*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 13536 *** NOTES AND QUERIES: A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. * * * * * "When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE. * * * * * {496} VOLUME FIRST. NOVEMBER, 1849-MAY, 1850. * * * * * {497} INDEX. A. Abbey of St. Wandrille, 382. 486. Abdication of James II., 39. 489. Aberdeen, Burnet prize at, 91. Aboriginal chambers near Tilbury, 462. A.(B) on emancipation of the Jews, 475. Accuracy of references, 170. Addison's books, 212. Adolphus on a recent novel, 231. Advent bells, 121. Adversaria, 73. 86. Aelfric's colloquy, 168. 197. 232. 248. 278. Aelian, translation of, 267. 284. A.(F.R.) on Sterne's Koran, 418. ---- on a passage in Goldsmith, 83. ---- Queen of Hearts, 320. Agricola (C.), Propugnaculum anti-Pistorianum, 203. A.(J.D.) on swords worn in public, 415. Alban's (St.) Day, 399. ---- law courts at, 366. Albert (Le Petit), 474. Alchemy, metrical writings on, 60. Alexandria (Ptolemy of), 142. 170. Alfred's (King) geography of Europe, 257. 313. ---- works, 93. Alicui on Becket's grace-cup, 143. ---- on Bishop Barnaby, 132. All Angels and St. Michael's, feast of, 235. "All-to-broke," 490. Allusion in Friar Brackley's sermon, 351. Almanack (Poor Robin's), 470. Alms-basins, ancient, inscription on, 44. 52. 171. Alms-dishes, ancient inscribed, 87. 117. 135. 254. Alpha on the origin of slang phrases, 185. Alsop (Anthony), 215. 219. Alythes on Belvoir Castle, 246. America known to the Ancients, 542. ---- Madoc's emigration to, 12. 56. 57. 58. 236. 282. American aborigines, why called Indians? 254. 491. ---- bittern, 352. ---- Lady, memoirs of, 335. ---- reprints of old books, 209. ---- stamp act; Lord Chatham's speech on, 12. 290. Ames, new edition of Herbert's, 8. ---- by Herbert and Dibdin, 38. Ancient alms-basins, 171. ---- armour (Meyrick's), error in, 342. ---- inscribed alms dish, 87. 117. 135. ---- motto, 93. ---- MS. account of Britain, 174. ---- tiles, 173. Andrews (H.) on Burnet prize at Aberdeen, 91. André (Petit) on Welsh ambassador, 283. Anecdotes of books, 73. Anecdote of the civil wars, 93. ---- of a peal of bells, 382. Angels' visits, 102. Anglo-Cambrian on history of landed and commercial policy, and history of Edward II., 59. ---- on Madoc's expedition to America, 57. Anglo-Saxon "Lay of the Phoenix," 203. ---- MS. of Orosius, 371. ---- word "unlaid." 430. Anglo-Saxons, devices and standards of, 216. Annotators, anonymous, identity of, 213. Annus Trabeatiouis, 105. 252. Anonymous Ravennas, date of, 124. 220. 368. Antholin's, (St.,) 189. 260. Antiquarius on Queen Elizabeth's domestic establishment, 41. Antinephelegesita on Boduc, 232. A or An before words beginning with a vowel, 350. 467. Apocrypha, 401. Apposition, 384. A.(P.R.) on yeoman, 440. Arabic numerals and cipher, 230. 279. 358. 367. 433. 435. Archaeology, mathematical, 132. Archaeus on "Under the rose," 214. ---- on Gray's elegy, 389. Architecture, glossary of terms, 189. ---- introduction to the study of Gothic, 189. Armada, poem on, 12. 18. Armagh, etymology of, 158. 219. 264. A.(R.), "My mind to me a kingdom is," 489. ---- on all-to-broke, 490. ---- on Dr. Strode's poem, 490. ---- on Wotton's poem to Lord Bacon, 489. Arun on autograph mottoes of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Harry, Duke of Buckingham, 252. ---- on change of name, 337. ---- on a curious monumental brass, 370. ---- on early statistics, Chart, Kent, 441. ---- on ecclesiastical year, 477. ---- on mercenary preacher, 489. ---- on "M. or N.," 476. ---- on Oliver Cromwell as a feoffee of Parson's Charity, Ely, 465. ---- on St. Martin's Lane, 375. ---- on throwing old shoes at a wedding, 468. ---- on trunck breeches, 489. Asher (A.) on books by the yard, 168. ---- on genealogy of European sovereigns, 339. Ashgrove, Duke of, 92. "As lazy as Ludlum's dog, as laid him down to bark," 382. 475. "As morse caught the mare," 320. "As throng as Throp's wife," 485. Astle's MSS., 282. "Atlas Novus," Seutter's, 156. Aubrey (John), 71. Auctorite de Dibil, 460. Augustine on American bittern, 352. ---- on origin of calamity, 352. Augustinian Eremites of York, library of, 83. Austen (H. Morland) on curious symbolical custom, 363. ---- on the emancipation of the Jews, 401. Authors and books, (No. 1.) 42. ---- (No. 2.), 102. ---- (No. 3.), 151. ---- (No. 4.), 178. Authors and books, (No. 5.), 239. ---- (No. 6.), 363. Authors of old plays, 77. 120. ---- who have privately printed their own works, 469. Authorship of a couplet, 211. Autograph mottoes of Henry, Duke of Buckingham, and Richard, Duke of Gloucester, 134. 283. 284. 479. Ave Pries and Gheeze Yaecoudi, 215. 267. Avon, derivation of, 285. A.(W.P.), meaning of Cheshire round, 383. Aylmer (Bp.), letter to, from Lord Burghley, 12. Aylmer's (Bishop) letter respecting poem of the Armada, 18. B. B. on ancient motto, 136. ---- on Beaufoy's Ringer's True Guide, 137. ---- on change of name, 246. ---- on Colonel Hyde Seymour, 341. ---- on Elizabeth and Isabel, 488. ---- on form of petition, 44. ---- on Gloucestershire custom, 243. ---- on Miss Warneford and Mr. Cromwell, 157. ---- on Norman pedigrees, 214. ---- on Professor de Morgan and Dr. Johnson, 107. ---- query about St. Wini, 344. ---- query on Selden's titles of honour, 351. ---- on Sir Walter de Batton, 17. ---- on Solomon Dayfolke, 476. ---- (A.E.) on derivation of news, 360. ---- (A.) on Martins the printer, 213. ---- on superstitions in the North of England 294. ---- Twm Shawm Cattle, 453. Bacon and Jeremy Taylor, notes on, 427. Baron's Lord metrical version of the Psalms, 202. 243. 261. Baron Roger, hints for new edition of, 350. Badger, the, 324. Bagnio in Long Acre, 194. Bambridge and Buckridge Streets, 34. ---- Gates, 229. Bald Head, defence of, 34. Baldwin's Gardens, 410. Ballad, Kentish, 247. Ballads, Homeric of Dr. Magina, 470. Ballad of Dick and the Devil, 172. 473. ---- of the wars in France, 445. ---- makers and legislators, 133. Ballpolensis, on Stephen's Sermons, 334. Balloons, 389. Baptism, register of Cromwell's, 136. Barclay's Satyricon, some account of, 27. Bardolph and Poins, 353. Barba Lonza, 384. Barker, W.G.J., on Henry, Lord Darnley, 128. ---- on Bishop Barnaby, 132. Barnabas, (St.), 136. Barnaby, Bishop, 53. 132. 254. Barnacles, 117. 169. 254. 340. {498} Barrister, a, on origin of the word chapel, 371. Barry (J. Milner), a note on Robert Herrick, the author of Hesperides, 291. ---- Complutensian Polyglot, 251. ---- M.D., on meaning of palace, 233. Barryana, 212. Bartletts Buildings, 115. Bartholomew Legate, the martyr, 483. Basse (William,) and his poems, 200. 265. 295. 348. Bawn, meaning of, 440. Baxter, (William), 285. Bayley (W. D'Oyly,) on Barryana, 212. Bayswater and its origin, 182. B.(C.) on ancient motto, 104. ---- on Gray's Alcaic Ode, 382. ---- on Cromwell's estates, 421. ---- on shrew, 421. ---- on proverb, God tempers the wind, 325. ---- on horns, 419. ---- on Colderidge's Christabel and Byron's Lara, 324. ---- on hockey, 457. ---- Temple Stanyan, 460. ---- on "Nomade." 389. ---- on the true tragedy of Richard III., 315. ---- on death-bed superstition, 358. ---- on emerald, 340. B.(C.W.) on anecdotes of the civil wars, 338. ---- on shrew, 445. Bear, Louse, and Religion, Fable of, 321. Beauchamp (Stephen) on pilgrimages of kings, &c.--Blind man's buff--Muffin Hundred weight, 173. Beaufoy's Ringer's True Guide, 157. Beaumont, a poem attributed to, 145. Beaver, 417. Beaver hat, when first used in England, 130. 235. 256. 317. 338. 386. Becket's grace cup, 142. Becket (Thomas à), Mother of, 415. 490. Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden, 451. Beeston (Sir William), journal of, 444. Beetle mythology, 194. Beggar's opera, receipts of, 178. Bek (Anthony), Bishop of Durham, 173. Bell (John) of the Chancery Bar, 93. Bell (Dr. W.) on ancient inscribed dishes, 135. Bell (Dr.) on the talisman of Charlemagne, 140. Bells, a peal of, 125. 154. 170. Bells (Judas), 195. 235. 357. Bolvoir Castle, 246. 384. B.(E.M.) on Complutensian MSS., 402. ---- on Dulcarnon, 254. ---- on the emblem and national motto of Ireland, 415. ---- on Luther's portrait at Warwick Castle, 400. ---- on Latin distich and translation, 415. ---- on Luther's translation of the New Testament, 399. ---- on Pope Felix, 415. ---- on Verbum Graecum, 415. Berkeley's theory of vision vidicated, 107. 130. Bernicia, 335. 388. Bess of Hardwick, 276. 330. Beta on prison dicipline and execution of justice, 70. Betterton's Duties of a Player, 67. 105. Bever's (Dr. Thomas) Legal Polity of Great Britain, 483. B.(F.) on Kentish Ballad, 247. B.(F.C.) on Bishop Blaize, 247. ---- on dedications, 386. ---- on error in Meyrick's Ancient Armour, 342. ---- errors corrected, 331. ---- on Hudibrastic couplet, 340. ---- on Mousetrap Dante, 339. ---- on plagiarisms and parallel passages, 347. B.(F.C.) on proverbial sayings and their origins, 332. 347. ---- on shipster, 339. ---- on straw necklaces, and method of keeping notes, 104. B.(F.J.) on quotations from Pope, 102. ---- on masters of St. Cross, 404. B.(G.H.) on Cold Harbour, 50. ---- on Colinaeus, 158. ---- on the Field of the Brothers' Footsteps, 178. ---- on Gilbert Brown, 361. ---- on Lord Erskine's brooms, 138. ---- on Weeping Cross, 154. ---- on thistle of Scotland, 90. B.(H.) on Pandoxare, 202. B.(H.L.) on Ave Trici, 215. B.(J.S.) on the reconelliation of 1554, 186. Bible and key, divination by the, 413. Bibliographic project, 9. Bibliographical notes, 413. Bibliographie Biographique, 42. Bigotry, 204. Bill of fare of 1626, 99. Billingsgate, origin of name, 93. 164. Bills of fare in 1683, 54. Biographers of Lydgate and Coverdale, 379. Birthplace of Andrew Borde, 88. Birchingon's (Stephen) MSS., compilation of, 7. Bis dat qui citò dat, 330. Bishop that burneth, 87. Bishop Barnaby, Why lady-bird so called, 28. 134. Bishop Barlow, 206. Bitton, Sir Walter de, 157. Bive and chute lambs, 63. 474. B.(J.) on bust of Sir Walter Raleigh, 76. ---- on Countess of Pembroke's letter, 154. ---- on D'Israeli on the Court of Wards, 173. ---- on the Marescautia, 167. ---- on Scole Inn, 283. B.(J.M.) Auctorite de Dibil, 460. ---- on As lazy as Ludlum's dog, 475. ---- on Dr. Maginn's Shakespeare's papers, 470. ---- on Doctor Dobbs and his horse Nobbs, 253. ---- on etymology of Totnes, 470. ---- on finkle or finkel, 477. ---- on howkey or horkey, 457. ---- on etymology of Totnes, 470. ---- on a phonetic peculiarity, 463. ---- on Poor Robin's Almanack, 470. ---- queries concerning Chaucer, 303. ---- St. Winifreda, 475. B.(J.S.) what are depinges, 277. B.(L.) of Duncan Campbell, 186. Black broth, Lacedaemonian, was it coffee? 124. 139. 155. 242. 300. 399. Black doll at old store shops, 444. Blaise (Bishop), 247. 326. Blind man's buff, 173. Blink (G.) on a passage in Macbeth, 484. Blisters, charm for, used in Ireland, 349. Blockade of Corfe Castle in 1644, 401. Blood's (Colonel) house, 174. Bloomfylde (Myles and William), writings on alchemy, 20. Bloomfylde (Myles) Ortus Vocabulorum, 20. Bloomsbury market, 115. B.(N.), notes upon "notes," No. 1, 19. Bodenham, or Ling's Politeuphia, 22. 85. Boduc, or Boduoc, on British coins, 238. 252. Body and soul, 390. Bohn's edition of Milton's prose works, 485. Boleyn's (Sir Edward), spectre, 408. Bone-houses and catacombs, 171. 210. 221. Bonner on the Seven Sacraments, 452. Book of the Mousetrap, 154. Book plate, 212. Books by the yard, 166. Bookworm on Bodenham, or Ling's Politeuphia, 29. Boonen (portrait by), 386. Borde (Andrew), birthplace of, 58. ---- Boke of Knowledge, 38. Borromei, Sermones Sancti Carolsi, 27. Borrowed thoughts, 482. Boston de Bury, 186. Botfield (Beriah) on the Treatise of Equivocation, 357. Bothwell and Mary Queen of Scots, marriage contract of, 97. Bourne (Vincent), epigram from the Latin of, 253. ---- translation from, 152. 341. Brass, curious monumental, 247. Braybrooke, Lord, on pilgrimage of princes, &c. &c. 203. ---- on "Where England's monarch," 458. ---- on Lord Carrington, or Karinthon, 490. ---- on etymology of Havior, 230. ---- on pokershop or porkershop, 185. 236. 269. ---- on Vertue MSS., 372. ---- on letter attributed to Sir Robert Walpole, 336. ---- on journeyman, 458. ---- on the word brozier, 485. ---- on Killigrew family and Scole Inn sign, 283. ---- on howkey or horkey, 263. ---- on Catherine Pegge, 200. Breton (Nicholas), 409. ---- crossing of proverbs, 361. Bridge Lane, St. Bride's, 396. Bristol riots, 352. 460. ---- Red Maids of, 219. Britain, ancient MS. account of, 174. Britain (Great), Defoe's tour through, 205. British Museum, portraits in the, 305. British coins, Boduc or Boduoc, on, 235. Britton (John) on John Aubrey, 71. ---- on Mr. Poore's Literary Collections, Inigo Jones, medal of Stukeley, Sir James Thornhill, 122. Brockett's glossary on "to Fettle,", 169. Brooms, Lord Erskine's, 93. 138. Brother's Footsteps, Field of, 178. Brougham (Lord) on Burnet, 40. Brown (Gilbert), 381. Brown study, 352. 418. Brown (W.J.) on Ptolemy of Alexandria, 170. B.(R.S.) As Morse caught the mare, 329. B.(R.W.) on Christian captives, 441. Brozier, the word, 485. Bruce (John), epigram against Luther and Erasmus, 51. ---- lines in the style of Suckling, 20. ---- on capture of Duke of Monmouth, 3. ---- on charm for the toothache, 397. Bruce (Robert de), wife of, 187. ---- captivity of his queen in England, 290. Buccaneers, Charles II., 410. Buckingham motto, 138. 252. 283. 459. Bug, origin of word, 237. Bull (John), 336. Bullfights, Spanish, 381. Bulls called Williams, 440. Bulstrode Park, camp in, 470. Buns, 244. Buriensis on the Duke of Marlborough, 415. ---- on the Song of the Bees, 415. ---- on seal of Killigrew, Master of the Revels, 204. ---- on cook eels, 412. ---- on meaning of Savegard and Russells, 202. ---- on Sangred--Dowts of Holy Scripture, 124. Burnet (Bp.), opinions respecting, 40. 181. 341. ---- as an historian, 493. ---- and Mr. Macaulay, 250. Burnet prize at Aberdeen, 21. Burney (Dr.), musical works of, 135. Burning the dead, 216. 308. Burns (Robert), inedited lines by, 300. Burton's Anatomy of (Religious) Melancholy, 305. Burtt (Joseph) on ancient libraries, 21. ---- on royal household allowances, 86. Buscapié, query as to the, 171. 206. B.(W.) on The Complaynt of Scotland, 428. {499} B.(W.G.) on French leave, 246. B.(W.J.) on genealogy of European sovereigns, 119. By hook or by crook, 205. 237. 281. 405. Byron's Childe Harold and Burton's Melancholy, 163. ---- Lara, on a passage in, 262. 443. Byron and Tacitus, 390. 462. C. C. on anecdote of the civil wars, 93. ---- on blunder in Malone's Shakspeare, 386. ---- on Cowley, or Coverley--Statistics of Roman Catholic Church--Whelps--Discovery of America, 107. ---- on definition of Grummelt, 558. ---- on devices of the standards of the Anglo-Saxons, 284. ---- on Dog-Latin, 284. ---- on logographic printing, 198 ---- on Lord Chatham's speech on the American stamp act, 220. ---- Love's last shift, 476. ---- on M. or N, 476. ---- on Malone's blunder, 461. ---- on May-day, 221. ---- meaning of pallace, 284. ---- on military execution, 476. ---- on political maxim, 93. ---- on Pope's translation of Horace, 230. ---- on Salt at Montem, 473. ---- on Sir William Hamilton, 270. ---- on slang phrases, 234. ---- on spurious letter of Sir R. Walpole, 388. ---- on tablet of Napoleon, 451. ---- on Temple Stanyan, 460. ---- on travelling in England, 220. ---- on tureen, 307. ---- on Vertue's MS., 372. C.(A.) on black doll at old store shops, 444. ---- on Worm of Lambton, 453. ---- on camp in Bulstrode Park, 470. ---- on derivation of holy, 470. Caerphili Castle, 157. 237. Cæsar's wife, 277, 380. C.(A.G.), query as to references, 20. Calamity, derivation of, 215. 258. 352. Calver (Bernard), 203. Cambridge, motto of university, 76. Campbell (Duncan), query respecting, 186. Camp in Bulstrode Park, 470. Canidia, or the witches, MS. note in, 164. Cannibal, origin of, 186. Cantab. on coal brandy, 352. ---- on Hallam's Middle Ages, 51. ---- origin of swot, 352. Canterbury, catalogue of ancient library of Christ Church, 21. Capel Court, 115. Captivity of the Queen of Bruce in England, 290. Capture of the Duke of Monmouth, 3. 82. 198. 324. 427. Caraccioli's Life of Lord Clive, author of, 108. 120. Caredon, meaning of, 217. Carena on the Inquisition, 196. Carlisle House, Soho, 450. Carrington, or Karinthon (Lord), murdered, 490. Cartwright's Poems (on some suppressed passages in), 108. 151. Cat, "Gib," 235. 281. Catacombs and bone houses, 171. 210. Catherine Street, Strand, 451. Catsup, catchup, ketchup, 124. 283. Cavell, 473. Cawood's Ship of Fools, MS. notes in, 165. C.(B.) on the symbolism of the fir-cone, 247. C.(C.J.), Phoenix, by Lactantius, 283. Cephas on the Advent bells, 121. ---- on Sangred--Judas Bell, 325. Ceredwyn on barnacles, 169. Certificate of Nat. Lee, 149. C.(G.A.), Dustpot--Frothlot, 320. ---- on Sir W. Godbold, 93. ---- on political maxims, 104. ---- on legislators and ballad makers, 153. C.H. on buccaneers, 400. ---- on Charles II. and Lord R.'s daughter, 399. ---- on college salting and tucking of freshmen, 390. ---- on Eachard's tracts, 404. ---- on error in Hallam's History of Literature, 435. ---- Inedited letter of the Duke of Monmouth, 379. ---- on Locke's proposed Life of Ld. Shaftesbury, 401. ---- on Lord Shaftesbury and Dr. Whichcot, 382. ---- on Ludlow's Memoirs, 384. ---- on the Mosquito country; origin of the name; early connection of the Mosquito Indians with the English, 425. ---- on MSS. of Locke, 401. ---- on Queen's messengers, 445. ---- on Rawdon papers, 400. ---- on Savile, Marquis of Halifax, 384. ---- on Sir William Coventry, 381. ---- on Wellington--Wyrwast--Cokam, 401. ---- who was Lord Karinthon? murdered 1665, 440. ---- on blockade of Corfe Castle in 1644, 451. Chancellors, Thynne's collection of, 60. Change of name, 248. Chapels, origin of the name, 358. 391. 417. Charlemagne's talisman, 140. 187. Charles I., portrait of, 167, 184. ---- anecdote of, 437. ---- his sword, 183. 372. ---- bust of, 43. ---- pictures of, in churches, 184. Charles II. and Lord R.'s daughter, 399. 478. Charms, old, 293. Charm for toothache used in Ireland, 349. 397. Charm for wounds, 482. Charms, 429. Charms--the evil eye, 429. Chart, Kent, early statistics of, 330. Chatham (Lord), speech on the American stamp act, 12. 220. Chaucer, queries concerning, 303. ---- night charm, 229. 281. Cheshire round, 83. 456. Chest, Iland, 173. Chiffinch, letters of Mrs, 124. Childe Harold, parallel passages or plagiarisms in, 183. 209. Chip in porridge, 382. Christian captives, 441. 477. Christian doctrine, fraternity of, 213. 281. Christ Church, Canterbury, books lent from, 21. Christencat, meaning of, 109. Christie (W.D.) on Skinner's Life of Monk, 379. Christmas Hymn, 201. 252. Christ's Hospital, old songs once popular there, 315. 421. Chronicle, Morning, when first established, 78. Chrysopolis, 383. Church History, queries in, 156. Church livings, incumbents of, 91. Churchyard customs, ancient, 441. Cibber's Apology, characters of actors in, 67. Circulation of the blood, discovery of, 202. 250. Cirencester, Richard of, 93. 206. Civil wars, anecdote of, 93. 338. C.(J.) on M. or N., 415. ---- on regimental badges, 415. C.(J.T.) on Dayrolles, 476. C.(J.W.) on passages from Pope, 245. C.(L.), query respecting "horns," 383. Clare Market, 196. Clarendon (Lord), opinions of, by English historians, 165. Clergy, alleged ignorance of, 51. Clericus, definition of, 149. Clericus on inscriptions of ancient alms-basins, 44. ---- on ordination pledges, 156. Clerkenwell, eminent residents, 180. Clive (Lord), Caraccioli's Life of, 108. 120. Close translation, 422. Clouds or shrouds in Shakspeare, 58. C.(M.) on Trophee, 389. C.(O.) on family of Steward or Stewart of Bristol, 335. Coach-bell, why ear-wigs so called, 383. Coal brandy, 352. 456. Cock Lane, 244. Coffee, notes on, 25. 154. Coffee-houses, the first in England, 314. Coffee, the Lacedæmonian black broth, 124. 139. 155. 242. 300. 399. Coffins, use of, 321. Coheirs, Mowbray, 215. Coins, British, Boduc or Boduoc on, 235. Cold Harbour, query as to origin of, 60. Cole (Robert) on Lady Arabella Stuart, 274. ---- extracts from old records, 327. ---- on Drayton and Young, 213. Coleman's music house, 395. Coleridge, Cottle's Life of, 55. ---- Christabel and Byron's Lara, 324. ---- on a passage in, 262. Colinæus, 158. Coll. Regall. Socius on Dr. Whichcott and Lord Shaftesbury, 444. College salting and tucking of freshmen, 281. 306. 321. 390. Colley Cibber's Apology, 29. Collier (J. Payne) on Bishop Aylmer's letter and poem of the Armada, 18. ---- on defence of a bald head and stationer's registers, 85. ---- on English and American reprints of old books, 210. ---- on Love, the king's fool, 121. ---- Nicholas Breton's crossing of proverbs, 364. ---- on Dr. Percy and the poems of the Earl of Surrey, 471. ---- on Shakspeare and deer stealing, 4. ---- on shrouds or clouds in Shakspeare, 58. ---- on William Rasse and his poems, 201. Colloquy, Ælfric's, 168. 197. 232. 248. 278. Comes (M.) on Bess of Hardwick, 339. Commercial and landed policy of England, 56. 91. Compendyous olde treatyse, 277. 404. Complaynt of Scotland, 412. Complexion, the meaning of, 352. 472. Complutensian Polyglot, 218. 251. 268. 325. 402. 461. Compton Street, Soho, 228. Conrad of Salisbury's Descriptio utrlusque Britanniæ, 315. Consecration of Churches, Bishop Cosin's form, 303. Constantine the artist, 452. Constitution Hill, why so called? 28. Contradictions in Don Quixote, 73. 171. Convention Parliament of 1660, MS. diary of, 470. Cook (David), watchman of Westminster, 1716--Ode to, from V. Bourne, 152. Cook eels, 412. Cooper (C.H.) on college salting, 306. ---- on Pandoxare, 234. ---- on Scala Coeli, 402. ---- on teneber Wednesday, 459. ---- on the Duke of Marlborough, 490. ---- on Sayers the caricaturist, 187. ---- on White Hart Inn, Scole, 245. Cooper (W. Durrant), on bive and chute lambs, 474. ---- on Caraccioli's Life of Lord Clive, 120. ---- on decking churches with yew on Easter Day, 204. ---- on early statistics, parish registers, 443. ---- on Elizabeth and Isabel, 488. ---- Folk-lore, 482. {500} Cooper (W. Durrant) on Norman pedigrees, 266. Cope (Rev. W.H.) on Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 384. Corfe Castle, 1644, blockage of, 401. Corinna, 308. Cornellys (Mrs.), 244. Corney (Bolton), bibliographic project of, 9. ---- on authors and books, No. 1. Bibliographique biographique, 42; No. 2. Powell's Human Industry, 102; No. 3, Cartwright's Poems, 151; No. 4. Sonnet by Adamson, 18; No. 5. Payne's Geometry, 260; No. 6. Spence on the Odyssy, 363. ---- queries answered, No. 1. Alymer (Bp.), 19; No. 2. Madoc. 56; No. 3. Flemish account, 74; No. 4. Pokership, 218; No. 5. Beaver of, 307; No. 6. Grumete, 337; No. 7. Malone, Shakspere, 403. ---- queries proposed, 439. 469. Cornishman (A) on a curious monumental brass, 370. Corser (Rev. Thomas), on Nicholas Breton, 469. ---- on William Basse and his poems, Cosin's (Bishop) form of consecration of churches, 305. ---- MSS. 433. Cosmopolis, 213. 251. Cottle's Life of Coleridge, when reviewed in the Times, 55. 75. Couplet, authorship of, 231. Court of Wards, 455. ---- d'Israeli on the, 173. Coventry, Sir William, 381. Coverdale, birth-place of, 120. ---- and Lydgate and their biographers, 379. Cowley, Cowleas, or Coverley, 107. Cowper's Task, passage in, 222. Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, author of? 384. Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 394. Cranmore on White Hart Inn, Scole, 323. Cresswell, Mr., and Miss Warneford, 157. 189. St. Croix (H.C.), etymology of Dalston, 352. Cromlech, meaning of, 319. 405. Cromwell (Oliver), as a feoffee of Parson's Charity, Ely, 465. ---- (query) did he write the New Star of the North? 202. ---- relics, 247. ---- baptism, register of, 136. ---- birth, 151. ---- estates, 277. 339. 389. 421. Crosby (James), on pictures in churches, 184. Crossing of proverbs (Nicholas Breton's), 364. Crowley (Robert), a treatise on the Lord's Supper by, 332. 355. 362. Cruch (G.) original letter by, on Lord Chatham, Queen Charlotte. 65. Crucifix of Edward the Confessor, 140. Crusader, Norman, the, 103. Cwn Annwn, 294. C.(T.) on Sapcote motto, 476. Cuckoo, 230. 419. Cunningham (Peter) on Katherine Pegg, 59. ---- on Dr. Johnson's library, 270. ---- on Lady Arabella Stuart, 10. ---- on Lady Rachel Russell, 462. ---- on Tower Royal, 28. Cunningham's Handbook of London, notes on, by Dr. Rimbault, 114. 159. 180. 196. 228. 244. 395. 410. 435. 450. ---- notes from, 435. ---- queries upon, 484. Cunningham's Lives of eminent Englishmen, 379. Cupid Crying, from the Latin, 172. 237. ----, by Antonio Sebaldio, 308. Cure for the hooping-cough, 397. Curious custom, 245. ---- symbolical custom, 363. Curse of Scotland, Nine of Diamonds, why so called, 61. 90. Curtana, the sword called, 364. Custom, Gloucestershire, 245. C.(W.) on the birthplace of Coverdale, 120. ---- on date of anonymous Ravennas, 124. ---- on Franz von Sickingen, 389. ---- jun., on "hanap," 493. ---- jun., on "vert vert," 475. C.(W.H.) on Antony Alsop, 249. ---- on parliamentary writs, 305. ---- on parkership, porkership, pokership, 323. C.(W.M.) on Scarborough warning, 138. Cwn Wybir, or Cwn Annwn, 482. C.(Y.A.) on Dick and the Devil, 473. D. D. on Lord Chatham's speech on American stamp act, 12. ---- on golden frog, 214. ---- on inquisition in Mexico, 352. ---- on John Hopkins, the psalmist, 119. ---- on John Ross Mackay, 125. ---- on meaning of emerod, 217. ---- on Morning Chronicle, 7. ---- on Relnerius and Inquisition in France, 196. ---- (A.) on inedited song by Sir John Suckling, 72. Dacre's, (Lady), almshouses, 180. Dalrymple (Sir J.), on Burnet, 40. Dalston, etymology of, 352. Dalton's Doubting's Downfall, 77. Dance Thumbkin, 493. Darkness at the crucifixion, 186. Darnley (Henry Lord), where was he born? 123. 