This file contains the lilypond sources and some surrounding context
from the html files.  The entire html file could not be processed
because python cannot handle strings of any significant size.

Several patches were needed to get lilypond-book to work right,
so good luck.  You'll need it.

This was compiled using lilypond version 2.0.1, using this command:
    lilypond-book -f html

This patch makes lilypond-book work correctly with latin1 characters.
--- lilypond-2.0.1/tex/lilyponddefs.tex	Thu Sep 18 07:19:33 2003
+++ lilyponddefs.tex	Wed May 19 18:18:36 2004
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
+        \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
         % \begin is defined as \outer in texinfo, thus we use \csname
         \csname begin\endcsname{document}

This patch makes the filename option work correctly.
--- lilypond-2.0.1/scripts/out/lilypond-book	Sun Jan 11 12:42:20 2004
+++ ./lilypond-book	Thu May 20 11:11:13 2004
@@ -732,8 +732,6 @@
 ''' % (optstring, music_size, linewidth, indent, notime) + body
-	if orig_name:
-		body = '\\renameinput \"%s\"\n%s' % (orig_name, body)
 	# ughUGH not original options
@@ -1251,7 +1249,7 @@
 		original_name = os.path.basename (original_name)
-		base = unique_file_name (content)
+		base = original_name
 		outname = base + '.ly'
 		changed = update_file (content, outname)
-----------------------File: 015.png----------------------------

\clef treble \relative f'' { f16 a f g e f c e b d a b }

I wish all the fingers to be used; and also in similar ones, such as these,--

\clef treble \relative f'' { c16 e d f e g d f } &c. \clef treble \relative f'' { g16 e f d e c d b } &c.

-----------------------File: 029.png----------------------------

Where are the coverlets for the beds?

\score{ \addlyrics \new Staff \notes\relative f'' { \clef treble e1 f1 \bar "" } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Where? where? } \paper{ raggedright = ##t indent = #0 \translator{ \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) \remove Time_signature_engraver } }}

-----------------------File: 042.png----------------------------



Vienna, April 16, 1819.


Here are the Tempi of the Sonata.

1st Allegro, Allegro (alone), erase the assai. Maelzel's metronome % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { c2 } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } = 138.

2d movement, Scherzoso. Maelzel's metronome % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { c2 } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } = 80.

3d movement, Maelzel's metronome % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { c8 } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } = 92.

Observe that a previous bar is to be inserted here, namely:--

\score{ \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \notes\relative c' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 6/8 << R2. s4.^"New bar." >> | 4\sustainDown a'8 << { a fis g } \\ { cis, cis } >> } \new Staff \notes { \clef bass \key d \major \time 6/8 << { a4. cis' | fis s } \\ { 4. | 8 } >> \bar "" } >> \paper{ indent = #0 raggedright = ##t \translator{\ScoreContext SpacingSpanner \set #'spacing-increment = #3 } }}

4th movement, Introduzione--largo. Maelzel's metronome % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { c16 } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } = 76.

-----------------------File: 043.png----------------------------

5th and last movement, 3/4 time. Maelzel's metronome % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { c2 } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } = 144.

\new Staff \notes { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 3/4 a''2. | a''4( c'''2) \bar "" }

-----------------------File: 060.png----------------------------


Vienna, Sept. 21, 1819.

In honor of the visit of Herr Schlesinger of Berlin.

