% From Edward Lear's "Complete Nonsense". % Transcription to Lilypond for Project Gutenberg and Distributed Proofreaders. % No copyrights apply. \version "2.2.5" #(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column) \header { title = "The Yonghy Bonghy Bò." } verse= \lyrics { On the coast of Co -- ro -- man -- del, where the ear -- ly pump -- kins grow, In the midd -- le of the woods lived the Yon -- ghy Bon -- ghy Bò. Two old chairs and half a cand -- le, One old jug with -- out a hand -- le, These were all his world -- ly goods, In the midd -- le of the woods, These were all the world -- ly goods, of the Yon -- ghy Bon -- ghy Bò, of the Yon -- ghy Bon -- ghy Bò. } staffVoice = \new Staff \notes { \time 2/4 \set Staff.instrument="Canto." \set Staff.midiInstrument="voice oohs" \key e \major \clef treble \relative c' { \context Voice = "melodyVoi" { \autoBeamOff \partial 16*2 e16 fis gis8. fis16 gis8. a16 gis8 fis r8 dis16. e32 fis8. fis16 e8 fis gis4 r8 gis 16 gis ais8 ais gis ais b4 r8 b16. b32 cis8 gis ais fis b4 r8 b16. b32 b8. ais16 b8. cis16 b8\( a\) r a16. a32 a8. gis16 a8. b16 a8 gis r gis16. gis32 gis8 gis fis e fis4 r8 cis'16. cis32 cis8 cis cis cis b4 b8. cis16 b8. a16 b8. a16 gis4 r8 e16. fis32 gis8. a16 fis8. gis16 e4 b8. e16 gis8. e16 gis8. fis16 e4 r } \bar "|." } } staffPiano = \new PianoStaff { \set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic grand" \set PianoStaff.instrument = #"Piano " << \context Staff = RH { % Right hand \clef treble \notes { \key e \major \partial 16*2 << { \relative c' { \slurBoth e16 fis gis8. fis16 gis8. a16 gis8 fis b8\rest dis,16. e32 fis8. fis16 e8 4 b'8\rest fis16 gis ais8 ais gis ais 4 b'8\rest b16. b32 4 b'8\rest b16. b32 8. 16 8. 16 8( ) b8\rest a16. a32 8. 16 8. 16 8 b'8\rest gis16. gis32 gis8( 4) b'8\rest cis16. cis32 cis8 cis cis cis b4 b8. cis16 8. 16 8. 16 4 b'8\rest e,16. fis32 gis8. a16 fis8. gis16 e4 b8. e16 gis8. e16 gis8. fis16 e4 b'4\rest } } \\ { \relative c' { s8 e4 e e8 dis s4 dis4 b8 b b4 s4 r8 e4 e8 s4. fis8 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 s2 4 s dis dis s2 e4 dis cis s s b( b) s } } >> } } \context Staff = LH { % Left hand \clef bass \notes { \key e \major \partial 16*2 << { \relative c' { \slurBoth gis16 a b8. a16 b8. cis16 8 d\rest fis16. gis32 a8. a16 gis8 fis 4 d'\rest r8 cis'[ b cis] b4 d,8\rest dis e[ cis fis fis,] b[ fis b,] d'\rest b'4 b, b'8[ b, b'] d,\rest b'4 b, e8[ b e,] d'\rest s2 s4 d\rest d'\rest d8\rest gis16. a32 4 d\rest b'8. gis16 b8. a16 gis4 d\rest } } \\ { \relative c { \slurBoth s8 e4 e s2 b4 b8 b s2 fis'4. fis8 b4 s s2 s s s s s b,( 4) s s2 s s s s s b'4 b e s } } >> } } >> } \score { \notes << \staffVoice \context Lyrics = lmelodyVoi \lyricsto "melodyVoi" \verse \staffPiano >> \midi { \tempo 4 = 75 } \paper { pagenumber = no \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } } }