Sonnets from the Portugese
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
This audio reading of Sonnets from the Portugese is read by
Kirsten Ferreri
- 01 - I thought once how Theocritus had sung - 00:01:11
- 02 - But only three in all God’s universe - 00:01:06
- 03 - Unlike are we, unlike, o princely heart - 00:01:04
- 04 - Thou hast thy calling to some palace floor - 00:01:06
- 05 - I lift my heavy heart up solemnly - 00:01:08
- 06 - Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand - 00:01:06
- 07 - The face of all the world is changed, I think - 00:01:06
- 08 - What can I give thee back, O liberal - 00:01:07
- 09 - Can it be right to give what I can give? - 00:01:04
- 10 - Yet, love, mere love, is beautiful enough - 00:01:12
- 11 - And therefore if to love can be desert - 00:01:05
- 12 - Indeed this very love which is my boast - 00:01:06
- 13 - And wilt thou have me fashion into speech - 00:01:06
- 14 - If thou must love me, let it be for nought - 00:01:05
- 15 - Accuse me not, beseech thee, that I wear - 00:01:03
- 16 - And yet, because thou overcomest so - 00:01:03
- 17 - My poet, thou canst touch on all the notes - 00:01:09
- 18 - I never gave a lock of hair away - 00:01:06
- 19 - The soul’s Rialto hath its merchandise - 00:01:07
- 20 - Beloved, my beloved, when I think - 00:01:05
- 21 - Say over again, and yet once over again - 00:01:10
- 22 - When our two souls stand up erect and strong - 00:01:03
- 23 - Is it indeed so? If I lay here dead - 00:01:04
- 24 - Let the world’s sharpness, like a clasping knife - 00:01:01
- 25 - A heavy heart, Beloved, have I borne - 00:01:02
- 26 - I lived with visions for my company - 00:01:05
- 27 - My own Beloved, who has lifted me - 00:01:06
- 28 - My letters! all dead paper, mute and white! - 00:01:08
- 29 - I think of thee!–my thoughts do twine and bud - 00:01:05
- 30 - I see thine image through my tears tonight - 00:01:04
- 31 - Thou comest! All is said without a word - 00:01:01
- 32 - The first time that the sun rose on thine oath - 00:01:03
- 33 - Yes, call me by my pet-name! Let me hear - 00:01:03
- 34 - With the same heart, I said, I’ll answer thee - 00:01:01
- 35 - If I leave all for thee, wilt thou exchange - 00:01:00
- 36 - When we first met and loved, I did not build - 00:01:06
- 37 - Pardon, oh, pardon that my soul should make - 00:01:01
- 38 - First time he kissed me, he but only kissed - 00:01:13
- 39 - Because thou hast the power and own’st the grace - 00:01:04
- 40 - Oh yes! they love all through this world of ours! - 00:01:05
- 41 - I thank all who have loved me in their hearts - 00:01:02
- 42 - My future will not copy fair my past - 00:01:05
- 43 - How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. - 00:01:09
- 44 - Beloved, thou hast brought me many flowers - 00:01:09
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