[Music: Four staves (SATB), B-flat major, 4/4 time, repeating. Glaube und hoffe Glaube und hoffe und hoffe Glaube und hoffe, Glaube und hoffe Glaube und hoffe, ] \score { << \addlyrics \new Staff \notes \relative f'' { \clef soprano \key bes \major \time 4/4 r1 \bar "|:" r1 r1 f2 d,4 bes' | ees2 d \bar ":|" } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Glau -- be und hof -- fe } \addlyrics \new Staff \notes \relative c'' { \clef alto \key bes \major \time 4/4 r1 \bar "|:" r1 c2 bes4 bes | a2 bes4 f | g( a) bes2 \bar ":|" } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Glau -- be und hof -- fe und hof -- fe } \addlyrics \new Staff \notes \relative bes { \clef tenor \key bes \major \time 4/4 r1 \bar "|:" bes2 a4 a | ees'2 d | bes4( ees) d d | c2 bes \bar ":|" } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Glau -- be und hof -- fe, glau -- be und hof -- fe } \addlyrics \new Staff \notes \relative f { \clef bass \key bes \major \time 4/4 f2 bes,4 bes \bar "|:" g'2 f | r1 r1 f2 bes,4 bes \bar ":|" } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Glau -- be und hof -- fe, } >> \paper { indent = #0 raggedright = ##t \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) }} }

-----------------------File: 071.png----------------------------



[Music: Treble clef, C major. Seiner Kaiserlichen Hoheit! Dem Erzherzog Rudolph! Dem geistlichen Fürsten! Alles Gute! alles Schöne! alles Gute! alles Schöne! alles alles Gute, alles alles Schöne! alles Gute! alles Schöne! alles Gute, alles Schöne! alles alles Gute, alles Schöne! alles Gute, alles Schöne! alles Gute, alles Schöne!]

% may need to insert more line breaks segnomark = \mark \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } fanfare = \notes \relative g' { \autoBeamOff 16^\f 4 8 r16^\fermata r8 16^\f 4 8 r16^\fermata 8^\p 16 4 r16^\fermata } fanfaremelody = \notes \relative c' { \autoBeamOff c16_\f c c c c c f,4 f8 r16_\fermata r8 c'16_\f c c c g4 g8 r16_\fermata a8_\p a a16 a e4 a r16_\fermata | } melody = \notes \relative c'' { \segnomark \time 4/4 % the cadenza confuses the accidentals in the first measure \partial 4 d8^"Mäßig." b | a4 g r d'8 e | f4 e r e8 f | g4 c, r f8 e | d2 c4 r | \segnomark d8 b b b c[ d] d4 | a8 b c e f4 e | c4. c8 b4 c | b8 a g[ f] e4 r | \segnomark r4 g8 g a[( b]) b4 | r4 g8 c c[( d]) g,4 | e8[( g]) c[( e]) g, g g8. g16 | g8 c b[( g]) g4 r | \segnomark r4 d8 b a4 g | r4 e'8 c a[ b] c[ d] | r4 e8 e d4 c | g'8 g g,4 c \bar "||" } words = \lyrics { Sei -- ner Kai -- ser -- li -- chen Ho -- heit! Dem Erz -- her -- zog Ru -- dolph! Dem geist -- li -- chen Für -- sten! Al -- les Gu -- te! al -- les Schö -- ne! al -- les Gu -- te! al -- les Schö -- ne! al -- les al -- les Gu -- te, al -- les al -- les Schö -- ne! al -- les Gu -- te! al -- les Schö -- ne! al -- les Gu -- te, al -- les Schö -- ne! al -- les al -- les Gu -- te, al -- les Schö -- ne! al -- les Gu -- te, al -- les Schö -- ne! al -- les Gu -- te, al -- les Schö -- ne! } \score { \addlyrics \new Staff \notes { \clef treble \key c \major \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \autoBeamOff \forgetAccidentals \cadenzaOn << \fanfare \\ \fanfaremelody >> \cadenzaOff \bar "|" \break \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-visible \melody } \new Lyrics \words \paper { indent = #0 %raggedright = ##t \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) } } }