220. Dartmouth (Lord) on Burnet, 40. Daundelyon (John de), 92. Day (C.) on the poets, 122. Dayrolles, 476. 267. 419. Daysman, etymology of, 188. 267. 419. D.(E.A.) on a Flemish account, 286. Death bed superstition, 315. 350. 467. Decker's Raven's Almanack, 400. Dedications, 326. Dee's (Dr.) petition to James I., 142. ----, petition. 187. ----, why did he quit Manchester? 216. 284. Deering (Charles), M.D., 375. De Foe (Daniel) and his ghost stories, 241. ---- tour through Great Britain, 18. 205. Dei Gratia, lines on omission of, from the new florin, 118. Dekker and Nash, tracts by, 454. Denmark Street, St. Giles's, 229. Denton (Wm.) on Rev. Wm. Stephens' sermons, 118. Depinges, what are they, 277. 326. 387. Deputy-lieutenants of the Tower of London, 460. De Quincey, line quoted by, 388. Dering's (Sir E.) household book of, A.D. 1648-52, 130. 161. Derivation of snob and cad, 250. ---- of sterling and penny, 411. Dermot Macmurrough, Eva, daughter of, 92. 163. Deverell (Robert), 469. Devices on standards of the Anglo-Saxons, 216. 284. Devotee, 222. Dibdin's and Herbert's Ames, 38. Dibdin's typographical antiquities, 56. Dick and the Devil, ballad of, 172. 473. Dick Shore, 141. 220. Direct and indirect etymology, 331. Discurs modest, 142. 205. Discovery of America, 107. _see_ Madoc. Dishes, ancient inscribed, 87. 135. 171. 254. D'Israeli on the Court of Wards, 173. Dissenting ministers, 445. ----, London, lines on, 454. Divination by the Bible and key, 413. D.(M.) on Burton's Anatomy of (Religious) Melancholy, 305. Dobbs (Doctor) and his horse Nobs, 253. Doctor Dove, of Doncaster, 79. Dodo, notes on the, 410. ----, queries, 261. 485. ----, replies, 353. Doges of Venice, Sanuto's 35. 75. Dog Latin, 230. 284. Dogs, Isle of, 141. Dombec, Is it the Domesday of Alfred, 365. Domestic establishment of Queen Elizabeth, 41. Don Quixote, contradictions in, 73. 171. Dore of Holy Scripture, 139. 205. Dorne the bookseller, 12. 118. ---- and Henno Rusticus, 75. 88. Douce (Francis) on John of Salisburry, 9. Dove (Doctor Daniel) of Doncaster, and his horse Nobs, 316. Downing Street, 436. Dowts of Holy Scripture, 124. 154. D.(Q.) on authors of old plays, 77. ---- on Bishop Barnaby, 254. ---- on a chip in porridge, 382. ---- on Doctor Daniel Dove of Doncaster, and his horse Nobs, and golden age of magazines, 316. ---- on Lady Jane of Westmoreland, 103. Dramaticus on the Beggar's Opera, 178. ---- on Colley Cibber's Apology, 29. Drayton's Poems, 82. 119. ---- works, Dr. Farmer's notes on, 28. Draytone and Yong, 213. Dredge (John J.) on error in Johnson's Life of Selden, 451. ---- on Dr. Selster's works, 478. Dr. Faustus, Dutch version of, 169. ---- works ascribed to, 190. Dryasdust (Dr.), 26. D.(S.D.) on change of name, 337. D.(T.E.) on guildhalls, 357. D.(T.S.) on Arabic numerals, 279. ---- reply to query about Arabic numerals and cypher, 367. ---- on coal brandy, 456. ---- on mathematical archaeology, 133. ---- on the Roman numerals, 434. ---- on swot, 369. Dudley Court, St. Giles's, 244. Duke Street, Westminster, 196. Dulcarnon, 254. Durham, Anthony Bek, bishop of, 173. Dustpot, query as to, 320. Dutch language, works on, 383. 492. Duties of a Player, Betterton's, 105. Dyce versus Warburton and Collier, 53. Dyot Street, St. Giles's, 229. E. E. on Betterton's Essay, 105. ---- on Dalton's Doubting's Downfall, 77. Eachard, tracts by, 320. 404. E.(A.H.) on Sir W. Hamilton, 216. ---- on St. Philip and St. James, 216. E.(A.J.) on travelling in England, 68. East Anglican on howkey or horkey, 47. Easter Day, decking churches with yew on, 294. Easter eggs, 244. 397. 482. East Winch on spur money, 373. Eastwood (Rev. J.) on symbols of Evangelists, 472. Ecclesiastes on living dog better than a dead lion, 376. Ecclesiastical year, 381. 420. 477. Ed., what are deepenings? 326. Eden (Rev. C. Page) on reprint of Jeremy Taylor's works, 483. Editors, hints to intending, 243. Edward II., history of, 59. 91. 220. Edward the Confessor, crucifix of, 140. Edward the Black Prince's shield, 183. Edwards (Rev. I.) on metal for telescopes, 174. 206. Edwards (H.) on saveguard, 268. ---- on masters of St. Cross, 352. E.E. on statistics of the Roman Catholic Church, 61. {501} E.F. why are gloves not worn before royalty? 366. ---- on old painted glass, 197. ---- on Sir William Ryder, 282. E.(H.T.) anecdote of a peal of bells, 382. ---- on by hook or by crook, 206. ---- on Greene of Greens Norton, 43. E.(H.) on Sir William Rider, 325. ---- on the use of coffins, 321. Eiton (Stephen), or Eden's "Acta Regis Edw. II.," 230. E.(J.) on abdication of James II., 39. ---- on accuracy of references, 170. ---- "as throng as Throp's wife," 485. ---- on Cæsar's wife, 389. ---- on Decker's Raven's Almanack, 400. ---- on horns to a river, 456. ---- on Q. Mary's expectations, 188. Elizabeth (Queen), domestic establishment of, 41. ---- pictures of, in churches, 184. Elizabeth and Isabel, 439. 488. Eliacombe (Rev. H.T.) on Vincent Gookin, 492. ---- on peal of bells, 154. Emancipation of the Jews, 401. 474. Emblem and national motto of Ireland, 415. Emdee on passages in Coleridge's Christabel and Byron's Lara, 263. ---- on pet names, 299. ---- on charms, 429. ----, etymology of havior, 388. Emerod, meaning of, 217. 476. Emerald, 340. Eminent Englishmen, Cunningham's Lives of, 379. Endeavour oneself, the verb, 194. 154. 373. Engelbert (Archbishop of Treves), treatise by, 214. England, fall of rain in, 173. 235. England, landed and commercial policy of, 59. 91. England, travelling in, 33. 87. 167. 220. English historians, ---- opinions respecting Bp. Burnet, 40.; ---- Lord Clarendon, 165. ---- reprints of old books, 209. ---- songs, John Lucas's MS. collection of, 174. ---- translations of Erasmus' Encomium Moriæ, 385. Epilepsy, charm for, used in Ireland, 349. Epigram (Latin) against Luther and Erasmus, 51. ---- from the Latin, 204. ---- from which Pope borrowed, 235. 284. ---- from the Latin of Vincent Bourne, 253. ---- from the Latin of Owen, 308. ---- by La Monnoye, 373. ---- on Louis XIV., 374. ---- (Latin) complimentary, or the reverse, 416. Epistola de Miseria Curatorum, 380. Equivocation, treatise of, 263. 357. Erasmus and Luther, lines on, 27. ---- paraphrase of the Gospels, 172. ---- and Luther, woodcut likenesses of, 203. ---- and Luther, portraits of, 232. ---- Eucomium Moriæ, English translation of, 455. Erminois on Sapcote motto, 366. Errors corrected, 331. Erskine's (Lord) brooms, 93. 138. Esquire and gentleman, 431. 475. 491. Essex Buildings, 180. Estates of Cromwell, 389. E.(T.) on beaver hats, 386. Etoniensis on Mr. Macaulay and Bishop Burnet, 250. Etruria, sewerage in, 180. Etymology of Armagh, 264. ---- direct and indirect, 331. ---- of News, 270. 369. 487. ---- of Penniel, 449. Europe, Alfred's Geography of, 257. 313. European sovereigns, genealogy of, 92. 119. 250. 339. Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 92. 163. Evangelists, symbols of, 385. 471. Evelyn's Sculptura, 285. Evona's (St.) choice, 253. Exaletation of Ale, a poem attributed to Beaumont, 146. Execution military, 245. 476. Extracts from old records, 317. F. F. on Vondel's Lucifer, 142. F.(A.) on the curse of Scotland, 90. Faber (G.S.) on Quem Deus vult perdere, 476. Fable--The Bear, the Louse, and Religion, 321. "Factotum," origin of word, 43. 88. Farmer, Dr., notes on Drayton's works, 28. Fall of rain in England, 178. 235. Father, when did clergymen cease to be so called? 158. Faustus (Dr.) Dutch history of, 169. ---- works ascribed to, 190. F.(A.W.) on wives of ecclesiastics, 148. Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, 202. 235. Felix (Pope), 415. ---- and Pope Gregory, 475. Female captive in Barbary, in 1756; narrative written by herself, 305. Fettle, derivation of, 142. Few words to our friends, 17. Few words of explanation, 81. Fifth son, 482. Finkle or finkel, derivation of, 384. 419. 477. Fir-Cone, symbolism of, 247. Fischel (A.) on Zenobia, 383. Five Queries, 439. F.(J.H.) on French maxim, 233. ---- on singular motto, 233. F.(J.R.) on by hook or by crook, 168. ---- on Miryland Town, 167. Flaws of wind, 88. Flaying for sacrilege, 185. Flemish account, 8. 74. 119. 286. ---- work on the order of St. Francis, 385. Fletcher's Nice Valour, song in, by Dr. Strode, 146. ---- Purple Island, MS. notes in, 164. Florins, 119. Flowers, symbolism of, 457. Fly-leaves, notes from No. 1., 9.; No. 2., 27; No. 3., 39; No. 4., 164; No. 5., 211. Folk Lore, 229. 244. 258. 293. 315. 397. 412. 429. 451. 467. 482. ---- of Wales, 294. 295. Food of the people, 54. Fool or a physician, 157. Forbes (C.) on "a" or "an," 407. ---- on endeavour, 373. ---- on a fool or a physician, 157. ---- on mistake in Gibbon, 342. ---- on Pope and Petronius, 452. ---- on Shakspeare's employment of monosyllables, 228. ---- on Spanish bull-fights, 381. ---- on sparse, 215. ---- on Vox populi vox Dei, 419. ---- on Zenobia, a Jewess, 460. Forlot, falot, forthlot, 320. 371. Forty Footsteps, Field of, 217. Foss (Edward), on the Middle Temple, 123. ---- on _the_ or _a_ Temple, 335. ---- on Sir William Skipwyth, King's Justice of Ireland, 23. Fox (John R.) on Masters of St. Cross, 404. ---- on meaning of Shipster, 216. ---- Sir Stephen, 214. 250. F.(C.P.F.) on Sewerage of Etruria, 180. F.(P.H.F.) on ancient alms-dishes, 254. ---- on saveguard, 267. ---- on singular motto, 214. ---- on _the_ temple or _a_ temple, 420. ---- on topography of foreign printing presses, 277. Franz von Sickingen, 336. 389. Fraternity of Christian doctrine, 213. 281. Fraternitye of vagabondes, 183. 220. French leave, 244. ---- maxim, 215. 233. 251. 373. ---- Change, Soho. 410. Frere and Pardonere, 390. Friar Brackley's sermon, allusion in, 351. Friday weather, 303. Friswell (James H.) on epigram quoted by Pope, "Praise undeserved." 233. Frith's works, passage in, 373. Frog, golden, 214. 372. Frog he would a-wooing go, 458. Frusius (Andrew) or Des Freux, 180. F.(T.R.) on by hook or by crook, pokership, gib-lat, emerod, 281. ---- on porkership, 324. ---- (W.A.) meaning of "Lace is Latin for a candle," 385. ---- (W.R.) on derivation of shrew, 381. ---- on the badger, 381. G. G. on letter attributed to Sir Robert Walpole, 304. ---- on the cuckoo, 231. ---- on the derivation of sterling and penny, 411. ---- on Howard, Earl of Surrey, 440. ---- on parallel passages, 330. ---- on Robert Long, 422. ---- on catsup, catchup, ketchup, 124. ---- on Green, of Greens Norton, 75. G.(A.) on burning the dead, 308. ---- on Byron's Lara, 413. ---- on humble pie, 92. ---- on line quoted by De Quincey, 388. ---- on salting, 349. ---- on the origin of the word snob, 250. ---- on salt at montem, 384. ---- on Temple Stanyan, 382. ---- on paying through the nose, 335. Gastros on Abbey of St. Wandrille, 486. ---- on beaver hat, 286. 338. ---- on golden frog, 372. ---- on meaning of Pisan, 236. Gatty (Rev. Alfred) letter of Lord Nelson's brother, 38. ---- on the Abbey of St. Wandrille, 382. ---- on catacombs and bone-houses, 171. ---- five queries, 440. ---- on peal of bells, 125. ---- on May marriages, 468. ---- on spur money, 462. ---- the meaning of pallace, 284. ---- on versicle and response, 440. ---- what is a chapel, 334. Gatty (Margaret) Folk-lore, 429. Gazetteer of Portugal, 284. G.(B.) on ballons, 309. ---- on Berkeley's Theory of Vision, 107. ---- on Junius, 355. G.(B.W.) on Iland chest, 173. G.(C.W.) on Ælfric's colloquy, 248. ---- on Arabic numerals, 358. ---- on ballad of the wars in France, 445. ---- on Bishop Blaise, 325. ---- on Boduc on British coins, 235. ---- extract from parish register of North Runcton, 103. ---- on fall of rain in England, 235. ---- on havior, heavier, or hever, 269. ---- on lines on "woman's will," 247. ---- on Lord Bacon's metrical version of the Psalms, 235. ---- meaning of loscop, 319. ---- on pallace, 233. ---- on Vox et præterea nihil, 247. ---- on Gootet, 473. ---- on wives of ecclesiastics, 147. Genealogy of European sovereigns, 92. 119. 250. 359. Genesse (Rev. Mr.), 183. Genius (A), from the German of Claudius, 326. Gentleman's Magazine, 189. {502} Geography of Europe, Alfred's, 258. 313. George (Llewelyn St.) on an ancient motto, 189. Germain's lips, 157. Gerrard Street, Soho, 114. Gesta Grayorum, 351. 489. G.G. on travelling in England, 35. 87. Gheeze Ysenoudi and Ave Triel, 215. 267. Ghost stories, by Daniel De Foe, 241. G.(H.) on lines, "When England's monarch," and "I'd preach as though," 415. Gib cat, 235. 281. Gibbon, mistake in, 341. 390. Gibson (John Westby) on reheting and rehetours, 298. Giles (Rev. J.A.) on works of King Alfred, 93. ---- of Worcestershire, family of, 76. Giles (St.) Pound, 244. ---- Hospital, 244. G.