire, i. 52. About a league from the town is a place called Walheim, etc., vi. 6 _n._ above all names, a name great, i. 143. absolute, that in itself summ’d all delight, ix. 54. absurd to talk of a complex idea, it is as, etc., iv. 379 _n._ Accept a miracle instead of wit, etc., viii. 15. according to the book of arithmetic, viii. 346. according to knowledge, xi. 324. ace of clubs, like an, i. 69. Ackermann’s dresses, in the manner of, etc., iii. 321; iv. 358. acquitted felon, ii. 149, 157. action is momentary, etc., iv. 276. action is momentary, The motion of a muscle, etc., viii. 130. actions, all the, that we have any idea of, etc., xi. 60. adamantine scales, turned to the stroke, his, etc., xi. 522. added a cubit to his stature, viii. 208. admire anything, Not to, i. 81 _n._; xii. 181. admired, needs but to be seen to be, iv. 230, 360. admired of all observers, the, xii. 325. Adonis of fifty! an, etc., iv. 358; vii. 123; viii. 475. advantage of this method of considering objects, The, etc., vi. 136. advantage, dressed to, xi. 375. Advance, soft soother of the mind, etc., ii. 74. advice in a word is this, my, etc., vi. 128. A few termes coude he, etc., vii. 270. affectation, that seal of mediocrity, vi. 461. Afric on its hundred thrones rejoice, Let, viii. 338. Age after age, from sire to son, etc., iii. 50. age of chivalry is gone for ever, iii. 233; v. 189; vii. 374; xii. 91, 285. age of comedy would be gone, The, etc., viii. 15. age of hobby-horses, the, x. 40. aggregation of ideas, viii. 55. agreeable surprise, viii. 467. Ah! idle creature, viii. 73. Ah! noble prince, how oft have I beheld, etc., v. 195. ah, pardonna, viii. 297. ah, voila de la pervenche, i. 92; v. 103; vii. 372 _n._; xii. 329. Ah! well-a-day, my poor heart! ii. 113. Ah! what a weary race my feet have run, etc., v. 121. airs and graces, xii. 237. airy, notional good, an, vii. 395. alarmists by trade, x. 121. Alas! he is not dead; he’s in a trance, etc., v. 243. Alas! how changed from him, etc., v. 78; viii. 409. alas! Leviathan was not so tamed! iii. 329. Alas the wo! alas the peines stronge, etc., v. 29. Alas! they had been friends in youth, etc., v. 166. Alexander—If I were not, xii. 198. Alexis, here she stay’d among these pines, etc., v. 302. Aliquando sufflaminandus erat, i. 311; vii. 38; viii. 41. _See_ Nunquam. all earth’s bliss, both living and loving, of, etc., viii. 407. all germins spill at once, xii. 67. all hail him victor in both gifts of song, etc., iii. 47. all men are mortal, vi. 324 All our surgeons Convent in their behoof, v. 258. all power given them upon Earth, iii. 106. all the art of art is flown, xi. 496. all the beasts of the forest are mine, etc., vi. 392. All the editors with the exception of Capell, etc., i. 353. all the inward acts of worship, etc., iii. 270. All the mutually reflected charities, i. 30; viii. 137; ix. 80, 144. all this I will do with the stone, xi. 171. all was one full-swelling bed, v. 88. all which, though we most potently believe, xi. 274 _n._ All whose parish ther was non, etc., v. 24. All eyes shall see me, etc., viii. 148; ix. 69; x. 191. allegiance and just fealty, etc., iii. 209. Allemagne, tu es une nation, et tu pleurs, xi. 282. Alley has a brother, where each, etc., iii. 424. allow for the wind, to, iv. 192; vi. 81. Alma redemptoris mater, Oh, etc., v. 29; x. 76. alone give value and dignity to it, ix. 397. Alps nor Apennines Can keep him out, Nor fortified redoubt, Nor, vi. 66; ix. 291. Alps o’er Alps arise, where, ix. 191; x. 132. alter et idem, viii. 463. alternate action and repose, ix. 327, 329. always speaks in blank verse, i. 239. Alworthy had done so many charitable actions, Mr, xii. 309. am I not thy Duchess, etc., v. 246 _n._ amalgamation of the wonderful powers, an, viii. 191. amaranthine flower, The only, etc., xii. 251. amazing brightness, purity and truth, x. 191. amber-lidded snuff-box, of, justly vain, etc., i. 25; viii. 134; ix. 76; xi. 498. amid the forest deep, stock-dove plain, v. 88; vii. 114; xii. 153. Among the rocks, etc., xii. 316. ample scope and verge enough, iii. 140; iv. 340; vi. 57; viii. 403; xi. 470, 483. amusing to see this person, sitting like one of Brouwer’s Dutch boors, it was, etc., iv. 307. anarchy is the shortest lived, Of all evils, vi. 164. ancestral voices, xi. 515. ancient Gower, v. 34. ancient knights of true and noble heart, Oh, x. 71. And all my fears go with thee, etc., v. 256. and all that day we read no more, x. 62 _n._ And all the rest forgot, etc., x. 394. and are, when unadorned, adorned the most, xi. 440. And as the new abashed, etc., i. 226; v. 20. And by his side rode loathsome Gluttony, etc., v. 39. and curs’d the hour, and curs’d the luckless day, etc., iv. 222. And down the streams which close those mountains, etc., x. 266. and e’en on Sunday, etc., xii. 20. And eke that stranger knight, v. 38. And have not two saints power to use, etc., viii. 63. And in his nose, like Indian king, etc., viii. 63. And more to lull him in his slumber soft, etc., v. 36. And next to him rode lustfull Lechery, etc., v. 39. And now from out the watery floor, etc., ix. 268. And see where surly Winter passes off, v. 86. And setting his right foot before, etc., viii. 65. and struts Sir Judkin, an exceeding knave, iii. 237. And that green wreath which decks the bard when dead, etc., v. 120. And turn’d and look’d, and turn’d to look again, v. 119. And when I think that his immortal wings, etc., vii. 85; ix. 164. and when that last, iii. 118. And with a quavering coyness tastes the strings, v. 318. angel from Heaven, ii. 312. angels ’twas most like, To, vi. 259. angels’ visits, few and far between, Like, iv. 346 and _n._; v. 150 and _n._; vii. 38; viii. 316. angels weep, as make the, viii. 471. angles at the four corners was a right one, not one of the, viii. 93. Anna, the silver-voiced, vii. 301. another Yarrow, vii. 229. Anthony Codrus Urceus, a most learned, etc., vi. 238. antic sits, And there the, etc., vi. 354. any faction that at the time can get the power, etc., iii. 291. Apelles of the flowers, the, v. 300. Apollo, without making one observation, I cannot quit the, etc., vi. 139. appears to have been the first who discovered the path, he, etc., vi. 126. Arabia have I seen a Phœnix, So in, vi. 233 _n._ Arcadian! I also was an, i. 163; v. 98; vi. 27; x. 187; xi. 267. _See_ Et _and_ painter. are you our daughter, viii. 446. Argicide, He said; and straight the herald, etc., i. 71 _n._ Arguments from reason, of the, etc., xi. 54. Argument, they own’d his wondrous skill, In, etc., vi. 80. arm-chair at an inn, the, xii. 121. army of Macedonian and Swedish mad butchers fly before him, an, v. 123. Around him the bees in play flutter and cluster, etc., v. 151. arriving round about doth fly, There he, etc., viii. 404. arrogant a piece of paper, as, iii. 231. arrowy sleet, vi. 54. art, by his so potent, vi. 272. art is long, and life is short, vii. 61. art of being well deceived, the, vii. 204. Art thou not Lucifer? etc., v. 317. artists, as Vasari likewise observes, Many, etc., vi. 136. artists, Few, have excelled Wilson in the tint of air, etc., xi. 201. artists who have quitted the service of nature, Those, etc., vi. 130. as a lamb, he was led, etc., iii. 239 as beseems him well, iii. 114. As having clasp’d a rose within my palm, etc., v. 225. As I walked about, etc., v. 14. as if he were a God to punish, etc., viii. 348. As if they thrill’d frail hearts, etc., vii. 282. as in a glass darkly, but now face to face! vi. 9; xii. 152. as in a map the voyager his course, v. 326. As Julia once a slumbering lay, etc., v. 313. as much again to govern it, iv. 321; vi. 317. As the morning lark sings over her young, etc., v. 210. as those same plumes, so seems he vain and light, etc., xi. 479. As when an owl that’s in a barn, etc., viii. 67. As when, in prime of June, etc., xii. 174. Ashby, The gentle and free passage of arms at, etc., xii. 18 _n._ ashes live his wonted fires, Even in his, x. 386. asinos asinina decent, iii. 207. ask the Apollo to dance, And would, ix. 174. Ask me no more where Jove bestows, When June is past, the fading rose, etc., v. 311. Aspiring to be Gods, if angels fell, etc., vii. 196. assumes the rod, affects the God, etc., vi. 215. assured; what they are least, xii. 363. Astonishment, fear, and amazement beat upon my heart, etc., v. 212. at an easy rate, ii. 149. at every trifle scorn to take offence, etc., v. 75. At once he took his Muse and dipt her Right in the middle of the Scripture, ii. 340. at one end of a rod, xii. 19. at the public good, v. 215. At this the knight grew high in chafe, etc., viii. 66. Au-dessus du mont Jove, un mont plus escarpé, etc., xi. 231. aujourd’hui jour de Pâques fleuries, etc., vii. 372 _n._ Auld Reekie, iv. 245. aut Cæsar aut nihil, vi. 274; vii. 167; xii. 326. author, ’tis a venerable name, an, etc., vi. 162. Auvergne alone, when in, etc., iv. 206. avarice, If there had been no such thing as, xi. 298. avengers of mankind, the, iii. 99. aversion, it is his, iv. 258. awake, my sack-but! iii. 50. B. Babylon, by the waters of, vii. 122. Back and side, go bare, go bare, Both foot and hand go cold, etc., v. 288. bade the lovely scenes at distance hail, And, vii. 304. Bailey, that unfortunate Miss, iii. 160. balsam of fierabras, xi. 304. bambouzled and bit, iii. 156. bane and antidote, its, iv. 8; xi. 524 Bann’d be those hours when ’mongst the learned throng, etc., v. 283. barbarous kings, iii. 111. bard whose soul is meek as dawning day, i. 429. bared his swelling heart, iii. 338. bare trees and mountains bare, the, etc., i. 113; iii. 168; v. 163. ball of dazzling fire, xii. 342. base cullionly fellow, xii. 285. Be every day of your long life like this, etc., viii. 75. Be mine to read eternal new romances of Marivaux and Crebillon, v. 118; viii. 106; x. 25; xi. 333. Be niggards of advice on no pretence, etc., v. 75. Be silent always, when you doubt your sense, etc., v. 75. Be to her faults a little blind, etc., iii. 217. Be wise to-day; ’tis madness to defer, etc., v. 114. beaker full of the warm South, Oh for a, etc., ix. 174. bear a charmed life, xii. 151. Bear thou that great Eliza in thy mind, etc., iii. 112, 278. beautiful is vanished, and returns not, the, etc., vi. 186; xii. 293. Beautiful mask! etc., xii. 321. beauty and grandeur of the art, The whole, etc., vi. 134. beauty, By their own, etc., x. 349. beauty in creatures of the same species, etc., vi. 137. Beauty, Love, and Truth lie here, etc., ii. 75. Beauty out of favour and on crutches, vi. 221. beauty, rendered still more beautiful, xi. 212. Beauty the lover’s gift? Dear me, what is a lover that it can give? etc., viii. 73. Beauty, When he saw nought but, etc., iv. 217. because he was a lord, firstly, etc., xi. 487. because it would do that in verse, etc., xi. 491. because on earth their names, etc., i. 23; x. 63. Because you think me a savage, viii. 442. bees in spring-time, like, xii. 121. beggarly, unmannered corse, xii. 285. beggars are coming to town, The, etc., viii. 408 _n._ beguile the slow and creeping hours of time, xii. 157. Begun in gladness, whereof has come, etc., vii. 57. Behold the fate of a reformer, etc., vi. 378. Behold the lilies of the field, etc., xi. 504; vi. 392. Behold the twig, to which thou laidest down thy head, is now become a tree, v. 199. Behold thy mother, etc., v. 184. beholds that lady in her bower, etc., viii. 308. Believe me, the providence of God, etc., vi. 100. believes him to have been the greatest genius, etc., v. 123. believes in a fat capon, x. 69. bellum internecinum, iii. 61; xi. 469. Below the bottom of the great abyss, etc., v. 315. Belton so pert, and so pimply, viii. 120; x. 38. Beneath the hills, along the flowery vales, etc., iv. 272. Beneath the hills, amid the flowery groves, etc., vii. 233. Besides these jolly birds, whose corpse impure, v. 80. best can feel them, xii. 43. best company in the world, the, viii. 82. best of kings, i. 305; iii. 41. best of men (The) that e’er wore earth about him, was a sufferer, etc., v. 185. best tennis players, the, vii. 42. best-found, and latest, as well as earliest choice, viii. 392. best thing (that the) that could have happened to a man was never to have been born, etc., i. 1. bestow his tediousness, xii. 40. Better be lord of them that riches have, etc., vi. 111. better none, x. 185. Beware, therefore, with lordes for to play, etc., iii. 385. Beyond Hyde Park all is a desart, etc., vi. 187; vii. 67; viii. 36. bidding, at his, viii. 236. bid a gay defiance to mischance, must, etc., viii. 160. Bidding the lovely scenes, etc., ix. 94; xii. 151. Bigger than a mustard seed, at first no, etc., x. 395. bis repetita crambe, vii. 126. bitter bad judges, i. 94; vi. 310, 407. black and melancholy yew trees, No, ix. 145. black mutton or white, v. 114; vii. 173. black upon white, and white upon black, vi. 319. blasts from hell, viii. 363. blazons herself, viii. 74. bleating oratory, the, v. 323. blesses the Regent, etc., iii. 42. Blessings be with them, and eternal praise, etc., i. 22. blights the tender blossom, etc., xii. 140. blind with rain, ix. 109. blindness to the future kindly given, Oh! etc., vi. 250. blinking Sam, xi. 221. blocking out and staying in, xii. 233. blossom tear? Ah! why so soon the, xii. 207. blotted out the map of Europe, xii. 291. Blow, blow, thou winter’s wind, xii. 122. blown about by every wind, etc., xii. 441. blushes with blood of queens and kings, vii. 225. body of this death, the, xii. 125. bony prizer, viii. 357; xi. 367. bonzes and priests, of all religions, the, etc., viii. 104. book in the world he was the best pleased with, viii. 94. book, sealed, ix. 29. Books do not teach the use of books, vi. 73. Books, dreams are each a world, and books, we know, are a substantial world, both pure and good, v. 247; vii. 372; viii. 120; x. 38; xi. 295. book and brain, within the volume of the, etc., vi. 173. bordered on the verge of all we hate, viii. 188. Borealis race, Or like the, iii. 141. born for the universe, iv. 251. Born for their use, they live but to oblige them, etc., vii. 80. born in a garret sixteen storeys high, iv. 258. born to converse, to live, and _act_ with ease, xi. 381. Born universal heir to all humanity! vi. 42, 253. born within the sound of Bow-bell, vii. 70. bosom of its Father and its God, v. 137. both end and use, iii. 323. both living and loving! ii. 310. Both thought it was the wisest course, etc., viii. 66. bound them with Styx, xii. 260. bow their crested pride, iii. 11. brain would have been like a smokejack, my, vi. 275. brangle and brave-all, etc., iii. 314. brave man in distress, a, xi. 533. brave sublunary things, vi. 193; vii. 265; xii. 153. brazen throat and iron tongue, with its, etc., xii. 55. break out like a wild overthrow, vi. 164. breath that under heaven is blown, By every little, iv. 333; xii. 22. breath can _mar_ them as a breath has made, A, vii. 52; xi. 197. Breathed hot, From all the boundless furnace of the sky, etc., v. 88. breezy call of incense-breathing morn, ix. 51. Brentford on one throne, So sit two Kings of, ix. 236. Brentford to Ealing, from, etc., viii. 168, 318. Brightest, if there be remaining Any service, without feigning, etc., v. 255. brilliant land! Ah! etc., viii. 441. Bring back the hour of glory in the grass, etc., vi. 257. Bring but a Scotsman frae his hill, etc., xi. 446. Britain’s warriors, her Statesmen, etc., iii. 162, 258; xi. 429. Britain’s warriors, the flower of, etc., xi. 429. Britannia rival Greece, bid, vi. 270. broad as it is long, as, xi. 369. brother, and half the story had its, etc., viii. 399. brother of the groves, a, viii. 467; xii. 133. brother, Sir Charles, lived to himself, her, vi. 90. brothers of the angle, xii. 19. Brownies and Bogilis full is his Buik, of, x. 311. Brunswick’s fated line, iii. 117. bubble knocks another on the head, one, etc., viii. 464. bud of the briar, the, v. 323. building up of our feelings through the imagination, vii. 408 _n._ Buonaparte, little bookselling, xi. 386 burden and the mystery, the, v. 67; ix. 159. buried as a man, he had been, etc., xii., 353. burning and shining light, i. 60. burnished fly in month of June, a, v. 88. Busied about some wicked gin, xi. 581. But a little way off, they saw the mast, etc., v. 323. But for an utmost end, etc., xi. 265. But he so teazed me, viii. 255. But I will come again, my love, An’ it were ten thousand mile, ii. 290. But if, unblameable in word and thought, etc., v. 94. But not for me the merry bells, viii. 525. But of the two, less dangerous is the offence, etc., v. 74. But still the world, etc., iii. 254. But ’tis the fall degrades her to a whore, etc., iii. 46; vii. 368; xi. 475. But the admirers of this great poet have most reason to complain, etc., i. 177. But the commandment of knowledge, etc., v. 332. But there is matter for a second rhyme, etc., xi. 282; xii. 275. But thou, oh Hope, with eyes so fair, etc., viii. 436. But where are the other eleven? i. 257. But where ye doubt the truth not knowing, Believing the best, good may be growing, etc., v. 280. butterflies flutter around, And gaudy, xii. 25. buttress, wall, and tower, Where, ix. 266. by a long tract of time, by the use of language, etc., vii. 387. By him lay heavie Sleepe, cosin of Death, etc., v. 196. By our first strange and fatal interview, etc., xii. 28. By the first part of this last tale, etc., v. 275. by the help of his fayre hornes on hight, v. 42. By the mass I saw him of late call up a great black devil, etc., v. 288. by words only ... a man becometh, x. 135. C. Cætera desunt, vi. 121. calamity, the rub that makes, etc., xii. 199. call evil good and good evil, to, xi. 341. Call not so loud or they will hear us, vii. 377. call up him who left half-told, And, xii. 27. Calling each by name, etc., ix. 401. Calm contemplation and majestic pains, iv. 274; vi. 26; ix. 44. Calm contemplation and poetic ease, v. 71; xi. 432, 508. calm, peaceable writers, vi. 254. came, saw, and were satisfied, we, viii. 455. Canning had the most elegant mind since Virgil, xi. 336 _n._ canny ways and pawky looks, xii. 91. canonised bones, his, vi. 58. cant religious, cant political, etc., xii. 338. capacity, a greater general, etc., x. 178. caput mortuum, xi. 495. careful after many things, They are, etc., xii. 197. Care, mad to see a man so happy, etc., v. 129. Care mounted behind the horseman, etc., vi. 87. cares, And ever against _eating_, etc., xii. 142. Carnage is its daughter! i. 214; vii. 374; viii. 348. Carnage is her daughter, iii. 120 _n._ Carnage was the daughter of Humanity, i. 391 _n._; iii. 166. Carnation was a colour he never could abide, xi. 457. Carlo Maratti succeeded better than those, etc., vi. 124. carries noise, and behind it, it leaves tears, it, viii. 348. cast both body and soul into hell, xii. 359. cast some longing, lingering looks behind, viii. 250. Castalie, the dew of, v. 14; x. 156; xii. 294. castle walls crumbled into ashes, his, etc., viii. 309. casuist, that noble and liberal, i. 235; viii. 186. cat and canary-bird, the, etc., x. 195. catalogue they go for actors, in the, viii. 465. Catch a king and kill a king, xi. 551. Catch ere she falls, The Cynthia of the minute, xi. 402. catch glimpses that may make them less forlorn! vi. 27; xi. 267; xii. 42. catch the breezy air, vii. 70. cathedral’s gloom and choir, The, etc., ix. 207; xi. 535. Caucasus, the frosty, xii. 149. cause of evil, re-risen, iii. 117. cause was hearted, the, xii. 288. Cease your funning, viii. 194, 255, 323. 470. censure the age, When they, etc., vii. 377. Centaur not fabulous, xii. 228. certain lady of a manor, a, i. 422; xi. 273 _n._ certain little gentleman, a, iii. 312. Certain so wroth are they, iii. 268. certain tender bloom his fame o’erspreads, A, xii. 207, 262. Certainly, as her eyelids are more pleasant to behold, etc., v. 324. C’est un mauvais métier que celui de médire, vii. 205. Chaldee wise, The, etc., v. 292. Challenges essoine, from every work he, xii. 46, 225. chamber, was dispainted all within, His, etc., viii. 128. chapel-bell, the little, xii. 305. chargeable, very, x. 172. Charity begins at home, iii. 289; xi. 319. Charity covers a multitude of sins, vii. 83; viii. 33. charm these deaf adders wisely, xi. 415. Charming Betsy Careless, the, viii. 144. Charron, Or more wise, viii. 93 _n._ chase his fancy’s rolling speed, x. 120. cheap defence, i. 295. cheat the gallows face, xi. 551. cheese-parings, as a saving of, etc., vii. 273. chemist, statesman, fiddler and buffoon, i. 85; x. 207. cherish our prejudices, etc., xii. 395. child and champion of Jacobinism, iii. 99, 227; iv. 6; xi. 422. child is father to the man, the, vii. 231; xi. 334. children of yon azure sheen, As are the, xii. 262. children of the world are wiser, the, etc., xi. 522; xii. 298. children’s play, Come, let us leave off, etc., iii. 132. children sporting, We see the, etc., vi. 92; xii. 130. chips of short-lung’d Seneca, The dry, etc., x. 98. chop off his head, viii. 201. choosing songs the Regent named, In, etc., iv. 359. Christ, inscribed the cross of, etc., xii, 261. Christ Jesus! what mighty crime, etc., vi. 239. Christian could die! to see how a, xii. 330. chrysolite, this one entire and perfect, xii. 105, 235. Ci giace il gran Titiano di Vecelli, etc., ix. 270. Circled Una’s angel face, and made a sunshine in the shady place, v. 46; x. 77. cities in Romanian lands, Of all the, etc., xii. 323. city, no mean, ix. 69. city set on a hill, a, etc., x. 335. clad in flesh and blood, i. 13, 135. Clad in the wealthy robes his genius wrought, etc., ii. 108. Clamour grew dumb, unheard was shepherd’s song, etc., v. 315. clap on high his coloured winges twain, v. 35; x. 74. clappeth his wings, and straightway he is gone, viii. 404; ix. 70. clear it from all controversy, to, etc., iv. 335; vi. 52. Cleopatra, will be the fatal, xii. 310. clerk there was of Oxenford also, A, etc., i. 84. clock that wants both hands, A, etc., viii. 434. Close to the gate a spacious garden lies, etc., ix. 325. clothed and fed, with which they are, ix. 93. cloud by day, neither the, etc., ix. 361. clouds in which Death hid himself, the, etc., vii. 14. clouds of detraction, of envy and lies, through, vii. 367. clouds over the Caspian, like two, xii. 11. Cockney School in Poetry, xii. 256 _n._ coil and pudder, xi. 554; xii. 335, 383. Cold drops of sweat sit dangling on my hairs, etc., v. 212. cold icicles, the, from his rough beard Dropped adown upon her snowy breast! v. 38. cold rheum, vi. 304. Colonel took upon him to wear a shirt, x. 382; xii. 142. colouring of Titian, the grace of Raphael, etc., vi. 74. come betwixt the wind and their nobility, vii. 378. come, but no farther, xii. 108. Come, gentle Spring, etc., v. 86. come home to the bosoms and businesses of men, i. 200; v. 333; vii. 293, 337; viii. 91; xi. 548; xii. 377, 400. Come, kiss me, love, viii. 265. Come, live with me and be my love, v. 99, 211, 298. Come, say before all these, etc., viii. 265. Come then, the colours and the ground prepare, etc., vii. 290; viii. 73, 186; xi. 240. comes like a satyr, iv. 246. comes the tug of war, viii. 219. comforted with their bright radiance, xi. 346. coming and going he knew not where, i. 90. Coming events cast their shadow before, vii. 50; x. 221; xii. 113. Coming, gentlemen, coming, x. 382. Coming Reviews cast their shadows before, x. 221. common people always prefer exertion and agility to grace, ix. 173. companion of my way, Let me have a, etc., vi. 182. companion of the lonely hour, xii. 53. companions of the spring, The painted birds, xi. 271. company, Tell me your, etc., vi. 202; xi. 196; xii. 133. compelled to give in evidence against himself, i. 129. complex constable, that, iii. 299. compost heap, a, vi. 37. Compound for sins they are inclin’d to, etc., viii. 18. conceit or the world well lost, all for, xii. 363. condemned to everlasting fame, x. 375. confined in too narrow room, iii. 290. conformed to this world, to be, iii. 275; viii. 146. Conniving house (as the gentlemen of Trinity), etc., i. 56. conquering and to conquer, xi. 418. conscience and tender heart, Where all is, ii. 371; iii. 155; iv. 204, 326; vi. 165; vii. 173, 280; x. 238. conspicuous scene, etc., xii. 31. constant chastity, unspotted faith, etc., iii. 208. constrained by mastery, iii. 166; iv. 220; v. 86; vii. 197; viii. 404; ix. 17; xii. 188. constrain his genius by mastery, viii. 479. consummation of the art devoutly to be wished, a, viii. 190; xii. 125. contagious gentleness, viii. 309. contemporary bards would be admired when Homer and Virgil were forgotten, xi. 288. contempt of the choice of the people, i. 394, 427; iii. 32 and _n._, 175, 401. contempt of their worshippers, in, xii. 244. content man’s natural desire, vi. 324. Continents have more, of what they contain, etc., iii. 272; vi. 205; xii. 16. Contra audentior ito, xi. 514. conversation, To excel in, etc., vii. 32. converse with the mighty dead, Hold high, ix. 69. convertible to the same abandoned purpose, iii. 91. cooped and cabined in by saucy doubts and fears, viii. 477; xii. 125. copied the other, Which of you, ix. 33. Corinthian capitals of polished society, the, iv. 290; xii. 131. coronet face, the, xii. 226. Corporate bodies have no soul, vi. 264. corrupter sort of mere politiques, The, etc., v. 329. could be content if the species were continued like trees, he, v. 334. could he lay sacrilegious hands, etc., viii. 269. counterfeiten chere, To, etc., iii. 268. courage never to submit, etc., xii. 192. courtly, the court, viii. 55; ix. 61. courtiers offended should be, lest the, etc., iii. 45; viii. 457. Cover her face: my eyes dazzle: she died young, v. 246. covers a multitude of sins, vii. 83; viii. 33. coxcombs, the prince of, proud of being at the head, etc., viii. 36, 83. crack of ploughs and kine, xii. 380. Craignez Dieu, mon cher Abner, etc., ix. 116. Created hugest that swim the oceanstream, vii. 13. Creation’s tenant, he is nature’s heir, xi. 500. creature of the element, a, etc., xii. 30. Credat Judæus Apella, xii. 266. Credo quia impossibile est, vii. 351. credulous hope, the, etc., xii. 321. cries all the way from Portsmouth, etc., viii. 322. crisis is at hand for every man to take part for, the, etc., vi. 154. crown which Ariadne wore, etc., x. 186. crown of the head, From the, etc., xii., 247. cruel sunshine thrown by fortune on a fool, etc., xi. 550. crust of formality, a, vi. 356. cry more tuneable, A, etc., xii. 18. cubit from his stature, a, viii. 263. Cucullus non facit monachum, vii. 236. Cuique tribuito suum, v. 368; vii. 191. Cupid and my Campaspe play’d, etc., v. 201. Cupid, as he lay among Roses, by a bee was stung, v. 312. cups that cheer, but not inebriate, The, etc., vi. 184. cure for a narrow and selfish spirit, a, xii. 429. curiosa felicitas, v. 149; xi. 606. curl her hair so crisp and pure, to, etc., viii. 465. curtain-close such scenes, And, etc., xii. 328. Cut is the branch that might have grown full strait, etc., v. 206. cut up so well in the cawl, They do not, etc., iii. 321; vii. 202; viii. 340. cuts the common link, xii. 402. Cymocles, oh! I burn, etc., x. 245. D. daily food and nourishment of the mind of the artist, the, etc., vi. 125, 126. daily intercourse of all this unintelligible world, the, etc., viii. 420. dainty flower or herb that grows on ground, No, etc., iv. 353. dallies with the innocence of thought, That, etc., xii. 177. Damn you, can’t you be cool, etc., iii. 226. damnation round the land, iv. 224. dancing days, Such were the joys of our, etc., viii. 437; xi. 300. dandled and swaddled, vi. 270. Dapple, and there I spoke of him, There I thought of, vi. 61. dark closet, with a little glimmering of light, a, etc., xi. 174. darkness dare affront, and with their, xii. 198. darkness that might be felt, in, iii. 57; vi. 43. darling in the public eye, iv. 298. darlings of his precious eye, the, xii. 195. dashed and brewed, vii. 140; x. 235. dateless bargain, to all engrossing despotism, a, xi. 414. daughter and his ducats, his, xii. 142 _n._ daughters of memory, the, iv. 348. day, It was the, etc., viii. 288. Dazzled with excess of light, viii. 551. dazzling fence of argument, the, xii. 358. De apparentibus et non existentibus eadem est ratio, v. 341 _n._; vii. 50; xii. 56, 217. De mortius nil nisi bonum, viii. 323. de omne scibile et quibusdam aliis, vi. 214; vii. 315. de omnibus rebus et quibusdam aliis, xi. 467. d’un pathetique à faire fendre les rochers, vi. 236. deaf the praised ear, and mute the tuneful tongue, v. 274. Dear chorister, who from these shadows sends, etc., v. 300. Death may be called in vain, and cannot come, etc., v. 357. death there is animation too, Even in, ix. 221. deathless date, vi. 291. decked in purple and in pall, etc., viii. 308. declamations or set speeches, His, are commonly cold, etc., i. 177. decorum is the principal thing, v. 360. dedicate its sweet leaves, i. 386. Deem not devoid of elegance the sage, By Fancy’s genuine feelings unbeguiled, etc., v. 120. deep abyss of time, fast anchored in the, vii. 125. deep, within that lowest, etc., xii. 144. defections, his right-handed, etc., vii. 181. defend the right, to, x. 167. degree, in a high or low, etc., xi. 442. Deh! quando tu sarai tornato al mondo, ix. 251. Deh vieni alla finestra, viii. 365. deity they shout around, A present, etc., x. 191; xii. 250. deliberately or for money, iv. 339; vi. 56. delicious breath painting sends forth, What a, etc., ix. 19. delicious thought, of being regarded as a clever fellow, i. 93 _n._ delight in love, ’tis when I see, If there’s, etc., viii. 73. delight in! to fear, not to, xii. 243. Deliverance for mankind, vi. 152 _n._ Delphin edition of Nature, xi. 335. Demades, the Athenian, condemned a fellow-citizen, etc., viii. 94. Demanded how we can know any proposition, but here it will be, etc., xi. 130. Demogorgon, dreaded name of, the, xii. 259. demon that he served, the, vii. 285. demon whispered, L——, have a taste, Some, vi. 94, 403. demure, grave-looking, spring-nailed, the, etc., vi. 221; vii. 242; xi. 530. Depreciation of Pope is partly founded upon a false idea, etc., xi. 490. depth of a forest, in the kingdom of Indostan, In the, etc., xi. 267. Descended from the Irish kings, etc., i. 54. deserter of Smorgonne, iii. 54. Desire to please, etc., viii. 278; xii. 177, 183, 426. Despise low joys, etc., xii. 31. Despise low thoughts, low gains, etc., v. 77. Destroy his fib or sophistry: in vain, etc., iv. 300. Detur optimo, vii. 187. Deva’s winding vales, xii. 265. devil said plainly that Dame Chat had got the needle, the, v. 288. Devil was sick, The, etc., xii. 126. Devil upon two sticks, viii. 404. devilish girl at the bottom, a, viii. 83. Di rider finira pria della Aurora, iii. 371. diamond turrets of Shadukiam, the, iv. 357. Diana and her fawn, etc., xii. 58. Did first reduce our tongue from Lyly’s writing, etc., v. 201. Did I not tell thee, Dauphine, etc., viii. 43. Did not the Duke look up? Methought he saw us, v. 215. Die of a rose in aromatic pain, vi. 249; vii. 300; viii. 143; ix. 391. Died at his house in Burbage-street, etc., vi. 86. differences himself by, v. 334. digito monstrari, vi. 286. dim doubts alloy, no, xi. 321. dip it in the ocean, and it will stand, iv. 197; vi. 160 _n._; ix. 133 _n._ dipped in dews of Castalie, v. 14; x. 156; xii. 294. direct and honest, To be, etc., xii. 219. disappointed still are still deceived, And, ix. 287. disastrous strokes which his youth suffered, the, viii. 96. discipline of humanity, a, i. 123; vii. 78, 184; xii. 122. discoursed in eloquent music, vii. 199. disdain the ground she walks on, i. 71 _n._ disembowel himself of his natural entrails, etc., vi. 267; xi. 322. disjecta membra poetæ, viii. 423; ix. 309. distant, enthusiastic, respectful love, viii. 160. distilled books are, like distill’d waters, etc., xi. 203. divest him, along with his inheritance, to, etc., viii. 72. Divide et impera, vii. 147. divinæ particula auræ, ix. 361; xii. 157. divine Fanny Bias, iv. 359. divine, the matchless, what you will, the, vi. 175. Do not mock me: Though I am tamed, and bred up with my wrongs, etc., v. 252. Do unto others as you would, etc., vi. 396. Do you read or sing? If you sing you sing very ill, vii. 5; viii. 319. Do you see anything ridiculous in this wig? viii. 21. Do you think I’ll sleep with a woman that doesn’t know what’s trumps? viii. 427. docked and curtailed, xi. 316. Does he wind into a subject? etc., vii. 275; viii. 103. does a little bit of fidgets, viii. 469. dog, he still plays the, viii. 263. dogs, among the gentlemanlike, etc., iii. 278. Don John of the Greenfield was coming, vi. 359. Don Juan was my Moscow, etc., iv. 258 _n._ Don’t forget butter, viii. 264. Don’t you remember Lords—and—who are now great statesmen; little dirty boys playing at cricket, etc., v. 118; vii. 205. double night of ages and of her, The, etc., xi. 424. Doubtless the pleasure is as great, etc., iii. 169; vii. 204; viii. 302. douce humanité, iii. 36; xi. 525. doux sommeil, iii. 108. Down the Bourne and through the Mead, ii. 87. dragged the struggling monster into day, viii. 164. dramatic star of the first magnitude, a, viii. 164. drawn in their breath and puffed it forth again, vii. 59. dreaming and awake, ’twixt, vi. 71. dregs of earth, the, xii. 41. dregs of life, the, vii. 302. Dress makes the man, the want of it the fellow, etc., vii. 212. Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, etc., v. 306. dross compared to the glory hereafter, etc., xi. 322. drossy and divisible, more, vii. 173, 453; xi. 174. drunk full ofter of the tun than of the well, v. 129. dry discourse, but, xi. 25. Duke and no Duke, viii. 263. Dulce ridentem Lalagen, Dulce loquentem, vi. 61. Dull as the lake that slumbers in the storm, iii. 22; vii. 278. Dull Beotian genius, viii. 370. dull cold winter does inhabit here, vii. 176; ix. 62. dull product of a scoffer’s pen, v. 114. dulness could no further go, The force of, vi. 46 _n._; x. 219, 377. dumb forgetfulness a prey, for who to, xi. 546. Dum domus Æneæ Capitoli immobile saxum, etc., vii. 12. dungeon of the tower, From the, etc., xii. 158. durance vile, xi. 237. Durham’s golden stalls, iii. 123. dust in the balance, But as the, iv. 63. Dust to dust, etc., xii. 53. dust we raise! What a, vi. 240. dwelleth not in temples made with hands, ix. 48. dwelt Eternity, ix. 218. dying Ned Careless, viii. 72. dying shepherd Damætas, I give it to you as the, etc., xi. 289. E. Each lolls his tongue out at the other, etc., xi. 527. Each man takes hence life, but no man death, etc., v. 225. ear and eye, He is all, etc., xii. 121. earth, earthy, of the, i. 239; vi. 43; ix. 55, 389. ease, he takes his, xii. 123. eat, drink, and are merry, xii. 16. eat his meal in peace, vi. 94. Ebro’s temper, the, viii. 103. eclipsed the gaiety of nations, i. 157; viii. 387, 526. Eden, and Eblis, and cherub smiles, iv. 354. Edina’s darling Seat, xii. 253. Edinburgh, We are positive when we say, etc., viii. 105. effeminate! thy freedom hath made me, xii. 124. Eftsoones they heard a most melodious sound, etc., v. 36. eggs, with five blue, i. 92. Eke fully with the duke my mind agrees, etc., v. 194. elbow us aside, who, iv. 99. elegant Petruchio, an, v. 345. Elevate and surprise, vi. 216, 290; x. 271, 388. elegant turn of her head, ix. 147. eleven obstinate fellows, the other, xii. 326. Elysian beauty, melancholy grace, vii. 366. Elysian dreams of lovers, when they loved, Th’, etc., viii. 307. embowelled, of our natural entrails, and stuffed, are, viii. 417. embryo fly, the little airy of ricketty children, iv. 246. Emelie that fayrer was to sene, etc., i. 400. Emperor’s frown, his, viii. 309. empty praise or solid pudding, iii. 171. empurpling all the ground, x. 187. emulation, the native hue of, etc., xii. 201. enameller of the moon, the, v. 300. enchantments drear, x. 41. encroachment, the figure of, iii. 75. ends of verse and sayings of philosophers, i. 394; xi. 489. endure to the end for liberty’s sake, ix. 162. enemy had written a book, O that mine, vi. 205. enemy of the human race, viii. 284; ix. 321. enfeebles all internal strength of thought, vi. 71. enforc’d to seek some covert nigh at hand, etc., xi. 503. England had made Bonaparte, etc., iii. 99. English nation, universal, vii. 167. enlarge the conceptions or warm the heart of the spectator, to, vi. 134. enriched, ix. 211. Enter Sessami, vii. 86; xii. 120. Entire affection scorneth nicer hands, viii. 455; ix. 22; xi. 524; xii. 238, 259. envy, malice, etc., xii. 381. Epicuri de grege porcus, iii. 42. Epithalamia were thrown into his coffin, x. 214. equal want of books and men, viii. 29. equally great on a ribbon or a Raphael, ix. 352. Erasmus aut Diabolus, Aut, ix. 34 _n._ Ere the sun through heaven, etc., x. 271. Eremites and friars, etc., xii. 337. error of the time, the very, xi. 251. escap’d from Pyrrho’s maze, etc., iii. 258. essence of genius is concentration, x. 279. Et ego in Arcadia vixi, vi. 172. Eternal City, a part of the, ix. 232. ethereal braid, sky-woven, xii. 203. etherial braid, thought woven, iv. 216. Ethiopian change his skin, Can the, etc., vii. 240, 370. Et quum conabar scribere, versus erat, v. 79. Et toi, guerrier infortuné, etc., xi. 282. Et vous êtes Yorick! vii. 33. eulogy to kill, Oh! for a, xii. 285. European, when he has cut off his beard, If an, etc., vi. 157 _n._ Even from the tomb, etc., vi. 120; xii. 159. Even then (admire, John Bell! my simple ways), iv. 305 _n._ even to o’erflowing, ix. 382. even when he killed a calf, xii. 336. ever charming, ever new, viii. 352. ever lifted leg, viii. 11. ever strong, upon the stronger side, etc., xii. 459. every good work reprobate, to, vii. 135; x. 235. Every moment brings, etc., iii. 207. everything by starts, and nothing long, i. 104. everything by turns and nothing long, xi. 515. every variety of untried being, i. 23. every time we called for bread, and, xii. 142. evidence of things unseen, the, x. 86. Evident to any one who takes a survey, it is, etc., xi. 101. Ex uno omnes, vii. 51; viii. 366. exact scale, according to an, viii. 93. exaggerated evils, iii. 209. Examines his own mind and finds nothing there, etc., vi. 124. excellencies bear to be united, Some, etc., vi. 143. Excellent Brutus, viii. 59. Exchange the shepherd’s frock of native grey, etc., i. 113. Excise, monster, iii. 465. exhalation, Like an, etc., xii. 261, 292. expatiates freely there, v. 102. exploded author, that, xi. 287. extravagant and erring spirit, vii. 16; x. 145. Extremes meet, This is the only way of, etc., i. 97–8. exuberant strength of my argument, iv. 21. eye to look at, not to look with, ix. 34; xii. 354. eye offend thee, If thine, etc., xii. 305. eye, with lack-lustre, xii. 31, 59. eye-judging sex, an, xii. 436. eyelids many graces sat, Upon her, etc., x. 83, 348. eye-pleasing flowers, v. 323. eyes and see them, have, vi. 159. eyes, in their arms, in their, etc., i. 45; xi. 273. eyes of youth, x. 391. eyes shall see me, All, ix. 69; viii. 148; x. 191. eyes, with sparkling, etc., xii. 43. F. Fables for the Holy Alliance, iv. 360. face to face, etc., xii. 43. face was as a book, his, etc., xii. 271. facilis descensus Averni, iii. 161. fade by degrees into the light of common day, they, i. 250. faded to the light of common day, ix. 62. fænum in cornu, ix. 244. Fain would I to be what our Dante was, etc., ix. 394; xi. 202. faint shadow of uncertain light, Like a, vi. 113. Fair, and of all beloved, I was not fearful, etc., v. 213. fair clime, the lonely herdsman stretch’d, In that, etc., i. 114. Fair moon, who with thy cold and silver shine, etc., v. 299. Fair Semira, viii. 248. Fair variety of things, the, ix. 332. fairest of the fair, xii. 61. fairest princess under sky, vi. 238; x. 242. Fairfax and the starry Vere, vii. 232. Fairy elves beyond the Indian Mount, etc., v. 274. faithful remembrancers of his high endeavour, etc., vii. 430; xii. 116. Fall blunted from the indurated breast, iv. 274. fall degrades, But ’tis the, etc., iii. 46; vii. 368; xi. 475. fall into misfortune, xi. 349. fallacy, In terms a, etc., xii. 113. Fall’n was Glenartny’s stately tree, etc., xii. 324. false, sophistical, unfounded, etc., iii. 370. famous for the keeping of it up, v. 131. famous poet’s page, iv. 346; ix. 178; x. 243. famous poet’s pen, ix. 178. famous poet’s verse, x. 243. famous poet’s wit, i. 23. Fancy was a truant ever, Th’ enthusiast, vi. 72. fancies and good-nights, xii. 224, 285. fanciful chimeras, such, etc., iv. 282. far darting eye, viii. 180. far from the madding strife, vi. 100. far from the sun and summer gale, iv. 266. farce is over, now let us go to supper, The, vi. 150. fared sumptuously every day, iv. 150. farthest from them is best, iv. 261. fashion of an hour mocks the wearer, The, etc., xi. 438. fat and fair a bird, and how, etc., vii. 303. fate and metaphysical aid, viii. 378. Fate, I follow, etc., xii. 3. father of lies, the, x. 327. fault, it was ever the, etc., iii. 55. faultless monsters which the world ne’er saw, Those, i. 434; ii. 129; iv. 224; vi. 263; viii. 429; ix. 129; xii. 60. Faunus, this Granuffo is a right wise good lord, etc., v. 226. favours secret, sweet and precious, i. 372; viii. 14. Fear God, and honour the King, iii. 282. Fear God, my dear Abner, etc., ix. 116. fear no discipline of human wit, iii. 63; xii. 378. fear of being silent strikes us dumb, The, etc., vii. 32. feast of reason, the, and the flow of soul, ii. 10; xii. 42, 153. feathered, two-legged things, vii. 5. fee-grief, due to the poet’s breast, some, vi. 174. feel is to judge, to, xi. 85. feel what others are and know myself a man, vii. 55. felicity, the throne of, xii. 121. felicity can fall to creature? What more, etc., vii. 181; xii. 2, 200. fell of hair is likely to rouse, at which our, etc., viii. 127. fell opposite the, viii. 356. fell stillborn from the press, vi. 65. fellow Burke were here now, he would kill me, If that, viii. 103. felt a stain like a wound, v. 267; viii. 289. Ferrara! in thy wide and grass-grown streets, xi. 424. Few (of the University) pen plays well, etc., v. 282. Fiat justitia, ruat cœlum, viii. 440. Fideliter didicisse ingenuas artes, etc., vii. 235. Fie, Sir! O fie! ’tis fulsome, xi. 419. fields his study, nature was his book, the, vi. 181. fierce with dark keeping, vii. 182, 278; xi. 27, 164. fiery ordeal, x. 370. Fiery soul that working out its way, viii. 344, 378; ix. 363; x. 393; xi. 351. fight, The, the fight’s the thing, etc., xii. 1. figures nor no fantasies, They have no, xii. 5, 263, 299, 379. finds an apple, A man, etc., vii. 176. fine by degrees, and beautifully less, v. 359; ix. 42; xi. 386. fine fretwork he makes of their double and single entries, iv. 364. fine oleaginous touches of Claude, ix. 35. fine summer evenings, when in the, they saw the frank, noble-minded enthusiast, etc., v. 363. fine word Legitimate, iii. 284, 293. finical speech, a, iv. 281. fire hot from Hell, xii. 281. fire in the room, there was a, vi. 382. First-born of Chaos who so fair did come, etc., viii. 58. First come, first served, i. 53. first garden of my innocence, that, vi. 257. first it may be demanded, etc., But, viii. 26. first of these is the extreme affection of two extremities, etc., The, v. 331. first sprightly runnings, The, i. 8; viii. 97. first was Fancy, like a lovely boy, The, etc., v. 40. fishing rod was a stick with a hook, a, etc., vii. 161. fishy fume, ix. 214. fitter for heaven, he is the, viii. 269. Fix your eye here, etc., vii. 53. flames in the forehead, etc., xii. 169. flat as the palm of one’s hand, as, xi. 283. flattery that soothes the dull cold ear, the, etc., vii. 206. Flavia the least and slightest toy, etc., ix. 147. fleecy fools, vi. 7. flesh and fortune shall serve, as the, xii. 304. flies of a summer, as the, iii. 284; vii. 234. flocci-nauci-pili-nihili-fication, iii. 33, 231, 313; xii. 169. Flushed with a purple grace, etc., iv. 276. fluttering the proud Salopians, etc., xii. 259. fly high, do we not, v. 240. fly that sips treacle, The, is lost in the sweets, v. 129, 301; vi. 96; xii. 121. followed in the chase, etc., xii. 272. following things are all essential to it, the, etc., xi. 68. Follows so the ever-running sun, etc., xii. 5. fond deceit, And let us nurse the, etc., vi. 251. food for the critics, viii. 223. food whereon it lives, the very, xii. 374. Foolish daughters of Pelias, etc., xi. 46. fools aspiring to be knaves, iii. 67. fools rush in where angels fear to tread, ii. 366; v. 346; ix. 480; xii. 70. foot, an hand, an eye from Nature drawn, a, etc., v. 215. foot of fire, with the, vi. 161. foot mercurial, His, etc., xii. 277. for a song, xi. 435. For after I had from my first years, etc., v. 57. For alas! long before I was born, etc., vi. 417. For as much as nature hath done her part in making you a handsome, likely man, etc., v. 284. For her dear sake, That loves the rivers’ brinks, etc., v. 255. For how should the soul of Socrates, etc., vii. 72. For I am nothing if not critical, viii. 170. For that other loss, etc., i. 118. For this medicine, etc., v. 278. For ’tis my outward soul, etc., viii. 52. For true no-meaning puzzles more than wit, i. 139; viii. 552. For wit is like a rest held up at tennis, etc., vii. 42. For whom the merry bells had rung, v. 88. For women, born to be controll’d, etc., vii. 203. forehead, Her ivory, full of bounty brave, i. 69. forerunner of the dawn, a, vi. 169. forget the things that are behind, etc., vii. 167. Forgive me, Now I turn to thee, thou shadow Of my contracted lord, etc., v. 272. form and motion so express, in, etc., xii. 248. Fortune’s fools, vi. 460. fortune swells him, His, etc., viii. 274. fortune, Who shall go about to cozen, etc., xii. 297. Forum wait for us, Let the, etc., viii. 456. found him poor, etc., iii. 217. fountain of blood, iii. 6. foxes have holes, and the birds of the air, The, etc., vi. 120. frailty, very name is, x. 397. France, restored and shaking off her chain, iii. 51. Franciscan think to pass, And in, etc., iii. 267. fraught with potential infidelity, x. 127. free born Roman maid, the, viii. 457. Free from the Sirian star, etc., vi. 211. French have a fault, If the, etc., vi. 307; ix. 113. Frenchman’s darling, ix. 159. friend in my retreat, a, etc., vi. 181. friend in your retreat, A, etc., xii. 321. friendly man will show himself friendly, A, etc., vii. 238. friendship of the good, The, etc., iii. 110. From discontent grows treason, And on the stalk of treason, death, v. 208. from grave to gay, from lively to severe, v. 32. from her fair head for ever and for ever, v. 73. From injuries to arms, and from arms to liberty, iii. 424. From that abstraction I was roused, and how, etc., i. 117. From that hour that Disciple took her to his own home, v. 184. From the sublime to the ridiculous, there is but one step, viii. 23, 159. From Windsor’s heights the expanse below, vii. 13. From worldly care himself he did esloine, etc., xi. 333. frozen winter and the pleasant spring, the, etc., xii. 124. full eyes and fair cheeks of childhood, the, viii. 405. full of matter, vi. 52. full solemne man, a, iii. 311; xi. 413. full to overflowing, x. 286. full volly home, viii. 302. fuller’s earth that takes out all stains, the true, xi. 547. fumbling for their limbs, v. 359. Fundamental principle of the modern philosophy is the opinion, etc., xi. 100. furnishing matter for innocent mirth, and, viii. 36. fury in that Gut, there is some, viii. 304. G. gain but glory, iii. 259. gain new vigour, etc., xii. 156. Gallaspy was the tallest and strongest, etc., i. 55. garlanded with flowers, ix. 145. Garrit aniles ex re fabellas, iii. 419; iv. 237. gather grapes of thorns nor figs of thistles, i. 249; vii. 200. gaudy-days, xi. 360. gauger of ale-firkins, a, v. 131. Gay, sprightly land of mirth and social ease, etc., ix. 93. gayest, happiest attitude, the, etc., viii. 41; ix. 426. generation of actors binds another, no one, viii. 384. generations, the, were prepared, the pangs, etc., v. 67, 235. generous friendship no cold medium knows, A, etc., iv. 263; vi. 253. Genius is naturally a truant, etc., vii. 59. Genius was the child of the imitation of others, etc., vi. 127. Genius, you must have no dependence on your own, xi. 213. gentle craft, the, v. 302. gentle husher, vanity by name, a, etc., vi. 289; ix. 196; x. 121; xi. 555. gentleman and man of honour, iii. 178, 181. Gentlemen, I can present, etc., viii. 275 _n._ germain to the matter, more, xii. 239. Gertrude’s eyes, Till now, in, etc., iv. 346. ghost of one of the old kings of Ormus, v. 231. Giace l’alta Cartago, etc., x. 71. giant form roll before him in the dust, seeing his, etc., viii. 344. giddy raptures, with all its, vii. 227. Give a dog a bad name and hang him, iv. 1; ix. 245. give a reason for the faith that was in me, v. 302; xii. 396. Give me the thing and I will readily give up the name, xi. 65. give his own little Senate laws, vii. 272. give sorrow words, the grief that does not speak, etc., vi. 39. give to any man without compulsion, to, xi. 419. give up a kingdom for a mass, x. 363. give us reason with his rhyme, vii. 371. given in the furnace of our palace, v. 279. gives a body to opinion, it, etc., vii. 266. gives evidence of it, viii. 424. gladdened life, and whose deaths eclipsed the gaiety of nations, i. 157; viii. 387, 526. glades mild-opening, etc., xii. 202. gladiatorship, in intellectual, viii. 84. gladly would he learn, and gladly teach, etc., iv. 285. glares round his soul, and mocks his closing eyelids, vii. 76; xii. 204. glass darkly, as in a, vi. 9; xii. 152. Glorious John, xi. 535. glimmer, and now in gloom, now in, vii. 368; xi. 424. glimpses that make him less forlorn, iii. 275. Gli occhi di ch’io parlai, x. 65 _n._ glittered green with sunny showers, vi. 186. glittering bride, becomes his, etc., iii. 160; vii. 279. glory hereafter to be revealed, the, vii. 261. glory, the, the intuition, the amenity, vii. 120. Glory to God, etc., iii. 266; xi. 413. gnarled oak, the, xi. 508. gnawed too much on the bridle, iv. 279. gnawing the skull of his adversary, etc., ix. 401. Go, go, you’re a censorious ill man, i. 392. go seek some other play-fellows, v. 42. Go thou and do likewise, vi. 164; xi. 410. Go thy ways, old world, etc., vi. 328. Go! you’re a censorious ill woman, viii. 78. goes sounding on his way, iv. 214; xii. 265. goes to church in a coranto, etc., xii. 57. going into the wastes of time, ii. 350. God Almighty’s gentlemen, vii. 219; viii. 85. God knew Adam in the elements of his chaos, xi. 572. God made the country, etc., iv. 226. God save the King, viii. 298; ix. 93. God the Father turns a school-divine, v. 63. Gods have eyes but they see not, Your, etc., xii. 244. Gods of his idolatry, the, xii. 72. Gods partial, changeful, etc., xii. 245. God’s image carved in ebony, xii. 392. God’s viceregent upon earth, i. 130; x. 363. Gog’s crosse, Gammer, etc., v. 287. golden age, in the, v. 297. golden mean, iv. 253. Goldsmith of the stars, the, v. 300. good, they did it for his, vii. 208. good clever lad, etc., iii. 68. good haters, i. 103, 374 _n._; vii. 180; viii. 269; ix. 122. good, he means, bad fortune, xi. 387. good-humoured fellow, Now I think I am a, viii. 103. good king, A, should be ... a mere cypher, etc., xii. 243. Good lord, that there are no fairies, etc., vi. 167 _n._ good-nature is a fool, mere, vii. 78. good of the country, for the, vii. 375. good old times, iv. 249; xi. 197. good picture and a true, a, xi. 245. goodly sight, It was a, to sally out from his castle, etc., i. 87. goose pie, In form resembling a, ix. 71; xi. 200. gorge the little fame, they get all raw, They, ix. 356. gorge rises, our very, xii. 126. gospel is preached to the poor, iv. 295. gossamer that idles in the wanton summer air, the, x. 44. Gothic cathedral ... like a petrified religion, a, vi. 369. grace above, All is, etc., viii. 402. graceful ornament to the civil order, etc., viii. 70. graceful ornaments to the columns, the, etc., vii. 205. Gracious and sweet was all he saw in her, vi. 346. grand caterers and wet-nurses of the State, etc., ix. 24. grandeur in it, there was a, vii. 303. Grant I was tempted: Condemn you me, for that the Duke did love me, etc., v. 241. grant me judgement, you, xii. 360. grapes of thorns, You cannot gather, etc., i. 249; vii. 200. great book is a great evil, A, v. 114; xi. 244. great discoverers obtain, How, shall our, i. 115. Great Divan, the nation’s, xi. 336. great grandmother without grey hairs, a, viii. 160. Great is Diana of the Ephesians, xi. 603; xii. 244. great lords and ladies do not like to have their mouths stopped, Because, vi. 301. great man’s memory may outlive him half a year, i. 146. great princes have great playthings, etc., iii. 243. Great Vulgar and the Small, i. 324; ii. 18; v. 56; vi. 157; viii. 463, 518; ix. 391, 428; xi. 437. Great wits to madness nearly are allied, x. 231. Greater love than this hath no man, etc., xii. 99. greater the sinner, The, etc., xii. 330. greatest happiness to the greatest numbers, the, vii. 180, 182, 184, 185, 193. green-eyed, spring-nailed, etc., xi. 530. _See_ demure. green upland swells that echo to the bleat of flocks, vi. 186. Grieve not for me, etc., vi. 327. grim-visaged comfortless despair, vii. 260. grinding law of necessity, iv. 66, 295; vii. 193, 374. grinding the faces of the poor, iv. 2. grinned horrible a ghastly smile, etc., xii. 11. grinning scorn a sacrifice, To, etc., xi. 525. grotesque ornament to the civil order, i. 46 _n._ ground, however unsafe, On this, etc., vi. 128. grove, The, Grew dense with shadows, etc., x. 264. Grove nods to prove each alley has a brother, etc., xi. 472. grows with our growth, etc., vii. 60; x. 336. guide, the anchor, the, etc., iii. 211. guide, the stay, the, etc., iv. 205. Guido from a daub, a, ix. 480. Guido, from want of choice, etc., vi. 139. Guido Reni from a prince-like affluence of fortune, etc., vi. 20. guinea and the gallows, xi. 288, 472. guns, drums, trumpets, viii. 403; xi. 532. H. habit; there is nothing so true as, vi. 33; viii. 124; x. 42; xii. 398. Had I foreknown his death as you suggest, etc., v. 241. Had I a heart for falsehood framed, viii. 165. Had Petrarch gained his Laura for a wife, etc., vii. 112. Had we but world enough and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime, etc., v. 314. Hæ nugæ in seria ducunt, xi. 442. Hæret lateri lethalis arundo, i. 135; viii. 22. Hail, adamantine Steel! etc., xi. 505. hail-fellow well met, v. 294. hair-breadth ’scapes, xii. 17. hair on end, at his own wonders, with his, etc., vi. 295. Half thy malice youth could bear, viii. 166. halfpenny head, having a, etc., vi. 431. haloo an anthem, xii. 349. hand, an ear, an eye, a, xi. 484. hand had done, whatever the, etc., ix. 420. hands that the rod of empire had swayed, etc., vi. 14. handsome as you, I was never so, etc., viii. 114. hand-writing on the wall, the, viii. 144; ix. 129. Hang both your greedy ears upon my lips, etc., v. 208. hang upon the beatings of my heart, vi. 257; ix. 107. hanging locks, Like to those, etc., viii. 159; ix. 47. Hanover rats, vi. 221 _n._ happy alchemy of mind, i. 65; v. 107; viii. 408. Happy insect, what can be, etc., viii. 59. happy things in marriage are allowed, Two, etc., i. 68. happy warrior, xi. 327. hardest stone, the, etc., iii. 261. _See_ melancholy. hard to say if greater want of skill, ’Tis, etc., viii. 401 _n._ Hark! ’tis the twanging horn, etc., xii. 240. Harlot old, that, etc., iii. 36, 177. hart panteth for the waterbrooks, as the, vii. 226, 307. hashed mutton, Amelia’s, xii. 141, 327. has just come into this breathing world, xii. 162. Has she not gone, trowest now thou, and lost her neele? etc., v. 287. Hast oft been chased, etc., xi. 132, 186. Hast thou seen the down in the air? etc., viii. 56. hate, all we, ix. 340. hate to fill a book with things, I, etc., vii. 399. hated, not to be, viii. 332. hated, needs but to be seen, which to be, etc., viii. 288. hates conchology, he, etc., iv. 277. hath a devil, ix. 59. haut et puissant prince, agé d’un jour, un, viii. 176. Have I not seen the household where love was not? xii. 88 _n._ have proved a monument, i. 125. have their hands full of truths, iv. 310. Have ye not seen sometime a pale face, etc., v. 21. Have you felt the wool of the beaver, etc., v. 322. He could not read them in his old age, viii. 14. He finds himself possessed of no other qualifications ... than what mere common observation, etc., vi. 124. He had received it from his grandmother, etc., viii. 228. He hath a demon, v. 153. He instanced it too in Lord Peterborough, vii. 209. He is indeed a person, iii. 67. he is one that cannot make a good leg, etc., vii. 25. He is owner of all he surveys, vii. 68. He is ten times handsomer, etc., viii. 442. He looks up with awe to kings, xi. 515. He might if he had pleased have married, i. 55. he must rank, as a universal genius, above Dryden, etc., v. 123. He never is—but always to be wise, iii. 139; vi. 148; ix. 249. He openeth his hands, etc., vi. 392. He prized black eyes, v. 189; vii. 207 _n._ he saw nature in the elements of its chaos, etc., v. 341 _n._ He sent a shaggy, tattered, staring slave, etc., v. 210 _n._ He so teased me, viii. 323. He takes most ease, and grows ambitious Thro’ his own wanton fire and pride delicious, v. 254. He that is but able to express, etc., vi. 207. He that of such a height, hath built his mind, etc., v. 309. he was a fine fellow once, xii. 145. he was a fine old mouser, vi. 347. He went up into the mountain to pray, HIMSELF, ALONE, and, iii. 152. he who knows of these delights to taste, etc., vi. 173. he’s but his half brother, viii. 74. head to the East, Nay, nay, lay my, iv. 248; viii. 146 _n._ heaping coals of fire, etc., x. 360. hear a sound so fine, there’s nothing lives ’twixt it and silence, etc., vii. 40. hear the loud stag speak, xii. 269. heard it, but he heeded not—his eyes, ix. 165 _n._ hears it not, his thoughts are far away, He, etc., ix. 234. hears the tumult, and is still, He, i. 338; v. 90; vi. 91. heart of hearts, yea, into our, xii. 177. heart of man is deceitful, the, etc., xii. 304. hearts unkind, I’ve heard of, iii. 172; xi. 515. heaven and all its host, he shall not perish, By, etc., viii. 307. Heaven lies about us in our infancy, i. 250; x. 358. Heaven, nigh-sphered in, v. 51; xii. 33. Heaven of Invention, vi. 219. heaven-born genius, x. 178. Heav’n’s chancel-vault is blind with sleet, while, vi. 90. heaves no sigh and sheds no tear, i. 135; v. 30. he! jam satis est! iv. 305 _n._ Hebrew roots, although they’re found, For, etc., viii. 64. held on their way, etc., xii. 45. hell of waters, A, xi. 424. Hell was paved with infants’ skulls, vi. 76, 364; vii. 243. hem was then heard, consequential and snapping, A, etc., i. 377. Hence, all you vain delights, v. 295. Her armes small, her back both straight and soft, i. 227. Her eyes are fierce, etc., viii. 448. Her finger was so small, the ring, etc., viii. 56. Her full dark eyes are ever before me like a sea, like a precipice, i. 70. Her heroes have no character at all, xii. 64. Her voice, the music of the spheres, etc., viii. 63. her whose foot was never off the stair, vii. 319. Her’s is the afflicted, vi. 363. herb that would cure him, The, xi. 328. Here and hereafter, if the last may be? xii. 115. Here are all that ever reigned, xi. 234. Here be truths dashed and brewed with lies, vii. 140; x. 235. Here be woods as green As any, air likewise as fresh and sweet, etc., v. 254; vi. 183. Here is some of the ancient city, vii. 255. Here lies Father Clarges, etc., xii. 150. Here lies a she-Sun, and a he-Moon there, etc., viii. 53; xii. 28. Here will I set up my everlasting bed, etc., viii. 210. Here’s a health to ane I lo’e dear, etc., v. 140. here’s the rub, xii. 234. hermit poor, xii. 126. heroic sentiment of, etc., iii. 61. Hesperus, among the lesser lights, shines like, etc., viii. 164. hewers of wood, etc., x. 124. hew you as a carcase, etc., xii. 181. Hey for Doctor’s Commons, viii. 159. hiatus in manuscriptis, vii. 8, 198; xii. 305. Hic jacet, x. 221. hid from ages, i. 49. High as our heart, v. 271 _n._ High-born Hoel’s harp, etc., xii. 260. high endeavour and the glad success, the, vi. 28; vii. 125; ix. 318, 373. high leaves, the, etc., iii. 232; iv. 268. high grass, the, that by the light of the departing sun, etc., v. 363. high holiday, of once a year, on some, iii. 172; vii. 75. High Legitimates the Holy Band, the, xi. 423. High over hill and over dale he flies, v. 43. High-way, since you my chief Parnassus be, etc., v. 326. higher and the lower orders, the, xi. 370. highest and mightiest, vi. 439. hill of ages, ix. 69. himself and the universe, x. 166. Hinc illæ lachrymæ, xii. 187. hinder parts are ruinous, its, iv. 201. his bear dances, vi. 412; viii. 507; ix. 351. His garment neither was of silk nor say, etc., xi. 437. His generous ardour no cold medium knows, etc., iv. 263; vi. 253. his little bark, v. 74. His locked, lettered, braw brass collar, etc., v. 132. His lot, though small, He sees that little lot, the lot of all, v. 119. His plays were works, while others’ works were plays, v. 262. His principiis nascuntur tyranni, etc., vii. 347. his ruin meets, v. 301. his spirits gave him raptures with his cook-maid, xii. 155 _n._ his soul was like a star, and dwelt apart, v. 180. his yoke is not easy, etc., iii. 85. hitch into a rhyme, viii. 50. hitch it, iii. 64. Hitherto shalt thou come and no further, vi. 268; viii. 425; x. 344. Hoc erat in votis, xii. 126. Hoisting the bloody flag, x. 374, 376. hold our hands and check our pride, x. 378. holds his crown in contempt of the choice of the people, i. 394. _See also_ contempt. Holds us a while misdoubting his intent, etc., xi. 123. holiest of holies, x. 336. hollow and rueful rumble, with, xi. 374. holy water sprinkle, dipped in dew, a, iv. 246. Homer, have not the poems of, i. 23; ix. 28. Homer, the children of, ix. 429. honest as this world goes, To be, etc., iii. 259; xii. 218. honest man’s the noblest work of God, an, iii. 345; viii. 458 _n._ honest, sonsie, bawsont face, viii. 450; ix. 184. Honi soit qui mal y pense, vi. 65; ix. 202, 338. honour consists in the word honour and nothing else, xi. 125. honour dishonourable, etc., xii. 247. Honour of Ireland, and as they were curiosities of the human kind, for the, i. 54. honourable vigilance, v. 264. Hood an ass with reverend purple, etc., viii. 44. Hoop, do me no harm, iii. 212. Hope and fantastic expectations spend much of our lives, etc., i. 2. Hope, thou nurse of young Desire, vi. 293. Hope told a flattering tale, viii. 298. Hope travels through, nor quits us till we die, vii. 302. Hope! with eyes so fair, But thou, oh, etc., vi. 255. Horace still charms with graceful negligence, etc., v. 75. Horas non numero nisi serenas, x. 387; xii. 51, 52, 53. horizon, at the, vi. 150. horned feet, And with their, etc., xii. 258. horse-whipping woman, that, viii. 468. hortus siccus of dissent, the, iii. 264; x. 370. host of human life, xi. 497. hour when I escap’d the wrangling crew, The, etc., iii. 225. house of brother Van I spy, The, etc., xii. 449. house on the wild sea, with wild usages, v. 153. housing with wild men, etc., x. 279. How am I glutted with conceit of this? v. 203. How apparel makes a man respected, etc., v. 290. How blest art thou, canst love the country, Wroth, v. 307. How do you, noble cousin? etc., v. 258. How happy could I be with either, etc., xi. 426. How is it, General? i. 209. how it grew, and it grew, etc., vii. 93; xi. 517. How little knew’st thou of Calista, iii. 180. How lov’d, how honour’d once, avails them not, v. 176. How near am I to happiness, etc., ii. 330; v. 216. How oft, O Dart! what time the faithful pair, iv. 305 _n._ How profound the gulf, etc., xi. 424. How shall our great discoverers obtain, etc., i. 115. How shall we part and wander down, etc., xii. 428. how tall his person is, etc., vii. 211. howled through the vacant guardrooms, etc., ix. 229. Hudibras, who used to ponder, and, etc., viii. 66. huge, dumb heap, vi. 28; ix. 56. human face divine, x. 77. human form is the most perfect, the, etc., x. 346. human reason is like a drunken man, etc., vi. 147. human understanding resembles a drunken clown, etc., xi. 216. humanity, a discipline of, i. 123; vii. 78, 184; xii. 122. Hundred Tales of Love, him of the, xi. 424. hung armour of the invincible knights of old, is, i. 273; viii. 442. hung like a cloud upon the mountain; now, etc., vii. 13. Hunt half a day for a forgotten dream, iv. 323; ix. 64. hunt the wind, I worship a statue, etc., vi. 97, 236; xii. 435. hunter of shadows, himself a shade, a, vi. 168. huntsmen are up in America, the, v. 340 _n._ hurt by the archers, iii. 456; iv. 104. Hussey, hussey, you will be as much ill-used and as much neglected, etc., v. 108; viii. 194. Hyde Park, all is a desert, Beyond, vi. 187; vii. 67; viii. 36. Hymns its good God, and carols sweet of love, xi. 427, 501. Hypocritical pretensions to virtue, i. 392. I. I also was an Arcadian. _See_ Arcadian _and_ painter. I am afraid, my friend, this letter will never, etc., i. 94. I am not as this poor Hottentot, iv. 44 _n._ I am, on the contrary, persuaded, etc., vi. 126. I apprehend you, viii. 10. I cannot, seeing she’s woven of such bad stuff, etc., v. 238. I cannot marry Crout, xii. 122. I care not, Fortune, what you me deny, etc., vii. 371. I’d sooner be a dog, xii. 202. I hate ye, iv. 272. I have secur’d my brother, viii. 86. I hope none living, sir, And, viii. 201. I knew you could not bear it, viii. 228. I know he is not dead; I know proud death, etc., v. 208. I know that all beneath the moon decays, etc., v. 299. I’ll have a frisk with you, viii. 103. I’ll walk, to get me an appetite, etc., v. 268 _n._ I’m feeble; some widow’s curse, etc., viii. 274. I never saw you look so like your mother, In all my life, viii. 456. I never valued fortune but as it was subservient to my pleasure, viii. 72. I observe, as a fundamental ground common to all the arts, etc., vi. 32. I pr’ythee, look thou giv’st my little boy some syrup for his cold, etc., v. 245. I prythee, spare me, gentle boy; press me no more for that slight toy, etc., viii. 55. I rode one evening with Count Maddalo, etc., x. 261. I see before me the gladiator lie, xi. 425. I see him sweeter than the nosegay in his hand, etc., i. 65; v. 107. I set out upon this adventurous journey, etc., xi., 249. I stood in Venice, on the bridge of sighs, xi. 423. I, that might have married the famous Mr Bickerstoff, etc., i. 7; viii. 96. I think not so; her infelicity seem’d to have years too many, etc., v. 246; x. 260. I think poets are Tories by nature, xii. 241. I thought of Chatterton, the marvellous boy, etc., v. 122. I too, whose voice no claims but truth’s e’er moved, etc., i. 379 _n._ I’ve heard of hearts unkind, etc., iii. 172; xi. 515. I was invited yesternight to a solemn supper, etc., viii. 41. I was not train’d in academic bowers, etc., v. 283. I will touch it, iii. 127. I wish I was where Anna lies, iv. 305. I wish my old hobbling mother, etc., viii. 80. I wish you would follow Dr Cantwell’s precepts, vii. 189 _n._ I would borrow a simile from Burke, etc., iii. 419. I would not wish to have your eyes, vi. 19. I would take the Ghost’s word, xii. 88 _n._ Ici rugit Cain les cheveux hérissés, etc., xi. 234. Idea can be like nothing but an idea, an, etc., xi. 109. Idea, It is true we can form a tolerably distinct, etc., xi. 57. Idea which in itself is particular becomes general, an, etc., xi. 23. Ideas, If in having our, in the memory ready at hand, etc., xi. 45 _n._ Ideas, operations, and faculties of the mind may be traced, all the, etc., xi. 167. Ideas seemed to lie like substances in the brain, iii. 397. ideas seem to elude the senses, moral, etc., xi. 88. ideas and operations of the mind proceed? Whence do all the, xi. 171. idiot and embryo, iii. 270. Idleness, with light-winged toys of feathered, xii. 58. If a man lies on his back, etc., x. 341. If a thousand pardons about your necks were tied, etc., v. 276. If any author deserved the name of an original, etc., i. 171. If aught of oaten stop or pastoral song May hope, chaste Eve, to soothe thy modest ear, etc., v. 116. If ever chance two wandering lovers brings, etc., v. 76. If Florence be i’ th’ Court he would not kill me, etc., v. 241. If his hand were full of truths, etc., ii. 393. If o’er the cruel tyrant love, vi. 293; viii. 248, 320; xi. 304. if the poor were to cut the throats of the rich, etc., iii. 132. If these things are done in the green tree, etc., vii. 140. If they cannot succeed in what is trifling, etc., vii. 168. If this man Had but a mind allied unto his words, etc., v. 264. If to her share, viii. 525. If to their share some splendid virtues fall, etc., vii. 83. If we fly into the uttermost parts of the earth, etc., v. 16. If ye kill’d a thousand in an hour’s space, etc., v. 276. If you cannot find in your heart to tell him you love him, I’ll sigh it out of you, etc., v. 290. If you were to write a fable for little fishes, vii. 163. If you yield, I die To all affection, etc., v. 255. ignorance was bliss, vii. 222. Il avoit une grande puissance de raison, etc., i. 88 _n._ Il y a aujourd’hui, jour des Paques Fleuris ... Madame Warens, vi. 24. Il y a des impressions, etc., iii. 152; xii. 261. Il y a donc des esprits de deux sortes, etc., xi. 287. Ils ne pouvoient croire qu’un corps de cette beauté, etc., vi. 200 _n._ ils se rejouissoient tristement, xii. 16. Iliad of woes, iii. 10; iv. 41. Ille igitur qui protrusit cylindrum, etc., xi. 73. illustrious obscure, x. 143. illustrious personages were introduced, These three, etc., vi. 209. Illustrious predecessors, i. 380. image and superscription, ix. 330. image of his mind, the, iv. 372. imagination étoit la première de ses facultés, etc., i. 88 _n._ impeachment, We own the soft, x. 142. impediments, the first of these, etc., x. 258. impenetrable whiskers have confronted flames, Those, i. 422; xi. 273 _n._ imperium in imperio, vi. 265. implicité, it is without the copula, etc., x. 121, 129. imposition of names, some of larger, some of stricter signification, by this, etc., xi. 129. Imposture, organised into a comprehensive and self-consistent whole, etc., iii. 147. imprisoned wranglers free, set the, iii. 390. in all things a regular and moderate indulgence, etc., xi. 518. in corpore vili, iv. 3. in dallying with interdicted subjects; v. 207. In doleful dumps, etc., xii. 12 _n._ in each hard instance tried, oh soul supreme, x. 375. In green vine leaves he was right fitly clad, v. 35; x. 74. In happy hour doth he receive, etc., iii. 49. in his habit as he lived, xii. 27. in medio tutissimus ibis, viii. 473. In my former days of bliss, etc., xi. 284. In one of Mr Locke’s most noted remarks, etc., xi. 286. In peace, there’s nothing so becomes a man, xii. 71. In poetry the same effect is produced by a few abrupt and rapid gleams of description, etc., v. 33. in Pyrrho’s maze, iii. 226. In search of wit these lose their common sense, etc., v. 74. In spite of these swine-eating Christians, etc., v. 210 _n._ in their eyes, in their hands, etc., i. 45; xi. 373. in their untroubled element shall shine when we are laid in dust, etc., v. 52. In vain I haunt the cold and silver springs, etc., v. 302. Incredulous odi, vii. 102. independently of his conduct or merits, etc., xi. 417. Indignatio facit versus, iii. 257, 317; v. 112. Individual nature produces little beauty, xi. 212. incapable of its own distress, viii. 450. inconstant stage, the, viii. 383. indolence is the source of all mischief, iv. 70. Indus to the Pole, from, xii. 185, 278. inexpressive she; The fair, the chaste, the, xii. 205. inexpressive three, viii. 454. infidels and fugitives, as, etc., xi. 443. infants’ skulls, Hell was paved with, vii. 243. infinite agitation of men’s wit, iv. 314; vi. 312; xi. 323; xii. 441. infirmity, of our, viii. 402. informed with music, sentiment, and thought, never to die, v. 274. inhuman rout, the, v. 89. inimitable on earth, etc., viii. 55. innocence and simplicity of poor Charity Boys, ix. 18. inscribed the cross of Christ, etc., iii. 152. Insipid levelling morality to which the modern stage is tied down, etc., xi. 298. insolent piece of paper, an, xii. 168. Insensés qui vous plaignez, etc., iv. 100. instance might be painful; The, but the principle would please, viii. 21. instinct with fire, viii. 423. insulted the slavery of Europe, etc., iii. 13. interlocutions between Lucius and Caius, viii. 417. interminable babble, vii. 198. Into a lower world, to theirs obscure And wild—To breathe in other air, etc., v. 262. intoxicating, whatever is most, in the odour of a Southern spring, etc., i. 248. Intus et in cute, vii. 24, 226; viii., 116; x. 34. invariable principles, xi. 486. invention of the enemy, A weak, etc., viii. 355. inventory of all he said, viii. 103. invincible knights of old, the, etc., i. 273; viii. 442. invita Minervâ, vii. 8, 56, 119; viii. 379. Irish People and the Irish Parliament, xi. 472. Irishman in a row, like an, etc., xi. 494. Iron has not entered his soul, The, xii. 277. Iron mask, the Man in the, iv. 93. iron rod, the torturing hour, the, xii. 215. irritabile genus vatum, iii. 221. island in the watery waste, lone, iv. 190. Islands of the Blest, ix. 253. It is a very good office, etc., viii. 2. it is better to marry than burn, iii. 272. It is by this and this alone, etc., vi. 135. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, etc., i. 376 _n._ It is he who gives the second blow, etc., vi. 396. It is my father, v. 237. It is not easy to define in what this great style consists, etc., vi. 123. It is not with me you are in love ... Sophia Western, etc., i. 44. It is observable, I know not for what cause, etc., i. 318. It is the keystone, vi. 36; xi. 581. It is the same harmless thing that a poor shepherd, etc., v. 343. it only is when he is out he is acting, vi. 296. It’s well they’ve got me a husband, viii. 82. It was even twilight, etc., i. 218. It was my wish like him to live, etc., v. 362. It was reserved for Shakespeare to unite purity of heart, i. 253. it was very good of God, etc., xi. 352. It will never do, iii. 361; vii. 367. Italiam, Italiam! ii. 329. Ithuriel’s spear, ix. 369. J. jackdaw just caught in a snare, And looks like a, etc., viii. 238. Jacobin, Once a, etc., i. 430; iii. 110, 159. Jacobin who writes in the Chronicle, the true, iii. 175. Jacques, The melancholy, etc., xii. 285. Jactet se in aulis, etc., iv. 71 _n._ Je suis peintre, non pas teinturier, ix. 435. jealous God, at sight of human ties, The, etc., xi. 147. Jew that Shakespeare drew, the, i. 158. jewels in his crisped hair, Like, xii. 450. Job’s comforters, vii. 179. John de Bologna, after he had finished, Thus, etc., vi. 140. Johnny Keats, vii. 208. jolly god in triumph comes, etc., the, v. 81. jovial thigh, the, etc., xii. 196. joys are lodged beyond the reach of fate, Those, vi. 23. Joy, joy for ever, my task is done! etc., iv. 357. judgment, after it has been long passive, the, etc., vi. 128. judgment is really nothing but a sensation, xi. 86. Juger est sentir, xi. 87. Juno’s swans, link’d and inseparable, Like, xi. 472 _n._ Jupiter tonans, xi. 308. Justice is preferable to mercy, xi. 86, 88. justify before his sovereign, he would not, etc., vi. 100. justly called the Silent, viii. 13. justly decried author, a, xi. 167. K. Kais is fled, and our tents are forlorn, for, etc., vi. 196. Kean’s Othello is, we suppose, the finest piece of acting, viii. 414. keeping his state, viii. 402. kept in ponderous vases, are, x. 161. kept like an apple, etc., xii. 171. kept the even tenor of their way, have, vi. 44; viii. 123; x. 41. kept under, or himself held up to derision, i. 147, 149. key-stone that makes up the arch, ’Tis the last, etc., vi. 36; xi. 581. kill at a blow, the two to, xii. 194. killing langour, relieve the, etc., iii. 132; v. 357. Kind and affable to me, etc., xii. 267. King could live near such a man, no, i. 305. King is but a king, a, etc., xi. 324. king of good fellows and wale of old men, the, viii. 103. kings, As kind as, etc., xii. 140. Kings are naturally lovers of low company, vi. 159; xi. 442. kings, if there were no more, etc., i. 387. King’s Old Courtier, The, etc., iv. 232. kings, the best of, i. 305; iii. 41. Kingly Kensington, xii. 275. Kiuprili, Had’st thou believ’d, etc., xi. 412. kirk is gude, and the gallows is gude, The, etc., viii. 269. knaves do work with, called a fool, which, xi. 415. knavish but keen, iii. 60. knight had ridden down from Wensley moor, etc., v. 157. knight himself did after ride, The, etc., viii. 66. know another well, were to know one’s self, vi. 316. know my cue without a prompter, vii. 226. know that I shall become that being, But I, vii. 395. Know that which made him gracious in your eyes, etc., v. 290. Know the return of Spring, xi. 317. know to know no more, v. 67. Know, virtue were not virtue if the joys, etc., ix. 431. Know ye that lust of kingdoms hath no law, etc., v. 195. knoweth whence it cometh, no man, etc., xii. 312. knowledge, that had I all, etc., vi. 225. knowledge, Though he should have all, etc., vii. 199; x. 208. Koran and sugar! the, ix. 56 _n._ L. La ci darem, viii. 364. La nuit envellopait les champs et les ramparts, etc., xi. 236. la téte me tourne, etc., xi. 125. laborious foolery, with, iv. 239; ix. 121, 332; xi. 289. labour of love, ix. 223. ladder of life, the, xi. 388. lady of fashion would admire a star, etc., xi. 499. lady of a manor, A certain, etc., i. 422; xi. 273 _n._ laggard age, xii. 208. Laid waste the borders and o’erthrew the bowers, iv. 282, 334; vi. 50; viii. 36. Lancelot of the Lake, a bright romance, ’Twas etc., viii. 441. landlady, the, and Tam grew gracious, etc., v. 129. languages a man can speak, for the more, etc., vi. 70. lapped in luxury, ix. 284. large heart enclosed, in, xii. 303. last objection, In regard to the, etc., vi. 141. last of those bright clouds, the, ix. 477. last of those fair clouds, the, that on the bosom of bright honour, etc., v. 345. 369. lasting woe, vii. 429. latter end of this system of law, the, xi. 89. laudator temporis acti, iv. 241. laugh now who never laugh’d before; Let those, etc., viii. 469; xi. 316. Laugh to-day and cry to-morrow, viii. 536. laughed with Rabelais, etc., iv. 217. Launched on the bosom of the silver Thames, xi. 505. Law by which mankind suffers, etc., iii. 203. law of laws, the, etc., iv. 203. Laws are not, like women, the worse for being old, viii. 22; xii. 161 _n._ laws of nature which are the laws of God, etc., iv. 295. lawful monarch’s bleeding head, his, etc., viii. 309. lay heavy burthens on the poor and needy, They, iv. 150. lay the flattering unction, etc., xii. 230. lay waste a country gentleman, viii. 36. _See_ Laid. lay’d a body in the sun, Say I had, etc., vi. 315. La père des humains voit sa nombreuse race, etc., xi. 233. Le son des cloches, xii. 58 _n._ lean pensioners, vii. 401. Leaping like wanton kids in pleasant spring, vi. 172. leaps at once to its effect, xii. 185. learn her manner, To, etc., ix. 326. learned the trick of imposing, iii. 16. leave, oh, leave me to my repose! i. 84; vi. 71, 182, 249; viii. 313; xii. 121. leave others poor indeed, xii. 219. leave our country and ourselves, etc., xi. 353. leave stings, vii. 287; ix. 72. leave the will puzzled, etc., xi. 446. Leave then the luggage of your fate behind, etc., v. 357. leaving the things that are behind, etc., x. 195. leaving the world no copy, viii. 272. leaves in October, like, viii. 142. leaves our passions, afloat, etc., iii. 92. leer malign, with jealous, xii. 43, 287, 387. left its little life in air, it, xii. 322. left the sitting part, he, of the man behind him, viii. 17. leg? Can it set a, etc., i. 6. lend it both an understanding, etc., xii. 55. Lend us a knee, etc., v. 257. Les Francs à chaque instant voient de nouveaux guerriers, xi. 232. lest it should be hurried over the precipice, etc., vi. 156. lest the courtiers offended should be, iii. 45; viii. 457. Let Europe and her pallid sons go weep, etc., v. 115. Let go thy hold, etc., iii, 192. Let honour and preferment go, etc., xii. 323. Let loose the greyhound, and lock up Hoyden, vi. 414; viii. 82. Let me not like a worm go by the way, v. 30; xi. 506. let me light my pipe at her eyes, xii. 455. Let modest Foster if he will, excel, etc., vi. 367. Let no rude hand deface it, etc., vi. 89; viii. 91. Let not rage thy bosom firing, viii. 248, 320. Let the event, that never-erring arbitrator, tell us, v. 258. let there be light, viii. 298. Let those laugh now who never laugh’d before, etc., viii. 469; xi. 316. letting contemplation have its fill, iv. 215. leurre de dupe, iv. 5; vii. 225. Leviathan among all the creatures, the, etc., vii. 276; viii. 32. Leviathan, the, tumbling about his unwieldy bulk, vii. 13. liar of the first magnitude, v. 279. liberalism—lovely liberalism, ix. 233. liberty was merely a custom of England, xii. 215. Liceat, quæso, populo, etc., iii. 299. license of the time, viii. 186. lie is most unfruitful, The, etc., viii. 456. lies about us in our infancy, that, i. 250; x. 358. life, a thing of, ix. 177, 225; xi. 504. life an exact piece would make, Who to the, etc., ix, 326. life and death in disproportion met, Like, vi. 96; xii. 127. life, From the last dregs of, etc., xii. 159. life is best, This, etc., xii. 321. Life is a pure flame, etc., xii. 150. Life knows no return of spring, vi. 292. life of life was flown, when all the, vi. 24; xii. 159. Life! thou strange thing, etc., xii. 152. ligament, fine as it was, that, etc., vii. 227; xi. 306. light as a bird, as, etc., iii. 313. light, But once put out their, etc., xi. 197. light, her glorious, ix. 316. like a surgeon’s skeleton in a glass case, viii. 350. Like a tall bully, ix. 482. Like a worm goes by the way, xi. 514. Like angel’s visits, few, and far between, iv. 346 and _n._; v. 150 and _n._; vii. 38. Like as the sun-burnt Indians do array, etc., xi. 334. like Cato, gave his little senate laws, iv. 202. like importunate Guinea fowls, one note day and night, iii. 60; xi. 338. like it because it is not vulgar, I, vi. 160. Like kings who lose the conquest gain’d before, etc., viii. 425. like master like man, xii. 132. like morning brought by night, v. 150. Like old importment’s bastard, v. 258. Like proud seas under him, iv. 260; vii. 274. Like Samson his green wythes, xii. 128. Like some celestial sweetness, the treasure of soft love, v. 253. Like strength reposing on his own right arm, v. 189. Like the high leaves upon the holly tree, iii. 232; iv. 268. Like the swift Alpine torrent, etc., x. 73. Like to the falling of a star, etc., v. 296. liked a comedy, better than a tragedy, He, etc., viii. 25. lily on its stalk green, the, v. 296. limited fertility and a limited earth, iv. 294. limner’s art may trace the absent feature, Yes, the, viii. 305. Linden, when the sun was low, On, etc., iv. 347. line too labours and the thoughts move slow, The, etc., viii. 313, 331. line upon line, and precept upon precept, x. 314. lines are equally good, All his, etc., viii. 287. Linked each to each by natural piety, xi. 520. link of peaceful commerce ’twixt dividable shores, i. 144. liquid texture, mortal wound, And in its, etc., iii. 350. lisped in numbers, iv. 215; v. 79; xii. 29. little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, iv. 267. little man and he had a little soul, There was a, iv. 358 _n._ little man, but of high fancy, A, etc., vii. 203. little sneering sophistries of a collegian, the, xi. 123. little spot of green, i. 18; v. 100. little things are great to little man, These, etc., vi. 226. Little think’st thou, poor flower, etc., viii. 51. Little think’st thou, poor heart, viii. 52. Little Will, the scourge of France, etc., v. 106. live and move and have their being, they, vi. 190. live, if this may life be called, Yea, thus they, etc., viii. 307. live in his description, iv. 337; vi. 53. live to please, he must, etc., viii. 433. live to think, etc., xii. 147. lively, audible, etc., xii. 130. lively sense of future favours, a, viii. 17. lives and fortunes men, vii. 364; xi. 437. living with them, There is no, etc., vii. 300. Lo, here be pardons half a dozen, etc., v. 277. lobster, like the lady in the, viii. 430. Lochiel, a far cry to, viii. 425. lodge in some vast wilderness, Oh! for a, etc., ix. 287. logic of form, ix. 168 _n._ logic of passion, viii. 311; ix. 168 _n._ logic was so different from ours, thy, etc., xii. 164. long-forgotten order of chivalry, the, viii. 108; x. 28. long insulted the slavery of Europe, xii. 287. Long life to the conqueror! v. 156; x. 394. look abroad into universality, iv. 200; vi. 44; vii. 123; viii. 416. look energetic, xii. 325. look green, iv. 337; vi. 53. look in the face, etc., i. 42. Look to thy Sire, and in his steady way, etc., iii. 114. looked forward beyond this world, it, etc., i. 45; xi. 273. looked only at the stop-watch, my lord; I, vi., 278; vii. 272. looked round on them with their wolfish eyes, And, etc., vi. 425. loop or peg to hang a doubt on, a, xii. 280. loop-holes of retreat, xii. 120. Lord be merciful to me, etc., vi. 152 _n._ Lord is imprisoned, in the Bastille of a name; a, etc., vi. 68. lord of the ascendant, iv. 241; vi. 147. Lord of himself, uncumbered with a creed, iv. 232. lord of one’s-self, uncumber’d with a name, vi. 185. lord once own the happy lines, Let but a, etc., vi. 209. Lord, a Right Honourable Lord, viii. 277. lords who love their ladies, like, ix. 68. lose it afterwards in some vile brand, to, vi. 329. lost over a wide, and unhearing ocean, iv. 284. lot is cast under the British Monarchy, My, vi. 153. loud and furious fun, xii. 7. loud torrent or the whirlwind’s roar, ix. 298. loud-hissing urn, xi. 503. Louis XVIII. has the same undoubted right, etc., x. 218. Louise Eleonore de Warens etoit une demoiselle, etc., i. 90. Love himself can flatter me no more, And, vii. 292. love the French Republic—he could not, v. 318. love’s thrice reputed nectar, viii. 72. loved bequest, and I may half impart, a, etc., iv. 345. loved hospitality and respect, vi. 282. loved not wisely but too well, of one that, etc., viii. 414. loved the world, nor the world me; I have not, vi. 97. lovely Marcia, The, etc., iii. 219. lovers of low company, vi. 159; xi. 442. lovest me, No more of that if thou, xii. 106. low, fat, Bedford level, vii. 12. lower than the angels, a little, vii. 85. lowly children of the ground, xii. 341. lucid mirror in which nature saw, A, etc., vii. 56; ix. 71. luck holds, the same, etc., xii. 248 _n._ lucus a non lucendo, ix. 152. lumpish heart, viii. 119; ix. 64; x. 38. lusty man to ben an Abbot able, A, iv. 225; xii. 6. luxury of woe, all the, viii. 127. M. Mad but wise, iii. 161. Mad World, my Masters, A, v. 191; xii. 87 _n._ made as flax, x. 264. made desperate by too quick a sense of constant infelicity, i. 4; v. 284. made good digestion wait, etc., xii. 238. made life’s business like a summer’s dream, xii. 24. made my wedded wife yestreen, ii. 316. made th’ insult, And, etc., xii. 323. madman that maintains the doctrine of Divine Right? Where is the, iii. 240, 285. Madmen reason, vii. 250. madness in them which our first poets had, that fine, vi. 183. magic circle, viii. 231. Magis pares quam similes, viii. 401. Magnis excidit ausis, ix. 138. Mais vois la rapidite de cet astre, etc., ix. 281; xii. 123 _n._ majestic world, got the start of the, vii. 200; xii. 275. make Gods in their own image, x. 344. make mouths at him, viii. 188. make the age to come her own, x. 210. makes it pregnant, i. 112. Makins was the only one, Mr, i. 54. Malbrook to the wars is going, vi. 93. malice in the case, none at all, no, etc., vi. 314. malice of a friend, with the, viii. 177. malice of old friends, the, iv. 266. malignant renegado, A, iii. 210. mammon of unrighteousness, the, xii. 279. man becomes excellently wise, etc., ii. 400. man is a bubble, A, etc., v. 342. man is a noble animal, etc., xi. 559. Man is in no haste to be venerable, xii. 207, 229. man may indeed be a reviewer, the, etc., xi. 418. man may indeed pretend to prefer my interest to his own, a, etc., xi. 135. man may steal a horse sooner, One, etc., xi. 342 _n._ man of God, a little round, fat, oily, etc., i. 59; xii. 332. man of honour and a cavalier, iii. 409. man of peace and reason, x. 360. Man seldom is but always to be robbed, ix. 249. _See_ he. man was confined in Newgate a short time before, a, iv. 302. man was made to mourn, i. 53; xii. 9. man were author of himself, As if a, etc., xii. 50. man whose eye is ever on himself, The, etc., vi. 91; xi. 422. manly man to ben an abbot able, A, xii. 348. man’s a man for a’ that, A, vii. 88. man’s mind is parcel of his fortunes, a, viii. 455. Manager beseems, as, viii. 406. mankind’s epitome, not one but all, vi. 424. manna is descending, while the, vi. 198. manna is going to fall, x. 69. manna was falling, The, x. 225. Marall, come hither, etc., viii. 274, 285. marble air, accessible to all; the, xii. 419. marching the Muse’s Hannibal, viii. 58. Marcian Colonna is a dainty book, vii. 225. mare’s nest, a, iv. 239. mariners, That come from a far countree, I love to talk with, vi. 67. mark or likelihood, of no, vi. 212; vii. 278. Marks and badges, two, of suspected and falsified science, etc., v. 329. Marlowe’s mighty line, v. 208. marry, they neither, iii. 87 _n._, 385; iv. 120. Martin Pelaez, Here the history relates, that at this time, xi. 329. master of a boarding-house with a green door, etc., viii. 240. Masterless passion sways us, etc., xii. 95, 442. matchless, divine, what we will, v. 179. Materiam superabat opus, v. 192, 376; vii. 118; xi. 257. May one have the sight of such a fellow for nothing, etc., v. 227. Me voici déjà tout aussi sûr, etc., vii. 454 _n._ meanest flower that blows can give, to him the, etc., i. 20; iv. 273; v. 103; vi. 44; xi. 574. meanest peasant on the bleakest mountain, The, etc., vii. 83. meanest peasant in this our native land, iii. 62. Means of government are the guinea and the gallows, Their only, viii. 21. measure with a two-foot rule, i. 175; iii. 23; vi. 105. meddling with the unclean thing, x. 379. meek sorrows and virtuous distress of Katherine, the, etc., i. 303. Melancholy Andrews, xi. 485. melancholy appearance of a lifeless body, the, etc., vi. 327. melancholy hat, v. 270, 290; xii. 325. melancholy madness of poetry, the, etc., iii. 404; v. 294. melancholy, the heaviest stone which, etc., iii. 261; vii. 267; xi. 447; xii. 137. melted, thawed, and dissolved into a dew, xii. 226. memory slept, open all the cells where, vii. 194; xii. 322. men act from calculation, All, iv. 196; vii. 250; xii. 87 _n._ men I ever knew in my life, Of all the, etc., i. 44; xi. 272. Men in their first use of such phrases as these, etc., xi. 67. men of choice and rarest parts, viii. 447. Men palliate and conceal, etc., vii. 230. Men should not quarrel with their bread and butter, iii. 276. men should serve a cucumber, as, etc., xi. 326 _n._ men suffer it, their toy, the world, Because, etc., iii. 288. men think all men mortal but themselves, All, vi. 324 _n._ men were brutes without them, vi. 68. mendicant in argument, this, iii. 81. Mens divinior, vii. 201. mere scholar is a creature that can strike fire in the morning at his tinder-box, A, etc., v. 284. merry and wise, xii. 22. Metaphysical poets were men of learning, etc., viii. 49. methought, And ayen, etc., xii. 327. Methought I saw the grave where Laura lay, etc., v. 298. Methought she looked at us, etc., ix. 203. Mice in an air-pump, vii. 46, 133. Michael, by some ’tis doubted, etc., viii. 42. mighty dead, the, xii. 30. mighty heart, all that, etc., xii. 124. mighty land-marks of these latter times, vii. 184. mighty stream of Tendency, iv. 290; v. 280; vi. 256. mighty Tottipottimoy, The, etc., viii. 64. mighty world of eye and ear, all the, etc., i. 176; vi. 74; vii. 46. Milanie’s foot of fire, viii. 454. Mild as the moonbeams, viii. 453. milkmaid, a fair and happy, etc., v. 99. mille ornatus habet, mille decenter, x. 210. millions made for one, iii. 178. mimic statesmen and their merry king, of, vii. 219. mind alone is formative, that the, iv. 380; xi. 81, 128, 176. mind happy was he that died, And in my, vi. 294. Mine Host of Human Life, xi. 503. mingled air of cunning and of impudence, a, xi. 416. Miraturque novos frondes et non sua poma, iii. 285; iv. 228; v. 263. Misfortunes, There is something in the, of our best friends that pleases us, viii. 9. mistaken for you, I shall be ever, xii. 105. mistress and a saint in every grove, a, i. 52; ix. 382; xi. 237. mitigated authors into companions, etc., i. 83. Mitigated into courtiers, and submitted to the soft collar of social esteem, viii. 69. mob, The, are so pleased with your Honour, viii. 286. mob of gentlemen who wrote with ease, v. 373; xi. 372. Modern Athens, iv. 246. modest as morning, etc., xii. 76. Modest merit never can succeed, vii. 224 _n._ Mokanna, ’midst the general flight, In vain, iv. 357. Monaghan was an honest, i. 54. monarch of all I survey, I am, xii. 409. monarchise, be feared, etc., xii. 204. monkey-preacher, a, iv. 229. monster, A huge sized, of ingratitudes, vi. 99. monstrum ingens, biforme, ii. 405; xii. 155 _n._ moods of mind, x. 270. moody madness, etc., viii. 397. moon’s a gallant: see how brisk she rides, etc., The, v. 218. moral is here! The, xii. 229. morals on the time, xii. 52. moralise our complaints, etc., xii. 127. morbid sensibility, i. 14. more favourably incline, do, viii. 464. more honoured in the breach than the observance, viii. 225. More misfortunes, sir, viii. 72. more potent spirit, the, v. 214. more solid pretensions of virtue, the, i. 422. More subtle web Arachne cannot spin, etc., v. 72; ix. 37; x. 257; xii. 233. more than natural, xii. 399. morn risen on mid-night: like, xii. 236. Mortality, behold, I fear, etc., v. 344 _n._ moss upon the desolate rock, like, viii. 308. Most blessed paper, which shall kiss that hand, etc., v. 324. most civilized, and with one exception, the most enlightened, iii. 62. most easily beset him, xii. 331. most elegant mind since Virgil, the, xi. 304. most marvellous to see, x. 159. most obvious distinction, the, between the two styles, etc., v. 348. most sensible of poets; the, v. 373. most small fault, viii. 447. Most women have no character at all, etc., vii. 234. Mother, come from that poisonous woman there, v. 246. mother-wit and arts well known before, xi. 478. motions of the body, as it is in the, etc., xi. 61. mountains à la Russe, the, iv. 359. mountain sides, Or from the, etc., i. 21. mouse, that takes up its lodging in a cat’s ear, a, vi. 94. moved by the orphan’s tears, Is he not, etc., viii. 277. mower whets his scythe, the, viii. 297. multiplicity of persons and things, i. 133. Multum abludit imago, iv. 9; ix. 322, 424; x. 393; xi. 532. murder to dissect, xii. 396. murmur as the ocean murmurs near, and, viii. 465. Murray, silver-tongued, iii. 416. music, the poor man’s only, xi. 502; xii. 56. musical a discord, so, etc., xii. 289. Mutual interest, the greatest of all purposes, etc., xi. 137. mutually reflected charities; all the, i. 30; viii. 137; ix. 80, 144. My all’s in my possession, viii. 323. My father pressed me sair, etc., v. 141. My father’s, mother’s, brother’s death, I pardon, etc., v. 358. My heart is harden’d, I cannot repent, etc., v. 205. My heart leaps up when I behold, etc., v. 103. My heart with love is beating, viii. 532. My kingdom is not of this world, xii. 463. My mind to me a kingdom is! vi. 6; vii. 56, 121; viii. 407; x. 280. My peace I give unto you, etc., v. 183. My soul, turn from them; turn we to survey, iii. 166; viii. 411. My task is done, etc., xi. 426. Mystery and silence hung upon his pencil, ix. 388. N. nakedness, in utter, i. 251. names, Because on earth their, i. 23; x. 63; xii. 36. Naples! thou Heart of men, etc., x. 267. narrow his mind, etc., viii. 62; xii. 328. nation of shopkeepers, a, ix. 182. Nature did ne’er betray, etc., i. 20. nature doth not die, but, xi. 423. nature erring from itself, And yet how, etc., viii. 217. Nature had made him different from other people, vi. 280. nature herself is not to be too closely copied, I will now add that, etc., vi. 134. Nature is the rule; but still to follow, etc., xi. 316. Nature! Oh the wonderful works of, viii. 286. Nature, Oh Menander and, etc., i. 183. nature to advantage drest, ix. 159. nature’s mighty feast, at, iv. 139. naughty varlet thou art to continue, thou, xii. 115. nauseous harlequins in farce may pass, those, iii. 63. Nay, but hear me first, x. 392. Nay, if you come to that where did you find that bodkin? viii. 72. Ne Deth, alas! ne will not han my lif, etc., v. 34. neck so free, And from his, etc., xii. 236. Nec Deus intersit, nisi dignus vindice nodus, v. 150. necessity that is not chosen, but chuses, etc., iii. 303. negative success, vii. 273. νείατον ἐς κενεῶνα, x. 7. neighbour, who is thy? iv. 204; v. 184. neighbour, thou shalt love thy, iv. 204. Neither can the experience of one man’s life furnish examples, etc., v. 329. neither to sing nor say, viii. 371. neither truce nor rest, xii. 193. ne quid nimis, iii. 120. Never ending, still beginning, vi. 92; vii. 65. never look back, ne’er ebb to humble love, i. 203. never more be officer of mine, But, etc., viii. 473. Never so sure our rapture to create, etc., iii. 253; viii. 473; x. 154; xii. 26. never yet was woman made, There, etc., viii. 55. new book, And what of this, etc., xii. 161. New manners and the pomp of elder days, xi. 354; xii. 286. Newspaper-man, the, vii. 378. nice conduct, vii. 210. nice derangement of Epitaphs, a, viii. 509. nice morality, of a, viii. 162. nickname is the heaviest stone, A, etc., xi. 447. _See also_ melancholy. nigh sphered in Heaven, v. 51; xii. 33. night was winter in his roughest mood, etc., v. 92. Nihil humani a me alienum puto, iv. 270; vi. 60; vii. 78, 206; viii. 139; xii. 99. nine years, Horace’s, x. 250. no baby, vi. 319. Noctes cœnæque Deum, xii. 293. no day without a line, iv. 323. no great clerk, iv. 29. No Indian prince has to his palace, etc., viii. 63. no line which dying he would wish to blot, v. 85. no more of a cat than her skin, xii. 208. no more of talk, xii. 293. no more indulgence is to be shewn, etc., xi. 350. No more: where ignorance is bliss, etc., xii. 135. no one can bring up his master’s dinner but himself, viii. 242. No Popery, iii. 294; iv. 249. No soul, ye know, entereth heavengate Till from the body he be separate, etc., v. 276. no such being, at any period of life, etc., v. 123. No; we are to unite the strength of the Hercules, etc., vi. 143. No wher so besy a man as he ther n’as, v. 24; ix. 367. noble heart that harbours virtuous thought, etc., v. 58. nobleman-look? The, etc., vii. 209, 216. Noblest Charis, you that are Both my fortune and my star! etc., v. 305. noblest monument of Albion’s isle, Thou, etc., v. 121; vii. 256. non bene conveniunt, etc., iii. 403. Non ex quovis ligno fit Mercurius, iii. 264; vii. 199; xii. 301. none but itself could be its parallel, etc., iv. 261; viii. 372. Non omnia possumus omnes, iii. 425. Non satis est pulchra poemata esse, dulcia sunto, ix. 173; xi. 452 _n._ Nor Alps nor Apennines can keep them out, vi. 66; ix. 291. Nor can we think what thoughts they could conceive, i. 136; v. 177; xii. 326. norma loquendi, vii. 251. North, The stern genius of the, etc., x. 186. Northern Waggoner had set, By this the, etc., viii. 16. Not a jot, not a jot, viii. 189, 272. not a year or two shows us a man, It is, vi. 303. not till then, iii. 119; vii. 382; viii. 17 _n._ not to do evil that good may come, xi. 476. Not to admire, etc., i. 81 _n._; xii. 181. Not with more glories in the ethereal plain, etc., v. 72. nothing but vanity, chaotic vanity, xi. 527. Nothing can come of nothing, viii. 459. Nothing can cover his high fame but Heaven, etc., iv. 262. nothing human is indifferent to him, viii. 139. _See_ Nihil. Nothing is sacred in its pages but tyranny, iii. 314. nothing was given for nothing, xii. 269. Notwithstanding, certain it is, that if those schoolmen, etc., v. 330. Nought fer fro thilke paleis honourable, etc., v. 31. Now all ye ladies of fair Scotland, xii. 88. Now by the proud complexion of my cheeks, etc., v. 209. Now have I found one mastery, etc., v. 276. now in glimmer, and now in gloom, vii. 368; xi. 424. Now mark a spot or two, etc., iii. 266, 271. Now meet thy fate, incens’d Belinda cry’d, etc., v. 73. Now night descending, the proud scene is o’er, etc., v. 8, 76; viii. 18. Now this now that she tasteth tenderly, x. 210. Now tragedy, thou minion of the night, etc., v. 209. Now was Martius set then in the chair of state, etc., i. 219. Now you set your foot on shore, viii. 45. Nugæ Canoræ, ix. 354. null and void, i. 48. nunquam sufflaminandus erat, iv. 336; vi. 52. _See_ Aliquando. O. O maxime conjux! etc., xii. 166. O procul este profani, xii. 13. O reader! hast thou ever stood to see, etc., v. 164 _n._ O si sic omnia! xi. 425. O waly, waly, up the bank, etc., v. 142. obdurate and rapacious foe, iii. 67. Object of any one who is inspired with this passion, etc., i. 93. Obscurity her curtain round them drew, etc., v. 10; xi. 224. observation with extensive view, Let, iv. 277. Ocean smil’d, And, etc., ix. 267. Odds, triggers, and flints, viii. 508. Odia in longum, etc., iii. 176. odious endeavours, viii. 158. Odious, in satin, ’Twould a saint provoke, viii. 454. Odi profanum vulgus et arceo, vi. 163. o’er-informed, vi. 171; ix. 31, 363. o’er-informing power, vii. 340. Of all creatures breathing, I do hate those things, etc., v. 227. of all men, the most miserable, ix. 59. of one crying in the wilderness, etc., iii. 152. Of such we in romances read, iv. 101. of the frequent corse heard nightly plunged amid the sullen waves, v. 88. Of whatsoever race his godhead be, etc., iii. 174; xii. 244 _n._, 384. Of which we priests and poets say such truths as we expect for happy men, etc., v. 306. Oh Alma Redemptoris mater, loudly sung, v. 29; x. 76. Oh ancient knights of true and noble heart, etc., v. 224; x. 71. Oh Faustus, now hast thou but one bare hour to live, etc., v. 206. Oh! for my sake do you with fortune chide, etc., i. 24 _n._ Oh, gentlemen! Hear me with patience, etc., v. 207. Oh gin my love were a bonny red rose, v. 140. Oh! had I been by fate decreed, vi. 352. Oh heav’ns if you do love old men, etc., viii. 448. Oh! ho, quoth Time to Thomas Hearne, etc., vi. 384. Oh, hold it constant, It settles his wild spirits, etc., v. 245. Oh, how canst thou renounce, etc., i. 18; v. 100. Oh, how despised and base a thing is man, etc., v. 303. Oh! I am gone already, The infection flies to the brain and heart, etc., v. 244. Oh I could still, like melting snow, v. 306. Oh! I grow dull, and the cold hand of sleep, etc., v. 209. Oh, lasting as those colours may they shine, etc., v. 78. Oh! let me perish in the face of day, vii. 138. Oh memory! shield me, etc., vii. 223. Oh, not from you, viii. 127. Oh, Richard! oh, my love! viii. 195. Oh sir, you’re welcome home, etc., v. 216. Oh speak no more! For more than this I know, etc., v. 212. Oh, that speaks him, viii. 43. Oh thou conqueror, Thou glory of the world once, now the pity, etc., v. 253. Oh Virtue! I embraced thee as a substance, i. 435. Oh what delicate wooden spoons, etc., iii. 231. Oh what fine their hair hath Dipsas! etc., v. 201. Oh! who can paint a sunbeam to the blind, v. 237. Old Genius, the porter of them was, etc., vi. 173. Old Mr Southern is here, etc., v. 359. old prize-fighting stage, viii. 230. old True-penny, xi. 534. old Sylvanus at their head, xii. 258. Olympus, the cloud-capt, ix. 429. Omne ignotum pro magnifico est, vi. 274; ix. 348. Omne tulit punctum, iii. 175; iv. 165; ix. 216; xii. 362. Omnes boni et liberales humanitati semper favemus, viii. 384. omnipotence of reason, xii. 407. On a good foundation a good house may be built, xii. 197. On entend à ces mots toutes les voix célestes, etc., xi. 233. On his release from prison, he gave an entertainment, etc., v. 234. On jugera bien que la vie de la mâitrise, etc., i. 91 _n._ On the contrary, I have largely declared, etc., xi. 66. One fate attends the altar, etc., iii. 34, 277. One murder makes a villain, millions a hero, i. 389. one note day and night, iii. 60; xi. 338. one of quality, xii. 285. one of those, he is not, vii. 365. one that had had misfortunes, ix. 181. Once a Jacobin, and always a Jacobin, i. 430; iii. 110, 159. once a priest, and always a priest, iii. 269. Once a philanthropist, and always a philanthropist, iv. 267. Once more, companion of the lonely hour, xii. 53 _n._ open and apparent shame, vii. 375; xii. 288. Open Sesame, vii. 86; xii. 120. Open thy gates, O Hanover, iii. 50. opens all the cells where memory slept, etc., vii. 194; xii. 322. Ophelia does not go mad because she can sing, xi. 395. Orion hungry for the morn, and blind, etc., vi. 168. orphan’s tears, by, viii. 290. Other pictures we see, Hogarth’s we read, viii. 133; ix. 391. otiosa Eternitas, ix. 218. otium cum dignitate, vi. 283; ix. 261; x. 387. ounce of sweet is worth a pound of sour, An, i. 2; vi. 226; xii. 93. Our Cupid is a blackguard boy, etc., xi. 353. Our greatest good is but plethoric ill, iv. 63. Our system is not fashioned to preclude, etc., i. 114. Ours is an honest employment, etc., iii. 163. Out of my country and myself I go, etc., vi. 189. out of sight, out of mind, vi. 373; ix. 91; xii. 128. outlasted a thousand storms, that has, etc., viii. 445. outward shew elaborate, Of, etc., xii. 247. Out went the taper as she hurried in, etc., iv. 303. over a vast and unhearing ocean, viii. 472. overflow, that sweeps before him, Like a wild, etc., viii. 421. over laboured lassitude, iv. 245. overrun with the spleen, v. 91. over shoes, over boots, xii. 352. P. pagan suckled in a creed outworn, A, xii. 171. pain, The labour we delight in physics, xii. 45. paint ladies with iron lap-dogs, vii. 94. paint a sunbeam to the blind, Oh! who can, etc., xi. 64. paint them, They best can, etc., vii. 298; xi. 386. painted sepulchre, white without, etc., iii. 34. painter! I also am a, vi. 13; ix. 163. painting is an art, they think, As, etc., vi. 135. Painting is and ought to be ... no imitation, etc., vi. 130. painting was jealous, and required the whole man to herself, i. 85; x. 208, 279. palaces, her ladies and her pomp, iv. 45; vi. 69. pale and wan, fond lover? Why so, etc., viii. 55, 240. pale face and raven locks, the, xi. 533. pale reflex of Cynthia’s brow, the, xi. 507. pampered jades of Asia, Halloa you, etc., vi. 299. Pan is a god, Apollo is no more, v. 192; ix. 372. Pandora’s box, xii. 222. pangs, the internal pangs are ready, etc., v. 67, 235. Paraclete’s white walls and silver springs, From, vii. 369. paradise of dainty devices, ix. 159. parson in a tie wig, a, i. 9; iv. 269; viii. 99; xi. 543. parts are contained in the whole, iv. 27. particularities and details of every kind, all, vi. 135. passes shew, that within which, xii. 243. passing wind, to the, viii. 473. passion loves, Which pale, ix. 11. passion makes men eloquent, iii. 397. passion of patience, for the, etc., vi. 165 _n._ Past slightly, His careless execution, etc., v. 258. pathétique à faire fendre les rochers, d’une, xi. 317. patience and simplicity of poor, honest fishermen, i. 56; v. 98. Patient Grizzle, ix. 432. patron’s ghost from Limbo lake, His, etc., xii. 302. pauper lad, vii. 366, 7; ix. 283. paved with good intentions, ix. 215. Peace on earth and good-will towards men, vii. 373; xii. 288. Peace to all such, xi. 84, 181. pearls, he had found a few, etc., xi. 450. peas, as pigeons pick up, xii. 134. peasant’s nest, the, ix. 285. peep through the blanket of the dark, xii. 125, 244. Pembroke’s princely dome, where mimic art, From, etc., ix. 49; xii. 202. pence, Take care of the, etc., vi. 235. penitent tear, a, iv. 357. penny for his thoughts, A, iii. 138. people are a superior order of beings, his, etc., vi. 137. perceive a fury, but nothing wherefore, ix. 245. perceive a softness coming over the heart of a nation, iv. 346; v. 184. Pereant isti qui ante nos nostra dixerunt, viii. 94. perfection in an inferior style, Indeed, etc., vi. 128. perhaps of none, except that there are certain persons, etc., xi. 267. perilous stuff, that weighs upon the heart, ix. 133 _n._ perpetual volley arrowy sleet, xi. 515. person can in earnest doubt whether there be, if any, etc., xi. 141. person and a smooth dispose, a, etc., viii. 134; ix. 76. Persian abodes, the glittering temples, vii. 264. pestilence strike all trades in Rome, Now the red, etc., viii. 349. Petulant set his mark, vii. 497. peuple serf, corveable, etc., iii. 290. Phœnix gazed by all, xii. 388. Phœnix Pindar is a vast species alone, The, viii. 57. _See_ vast. Phœbus sung, the no less amorous boy; Like, etc., viii. 73. phantasma, in a; or a hideous dream, etc., xii. 192. Phidias is illustrious, That the name of, etc., vi. 241. Philarmonia’s undivided dale, In, iii. 166; iv. 218. philosophy fell into a sadness, Thus repelled, etc., iii. 123. Physician, heal thyself! vii. 65. physician, The whole need not a, i. 58; xii. 174. physical consideration of the senses and the mind, xi. 129. picks clean teeth, where he, iv. 147. picks pears, saying this I like; As one, etc., iii. 371; iv. 22. pictures of nothing and very like, xi. 248. pictures we see, Hogarth’s we read; Other, etc., viii. 133; ix. 391. pierceable by power of any star, not, vi. 288; x. 372. pigmy body of a fiery soul, etc., viii. 176. pilloried on infamy’s high and lasting stage, etc., vi. 222; viii. 65. pilloried, the fellow that was, x. 375. pilot to weather the storm, the, iii. 98. Pingo in eternitatem, iv. 220; ix. 313. pious orgies, ix. 14; xii. 258. piping as though he should never be old, v. 98; ix. 9; xii. 261. Piqued, we were, i. 172. pity is only another name for self-love, xi. 140. places where I also am admired, There are, vi. 93. plain and honest method, A, vi. 145. Plain truth needs no flowers of speech, xii. 105. Play round the head, i. 135; vi. 149. player’s province, they but vainly try the, etc., iv. 224. pleasant sight see, And I that all this, etc., xi. 269. pleasant though wrong, viii. 167. pleas’d attention ’midst his scenes we find, with, etc., viii. 263. Pleas’d they remember their august abodes, x. 255. pleased with a feather, tickled with a straw, etc., iii. 40; vi. 234; ix. 118; x. 173. Pleased with itself, ix. 480. pleasure in art, which none but artists feel; a, i. 76. pleasure in painting which none but painters know, There is a, vi. 5. pleasure’s finest point, viii. 409. pleasurable poetic fervour, x. 158. ploughed with our heifer, if they had not, etc., iii. 293. plumb, it was out of all, etc., vi. 218. plume her feathers, and let grow her wings, Can, etc., viii. 204. Plutarch of Banishment. He compares those who cannot live out of their own country, etc., vi. 101 _n._ poet blind and bold, the, vi. 176. Poeta nascitur—non fit, v. 379. Poetry has something divine in it, because it raises the mind, etc., v. 3. poets succeed best in fiction, iii. 49. pointing to the skies, viii. 336. politeness of his style and the genteelness of his expressions, by the, viii. 157. pomp of elder days, the, x. 205. pomp of groves and garniture of fields, The, ix. 98. Ponder well, viii. 323. Poor gentleman, it fairs no better with him for he’s a wit, i. 116. poor man’s only music, The, xi. 502; xii. 56. Poor Robinson Crusoe, etc., x. 358. Pope Anastasius the Sixth, I am the tomb of, v. 18; x. 63. Popery was the ghost of the Roman Empire, etc., ix. 374. popular harangue, the, the tart reply, iii. 406. porcelain of Franguestan, the, ix. 60. poring pedantry, of, v. 176. port as meek as is a maid, And of their, etc., vi. 216; vii. 25; viii. 371; xi. 340; xii. 68. Posthæc meminisse juvabit, vi. 25. Posterity, that rich and idle personage, i. 298. potent art, by their so, xii. 143. pound of honey would draw more flies, a, etc., viii. 442. pours out all as plain, As downright Shippen or as old Montaigne, He, iv. 321, 341; vi. 57; viii. 93; ix. 258. power of conferring benefits, by the, etc., vii. 427. powers that be, the, vi. 148; viii. 375; xii. 284. power to do if we will, that it is a, xi. 59. Praise and blame, reward and punishment, are just and proper, etc., xi. 279. praise him, or blame him too much, viii. 396. Pray lend me your garter, Madam, xii. 451. pray no more, viii. 309. precepts here of a divine old man, The, vi. 332. precious jewel of the soul, xii. 105. preferable regards, viii. 153. prejudices, because they are, vi. 36. Prematur nonum in annum, ii. 104. prepared to sacrifice or to hazard, etc., vi. 153. presens Divus, iii. 18 _n._, 350 _n._ present no mark to the foemen, i. 11. present deity they shout around, A, etc., x. 191; xii. 250. preserve the most perfect beauty, if you mean to, etc., vi. 138. pride and covetousness, iv. 2. pride in erring reason’s spite, In spite of, xi. 552; xii. 270. Pride, where wit fails, steps in to our defence, etc., v. 74. priest calls the lawyer a cheat, The, etc., xi. 443. Priests were the first deluders of mankind, etc., iii. 277. Pritchard’s genteel and Garrick’s six feet high, viii. 176. privilege of talking nonsense, the, etc., x. 120. Procul, O procul, este profani, vi. 185. prodigy of genius, as a, v. 123. production of a scoffer’s pen, the, i. 116. progression from them, to take, etc., xii. 47. Proh pudor, iv. 199. Prologues spoken by the ghost of an old king of Ormus, xii. 28. propagation too, there were, vi. 174. proper study of mankind is man, the, viii. 91; xi. 492. prophet has most honour, A, iv. 189. propter vitam vivendi perdere causas, Et, vii. 162. prophesier of things past, iv. 241. prophetic mind, iii. 343. Proteus coming from the sea, There is old, etc., i. 34; viii. 149; ix. 491; xi. 197. proud as when blue Iris bends, xii. 166. Proud Glaramara northward caught the sound, etc., iii. 157. proud keep of Windsor, iii. 336 _n._; vii. 11; vii. 276; ix. 37. proud submission and dignified obedience, viii. 99 _n._ proud to be at the head of so prevailing a party, viii. 36, 83. proud to die what he was born, viii. 290. Proudly I raised the high thanksgiving strain, etc., iii. 115. proved that the painter, If it has been, etc., vi. 131. public creature, vii. 77. publish, But why then, etc., xii. 32. puff direct, vi. 289. pull an old house, etc., iii. 124. punish the last successful example, iii. 290. pure, all things are pure, To the, viii. 53. pure defecated evil, vi. 314. Pure in the last recesses of the mind, i. 57; iii. 273; v. 361; vi. 7; vii. 281; xii. 44, 149. pure religion breathing household laws, xi. 190; xii. 464. purple light of love, the, i. 251; x. 380; xii. 156. put his hook in the nostrils, vii. 13. puts his hand in his breeches’ pocket like a crocodile, That he, vi. 67. puts the same common name into a capacity, etc., xi. 128. puzzling o’er the doubt, xii. 127. pyramid of sweet-meats, a, etc., ix. 278. Q. Quam nihil ad tuum, Papiniane, ingenium, vii. 294; xi. 549; xii. 186. Quantum lenta solent inter Viburna Cupressi, v. 82 _n._ quantum meruit, v. 123; xi. 363. Quatre heures passées il faut fermer, Citoyens, vi. 16. Que peu de chose est la vie humaine, vi. 27. Que peut vous inspirer une haine si forte? etc., iii. 120. Que, si sous Adam même, etc., x. 250. Que terribles sont ces cheveux gris, viii. 159. queen of night, whose large command, The, etc., viii. 67. Queen overhearing what Betty did say, Then the, etc., xii. 302. Queen’s name was a tower of strength, the, xi. 555. question being reduced within these limits, the, etc., xi. 85. Quicquid agit quoquo vestigia vertit, etc., ii. 331; vi. 105. Quicquid agunt homines nostri farrago libelli, viii. 91. Quid sit pulchrum quid turpe, etc., viii. 92. quidlibet audendi potestas, x. 13. Quit, quit for shame, etc., xii. 435. quite optional, xi. 338. quite chap-fallen, xii. 4. quod sic mihi ostendis incredulus odi, ii. 129; viii. 127, 243, 436; ix. 132. R. race is not to the swift, the, etc., vii. 195. rainbow’s lovely form, Like the, iii. 289. rais’d upon his desperate foot, And, etc., viii. 66. raise jars, jealousies, strifes, etc., v. 223. raised so high above all height, viii. 463. random, blindfold blows of Ignorance, the, vii. 59. ranged in a row, ix. 57. Raphael grace, the Guido air, the, vi. 270; xii. 156. rari nantes in gurgite vasto, vi. 299; x. 356. Rash judgments and the sneers of selfish men, vii. 367. ravens are hoarse that croak, etc., xi. 304. reaches the verge of all we hate, x. 398. Read his history in a Prince’s eyes! iv. 329. read no more, etc., x. 62 _n._ Read the names, says Judicio, v. 280. reading rabble, the, iii. 218. ready to allow that some circumstances, I am very, etc., vi. 134. ready to sink for him, I was, etc., viii. 301. real hearts of flesh and blood, etc., viii. 205; xi. 197. _See_ warm. reason but from what we know? What can we, etc., iv. 113; vii. 51, 249. reason for the faith, etc., v. 302; xii. 396. reason how this came to pass is, the, etc., vii. 174 _n._ reason I shall beg leave to lay before you, For this, etc., vi. 129. Reason is the queen of the moral world, etc., iv. 206. reason of their unreasonableness, the, v. 325. reason of this terrible summons? What is the, etc., viii. 216. reason, make the worse appear the better, xii. 289. reason pandering will, xi. 110. reason why, The, I cannot tell, But I don’t like you, Dr Fell, v. 318. reasoning, self-sufficient thing, A, an intellectual all in all, ii. 130. reasons for the faith, etc., i. 172. Rebelling angels, the forbidden tree, etc., xi. 123. recantation had no charms for him, Such, iii. 157; vi. 176. reclaim’d by modern lights, And though, etc., viii. 51. Red cross, the, etc., iii. 111. red-leaved tables of the heart, within the, v. 235; vi. 192. Reduce all tragedy by rules of art, etc., viii. 67. reeds bow down, the very, as though they listened to their talk, v. 199. reign, he held his solitary, xii. 75. refined and intellectual music, viii. 363. reformer nor a house-breaker, xii. 310. reform and live cleanly, vii. 175 _n._ reformed rake makes the best husband, a, v. 238. reformed this indifferently among us, of late, etc., vi. 134. reformer is a worse character than a housebreaker, a, iv. 264. rejouissoient tristement selon la coutume de leur pays, se, i. 100. relegated to obscure cloisters, x. 208. relieve the killing languor and over-laboured lassitude, iii. 132; v. 357. religion, established by law, excepted our, x. 363. relish all as sharply, passioned as we, to, iii. 226. relish him more in the scholar, You shall, etc., viii. 378. Rembrandts, Correggios, and stuff, vi. 312. remorse, shall be in him, etc., xii. 458. Remote, unfriended, melancholy, slow, etc., vi. 90. renounce, Oh how canst thou, the boundless store, etc., i. 18; v. 100. Replete with strange hermetic powder, etc., viii. 63. Repose! won’t you have the whole of eternity to repose in, xi. 289. reprobate, to every good word, etc., vii. 135; x. 235. reptile sting another reptile; What? if one, etc., viii. 422. re-risen cause of evil, iii. 111. resembles a person walking on stilts in a morass, viii. 331. resembling a goose-pye, ix. 71; xi. 200. Respice finem, vi. 27; vii. 200. restored and shaking off her chain, xi. 413. retire, the world shut out etc., ix. 292; xii. 122. return to our own institute, But to, etc., vi. 180. returning with a choral song, etc., x. 187. revenge, And so is my, viii. 228. revered and ruptured Ogden, xi. 341. reverberation, with thousand-fold, xi. 413. reverbs its own hollowness, xii. 160. reverend bedlams, colleges and schools, v. 118. reverend name, a, ix. 23. revive the ancient spirit of loyalty, xii. 446. reward, He has had his, ix. 25. reward, its own exceeding great, ix. 65. ribbed sea-sand, as is the, etc., vi. 196; xii. 274. rich and rare, v. 369. rich strond, iv. 214; v. 192. rides in the whirlwind, viii. 560; xii. 292. right divine of kings to govern wrong, The, i. 285; iii. 105; vii. 374. right hand, the, knows what the left, etc., x. 345. Right well I wote, most mighty sovereign, v. 187. ring of mimic statesmen and their merry king, the, viii. 152, 555. Rings the earth with the vain stir, vi. 61; xii. 395. rise sadder and wiser on the morrow morn, v. 359. river wanders at its own sweet will, the, i. 319 _n._ road had done the Captain justice, the, iii. 131 _n._ roast duck, a, vi. 417. Roaming the illimitable ocean wide, xi. 495. roguish eyes, has, xi. 298. Roland for his Oliver, a, iv. 296. Roll on, ye dark brown years, etc., v. 18; xi. 300. rolling stone gathers no moss, a, xi. 519. Rome of the sea, the, ix. 267. Rome, when you are at, vii. 66. Romulus et Liber pater et cum Castore Pollux, etc., x. 7. root springs lighter the green stalk, so from the, etc., xi. 1, 131, 183. rooted malice of a friend, with the, viii. 474. rose and expectancy of the fair State, xii. 276 _n._ rose like a steam, etc., xii. 261, 292. Rosy Ann, vii. 70, 71. round fat oily men of God, i. 59; xii. 332. Round Table, To the President of the, i. 41. Rubens’s pictures were the palette of Titian, ix. 52 _n._ rubies, its price is above, ix. 351; xii. 377. runs the great circle, etc., viii. 102; xii. 49. runs the great mile, etc., xii. 253. rule, a little sway, a little, etc., vi. 328. ruling passion once expressed, the, iii. 211. ruling passion strong in death, etc., vii. 230. run and read, to, v. 183. S. sacred to verse, and sure of everlasting fame, vi. 45. sacro tremuere timore, etc., iv. 17. sad historian, the, of the pensive plain, i. 114; iii. 315. sad wicked dogs, ii. 160. said or sung, viii. 264. Sailing with supreme dominion, etc., iii. 323; iv. 215; v. 12; viii. 57. St George for merry England! xii. 15. saint, That is the man for a fair, xii. 277. salt of the earth, the, xii. 402, 425. same footsteps of nature trending or printing upon several subjects or matters, by the, v. 327. same that was, and is, and is to be, the, iii. 177; xi. 414. sanction of all mankind, But we have the, etc., vi. 128. sand-bank, ix. 326. sanguine flower, Like to that, etc., xii. 261. sat not as a meat but as a guest, And, viii. 54. Satan, profoundnesses of, xii. 402. Satyr that comes staring, A, etc., vii. 215. Saviour, when the meek, bowed his head and died, v. 184. scale, a weight of ignorance, putting in one, etc., vi. 146. scales that fence, the, xii. 269. Scared at the sound himself has made, iv. 322. scatter his dung with a grace, iii. 51. Scatter his enemies and make them fall, viii. 198. scattered like stray gifts o’er the earth, etc., iv. 346; vii. 224; viii. 144; ix. 366. sceptical, puzzled, and undecided, etc., vii. 266. Schiller! that hour I would have wished to die, etc., iv. 219; vii. 226. Scholar! I was a master of scholars, a, viii. 167, 177, 320. scholar’s melancholy, the, xii. 75. School calleth unto School, ix. 106. School, ’Tis a bad; it may be like nature, etc., i. 324. schools, an exercise in the, ii. 136. School’s up, etc., viii. 278. school-boy counts the time, The, etc., i. 2. schoolmaster the greatest character in the world, a, x. 328. Scotchman is not ashamed to shew his face anywhere, a, viii. 333. Scotland, judge of England, Oh, etc., viii. 478 _n._ Scots wha hae wi’ Wallace bled, v. 139; vii. 70 and 71. Scottish peasantry are still infected, etc., xi. 558. Scrawls with desperate charcoal on his darken’d walls, xi. 196. screws one’s courage, etc., xii. 140. Sculpture can express more, Those who think, etc., vi. 139. sculptured grace, and Promethean fire, viii. 257. scurf o’er life, like a thick, v. 223; xii. 384. sea, earth, and air, xi. 483. sea-porpoise, a great, viii. 279. seas of pearl and clouds of amber, vi. 149. Search then the ruling passion, xii. 78. seats firm, to keep their, x. 367. secret, sweet, and precious, i. 372; viii. 14. Secret Tattle, iii. 139, 148; viii. 388. secrets of the prison-house, the, xii. 238. Sed hæc hactenus, iii. 161; vi. 233. Sedet, in eternumque, sedebit infelix Theseus, iv. 201; ix. 338 _n._, 375. see how dark the backward stream, And, etc., vi. 23. See, see how firmly he doth fix his eye Upon the crucifix, v. 245. see merit in the chaos of its elements, etc., viii. 480. See o’er the stage the ghost of Hamlet stalks, etc., v. 355. See o’er the stage the ghost of Munden stalks, viii. 436. see ourselves as others see us, To, viii. 150; xii. 299. See the chariot at hand here of love, v. 304. see the sun to bed and to arise, to, etc., iv. 366. See where on high stands unabash’d Defoe, x. 375. See who ne’er was nor will be half-read, Who first sung Arthur, then sung Alfred, etc., v. 108. See with what a waving air she goes, ii. 331; vi. 96. seek his merits to disclose, no further, etc., xi. 477. seem to know that which they do not, to, vi. 216. seen a long way off, upon a level, viii. 151. seen of all eyes, xi. 425. sees and is seen, ix. 260. sees into the life of things, vi. 10. Segnius per aures demissa, etc., viii. 222. seizing their pleasures, etc., xi. 359. self-applauding bird, the peacock see, the, etc., iv. 363. self involved, not dark, vi. 44. self-love and social, v. 131; vi. 264. Semper Ego Auditor, iii. 153. Semper varium et mutabile, viii. 383. Senecio was a man of a turbid and confused wit, etc., viii. 60. sense, And filled up all the mighty void of, i. 59 _n._ sense of joy, a, etc., iv. 272. sensible, warm motion, xii. 151. sent us weeping to our beds, v. 359. sentir est penser, vii. 453. serene and smiling, x. 62. seriously inclined, xii. 5. sermon, A man may read a, xii. 252. Sermo humi obrepens, vi. 246. servetur ad imum, iii. 422; xi. 508. servile slaves, iii. 42; xi. 260. Servum pecus imitatorum, vi. 162; vii. 241. Sesquipedalia verba, the, v. 105. Set a mark of reprobation on it, i. 332. Set but a Scotsman on a hill, etc., xi. 327; xii. 194. set him up on one side, xii. 195. set his bow in the heavens, He hath, etc., i. 72. set up a pocket-handkerchief, iv. 298. sevenfold fence, That, viii. 153. severe in thought, Or if, etc., iii. 264. Severn’s sedgy side, viii. 408. Shake her starry head with palsy, ix. 218. shall no more impart, iv. 158. shame in crowds, His, etc., xii. 238. shame, the blood be upon their heads, The, etc., xii. 288. shame, the open and apparent, vii. 375; xii. 288. She comes not like a widow, etc., v. 241. She doth tell me where to borrow, etc., v. 84. she hears the sound of rustic festivity, etc., x. 43. she may sing, may go to balls, etc., viii. 311. she moved with grace, x. 83. She shall sooner cut an atom than part us, viii. 68. She-Sun, Here lies a, etc., viii. 53; xii. 28. shedding a faint shadow of uncertain light, etc., v. 193. shedding a gaudy crimson light, ix. 348. shepherd boy piping, as though he should never be old, v. 98; ix. 9; xii. 261. shivering on the brink, x. 398. shone all glittering with ungodly dew, That, i. 59. shone in darkness, His light, ix. 67. shorter excursions tries, vii. 70. Shut their blue-fringed lids, and hold them close, etc., viii. 440. shut the gates of genius on mankind, vii. 276. shuts the gates of wisdom on mankind, vi. 36; vii. 276. shut up in measureless content, xii. 202. Si Pergama dextra, etc., vi. 230. Si prisonnier ne dit point sa raison, x. 55. sic transit gloria mundi, xiii. 468. sigh, still prompts the eternal, etc., viii. 110; x. 29. sight of one was good for sore eyes, the, vii. 272. sign of an inward and invisible grace, the, etc., xi. 439. Signior Friscobaldo, etc., Friscobaldo, oh! pray call him, etc., v. 235. silly shepherds sitting in a row, xi. 201 _n._ silver foam which the wind severs from the parted wave, The, etc., v. 296. silver nail or a gilt anno domini, etc., v. 341 _n._ simple movement of her finger, vii. 304. simplex munditiis, ix. 282. sin that most easily besets it, the, etc., iv. 62; x. 223. sing their bondage freely, v. 261. sing those witty rhymes, etc., xii. 57. singing face, a, xiii. 371. singing the ancient ballad of Roncesvalles, v. 140; viii. 110; x. 30. single-hearted, iii. 278, 279. singular d’altra genti, vi. 280. singular instance of prematurity of abilities, a, v. 123. sinner it or saint it, to, i. 58. sins that most easily beset him, xii. 258. Sir, if you will lend me your cane for a moment I’ll give him a good threshing, etc., viii. 12. Sir John with all Europe, x. 161. Sir Joshua might be ashamed, etc., vi. 445. Sir Thomas Browne is among my first favourites, etc., v. 339. sister where did you find that pin, And pray, viii. 279. sisters every way, viii. 72. Sithence no fairy lights, no quickening ray, etc., iv. 311; xi. 268, 428. Sits with his eyes shut for seven days, i. 53. Sitting in my window printing my thoughts, etc., v. 262; vii. 134. sixty years since, iv. 250. skin and slur over, xii. 448. skulked behind the throne, i. 378 _n._ sky-tinctured, i. 402. sleep of death may come, in that, xii. 199. sleepy eye of love, the, i. 177. slendre colerike man, a, v. 24. Slide soft, fair Forth, and make a crystal plain, etc., v. 300. slip-slop absurdity, i. 394. slow canal, The, etc., xii. 238. smack, it does somewhat, viii. 81. smack of honour, xii. 91. smile and smile, etc., xii. 459. smile delighted with the eternal poise, vi. 146; viii. 551. smiled and it was cold, It, vi. 248. smiler with the knife under his cloke, the, v. 195 _n._ Smirk, Mr, you are a brisk man, i. 13; viii. 154. smites us on one cheek, etc., vi. 396. Smith, Mr, you’re wanted, xi. 449. Snails! what hast got there? etc., v. 207. Snatched a wild and fearful joy, v. 189. snatches a grace beyond the reach of art, ii. 377; iv. 344; vi. 218; ix. 408; xi. 402. Sneaking contempt, vi. 441. Snow-falls in the river, the, etc., vii. 365. snowed of meat and drink, it, i. 278; v. 24, 190. snuff box justly vain, Of amberlidded, etc., i. 25; viii. 134; ix. 76; xi. 498. Snug’s the word, xi. 413. So am not I, xii. 152. so carelessly did we fleet the time, xii. 2. so divinely wrought, etc., x. 257. So fails, so languishes, and dies away, etc., viii. 303. So from the ground she fearless doth arise, etc., v. 11. So shalt thou find me ever at thy side, Here and hereafter, if the best may be, ii. 301; vi. 287. So, sir! They tells me, Sir, that you and my foolish husband, etc., ii. 118. So that the third day after, etc., v. 321. So was it when my life began, etc., iii. 192; xi. 500. so well policied, x. 311. sober certainty, of waking bliss, the, vi. 173. Society became their glittering bride, etc., iii. 160; vii. 279. soft collar of social esteem, the, xi. 48; xii. 215. soft myrtle, the, xi. 508. Soft peace enrich this room, etc., v. 270 _n._ soft precision of the clear Vandyke, The, ix. 387, 473. softly sweet in Lydian measures, viii. 461. Soldier tired, viii. 320. soldiers’ bare dead bodies lay; And as the, etc., xi. 421. Sole sitting by the shores of old romance, xi. 212. solemne man, a full, iii. 311; xi. 413. solid pretensions of virtue and understanding, etc., xi. 273 _n._ solid pudding, or for empty praise, viii. 477. solitariness, an accompaniable, etc., v. 323. solitude and melancholy musing born, of, viii. 37. Some are called at age at fourteen, etc., v. 342. Some ask’d me where the rubies grew, etc., v. 312. Some by old words to fame have made pretence, etc., v. 74. Some demon whisper’d, Visto, have a taste, vi. 94, 403. Some hamlet shade to yield his sickly form, etc., v. 149. some happier island in the watery waste, etc., iii. 20. some high festival of once a year, iii. 172; vii. 75. Some minds are proportioned, etc., vii. 262. some trick not worth an egg, xii. 90. something—as having divine in it, x. 326. something in the idea of perfection exceeding satisfactory, there is, xi. 354. something more divine in it, viii. 106; x. 26. somewhat fat and pursy, xii. 262. somewhat musty, xii. 1, 168. Sompnoure was ther with us in that place, A, etc., v. 24. Son to tread in the Sire’s steady steps, the, iii. 298. Sons and Daughters of Corruption, the, iv. 335; vi. 51. song you sing, And when your, etc., viii. 372. song from Mr Speaker, A, xii. 450. song of the kettle, the, xi. 503. songs of delight and rustical roundelays, iii. 278; xi. 310. sorcery was wrought on me, And yet some, etc., viii. 306. sorry if what has been said, I should be, etc., vi. 135. soul as fair, a, vii. 202. soul is fair, But his, etc., vii. 370. soul of pleasure and that life of whim, that, xi. 356. soul proud science, His, etc., xii. 299. soul supreme, in each hard instance tried, A, ii. 370; x. 375. soul turn from them, My, iii. 166; viii. 411. Soul-killing lies, and truths that work small good, iii. 259; viii. 20. sots, and knaves, and cowards, xi. 511. sound book-learnedness, x. 145. sound itself had made, from the, xi. 398. sound significant, xii. 96. sounding always the increase of his winning, etc., v. 13. sounding cataract haunted me, The, etc., vii. 59. Sounding on his way, iv. 214; xii. 265. source of thirty years’ uninterrupted enjoyment and prosperity to him, the, vi. 12. spake, And when she, etc., viii. 364; ix. 207. Spaniard or Moor, the saucy slave shall die, v. 209. Spanish nation, the universal, xi. 339. speak evil of dignities, xii. 172 _n._ speak, In act to, ix. 48. speak it profanely, not to, vii. 234. Speak out, Grildrig, i. 387. speaking a word in season, x. 373. speaking face, a, xi. 316. speech bewrayeth them, Their, vi. 162; vii. 249. Speech was given to man to conceal his thoughts, vi. 303; xi. 474 _n._ Speed thou the work, etc., iii. 117. sphere of humanity, i. 211. Spins the thread of his verbosity, etc., xii. 280. Spirit and fire, the, vii. 293 _n._; xi. 548 _n._ spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, the, etc., xi. 320; xii. 330. Spiritus precipitandus est, iv. 309; vii. 62. spite of shame, in erring reason’s spite, in, vi. 268. splendour of Majesty leaving the British metropolis, etc., vii. 13. spoiled child of disappointment, iv. 278. spoiled child of Fortune, iv. 278. spoken with authority and not as the scribes, vii. 269; ix. 320; x. 325. spolia opima, ix. 373, 425. sport, as good, i. 143. sport, But now a, etc., viii. 17. spot of green, a little, i. 18; v. 100. spreads its light wings, ix. 477. spring comes slowly, the, etc., xii. 321. sprightly runnings, The first, i. 8; viii. 97. spun his brains, iii. 92 _n._ squint, a sort of, iii. 194. Sta viator, heroem calcas, iii. 183. stage of society, There is a certain, etc., viii. 154 _n._ stain like a wound, which felt a, etc., v. 267; viii. 289. stamp exclusive and professional, xi. 590. stamp exclusive and provincial, a, vi. 162. stand now with her sorceries and her lies, etc., iii. 178. Stand off, etc., iii. 267. standing like greyhounds, etc., xii. 7. Stars had gone their rounds, etc., i. 45 _n._ stars, in favour with their, i. 58. start of the majestic world, to get the, vii. 200; xii. 275. Stat nominis umbra, vi. 205, 337; xi. 449. stately heights (Windsor’s), v. 118. statesman, chemist, fiddler, and buffoon, ix. 479. statuary must represent the emotions, etc., x. 347, 348. statue of Mars upon a carte stood, The, etc., v. 30. statue that enchants the world, viii. 149, 304; ix. 107, 212, 491; xi. 196, 424. Sternhold and Hopkins had great qualms, When they translated David’s Psalms, v. 298. Still green with bays, each ancient altar stands, etc., i. 4; v. 74. still prompts the eternal sigh, viii. 110; x. 29; xii. 201. still sad music of humanity, v. 118. still, small, iii. 5; vi. 98; ix. 40; xii. 122, 345, 400. stilts, a man walking upon, etc., x. 118. Stock-dove’s plaint amid the forest deep, v. 88; vii. 114; xii. 153. stone tied about his neck, and had been cast into the sea, vii. 206. stone which the builders rejected, etc., iii. 80. stones and tower, The, etc., xi. 497. Stony-hearted, ii. 314. Stood all astonied, like a sort of steers, etc., vi. 280; xi. 48, 579. stoops to earth, vii. 16. Stores of ladies, whose bright eyes, etc., vii. 215. storms, A thousand winters’, ix. 229. stout notions on the metaphysical score, vii. 72. straight another with his flambeau, And, etc., viii. 64. Strain out the last dull dropping of their sense, etc., v. 75. strains that once did sweet in Zion glide, Those, xi. 452 _n._ strange child-worship, ix. 224. strange power of speech, xi. 534. Strange that such difference, etc., iii. 44, 48 _n._; vii. 186; xii. 383. stream of tendency, a mighty, iv. 290; v. 280; vi. 256. strength below, and all above is grace, Where all is, etc., ix. 257. strength of his desires, by the sole, x. 63. strides on so far before you, that he dwindles in the distance, He, vi. 280. strife, At this time it came to pass that there was, etc., xi. 328. strike his lofty head against the stars, viii. 455. strong passion deprives the lover, xii. 193 _n._ Strip it of its externals, etc., xii. 241. stript of all her charms, etc., iii. 23. strong, marked and peculiar character, the, etc., vi. 138. stronger Shakespear felt for man alone, i. 252; x. 116. Struck with these great concurrences of things, etc., v. 316 _n._ Struggling in vain with ruthless destiny, iv. 216. stubble is yellow, the corn is green, The, etc., x. 271. stud of night-mares, vi. 225. study with joy her manner, and with rapture taste her style, vi. 5. stuff o’ the conscience, xii. 208. stuff of which life is composed, the, viii. 116; x. 34. stuffed with paltry blurred sheets, i. 376. stumbling block, to the Jews a, etc., v. 184; ix. 314. stupidly good, ii. 365. sublime to the ridiculous, From the, etc., viii. 23, 159. sublime piety, iii. 139. sublime restriction added by Leibnitz, the, etc., xi. 166, 168. submits to the soft collar, etc., xii. 286. Subtle as the fox, etc., xii. 298. Subtleties for men to have recourse to, etc., xi. 172. succeed at the gaming-table, the candidate, to, etc., vi. 288. succession of persons and things, i. 133. Such a one aims at the throat of his adversary, etc., xi. 464. Such a one is a man of sense, etc., viii. 20. Such are many disquisitions which I have read, etc., vi. 143. Such are their ideas, such their religion, etc., vii. 11. such as he could measure with a two-foot rule, etc., i. 175; iii. 23; vi. 105. Such gain the cap, etc., xii. 139 _n._ Such is the modern man of high-flown fashion, etc., ii. 121. such very poor spelling, v. 289. such was the lustre with which, etc., x. 46. such were the joys of our dancing days, viii. 437; xi. 300. Such were the notes our once-loved poet sung, iii. 153; xii. 261. sudden illness seized her in the strength, A, etc., i. 121. suffering all, who suffers nothing, as one, in, etc., viii. 211. Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof, xi. 313. sugar’d sonnetting, v. 301. suit of office, viii. 388. summer shade in winter fire, ix. 176. Summum jus summa injuria, xi. 476. sun had long since in the lap, The, etc., viii. 16. sun is warm, the sky is clear, The, etc., x. 269. Sun of our table, the, vi. 213; vii. 76. sun to bed, and to arise, To see the, etc., ix. 64. sun which doth the greatest comfort bring To absent friends, The, etc., v. 297. suns and skies so pure, those, etc., vi. 23. sunshine, made a, etc., viii. 389; xii. 189. sung, but broke off in the middle, was, viii. 301. sunken wreck, like, etc., xii. 167. superficial parts of learning, the, x. 375. Sure never were seen, etc., ix. 73. Surely like as many substances in nature which are solid, etc., v. 330. surely Mandricardo was no baby, And, vi. 319 _n._ Surely never lighted on this orb, i. 71. surrounded by a thick cloud or mist, On a sudden I was, etc., ix. 66. Survey mankind from China to Peru, iv. 277. swaggering paradox sinks into unmeaning common-place, a, iii. 367; iv. 18. swallows total grist unsifted husks and all, vi. 161. swan’s down, the, v. 323. sweepings of mind, the, xii. 349. Sweet bird, thy bower is ever green, etc., ii. 328 _n._ sweet flowers! that from your humble beds, etc., iv. 304. sweet in the mouth, etc., vii. 222. Sweet is the dew of their memory, etc., vii. 224; viii. 199. Sweet is the dialect of Arno’s vale, etc., ix. 218; x. 62. Sweet object of the zephyr’s kin, etc., ii. 80. sweet smelling gums, xii. 294. sweet voices, the most, viii. 403. sweets of the evening, Then come in, vi. 190. swell’d the war-whoop, iii. 243. swelling figures and sonorous epithets, i. 175. swept and garnished, iii. 256; xi. 456. Swiche sorrow he maketh that the grete tour, Resouned, etc., v. 21. swinish multitude, xii. 76, 204. swoop, at one fell, xii. 211. sword a dagger had his page, This, etc., viii. 63. sword, true as o’er billows dim, And every, iv. 358. synge untoe my roundelaie, O, etc., v. 126. Syria’s land of roses, Now, upon, etc., iv. 356. T. Tables are not full, iv. 295. tables of our hearts, the red-leaved, v. 235; vi. 192. take no thought for the morrow, They, etc., vi. 249. take the good the Gods provide us, iv. 278; vii. 176; x. 209. take up his bed and walk, vi. 71. take up the isles as a very little thing, etc., vi. 169. takes an inventory, x. 388. tale, but if you think it is no, iii. 172 _n._ tale of other times, i. 155. Talents, The, xi. 447. talked far above singing, He, v. 262; vi. 183; viii. 389. talk with some old lover’s ghost, I long to, etc., viii. 52. talking of marrying, While you are, etc., vi. 150. talking of me, They were, for they laughed consumedly, viii. 9. talking potatoe, vii. 101. tall deer, the, that paints a dancing shadow, etc., v. 346. tall, opaque words, vi. 243. Tam knew what’s what, etc., iii. 312. Tartarean darkness overspreads the groaning nations, etc., iii. 37. taste of the ancients, ’tis classical lore, ’Tis the, viii. 456. tasted of all earth’s bliss, He has, etc., xi. 421. tasteless monster that the world ne’er saw, viii. 429. _See_ faultless. taught with the little nautilus to sail, iv. 221. tawny beard was th’ equal grace, His, etc., viii. 63. tear forgot, as soon as shed, the sunshine of the breast, the, vi. 29. tears were tears of oil and gladness, His, etc., viii. 468. tears of sensibility, iv. 262. tears such as angels shed, xii. 67. Tearing our pleasures with rough strife, etc., v. 258. tease him together, they all, xi. 427. teazed me, But he so, etc., viii. 194. tediousness of a king, Had I the, etc., viii. 79. tel petit bon homme, un, viii. 121; x. 39. Tell him if he i’ th’ blood-siz’d field lay swoln, etc., v. 257. Tell me, pray good Mr Carmine, vii. 216. Tell me your company, etc., vi. 202; xi. 196, 519; xii. 133. temperance that may give it smoothness, xii. 67. temples not made with hands, etc., i. 145; viii. 148; xi. 456 _n._ Templum in modum arcis, vii. 12 _n._ tempora mollia fandi, iii. 93; xii. 181. tempt but to betray, ix. 61. tempter glozed, so well the, xii. 290. tender bloom, A certain, etc., xii. 207, 262. tenth transmitter of a foolish face, the, i. 367; iv. 261; xii. 204. Tenth or ten thousandth break the chains alike, viii. 477. Ten thousand great ideas filled his mind, etc., vii. 199. teres et rotundus, iv. 263; vii. 238; ix. 197; xii. 255. terræ filii, vii. 57; x. 186. Terra plena nostri laboris, x. 204. testimony of Dr Knox, the, does equal credit, etc., v. 123. than which what’s truer, xii. 375. That deals in destiny’s dark counsels, etc., viii. 64. That house’s form within was rude and strong, etc., v. 42. That if I did not like them, it was because I did not dream, viii. 14. That is the effect I intended to produce, but thought I had failed, vi. 8. That is true fame, iii. 149; v. 88. That is true history, x. 197. that it is not his purpose to enter into a laudative of learning, etc., v. 332. That Milton had not the pleasure of reading “Paradise Lost,” i. 40. That pleasure over, our work became very arduous, etc., v. 141. That stondeth at a gap with a spere, etc., v. 21. that they must live, i. 149. That those times are the ancient times, vi. 154. That was Arion crowned:—So went he playing on the watery plain, i. 71; v. 38; xii. 30. That which is, is, etc., xii. 351. That’s every one’s conceit that sees a Duke, etc., v. 215. their hearts burn within them, xii. 383. theme in crowds, my solitary pride, My, ix. 107. Then, oh farewell, viii. 189. Then, perhaps he’s but half a fool, viii. 74. Then saw I how he smiled with slaying knife, etc., v. 195. Then