-----------------------File: 080.png----------------------------

[Music: Bass clef, F major, 2/4 time, Lively in the upper octave. O Tobias! O Tobias! Dominus Ha--s linger o! o! o Tobias!] words = \lyrics { O To -- bi -- as! O To -- bi -- as! Do -- mi -- nus Ha - - - - - - - - - - - s lin -- ger o! o! o To -- bi -- as! } melody = \notes \relative a { \property Score.BarNumber \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \clef bass \key f \major \time 2/4 \autoBeamOff a8^\markup{\italic "Lively in the upper octave."} d, f d \bar "|:" R2 | cis'8 a cis a | d4 c!8 c | \break bes4 a | g c | \clef treble g'' f | e d | g f | \break e d | c bes8 bes | f'2^\sf | d^\sf | f8 bes, d bes \bar ":|" } \score { \addlyrics \new Staff \melody \new Lyrics \words \paper { indent = #0 %raggedright = ##t \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) } } }

But scarcely did I wake when away flew the Canon, and I could not recall any part of it. On returning here however, next day, in the same carriage, (that of a poor Austrian musician,) I resumed my dream-journey, being, however, on this occasion wide awake, when lo and behold! in accordance with the laws of the association of ideas the same Canon again flashed across me; so being now awake I held it as fast as Menelaus did Proteus, only permitting it to be changed into three parts.

-----------------------File: 081.png----------------------------

[Music: Treble, Tenor, and Bass clef staves, F major, 2/4 time. O Tobias! O Tobias! Dominus Ha--slinger o! ] treblewords = \lyrics { O To -- bi -- as! O To -- bi -- as! Do -- mi -- nus Ha - - - - - - - - - - - - slin -- ger o! o! } tenorwords = \lyrics { O To -- bi -- as! O To -- bi -- as To -- bi -- as! To -- bi -- as To -- bi -- as To -- bi -- as To -- bi -- as To -- bi -- as Do -- mi -- nus Has -- lin -- ger o! o! } basswords = \lyrics { O To -- bi -- as! O To -- bi -- as! } treblemelody = \notes \relative a' { \property Score.BarNumber \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \clef treble \key f \major \time 2/4 \autoBeamOff R2 \bar "|:" a8 d, f d | R2 | cis'8 a cis a | \break R2 | d4 c!8 c | bes4 a | g c | bes a | \break g f | bes a | g f | e d8 d | a'2 | f \bar ":|" } tenormelody = \notes \relative c' { \property Score.BarNumber \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \clef tenor \key f \major \time 2/4 \autoBeamOff R2 \bar "|:" d4. d8 | e4 a, | e'4. e8 | e4 d8 d | g g, r c | e4 c8 c | e4 f8 a, | bes[ c] d d | \break d4 d8 d | d4 d | c d8 d | cis4 b8 b | r4 f | r d' \bar ":|" } bassmelody = \notes \relative a { \property Score.BarNumber \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \clef bass \key f \major \time 2/4 \autoBeamOff a8 d, f d \bar "|:" R2 | cis'8 a cis a | R2 | d4 c!8 c | bes4 a | g c | bes a | g f | \break bes a | g f | e d8 d | a'2 | f | a8 d, f d \bar ":|" } \score { << \addlyrics \new Staff \treblemelody \new Lyrics \treblewords \addlyrics \new Staff \tenormelody \new Lyrics \tenorwords \addlyrics \new Staff \bassmelody \new Lyrics \basswords >> \paper { indent = #0 %raggedright = ##t \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) } } }

-----------------------File: 174.png----------------------------



Vienna, April 9, 1825.


I write only what is most pressing! So far as I can remember in the score of the Symphony [the 9th] that I sent you, in the first hautboy, 242d bar, there stands [Music: F E D] instead of [Music: F E E]. I have carefully revised all the instrumental parts, but those of the brass instruments only partially, though I believe they are tolerably correct. I would already have sent you my score [for performance at the Aix musical festival], but I have still a concert in prospect, if indeed my health admits of it, and this MS. is the only score I possess. I must now soon go to the country, as this is the only season when I profit by it. \score{ \new Staff \notes { f''16[^"F" e''^"E" d'']^"D" } \paper { raggedright = ##t indent = #0 \translator { \StaffContext \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Clef_engraver }}} \score{ \new Staff \notes { f''16[^"F" e''^"E" e'']^"E" } \paper { raggedright = ##t indent = #0 \translator { \StaffContext \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Clef_engraver }}}

-----------------------File: 178.png----------------------------

On a certain person of the name of Schwencke.[2]

[Music: treble clef, key of F major, 3/4 time. /* Schwen-ke dich, Schwen-ke dich oh-ne Schwän-ke, oh-ne Schwän-ke, oh-ne Schwän-ke, oh-ne Schwän-ke ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ Schwen-ke dich, schwen-ke dich, schwen-ke dich ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ */] segnomark = \mark \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } segnover = \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } melody = \notes \relative c'' { \property Score.BarNumber \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \autoBeamOff \clef treble \key f \major \time 3/4 c8._\f^\segnover f,16 d'4_\sf r | d8. g,16 e'4_\sf r8 a,16 a | \break f_\ff f f f f f f f f f f f | \break e e d d c c d d e e c c | \break r4^\segnover f8. bes,16 bes'4 | r4 g8. c,16 c'4 | \break f16 f f,8 f'16 f f,8 \break f'16 f f,8 | g16 g f8 g16 g f8 bes16 bes a8 | \bar "||" } words = \lyrics { Schwen -- ke dich, Schwen -- ke dich oh -- ne Schwän -- ke, oh -- ne Schwän -- ke, oh -- ne Schwän -- ke, oh -- ne Schwän -- ke _ -- _ _ -- _ _ -- _ _ -- _ _ -- _ Schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich, _ -- _ - _ -- _ - _ -- _ - _ -- _ - _ -- _ - } wordsB = \lyrics { Schwen -- ke dich, Schwen -- ke dich oh -- ne Schwän -- ke, oh -- ne Schwän -- ke, oh -- ne Schwän -- ke, oh -- ne Schwän -- ke Schwän -- ke Schwän -- ke Schwän -- ke Schwän -- ke Schwän -- ke Schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich, schwen -- ke dich. } \score{ \addlyrics \new Staff \melody \new Lyrics \wordsB \paper { %raggedright = ##t indent = #0 \translator { \StaffContext \remove Bar_number_engraver minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) }}}

On a certain person of the name of Hoffmann.

[Music: treble clef, key of C, 3/4 time. /* Hoff-mann! Hoff-mann! Sei ja kein Hof-mann! ja kein Hof-mann! nein, nein ÷ nein ÷ ÷ ÷ ich hei-ße Hoff-mann und bin kein Hof-mann] */] segnomark = \mark \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } segnover = \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } melody = \notes \relative c'' { \property Score.BarNumber \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \autoBeamOff \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/4 c4^\markup{ \translate #(cons -2 0) \segnover }^\f g2 | e'4 c2 | R2. | a4 a a | aes2^\p f4 | \break r e f | g2 c,4 | r^\segnover c'8^\f c e4 | r8 c e f g4 | \break e4 e e | g f2 | f4 c c | c,2.^\p ~ | c2 c4 \bar "||" } words = \lyrics { Hoff -- mann! Hoff -- mann! Sei ja kein Hof -- mann! ja kein Hof -- mann! nein, nein - nein - - - ich hei -- ße Hoff -- mann und bin kein Hof -- mann } wordsB = \lyrics { Hoff -- mann! Hoff -- mann! Sei ja kein Hof -- mann! ja kein Hof -- mann! nein, nein, nein nein, nein, nein, nein ich hei -- ße Hoff -- mann und bin kein Hof -- mann } \score{ \addlyrics \new Staff \melody \new Lyrics \wordsB \paper { %raggedright = ##t indent = #0 \translator { \StaffContext \remove Bar_number_engraver minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) }}}

-----------------------File: 179.png----------------------------

[Music: treble clef, C-major. Das Schö-ne mit dem Guten.] segnomark = \mark \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } segnover = \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } melody = \notes \relative e'' { \property Score.BarNumber \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'break-visibility = #all-visible \autoBeamOff \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 e4 | \bar "|:" \segnomark e4. e16[ d] c4 a | b2 a4 e' | \bar ":|" \segnomark } words = \lyrics { Das Schö -- ne mit dem Gu -- ten. Das } \score{ \addlyrics \new Staff \melody \new Lyrics \words \paper { raggedright = ##t indent = #0 \translator { \StaffContext \remove Bar_number_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) }}}