(J.) on ancient MS. account of Britain, 174. ---- on by hook or by crook, 222. ---- on Bishop Barnaby, 55. ---- charm for blisters used in Ireland, 349. ---- charm for epilepsy used in Ireland, 349. ---- charm to cure the murrain in cows, 349. ---- charm for toothache, 349. ---- charm for warts, 349. ---- on Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 163. ---- on Hordys, gold florins, and Kilkenny, 157. ---- on Ogilby's Britannia, 153. ---- Ormonde House, 320. ---- new edition of Rev. Dr. Owen's works, 276. ---- Norfolk weather rhyme, 349. G.(J.M.) on the Bristol riots, 460. ---- on Christ's Hospital, 421. G.(J.W.G.) on Queen's messengers, 186. Gloves, 405. ---- why not worn before royalty, 366. Godbolt (Sir William), 93. God tempers the wind, 325. 357. 418. Godwin (W.), life of, 415. 478. Goethe, lines quoted by, 125. 188. Golden age, Epigram, 270. ---- of magazines, 316. Golden frog, 214. 252. 372 Gold florins, 157. Goldsmith, on a passage in, 83. Gomer on Hemicia, 335. ---- on Caerphill Castle, 237. ---- on Cromlech, 405. ---- on the cuckoo, 419. ---- on journeyman, 309. ---- on Madoc's emigration to America, 236. ---- on Prince Madoc, 406. ---- on Selago and Samolus, 232. Goodman's Field Wells, 396. Gookin (Vincent), 492. Gootet, meaning of, 397. 473. Gospels, Erasmus' paraphrase of the, 172. Gothic architecture, 59. 134. Gourders of rain, 335. 356. 419. Gournay (M. de), 308. Governor (the) on the derivation of snob and cad. 250. Gowghe's Dore of Holy Scripture. 205. G.(R.) on Annus Traheationis, 252. ---- on Cosmopolis and Complutensian Polyglot, 251. ---- on Dowt of Holy Scripture, 154. ---- on Germain's lips, 157. ---- La Mer des Histoires, 325. ---- on Latin names of towns, 474. ---- on lay of the Phoenix, 235. ---- on Pope Felix and Pope Gregory, 475. ---- on portraits of Luther, Erasmus, and Ulric Von Hutten, 303. ---- on Speculum Exemplorum, Epistola de Miseria Curatorum, 380. ---- on symbols of the Evangelists, 472. ---- on wood-cut likenesses of Luther and Erasmus, 203. Grace-cup, Becket's, 142. Grayan (A.) on Torri's polyglot edition of Gray's Elegy, 150. Graves (Rev. James), a living dog better than a dead lion, 404. ---- on bishops of Ossory, 335. ---- on the second Duke of Ormonde, 380. Gray's Alcaic ode, 382. 416. Gray's Elegy (translation of), 101. ---- Elegy, 138. 221. 389. ---- Elegy (German version of), 150. ---- Elegy (editions and versions of), 150. Gray's Inn Lane, 244. Greek verse, 142. Greene of Greene's Norton, 43. 75. Greene (Richard), of Lichfield, 167. Greene's Royal Exchange, 38. Greenham, family of Pointz of, 94. Green (Richard), apothecary, 74. Gregori's Italian version of Gray's Elegy, 221. Gregory (Pope) and Pope Felix, 475. Gresset's Vert-vert, illustrations of, painted on enamel, 365. 475. Griffinhoof (Arthur, jun.), on the fraternity of vagabonds, &c., 183. Griffin, on the fable of the bear, the louse, and religion, 321. ---- on Lord Erskine's brooms, 93. ---- on John Bell of the Chancery Bar, 93. G.(R.I.H.) on horns, 419. Grimm (Dr. Jacob), letter to, on meaning of "Laerig," 292. Grog, origin of, 28. 52. 168. Grotto, Pray remember the, 5. Grottoes on St. James's Day, 6. Grummett, meaning of, 319. 337. 358. G.(S.) on Sir Jeffery Wyattville, 252. Guildhalls, 320. 357. Gules on Bess of Hardwick, 296. Gunner (W.H., Rev.) on William Basse and his poems, 348. ---- note on Herodotus by Dean Swift, 350. Gutch (J.W.G.) on lines attributed to Hudibras, 211. ---- on etymology of News, 270. ---- derivation of Avon, 285. Gutch (J.M.) on Herrick's Hesperides, 350. Guy Mannering, death-bed superstition in, 350. G.(W.S.) on fifth son, 482. ---- on meaning of fingle, 477. H. H. on autograph mottoes of Richard Duke of Gloucester and Henry Duke of Buckingham, 138. ---- on pity is akin to love, 248. H.(A.) on Bishop Jewell's papers, 351. Haigh's (Sir R.) letter-book, 463. Hailstone (E.) original letter of Peter le Neve, 451. H.(A.J.) on Christian captives, 477. ---- on lines attributed to Hudibras, 211. Haley, or Hales (Richard), Milton pedigree, 366. Hall (Spencer), unpublished letter of Horace Walpole, 273. Hallam's History of Literature, error in, 435. ---- Middle Ages: alleged ignorance of the clergy, 51. Halliwell (J.O.) on esquire and gentleman, 475. ---- on Table-Book, 215. ---- on the name of Shylock, 222. Hamilton, Sir William, 216. 270. Hamlet, tradition respecting Shakespeare's, 93. Hammack (J.T.) on bills of fare and humble pie, 54. ---- on Dick Shore, 92. 142. ---- on parish register statistics--Chart, Kent, 442. Hampson (R.T.) on King Alfred's Geography of Europe, 258. ---- on Aelfric's colloquy, 168. Hampson (R.T.) on Periplus of Hanno the Carthaginian, 361. Hanap, 477. 492. Hanging out the broom, 384. Hanno the Carthaginian, Periplus of, 361. 412. Hanover Square, 435. H.(A.P.) on a curious monumental brass, 370. ---- on the arrangement of a monastery, 452. Hapless Hunter; or Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 92. Hardy (W.) on wives of ecclesiastics, 148. Hats, beaver, 235. 266. 338. "Havior," etymology of 230. 269. 342. 388. Hawkins (Edward) on curse of Scotland, 61. ---- on satirical medal of the Pretender, 70. ---- on ships called whelps, 106. H.(C.) on chapels, 417. ---- on Christian captives, 477. ---- on gourders of rain, 335. ---- on a Treatise on the Lord's Supper, by R. Crowley, 333. H.(C.A.) on a passage from an old play, 76. H.(C.W.) on paying through the nose, 421. H.(E.) on high doctrine, 187. ---- on the pursuits of literature, 212. "Hearty Well-wisher" on poem in Lansdowne MSS., 12. Henn (Oscar) on Arabic numerals, 280. H.(E.J.) on spur-money, 462. Henno Rusticus, 12. 89. Henry, Duke of Buckingham, autograph motto of, 138. 252. Herald, Morning, when first established, 75. Herbert's Ames, Dr. Maitland on, 8. ---- and Dibdin's Ames, 38. ---- (Sir Henry) office-book, 143. H.(E.R.J.) on early statistics of Chart, Kent, 330. ---- on howkey, or hockey, 457. Hermes on "brown study," 418. ---- on Dr. Dee's petition, 187. ---- on the Dutch version of Dr. Faustus, 169. ---- on Erasmus Encomium Moriae, 455. ---- on J.B.'s Treatise of Nature and Art, 458. ---- on Martins the printer, 219. ---- on Vondel's Lucifer, 169. ---- on Vox et praeterea nihil, 387. Herodotus, note on, by Dean Swift, 360. Herrick (Robert) and his Hesperides, note on 291. 350. Hertford, extraordinary execution at, 70. Hesperides, a note on Robert Herrick the author of, 291. Hever, 405. Hexameter verses in the Scriptures, 109. H.(F.) Religious Tract by, 460. H.. "The lucky have whole days," query as to authorship, 351. Hibernicus on Armagh, 219. Hickford's Rooms, Panton Street, Haymarket, 395. Hickson (Samuel) on early English and early German literature--"News" and "Noise," 428. ---- on Marlowe and the old Taming of a Shrew, 194. ---- on song in style of Suckling, 134. ---- on the old Taming of a Shrew, 227. 345. High doctrine, 187. ---- E.H. on, 187. Hints to intending editors, 386. H.(J.O.W.) Tale of a Tub, 326. ---- queries on outline, 318. Hobit, derivation of, 470. Hockey, 457. Holborn, Turnstile Lane, 244. Holsworth (Dr. Richard) and Thos. Fuller, 484. Holy Scripture, Gowghe's Dore of, 139. 205. Homer's Odyssey, Pope's, errors in, 331. 362. Homeric ballads of Dr. Maginn, 470. Homilies, allusions in, 229. Honnore Pelle, 76. {503} Hook or by crook, 158. 205. 222. 237. 281. 405. Hopkins (John) the Psalmist, 119. Horace, Pope's translation of, 230. Hordys, 157. 404. Horns, query respecting, 383. 419. 456. ---- to a river, 456. ---- why Moses represented with, 383. 419. Horse's head, 258. Hours, MS. book of, 276. Household book of Sir E. Dering, 130. ---- A.D. 1648-52, 161. Howard (Earl of Surrey), 440. Howkey or hockey, 263. 457. Howlett the engraver, 321. H.(R.) on Anthony Alsop, 215. ---- on derivation of "Pimlico," 383. ---- death-bed superstition, 315. H.(R.F.) on John Bull, 336. H.(S.) on "Bis dat qui citò dat," 330. Hudibrastic couplet, 340. Hudibras, lines attributed to, 210. ---- on a passage in, 177. ---- passage from 203. Humble pie 54. 92. 168. Hundred-weight. 173. Hunt (Leigh), sonnet on the poets, 122. Hunter (Rev. Joseph) on anecdotes of books, 73. Huntsman, the Wild, 363. H.(W.) on wives of ecclesiastics, 115. ---- on Temple Stanyan, 460. Hyde Park Corner, 436. Hymn (Christmas), 201. 252. Hypomagirus on havior, 342. ---- on muffins and crumpets, 253. I. Identity of anonymous annotators, 213. "I'd preach as though," 415. I.(J.) on St. Barnabas, 136. ---- on bigotry, 204. ----, Dorne the bookseller and Henno Rustleus, 75. 118. ---- on Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 163. ---- on execution of Duke of Monmouth, 237. ---- on Gothic architecture, 134. ---- on the transposition of letters, 298. ---- on Warton and Heinsius, 285. ---- on lines attributed to Tom Brown, 372. Iland chest, 173. Incumbents of church livings, 61. 91. 106. Indagator on lines attribute to Henry, Viscount Palmerston, 382. Indians, why American aborigines so called, 254. 491. Inedited letter of the Duke of Monmouth, 379. Inquistitorius on Liber Senteotiarum--Inquisition of Thoulouse, 10. Inquistition in France, 106. ---- in Mexico, 352. ---- in Thoulouse, 10. Inscriptions of ancient alms-basins, 44. 73. Inscriptions, early, 491. Investigator on Cartwright's poems, 108. ---- on Nat Lee's certificate, 149. Ireland, emblem and national motto of, 415. ---- pamphlets respecting, 384. 473. Iron manufactures of Sussex, 87. ---- railings round St. Paul's, 446. Iter Boreale, MS. note on, 165. I.(T.) on Prince Madoc, 341. J. J. on meaning of Cavell, 473. ---- on mayors, 380. ---- on pamphlets respecting Ireland, 384. ---- portrait of Sir John Poley, 385. Jackson (Sir George), was he not "Junius"? 172. ---- (Edward S.) on derivation of calamity, 268. Jackson (Edward S.), Quem Deus vult perdere, 351. James I., bust of, 43. ----, Dr. Dee's petition to, 142. James II., abdication of, 39. 489. James, St., 216. ----, St., day, grottoes on, 5. Jarlzberg on the order of St. Francis, 385. ---- on Le petit Albert, 385. ---- on the symbols of the four Evangelists, 385. 472. ---- on English translations of Erasmus's E comium Moriae, 385. J.(B.G.) on Gootet, 397. ---- on nursery games and rhymes, 401. Jebb (John, Rev.) nine queries by, 212. ---- on blunder in Malone's Shakspeare, 213. ---- on notes from fly-leaves, 228. Jemmy Dawson, ballad on, 158. Jennings (Peter H.) on the battle of Towton, 124. Jerdan (W.) on Zachary Boyd, 405. Jester to Henry VIII., Domingo Lomelyn, 193. Jewell's (Bishop) papers, 351. Jew's harp, origin of the, 215. 277. 342. Jews, emancipation of the, 461. 474. J.(G.) on buns, 244. ---- on Easter eggs, 244. Jhon-John, 234. J.(J) on anonymous Ravennas, 220. ---- on Dick Shore, 220. ---- on whelps, 77. John, 299. ---- origin of name, 234. John of Salisbury, Douce on, 9. John Bull. 372. Johnson (Dr.) and Professor de Morgan, 107. ----, library of, 214. 270. ---- and Dr. Warton, 481. Johnson (R.F.) on author of Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, &c., 381. ---- on the seven champions of Christendom, 418. ---- on derivation of sterling, 384. ---- origin and signification of hanging out the broom, 384. ---- on Tickhill, God help me, 247. Jones (R.M.) on microscope, 217. Jones (T.) on Herbert and Dibdin's Ames, 39. ---- on litany version of the Psalms, 234. Jones (Inigo), sketches by, 122. Josias Ibach, Stada, 452. Journeyman, meaning of, 309. 458. J.(T.) on Arabic numerals, 455. ---- on dog Latin, 230. ---- on humble pie, 168. ---- on ordination pledges, 206. ---- on passage in Frith's Works, 373. ---- on peruse, 252. ---- on Stephen Eiton or Eden's "Acta Regis Edw. II.," 230. ---- on symbolism of flowers, 457. ---- on Welsh ambassador, 406. Judas Bell, 125. 235. 357. Julius on horse's head, 259. ---- on Rush hearings, 259. Junior on a Flemish account, 74. Junius, queries as to, 275. 322. 353. ----, was he Sir G. Jackson? 172. 276. K. Karinthon (Lord), murdered in 1665, 400. K.(B.H.) on passages in Milton, 286. Kelke (W. Hastings) on travelling in 1590, 400. Ken (Bp.), hymns, 188. Kennaquhair (I.) on pet names, 299. Kennedy (Rev. B.H.) on the expression "mutual friend," 149. ---- on Tickhill, God help me, 325. ---- on pet names, 242. Kentish ballad, 247. 339. Kersley (Henry), lines by Sir John Suckling, 439. ---- on Miry-Land Town, 237. ---- on Americans called Indians, 491. ---- on superstitions of the Midland Counties, 451. ---- on barnacles, 254. ---- on book called Theophania, 174. K.(G.J.) on Charles Martel, 86. ---- on printer's couplets, 86. Kilkenny, when made a city, 157. Killaloe, Henry Ryder, Bishop of, 383. Killigrew family, genealogy of, 204. 231.. 283. ----, master of the revels, seal of, 204. Kingsmill (Rev. W.M.) on incumbents of church livings, 106. King's coffee-house, Covent Garden, 493. Kings, pilgrimage of, 173. K.(J.) on Cunningham's Lives of eminent Englishmen, 379. Kooez (Aredjid) on the Dutch language, 492. ---- on trunck breeches, 445. Koran by Sterne, 216. 418. K.(W.H.) on cure for the hooping-cough, 397. K.(W.M.), why Dr. Dee quitted Manchester, 284. L. L. on Fenkle, 419. ---- on incumbents of church-livings, 61. ---- on Nash's Terrors of the Night, 455. ---- on tureen, 455. Lacedaemonian black broth (coffee), 139. 155. 204. 242. 300. Laerig, what is the meaning of, 292. ---- (derivation of), 387. 406. Lairus, when "Father" last applied to clergymen, 158. Laissez faire, laissez passer, 390. L'Allegro (passages in), notes on Milton's minor poems, 316. Lambeth wells, 395. Lambs bive and chute, 93. 474. La Mer des Histores, 236. 325. Lammin (W.H.) on Master of the Revels, 373. ---- on Mowbray coheirs, 388. Lamont (C.D.) on dais-man, 267. La Monnoye, epigram by, 373. Lamp, smelling of, 336. 371. Lancaster, St. Thomas of, 204. Landed and commercial policy of England, 59. 91. Lansdown House, 436. Lansdowne MSS., poem in, 12. Lara (Byron's), on a passage in, 262. Larking (Rev. L.B.), on bill of fare in 1626, 99. ---- on household book of Sir E. Dering, 131. ---- on MSS. of Sir Roger Twysden, 76. ---- on Kentish ballad, 339. ---- on strewing straw or chaff, 294. ---- on wages in 17th and 19th centuries, 227. ---- on the wife of Robert de Bruce, 187. Last of the villains, 159. Latin distich and translations, 415. ---- epigram, 416. ---- names of towns, 474. ---- verse, 215. Law courts at St. Alban's, 366. ---- of horses, 421. Lawrig (derivation of), 387. 460. Lawyers' patron saint, 151. Lay of the Phoenix, 203. 235. Lab on family of Pointz of Greenham, 94. L.(C.L.) on history of Edward II., 99. ---- on landed and commercial Policy of England, 22. Legal policy of Great Britain (Dr. Thomas Bever's, 483. Legate (Bartholomew), the Martyr, 483. {504} Legislators and ballad makers, 153. Legour on grog and Bishop Barnaby, 28. ---- why is an earwig called coach-bell, 383. Leman (Rev. Thomas), 59. 91. Lines on Pharaoh, 406. Lesly, Bishop of Ross, 186. Letter attributed to Sir Robert Walpole, 304. 321. ---- Book (Sir R. Waigh's), 463. ---- of Sir Robert Walpole, 388. Levite (Young), Macaulay's, 26. 167. 222. 374. Liber Sententiarum, 10. 20. Libraries (ancient), 21. 83. ---- public, 391. Library of Augustinian Eremites of York, 84. ---- of Dr. Johnson, 214. 270. Limb of the Law on a maiden assize and white gloves, 29. Limborch's Historia Inquisitionis, 20. Line quoted by De Quincey, 351. 388. Lines attributed to Henry Viscount Palmerston, 382. ---- Tom Brown, 372. ---- on London dissenting ministers, 383. 454. ---- quoted by Goethe, 125. ---- by Sir John Suckling, 439. ---- in the style of Suckling, 20. ---- on "Woman's Will," 247. Ling or Bodenham's Politeuphia, 28. 86. Lions in the Tower, 43. Literary Leisure, author of, 352. Literature, early English and early German, 428. ---- the pursuers of, 212. ---- pursuits of, 253. Liturgy version of the Psalms, 203. 234. Living dog better than a dead lion, 352. 370. 404. L.(J.H.) on King's coffee-house, Covent Garden, 403. ---- on Trimble family, 485. L.(L.B.) on Cowley or Cowleas, 107. ---- on Loscop, 371. L.L.L. on Howlett, the engraver, 321. Lobster in medal of the Pretender, 103. 167. Locke, MSS. of, 461. Locke's proposed Life of Lord Shaftesbury, 401. Logan (James), on ancient motto, 340. ---- on barnacles, 340. ---- on Conrad of Salisbury's Descriptioutriusque Britanniae, 319. Logographic printing, 198. Lollius, meaning of, 303. 418. Lomax (T.G.) on Dr. Johnson's library, 214. Lomelyn (Domingo) jester to Henry VIII., 193. London, _see_ Cunningham's Handbook for. ---- House Yard, 196. ---- improvements, Vanbrugh's, 142. Long, Robert, Admiral, 382. 422. ----, Latin Epigram on a tall barrister so named, 422. Louvaine printer, Martin, 373. Lord Chatham, Queen Charlotte, original letter respecting, 65. Lord's Supper, a treatise on, by Robert Crowley, 332. 355. Loscop, 319. 371. Louis XIV., epigram on, 374. Love, the king's fool, 121. Love's last shift, 383. 476. Lower (Mark Anthony) on definition of grummett, 358. ---- on the etymology of daysman, 188. ---- on seal of the Killigrew family, 204. ---- on shipster, 251. ---- on Shylock, 184. L.(R.) on the thistle of Scotland, 24. L.(S.) on Vertue's MSS., 372. L.(T.H.), epigram on Louis XIV., 374. L.(T.J.) on characters of actors in Cibber's Apology, 67. Lucas's (John) MS. collection of English songs, 174. Lucifer, Vondel's, 142. 169. The lucky have whole days, 231. 351. Ludlow's (John) query as to Junius, 275. ---- memoirs, 384. Ludlum's dog (As lazy as), 475. Luther and Erasmus, lines on, 27. ----, woodcut likenesses of, 203. ----, portraits of, 232. ----, Erasmus, and Ulric von Hutten, portraits of, 303. Luther's portrait at Warwick Castle, 400. 457. ---- translation of the New Testament, 1 John, v. 7., 399. 453. Lydgate and Coverdale, and their biographers, 379. Lynne (Walter), 474. L.(W.) on Honnore Pelle, 76. ---- on the omission of the words Del Gratia from the new floring, 118. Lwyd (Merry), 315. M. M on Myles Blomefylde Ortus Vocabulorum, 90. ---- on Roland Monoux, 137. ---- on Manuscript of Orosius, 371. ---- on journal of Sir William Beeston, 444. ---- on Seager a painter, 469. M. on à brebis près tondue, &c., 357. ---- on the Apocrypha, 401. ---- on Arabic numerals, 281. ---- on Burnet, 40. ---- on the ecclesiastical year, 420. ---- on Gray's Elegy, 221. ---- on J.B.'s Treatise on Art and Nature ---- on Latin names of towns, 402. ---- on Moria Encomlum of Erasmus, 455. ---- on note books, 462. ---- on opinions of English historians, Lord Clarendon, 165. ---- on poetical symbolism, 219. ---- on Ptolemy of Alexandria, 170. ---- on symbols of the evangelists, 472. ---- on Temple Stanyan, 460. ---- on Theses, 401. ---- on vox populi vox Dei, 492. ---- on Zenobia, 421. M.(A.) on watching the sepulchre, 403. M. or N., 485. 476. Mac Cabe (W.B.) on barnacles, 117. ---- on Frusius, 218. Macaulay and Bishop Burnet, 40. 250. Macaulay's "Young Levite," 26. 167. 222. 374. Macaulay's account of Duke of Monmouth, 3. Macbeth, on a pas age in, 484. Machoreus, _see_ Macorovius. Mackay (John Ross), 125. 356. Macorovius or Machoreus (Alexander), 186. M.(A.D.) on the capture of the Duke of Monmouth, 24. ---- on Cromwell relics, 247. ---- on Macaulay's "Young Levite," 222. ---- on travelling in England, 68. Madden (Sir Frederick) on Purvey on the Apocalypse, and Bonner on the Seven Sacraments, 452. ---- on Sanuto's Doges of Venice, 36. ---- on the Wycliffe Translation of the Scriptures, 366. Madoc's expedition to America, 12. 25. 57. 58. 236. 282. Madoc, the son of Owen Gwynedd, 56. 135. Maginn, Dr. miscellaneous writings of, 341. 406. 470. Maiden assize, white gloves at, 29. Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, 451. Maids (Red) of Bristol, 183. 219. Maitland (Rev. S.R.) on college salting, 261. ---- on Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, 56. ---- on repository for "notes" and Herbert's "Ames," 8. Maitland, (Rev. S.R.), on Robert Crowley, 355. Malone's Shakspeare, blunder in, 213. 386. 461. Man in a garret, on M. de Gournay, 308. Manuscripts respecting abdication of James II., 39. Mare de Saham, 106. 121. Marescaucia, 94. 167. Margarets' (St.), Westminster, extracts from church wardens' accounts of, 195. Markland (J.H.) on Dr. Johnson and Dr. Warton, 481. ---- on esquire and gentlemen, 491. Marlborough (Duke of), 415. 490. Marlow's autograph, 469. Marlow and the old "Taming of a Shrew," 94. 226. Marriage contract of Mary Queen of Scots and the Earl of Bothwell, 97. Martel (Charles), 86. Martel (the name), 274. Martin (F.S.) on derivations of calamity, 8. 215. Martins, _see_ Mortens. Martins, the Louvaine printer, 373. Marylebone gardens, 383. 490. Mary on origin of Polly, 215. Mary Queen of Scots, marriage contract of with the Earl of Bothwell, 97. Mary, Queen, her expectations, 188. Master of Methuen, 305. Master of the revels, 158. 373. Masters of St. Cross, 352. 404. Mathematical Archaeology, 132. Mathews (W. Franks) on mother of Thomas à Becket, 415. Mathews (W. Franks) on Urbanus Regius, 419. Maudeleyne (Grace), 437. Maxim, French, 215. 373. May-day, 221; ---- customs of, 187. May Marriages, 467. Maypole (Strand), 142. Mayor (Rev. J.E.B.) on Bishop Cosin's MSS.; index to Baker's MSS., 433. ---- on the circulation of the blood, 250. ---- notes on Bacon and Jeremy Taylor, 427. ---- on notes from fly-leaves, 212. ---- on smelling of the lamp, 371. Mayors, what is their correct prefix? 380. M.(B.), on Vanbrugh's London improvements, 142. M.(C.R.) on evangelistic symbols, 472. Medal of the Pretender, 58. 70. 103. 167. Mediaeval geography (queries in), 60. Medical symbols, 399. Melandra on ancient alms-basins, 172. Melanion on French maxims, 373. ---- on "By hook or crook," 205. ---- on Jew's harp, 215. ---- on Macaulay's "Young Levite," 25. ---- on May-day customs, 187. ---- on military execution, 246. ---- on Nomade, 342. ---- on Periwinkle, a mocking emblem, 77. ---- on plagiarisms or parallel passages, 164. 260. ---- on Twm Shawn Cattie, 383. Mer des Histoires, 286. 385. Mercenary preacher, 384. Merry Lwyd, 315. Merser, Mr., House, Newington, painted glass in, 197. Mertens, Martins, or Martini the printer, 185. Merton (Ambrose) on Wesselcuphymn, 137. Mess. (A), meaning of, 153. Messengers (Queen's), 186. 445. Metal for telescopes, Rev. J. Edwards on, 174. 206. Methuen (Master of), 305. Metrical charms--Folk lore, 229. Metrical version of the Psalms, Lord Bacon's, 263. Metrical writings on alchymy, 60. Meyrlok's Ancient Armour, error in, 342. M.(F.) on Astle's MSS., 282. {505} M.(F.) on Compendyous Olde Treatyse, 277. ---- on Dore of Holy Scripture, 140. ---- on Dr. Hugh Todd's MSS. 282. ---- on Madoc, 282. ---- on MS. Book of Hours, 276. ---- on MSS. of Sir Roger Twysden, 282. ---- on royal genealogies, 282. ---- on "Factotum," 88. ---- on viridis vallis, 285. M.(G.) on incumbents of Church livings, 91. ---- on Katharine Pegg, 91. ---- on Rev. T. Leman, 91. ---- on Selago and Samolus, 201. ---- on travelling hand-bills, 146. M.(H.J.) on ballad of Dick and the Devil, 172. Michael (St.) and All Angels, festival of, 202. 235. Microscope, 217. Middle Ages (Hallam's), 51. Middle Temple, 123. Miland (John) on trade editions--Cottle's Life of Coleridge, 55. Military execution, 246. 476. Milnes (Richard Monckton) on St. Thomas of Lancaster, 181. Milton, on passages in, 236. Milton's Defensio, MS. notes in, 164. ---- L'Allegro, 316. ---- Minor Poems, notes on, 316. ---- pedigree. Richard Haley or Hales, 366. ---- Prose Works, Bohn's edition, 483. Minar's Book of Antiquities, 277. Minimum de Malis, 374. Minerva, order of, 188. Misquotations, 38. Mistake in Gibbon, 390. Maryland town, 166. 237. M.(J.) on Complutensian Polyglot, 268. ---- Evelyn's Sculptura, 295. ---- "God tempers the wind," &c., 357. ---- on Gray's elegy, 221. ---- on le petit Albert, 474. ---- on origin of Rococo, 356. ---- on Richard of Cirencester, 206. ---- on Roger Bacon; hints and queries for a new edition of his works, 393. ---- on theses, 461. ---- on treatise of equivocation, 264. ---- wild huntsmen, 363. ---- did Oliver Cromwell write the new Star of the North, 262. M.(J.B.) on Bristol riots, 352. ---- on a French maxim, 231. M.(J.E.) on ancient motto, 93. M.(J.F.) on birthplace of Andrew Borde, 88. ---- on definition of clericus, 149. ---- on derivation of calamity, 268. ---- on Greay's elegy, 101. ---- hints to intending editors, 386. ---- on Mare de Saham and Portum Pusillum, 106. ---- on letters of Mrs Chiffinch, 124. ---- on notes from fly-leaves, No. iv., 164. ---- on a passage in L'Allegro, notes on Milton's minor poems, 316. ---- on Richard Haley or Hales, 366. ---- on the fraternity of vagabonds, 220. ---- on Walewich or Watewich, 236. M.(J.H.) on Burnet, 341. ---- on Jew's-harp, 342. ---- on Milton's L'Allegro, 316. ---- on "to fettle," 169. Modest discours, 205. 233. Monastery, arrangement of one, 452. Moneta Sanctae Helenae, 100. Monk, Skinner's life of, 378. Monmouth's ash, 82. ---- Duke of, 358. ---- execution of, 237. ---- capture of, 324. ---- inedited letter of, 379. ---- memorials of the last days of, 198. ---- correspondence, 427. ---- his pocket-book, 397. Monody on Sir John Moore, 321. 418. Monoux, Roland, monumental brass, 137. Monosyllables, use of, 285. Moure (Cecil) on form of petition, 75. Monson (Lord) on Lord Carrington or Karinthon, 490. Monumental brass, 370. 405. Moore, Sir John, monody on the death of, 321. 445. Morgan, De (Professor), and Dr. Johnson, 107. Morning Herald, when first established, 7. Morse As caught the mare, 320. Moses, why represented with horns, 383. 419. Mosquito country, origin of the name, early connection of the Mosquito Indians with the English, 425. Mother of Thomas a Becket, 415. 490. Motto, ancient, 93. 104. 156. 189. 340. ---- of University of Cambridge, 76. ---- Sapcote, 355. 476. ---- singular, 214. 253. ---- the Buckingham, 138. 232. 283. 