when there hath been thrown Wit able enough, etc., vi. 192. Ther maist thou se coming with Palamon, etc., v. 25. there are not so many wrong opinions, etc., vi. 432. There died the best of passions, Love and Fame, v. 75. There goes my wicked self, xi. 530; xii. 218, 242, 404. there is but one perfect, iii. 211; v. 75. there is not so much difference between good and evil, that, iv. 375. There is nothing so true as habit, vi. 33; x. 42. there is old Alderman Ox, etc., vii. 171 _n._ There is one precept, however, etc., vi. 122. there needs no ghost, xii. 96. There through the prison of unbounded wilds, etc., v. 89. There was a time when all my youthful thought, etc., iii. 112. There was also a nonne, a Prioresse, etc., v. 22. there where we have treasured up our hearts, v. 346. there would be another Raphael, etc., x. 300. There’s nought so sweet on earth, etc., vii. 70. These dignities, Like poison, make men swell, etc., v. 209. These three bear record on earth: vice, misery, and population, iii. 373; iv. 24. They are not sought for, etc., x. 124. They found it poor at first, etc., x. 195. they had learned the trick of imposing ... upon their readers, etc., i. 127. they had nothing else to do, viii. 17. They make everybody else laugh, etc., vi. 400. They receive him like a virgin at the Magdalen, iv. 235 _n._ They say Green’s a good clown, etc., v. 290. they should love one another, v. 183. they take in vain, vii. 124. they toiled not, neither did they spin, etc., iii. 136; v. 67. they two can be made one flesh, viii. 303. they were sought after because they were scarce, etc., v. 179. they will have them to show their mitred fronts, iii. 280. they will receive an open allowance, v. 329. thief, the judge, and the gallows, xi. 375. thieves break through and steal, when, vii. 249. Thigh bone or a skull, etc., v. 340 _n._ thin partitions do their bounds define, For, vi. 156; viii. 21; xi. 442. thing of life, a, ix. 177, 225; xi. 504. thing no more difficile, a, etc., vi. 394. things themselves are neither new nor rare, the, iii. 391. Think of its crimes, its cares, its pain, etc., vii. 114. Think not that lapse of ages, etc., iii. 118. think that I should make my Molly weep, to, viii. 167, 317. think that his immortal wings, And when I, etc., vii. 85; ix. 164. thinks nothing done, etc., vii. 167. thirsty earth soaks up the rain, The, etc., viii. 59. This argument, however, from Judge Blackstone, etc., iv. 297. This devil and I walked arm in arm, etc., v. 279. This fellow comes to me ... you slave, said he, hold my horse, etc., v. 294. This glass is too big, viii. 22. This I like, that I loathe, viii. 403; xi. 486. This is my wife, xi. 297. This is no world in which to pity men, v. 214. This lovely pair, etc., iii. 115. This Malerole is one of the most prodigious affections, etc., v. 228. This night thou shalt sup, etc., xi. 322. This vice, therefore, brancheth itself into two sorts, etc., v. 330. This we among ourselves may speak, etc., viii. 64. This will never do, iii. 361; vii. 367. thorn in the side of freedom, a, xi. 515. thorn in the side of poetry, as a, iv. 353. thorny queaches, v. 303. thoroughbred metaphysician, i. 434. Those that are not with us are against us, i. 174; iii. 280; iv. 311; xi. 526. Those who run may read, xii. 358. Those wholesale critics, etc., viii. 64. Thou art the man, iii. 193. Thou, boy! how is this possible?... there were sects of philosophy before thou wert born, etc., v. 293. Thou gladder of the mount of Cithaeron, v. 82. Thou hast a wild hand indeed; thy small cards shew, etc., v. 290. Thou noblest monument of Albion’s isle, etc., v. 121; vii. 256. Thou should’st have followed me, but death to blame Miscounted years, etc., v. 297. thou strong heart! There’s such a covenant, oh! etc., vi. 324. Thou wert not so, e’en now, Sickness’ pale hand Laid hold on thee, etc., v. 239. Though equal to all things, etc., vii. 198. though he was no duke, yet he was wise, v. 227. though I had rather you did not do all this, viii. 311. Though I’m old, I’m chaste, etc., viii. 14. Though listening senates hung on all he spoke, etc., vii. 168; xii. 388. Though some resemblance may be traced between the charms, etc., v. 222. Though that their joy be joy, etc., xii. 291. thought, his body, vi. 11; ix. 362; xii. 357. thought that thou shouldst tread, And it was, etc., xii. 305. thought it a bad French custom, he, etc., vi. 182. thoughts burn like a hell, His, etc., xii. 193. Thoughts that glow and words that burn, iv. 256; v. 378; vii. 46, 370. thoughts that often lie too deep for tears, v. 140. thousand years at least to answer, iv. 288. threads of shrewd and politic design, iii. 405. threaten to swallow them up quick, should, viii. 471. thrice happy fields, etc., xi. 212. Thrice howl’d the caves of night, etc., v. 317. Thrills in each nerve, and lives along the line, vi. 83; ix. 342; xi. 158, 179. throne or chair of State in the understandings of other men, to set a, vi. 7. through happiness or pains, vii. 120. through the blaze of war, xii. 168. through the hush’d air the whitening shower descends, etc., v. 90. throw a cruel sunshine on a fool, To, ii. 363; vii. 100. Throw aside your books of chemistry, iv. 201. Throw him on the steep Of some loose hanging rock asleep, v. 8. throw honour to the dogs, etc., xii. 104. throw our bread upon the waters, etc., vii. 163; xii. 412. Throwing a gaudy shadow upon life, xii. 24. thrown into the pit, ix. 106. thrust us from a level consideration, iii. 93. Thus by himself compelled, etc., iv. 352. Thus far shalt thou come, etc., iv. 207. Thus I confute him, Sir, xii. 266. Thus painters write their names at Co, i. 378. Thus passeth yere by yere, etc., v. 20. Thus shall we try the doctrines, etc., xii. 400. Thus stopp’d their fury and the basting, etc., viii. 65. Thy stone, oh Sisyphus, stands still, etc., iii. 159. tiger-moth’s wings, vii. 225. tile, In cut and die so like a, etc., xii. 449. Till Contemplation has her fill, iv. 257. time-hallowed laws, vi. 148; xi. 197. That time is past, etc., xii. 158. Timeo Danaos, et dona ferentes, iv. 172. Tintoret, spirit and fire of, xi. 548 _n._ ’Tis here, ’tis done! Behold, you fearful viewers, etc., v. 253. ’Tis, I believe, this archery to show, etc., viii. 58. ’Tis late to join when we must part so soon, etc., v. 358. ’Tis not a life, ’Tis but a piece of childhood thrown away, v. 262 _n._, 296. ’Tis not enough, no harshness gives offence, etc., v. 75. ’Tis now, since I sat down before, that foolish fort, a heart, viii. 55. ’Tis three feet long and two feet wide, viii. 421. ’Tis with our judgments as our watches, etc., v. 73; viii. 24. ’Tis woman that seduces all mankind, viii. 255. Titian’s manner was then new to the world, etc., vi. 135. Titianus faciebat, vii. 126. To be a spy on traitors is honourable vigilance, v. 263. To be sure she will, etc., viii. 456. To church was mine husband, i. 422; xi. 274 _n._ To let a fellow that will take rewards, i. 229. To make us heirs of truth, vii. 11. To shew that power of love, how great, etc., v. 148. των ὐπὲρ θουληυ ἀπιστῶυ λόγοι, x. 15. Tongue with a garnish of brains, vii. 198. too deep for his hearers, vii. 202. too fond of the right to pursue the expedient, x. 359. torrent of passion rolls along precipices, viii. 308. torrents of delight had poured into his heart, ix. 296. total grist, unsifted, husks and all, the, iv. 322. totus in illis, vii. 370. To stand himself, etc., iii. 142. T’ the full as genteel a man, vii. 379. To the principle I have laid down, etc., vi. 142. To the winds, to the waves, to the rocks, I complain, ii. 318. To twine the illustrious brow of Scotch nobility, v. 131. toad, ugly and venomous, like the, etc., iv. 289. toil-worn cotter frae his labour goes, the, etc., v. 137. tokay, from humble porter to imperial, xii. 75. tomb of Pope Anastasius, I am the, etc., v. 18; x. 63. tombs of the brave, the, ix. 183. tomb, Even from the, vi. 120; xii. 159. totidem verbis et literis, iv. 348; vii. 258. touch the root, they do not, etc., xi. 559. toujours perdrix, iv. 275; xi. 304. Tous ces sous là vont au cœur! ix. 170. Tout homme reflechi est mechant, i. 117, 136; xii. 220. tomb in Arqua, xi. 423. tragedy the chief object is the poetry, In, etc., viii. 324. tragedies of the last age, the, v. 297. tragedy was skill, i. 177. tragic scenes, In his, there is always something wanting, etc., i. 177. trampled in the mire, under the hoofs, be, etc., vii. 271; xi. 311; xii. 171. tranquillity and smiles, all, iv. 325; vi. 109; vii. 218. travelling out of the record, vii. 14. Tray, you don’t know the mischief you have done, Ah, vi. 239. treason consists in supporting a monarch, etc., viii. 254. treason domestic, etc., xii. 160. treasure is, there his heart is also, Where his, viii. 132; xi. 509. trembling hope repose, where they in, etc., viii. 104. trembling year, While yet the, etc., v. 96; xii. 270. trespasses and sins, multitude of, i. 129. Tricking’s fair in Love, viii. 195. trinal simplicities, viii. 535. Troja fuit, vi. 153 _n._ Trop heureuse d’acheter, vii. 24. triumph and to die are mine, To, xii. 223. trouble deaf Heaven, etc., xii. 127. true pathos and sublime of human life, v. 139, 266; xi. 495; xii. 130. true, there might be inconvenience attending the measure proposed, etc., iii. 16. Truly he hath a devil, viii. 344. trumpet with a silver sound, loud as a, xi. 336. trumpet make the spirits dance, Which like a, ix. 349. truth is, that in these days the grand primum mobile, The, etc., xi. 494. truth, the whole truth, etc., iv. 193, 280. Tu y seras, ma fille, x. 98. tub to a whale, ix. 244. tug and war, the, viii. 378. Tumbled him down upon his Nemean hide, etc., v. 257. Tummy! Well, viii. 286. tuning his mystic harp, iii. 206. Turn we to survey, viii. 411. turn what is serious into farce, to, xi. 342. turned from black to red, xii. 450. turning like the latter end of a lover’s lute, vii. 37. turnpike men their gates wide open threw, The, etc., xi. 306. Turk, a malignant and a turbaned, xi. 283. turnspit of the King’s kitchen, i. 105, 427; xii. 291. turretted, crown’d, and crested, etc., viii. 465. Tutus nimium, timidusque procellarum, v. 149. twa lang Scotch miles, xi. 316. Twang, twang darillo, xi. 364. twanging off, It came, etc., viii. 277. ’Twas I that did it, xi. 398. twinkling of a star, There’s but the, etc., vii. 196; viii. 18. twisted tail, The while his, he gnawed for spite, v. 317. two at a time, there’s no mortal could bear, For, etc., viii. 273. Two of Sejanus’ blood-hounds, whom he breeds With human flesh, to bay at citizens, v. 263. two or three conclusive digs in the side at it, i. 373. ’Twould thin the land, etc., xi. 313. Tyrants swim safest in a crimson flood, v. 208. U. ugly all over with affectation, ii. 130; xii. 62. ugly all over with hypocrisy, i. 211; ii. 337. ultima ratio philosophorum, iv. 192. ultimate end, an, xii. 213. ultima ratio regum, iii, 44; vi. 37. Ultra-Crepidarian, i. 368, 394; vi. 226 _n._ unbought grace of life, iii. 284; iv. 285; v. 91; x. 188; xi. 445. Under him his genius is rebuked, iv. 237. understanding and a tongue, an, xi. 421. Undoes creation at a jerk, etc., xi. 123. Undoing all, as all had never been, etc., xii. 291. unhoused, free condition, etc., viii. 429. unfeathered, two-legged thing, viii. 419. Unfortunate boy, short and evil were thy days, etc., v. 125. un-idead girls, with some, viii. 103. Universal Pan, etc., ix. 394. Universality belongs not to things, etc., xi. 127. unkempt and wild, vii. 215. unkind and cruel fair, for one, etc., xii. 190. unmerited fall, like to see the, etc., xi. 299. unquenchable flame, the etc., xii. 461 _n._ unreason our reason, iv. 207. unreasonableness of their reason, the, etc., iii. 90; iv. 207. unrivalled power of illustration, his, iv. 373. unslacked of motion, iii. 171. unsuccessful adventurer, an, vii. 183. un tel petit bon homme, x. 39. upland swells echoing to the bleat of flocks, iv. 46; ix. 285. upon account of a slight the artist conceived, etc., vi. 10. Upon the top of all his lofty crest, etc., v. 35. used to shew himself, He is, vi. 275. ut lucus a non lucendo, iii. 313; xii. 15. V. Va Zanetto e studia la Matematica, i. 90. vain to attend to the variation of tints, It is in, etc., vi. 135. Vale augusta sedes, etc., ix. 229. vanity, chaotic vanity, xi. 373. variableness, there is no, etc., viii. 377; xi. 207. Vashti, his, v. 92. vast cerulean, ix. 291. vast species alone, a, vii. 77; viii. 57; xii. 34. vast, the unbounded prospect, The; etc., xii. 151. veil of the Temple ... rent asunder, vii. 57. Venus, when she did dispose, They say that, etc., viii. 437. verd et riant, ix. 296. Verily we have our reward, vii. 27. very lees of such, The, millions of rates Exceed the wine of others, v. 258. very top of our lungs, to the, viii. 427. Vesuvius in an eruption, etc., viii. 301. vicariously torturing and defacing, iv. 379 _n._ Vice is undone, etc., xii. 248. vice loses half its evil in losing all its grossness, i. 26; viii. 135; ix. 14, 77; x. 380. vice that most easily besets us, the, i. 60. Vice to be hated needs but to be seen, ix. 130; xi. 365. Video meliora proboque, etc., ii. 378; xii. 331, 381. Veluti in speculum, xi. 384. view with scornful yet with jealous eyes, To, etc., vii. 380. vindicates the ways of God to man, And, ii. 400. vine-covered hills and gay regions of France, the, vi. 189; viii. 465; xii. 134. violets dim, i. 177; xii. 340. Virtue, I thought thee a substance, Oh, vi. 176. Virtue is not their habit, etc., iii. 21. Virtue may chuse the high or low degree, etc., v. 76; vi. 440. visions, as poetic eyes avow, And, etc., i. 112; v. 9; vi. 82; vii. 121. vision splendid, And by the, etc., iv. 345; xii. 236, 242. visions, swift, sweet, and quaint, And there lay, x. 266. vital signs that it will live, iv. 364; vi. 421. Vive la Charte! xii. 456. Vix ea nostra voco, xii. 73. Voice-music, v. 323. voice of nature cries, Still from the tomb the, etc., vi. 327. void made in the Drama, to see a, viii. 476. volcano burnt out, a, ix. 60. volumes that enrich the shops, the, etc., xii. 177. volume paramount, No single, ix. 152 _n._ Vous aimez la botanique, vi. 319. vows made in haste, etc., xii. 201. vows made in pain, etc., xii. 126. vox et præterea nihil, xii. 313. vox faucibus hæsit, vii. 202; ix. 375. W. waft a thought from Indus to the Pole, That, iv. 189. walked gowned, v. 335; vii. 42. walking under, And still, etc., ix. 10, 63. wandering mazes I found no end, in their, etc., vii. 223. wandering through dry places, etc., xi. 213. wandering voice, v. 103. want of decency is want of sense, viii. 242. want of store and store of want, v. 323. wanton poets, v. 250. War is a game which were their subjects wise, etc., xi. 249. war was a thing that was quite going out of fashion, i. 50. Wars he well remembered of King Nine, v. 38; vi. 323. wars he well remembers, The, iii. 116. wars of old Assaracus, the, etc., vii. 254. warbled his love-lorn ditties all night long, viii. 240. warm hearts of flesh, etc., i. 13, 135. _See_ real. warn and scare be wanting, to, etc., vi. 156. Was this the face that launch’d a thousand ships, etc., v. 205. wasteful and superfluous excess, xii. 60. waste her sweetness on a blackguard air, xi. 374. water blushed into wine, The, viii. 53. water parted from the sea, viii. 321, 451. watery Aquarius, of, iv. 305 _n._ way lies right: hark, the clock strikes at Enfield, The, etc., v. 294. we behold the fulness of the spirit of wit and humour bodily, i. 278. we convent nought else but woes, v. 258. We had good talk, sir, vii. 33. We have been soldiers and we cannot weep, etc., v. 257. We have offended, oh! my countrymen! etc., iii. 242. We’ll tak a cup of kindness yet, etc., v. 131. We may kill those of whom we are jealous, etc., ii. 391. we might spill our blood, that, etc., iii. 62. We miss our servants, Ithocles and Orgilus, etc., v. 270. We perceive a continual succession of ideas, etc., xi. 109. We poets in our youth begin in gladness, etc., v. 116. We will dance: music; we will dance, etc., v. 272. We would be private, only Faunus stay, etc., v. 226. weary, stale and unprofitable, vi. 52. web of our lives, The, etc., xii. 229. weeds and worn-out faces, the list of, etc., viii. 393. Weep’st thou already? List awhile to me, v. 211. well assured, I am, etc., v. 328. Well done, thou good and faithful servant, etc., xi. 321. Well done, water, ix. 25. Well, enjoy one another; I give her thee frankly, Apelles, etc., v. 202. Well, let us to Endymion, etc., v. 199. well of native English undefiled, vi. 245. welling out of the heart, v. 28. went up into the mountain to pray, And, etc., xii. 261. Whan that Arcite to Thebes comen was, etc., v. 29. What a thing! Bless the king, viii. 469. What are thy arts (good patriot, teach them me), etc., v. 264. What avails from iron chains, etc., xii. 124. What can be more extraordinary, than that a person of mean birth, etc., vi. 110; viii. 61. What can ennoble sots, or knaves, or cowards, etc., vii. 363; xi. 436. What can we reason, but from what we know? iv. 113; vii. 51, 249. What death is’t you desire for Almachildes? etc., v. 220. what delicate wooden spoons shall I carve? etc., viii. 109; x. 29. What do I see? Blush, grey-eyed morn and spread Thy purple shroud upon the mountain tops, etc., v. 291. What, do none rise? No, no, for kings indeed are Deities, etc., v. 208. What found most employment, etc., i. 157 _n._ What from this barren being do we reap, xi. 425. What I have written, I have written, iv. 340; vi. 57. What idle progeny succeed, etc., vii. 74. What is great Mephostophilis, so passionate, etc., v. 205. What is the human understanding? etc., xi. 133. What is this world? etc., ii. 300. What lacks it then, ix. 25. What! man, ne’er pull your hat upon your brows, vi. 39. What, Monsieur D’Olive, the only admirer, etc., v. 231. What more felicity can fall to creature, vii. 181; xii. 2, 200. What Muse for Granville will refuse to sing, vi. 367. What said my man, when my betossed soul, viii. 210. What’s serious he turns to farce, xi. 479. What shall it profit a man, etc., xii. 300. What song the Syrens sang, etc., v. 335. What speed could be the herald of this news, etc., xi. 284. What, then, went ye forth for to see, iv. 202; ix. 556. What things have we not seen done at the Mermaid, vi. 192. What though the radiance, which was once so bright, i. 119; vi. 23; ix. 195; xii. 236. What trash are their works, taken altogether, viii. 416. What was my pride is now my shame, etc., viii. 192, 320. what was new and what was true, it contained a great deal both of, vi. 146. Whate’er Lorraine light touch’d with soft’ning hue, etc., vi. 13; ix. 425. Whatever attracts public attention to the Arts, etc., i. 148. whatever is, is right, vi. 314. wheels, put a spoke in the, xii. 291. When a Tartarean darkness overspreads, etc., iii. 281. When Adam delved and Eve span, etc., v. 164. When chapman billies leave the street, etc., v. 132. When Greek meets Greek, etc., vii. 34. when he next does ride abroad, And, etc., xi. 305. when he was young, studying his art, etc., vi. 130 _n._ When I read the researches of those learned antiquaries, etc., v. 124. When I was in my father’s house, etc., vii. 222. When one is considering a picture or a drawing, etc., vi. 19. When sharp is the frost, etc., ii. 195. when she spake, Sweet words like dropping honey, And, etc., viii. 364; ix. 207. When the date of Nock was out, etc., xi. 374. When the sky falls, iii. 297. When we become men, we put away, etc., vii. 256. When wind and rain beat dark November down, viii. 471. Whence alone my hope cometh, ii. 326. Where did you rest last night, viii. 263, 310. Where is the madman, etc., iii. 240, 285. Where Murray, long enough his country’s pride, etc., v. 77. Where one for sense and one for rhyme, iv. 278. Where pure Niemi’s fairy banks arise, etc., v. 342. Where pure Niemi’s fairy mountains rise, etc., v. 89. Where slaves no more their native land behold, iii. 20. Where the treasure is, etc., viii. 132; xi. 509. Whereas, in the succession of thoughts, etc., xi. 287. Whether it is the human figure, etc., vi. 136. Which after in enjoyment quenching, iv. 145. Which as me thought was right a pleasing sight, etc., v. 27. Which Copland scarce had spoke, but quickly every hill, etc., xi. 284. Which I was born to introduce, Refined it first, and shew’d its use, v. 279. Which when Honoria view’d, etc., xii. 323. While by the power Of harmony, etc., vii. 290. While groves of Eden vanish’d now so long, etc., ix. 349. While I beheld things with astonishment, etc., i. 54. While with an eye made quiet, xii. 238. while yet the year is unconfirmed, v. 96; xii. 270. whiles some one did chaunt this lovely lay, the, etc., v. 36. whist players, that set of, vii. 131. whiteness of her hand, the, viii. 97. Who did essay to laugh, etc., viii. 27. Who enters here forgets himself, etc., vi. 89. Who enters there must leave all hope behind, etc., vii. 194. Who far from steeples and their sacred sound, iii. 276. Who had been beguiled, etc., ii. 347. who have eyes, but they see not, etc., v. 79. who have none to help them, iv. 2. who is our neighbour? iv. 204; v. 184. Who prized black eyes, and a lucky hit At bowls, above all the trophies of wit, v. 189; vii. 207 _n._ who rode upon a rouncie, etc., v. 24. who still slept while he baus’d leaves, etc., v. 225. who were by nature slaves, xi. 302. who would not grieve if such a man there be, iv. 252. whoever comes to shroud me, do not harm, etc., viii. 52. whole history exactly followed, and many of the principal speeches, etc., i. 218. whole loosened soul, ix. 151. whole need not a physician, The, i. 58; xii. 174. wholly in his subject, v. 340 _n._ whom the king had deigned to salute, viii. 443. whom the world was not worthy, of, vii. 136. whose boast it was to give out reformation to the world, ix. 246. whose coming seems a light, etc., iv. 358. whose genius had angelic wings, and fed on manna, xi. 514. Whose is the superscription? vii. 29. Whose jewels in his crisped hair, etc., viii. 71. Whose noise whets valour sharp, like beer, etc., viii. 63. whose parish was wide, etc., v. 24. whose studie was but litel of the Bible, v. 24. Whosoever shall stumble against this stone, etc., iii. 260. Why, dance ye, mortals, etc., xii. 57. Why did I write? What sin to me unknown, etc., v. 78. Why dost thou shiver and shake? Gaffar Gray, etc., ii. 138. Why do you let that fair girl? etc., x. 273. Why, good father, why are you so late, etc., v. 292. Why, Hodge, was there none at home thy dinner for to set? v. 287. Why how now, saucy jade, viii. 255. Why is’t not strange to see a rugged clerke, etc., v. 190. Why make that little fellow a captain, i. 97. Why proffer’st thou light me for to sell? etc., i. 227; vii. 255. Why rack a grub—a butterfly upon a wheel? iv. 305 _n._ Why rail they then if but one wreath of mine, etc., v. 77; xii. 31. Why shulde I not as well eke tell you all the purtreiture, etc., v. 30. Why troublest thou us before our time? x. 376. wicked cease from troubling, In which the, iv. 104. widow in his line of life, he has a, viii. 98. widow’s curse that hangs upon it, Some, viii. 290. wielded at will the fierce democracy, etc., vii. 264. Wild strains, iv. 305. wild wit, invention ever new, vi. 308; viii. 74. wilderness, of one crying in the, etc., xii. 261. wilful man must have his way, A, iv. 264. will be of sure sale, etc., i. 142. will, could not be disarmed, as if his, etc., vi. 40. will never from my heart, ii. 297. will of a virtuoso, The, etc., vi. 119 _n._ wind and water, he hit the stage between, iv. 227; vii. 271; xi. 409. wind into a subject like a serpent, as Burke does, Does he, vii. 275; viii. 103. windy fan of painted plumes, xi. 479. wine of attic taste, with, xii. 146. wine of life is drank up, xii. 152. winged words, xii. 293. winged wound, ii. 311. winglet of the fairy humming-bird, Or, etc., iv. 353. wink and shut their apprehensions up, iv. 251; vi. 76; xi. 480; xii. 315. wisdom in a multitude of counsellors, iii. 2. wisdom is justified of her children, vii. 163. wisdom of parliament, the tried, iii. 164. wise above what is written, x. 325; xii. 343. wise passiveness, in a, i. 46 _n._; xii. 47. wiser in his generation, etc., iii. 42. wisest amongst us is a fool in some things, the, etc., vii. 238 _n._ wisest and most accomplished man is like the statues of the gods, the, etc., ii. 408. wisest, meanest of mankind, The, vii. 99; xi. 538. wisest thing a man can do with an aching heart, the, viii. 82. wish is father, The, etc., xii. 39. Wishing to be like one more rich in hope, etc., xii. 199. Wit at the helm, etc., xii. 178. _See_ Youth. witch the world with noble horsemanship, x. 28. witchery of the soft blue sky, the, vi. 92; vii. 373; viii. 411. with all his heart, and soul, etc., vii. 305. with cheerful and confident thought, iii. 126. with conditions, x. 372, 373. with him a wit is the first title to respect, viii. 77. with limbs of giant mould, v. 8. with silver streams, v. 323. with what a waving air she goes along the corridor, etc., ii. 331; vi. 96. With what measure they mete, it has been meted to them again, v. 53. Within his bosom reigns another lord, etc., x. 396; xi. 327. within these arms thou art safe, etc., viii. 265. without benefit of clergy, viii. 53. without form and void, i. 112; v. 341 _n._; xi. 81, 128, 176. without limitations or restrictions, x. 363. without o’erflowing, full, i. 222; xi. 473. without suffering loss and diminution, iv. 371. wit’s a feather and a chief’s a rod, A, etc., xi. 342 _n._ Wittenberg, Would I had never seen, etc., vii. 224. Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you, iv. 331. wolds and sholds, xi. 375. Woman, behold thy son, v. 184. Woman is like the fair flower in its lustre, i. 65; v. 107; viii. 194. woman that deliberates is lost, the, iii. 193. woman who follows her husband to a prison, The, etc., viii. 280. Women and wine are the sustainers, etc., iii. 226. Wonder, And near him sat ecstatic, etc., xi. 409. wonderful works of nature, Oh the, xi. 556. wondering senates, Though, etc., vii. 168; xii. 388. Wooden spoons shall I carve, Oh, what delicate, etc., viii. 109; x. 29. wooden walls of old England, xii. 404. woods as green, Here be, etc., v. 254; vi. 183. woods, to the waves, to the winds, To the, etc., xi. 358. word is a good word, being whereby a man, the, etc., i. 391. word which the slave utters, It is the, etc., viii. 309. words of Mercury are harsh, The, etc., vii. 16. words of truth and soberness, the, etc., iv. 264. Wordsworth! That dunce, vii. 104. work, he challenged essoin, From every, etc., vi. 111. works, ye shall know them, By their, etc., ix. 207. workers in brass or in stone, etc., x. 124. world and its dread laugh, the, xii. 304. world, both pure and good, a, xii. 129. world enough, Had we but, etc., xii. 48. world forgetting, by the world forgot, The, vii. 114. world is too much with us, early and late, The, i. 6. world rings with the vain stir, the, xii. 312. world’s encumbrance they did themselves assoil, From all this, i. 82. world’s volume, i’ the, Our Britain seems as of it, ix. 84. worldly goods them endow, with its, etc., viii. 393. worn them as a rich jewel, etc., ix. 106. worshipped a statue, hunted the wind, etc., vi. 97, 236; xii. 435. worshippers of cats and onions, xi. 197. worst inn’s worst room, In the, etc., iv. 350. worst of every evil is the fear, The, xii. 128. worst, the second fall of man, the, vi. 152 _n._; xi. 382. Worth makes the man, etc., xii. 251. worthless as in shew, vi. 248. worthless importunity in rags, iv. 8. worthy of all acceptation, vii. 229; viii. 107. Would he had blotted a thousand, v. 85. Would to God that I had remained, etc., vi. 93. wound up for the day, vii. 210. wounded snake dragged their slow length, like a, etc., x. 298. wretches hang that Ministers may dine, If, iv. 326. wretched have no country, The, viii. 307. wreck of matter and the crush of worlds, The, xi. 512. write a fable of little fishes, If he were to, etc., viii. 102. write by stealth, Or, etc., xii. 44. writes himself armigero, xii. 221. writer of third-rate books, a, i. 403. wrought himself to stone, vii. 89. Y. Yarrow unvisited, v. 146; vi. 256. Yea in this now, while malice frets her hour, etc., iii. 113. yellow tufted banks and gliding sail, With, ix. 36. yellow forest-leaves, When on the, etc., xii. 436. Yes—’twas a cause as noble and as great, etc., iii. 318. Yes, yes; but they got a supersedeas, etc., v. 228. Yestreen, when to the trembling string, etc., v. 140. Yet, for he was a scholar once admired, etc., v. 206. Yet not more sweet, etc., i. 110; v. 40. Yet on that wall hangs he too, etc., viii. 54. Yet should the Graces all thy figures place, etc., vii. 93. Yon cottager, who weaves at her own door, etc., v. 94. You are an honest man, v. 279. You left us no choice between the highest point of glory, etc., iii. 11. You sing your song with so much art, vii. 64. You will find nothing in the world so amiable as Nature and me, v. 119. you would make them talk like great whales, i. 421. You’ll forgive me, etc., v. 237. young Nobleman with a glove, A, etc., vi. 15. Your hand I’ll kiss, etc., v. 243. Your name, Sir? Politick. My name is Politick, viii. 43. your very nice people, iv. 44 _n._ Youth at its prow, etc., iv. 221. youth has some parts, some ideas, the, ii. 131. Youth that opens like perpetual spring, v. 253. youthful poets dream of when they love, ix. 237. Z. Zanetto, lascia le donne, et studia la matematica, vi. 326. R. R—— (Lord), vi. 374. R—— (Mr) (? Roscoe or Railton), vi. 387. R—— (Major), ii. 200. Rabelais, François, i. 43, 51, 52, 80, 138; iii. 128, 287 _n._; iv. 217, 328; v. 56, 111, 113; vi. 86, 109; vii. 311, 323; viii. 10, 28, 29, 30, 31; ix. 155, 166; x. 99, 112 _n._; xi. 383, 519; xii. 22, 37. Race for Dinner, A (Rodwell’s), xi. 375. Rachael and Laban (in Genesis), v. 183. Rachel weeping for her Children (Raphael’s), ix. 71. Racine, Jean, vii. 336; also referred to in ii. 179, 401; iii. 119, 258; vi. 49, 223; vii. 83, 185, 311, 323, 410; viii. 29, 31, 122, 287, 334; ix. 27, 29, 106, 115–8, 129, 152, 154, 242; x. 40, 97, 98, 105–7; xi. 371, 443, 452, 454 _n._, 460–1; xii. 37, 340. Radcliffe, William, x. 212 _n._ Radcliffe, Mrs, v. 102, 146; viii. 123, 125–7; x. 24, 41, 212 _n._, 296; xi. 422; xii. 64. —— Library, The, ix. 46, 70. Radicofani, Fort, ix. 227, 229. Radnor, Lord, vi. 13; ix. 54, 57, 422; xi. 203. Rae, Alexander, viii. 180, 183, 228, 264, 278, 280, 286, 292, 300, 316, 355, 404, 413, 449, 450, 465; xi. 302, 393, 398, 403. Railton, Mr (of Liverpool), vi. 514. Rainbow, A (Rubens’s), vii. 291. —— Tavern, vi. 193. Raising of Lazarus (Haydon’s), xi. 485. Rake’s Progress (Hogarth’s), i. 31; vi. 454; viii. 138, 143, 144, 147; ix. 81, 391; xii. 145, 366. Raleigh, Sir Walter, i. 56; v. 175, 211, 298; vi. 367. Ralph (Bickerstaffe’s Maid of The Mill), ii. 83. —— (Reynolds’ Servant), vi. 443. —— Mr (a doctor), ii. 232. Ralpho (in Butler’s Hudibras), viii. 65. Ramadan, The Feast of, xii. 334. Rambaud de Vaquieras, x. 55. Rambler (Dr Johnson’s), i. 96; vi. 225; vii. 6, 36, 226; viii. 100, 104. Ramsay, Allan (poet), ii. 78. —— Allan (portrait painter), vi. 420, 432; ix. 39. Ramsey, Rev. James, ii. 194. Randall, Jack (pugilist), vi. 202; vii. 72; xii. 1, 14. Ranelagh, Lady, portrait (Kneller’s), xii. 364. Ranger (in Hoadly’s The Suspicious Husband), vi. 275; viii. 163; xii. 24. Rans, Mr, of Moorhall, ii. 221, 225. Ranz des Vaches, vi. 35 _n._ Rape of the Lock (Pope’s), i. 26; ii. 397; v. 72, 73, 373; viii. 134; ix. 76, 354; xi. 495, 497, 505, 506; xii. 154 _n._ —— of Proserpine (Mola’s), ix. 25. Rape (Rubens’s), ix. 72. —— of the Sabines (Rubens’s), ix. 14; (John of Bologna’s), ix. 219. Raphael, i. 9, 70, 76, 78–9, 86, 92, 131, 139, 142, 145, 148–9, 151, 156, 161, 163, 333, 442; ii. 276, 288, 361, 365, 376, 386, 387, 390, 406; iii. 169; iv. 217, 244, 334; v. 11, 45, 144, 164, 178, 297; vi. 12, 14, 41, 45, 74, 132, 138–9, 158, 163, 171, 173, 212, 220, 259, 295, 297, 321, 339, 340, 346–8, 353, 392, 399, 400, 413, 414, 430, 433, 441, 449, 453, 459; vii. 57, 59, 61, 63, 94, 98, 100, 101, 107, 120, 124, 126, 148, 157, 158, 164, 167, 178, 199, 203, 216, 245, 284, 285–7, 291, 293 _n._, 329, 360; viii. 99, 147, 148–9, 273; ix. 7, 10–12, 18, 21, 25, 29, 30–1, 41, 43–8, 52, 59, 67–8, 71, 73–4, 107, 110 _n._, 112–3, 130, 163–4, 193, 205–6, 223–4, 226, 232, 237–40, 261, 272–3, 311, 313, 317, 338, 343, 349, 359–64, 367, 369, 379, 380–5, 394, 403–5, 408–10, 412, 417, 427, 429, 433, 473–5, 480, 482, 489, 491; x. 17, 77, 179, 181, 190, 192, 197, 201, 204, 206, 278, 281, 300; xi. 190, 197, 210–2, 214–5, 217, 226–8, 232, 234 _n._; 240 _n._, 242, 255, 258, 373, 456, 461, 464, 482, 519, 548 _n._, 590; xii. 36, 155 _n._, 168, 189, 190, 197, 208, 209, 223, 274 _n._, 277, 330, 337, 389, 426, 433. Rapid, Young (in Morton’s A Cure for the Heart-Ache), vi. 275. Rashleigh, Osbaldistone (Scott’s Rob Roy), iv. 248. Rasselas (Johnson’s), v. 110, 114; viii. 102; xi. 573. Rastadt (a town), ix. 298. Ratcliffe Highway, vii. 69; ix. 480. Rationalist and a Sentimentalist, A Dialogue between a, vii. 179. Ravenna, ix. 207; x. 63, 409, 411; xi. 486. Ravens, or the Force of Conscience (? Pocock’s), viii. 537. Ravens, or the Pangs of Conscience, The (from the French), xi. 304. Ray, Miss Martha, ii. 391. Raymond, Monsieur, ii. 46. —— Mr (actor), viii. 189, 264. —— Mounchersey (in Merry Devil of Edmonton), v. 293. Razor (in Vanbrugh’s Provoked Wife), viii. 79. Razzi, Giovanni Antonio dei, ix. 167. Read, Isaac, ii. 184. Reading (town), xii. 4, 13, 14. —— New Books, On, xii. 161. —— Old Books, On, vii. 220. Reapers (W. Collins’s), xi. 246. Reason and Imagination, On, vii. 44. Rebecca (in Scott’s Ivanhoe), iv. 243, 250; vi. 399; viii. 424, 426; xi. 381. Rebellion, History of the (Clarendon’s), iv. 212; vii. 229. —— of 1715, The, iii. 171. —— of 1745, The, iii. 171. Recess, The (Mrs Radcliffe’s), viii. 127. Recherche de la Vérité (Malebranche’s), xi. 287. Recluse (Wordsworth’s), x. 162; xi. 512. Reconciliation, The (in Liber Amoris), ii. 297. Recorder, The (in Return from Parnassus), v. 284. Recruit, The (Farquhar’s Recruiting Officer), xi. 556. Recruiting Officer, The (Farquhar’s) viii. 285; also referred to in iii. 156; vi. 434; vii. 227; viii. 89; xi. 556. Red Cross Knight, The (Spenser), xi. 503. Red Reever of Westburn Flat (Scott’s Black Dwarf), viii. 129. Redgauntlet (Scott’s), vii. 314 _n._, 319. Redi, Francesco, ix. 218; x. 303. Reeve, John, ii. 142; viii. 412; xi. 366, 368, 369. Reflections (Burke’s). See French Revolution, Reflections on. —— on Exile (Bolingbroke’s), vi. 100. Reflector, The (a paper), i. 31 _n._, 271 _n._; ix. 391 _n._ Reform, The New School of, Essay XVII., vii. 179. Reformation, The, i. 88, 430; iii. 293; iv. 83 _n._; v. 173, 181, 185, 192; vi. 155; vii. 314; viii. 54; ix. 420; x. 125, 126, 334. Reformation in England (Milton’s), iii. 283 _n._ Refusal, or, The Ladies’ Philosophy (Cibber’s), viii. 513. Regal Character, on the, iii. 305; vi. 284. Regalia in the Tower, vi. 16. Regan (Shakespeare’s King Lear), i. 188, 392; viii. 447. Regent, Prince, i. 141; iii. 48, 107, 112, 121, 123, 124–5, 190 _n._, 228, 229, 298, 305, 314; iv. 358 _n._; vi. 388; viii. 301; ix. 233, 312, 321, 464; xi. 423. Regent Street, xii. 120. Regent’s Canal, i. 141. —— Park, xi. 386, 572. Reggio (a town), x. 69. Regicide Peace (Burke’s), iii. 13 _n._, 61, 94, 335; iv. 284. Regnault de St Jean Angely, xi. 333. Regulus, iv. 205; xi. 319; xii. 99, 103. —— (Salvator’s), x. 297. Rehearsal, The (Villiers), iii. 399; viii. 69; ix. 319. Rehoboam, iii. 146. Reid, Thomas, vi. 64. Reigate, ix. 90. Reis, Ada, xii. 329 _n._ Rejected Addresses (Horace and James Smith), v. 164; vi. 400; viii. 24; xi. 341. Relapse, The (Vanbrugh’s), viii. 79, 82, 83. Religio Medici, The (Browne’s), v. 334. Religion in the Desert (Sir F. Bourgeois), ix. 20. Religious Communion (Champagne’s), ix. 110. —— Hypocrisy, On, i. 128. —— Musings (Coleridge’s), iv. 202, 217; v. 164. Reliques (Percy’s), vii. 252. Remains (Chatterton), v. 376. —— (Erasmus), xii. 214. Rembrandt (Hermanszoon van Rhyn), i. 76, 78, 85, 121, 141–3, 146, 147, 149, 151; ii. 180, 406; iii. 169; iv. 277; v. 9, 164; vi. 7, 9, 12, 21, 43, 45, 123, 134, 173, 317–8, 321, 339, 344; vii. 57, 107–8, 118–20, 291, 360; viii. 149, 474; ix. 13–14, 20–22, 36, 38, 49, 50, 51, 59, 62, 64, 66, 67, 73, 107, 110, 164, 197, 226, 300–1, 311, 314, 316–7, 338, 344, 347, 365, 372, 387, 388–9, 409, 427, 435, 472, 474–5; x. 179, 181, 192, 197, 204, 207; xi. 212–3, 219, 244, 256, 455, 458, 464; xii. 36, 157, 208, 209, 238, 439. Reminiscences (Kelly’s), vi. 352. Remorande, Mrs, ii. 215. Remorse (Coleridge’s), iii. 450; iv. 219; v. 147; vi. 314; viii. 247, 336, 368, 416, 421; xii. 275. Renaldo (Ariosto’s), v. 224. Reni, Guido. See Guido. Rennell, Miss, viii. 248, 451. Rent Day (Wilkie’s), viii. 140; xi. 251 _n._, 252. Renton Inn, Berwickshire, ii. 436–7. Reply to the Essay on Population, by the Rev. T. R. Malthus, iv. 1. Repose (Titian’s), ix. 239. —— in Egypt (Raphael’s), ix. 52. “Republic” (Plato’s), iii. 122. Respectable People, On, vii. 360; xi. 433. Restoration, The, v. 354; xii. 456. Retaliation (Goldsmith’s), iii. 421; v. 120, 376; vi. 401; vii. 197; xii. 207. Retirement, On (Cowley’s), viii. 58. Retreat of the Ten Thousand under Xenophon, vi. 107; xii. 431. Retrospect, The (Dermody’s), ii. 280. Retrospective Review, The (periodical), xii. 320. Returne from Parnassus, The (old Cambridge Comedy), v. 274; also referred to in v. 190, 224, 280, 283. Return from the Promised Land (Poussin’s), ix. 109. Retz (Cardinal), vi. 238, 349. Reve, The (Chaucer’s), v. 24. Revelation, The Book of, v. 183; vii. 96; ix. 320, 355; xi. 313. Revely, Mrs Maria, ii. 174. Revenge, The (Edward Young’s), v. 115; viii. 227; xi. 398. Revenger’s Tragedy, The (Tourneur’s), v. 246. Reveries of a Solitary Walker (Rousseau’s), vii. 372 _n._; ix. 297. Review (Defoe’s), x. 359, 361. Revolution of 1688, iii. 33, 99, 109, 171, 263, 279, 284, 302, 314; iv. 83 _n._; v. 106; vi. 154, 181; vii. 322, 373; viii. 155, 160; ix. 170; x. 249, 356, 358, 374. —— of the Low Countries, The, iii. 302. —— of Switzerland, The, iii. 302. —— of the Three Days, xii. 461 _n._ —— of the United States, The, vi. 155. Revolutionist’s Jolly Boat (Gilray’s), vi. 455. Reynolds, Frederick, ii. 201, 207; vi. 350. —— (John Hamilton), viii. 480, 548. —— Sir Joshua, i. 68, 85, 139, 150, 158, 164, 442; ii. 180, 184, 189, 208; iii. 261; iv. 349, 373; v. 18; vi. 9, 12, 21, 30, 45, 47 _n._, 80–82, 158 _n._, 169, 201, 209, 214, 270, 296 _n._, 302, 322, 340, 348–9, 353, 358, 360–1, 366–8, 370, 374–5, 381, 389, 391, 397, 398, 400–3, 406–8, 411, 414, 420, 431, 436–8, 440, 442, 444–5, 448–51, 453, 455, 459, 460, 465, 504, 521; vii. 40, 56, 61, 89, 98, 103–4, 107, 110–3, 115, 163, 239, 253 _n._, 275, 306; viii. 141, 143–5, 273, 284; ix. 15, 23, 24, 26, 55, 61, 74, 226, 238, 316, 317, 327, 329, 332–3, 338, 344, 346, 360, 379, 380, 393–6, 409, 418–20, 424–6, 470, 472, 474, 478, 482, 483; x. 63, 172, 291, 300, 345, 353; xi. 200, 202, 203, 208, 253, 255, 462, 517, 543; xii. 33, 36, 196, 207, 221, 293, 356, 364, 368. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Life of (Farrington’s), x. 172. —— —— (Cunningham’s), vi. 448. —— —— (Northcote’s), vi. 415. —— Discourses on Certain Inconsistencies in Sir Joshua, vi. 122, 131. —— —— Introduction to an Account of Sir Joshua, xi. 208. —— Samuel William, vi. 376. —— Miss, vi. 333, 366, 400, 415, 442; vii. 37. —— Mr (bookseller), ii. 169, 175. —— Mr (theatrical manager), xi. 374. —— (Mrs R——), vii. 37. Rhea, vii. 255. Rhesus (Byron’s), xi. 498. Rhine, iv. 323; ix. 295, 298, 299; xi. 364. Rhoderic Dhu (Scott’s Lady of the Lake), v. 155. Rhodope (? Rhododaphne by Peacock), vii. 187 _n._ Rhone, The, ix. 182, 281, 282, 289, 294. Rhymes on the Road (Moore’s), vii. 365, 368; ix. 281, 283. Rialto, The, ix. 275. Ribera, Josef, ix. 70, 197; xii. 277. Ricardo, David, ii. 415; iv. 298; vii. 374; xii. 40. Ricciardi (Abate), x. 303, 304. Ricciarelli, Daniele. See Volterra, Daniele da. Rich, Robert, i. 157; iii. 395. Richard Monday (Crabbe’s), v. 97. —— II. (Shakespeare’s), i. 272; also referred to in i. 123, 294, 297, 300, 312, 387; ii. 59; iii. 209; v. 53, 211, 225; vi. 40, 354, 428; viii. 23, 205; xi. 301. —— III. (Shakespeare’s), i. 298; viii. 298; also referred to in i. 14, 15, 171, 192, 193–4, 272, 293, 305, 387, 395; vi. 274, 342; vii. 300; viii. 176, 187, 205–8, 212–3, 358, 378, 472, 514; xi. 191, 207, 352, 399, 410. —— Cœur de Lion (General Burgoyne’s), viii. 195; x. 54, 55. —— Varney (Scott’s Kenilworth), iv. 251. Richards, John Inigo, vi. 414, 444. Richardson, Jonathan, ii. 201; vi. 10; viii. 464; ix. 397; x. 174, 180, 181. —— Samuel, i. 138, 227; ii. 128, 130, 171 _n._; iii. 157; v. 14, 15; vi. 90, 107, 225, 236, 380, 400, 426, 441, 452; vii. 6 _n._, 36, 226, 228 _n._, 238 _n._; viii. 107, 112, 113, 117, 119, 120–21, 153, 555; ix. 64, 434; x. 27, 31, 32, 36, 39, 313, 359; xii. 32, 46, 62, 63, 154, 274, 436. —— William, i. 171; vi. 413. Richardson’s London Weekly Review, vi. 505, 513, 514, 517. Richer, Mr (rope dancer), vi. 79, 81. Richesse de la Langue, xii. 496. Richmond, Yorkshire, View of (W. Westall’s), xi. 248. Richmond, Duke of, ix. 420. Richmond, Duke of (Shakespeare’s Richard III.), i. 299; viii. 182, 202, 465. —— Duchess of (Vandyke’s), ix. 38. —— Bill (pugilist), xii. 4, 8. Richmond Hill, ii. 213; vi. 202; viii. 268. Richter, Henry Jas., ix. 309. Ridpath, George, x. 355. Rigaud, John Francis, i. 149. Rights of Man (Paine’s), i. 214; iii. 169; iv. 334; viii. 347; xi. 458; xii. 132. —— of Women, The (Mary Wolstonecroft’s), vii. 234. Rimini, Story of (Leigh Hunt’s), i. 376, 378; iv. 361; v. 378; vii. 16, 123, 381; x. 227, 407, 411. Rinaldo (Dimond’s Conquest of Toronto), viii. 368. Rinuccini, Countess, ix. 214. Ritchie, David, vii. 207, 339. —— Joseph, ix. 349. Ritson, Joseph, ii. 79, 98, 172, 184. Rivals, The (Sheridan’s), viii. 117, 164, 165, 508; x. 35; xi. p. vii, 307. Rivington, John, ii. 106, 107, 108. Road to Ruin, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 70 _n._, 113, 117, 121, 161, 162, 164, 193–5, 229; iv. 233; vii. 37; viii. 166. Roadside, with figures (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. Rob Roy (Scott’s), iv. 245, 248; vi. 65; vii. 129; viii. 424, 425; ix. 191; xii. 277. Robbers, The (Schiller’s), i. 76; v. 166, 362; x. 119; xii. 158. Robert the Devil, xii. 124. Robert Tyke (by Emery), viii. 10, 315, 391, 416. Robertson, Mr, x. 301. —— —— jun., ii. 268. Robespierre, François Maximilian Joseph Isidore, i. 390, 391 _n._; ii. 187, 215, 216; iii. 110, 166, 205, 206; v. 128; vi. 102; xi. 412; xii. 189. Robin Adair (song), vii. 304; viii. 229. —— Hood, v. 143; viii. 424–6; xii. 18. Robinson, George, ii. 107, 112, 116, 181, 183, 192, 194, 196, 199, 201, 225. —— J., ii. 107, 112, 116, 205. —— See Long, Robinson. —— Mrs Mary, i. 378 _n._; iv. 309; ix. 472; xi. 596. —— Crusoe (Defoe’s), i. 57 _n._; iv. 277; v. 13–14, 94, 156; vi. 413; vii. 164 _n._, 310; viii. 107 _n._, 167, 317, 362; ix. 171; x. 27 _n._, 358, 375, 379, 382; xii. 58, 366, 409. Robson, Mr (a member of Parliament), iii. 38. Robusti, Jacopo. See Tintoretto. Rochelle. See La Rochelle. Rochester (John Wilmot, Earl of), i. 157; v. 83, 106, 298 _n._, 372; vi. 84, 399; vii. 322; viii. 68; xi. 381. Rock of Rubies, and Quarry of Pearls (Herrick’s), v. 312. Rockingham, Marquis of, iii. 421; iv. 237. Roderic (Southey’s), iv. 265. Roderick Random (Smollett’s), i. 80; iii. 61, 218; viii. 115, 116, 117; x. 34, 35; xii. 24. Roderigo (Shakespeare’s Othello), i. 16, 200, 207, 208; viii. 214, 217, 560. Rodilardus, the Great Cat (Rabelais’ Pantagruel), vi. 221; viii. 471. Rogero (in Ariosto), x. 70, 86. Rogers, P. H., xi. 247. —— Samuel, ii. 172; iv. 343; v. 376; vi. 222, 491; xi. 457, 536. —— William Paul, i. 367. Roland (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 232. Rolando (Pulci’s), x. 69. Rolle, John, Lord, iv. 189. Rolls, Chapel, Sermons at (Butler’s), vii. 434 _n._ Roman Poets, i. 22. —— Wallon, The, x. 56. Romance of the Forest (Mrs Radcliffe’s), vi. 294; vii. 222; viii. 125; x. 16, 24; xii. 64. Romano, Julio, ix. 18, 34, 43, 226. Romans, The Epistle to the (St Paul’s), iv. 59. Romanzini, Miss, vii. 193. Rome, i. 67, 79, 215; ii. 276; iii. 81, 92, 162, 178; iv. 58; v. 57; vi. 188, 280, 285, 295, 346, 352, 377, 379, 383, 384, 402, 436, 511; vii. 89, 112, 157, 177, 185, 254; ix. 69, 164, 192, 198, 199, 201 _n._, 207, 214, 227, 229 _n._, 231–2, 234, 237, 244, 249, 254, 255–6, 258, 261, 262, 265, 268, 276–7, 315, 338, 363 _n._, 367–8, 379, 417–9, 423, 466, 492; x. 73, 124, 189, 190, 206, 232, 277, 280, 283, 292, 296, 298, 301–3; xi. 178 _n._, 228, 352, 413, 422, 425, 590; xii. 170, 223, 249, 293, 386, 401, 441, 462, 463. —— View of (Wilson’s), xi. 199. Romeo (Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), i. 153; ii. 67, 96; v. 225; vi. 273, 277, 329; viii. 199, 407, 480. —— and Juliet (Shakespeare’s), i. 248; viii. 300; also referred to in i. 179, 393, 394; ii. 302; v. 147; vii. 41; viii. 340, 555; ix. 214, 277; x. 64, 116; xii. 354. Romilly, Sir Samuel, iv. 189; xi. 467, 476. Romney, George, i. 149; vi. 342, 346, 353; ix. 424, 426; xi. 590. —— Lord, ix. 422. Romp, The (founded on Bickerstaffe’s Love in the City), viii. 539. Romulus, ix. 232. Roncesvalles (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), x. 86; xi. 232. Roncesvalles (in Lewis’s The Monk), viii. 127. Ronciglione (a town), ix. 231. Ronsard, Pierre de, v. 186. Roos, Philipp Peter. See De Tivoli, Rosa. Rosa, Salvator, iii. 252; vi. 45; vii. 61, 157, 158, 289; viii. 125; ix. 24, 40, 51, 163, 199, 226, 231; x. 153, 276–310; xi. 203, 238, 458, 536, 543; xii. 310, 347. —— Vito Antonio, x. 282. Rosalind (Shakespeare’s As You Like It), viii. 74, 252, 401; xi. 367, 396; xii. 122. Rosamond Gray (Lamb’s), iv. 366; viii. 105. Roscius, vi. 342; viii. 174. Roscoe, Thomas, ix. 220 _n._ —— Mr (of Liverpool), vi. 514. Roscommon (Wentworth Dillon, Earl of), v. 372. Rose (in Farquhar’s Recruiting Officer), viii. 286. —— (in Two Words), viii. 331. —— Stuart, iv. 312. —— Mr (contributor to Monthly Review), vi. 216 _n._ —— Mrs, vi. 216 _n._ —— Bradwardine (in Scott’s Waverley), viii. 129. —— and Crown (an inn), ix. 298. Rosemary Branch, The (an inn), vi. 88; vii. 70. Rosencrantz (in Shakespeare’s Hamlet), v. 48; viii. 186, 187, 188. Rosetta (Bickerstaffe’s Love in a Village), viii. 329, 341, 525; xi. 304, 317. Rosina (a play), ii. 219; viii. 527. Rosinante (Cervantes’ Don Quixote), ii. 12; iv. 338; vi. 54; vii. 300; viii. 8, 108, 109; x. 27, 28. Roslin Castle, ii. 316. Rosny (a town), ix. 105. Rossi, Carlo, x. 300, 302. Rossini, Gioacchino, xii. 168, 384. Rothewood (Scott’s Ivanhoe), vii. 171 _n._ Rottenhammer, Johann, ix. 349. Rotterdam, ix. 300, 301, 492. Rouane (a town), ix. 179, 180. Roubilliac, Louis François, vii. 89; ix. 163, 164; xi. 472. Rouen, ix. 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 119; xi. 53; xii. 57. Rouget, Georges, ix. 123. Roundheads, iv. 249. Round Table (Hazlitt’s), i. 1; also referred to in i. 370–3, 380–1, 383–4, 395; iii. 438, 447, 455, 462; v. 156, 387, 392–3; vii. 76; viii. 497, 500, 502, 521, 526; ix. 15 _n._, 462, 480–1, 489; x. 407; xi. 572, 576. —— —— The, x. 21 _n._, 56. Rouse, Francis, iii. 395. Rousland Inn (Amsterdam), ix. 301. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, i. 17, 67, 88, 105 _n._, 116, 136, 382–3, 427, 430; ii. 107, 166, 171 _n._, 308, 356, 389; iii. 170; iv. 217; v. 100, 112, 163; vi. 42, 94, 424–5, 444; vii. 32, 42, 52, 126, 224, 304, 311, 365–7, 369, 371–2, 410 _n._, 429, 454 _n._; viii. 29, 128; ix. 9, 29, 120, 150, 155, 161, 170, 182, 223, 282–3, 285, 288, 295, 297, 455; x. 17, 75, 291; xi. 47, 85, 134–5, 178 _n._, 259; xii. 37, 54, 58 _n._, 277, 291, 329. —— Character of, i. 88. Roussillon, Count of (Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well), i. 330. Rover (in Wild Oats), viii. 392, 431. Rovère the Conjuror, xi. p. viii. Rovigo (a town), ix. 266. Rowbotham, Mr (actor), viii. 464. Rowe, John, xii. 259–60. —— Mr (bookseller), vi. 404. —— Nicholas, v. 268; viii. 287, 352; x. 118, 205; xi. 275, 276, 401; xii. 207. Rowena (Scott’s Ivanhoe), viii. 426. Rowley, William, v. 192; also referred to in v. 176, 193, 214, 224. Roxana, or, The Fortunate Mistress (Defoe’s), x. 380, 381, 382. Royal Academy, ix. 434; also referred to in i. 77, 140; vi. 163, 345, 358, 359, 363, 372, 382, 389, 400, 420; viii. 168; ix. 12, 311–2, 315, 409, 421, 463, 465, 478, 482; x. 172–3, 188, 192–7, 201–2, 208, 280, 330–1; xi. 456 _n._, 550; xii. 196. —— —— of Music, The (Paris), ix. 170. —— Circus, xi. 418. —— Cobourg, The, viii. 454. —— Exchange, i. 9; viii. 99. —— King and Loyal Subject (Heywood’s), v. 214. —— Slave, The. See Oroonoko. —— Society, The, i. 12; vi. 163, 214; viii. 58, 153. Royston, ii. 46. Roxburgh Club, xii. 43. Rozinante. See Rosinante. Rubens, Peter Paul, i. 76–8, 85, 92, 141–2, 146, 149, 151; ii. 103, 194, 231; iii. 169; v. 42, 81, 164; vi. 7, 11, 14–5, 106, 135, 172–3, 297, 317, 319–20, 333, 353, 359–61, 368, 430, 435; vii. 57, 59, 63, 95, 98, 107, 291–2, 358; viii. 141, 149, 364; ix. 13–4, 21, 29, 36, 40–1, 52–4, 59, 71–2, 107, 110, 134, 137, 226, 299–300, 302, 311, 314, 317, 333, 386, 395, 409, 410, 427, 471–5, 489; x. 181, 192, 204; xi. 203, 212, 219, 228 _n._, 253, 256, 464, 519; xii. 36, 48 _n._, 186, 190, 197, 389. Rudderford (a town), ii. 167. Rudyard, Sir Benjamin, iii. 395. Rue Mont Blanc, The, xi. 384. —— St Honoré, The, xi. 384. Rufus (Ben Jonson’s Sejanus), v. 263. Rugeley (town), ii. 14, 15, 16, 17, 166. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife (Beaumont and Fletcher), v. 262; viii. 48, 49; x. 118. Rumford, Count (Sir Benjamin Thompson), ii. 178. Rump Parliament, The, viii. 17. Rundle, Mrs, vi. 416. Runnymede, vi. 155; ix. 160. Ruspigliosi, Palace, The, ix. 237. —— Pavilion, The, ix. 238. Ruspini (a doctor), ii. 183. Russell, S. T. (actor), ii. 368; viii. 167, 317, 327, 328, 392, 400, 451, 465, 468, 469, 532; xi. 364, 368, 379, 387. —— Lord John, vii. 257. —— Lord William, iii. 399. —— Square, xi. 346, 385, 386. —— Street, ii. 59; viii. 430. Russia, iii. 68, 71, 99, 107, 159, 295; vi. 248; ix. 130 _n._; xi. 196. Ruth (Wordsworth’s), v. 149. —— story of (in Bible), v. 16, 183; xi. 506. —— and Boaz (Poussin’s), ix. 109. Ruthven (in J. R. Planche’s The Vampire), viii. 474. Rutland Family, iv. 351. Ruysdael, Jakob van, vi. 15; ix. 22, 35, 111, 389, 395; xi. 203, 238; xii. 202. Rydal, Mount, v. 130. —— Woods, View from (C. V. Fielding’s), xi. 248. Ryder, Sir Dudley, iii. 415. Rymer, Thomas, v. 297. Ryswick (town), ix. 301. S. S—— Dr. See Stoddart, Sir John. S—— Lord H., vi. 374. S—— Lord R., ii. 218. S—— Samuel, ii. 194. Sabrina (in Milton’s Comus), viii. 231. Sacchi, Andrea, ix. 21, 54, 240. Sacharissa (Waller’s), v. 83; viii. 70. Sacheverel, Dr, iii. 408; x. 374, 376. Sachi, Madame, viii. 303. Sackville, Thomas, v. 34, 193. Sacraments (Poussin’s), ix. 36. Sacred and Profane Love (Titian’s), ix. 238. Sacripant (in Tasso), x. 71. Sacrifice at Lystra (Raphael’s), ix. 48. Sad One, The (Suckling’s), viii. 57. —— Shepherd (Ben Jonson’s), v. 256; viii. 41. Sadler’s Wells Theatre, ii. 87; vi. 79, 160; vii. 129, 240; viii. 428, 439, 454, 526; xi. 370; xii. 168, 450. Saenredam, Pieter, ix. 20. St Agnes (Domenichino’s), ix. 51. —— Albans, Viscount of, vii. 28. —— Andrews, vi. 192. —— Ange, Mademoiselle, xi. 380. —— Angelo, vii. 177; ix. 375. —— Ann’s (_alias_ Webster), xii. 34. —— Anthony’s Day, vi. 378. —— —— Temptation (Franks’), ix. 354. —— Antoine, Church of Rouen, ix. 98. —— Athanasius’s Creed, i. 48. —— Aubin, Sir John, iii. 413. —— Aubins, the family, xii. 269. —— Augustin, vi. 76, 109. —— Barbara (Ruben’s), ix. 21. —— Bartholomew, The Massacre of, iv. 83 _n._; vii. 52; xii. 461. —— Bees, ii. 317. —— Bernard, The Great, ix. 283, 290, 296. —— —— (Hayter’s), xi. 245. —— Bruno (Andrea Sacchi’s), ix. 54. —— Catherine (Cortot’s), ix. 167. —— —— (Parmegiano’s), ix. 51. St Cecilia (Guercino’s), ix. 25. —— —— (Pope’s), vi. 204 _n._ —— —— (Raphael’s), ii. 288; ix. 206. —— —— (Reynolds’s), vi. 442. —— Cloud, vii. 449; ix. 160; xii. 459. —— Denis, ix. 161. —— Domingo, ii. 173, 222. —— Dunstan’s Church, xi. 280. —— Elmo (Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 386. —— Evremond, Charles Marguetel de St Denis, viii. 29, 309; xii. 37. —— Francis, iv. 145; ix. 261. —— George and Holy Family (Rubens’), ix. 14. —— George’s Fields, viii. 409. —— Germain’s, The Court of, ix. 105; x. 368. —— Giles’s, iii. 232; iv. 44 _n._, 102; v. 345 _n._; vi. 86, 120, 159, 414, 448, 453, 457; vii. 69; viii. 141; ix. 391; x. 356; xi. 252; xii. 132, 210, 354, 364. —— Gingolph (a town), ix. 288, 289 _et seq._ —— Giorgio Maggiore, the Church of Venice, ix. 274. —— Gregory with Angels (Caracci’s), ix. 31. —— —— Guillaume de, x. 53. —— Helena, iii. 169, 246; iv. 308, 324; vii. 96; viii. 340, 530; ix. 133 _n._, 355. —— Ives, iii. 396. —— Jacques of Galicia, x. 57. —— James’s, iii. 258; iv. 102; viii. 141; ix. 391; xi. 252. —— —— Chronicle, The, ii. 148; vii. 228; x. 212, 213. —— —— Palace, vi. 414; vii. 68; xi. 183, 184, 555. —— —— Park, i. 155; ii. 109, 187; iii. 311; vii. 84; viii. 70; xi. 276. —— —— Street, vii. 211; xii. 139, 233. St Januarius, The Dome of, x. 294. —— Jean, Mount, xi. 362. —— —— de Maurienne, ix. 190. —— Jerome (Correggio’s), vi. 399; viii. 149; ix. 107, 204, 491; xi. 197, 464; xii. 357. —— —— (Domenichino’s), viii. 149; ix. 107, 491; xi. 197, 238. —— —— (mosaic), ix. 235. —— John Baptist, iii. 152; xii. 261. —— John, Hector (Franklin, Benjamin), x. 314. —— —— Gospel of, x. 138. —— —— (in Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper), vi. 321. —— —— in the Wilderness (Caracci’s), ix. 14; (Raphael’s), ix. 224. —— —— (Leonardo da Vinci’s), xi. 237. —— —— Evangelist, i. 52; v. 184. —— —— Henry. See Bolingbroke, Viscount. —— —— John, ii. 172, 200. —— —— Lateran, Church of, at Rome, ix. 233. —— —— Preaching in the Wilderness (Guido’s), ix. 26. —— John’s College, Cambridge, v. 280. —— —— Gate, iv. 365; x. 221. —— —— Square, ii. 108 _n._ —— Just (mountain), ix. 182. —— Leon (Godwin’s), iv. 208; vii. 251; viii. 130, 131, 132, 420; x. 311, 386, 398, 399; xii. 67. —— Leonard’s Crags (Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 247. —— Lorenzo, Chapel of, at Florence, vi. 353; ix. 240. —— Luke painting the Virgin (Raphael’s), ix. 52. —— Luke’s (Asylum), iv. 196. —— Mark (Tintoretto’s), ix. 274, 491; xi. 197. —— Mark’s, Venice, ix. 274. —— Martin’s Church, ii. 1; vii. 275. St Martin’s Lane, ii. 90. —— —— Street, vi. 88. —— Maurice, ix. 284, 290. —— Michael’s Mount (Opie’s), ii. 198. —— Michelle, ix. 191, 240. —— Neots (Huntingdonshire), i. 437; vi. 185. —— Omer’s, ii. 216; ix. 302. —— Palaye, M. de, x. 20. —— Patrick, Landing of (Barry’s), ix. 415. —— Paul, xii. 281. —— —— (Raphael’s), viii. 148; ix. 48; xi. 211. —— —— shaking off the serpent from his arm (West’s), vii. 95. —— Paul’s Cathedral, i. 149; iii. 128; vi. 101, 358, 421; vii. 275; ix. 156, 161, 420; xi. 178 _n._, 232, 280, 352; xii. 58, 121, 346, 349. —— —— Churchyard, ii. 108 _n._ —— —— Epistles, vii. 223. —— —— Head (Strand), ii. 88. —— —— (Parma), ix. 204. —— —— School, viii. 458, 473. —— Peter, i. 130; iii. 265; x. 124; xi. 413; xii. 36. —— —— Martyr, at the Louvre (Domenichino’s), vi. 15; ix. 107, 113, 206. —— —— Martyr (Titian), i. 78, 79 _n._; vi. 347; ix. 164, 270, 271, 273, 352; x. 300 _n._; xi. 197, 232; xii. 48 _n._ —— —— delivered from prison (Raphael’s), ix. 365. —— Peter’s (Rome), vi. 86, 436; ix. 212, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 239, 241, 244, 367, 369, 376; x. 208; xi. 178 _n._ —— —— The dome of, xii. 84. —— Petersburgh, x. 392; xii. 169. —— Pierre, Bernardin, vi. 442. —— Preux (Rousseau), vi. 186; vii. 112, 304; ix. 281, 296; xii. 435. —— Roche, the Church of, xii. 314. —— Ronan’s Well (Scott), iv. 246 _n._ St Sebastian (town), ix. 185. —— —— (Titian’s), ix. 269. —— Stephen’s Chapel, i. 105 _n._; ii. 156; iii. 312; vii. 271, 273; xi. 336, 467. —— Teresa (Domenichino’s), ix. 206. —— Thomas’ Church (Ludgate Hill), i. 149; xii. 346. —— Vincent, Lord, ii. 187. Saint’s Everlasting Rest (Baxter’s), ii. 43. Salamanca (town), iii. 113. Saleges (town), ix. 293, 294. Salernitano, Novelle di, ii. 172. Salgar (in Ossian’s Songs of Selma), v. 18. Salisbury, i. 12; vii. 223, 253; viii. 553; xi. 311 _n._ —— Crag, ii. 314; ix. 336. —— Plain, iii. 239; v. 247; vi. 188, 260, 344; ix. 55, 60; xi. 495; xii. 58. Salle Louvois, The, ix. 174. Sallust, v. 186, 263. Salmasius, Claude, v. 66; vi. 176; xii. 39. Salmon, Mrs, xi. 175, 304, 317. Salmon’s, Mrs, Royal Waxwork, ix. 465. Salomon (Landor’s Imaginary Conversations), x. 241. —— Mr (picture dealer), ii. 196, 198. Saltash (a town), iii. 408. Saltram (a town), vi. 419. Salutation (S. del Piombo’s), ix. 112. —— of Elizabeth (Rembrandt’s), ix. 50. —— of the Virgin (Titian’s), ix. 274. Salvator Rosa. See Rosa, Salvator. Salvator, Lady Morgan’s Life of, x. 276. Salvatoriello, x. 282. Sam Sharpset (Morton’s The Slave), iii. 162. Samaritan, The Parable of the Good, vii. 461; viii. 104. Samos, The philosopher of, iii. 151. Samson, iii. 283; iv. 201. —— (Caracci’s), ix. 237. —— (Guido’s), ix. 206. Samson and Delilah (Rubens’), ix. 21. Samson Agonistes (Milton’s), viii. 232, 233; x. 156. Samuel (in Kotzebue’s India in England), ii. 196. San Giovanni de Fiorentini, The Altar of, x. 304. —— Lorenzo (a town), ix. 230, 231. Sanadram. See Saenredam, Pieter. Sancho Panza (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), i. 12, 345, 350; iii. 41, 466; iv. 36, 53; v. 113, 140; vi. 61, 184, 238; vii. 223; viii. 11, 108–10, 151, 398; ix. 284; x. 27–30; xi. 338, 378, 409; xii. 197, 206. Sand, Karl Ludwig. See Sandt. Sandbach (a town), ii. 166. Sander (a Dane), ii. 229. Sandford, Samuel, i. 157; viii. 160. Sandt, Karl Ludwig, xi. 321. Sandwich, Lord, ii. 391. Sandys, Samuel, iii. 411. Sangreal, The, x. 21. Sannazarius, Jacopo, i. 56. Sans Pareil Theatre, The, viii. 394. Sansovino (Andrea Contucci), ix. 269. Santa Maria Maggiore, Church (at Rome), ix. 233. Saone, The, ix. 182. Sapio, (an actor), xi. 388. Sapphics (Southey’s), xi. 342. Saracens, The, x. 54. Sarencen’s head, The, viii. 98. Saragossa, iii. 177. Sarah, lines to (Coleridge’s), v. 164. Sardanapalus (Byron’s), ii. 307; iv. 258; x. 403; xi. p. viii. Sardinia, King of, iii. 190 _n._; ix. 183, 185, 288; xi. 74. Sarratt (the chess player), vi. 195, 196 _n._ Sarto, Andrea del. See Andrea. Sastres, Mr (an Italian), ii. 182. Satan, iii. 272. —— (Dante’s), x. 63. —— (Milton’s Paradise Lost), i. 38; v. 52, 53, 60, 61, 63–6, 315, 317, 371; vii. 227; viii. 561; ix. 431; x. 71, 327; xi. 254, 452, 457, 506; xii. 192, 193. —— (Tasso’s), x. 71. Satires (Dryden’s), v. 79, 372. —— (Bishop Hall’s), viii. 53. —— (Pope’s), v. 69, 76, 77, 373. —— on the Scotch (Churchill’s), v. 119. Satrius Secundus (in Ben Jonson’s Sejanus), v. 263. Saturn, vii. 202, 255; x. 8. Satyrane (Spenser’s Faëry Queen), v. 42. Sauerweide, A, xi. 249. Saul (Salvator’s), x. 297. Savage, James, vi. 412. —— Richard, vi. 411. Saville, Sir George, iii. 424. Savoy, ix. 185, 190, 198, 284, 292. —— Alps, ix. 285, 295, 296. Sawbridge, John, iii. 422. Saxo-Grammaticus, v. 188; vii. 316. Saxony, iii. 104, 158, 216. —— King of, iii. 106. Say, Jean Baptiste, ii. 415. Sayings and Doings (Theodore Hook’s), vi. 418; ix. 186; xi. 346–9, 385. Says, The (Philosophers), ii. 415; xii. 255. Scalds, The, x. 9. Scaliger, Joseph Justus, vi. 76. Scapethrift (in Still’s Gammer Gurton’s Needle), v. 286. Scarborough, ii. 79, 310. Scarlett, James. See Abinger, Lord. Scarron, Paul, vi. 419. Scattergood (in Cooke’s Greene’s Tu Quoque), v. 290. Sceptic, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 104. Sceptical Solution of Sceptical Doubts (Hume’s), xi. 516. Sceva (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s False One), v. 253. Schappe Kaspar, vi. 76. Schedoni (Mrs Radcliffe’s Castle of Udolpho), viii. 126. Schelling, F. W. J., iv. 218; x. 141, 145. Schiavone, ix. 226. Schill, Ode on (Wordsworth’s), xi. 414. Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich, i. 76; ii. 229; iv. 219; v. 362; vi. 11 _n._, 325 _n._; vii. 226, 313, 328–9; viii. 391; x. 119; xii. 67. Schiller, Sonnet to (Coleridge’s), v. 166. Schlegel, A. W. von., i. 171–2, 239, 253, 270, 346, 353, 356; v. 207; vii. 122; viii. 39, 284, 324, 491; x. 46, 78, 79, 145, 186; xi. 598. —— on the Drama, x. 78. Scholars, The Shyness of, xii. 68. School for Arrogance (Holcroft’s), ii. 116, 117, 121, 201. —— of Athens (Raphael’s), ix. 240, 365, 380. —— for Gallantry (Jones’s), xi. 376. —— with Girls at Work (Crespi’s), ix. 20. —— for Ingratitude (Fisher’s), ii. 201. —— of Reform, The (Morton’s), viii. 315. —— for Scandal, The (Sheridan’s), viii. 250; also referred to in vi. 206; viii. 164–5, 415, 508; ix. 150; xi. 392; xii. 24, 138. —— for Women (Molière’s). See École. Schoolmaster, The (Titian’s), i. 76. Schoolmen, vi. 107; vii. 182 _n._, 316, 317. School-Mistress (Shenstone’s), v. 119, 375. Schools for All, i. 139. Schuckmacher, Mr (a merchant), ii. 229. Scipio, iv. 61, 257; ix. 41, 373. Scioppius (Schoppe, Kaspar), vi. 76. Scolding Wife (Cossé’s), xi. 246. Score, ——, pupil of (Reynolds’s), ix. 55. Scotch, The, iv. 318; xi. 64, 545. —— Character, On the (a fragment), xii. 253. —— Drink, address to (Burns), v. 132. —— Encyclopedia, vii. 194. Scotland, iii. 122, 285 _n._, 414, 415; iv. 3, 4, 5, 60, 317, 322; ix. 201 _n._; x. 19, 378; xi. 382, 402, 480, 485. —— Tour in (Pennant’s), ii. 170, 172. Scots’ Magazine, vi. 475. Scots, Mary Queen of, xii. 156. Scotsman (newspaper), x. 221. Scott, John, vii. 132, 492; xi. 496. —— —— of (Amwell), i. 423. —— Sir Walter, iv. 241; also referred to in ii. 370; iii. 48; iv. 206, 243, 253–6, 260, 261, 312; v. 122, 154–6, 320, 369, 377; vi. 45, 162, 209, 222, 269, 336, 356, 386, 399, 400, 409, 420–6, 443, 462, 518; vii. 5 _n._, 36, 58, 99, 105, 126, 129, 134, 156 _n._, 180, 183, 200, 201, 229, 298, 314 _n._, 319, 320, 336, 338, 340, 367, 381; viii. 128, 413, 422, 423–4, 460, 478 _n._; ix. 124, 158, 173, 254; x. 13, 20, 185, 202, 207, 212 _n._, 244, 312, 314, 327, 329, 330, 387, 392, 403, 420, 434; xi. 235, 344, 349, 350, 356, 381, 382, 531, 532, 537, 547, 558, 559; xii. 1, 46, 65, 88 _n._, 161, 179, 239, 253, 255, 259, 272, 275, 284, 307, 310, 372, 375, 389, 446. —— Racine, and Shakespeare, vii. 336. —— Life of Napoleon, xi. 593. Scotus, Duns, xii. 35. Scourge for Simony, A (or Return from Parnassus), v. 284. Scribe, Eugène, ix. 242. Scriptures, The, iii. 274. Scroggins, Jack (a prize-fighter), xii. 12 _n._, 14. Scroop (in Shakespeare’s Henry V.), i. 289. Scrub (Farquhar’s Beaux’ Stratagem), i. 155; ii. 76 _n._, 77 _n._, 79, 83; iv. 259; vii. 203; viii. 9, 88, 230, 388. Sculpture, Lectures On (Flaxman’s), x. 330. Sea-horses (Breughel’s), ix. 349. Sea-pieces (Vandevelde’s), ix. 35. Seaport (Berghem’s), ix. 355. —— (Claude’s), ix. 13. —— (A. Cuyp’s), ix. 35. Sea-Storm (Bakhuisen’s), ix. 20. Seasons, The (Thomson’s), v. 85, 86, 88, 91, 374, 376; vii. 66; xii. 259, 273, 346. Sebastian (Shakespeare’s Tempest), xi. 417. Secession (Lord Holland’s Poem), ii. 217. Secondate (a song), viii. 326. Secret, The (Edward Morris), ii. 228. Sects and Parties, xii. 360. —— On the tendency of, i. 47. Sedley, Sir Charles, iii. 402; v. 106. Seduction, A Comedy (Holcroft’s), ii. 115. Seine, vii. 312 _n._; ix. 96, 98, 100, 105, 160. Sejanus (minister of Tiberius), i. 390. —— (Ben Jonson’s), v. 186, 265. Selden, John, iii. 394; vii. 316, 320. —— (in Holcroft’s Alwyn), ii. 97. Select British Poets, Preface and Critical List of Authors from, v. 365. Self-Love, On, xi. 132. —— —— and Benevolence, xii. 95, 104. Selkirk, Alexander, v. 94. Selma (Ossian), v. 18. Selwyn, George Augustus, x. 159, 160. Semira (in Arne’s Opera, Artaxerxes), viii. 451. Semiramis, Court of, iii. 142. Seneca, i. 390; iii. 328; v. 230; x. 98, 107; xii. 281. Senecio (Cowley’s Essays), viii. 60. Sense, On People of, vii. 242. Sentimental Journey, The (Sterne’s), vi. 22; vii. 83, 311; viii. 557; xii. 256. Sentinel (a journal), vi. 518 _n._; vii. 137 _n._; ix. 451. Septimius (Beaumont and Fletcher’s False One), v. 253. Sepulchres, Essay on (Godwin’s), x. 399. Seraglio, The (Dimond’s Opera), xi. 381. Seraskier (in Siege of Belgrade), viii. 531, 532. Serjeant at Law, The (in Chaucer), v. 24. Sermons (Bishop Butler’s), x. 323; xii. 266. —— (Godwin’s), iv. 210; x. 400. —— (South’s), xii. 266. —— on Astronomy (by Dr T. Chalmers), iv. 228. —— at the Boyle Lectures (Bentley’s), xi. 178 _n._ —— and Tracts (Channing’s), x. 317, 318, 320. Serpentine, The, viii. 253. Serres, Dominic, ii. 214. Sessions of the Poets (Suckling’s), v. 270; viii. 54. Setebos (Shakespeare’s Tempest), v. 187; xi. 601. Setiniano (a town), ix. 211. Settle, Elkanah, v. 76. Seven Champions of Christendom, The (Rich. Johnson’s), i. 9; ii. 2, 5; vi. 413; viii. 98. —— Dials, The, ii. 195. Seven before Thebes, The (Æschylus), x. 94. Severn, The, vi. 186. Sevigné, Madame, vii. 311. Sewards, The, v. 146. Sewell and Cross’s, xii. 131. Sforza (Massinger’s Duke of Milan), v. 266; viii. 289, 290. Sganarelle (in Molière’s L’École des Maris), xi. 356. Shackleton, Abraham, iii. 420. Shadowless Man, The. See The Devil’s Elixir. Shadrach (in Bible), iii. 265. Shadwell, Thomas, iii. 258; vi. 464; viii. 54, 159, 160, 370. Shaftesbury (1st Earl of), vi. 41. —— 3rd Earl of, i. 100; iv. 204 _n._; vi. 388; vii. 6; viii. 94; xi. 139; xii. 333. Shaftoe, Sir Jennison, ii. 41. Shafton (Heywood’s The Stranger), v. 213. —— Sir Piercie (in Scott’s Monastery), viii. 454. Shakespeare, William, vii. 336; also referred to in i. 15, 23, 24, 39, 63, 64, 76, 79, 100, 102, 105–6, 137–8, 150, 156, 158, 161, 164–5, 384, 388, 391–4, 396, 398–9, 425, 432; ii. 35, 71, 79, 81, 107, 108 _n._, 111, 166, 178–80, 184, 200, 217, 220, 229, 392, 401, 405, 409, 436; iii. 1, 168, 170, 207, 239, 258, 336, 403, 405, 435; iv. 45, 95, 200, 222, 228, 244, 248, 276, 324, 334, 365, 368; v. 13, 44, 68, 70, 71, 82 _n._, 122, 123, 125, 127–8, 145–7, 154, 164, 173, 175, 176, 178–1, 186, 187, 190, 193, 198, 202, 207, 210, 211, 215, 218, 222, 223, 225, 229, 240, 243, 246–8, 250, 254, 257–8, 261, 268, 273, 282, 289, 293–4, 297, 307, 345–7, 355, 357, 368, 371; vi. 21, 39, 42, 49, 50, 77, 85, 100, 145, 175, 213, 217 _n._, 218 _n._, 223, 235, 236, 259, 266, 280, 288, 309, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 346 _n._, 354, 355, 357, 367, 371, 392, 393–5, 400, 401, 409, 413, 424–5, 432, 433, 443, 449, 453, 455; vii. 28, 36, 58, 63, 71, 73, 86, 91, 118, 120, 133, 158, 185, 187, 197, 203, 204, 226, 245, 248, 294, 298, 303–4, 306, 312, 313, 320, 326, 329, 360, 371, 410 _n._; viii. 76, 78, 89, 113, 124, 144, 162, 180, 181, 183–5, 188, 191, 198, 200, 202, 204–6, 213, 221–3, 230, 234–6, 249, 257, 268, 269, 271, 273, 283, 284, 287, 293, 296, 301, 316, 336, 342, 343–5, 347, 351, 364, 383, 428–30, 436, 444, 455, 478 _n._, 518, 519, 528–9; ix. 17, 117–8, 129, 133 _n._, 159, 168 _n._, 242, 243 _n._, 277, 421, 432, 474; x. 9, 16, 25, 29, 32, 42, 64, 69, 74, 77, 82, 83, 111, 112 _n._, 115–7, 128, 155, 165, 180, 202, 204, 205–6, 209, 243, 244, 286, 296, 408; xi. 179, 190–1, 194, 226, 245, 254–6, 261, 283, 290, 309, 311, 377, 389, 391, 397, 399, 400, 410, 416, 418, 422, 431, 432, 440, 443, 444, 450, 451–2, 454 _n._, 457, 460, 486, 487, 504–7, 518, 539, 540, 573; xii. 7, 22, 27, 34, 38–9, 50, 51, 54, 67, 74 _n._, 121, 153, 164, 167, 193 _n._, 207, 208, 229, 253, 273, 277, 281, 330, 336, 339, 346, 347, 355, 369, 372, 375, 389. Shakespeare, Beauties of (Dodd’s), i. 257. —— Doubtful Plays of, i. 353. —— On the Dramatic Writers, Contemporary with, Lyly, Marlowe, Heywood, Middleton, and Rowley, v. 192. —— _versus_ Harlequin (a pantomime), viii. 435. —— Historical Illustrations of, xi. 601. —— Poems and Sonnets, i. 357. —— (and Posthumous Fame), i. 21. —— and Ben Jonson, On, viii. 30. —— and Milton, On, v. 44. Shakespeare’s Plays, Characters of, i. 165; also referred to in i. 392, 395, 418, 424, 432, 458; iii. 447; iv. 307; vi. 99, 478; vii. 122, 381; viii. 154 _n._, 178, 536; xi. 567, 569, 582, 601. —— —— Female Characters of, xi. 290. Shallow (Shakespeare’s Henry IV.), i. 64, 293; iii. 400; viii. 33, 34, 35. —— Lord (? Lord Castlereagh), iii. 122. Shandy, Mr (Sterne’s), i. 135; iv. 15; vii. 203, 221; viii. 121; ix. 427; x. 39. Shapsugar, viii. 433. Sharp, William, ii. 152, 153, 226; vi. 302 _n._; vii. 95. —— (Garrick’s Lying Valet), ii. 76 _n._, 77. Sharpe, Granville, ii. 56; vii. 83. Sharrard Street, ii. 172. Shaw, Cuthbert, v. 122. —— John (prize-fighter), iv. 223. She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith’s), xi. 403; also referred to in vi. 348, 412; viii. 11, 78, 164, 506; ix. 351. —— Wolf sucking Romulus and Remus (a bronze), ix. 239. —— Would if She Could (Etherege’s), viii. 68. —— Would and She Would Not (Cibber’s), ii. 83, 424. Sheares, the two (John and Henry), ii. 181. Shee, Sir M. A., i. 149; vii. 314; ix. 247, 435. Sheepcote Hills, ii. 167. Sheep-face, iii. 238. Sheffield, ii. 18; v. 286; ix. 290. —— Advertiser (newspaper), vii. 14. —— Iris (newspaper), vii. 13. Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of, iv. 237. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, v. 378; vi. 149, 285, 334; vii. 208, 246, 378–9; viii. 474; x. 256; xii. 179, 341. —— Posthumous Poem, x. 256. —— Mary Wollstonecroft, vi. 506. Shenstone, William, v. 118, 119, 375; vi. 97 _n._, 151 _n._, 224; xii. 169, 241. Shepherd, Jack (a criminal), vii. 449. —— Sir Samuel, iii. 261. —— Rev. W., vii. 61 _n._, 174 _n._ —— Boy in a Storm (Gainsborough’s), vi. 437; ix. 395; xi. 204. Shepherd’s Calendar (Spenser’s), v. 98, 370. —— Pipe (Brown’s), v. 315. Shepherds in Vale of Tempe (Poussin’s), vi. 172. Shepherdess of the Alps, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 86. Shepperson, Mr (a tradesman), ii. 175. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, i. 257, 378 _n._; ii. 83–6, 89, 102, 114, 167, 201, 208, 223; iii. 17, 349, 423, 466, 467; iv. 212, 233, 334; vi. 146, 206, 350, 354, 405, 413–4, 455; vii. 7 _n._, 41, 87, 183, 184, 275; viii. 17, 70–1, 164–6, 415, 510; ix. 150, 472; x. 213; xii. 76, 138 _n._, 139 _n._, 140 _n._, 293, 369. —— Tom, xi. 481. —— Life of (Moore’s), vii. 183. —— Mrs, ii. 83, 84, 86. Sherlock, Dr Wm., x. 363. Sherwood, Neely & Jones, publishers, iii. 451. —— Forest of, ii. 110; v. 143, 346. Shetland Isles, The, ix. 124. Shiel, Mr, viii. 478. Shield, William, ii. 79–80, 87–91, 111, 113, 164, 169, 195, 274, 275; vi. 432. —— Mrs, ii. 195, 199. Shiloh, iii. 221. Shining Ones (in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress), v. 14. Shipman, The (in Chaucer), v. 24. Shippen, William, iii. 408. Shipwreck (Falconer’s), xi. 486, 494, 495. Shirley, James, v. 345. Shoreditch, iv. 44 _n._ Short, Mr (actor), viii. 315, 331. Shortest Way with Dissenters (Defoe’s), x. 357, 360, 374, 376. Shrewsbury (town), i. 284; vii. 227; xii. 259, 260, 265. Shropshire, vi. 283; viii. 89, 287; ix. 68; xii. 415. Shuter, Edward, i. 157; ii. 77, 368; xii. 33. Shylock (Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), ii. 71; v. 210; vi. 293; vii. 305; viii. 175, 179, 181, 184, 203, 208, 249, 250, 294; xi. 351, 397; xii. 142 _n._ Siam, Account of the kingdom of (Lord Kames’), iv. 84. Siberian Exiles, The (in Thomson’s Castle of Indolence), v. 89. Sibylla Libyca (L. Caracci’s), ix. 355. Sibyls and Prophets (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 360. Sicily, ii. 223; ix. 255. —— King of, iii. 179. —— Prince of, ii. 214. Sick Chamber, The, xii. 125. —— Nun (Champagne’s), ix. 110. —— Pigeon (Miss Geddes’s), xi. 245. Siddons, Mrs (Miss Sarah Kemble), viii. 312; xi. 381; also referred to in i. 156, 189, 325; ii. 66, 69, 105, 114, 115, 184, 196, 368; v. 247; vi. 50, 85, 275, 309, 341, 343, 349, 365, 418, 448, 452–3; vii. 76, 161, 256, 298–9, 301, 305–6, 338; viii. 177, 180, 198–9, 211, 222–3, 257, 273, 284, 313, 345, 350, 373, 376, 385–6, 389, 390, 391, 395, 410, 479, 515; ix. 26, 55, 147, 401, 432, 474; x. 201; xi. 257, 307, 349, 366, 405, 408; xii. 122, 237, 307, 354–5, 365, 390. Siddons’ (Mrs), Lady Macbeth, viii. 373. Sidmouth, Lord, iii. 38, 240, 241; xii. 295, 370. Sidney, Algernon, iii. 399; iv. 61, 81, 95, 250; vii. 320. —— Biddulph (Mrs Sheridan’s), viii. 123 _n._ —— Sir Philip, v. 175, 189, 195, 196, 201, 300, 303, 318, 370; vi. 175, 354; vii. 36; ix. 9, 10, 58; x. 14, 64; xii. 27, 282, 286. Sidney’s (Sir P.), Arcadia, v. 295. Sidon, xii. 153. Sidrophel (Butler’s Hudibras), viii. 65; xi. 478. Siena, ix. 227, 228, 252, 302. Sieyes (Abbé), iii. 210; vii. 13, 276. Sigismonda and Guiscardo (Dryden’s), xii. 323. See also Tancred. Sigismunda, The (Hogarth’s), ii. 368; vii. 119; ix. 389. Signor Brabantio (Shakespeare’s Othello), vi. 25. —— Immerito (in Return from Parnassus), v. 284. —— Orlando Friscobaldo (in Dekker’s Honest Whore), v. 235, 247. Silence (Shakespeare’s 2nd Henry IV.), i. 64; viii. 33; xii. 16, 453. Silent Woman, The (Ben Jonson’s), viii. 42. Silenus (The Elgin), ix. 329, 339. —— (Rubens’), ix. 72, 387; xi. 228. —— and Apollo (Caracci’s), v. 124; ix. 9, 10. Silky, Mr (Holcroft’s Road to Ruin), ii. 123. Silly Shore (Crabbe’s), iv. 353. Silvester Daggerwood (a play), viii. 316, 468. Simmons, Samuel, vi. 286; viii. 250, 255, 350, 387; xi. 378; xii. 24. Simon Lee (Wordsworth’s), iii. 168, 172 _n._ —— Pure (Mrs Centlivre’s A Bold Stroke for a Wife), iii. 143; vii. 186; ix. 159. Simpkins, Jas., xii. 1. Simple Story (Mrs Inchbald’s), vi. 364; vii. 303; viii. 127; xii. 437. Simplon, The, vii. 169, 177; ix. 182, 278, 279–82, 290, 296. Simpson, Mr (picture cleaner), ii. 198. Sinbad, the Sailor, vii. 24; ix. 121. Sinclair, John, viii. 370; xi. 374. Single Plays, Poems, etc., The Four P’s, The Return from Parnassus, Gammer Gurton’s Needle, and other works, On, v. 274. Singleton, Henry, xi. 247. Sion (in Switzerland), ix. 282. —— House, picture of (Wilson’s), ii. 165; xi. 199. Sir Alfred Irthing (in Wordsworth’s Excursion), i. 124. —— Amorous La Foole (Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43. —— Andrew Aguecheek (in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night), i. 314, 315; viii. 36, 43, 165, 510; xii. 24. —— Anthony Absolute (in Sheridan’s Rivals), iii. 226; viii. 117, 165, 509; x. 35; xi. 307, 396. —— Archy Mac Sarcasm (Macklin’s Love à la Mode), viii. 350. Sir Benjamin Constant (Murphy’s Know your Own Mind), viii. 164. —— —— Dove (in Cumberland’s Brothers), ii. 83, 206. —— Benjamin Backbite (in Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 251, 292, 329. —— Charles Grandison (Richardson’s), ii. 130; iii. 226; iv. 371; v. 15; vi. 90, 400; viii. 118, 120, 186; ix. 59, 282, 432; x. 36, 37–9; xi. 254; xii. 33, 62. —— —— Racket (Murphy’s Three Weeks After Marriage), viii. 427. —— Clement Willoughby (in Miss Burney’s Cecilia), xii. 65. —— David Daw (Cumberland’s Wheel of Fortune), xi. 207. Sir Edward Mauley (in Scott’s Black Dwarf), vii. 345; viii. 129. —— —— Mortimer (G. Colman the younger’s The Iron Chest), viii. 241, 343. —— Epicure Mammon (in Ben Jonson’s Alchemist), vii. 141; viii. 45; x. 117; xi. 171. —— Eustace Gray (Crabbe’s), xi. 606. —— Fopling Flutter, or, The Man of Mode (Etherege’s), iii. 67; vi. 187; vii. 42, 224; viii. 68, 82; xii. 13. —— Francis, iv. 379 _n._ —— Fretful Plagiary (Sheridan’s Critic), viii. 164. —— George Versatile (in Holcroft’s He’s Much to Blame), ii. 162. —— Giles Mompesson (in a play), viii. 390. —— —— Overreach (Massinger’s A New Way to Pay Old Debts), v. 213, 268 _n._; viii. 272, 284, 289, 290, 291, 302, 390, 472; xi. 352. —— Harry Beagle (in Colman the elder’s Jealous Wife), viii. 163, 317, 505. —— —— Moredon (in Leigh’s Where to Find a Friend), viii. 258, 259. —— —— Sycamore (in Bickerstaffe’s Maid of The Mill), ii. 83. —— —— Wildair (Farquhar’s), i. 158; viii. 86, 163; xii. 33. —— Henry Chomley (in Mrs Charles Kemble’s Smiles and Tears, or, Widow’s Stratagem), viii. 266. —— Hugh Evans (Shakespeare’s Merry Wives), i. 425; iv. 162; v. 294; viii. 22. —— —— Middleton’s Head (an inn), viii. 439. —— Jasper Herrington (in Miss Burney’s The Wanderer), x. 44. —— John Barleycorn, ii. 2; xii. 314. Sir John Brute (in Vanbrugh’s Provoked Wife), viii. 83. —— —— the Curate (in Merry Devil of Edmonton), v. 294. —— —— Daw (in Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43. —— —— Falstaff (in Shakespeare), i. 6, 23, 43, 64, 291, 293, 425; v. 209 _n._, 239, 252; vi. 409, 504; viii. 22, 32, 33, 103, 165, 340, 343; ix. 36, 190; x. 121, 243; xi. 311, 365; xii. 453. —— —— Lambert (in Bickerstaffe’s Hypocrite), viii. 245, 246. —— —— Oldcastle, a play (? Munday and Drayton), v. 289; x. 117. —— Joseph Banks and Emperor of Morocco (Peter Pindar’s), viii. 168. —— Lennox Leinster (Theodore Hook’s Diamond Ring), viii. 475. —— Leoline (Coleridge’s Christabel), v. 166; x. 413. —— Lucius O’Trigger (in Sheridan’s Rivals), viii. 508. —— Martin Mar-all (Dryden’s), viii. 69. —— Oliver Surface (Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 251. —— Paul Pliant (Congreve’s Double Dealer), viii. 72. —— Pertinax Macsycophant (Macklin’s Man of The World), viii. 166, 299, 300, 318, 350. —— Peter Pigwiggin (in Pigeons and Crows), viii. 469. —— —— Teazle (Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 251, 291, 388, 465; xi. 392; xii. 24. —— Pierce Exton (in Shakespeare’s Richard II.), i. 297. —— Plume (in Hogarth’s Marriage à la Mode), i. 25; viii. 134; ix. 76; xi. 498. —— Politic Would-be (in Ben Jonson’s Volpone), viii. 43. —— Ralph (in a play by Holcroft), ii. 221. Sir Reginald Front de Bœuf (in play founded on Ivanhoe), viii. 426. —— Robert Bramble (G. Colman the younger’s Poor Gentleman) viii. 319; xi. 376. —— Roderick (in Return from Parnassus), v. 284. —— Roger de Coverley (in Addison’s Spectator), i. 8, 12, 83; iv. 246, 367; viii. 97, 98, 151, 152; x. 310; xii. 35. —— Roland de Vaux of Tryermaine (in Coleridge’s Christabel), v. 166; x. 415. —— Rowland (Congreve’s Way of the World), viii. 75. —— Sampson Legend (in Congreve’s Love for Love), i. 12; viii. 72, 151, 278. —— Sedley Clarendel (Miss Burney’s Camilla), xi. 345. —— Solomon Sadlife (in Cibber’s Double Gallant), viii. 361. —— Thomas Booby (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), vii. 363; viii. 107; x. 27; xi. 435. —— —— Grandison (Richardson’s Sir Charles Grandison), xii. 154 _n._ —— Toby Belch (in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night), iii. 213; viii. 32. —— Tophas (in John Lyly’s Midas and Endymion), v. 198, 201. —— Tunbelly Clumsy (in Sheridan’s Trip to Scarborough), vi. 414; viii. 37, 83. —— Wilful Witwond (in Congreve’s Millamant), viii. 37, 74. Sirens, The, x. 12. Sisera, xi. 321. Sismondi, Simonde de, x. 79. Sismondi’s Literature of the South, x. 44. Sistina, The Via, at Rome, ix. 233. Sistine Chapel, vi. 346, 363; ix. 232, 235, 341, 360, 366, 371; x. 354. Sitting For One’s Picture, On, vii. 107. Skeffington, Sir Lumley St George, vi. 13. Sketch-Book (Irving’s), iv. 367. Sketches of The History of The Good Old Times, xi. 582. —— of Man (Lord Kaimes’), ii. 271. —— of the Principal Picture Galleries in England, i. 419. Skiddaw, ii. 329; iv. 270, 274; xi. 552. Skinner, Cyriac, Sonnet to, vi. 177. Slade (a village), ii. 166. Slaukenbergius (Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), iii. 127; viii. 8. Slave, The (a play), xi. 397. Slave Trade, The, iii. 294; iv. 330. Sleeping Child (Murillo’s), ix. 54. —— Nymph (Titian’s), ix. 25. —— —— and Satyr (Polemberg’s), ix. 20. Sleigh, Dr, ix. 415. Slender (Shakespeare’s Merry Wives), vi. 433; viii. 15. “Slippery George” (Canning), ix. 187 _n._ Slipslop, Mrs (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), vii. 223; viii. 12, 115; x. 33. Sly (in Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew), iii. 434. Small-coal Man’s Musical Parties (Thomas Britton), vii. 35. Smalridge, Bishop, iii. 408. Smart, Christopher, v. 122. —— John, ii. 224. Smeaton, John, vi. 511. Smiles and Tears, or, The Widow’s Stratagem (Mrs Charles Kemble), viii. 266. Smirk (in Foote’s The Minor), ii. 170; viii. 167. Smirke, Sir Robert, vi. 278. Smith (in Scott’s Peveril of the Peak), xi. 540. —— (an author), v. 359. Smith, Adam, i. 138; ii. 415; iv. 400; vi. 49; vii. 185, 271, 464; xi. 289; xii. 262. —— Alderman, iii. 213. —— Rev. G., ii. 174. —— Horace, xii. 276 _n._ —— Raphael, vi. 404. —— William, iii. 237, 238; vi. 67; ix. 55. —— Mr (actor), viii. 301, 370, 529; xi. 303. —— Mr (a surgeon), ii. 194; vii. 408. —— Miss, viii. 180, 515. Smiths, The (in Miss Burney’s Evelina), vi. 157; vii. 72; viii. 124; x. 42; xi. 442. Smithfield, ii. 213; iii. 239, 266; iv. 83 _n._; vi. 428; xi. 323, 443. Smithson, Sir Hugh, x. 172. —— Miss, xi. 391. Smock Alley, ii. 63. Smollett, Tobias, i. 138; ii. 328; iv. 365; vii. 36, 70; viii. 107, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 133, 174, 510, 552; ix. 391; x. 27, 31, 32, 34, 35; xii. 64, 145, 253–4 _n._ Smug the Smith (in Merry Devil of Edmonton), v. 294. Smugglers’ Cave. See Up all Night. Snake in the Grass, The (a picture), vi. 437. Snug the Joiner (Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), viii. 275; xii. 74 _n._ Snyders, Franz, ix. 54. Soane, John, i. 144; viii. 426. Social Contract (Rousseau’s), vii. 224; xi. 47. Society of Arts, vi. 449; ix. 421, 422. —— of Authors, xi. 346. —— for Constitutional Information, ii. 140, 142. —— for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, etc., ix. 420. —— of Painters in Oil and Water Colours, ix. 309. Society for the Suppression of Vice, i. 60, 139; viii. 33, 283. —— A New View of, iii. 121. Socinians, x. 360. Socinus, iv. 217; xi. 420. Socrates, vi. 111; viii. 28; x. 346, 348; xi. 228, 491. Soho Square Bazaar, xii. 131. Solander, Dr Daniel Charles, ii. 203. Soldier, The Tired (song in Arne’s Artaxerxes), viii. 192. Soldier’s Daughter (Cherry’s comedy), viii. 537; xi. 297. Solfatara, Stream of, ix. 256. Soliloquy on Death, The (in Addison’s Cato), v. 356. —— On Honour (in G. Colman the younger’s The Iron Chest), viii. 344. Solitude (Wilson’s), xi. 199. —— (Zimmerman’s), i. 340. Solomon, iii. 146, 147, 394. —— (Haydon’s painting), ix. 309. —— (Prior’s), v. 106. —— Mr, ii. 164. Solomon’s Temple, ix. 348; xii. 263. Somasco, College of the, x. 277, 287. —— Monastery of the, x. 283. Somers, Lord John, iii. 401; iv. 250. Somers Town, ii. 345; xii. 148, 349. Somerset House, vi. 270, 296, 435; vii. 90; ix. 12, 48, 126, 324, 463, 480; x. 195; xi. 247. —— Street, ii. 264. Somersetshire, iii. 409; ix. 185; x. 416; xii. 265, 346. Somerville, William, v. 122. —— Miss (actress), viii. 307, 352, 392, 530; xi. 302, 403. Sompnoure, The (Chaucer’s), v. 24, 25. Son-in-Law, The (John O’Keefe’s), i. 155; viii. 230, 388. Songs (Campbell’s), iv. 347. Songs and Sonnets (Southey’s), v. 164. Sonino (a town), ix. 249. Sonnets and Inscriptions (Southey’s), iii. 205. Sontag, Mademoiselle, xi. 370, 372. Sophi, The, iii. 142. Sophia, granddaughter of James I., iii. 405. —— (in Holcroft’s The Road to Ruin), ii. 123. —— Western (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), i. 44; vi. 452, 453; vii. 221; viii. 144, 153, 506, 556; x. 32; xii. 364, 435. Sophocles, iii. 336; iv. 216; v. 347; vi. 111; viii. 396; x. 81–2, 94–7, 248; xii. 168. Sorceror, The (Weber’s), ii. 222. Sospetto d’ Herode (Marino’s in Crashaw’s translation), v. 315. Sorrentum (a town), ix. 253. Sophron, x. 100. Sorrows of Werter, The (Goethe’s), iv. 217; v. 362. Sotheby, William (friend of Scott), iv. 421; ix. 473; xii. 276, 492. Soul, The, a poem (Davies), viii. 53. South, Robert, iv. 216; xi. 124; xii. 266. —— Audley Chapel, xii. 132. —— —— Street, ii. 55; ix. 158; xii. 132. —— Sea House, iv. 364. —— —— Isles, The, xii. 284. Southampton Buildings (London), ii. 88, 95, 106, 163. —— Coffee House, vi. 192, 197. Southcott, Joanna, iii. 297; x. 121; xii. 297. Southern, Thomas, v. 359; viii. 162; xi. 301–303. Southey, Robert, iv. 262; also referred to in i. 152, 388, 391; iii. 34, 48–51, 92 _n._, 99, 121, 126, 145, 149, 157, 177, 193, 200, 205, 210, 220, 224, 242, 246, 249, 258, 262, 277–80, 295–6, 302, 311, 312, 319, 433, 448; iv. 202, 218, 308, 329, 361; v. 40, 147, 162, 164, 377; vi. 67, 151–2, 176; vii. 16, 102, 321, 374, 514; viii. 24, 362, 422; ix. 216; x. 20, 135, 139, 140, 141, 235, 238 _n._, 244, 410, 416; xi. 256 _n._, 328, 342, 411, 413, 423, 444, 448, 457, 486, 493, 503, 512; xii. 116, 187, 267, 271, 275, 295, 358. Southey, Poet Laureate, iii. 48. —— Robert, A Letter to William Smith, iii. 210, 218, 224. Southey’s (Mr) New-Year’s Ode, iii. 49. Southgate, ii. 175. Southwark Fair, The (Hogarth’s), viii. 144. Sowerby, Mr (actor), viii. 190. Spagnoletti, lo. See Ribera, Josef. Spain, iii. 23, 51, 55, 99, 106, 158, 162, 216, 228, 393; iv. 93; v. 186; vi. 156; vii. 52; viii. 111, 442; xi. 317, 554. Spanish America, iii. 235, 270. —— —— Revolution in (1820), vii. 52. —— Girl with Flowers (Murillo’s), ix. 25. —— Inquisition, The, vii. 243. —— Painters, ix. 389. —— Refugees, Articles on (Stoddart’s), ix. 143 _n._ —— Rogue, or, Guzman de Alfarache (Aleman’s), i. 12, 123; vi. 419; viii. 111, 151; xii. 142. —— Tragedy, The (Kyd’s), v. 289, 294. Sparke, Anthony, xi. 321. Sparkish (in Wycherley’s Country Girl), i. 12; v. 231; viii. 36, 77, 151; xi. 276. Sparks, Mrs, ii. 78; viii. 246, 255, 258, 301, 329; xi. 307, 396. Speaker (William Enfield’s), v. 90, 147; vi. 294. Speaker’s house, iii. 128. Specimens of Early Dramatic Poetry (Lamb’s), i. 194; v. 213; xi. 298. Spectator, The, i. p. xxxi, 8, 9, 83, 370, 372; ii. 42; iii. 405; iv. 367; vi. 278 _n._; vii. 226; viii. 95, 97, 99, 100, 158; ix. 92; xi. 543; xii. 19, 179, 331. Speculation (Reynolds’s), xii. 198 _n._ Speculum Crape-gownorum (Defoe’s), x. 369. Speeches in Parliament on the Distresses of the Country, by Mr Western and Mr Brougham, iii. 132. Spelling Book (Dilworth’s), vii. 26. Spence (Joseph), vi. 30; vii. 209; xi. 498. Spencean Plan, iii. 212, 213. Spenser, Edmund, v. 19; also referred to in i. 39, 69, 110, 138, 161, 164, 358, 400, 429; iii. 73, 113, 209, 258, 339 _n._, 433, 444; iv. 201, 244; v. 11, 45, 46, 58, 61, 68, 146, 173, 175, 187, 192, 196, 247, 254, 299, 303, 368, 369–71; vi. 111, 289; vii. 65, 134, 181, 227, 255, 320, 362; viii. 16, 27, 128, 241, 364, 404, 437; ix. 71, 252; x. 9, 13, 73, 74, 77, 81, 83, 115, 121, 155, 210, 238, 242, 245, 348, 416; xi. 48, 235, 307, 333, 334, 435, 464, 490, 492, 503, 519, 573, 579, 581, 606; xii. 2, 30, 328. Sphynx, The (a newspaper), xi. 386. Spider, Lines to a, vii. 127. Spines, Jack (a racquet player), vi. 89, 451. Spinoza, Benedict de, iv. 217; viii. 284; x. 141, 145, 150; xi. 53, 71. Spira, Francis, Life of (by N. Bacon), ii. 43. Spirit of the Age, The, iv. 185; also referred to in vi. 474. —— of Ancient Chivalry, The (Ariosto’s), v. 224. Spirit of Ancient and Modern Literature, On the. German Drama, Contrasted with that of the Age of Elizabeth, On the, v. 345. —— of Monarchy, iv. 359; vii. 379; xii. 241. —— of Obligations, vii. 78. —— of Partisanship, xi. 521. Spital Sermon (Dr Parr’s), iii. 86, 126. Spleen, Poem on the (Green’s), v. 119. Splendid Shilling (Philips’s), v. 373. Spoleto (a town), ix. 260. Sportsmen in a Landscape (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. Spring, Ode to (Mrs Barbauld’s), v. 147. Spurzheim, Dr, iii. 305; vii. 18, 19, 231, 347; ix. 315. Spurzheim’s Theory, On Dr, vii. 137. Spy System, On the, iii. 232, 234. Square (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), vi. 452, 457; vii. 221, 223; viii. 113, 114; xi. 378. —— di Popolo, The, ix. 255. Squire, The (Chaucer’s), v. 22; x. 76; xii. 30. —— Booby (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), xii. 76. —— of Dames (in Spenser), viii. 241. —— Thornhill (in Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield), ii. 116. —— Western (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), i. 12; vi. 221 _n._, 457; viii. 114, 117; ix. 357; x. 36; xi. 297. Stacking Hay (Dewint’s), xi. 249. Staël, Madame de, i. 88; v. 363; ix. 311; x. 79, 119; xi. 162, 282. Staël’s (Madame de), Account of German Philosophy and Literature, xi. 162, 167, 172, 180. Stafford, Marquis of, i. 72, 374; vi. 174, 456; vii. 293; ix. 27, 55, 113; xi. 453. —— (a town), ii. 166; iii. 424. Stafford’s (Marquis of), Gallery, ix. 27. Staffordshire, ii. 13. Stage, The, xi. 191. —— A View of the English, viii. 169. Staines (in Cooke’s Greene’s Tu Quoque), v. 290. Stamford (a town), ii. 14, 436; ix. 68. —— Mr (in Holcroft’s Alwyn), ii. 95 _et seq._ Standard, The (Cooper’s), xi. 248. —— Novels and Romances, x. 25. Stanfield, William Clarkson, xi. 384. Stanhope, Charles, third Earl of, ii. 222. —— Philip Dormer (Earl of Chesterfield), iii. 412; vii. 215; xi. 420. Stanley, Lord (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), viii. 183, 201. —— Mr (actor), viii. 410, 439. —— —— (in Mrs Charles Kemble’s Smiles and Tears, or, Widow’s Stratagem), viii. 266. —— —— (in Merton’s Three Quarters), xi. 387. Stanton, Mr (actor), ii. 69, 70, 75. Stanzas (Raphael’s), ix. 232, 240. Star, The (a newspaper), iii. 76. —— Chamber, The, xii. 361. Stark, J., xi. 249. Starveling, the Tailor (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), viii. 275. State Papers (Thurloe’s), vii. 220. —— Prisoners, On the treatment of, iii. 238. —— Trials in 1794, The, iv. 236. State of Europe in Jan. 1816, George Ensor’s, xi. p. vii. Statesman’s Manual, The, or, The Bible the Best Guide to Political Skill and Foresight, by S. T. Coleridge, Esq., iii. 143; also referred to in iii. 157, 297; x. 125. Statutes against Vagrants, The, v. 97. Steam-Boats, i. 139. Steel, Apostrophe to (E. Darwin’s), xi. 505. Steele, Richard, i. 8, 9, 374; iii. 405; v. 105; vi. 388; vii. 17, 36; viii. 2, 33, 90, 95, 97–9, 156, 340, 557; x. 188, 206, 359; xii. 35. Steen, Jan, vi. 10; ix. 92. Steevens, Geo., ii. 181, 184. Stella (by Goethe), v. 363; ix. 354. Stendhal. See Beyle, Marie-Henri. Stentor, vii. 279 _n._ Stephens, Miss, ii. 301; vi. 220, 292–3; viii. 175, 192–5, 231, 248, 255, 261, 275, 292, 297, 320–1, 329, 368, 370–1, 401, 402, 413, 443, 451, 452, 455, 478, 525; xi. 274, 304, 316–7, 366, 373, 388, 395, 455 _n._ Sterling, Edward. See Vetus. Sterne, Laurence, iv. 197, 334, 367, 375; v. 104; vi. 22, 50, 160 _n._, 224, 278, 322, 343; vii. 33, 36, 41, 83, 174, 203, 298, 371; viii. 105, 107, 112–13, 120, 152, 555, 557; ix. 113, 133, 178, 179, 427; x. 27, 31, 32, 39, 206; xii. 57, 63, 152, 161. Steuart, Sir James, iv. 9 _n._ Stevenson, George, xii. 14. —— Miss, viii. 464. Stewart, James. See Stuart, James. —— Prof. D., ii. 267; vi. 64; xi. 181 _n._, 285, 286, 289; xii. 35, 316. Still, John, v. 286 _n._ Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop, xi. 6, 96, 115. Stirling Castle, ii. 318; xi. 248. Stock Exchange, The, iii. 159, 294, 313, 445–6; x. 216; xi. 196. Stockholm, ii. 226. Stockport, xii. 93. Stockton-upon-Tees, ii. 79. Stoddart, Sir John (Dr), ii. 174, 178, 192, 205, 211, 212; iii. 60, 153 _n._, 158, 313, 453; v. 66; vii. 482; viii. 513, 531, 539 _n._; ix. 142 _n._, 178; x. 217, 218, 425; xi. 417, 551; xii. 289. Stoke-Newington, x. 357, 379. Stolberg, Baron, ii. 229. Stone (a town), ii. 13. Stonehenge, i. 46 _n._; vi. 188; vii. 249, 255; ix. 56; xi. 495. —— Sonnet (Warton’s), v. 121. Storace, Madame, i. 155; vi. 404, 416; viii. 230. Stormont, Earl of, iii. 416; vii. 7 _n._ Stothard, Thomas, vi. 406; viii. 302; xi. 519. Stourhead (a town), ix. 55, 60. Stourton (a village), ix. 60. Stowe, John, vii. 229, 254, 316. Strada della Carita, x. 292. Strada, v. 318. Strafford, Earl of, iii. 409. —— Lord (Vandyke’s), ix. 72. Strand, The, ii. 88; iii. 297; vi. 379; viii. 96, 314, 412, 463; xii. 1, 132, 375. Strange, Sir Robert, ix. 42, 475. Stranger, The (B. Thompson’s), i. 155, 249; v. 213, 360; viii. 376, 479; xi. p. viii. Strap (in Smollett’s Roderick Random), viii. 116; x. 34, 35. Strasburg, iii. 127; ix. 298. Stratford, Lord, ii. 231. —— Coffee-house, The, ii. 203. —— Place, ii. 197. Stratford-upon-Avon, ii. 14; v. 297. Strathfieldsay, xi. 362. Stratonice (Barry’s), ix. 420. Strawberry Hill, ii. 272; x. 160. Stringer, Dan, vi. 21, 345, 346. Stroehlings, The, iii. 206. Strozzi, ix. 225. Struldbruggs, The (in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels), iii. 52. Stuart, James (the Athenian), ii. 225; ix. 416. —— Mr (of the Courier), xi. 417. —— Miss, vi. 200. Stuarts, The, iii. 31, 55, 99, 101, 159, 279, 285; iv. 249, 287; v. 91, 354; vi. 155; viii. 54, 62, 233, 309, 322; ix. 233, 236, 244; x. 205; xi. 547; xii. 257, 288. Studioso (in Return from Parnassus), v. 283. Study, On Application to, vii. 55. —— from Nature (Cooper’s), xi. 248. —— —— (Harrison’s), xi. 247. Stukely (Edward Moore’s Gamester), vii. 299; viii. 198. Stultz, M., xii. 230. Style, On Familiar, vi. 242. Styx, The, xii. 35. Sublime and Beautiful (Burke’s), i. 72; iii. 299, 421; vii. 112, 269; ix. 416, 420; xii. 410, 413. Subtle (in Ben Jonson’s Alchemist), viii. 228. Success in life, On the Qualifications necessary to, vii. 195. Suckbitches, The, vi. 367. Suckling, Sir John, viii. 49; also referred to in iv. 361; v. 83, 106, 189, 270, 369, 371, 372; vii. 207 _n._, 322; viii. 54–7, 240, 555; xi. 277. Suett, Richard, i. 155; vii. 193; viii. 230, 388, 434; xi. 366. Suez, ii. 178. Suffer Little Children (Rubens’), ix. 72. Suffolk Street, ii. 59; vi. 397. Sugar-loaf Hill, The, ix. 290. Sullen Shepherd, The (in Fletcher’s The Faithful Shepherdess), v. 255. Sully, Duke of, iv. 283; viii. 442, 443; ix. 105. Sultan Saladin, The, xii. 66. Summer (Thomson’s Seasons), v. 89. Sun, The (a newspaper), iii. 76, 97, 284; vi. 213; x. 220. Sun-Dial, On a, xii. 51. Sunday Evening Society, The, ii. 203. Sunderland, ii. 79. Sunrise (H. Howard’s), xi. 247. Supple, Mark, xii. 450. Suppression of Vice, the Society for the, i. 60, 139; viii. 33, 283. Surly (in Ben Jonson’s Alchemist), viii. 45; x. 117. Surrender of Calais, The (Bird’s), xi. 244, 308. Surrey, ix. 95. —— Earl of (Henry Howard), the poet, v. 34, 189; vi. 84; ix. 23. —— Theatre, The, vi. 160; viii. 394, 404, 412, 413, 439, 472, 474; xi. 370. Surrington (a Norwegian), ii. 221. Susa, v. 273; vii. 185; xii. 153. Susan (in Holcroft’s Knave or Not?), ii. 162. Susanna (in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), x. 39; xi. 283. Susanna and the Elders (Barry’s), ix. 415. Susannah and the Elders (Caracci’s), ix. 9. Suspicious Husband, The (Hoadly’s), viii. 163. Sussex, iii. 414. —— Duke of, iv. 228. Sutton, John Manners, vi. 89. Swartzenberg, The, ix. 280. Sweden, iii. 103, 397, 411. —— Crown Prince of, iii. 56, 106. Swedenborg, Emanuel, iv. 217. Swedenborgianism, vii. 96; viii. 479; ix. 355. Swift, Jonathan, i. 43, 93, 399; ii. 43; iii. 52, 137, 248, 273, 405, 408; iv. 217, 334; v. 109, 279, 374; vi. 50, 222, 372, 376, 388, 414; ix. 144 _n._, 312; x. 161, 179, 188, 375; xii. 23, 35, 44, 154 _n._, 170, 228, 243, 375, 449. —— Young, Gray, Collins, etc., On, v. 104. Swipes (in Hook’s Diamond Ring), viii. 475. Switzerland, iii. 154; ix. 198, 292. Sybilline Leaves, iv. 286; xii. 269. Sycorax (in Shakespeare’s Tempest), ix. 463. Sylla, ix. 373. Sylvanus (in Spenser), v. 11. —— Urban (in Gentleman’s Magazine), i. 375; x. 221. Sylvester Daggerwood (by G. Colman, junr.), viii. 316, 468. —— Sir John, xi. 375. Sylvia (in Dryden’s Cymon), viii. 261. Sylvia, Madam, iii. 109. Symmonds, H. D., ii. 152, 201, 204, 205. Symmons, Mrs (Reynolds’), vii. 112 _n._ Sympathy, a poem (Pratt), xi. 460 _n._ Syracuse, ix. 325. Syria, iv. 74. Syrinx (in Fletcher’s Faithful Shepherdess), v. 255. System of Nature (D’Holbach’s), vii. 430. —— —— (Mirabaud’s), i. 408; vii. 430; xii. 116. T. Tabitha Bramble, Mrs (Cowley’s Cutler of Coleman Street), viii. 62, 117, 165. Tabitha Bramble, Mrs (Smollett’s Humphrey Clinker), viii. 510; x. 35. Table Talk, vi. 1; also referred to in ii. 436; iv. 307; vi. 469; vii. 41, 122; viii. 479; ix. 175 _n._, 186; x. 222. Tacitus, Caius Cornelius, iv. 283; v. 186, 263; ix. 315; xi. 464. Tadmor, ix. 349; xi. 495, 496. Taffi, Andrew, vi. 390. Tailor, Robert, v. 356. Taking down from the Cross (Correggio’s), ix. 204. —— —— (Rubens’), ix. 302. —— —— (Raphael’s), ix. 238. Talcranagh, Dennis Eusebius (Landor’s), x. 250. Tale of Mystery, A (Holcroft’s), ii. 235. —— of a Tub, The (Swift’s), iii. 136; v. 109, 110, 112; vii. 192. Tales (Crabbe’s), iv. 352. —— (Dryden’s), v. 82. —— (La Fontaine’s), v. 106. —— of the Castle, The (Madam Genlis), ii. 104, 107. —— of the Crusaders: Betrothed, and The Talisman (Scott’s), vii. 314 _n._ —— of my Landlord (Scott’s), v. 147; viii. 129. —— of Traditional Literature (Allen Cunningham’s), x. 222. —— in Verse (Holcroft’s), ii. 236. Talk o’ the Hill (an inn), ii. 166. Talking Potatoe (Mr Croker), vii. 183 _n._; xii. 276. Talleyrand, Perigord Charles, Maurice de, iii. 102, 103, 180, 192; vi. 230; ix. 30; xi. 474 _n._ Talma, F. J., vii. 83, 86, 298; ix. 154, 193. Talmud, The, iii. 274; vii. 317; x. 121. Talus, The Iron Man (in Spenser), v. 43. Tam o’ Shanter (Burns), v. 126, 129, 132; xii. 368. Tamburlaine the Great (Marlowe’s), vi. 299. Tamerlane (Rowe’s), vii. 301; xi. 276; xii. 37. Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare’s), i. 341; also referred to in v. 239, 345; xi. 377. —— —— and L’Avare, xi. 377. Tamworth, ii. 12, 14. Tancred and Sigismunda (Dryden’s), i. 332; v. 76, 82; x. 68; xii. 323; (Thomson’s), v. 91. Tantalus (in Goethe’s Iphigenia), v. 363. Tarare (a town), ix. 180, 181, 182. Tarbet (a town), ii. 329. Tarleton, Mr (a soldier), ii. 208, 211. Tartars, iv. 194. Tartuffe (Molière), i. 130; viii. 28, 29, 31, 78, 162, 245, 554, 558, 560; ix. 151, 170, 214; x. 107, 108; xi. 354, 356, 395. Task, The (Cowper’s), v. 91. Tasso, Torquato, i. 162; iv. 257; v. 37 _n._, 45, 65, 186; ix. 29, 266; x. 13, 16, 20, 45, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 77; xi. 235, 424. Taste, Essay on (Alison’s), v. 139. —— in High Life (Hogarth’s), viii. 143; ix. 80, 391. —— Thoughts on, xi. 450, 454, 459. Tate, Nahum, viii. 430, 441, 444; xi. 295. Tatler, The, 1, 7; also referred to in i. p. xxxi, 9, 10 _n._, 83, 372; ii. 368 _n._; iii. 405; v. 109; vi. 118, 227, 413 _n._; vii. 64, 226, 233 _n._, 303; viii. 95–100, 152, 158, 340, 372, 417, 557; xii. 177. Tattersall’s, ii. 172; xii. 139 _n._ Tattle (in Congreve’s Love for Love), vii. 127, 226; viii. 14, 36, 72, 152, 278, 555; ix. 482. Taunton, vi. 94, 161; xii. 269, 274. Tavistock, iii. 394. Taylor (Jeremy), v. 326; also referred to in i. 2; iv. 217, 283; v. 333, 341, 345; vii. 17, 320, 321; x. 154, 314; xi. 530; xii. 116, 252, 274. Taylor, John (Jack T.), vi. 213, 430, 490; ix. 451. —— Robert, xii. 383. —— Thomas, ii. 201; xii. 164 _n._ —— Watson, ix. 55. —— William, of Norwich, iv. 311 _n._ —— Mr (an actor), viii. 248; xii. 138 _n._ —— —— of Fleet Street, ix. 451. —— (the Spy), vi. 34. —— Miss, viii. 319, 413 _n._, 532. —— and Hessey (publishers), vi. 99. Teazing Made Easy (a play), viii. 468. Teddy the Tiler (Rodwell’s), xii. 124. Telemachus, ix. 103; xi. 300. Tell, William, iii. 265. Tempest, The (Shakespeare’s), i. 238; viii. 234; also referred to in i. 245; iv. 300; v. 357; vii. 213; x. 116; xi. 416, 417, 601. Tempe, The Vale of, ix. 324. Temple, Sir William, vii. 117, 220; viii. 94. —— The, i. 8; iv. 201, 365; vi. 101; vii. 86; viii. 96; xi. 383 _n._, 553. —— Bar, i. 7; iii. 285 _n._; iv. 324; v. 102; vii. 69; viii. 95, 168, 318, 436; xi. 343, 386; xii. 91, 375. —— Gardens, The, vii. 68. Temple-walk, The, xii. 29. Ten Commandments, The, iii. 269. Tendency of Sects, On the, i. 47. Teniers, David, i. 148; ii. 218, 384; iv. 350; vii. 97; viii. 139, 141, 434; ix. 20, 35, 51, 60, 389; xi. 203, 251, 252; xii. 227. Terence, v. 234; viii. 163, 505; x. 100. —— O’Cutter (in G. Colman the elder’s The Jealous Wife), viii. 506. Tereus, v. 104. Terni (Waterfall), ix. 258, 259. Terra del Fuego, iv. 46. Terry, Daniel, viii. 192, 238, 251, 318, 331, 465–7, 475, 476, 540; xi. 305, 316. Teschen, ii. 179. Test Acts, xi. 473. Teviot-side, ix. 236. Tewksbury, iii. 400; xii. 268. Texel, The (a vessel), ii. 250. Thaddeus of Warsaw (Miss Porter’s), x. 296. Thais (Reynolds’), xii. 364. Thalaba (Southey’s), iv. 265. Thames, The, i. 35; ii. 245, 257, 330; iii. 445; vi. 202; vii. 114, 312; viii. 478 _n._; ix. 421, 463; xi. 199, 320, 495; xii. 195, 285. Thames, View on the (Wilson’s), xi. 199. Thanet, Lord, ii. 172, 174, 186, 190, 205. Theagenes, vi. 201. Theatres and Passion Week, xi. 358. Theatre, Allemand, ii. 107. —— d’Education, ii. 270, 281. Theatres des Varietés, The (at Paris), ix. 153, 174; xi. 371. —— Français, ix. 147, 150, 154, 242; xi. 352, 354, 355, 371. Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, vi. 276 _n._; viii. 253. Theatrical Debuts, viii. 341. —— Recorder, The, ii. 76 _n._, 236. Thebes, ix. 325; xi. 282. Thelluson, Peter, vi. 116. Thelwall, John, ii. 153; vi. 34; vii. 265; xi. 556. Themistocles, v. 105; vi. 84. Thenot (in Fletcher’s Faithful Shepherdess), v. 254, 255. Theocritus, iv. 351, 356; v. 98. Theodore and Honoria (Dryden’s), xii. 323. Theophilanthropist, iii. 42, 110, 212. Theory of Moral Sentiments (Adam Smith’s), vii. 464. Theresa, ii. 228. Thersites, xi. 421. Theseid (Decameron’s), i. 332; x. 69. Theseus (the Elgin), vii. 167; viii. 335; ix. 28, 168, 222, 241, 327, 328, 330, 337, 381, 492; x. 344–5. —— vii. 253. —— (a picture), xii. 18. —— (in Fletcher’s Two Noble Kinsmen), v. 257. —— (in Holcroft’s Crisis, or, Love and Famine), ii. 85. —— (Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), i. 359; viii. 275. Thespis, v. 198. Thessaly, x. 8. Thierry and Theodoret (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 261; vii. 229. Thimble (a nick name), xii. 297. Thirty-nine Articles, The, iii. 269, 274. Thomas (in Ben Jonson’s Every Man in His Humour), viii. 311. —— Mr (in Steele’s Conscious Lovers), viii. 158. —— à Becket, v. 143. —— Cranmer (Shakespeare’s Henry VIII.), i. 305. —— Lord Cromwell (in Shakespeare’s Henry VIII.), i. 356; x. 117. Thompson, Sir Benjamin. See Rumford, Count. Thomson, James, i. 40; ii. 79, 436; iii. 149; iv. 217, 277, 350; v. 63, 355, 374, 376; vi. 413; vii. 66, 371, 372; xi. 306; xii. 35, 175, 259, 273, 332. —— and Cowper, On, v. 85. —— Captain, ii. 247. Thomson’s Grave, Lines on (Collins), v. 116. Thor, xii. 251. Thorck, Baron, ii. 116. Thorn, The (Wordsworth’s), xii. 270. Thornhill, Sir James, ix. 46. Thornton, Bonnell, xi. 395. Thorwaldsen, Albert, vi. 352. Thought, A (in Hazlitt’s Liber Amoris), ii. 315. Thought and Action, On, vi. 101. Thoughts on Taste, xi. 450. Thoulouse, ii. 235, 236; iii. 113. Thousand and One Nights, viii. 13. Thrace and Inde, The two Kings of (in Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale), v. 25. Thrale, Mrs, vi. 411. Thrasymene, Lake of, ix. 262. Three Graves, The (Coleridge’s), iii. 205. —— Kings, The (inn at Basle), ix. 298. —— Pigeons (an inn) (in Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer), viii. 507. —— Quarters, etc., The, xi. 384. —— Trees (Rembrandt’s), vi. 45; xi. 212. —— Tuns (an inn), vi. 406. —— Weeks after Marriage (Arthur Murphy’s), viii. 427. Thirty-nine Articles, i. 48. Thuanus (Jacques Auguste de Thou), iv. 283 and 424. Thucydides, vi. 206; vii. 198, 229. Thurloe, John, iii. 398; vii. 220. Thurlow, Edward (first Lord), ii. 182; iv. 336 _n._; vi. 52 _n._ —— —— (second Lord), v. 378. Thurtell, John. See Turtle Tom. Thwackum (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), vii. 221; viii. 114. Thyrsis (in Milton’s Comus), viii. 231. Tiber, The, i. 196; vi. 8; vii. 56, 89; ix. 231, 232, 235; xi. 212. —— View on the (Wilson’s), xi. 199. Tiberius, x. 231; (Cumberland’s), ii. 197. Tibullus, i. 65; ii. 91, 331; iv. 356; v. 118. Tickell, Thomas, v. 122. Tickler, The (a paper), vi. 194 _n._ Tierney, George, ii. 201, 208, 217; xi. 470. Tilbury, x. 357. Tillotson, John, iv. 216. Tim (in Leigh’s Where to Find a Friend), viii. 258, 260. —— Bobbin’s Lancashire Dialect (John Collier’s), ii. 25. Times, The, iii. 169; also referred to in ii. 217, 221; iii. 54, 56–7, 65, 72, 76, 78, 93–4, 97, 99, 107, 116, 126, 148, 155, 158–9, 161, 165–6, 174–5, 177, 181, 284, 435–6, 445; vi. 66, 190, 290; viii. 174, 256, 314, 512 _et seq._; x. 215, 216, 219; xi. p. x., 195–7, 362, 364, 392, 394–7, 399, 401–5, 407, 409, 410, 448, 554; xii. 375, 459. —— Newspaper, Illustrations of the, iii. 155, 161. Timon of Athens (Shakespeare’s), i. 210; also referred to in ii. 160; iii. 153; v. 56; viii. 31, 446; ix. 151; x. 112 _n._; xi. 530. Timothy Brittle (in Cowper’s John Gilpin), xi. 306. Tintoretto, vi. 362, 445; vii. 293 _n._; ix. 34, 42, 113, 271, 274, 386, 491; xi. 197, 548. Tipler, Mr (of Nottingham), ii. 72, 106. Tiraboschi, Girolamo, x. 46. Tirante the White, The History of (Martorell’s), x. 56. Tisi, Benvenuto. See Garofalo. ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore (Ford), v. 268; vii. 313. Titania (Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), viii. 276. Titans, The, iv. 253; v. 64; x. 8, 93. Tithonus, vi. 172. Titian, i. 45, 72, 76–8, 86, 139, 142, 148, 151, 161, 163, 247, 299, 333, 380; ii. 103, 180, 318, 368, 406; iii. 169; iv. 247, 276; v. 11, 45, 81, 145, 164, 178, 297; vi. 11 _n._, 14–5, 18, 39, 74, 112, 132, 133–4, 136, 173, 219, 303, 333, 339, 340, 346–8, 353, 361–2, 372, 375, 385, 399, 415, 431, 441, 460; vii. 39, 57, 59, 61, 86, 89, 103, 107, 111, 126, 135, 148, 167, 203, 227, 239, 245, 281, 284–6, 291, 292, 303, 360; viii. 149, 182, 297, 423; ix. 7, 10, 14, 23, 25, 27, 31–4, 38–40, 43, 52 _n._, 54, 59, 70, 72–5, 107, 111, 112, 121, 160, 163, 206, 221, 223, 224–6, 237–40, 266, 269–74, 314, 317, 333, 343, 344, 349, 352, 354, 372, 373, 382, 384–6, 388, 403–4, 409–10, 412, 417, 425, 472–5, 477, 490; x. 77, 179, 192, 278, 281, 300, 341; xi. 17, 197, 214–5, 218–9, 222, 232, 238, 240–1 _n._, 256, 273, 456, 461, 462, 464, 517; xii. 30, 48 _n._, 186, 189, 191, 192, 195, 202, 208, 277, 322, 368, 377, 389. —— Life of (Northcote’s), ix. 439. Titian’s Mistress, ix. 121; xii. 36, 186, 189. Titus, iii. 99. —— and Berenice (Racine’s), xi. 454 _n._ —— Andronicus (Shakespeare’s), i. 357; v. 207; ix. 133 _n._; x. 117. Tityrus, iv. 351. Tivoli, ix. 256, 257, 258. Toad-Eaters and Tyrants, connection between, iii. 169. Tobin, John, ii. 199; v. 345; vi. 199; viii. 552. Tofts, Mrs, xi. 414. Tokely, Mr (actor), viii. 238, 241, 251, 254, 322, 329, 468. Toland, John, x. 361; xii. 403. Tolbooth, The, viii. 425. Tolcher, Henry, vi. 395, 449. Toledo, x. 57. Tom Coffin (F. Cooper’s Pilot), x. 314. Tom Fleming (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54. —— Fool, i. 102. —— Jones, or the History of a Foundling (by Fielding), i. 12, 28; ii. 316; v. 24; vi. 426, 448, 452–3; vii. 84, 134, 221, 222–3, 231, 303; viii. 506; ix. 183; xii. 63, 129, 268, 309, 374, 380, 435. —— Maitland (in Holcroft’s Alwyn), ii. 96, 97. —— Thumb, or Tragedy of Tragedies (Fielding’s), viii. 159; x. 7; xi. 333, 499. Tomkins, John, v. 289, 292, 408. —— Thomas (the penman), vi. 213, 219, 490; ix. 472. Toms, Jo (Joseph Parkes), xii. 2, 5, 6, 8, 13, 15. Tone, Theobald Wolfe, ii. 202. Tony Lumpkin (in Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer), v. 120; viii. 78, 506; xi. 403, 404; xii. 23. Too Late for Dinner (Jones’), viii. 428. Tooke, John Horne, iv. 231; also referred to in i. 139; ii. 151, 206; iii. 425; iv. 211, 325, 378–9, 389; v. 100; vi. 334, 428; vii. 6, 7 _n._, 40–1, 198, 271; viii. 41; x. 249–50; xi. 84, 89, 119, 172, 174, 177, 180, 181, 579; xii. 35, 51, 231, 342, 344–5. Tooke’s Diversions of Purly, On, xi. 119. Tophet, vii. 129. Topping, Dr, xi. 449. Torquilstone, the castle of (Scott’s Ivanhoe), viii. 426. Torregiano, Pietro, ix. 334; x. 335. Torrens, Major Robert, iii. 359. Torrid and Frozen Zones (Thomson’s), v. 374. Torso (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 327. Tortomania (a town), ix. 281. Tory, Defoe’s definition, x. 361. Tothill fields, ix. 480; xii. 13. Tottenham Cross, i. 57; v. 99. Touchstone (in Shakespeare’s As You Like It), i. 185; vi. 201; viii. 32, 167, 252, 319, 388; xi. 397; xii. 24, 68; —— (Kenney’s), viii. 368. Toulmin, Dr, xii. 274. Toune, Château de, i. 90. Toussaint L’Ouverture, ii. 222. Tower of Famine, The, ix. 401. —— of London, The, i. 286, 302; vii. 68; viii. 514; x. 363. —— of St Angelo, The, ii. 276. Tower-Stamp, vi. 452. Towers, Dr Joseph, ii. 184, 202, 225. Townsend, Marquis of, ii. 172, 221. Townshend, C., iii. 389, 420; iv. 9 _n._ Toy Inn, ix. 42. Tracts (Chubb’s), vii. 223. Trade, Essay on (Defoe’s), x. 359. Trafalgar, i. 97; iii. 48, 229, 246; x. 328. Tragedy of Tragedies, or Tom Thumb. See Tom Thumb. Traitor (James Shirley’s), v. 345. Trajan, ix. 221. Trajan’s Pillar, ii. 276. Tramezzani Signor, i. 416; viii. 197, 198. Transfiguration, The (mosaic), ix. 235. —— (Raphael’s), i. 70; vi. 15; viii. 149; ix. 18, 107, 113, 240, 367, 491; x. 190. —— (Vasari’s), xi. 238. Trapland (in Congreve’s Love for Love), viii. 72. Trastevere, The (in Rome), vi. 379. Traveller, The (Goldsmith’s), v. 376; vi. 401; x. 220. —— Lost in the Snow (Thomson’s), v. 374. Travellers, The (Andrew Cherry’s), vi. 232. Travels (Anacharsis), vii. 255. —— (Burnet’s), iv. 95. Traversa (a village), ix. 263. Travis (George), Letters to, ii. 170. Tray (Sir Isaac Newton’s dog), vi. 239. Treby, Sir George, iii. 464. —— Mr (actor), viii. 254, 275. Trecenti Juravimus (Letter to Mr Canning), vii. 379. Tree, Miss Ellen, viii. 401, 402, 436, 443, 452, 455, 478; xi. 317, 376–7, 387. Tremain’s, Johnny, Caravan, xi. 309. Trent (river), ii. 19, 166. —— Council of, i. 49. Tresham, Henry, vi. 354. Treviglio (a town), ix. 275, 277. Treviso (a town), ix. 267. Trie, Valley of, ix. 284, 290–2. Trifles Light As Air, xii. 370. Trinity College, iii. 421. Trip (Sheridan’s School for Scandal), viii. 251. —— to the Jubilee, The, or, A Constant Couple (Farquhar’s), viii. 85. —— to Scarborough, The (Sheridan’s), vi. 414. Tripos (Hobbes’), xi. 57. Tristan the Hermit (Scott’s), iv. 251. Tristram de Leonois (an early Romance), x. 56, 57. —— Shandy (Sterne’s), iv. 259; v. 104; vi. 216, 322; vii. 74, 233, 303, 462; viii. 112; x. 31, 70. Triumph of Commerce (Barry’s), ix. 421. —— of Death, The (Giotto’s), xii. 347. —— —— (a picture), iv. 217. —— of Life, The (Shelley’s), x. 264. —— of his Mistress, The (Ben Jonson), v. 304. —— of Principle, or Agnes, iv. 243 _n._ Trivia, or Art of Walking the Streets (Gay’s), v. 109; ix. 463. Troilus and Cressida (Shakespeare’s), i. 221; also referred to in ii. 303; v. 42 _n._, 54; vii. 64, 255; ix. 79. Trois Quartiers, les, xi. 384. Tronchin, Doctor, vii. 42. Tron Church, xii. 278, 280. Trossachs, The, ii. 329. Trotman (in Holcroft’s Hugh Trevor), ii. 137. Troubadours, History of the (Millot’s), x. 46. Troy, v. 16; vii. 264; viii. 335; x. 94; xii. 240, 260. True-born Englishmen, The (Defoe’s), x. 359, 360, 372. True-penny, vii. 319. Truewit (Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43, 44. Truman, Mr (actor), viii. 254, 275. Trumpet, The (in the Tatler), i. 7; viii. 96. Truro, iii. 395. Tubal (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), viii. 374. Tubb, Mr (a painter), vi. 270. Tucker, Abraham, iv. 166 _n._, 369; vi. 12, 101, 327, 456; vii. 49; xi. 85, 178 _n._; xii. 219, 358. Tucker, Dean, vi. 449. Tucker’s Light of Nature, Preface to an Abridgment of, iv. 369. Tuckitomba (melodrama), xi. 365. Tuderley (a town), vi. 24; ix. 27. Tudors, The, vi. 155. Tuft of early Violets, To a (Gifford’s), iv. 304. Tuilleries, The, i. 19; vi. 16; ix. 105, 113, 133 _n._, 157, 158–9, 172, 352; xi. 195, 352; xii. 231. Tull, Jethro, vii. 25. Tullus Aufidius, viii. 403. Tully, i. 148. Tunbridge Wells, ix. 22. Turchi, Alessandro. See Veronese, A. Turenne, Marshal, i. 8; viii. 96. Turin, i. 90; ii. 181, 274; vii. 369; ix. 183, 187, 195, 197, 198, 199, 202, 205, 233, 249. Turkey, iii. 81, 379; iv. 71 _n._, 178, 194. Turner, Joseph Mallard William, i. 76 _n._, 148; vii. 99; ix. 406, 465; xi. 190–1, 248, 255. —— Ned, xii. 14. —— Mr, ii. 88. Turnerelli, Peter, iii. 121 _n._ Turpin, Chronicle of Archbishop, x. 57 _et seq._ Turtle, Tom (John Thurtell), xii. 4, 5, 9. Tuscany, ix. 209, 275; x. 67. Tutchin, John, x. 355. Twa Dogs (Burns’), v. 132. Tweed, The, ii. 78; viii. 425. Twelfth Night (Shakespeare’s), i. 313; also referred to in viii. 32, 37, 43, 78. Twelve Tribes, The, xii. 263. Twenty per Cent. (T. Dibdin’s), viii. 524. Twickenham, vi. 292; xi. 495. Twin Rivals, The (Farquhar’s), viii. 22, 89. Twiss, Horace, viii. 314. Two Beggar-Boys (Murillo’s), vi. 219; ix. 25; xi. 205 _n._ —— Bulls Fighting (Tivoli, Rosa de), vi. 419. —— Dr Funguses, or, Nota Bene (a play), viii. 536. —— Gentlemen of Verona, The (Shakespeare’s), i. 318. —— Holiday Lovers, The (Boccaccio’s), x. 68. —— Horses (Cuyp’s), ix. 19. —— Noble Kinsmen, The (Fletcher’s), v. 254, 257, 261. Twopenny Post-Bag (Moore’s), iii. 321; iv. 358; v. 152; vi. 190. —— Whist, vi. 455. —— Words, viii. 330, 474. Tyb, the Maid—in Gammer Gurton’s Needle, v. 286. Tybalt (in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet), viii. 199, 200. Tyburn, viii. 269; xi. 362, 375. Tyke (Morton’s School for Reform), vi. 452; xii. 365. Tyler, Wat, iii. 302, 303; vi. 428. Tyran, Domestique (French play), xi. 356. Tyrrel (in Shakespeare’s Richard III.), v. 188; xi. 194. Tyrtœus, iii. 319. U. Ude, Louis-Eustache, ix. 357; xii. 131. Ugolino (a picture), ix. 401 _n._ Ulm and Trafalgar (Southey’s), iii. 48. Ulysses, iii. 171, 343; x. 12; xi. 452, 498, 514; xii. 448. —— (in Penelope), xi. 300. —— (Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida), i. 221; v. 54. —— conducting Polyxena to the Sacrifice (Drölling’s), ix. 123. Una (Spenser’s), i. 133; v. 11, 38. Unaltered Love (in Hazlitt’s Liber Amoris), ii. 321. Uncle Toby (Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), i. 429; iii. 372; iv. 23; vii. 223; ix. 427; xii. 57. Union of Great Britain, History of (Defoe’s), x. 358, 378. Unitarians, i. 51; x. 127, 149 _n._ Universal History, The (George Psalmanazar’s), vii. 198. —— Passion (Young), v. 115. University of Glasgow, The, xii. 262. —— of Oxford, iii. 399; x. 363. Unknown Guest, The, viii. 224. Unnatural Combat (Massinger’s), iv. 310; v. 266. Up all Night, or Smuggler’s Cave (M. P. King’s), viii. 315. Upholsterer, The (in the Tatler), viii. 417. Upper Grosvenor Street, xii. 132. Ups and Downs (a play), xi. 387. Upton, John, iii. 339 _n._ Urceus, Anthony Codrus, vi. 238; xi. 258. Urn Burial (Browne’s), iv. 365; v. 335, 340 _n._; xii. 27. Usher, James, vii. 398 _n._ Usury, On (Jeremy Bentham’s), iv. 199. Uter Pendragon (in Merlin The Enchanter), x. 21. Utilitarian Controversies, xii. 383. Utility, Board of, xii. 361. Utopia, iv. 263, 293; xi. 557. —— (More’s), iii. 122. Utrecht, ix. 300. V. Vadé, Jean Joseph, i. 67 _n._ Vagrant Act, xii. 419. Valancy, Miss, vi. 160; viii. 439, 458. Valdarno, vi. 407. Vale of Taunton, The, viii. 478. Valence, Aylmer de, x. 335. Valencia (Dimond’s Conquest of Taranto), viii. 368. Valenciennes, ii. 185. Valentine and Orson, or, Wild Man of France, v. 361; vii. 215; viii. 236, 241. —— Tattle (in Congreve’s Love for Love). See Tattle. Valère (in Molière’s École des Maris), xi. 357, 591. Valeria (Scribe’s), vii. 330 _n._ Valerio (in Chapman’s All Fools), v. 234. Vallombrosa, vi. 407; ix. 236; xii. 334. Valley of Ladies, ix. 211. —— of Rocks, at Linton, xii. 273. Valmore (in D’Anglade Family, from French, by J. H. Payne), vii. 279, 280. Valmy, vi. 120 _n._ Valois, The, viii. 126. Vampyre (J. R. Planché’s), viii. 474. Van, Brother, vi. 444. Van Dieman’s Land, iv. 242. Vanbrugh, Sir John, i. 8, 13, 52, 313; vi. 15, 414, 444, 453; viii. 14, 31, 37, 70, 79, 96, 133, 153, 161, 162, 360, 510; ix. 391; x. 118, 205; xi. 346. —— On, viii. 70. Van de Velde, Willem, ix. 20, 35. Vandervelt (in Holcroft’s Duplicity), ii. 102. Van der Werff, Adriaan, ix. 26, 60. Vandyke, Sir Anthony, i. 13, 141–2, 146, 148–9, 162, 380; ii. 231; iii. 169; v. 45, 164; vi. 14, 318, 321, 335, 336, 344, 399, 420; vii. 104, 111, 119, 167, 216; viii. 58, 153; ix. 12–3, 21, 23, 34, 36, 38, 39, 57, 58, 59, 61, 70, 72–3, 107, 111, 226, 237, 301, 311, 314, 317, 387, 388, 395, 399, 409, 472, 474–5; x. 180, 341; xi. 17, 202, 212, 214, 219, 458, 517, 536; xii. 168, 197, 202, 376, 439. —— On a portrait of an English Lady, by, vii. 280. Vane, Sonnet to (Milton’s), vi. 177; viii. 233. Vangoyen, Jan, ix. 36, 389; xii. 238. Vanhuysum, Jan Van, i. 74 _n._ Vanity of Human Wishes (Dr Johnson’s), iv. 277. Vannucci, Pietro. See Perugino. Vansittart, Nicholas (Baron Bexley), i. 104; iii. 125, 135, 241, 249, 297, 300; xi. 375, 448, 470, 572. Vaqueiras, Ramband de, x. 55. Various Prospects of Mankind, Nature, and Providence (Wallace’s), iii. 356. Varland (in Cumberland’s West Indian), ii. 83. Varley, John, vii. 95. Varney (in Scott’s Kenilworth), iv. 248. Vasari, Giorgio, vi. 390; xi. 238. Vashti, i. 92. Vatel (Hotel) (at Rouen), ix. 96, 97. Vathek (Beckford’s), ix. 56 _n._, 59, 60, 350. Vatican, The, ix. 359; also referred to in iv. 324; vi. 340, 346, 379, 436; vii. 89; ix. 12, 29, 181, 220, 232, 235, 240, 241, 273, 367, 369, 371, 379, 380, 477, 482; x. 191, 206; xi. 213, 214, 226, 227, 228, 590; xii. 216. Vattel, Emérie de, iii. 74; vi. 76. Vaux, Hardy, Review of Memoirs of Mr, xi. p. viii. Vauxhall, ii. 87, 88. Vedrai Carino (song in Mozart’s Don Juan), viii. 365; xi. 307, 427, 500. Veillées du Chateau, Des (Madame la Comtesse de Genlis), ii. 268, 425. Velasquez, Louis Joseph, vi. 369; ix. 23, 25, 238, 389, 482; x. 46; xii. 262. Velino, The (waterfall), ix. 259; xi. 424. Velletri (a town), ix. 256. Venetian Outlaw, etc. (Elliston’s), ii. 109. —— Senator (Titian’s), ix. 40. Venezuela, viii. 405. Venice, ix. 60, 137, 260, 264, 266–9, 273, 274, 295, 300, 314, 398, 417, 492; x. 192; xi. 351, 422, 423, 486, 495; xii. 48 _n._, 51, 223. —— Preserved (Otway’s), xi. 402; also referred to in ii. 59; v. 181, 354; vi. 49; viii. 307, 503, 513; x. 243; xi. 407, 435; xii. 57. Ventidius (Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra), viii. 192. Venus, vii. 303; x. 350. —— (a statue), vii. 350; ix. 164, 165 _n._, 174, 350, 429, 434; x. 341, 342; xi. 353, 486, 496. Venus (Barry’s), ix. 419, 421. —— (Canova’s), ix. 225. —— (Chaucer’s), v. 30, 82. —— (Phidias’), ix. 228, 340, 341, 430. —— attired by the Graces, The (Guido’s), vi. 441; ix. 41, 61. —— Rising from the Sea (Titian’s), ix. 33. —— Weeping over the Dead Body of Adonis (West’s), xi. 190. —— and Adonis (Shakespeare’s), i. 358, 359; iv. 102; vii. 33. —— —— (Titian’s), ix. 11 _n._, 25, 224, 419. —— and Cupid (Correggio’s), ix. 25. —— de Medici, iii. 169; v. 164; viii. 304; ix. 28, 222, 346, 419; xi. 422; xii. 364. Vere, Marvell’s Lines to, v. 83. Verges (in Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing), i. 338. Vernet, Horace, ii. 214; ix. 121, 126, 128, 137. Vernon, Captain, ii. 24, 28, 31, 36, 41, 51. Verona, ix. 266, 267, 275, 276, 277. Veronese, Alessandro, ix. 35. —— Paul, iv. 247; vi. 135, 319; viii. 149; ix. 26, 53, 60, 67, 113, 269, 271, 274, 314, 317, 386; xi. 197. Verres, Caius, i. 397. Verrio, Antonio, ix. 37, 42. Versailles, i. 71 _n._; ix. 160, 182. Verses on His Own Death (Swift’s), v. 109. —— Inviting a Friend to Supper (Ben Jonson’s), v. 307. Vertpres, Mademoiselle Jenny, xi. 380, 381, 383. Very, Mons (an actor), ix. 166. Very’s Restaurant, xii. 104. Vesta, The Temple of, ix. 235. Vestris, Madame, i. 86; vi. 196 _n._, 236; viii. 198, 327, 436, 451, 453, 461, 462, 465, 470; ix. 166; xi. 366, 374, 389. Vestris (Madame), in Marriage of Figaro, xi. p. viii. Vesuvius, vii. 366; ix. 253. Vetus (Edward Sterling), iii. 57, 63, 67, 73, 85, 90, 99; vi. 285; vii. 205; viii. 284. Vevai, ii. 326; vii. 304. Vevey, vii. 169, 365; ix. 281, 284, 285, 288, 289, 295, 296; xii. 25. Via Condotti, The, at Rome, ix. 229 _n._ Vicar of Bray, The, i. 103. —— of Wakefield, The (Goldsmith’s), ii. 116, 336; v. 119, 120; vi. 47, 60, 401; viii. 115, 123 _n._, 257, 506; x. 33; xi. 403; xii. 207. Vice, Society for Suppression of, i. 60, 139; viii. 283. Vich Ian Vohr (in Scott’s Waverley), iv. 247; viii. 129; xii. 114. Victor-Emanuel, ix. 190. Vidal, Pierre, x. 55. Vienna, i. 346; ii. 173, 179, 182, 186; iii. 99, 180; viii. 283; x. 369. —— Congress, iii. 180. View of the English Stage, viii. 169; also referred to in i. 418, 439, 449; iii. 447; viii. 89, 504, 512; xi. 576. Vigano (an actor), vii. 338; ix. 278. Village (Crabbe’s), iv. 349, 351, 353; xi. 604. —— Clergyman, The (in Goldsmith’s Deserted Village), v. 376. —— Minstrel (Le Nain’s), ix. 35. —— Politicians, The (Wilkie’s), viii. 141. —— Schoolmaster, The (in Goldsmith’s Deserted Village), v. 376; vi. 47. Villera, Marquis of (Don Henri of Arragon), x. 56. Villeneux (a musician), ii. 164. Villiers, George (second Duke of Buckingham), iii. 393, 399; v. 373; vii. 209 _n._ Villiers, Lady Mary, Epitaph on (Carew’s), v. 312. Vimiera (a town), iii. 113. Vincent, William, ii. 99. Vincentio (Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew), i. 344. —— Duke of (Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), i. 346. Vinci, Leonardo. See Leonardo da Vinci. Vindication of Natural Society (Burke’s), iii. 421. Vindiciæ Gallicæ (Mackintosh’s), iv. 284, 286; xii. 264. Vindictive Man, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 235, 236. Viola (Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night), i. 314, 315, 318; viii. 43, 470. Violante (Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156, 333, 336; xi. 401. Vionnax (a town), ix. 289, 290. Viotti, Giovanni Battista, xii. 349. Virgil, i. 140, 148; iii. 48, 51, 161; iv. 199, 351, 356; v. 186; vi. 106–7, 163, 217 _n._, 222, 223, 334; vii. 268; viii. 17, 24, 94, 96, 257, 353; ix. 136, 447; x. 13, 87, 278; xi. 288, 336, 492; xii. 223, 273, 429. —— and Dante in the Boat (Delacroix’s), ix. 137. Virgin Mary (pictures of), ix. 216. —— (Raphael’s Foligno), ix. 365. —— and Child (Correggio’s), ix. 26. —— —— (Cortot’s), ix. 167. —— —— (Leonardo da Vinci’s), ix. 120; xi. 240 _n._ —— Infant Christ and St John (A. del Sarto’s), ix. 25. —— Sleeping Jesus, and St John (Raphael’s), ix. 30. —— Martyr (Massinger’s), iv. 310; v. 266. Virginia (a tobacco), vii. 70. Virginia (in Macready’s Virginius of Drury Lane), viii. 457. Virginius (play at Drury Lane), viii. 456, 457. —— (Sheridan Knowles), iv. 368; vii. 321 _n._; viii. 455, 456, 478; xi. 391. Virli (a town), ix. 277. Visconti (a family, in Boccaccio), ix. 456. Vision, Essay on (Berkeley’s), vii. 306, 415 _n._, 434 _n._; xi. 108, 112; xii. 266. —— upon the Conceipt of the Fairy Queen, The, v. 298. —— of Judgment (Byron’s), iv. 261, 265, 266; vii. 379. —— —— (Southey’s), xii. 267. —— St Romuald (A. Sacchi’s), ix. 240. Visit to the Grandmother, The (Northcote’s), vi. 404. Viso, Monte (a mountain), ix. 195. Vitelli (a family), xi. 443. Vitellius (bust of), ix. 165, 221. Viterbo (a town), ix. 231. Vito, Antonio Rosa, x. 292. Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus, x. 341; xi. 456 _n._ Vittoria (a town), iii. 113. —— Corombona (Webster’s), v. 235, 241, 245, 247. Vivacity Dull (in Disraeli’s Vivian Grey), xi. 348. Vives, Ludovicus, x. 143. Vivian Grey (Disraeli’s), xi. 343, 344, 346; xii. 444. Volney, Comte de, iv. 74. Volpone (Ben Jonson’s), vi. 118; viii. 40, 43, 44. Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, i. 55, 82, 86, 89 _n._, 94, 102, 116, 138; ii. 107, 166, 179, 401; iii. 140; iv. 91, 217, 283; v. 56, 94, 111, 112, 113, 114, 163; vi. 316, 445; vii. 16, 173, 212, 311, 313, 323; viii. 17, 90, 287; ix. 118, 166; x. 69, 105–7, 109, 111; xi. 125, 231, 282, 389, 391, 450–2, 454; xii. 37, 169, 334, 358, 446. Volterra, ix. 250; x. 303. —— Daniele da, ix. 110. Voltore (Ben Jonson’s Volpone), viii. 44. Volumnia (Shakespeare’s Coriolanus), i. 216; viii. 349, 350, 376. Voss, Johann Heinrich, ii. 229. Votary of Wealth (Holman’s), ii. 219. Vulcan, iv. 223. —— and Ceres (Titian’s), ix. 74. Vulgarity and Affectation, On, vi. 156. W. W——, vi. 456. —— (Lady), vi. 461. —— (Mrs), vi. 406. Wadd, Mr (in Pigeons and Crows), viii. 469. Wade, William, xi. 283. Wages, Essay on (Macculloch’s), xii. 412. Wagram, iii. 112. Wainewright, Thomas Griffiths, vi. 160, 483; viii. 453, 454. Waister, Henry, ix. 265. Waithman, Robert, iv. 366; vi. 112, 480; ix. 246; xi. 348, 474; xii. 275. Waitwell (Congreve’s Mourning Bride), viii. 75. Wakefield, Gilbert, ii. 171, 202, 225, 227. —— (in Holcroft’s Hugh Trevor), ii. 137. Walcheren, iii. 132, 261; x. 123. Waldegrave, Lady, x. 170. Waldron, Francis Godolphin, ii. 170. Wales, ii. 279; iii. 394; vi. 34, 186; xi. 249, 252. Wales, Prince of (George IV.), vii. 88; ix. 472. —— Princess of, xi. 470. Walham Green, xii. 50. Walker, Sarah, ii. 436; vi. 235, 305, 311, 495; vii. 501; x. 403. Walkers of Manchester, The, ii. 199. Wall (in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream), viii. 276. Wallace, Robert, iii. 356, 361, 372, 381; iv. 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 28, 157, 291, 292, 293, 294. —— (a tragedy), viii. 453, 480. Wallack, James William, viii. 240, 244, 247, 249, 253, 280, 369, 370, 479, 480, 484; xi. 379, 393. Wallenstein (Schiller’s), v. 363; x. 119. Waller, Edmund, iii. 396; v. 83, 371, 372; vii. 322; viii. 70. Wallis, Miss, xii. 198 _n._ Walpole, Horace, ii. 201, 272, 273; iii. 408, 409; v. 359; vi. 209; x. 159; xi. 487, 488. —— Letters of Horace, x. 159. —— Sir Robert, ii. 359; iii. 389, 405, 410, 413, 415; vi. 521; viii. 17; xi. 336. Walsall, ii. 14, 69, 70. Walter (in Morton’s The Children in the Wood), viii. 229, 388. —— Earl (in Holcroft’s Noble Peasant), ii. 110. —— John, iii. 159, 194; x. 217. —— John (the second), viii. 513. Walton, I., iv. 277; xii. 177. —— Miss (in Mackenzie’s Man of Feeling), vii. 227; viii. 105. Walworth, vi. 257. Wamba the jester (Scott’s Ivanhoe), iv. 251; viii. 426. Wanderer, The (Miss Burney’s), viii. 125; x. 25, 43. Wandering Jew, iii. 141; xii. 31, 115, 116. Wandesford, Christopher, iii. 394. Wantley, Dragon of, vii. 481. Wapping, vi. 510; vii. 92, 457; ix. 480. War, Art of (Fawcett’s), ii. 171 _n._; xii. 152 _n._ —— On the Late, iii. 96. —— Eclogues (Tyrtœus), iii. 319. —— and Taxes, On the Effects of, iii. 243. Warbeck. See Perkin Warbeck. Warburton, William, vi. 368; x. 18. Ward, James, ix. 121, 123. —— Ould Joe, the pugilist, ii. 205. —— William, vii. 268. Warde, James Prescott, xi. 381. Wardour Street, xii. 363. Ware, The great bed of, viii. 69. Warens, Madame, i. 90; v. 103; vi. 24; vii. 365, 366, 367, 369, 372; ix. 9; xii. 329. Warminster, Miss, vi. 200. Warren, Dr Richard, ii. 174, 175. —— Mr (in Holcroft’s The Road to Ruin), ii. 123. —— the widow (in Holcroft’s Road to Ruin), ii. 123. Warrock Wood, viii. 146 _n._ Warsaw, iii. 12, 56. Wart (Shakespeare’s Second Henry IV.), i. 11; vii. 263; viii. 33, 151. Warton, Thomas, ii. 200; v. 120, 123, 376; vi. 175; viii. 160; ix. 49, 399, 474; x. 138. Warwick, ii. 14. —— Earl of, xii. 330. —— Lane, the Dispensary in, xii. 23. Warwickshire, ii. 14. Washington, George, x. 236, 251. —— Arms, The (Rotterdam), ix. 301. Wat Tyler (Southey’s), iii. 192, 200; also referred to in i. 388; iii. 211, 212, 215, 218, 224, 258; iv. 266, 329; v. 164; vi. 434; vii. 16. —— —— and Mr Southey, x. 403. Watchman, The, iii. 139; v. 167; x. 131, 135, 145, 149; xi. 516. Waterfall (Ruysdael’s), ix. 22. Watering Place (P. H. Rogers’s), xi. 247. —— —— (Rubens’), vi. 74. Waterland, Bishop, vi. 76. Waterloo (Antoine), iv. 277. Waterloo, iii. 110, 113, 132, 177, 229, 246; iv. 324; vi. 190; ix. 122, 401 _n._; x. 249, 328; xi. 362; xii. 18 _n._, 204, 283. —— Sonnet on Battle of (Wordsworth’s), i. 429. —— Exhibition, i. 150. —— Place, ix. 299, 325. Water-Mill (Hobbima’s), ix. 22. Wathen, Mr, ii. 195, 197. Watkinson, Mr (actor), viii. 319, 533. Watling Street, iv. 365. Watson, John, ii. 28–32, 36–41, 46–9, 51, 53, 55. —— Richard (Bishop of Llandaff), iii. 276. —— Tom, ii. 32, 41, 49, 51. Watt, James, vi. 456. Watteau, Antoine, vi. 437; viii. 70; ix. 22, 23; x. 409; xi. 240. Watts, Dr Isaac, vi. 338. —— Mr, ii. 170, 174, 195, 196, 198, 222. Waverley (Scott’s), ii. 370, 413; iii. 32; iv. 243, 247, 418; vi. 65, 421, 426; vii. 5, 17, 99, 220, 344; viii. 128, 130; x. 330; xii. 65, 66, 114 _n._, 255, 372, 375, 389. Way of the World (Congreve’s), viii. 31, 37, 71, 72, 74, 251, 555. Weathercock, Janus (T. G. Wainewright), vi. 160, 483; viii. 453, 454, 478. Webb, Mr, ii. 170. Weber, Veil, ii. 222. Webster, John, v. 223; also referred to in v. 176, 181, 193, 234, 243, 247; vi. 192, 218 _n._; vii. 122, 320; x. 205; xii. 34. Wedding, Ballad on a (Suckling’s), v. 83. Wedding Day, The (a play), i. 325. Wedgewood, Josiah, ii. 203. —— Thomas, ii. 212; xii. 149, 264, 265. Weenix, Jan, ix. 111. Weidemann, Mr (a composer), ii. 90. Weird Sisters, The (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), viii. 206; xi. 315. Weld, Mr, ii. 169, 173, 174, 190, 196, 198, 199, 200, 208, 214, 218, 222. Wellborn (in Massinger’s New Way to Pay Old Debts), v. 267 _n._, 269 _n._; viii. 274. Wellesley, Marquis of, iii. 47; also referred to in xii. 375. —— Rev. Gerard Valerian, i. 366. Wellington, Duke of, i. 425; iii. 47, 53–5, 97, 106, 110, 112, 121 _n._, 125, 175, 183, 185, 187, 295; vi. 111, 304; vii. 99, 156 _n._, 215, 293 _n._, 340; viii. 267, 284, 322; ix. 203, 299, 352, 465, 491–2; xi. 480, 548 _n._, 551; xii. 253, 383. Wells Cathedral, x. 335. —— Charles Jeremiah (W.), vi. 200, 201. —— Mrs, vi. 417. Wem (Shropshire), vi. 258, 283, 497; viii. 406; xii. 259. Wendoll (in Heywood’s Woman Killed with Kindness), v. 212, 213. Wendover, iii. 421. Wensley, Miss, viii. 401. Wentworth, Thomas (Earl of Strafford), iii. 396. —— William (second Earl Fitzwilliam), ii. 169. Werther (Goethe’s), i. 70, 76; v. 363; vi. 6 _n._; vii. 303, 313; x. 118; xii. 67, 277, 281. Wesley, John, iii. 448; x. 357. Wesley, Samuel, x. 357. West, Benjamin, i. 78, 148; ii. 208; v. 33; vi. 171 _n._, 296, 302, 340, 358, 375, 388, 406, 438, 509; vii. 90, 92, 94–5, 103, 203; ix. 37, 46, 55, 137, 318, 320, 407, 408, 420, 471, 478 _n._, 479, 490; x. 194, 199; xi. 190, 255, 519, 550; xii. 221. —— Mrs, viii. 399, 400, 426, 450, 460. —— Indian (Cumberland’s), viii. 166, 406, 511. —— Indies, iii. 240; iv. 194; vi. 446; xii. 349. —— Thurrock (a town), ii. 245. West’s Man on a Black Horse, ix. 322. —— Picture of Death on a Pale Horse, v. 33; vi. 290 _n._; ix. 318. Westall, Richard, i. 139; iv. 244; v. 155; vi. 186, 430–2; vii. 164; ix. 333, 472, 490; xi. 225. —— William, xi. 248. Westbourn, Mr (actor), viii. 464. Westburn Flat (Scott’s), iv. 251. Western (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), viii. 151. —— Charles C., Esq., M.P., The Speech of, iii. 127, 132. —— Dispensary, vii. 82. Westminster, ii. 212; iii. 424; iv. 44 _n._, 189, 190; vii. 180, 457; ix. 283, 284; xii. 202. —— Abbey, i. 9; ii. 79; iii. 415; iv. 262; v. 347; vi. 358, 401, 509; vii. 67, 77, 89, 249; xiii. 90, 99; ix. 156, 164, 334; x. 335; xi. 455, 473. —— Bridge, xi. 281. —— Hall, iv. 199; viii. 472. —— Magazine, ii. 87. —— Review, vi. 356; vii. 183, 184, 381, 495; ix. 202 _n._ —— School, iii. 416; vi. 294, 342. —— —— of Reform, xii. 181. Westmorland, iv. 57; ix. 216, 393; xi. 200, 311, 512. Weston, Thomas, i. 157; ii. 76, 368; vi. 418; viii. 173; xii. 33. Wewitzer, Ralph, ii. 102; viii. 250, 388. Wexford, ii. 172, 173. Whackum (Butler’s Hudibras), viii. 65; xi. 478. Wharton, Philip, Duke of, iii. 408; vii. 168; xii. 388. What d’ye Call It (Gay’s), viii. 158. —— is the People? iii. 283. —— Next? (Dibdin’s), viii. 528. —— you Will (Marston’s), v. 225. What’s a Man of Fashion? (Reynolds), viii. 262. Wheel of Fortune, The (Cumberland’s), ii. 206; v. 363; viii. 166, 376. Wheeler, Mr, ii. 221. Wheelock (a village), ii. 166. Where to find a Friend (Leigh’s), viii. 258. Whether the Friends of Freedom can entertain any sanguine hopes of the favourable results of the ensuing Congress?, iii. 103. —— genius is conscious of its Powers?, vii. 117. Whig, Defoe’s definition, x. 362. Whitbread, Samuel, iii. 99, 308, 374; iv. 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 33; viii. 168; xi. 418, 469, 470. Whitchurch, xii. 260. White-conduit House, ii. 88; iv. 108; vii. 70. —— Devil (Webster’s), v. 240, 241, 245. —— Doe (Wordsworth’s), x. 417. —— Horse Cellar, The, xii. 3. —— —— Hotel, Brighton, ix. 89. —— Jem, vii. 37. —— Lion Inn, The, ii. 19. —— Mr (a lawyer), ii. 147, 150. Whitechapel, iv. 44 _n._; vi. 159, 379; viii. 454; xii. 13. Whitefoord, Caleb, vi. 354. Whitehall, ii. 194; vi. 423; vii. 68, 96; ix. 157, 355, 387. Whitehall Evening Post, ii. 56, 87. —— Stairs, xii. 32. Whitehead, William, iii. 113; v. 122; viii. 160. Whitfield, George, i. 60; v. 94; vii. 116. Whitgift, John, vi. 76. Whitlocke, Bulstrode, iii. 397. Whittington and his Cat, iii. 225; iv. 365; vii. 69, 254. Whittle, Dr (Dr L.), vi. 196 _n._, 489. —— Mrs (Mrs L.), vi. 196 _n._, 489. Who wants a Wife? (a farce), viii. 529. Who’s the Dupe? (Mrs Hannah Cowley), ii. 85; viii. 163. —— Who? or, The Double Imposture (a farce), viii. 525. Whole Duty of Man, The (Anon), i. 235; ii. 43; iii. 111; viii. 186; xi. 344, 375. Wickliffe, John, iii. 279; iv. 250. Wicklow, ii. 176. Widow Blackacre (in Wycherley’s Plain Dealer), viii. 78, 472, 506; xi. 404. —— Brady (in Garrick’s Irish Widow), viii. 316. —— Cheerly (in Cherry’s Soldier’s Daughter), xi. 297. —— Wadman (Sterne’s Tristram Shandy), i. 429; vi. 65; viii. 121; x. 39. —— of Watling Street, The, or, The Puritan, i. 356; v. 289. —— to her Hour-glass, The (Bloomfield’s), xii. 53. Widow’s Choice, The (Fielding’s), viii. 159. —— Stratagem. See Smiles and Tears. —— Tears, The (Chapman’s), v. 234. Widrington (prize-fighter), xii. 12 _n._ Wieland (boy actor), xi. 364. Wife of Bath (Chaucer’s), i. 422; iv. 102; v. 22, 24, 32, 370; x. 75, 76; xi. 274 _n._; xii. 30. Wife for a Month, A (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 261; vii. 229. —— On his deceased (Milton’s), vi. 179. Wiggins, Mr (in a play), viii. 433. Wilberforce, Sam, xii. 140 _n._ —— William, iv. 325; also referred to in iii. 121, 122, 123, 124, 126; iv. 227; vii. 82, 257; xi. 474, 475. Wilbury (a town), ii. 271. Wilcox, Miss, vi. 418. Wild Gallant, The (Etherege’s), viii. 68. —— Goose Chase, The (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 261; viii. 48. —— Man of France, or, Valentine and Orson, v. 361; vii. 215; viii. 236, 241. —— Oats (O’Keefe’s), ii. 194; viii. 316, 465; xi. 367. Wilford (G. Colman the younger’s Iron Chest), viii. 241, 344. Wilfred (in L. Bonaparte’s Charlemagne), xi. 232. Wilful (in Farquhar’s Recruiting Officer), viii. 286. Wilkes, John, iii. 418, 422; iv. 233, 235, 237; viii. 103; xi. 221. Wilkie, David, i. 148; v. 122, 141; vi. 270, 346, 421, 517; vii. 97; viii. 139, 140, 141, 428, 434; ix. 15, 29, 36, 359, 389, 406, 427, 435; x. 196; xi. 249, 255, 324, 590; xii. 255. Wilkie’s Pictures, On Mr, xi. 249. Wilkinson, Tate, viii. 331, 412, 464. Wilks, Robert, i. 157, 158; viii. 160. Will-making, On, vi. 113. Will, Barnes (Fielding’s Tom Jones), viii. 114. —— Cloudesley (Holcroft’s Noble Peasant), ii. 110. —— Honeycomb (in the Spectator), i. 9, 12; vii. 37; viii. 98, 151. Will Rash (in Cooke’s Greene’s Tu Quoque), v. 290. —— Wimble (in the Spectator), i. 9; vi. 234; viii. 98, 229; xii. 19. —— The (F. Reynolds), viii. 252, 463. Will’s, i. 8; viii. 96. Will, Treatise on the (Edward’s), x. 315. William “our waiter,” vi. 194 _n._ —— III., iii. 114, 402; v. 106, 108; vii. 373; x. 358, 371, 372–3, 378; xi. 275, 318. Williams, James, ix. 97. —— Dr John, iii. 394; viii. 98. —— Hugh, viii. 469; ix. 324. —— Master (boy-actor), viii. 292. Williams’s Views In Greece, On, ix. 324. Willich, A. F. M., xi. 168. Wilmot (in Lillo’s Fatal Curiosity), ii. 212. —— (in Holcroft’s Hugh Trevor), ii. 89, 95, 137. Wilson (in Smollett’s Humphrey Clinker), xii. 64. —— (in Fielding’s Tom Jones), viii. 115; x. 33, 34. —— the Black, ix. 330. —— Daniel, xii. 285. —— J., xi. 247. —— Richard, ii. 165, 189, 196, 197, 198, 221; vi. 8, 17, 270, 379, 380, 438, 458; vii. 55, 56, 65, 114; ix. 25, 60, 317, 389, 392, 395, 409, 411, 476 _et seq._; x. 194; xi. 198, 202, 248; xii. 327, 349, 350. —— Sir Robert, iii. 157. —— Walter, x. 355. Wilson’s Landscapes at the British Institution, xi. 198. Wilton House, iii. 395; v. 121; vi. 14; ix. 55, 56, 473 _n._; xii. 429. —— —— Sonnet on (Warton’s), ix. 49; xii. 202. —— Stourhead, etc., Pictures at, ix. 55. Wiltshire, iii. 394; ix. 54, 158. Wimbledon, iv. 233, 325; vii. 198; xii. 345. Winborn (a town), iii. 400. Winchester, vii. 253. Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, x. 190. Windermere, ix. 262. Windham, William, ii. 156, 158, 159 _n._, 169, 201, 205; iii. 61, 224, 409, 424; iv. 239; vi. 33, 146; vii. 265, 267, 272–3, 376 _n._; xii. 14, 15, 294, 363. Windsor, v. 118; vi. 200, 276 _n._, 441; vii. 12; ix. 36, 37, 157. —— Earl of, xii. 56. —— Castle, Pictures at, ix. 36. —— Forest (Pope’s), v. 373; ix. 37. Winifred Jenkins (in Smollett’s Humphrey Clinker), viii. 117; x. 35. Winter (Thomson’s Seasons), v. 89. —— (a sonnet), ii. 224. Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare’s), i. 324; also referred to in i. 35, 106, 176; v. 87, 98; vii. 327; viii. 305, 376; xi. 206; xii. 339. Winterslow, i. 421; vi. 90; vii. 121. Winzingerode, Baron, xi. 197. Wirgmann (A. Goldsmith), vi. 474. Wisbeach Fair, ii. 9. Wisdom of the Ancients, Treatise on the (Lord Bacon’s), i. 211. Wishwell (in Cibber’s Double Gallant), viii. 361. Wit and Humour, On, viii. 5. —— Definition of, xii. 445. Wit’s Magazine, The, ii. 112. Witch, The (Middleton), v. 218. —— of Atlas (Shelley’s), x. 264–6. —— of Micklestane Moor, The (in Scott’s Black Dwarf), viii. 129. Witch’s Son (Spenser), v. 38. Witches (Michael Angelo’s), ix. 363 _n._ Witches (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), xi. 506. See also under Weird. Witham-common, vi. 185. Wither, George, v. 84, 98, 371; vi. 45; xi. 284. Wittenberg, v. 48; vii. 344. Wittgenstein, Ludwig Adolf (Graf von), xi. 197. Witwoud (Congreve’s Way of the World), v. 231; viii. 37, 73, 74, 76. Woden, xii. 251. Wolcot, John. See Pindar, Peter. Wolfe, General James, vi. 358, 509; ix. 419; x. 199; xi. 546. Wolsey, Cardinal, iii. 278; vi. 86. Wolstonecroft, Mary, iv. 212; vii. 41, 234; xi. 420; xii. 264, 347. Wolverhampton, ii. 14. Woman, Essay on (Wilkes), iii. 423. —— Keeps a Secret, A. See Wonder. —— Killed with Kindness (Haywood’s), v. 212, 213. —— taken in Adultery (Pordenone’s), ix. 35. —— —— (Rembrandt’s), ix. 13. —— —— (Titian’s), ix. 54. —— never vexed, A (Rowley’s), v. 214. Women Beware Women (Middleton’s), v. 214. Wonder, The, or, A Woman keeps a Secret (Mrs Centlivre’s), viii. 332; xi. 401; also referred to in viii. 155, 156, 513. Wonder of a Kingdom (Dekker’s), v. 234. Wonderful Magazine, The, vii. 149. Wood (actor), xi. 388. —— Alderman Sir Matthew, vi. 63, 386; xi. 474, 555. Woodcock, John, ii. 24, 26, 29. Woodfall, William, x. 215. Woodman, The (Gainsborough’s), vi. 438; ix. 395; xi. 204. Woodstock (Scott’s), vi. 409, 410. —— (town), iii. 398. Woodward (a racquet player), vi. 88. Woody Scene (Gainsborough’s), xi. 203. Woollett, William, vi. 358, 509. Woolmar (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Beggars’ Bush), viii. 265, 266. Worcester, ii. 66, 196; iii. 411; xii. 268. —— The Bishop of. See Stillingfleet. Word for Nature (Cumberland’s), ii. 206. Wordsworth, William, iv. 270; xi. 411; xii. 328; also referred to in i. 40, 45, 46, 84, 92–3, 120, 152, 250, 319, 391, 394, 425, 429; ii. 328; iii. 116, 120, 142, 157, 172, 192, 206, 281, 311, 444, 448; iv. 201, 244, 257, 258, 268, 276; v. 63, 118, 128, 129, 130–2, 154–6, 161, 180, 247, 369, 369, 377; vi. 43–5, 65, 68, 87, 152, 176, 224, 336, 457, 481; vii. 41, 61, 76, 102, 104, 105, 196, 203, 228, 231, 303, 310, 320, 374, 429; viii. 303, 420, 421; ix. 152, 431; x. 135, 142, 150, 154, 162, 244, 264, 410, 417; xi. 284, 327, 334, 422, 452, 454, 457, 500, 512, 536, 544, 546, 572, 605, 608; xii. 39, 57, 236, 264, 268, 269, 270, 271, 273, 307, 326. Wordsworth’s Poem The Excursion, Observations on, i. 111, 120. —— New Poem The Excursion, Character of, xi. 572. —— Sonnets, xii. 171. World, The (a newspaper), vii. 226; viii. 21, 104. —— —— (Kenney’s), viii. 229. Worthies (Fuller’s), iv. 365; vii. 229, 255. Worthing, xiii. 354. Wosely Bridge (Staffordshire), ii. 13. Wounded Cupid (Herrick’s), v. 312. Wouverman, Philip, ii. 189, 228; ix. 21, 60, 111. Wrath (in Spenser), v. 39. Wray, Sir John, iii. 396. Wrekin, The, viii. 89, 287. Wrench, Benjamin (actor), viii. 315, 327; xi. 369, 370, 375. Wrexham, vi. 186. Writers and Speakers on Old English, vii. 311. Writing and Speaking, On the Difference Between, vii. 262. Wroth, Sir Robert, Address to (Ben Jonson’s), v. 307. Wroughton, Richard, viii. 184, 241; xi. 192. Wyatt, Benjamin Dean, vi. 278 _n._ —— Sir Thomas, v. 34. Wyche, Andrew, ix. 271. Wycherley, William, i. 13, 313; v. 231; vii. 212 _n._, 322; viii. 10, 14, 29, 35, 70, 152, 153, 510, 552, 554–5; x. 118, 205; xi. 276–7, 311 _n._, 346, 383, 404. —— Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar, On, viii. 70. Wyclif. See Wickliffe, John. Wycombe, Lord, ii. 212, 217, 220, 221, 224, 227. Wylie, Sir Andrew (Galt’s), vii. 105, 134. Wyndham, Sir William (see also Baron Grenville), xii. 50. Wynne, Sir Watkin Williams, iii. 213, 233, 413; vi. 442. —— Mr C., vii. 279 _n._; xi. 476. X. Xenophon, vi. 107, 110. Xerxes, xii. 204. Y. Yahoos, The (Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels), iii. 137; v. 112. Yanguesian Carriers (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), i. 350; iv. 338; vi. 54; xii. 72. Yarico (Colman’s Incle and Yarico), viii. 464. Yarmouth, i. 97; ii. 242, 278; vi. 359. Yates, Richard, viii. 427, 459. Year, The, 1745, or, Prince and the Pretender (a play), xi. 387. —— —— 2500 (Mercier’s), ii. 107; vii. 241. Yellow Dwarf, The (John Hunt’s), iii. 281, 454 _et seq._; iv. 406; xi. 411, 416, 420, 426; xii. 246 _n._ Yorick (Shakespeare’s), i. 232; iii. 120 _n._ —— (Sterne’s), i. 97; vi. 307; vii. 33, 176; viii. 121; x. 39. York (Dukes of), iii. 400; iv. 324; vi. 200; vii. 88; xi. 546, 556; xii. 276 _n._ —— —— (in a picture by Gillray), ii. 185. —— —— (Sir J. Reynolds), ix. 472. —— —— (in Shakespeare’s Henry V.), i. 290. —— —— (in Shakespeare’s Richard II.), i. 275. —— and Lancaster, Civil Wars of, i. 155, 292; vii. 253; xii. 356. —— vi. 384. Yorkshire, ii. 65; iii. 396, 405, 410, 421, 424; iv. 227, 332, 367; vi. 185; x. 310; xii. 379. —— Tragedy, The, i. 356; v. 289; x. 117. York Street (Westminster), ix. 283. —— Theatre, The, viii. 335. Yorke, Charles, xi. 473. Yorke, Philip (Earl of Hardwicke), see also Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor, iii. 414; vi. 367. Young, Arthur, iv. 9 _n._ —— Charles Mayne, vi. 278; viii. 177, 192, 235, 236, 251, 252, 262–3, 266, 268, 283, 309, 337, 339, 340, 357, 368, 434, 455, 466, 470, 473, 513, 534, 539, 540; xi. 374, 393, 394, 397, 407, 411, 453. Young, Edward, i. 40; v. 63, 68, 104, 114, 375; vi. 324 _n._; xi. 574. Young’s Hamlet, xi. 394. Young Man’s Head (Holbein’s), ix. 40. —— —— (Titian’s), ix. 59. —— —— (in the Louvre), ix. 112. —— Poet (Crabbe’s), iv. 353. Youth and Age (Denner’s), ix. 41. —— going to Bathe (Espercieux), ix. 167. —— taken Captive (Salvator’s), x. 292. Z. Zaire, Voltaire’s, vi. 383; x. 111; xi. 282. Zaleucus, iv. 101. Zampieri, The Marquis, ix. 205. —— Domenico. See Domenichino. Zamtout, iii. 146; viii. 13. Zanga (in Young’s Revenge), i. 209; v. 115, 209; viii. 221, 227, 271, 480; xi. 397. Zapolya (Coleridge’s), xi. 412, 418. Zembuca, or, Net-Maker and His Wife (Pocock’s), viii. 227. Zephyr Thwarting the Loves of a Butterfly and a Rose, A (Boyer’s), ix. 167. Zephyr and Flora (a ballet), viii. 353. Zerlina (in Mozart’s Don Giovanni), viii. 364, 371; xi. 307. Zetland, xi. 532. Zimri, iii. 146; viii. 13. Zisca, John, iii. 265; iv. 217. Zoffani, Johann, vi. 386; viii. 173; xii. 198 _n._ Zuccarelli, Francesco, ix. 37. Zulietta (Rousseau’s), i. 90. TURNBULL AND SPEARS PRINTERS EDINBURGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES 1. 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