-----------------------File: 180.png----------------------------

[Music: C-clef on bottom line, A major, marked "Solostimme". E-rde.] segnomark = \mark \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } segnover = \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } voiceone = \context Voice = voiceone \notes \relative g' { % really bad stem lengths this way!!! \stemUp e8[^"Solostimme." e' d cis] \stemBoth b fis4. ~ | fis8 fis } voicetwo = \context Voice = voicetwo \notes \relative g' { \stemDown e4 s } melody = \notes \relative g' { \clef soprano \key a \major \time 4/4 \autoBeamOff \property Staff.NoteCollision \override #'merge-differently-headed = ##t << \voiceone \voicetwo >> } words = \lyrics { E1 -- rde.4 } \score{ << \new Staff \melody \new Lyrics \words >> \paper { raggedright = ##t indent = #0 \translator { \StaffContext \remove Bar_number_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) }}}

I wish it to be written thus:--

[Music: E-rde. (with different notes)] segnomark = \mark \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } segnover = \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } voicea = \context Voice = voicea \notes \relative g' { \voiceOne e8[( e' d cis] b) fis4. | fis8 fis } voiceb = \context Voice = voiceb \notes \relative g' { \voiceTwo e4 fis8 gis fis2 ~ | fis8 } melody = \notes \relative g' { \clef soprano \key a \major \time 4/4 \autoBeamOff \property Staff.NoteCollision \override #'merge-differently-headed = ##t << \voicea \voiceb >> } words = \lyrics { E1 -- rde.4 } \score{ << \new Staff \melody \new Lyrics \words >> \paper { raggedright = ##t indent = #0 \translator { \StaffContext \remove Bar_number_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Clef_engraver minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) }}}

-----------------------File: 185.png----------------------------

[Music: Treble clef, C major, 2/2 time. Doctor sperrt das Thor dem Todt: Rote hilft auch aus der Roth. Doctor sperrt das Thor dem Todt: Rote hilft auch aus der Roth.] \score { \addlyrics \new Staff \notes { \property Score.BarNumber \set #'break-visibility = #all-invisible \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/2 \relative c'' { c2 c b a g f e1 \bar "||" e2 e f2 g a b c1 \bar "||" c,2 c d e f g a1 \bar "||" c2 d4( f) g( f) f( e) e( d) d2 c1 \bar "||" }} \new Lyrics \lyrics { Doc -- tor sperrt das Thor dem Todt: Ro -- te \break hilft auch aus der Roth. Doc -- tor sperrt das \break Thor dem Todt: Ro -- te hilft auch aus der Roth. } \paper { indent = #0 \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) } } }

-----------------------File: 210.png----------------------------



Read violino 2do--the passage in the first Allegretto in the 1st violin--thus:--

[Music: Treble clef. sixteenth notes.] &c. \relative c''' { c16([ b a c] a[ g f a]) f([ e dis f] c[ b a c]) | a([ g f a]) } &c.

So write it in this way; in the first Allegretto, mark the signs of expression in all the four parts:

[Music: Treble and Bass clefs.] << \new Staff \notes \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 8.(\> 16)\! 8\p-| -| 8.(\> 16)\! 8\p-. -. | 8.( 16) 8\p-. -. \pp-. -. -. -. \bar "||" } \new Staff \notes \relative g, { \clef bass \key c \major \time 4/4 8.( 16) 8 8.( 16) 8 | 8. 16 8 -. -. -. \bar "||" } >>

-----------------------File: 211.png----------------------------

The notes are all right; so do not misunderstand me.