459. Mousetrap, book of the, 154. ---- Dante, 339. Mowbray coheirs, 213. 388. Morning Chronicle, when established, 7. M.(R.M.) on chrysopolis, 283. ---- on Darnley's birth-place, 220. ---- on Sannto, 220. ---- (S.A.) on Charlemagne's talisman, 187. ---- on the darkness at the crucifixion, 188. MS. volume of chronicles at Reigate, note of, 6. MSS. of Casubon, 422. ---- of Dr. Hugh Todd, 340. ---- of Locke, 401. 461. ---- of the Wycliffite translations of the Scripture, 356. ---- sermons by Jeremy Taylor, 125. ---- of Sir Roger Troysden, 76. M.(J.R.), Flemish account, 8. M.(J.F.) on Ling and Bodenham, 86. M.(J.H.) on Countess of Pembroke's letter, 119. M.(J.R.) on parallel passages or plagiarisms in Childe Harold, 299. Muffins and crumpets, derivation of, 173. 205. 253. Munford (George), query, Is the Dombec the Domesday of Alfred, 365. Murrain in cows (charm for) used in Ireland, 349. Musafir on a Flemish account, 74. Music room in Charles Street, Covent Garden, 395. ---- in Dean Street, Soho, 395. "Mutual friend," Dr. Jennedy on the expression, 149. M.(W.) on derivation of "finkle," 384. 477. M.(W.B.) on Marc de Saham--Portum Pusillum--Watewich, 121. M.(W.L.) on Gray's Elegy, 221. "My love and I for kisses played," &c., 302. 458. My mind to me a kingdom is, 489. 302. N. N. on reinerius Saccho, 205. ---- on Bohn's edition of Milton's prose works, 481. ---- on busts of James I. and Charles I., and ancient tapestry, 43. ---- on discours modest, 205. ---- on Dr. Sam. Parr, and Dr. John Taylor of Shrewsbury school, 467. ---- on Katherine Pegg, 91. ---- on Rev. T. Leman, 91. ---- on William Godwin, 415. N.(A.), Minar's Books of Antiquities, 277. ---- on reheting and rehetours, 279. ---- on William Baxter, 285. Nagahead, Cheapside, 410. Name (change of), 246. 337. Names of towns (Latin), 402. Napoleon, tablet to, 262. 406. 461. Nares on Scarborough warning, 138. Nash's terrors of the night, 400. 455. Naso on Cock Lane, 244. ---- on Mary-le-bone Gardens, 383. ---- on the Norman crusades, 103. ---- on the Times, 136. Nat Lee's certificate, 149. Nathan on the ecclesiastical year, 381. ---- on "Vox et praeterea nihil," 387. N.(B.) on the lobster in the medal of the pretender, 167. ---- on Richard Green of Lichfield, 167. ---- on Thistle of Scotland, 166. Nec pluribus impar, 422. N.(E.L.) on the Koran by Sterne, 216. Nell Gwynne, Tennison's funeral sermon on, 28. Nelson's brother, letters of immediately after the battle of Trafalgar, 36. Nemo, Christ's hospital, old songs once popular there, 318. ---- on the Memoirs of an American Lady, 335. ---- what is the meaning of complexion, 352. ---- query as to the author of Literary Leisure, 352. Never (Peter Le) original letter of, 451. New Star of the North, did Oliver Cromwell write it, 202. New Year's Day custom, 214. Newcastle House, 436. New Exchange, 451. "News," origin of the word, 270. 369. 487. Nightingale (B.) medal of the pretender, 58. Nine of diamonds, why and when called the curse of Scotland, 61. 90. N.(J.E.) on John Stowe, 297. N.(J.G.) on Constantine the artist, 452. ---- on Josias Ibach, Stada, 452. ---- on the Master of the Revels, 158. Nomade, 302. 309. Norman crusader, the, 103. Norman pedigrees, 214. 266. Norris on Gowghe's Dore of Holy Scripture, 205. Northman on Martin the Louvain printer, 373. ---- on Portugal, 246. ---- why are North American aborigines called Indians, 254. Nosce Teipsum, an exception, Epigram, 591. Note on Herodotus, by Dean Swift, 350. ---- on Cold Harbour, 60. Notes on authors and books, 42. ---- on the Dodo, 410. ---- from fly leaves, No. 1. 9; No. 2. 28.; No. 3. 39; No. 4. 164; No. 5. 211; No. 6. 227. ---- method of keeping them, 104. ---- unpon notes No. 1. 19. ---- query as to, 43. ---- value of a repository for, 8. ---- upon books, sales, catalogues, &c. _in every number_. ---- to correspondents, _in every number_. Noval a recent one, 231. 285. Novus on compendyous Olde Treatyse, 404. ---- on Tracts, by F.H. 490. ---- on Walter Lynne, 474. ---- on Woolton's Christian manual, 490. Nudd (Gwynn ab), on Merry Lwyd, 315. Numismatic queries, 468. Nursery games and Rhymes, 401. O. O. on a Latin epigram, 416. O.(L.) on portaits in the British Museum, 305. O.(R.) on coffee, the Lacedaemonian black broth, 124. 204. ---- on portrait of Charles I. 138. ---- on register of Cromwell's baptism, 136. Office book of Sir Henry Herbert, 143. {506} Ogilby's Britannia, 153. Old Auster Tenements, 217. 307. ---- books, English and American reprints of, 209. ---- Robin Gray, MS. notes in, 165. Oliphant (G.H. Hewit) on law of horses, 421. Oliver (George) on Daysman, 267. Omens from battle, 258. Opinions respecting English historians:-- I. Bishop Burnet, 40. II. Lord Clarendon, 165. Order of Minerva, 88. Ordination, pledges, 156. 206. 235. Origin, of the Jews-harp, 217. ---- of the change of Mary into Polly, 299. Ormerod (Geo.) on Sydenham or Tulenham, 453. Ormonde, (second Duke of), 380. ---- house, 320. Orosius, (Anglo-Saxon MS. of), 371. Ortus Vocabulorum, 90. Ossory, (Bishops of), 305. Otloh the Scribe, by S. W. Singer, 113. 147. Our progress, 129. 289. ---- progress and prospects, 50. ---- further progress, 393. Owen (Rev. Dr.), new edition of his works, 276. ---- epigram from the Latin of, 308. Oxoniensis on Bp. Ken's Hymns, 188. ---- on MS. Sermons by Jeremy Taylor, 125. P. P. on Boston de Bury, 186. ---- on Carena, 186. ---- was not Sir George Jackson "Junius," 172. 276. Painted glass, 197. Painter, Seager, a. 469. P.(A.G.S.), Snow of Chicksand priory, 351. Pallace, the meaning of, 202. 233. 284. Pall Mall, 436. Palmerson (Henry Viscount), lines attributed to, 382. Pamphlets respecting Ireland, 384. 473. Pandoxare, 202. 234. 284. Paraphrase of the Gospels, Erasmus', 172. Parallel passages, 330. Pardonere (the) and Frere, 390. Parish registers, extracts from, 41. ---- statistics, Chart, Kent, 442. Parker street, Drury lane, 229. Parkership, porkership. _See_ Pokership. Parliamentary writs, 305. Parnell, lines by, 427. Parr (Dr. Sam.) of Shrewsbury, and Shrewsbury school, 466. Parson's charity, Oliver Cromwell as a feoffee of, 465. Passage from an old play, 76. ---- from Pope, 245. Patron saint of Lawyers, 151. Pavoise of the Black Prince, 283. Pawnbrokers' three balls, 42. Paying through the nose, 335. 421. P.(C.) on Parnell, 427. Peal of bells, a, 170. ----, ancedote of a, 382. Peckham (East), Kent, extract from parish registers, 41. Pedigrees, Norman, 214. 266. Pellar's song attribted to Shakspere, and tradition connected with Shakspere's "Hamlet," 23. Pegge (Catherine), 59. 90. 141. 200. Pembroke, Dorset, and Montgomery, countess of, celebrated letter of, 28. 119. 154. Penniel, etymology of, 449. Percy (Dr.) and the poems of the Earl of Surrey, 470. Periergus Bibliophilus, on book of the mousetrap, 154. Periplus of Hanno, the Carthaginian, 361. 412. Periwinkle, a mocking emblem, 77. Peruse or perviso, the word, 215. 222. 319. Petit Albert, 385. Petition, form of, 43. 75. Pet names, 242. 299. P.(G.) on Annus Trabeationis, 105. ----, query respecting Urbanus Regius, 367. Pharaoh, lines on, 406. Phi on florins, 119. ---- on lions in the Tower, 42. ---- on wives of eccleiastics, 116. Philalethis Cestriensis, 334. Philautus, epigram to, 358. Philip, St., 216. Philobodius, lines on Pharaoh, 406. Phoenix, lay of, Anglo-Saxon, 203. 235. ---- by Lactantius, 283. Philolagos, on derivation of Zero, 268. ----, on the origin of the change of Mary into Polly, 299. Phonetic peculiarity, 463. Physicians, proverb against, 277. Pictures of Queen Elizabeth and Charles I. in churches, 184. Pilgrimage of kings, 173. ---- of princes, 203. Pimlico, origin of name, 383. 474. Pisan, meaning of, 101. 236. 266. 299. Pitt's (Lord Chatham) resignation, 65. Pity is akin to love, 248. P.(J.) on origin of word "bug," 237. P.(K.M.) on the festival of St. Michael and all angels, 203. Plagiarisms, or parallel passages, 163. 260. 332. 347. Planché (J.R.) on ancient tapestry, 68. ---- on armour of Black Prince and sword of Charles I., 183. ---- on Queen's messengers, 221. Plays, authors of old, 120. Poem by Sir Edward Dyer, 355. ---- in Lansdowne MSS., 12. Poems of William Basse, 265. Poetical symbolism, 219. Poets, Leigh Hunt's sonnet on, 122. Poghele, meaning of, 186. 406. Poins and Bardolph, 385. 418. Pointz of Greenham, family of, 94. Pokership or Porkership, meaning of, 185. 218. 236. 269. 281. 323. 369. Poley (Sir John), portrait of, 385. Policy, history of landed and commercial, in England, 59. 91. Political maxim, when first used, 93. 104. Polly, origin of the change of Mary into, 215. 299. Polyglot, Complutensian, 213. 251. 268. 325. 402. 461. Poor Robin's almanack, 470. Poore's (Edward) Literary Collections, 122. Pope Felix, 415. 475. Pope and Petronius, 452. ----, Petronius, and his translators, 414. ----, passages from, 245. ----, quotations from, 102. ----, on a passage in, 201. ---- vindicated, 362. Pope's Homer's Odyssey, errors in, 331. ---- revision of Spence's essay on the Odyssey, 396. ---- translations of Horace, 230. Porkership, 324. _See_ Pokership. Portrait by Boonen, 386. ---- of Charles I., 137. Portraits in the British Museum, 305. ---- of Luther and Erasmus, 202. ---- of Luther, Erasmus, and Ulric von Hutten, 303. Portugal, gazetteer of, 246. 368. Portum pusillum, 106. 121. Potter (T.R.) on Belvoir Castle, 384. Pound, St. Giles's, 244. Powell's (Rev. T.) Human Industry, Bolton Corney on, 102. Powers (John) on Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 163. Praise undeserved, origin of the line, 222. Pray remember the grotto, 5. Prebendaries, 400. Prendergast (M.) on Scole Inn, 283. Pretender, the lobster in the medal of the, 58. 167. Price (E.B.) on coffee, the Lacedaemonian black broth, 139. Printers' couplets, 86. Printing presses, topography of foreign, 277. 348. Priscian, query about _a_ or _an_ before vowels, 350. Prison discipline and execution of justice, 70. Propugnaculum, Anti-Pistorianum, 203. Proverb, a living dog better than a dead lion, 404. ----, weather, 413. Proverbial sayings and their origin, 347. 382. Provincial words, 467. Prutenicae, meaning of, 215. 284. Psalms, liturgy version of, 203. 234. ----, Lord Bacon's metrical version of, 202. 235. 263. Ptolemy of Alexandria, 142. 170. Public libraries, 391. Pursuers of literature, 212. Pursuits of literature, 253. Purvey on the Apocalypse, 452. Pusan, Iklynton collar, 440. Pwcca on Caerphile Castle, and the use of Samolus and Selago by the Druids, 157. ---- on curious Welsh custom, 173. P.(W.P.) on passage in Cowper's Task, 223. ---- on derivation of "calamity," 268. Q. Q.Q. on a Flemish account, 74. Quaesitor, Vox Populi, monody on Sir John Moore, 321. Quarterly Review on Burnet, 41. Queen of hearts, 320. Queen's bagnio, 286. ---- messengers, 186. 221. 415. Queen Street, Great, Lincoln's Inn, 244. Quem Deus vult perdere, 351. 421. 476. Queries on outline, 318. ----, Woolton's Christian Manual, 399. Query as to notes, 43. ---- on Ptolemy of Alexandria, 142. Quevedo, Spanish bull-fights, 381. R. R. on Caraccioli's life of Lord Clive, 108. ---- on Cartwright's poems, 151. ---- on Macaulay's Young Levite, 167. ---- on Sir R. Haigh's letter-book, 463. ---- on "sneck-up," 492. R.(A.) on Hordys, 404. R.(A.B.) on Bartholomew Legate, the martyr, 483. ----, lines on London dissenting ministers, 454. ---- on Dr. Richard Holsworth and Thos. Fuller, 484. Rahere on curious monumental brass, 247. Rainbow in the morning, &c., 451. Rain, fall of, in England, 173. 235. Raleigh, bust of Sir Walter, 76. Ranelagh, Lard, Daughter of, and Charles II., 478. Rappee (Brown) on "esquire" and "gentleman," 437. Ravennas, anonymous, date of, 124. 220. 368. Rawdon papers, 400. R.(C.J.) on catsup, 283. ---- on derivation of "laerig," 387. ---- on gourders of rain, 419. ---- on Quem Deus vult perdere, 421. ---- on MSS. of Dr. Hugh Todd, 340. ---- on Norman pedigrees, 267. ---- on tablet of Napolean, 406. ---- on translation of AElian, 267. ---- on the transposition of letters, 422. ---- on the use of monosyllables, 285. {507} R.(C.J.), to endeavour oneself, 285. R.(C.U.B.E.) on a nation's ballads, 124. R.(D.N.) on misquotations, 38. Reconciliation, the, in 1554, 186. Record publications, 90. Records, extracts from old, 317. Red Lion Square, 436. Red maids of Bristol, 183. 219. R.(E.F.) on the Strand Maypole, 142. ---- on John Lucas's collection of English songs, 174. ---- on Colonel Blood's house, 174. References, query as to, 20. ---- accuracy of, 170. Regimental badges, 415. Reheting and Rehetours, meaning of, 155. 278. Reigate, MS chronicles at, 6. Reinerius Saccho, 106. 205. Revells, the office of master of, 219. 273. R.(G.J.) on writers of notes on fly-leaves, 51. Richard of Cicenester, 93. Richard, Duke of Gloucester, autograph motto of, 138. 252. ---- III., true tragedy of, 315. Richardson, E. Bouchier, query relating to Rev. Dr. Thomlinson, 350. Richmond Buildings, Soho, 196. Rich (A.), Jun., on the Buckingham motto, 459. ---- on meaning of "grummett," 358. ---- (Anthony), Jun., on Pope, Petronius, and his translators, 414. Rider, Sir William, 203. 268. 325. Rimbault, E.F., Dr., on authors who have privately printed their own works, 469. ---- on ballad of Jemmy Dawson, 158. ---- on Betterton's duties of a player, 105. ---- bibliographical notes, 413. ---- on Dr. Burney's musical works, 135. ---- on Cunningham's Handbook for London, which see. ---- on Cheshire round, 456. ---- on Domingo Lomelyn, jester to Henry VIII., 124. ---- English translation of Erasmus Encomium Moriæ, 455. ---- on the exaltation of ale, a poem, 146. ---- on the field of forty footsteps, 217. ---- the first coffee-houses in England, 314. ---- the French Change, Soho, 410. ---- on Gesta Grayorum, 489. ---- on Hudibras, 178. ---- on Lollius, 418. ---- on Lydgate and Coverdale and their biographers, 379. ---- on Marylebone Gardens, 490. ---- on the Maudeleyne Grace, 437. ---- on mother of Thomas à Becket, 490. ---- on office-book of Sir Henry Herbert, 143. ---- on office of Master of the Revels, 219. ---- on the origin of the Jews-harp, 277. ---- on Pimlico, 474. ---- ten queries concerning poets and poetry, 302. ---- on Roger de Coverley, 118. ---- on salting, 492. ---- on Sir Edward Dering's household book, A.D. 1848-52, 162. ---- on William Basse and his poems, 266. ---- on spur money, 494. ---- on sword called curtana, 364. ---- tracts by Decker and Nash, 454. ---- on Turnstile Lane, Holborn, 244. ---- on use of beaver hats in England, 317. ---- Vertue's manuscripts, 319. ---- when were umbrellas introduced into England, 414. ---- who translated the Turkish Spy, 334. Ringers' true guide, Beaufoy's, 157. Riots, Bristol, 352. 460. R.(L.C.) on derivation of "to fettle," 142. R.(N.E.), allusion in Friar Buckley's sermon, 351. Roasted mouse, 430. Robson (W.) on the name Martel, 294. Rock (Rev. Daniel) on the fraternity of Christian doctrine--Chaucer's night charm, 281. ---- on the watching of the sepulchre, 354. ---- on the Wickliffite version of the scriptures, 405. ---- on Vox Populi vox Dei, 370. Rococo, 321. 356. Rodd (Mr.), sale of his books, 190. Roger Bacon, hints and queries for a new edition of his works, 393. Roger de Coverley, 59. 118. Rogers (J.R.) on the meaning of palace, 202. Roman Catholic Church, statistics of, 61. Roman numerals, 434. Roodloft, history of, 195. Rose, under the, 214. Rosh, query respecting sir Robert Long, 382. Ross (C.) on the Duke of Monmouth's pocket-book, 397. ---- on author of Laissez faire laisser passer, 390. Roterodamus on Luther and Erasmus, 27. Rotten Row and Stockwell Street, 441. Rowland's Choise of Change, 38. Royal genealogies, 282. ---- household allowances, 85. Roydon on fall of rain in England, 174. R.(R.) on golden frog, 282. ---- on hints to intending editors, 243. ---- on provincial words, 467. R.(T.C.) etymology of behavior, 388. Rufa on the Red Maids of Bristol, 219. Rufus, Nosce teipsum, 391. ---- Cupid crying, 172. ---- on the Devotee, 222. ---- epigram from the Latin of Vincent Bourne, 253. ---- epigram by, 204. ---- epigram from the Latin of Owen, 308. ---- epigram on soul and body, 390. ---- epigram to Philantus, 358. ---- on the golden age, 270. ---- lines on Miminum de Malis, 374. ---- on "Nec pluribus impar," 422. ---- ode to David Cook from V. Bourne, 152. ---- translation from V. Bourne, 347. Runcton, North, Norfolk, extract from parish register of, 10. Runes, 478. Rush bearings, 258. Russell (Lady Rachel), 462. Russells and Savegard, meaning of, 202. R.(W.B.) on Vox et Præterea nihil, 421. R.(W.D.) on Henry Ryder, bishop of Killaloe, 383. R.(W.J.B.) on hexameter verses in the scriptures, 109. Ryder (Henry) bishop of Killaloe, 383. 418. ---- (Sir William), 282. Rye (W.B.) on captivity of the Queen of Bruce in England, 290. S. S. on the Buckingham motto, 283. ---- on Poins and Bardolph, 418. ---- of N.S. on queries in church history, 158. [Greek: S]. on law courts at St. Alban's, 366. ---- on Thynne's Collection of Chancellors, 60. ---- on tandem, 382. ---- on the meaning of grummett, 319. Sacrilege punished by flaying, 185. Safeguard, 419. Salisbury Change, 451. Salt at Montem, 384. 473. Salting (college) and tricking of freshmen, 261. 390. 492. ---- something else about, 349. Samolus and Selago, the use of, by the Druids, 157. 231. 368. Sangred, meaning of, 124. 325. Sanson (John), "a living dog better than a dead lion," origin of, 352. ---- on Bishop Cosin's form of consecration of churches, 303. ---- on C. Agricola's Propugnaculum, 88. 203. ---- on La Mer des Histoires, 286. ---- on treatise by Engelbert, 214. Sans Souci Theatre, Leicester Place, 150. Sanuto's Doges of Venice, 35. 75. 220. Sapcote motto, 366. 476. Sartorius on traveling in England, 145. Satirical medal of the Pretender, 58. 70. 103. 167. Savile, (Marquis of), Halifax, 384. Savegard and Russells, meaning of, 202. 267. Sayers, the caricaturist, 187. S.(C.) on water gate, 164. Scata Coeli, 366. 402. 455. Scarborough warning, 138. S.(C.F.), extracts from parish registers of East Peckham, Kent, 42. ---- on the fraternity of Christian doctrine, 214. ---- on origin of Epithet Factotum, 44. Scheible of Stuttgart, books published by, 10. Scole, White Hart Inn, 243. 283. Schoolboy on Byron and Tacitus, 390. Sclater (Dr.), in books of, 178. Scotland, curse of, nine of diamonds, why so called, 90. ----, thistle of, 24. 166. Scotus on flaws of wind, 88. ---- on Duke of Monmouth's correspondence, 427. ---- on a Flemish account, 74. ---- on roasted mouse, 430. ---- on order of Minerva, 88. ---- on Madoc's expedition to America, 25. ---- on thistle of Scotland, 90. S.(C.W.) query, whence Shakspeare took the names Poins and Bardolph, 385. S.(D.) on the bishop that burneth, 87. ---- on Defoe's tour through Great Britain, 205. ---- on Marescausin, 94. ---- on Praise undeserved, 222. ---- on record publications, 90. ---- on St. Antholin's parish books, 423. S.(D.V.), query, brown study, 32. ---- on complexion, 473. ---- on direct and indirect etymology, 331. ---- "as lazy as Ludlum's dog as laid him down to bark," 382. Seager, a painter, 469. S.(E.) on Bayswater and its origin, 163. ---- on pokership, 369. Secretan (Rev. C.F.) on Sermones Sancti Caroli Borromæi, 27. Selago and Samolus, the use of, by the Druids, 157. 231. 368. Selden (Error in Johnson's life of), 451. ---- titles of honour, 351. Seleucus on Anglo-Saxon lay of the Phoenix, 203. ---- on Cromwell's Estates, 39. ---- on Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 163. ---- on Folk Lore of Wales, 294. ---- on new-year's-day custom, 214. ---- on Tureen, 340. ---- on Twm Sion Catti, 456. Sepulchre (watching of), 318. 354. Seriopoli, 213. Sermones Sancti Caroli Borromæi, 27. Serpent's eggs, and straw necklaces, 24. Scutter's "Atlas Novus", 156. Seven champions of Christendom, 418. Sewerage in Etruria, 180. Seymour, (Colonel Hyde), 351. S.(G.A.) on the Pardonere and Frere, 390. ---- (H.) on Complutensian MSS, 461. Shaftesbury (Earl of), on Monmouth's Ash, 82. ---- (Lord), and Dr. Whichcot, 382. Shakespeare and dear stealing, 4. {508} Shakespeare, employment of monosyllables, 228. ---- Malone's blunder in, 213. ---- MSS. 53. ---- and the old Taming of the Shrew, 345. ---- papers, Dr. Maginn's, 470. ---- Hamlet, tradition respecting, 23. ---- Pedlar's Song attributed to, 23. Shipater, meaning of, 216. 251. Sholbus, (D.) on old charms, 293. Shore (Dick), 220. Short's Gardens, Drury Lane, 129. Shrew, derivation of, 381. 421. 442. ---- Taming of the, 194. 227. 345. Shrewsbury and Shrewsbury School, Dr. Sam. Parr, and Dr. John Taylor of, 466. Shrouds, or clouds, in Shakespeare, 58. Shuck, the dog-fiend, 468. Shylock, on the name, 184. 221. S.(J.) on "By hook or by crook," 237. ---- on Forlot or Forthlot, 371. Sickingen, Franz Von, 336. 389. Signe of the end, query respecting, 12. Simpson (William Sparrow), on a curious monumental brass, 370. Singer S.W. on Aelfric's coloquy, 198. 278. ---- on king Alfred's Geography of Europe, 313. ---- on the Anglo-Saxon word Unlaed, 430. ---- on borrowed thoughts, 482. ---- on contradictions in Dox Quixote; and query as to the Buscaplé, 171. ---- on the Dodo queries, 485. ---- Dodo replies, 333. ---- on Hanno's Periplus, 412. ---- on Dr. Jacob Grimm, 292. ---- on Laerig, 460. ---- on Luther's translation of the New Testament, 453. ---- on Pope's revision of Spence's Essay on the Odyssey, 396. ---- what books did Otloh write, 113. Singular motto, 214. Sir Roger de Coverley, 368. Siwel on God tempers the Wind, 418. S.(J.A.) on By hook or by crook, 405. ---- on Lord Bacon's metrical version of the Psalms, 263. ---- on ballad maker and legislators, 153. ---- on discours modest, 233. ---- on family of Dove of Doncaster, 258. ---- on Gesta Grayorum, 351. ---- on lines quoted by Goethe, 188. S.(J.J.) motto of University of Cambridge, S.(J.M.) on topography of foreign printing presses 340. S.(J.) on Norman pedigrees, 257. ---- on Southwell's supplication, 351. ---- recent novel, 285. S.(J.P.) on dissenting ministers, 445. ---- on chapels, 417. ---- Skinner's life of Monk, 378. Skipwyth (Sir William), king's justice in Ireland, 23. S.(L.), on allusions in homilies, 229. ---- on omens from cattle, 259. ---- on Tempora mutantur, 234. Slang phrases, 234. Smelling of the lamp, 335. 371. Smirke (E.), on the last of the villains, 139. ---- on old Auster Tenements, 307. ---- on pokership, 209. Smyth's extracts on Burnet, 41. Sneck up, 492. Snob, origin of, 185. 250. Snow of Chicksand priory, 351. Snow (Robert), query as to illustrations of cressets vert vert painted on enamel, 366. ---- on hanap, 478. ---- on horns, 456. ---- on Judas Bell, 357. ---- on "A Mess," 153. Soc, (C.R.) on college salting, 321. Soho Square, 450. Solomon Dayrolles, 476. Song of the bees, 415. Song in the style of Suckling, 133. Sonnets by W.J. Thoms, 203. 222. Soul and body, 390. Southwell's supplication, 351. S.(P.), on authorship of a couplet, 231. Sparse, meaning of, 215. 251. S.(P.C.S.), on Bernicia, 388. ---- on Mr. Cresswell and Miss Warneford, 190. ---- on Duke of Ashgrove, 92. ---- on Dr. Dove of Doncaster, 73. ---- on Gazetteer of Portugal, 284. ---- on iron railings round St. Paul's, 446. ---- on Sir W. Rider, 203. ---- on a passage in Pope, 202. ---- Pope vindicated, 362. ---- on verb to endeavour oneself, 154. Spectre, Sir Thomas Boleyn's, 468. Speculum Exemplorum, 380. Spence's Essay on the Odyssey (Pope's revision of). 396. Spenser's monument, 481. Spur money, 373. 374. 462. 494. Spurious letter of Sir R. Walpole, 388. S.(R.S.), on Dance Thumbkin, 493. ---- on "A frog he would a-wooing go," 458. S.(R.) on History of Edward II., 220. ---- on a peal of bells, 170. S.(S.) on Sir William Rider, 269. S.(S.P.), query on line quoted by De Quincey, 351. S.S.S. on black broth, 399. ---- on daysman, 419. ---- on Deputy Lieutenants of the Tower of London, 400. ---- on Easter eggs, 397. ---- on gloves, 405. ---- on Hever, 405. ---- on "By hook or by crook," 405. ---- on monumental brass, 405. ---- on note books, 422. ---- on Poghell, 406. ---- on prebendaries, 400. ---- on safeguard, 319. ---- on the Steward family, 405. ---- on ancient tiles, 419. ---- on tureen, 407. ---- on Watewich, 405. S.(S.W.), on Anthony Alsop, 249. ---- epigram by La Monnoye, 373. ---- on Ave Trici and Gheeze Ysenoudi, 267. ---- on Drayton's Poems, 83. ---- on Henno Rusticus, 89. ---- on Lacedaemonian black broth, 242. ---- on "My Love and I for kisses played," 458. ---- on portraits of Luther and Erasmus, 232. ---- on Otloh the scribe, 147. ---- poem by Sir Edward Dyer, 355. ---- on portraits of Ulrich of Hutten, 387. ---- on Warburton and Collier _v._ Dyce, 53. S.(S.W.) on Sanuto's Doges of Venice, 75. St. Antholin's parish books, 423. St. Chad (Henry), on burning the dead, 308. St. Croix (H.C.) on Gray's Elegy, 150. ---- on "Love's last Shift," 383. St. Evona's choice, 253. St. Francis (Flemish work on the Order of), 385. St. George (Lewelyn) on Bishop Lesly, 186. St. Martin's Lane, 376. St. Olave's, Crutched Friars, 115. St. Paul's Alley, 410. St. Paul's Churchyard, 410. St. Valentine in Norwich-Cook-Eels, 293. Standards of the Anglo-Saxons, devices on, 216. Stanesby (J.T.) on the word Sparse, 251. Stanyan (Temple), 382. Statistics (early) Chart, Kent, 330. 441. Stationers' Registers, 84. Statistics of the Roman Catholic Church, 61. 107. Stephens' (Rev. W.) sermons, 118. 334. Sterling and Penny, derivation of, 334. 411. Sterne's Koran, 216. 418. Stevens (David) on divination by the Bible and key, 413. ---- on errors in Pope's Homer's Odyssey, 332. ---- on John Ross Mackay, 356. Steward or Stewart, family of, Bristol, 335. 