Now, my good friend, as to your mode of writing--obbligatissimo; but the signs % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { \cadenzaOn s8-\p s1-\< s1-\!\> s4-\! } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } &c., are shamefully neglected, and often, very often, in the wrong place, which is no doubt owing to haste. For Heaven's sake impress on Kempel [a copyist] to copy everything just as it stands; look carefully over my present corrections, and you will find all that you have to say to him. When % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { s8^. } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } is put over a note, % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { s8^| } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } is not to take its place, and vice versa. It is not the same thing to write % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { \stemDown c4-| c4-| c4-| } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } and % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { \stemDown c4-. c4-. c4-. } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } . The % not worth the effort? \score { \new RhythmicStaff \notes { \cadenzaOn s1-\< s4-\! } \paper { \translator { \RhythmicStaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } are often purposely placed after the notes. For instance:-- \clef bass << {a,2~ a,8[ e]} { s4. s4\> s8\!} >> . The ties to be just as they are now placed. It is not synonymous to write \score { \new Staff \notes { \clef bass c16( b, c8) } \paper { \translator { \StaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } or thus \score { \new Staff \notes { \clef bass c16( b,) c8 } \paper { \translator { \StaffContext \remove Clef_engraver \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } } . Such is our will and pleasure! I have passed no less than the whole forenoon to-day, and yesterday afternoon, in correcting these two pieces, and I am actually quite hoarse from stamping and swearing.

In haste, yours,

BEETHOVEN. -----------------------File: 214.png----------------------------


Baden, September 3, 1825.

[Music: Alto clef, B-flat major, 4/4 time. Kuhl nicht lau, nicht lau, Kuhl nicht lau, Kuh-lau nicht lau. Kuhl nicht lau, Kuhl nicht lau, nicht lau. Kuhl nicht lau, Kuhl nicht lau, Kuhl nicht lau.]

segnomark = \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } \score { \addlyrics \new Staff \notes \relative c' { \property Staff.explicitClefVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible \clef alto \time 4/4 \key bes \major r4 \bar "|:" \mark\segnomark bes4( a) c | b2. b4 | c g'( aes) f | g ges f c' \bar "||" \break bes r^\segnomark r2 | r4 g( f) aes | g \clef treble \key bes \major ees'( d) f | ees2. ees4 | d^\segnomark r4 r2 | \break \clef alto r4 g,( f) a | g ees( d!) f | ees des( c) a | d4 \bar ":|" } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Kuhl nicht lau, nicht lau, Kuhl nicht lau, Kuh -- lau nicht lau. Kuhl nicht lau, Kuhl nicht lau, nicht lau. Kuhl nicht lau, Kuhl nicht lau, Kuhl nicht lau. } \paper { \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) \remove Time_signature_engraver } %raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } }

I must admit that the champagne went a little to my head yesterday, and I learned once more from experience, that such things rather prostrate than promote my energies; for, though able to respond fluently at the moment, still I can no longer recall what I wrote yesterday.

Sometimes bear in mind your attached


-----------------------File: 218.png----------------------------


Vienna, September 26, 1825.

[Music: Si non per Por-tus, per mu-ros, per mu-ros, per mu-ros.]

segnomark = \markup { \small \musicglyph #"scripts-segno" } \score { \addlyrics \new Staff \notes \relative c' { \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'break-visibility = #all-visible \autoBeamOff \clef tenor \time 4/4 \key f \major r4 \bar "|:" \mark\segnomark c4 d4. c8 | c4 b r c | bes g r bes! | e, f8 f c' c r4 | \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'self-alignment-X = #1 r4 \bar ":|" \mark\markup{\translate #(cons -1 0) \segnomark} } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Si non per Por -- tus, per mu -- ros, per mu -- ros, per mu -- ros. } \paper { \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) } %raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } }

My worthy friend, I wish you the loveliest bride! And I take this opportunity of asking you to present my compliments to Herr Marx, in Berlin, and beg him not to be too hard on me, and sometimes to allow me to slip out at the backdoor.


-----------------------File: 223.png----------------------------


February 6, 1826.