405. Stoke on ancient churchyard customs, 441. Storey's Gate, Birdcage Walk, St. James Park, 114. Stowe (John), 291. Strand (Maypole), 142. Straw necklaces, 104. Strewing straw or chaff, 294. Strode's (Dr.) poem, 490. ---- song by attributed to Fletcher, 146. Strickland, (H.E.) on the Dodo, 410. ---- on Dodo queries, 262. Street (John) on sword of Charles I., 372. Stuart (Lady Arabells) new facts about, 10. 274. Student on Madoc's expedition, 12. Stukeley (Dr.), Medal of, 122. Subscriber, on Scala Coeli, 366. ---- on wives of ecclesiastics, 77. Suckling, inedited song by, 72. ---- lines in the style of, 20. 133. Sudlow (Jno) on Dr. Dobbs and his horse Nobbs, 253. Superstition, Death-bed, 315. Superstitions of the midland counties, 451. ---- in the north of England, 294. Supper of the Lorde, 332. 355. 362. Surrey (Earl of) and his poems, and what Dr. Percy did with them, 471. Sussex, iron manufactories of, 87. S.(W.H.) on the origin of grog, 168. Swift's opinion of Burnet, 41. ----, note of, on Herodotus, 350. Swingeing tureen, 406. Sword called Curtana, 364. Sword of Charles I., 372. Swords worn in public, 415. Swot, origin of, 352. 369. Sydenham or Tidenham, 458. Symbolic custom, 363. Symbolism of the fir cone, 247. ---- of flowers, 457. ---- poetical, 219. Symbols of the four Evangelists, 385. 471. T. T. on Bishop Burnet, 181. ---- on bone houses, 221. ---- on burning the dead, 216. ---- on Pedlar's song attributed to Shakespere, 23. ---- on MSS. of Casaubon, 422. ---- on the word Rococo, 321. ---- on Woolton's Christian Manual, 399. T.(A.) on Discurs Modest, 142. ---- on Rev. Thomas Leman, 59. Table book, 215. Tablet to Napoleon, 406. 461. Tace Latin for a candle, 385. Tacitus and Byron, 390. Tale of a rub, 326. Talisman, Charlemagne's, 140. 187. Taming of a Shrew, play of, 194. 227. 245. Tandem, 382. Tapestry, ancient, 43. 68. Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, 196. Taylor (Jeremy), MSS. sermons by, 125. ---- reprint of his works, 483. Taylor (Dr. John) of Shrewsbury and Shrewsbury school, 466. Telescopes, Rev. J. Edwards on metal for, 174. 206. Temple, the, or a temple, 335. 420. Temple Stanyan, 460. Tempora mutantur, 234. 419. Teneber Wednesday, 459. Tenements, Old Auster, 217. 307. Tennison's funeral sermon on Nell Bwynne, 28. {509} Ten queries concerning poets and poetry, 302. T.(E.S.), numismatic queries, 468. T.(E.S.), on "Shuck," the dog-fiend, 468. ---- on Sir Thomas Boleyn's spectre, 468. ---- on ancient church plate, 73. Theophania, 174. Theory of Vision (Berkeley's) vindicated, 107. 131. on devices on standards of the Anglo-Saxons, 216. ---- on MSS. of Locke, 461. ---- on religious tract by F. H., 460. Theses, bibliography of, 401. 461. Thistle of Scotland, 24. 90. Thomas a Becket, mother of. 415. Thomas (S.L.) of Lancaster, 181. 284. Thomlinson (Rev. Dr.), Query relating to, 350. Thomas (William I.), "Pray remember the grotto." 5. ---- on white gloves at a maiden assize, 72. ---- sonnets by, 200. 222. ---- on metrical charma, 229. ---- weather proverb, 413. Thornhill (Sir J.), pocket-book of, 123. Thorpe (B.), on Ælfire's Colloquy, 232. Thoulouse, inquisition of, 10. Three balls of pawnbrokers, 42. Throwing old shoes at a wedding, 468. Thynne's collection of chancellors, 60. Tickhill, "God help me," 240. 325. 482. Tilbury, aboriginal chambers near, 453. Tiles, ancient, 173. 419. _Times_, when first established, 7. 75. _Times, Herald, Chronicle_, when first established, 75. _Times_ paper, history of, 36. Titles of honour, 351. T.(J.) on Antony Alsop, 259. ---- on Bishop Barnabv, 132. ---- on catacombs and bone-houses, 210. ---- on curious custom, 245. T.(J.M.), on Madoe's emigration to America, 136. 236. Todd (Rev. James H.), on ancient libraries, 83. ---- on Berkeley's Theory of Vision vindicated, 130. ---- on cromlech, 319. ---- on etymology of Armagh, 254. ---- on reheting, rehetours, &c., 155. Todd (Dr. Hugh), MSS. formerly belonging to, 246. 282. 340. To endeavour oneself, 285. Tom Brown, lines attributed to, 372. Tomlinson of Southwingfield, Derbyahire, 215. Toothache, charm for the, 429. Topography of foreign printing presses, 277. 340. Totness, etymology of, 470. Tottenham Street 150. Tottenham Court Road. 228. Torri's Polyglot edition of Gray's elegy, 150. Treatise upon the microscope, 217. Trebor on Emerods. 476. ---- on lines quoted by Goothe, 125. ---- on death bed superstition, 467. Trevelyan (Sir W. Calverly), on anonymous Revennas. 368. ---- on St. Alban's Day, 399. ---- on Lacedæmonlan black broth, 204. ---- on Portugal, 368. ---- on Selago, 368. ---- on Sir Roger de Coverley, 368. ---- on watching the sepulchre, 403. Treves (Engelbert, Archbishop of), treatise by, 214. Trimble family, 485. Trophee, 308. 339. T.(T.H.), on Tower Royal, 115. T.(T.), on Macaulay's Young Levite, 374. Tower royal, origin of, 28. 115 ---- of London, llons in, 42. ---- deputy lieutenants of, 400. Towton, the battle of, 124. Tracts, by Eachard. 320. ---- by Dekker and Naah. 454. ---- religious. by F. H., 460. 498. Trade editions. 55. Trafalgar, battle of, letters of Lord Nelson's brother after, 36. Tragedy of Richard III. 325. Transportation of letters, 184. 293. 422. Translation of Ælian, 267. Translation of the Seriptures, MSS. of 366. Travelling of old, in England, 87. 145. 167. 290. ----hand bills, 146. ---- in 1590, 460. Treatise on Art and Nature, J.B.'s, 401. 458. Trunck breeches, 362. 384. 445. 439. Tub. tale of a, 326. Tureen, origin of, 246. 307. 340. 407. 455. "Turkish Spy," who translated it. 334. Turnbull (W.B.D.D.), on Scutter's Atlas Novus. 156 Turner's Ms. History of Westminster, 140. Turner's (T. Hudson), on beaver hats, 255. ---- on Pisan, 266. ---- on Moneta Santæ Helenæ, 101. Turnstile Lane, Holborn, 244. T.(W.C.), on public libraries, 391. Twm Shawn Cattie, 383. 455. 456. 489. Two noble kinsmen, 138. Twysden, MSS. of Sir Hoger, 76. 282. Tyburn gallows, 180. Tyndale, 303. Typographical Antiquities by Dibdin, 56. U. Ulrich of Hutten, portraits of, 336. Umbrellas, when were they introduced into England, 414. "Under the rose," 214. Unlaed, the Anglo-Saxon word, 430. Urbanus Regius, 367. 419. Use of coffins, 321. V. V. on Cromwell's estates, 389. 277. ---- on El Buscapie, 206. ---- on muffins, 205. ---- on serpents' eggs and straw necklaces, 24. ---- on travelling in England, 68. Van Voorst's Polyglot edition of Gray's Elegy, 150. Vagabonds, fraternitye of, 183. 220. Vanbrugh's London improvements, 142. Vaux on origin of Grog, 52. V.(E.), on ancedote of Charles the First 437. ---- on Arabic numerals, 230. ---- on Christmas hymn, 201. ---- on college salting, 306. ---- on a curious monumental brass, 370. ---- on Dutch language, 383. ---- on feast of St. Michael and All Angels, 235. ---- on Latin verse, 215. ---- on ordination pledges, 235. ---- on Pusan Iklynton collar, 400. ---- on Tower Royal, 116. ---- on watching the sepulchre, 403. 354. Venator on Sir Stephen Fox. 250. Venice, Sanurto's Dugen of 35. 175. 220. Venison, proclamation respection sale of, 5. Ventris (Edw.) of Frusius, 180. ---- of Roland Monoux, 188. Verbum Græcum, 415. Versicle and response, 440. Vert Vert, illustrations of Gresset's painted on enamel, 365. 375. Vertue's manuscripts, 319. 372. Villains, last of the, 139. Vincent (R.), on Gothic architecture, 59. Viridis vallis, 213. 285. Viz. why used for videllcet, 120. Vondel's Lucifer, 142. 169. Vox on Billingsgate. 164. Vox et præterca mihill, 247. 387. 421. Vox populi, vox Dei, 321. 370. 419. 492. V.(R.) on French maxim, 215. ---- on Palm Sunday wine, 363. ---- on the punishment of sacrilege, 185. Vulgate, early edition of, 213. Vulpes on Sir Stephen Fox, 214. W. W. on the word cannibal, 186. ---- on beaver, 417. ---- on Junius, 322. ---- on lines of London dissenting ministers, 383. ---- on papers of John Wilkes, 125. ---- on Roger de Coverly, 59. W.(I.), epigram on a very tall barrister named Long, 422. ---- a close translation, 422. ---- on Dorne the bookseller, and Henno Rustieus, 12. 88. ---- on Gray's elegy, 138. ---- on Gray's Aleaic ode, 416. ---- on Henry Ryder, Bishop of Killaloe, 418. ---- on Lacedæmonian black broth, 155. 300. ---- on Metens, 185. W.(A.) on translations of Ællan, 289. ---- on apposition, 384. ---- on discovery of the circulation of the blood, 202. ---- on "Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis," 419. Wages in 17th and 19th centuries, 225. Walbran (J.R.) on MSS. formerly belonging to Dr. Hugh Todd, 246. Walcott (Rev. M.) on grog, 53. ---- on Turner's MS. history of Westminster, 140. ---- on St. Margeret's, Westminster, 196. Waterwich or Waterwich, 236. Waller's poems, MS. notes on, 165. Walpole (Horace), unpublished letter of, 273. ---- (Sir Robert), letter attributed to, 304. 321. 336. 388. Walter (Henry) on Christencat, 109. Wandrille (St.), abbey of, 382. Warburton and Collier v. Dyce, 53. Wards, D'Israeli on the court of, 173. Waring (Elijah) on Duke of Monmouth, 358. ---- on Cwn Wyhir and Cwn Annwn, 482. ---- on Toom Shawn Cattie, 489. ---- on Bishop Burnet as an historian, 493. Warneford (Miss) and Mr. Cresswell, 157. Warning to watchmen, 167. Warton and Heinsius, 285. Warts, charms for cure of, 349. 482. Watchmen, waring to, 167. Watching the sepulchre, 318. 354. 403. Watewich, 121. 405. Was (Albert) on ancient inscribed dish, 117. ---- on MS. chronicles at Reigate, 6. ---- on Pandoxare, 234. ---- on shipster and gourders, 356. W.(B.) on derivation of Lærig, 387. ---- on John and Pisan, 299. W.(K.) on abdication of James II., 489. Weather proverbs, 413. ---- rhyme (Norfolk), 349. Weeping cross, 154. Wellington, Wyrwast, Cokam, 401. Welsh custom, curious, 173. ---- ambassador, or the cuckoo, 230. 283. 406. W.(E.N.) on Spenser's monument, 481. Wessel cup Hymn, 137. Westminster, Turner's MS. history of, 140. Westmoreland, Lady Jane of, 103. W.(G.) on American aborigines call Indians, 491. {510} W.(G.) on college salting, 322. ---- on havior, 342. ---- on tureen, 246. W.(H.) on Arabic numberals and cipher, 433. ---- on Byron and Tacitus, 462. ---- On the word peruse or pervise, 215. 319. ---- on a passage in Frith's work, 319. ---- on Scala Coeli, 455. ---- on the Supper of the Lorde, 362. ---- on three balls of pawnbrokers, 42. ---- why Moses represented with horns, 420. Whelps, what ships so called, 77. 106. "Where England's monarch," authorship of, 415. 458. W.(H.F.) on Dr. Dryasdust, 26. Whichcot (Dr.) and Lord Shaftesbury, 382. 444. 488. White Conduit House, 395. White gloves at a maiden assize, 29. 72. Whitgift and Cartwright, Cunningham's lives of, 379. Whitehall, 436. White Hart Inn, Scole, 245. 323. 410. Why Moses represented with horns, 420. Wiccamicus on "Angels' visits", 102. Wickliffte version of the Scriptures, 405. Wild House, Drury Lane, 228. Wild Huntsman, The, 363. Wilkinson (Henry) on fall of rain in England, 235. ---- reply to query about the Arabic numerals, 368. Williams (B.) on transposition of letters, 184. Williams (W.) on Billingsgate, 94. Winifreda (St.), 384. 465. Wives of ecclesiasties, 77. 115. 147. W.(J.K.R.) on Christmas Hymn, 252. W.(J.) on early inscriptions, 491. W.(M.) answer to A Limb of the Law, 72. Wodderspoon (John) on St. Valentine, in Norwhich-Cook-Eels, 293. Woman's will, lines on, 247. Woodcut likeness of Luther and Erasmus, 203. Woolton's Christian Manual, 399. 490. Worm of Lambton, 453. Wotton's Poem to Lord Bacon, 489. Wreford (J. Reynell) on inedited lines by Robert Burns, 300. Writers of notes on fly leaves, 51. W.(S.) on German version of Gray's Elegy, 150. ---- on Luther's translation of the Bible, 453. ---- on Luther's portrait at Warwick Castle, 457. W.(T.) on "Bive" and "Chute" lambs, 93. ---- on the genealogy of European soverigns, 250. ---- on Pavoise of the Black Prince, 283. ---- on Queen's Bagnio, 285. W.(T.T.) on gib cat, 235. ---- why did Dr. Dec quit Manchester, 216. ---- watching the sepulchre--Dominus factotum--Robert Passelew, 318. Wyatt (Rev. Geo.) on tracts by Eachard, 320. Wyattville (Sir Jeffery), 215. 252. Wycliffte translation of the Scriptures, MSS. of, 366. X. X. on pursuits of literature, 253. ---- on origin of rococo, 357. ---- on smelling of the lamp, 335. X.X. on the Liturgy Version of the Psalms, 203. Y. Yard, books by the, 166. Yarrell (Wm.) on havior, heavier, or hever, 269. Yates (J.B.) on medal of the Pretender, 103. Y.(D.S.) on Defoe's Tour through Great Britain, and etymology of Armagh, 158. ---- on ghost stories of Daniel De Foe, 241. Yoeman, what is the meaning of, 440. Yong and Drayton, 213. Yorkshire subscriber on Erasmus' Paraphrase of the Gospels, 173. Young Levite, Macaulay's, 26. 374. Z. Z. on portrait by Boonen, 386. Zachary Boyd, 298. 406. Zenobia, A Jewess. 383. 421. 461. Zero, derivation of, 215. 268. Z.(Q.X.) on Genealogy of European Sovereigns, 92. Z.(X.Y.) query as to the meaning of trunk breeches, Barba longa, and mercenary preacher, 384. End of Project Gutenberg's Notes & Queries, Index of Volume 1, by Various *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 13536 ***