You have really done well in rendering justice to the manes of Mozart by your inimitable pamphlet, which so searchingly enters into the matter [the Requiem], and you have earned the gratitude of the lay and the profane, as well as of all who are musical, or have any pretensions to be so. To bring a thing of this kind forward as H.W.[1] has done, a man must either be a great personage, or a nonentity. Be it remembered also that it is said this same person has written a book on composition, and yet has ascribed to Mozart such passages as the following:--

[Music: Bass clef]

** x's \clef bass \key c \major << { des16[ ees des c] d[ ees c d!] ees[ f ees d] e[ f d e] } \\ { des,4 d, ees, e, } >> \bar ""

and has added such things as,--

[Music: Treble clef, B-flat major. A-gnus de-i pec-ca-ta mun-di.]

\score { << \new Staff \notes \relative c'' { \clef treble \time 4/4 \key bes \major \cadenzaOn d2 f8[ ees] c \bar "|" bes4 f } \new Lyrics \lyrics { A2. -- gnus8 de4 -- i4 } \new Lyrics \lyrics { pec2 -- ca4 -- ta8 mun4 -- di.4 } >> \paper { \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } }

[Music: Treble clef, B-flat major. Qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta, qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta,]

***x's \score { \addlyrics \new Staff \notes \relative c'' { \clef treble \time 3/4 \key bes \major \autoBeamOff \partial 8 ees8 \bar "||" ees8[ d] f4. b,8 | c[ bes] c4. ees8 | ees[ d] aes'4 b, | c8[ bes] c4 } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Qui tol -- lis pec -- ca -- ta, qui tol -- lis pec -- ca -- ta, } \paper { \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } }

as samples of his own composition! H.W.'s astonishing knowledge of harmony and melody recall the old composers of the Empire,--Sterkel, [illegible,] Kalkbrenner (the father), André, &c.

Requiescant in pace! I especially thank you, my dear friend, for the pleasure you have conferred on me by your pamphlet. I have always accounted myself one of Mozart's greatest admirers, and shall continue to be so to my last breath. I beg, venerable sir, for your blessing, and I am, with sincere esteem and veneration, yours,


-----------------------File: 233.png----------------------------


[Music: Bass clef. C major. Bester--]

\score { << \new Staff \notes \relative c { \clef bass \time 4/4 \key c \major \autoBeamOff \partial 4 c8 d | \autoBeamOn e f16 e f8 e16 d e8 g c b | c c a4^\trill g \bar "|" } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Be8 -- ster - - - - - - - - - - - - } >> \paper { \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) \remove Time_signature_engraver } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } }

No time is left to-day for further words and vocalization. I beg you will at once deliver the enclosed letter. Pray forgive my causing you this trouble; but, as you are the owner of an artistic post-office, it is scarcely possible not to take advantage of this.

You will perceive that I am now at Gneixendorf. The name sounds like the breaking of an axletree. The air is healthy. The memento mori must be applied to all else. Most marvellous and best of all Tobiases, we salute you in the name of the arts and poets!

I remain yours,

-----------------------File: 235.png----------------------------


Dec. 1826.


I wrote to you on my arrival here a few days ago, but the letter was mislaid; I then became so unwell that I thought it best to stay in bed. I shall therefore be very glad if you will pay me a visit. You will find it less inconvenient, because every one has left Döbling to go to town. I only add, in conclusion,[1]

[Music: Bass clef, C major, 3/4 time. Wir ir-ren al-le Samt, Nur je-der ir-ret an-derst.]

\score { \addlyrics \new Staff \notes \relative c { \clef bass \time 3/4 \key c \major \autoBeamOff \partial 4 c4 | des4. des8 e e | f4 r f | g8 g aes4. b8 | c4 c, \bar "||" } \new Lyrics \lyrics { Wir ir -- ren al -- le Samt, Nur je -- der ir -- ret an -- derst. } \paper { \translator { \StaffContext minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-3 . 4) } raggedright = ##t indent = #0 } }

As ever, your friend,